Whi-pittsbur,gli , THVESDAY, MAY 11, 180. R° x,' romp ( a co, airCal6iatisz'per,., 115 y, 75 rNft\ at.. Pittsburg*. 46oidvid Ix PAN 11:711)8 sed Ociltindicas ands in arts of this Linked Stinsik IL B. swims. an, Bonds; • V. 14. do. 640 de.y yr. per sent. 100 do.;. amt. Clortlikasas bidslitsdass s MIL 7.q arm- RUT Norm They sari BU and SYSLIA ort coxaussiort Bo a& the Now York, and Pittsburgh ards, a kinds of Goys Sada Bonds. Gold ISS is. . Seinis kiss,, saucilL LID COMRCIAL secovens , AID sAWICERIP BOARD LOOLIZOVIIIBT saBLIMIOI.IIV4aUIt is 004 WIDIXSDAT Xay 10; tioanterrille B. it. Bonds iPs.... 74 16 — sWagdunty 'Volley ILE. fltoolt:. --- 000 le B.A. Stook, non la li 50 —. Goasellirrille B. B. Stook, W... 10 00 —. • Pitta & Btenbenolllo B. B. . XIV. at Manidact. Nat.(old stook). 0 00 0 Bt.& & Iganufae. Nat, (newstooks —....6100 'Allegheny Ist. Bank...—. 70 si Allegheny & Pittsburgh dir -- 900 sOolumbia__ ......... 90 00 I & Blood ...... 057 —.. ..... ....... .-- A IS Oil B —. 700 825 Edo o 87 4311 it Cherry Hun 475 Run antra1.......... ._.. . ...... 700 Tarr, ry & Oberryilia - -...... 70 Ilerchanta ..:... -- . -- In Man Eau la P1t4111Z7 .- ' • • • Pittaburth & ••"---- Run & 11 4 i 'allay—. -- 11cAboy & Merry Ross on ... . ... -- Western Pena& Duck Creek. 800 Oentral BAEZ —. 'Pitts k. Bow York.... alb Ward &llegits'y Bounty Ban . i 6 10. Banner Ohm, Runk :Bloat - 7.... thilbentoon's Ptomain .. Bear ..nerve Meadow. t 25 Shirk's Faro* Meekalurg Petroleum Co. .... --- 4os Pitts & West on 011 s oo Revenue, $3 dlr. 00 Yonango Union, g oeigoesi .here vim imp or Roes Welf oa P. &N. y _.. -- 6 4100 Oe Fleadock There oru a rather elleinttendanee at the Stock !mild this evening, owing mainly to thir inclem. -wit condition* of the weaker, , ant but few sales Were effectett. There were buyers for Idekbor, Tarr, Story & Many Run, and Tack, but holders were unwilling to sell at the rata offered, prefer loCrather to holfgfor *tore lively Market,and bet ter prices. : The Sales were: . 700 Cherty Run Sr. Pittaburgh.—........... 1 Southoffeetorn— .. 5 00 00 SOO West VC —1 40 The 011Miageoad Olds were u follows: W Allegheny River ....—.. 2 lei AZighenyWalley 00 -A/Aitken . • oil Zenner . 1 re Mlood tuna &Ohio : 25 . 1 lio -Oontral 55 el • Cherry Run Omani— 65 ' 175 Cherry Run & Blood Farm-- -- t Cherry Run & Pit Hole —baleen 0 003 I 60 nook Oreek.--.......... ... Cle Doak Creek —. Eldorado R FtWatagir.Bleserveood--... Fuller , ... (heat .. 6 o 0 ileorawnee k„....-- 10 i 105 Meroluinta— 03 ; .76 61 .21eAboy Cherry Rongo oo Monongahela Pioneer .. lln National Rent:tug & Ohio Valley 10) 011 Ruin, at Philadelphia.. . ..,,. - IrUeneek 221.1.424 166 PU5.222 AttsDnrgk A flew York .. ._ se ' Flllitabargh fr.Fhlla t 15 21 — l.l4lde .Rynd ....--.... Shrrk Steel SteeS Well. -- Teak Petroleum of N. Y - 200; 2 in Tair,"Story Ir. Cherry 73 85 Western Pormaylvania-- ...... 140 160 .The weekly averages of the old azsociated Lo. earlisidis otitis City of New York, for the weeks wading S aturday last, May.4l, compare u with the previous statements, and with the cot, responding Week of last year, to which.we add the averages of the National Banks In the Clearing Mose and the Sub:l've/usury balances at each Deeteere In beerease Loans .---..--..—.--.- 3,081,18 S bierease In ibtatt Debella, InDeposits 4401 NT . • bay 7, USW PUP 1. teas Aprilet Capital —.....' 1ea1,121,T25 µ7,8711.40 SitAttATl L0au...:_..114,317.11911 ' MASAN liagel,tat Speck 944114,810 rieset,Sta Depoalte.“.llsolol,Bl2 I.2ll,eekbe R 51,9031,187 /a lit.toTrey bletb,Etel t7,203,0bi 3:47301011 Three Prattearal Banks int added this week by • j , Crueler from this local system: blarcantilerwith 6 . a capital of 41,000,000; McchsaLta' Banking 'Ansa. a oudion, Tseti,tioni• and East Biter, with a capital -1 31 i Incteuell from *Milo to thitkob. The Second it- National Bank, capital 000,0 80 , Is also egad to .b the Clearing House return. The fifteen Italians! Banks DOW In the Clearing Rouse repOrt u follewa : • May; 19. s p Capital .- semos3,to) 1147,00ntw0 eg ,101.4 b DAWN 2 0 ,115,374 I 59.130,451 The folleWing comparatire statement &hewn the l ea average. condition of the leading . -Items of the ',2 ‘ ,] Philadelphia Banklfor the put and outlaw; D e week : .1111 Lab;Week. This Week. Capital_—#ll,3l2,l3o 1114,40,130 Inc. $100,066 1e,721,381 61,110,317 loc. 4 1 8 . 95 8 -fiPeele 1, 248 119,Z3 ,61e 7,153 inc. now -I.eval_Tesurrs l.lOl amperage* 41 46,11e,atet54 Dec.er. ate,an Ctrottlatioa.. SMOOT 1.4.10,742 Dee. 10,865 The statement of averages the pert week Alen keittbart the ,oatuil doettuttleas. The capital in. creased CODAS, the loam et 46,1156, and the deposits 111313,40. The cootie Increase! a few - thousands, and the legal Undue and eirculatlee declined ledliiisatel7. both Bus, howeter, remaining pretty - H7 the Elbernian cre leers that American * seen. rittesat the London Stack Exchange advanced ilerik pet Sent on the news offoe's surrender. Slade °entrel shares lose 730 Erie shares paid up, 4; United States 11-ata, 1%; Virjrinla alx per cents advansed Pennsylvania Railroad *hams 135; and Atlantic and Omit Werient Pun:spirants ant mode aye, 1. Subsequently a reaction took place of X per, cent. on Erie and Muds OentraL On the tea, the news of M. Lincoln's aisassination via iecelved, but the erect on the stock market was late than had been anticipated. Illinois Ctn. tratriceed at 71130)76X, Erie at 40. 'United States Ida .1:054610%.' Thebuillou teethe Rank ot Eng /sad bad declined allow. • . . • _ The prualingepinion as to the future price of • gold compared with greenbacks are • widely at vs and are anxiously diecUeed by an cluNl et Mainline men, as are also the comparative JAW Matti, and eilidency of the numerous methods which have been proposed for en early or a more gradulrestdoptlica of specie payments. Someger wee think that the price of gold win decline u • OteUmPlence Of peace, and with little if any. refer ence to the curtailment of the currency. Other. have Maimed that the premium on gold, and the depreciation of of our reaper moos, which it !taper. gutty indicated, are always In exact proportion to Childress amount of currency afloat, whether that 'iurnsey.b• Inert or aetivei whether it be hoard . ad; or. in brick and lively Movement in the chart. - - nets of traMo and busineu. A titled opinion Ii that it Is our active, and not our Inert paper money which 's mischievous, and that the cow of as. Lye paper money Is the canoe of the depreche. . WI clip the following exoellent article from the Saw York tbernserchd of Tneeday. There ate several considerations which •'appear . be Indicate the.probsbility of a protruded ease in tie money market. The premium On gold or come, eery materially Manure condition of : the market. In as mush as that largely determines • the peke of commodities, or in other words, mu tates the parched:lg power of the currency and all Instruments of exchange , What, then, Is the pree ned of tee premium? Eno arar baled ended, the growing emahlenee in the stability and crediqof the Cloverrunimt, not only among ourselves. but • thoughout Europe, tuts steadily to Improve the vain, of all oar national eetturlthre; and there ap. .r lt e P nerri bl as Z e e: hdr:nagillhaittatiimgawletfr Sinai farther improvement In the public credit, veer. haeks—being a form of security—must sympathize to the full extent; which, of coarse, means a ear• imuft, daev4.l,(!initia 4shloillryundo4seitrudd,upicra, riddle palls opinion, and it is not impossible that %ennui evade may temporarily cheek, or even Veer* this now obvious tendency. At the same It , ULU probable course foreignexadoomas and the e..pplyer gold, tend toput down the premium..At ,meat, an increase in the Imports, and a decrease it, the exports, have produced • scamlty of foreign baVand• consequent increase in the shipments ofgoldi but.the Opening of navigation will spoon- Ullman the supply of produce at the sealerard,"" —and It may' be 'expected that the menpreatively edgh price of breafttuffe, and previewed, produced .a..Parnel mann), will yield to lower bids, re. 1110.111 Ar - In an Increase Of the exports, and pr o d. Wag greater ease lethe: exchange market, and a diminution of the exports of specie: Nor is it to • be overlooked that the Lsrre amounts ofspecle end seeuritles sent out of United States to Europe, et thelreglanitur Of the war,. for apposed greater safery,•will ly oteturn at once for 'employ ment In the proata bl e enterprises oonoected with the renewal. Gravitate of priaest'.. l :erhether these zolontootoe• Mould come la the skspolotwoolo • or • . , . ,44„,,,...,., :.