WZMI ettt Fitts balk az ett WE I • BDAY, JIM 28, 1885. ROUND BITILICAR it 00.. Ugawialcessi .lEtre::•34.orm. 19. 71 roma. es.. Pittsburgh. tooolood Is PAR FUNDS and CMS. OoMotto= aids In LP puts ortho United States. Sky sod soli at, autos mom - S. go parseat. lA, Bonds; 17. - do. 1.00 - do.; S. 5 per osat. 1040 do.; 8.11 pa ant. thattheates I , Meteidas io - NW P.& sm Tzesszoto Notes. They goo PM sad SELL ON coanassioN . SO Us Sew . York, Philadolphio, sod PlUabura spixosllda4s of verstasal &mows% Soaks. Dm*. Gold As , A Clo s. 11111 - COEEIMCI-7--A.L. neotesw AND BANTERS/ BOARD. toogasciaßßT soauraos. wawa ola3 Ttresnay, Jane 17. 1604. OM - Ask'd - II 8. YlvtiTerenty Bonda..-.........100 os soi 00 V. B. Eleven Thirtlea— .............. es 00 --. N l = OessS7FlYei —..4 I s 00 6'i se os it co Allegheny City re .... —.. 100 00 Oennallinrllla eh TO 00 (:),L i t Blaitabastat P. EL 60 oil ---• B Passenger Eallw . 10 lb eB. R. Slimly int ... e 011 - Nitta A Stephenville H. 1L... .. 08.1zir_i Bank-- Yenta Nat. Bank. Exchange Bask of Pitts. .... .... . Beellate National Bank — i Allegheny t Pittsburgh._..... .. •0 ao Banner •••• *o. . ...... ilo Matey Nun .—... t o Nlotorado .. NS 06 iitOil 06 ltr iVinta......... • is Ss Yeeleral. I ell Bashi, of Philadelphia.... • Paglon--.. .. zuy, Btseg o iCherrylttin Wasters North Pee Copper Co--- Gelßala 011 Le Belle, Etse Wells let Ward,Alleghet.,y Bounty Bonds • ILLPOILS OF BALM kW glues dorado or . Us Shares Colombia. 00 mi. Vallee:tie t iontMuse to llntuate slightly, bottheisriatiass for Some Slays past have been ite`Tallaht. 'lt Opened In New York thiamoming at 141)f, . roes, to' Ilk and .cloeed at noon at GervernMent bonds have undergone no quotable 'hangs. The New York quotations were ..fol lows: Slim of imi Coupons, 1.11154; Five Twenties 11.-gistwee. 10534, Coimons, 103),Ii do, now Isime, 9350 Fives of Rl, R;Ten•Forties, Coupon', lex. t—There was but very little done Many of our local stocks today, and the truisactions, although We very limited character. appear to be eontineel almost entirely to Shares. Columbia still hangs at 40, and there .was a Bale of Eldorado, at 59 Cheeryßun k Pltdiole sold to the extent of some three thousand 'hues—terms prtvate. —la aecOrdance with a public all,. large meeting of the stockholders of the Cherry Bun and Pit. kali Oil Company assembled assembled at the mins of the Board of Trade this afternoon, Jewel B. Craft, Esq., was called to the chair, and G. F. • Ponape, bee, and: George O,den were appointed Secretaries. . At Ike request of the meeting, Captain Stork. dolor Somatarl of the Company, gave a detailed statinnent of its Whirs; from whisk It appear.. that while the Company Is obtaining hut /little oil at present, they are sinking Ilk wells on their de. tacked interests In Oil Creak. Cherry Bun and Wtat Vititiala, they have also leased eleven o ' thirty-aye one acre lots on their valuable Pit-hole property near the great flowing wells of the Our - ted States Company. The boring of tinsie eleven weals is to be prosecuted with Tiger within the natal: iy dam and all the knees are respoulble omit The Company is out of debt, has atarge amount _ of personal property, with a handsome portion of the working yet on head, empty sufflolent to elm. plata Wean wells aforesaid. • Mt. Hugh McKelvey resigned his office of Pres _ Idiot, and the Directors appointed Mr. H.M. Leng, President and manager. On motion of Thos. Steel, the meeting. Reactret. That the action of the Direators in sp - potating Mr. Long Superintendeut, , mitets the Statement, approval of this meeting, and further that the Statement, and exhitdt made - thts day of the eon - /Sion and affairs of the Company is satisfactory. Remarks were made •by Maur. Craft, Salley, Long, Miller, Btockdale, Bohr, Steel and others. The Mlctingadjourned, all appearing to a goof humor, and feeling that it is good to nave such gather - Moe of steekholdere. —The Import entries of the past week at New York, amount to t 4,471,112 as against the total en tries at 6.619,fa4 Mile week last year. The Export Clearances of Domestic Produce sown. to S2,M -_ against 35,i36,841 same week last year, The Export of apeoleamounts to 167,680, against .11e6 come week Fast year. The Customs for the , week are g, D 8,717. The receipts of Cotton, comet. , ; vise and by railroad are 2,975 bales. The stim- Def of Emigrant passengers arrived during the Week is 8,408. —The New York Coosoierefel of Monday, says:— The stock market confirm. vcry dull; bac shown a tliihe Improvement In epirlt aa,l prices oa catar day. Tire .outside public keep pro. &latently aloof tram the current speculation, and the market is still entirely in the hands of the a bioll . cators. Some of the speculator, for a rtn have closed out their townie., which learn the market somewhat amfraf.- and wawa ages the bean torut out e.ottsa mote freely; but at present neither Wee appear dloposed to undertake large operations. —An eiaproge paper before us, on the subject of• resumption of specie payinents, Wkss the ground that - the event Is at least five years off, end adds the remark, the resumption orspecie rainier'b cannot b. forced." There is more truth wordsthan many of the readers of Or se simple are aware of. The National Banks never Wid pay specie until they an compelled. I.e. definable paper. Is too profitable an erne ever to - bogie - no up voluntarily by the issuers thereof. While the government has s7oonoe,io) of paper Money out, and is compelled to borrow to provide for correct expenses, the talk about the resump tion cf peels payment. to UM adulterated nonsense. They woo:make coney of paper only by Claming their names to it. And issue D., upon Isterest, will never willingly give up so profitable a Job. There' we tremendous interearc, or edPred Interne, this country, to. be overcome, era. the people again ve r y dollar, and those Interests will fight to the death, before they knee* under. Ibe all milt that ran on - England from late to ltdd. IMO, le nothing to the 'trues - we shall have -1n this country, because clearly all the leading Wen in that country were builloalsts r othlie here, paper just now reigns absolutely. When specie payments are resumed la thie country, we smith mistake, if the resumption comes from the intake, ifir from the Legislature, becauae the paper mosey party, unto. the P.wident Inteferes, will be too 'spook for Congressmen. Executive power, lUreuth e Secretary of the Treasury, can ram . ea r lr t a m u zg o tr bat i er e ery t posi rib such an en le In- Wei. el' executive power. oar 14e resumption of rpecie payments-will . come In this country, when • labor goes down, and when it toilets that the dol lar be in gold or sliver; or,When, net a very early puled, the mreliants Wel to do bust.. prom is es or the farmer, to ask for money ilettof In 0111 .