The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 06, 1865, Image 4
ittsbutok' (!pttit. I se.TußiA* 1865. ItOIOMIT • leCaUl% & CO., Mtvezaziorah Nairn' SC. IPittrlnursli. tielestui :fiend rut rumps sad CUR-. leatlY. ColleetteneasdalnenpaamfthethattedStatea , — atarsed eel et met at rates: . • • V.S.d per ans. lad, Bonds; mi.; MO do.; WEL II De Oattlestee ladebtaisees &la TiOaaaY-;;s.' , Tboriao 'mod SELLIMO.Za I I:MS / 22 at the deer York, Pldhideiptds ypatda,toeald Medi of. Getenaneat Seentr L. - LendtS (fold . Ls as. ~CUL AND COMMERCIAL 11110111MilP AND BANKERS , • BOARD itoall,lom gOilsilogorOrithit It 004 ratnag Lys e, MI P. 8. 1;141781....• , 1 t 0 U.S. ft-5ea...... - O bondi Es-- 14 --- - OoenellsrWe H. 11. sWeicno lnt. sle -- Pittekuro Eteubenrilte Ctl Orman Trust— Tblut Mations' 8ank..4..-- "--.10 00 ... -- Ttsdesmans , National Bank. 1.01 OA. 0 so - tral.Bastx ..... • Oft Getman of 4 as Ott Clock k --' • °° Corny Ecut ..... --- • er, ...... Pittsburgh . . ... f. +-- itiqUaterg.- -- *•••• Whto ...... - Western ...... Unn Leiria ----....-- Pitt io etent &New Ventral BUM. Ilackaltu;s Petroleum Oo -;.. SI Ora sforionphela Navigation 13ontis...—.Ski 50 WO Shares ........... I 0 s Gold Orel Sad advancing ,nnder orders from the - country: The trepteedentemus quite geweral here east In the east that tt has ruled quite too loWla weesparksit smith the pita market, and the re. -emery Inetrrygoode. Buying . rates ranged to-day 14040 - lit% to our market. Latest report, [rpm new York quote gold at t4alfette.,_, l 7. S. Bonds hearier,rand fell Ott about one-half per tent Iffee. yeetsdal's report.' Five. Twentiess quoted at 100; Tea Tottite,. 26 1 tleatillcates, W. The decline, would ladled* • temporary strengthening in rata. Tor money..,.• - The MO list 1.1 without material change. A Wiesgre'bustnees- doing, • si,d that at low prieek Oils arequiet, though the,commodlty Itself Ls lm provhig to prick - Ate mettles of the Stockholders of the Ritchie -.011 0c mrauty on' Thursday, slit, action of the di.. notch In adjusting. the dielculty which has fo • arose Ulna eilated between the loanable' , end the e,trocritatn Oil Compahytt-of New York, cru folly . opprored By the new arrangemeet. a Cll. ton of the oil produced on the property of the two 4;erapanlea ii to be made, the n ellitchteo to do thee work, end the ~ortintatno to assume - unbolt of Abe reponse. The former company has one prods=. slag well, and the lattartwor but the daily product. Roc as Omit the memo, thecae well yleldlng anaeh aa, the other two. The dlreators - the , tllitstde are bout to int - down another - well, : dad RIO engine is already on the ground for that p mt . - The tiallaaetises at the stook board this evening Vera bitter than for two or three evenings Pesti notwlthatandher the attendance wan rather Win Thessestnotiiesble chat* was in Tack whtek sold up to 1 li. There was eonsielerable InqUlry foe Tarr, Story ind Cherry Run, sevotal huedred ObALIS elf which changed Lands at a slight advance SO Shares Cherry Run Central. i 16 ' .do Nr.rohante • 0 .1121 do ..:..grAtoy Merry Bun 0 let do ' - SOO do -Tack • ' do -", - .'Steel-71711-;.. gib do ' Tarr, Stall It Cherry itun, nog do dq do „ sea leo do " ' . The odertigrand bids wire as folloWt Alleghei4l el Caktirele of Phila. ; oti . : os dkotral Dada. . up Cherry &Z an 131C071......... • ASS . lea Chary Hun t ritistsugh Meter ken st Pit Eels ,80 Columbia Vtilberteoute Bun-- Duck Oteek..--, - Eldorado Fuller Haserra —...... H0ck..... eml Rational Of Pittsburgh - r no PfemonaLEchnirg Pr a; -.-Ohio Vai157...... op eo • Oil gasin;elPhtlatilphla. ...... ' oe Irthl tassels Cherry , 4'kE" Placenta Go Pittsburgh h. New ..;.. 83 Pittsbirrep Phil, t kr -; ar - -r WolooLubrie..; . ;v.. • - • eft • Western Zerourlvania..-. YU 175 WhiLallr Creek .t 2 cO A correspondent (say! the rblladelptde Ledger , leo tree whir WeretheargregatVatif net revenue of the Pennsylvania . RrOdroad , Company Mt 104 Itow the,antouut was expended , sink whether we , hare not .Piidditti usual Periodef annoincing the art:WM - ad I is reply, we snows: that the whole revenues of die Company from Rs several lines as stated In the Vocopaurs: . net arennal re 'reit; were as follows From thel•Ct,t4isyliksilli ' t, Minced arid r 1 bras:cite.. , "IYI Peenayirsals oB ruaimaptaa act Erie-: -- _ '1 tri ler ,;.::1 ate sae env or the net iMoetn'a the ocimpany for s the pum, tft,oo/41, lheto was applied, • to ; the payment of two 'aeselannuel- ditedends .of Cr..d per _mat lll.lslMae; to dividends to Ilartbdourrand Lancia ter Ital!mad Compost and interest tip nibs Corn. ;wore debt, Swains; and to taxes upon dirt deeds andaroupons, Mr.a,Mii; In all, 41$0,Mtt.. The remaindr, :et,tol,Bo, was approptiated to the construction ot other roads, to represent which the Clomping holds their bonds. The stantaannef dividends, to Order to afford time to Make up the .111widirdpocrirs, will be paid hereafter on the 10th ', ..daps of May and November, Instead of thelath,as . beret ofore. And, u thedmicton of. the Pompon) annoultecd et *holed annual . Meeting , of 'Roch a. etemildPenaent-of thattlarlalMtl. Cbstmerstal, - "helots MOO traversed and paaorrailf inspected itlasoat all the oil. mem of. Southern Ohio to 'West Wizzinle, Rada the . result of . his ebaervai lateta. The annual yield of Che arater;allowing . PM barrels as the igeregate daily product, he es , thasted almost thania,ooDara. Wen rratala is withiatell to yield an equal 'inutnat, but the Pro duet, Wog letevaluable,ls pat down K SPIV*. The Prim ofThitsdiysilet mere demand for the _Ws, sat comtderable dotal, tlitrith Pima, alko . 11 1 . 1 1* , Taltold• The , freest depression la Owatlittgasil bac Mil Mkt; ere aa opporlualsi atertatelalolt tato the tlietras • MausetrirrArf the oileempealse, Mid anntag - ont.. • alma se given no porn/nor future iterlits,, matte', yes ing ."ptderods compaated WM* a pot. sulks meg 'lmedhr them to retrieve their .loesea. - The street eed offmw AsOud welts 'fired t haw from the ly expect some heavy wails sOOO, her &mews° ocarina . depth at ell la usually found.' !Ito fact pf ()rude oil malairdaloa Ite.Ofico la UM twee et declining semis Enti4e.:o Mar se -fer 88 re. - garde olljttocht, bc4tap, nem toadied. . Anettaiiii Tett.; ?Caw Versed:3l4y S. , —The menu. today Waif. 1 gum nuainerp.and mood dr Oita , sonsolartible th unit. telseliog morn; buesiwasonite buoy. sat. I suffsdiref Irobba liriksitorattra tad a vary' • gra d 'Madan-it% The initalogaa twinttristd '• lot of woolen! sad fartitabloggoo.lll. This prisorof woolens *es not Very satWattunand many tots . wets pinedlin el:mosque/tor: Yawl UAo! men** ranged at MTV 0ow!r dr". s!gqic add rrePth ; I V:Ta l ler? TOwUered, lkontant. &Co: wan of gusto desetiPtion. Their oatilogne also ovamtiardrfroolens aod tailoring goods, ..yoa ding was if /story animated desenpuoit. - The lo s. me ea, es s old ray stinlog. Udneh black ltarso clothe sold at alo, sad up to dooms Irt Mob Italians atIOGVIX,e;27-ineh drab 411 stim 1-4 'Lien drily 183020014.411nen ducks, nisi 44 markt nuncio, Sae; 44 - skirting lie; 44 Iflboeut grating, ;NM ha : 2he attendance. wu. Only ritod. Snag, .