WARTNESTO 4-RiniM4;Lwant ~,nin-partAstuaw -74414ner T,GARILT, BitimemZßlnrs.' ery tO r ninvirulttlLAßXll2:lll.llUY SEW' ftHAMER the nay low. peke Inaba In urrimuz, WWI firm! bzartztolkara Hiebaktir Art ott“ imM2Z - Art titfiltr akt.tbe' Wier aaAvAr lksbielo Au ma a ' erfaiwtheric Saar asirsokulec Grails* conS:' kitter,_ valowel, lounairs_ - atenuant M. Amami SHAW k uum, f .artaftiassnot wA=LIFT .$l5O PER . 1 110N,T71, A. CLUlTalifiZajula m anoir tiara aoal • bi. tot nik NURSE *WV gis - Moot tufting book Voir publialted_,Ozakraokli Las advaatorso of a wasurak la tbo Nalco array aa _hartsokaat boa sikig:the.- Vaud TiTil r. 11 0 4 %v... wniurtnisydzut mio Tat okralazi._ Address zont.4 ib ,0,041T0. OM oisostaba athab, Pallid* Pkilo, —• - p : • -4 .. -songlad MIAS araz.../POJralleam . PPR Mair,;—:& V`valtiable PARR I —.'• •Delleraliwielio„ eitotorolanit., amain a.. P arabout 191 aerial, 'NU iraprowo4 and la • of aslttvatloa: , - • srPABILOP ITS AllaV Igt : firlel;lt_ _. - retatormand eoanty,. •on Ta i 111 rtc7Rant Cue WU tem .Papu u% Railroad. i.ifil ta are goad imam home, and bake Ronk are : w1tt.... h .............atab0ug90g sameata Plaltdd town. io, ----". w7Tio atee ralOika tiolastat - ti. infta egey valaseut itwo of al atria mai the . acam •1a Palreeld tomato, Wedmore: ts* •I'lltirand s t i a=" 4i to k li g apig li sl __laltitogi a Wok Wing bona% ano v h• • •volb, a lane stab* a largelramo taut ak amruett. trizin= 9 =4;l7l . trill at Ike kick slay, and about ono knoired hereof ,wnlto i white oak Habra . Pooteedoo glue at idalio,l arreeldiriatOiln Ligonier fewa eetatoreland county, Ps., adjednieg - the town of ex rata, with a bug* brick A one Imildgoao ht. tbe borough et idgctabot. , NW be a lli l leo al r ' ' ' • ' ' llMlZaerie ot land, WO a larga lowing OM, USUCtiI plate. t=oases of Lad, adlobung sano Nam , 4 4 sParra of shoat 111 acres La galgabeth Ahl h. egheny coun t rea y, Pa, ent s ar ali o cdahag Eats. bath boroug The lzapre good, and Cho /and of - the beat qualty. W/11 b•sold at told gatios, MIN eak 11111 own, eontabshat 10 oafs, adjelo. ibffallail place, with all the areprovinaenta k 'doe S/se, .. Pam of WO seen,. raw the tows of. , Wastalaieland 'alai, Pc: very ab•••• a Large Botel at Slahartfle intarseetlon, Oa this Pannay/Tants Railroad., Ths lualdtats are l'Ood ant wall Armond logo hotel n pro ß perty edit Pe sold at attest barrin. and skulk , That Pipe tartar G.T i taVa k in Va c ia."elaieat, , _...- . . . ea% Fourth street. • G riAlll) . ll2 W., 'ff& dotrri i ritY BEAT FOE SALE, A - 2;Lc4te _eotretz7 _ ,tat /Coated oa Basins Are. ane. *KOMI. -Toinahlp, awn the Neer Thightmi £ O l4 tboitthree knee troin the city, having can elf the most bewailed end retentive views ot Ater AMC ittrlealtant . is Crated tor mac Thd ashtray a two ry frame dwe/IMI, ' hot and sold water tit kitohen anti bath Kluge and •eom letoAtone Stable and Cemmotatotsse, with elate 'rook a .....Vratae - Lteinlattor Clardener • allaMher eat- tta7te„. — rasrabciiths Mita Pats;WAte ts mitaseet. no se to bemoan Mare. yaletattl th e homr. A new pitirtmeemermanos.tnetEtp width le Nadal dehome natty of each's, Agars, ObterA Gnipee; Straw Chtmente, GOollittettalea. Two wells of imadhmt wails ant (astern temalih t o p " abta tank mulds . Ms natural advantages of_ ln etenery and malty of atmosphere, ex, 'poems and quality of land, are Binh as to mow mend It - to any one smelting a rural home sowntoV . eat to tba Mr. Apply to S G DAVISDAVIS, 1. ON TON PiPTOTOIESS OR TO • t i.O . • . pp?! . RUIZ ! . . _ . .`; ifilisco 3 - POSSESSION GIVEN - APRIL FIRST IA deshmmernoeti in MiCllore tr;woshlp, wrdl 4 Improved, one j • from Allegheny; 'Also, an • Elegant Residence, w ewi cf./. Is 0 ekhy - ForA,;artisidore or uire • on the mpo r . AGILAN, oof • - . S. Brier, IT POUR= STRUT. iebss 54"LX Ed. No. a tit Brom, PR BALR—Three new Meath Po= insittpurpowly tarot! Weleg i al= ad belt stroke; vary strong. and eoutonabsg rod of wrought iron; wok Holton 14 telt feet fang,* tidies dliwithr, with two Mash dues; darner taro b 7 real ltot and •eohl water putor. Everythhtteowtte end ready Ilttaburrh, BIIOP, timer • Potnt "Miry ;ad DJUIVIUSIN ittlPet, tank air 41.11eateuy itrer, neat the PWM. dealdf wort SALE.-;.-Chwt -SECOND - HAND L Ll : , ..}znit,neark nev r. .ros sea took,se Maur Ona ft feet tans, letakiiii thetaillei 116 loth One et feet towel Inches &ammo nht lash One SO banal Wiestatit Izon Teak. S i b at the utonl9773lAZ WO KO. ..SUGH X. BOLE; fen Point Aile 7 sal Dogmas Way Tittatein .11 0 UNTILYSZAT:AND.FIWIT FARR 'FOR /ILE.—.oontalning 13 M. Oritolt soil and plented - In fruit of great variety and choice selections. The improvements are a neat cottage house, wide hall, rouble parlors, dining 21/031 and nnmbtr Sr sleeping minx; spring hones, large bans and oragnldeaat stable, floweranilvegetabla =, - taster . l e ly , . I c aid off. - C irtnaltd five etty Ja 4:hell at peat bargain. Apply_to pee • B. Mordilig a 00., iN eta dreg& ;LI : : .1r4.1 • e• .zoa ACRES, Militia& la finowdeakowsishly .eiglif adios from tie olty and one mile from Browierrilla Mae Bost. Eighty same oleand . balsam food Umber; gni orchard; good log an borne leg and frame. The farm la moll we itoreedmiinaptings and .cuider h.tgli state . coltimo. For burlier prrticularz me • the prionloca of JACOB FLO ierktowdrerEihr Proprietor.:' . : VOR BALE.--Tba . Committee on City. Proport kiwi bees authorised to mein bat - Spittle purepa.e at in. Good /afoot !Ague noun and Lot, Masts cot Wylie *treat, la ,thaelath Ward.. sowed propoatu win be received autos (Meek x. of Jaw 110t.1, and alundkl be undo net op eandopo. "Proposal, for tie Purohaae the flood /alma .Lot.. The Oeaualttaa reform tee light to mita a.oy or all the bide. . J. Y. XeratrORIZIP. Manna. FPS. PALA _ • & 00.1101OSTABLH HO Of ISM I.o om4wlttiln Oall sail • bail Noting of tie lane% min, In Maw.histm. GOod wat,t, sad . 7, oOniraigeol. Pomoa:ox Oren nom Yes lIIIIIszeRPAIuc, 77 Fedanil at at Thomas •Wagon Mop, fkiara *zee, Illanshostea . 1 1 1 1113 FAMOUS MUTH FERRY OIL 'SE:oroN.-;-I. Mos for au between oau • aeon of good Boxing Oil Territory, located at this =Blower tolloth 00 miles from Pdttetrtuga, g on the Gado Itlver,:vidch will be sold oh Metal bums, tt oohed lot soft. Fortforther f Ogloie onsatlon apply at Wet Beal imitate and Lordraccei of O. S. 7141 . 104 ary3o • SAW WM% lawnwseeedue. Pa.. 41117KAP "LAWRENCEVILLE LOTS.