—PAW. Ledger. -We take•the following from the stock report of ,the New York World of Monday: The stook ..muket he. fluctruited considerably Cuing the Week, but piton bare advaicee under the luau. WWII of* strong bull movement, which prombots :to tiny the market NUS higher next week. Many of the Mock', Eri engineered by cliques.. and their efforts to advance prime are favored by the tetra - *Wham esie 1n the money Market, one au le. ereasetbdemandfrom outside operator.. The par. tie. who were running down Cleveland sad Ma l:Lush when It was setting about 61. by connientbd. .10tatensluds that Ikt coMpany Would - pins its next' dividend, have been all along and are still, bulls to 'the steekat MIS. They seem to have .been work . truf hatd to procure 'short . interest among their forthoparpOse of twisting the cash out of them, •Ths payment or non-payment of Mae dirt. r demi le likely to be influenced consider_ ably by the loaf Or abort Interest at ttie Bum Demlopments L .l>onture'ed with the mysterious disapeetreace of the produce dealer an likely to Wog some Inter-, ' ; estleg cares refore a legal trltounaL Th. decision • of the emels will assist In defining the, at present, *retitled boundary line of "what 'constitutes ob. ' •- talning money tinder false pretenses." And also, the oftictals and directors of • company galPy of • breach of trust when they complus redeemer. ht. the market prim of a property confided to th. mby idockholoers as their trustessl Are these ecdeptraters to , depreciate the WS. of property Wrested to them, liable for damages in • Oduclary espacityl • the number of these violations of run to to en lob themselves, by directors and manager. of compaties, L incre..l4 rapidly. and. It would - be pubila benefit to have some of them &Outlier. led upon bi- the courts. •• ‘ ,2-the New Your correspondent of the Boston Cb - tmerciel Delldfas, gives the following leterestbm particulate of the flight of an absconding mecule tor, Br. ,S. 7. Esstman,• leading provision dealet holtist city. _ • i-- : ' l, ThePork interest at the Produce Bedlame bus been greatly agitated during the pest two days by the reported tight of A Monne operator, (Br. Smith .1. Enetmao, of the Arm of Eastmen la frtmerly Bearer, • Loyd, provision &eaten, No. CZ Leona sire ti from this ci leering ty, leeng heavy out. Emoting chit *Cons, maul leg In part from perk and bud, and in parafrom stock speculattoos. The I p iabilities ineelved In this ceee L is acid exceed ot,eXo. The Ingi.lve operator (who •basalways btrne a high elierartcr for butyl ty• sad gensroce fay) disappear:on his store last Ssturday, fend Was last hen d of,- telegreph•cally, from Bes.ott. •We has eclat toads good his coupe to Beropo, . leaving a number of victims “to mourn" him sad. rfsm end making mit -Mr. Z. T. IL .Gibbon, his oak broker; te a heavy - laser on hie now worth. ,I,:s. paper. Another party, owner of a Brooklyn - V-. - relieuer sad • reprimented as being demely*o ttolnally Involved la the abortive provident:4o. Mahertameng Ohs Mr. Baste 111 P- 4.lMittto. /MVO eland about a OSUMI dollori r. 6 r 'Se cotes Kids Ann, with warehouse msdpt. L. .coliatel..l.lWhlch weft mainly fraudulent, Into i,w as they swotted to 1 1 / 9 1411M11t itsty smite Iltrattousea, - l 4 Uts,iray.lee sriouse.kst alssladby Is made out. Bose Area whak 'deemed on "lard," And that receipts were freed 41,000pack si %ra in • b Got wi ll bald bat a eutterel o r e issetosessa lloadt witch &day et tw of. La whisk some elo:BLati BM Mend, It IlesnA the area{ " a he atirta TAU 111 *hilt the Ira ppeasrtt eon Wised mottleelKl easy are Kr. Lytmaa has Kea • &ittelts secrets He melded 'lt Aes, in* I has ellepul IM IW Mee . d worth Nom*. Us eKesessesimet lliaßsootlya, DV is lOW Wirbleentrerd.," Taxwax, June 17, 1805. There Is no improvement to note In the 'peer tl marketi, nor le their any roterlal change to make in quotations. The demsa for ill of the leading oommoditieti- continues Very light, wale prises generally remain unchanged. GRAlN—Wheat is quiet and without chino— small sales from wagon at ii,a5.21,10. Oats dull and drooping; sale of Ile sacks at the Allegheny depot at Jet= bosh from store, at fib Corn very dull; sale of tai bosh prime Ear at 75 cents. Rye— No ilemand whatever. Sale eft oar Spring Barley at Wu. FLOUR—Continues dull and depressed, with a drooping tendency and fair receipts. Small sales Of Extra Family from store at gliOGB, for Spring and Winter Wheat brands. PROVISIONS--Itaeon Is quiet but steady with regular jobbing tales at IS for Shoulders; for Sides;2o42o% for Plain Rant and 25,2111 for (eartviused) huger Cured. Sale of ides lbsmn Side* *M. No change to Lard, and no demand for Pins Pork. J. pOTASO/SLIn better auppply, but the market Als steady, and prices are pretty well malntalaad. 'We note sales of Bede at Bo; uhlh's at yl,OO, and Flukes aad Peach Blows at from $1,10@1,10 per bnabel. OlLl4—Lard 011 is moderately active but tin- - changed. Sala of 40 barrels Linseed Oil on private terms. °NEESE—Ts In good supply and drooping; sales of W. R. at 16017; Ramberg at IS, and prime Goshen at 20621. EGOS—la good demand, and sell readily on ar rival shire. SEEDS—Elaxsis In good demand for ship ment, and sails readily at sI,9O(MOu per bushel. No demand, and nothing doing In Clover or Tim othy Reeds. MED FRUlT—Apples doll and neglected„ with email sale, at nee cents. Peaches dull sod unchanged. BUTTER—Prime Roll Butter is in fair demand, and may be quoted steady at learm. Packed In quoted at 12015. CORN ME2ll.—Sals of I oar (somewhat dam- aged) at 59 per ton. It wee sold to a feeder, being unlit for anything else. 8716 107 60 PITTBEURGH PETROLEUM MARKET TITCSDAIT, June 27, ums. - There was a very fair demand for Crude today, the reported sales reaching in the aggregate over four thousand barrels, and the market ruled Orm and mates are well it:Wafted. Sales 150 bids at St 34; 60 at 2114; 660 at 26,1i,1tee on board ears; Mat MIX, fob; SOO at 2634, fob; 200 on the spot, 26; Nat 211; too at 6134; Oa at 263, fob; In addition to the above, we also heard of a sale of WOO bbls at SS mute, de• livered 11l PhllaQslpkla .. Hatined, in bond, is in good demand, and Ann, but the extreme views of holders has a tendency to retard operations. Os the spot, prime city brands are held at 46047 ej, utile buyers are offering 44046. We are mint z nt of a We which w a pealing today, or SOO bbls, fur August, in Philadelphia, at 65, and 500 for Sept, mber, at 6S, and It was thought that tke transaction would be cOnatimatehL Free Oil is quiet and unchanged; sale of 60 bb's at 61. No movement in either Naptha or Beabluum, and, to the sb.ence of sales we omit quotations. The receipt. of oil by the Allegheny ?liver since our last report were as follows: lister 11; Bro 12411illark 200 H Ofclitvly 302rW P Logan —. J T Stockciale.-..—.. 160(SM/illy k Gallagher Pie IS H Collins M u lohn Berm . 162 Jonathan Gallagher I9o o ooolt gr. Homer 407 las Baxter J E Ftrickler......„... 80 Total 7248 des Wllkln 727 05 50 ao 4 00 PRILADELPHIA STOCK MARKET. Spacial Dispatch to the Tit:tabu:eh Efacetta. PKILADZIMIIOO. June 77. 1810. The market for Petroleum Stocks continues dull end depressed end without any - dlspeaition to ape rate at the low rotes now current. The cloak:is quotations were as follows : R0ya1........._..._..._Taira' B 7 Dunkard....----. 87 Usidwell Big Teak. 31 n 25 Jerety Well I 44; tat rlicholea..—....l 23, Brunet __....__.., 25 Junction 444; Wm. Penn ... s 7 lirtninteck....—•.-1 81 Tionesta.. 