• • ' • Tut. Fete 11 Willlterarg• ROVOL.II COM Iwo dist btot salts. One of Linea, sold very Lady arid at good prices. Ths attends:no was sood at both odenoPt,t at the sate of Silk Dress Goode. was mot quite so suceptsfut The prima showed • eon, smastderablirdeelloa -Tba lEld Glares went below 'tavern prises,' sod many of the iota mars „passed. _ Baltimore y 4. atom lJ usebanged; we ,code pun saper se 4 6 . /36 Howe do Extra, 1P9410.116 the latter for resettles bricOsilloward steeet Super maws, mid zo .r . 46./3X%:?or ball sits thir SUM ratr.— W hest was to numb ..bstter supply fin" :(or soma days path !IMO boatels offered; demand 174°...4wit4tirstis'ilerrd'Ir • orss-4i,010 bushels offerolic detea bottere with. snits of WV bushels white it 81,100 .1%. wad oxt I. Ails y &ion/ 411,1001".01.1ron wed. "I'M s ...erred atolaalci stiOnMei nommen nod dOs tecelpis; lot a at Mt :-- Provisions—Aroluantivel ao *sloe effected. hs Oustness continues limited Colonel Amato tor Boma, wide) sells la lots a ims f or sh o al. 1.7344.t0t tleiMPla sand, seats tor Sid* films range urns 10011 tents' r uncover ed. sad WOO ova* for cm:massed. Lard—Western 110610c."ns nonUtP` "Volk dilketordid 'Ms Emu nominal betore quoted. Cseialia• • roar—britritet aukliti4 - Wel - 014rfid tel MID Map. intela" . inarkild 4i111,6211: dowse& tipetralsirte. 21.2 -Balm, and telrhiser. _of- no • afters. - Mei am° males 1194171,1, 1101/ 4 MOIL ,01-112.-Vallt this laorblai Me sus Rum does ai a. Are —aromanst _Becisit-Aoghiwr, ~~,- .: ;:~ DAM 1112 VIEW ov inThasustoki VaiDAT' lIMP 5, 1505. reiteipm alproause a ell klnee twig dines: toughie:ably the put fewlink mid Mille stocked' Iliad sionnall for thlsiesecia Of the year, eq supplf 'is luny ual JO the 'denim , . witch weregret to state, Is esoeedlogly Ught. The • spring Is 'now too far edrarield to 'existed ao7 me' tenet in:prevenient, la bustnesa, and. wisAnnittall. the Una &Mania and stagnation . will preset! dor. log the ennuner isoithi:. • -- _ ' - 611A.1N.-Wheat is moderately Lotted, but um et entail sae of 24Itrs prizes Ohio et*. - Claw quiet and unchanged; Wes on tssek st. were • Corn Is Irregular , prime Ear bang guisted at gee. white Inferiorhud common sells '1.0517 Cl item , Nottilnidoint ' FLoußt _oontineni Ltibt ' no t. withatandlug- them ur pry.. well vedosed, there Is but little an ted, and the muted w s T be quoted dull tL , Otte de w . 7 Zl e b itrln i a r ild _ebbarrels Es Famet IS, ,0, y be fairly *W at the extremes' _et: the market. ntinTlßlOss-Therris a emitinned far jab. bind dearlind r Same, and we not* MN?* sales at. Itarlll for Shisuldms;l s o ls3 G,t = StMe ig i taw% for Clear dot 21 for rim. 12% for Canvassed do. Lard act Weft. Pork no.. -atrilrlt.-0 alines etilet;the cleaved being matrieted_sissost entirely to supplying the retell trade. Small sales from store at 02,15 per bbt. BUTTEE-There is no improvement to note in the demand' and no change to Dakota quotations. Sasso( Itoll at Ma= prime td Choice. , . r Foos -steady end goatee at Ste. POTATOW-Demanil fair and market steady, with-Wee of Peeen!lewe *MOSS per bbl. as: to IMED FRUIP-Sale of i bole common apples etas. Faiths* dull and unchanged. T O. ALLOW-Sale o of 41 bids and I. keg rendered at lAper ped.. SEEDS-S utt ale ate hush Flaw. Seed at $2. Clover and Tbnothy an DEANS-Sale cl a airmats et - 11202,25. HAY-Is dull sad In good supply' and drooping. We sow ;mote at 1120025 per ten for common to mime. , PriTSBURORI PETROLEUM MARKET t 1 10 100 110 1 00 1 00 4 00 • • - Hay 6, 113113. The Petroleum market was remarkably quiet to day, the, transactions Delis comparatively and the excitement which - prevailed on Xednesr day sad Thursday has subsided somewhat. The feeling. however, In regard to both Crude and Ite, fined, is as strong as ever, and holders, Instead of alvimixiwry, are confident of reattrimfutill higher rates. Crude may be fairly quoted at Wan, ants returacd, and 4•021, bb/s included, nod bulk oil Is held atilt cents. Sale of 130 and 10 bble Lbts returned; 110 do do, at 11, and MOO bbb, In bulk, on private terms. There were no trait's°• tons in Keened, In bond, that we could hear of, and in the absence of sales, tre (toots at 41013, on the spot; 4,1010, for June delivery, and 60851 for July. L Free 011 is quoted at 6MM—holder. goner asking the outside figure. Naptha and Rai. donee continue quiet and nominally unehsaged. The ieceipts of Oil by the Allegheny river, elate Thindei, ore" M lowE • Wisher & 101; Porter Itionardson Is Harley itlXßarbour R Co Pennock, Long &CM. 41111.10hn Jas . 111 J. E.-Strickler -o.Bpeugler 156151eXelry U. (Jo Wm. Haldeman_ ....1000 Buelmell .amo Vandergtlft:.. - Total.-- - NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. SpeetarDitistah to the Pittsburgh Gazette. . , Vim Toni, Kg 6 , inn. Petroleum ull, and prices nearly nominal; re ceipts light; Grade. 17®e6; Reined to bond, 61)40 dtOl and free 7101 . 4, - The following In Maid 1 0 the dinik MI bind May lit, receipts, shipments, eta, etc., is taken hots the last number of the New York Shipping List : . . I BM. leeL B.log lall 2o Ufa illi 1565 repde Refined • Mirth' - . . TotaL. - bbla. MAW ROMS Becelredat New York Mace lat Joao wy -1865 ...... 111X5111366—..—t0b1i. 175,012 Exported aams Unto -1861. —from New York....ralla 8,511,871. 4,516,00 .. Other rota ...... ,918,428 140(1,8811 . . Total .... 2,440101 4 ,0 1 . 1 M Same Ume, 13,itt,Ite PIitLADELPIMA STOCK MARKET. Special Dispatch to the Pltt33olo Gavotte . • Puil.3.ortrzoo, Kay 5, 1966. The market for Oil Stocks coatia6S . 44 1 11 4 6 ffitrflar, with iloßte alipdittloll to *elk The sloe. 'log prices were as follows: 'Royal t li:Sesser Wells--. I M Catoweil-- ......... 4 31 Dal zell- ....... ...- 6 12 Hyde ra 'tn..-- . 2 57 ehilidelphlii Ir. OS • Dig Tick - .._..-..1,t-16 "Creek -- 125 • Cherry 1ttm....--- 260 Dunkard....- 'I 16 . Egbat 3 II Sc. Nicholas. - - -- . 2 - 66 : Desalt ore- -..- s E ottOosek b. Clem.' • Masao 5hade........12 a Am l Bo steCliotook _ 3 V 33331.13133 k, 8 W. Atlas.-- • 1.. lornplanter ---.- a.® • -....- 176 - -1700 ....... so ...... Is New York Market. • 1 , 41 r Yoga. May 5.-Corrol-Tinn, at Co for 11.ovu-Opeded quiet and steady, Sid dosed na • better and more astlve, _at 14,Matco for Est" State, WiNolatio ror , R. K. O. and V WAWA for ' Wellttr-400,4t and steads; Western lots, at 11,1r10,1L. Unara-Arbeat a shade firmer, at 11,111401,82 ; Amber Alleblam,ll,oo. Rye quiet. Barley firm. .Corn hen and lower; small eaten of New YeUotf at 111,4101,41. 'Ws lower sad nominal, at Ms (velem'? and Vattern- Woos- dull.' Parlor:arm-Quiet, at Ste for Crude, ate for Ke ened In Bond, andlaefor Keened Free. Onoesaum-Ooffee quiet and steady. Sugar blgheri Clubs bluseoosde,_ll%§l.l4,e. Molasses ' Paoesstors-Perk opened Deasy and closed Llm, at tet,Fl34o,2l,ltry, for Frew • Mese-eloslng at ette .11% Ash, SU, ..W4,00 for 1.911-1. do, eash and revs. Igdsaltet= 414ncesh=l1r ;Newsellere' option:for Nov and Jouts.,at . - 5a1,15ra , 03,r0. Beef Hams steady. at erfatt..s3. Clot Meats ; sales of MO padkanas at 1410115%e for 'Shoulders, and 03019y0 - lbr Runs. Bamon dam .Laid Sited/ and QUiet; 11, Ileac tuttFr demandikt fOr Ohlo, and Sso CrL Ma". •Chela* nUlet., at 1ar...1e. Beef Beady, at pretious prices... . New - York Monet and Stock Markel: Waw Tone, Nay e.