The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 09, 1865, Image 2
tht frpuatum „nr 111ZETi);- EDUCATION IN THE BOOTH. I \ In the Slave States there has never been arty gelairaliptetri of othiddloit. Udder this 3 1 ,avecodes the instruction of slaves, even in the r est rudiments of learning, was a penal offence; Wilk for the edricatieZ Pr l :the peer whites no provldorrwas made by ',, ~ those who =trailed the legislation of those !Sigel. The consequence was, that the en-. ~. lire PiTtliatkw ),l.rtdf white and-idackr3Mir IT, generationßif& geneiation, In abject -.- and ever -deepening ignoraice. Only the ,_ .. minuet,* duo was highly educated: 3'lde did so#';',:hy any means etaheacti . '4.ll the ,-• slansholders;:for irony. Whit ashiriaitii ' one to *Ufa derett of their fellow beffigelo . "Pi'44#ll_ ~'l.llAo49....dAsiYels ' 1 Ilmarrfari *try Zttle. imadvanceof.thelle taffy. held klibit re:stint. - - The ifilirifeeltiwilrki as objapiia io;4liii.: iiiAct,:it wtiii a tientlaßiteir =tufty -in thiltpitsitiedaft ariskagie4o:lreap s the ;Orme= laiolde la!' slate oe ignorance . and .mental .tindrnoral degradation, as it was to shut up every are nee of bghtfrom that:n=Bot their negroes, In order to Molokai* their waiting% as. atm holden. This condition of things was in. separable from that form of society. - , ant itiatiodl'srrer'now.' ..Slavery 'lran; its foundation; and that being abolished, the whole superstruction falls with it. So ~ far the work has berm - one .0): demolition - only. The war' of the rebellion pulled down the old soclal system; now the work for statesmen, pldlanthrefrista;' and Chris tiana is to build up another, founded, not upon slavery, nor upon caste, but upon the (ordinal truth that ,all men are created equal equal,tiosiesithig ual rights - to lifeelber=. ty igd the pursuit of happiness—standing ape nthe same platform before the law—in the eajoynrerit' af 'equal - privilege's la. the; common school, in the ehurch, - and at the, To reconstruct a now 'social *brie in the desolated and upturpoiregion pfwhich we are speaking is a work of great difficulty, and one involving vastly more labor than the politiesl reconstruction, which is occu pying so large a share of the attention of ' our statesmen. `. The brititutkoit of freedom are of littleAtesiefit to a Peoliltivrlio - are tat, ignorant to use _them discreetly or wisely. 'ads fact we have had !idly- exemplled in atexicostud most of the South American re- Feb 11044314 th e.flmeatiardityffnd disorder . whichltaieforacterised their history w illl marki;Ahe , .• history' of - rheas- , -disen thraargAtares; *igees.4le Weikel and Intel iecellal4l/#I4F tl. a P o:fte sP. 6 4 l #DB F!Tu tzatkis keep p ac e , :viltb.. their.- piliticaVad. Tedta rfil*?--T r idiiifiii . i hiadatfort' it ..flielf ttal tii . ,rnalTersal ' freedom; ° The soldier pulleallirivn the old fabric life, the achod r;' - thlilwiitter; and _the minister ' . of the Goirol mast bead up'a new one. There do - not exist la the South tiii+ele manta necessary tojids, great work .. .The free Worth roust - supply the greater portion. Papecially is tilbi true of the erearlanfleded j to W elevate the aited ,polidaticrit. The- Freellearails Aid Aswanatiort,,wliffrhis,about to bed re rriarajaad sea great nationa l Ilia*: tutio i t ia*ittiikoriigi felt** qd t i ; and the et* P tits V tBl334i Ybe.exlefl Wiknw frouili'tilene:rOus ethers. -.- But: lit notihe clablirtiff:lfte,pcier-droixi-tredden;whites be' Ignore& 'They-are fait rounerents' -awq the . blacks, andahnestwa heipless..-Lests apt to Jearn;: _ mid-141,funhi4dus- .tc+CrfiCt l 2lll - the' ne ffNer...l l l.7 m!ilifore the slaves of chronic , Prejudices, and`an easier prey te thewile's. ' of corrupt pdultakiic• - itot 'lei tfiiittlaie Sehc "and books and paper's, lurd /et eiem • be oonuiliiiieli With the more .intelligent, classes who will migrate from the North, 5nd45t....000e =ovation will commence at_ oneeondo:tgresstentilly and rapidly:,2,r6 mattirrienileir i ii eronfunitt*ki - be WA 'actually and morally, only ..give, Ow= an onward and upward icapehre and they are efffe47, - ..'..2::.: ::_ : • i• . ' itErfilfEP soirgEits.- Remarking upon the in Europe that the - AmMiesnaltiim 'become a nation bf tioldierd , aed that the bUlk of the men who have been in the 'War can' :berme ter:do nothing Mit New York 7 All this silly sort.of conjecture and appre hension,fias its 'Origin - in falial'ilialogies. ..oar so • -laiirs..--the balk .of thent,not, only am do tither than fighting,. but they = greatly prefer to do other work; .'raniry have ~i a certeonty, morefter, that vitt be had; thatlabor cannot possibly be a , dreg; that, on Ow 'contrary, It la abundant:thepr(niff 'want of esuntryLand that it meets an re ward. floS men who hare 'been fighting . end WiunhigThenational battle; in the field are, in nine cases out of ten., intelligent;- thoughtfacilizeni, with as'keinza sense of inddual responsibility as dm other por tion of 'our eltlzerui: Itwir Thould trnfortti: , =lair be:- forced upon the- country again, they„would fight AS readily as they hare - . - dontOkeratifiluf.' - But' itntif- the I peessrfty for war arises; it is certain Matt none will allow themselves better fitted than 'bet Nol.. filers to dcf,their„part ap peaceabloiludastri *es add' useful - citizens 'of r. the ' coeuntze. wealth. 'ln thia•zespeetftheymill show that aura is no more Anil° JP koklor° l 3 and habits f this oiler sod ,iWian' e r, - - liorAcerkyolitntecri num there is bet* ute situeuefttiatilbsi pro:- grew of thertitteconthumhuf fixT fn We COitUatr AIM 4,04 SlM.:lln4A9t _, . . thicsacitsAh? ch ug', wo,Jstt. in .A4gr.•,,Ox prefeliitlstr cezishiti-iiiaCetiiiseireiticit thus Irte* , : lovi. f ,-, WI #l:t. not quite so ilUre .A ba A 1 4 44111 . - !+tg rt aintYi i : Un!clill she ,iitterAiii VrallF 0311iWiarle' im 4sa "iniiiicia•uriw;are ; runit '3, o. um 0,, , i1 ... t . rup,,, Work enough for ail old .." 4oßtiiiza;JhaidgiailviiidA lea: liestialstrutoreri -forAlet salitsA.but.l44,.: that work be 13 ada,to Plikbigdeieg ff(4. idilitaii - ScitTand "suseemettz i tast pia of wages sad geniral Mel', tik the fieeiiitoi- Oita compeifirda t "it le tit - i,, , ji it will beigiv*l# gIIVIIT;Ot i i, W , Ural - not be, doosoul tha..*aaiddi ,a'oldiet,*l/4*a¢' Ull2olflrlautetWoinrgik"rhis ii the` grikt tilietukt4 "width Ptesulfor imm edia te; scfaittoi.• -. Let us not, by. a abort-sighted poiicY; impel our volunters to remain 'sol titers , - - saieDEßs AND TUCKER, Lehi stated that there two wortidea, who, laa bantering publication, asked fora trials thecharge of complicity lathe assassin ation of the President, at Roruse's Point, a little vlllego in Vermont,' about two hours' ride from Montreal, provided the' govern ment Would give Orem a safe conduct and parry the emPentes of the delouse, have, left nttisre.