The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 09, 1865, Image 1

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    • N:
T..' 1 ,*
VOLUME - 1 LXXVIIIt.- , . Nb. 223
The trews of the'Aeitiselteition.
mums or lIIPITIII
etni iiiddras 4 44 41tintiter sdatids•
_I: - ,
. , • " "
L11.110E.. 111111ETINGS
The Neutrality (intone - ft DLseutued.
BEM :111W8^: iwpalpya
rumen Polar,.llsty,"l4--Ther
also from Liverpool on Aped PM, an don- -
cletry or. the Silth,„ this . -poll this
scorning. •
The news bytbe Xoya Scotian of the awns
-- .
alnatkm o f t•Prmidekt Lincolwand BecreLaraew-,..
and was published thieughont England. on the
bith elt r and - cceated a-profound sausatione The
almost:a ' leclisgt of sym pathy, - indigestible
and pru asp..w wavereally .
_expressed and
Thore - Wisitiariineititetthroughoutthe - connaj;
and tfabeiewlici iiyireithbed with the cause of the
aloatiseishaml quite'as much, indignation at the
wannutfrienda of the North; lad canoed total
..,.. , ..
suspecaos et business. . • ' ,
In Londoif, - COnsoli fell nearly one pee cent.;
but slightly revered afterwards. 5-9's fell
to 58(g.60; Coupons a. 458@i3e; an'd Erte`to 40,4
Q 41%; them was a alight rally nett day. Cot
ton quiteunsettled„ about akar-Deem higher.
On:Wodnesday there was only a.daysesslon ot
•Parliament. The attendance was very silm,only
about sixty members being present. They all
signed taco-far - mien address, which was present,
ed to - Mr./Oates tb• same arching:
Wes the oodersigned members of the Rouse
of Commons, have learned with deep regret and
Pryor - that the President of • the United
elates has been deprived of life by au set of
- vlotence,:-.-and: we desire. -to express our
tremeislity 'at' the sad event to the Aimee=
]Sinister,now in London, as well as to declare
oar bo and eminence in the, future,of that
geese country, which we belt ill 031/tintle tn,
..e associated. oath enlightened -freedoin.„ . . l ia
pencehd-velidlonif with thisUal -tireci 'baler
Th tl e ibuterhf-Alte..M ay s -•-• Thblveulng it.
maybe eilxitcdttia 'the lea den - of the great'
Tanks in U`t 1100 e. of Cconmons will take the
uppcuarsty of expresang in the name. of the„
nation, - the baron which is everywhere' fat _at 1
the crime, and of amusing the Ametlein Peoide
that whatever diEbrence of opinion may exist
In this nfaitTY•ta to ate' Feted Wail tbeilr h
but one feeling of sympathy with' than" it "the
lose of an honest and lilgh-minded Chief Mag.
Tke Witkiik and Procter is'lourtarallice 6.
Mao the /ukase Armitsment which the news
created, and all smite in warm eatoy,inins upon
Mr. Uneolo, and bitter denneastions of the as.
sassii - aint' -,"" . :I: '". ~, i - '
The Paris and Continental doturnals also con
tain articles on the subject.
nonage on Change at Liverpool irillnot Mon
istitirgettedi - the lreitetnent Warmly, if ever
-been exceeded. Late In the day a request win -
sent to the illayor to calla public meeting to ex
- press the sorrow and-indatim of the people,
Iludieill'alktied themlL bathe Mayor tuned
the prodamation fi:r a meeting at the St.tieorges°
Hal on the, aftemoon of the 27th, to be ad
journed to the outlay of theumo dry, that the
working duces may likewise have an oppor
tunity of attending. The Sags on the town hail
andetherbaliiihig,s. and the shipping at Lica ,
pool, were displayed at half mast. -
All the Americans rusideut in London; the
Union and Euunclpation Society, paid the people
of listicheater,Blrminghatamtc.,were to meet on
the 27th toibmatalharimolluuts; --.": • ,-1
The Liverpool Ted of thelefth Is pruned wit h -
it s
cNaares In tmaarniag -
'ltif noes says;, lfotbSeg in politleal history
aufjoirtimartherod that low ever drawn forth' a
seotiillalandolo ll s feeling than this nen: ?a
-atenal`l Preadent Limbs cowed the hbedve-
Aetna f every one in England. The, extent to
which o his ioflumco was estimated, In upholding
aulcablilfastlesubeticlof. Mind. ged , :skts
Malted States, has been shown by a fall of us
maul severity boil clams of securities. • --
app '•2lsnes editorially saye that the IMMO will
be itLelred tbroltelsialliturope with si sorrow as
11111=0 and profound as it awoke in United
S t d.., „ Mr.44.yeelik's perfect honesty speeMly„
'became sprach; and Englishmen leartedtto've--
pert him. 4400 11111: Cajun, as we believe
- It to be, the Cmifederate exam wilt pot escape
-toe dishonor cast upon it by theso want= sour-
The Daily Yews says that Mr. Lincoln taw not
fallen in the flash 'of taumpb, forno thought
-of triumph was in that honest and - linceMe
heart. bat his "task ..was accomplished and the
battle of 'Ms life'-was won, antis' time to come
-amouttall whoethink of manhood more than
Task, the name, of Abraham 'Lincoln will be
Meld In•Jelernann and Itme. The Nur continues:
We will not without further and °unchaining
proof lay the charge of thialuarible eousolmeil
tette leaders or abettors' of , the South. •
ile Star pas awsonallinta to 51r; L incoln
am i lere his Wig of peace, in spite of all;
stewards England. It also cu es
rett. ,
- great andidenuttat the Werth, even tells hour
oe, just indigositioni ,will bear Half with • that
rounardmotis clemency which thus far:has et.
tended its triumph. z .
The daily Telegraph says Prom Vulgar corrup
tion; from factions of hawed, from the knesoest
-3 album' and Oachatitabletiess this •great niler
we/v;(1611y fres. Al last came the resat:at ,Itis.
- labors the reward of his patience and, courage,
lil - Ireehtered Richmond -as so screqam o r, -Mb he
, b '• launched ad dscreadf prosecultort against" the
`.... •- a Bab.
~ .rg vbei
itght:APPeUed tO,kft,O to be, : over.:
Wr - for itwaa Datil kis large 'heart to bear maim
sesames a heatm fee:
Muck„unessinesewan 4:whited in regard 011ie'
- ' 7!, mossaltalowof President Linetdo, from the fact
that Andrew Johnson yrrnid take his olace, sad
unavoidable deductions were drains from his.
. _ari - ducelp tne inanguration at Washington, and
elan Ibec a,ths tenor of his various speeches.
. - +PM Loadolt-Ties suggests that lir.- Jobi%
..• ' sou alsooldeesio voluntarily, or in consequence
-of his Isalleg tans Midepahlic. oedolotestiotdd
i• , ' . ' be im etweete!=ikhs rept:a toblat as to lead hint .
bratllies..''Cil 12° wide '. _ ' 1 2'
sa laa m,
assom / o lt renatu has
,whari a ty rritill .
otat liii th itii i es ._
sident. so regretable; which occurred at his in
' stalistioll?•10; Vice.d'reeldstd, -cannot without
'• - Injustlio be - laken - to represesic M r Johnson's
Erafle.4inee XtaititlCT,AWwfill describe
•.•-• - amen of real capsolty and tempasto
...srisitro.:7 ,
zrtiQuiiii4 4.oinsd imitairtalabebit
s .-... sumbintodeseiso ntesai . i - v oi is: •,°
.. . ileknzdhilikre OPMEifibkilitslent SoiMpie t Mobs
'.. Nirtnintn: aMblibey._ I.nnairAlMmteMOr
~.., MUM.: nob 'WOW& masitialmi
L i ,,,, !"r. !c-VI 1-.. c.
'f . Ma, TOWarieiTg4 itilifike-WelValikk
. -
' • '
', Teicontt l e e g k la m c i e ts t h h ß e
limta:st h er Go ll v y i a a lt t e i r t e en d t -ft a o
tWPOW4 I t,I Odrp
D n vis;*liblniMsrptbgatl P nvlbn
dillionot peceskin lite.eyeof...loteenational law
QC Mr: •• • Mtlhalsin Sl•ed,;..backed by
the sutra Lee. -The United Stine' have now
• '" st right_taidlePute Abe Validity of the commis
, ,
o p amps Of -Mr. Davis and to dennandtbat the ear
. , owls of the United States shalt not be subject,
• ad to y &MI Ons 1 Ositridats." If theeetinlins be
mot responded Laythey -have a perfect right to
treat . 4101:11fOr T1351C15 of abet nation% entering
theirjutei - with the same scant courtesy as is
i• met out to them abroad. -
The Marinentlons the necessityof a speedy
amp ullae° _of trade between Pi:gland and the
Pouts: It says - .they cannot; with propriety,
- make any representations to the American gor
e' unmet:din this respect, as long as tlicyucognize
she rebels as belligasnts.
.., - The'tontke standard sus s - The Santis. Is
i,' . doomeet- With the surrender Rttitnrfal, Lee,
, Zbor , o of. anal=M&
i C
iI - • _ , r. -', -.
, ales Studand charges .priglind latil h avin g
~. f nnennon7 le. the •greatest crime Mat mode:
. fifeNtllql reennliti its not In , to some t
' ?; ote'.todeppendencent Lb° Boeib t"-. .V, elainbairle:
• .4 , gefsbthivelbbne Ibis - Without bututerpleg,thse
i.. - kw tsgii= ti=elarigir i t. 4 : -' 1 5 2 )
f' I ' / liar; We bgettosa the Etna, owted thatthd
it , South flgtalin‘orir hiallbs: 'We do millhos-
Pi: bate teCdaY.:llineWerftartibeadleester that
-,,.., , wog. Lee's army as an event which will I
1: S o - i ir* C' bcZelrClief serious
" 525
ti.k • - of as oak tuis &ilia*.
b_2lllNtrbe im.d. , a - Lee.ts , not , may. the
. crestestndelbrione that tbs. yet happened the
pl is ia\
i afin floutb iosce le.the e
sta „entl rtron o in f g ia d ,
.. x.he ter li tu a iii M a c i h no w t :
L - • LATe of pottlena aggraielera has at length swept
F. go,. before It that. proud : and towarbireliff,
‘• -.1 - eganittnticit for tout long yeas it has:dashed
? 7 Pia ill:141., Afthe Rime ot: the fourth yeauthe
:Li- scud, has pariah: l h adr-tfeoa : .1.4 . , fared-a
.:-•'' ' 'would hut hoped that It might not.
