• . . VFATFIRD. GElts FOR --: '-TRE I.. , LTTb4URt;Ft l'ii.3AT.i.E. - • .. :-. ••.-.: •T St CURT. NDSVI, .12113 ITEWITUt. -• . '-'... .77 FriTirSTIE_ET, NE.I2 'WooD. 1 OEON _,TEE APE.)I BrAtarear lowsli•iew"hinereante....,. NENDER,SON. :new York Trtindie Vorteepond• • 1._:::' .3 •.04,4', wortlatetatting and a:critter beak ever RelriValof the great Sensation Drama, ' 7 •-.: =.llfs. Elchardeenhi maparal.- _ cliotir .yeaws.treeellettliromah STREETS Or NEW YORE, .....:.. , STREEPo OF NEW yORK, NW Sonia 'ln•theneeret serrieCoCtite' Diblow .„_ STREETS OF NEW YORE. • • • , - es the cantata* Or thew/aim/M*lw armies cued •,- •., .lisete,both - lrewn no& Wat,ducterr the Brat two WILLIAX HENDERSON AS &Min- .... ' '• Y • 37dirs of the Rebellion: hit thrlttantaytare; his ,_..._. ' ' ,, ..oxilsemeat for ID mottbs io peen dltrowent rebel THIS En:Hum will be preeetnea tee pent I -•,. k' ~; , ,r l if tm .l ide maps and minion' asiniculotiajoarney Drank of the day. entitled, ',. L , -; ftlat Of nearly OW =this; 'Mein abound in . , -"r•f_ • evestkand iontaluniore otithe WA, Ind' - Streets of Atte; Pork.; . ~. end romanoe *file Worthen any work ? in k. picamix,;4o, ist,....grooklya Ha tag Act ed-Houie of tha Banker. Act Ild-Erolon - - •'Tesebets, Wwi; enertie ion:Pisan* Otae s P°' Sonora Th Amow Storm. Act 4th-The Pore gay returned and dies led (Akers sal soldiers, n , P into. ; Act e eth-The fire. Act eta-Wealth and , 1w torantnt Profitabte oraptoyment, T. 1111144 i t ."-- Ade at Home t Streets or New York. '.. ~ ..-wellarly #4ipted to - their Oimidition. 'We hove ez4Wlng IMO 'per metob, which Wil e lLrall :r - rw"th at Jun. throe Eraaintleria." - .. au) , donbtle• di spoil/eat. sod tot el.' ' Adams * , JONM DSOS. ik 00., '' - r• -' N. E. tetterSizth and Moor strew", ...)ethtmdawlY PldholeiptdooPe. ..4 ;WANTED • PER- aiONTEL—. A .0 awned' evusraberbto Introduce the - :••'-'. ' SIL&W it 'WARE $3O FAMILY SSW '.." AMAMI= the . may law rine !stubble LI ••-:•;..',:. She whlsh ts Sanaa! • by Orem k Baker. '•,;• .' ' Inad a • 'mum, Bowe. :Stem et•• Co., aroll 4 '"'llfichidaer -- AO • atm a1.. ,, t0es - aril lefriegenkut r ,...• • • .aad Abe seller and bur are Saba to j'lne and is. , ' -=,• &guy abd exunuetti tu lam cont. . •,- ..- - ' =mould. ' Illuetreted • duels:lt sent 'fru: '' ' '' .• Waren mum. it crLAR,!c, micutgeti-ntaans. WAN/WT 4150 P33ltileliTH, A 1 714494.85151, la tawa asir damti, 'tar ThE XIMSE .4.1111 4 737ir ; Bit* didUdg ma* "drid pubThdaid, mem:4 Um , Ill uts , l u msd is t a lrozada till ,Unlod army 'ad Of the irar."7/ me.'mdbp d , p.antly whidlt "In. poil_tdi - 18" %d_ ',-22aUt. Bead lord:edam Am:2 JO • 00.. 1 r 0 !V 1 !.5,4 0 4 , " 4 Ph l / 1 4.1. Ariattlia_ mowra—vorant Nigthrts_intouth, explkneas • ' 41 tiza best. ma. air946lomV•Talt•-pluilmlarefrar. AdAtus T. 'CIABSTataIt n 41- - --- MI -41)-ifitipl.--.0.7.•11.:-.1.ttl VOR IitAIX--a. very remade 7. • 'in .... 4 . . Derly toni..ctur, Weatmonlawdemoty,Pa., . -- metlahmabout 185 and; wall Icsoford, and in rA a Parm:of &bold MO acrid ast Wheat. , _. tad' Township, Imilatut, county, P i a,about .four ~„.,.. _nom (hi Ptansylionla blalltoad. This lizt. • ~ . nta ars a hided log house; a risme barn , . r . ... lain . firettase - milk hone, wagon Vied, corn crib ; . : and - other • outbt4l4lnes; "ACernalt, abide : orthard , ,-.,.: andlethre trait :tales WO Aloes aleaanditudar ' ' ~':. goodainee:the" , of the laid al covered' ,',, , wtik'whni; Oalc lid oak:Walnut tad 1141 ffar tie% „.,::,, This property vtll bt i v7rery chain ana oases/ . ~,,4 , as the °Weer to g 0 _wean - A portion "... ;,, . t trerthehein money. be intent& sit prep. ; ; er_well leafed buidethlhe dad, koteeethat 'l_',,,..gZatmodistely.- , i , .' - ... - ' - a Farm of 100 acres' =joining MVO tract. - (064 frame hems, and bun, good fondue about SO eau cleared; 0n 44441 4 .wit?. Ijc4ll,_ an d. ' ; --- '' 2ll" idi s !ditavei a n dou got acroiliiiikibtlifiiiiii: - ..: ibbiL'ailtaoridtknudy, Pa.. . - a - Par/mar fal wee la mash! totrnehtti Wartszorthisd' soost7, Pt. ~ ..., ~ Also, a very valuable farm of Zia acres. nese tha . , .4 .• sown at Bather, In Fairfield township, Wedmore , 1 -- „ 1101111.Pa.,_and . about one and a half miles .. DO 3= .Pmnarrasis Itallroad. The e, move. '. tents aro • large orthk bond, spring hom no. Walk a tine theme stable,Mltame bun elx . ..., 'le Water law ml.ll, a large a ordard, with . .... Other . 'halt trees.. It le. with coal. s trata ()lAN tea shy, sad shout onehundred agree - ; . ... lElSsLiiitlte oak Umber. Poreemion glum Un -'. ,I=s Ad acres idtnated In Mood= towsaldo, • . - 2 Weetandelard eseurty, Pa., adjoining tha town Of . . 4. .. ' -• I & 3lr iki late, with a largo brick home. A • fine - "Ireabbsee In the borough of Meanie& Wtlkire - ' Also 16 of laid, with a largegod mill, La use oleo& • ._,-,' . ' 'the beet ° far i na l at r, wthela Ban& ' . admutethei rolle tom Kerseepor i t,,. " Allegherty 00., Po., ema.thing- about tea dm. The Improvements are a frame house and bans, coca crib end wag= . - 'abed, with other outtnahllogi. *A - .ldle apple .. • orchard of between Our and WO Areal: Do domes toe% =peer two, and 430 =soh trees. , Mao, 'a Farm of 640 acreA r near ,tha tows 'of , Westinceslssd co ; Pe, miry cheap. ' a Largo Hotel at Illathertile laterdecten, on the hula Ithdlooad, 'The billdloira ire • good sad snsaged.. . fora hotel auditor& This .L.M .:zr --- ~ wreperry will be sold at - a great =gain. ...-..- ra further G. l VT(r ai rnt, l, , _ ing lleal Edit* AVMs, -is' jell _ . • - No. lea Fourth street. . FOB BLI.E. ... • . • Valuable Mannfactaxing Etta,. adjoining the establishment...of, Lindeay, Owens. • & 00., In MeOhne Township, consisting of gra end hsif sere', with e river front, end extending to exl W. Ct. E. IL., and to eligibly situated for d i e=nd of buatv 1 1 1 5ar za telas4p i ely to the pro. jel&lind " ill( Bearer street, AtuethenA . • VOR SALE.--ON WEST - HICKORY OREEB,Warren connty, Pa., TWO TIIA.OTS OF LAND. sAjelang lend of the Triumph 011 Oenmany, of Tittsbargb, eontatang reoyealvely . about lb and 12 saes. , West illakory Cheek Ira. .. vases ooth tracts, - A Urge part. of the land le imitable for boring, The tracts are situated be. two= Use :bst oil districts in the county to wit: Oil Cites* on the West, Merry Rua sad the Watt IlLskory wells on the Booth, ard , the Talents and Economy Wells on the E a st. For nartionlars ed. dross. jeiSanid. AZ rote, WALLI.A.OF maeote,exreoo,, raw - WOR BALK , —INDIILNA. CO. VAILV.L. + A Urn of 10i aorta, 111 cloned, balsam" Umber; tsdl watsree`rteh mime sod mill streaviop - oltuato tour- Awe. hem iti droving. on the nape. Lad There !Lotion( bullosolooirof emit mid oIL 1:011-114 a good shoots to roams" a cheap sad ta P a f d a r l t n he n r u f s o o A oneslooo o y at the Beal . . &Aka stmt. lonwoomerfllo. Po. -• • .FLOURING- , • _ , • OM= and water -pawai innate In Barren Town : whip, Weatuotenina: no wt no tram Ohan . -. ' Aka Stat Jan, on. the yonnpr-Ralkons, and Mullen ft= RitUbUrSh• or Mara,' PEW& Wan often* on the pumas. . , Jonninnowr • BRUME:T. .