*Kche; •Fol l obiA . to zorpe. They' ha aff.aanicaltegiAt .o, Imolai 'Rutty K o4 34.eahiwice that thk Wes: itilittatiktMod.ground4c,ike: charge, acid for easing a reward ei423 n ooolli scat of each of • UMW Ift#feyWO teach'. itinte.thin Great ME. Cut they are a far rlik **'9 l W:tem eats hisreare an natrafE4RRIRRIY. _ - "Az .Detrole6;Pros 'Vasle "-' 4laut? so r od9,:verlr Inort l olt that Eee ditird tifbrant:, het. hifbrerts got theseiii: IThe! Attu re of the comfdaattons of Chia. Meat la eo manifest that the , most love.' litin«d in,tallleo7 mattemtatiPereetye Is7o9o?l2onnos•Grant a humhiti amine Ito netotto.olutire cllte.oplaloll Ot4lia" Qkt ::IL-.,.._-- ••-+.. tbintrgh The llr tane nUe—DitatU raitil. Ammar P een for a Tear. it ' d editor bf the Derry fferestd, hi Minis ! sippi, has furnished to the press a record of the daily deaths at the rebel prison -Den hi .. endersonville. Ga., from the Ist of March, 4864, to the 10th of March, 1 885, a little over one year. The total number was near ly thirteen thoustuad, or more the n on e , thousand a month. The following is the statement: nwarus,og 171tIOS PRIBINCER&-4U/IMAXY BY UONTREL .• ...._:- In General By In - A. 354. Hoepital. Smallpox. Stockade Total March .'... .. . . 662 . a - ia 35 4.)th , 4*l 34 -.7r , 376 6 Kay..., . . ... . 622 - .10 65 .708 inno,..: ;,;: —1,041 '' 10 150 1,201 1 July ...•.-.:-...1.119 614 1,728 1 Angest:t, .: .. 1,482 ~ - .. .159) .2,991 September ..•.7,255 - , • • 4' 123 • 1678 . October s • • /.204 • 301 1;525 November.... 424 - December ."..., 106 i VW 1865. . danuaty.i. , ..•4 •.191 ' l e ebrnary.....• . 147 ',March . 100 TUESDAY, MAT-g, 1885 kworutJda published in Eaglimd on ,the Erepoy mutiny, piece m sto be the ost cotoplete astiafaction of the Impartial' tea: -der that it with the greakid - cartridge which tireirthomitteofdisitTectiomantt sent forth mtitiarand diridirollon all Over India. The fat of the plgaridlluifatat chit cow:defiled Idattomlnedanazid IfixtdoO - Mut at: once. A Lascei iii the : magazine - at Dtlol' DOM asked a high- Caste, Sepoy : to give him -a Mak of.,water And was refuse whece upon he avenged thecontumely by telling the Brahmin that high.caste and low would riteon be all the same by reason of now car-- gee lobe hained -- to the troops. That rearly in Ituttiary, 1857, and before the .end of the month the tannt'anilmeitace had beeuiPread all over the lines of the &pop regimenta far and wide: At the of Feb ruary the ferment in men's ndsidalutdiptr. dnced actual and risible -working. Lord elltilliZg was at Calcutta, "but itho..afficers rclik whom he ought to hare consulted in reference to the greased cartridges - were away:' .DiRtERAL -LEE'S ADDRESS TO MS: Sot.. DiF3Ol.--Governor - Andrew las received 'front Brevet - Thig. Gen. D. 8. Ruasell.the mearmilpt, of Gem Lee's farewell address to his army, - It is In the handmiting Gen; Lee' s adjutant,. with the signatuns of the'former rebel ccetattandevia•chlef at the bottom. It was given to General /beset!' by an aid of CisperalLee's.-Boston Trait- ; sci4r e understand- thst Governor , wil l l plate the manuscript- in - aomm WA:wk . ca collection, together wilb , an antopaple letter or Ebrtedict;Arnold; In: which:: that "gentian* "'whit went oVer' to Alie'`ene-' mleb of his'coantrylna forinerwm; endear ofredto persuade some of Ids 'cortuttzmen'te become maim= Ilke-Almielf.;-:.21r" PIS: • GLOM J. lookin r .:4:01. dirogronf State s 1•34 good ilea ma Melia: wcoi ibinti irely taoblk4 the buds : fit teek m mbichwre re mutably; healthy ,anq..ftawaa—Bicrafr; , , : • ir a rmAigia the.zaaaala Mina, laidatoad„ Kabia. vane Monday jaoadm •Taa reatotan shadt , ravahlag 000 lanadmil sad rUalaraiataste, ;aad: was carrlad iroultd -o.aasaT dates,-daa dachas:Ora Or r ana - brake& sat& - tamely Waal iiiiraaltn.- Ardaddlavin brim a* killtd. , asd =Mb Pk US IbbbPalt ••AN UV 'Add dt adik de• acdpdan of Smarm, Melia bud% better : 110 - ;thisalls. amat7.N j. s ipprtnig,, Pasabee,.! 6041rUdialaillairib, human .Crop teat Parc da l and irth,Vit„ gi" n , b =WV* ' • inns can be to • .711-4 ' am be no doubt, 'um the New 'tint 77eraldi thas an -immigration *at: act la; new' {hut the war 4 °Vet, wed the country. and to tarmac its old babita of MUMMA and =n-' Alzeady we observe by the Irishpepere riatTe peaseury of that Oolong, ofe.DrePorng Par a great spring exodus. .... • NE6NO fivnosson is now bolstermuly advoca ted by the New York lierald, as the only mew l s of forever humbling the trauma - breeding aris tocracy or. the. South. Thus one support after another is leanng the copperhead leaders of the 111 is reported that when Congressman ifarrio, now-on trial at, Wadlogien, hoard at rho anus alutlort or Trealdead..Llacolo, he titre* up, Ws Banda arid cried : " Th anktio4l. the tueP• ptest day of Isftlfe.'!.; - • • • . - - a mz i244 zduCura th e WWll*** AtizeiNew Mork. tai „MoribiAsoode4o Jaalwiffise, tif, th e' , miter thipOtai Cottl,who recums to Ws to i !kil saiN pe: tiktirst ilmaliktimre ram' ' ' ' Goy Piaui* iin; o A da, brtww,litiniiK:44t., Memo to AC V O ISLar-uVita._.:.ll6 , *la "k"-"milIill0 Atm the . 00011034 bith,... 9 *,* be P ast inuksagt9o46er : the ISM r it& rues or been 4 xedulica to tro deit y g nue &arm, Der' day- .211. - iho -air obdikTh wt r et. the leedeesjot lb° rat* wl 'puked. „ - *tag briknne. Tna GOiegiineat allOirtigolll4llo rktuhdrielloirniraP!.7arintltit4l:lllli' '~.~?+Vr f r t i'.. R✓^i.~' ..~Lu" ~ 1.. ._. ~..a x • ' v -vim. n.v,T_~ _.l.c .~.~.y :k2 A.`t. vl4.::n..>c Mt=M. • total.— 8,06.3 64 4,15 i 18AM Eisived Stockade July 11, 180 s .... .. , . Prieotatts ma y.Antolitied.deaths. Pros. • .toloepttaj. —lPebioezi 1,600 44, day 1,30, 9 fare • 999 • • 1.875 4870 .; Jan ;say . ... ... .13,488 , 22 , .. as dugait . us . September... .. .17,733 89 ..". October. ... 5,835,,,,• 2.245. 5l, Noeetaber ... ......... Stir 16 December:. .... . 9,215 431 5 Janyasy...,.... 4,931 595 ' 7 ...... . 5,195. J. - ,865. • - 5 b* 000 - r 150 4 1-8 ' • . , 724 , Sleben armberol dehis in l asingle Slay, on the.-90d .1864 197 llciaidelast in pip ' itaL Returned to quarte 4s2 tee 4,175' Gen. !Ranters Amnesty Order. • Gen. Halleek has Issued an order to Gen. Ord,ln which, first, he asserts that all per sons whatever in the South - may take the amnesty oath;' and secondly, he adds that "those who are excluded from the benefit of such oath" may make_ Special application for pardon. From this we gather that the Amnesty : oath is to be regarded as prequel Wee with the formal ."dec.aration of intentions" which a foreigner is- requited to make as the fiat step towards becoming a citizen. -The"amnesty oath" is a solemn obligation to defend. and obey the comnitution. end laws of the United States; the acts of Con gress, and the prcklamations of the Presi dent m regard to. alaiery until and so far as the last are pawed upon by the Supreme Court.. . " Those excluded from the benefit of the path'!