herent right, it is true that the. Goys I o' the Mil WI tici m ? to 9 teat it to cj VeMtn t A ktil , ask for hi! arik - ' , t t - btolon oriNrqu on "ill I ;hi. It is net NO with the other inalienable _____........._ ----- -sad-theyareidt-boundsup-410 . I= ,, =t g& ;. llo NDA:r alner Inge is a pert of liberty, hr without it .. , ._ . 0 „ . ,........---- - • liberty has no protection. The Cenatita -.. -. .....,____.l/1110.1Lanorre.wiNAM nitelititstes declarea that- the • i.:. .', • g o, Im„,n,i',',T AT i oanirt .- 1. purpose of its formation .is 10 secure the --. -'-'' -.• raw B. Dm, or Anothei t y.. :•• .. ' POsalli Of /Penn • The States have as. wis =ow, oorrare= , gamed the power to control the status of .Iheir h*abitaits; and thAtit, him ILIODIDItE 111tOxy zoo:WES% Pot , • - Boa Temetti t a x , . '''' ' alaVes:' ' bit' dbes any `one s doubt that Ude nt , A i x= .10., of Lanny Tornimp.. • Witalcharly in Triolitioi of the Ccmstittudon . of the United States; and that if our Courts - son eters REIM I :in i i i.. 4.0w ....,.;.........__. I had not been subverted hylhb slave pOwor; , - z ,„,—;—`„,,17,7,7" ... J these persona would have been protected by. -• ' GIZA "r• Womb Porous ' I' r ia nip Putatlttuiort dederes that the _ Wosectenaiess title shall not bi.deprived of' the privil-; am , 8 5 OXN 7 o ; o lfralla ar. , , cge_of the writ of 'habeas corpui, • nor of ,- - •P. a , Mil by jury, nor of life, liberty, or prop- Alltera.: 11421 m, owootop. v.itY, BIM bY ta t Akre of law; that ch ~ • j tol , emir ,. 0„ 3 „,,,,,,,,,,„ = , .. rens of each State shill be 'entitled to all L.... ,. . nikakort NMI: of Lowe /3t. Mt Tp, thrpriviteges and an ties of citizens' Ic,L. • • . - von morn' scivires, - . , , , In the,seireral States „We thmi t it le-not .. L. 11 40171.1.11 T, at /summarise.. , • disputed t,hat these 'declarations. of rights ~_____. TOR DIRECTO& OP DOOR: . .. tarry the Power and. duty to guarantee and a a v Dial ORM of atootj as Tor - pined therm' /low is it then that the kt• hereanc n i se-.4i and inalienable dght' of the elee ft va • frh right animal- to liberty and, all lip consequenrriehts--411 left entirely." to thevown of ;the Stites., How Is it that whilstthe Government of.the United States . J is Obliged to meted the citizen in the Ozer; else of, the kthor rights, it canno4uarran-.' tie told the 41'14 and one dal. to . the preservation of the whole- It seems to us that tb lay down :pro . position that' the chairs 'ftencidie is the Inherent rightofestuyman born or natural ized in the United States, antitheft to affirm,' that the'SJOvertaramt 'of , the United Stated /we We PeWer to L Bemire . to. him the posses: ',Waxer WI 'right, , makes the Government =l9lOt to the object for which It Was ' sad leases. It without the tvwer to securs'any of the rights which the ()mutt .tuboa , declares to belong to the, peo*. Yet we In fbr- the' take of The -4ht • that it May ellen, deist:rink, wits hare belbre remarked. . that the debate *ld& has beat raised by thszeltlon W l ' o 4 lll l, te the ttegroes the ht which Amery robbed theta of, , will i dearer to the robbed mind the principle on whish the right crf =Mirage is founded." ' - 1 . ~ • reauszio - liti:-11211111 musing them . iRIVERSIWY OF lits l PLowisairrsi Elk • , tilfasTlAL To Pitosrpsitiwlr, , • 1p allnok which is but one of the great ' agriCcltaial Bates of the West--perhips ,We stunfid now say the , fferava....iirusty-live per tent.'or all ttieland is fitted for cultiet tiOis, but WI more than twelve par cent., is as Yet In .tillage‘ Yet 'll /1 1 a vast draisn from this% one-night sorter Vie - Tslizetide ilat'reserra of untilledland, of tie Very Aneitipallty,'M connection :tritti thel kgriloidteral, labeisaving machiner y, Whia' ll. beciminOto Perfect So edinirato adapted to tae broad waits& ix the wen, and what chance Will the faros _ ritglou4'l4ve, unless& the . Inertias foracciallnusG products shall be k tild e ito PPl i ce,with- tht d ia4tenset We laid that no class - of the can people 1 are so' deeply !iterated l in that policy 'Which shall result in Ste greatest p • ees ble ilitenity of employmastremong the Ansa - lean peopie as the farmersifo r in no other ' ay can an overstock ofProducers , of food lrty prevented. , . them not flatter themselves that, how over 'great their Rapine 'May be, they can . End- 4 market In Europe. , Europe .• only needs so much to make up its fiat ' ' damn and theygresi Uuslanzrplus upon - the market beyond that amount, prime WM t link to &figure that will not much more ' than pay the cost of transportation; and even _before that point breached, the mid . ' cliental, the: - speculators, knowing what a stor-Ictiune is behind, willonuth prices down , in otter to enhance their own profits. No class of , people , are better posted as to the \ \ qua:ill:jot grain there'maybtt to come for: ward at any given time. • _But let enbugh of I:llllllUfaCtliTtnt become, competitors with the traders for this istr • plus, and the latter, if they supply the for elga deniand et all, will be obliged to do so • a. very moderate profit to themselvas, leaving a fair profit to the producers. Be ' tween them the farmer will be pretty sure of fair play. ' A consumer of"food in Europe, on an average, drows about one -tenth of his sup ply from America ; a consumer in America j draws all of his, It follows, therefore, that if a manufacturer or artisan . of Europe can hatinduced to come here and work for us, instead of staying there and working for us, he is, as a customer worth ten-fold snore to the American I;l:mincer , of food, What will induce him to comet Active and profitable industry in his branch, be it what it may. And what will ensure that j,,,e,ondition of things f Nothing but an ade. qtutte degree of .protection by the Govern ' Inca againstthe competition of foreigners ; in other words, a protective tariff. But • thatwillenhance prices. To be snre it will. It will oblige the farmers to pay, for'some time at least, perhaps ten per cant more for his iron and implements and store goods; hut it will enable him to sell his stir% , plai grain; flour, for twenty to fifty per cent. - more; and to dispose of many things at good' prices wide.