BMiti fiffsburgit iSvittt. TSDB9DAY;' /17N11 1611865. ioauwNorizzaz a clo g saisamaimala T s r mnis se.. ruitamusii., . - a=sateNtria' "la Pei MGT hca O. 4ado In ell wateetthe 12(044 ilegy ant MI es, 3earketratee: rzsolPerimask..m. Boodel , • ! u.av e a.lp. w I:man tes. - ta .ftsebeiper t •riusas No They Mee Inn 'sous sus: obuiii se the Teer. , T_ pth. r reh immittau_ lona .of Ocreenueset, um, holm NoWd..Ciold -' • UM WMM AND COMMaiIL. j . paCIECIUR AIM swamp ~BbAltb -(oonommirr sonescumearamilkix) humfly VW. • .. v : •, . • MN, lON 10 10 50 seri7 . Eooa na col) --, - 95 A. 1300120 Oz.:" . ............... 29 1000020110 .. . GO C==le ta*Niilit7 seTi B. It. Stook, Int..- OS y Nat. Batik . so 01 1/10.12 Manotos. 0 00 PeopleSetiaaal F.nt• vs 00 Heareir. • ..... 1 CO Colas • -- . .40 00 Illbetty on Cle". —. 40 40hetry Non Pittabutyti .w. so =scri 95 01 illosesy ........ • • laio • 45 125 Plttetemai at New Phila., Lamest er Or. Marry Rum. 100 Western 1 40 _North eWrteni 4 00 Whiteley Oil 1 30 . . 300 •harem riming a. ithiod In 110 *Gold opm•dii Neil Tett at 1C134, and doted at, 141; lapetus the market to be Arta, yet dtooping • Mix Governanter.• were quoted to New York ae Icalowe: Fite Tvnintles, ICU; Eighty One.e, . NW; Ten Fettles, COX; Certificates, 11% Oil Stocks temaln plantain quiet, the only sale emoted to-nay being No shares of Fleming le Blood at p. 'Mae le evidently &little better flot illa. however, and ite a general there Is not the mania dloceatte n =Whored to tell at • nacridee. Holders feel confident that the stock of Well con. eluded, dlndied paying campmate, will eventually ,ewme to 1104, 1 whilm at thl 11411211 time It Is come• ded that others will be consigned to darkness; never Kula to bobsled Of, and the sooner the batten Late aerie& hoot tha celebrated United States ~lell,on Pit-hole Cheek, represent that it continua, tel do nobly, steadily flowing one thousand bbli of oil per day, and no prospect of diminishing. The• United Metes stock was better in New Toth to. ' day, lake up to itiMlatt". "It is reported that a mall Nara.. wan made on thie property.of the OU,theek a cherry Run 00.., me day last week. , '• , The stockholders et the Raked'. Petroleum 00. should bear in mind that the meeting, referred to to oar WC blitle, takes place UM afternoon. The Comptroller of the currency halide:Med that the engraving orprinting of the clgosturee of the Omani of National Barba on National currency notes is net sectioned. by law: The etinend .lg. nature of the Treasurer and Register are attested * the imprint of the seal of the Treasury, while the engraved signatures of the officers of the banks' are unattested, unauthorized and dangerous. ..Thol3l3lthe bank: committing the wrong earinot • take advantage of it to repudiate its own other National Works would not be obliged to re. • calve the notes. The homes of National Banks are receivable for all doee to the government except duties on Imports, yet the government, through any of Its depositaries or °Mars, mby demand a legal attestation to these engraved signatures be ton receiving theztotes. Slatterthwaltes London • Circular thus refers to Americas etturitles: . We have again to note numerous and Important trammetiOnalluting the put within the London ====l lentaldereblenales by continental holders oft:ilted States fire-twenty bonds to realise Sultry; pro. St Which hu accrued on them. the bonds ogerbig, however, have been ruddyhowever, tainultre ship:matte New Tort, the relative Pilee thus being - by last , advbes s and 7 per teat above that ruling here. In railroad shares there has bean en active business, Illinois remaining rein at 76%, while Erin, *male by holden who bought es per rent t4lOw Current qutdatbins, have given about di. closing about 62. There has been a steady demand for the second taut rage bon& Of the Atlantic & Great,' ratan . Railway, and It being evident now tharbie Lin in warning ranch more than • satinet to cover the telut oa all the, limns, investors or seeking the cheaper semielttes *Me eatapany. Thiedebealtlres ate dewy it paste. • The Weekly- statement 'or the - Philadetphia huts, midis up to the 12th Inst., presents the fol lowing aggregates as compared with those or. the P r !! klua s t eg . k ;. - • • Ann 12; - Capital Stoa t Loans, .63,016,551_. r 61,973,371 Dec. 1,112,412. - e. 1,238,79 t 1,303656 ,1M 'D epod ue 1 7 m other bki3,498,638- 2973 , ,521 Dec. 41 ' 621467 Duet° other bka.10,216,371 8,812_334 Dec. 1,391,810 Depositt, 41,618876 0,225,V22 Dec. 1,213,44 Oireulation 6,717053 5,7136,337 Inc. 69,874 1. =ld Tender 3), L x noteNnoons,ant 28,9'79,e78 Dat-1,496,011 ' Of ;dative, elfulucthe Providence 1°147351 'says there are bat few goods on band, and best 61364 s are wOrth 19e. Prietere - are esutisus of buying ahead, some of the manufacturers offering to con. urea 51/64 et 106 a, without any bosun. dt the M it a n aw ri r t eir o a f re e t b ur :ll l ;3l=ldt 1 6 4 4 6t, an hand; 5,08 e ao 1131:16. private imam B,oolf ' 44,'16301, I. be made in June and Juin 4,000d064* 0 1110 , , lee, on kand;l,ooo do 52862,16 c, on hand. Total, 000 pieces. Agtlaulturil - ProipectsZ-Report of the Commlulontr or Aillealturi. " Mr. Maze Newton, head of. the. Departmeei of igtlaultoro Washiegttur, has issued a report for the months of Aprtl ata May, in relation to our hatioulturatproducts, their prospects and condi- Ideas. The report shows,. falling °Sof the foreign and raftuthwittal demand, end treats at consider able tenth of the operations a the recinrmity - treaty, itow'about to expire. &peat:infer the Monte of .the growing crops, Its. R ewton lisp that "the crop*, O ISM, both at home end ekeeedi, prOsilse so obuidozat turfed, sad should Vas promise be realised prices must _ especially wider a congenial decline in the tralusaf gold. Brit cotintato etiret of What then grope wilto, fOr they in notfreefrdm serious ankanfaipratie Casualties_ It is stall expected, however, that the summer will show an - Increased oxtail of our whiz* because their treality ta superior: sad the recent advance in Else prices, although email, indicates that the inferior wheats, whleh have been weighing down priors are -coasnmed ealliciently to rollere the market. from their deprecate/autumn: , - The (Melte demand for butter has lamely In .toroood sod,a;Ut continuos • In Met the exports . Irons Jane ail till Mkt were 5,17eM pOUSldgfor the same period this year, 0,843,031 pocmdee The demand Is KM faereaeleg,end spßesamea! p4l. ,V 1 • .., • : • r;: tt• . f t . • r•-r• •N Its chief sorrune:, usual pill.rteak,i nottl, Siq;tri from • total number value of each kind of term stoat in thy country to January, lter, w,ta tot rrititiZrse•ilegrolyitiarimm,J.trz. SaltteltlO:oo,o*7l. oows, °JOAO; value, % R. ! ng r i. be" ' 28'61 ;i 2 r4M174L ie . t l : 4 4 Bl ;igi 3471117 /stosic. MAW . Ta n= l ike value Total ono Tut win estimated at $1,604.4AW , ."-$. Wool b• • remunerative product until the - ittectrlb Of Galan in this country Abell be e. groat " ma it wits ta The Ineretas to toolnumber of tamp Moat Ittet wa ver.. ottoe; and eaticestinit e lltlt• 41111111,141 WAWA ot Aor wow four poundal, tho wool Clp of IMP will be 114,67 , ,011 pounds, IMOMPlaanhustaim heir:llr of id bolt nem. ' l/15 1" 0utt 1,11 17 =Produati n on of coluwkwir op ; at ti• Ntab liel i4wa or zh :a 9 4l„ a r r is qrStifpnl. • 4.1' • Tim ote tom wet,and , nay haste Ater arts! ' with t.of mem, torstinat, oottou. sowlar " of tax hs, Mo. This to the prinelpsi drawbar: l i. Tho wilatirmoopo it ti ei i i ie t zerer . i l sz i tilineit ao rance and s tan o r y ,esTodmig oormat alla e t i Cen be do • idred,r mot= awi t anesi eg otr ua t - ;r t t a ggrk: ' oto loosed ironrsearoo. Logars, P orfsgeoltot &boat twavy pet pent.' loho that In 1314 • A t i l t %went4 dap .. t tLl, l 2lr ritintiV •Oto 6 i4 toe costar; aka jovially high. lls - Tette* that high Rata of prosperity whiatt ',writhes, - shonadad - whto unread leaders - Merced the rebellion %Menthe pools. t'., , , • '-.