- •4 , sambas iota ranging from Am,- I rl3, and OM, 4asmathire nub, balancer totan:y r :lr and foe, Tears, is now offered for sale. ,are Dainty . fun/ - aithttsd, and tlithWood. For other hifor. thatlon apply at litp...lM.s . Estate awlana Insurance Moe of S. n. Jaya .aanser street, Lumen:mm7llle. P. SALE:-160 Acres or Coo4also, 12C acres of front coal hi pool No. 9; alsoone fruit of roll and Withal, and other Lathrovements th red working a poo lad l No. Sl i m . traet on the Maguire of yreau , ass And day •'aFM on Grant Meet. - El OR - .SALE CITEAP.—A. FRAME I notran it removed at ogee. Situated eor. nee Irwin and Wad= Avenues Allegheny city._ LISTLE, .OAXRD A PATTON, . Pros. 119 and 114 Seoond st. Pittsburgh. WOR BALE--Thatlarga TIEREE-STORY Balm DWELLVJG BOWS. No. N Fourth Aron, Flttahunh. Postnatal' Ores Cu the tot 01 ' m itt& eMatr._, Attotuoy.ot-Law. Adlint - No. nif Fourth nowt LET.—An OFFICE on the second Sour, corm or - water sod Smithfield stmts. JOHN L HOUSE Sr. 00 I . 4ll Ull.fdrele daz.rrs. :FOHN,IIOI3B, Agent of tbe Equitableln .ll nuance Co., Kemzington Fltassurasto• and Me Pena Mutual We Insurance 00. of Pbtlso dolphla. Zjo. a Market king% rittabeign. - array J. GARDINER COFFLN, t tbr tbf /11204,002rnaNECKIVit IMPS4II 'WOOD tv",-. P. MIMI; .:Agent rot North Amer/ V •ait,Stale elPaislil2l924 b,All,fuoft Cledo_ip±he , - R,A.MVVARBOdr°' tars V 17,0211 1 "." am* thl,en r Josamir iaetrAl7l3l. sr:Ftit••vks o; ' . _ wzgaters • rsasieure - stiottae p•I lino punkas. sad saikepitor.oB_ • - z RATE'S OF COMNAIIIIIOII4 . OB Maces soilliag at said Odor' iMpar asaL do. do. dad sp ola; 1 . de. . - - SO, 1115 , 4* Aar* do. do. wand oaste. %of 61141011 4PII • '.ENC.I.'LL ..rOTIC.O.S. • - [ _,,- : pint/MEM-II TITELTRS ` - virLAALs SUPEaltedi 171 TH MEET NEAR WOOD. Linn . awn Neakein.....WEL SZNDEESO7. - ' • Cower Hilt sad Smelting Works, . , tbe =for a limited number of nishLt with • - , . 111 MINK I'AiXY PARK, McCURDY & CO. 0 40 TTE nuntEsiwk:. Alva Teak' sasy • EVEN. Minufact "di of BaßkTh:l76l BR 3Ng , umplitmliti," win ,s„ineue with BOLT 00P PRESSED OOPPL Z V ES BOT . 0 * ~. _df . Of Britt. - - BOLE irepOtternead In. KED „ mica „mus,: stre Oaranaey.: SEW , Oonstant4 dn bad, Xi d THAIPZEGS - by the Marti. TOOLS. Wank No 140PLEST and AO ' . Z d adiftterbeirEEl the tank yantOmlmn of ~. ' ppm. cue to anidifinkrifiLput&PeCial "Mete ef var-A-riatr i . ao,..c.raa a: or aon-Nrrae. = " a 318114 "'? - • - V. in which the entire KakeinAtt Oilailytitil niten.4.- /hula( the yentontimi= Ef.rlo A t t i, '”“ In twdseelalecelebrated WrPferfriftnerri dif tercet etinstram 1/11iS at e same was. an his Sole on the Oph_yelyee, he has never been ineeded.. ~. i Millen, Peasant. Aka, by the Ocimbany. • ' ____ TUMBLE'S VARIETIES THEATRIL swriirenftriger. .tram.. aura. Voz,bcr, 'Lanage4 The workkinowaed Comadlia and Pantiadatia, GEORGE 11.; EUESON; JOHNNY WARD,. - Tba - Pittnatit Favotita. 1:111TUDS AND 0/1280,1.L, OltazapitaMag Dance!". —*ha lar rilL owaal lEit haVio Lt. toot and OAL i: well t. gyp. ist, ve Vi 103 rattoo. anion, do. agen res erv ts st of ed ter4lß , But to o comma,. outlay 3 &mock s ',.. tlrda r ane ; cents. ohLklre; Jeloaf LOX . -feats Ty be ope., !it.jo.ebxr -t- COllimentit i Z Will be admitted for FREE anus Enninnan, he. All bones belonging to Members d and ied h is of ebarge Were the dawn lre also ahow you how to prevent tow from hacking while !milking: Tuition, 115, There gentlemen are nob ited by the public whoever they have been. jetintid vidaros. MUSIC. dc. TEM =Sy ieldekering & Sons PI NOS I east Elegat t Jreto Stock PERSONALLY BULB C BY THE SUBSCRIBER Jut receiving and for sale at FA,OTORY PRICES. CHARLES C. =LOB. et WOOD airszEr 'HE VERY BEST BRADBURY, NEW YORK, Schomadier a Co., Philadelphia PI .NOS, S. 13. & H. W. SMITH'S American Organs, MITH PATENT T1E640 lincommt All Warranted for Five Years. They excel all Mtn= In brilliancy, arceetaeu of tone and !WA. ♦ new lot last received at re duced prices. WARELINS & BARB, No. sr. orate prnum. , MEAN, HOENE & CO., 63 MTH 6 TRACT: I I 73:1R 11 SG= /MEM MI Xleooli. N'1463343/116 MP &et Pianos In Ameriaa. / noia. new stock ot the sualoalled RIVABE PIANOS. tow Priam' 6 34, eh" and 7 Oetere Plano Fortes. In Elan end elsterateav carrell eases. Also RAINES IAM. Row York Thews, whist have teen used ta this city tor Mitten years, and are asknowleeded to be the' best In the reentry, st the prize. Akio, PRIME & 00, , 8 World Renowned Organs and .klelodsons. - ' CHARLOTTE BLITHE, FM strait. Sole Agent. JP.IIJrTERS us= it. zoxe. —Joni :rms....soar rtamasir Lora,IgAER & co., SIGN Aar= & Karim PALMERI', NO. 60 Si/Wield Si. Pitt:6%mgal. LETTIM. 'OH " TALL scsaitall MeWri an t i ln aa""1 "" F . P.r Of eakira anti. xgre g rarrata llia " d ' sum. t. akin andesst • ' 5411444 Pia 40 • ' P •-• • `. 1:1,A1,144. ran.? Jr" 4 1 3 " • i;•t: -Jr", air ------------------8: OWN, mom ci , D t ao ilia aim* iii, 16 . 37- aotresfaan i azi pang:ma nit maw ot Twit iugt ihdr„:4 ells :lour I • nriestaleu. t - w_• BANNIpmy * CO*. poileilthiiin &Amid Iron Wathinf 10:6. le, SS, IA $l4 IS PENA WRIER. jawed b u . ma, asd Ihralahat tvith the wet *Or ir me reselases7, Eto suumnlsotare every deesslPties 01 the best nmber, sod earraoted de In the eanib,-- 401IIIENEY FIRE BED STEAM'PIFkLOIOOg BOILERS, ILIONDASNALE RAW" PANE. xvixs, ATBW:,3ET: w..MG PANS, DOLLAR IRON, SUGAR PANS,and sole menotaeturers °IBA& PATENT_ROILEae. tithe shortest satins- , •• , '!"ahltildgm. PITTSBILIMIk SAW WORatib, HUBBARI:r; 13 KO. Co. NAIIIIRAOT17112:611 OF PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, tatriWarranted OAST STEEL SAWS. of every de. hon. 111 4..Mulay, Orals Out, Clang, and all tor varieties. -- • ., • . . ' • All kind. of ICTITYES and SPRIN G S_, made from eet Out int ra Relined REAPER AND OWTNG foe. kg43r Warehouse Works, earner WATER and HORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. • Perth:War attention given to. Retoothlng, Gum and Straightening. Circular Saws; Wm, re, : ire of all ki.- Punohhig and Drilling done at onable rates. , --.. • sanely jrmr.gg,uyAsgTh-----------,E LL, PROFESSOR amy 011 auswErzay, who kaa sumeinfully. . orateall &mates of imealea for teirt_ Xyaars d, eontulted York mull, at Mt 011amElgaS STREET, New York, or by letter, and unselsine Mint by mall. Married or single ladies who require e safe and certain :steady for removing shame°. t ion, from whatever =we, CM rely upon her cola k. ',rated infallible French Female illoettily , Pills, I co. I. to restore regularity in al home , if-of Short [ending, but obstinate cues of long dandier may uire No. 2, which ans four degrees stronger No. 1, and ean never fail, are safe an healthy; Mee I 5 per box. Can be obtained a t No. lei ambers Street, New Yotk our, or meet by mail. trith full instructions, by addressing No. keep New Yore Post Moe. Copyright Bemired. jegamaat ,1885 SIMENE United /111aols, tie W Theatze; pm, Sons, to till WOOD! 110 W LOST ROW RESTOREDI.