•I • , •:s4Exviit. our, To AP , rttring-rx.nrarit PlirtoMmotl 'Wayne: Ic. T3l Itszli.s. velftarit.___,_.WalitiNgt. :11,111Inth A ho- W= tril3l6lo7=gg "11041:Pita ei'S Ni7-TED; • • ' . . . AsVtgatillir ire-li KL ANAR rkie'that *Mealtimes the Maestemet of men; to has ans. OassabLs sertimassta he Imo Mettles. • Maltreats J. IL. 8../Lueshass Post - level mi . . A Cobligriallreßo ol CratlNEE! , , timansirsaa vi.;, iesstaads Clintatty sad N climate* +rata a *iterates la the 01.7 senater: Apply. at PROP: SORNITZBISIVO esatitax ateres e uLatyllifla NUILOOL,ViIf rese 4/Ctret; , r . • aryNttel - .'WkIi:TED. ,6 4.O'ENTI3.-T9 ; ate; - . li Ara ntagnn t/{Vr MINEBEWnick,VA . ,• • amoUtly soluir or 04tlusjissloa. Yoe tanim :Larazor. Grina era. yttlivrill South Sixth street, rhiladeliali. VITANTISiat,t Um PERILONTO;'I%; ...a . RIM X fIANTIAgEIi; illt ling' Ucrn soginnintl, Till )11:1RSM AND IWT, the Wont walittallit soh swat ribilahad, embracing the wtreelewm. et a men la the 'Paton may. ea llatom game sal Spy; giving. a wet vivid bow deters of the war. We nave Agante = cleatinif*. per maegig, inlieh we will prove to any don ant seed ger simian. Andreas JON • 4 00. XL Sia ekairtaut at:lW, finials& 11 4 1 ND —5123 'PER • .3tolTgo W • iriegte ratite* ereerwherete lutreteee the Numeral wkoratt ea FAMILY sla w. . "NO 111.LCHIN C. the rely few price meehtas : the eutettry, %Utah le Mecca. by Reimer & Hater, Wheeler k Wales, Howe, Slater & I:7A, ltedhelder... AU ether AuteXnee are infileerretete leel the seller emit woe as Mitre le **e sad fll4 Or tepee tem : =lle S 'ert,ll7 l e= eradiate fa t free. Mime SHAW 41 CLARK, Ettchlet t ed. Mat e. ViTANTED.-17111 A MONTEL—I want R-Areas averywleir, it he month, expeasee to rimrx AVITILILTS. the beet set. her othenet: Tull eraftteularlifree. AWeu • T. OAIILT.1111114•4, !Wpm l'Ort,011 you ataa.r,.- A GROCERY STORE. -wrra " Unli t !Ur i ! lITTIIRIM;d O tst.iW. / .. .7.aastas 'gram imzialist:4 7 . - Pot P".".aw.:lliPillalats WW2* at , I;fe z : lat WAYNE MEET. - • "ttirtfthrd 1 1 0 R BALE.--CVAL W 0141113 —ln" the Third Peel, - "heal two mile* Coal. Lech NI. semisialog. MO ems et easelleat Coal. with et Vint Wares% 110111 salaam% /roe fur the Balltasd. Wlso, r havisg tea aurae ot surface frosting oath* -*Ter, ea whisif are easted IS. dwelllag , toast/ sad a store house. The water frontal. saidpre*. arty Is of atiMaieet depth stall osseous ter la* b au tl a m r b u:Stale. waiaa SWIM las be wartlared. for wow. apply to W. 0. AVOLEINB&IIGII. as - syrisvi Ws. iw Dimwit West, Pittsburgh. Fo NaJ4 THAT DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE Rem se mom BOP/. at Woods.(nose/. essesidea by M * . Wet. P. Reek,) the tames teak toes_ et Wa. Leaky, damaged. Brisk Meals at ilt teams asidoeUar. well awl clatenttlarge bat-A, tat trait trees. of aU kinds, grapes, ha.; dams saes of Ism], eatlersedag ease curry site, 'plead!! v 6, a th e Ohio River. Railways, Raaabester at the teratant the Itaasaeeter S way , aad Weals' BAY S Station Pats. F. treet .O. a, It.t any tea ials.atee rids bye l lattee teem Ravel .Btattea; Farther tutus alt - bums asy be had et the instead at -W rub. deem. Be.. BOSTIT weer, Allegkeity. 'Pews& etess yV vws basumillately. - - aRCIBEIrt 111 Veen% VIM BALM—THE ATE BY. MA.11181.011 oe the-Seeen4 BasA. Allectesy atty. Let tit bet by *bent we ANL _ 00TYAGIN Om: alit, late th e redeem of Zr. H. A. Wilson. Lc. alms saes _ - ‘ llol.lllo g g i rtfth Z.reel f , A_ La n t ee fl i feet front by . "Ilitd,etZk o fonatrly ;jive' as Ow peed!. Duatz. Let St feet by U feet. VOTTAGIB Heentteesjormerly rembleeee of . Br. Narks. :Lot Seem , • • • • -• • • 710UtlE so TM:dittoed' two story brisk. Mow lea• l ss u, set i4 StrAt i oat J.L fse u tali t t. • Xonotopilitda atver,witbirtlisidty district. •• SITES tOE MUMMY SEA ra Awn _34 to icereo r in Pito Township, trolitiog Sake tarn% City . Tito LOTS as °rowels street, sear Emu* vista Almon* dal "I NIA LOTS on utvertill street. THIRTEEN LoTS au Liberty street. Al sir= alty, sod ONE MIT on PeaosylirsaLs 0 " ata.r . LtinleD s ri.til . VNE .NY•li; 1211 rose t by sio fret deer t ol 'Swett , •ac r es '. kinfig • SHUN. sod aindllig boar& • Moyers= seyedutd • - _ tit Foortk otreel. vOU SALK—ii:vm Itamasto FA= ta i s iswasktp, weatataralsal bounty; Ps.. seat alma as we% war tearawral„ awl la a I:Sciir ea aalwratlaa. _ ,_.. - a 1.113.3007.1111 AVILZS. la in alai! warn aatabamelaa4 sanaty,. Pa., se Tub KM about ma alio &ma Loa Paaa'a Baikal& Ike _loprowszkaala aa• a grad trams - Mum,' lad —....--. lanz t rlre•team ed nee Beak Zara. sawet IV AIM in Piellald tura. oewa" Mrs.etrarer i alle Amer namia win** Vestimegeol easny, Pa. , • very valuable fent at tee swat star the M i lveiseowa aha Pareebt Weasel% Washers. weendy, Pr.. SIMI "abest tae sae i bat all= freer tee Pennsylvania SaltroaL. The Improve. mats ate • Isere Orlek.house, =el= hoses, mote klats,* hero emus Kabbala terge Mess lesne the 2:4 6 rear t adj' l s t t r. ,=.lr,trze: Vda ate /nob day. and about one kuludred aorta et 71a: Liana oak Umber. Piesmanth an= a . , bo ll ,llomonea abeated,la Llgeateitownstilp, VatmeeeLead eoudy, Pa., ledionlag the SAWS al Val e % Isla wtUe • ease brlelth ye. AL las laddeeme la the .beteagle of Llgos4. " 6141 Allo tb riuives et leaf, with a lea* dandled leaf sores of bad; Wdloining Sams Slam Abe, a -Tam at about Iste saw Is. Ellsalient,. lasvonthAllegthay adjolabea Clap bale laerwoyek. laprevemeets are toed, sat the land of tbs been quality. VW be sold at gold Also, Oath UM pave, matalslag 10 WON actlels• to wn pLeat.erta all Da laproveseenta. Prthe disii, - siFirm of ll* leeilit nest tae town of illmalew, Vestments:4 eaanty, Pa., vent &east Alio, a Lion Hotel at Blelreville lateneettesi an the lasarelvasda Railroad. The to Ltd/age are goal and well amused tor • hotel sad slam This areweety wit be mold at Rest harts. aid tar tulth ra ti Arnat, th itsaildstcarars, • no. lit Fourth street. R.l 3 Aldro - -amine IPa-cope/sty. rOSSISION aIVEN ' APRIL' FIA T •;;41=1 , 1=Lartita MOW, lomat,. Ina licalle~ffir: //Loos *legailt Boo l 4enee l s as !be 1.1•11141 If a. r* O.I4,II4ICULAr. ir SAMIZIAIiaI 'Meats IMP. II Xiang steiel,Alletbany VON :tsalas—oa• SECO ND: HAND +...fnotuocurirtmaw,,lll lesCalicael to • . - -01* aa liala ataa, OW !mg jogi Ilia ~,J.0.141811,the 111TAL Wp1111:111. • was, NU, • VOR. BALB--Tbive new iStatm e gy Az. bung ralowriss WI we* ig . b ie l = l"l".. El"ts. -Sfar bozos. ues li be km 111 loam dlribbiar, litre ads* Mow ebbariay SW by be Usk hot sal eracielpUM4 latuatblisostipe sa4 ready im amp 'n• Plttagryb. Ml is. limmikonswikreisli alloy art Dattour stmt. bum LUisigban ;Mr. near tba Pouts. &Mat F.Otra SAFIGES. M=33M -0. IL LONG & 00. . . . .. ~ " AL 0111111FInattita NOM , ,1111110.esse ad alkali' soma des Silvia fiqcsa. Good Ira. mad sodniftit , Prmilasa CM .: /Pit SlassaraZutz,7l"xisral ;- 40.10 Willis WI, firm Aral, VOl BAXXIISO Acre of Coil.also tra l • .&:-eneetettasefeiltepeellte. 2 &Loons Q .11•114 art eillbosikowi ether lispromeget tlelette==fset ea the • itinroat • • *a mot 011 , -1111. 111.1:1118: :. 'Jr • +4 - .lllMailitaril6tal alas» linotail• «pa, ;ftrltineirailiMputAlars, 0 1 . 