-..,-!-,..„..,---,-_,_-,,,,,,, ...,„, ~,,, - 7 „ ...,:; : ;, k , , ,,.. , „L- ; ,...-.-..-...- ;;; , , 5 i 5.;,..., 1 .7...„:„..-, -:-...tr,:,, , ,,-.2...,-i,. - t , -....at5..7w...--k-z-----z-r- - ---- 4 ' 6 2 -- , ---°i 4 4 `-''' ' -4 1 -'t . .--' 7.1 aw''...% ,, z4 - ';' ,. - 4 1 . '" ?- '''''''''' '-'"'-'` - ---- '' '. ' — , s , ‘ .-r--a . ...z-wsubozi- - ,,Avatzor--v-z...h... , ,....-.4 , ---- 4 ,- ..,..,,, k -,,,,,,,,,.. g, - ,,..1--f 5 „,...,..g. , --------- ....Fa..,--tt.a2e..4:tt.5..-\....Saa:,,ittt- a -,. - ... ,, ..,z,Q..rat 4 -. ......,.... .. • 'fZ.`*:;4-4:7-V:`l.7`7,'-':•-f•-',.",-.' '.':.,'-'-:1T'i:'.:".;?,..!.-447.1),i,'.f.T.;,,,`"7,""'"-,,, '-' , L'' .-- - ' - ......., „ , .....,,,..,-,,,L.J. le:,-. . ottal64&e * Cs wiltaliko have the OW of pro ds Cinetallin the money market. Large amounts of Pive-twerty toads, estimated at taLMO,CeO to 150.000,f0khave been seat out by parties Lu New ToiktotLantion and ehrewhent, to be thew ewe et sprite named; and tae advance •of rioelresultleg from peace m ay sautes these tiptop few the kande of kummEarchse%shirety Increasing the indetdedeeea of =rope ter United States. If It etay be assumed that the Southern ports will be early opened to enlarged 'hit:lmaginal cotton, Whams, pitch, tar, rosin, te.; when we may ex pect large augmentation of our eriParta Eu rope from that Waive. In addition to the Increase acticipated frtim abipments of Western produce. It is 9illiellkely that the Increase in the exports wottlo tend tOtincrease our holden Impors; but, Madderieg nat ur esution of imPerwri, th• frehibitory of the customs . duties, and the uncertainty whether there would be an immediate material Increase in the demand for for eign! merchandise, It may be considered doubtful wbe• her 'the fropertn would augment to the same extent as the exports; in welch avant, the balance with foreign countries would be le our favor. and we might have considerable Import' of specie. Should the conditions anticipated be realized,, the state of exchanges will lead strongly toward. a reduction of the premium of gold. and by cense. queuee to a corresponding stands/ace/a Skit awl/ of money. A dispatch from Washington makes the follow treg statement in regard to Natbonal Banke. °On - the last day of the last session of. the last Congress two seta concerning the Wattonallbanks were passed, which, When sought to be carriedin. to practical effect, are found to conflict with each other. One w as an ameadmentiment to the Nation al Currency am, providing for the limitation of the circulation of the National banks te a certain per centime of their capital, and also forth. pro rata distribution of tke WM authorized huadred millions et capital among the •-aerseril States end Territories, according to the representative popu lation, existing baniflog capital, bru=nets , lac., of each. The other act le an amendment to the Inter nal Revenue Law, providing for the naturalizaUon of the old State banks, and that the premiump be. given tothe applications of such banks over those of the new banks. Now If the act authorizing the Secretary of the Trea sury to distribute prorate the entire amout of authorized capital be carried out, then nearly the, whole of New England and some other States will be entirely cutolY as scot 'ding to their population they havealready ready , ed more than their proportion: "Thus all the old 'State banks in these States, not ,yet. nationalized, would be debarred from so . doing, and - Would be driven out of existence by the impendlai r r e per cent. tax which takes e ff ect • July I, MK ' Secretary of the Treasury and the Controller of the Currency have therefore decided to hold In abeyance, for the present, their action on that porti the amendment to the Cerrerey which p roes for the dlatributlon of the capital, in order that the old 'State banks ma has, the benet he natio pro cess.y At the lame fi timof et ls deci d ed n that three banks mast effect the change in their status with out any increase In the am.oont of their capital. Some of the bank, evenne so by authority. of their State laws , , but Increase of tido idea •imply operates to shut out some other existing bank, wose rivilege undr the act are equally valid. No h a u t hority to s organize e new banks la now being elven, except to substantial parties to lead log Southern cities, acd In States Has Michigan, where there are no State banks." DAILY REVIEW OF -PITISBITRGII 111AIUKETR. ethrestudr, 11. Wad. The marked deellne:Li gold—whith was May quoted at lAN at noon to-day—lad a very depressing In fluence In the general markets, and the little life ' that Was left seems to hare alined entirely diup. pealed. There la nospesculativedematul for lan,. thing, and the traneactions in all of the leading commodities are very much restricted, being tear Sued to the thunediate Wnata of C01111=4211. ' GRAYN—There is no movement to Grain of any exceptnor has there teen this week, so far, if we some illipmente to 011 City. Wheat le qui . et, but as the supply Is very light and rereads limited, prices may be quoted nominally lincluine. • ed. Barley to unsalable _Corn is quiet and un changed. date—Dull and drooping. Last sales of Rye were at Pl,lO. FLOUR—The demand continues light, buyers re . striding their pureheurds akimuth as possible, un . der the 1211 anther pekes must •41-1 fur th er des we have few triune. . Cam reported. Extra Family to selling In the small way from store at 1 / 5,15 . 2 , 11 . 1- -txOCl7 at gefair.V.SIONS-11;bdr steadwith a good ood - jabbing demand, and we note reguTr, r hales at ing trdd for Shoulder% 1501534 for - Ribbed Sides, and 20e2934 for Clear do; 2115 for Plathelugar Cured Hains, and barrels r full do. Men Pork— Sale of 10 full weight, at Misr. Lard Is quoted steady at 12620 flu steamed and kettle reer. dered. HAY—la without quotable change, selling from seal a today at VW to M. 1111TTER=The market continues very dull, the supply being considerably in excess of the ed. mend and prices are weak and droOPlng; tmall sales of troll at 25, Wdggro cents, for fair to prime Roll. - • EGOS--Continue scarce ' and with a fair de. wind the market may be quoted steady at 00 23g yir i s E— , Stoelrof prime Western Reserve very Much reduced, and with a good demand, It may te quoted firm at 22. Common grades selling at t. OTATOES—SmaII sales of prime Peach Blows at We per bath, and g 2,75 per bbl. Receipts light, end demand fair. HALT—Quiet, the demand being light, and al together local; small sales from o r e at .52,75 per barrel. DRIED FRlllT—eery don but uncharged; small P sa eacles at hes . r 0 cents for Apples, and 300135 C for MILE 000 an 125 90 SW 100 IGS 100 INSI • PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET Witoi=DAT ( May in, Mk& There Is no falling In the demand - for Crude, and :the decline In gold appears to have no peroeptible elfec as the market is Wronger to-day lank Sold quart nt 131, than it wu a week Anal when it rang • from 140 to 145. The pest decrease in the prod • on la having its effect oq the market, both •hers • • ma the creek, and instead of declining, prices are Arm and tending upward. we note antes • 200 and 110 at WI, bbls Included; TA at 21 Milan urned;2oo heavy (U 3 gravity) for lubricat ing, at WI, bbl. returned; and Man In bulk, on 'rues day— N. Seined. both In bond and free, Is quiet but • • , and, In the absence °realm, We omit quo .desblutun Is still quoted at IePO per Rd' qale • 100 bbis Sepik, at 43. The receipte of 011 by the Allegheny river since our t report, were ea follows: mat • • Gallagher. 