• POR BILLZ, —Three new eltean: . '...... -.bait pattooaaly larattirensilst lath ' __._ __. •-' St tub' aro ale Ea 464 -LP.= W ___ ht trout - _ :- ..-,.. Ho 4 l:zsittita hat bag, la Wawa eaaatab, lath Itbro 114aok bust alumbey le tn. by XI Amstar awl • , -: to slap tat Tig tu' e -- • • b1.0 6 / I VIXILF hi. _ - _' now alum Paint Alley- athil=ta• stmt. ----; lamb aralbatbsay Mariam. tba diendt s 1,::, ..Volll34i.L.lL—One SECOND : HAND: x pcatarami ail!, rjest .19nr.04 , th em •= ~ !ck l r al Mo , 'oak Jam fp Lie* gimetft, s ! is tub , ore 11 klt 10400 babies dlaotatat" . Ile butt :- Obeiabattillirbatee x. woßits. t Iran Taut. - - - 1111 " 11 " 1 ___" 1"anne 1113011 '' •• '-. L "oar. MALIN/ aadDYg pmad Mob% . . :.;" FoR - PALIC:i.;:iVILITICITZAIf 'IPAtil;'• ,, L -... ~. • ' ...- i .... : , , • tenDarut~.~uu taw in all4Gr r an d an S . D.. - 6% ' • H 'W . ' S .' Ilke write awisseteskiessewtti. , AIL feetore B. , • • filliira ' S i,is Webb: of, aeustasesakog 3AO - kePaltim „ day, as* are nine. ktled Mutt orders A ' , 'essalettle likesbere egstteleatt alsweeEiisisisi American Organs ! r e bast. osk t!ip lairostabeas. For..lllllparkenteri s rltr i°. B. Natant & 004 tow, stmt. • . WITH PATRAT 'ffalllLO ATTICHNIII. 1 . • . . • • 1 , 411.1faneaded fb Five Teeili: ' rism . • Tae? excel ill omen In :sweeties" Of tow and !Wan. • saw Jugs 4041.83 as ro. W 4 &mod p , . - ' BOR. Amma r i . lOLAikIITIST kitcr: ank of - Llieepool, Ooluiablasio 'Utast* on Kaa street, rt foocriont., mama -10 bet' Tills velvety:will lkisold tor 71117 asap. 701 . Mutt= mirth:mhos enquire' Aram Eamon. ':'ingr',..,.. , :,.; . .; a oomortniziatt wlthi~ipa sad I biazipiairiiottba Meet ama Lobbying. -Good water and irrary. bues eanrenthon. ~Potheaston given imaiselatilie Itsidstha lipp,ltheatra Pann,l7 Ferlatth Meet, va t ; ac maa rpsea.Wesza Biggs Bunt near, BALII.--A BALL% BOWE!! AND sawi sa.—Tais-zwhiaa was „on exhibition tuy by the Sanitary OotonthaZ ;,,ss s r . I , : s ir i anits s of irixraseit 'aAV IS LItaIr EET lb fag VOll SALZ.-1.60 Acne of CloaValio; 'Jar_ lotacffront so al poorlfo.2; 'hog:MO.os* '• egad IM railroad, sod other improvemmatta toad Wtotitiskg orderi ak pool No. as oar tract oaths Oslo stira 2 4 roamiunila Rathroad• al - ifil.Liera weal) • Ant door Fifth on Gran orack "f ,OR BALL B CHEAr.-4. '• • , c sotrer._if macro's," at ores . Situated seri ioar Irvin and Western Avenues Allegheny city. , N 1 4 voi rri l z i BAIRD & PATTI* DM am I 4 Second rt. Plttob • ...SE: ..-0 : i I OUST POSTS. Mtn, veinal to Eat, ' a en.. TWO-HORSE WAEREC, Iron axle preferred Wain= srn • OFFIO: on the mewed 41 au ß e ! wee Szaltbilakt • Rnina. =mg DIIMOLVTII:Nnt. 1y=141311 ,OP • 430-PA triainfinn •the • tits Armi n.lane • CAMS:MON O a Oa, ;Pall alanalloisa, • thin day , • • • • vai aura mnitnal anunia &MULL XL AIIifiNCLOS. ••• • • 01' f_riblePttitP.PCsU4l99‘,. • ' ' .IqrfiklucjiltOtL.V...44.(4.. • sno • ....."11/11C• . ' , :- -- ',"chictionfts• - cauxrras rl:07 ~ , !.3oureareori,as , wain , Minna(' cOpAranzatuun W• IWO Immisfill stems!. SWINT rya ,_ • AMIE! JO . .1C 111 04 4 .C.Sh 4 Pii" at% ' 1 • w. D. • ^. 4.. t .Tral93l,WB VARIETIES Tall/CRP. laJE SIN CLUE. U. Leasee muld M anarar. GEO. 11. EDFOUN....AatJni and Stage *maga: paaniintosa ar INGWQL • • -1 raj *Arrows JUBILEE. 4U11,A3D HOLIDAY PEDIFORMAILOE. FOURTH OF JULY WEEK. TWO PEIZTORKAN:CES ON ?Hi . FOIRTEL Anernoon 'at o'clock; Eirealog et the util act act epos the Itylea trapeze. • • Pint week 4:it ilr. ROBERT. IMO*, late pt. elancootall Dbors Wastrels. • • Mew Omalealltlei by GEORGE R. EDISON. . All the Ladles to New Dawes, be. • , YoeosolodbirltAlho lambi • , • TRE IZALOITS WIPE. . '4I:IEMICIFXII4LBI3.! I...truiciata OF• ''• fi' LIBOR AND;'. , lErbial.E.,/ CTS Or LANDS, , aOAI4:; • • 43a the Pittentinti - add'EltenbetiVine Ra&Sid: la Washington 'and' stileghsayCkauttles, t , •‘. and '.Bmoks 09 W4 1 7. West , ; • On MOS2I4I.Y.K.ORMiIi: Zul7 Min IBIS, 6 1' .10 o'clock, will- be sold la that:lily of Pitts= afid.LW.aIRES atIOTION BOOM its Zola 'treat, nest to Fifth' setstit,epChrhs Po s t luanix,ttup followittgvaluable OW. . . - Si acres and Se perches of laud to Book* count 'West Virgin* nurly Wi Opposite Steubenville. This *net is tiodertaid th, sod masumada to Iheoppo. ,site shore; Um same. stratanaof Octal now worked , by shad ha and about Staabentills, whieh_ teal is no. gamed - North about •VW per ans. rt. by a front and of St reds on the Vida titer, including the cozy malaria that .visinity, , and located - : ..suitably. and ,at.proper .dlettade tltos the Midge and western tem.thoi °Ribs - Pittsburgh end Sten. bandit& to`afflnd costs ter annarasforloal earabettnea the railroad and rivet tandlrtg. •• This point Is the only one osedther side `of the river, within available distance of the reli eved s monstag; fitted libel for the .ahiptturat of mail, sad watdd ted a Samosa, as harf or landing alexia for tiol ablionant of Goal b ea m other paellas. US acres and 69 of good farm! loud in llanorer, Smith, anS * ll=on townships, Wash. ' =sonntyaeonsylvania, :Weal end of the ore Tunnel, about ten miler from Steuben ville, on the Pittsburgh andEbenbenvills Railroad: Several roadie roads moss It, near the railroad sta. tion, esadering part of to valuable for tows lots; SSA about nel acres of 100,1 coal /of the Pittsburgh vain) are in the south idde of this trap Is good position for loading on the ears, eo aiso, -, 1111 acres anal d perehat_ptime quality limestone land in Audit' township, Wadden:um county. Pa., i t end Of the Briber Tolima, on the Mts. fad"-Steubenville Italtrostit - tbe entire tract With Illstrist• Coal.'Of the. Pittabdint, vein. In addition to its coal and superior soll.:Ma tract poisamis Ens adnintinpwia a point far town , . J"- The midividad ambalf of ea acres and drpardiss asiallsat gi tti, 2 etwoU lirWL land, In Robinson. Towne. All e enzGr ur i aut, Pa. -, on the Pittsburgh and . Elton P. short dista4m mat of Noblestaarn. L Abram oreehalf this lead la nn. , dertaidtrain drat...rata coal, and another I= of coal accesalide in the Imatedlatmear of No Aare - a first quality farm land in Towns.Allel county, Pa., on the Pitts. burgh and Ate villa Railroad, about dx Mimi from Pittsburg!. bout oniehalf this tract. Is underlaid - with • finteate• soul, ' eat occemandir 'motherland amount' of coal In its immediate rear. This trace is further . . minable foe 1 s One Timber and Limostona. -• THERE COAL • TRACTS ART, OF,A ' IMAM. AOTEB. AND - ON A POSIT ONTO AFFORD .LARG PROFITS THAN ANN °TRIM IDOARREQPNITY /N wasmEßlvErFNan. They were early aeleetad, with .re singe. Sent, an choice point* to be secured on the Pict,.. burgh and Steuville ho ;ph !menial let. annex to Sta ff : toter la control of I portant pordtlona, tor the peculiar tailing of Rup p. . e zt g?ig i, a= m. r or, p le o i t i h d : tt oast aPltt=ll . ?r e lbe „ f:::: don. destined to be the best of all iniaiets for the coal trade, it la found already tospouibla to suppler thenenuuxl tar ;eoal to stip an the Idais =MAI' plain tba great advantage In position held by tamer tracts. Tmuna os Soz.z...