41 - 12. a —triiiiiiiip seigia ll u M.A i ipso 4I THRICSt3TORY, G ovirsofiks Awl+, INN SWUM et sia -,017 1151Nplible „ ARM eti.7.4.1; inAutt WNW° . • . it , W . "; assi tiw BaUstsaFft" Leirtimeantle. BATS& 'FIP4 rillL' --A* OPTICS: at me stand, ordiraseawmadmiliamias.: . =1 El Lima azi SasAiil4--,FANatirfl494.lVN Drielt/4illaiit'atitniiii r itlikSitopleat 4aut4ssa Oasis /Letevas,,: *" Y 0 1 W114 11 W-1 1 1 tt *lto .1.111,, ippoir lot .tLs tsKtfaeten as .0.4? Yokota Awecoutihrldar lippdtpa tv+lonp eat, Pr'''""°l l k7l TA f a Emir 6 *A mealy, wattled, • '114a1:. yp OrMare . toiitiodii: ;lath MO paid% Gull! WHOIHMOVESIIOII. =• Mmg Nth; levand Mn. OWLS; KILO( wlU.Dpec imiStal lir IL Chspsuiii Kr. o.tk salt sod - lianett. I , eata ass now be seearii&. GORCEtiT. ~~' TOSIT1171141" :TAR WT. W 4811,, - Oyes 1E707 MI esti livery Afternoon • • THE GREAT Z:3IV:)XL!Jt,i - 'I I ABMIMC, 40,17...1%.3:121141,2E1 LOS T! 'Completely Illosteistladyltaltott% Great Poem, and surfing out .He, Ides of Hpittflat, mtnos - arm PakADISE. Tickets* vent& ClilAtees,Aftensootut, if cents A. B. KOHICHON. noprietor and bulimic. L.• Tisitim, Agent. ternAtd 111ill:BLE'13 VARLET/Bt. THEATRE. Finn ream: rtiaa Sr. CLAM 0. MITT= Lome and Mannar. 0030onirons Ar Sot:Loam TILES (Friday) ETEISTffa, benefit of the pep. alas comic vocalist. BELLI , HOLIES. - Great hit of MED. 11171114.11.11,' the eatoiroding Flolintat, _ 33,111100 t anoreee of the bewttaldad demean, • rt_LLE. IiNABTFit. Ze.fiFILEFFA.. ?ATTIC srE WART. WIAVIdft. lad HAREM .MISSES =exam rOsTrak MAY, MILLKR. At ...IUCTIMIr SAME& A tj pg r o i plu N TT S . A" 9 1 : .10NDElliNED : • Tiers, — .. - Ql7Altrwaxerran G122431M1 07/112; 1 PITTMSI7III3II, Pt.., Mlly 111, 18$5. • i The following named *Miamiof . Condemned Property will be sold at Public Auctian, to the highest bidder, at the Public Warehouse on Penn attect, appetite the •Pdtanurgo, Fort Wayne and Chicago .Itallroad.Preight D pot, in Pittsburgh, Penn'a.,cm 2 . 17112111.11 r, May rsh, Is 1.5. . SO Pomo Caos. 5 Guidons. • 52)451etM10 Ssaleadirb 5 Trumpets. rates. ' 7 tingles. • 4 Sashes. 15 Wail Tehta. 3 Jackets. . 203 Uommo I Tents. 82 Pairs Irowsers. i 847 Marker Tent.. 30 Flannel Sackfloata 32 Hospit.l Tents. WI Flannel ktitrte. . n Hospital Tent Flies 15 Pain Graeae—, 6 Shortie . 55 Pairs Stockings. - 3 Hues. 4 Great Goats, In 1 Pair Shears. Sentry. • II Stored.. W4terhooryoueli We Polands Store wipe -- - Wagon Givers. 4 Chairs,. WatcrFroot Blank Great Oasts. 3PtL Kerma jaeald. Betrays Cloaks. 7.ouace !Prows. rs. Bed Back Spades. • Knapsacks. ' 'Racers .alut IL/sateen!' Axes. Clamp Kettles. Ness Pena. - - Hatchets. . . 1. Osztuoa 1 GartsoltYlag, Sate to amuse:am at 10 Tetats-11aala in trot - . 7114 p property to po re from dal °twat , . I Lt. Col: & Barg:amyl° • . AA tranori • BALE - OF CONDEMNED HORSES. I gpsitiattrAeria CherszaVe Osman, • • Fixer DIVISION, WAstruterox Orrr, April 83. 1865. i Will be *scold. at '8": 'Se auction, to the highest bidder, at the time and plates named bel , ar, bALTISIORL, "DittRYLAND, TISUBSDA.Y. May 4, 1885. Grammar; prznisyzatraue. THURSDAY. • May 11.18.8 • bEIs&W&B.F., THURSDAY 8311151111BGEL PI.IBNSYLITANIA, FRIDAY May PI IEVA. ;TWO HUNDRED oeyra.ax,r HOBBES, at eaeb place. - th ne.e. l hor= 2B l, s = eaniessned as unfit tel For .rOaaad Zir e Log parp arm g,many good bar. Byre bay be hal. - 'Benno:as singly. Ralesta SOurnaCredai IS A. Taldip—Clash, United !Rates eurreney. • SAXES A. ERIN, Went Brigadier Gisieral,charge First Di vistas U.. M. V. ralitiBsl,6 HATIDSOMELY SITULTE d&VENTEI. -WARD LO EI3 WITHIN TILE KHAKIS OF ALT:. FHA , ONNTORTABIX H0NG.4.,-00 WITMEsDAI AWTERNUOi, star stet, 1883, et Sol:leek, will be cold on the tknornbea, near Ventre A lOl2O . onteselte the old "Mahon Homestead , . 8 lots, berm. en "Der Whoa awl Din Dotelik street, (a 80 root street4usrellel l tot Asesned ea& treallog SI r feet =dila feeds l e 2 Iota: reek 20 feet frontan sill lets etreet and 94- fret 13.4 ruches ceepoilt fatness' Deneen and Wetnter streets. . • .1 3. lots, use! ..11007114, Mown . on Zll2 street, betweeaDneelus end Webeter streets. 31.10 tn vane Ate es above, Pontleg ea Deets inset, wblea Is GO feet strMt, eztending from Hanna to Webster strecto,bstment uertUlersand Lilo screens . " - - le letr, each 31 feet Vent Con W ohs's= street, aid 100 1141 W 9 P1 Situate between Dwane= sad Zits -.2—Ctinantrth esith - linife, or Sas ._ sub; . 00.: tea sod, three seam, with ,, interest, a lurid by bead and mortgage. Ile s efts be obtained at tba/luetloa Itoome„ 108 Smithfield *best, opposite the Post Mee. ray-in A. b1e11.31.4147.- noblemen SALE 809 - AND 811 CIiEbTNUT - E4T. Imiravalvir. STOOK OtEtfalirr Oath IN II ETF..NITME.—Un M e!MY IllOßNlnia, May bth. st 10 o'clock, at N 8* and 811 Mon nut street, by eataufoe,Trlll t ld, without re serve. Cl public sale, the 'es st ock ' .f eletuat fainfture, Manifsetunid by , J. Ifoolols. of thebah materbb abate the bebmanee ,r esraesaly a for soarer am Bales, sad ego to anyla th e Goan artimi.lar attentba b ed to Abbs most extuirlu fele of turolture eta • madebtthie City. aa"j.tS/OCUa wilt be readyled thetabitare may be examined pa !May and Saandsr pre. 710. 10 sale. ' ' ',; ' : ''. -_, _ , ' She stela bas be* sold. end the sale of t,14 stock of lennlore will beaaaninte. ' - -'••• ' - -' 81. THOMAS& SONS, ,' ' ' ' - . :, Padladelphia.. —mvt2lStd - GROCERY- STOR 8. No.- 81- WAYNE SFR it-P.—MONDaY arssamoom Kay Moth, at .2,roeloair, will temoto at Um IrmaryStoro, 2.45.15..Warae • West; soar Stoma k, Mo.M boa aria Writs, WOW Alma smart, tha satire took, comprlisg..llldta Kona :MIAs Wars,' Storm Crodorrr •01140 :Mw,: lams: Tea Madders, Wood Bueketa, Brooms, Pratt Jars, Gloaa lam, florsarbeat- Plan, aproas,-Sys,..p,..aoap, Cmullaa Bosom a Mod Apo as. Marking, Elamfaa, BtaisMag, Spool Cotton, Pla., Sus. . . Plarfana Soar" arttli Ykror IMMOM • aryMl MaII.W4IME.Aa Maser; Pr.WORD LOTS_: COLOMBUL TiILET.—TUESDAY AFTERNOON, Key 30th, at. 2 o'clock, Ell be s on the premielm, corokr. of Calomel* street- sod Mulberry Alley, 14 building legs, evasslWOtiretleent on thrliinuala arect, and It feet 1' depth: Coltunbla stieet ablagside lisllmax,llittna h' Co-'s /ton Works .betersealianlsoa Ed flee duets. eziend D boo the £Ueghal7 NW/ Si . . T iketry izars—the b r aliein osailiagl :ram via AMIE eseriood by bead soil SW AIM. aiy2ll IllatLlSALKE,Andslosser.- IIUDOK HIALER'S . LLW LIBRA,IIIr, rr —The valuable Lag ilbraer orJadp Staler be vela on seermed goer ot Onatimotal Oat. Boon% ,1048mithnsla West" oppootto taw Port Mee, on TIMMY Aga it MT KEIJI' svgs. 1N63, May bib sod ink at 1); °stook. Onto. 141 n, Yo now ready . ler e el •• i., Jangle. Sc. otaannuria GBAND PIANO IMED unlit' AND stairs CONCEREI,I. Is aow oared for OM by Me oaMotboi. 114.1 . Wit4l Ms peamomood nos Sao ad oaf hof nos played epos, os4 UM BM mg moo M_ OM a Flom emblos m stony iseliost qualities; as Ma amt.^ TM pubis as. landlad I. Ma 444 1 mambo 144 i mo; woof Y ~iiboot Mod 4 irks Fund Else sr•gittis t• . citems 0. Kamm. it wuonarnssb - •flotoaasatatortlaliaaatiiirloars. Reinntax,sflx)., f fiffi - = "•aiiiiaakivai • - As .111'4w.! attest. MUSES PIAIIOI4, spleOld AM • / / /no Platting mannows ft GIG -_, eauturrrinwnurq — i'lliktikSaft4se. ft. r ~ C '~. ..., ~i ,x-E~a.