; , ..;,....4. -!.?‘:-.7..,f. 12=1/iNi VOLUME : ,LXXVIEE, Witiobiligit tuft& a. _ +-VERY LATEST NEWS • 13Y TALEGIe&PIL ring ritomir loinisT relies PAIMONS. APPLICATIONS . , FOR APPOINTMENTS. t rreetieut COL?lderail7 Better. I• •.-• •• •, • ". sas • 'emits. • : sum, . , Sheatrs-Jrkit litirchasedk THEATRE TO ~I3E Pt OPENED , WITHIN A 'AEC Nsir Tcrax,jl47 2.—Tbi Tribunes Washing. C , P - )11 : 1 9 4 04 .1140 } ^ 4 3 rgle.F 7140 'MAIM the lippoletmtnt of Judge Parsons u Provicanal IfigtrorPtAloo947ol.Xlo2:ggln th e Prelt _ sa dens d Members of /De Cabinet. / 2 : 1, farbillibmgossigre dal for riPPoiat- meats as elerks andusesaeogere; anti =caved -L . .Z•ti: tii. TreseuriDoniartniinit - troin'soldler who hir .2z.vP.l.Attros benCdhlabltilihnint the -Intr. ?The p•. -.- - f lpartuanarkahrato-annosnce-tlat no applies. '. . . don dons any source can at ;animal* tatorably renetrad i ,aa itionscandes Wit. ', ".,- • 7 . " i -- . - The' tritilliat," dtiMiiiit still Indisn3c3, -It slooilldelsblY hitter - . .'.A ,--. , hal South Carolina dslmatlon applied tor c - .another Contirrinca,nif_t. hut• did not oto., Lan It." 1 = /mother. =lvor hat' Koholto have fled i' , claims tie the pearession. of ,the Braude rem i • •I'idge t .4 1 0/!°*d 11, tker - ftata , % The elhte - or Sitc:gleltlll#ll. ~.of .:thte ,moik: hes i &Wady 7 r..,l.. ill ei nfe l t l4 lqi= rre tart sen;, : treatt;h r =t; ~ 'llarianiand the debts of therievr wilt misted -4.-ode sctraily mice • - t -.-- *,.., 71r _ ' -- ......--miurdeuerot the Board of for pro , = 7 l sTb keld7te, lt tt.f.t :tion;V L.... , , , . ReNtped, Thu— mui..acitA r R polnki- it. i k ., .„ I. .if;; - ' " . . - & 1: 1 1, ° 4 1 :24,11` , :f . p1 . p4.12, i 'Ltt5tk;. - , , of . yartlesnot, realest to wasblegton, ants mon whose cooperation,' so' promised them. :,. : , ,.411 r ey , reli Forded, thee. entered lobo l t tlo a ltivo r gati on asai osfwat pronerty until the Ist of July ; and - aide ' alroPeol- -- 1.0 - ,.: dal 1r0tdc,,,, , , o tar as a 'has been townie to make,lu so short allay'', has met _witkoo little etvotrageraemt, that they do mot "' 'feel enthodurA to close, thn 'bargain by nuking .•::.: . the 'Ern males* but they:46 nos rellnilulsh the 1 `their ' ll! ' ,,t,mel Pw l ` Z e Lir hAm tiVlL C l e Z nal plFl l2 to thoreWbo • -a4relt...-. -•- ~ '-. f.. 5. l:: ~_....'? -. Mr. Ford Intends reopening h - lit, ' ayrcele • L. - ' hence. 111 . 415, OD THE STATES. Y fRIENDLY_LETTER,,IROM TRE PRIME MINISTER utiena trpon OturVemAilUft tiairr!!!4rOe, July .2.. , -Tbe feilawftsi friendly foal been adviresied b Le road Prime Athletes of Italy toliwifarab, United' litateeldinisterin thatocruntryt , . Sane" 41r. 31infarerThe transfer of the capital to Florence bat -not idicoredine to reply sooner to the iota you did me the honor to address me on May stb, eamtannicatingto'ine' the Pr. adman -Um of titillate President' - of the United gates,. relating to theyeatment of shiPs of war of -the Golan in foreign wiles, and to the timing of. periahaorts of tbathlterl States, - . , lon are aware, afr..l.flnister, that the King's •Government has never coueMitgl lts sydrpathies :foe:Meier% MUM which has otnninei such de= delve success ; and 'Oa have yourself admitted wahave been obliged to apply in princl ..• ple to the armed vessels of the United' States in the;watereteritaly the - conditions witch oar !grahams Impose upon belligermst vessels we have taken care to Mitigate their eaforoltdont !O .. practice ao as to embarrass as little as igasalble tbe — entrazice Of: - Union" ships • . war Into - our porta ; - and roads and their atay at such points. Now that the civil war may: •- , ,:=kcetillsidered at an end..we are happy to be able ;to give to the Government of the United Btstaa `lnowYlcalica of one continual frlendslaP.. I bas-, ten then to announce to the Wilted dtatea that all the restrictions provisionally adopted 'with referebes• to the armed • easels of the gaited States:are rescinded, that hereafter these ''srilacia will be treated dalcrt •on gaoling tat abir.a of war of other hind% powers . the. • time of/ peace. ~a to armed vessels of the separatists, ire "-hope that none of them will lipped on owe:esti,- . ;bat If eqntrary to all probability any each abluld - preseit themselves; they-Would not tierecei ved lnto oar rolls, except In ease of 'neecesity, an. due dreciatstameet wham the laws of hunt:DlV would not allow as to reject them; and la that ease oar aidbmiges will take ejl neemiary pro' c a uti on , to pieteg, any Inconvenient:hil l lag therefrom • AreejoeNr. lignlster the amarances of ply high (Maned.) dio LL limiscona. To Hon. Pita P. Nandi. Envoy Ettraoidl, quay seed Ilinisterof the gritted Buttes. THE CUB OF TEE COXSPHILTOREU muuThici OF THB niuturi comunios. ''IHE }IIISIINIZS - FOUND BRUIT !W __• • - hat - Is Said of Iluil64sldant , s Feelings and Probable Action. Wsititierotr,ly 1.--A spuds' to the New York CCTAINCyrid says : The Eiecuttre le de.. - 'Meriting Mithi verdict of the Military Com. t mlsslces, and will examine the yoke:slam tied._ 'MO4 hircirerioderlek deetslon. •It is maderstood that the President Is by no mesas 'Pl*Asl42. 4ll _th.e:lrriP,Msibitlty Imposed Mon bite of endorsing the moceedings t and It is not. , kala'tdir,tbatb,„sesy gush Atte albdr, Mad order i sew trlsd tq , the chit courts: - Anthe relioners Were itamd ganti by the President Jelmacm's ht:elth Is almost eathaly . • restored, bat he will - M:t Milli receive visitors _ Wedoesday. • - • ,IM SOWS .VLEWB. • • - TRIAL OF M/PRIPIARRUS FOIR PA URDER, ' , Becretely Stanton' sad Successor, • . July 11„—A dispatch' from Wash. : l imits says I Elton tba Presidedla apeaeli to 41W-tonth CateltsaVeleistlcni ;there has been • • ;deerene Is the tumbirs of thericommeseed to rash bets from the North tint ficrolh to learn seorelettstteli Mellows. Miss Mazy Mardi, who shot Jamas Borrough,, -desk in the Inteinal Rnese Bureau, al be • ;fled !be mirder an Moudak. She hes engaged _ agievir array of =mei, among ',host' are Ifootidcr, of: bib* and Judge Itason t of In. e l!be same dliieteh says Beoretary ittanton will leave the esthat ou the 15th of Jelly, ana ghat Preston Sing will be Ms summer. TERRIBLE TORINDO IN WISCONSIN. i3eir enteen Persons Kill Ea. F'T'T-D'MZ=RGS PROSTRATED - ya Cuero Wrs.; July I.—A tc:xlbie tornado, veseed over 4) e Nese tad elelulty of Ylinugs. Taxoncomdt, preetridlut BRy SF derelri44, - Winn sereutcen perstei,anderond-, 1 It Sig out hundred great:suffeduk, and has Dern :made for relleL ,Mayar Mort .iialliteteuester,Lotlxldrgo ban': liewsprialnted Py 740 L reietce at .1.1. Cowl* iet* , Aiie donations. .-- -- _ _ sesgiittagif Tapediei sir Armin Myer. t3K - - I.—Thaßeakra filchamon4 4xempoodeololifoi tit.' Ord hie adopted the POW G(4=2* the libel Wheat otos plate si um -ri l e m 11th torretlatilo bottomed op and :T r toned over to Brio: Geo4.3l.lchte, of the aglow 40111 e, Oozed e_Ritthe illatyg.temeybig / p pm ,- swido,a bee hem- Othhthlly done. He oleo olacci V . L. 1,000 Meters et the disposal of the cowpony, taking utak to the United Butte on tith work r febabonetheoth = The 'lima I. 1101, Opal trout SbAmond.to Lyzahbargo - • .. • , ,ti . ~. - 17; ~ 64141 Gnat to Vede Albany. ' Abiuurr, July 1.-aoeecaoe Irealmixeceived a • -2 , . telwva (non O. Grant saying he would rel. v-•,,,;]:..,,i,ige1a bete lleuw on the Iowa; ..-1 --- 1 . .... _ _ MEM is o. ATLANVIO MILITABY DIVISION. Caere' Meade Wanes Command. 7HE GENERAL ISTAWOFFICERS. WASEITSGTpIf,. All following order hit Just bred Issued:— IDIADQUAN.72BS MILITARY. DIVISION or 1 . 1111 Fiataltuitii,JArt, General Order So. 1. • Firat.—ln obedience to General Orders No. 118, Current titerles'lrom the Adjutant General's office, Major Genend Meade assumes command of, the Mllta T ty Diviakra of the Atlantic. Ne rand.—;• e itakiwing oaken are atmounettd . as the General Staff, of the Military Division. Brig. GeneralGoorge D. odeV. and Adjutant of the 11: Army;) B r evet Colonel. 8. F. Ballow, Major commanding Volunteers; Brevet Major General& 8.