280;3as Daxter re & Guernsey-12enG r V denctift .. ... WO Porter & Mier.-- 147 4. • .... 117 J E Strickler----- labe & Bro Ire White k 21r0—...•. • Ditol ap k (So 0 lea Wllkina .—. to cUntcheon:—. du Pool Ir. tal , LADELPHIA STOCK DILAIIKST. MAW , * to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Pluggesa.rats, Nay It, Mg. be e was quite a punk in the Stock market to , , • 4 011:Shares went own with nearly all the din speculative/I, at: deleted irregular and very he Closing quotatiogs were as follows: ;sm .re. - 1 75 Thllnyo..l2cN93 3 00 lett. n 3 75 Eybscr.,..7:l2L- . 60 --. 75 Big Tank_.- --- 75 Inst• 4 91 Ounkard..-- -...- .. 1 If Cherry • h. ' 2.5 Jersey Wells -.- 126 O•• q. Run. 300 Phila. b. 011 erica- .- 94 5t.21102.130..- —3 CP 001dwelL -..... 4co Aunt, • y 12 K 4 70303 0. 2 II Carnplacter.... 3 00 1 1301Intocac-:-7. ... 7 II 2130p1e 9lude —l9 5r ORM PETROLEUM MARKET: • .. tO the Pittsburgh Gazette. Rm. Tozc, May ID, 18 , 13. •um Is quiet but fairly steady at 77X for • for Banned In bond, iutd 713.072% Con 4 today • tendsnee She prim iwo Wee with a asm Thal rather a 1 The p 04111Det ICVUO detabiel do. ZOO; 0 with oth ple, 811 bins aatinets, 40 mita. w York Dry Goods Auctions. ag I the state or the weather, the tales more thanordirayd,good. The at. • t nearly all the p ' was large, and quite up to !the. s with one,or Cons. At I#llmerdings le. MoturVi them offerlsor of woolen' and linen goods U lot of domestic thrown tn. of ibn- last named articles has been I me ankh., and, of comae, was for cash. were down, and several MU of the small are. The duplicates were entirely ex- The following quotation. show the ew Market jeans sold at IWX,c; Cadet aat Oxford do, Me; Kentucky do. pared Oxford mixed, WO; extra wide per and do blue mixed de, 4034 c. The henry Maga Twilit; brought Me; the posted r. cents, and the flue , assorted tweeds, This at the neatly. Ductile, dunk, No paddidg, do, Wit; Itte; cords,' at Very of the other articles on the catalogue, 1. ale. mon th s' time, wu a littlem be 4.4 mixed tweeds realized drilla (brown/. 8140441; French elaitio and I.aB do, 481,,ersain diTw i d rg ant d u ti ta ek wn 4a4 l* We; 29 lea " , red padlimm, Inadie; beayerteelm, do(lBte, - k, The , Italian, and black e/otba all wan . mold kprices, considering Ina MMus* of the • lt also had an antes and promising mui oryilah (lis linens, rec. There was an unusual at tendert* for such an inclement day. The drapers sold poorly, _the 64 brown Serenity damasks much better at ammo, while the Burlaps mold splendid ly—BS bales being readily dLepoesd of at prices ranging from t 001110121.40 - The catalogue was eery pees lgoonth, ong. e l an part containing a long line of he. Willnerdtilii Unmet k Clo she had On. of thee attractive sales of ribbons imported by Bolellac Freres, which fs the ben evidenceof thei r qua lity The pdan kept well up to the market and both the matinee and ribbons wets duals ttra mat extent. The catalogue of Bolin e, Oodles included rib bons, millinery good; in, and paned or with eery bib success. Altogether, a m id th e h em , r a i n and windathe trade turned out bravely and well. .—Cott. Atwitter, Stk. Philadelphia Market, may 9. The dour market la drooping. ant ire reduce our quotations Mk per tobl. i sl es la hittle or no &hip , t log de= z i n nd the blzi extra to 600 terms. Ind In s mell the anent/tartl y .= consume:a at .11,7507,00 per banal for 'neatens, $7,76(18,75 for extras. 1 8 .6tet,63 fey n extra fandly, and at higher urts for homy brands—acoording to quality. Rye roar and corn meal are very duif We quote the; forme[ at *6,17, nod the latter at The whoa market liqufst. Bales of 1000 bush, mestere zed .at 11,60(gt,56 per bush, sod white ranges from $2.10 52,50. Eye!' hell at SIAM , Corn la dull and Ate pm. huh lower. Sales of WOO bath yellows at ed,. -ther ter% and a lot of White at 114 W., Oats are dull sago. • Igo saki of barley or malt. : Army Awards at Baltimore. Captain J. Howard Wells, *emissary ofiubitst: Imo* for the Middle ;Department, on Monday awarded the followlog contracta:-41f."/I.' Tuner, of Norfolk; Va., COI bris corn meal at WWpicot: John?. Graham, 600 brls corn meal at VOA Rol4. Tymm,,lgrebrls earn meal at BM Mlles Sselibi• man, 26,003 Ms hominy st_434 dal fl Thorny; Peluso* IAIS hmtpelme coffee, 1127 As It WO' lba. John S. Price MAO lbs prima augar at giS,4O per Ico lbs. 1i0111066. BUTtleit.2 oo .o l og lb. Odom scan apert XMAS. A. Oroserman, ts,eco Ins soap at. $8,96 Kolbe. John T. Graham, 2 5 lbs soap' at it 0,65. O. Feller, new coffee tweets xi ,We AS corm each; new half bbl, .at SS cents each. etadrets Snyder, new hour aria at 00 *eats each... Qs% L Salter, sew, Baur Digs at almal. mok, • EARXETt3 -BY TKLEGRAPH. Chicago MtrkeL thttcsno, May N.—Fume—Doll and declined 20 cents. Gaers-Wheat moderately active, bola[ short of sellers, and declined 40-olosing with More sell; ere Cum buyers ; ule• at 111,054 for No. 1. acid 1,8/1 sae for No. 2. Corm dull and declined 204 a ; sates at ineknet for No. I. and 5 1 , 068 , ,in for No. 2. Oats dull and declined ai(Me; sales at iligge3l34c. Hionwinna-Dial ; aalellat 41,960100. pßovunoNs—Nominally lower. Frotion7s-Dull; Corn,7c; Oats, Se. BrnrekLo Itirompra--Flour, 1,C112 bbls ; Wheat, 11,100 bush ; Corn, 47.000 dO Oats, 11,500 do. Pew York Market. New YOltX, May.lo.-Corrox-Corms and 304ctower. at fdelede for Middling. FLotrlt-Thall. heavy Led 2561200 lower, at Nirsogy 0,70 for Extra State. 117, !0W,75 for Extra R. 11. O. and $7.900,10 for Trade th•ands-the Market cies. , bag heavy and AC buyers pt , rutalde qtiotatlocis. Witucirr.-Ifeavy and a shade easier; Western, 12.0962,10.• Onenr-.Wheat dull sad noalnelly 013/10a lower. No; Chicago ing, * 1,40• Roo Winter Red NiSest: ern, 111 0 1 .14. 5170 quiet. matey and Barley Malt .dull and nominaL Core dull tad ntomlnallyiTiMoa lower; Jersey Yellow, um. - Oats doll and 6062 lower, at elle for Prince • Edwards Island, and 04 110 for Jersey and Western. root qnleL Sugar ;Inlet and' lower, at 1N:2163 for Porto Rico, and 1 0 3‘0101So for OnhaMuscovade. WooL-DulL • PnvErastrie-Dull, at 27027344 for Crude, 610540 for Helloed to Bond, 71074 e for Free. Pnovutroxs-Pork heavy and lower, 5t25Q025,8734 for New Mess-elosing at 1115,16 rash, $ 0 261:014,25 for 0 4 do, cash and Mule , way, closib nip) cash, 41134/22,15 for Prime, and 1121 ouw utt, a,OO for Prime Mess ; also 12,800 bbls New Mess, for May. and June. Wier. , option, at 125,250126,75. and 1,500 bbls Prime Mess, for June, seller , option, at 191,60. Beef quiet, at 12 - Mlik, for Plain Mess, sod 1101N1: for Extra Mess. Beef Ham firmer, at 1122,600 26,60. Out Meats dull, at 14, 1 4°153;0 for Shoulders, and 1491e55c for Hams. Bacon dull. Lard dull,. heavy and lower, at IlHitgifl%e; also 150 bble for May. sellers , option, at 17 554 0 •• Butter dull and tomb:inky unehanged. Cheese dull, at iNgtio. New York Money and Stock, Market, • Nun; Ton; tO.A-hfogir-Easy at 500 per cent. Sterling dull atllooOw9.lgGold Irregular. unsettled and lower, opening at . 1.13% declining to 1111, and closing at 112 34. Government stooks no live and a shade nether. S7oczes-Heavy;lL 8., 6 , 5, HSI, re gistered. 