-Just• Published; in a seal. Marelope. • Price six *anti. A LECTURE ON JR 'NATURE, fREATII.II,MT, and Radical Clare of Spermatonbcra, or. Semblat Weakness laved. b eat o M Emissions, Sexual Debility and, hailed'. tanley* generally; Nerrouaness, Ono, Wroption, Epileney cad .Fitai Mental and Phyla. tSal Incapacity, resulting from Bell Abuse, be.. by our. .1. Outvancrwr., RLD., author of the 68f nun Beak, ken' 9A, BOON To TROINIAND3 ON TININNIINO. * sent-sader seal, in • plain enrol. #p:, to r ero address, ,pcat paid, on receipt of als, 7 tsar t o . o4, , rw ri ntg r i, t bz l D s ; ; l t a KLINE, 1 jelnautdawT • - , - osoiteli tar BELLE a prrleAerv`ifolilitt°""D RUMP. Co, (s,oooor a to Alorti.,.aernE 4 2 8 00. " ! - • tlsnufsetniers of OAST STEEL_ i SPRING, • PLOW and BLISTER' STRELI SPEDNOS, AZ .LES, OROWBARS, 'A lte... kSir• Works, FIRST WARD, lleginmy. Post nos address. nrrssuea.m. joss,. - Boßij co., ou ors Pr " to ROMOSON r.. 4, , iallrifillt blita.nathe Wastilneton Works., - tODEMERS tae n I'ITTOOOIOi4 , Dianufneturen of BOAT AND STATIONAXE STEAM .ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, GE* RING, OIL TA _CAST INGS of all deserts tlons, OIL TANKS b. sitrzas, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK.. i air Agent* for GIFFAILD'S PATE= INJECT. , Rjor feeding boilers. .4. TO IiZEITOOPS OUIPFERERa OF tiredEX.Te„- - A ieverend gentleman hay rE C Ern res to health In a law days, after nn 2:1 , 11 the us . l routlaat a x aey~ ineltdar expettlai starred dnty to communicate to his : c iliated fellow. 'matures the mamma cure. Henn on the receipt Of an addressed erres, he willscini,pre, a copy of the prescription n eed. Direeteo Dr. JOHN hi" DAGIVILL, /Nitta street, N.Y. sehttlydreT - - imp...JOHN COCHRAN dk . 113 1.0..Matda... 4=-17 torus of /RON VAULTS AND VAULT MINEi v IRON - RAILING, WINDOW SHUT. /NDOW GUARDS, ha, Nos. ft 850. OND and Be TRIED STREET, between Wood and Market, have on hand variety of new patterns, buley and plata, suitable for all purposes. 1 air Particular attenttno paid to enoloslng Grave _ Lots. Jobblngdone atshort notice. any d or BENT PRICE.—A Immense importan sexes , a old lud young, and Earle or bath will he sent tree by addresslngovlth stamp enclosed the agents, J. B. KEIWBIBIi • CO. Box 73, n Post Odle& =Mayas wr TAKE ititeDAs v/ISISEIES. AN ES SA YOUNGAISG AND INSTRUO. TION FOR MEN. Also, paw and silo. Cale treatment et the trriaod Sexual Systems. . Adelman Dr. J. SHELL= HOUGHTON, Row lird Association. Philadelphia, Pa. 'may igivollENEY H. COLLINS, FORWARD ING AND OODUCESSION 1031110 RANI sod wholesale dealer la CHEESE, SEEDS, FISH, and pnaluee - ipmerallM lE 4 WOOD STREET Pittabrigh. nol OLD X -•• IV. OUT SPECTACLE:I,M . Mat 011 TEED. WINE. Pamphlet marled free on neolpt of tea rents. Address E. B. roorz, M.D., No. 114 Broadway, ;few Toile.Jessica - _ _ .arron»lrsra S. If. XCWASTI3I...J.If. CIAZZAIt..J2 errnnismn IeIdABTER, CLIMAX a CO., ATTORNEYS FOB OLAIMANTS Licensed U. S. Agents, , for Iwo:alas rizesioNs. BIGHTS:B% AR ls OF-PAY, PRIZE MONET, GOISPLPI. BATSON FOR HORSES, and other property lost or destroyed while in the service et the United States STOPPAGES OP. PAY AND °PITCHES, ORDNANCE AND QUAISTEHALLSTEWS ,COVNTS adjusted aad cortincates of indebted. heAapppnoaNutrOen Cd. H tr A y RME aMttA e D n E UNLESStf RVe OMiII/ OFFICE No. 98 GRANT STREET, aryl PITTSITEBGEL . _ 8. WAR CLAIM AGENOI PENSIONS. Ecruzaties, 73evoks. LaPROMPTLY. CLAMS or ALL KENDS PROCURED W. J. & HALL PAITHEISON, Attorneys -at-Law. 144 POOR= STREW. WOUNDED SOLDIER& WO gouty to All Wounded Soldiere, ia now Woe WO to aII mot • otOostuagoo tro !tharp made mall the ix , lo r ni:{ 7 l2 oollooteh y, emogiartho tiMigrvoopoont il t tg. ICI FIFTH owed door MOW all MIMI= MILITARY • CLAIIIS, PENSIONS, am.- BOUNTIES, BACK PAY and MILITARY CLAIMS of every description, Golf-acted by the subscriber, at the following rates, viz I Pensions die, all other claims CIAO. U. U. TAYLOR, Attorneyett•Law, Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—No clowges are made if the claim does not Succeed, and all information given gratin sel:tr BUTTERFIELD, GAZZL.N. xt CO., ATTOBREICS AT LAW. u arKtarr ,nP n_UM:Baiter; Garvin: a Co., Pittaiuh • Bolleetions made, Titles examined, and all other Legal business attended to In Weetern Perumpive. We, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia. References: Mows. Lockhart and Frew, John Harper, Esq., Marshall 2. Brown.. ANDREW E. zvEnort, camnpxcrin. No. 144 Fourth Street PITISBIJEGE. Pd., Will.; entice In the various einarts of Allegheny end adjoining coonttee. spfhlyd Er C. 3t ACILI26LL A.:1011i(80/ MACKRELL & JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. lI.S. LICENSED SOLI MS. CLUJ* AGENTS Lit t o o nges for Wane Soldiers oollootod from xromerri P o. d auur r ia; l'lttibirgb. Odat with discharge cad two wttnewes. deSMY SOLDLEBS' OLITY(I3,-BOIINTDIEI =MONIS AND AF11;8 Piar• FrompgrAttAndeat.o br mincimaik swarm, , No. MI TOLFT)T ST., Plt.tabzulb, Ni. NOVI W. BHAPER, rta too luiturefrin:, Pt!isbursty FL outm igransinms, .sointry, naza minwr, isaaystammineogiinkm. • fIABT Intltrim TKETH, for iitl.akrt_aff/ i. r r a l Chide Bab/4a( say stags Milliured•mn • Baku insa i t : dlibet L t= ;m.l,,r • ' Kitt= Aram . % Mitten Clip MUM , • . ittshur WEDNESD GAZETTE ADVERTISING RATES OTABrlite KAMM: tiatax a Dal/. I week. [Once a week • n'e 10 II Two times.. , 196 TO Three 1.1024 140 Fon:Owes IWI ILS Flve thoto, II WI 145 ' :One week. 160 I'AO 1701 Two Weeks' 176 660 100 Three Wks 400 6!70 4 One month i 7 60 400 00 Two no's. 11 95 "Illar 760 Thrum mo's II 73 1740[ • 15.11 months 20 VII 12 ; 00 13 • Ni,,. ise's. 27 001 10 60 18 00 Pm Teal— lot./331 "9 00/ For Otieoq eoatlned to ter. Au fl t imes [1 times! 1 tah I Daily. la -- l a week. Is wU eek. Oas intatu Three.monthe.., _l7 20 II 41 • 8 montba 24 ~.111 18 ,10 60 One Year 60 00 121 - 00 24 14 00 Fist Notioesdoutila Dia above rates. Death Notices, each inseriloa • IRI • lila ccins_ooticsa, 73 keg= i:ve=enz, r t a s t rAr , t r ip o 2 co 14 " a no tices' nodes 'Pedal 2 22 18 o in Local column 20 yaws COUNTir TICKER Pon narrator ATionurag: LEVI B. DUFF, of Allegheny , . Pon marry corm.. Ann: • HENRY LAMBERT, Pat Township. -won Tau/mann: DAVID 418 EN, sti r , of Lthertg TOWnalllP. !OR BUTZ SINAI% JAMES L. GRARAM,Allegteng. • • • eon : GEO. Y. MeICHE,North Payette Township. BANS B. HERRON, , Meoandleas Towny Mp. ALFRED SLACIR, I O' Alifyyhemy. DAVID SHAPER., pots. se. Glair. J. P. GLASS, P4tibureb. JOHN A. DANE, Maier Townahl,..l FOR COVITY 00/110581011IM: JONATHAN NEELY, of Lower St. Oink IP. FOR 0017IITT IitrIIVITOI2 R. L. MeOULLEY. of Birmingham. OTT AND SUBURBEL MOM TIMITERDAVII 11111131110 441.1111T12.) • • The Riot and Murder near \Massillon.