-Webb, IL 8. Yellin .taana. and acting ranteetoiGtiiend ; Brevet Ma jor C. D. ; Captaba Math, U. 8. Infantry, and aetleg - - mantlnitpettorGeneral ; Lt. Col. EL N. Bateheldor. Captain and Moistest Quar termaster 13.8. A. Brent Lt. CoL J. C. Biddle, Majef and Sid &Catnip ;Mrern4 14 Vol. F.. M. Boebee,,Capt. 14th Infantry, A. D. O. Brevet *ow* Wade, ;Captain and Aid de thee Re :Gap. adtmartes with • The Department Coreirooo least sh dent wwowOl M forward to e e deb, complete returns of their sevaarComilands, . statin the Ideation of Postharadi number and do. of. tha garrtsormice Mich, tad with suck other &tails by letter as may be binfortant tbrinformation otths Major General Command- By eeenzosed of - Maj. Gen'l 114iitm. Ono, Brame; Mit t nap. GeV). • .. Yin lIHERIDIR MID WWI Dili. :1 : Paroling or - Kirby i Army TROOPS FOR THE i RIO GRANDE it The, el . .Podl:)n:-Tiatiii , FIRISIG-ON • CTN.- MLIIAZI-CFRCEI(SI, - • — Bar .rosx; . ., - ;tily die—The:Hmitcr's coiresi voadeut front the departmetts Genesei Sher. _dart laud Csubs razz : Op - to the Sist of Jane .10,0D0 Men of Kliby' Smith's - other atrty bad been parcdo...42ditinety pieces of art Mer) and MAO stand of aiMa had Imeneumsndered. 'OZ the general eilleets id' Smith's - arm, einteenee eighteen have been, Paroled"; Ineludhig Beekne, .and Old Sterlln&Prlce; or libtarnari. egllteJS i IfsgruSerlastiAidotireludebt Mex ico with their Wrby Smith. ' - The itexietni lniperLllitaof.Matamorss bleak. ittenS, keen. rry much stetted , over a report rtitist there thirdly VII be 79;0p-united 'suites. 'l3 . ois aiong kite ItleVrande. on the Texas Mo. A fleet ettianspauts7earrylerc the Fourth. army Corps„.destbted for Sheila) Grande, passel New thimatemithe 23d ult. The captured cramp. cadence between' the rebel Gemerat dhorghter and the Impeelallat Gt tena. Mejla abows..clearly that, the trade in irOtUrn by titurnbellOrertithriatimui.xecctutend ty Maximilian and Ida anthontlea,- an that abcmtraio dollireNorarth of. cotton:lea* carried aerced the llldGranderrllexico.tbroriati thee= trilateral' the - Mexlcin authorities; imb:. sequent „to the; anrreaderof Mm -rebel laeaval Kirby Etaltti.. , If official ingalry proved ihocor rectnred otthla report;our Government:min no 'doubt demand Its rastoratiori. „ . - Additional .particulsraof.the flilec. n two - of - General Wye's - allcera.by enr isoldleni near Brownsville, Term, ahoy's-that previous to the firing the Inspetiallsts were challenged. but de. clined.to TePIY• tergaied„the ca33.,4).41 'Fru& officer • who senttlie following. Instiltiag note to General Brower Matamoros, Arne 11, 1565-oencr4b=-oau your coldims statiouni above Brownsville fired. on two of my oillars when coming from Banta Cruz. You have no diplomatic character—no lota of credentials. Now, I who to you sim plyan a pirate individual la order to ezpress my utter contempt for the wanton offense com mitted by one of the men for whom you are re. • - (Blgied) - ilium( Bait.. Commander oiDttaeltutont of Leppl.„..., direr : -waiticg 1i ion fora reply,' tida &flier, feeling, bla dignity wounded, published steom mutilation in one of theldatamorair papers., GlZEtiWsnotafw uricniNin. Fatal 'Accident to Rev. Mr. McLeod LOCOMOTIVE EXPLOSION Craciatearr, July 1.-43eneral Merman ar rived here last aLiibt and met with a *ery, thendastio romption. Be,goes -to Louisville on Monday. fter which he will return totals city for a few dais before visitMg Bt. Louie. Rat , . Nand McLeod was Tau trier sad - EW$ by an Indaaagiolto baba , at 13abunattlla plater- . The Gaxtbh eldesteo dispatch says: A low.: motive on Abe-4= mm & Rock ,Isiaad toad exploded yesterday while passing through Zack" arca, sodding sevens; pence's._ • - • . , .. _ • 'ten. Kitties ', IGlision--Bebela* Property. Nanr.Torok,,inly.L--The Erred, In eputaking ... . - of tbe,'retuxti 'of_ Gen. - Sickles' says: Ii has no , doubt Met' Beghicid and France will b 6 filled with indignation when they come to itoin. What a btillitnt . Aril:Mph - Our-State Deicartmettt has ,aelgeredcivir tier lit ' the ,reeent ',minion of Gen. Sickles'. to Beata. ' The Triblow's Washington spedal sp : The Heacignartemof the Army of the Potent were inoken up to-day. , Gee: blade's head,' uteri twill hereaftm- be in Philadelphht, .butt e pa eiga limits of his cOmmand has not been; deter , mined on. Applications of a number of partici . , who hare taken the prescribed oath, and reale. ed pirdifin, are daily coming into Gen. Howard's Bureau fm• the-restoration of their land and ProPorY'f'• The - question :as to 'the'ley of their clams bee net yet been decided on Gen. Howard.Jartway cases these abandon lands hare been grtatly improved by the :r aw Bureau.. lithe tiontlon of ownership la ceided. to favor .of the, rebel- appl i c an ts , ono arises whether they should remote:al .fa de with.. out first indemaifyinz the United Bates', for ha- ProYeniPicsinsda• . -'- • - COttait: .tiPeculatkek—Wtdte Emigrelldn , . ' Navo'Yoas; June 2..—The Tana' epecial . turn Mules= says itvery steamer froM /few York brings parties who are desirous of musk log in trade. ' (Cotton and rice ipeealatoia have agents ell over the _State. Natty of them are coining money. -The 'holders of cotton have been so long deprived of the imotrus of itte that Mal uritlin dispose of their property at a heavy disco un t from =Jet rata. Within tho past three weeks cotton has been sold in the la- . tutor for twelve rents per pound: The only difficulty purchaser. experience Is getting cotton , to she sestWeid where it cute shipped to porta Kerr. • The Charleston Courier says enterpels ,lngrcitizen of that city proposes establishing a land company with - about a ball of million acres of land, for the impose of Inducing white emigration. Tito land is to form a huts of cap ital for, establishing • ,banklmg.and emigration company. 'lt nieets with fairer generally. ,One man who offer a large tract of land offers to let any white person have theme Olt for tourers; Arm* arid Ifiry ipszetta.—From 'Louisiana NZW Yong; JOLT I.—The publication of the Army and Yin Official Goads Clate with ibis week, the dissolution of the military foray - reoderlegits yobllcalm no longer apeman.. The niratde correspondent from Shmeport, Louisiana, says that ceetterat.H.crron bag 'sent out detachment's of tops to • garrison kale towel. That region •and cosmtry is rapidly_ becoming quiet and orderly, Ordas have been, Ironed rottiddlog foraging and lawiesa•appro. pietism of prixate_perumly -by soldiers ;and also requiring negrocs to maks on plantations and contlnuetheir wOrk. It It said that ist the Alma of Kt*, Smith's surrender, there woe akeut'loo,ooo hales of cot. ton along Bed airer• - • ' -47issieraf.fiernm has sot two of Ids Macon t, the Indian counk7 for the purWees of !e!ztlattog' treat:lea with thedadians.! Governor Meals on his way to Ifearloo, es: sorted by a regldsent of Tessa cavalry. • Italtread;Cotusobtatten; Yost Walrus. July 2.—The stockholders 'of the Toted* and Wabash, arest.Weitern, bf Dn. noliAnin and Toledo.andfillsolsand (bath ern fowaraliroae compuiteshirre by nearly a, nbaribßOUlkirOges Milted the articles of tb *As dation agreed to try the directors, and erM behatufts.ropettted 3 snasik , the nein of: the Toledo, Wabash and Western /Wm& Thl[eoailldiHotr folios one'of the longest and ,. most bn Trunk lines In the country,; and is the tine betwegn Lake Ittie sad the KW slasinpi Illeurnadar one Ortint lad of a =Harm gum. . On Monday nut the trains will run throngli . fraWi of eledo to Iltdney Auld Keokuk without change care. The directors of the new company met at Yort Wayne thXdarand °Banked bf the election of Hon. A. Booney. ax,rresident. • - iikiTh LATEST PROM EU. Man Slave irrade Qu, THE ATIMITIC TELEGRAPH TEM! _BETWEEN nun MID 'he, 'or.isa Maws] Ittne Year, July 9.—The - struaterkasenci - , OM f*lkbatopftin CC. She Slet of lak4 at this pettlittelttpast tin o'clock this knore-g. The BelgistvartSved out on the 210th of June. -Gansu Bartint.—ln the House of L3re Lit 4 Brotizbem callcd ettentien ibe 'Cabo slave traste,sted urgenke neixsilty of increased no Jon of th!ct - yett of aprerasient ti)-luppras the:traffic. : . • The thlifaft She preritioul eon `4*Ansn'' alt .tFerted with the Anal - departure of th cantle cable are completed. The Great East ala ex pcoted Rom Veglebloa the 10Oof July, red te. ,mriphic commantAtlott 'America to be completed on the 90th. Console. 90340390 M. French Banta en 40c. rutted Stites 620i - hdiitioed;llM. TiliOois Cen tral IM. gralw.—The treaty or commerce between Prance and Bean li signed. • ea -- LIIIIRPOO4 - Inne . 2o.