~-e .~... e .1 I A
Uni e i r t C Aft the State
oz eetings on. o
JEFF'. plky4l3', ptEOIVA:* . E,a,IIF I *
Bankrupt Rebel Officers.
linisposUion of Sherlit4n4 Parses.
erstiz OF CHRISM . t 0 CT *fl fIACcO.
Ndv .Toss. Hal-8 The_ T(nwfi'Satefgh
specliksio iitiovi'pecti**
thro4gliont the State. Inlap*AlA4iiiieet4
turtelbcert counti-"meetlngs. Carteret, Gretna
asd M'aille'. l Ming*:karP 3 NOM!. :TheT° 5r.?
Nis+ peace without Union. They will al/ the
trnl44 Skate gprommpt. 14, thuyestoreition of
fair end order throughout North Carolina.
- T4e. Herald's Raleigh special saya Jeff.
Davi ifiiii4fC_Oltiagtrtai3Taimq, rid
Is believed to have gone to Annan. Ile was ac
colanle4-by !Anne AT).I 7
lon f Wheelo'i
Before leaving- Greensboro DaTle.orderall emus
of reeler...Wien and-many Aernes. in. Other
cdmmands to be paid the amounts dno titein In
gold.. Most iso,ooovertanozpot :our, Zs
keeps the_t to revive the rebel cause, which
be lisokr ros 4pon as not let 4tatti .114% remains&
with the mayuntil the treeekad expired:
The World's Raleigh special says: kmongi
the loyal natives it la generally expected that
Dale wilLbrcali for ono .ofitttAlracrons islets
ante North Caroline ts:Stst,tahate tut Stearn'',
er el llghf . dritght cla thief and ttotnitrance, -
bear him and Ma treasure to a friendly shore.
- Army officers coneml, in thisfopinion. =
HeralcPs correspondent, vll6 .irocantly
Tads frottiShprldatt's to She:taste& linr, says
,North Car6Un is netatiapoverieherl,_.and
ter; a-e txtensivelv caltivating their lauds.
is a vast amonntof tobaced on bonds, and
that peace and cinietreii will be acceptable to i
Majority nt tame who two been in tbo army;
an those who have not... It will ho some time
tefore a few or the restles3 tptrita can . be subdu=
ed, but they will come in when the popular sew.
,timent'nf theStata is directed nankin • its. old
'cbazi el pc obedlens . e to the layre of tbe
The same aper-IA riajlr,, AR th e oaleors who
.weie In the old regular army comtardn thatthey
arc boa' bankropt.! Johnston, Bra .and Baan-
regard have nothlngleft but their swords. Har
dee marrieddininpthe vnw a very wealthy Ala.
banaa lady. Hampton has exchanges on Earopt
reportedaa Idgh ant ont. hundred 'AA aft 7 ;leo.
sand dollars.
The Ppled.Ontps began to-depart on Med
neirdlo.r, Vaal It the officers ffiriniffraite berets
tit Um& . Butler's Melaka et Hampton's
. ..colperntmlieted about 1,50 L ALUM parokdof
Anottluln's brigade lumbered aboutat There -
wets ably kipudzed:bidlei of ta iiii*4'l
Thb Caydry, about - tiro Moats - need* Myatt .
off: as enamor; of- Jet. Day*: were a. pin: of
Wheeler's command andthose of -Vangintkand-
BatliDnke's, If
. iiell area across frosnlkstTen
irises' tar this putganse. ..... .1 .C:2O
'tohnsum said that Jeff. Dark - did WI; 1011 -
line tin the conclusion of. Sherrasn's, truce.;
an a number of the °merit's 'staff 'said" that'
Pi3 l o l!til P.S , Non . m.,,liorttiVarolina; wide.=
eseettei .0.,0W Ortialry. ':ohnstori - deNaiidthat
the surrender of Lee's army ended the tar, and
nothing remitted jpitfollissato make Vahan.,
terms theemadd." . :..„,:,. ~.t..7 : - .* -• : ~......:-..:-...".." :....
-On the SOth CIAF•iI he sent 'dist et to chea the
ecia ll
Gerrcrucrs of North a nth carollas, Gem ,
itis god- Inciidad It lorpolalbls tenott—':
°nee the contest lon with any hope of
success, and that he .wlsnel to arold.the crime;
of *sboldto n :mo r e lffotaL . -' • *-
Lee — azirJoliristoif are, tfajirtiera'spokqi of
with respect, but Jeff. Darts Is the subject of
I_ : cornea ihnlAll Prilea..
Raw Yang,..lffay B,—The ,Trffrnea Raleigh.
-speciatoPtlfieffr says s -.Joh nston Feels *stale.
that Kirby Smith will surrender as soon as he of the surrender of thearntles cast of the
.kohnston spoke in high maize of Sharmsn's
army: -and thedifficulties that were anratoneted
in lie realehliaftgh Georgia and the Carolinas.
It if not thought that there will be much re
- luetanee re the part of Jobusten's soldiers to
:einem° their paroles. - - ' - The - North Car Mina
troops Dearly all left for their homes before the.
;sapling officers arriind3 and large numbers of
.the othcrlitates ticidiesht folk/wed tadt.t. • -'.
Shia does not afect the parole, which, under
the system adopted.ladonablftbeelffeters. cum
for his own command, the number of which Is
`ONO), and the regimental and .company Toile
weak. &soaked Withal ofilLess. 'MU plan fru
employed to preserve discipline on the march,
.a.nd prevent,pillaging_ pn& dispeestou jot° Per- I
' villa partied.' -One-WM , sif 'the - mai- iliii Matt
tmatworthy, being selected to retain their arms
for the peigeasekX•keepins the rest latordef,and.
a ittalieleat number of Wagegui allowed foithe '
isorportation of supplies. .
It isktigeehl IliegeOlilL littliem Wiri'.9s,ooo
en of all the smith sick and well, officers'and
priv Th ates.
e mast noted of the Generaisparelal, Were'
.phaeton.p Begun:card, Hardee, J. Lee, A. P.
StewarCaokez'sk. Pt Rill ant Chatham.
Ilndadid it JohbithiA soltosArr were MUM.
ril Raphael &armee; -Commodores Lynch and
Forrest and e ac ouo
d r thectstite riien.t_ ffbel l
~.,s ta. t y. ..t censiping of
Tte iferahitt special from Darrale. °lithe
lb, Layn Tim fears of, the war degenerating
lista gaerrillitlighting - are-entirely groundless:
MI itftnential rebels and a majority of the tu
ha' bitatts' are .stronffif .01Tosed to espy such
thing aed would ' use allihe ratans in thettpow;
cir to aid our authorities in putties' a stop to any
inch operations: -AU the stores In Danyilleare
' betefellsed'opand•wiltioeff **open.; There Is
4 great desire matifsred by all classes of the
, commnnity In get bold of pur,gret nbaelre, ,
Cos's autt Terry's- carps: together with Rm.,
:Kilt mrick's cavalry. will be retained fur serriee„
in the Carolinas. In all probability Cox's tem.
Mand will go. to the extreme
.. pettion of the
piate:' 'ftc eoloied troops under TerejWilr be
put upon the coast. Gen. Awe will remabs wit
ids division ist Kaleigh. --' : - -.-.. - ' :' ~,
i The mein , pertion of Klipatrlek'S command - I
vra ts. tea/Spud in .Nerthwesterif.,North Caret.:
11111;;_aid.ror: tbs. horders...of,Apqrcatallna:,
One portion of the caialry under the immediate
. nommattdoEtli. will be seat on the
border In the direction of the line of Vlrghilai.-
/env4 alipatriek.will teadeldillaidgitittet
n all padiabilithm.-atedufatenvenlent point' n
'Anton' ameistaio. , gellAr4ll. MMus:o fillv '
loinvtveasto,of.Pmatsylvattle;ina &kb), of
OWSIIIII karafairith Gesoroldfilpatrier. _ ~...,
4NejoliciolotOpecillOr - yOolnlgos win , aISO
re4slol,W,WentMCMll44i %Tiara Irlti',.
trckiCovalry;,geoisid,X=4l ll 9 l r7 labai
loolaosearolry; Maar =moo 10 ,
try; Noith-Olito - Cavalryi:Testk , Ohla. - Cavairy;
Math litiehigancalairvi tort Rift& onityitteni
...i...-7.3 --
wiikks'AsgiNATloNt(acr4iiiktiAtr ,
P1..::-.5 . :.• }•1 ..77.t7 1 r r.. - of t; v:o •
01 1 04/ResS4,o l ';,:r.aVlY $., 1 1, & r: Pl$
2.6. ' :,... , .. f:k
I' •
r€' YE)• Alabi.l. , 1 -. (
VIOWL4t7S4 ~ „Tan& '
-T e• , T I, t. t. , •-' ....g.s, - ,' , 5 .114 , le, V
tri*l44446 2o ihisOrla r gi*var
hrtbiiiiitidik Wasidihtiiirmaer.
.),,,q ~-;,..7 . i.,1......, . ,rti:: . .4 ...M....;
r ; ildE."-Aiillii,‘ WON ' If tge.:..ithdc. , ..
•P , L , .. , t-0., ,,
New l'o4, Ma a y 11.-=Tta Yktiiii6's itiakiiii:'
'Pa epeeist iiiinie: to viiilleretded that Ediiiiian
ito be wawa/A:OA:a; -'--
d' !=tlo4:conozukr..
! I st: . : - ''‘..-' .''. '.'.. - •,':!`•'" .- !-'t'':;.
i 'AiiiolfinAlbflinrVolDS, made to 1)4 , 14 AIM;
frOogs whack rendeOrma "oboist: Yr.44105t 611 ;',
prior to imotcringOnt. The! 'form Yoga- -In sm.;
Nicola not to rimed 150,000; and thisir will bo
mostly; colored. troops. - The reorganirod army
- ;w111 consist °flour corps, of 40;000 eseh—one of
7egulara, oie of , White vidtuitcas, sod .11r0 of :
colored volunteers. - Eaelf will have .its cavalry
girl:filmy and latently In pr oper proportions.
~ • .
The 2G,' and' ilth corps ware revinvred , In Mai
mixed gn Zaturday, preparatory, to marohing to
It appearstiaf,lettera idireis4 to -.:eiviuni _
la dilchmond are dotabied in.Washingtott;aado ,
large number -hirre , iititstrnalated there:. , 7 , • , -
Ito illoshra North ; Carolina dlapalaiel Ri ve
IYIOOII3 ramoraWiderastnirealhatirmfidelLfDaf
via, het none more later or moredelialte Mid
g • of .e.fflosreparbg
Iliat= i rito &WOOL Ida apeciativiln
1.e.) I 414.1. '1 fit '7l-• Is,
l ar Tbe Hanid'a onempoadent giTaa farther de.
l en Or. tta . ,i.,I)S A l :91,1519,010).
i Men irerein=. 'A arge nileacidtheod
[did not welt„berAtiedg ParlOges-blit itifolVr as
i soon as they Weber oiddie*ldaratba, d are
tow eedadedia plilaidrii aalsi MOW& the rfleel-,
1 tine people. , Our. l( pl e ceara.;anillemerera
Morendeawl. l ".f Ainoartbe °Moore sarroadered is
the nolratorm llamas. of the setata.ildabilMa•
Tobievi - eroal 6lebi3iond:
• . Mr" Yogi; Slay 11- 2 11ao seboosor Soiklionla
Bomo,boo l ox . tiso4 fitio;lticlistrof4o,,Vo. *ft It
cargo of tokacco.