- Arrest of one of the Rioters. We have already noticed the serious riot wfakh Occurred among a number of coal miners at North Lawrence, Stark county, Ohio, about sir miles from Massillon, which resulted In the Murder of James. Cole, and the serious injury of several other men. The miners had Wen on a Strike the several weeks, and some of , them had gone to work at a L.,wer rate of wages . -which displeased the strikers. On Tuesday; of last week a large number of the "workmen assembled at North Lawrence, when a serlou slot occurred, during which some twenty-four or thirty shots were fired, one of which took effect In the breast of Cole, causing his death- in- a few minutes. • Several of the participants immediately fled, and among those who found their way to this city were David Watkins, Jeff Davie, and Thomas James. The oMcers were in pursuit of them, but fatted to find any eine to their whareabonta until Sunday last, when a sister of Davus left Maisitlon, under circumstances which led to the_ belief that she was on her way to commtudeata with the fugitives- • She was followed by a de tective, wLo took the same train 'which she left at Allegheny station' from and traveled on foot fro • thence to a boarding house in the Fifth wa.d, kept by a man named Morgan. Hen. she met one of the party, David Watkins, and while passing down street, In her company, the man was arrested. The milker very imprudently let Miss Davis go, while he conveyed the prisoner to the Mayor's office. Another ofilcar hastened up to Morgan's house, hoping to gather° before Miss Davis, but she had been there some fiftam have a ft is Inferred that the other two men have been notided of the arrest of Watkinv. and have skipped off to some other place. Wat kins states that Cole, the murdered . man. was one of their party, and that neither he nor his companions had 'anything -to do with the mur der: He will be taken back to Massillon Lids afternoon. Commencement Exercises of Mount Union College. The public examination of closets will com mence at Monet Union College (near Alliance, Ohio,) on the 15th of June, 1885 1 followed by Ule anniversaries of rho Literary Societies, meet ing of the Alumni, .te. On Wednesday, the 21st, will beheld the antra tit meeting of the bdard of Trustees, the members Of widely as constituted by the races mutton, are as follows: Hon. Daniel Agnew, Beeler, Pa.; Col. E. Ball, Canton, Ohio; Ron. John A. Bing ham, Cadls, Ohio; Prof. J. 0. Chapman, A. M., Monet Union; Hon. R. P. Chase, LLD., Praia: legion, D. Co Prof. G. W. Clarke, Monet Union; Bon. John Coridki•Oarport. Pa.; Hon. Colson Davenport, Barnesville, Ohio; Hon. Luther Day, Ravenna, Ohio; Hon. James L. Graham, Pitts burgh, Pa.; Rev, 0. N. Hartshorn, Mt. Union; Prof. E. N. Hartshorn, A. it., Mc. Union, James AL Kier, Tart:atom Pa.; Hon, John M-Kllppart, C Ohio; Lewis Miller, Akron, O- H. Miller, , Alliance Ohio; J. M. Pettit, Mount Union; Bishop M. Simpson, D IL, Philadelphia, Pi; Bishop E. Thompson, D.D., Delaware, 0.; Ex-Gov. David Tod Cleveland, Ohio; Rev. John Tomer, Canton, Ohio; lion. E. E. White, A. it., Columbus, Oblo; and Hon. W. T. Willey, Mor gantown, West Virginia. ' The Conference Committee of Supervision of Sedowment, consisting of Rev. I. N. Baird, D.D., Sal em,O., Rey. John Williams, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Rev. Horner 3. Clark, D D., Sullivan, 0., are requested to met with the trustees at their annual meeting. On Thursday. the lid, are the orations of the graduating class, and a public address In the afternoon of same day, by Bishop E. Thomp son, D.D. , /1 la hoped that all the above named officerssill, will, 60 far at practicable, be In attendance, as business Important to the progress of the En dowment and more esdemilve usefulness orthe College, will come ballot the trustees. Court of Quarter Sessions. In the cue Of James H. Rath, Elizabeth Ann Rath and James H. Lowry, Indicted for tor. {able entry and detainer, the ,fiery found a ver diet of not guilty of forcible entry, but guilty of forcible detainer. The following named persons plead guilty to Illegal liquor selling, and were fined In the sums cpecllied I Felix Laverty, SW; George Stamen schein, $l5; Jeadma large; $10; Frederick Leon, $10; Thomu Kelly, ill; henry Vierheller, S,W; John litiatry, $10; John &brim. PO; Cattle* rine Keck $10; Charles Quinn, $2O; Henry Zim merman, } 2O; John Krehenbuhl, $10; Herman Beehlold, $2O; H. Jones, $10; Wlnnlflud Swee. nee, $10; Ellen Dipper, $l5; Anton Micah, $l5; Joho Savage, $2O; Frank MelAtuchlln, $3O. Dr. Joan F. McDowell, of But Birmingham, eras arraigned on a darns of procuring an abet.- ? Lion, on oath of Julia Sha n. The facts of this case, as alleged by the p ecution, are anb atantlallJ thew : Mn. s Sop e Wolf wire of Henry Wolff, a aoldler In th Wilted States set , VIM, hating received the MI t vts of Dr. Mc. Dowell, became pregnant, and desiring to hide her crime from her husband and friends, was In duced to take pohsonons dram preseribed by the doctor, and also submitted tu an operation etch Instruments, whereby an abortion was procured. Thin c ecorrCti In July, 1864, and on the 3d of August following she died from the effects of the unnatural and violent treatment to which she woe subjected, and this prosecution was entered by her Mrs. Shabergan. Biessns. Mar. shall and Brown appear fog the defense, and Messrs. Kirkpatrick and Moreland for the p rose. cotton. On trial. The Young Mews Ch an Association. On Saturday evening last the farewell meet. log of the Young Men's Christian Association was held at the church, Broad 'and Arch, Phila delphia. Bon. C. Brainard, presided, and ad dresses were made by Major General Meade, Major General Howard, General Pak, Dr. Clarke, of Albany, lion. Jos. A. Pond, of Boa ton, .Rev. Dr. MUD, of Massachusetts, Bev. Geo. Dana 'Boardman, and Judge Brainard. The church was crowded. Tbo reception of General Meade was peculiar. When he stepped forward to address the meeting the and tones rose and by this silent but expressive mode testified their grcelatiOn of the services of thei here=of (hays. 2hany was fixed as the. place of meeting of next Convention. Midnight 4ring arrived, the Convention adjourned. To be B roughtlilkineThe body of Lieut. Reuben 11. Lou, of the l'ittaburgh • Rinee, who was killed at the battle of Fredericksburg will be brought to thin CUT On Thursday for inter-. anent. Lieut. Long enlisted as a private by the Fittaburgh Bides for the three months' service, lend, like manor s salient - couirwles, re-en listed for three years. The core Was mehedlo'the Nin th Permaylvanlit and • Fendesidefileient service in the many sob' which- it latul.eagaged. The Lieutenant 'wll4 Idned while leadlag2ils company. aud ,wast bur. led near where he yep.' was a brave and - ao. nompliabed officer. lienskirs4katte— 01111 11g.