—CottOn: - The sa'ea for two days Butt up 60,000b010 of which BUM ate to epeaulatoo and urparlre. The market tetra and hoping with an advance of. „Vgild per pound for American, for 'EittiOlin, and ld for , ther descriptions. The Manchester market ; is lionyrurt, 'rod gawli are advancing. ' Linwpor.Breadatscre—Plour s• Wheat fist. Coo steady. _Beef quiet and nominal. s Pork dna. Bacon Inactive. Lard -arm. I = Tallow dull, at 39dtg40d for Americo. NMl:ire-- 9dpi. - steady. , Ccifi r ee steady; • Bice quiet. Petroleum firm, at its 04.393 ed per for rimed luhriect, Zig; IlL.;.COniola,- . 112g41901‘ for : money, /Omit= stocks: '-; Muds Cadre" 3)ft Ede liMznitea Gratee s.3O'aTl3cpigr7l - ,q , ,: ; . - ,•,..Lti2Euoox., 'Jane 21.—The atoantehlp Bet oho' from Qttebre, arrived lest eveeleg. The Mite? Baltimore, from New York; iirtived off Booktuor_n this mooing.. Vim: 'LASSO. •••• Liverpool, July. 91. The .cotton market opened huoTant, with au advance ors 34d. per pound. - Sales to-day smottnted to - Lam 25,000 to 30,009 bake. rehearse Porto, July 2.-10 .r. w.—The st—...rochlyi Moravian, f.:0111 LlTerpoo/oli the23d, tlwLanda3detty onthe ;234 of June, has not Lten.stotailed of this pow. • July 2.-=Tieti lie et ya no slim of the etztaterChlei ; now doe' with: . Llrtp:ol dike to the 21stmid Quotattown of . Taw Your, July. I.—At the Stork.Etchange today Rallroadaweren a -apeculatbin demand; Thp leading 'Make wens a truth% rows- - clordion qaotatkina of rude% day.- peered dimmed to couttuhe their a- lite; contrary:to the irapinsit would tray up a largo :amount,of 'tire for the heated term, ;crying of of ittoeksior statiOnary pricer in Therevanan 'advance in 'Min Northwentera therm, Witham 141ve bni4ntss In fliat named stocks. ' ' Governments. ,firmer, although imitionss was light. Mete bonds antra dull bat:Mealy: Sank 'shams were - wiry dull; ielth alight .oireringe and tut - few' -blds. Ralhioad mortars. are quite Redd bas been'Very easy toilley, many . of the breve have delivered the amonnts falling dus be. Wrdueeday, without being iobited ta hire eaelt gold, 'Cart gold It pretty, 'sad 'ls worth .14 1,140 per. cent over the national holiday. Money continues abundant and very easy. Monday will be tamest a clime holiday Sean- Clreki, and there srill,be Mile of any lansl teas trateaMwd. The Stnek Itmrd's Raam and Petroleum Boards will ell be, rioerri. The Firm of orawletoceiwnirmsble3 and ,rests in the markets e - f Rlehmoud.' Ve„ are now 20 per rent: bolo w that of New to-g., end Baltimore. Nit rottlf.. July 5.. , -The ikrald pablishes rebel War Department dispatch confirming the jyrevicakitatements that General Lei Is recp no anda lot the bandistof cotton and tobsem In Sichmoid,asui setting fire to the city at his. eractiatkn'.' It also shows that its execution was contemplated six weeks-before it took piale. The dispatch. which Is dated Febroary, In from :General Breekleridge s then rebel Secretary or War; to Geomal Ewell, - and advises him to see him for the palace of r:ceirm7delleite instrac- Sons regarding the latter's order for burning cotton, dm: . . • Welmiturrox, Jinx I,—The President has apPoltits:d Denise:le F. Perry to be Governor of Beath Carolina. The Psesldeuesprodamatton Is Ia the tams form as the pn:tlataatioes :pointing , : garotters for other late rebellious Mater. Governors are now appointed for all -the State. except Flortdit. Major Facer, successor to Mr. Charles A. Dana; Asslatasib Secretary of War, began tits duties this morning. Mr. Orton, the new Commissioner Of Int zmal its:venue, entered upon the outlet of hts this morning. _ . Was /lily - I.;.;•Today the new selves under the Win lettings la the States of 'NM Emend and New Earopthire, with mis. irellaneona rotate La other dlreeilons; went Into operitkin on about 1,500 rooks. The postmas ters will be greeted by new blurs, new ages*, and others employed In the service, while for' be Mat time will .be noticed -new _coaches and biller vessels performing their tirstllp over the mapecttra llice. ind, Texas. 'N>rir Tonic, Jnly 2.—The Herald's Washing Son special contains the following s The Pre Triclinia! ixrrps under General Wright, will an carat, for the Bummer on the upperyotomee. - General Runt, chief of artillery, Oat to Ken General' Ord la expected to iaaam. command or ibe Depaslosent of Ohlo. geneAdmlral Buchanan; and other rebel ma. - Tel officers Wave arrltedad.)Fortreaa MCKIM& Fatal . 11aihreed Inneatt. N. Y.. Juti I.—The Albany trait No. :g, eat New Yost at • about '4:XI de melee, tin off the .track et:thh plies WI ;Veloric. Bernal pasotts aus reimetcd and others 'Weenie wounded.. Amongst the lat.' ter is Wm. Paaldlow, of Pealteki% 'Wk. win Ibis batons. The aeddeot was the !Melt of ciwas ca.-dratees ou tbe pm tof a WWI wader: -- , ':: parLAximmta. Crone,lll t llaheas: ho orp eonsi tte t raikm aset . the Coreaa habeas corpus cm was restuntd this morel*: botoitlairehil rtietteutile proper Mom to the Wit. wider the dh^ectlot of General cedwolladaoad thopcoretmo{ War. The Cr. truant of the dm vas =dada by Judge Nem haves cotcmdededt lames two vie poetponed tatiltWedneerhip Dntll ef,Themitir IlmioN, July I.L-Thomas DonEary.Zreildent Firetnens'lpsurance Company. dllittesponl- Stea - and M.nCy Mitten. Harmonious Feeling , Between' the Tenn Rebels and Alealcan frapeetallata. Nun Tose, July 2.—The ikeord'r B• 011 1 ,1- rine, Tan, cot t, harlaters [iota the rebel General Slaughter and others, stantlng the haunch= failing betweeo the rebel terve* in Tens end the lenemntarsta.WlerexleS. General tSlitithkrasys that: ohs Impedalsts el 1.111-dad' have agreed unarm!: all arms, be., to-pass over n the river fro Mexico to Texas to the fallen ex tent desired thoConredersey . ht addition to tMs it la-offl ally stated that an Imperial olt , :er aerated that e histroceleed pirate tweaking to that end. this statement General Gran ger thh.he the cause of Sisalmlllau Ittillniez la Indy:dined wlth the Irternta of the Confoderacy. General Slaughter further states to he nas_ re ceived a menage from the Impet that a tearer of dispatches from the Juarez party to the Federal Govern meat has passed Into Tarn and sent out scouts to Intercept blin -- and tectre the letters. He 'nye be bad arrangements went General Mejla tor seadlog , ConSalersto cotton Into Mexico sad selling It. , .. ...The fineld^s mnrcrpsndent liitislt Ispropoled to build's railroad at the expense of. the Gonna. Meat between Brazos and Brownarilb. .. Elehimaildl Cotton sad Tiobacco Barn hlig—General Lee Illmmaible. Provisional Governor for *loud' Caroling F!!ilgration !nth Dulred _ Nzw Tux, July .—The Ttene's llateih, (N. 0.) special up: There to a general desire man Ifesttd by the nefispaFara, plutem s aa4 every nue; except* felt lemm a ultralsta, that hortn aura should go down and settle parmanently In their midst. They are inXiollll to get amiy,ca- Win' how the Not th, and hay, onratileid! theca• reset for the jriupee of generally infertontg the Northern people of that inducements of the elitoste“te. Betore long an antboated agent will go to New Tort for that purpose, ItaUan Sympatb7—Patents Issued. WAIIILTOTON, .Intx Statedapartulent hys received the addresses of the :Italian emi gration fcciety of Concona, the, democratic cl ay of Blare, and the Itallan,silms committee of Eters, 'ltaly, amsoilog erProidOU of their filendaldp, condolence,. and sympathy Ictr the United States Ihr the lima brtmeassloatlon of One bundred and seventy.two patents wero Wined from the ostent office during Met 'mak. the le ow. MallArr.anweineatr. Military—Rebel Naval Oaken. Gederal Bele& wan leaves foi California Tl/ Bri , • it tli f ,Ut Stti /113 auu . • V ,lt GAZETT 3 . 7I:33 711 CrIOO.IIOPS • 0 • • anDiiini 1173113 C=lN;== ss see gloom.. A1c.4111.1.n;,. cm alga to properly cultivate their Plantertlens, ore in, - g to a Into: firelight animals. iThafrienda et itre. United dial trance, have opened a enbar-iptic r i triniee of relater money:teethe ibeantital and Cont . ides of hem trzted to this Country, In =.riemory _ Lir (obi. Theeibecdprloos have been fixed r 4 ., tao centime, or the &tilts eaca. The rembrispecial says the President's health Is somewhat improved to day, but he Is not yet well enciegli to attend to cabiact meetings, con aegently none Lave been held tide week. He partially resumed business to-day and signed a fee f the bilge number e peters regrirleg signature, which have teen accumulating during hls sickness. The principal cause of his sickness Is his dose and incessant attention to Mutilate, be having; as is oudentocd. been out oft • writhe mansion but twice since taking! •p We, residence here. . It ,loss . been his h It -We devote in the time from eight o'rloeir n the morning to ten o'clock at eight,As the • ew;as _duties of his-,cillca; 'His fade', 'and. 