~#n~-~k~"~' _s;~:.,xMv - ~:~s~~= s Fti ~, +~wi. ~.,., ~-` ~~`.x.~r;r,~ fi l, c S.~-t,.a~ ~~"<~:~',>..~.:u ark.cika. d e rSaralit, Sheetirr. WorkorF; ! c - :; - ite..4iiii, WeedillPES24. EiTElliEi ,-. ' with Mattel • /exeis ma rL i seel thwedebed with th e wed hemmed , we aro_potLiot. ott to etsoatoetato emery Arecti w ore at' auu.sip, t 4 the teat manner, and warrented egof to . wade is the souff ix OKIJINKT SKI MEW,BIM* P> '0 DBASE • = WM, ANKS, OIL STILLS, AG TONAANT TLIINCi PAN.* 13011.198 It mwll4. SUGAR PANS and vote asee at B&BS. BILL'S PATL i Wr BO done ea the shortest ItOtien,, . , ....- . - , liePila rikilif ~ Sat.' *Trinumwits.m. Kussisa6,BßpiePc4 -C ll .4 4 n r ike l , l . lll MlAßgi. WairanteS.OAST ilfrigfifirt.WS.Log irort,4M. eritSlon. -11Wr'MulnirCI9N0,91% othervart • - - ' • An kinds of RnrclZ and SP Sheet Oast stem,__ 7 nu. itestud7HDEß AND kIOWTNII.SNIvms, sra. Sir Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Plitakurgh• • Particular attention given to • Smoothing, um" Ming and Straightening Oirettlar Sarni also, is. pairs of el kinds. Pm:Uri lad Manske dons ad Hasonable rates. - , . • • Lemr. 613PERIOIS :Aar Rill and ilmolling Works, thanfacturen et SHEATRIRO. BR OMURA. lk DOLT COPPER, PRESSRD COPPER. ROT TORS, RAISED STILL SOTTO...VA SPALTER SOLDER Alm o.porters and dealers In EST 'ALS, TT* PLLTE,_SRMET IRON,„ VPIRA tionstantly cod hnd, TINEERE. ALkorIINES and TOOLS. IdOPIRST and On SECt 010) STREETS,. PI burgh. Bye dal orders sd Copper cut to any pattseet ITAkuT WDOILDI IL=R. .W. D. 11[61.111,..J. T. HOLUM, D igr BrilF. STEEL swarm. • (Sucoonors to Barra, HirrYA>r & C 0.,) Praaufaatoren of CAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BUSTER STEEL i SPRLEWS, AL; LIS, CROWBARS, && Sir- Work; FIRST WARD. 'A . 9150; address, PITT ,-- vim --outtGlL jatBdy -000PEDISON dt EQ f !00-so , to Ronoreox,/Anna & Idittsits." . Wasldligtou Words. YOHNDERS AND AIN.OHINISTS,PrreinviO Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATIONARY 7I. ;STEAM .ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL • MAILIBINEB GEARENO; SHAYTING,_ _ _OAST ; INGS et uesainuens, OIL TANKS is STILLS, ISOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. for GIFiANIPS PATENT INJDOR 'UR A for feeding balers. • • Igr TO laiditYolll3 otrwrtatzus OF BOTH SEXESL-A reverend gentlemen hay 'lug been restored to health In a few days, agar nn =the usual routine and (Regular expensive treatment without mimes:4 considers It his sacred duty to communicate to hie ardleted •ereaturee the means of aura. Hence, on the reeedpt of an addramed envelope, he will sandares, • eery of the . prereription Direct to Dr JOHN K. IDDINALL, IPS Fulton , [met. N. Y. elhilnwlawT . irtarnlls 114..111HAN DR°, Niannlns . tun of IRON . VAULTS AND VAULT . DOORS, IRON RAILING WINDOW SHUT. ND .ERS, WIOW GURRI fse., Nos. II SEC. ORb and ES THIRD STE FA ,between Wood and Market, have on hand a variety of aew pattern., fancy and plain, suitable for all purposes. IFir Partinular attention paid to enclosing Gros Tots. Jobbing done at short, notice. sal MrSENT FUES.z.A. PAMPHLET OP Immense importinics to the old and young. imanied and single of both sexes, will be mat free by• addressing, with stamp via ‘u.d, the ageWe, LENDR,EN a CO., Soh IS, Boston Pest tafice. • istyglaydawfl _ 1 Portable forgo. 1 Ballow. H al l Vrri Soo ' • -1 Axes. Flag Iwo •. kladlgßeea - 4 2 2 brats SWorala. 298 Fhovela 125 Pounds Sorsa Ire. I Iron Saf . e. 800 Grain Socks. THE BRIDAL EPIANBIKIL All NAM !tar SAY OF WARNING AND INSTRUO 1-10N FOR. YOUNG MEN. Aloe, nu and tens. .ble treatment of the Dena.--Tend Saud SWAIM. Address Dr. J. MILLEN BOUGHTON, Bow an, Association. Philadelphia. Pa. -- .play AIt r D I ZOM I SMDI F EMSI and wholesale dealer. In .CHERSE.• SEEDS,• FISH, and produce generellM% WOOD STREET Plttshundi.• • • • • • nol teekbelt a. m. itaaes murmur. Azov:4 Ripon two dais 0. °ROSS. 01 70.• MG, U. S. A. DAVID SHAFEER DILL. SE A eaudidate t r AnaI:ALBIN, subject to the erealiou of . t.tle Union %Jaunty Uouventtan or Noe .6th, 1825 myinnotaary LI 6. th E e.l33a 7.A.21,,41r4,01.,VmaP1f0grer ert CharTorrnehip.orill be rt; candidate for nomina tion to the Mate Lenteintom outdoes to the nevi,- 1013 of the Union County Convention. trylle.enwl" ram AltratnEsc OF TIM I.EUIRLa. TURE.—BII.I4IKOS Q. CHILDS, berth. subject to. nomination Caton ilounfy Contention. myttitettew THE rams us or CAMP. JAC. .R" L &CILI A Damage tank mu candidate for DISTR HST AT ;OR MET. say tencdoseT IbEXHARS OA THE SLR. 4'OO2ITY TlllLlillllllsinni.—tenAL J.M. KIDHOO will be s cateeadete for Eilenety Tretenter, stiboet to the deon of ilia Widen lo.ubl•can County Osissention. DAVID AIMILA, Jr., WILL AZ A eaodil.tte for rreoadostlen.to tYe [Mee of fartINVITAXAST.IHER. before the 'Velem Oar& ti Comentlon. width meets Jane rth,lBl3. mpg -100 m? COL L. u. DUFF WILL Ai A es.adldste teethe olllee or AN - razor IS TO.IIIIET;beforo the Ilnloa . oounty thowentlea. trplchmath Jane e th .1 114 6 tat oleirTte ws..OOIIIIIITY COIII3ISeheIIOSEIL— . THOMAS FERGUSON, of Telopersho► Vie, will Des enedidste, euhoot to flue 4641•14111 of the Velma County t. onveuttou. &Mee I WILL BE A CANDIDATE nos I- -the ofiteo of DISTRICT ATTORNEY, oubteet to' the nostbuitton of the nett Eaton County Convention. tweets. ALEX. IL WATSON. c.dripmErs. on, acorns. GREAT REDUCTION prthe of CARPETS. Thodzior to &Cord the puddle An opportunity of potato/atm (ooda at POPULAR PR It) Els, Corresponding urtth Gold, the • Decline In • And the Impending tumble ••• lb Manhandies generally, We hare this day parted dawn prior, Thronenout our entire etoen. INXII oder the Wrist • And mod, templets assortment Ol new and ese. pattarna, • Velmits, Two and Three Ply I Flooro Ott Ulothsi Window/= it., • At a redustlo of Tyrant/4ms taThlstpthretral osedhlid pot sag ' • KeYARLARD .k =EI next door to Custom 10.ouie'sisd P. 0. rab2l Diu (loops. Carpet*" AT ALMOST PEACE PB.ICEEL WI *essay essivisir or Ok.a:mdi anaral•sissuiritsont bought se eh. siouarrox. W. UM to wawa the Pie emer mesas of tip The Dewed lityles Mal Lowest Maim w t D..! EL MClAraArle. W ANHUI grater. t t libiiirlaiiiiil4" --7-7 • 412 WOOD, RALSTON & CO., lusfutarin ant comaiiin Nermiti • 41111 ,Clolkir, , MattiniP, Aura, Ile (19 CIZEMIT‘trr swam . PuThAPOPHIL sA w. LOYD. ...JON"' 141/11.....40111111M0A1 111 / LONG, ualic 1401 AUTISM I 11.011811 GO emit 8414 St. incnt ore. LATIZIONO OP ALL LOUIS oisootod , prommgooo_,AltAtkottoparod ologasoo. NiAvroruL NO CARPS_ PoPer of on oolong, sad 01LT SWAN thew IWINA, Nods to ardor sid_oo44 to 011 pante( natry.: PICIVIOAL DZOIoNS ozotuNdla oliligitly boo lOW loacoot, NOUSE r•nrritict An*. riom c• tability. Itanoosy of ookr. mod aostooto of Sala. WAN work tAtecteselo rade NW, I WELLIA* q r: 11110117k • Mao ettheptits sans si4emow4 —ECMEI3 Alin SHIN VAIMEIL, ish/teigeoplevitisliiPilhOgek mg Away , yrrnumicilr ' ".; _:- 1 - e ,.. ;.. -,,--414174R . Igi v apoklbilik im u mmusdkv , ...K.