09 PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEW YORK Special Dispatch to Weston Prom New Yost, June 27, 191 a, •team Stooks are more active and firmer. L of the tinned Service excites very little, in the street. The cent:tern had any on among trade. Excelsior, 1,25; Webster, ighgate, 7a; Fulton, 6,85; "Guild Farm, 75; eon, ,o; Ptt Hole Cheek, 12,c0; Star. 2,05 • to, 2,75; Buck Farm, 70; lideElhenny, 2,22; 1 1,03; Eyed, 2 , l ooleydrick,2,3lioberry Ran, ante, 2,00 Germania, 50; 011 Cheek, 7,00; • States, 2 0,90. The • coma pont 2,60; lea • Ten Tack YORK PETROLEUM! pUIRKET. Dispatch to Western Prom Draw Yuan, June 47, MIS. otrum—Moderately active and advance! to Sales at Crude at 23,144311 c ; Relined In Maws; Free, 74175 e. .EGHENY CATTLE MARKET. Exprenly for Pittsburgh Gazette. Attzonscrr Cr,,, June 21, 18615. TLC—Notwithstanding the supply of Cattle this week was coniddersbly below that of rek, being nrionaly estimated at from nine rd to one thousand head, the demand was I and the mark _t ruled dull and depressed, compared with last week, prices hare still r declined. The retail trade took hold spar even at the decline, and the number to eight ipment was - unusually smelt The Enters Is have been no unsettled and completely Lind for some weeks back, that shippers •,•• polled to operate - with great' e,utian, and mend for meet having fallen elf considerably ;or butchers an not buying as freely an us nal. ry bensraden sold oho. week at 7073.4, fair .• at eci%‘ and common at MM34. Several of stock Oani• changed hands at shout 1,11 a t.d a I did told 11 d U. I'o.. a chalite Elk , ...Ttes market for Shel.p eentlaues quiet, pr., curly; a !ltd., dub, hit there is ao irci. rge to make to quotations U. ,IL Hines head to Enters& & Co., et 4 ,4--cozomonish; Hudson sold 170 head to W. J. Lafferty a 6t4—rpigd. Formational sties of s retail 7, were II Erected at a tame of from 5 to 545. '.—There worth in this class of is week, worth noting, and in the sheens r e Omit quOtatioaa. t SAL= 'O7 CATTLF. J. Shop sold to J. Berry 96 head of fattish lowa steer averaging 1050 Its, at 65,63 per awL Li. Jam. of 17 bead of commonish Lallans steers. a re ging 1609 Ito, at 0105. ILO latch I totalled II head of !airfoil Ohio steers, aiersginy I los, at an average of 5X.0. Bola & olowood, Diciest 60 head of common to lair Illin is stem at 6%063i. Blair & y wholosaldf7s hied of good Illinois Mock alto to Brehhouser a Co. at fou and retail. ed 25 brad !fairish at 5 1 %. H. P. Can on t stalled 19 head of fair to prime Ohio steers t We.- . ILPatte sold to Eniorick & 00.12 head of isms r lawag• at & "s .l"M.Dic sold to Herrarin& Duda head of caws, hello and moors at IBS. - W. , 1. La ya, Co. bought 110 head of solid' Penes nee at Myftsi ' /dyers & . sold lit hoed of good stook tattle to Boland at 6 Mark, merman retalledso head Illinois steers al, 6 734 Emerick & Co. retailed SO head tows and Itelft;) . at J b ori terwin fetallald IS head of Light Olho steers st 64M6 , 4. Campbell sold to Crouse & Baas IS head of fair la Western Boservestock at sie.g. Funk sokflti head of fairish, to go to Holliday.- burg, at 11%... Crouse b. Baas sold 20 head of good Ohio steers, to go east,at SH; and retailed Pat head of mood stock at 1543 I Merrick a Dead sold 22 heed of oacinseni to good_ Ohio steers for L. Potter at 4.06%; 2 head of totals Waabitigton county, ( Pa., oxen, averegiost 1550 Ma each, for McCormick at 7%; and 65 head of Moots dears, trAtheli account,at MM. Arn4 Awards at Loule►We. M.jor Symonds, the United States Ooeuntssary, made the fello!rlikit awards to-day, as per ad►er tsarina: G W Wright & 00, Madiron, 800 bbl. at 11,0. 0 0 WOO bb H Ferguson at 50a,210 Ibis 14,511 i x,77, Total,2olo MAL I$llOAll 8 170 AZ. T B Btu" at Oa, Ginstanatt, 160,0)016a at !la SALT. H Dent, Louisville, 50,000 lb. at 97%e J 13 Sailth, 50,C0S lb. at ftNe. Total, I ~ , lbs. Philadelphia Cattle Market, June RC 4 Reef Cattle &Intl.:me very dull and prices have again fallen cdf I cent per pound. About IWO head 'impede:4 sold at from Nene for extra, tutee for fair to y sod 12f/Ine per lb for common, as to condition., l an B d h etriat from e s pe eh rfli, ; grins! ' Lamata a rc hed selling at from saes per head, al to quality. Heat —Prim have advanced about Me the 100 The; MO head auired and sold at the different qyard., at fro ' 11124311 A, the pa pounds, net, am to uality. illovs—Are doll; 112 t bead ',toad and sold at from *l5 up to Ito for simprers, sad CIO up 10 PO per bead for cop and calf, as to quality. Market, June 20. Tte market' le poorly suppliMl with seabed al deecriptlons, and to the absence at gales we quote Clocerseed at trslo f 1 boahaii Timothy AV it 63,60, There Is some (equity for Ir'/at tes t 02 is, with small sales. The Wheat kkk ek Is quiet; the seles s wl Red are matted at 5i,1601,80. PM bushels °holm Rea. tricky White sold at VAC, Rye ramps from is to 110 seats fl bushel. Cork mores slowly, with sales of about 1000 bushels yellow at 1164 to el, awl s od 86R88 seals, Ram Cr. ha good demand sad Ballot la a small way at 72 seate—ad *deem* era seats per bushel. Ia Dulay oo Wes; 1321 bushels ohcdee Bar* Malt sold at Cp. • IMPORTS BY RAMBOAD. #11111•171.0 i s FOOT WATII2 • 01210•00 X. R. . June 11—I mar metal, Nialltk toot 1 oar oil MB, Whiteman & Midemon; I oar muds. Jai Wood & Peat a aka rags, Godlloy °larks 15 boa ohm*: B Canaaid; SI do do, - Maki & Tango Men lc do do, Shoran/ter & Lang; 1 plq ciao, Little. Baird k P atton; 1 oar oil kW, .1 K Baziouilli boa 051 honlay, Grad & Lida eggo,_L I t rAg i & sot I e oats . Dorriaddon co; Id aka wool, Li posman. Id tots soap Readason & 55 du Z HessleloatX to poi' 5 do , •dao 4 / 1 51, . 1 Bowl 1 dot Buys', 13 Balm IXstrXiiil APOZerTIOMBIOB 1.-X, .Tuna 27.-% so pci who, Beckbom B Laa_d; a eels admit, HY Poindaztort _IN toss pig Iron,Plimlsk & eoLW aadka da owl, X B Gurkha; IF oar . whist& Wki Boa; 111 ski wheat, B Zamaidy & Btu; VP tibia Cour Jos Osnioar;ldo dodo, Mao LosehOldildlo & k tee do, lEeetiarer & lroakomp tdi bags at boas, V Balers l B Wads BBLI ias. Miaow It so; II bin do. km bcztler, Brown, nrd & 00l t bit tea, / 8 Dilworth & oat Ild• doom J thuatold; 311 sacks potatoes, naming &Sod* 1 Mb am Lama Llppia%;L bout Ohne., Bakthe -dos se. rirrustr4on agAIiKL-Ta I==l HAREEM BT TELEGRAPH. Werw York New Tout, Juni 27.--(loprox—More attire and Libber, at 46c for Middling. x.ouh- , Flve and ten cents lower and more at. tier, at $6,1100106 for Extra State, $6,430e,70 for corns cm to good ildpping Brands B. M. U., and $6,76e8,00 for Trade Brands—the market closing steady; the sales are 5,9011 bids Extra State for ex• port at prices within the range. Wntoxy—Flioner; Weattra at $1,03, and small lots at 52,04. Ortsur—Wiwat le lower en Spring, ant 2am lower on Winter; N, 1,30 for Uhl :ago Spring, $1,1701,28 for Amber Milwaukee, 6 1,80 for No. liVintsr Bed Toledo, and 111,A1tp1,70 for lied Michi gan. Rye quiet. Barley doll. Barley Mall dm. at 51.00. Corn dull and Setolower, at lafr7D3 for Unsound, and EntirOSc for hound Mixes! Western— the latter price forklle-dried. Oats dull and leto lower, at 74 12 1 60--eloshig WI 21 sales (to arrlve)-at tbe latter price Onocesum—Coffee dull. Sugar quiet; Cuba Muscovado, 1214013 c; SOO boxes Havana, at 13m Liu. Meissen dull. 001.