% but for the manufactures in his neighborhood, he could not sell at all. Let any Inbillgent farmer ; Who is old enough to • remember the period between 1882 and 184.14 all to Mind the grinding hard_ times " the cowry had then. Then let him call to mind the instant relief, the universal revival of prices, of sales, andof activism! - well.,rewarded_industsy, which succeeded the pampa of tie - protective tariff of 1842. The prices of inside rose, and a horse shoe,, • a plough or a c o st more Money than it did a year earlier;_.'imt that advance - in k compensated tenfold by the Increased prime and,demead fbr,What Ea bad to sell. Suppose, by starting new branches of in , dustryirecould ald a hundred thousand con guinea 'to the population of Ikea Cities, Is it not plain that all the land within a rad ii" of n'huudred Mila 'Would be greatly' enhancect both, in fixed and 11701144th13' ' yalue—Perhapi doubled. But diminish the present number of corentimmandy-,- may. by twenty thousand—and a arrreaPoud ' int depreciation - siOnid ;sure to malt. - The wkfie question we are discusal4 ti :inbnmedjup rod eretiplitled Wilds illttatin„. lion, tbe tristh'o which;requires' no ago meat, 12011 , . .IS isuVirianciB. L BIGHT 1 r ' . T, he :Cin cinnati ' Garage, a ft er quoting a portion f the articie` of the New Xiirk, • . • Drily y 7 or, on the right of Negroes, Maine, n __.(which ite•publiated a ;Ai dap ago) and • , Id which Iris coatended , that the right to ::'• ' • 'fete's inherent; And "is common to all eiti: • ~ - , tea," Idea on to remark: - ~- • • The proposition that suffrage is a natural .., right halonging to evary..mary and which "law cannot take away, Is impregnable.: But `- •to assent to-this it is:not accessary that we • • accept the declaration. that no -power am , . : - tome between the -State and , thechisen tot • protect tds rights. for :we Ind that the Con. 1 stitution of the_ T.inited States does make declarations, of rights, such, as liberty, ha: bees cortins, trial by jury, property, and ,.::' the rights of Qcitizens of each State to the paivWges and imp:amides of citizans in the - several States, which mats it: the - duty of , the 'United `Statei government to protect and, guarantee them to every citizen. ; Vie- Vicept; a lso,' to the inchhintal,mmark that a citizen derives, his rights' "through the relit - • Boni of Ilinative 'Bate to 'the:National' Urdon." - He inherits his tights by virtue of being torn or naturalized in the United -States. • The State is a creature of his own. • . making.' Ile derives no rights from it. The Oonstitution guarantees to every eldrtut of the United States his natural rights with . r any reference to States, ' * - But *e return to tin) main' , principle laid ' down by" the News. Tao elective franchise - .' Is the inherent right of every man born or naturalized in the United. States, of the age ' .• of twenty-one year& 'Nothing stood be . tween the elan and fall rditemotip but his involuntary 'errand° : which is now re stored by the operation of war, and be = ' stands a citizen In his own proper person, - with all the rights that are inherant in man. , , • taxi In . thls _Goyarruma. GoverzMumt ; can only regulate the exercise of the eldc. .', live Agatha by needle), ;ales to protect it and secure is integrity. It came create the Alla, for it is inherent in every men. . . Ii cannot take it away, fat it il "Amalgam: , 111 righ t whlailloyezarnent has rue pert over tto accurst° the maw') . , We this reeogniden Of the riflbta - 1: At..-.,,tnan An. -11.,,ZISMOCtstio 10tlibia. , and ~, this declaration of itdalii, which hi? the Sithidathat -, of • free': government-.a . t presersettfo' of ell: °eft diatifrett a .when soma with. more zeal In-policy , •‘. 4 1iittlelle Entelligenrit bprinciple,,itre so:Consider thh - tandems:a* . pistretiple all 3% . M dam of mere expediency. ' . ..,..,.'•• • But -without beteg" ogmatic, we mons , e;0 11 4 4/ _if t # 1 ,:ffh°4 00 , if d tiu 3 zuilkil Clil4-I,_ ,VltOlif IaARTILAND: Crop'irespeda--Paid, Laber--lite • men—lllegal Apprenti .' .l o rmc, , ,ridsate or We. Emial i . , - liaarntoza, Jane ST, 1865; The harvest Lampe gun in this Slag , : 'and ._. • . • new wheat has already made its appea.Varice .. . , from the eastern shore of the Oh ' ie e,. I have been half Inclined to suspect t the Oaken la the Plate have assumed a srip er sad louder tone than- usual, beca of • tbilocc-of their. unpaid . laborera. They are loth*, accept the truth about the ben°. - fit Of the clutnirte. ra 'slave to free box But forttnistely forthe mat' of i re and progress; this chum make up y , a portion, coinparatlyely, of thew ole - latianoildaryland: .And.l am glad re port, on the authority of Mr. Henry took-, D author.of the admirable; blet b adge " Resources of . Maryland, ' hick has been pub/lehed asa report from f ape , clef committee:of the' lower branch or the le g li datnie,lhatamalpstton, ai a iteral rule,' is world 4 moat tatisfactorily to both parties to- the great .change which it . has involved. ... • --• • • • • The freedmen are conducting themselves - with surprising propriety, exhibiting a die., petition to be sober, WM:tat:rims and patiet amid many disanpolatmfmts and vaxatio , ' and' all this without any special advi ce And, as a general. thing, their late masteri are'inclined to reciprocate. The chief ei ception'to this rule is minted in the mean attempts to - evade • the legitimate 'rank of emancipation. as to the children of the ex slave with the illegai ii eg s nienticeshi re i rt aye, tem, by - deciding a - which adze Bond has done Muse' so mach c re cently. There are a great many applications for the'llateas corpt!s with the view of res recta toring these illegal apprentices to theft,. pa- awe apparancsa. • Sing of these applications reminds me o w e ome facts, muting, by shameful, which have been brought oral by thein. I will present them in the most on venient rorm for condensation, premising that the law requires a parent, if living,l4s make the application for the restoration of the child or children ,who may have , kidnapped , by • thatv