-0111FAwtn !Nevin, Jr., lately stationed with his battery at Camp Ham, D. method an order on Naar. day, Mita the &awing of War, directing him to take his battery to Pittsburgh Immediately, to be mastered out of arnica Ste A. P. A. on the pcath Preddent r The follo*lng mu/Miens on the 1158ERSAIRE• lion of President Lincoln were adopted by the a Gri n i l Led mee ze tm o g t tlt hi e tb A is . P. yA.onotaPeen6asylyta.nla, ToZ W. G. X. offiders and members of the sway Lodge d. P, d., of Pennsylvania. Your Committee on Reselutians beg leave to • ode the following: Whertzth Previous to our assembling here as a Grand Lodge we hare heard:with .deeo regret at the auksabiation of oar dearly beloied and Tench respected Preside:calor the United States, Annsnuit Luccors, by the hand of a cowardly lend biood•tairsty eases/tin; and ; Whereas, The death of AnnAnsx LtscOus has !dot a gloom of sorrow all deer this fair land, from Dialne-to Georgia. and from the Atlantic to: the Pacific;• and Whereas We, the G. L. of the State of Pennsylvania haarmual 'Cession met, deem It proper and right at thil time, to express our sympathy in common with our fellow-citizens till over the country, on account of the great na ional bereavement of one of its to:bleat ions, purest satriots, unflinching, anwaverinit', mann* prominag, and truly greet thief officer this psnntr7 everluid;t • we Bers,me, That whISO we bow in humble sub. rulesion to the decrees' or an All-wise Previa deuce in thus removing from our midst our earthy Chief - Migistrate„ we mourn and lament- onwecount of the great national 10k:twain thus /Mae - one of its brightest ornamental, where public and private career stands mood to none for love of country, patriotism, sterling Integri plrilrgentdoe character, warmth of feeling co da bin fellow-man, and above all his God•like nthfoluesa la allhis public and PriTate ' Rossived. That °we tender to, the family of the bereaved, in this the hour or their Seep affliction, our most heartfelt sorrow, and humbly ask Him who holds the destiny of all things in the hollow of 14: 0 hand, to take them under His especial care d protection, and at last guide them to the hat , where they would be at rest. Resolved, That we have firm and abiding faith In the honesty of Character, the stern and iron will, the determination and ability ofourpresent E m rerldest, Andrew Johnson, In prosecuting and lishing, to the fallen extent of the law, the est of vile men, who would dare plot the death of the best man and the beet government Wider God's canopy of Heaven. T. thunorrr , JARED Clink Ro,rr. J. Hulse. Jos. L. STuWLET, • I • 95 7 6 1 is 85 u I " 0 0 110 270 275 140 400 -Vl5l 900 470 4 9 55, 35 8 00 4 /X, 10 50 900 1 12 90 10 701 4 0150 • exwewni. • e time net week, 11301111 of the Adele, eaceakploper• Brznzrtht Hann.. By J. Sheridan Le Faun. I New York: Carleton, MBroadway. Pittablagd: ; H. Miner. Thla book has been well reedited in England. It is a novel of the old fashioned stamp abound log in Incident and exciting in denottemeaL t?banles Lever speaks of it thus: "He who lan write such a story as Wylder's Hand needs Do praise of mine; but I can at least say how Warmly I can admire his genius,' how heartily I enjoy his genial humor, sod how thoroughly I ippreclate his right to his Christian name, and If these be not claims enough- for success, let bhp, be assured there are few men who can show more." i.oogreo /mourn). By A. S. Bal. Published by Carleton of New York, and for sale by H. Maar; Plitsburgd This la a new novel of purity of moral, and, Without any thing very thrilling to characterize 1. related the story of coon life In such a ay as to Interest. Tux Onpuoea C. Sena Pe.caas. Third aerie.. ; New York Carleton. Pittsburgh: H. Muer. Volume le replete with huthor. and satire, Written in "Axtemus chweeterhstie Style. It is good book to revive the drooping spirits. 'bnpetet generals are handled very sath , elly Those who hero heard "Artearea" Leclerc will know "where the laugh melee rn.n Loreeny.—Patrick Leahey, of Manchester, bas been-committed to jell by Mayor Morrison, to answer a charge of stealing a sifter watch, slime wearing apparel, mid a smallsum of money from Mrs. Router, wLo occupied a portion of the same house. Patrick was arrested with a put of the stolen property in his possession. SPECIAL LOCAL "Mires W. Perms practiced Slate Roofer, aro Dealer in American sof mimes orders. Office at Alexander Laughl , in's, near the Waited 'Yorke, Mamie', Pa. Raider:a, No. 73 Pike street Orden promptly attended to. All work trammed water prooL Repairing done at the ioneet notice. No charge for repairs, provided We roof Is not attused after it Ls put on. Reductlon..,4)ru friend, lifr. John Weler No. 126 Federal street Allegheny, was in the cant when the glorious news of the capture of glchniond and the surrender of the *skirl Getter al Leo was received, and taking . ;heritage of the panic produced, and kn owing the re-action that would follow, made very heavy purchaser Of the fi nest ortn:r and summer goods at about one-hall of the old prime. dome of the finest Botha, tamimeres and vesting' are Included in his stock, which he is prepared to make up to order, on short notice in the latest styles, and at correspondingly low razes. A choice assort- Om , of lwobihlog goods and ready•noodo cloth leg wi ll also be found at Ids elegant gi g Our Allegheny thautranould give hlm of all. ; Prints, in toed assortment and new styles, As low as 15rotenta per yard; Yard wide Shirting, Long Cloth, 25 cads; 104 Linen &testily, $1.25, half prise; Table Linn, 75 cants; other Linen and housekesphy goods cheap, at Barkar C 0.