11034; do Ontr w m i s 110)441= til,; 2 l l .6 l r , o i r t mtr . ;At m g I WI) re gis te red 0434, ea 213; Mariposa 1214tQuick. silver 50%; New York Central et l S.,; Erie 17; Hods •n 10, 3igicading116:12; Michigan Central NS; Michi gan ;Ahern 6,45; Illinois Central au; Pittsbu•gh WS; North Western 27%; do preferred 58;4; Bock island 95 Y4l Quincy 107; Prairie du Chien 37; Fort Wayne etx. Gra/schen Evening Exchange-Gold, LT's. N.. York Central 2234; Erie, 75; Hudson, 110,s; Read ing, 65; hilch e lpn Southern, 04%; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, " .0 Rock bland, 04!..f; North West ern, 27 I No b Western preferred, MX; Fort Wayne, 04,34. Oblo and Mississlppi Certificates. 05 1 4; Canton, SS; Cumberland, 40 34; Quicksilver, ' 66 ; Mariposa, 12; New Floe Twenties, 10634 . Gold after call sold down to 1244, and closed at USX. Petroleum ...Buchanan Farm, 128; Excelsior, 606; Gennanla,' 01; Hlghgete. 68; Oceanic, 248; Rind Farm, 310; Tack,22o; United States, 1175. Itittrato Market 13111r1A1.0, May 1 0 .—nooa—In fair demand. GllAll—Wheat dull and drooping; No. I Chicago at 11.91; Mixed Oblgstro I and 1 offered at 31.92 without takers. Corn dull; Nixed 9.50.; White 9JO„ Yellow 9D. Barley firm. Worsay—Nozninal at 1204. CANAL 2'1ii101126--Dlat URI drooping. To New York, Wheat Corn 10t.ce ; 41sta Leas Istron7a—ltiout M,373 bbla.; Wheat 73,123 bush., Corn 81,00 bush. CANAL latroarn—Flour 2,01 bbls.; Wheat 27,273 bush.; Corn 2 1 1,220bu5h.; Oats 114,100 bush. Oswego Market. Cleirsanyq 10 . — Ftorra—Stesdy and rm. ebarged; 117 .60 for No. I. 87.14119 for Red Win ter, tekbeggBAs or White, and IltZo9.6efor Double Extra. eldirgy at ontold qtotloon Onanr—Wbeat quiet e nd s notainolly lower last night; (Mood& Epilog III" Dora dull and on. changed; new No. I Illinois IL rats_ quiet and 'nominally lower. Barley dull; lianada Went $1,25. CA36I. FRCIOHTS—NominaI. Baltimore Market. • BeLyncoun, May to....FLOVlS—Dedllning teed e nc .". 0 nem—Wheat dull; Bed ,too lower. Oore dull; sale. of White and Yellow, al Slab. . . rnoerelosa—Dull and nontlonl. W numr—Qulet, at 13.01. Baltimore Market, May 9. Forfee—Rentalua inactive, though held firm at 2'litre't ultdb ut Prices are without alteration/ We quote western super as 076097,15; Upward street do 7,1543119; Oat Mills, imam; extra brands 0h10,119495,25. mud Howael .tree[, 115,93.6 196,11,4( per htd. Orld—Wheat was In better supply; SOOO bushels white. and 6500 bush red offered. with sales of SW bush white at 09,1992,60, and 1100 bush red at 19,10 9/2,66 Der bush. Oons—isosm bush received; mar ket less LOU,., and prices I cents - lower; small //Wes of white at 81,16; !faxed at SIM, and yellow at 81,220100. Oats-9XX/ bush offered; 'market dull, wish small sales at 73/4950 measars. ape—we report a small Isle at 81,10 per bush. Flour and Crain in Shire in Chicago. The following Is the amount of Flora and Grata la store, Saturday, May x. 1550, compared with the cßeaty, Sorre of ecretary hoard spoadam date last y Trade eah as reported by J. F. UM. PM. Flour,!bbla Wheat, he C 0,.,. (rata, be—. Rye. Du Barley IMPORTS Di RAILROAD: Prmononag, FONT WATT, a CIIIIOAOO R. R. May ID -I car shinglos , DeQuewan & Doogios,• tags nom, Culp a Shepard; 6o bola alcohol, It Sellers a co; 166 hides, L. kyerly, ID hos Ink,Sinion 'Johnston; 60 to, buns, B Lee 5,40 bbis Planer W Wallace; II sks Sax Jordon & eo;3 bys bacon, 30 bbla dour, Balsky is Van Gor den I bbl whisky, Spencer & MeKay,l6 ski rags, Godfrey & Clark; IM MD paper, W Smith cc; RI do eo, E Settees; 83 do do, 8 Robin soot 26 bush potatoes, Jas Casty; I ear metal, Jos Wood & Son; 30 boa soap, &tomtits!? & Lang; t bbl, de, J $ Dilworth & co; a bids bacon, GraW & Rel.er; t obi Ma 26 aka oats, DoninSOon & els; 8 aka pota toes, II do corn, Meek Armstrong; I bag coffee, 11038;100 MD doer , D Wallace; too do do, James Gardiner. CLIP/MAID son ptrronpadn R. R., Way It— IS earl wheat, JS Liggett & eo; 2do do, R Ken.; nedy a . Bro; Si blooms, Jones, Boyd a eo; I lot pundries, Wm P Beck a to; 4 bdishiaper, W Its yen; 4 socks rage, bier & Olark ;66 bbis all, E Palmer;! can lum, P Pearson; tO bbts oil, S Dickey; II s acks osta, Fetzer a Annstrandt bbla COPY, &shinier & Voakainp. ISO Ammonium STATION Ilfm 10.-; mu eggs, jai Gardiner] I pkg bacon . 0 Meyers; IS aka oats, M Ewing; 16 sks rye, Jai Lyons; 6 aks potatoes, D McKee; It as oats, St Doud; I keg wine. .1 Mc- Candless; I bdl teatime, Win Domani MO aim opts., Owens& Kennedy; 8 DUI; eggs. A Lippert; 3 beds egg; 3 kegs buttes, Shull, Son Ss co. RIVER IRTELLIGENCE. The river continues toswell steadily at thi. point, under the influence of the presiot and recent rains, and last evening the pier marks indicated fourteen feet. The weather continues cloudy and wet snifters are entertained that we are about to have another flood. Business wee moderately active at the wharf Yesterday, the offerings of freight being more lib eral than lir some day. past, but in this respect there Is still plenty of room for improvement, ne only arrival and departure se have to Cord, is the Minerva from Parketiburg. The Bay ard from Parkersb ls due here this morning, and th e Keaton , an ds L. woodward, from eta 01111u41, aril due here to-night or to-morrow. Capt. Prank Marratta. late d o tehe Champion. has temporarily assumed commanf the Sliver Cloud, in place ol Capt. Conway, who is making a trip on the Lorena for Capt. Shuman. Capt Marrone will at once commence loading the Silver Cloud for St. Louis. The Petrolia No. 2 got in from 011 City lee morning, and returned again in the event did also the Ida Sees, Captain Cleo. Scald late clerk of the. Argonaut ?To 2, has taken charge of the office of the High lander, which boat is in tura after the Amelia Poe, for a •CHncinnati and Louisville trip. The ewnein of the Highlander were peculiarly fortu li nate throcuringthe services of Ocpt. Need as he lea eery faithful, energetic and withal, eourteotte officer. The commodious Hard Times, Captain Brown, clerk, 11.. T. Hulett, will positively leave for St. Louis this morning, and passengers and shippers aboukl bear this in mind, steadilyilgrim, Captain McCarty, la Oiling up and will be reedy to mall for Nashville on The Bayard, Captain George D. Moore, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-nay, lamina at .11 o'clock. We learn from two gentlemen two has the steamer Stephen Decatur. that came two hundred Mlles scram the country in a yawl, (everything be in(ovhrflowed) that the Decatur was laying up at Columbus on the Onachita river, 50W:1 =Um Moore the month of the Red Myer. 5 She was anchored out In the stream with about - 15C0 Wei of cotton on board, end was out of both fuel and provisions. Our Informant states there was a PutmanalCo., cotton bank beirogi leg to C., The Deo-Hut was weatherer another briat to take the She .The cotton, and bring lier provisions and fuel. _Bhe was guarded by Confederate soldiers.-54. Loafs I Dispatch, MIL .The Natehes Courier, of • late date has the fol. 110 Wing The o ff ois paper. are making • great to do over a tricr the (S of Altos from Mem. phis to Cairo, with iles In th ey rs runt 50 minutes, In CODOeOIIOn which mention tee light ning trips of the Wiese and 1. M. White, which two boats were respectively it hours and NI lila* Mee, 154 10 DO= and 45 minutes from NersiOr leans to Matches, Mi miles, but all seem to re that the Princess made this trip la 17 hones /10 minutes, which has never been, and never w be beaten on water or time, HEWITT'S .x7cor.esrmucilms lOW THE RAIL- , The best and Owed RAM DBE& BIND AND BEBTORATIVX in the =Art. k.leperen only _ • B. W. FOX A 00., MI radaial at., Anent:Am and for tile tri , Druggists tesetally. imam U . P. OENGEMB4E, -41111/111 vp Iteetutalam EfSlaeer , , fitzNERAL Damicarruict on2oB 11118 PATENT. ALOZROY; Ma. II ST. SLATS ST., Seat 23 n: • don -Bridge. Drawll.o and aslant*. Soutar maim Engines and mammy genersur. SU= :and apneUlaations fa. Kanntantoreen, Oil. Sittintelas end tabltactural Drawings, Mann and GeolinSaal Sun' picartlollyaneenti- Beraldanew No. la SAY stmt. Inns ~ . . ()RANGE, EV AND lEBlol,lB.