i.,,iiPit tiiltsbprst.:Opeft-t.:. M9ND&Y, MAY '426.X3„ •lEPOBIMIX, X'CLIMIX 00.. illtimumtabirii 411 13s-cas,elrat 711 FClisita se., PAttatnurgli Dipeetts renalrod is PAIL EIINDA and CUB 511:14Ur. Colleetlonsmade in sU parts of too United Mies. Noy and ea at Market rata: • 11.. per es= tat, Beads; •do. ' NO du.; • -et 'eta. taro do.; e ....:- . Clertlllestta Indebtedness tiew 'They also inn awi SELL on USS. /al al tin New York, PhUsidelphia. so: Weeds. ell kinds of Goverment Seeurttles loclo. Bonds. Gold O. as. .11. w 111NANCLIL ' AND CI • O*MEKCIAL. 1 . , • ceso BOARD , . s Al,.m / D 4 May ID, i l l Ord. AITV4 :"it i g% .-- BUONSIBP AID BAN Realms= ■T 101111101/ U. B. 'Flee Twenties...... U. B. Seven U. S. Ton Beetles . Gold Allegheny County Fives Connellevillo B. B. Bonds si Mts. Bank Yee. Ile•alanulne. *Ueg Fourth Nat. Bank Columbia— egheasLk Flttsbuzgh.—.. -- Fleming lk Blood Cherry Run Control:...-- Ran ! Mom& Chem Run— Cherry - Cherry Bun & Pittsburgh is Ma—. a Federal. • ••• Chsrry_Rua &Pittsburgh •hio .... . . IlleAboy & Cherry Huh-- Paxton . Bees— :Meat list. kaiak arlrrieZzl. VIS Co Western.kennarlvania—....,... 7ge Stella _.,.. m Star We115*,....----. 75 Mesmer —,......,_ 1 go 01:=Tran kill ...... ood Farm-7. la es ..--... ..... .....• • Abut Farm—. • In The week doses on a better' market. Gold has eaalntalaed very regular quoted/ma throughout the week, and le eraser to-day to New York than • a week emcee . Government bonds stronger to-day, Ikout % per tient. 'IS. stook market slightly de. premed on a vigorous bear movement. Oar mar • kst closes to a better rendltlon. tank 'hares to Allemand. Ott Stocks rewiring; Evening sales a decided improvement on late .deallegs. Tie morning board 'did little or nothing. -More activity on the street, but buyers and sellers are yet too tar apart In the vies. to make many sales. Thum was Kstn s very a* attendasee a► the stoeltboard this evening, but the trammettotu, at eetepaTed with Friday ennui!, show a rallies off. The Wee wire _ : ' . 1906 Enable lilaloa VsOslo 1 ilarseneek irlie Wesley =dials wen as follows Md. Asked. • 901 - 140 2 03 es 73 -- 1 03 62 73 1 20 1600 rE=ZE Alban Run Central— „ „Cherry Runk Cherry Run & Pittsburgh . Curryltun & Pit Role— .Colbertionis Run....... Duck Creek 'Dunk Creek Palley Redcoat .. k —15 e 17011Benenk 90 tee -Lincoln Oil k Mining.,----..... 53 Merehants, Si kffrAbery Cherry• Run.......-.— TO 43 Otdo Walley - I M Oil Creek le Cherry Run 7 55 4 00 Pita 6. Raw York.-- , •ea Eltob 65 53 Tack Petroleum of N. -- r oa Tarr, Story lb Chem Run se TO Votes Lebrie 43 45 'akes% Pena...— . 1 75 A onrrerpondent infoims the Off City Itegide that the old Maple shade well, on the Hyde and Egbert Finn, ceased to flow on the 10th instant. that the leer York Maple Shade Oil corn ' paoyiassne Puna. Wm.. M. vole, superintendent, shucks new well, dio wirai 150 barrels, on the 2.1 Seat., Which eyes indication. of 'caracoling. This Well is rattled the . Bernheinter Well, after Dam Beribeleser, Esq., of Sew York City, a gentleman prOmbtently 'Untitled with the petroleum in terest. -A good show a - reported on the Clapp ,Earm ins well recently drilled. It la mow asserted from Washington' there ic not a Cagle unpaid requlettlon to the Treasury Ce ti, Parkeent, and al) the ascertained and audited claims kayo been paid, times the Pay of the army. korhirsh la awaiting the readiness of the paymosterie Department to . call for it. Arrangements are malt .ing at the Treulay to pay off tke Second and Pith. Corm now encamped in the rear of Alexandria, .=within the next two works.'s There has been a resuedotlon of heavy role, and ; filed weirk is again checked. Slone tho last rain Dram have been able to do but little toward get . tingin the delayed crop', and as regard. the CAM. blecOni harvest Matters are now very Madded', ais,reallag...Wheat, too, we fear will suffer from the '47 iinOttO The Commhaloner of Internal Revenue has _4eally decided that certified check' come under the, clause which requires "certified checks col . . 7 410a505 or intended to circulate or to be used as . *DOW , to pays monthly duty. The New York bankers propose to appeal from this decision to the Secretary of the Treasury aid foiling them, to go 111.41 eourt. _ _ "cama k 4?on or Prices : 'Hew_ York—.f itill Further Decline Predicted. ' . 2h• prase of breadstuff's continue to rule high this market, as compared with the gnat:Moos' ;. at alai periods of the war. For the purpose of oomparison, we present following 'quotations, Mehl:Wag the prices' of grata arid breadauffs at ?few York, ontheath Eel:ten:bor. taes, and the nth litah at which periods g,oid was selling at the rue price : Eept 5, INS. nay 11314,1 %565. 13iyi .Pcice of gold —' • ~33=the Floors bb1..04 0.4014 53 1116 0020 40 State 4 T 520 6 6.42 - 7 VO 1411Latts Ind. sad 111103..'.. 445 700 6 690 073 Ystre Ohio.-- 61. 700 723 903 ' r Zalrs Genemee....1..:....4 5 .7 00 700 903 Stirs 111.1mouri ....... ...6604580i) 6 11 60 • ' Sup.to Mars Southern. 6he 873 . 7 V tr. 59 $/0 F100r.....—. - 6 1 0 6 10. 13 11 041 ' - ADDIS NSW ..W.. - 4mu 4 In. II 'S 00 'White Wheat, 11 )1 bush- 1460 140 I 216 • - eamloth Amber: *beat.. 330 .127.1 a 1 83 Allausl Western Sore.- 730 76 I 116 , . tifollow 00th..4.............. 780 75 1 159 c0rn....., ~d I oh* ---• - 3 1 7 11 !........r.....-.... 9O 1 00 tier• . ~,.. ii 1 lOU i so -1 16 O6O tt - as— -....-. 640 0 .•-• 5334 13 atheism from thin comparison that breadstuff,. larsiow, on 83 oversee, nbtint 40 per cent hither than In the sotti= of the yew ISIS; the value of the curreneybeininqual at the et...pestles per.ods 7704,11;00katothla city =Snow lower thm.to Sop. , yoesabar o'lo3, and the eupplleelala ether at the ..,- M WOW centres ere not so ample as WC; but 1111 . Ameemente f. om the.west. three In the. rePreeMittall etholt the farmers bola considerable *tooth, ready Me woo to 'market as soca ay the roads' hero ra• dulled their fuagbta to ressoneble rates: Ono era. 1.