VOIATME LXXVIII---NO. 222. FittsbuqUiliatt. VERY LATEST NEWS 13Y TELEGRAPH. ADYANTAGI OP 0116RAIING. TO MISR THE GREAT ASSASSINATION PLOT. CALMING EVIDENCE AGAINST.THE REBEL LEADERS 10171 IBOO? DISIOUNIRD. The *Freedmen's V - 1741 4, at Arlington. TRADE QUESTION DEFINITELY SETTLED Pierpost Legal Goverapr or T.Ergials; =MI MD WI Wl* AMU MI MI BON& VEXnaART SEWARD'S , . ; Nir .fong, May 8. —A Washington special says:.ie ktreigin legation Is circulating print.. • _Si Pamphlets, containing the terms of emigra. - . lion and advantages given to thogs who go there. - The State Basks appealing for Nstional char , . . lets which here "recently leereeved their capital _ • erandei the State laws, may be =led ont, as the mew organisations are cot entitled to thi privi iggesof the act of the last Congress. The Tribe:see ilikahington. special says: AIL .attempts terdlsperage the weight of testimony in asmniessiatrof the . Gov ernment„ Implicating the • - In rebellion In the assaialeation - plot, will prove fatal. When Secretary Stanton, several days slier., ileDOUDeed that the' plot bad beeredieecrered to stretch "from Richmond to Viessda, he evoke from thereectrd: — '. • ' Judge Holt, has since received a great mass of wildence and knows it to be of a crashing -weight- l'reeldcet Johnork folly eimpreland : •ed the gravity of thecharges made in his proc ]amatlon. • All bat four of our forts stout Washington are to be immediately dismounted, and their gar. tisane with4rawn and dismissed, and that every , thing appertetultgi to this expeneire branch. •of Ascertain. warfarn. is to be put upon the general ' ittremeinsent path. . ' • ' The Government has given up the experiment ; of supporting the blacks at the Freedman's' vit . brp at Arlington. Mork Is offered to sir willing - tolabor Eike usual prices, and rent is charg ed 17--'''.*lali..ftgileir tenements at four do.lans amouth. AR temp ear unwilling to accept those terms .are to be removed. to Miteon's Island, near Georgetown The Havy'lleisieni has ordered Missltse squadron-to be reduced to 2 vessels. It ins formerly over one hundred. It has trans. mired that the trade question VII. definitely - set- .. - .Sled In the Cabinet meeting today. All loyal _ prima are to begrauted permits, to carry their gook., gad - to trade fir anyof the Insurremboary" B ate., upon application to the neer:any agents, ;sad paying the Government a tax of 8 per cent. Ts:analgesia geesupted from this - 3,per cent, tax, on th e Presblenes.clairn that she barer cast her •- lot vrltMahe rebeßkin. • Governor Pterpight le arra nging prelludearies peer to ipAng to Richmond, to assume cosentive .controlof theikate: He hes - been' aerated by President 3otessolihaV Ile -recognised him as legal Governor of Virginia; and wit, • sustain him. .-• -The roan' Washington 'owlet says :-.The • statement tbstagreint Eisilleck has Issued snore des announcing that ell persons, without retard :•11,0 ranker eropkorment in Mellor .31111tary sex. .en " irto o t id " I,:il at hrebe l ee the seines., owe, tles-wrgigttrub6 per e. - . Hi; Iwo not been authorised-to. issue, such a Mitigate order, and the megatons made by the . amnesty proclamation or ,December, 1883, will be sernwilinisly observed until the general line of policy is adoptedL • ' Campine gromads for large bodies of troops, aeon to anive‘atekaim greeted near this city. -The &wood and 711th army. corps inemesr - mwth sgerßieldrektilign their ersstoAlekatidrle, Where they are impeded in shoot ten days. -' Howard's :.,=lld, 15th nessee, iAnundagatit ar my ere about of .Furs, end amuse% army of Georgia, the lath and .- 910111 carp's: are owned In a fewdays later. A grand-. 2 military review:. will take' place Nieman as the armies ender Gen. Sherman gees lege, which volt be the greatestarent of its kind that Mistaken place &wing the war. •. The coalition eff Secretary Seward is such, that then is every . proseect of his resuming bli eoSolal duties, within a week or ten days. IBIJMON OF W. OU/XERMASIERI EXPENSES. National ,Baak in Richmond. sesemu,s BEING CLBIRED OUT. •I'irokd WadOgtonnual Sent -South. 13123 TRIAL OP TEE AIMA=2I2I.. . . Wasartiorcor, Mayikb.—Elluca the recent or. 4 - :ders fn*. reduction of nmensee, the' Quarter :. master's Dermrtreent Unaffected einem= of the dolly apemen coast-wise transportation of *BO,OOO daily, irldek le a saving of more than - 13treatteilliuni per meatb; . - The • Ftwrinemer Genera - hes sent an agent of 'lit depa r tm ent tom. bytal, who will be thereon . . , - abet lfth'instent,to arrange for thetreasportnion et the maim on the hihatesippl rircr; and its , The Flret Heinle( Beak Or Itintoond has lieCR dedgested a tinned Ste= Depoduwy. - A: 113. Foot te Fondant; ' This is the only Nations. 18 Mtn.' eastalrhot in that city.. . ' • -"I* 'Oofernment Us oa in thb city end ;vicinity of:aa e mberof pirate buildings,. which - Ors and AM =Owls and abet purpose& A )111111)10 of these bending,. is ab art to be f. Stara- • Flity,.*ll he tweed over to their Own ' OIL lid "dfkrreransent'e hookas wilt also be neendoamkifeataseirenutemeors will permit. The country adjseent tattle city prawns an Iftennee nuitraltst skein to - whet it did.in, i thit camps Of am - troops already arrived, being Acted oeeverr nod; • The reruns aral • Naar nmeh, his they here she satisfaction of knowlegbarill he ofabort Oatenlort, and for the Wm tiese,:. ..;,, • ~ - , :' A Write r u ttier nos= boned over the city MY:) ow morihkg. ~ The elan of thunder were :so harry slid sicken Mom cd Um cid/Anil= torirst,4i- •Awmtingrawiin, who were =oirdcoluema ter om Il igain. mut, a for od regai retureat ug w hoesay takiw; - tie _ ~ ~- Most of thent ere szte•t , lair to take the rietk, end main wood clasens.: it =a not d,,dy nettled Mk aftencoo , • Mrketbae.the 'lade et the alisseles wig ,me =ate on Xondo or amt. -le rectAlte wart lied '.l , ltardiy ben isMdad up Ao tin =lock.: • IMISI 711?,EMS 11111 MS Bola r. VMS= avi . ,:rln awns St Olaf. t'tßated- tor. the Perpetrators . . , Canannum; Nay . Tr-Arssng the 'valuables Anoka Moo the saline the Mims Emma Co, Rothe O. and M. trahrillay 6„ were twenty U. fh, TAO bonds, of ALM hundred dollars ekhontra ileum! tram 614 PS to 68,12; conseentivell sit exclaim:ly. and -ten -U. R. T-90 benda of one Ihassaad deems oink. numbered teem 63,1 . 28 mom are sad loclusliely. Time ,*cedeare tie - pupal, of the Government, sat e him • Company warns all persons ageless .ftweiving the pas. The Company has also of -4lmd a snored °film hundred dolLun for each aaid neap person who shall be arrested and eon . Hea d so a plutiolpator In the robbery of either the paimtgeraii the Zspnos, on the occasion Petroleums la Calitombn I*, Iriattotsoo, Mai 6.--Catitorniens aro *Moulded at the assertions attributed to Kr. Drawer. that there Is no Pasroleurn in _Southern CaSlinnia: Meehan hi oar possesikm terry bar , teis of, untie oirtrout loco* lectors, producing per nest illionhisUng oil. one twenty-eight cent lutetium/mg oil; Petroleum has been 121 larPtliattnies lu Sea Angelo;u ts literbara. bin Wee, Ellpt.„ Contra Costr,a,and ' DasMilt counties., The pontoon at a Poe obi Weyer should Ise Ids position as memories of this State to thyme an enterteise of which he 'evidently knows sothlog. I bow th e above statement, as to Potroomat 111._11nCaliforols, to be correct. ] - - • ; S. LA:Trion. U. Sunyor Galeft ni 1, Ciefornli. L • Disapptankakee ellaandeas and Welter. iloserszaz,Y3T B:-8 1y 'Tucker Ull Geo.' 2t. Baader. ban 'added" auppoared. It; ta monad that tilt! hate game to the dlrectiaa or t a -•-• , THE ‘- "And riPwAla I r r i rT s ß , RGH N TTF ..t 416 TRIAL OF CONGRESSMAN HARRIS. TIENT CP SERGIWIT L B. STUART Defense of the Accused on Monday. WAESINGTON, May 6.