(boetkled cook; Dilute° In andmw, ac mo d two year., on with Interest, aectued bowl rtgage tba pr. • For ea amlnatlon of plan, and title Cali. ray tn. nubs of W. P. Baum, , No. so Sc. Gate street, Plttaburgb. JcalS .;.. A. iteLLWAILPE, Aticitoneet. AP.I4.OIrOB.'JIZUSIV. Ite. TWO HI7NDIOID OF The Most Eminent Musicians ' rnoso=oz MASON & HAS' LIN'S Caltrinet Organs BUT Or Thiat, OLMB, Of wtdcb they bare . any Knowledge, A'Ftrfli EIkOOK MST RECEIVED ARO FOR SME AT FACTORY :RICO, r ethdail 0:162.L0k. JO Foto Agent tee Plttebaigh and viAlatty. THE VXBY BST B RAIMPRTOIPW PAIL Settomaiiier & Co ; , Philadelphia, px.Anrcos , on. . ; obi, is ei. cm. MST. HOFFMAN, HOZNZ, 00.,thalle as !MR 7 g M I SOLS &Darer sou Mr Best Pianos In A col* .$3OO. . 3. :••P• 34113 WP/AL1i09:77 .• • sciantooD . amivi 'CURVED-LIMB • I mo . , PROVED • Lucid FRANCE, oirri. - 7( leads trrßstoM Bria..l6w,lol.3.'3ll.ransiatea , - MUD, is nth eh . _ NOTICIE. TO 'TOM TAXPATEOS OP .. JA :TEE .01TT prrritougoo,, , ritto Ii to won tholt, as My, Pont and Burnam Taxa and Wanultiata ma_payablntb•CllTT TREAS. unl:lva °two - A AA 111 tuth. , A .dla. ruunttatr.slie.t.la'allowyd or prompt papaya. Pie". cAll=. ll . . St ""21'flurnei and ti,Sldll The stoto atouittio anillbewiaa dna and Aust. 'be Paid beton the FIRST (Jr JULY "(grate Tralinuar Ansa Aaka b. 14 returns, to Lai ate Dapartanant at th at. tna. • Sit ; %WM- 1110111111711. Tramearsr. RFORTMEWB inrADIP&ItTSRS iM WOOD irjsme r a g oi 33 Inrmi Istyltwaseittillek* his gpek ot_Q_ _ _ L . 7 111 4 1=6- Myr sad pOUOIIE6 ,UFLAM MUMS ma 4 anmudttos of mem laid. -Aug 111,14 u lb, MOM iniclitoattit to uus =West. melt - Mu ati l4" PsbUrrint Z st ' ' Ler. WA .11ARRAL4Y2k1IT4'27"fl aunt P, A,..."0 1 , 1 ... CUPP", /WHO. AVIII7 11111dit et the tieverantast. int"! NOOKS, No. PNMPA. A ' Dttoottym=vo Notot. P. IX' Ss, IF OT - R BALL _ 1_•• . • C.".. - 4 . 01C4' :MOO 115 1 41 741WL. 4 .14.4 i f Stout, ow At. :NEW - 2.PARiA*PAPEBB TO • : 4 :4 ' Mow** at No. tot Kama amt. , `4628 . • . '-Jt3ir7R *Mi4llll & -; I lIAILSIEIL - 4 - 41. OD, • Boiler Makers - di Sheet - Iron Workers, : ave.*, 21, Iliad MI PBBN , STREETC. . With* amnia laas yard, , and ftnifahm I with the moot imprerred machinery, we Ire ad Op manufechneeeinny denniption of BO fif Meted 'tinkr, amtwarranced tud to an inedettrlbe "mot Offild:NEYA _ ErRE BEDS, LOOODI BIYiIacare , ;.IOIOFDENBERII,,SALT PAM, .TANID3,', 011. AGITATOW. BST; TUNG PANS, 80/ I .KB BUOAB-PANS,and sole m3oellstnree of HAaff; BILL'S PATENT BO - .:Beyairirm. done ter , l977Fillisna MEW We Rb. ,111.1813. 1 412,,13f6. a PATIEu'idROITBID . CIBLOYLLRS, Warranted OAST - STElif, SAWS, of ovary do =intim KW, Iffulay, Cron Cut, ems, and all other varieties. Sheet kinds of KNIVES and SIMIAN made front meet Dint Sta ir atmra Poilned MOWING U. AP. Warebous Watki, corner WATER and :BDORTNTRISEIN, Dlltontligbi. • Particular attention given to Ilatemthinz 6. otun ming 11l and - traar Sawa; re• pairs of all kind - :, Punchterang-thrarding and:Drilling demi al redeemable rates. C 3" igrotrus simisistini '.• . .. . . „.. . . .... -,,, Oopper jill and Smialling ilyarits,'. - .' , . . .prrrspuria. •-" ' PARK, McCURDY & Co. . Ilanufastureni of SIREALTIIXO. BRAZIERS' & BOLT'COPPER,: PERMED - COPPER ROT. - TO X 91.14113 SITTLL BOTTOM.% /WALTER SOLDER. ' importers and &Was in NET. &S, TITi PLA. SRT.ET - TRON MR &s. Constantly on hand, ' XA an 4 IVOLS. - Warshouse,No.l4FlßS and= SEC. CND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Epeeist Wars of Copper MEI° 'any 4lndild nadt!ut . l6 -: ; , 1 loysEdydawT c , " ' . 8111111110082 „HOW LollT, t 1 HOW -RESTORED 1--.7Ort Published. o a roe. LS I, ;or layelopai Price ids ;seats. .A. EON THE NATURE, TREATMENT, and Warm; otSporriatorrbasy or Searthal , Weeke loot ontary Redriloas, /Usual - DODD p ten ni=l. mesas to Mambo traerally I Nary 111111 1,PLIon4 EpileDoe awl .Fltoi Modal apt hot- Ng mrop•sitr. essuldoctrom Beit,Aboae, lie., by Roar: I. Ouzvaawsze., ALD.,, , , who , or- the . Grote Book. Elk -"A ,Boow ...wo -Taora•roi or Bilineleatil. , ?, /eat. lade!. moat la: a plain rove'. opt, to any. Addroro,,, pot paid, as raortid, of ids cents, or twopostroco gismos, by Dr.. 7. O. ELME, In Binirin Row Tints; ;Poid Otboo box OA ozosal =tint. :::..ai:nauth. tou.ami igrLA BELLY STS AL Iyonlas, IMMEEt & CO.. wan 0o.,) Manufacturers of OABT• STE ELLS ' PRING, PLOW and - BLISTER . STEEL; 11M111113, - AX. LEE, OROWBARS &0.. T WARD,.A.II y. pHs Oresenddrese, PITTSBURGH. . is ROBINNON. ILEA CO.. OnoossoN Boatasoo, Num t Xmas.. Weatilngton Weitto. FOuNDEES AND mAOHINISTS, Prroationt, SLanufactoxers of BOAT AND STATIONARY S ENGUWM, BLAST ENGINES, MILL EBY,QEARniIa, SHAPTINCI___ _OAST. ING -of dooorfatlons, OI L. TANKS NEILL.% • Nr AND skErr IRON Wonz. A & • tor CarrA.RD'S PATENT IN.TIKM Wro.osavour ovrraoloa or El= szars-A rerraread gentleman has lag been mewed to health let a few days, aster en =Vtt :Lal= and Irreg=m i ttla metered duty to eatanuudests to his ateleted7o/low. erestares Mem:Lae of ours. Hews, au the receipt 'of uctodetesassel elav i l p r bwfllaaodalve, spy o Direst to Dr. J 0112( .1L ADS/LLL, 11l Fulton treat. N. Y.: - I - - tolittlintaisT JOHN 004011**11 * ENO, Nanntse lagers of IRON 'VAULTS ANT/ VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING WINDOW SHUT. THRS,. WINDOW 4117Ati st An., Nos. It SRO. OND and se THIRD STII , between Wood sad Market, have on band a variety of now Palerna, fancy and plain, gallants for all purposes. Partleular attention paid to enclosing Oran Lots. Jobbing done at short nobles. au: THE UAL CHA.IIIIII3I. 1 6 / 1 k SAT Olr NTA.SiIeING AND INSTRUO. TION FOR YOUNG ALM Also, new and:ell& Ms treatment et the 'Urinary and Simnel Systems. Address Dr. J. MULLEN HOUGHTON, Now ale Assoeisilen:Phliedelphia. Pa. spiny I • .1: I ENO AND CONELLSSIO ICIEBOHANI and wholesale dealer la CHEESE, B SEEDS, tie and prodase gersetally,M% .14 , , 001 RENT PMEr..—A PALILPIILLPT tor loatatam Importance to the old satt Mtg. manisd sad Magi* of .gamy ssass, 11l D 6 mat tese ks addremlng with easloseti, the am% r A. KEZILLILOR t 00. 2 Mos IS, Boston Post turithtlOWY aTTOZIGJIM"& 431, X. XCX.LITIX...I.I. • MCMASTER. QAZZAM & CO., ATTORNEYS FOR aLAIBiLISITS, Licensed U. S. sigents, for promoter PLIffIiONS. 801:111Til9, AR, RZARro OP PAY, PRIZE .3SOItET, DOMPIMe tIAT/Olt 110RALS, and other pre loot or destroyed while to the Melee ol the ralte4 States STOPPAGES' OF PAT AND OPPICIERS, OIIDNAIttW. AND QUARTEILILASTEWS Atl• 000NTEI ad amt.. oarttftestot of Ludebtat- Appltootlons by NO stOnitod to RS Dots& to NO CHARON, DUDE 17NLEd6 SUO , Ot t noE Zi4X ' 08 GRANT STRICT' , Iwo • rirrsinirgas.. Tr & WAR CLAIM .6.IEIE2MR. U. PENSIONS, '• ea% 3Bab.pzir.. Psy • =a menu, . -or ALL =NM koirrrium W. J.4IkHALL P=22Mlt. Al;t , orneys-at-Law. 144 rorrgra'firazyr. ' ' SPIr ' . wOIIIVXD BOLEILBRB. $lOO flinty 18 t.ll Wooded Soldiers, minow New Paid to I L'alUis." charge tra m de wan From DAT, _tr il rermunica. Ito. vrera erEarsemmormkniths chabiara. MILITAITY . CLAW : P.IMONEIi DOLIATIM SACK PAT. sad imA.ItY CLAIMS of imarr.deocriptlaa, oollootegiby tba auteiniber, Albs follow Log AM's, rla s POW= 1 10 .41othertiaizeui_pszo. 0. 0. TArLOß,AttormtLair A. B.