-1.031 Is. the Slfhwanostla prtaes'alove Illustrated. le to the-enhanced freight 'charges. which, oath •• sthently. hams continued Early at the highest 9 rites 90,5 Suring the war. This obstardato the l' In of produce Is already In proms of re l'lnthaL . The. Western Railroad agents, Instead of .: being crowded with applleattorm for socommoda. I Wm, ars now begging for (relate, sae bare to a.- ' in e rt i tl i gete red gl ed r r eVe s tio w n of .l ac t uiport i atili .."==e dizi t W of re tbs d lort e eitt l i g s, the - 741... -est high: prises at* 34w York smut decline at.: an r holy day. resoltmg 10 111110tf•IptIntilCS Thor eoth In • r She export& to lumps. - -- ... " - /li.,prOeiniths, the eicituireners of present ..... AM. li min more, *talkie& as will appear front 11he following comparison, ors the same baste : , •*' - ' . ". &S S, 180 )07.12, 15631 - 53136 it g01d.....:.... IllIlls! 1 st% I i " liaisiorkip bbi..El MOD in% rn a 13 50 .Wlesopwk.o Ohl. 10 60 to 76 ' 003 • Same. 0 lb-- • o),‘ sy. . isg 10 Shooldate,ol6... 6 - . ..og .14 16 BillKOOrr 1b....-. 6 -14 17 ._ Lard. - +1 1b..».' .... IN 1,% al 18% Promo* tef tlb. 10 50 13 6.1 15. 00 15 00 Ohkthutter 10. II a 11.1 14 25 '''' State botte4 lb 14 024 '23 .it Chem, 18 10.. a 12% 14 51 Neal of priees..lll 04fie76 TS% 69 llXest ttiti *temp (pilots* :lieu— 36 so 03 47 From thlioompattaloa, ft appears that the quo• Slalom for provisions, on tha Rath of Mts. went• errizity tya cent shove those of the 6th 'Sept., . - 1911. - Ittlieltorwoin emu* of 'riot os,Ozot possi bly Ind _ootitio It ono of those tr la ' Altlortrldilb tholo p t of t* , l aad d d r4lll loLlt. py _ emu --: ',. b ;WOrdiii_ 9 _tt in t i =oi s t4lorbrlidstaflU and fro , :..ololioirsainotootty swotted for the moot tom. =ilektuot *lour Cordite imports. Whoa wog down, we may expect to. sot an Us.' -C: augoototidlos of (amigo Indio for:tits -, ' two - of Shoot dosollytloas of produoo, la the , t,, aarketa, are sot too, low to of of por -„,,L, OttorWolmiZi auttle rA tto=o i rd tt oll; r cr:tog to ~.:• 4 e•Mailliti would thus shook the 104 1 4/141ag en' , Li or, dismal for gold; sod by roduolog lb. anoint . : . 4 i da/1444 1 4exabsageo tithe yrodsootrolo. would. ' - Jot AO MOO time, toad to protium pistil Mo . la r ,tiolitioityletoio AfrortOrr. . asftbsere Cattle Marled, May MI. imUMOM4I4.4Iis GM d AT at Os mass wars Ni '44lpu l lelrent left everlsee4 ll 4. 4 cs 4 o 6 kLa Cl t./ ,1 2n: • 1118111~011 boishers, sad tits Wises piiitV.A . laalliaare Outdo" , St Prided rdsdtssfroas P isms Sot seams° sad pins. • few r imbosiM SS adr OWN oss that sboror_ipLoce - GisrldiddlidA MUSIIMMI an sot build( ist 41ii11111,141.-1114 iostlitte von : • - NM priam anif gala rat, .ads at 73010 pen • moldy wis tura Wm Inikauh4 WAWA, fp:pdlititsikoplit portitawart. - . - DAILY- %smug?, U! .PITTaiit7KGB TI.: groa..l uvbe I eve been esneedingly dud tern •itr.ttizboari the iczelt Chub has Jaw olow-i a- ...hat to Wars. Stilt, there ore no ladmatlor. ne remit of any Ilinledlata improve. •-•r.t. Toe Out ,od for all of the lending eommod- Ittre sentlucce vcry light, being restriated almost eritirely to ~.poly int the Ironiadlato wants of *2,110 general thing, price. are R 79 is .7,11 and angleetol, but no _ bash prose Wittte at 01,65 , sciu of Re. , a: 01.10. Corn le to itght supply, vrimu yellow is It to etore, at 'l. Oct.—quiet but Without ~ out able change; i• t on tr , ul:, rt 643 , 55, gad trom store, at 65863. 1 3 o . att ties at 4356.1. • 0400Erars—.11.rket quiet and dull, and inicett are weak and a shade lower. We now quote et IZP/131,4 for Cuba Sugar, IS to 15 for Porto Lich, 22 for told Reined, and lekilots for soft do. Prime Rio Coffee I. quoted at 22, and fair do at 91,. nominally unchanged. FLOOR—There is nO improvement to note to the demand, and no Change to mats In quotation. —litre Faioily selling from store at s ap BIM. Sale of LO bids country Family at B. PROVISIONS—Demand for Bacon is mode rately fictive, and, .1 yet, there le no material charge to make to quo ationa. As a matter of course. to etlect a round lot sale, concessions are mtute, but thu aemand is 0008oad almost entirely to supplylog coustuntre and retailers. No change in taw, sou nothing doing In Mess Pork. tch:LlPS—There Is a continued good demand for Flaxseed at id, and supply light. No movement in Cie% et:Or TllnOrl.l . Seral. . . V,ak (IBA 1,-- 91 00 1 7000 74 84 - CO 01 00 I - 70 10 - 180 00 - 9 OS HAY—Contbiues dull and depressed, and baled L nroopiegt sale of 2 cars, fair quality, at $l2 per LOS. TRIED FRUlT—Demand very light, and mar. het dull .nd unchanged. Small sale. at loark for Apt lee, and th for Peaches, (quarters). PO CATOES—DuII but without decided change: email sale. Crum store at 60 to GM for Reds, sad 15 to t 5 for Peach Blow., according to quality. 131117E11—There Is but little inquiry, and the malket is quiet and very dull, with a drooping I...der.ey. Roll may be fairly finoted at Sefr2so for common to prime. UllEESE—Prtme old W. 12.1. scarce end firm at whlle new Ir selling at V:421. ,„_ 19 00 160 2 00 15 , 50 1 15 1 00 1 05 1 60 PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET SATtrutuor,KY 20, 1661, The l'trolenm market continues dull and de pteued, the demand having fallen off considerably, and while there Is no material change to make in quotations, the firmness and buoyancy nosed a few days since, ham to some extent subsided. The only . • ales-ef Crude reported were 160, baruls returned, at .24c; and 400 barrels on private terms. Relined, In bond, la exceedingly quiet, not a single sale hair E been effected during the week, hat there is no sposition manifested by holders to make nonce. tons lu order to &Seat sales. Free OIL Is dull but unchanged; we note an occasional small sale at Vara. Sartha is scarcely ever mentioned. Real• doom Is gam with a good demand at $ 3 . 2 . 5 10; 50 per Mil. • The receipts of 011 by the &llegbeny river dace our last report, were as follows: Aber & Br* $B3 Ise Wilkins 215 3. M. Brown— 660 0. 0. Brawn 136 tlallagher & Lancer... 38 Bdgerton... 