—The trial of Beojamln G. liarrle-was rammed thla 1:110r11114 before a conrt•merhal, of widen Gleneral Foster h Presi dent. Judge Crane, of Baltimore, appeared as coun sel for Mr. Harris. C , Sergeant R. B. Stuart, of ,company C, 11th regiment Veteran Reserve Carpe, wu sworn, and testified that on the 27th of April last he was on duty at Leoisardatown, Md., and was ordered by Captain Willoughby to proceed to the re/teem:cot Reujunin G. Harris and arrest him. Be effected the arrest, and then took charge of Mr. Harris, and remained with hire a couple of hours. Doting that time the witness had a con versatlhn with Mr. Harris, and the latter made certain statements with regard to Chapman and the other paroled prisoner who visited his (Ilarria) house on the previous evening. The accrued said the two men came to his house and honked the way to Leonardsuswu, and also the distance; and they further stated they wished to get to Baltimore as quickly as possible, and take the oath of allegiance. The accused -told -the Witliettl that be told them they could go t* Balti more, but the Feriends could lot compel them to take the oatb,,on account of the agreement that had been entered into between Generals Grant and Lee. The gemmed then gave the men one dollar, each aad their , supper. The accused said the men wished to stay over night at his house, but' be told them they could not do so, as peo ple about there knew his political sympathies too well.' ___ Upon hie crote•examinatlnn, and upon ones- Aloes put by the amused, the witness testified that be did not recollect thelhccusel that be (Harris) bad done no wrong In tieing Chatmen and Reed tbe money; nor did the wit. beta undentandthe accused to say he thotight it wee proper to glee money to paroled prisoners tc.btlp them on their way home. The witness Was irked to etate the whole conversation ha had shb the accused, relative to the corium- don between Harris and Chapman and Reed. The witness repte.d by saying teat in the con . venation after the giving of the money.. bad been spoken of, the accused said : "Al! the trouble . was the fault of tho damned abolitionists; that if the abolitionists bed stayed away it would have been all right; he said the pen - ple. In Washington interfering ar ta Grant and Lee had ramie an agreement. was a damned piece of hut:Moan; that the Republicans would not rale ling., but by God they would !NM see who would rule." Witness did not recollect that the accused said be never did any, thing more innocently than he did when be gave the men the money to help them along. When this conversation toorplatos no one was present but witness and the accused. Mr. Maddox was not preiteat at that'bonversiaßtl; but - he-wad, there it some other conversation. The seemed told Mr. Maddox be did not know what to hell he was arrested for; and Maddox replied that It was said at LeonarO.stown that Chapman and Seed had reported him. To this accused replied twat be could not see what in the dein they had reported hlm, few. ' The Judge Adrscate here closed his case, re taxing the right td call Sergeant Swan, the wit -nese for wham they have been wilting, when he - Should be in attendance.: - The Judge Advocate withdrew his oder to prove the disbnalty of the smcmco: BY agreement between the Judge Advocate and the accused, the terms of the capitulatloa between Geri. Grant and Gen. Lee were pot in erlarnee.. The Judge Advocate also asked leave tecorrect the nand, - and - 111 r. 'Chapman was called to settle a polet In the testimony. It ap• =on the record that amputee - testified that remarked that tt was too late then to kill the President. 'Altana , recollection of It was that It wit Mg. Hants and not !feed who made the reMark." • . _ . • The Cost then adjourned until Monday, 'when the sawed will commence his dekose. FOUR DII6 LATER FROM' EUROPE. TheThicl of the Rebellion Coln nienusd Upon. THE SURRENDER OF LEE AND ARMY tuiiiialwittuy'hsaufiated'ln sbo.• NNW' TO3X, Miy 7.—Sy thesteamer from Bre men'. and Sonlitunlion, we have the Londe& Tian and Timm from the Stth to the :Mtn Thermal of Monday rays': Whether the South * nets have or have not fought better than in Sumer yore, thegt can be no doubt that the fedemis have rapassai ell their preceding ef . f „ Slowly but rarely they have brought their . - erudite to perfection- At lira they sulfured from mistake of- underrating the streegtli and datertrinalloo of their opponents: They could: tot conceive bow three or four millions of whites. shut out from foreign manor and with - disco t nt• d if not hoetile population within tteir borders, could resist the resources or the great United States; knowing also their own friendly feeling to the South, they avid louttlyltellere .the Confederates were an. Mated by such a hatred of the listen at would - ranee ;them to long and strenuous efforts. Thine feelings had a great deal to do with the ' lack of energy with which the war was Prosecut ed Is-its earlier etager, and it was-only when army after army was defeated la Virginia, when the lan butes of the existence of a Won party in tbc, South were dissipated, that they gave their whole head to war and pat Mar& whole atingth. into It. • • Steady dnelpline and are dimce given by se p:rkrr ;resources. have made the Northern leTlet excellent inachlees after the model of European armies. `Marina brought ont commanders of *Will. In the persona of Grant, Sheridan acd - Sherman. There drilled and disciplined their, mixed forces untlither ware tit for every matte geney of the war. azd when this was done, the end of thetarif-deracy wee plainly near. The superiority of the lateral armies mudded them to prevail in actual conflict. Their pro gress in discipline enabled them to take dean- . cage of victory. Their Unify, whleit at the beginsing of rte war wis the laughing stocker the Coo kyleratee,is now exedientomi they know too bow to with the plentiful mem cm of warfare with which the goveratnent can supply them; • • . - - • me..l3entberners undertook Out guest eater phannd carried it out met sklllfaßy. and with 'Madera audacity and obstinacy, b ut t hey were not stung enough for : the work: ' They had • grans and courage, Cu: thou haul' Med when Goosed to equal genius and enrage, basted by. superior number& - The/ miry now adept the decision of vrer,-whiele bit hems against them. The Tiara at Tuesday ears Some Sedge of -..nuteminlon to the !Wont* will probably be. • weseltd sta-S'ilisedltlosOs "melee of political AS* whlol4- or IWO,.oustedlefroo.; date lOW of' itta telegattate of the east c', Cumninnities which hue tor seeesaloui: taw bag Klutz aim . irdaW wan to Storlao4 ; i.i-ceneuered dependencies, rob* ivak by ma* seat ;here. or 111.140 k, "Oh* of Moir' The Timer-considering our dunces says The reply of Seen ley M'Culloch to Mr. Carey'a letter.insides the hopes that baver been enter taine of his trefelneas in the olilate; and thinks them!, la not faultless, but is u esormou, limpeovement on the malamute of hie Preece , . and. IC believes Met Mr. Mettarcle Wore the Ingliale policy offree trade. beause he sees In the (diatom of Internallonal Exchange the moat ediesciou maws to ge intrucbiseatent of la bor and soultipileatlone of wealth. The Timm of Wednesday Jaya The task now befog the preinment at Wastetegtent Is one of the greatest tlifffcalty that cur fell to that great people. Ulan° longer totougnes,to wear - out; =I to orerwkelto, but to win, to unite. to nature. The worst part of thedldiceity consists the national defects which asselre caused 1 the meant which was too meats _to sundae& and which triumph Is not likely all at once to remove. .We ktow not'whisp to look lbr flat happy mixture of desaume, sagaolty; Oedemeu aed knowledge siluMaktod which is to heal tleetrerd ble woundinftbli war, and restore lot between. wee who hate adlered— end on whom have been , Indicted such frightful loptits. Our only hope It that occasion will call Olio prominence men as well mulffied for the work of Team as tunes unknownto fame hive become glorious in this wer--41nce wanton have emerged, as It wed from the roll—ao elw s new race of wise _And p.cl c etattsmen may show thasseirea. The Went Is: the very last man who ought to Indulge either in triumph or wish for SIM lenge. .As that= fable of one common coon try. be mruniedeed be unworthy of his position lf be does not wish to KO all one nabs. Tke Unkrn cannot be restored without complete re, conciliation. mad • rommeiliation will not be real unless It be fonidid on oblivion of alleged offer.. ces, and pafees equality as to the More. No citizen at the Union will take a sincere and cor dial part la thesaletnis eat of annual forgiveness and reconciliation. witless be OM before bile _a ; futons ,that; burr; retrieve the. Pest, as fir •a. It Is in tto power of man. The Northam • And that it has to make each. flees even now In the hour 'of trinmph.ln order to smooth Its animosities sad repair tai Injuries. It bad better do that sow .In a spirit of mated concession. tharklunn to do.lt whist the Vete of The Doily lvaa sap: The mat honored ant tritstekof the Uosfeherete leaders. Who was sp pointed commatider•in-chief of the whole of the Confederate armies, expressly that be might r Arlen its fcattotes and establish its indepen dence, has laid down his arms. Ho fought gal lantly while by fighting be could hope to achieve soy poetical result to hold the capital, to save the army. or molotain the a:eaten:a of State. When .stilitleCl that none of these objects could be :axed by prolonged resistance, he spared useless effusion of blood. Id surrendering. Lee