_are„ we suppose, - all above the rank of .colo nel in the rebel armies and na vy; ' all who had served the United States goverment and afterwards took service in any capacity, civil or military, under the rebellion; And the civil officers of DIMS down to r e certain grade. • It is scarcely probable that General Ml leek would:lssue suchen order without spe cific instructlonifronalr ashiagtozi, became it-lays, down welaict And tolerably distinct. • line of Policy.: , Wa do not yet hear what is the onndititan ; ad interim, of those who tale the oath'butare not entitled to its ben. will "constitute s claim for executive clemenej," saysGeneill Halle* from Whithiewotfid e that exit-Mitre clemency may be refused , if the 'special case. should make it advisable , and Re suppose, in tha; case,- the individual will have to take 'his chance of ganiabment, under the law. That is to say, if Davie, or Hunter, or Benjamin, or Mason, - or Letelter, or Faulk ner, or any other pereonot that eau should ' take the amnesty oath, he Would. not there by secure exemption from trial and punieh ment, . unless the Executive - ahould use the pardoning power in hie special. case. On the - other hand the:- rankand file—the masses of the'sonthern popaladea--are in vited So accept' and take the atonesty ea. and, by implication ,at least , readio - the as. :`surance, that this VIII cover ap ail their tdimices against thigovernment; andrestore • to them the tights OE fl Thin appears -to utto , be tho Meaning of 'enerahUallikli'ziorder..r. Safer - as we can see, itleaves the law to, take its sauna* in regard to.the leaders And originator, of this rebellion, the men-to whom the guilt of the last lour years' lairodshed' , attaches, and lb° hive abown themelves to be desper altninala dangerous to the cOmminsity. , . . . Mis=l ~lUeniJ .Debescosad fit N . Stocks. OA!, . - . creetkar t utteleadetda la not a mcd4l2' • imptuveme t t, but the ability or a great nation to .Provlde.. tor a great drbt, : sad to make it the roost convenient and best form of personal prop erty, is a modem wonder. The debt of Great -WARREN- CO R NTE OIL REGIONS. _Brllidel Wad began by raining a zWilionAstorllstg. by loan to 18XI, and when her. gout mutest lfutiirs Improved Sectaonal Map with Louts XIV. was terminated. the deht had reached Ally millions. Many statesmen and economists were then alarmed at the great bur deniibleh bad beenr Imposed upon. the Industry of the conntry;but when the war of the Austrian Succession bad metaled- this amount to eighty Mactraley says that historians and ora tor* prononnoed theme to be desperate. Rat when war again broke out, and the nationaldebt • was ra ßl d/ 7 , Caaliedlipst4r , one hundred and forty .ml:llattstnen of,tlieory and business , both pro- Coin eed - that the fatal day had Certainty arrived. Davidlinme 'Padilla, Although, By taxing Rs energies to the utmost, the country might pout ' bly.livethrengh-lti the , experiment, mast never be repeated—even a small lemma Light be Granville stays the nation rant' 11/111Can ' der It uti les.itomeiportionTot the load was borne 1714 American Colonial, and the attempt to mpose this load e war of themulti.. ttoand; etcal he diednishing, added another undred- naktus to the. -burden. Agaln,isig Idaciriej, was Ragland: given over, but .she ,Ware Sure presparoita than ever before. 'when at thetiose other.Napoleonte wars InllllB, nt lhts debt:had, been 'Welled up to the enormous "too eireeeight,:lundred "mnilmis steeling; or - four thbUsead three hund r ed million dollars, or one-half the saline propertY of the Uni ted i{lngdom, thestoutat heart, the lirtneat be, lliVer in nattousi and national develop thebent; might W have been appalled. But In my raft of this mountain of obligation—to nothing of her vast colonial petwassions—tho property ot the Brithh nation. has • been mere than trebled, and her debt' now a charge of but 1835 per cent. against It. All that Great 'Britain has done la paying her debt; we shall do, and More;vritA *Ufa, lie have vat territories lintonchod,by the plow, ;aloes of all precious oretala of which we lave hardly .ppened the doors, SpOimlition fell of We, energy, enter prise and industry, arid the accumulated wealth . `of money and labor of the old countries pouring into the lap of our giant and ever to be unitU republic. During the fiercest and moat exhaust. lug of all posaibla Wars, we hare demonstrated 'our national strength--and all the world over, tuttleztal strength Is but another name for na tional credit. "As good as es United latatea Stocks" tr y coon be synonymous the world over with "aa. good as British .amsols." For our part, we think a U. 8. Treasury note, bearing seven and three-tenths annual Consols u Interest. Is the Just as much' Letter than British of est la higher. Some of our timid b rate rethern inter , who shirtitcd their gold to London- and invested - In consols, are now : glad to sell out and Invest at borne at a round loss... -and serves hem right. !g THE r. lIZIOR EXECUTIVE COY. . MITTEE meet et the office at the,wo. Ile FIFTH STREET, Pittsburgh. •OA SATURDAY, May letb, lase, at 11 o'clock A. Y. IL full 0tt0604110. 151.111reirlotailv.N. Afar.. El.a.saus, * Besmear,. ittle r•-::.0011INTTIO3 . COS VIMETION, ems. The loyal. of 'magi:lame wants. emn• _prising' the lEfan party, am requested torem Me at, the places of hohluur eleaUcnia in thole Wards, !Boroughs, Township. and ?redacts respeeteirelY, on SATUED&Y. Jaen I. ter, and sleet 4eimiae. toe neprewntmeseh distrait aisitssald in a Int/Off OtiN V.IIII ZION, to be hell ht ' the Court noose s In". Pitt/Manly *a TIJIMDAT, June Mb, at to teeloek a. w., for ffut P .0t •••tia•nalf • Ma= faker ant i. such othee Madam as may bo propel brought beaus it. . . The elettlon of tee hsziarards.aad oughs shall be by ballot b , etar bout. o Boa. f four and 'IOWA Web.* P. If" and Lll the tween the hears of 'four =dila Welnelc r...w. By order of the thiloaltceentive Counittee, - - . A. M. /MOWN, Otutirmaa. 1 ay.( Di ors.. ...... irswrrrti. - , ANTED. -C MASER --A will Ond steml good workm an on Stink 'am Drop C an dy, y employment at good wage., by 2 61 ,1 1 1 26 la? ingewtd Fon 126 and is WOOD STREET. Tonto BA.IIE PtITSIBIIbIi. THE BOARD Or - DIRECTORS or ofa vas Bank nave - deelarrd a dividend of EIS EE GENT. on theClapital Stock out of Um profits mat lin months; payale, to ende r ld er, •or Weir legal mortmeetativorton sor Lite 1301 fnat..lno of Government Tim. inskind JNO. B. LI VaIbrOSTON, Mania: ReTRRE.