-111602,.. mm.i.W. tlit -Alga , aigii 1 . . all n, . T wo , r oil* - :4; I.7liio'S"curieus iWtt:' 'sr a r .iPW. .0 1 'AIL' "LAir, • %Mow -, -- sa iumio +1101MONS", 1.,...1 I.P. it... * .4..10 • SON =2l PARK, MeCURDY & CO. catArmis. sod II VIP= "mar CAAPETINGS. P.ILIPTERIte 045111111114Metik - • t " "t-4 nU3AY.,,1MT.24,141117 VAZETZWASSIMITOII3IGIEWAsga ,- 11 W 11 70 1 - , Trn • - 3 301Ik 1- Dilly. I *ink: losp.i, ftir• 4.1 N'Ar siKfri-sq ......,rug u . i ....„,........,.:. r .._.4-.. TWO tic :t IA" 70 . 4 Three ai m f obi'. sig . lout "" . I. 11t, • . r...;r9ttotee ...ISO , 1 110 t -,, Ow week.. 1 00 B.lo' I a :.a Two 4SO •• . 1 9 aol 990- t 70 141 011 Thzeow , ko .. 4.1 s a .1110 sso Ito Om month 7 4 6CS • 1 70 1 'l5, . 1-10 I; TwO lit 11.03 ..0 00 7 4 OOF It 900 Tbrei 1004 Ulf: 11 00 1 t a7O 4! 566 six writ leis) 1100 + - 1f 900 9 400 Nine otet.2l 27 Ca,.15 00 1 18410 10.10 1 11 ./1 a One Year.. 33 ow Bal 11 331 1100 111 701 100 OYIIBIABLIII For r e r roostine meters*, ottheadvor t7ser. All o =r advixtison=uot propor • ,• • Ie itmesil times' sftn Dany. Awns'., a *set, &week? One month *ID ssl • 4 5 OD These months.— U 45 . , 8 00 Slf months 24 00 15 10 60 00• Year 60 00 28 00 14 16 SO IT FM Notion double the &bore rates. • Denthlfollees,aulti insertion II 60 Nerving* notices,— . In Mambos& edvertiSermenta, per trip I le Executors. or Administrators. N0d05e....... 2 75 Leeenotices, under special heed 15 4 in Local column 20 CITY AND SUBURBAN. TirISIDAI . I IMO= • airermi Presbyterian General Assembly SAVISMIII. OAT. The Ae semblrmet Thursday morning, and (pent half an hour In devotional exercises. .tt the request of the Moderator, the order of the day was changed—the report of the Board of Education to be taken up Instead of the re• port of the Board of Foreign Minions, the As• eletaat Secretary of the latter Board being called away by the sudden death of the Beare tar- " „ unettef Dr. Steeie presental the report of tbe Com mittee on the report of the Board of 'Trustees of the Fund for Disabled Ministers. The report states that the receipts during the year have exceeded those of the preceding yea:, and that the expenditures have bum larger than usual. The amount expended daring the year was $ll,- 580. Fifty-eight widows and forty-three minis- Aers, w ith children, in, all about four hundred 'persons, were beneillted. The expenditures were $4,570 greater than those of any previous year. Judge Leavitt urged theetedess of this feed le a brier addrees, after which tho report was adopted. Dr. Patterson. from the Committe on Finance, reported In reference to the accounts of the Treaeurer of the Assembly. The Com mittee ap proved the report of the Treasurer, ha rlaz found It to be correct. The account foots up as fol low: • Balance from 1964, Received during the year . Total ......, Expenditures dming the year Balance on band The report was accepted and alopted. 11ev. Mr. Waller presented the report on the Board of FACICatiOD, with resolutions containing the following recommendations: That the Gen'l Assembly commend the Board to the conndenza and Increased liberality of the churches, that christian parents be urged to rememterr the obli gations which they are under to train and edu cate their eons for the work of the ministry; that the Board investigate carefully the claims of the colleges, and recommend support only to those which, in their judgment, give mends., of per. =new success and tosefulnons; the establish• meet of parechial schools: and the setting spurt of the last Thursday In February as a day of prayer for children and youth, and for those in theketicols and colleges of oar land. The recommendations were discussed at con siderable length, and finally adopted:, -- From the report of the Board It appears thst, during the period of thirty-four years, aid his been rendered to 3,317 ministerial' 'candidates. It believed that one-half the nastors, more than one-belt the domestic missionatimi, and abort two4Mrds of the foreign missionaries of the cbureh. have been aided by the scholarships of the Board. Theme'pia for ministerial edu cation, from 1825. are 81.446,312. Receipts (or general education. since 1547, 1106,301 Og. The account of the Treasurer of the Board, for the past year, foots up as follows. Balance in lnfi4 Receipts in 18115 Totitl Etpugditurts , Rev. Mr. Platt preseoted • memorial to refer ence to the !abates' Colintime :liatttnte. (a tolool for the education of - colored men for the work of ministry,) with resolutions that tae General Assembly commend the claims of the Imitate to the church at large. nuferred to the Committee ou Bills and Overtures. it.tv. N. West, D. EL, on betalfof the commit tee appointed at the mats meeting held os Moo day erelng, autmitted the following retaliations, sa dm action of that meeting: Renard, That the wide-spread Influence of In fidelity In Ile Tailed phases, of bold Atheism and Nationalistic Ehlkoophg, Which Ist cfllt....pplting forth redoubled energies foe Its disacouldinton throngbtut every section of out land, bags for the prompt and nutted action of Evangelical Christians. Ina elm, honest id .tfocompromi. slog Enunciation of tho great cardinal doctrines of grace, and a bold defence of the truth aa It to Jeens. Reared, That to tbo providence of Ged, We believe A solemn vesponsibMty Is now la'd upon the Match of the Lord JeansChrlst In thiscoue. try, to manifest hetloyalty to the Great King, by maintaloing Inviolate and steadfast, both by the enucelatimes oTthe pulpit and the Issues of the prose, the great principles of the Gospel, which are designed to elevate the Cross, establish the Kingdbm of Christ, and ultimately to overthrow the whole system of error. laaelnd, That the fretful growth of the Papacy, both as an ecclesiastical andoivil power In this - land, is - well calculated to Awaken the fears and arouse the mightiest energies of - the entire Protestant community, and:, calla Im periously for the adoption of measures alone., timely and admit:ate to the emergency, so that we may, under the Divine Blessing, be enabled to counteract the secret and tilligttinilesuce of the wan of sin, and-present an- unbeaten front of the army of truth against this system or cot, nepuon, which is hourly . girding Itself for the approaeldng twtlllct • Resolved, That lila our candid judgment that the repeat her auspicious comment to ,luae.- auntie onetiss means°, aid engirt:dist we;would not presume to dictate, we. would ;most resDeti• fully request the General &Numbly of the rree• byterien able, tow this 'city/ to put forth a suitable deliverance upon"theite puniest subjects; and to take, steps to have such wilco concurred In by- other branches of our Atitriran Proteitant Church, so as to bring aooest the formation of a great National Prstes , tent League, wkleb, . by its constitution, shall be fully, up to the trume demands 'anertierwealtles ofthetemes. Roared, Tbst a committee consisting of tour ministers and three laymen be appointed by this meeting to resent this inbjimti.to the Getteril Assembly. and to be associated with a similar emsanittee to be appointed by that body, to de- Thing plans, by which.