has adopted a couese which indicates his opinion of the renewal of the wl corn ct not merely of the army tinder brace maned, though In general issues he Lad no power to direct the surrender of any other than his own forces, but he Was bound to continue personally in the field. If be thought . his presence of any use he might have escaped with I:ls:staff, leaving the details of surrender to LonarstrseL Bat Lee did not choose to save himself to continue the contest elsewhere. We, therefor, infer that be considered the con federate cause utterly hopeless. It gives better hopes of the temper and feeling of the Southern leaders, when we find their culinary dictator there 'dead?, on conviction that independence cannot be secured, to meet the victories In peace and good sill. Mont ot:Le leaders will doebticos the example, awl respect his military judg- We know the people desire to end the war, and there b little probahtlky that the threats of guer rilla witrfarewill ever ho carried oat. Whether or not Loa's example will be generally followed, there are abundance of indications that the cap ture of the lest of the rebel armies and strong holds la imminent. Montgomery to captured, Mobile Is likely to fall, Johoaron's army In evi dently enrrounded, nud the end la evidently close at band. Ern Tors, May 4.—The steamer from Southampton on the With, arrived to-day. The Times says: The end has come at last, andthe American war if closed by Lee's surren der of -the Virginia army. The tone of the cor respondence between Grant and Lee is honorable to both. Not even Napoleon's army could count a series of more brilliant victories than -the Ar my of Virginia. They were victories nutil vie. tory-was no longer to be achieved by human va lor. Two years ago Lee might have escaped to Lynchburg, but now the Federal General. made iiisuvraWith as much rapidity and attack as Na polern!a marshals. The Federal army is male tied to rank among the very find of military nations. All attempts to establish a Southern Confederacy must be abandoned. The Times of Tuesday sacs: With the defeat of the Southerners the difficulties of the federal government sot In. Atter the restoration of federal authority, and the reduction of the South to obedience an oveverhelming prospect wit' open oefore Lincoln's administration. Much Iles be tween the conquest of the South and the restora tion of the Union, to the face of the political problems of unexampled difficulty to be con fronted, such questions as the regeneration of the currency, the reform of the tariff, and the management of the national debt. Notwithstanding the strong symns.hy felt for the South at Liverpool, the Intelligence of Lee's surrender was received with great satisfac tion' causing increased confidence in .commer. elk) cireles.... Fusacs.--krount -- Walwaski was appointed President of the - Corps de .eglalaitf. The Mexican embassy will be officially recognized by the Pope shortly. The American Ambassa dor was received by the Emperor ana Empreta. The Secretary of the Ensalan legation was eases &Mated in Paris by a Rasslan. Ritallaa.—The Czarcwitch died at Nice on Sun day. TheCtar, Fetuses Dowager, and Queen of Denmark were with him. ItsLonnit.—A meeting was held at Brussels, followed by a great demonstration in honor of the Federal victories. An Immense procession repair - id to the Federal Consul, and after si lence vas restored the consul act deputations made spicehes. Congratulatory sermons also followed. ' The London 'floiss• most There seems to be on the part of President Lincoln a desire to continue the vanquished fellow citizens. under the guidance of Mr: Seward, who has creditably distinguished himself in the Cabinet by his mod erate councils, and whose life will, we trust, be spared at this crisis to the Union lie may, by gentle measures restore tea •qallity for his term of office, and c alm, in some degree, the animos ities which have been raised by these years of war. Nineteen 111:Indeed and 'ninety-three miles of the Atlantic cable are completed, and fourteen hundred miles are already on board the Great Eastern. Liverpool, dpril2.sth. Eserting,—Cetton opened buoyant and considerably higher ter all quali ties, but closed quiet and steady. The sales on ,Therday were 30.000 bales, Including 8,000 bales to speculators and ezpnrters. Tbo Manchester marked Is steady and thin. Error/sty ye—Flour quiet, but Gd Maher. Pr beat 411113. ano 2d higher. Cote quiet and arm.- Lard. Small sales. Sugar armee. and holders demand an athlete. - Coffee steady. /IDVItES FROM NORTH CAROLINA. General Schofield Xilitary Governor PAROLING JOENSTON'S PORCII9 Jeff Davis Bound for Texas. SPEECH OF CAVIS AT CHARLOTTE Nair Tone, Mer'r—Advices from Raleigh, April Nub, say Gen. Schofield is now. virtaslly, 141litary Governor -of North Carolina. He has Issued as order Infortning the people that by virtue of the President's proclamation all no. gives ale now free, and It will be the dais of bin army to maintain their freedom, advising :their employment as hired laborers by their for mer toasters. and counselling emancipated pee , !Pk to apply then:mires to habits of Industry. 'Platen !amenity are acquiescing in the new or der of things and many of them harenow their late slaves working for tbem for armee, 'I - be - ceremony of paroling General Johnston's • troops commeaced on the pool near Greezthoro. 'lt was expected that it would require aerreral days to complete It. The Times' special from Raleigh. Hay lit, gays: Unix Col. Parker. or theUtt New Hamp• alike, was captured by Wheeler's cavalry, near Nagaoka, about three weeks since, and bat just rderned, hammy bees paroled at Greensiseo, on the 15th, by Beauregard. Quartermaster Telvln. of the same regiment, who was captured about the same time, has alas return ed this morning. Jet. DIITIS left there April 25tb, bound for tscreted by a ddr chment of cavalry an eartieneral Echols and Basil Duke. They nut bered about three thousatid, and- they bad with them strain of about twenty wagons. emend Summon Was within ten miles of CluieloUe, hL plebeutheing on the'eanks of Ca ke** deer. It Is ble opinion that Stoneman cope bare captured the who , s command of Gm. eragEchoh and &sail Duke, gnat Dais himself, If' bad attacked it any time previous to the' .-Mr. Davis mode a speech in aCititilette a few days Iselbre he left, promising to hare another. mrniple the Said larger this ever before Duke's commend burned the pnbilo , bellilegs, ransacked private_ stores, and Met.: added various mdmatea on the property and per, -*ousel chimer.. Lila owe are malorygantaelm and Sagest, pad were formerly ender Mar; New Yam. Nay Raleigh billets 'of the 90th and bOth state that Oresund Shaman and staff left that daf - for Chatinion and Savan nah. Mae, to Ithiwoad; to wed hi. 'awn which was to leave Italdet next lloaday. Shaman bad lewd an order =mond* the nal /weeniest of the etwee2detbploletteet. No poll its' all forsoleg sod provides certain ways to rellive She yresatug wants of Avnovessint was on fool to reerpolee the Siete goYanilleale 610E1:11LITITH TO swam or wit. ilti of Alieihuice Adalaistered _ Wasurneirow, Mop 1.-11 is ordered that all gwisoners of sir. except °Meek above the rank of Colonel, who before theeaptareof Illehmend spited their desire Iss take the oath of anent "nee to the United Rats, and Muir uwilllog. n.as to be exchanged, are to be forthwith re• leased, on their tithing ultooth,and trasspwlis. (lon furnished to their respective buses. in reseed. to ill other prlsoaers of war, farther *der, will be honed. The Commasary General of PILICIIIeII will Mau Cie scorner, regulations for the preserving of the Moline record of Primmer , of wow to be released nada this order. The record is to set forththe name of the prisoner, hie place of, res.: thence, the organization to which he belonged; the time and place of ovule, &c. Oaths of a 1• leghince Will be adadnittered by contatariding oGeers of prisons, camps sad ibrta, who will aisle IT,tethfroPh daily ramie Of the prbminent . released to the Oommiszary General of Prison• ors. 'These rePorm act to be consolidated tor each day and; trintsmittodth Aheiecretary.of . By order of tha *Miry" of War. ALA. Inspector Ga. U. ad Brew. Bit. Osii. . Gria. -tinot _ -llVAstusaftrir, thy f.-41en. Grnnt snivel in .y ~, YK4; I +w~--^.~ , i.as}._~ - }Y .sri.i2 iK ~`Sws.r.t.rv: ~+ ITITS - H EMI MONDAY. - MAY 8. 1865. LATEST RICuMOND (MEL LIGENCE. TERRIBLE STATE OF IRPOI.ERISIIMENT. THE ARMY Of THE JAMES TO REMAIN IN VIRGINIA LOBED TROOPS TO CAMP AT CITT POINI A Porttor of the Potomac-Army en-route for Wasklngtou. RICILNIOND CITIZENS TAKING THE OATH A REBEL DETECTIVE SURRENDERED. New Tenn, May 6.