former 'owners told r cover of the. law of appirriticeship--f nothing law than kidnapping it la bourse, he die has tote heard through "next friend" in the person'of a whitoper morey teeing that the colored people have no pirscnal Mond/mg in court Maim:Ada the pro-alaverr re9xa4 Oas case was as follows - : .tc_paugmotr comes to a lawyer, with 1 tarfot eyes, subs: "I wants, mous, to git 'my - dotter bask that dey's zwkle took clean away front me in my old days I • - LaWYer--Wliern is the child's , mother? • Grandinotbirr--'Lor's a massy dey ` sold herr° the when dey 'tintman ' utpation.coming, Lawyer 7 - 3'rent. ' than, the • father murk make the apiffioation. ! Grandmot—Wby, ,lorao massa dei tore oldie is Ms own dilaterdilater , er ! Lawyer (looking purled, but smiling in Cite edhis concern, for it was a labor of love with him)—Well; Well, this is an an= expected and rather embarrassing point, as the - answer to the writ .ot habeas toper '. would come from one Who, according to " tbe old law on which the former owners claim to stend,• has the custody of his own cbild bY a right we d supp to be founded on the natural:relation t and child. But,, fortunately this old unnatural "natu ral relation" or owner- and father at the Same timeless been broken tip- t ill c new, 'Constitution; so 'that I rather Judge,. Bond will get, around the point; kn otty at it once wouldhave been. • '- • 1 I. • +The old woman ccmidn't cemprehead the language; but, she bulb/a/rely gathered the meaning ,of the answer and went'', away • Caee second Oro& thus: The applicant ' was an ex-elate, and 'the father of thia ille gally aptuntiticed child, 'a well;growit boy of w,. g olaixteen ram 4,„ s lairj•er--•-Dri you - think 'You are pable or taking tare of Um boyt I 'attk tbjequest lion because' tke• excuse, isgenciallyrthe . plea, *owe lawyers sepLtharyou aogroes , • are not capable °flaking limn Of Youratei letting, alone_ your cidklrerd - --. • li rblt Rathen-Well, • musk , I 4.rather links I'li capable as him,. for you -see'dat old Massa' has done gone-and. hiredtide , boy Ourlin Amt• dollar a umiak and :_tit :de money in ' his • VOcket;' sad I 'specti /'s `cripable Of dat .. kincrof, lore any wayst; ' .. ~ •,, Immyee (laughing)=-I see • thit y 43V ditiettoeu tt those whO might e the "mistake or judging you by yaw ' 4 age • would suspect t ... -,.- 3 , .0.!, , 0 • • ' +-, The Volunteer Bounty-Fund Law: ' :• A .61 - iittestiort of greatimpOrtance was detered by the • Supreme Court of this • State, yesterday; "The constituilottality of the act of . the Legislature empowering to ' rims authorities Unoughout -UM Common wealth to pontract Joann , for, the lament ' of bounties , to .volunteers: bad >beenOust:, tined lathe case of Speer , et at. ye. ;The School`Directors, '&c: / ' of Indiana oattnty, ! As Philadelphia'' was' deeply 'lnterested in hinclple !Molted, our City . Solicitor, participated in the argument on behalf of e defendants: . ' After an elaborate diacus-' slim by counsel . Judge mew, in an able andlerigthy,opinion, , which ,. was sustained by a majority of the court, affirmed the con- , atitutionality of the law, thus setting at rest all doubts on this vexed guano* Judge Thompson delivered a dissenting opinion'. 'in 'which *TOP ,W o Pdirga colicurred• 1 ,: r Liventr mi ni.; Daem ...-----r-,.. 0n. -1- -I , ,i,' ' .he Canunleatoner- of Internal Barons: hia made the following dectalon: . f ' ._ .Proprfetors oL a :41csee 17011114 Liable to mornat.Loek—ore an entrance tbe Ii de. minded' Of - 10ettetort at a race opus", the proprietor...should Ake: licetuie' under the . mond, paraphof article 19, aectionyk ti t of the act o ats Jinn 60, '.',,, The Commisalotter hat alsedecided t,l' where a person i keeptatame, : the '.4r,f% which lanecessary'to the tioleetitkei fhb, bunion, the swan of ketpuu t the 1 inehultng; feed, itc.,'lmArybe,dediotel ikon,' the lacoma.—Wheniltehmie lensed pargt thrhaelneaa-productag , htatnevatui **sky: .lbr •wrlinseh.6f,thefor ,Ither vas eath , :,te", coley latiorthe iled4 ''' ' I ,'„'l i innifitlfeilcsa egtoithiee'iOined 961,14' in Darya. A law ratAtnr ot votirs ul t a n hattairwity*ennilel their eittet4,— 11 --,, ~4 • , r ' - [t.i.,_ Ohio Le cutc y... ,- ~ pin u papers info zur the Dem r Auaro bllin ist:* - tot* me_stige and civil experience—who is RV -.lft- lune. Agli__tft-enli .the...Westerruyser se ._ andd - yet stands on a platform that ciL i tv fltlly indorses the policy of President Jo . eon." He le a strong ma backed - liy a ' strong majority--wh 0 'Demo= crate put uptigainst idthi; with a fair chance —not of victory, but—of making a respect able light I%* ' • • • ' • Ohloltailltick lima those of New York, a re wilt° require a personal familiarity for understanding them! We, therefore, at this distance twat not affect any. amazement at 11 General lterman as Obi tfelPnl a. " 4 . ' 14 11 ronl o yr shoWs once more the "rentability' of human. affairs. • Did not earl:kW 'Democracy V to Chicago ? Dld-not Chicago resolve that the "war lea failure", a few weeks before this lama General Sherman • was so unkind . kulta as to spoil that /Ittle. theory by taking At f ~ II there virtue enough, in Democ laty-441 the ahforgive him 'that' erne) blow t om ' t ki et n Generald—to Sherman does seem to • be seriously' talked of as the candidate of that same Chicago Democracy. Let us suppose, thin, that the Democracy has thrgivez Qattara! Sherzmui.„ Caa we presume also that General Sherman harp ler given the •Deniocracy 1 . , 0n that, we .refrain from express:lnm 'an !:,'Aliakill, but this we will -venture to irOlim : that should the General conclude to cast in hislot with the party That ;seeks to use him 4igithe Go yarnment, the people of Ohio ztt &meth& to follow hit lead.. Let the Democrats of Ohio nominate Sherman if they can. They Invent) other possible = e that le so etronc-bnl oven with, this t_ beaten. • . ' , nut ahermanla not the proper Demearat. 