-- Alipe , "4Zlll - IVI
: -. 2 - denTtgontery and Selma Oompied.
7 r=--- -
Exteitsire Laud Slide at Algirrs,
Nww Camas. May B. rid _Cairo, May B.
Gen. 4, di Ankh, With his command,. oceupled:
Montgomery, Alabama, on the 25th, ult., and
Selma, on the( 2101 2 , On Sunday
.last,pen. Canby met Dick Taylor fifteen miles
from Mobile and APplted,..Peglglatiot4forthe
4erretderathe'retiel 'forces. Nothhipieeisieti
WAS iletes mined upon, but Tayik was allowed
seveial days . to eFltaildee th s :ptoposltltto.'
belle/cid he hsannielled,bateinli.Wore this, at
be ain't heeecbeen hateeleeit ;thes endhi
the inrremder ordohneoa: ' •
Ai Menthe landslide occurred on the bunk
- ofltlie dyer at Algler4,lhat,tlgWcattaleg pea
Leivrhdladllng Cotton, 5k skied do. held at
40c, poehtg bnoyatil mint et , a alliance.
Crinto f llll, May &—,The '
„steadier Atlantis
bronight- nine linedred and eighty-tire Rebel
prmcioers from New. Orbital toliklistmtg.:
.• Murph ,T a :enmities Rebel boat
benzer,7 ciiiptrmW in
lime. ;Orleans; was also
brought tip; en route fcir St. Loeb, in charge of
pulted.Btates iteteetira Danford. .•.„
Their Timm:Nay B.—The r Seirea's ltew Dr
item* ecertirmideet,eititsina additional Victim
lim ortb¢uegottatl#lor the 'Mined& of Den.,
Klrt Builth'is entire Trani-litiaLialepl
TlmPeeting•to mann_ thcprelistlearl
, tooKtitsco on the 23d tilt., at which Gmaial .
Sprague represented Oozes/ Pops. Ant-Gokmat
Lemma' efiriaared orybehalfonlenerat Smith;
and these efili=s were to hire anotheeseenter •
me' at Dei same plum On the 2d list:
_ pt ttie result of this latter Meeting
was ksown;but It tristaiderstood that the tetras
were the same as therm under which Lee* and
Jobeetries armies wete srmrendered.
Thera were additional IMAM to Nevi° deans
otithe.Dhli Mud, therobel Uens. Dick Taylor
aed;Forrest had made a. formal proposition to
succeeder their „forces. Gen. Caney had left
New Oriente' :very'suddealy for Mobile, :Da It
was', htliered that be went to the latter chi Ter
the parpase of reeeirlajTayleat swim:ad.
,P.tis Of, the President's Proclamation,
, .
Nor Arctic; May a.--The .Tenei; Preshisitettl'
,sl:4ltd says ft 4404 hs be nudesstood that:the .
..tteen t procle > natlon ctraing irewsrd for the
lipprebekision iif 'Jefferson 'Mile :sis - one of the
&Wee implicated the , sesassinstloa of Kr.
41ricoin;sras not betted' reteldeat Johnson
a. tAl.lAdlsldual not, or metelint . son kis penis
al opinion at supt,gr Orn .. him is
said In parinsice of tho Seddon of the props
lalhgntyi .: f - •
. .
It was ant enanintonslj , decided in a Cabinet
melting %beret! pectin' In any way noanemod
1111 Ch tittecirtspiraey,shonld be tried Or a milita
ry DlN:real and not by civil courts. All the tes
drdony relating to the natter was then placed
Ldicialty itithe tends of the . Judge Advocate
beret, Eton; Joe. Bolt, who very
_carefully and made a written report to the
SeCretary of War, giving It as his opinion
that the evidence proved Davis tohavalrcen
r.ecteditith the concefelon of the execution of
the plot. It was upon this calcial report that
the proclamation was baled. It is not to be sup
posed that any personal action.ln the matter can
be traced to Davie, but will be proved that the
cairigracy wad fromod and proseental with bin
knowledge and assent. -
liiportant Arrests Effected
Krve 'Teem, gay Eferstaas Key West
earrespor.dettt, dated Way 14. Siam a rumor
cant the rebel nap Stonewall, from Lisbon, was
430 lbcFloriaa coast.. ,
A 0f mbil to the New jerk ./Drifd Bus MO.:
Witten on tie Bth sap: Limit. M. B. Rialto.
,of Ideate egneriplas, and Lint. .A. B. Bain
bridge. of the rebel army, sod Dr. Steuart, to
wbctto hcnne Meth . wanted to be taken, - have
on the granted , oi fuming Infixma.
thin Minim:ol4 t,he.assiqficistlett;, • •
ErWills' North - Carol/Ina-4U Constar.
cite In'lrnropses—llterelmadise far Men.
ead—`1111;600 for Secretary Seward's
tNntirrcinie„ Nay H—s The Thbatint's Washing-.
than feeling In the ins
r of North Onrolina Is not of that' tine - and
e est kind to be attired or relied awn. Many
;instalment citizens who adadetheirdefeat,
nn a dogged adnerence to the State rights
t rkspitti4; hassbeen ref:died atsAking that: .
here are no counterfeits noon our bonds In En
- mptan markets, an d
, that , insionatbsg &renters
were Baned by Secessionbits.
i 0: dens have been sent to the various Custom
Routes to grant clesraneento vessels bound lab
merchandise to Richufond. It Is known that
Prestdclat Johnson baa been extremely desirous
of extending the same ftiollittot t 9 all parts CI
the Sou h.
The runes' Washington special says: A DlM
tier of the lending citizens of New York, among
whom are Moses Taylor, August Belmont, Tnur
low Weed, Marshall 0. Roberta, and others,
Rare made up a I one of tl,OOO, for the ' , staler
Robinson, who,while acting as nurse, sated Secs
Wary Seward's life. • .
Rebel GenetelJotinetonPa Farewell Order
New Tenn, May 8 —The following is General I
irton'stflrevrell O .
der: . ' . : . .
OVA BTUS AMIT Or VIZ T . alefirlillll,l
1 .704 ,01 2X5Wg 6 t0. N. C., Idly 1 . 't
i general Orders No. =.—Comrodess In territl
eatintoun oat:intl.:elation,- I earnestly. exhort
}on to obierte faithfully [her terms or pielfles=•
lion agreed upon, and to discharge the obliga
tion: of good and peneefhl citizens at your
Lfi7.,,p4.70ik have pezfonned the dada
thorointlg eoldinitila ithe ,501 d... By snob a
rue you will heat more the comfort of your
families. endlindred. and restoet,tranquility to,
Tan will return to punt hirErieV'Witlt (Willi&
Iratlern=riengiormon it the
_ge and
you' lave dialillyed'Arthlir long
11,4114.048T=.= pd.Be pro
a Vat fti• . 'O6 IWO
pose ; I pow.patOrltb son - with deep meet,
' N4,44l6trevell..iebb7lbellett:of .--asienil,
deblp and' wint:ooPneNPo ol o 4 gaet# l . l ol.
hereafter, all the . prosperity end happineas
be fe r egi 4 / 1 0 10 ,161 41 4 , 4i r ' i rr s "aigrit'" r ' .
rsigied3 - ' o Er: .1' rote.
pthd: Ar am Apadtßaoi64:44.4 l / 4 . ~..„ ,
f!!`f,.'4=.„, ~....- ---...,. f , i
4',4k-ilktli PERIVIti, : r u ,,.. - !:
'-aa, -M o rtablidi 5aart41 1 .44.,
and fort, Wll4.Vonfflra.t Ivr_r; d• ~. il;,;.1
' , drain Mempbbn kis olattroM Itenatituy
a dolligiviligrofrsBl4, ppsOzran
, , . ~ .v. tI r..,... , ii,..? ± , -f's
4 6. tae tw
'ltween Gem -Amasses .4be mwol 'gm:Bodge,
!would end May &dinning Wvtiltders may be
ratline et riny esennetrt.• ,,. zr ....,I , es*: zr.
ledge StirwetHippeatto the :ViMle
e of
IslaslppL in being renpoaded to air. iiumbo - •
of rebel paroled prisoners arching /18 dolblllTX
!Many bodies from the wreck of the steamer
,tioltantfarb fleeting ,In* ther,rlyer. Forty have
' Ibeen brought ashore. and bailed In the soldiers.
!TeozleTY . - rig Memphis.. Nose bare yet txten
Tl o Mobile &,Obio railroad bas been cotapee
ted to Motto or, and trains are running.:
Telegraphic •,nomninnication bas been re
rumed between Cairo and Nashville, after isms
penslan'of neatly a year; caused by guerrilla op
. •
Order Thum General'llalleck
. Rev Tenn, May B.—Tho Richmond Whig of
the Orb contains Sp order Rom General Retook?
' that alter Um iiith all Mgr= toned in' arms:;
;vilest the Mated %stet in Villtilit add Norttt,
arolina will be treated se-robbers and RAM .
Pewee asalsttngin Bilabial guerrilla bands,
an srbo - dattlernetentilltior VtlaX. tliktinlttd ,
NOM ?Mb" tal i x% bye POPPOffi t alA h .W,
tottedotVtodosiM .!..-- . Sri,: ',
Tbs military officers Ain't; ' ' `triiiiies,4.,
tttototthi tOt 111111Terto bat thiitteelalati .
anitlltets *loom ' 7ll oalst 'gni' °basal"
watlbbenatiotetattaio lictoptovior.. Far
totuommtetrtik•Sot 4 b7Ettioltvtatotitt,Ateotp•
-preatiee ay Iso liito be intristinend. I. f aft 111
' LrbbfW i ffl l WlV O iP i +. lol4ll36lll`itlit:titt#l
1110 4 01 " t4 .. ' ..-
Naiw t rittim. Isispips.Colonel fßetson, of the
door Bomb wily received threw& the Adams
En'Tem CniblianXllks atitl.ttat -WAS formerly,
on LtibbY Prl2oo. -1 t • •__ _ , t . ; -' ',,, '
.. his rumored Rise dieT. Mons ass arran ge d '
[or ,
tbetron clad ram Rtoriewidltei enter eve. lot Um
mamma Inlets onoa tbo AtilretWoolit, anq • -•,..., emu
him to a place of safety.