- 1 , . ..• ... - , . . , . . , ~. , .- - T. ' , . ~.. -,,-.! ..‘ , - --,.1 ,:..- - .lf; -- . . - .,4i:::-$:-. ~ I . _ .. ..,-. 1 , _.. . , _ ini. L ltzgilker'Trade;«,%. Combination. , -' I Mom tbenatoolaYmo Nusoloo6 de . i . , bidoav u . mis ,,, thas d tro j a raTirlitid i =to ttsio - n e k --- I ll ° ,l ounnaao ninth Mau Moto 1.. ii, -bitl u tr ' mar yettor nmaanionnom • piny sod aquareit. .ip this sat or folitinvar jtot Moms a vatanon Vision bas th e most • 5 , sad , v i n dsvi um , ..Bouiszakull uz eir - owl ' a nd 17 "Mt anorLer` ON' al:e", biome oaMeum to t. 11""s" rair ,gir 4= ' : But*elf lit s 4 ,l looalon - MIPPit to , . 1 0' of mtaufmtnieti .., w r i t l ' I N 1 :1, cba , !_aoatanag nadirs In r ., a - safest`"-ridleatasabPt 1,;-.17,1=4,41:::::, , f --,.: • , v . !. 41,71nw am. -ow • VaZaige4. "' ~.-,i..ftig.•llw"*' t - • - , 11- - -.''' f t . -•.'-: .-,' r .1c,,f,..-.' ,;,' =x1144.-'. ,-' i , i. ,- , -ux two. • . - I ' m , ~-: -.4 . .. ': 0 ,4 i ...,„,, .. cif .01a c? e: 2-7.lzr. 4,4%11 ,, 1tt Kit* .. To tad ri't,--!.k•-•,..- itbommrim.. - 04. ~,-,- . ' Know -•' 11 0 xi. , t .a.d.,, '-'—' 4 '-'-ert um " ' ,!k.... ' l4 ' b" - 1 . 7 t, iixttroak '' , 44;,;„waii. - .., - , . A-4 . . azroimi;tisAisi. :;!. ..; . :''`n.,',Y&';-: - •:';..v , - - ;:: : '''': . ',. , 5'.4‘i.,.•:, •-::::::' ._ . . rtrrinitnida maxim. - /nu 14.181 L • There has been . no new features in thegeneral . rearkati tot* Worthi elf golgal nog* Tfiedei mend for all ef the lea ling cetemodltiot liontralse very light, while redoes hare foliage* As ma. Wide' change. Wheatis ;Inlet and dull With scareeiy etiongh doing to establish ;rootage* OSts illlll *dash** higbar, With Mill War him store st • eigGig. gotn Is exceedingly dull; sale oft merit* Shelliskatrie. - rißiliritiottid at lofirig, and Bar lePut , as to quality. .• • GRAMM—Demand fair and market arm and modstatto liethre4 but prices hare undergo* • ne; emienital *ann. Brown Sugars, are odling_lit 13/11111 far ;Cuba to algae Porto Illoothsra tena. eardefge+and soft dot grag* :goers is quoted: Ina at ; mid Rise at 110234 Old row New Orleans. olaues,sl; alp PEOVlSlONS—Bamernewdo, glocelderidall at 14 and - Bibbed Sidesst 160113.' Pharos brands of sugar Oared Hams an Tery - tinn at es-convened. Lard is a *ado Amer, and mays . I. tutted . at 18 340160. No *hot of Km Pork PLOVR—golet and graaall, but naohauW. Small sales al Extra W t horn gore, al ufor Serials and Mater b ud breeds. 1305—a te demand , ` Imner withiges IS ! CHEIME—sae. of 111 bx• Western Ream at ?ip tar infrftor to Pilule, =dee boxes god= re a dily fair donwaid prime' Peaoh Blows sell eadily at 111 per Muth Nb Wee of 801 l re gTTEN—lnzll inft nominally tiiimaged-17. t no3.for ed. coon Ur' prink, SOIL Lem .Ingally vat ILAY—DuII and a • Iowa; Mdet at imaloOof 12 load . at ORM per ten. Nothing doing in Baled Ray, with the =motion of some 'small ages Crew state. BEEDS—hstsfinitia Inquiry for nansiwd for aidpment, 4 and Nat miry little In market. Mover andllimodlay Semis alamoody mentioned. przframnica PETROLIMIII Wzowissuby, June, 14 181. The mirkitfte.: °Witte :eMatlgtow stew and . =64411401y Wive, while prime have undergone no visitable !fattened, and . 1434,4110034 Mit inoluded. gale of tOlgibbla at IW 400, . tto, and We have no late wises 'thrm the wells, but we Should bewarprieed to hear of the advance -to Gold- histort produced' a little more With* Um* t rill, passibly—tort hardly pro. bable=an adruitiltis" been estellshild. There It still considerable triqiilry for bonded 011, bat prices - are not Improslag any, %and, cotmequently, the traneactkam were not very numerous. WA note a sale of 000 Ills for August delivery, buyers option; at 48; and 000 bble,dellverwt the same month, at M. Ere Ql.l is dull and negietted, the domtand twin restricted_ almost entirely to supplying the retell trade. Meths le quoted at ye and 44443, hee. Heaths= ligalet and unchanged. PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKET. _ Special HI/patch to the Pittntramk Gazette. Tartanizrina, Janata, MIS. Petrolailm Stocks were 'inactive, but withoiat particular change to-day, and the, list left off steady Haple Shade and Walnut Island weri tLi most active. The Maw salad were as follow': Maple Shade.—....l4 00rWalnut Island 1 25 —.... 270 Dunkard Heyeteme..— 1 87 McClintocks 15 St. Nicholas 1 44 Tarr Homestead — 4 $5 Jersey' Well, .... 2 15 2 37 15e Densmore 1 94 Leen Jundlon.a. 3 16 Ohara Run. 2 00 3 94 1211 PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEW YORE, Special Dlapatch to Western Prom . New "Zoom, 'June 14, 1913. Petroleum Staub were generalliqulea, The fol. lumina' wale the NiCell of . aeles 'mute: llcapire 01iy,31,e0; Buchanan Fara, 89; Cherry. Bun, 10; Germania; 42; Tat:SIAM. :AN Ner4Meht 1 0 3 3 Mgt , . gate, OM Rend Pane, -2,3s;Alnited States, 21,03; Oceanic, 3e; Tack, 87; Pit-hole Creek, AM' NEW TORY PETROLEUM MARKET Special Dispatch to Western -- tress. Draw You, June it, tai; Petroletim market for Immediate delivery le doll at stli for Crude; 60(feel fox- Helloed, in bond, and Wool. [From the Detroit Frannie, 10th Init.] The make% is unprecedently quiet considering the advanced stage of the season, Only a mall share if the alp has been sheared: and Very little ha been bought. The sales that have taken place Lave been mostly at BOOdle. Buyers, withinis day or two, have with considerab'e oruuthilty, fix. ed upon arty cents an the outside fiance for the beet quality.. It faun to see that this price will not move our best clips. Thll tamers are in too easy a colidlaon to &wept a purely outside figure will therefore bold for an advance, wale/A companion among buyer will probably Induce, although patiaps not to so_great an extent, as the more sanguine may look far. With 'the present anomolow condition of trade, the wool pratilem is rather a unity one,in whale solution a number of questions wlll hate to enter, among them the pollution - of good' ,an wel l as the raw material, the price of salon, and tho natotaties of the manufacturers. The latter class will most proba bly surrender the field to the speculators, content to secure enough to meet their currant wants at whatever pace . the market may happen to role. 