—The Ihrald's Richmond dispatches show a terrible state of Impoverishment In which the people of Virginia are now found to be, and to which they have bees reduced by the drafts of the rebel military establishment ma their resources of all kinds. Thousands of the inbabitants-of Richmond and retersburg, and the surrounding country, are preserve/ from starvation only by the supplies of food which the United States commissaries furnish them. Strong &grimace expressed for the reurreal. by the government, of all restrictions on trade not contraband of war, or that facilities may be afforded fur resuscitation of industry both in the towns and rural districts. At present the far mere generally are without the implements or seeds aormsary to do their planting, and unless these can be speedily procured there will be no crops forthcoming in the State in the summer and fall. _ It I understood that the Army of :the James, Commanded by General Ord, and consisting of the %aunty-I°lmb and twenty-dill corps will remain In Virginia for the present. It is said that the twenty-tlfth corps, consist leg of colored troopea will go into camp at City . Point. A portion of the Army of Om Potomac was exp. mtd.to pass through Richmond on Thara• din or yenerday on their way . to Waahtupon. The principal Ciimena and local officials of Richmond are rapidly coming forward to the Provost Marshal's office and taking, tho oath of diet:lance to the Government. Among others tan have subscribed to it are Mak Mops, Judge Lyons and Littleton P.osecuting Attorney in ono of the courts. The Times' Richmond correspondent says The notorious chief of the remit detective squad, Sam. idcCubbin, him surrendered hlretseit. Mo- Cnhhio left Richmond on Sunday, April Sd, In charge of the treasure which the rebel secretary (Troth°im) had reserved far any emergency that might arise. Be left Jell. Davis, Trenholm, Benjamin. with Extra Billy Smith, and a host of other leading Confederates, at Greensboro' three days, and during that time ail drank and slept id the care, as the inhabitants refused to allow them to enter their dwelliugs, fearing they might be held responsible fee harboring rebels. Mr. Trenholm was taken very sick at Greens born, and visited the house of one of the leadlig men there who tusked him to exchange gold for confederate script. The Secretary refused on Ilia flea that North Carolionised not furnished any of it; that it belonged to the State of Virgin ia. Before they left for the South they distrib- uted a considerable guantiu of gold among the party as a pecuniary measure, in the event of their being hard Finished. LATEST CHARLESTON ADVICES. RETURN 01? GEN. POTTER'S EXPEDITION. AN IMMENSE AMOUNT Of PROPERTY DESTROYED Guerrillas Becoming Troublesome, RAISING THE REBEL RAM COLUMBIA Rejoicings Over the Assassinations Nay Your., May e.—The IkraWs Charleston dlepatehee are to the let lost. Gen. Poet Al force bad returned from Its expedltion Into the interior.or South Can:dins. baring destroyed an Immense amount of rebel property. The gnertillas Lave again become troublesome in the scaathem part ague State. Oa .allet 2Tth tilt., a part of them made their appearance slx miles of Charleston and tore tip some rail road track, Another stroog force of national mope is soon to be sent out through the StaL3. The rebel ram Columbia, souk to Alagoas Cretk, has been ,rated. and he found to be not much injured. She urn be brouxht to the North. The seceestoalsta of Charleston were wild etch Joy an loaning of the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln, and It to said that women were actually so profane and sacrilegious as to fall on their knees and express their the to God for this enormous crime. Bat the arrest of Et. Governor Aiken appeared to bring them to their senses, and they immediately became more dis creet in their coodnet. Mr. Aikenh arrest aid die expnbdon of the contumacious Episcopalian elenryman, Marshall, who refused to substhute the prates for the President of the United States for that which be bad been offering for Jeff. Davis, bad canted touch excitement among the Charleston. . _ bias. They *neat tbat Gorernor Aiken has turrer been anything but a' Union MID. Stock and Money Matters—Bevlew of the Stholerate Marna. New Toil, May 6.—A retry day and the canal Saturday's quid have produced a very dull market. At the Stock Board there was very little animation. Prices opened a grade lower but toward ha close Improved. The hesitation the but few days encouraged the Bears operations snit a number of abort ulai weremade en the In. erase. The Balls and Bears 'reeking with melt other's movements closely and their strength is about equally balanced. Governments Continue quiet with large subs:7 pions to the 7-30 s. Chariot movements to Gold and Interest band., produce a temporary weakness In quotations. Coal shares steady aid quiet. Miscellaneous shares generally low. Pennsylvania Railroad beads dull but steady. Bank stocks quiet with little 'peculation In gold, and busineu Is light. The City of Washington took out $263,000 and the Bremen 8141662, making a total of $475.- 669, of which $200.000 were In California gold hats. The total kw Our week was $577,515. Money eoutlnnee abundant and easy. Foreign Exchange quiet, as mules Saturdays. Petroleum, stocks arm and Warm was tome In Celled Mates at 2100§=00t anehatem Vim 197; Cherry Run Mies t Manhattan 59; °male Itynd Perm 1190; Tack 180; Ex celsior 610; llama:Mit GIL The PPS has the following review of the s T u be wholesale market, has been setive Soling the week; the pieee finetuated but at the does were lower. The decline has been heavy In some articles owing to slight waxers toe the army and navy. The Government consumption of ee.t 1. reduced trout .10,930 todwPerwedlt to V,OOO tens per mouth. The absence of any de. mewl for Pork air the army Is lunch felt. Be. ford the fall of Richland GovernMesd Consum ed shoe. 30,000 06, monthly, cow the demand is reduced to 10.0 0 e re:l9.ooobbls. Provisions fluctuated rapidly. Stock= the let et themouta proved ham than anticipated and caused quite a nark la the market. Pork declined abed SS% per Mt. The market Is beery et 1137 1115057 76 for New Mew; 825. for Prime, gad $.41€595.60 for Old Meta. ]flour declined 611(476e per bbl. At the close the partial decline is the low grades recovered meth:lth the Debt receipts. Wheat Is lower; cenuma qualities declined ikilide at the eveceesket return of export demand, the tint for some months past. Oats dullest 60 12w. ammtled at-the close. Cora atiMe tower, and freely abed far future delivery at emelt lower prism.. ttessAludlhe usual Is open large vrcelpte are expre‘d by the law, of the Month. Coffee In good demand for Brash a Red gOek, sod prices declined; Prime Rio ST& In. Gold, the stock Is mutt reduced sad Priem acme at a stand, ' In Whisky the market a quiet and prices elope nominal at $2.09 for State sod 49.10 for Western. 'Petroleum Crude and Re fined at moderate prices, _fluctuating And nomi nal at the closet Crude 37; Benda In WA IS; Free TS. Mow New ,Orleenii eat Oef4 o. XXV 01.1.114110 I.llly I.IIC, 11/ CAIRO, Stay Bth. ••=-A grist many of Lee'. soldier* have arrived here. General Banks has ordered tbenl to report bibltino theta from Wes th rin e o rrn rel st uo il it a o rg rma. bali Pr° Mohlle news to thee. 08th sap I Gen. drawler was appeinted commander of that dhltriet. On. ten opened Wm, above the views of buyers, No Wee of Superfine hlour, 58.873, and for very One atm. 1110,00. Prime Kosurvado Mo lasses held at 00 culls. Brownsville tideless to the led, confirm tbo reported owl:patio* of Moo let7, by the Marais. heinforeemnota have arrived at iiatneweas to meet tee expected attack of portents:, Mr TOingf Nay 7.—The • stamen * Western' Metroixdbi from New Orlaanioa the 00th. has The steamer AUantle, with rebel prisoners from Norther Younre,arthea at New Orleans CS the 09th. TlusWeiaern Matrapallaliad on board the body of Maj. MsdgettAllled at Melee engagement at Mobile, and alai 1100.000 in gold sad treemr/ Imes: Nistato Carbeted• 'Nsw Tons, Key 6.