—DulL Pa - rnotsirk—Flrmer, at 9.31.44:6394 for Crude, 6442 66c for Relined in Bond , and 7307501 or Free. Pnovisioss—Beef mere acti re, at 1110014,00 for Plain Mess, sad 111.14216,09 for Extra Mess. Beef Hams a little more active, at g 264217,60. Oat bleats steady and more active, at 114214 c for 8' oul dera, and 164219 e for Ilims. Bacon quiet. Lard steady, with mote doing, at 16:44/118;vie. Butter quiet and steady, at 206bbe for chic:, and 25(245c for State. Cheese quiet, at sates. New York Cattle Market. Nitia: Toes, June St —Tne current prices for the Weeleat all the .markets are; Beef cattle, tint quality, per pound, 114218 e; • fate to good, 1,1:2161 cornmeal, 1342144; Inferior, 114212 c. Cows and Calves, drat quality, per head, Sixbßtivi: ortfie••l: 111441;70; common, 960060; Inferior , 1101250. Vea l Calves, first quality, per pound, 1142113,143; ordins. ry, 9410 c; common, We inferior, 7@dc. Sheep and Lambs, extras per head, 0 7 , 60 428,601 prime, $41,60127; ordinary, 35; common, $4,90(24.76; or, nu quotations. Swine—Heavy, corn fed, per Pound, PX:1310./0 ; light and medium. 9,4129,14 e; still fed, siin. l'ne cattle market ruled,. on tae whole, a shade below our quotations for ttie pro. 'ions week, Th• receipts are heavy, over one hundred and twenty more than last week yet the demand was b Lk, nearly all the cattle being sold. These were but few prime and extra bullocks In commons, and they sold well at • slight advance; and Inferior grades, of which the yards were mostly filled, sold folly "4,:: per pound below last week's figures, most of trim at.l/ield* per pound; the average f reely 15yie. Sheep and Lambs ate coining he very for this season, kid sell at a decline of 13.0 per poond; Pliers firm. Live hogs in trials demand at a alight advance. The to. lal rereipts of all stooks, at all the yards, for this week and last week, were: Serves, 5.611; Con, lcs; Vc•Malves.2,z27; !glee'. and Lambs, 113,E,1i; Swine, 14,640. The total laat week wan Beevea, kris, Cows, 100, Veal Calves, 2,301; Sheep and Lambe, 11.6 ta; Sine, 1.0.903. New York Stock-and money' Market. Raw Torts, June 27 .—Moner—gulet and easy, at HO gl cent, Sterling dull. Gobi (inlet and without decided champ—Of...ldg et 141 X. advanc ing to 142%, and closing at 141 A. Government Storks hr. sod active. bror:as--Dull. Gold, 141%. Fort Wayne, 96%; Rock Island, 101; North Wes - ern, 26; North West sin rtelbrrvd, ll 6%; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 1134% Illinois Central el rip, In: Canton. a 9,54. Atlantic Steamship Co., Ill; Michigan Central, Michi gan Southern,ls4%; lifruitiomb 14; Oblo and Missile all pi Certificates, vt:P4 . ; Ttensury VON; 10-40 C oupons, 95; 6-20 Coupons, las 5-41; Sixes of 1667, tGallaher's Eren, or rh O =7,3 9 .,d, le% Old einilo i s °3 ,l • 4Alchlgan Southern,ll!Trtil7tt Central, Rock Island, lel; North Western preferred, 46,14 Marlpoaa, 1.334. Gold active and rather strong--sellln r alter call. at 141. Stocks firm. Petroleum Sk;ree—Buctlanan, 93 ; Cherry Bur, 401 Excel...tor, M; Manhattan, 420; 011 Creek, 790, Rynia, 207; Napoleon, 200, Webater, 275; Ger main, 47. Chicago Market. • CIIICAOO, June 27.—flotot—Dull and 1001110 lower. Own—Wheat quiet; mles of No. 1 at Ili.liKttV 1,1154, and No. tat OWNe. Con quiet; Oakes of No.l at %A M*, sad No. 2at 62;465.1e. Oats ;lute, at 4..eads: for No. I. Pnosuuoue—DulL Ilioutruesst—lnsetive, at 111,2601,25. Ilacnrre—Flonr,6.loo able; Wheat, 62, 006 busk; Cojo, 209,t011 do; Oats, 76,0 0 0 do. thuruture—Flour, bbls; Wheat, 53,000 Int; Own, moms de; Osts,loo FationtS-81.eady, Bnltalo Maiket. Burveco, V.—Fiona—Steady and demand moderato. Guam—Wheat Inactive and nominal. Corn dull and drooping, and no sales. Cala quiet and teadmg downward. Barley and Rya nominal. N Burr—Dull. Carrel. Furrouga—Tian; to New York: Wheat, Itße. Corn, ISKO. Oats. R. larroriglour, 6,725 bb's; Wheat, 41, 997 both; Corn, ^7,632 bosh; bate, 9a, 797 bush. CANAL h.rowrs—Floor, M 7. Dam Wheat, 51,- 006 bush, Corn, 71.100 bosh; Oats, 9,833 Mutt. . PhUadelp:Aa Market. PUILADICLPRIA. Julie ?I.—FLOUR—MiII gad ICI 11311,1, Mum—Wheat doll; red, $1,7551,80; trflOts,tSO 2.20. Clore steady; Wes of 3.00 Swamis yellow at 11. Oats flue; ;Islas as ono. Paoswooss—Firm. Covross—nra; ules of middlings.% 4101.34. Wismar—Dull; sales at 1e,0602,10. Toledo Market. Totkoo, Tune V.—Glum—Wheat tele lower; r, bite klgan, $1,6634; Amber hileninan,•l43s4 Corn dull; Edo 01101tet. Oats quiet, at .120. Recurs—The revel:de fur tea peat week wart follow.: Wheat, ZAS,OOO bunk; !Dorn. lt , ooo do; 0.14, 11"0 do. dotd.-.Who, 1., 200,000 bosh; Corn, 8,0:4 do; Oats, 4,00 do. Ilatttmore Market Be,' Igo's, Jug,. 27.—FLoun—Dull auel droop. lug ; tales W meta super at 011,114,0,50, r. I .o —Whem di.u and heave: Southern Red, 61,6 aim. Ogru dull, vies fifhl to at , ISse. e--.S.ewl ; Bulk Shouldees, lea. Wili.LT—floatteaL Oswego Market: Ovorroo, juin 2 7 .—Florra—Steadv, at V 1.75 for Sq.- t Sort La. ♦7,7081. pr for ft, d %rioter, $6,25 for White, fax* for liouble Eitna 1.3 aant—Wbeat. quiet; Walter Ertl WortanySt.,4ll; No. 2. ()oleos° t4olog pp. Vora qui t. BITER INTELLIGENCE. Tha dyer remains about stationary at thin pal t; tO about four taatliallorted on Mies Hoot . The 'Amicably was cool and ptomain, awl apintreatly seltlel. The Lsolatre No. from ClotLanett, I the only aerl• I we hart to rep. r . The Keaton, from St. Lou a, had not reached the Wharf, but was almost maturity expected. Thu Empire City, It Is Id, hu gone lato Summer quarters ea "(flan The Emma Graham, for Zanesville, and thellro. City. at Cincinnati., constitute th• departure The Iyai City had • -fair freight Wt, and quite a number of passenzers. Panniers and shippers should remember that the Hart Times, Capt. P..rry Brown, will leave tn. d for St. Lou s and all latermsdlate paints. She has excellent accommodations for passeagers, and can take a railed •=OI3IIL ul freight. Kr. A. J. Barlett sl.lll instal. charge of the office. blempitts papsve state letters received from high atheist sources, though eat positively sus Ming, give some reason to hope that the nary yard for the West will be loomed at that place. Inqulrin *remade relative to the number of gunboa • that can be provia d for end ant aced In the mouth I White River, and It to Intimated that a naval force at New k ANJBII. TALLOW OIL.--ttr, bble to arrive on. steamer /lard Timm For eels by Jr.& 18411 A R IROKXIr & 00. On'MO I—WALL PAPER AT PRAMS prize., for rode by W. P. MARSHALL, 97 Wood street. S TU SFF.-1 car Ship Stuff for sale irtiw. LINELMIT, No. UI Liberty street. PEARL. BARLEY.-1,000 pounds Pearl Barley for isle by W. I.IIIIIART, Jett No. lel (Abort, street. PARLOR DECURATIONB.-oel lingo and Wells to match, In toorist French dyke. join W. T. MARSHALL. 81 Wood at. - rinTx, LIME.-100 bble Fresh Pecked for ante at PM Liberty street. J. 16 W. P. BECIi 1,000 BUSHELS PRIME YELL - 6 ft SHELLED OUJLN In .tore and for snl, by IQeBANE a ANJEIL CHEESE.—New well•ented Western Re: verve Choose, tor Wes t 185 I.lb rtv stmt. _ W. P. DEMI It CO. ACON SIDES —1,500 barrels Ribbed Sides, for sale at lei Liberts street. • Isle WE. P. SPAM k Oil. LACE LEATLIER-0( the beet quality always on hand at 20 and 20 Et. nalr otreat• Jelo J. & H. PHILLIPS. NEW PARLOR P A P ERti TU A V • this weak at No. 107 Riatast stree ß t. 71770 HE t BRO. .BRAMDB • D STAMPS CUT TO lea" Int i a ll AN. 3M WW 0511111. TALLOW OIL.-23 bkils now landing •••• Rom demo: Hord Timm. For ado by • jurN MUM MOW & 00. • .:3` , . : jar nosived sad foi salo u & nr anarms. F IRB BRIO/I.