% 4o Marta street. The Cheapen Holum In the twin dile% for qnsed Praha, extra Candies of fancy kinks, and Tales porn and good, Is at 112 Federal atzelx lw , Allegbesy City. 010. Bnvirs. • Lace Rotondes, Pasta and Shawls; Ellie. Cloth and Zephyr Garments; also, Bummer nuns of all kinds, wiling very cheap, at Bar ker & Co.'s, 6D Market street. Silks and Dream Goods, of all kinds, at the very lowest spices, at Barker & Co.'s, 59 Market greet. AfEw c sr.d r.irr OYB' CLOTHING FOR Summer Wear. PILITOY AND PLAN CASSEITERM, METROPOLITAN, ILASNET, CUTAWAY, ANN CIARIBALD/ SUITS White and Broil% Linen Duck Sack Coati, P 4478 4.+VD PESTS', For Youths and Men BLUE AND BROWN FLANNEL LIGHT MELTON. 83e►pw000 lelwo's. Claertal LINEN CLARIEB/ILDI 1313/T8 GU? & LOGAN, n ST. GLAIR STREET MEW GOODS. -WE ARE NOW RE. OEIVING our Goods for Sizminer Wear, which we hare bought at the tomcat market price. .and will be made op at the lorrestdbruree to meet the wishes of our friends and the public. We are also melting a lot of FINE LINEN GOODS MADE UP, AND A ONOICII NUICTION OF First-Olass Furnishing Goods, HENRY G, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nod)* men. earner Perm and St. Ohle streets. mll2B tf 4 OH THE HOT WEATHER—Just re eelved and will be sold at reduced prloes, FINK BLACK ALAPACCA COATS, Best Quality. WRITE KELETON LINEN DUCK'VESTS, =stir Liaoa sai casa• LINEN :DUSTERS, tocetera wtth. the largest sad most magalnoomt eteek of JILARSZtI,IS,S IMEITTREtt3 to the city, GRAY. : P0151111W,& . OMB; Illeeeemors to 4. Grey a, scpa.) re" cai• It/Tater% Zro;tt PIPTWITISEICT, and*. Cis, s Old Stow; Noiur P • 'III'iIESP. POR' BALI;- 4 02011- THUUM OUST POSTS. - .11s_ .0 wanted tar ban • itood Two-nottsE wAeorr Iron axle • prokaird Enquire at .' Jena: • W 7 LIMIT STSIEBT. Lincoln. Book NoUceo. wbich will be found nawmally attractive. Raving been joilichlud At LOW GOLD RAT ore can oiler SPECIAL INDUCIENIENTS TO sums. Our win at an Unmet be found well ■applied. WI solicit • can from Merchants, Milliner; Pala; and the Public bele; coaddens that wean sun an. HAVR JUST ARRlVEDearefully FROM THE EAST with a snlceted assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE C OO RS, among which will be (amid a flue line of Hosiery In cotton and' Lisle. Glove., Ribbons, Dowels., shapes, Scarfs, Collars, and all the new !WV., Including Rubber Collar,, to width I partleular4 eaU the attention of the ladles Lb:Cadman Densorest's llorsetac Hoop Skirts. Lace and Linen Handkerehle kind. of Code, new Swiss Seta, Lace Cape, Bert a Barbs and Coiffeurs, Breaktest Caps, Shetland ahewl; Tian, ( new , ) Lace in Crotchet, Linen , . Cotton, Throwl, Yalenelennee and int Applique, Wide Linen Lace for Pillow Oas es,Embroideries of all kinds; Infant', Robes, of ail kinds; nearstyle Blankets for Infants; Ladles' Elan, Jotorin's Kid.; Misses' Kids; ()Imp and• Steel Boad Sets. Cord Sets, Cable Cord. Cord and Tana% Tassels and Wm several new styles; CilaiPs to Jet, Steel,' w and Caryatid Chenille; Baspd, Silk and atal Fringe, Stiaw Hata andTricandsiga; Hut. fettles in Lae!, Applique._ Jet, SiLk, Gold Leaf and. Pearl, Piney Combo, Cihryirtal Drops, POlkw aids and Foils, and a variety of other goods, to which I would call the &Unlit/ono! my kind aorta mearlsand the ßMlS F igi r nir. 3l re.th "too- LOCK WOOD'S OELtI3RATED Goth Lined and all Paper. Collars, EATON, MACItIIN & CO, Moss. 2.7 40 19 ir.trux St" LOCKWOOIYS GOODS. L ae tirade wino=rotd.x.ltsaufaart,i7r. W. W. MOORHEAD'S, Mal fat tose mad Lase complete Ho of &Oratorios, Lsees ollars, Queen Efisobeth Sou Shades, Bus C Umbrallas, ars. Re. WWI A full assortment of Gents Puroloblos Good Wit W. MOOBREAD, myii:iydzail ARABOLS, SEE SHADES, SIM INKBEELLAS. Of this mitred. styles ur'l sit lowest prloes. Whole. sale and retell at g 1 FANS I S UM AND PALM FANS, of every description, At PIIRNITURE, CARPETS AND SUN .- DRIES AT A UETlON.—Oclockn WEDNESDAY :dORNING, Hai inst., at Io o', at Masonic Hall Auction House, 66 Filth Rivet, Will be sold without reserve, a quantity at Yurnituie, Carpets, M., comprising mahogany Side Hoard, Marble Top Wash Stand, New Wardrobe, Hat Racks, Walnut What Not, Hair Seel Sofa, Centre and Side Tables, Extenalon Dining Table Cane Seat and Wood Chairs and Rockers, Willow Chairs, and Hookers; one (double) 011 Ice Desk, small delays and benchesi Pic Nie Tables. High and Low Post Eledstevds; Chest Army Goods; (Tribe and Trundle Beds; Handsome Dressing Mirror) Ingrain Car ent.Sliver plated Tea and Table Spoons and r,(.?.a Table Erall,isdu g e l4tria a :t hi le:a g , • Bridles; Halters, So. Also ono large Iron Safe. jell T. A. idcOLELLAND, Auctioneer. _ _ GOVERNMENT Marr—oFFICE FUR TUBE, " erti.—WEDSP,SDAY MORNING. June lath, will be sold at the Government StOre Souse, corner of Penn street and Garrison Alley, by order of tiept. T. Herron poster Proved Her shel 'al District, the renewing articles, for which there Is ad longer public tam: 9 Table.; a Desks and i Counter; 2 Fire pokers, II Shovels, 1 Fender and 1 pair tongs; • 9 Deek Stools, 8 Inkstands and 4 Buten; • Gaa Pendants,a Coal Buckets and 1 Saw; • 1 Cooking Stove, I Truck, Buckets and 29 feet Hose; . • I Conscription Wheel end 2 pair Spectacles. Tease or Sims—Calk, Government Mods. • Jen A. kIaILI7AINE, Auctioneer, sALE.oir BERV/OBABLE MILES. ONE EtTENEZED ZNEENEL. .. WIII be. sold at Yublle AudioOßE SWF& MUM GOOD SOUND Bram MILES Vat Pittobruzln Pa., an the Slot DAY or JUNE. u ttyatri Ground& Penn Meet. lit oluglizi... -Salo to. soaaaaas at io il'alook a. ur . - , • . Vatted Stern Gtral* O. lOUS, - • - i_ia7*l tient. GIL and Dimity Ct ibl• ti, IV BE rußLio ALE on EluDegragth hut , Vekmkr. on Allegheny befor &meant of whom It cowmen_ reboot' raya THOUSAND EMPIT uE NARKED OIL BARBELS I Mao a lot of various. ly tanked .barmle gathered Dom the lete freshet. itteriler Of the OR Committee: J on ALBERT RAIWOON. swot_Tar . GOONS. IR BD u' SUMMER Dress 43Foods. " "LEN I 2I 9 IIES I OMAHAS. lI3X3Cair.LOT EC, AND Lace Mantles REDUCED, To Close Out the Stock!' BATES it BELL / 1 Jets St FIFTH ESTEEM NEW SPRING GOODS. 111aerum 8z Gtlyde, No. 78 REARKST STREET Wholesale susl Retell Dealers In Trimmings and Fancy Goods !LOTIONS, NOSIEST AND GLOM, And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods would cal/ the attestant' of Merehanta, and t u trade generally, to Wit very extensive stook 1 the above Una of goods. Our stooks of Cotton Hose and Socks estrielatly, la the largest nut beet ever opened - I WO tay, end our NOTION Dunnmff will be feat very attractive and complete in al Its branching, and at. price. test cannot tail to plea . Give us a call beton punduidnit culewhen4 myla JOEL HORNS & CO., DEALZE IA STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Ribbons and Bonnet SHI A Flower and Trimmin g s Xmbrolderies, Late Goods_, Handkareldat Fancy Good.. Balmoral kirt % /Adios' and _Gents Put. nlabln g Goods, Buad Gimps and aftnarasat o Worsted Hosiery and Glove", Hoop iiddrta, Ho. efow 1114 antaa Wares, ars now reseitln g Heir drat aasort m erd, at "Mir RPRIMG Goons, Noltacraz 320453peartasseaxe JOB HORNE * Ca. 71 and 78 BURK= MUM SOLE AGENTS FOR W GOODS I NEW GOODS! 