86 Pool & Bro ao Total— We take the following from the last Inns of the 011 City Register, under date of May 18 : Business beg been fair for the past week, and prices fully maintained. & dull :twang hss pre vailed for the past two day. Buyer decline to operate for not of sufficient margin la prices be weer: 011 Creek end Eustern, as well se Pittsburgh market. • decline In veleta Is confidently looked for at this point. Holders at the wells are asking 48 per bbL At this place 48,78 ttf49 in asked. For Lte lost twenty-four hours there has been little no demand. Riser le Pilling fast, and too low for successful navigation, Weather cloudy, with ap pearance of rain. Freights to Pittsbur g 74 rents per bbl. Market closes dull. PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEW TORO. 8mb:I Of Western Press. Nrw Tosr, Kay Id, ISO. fetrolent Stork. were sears to-lay. arid a prices generally wera'ahade lower. The closing cuctetlon• ware as follow.: Cherry Ran, 51; Ea. re slot, 5055; Bergen, 1,50; Buchanan i'artn, 1,15; Empire; 2,50; rit-hole Creek, 8,25; Oceania, 5, 25 ; Rynd Farm, 5,90; United States, to; Everett; 4; Germania, 40. Tack, was offered at 1-1,5) bid; Ileydrick, 2^,8 , 3-12 bid; Highgate, 55-53 Old, Haw. .on Farm .3,75 asked. YORK 'PETROLEUM MARKET. Special to Western rte.. New Yoe; Key 26, Wed. The Petroleum market eonttopee very dell, and mites are weak and drooping. Ornde closed at 111%l Itedned, to bond. 0; am , tree, Vi. PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKET Special Dimpatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Ptabansa.rsnao, Hay 20. 1815. Tbere to a better feeling notice tble in the market fer Oil Storks within the pant few days, end prices g Berenr ate s fraction high., with more dis position to oprrste at the improvement, the abur.dance of monsyserking investe.ent to operate log favorably on price.. Among the most sell , e we notice Royal, Atlas, Dig Tank, Oil Creek & Cherry Run. Mingo, SL Nicholas, Eldorado. Server Well,rind Cherry Ron. The ecornern noticed In Walnut Bend did not amount to mush; there was very little stock out; and after selling up to to, it fell on' to s4igs, with 2 bid. The whole bet left off arm. The following he a comparison of the prices realized to-day, compared wltltteome of lest Saturslay. IMIOIII Jerel We 11... 81the0..—.—... M=2!EM 287 71 02 Caldwell ...,, Hebert— l'harry Rem. Maple Shade. Tore Homestead Curio _....... 8 00 8 35 MMINEII!Mi E=lllM The sales Were rather quiet to-day. Townsend', 11lenient tr. Co. had a moderate gale of Nohow'. They were the importation of Hera. Soleilac, Freres. The prices ruled rather low, though the large assortment was of the beet de scription. The duplicates were numerous, and scarcely any lots wets paused over, The No 11 Yierch white Traletatis,72 limb, ranged from 23 ed 4 , c; the IN white edge eatlo ribbon. sold at Mc; No 4 Pooh De Sole varied from 1132 to 11,58 for the choicest colors; and Nos 111,001,41: Witmerdlog, Hogue% a Co. held a fair sale of ism Identities, Guipure do, holler?, , gt 2 eee. Ihe laces sold very well, with many duplicates. The prime wee very •atialsetory. The BIM house also had a milord fare, at the-store of BMW art J. King, which drew a good compaey, sad pseud ..if very creditably. The catalogue of Merged/ & Co.. included sane line. (Moths, emaimeree. he. The prices showed an evident dealt es although , the etyma...e was large and the duplicate. numerous. Barnsley driiiii sold at NM; printed cottonadu Ile; Germs* 'tumor d.i 1.,26/229c;34 dap Italian, 141202%e; 2,4 Scotch Soma.. "Me; the whole let being readily deposed °Land Belgian broad blue at 13Vite1t,32, , Eobbe a Comes mad a sale of bee goOdirand cmbroldertes, which was quite, a 1111008/1. The attendance was large and the prices good.—Ka. 'rms. Coffee—Tbe market is very lightly supplied and prices are improving. We notice sales not before reported of 313 bags prime Rio at 0334 cents; today 22 bags fair at 23 ceota,and SO bogs choicest, 24 cts, gold. Grain-,Wheat—Today,l2so bushels white and MOO bush red received; Market, active without fur. (her deviloe• Included In the sales were MO bush' white at 1it02,06, SOO bush red at 01,121, and SSW bush do at 1,70 per be h.; Oorn—Today WOO bush ' offered; wit Sales of h whits at Nei ISO .bush a , Mugabe bosh flow io at Ms, and ISS bombs 5t.1350 per bush. fists—Reeelpts today su p • 000 bulb, demand WAS active, but priess still low, em 3100 bush sold at 4501.5 e, measure, and OW ouch at boBsoa, weight. Rye—ti's only to report *sale of 100 bust' today at Svc per bash. No trio. Sattioal previously during the week. Provlstons—we report sales of PM bbl' prime mem pork at 1122, and SOO do on Private terms, un dentcoo Sae per bbl, taken to 11l .5 GovernMent eoritraet. Glue Is no Inquiry • for bulk Mesta. Bacon is selling at ISW/IWe for shoulders,_ lie for M0.e 1 4. 12 411 34 e for Busse. eared hams. 14 eslo mod mates for uncovered. Lard teeleg western brus,andell seats par lb lkor. Baltimore til- EirgatWe notice • better docile) for grocery Smogs, Cud report males of IS hhits prime. Porto Rico as 140 net, and 50 do eked** at Ille, Wu usual dlscouni.—San. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. Prersormon. FOOT Warn A Clantatio IL R. Mop 70.-10 bales tbm. A 11. Childs A co; so bbls Clout, Da., Walla eta pko w w , . 1 8 Dilworth A co; 6 obit; potatoes. I bah este, J . oolblante; d pkgs haus, Grad' A Banter; i de 44 0 Balslay A Vu du; IMO Fallings stump A A .l. topi h a t paper, J Houterni4 CO. ta Sawyer's; ous metal, Nicola & Go; plpq alb, Watt & Wilson; 10 do do, Et Coopers Id do d Dud & Katmai; 10 Vets hams, lilbotasker L,s plot steta,Dihroi phmeots, Sedate= & Least bbla older, Dr Fol lett btu theme, Dobai & eo; it ska l ags, G o t. & attack; 1 itaz daetal,J Bloodwatil bd. bosom, Orsbas A Moms& Owego/am watt Ptligllo2oll R. X., May go ear %haat, I T Mooed, & Oro; * eke purls, J LyooA col M tom pis & 10,1414 & so; 4 bad' tadae, Day le Elsydesi I* buss raked, Jona Hsu, MO OM -paper ,L W Wattboodu bzsaluawatjaa He t 10410 60,8.11662101Mu1l a. The Geldea Ls make eoasections stPeer. Mouth with the apleadid ~ear 1101$0111111 Italy for OladeaeO, sail will receipt Magill heA gem throng* to that Mtg. • •"'" ' hisbOORD • • waiiiiiiquis Desists Im iambs 6141.1 and =row Gem& ilaw• art is store tie laziest pad mad seeplitif stir* of . ;aooos'Fo~►~wus~usi, • War amitwl MUNI inel. 111•01 1 ' vonsuleil tip on oar Omit, INN i• . Mit Ogle 'lllWit OILS. Sc, .iiti.ll2lol4 Oth eOgPANT Prot:ream of Omle And fd;taufacticers of Helloed Carbott• Oil. Bombs andlabriediog WOBZS OPPOSITE saaarssusa Wks No. 69 BARD Mat, PITHBURGH, Pa W. D. CIISHRLAN, Sup't. j,ue3m BREWER, BURKE & CO., Vw.As l . l . -10 );ffaA:N:c 11 0. 