'Upon the whole, we may look for an Inactive mu. ket for some little time. &cleat. lTrom the Grand HAWS Eagle.] The wool market for this arasorPa alp le yet fiery quiet, but little having made la appearance la the markets. For medium grades We la the price • , . Michigan wool Is quoted in New York at al ank, according to amditlen ofteece, whlchnaskas more =rem= , In Umpiring, manufacturers will pay than the quality .01 new wont. The tartaeri , who would - get, the beat ;taloa for his wool must pay attention to watbing and psektng. The New Toth Economist, a vety valuable authority In wool m ters, at ptedlets - ')UI upwatd 'tendency In the Ss the. Oshkosh Notthwestein.j - Them is as elliTerense lathe prises of wool •freto what ltNnU qi,e year ego, or even BM months since.' Not quite a Tear , ago every load of wool that esinsupon the .atreet was besieged with buy ers, soh primayanges from Ms to et,to. Now the grower_ls obliged to'hunt °obey:ere, and the pile a range from 26 to 35e. Nemeedy and TUB are the only treys?' we knew of who arepaying the latter figure. • tthioi'eepgier4 - • The sleep eheazing season beingat haul". tne great topic of Interest amok Woo l lirewele le the Epee that wool should 6,4051 Muter. onO-Wn Idtfe 'a rld we o remarrOw=illesilf the ferrate trip:tees, at their late meeting at Newark. It will be seen that the Association war site un /Miaow in the opinion that 83 Mats stowed be the market price for Ohio Wee. ICU owr opinion that -lease gentlemen Mktg set their matk too high—at least ten or fifteen mita above what they, will be able to seellse. This, however, 1111 nothing unusual. VW hate! observed that almost every year, at the 'opening of the woof toschet, buyers - tad sellers are wide apart In 'their views, and that It general requires a month or no tolling them-to tense that aro fart for both odes. The proepeore age now that buyers will open the market this season by ciTere mg from 60 to fee. After picking up a toed many small tote at there figures, probably Tatbee even end perhaps to' 00; beyond this letter ewe we donne think they will go. • [west Greenville, (Herter 0n.,) Argos j • The wool trade is not very brisk yet: Bat snail lots ere being brought to tows, and prince are not • yet settled, ranging front 60 tone". , • • P f i c .itle Etal!maiL . . . The Petite Railroad Ls now open and in running order from, Et. Zone to Law/cum, N. anger, from which point it proposes to peek fennel an d join the Central Railroad approaching from the Yacht side. Oa thiggide the wiwkof %meld Aad track-4181 Is also advancing luridly Into the snout tales. At Newcastle Gap abridge one thou send fret long and sixty - feet. high. and,, must, beyond, another of nearly the mune ,dlmeaslons,. Itave_been completed. Among the. heaviest please of wdrk is the Bloomer out, twelve hundred feet long rod alstpthree feet deep, presedting two ;weals compassed almost el:liberal cobble stones, eolidly embedded in cement. The msaavra feel conddentef .rnonlag the drat engine to =note-. town by the first of October. We see no reason why the westand 'out should not foto their Iron rails inside of another decade.—S. Mislay Prem. Live Stoat In Peensylvasta. From the monthly report of the aertereltana de partment 'at Washtmeten, farDfil, we.talce the loilowlei table relative tO the number one velhe of the live stock of Primaylvatalayou the tat of that month : • • Number. , Av.prise.' Total vele% se2XO3 171,114, 974 Mara MASI 1034 1,115 971 Cattle and oleo. natant tole " 15,901,410 Caws— ........... Mom Se 1.5.70t,in 510p.......4, It thlleara itoP MONIS II It tepee,eas Total. • IK • Clevebual Mallet, June la • • \ • ead beetimild at 117.0 2 8 7 .20 fei [Odd to tome XX red) ISea,a for do "XX white. wbeat—lneirelar„ but dome 20124 better. Sales 4 can 2te 2 red free on board at $1,22; 102 bush leo red; 0000 bush do do, Ma blab do debt Mt So I red tree .1k board at II1,40; I are do do at Market Ins at tlietbee. ,Cloro—Dull and beirre aired at toe without ettee--040—Xtr het le b ette r, bat 10.1 t lleauwl ma. .p,, from store et erre. Rtio—so idea. nmiey—Dull sad aominal.—Meraid. Phlladelpbla Gralu'dlarket. inne 13. . The offerings of wheat are small and goners firmer. Sales of 4,000 bushels lee at I,en bushel. and 1,000 bushels fair Kentucky or to at 12,10. Eye Is lower; 440 bushels mkt unent. Cora comas forward slowly and is held WtWmuch Oro. nem sale , of 2,000 bushels yellow stoops's ammo a lot of round do at le cent* and white at at cent.. There M a needy demand for oats, and 1,0, p u b renna. lola at enerre. • INPORTIS UT RAILROAD PrlnitlinlG FONT WATT* it. 0810•00 Jose 14-16 Shea aost. Wined" SJ hada hav-ou shouldenl, J P Ilona k col 1 oar lumber, 86122 -ISoitertpl6 Axe cheese. liahley to VangoraOri Ella tamio_roda, Stteriff Lot ebtrayt 40 case§ to. • boom, I W Taylor; I oar tau:bor. I, Lantern; 692 'bags mlll'. toed, Sbomakor & Loom I ear Stave., Xelooe;t9 bturchotao, Wm lisalag_e; Tears Nlmtok oo; lot euodsioo, Soalt6ll2 Ittaxmairo' isto_Prrriathutx IL, Juni 114. UAW load, Pltutkielt_ It cot 1 1 7 Cl. pearls, Bake. • welli-Porra ton,, 000 bars Non, Siogari-Sloilok# 04.0t0 40. Joan, Sort & eat 421 b 100122, rat Broil& co; lor lumber, Voltam Ikooson; top tobsooo, X Eleasletont .2 Axe stalottlaw bbletobacoo, Stetivor Laiseatl46barteht X Howe' X dozen brooms, 11,11 ask c b c 4lr Imams, Wolf & so, 10 bra IlhOisalfeMle 000; T Jeatlrti t bottxi 1b42 1 /2 1 . ; AIM; Swartsett aotal ,ehet".7 Clandoddltfadke z e~espit 4,(.1.4:17% wpm* co; eltelPll2M Blair 1311P61: t_Vg. lll l#6 l A:4l l 9 o 24 .4 p4terools now: 31$ Oardota& lona do, MAID Leach" to do do, t IL 41lyaslig co; 80 dc.,4144,-yAratly..llt -Soppy 122- coop tlrteati..lUnnedy Bro. - , As;soltstrT„ -13 . r{orios; Aim% 14-1,0 has aoap„ • A- Statile' 111 6ktra butter; OTtatile6 AZ:Maar 1-Altrilo; NI D'art Oa Aka oats Davy e. • & Sayr; I - 012,1{s aka wheat, Z -tanda,llacOlt ibrOlroi Id Fleet litreAalas, tatiefs4o! ol s l lv -- '' - • ' ••• `• - •••:4 , , • :•• • • - lieUt:pl BY nE. Aew York Muter.. ` t r Will, Tomcat= 14.—Cotton Wavy and lOW :xt 41000 for MIMING FLorw-Withent decided - akin" at for Extra , Supsrline. 111126.7,611; for 11!= hoop Ohio, and * 7 • 10 4 8 . 75 ; for Trade Brands. Mar ket closing deady. , Wasimarr—Witkant deakledekiiiin atliA4lo.oll , ariamr=-Western Wheat ileac lower. rather more . doing; Chicago! Boring, 111,4W,4a5 Winter , Bel Westerly:ll,M; !and. Amber Michigan, MN, and wit evening 7,000 baskets Tem chotheAmber Mich: igen, id 1112878 . _Rye dim; Waiters at Me. Corn active ta l l bettor at MOM for sett; MOW far Bry and dried Mixed Western; and far for Modern Yellow. Oats sums and So bitter at 770 for Weldon slat. 1 • resffeedn- Baru oast M Ox ea o o all 44Molassesdol ait grrxongux—tlatet at '41 . 413 for_Ortidel Mg 6 620 for Binned in Bond: at‘ ie for do. Free. Pnovnions—York grmer more satire at MN 21111262 N for MOW MOM more at WASH cash:, 112140024, for 111114.:t do . ; ese .rwalar maludoalug at 1124 calk; 1 11 0.5 0 1119 for Pr im. sag. tor Prime Mess; also 1,400 Dada MeWileell ((((((or tenets, oncat-$211.01k -.Beatareade $11,10914 00 for rata Years, 9110111ov new 'Haw; 40.21.60 for VW Meats; 1111.14 for • Shoulders; and 111W18 a f t etanal. Bacon quiet as 16 fMe., Lord 1 1WM _VIGI&Xe Edtter quiet at =gm' for Oklo,aa6ngrao for MAW. New N'ork. Stock and Nona Market. , Nr. Ulm, Juno 14.-7/Looff (WO 'lad e ll a." 6 per. °eat. ete= l l6l44l-61-11041p0%.. Id scarroly se Mini filt 1494 Sad de/AI - all! 14134 and adranelng Ur , 4d% aad elpdos It 1 Otrremment MOO/ strong I Reek Waal, W. Vert Nagai, 161; - Toledo,. ISt North Wasters, ; do. PlttaburA a Ft. Nagas,s6%;lll42ilsiteriltral pl; icr i ew thr . Qalekallrer i p A nu t 61„ . 11 , 4 6 :141dgaa ZonTera, l l 0/Prshinsi k AZ! b le%; Cumberland, 41%; North Caro li na, 7 31 srl P. 1034; Teensissa, 61:12%;•1.10 , 6 ON; .York '' , ll7“ &l_ 4;% ll l7ldroai l ltin l Eo4 43l New , 61%; lighrldgas reotitharn, 43%; Tlttabwk, 46%; Nock Island . 101%; North Western, rotl, waynii,N; cluisesi**Cliaidandut Nora;" Co,. 16%, Moats vary active and a y. • G old Arra sad Morn elating after call, 14334. Baal* 'Cartel. . IhrintAtikkJuae 11...;Prostateuattrni. Irious-;.Noderately asttre and-unehlred. QaansWbest nigao lower at sl.o. 11 lA% rot Nc4 l (Attu uml4o Bente; X moderato.' ty sm o t e at ,0001,116:Octm astlvessulas baker r Natt'64036.50 I. tot No. Oata tli O, Ire higher, at a 1 620. Roca— ull sad unatraagad. O—Wheat dull; No. 1 Melee Senna at tel o a th er palms mew 114 Wasted. - Corn ro 7 oe . y4Zol i Mtoagl No. I MUM at ati .Winsirr—Dull sad nominal at ea014A2,03. °ANAL Fltiltakil—TO New Yorir,wneat, 133 _ . lasy Corn z Orroura—Flour, 4 ,010 bbt s; ea t , 61.