—For 'ale in lots. .1127 . • -.v, . • HENRY IL COLLINS. • lIBRICA "en LNG OIL:=Por sale_ by =MIT IL Comma oBBLB RILA.R.L ASH YOB GALS B m 72 1 I. a CIANIIIELD AV" Ulla@ nnn PIO BONT GIALZAN LELA 8 ft' J:840.118778241. CHAMPION OIL COMPANY Prodnoen of erode god Montifootneero of Refined Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils. WORKS OPPOSITE SHARPSEIIRO. Office No. 69 HIND street, PM"SBURGH, W. D. CUSHMAN. Sup't. &HIM BREWER, BURKE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, =l:r =I Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Works Liberal cub advances made on eonalgrunents o Refined or Crude Petroleum. Cyr. DUQUESNE Ird r •nd HANCOCK Mi., PITTSBURGH, PA. JOHN a. WALLACIB WILLLAX ouartea WALLACE & CURTIBBs COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CRUDE AND REETNED PETRO BENZINE AND LBBRIOATENG OILS IS4 SOIITH WEARIES. PHILADELPHIA, PA Storage capacity (under cover,) for 16,000 barrels. Also excellent facilities (or ahipplog to American and Forel& porta, at our wharf on the Schuylkill River, near the platform of the P. B. B. STANDARD PETROLEUM REFINERY GARII it SUMMER. Work, LL INS TOWNSHIP. °Mee to OSA ci124,-24 WOOD STREET These works have the largest capacity In the_ country. The brand stands the highest In this country and In Europe, for quality and fire test, allti the oil Ls put it well seasoned barrels, prepared especially for export. Manufacturers of BOILERS. STILL, TANKS and I eiBROVED BORING TOOLS for S 011 Wells. , deisdy BONDED WAREHOUSE OB Phenix Warehousing Company, Poo. of BALTIC & }LAI.ILLSON Sta., Brooklya. I=EZI REFINED PETROLEUFI, In Tanks and Barrels. see Circulars. Okke, No. M BEARE STREET, NOW York. 0r.../41y J . BENR No. 1 Bt. CLLR BT.. Pitiaburith FOROVMNO AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DELLEEt IN 0318 ILLUMINATING, LUCRIOATING, PETROLEUM OILS, &0., constantly on for sale at the lowest market phew. carats and orders whetted. ra'N'TRWIli a CO., WASIMPLOTITaIUIa al Oil of Vitriol and Aqua OFFICE No. 15 - : 1 VIITSIIII W ARUN° & KING, 00V mtS-SION NME AND JCIOILZIIII ON PETROLEUM AIM ITS PR And dealers leitedrilog No. n MARKET ST. P JAMES W I ',KIM, BROW LID WWI IV CRUDE AND REFINED ILLS i t Perry Sleek, Duquesne Way. ittateirb Air Special etteratlon gtv. to the LE AND SIIIP.MENT OF PETROLEIThI and I looducta. Consigiamestt• respectfully solicit.. PUtelrurgh Agency (or VENANCHiOLL ANN TEANSPORTATIO'N COMPANY. tar POST OFFICE BOX 142. KV. NCRLAT IV al. X MURRAY a Co., I Commission Merchants, mid dealers to CRUDE AND REPINIO PLTECI. LEVN, BENZINE, le. SO- Latta IsolUttes for storing Wilmot empty talents. Warehouse and *Nes DUQUESNE if AT rwar flood street, Pittsburgh. ,spltiond L UCENT OIL WORSE. INMAN. DIINLAP & IWCP.A.CTIIILISJS Pare White Relined Car.; No. 111 LIBERTY ST not WILLIAM REF LN E R r. IIMM;!;!M Oil Refinm and dosing In Lynx . leatlas sad Paint Ulla ONia7, No. 7 EL&NOOOK 8 Pitts OIL STOCIIB.—Tbe under's': elle gi ve parttacou attention to the p Stocks of ALL RELIABLE C I invite buyers and sellers to GAIL .11. K. NO O IL WELL STEAM ENGIN . t •-• proposed to rumisa STEAM ENGINES, So snob &robed of for oil walla and .1 poses, on • shoring! nottea. Having alredi Engines on handb, and Waiting puhlhi h• ancommoctated with almost. thew wants the wone tibahow for Itself. WILLILK MAHER, FlRh W between Ileolukolo and Harrison dallOSe BLA.NDYN , fatal Portable Steam Eaginea g a 5 en bolo four to fifty Horse Power.OC4l strict ly porta b le. brickor scrim. it Z pest In setup;. The Yet, t tk 01 GORING AND WORKING Oil WELLS. Vs! , BLANDYN. Portable Steam Saw .11,5 E Also strictly portablg_no brick or isasoary setttar. werranted to _,, 6 4 1 211 , cut from II to liktal feat of lumbar. —map awarcesa . art& Olsculars sent to say widress. lirwo rws For prices, descriptions, aa, sd.• firs Cress the nanulaturees. H. &.F. BIANDY. Bleudysi Steam Enloe Works, Zsziesville, Oblol or Slarays. Newark Mackin. Works, Newark, Ohw lelafodkuT 1865. 1865. " COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATuRs. "008 UR'S " EXTERMINATOR/3. EXTERMINATORS. _ " COSTAR'S " F.XTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. • OOSTAWS" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINRS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMIN ATO ATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINARS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINA TO TotIS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERIORS, rods. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. • ° COSTAR'S . EXTERMINATOREXTERMINAToRS.S. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINA roWl. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERN'S ATORS. EXTERMINATORS. *COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. I TERMINATOR& "COSTAR'S* =TERM' cATORS. EXTERMINATORS.. I "COSTAR'S* =TE EXTERMINATOR& • INATOR& 'COSTAR'S" MERRMMINATORS. For Mat EXTERMINATORS. ' s. Klee, lisssebes. Ansa. Mei. Haim pleas, Moths IS Fsursaise WAsslents, pii.,l4 us 17aato,Fowls, amisssalls •Se• o IS yams establishad la M. Y. C11t7." " 6...uigere 0 Onlj InlMlllas romadliskitowa.. l • I Eros Poliasss."' as to tbs Huasa Vandly." , . sous cast theft kolas to,, dis.ll , out 111 of all Woetilliss !SWAN N' caw. Discry,'lM Bromtwar. N.Y. , by Druysista ant Altathino le rub. . limasaiewr ri 1 I satl • tin • a •4 -I. • : : Battled arid Mak an Oastarai It; sow nOW hi slam sad en sale br writes a mos.. = NW Waal Weadalnat. pETROLIA MACIILNE WORKS .IEL. S. 141EICUECIr, No. 32 Ohlo Street. Allegheny MANUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS •aD ALL TIM IFIXTIIMIS CS= nil Sinking On and Salt Wells. Particular attention to invited to hie late to provements to JABS and 301NT8, which are of. faced as the beet in the world. They ace al] made of the pared Stlgeand Lour Moor ken, hammered espraaly for these tools. These tool. we made to SAANDARD SIZES, me that the Pins and Sockets of any one will agree with and at those of any other set of hie manufacture, hawing the same number. STEAM ENGINES and Machin. Work toad. to enter. Poet-ofdoe box t o.c. 5A218014 POST IKONS , ta. Nu trouble to show oar work. nonacid PITTSBURGH FOUNDRY. A. 0A8.115011. JOHN. x. niers - ram/ A. GARRISON & CO. to Bothrum, Garrison, Jk C 0.,) FOUNDERS AND NUXIIINISTS Manufacturer, of Chilled Rouen of all strew, for Iron, Steel, Brass, Zino, Copperilver, Gold Straw Boer* R ubber ß Paper and India Works aims, Rolling Min Castings of all deserlptious, Bark Mills, Patent Double Grinder with a varie ty of other patterns, Aiwa) . * on hand and fitted to order on short notice and favorable terms. Office and Warehouse, 119 SualthtleLd Plttaburgh. rainy PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881. DIERTI4MDGES PATENT Oral Lamp c 1 coneys, XX FLIIST GLASS. These Chimneys mei intendeu for the fat Awns, nesting 1161 parts of the lam equally, doe. not ex pose it to cracking. D. DITHEIDGE, Fort Pitt Glass Works, Washington street; spl7 - Pittsburgh, Pan's BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH PA. PARK, BROTHER & CO. DINT QUALITY FEETNEaI OAST sTEEL. ed Ez u : l t : o rlo u t y sod p o . =a o rk r , o an a1..na..7g th rant. country. md o andl 21 BwoDnaLNoa,PSt udrgh 1A RA? SILVER PLATED WARE SieCALN"Cap'ALCITCIWILin Walters, Caetors, tee" &a. suitable for the Trade on hand and for sal. by , WILES St NOSS, 225 South sth • st„ PHILADELPHIA twesm JOHN a. 111111110, lIMA. OW alitti. OILN B. HERRON & CO., etovo btEirtaxliatiAcretasNoras, AND IRON FOUNDERS, Ofaee and Sales Roam. fel9 No. 179 LIBERTY STREET Em:3rai PENN MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY. WIGH, MOINE BUILDER AN TM D AN MACMINIST, Licoox arm?, between Federal and Sandusy, Ass - sr Cr rr, Manufacturer ofhcan W IGHTM A N'S PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING STEAM EN GIN ES. Shafting, Pulley., &c. Repairing of ail kinds attended to Jelly 33111C1 J. BCI:IOONMAKER, X 7l OO/AOTITIL7II 07 . . White Lail, Rd Use. Slue kid, Mums, MS Plants, Patty, le., sod Dealer in LINSEED OEL, VABNISR, JAPANS, PAINTERS' .11LITPTorr- no. Moe and Warehouse, No. 03 Wood street. ashttlayd SSEVERANCE, NO. tgl Water. St, • Pittaborgh, manufacturer of BOL.IER NIT ETS, WROUGHT SPEDES, amazon and railtoad ot every description. Parris/Isla: ersaa_pee sprang andiarnmi 1.44. At small, made CO radar at shod notion. A good sasortsaanseonstaativ on hasol v - D& W. BENNETT, histinfhcturers • and Laporte's. 4. 