• •
', •
T - 11 'Trial of the Assissine.
Nair YOutt , lidifY2B.—The Toss publishes a
idle from C. N. Blatchford to C. A: Seward, la
which the wilter tays;after refehingto the con
&Mott' of &inter, lleirard and his son, "Paine,
the isarsin,, taus .faliplopf L agei ma crime. and
alit details reignling s ictind the (ffillcultjhe
encoUntered. ; Me.saya Unwell the plane of that .
Friday - night' not beittg:carriett out, itiras the
greatest fallmilhat erarwint.", '
A special - to the' Comintfeionidoerttur, :dated
Washington, May Bth, soya: Itle - rel4bl.7: ll ‘•
potted that the commission for the . trial-of the
- consfdratore engaged in the • assatehiatiolk will
mm711816;1 to-day. The Departaient, helmet;
affects a tnyatery on the •subject; - and no tutor
niatiOn can be obtained by the press. ..
IppOrtant Intimation Distilled.
• • I ". .
'Pritt.a.Datonta, Map 8.-I?orneylt _Pros ,haa
obtalaed important Inftwroation regarding the
recent .plot to burn Philadelp ia. It. Mimeo,
the fact 'that on thci liftedieeday night praticwor
to tbe night when the city was to have been'
'bulled, &large barn' located 'within tl ft y yiudn
'of" the State timeline, - sheeted near Pottle
iireeo.' woe Aired' an Linuandial7. but: the
GOMM we re ,dtingulated. - :; The magsalitit
taros nlai ) i Ca°luularelt• WA' .Il o 7!dfte O t t
belorgicg to tbe.tralted State*,
The .lingl.htur o had panted a law for the re
moral "of 'Mb namattnet butte tier' buildlo ghee
not taut oreda• , and the altagasine remain
within two auks at the cittwatant a guard to
protect it. -
Rock and Money Matters In Heti York.
Nate Tonx, May 8.-0. 8. speculation was
strong at the SCo Exchange. .Ilieeibettee with
more demand rei stock. The boandepened by of
feting large las of Erie bat ,althout shaking
strength In med.*. 4.500 allures werereadlly ta
ken in Unto Ws. .Thie gave confidence to the
market. Miscellaneous list better, It. It. Bonds
and Elate Plucks dull. EutePeart.adeicee • did
not exert any depressing influence upon Gat
eminent gold bonds as was generally expected,
but en the cot4ary, market woo firm and half.
per tent. Betur on S.2o's with Increased de-'
mond. .
Gold market tras heavy at n&n. The price
Tell to 1:39!; at the clone, being a deelLtie of font,
rev eent.f rem thohighrst point of the day. Very
little speculation In the gold room, and a heavy
fall in Five:Twcatim on the other side, failed - to .
stlatuisle any rise In premium'. .Ther market le'
abundantly supplied with -funds. The general ,
rate I, life ITT cent. Somo banks and private
barkers are baying Seven thirties In preference.
: L titlitding their balances at present rata.- Far.-
eschettge Is very doll.
:There Is considerable excitement and aetlvity,
-In Petroleum stocks, and prices wore all higher
encipt on United States. The fallowlng prices
were obtained : Buchanan B. 115; Consolidated,
2001 Cherry. Ron, 54; Faceislor, 590; Empire
City, 973; Tack. 190: Oceanic, 240; Rine Form.
!NI United States,llos();:flerndsols. 04; Nort e-
trai•Light, 440: We tater, 105,
Stihrestptions to the r evett..Thlrly Load.
POILADZI.PIIIA, May a.—Joy Cooke reports
the subscriptions torn in 'Philadelphia at /17,..
6.W1000. incradlie 1300,000 from thOPlrst
clonal Babk of Cincinnati, $1D 0 . 1 : 43 from the
Second, National , Batk - of Congo .;81 0 0,000
from the Fourth National Bank of New York - ,
ISOO,MO from the National Bank of Commerce,
New York. 1=2,1:00 from the Second National
Bank of Providence, 1275.000 from the First
National Rank of —, $150,060 from the Fl at
Nsgional Bane. of Portland, Maine, *900.000
from the Moichante Bank of Suiten end 1500.-
000 from the Find. Nadoold BVAiI. of Richmond,
Time wertsiadtriduatatihsedptkral that week
=Minting to over 140,000,000. Not 'onelellar
of coatractors'autamtprions and not oat:goiter of
`their couches WM 10eitldail 111011;MT Mort*
were of cash subscriptions and cash only.
. Asan evidence Of theineedv teadJushaest of
the relations Of the Onliett, an old .Peterharg
mercantile tiro orresMnied'of Coln' thicobertgirea
or boom are paroled primers of war of Loa'a
army, havoappealed to Jay Cooke for infouna
tkin about starting national banks, It being their
purpose to establish one In ?combo:7 with
branches In Raleighned Richmond.
TrAtgraphlt Commualcatlon in North Car-.
4itaa--riore Brouiptalloooo..trork
WssantWrote, May B.—, iidlitingalshed array.
*Meer mentioned this morning the fact that;
there is now telegraphic commtmication betwees
hlimen. Georgia, and Washington, &portion of
the line extending through Georgia and North
Carolina where we have no troops. alto
'stated that the eame wires which were hat re.
emitlf coed by the rebels are now "empl.yel in
trir.eatittlog the President's parochunation niter
lag rewards, for -the anon of ler.. Diode and
The Nan pepertmeat codtinnecto receive and
a pt reslgnsUcias of relent Om . atilieri. omit
entire , namber who entered the sersice at the
.cotraniticement of the rebellion Ore hundred
were alimiseed for' dote/Waned, which woo the
prevalent arenas, •
. he Treosta7 De;artment L. making arrange
ist fits to pay all the towel( Indebtedarsa, Meted. ,
Act arrearage. end bounties to the army.
See/lairs Departnient.wlllia a then time tell
rainy of the wooden Tench which were pur
chased to meet the presslag twit:cedes.
UllOn to 0111101Cf11 And protaral.ltaln at
May S.—Brokers and Dankera are
clan:nod against buying Touchers audited here
by Capt. Chat. B. Wing, A. Q. M 'it large
amount were captured by guerrilla, in the recent
told on tee Oblo Miazissipnl itallnsad. on the
Gib Inst. ,
'Ricer six feet pn Ones. Tim , ' rains all
I .Iginvines and Alcohol Hefted..
Th:w Tonz, Rai 11..."—The - Pm( earn Collee
uir Donanimer. of the Mich Dlstrlct, has . seised
Id this city 1,000 hartele'of hrghwines, and 1,900
thrrtlhlof eleobol; oil ille - gronna - of :fraudulent
641(:, npdef the:lntered Rerrenne her. The
Lkeatufitturciti,s#J. - .A.' Itbombere & CO., _.of
nvie; lotes,'ldtuise diallllo7 1.8, now lti-Roo
of tbe. szborisies, , ~ : -
qbarge aßalestßebel Ettchingo !Coombe..
Haw TORR. Hay B.—The Time imp: The
titerge agalnsttherebel.Caintaleioneti.Alf
change Quid end Hatch, who have been arrost.-
ea by Mei. bf Ger.''Grent; Is that they miseppro-
Watt ig3 o 4#A l FN; l o4ch " 1461. to bne
t .
• e;-=. e il l k :f " M i lr i l? * • •, )
I Rl* 04143 Y,lleVettAl:o46it.`i
tli.oiebeadri4 glal-Amer. parratadamt.
VeseratpasedtiFsi Sprbefiekl. at moon fa A
$ S I P.A"-TL'Tbei Arkerth era o rs ..
mum istiode. *um' locstfelos - ; A g048;. -
tfili.sneAida.,,Conekkoz, VI 'lninb , 40; 10 4 . 7 ' ,
IClTthr iron o th er ppantszo” -. + . r , ,3 .. „11 tr.,t : '
iiarlirs..**epy :Baskei4. - 414>:7;:.
k#loiN - 144 '5 . 4:.4.011;:, 4. - 41:,1-7; tee.
'tti 0 . :00 16 : 1 404 7 S3OAIS A I9I
1:0580 ' . *4.l 3 9 s _gri•,tatelaq ,
VW' A- Afigjp, .i , ape4re,,tre
*sal , . i ,WA OS XII , 4neteAttkA
183,575,,,, A ., ...., .: 4E ~ A 1" ,, , in 4 .1: r.n. 1
Price of Gelds ,7 S I - 1
q it
24th ToUL Mai 6. , Gold Oi4P
dreadtroldlr, abuatlpt4 mat taraffortano
at up the Premium 'ere-fogad' tittnie ;large
pluktiltfferatii iragetlitA44. th°
rib' Iraqi": COirri MOW. •
AVarinntasox,'Maly,Ei.—Trsliarris (kirk Kai?
Val nits, and Intim absence of imp
*Wineries adjourned till to-morrow,' • •
Tim French . EMparor's Reply to the . French
)egialattve body was, '!the mutat" , it moro afraid. 1
of the chine of liberty than the atIIISC of power..
That is the prett of tyranny for its despotism.
, lt-- Las always been the abuses of power which
haie led to the abuses of libertv.:—eao extreme-'
beaming another. The_ exicsati of the French
revolution were theAbZill of the excesses of the
pNvions monarebW , The French Emperor,
though a mvolutlonary monarch, has a thorough'
'horror of
t o o oy t r ii i%respltiops. t and her he holds
f1:41111'15/1 ctOld'° happen . ".°Prl'hZ. gr ea testtftwe.
diistainEhtilidentis nomovlce•it the tai a-
o f g it ecoititeetid with'• party or
otedattletto t took activo.pact la the
ettr Eltalatto tivelhaparor.Happlempl
timaptanablemadttllargraaliur 'APT
. : 10114.a.4,60,4MIVIreWltltilg sitl
: 0 trekitlili ft •:.-Ff Alg i rti o r
p 6t,
'r Aisiortr„ir trevr,pallstait:.
!ha Played In Ohio larepoftia
PrOdafthil% resflUali:RWVWl4el. v.b 4 "
des, and au the early and laie Mats, Wit
bitadAdoWddtdo 'Wiliam frost' , zomo go blast
t rmi .The aftgbt frOsta of _tho kaftan weeb
'd6 - 1101 aPPear to hare adhered them unfavorably,
and the follage - botio ed advafired as or
rdr 131 0 1 0 0 : ladder .fralt prctactloa. We may,
therefore, calculate on an abundance, and lower
, rietii; teirt , lVist. cm. vv.
the, Pope alliOnie King of Italy.