1, 1 .L6INITS OP Tall Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Worksl Liberal cash advances made o consignments of Refined or Crude Petroleum. Cyr. DrIQIESNE WAT and HANCOCK St.., PITTSBTTIMU, PA. 101311 Z. WALLACIIt WLLLUX =MISS W ALLACE CURTISS, OOMM/SSION MERCHANTS, CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, BErmarr. AND LUBRICATING OILS. No. 173 SOUTH WHAR YES, PHILADELPHIA, V.E. ar St or dire capacity (under rover,) for 16,000 Darrel.. also excellent facilltlet for shipping to American and Foreigh ports, et our wharf on the Schuylkill Elver, near the platform of the P. B. E. RICHARDSON, HARLEY t CO., OomiaJaalon end Forwarding Meivharda Irk CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM Mar 19 lIIIWIN STREET, M=l Mo2loM;Mili rirresunon SUIPIEREOES. Messrs. 3.8. Dilworth & nVet,l4., Ornamereisl Book. STANDARD PETROLEIIId REFINERY. CLARK A MINER. Work' wk.l Ofites, COLLINS TOWNSHIN 04lee In Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD STREET These works have the largest e cahl gh pacity to the eonntry. Th brand the ere country and In Europe, Maud for e quality an tot s , this , and the oil le put to well seasoned barrel, prepared erprelelly for sport. Manufacturers of BOILERS. STILLS, TANKS. and IMPROVED BORING TOOLS for OR Walla. detedy BONDED WAREHOUSE OP Phenix Warehousing Company, - Foal •t BALTIC a HALBLSON Sta. Bra:lairs. STOP-AGM OP REFINED PETROLEUM. la Tanks and Barrels. Si. Medan Mee, No. le EIMER STREET. Raw Tort. oct-t y No. 1 St. CLAIN ST.. Plltstratroli. FOB WARDING AND COAMIESION AIEICHAND, AND DEALER IN OILS ILLUMINATING, LUCRICATING, OBITS PLTIIOLLI , At OILS, he-, constantly on hand as rot ►ale at the Invest market. price►. Consign. meats and orders NoUnita& aplim S. n wino IL ne• 11 . & RING & SING, 0021XLSSION MX:RCILLITIS, PETROLEUM ADD ITS PRODUCTS ' And dealers to Refining !Medils patsy No. is MARKET ST. Mud:Audi. J LILES W 1LK11:S, =OM AND DrAIX! 11l CRUDE AND MINIM OILS Perry Block. Fraqueene Way. riltablyb Aar special atteollork giver:it., the SAME AND BiiulellENT CA' P.ETII.OI..EUM and Its product.. tlonslgomenta respectfully polleltl4. Yltt.burgh Agency for VENANQO OIL ANN ANSPORTATIQII COMPANT. Ai- POST OFFICE DOI ath.S. y nouszv JAMAS LAIFIX eats u 1 W U & 90., XANZIPACTIMIIII Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. OFFICE No. 15 MARE= St, 1. prrrsittroom, PA. Lli;EliT OIL WORKS. DUNCAN, DVNLAP & CO, Pure White IteMed Carbon eile. Re. Bin LIBERTY STREET. =IMITS3 MURRAY at co., Commission Merchants. acid dealers in CIIII7IIZ AND REFINED PVT/iO. LIEI:M, BENZINE. ix Si- Lairs facilities tar staring oD and empty icarrela It alehouse and stiles -DIClgifl232SZ WAY, ttsl near Eland street. Pittsburgh. apitte WILLIAM TIT• RIM SY A. LATVIA 011/014 OIL REFINERY. PITE * L•TELY. (Succestorute dstitit Pattereosj Oil Pothered sad dealer. to Pottyloam. Bandar, LubeleatLod and Poled. 011. OdSoo, No. 7 HANOOCIE STRFET A Heeded:ugh. PS. OIL STOCKB.—The undersigned will gin particular attention to the potation and lobo of Stocks of ALL 3VILTATIT 3 i Campania'. I lavas born and cellar, to sail. No. in PI TN BITS= OIL WELL STEAM 'ENGINES —Iii prepared to Wane STEAM ENGINES. So ulna appro of nosh.. wells and other put , poses, on the Mo r test Hering Maltreat died Egginga on teulde. and finishing others, the publi...en he aceonenonated with almost nay Mae bee want; the week team. tor itself. WILLIAM MUER, Fifth Ward, betimes Meehatde and Handsets dittoes Pittat=e. • W HITE ALEXANDER - • B171:011111 AID COSTILLOTOBIL Haying Lately Removed ° TO 10 and 17L LEICOCH STREET, .a. 34040.022. - es.rjr. Va. s e=ii intilr s ' ll iel'antllf i G • EVAIGVL ItAbg. Doti NES, VENIMAN and PANEL SHUTT MOULDINGS and OIL. TAMES Nadu to o and constantly on hand. Naroll Malvin lad Eirsakuta Waked oomplato. apN.suxt . FDRNITITRZ, AND OLIO AND WOOD OHAIB3, 61)11)1111( pit WHOLESALE OA SIETALL. JAI. W WOODWZLL, Noe, r THIBD STEM °prone E. Easausiscos a 00.% sad rfe 111 TOUR= MM. HEWITT'S s..cor.inrorzascrtrAic NM TVS HAIR. The binfreall illte ANDS rrfti RAIZ T/Vi I:13 ambit. RA arc nuersuy.' " b r 4111141 C. •pALO ORAN'S OIMIT tdelr EMU AND 84,‘4 E `TARM llrs4 • MO*. weikiii Ns. tot Karts& isesot. ' , , 4fMl. swans, 6 Nita .w.e.ruracruitEns. Itc. p"sTitoLIA 11A.O2INE NVOTLICS Va. ix. maac:insrlr, No. 32 Oblo Street, Allegheny, MANUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS, exn Jul TRH vtrrtmes vs= Jar Sinking On and Salt Wells. Portionlnr attention lo invited to lit late provemeot • in JARS and JOISIS, wMch Meek feted as the best in the world. They re all tootle of the porent n.:,1 Law. Moor frou,hamotered exprensly in, ;hem tools. 'fhest tools ure rondo to SI A RDARD SIZE.t, se that the Pine mei Sockets of toy one will chore with and ii, most of soy other set of his muelincture, benttne the same number. STEAK ENGINES. and Al:whine Work made to order. Post-allot box 17. . . . SAMSON POST IRONS, ac. No trouble to show our work. aptlelme pITTSBURGR FOUNDRY. A. GARAIEKIN. Intl M. RICIOrr9OII A. GARRISON & CO. (Successors to Boliman, Garrison, k C 0.,) • FOUNDEIRS AND MADE STS Manufacturer, of Chilled Rollers of all alms, for Iron, Steel, Braes, Zino, Copper, Silver, Gold, btraw Boards, Payer and India Rubber Works also, Rolling 111111 Castings of all descriptions, Bark 111111., Patent Double Grinder, with a varie ty of other patterns, always on hand and fitted to order on short notice and favorable terms. Ottlee and Warehouse, 1111 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. featly BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH PA. PARK, BROTHER & CO. Msnufeeturera of BEST QIIALITT TEFITtkal OAST STEEL. Squat r llat and Oct ag on, o a lists. .711factt. erau iT n . lto any ata' port or num thl Sr Mee end warehouse, Now 10 and tEI FIZIT and ISO end 19 Swoon amarro, Pittsburgh. rell-id pATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1.881. DIRTHRIDGE'S PATENT' Oral Lamp aiimtsegs, XX YLIXT T 2.110 Chimney. are intender for the ftat flakes, beating all parts of the glass equally, does not es• pose it to cracking. E. D. DMIRELyiE, Fart Pitt Glass Works, Waahlogton street, apr7 Pittsburgh, Penn'a Vt. B. iIACICIPTO6II..J. 7/1111PELL. V. P. ILLY? IRON CITY WORKS. !"