—The subeeriptlene to the rap _loan yesterday by the rind Nattonal Bask of Now .York wee one rantion dy:dtnts. and not' innutzedlisinand. ;•. • • ~_~: w ~ _«. . VERY LATEST FROM EUROPE, AEU'S OF VIE PRESIDENTS ISSASBISITION Sorrow and hulignation Expressed REST MEETINGS IN LONDON AND LIVERPOOL APPROPRIATE RESOLD TIDES ADOPTED Sensation Created in Italy and Praline ENGLISH FINANCIAL STATEMENT, N'caNo,o4;ss. TlELaaqs.otas. elte., ' &e. POET AU BASQUE, Ma, 6th, via CAL/IS, May 'NIL—The screw steamer Hibernian, from Liver pool on the 2Tth, Via Londonderry on the 2&b, passed this point at 2.:U0 this afternoon en route to Quebec. The Nora Scotian, from Port.. land, arrived out on the 26th. The steamer Stanton's, from New Toil, arrived at Southamp ton on 28th. . In the House of Lords, on Thursday night; Earl Sir George Greyen, la behalf of Lord Pal merston, gave notice that they would, en the let of May, move an address to the Queen, express ing sorrow and Indignation at the assassination o' President Lincoln, and praying her to convey that expression of feeling to the American gov ernment. Two great meetings were held at Lists pool, which after appropriate addresses had been de livered, adopted unanimously resolutions exprea. sive of their horror awl deep sorrow lathe as sarsination. The Commercial body of London adopted siva liar resolutions, and likewise ale oLllclal bodies In tie various towns and provinces. ThO Americans In London assembled In Gros venor Ball. Thu meeting adjourned mall tbo let of May, when Minister Adams will preside the mass meeting of Americans at St. James Hall. Mr. Gladstone has made his financial state ment in the Rouse of Commons. It shows a surplus of £4,000,000. fic proposes to take two pettee oft the income tax, six pence a the tea duty, and reduce the lire insuraoce duty axe shilling and one pence. and other minor changes. The bewspapera generally approve the scheme. The Italian Chamber of Deputies adopted an address, expressing their grief at Prosulent Linosin's aseastlnation. The chamber was draped in his honor. • Paris letters state that the most profound re gret and indignation is expressed there at the assassination. Mr. Mason, a rebel, In a letter ter the Index, repudiates the crime in behalf Of the rebel States. • • Ltrerpool. April 28.—The cotton brokers' eir- ' miler renerts the sales of the week at 106,000 bales-18,000 to Speculators. and 22,000 to ex portent. The prices are I€ol%d higher for American; authorized quotations are, fair Or leans 17d. middling 15%, middling Mobile 14%, falz_uplande 16, sad middling uplands 14%. The slab to-day are estimated at 100,000 bales. Market quiet and nisefisinred, The stock In port is stated at 530,000 baits, of which 55,000 hales are American. Breadstuffe usieltanged.- P.ovialons quiet and steady. Bacon heavy. Lost On, April 25.—The Retain() Consols for Man , if•e-40114. ; U. S. 5 are., 65); to 68; Cou pon Minds Central, 76 ; Erie, 48010. dace,. Is. higher ; Coffee, dearer; Bread uses, firm, but not higher. Discount demand, light, and supply of money ample. COnDal• trait lain, 13%€(.14N. Loam", April 25.—Mitols Central Shares, 74%@.75% • Erir, 46; U.S. 59%€460%. holden i n the Bank of England has decreased .£219,000. Thera Is no alteration to either Foreign or English Wheat and Oats. Die Attcmpt to Introduce Yellow Fever Id* the Iforteiena HALIPLI, N. S. May d.—Theßennudepapen contain long exeunt§ of the Judicial Inveatiga tioni now bring held at 8t George% of the at tempt of Dr. Blackburn to Introduce yellow fever la New York, Philadelphia, and other Northern Wei. , Blackburn visited Bertmda ostensibly on a philanthropic miealon. ' in cointectlon wlthlha came of • yeft4tever the evidence chews that he collected while there bandages and cloths taken from fever patients; that be purchased od infected nothing whit was padoni in trunks and left to charge of par tks with orders to forward them to New Yor le the spring. One witness leatlfled that Blackburn reps sewed himself as a Confederate °wend. wh mission was Abn denrecUon of the North masers. It was also shown that were! persona connected with the agency of the Confederate Mates were cognisant of those facts. It is Mated that there were ten trunks, three Of which have been found and:heir contents burned by the Board of Health. Blackburn is welt known in thine Provinces an a leading and ultra EkbeL Return of the Funeral Escort. W•antiorroli.May7.—Tbe military and naval escort, together with tome of tae invited guests , retorted from fitiebagfield this morning direct, • distance of nine bluetit(' miles, laexactly forty eight boom. Ttus hearse ear and state car, as on the route to fitningfield, also came hack on a railmed of nroform goage. No accident hap pened in the entire distance traveled, namely, 2:100 mllm. According to batty eithilgell at least five mit• bens of people witnessed the :passageof the faceral car sad coffin In the various cities whore there win II temporary tojrnra, and Out lOU than seven millions of perions had an opportanity of seeing the remains. The occasion mated forth the deepest feelings of emotion everywhere, and offered Indisputable culture of- the nigh esteem of the people for the late Chief Nag:strata. The tonersi patty express their st•lsfaction with the kindness and courtesy 'of State and ma d elp( bintideit a w .o est ended to them leo 4 gen e on, bobs:oda/Ith s; though the %dowse fatigatog tbr re was ample compensation In them slew ikon and tottiratitig and beautiful scenes pro. tented, as well .os In the rich and prosper ous country thronglivaileh we pooled. EnallnillSolacelptions fa tie StVelle '!Arty Loin. Pan.swatzwra f 6.—The errantry' will hear with pride at well as with ptassure that he t aleatory euteeripitans at the people to the 1:30 lose he the els days of this weak smooth • to the atiormoue saw of 1140,887,100. The awash daily satheidbed throhtlods the 05115- try and reporstd to Jay 'Cooke dt Wt. Ilaseeey, were rw 24, $5,131; 100; 3d, um, 4th, 55e104,1100; sth. 50.- 167.100; 6th $0„400. The number of IMO • sad $lOO sobeatptlens was 314840. The /lady satu rlptlon of workbag men and women tbr the work were Is nester. Se Mown May Ist $3M35l**A-ASSAMK $5,081; 41k, $1,11%14 auk, $8,11114 way - ireiwar. The • hrweet sagtb tett. waiptloes ofdedirday were $7OO treat Phlls delphla,llsso.ooo: from' Boa ,toe $3011,000 nom' New Tart". $5 , 5,000 .Provtdence, $1.40,000 [Yom New Hares, and 5100,000 from Baltimore. - Alootonisoarstaro or therressm. Wain-worm, Hay 6.—There satlunity tot sayleg,the published statement that J. W.Ohaa kr. of New flaimpahlre, hoe beim appointed As sistant Secretary of the Maury. rim L. B. ansantedConstd to Japan . le pun/ounce. Os log to health Mr. Blade will shortly retire from the-Treasury, bat his saceetssr basset bees daskostrd, nor hu he consented to accept 'aid the appolatimmt of Consul to Japan, which lt le unierstowl has been tendered to him. AIMIn la Maus. Mezlea. Ne►Toaa, May7.—Tbe Herald's mumps- Meet at Woman, Sonora. writing Go 115th of Haab; ys t►at aotoof Ilailottllauts troops had yet eateratimietate r eteeyt as pitmen of war, and the autbortty of Jim= was still inlvenstly recopMed there. - Preparations to invade the State woe beteg made by Impertallsui, but Re. wobllcani were andtdrust of their ability /Amain tala their (med. Flr• Days Later from Europe. PORT AO SAMOS. May o.—The Ellbecalan, from Liverpool. Cu the nth via Losdonderry on the 2nth of April. arrived off this point at 910 P. K. to•day.- liar data are Eve dap later than those already received. TbeLoden corn viatica wee shorter applies * hot t4raaa a better Walesa doing. in English sad Wheat at an advance. CondlUon of. Secretary Seward and Son. • Wasaraormi, Mar 6-9 r. x. ilost• Xiir• Manton, Son Wary qf War Nis, —I have the tumor to report that the nro. retail of State Is better than at any time since hL Loja4. Mr: F. W. tkmardhoondltmala most Oncatunittng. (Signed.) 7. IL BOOM, Nnr4eon General. The Aired, of, Rebel F4tbailit, CondoW . . , Niir Tem:, May T.—The Mors' Washington special says: The arrestor Col. Cold and Hatch, tim rebel Exchange Commissioners it on the charge of mlsappropriatko of the stippylles and money seat to our prlemsdol. - - rite Liamis Ilimesteed Project. Paastmaiata, May o.=-The sohsctiptlons to .preseet a homestead to Mn.i I.lnooto are not to emceed aye dollars each, so that all tnai have a atom to toottilosto. . . liiE rtiuPusbo eSIIBSATIO3 Agent of Internal Revenue Appointed. ~HANCOOK'S CORPS IN THE VALLEY New YORE, May 7.—The Herald's Wash. Ington special rays: The proposed emigration to Mexico„which seems likely to assume formid able dimeesiens, is thought to bode no good to Imperialism in that °notary. The emigrants will, by a decree of the legitimate government of Mexico, become Immediately naturalized as Mexican citizens. Willidm RiChards, chief clerk of the Internal Revenue Bureau, has been appointed agent of Internal Revenue. and will probably bo placed in charge of the interests of the bureau to the Trana-Mmalsaippl. A letter from Winchester, lVirginia, May sth, says: Nothing a interest has of late occurred In that department. ' A large portion of General Hancock's corps is on its march to Washington ria Ashby's Gap. Several regimentkbeve gone ,up the Valley to Staunton, and other town in the Valley and be yond. The Met Virginia reeirrient will do provost duty for the present at Winchester. General Tarbort has leaned an order that In the Patnte citizens must not depend upon the bens of rations. • oMcers andeoldiers are enjoined to give pro tection to persons' property, and more expecially the greeting crops of farms, and every possible assistance Is rendered in the planting and sow ing of new crops: From hew (Meant: New Outatss, April 2P.