10 candidate. He Is not even strongest inside that party. lie'is tainted with. 4 de. votlan to the ?Talon which among the Ohio, Deniocracylsthipopelar. Theleadere may have their own opinions, btu the masses 'have thehl, and the latter Muth be to a oar - tarn extent respected. , 'Lim leaden are too niodest-Tflat was alwayan fault -with the Democrats. Meyers too sellteacrifichts. They ibrget their own Interests They even forget , Yallandightm I • 'We positively de. clam that 'shave not '-'wean the name of 'that Wisp:dot:a =mini' urged in SAT Palter as a Si co, ne for that of the staralerthbearer of the Dothan+ of Ohio. • .Truly, parties are imgraterik tat !we Will not N. . We' remember Vauanditins and the 100,000 ,4.1,1,,ny Mai under whi he was burled, and the ect representative of the principles o which ha weathers and 'snow. cl, bur advice Could betaken, wa would itominatir Vallaadighato and him only for Dentoerratie candid,ate for Governor of Ohio. F. . & . GOAN AND DID lv,"—On Bator. day, two released Loners were stand ing in treat of a news depot on High street, examining the illustrations in the show. win dow. Presently one of them' espied a cari cature of the capture of Jefferson D., in which that !Raddled is_extdbited astride a fence in female attire. Suddenly a sickly soils Ilemik the wan features of Johnny, Who tuned and addressed his companion-- 93111, oh DM, loia lbw !jolliest look Marl 'ca ... of It ain't zactly as I 'specie& I tole my ola 'oilman morn two years ago, their& betbt a nigger baby Jeff. red make a dad ratted .hg thol uv him!! afore doneot through and I'm d—d of he hain't gone and did it" LITITLTO,TICII OAT our OF THE John Arthir Roebuck IL P., the renegade • Engllah "Liberal? who had advocated the :rebel cause with all his pow; gave his last asalnine kick at a recent address to his constituents in Sheffield, in which he said that he had nrged the recognition of .the Soth, becaturein that event "the arrogant, the overheating, and great republic of Ammica have been split in two—and or the relay of Europe that is reguired." T t is the secret of all the English rnaneuming against the North, In nutshell. Roebuck !swore honest, or more stupid than his fel lows, in "telling tales out of school" at this late Ole, GnawrenSunday attended service at the new Me tho d i st church in Philadel phia, of which Roy. Alfred Cookman 'is pastor. After the sermon, he quietly_ _beck cmed the patter, and contributed w 0 for himself and $lOO for his wife, to the new church. edifice. !Emigration took, and subscriptions La themount of $15,000 for the same object were imniediately made. A Mosersa yds trough has been mann nactured at Dorchester, for a twittery In England. The trough la fire hundred feet long and+ is shaped like a borseshoe. i Two thou taw sand pigs will be able to feed out of It at time. • , . Thrum Is art abolltima society in Spain, whieb bu tuummonsly adopted for fte motto "Ittmedius not gradual Emuclps- Lion,":, mid Lis decided •to teens an Anti- Civet/ paper, to be male • 8f Abolidoisisia espanok ' - PV73/.IO `OIIIPTICAS. sedates Work at the B 21 ooms of S he Ladles* Militias • • lulu, which has sot Wen Mullett, an , • • -• to return wiles ands up. to the '• on. OM es 71 Smlth sold street, se . o the Ladles , Cleutaati Matudailos • (Ball are nowteksed. 'Pittsburgh Gazette.lissociation. noorrounonro orern:Fosses, Nos Tan ELECTION onwaßs wunsBRELD Oa the Pftst,Wedsumasty of !Tuly.sth,lBBs, AT zip] Citattna Rooms, Al ic• cPC7/c•olls. AL. at. 'Jew is. al:mm= 7 .72., ow.. • rei:irijii 4 :l4 l l:lAlAl . rILTRSAI, CLOTHES WRINGERS :Lraatedr i xy Prl V: raira r mi n tit and' at the In • at • . : Y 4l ' 9 ! -14428 . 111 , Ai ' . " • J. a:H.-PHIL IA& India /tuber oottigi alto" Pack lksta, 'Lae* Imola sad St►eta of tr quality. , A MI 4aak' stoat, on load 11 masa as at. ouir ariwt,b7 4 ' 111, J. a IL Plintr. 4yr. , owTHEmL, , nrny k. ?tr . TO/ 8 . 00entern:iv - 4—Far bad Lap Zr kg 'And Patten& A ' Wi ort. .. m or at rodueed primes, at !t - , T. PHILLI4 Lad 38 St. Ulair IYBOWN'ES EBBILINOZ,-OF, 11411 OA, OrtitemiLlron stow Ass be wlthoa • bob, tie of this Weald etenatstion at Ws on of tbir esr..Yor ode st the .crmraex, atTO El ORS; owner Ohl, sett Telma One* to the Dliukebßouse,Ablerbonn, ^ • • • 4430 Orii , 77Allty - sw .9Tow4 MR "two! awry dwelltna hove of ILY. a Jon= lad , nor* waodi. Ia -a noon location ilot,budoesal,. lan:wain musheakvq, For pe rms s. tams spto . .10111 fa kat St. • . .. , • . Jon* ettholem . NOT.lerllß -itiatEirlf 'GMMIt -THAT x b bellrwln be eateelkidst um caw of Gunn* ut. oturs3 0110011231/111, on the emir of Flflh . sod Wood streets, eesoffoor; On ittIITDAY, the rlth. day of Jedv,lB/1401 the Stockholders o f ,she - UMW , OIL . oommurr for ' t ilt ' : Amix,„ Sotrardsust lad •001•1413yubl the Cleo; 7 tilllfir"k Pl -1.C t .:,"* 1 , CI TA IL I"bIi et /Mb `Divnij-------)Eli • . . , P zzi# S .TLYAN4 4csolUX' PO cIomPANT• The Mutat' 'of thhe Dodson Lao* thla . da &lolanda dfirlden4 of ITVR PS DENT. onto [ the proftta,of the. alx. mon th /am of E r tafed Staten Tax, payable on or alter t 16th 105 t.., : UMW •f. GRIPS SPROUT., Seen . TITANTRD, y es • asrxectiserscii aja Erptautkozii tOranizeit, w rits4 eisuonai. . . . 3.1)1ia,r brusantrunr;. ITEM! "RTEULTED ....on,BAITR. e-r DAY MGBT, oso-tettl. the L►i• BRAY' B i pite lk g 'nip eq. was taken or stroje INlB44lll2l464l .4.4. u, ,mt maz w inv ia=o ". o ~..i ._. __. ...._,.:,.._._______........ , piawhyri Ar r x-eoalP. tro . -°PII4I VO mind. - B T• , r-VV ll 2aVai na ls%Vaeo ,I, , - , -- 41 ---'uis4 :PltMtheleteilkiito* I V " rr- ;,t r i ba .rv..ifialma i i i t irk L y 4 ,4 0, 43 1' fsOSVBIE I SODA' Alt& rr IstwAhnhillitakaio e CIER Una sersesmu• sat Nam r tattoNalkoll wussimin v - 'Proinvit la • ttiVILVCV abet Om italVaaptia Mg, da._.ut. 7a f.".PJ '. rk drum Also, HENRY •• I. - ',110:d toes beard; blue coat, blank Dant , waltW • ward 'IU/waive& del, la Harriet' • e •t • • fats, . o . [ jya • • ; :. •.,OL' : - .. . flic:.../313.LiTt.......0.R.t11-A:14.0 . . n!.2 th bat .14W2.Z, ttaaWnt diVolin Totrena*mowneg, late of 1 bit, Township. Imre leen dttli: Mated t INallta. Of said bounty to the undersigned realdsa in said Townealg, idl perssaa. lade the estate of said decedent, ars requested to s the lame. without detq, tied 011 penams la claims or damage agalast the sameb will r known the urns tam. ssithouldAsjr. hadtdainwr • JAS. TOsx..