- itAcAturreen, iirxiqum. a Co. FOIINDEM AND MACHINISTS. Oomer:o1 PUCE and O'HARA. and PIKE and WALNUT STREETS' Wear City Water Work.,) Manufacturers of stationary and ether ENGIN ROLLING MILL CASTINGS and MACHIN& RY, of MI kinds, and geoer;l pi:diners. MI Pro MACHINERY mpt &Motion given to repairing ROLLING LL SILVER PLATED WARE waiMtyOors, as.. ae. suitable In the Trade 0* hand sad for sal. by I WILKEt & MOM 225 South sth it., PEZMADKEZELL 1.165. JOllllll. USasor ■aos •M ANWILL j our 11. ILEHRON dr. CO., n UW47O 711Emcirmicaotu_rormi, AND IRON FOUNDERS, Oft let and Sala Rooms, to lO tio. 111 LIBERTY STaEgr PENN MACHINE WORKS' AND FOUNDRY. H. WIII3IIITNAN. rreancr. BUILDER AND MAOHLNIST, LAcocz teener, between Federal and SandtwL ALLYAIREIFY CITY, PA. atanntseturer of W 10 HTMAN .8 PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING STEAM EN 01NES, Shafting, Pulleys, ac. Repairing of all kinds attendod to jetly SCELOON MAKER, t , • Iti7C/ACTUELI of Waite Lead, Kea Lead. Mae Lead, Laharage, Lae ralats, rutty, at., sod Maier to LIILbEEIJ uIL. vassise, JA.P4LVS, PAINTINRS• MATLILLAL, as. Once run Warrhousr, No. IM Wood Arne artafirlyd "J• SEVERANCE, NO. 53 Water. 81. Pittsburgh, manufacturer of BOLTER 11Pir 1.1 9, IPROUtiIT sguaz, coz=• , . rttlrdsl of crel7 description. Parrturolu stied et abved SPltts and RIVET!! large or mall, made - to order at abort moths" • port madonnas' rronstardJ, on hart. mute ,& W. BEFSETT, hiawif . acturars ..1.1• Ann Importers a. AUEENSW ARE. No. In DIAMOND STREEt, between Wood and Market streets. "'Mebane:a Pa. _ - _ SOAP t SOAP I SOAP ll—The MAN. lOAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, mantes. tured by H. O. k J. H. SA WYER, is acknowledged to he the most serviceable of any kind yet orfirral to the public. Its superior advantages are found In Its cheapness, saving of labot, and its efficacy In removing yrs.., paint, tar, and without .in. luring tbe Man, or In the It we damaging the fittest quality of good.. It can be used with all kinds of water. Reef once is made with pleasure to the suldoined certificate, emanating from gentlemen well known this community, and who had every facility al• forded of seei ng fo.ly and fairl tatted t ONarternmiter. &partneri of the 111Alee0tl end Fortuna Regiments Pe. Fax: 4Sawyer's Chemical Chive &salve Soap. Wing Deco used very extensively in our regiments, we have no limitation in certifying that it was loand admirably adapted to the use of the soldiers, and d p e=h o t r he th rt . !opal& Sorp whit!, wad be JAMES A. ERIN, Tuartermaster 11th ril4. ALEX. FORSYTH. Quarterromter 14th Reg. 31. E. MOORHEAD, Quartermaster 13th Reg. IMICEMZI I have tined Sawyer's tßaermiest Erasleo Soap fee the put twelve months, and believe it to be the rout economical and satisfactory soap that hat to Introduced to the American people. Ell. EIOIiENAUts :Bellertilare Hotel, Shafer To H wneUts Allegheny county, Pa. Marrs. ' G♦ J. IL ainfer—My family hare used your Obetaleal Olive Erealve Soap for several months, awl have found It op to whet It has bees represented. For using In hard water they think It Is superior to any soap In nee. • A. G. L..YD, tna, A2leghoo7 00. &pia NOTICE TO . OWNERS OP DRAYS, RACKS, &a Notice b hereby give; to whether of Drays, warts, Carriages Buggies, acresident or nowitablent In the thty of Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses at the Treasurer's Mhos of the city o Pittsburgh, forthwith, in soconlance with an Act of itammbly, approved MONO, and an nonce, of the thatuteUs of the City of Pittsburgh, wed April le, of AU Liman' not 'paid on or before May IS, 181(1, will be placed In the bands of the Chief of Polies, for collection 'object to his fee of fa cents for MI 60liedleft thereof, awl all persons who neglect or refuse to tate out Lleenses will be subject to a penalty, to be reoovered before the Mayor, double the amount of the Lionise. The old metal plates of previous ream wind be returned MOM time Lbeneesore taken out, or pay Mole therefor. suerss or worms .11 Eschew bores sells* "' 1 OP Ito& twp bores .. la 00 Ea& tour bars, ll ' to 00 Each two Intros bask. ' If Od Omnibuses and Timber IRMA, drawn by two borsesa r toen dollars each. !breach addlponal SOFT FINISH American Spool Cot n• ALSO, AMORY'S ENAMELED SPOOL C TTON Theme treads an warranted of superior %s i lt and guaranteed to melonlGO galas la Clan to had In all onion and atunbere. Masufastuted by the PORTSMOUTH STERN nOTORT4sad far aalaby the Ueda generaill. CHANW/ & CO.. NMumtdtrac.RevYorktttlltbevoasktnistion Boston; 106 MaTSlßlnett- " pLI/X1511,0, Gas sad Stem /into`. IA al its lessellus, eustally Waal to, lir wipe rieceldoranisal works.. A Sas sisatemeat of OAS row, . . IaWK ATZE ' • BiII& V I AM I L B LM • INSAANSS as kiaA sal =AO to wise. 1116 . - TATS & EMI= a' IFRONSAI. WISESr, Wl ~Asa UILIBZR T STZlolll;rltAdrwrith ,pitosinam OTEIT/918.-41.. ettpgr of lebvpaedeeae. J 4 nesilival sag ramie by Jim( sammuw,- site mut watt UMW OWN% • 1— /XS ÜBOArCE. —-- - - isl AN U if ..10TU it F 1 :lb' S.. MEI:COL:zit3 p5.31:712/11101i COMPANY OF pars. osee, sr lister Meet, glipaira BoMi tl g 7. L BEICISTIC, Pres:Mat. f. W. Uff.ll..FActr, Vim PrestMat WIL P. JOKES. Samtary. LIR SORES AGAINST LOSS BY rum. lasoses Steataboats aud Cergoes. JAN F 3 I. lIENNI:IT,, A. E. W. PAINTER, U. L. t.1.11.1N - A WIZ, •.I. W. CR A.LFANT, 'J. 1114(T LEA. ISAIAH .., - MEET I. C. P ER: , H USTI, . WM. WALKER SHNEL L.. H. DI. AboY, APR N B w U ILSON, L, .3111171 HEAVILY. A. WEAVER. _...-- .