—The FURRY FEBNOII --' EAW, . 42110.1 P. 731732110mEM.: Wpl . . Spes his PORTFOLIO OF BLUNDERS at CONCERT HALL aa arliDatat3DAY AND DAT IMSDAY ErEltratos at 84:Velma. TatT IL& ray Pad ; A MEM Npos at o'clock /lay Ittb. nr.A.SO/1111M SAVINGS Burt.. • ortr 4 , BSA hter MEET/NO OP the ettokholdina of this Beak tboBANK /NG HOW % on THURSDAY. tea ethJun ectulair. between the boor. ,o t sad o'c o lo f ck, to o osonsldet the propriety of eaansing the aakl Bank to a National Bank. -- • - By order of lea Board. Jaytetd - • " =OS Cagle& satuaßAPL REBID=cm FOR • LizO.Maaaiintf ibi—Agistriire-butt,a,...4 i.e. parlor, wans, :algebra, lte- A:kowtow-a beek Aden, had terrine Lamm wall o f water, two atsteow, grape arbor, Balt trees, etuubbefT. etc., nee forest akadelrees. lf One slew ofthe yb . 1 ,. 0 . 8.1m and sturonfausi,.. „.B antry zirr . k. Boss. 61._111Leeret stmt.. BACON HAMS. eosalgzunent sailor rale by AudEwtazit goamas 1011 Second &treat. Witt, InliwilSD THE LIST OF stooks sassooy .advettimedlo be sold TRIO EVERRIG. TalgfiDAY4 air WI. af on mood floor of Commercial Saks soonm, 1 Smithfield atreeklentroace at rear of Room, di. Jett!) , from Filth inane; In widitlon to /aside =- trance from fire! floor Sales Room,) i. • SS 'bares 'Titania. Bank; Union Storing and Iteltelog 0o.; • A. IIdcILWAINE, Auctioneer. A mEßic ti. ..-Ad • SMITH'S AMERICAN INK. ardmvs RAILROAD SMITH'S COPYING • _Them* inks are ealitetior In quellty to any other. hitherto produced In thle oututry. and. on tril wl l. 'he:Rada to. equal o Aroold'O' at *early half On east. Pot up ha both stone And Ahem. Pot sato Itt•Pittebugh by - • . MAK JOHICIr9/4 esthete HA . pr , zvatiomr.r.r.-Agartralui r 11/100 . ink- ar,,i -, aftk: -.An id - on to•prendsw dO braiding gin, &i.T.i e t,' pater on-the OftenslinelbmWn. • itancteranin. k r a . minuted- bravoes nollemitgan street Anna. Niaty'i Atom pearly: oppoaltii•To n !ult." - latlitt ICU. well4Powsi SSW? eirtlll i ' . nano *list Loupe- knownnt We.' Those vilii.' I . s iiii u tlir s taepridoniew beibro aaaf gals, oat Call on Plain of lbs property old bo-pOtranini st Cl,. notion Boons 41111-131ratitileid.ratr ' Post Olga, ' - . : . _. _Ark .. . i.'xiii.iiiliii;auitioiser.-,_ 1 tl, DALTON' . . • f ; , - iiifile.:t.P4ll644*. , f.Nr 4 rrIXG MAC ,i,44„, iatimia thioi.*m.,mosiiiit. , -.1“1114ill ViltEai. Int THAT DELIGHTFUL, REeIpENCE All = Mut 'Waddelllen; (lbw red "Kr. Wm./4 Booki) •f•rotor. rad sii.; Leeks, deeessem.. Bnak :Elausei of Irecrosuu eau, wall sag 01 0 811 ) 1 4411 bus, Ina at of ail...kinds, grapes,_Ae4 &tem ea at landambraelag lea gnarly alte,lpleadbi lava. Of the:Dbl., Illset, Railways, Xanehaster at Ih.lrellmte zither MAnobester Street ,Ra.ftsy Ind WooWna &Attest 'Nut. ft; I,lwit 43-11. B.; only ten Whales ride by the latter from Mamma Stieet Station. - runher pa:Sealant and items may be bad of the subscriber, at his rest. fdtnee. Rosa Beaver street, Allegheny. Posses. slon given immediately. • mylktmd ItOBEIIT H. LECKY. - • - 'UT HEELER A; WILSON'S TT. HIGHEST PREMIUM LOCK 1411 CH Sewing 'machines tea Writ/tout a tiva),,,esp thaSdent(Apaciertren WARRANTED FORIRREE YELTW. Irk 2T,-,Fifi6,'ll4,ZlNßlntriTi. •• A r ti t , • irtaionar iab o 0/0 ia,ZUCEJCSiIiALL trino - terglis t# 2 % , r 4.4l 4, l4. w .4" fer=" 9- ' • _Aut o,o4 Parcatarlevilitstru= -CA, • 'lt"' OlyTtiattrim, LsB :- - KrAnc-avo. 3k . •w mbHateee Lumber murr;vii Arai; ••••r lds !Arcot, Aumbeer elty. ----•- - - - -mys:std f'OLD • &1 D'`BALYRBr .0 0 WPOMTZ, , !lighapsuOit atom by • • n- &JONES ILII6II, Makers. - inglswe -.4otaer sad was( asteetsr WARREN COUNTY, PENN A. Now ll.ea,dy Uniform In alve and plaza math Ilual'a improved 211,p of 'Vamoose tMunty Oil lioglona. Price In Cloves* ............................ ve 00 Itpuntea JOHN P...RIINT, Publisher, • FIFTH 8%. 11tASOPF20 xar Mailed pc 4 t-pald on receipt of price. ado AN CTRD/NAiicllll tli ..... Section of ChapUe 7, of the "Cif alive to fees for we4tlnic.. y code. , ret.' . Sao. I. Be itordoined and award by thit ideef aid common Covewile Of He city of Alleghen y end it ft had/ ordained ant enacted by onthority of ihe moo, That the Seventh Sastloe of the Seventh Chet. ter of the "City COMP be amended is follow' For every heavy moth /or erety trut of Hon es had Sheep ... . .. an " For aay weight lot eras VA postal' (=MI _Medea) • • /..i . ...- • not " ; For ma/ ..I,enti orAr 26 / 0.1 1. 1 u1e and Forexseeding.loo pounds., .... .• ..... .. . . i 1 ally eights of 100 pone& and ov er .. to armload of HAY thall A ten— • 30 " For every load of HI a ten and over... to • " For every load of Co hi bumble's or lea WO " For every load of C oal over be boatels_ is w For every ton of Feed. Bona, he fa Ordained mid reacted Into a law this, the fourth day of May, Aram brnlad, one th Warand eight hundred Ann alety•dre. JAMES MARSHALL, SIMONPrest. of Select Connell. • DRUM, Pistil. of Common Council. MACFERRON, Clerk of Select Coon M. eGUNNDILE, . 78:354 Clerk us Colll6lollCounell ptitt - 81 , 1TELDI11E ilLfmmN . on the Second Hank, Allegheny city. Lot 103 feet M .ll4 l l ) 2 reft e l e &al MIL late the residence of Tr. It. A. Wilson. Los eblut 3 acres laten _Fourth street, Lot 27 feet front by BS deep, the residence of Dr. W. A. Simpson. HOUSE on Third street. formerly known as the Conelic - Bulitileg. Lot 21 feet by as feet. UOTTAGE at Evergreen, formerly retidence of Dr. Mark.. Lot 9 acres. HOUSE on Third etreot; two !dory brick, below Ferry street. Lot about 21 feet front. BUILDING LOTS end manufacturing sites on the Monongehela River within the ally district. SITES FOR COUNTRY SEA TS from !,4 to I scree, in Pat Township, fronting Soho street, City Ylistriet Plan. r attle TWO A LOTS on Convene street, near Penney'. THI venue and TWO LOTS on °veal!' street. RTEEN LOTS on Liberty street, Al eictut:4 eity,-end ONE LOT on the Pennsylvania Clan opposite the Avery Bandon. LARGE LOT ON DUQUESNE WAY, 190 feet front by MO feet deep to Fayette street, hewing thereon a factory and dwelling house. &moire of WE. AL SHINN. 197 Fourth street. TILWING CLOTH AND ROLL DRAWING PAPIKR, FOR BALE BY DAVIB, CLARKE & Booksellers and Stationery, j A t. L Sealed applications for the office of W LB DI N. addressed to un de rsi gn ed /mouton, will be recolved by the until SRLDAV, June 2d. Mk :Salary Itiooo, with the followlag additional supplies Dwelling flown, Weed, Cul, Soap and Gaslight. Bonds for twenty thenetni dollen ; with eufficient security to be approved by the Baud, will be required f w the &ottani peb tonneau; of tae dulled of the Warden end /Ws da sh tan. Parties who bare already complied with the terms of this advertisement will be eouldwed emendates for thspoalt lots. * - By Oiler of Ise Board of Its taws royestblear _al twT HENRY IdaIHEST , Secretary. 