'lends haveleenening him le - remove- to the So dims' Homo for the summer months. but them Ps they Lira , been =able to induce bunko do so; ..• ems he can be persuaded to alter hls prment sr arma ments, It Is feared that hie illness may ' • - pmtneted sad merlon s. Y ea N sy lvr . t ° u n re 'x 's ' ct u t il tha l man l y d' o the is t un oh n e. shandy eeeercd their salvo; and the deint cash gold !a coosegneotly much leas tha antthipated from , the recolattoe of yet requlling all contractetnatating before day nett to berd!lcd to day. • •• Sold can beberzowed 'alto rata of i cent. vs' day for their__.. thtee (Idyl 'berrowlng tranaseLloneire orete prke has ranged at lyd. • BlehmondChlef of Pollee-,Rebel Pll 'raised. ' Nzw Toms, Joy I.—The Ilerold'a .11.1 b corrrspoodeutuiyerJ. N. CP3i,i. has. polutc.i Chief agte - T:Toltre ofllichmotd. It Is now Ictown thIC It WillS ~ v titetop the rebes last summer to blow up the: ; opptatle Troy, N. Y. Tim pllst was the oat which street - cdcd In the welt rem ; ed explosion of the powder boat rt. Cl.y international Shooting Match NEw Yokz, Ju'y I.—Thls morning the New York Geneve Samisen Corp- eortalat lig of elxty oleo, Flied for Bremen to take, part In the let! taat;onal ahcol' -.1; metal. -at, .that Tee - Co: t . 0210 41 of theWA merkimen lo the WI; they are nearly all wealthy 601w:ulna. Phtlade . tithla Corn Exchange. • Pnnanctruza, July I.—The Corn Exchange of Me c!ty hea;adjoutncd over until WedneldlY 'text. No boll esa of any moment will be done ntittl then , It Wl* in_ tantlou of • tete - tatted , to crlebrate itie..coritin — g — Tourth with more than instal extent. ' i!ccen-Thirty Loin Subscriptions Pr 1 July *—This enbsedpUonn to The 7 ro Ic:.n on Saltrrery were 3,610,400 eel noi To' -1 eon: ip.leLs for :tbe - wnn . „ the subject. Ms nest eptstle war much shorter than thwarts _ eat one, and contained all that the public f ant ed. of Kentucky, at leasl,) cared le know at ,art IL No one cared to know Virtu', what en- GOTMIOT MageMn's reasons were for chem.:nu Ms pro slavery coat to an entlelsvery one. But since be has taken the trouble to give them, It rutty not be the waste of a little apses to st ate what they are. In the drat place, Mr. Mag.llll reco,vnlva the fact that pinery is gone any way. While there was a hope et saving it, be was in la Tor of Ir; now dug there Ia oo Moe, he finds it`de. ' /treble to be on the able that Ls going to arm. COSTCIIIOtI, however, he sacribee to a higher power than beaten Tendons he thinks the re. stilt of the war has shown that the Almighty, "If He had anything do w.th it," has decided against the Bomb. A- conclusion which, la view of the quality:nu condition which Mr. bfagonle is cm eful to mention, maybe considered a paint. tally safe one. This is the main reason why Mr. Magnate sapryerta tbansolldbilotY amendment; all others are incidental aza subordinate. One of the at , gamuts modeles of In Kmstuky by those who oppose the amendment Is that It gives to Con. arum the tight to let the negro vote, bctmese It says Congress shall have power to Won's the prohiblicay clause by apt.apriate Mr. 'Aeneas dots not ' see It in this light and pronounces the argumeut " a mere bugaboo to scare the people, " Be says: "There is ro such power mated for. It Is UPI a debt of the Stale to regulate the qeslitleations of Its voters. and to notate the conduct and condition of the negro by prom laws. If COO gems can /WOW the negro to vote Order Sts pro. 131110 D, can they not jest as well take awey th e right from the white man? If Comes can Bo one cadet this section, It can do the other." Another reason why Mr. Maudlin favour t amendment Is, that when slavery is wholly done away the abolitionists will have nothing to kohl them together, and will quarrel among them selees about what shall be done with the nitl4/, and, as • political power in the land, will go to gener.l smash. This is at law. a practical view of the subject, but one that will hardly convinces • numerous cholla readers, that Mr. Magyar hes changed his ptiaciplow with his ,poli , the.— Margo lleymbilems. ne Mexican Nein'. Our spe(lal tatellimmcc from liege, presage the usual odd mixture of contradictory Mgt. meats and rumors froto Cherextremelyuneertaa country. The' most Important report Is That ghee by the gateman's Comment; a loarnal In the Interest of the Invaders, to the effect that the Must Gmacral Neerste's army has been aunt hilattd "" Mat Juarez lied to Paio dll Norte upon the emits& of the rnsuch under Aymird, and that the Litter * aow occupy Chihuahua. If tznb this etas is , very as the events It ermaserstes would virtually priban end to the preludedstredgis the Republicans have made in the northeastern province against the power of the lenders. The paper In which this report Is siren does not contain any details, nor appear to be In poasesslon of any Informed= more an thentic thari-lutnor. _ ds an onset to %big, a. letter from Mexico, published in •' New Orleans pa gives a dubious picture of the political affairs per, of "the empire."Accordleg to this authority "the rottenness of the empire Is beyond de: miptlnu," there is "no security, order or system anywherey" the people in the country "seem everywhere to be raising splint the French;" and "the only parts really held ty the Imperialists are the entire, sof the capital and the road to Vera Cruz." These statements aro tbo genergl c to la ' dicate with what degree of credit they are to la received. If the news from Chibtlabna is cells. . life: It may be safely concluded that the entitling of the capital and the road to Vera Cern are net the only places in bleak° where thelmperialists hold sway. • This sway, however, is obvionely held through the power of the French artily of occupation. Were the F r ench troops to be;leith drawn, the Imperial dominion would speedily. • disappear before the mturningllllTO of rapnbll egoism. To this contingency all reliable habit teetion from Mexico certainly. points---.Obleuile Republican. - We fled the following card in the. Harrisburg Teltgraph, and trenefellt to our Colinas tbr the formation or the muumuu (dead' of Gen. • inthis pat . t he &ate: , Mar GiticOms. Bawl' Co, Pa. Editor .71plepreph...-gome kind friend has writ. ten e leiter which jou have glean* Paoli is your inoeCteuellent paper, raxonmending to the pm. ple of Pentiniespla 4oUr hocubla meant sts eultatde ositadato tor %beadle* of Auditorflene n4and while Iso highly:••appreciate the coon deueerepoledln me by "Veteran *servo" end many other 'Wad friends, must; prentptortly but mipeOlfully. decline being. eeendidata;, and, at the eune thank Mende; Ind .Orpeclallp "Veteran Reserve," for `their Ului andfororable restonmendstion.. 'Very reapecthslani . . Or the twenty-twci thousand rebel prisoners recently at Poles Lookout but two thousand now maim; and those are ordered to be immediately .releasee, mein about eight hundred Met.' The entire camp will be closed within a for waits. White Example to the Blacks. The Copperhead New York World, which preaches delly:homthes on the Innate tallow o merest, has noels.] cOrrespondent travelling through North CIII6IIII/4 who writes from Greensboro ie follows; June 16th: 'll'be deatlrete ration has been dropped, ex cept to the unemployed • negroes,_ for the mani fest reason that It fostered Idleness and fraud amen the wletes. There were no, lees than thirty thousand rations issued at Baleigh tea and increarino. It Is now reasoned that as State which could do so much for the needs of the !Confederate army can maintain Its own peo ple,, Who ought to be at work. There are few pebple . at work besides the 'agrees. nue la no trade. Field labor has been considered the liar province of the negro, except In the up and counties. Confederate °Steers and soldier,„: are roofing about the, antes. waiting for something ti iron up, but riot trying to turn up anything.” As theta are few people working in North Cerollna except the blacks, would It not be a good idea for the World to mad a few lectures on' the sin of indolence to the lazy. loafing whites of tbat neighborhood. Thirty thousand, rations a day glien away by the Government to the whites around • litaleigti, who were too lazy and loaferish to work trashing =died , Gechip 31e ire In The CanaMs* Protbees. The Landoy Norse., - Posfetetionacea that the. negotiations between Canada and the Itomh GOT- Mumemt are "about to be brought to a sailafac 'tory conclusion." With regard' to the political and commerdalrelations betWeem thecolony and the wailer country,, an understanding Gat bees of lived at "which is esiculated to WITS • mast favorable influence .on the foture destinies 'of DAM North America. " ' The question aGM , - - defence of Canada has been arranged on this Darla Canada will undertake the whole of the 'W,..itern fortifications, will maintain to efficient militia, and probably deepen the canals: "The imperial Government, on their part, it la under stood, have agreed to fnrnish the necessary ie.'