-Mower-Continues easy at foNd rat cent. Starnes dull at - 10P,;(110011 for yet tuts bins. Gold more satins and firmer-opening advineing to 144, and closing at, 11 , Ori - Gosertment Stocks easier. Ssocas-Steady. Rork Island 101; North West ern 304; Cleveland b. Flttsburgn;72%; I , llAlnen IF...outbern Wro North Western preferred 50 , 41t3um.. - rerlsrl4,4 l ; Qulelaltrer Ch'New Yore Central OIN; Erbel63l: Beading Icet. ldiebigan Central LUX; rittaborgb, Fort Wayne tr. Chleao 111814; Ohio an d 111Uldralppl Oertlfleatts it almond Sizes 61'; 10411'oupons 96X; 1.0.1 Coupons 1004; do_wew L ane, i 04%; RWateted tot %. Prima al Malay Stotts bid fa Bowan Way:-Cew tral 42%; Oopper rebel; frank linel; HIPMOCk 8311 Itw e d, no bid; Minnesota Wit Rockland & - Gals a Viably /arlurage.--A.msrlean (told, USK; OW .YorlaUentral, 97)(d Eris, 76lVadson 110; Bawling, lrchlpn Ventral, 1U ; MiahY gee Brlntilern.,_ Central 1 Pine. burat„, 2.(%; it Wand., 101%; _North astern, sof; de; prefarredelf%;!Fort Wayne, In; Ohio sla -Certltdostes, WM: Oancen, Wrist& 47'; tbuiskaUvar, Martposa, 1.2%. Markel weak and very dalL • • ' ChkagO Market. Camino, ills, ii-Esonvill-- 2000 barrels Flour, MAO bushels Wheat,' 07,001 Miele" . 430,14 aba 14 ,coo bushel Oats: . " • Ilmoreurts--Bell and la lower. ' • novlszona-Don. - • • .From -Steady and lir= • • Gsurs--Wbest Inn and to Whet's_ i t 11.0d34 far lir. I and Slialtoelt Cerngulas &Wile lower, at 414rfer N 0.1.1 0 qnlet 'an/ le l ower, , at SOX tor andiallita fe be-b• " ' F.lnnenv4-42ulet onekangol. • Eat 4. is *Sm ., inote forWbuisal 46600 .ouseels petite Perins.nodlyestant• Bed at At It 1 t 14: $2. White from lit ittt tr= ntal sale of rye at CAL Thera is faUblif 41 11 IA toe and for earn Bulbar Wes of 4.444 ,yellow an reported - at .111,11016 6 . age art — 66E4 bulbs B • • est gals o Bulgy was at L.AZ• ley bleb sold at 111,850 t - • • ' ' La nude the tranammone ere unimportant. Meowed may hi quoted at 11111411206 per 61 lbs. Tim' *MY 61 4 1 6 6 0 6 , and FlaseeW at prioslaions no chew we nollm owe of maks hare5a1,24120 1 ,4 mat& airlfibotdders st 1614 NYt cent ast & • y Udall and ranges from OM 11 . 41 ' •',• • , ilsPoirns itivEß. • Zionsertlis rim Atauralrehhde j toban ;' ..0,2130 bets flour. a bbls dry apples, abets bottle. . . 42 brie eggs, 210 , sks Maumee* and eitertelle, 6 boa furs,/ beilloge Marls & .401161 sks mrts; a Aeja 006 do do; JTElorrlsql lots- mollelne, I) A Fahnestock tote* 10 Inn,, Limbo & soy 1 block, It B Burkkamer; 6 plus an Stop - Go; r bat eggs, 1 bx butter, J B 1111,0011 ;1 pee oestrus, 2 iceman atrapr JiroV9ll PO store plate, A Bradley; 1 peg goods, ..irtna Mecrum & oo; brlbons .Tas Et ser;46 bole, hay, Al Began. Tin TOTT.CTOMI- 4 hes pans,John. I (Leyte 00500 tobseso, Cast) W Jones Pk. sun , &les Jim thingpey; it ors feMbera G A *arm; t ease I.obaeoo, Baker Sm I[ol4 tej 14 MIAs do; Jan W Taylor,lido do, W kV - Blnehart; 184 01l brls, A 61111 m; 8 beta roofing gum, W lt,Boggs;11 ls saddle trees; Slawldilney, Bars R . 46;20 but &up, 1 keg lard, 'Litt le,' Baird Fattln; 16 bee atop, 16 dto • ladles, .W ZS Gormley; 16 kegs lard. cald well 20 bee /May, D 61WAJertOri; 22 tca bantil,. Myers Is co; boo J A'Benablier; 26 bra soap, .1.11 ilerulerton & Bre; 10 02 del JOU : Per. Sr. LOUIS -Asersou-12 ogee in:44os, Ar. buckle &co ;5 tons metal, 6 boa sada*, Adam , Ino; - tee & to; We ObLI Mum, lle do aloobol,-.16 boa Wine, Oink & 00; 15 oil brie, Forsyth' & Trot tO tasks lead plfo, A Gordan ; br it Lambert &„fitapton, 60 do (INS Lindsay J r,- & o0 ; 11 bead mulct, owner; 10 lour metal. Uloltattaer & Craw. ford. tribal ehestnuts.i, Vele 14 eol 74110L1 brls, P.LitiMairtvita lam boll If deo, Hollister &Jo; 1 box, Clark ,A 10 ; If polio raga, a Comma% & 00;Iass oats. I Painter &Bon; 63 s PAW" " 1 Kett wllto le W ad, J J mdMI 40 pap, L)Liaw. ;Ortb. YAllll3:BBinia !lib HIGIIMANDX&•4O balls bay.' eke try opplesdlordan liolllater 6.00;26 balsa bay. Vetoing &Steel. , • ,•• HELM EINEME 11 166 43 es rr tARZETB BY ID3MMWIf. 4 isPoRTII I : RALLB O Apc :Prridatraaa, nay Wiiira Ciesamio R. iee May a-4o dosen brooms, Coopezi eau Ink, 4. I , 4ltendoek & tot 4Ma tm, I do batter, J . ELT u ira 8it711.2=1,,,M=1 & w ean g •Wolfe & eo; Id do dc7,l Fahnestoo& & del oases • awns.l do oattlr.B Laval& •oi mks potataal. L H Vatzt& an 12 tibia yeatl4, - .7 o:Matadi I oar ocmgrifilf gte.PrAwei.Oustf • '44-44 '51.‘"4 ' •=. taro bbl butter. 8 &erten; IN ems d9er, sho- Taller & Lae(; lag do Witham. k t." , -• 764:Pwellen & oo; bt.l. veer. 2 40 I 161404; pkgs Bah; ShonatOr Leos; 21 being eatill lnwood es, .1 • 111 Moused 13 04 bege OulP 0mei..21. 00rd,12 dodo eloversoed, o w*. .4 'Mad bbeliertneo, D Welleee; 6.1.6111 PON. gook mot k B-0;3 bbls green apples, Mark Ater . 'mime; 6 tag !asp, Lambert k hhiptoon. casesiasto awn raw - wag H. le, May L— e.. wheat, 8 T Kennedy k Bro;110 bbli potatoes, T 0 Jenkins; IN do do. 1. It ;Volght oo; 15,0 06 sbbgles, Megnewsa Dougiaa; cars 'wheat. - Mrs pion b..K00r.; 60 Mai Dour,Chustert 23d0 do, Williams Seiko; 6 ibis potatoes, Jacob Mama; Ms/odd°, Shultz. Bon k co; 09 mks cem,Bltalioools, - sweetly • k oo; 15 dos rakes, Leurmsn; 42 bills . chairs, Joseph Meyers. k Bow, 10 bble potatoes. Grad & Ps.ter ;10 mks do, I. If. Votet k co; 4 cases maw" Wm Desloge; I do do, M Robinsou k dolt° . go do, J J Home St re; 6 - do - do, 1.8 Dilworth & eo; 10 do, Geo Itlones k toil, do deb A Kirkpl do do, Shultz, Pow& 001 20 pm ssuidsies, Montgomery. Eoranos, - May 1- 63 bides; S B ft Morrell; 661ka leen, .Alexander TiNlomll barrels ftgs, Adam Lippert; bbls apples, 11 ktl Nyasa; Ibb I whiskery,. Jelin Haney; bbls edgeo Waltz: big , butter,. John Sleets; N biro butter - and eggs; gi Lenz; bbl{ eggs, 6do butter, SVIUry - k Weaver; I 4 do: brooms, tiller _lg; Usasim rags, Godfrey & Ulark;346 bills paper, FittabliegkPaper WEB INTELLIGENIZ. The flyer continues to treed* steadily at this *lnt, With shout 'infect six incites in the &mina 'last livening. The' weather yesterday was akeidy and sultry, with every appesranee of more rain . The arrivals loolude the Iron City and irghlariti ' sr; from Parkenburg, Golden Era, frOM Ports sleuth, Alex. Speer, from Zanesville, Armenia, from St. Louis, and Yorktown, from Louisville. The Highlander has bean running in the Wheeling and Parkenbtug trifle la Pince olf the 'Express, while the last maned boat was having some repairs wade. Her Captain informed us that he intends to wait his turn for a Cincinnati and Louisville trip. lrie Iron City, for Pmkersburg, mut the Chaward for Louisville, constitute the departures. The Iron (Styled anencellent freight liat ands large number of passengers. -The Aristailllo, from Neebeales !my be eXrde d to arrive here between now ens on ay. T e Mi nerva, from Parkersburg, was due last h t, sod will doubtless be found in port this morning. The Golden gra, Capt. Kerr, Is the regular I. l f . at fur Portsmouth to-day, leaving promptly at noon. Dlr. LI. Ltryan has Marge of the °Woe The neat and steam% Pilgrim, - Capt. McCarty, is announeesl for Nashville end all interwanste points this evening. Passengers and *tippers should bear trash., mind. The Empire City, CNN -ames garlp. will S h e here t o- day, positively, for St. Louis. She has eietlient aseommodations for passengers. Capt. SharpliemphUl bee charge of the office.. The Yorktown, Captain Ebbert, is announced to leave tor Cineinnati and Louisville thin evening, and passengers and skippers Should bear this in • mind and act nceordingly. 