—Pia Cairo, May S. —Two hundred and sixty-seven rebel officers ranking from colonels to lieutenants, captured at ?italic, arrived to-day. The river continuer. rising. The breakthimitigie, some six miles below Algiers. was repaired to day. But little damage was done. The Times' correspondent says the country on the east side of the river, from Tunnies Land ing to Bayne Sara, is completely Inundated for a distance r f thirty-five miles, canal Fig great suf fering. Many of the inhabitants are in a starr ing condition. The Mobile Saes learns that a daily line of Steamers between Mobile and New Orleans will soon be (*tubas - bed, arrangementa being nearly completed. The Mobile New of the 27th ult., also learns that the rams Nashville and Morgan, and five steamers were at Demopolis. There are MO troupe except Maberry's gueril las between, Mobile and Demopolis. The demoralization in the rebel army andmavy In that region Is TcrY great. The steamship Morning Star arrived to-day. There were no sales of Cotton. Superfine Flour. 58,25. Muscovado Sugar, 14c. Loafs!. ana Molasses, 60-55 e. - Guerrillas to be Treated as Outlaws CAIRO. May 5.--Gen. Meredith, commanding the District 11 Western Kentnet - y, has iummon e,l all bands of armed meu, acting in open hat tility against the GovernMent of the United mates, and operating within his district, to sur render before the twentieth of May, on the terms granted Lee, otherwise they will be regarded and treated as outlaws. . _ Tbe rteamer Niagara. from New °deem, pass e:top the rimer with 142 bales of cotton, fur St. Arrest of Disloyal Eilitaeil'Urgeol. eve the NNW Tong, May 8.-;--The Tr:lanes Washing ton special has the following: The President has been strongly urged by prominent gentlemen here, to subject to arrest and yd.' such men as Thick Pomeroy, of the La Crosse ( Wisconsin) Dernorrst, and the editor of the Cnicago Timis, who, during the past year, have published, ad vised and Incited the assassination of Mr. Lin coln. The subject IS receiving serious consider ation. Train Robbed by Guerrillas. Cnrcrtnum, May th—The train on the' Ohio and blisalmippl road, last night, was robbed near North Bend, fourteen mliee - from this city, by a gang of twenty guerrillas. Tbesafes of Adams' Farms Company were blown open by leacrw.. des and their contentsi taken. The passengers were ?taxed of - their Watches and money. The robbers escaped across the river In WS. Price of Gold. New Toga. hiay o.—The transactions In gold no confined alMost exelualvely to Mmorters, the spectdative interest baying misrritod to 'Melia. There le more demand for exports which aceonnts for the advance from 140 1.41@143%. Bob. sentiently the prices fell to 149 X., The Ileven.Thirty Leah New Yong, May f..—Tbe limp special sap : Over 240,000,000 of ?Ms bap, been sold this week. Secretary McCulloch pays out the money as fast u recetweil, thus presenting arty stringency to the money market. RlMnadCarManMacUryDWrorD& Nays Toss, May 6.—me Railroad Car measl ier:wry at Jersey City was destroyed by Qre early , thin toontleg. Lots estimated at $12b,000. Tito fire le suppsied to hare betoilbe work of ao in etaidlary. Arrest of Another Supposed Conspirator. &r. Lams, May Blacklttim alias D(. Ttiblety.-charged with complicity with Harrold hi the assassination conspiracy. was arroted 'to day to accordance with orders from Washington. Cotton for St. Lamb and Cincinnati. Canto, May 6.—Three bundred and thirty nine bales of cotton arrived today from below fa Bt. Louis. Six hundred and twenty-dye ar rived yesterday for Cincinnati. Captured Oftener the Pam Webb. Nnw From, May 6.—Tbe gunboat Florida ar rived on Friday from New Orleans, bringinc this pirate Heed, and other raptured Madera of the ram Webb. A -Paymaster's Cash Bat of the Time of C4antautlee. A lot of treasure trove hair turned an in Alas tia, at the little amigo of2Ehl, which was long since ascertained to have been the site of the ancient town of Bantus, and of a Roman camp. Under • slight covering of earth some farm laborers ,have Jag Mend • mouldering coffer containing no less than seventy-five hun dred tweeze ales teem the mini of the Empe ror Constamtne, thereat ruler of the empires of the Eat and the Wait. It was supposed that this wulhe military chest of the Eighth Roman Legion, halve to have been quartered at this spot not long before the middle of the fourth century, in order to keep In check the vast German tribe of the AlemanuL The Legion bad evidently made • retrogade movement for some strategic team; but, confident of maw leg th eir petition. the paymaster, or &Qatari had hastily covered up the week's pay for - his rank and liby to be dug up on the realm lot the forces. But the !dement advaseed La such strength that thelmbs was cut off to R man, and It required all the emergy of Julian the sputa% who marched thither from -rad% to drive beck the Intruder front the, Gable aide of the river. All traces - of thecash. box were, of cane, hat with the destruction of the fated legionaries. Ills sot often that a discovery of hidden treasure so clearly expiable 110 own r I lthtol7- . AT Inn meeting of the Chamber of Commerce yesteeday, Mr. P. A. Cackling offered • Mite . of congratulatory reeolutions upon the tenses. tka of the rebellion, with the .'assurance to the' Government of a willingness on the part of the Clamber In bear still farther hardens, In addi tion to those shady sustained. should they be neerssary to the salvation of the country. One lathe resolutions Mao urged that the restoration of the national authority should be signalised by magnanimity and clemency, and should -be stained by no harsh or revengeful measure. Bat there seemed to be some apprehension among the members tbat this resolution would convey a wrong Impression of their real feeling as to the treatment which should be accorded to those who bad been lbr four years in arms against the Owerament. and an amendment, offered by Gee. Walbridge, was adopted, seeming that the Chamber heathy approved of the recent address es of Freakiest Johnson, whereto treason is ads, unstilted as the greatest of crimes, and declaring Its confidence that justice would be Ike &nut tiest characteristic of the treatment of those "who have endeavored to take away the life of the nation." Al ttie suggestion of Captain Marshall 'the eternal extinction of Slavery" was also added to the resolutions as • thlag to, be thankful for.—/f. T E N London Term. of the elat, to en article on the ccmcludlng scenes of the American War, Wes . . "Theofrilwarneedonljllvein.natinal arni cq as a grandatruggleln whin the heroine and endurance of all classes of Americans astonished the world. Neither need be ashamed of the retrospect. Terlerala and confederana alike had oakiikklrd Urger Andes, and fought room desperate battles, thus anosher pm". So the Loudon nmesidteltsthat,we tem "as. tcrobbea the Twit". Thus theTtnindererjuttt• as ourobifeehkeed FourthotJaie iherstan". Its Lake of Coostanee was so low list vie • ter as materially to facilitate the search for:old remains of lake houses, and great disoorintes were made in the shape of grates. kitchen uteri: . salsa squib Waren pod, span. All thine Wel 40. CIO WONCIMMC Mumakil 9cHulanes , • CFFY AND SUBURBAN. Singeller Case of Drowsing—Coroner's In quest—A Portion of the Evidence Given, and Adjourned for Further Rearing. About twelve o'clock on Saturday night, a young man named Wm. Coyle, aged twenty-one yeas, was drowned In the Monongahela river, under circumstances so singular as to demand a thorough investigation. It appears from the evidence given before the Coroner's Inquest, that de4ased had got into some difficulty with a watchman on Second street, In the locality known as "Pipetown," and after setae tusieling managed to escape. He then ran to the river, jumped in and swam to a large rotten log which was lying in the water about ten feet from coal barge. Itaceme that be held on to the log, with kin body in the water;tor about fifteen min utes, during which time the watchman with several other parties bad started for