. mament and material for the whole or the de. 'Sushi *My - and - to guarantee. a loan'foe" purpose of constracting the inner-colonial IL "- rai. . The -north:tut, limitary, which has mi long been in diepute,-will be made over So Cana da. — As to the confederation scheme, the, gues thltels rut whether,.in spite of the course taken by New BrunsWick, the Impala Parliament woe? not be justified - In %sang meissure at once to cense/Mats theprovineas of lidtiab North America, giving theist such locil legislatures as might be desirable." • I - • Rh hvir • the The The Alabama Clatma. The,Ecodoir conetpondent of the New York Tribunewiltes concerning our claims upon Eng land for the vessels destroyed by the Alabama, Linked a gentleman who supposed • to hs well-Informed In such matters, bow it weruld be, • tad his 'newer 'renamed rat Impremloner "It will be paid," he and, "every penny. I don't d'On a preposterous rum, but four or ilva sill• lions— &me British claims-will be patio, and there will be some haggling about the amount; 'but they mesa to pay it. Anything for peace. It will be staved MT till . after the electiOn—,%t wouldn't do to settle It before; but that enact wen over, the clatruawillne paid, and they will be ~preclons glad to be out of it. Those who have claims oc this account may therefore expert to ringer the yellow boys some time before Christ mas, unless the ministry thinks It moue an , to Walt and commit Parliament to the meaeaee,i for their own safety, and then they will ;hove to wait till March or AptiL But, If my friend is right, and I am not mistaken, It will come all the same, and the present blusters of 'Posts and Owls meets only "vote An Palaterstou." I • . by / metal 3T of mb.-r -g.Nt. Sinning Againet Progrce■ The Mobile Tribune, which a couple weeks ti,o wee mermitated, in commenting on the past and tbs future; frankly asp : "We hare sinned against the. progress o( the age. No man can deny this ; and yet we have dente It with a coriedentionstesa which ought to prorthe the compassion of three on whose mer cy-I'll,pin'. rely. We are as good as they. We' bare acted as honorably as they. -We ought to receive !mm them the kindness which It duo to good Intentions—although it may be said that rho: is Tared with good Intmtions." any man can aay to his brother man tr without tau, then we snail say that tbr man bass right to correct his eni with whatever rod be may choose to !"We have suffered Infinitely more of tie North. A few years famine ley with wash:mai- earthquakes,. hate so hurt us as has this four yes; cl'atusa,. AA - J= 7 .II%LE DISCOVERi.--AbOul ego a singular earth; substance wr at Eugerfleid, In Melds entity. youth Item Utica. Professor EL hulls Misdist, and other chemist amiaatlon, deviated It to possess the and other properties pecular to seep, saleable for •fulling, ••sconriese =hire Purposes." it was accordir "Elmo de terse, or earth soap: , T were instituted at the different mar Occida county. and the seven fount to the tut Englith kilo-dried Fe. letsequently it was rotted that It weal readily In the preparation of soar end that It possessed great seine Mu.. • tats of the toilet .soapa. The success - rsperlieetts ha led to the Introductle Article tato the mail:factory, and its • deafen for Ekeniag Ex-Ammon Gwynn is stilt prosibmt "emigration scheme." goes out • General for Sonora sac other Stat es, base 13,C00 Trench troops to beck ludlian has prandial to pay 10,000 troops for pridralag the "endgrani Psge, of the rebel ram Illtoacural4 b Ring Masiniglan to buy that nun, been endorsed by the French thhks that; with this WIN be cot whole American miry. Cram very recently It was foci! English race course that no foreign any chance with the native. The some American and Trench harm, ever. since 'dispelled thisAtionion. stud of one distingnistuid Ibudgner, de Lagrange, tuut sehleyefla suits r in England which no one English !railed. The Count hu within the won utry ! trafhonor, except the Lew. d Stan: Wosuit who accompant Se tltdr fllehtletatot that, when tht _ anmitinded by Upton eoldleiv, Mrs. Dade threw tier water•preef cloak and shawl over Jet, and entreated the awes' to tate him ont of the pent and endeavor to secure ble Napa She did so,. but the effort proved Ineffectual, the twain being confronted Immediately by the trookere. A Tenanrutelephant la on the - rampage In one of the provinces of Hlndostan. ,Hawas walking Inc marriage probestlon, but suddenly prooeeded to peg nos few trees, and to pull down a house or two. On the nest dar be got worse, sat his foot on a maboot, smashed a Brahmin, punched a couple of kltmudgats and frightened all the Inhabitants of Kotalpore out of town. . . Tarr ,kill plgs by steam In Chicago. A great iron claw, with Ilse lagers. hooks oat thoplas 4 width am quatrellng In the pen below and WM theprakeas to a gibbet near by. and then of ' then again in scalar% water. -By the r rie day poreines are , killed, - scalded, sc ped,, cleaned, split and hong In rows, ready [or att. - lag, within an hour. Tits Commis.loner or Patents will bum week 173 pateaM, being eleven more than hatred last week, when a greater number Ir Anted than ever before. Daring the UMW= lut peat there haul been hunted a greater, n boot patents, by 23,wr cent., vuoryna ey • Ited In the same paial hefore., Tax wort of properly Interring the bodies of - I - rational soldiers lythry exposed on the - nese battle•Seld, 'which was commenced on • e 12th- Instant, has been completed, mid a, • • • ylstsg name and regiment, has been idlioole the had of the grave of every one whose i males could be identided. A enuow jest Beiteneed to ilve yaws at 8 Stag wee married on Tueeday.to s younglad who bad •-jelirea Idol her heart In - Dr ld The ceremony WM perforn*E in One or th ew Totkjails, and the honeymoonliusted only Ta6e. oaj idght. as the bridegroom went to reinon on Tin copper mine recently opened in Eel p old near th e Cmneelicut • firer bridge, has Increase: In richness WACO lades deepened..: Some et the real estate owners In the eleatlty are likscasong athrther tha company :have the right to rixtend the mine two bemired ;feetrinderAbeir saran. Tae Blelanandltawa asp{ .thaio ale tiointi la Virginia In whlr.b. under the law now atsead td, there was one men who woeld bete tbtutd aecataary to hold all the offices: aad alert? self. Itratfow,ba to the only 418401 f odloa holder. . ' ram SPlttllttald (M ) mitroataiattent-of the Mtematut Democrat at There. la -a gmat plea. bore of mosey iA the hanks here, ead It, la cult tolled mailable 'ead.lesitmate use for I leant that thisla lane gmterelly ttutreettatt the . - Tau Ittembursk: (Nra,)••• X.