=oE, Pas, nISEDIAITIO.N.-THE ARM OP P t =DSOS. AMMON &00., bastion ' eiseelved by mutual sanstat, MEM ,TOHIEt withdrawing free& Um all3he ne , Mob willf he battled by the readdialng part who leentlms the Dullness as hrstotors. ends name and style of PATTESSONt AM it( W. D. PATTERSVN AD AM AMMON JAMES yourisdrr roan somasuart Perrunnan. Dill W oes& • jy344m. Om Oorrritoit.res Orme, 1 Prrisotriten, July litetald. riTy WEIGH • 13 CALSB.--13BAL D ~.v PROPOSALS, addressed to the ilnaece Ooaa• telttee of the pity of Pittaburghortli .be received. at this *thee until MONDAY, July lor rt. lath AC3 eekak p. Ar., for "Watiglunadm -far ice several City Weigh.Sealea. Blade," mut date howmuch per tentage of the you revenue. seeing from laid newt will pay the city for the use or the . jvadwd JOHN , hIOOABOO. Coatroller. ALEX dIXEN. rrEo 6 3ElNimr.isacm", • . ~ 1 4 FOllrth MUM, Plttabwrh. Pa. UOid WS et all Ma d& OILLP=., GLOPM, and Mir de. .:Iptiost ot km= al Purahluag Goods farusd. =ac h ani diy and aslehtiftaialli=r. Nev. M.W.' Zomba% D.D.; Ttuniaa Zwiam. Ideq.l. Jassb H. Mir; Esq. ptamtyd D° 6 l ASSORTED SIKIA Jrairr REQII7/RED wr. W GREAT VARIETY, Mr GEORGE W.,RIIBLEY; J. 7.2 . rEaIfiateX;BTFUSET, AL FA oABTemoCirmisiiitonlirgi • - ozurrrzEs . mamma • ostoerrD / 4 3. mumnsoo CORSETS. DRESS GOODS. HATES & MALL. pIain:DENT LIZiCON. BOOKS COMMEMORATITE OF UIR LATE PRESIDENT, ... ltemonal Bee of theation's Tribute to Abraham Lincoln ; oompiled by 11 It Mann. Rh andthe ß . Martyt Pritldlllto. I dial, 3 Wises nem Mei! York rooklyn. Ramona flab In ElostOri on the Death of &Naha= Leman aot The Manyes Mainmast, being the Um. aad Pollnad Wisdom et nbraluun Llneolzwis ers IX. hanted in its Speeches, Illeseasem, Ord and*Piscs• ismations. UM. , Tits President's Words : a Selection of Pampa balm Lincoln. frog the Speeches. Letters of and Lette ot Anesl. $1.231. DAVI% OLARZZ & N Wool Street. ()MOE OP THE Prrnimnum. PT. WAT7I7/•ORTOMION. R. GI Prwreaeiteir;Atite_ta, 1913 , DITIDENDI3.-110TIOS Is ILERIIM Alvan that the Leg dividend O ot PWO AND NW BALT mid (Amnon), for arter Sum Seth, bat., has been Maimed by the I=, D irecksl•7 DWG* fres of Goma/mut Tax, on and altar r 17th mmino. The dividend of numr. Alm ONE-Idif., 034LTA/1 ONNT., doe Weber let., proximo. on the Mute* Bowie. has aim been ordered to bepatd la an al. nation, law Government tax, on and after July 17, proximo. - B haraholdwe and Bondholders rerietored at New Teak wl/1 metre their dividends at the Agency of the Gummy. Ileum Winwow Lataar at Oa.. No. Oa Wall meet, and Th eca raihmeted at PUtaa tlltGam the Treasermir, at that atty.. trundler books will alms, Jand will nm g en ort y arter= 17 1117 P. al. IItrVONIW9ON, Secretary _ ns RGAINS. BARGAINS. amc as Olota nualose airliner, arson Orealar 'lessor, Barr, Er Ma Cl I I Se Cill• I CP 'l7 "Id& Call and See. .T. , W.BARICBR& CO., BIARJOIS STUBT. Vitiiwsit .21•12.0 Oo AT NoICEVA ROOKS, IDLY first. PIOB/0 of 211- lases thirtaattee here , Wage' the Pharthei ead eistly other mother* the Grore, &ad Wilt try eh/labiate hate wilder %same to te ate tt comet the meet Names _plait= of the eeseoe. „Tomo herr, heaves loot of - Ann Arm at apj eal 15i r. at. Thit Illaziabeater thee /ears Arnim tea mfautee for Henn of Iteftm le bin Werete story will roe woo to the Zook Oar. Mial4 by ill rhuld, heareeby Judea 'Oath • 0.0rr.: • • ON, ? irllPATtliii • OS. A. DRUMM WX. Yr. NOSLEi 4 Oottoottte•Or • • ATOTIOB OP DIE4OLUTION—TheiItra txo of FLEXING BROTHICWS Imo biota ads day dissolred by loOtaill dorms*. OCKRZAJT Irttbeirwing. from tho ISM, boatman of "bleb will tor tontlatf.e bylaw ninths, oador &minute 000 It loot poloif Eirotbass soliefeto• Ibto. szsaiskad.bizalsan. of Lobito Iffoy will akovol by Jahn fl , ostroon, Po., July /st, tdll6. r T jyllol4l UrglAj pr i ALIZATIENT TILLIST RATIAO4.O Pohcraar 1 I Prrreatrzah.Taas Itat i a i r '• TBR SEMI-ANNLI INT TON , the -Ithai Iliarloge Strada at • Valley. ilattehack Von *".T.f. 5" th. 11.6." WS, wl/1 ao pale at. tha °taw ... trgraD3llllV4 Plaaaatattha of tha Coupon.. - - - ' in leset_j_wo ' s otf . Bta , tae.NTTXZ.Truuta ...,--,. and ü bZ t 1 I MILLEHB.—WE HAVE VERAL - .Dived of • • . ! Du Foal *dx Co4Cciebritted AstllttelDolt. , to; skis' tkaiNalr York w, k O ll O lt . M. rk Su.,yW,kee t. Ell STOCKHOLDERS OF TEE limo ink um an co. will meet It the Moe of the etampii44 orner al PENN AND •WAYNE: wras=e, , it c THULE O'OLQOK. WZDSZSDAT • AFTERWOONoIa etb, MI6. tar tee petpose of them% theapttia• teraht Bearetair itaa.Treleanst. LOIO THE :MEMORY or AMBAHA.M N! the Martyr ' President, ay rilte.M. PABXIII772BT, the molar tonyaser.: The H LO ome Amend ;Myst .hle la it 'Ens etaaporimoy, weir *mutt the reputation Oita writer.. Very abloom 1,000 'IIIOP3MBe ARM WIED anALX, Prise mate ; With Moat, ot the President, 60 ante. alalial tree.< , Publ = isher, BM= WAWA No. Mt Broadway . A . T. ELNOT =13A8,19914, TRATELLINO NATONTLE, DOTLRNT, ~ ETAT/ON/MY AND TON% Who%Gale ant retail, at J. G. TADEINS. ion ' ' 'No. att'ittaltat street. NOnox_vimE.EoTir yIILL , AN NOUNGE to inj Wends sad former customers that X shall eentlnne to any on the LIVERY AND UNDERTAKING RUSENZI43, next door ' stsnoe the oh! stand, rohnerit oetiaphef by Rodgers & Thorn. I win be happy to receive the patronage Co Überolly bookend oil tomer oetaelons and can ,Inrslah Urea sU /Orate on the aborted scales: "ItIRSOtd RODGEKS. nen *millEasET Lam yy•sAim: thlahaassiaj 8 L ,o 1 any, ahladuanana hand ac kr Mho , . • , . GORDON, Agana, ' Nalhant, ife. , tot SNOW 140114. VirriWz - , • LZTTLt "kw `JAI ' IniN. .wai 00. iiittbi t A66 imarimmitimmAtAla s . - ft=w&ammea yr- lit* r a tioranyear. -- IlUstraazak I ' G , cHr ALBBIIB H NU TI AS. 1111 , 1501 0 TTS. fbr evt ?wt., !Ist :Sopa Chiralar SOM Pena stalkeY Min goalie aa4 , vs men at mroltee In Mali/aim Building f0.!.4- mat ton: 74Vivinwor tlitalaptitare to R"F", .1;PT.449!!:: FOR BALA ~ • -. ::. . W. G. id AITAP F.Fly_, , . . , Ho.. , 26 St:Clair Skd,. . asa Nit' 1 •00611.1111 Wile lot or Nast Goods, and • has neatly induced hla prams and,now OM ornst fig Sat Inducements to the nubile to puttees from him. Ea bu qui hand