* general and concerted movement 61 all' the 'Protestant forces of the land.may he,beought about, and • bold, vigorous sod continuous plated by Word and act shall he einnelated against both indifelit• aid Rodsu Citholiclam, the arch tmernjes of Truth In the midst of the yrdtesetag Church brOod, and arch traitors to civil and religion; freedom -through out, the world. The Doctor spot* as some length In reference to the encrmsclnnents of Rantoul= and _ . . . . . ity, and the necessity of concentrated action on thews or all evangelical denominations, In de. lose of Protestant. Christianity. Ile therefore ' submitted the following additional resolution : Resoled, That the following committee be sp• polonaise act in conceit with other committees appointed by other aver mental deisom • leetkell4t purpose of airing expreselon to d re for man eiribre friloieship,'and for am:lnca a more vimereue mi-opei•stlox In the de• tense at Protestant tJbrlstlanity, as against the encroachments of sooll42',Cathollelm. and In fidelity in our land r Now Tork-r-Itirr, 'Dr. lace, Robert Carter' Philadriphia, Bev. Dr. Breed, John McArthur' Brooklyn Ike. Dr. Went Prof. Baton; ismer City, It(4. Dr. Imbriel Newark,, Dr„Craven, Wm. Baskin ',h.{ Pristectim, Dr. Green, B. Alexaodeii Baltimore , Dr: Dickson; Wash. , Instan t .or. utter -Pittsburgh, Dr. -Mem, J. I D. MeUere_i AI y, Prof. IVilsort, Don. BON. t',94Seinnitl„ Bei. Dr.' Ander- ! son A. Whim Bt. LOOM, Bev. Mr. 1 llVivis D. Drake Chicago, - Be. Dr. Al. Crosby I Dr. Lord, Demi ilewenit a Mullis, Dr. J. R. Brocken.. ridge; Cute , Elder C. A. Preston. The resole on WU onanimouly adopted. Dr. BoWerd,Olf-beiraltW. the ebrumillee en Devotkoral Zeirclim, announced that to mann- II with the eastern of former Assensidles; the sunimednitlWTCOri Bin* libtibrilecale. brazed In this church on next Sabbath. Berson In the morning. by Dr.,Lowde, Modentorinnin• tension' to' the aneretem. throe` o clock Lat which sulfite Dr. eh wofon, sheD Tirmide -James Woce , id all dletribine the bread. and Pei. Mr. Allen the wine. Ilea. , Dn..' Breed*. maim the elealoteddraiir Ised prayer. - • The Postbus enpounee d . that . e: meeting 1104104144 - (Wired iy) ihaioi, - behalf of Domestio Siersteldhilingileited ** 011*.,444.1#1.90:g03111* 4 . t1e4 V3 1, 1" . 4 1 14 . ./g - :' ,o ‘ .. A. • iCe 84- "n 4 ' 1 .7?7', 1 12./i krF4li'ill:fif fr. , .: 7 • 114 i ar4, gine gi tho eiiM4 tr.iilocul tittlistketleti. gretiltinit, (=ennui . jtng . I) , ipitne , j ll of „ erte ; kiklic , C'etii:iin fiti enOioilinl;.l - imam; . 1 , mug beconte.tkenost pc.onlar twit, slant arils. iirtir• '' -1 . ii`.- - . , ' ,,- -ktiie4 411;11irlDcti- . l).:liti , ' 1 Tioi,lleno '.it Sic-Mwey'e mac I par.liaseil it'Llo ym .011. iln.,.scarsego, le AU lon , n.iprie tented ine we like Whettet the lenge' re - line h. Rapti° IA not In ttiii least lovelrod, and no n Vandetect. In is kiiiiiof Aoki old Wilt& cln Van minds so common. In men, plvtaii eft& they km litriti,tin . d.i.few ifiiii,f .i.2_. ~..V The quality of toe° of. Stelawsea 116403 ap. prollmatee more' elcaely the tandemeas sled ow. doe= of the hemau.voine then any 'intim tnett I have heard. I hate placed two of them Coder an hour's held practice," each, dally, sad they sealnteln their freshet= and periti.of tone In 'remarkable meaner; •' . - ()sotto' N. Uman, Rector. It above letters' areiiddreasal to theMewsra B. Klebept 80., o this city!. 4 lloat/In Challenges. Gill Ward, of Now York, has challenged James Ilatafil, dt tkla city, to row blot a live toile race 6n the Hudson, for 111,000 a odd& Ilamill replies that he 'WM row on 14(31114km Provided Ward will allow littallWO for expenses or will give Ward 11.= lot expenses It be will rOll/ 011 thelloaongsbela. Another proposition le to row on the Schuylkill, and cacti man to pay Ma own expeneeit: 'llamill also throws down the paella Stephems, and proposes to rowldm a similar -race, ono week alter the race with Ward, provided the proposition to row In the Schuylkill le. accepted. These propositions ate very liberal. Will they ho accepted I We malt ace. Passing Counterfeit Money. information was mAc before Commissioner Sproul today, on oath of Henry "flyers, keeper of a tqpr hall, charging Simon Burkhart with pasaing counterfeit money. The note was noth ing morn than a Si greenback altered to a $lO, and the deception •wee so plain, that'it is a won der It was not ...etected at a glance. The altera tion consisted in cutting "ills" out of a ten cent fr4eo9l),t! bill 3TI 'lasting them over the `•10." :I one dollar greenback In WO familiar to. make 'such a bate alteration as that pass enrront ea 'ccpt among such as don't kir.Pgr the diffcrceec between a hawk and IS hn114$110; Prayer.—Bishop rimy m bur e z o t ec,of thel e c7a ns " leaned the !"1"Ing circular: "As the Presi dent has :Issued W0C1F40 0, 4 sPnointlne Thursday; the ist.dajot June, ii, A day of ha mlllation and prayer, to conseqaence of the late horrible assassination of his illustrious oredeces sue', Abraham Lintqln, awl we, thererore log fully to second" the designs of our Chief ,lelagistmte, do hereby direct, that on that day Y of Catholic :High Mass be tang In all the churches, at the same boor aeon Sundays; that, at the Mass, the 'Collectpro parummo neremitVir be added; and that at the end of the Mau, the Psalm ifiuerere with the Prayer for the Authorities be recited." ()Seen Elected.—At • Enacting of the Trades' Aseembly, held In Janes' Banding, Third strut, last evening, the followleg oaken were .eiteted Presnient—Hosea T. Scott ; Vice Pres ident—Joseph Eitewart; Recording Secretary— James Michaele ; Treasurer—Mr. Lorenz. The Assembly will meet on the lire; Wednesday eve. Meg In Jane. ..513.533 SG .. 67,179 53 $79.771. 59 67,389 34 The New Passenger I)epot.—The passen ger trains 'on the Pennsylvania Railroad now arrive at and depart Rom the new depot, and ;the tracks along Liberty street are relieved to that extent. We are not preparod to say when :the tracks will be removed, but the day Is not Car distant: 111%383 34 Farlona Accident.—Mr.. Hugh Woods, • resldlng In Braddock`a Yield'.. was seriously Injured In a coal tilt near that place, to which be was working. on Saturday last, by the stalling of a toss's of slate. ills jaw was brikEn lo two padre, and his shoulder crushed la a suture manner. SPECIAL LOCAL 11111277011.8. Tnonsa W. num cractleal Slate Roofer, sae Dealer In American 2..sus, of verion► orders. Office at Alexander Unghlin's, near the Walter Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, No. 73 Pike street. Orders promptly attended to. All work warranted water proof. Repelling done at the ehortest notice. No charge tar repairs, provided the roof Is not glued after It is mat on. Nednefton.--Ottr friend, Mr. John Wder, No. MI Federal street Allegheny, wits In the evot when the glorious newaof the capture of Richmond and the surrender of tie »Ixd Gener al Len was received, and tab..; ,ivantage of :the pante produced, and knowing the re-action that would follow, made very heavy P.rellamo of the goest sr.lng and sammrw roods at about ono-bell"( tho old price*. Arne of the finest cloths, emistmcros sad vesting' are lecladed le his stock, which he Is prepared to make op to mew, oil short 'notice In the latest styles. and at eorraipandhody low rates. A choice 'Apart ment of turntables goods and ready-made cloth ing will allso be found at. his elegant astaollak meat Ow Allegheny Meads stionld give him • call. CIESIO 51,309 09 p 66,641 93 5,761 36 07.323 A Large assortmeot of gaiters, shos. sod boots, very cheap, at McClintock's, tr 3 Federal street. 