84D4L 111 El 3 ON CONBIGNMENT--- 3000 'While ban Prime Peen; Blow Potatoes; 1 Emma. do Extra Pickles; Its eci - No.l Eaten Large Mackerel; 10 hat bbis No.l blackerei ; to Well Champwne Older; ft do and kW It.. Smoking Tobacco, to do Labrador Herr-Pm 70 (acre W. R. tibeeses w,cteo Fine Selmer 10 boxes 801 l Bitten bbis By. Plow; 10 hags Buckwheat noun 64 do tlate; • I kegs &psis Butter: 22)11 111, b 7 4 1 4L8Y h VAN OURDEB, - No: tilt Liberty asset. ,irDE XUSIOAL FRIEND—A choke ac the..fation of Yule. caleme4 with groat care from compoottfoin of illendebehOU, Dontettl ; Noy elites?, btleelli, llathineaan, Ilea. del, AbL.Tiadli iddllllbdrd Bafecoollar, Demi:lroner, Blocamatuit. °stood, ildosart, otherdiatlostabdwd eoso_pours, consisting obtuse, Variations, Waltsco, Polkas, Fonr•hucl Pieces, c., ka.,l/1' all almprising about one hundred of the beet oolepetenlans of the aboutnastod srabunt PH" gums _gi1t,..41 sloth, leanly belted,/ .lISI plain, ASO. Walled to any address On recipt o um prim: •PalgisheS by HENRY fIY TOLIKAff & 430., arms wassusies street. FIZNISI INSTITUTE ' FOII 3"13, - ON ILI Sev It MIL STREIT .PITTSBURGEL— eraI Dimly pupils having beep distairsral, • few additional One* of proper diameter win be rec Do ed. Apiaßation need be made only - for Blase -many 1 * =roc be Wedelns and of castle. The outerentier harta_g had - several years expeil fence an Proles/we of hanguares In tbe (fhb Uni versity, and Afterwards la Jeffervan College, Ps., proposes to give apsetal nitentlon to (IL aßatOihis tar tillEioTh. topadwd A. WILLIAMS. Principal. VITABIIINGToN sTßEET,—Anpenona Intateated are notified that the un&roltoet Viewers, appointed toclew load mums damage& And benefits for the opening of Waohington Aimee, Pout Ward. Allegheny,- from North street to Loot Lane, will meet on thepremions. on TUES. DAT, may 14 1866, at 104 o'olook A. nr., to falnll Misdates of Moir appointment. JAMES ItIC7HLT. WILLIAM 1 ) 1 1.WOMM. S. N. MANTUAN. A,7 o:rizeurc.l prop. VllPnirWhi4" of tk. AlialtanD7lll, the Wth day of Way; lei& at le - oNdoak a. s., at s to a t , n ot SPAN°, OMFAIITat CO, Water tt la the City of Pittatalrgh, to .the etti *ad efeet Fr/ablaut and Mx /rumor* to terve Anti! !1°4447 of N HAWIANIE HOLMES, JOHN W. ottimrsitt JAME% 0,-LIOWIS, IT, 8.7. MO TREABI77ApTBS. • S. JONES & CO.JJAIpCERN, 0 4 :Mhleft "FOURTH AND WOOD ST'S. . • ' - Itare 'read, fie *livery an ogooik t ittp l o g .- . ' , . lir _ L . 4.19-3.0..:. ktaisZlNirfild o "tria" " 1: . Male 4irtllollll._ ,Arlaituilkmiiiry st ' Weft* a:: it-tg e % OrnotkOr 1 11, fiLWIIIII3, pr,i( 2 lttatitigh. RA-, si. th. pi Eremmks4r4pcfizr onnerstdar us • ' !aft* • sald P0n7.111114 Ma ollwr bditti• ilesiab Ilisybolirought orotbeinertlog. 7 AttieW P" =mg w 4 PrNW DRLHD. ArI.RR ------ IKABF , PRAMS, — Loop Museatal Stait i _ . :.R ew ri llavyftf t.. Of ISt iltaite;titif ileliTtatalleraryto:: Alice, ' ! r ) Braallyarniti, 1 t , •••, __ _ .:,. ''' : A ~-..... ~ ~ • . --- -111 4401 4.1101141.4 ~,,,...- - ..,....• ~,,.( it liks' FiCil is Gird ." , . -1,72 !"? .9.* i --_- ..... 11N0.14r arsusii,-.- O - ii 1 8ALB.L.A . Priiiiii "Ocr------ PlTAllitNii ACRES, muted la Illeowctei township eight milms from. Me city rumens utile from ilii; Brownsville Plias Road. Elybo saes allured; balance geed timber; ane orchard; if mkt Lig Wallet bara of log and frame: The - farm ic well watered tynever•falllng springs, and under a hlgleitste of cultivation. ror tumor ri 'maulers eoqultna on the preadsee of JAOOII FLOWER, mpg:lewd* tenor Proprietor. 300 BBLs CHOICE BRANDS Palt 3,0 W bush Data; 1,000 blab Ear Earns 4 ears Baled Bay; • 1 ear Peach Blow Potatoes; bbls.litter, to elothq 50 barrels Oren ApPiest Z° "90 "1.2' sale Vole. &Buxom & 00.. Not. go and 330.penn St.. Swat's new buttltar. SAWYER' so A.P43.-1 .har. lowt, NM'S. BAUITREVS /JAMMU , SOAP br.onle 11*, eilus lay wttiost ram ths4 oupetiat to V 7 oth. nun roovormoottorrollotonaaluistar toosag, l. lo • 401111,8, CAL po MIL, 401.14/00a740..100"Cids Dmlam 1:31_1.0 Received A this da galteShove,--- I' - e T i t k v'i—dtel fe 'j ft tr * kj ,e " Ntita" 4, . ) NObelfiteisMtrilbi if. , .qr: Ia Ll,l voca l , .. . C r ,„• 0..,, O .. -Is oth-gieghtb,y_eankft.v.eet • 1 41.°41 1 :42,-.7184, 4 . - - - • • us IttErt. Perautatht.oeseat et Ve rt i , . - T. SCHOUNMAKEI R'3, 411, Wood se, i Efur,R lu:canal tfaitt I V° brezPrbrizir ...n.— f, /A LE k P.,... L . ! ell ' . 041 4 TO WAStCliillete =Ma . . . , - The *aloof thelnit rine( thOCl;Mtoooef Hie T.lq „ ,e Loan was completed n the Hat of March WM The sale of the liatOndeerl Of Threelifuridredlillitons, payable throe yearn from rise HUI day of lune, Da, was lawns on eLc Of April. in AP short q› ,,,, 0' Thirty, Ver One Hasdred• Millions of H ies, hare bent ecid—desetno this day ..1. ~.. Two Hundred if teet 11 payable semsnone dyi s i p n o csudwnc yThe thn .attal6th ch el Dec ember and lath of lone , by (loupe. attached to each meet, which are readily cashed anywhere. it'amOUntie to . . The fiebellion te suppressed, and the . Goverer meat has already adopted 1201 111 3 / 6 1 to redoes ex penditures as rapidly an possible te a peace foottalt thus withdtawled .trod the market as borrower and purehamer. • This Is the ONLY LOAN IN THE MARKET now offered bp the Government altd constitutes tie GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF TIIE,PEOPLL. The Beven.Thirty Notes are convertltd nem their maturity, at the epUolt of the holder, Leto • . U. 8. 140 [tiler Vent GOLD BRILlitNe BONDS, whirl' ors o/wayo worth ,Pregitu4o. The 740 Notes cahoot be taxed byTiorns, Chiles Counties or States, and the interest is Rot taxed . huhu ou • surplus of Me owner's income exee_ed. ins Ma hundred dollars • year. Thle fast humesses their alm, from one to those per out. perasimel, meritW to the rate levied on other property. • SUBSCRIBE QUICKLY. ear ditamokses of the Loma Auttiorieed •by the last 130msrose are now oaths market. This .at Meats At welch It being Absorbed, w illnti Ames seludbet tor winds • two Mantle,tbMantle,a Me _US amlubtedly semamed • Premium. Woo uselessly be the sees an shadow tea sotooreptsms to other bosom n now seems probatie lhot no corm - M.7Vdc . einzoyst beyond Me pro. rye settee bill ()fere tO ptiblfe. user Ulm the citizens of every tows sad essUesi of the socuitrir may be *Corded [arilitiaa for Midas tag loan, tha National Balms, Mate luau. sad Prima Bankers Mroukotit the emu.' try hare cenerally agreed to remise uturipuso ll et pm. Subscribers will • aelect their ewe sawn. le whoa they nave oonfideooe, sad who only are - is be' responsible for the delivery of that oaths for which they moms orders. JAY 0004 E, Subscription agent, Philadelphia. autecripueea Will ei received by this Pint Ir•Mu] Zan. Plthilnint. pa., Semi " • Third • MAI " VS4IIIIIII Par mares Marlow Sank. Prtrabargh. rigralliuth Salim! Rank sr Comment. It•• lIIItr Tradhausaas . " rannerli Deposit llettaalca Falai • reolliter lierosa Luting* . Meat Wood NI Cal" esscs WATER COMPANY a WOOD STEEEL Preferred Stoek Ilhoundmlvtotl fjoinnalitee of the MtnWilmot trnt or Works will receive otibocrlptiono Tot YEE• FUMED STOOK. to the amount of OCI,INO, on WEDNESDAY, WAY 10t6, bet seen the holm of le and I °taloa, at the o Eloo of BAKEIVELL, PEACE+ Ir. OD, earner of Wood Lad Second stmts.. This Stook will bear Lutenist at the rate T per :sent. from the date It (a paidin, and until a Larger .Compa dieldeadean be deolated Irma rte earnings of the ny Then a re about Stle,ooo of common Mock takes, and mostly expended in the canal ruction of to EnierTatt, the castles and laying of tha mato pipes, the building of numainem. ne., and the co opsuy haring obtained authority to lata• (erred stock, the above •mottotor Apo Of Mb hre (erred Stock will be edited at the time and place mentioned. • JOHN P.