a large does of gans'Oan Boots, Bora Boots, Sena. Shoes and nn, likewise every vadat, of Ladles' and gnaws G a ya as Shourwhadt le iloloall ng :Muse to the city. Be Is Oblldran's •Shoestrom 15 cents, upwards; .1.i.a1 . VtDeltas nom $11.50 upwatnet Out' Calf Slots at The following *Mats he le ulnae at out . CloinS i g,,:tlng Oalteto, Ittssaa Comma LAMM, 0 , Noroasoßoote. at CM. Unlike, otimt - manor to sidst an kinds of Ladies. Mmes. Gentlemen% liest.elass OW Boole 115.55. otheapgsr tau .aay other house In the atty. Don't [min the . gloat, TiiOIIIPSOrPS OLD STAND, ti Jana truzsr. GEBAT ItARGAINB. Itiratzdinaria". awe,(332" 1".' ae IP YOU WAFT Photograph Albinos of the beet oats, latest otalea, bead looms IF TOD WANT price; 00 TO RUNTR. • Saw Books for Summerßefallag, GO TO /117Rr5.7- iv TM W4NT IF YOU WANT Tbiliitest Papery H back 1111S1141111 ofte po_pul IF TOII WART II°. " rE ti ftl4 ° .. GO TO HU • 00 To H V YOU WART Zr roll WAFT Pocket 800 or Port__ ory,trel or IF lOU WANT a Pa l a, 1'3 40 TO alarm. Any of the Polyglot Dinlili Books, 00 71.. . IF TOO WART TO EUP/T Warm ot oop kWh- Ott attio, War atom or any ottuirM , GO TO Pt IT YOU *arm Bibb, 'faqir ü ßooks, Him Books, TO ism 610 FlIrTB CIO-11T. Irmapazommisticas. mrocroismcis. L#L.VTEIVr•g. 411 . 7 0XICS4rEi. EverVunirnH4es for tha.routib, tt Jeri VULCAN COAL YARD, I • ROBERT DA LEE Mao +dlouiing Mixlane Shop of tha Pala• burgh and OonnaSavtliaSawa Oompani. Bed Yoaghloghear Family Coal and Nat Coal ALWAYS ON. RAND. COAL DELMOLED AT SHORE' *IC& Limy* your eats!" at ±ll2, °man, orA. wad,. SON'S k Co., lie*: 54.41,, Of Ilt TUB Op4briz orrzoit, !MIS 'meat: 'lll T11). 011 7 VAT AMUR 6E13- w MIN, of Aflecheitly (*Fumy, Ito. 4 Sane Ter t hee . In the :metier of the petition O. O. denPelle 8. Brunot, Alexander Youllg et at `tomb° of the Ott)) of 'Allegheny, fur ti mem • Mob of nye bat to width, from th • mute Hoe of the. east stdowalk of Union Armful', fro Ohio • atm* to Anderson "tree•. la slid slty, sad tam In iteldtk trom the west line et the want loweda of Centre Avenue, from Ohio stood, to: canon street, in mad ally. • And now, to erlt, /One Mb, ME, thO wl Is pi; tltlon presented • and , rend In open Voltrtnend on moUtm of . B. A. a W. a. ,Parriana% malettore for petalone% rule ts ratan of la show Mame why mild Mons or mild indewalkilltleuld. sat toehold nO and vrosted,and it la or that ' sip rale shall be publlehed In the Plttabtulk ao• Se j,wioe a week for four weeks. . , •r. • .- BY THE 00IIBT. , i Antal 1 W. A. 8181.1108, yolk. ljrklawdbewTtreti I Pirenaiiill BAarilar Uolawmaimr, • 1 i • ' No. aa,Fatnarn filliarsT I • ',• • Prtranlaaw, 3an• lath, IBIS.' • VOTIOBLI—A - REGISTER BAB BE N .1 , ormard at the ones of the Pfttabontri Sanitary ruonaltree, No. is fauna straet,, , Pittsburgh, lo *Mal an Mauled volunteers from Western Pena. sylviude, being honorably. dlsohiuged front:lhe serrloa of their - .oonntry, and 'desirous of obtain. tairma=pent, are Larlted to bawd their saixisa All eltlseps Willing to provki• amploicasat tar Maned 15 01a1•111, are •requeataa •to Apply to the sarnaplsee. ' Pf.'3,4nforination nunlike( Muriel soldiers with regard to Bow:Mee, Beek Pay, 14, , wlthtnit altmre. .. , , ._lg, order 01 the Oossiallitee. 02wd r ...IRO& RARE" ATOTI - PERSONS KNOWING ~tosinelm *amid Est, ATE I 9F DP. - • • We of p i ttrilnireina , a.t• izicf;Vativapiit Nik.llll. illibehatlathands. • 131 .who win Qs empasamiusoun tturrlra • ha° th iarr l. ofp T • 42.244.014110 d, _ - - isZNAPAitalur mi. • A mast •re aztl•l4 sad point tor 'Bolo - 0 D ITCEi apt V._ • a • —_,•• - ~!'W,A I Fst :- 1 . 11 a avist,ll, nryliri Ruts' . . . * II ~.: oar Mid +atolls timbale taw It beau but • ~ i 7 •Ml 00 . "s•r• With ' 'mat o at and "myth at r' ' t rt, art , A O BEIMIUTIMBSR.I4I...- daffutlll44o4alathil =LE Have Just Occupied their New and Capacious Wareroom and Faeto9o, 167 a IITHFIEL9 OrREET, prrnsuaan, PA where they will make Wad !militia . SEZET LEAD LEAD PA'S, WATER. - GA73 AND STEAM r of arety de!okiptioh. Oiderspoitated p.O. PDX 1e73. NEWS BOR BVBRYBODY E&T nEutronoti I2P THE Price of Boots and Ethciem SHOES FOR .1.5 CRIAM loolu b . 2 81 . Mir Street: • Cl-rettt 33argaine 451 -rest Bargains traffaxzEn. mizraLvirsalli AT J. 17. HARKEN & 5$ PLASKET 511LEET Er l , 'Phmidotograpr n s, atsee • • i ot • • /41 0 lat" foe ( o maim. GO Tto - • Writtos robbLAIS or asky or Morooroadruo Boole, or rolls Brook Boob, or Pali b 00 TO MILO& POW= OP JOLT, rOUSITEE Or JULY FLAGS. FLAGS. Opposite the Podottloe =.+SMI OFFICE. 57 FOITETEL STREET, _MIMS 131117.,D1NG. Jmasa IL.N7/21ROINr desS. OHN F. JENNINGS, Sled Pros Mont, ?MOHAN GILEHAIN, Seeireciy, &tn.' R.' J. GRACE, 24en6, (late V. lnspector .of El,tespera ISITBES AGAINST LOBB BY, FM& bynita • Sttipbog! end Dil to built j ifovi glia a ti c til Wood on' the most fa exile term, - MAO M. Plimni o Ori r Preolamkt. • AA lUN JZNRAPOS, toe Preotdtmt,. ; • • . Damprolia; : 7. .T. Sobereftir t i I ,7 atue, " =4o • Je4l7:lind pll t Weeklr /aerial of Polft4 Lijokottm, SCIENCE AND . .SET. • Will be Published Jody ilth; 18.4 riro: 130 itAigitt . Tnnertg:.Three dollen par &name, In dunce • SIX months, Two bolbm - t . • ,'• • . ' The foaming writer% among others, hare been oto seentedieithee la maim or comaalonal etratab. • j • Rarity w..ionbw, Judie Dale ' lamee lluseeli Lewin, . Judge Way . • John G. Whittler,: Frederick JAAr phnitaif, Samoal Blloi, jearrennt Bev. Dr. moointock, Prot Trilt i c f;bd”.,erffeed.) , Bev. De..L P. Thompson, t ard.) Rev. Dr. Bbeale,' Dr. Fraeo7Liatra, —. 0..1. suue, ~ Pre_ .r Galeria. stab, Henry T. , Tnekeezien, (Oxford.) ' I Bayard Taylor.l • .Prol. 0111,1 1...(Ifxrvard.) 0 . a• Ehlakel. ' °bailee h. mortt ioal O. L. lode* Doha. WM , ) Maul Grint While; Edmund laulney. •,' William LlOyd UNITIOOD • whitlow% shunia=chmiriatter. FrOL IX , 431 . 4aai, ar i e Parton, -Prof. Dwi cußKe.tht. (0 0 LH. manta,: . . - • , _ti , The divinity f abanetar au talent oettpre• handed in Ala llet will *bow the vadat of nub. .loota to be dbernased, while the vrelldmown views ' of the gentleman hem mentioned, will indlentelhe nitrite and general beating of the paper, than .s.etter an wall be done by any tnene . sMUad state. - . meat. t • • ITS' mini OBJECTS: ; • Tr . 