1 he John S. If he Cincinnati for this city on Wednesday, and the Centralia and Kenton were advertised to follow on Thursday. We learn that Captain Woodburn, trateedistely after the arrival of the. Hall bor e , Intends to rent her for the low wnter eeason. The Leonidas 'mired at St. Louts on Wednesday last. , 8 TE4JtI.BOA TS. FOR CINCINN.A.TI A LOITIS:I S ES t a VILLEThe splendid oessentrev... SU WW ORETatIII IS, CertainEbert, will. Wave • n above on SATURDAY, Hap 6th., at o'clock r . York - tight or passage spoil on board, or to J. I). COLLIN ( *HOOD, I m ee t, as 6 JOHN FLAME, FOR EVA:NEVILLE NASH- I da& VII.LE.—The excellent amer PILGRIM, Capt./S. BlLaUarty, wilt les»l7 e 7.; ForkY, the 6th inst., at 4 o'cloch r. freight or passe& apply , on board or to LLINGWOOD, t Agents. ID JOHN FLACK. REGULAR PITTEBORGH &ida s t PAILICERSBUROR PAOKET Vat lair asta light draught steamer =MOW Orr"Sr, John Noss, itesiter, J. L. ItScenery, club, CIA Mae Pittsburgh arery - Tuesday and Friday. at clam o'clock a, for stmusErrvmus, WHY.LLIZIO, SUNFIdi BULL mimic, au 111EITA and PABICEM:SBURG, and all lattarme• d late porta Rota=lag, lams - Parkersburg on WEDNESDAY aadSATOßDAlNadlo'slock For freight or paasagoappllnn looatd,or to JOHN naogs,___ Agents ROW .TADIES OOL MARIETTA AND RAMER& DURO PACED. LINE.— MAR PASSENGER STEAMS/IEI4M gl ie l t.; 1 , 136.F ., i.AS ANDi r E V E D i s r t %L i t The new and fait Ole wheel irmaenger BAY ARD, G. P i tt s bu rgh re. Nester, Daniel Mors, Olsrk, Leases tr, err MONDAY TMlfa. DAY, at It a. N. Leaves Wheeling at 6 r. w. suss dam Returning, leaves Parkersburg TUESDAY and TUESDAY at 2 r. w. Leaves Marietta at $ r. X. Ulna dam Le area Wheeling at 2 a. x. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. For freight or pump. Dialog tia2M2;l as* coomodatlons, apply on board or to .02811 FLAME, or JAR. nOLLENS, Agents, reaTat • No. M Water street,Phtabtugh. MOUTH WEEKLY PORTS. MOUTH AND PITTSETRGH al eft PADRE:T.—The tine passenter steamer ETA, W. IL Ken, master; H. Bryan, - clerk, leaver nttaturgh every SATURDAY, at II o'clock at, and Portamouth every MONDAY, at a o'clock p.m. The Golden Era make comm.:Do. at Porta. mouth with tbeepleadld steamer Boston* No. a, for Clrwianatl, and will recelpt height and paean. gem through to that city. amall OA BT. LOUIB.—Abo fine • ...! ;,,a ll%l A.pameagereteamerEMPlßE CITY, Capt. Jacob Rardep,a , lll leave for 1ee117:7. - 7 and iniermettate porta, on EMS DAT, it 4 Weak - P.m. For freight or passage apply C O L board, or to . sysO , JAS. IN'S, Agent. IORITION FRUIT,.NUTS, boxesless Itsbriasi los M. 14 Raisins; .10 kegs Pilaus; VS boxes Prtbre• awes" Sot" Mr—WM: • Ire drums lip; NO bates Lsyer Rabies; 6 bass Bordeaux Almonds; .= bags Melly and_psaa Abssaili; - tsu , 1 1 5 0 l ige s it h L n • do Brasil Pato • '25 balsas Shelled Almonds; 2,5J0 Ones. Naar in arse Ina”.;sbPe2ls I g o t t s . cit tzer for y l E sl ß e bz 81108., Nos. I'S ad d 128 Wood street, PRODUCE CON SIGNIttiIIATEI: 100 barrels Pend. Blow Potatoes; so do - PrisseDried .Stoles; '2l sack* • • do : ,. ,100 bushels Shelled Coro; aro d 0 White Baum. Mirror; to do 'Moths Seed; 40 bouts Wearers geeerre Cheese; 10 ber dO do d . Satter, (fresh rels Ro ll Butte o ; s 6 tuba Woking Butter; It Atkins do do; stem and for saleigouritx a pzo K. ap2B 111 audio Water street. CONSIGNMENTIt. 150 barrels -resell Mow ?Osten. 60 boxeellteersid Oilman Si do do Lemons. 60 bbis Prism Mate Besse; 10 bbis SerseyTtekels; ' 40 dozen yen Pesebas; ie boxes FisibaeSteri 4 bbls • , e bowie Maple Snort • 101044 bbleAp . pleßotter; 45 bones W. IL. Meuse; Ii stOre snit vt ... At4 . Liberty street. myt - AIZEN a 15MXPAltD, pEAO3-M,TO - TOSS, acc. c lack Tr Fawkes Vane c; '; do Blackberries de; : o So : Oors • do; stein arid ,; for Bal• ' BEIM= Si BEM, =Mel ; , ; ifes.,ll4 sod IRS Wesel pioels4 . „ VISO ' 6ble t '2" de; • loco I Puke 1.0.41,112 reek Labsiestidg II eters Led fte' .1 77 ,63d11 DILLZI24: 12 SON , eandlowma.draire. • . VOW SALL ' ' . 1 ; tlt 6tibisltztitsrosOor, ......norttorsh..=3l4" tbta D ow. mdAiit4 - At low PO" V iaa irt vor tioRDEB, " • • mi. lot LIMA,' *mot- - - GrEIErD PIYTATOM g) bbls Thsekty_es sad P 0440 Blown 40 In Oblo mot/ Mown :4lU-Liberl7 Itn. War' P BEGS . &UU spl 1 ' Fcm ALE ilirbtols Eniarirernlttan . Ewa; 10 la • ao Spaa NenMagi • a cam Obrone Talton; lba Ext. Permanent Green; at ate 7. 5000 I.I74IIASEIPS. as Wool St. POTATOES: ' ' 200 bulb Olinforat•Eads; - 100 do Pesch Blows; Resolved and ID' 811 1 1 211 ARlit3lllotte, • .t• ' . eoFri' rnes Market sad 1 Ira. stmts. • TUTATOEB. es seeks Eloodtiph White Potetdes; • te bble Buckeye . do; • , fee este' At 110 Liberty stret. . mkt! - • WM. P. BEDE 00. F CUT cazwure I'OBACCO. A- .10 gram as 810‘11weet, Oweadismid and Goa Nadal, dad est sodda. for male by . • Win IIISYMER 1111,08 103013.-06 barrels Fresh - . llggs • • nits day stator silo' , spit ' --Ft. FL .I*.oB, land Ilismed.- L ,AOZ . 1 1 .1 2 1 6 1i9 s Er t p.-:- 0 A•supetiof quality • ' _ l 2 . J. scg, patuars.7 SOPBI BOPS 1 1--Becelyed tids da) , 11 twies Utters Bops, for salo dies WALL 4 PAPERS.--Veivat —sad Asi oda, stew*: spa mated kola PaperAtor 111-1."--1A88"14" 'VU -----------—r-1 I lb I 18ESITS LIMB —"-- bbls for. at r T T 00. r meaty sued, 117 • ' wx. m. t a i m - • slim. cl i 'V . NI 11)*; , • ' rnomran!.7 4 l t g 3(.. • 1 4 osaza PAID 1.11,46 YEARS $17,000,000, Net Assets,January,lB6s 21180377,8432 71. RE AN➢ INLAID EHIGHION REIM Towns 4/arApoolto to all do principal Olden and in the Untied Stains atzli t nrizr icor Insurance ;r 3 !ll Do promptly st- A. A. CARREKB. &BRO., Agents. C RARTBR 1829. imam= FIRE INSTIUNCE COhiPANT PHILADELPHIA. &meta so Januar" . 1. 11164. $1.4117.11 4 11 90. Oapitall 100,006 , deemed Premiums en,006 IMAM* Invested Premiums • tinsetUed Claim. Bats income for ISS4 lan,oos Looses Paid since IMM e,oxv,ati, Porporsual and Temporary Potkiwi an liners Minns: DI 1/CCTOItS• Charles N. Meeker, Issas Tobias Wagner, Edward o.Dsle, Samuel Ormt, George riles, - Jacob R. Smith, Alfred Fltiar, George W. Richards, Pres. W. Lewis, D CHARLES N. 'Preen. . EDWARD G DALE, Vies President. JAS. W. hIiaLLISTER, Bev. imp,__tam. 3. G. 00FPLN WM tomer Wood and Third FERN AND 111ARIN15 Insurance Co. of North America. Asset..... 9. Hartford Fir) Issursace Compiy. 