The tendon Time; publishes a letter from Its
Rom correspondent, in which he says: "I
bark:eseerlained the truthek the fact of the
popshaving written to Victor Emman'al, as
:also , thejdotalls connected ,irit.iii: Aii• the
.. ration repotted by me which took place
end, the timidity morning, end at which only
eight canilnaleivere 'Weskit, bls Ilolrilese sent
`for his private secretary, Monsignor° Stern, and
fdictoted the letter, the exact sense of which is
o Raw': Ifut Holiness' was alarmod at the
agidoOd slate of the Church of Italy, which was
Clow deprived of - so many of bar bishops. He
appealed, therefore, to the religions scene of his
.11.0047 to come to his help to remedy such a
atateof things,. As regardeMediticait andlnar.
hardy, his Hilliness was iifillogxo - receive the
gerne proposed by his Majesty, selecting ono as
'twee castomary. As *Ghia own Stetes.-be was de
.cbicd. to m s batain his sovereignty, bat as
regards (hot Dad Mee, Tuscany, and Naples,
be was; Willing to treat If his Majesty 'wonld ,
Seed ' I plenipotentiary to Rome. If this
gentleman hest net already arrived, though
semi maser( he has, he Ii abhut to arrive. It
Wag be Obselved that Cardinal Antonelll was
- by bp Menuntettouainted with OM intentiOnof Ma
Boldness, who mirrots from his own impala', and,.
as It Wall dated to me ;with 'much unction.' - In
the 'whole letter then Is scarcely one sharp ei•
pecaskali on %he COntrari;a spirit of concession
pre Is thnoughOut. illustrative rather of the
num an of the •Popa,.and showing more of the
henu entanfereligkitis sentiment of theinecos
sof St., Putitr than'of the ambition of Pope
• Kin Regarding It lo ha political phase; it is
iii,i, ded -and ;explicit acknowledgment of Na,
plinignd the piles States, with the exception of
that mand the Marches, as fonningpart of the
Itio so of Italy: The Defoe will treat with the
plea tiary of , his- Majesty regarding the
lo tk aa
blab Vs of . the protinces.'• Adieu, tben,toLegit-
WWI. It Is generally' said -bore, cite what au
thority I know not, that Plus IX. has always had
a ir4kness for Victor Emmanuel... I
-. i Randers and Sate.
... .
:31M three moot notorious rebel spies that are
still it large to the neighboring provinces—San
ders,. Tucker and Cleary—have met the Pres
ident's proclamation, offering a reward for their
capture, by loud Protesta of their innocence,
made public through the local mints. Sanders,
however, still persists in having Ms case brought
teirial—that ls, upon certain conditiona as to
locality and assurances of personal safety being
cemglied with by the Unite states Government.. Sandie's, whO preferred the other : week, to come
to New York for trial, now, on second thought
pres Roun'a Point, a border village about
twooursi ride from Montreal. -he
.wont-have a chants) of friendly assistance in
„want matters going hard with him. Wo do
not It now that this new proof of his innocenc e 'MlS 'entirely satiety the public. It would be in.
terealltr. 'Meanwhile. to have an erplanation -
"trout Sander of his conference with tabor= An
. gaga Sal., on the: subject or: these %lamina
lionii.Six or nine months before they took place.
I . 3ali n say r e distinctly that Sanders told him of the
pa ' of atrocities which would ; make the'
shudder. These atrochleahavittean torn- ,
.srdtkd, and, if Sanders desists to 129 his own
1 " 4, ho may turn States' etdence against his
Otat *atm : Tt!ltro.fsiiriiho planned the meg,:
lent. 1 1 0,beette ill knowing It. Let him par
chNA. 'Faunal safety by, a fall confession.
11 : IA done things quite u vi[llelnously mean as ill bt
fore.—/V. Y. rows.
. .
Coivernof Aiken
is finally known that Governor is Aiken
brovsght hare from Cberleaton for Mal try Court
martial fur some alleged act tending to give aid ,
and comfort to the retell= fie In le tolerable'
health, but. says, 1. • understand, that he has had
lour anukma years and 1s ranch disteibed
mod mortllled at bin protest; poaltioa.S. fie ups
he has always been a thorough Union mast, re.
fused to lake part with the seoessionlits; de
clined :otdces that were offered to him and his
fnendm opposed Jeff. Davie at every step, Ala
'Altana horn at Moutgomerynor Richmond since.
15.f.41, bal. staid at bome and waked inuntiently
for the end, which has now fume, and which he
alwayecorisideted Inevitabin. Ile says he hal:
toe* nearly or quite all immerse property,
but he takes his lames philoSopideallv, and Wks
forward.o hie trial for that dedication which he
lesiva It will bring of himself and his crnielatent
loyally. llei on parole here and Is not allowed
to speak of thweanses of his arraat. .adrity of
hitold friends have been to see him. .The Gov
ernor's health in slightly impaired by his voyage
and the novelty of his situation, but he Is as
urbane ea ever, and does not look a year older
than when a 'member of Congress before the
war.—.V. Y. nib,
Ilfirdien Wood, In his organ, aleadgeatea Ego
Presbleat Jeff Davis, of the late Boaters Con
federacy as "a high-minded and pansatmled
gentkmart." Them used'to be a highwaymaa
Bogiund celled "Cienticoura flonge." .The
gentlemanly quake •of Ilea, the spy and
marauder who was hung Lately at New York,
bare been. extolled frequently by. eopperheads.
Floyd. Benjamin, Thompson. Cobh,. Breckin
ridge and ail the other • leading traitors are con.
6111cred; perfect gentlemen. by the mime class.
Butettorlio tried to murder lir. Seward and bin
fatally.. is deeeribed as very gentlemanly. J.
Wilkes Booth, the vilest criminal that ever died a
Werra: fi dog's death. hi gala to have been a
mat elegant geutlensan. Pray let this &Moe of
a good word cease. If it continua, =stearin be
ashamed of being ccruaidered gentlemen. lat.
tlia-ybe Cleave with Borah, and Havla—Phlla.
Lonisvnie Zovraat is steeled by deinciti
sr-rations ofinapect paid to colored men during
the Linceln obsequies in New York. It makes
the eullject a text for "miscegenation' , outburst.
This balderdaeh is antediluvian. A flood of
Übir-b tilumpbs separates the epoch of to day from
that when timid politicians were moulded Into
dougbfares under the threat of being called ne;
nrc-worshipers. The loyalty of the negro la
qnite as creditable as that of Kentucky po
liticians, of the Prentice -and Wickliffe
echoed'. It has not been purchased by fat
contracts or high offices It is not continual
ly In search of pretexts for making attacks upon
the Administration. It does. not shield traitors
when pretending to war with Treason: It beano
lurking eflioitlaa With perrillas and house-burn
cts. It &ma. not conceal the stars ant bees with.
in, while displaying the national ensign withont.
Tito right of &hared mambo a place to the toner-,
al praetorian, was won by negro soldiers who
died in the trenches, and negro Inaides who
'oft soldiers rthmugli• the swamps of the
Booth, and negro . friends Who, fed sod shattered
our Nese men flying from Confederate slaughter
pens- This nation is learning to'bo just.--.llDa.
*ft imam"; boetnal. .
A PAWS correspondent of the age:mine Zrt•
toss, of itigsbatr e igekes the folloitlng re arks
an the speech of Peiletan in the Legislative body , :
"This Accaietrteneo' is ladle:ars of the disposi
tion ishlch.bat been celled forth la Paris by the
newr otthe 111; of gichunond, _The Seeisng that
the treatment of the Untied Statei his IseSa
Ivry awl Incaution' and that a HMO,
ilmaishmebt may and
Is ttaloersal. Provost : :
Park ,/ eeye lA inaltkpla In pis Couniershi.Dl,
rrteK;that,al ntglins '.tt the Gott . ,
ienena pretend ter lass aderaies hien lifasiecit
OnSti . In *TM of the BeesOltestsl46; The
ntL poO•ft: ptcoatina of
t o rtatirktoqlsaldnd trey Wish tit Oa'
• ar.
gatare.t.,Thmlnitiestikvf , OM**
, stOts orthatlesierattee Body Is altogether
nate& Into the background: Eserybedy spoke
gely orAtdifditlatiadt If I u
t ri2„,,,,,
• Tun Tapmatza.-niliirernlnenf AMAPI% up
‘e nxperimeninfannioartlogibeVe*lcatirre.d - •
rah Villoge, Arlington,,NdbrittiM
mi r mbit tia ildr, at ttieimnalliorlnee, and rent
r ifiargiZiaew 'To ,r theft IeT4MIA4 14 , fd„er.
inontlai All lbeer4abtel on xavellbag to adept
tbeettertasnin'to be removed to Madan's' Lig
Ptak wart Georgetcrwo.L 'age JO . Itnimeeona I.
applications from.. the .lierth l'or their e.irslgea,:
but Wig -Imposalbloto ladaca : any of •thom •to
)xilgtatoln that difeetton. .• A ... - ... .. ~.,
. - , ,
OM" wee Anneavats;.—The..ltichatond .
111. V, Timreday, announces the arrest"of
flotert Could; tete of this'elty, but_ more. recently.
the relnd comMlesloner of exchange.' •It Is said
that thetioverhment took. this course , bemuse
Of certain Information that he 'had appropriated
the money. clothes, etc., sent from the . North
for our suffering prisoners. - Os the proceed! of
Ws robbery he ts avid to have faredanmplmonsly,
and been the most showy man In-Richmond.
. . ,
I Tox•ltermustrltursos:—Tla Mettler' at' the
life of Cassar,, still new frorn the Inflictions or,
f•Les l'rososde Labletme," le lashed by another
did. ',.Thel Tulberlesinsi sent forth she UM
t JubisCleisi by Ifsi6olete'll.l4 the tmknoten
sink lri the quitki - -/istlo. has sent ! :tot* ,4.
'LIM of Napoleon ILL , . by .dullus t °toms., .The .
tortttlifs bese6rMls ssaid to be the rhst sen
'bf 'fiiihedebnaiopresce — be Ihillltb67l4llll=
ft truth pnyht to bemolesemected theistlf
V./fl—. eaCif ..,ti WI , . -. .1i..!1', 7 .1. 1 ( 1
AV.:, 7 _._ .• •
___. ,
reTATurrlar ItsiMG:lBlanntlrho le
umber of cues, eiblblibiltf'lbn, gide Meta
daring 1861 and 1862r1M051P,d651 breflttclelft,-
000 died and 10,465 wets • dlschesded ,itmet rem!.