% 'of ;Yan k, 5•74 tbid, -P=ASJ/Vaniar la I treater degree •responallgs for tna lets rebel- Iku Manaus man nut ' : Drranro the out thirty . tlaya there have been discharged from government employ one Mina sand Tonle of all deloriptlons et Fortress Monroe. OTT AND SUBURBAN. Attempted Suicide tISF a Lady—Stag-War Developementa. A respectable young lady of twenty-three, named Miss _Kate ikiltitea, who has been' stop ping et the Scott Emma for a few days` hack, attempted to commit sal.cide on fialekarabJnt noon, by swallowing an Ornee Of latublinre, and her life was only saved by the timely. are:- Val of a physician. It appears that she has be, recently come from Lynchburg; Va., and'hel left her home by the evil adv:te of a pretended or real lover, with • whom she sold ahewaS•ca . , gaged to be married, who had wade D-range,- ment to meet her at the Slott Hones, in this city. He has not, however, made his appear. anee. She Is without any friends. or mesas to earn a livelihood, having had no fends lacer riving In the city. To , add to her destitute ea.. cumstances, she lost her trunk on the way, and • hes not yet recovered it, although the nsiir . c:44 'agent informed her that he would telegraph for It,' as he thonght it was only delayed on on the way. . The day fisliswing her arrival at the boleti, tho clerk, as is easterner, when boarders are with -out baggage. sent his hill to her room for calm. tion. &log unable, tepee it shavras lh Wrest , distress of mind, which the continued absence of ber lover tended to IttereaSsi to the teensy Of de spair.' On Friday afterncon • she repaired to a drug-store on . Market street, and with the only Money she possessed, twenty-Eve cents, the pur chased •an ounce of laudanum 'pastels amount eonetitutts s• fatal dose. On Sittirday. noon she *Wallowed the isanteats.of the bottle, and shortly after bethought her that she should. have a late is boo. lst spomante. She - accOrdligly es red Sladyesecupying a Zoom adjog,tell ing her that :she bid swallowed polson,;and:re quested that she would prevail on some one to seed'her'i clergyman. The holsiver, in stead of doing as alter requested; very *Wooly . -raised an alarm and had a physician sum- woad, Dr. Whs. M. Kern, who at once availed himself, of an the akillot which ha was !master? to restore the dying woman. He found her ly ing on' her bead; as she had. lain dosio, dressed, and AMU* into asleep. He it Prat 'admibistejiti irtlinontal wine, without, effect; . talling•sho hi the'stomach pump, which was In effeetive beeasse of the olson hating absorbed Into the System so rapid ly—heat length Bermel ed by the application' or ;swarth! emetics brit:lolth: back to consciousness. She pawned to have repented the rash attempt •on her life„ but was will much distressed, and wept bitterly. lla cantloced her not to give away to sleep; as It would be fatal, and under the them healthy state of ber,mind her fear of death was if absolute as bee previous- distaste of life, and she =shied --awake during Saturday night, attended by some tied lady guests at the hotel: On &today morning she was convalescast. In Justice to the accommodating clerk of the Scott, House, we would say that ha knew noth ing concerning her etraitene4 circumstances, or be wopid not have presented the bill. He has tendered her hospitalities grays until she is quite neutered. She was advised to go to her home but 'she says she will not go back; having ran tway from bee folks to Join her intended hus band. She wished to go to her brother, ID Mis souri. She is unable to do herd work, bat is willing to attend In a store or to sew. Wetrati there may he some kindly in:cd person in the community who will gi • e her an oppa tnnity of earning a living and relieving her Item her hbanelal &Drew. Child Abandonment—A ..Walfr. In a Mar ket-Basket Deposited on a Doorstep. About ten o'clock on Saturday night"; a man was seen canylig a market basket and 'setting It down on the steps in front of Mr. Geo. Reed's house, on the c - rner of Washington street and Pennsylranla aveneuo, and then waking 'tiff. A. group of children was soon af.er collJcted on the irat,ent loos to examine the contents, and on t• :cloy:Pito the basket, which was without a lid, tht d'-coyeied the chubby features of a ace healthy gin apparently shoat two weeks old, asleep. One of than rang the bell and ommeuleated the discovery to the in of he house. A policeman was at once called Iron, and the "waif" carried to the watch . Iltse, after which Capt. itotal gave it in.charge f Mts. Brown, to Diamond alley, to keep until 2121/11M, when Mr. Fortune. the Guardian of to Poor. took it in his • possession and It was iAtreyatethe Clty - Fann. r- - • It seems more than p.robable that the child ;as droned with landamun, the more 1511CCC81- /Ily to dispoeeotlt without fear of detection, 5 It did cot waken for some time elle.' it had ten consigned . to the care of Mrs. Brows. It was plainly but comfortably dre7.7.ed, and 'of pre possessing appearance. On Its breast a pap^. was found pinned, on which was written - n-4h a lead-pencil the following appeal to the finder, to. nber'whh the name which the mother ta hosed to bear. "Miriam Adetlah hay." ttWhosoeyer recelveth any of thesis little thhigs In my name receteeth me, verily I say auto you, whatsoever yon de unto the least of me of these ye do unto me, and ye anti receive cur reward. -Do, I beg you, take my sweetlittle babe, and good to It, and the prayers and blemirgs of heartebroken young mother win tomer follow rem My friends have „disinherited me, :and I part with leagainst my will.. I sin not able to work and !reep,lt. Do take it and raise It as TOW Ogre, M the fear of the LorJ, fee without his Marys are unable to take care of ourselves. will never cease to pray to Gcd to bless Ton for Mr. Reed, it will be seen, had no inclination to Comply with the . wish of the unfortunate and erring mother, that he would adopt the child as his own—not that he was . destitute of compass km, bat because he knew it would be cared for 'y the city. The mother, If she really had an affectionate Interest In her• offspring, should have known that it was not to be expcctui. She as attract° cast off her drill, perhaps. occur see It again. Whether It will bear the name se has adopted for it, is eyen.a matter of some mceztalnly. The ; Fourth In Allegheny Our nelgbbcovociOes the riTerberre determined w imprints° • demonstration which will Tory fp:Topnotch insugurate the day s to-morrow. . =Toting of ruiTcas. at which his honor Mayor lonian. lin:Jetta, ♦as, Bela -at Washington nail, on Boturday srepiDir, to make Anal or.. moments; Orderly Sergeant David Nichol, of hnap'e 'Battery, was authorized to take charge of the section of artillery Stretched by the command ant of the Arsenal on the order of the Seem tary of War, for the pu‘of Bring a national salute from Seminary file, at 6 o'clock, A. ar. Sergeant Nie ol has accepted the duty, and appointed Bergeor-to J. P. &emu t and Wm. P. Atwell *1 chi*, of piece. The men to compose the .detaebments will be selected from the members of this Mean organization —e large number of whom ore residents of Al .legbezky. The guns will be brought in freni the Arsenal to-day, and placed is position on the ,blll this' evening, eo to to be ready tooommence Bring precisely at the hour named.. A guard will be mounted over the battery airtight. To mauve order. while the saline is beteg fired. and prevent crowding the gunners, Mayor Mor rison will detail a strong guard of police. • W. B. Pthillppe, Esq., has consented to far oistirthe mule for the occasion, and will trirn • out his excellent Martial Band,at en early,llOVT. Capt. William Hulett, of the quartermaster'e . department, will furnish thorium:nary trouper. tenon, and commissary stores. It was also arranged-that tbe .reading of the ' Declaration or Independesee Should font Dart of the public, ceremony, and Samuel Riddle, , Esq. was requested to perform that duty, im valately after tbd dein; °rile salute, Mier- Mardi, a brief retriotle °ratio's will be delivered . by R. 13. llorrison,,Esq., upon the conclusion of which the cannoniers, with their guesta, will Partake of a field lunch to be served on- thS The Arleg will occupy about, ono hour and a half, and the rents sing exercises not over half • an -hour so that all interested Tony devote them selves to their indlvldnel method of enjoyment awing the remainder of the day. Bon. irohrirtorrison, C. P. Ingbram and Ceo. N. Miller were ap*lnted a committee to collect the necessary (Ueda to derray the expertse of the demonstration and make any farther sr rangemeots which may be necessary. We coin mend tbla inangretal dernonatnition of the now more — than ever glorious FOUrth to the attention • of our reedeta: • Those An' the not likely sleep through the The aremothes mill all be conclu ded in tbneto permit each to enjoy tkemseltes, .in they may bane opportunity. - Mud in nand iill 7 b4lllllllll reatikintdder, end *done Ire the deidgoil, fanned ,froni stile inch'. abased, hei taellitlele;" Kati we noticed' In - CiMbiplA on: eilurdgtbst blab*, of Vb. t!giligiltdit 'Peke .••• • • 4 :9 13 1•40i littered tei,'4llo whole Comte! it '. present, It le ; AtibtaiiM 'Mean'. drank *O , Itonotelpaloii.rnielarnation. The Awe Clog 01401 1•44.1 - emend armed. chain awls VW las globe , and, tauter the chair are Damen:ins :doeurinits;:* Ow Mr.