a skiff., which they found at the GAS Works, to rescue him from drowning. Just as they appeared with the skiff, the deceased went down. Hie body was not recovered until about eleven o'clock on Sunday morning. The accessed was a resi dent of South Pittsburgh, and was employed at the Novelty Works as e moulder. We leans that his mother, at her house In South Pittabargh, where deceased lived, heard and recognized his cries previous to his drowning. The deceased, we believe, was not much addicted to drinki ng. Penick Naughton, John Ford and Th etas Smith had started with deco wet to James Starke's, on Grant street, to ge. a glass of ale. When they left the drinking honse,Smith partisi with them, and the remaining three passedalung Second street. John Ford antes that about seven minutes be- Fire twelve, as they were returning Dome, they passed a.watch-honse, and supposing that SMith. who had left the party, was hiding In the watch. house, he said "There's Tommy," (meaning Smith) ; deceased then put his hand on the watchinan's head and said "Get up, Tommy— what are you fooling there tort" The watchman cure up and struck him. The deceased apolo gist d remarking that be thought he was Ma calsrade ; be then backed away front the watch man, who struck him again. The deceased ran off, and the watchman rattled his mace, when we all ran away. The deceased was sltgt 4 iy In tapior. Paul( another of the pyty_ Patrick was with deceased, said he asw tha man strike deceased twice, and deceased then ran. Did not hear him Bay anything to the watchman. . . • John Coyle testified that about twelve o'clock he saw a watchman teaseling with deceased close by a stable, near the river. When they rose. deceased struck the watchman with his fist about the head, and the watchman struck deceased with his mace. Deceased then ran to the river and swam to a log. The watchman with other pertles, went for a heat, and when ' he retained di:ceased was drowned. He was called upon to come In by the watchman- that he would not harm him. Dec-ward appeared to be slightly In liquor. Tenance Faced, a watchman on the Connie's- Tulle railroad, testified that the watchman called upon him to waist him, while he and deceased were shingling. The deceased had lain down by a stable to hide, when the watchman saw him, and threw himself on hire. The d had watchman's staff, and was strikinCand kirklog. Helped te.take the mace from him. red 0, watchman then struck deceased on the I g.. I ads bed decewed to come home, to which he partially consented, and we were about start- Ing eff, when deceased called watchman a "a— or a 1.1—.." at the aims time striking him, and then ran for the river. The watchman then started:after, and deceased lumped Into the river sad swam to a log, which he held on to, saying : - that he was where he could not be caught. I cried on him to come In—telling him that moue wee there to arrest him. I went with the watch man after a skiff to term him. The watchman also called to deceased to coma In ; he would not hurt him. When we came back with a skiff; which we carried from the Gas Work!), deces had beta drowned. 'I hornet ll'Auliff, night watchman above re fereed to, testified, that be was sitting in his watch-Dense, about five minutes to twelve. eat ing a leech, when behead someone call "Tom —Tom." He then said "Do you want me." The deceased, who was standlog between two .o:here, said "Are you an I-Ishmael He made no answer to the qua stioi. 46 ll el him a eon ore b—, and afterwards struck him. Lid not strike back. Did notwiab to have anythine to do with him; advised hlm to go lame. Deceased started off, and kept calling him a sea of a b—. The watchman then fal 17.red tlm, and rattled his mace, when the otit= ere of the party left. Vonixt-deeenWhndee the, tristle work. end put the nippers on him, which he broke, and then struck the watchman In the ice. Deceased at one time struck him in- the load. After striking the watchman In the face. deceased ran to the river, and got on a itg Tenting that he would be drowned, the watch man ge Cfive;or six laborers from the Gas House, sed went-after a Elt , ff toreseue deceased. When thr y tullved;dect • cd was drowsed. Dr. Geo. L. McCook testified that be was called r n by James Boyle, the father of deceased; to examine the body. which bad been taken to death Titteburgh. Refound the Jaw on the left aide broken in front of the angle. There were no other marks to lead to the supposition that hi, death was caused by violenee. At the inquest by Coroner Clawson, then( was a mark acmes the shoulder-blade of deceased, where ne was probably , struck with the-watch man's mace, but It was nothing but a bruise.' There were marks on the right wrist occasioned by mppens. The evidence before the jury is so contradictory that we give it without comment. The Coroner's jury have adjourned until. to-mor row evening to hear. further testimony, when a verdict will be returned. • The Soldiera' National Cemetery at Get. tyaburg. The National Cemetery at Gettystneg.lz be leg rapidly pushed to completion, and It Is thought the Improvements will be finished the corning iommer. Thesratistronial granite wall, exteedlog ileum the west aide Is completed. It Is of superior finish sad comnactnces. The heavy iron femme extending from the granite wall on the west to Evergreen Cemetery on the south, and the iron railing dividing the National from the Evergreen Canny, are both finished. The letter is constructed of gas pipe and metal posts, and will be lined with shrubbery. The gateway, also completed, is a beautiful strnetutn. On each side of it are three massive Iron posts, on which eueperched two American eagles; majestically looking down on those who rasa the portals to We sacred spot. 'Fbe principal avenue is un dergoing macadamization and the trees and shrubbery are being plante d. About ninety-five different varieties of tram . have been selected. The contractors for setting the headstones have also envenomed. We understand that the ma terial for the National Monument is now being collected and the work will commence this sum mer. The contract, we believe, has not yet been given out. The natural beauty of the-location of the cemetery la vent:paned, whilst art Is be stowing Uri - energies at it with Wish hand. Taken In connection with the historic. interest associated with it, America con produce no spot around which so many hallowed aseeeletions A Merry Verdict. A meet was rendered , on ilaturder le the Distriet Court, in the 'thee If Taber & Co., vs.. A. Mug andlL eCtilletigh,.., -which bad' been o, trial fonsethrsldn7sptaviona, b j : which the •piiintlifs 'are altllkd to marvel` In the suns of - $16,200, ap that:Adams, Macklin & Co., glath mamtW,arcre, becoming insolvent in 1657, King and McCullough, erblitors, obtain edjudgment in their Soar in the sum of two than-and dollars, and aceonllagly fated en the glass works, which they purchased in at i "'au ditor°. The other creditors allege' that the judgment in favor of Meson. King and Illethal iou,th. were confirmed for thepurpose of (mato 111411 cm as Mends of the 01;inal owners to purchase theconcern at a nominal figura, and transfer the stock to Adams, Mecklia It 00, It was in evidence .hat the works ware worth be semen twenty and thirty tharuAnd dollars, in stead of the small amount fir which they_ were disposed or at Shedd's sale. King and IlcOnl leash allege that they held the works in their own rlrbt, free from'all trust or obligation to pay anything to Adams, & Us., sa the creditors. The verdict rendered, hoverer, is Trimble'', Varieties Theatres—Pak of Richmood, or the Surrender of General fere; for tke drat time, teeight at Mintage? Smythe's pot paler Markt of the people. • Ac entirely stew 'Union drama, written by Pitealmmens, embrac ing all of the chief lacidenta, incidental to the =IOD of the rebel atrooghold and defeat of ying the ultimate pswer of the Union Government over traitors and consptratora,latur. • dicing Military, civil, domestle and heroic .scenes, illustrated with battles, escapades. spies, Tickets, camp scenes and other effective and In teresting details; modneet•ln connection with* 'doublet maraca's/1 show, bringing into.attractive requisition all the entire star and stock combine-, lion company of actors, actresses; dancers and singers. Thursday night Dilly Holmes, Mettle and George Edwards tube their drst bow to the audiences of Trimble's - Varieties.' . • - Home Agalar-ldr. Charles Collie: an oda , teal member of the "Mend Rifer, " attached to the Itseelstorartpde, has .arrired back. to our city, [rob from I retracted slat to Andereces. vt where be has boat , !whllleg the happy bows awry" formerlod of asseateet monde; He tramp the la lesisee bla ftl ow+pfteoct. ma ars all Do the way from St. Lsalsi ea roots for Aanspolia: wheels thee seassets 'with Use (Memnon wilt be settled, asot they be duly. mastered ost °Cabe HMOs, , AnumberofMts. bumbers im mom the ts; R4oa Imo. tap ESTABLISHED IN 1786. intrortant Public Sleeting. The citizens of Allegheny county are revert ted to meet at the Court Rouse, In rittsburgb. on Wednesday, the 10th day of May, at tea O'clock, a. in., for the purpose of considering the present.condition of the country—to express •. 