71fte-..The disommio/waLn of the tepid' Of thedee, The of etenumgoat. and miastito. OneMions.,,wWtpeater aseuraep sad mod, mutt= than inseam to. be found lathe daily press. • emend-The 'Watanabe* and tehra of true deatectstle - wimples in sedate a nd (enrolment, • asd'the advocacy and illtutrsUen of whatever in legislation , or . * maaners NMI to WORM* a more equal rustribatioa of the me of proper sad elvilizattins: Taird—The must andflenistent consideration otitis' laboring class at the South, as a matter ot -vital lateen to the nation at" la. With • mew - to the removal of MI ertillabdbetween thew sad the test of the populatioa. and the ee. atudeo to them, as far se edneaUon end Jostles ran 10 it, ef ftuaLchance In the rue et 11b.. • Fewite stdoreement and Illustration of the decides. that the whole commurdtp has the afro Interest, both mond, political, awl no tatted: elevation, and teat there can be no real szablitty for the Menet* mobil,' as th ey an left Inignoratee and depredation. an. l 6. -The Ratan of pubile attention Up= the. tleal Impertasee of popular streation, and the whine a Intern /Ike sure runs hum the . telmt . of it In any portion of our territotp. Tits collection sod diteaston of trust worthi Information as to the condition and pow vette of f the Southern States, the °pesters thee otter to apital, the Bopp/yard Wader labor which can be obtained them. and the made by tdesires he eolor i cal . pops la sopalting habit! and toote4-.EZand andlispertial orithlism bioeks end works of att. : Tea Nano" will not be the otgam of any pmty, sect, or body. tot wili, on the contrail. nano *4 eamest /Sera bring to the disci:Lesion Ed pal and modal mmetions • really critical spirit, and s to wage war upoe the vlwe of violence. caatitaratloe. ea&miere ream:dation by which go nrueliof the po- Utica of tba day is maned. • The witiolem of books and works of art will form leme of its most prdnahmat Interco ; and pains will taken to have this task performed in every case biiwirairets=tcondeatiocul Z ' wi lt Y of thir i C n t..=ally, to ha=rallonst: trade sad whom position sad chandler will give bre a •Areles ea onerptlonal value, end reader 0 sm. it safe and trustworthyrguide. 044 w eortemandent, Who has been selected Sorkin work with mons sere, /a abort to start in a few day• for itjeurney Month the South. Ells letters wilt appear every weak. and he is charged . with the duty of simply reporting what he sees and mewangthe maltase Oar as potaltde be draw infatemma, . , Such • paper is at thl a moment a national nein. My. Suet. It la Intended, a tonal possible, to make the Journal . which As now commended to the •• b it us Warier of i7Pataphical wracutio anded• I Portal -impassion* we do not. hesitate to y that 1 Tog ' NATicor will . be envinier , to au ng now published lo thlacmunUy. It Eill be alb quarto - of RS msg. a idle many handled and co venlent for blodatif:," The *Sibs taper Inn teak. log It, all Madge med, the elleapest aper ht the moiety, and will be for We by :41 the prized. pal tales dealers. ' i • JOS. H. altlEitliDS, Publisher, Weld • . . Leto of ~ T he /nee n REAL ESTATE BRO ~ i Genets foe the pun:ties' and ads a atoe to . . , . ~... . .. . REIV :YORK AND PIELADEL , .. Inecatervithoat WRY farther cothitnijni tue THE REGULAR RATES In the heepedellte /Alk.bajant lIP MeryMlLD* 'or Re•efel 311110*4140 THE CONING PALL SAI AND SOLICIT ORDERS .8. O. BILYAR,i VT roußra t6itsr, inurkos gailbyr4 ~DARt►Y . , • our 08721.8:82'48..Wr1e. w. P. MURRAY, President. . , - .7. E. /.1/041% Seeretar7 Ind • . . The Company owe in he simple's faun bg sightreeren aurae and fortpitre Deb lama, - led Ott Brevort -Ran (a tributary to Oh . I=4 and lying between Ohan7 Run end t)U Twenty.eight leases hare already been Me to respOnalble partite,. among who= will found We of lose of the alba and most ere on the Cheer., , f The entire tract attl.acaconinodate ir on 1 to tee well,. Tide Arm hi, aurToanded by /on at the most celebrated oil produbing tams. on 0 Creek and Oberry Rua, midis In elose prosinut ta the °Reed , . and t •Pdouttat ,n. Wells, and a 0 cate mileiltom thelVabut BendWelf. , The 001 hPani. °Mum • limited nurnber o qieree 412,41 4 1t rr/PUOI , P 6 ?•I .. , ti ft s t/ENTY•FIVE CENTS , PER 8 Alit: pi of the propenye th a. with all orbs. • 1 gi.mpudim the proms,' i and orgatillon of acinapany canto obtainisi at the ofbe " STIER, r.Ey. Arent*, , . . , , a I nu .WILtLIPM BALL.., I OTIOZ TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. ` NeeOglelePePien Bridge rei:oeßf 3 beile sieLED PROPOSALS 'will be revelvepintll pillvseitaludiAsiettat%ostUtrth igi OOMPANt gor .itientahlog materlida and rearm. ' shooting - the Boapmalort - Bridge moo Climber, land river at Bashillle, Tann., owned by Cam Broad Street Bridge Oompaair.' Periwae azaUng bide for ibis work, will be, Menne to lOW. Plane. Yritb Sieddeldioni 'oomplete,tor- the work to br wawa iton•plmandabataaaat• al=aatit i and but little (Unpaid, and • largo q the Una takes tram old brig" Bus beso r piii• paraid, which - nay be aped amdi• .• llp order or 1,119 /1041 M. aurzapi4.o‘ a T rom b nx . • - , Olga Via: am= voituctuati.. , Erairing .Latily:Erantovep , it 16 *adiii.LEMOCK •-• Aosoist4 4l #* - 03:tsr. • - augi ci wth anti ftrier riocaug Atitsiti a • so - ankizA 134411 tOaaCeastatantly OIL ,SurtoirpidijThelici, 41 9 N, r THIRD INIVEU);BiNG Cent Woad Stud, and ilk* ply Mum Anzrr, O7T17f111161) STLT W EiPIXTLAL AGENT of Jay 00 oket MIL Aim* foz tan Ade of the , Seven.4 , Thiity Loitn, POPIILLIt LOkil Op , THE .1110PLE, Only, Loan in thel)tarXei,;,, Samuel Nol7lhrirso, asks ELUL • ; ' Thomas DonallY 71. W. Silver; Jr., ' ' -a. rrattitilitt. 