=lnst"ye..- , 0 jetred a !Ripply of Choice Mesita* Orsini And Lemoos s for ray" by the box or 'anti Opl• alma VOR LO UIS- liAr o k ••• VILLE.—The fine new wiener steamer MIMI& rex Cant. Poe, - will leyreT littlest, the aim andintentedleteports or TICURSDAT, Fortrelght or'pause sppa c on board. ce is J. D.Rhj ) FLA . OOLLIKOWOOD, 4404414 POR BT. LOULB, DUBUQUE AND ST. PAUL.—The fine .pas. Benner steamer DASD TIMIS, Ong. Browr idi k4 leave for the above ruin intetmeDate ports, oa TUESDAY, in b inst. For freight or passage app ! li a on board or to JOHN MAC J. D. ooraar; WOOD, - Agents. OR EVANSVILLE it NASH-ka N'ILLE.—The exeelleat steamer PILGRIM, Capt. A.Nethuty, will leave as a is on THIS DAY, at 4 o'clock t, x. Yor Welt or P 444 4ew am), on board or to D. COLIANOWOOD JOHN FLACK, , Agent& REG uLARIRTT & tp reinumantatou CKE— Tie new and light draugh stunner • MON (=Tin John igoss, Mister, 3 ;gtoOrbery, do*, will here Pittsburgh every: Tuesday mad Friday, at eleven o'clock A. W. far STEUBEI"M WHEELING, SUNFISH, - HULL OREEI RIETTA aad PARKERSBURG, and all internto• Mate _porta. Returning, leaves Parhersburg on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 2 o'clock r. n. For freight or plumage applyon board, or to JOHN mew( Agents JAMES OOLLNS, MARIETTA AND FAKEERS, DUN PAOK. LINE—R ULAR PASSENGER STEAMER FOR W SUN_ .FISH SISTERSVILLE, BULL CREEK, MARIETTA AND PARKERSBURG. The new and faafiride wheel namenger BAY. AND, G. D. Moore. Minter, Daniel Moore. Clerk, Leaven Pittsburib gritty MONDAY k TRIMS DAY, at it A. Y. Leaves Wheeling at 6 x. same days. Returning, leaves Parkersburg TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at r. Leaves Marietta at r. same days. Leaves Wheeling at 7 A. x. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. For freight or immerge. having unsumassod sun eonunOgattotut, splay . on Doan' or to JOHN FLACK, or JAR. COLLINS Agents, .No. BS Water street, itttAßWlth• p EGULAR--- WEEKLYPORTY.L i aga, - A. MOUTH AND PITTSBIDIGLI PACKET.--The flue passenger Reamer 1301.4` ERA, W. IL Kerr, master; W. R. Bryan, eke% leaves Plttaburghevery SATURDAY, at LS o'clock fu., and Portsmouth every MONDAY, at a o'clock p. m. The Golden Era make cmmeetions at Porte. month with the splendid steamer Boston. No. for Cincinnati, and will receipt freight and panto. gen through to that oily. math NEW GOODS, lIII3T ♦RRIPED, PANIC PRICES Good °Kim Hose for Ladles at 1.1546 par Wri Hem•atltabed Linea Haaketatdefr, se teats aalootj It each afrobanlas Corsets, 76 par pair; Bejaia Alesaadeer Bid Gloves. 87 p a pert. We Sara aim a wielded nook WRITE GOODS AD smnom.4. Oatpare IM }m ount Latta Locos bons; , g W Rib SPri alah Dens Trimmings sod Onuusert cnrea Spits( sad Summer HOlllOl7 sad Of Fancy G oo d,, B otkm. - Buttons • se tare decidedly the largest and best seenteisit n the city. Also. the Novelties of the Season. mattes 171Ele Betting and Buckles, Rate Pal* L. .1 lea Bilk Seazt the Qum Elisabeth Clollela mow taty is of floe/Wag, eta, eta. Also a ton Ilea alr GE=t=irt PtaLNISEING 000D8 White Sling from 112 Wir Martha/Its u 1 fl alien wita dal,ta very arse aaaoettaant, and Prices that Dela Caapdittan 114,113 11413,681 t,117,443 4,1 51 a sts,sts 800,181 L 139,615 es szt f &Von ,ZLet E W D RESS grasser coximmixismo N. M. BUROEIFIELD'EL h. 71, 11. R. Coma harli sad !Wet 1111 Plaid Silb, Fancy Bilks, Victoria Glace, Paris Mohair, Organdie Lawns. French Lawns, Jaconette Lawns„ Mozambique'. Mantles, Shawls, end eve of the tweitimmeet stook' et an stalls If goods le the atty. nye LTIMEY - x 'ars Cloth Lined and all Paper Collars, Melr. NACRIIII t N.., Moms. 1.7 elb 19 3"2112:a 11111 t. SOLE AGENTS FOX LOOKWOOD'S CELEBRATED Patent Cloth Lined and all Piper Collars. The eefte arm iltemeata on be mama • tel memo meat ot all 12VECtitl i ; Argil lIPEIttIn my "m u t' " t ly vgrxil b rd. Ad ord to promptly atteadad to. apt, JOEL HORNX it 00., DEALERS IA STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Ribbons end Banat balks, Flews? and Trimmindi Embroideries, Lace Goode, Handisershlers, Fans, Goods. Balmoral Miles , and Gents Fur. nishind Good; Bead Gimps and dilemma's; Worded Hosiery and Glom, Hoop eladdi rhs. S Sled asectelaml et and Small Wsree, ate now meiviag thaw .11Th" SPRIJIG aoops a shish will be found stausually_n_thinetly; Raying beemp_urebued at howilioxao mans we ean oder sputum INDUO=.=I.O T . O BUYR& Ous Deiroaueltmeo . rat will at all those be found well 'moiled We solicit a mall hum rerehante, Nitre, and the Patine, twines made:a that we ears suit JOB HOitEr & and w -Iwo= Ermassr. T HAVE w i th ARRIVED FROM THE A EAST with • earentUteeircted assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE COORS, *most which Will be found a toe line of Hosiery in cotton and Mae. (}lopes, Ribbons, Plowers, , Craned, Scar% Collars, and all the new styles, inoliiMny Rubber Collate, to which I particular: y esti the attention of the ladles t Madame DllMOreit'S 'Corsets, new Menp Skirts, Lace and 'Linen liandkerch_ ,leb as kinds of Cuffs, new Swim_ Seth/440 Claps, Berths& Barba and Coiffeurs,' Breakfast, traps, Shetland wl., ThNee,Snew,) Lam Crotchet,Linsn, Cotton, Mead, yalenelenites and Point Applique, Wide Linen Lace for Pillow Cues, Embroideries of all kinds; infant , ' Robes, of all Model new atyle Markets for l Lailles , Ifide , .JOnoln , a Rids, Aliases , Riderinfanta Gimp anti Steel Read' Seto; Mord Sets, adds Cord, Mut and Tassels; Tassels and. Buttons in several new styles; (limps la Jet, Mel Straw -and Chnutal Chenille r frugal, SUb .an Cheystal 'Fringe, Straw Rats arid Tifteminim Rut. tellies In Lice, *pillion. Jet, Silk, Clad Leaf and Pearl,Tanoi Combs. ObrirstAl Drops, Foira..— arde and Polikand *variety of other IroOdit Width i would call the attention of my kind auto. mere and the Ilubllc pner_allf FoUrth street. CART BTEEL ad (Rafe TE ETHE for Su lky , Hay y Also ga and Otaln BaJaa nanofeat sbe eTat *silos Ana tuN ar allegbaitT Optimal/tam DR I" G aeraos. AND TO BE WALD AT * tem" 11 11/421CW BTRErr • /AXIS W. L010.....80011 DONAGir LONG, LANZ it 00., SIGN ARTISTS & ROUSE PAINTERS, No. 60 Smithfield St.. Pittsbarsb. • LETTERING OF ALL KINDS:: executed promptly and with unsurpassed aleganoe. BEAUTIFUL SHOW CARDS on enameled paper of all colors, and GILT SIGNS ON Gums mad* to order and sent to all parts of the country. PICTORIAL DESIGNS executed In a highly at , HOVSE PAINTING done with a regard to dn. 'aty, harmony of color, with a of alum. mg. All work at reasonable rates mhedy sPEriefER PAzE,,fraSild ABD MIBELALES • Lossza PAID IN 46 YEARS $17,000,000. Net Assets, January. 1865 e 8,1377,84313 71. PIRI IRD um :D NAVIGATION RINI Town. in thAgence ies Unilted n al ten A g P d li g B end Itt ttm. he. principal °Wee and E:i3M=l;l :4: st BRO.,Agents, rt FOURTH STREET,' PERPETUAL CFIMITER 1 FM INS OE COMPANY • PHILADELPHIA. Assets on January I. 1864. $2.437.949 90. Capital 0 4111,000 Accrued Premiums ' rum) Invested Premiums• 1,098,109 Unsettled Claims 8,414 Income for 1844 100,0011 • Losses Paid since 1529 Sapp pip Permits' sad Temporary .Policies on Übers Farms: DIRWTOILL ' • [ Merles N. Bancker, Isaac Lee, Tobias Wainer , Edesed O. Dilel Samuel Grant ti • Desna Pales. .T.SSob R. lint - 1 Pr Paler, Ciange W. Ri Ms, Pres. W. Lewis. AL D CHARLES . N AMMER President. EDWARD 0, * DALE, Woe President. PAR. W. hsALLISTER, Hes. pre. tent. 7. . COFFM, Agwat, =ha *omit. Wood and Third streets. FIRE AND MARINI Insurance Co. of North America. • PHILADELPHLL owe, 01.500.000. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Abeseda Slarsame. • STlPtsteetloa em be steered In the above tamed end venable companies. filially Banley 7 ; .=,% trater WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURG R. *MIMI, Sr., Presiders; ' Wit. P. BERFIERT; Secretary. Ocoee, No. ft Water street, Splay & Co.'s Were. h at Veroe sia 'syst li rt b ort* of Pfre eed Barka . A Berge to Mellon outnaget by wh o sok are reel 2 knows to thy ensemenity, mod who ere deto% Naked by promptness and liberality, Is esaktato the okra:tee ch they have al effete Gs kg pretekka to Goss elk deem to be NB. rdi Dar, Jr., Daimons: 1111Jameibleanley de e r Alexa Spear. Natbanlal Liolsoli, David M. Long Alex. Dlinlale. Ikea .7. Monis; Oeo e T e tlarai l l eno; Chas. J. Clark, Cam E. U. W. Ezaketson, Joint B. DlsOuna. wrap WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary (WIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY ,-,OF PITTSEIIEGH.-011ke. earner Market sad Water streets, eseond floor. WDL !BAGALEY. hugLW& WX. AL SEWARD, Seerdary Insures Steamboats and Cargoe . o Insures against lose and damage in the ctely& Usti of the Southern and Western Ri TM, Lakes and Bayous, and the navigation of the Seas. Insures against lam sod damsel, by Us. MEMO= 2 W 122. a. It L. Kier lissauta=7. John Shiptok MA Park, Jr., Dassas ,. l/.. Oooper, W. O. Johnston, S. B. F. Jones,.7. ililit Ron. T. IL Howe. JobA S. Dihr oilty r Barclay Preston, Wm A. Rodgtre. George Eingtifun. &WWI psonacs , INSURANCE COMPANY Once. N. E. corner of Wood and, Filth Sta EIRE AND KLEINE INSURANCE DIMCITORS W. Phillips, Capt. Jona L. Bkoads John Watt, Samuel P. &brine, John Z. Parke, O. Hanson LoNt Charles S. Medi. ()harks Arles& Win. Van Kirk, John P. Milt risk mum D. Verner John (Hyde. WK. PHILLIOPS, Pm/dent. JOHN WATT, Vios Presided. WhL P. CILEDNEIt &encore Inlet, A LLEGHENT INSURANCE COMPA a.e. NT OF PITTEOIVEGIL—OttIee,Ao. Ft Filth street, Beak Block. auks.lnsures against all kinds et Flee and Karim • ISAAC SONIM Presides?. JORN D. 111..00111D, Ekt. Praidad. D. M. BOOM, SemGary. ILIZOTOIII J o ohn D. MaOat, I . ..S.daza Jacobs. R. Sit. 411 th *. McGrew, . Robert H. Darla. Imre Jai am, U. C.. Him !Weer Oapt. R. 0. Grey, John Irwin, Jr., B. L. Falust.oek PLUMBERS 8 048 FITTERS. BAILEY, FARRELL & Co., No. 129 PCITSTE STREET, PriTSBURG/1. Pe., PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, Gas Fitters sad te as t Heaters. Dwellings gi ft ed with h e be Gas In the best ease and style, o disp n Owatch. n, notice. OU Refineries fitted with TANKS, TUBS * OR CISTERNS aed with Sheet. Lead. seam buret la. efirOulers respectfully solleited. pLumsnici; tits and Steam Fitting, In all En branches, carefully attended to. 13, edDo tienretkp_raetleal worknion. A dna auortineat Of •! GAS IMTURES, • " M ATH SHOWee RATES. WATER. YDRAM °I46 ed. OenatanUi on hand and node to order. TAT/3 & SEVILLE, .N FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny; ahltsawair 127LIBEWIT BTHESTipittairiugli PJI.r 'ERB. /LLLIA B. BROWN, mai. ask: firmer isolniiiitozaiiiia ZOUBU AND suns iiearma uttt Eut darned of TUN( and Iduket Phantx Means l3rewery , rirronvon, ea. ~ I TTSBBRGII FOiJJNDRT GARIagoN & CO. (Soeseesors to Bedlam. Garrison, FOURDEEB AND MAGBINIgn Manufacturers of OMNI Rollers of all sizes, tbr Bar Iron, Steel, - Brass, Zits, popper, Silver, Gold, Straw Boards, Paw arra Indi a Rubber Works also. Rolftg Mill Oasting• of all deseriptioas, rgrus, Patent Double Grimler, with a earls. ty of other pottonati always on hand and tithed to order on short notice and favorable terms. Office and Warehouse, 119 Shdtkdeld street, Pittsburgh. reedy pETROLIA MACHINE WORKS. R. ZaZ1C7313.12", No. 32 Ohio Street, Allegheny, MANUFACTURER OF OH. TOOLS, ♦ID £LL mu Firms treat. IS Striking Oil and gait Weir. Particular attention Is invited to his late Ins , provemente in JARS 'and JOINTS, which am of. fered aa the best in the worl They Xi* all made of the purest Sligo and Law M oor Men, hssunettd expresaly for these tools. These tools are made to EisAISLEBI) SIZES, to that the Firm and Sockets of any one will agree with and et those of any other lot of his manufacture, besting the same number. STEAM. ENGINES and Machine Work made to order. Post -office box 17. SANSONE POST IRONS, ace. NO trouble to show our work. spit:turd _ _ BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH, P. i s ARH, BROTHER & CO. 112Laufacturers of BEST QUALITY FEETNED OAST STEEL, Se r,llat tact °dog e a Mires. Warreat edoqtter ue /to any imported or mar-qattured to tbl eountry. aro- Office and irarebonae; Noa. 149 and 151 Final sad ID3 and 111 SZOOND rrarrra.Plttaburgh. fell-yd PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 11!IRTILIIIDGES PATENT Oral Lamp asimineys, suunnEscrrusao oe XX FLINT GLASS These Chimneys me Intenden for the hat dame, nearing ail parts of , the glass equally, does not en. pose It to cracking. E. D. DI RIDGE, Fort Pitt Oliss Wor ks , _ Washington street, Pittsburgh, Penn's w. s. mAcTrarroon...r. lII7fIHLL , w . 7. Kum IRON CITY WORICI:k: sucsurrosn, flI PIIgLL & co. FOUNDERS AND sti-ounnsrre Ooraer,nlllB7. end 071&11.6, and • PIKE sad WALNUT STREETS, " (Aa? City Water Works,) klitnatarterars of stational,. and other ENGINE% ROLLING MILL OASTINGIS and BLAOHINS. KY, of all kinds, ayeneraljobbera. WILL XALORIN Y Prompt at ntion wen to repalalng Bourzto ROBERTS, BARNES at CO., • - No. INV Third Street, Pittsburgh. - TIN AND SHEBT IRON WORKERS, • and Illans of • JAPANNED TIN WARE. We ng have now manufacturing and have on hand Bathi Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Ware in Setts, Water Cooler", Grocers' Tea and Spice Clan, Liters, Cash and Spice Boxes, Turnbler Drainers- Spittoons, U., he. A large lot of Bird Oaten for We low. ell Cans of all sizes and patterns. Tin Roofing, Conductors, and all. kinds of Jobbing Work done to ender • aind SILVER PLATED WARS • .a.crro.irt - sr Watt" Castors, be.. Lo. suitable for the Trade oa hand and for sale by l VILER & MOM 225 South. sth et., PHILADELPHIA. saltsta JOIIN a, 1111X30a XLMIOA. 07i7117 JOHN B. HERRON it C0.,,1 Stove IlltakamouLtaiotuseTar; AND IRON FOUNDERS, Office and Sales Boom, felB No. t 79 LIBERTY STREETI PENN MACHINE WORKS Arm MTh-DRY. 11. WIOHTNAIL ENGINE BUILDER AND DIACIELNIST.. Laroc= nun, between Potent and SarninaL ALLSOIIEZT thew, Po. . Manufaettirer of W I(1R T AI ANDS PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING STEM& I EN GINES, Sballing, Pulleys, An. [ Repairing of ahl kiwis attended to le 7 1y . _ _ • JBCIIOOIOI4IIOER, • • 7 LLlVracterhus on Mite Leal. Zed Leal. Btu Lead. WWI" Ilas Pax% POW, ae. and /Wales L/NSEED VASNUEL, JAPANS, PAINTERS , NATERIAL, ha. OM* and Warehouse, No. AI Wood stmt. aldanyd SSEVERANCE, la 58 . Water. Pt ataaufaaturar of BOWER itllf STS, WBOU slaws, common sad named of=thurmcmiam dived spa= and smug large or smail, loads to order atonal notice A good lasattamai aamstaattr Da kaad. Emma D W. BraotETT, makuractu.rers N 174 IiInIaDWAICIST n iaEV SWA ti Wood aw and Markalitreets. II P bet ittabsuit. hi% a OIL COMP.LNIES, THE NATIOIiAL REIIIIING AND STORING COMPANY' Is now fully ormutlzed, and has commenerd bud. nen at their temporary oClac No. 111 IRWIN STREET (up Mom) Pittsburgh, Pro,_ and srenow prepared WO, a general business in BuynA H ,r , lag, Storing and Torwardi e be Works are on the banks Of She All en rev, above the city , and wilartrhott tint capable of ILA. MIMED ARRELS OF REFINED OILA. W which will beef the best quality artn prime ao ages , It Is the design of this Company to make a drat-clue brand for export, and se pains will be spared to give It that eMosetm. They will also give the