-PEARS, B. F. JOIM/o, myel_9ll4'- MARK W. WATSON. lit - TUE of the application of iiIATTse the Emma Catboat St. Atinhads Manefida 184".• l i° Jane term °tare( e on s A Ls Eatalf ?MITI" s• Noticed. hereby oven la herresaelt of ill ardor Of -said' Court AA' Co r m Pleas of said °own,. aide Ms {id 'day of April A. D. ten, that apph. Whoa hail bee. made to - said Court Joe an Alteration :and Amendment of !the sitarist of the atone Eleeporatioai mil u, lees scene good mason to the somatry ows. 14 mime wll4 bdk Fasted at the ask% term sh of said Court. JACOB H. WALTER ; 1 eletildwd Prothonotary. AVOW TILE DUST AND BROKE: BieWMF/8 • METALLIC WEITHEE AMPS Window Banda. these lovaluetile strips in summer totally en elude dust, noise and odor from doors and windows. Save your esspeta o f household goods from MIR* a nd Finney vi t ro of stages, ear bells end rat. Ulng when The shots strips will be eompletely fitted up hl Wil/Tr. St A.L.LXANDER, No. leg and tit . pee. poen street, Allegheny Olty. the above firm Wing the exclusive right In Allegheny County. -. spin -sad R. .-,BWATNESALLREALINGOINT RENT, cures Tatter and all Eruptions on the !lees and HMIs teethSOZODONT, for cleanathir and preserving the mid gtuna. THE YohSLR HAIR .Ratfroitsa AND DRESSING. 11111 restore Gray Hair. DR. SHALLENSERGEWS r PETER AND ROVE. ANTIDOTE, for 'Um speedy. safe and tad test etre tif Fever and Aran iJoHNSOWS RHEUMATIG OMPOUND. for the el:rental ease of Rheumatism. !UR. UTNE% EX PROTORANT. • auraremmiy • tor - th kt ron or emeatoa Oeughs, satrap s on hand and tot side MAN . I - GENTZAL DRUG STOIII4 elin.ser iltftets. la Oa Market ' otosGs arerd.T. --- ‘ Eroliirsa saass-os irrePitak 1 ' OTWTS nionalarlii li ra ilt AO. .owerukti .440111iter Asmably. eill; .41.1-4.1/kaptimilmo Melia MUM Coorion. WI isowseare 'lmitistattoeinfor Us of r' Thlat,.tait .Lawls•Witiltalteillla* Htinc.,.....cosaz ANS r . , 5P11I.;I tnwidmo 4 that dr o l t l itis slums h . a m s r bnironsweme a bt t a a im m it _ Ma* Womb/ 4 110 thiltadiPsise., ,T. OTleas443oolB ieltlp . ~,,muctrits ulnrAt Aoriolk&usosPoirgA ,cpomp °lllB 4 . ledgit . ..411th iput tzug et tee b. es - NONDAY, the at eked Nay, se 0 *Week A. N. . ud kept *pea u te• II the set olestoth • - - I r• al. vrear..Ls...:a II , • ..1 #rfic.VAK,- H. ........ ikv • oolamlittenarg. • A. z Mits, Brß - MiliAtfou. IEAIITIFIIL AESIDEiCE FOR 111.&LIC —4lituatad wart* the Allegheny Oity•llne to tmourns Borough,. Lot fronting 100 feet ot, tko utter Plank Road, and extending back 180 het La eTrery Mill Bond. on which."' a PINE LARGE mow DWELLING. nearly new, contain alb and ten otioms, nicely Arranged, large covered Porch infront, and cellar under whole house. The Lot licorme d with Ornamental TN..," and Ehruh o ixry, cellent itult Tr wa ees, Grapes, and tine Garden; Spring l exter. ? Apply to .B. MoLAIN tr. GO., I my* 10'2 Fourth aired. .__....__.___._.....__._._._.___ STEEL 8 BAILEY , STOCK BRUICE~y a wxuizars _Particular attention Pan' llll the piironaire and aile atocki RATES OF COMMISSION : ;- pint Stalks selling /alb and inder, IX par . ig. r 410,1 Ind up ;4) ank d ar g . &pit, Oa • ft.., ay& i t shift *ell Dr aaal. OTiOß:—The publicaft tiero u r • tliatssillo retAkiragas s ud, ate' -me 141100134301 Otir , 111 brikteo it Oar' insuintruttift_ofir rn= ff striewuri2 • hot the FrOST OF FLA N; IL D. 1991.477 I 7ll-4411r.., -4144. D' RRITAL ®F ,C#lTift BUGI PEI4M9IOITDRL lam /leis hireeir . ido% wholoutle and mol t s. - - MAVIIFFS, sot • O'9. Ototafi. uNITED_ILTAI'Xa 7-30 --LOAN. One eent ptr day en a $5O note Two centa •,; " - $lOO Tea " 000 • N . 20 -"• .. .." 21000 " • $1 15000 " MORE AND MORE DriatRABLEI. FREE IFIIOIIII TAXATION 4 aural , y. Ceuta:tate.. SOAP i soar I iiK }m,. .AP The OREN. MAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, sianufao. tend by 11. O. tr. Y. 11. SAWYER, Is aoknowledged tote the most serrlosable of any kind yet oared to the public. Its superior *donative are found In its cheapness, easing el labor, and Its.edloacY ;liln removin 6 . tones*, paint, tar, and without In. tng the e_er in the least wise damaging the tt e rV i gkoi SOWS It . can loci used With &II- I Refers/lee lama& with Omani to the inthjoinel ;certificate, tonanatlag front e s atientenise_Ll known__ to this aciontuntty. and who had inrerY isowts .u.• : ford of Randy end fidrly tested: • 8 voni y the - r-voi. n6l-4 • r• ~ ,E latttnes alsosW. air' Entire oar , keeling I aiibitril=at iimaltiallll3.4l4. rbilleisimPeurtd% ..the-hilit %pester St t h . us. ° 4 villa =4W! SARIEWite "li . itasd'lgaiM' lit . 'c -... • Obieileit • *Wee Seep; MO the enteweloa Les twelve l esilettuf, soli Wm Me. likl and.eatistteloty amp thee lo eri keltharedllONAlt thlLAnieball Mg 1::. ; i 1.- 14 ° 5 . 1 1 1 "! . a'`° -8 " 1 77 7 ° 4 j I hiew... B. C. *J. It isingr bin twed your Chemical Wye Zrastveliteap for several 1 stdoths, and have ,damfo opt. . what It has twee 1 repreinnted„ , . Pot :' It 0 superior to any wee le use, . .. Cdr §l, a LUSA ESA% glow Oa I 11 , " TOR BALK. 0114 LANDS AGRICULTURAL PRICES. A Tract of MG Acres of Oil Territory, situate oil Dasher's Oresl4.near_ Morgantown. peat - Virginia, within ► few miles of the Hirer and B. & O. Railroad, abutter la COAL, IRON ORE, LIKESTONE, BURNING SPRINGS. will be cold at a kargaln, If applied for soon. There are OIL WELLS bete[ bored In the ha• mediate vlatalty, wink good previews of ea. man. t Noptoperty la the market oaMt betterprospects eaperptislag Ott Gempantes. Will be Bel/ in Fee. Title Indisputable IL S. BRYAN. Broker, .011,. 6f FOURTWSTREEr. SOLD BT AGENTS OHLT. LIFE OF Unita LINCOLN. tie` tile early' histort, polities! easter eutrl aye. - sad. oat of Orpeasi also tlarergavirw willitt "' Bi llaT atree, as Prn't okittrhe, Letter, ot t ::'and a ecotsl e s l e a o Or trt: t war. • BY Z0813P13 H. 