0:20 EIZIC INCA 81 4 141W a i: " 16 likkidiiiiiiiudiai4iiiewed to • M==lE • gi •:!tIICMI: : 'NITIOXit D. I • ' 'Cii`iiiur''' gj etaw a' Hand and , , Breatat Ageats el Jay Cooke toe the ~BW QTY' •, • • ; ; • *: •'; Tbla fa ataiatlythe Peopiehi Lo • • • obaotbiot at tt,i, sat,q cdabost;fitra •• • • • Tato* bonds tear an littered!. of' • li7=M! Gratataidred iniami"oseivattiti at mita •stii Into V. itirolinatir4ft Pit 411.k0t ha be '4/iniid Multi Muskets, setscouni ma° paw C!..!C'.21q94,-- . , , EXCHANGE NATIONAL 11th Pittsburgh. Clustered by 'tiny Capital 'Organised and* iltdeof ft, 18164 s l , ooo ,l l oo.lNabellaw 186 i Chigpltank baa been ambreatad • DEPOUTANY OF THir United States Treasury ma appointed aget;r for the sale of the S 7-80-'. Ma CO uu lteery s taelllly fo ll Mired to 'Avow% Or.pab volt IL IL 2611131 "*. Mahler. FOR aiLlap"-- 011. L4N D~ FARMING PRICES Time of SOO lures of 911 Territory, -NE4B 110EGAZITown. Wesi Idthia s few , Wks at the litlelt as 4 B. • O. Ragland, aboundltoff COAL, IRON ORE, UMl:Eteig, BURNING SPRThIGiS. grill Ito gold od o bolSoN. oiNdggill tor door Thous aro Or& wzzars.- bens bond to tbo tam mediate tidally, "Ida good pooping. orgesogoi No groping. In tam siarkiit ogigg bolder grooPeoll kienterglingdog Ookipaidos. W:11 bi Bold is Iht6 Ile* ••• •I• • . , a a. Barks, Br, c9oor, No. es PONS= STRUT. Y • •-•• !no ibe:•xattii7iir Wheeler & . Wilson EWIIIIG was awarded Ma EM prhor fame diva , amalat—at the latarnatioaal Baer, kW Y.u AN M usk, tow Teaks alas% th• ban sairiNgJaaablaa for ail • 1111 , 2 9 Parlgaga."—Houa &wad. „rim leg& Leek 1311frh Sewisd I,Wacitines' . •. tiOsini chi' titatata. medulla, , at the gram Intenukuonaesl ==itioff, ft PAlipily_Pran Wauuff il lt a liMa ' KGIONB II , P?uuta wham all the Sawing Machines of nnavaDO and Manias were thebm_pftition. Wholffid• and Batas Moog, NO. 21grifth Pittabarila. ter , .AT a RXDUOTION. zaz =mug smut ca. DRY, GOODS,' SHAWLS, Ikk.linora add;.llo9l. . HOSIERY GLOVES. I MoOLIILLARD'S' AUCTION, , .wr•ootidis at to* r *IA DRITif as SLAM, ' UT: 6`4.a=bass aniNtiniia Oli At OWI N G 1NEA.0.H121 7 El 3. mirciatuwal riLahici/#„- &law Catter4l39ll6laB4 MOON, 10 . 48 0H10 STBpE „„ _____ ..-- "''''..-- ,6 -L.L.LUZZAL • , B AD LYWROpaIaIgOtt,LUM; :, , : -,, : -.,•. ~,..:.,?;),:, 'ariliirpirrcoi n t or A ~ i ~., , liScp:Wititiiiievi - . . diaxe , l 4:llll?i i tyy p o . , 1,,,i,,,.....; ~- , - , x- z .., :-.. i.: ',,, ; ; "• i ~ iiiptiod, ; ..7 ... 1 .ezisseaunrarrr `‘: swam irnocr.;., af..:49! .. ** ZIMIL & .BArialre-:‘ , : , ' - , e , - ... - - • i da pa,,, iit, ..- t .1, J:..•, V...:,--: IStecklirekini Auld paliktite ta , etion.bought 654.01 ttu -'• .-- ram ' illritilAlLanya . .e, _1..“ Z:= ; #11: ;2. v6.;6%zim*tx zwo EITIT.FATZ OA VI CMILIMBEEE. tokverrs num a ._• . : ' Sheet Lasd. Plumbeia' Mat i erials in ; general. Mid Up It tl d dloet Appkoyed Style. Tints /toed will toad cF,eopper.' gauss Utak • • With *Mai apts. it.LAitotten. Re oo pp - kc94 -- - . .- , :'• I - - - • inOimuosi oemartiti ~. ..nrahr, Carpo-teed Sinsaa isloodet ok Atari now In MoteMote the lotiu t a ng malt oomploto - z sto of '''' ' ' " '•- ' ' . 4 ...... _ , ~ G OODS FOR OUNNER AND FALL. , z , Suit oltbled /n tho wen., .Noellantonni 'I low , to, oslt And oznanino oat Kook 'talon iilrg Z..) vry • not - ••'• , • 111 isroolllo'Wzre 4 300E8.1 8608/11' Dementia Life 1a X'ateettne,. •„: Fitted& and other Peetha ether*/ at Waxer& . .Xuller's P i tta F )r.Ltuerxre,Se ith ,‘ • - The Seen -Go ) • 4 - Foathet et the --ee Xosuedeteeh the Ts • Golaislarum Gam= Popular Feuer" &newt- Duda. "".". 'Bett tb inkst ,s a Ant nahettekh4 Ink. Pen Peas._ .. J. RE&D, reirth Seises , DUNKABD - 'CRE.I4II F.STROLZIMS *tee Corner -of kein and - 'ape fltig. This canokang Wee °loaned on the_futh hut s :. Rafter the •reesaylvarda ktlalag lila autanfachw nag Laws. The terrnore of the towipaay sea" , Mae the Iwo of the Lanham ening - Union Off e l uomapear, of able eity. Capital atetek...........:........4.:.411nmeggi Works:Ed run .d.. ;.. . . $ 3,000 , Vas. Value •C Math siarip....-' .' ft iii• . :Pkiddadt-4. A, JOSNMOIT. .I,l,:wort,tra.Flmasiner—sm 'oxAssair. it:'&lo.l6isTaii --,., " fit, ifiini,C4. '. .I.'44W'SeiaT Crotng4-' ~ ' 'Lawn Ouzo; t: ,19 . 47 k . 'l' ' ' ' ^l , • Of• ICanif. 3 P , ..supz.., ,-., , ~ . ; , o GI:1;Es. h ! ...41%;44.7 , 140.4 ;i0'10ii45h..... 1 ~ 7)1,, ~-31 . P!-:ji:i - •, 1 -, ,:., , , 4 , , t ::.: 1 ; i c•l'i:r ::4199:P1';1144"141:151"11111 1 w. tante mite's igid tm „. m .: ,Wurlig n ara° 6 FOca t rz wart watts. nni-I;1------1438 :SOW GILLMAN M 001wYmtot 1 AN OZIIIU7W 14'8 W ELI A - CJC. TII,BIIRA.NOV Manufacturers and Iderehante; INSIURANCE CONPAIIIt dopi4tiAth. h. 1)14(r4 Zia S I, `WATM, FIBER: teichuivti inambnot) , • J. I. IMPTNETT, Preaddent. •`;; . ; . '.L.rlPr."ClCAlte,Stlecl.koresideil': t: . / 14110P.AFOSES, .Secretary. . . . MIS, Mann Loss ly MC . . . Thames S te amboats and Cargoes ~, t. . sexes ; 7O BraT LIAL, maw, A. S.W. yaysTitg e 0013 L, .iutrz, 3.,ar. iuggimmity. B MALLS DIMLY , :J. O. PERSH.72II% WILISAitt ,Lip -W , By Wr WATSON,-.. , • S. G. li_ L. EL Map OY yA RI wor,aoN. FIBMIANCI.B. MEM FMB & 11=3E1 Insurance_ Conipal* ems; corm 'FOOD AB RIR rn. , mine miaow Bkar.l 14C114;4:1 !OA:in t . president. . nAvm a .10.6814-1714*Prdsida#4 111,012 MT - 13:111nrir - 154. Wil~reallre 40 111 .10141 Kin MB AND ithasulUta. • ,iimerbis :,, -! 1 it... 0. ONLY . ' .F. ift„ ' JAIRoNt. • .IL R. ' r FE, w.- . mu:swizz, JORENRY7,O JAZIEW L IALIARIG* HN GI ... .71104 P.. A J. moray 'o4ailaA 'lr. ,E.L 0 4 0 4:1 0 Ractoommi C)f'.lnth3U",looi.: ,osi Horn( Water' i r : an~l~ari~et Bt9; • 4. • • esoirxwawthas; rTestesul w w. ariwicw. vie. rireidamit. wo ncirrimme 84 iarsiihrre mu nitwit AGAnirfitiiisur* marine mild Ewe' Risks. 1 1 1:1M7/.01•1111 J. 11.83102VBERGEB,IW. OIC 11 'W. J. .1 1 DERS0_,__ B. J. aisoN arm,_, LIMES L B tiL.F.nprzEtoovii! , % J. , Colficliall; • w. 4nt,14. inutog . nuarnor D. suns. D .1 pins saws, suannrurrtmax or .1 PROVED BOILING TOOK .• Sinking Oil, Salt'arul• Other Wall !o. in WOOD WITEET, A prrrasinwEr, Pal Tools wacrantad wade at the yea heat GIL* LISID LOW MOOR MOIL ' • WELL BORERS i R iteetalied at • I r' Mecsioolswert Cienwsl2. 3pricteekii, _,...4 wi o pth nth Wider so ate emeseeey to esolowi , . . ailaw 1. BELLOWS, s, BAss,;werzotizs, I AXIM„ , , MAILL ie. ..l _ . 1 ----.:. •1 Rope, • Learner oat • •Dimi BeDing;) all of Wbl I hies oessataatlw fa Stant . Appy 4,2 74111=3, iIFUMRS, Gat and' Steam 'Fitters No. sea WOOD STREET, 112: LEAp PIPZ, NG, a LW LEAD. 01Z :11.!IWZMIMlikil F=E==wl