forward. hag 0(011 to paints east or wan, partbrular attar.. tirm, and in this branch of the humans will harm unfivallertihtcuitaies, as the 011 will _betalum teem' • the boats tothenars by machinery_ and thus avoid all whedOme,, drayage or delay. Patties consign. lug their 011 to us- can rely os haying it sent through with promptitude and dispatch. The Company has a Capital of MOM% with the following Wheels: . President—A. M. MARSHALL. Searetary-4.1. BERINGER. Treararer—j. R. hIoOIINE. Directors—A. M, Morahan, J. P. Hanna. James Old. J. T. Kincaid, Arthur Kirk, J Little, S. H. Helier, David Kirk and Wm. Hamilton.. artitendent and liminess Manager—DAVlD COrrelpiltidenoe and orders so li cited , and an MOP munleatlons to be addressed to • National Storing aad itell4thg Company. " PITTSBURGH, PA. oREIGN FRUIT , NUTS, &C. 24 mats Seedless RalMns; 100 boxes M. E. Balalos; 20 kegs Plums; 25 boxes Prunes S cases "Bor. Fig•—fanay; 200 drums lags, too boxes Layer Raids:Sl a bake Bordeaux Almonds; 20 I,:ligs Sicily and Isloa Almonds; do 10 do Brasll natio 10 boxes Shelled Almonds; 2000 Onooa Nuts: Imes Pea Nut.; 10 store and landing, and foi sale by Noe. oRIEWo BOS., Wee STEEL & BAILEY, STOOK BW:Hi, WILKINS HALL. hutionter attention paid to the Ingraham and Nike' 'Web: RATES OF COMMISSION: 1 OM Sto ols With/ at,* and wider ' poi cent. , do. On ands p to OA - do. do. do. Oa do. lap, 12)do p apt' ohms do. do. 41150 and over, or Ipr cent SAWYER'S BARIIEIIir BO&P . 3.—The luury of • od shave, and the pleasure of the toilet are grea 7 enhauelei by using • supmior article of Soap. ~S k ...HiS /mimosa". SHAVIIIG-AND TOILLT COMPOUND. I am frank toneless, make s the nicest lather for akar tug, and ls the .fLnest. for toilet purposes, that 1 hare for 1 ears lead the pleasure of using' to my business. ' • NATIIaNIEL ALLMT, , of the NonongaheLs Rouse Shaving Saloon. • aplevf " SEED P OTLLTOEB.—The-Cuzdo. Pots toes, the best of several hundred trarsettee. ?aimed from the seed-ball by Mr. Goodrich and ,well.adeyted tolthe oututtryt matures perfectly, mhite able and flesh; geed, qoudity and the most prolific potato In we. p ee from rot. For alibi by ap2ll , - L. IL YOIGY QO. P <7oo Dinh GialLfornts Bids; Receire7.lll,tll`.?°"" - • srl - co rrrz,..... m its k k e - tA it a nt - • 0 _ _ rf int 04,4_ cv-rm aßaccru a LO';„„,".nny side, kirnet Ott . e,llote Bud litettat„ dm cut toptcpiewal6eiloi3 rat 20 GOB.-13 barrels i r resh ,- Eggs received ibta day sad far sale by. apt( a. H. JAVA I hail it amps& BIZZEM Comxrtission Merchant. 889 X.a X 3338.1 FL 'Jr IN Tee AND PURCHASING AGENT.' PITTSBURGH. P. Dealer le How, Grath, Seeds, Butter, Chem, Mand all Faroe Proem:ie. Best breads Fara. u/tariakranted) always *a kaad. Also, W ill' opi ' atteatlea given to coed/mu:teats and emeepoadeaee. Weekly Prtoa Outsets soot to Coselenore. Orders and COnatenapat. icajittot. JOILI E. RM.YrTiON B. F. QUIMBY it Co.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ILL w SOLITH wane Give (pedal littoral= to pturbastag flour, Grain, Priivitionh B. P.QUM F Y Eatr serotet. a ORO. T. BROWN CARD. W. D. PATTERSON, ADAK AWMON, • JAMS JOHNSON. JOHN SUIMELEOf. PATTEIISON, AMNON & CO., cosnonission Merchants, „Flour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Nos. ISO and liS2 PENN STREET. Scott , ' New Building', oProidte O. A. P. R. R. Depot. W. W. HiRILOA .JAII. A. =mos, a lIERRON & CO., Comes of Penn nut' Wayne eta (Wate.aex's Birtanaro,) PITTSBURGH, PA. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purchase of GRAIN of all Muds. Mao, wholesale dealers in BALED HAY. Watery with!will find it to their advantage to correspond our House; es we have greater facilities for Storage, and putting good. into is and markets than most of the de.lers to Wm el TM best of city relerenees given When req Jaattamd M 9 I3ANE - 4t ANJER, Commission Merchants, Flour, Grain and Produce, WI SECOND ST., between Wood d. Sodtheeii, 1147 PrITSBURGEL MOIL POTTIIII.4BaO. sicarasta. POTTER, AIKEN & SHEPARD. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AHD DILLIIIII I . Foreign sad nomadle Fruits Flour Butter, Meese, BEM Putut:643,4 • sag prodnoe generally. No. ore LIBERTY STREETS foie °melte Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh. 11. EL JACK, Gtr MIL 01 0 111 Wt. Nos. 1 and 2 Dit PITTIB WILKINS LENNART, (Sucmaggos TokidOKEOWN k I T) w.raeocrze. ei7 IarXILAJIMT. Produce and Coaugastion lierel mug, felay No. 351 Liberty E., PUtaburgt. R. C. DOOpTTLZ DOOLITTLE & PECK, General Commission Merchants, Rot GO and 10, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. for the .ale of Flour, Grain, Cheese, Butter, Dried Frults_, Provision* and Produce of all Ir Eg e An orders for. Carbon Oil tilled at the lowest mar. ket pricey. - SW' Odusiteolulmts solicited. 0. 0: BAZSILIT" IMMIX TAX 0011:012. pALSLEY & VAR CORDER, Produce .a.• and Commission Merchants, Warehouse, No. NI Liberty st., Pittsburgh. Pa. Wholesale deal. ers to Butter, Cheese, Lard Eggs, Port, Bacon, Beans, Tallow, Feathers, Bro oms, Potatoes, Hoes. iny, Dried Fruits, Green Fndts, Onions, Flour, Grain, ()bets Seeds, Timoth Seeds, Flax Seeds; Game and Poultry. P attention given to Produce CoUsignments. • • LITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Whole sale Grocers and Comb:dad= Nerchanta,deal. en in PRODUCE, PLOUR,II4PON,_OIIXME, FInE, CARBON AND T. RD On., IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitta burgh manufactures generally, US sad 111 Second street Pittsburgh. •. JOHN B. CANFIELD, Com:mission and Forms:di= Merchant and wheleude dealer la WESTERN R 3Mr LARD, PORK ER BACOVE, CHEESE, RUTTER, , N, FLO PTAH, POT AND PEARL ABMS sALER. UR, Anrs, L.IN SEED AND LARD OILS,. DRIED. FRUIT, and tab IrenallYr NM 1 acid 1 . 41 Front street, turg W COL! PULP & SHEPA.RDA_COMMIEBIOII chants and dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUOE, No. 147 Liberty street, PI . Choke brands or Flour for Bakers and (f use constantly on band. Particular attention paid to Ailing otters for Illerabandjse iproarally, . 0ct6417 VETZER tt . ARMSTRONG, Form, and Co R A IN Rliereturice. for the . sale FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON, LARD,. MT= SEEDS, DRIED FRUIT. and Produce_ gene= No. l a. ONA:kat street, corner . of First, PRtab Penn fe2ady wY r. amt W TEO& TWEIL.,.. N. P. - BECK & CO., No. 183 Llll iberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, Wholesale Conn:Mallon Merchants, and dealer' In CO E UVrit. PRDUCE, PROVLSI%3AOON, LARD; BUTTER 08 10 PRO- D:OM ri.qp% daeirks % RE= AND DmiX FSIII2B , &e. Bahr and .T.TACR . fumes a. 'nun °nouns xarzout. HEAD & METZG.&R, Grocers and Coin -n-5- mluloa Merchants, and dealers la all kinds of Country Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. ate Liberty etreet, opposite bead of Wood street, Pittsburgh. aps.ly P. lIXTYYJI. J. • lIETZDU....I9Y. D. spirman. REYBLER "& BROTHERS, (successors to Reymer as Anderson , Wholesale Dealers In FOREIGN FRUITS. NUTS and SPICES 00N. mirrioNEßy, sutteßs, ruts W0R163, Nos. 1211 and 198 Wood Etta*, abase Fifth, PRIA- M:ugh. i 31947 DCommiselon Merv-tuna, D . and Wholesale Dealer In FLOUR &GRAIN, No. eas Liberty street, _op 2.44% R. R. Passenger Depot, .Pit h, Pa. Storeys Warehouse, corner Wayne and street& 001747 J. 5. LIOONNI` JOHN LINDNAT I S. LIGGETT & CO. ClT Y }ab FLOUR . INlAulgt.si,..o•ritee and Adam r 9, . W. SCINOWAWICII WW,P. LAWS QCIIOMAKER & LANG„ Commission a-r Merchants and Wholesale dealers in GROOS. RIES, LOU, GRAIN, Famous, hoa r No. Zit Liberty street, Pittaburga. &Madly JOHN WATT ' JOHN W1L2014 IivATT & WILSON , Wholesale Gm- T nen, Oenimission Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh manufacture; , Na. isa Ltbertyatreet. Pittsburgh. • jun Wit. 111111:PATILIOZ.... JOG. ILIWATIII3X. KIRKPATRICK & BROTILK_R, sac reason to Brown is Kirkpatrick, wiiOLE BALE GROCERS, Nos. 191 and 1113 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. _TAISES DALZELL & SON, MannW.