-..... __ LOSSEB PAID IN 46 YEARS $17,000,000. Net Assets, January ~1865 011,677,862 71. TIN AND INLAND NAVIGATION BUIS • AI-ies in all t h e. priaclpet Cities, sad Tows fam e United Stte. Applications for Insurance will be promptly sb teeded to end Policies issued by A. A. CARRIER &BRO.. Agents, C RARTBR 1829. PIMP= IJA ntiaThant FIRE INSURANCE CONYM/Y or • • PHILADELPHIA. Assets SD Jammer 1.1384. 1 12.457, 84 . 80. Capital $ =IAN Accrued Premiums 111,030 invested Prendums ' I=OE6 Unsettled Claims 8,411 Income for Wel MACS Looses Paid More IBM BOXY= Perpetual and Temporary Policies so fibers tdrams D1EW70146. Charles N. Saucier, Dam Lee, • . Tobias Wagner, p Edward Po Dabs, Samuel Great, Jasob George W. Illchards si Fras. W. LeZ I M. D CHARLES N . AM ri MER, eat. EDWARD 0. DALE, Vice Prealdents JAS. W. MaALLISTES, Sro tem. J. G COFFIN, N, Agent, Mh2ll • corner Wo od and Third attests. FINE LIM MARIN& Insurance Co. of North America. Hartford Fire insurance Company. .51,183,000• Protatten ea be secured In Qat above named ono ratable corneal:Om W. P. JONES. sear, fe274ly Hagslera Bunting., et Water ■t E o S i T l y i ßN TTS INSURANCE COMPANY R. NtILLER, Jr., Presidad. WM. P. HERBERT, docrebery. Office, No. 92 Water Sp.ing & CO. , a Ware. house, up elaies, Pitteburgh. *snare against ale kinds of Fire mei Marine Rids. flame InatiJulion eilersayed by Directors tab* art well Lama is the coeui!unily, and ilrae are dder. adore by promptness and tiberailly, to mantels the character which tboy key* osessit i l .d. le offerine as bar mawiten to 010 M who desire to be III1ZUT011: B. Miller, Jr., Andrew Ackley, James McAuley Alexander Speer, Nathaniel Holmes, David BL Long Ale.x, Nimick, Rees I. Thomas, Geo v F . Dacsth, Munn .7. Clark, Cam 11 B. Barren, Jaen B. Mathias. U. . Backeison, MOO CITIZEN'S INSURANCE. COMPANY ur PlTTSBURGlL—Oidee,eorner Mast sarViater streets, second door. WM. BAGALET, Prez/gag. WM. A. SH,EPARD, Secretory. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Insures Against toes and damage to the navies. Urns of the Southern and Western Rivera, Lakes and Bayous, and the navigation of the Seas. Insures against tom and damage by Ira. Wm. Ragaley, Samuel Bea, Jas. Park, Jr., W. Ct. Johnston, " B. F. Jimes, Hon. T. M. Howe, Barclay Preston, George Bhtell.kt, PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMPANY Office, N. corner of Wood and Fifth Sb yt~i:;.~; lii'.►.Yal~)cf ~; ~:Iy:7.~CCM DIJMOTONA I Wm. Phillips, Capt. -Talus L. Rhoads John W att, Samuel P. Shrive; John E. Parke, C. Hanson bolo Charlet! S. Shell, Charlie Arhus. Wm. Van Kirk. John F. Kirk tick Jams U. Verner John (Hyde. WM. PHILLIPS, Pranks/. JOKE WATT, ViCS Presideal. WEL F. GARDNER Seereisre. lull•JI ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COMPA A. NY OF PITTSIDJEOR.-0111".No. ST Flat street, Bonk Dldelt. Insults sitstnst all kinds of Firs and Matto • FOAL • ISA.AO JONES, President. JOHN D. KIJORD, rtes Pratidssi. D. M. BOOK, Secretary. Imre Jones, C.... Hussey, Harvey Child', Cant. IL. 0. Grey, John Train, Jr., - B. L Fakeesteek, OIL COMP.:I647EIi, IC. px XATIONLL REFEENG43 I D STORING COMPANY • Is now fully o zed, mid his commend buil. nese at • theirtemporary Ware, No. - II IRWIN STREET, (up Matra) Pittsburgh, Pe.; and are now prepared co f generri businees Boring, Bell— ing, Relining, terror and Forwarding 08. The Works are on the banks of the AllegPny river, above the city, end mill In • short time be capable OF meoufacturing PER HUNDRED BARRELS OF REFINED Oil. PER W which will be of the best quality sod in prim • pie It Is, the design of this Croopor to make • Intelsat brand for export, and pa piths will be spared to give It '.that *bander. They will also give, the forward. lag of all toSle east or west, pettlimber attars s tin, and In branch of the , business will have unrivalled Um, as the Oil will be taken from • the boats to the care by machinery and thus avoid all wharfage, empire or delay; lemtles oonrign. tog th tit Oil to us au rely on haring It sent through with promptitude and dhrpatoh. - Theilompany has a Capital of POO,OlO, .with the following °facers t • President—A. W. It&P.Slittle Secretary—O. BERINGER. Treasurer—J. R. BIoOIUNE. Directors—l. M. Inishall, J. P. Hanna. /MOB Old. 3. T. Kincaid, Arthur !Una M. Little, S.IL Keller, David Kirk and Ws. Hamilton - BOPlPCiatiedeat and 11111310•111 Brinager=DAVlD I Correspondence and orders selisited, and ell 001°. municaUota to be eddrimmxt to National Stain and Refining Company, 14 7 PTITSBBEGII, PA. BELLING Af3lSATig, JAZUSA.N. Loin: .aosar coorLs LONG,LAIik a•ac• 1 - - - SIGS . ARTISTS & HOWIE PAINT S;; . -, _ No: so amithafaA et.. Pittsbursb. • licioi - Air. - *trail liz;l46i WMiod WM uoltrpoosif sifts's'. _ IFOL 880 W CARDS es , oamoolod Sop* of Alloolonouto GILT SIGNS Off OL4BB sad. lo Woo Ao4 sot %poll porta of US eausory. • ISCTORLAZ DEMONS nomstod la A Aigklyoo NOUSE riternso dim wUkmud to dr setae honway of Odordad matoded of deddi. AM work or rooro rides,.news (Las piths Drool itorinilairmarini -1101715114111) War PATIMUL mut Zietiesstie Of a NW Magi 414 oraprount. . ft FOURTH STREET PHILAD=U .$1,500,090. E=M2ZI S. M. Kier, Jotoseehiptom, Jawed M. Cooper, S. Rerbsegh, J. Caldwell, Jr., John B. Dilworth, Wm. A. Rodgers. deMelyd John D. Naoord. B. Adam Jacobs, B. B. Merlin& Capt. Win. nem blearevr. Robert H. Dada. F7M l :7# :7771 AsEnztar.._ piL3l3 I PLLEB I PILIAJ PILES, TWENTY YEARS' STAN DING , CURED I {Below will he found sonftld W th most respectable citizens of Vahan, towns dpi Dr. geyser's Lindsey's Blood Searcher. The DoctoYl oerfddcates axe within reach, and; one need be deceived to regard to his preparation Dn. ElnO.!H. Maroon: I became afflicted Piles about twenty yeareego, and every year th were growing verse, so auto trouble me very mud o much moat tames u to unit me for work. • Soso mei I was so bad that I could pet do anything count of them; they acme ow cos em as large aa hickory nut. I had tried a great deal of medicine for them. I used to buy and take whatever clout hear of or read of to circulars and PamPhiv, is that fell in my way. but I could not at cured; some. times theywould do me some goodfor a little while, tit