(20 bush; .ootta, 21,014 busby Oats, 4,ooobuatt. °Sam, Mx:roars—Wheat, 121,100 bush; Corn. 93,910 bush; Oats, 4,1,060. bush. • Micago na4et. . . . Chricaoe, 14.-. F l our moduataly active. Gaant-I-Wbeat quiet and dealUse42Wtor salsa at $1.,113 1 481,r1 for No. 1, elodna at $1.50; sales of No. lat 1N,00M01,02. Corn active and advanced 2c; salsa n 0$O00340: Ito No, I,4nd 6441200 tar No. I. :Oats dna - at an advance 01'40; Was at 51 11 5 0 2 :n4a-7,003 bbla Flour, 57000 , bush Wheat, utn . bush Corsoloattatitmgoitsh".. 151,000 boob Conk and 91000 bush Oats. Faatauts—Actlve an d assay at 6Y.0 for Cann. Offwego . Narket. . , . , OeirroO, June *elite at 11725 for NO. SPt l6 l,r o l3fr kw Whiter. 66 1 1 6 , 13 0 6 . 60 ter f cable e a, Mc tenni round hoop Otto at VA, and double extra Indlona at Of. tanAm—Wheat held short theirtein of buyers; no tales. Chem and other grains quiet. No rteelp_ts by Lake. • ()aka. EITORTI—IOOI barrels roar, 6,000 buttes Com, 7100 ImeWs Peas. Srurrze at .trator,o-763 barrels Plittr.. Toledo Market. SoLand; Sane 14.—Flom dull. Clasur—arlisat duL sod lab lowerfiales at 111.43% for Amballilahlirsa, smell, IA for No. I Bed Wabash. Cora dna at Ma. Ansa IIiTEL,MENCE. The elver rowans shoat Outlaw, at Ude pole% with a rely alualow stage of water for low water beets. The weather continues cloudy, warm and unsettled. Welled nitre a thunderitorta Tester: day afternoon, accompanied with rain, which cooled theataisphere 'inatetialtp. Businees la vary mach restricted it the stharf, as there Is but Little freight Ottertail' and not much arriving. The Aleck Speer from Parkersburg, was the only arrival and departure. Tau Exerass—Prop later information received, we learn that the • steamer Express sunk at Man. cheater bar,seventy.tive miles above Cincinnati. She was bound down and'had on board several hundred soldleni. She was in Company with • Pest, and following directly in the wake of the Hevanne, when she struck some unknown obsta cle, which had not heretofore been diseovered by any Drib, rivempilots. She was itnmediately ran inhere. her bow resting on •thesar while the stern sank in deep water. It I. feared- that site will break in two. One soldier is believed to have barn fikeeling Zefelligemicr Dues or - Um. lfOnnv roS.—We are surprised and pained to learn"el the death' of Capt. I. I. Robinson, whisk took place in• this ally Lithe Wive street Hotel on Sunday night at tea o'clock, Me brother Andrew being present at his bedside, as well as Capt. Jaek and other friends of the de ceased.. Only a few dem ago thipt. Robinson, al tr °ugh Milne, was to command of the Northern Idmi packet hloacmlne, and resigned the command to Capt. LM. Mason. No one then supposed mat the subject of this notice would even be long con fined, tor be had generally been williand was not. old in year. His brother Andrew had been nptM ged In a distant State Mena Meknes' of his Nair. Live, and hastened to (Meaty. arriving in the sick chamber soty about ale hours before death depri,. sd him of kis brother. He mewled Um body away by railroad ymteday morning at omen o'clock to Perditylvanim whets it will be Itterrol by his sor rowing family and relatives. The deceased was • resident of Pennsylvania, and whams ha was a native of that State. He had long been Immured in ifeemooating on the western rivets. On ihe many boats which be commanded he gained the affliction of ale kts ariqualatanees by.ble good us tore and sfilddlity. He .ma, always reilable,J and honorable in his dealings. Oapt. J. J. RoMn son commended the steamers Prairie State, Same. Woorialenwood,and others, in the Pittsburgh lug Western trades, and of becoming connect- ed with the Noreen). Line Packet Company, he commanded the Denmark, Sucker State tampor . wily, and last the Muscatine.—S4 Lents Democrat. EMEMiMAiiiii A largo heather of dealthestenen took • sheer 'Moth* whirlpool of eecessimi daring the stirring "Woes when began this War whit& has ended so brilliantly for the United States. This tact is well known. and many of ourreselers will beiplinuted to learn that these prodigals are getting to the 111 s. ethanol and the loyal pasts in crowds, from the sealing of the country lately Included tn i rebel. dom. They are getting rapidly Into good channels, and am, we hope, resolved hereafter to keep out of all sorts of shoal water, and away from the fatal sandbenk of disloyalty. 'Ey the arrival of the fast Magenta. we leant that Oapt. Wm. Richman ar rived at New Orleans. It was he Who built, and, we believe, commanded therbesAllful Huy .E.seas - In the Lower hiledmippl. They soy the Captain &duet make a cent to the Southern IDoofederaly. He returns to the navigation of the deem. His f,mlly and himself came out caned river together from .bout t breveport. Pilot Bob Smith, whose mother old, to behest, CU Of the Eve,rett House, St: lol t was also In New Orleana.. He was Si, Louis and es Orleans pilot. Also, Ben. Diettion, pilot on the emcee routs. Billy Young and Andy Harris, St. Louie and New Orleans pilots, were expected out apt of Sod rivet In a fere daye A lirgedieet, no-less than .twenty.three steam boats, will soon .Iseurter Red river. TheOen. Quite:mai Lanurche and Era bad arriv wou l dew Orleans Oanacre.dldnlt know what he do With Quitman. The Beet above mentioned Were all formerly Red river and coast packets,. and Mostly have been In Semmes deign the war. The ; rebel ratrf Missouri is Sntho Allsilselppl, lying oW the mouth of Bail Dickson and others. erapressed themselves delighted by their ar rival within our lines:..Among the bode impacted out, of Bed river were th e B. L. Hedge, -fudge Fletcher and the Olhatapion No 5, captured front Danko , expedition. The Diligent' made th e thin f rom New Orleans and back la twelve, days. Be,- pilot, ()apt. Frank eayton, found eight feet Intim channel from Cairo up, O I L La No. 1 60 bbla • 26 2 d rd o; CHI; • - 22; o Pure Duck Creek Lutrepsatiug 011; .to store and for IV bit - • • peizi.u. a Eienii Wry ; tot.t 7Y Wstorst..6o ~ , . . . 1.4 A1111 6 barrels Prime' Lard; , to kip -do - - do,: .•'' , • ' .• . Just reottvod sod for oats by • prrzzu It ARIIIIITItO .( Kb ' , 10Y 24 - cor6otr/d4rXo6 sad Flail , monk POTATOES ON CONBIiiNKENT. HO Wile Lake ktbore Pau& Blows' le7 stake Reel Potatoes; • . • • For sal* at .I.SO,LEb!rty 'trees, ' - . apt, - WIC-P:BEOC es on. SEED' POTATOES. ki 90 this linekeYes and Paso) Elam 40 'saki Ohio reach Blowsy 186 Liberty street. ._ - mar BEM 11. cu. QPICED 841.310.. 1if30., cane :Spiced tut&oon, Rampe d th is dm 11C. and Sardpby, , .z-manusa Noe. tea and Itri Wood street, M — ALI, PAPER—New, cheap and - haad mita Far Nita at, No. 107 Market street near Mita street, by . , alma JOS. S MTGE= ar. "FOR BA LE. 20, boxes Damaged cheese, 1 suitable fnr Lager_Wer Sslootia, by BALSLBY VAlf jelo . • ; Nei.2ol Liberty West. • CHEAP, PAPBIIS-10 100 dlr. jots "a ! P 4 . P.•ltaissialh ' in LACE LzATirra=or the best quality wear. on Sandlot Oland nit St. alnlest_nn. _ kap • . • J. pi. IL raLtaarm i tiEUIDATINI4, or, for sale by I I _._. ~:111011tY.74: 00Laaeira 1;000 pasHELL , Llulti t Lyti..oz • , -41.11•11 E 41AM:fir" .200 :B . • • Eltt a4 ; Taeo yep Myst • : ,p . t 14 - 7 la bgriati 'PO bbl.o for vale snag Marty iSK EITI 2 - • - ZW^P, OXOI.IYrUChI.., 0 in BOXES PRIME oLD CHEESE. ,O .VIJ 60 00Z611,2 C 4 11,smInug. lot/ale b milt r milt * • ' 3 O.IIIIFIELtr 'i;000 1,112tra1°,11,""91,D.., At3H Ft • • . 