4IIEENSWARE. No. it DIAMOND STREET, between Wood and Market streets; Patabursh. Pan nshi JfIED led Z. COUGH NO MORE. 2E2=3 TNT STEICHI.A.M.MII MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSA STILISTELAND*B EREILLI7I.I7OI:I9 COVELB BALSAM Ls warranted to own Coughs. Gkdds I: oarsmen, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Sots Throat nod rumat, Corms:optio gsn, and stkl stindLcust ot the Lun. For We try priggista. Geancil Depot, Nag rcrorth street, Onannt.i, 0. 7JIAIEIMiItECELB. AR nut Mittlloal num aa4 tau ntooaula• STRICKLAND'S WAR& NMI natE se the only pertain moody for Darrntes and t aac It lo • sonatinattan of Astrlngnosta, Stinsulant• and Oars:ulnae ma and Is warranted abet a gore anat . att MM•111111 have WILL To/ bT c =e. Gene r.. pct, Moo Fourth etrest t, ST}3,IOILANIYEI PILE MUD!, 'DEL STEICKLAIVIRI PILE REMEDY Or Gyred thousands. at the wont easel of Band and Itteeddrie Piles. It gives Itomedlate relief, sad ed feet& • penaarteat sure. Try It directly. ILO war nacelle ears. OT/31311.3r.L115X GULP & SHEPARD, Commisiion Her s-, chants and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. 317 Liberty street„ Pittaburgn. iwailiviu or .goes. Ganes( Depot.. E. . I ClJice brands el' now. for Bakery and Family Fourth snot, uumanno.k 0. I sae co n stantly . on band. Particular attenticut paid to tilling order• for glercharuthe generally. ! Benzine, 1, urgh, 1146. Dvspepaie,, Bervonsnea, Debility mpaniss. DE. 8111108WINDIS TONIC. We eon lesomatend Qom merles with lose etlte, Ind*sett= or Le DysisztaiLterrousness aM Nervous Deli us) , we a No ' d's Tunis It is a vegetable preparation, hoe hos, &Imhoff. Datumi it atraegtbena the wboie nervous Vfottlil. tt Creates a god 'app and Ia wamutted to au melte, NUMMI Debility. • EOM:IE H. KEYSER. Pittsburgh. It. E. SELLERS ar. 00, 30S. 30S. FLEMING, N. IIsOLARRER St 00.. OlLittlaM SUPER,, " N.J. FULTON. GEtt A. KELLY, Allegheny Olty. veteasebnest 31 ADAIRE RESTELL, PROFESSOR OP MIDWIFERY, who boo sueoesofully treated all diseases of females for Leroy yesrs. can to. consulted so amid, at tel UHAMBERS S CRIaT, New York. Or by letter, and meolcilne vent by =Ail. Ladles who require a safe and certtlin. remedy for removing obstruction. non rely upon her, a Wonted Infallible French Female Monthly Pills,' No. I. to restore xi:Avis:fly In 4$ hours. If of short. sueading,liut obetin‘te saes of. long standing may, require No. which are four degrees stronger. than No. 1, and can never fail,kre safe and healthy,' Price 16 per box. flan be obtained At No. teL Chambers ;street, New York City, or sent by min, With full Motructlons, by addressing Hex No. Sa79 New Yore Post inlee. Copyright seamed. Je9gmdli lICARI3 PR&CTIO WAXIIdII. 11111111141111111, Orme me a Imorledre seldom, acquired by Phyla. dens. Sly p etiolate oseresence In this ear &ad the essoaat of treated sumnallY gy mar We sofeeleat proof of my sumaa, OPERMATORRRMA,orSEXUAL WELILN7293 And all Mimes ethane therefrom are owed In I mob shorter time than heretofore by my NEW VEOLTABLE REMEDIES. Medicines sent to any part of the Unloo. All lattermost mutters it stamp to pay roam postage. llorrespoirdenasherd sacred. Oalee, Ed SMITHFIEED street, near mond. Address .1. W. BRAMSTE.I3P, M. D.. randy Use Plttaleumb. pRIVATB DISEABS. Office 252 PENN STREET. near Nand. [ontoe Imre tourll diseues of a foirate metre, la wo to days, by as entirely aim and safe treatment. Also, Seminal Weakness, Angell other dime...sof the genital ma'am, and tbtli prevention' A cure warranted or money refundad. Address letters W., ?ea Fenn non I • 4IX"TICR rja , Lolll4l i4 SION ARTISTS dc ROUSE PAINTERS, No. 60 Smithfield Bt. Pittsburgh. LETTERING OF ALL KINDS smoutad promptly and with unsurpassed elegance. • BEATIFUL DS on easalsd paper of U all catamounG lLT SIGNS ON GLASS made to order and sent to all parts of tburtometry. ricrroittAL DESIGNS umlauted in • htighly UMW manner. HOUSE PAINTING dons with a regard to dro rability,harniony of color, and neatnau of finish. Ar'All work at reasonable rata, aptly WELLIALR H. BROWN. Meta °Uhl' eraof Naomi k Ilgoaiturti BOUM AIM SIG* PAMMER. smut Ent west a/TIME Xxidustiags. sower minuses • 111111MUMI 1110tOkiL4 111:14141.111 1/A . , Zak Pre* Prinkr. leis Cls_T Okra SW.. WiiNDSLL & WATSON, • Prlbanatie Malmo Bair. !veer IlkipariN maw. of tie Gevenuaind. omos ROOKI".40 14r=VI . 2 D.0. -3,"""liati4l°. DOO lllZZLES—Assmteh s t s trr salr by sit Worritie%. Iklamfacturots of ETZER ARMSTRONG, Forwarding a- and Commission Merchants , for the sale of FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, SEEDS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally. N. IS hlarket street, center of First, Pittsburgh, Penn. feesay vv. r. ISMIK THOS. isms:Kann Wlti. P. BECK it CO., No. 185 Liberty T Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale Groft..m Coninalrylon Merchants, and dealers In COUNTRY PROCTOR, PROVISIQNS, ACO, D, BUTTER, MOS, B N LAR PRO DUCE, FLOUR, GRAIN, S MCCAW AND REIM. • FRUITS, &a. SALT and Ms w .15CRONAZZR R,CIIOMAILER A LANCI, • Wholesale k- 7 dealers In GROCERIES, FLOIYR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, F ISH ,, CHEESE, SALT, CARBON OIL, *.e., Noe. 172 and 174 Wood Street, near Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ipteitelt L HEAD BEOR6III /11:111ML1 j EAR .fn METZGAR, Grocers and Conk • a-. mission Merchants, and dealers in all kb:idiot 6:au:are Produce and Pittsburgh Nantlfactnres, No. Liberty street, opposite head of , Wood et Net, netaurga. aP347 P. IIiMIA J • surnrae....wx. o.:Anniza; IpETNER a BROTHERS, (successors . 1.. r to Reymer & Anderson ) Wholeute Dealers in FOREIGN faurrs E and SPICES CON. FFOTIONERY, SUGARS,,FIRE WORleSka.,' GBWood. Nes. LIS and Wood . street, above FINN Pitts. burgh. ' ' 31r2947 DDWALLACE, Commundon Merchant; . end Wholesale Deakx In FLOUR, dr GRAIN, No. P 53 Liberty stseet,opposite Pears/71mila L R. Penciller Depot, Plttsbargh, Pa. - -Btoraye Warehouse, cornet Wayne and Pam atreata. • Z. I. LlGOltrr JOSE - LTIIIDSAT T 8. LIGGETT & CO., CITY FLOUR. • EKG MIT.* 4 4 1, eerier Liberty Ain; Adam ...trep-br bare perper day. JOHN WATT JOHN WILSON. 