—Roi=t i estu= the ela4:7;1 4' ' Mg' BUTIXECHIBLD, CUIZZAH oi - PEAEELIgr.' • (WeXasterr, Gamer Ir. Pittsburgh.) - Oolleetions mane, Titles owl ell other legal bunnies attended to in Westernirgi Penueglirs. nis, Detroit:lMo and ert Vnts..irrene Ileum U W AW{ and Pner.Tolut Be er,Harp Esq elf ~ Marshall& Mown.spa NDREW BTEy&NBON, • 2 . 4 i 4. Im6r.44 > 3l "zrzcFil• No: .144 Eourth Street, Prrriairsoz,to , *in reetica to-the varbsta mina of Alleirbeny Ana adjoining eatualps. ' • apB:l74 o. KAORRIBLL a. a: sonspost IvIACK,R.Fa4,4 J9HN130.1% ATTORNIEMAT-LAW... V.S.LIONVMED BOIAZES. 04I1K Adsami mißeitain WoiumloB9ldises solioeted fa trots me o tor taTintallLagerattnit. dj» SOLDDLPY CLAIMS, -BOUNTLES , : , PENSIONS AND ARREARS or PAT. ' Proifir,ly fttesidedo bp maximum. szoor.u,' Fami stag% ra. • !JAIL W. slum, Id /Wm mu"; ,PMMIntl; • ammo • tbr" irartatorffi, BOORTY.. P 8 241 MONEY, vigorowaypoiresaled. . XX73178.41.MCM, wasoarrs. - TORN •.• • t ttiti..llo4oolorn .r.,..surate• thr., enzL m ort.untsnoo Oen aid motor= u'' 00, , •IN • szsio "li=a s " MEOW 4l lL_Lf.‘ 13124 "' w r . . - 34srge ortb, I aZ I VIVA",, • 21.11171071.114 Po' anoreavontsersie . '& 77- ------- ztli=rar:: 3118810 N AND NDZINANDIMr = ll Da ant' PurstAiAstairinta-Ao at litiwtoullenr'MAßAlONOto.W .iiii.i..,,,,. , 44,;.L.-L . rgii 6aztt.ie. MONDAY, JULY 3, 1883. CAZF,MTEAR7E.firRING RA rus rmil:= 1 times r' - s week II • ' 1 1 week. IMaw mgr. I)4 ea di aqr: eir.ll ear. I 5.‘ sq 7 4w o t t ili n it ; 0 • • , • Three Lim 1 95 Fourth:see 190 1I• Five Uwe* 1 rue week. f • 1 170 85 'Two weeks 415 S ffo 119 144 Three Wks. • I '4 sso s , One month 7 4 -9 f7O f 1 Two moo. II 25 II CM 7 400 '3 7 fOO Three saVe 13'75 'l7Oll 9 1 470 4 •10 Sit month' 20 75 12 Oir 13 95 900-'"f 90 4 - 40 Nine /31011. 27 00 ! 15 50, to co is SO 900 .5 r Oss Tear— 32 os, so! SI 33 is 10,70; DYpon ti Able, one time each It, badness of the Adm. .menta Vl wet, proper- For one I • tontloto User. All Wm: IS timesti times! I ths• !Datil. la week.la week. f a week. One mouth 09 35 111 I 031 11 4 14 40 Three montlui... 1110 11 45 40 BIP 010.1001:119 94 00 19 t 10 10 51 One Yea DO 00 10 14 14 00 /33r. Flit Notices double the above taloa. DeathNotbees, oath Insertion $ 50 Marriage otices, Steemboat n per trtp • 3 0 74 3 Executors' or 3kdors , Nottees....... $ 75 Local Notices, under epeeist heed .. e to Local eoluinn. 151 CITY AND SUBURBAN' VIM SATVILDArIi IlVirtNe liA1171%) - Serious Charge Agalnat a Stalunottti Captain. Sacral days ago an information was fade be fore Mayor Lowry, charging Capt. Jana Hai lep, of the steamer Empire City, with inalattautpt to ravish a little girl , aged mine years, daughter of. a German named Otto Warmth, who, eoieliand with his wide' and hid taken plimete on the bad. The facts, as alfeded by Wormuth, are in substance as follows : The beat left the wharf on Friday, the 18th cost., but aler reaching Glass Rennie Ripple grounded on the ber, where theitill remains. On the follow /4c day, a number of the pomanders. including Wennuth, went ashore for the purpose of making arrangements for transporting his family west by mdlroad:. On bbl return to where the biat was blelf, eiffeilled km it .yawl to take bilk abeam, but no attention wan paid to him. Be then got a party on shore be take hint to the boat in • skiff, and oa getting aboard he war met by hie wife, who informed him that the captain bad attempted to outrage their little daughter, Louisa. Be had odiced laceinto br ut al rooroan the "Tam," and made a most brutal assault on her, but her cries caused him to do amt. the then dad to her mether ' and informed her of what bad happened, The captain soon alter left in the yawl,„ accompanied by the NC' and mate and • deck hand. All the Deals pas sage:a bid gone ashore when the outrage was attempted, and Wermath bad nut yet returned when the captain made his escape d . cep poscd that he floated dawn the "rat some dls tame. and took the ears tbr Cincinnati, as his arrival to that city was noticed a day or two af terwards: Me reddest in Bt. Louis, and tile probability is that he has gone there, , Th e an -thorttlee hive beau teledraPhed th ar lent Mlle. bee as yethe lac not beat apprehended. Be is as old eteamboat Man, well blown on the western rivers, and until merrily resided in Rochester, Barnum:minty. The girl mesquite 11l no a few stays, but le now able to go about as usual. Ms. Vennuth la aiddlo be a very respectable man, but la • Krum la tide vicinity. He seems to Lave made a fair and truthful statement of the ankh., and is using every effort to get additional testimony. A Singular Proceedlig...A Father Mol. Mil for the lose of a Daughter. year or two ago, a wealthy drover named William Hasid, residing at U rTlstrwg. eloped with • young girl named Near, leaving his wife 111:11 ilve children, while he and his paramour proceeded on a tear to Europe. They returned to this country some mouths since, and located in Covington, Ky., where they thud up • red . dance in grand style. His tenuted wife, tuning a desire to visit her Mende >a Harrinnug, left for that purpose some days ago,and arranged to meet Mattl at the railroad depot In this city, on Friday afternoon, on her retain. Fee some rea sin or other not easily understood, 51r. Near, the haw of the woman , hearing that /Laski was to meet ter in this city, - fedinwetl'on the nut train, and got hero au hour or two after his daughter. He at once obtained the services of an officer, and desired the arrest of 51elskl on a charge of adultery. On returning to the depot In company , with the dicer, he found his daughter In the Lidice rate, awaiting the arrival of the train from the west. The train soon arrived. and Markt and hit paramour bed acutely Mashed their eon . gratulatkuse at meeting, when the officer took them both in custody, and procuring • carriage, ti.-ove them to the Mayor's dins. *and was considerably frightened, as he did not pretend to deny that he had ran away with . the old man's daughter, and had been Hying with her as hie wife. He talked freely about his lawfttl wife, alleging that when he rani li losponnie to lino any Imager with her, he settled $1,700 open her, and encladed to hunt 'Attend( another partner. He had one that sated him now, and if they would send him to the persitenth4 for fins Years he would have her when ho got out—and kiobody else. This pleated the aforesald partner,and she returned the compliment by assuring him ihat her fate was linked tolls, and she desired no other.' Her father dished her to return been with hue, (at lean pretended to.) but she persistently re. tined. MI _talking matten over for an hour M eo, it was evident that a "compromise' , world in effected. likiskihad plenty of money, sad money has often been knows' to melt the heart of the mod übrelenting "patient-. But whatever persuaskats were used, the old man. withdrew the proneution, and the loving nniPle were eat al liberty to pursue their journey. Wield h tenpin; and his paramour 13 !MP* , hiOs and rather bandana% • • - Arrested forLfo--Yestmtlay pion ,• assa named Bruce C. MeCa rwerg. rtlig wee arrested and tat= belts* Aldermen bikhomon, on a charge of forging the tams of Robert Piteslrn, Buperintemdent of the PensurAranis Railroad: It _appears. that the .senused„ taboos father is gam agent at Stewart's ligation, on the Central road, procured a number of blank passes, which • be filled out, and elgaed 310. Pitcairtes name to 'them. After. Ids surest, he acknowledge! to having Amon! three but It Is sturposed that the number Ia much . • McCarthy Ia - sr* thrpintablynermsected, bat as ho his con ductedlilmself awry of late, his treads de. 