471:111IT CO - • No. 81 Market Street; et MAIMET STIIIO EATON, MAORIIN & 00."3. 17 rata insect EsTon., MAORIIN & 17 Ellie street. .4 ECT`IO.II" S./ILES. BANICING HOUSE. -------- N. .HOLKES & SONS, San Market Skeet, Pittsburgh. DEIENNITS RECRWM . 11 . 1 Pas, rvaul am, CIVEZENOT Clollcettnnsaunne an States and aU Una pri 014 14111 ncipal pl. otato, at the Vatted STOOKS. BONDS Am mu=tititotramr. BOUGHT AND sate ON COMMISSION. • Partertgar situation paid to the purchase art 4 rale or MUD STATE SECOMTE, Vogel D!Olio Min lir Llllll ' Do: do. 84101 i Do. VI rat, 10.11tft .. Do. Boma -Thhiles Do. Oa I.lleileo ..)f• ORDERS AND POMMES BOUGHT OH COLLECTED TREASURY DEPARTMENT, &MCI OP Eamozati:, An 0,21141 h LOBE. "WItEREA.B BY SiTISFACTOR been made te, evidernewmeed to the undersigned, it bra THE EXCVANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, in the city. of PittabruO, In the manly of Alts. gheny and State of =rim ham base duly organized under and to the rerattements of the arts of Congress, anti ed "An Act to pro. vide • National Carrency, secured by • pledge of 'United State. Bonds; and to provide for the aim*. lath:a and harsedemp p ti on thereoll,"app pmrOedV Sine 2d,Md.antdequcomoie c w om a iled 5 w i i th before noa menedng the bushiest of banking under said ant. Now therefore, FNUOMAX OLAIIKA 00IIIptr011er of the Our. ream . do hereby certify that "The Exahama flap Bona! Batik of Pittsburgh,” in the city of Pita. burgh, in the county of Allegheny, State of Pennsylvania, ix authorized to conunenee the boa. ems of Banking under the ma *formai& {" Currency Bureau,} In testimony whereof Seal of the witness my hand and Oom=r of the seal of office, this 28th Treasury De par ey.tment. day of April, 1886, AP29amd Comn;roller ';t o ‘ i tl l te EX 'GE NATIONAL BANK f Pittsburgh. harteredthei Capital !Organized under tate of Pa., '836.1 sl,ooo,ooo.!Natn'l Law 1863 lids Bank eras been designated • IiEPOSITAIEty OF THE United States Treasury, sod appointed agent for the sale of the 7..80 is CP .41. . Every facility trill be °Cared to invecters or par ties purebaatrig for re•aale. srmer EL M. MURRAY. Cashier. PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid in 81.000.000, with Privi lege of $2,000,000. Banking Houle CORNER FIBS?. AND WOOD STREETS. Thhi Bank, Ml6ailed under the National Bank. hag Soteni now prepared to traiwaet brudneaa at Ha Banking Houne,oonser of Wood and Shut streets: Ckdlestlons made on all aneeeelble point, on the most favorable term.. Spode! Agents for JAY COOKE, for the male of the If. S. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. ILILMVEL RES. President F. M. GORDON, Cashier. J. O. KePECERSON. Teller. OLLAR bA.V LNGS BANK, NO., 65 F01:111TII STRUT. - • . .OHA.RTERED IN HSI Open daily from 9to o'clock, also on Wednew day and Saturday evening from May tat to No. vember lot, from 7 to 9 o ' clo ck, and from November Lt to May tot from • to 8 o'clock. Deposita received of all sums of not lemithan One Dollar, and a dividend of the protts declared twice * year, in June and December. Interest has been declared need-annually, in Jana and December, since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent. a year. Interest, if not drove ont, is placed to the eredit et the depositor .aa principal, and bears the MOM Interest from the trot day. of June and December, compounding twice • year without troublinjg the depoeitor to call , or even to present him peas book. At this rate money will double In len than twelve years. Books, containing the Charter, By-Law,, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on applimtion at the office. Pkozadrarr—GEOßGE &LITRES. lIID/117111. William J. Aiderson, PIX A. M. Pollock, M. D., John G. Baekcfen. Robert Robb, Beni. L. Fahnestock, John H . Shoenberger, James Hardman, James flhidie, James McAu Alexander Speer, lane": Pen noc k, Christian Yeager. raverime. Calvin Adams, Henry J. Lynch, John C. Bindley, Peter Madeira, George Bleak, John Marshall, Hill Burson; Walter P. Mar/hell, Alonzo A. Carrier, James H. D. Meads, Charles A. Colton, John B. r, Wm. Wm. Dough's, John Orr, John Evans, Henry L. Km= John J. Gillespie, William E. Se Williams, Haven, Alexander nudity Peter H. Hunker, William Vankirk, Richard Hays, Wm. P. Weyman, Jame' IL Kell Liana Whittler, A. COLTON. B ecrdeop—JAXES B. D. MIMS. allataw LOCKWOOD a CO., BANKERS, have tmoved from Ao. 21 William street, to you. II Broadway. amid 84 Wall Alla% .1%113M1T .Ir4PSUErso Weis ter the _purellese and 11j: : Sr 4:1": "r 4 14 TIENT AND OTHER SEOWLIT/ES executed Oil the tilled terms. Th u , ' and Andlvidual accounts receive and In ur vi t a n owec i pron current balances, w hich may be Checked for at eight or ten den , notice. Inyleatod REMOrdILEI BHOPAL. WELLS, RIDDLE dr. 00.., • have removed their extensive Whip Store and ` aw ry to No,lda WOOD STREET, corner of . wham they are prepared to 511 all olden for WHIP LASHES AND BW/TOHEs promptly at the lowest prices. my 2 EMOV A L .--DAV. CRAWFORD, Oominisaloal liereltantin Pig metals, Moons, de. hos removed kin Ones front No. 193 WATER ST. oto CORNER OF WOOD and FIRST STREETS. ver Peoples' National Bank. The Isom COMMON alai business carried on In all its btauckaa. Daub advances made. Oonsigtunents aWlot clt Refers to the Iron Manufactures* of this s. • - /vaunt Pv -- vAL_w e e Qua day removed . kola EMO No. O Wood urea to NO. WO and SSI NOIR Wed, Scot t t' t's new buildin__e!poalte the Cleveland amt la Pttith!reittittus. ILMWON & 00, Preenatraost April eta, ' ' . 1018 SOLuswo.msArc • lIISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTE-BR SHIP.—The Partnership heretofore existing between the itadersigruld, ondar the firm nam ORUMPTON & 00., for the manufacture of Silver Pearl and other Soaps, hes this day been dissolved by mutual moment. SAMUEL his JOHNOHN 0 F . OR TER. UMN OS Pittsburgh, Sept. Bth, 1e e. aneitunx. WM. SulaiDY & Co, (suft,, l to C.60MPT0.19, . . . Silver Pearl and Superior Basin Soaps, L 1811127 BTRI67'. P/7TSDIritOh de2:lya • COPARTh=titiLP. We dm arkedatee with us in tea Saar Ana maxectodievetimq N Emir to, Wider toe same of PaTi dstlag nreb : it - • • W. D.