1 : • 3 1, A IJA.NrIECE.D. 2 n 138L8174. - gr4i#F.A.WlALakik 1111111.111.1 wuraorinumas. FETROLLS ILWELIRE WORKS No. a 2 Ohlo Stroot,Alleghsy. „ MANUFACTURER OF 011.,TOOLN : - ono An Tin mamma ciao f Sinkingl Oil and. Nail Irdin Portloular batftftoo 1$ Invited to lila late 100 . ! . L=Lert h : In JABS and JOINTS , lOW: u m Ob , at Us Sap out zow itair — Nas, rite these tools. Timm tools mods to LIWA.ED BMA so that= Ploo of any ono will agrwilitth and at of *Whet sot at hm woulbototo, the oa number. BTE/111 ENCHIO23 and Mao W nab to Grim l'oot-olaoe box at • BANS= 'POST IBONI% 21, tunable to dant ow wait - • optlaott pirrastracatryousron. " .• • son: ac. maxrci w i l .1114 GAIPUBON & CO, . _ .... . _ , , . • , . ..... . ftwasiiiwymmath,(!wised‘& 9o , 4 'MUMS - ARV - 104,11511M1 ~ _ _ . Assitigketiknas ef abbled !ellen lee ' Ms% ltrr Iron, Steel.- Zbasse=e Lgold Straw Boords,_ P►per sad Rubber Works also. Sontag MU Castings of on desoriptloas, Bark Ms, Patent Doubts Ofituterw i r • vast& ty of other patterns, always on and Ittted to color on abort natio e and favorable arms. - Moo and.Wataboun, 110 Smithfield West) Pltiaborg4. ATE*TED 00TOBICR 8, .1861. IiffdiEUNIVEI'PA=RT Oral Lamp I'Dhiaiae-ye, xx plus* ai.Asi. -. ~ Those are Inteaden for the flat flame, heating pane of the glass ignallg„!loes not .z. pow it to undoing. E. D. DiIIDGE, Fort Pitt Glass Works, Washlrortork street, aprt . . -,_ - Pltietnirsb,Peos'a BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTBBI7II6B PA. FARE, BROTHEL& CO. • MT citrezrry )'Effl OAST STEEL. Sonar O,Tlat aim Octagon, o iII siosa. Warrant. Id eons Ito any Imported or rarantutarlal la tbl counto. it- 01Bes and warehetwo, Nob. 141 and WI as 4 130 and um Bacon 'Turn, Pitt burgh lasi reil•yd P L OTTM -11 'VA) RIM"""bv". u• itaosiurrolar, db FOIMIDEILS AND NLADELIERLITEW ikenee_otBlll2E and CrICAILA. IM Pl.B.kand WALIeI;IT EMMET% (Near Cll% ,, , ater Works,) Manhattans* of eta and other MOIRES, ROLLIIO3 MILL 0 GS and BLACTIDIGL ItY, of all kinds, and Jobbers.' on s Prompt attenti ea to repairing itui,L.GIG MILL MACHIN . Sum PLATED WARS 7 attets, o...sta h.d riokeatt e r i tril by i fat ths Trade • 'WILES & ?Loss, 225 South sth ■t„ PHILADYLPIILL 11111Alm L Ramos seKu 011411 Ii JOHN a HERRON & CO., Ebtiorceo 161Gruci.vita.otur.orts, AND IRON FOUNDERS, . Office sad Sales Rooms, telt No. ill LIBERTY STREET PENN• MACHINE WOMB AND FOUNDRY. H. IVIBBITIEAN. ENGINE BUILDER AND BIA.OINIBT. Loco= wraforr, between Federal sa4 Smith" Iniumfactarer of W . IG Til'ASt'S PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING MAY EN Repaßing i t to .ty J . EICHDONMAICER, iturvirLorviza 0? . Initte Leak. OM Zhie Lee& Migrate, ibis [slats, Pactr. And Disler Is tartsram _orr., YAHWISM JI.PAAS, PAINTERS' BLM.MIA.L., as. Dake sad Wiiroboaos, No. Wood amt. ialtidaill S. BEV MUNOZ, NO. 51) Water. Pittabn4A_marmfaatnm of HOLIER RIX LTS, WRODDET SPLDER, buzz* and railroad af f=eater dasa =r shaped MEW sawn= A sar j a tiv ordatal anoint aatiorr D& W. BLILAIETT, Miumfactarars . sad Importers wyaUEENSWAEE. n DIAMOND STREET between between Wood sod Market streets. Pittsburgh: Yrk. II hi JE0PT13.41717, SBIGINS. FEZSII ARRIVAL OF Boots, Shoes and Gaiters .63 DUiRKET STREET. SOUTH a ROSS THE LLEGILEIT, Best Selected, and by far the Cheapest, STOCK or BOOTS, 810E8 GIITERS IND BLIMIIILS To be routul la the city, wholesale sad retail. OW Worm Percheslog elsewhere, at BORT4.IsTD"B, , . is !truest slim?, Jet. Sawed ' door treat rm.& RECEIVED BY. ADAMS , •Expause ,THIS DAY. • _ Rea', Floe Glove Woke: O pen Co. de. do. do. • Ooußrw Genera do. 'de. • -do. Relators! sod (Word Ties . Ladles Roads Gantries Looting Gaiters. ott. • Glove Xkl Gaiters sod Balmoral& Miami Fine Goat=s. Luling Gaiters. • • do. i do. do. do. do. elms 1 SOL Bobs and Tootles Ommiem Gaiters._ _ Boots sod Be/morals. Children', Show of every style arta rinGlly A row more Rolled Shoes as great barpinis Art•Resserster the plisse le . • AT 1301tLAIMIS, 18 JGIIISIST sralszr. 14.004 door frail FIRS !Steroid. rx• NEW .GOODS. , NEW oco3 trzw tkiiim ttio attoitloa of; tits Pabito to my • k 83210E8,,' airrass,' tiOW CM . bind aml nal dAr_. _ My stoat mitoses* eveorttaXla too mos Una pm a TEN OZPIT TO A.TEOUDDLIaIIt PAIL AU TOW bps. terezrAdy to eon , , , . •• • - No: 92 Fedekal &teat; and moats, sayotoek. before purehsolos *blowhole Look forget the plater, No. el Solana moot 311•OLINTOOX, m 91 6 tl KNEW Writ. AntiAlloY CON ROBB, • IFo.Aislarkat stress simis :slips= nvsre, 330423* 1;13432 11131401 114:r il honeith the arr.. Be !Lae Jun reoetveCk • SPRING, AND SUMMER STOCK. Tim - V OUT.-HALLO .0021013; p •et W. swat imailleW wok, ww. :10.11381CIALIf i LE11121 40 worta. 4400 w Imo r id wagi si crnekror •411 1 wssumi. we en ' 4 67rtruO t artlf h .lins ciosrms., p.ta mag iwar t a i r rni ALB" limaENra & emu. - usaair .IST BAHalar t Stock Bilkers sid Beal Este Agotit - Modal Douai ismi NM- cutailnir 000rova4 , 401AltineaMIGUKS HAYS.: A 17 1 ,IttiF , s; REIVEII,- Pitopuor., - con.` 2111SISON AND; ,Yortweattmect • 11.Elt ()DENTS, anti vuteAsalog -agents •for puts. burgh Nituractures. Weizt.Ao!ye, N0.316 Libirty 5 4eoi'FittaktirEbs Rai ; . •3. '.1 05 :13 1- • ':::, DELA, ifo. CHAMPION OIL COMPANY producer" et Crude an 4 Kanutaaturas oz Rafted Carbon oi, Condo ssulLobrioating WORKS OPPOSTIM SELUIPSIBUECL nke 10, f 4 HAND strut, PITBBIJRGiIi ht sildm W. D. (I_IIIDIBTAN, 13up'L • BREWBR,TBM3ICE &CO.; 96/0111SSION KEll.OllllATtik Globe, Pacific and Marty- oil timbal Lana EGA 11111/11111M MOO 00 s. og BOfineol or (fru& /Petra/urn. pr.DOQVZBXE WAS sad SIN jemmy • : • 11, sou m missauss. 4:missts WALLACE CURTIS 111 CO/017SSION SCI< . AID 11111.111 CRUDE AND EliallitED • BEEZTIVE AND LWEIRICIATING Xs. 134 BOSTH WHARVES, PEff.ADELPOSA, A. SE - Storage eapaelty (Under earn* for 10.000 barrels. also excellent WARM,' for tillOglinif to 'American and Foreigb ports, at our wharfon the Schuylkill Elver, row the platform of the P. B. RICHARDSON, HARLEY-a CO., • Occuididon and Fe 4 Menbants le CRUDE A= REPINED LUX Nis. If IRWIN 6 Err, rirrantraG gip itheral cult East .advanoes on einalimenti for Pittabnrib or ern- Markets. Mourn- .1.11. D ulls:4tio,rat k 0 0 Ir o torrr tiarba a j ar - *A., Punt. Oommercial Hank. STANDARD PETROLEUM. REFINERY. CUBS & SIBMIL wait. lud coa t OOLLDIS TOWNSHIP. Moe In Pfttablugh, 214 WOOD STREET. Thus works have. the larpst ospadty In the country. Mr brand stands the highest Ms country and I. Europe, km quality and= and the oil is put la well sasaanad bawds, Vy for export. aV i testurete 1130 and IMPEOVI.D ° BI:IIILN ILITAITEB. WeIIs. detray - BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, rept of BALTIC' & HAMMON Sta., #rookairsh S 2:111111) PEDIOLEUI. In Tanks and Barrel, Sae Olrantard. MeMee, Na BEAER STREET, NO York. e, jr , BEZ No. 1 St. CM= ST. r Plttalstiltit e FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MIRCHArk, AHD DEALER. OILS. ILLUMINATING, LOOM ASTRO, ORIIDI PLTROLLIIN OILS, &a,lly on hand and ferule at the toyed Thar paean Oonatgar manta sad ordari whetted. aytata Ws. Sauna Jams IBMs JAMES IRWIN & 00., 11457/411 • • • 0/ Oil ,of Vitriol and Aq Ammonia. orricii No. 15 St, Jai- PI .BIINGII. PA. 10. WAJIIIIO 81:11/1T IL. WA.RING a LING, COMILIB3/ON AMR = • AID 111012311 PRESOLEUX AHD • PRODUCTS. Gan Roakta in Bonning Motorlals. oeSIT No. n MARKET ST. IF.RtaburgA. JANES W.I.LEINN, ASOMOt LAD EMIR I CRUDE MD }333113ED MB L il / 4 . ti . 