:Meet. - There Went admitted for the same yerlod
.147,,069 cases, of which 19,dfd , died, -and 405
*ere disebarge&—cesedisMs , , and
Timm ate a t present . pow religious bailleS
Italy; or !Ala 1 4 500 aro for niect end 876 for
,w 6410;.” >TAgPpmber of togirde3
iwtoon 14,807 aro men , 8841,14,11 ara.wolsWB
0 116: Xendicant order.. .Includes 299 perso ns,
teat 6 Ptil4lniti; tibotrlnvntined total. •
... 2 tZ
• .
, "it . 1:: - .7 , . , . . '
,rr 7 - si , i %1 to - O.) k,f )
i; .1
4',,,-.. c 7 :, T. 'II
' . " 7 ' • .'
. ' - ' •
' • e ,-; ~.-'.• .7. -f , " j ,,‘.!. 'i - • ..... , ...:3
' - --c,, , :„-.....:4 A. ',. •-- ,•-:'. ,ed ..' , r: , ._..
~ .
.. ,
Meeting of the Firemen's. ,Associatian:
A. regularly---quarterly meeting. of, the Edw. ,
mtn'a liasoclation, sea beldmillonday.emenizg,
May Bth, President M'Cnrthy la the chair.
In the abseneciof the Secretary, Mr. C. W.
Owston- was chosen Secretary pro
Thd fallowing named members answered on
Messrs. Hare, Dorrhsgton, Davis, Jos.
Little, T. M. Little, Graham, Capplea, Sims,
Mackey, Montgomery, Vick, E. Hall,D. Thom
son, Porter, Omston, Leonard, R. Thompiod,
and M'Carthy, President.
R. W. Mackey, Treasurer, submitted his an
nual report, Dem wltiCh it appears that there is
now a baleen mt. hand of . .V. 77.16. The report
was accepted: _ ' •
The old Awsociation having no other business
to transact, adjoureed: -
Mr.NI - , o.l)aviriTas thin elected President
pro tini; of thanes', Aisoctatiesit • . *
The credentials of, new delegates. were then
received, assfollOis: *Allegheny; Andrew Sims;
Diagnostic, C.'W. Glisten; tiiiiptur4',Fielt.lfeinz,
two years, Mir Waster, thrill:Cosset:Vigilant,
C. F. Porter; OMNI Intent, Joke' Willie ist'ita.
et; R. Kincaid; Relle4 Joseph Tittle; !Hague,
John Graham. ' - '
An election fcir perreanent'efilears .- wai thee
held and resulted u tbilopii :', ' '. ' '
Presidetat—W. C. McCarthy':
' HeoretkrY—Geo y lte W. Leonard: •
Ilesseiger—E. F;Pratt. • ' i i - ' -
- •
Chief Engineer—John Flavin '' • ' •
Assistant Engineer—David E. Hall.
Second Anistant Engineer—James ScotO .
The appointment of a Committee of Canftr:'
once end Inspection= was next in order, and in
sulted as follows: E. 'Kincaid, A. Sim& D.
Thompson, James Viek, Jos. Irwin, John Wal
lace, 'John Wallaker, Joseph Little, John !Terri
son. . . .
On motion of Mr. T. M. - Little, It was re
solved that the article in the constitution of the
Association p.ovldinw for an annual parade on
the first Saturday in September, be adhered to
this year.
The Chairman announced tbst the Committee
on Fire Engines and Howe; of City Councils,
were in attendance, and &Sired an expression of
the views of the members of the Association in
regard to the purchase of a supply of new hole.
It was staled that the price of leather was telling
rapidly, and that by waiting a few weeks the
city might save a considerable sum In the par- i
sir. Haickley.. Chairman of the Committer,'
then made a statement in referents._ to the
present price of leather, and the probability
of a frotherdecline, and desired the Association
to determine whether the hose should be pit=
ehttied cow or at a future day. . , .
After some discussion , it wis MOTO& Mot t he
committee be requested to contract for fifteen
hundred feet of hose Immediately, and Ike bal
ance (fifteen hundred feet) in five or six weeks .
hereafter. Agreed to..
liir.lijereitley, in _'answer to some objections
;rais e . bymembersciftheAswciatitms,Zplalned
that it wealhe intention of the Committee to Or
der fifteen 'hundred foot of new hose, in three
lota of five hundred feet Each, from throe direr
eat mitiauflierrin. rii; and to eonftact for that:ai
med with the firm which 'would, maks the best,
article of hose under the first con rest. The en
tire amount of the .appropriathsn, (i 0,000,)
W4lott. to tnsirled ittue,rptuulv of hone.
On motion of Mr.- Liediard, the tollowiiig
nacied gentlemen were:appointed • committee to.
&digit onitribetione from the seism] Insurance
Colt panics: Gee. W. Leonetti,- IL W. 'Mackey,
Joseph Doningten, .W. 0. Davis and C. W.
i Gaston. On mctinn,adjouried.
An InteTemung
The case of Henttah and EIIZA Ingram against
Edward H. Hughes, for trespass, came op before.
Judge Sterrett, to the Court of Common Plea,
on Idonday. It appears that Alice Ingram, of
antlers towtahip, made a will win on The 19th of
Fehruiry, 'PAS, devising, among-akar things,
the piieeedeof forty shares of, stock on Melling
of Pittsburgh; to her four daughters, Ann Jane
Hughes, Hannah Ingram, Alice Hamilton and
Elias Ingram, to be divided equally among them,.
and which mu to be Ps /d to.them at enee2 With
the exception of the portion going her - aangh,-.
ter 'Aurt Jane Hughes, which was to remain in
the stociOnil rtie dividenda.: or Samar 104 be
pail toler-druing bet life, and alter her death
thnprocredi to go to the later's . daughter. Alice
lieglien, if she survived the mother; bat if Alien
should not- survive her-mother, then the fourth
pas ot the stock should be paid to her sons Ed
ward and Nathaniel Hughes.
On the lath of January. 180. Alice Ingram
made a codicil to her -will, °whim to - the dealt at
her dariphrer Ann lane Hughes, by winch she.
tanked the
,teopeat of the tea shares of Batik
stock intended for the decessed,ld favorof tker,
daughters Hannah and'Ellaa/ngram,to bent
ly divided between them. ,
The plaintiff' how dalm nnder the codicil pd.':
potted - to - bide teen attached by Dint. Ingram to
bee ill; ten: sharentof stokk.on. the Bank of
f r
P 1 gh, to: which . ,difeedseht object On thn
von d that the wawa wsmof unsound salad at
the me Of 'making the codicil, and the action Is'
tit fore brought. The value oldie doet In
dbrunti amounts to eland 11800.,
' The nuratimsof,the meads fortlithat On the
drat of 'last February; the plaintiffs and defect
dents bed a eenrerestion concerning the solidity
- of 'the codicil, the plaintiffs asserting that It had
been duly executed by Mri. Ingram ,while In a
sound mlud,'and the defehdanta denying the m
adden. The defendants offered to make a bet
`Or fifty dollars on the matter, which was accept
'cd. The plaintiffs, believing themselves to be
entitled to the fifty dollars, tiled the narrative.
elaimbig damage!. tar the non-payment of the
.amount in the sum of 'two hundred dollars.. To
which defendant pleads non aseanipslt. Brice
and , blegley, attorneys fa plaintiff.; T. B. Ham
ilton for defense.
'CoeitleUun of a Homicide
' The trial of l'enny Cline, at *heeling, for the
murder Or Thomas poyle, was concluded on
Thtusiay eeenleg. and a strdlet-seturned o
murder In the second degree. He was sentenced
to fire years in the Prultentiary. The fracas oc
enrred on the 14th of Noaomber, 1803„ at &livery
stable In Wheellnu. The altercation Wm origin
ated, by purls ashing Clime fora'rolawhich,ba
had borrowed from h to, and Cline laid hoshad
lef. it at `botee and iickild Seture it in the after
noon....BhortlynOurwards he went Into the onlee
followed by. Doyle, and raising a stool struck the
latter mita on the bead, breaking the *gator the ,
' Doylo trea not' knocked 'lleirtn , by the
blows, big walked tense unassisted; Ideuthsg
siowly over the/eft temple... Cline maned that,
the:dettesed bad- called-him altar, which pro.
"eked WM. The' defense
m alleged that he bed
la seine ithetpartr iftertntrdsfas
there was mere Liken ~two,blilta lurdrho Tho
lajuries were "noshed la tha ssondmi and Doyle
oiled In the; evening: • • . ;
V4IFt), Stal.u!SlY;salt 9Ourtiro
• d.--Detore4tidgesiersind
.11'Condless. •
hi Ma* ekere, liCdprktfind-triV.the
s ofjciciiiiiii'catea lh oineditAck.ifihe
in aitendingstook Ile wth qj stilegkripe,fiz,
tkvpileekb3i ich nt.Coutiio ifi i ... .I • Viii .t
i The first cue taken up was that of Altred
Si t o,.
'Tithe vs. W. P. Jose', owner of the tugOon.
Thelfialtalf,irblle`titirbdist Ctiestesm.i
Switzerland, env,the ..Ohitii riserii - 110 4 S9 1 :1 6
gi,was severely Injured in consequence of a
on beatssizet. Switzerland and
the tug Cottkettign;snidliegligenei having been
ibarged on the part of the officers- of the tug'
aetlen for damagetsna brought against Atin
Wiivr. On trtaL • ,
............ . i I Iv: 40',.
trot Mitt=
&td, firld,mitop , we& 4 0 - 4 ,rael
hat dry goods , anttencla bigiter fa 0 1 . 6 MA 4 v .. ,.._..
heretorore; =loathe lows - Ind Milken/AP%
Idea dry .10500 hie gel tikvalit thesp
-/i4ilmigtr.'4l , ,TZlS. . Many Illida,'Or goods
tair.b. cheaper at any ttase to : the list tame
}}ears. If any doubt It they hat trtlk td:irV4 l -' 41,8
Itlabllehlaeot'dr tLh bletere;gyatef k 'No:
ttriaarket Ilattag luied.thehluuncu e ,,,„
that when prices were at ilia libarest
tan sell , tanch leas than present coat: .thal'f-'.
merchants ebould make a Irate of this: • •
To oih Men.c—Mr.: B. 8. Bryon advertises s'
tract of nearly six hundred acres of oil territory,
- oe Decker's-Creek, Vest,. 'Virginia, which he
Offers for sale at the-price of the laud for farnt
log purposes. Boring for oil has been commen
ced a abort distance trout the property, on
Decker's;Creek,' lelth excellent prospixl&of
teen. Any of ova 'on mod 4csieout of Investing
Can learn the price, and everything concerning
he Whelp= , lilU•liryan, 59
' ourth street, Pittsburgh:
vrday afternoon, the oßleera at Cam; Raynotds
rated:, a] ;# l eft=taf. ( Alp
seve,Aht. At, ttot clin e
pa a token of thektngard and esteem torttddtha
geOgictim:r fe Lopiibfr . :Tne ilia was tira•
tree t ta= ll aithie giffttrett .