-P.A.soAll, WITOINENO OF 015fini_R finall terSZOJE: —Ebe •oomm, mas owitter mewl** ;booing y decided tboAnoottoss coooolltint NMI Pr 'jobs tho oridambi, of °eater A.outt,, all pampas OS ow= itanssatebt. inn alkthh ant tozyby tolottod- to . pity_tboir new moots to the uodotolgud irtuun TA T= Da ATM OF THIS DA= or nolo ..00 same, with potty attontniziook Wet set OMko. KAT not, rea- Jotoot4 VOR boa sultsblo tl a W a r War X:%AluMNxectut, i."=Nwricn4, puma REDUOW. llimPhrers: ffealtepaide 78000ki hen proved,,treat tin Sint i r tiga - t - e, ii• p g ti .: satire mons, staple, anion aad mann, • , an the only %Bodleian portestly adaPted la lar use—spo simple that mistake, caanot Da la yam -tbssal so bananas as to be isee_Atonn. dilater, sad as nations as to De always al e, They hare raised the hlghest econaenntlcar iron all, and will always rea or satisranitta. ~: Igo. L . cares Peters; Congeatioos... Crate. . i 4. Worms, Woe.. Fever; WOna Colld.s g. Crying OoZl ortettbLog of lauds II 4. Diarrhea of children or Atttout Voile 121 . I ! l rl 'il era tei rgrans. neat IS - " e -0,2 1 1 4, 0 a14., . 1 1tuaahlUS.... a. o titunoiu,.Tootbaata, Eseoulte.. 3 1 3 lieadaahea. Sick ..10144.ftit 216 LO. " Dyspepsia, Billons Stontaoh... IS t.• rtroW, maw sad 204. o' Lneeinitcaa, or Whites Ir. * Cran&Sonaeona IL '''-"salt =stun, - mryik -3grup. • dam 5......... ...... ...... Ithensatians; ." la onamoso pains is,: " Fever sod Ague. Chill Fever ao m Pfleaoatestratorestatoa. ...... / 8 . " OPlttaterri sore, thilalhed:ope..... ag; o entomb, wits aroluValo,==taza • to. o Who opt ng Cough, spasmodig n. crongtut • ...... IMI u Asthma, oppressed. . . 11. Ear Dischatus, imp s ailea .... W.; 10. Scrotnla,enlarged glands...t • .. General Debnity. phyldhat weak. • 25. Dropsy and scant, Seeretions...,. 70." Sea sickness, or alchnese teem riding 17. Eidney Disease eratqL. ' A • mt. 0 Nano,, Debility, ~missal ends. Mona Involuntary discharges...loo , Si. " Sore Month or so. Urinary Incontinence . ' . eV.: 31. Pa in peoloda,seartAti Spumy k• Buildup at mange Or . " S/asms; St. Vitus daue.lol ss. DipthWa, ulceraw Sore Throat.. di Oates of 38 vials, morocco cast and iieok complete .... Case errs large Trials, to morocco tad b00k.:.. so Case of 90 large vials, plain cue and b00k.... 60l • Clue of If boxes (Pros. 1 tole) and book aOO Theae ternedlem, by. the cue or .singlobor. ere ". Mot to any part of the conntry; mall or prose, tree o shame on receipt Of Pd." -addresS X FULTON, Bole Agent, Noe. 67 anll6o FIFTH STREET. BEWARE OP • MITTATIONO. Dr. J. M. LINDSEY!S IMPROVED ELOODDEARCIIER, for the cure of ell &tofuloci ammo. Take none . voltbout the name of J. N, FULTON, • on each bot4e. as there are more SPURIOUS AR.. ; made. LES THE 'BLUME? than any other med. £OlOO TOOTH • . Ewa MID - RAIL 211Rtriiliifil. Fine Toilet Soaps. LUBIN'S COCOANUT CREAM, " Finest Hair Dressing matte. OA.LIFOItNIA WINE END BRANDY, CHAMPAGNE WIRE. 11001 C WIIPE, BLAOKBEaRY BRANDY AND ODE.. DIAL • for Menhirs and see n BimkbanT Wine is considered the beat remedy in me. A treab mipply.just received et No. ' , Errs BT. ozoeus AND TOBACCO for veto et FULTON'S DEM STORE, COUGH x 0 MORE, TRY STEICHIANIPS MELLIFLUOUS GOUGH ELTBAIV: gricraKr.e.pnra brim.rariamus cro - trali BALSAM la warranted to aura Doug Orlide Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooplag Oongh; hy Elam Throat, Oorummption, and all atitertione of the Throat and LUMP. For aale by D General DWI. Fourth Areal, 0 O. r/XaNzzamECEl.4l.. All the Medical men and the arserarioutiallts i . DR. STRIORMAND'S ODER& ; TITRE al the only oertain remedy forDiarrhaaaall mitexy.. It la a eombination of alriumte. timulanta and 0 • ea - and La - warran b M B eltect a ours afire stnuale . have Med rar We by Gene PA Fourth meet, 0. EITEIOKLAND 'S PILE MIMI% DIL STEIOICLADD's PILE REMEDY a lt mired thousands of the suss of sof Bind . Bleeding riles. It gives Immediate relt4 and a, fearan ts a to su permanen re. t curs. Try it directly. Ma w woe ted Fourth sale by OtneinnatiDruggists. (Isaacs! Depot,Depot, ll street , O. Yw Dyspepsia, -Beryolumess, Debility. DE. STRIOBLANOS TONIO. We esta reeommend this's luMelsz with iteg Appetite Indigestion or Dyna=rousulig and Nervous Dainty, to 'nee Toni& • It ta a - vegeMble preparation, free from aleithollg liquors; It strengthens the Whole lIIIZTOUIV 1111galif tt asides a good appetite, and is intrasted IWlVand Nervous Debility. • e bykruggiate . Prepared' by. STBOSLAIID, ll=Urth di et, . Vox sate iy DB. CM. B. ICEITSI:I6 I si = Mr Wood street sad Virgin allisyk _and Rat. • & 00., corner of Wood sod memo Pipe, &A by 8Y ,t BBEGLy cyn oeuutramix FORM, MARS FRAM . 9.4 NECKVAi Tar g ia - 2 14 " 1 " . _ _4"9" - owl ioonnt or para4ta ° treated anneARY rplasatatfamCanoarSlXl7.ll. WEARyiisier And Mt diseues arlelog therefroM, art eured_to * Eneh shorter thee than heretofore by my etRIA. VEGETABLE REMEDIES. Nedlainea mot le any part (lithe - Baton. All lattera must emateht. a mstamp to . prff retarnzatzmaretespowanoTheid: nacre& ee, S orrezlEßee ound. AAdreae J.W....anaimaga. IL • tanar DOS eas.instet ma ,:ffla, PRIVATE ODIN =3 PENN STREEPoiser Saad i For the cure of allAlseases a* private carve, to from two to tout dap, D 9 as entirely/newel," aerie treatment. Alio, Seminal Weakomm.and Minuet of the genital organa,and theft pteTentutp. A cure learranUd.or monnytaftolmt.. Address/effete W., EA Peen notT : Geaspzrs. OIL CLOTHS. If& I GREAT REDUCTION • . , • In prise ot r CAREETIII, Pee to sword the Putts An opporatyrut urehouter goods at WRIOES, • Dore IM ecline ITOWAT WWI Ms D Ln Gold, And the impending tumble - , In Mereltandme generally, We have thill day Markel down priest, Thronahout au enure stook, ems otrer the largest And most eoinplete assortment • Ot new and choice paikans, • Brussele, • • • Two and Three Ply p t 4 _grala, Floor Oil Olathe, :Window Eltuidee, • Ata reduation of _• 2. Twentydive to Thirty throe and °nettled per , XoYARLAND a *LEK n istd IS nrrit smart _ S. /I. /TO _ . Next do•r to Customs /bus! ind:P. O. W GOODS. Carpets Arzion PRADETRICEB. itr!ar:s Dow nesmas air -fia«,nd — a.:4'iouiu“ta --. :.:.-- it 44 thimeasakt '•4 . thilusrvcrrront. ° Zallrfof".togreage4.7 The sewed tionikv k lieua 4 , 1 , 4 w.D.,..4%,artmitritAil,cAttiarttnit. rimus.--ao bbla foreale br G Kamm actizarm. Plttabuigh. Purify your blood by wing A fine assortment of DELL% PURE EYE WHISKY. ITFTR STREET