4. 9,2'intztarr... tiliB'7l.l= OF PETRuLEU cud Ira bpi/mamma - product& Ooludirruaents respecsotto N PtUsimrch Aopey tl t o u r VEANCIO OIL Aril TRANSPORTATION" COMPANY. Air POST OFFICE BOX 14t mtd. y WIG I/4 a. WI:1.00X WM. M.MURRAY & Commission Merchants.. and balers in CRUDE AND REPINED PETBQ. LEUX, BENZINE. &a Sig-latra Isci for storing oil and empty banal& . Warehouse sad ogles WNW/DINE NAY. mu ; Busul stmt. Pittsburgh. apigsuLd LUCENT 01.1.'WORK8. ' Drina", DUJL P & CO, Pan White Relined Carbon 011 a llto. 2IS LXBERTT STREET. WILLIAM win 0R1024 iR Y. . Z. sweat a TITS LATELY. (Broaxesore to taM Podereos4 • Oil Radnor* and dealers la Petroleum, Benalne, Luteleaties and Paint Oita Onloo, No. ZILANOOOK 6 TYEET Pittelmnity in . eerocss..—Too undersigned will nL Stooks of ALL RELIABLE Coimpazioo. I UMW bows and sellers to Wt. J. K. 1101111Alteli !:(7f lii i11~I:Y V: i;Y Y ~ i'Y =Y ~ AM WELL STEAM ENGINEB •-• pivoted to fondil, STEAM ENGINES, So much improved of for 011. wells and aka pub poses, on ths Modest motto*. awing Meseta intod raglan on bands, and finfahlog others, the tit tilleronplrt r er say f`• bottoms anneals sad Harrison etraste,_ de2dAn Plttabursb. VIMOINNATI LISAD P rE AMI MEET LEAD WW I& WCORMICK GD3SON, wro. me =wart. Nlartas 0121CD0fATZ, OHM Eike to order PEP= ADD SMELTS of any rag= Malibt and ale all wi upward.. „„ic..l Loeb to 3 incites. -Also,. _vary LIGHT PIPE or Hydra Hama and for draft. 117loimk1 fluidally ask OM attention of Plum Den mod Proprietors of 1911 Works and 011 Well' mbaamold - • w3op . ~ . - . -ALIIKARDEB, WiaIIDIN& SONS Now Ompying Their New Stores. so tritweettr , remiLte n us 11 aisa woe et. ... ~.r ., Having beau thlriiieara Mahe know -MT th e e MAI TZ 'Ir rI vet. . -hi VAllNti: ' ard i r n )OTTON ,TARNS will make CASH advaatea lrotaalred. os a Aaldpments, and the rate of atz per gent•P•r anima. gala :l ld ISIcCORD a 00., WgeLeaN Dia4r4 Mk gate,; Caps and Mraw goods Have not► la hate the /stria and most oomplitir • . ',GOODS FOR FALL lIALFI4._ sue °Mind iwthimsst. mob m i i i egu s ec e d eida luid modes 001 41414 llo l .d Way Ifni' nix& • •-• • •"' SPENCER dt 3/q.CATI3 PALE,; CREAM AND AMBBR ALA rhonix SOMA .EWING, , WOOI,I3L_-4 0za.19a4100. Real Estate -Agents. '-'• and dealoriv lo Olt, AND .00AL LANDS tli Yontrylvanto, Oblo and 7 .lrlfiniM‘ . ': ofoieNo 719 d oor) LIDDErt SLIMES', PITTIMpIIGHAPit ~, ap2ind .. rataimegh, Pi IXSURaJrCE LOW BB PAID IN 46 YEARS 017,000,000, 8 . . f . fay - COMMISSiOIIRiILW.III . . Mb WI 801P171 FAT= Bt4 catil&6lo, Siva nodal attoottoa to pureholls - /Tour, Grabs, Prortitionei _Se. ; - z Foro o o t m Eadera GOMM GEO. T. BILOWA. • Net Assets.Januarv.lB66...lCAßD..l 418.077.134354 711 7311 13) INLAND NATIGATION 1160, MEI azll i f o stWor loscuanos zp i, b i t prosiptly isS• A. • CalaPM 4 : Tfaa , Agents. gill Mod II !METH STREET. C HARTia 1829. PERPBTU4' vi:4 to giro J,1:11.: PHILA.DTMPHIA.. now, on arriumiary L 1 1 364. $ 2 . 437 4 49 96 . I 490.000 Capital.' AceruedPremluma %MOBS . 8,4111 MAXI 8"000 Unsettled Claims., Income for 1864 Losses Paid alms NZ tdnePort)Waal and Temporary Ponds' oa - Mira ss DTIOOTOND . . . . Charles*. Danker, lease Lam, Tobias Wagner, Edward U. Dale. Samuel Gran t i,,t George Fetes, - Jacob R. Snit Allred Fitter, George W. Bre Ws, Free. W.. Lewis. M. D EIDLPB23 N. OlCEll, p =mlt. L ABD 0. D ALE, Vice JAS. W. MeALLISTEB., Bea pm. tom. J.COFFIN, A mh2. corner Wo od and ThlrdSZe. . FINE AND KAMM le9 Insurance CO. of North America. pv:eiNAI):401;}:11.11 /Web •1.6011.090. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. /islets 4100,000. ...Protection can be amazed In the above named awl enable comipenles. W. P. J0N11421, A4Er4 eri Buildings, 87 Water it. XL - TESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY Y OF .FITTS.I3I7RGH, • B. MLLES, WM. PSHERMIRT, fiecrotory. Jr.. Mee, No. Water meet, Spend h. Oto.hi Wens house, up 'tufts, Pittabugh. trill agai all Una of' Fire and Merina Risks. ta , Homo institution managed by Dbecbra 011 are wit knows in the costetunity, and oho are deter. mined by yeereptnesuand liberality, to manias the charade which Ary have esseetetta=bring ths best prate:dim to shoes who &Oro to be DIZEICTOLS L H. Millen Jr., - . 'Andrew Ankle". • James McAuley, Alexander Speak Nathaalel Habash David M. Lang Ales. Maack, Ban J. Thom; - Geary Dars Otuia. J. Clark, Claa l ren B. Herr. Oa, .Tahn 8.. MaCuaa. myro B"k " " 411. P. *RT. Secretary. VITIERIPS INSURANCE COMPANY saor PIITSERMOIL-0111se, manes cwt and W ater streets, second floor. EtAGALET, Presided. WM. A. ECHZPAHD, Secretory. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Irsures' against lola and damage In the a= Con of the Sonthem and Western Rivers, and Bayous, and the navtaUnn of the hymns against ton and "dambge by Ore. - =MOTO= L• S. lit Kier, • John Stilptoo; Jams SUlloopre J. Osklat4Jr., John S. Dilworth. Iglu &BAWL • W. Bata Samuel 4ka. Park, r W. Ct. Johnstita. B. F. Jokes, Hoc- T. H. Howe, Barclay* Preston, .nratnnauta. pEoPLES , ixsUßAxoa 00htreliy colhee t If. E. torzior of Wood sad Fifth SP AND lltAitiNE MURANO . . Wm. Phillips, Capt. John D. Rhoads John Watt, ' Samuel P. Shrtirtr, ' John E. Parks, 0. Hanson Lopn ()bath S. Biome% Charles Minors Wm. Van Kirk, - John F. Kirk ddi Junes D. Varner John Girds. , WM PHlLLlPS,Prostasst. • JOHN WATT, Ms President. WM. F. GARDNER Secretary. Away . . ALLEGHENY INBURANOB VO MPA NY OF PITTSSURGIL—Odioe,,Zio. SIT FUt street, Bank , Block. Risks Mantes wing, kinds et Firs . and Marin • . ' • ISAAO JONES, President. D. JOHN D. WOOED, Eec. Pristidest. Dankrrona : OwßJohn D. NoClord, S W A4 a a n t e ; II 2. sit j" R. I.:MeGrew, - Robert IL Dario. Jonas, C. H Harrel, Capt. B.C. CM GIN% John 'lrwin, Jr., B. L. Fahaestook, W9OpBIDE & WALLACE, , 'lMlnatolowiale Lam.l WNW. Lead, Red : Lead, Llth Pants, ODA Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Window Glas arage, s and Putty, Spkesi Perfumery, Mazola, Carbon Oil, &a. Abio, Agents for Winter., Metalllealrown Patatc Hamilton White Lead, Charter Osk White Lead,' and Musty & WldtcuPs Celebrated Patent Dryer, one and two mind cans. No. 87 WOOD 'STREET. (OPPOSITE HE 6T. OHAIILES HOTEL,) PMVBC/2011. PA. WHITE & ILLEXANDER BUILDERS AND OSIPERAOTORS, Having tatelir Removed ' . ' TO 169 and 171 I,EICOCE STREET, 1133.esniiiire.7' cats". 1 ti=l ° with FtO n 0147 HMOS ANIL E I i t4 AItIO I OLT I TILS OIL TAKES ma de to 0 and oonstmgly es Wad.. Scroll Sawing and Ittsoltoto finished Oomploto. - RODUCE NOW: - mme bush -LretedAPplei; • . - MOO pounds Clear Sides; . 1000 do Countryl•-bouldeis; 't - • - WA do oouutryllams; ; -MC bushels White Bosom, • 200 barrels Old Belt; ' .• ace dosen Fresh Canned Peaches, " .20 do Cucumber Pickles la Olaes; 10 do Kongo Pete Xustardi 60 barrels Maple Sugar; rt. do Dried Peaches; . -10 Foxe* Canaan Soap; . 5 barrels ySoep; - P Soap; 30 kepi Peeholt Butter; 26 barrels Pore Cider Vinegar; • so do Sweet Older; • • 5 do French Churazits, ' , liambi t ieser BboarrmfailrFanc ive Celt shAl ed.HOMIII • 2.1 dy • ; - • eo ifir= l "ATzt e c r. i 'ior ' ' Mtn • '! "4. —l' (11Q414; • FURNIT R: 419) - CANE AND 14001) wßoLassix zarrerr. • WOODWEZA Um. THIIIii , STHEXT OPRosal. Z. Edmusgeotiktro; l / 4 4.• 1,,. ,1 Ida ara.iirrquirm Ensairr. ILAA P GROCERIES. PRODUCE. Sc. T C. ganilNii • COMiTIiSBIOII Merchant. 