'I3ARRIaIT. • Ocsainbalerhee of Permions, t ffaablagton. D. O. the work. now printed In num. pp. but Ls to be reproduced la an best rged to about Too . pages, embellished with the portrait Published, and numerous Illustrations. One Vol., ero., °iota. Price It to. PART L—Oontainz 111 r. Litwolals early Lila and Polities/ IlLstory. PART roboes the events of the first three I eses of his Administration. TART ILL—Will contain history of the last year of his Administration, sod the portioning of hi, tragic and lamented MOORE, WILSTACH & BALDWIN x=” l7 2ELT_ETA33eicsamusi, 25 West Fourth St, Cincinnati, 'o r M. xi 8., publish la Hot, on Veto paper, It by II Let the most men; accurate and per. Sealy smear POETRSIT OF PRESIDENT LIIICOLN to the rocket. Himself, famtly and Mends pro. nourrad It the finest ID muse that ass beea pre paned Retail price, 60 seats. 4'Agents wanted everywhere for Boole aa4 Portrait, who should apply to lliauel 0121 , e, Fo I o'clttleth Anat. Pataburgh, 01/Ice hours from te ock. • Jaylldwd MORRIS E. WARD, Manayes. liISSOLUTION OF PARTNRRSHIPS. —The dem of IMO/RANH &PHIPPS, "Iron City Forge," has this day been dissolved by Ms. i D a _settlema al comsant. t, poet eithei to to' use the firm's MINN • IHDREW RLOIIIAIf HENRY' PHIPPS, It. Pwrinstmors, May I, MI6. THE OTOLOPS IRON o(ist nen"? Yu tide itaii been dissolved. nee. N. MOW, foram Pre* Idiot, will attend to all uovestledbasineas. TROS. N. ICILLR EIG II. PIP • ANO ER Vs PR II IM R EW.ORNER; lE, G. MnIT/lEWS, Itlenibers of Me OTolops Imo Onapany. troll vol _ GENERAL NOTICE. - THE IRON CITY FORGE, Cyclops Iron Company, have till day teen w i consolidated, and a lea. 0 mv a iren .. n .vi i . e , nder the general mastufsateuri Od PITAL , mom*. The name and stele the nee temple, to be UNION DION 4.4L1.. ANDREW OARNEOIE, S. • Presideat-Unioa Iron 17/.108 N. ANDREW lILODIAN Vim 'President. . Temente, and General Superintendent. test:teril 1 U . S. C UE.Tb2d HOUSE, Posy 0. PLITIISI74OIX. Suavavou'a Orrice May Ist, ISS Solis. Up hers y given that SEALLED PROM be Lt., acootaqin prosper guarantobi, aacord. fag to forme to be turntabl on application to Ude shire, will be received thereat until 12 o'clock his lihee, on tbe d et Tieviday in Jae* seal for Um supply of the hiarthe Hoepital, Rev this city, with the &dick* of Providons, Medici/es, ho.. enumerated la said forme . TIIII quantities dated are eetimsted with reference to the natal somber of pettente• In the hospital, but - the United States. teterves the right to takeimore °elm Of add heti cies sesordingiy, ae they May beeattallyieqatred. if the articles dellveredid Ms Ythepltalera not, In tbejudgamat of the Physielext•Of the beat quah. ST. sad adapted to the higepltalvhe will be at Mt' arty , to retest the same, to purchase °thee articles' In their stead, and to . charge the ctintreetor with any caress in the coot over the °entreat palm The United Suites memo the right to ao, • the preptmem for the .whole or any portion of the ie athletes specified. tavas w. paToutmom r..iivrta , Surveyer and Agent. cßoics GREENHOUSE AND BEDDING PL ANTS ER GREAT VARIETY, At the Oakland Gyeenhouses. JNO. R. & A. MURDOOH Suceesiors to John Iffuritoelto,Jr akland and East Liberty S l ime Oars run tbe Greenimme. iiitletn minute.. miCtlyditurFamin ==Ml have on hand a large anortment of MOWING MACHINES 3 3C 4 C3rt.E139 XILELir.33S. raw Cutters,Btythes and flay Rakes, No. 28 and qo OHIO SUPET, o.lnur leNztßV-------------3 %.13.121 GKituDß. ... :: : GEO. W. „11.M3L/17 . iaiigilii. Mil*. Ar4EO an" 1 ;4 lir.sfical 4 oite a iiiied.i... ii: eromataiir: the mot •losydeti,lrry nat i s c . th. UMW. .INFOthitig. - C l o o dB e : ' - heie7it L 4 : 4 III. : - ::.. U m a ama d r, 3 6 4 l' ftift—vrsit '- c rlails. LlM AirArincesum werrio Amara. , .igau51.2.41,r, ,744 . , ,,x... , p... puma Alta: nos i: ,tar. . '( .l 9 ll MananikiNDElii, ', ' 1 elltil ikli l t#4: 1 Ira EIVS, '-' t. g' . 6 i TABLE eadWo IFTLERY, ; , d r , AF B. .., iii fr, ' bk lb. bolus, tursiatdair!f article., Coe.! - Mote,- tdi Atte tie* of the'pabllo; Oat win - piqued ukillorr hls b ip?oda. • --. :, • - GM. W. HUBLRY, IPS PIEIDER&I. ST. ALLEGHENY. tj;grED STATES 7-30 1,0A.W. • This highly BATE, PROFITABLE AND PAT 1/9119- SRAVRITT, la tar sale la . 050, $lOO, $5OO and $lOOO AT TRH FOURTH NATIONAL. BANK, OP PITTSBURG/4 II 8 . Government:Depositary, FISCAL AGERCY. It la hovel every man and woman who wines the good of the wrantry and Wahl the governaaent, will promptly °arenas," W. 8. T/12.86178.148'5 OPETIFIVATBB, !Ina/Abed to lavestora, payable at tea days moth*, bowler MX PER CAMP. INTiI6II3BT Interest alls Wed 'ex sight and tins deposits es agreed ea. GOLD .AND GOLD COUPONS lkagkt at lisalnist Mai* . et Price Ills book nforo nary foollflr fin all mosey bal loon of the pun* snot ninon to kw /Apgar do "Donlon Lentil dl000aato: rAnses ovonwort From*. ars ALLEM DIIIMII. 44111er CERAM NATIONAL BM Of Pittsburgh, COIL SIXTH AND WOOD STIMEms. AIIGIESIXB HOTIMEE, President. SPAtitEntli RARBALTGH, Vire President. GEORGE A. *IDLY, Quake. Thls Sank others Invites the acoottnts of Banks, /tank. ore and Government Securities of all kiwis Weight ail aoid_at_current rates. W"daISPECTLAL AGENT of Jay Cooke; sabeerit. end Will be received for the Popular 7-30 Loan, Thy lam In bow being absorbed K the Ma 6.000.000 per 7298. v. and nein( eea►ntTle Into nvo4wasty • bone. of own WM PER, Itself nalto irapetior &Wow togas .. 17,Pek a sate anil proltoblo to Li ll b edreaal mn Govern me ns ut wieart e Mowed, ENDLY, Cashier. halal UNITED STATES 7 -30 Loan, THIRD NATIONAL • DAL Comer of Wood Itreetiffad Ilia Alley FISCAL AGENT OF THE MUTED sriartm mul Ow SP.F.O/AL AOENT of layoookk, tr .O , avail far Ws tka Seven-Thirty Loan, POPULAR LOAN OF THE PNOPLF, AND TES Only lA:ma:Lin thellfarket uottvorrrea,ElNTo W. 8. 8-20 ®IX PAR CERT aora BE&RUTCFAIONDiI. mammas( OolniaLudiou etis~ ti !eaten, Z. B. LIVINCiSTON. Cashier SECOND NATIONAL. BANN Of r!itteburgh, Corner of Hand and Liberty Streets, Agents of Joy Cooke for the sale of NEW SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN Ihis id strictly the Peeplel/Lona, mutts being ababd at the ratef about lire refillonsper day. These bonds bear an interest of Two Chz.atms per Irlica,zr . . earn hundred dollars, and ars coavertible st mats. My Into U. S. Flreawenty Sin Per Cent Gobi Dealing Bond.. Full ornandsalons "will be allowed tor Books , Shakers, and Brokers, whO enrolls's tor mule. R. SUGGS, Cash* Titilestr,/oVe Ornat :atm/Harr 00P.; Pimintrcia, April Vat, TN PIIRSUANCX DI? TNE-31S E C. TION of on Act le Mating to alitosiv,Pooty, P. 11/w 111 4,q1314 David Alba% Jr., Troia.. ft)/.41,0 *mkt be We ;iota* that I wig of by all for tie I tun .a' , Wafts: c a : m x ,)=l* of aro ocialiWCororii mar!Aiwa autug it Ultemill May* *alba Erni V. 16, le Wel,* o,; Fiat Wald Plataburilif kirk rant O lug -ailiaaewmfe, uttal • , -Nay ficiallasystaa, tap; I ON NoNDAN-,--NAN 2 .a. • y; Beath rlitaboaet Itl s izal bea suita D. floro Orsociat,l7pymerila 0/alf. frfa aaha rtairraajuluy 4411 a at Ittfuoig • oarlatipa, ; ON Tp4MSDAY.MAY 23d. ' . . 