02 Vederal xtreet Is the beet and cheapest placc In the two Mies to boy good boots, Woos or.galters. Children's shoes and gaharant all kinds at SM Federal Marti. OTTOAXE rs. 0. Y. MOVAIIIIIII..J.III. SIITTLITISLIII DldgebTElt, GAZZLAI ATTORNEYS FOR CLAIMANTS, Licensed U. B. Ogents, for Oran:vies PINF.MNP. BinfirrTES. HEARN OF PAT PRIZE WINES, OOMPEN NAT/uN FON boRSt." And other properly 101 l or 'Annoyed while to the service ca the Polled States t•TOPPAOIN. OF PAT AND OTINICERT,, 051.0 ANON AND QUARTIIIIIASTEtes COUNTS rosjus.tvi 410 eartlecates of tociebte6. CON procursa. ApplicatiOns by Non &Waded to ulf made In p.n.s's. NU CliAlitiE MADE UNLESS' CVO TOL. OFFICE 80.,98 GRANT STRUT. URGE. U . a WAR CLAIM AGENOI. 'PENSIONS. Sa►ols Pew, 64 awaits rmir ALL 11111118 P' W. J. HALL PATTI:IBOH Attorneys-at-Law. wOUIP~BD 80LDISB9 OtOtionty to An Woooded Solitlets, Is sew beingtoold to oU let% s nllhorareeto lh ahem INA& Oda the nione T. i r la eollested. No. 1 01117Tli meet, ewe below the Cattoutrol. MILITARY :CLAIMS,. :- PRNSIONS, sourrnEs, Amyx piasd miLrrAny CLAIMS of miry desertytlon. *Waded by the subscriber, at the - following rates, via a Pension' PO, all other Maims PAO. O. O. TAYLOR, Attorney-at-Law. .(Iyrwra Grant street, Pittsburgh, Ps. N. B.—No Parsee are made If Um Palm does not 211001104.. sad W infonastlon divengratia. amnia goEDIERB , ° LAMB. BCOMMIMS rinstors 'Arm AtIREAII3 or PAY, No. OS toys= ST, Pittsburgh. Pa. asitritsuliorr ..13trimatrinn, OAZZAII & CO.. ATTOUNSYS AT •.-LAW. ' FRANKLIN, Idoltiater; Oedema ik Co, Pittecarth.) ooneccoas made, Titles examined, and all other keel business attended to. In Weetess Bensaylva. Dim, Lateen Ohio and Wm; Redeneeeeet mews. Lt ethers and Frew, John—llarpareLq.„ klilehalt IX grows. ANDREW. STEVENE92.I,-^ Zi.AMCI" No. 144 Fourth, Bt= 077mintgilp • or la i tzgli Is tog vaft . 111,111t!I MAOKI LL : 4111 acopisoe, I ATTORNIETAT4.O. viinuarnio;atour_,_ Swat* tit WowWaimea" OW with t demi. haem.....411.4•16.0rd..1 IEO4I • tatAIEN ; I j • MINIM riiirli"644oWW . lioNsiriiii.isfonprigpmsOydeL‘ Ital. %U FOURTH STREIT promptly attabdedto by mina s. AIDDIUS. iia Pit • e NZW unix() mows. Diriveruni Caycle.. No. TB MARKET BTItEET. Whale=le wad 4stall bodes la Trimmings and Fancy Goods, 10111111, NOUS' 11111 QOM, weld. oil Ilse siteolisa el liiineessito aoll irons sourel4, to Melt vary ostensive stoic I Ow awn Mose/ goat& Ow steels et Cotton Hoie and Socks eirediutros tbe Imisel, rad bea am 'permit this cur. sal Ow NOTION DEPARTMENT ettl be twee tett •tte•etb• mid esblel• In dl ha bre zebu, and at prim that sauce WI to plea Otte to • e•/I baton paredvilag •wwkee•. voyel MOURNING GOODS lATEViirit'sLD'S 77- Mack Grenadines," Hack Tamerta, Black Bombazine, • Black Mourning Alpasta; Mourning Lawns, Mourning Mosambiques, Crape Collars, English Crap, Mourning Silk& A large aasiortaeat el y sew geode gild Ta afll JOB. HORNS & 00., } , floA ••+.2, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, lib boss W Swot Bllba,Mowwaad rtes labratfortos, Lae* Goods, liandkorldefa, Maw , pee Balkan! Skbto ond Cionto TVIP Wing d.. Goods, Beod Claps WI Ornosenta Wonted }Lowy and Cilodon loop IMAM. MO.* lIIMt Small Ww, an now poolditod tiel and wootinant al .Vii' OPAL." 0 GOODS, which will to kind satunceli_y •tYwttti. Hiving beam purchased at LOW OOLD SATES we caw n ifty SPEOIAL IIeDIIOEIIENTS TO - Te'ckt:Upia. Z:Poip, will at all times be found well wipplisiL We salt= a gall Vow It:elute, hilliners, ?elan, and the Mlle being oosifidest that in man mull a& 108 1108313 b 00.. met n fnd w rum= snexer. RAVE J UsT ARRIVED FROM THIF EA ST mlth • carefully eel• etml assortment 01 FANCY AND STAPLE. GOODS, among watch will be toned a goo Het of Hosiery to cotton sad Slim Gloves, Ribbone, Flowers, Crepes, Soule. Volker., and •II the seer style% including Rubber Collate, to MIA partleular y sell the attention of the lmilli k H t oo .oodpps a S d kln s . ligedame Dentoresi'm ak florest . s, se . o Srese " L W" oa t h B,A, Batiks sad tklificate; Breakfast Cep; Melissa Sew% feem,) Late to Crabber., Limon, Cotton. lbread, Talealiennes aid Petal !Leviticus, Wide Limn Law for Phials U...., Elibroldertm of all kW,: infeetU R0b..,., all kinds; ass style Blankets for tofente; L• 41.1 4. Kids, JewriaNk Yids, Mewl Side; Clime and Stool Heed Seta. Cord Skits, Outdo Cord, Corn sad Teasels, Tennis sad Butkoa• to several aew Kyles; Wass la Jet, 11Wei, Strew and Obryttal Chant.; Bilk sad Christie hinge, Straw Hate andTrienalagel Ha - wines to Lew Applique. Jet, Silk, Gold LW ane Pwl, Farley Combs, Chrydal Buy., !Ws• area nod Foils. and a variety of other goods, to whisk 1 meeld tail the Winglike of sty klisi agate. nen eat the pulite genersily. apil MAUI MOWRY. as Fourth Week. LOCKWOOD% OLLNBRATED Clotk Lined sad ail Paper edlaras EATON. X&ORVIL t Oa.' Mos. 17 db 7PIIIL7a SOZ. AGENTS YOZ LOCKWOOD'S GOODS. The trade will be sappliel at Munitsabereee List. A fell muorqment on hand. etyle NEW OUVISS 1 NEW GOODS' COX: 0 31;11WZI:C00 AT W. W. MOORHEAD'S 1146. .1 /1/arket street. tall sod sample* Ilas of ?WooMarl Lases **new Lan Collars, Queen Elizabeth Sus Shades, Soo Umbrellas, as„ as. A tall alooltmeat of Goats Foralshbor Good ifX. W. NOORHEAD, intadirdetaa K MABEE? EMELT. pARABOLfc - arm: 'Bl4ams. suns weinaxes. OfIN oeweet NON sa4 NbWIMpUr. 111301.• oats sad Mae at EATON. 11114.0/11711 & COM& AIQDf F. Alga t slur, uns AU WI PANS. at grow dassedWaa, Nam" XLASIIIII. • Coo MN STQOZfIWS 4114"5' fit sum& coin= AND Esmr aurolumwarsra dolt( got Toy atop at mile J. 6. LAUER% fat Market streeL MISSOLVTIOXII. DissoLunoxt OF COTPARTNER 1311IP.—The lhatnership heretofore u between the undersigned, under the Arm :=ll URUMPTON R 00., for Um manufacture of Silver Pearl aid other soapsi ham Mb day been dissolved try seetuel effluent. SAMUEL. IL KIER, • , JO .TOHIP OA T= ion= PTON Plttibmeily Sept. em; ISM. wt. =muff s. BBHHEDY & CO" (Ssiawor. to cavacrr,on c 0.,, Bilverreail and Superior Rosin Soaps vin LIBIRTY taltier. P/TTE2II7IOA • deeklyd • • rtoratniigtatim. We him, Wisktstist with us In ths K. and %ra m Zogri zu lnininallal t .f . o , l ar y r o ll . SIVABT..IIS. "Of ths came of PsaiirsoA_ _Awash eras iseo.. • , W.l.iipArrzwsUkt. raz.irTs., - - O SN, Arms of the Equitableln: 4urisio• Oa, Kensington FIN Immo. 064 ~tidAbe Pena 'Mutual Life lainueneeoo. oir &lOW Kf a !Locket strefirtielniugh. ~GARDEHER COFFIN, t !tor Ulf' WirsnAkwirvidkand Diva. cam Nlsm. iplonow., WOOD a, THIRD WVIONIDIS - AFL fbi Wank. emit, motete etYvnulsylvitaikgall Hutford la easamatam MATES •allawa QAMITBL REA, - -limmitauCithene axes 0011PlaTeXrrir N • sad WATIX WALLIA.P/OrrNestieWip_ and bsnd. ___2=o 'Awe at If& tia Aims am' Wirt Natal lOW zuvrarvg,v4=i gine) ClirUeelfiVilettililb. TR{ GNU:24I • • -- •• irtintromousk. VirIIERISALs: Mri•SAIWPAIFro V..!,evid*heepsegiatedledhe gadaregglis , ~,,-::e:.