889 Za rl3 xi re. me -Jr astir.. AND PURCHASING AGENTY' PrITSBITECHI, PA. Dealer In Plow, Grath, Seeds, Dotter, Oheeta, Prune, and all ti led ucts Beaters:Wm Fam. llin.4HlUße)ADreye on hand. Also, Prompt ettentlon given td cormliounenta and Correapdene. Weekly Peke Charente met to Dontlinors. Ordote and Oodidinunente *Wafted. nmydawr W. D.PATTERSON, ADAM AMNON van= somisorr. roaarsonixams. PATEBSON, AMMON & 00., Citsminissiott ..Ilferchaajth /Tour, Grata atui GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Nos. U. and U PENN STREET. &oil% ?few ENSlbs& eppeatte.O. si P. Depot. wx. F. 1123180 N .JA.11.A4 11:0301, J lIRRRON & Clamor of Peon and Wayne oft" • (Wata.loWs Brainno,) PITTSBURGH, PA. GENERAL -7 COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purchase of GRAIN of all kinds. Ales, -Wholesale dealers in BALED BAY. Western dealers will find it to their advastage tooorrespow3 with our House, as we have greater Isetnites for Storage, and putting goods into thls awl Bastes Markets than most of the dealers in the city. The best of city references Oren what required. Jamited 'ff;iriN ra ANJEB, alw Comamiiision-MOrchants, Mour, Grain and Producer; Int SEOOND IT., between Wood k Smithfield, 1143 , PITTSIFITRGEL twos. rornat...rao. Ancor.. tirxelnar a. etataxso TOTTER, AIKEN & SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Moan Batter, Cheese, Vin,, Potatoes. and produce generally. - No. NO LIBIRTS DTHEET, ala Opposite Passenger Depot. Pittsburgh. P. P. JOA.D.LX....S. Z. :owns.. JORDAN, HOLLIbTER & CO„ Commission Merchants, for the sale 6f FLO u MiI a RAIR, HAT.II_RABB SEE o B EfiG6l GREEN PLEs, L.. &a. 254 LIB Ty, tirhuisr, ?ma , • , -burgh, Pa. _ Beferenses—Head & Mittapf, rlttsburghi son parr & 06., Pittsburgh. .1. 1 , sp2l.did R. H. JACK. • . ca, xit. 0 0 XI XL Nos. 1 and 2 Diamond, P.117119'07/017, PA. WILKINS LILTHART, (Sucaissett roNLACISZOWN & LINEDLET.) DLLS; tir wx.wzitrEa. as CkPLALMT, Freda°. smog —iCommilstilosi !literalism% Ni.gliy 351 Liberttst4 Pittsburgh. a. C. Door.rrrix DOOLITTLE PECK, General Coramiss' ion Merchants,' Net. SI and To, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 411 the sale rt g v f Flour, Grain, Cheese, Butter, Dried F Provisloneand Produce of all ems* Al! orders for Carbon Oil Ailed at the lowest mat. ket mica. , Air Couidermuutta satiated. . C. C. BALRLIY VIIAVIC VAX ironsmit. 14AL8LEY it VAN GORDER, - Produce , -rt. , and Oorandaslon Merchants, Warehouse, No. 201 Liberty st., Pittsburgh. Pa. Wholesale deal en in Butter, Obeese,Lard,74ss, Port., Baeon, Beane, Tallow, Feathers, Broores,'Potatoes, Hoar. WY, Dried Fruits, Green Fruits, Onions, Flour Grain, ulover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Max Seeds; Game and Poultry. Particular attention Oven to Produce Occudgnments. LIME'BAIRD at PATTON, Whole. sale Gro cer, and Colll.l3lliiian Mersha diet. erg in PRODUCE, FLOUR; RADON,OE, FISH, CARBON - AND I : * _MIN, NAILS, CLASS, COMM YARNS, and Pitts. 'burgh -manufactures irmailky,liaSeco nd West Pittsburgh. • - TORN B. CANFIELD, Commieeloiand . Forwarding Merchant and wholesale deafen. la WESTERN RESERVE (MEESE, BUTTER, LARD, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, POT , AND PEARL ASHE4 , SALERATUSL LIN SEED AND LARD 0 DRIED, PRId/T - a s t r : k nd Produce ally, Noe. I sad lal Front Pitta 0432 W ever one runcreark CULP. & SHEPARD A Commission .Mer chants and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN AND ,PRODUIDE, No. 547 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choice broods of Flour for Bakers sad Family use constantly on hand. Particular attention paid toOct Ailing orders for Merchandise generally. rtdrif VETZER A. ' ARMSTRONG, Forwarding and Commission Merehants. for the sale ot FLOUR,' GRAIN, _BACON, LARD, BUTTER, SERBS, DRIED. PAM?, and Produce_ denerany. M Nate arket street, 'tanner of 'First, Plttaborghi Penna. fe26:ly W. 1. EWE TOOl3. XITOOOLL • . _ • • !WM. P. BECK & CO., No. 185 Marty. Street, Pittsburgh, Wholesate • Cationisaion Merchants, and dealers in COUNTR Y PRODUCE. PROVISION B ACON LARD, Burrgo, FOOS, Y-ES FIS S O. H, ke., PR UE)E, FLOUD; WH CIRAIN,' _, CIREEN DRI.I FRUITS. &e. SALT and LODE: "UMLBD W. lIVIIOSAWXI. S . . CHOMARER .LANIff, Wholesale dealer" In OROOEIHIS, FLOM," GRAM 2.IIODUCE, PROVISIONS, • FISH, OHEESE, SALT,_ CAR B ON 01L, he., Na. 17•1 and 174 Wood Street, rtearLibertir . Street, Pittabuits, Pa. 8411.08.91 8. ULM GIZOAGZ XITZO.B2: VITAE METZGAR, Grocers and Corn +-s- missies hteralnuita,ond dealers In all kinds of Count*- Produce add Pittsburgh t hlanufactures, No. $l9 Liberty 'street, opposite head of -Wood street, l'Atshurgh. apidr T. RETIRE D.I3ITXIII, 11Dit EYMER a" BROTHERS, (autcessors &&to Reysser k Anderson) Wholesale Dealers La FOREIGN FRUITS, MS and SHOES CON FUTTIONERY, SUG 'FMB- VOSIVO., Nos./SA imd 128 Wood died., above Filth, irisK7 .WALLACE, Coramisslow 'Merchant, and Wholesale Dealer in FLOICIP. &GUAM, R. Itia Liberty street, °moil. Pennsylvania. R. R. Passenger Dep4A Pitiabamia„ Pa. - Storage .Waretwase, owner Wayne and Pecs streets. - • 0017.17 J. S. LIBOVIT aIMIX LIZOOLT I & LIGGETT & CITY- FIGUR. I , • ING try.L8 h riner Liberty end Adam I, l6ls E tra i r s ity: l 26 burets per day., I. /MIX WAIT JOHN WILVOIh "WATT & WILSON; Wholesale Oro- TT. was, Consinisalini Merchant:, and-dealers in Prod ase and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No: 156 - Liberty street. Pittsburgh. wx, 4045: 11:12ZPATILI0IL KIRSPATRICK & BROTIO_I4 sac • cosmos to Brown KirkPlariCk, wsOLE. SALE GROCERS, SOL 1111 and 193 Liberty !itrifet, Plttotough, f _ _ JAMES MUZZLE & SON, Manufar, J ol- tARD OIL, sad Cloailldflioll /MM. chant. for tbe urchase and 'We el CRUDE AMY REFINED : LEETDI, Nos, CS and 10 Wstai street. ratabuith• Advanoef ino4 o 01 . L omatja . , meats- • CaEESE WAREHOUSE: —raENRY a COLLINS, Forwasllng and Commission Men ebant and dealer in ORmzE, BUTTE/Et, Ink/CF, FISH, and Produce generally, !co. gi Wood Street, above Water, Pittsburgh, wY2 40HE I. HOVEL EDWAED EOM/. JOHN I. HOUSE CO., Wholesale GROCERS, AND COMMSION HER NTS, corner p giEllithso4 sad Water inset, Finsbury'. • • - •••••• 7. DALIft. ItCTifiRT..:ISALZELL & CO;7*hole sale Grooets, Commission and Fo Zdeftbants, and &Wont la Produoe and Pi= --...factures; Liberty 'trent, Plttsbungh. DANIEL SHOTS H. LOOT VOIGT &I. CO., successors to Ti , G. Graf FRODTME AND 004P 8 I 8 SIQN : 31 :ERUHArrrkserubelt7 sow, Pirt i tnirgh. • DlVvin - JiDGERT tON Whobissis Orfter and Comualagna Xetetisa i lirtator, Stmt. Pittsburgh. Pa. t1124T 11 1 / 1 11T LAXISZIIT.. JOHN 1 1 11/7?011..:41: COW 1 AMBERT,,SHIPT.ON sale Greens =A ProdueoP,?#* ,140,11 Sixth, atieet, Pittsburgh. • • . . 13A1Alt' PICILF t Y AVEPlssale, °recen t Comnyisidoo Mere:tants, and dealers in o: cricf ittsburgh„ No. - Or BO Faterl streetd 1 5 street, P. - - • Yan'ir TL../AM -BAHALEY, WHOLESALE UIOCCERS NO. I Wood attfoLPlStsbusgh.. RAILA OaDS. 1884 7 6.71LiVralalltiMi VIDITRAL 8:30-9UMMIDI AMILARGEKENT •-ELEVEN DAILY TRAWL . 