'dined to Interfere In his and he WU com mitted Ojai], In default of one thousand dollars bell, to answer the charge et court. ..,.• -- • • The County vs. the Cleveland ft. R. is nee of the Ixtu,i4 of ALtegheay Va. the .Cleveland and 'Pittsburgh Railroad Compeiny— en action to recove the - interes on ear. tal Wag n railroad bonds—was r t. &Jibes the Zourt or -Common Pleas todayo c hnotiou to &aeon. tbine the cast, tad ls.tor trial la the OW cult COSA of Ike Vanednen amen:mud that the volt has not beam p v heoegppt. tbs the Cortunon,Pleas hot barbs larimitetion.' sller the argument, 'the • Court aanostacied that- Viifdehdoninalld _ not latreadered well nod. Teachers Elected...At it. meeting of the Blgth Ward School Board, held lastevenina r , the following teachers were elected: Plitiefpel—D., G. Holmes; &Masai—Adler: E. Ralston; Gram, mar Department--Xissee C. S.: Dale,J. It'Cracken, X. X. nulls,' lidermedlatDepart. meat—lllartea E. N. Blmpaon K. B. Bnodgrase„ E. J. Getty, K. Howard, Primary Department .--Jdieses A. Snyder E. Brown, 'J. X. Kinked, N; J XDlekey.. J . ;WU; Coleman, Mary Allboder , Lucy G alsepard Borah:l.lmb - Coroner., Inquiet.L-Al4eimen 'Donaldson' this morning held an Modest 'on the hod, of en unknowe man,imind drownwA,at Abe binding of the Manchester and. flaw-ICU Ban ferry. He seemed to be about 40 years'of age; was or a me- . dime' height; bad brown bah; no beard, and was' clad b ids` jade coat, and grey cuelnet pants, Informstimtponcernlng the disposition of the body csn'be.obtedned' on application to Al derman Donaldson, at his office on Penn street. near Bt. 'Clair. - ( _ , . Persona from a distance, when IW Pitts. .burghon Dulness or plemorMaboald not' leave the city without visiting the Book Publishers' Presentatkm - Depot, 74 Etth street, and I see if they can't cult themselves with Some WO, or album, and early away muse , valuable , percent,. . •Yon wßtcerWnly receive a , present . worth bom 'MY cents tnnvehtsndred4allerm eldebilltioll-111! liest4!.Towsuattp:-Vrtierei -yrM boa ToottbAliZolt ottleteitlon-la al he near Bethel elrapch, &MS t,MinislttiNy 1133. the benefit of the returned aoldlare and Ili bbath , 13cheol eldldram ./at avatictt Mill )be d erect _ 2 1 1 kajoluDoft r i rie t kil azt i tr m To liionorated.—The rooms la tb• occupied' by the' Unlted , Vta rAinAti=l,lo= inzto . ll 111 = - , 510 , 1 a,tnul4.l-OCM, t e r too:, I Or Ir alre tar abl _pt iritiotti s 4ll4 .4huldtaAgotOiredlent• ipspoWbbiyanttinitinrs i fftl ir. w kvarable larks, riumniv tem. e 8:m6p...a Larceny Caae—::Curer Tura- A few days ago we noticed the arrest of afire turned soldier named Simpson, an a charge of stealing thirty-five dollars from a. Companion named Bawler, while drunk in a beet fat Simparre, at the time of his arrest, allegid thit the money taken from Bawler wan his own, bat this wan regarded as the absurd cr=use of a thief, and but little attention was paid to it. wu committed to jail to answer at the next i term of court. A day or two after, the wife off .Bawler: called 'awn' . Mayor Lowry, and made estate:Must which goes to exculpate Simpson entirely from any felonious intent, She stated that Simpson and she had tired „ neighbors in the "old country," (Ireland) and es " that he came over to tbi country and enlisted , in . the army, his • he had some aS four or doe hundred;dollars; Her husband 00 (Bawler) had been doing so' badly that they as were. unable to payitheir board bills, and Shop. 6. son bad kindly loaned her 84 dollars to a help her. out of her pinch. - This money' was grubbed by Battler ' who. at . once began , to, "spree" It., She [Ol t{ Simpson to get this money from him, or he would not leave a dollar of It namest. He accord ingly began drinking - with Bawler, and ivben got him sunklently boozy he riled hlripeekets. The Mayor then began to look Into the facts a little closer, and found that Bawler bad a very bad reputation.- He also learned that Simpson had deposited one hundred and eighty dollars with . a Mind In" Manchester, which he claimed was of the same kind of money which be had loaned Mrs. Hair ier, and which be had taken back from her bus band. The Once ten dollar notes, (new gov ernment bills,) which he had taken from:RAm ler, were examined, and the numbers On these were required ta*Csomplete the break in the nem bers on the WA Which he had deposited In Man chester, showineeonclusively that the three tees belonged' originally- to the larger sum.. Un der these circumstance* Simpson was released on very slight ball, although his statement was dented by Bawler. There is no doubt whatever that, when the case comes Ito 'trial. Ste v an Will be acquitted. 'Hawke was greatly enraged at his wife for the course, ahe had punned In the Mather, and while leafing the Mayor's office Itemized aid -bit her severely on the arm and finger. He wu arrested and locked up for this unmanly trick, but finally discharged, his 'wife belag afraid to make an Information 'against Allegheny City Hater Works gamin. Barrens Gum= rayoffinlenthe soldier should have the imsference for any office the people or their authorized agents can confer upoikthern, when they cap ffil them with ability. Now my. Intention Is to show that the present Saperbneederit of the Allegheny City Water Works hai IMed his`posltlon'so far with waked ability,as the condition of the works and basin will shew. When he took his present position' he contd. evel7thlrag In m 'Very bad condition. Pump needed - r trin and the twin also was out of order: Tn faec everyibMg needed overhaul leg ; but how ' !emir these defects was a ques tion that could hot be easily answered. The pumps could not be repaired maws they were stopped, end they could not be stepped, ibr they were then being run night and day, and yet the city could not be supplied with imblicient water. Bat cur Seperintautent was not to be discour aged. lie knew the citizen expected him to supply them with water, so he put his wits and hands :together, end by some means got the whole machinery la splendid working order, so that now the city has abundance of water, and yet he omly Works :one-helf the pumps and en gines, and still more surprising, the works are only run from tea to twelve Isoursper day. Bet still a mlnorityreport statist he Is incompetent, when his works show to the contrary. I know him to be a good pmetteld mechanic, and frilly competent to fill the cMee which he now holds. But he was forced to resign his position on as coons of disagreeing with one or two of the Wa ter Committee on matters of minor Import race. If the people to Moor their brave sob who left le home and Arable., and bared their to the steel of the enemy, sow. me thinks, Is. the time 'for them to show the honor they wish to confer on them, and espee daily on these who have lit 'therm of Those means which Cod has given to men whereby he may earn his daily *eU. Tbepresent So perictentleat bas lost the me of his right arm In the defence of our beloved country, but it does not in any way hinder him from filling the position which he now holds, while lie cannot week at his own trade. I hope that no private citizen will let his name be brought before the City Council In opposition to the present Super intendent But let Cotmell reconsider ldr. Sean- ' drett's modulation and redlect hl az tmanimoutly for at least the bal ance cf the year. Own or run Comma. Lem Sourimts' ill City, Aces SO, 1683. CITY ITEMS. ' TIMID W. Par, rractieslalata Exam, sod Ocala la Aznerlean i ZE:f means orders. OSlce at Alaander ' I, near the Walter Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. mice, No. 