'WATT, WILSON, Wholesale e eerie, Commlntion Merchants, and &slim • Produce and •Pltt.borgb manufactures, No. I , : Liberty street. Plttiburet. io2I • VIIII[PATIMX.. • ......... JO6. WIRKPATILtOr. J• KIRKPATRICK Eleg y O WHOA reams to Rrown &Walt, WHOLE. SALE GROCERS, Nos. 11l aml ip Liberty street, Pittsburgh. JAMES DALZELL tb. SON, Manufac. tureni Of LARD 0107,, and Commission Men chants for thepurehase and sale of CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, Nos. es and 10 Water street, Pittsburgh. Advances wide on aonsbpt• manta. CHEESE' WAREHOUSE. -.—HENRY OOLLINS, Forwardlaxand Ootantission Men. chant and dealer , in OLIELaW,_ BUTTER,' FISH, and and Produce genera ll y, Wo. SI Wood street, abort Water, Plltaburah. ~..max pormeicr • JOHN I. II01:1811. lOWANS. NOM& iOHli L HOUSE & CO., Wholesale GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER- Pitotbutth CHANTS, corner • Smithtleld and Water Maya, . SWIM= DALIIALL Z. DAL= ROBERT DALZELL '4; CO, Whole ... sale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merehants, and dealers in Produce and Patabuigb manufacture., Liberty street. Pittsburgh. JIM. LLOYD WrI,LIAM 17.011) JOHN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Gm cers and Cloomisslou Merchants, No.. giit Wood and 178 Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. DELL,_ (successor Cto ,T i tA R i i t E n t rH om es & 00, PORI PAIMILER and dealer In PHOVISIONn, sonar of Market sad ,roatetreete,;Pittebargh. J , IL T. H. VOIGT It CO. 406? littecessors to L • -AA. G. Graff PRODUCE AND 00212118810 N Imo -utak se: l4beit7 WWI*"UbI7I4. DAVID M. RDGERTS) , 14hokeile orator and Ocneadassoa munaim. llll Wti EOM L• l l3llM...JOillir illrfrrell..A. a. WA TA A MBERT; SHIPTON CO. le - 0, sale Groom wet froPul Z skeet, Pittaburet• -- • 340 ISAIAH DICKEY . r • • oomatudaa Kerikaat i y a id - pRoD If,. est Rata 0 I flPtAlir :f. • : I ft. , 1.111 esocia; 14.1 wood hews rumba's. 4,•• GI tCE ali2S, PR O.DUCE, .7 T.°. JE. bIS Corn rnisasian 14.1 erehant. 888 3c.xiamazz• - r - sr B "1"... AND PURCHASING AGSN't. PITTSBURGH, PA. Dealer In Flow, Grain Seed; Sutter , Cheese, Fruit., and all Fan. Pr oduct.. Beat brands Pam. fly PIA/PS (warranted) alway. on haad. Also, REFINED OILS. Prompt stlention elven to eonelgrunents and correspondence. Weekly Prtee Currents sent to Consignors. Orders and Consignments solicited. sennydnws B. F. QUIMBY ft CO., COMMISSION MERCIIINTS, Re. IWO SOUTH WATER TT., CHICAGO. Give special attention to purehmlre Frour, Grain, Provision% tic. • For nut= sooocuat. H. F. QULMBY T."BEOWN. W. D. PATTE:RSON, JAALLS JOHNSON. , ADAM ‘A.MAION, JOHN SO PATTERSON, AMMON & CO., Commission Merchants, Flour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Nos. MO and 282 PENN • . . Seott's New Bulldtn& opposite 0. h P. R. R. Depot. apG:ty HEiiiroii et co., Corner of Penn and Wayne eta., (WALT-Ace's Licicrpmea,) PITTS/MUM, PA. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the pureheseof Ci RAIN of all kinds. Alm, wholesale, neatens in BALED RAY. Western dealers will Mid it to their silesutero to corn-spend with our /DM., es we hove greeter facilities for Stange, and putting smell into thlsmad Eastern Markets than moot 01 the Seger, in this city, The Bert of oity references given when required. • ja2lgmd ALLX. X BAHL n. A I ITANE & ANIER, Commission Merchants. 10==1 Flour, Grain and Produce,: ID SECOND ST., between Wood .4 Smittleld, 114 y FTITSBURG MOIL POTTER.. JIRO. AIRMI..FITSPITZE A.AHEPIRD POTTER, AIKEN SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Farris= and Domestic Fruits Flour . Bolter, Cheese, Eggs, Pota toes, and produce generilly. 380 LIBERTY STREET, (e 1 Opposite Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh. W. W. J0RD.11}....11. HOLLIZITSX.....3. H. rOWS.I.L. JORDAN, lOLLIBTER 6z Co., 0 1 Commission Merchants, for the sale of FLOUR. GRAIN, HAY, GRASS SEEDS, LARD, BUR, EGGS ,GREEN AP. PLLS, be., ao. 1114 LIBERTY STREET, Pitts. 611110, Pe. .Letereaces—Hesil & Metzger, Pittsburgh; see ,Cen . & (30., Pittsburgh. . p2tayd R. H. JACK, a- R. CO a 33 R. Nos. 1 and 2 Diamond apear prrrsaueori. Pd. W MUNE; LINH.A.RT, ; (Suansaoli To.BL&OICEOWN h LELTH.A.RT, FLOUR da 4:36m..sxxv Produce and Commission Merchant, feLly No. 5.51 Liberty at., Pittsburgh 0. C. DOOLITTLE. J 0 . ram. DOOLITTLE & PECK, General Commission Merchants, Noe. fa and 10, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa, for the male of Flour, grain, Cheese, Butter, Eggs, Dried Fruite, Provisibm and Produce of all Mods • All orders for Carbon 011 filled at the lowest mar ket prices. Sir Consignments solicited. MbiOdy _ _ Gonna. 11ALSLEY & DER ,° Produce Lienssm mion Merchants, Warehouse, No. st., Pittsburgh. P. Wholesale deal. ers in Butter, Cheers, .Lard, Eggs, Pony Baron, Beans, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Hom iny, lirled Fruits, Green Fruits, Onions, Flour, Grain, Clover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Flax Seed., Cisme and Poultry. Particular attention given to Produce Consignments. 1 ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wlio sale Grocers a:decommission Merchant; deal ers In PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON CILELME, FISH, CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts, burgh manufactures generally, cad 114 Second street Pittsburgh. JOHN B. CANFIELD, Commission and Forwarding Merchant wad Wholesaludenler In W E STERNRESIMVE CILIMSE, BUTTES LARD, PORK, BAC ASHESON,,. FLOUR, FISH, POT AND PEA SALERATUS, LES SEED AND RL LARD OILS DRIED FRUIT, sod Produce generally, Nos. , and 14S Front street, Pittsburgh. ocet W CVLT. gt4llllll lBii4 CENTRAL R. R.—SD3ISI hit ARRANGE 11. - EHT —ELLVEN DAILY TRAPOS. Onand after HONDAY, May 13th, 1355, trains Wll.ll •• are the Depot as follows. BAI EMPRESS, daily except Sunday, at 2.60 a. stoyping only at principal station. and maids g direct connections at Bar:labile-, far . Now Tor , Baltimore and NV vihington, end Cl lohiladelpht Lit New York, Boston and Intermediate points. MAIL ACCOMMODAT/ON, dally except Sun. day, at 620 a. m., stopping at all regulle stations between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, and making close connection with trains on Indiana Brunch, West_gennzylvania R. H. Ebenabtug and Cresson R. 8., and Hollidaysburg Branch. PITTSBURGH k ERIE MAIL, daily ex cept Sunday, 1.30 p. stopping at nearly ail the Kati°ns between Pittsburgh and Phil.Q.llphlk, and makin e g connection with trains on the Breach llT Vgno r = ' Glearidran i glansigte 41.1107 Branches JOHN STOWN AOCOMMODATION, daily, en eept Sunday, at 3.00 p. m., stopping atregular et. lions between Pittsburgh 004 Johnstown, and con necting at Blairsville locomotion with-trains of the Indiana Branch and West Pennsylvania H.R.. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS, daily, at 4.00 p. m, stopping at Latrobe, tionemsugh, Altoona Huntingdon, Lewistown , Mifflin. New. 'sort, M arysville Harrliburg, Larusastm, and Down ingtown. At' Harrisburg direct connections are made for Baltimore, Washington and New York at Philadelphia, fee New York. Boston and late. mediate points. Sleeping Carl run Mouth cm Ude train from Pittsburgh to Baltimore and New York by the Allentown route. FAST LINE ! , daily, except Sunday, at La p, m., stopping o yat Conarnatigh, (Militant) Alto. no, Huntingdon. Lewastown. Mifflin. hewpoit, Morysville, Harrisburg. Middletown. 