4 Mud altar MONDAY, Nay nth, PIS, Dann Wilt •am the Depot as follows. DAY =MESS, daily maeS Sunday, at Lae. tn., stomping only at oirinclpal stations, sad makleg • s direst connections It Hanisheig Be i= Baltbnore and Wean:aeon; and for New York Boston and Intermediate point.. ,MAIL AtIOOMMODATION, daily except day, at 6.60 a. nt., stopping at '6ll.4llmile , - nations between Pittebargin and Barrilk l =l., W e! casneetion with train' as i lt n r a s k ig,ldest Famsolvania B. ~Fib ant i N ee. ITTBBURL 1111 If lima Sunday, at La p. .112. pa AZI, dilly m' the stations nn een Plttab b url vU%ort wttli " Zinil tl " t 0 7 7.! - - b an de FL B. Itollidaysbnid I le Trt and Olearieblan4 Bad DIP JOHNiatOWN AOOOMMODATTOR, dap), It not Sunday, at an p, m., stoppift at regular Mae Clans between Pittaburo and Ja netown. and was Deigns at Blalmlik - Lateaftum with ruinsag the Indiana Branch and Wed Pennertvaniz u a , PIIILADBLPHLt F^LPILFSS, daily, 4.111 a., stopping at Latrobe, UOIIIIMiI •!,, Alt"" 'M..ll7ll•lllh ... _ . _ llUn n=le iti4"E4 ,_ ‘ __ =mown. At namabliAg " oinm etoo=r sin made for Baktizacmg__Washlngton and New Tont at Philadelphia, ibe Row York. Boston and taws mediate pinata. VatOons ran thrombin tideo Iran from Pitted to Baltimore, and New , lyc4Z . bi sul Ann:dawn route. FAST except Sunday, a% LIM sc, stoning - OZy ocuimaintb.Gall Alines aa, Huntingdon, Lewistown. 11110/111. =P I O 07 Landieville, Laminar, and Davao tagtewn, ecomentoni are malls On. Raw York. Baltimore and Witaidngtonat Philos delphia, for Row York, Basics, mil letainadtMei Pint Atememodation Train for Waß4Similes agaves daily (except SumiagratT rain tan a. a. - - Santa Accommodation for Wall , SUMS leaves daily (meet DA ra . . Third Accommodation Train for Walks SUMO eaves daily (mint Sunday) at an p.n. _ • Fount, Asanamodation Thin for Wail% Maim eaves daily (ineept Sandaykat log p.m. APOIIIMMIMOU• for Penn Stat4m, The Church Tian leaves Wars Station Sul =at nail a. ni., :enema bare Plptamtgat -' Itettinalra Teataanive te Meow* ail gollilklie • , Mall. 130 e. Fast Line. in a. as • IZ==lZ!3 Penn 'Aennto - ncelation. ' 7.00 a. Second V7aIP4 StailtatAceomniodalloor M a. Joluortown Accommodation... . . "....111A5 Pittatiargh &Ede Kati • UL p. p. ' ir mi a ' illitC S lon . AnetmunodatiOn....trlP.. Ebert:tall% llt=n Accommodation .11A0p.' Enderans% Train AMP. An 'Agent of the Excelsior On nlima Ootapsaf 'will a.. th roothosen trail before reaoklagli• De take up 'make sad dollen. baggage/PO ASP par m i dthe city.' Odle. .13!0•410 Pei:notes/4 opus daft - night, where all olden for the moiremun. of pameofera and banana will receive prompt at. - Baltimore express lel/ arrive with rhilsdogpidi , ENruHat 2.10 m. on bionflays. rTIOR.—in ease .of lose, Lire 00111M7 WWI hold tbeinselves responsible for personal bump only, and for an amount not eloo., W. IL BECK dm; At the Ransylviudis Central Railroad Station: on Lect Tr and Grant etreets, ITTI3BIJR WAYNE & 0 s CA. RAILWAY AND OLEVEL AND SONWLES, ANNUM ...,,,, ' On and after May Nah, IWO, trains _ . 1 v 4.4 putabweilaZo. Icaard.L ur P°l nepro M n5............r.10 a. n . q. Ile a. m. Expresa..;..4 SAD p. la. US p. at. nina.......i... nos p. • . 7.1X1 a. au - Far New Castle and Mania a. ii. • • tush—Pert. W.& C. Rallwllpil 6.00 p. 1641 S ID., lUD p. 6.m... ILO 9.60116666, p 4. Arrive at Pittah 11.20 a. m., L.fteip. L. O. et P. B. 8-2.1 New -Boelaes7 ' New . _ Brighton - ter. , Osatle. Econeu7 . villa, toe a.m. -1.16p.m. 111.60p.A. tamp. 11//p6 in , 11.60... m. .. . _. . o.oop.nt ',- - ---- Anive M Allegheny—P. F. W. & a Railway 1,16 8.1/I s. m., 1P25 or. Ao., 2.11 D. i 4. LOOP O. &P. R. —B.lO a. in. GEORGE nutztrynekst ApcaN • ,Eaton piweerixerAttition t Pit pa. A. Q.- , AASAMBEA.=, Ticket myna F. R. NYEESeenan Ath elg t d VITTSBURGH larD z aragamil OONSTELLECV/LL RAILROAD. ABBANGEME 3I 7. On and after IdOND/LlGNov.ed, lOU, the mid leave the Depot, corner, of Xese and Wee stleeta, ea follows F=Z= ' • MeV& Malta and tram tfiramfown. 7.116 ISO Express p. !SOL M. First NoliCamport Amosea...li9o a. m. Mrdl a. IN: , Second flew m. Fin: ittaddoakt • 710 a. ta.'ll2o Sunday Oboist. Praia to and amp. L • a . tram .. . loarp:m. MAO 1. 1116 For tiokett apply to • . • - : A. J. SHANK. 4mat. W. B. STOUT. Saparlatiat% AL LLEGHEITY LEY itAlLßOLD..ralgegli • CHANGE OF 133112.-On and attar MONDAY. , • 111 O4=tba tallatrialgainmagemsal of Was NAIL TEAlRLisavia - anti AVMs ar. 'Milos' at Eittaaatturatlo.oo a. a. Latuntaittla _ tamang it pia aiirtraaist eittsbati: at ' EXPRM Thetti-iwies Imam:big GALS a. at„ attiring at Pittsburgh at OM a. ra. roma . Pittainimat at 4.110;p. asztvinigaa imaiumir at, V.BO - AOOOIOIODAT/OBLTEAXIL.;-Lasil as Works at LSO a. m„ arriving atPittaburi Itat'L4s • • rm. Leaves Pittsburgh at &gap. m., attjatitg EIGaT iihweelatestrid. .11111/PP16761. O'Z EILL'B ppIuFGN MG - RATION OFPIIO6 r' • • l TiTrttracis, praA. a. . .80. sum Passage from the "Old CQI7I : Tae Llierpool, NeW York and Planed* Midi lT. nirm,lEiteanuthlp Ckrrnmoiv having appointed the, =their Agent here, ries Mr. Thompson, els now prepared tO bring out Linea . • home Passermses by. the steamers of teas se UNUSUALLY LOW BATES. The Strainers of this favorite line leave Liverpool emery WEDNES. • DAY, for .New Yerric,tenahhig at Quewid ea are anko2 the fut, saint, and moat reach Th e 1113dert oat iglied ti olioArArr u the XAnmpoat and LondondereLLkme otS Mating LION. . . pool every THUSWAY, and at Lobilomi• - decry for Irish Pummels mid Nails. Maim. ers of this line are built la-the strongest : and health tholes aceinsutiodations for bested also agent for TAPSOOTTS LYNN of eel*: Clilper Paekete, kering _Liverpool Loudon York twice • wee_k, and Uri Ldoett Feasts, leaving Landon may tea Muria' The ships et Tapecotth 'Line have lona boon soi ted forttiuqufek and th e owatimat of the provirdons Orrn the pastengtra and kind treatment more onboard. Parties Who wink heir friends bronchi, cut by selling vessels, sbiria , by l, all means Patronize this une. - ..8161VVItAriecta a rli greati pixie gr imd h ra r: at the !meetly/tam . /*so - IF-n=4a, • cnigreEmigration, mane; ie2*. lef Smithfield STEMS' wizexta _To LWER POOL. toliehue at 141:110ENSTOWIC Mork Harbor., The wall-Imowa Eiteamerw ste4 Livmpool, New Tork and Philadelphia Oompwaratuaaa blaa4 earrylag. Well, IL are Wended to fall aa foliewa • , CITY OF 008/I Weddesday, IcueSl4. CITY OF WASHI/VOTQN..Satarcbty.Jese OLASOOW Weatieday, Saes VI; CITY OF LONDON Sattuday E Janerst. ILad evaty eueocedure Saturday end KaOteelly si am,Orate Plee 41,"Nottli Payable is gold, or Its equivalent(' Snomilm — Fiat Cabin. MS lateens*. ..430:811 to London... .* to London.... ea to Faris. ... -100 00 • to Parta.....t.o IS - - . 1, to Hamburg- 06 00 to Hamfte 'Passengers also torwanied to Havre, Mum Rotterdam, Antwerp, /te., at aqua/410w rates. Feattom Liverpool orAneenstont—isl ClaZ KO, atistalls. Thule whit WWI tO for 'Libras esti bay UMW, Awe et. . Far farth er glo:Farazation apply sr, ttraliosip — akarir OEMs. IQBl‘ . 0. DALE. Aged._ Prfprl l llW . " . • 11=rdeldE=1F1=1; • ,A.RD LIII2LI-43tosafroaiSh xavEspoor.-eznactuusmrown. roid;or Its aqtdvausa, sarnasy. MOM AtZM TOXIC, OH ta =Mag. . , • THOMAS BATTIOAN, ti Sadtbileld Asst. banyan PAVE CM mumps DRY' ,GOO.OB. rtto;vnucrs...nneas w: outs—ammo arcuutamis WILSON, °LPN CO., • (LATs virnamr, rAgh! Wholesale dealers la FIiBITEIN ANDDO:cm Teo „payoo9 . DS, NIX' SA Virbed , Udall luso abase r. l lsseanylkalleysl!atabnega. r : epw-. i f yn tr pcxtti4 BIZOIDERtraind DAY OQp as —S. •MR Na. 17 14 , 1121'0M streot. ttif;=l "W r ial l 4* ' - .MACRITAI & OLYDS4__Whokeale" 7 . ' 4 4. 4 . Retail • Millen In . FAIWT-AND STA2I42; DST s .013, THIBLMING• aim 11(50,78 X4111.*":7 M; B URCHFIELD, Wholesale aMltl= ittatargti. :J , : • • , le Began, ill kliiAs nzricinsag;nsic, DE.VXISTR jOBEETI JIDANB:DexitIA Coxm!lly 7 ; .•..tsuiutth L g'obrner of iniugonli sal OBAI. Tx. atroctip,Pittaburgh' Briqoaota.=-Dr. .L.Df.Pollody . Dr, aiwiegjyThoodoro HODlOsißialliOD . INEM iii PITS will iall WI whaling. Men. OP sffp,ir , Lib a. OW
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