Prlffi l tt,CoN,it.9oe477gt,'",
Oily prqyertyi* , Marterqtrant and Pennalim
01WAVetntel; to' be Bog Ao t redyr: ettaftaßi at "a
pp cloth , • Navolnea hbtloe 'Mottle, '106"
Boitiifia4atlatt. 11 , 141dhathe PosicAte.
.Neld ,totlltdj:Jobn ALLMIO,Ye Oargood
aeaetrA o Ca 6 5, 41
turns beld.tct.baft ,yettestlay, by U. ft:Corti:aft
alonet.Bprottl, to tho cm or lkYkoOl,
The Drowning of Wm. Ikryle—firnrtherikt ,
tvestlgattonA Verdict not yet Itendened.;;-
: „The Coroner's jury, Investigating the faels;of - •
the drowning of-Wor.Boyle, in the ifonongah i.
.la, on, Saturday night, re-assembled at the May
or's office about eight o'cletek last Beetling.
. . _ .
Dr.' .1: HOger s testided that at the request of
the Mayor, he Went to the - former residence of
the decesied in South Pittsburgh, for the par
pose of icaminhaithe condition of the decessaL
He fent:lane dlscolorationofthejaWY nor other
malts about the • head to indicate that ho
had been !truck' is ativ• Manner. The jaws
were so rigidly closed • that he could not
open the mouth, so that bif examination was
only superficial, but he believed the jaw was not
Theresa Hamilton, a watchman, Odd that in
answer to an alarm given- by Officer
be started toward the river. He - beard - some -
man earearing loudly, and When he got-to the
river he saw tbefahn manta of a man'shead, ,
whO appeared•to be holding' rto the end of -Slog'
at the further side out In the river. About five
minutes after be- saw- the person In the
river 4 stsatedle come eahorn„ , and viten lie had
swam shoat half the distance he lank. He was
the oilylirne who sabridm down.' •Threeottient
had started alter a skiff to save him, and arrived
,with another' ' party from the pas 'House In about
'five minutes after the manwas declined. When
thedeceased cried, as he understood it
say!" ' There was in jeddy at the place .
j i
where deceased went down, !which` bore him op
John Hoed, another watchman, saw him bold
ing* the log, and asked him to come ashore.
Deceased replied "It yon were 'as tong In the
water as lam you wouldn't come ashore." The
witntas was one of the party who Went atter a
'llenight was dark and cloudy.
Jobe Ford and Terrance Fagan testified sub
stantlally to the same effect as In the - evidence
on nday evening. Terrance Fagan testified
In imintance the same as on the previous eve
ning:, He witnessed thescriffle• Under the tree
tle mote, and was called upon by lit'Aalifilo as
sist. after °the -watchmen - bad regained his
mace, which deceased had taken7from him, he
• let deceased go, and told ISM to' go home. ~ ITe
told tom Melee to go. home,i and endeavored to 4
pentiade bins to go -.with ) him; bat deceased,
struck the officer in the face, calling him by an
°Mods epithet, and started for the Mem and
swam to a log.
John McCoy testified enbstantlally as balm.
De saw the struggle under the trestle-work, and
afte.r;it was over saw deceased run to the dyer
and plunge In. -
A doubt hasing.been. eiraktnea In the minds
of the jury owing to the testimony of a physi
cian on the previous everdeg, It was concluded
to adjourn until" post roottem examination
could be hall to ascertain whether or not the
Jaw was brok.en. The jury wgl Meet at 'the
Idayor's office between tuelve and one o'clock
to-day to hear the rearlt of the medical exam
inatien, after Which they Will render a verdict.
The Concert Led Night.
. .
We have to record'. - veritable *success In the
concertglved last night by Ver. Strakoseh." Nev-'
er belbie In ottr experience have the. ability and
talent of performers been yrolcomod with such
enthusiasm.: Mae. Eater sheared . herself' 'to
a" ,
be an artist of the flistel . on the violincelio.•
She AMY' made Abe' Ms t meat ' speak 'ln tite
"Leat Itosopi Summer" and: the -"Brightest
Eyes.° We tall of ilnalnigromtds tli elms, our
admiration of Xr. Webb.' ;1 , 14 Only ts he-a per
with an itteitint orgiefttlet slthost Ist;
credible but there Is'a dcilese7'and tpsulon• In
his playing seldom bear* I , Sidme:Bsbrens with
!her sweet voice and tender' crpresslon, charmed
the hearts of the audience,. -We miti*x all lovers
of 0)13140 not to oegisct the opporituAi y of atten
ding the concert this evorg,- as It wilrposltlve
ty be the last. . Tickets m y be had ai.C. C. Mel
' lees, 81 Wood street.
The Funny FyiUctinlan.
The lecture be Prof. Dubcris, an Saturday even
log, was one of the most Iltumerons and later
estlag ever deliieeedr.:.titg , anlthe ' l ‘ nai:
. .
mcc was so delightedth, a number. of the more
prominent Joined in a-request to the Professor
to favor.the puhlic with Crepetition. In tiitatd
&ace with thin request, Prof. n Dubois - his con
sented to deliver two ma lectures lectures, on Wakes
day and Thursday evert . k; at Canoed Hail.
The lovers of mirth, wit' nd humor will enjoy
a rem treat by attending these entertainments;
as they are not excelled to point of fan by those
of kicker Alf. Burnett or Artemus Ward.
To He Discharged-7 e . earn thatarrange
meets tart been made to discharge all patients
at the U. P. General Hospital, M. this any, who
aro not ander special
.. medical treatment.. The
wotk of paying and mastering oat 'will' com
mence today. Some °tithe patients have .not
received any pay for 'wary a twelmnonth. •
. _
' en a. Exturainem—The Philadelphia
Amnions saw The Good Intent Head and
.k and. Ladder Company Is making peeper"-
. s tem an exclusion to Pillabnret, Putt and
Independence loan a nd 13tilaw Flee - Engine
•, Pan/ gnalin preparing Or an amnion to
iatt, PAL.:
• al Meith.—Ma. - Charlotte. Blume
Pt • h street, near Wood, ;has just received a neer,
piece °Colonic. entitled -yuneiral March, dedlea;
ted to the Pere and Nnble Patriot, Abraham
Lincoln." Composed hy .. C:aeLs. pub,
lin ed Balmer& Welew, St, Le Dade.
. •
' - The Hole in the Sly..:- ' •
Mons remarliableipetps,' on Meogat of Ha
shigalerity, says 'rpm, his travels in Mexico
and kinth America; Is the hole in the sky (for
it lipfears to be nothing else,) the dark apace
known, eicitto those wbo , lone not' seen them,
that one of - the pecatiarities of the southern.
hearths are dark, starless spaces,,but the .• coal
sael4 may be termed block in compasslson with
the surrounding , sly. It Iles on the left of the
[TOES as It faces in obterrer,and nearly loathing
the lower part of ttsmajpr axis, which It equals
in; heigtt. Tke curious' eibruptneas audirmh.
tees Of the ovatehaped and broken outline of Its.
entire circumference suggests the Idea of 'Whey.'
lag been' formed' by sielence. It looks as if the
canopy of Heaven bad been shot through. The,
edges ot.two or three foldeof strata, so to speak,
are seen on the left side, more particularly In
rebelling periipeeticc, , and gradually leading to
and and blending In what appears to be black ;
heirless space beyond.laced at thosoittft pale,
midi° tunnel anything ein the sky , him 'an,
scut Of- epeeist design where all around Is ter
iisigm. -It elm be len Lue4it .pineootexif or
ingress for mighty " forces f the isdit'froni
'Abe llght-0 is Topliet nt better darkomeyor a
"Mier Ilmenna;” with the elites shining in
. treat or it. . I . . .
. . _
A iiintmarr Crunci.;i4tus late, war produced
I. the_ country conatiass numbers of military:
eldest: Indeed,- latterlye. alniorit, every ' cl,lllria
• felt himself competent, 0, Owns* And deride BP ,
oh ingliallitery movements„ ind Atm 'Merits, of
tge,Genenneon either side the great contest::
'ltiongitliMmtir la Cud! the fbrAlM , triost '
fort remain`, and Mari belni no Itirther cam
' pdping to triPialn ,Ini litatif . upon; th - e - wiles
don 'Web now engagof tbeli 'acumen 'is to see
the rirpeettirdabllltt of the calllrio;Cidaltalini
hAllgirefiliiiiiii4irry 3 kkolloner imadflip . of ,
1 eedetineliMiiiiodld ipectiniitairotedi surnmkgri,
I nOtanitrtictivai -ITholstest we'lianc, beard. is
niggle:Anti 'aus earnioV:filrbear T tO) pukik On
t rd
. Last +Week, at I Fredariamburg, n mum.
pf finnan!, huringiittle else to do, weiii giv-
Likistimletleart Icici Vamp winatallsr sat patilok
!Won- the mertui. At VoinfedirratazGdoetoln.,
&fttfinium;;istiose 'whole tcoirledgeratrinli,.
rr ill :hitte w : m.:43:lpswitinimenznp•byartartln.rehtiotte
ilei lif:thenttu' l li: 7l nid et:ebbfri. : l3ha ., ,
, n: .. - .
liiriNs Wallin tiMdartetkliavinitootalixd
tmerre Statetriiiil most-orachlar -manner::
Jackson mar thsdmici'allUntli we err hark
icto!umgfted 4 1 449bq!! / 1 'PT :T M / A
1 fir st riV4ifini V, ~killi:fn e *#o, P *l3 4 -eitl.
i a of East •44st Teallassea,. , • 11.11- h ot one of. Atom:
end *minium ebbelit,:fras teed /
1 Saveut t b O
6-at CI
BrowniOw, miring 'fir tbo41111r:
icell..OrjrAi /Air Itrnatiettloll of the State,
utipromi r g o b e gisOml a nd It enforcing: It;
1 1=444,4
_ 4 .... imd' 004 - en* the rdaeral ant arc
,the'.. canto/. tiorernor Broindow.
. . i .
iiavi ithe spirit iiirmifestcd In the pititkm,
&ST: man to Meet them- In the lam.
spit of conciliation: . .. .....
WEEzs tbatebelletTinustanishviller. theor
tams of the "State Babk' of Tennessee tint that
'sstltntlon;sslth All its tnr.nsi into :Mlle.. , Far!
t-,. .Iy, Gocerpor Brorralow received ' notice di.-
6 '.- :oat its.mcsident that the bank:was 'lntact.
met 1, ' -,ce of its find& had been , appropriated. '
that n.