'IS Pike street. Orders promptly emended to. All wart wamaded water prooL Repairing dant stile ...h.. shorten notice. No charge for repalrs, ed the roof is out abased after It Is out cr.. Reductlon...-Our Mead, lin JAR Welter No. tint Federal street klirghen7,- la the east when the &done ' aMwa of tm ea are of Mohamed and the surrender of t'et Omer. al Lee was recetred, and tainag - tale of the park produced, sad • blowier the that would follow, made very ;lean of the Snort orbs. and rummer goods about one.hallef the o 1 Incas. Some of the Sneed Moths, coalmen. and resthrgs aziljhr-Wed in Ids stook which ha Is prepared to WEI up to order. on abut . Rollos in.-the Wert NAM, end M correspondingly kw isteis. A Mince a ; , neer. ment of howdah) * goods anal racily-mad" rl ii, lag will also to bend at his elegem mintdadi mMt Oar Alkeanny friends should , glee Idca a all. 4 - i The Yo at Yana terkesitifortanted to two Rival* • For We: by Druggists. Ask tot the rouse Monk Triad: , Atrot elving tho symptoms and treatatstit al ate, Orme* aoccmpanke each Hon elk= had_ by Warmest? Toting Mllll'4l YAW, Box 90, Otechttiatt, with a throe Dont Stamp enclosed. to Tao. Fleudeig or Chaska lbws. - -isk/Asi• _ • Saw '7lrtival.—Tbe well.krown eiothLog Ohio store, su keptrer by atm E. J. Mokatty, corner of and Diernoaillegbooy City, has been replerdsbed by a n ewassortment of latest' styles of summer 'elothbfg for gootiradm and buys. The 7stock Is somall assort , d, and the goods so Judlelcomly abaft, as • to 'pun GM the DIM fastidious: Ohs 'Mrs. Mo-GrattY call, and oar Word fta It you will mike a sate arid a good tnyeattared..- • = • • 304 T,ETTERB wthunu N c e • In th•PestiAte at Allegkelizety,Paa tang foerulferfired Lawn gt th:P/ata liea fiat one teat for adrethig. If net awed for with% law MHO, they willte Sent to the Demi Letter OMSK , nem Dawning. lettere byearirtern at Me ?NU Fan of ottnem ia ni!y bef . anturnam hy observing- Humor otters p • lalnlyeo-the strietanfiltuun, ber, as well no the Post 0..!., and State. ' 2:H BealW2 witit'tha tates Pod QM* and Mare, and tionter;algb them'plabil with full name, andreotiestthat gnawers be ismer& lrietterstii.stringe4i.:t. netwvirl tots in a town or elty whew weak ad dreoul may be Do known, shou ld, - be matted oA th e lolver hand corner, with th _ word a Tratiabrett.''' • 4. Vieux the postage stamp on the sprigarWand Amer, Med kanr .jags between the - s tamp end di rection forpoebeterktep :without ' interlining with N. A,,eniturag, for the of a letter 10 .the writer,lf nnelalmed within Truar2. DAys or leas, written or printed with the writer's wow, .o,pfm . snit awn Wren thelefthand end of the envelope, on the face aide, will be emptied with at the mutat prepaid rate of pelage, payable when the letter le delivered to the wAler. ft, Low of wes.) SATURDAY, 41HLT 1, INOK. A Greer. Sarah or liver W Jno Adams Diudel O O akley m 2 Allen E M George 11 -Aakine Mattis , Overgrown Miss Porter Merge I a tea Afro " tray Rant . Parer Wm 13hu barn Ann Heftily Mary quiglyino C ' Bei le Bridget Henderson A. J Barrett 0 Housetielder X Ramee_y Abbott Fleetly Meld lineman need Hen E Brany.Ellsabeth Halm Saninel Riley UYr Doody Henry Harter Joseph Inlay 0 Natter Samuel Hannah Ino Room Gee Bateman Sue tbmiliton Jon Reed Geo LI Baster Sink Hope Jane Rose SS. Briggs T Henderson M 0 ItoohU,Sophla Bolin Jao • Harris Peter A Redman Jno _How Jane:_.._ Mokinboton W Esehter Itelan JR J Rona Wm Bergen JO° ' Johnston Meld Robinson W A Bowers Mary J Jaralsoa Plasmic S Bencer Nary .' Jones John L , Smith t/aLUe Beam Margaret X Stewart kJ Barkley Mary Kennedy Susan Stolial Bond W Keys Jno ; Stewart S Behrly Sarah A Kerr Jno Smith Nary A U Kelly Margret Wrier SaAlla. Clement A M Koliter Itadolpt Stephens S A (Hagan te Small Simon Camel El iza , Lugar/Austin H Salta Sarah Cameron 11 Lovell A •Semen I . Coam pli ook Sadieenry • Lowen;SaishE Steele Jennie Line Wet Smith Creighton Jno Id Smith JW ! Carson J • Moor CathrinA Sweet Thee 0 ' 'Calvin .1 A Mullin Deal • sturgeoni Wm' . Oburerman T . K W Steele M ; Cone L D MltehMl Ewing Shoontaker.an Crazier MUT Mansfield Ewd Spatt Mei K 0.4 K., Soda Waggle • LAURA Maulaneld Geo Mild Wi r t, t Do n Annie 1 3 19WiNeeep Ptlag 4ed. l Dart E B TI Holland J mambo! x . 2 Taylor Chair •Dobla Brill Jai 22 B Met 2 R 2 B.,, War USIA W Wm , Dimpb227' Jas. MelEscreer Robt Vital* Wilte.,l D a th, gray!, Mclntyre Mre Term Ey* Lifittlikistersid A __ raerarland Lao Wilwe fasalta Altrar: EhlehM A 2 MoUrearyLnea Whit* Fanny - RUBS% Wla Halllatinlis M angy = r • MeCawleslienin ti.; g ra McClellan Kate llidlrditglehig, wialas Troia - McFarland Aed 1.1 .. r...1ngtm SI Foley P Meal& A lital Joe. Taws= INMlantal.lne'r _ No/den Palcm , ; Wirt Gordon u t •- O PIMI 1 COPT GratilWaxl. ' Clonniur cr .„ and M *sr o P. F.._. , DRY GOONS I,EW SPRING GOODS. 1.% • MELCI•11111 & 431-Iydes, No. 78 XARKET STREET, Whalenle and Betsill Dealers In trimmings and Fancy Goods, NOTION% HOSIERY IND GGOIES, And GeeUesienls Punishing goodll would Gall the attention of alwalulatt, trade 'amain to UM: vary extenive Allele I MD Oa's' thr of goods. Our stooks of Cotton Hose and Socks ti the bused sad beet ever epeded tide city, sod our NOTION DEPARTMENT win to linnet inn 7 attraethes and complete in all its Cranium and al rime tkat cannot tali Conies Mae um a will Mao» purchialng ettewhere. myla JOB. HORIn & CO., I) AI STRAW AND MILLINERY 00008, Einem awl Bonet BUD, rem aaChimminen Embialdwics, Loin Goods, Handkashlen Fanny Goods, Salmon! Bklrta, Ladd mni Oninn Fur! abating Goods, Bean Gimp! and, Ornantads, Wonted. Bailers and mom, Hoo p suet% No. Wain of Bain Wars, are now tiedvlng Way en* assonant of SPRIJIG GOODS. wbish,lllbrir ' ;ix - ull memwdWattnatlnL Duras beau purchased as LOW GOLD RATES incad 414 SPECIAL LVDDEDGISDTD TO IFUTERG. Our I r►Tolloa 3124.3 par moat win lit all thew be found well supplied. We sonde a *Ultra= 111ifinen, Pedlar', sad the Piddle. bele( eoallelent that we Gan all all. TOO HOB= 6' 00.. TI sad 711 MARKIN Etruria. To IKE LLDIE& . THE GREATEST NOVELTY! _ "I"lacsaxi.roascrzis PBERCHELASTIC SPRSINGRIEGET& assivalled for oonikat and oonvenionen. CC" IH nuMozersa, VOESETS. LACIA PAIWY TANS, &a., Sc, AT MIL W. zooparaps, }Maus ft MARKET STREET. T HAVE JEST ARRIVED FROld TEE ... EAST with a easefully sainted saaartment of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, among wide' will be found s tine line of Hordery to Gotten and lisle. Mesas, Ribbons, Flowers Grapes, Serfs, Oollan, and all the new Myles, includingßubber Collar.,to Ishtar i partimlatty mil the attention of in. ladle.t Medan Demoreat.