• • AIRSTAAPOI4MAANX - BIRMIEOW . '" ta the Otireagh Witham, hi. tit a *bestride Allegtii. and State el Pennr - ' - unia. has bee= a l L al of UOO t g l eriVe ri nalerg l itleelk tepee vide a National tJurratury, secured by a pie= United States Son.ht, and to provide for Os latices and soleinptioa , thereof," arProved Igoe 4.1811. aid has complied_ with all. theprovis lon§ of sidd eat Mulled g 0 be eamollett with before soca. 'sensing the buslaeas at bankinfouolar said act: Novtnereforej, ragmen ULAXIC. Coogan* ler of the Clon, do hereby eartity: that “Tha First National Bwt of. Btrakinghars,.. lathe boo , one, of Bizzolosbia, to tho county of Allegheny.. and State of PeozurstranY4 111 authorised** am ounce/10 brisineeret as=ng ends§ the act afar& said. • Ourreeey 8ureau,.1 ,4 , , teetheoey • • Seal of the er tt oeu vs band eu4seel Ogaptpc•llerof the . °reek led de,y et iOurreney. March. UM Tremor, Department. FIIRENN ARN4 Lb and Compt A roller of t OL he Currency. 1 21 ' EXCHANGE NATIONAL HANK; 0 f Pittsburgh. ChartertdbT the] Capital [Organized under State of Pa., 18164 sl,ooo,ooo.lllatn'l Law 186$ Tida Bank has been daeltqatel a DEPOSITARY OF THE United States Treasury, and appointed sprit for the sale of the 730 LC?S ATs EVOry pott faeit le,ty r will be etbqee to Urreaters or par. ties itef oF 41.febt, 8. M. 11117RRAY. Cashier ►rn:u T HE AMES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. zsrun mooomo, priytiesi of 0.000.000 Snaking Donee °ORDER FIRST AND WOOD Si RIOT:, Thle Dank, organized ceder the leational Bulk leg Spun. to ooar prepared to of brieinme Bunk .L Its Banking }louse, earner of Wood and glen streets. Oollections 'made on ali iedessible point. on the most 6vor►ble terms. Spedal Agents for JAY DOODD, for the sale of the U. $. 7 3-10 Treasury Netts. F. X. GORDON. Outlier. J. O. MeFFIERSON. Teller. 5p21113,E1 BANKING HMS& N. HOLMES & SONS, No. 57 Market Street. Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS RIXTITM2II IN PAR rzrrme AND ColtonApplaud' on ell the prinelpnl points' of the United States and Osnanno. STIDOIOS BONDS AND crruzs SEOUNMZ DONK AND SOLD art COMMISSION Putt:toter setentlon pelLI to the row:hate and tete of UMW) STATES SECIJBMES, Panel Mks ems of 10111 Do. de. 6.201: . De.. Ylra, 10401; Do. levee-1111114; Certlaratal orindlebitedness . ORDERS AND VOUCHERS BOUGHT OR TlManliJit► Mk:PART:IIE2cI, pints OW Coxprztobben oT rns Orammtrt, WAIMINOTOT, Aprlt 'Nth, ISIn. WHEREA.B BY SITISMOTOR %rrldenon pee•ented to the underebined, tt baa Dees made to appeter tat. THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PfITSBURGH, In the city of Pittsburgh, in the county of Alla. gbeny and State of Pennsylvania, haa been duly organized under and according to the requirement. -of the not, of Congress, entitled "An Ant to uns old. a National Currency secured by plailm of United State. Bonds, and , to provide for the Mroev lotion arid redemption Pereof," approved Jane 34, 'UM, and has complied with nil the provisions of said act required to be complied with before nom• mencing the badmen of banking under said sot. Now therefom, .1, Faulßan Ctraits, Oomptreller Of the Our ; repay, do hereby certify that "The Eashange Na tional Bank of Pittsburgn," in the city of Pitt.- : burgh, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Peimsyleanis, is authorived to cornmeal:tithe bud. nem of Banking under the Oct aferambl. 1 Currency Bureau, In testimony whereof Seal of the witness • my heed and Cio.wmtreßer of the seal of office, this With Cure/may. day of April, ISM' Treiontry Department. TIOLLAII NO, 65 •-• Fourra &ram: CHARTERED PR 1156. Open daily froM to o'clock. also et Wednew day and Saturda evening, from May tat to No. camber tit, from Ito a o'clock, and from November Ist to May tit from Ito 8 o'clock. Deposita received of ell ewes of not lesathan Ou Dollar, sod a dividend of the pgplita declared twice a year, In June and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually, in June and December, Since the Bank was organised. at the rate of els per cent. • year. Interest, if not drawn out, ta planed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and hems. the same War* from the first days of Jana and Deomnber, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to mdl, or even to yeestmt his Peas book. At this rate mosey will double In Ws than twelve Books, containing the Oharittr, By-LAwwaa,, Balls sad litimilsdhana. furnished Vett; on ap pitrttm at Um ofilce. , _ . • paneniawe—GEOßOß ALEBEL . _ Ilsa .T.Ande.noa, . A. X. Pollock. AL D.. John O. Bactkotto. Robert Robb, Bea L.. Ealusestook, Johlt . H. IShoenberger. Jamesliehlou.n, Smog StildlA Jams MAW*/Alexander Sp e lt, IssafilL ,ChrlAlea-Tosier. 01111111VUUNI 1 / 4 Bonn J. , 1 John O. Maim Peter A. 1= aq • -4411:1 1 .11, Alonzo A. thl i rrlen, , Jaws B. D. Koons, Made, A. Colton. John B. Milliassj .Za mrT i On, • • Jchs - John J. CI E. l =l. %Wes • William A. Rases, Alessindar Thud* Peter B. HunlinrcVaald 2 t, , Biehaid Bays, lam. ettaMAS. d. jO aa l a rrar ineniAYES D. D. XIIWB. IT. LOogwooD & co, • BANkEREI, have raMovvil MIS No.ll'l'llll= steak, ti Nes. •4 Ilgresidriy sad • Well Street. 3amtnw Iroxraim. Ordine for thei_paiebaare and sale of GOVERN. MEET. AND omits SECURITIES executed on the usual terms. • _ Beak and individual asolmtita received, anelln tercet Wooed upon current balsam, widen my be elected for at des or tea WA' notice. airltieed BOOKS. 41.1117.ff5. Se. NEW.BOOKS. - Grayer Thoughts of a Cknintr7 Parson, wooed write. ea N. &masa of dalentille n Meters:7 for 1865. 711. Plapol.on , s Orear—in Frans& fr 54 Methods of Inatraction: or 1. P. Witleerthani, Principal of Penns. State Normal SebooL • 51 75. The Whore of the o.emarino FacuMes, by War tan Burto:L. 76 se Ufa In Reaireal by anther of Meet for Heaves Oolithe Alitenantesielr of Aliso B. Haven. 61 M. The Ohaneed those—a new and, beantehil DM. Lio; se go, One. II;;ne krasions aunt% sat. $1 1. The Belieresh Beftete—tneditationa as. Cob and Heaves. ft 114. 0, Mother Dees Jaiselbega Theold its c r Pa fti 70i .dived, 111 Wz.a. EA.& CnirlittlanM /101/ea, I by Inabse:et John isalt MinabandheandMosocehyMeekstMulasl. M. 71 DALVDI4 CLARKS & 00.. mops No.III wood aired. 1103 T 0' .—HALLOWXI:II • -BONGS, pa • root escarat rodtesow.-- ItIISIOAL LEAVES-.a arts.. NAN was sold the OM sank air outartloa. • THZ l ' un a raiß3 . T= WASLICIPL T IVOHNIIST • GOSPELS: aIL LOotaturonwitimaidhadr a 3 i 1 JUAIDS 811a7PONERTI'' - Daiwa weantat Talnak-EGalk-r4l l l r;ll4a Aggs, ln _ 14.81"16" 1 40. 1 w 1 •;- < INIUMetr _ ~ i M; c am -, ~~: .. 4 d ..,.: ''rim F w~k~ >v` jj-` _ .- . ,y# Y r t ~ r d ~ u~'-~ ~5.~~1.~. ~ `>,.,,, > , armisi'Es..~f' 4 ,2~.•*~;.~+.;'t'~3+>^~. , =4,r 0~'h~,x...%:"~. ~_ .tom i„r"~.. f~ , 11.411111 LL SEA. President 1.1 •,: 4:~w~•): MCLUDRO COLLECT= • FREEMAN CLARKE, Comptroller of the Vuireuey •AfEAD6G;[Z vannisrs agesmilf niginTe lt rira ir ha . 011 . 11131 BY TRIM en. • • ;. ' faun isiz Liar 01632. CM was as/ Imegamate,“ 1410.11411` _ . . . Fa S—Osoes roots Tim; worst alibi sad V saints Appetite. Wattiair the Da. - - .. -Pripsllll ONO No. S—Carsi OW% T•4o6lo:loliiiiiii i = ratmeg. Mow firs ail rif*AMIS, v, . 