1==1!1111:1:1 mad nsablsoriltsteatton can to seeurdil t/ie ilwre aimed a ompanias. WESTERN ENsuge.scr. COMPANY OF PITTSBURG._ R. RIML.I.P.R, Jr., Predict; WM. P. HERBERT, Stersterry: • &OW* WKarsOgles, No.lo Water Wiest, Sparig house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. _ Wi isesere tyrhut Alit Hatt qf Pin Put Marta" teal . A yam butasam eurgapd by Direclors sale o r e sag knows et ihe evomailly, tad arglo ire Men • wined by prosiphuu and libriaiti, to manta* tit olkerader u*ttA Go beteserssaW, se Relay At bed protreedoi to ghost vie desert to bt Were& • • • .nrexcrroxe IL Killer, Jr., Andrew Leklori' Al • Alexander Speer, rtelhasial Holmes, David K. Long - Maga, - Seel J•Thosug. 13"%g 0 luititai azi ttroa,B - Milt= wren, le IL PAIRRSERT, 0 4 , ' t, CITIZEN'S niSlanKliCE - OOMPA3nr OF PRISIMINFEL—OIdos, softer Endue e n4W "et ilitegt% second ha' . sat. A. SHEPARD, Seclanira. • = Lames Steamboats and Cargos& Insures against loss and damage in the saviine lion of the Southern and Western Ethers, Lakes andlinTona, the naviation of the Seas. James agalaat loss and " damage by ers. • Wane'm - S. IL Else, • Sam Era, Joha Shlptoa, , Jas. Park, Jr. Jaws Ooopef,' W. ch JohnitZa. EL B. r. Joinrob Hon. T. X. Haws. S. , Barclay Presto% A. -W6s. Roggen George Biagham, cleeelyd 'PEOPLES' INSIIRANCE co: (Mice, N. E. corner of. Waitangi Fifth Sta FIRE am =RINE =MANCE 11.100TDRI. Chi s Wm. Phillips, . pt..Tohn X. - Rhos& John Watt, ' SaMilel P. Malys:, - • Jaha E. O. Hanson L.:17 , 1 Ohsrks B. Bina% Chilies Attsits . Wm: Van Kirk, John Y. Kills risk Jame D. Vane'. John Gilds. Witt.•PHILI.IPS, ?raided. JOHN WATT, Vito President. WIZ Y. GARDNER Secrdary. itil4l7 ALLEGUENY INSURANCE COMPA. NT OF PITTBBOBOR.—OLItes,.No. rrruu street, Beak Block. lastues sigstnat all kinds of Vire oat Marini Risks. ISA AO .TOBV4_, Prestgent. JOHN D. DIVOBD, Y ca Neskiest. D. IL 8008. Stmts.,. istakerts: • John D. ItspOtt MB.BEL Adam JsetM, 'B. Capt. WiMs . Robed 8. Dada. _ _ 1.4 e :.OVISt 0. arreyt ra, Oa t, R. O. Grey. Jog. /rwhh3L wr0k...1404. k,u,t,.w Ut i rtV_tb kir gitil BAILEY, FALKRELL & To. 129 TOMB STREET. PRACTICAL Gas Fitters and MESA Resters. Dvrelithp Otted - with Iran ar Cho la:ta• best Ml* DR shad 50114". Utt Bawls' ratted week earn musi dlipateh. WIIO% TUBS 08. =MS =M!M FLUBBIG,', - • • I tan' Is all 14, Insaolosa, carsinalijiattsir Co; br nip wottnuat s . • 811 "WritTratZ - • aulowEsiminuk vir rum LT at. osaitiOtty cia hand and ludo ordfi. SI .14 YEDENAL STREIT, Allegheny AM WLIBZRTT STREET. Pittstremar midi *mall Jesse s. ton .....Jons e.see....itias .149/I°' LANS it C O . SIGN dI.TIBTB it 8011511 PAINTERS,. ~. . No. 60 eardthaeps St.. Pittsburgh, LETTERING OF ILL& KINDS assisted prossot t l r aod with unsurpassed eleannon • L Ayer VOL SHOW (ARDS SIG H S ONO • payee o all eo lora, sad GILT SIGNS ASS . , wade to order and sent CO all p seined the country. PICTOWILL DESIGNS irsientsd Is a Idea st. USW TIOUIDef. _. . • _ HOUSE Flarte!doste with ii roped to do. eabilltylhumnon of calor, sod tweitoese of linleh. Allr Ati work eissonahle ratio 'lnht:ly ELIL!Ji 11.. BROWN Eut witkiii °num as! umica , 'llimmtritenr - SP,EIIOER Qt MoKAY'S , rem cse~c 4R' erase /OA pruelrit, • Wads New York fa A - ,-'1131131 , onix. - 1 ~, MOO csexiiont on. cso*-zarr milieus of Ottdeaiiiilantiaturets ei Reined Canon Ob.Bwdae andLabrio' sting Oik.. Om N.. 69 HAD drat, PITTSBI4IIB, Pi. W. it. CIMOINCAN. Eta" V FOURTH )3THEET PBRPET UAL 4:8101.10:1A4:11.1 , -.1.5016 00116 _ / W. P. SWUM AtilDrTt Hattntere W Water et prrranistam. Pz6. TATE & IMMWt. PAFIXTERS: . tAi D 111 rri tx" .) a" 1 dass A= SION ,was Tia "Ps. Woass OPPOSITE SIVM'SI3I7IIO BILEWEE, BURKE & cu.,- ' aommissioN Breamkras. Globe, Paolile awl Liberty Oil Works Mena Gann advaanos made on ennrignmanta of Refined or Crude Petroleum. Cm'. DINIESNE WAY and HANCOCK SO., PTTTSBURCtiI, PA. • IMO WALLAOI WILLIAM COMM. WALLACE & CURTISS, COMMISSION MUCEUNTS, AIM MUMMA IN CRIME LND REFINED PETROLEUM. BENZINE AND LUBRICATING OUS. Xi. al ROUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, PA rt Sr Sto tawny (under corer,) for ispoo barrels. o excellent fannies Sor shipping to American al Foreigh . pOtta, at ouS ortaff on the Schuylkill Yee, near the platform of the P. B• B. serlely . ... itidiAßDsoN, HA.RLEY & CO., to Commission sall Ferwardiug Memhants CRUDE AID REFEIfEa4REROLEM N. 19 181 VIN STREET. PITTSBURGH. alk• Liberal cub advance* on sonalgruments tot Pittsburgh or Eastern Markets. TITTBIIIIII.OO RITZEXKOIS. WWI*. J. S. Dilworth gh, tr. T Co., rier , Rarbau Eset., homron Bell, L,q., Fred. Commends! Bank. mhte STANDARD PETROLEUM REFINERY. CLARK & SUMNER. Welts mud Office, COLLINS It OWNSIDEP. 01110 In Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD STREET Those works have the largest capacity in the country. The brand stands the hlghat In this oountty rant In Europe, for quality and Ore teat, and the oil is putds well seasoned barrels, prepared '-Eai-TaYaetotrritra":lllolLVd_ ,S STILLS,VANIES and IMPROVED BORING TOOLS for Wells: deltdy BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, Foot of RAMO it 11.4kb.RISON Sta., Brooklyn STOIIIII3I OP WINED PETROLEUM, In nuke and Baneln See Clireutern 116 EIMER STREET, Now York. ockly MIN , Ike. 1 At. CLAIR sir".rittiblangb, FOSIIIADING 414 D COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN OILS LUCTRICATENCI, (MIDI PL.THOLIitiN OILS, tre., coostirl y on Mad sat for sate at ths lowest. nutrket does. tionsliem moots sad orders solicited. 10-Stet sass Er. 111AZille aIIZZY C. WARIIRG & KING, ooxiassiorr ntzseamns, MID DRONERS II Ismouttiss A&D rrs PRODUCTS Asa iles/ses to Refining Mittartals. ocM47 No. M MARKET ST. PRtaburch. pet S — Nt r li , slow Ain mAr.xs CRUDE AND REFINED OILS Perryr Meek, Duquesne W&3 Pletee•glet SHarPlotrilthAtirEUld 141;rOdtArta.3 Ooesiguteeuts respectfully to Pltt,bUr(h At.e7 cy_ for Vt.:NANO° OM AN) TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Mr POST °num BOX let. cells y ..issue lOWI JAMES 11111'1.1i & CO., NAArriCTVIIZES Or Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. OFFICE No. 15 STADJEET St., s w ? prrrsouoan, LUCENT OIL WORKS. ' , DUCAN, DIONILLP & CO., lUSIIPAIIITYWA 01 Pure White 'Refined Carbon rto.lll . L IBERTY STREET. WILLIAII TM/" 111111111 T 416. LAY IL 0R1024 OIL REFINERY. TITS & LATELY. (Sweaters to Smith • Pattereen,) OU and dealing La Petrolatum, Seas Lubdu P 4 andirktitAB6l antrzt, • Plttabusgb, rs. AIL STOCKS:Tee undergned will .•-• On WSJ:War attanUon to the put bane and We of Stocks of ALL IticfsAi% Te Companies. I tank• bereft WA Kaki* 11101LIXOE So. WI rotorra STEZET AII4 L WELT. BTEAN t Eli_ GLNES —lan ..ed to Mild' ''' ." 1H — IITEAM escnibs, 'int diarist So smelt ot wol u. bi sad 'othor raw Poses* 'cm 614 " t" tolohlat othoot. the dud r Ali mg " with almost war mu k tot itself. aa k l n th ALlud 211041 , 1ith Woo:. hotwoaw Kothosio and llorrtson otrootaii. SHIPPLFIVI.,. 