• Oorstmoir Hoo Skirts. Likft and Linen Handkandle ell id ofOufit, new Swiss_ Seta, Law Gape, mi l Barbs sod Oo 'oars, In t o .Ureaktee of Sh *Wes, Tidl Nava Lam rotahat, Linen, omen, Valeamiennee and Point A.ppliq as, Wide Linen De_pElow papaw, Embroldarlas ey eft kinds; se ninr" - -, ;s1 en nines; new 'Me l="for ants; Ladie•' IL* Jotnrin's Kids, KSlmy _and Steel Semi Seta, Oord Sets Gable Owl and Twain Tassels and Banana in new styles; Gimp tp Pet, Stool, Sans and ithrystal Oheadlle I MM. Silk and Straw Hata and Ttiraminvi But. tsa ltal bi li M Applique. Set, SUS, Gold Leaf and Pearl, Panay Oombe, 4.71d0l Dropts.Polew aids and PoUs, and • variety of Other Seede, 1 0 whir& 1 would sail the attention of my kind surto. ma= and the pghlta morally. . nide • ~E IE - DIOWIIT. In Fourth attest. LOCKWCXXViI CELEI3Ra.TED moth bind and all Paper Collars. Y 1 st luaus a CO., Imam. 2.7 3P/Stla Mt. in= Marna ros LOCKWOOD'S GOODS. Tha tea& Will toe owned at Kasuifeatanwa saswe.mat ea Mae. Mita 110 ARABOLs, r ._ . BUN BRAD 5117 Ditaumr.At r et tr a rg i a s tra awl at la*** ragas. What*. • =MOS, RAarrat * Cato. myta fl Ilfth Week. FARB! FANO! BMX, ISIIKEAND PILLX LINE!, Of oirerclaslyt atA(IBI3X & 00.V4 • ii ptit4 rbeet. JETS. 0 CLOTHS. t LT BRDUCT/OR fn 3TLa at - • — CAIIPETS: • to aba u ha r • La Oft • , L.AA PASO •• ' inAtti reandlso A nt . %amide Afinth We lows day • Waked downz, , xtrowdLota mu. on stoat, • • ontr tbo t And most ociaptite asocuinund OS now aid enoton,lottolos, amuis f V eIti Co RA I A . Twoand Tbrot y Moot OA OlothA Window noon's ko;. _ At roduttloo of • 'llototy ! nrn to TDlttron A be owl onaitdrd poi soot itASTAILIAND &VOLUM. n art u in= imairr ti sal char to Omega itisis• aim P. 0. . CARZETB.. , PRICES REDUCED! Having recently prirahesed for the FOURTH TEEM this reason an entire assortment of l ent o, s e le ct ion petioir, &a., cdfer • of the newest styles; at p a .2,7' - oonsiderattly rO. dosed to don' stook. . . OANTolif XLITING - new stytasi POTTOZI.OII6III LIST. AND IMi/ mums: Wiridow Shades, A lugs tandiejust zi;ostvea W. D. & H. PdCALLITNI. Nu a/Vol:rant ernErr. REMO PAL& EMOVAL WELX.3,BIDDLZ 00e iv* reamed their exteaelve rj r Store yid . Mutely to Ao. WOOD BT ter • Pugin 'AIW whin the are Amend to o m oaten `Witp :* amp SWrr Prom • k 4 theloWen ORAISTORW Osonadie Meow !aft letelihileeneh de. • ht L ear. lie * Na in so m a 10 :ON WOODInnt National Brin/ar vnialrai Onllara. Vat sanatoria AU its ma" menereateer ,cteasiprisae eiris4l,fl w ba tha g r . se. wiraiii arwarua iiius,nit . iiieslia4.3 rig Oki s'.'""""''.. • .1101.11; PAPER—New 'kid lane Pot mkt otres.,, R. 110,A CFNITnii BTA.MS 7-30 LOAN. - THIRD SERIES 5880.000,000. By authority of the Secretary Of theTreatnity the tinderslined, the Beam! Subscription Agin for the sale of United States Secutillas, offers to the public the third series of the Treasury Notea, Deming area and tbao•tentha per cent. Interest per annum, Imovn as the - 7-80 LOAN- Thaw nets' are loud toilet data of Idyl*, MOON awl eta payable Oise yam hoax that data =nano or are eouvadals at the cotton of the Udder law U.& Kt rer GOLD. DRUIJiG Biorik noes Bonds we not truth a linalleaote prude —. 'end are e*entlhote as* all the Goedeeimiat Bondy how Side, ttnaliti . old Xtooltipst tootottott; which midi firs one to tartopoo, Gm; per onoilPt di &kir eget aceordlng to the rate WWI apes other Prot.n`'. The Want la payable seadheuutay tT someone attaehed to each sots. which MAY bO * 4tit find sold to any bank et Molts!. • nte Wand as sso Par anai'mosait to ":". Ono cent per day-es s " 00 sate, Two cents " " Tm 44 44 Y M. SO 000 I. . Notes of all the denominetkins named wilt be romptly fundided epos nicety& Of subsecipt lens The Notes of the Third Soles are powdsely sins. Sir In form and privileges ne the Seven•Thlrthis enteddhat thoi CHivenenent reserves to Item the optio n al paving latereet in gold cooln e per cent, Instead of 7 11.10ths In ourreney. Subscribe!' will deduct the Interest in 0112201107 ep to July 16th, at the time when they entearthe The dolt of the notes of Me third sedge of the comatente on the lot of Jul., and will be wisp prildlit l 7 and optiillitemoll after that data. . The Wight ehaagetsade ta the eoadltlemil of this THIRD SERIES attester antra& matter of Wee. wit. The payatent lo gcdd, if sande, will bit mule, Dent to the etinzaey W.wete of the higheo fate. The Maio to spode paya=ta, In the event of w e oily will ti•oytioa to Pa/ Mum' Doll' te vailed of, would se ratios !Id squill= prima that parch/ism mad* with' six' per motto gold • wwaa be fully equal to thoefotado with oevealoid thrteeettthi per oeat In powwow- This TBE ONLY LOAN IN THE nuMET, olreltd . tj e tr t Go l viaimxat, and Its . Iu or The Great hinder Loan of the People. Lam than alnatatio of Vie ..Loao antharized hi the Jut Gnomes are now oaths market. TIM menet. at the rate at watch It la being allembed, will ail be ronearibed for within two aontta Ina the maw will or tionbtedly aconnimul prembum"as lte u unit bean Oa ease en shads the millemintkins to other Loam. In order that the' animas of' town and Swam od the ecantre am be Idhrdea Militia for data datiormi . Banks, State Banks. and Private Bankas di:mahout the .OtUIP VT halm neneratly agreed di reedit stibearlptions lal par. Staperibers 'will slat the& own or ,aten wawa they lave ocatheasee, and who only e to be fathomable for the Wadi of the notes to width theyreonve orders: JAY COOKS. flabieription 4remt. Philadelphia Ehrboorlptleausillbeiscrived by gill Thrt IFelktul Rea% rl'lttsbanal. Small • • Yulnt Irma 0113sev1 • • Fars* Maid% Itatknisl Imak. llttilrirs% 1%. Tlttrauil. Notional 11,31(o1 Volum% • Doti tll7 iasmas • Panne' Meal " Kettanles • Flea PeOlike erOtaase Gems suu ROOMS myllanadamT BANG HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONS, N 0.67 Market Street, Pitteburg DEPOSITS REOEITED IN PAR YEWS AND • • au all Oa pelaalpal polata of tha United Stater and Mazda& STOOKS, BONDS AND en= szcroums. SOUGHT AND SOUI ON CONNISDA Panama attention pall to toe manse sae nab oo IINITE) STATE SECURITIES, atorarbars Ihitta Mei aces or UM; ce • De. es. Mee ms, 1•49 e: Do. meyea - lrirtie . URDERS AND yovw434 karma 4* jimmy OOLLIZTED' DOLLAR bA.ViNCIII 1 , 10.1 GIS Poona STIER. • ' • CHARTERED 1N 1866. Open daily from •to 2 otlock, also on Webrte. day and Saturday imam frort May tut to Ito. limber Ist, Dom, to* °Week, and tromN,orsaabie • Ist to May Ist from to El redo*. • _ Deposits received of all stunner not leelthinCiM' Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, In .Tune and Derma= lamed has been