11•01-0onlo Diantios. of o obfro j A i. MA - Ohdolll /MIMI sod Shommet Nast" Nos. 4 ad • sum Ow woe aro Ala mis,cnir...DiviiyAg:meett iikkbot =MR - Billow Choll; FAD_ Ilyeadier PAMIR Ma; 11.473 r Olkokcs..ololl l es . 106 .4" - Nallo Vc,lllag.lqUuast.43 Brialkhkik NO. 7—Clares daft% Iseurosa and &no Throat. Pries nu sad ife. I serer to iron UM 11/1111M end clougup. NO. s—eares - sass mil Tie Do'organ. Pride as aorta. ' Nth a--owes Headiabe, Met Heeds -11alliteti Rush ot Mood withhe Head. Pries 25 In addition N.. ON it never We to nes 160- east la.eterera cater.. If a. ID-Curoa 'eT t ut, itreetr. Add a. Mel of We Moan r' . ' Wove Uoravisents.• • - - • tl-Omenszippreased Dinar, Igaust Past* or Delaying, Grotto Manioc r fta 21-4aneas Lernsorrhea 'or WU*, Swift Sown too Profuse Menses. SS gents. No. is-tlarag Oreop, Hoarse MOM o poor Dtalealt HAd Oppemed Wtbist , fi omits - No 14-Chsees -Salt Steam, mast, Nrigaimih Erysipelas, Scald Need, SatioNlP 11 0 ; 11 0 Pima. 011, the Free. as sesta. . : No. It-Ours ithemnsthes, Pas, Leassowelll Sorriness La the ghost, Seek, SW, sr UAW, eft e Selettes. IS cents. No. 11—Cures Fever and dine; Interleaf* TO; Ter, Bab Ague, Old Inveterate dll olo, No. 11—Cnres i Flen Inte lbstinato rnal or BO NI mods. OM; er =Ng Bleeding, Reeed. or C. • • This moody has 1114t4 tkotall44.ll Of the ••• pcmalkUs eases. • No. IR—Cures Opththalmta, Weak or Inflame Byes. or Eyelids, Failing or Weak light 01 mai It may Worry@ be relied upon fora moo. • No. 10—Cures Catarrh, acute co chronic, dart • flowing, Cold le the Head; Influenia. Nicosia t No. W—Cures Whooping Cough, shortening Om: Imitating tt, or.Spes motile Couglk emit& It b infidlible, and always relleree and men No. ed 21.—Curea Asthma, Ore nealeDifileaStlg : bor Breathing, 01igh and MI Gents. Hundreds have been erred bi it. r pro, os—Coreo Ear lrisabarro, Naos • Le, . R ea d, impaired Hossios, Lamm._ No. to—Ciree Scrofula, Warted Glatte,•llll` T ths olot Old MOTs. • wogs. •11 eared tire =Tit WIG ' • No. fit-4.7teroettasoiol i. . Delytt rdetielk • lti, rose Weakens& SO - No. 211.4 lures Dre*, Fhtid kneMa' rale Swellings, with ~47 1001001002 *- N a--Dorn Ses-Stilmesi, PrOottoNta*Taw Nausea, Vomiting. ic mato. • No. gl--eares Orinary_Diseamie,- errosk , Calculi, Difficult or Pedant] Urinating. 10 ewe It mires old cams of =en Diatoms. No. 15—For Seminal liktations, Walken ' DiecilarM conemneut Prostratfonnad BOW ty, Nod Awaits of Habits. Prim it 00. • , Tbc Wad eglclent remedy loaf!, and • writ flied ogee ass sure sure. ' • Nos-4hiron Sere Month or Stgrek,Osnlogree . Month of Adana ,W OkUdren, • also 'Nova ' ToltdtbM olrfellalliarooolll, • Mahn . • cuts at once. No .—Chtreo Nilmuy Incoatin Wiggles the led. toe Frequent, Palau], or =inlf Mina Com Na. 10—pares Palatal himiatruatloa, Pismo: Cramp or Somme, ' Praftlits, Itching, end DAM. Con of Females. _ 111 00.. It acts Ilk* a charge. NO. 22-.43urea Suffering at Mono of lA* ulafitles, Flushes of Heat, Paapitattam, ea. Mamie of the Heart. SI 00. No. 14—Cures Sheila sad NicerAtli. cant Sore Throat. Pi rents. No. 33—durra ilointistozuror Spasms of Waal • or Adults, and Cramp. of all kinds. s4—Ones Bilionmet% am Want of Appetit% Lowness of Spirit% Janadia% Ocirtipstlos, sag Liver Complaints. - No. Se—Mures Bolls, Mammies, sued any ace of the kind. . . .No.sa—Cores ail Louts Skin I:minions, se BM let Fever, Meader. Chicken Pox. but. No. 37—Oures Chronic Coughs, Nervous CO Dry Cough, and Cough with expectoration. No. its—Cur• Souffle. or Catarrh to the hull II Wants, Rattling of Mucus to the Throat. —No. to-Cute Constitutional Disposition to he quent Attacks of Headache. No. el—Cures Constatutlonal , Dispositloa Asthma. • MI Oa. APO fa M Mal family miss, morrows ' I • to mai *sae, plant I . • 111 vial mos • M vial Physisiatils same II in POND'S EXTRACT • MOMS For Barna Onts,Bral OP ses,flosassu, Laare -neon Sprain% Rhotamotlan. Boils, Matra OM Sores and Tootteeha. B ads l He r e chars. PAM ie sante T 66 trade supplied at Itult MUM. our Illemedles bylllalL . . . . Looks over the tin, mate op a ease at What lid fon 'boom, and inclose the assetuit in • sorra note or stamps, by wan to my eddrarsisal • etedisine will be WI returned by mall ors tree et therm L M. 'FULTON. rum ntreets (DWP: I 4 !won. &woad door below the Post Ole% . Wholesale meat for Pittsburgh sad viethillts Chu couon Xo MORE. • .• TRY 6YRIMI11131Y11: 11ELLEFLUOIN COUGH BALSAM% srawiELAßirts ntaxzetaroim QOYO BALSAM Is warranted to. owe Clonsks..ckies Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping Comas, Sawa Throat, Oensamption, and all afinetkine of Um Throat and Lungs. Fourt Fez h street,seis by Druggist^ Cleasisl.DePoß I IM 7CI, :Cade Aft the Medical num and =toms rearm DH. lIISIOICIAND'S • AFTDOHOLEBA ftlß as the only certain remedy to Diarrhoea mil ter,. It is a combination of atetringenen Stimulants =A Oarmiase gra and 111-. R arranted east a curs after aIS laz mom have tailed. • pot GimeVote Mgr Fourth street, Ohmincudy O. • STRICIELA.RD'S PILE BEKEDL STIitOICLaMM PILE lIENIZIOT enrol thenixods Of the worst Callet of BUM sal; Bleeding PUN.' It glees tmemllater rell4 end teet t e e t - vrreenent curs. Try ti'dlreetl7:' ' Ter rourt ! litreetOClthesale b7- 1111 Drs l ilellio; ChaeriilDeprOll4,, anell, Drip:lpda, Barrooms, "-I/ability Min EITEIOII2LII2IIYB TONIC. • WO Min lIIIMOStaI =Maw IMO= Ite, Indigestion at Dgsno Nsmitutoti' - iiarressons ,Thdoitity, to on .r.land's Tani& lo • ttlfeittd• PorPuti loll . boo trout Woken' llthors; stresgthons the whom 'ferrous' it erodes a good sproft ali n ni si is wirnultal= . Oft. er d. trarink e ll i MrniithstroditZ • For anis 111 DE. GU JlZTElNit a tc uag ainiSe Wood strait sad Virgin alai sod LIS,. it corner Of Wood as& barldn'snd by..PAILIL =Mk all 71VORTI IrMARS PRAOTIOs- • Ia isimaz Onnes nix kuntladge woos acondred by dye. WI , loan nninesun In thin- ell& in= mount 0 , 1 pitapat' traded ananaßy ßit am sulEalsat Drool GMT mem. SPERICATOEBBM.A.or SEXUAL WEAKEZIE AM all dlsesses *Hang thantifross, ire sursi much shorter lama than besatefore by ay N$W _NEGETABLII BEIMDIEB. Diedlednas.ant any . part onto Union. AB Wimp suit minas • Wasp m num CorrespoannunlAßE eaarect Offselll Am Ellon mond. ''AAlmon J. W:. DA . halal?in k tiliardis rpm MOFULB. UL REMOVAL, • WELLS, RILDDLIS & 00.; tame remorod their extant,* Wri_ Ip_ Moto sal adory to No. 115 WOOD STREET, timer of Ttrgla Matra tits ass pressrexi to 11l Mt onion- Los WHIP Ltsurs • AND Swam= Promptly at the lowest prima, „ REMO . '" L ORLWFOEUE, coutlasse. •aerialist II Pirletals. Maim% Sas skiersol his Woe fans Nin-nit WATER Trs - '.to CORIUM Or WOOD ail FIRST TZEITS. own Posplos , Natlonallini. TtloTrota i • omirosop dal buSsessAsseted os In an Its brands*. Polk_ advisor min Cossigumnits 'WSW& irZlikes to tie ism Younsieseleo at mg IVEMOVAL.—We havetlp day Sas Irma !me. sel wise Fuelol4 swift wry PniabB-7111hi T . fmainicat a& firiainaa Apia 'utast woke srograusw4 Exulquestitaw, :', .. icaagoas mityvvrot. -.) . . linfortlis oilloofisa of sad iMoro Sr tltlsiMoolltobook.of Ce rOwDEZ WS . 10nfr DOLTSaaiIIPOI3 MUM 6 4 fooPurroovot OirZrost . 1/o_lool follko iirtookovot Irtorrit se earn& spa.. 11Dele , ST:DDL , Tarru, for, 10-. mattoratollalliorsorakif. swami erirforAMl EMI=1:1