0 , 10 FORNIoN INIGRATION onus, - recresuzati. PIMA. WPM - MK". • Paseo frost the 1114 Clowstrr . tdrimpoo. New link and PhlianOti , dgennadp Umapany having tintea ihe their Agent berg trot ThOnyen. ts atm %owed to hut or seat L7W. Ltsn'lr""TlL Elf, =l5 Ude termite lin lean TAMPA' nun WZDNES• DAT , Nave Yorkairuchlag at Queeneto m alit an amonallie fastin,lirdad, and met TheQnd.nSfnais deo Agin ter the Limnos and Landoinany Liss of ^ awing Urn pool Teri TAUIiBDAT, s o d ease . Tndos.; Gerry Winn Inasenerranii min. The steam snot LOL tine are bout In tha strongent anners and twain choice socommodations for usenogers tie le also agent tor TAPUOOTrii ot este brain Clipper Sailing Iniken, leaving Lingion for Nen York twice aweelg mid the ..20. Line o Links Paint*: Inning Ignition nay ten ding The nips et Swoon's Line have tong nin so. ted tor their inlet Vanning and the ezenWie ot -the provisions nrhumia vie Pandrnms, sad their kind brou ght ine on bowl. Puttee who with their friends gut by sailing maids, ehotug r Wy p all moan talr f o:tuitida nne. s fag merrs oa.I t P rat' of=e ion at the lowest rain. °PI ? g° foreign Pnlintlen Mae, nein Si Smithfield mist. STEAM WEEKLY 'TO LIVER -Asia POOL' tottohuqg at WIEENSTOWN,VOII Mork Harbor. The well•known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship I.lenapany flames Lino.) eurylag the tr. are intended to sail as follows. 0171 f OF WASHINOTON..EIataday, May OITY OF LONDON Satunlay, May . WTI OF 14.ANOIIESTFJ1-13atunday, May 1a. .. And evertmearallog Saturday, lArkpoihtmariin to PA/111441141%. • t: In gold, or fu equlvolonUn summon flint Cabi n 501nrocroge Id u to London— Int CO u. to Leedom.. it 01 • • .to Paris .... ..1.00 to Paria....., es GO 'tt - to MN HMO CO raIIIMPTII- also torwarted Eon% H ,roil Bottootato, Lawton Om., at equally 10w rates. Tared from Idverp ol oolou . anstawm-usogs, PIN MorllPmaa:s.who wish to nod son WO Won" n tlakoto hero of Woo' For trainer llnfonnsUon sprig ni the Onarpscri N. Ago. /I:l=rl2l=l.=U (1 U. YpR . D Ibtx-43toun evade' uvloavor. malturimastows7"' ova OV.°ll"!cdni°,ll?itime • rpeausirerunug,iiistrammi, ea!'"riTuli••4P4.l6-, • ''P oms sernsiwgiatt i l / 2 . liplkilUMolo4llololllo l lllo apt , M6.11111q01 TITTBDUROLY FOUNDRY, JOBE IL ItOri74olf 1., 0 AIIMISOir A. GARRISON (e.0.m.. I. Baden, Denison, Ir. es.,) FBIJIIDE6I3 AND !Muni .1 . 8 Manufeeturers of . Chilled Rollers of ail slesa, for Iron, Steel, 811114 Zink. Copper, Silver Gold, Straw Boards, Paper and India Rubber -Works also, Rolling Tltll Castings of all deseriptioas, Bads Mills, patent Double Grinder, with a varie ty of other patterns, always on hand and fitted to order on 'hod notice and fevoreble terms. °Moe and Warehouse', 119 Smithfle.lestreet, Pittsburg'', Addy• R . R. LRCM', MANUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS, LID ALL bug 7111111‘ 18 Z BID II Sinking Oil and Salt Particular attention is incited to Ids late 11n. provements .711.11 S and JOINTS, which am of. fered as the test in the world. They are all made of the petit Sligo and Low Moor fron,hammered Srenal for them tools. These tools 'lreland* to AND SIZES, seat the Pins and Sockets of any one will agree and flt those of soy ether set of his manufacture ' beating the same number. STEAM ENGINES nod Machine Welt made to order at his Shop, on OHIO STREET, Dear the. comer of Deaver street, Allegheny City. POltteol sl * box IT. BABSON POST IRONS, La. No trouble to how goods. splilort BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH PARK, BROTIIER & Manufacturers of BET QIIALITY YEITS ED OAST STEEL, &guar e ylat and Getwo, o a ILtua. Warrant. ed aqua Ito any iniport or 1111,111filt:Iltei 1.0 tilt • eormtry. sir 051ce and ware a house, Nos. IN and NI Finar sad IRO and IV. Suv la araarrs, P tabu rgh. ![II-yd PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881. DIIITEIRIDGE'S PATENT Oral Lamp Chimneys, NAffuritrrcrarD at XX FLINT Si LANK These Chimneys are Intended for the fist flame,. nesting all parts of the. glass equally. does not exr pose it to snicking. Z. D. DITEIRIDGE, Fort Pitt Oinks Works, Wsehiugton Arnett apt? Pittsburgh, Penrea IRON C A m ITYIt: • - . WORKS.L • nACILINTOSII. HEMPHILL It CO. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. Corner of PIKE and O'HARA, and PIKE and WALNUT STREETS, (Nest City Water Works 4 t o in i. Mters of statloneryand other ENGINES, MILL CASTUIGS all kinds, obband NACIIND E Pr o mpt atteptio u rven r t a o l4 epairing ROLLING KILL MACHIN Y ROBERTS, BARNES & CO., Ao. isa Third Street, Pittsburgh. ITN AND SELECT IRON WORKERS, •nd Manufacturers of JATANNED TIN wARE. We Wm now Mottinfacturing and have On kaiLi Bathing Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Were in Setts, Water Coolers, Grooms , Teo and Spice Can, Wen, Cash and Spice 801.1914 Tumbler Drainers. Spittoons,4a., Sc. A large lot of Bird Cages for sale low. 14 . 11 Cans of all sizes and patterns. Tin Booting, Conductors, and al Irda of jobbing Work done to ordef &PM SILVER PLATED WARE Ther.asrcrimas.crircortlr Walters, Castors ud . tat tUt li ha. suitable la fee the Trade. on babi WILER, & MOBB, 22 South Oth st„ PELLADELPELL .- cone 3. BUM= jonli B. lIERRON .34 CO lt.L . 1111:A row Xd lEitoDivek TitEsxvialresoturoxis, AND IRON FOUNDER* US owl Sales Boons, feleN No. IN LIBERTY STREET, pEN N MAINE WORKS AND A. FOUNDRY. U. WIGEITINAN, ENCItINE BUILDER AND MACHINIST, LaCOCIE mum, between Federal sad Sanitary, ilinsgonsire Ogg, Ps. Manufacturer of WlO R T MAN S PATENT PORTABLE OSUILLATING STEAM EN OINIIS, Sbaßisg, Pulleys, fis. Repairing of all kinds attended to .101.4 y I SCHool4ldAltElt, - • • Fif 11A11171i0TIIIIIII Olt sue LEO. Rd Leak Blew Leal, LUluinkit,ltis [atop. laiq, irn and NAM is LnisramCoup,TAUlSL JAYA'S, rAMTEHIP ItLATKRIAL. finfide and Waldbaum, No. Si Wood atrast.. intatlyd QSEVERANCE, NO; 33 Water. St. IPitteburgh,inanufareater of BOLTER BTV EIS, WROVORT SPIDES, maroon and railroad of every description. Permate, dna or shaped SPATES add ITIVETB large or mail, made to order at short sotto& A good aesertacesteanataatly so hoed.- -.010411 Da. W. DKr XETT, Atumfacturers • and ImporterslAMOND a. AIIEENSWARE. STREEV, between Wood and Maxima eirects. rittsburge. ski OIL iv.P.m.r.f,iriEf: THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL .13420traleruzza. Clizassra waxy eiGLINIZED CINDER TILE MINING AND XAN VFACTUIUNO LAWS OF NIB ATFATE OF NEW YORE. CAPITAL. ONE DIILLION DOLLARS. 