4lizabetli won. Mt. Joy, Landisville. Lancaster, Ann Down. ingrown. At Harrisburg connecuonr are made for New York, Baltimore and Ws/0.1:101314st Phil. dolphin, for New York, Boston, and Intermediate P ints First Accommodation Train for Wall's Station leaves daily (except. Sunday) at AM a. m. Second Accommodation Train for Wall's Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at 11.40 a. m. Third Accommodation Train far WAIN Statical eaves dolly (except Sunday) at 4.34 p. m. Fourth Accommodation Train for Wall'. Station eaves daily (except Sunday) at 0.03 p. m. Accommodation for Penn Station, itarts at 10.:0 p. m. The Church Train leaves Wall's Station Sunday at CAS a. m., returning leaves Plitt= at 13.00 p. Returning Trains arrive in Pittsburgh as rams: Mail a- m. lx Fast Line leo as. That Walt's Station Aeocoutualat;on... 1.25 a tn. Penn Accommodation. ..- ... -. .._ . - - 7.50 a. M. -- " - - - Second Wallis Station Accommodation a. m, Joni:Wolin Accommodation 10.06 a. is. Pittsburgh &Eris Mau 1240 p. m. Baltimore It:sprees • 1.30 p. m. Third Wallis Station AecoMmotatlon.. ten p. las Philadelphia Express t tats p. m. Fourth Wall'. Station Accommodation LSO p. Ereigrant's Train to . Sop. m. An Agent of the Excelator Omnibus Company will pass tbrolgtt each train before robbing the De - Pot, take up meow, end deliver baggage to any part of the city. °Mee No. 410 P4OO street, open ay and night, where all enters for the movement of passengers and baggage win 400411/0 prompt at. tent.on. Baltimore express will arrive with Philadelphia Express at 2.30 y. re. on Mondays. NOTICE.—In case of loss, the Company wit hold themselves rempotudble for personal baggage may, and for an amount not exceeding 'VT. H. BECKWITH, Agent, At the Pennrylrania Central Railroad Passenger Station. on Liberty and Grant itreets. mvb prrranuitt,., tT•caj WAIRE t Jr RAILWAY AND OLEVELAj A PITT:- BURGH ain.ROAD. • SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after May 14th, 1966, MMus will nut as Ibllows, vi.. Leaves I Fewl For For - PUtaburshiObleago. 11171eveland. I Wheallug. E5pre55.....12.10 a. 01 1 2.10 a. m. . 1 7.10 a at. Express..... .... ;10.00 p. m. 2.45 p. a. 11.41 p a Expre55.........1100 p. m. Mall 17.00 a. m. For New Oast!" and Erre 4.10 a. m • • Arrive at Plttabtirgh—p. Ft. W. & .0. Railway, !AO Lin., 120 p. m Coe p. m LSO p. ta.,-Orta go. m. 0. &P. a. it—sig.. m.. aAI p. m., 9.00 p. a. A.OOOl/1110DATIOX TRAIN. Leave Allegheny. New Boehea. New Blankly Brighton tar. Cattle. I Economy villa. 9.00 a. in. Ale p.m. &bey. m. in7op. za. 160 p. at. U .an am. 11317111131EG1. , - Arrive st Allegheny—P. P. W. & a Hallway, 7.15 a. tn., Ali a. m., 10.516 a. 255 P• 4L60 p. and 12.-M p. m. O. & P. 8.P..-41.10 a. rm. . . 6EA3EGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, , Union Palmate, r Station, Pittsburgh. Pa. A. CASAFJ•R"EIY, Ticket Again, ingibm P. L. MYERS. General Vbikelt PITTSBURGH AND CONN ELLS V ILL RA.ILBOAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Nor.ll, la % the will leave the Depot, corner of Roes and Wan streets, an follows: Leaves A?Mel at Mt:burgh. Fitt:MlD. Mali to and from linionlown. 136 a. m. IXIO p. m. Express lUD p. nt. fs3o a ns. FLrat McKeesport Awom'n....ltoo a. m. 000 Lau, Second 005 pm. tell 9. to. Flrst Readdoik'a n TOO a. m. .13:10 am. Second u 4.1 f p. n 11:10 p. nt Sunday Church Train to and from McKeesport lese p. m. wax a;la For ticketf apply co A. J. KiteleK, W. B. STOUT. A Supe yen r t inten't ALLEGHENY VAL- amain LEY It AILROAD.— EEL&NGE OF TIME.—On amt slier MONDAY* May Nth, 1914, the Mowing artaaguranat et ties will take a W.. DUEL TlMER.—Leares Pittabogn nig* a a. arriving at 7 , *stag at 10.06 a. la. Lame Kit. isunlag at 4.01 p. =tree at fittabWitk at p. WHEW TlMER—Learn Kittanning at S. a. arriving at Pittsburgh at 1.95 a. II- LOUP PI at, LSO p. a., arriving at Kittanning at p. m. • 7 AGOOMMODATION Mane.— Leaves 'Soda Works at am a. rm., attiring at Pittsburgh at?.411 a M. Learn .Pittaburgh at an p. a., arriving at Soda Wens at too_l6 m. armF. WRlGHT;SuneriatailimL VI 1 ',AI O'NE4,L'B FOREIGN EMIGRATION OFF/ ia P/ITSBURGR, PENNI.. *so. ' sao. *ace Passage from the "Old Country. - The Liverpool. New York and Philadelphia Ow nuin,) Steamship Company haring appointed the ruidned their Agent here, vies Mr. Thosapsoa. det.. he Ls now prepared to 'bring ont or wed home nuanners by the Steamers of Ws Lass at lIITOSTIALJ.Y LOW RATES. The Sw amen of this favorite line leave Liverpool every WEDNES. DAY, for New Yorlytuanhlng at Queenstown, and vesaehl Most. are among the fast -4M, safest, and moat magnificent The undersigns/ la elan Agent for the Li Mand LondonlAgaLsillii&lSatner il as Tt trawl el:lrish nommen; and Id * alls. The ateia l : ers of thin line are built la the stronger. manner. ' and ihrniati chalet meommodations for eassaegema Ha le also agent fm TAPSOOTTS LINE of cele brated Clipper Sidling Packets, leaving Liverpool for New York twice • weels, and the" X^ Lim of London Packets, leaving London every tan days. The ships of Tel:watt', Line have long Data so. ted for their quiet passages and the essidimse of , e provisions mthished the passengers, sod tr th ed treatment wade on boast Parties who h err friends brought cut by sailing vessels, mislaid by all means ystemiss this non - passage to California at greatly Maned ram. SIGILT HAFTS all parts of Europe/or gale at the lowest take. Apply to b. Camas., I foreign libidgrathin awn Si Smithfield street WEEILLT TO LIVER-Aa • POO L _ too‘eang at QIIKENSTOWIYMIIW Work Harbor. ills weibrourwn Stamen titf rho Liverpool; New York and PhLladalphla StearnshlP Oompaay (Inoan Line.) carrying tha U. 5.11401, are intended to San as (Wilma. CITY OF MANCHESTER -...Saturday, thus se. .011 Y OF ICKW I ORK Saturday, Saly t. CITY OF DUBLIN Wednesday , Suite. T CITY OF BOSTON Saturday, July & • And every remesedlow Saturday and Wednesday, eAturaorteauFrew 44, North Rim. RATIO CV PA114,11.011. 'Payabls In RATIO or Its ailtilvalsati n First Cabin: Mt SOlStaeraws. Inn2 Mlll • to London... ta ino • tak London... SO • to Parls......ifer SO • to II 00 •to Hamburg- OS 00 •to Haab .'11741.) Passengers also to rm Rotterdam, A.nter forw, he-, ard ate d wittally Ha low ratas. • Fares from Liv erp ool or Queenstown-Ist Oath, 1106,01011. Stange, lan noes who wish to Mkt for their friends eau buy Uskets bans at them. rates. • For Martha Afonnation apply at the Closepanr Men. JOHN "G . , DALF., • WBroadwi tg liN. tr bro. • 01311217, CUNARD LIN Z.--Otoana trom j ap, *ails/woo/. AND quitertspowN Po la gold, - or Its ogolyaleat la =missy. ISOM NEW TORE. WI la Inman Salle may weer. Apply to THOILUSSREMEMIf, A".• 417 6n411414 Mist. between al azi AI/11 rumkral Intr GOODS. WILSON. 41113811 w. O•EZ..DAY(D IEVAIDIO/1 /LEON CARR a CO. (s..a.rs wasoir, THOS Wholewd' dealers ta FOREIGN AND DOBIZEI TIO DRY ' GOODS, No. la Wood street, WA bows above Ittamoad Pittsburgh. ape ?A O N NAMUR . /b CO.. Wholasal4 aad Dealers la Tanokutas, rm. BRountairs and DRY GOODS. of atom tioa .3.3.1..17 sad Fifth street, Pittehargis WORrat &YD WbOleaale Retail Dagen fa FAR oT AND Efr l al l DRY CICK)DS, rxtuilartosoto i N 0.,/ Pit Ma aaa.aaatk aiburip lL Btry 3 rlZL, Wholesale • Itstall Dada" As *mim Jual IT GOO tfiDeliut=st mart reorra fia4 'lnistrestr, 108EPB, HOlitNE, 'Wholends and Dear: la an kW* a Tancturoe, ass awns &AM gas 71 mut l• Xambie am& - AD Dap 4 1 1 e, imarcaksilit, et