afterwards they would return again as tad as ever. I also applied to two Doctors, who visited .me atmy house and gave me some medmane, but It would not do, 1 could not get well. Over • You ago I got an advertisement of your Lindsey% Blood Searcher, made by yourself. When you sold it to me you told me one bottle would not cure me, and • that my whole system would haveto be renewed by • the medicine befOre I got well. I bought one bottle And took it home with me, and used it according to your directions. I then called to us you main when you mid 'could not expect muchlbenelt Leos ate bottle. I bought it, one bottle at A time, notli 1 had used live bottles. Alter this quantity wa used, l who entirely well of the Piles, which had tortured ma er twenty years. In ether motes a my health tumproved, and I am as wall as Gould be expected for one of my age, being sixty years past. I lava bee, well ROW for six =oaths, end there Ps no appearance of the return of the disuse I can do AM kinder farming now without Weak he Piles coming demi and hurting me. lean pitch hay, chop wood, lift. et do any kind of work which before used to hart me. While I feud out yew Blood Searcher I kept on taking it until I got Linty Well. I consider it my duty basks lity sue known to the country for the benefit of ethers who may be suffering se I was, and do sot knew the value of your medicine. Ten may publish tide If you like. I live in Wilkie, township, and will he pleased to satisfy any ens of the track of MIA eel Pleats they wish to call ea to BILLOW ➢AW& lkeembee Mb. 118 K Leok out for the name of Dr. GEOEthld IDETSEE on the cover of the bottle, and pasted over the corks also for his gimp on the United States damp on the top of the bottle, to prevent being imposed upon by a eplieloge µVole which ti in the =rim, Jar Sold by the Proprietor, No. 140 WOOD ST., end by SIMON JOE?. STON, earner of Peorth and Smithfield streete,Pittsburgh. • oes HERIIIS. OR RUPTURE. EMMA OR RVZTVRR MED. HERNTA OR RUPTURE CURED. HEILNL4 OE RUPTURE CURED. HERNIA OR RUPTURE CURED. HERNIA 02 RUPTURE CURED. REBELS OR RUPTURE' CURED. HERM OR RUPTURE CURED. HERNIA OR RUPTDRE CURED. AVrtrice 01 HERNIA mean arrr,rras OR HERNIA. CORER MED= OS HERNIA 61REC 1111 - 171211 C HERS A COZEZ RUPTURE OR HERNIA lIITBEC ROPTUAL OA BERNIE COREA SUPTI7I2 OR BEINZI COOLS • RAIIII6II. C 0214 7206. 1 PATENT 772033. WILF-ABIRMIII6I /VOSS Hes. Peep; fee the euppart as cue Pile Elastic Knees, for weak Cap knee join Ankle Supporters, for west ankle joints Self-Adjusting, and every ether kind of Syringes. Hard Rubber Syringes.. Dr. Banning'. Lace or Body Brace, the cure of Pro . lupins Uteri, Plea, Abdo* cal and Spinal Weaknesses. Dr. S. LI/itch's Silver Plata fhpperti Emirs= wn Wye h mum] etteates bathe application °Pitmen leaden& mad abikkee' sat be im *WOW *at t ired salexpertemem ot twat ty years, be will be enabled to glee sellaimetimes. *rogue at Ms Drug Ste s, N.. 141 WOOD 8?., sign of the Golden Mortar. rayons witting fa Trusses should amid the number of Inches mount the body. InunedMtell Carer 12!1.11444116 eLItRH I DR. R. GOODALIVI CATARRH RESMDY It penetrates to The ray seat of this Murals dls e l m v ind i licterm M. tniaut a Ent ittroollndiliranah,forezieir. mar told Um world whatOstarrh reerly=whims it commenoed, and what would ante _ Dr. GOODALL has spent a lifetime tn hitt= with Ms fell amass, esplorft_lts meant had making known to the the fast ttrr. ' era, which has Car years mined the still "a a *- search of medical Meal 4.141 anthers Is this canna, and in Europe son now be anted, with thd same unllornt oesta.sty that morning follows Mild. Thousands, who ttied every known enre tn A M have been permanently cured by Dr. GOOD CATARRH. EL/NEEDY, sad now mho IS In the most esissvagant lama Olinda& WOM onr nearest wow, or seat a sibus or wet. Dertsed sad props:ed by GooDALE, fit. D.; Haw UHL. manta it ea, Sole Awls, mecum war, NEW !DWG DR. G. H. =IVIED. Dole Agent; a rte. us WOOD snuncra Miasma. NORTOF'S OEM:I2M, SWAM- reams Amid Altryn, ,r,....5~.@.. urrra, sac" mu" stroworicsi : m ammo um swarm sox* 000rrommo or INS 51:14; Obamoil piiislatio ea militia at tarn at am - i mp to, the vary aorase—aad rra MryaaaaaalLawSalaof tar pilaw at th• drama larvard, aad every ria et IS Is dlsaismod Lama as ci .a. alba damn are moan* put, 1111 rimadrylBllll Woe Wawa, 1. ag" otoiroot ioNsoo ago"' OCIMAPADWItt SSW MN/ ritounrsm Agog. Mir wpm 40 ~~:~. ;:~ 1864 . 0.7,r it.— n INTER AIERABIaIIeiRdIT. • —TEN ILII.LY TRAINS. • Oa and after MONDAY October SIR, INC ÜBI:A R will leave the d .os as follow& 60 FAST MAIL, daily except Sunday, act. @Locoing only at principal stationa, and maid direst oontwanions at Harrisburg for New Yea Baltimore and Washington, and at Philadelpillp ter New York Boston and intellftediated points.: BAHAISM'S° ACCOMMODATLON, dallyals eept Sunday, at 6 23 a. m., atopping_ at all rviley stations beta = Pittsburgh and Barrisbury..l 14 , making ohm connection with train. on Indian branch, WClrt Fernsylvania R. B. Ebensburg, Cresson R. R., and Iloindaysb ldraach.l • .3 PITTSBURGH. & .E.F.ESS, daily stif. eept Sunday, at 1.30 p. in., , s4p.Mg at nearly ail the stations between Pittsh and Philadelphia. and making connection in t s , on the Eleargi. Vi o . l , T i 'n yro d u C e and Clearfield Clearfield and Bollld ara t it,totisTalo7 .101INSTOWN ACOOMMODAT/ON, , °not Sunday, at 9.00 p. se., stoppito at regular eta. ! thins between Pittsburgh end7ohnstownolladeoaa nesting at Blairsville inters4oction with trains em the Indiana Branch and West Pennsylvania R.R. PHILADLIXIBA =PRESS, daily, at 4.23 I. On, stopping at Latrobe, Vonemsugh, 00110. as. Altoona, Huntingdon, Lewistown. Net. port,Marysvlllgliarrtsburg,Laneaster,andDows. t ingtown. • At Harrisburg distil connection ar• • made for Balitiacce, Washington and New York at Philadelphia, for New York. Diatom and inter mediate points. Sleeping Oars run through an this train from Pittsburghto Baltimore, Philadelphia. and New York,by the Allentown route. FAST LINL, daily, except Sunday, at 9.0 in., stopping only at Oonamangli. thillitsen Alto* z. an, 'Huntingdon. Lewistown. Midiut, hewn or Maryayille, liarrisbunr. Middletown ddiratettomik, won, Mt. Joy. Landliville. Lancaster • ann DOW , luOtown. At Benison= connection, are made ter New York, Baltimore and Washtugton,at PM= delphis, for. Now. York, Boston, and Intermediate f, po Fi its. ' n nt Accommodation Train . for Wall% Statille leases daily (except Sunday) at 9.90 a. In. Second Accommodation Train for Warm Stalihn leases daily (except Sunday) at 11.40 a. in._ j Third Accommodation Train ( or Will'. MALLS& cave■ dally (except Sunday) at 2.40 p. Fourth Accommodation Train for Walri Marten eaves daily (except Sunday) at end p. The Church Train leases Watll Station every Sunday'at 9.05 a. m., returtuu leaves Pittaburp et L 2.46 p. to. • Returning Trains arrive in Pittsburgh"' folloW : 5 i Pittsburgh a Erie Express P. 60 p. le. - Baltimore Expresa 1 . 