1 ; • their opinions upon the policy and measures of President Johnson's administration in the sup. pression of the rebellion and the restoration of local authority in the lately revolted Staten, and 4 to further the arrest and punishment of traltori: - Ii is hoped that all will attend, and tlineiyiland :fearlessly express their opinions. The Govern meet belongs to the people and it is fix the* - to strengthen and direct the hands of their pub....) Ile servants. Wm FJOhnston, W Robinson, Deo R White. James X Cooper, Thomas Rakewell, Thos X Rowe, .Rabt Finney, 8 r Yoa Boanhorat, A 0 W Phuu a m mea PirE7sl.., now Wlllltms, David E Park, .1 Lowry, R W Mackey. hilughey • Jamregg es IS Cr , aft, D G a Co., W Richardson, James Rafferty, T W Darkly' B B Sutton, ./ II Ware, W S-Maven, Plummer, S P Shifter, Mr Frowenlield. John GUI. William II Irwin, Robert 8 Davi., It W Means,' . VT It Vreptaff, Wm 0 Johnston, J W Barker & Co., Josiah King, 0 II Israel, Joseph S Pearsoa. , W 0 McCarthey, James Brown BL Fahneatoek & Co., Sam Fahnettock, John Redman, W J Fen y, TT hTyler /a. Co., W Viardtop, Day & Boyden, • Logan a Gregg, Gmrce Park, Tv Whiteside*, Whitmore, W D & Co., Louis L Davis, James L _ siehler, John Bell, Richard k. Breed, Wilson, Carr & Co., Iwo G Kook - man, J .1 Gillespie, Palmer, P R Lautinsu & Bro., 8 %au=en. Joe LougeeWee, Joann Copley, and nk. Fire In Duquesne W•y—Thirnlng 0 - • • . Cooper Shop. • fire broke out about see= o'clock *wank- .4 I day . momhig, la the rear of' the cooper almip owned by.M.r. C. Blade, and carded. on by. Mr. • . John Ritchie. on 'Duquesne Way, bolo* 2!tatbary street. Owingto the combustible Matti* Is the shop, the bullalng was almost .totally dee.' troyed ere the engines could reach theepet. She stop was built of brick; one story' high; 'with" gravel roof, and extended beckon anilines Stone fiftyy. feet. It was used. for the manttfactuns • of oil barrels, of which there weres eanslderible number on hand, and but a few saved. . Mr. Slade, who °wool the shop, mammies' Lb* • loss at over $l,OOO , and had no insumeit. The fire Is without doubt the work of an incendiary. as Mr. Ritehlo pat out the flre lathe stove the - night before, and. ls patine* that° visa no Sol about the building. --It seems the lire La the's.: ' lhorshlp ofsome !undone scoundrel. and cos; - trived purposely to injure thepropeietora. This. same place suffered - by fire DOM WOO ago by tbe ain of an Incendiary. • - An bstimitatat Mz . re f 4r e e ri l at Pmmttraida A meeting was held at Phliadelplii a Wed," ' nesday evenlng,by a\ large number Of the • - • regiments, for the ramose of organizing as ea socializer eF discharged'oflosis and soldiers of the present war e to procare a charter AM' the ' • iegbilatere, and to establish brands organlaii: tioas throughout the entire Mate. ; Tbergibrera,,- present recorded their names; 'pledgiew thee, . selves to organise an order. beneficial End to which only honorably- discharged midi= will be eligible. • The objets of the organization will be pins dpolr beneridaL it will ccarcentrate =do di rect the miscellaneous •Mibrin now mating tog different parts of the city to have disabled sob.. diers provided with suitable situations. it win give ',eddy benefits to the sick. and will provider -:. • fend for the relief of men who hare died the service. you Liu AND W.earrnnorr oir ASSAMAN US' COLT, Shteenth President os the United Stated, . 'beinn a lull history of his um, -oessindrinden. - death and hiLerat—l voL py.Mit—prlee - osints_ paper.7o centalucloth. For Ale by Stain P This tote works) brief, isa.nery .ciouiprelus sive summary of the life and ;services - of car martyr President, and emixidim millponds intiiz.V:: portent state papears,_ and his mostmemorabia,:::.:: utterances. It meets a want which cannot other, wise be supplied for some time to come t' Main& deed it will servo very tamp who ;mare memory of that Mnstrions man with enough - to give them a correct delineation of his genius and characier—better to them, perhaps, than a nxire elaborate biography. It ma good and welly Oli Territory lfbr IMlee—Seethe advertise-. went In the second page of our paper this morn ' An - exeellent oprortulty la offered to . ' speculator". ' . Uncle Ma% Cabin.—A revival of We meta 'popular pity will be intecaited ee the Pitts. burgh Theatre to-night, with new - steam pa U. S. Cireoft.Coart.--Tbla °kat will cS . vane Ws morning and will be *welded evirlrif . Judge" Grier and ideCardleal.' 'Mimeo nonar alompft. Jesto-4be wo by 7._ P. Honk • . ' TEC /RUM EX.ODIT3 To TM COUNTitTe.one...:; tide of emfgretton shows no elan of ebbing.Oa the 12th hundreds of people of .it ens. hem tha gray-heeded gmadatther to the child ht aramV.. poured Into Queenstown for embarkation le the Nationel Company's flue simmer Lemslans, ea mute from Liverpool for New To& Haudreet more were expected to go by the Intim' steamer next day. Emigration from Ireland to Amerlea. has totally changed . Its aspect.. The ark AMC, says that "when the Wider laves the piew - witk. -- . Its bums* beght a hearty cheer bream &mean emigrants, which gtneralty nwpondei to ea : 'bore. and a moist ale or.marowikl. facejbAnifr dem seen among the tbrozig.'l,-;-44414'iounW . • TVs " Mom. Tummies. "—The Embo l i : : Mondani' sap, whitlow may be the ultimate • fate of the Oeultderates. the "morel treldgea et -I Y S the war bdov to them." The motel trot4oll l - , :•z'f of the piracies. murders and siaaadambrastimp • hoe eummitted may be • Tarr Sodibildi Wolin-1 tarle to the fitenctect r buttheadmindlosof mat kind tom oever,iet placed sock Miumttlto morel virtues. The "trophies" usually awasital- a to such sets are boasts 114kb:the adhere Or them will willbsif dispense with.'imet meads* to them away tutcomfertahle Stellm whissese they are alluded OW - . "Tn. GICILT pact." Bassall; •••- Londan Army and Nav y, "is &ha dollsil at • - Letts arsny.. , and Mist &rasa Is "loselalve er Mai issues of tab ww.! , He sdds „ - , "What that tutus would .be, have serer 4 0 0.4 gad ear readers biow that are have me. ' er 'misled ttiem. Wlth out? 41110 arstyln theta. .4 that a weak oas, lt, L Impoulble tint ergs& • • lied realstmice eau Fe' Foliaged. When Laois mice. Grata awl Shentraa aid lisaeodt ilea Thomas will be able to march where they pbaaa, .• Te dream of a slave power has vaalshsa lW Covistarrnoa or Iterm ow sas razieritTairfa. Rarrsoarine following tibiae( theeoneaurp; Me of bad ea tbePenosylvaataltelkoad.dlulag the year I.lsBiore belleye to be accurate: Plt a DitristOn. 3,41.1 , Pittsburgh ' 4, sad EL & E. E. V. trraushes.. ponsuned,bi - malt ME! Thrum of colorektroope with, hareeelias Way 15 employed, la baying the IJaho, dud who have lan enemata the hattlellelaharomet, Mamma for a year put. - flehhwidlumarea;' skeletons were httirrtd our Cold Rat*. , ' , Tai r — ops .bse ardetid his iiatistes to ElllittftW. the Fret& larsor% 9 4 114 caimPaztte-,,e; port yrykyther ft is Elt, for publleatkm.- , , , TIIOKAS J. !Masers, arbnatrilla sad isardsrari , abase executloa bas been p_ostecissi was_ bog to Lasis • nuttegytne. xi giatUn Gayno t aidk. Bota,i Gaynor .1/. muz.,- - eittt smip c 1 11 r. '4341 11*mo ;JR Weldon,. TJ crLeser, , Um Di:mooed', . Judea P Tanner, Jams Robb WBuam glarstinad," John Stela, B R Jams Ma y, Irvin, P Duff, Win Livia, Lulls Xorgansteni. Joke 11(011190 Morgasisters, J M D Glenn, G B el Phs w. l W 40.1 - R 0 Worms,Ce X Marshall, E W Mayan, R M Bloehart. Joseph Penatiot. Wm Pl. • A Trowelfeld, • J Boobyer,Jr., U GILL Oharies S GM,' James F. SWF 011.01 1 kr Thomas Palmer, Thomas Ball, T Patterson, Dame Whlttlaor Sohn Aridly, M Yennoek, T A Evan. hllo., . H T Schmidt, John hi Ktrkpattlek. 1 BlchatdaoA .11 ' Sohn & room, John Burgess, IV Rug, P Shrirer, 0 & Wandastle, John X Barton. o L tPllsrale,T Lockhart & Frew, I John. Mitchell. £3 P Bennett, Tack, Bro. e. Do., , 00. IL Keyser, iWm Win W Bradshaw.i JO Backohen, JnoCro wn, Rayner & Moe, X IL Lightner, RL Collart, ID 0 DeZouehei .1 J DeZonshe, S D Rim &canoe, any others. Tom et Goal. IS" .16441 SAT OS ' =I=PMZi:E . - .