1 J am . Figketay;_i _...aaaagabela sad Timone atom, arLue, lizlrt-jamLnalurig=k., i ...,V.(r-IMPAPPAYirOrc 2 . t i t ' r,- i.. - I:arm 111 - lantim l tmielt 4 -13.11t1i Ward, int:. lit i r: Vint" TI IVIO i ri luallus" vibelpiAill‘r. atm./Zunis/4 Ktell/s4 W. I-: . . 4 P IR O a " 14 ",sr W ° riald.r4 I ,- 1.: ON T H UR SDAX•vMAY:ggth., . 7 L First Prude*, FlitZt-Wirdirdtalitterb; even* Pittabarghi_Nlnth - Ward, Plit.z,eFtret Treeleet, Foul th Ward_,...allegbeny : F Leal Minntogiatei= First ' - ward, .Law 4 6 alit iNeNeeipett - BoteUehel North Fayotto;OUrtlars . ,Ltbert . Oolbae, 9 61 0,11iutiRtoo sad 'West Oiler • .ON FREDA Ir, MAY 26 1 / 1 , •- . !weined Precinct, Firth Ward, Pittsbargir; Bighth . rd, Pittsburgh; Tenth Wail, Pllteburgh; See. and Precinct , Youth Ward, Allegheny; Second 'Precinct, H i nalsgbinciallecond Ward, Leare.en ;erne and Temnerseeevllle Born kin Bobbin's Pitt, Feeble", BlKiltire, %Wet and Town OM SATURDAY, MAY-2,th. i 'thl Tales can helped at the Trauma., otree ree months Irma the dots axed In the forego& • districts ' gulden" tel FIVZ Mr GMT. - MI COUNT, tin prompt. payment he any perms eel . lag the whole mem Diehl* 4x-- :. ,-• .. 1 , :liTB i AILICUM)Ri . . . . . Btiß • , :coitregtoroas e . . - - • ,• • r • ;:niiving lately Beano~ed T O ' .I WandiII'POCOMATIMM: t• PAoir& atiu mon IN TANUS wa4oGS awl .01Z, - met lal'aaarlasalf ot haal: Stroll sawing an; lairlsa.taXabOotap lata. B bes R •" — etiltOitter ide br • ' J.ll, OMptittap. - ~---_®~- NON DRESS GoODES irOIEWT. -CAZ03324718X11 iItitCrigFIEELEIV: Kti 71,r, I Wier hark ni Nada Es, Panay Bilks, • Vietoria'Olaeo; Paris Mom, Organdie lawns. French Lawns, Jaconette Moramtiquee. Mantles, Shawbs, *ad ens of ttio basposiest IMMO dell atula OCICATOOD'i Cloth Lined and allLPaii.Oollitri.- iteitaL lAORUI Mims. 71.7 db .19 arristb. arc,„ SGIAE : IIIIZYS FOE LOOKWMA CELEIMATED Patent Oath ;iaix!azid alt Paper Mama The seasigeneate O.,*kt emblaze i tap setae. erect of ani%F. - •-• ' , - ' • The trade arta . be, in jipliel-1, Jyty quantity et LOOKROOWS MIME - 41sT." By grin. th eir *dos toss; putehaesse Wit esse thee fte.i4t wa All ord• re prometlY titta 4l4l to. . . '''' ' ' NEW GOODS. JU 4.111111WD. PANIC PRICES! (Peed Carlo* Note 'for Ladles at MO Per =I Hemeeltebed Liner, Ilsakezakted, cents ser Ft welt' Meceuudee Oevsetigt 16 per ►des Mona Alexanders Yid Wove* , per pair. We have Woo a epyeethi litoeek WHITS GOODS AID ERIBROIDERLIS. Vaiantis Lases; Brims et leßassat Ribbons; RSA mums Taimatinns sad Orsuieneatig OPsing saA Flamm Hosiery saA Mafia Of Fancy Goods, Notions, Buttons we hare deohlteilly the Walt hid* eildqillteitt Novelties of the Sewn. meth aa Wide Belting and Buckles, Hair Poll; j. 4!" dies Silk &arta thaldneen ELtatheta Ociliarea new iny/a of , Flonaathireete., eta: , Ala* £ OW wa. GENZLEKENI _GOWN widis skim, ova ittAP . air Men:haat& iuut 14141.11t1wtil neir - - large iiescatineat, pailt Prices that lry 4pelig teas t roB. HORNY O'QCiti . . . STRAW AND MILIOTERT 000D4.: • 11(bbass sad Beau* Mika, ESsmanumi Trimness'_ . Xiabratderl • Idiot Goodt.u.pasarmildeb. slum L , -Goods. Maar. . and 4=l: . alabbag Goods, Seed o [ l oll' and 4, „ .._ -.', Wilasfati ad' Hoop ' G UMSsaueS*lfa, r Wasnged I s I - Maall Rim% ary now . meta** Met 1,... OW WO' SAktriii. 600211 c t :-,,,..!..1 ~.: :... ,: •),....:):.,., ~. .. ~,: .- ~ . /3 1..•• • , ,,kr width will to b e unstudir attnithm, • eL.-___,.•: , 7 Hartzog bees joisS IGaIyrAKKAD RATJOI ws Ara a/lar orsaxsay;.•4ll .SITS :• 1 1 1 ! , t sS#loa•..• . um at all tbitimibibtikwtt:.ftlysittsc. we sou* sayikois• •- ; teeMENlti, IN OVAIrIit glid till ?Mk b ' ettig miatuttat Mit *IL • JOO ROM a co. 211 And :II *Mita' STAN= t.HA ST VE .11313 T ARRIVED FROM THE: .--,-EA with • ilizetelly aelreted auertheat af. r FANCY. AND STAPLE aoops, 111:110rff wbJ will be found a tine Hereof Hatay la cotton eat hale:: Glores, Hibborin, /lowan, Crapes. . Sauk . Oollarnand "all the hew: style; loclufte Rubber Collate to which ;[ partizan:Tr Gall the attention , ' of the ladies=-Kaden* -oeurnoreet,a Oorseerw ', Hoop Skirts, Lame nod:Linen linatikerehte ail , kind. of Ouile, noway Seta, Lace Oa" ~ • Barbs and Ooliferas,. th•r zit . gaps, Shot ' ' Shawls, - Tidies, A 0,4 ace-inL Crotchet.' Limes . Cet ton,_Thread,Valenelennee aad Point Al= • Wide Linen Lathier Pillow Cases, Lab ot all kinds:lnfant'. Robes, of all Mediu newatilii ; , fileekete for Wan* Ladles' Hills_,; , Xlesere. Ride; Otsip and bled Bead Bata. , thitd • . Seta, Oisbie Cord. umn ant Tassels, 'Lomeli AM ~ Bettonli In .ea new - stples; Magi In Jei, =dalbiereni t. Berth Wit au. f e ittriergethand Trisiminn; Huh ` in Lace, Applique. Jet, Silk, HOU Leaf . and . Pe arl,FansiOetnine,' Chrystal Drops; Pother ands AM rolls, and: I , iratiety of other goods, te which X the call the attimtion of rep kind sato. . niers end the ppity. . tom. - *taus:MOWRY. n Fourth street, ' , _ . . _ ... BRYAN iumn immAleni Atm ISTAIC Lc. wu..z. But AT1D,13.111.4 STOIIIIIB • Hire" .. . and Ja *air Oinidetidits , -i T '•••., , • tai ntrollgtiriffttwo ~ ;•:, • , ' • •itstaurdat '.:4!),ll3wmt erg • ' • - '" bre ****kuilgemal! * "?`midi 71.1 Steaks iks sistat UtP Vit =thidi la r oreVpwil z tiertit to r slim sena Plit~ igia-ea akirkas . ~•114(Atilit* fr.* gattirAtm ; ~ .TIMMICRIAt4OI-404 ittetki;VlAVV ram etzipiselt Woe War. eft Waft „ . ,:.. prop tbst 10 'eats. 24 4,milt /144'' 1111441411.311 C • , ),,.. .-, : ,7 , Prn..,l 2=44*; L ; -a . : '. 1410/Eattii:.; irk.**-oWAtidtrt AD' 11 . .EWITT'a^ WlCe.r. eirW ß r E Zol73la e The beet end e THS beetla HAIR DR SING ANT) BAZTOSATIVE Lis mszket, Pleikered only by S. A. yen 00.,..14 redend IL. AihThenTr an 4 Ask by / Wet. 2 lar' • P. GEM:4=I2E47 AA. • awn - liar eehailitilei . , ,GENELHav Daatialiatio ___;• Wenn ; UN' PATZNT AGENOT. .2;fo. - -ocx*: CLAM 111" • Deal ainksull oa —il 4 nh pft 'eat labia moot formai= amoaroaaft f moinsal anearifer„ rum Etstanorla and Pm "'c alk °Weir atirootloseilSty 1 %. FORTELM .re4D ART ilikiktitiitie t '.'". virsikrmanct4 zit aareamoistwo of vvytry- V ir l it atook eig . igliomvererateasittramo. arthar..- raess.77 411:reati.11:ecoti r s f' frjr a ti z o i w z maum i... 2 *r ~iNOO Intend, kaTag• ... - us erectlod oa =Amu ks on ADERSON_ Went, Lusa eat Sottaseck awptiawrai ' . _ ,dit gZ. Plaid Silks, AITD, TO BE SOLD A:t stac&vit & GLUE. Baas of •1*