30 P. In. Philadelphia Express - —=- 11 . 10 P. P. 5 Fast hail 130 a. ise 1 Fast Line 2.00 a. P. 1 Johnstown. Aoeommodation - ' 10.06 a. as. I First Wall's Station Aceozunodatilin... 11.10 a. sa i Second Wall's 'Station Accommodatioa. SA a. la. Third Well's Station Aeoommolation.. 1.10 p. Pa Fourth Wall's Station Aecommodatiotto. 1 Baltimore express will arrive with f Express at 220 p. m. tux aleedays. , NOTICE—to ease of loss, the Comina7 , iril i . hold themselves responsible for persona. tuysps• only, and for as 11MOttlItalOi ezeeedinT 1 . •W. H. BEOICW/ Airea' C., At the Pennsylvania Central . Ra il road Statics. on Liberty and Grant streets. " TS " ' . , --- 1 31 7.1gLugMi.rticalliMP#11/ BUEIIII, RAILWA- R Y AILROAD. AND OLEVEL AND Y, PIIIP DUNDEE ARDANGBMENT. ' • On and attar May litb, tow, Indus will ran. as 1 1111cms, vls. • • • • , Leaves I 720 I Tin I • For ' `• PittitairghlObleago. lanolin& I Wheelie.. , Enron.— .... 12.10 A. in. 1.10 a. WU 2.10 12 11110‘ Express-- ..... !LOD p. n. 1141 p. zsi &AU ...VA Mall ' 17.00 a. n. • & le a. As. 'I For Now Oastla and; Erie Ala a.m. i -- . . ... ... AJTITU at PittOberp—P. FA W. A 0. Netliritp, i LW s. to., 3.10_14 ae., Lee p. to., 7.50 p. et., &30 p.Olll 0. 6.1.. N. 11. —l.O a. m. 3.41, p. m.. 9.00 p. m.:, .11.015011110DATiO1 TRAIN. Leave AllegAter. ' • f New . HoelLea. New Maass- Brighton ter. Oahe. Faollooky I vuts, , 1 9.me.m. 1.16p.m. • I.Mp. sa. 10.11p.m 11/111;11 7 ; t 1.60 max. • /15p.m' . 1.00p.m 1 ...... . .. .• enr—P. F. W. & O. ; a. ILI LIM 1 45 P• 4 • 432, 7! Amin at 7.115. m., &I m. sad 1240 0.kP.8 G Valon 1.1. A • t £ PASSIM Mks& Apar :1 • P alop Ittsbn7 o .la. AV% r a 01,w,4 PON S PYL it el t ,rd arn i, atanAll 2.11.11+110AD. • Wrrienza ARllAsakmearr. : - ; On and altar MONDAY, No% %. UN, the • will Leave the Depot, comer et Men and Was atzoeta, al tollama Leaves Antral at% Pittsburgh. OCTAVO. MU to and fz4na Uni . c:alocm. 706 a. m. LIS p. m. E spre . . pp . - and p. m. lOW a: st.l First McKeesport Aceonn...llllo a. m. lito a, m., Second__ fldbp. Ltd pp ma..l. Float araddoek's " .:. 790 a. 13L, 8.10 14 Ms Second " . fad p. Sunday Cdpneelp Train to . _ I trona Melioesport 11 , 9 p. m.-1100 ea ref ticket' aPPIII,O J . 'SB A . , .TWE, Amt. W. B. STOUT, Supeelaten% , Sm.A LLEGHZNY VAL,- aliAgillig LEY RAILROAD.— . fRIANGE.OP.T/NE...-On ant altar. YONDEL . May nth, las, the tellowths artsnoldect • will talcs effect. MAIL AlN.—Lonves Pittsburgh atl.llo a' in. arriving B" suing at 10.011 a. n. Lcaves Manias at p. m., arrive* 4 11tinb 1 Rik 4.77 rn• =PRESS TRAlN —Leaves Kittanning at 4.2. a. tta g silsg4.l:o..p.PiZbFAhjli_ll.-TS it arnn 4 i ‘"'l. A&ORDKODATIOW PRAlN.—Lisyni - Rods Works at 11.30 s. m., arrivingat Pittsburgh 47.4 a. 25. Leaves Pittsburgh st &CO p. arriving all Soda Worths at 4.00 r min wiacer. BJELLPE O I/1. Foment Emma:TiOr 014101 i, Orregrauls. Pi.RNb sOO. . gum. ~ , saga . • Plunge from the 4 4314Voustry , . t The Livarywd, New York and La r 1 uses,) Stesonship Elompany having oSeRt/1 , t=rs ! Ted their Agent hers, vies Mr. Thweppt he la Row preporel to brim autosW Mollie Ptueengees. hi the Steamers of td I UNUSUALLY LOW RATES. The bekirs thU favorite line leave Liverpool every WEDNiE DAY, for New York,So at Qwm=t u ji are among the Lann i safest, and nwet . , yawls shoat. ' The undersigned Is also Agent ' for UN LL ' i and Londonderry Line of &earners,' bin pool every THT• p JESDAY, and co m e at ,I deny for Irish and Mal t a. The 1 Cr, of this line we l as TuVia the steno*, all I and furnish cholas woommodaticnis for oauedgere lie W also agent for TAPSCOTTY3 LINE Wade; brined Clipper SnillogPackers, hearth( Livery*. , _bored New York twice a week, and 'the .E . ' [dike • London rackets, leaving London .eveztaiya. The ships of Tapsoott'a Ides have long no: tad for their quiet passages and the e el vbdons fUrnished the passengers. and Abel/ ritMistment wails on boars. Paella wfw , gli their friends brought out by 'idling vend% II - by all mama gatronlza tr t a art a m i . ...4 . IM e DILA on all irpiiNsilLWWW.W STEAM WERIEL POU.L, tonal:an r L Harbor. The * Liverpool, Plow Yost Company sin ie s, tie !Moodie to es CITS OF BOSTON,. EDINBURGH.: OITY OF RALTIYO P 3 kod irrortemooseding to Noeltiver. — mum Pariah, In gold. or 11 Pint MEWL MO a to London... 91 •' to Part5....'..19 " i7l iiiiiorwar coll dot ", Plasenices alio r Rot I Aaiun OLE su Z:s., at r Porn from LI I or r VW " ilik , for raiz Moods saw. Por O . rthor polorsonall 011100. UITN/lID L UPI:FMK:IL Is} goldotits eq FROM NEW 41111116 am, Week. oemwruw alb. WlLSO7;Jkliklt W. kik.2I...D•VID gee N CARE it CO., ILSO .: W . ~ T . (Lkllll WILIIOI4 PAIN k 00..)f -...- . ~ Wltoiesale . dealer* rintlaCEN AXEl4lili ' no 'IIRY . GOODS, - No. *I WOO 4 Rows above Ettakoaol alley; rusablugx. , ..o . EATO,N, 7LACILUbt, ~4 CO. sad Regan. Dmitri ht TRIM BECUDERIES and DRY CHXrDJ upg,Proa.l7abi ;* MAY atraet, . SCRUM & GLYD4 000 ,„Pmar•I FAXOY AM/ la4rwir I" BIIROEUrIBLD " - "Sr IF • Retail De4lee Ls ISTAPLI 41X/P tY sankst Irtntelik JOSKPri - FIUMIS, ItibOkla* Draw 1m all kii a OMR I I GOODS, Isa. frea,Tl *Apia wed DICATIBTAtie% pm% &D& 11:1186146.irbriere.""111=4.116 0% 4 0 111:4. (Zha o Oaf . 44:Doca &IP* 1 . 06 f 4 14.101 .411 6 7:ZSnazzar ~ , , mown waitrbu