-Lin .“Wir left keel nets the famessidocuarent, and in his right hand he holds hls,,peo. The whole nets. tie! , • square Ssidoitals- en . the front ends* of ' watch is Inscribed the words "April 1etb,1161." The work was designed and executed by Mr. Mager, one door from Mt corner of Pent' and Irwin streets. , • taw oa Am Arrival of Pittsburgh e . ta. Aont 43.4 o'clock on 0 , - . lag the sa l Sixty-first Pennsylrania rezitneit'. d at th e Depot, and was escorted to City .. a brass band followed by the Mayor's Pell walking . abrenet In two ranks. They were hosp tablyl4 celvcd by the Subsistence Committee, sod after plashing of the entatainment a formal recep tion was tendered to them' at the Hall. Ma • • Lowry In a few re Neat redierks, ex. .'l -• ' them, in the name of the • city, a wehxzne back to their homes. Colonel o.r made a short ad dress of thanks for the munificent hospitality extended to the regiment:' Other officers also spoke. The regiment I nn:there about five Miii dred men, and is composed ixincipally of men from Pittsburgh and Allegheny. A respectable. number are hoot adjoining counties. There were in the regiment about one hundred. veter.: ans who have, bean in the war since Its com mencement, and have followed the fortunes of the Arty 'of the Nieman' from Yorktown to Richmond and Petersburg.' This regiment Is one piths Most efficient that ever left the State. laving always.:bome an Lenora:et record, and has signalized Ruff on many battle.fivids. ' The refthilent Is compored.mainly of companies a-td squads MEV/ last summer • and fail. The Staff officers are all rhlladel .-. The regiment lett.the city at aj4. ' o'lock Sunday afternoon for' Camp Reyrolde to elan the Paprolls. , ,T,hr7 will probably be mdtterW outlo- day. The. One Hundred land Second Pemnsylianta 1= t arrived on Sunday maiming, a Mau o'clock. They were steered: a : the. , depot by a number: of the -old members, and' manyettizensand friends, who formed tato Mae. - and emitted the regiment to City Rell, preceded by an errellm" b- ass hand.. The receptia i se- Corded - the , regiment , in City Hall war' a 'Psi , fecararation. Artai'a sumptuous relluttPriTtwed :- try the - Subsistence committee, congratulatery,, laudatory and welcoming addresses were deUv ered by Mayor Lowry and a number of prominent - speakers, which were, barley responded to by . a number of the officers on behalf Of the -yogi-, .meta: .The regiment theri 'disbanded, td ettable" those residing in thetwoeitles to repair hitheir homes for a meeting .with lured ones, .while such' companies an went from other places were spur., tered at WM:a - Hall and The Girard Howie. . " The Tbe regimeiT.iiiis latterly under the command of Cokrnal James Niche'', and returns about six hundred strol&This, however , does.not include its filler , as- a large nun:thwart) still In hospithis an d a t few on details who have been unable to rap - The "veterans?! or re 'enliithe men of the regiment niunise., - we believe • aunt one-fifth of the -regiment. 'As a - regimen. tal oreatization the j One Hundred and Second be. done ibnnorahle service, having participated In all the principal enoagemvnts since the battle of Williamsburg up to the surrender of Gee and Johnston. This regiment was one among the few which, after a three monthOservice, enlisted as a tads for three years. Its ,enbsequent - his tory is familiar , to our readers, and we need orly remark thit It has well and nobly vindica ted the cause of the 13nlon fora period of more that four yearn. Important Decision—The Bounty Law dc- clared Coustitational The Supreme Cour tof Pennsylvaeia, lug s^..- Rion at Philedelphia, has just rendered , a deci sion in the case of Speer and others against the school directors of ixadimus — certinty. The case Involved the constitutionality of the act of Mr "sembly of April 25, 1864, under the provisions of which loans for large sums of money had been authorized and negotiated byvarions cities, . counties, boronghB, and towns, within the Com monwealth, for, the purpo:e of facilitating the enlistment of volunteers by the payment of bounties; thus enabling -these communities to fill their quotaiwlthout the necessity of e draft. The question or the constitutionality of this act, under which loses to the amount of many mil- Ikne of dollars had been made, was firm raised in this case, and was presented to the court of In diana county, by bill in equity, In which the plain tiffs, who were tax-Dayers, prayed for an injunc tion to restrein the defendants from borrowing 65,000 in the name and on behalf of the borough' of Blairsville, to procure volunteer enlistment by paying to each volunteer a bounty of 6890, t, fill tLe quota assigned to the said borough by the last requisition of the President, tc., and also to restrain them from racking payments there for by the issue of the bond; of the said boroub, plaintiffs suggesting that the debtor the borough wilt be greatly increased by the loan and their taxes largely augmented. On behalf of the plain tiff, the power 'of the'L‘egia_ lature to authorize the municipality of Blairsville to borrow money and levy taxes for its payment, for the purpose of paying bounties to persons mangle.: In the milt. mu service from that bordugh; was denied. The ooeition was, in fact, taken that the Lrgislattare, not baying the power, the act was unconstitu tional and void. Upon hearing, the court below refused the injunction, and dismissed the bill, and the case was brought to the Supreme Court. It was argued before three of the judgc,n during the BCISEIOD of Lust winter, and was for sometime held tinder advisement; but, they having failed to agree, the case wave ordered down for ream& meet at the covet, to beheld - at Harrisburg. After an elaborate and comprehensive argument, before the court at Harrisburg. the CES3 was sub mitted and held under advisement. -On Friday the opinion of the majority of the court was de. livered by Mr. Justice Agnew, affirming the con -IMM:tonality of the law. 7lee opinion is quite lengthy and fully comprehends all the questions at lune. Mr. Justice Thompson delivered a dis senting opinion, in which Cider Justice Wood ward concurred. This decielou, vino by a majority of the court, will set at rest alt doubt as to the 'cgslity r of the bounty bands lestrd under the general.act ln question—hundreds of thousands of dollars of which are held byaltrzens of- thlaand adjoin ing cm:wiles. These bonds will henceforth rank among the test securities, and holders who have heretofore been anxious to part with them will no doubt And ready purchasers. Tile 111gb Pece of Beer. Mr. J. .1. Banker* of Baltimore, has just been awc-dtd the contract to furnish, for theeasning : three months, fresh boil to; the troops of-that Department, at $6,85 per hundred pounds—the beef to be of good quellty, in equal proportion of fore and bind quarter, with neelss, shrinks and kidney tallow excluded. The BaltiMora Sari, In alluding to tins contract.jcusilyresnarks: The rate at which this contratt'has teen taken by Mr. Dastard, will at , once . erten In the mind of every housekeeper a very impeitant question as to what causes the great discrepancy in the price of beef. Intended Dor the soldier and. that need by the citizen. The beef to bo fur. mated she Gksvernmeut during theensuleg three months is to cost a &salon lees than sewn cents per pound, whilst the same article, presumed at least to be of no better quality, la daily. retailed at Wes ranging from twenty to twentplye,, , and in 'Ogle essea ea high as thirty cents per round. As regords the price Of beef, tm welias• that of many other prhno neceedanee of Id*, 'the community generally are wondering with as tonishment at the rates which prearalL They do not know exactly bow' to aeecrout for it, but anion% and hope for something - better in !limo. • Typos' Returited.—dmong the rate:rang veterans of the One Hundred , and Second, we recogidzed tbe besides countenances of two'of our fellow-craftsmen, who, at the' begIROMIC the rebelllen were working 'af case" in the Gamma office—Charley Cliftord ••and John Nichols. They each threw down the composing &tick to take np the abootbegittek; cud now that • there Is no longer any need of the latter, they base returned l o d b t:El u t disciples, to the object of their And lefts C hancy .became a hosplMl steward, and J old 002'cent:oldies—die delving Ileum; proration. contented himself, with the position ofs sergetut. Passed Through.