03E 130110ELD THOESAND ISELILEE3s $lO nen Bowipu.. Pd . " ray* Dative per Shhre, ff et Ltable 'to farther arerameat. OIFICES: No, U EXPIRE BUILDING. , No. Ti BB oAD WAY,' NEW YORK. POST OFF/OE ADDELBS,BOX. No. kW, N. T orrscousa Ban. DANIEL S. DIOEINSON, Pretlioat. WE. .T. PKIPMVjoa President. ROBERT BASSEIT, Seetatary. R. J. BURTIS, Maw supetiateaseit, A.TiTIO BANE, No. Id Broadway, N. The wells of tiuttlearpany are toe/ prodnobg oil. - Pafatat lot stoelrmay be mode in &mita, rests tendnote* or Government bonds and emunties, which bonds and ebemitles Will Natal= at their . market t Reedttanose may be addressed to th e Gompeny, P.O. fox No. - s,ses New Tot* otty, or to "Mantle Bank, Treamuy of the New York and -Livorno& Petroleum Gemplutp, No. 142 Broadway, New York Allty.e THEx&Tloxw- - :4' CedilllSToll.l3o COIPANT Is now folly teglieltiod bud hu eemisenced bush eels 7 st their, tempontry alms, No, Ur lEWHI f3TREET, (up ataire,) sburgi, Pa.ond arentrw prepared tote a general busied.' In Bunn, Soh. Ing, Ealining, Storing end Forwarding -OU. The Works me on, the banks of the Allegheny dew,. .above the city and will in a abort time be cepible of manufacturing EIGHT HUNDRED BARRELS OF REFINED OIL PER WEEK. whlehwill beef the best quality and in prime lt is th e design Mats Company to make s tirshalass breed for export, and no pains will be spared to give tt that character. They will also give the forward. -leg of oil to points east or greet, particular &thus-- Hoe, and in MIA branch of the besieges will have unrivalled fsellitlee, as the 011 wilt be taken from . the boats to the can trytaachineryi and thus avoid ,Ml wharfage. drayage or, delay. Patios consign. leg their , Oil to us eau rely on having. it sent through with promptitude and dispatch. • • The Company has a Capital of 1400, 0 00, with the' following °nicer. s Preeldent—A. M. MARSHALL. Secretary-0. IiERUICIER. Treasurer—J. R. McOUNE. Dtreotore—A. 2d. Marshall, 7. P. Harm. James Old. J. T. Kincaid, Arthur Kirk. M. Little, S. Heller, David Kirk and Wm. Hamilton. Superintendent andostoccultnamigen-MAYLD )2.111X. _- Correspondence end mown solleltedi and altiorn. munteattons to be addressed to ,NationalfitOringaiidlWhilnirCoinpany; ...t • PITTSBURGH, ra.. . - SAWYER'S BARB ERErSOLPI3.—TIitt twtho of a good Ilhl" scat tato pleasure Of tha toilet are greatataluuieed by - using_ a superior article of SeekN uria.W YEWS sateßthitaL BEATING APED TOILET OOMPOUIf I hoc frank to confess, inakrs the atoest father for slum lag, and fa date• for toilet mimeos, that hays .10/.1 e,,Ms had the &tage of m 7 businesa. ItAWAREEL. aLtEN -or the azottoogabeth . Housa ShaSlat . QED POTATOES.—Tha*Chugo • as.' 1, 7 toes, the best of esswal hundred-,yanstles, Mood from ths webball by - Mr. °atilt& sod well adapted to the rtoostly, Intone perfectly, white skU, gooMrtualltrusi the nos' Prolistpotato b we. um Isom rot. Vor ids by So FL MUT k uo. • 1 r 4 I FiEn f.e. =KM& C o mmission Meretiant. 8439 .T..• 324 NG It FUR:CHASING ABEN WTI,i PITTSBUIL PA. Ineatdr in Row, Main, Beet% Botta Cheese. 1112 d W DM. Products. Beat briada raln. 7i_j inartwitedi always ea band. Moo. H MS. • pt attention sto eoodionaeata aad eorftepondence. Wee Peel, Cancans seat to Cioasignora Gliders Odiudynatenia *atoned. setinydaws B. F. QUIMBY do 00.. COMMISSION 111111tepiATS. 14. IN SOUTH WATER S?.. CHICASIO. litre 'pedal sttattlos to pettotiaidar /F!allr, Grain, Prosisionh C. For Eastern manor. GEO. T. SECKWEI B. P. lODIDE W. D. PATTERSON, AD/Of AXMON, Teams OHNSON. JOHN SOUL)* r•vill. PATTERSON, AMMON as 00., CoollllllBSiOn aerchants, Flour, Grain and • GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Few. ZSO and U 3 PENS &Tamer Seatt'e New BuildLOC oPPQmite h R " IHpot ape • . WW. W. UXIIIIO7I lIERRON & CO., Corner of Penn and Wayne stn. (WlLLexit. , e Beru.Dcaroj PI4TSBI7II.I3FL, PA. GENERAL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purchase of GRAIN of all kinds. Also, holesale dealers in SALEM HAY. Western dealers will dad It to thelradvantage tocorrespond with our House, as we have greater facilities for Storage, land putting goods iota this and Eastern Markets than most of the dealers in thin city. The beat of city references given when required. jast:Smd a. a. utak ♦L=Z. MOWIgt !I:BANE & ANJER, Commission Merchants Flour, Grain and Produce, MI SECOND ST., between Wood &S mithde It-ty PITTSBURGH U2MM3 THOS. TOTVM....TSO. AITXII..STISPHTX A. SHTPAHO. PUTTER, AMEN & SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • ♦ID DEALIMUI Ferries. and Domestic Fruits, Flour Butter, Cheese, Ens, Potatoes, and produce generally. No. MO LIOBERTY,FIMEET, tele Opp°.lto Plummier Depot, Pittsburgh. WW. W. XIIXILILY L. WILCOX WM. 3L MURR&Y & CO., Commission. Merchants, end dealers In MIME AND REFINED P*ll/0- LEVEE, BEDIZUCE , ka. B Extra taellitles staelli oil_ and empty %mania. Walehonae and Odra Dtlglif)!SWE WAY. near Hand attest . Pitteannth. spliSoad R.. 8. JACK, a , R. 0 CP 331 Ft. , Nos. 1 and •Diamoud PI7TSBURGH. PA. WILKINS LINHART, (Secosssol To DIACKEOWN DIAL/U1 -srs;c:mrsza. cis caa.L.a.m, Predate and Conanisslon Merchant, MAI No. 151 Liberty Et" Pittabatgk, - v. c. 0991raLz DOOLITI'LE PECX, General Commission MlN:Lan* th . saleo 10, Water street, Pittsburgh, Paa e of Flour Grab, Cheese, Bata', Dried•Frults, Provisions and Produce of a ll . All orders for Carbon 011 01b4 it theiLoweat co.r. ket prices. Corddeuments solicited. 'Wady. O. O. HAMM!. matt VAN GORDIUL RAT,BLEY. & VAN °ORDER, 'Produce 1 -F and Commission ifferehanta, Waretumse, sot Liberty It., Pltuburgh, Pa. Whokertle deaf en in Butter, Cheese, Lard,...Posie, awn, Beans, Tall** Feathers, Brooms,` rotatnatiloto• My, Dried Fruits, Green ;Fruits, Onions, none Grain, trier gr Sada, Timothy Beale; Flat Soeda, (lame mid Poultry. Perth:lulu attention given to 110dUte Conalguments. • . late T ITTLE, BAIRD ePATTON, Whole. - 1 - 4 Ws Grocers andeoscralstlosiglorshant% dist. ers la PRODUCE, FLOUW,DAIDOW,_CHEESE, FISH, CARBON -AND -I.ARD , -OH.F . MON,- Nens,.. GLASS, GOTTONZAPOSi Pitts. buret rosnolisetures-gezierally.lll Awl 114 seoc#44, - OEN ,B. CANFlELD,,Commlisitra and F ible*tiaritt#lCA LARD, t, 19 FLOUR,. FISH, AND PEARL ASHEN SALWATIDS,I.III SEED AND LARD 01 DRIED FRUIT, and Produce' generally, Nos. It sad US Front street, Pittsburgh. COLT OTIS ABYSM= VIILP & SHEPARD, _Coma&Sion Mei , etuons pod dealers in FLOUR, GRAM AND PRODUCE, No. 347 Libe rt y' street, Pittsburgh. Choice brands of Flour for Bakers and Fatally use constantly °alum& Particular attention paid to Oiling orders tor Merchandise messily. . • . ostnday VETZER ARMSTRONG Forwarding and Commission Nerelmnts,' foethe sale of FLOUR, CRAM IMOOR, LLB% BUTTER, 'SEEDS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally. No. to Market , street, comer of prat, Pittsburgh. Penna. te25:17 WIL T. WWI— • TllOB. XITOIIIII.I. W /1-. P. BECK :& CO.-, 185 Liberty V Eitmet, Pittstongt4Pa., Wholesale Groom, Commission Merchantaand dealers In COUNTRY PRODUCE,ZOVISICRE! - , ,BACON6 . LARD, m t 1117711.0 -i-A,,-.96s*PA—NT, GIORGI S.. MUD QXO74IM • ' -11F4P KETZGAR, Grocers turd Com mlasion niershanis r and dealers In stiktuds of Goirstry Produce and Pittsburgh 7itanutsctures, NO. 213'14berty s,,oppoartl. boor or Woos •strect;Pittsburgh.-... spit, r. arnaria.. ins.:.:ent. D. asransz. 12 EIMER & BROTIMRS, .