- ," tams of LARD OTL„ and Commission Mer. chants for the purchase and sale of CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, Nos. 0 and 70 Water street, P l ooarats. ' Advances reads 00 0011.140. bents. C HEESE W REHOUSE.—.4IENRY H. COLINS, Forwardlar and Coratedseten Met, shoat led dealer in tiIi.P.PE„ RUTTER, LAKE- F/SH, lad Produce generall7,llo. Ita Wood street, utast Water, Pittsburgh. myl Mut F. 110011. • =WARD 11001111. JOHN L HOUSE a _c__O. Wholesale 0800 ER S AND 00 ntheiSSION Ks= CHANTS, earner • Smithfield mid Water street, Pittabarsa. - ______ *MLR VALIXLI4 A. P. DAME& OntRT DALZELL it CO, Whole sale Groats; Oomedsslon and Forwarder Merchants, and dealers In Produce and PUtsbura raaintrartures, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. _ , .1110. YLOTD WILLIAM PLOT° 0111( FLOYD & CO.. Wholesale Gro w,l et:find Oommtalon Merchants, Nos. 172 Wood and ZS Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. • , - iNg • (111ARL - E8 L. CALDWELL to James Holmes & Co., PORE PACKER and dealer In PROVISIONS, comer of Market; and root streets, Pittsburgh. DAXLILL seersVOIGT & CO. nmo a m A to O Orsd mippot AND cozn - Ism :131Rm ,,„„ 2 putsburo. NXNUT LARDtKT..inRR 1. .A. C WALLACXT AIIBERT, 6IIIpTON _ Whole sale Grocers and PTOONOO Dealers, No. 'Sixth street, Pittsburgh. ; ISAIAII DICKEY , • CO:, Wholesale Groc‘Comniledon Merchants, and desleas In PROWL) No. SO Water street and 16 Float street, Pitta nigh. . WHOLESALE tR Lf& -- itn , LYI pituburet. I • YID N. EDGERTON Wlk , chubs s neet,ciitaluka• i Woad " - Fon sAtut. 16 Dbl. Extra Labrador Herring. eerifine; 6 bbis Extra No.l Large Shore Mae reel; ID hall Gbh Large NO. a blankere/; te quarter bbis No dui 1000 pound, Codfish; At low prices by HALSLEIrdr ;. TAIf ORDER, aat Liberty street. •••-, AT itEDuczn PRII7}3.—A large stock of the beet quatlty cod warrantee to give settalsotton o AIN whet se et. matt street • tad epee • - 7 1 It R. e/U.Wein. • CHICAGO. AND DiALLII/3 IN moud. BOH. PA. CU= . . * CRUDE AND REFINED ona , A Perrylttoeltgarquentuo Way. 12112bAn AO-Special ETR Um Oren to Ma 8 EIRIPNEENT. OH OLEUN and itoprodusts. OonstSrorto respectfully solicited. Pit Ago ON tor VENANCIO WE AMR S L I THAN OF comreacr. I 46,- POST OFFICIE BOX. OA add. 1 tfi Wx. Houma JANat bins r. JAMES /RITINA CO- m . ausuracisvms ow . • p 4 - , Oil of Vitriol and Avis Anunotha. OFFICE No; . 33 ikuauc E rz at, PTITSSTIEGH. PAL LUCENT ca, oxaa DMICAAL - pIiTELAP 4 CO, • 1 14111177.10171=1 *IP Pure 'Wldte flefineil Cubes Otii. SOLLUIERTIC BTBIEBT. Wt 31, MITERAY v :Commission. MerOhants, r th ria ,.. OBI? LAND iIEFLRED India airpara facilities tor doting oil ao sower Warehouse awl ethos DIIChWESPOS WAY. saw V , llaadotrosf, Pittsburgh. sound WILL rAN ORIOX OIL WINERY. TITZ L A TELT'. g (SisaFtior . s to Sand d• Patersos4 " On Redners.and dealers In Petroleum, Bentana, Lubrksting and Pant Ong. Orbs. - • , Zio. ser Tama ftstaak . woos rutsbumb.ra. OIL STOOKS .—Tbe undersigned- wilt ulefoitre tmotkour attention to the putottoos Stocks of Al; ItELfatilLE Compacts' if turttobaystO madman* to eat: WELL STEAM RD(1111111/3 -4611 k •-• PiwPated thrash so • STEAM itscrincs, • • pcz, on tuA 5=4,, ;: t 1 walla sad owe pub shed Exam oa hands. • and Ravigg oihook ."ll."" ' Win b• wmethstwashiit with & at haat the uaT wanki n thAintillow tor Rai& ;...• 187 " 620 . =owl blethanlo Ltairon W- "" Pittthothth STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVICIia totteluar et qtrEENßrowzr, &it Mutat. The well.iroown 114eamervet MB. yezpeol, New uric and Ildiadelphialßelandrip Company (Dusan Una.) earrylmr tle V. MIN are intended to sail as fogbwa , CITY OF LONDON Satuday, Kal _ CITY OF MANORINTEB—Satnrday, May M. CITY OF BOSTON' Batarday, lasi E._ And evellieneseediror Batneloy, at noon,lkdia !rm. *Am OW PAsIAINA Payable In gold,' or its ccoouullvsleatl n RIMS pr. . f rim Cabin..... W to London... 06 uto EordZi... Ale to.Rarim .. . 00 to ea MI , • to Hamburg.. In as ufb Harebt= ruminator forwardal to ram's. Rotterdam, Antwerp, &a., at equally law rater. Fares et Liverpool orp,asenatowrlZ . Thole who to 1 -.1,3 11Mr 1 76 buy Dakota bine at QOM . ,For bother Italotnettlon wady at Oil B.emper CUNARD LIN /L-84safroadi LIVERPOOL AND QUID - IDI pole telVot;llaatelysisst, laeafs.y. /SOX NEW max, PIER =mgr. Sax mu week. Appiy to cracausia rsoatss EirriOAN — , am& sas.inagy • 1411.11 "" aalamill i I magma WIIIG,P 7 OOLI3LAU4,IIM.UM iA Real 'Estate Agenta, and dosing to: Oil.. Arta atva. ratan I. 1 'eariarylvnals. Oblto sad Vint:dim I .Ofee No.= (td .cm' LIBEETT 8 tEirlas , : • pirrsrametth:rai ,- SIIBURB,&N RESIDENCE FOR RENT: the7i42=l7Traind' pleauntly :girt ° Ertl! parlor, dining room, ottani, ATO OtAUSILSA A ° dek kabl6. and carnage neon; welt otwatler. two cisterns, grape arbor, fruit trees. shrub A bag, etc., Pee forest shade irreg. a Ana view of tin 1 estd6 Elver and surrounding oonntly.4 S. CUTHBERT R SONS, _mpg . . , Cl Market strost. RAWYER'S BARBERS' SOAP&L—I have beset wing - ,SANTER'S ;BASSES" 1 SOAP far over Ere rears. and cui -- hesitation that it is superior to aol Mar that , have ever need for Toilet and Shaving samosa; JOHN JLIDATLIN sr, ;4 4 1 4 40 ". i f, cf. YYP o al.oig4*,•. .• • • Olis 3e. r 6AiiiiioisCiaCaoltFANY nowenoromumidm=uummailamou Carbon 031.1aulas andLnbriestiagoiil. ROBES OPPOSITE SRAEPSBITEO.' OMee k II LIND and, ?MIMI, h` W. D. CUSHMAN, Sup% Jaisuu, REWER, BURKE & CO., OtabaUßsnolf XERolllllfTirt aszirrs Os Pas Globe. Pacts and Liberty Oiti Lama coal ottrameo lads Oa 000llsoaaataoti Refined or Crude Petrokume. Car, DVQIC32tE IfArend Haxcoe-ir hay 1e2047 p l rrsatnier4PA- - (OEN K. WALLACE. WEILLAX OWIVECIS WALLACE PURTIEIB, OOMMISs'O r irsaczwirs, •3D DRUMM a CRUDE AND RIMMED PETBOLIDN7 BENZENE AND LZIDESOATING 037.8. No. 171 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPEU, , s wits. • capacity (under cover,) for 15,000 Darrel.. Also excellent facilities for alkliminir tp American and Scratch poets, at one wharfon the 4 . Schuylkill Illver, near the platfortn of the P.B 73... ? •M—, ICHARDSON, RI IiLEY•& CO,, Commission and Perwirdlng .ffienhantil cßumr, AzirVaxnEurnPZaoravx. N no IRWIN STREET. prrrsistaroa. al - Liberal cub advances en sonsigungsson foe Pittsburgh or Eastern Markets. PITTSIIOIIIIII faXIMV/2101111. Bream 3. B. Dilworth t. Co., Springs, flarba, Thompson 8011, Big, Prost. ComMonsthl Batt, nthia-dm STANDARD rmlomm REFINERY. CLAIM & MUER. Weeks end once, COLLINS TOWNS/3M • • Moe In Pittsburgh, 114 WO ODIIITNIUM Thees works hare . the Lutes' . *Mown/ to the matey. The brand stands the h igh est to OW country and In Europe; for quallty.and Ilw .. y!_ts • and the oil Is put La Wall seasoned tweet% espy its for export. Nennissraters of BOVLIINS,.• STILLS. TANTA sod IMPROVED BOHM} TOOLS for OIL Welk. • deleny • B' 1 T ) pliD WAIIF I HOUSE OF , Wirehouslng Compagy, ' Foot of IO ik HANRISON SW. Brookirio, ?;1 wrozsai olr 4 BEEZHED MILOWOM la Tanks agml Barrel'. See . Minima F . Mee, 2fe. •eiS BEAT,* STRUT, 2few7oses. . NO./ 19t. aaaass iIL . Plaworrsoy FORWARDING AND comtassioir MERCIUSIT, AND DOUR IN ons. - nmtinowerir_,ol LUORIOILIIMG;OROD11 PETROLEUM OMR, aa., constantly on hand sod 4 for sale at the lowest znarket prime— _ gy m ments arld orders sottstted. Warm r; Mg=n away A. ant IV - Ailfbfa & ICING, (f 1 OpATIIISSJON MERCHANTS, UM BROM= IX , AL 4,. PEI:ROLM/I AND ITS PRODUCTS, Ana dealers in Relining Eiskiday. 0c2147 No. n MARKET ST. Pittsburgh. ),v ii JAME W/LKINS, 211013111. MEP SWUM It waoauxas upt rovirru-tsrazer - sarippLwa. - j=4,lEa=ni=to so. 1011, 1 3 1 7DttrA ' nut