declared seadennuallyi - Junk and Deoemher, , eineethe Dank wee orgarair.cd, , at therate.rt eta P ln c tireict,Pfat4d.,,omoizt;ts plaied ter tieteeedlt of the depositor as priecipal, and beim .th• same interest from the fi rst days of June andd. December, cempotuutlng tidos a,peat without troubling. the depositor to call. or even topreamt hls . pme book. MU& tolerate money lettldoU in Wm lean prelle Booke, eontathing the Charter, BpLa Ruin and rteguiamons, furnished grub, on ap at the ogee.. pniernherg...G2ololl ALUM Maim .f. Ande oresra lson. A. Pena* , John G. Backofysi. Babb,: Beni. L. rithustoac. alma Shoerterger. Jamas Iterdromb. : .Jaycee Ames ,ttley illextutekt peer, /sue AL Piano*. Ctulettan 'Yeager. kfielnek sun Joan . Peter ..Lagederre, - *Geo Mask, Jobs ffianhau , • Walter P. Me.o ' , Janes B. Irrgeie' Charlie Ocdton .101 us MoPadd " ,Wirt. Donates, „ Jolla -• = John lgicani., Harp L. . John P. glum 11. Wifilant fl:Raven, Almada, Tiodle, Peter IL Hunker, William Vankirk, Richard Ba - Wm. P. Weportm, James AK • Lase Whittier, . A. COLTON ' secresn-sAVER k, B. MEBDS. PEOPLES': NATIONAL BINS, , Of Pittsburgh. Paid '0 • Capital in 81,000.00 • with Prfrl lege of $2,000,000. ' ' B MHonse 00/117EE FIRST AND 975)0D Ma Bank, organised nuder the iiattonal Haab - l ag Spam. : now prepared to transact business It a n Buiking Rouse, oOrnet 01, Woad sod Piro streets. Oolleotloar made ont all seteerlble patois On the most favorable Grua F.Lpwal Agents for JAY 0008 Et Pr 41 , - - • ' IWO Thtlisory Notts: • .I.Arick*Aorr.eitiefai• a115P:1Ni..04464• • • , • .d. 41.1trof - ' I, O 9KWQ O PikO64. ' • j •• .. _ _ , :., .:-.G-k''BAjorgErpBl; j ,- 4 binir riiikoivii tiswie. is wuulissro4o l _, 1 t.F , I , I' i ,1: ,,•.:7f .." .) : ,), ,-,. 1 , - r u, . i l kti l i lt !!#l!intr - ' 11 1 44114 .1 11 !Wileolfg, 1 ,..Z. - i - . . . • - • .11 i ~i , f 4 -; q,•2latiivi -iei4kiiit. i ! '. ..• • ', `''' ''-''--.‘''• • --:, 7•••,'. •• -•'1 ., . ir - j '''" yettlba, + aiilitlir Si tithßaxg. WWIFVES"..I4.49a tarot al lowed 4114ut so( ladtditual sistaint essity/A.:_.. ia-:- upon eunsalrilausaror, 2,41 W to amigo* Or IS elklitar qpdotrip!k , t I :d sallistad :: A, : 1 r 7 . ::, 9,) , .a.,!, , i. 1.1 !, BRAIIDVAND d e I iVIT#':OPF; Tg, ! 'aides lzi ,_., , y_L ' ' ' • ,, f : Th.. NM •-•-.=Wwww.bl.Woolti!pd.;— resitorit " of lataisy. crolzazNay. dada I "I' d O t l i r mgmu d.mald t rtu ali violg Save eon ear;:at ' a and tunutehold_ goods trout onion and annoyanee of neon eat UM and tat. • above irtet _IOU be warm a ALIMILDIDZIarrerind 'ln v = teak attest, Jelleehese Otte the abr.i titet Moan the exelnaineoent off WOODS AI 4t WALLA9B, Narkuna. en • lafft MAW= rat 11 , Rod 141 Id. astage ' Pa 011 es Varnishes, e Stab, 'n W dow Onus aad n. Bpi" A in% Oak toriw irortspiguti Lead. hta>a ona zirld i rak Outuitra umd tal Pitts& ktriek No 87 WOOD MM . , (OPPOSITE The IMCIILLILVIi R&M) my*aya ' P/7787178013, PA. 'awls MI be had • four or fire • kg WeU Standard .fea• 'G I TER44 4. ".. '.• " '',"" Dran g lilin g -0200- ankPatenkAgenoN 144 *fa —. :;f4 . 4014210* r 1 0 • P.OWFMILEIRE,' Ohl/ ..I,Ssigrooor. Nosidooor .Ifa lt Nat itriret. ". F. •so Ja Now No: a Large Ilroftrali • U r ibbia di.. do • do. 10 do ,do do ,2 dl 3 20 1 dir do • 1, vol; 1 4 to do, dot 100. , o Lake Honing; k L ob Bab .oB ME LD. ahates .RMAPLIOI O 4 . rad o rrOS at i SPECIto intends theft emotion E n u mairm Sr- Oato• on • Laseak and Itoblaaos. Alladiads our AnIiGTQN • MUBTAIRD. , --1 • barrel 'mem ZAziagtou Nutard, ut tip ia quiz. ter. nail, and seas Just revolved. This eat, chested , Blustaj: unequalled for strength and n sear by ear her nultasetuted. For sale try the dap or s. can at • the - Fanallp,Greeery Jo= mints . a w " asap —• • - • sorrier Minty and Bead mom 1.14 W. RANNBI7.—H: Blales Bata eft Ste waded &mid& A. ireen supply rig rsealvad sad : du dale ell tholi - I _ Jo= mu_ t w . leo . couterLibeitT and Hand arum MUM= 1100 T GeB MOTT ;1 f Alsicalessai ilUdasl4l 44* 9 1 1" 2 8TABLi 7,4 .rnadiCtrainitaksiotamrshalgis' 21 1 - F#0". 1 ,9 11 14. PA* 11 . 4 4 crir. . vr.r.tv, IGO* 4:141.011 I • j de. la glavt # l Ol Bl / 4 Paz7sS o R. (.4111.11!01151 Tva I p. • QPIORDe , ANDT 122811 1 .haim} )01uzzepa gas TsthrakCove!;444oiilWß lM t . a Jill!l4o4totiss WM • .VERCMJ.VT TLILLORS. RIMPV.44 l' POSEUBIe. &----RESE4 Quecessont ttr Q VC Cr 2. 0 11" - ii'zi: 'T or him ;mond to Ft* aew Om, No, 62 FIFTH STREET, mare cioneoftljoll. between Wood and Smithfield, streets, where the, hays Womold ca1.. 11 w7 SOMe stock Cl smarm Goodaft. - . We desire also to mama thanks to many Mends and anstomm for the very mama patronage they have bottomed noon as Malay the past, and will stdl endeavor to ierit thaLr acacia 1 GRAY, . fI!MM . 1 ; P4tBE, Ito. -11 117111UIST - REEL GOOD,a—wk ARE-NOW 11.11--i 013171110warGooda for gun:um:Ler Wear, shish we have bought at the lowest market ;dab awl will in wade up- at the toe** foies to aunt i the Widen or our nimbi aoh the: pqbat. We IWO alio rewevlee &Met . . ..... . . FIE LINEN GOODS 'MUM M.: ••••• D=ace etrprirair pp= Fitat•Ulasa Funiidilat Goo' dB, • GA' I*X naciguamirrretr.os. Nora men owner Pima eagat. ,Cl,Larintreeta. 1865 - 41 1865 "OUSTAWS". gTEEMllfwioss , .EXTIMMIMATORS, 'e CIOSIA.EMo EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. . OOSTAR93o IaTIMMINATms. posit:rm. TERMINt'PORS. • INATORS. ' / '.OB9TAIVI3o ' PSTEEURINATORS. COSTAE'S Ex.TErucuremoßs. - - • ' Errsearnreas. ..00sTAws^ PIXTERMINAW a m EXTERDLORApORS. “o9sTewar EicrEßanNeg ; ...00STAWS , t.'EXTERMZIATOES. • °OOSTWEI n . EXTERIIIINATO,EXTEREINA.TORR-9. CIOSTAIPS" lELTERMINATORS. Byrum:mart EXTEREINATO 9. o COSTAR'S o EXTERMINATORS. I "IXMTAIPS r etYol9 3• .' . 1 mrrislunerwroas. • - i ' ..00srempst , .armannwamoßs. se COS - TAWS. S E ITERm.r i N rA Ant. For Mats. Mien, Moselaba.: Ast Had. Mows, Flees, Matta; throws and: oolong: Insects on Plants, Fowls, Lola. , sic. I "II Tuts eetabliehat Le N. E. City: , Only infallible renntleskaowa.of "Free ROM POUOO/1.” olgot dengerotss to the NUMMI, ..BM' come mica their holes to date , • liar t 1 I BzwAsz ftbrill I - earthiest !siltation., iirPidarcrrat Dime; Itroadway,ltY. • bursh drirEokl s. by Druggists and Botailars.la Pitts ci#oicE • GREFSHOVEIE AND BEDDING PLOTS .I 1 GEE VAISZET . '; At the Oalrland Greenhouse: JNO. R. & A. Bp:141130ff. (Successors to John linnet:2l44n) illy.Oskland and Zest Liberty heel; to the Greeahattees sheen minutes,. TeptSardawFates - pfATIBVirANIA. AGRICULTURAL The Pennsylvania State Wire Mural Witt will hold Os Exhibition, on imprzatara 28th. 27tb. 281 k sad ssoi, ( 1865, al wriuutspore. t7or- - ; 45, COVInt Any intormation desired by persona detailing. tO exhibit, application* for premium natant paters. or by member or tha t3ociety, will be riven b tam übliaraigatai,orn..Bormummacisc A.. 1. =OW= LONGA/LIM. Notuttirrowa, May mod . Jett:tan= A IN4IO THE DUST AND MOHR. ri Bann WPM! Ili TIM 111111PIff- frindose Band. T SAW 314,14 AND BABQE YAID. Street, Wellie4K! batbdtf L IL LEASES !,' • the ay= ilienesble ten= le Ms of . - , =Whitely Oreekowar We Sow bands) sun= lest Troth, by the Clowyentraritabaimpl Ens