---TheSSth Michigan ree -1 men; three handed and silty strong, under commuted of Colonel Moore; arrived at eleven clock on Saturday nights/rem the east: They Werforpnized and. entered the 'llernett at the beginning or the war, serving for three ye Latterly they, were attached to the Twenty-third corps, tinder command of General .Scoileld. A brilliant display of ilieworte was exidbitcl on Firth street as they, marched to City Hell. Catl• eremone-ht the pyrotechnic display we observed the enterprising Knock. 'After belnehospitably regalcdat-City Hall they left ow the' %latent _ _ Vigilant Picnic.—Pleasureeeekere on Via ' onus should remember tho Menlo to be teat .y the rge:dant Firs Couipany on- that. day at cKso's necks. From the reputation acquired Lthis-' yl In . getting up - eo desire c ts t4 of 'tiaidine this soclal gathering ayrtet asnittsl that It will be a welleoaductal nd pleasant Wink. The committee have the platforin, and made other carless- la' einwe to meet en wintanf guest °lnterments have been made for reading the: polkas as Green's *polar minstrel troiliO ; commence salon °two weeks theTne, tte ed 'Monday Um 101.1NInst,, Introdneinz • torrloogrammo replete *DA musket genii ' • 11 , Ettuoptnn eVete,hei, met belbre Inirodana. • • tlde aty. The tantme 0-ceacientan every 1 164. ;Partinelit a*, prOelp4ol4lkll4 OrawerowtV - ed . _ . . ?AllitttalT Appedntaseat.=Mit. Jr. llobr:. ,nesd, tr. aebo.luntbaen atatkmed in this !dly tor .taono time past as :Wet annatering ont !cer,-has 'been appointed, by', an ,onier foam he Department Pettnolunala, in command of the !Monongahela Maim' This Is a matted reoog. f ninon of slaty and stem lintlee.—The 'Allegheny - Poo-ionic° will be f ru in.Auvrow, July 40, hum eight to lane 14*-VIOPOZ2kL", I muster the Men out toifore tiledneodi s Y, we would sonnet that General Itmiley,Mitteatror to prevail - I,t. Cu the boya to 'Miami:tie on rne morning or the, , s. ioarth fed a panda throeg? i our •titreeta, - 00 eine= are without any orgrrized programme ;fora celebration of the day, eud, annilitary parade mould gum; to be the merst Lilting im promtu display ' that weld be Looteitiird. The exhibition which this .nottlemeat would make on the atrret would .tm,nn terphirqf CUM for our national holiday, and , oft which mull body would dellght' to witntatt. - . net my, the boyar Funeral of a Seidler. The remains of Hugh MeGimpsey, of the 01.11 Hundred and Tifiy-111114 who died a try days slice is a hospital at Philadelphia, were con veyed to this city on Saturday, tend the fences! took pine° on Sunday afterooott, fromthe resi dence of the family, on Piespmt street. The funeral, which was imposing, was 'Mandell 'by the members of the Nepture,Stehm Pins Engine Commoty, of which he was fora erly a member, end tbe remains has escorted by two cdmpanies of the One Hundred and Second regiment to the Methodist Burying Ground in 'the Seventh ward. A large contuurse of friends attended in a body. The deceased was widely known hi the dity, and was universally respected. :3 PITTSELT.O7,Iy 1, 1665 ligssEs. Enrrons:—Some critical gentleman It Most° know through your columns; the de l:Talton of LLD! It Is from "Le gam Doctor," "Doctor of Lana;" and the extra L Is added to prt.vcr.t. Its being m‘st.lken for Y.,. D: "L zdy .Day. This being true, of cou.;:e bls ingenious supEct4tion, concerr , ng .I.cgttni , j fells to !he pound. "EITDENT. 6nothcrt.lend thinks that the doable L merely indicates the plopal 1 , " 'q - crlach aBIG c'.eL 'Weald IntVcate thoah list as we have 149. for manuscript, and - HA. for mana- Ectipts. , The Fourth it East Liberty.—The citizens of East Liberty have arranged for a strand dis play of tire-works, on the evening of the,Faneth, at Fort Kegley. About one thousand dollars have been expceded to the purchase of "ppm tethric.‘," and the display will be one. of the finest ever witnessed. As thew& bare no inn on band for that evening, they bad better erase e visit to East Liberty, and ace the eights thorn. , Fireworks.-11r. J. W. Pittock, erect, opposite the Postonic°, ha , still on hand a lot of survive lireworks, which can be had at yea gamble prices. Tho stock has goes or pits rapid(}, and w!ll doubtless be clort•I out :iay.• He has also a very large astaitment of Hags, of all sizes, and those whols:ch to decorate their houses with the national colors can hate theft orders tilled berg at the lowest rates. For GettYnburg.—Between thirty the and, forty members of the City Councils intend to leave for Gettysburg, to be present at the grand celebration on the Fourth. They have been ,kindly furnished with an extra.car, over the Pennsylvar.la Itallroad, to Hanlsbntg..' A large number of our rtt rens R»I eb 3o be present at the celebration.— Serious Accident.—David Stewart, aged about sixteen years, residing at Wellsburg, was badly scalded, on Tbursday, by falling let, a damn of hot water, at the raid= fictory at that Plum Prompessiirc.ro tams for his re lief, but his InJudett-ale very severe, Wall Ids re coverj is doubt( 01; Smander, Bishops ind C0.,0f hixe just ashed a onioust., , and beintitMly executed fa -ai mof silscu trait of Witalezason, originally done with.pen and - Ink; the words of the iliCelaration of Indepuidenee forming the teatimes, shading, • etc. M. It. B. Dungan Is agent for Its sale In thli county. • 'Death of an Old uthetu—Wm. M. Edgar, an old lidlnentlal chain of the Third ward, widely known in the cbmmunity, and' wiser. sally - respected. died at ibis residence' no Grant street atyear 4.% o'clock on Eautho morning, in his 56th . • National Batter!; intend to Mho- in the coming Frionli by tiring a - notional aalube 'tom Seminary Mill, Allegturey.i. Sem tary.Stauton,r4 the reqacet of:Mayor Morrimin, bee g iven the reivileite'order for 110.5 porpoise. Darn Burat.—ths kriday night the barn ot . Rev. Joseph Trovillo, at Sewicicley, was burnt to the ground.' A lot ot hay and 'other property was &aimed. _ ThebarnwaalnanrCdtotlyhal valor, we believe. • • Nentenced.—John Conte; convicted- oiler; ,ceny, was eentenctxt torten days Imprisonment b the conotyjall oa Satin:deb by Judge Stiore..l • ....rnlinunetse ulna of, themiw Almaden fink* silver mine, about twelve mllee from san Jew. California, May be Inferred flrotn the:fiet that tha profile of the mine tbr fcmiteen menthe were $1,111,000 inold, and 475,000 in CLUT*iitb: Tit:tote/a of .13ostanlhate seduced their mice half a dollar& day to their.guatts. „Thei3ostca hotels of the! lin t class now chants "dollar a day less than. houses of the same chaplets: In New Yeek. I . . - TEE repot% of the Auditor of Heeluektens the entente population of that Mateat 688, as follows:. Whlte,9l9.sl.7fownersotslsses, 86,140; gases, =A6B: total 4eWoolowil,ao,Bsl; 411, .- • dLTENBILIJOU,IXof,,SE4On. Thou even. Ins, Jane' SOUL', t 7 *Ler.4'obst. Coll; kt. J.. A.L. TENS/WWI to Mfr J ANNA MnILIS,t, of Flttabarnb. No eards." l . . • . HEABERT—On Isiturday,Jttly istm ,' 1074 .Weiock r. JOBB BBNItY kllßifia, area Ma funeral will take plate feint therealdeneo of his father, - John liszbart, No. 42 Federal ; wed, Allegkenyk TWO APTEItiIBOON, Julyall, at &sleek. . Religious aarelees at 134 o'clock P. M. Theleimida of the family, and Itle fats Comrades of. Hamatou's. Battery, era lrreited to attead. • _r .' VERNER—On Bosomy evening, at half/aid eight dehsoli, A.LIOZ /11WYkr, d uThter of James Arai Amu, IL Verner, szed six al° the and foul teen Mattis of ftlerii in evening mi. , ;....--, ' - EDGAR—On Sundae worst_ ~ r July td i .St italt. past four o'elosics-W.0 1 .11.• EWA-Fie/0 1111 CAM." sixth year of his age. i • . , - ... _ Funeral ' tins. (Mondiy) isiados*,,lit font ' la te . dene •Zt IM'CI i 'o'clock, Etat' his. la rest e,, a, , ran street. This Mende of the family MS rallstoMtillif, 'silted to attend. : ' ' : ' , ".M WW I anrasWlV, S. - - - CORY I : • 016 . ,Piii itidendiiridaik - T.. A Alberti reward .m bweivea to the • War ! eet ISOYEREOLUESTAZIat ' . strafrOujihr, NOI/CM t eREW.SOTAN TO DlllK , OgYfiretll2ll2o/ti'. l , Dot topsy any indebtedzime to Lc Cote lit 11Z17 pi* • else nabll notified to do to by me. Al mem so the • booms ate attanged no , toe el ./ be Otis. • Jr.dta J. ,A. EllBUol% Pettestiebte. , _ .