_l.g him txyom4 commissioners into
and naques., `llatiLmny watt he =established 1n
hit for3t:ti,": ~Siennest, Gotreintm,fli has coin-
Wrothvilleoa&Z. : „, . . . .. - ~, .._. ~ ..
t 11 4 11 . 1146 " :.7.' 4W-ilett baistivere an.t
Ona Inunknkondltji ,nmetlann , during the
nrue fk, In, cptankenisr,i l ,,, I F . hiell.'?in"
9 . Oi , i S POMOW 91 6 4.4 i; 1,(*P 111 0C 1 0,)
4 1 nr isi AV : it :l6 l,U, 7 . V it r i =
diliKrphiciigikail Xi - 4',..,` fS,IitIPL.,At
y bank cnriena ism.; 'yfiniriettit
wIl mrsnt• .13,040 y . T e ZtvotA q ...., 1
' if 4-1431 4klitlif , kideinglis i a:
LheMatit'as-' sinciiptekindinftasd
German nestspaper n ".77. ' aka," In SAW'
cs...rhcre — itii Gan s isill*t, nathriledttnt.
n lyeckerisAistinnetrand,o{te r ncln;i:!*an-,
',/ 1 9*X . PaMS: 12 f thb IThinit-:. : -...; :.
_, " '..,'"'
l'ins : Frentbrarehititeobigtortihirirthigthelrl
infantry to be neserpmed. Bet as markaraen
i.oofeesedly,"Po troops:lrd. 'Wpm. Dea of the
eHs'lburn eld'atatea. that; at, split - ripe, It' took
pot Mir theft (Mita 'Pailir T. of Cartridges' to'
rkzerk user " t4,a thogattii 'Attstrl3us:
IPartic ContinuesZ,
Eg.lo ogre. PRIC)3BI
ChUdre ' 10i I r ille7 tahnOrldli. ; 4 •V 4 7i 4 i . S. - 'l.': s, 4' , ~
. stout Solei..tleel.Shbes.... ... :SA , .
Bay's Heavy . Sole Beal Shoes.: ,-...-. -&0' - '
-CirPa Genteel , blam Il
er° ead'iltSes.: 4G-[Tr :i
Waaila l / 4 •FreacaLMoricgo 8i114c. 0 7 -."—' i•-.1
• nla, Hee .... t. ......11412, ' .
Women/a Plaroieoßahaoiabl, Upped . .-- ',.- t a
' aid trtmased.:..i 4 . - . ' LS& , ',' %;.; T
Women's lieare&SCia 24dm0ra1a..... LAC -
Near Working 1411oet . i • ..... 1.00 '
4 e", 4.4 • .44 ..; JIG< .
extra h eav y,.. .13g t !i.) ;,-,.;
- 'i< Colt Otibrk7ileo,r. , ... - . 11.5 M: ~,:. -:
; Balls o katt , tine.. *AO .
" I .La
. 1 .. sew L.:-..:...:;53.50 , t0 aa,.., ~:- ~ .t
• . ,
The Best and Maoist;
LOT CIP 1131,C1/30=1:1111',
Ever in the City.' -3 ^;
01CIIT',... : 11ALL:_.8H00 : ; . STOW:,..:, - ,. 1f-
leo and 82 Pifth Street.
Sii.lmmense which most be atoned out
fore tha flret of Inlyl • tape .
ilia:ear, Introluellta- 0 essykess, the 0.40 0 * --3 • ,...t.:
disease boa perbspe beentlis antikeet ez 11,300, L ; , "
"rfoin end , - ;seiselide ennelderation by the waist ,'
leen:oda the prOlhoefon tam ILlNyotheicomillitelt, t`i • a
with the laws of tbettrest_Cteatorittot a Lieber, • , r ,
-"ondeil that SE 11100estier• their ozigla in the . ''' ''
ito&lat "Other*. elhe solidi of tisr- beat 'ethos „ ~r
-win, by futile peetset . ocudeirrent ,
reason t and hat theinnen Welt lathe Yelp fountain OIL th ,i
life-/-ttud. It Itleccurete Imp then disease Is ItS -,:
=did rorati-Shrofura,eancer, •s, An, mean ,/
uorindeed, expertehoe in treatise this alikli2oJß±
• ), ,
cues by ptirffying the .blocsi erol.thereey
their wadi" eation 'sad 'enrei provelhie to . 're7a )",., -1.
eorzect. theory: acting upon which theory. the nee ,
trine now known as sonterszraxe., Wes compote - _„ ,
and broosht ntotteledhoo,Mdmthit PO ledd• - , 'I -;:'I ' •.,
Wring results.
its Use seen exeretees Nadia nisstM ar ever • T
.. : '
, ewe FACE,SA , T RHEIMS. •
LIVER 430311 , ,_LIPB,Sint • ; ~ • ,„ ).
, . , APPETITE, D P -•SIA,"
. .. , scahlyKATIS
_ r ___lYl GEN. 1
I , j , ,lIIHAIL DEPLLSEE. . •
ali to gine; trotatpetime It Is first Ulna. enema" ':r
f i ve, the en i'..ti.,,, , T.1.1. , ,r,.........„ak. ....It, ~,
thoWt hest ta put it ho in bottles at 800. and $141) , .
eaca,-he many persons are disposed to Sy ita a" ,,
ate but are often deterred a the IPSPIPSM _PIT.. Oros r
triad here can be . mode at, a 'moderato outlay', met' "
settely the purehaser the".: tin • ertishe ;tan I , : • I
what is claimed .roo- it to be viz: the prolamin "' . ,
nixie area - ern brought. before the )
Delicate Fentaloe will And in it tae seestunas '., ~,,, c;:
That RA publia . inay form some idea at its 1;r!
liar arustive merits, we suhlcdn •• lit Of Mr*•
pal articles et whine It It ooturneed, With • 1 t" , • ,
denorlption of Comer and adaptation et -. ~,,, i
keel from the 1 44 r , ••thl,xll7 known ..ll°
I. used . is eliblepostlnaiselailltheaft, 3
Lila. Wools Ara:Coos, Cutaneous Meld*
and depraved taildttione of loath. , , ;.1. - -.!
r ' • ' lLuaNgravir ' .., - - - .I ~
is ionta,.fiugita, ma ip.;:tetitß n ban ilpiWillg ''''
11414lixtupcut the " "liva, azoftinglt whasrlangalA,llo J. ; 3 , ,
Md alai'. : It has been, much used la ClentaierAps , .
diseases ot the divan - emus. • • • - • • ' ‘,l
" ronya•roressrok'
oeseadv n +ie tow
sed ln SCITOMICKII difbatlons Wl*
pest bensitt; ha* also toinrused utttrinneh too
Gs* In %mamma Sot /04/nninstlonot F& A
Il i r s/17 a PP e 2414 .
1 LA/127DER Frowrpx .
Ai! atcniatid; toaL6 A 741,111041 liwitonthig
assea r of piervcrps..Dey.,.
"cuastoamE rowris
/tie sivtatiseatiai used In Weise of Safe*lee
araimeclaily applicable to oust
etal DabLutp witk weak appetite... .
MIZE/LSO!, sem.
it 'ante farizail 'as in slierstiirs In °Wont,' ta -
feattons,Chrontn than and • . •
scion thi'SlettlP ••• ,, t - , •
The balenoe °tilt
r iti l a rr
•01 1 .@? 1 .4 1; ##4.4. ) ,./ 11 5 1 : I FF!I 8 / 7 1 + 1
sa4l,ic yoni bitel*Mt .P4r!
the above real ,
• i41: r a 1 .( 1 141.3,,Z,aa.,1..:0,) t
trf , .tt List
.. , .
i E a . gi ir aiiiittiw g UL
t'Or M tlii l ii 4 .' , l .lo
t ,, ,
, x i Q-leiesal i t.l
s 6.;g.ali o gAdo
lento islikallacatialo . thiMol
TiaAlk s;ivi , sou artiddinvielpituit i l !tr.' d I
) i i•f 1 0" ... ~..
'.. 1 •: , i:, en51.1 . 1t . ",vEitiii i th wit.ra. ?,101 ..
1 ..,...,..110141WT . - - •
: Ufa priskers.sad:P4 l 4444.
: . 4 •
oilM 7 If
r4t4 ant"
' • a va my'
lore..a:1::1 .4{',Ula
QiS 71WitkiM iONLTAIM t irr,I,I%OI
Vai r at t lar* 4o 94, ll ,ga o l'idainf*
Win be 114*k" VABirrE,Pittaborittawc;,l
AA - p3III2,7ISTRATOR'B, -140T1C1t=4,16W..1
1. - 42;n -" ,:ckwltztivet t At r ft. ,=
t at 11 y county, having' teen gradted ap thoptadola,,i
!gated, oil datum Indebted to sold estate 'aro ,
areby notltletl to maka Jame/date payment, and -) ''
menacing; e,alme against laid estate atOnotillat
o present - - thent, duly anthantleated; -tor aettlee, '
Mit I-
higlAwir' ' zr:thbrr k. SICIFT, Adm`al
DECE&SED.=-Letteis tesiementory
F l eat' k e edlo li tte l ilden t l ' x a u tr a'a d l;V r ritgl a 4es btga
estate: will. P.. , 4e. Mike DaYMe M
-nts C
t tvse having . clam' agassod ' said estate proud
• . .r. Execneor,
' ' NoillOartatt StiratibpriV,4
No , bavitotapaid.tons.yeara - used SW/Mr*
;112‘811Ellfs , AP, sad' consider IS Impulse
ether, *vet wed, either:gar tbr.samtor
for shaelrig.r•f, - , 2s. LIIINLST:
t spitil • ' Yedirdi Steeetatiividg Sldedissr
nte - riaoxaZ
M ell titai wicit.
-11110 .17:11 r:
pOWAllNAßtagaiii d ad! a. )
VI) r,40:47.41 /Atha
'4101414 - isitort7 . et se.L..—.- : .-
%Avorn, ; ft . a . x - q ! ‘z , fr
.441ir,. --, ,l , 4lEalirma A 1 1— .04 A4:1"
Edalwr , !'- lone stock •oriha tr OBTh
1 1 - 4 PRIDES , `A' o.yistscu t "Atial
4ndeistsaittaiilsitiat, "'ITO&
4 3 41.V.44A4R5t.f.,; PititiA s ti
rLot " TATYr 4 xn — iNTT 7 i7: o trifll. r- t_4015 ,
u Obis
~, cede tioclssorsigesti
• 7.
r `s:!~~•nq~•~t
'~ .~4 a