(sttocessors to'llemiser Andersoo,) Wholesale Dealers la FOREIGN ntorrsomrs. amd SPIOM_OON. FECTIONERY, SUGARS, FIRE WORKS, tea., Nos GS- aod 110 Wood slice, abate 'llgth, FRU . - , WALLACE . , . Coma:dad= Nerchant, D. and Wholesale Dialer In FLOUR &GRAM, fin. lon Liberty street, r:mpoilts•Perinsytessla B. R. Prne.gef Deplkt, Pitlatmro, .1 0 a. Stomp Warenbaae, emu Wayrse*!ld 'tent& S. LIGGETT 04 CO:, CITY FLOUR nos 1114reralm. Asui „Una uy siraway. blineb Per d a y *Ps ir,IIOIOIIMITII4 SC HOMAKER & TANG, "Commbrat on Media:lts and Wkolesals desists la 011007, RIES FLO GRAIN PRODUCE, Om, Nea Jolla VATSwumos. a VirlLSON, ,, Wholesals Gra. sem Ckatonissiou Noretssts, 'MIS/Aka Is Produce tad Plttstnugh uoundisataire, No. tag street. Pittsburgh. "M. "lOU. .1111112A1 _V KIRKPATRICK & BROTHER, ma Steam* to Brown 'K. Klrkpottielc WHOLre SA LE 'GROOMS, NOL. 1,1 Wain Ltbettysizook JA311.8.. DALZELL as. BON, tianufat-: turns of LAND and Oomiattslon Man chants for thepurchase and sae of CRUDE AND REFINED P=EOLEUM. Nes.lll tosllo Water . street, Pittstruerti. Advances =ids On IM 12 • 11 4P• _ . --- CHEESE WAREBOUSE. , .-HENRY COLLINS, ForwerdtiW and llootudistoo Mar chant and dealer to UtIEMELII3UTTEI3, aatirs , - visit, and Produce genciltair, A 0.13 Wood street, ebor, Water, Plttsburch. my! JOE t. 110175.14 , 19:MUM VOZran. 10EN 'HOUSE --a , CO. -Wholesale u OROO E 8 AND COMMISSION ffiER CISANTS, corner • smithaea and Watermr.t. O PBERT D4ILZELL.. X. rule 'Grocers, Commtision sad Merthants, tuad dealers street roduce sruk manufactures, Liberty , ptttsburgb. - 1140. 7LAnt. - 'WILLIAM IMOTO 1 OBIT FLOYD a CO., Wholesale Oro cal and Commission Bleretuints, Nos. ITS'Wood arid= Melly 'tants, 'Pittsburgh. pan PEAR •13 L. CALDWELL, (successor to Jameilrolmes k tbh;PORE PACKER sod 'dealer PROVIBIOKR t corner at bliarkst and .root stria* Pittsburgb. • • - DL 2111411!117Z. ' LAG £0 at L. a. air iisazivrawd.6.l.ii -nuatinuarrs,'l=',u.e, rutiowsw, • :emir wren-re—Jon. o. _MUM : LAMBERT, "EU:UPTON & CO:,. Whole ) Ws %men pod Produce Dollellafoill Bluth -- BAIA L Oroce ll NOommOisloo. Mathattts, ovA &dots In rßovvo No. so lorsta 'trod, ad 114 TreaA, greet, Pitt' - • - AUILLLLIII 13AGALXY, WHOL -'T wBooEBilta.T Wood 'Mitt Pit MIR Buset,Plastmgen= !4414,, air COA szei Etlttirr PE/10112.-40 bane k vo w —re& prIM3I ilbri3i PLLIA; TIVEXTY TSARS' lITANDiIIO,; learir wtli N woad smuttiest* Clymer et the oat nspleaall alumni of Wlllttaitrinuildp, • twit t. Di.leyser's LindseY's Bleed Bendier. The Deetcies serttioetee are within ready sad sae Reed be deceived ia regard to ids repent!** ' Chia H. Kenna: I lamas Meted • Piles shout twenty years ago, aid every year tk true growing vrase,so as to trouble no 'gnats* so Welk boat tones as to unfit am for wear. MN mei I was OD bad that I °emit at do soothing o • N seat of teem they sans eat Si la as lags NMI hickory ant. I had tried a neat deal of surdidae for Una. I wan bur and take whatever and heat ot or rasa et to circulars sad pamphlets that fell an way. but 1 oonld not et coral sosa. tines they would de mesons goodfors little while, ~ afterwards they wield return sots as ad as ever. I also applied* two Doctors. who natal no atmy house - and isle me some ineksins , bat ti would not do, I could 'not get well. Over a year ago I got an advertlanneat of your Lathers Blood dearcheronada by yourself. When yoa sold it . me you told me one bottle would not nue me, ail that my whole notes Would hereto be ruined b 1 the medicine before I got well. I bought ens bottle : and took it home with me, and neat it acoording to your directions. I then called to hes ion rand when nuns,* I could not expect much benefit tram one bottle. I bought It, one bottle at a time, until 1 bad used five bottles. After this quantity we used. I was malady well of the Piles, which' had tortured me for twenty years. la - other respects my health is improved, and lam as well as and be expected for one of my age, being sixty years past. I kayo bean well now for elk months, and there le no appearance of the return of the &sena lean -do any kind of Tanning now without work he Piles coming down and hurting me. I na pitch hay, chop wood, lift. or do any kind of work which before used to hurtme. When I found out your • Blood Searcher I kept on taking it until I got a tirely well. I consider it my duty to make my ease known to the mann for the bonen of others who may be adoring as I was, and to sot haw tie vela of your medicine. Yon may publish** 11 you Illte. I Mve in Wilkins township,. end will be pleased to satisfy any one of the tat* of this ea Mato ~they wish to all on me num vans. December atti, 1014. .JA: A.. 11.1121101. sir Look oat ter the name of Dr. ftMOE IL SZYSEI7. on the sorer of the bottle, fad over the eorkt also for We stamp on the - IM a states stamp on the top of the botlA_tco pretest being imp:on spotless ele whisk Is In the market. • arfr sold bi the itap;Otar___, 11111 WINELST., and by SDMIN JO oonniet tow* NM SMlthatad lIRRNIA. OR Burrow.. .SERN/4 os SPTIFFte cues. • . of inifoit#E &tn. 'HERNIA Os Norma alio. ElMall OA 31117WHE MUM ataxia Olt 211PTIIRIt craw. ea asarmi os Jo-press cnzn. MSSAL oS /1721//a ammo. ECEILYI4 . oa uprrite camp. lumps Wien. Ong MU saliva PATTIM ram rrrezrs nrrorrza nue= arrAmnrsrare ears& Preps. for the support as ware Pile Elastic Kum for weak Cap knee jou' Ankle Supporters, for yeah sahlejoiele. Brin Sel!Aninetinir, and every other kind el es. - lard Refer Syringes. _ _ Dr. g i g, lase or Boas the care Of Pawns Uteri, Piles, Abdanf , nal and Spinal Weakneasea. Dr. B. il.litcles Billisr Matti Elappkriti Dr:ELETSNII wtl Itftra It roma& attantio t tech. application Of Timber taadtlita Ind &Gem an ha aatitaal Mar g arita aoliaiicalatioeof two& ty years, he will*, atudatti to oyeras!sm armee at kbronitstm% taivirxni elan of lila Golden . 3Cortar. Pomo* willtatt Triunes should send the noitibacof Inaba %mane the bodriAnuneliatotromtlitlMM 4 - • • C „ftS:4IIBR •-•- • • CATAIME ' , REMEDY-4 '5l-1 . , prealratila to Nei Veleg amid et Ulla hwilldedik: 4 • - ease,. sad extrneabrates %root sad breach. tocirret ..„„ Dr. CIOODALN Is tlw Snit awl Onlp parrot IMO ever told the world what Oetanh many re k erfort It eowm GOODLLEfteadoentl what would ewe it. • .wi th has spent Iflethwe this tell disease, explorin a g Its ett amble& • .. and nuking known to the world arch, which has tor yaws &dad the mall. dr a• r•.: Dearth of medical men and authors In this eeentry ' and In Serene can now be awed, with th 4 Wee . uniform earta.aty that morning follows night.: :•, Thousands, who tried ewxy known owe In vaA.` have teen peleuutently cared by Dr. G00DA.... CATARRH. REMED Y, and now praise la UN most eatleragrad term s of Palm' • air Cwall atraphiat ear mated ageoei or "eel * stare tor a . - Devised an ' prepared GOODALN M , D., New York. NORTON & CO., Sale Agtodi; • *: Sit liolDl ► aT, K IV ' Pill' Im an6, -•- • •• -4 ,- t• • Aris—rag amme tar Item soutc•—•ad sans is. di ' -• c d•=4lclitaktbil dl of ti 41settased tbni,66l"l4thiLette'reri of the Caws rc . beM=t 11."1.1 PILES. . CURED rit HWU 0W 111 SYI2IME OS EMMA ormt itrProut cat arasu mix arrival c sru It MUM ktrruals of Edam &aid surroviva Exam evm strProu oa MAMA CIS BI MIL D. GOODAILWE , ,!'" Di. G. if. HEY! ER; *de Agent. No. la WOOD OM= Maisiug NOlffo2l': Jrp laU Akita* 464 iiOV4AI • ' rinnsemairmail acnimmaClA.LßAriutqWßl2l6lolollll*_iiiona4llll' •RA mimosa =mg ,t z ' . Ilassamintr. lip' fiat' 11.44,4 DS .Rnliat. 4,04 •,4tl Wool) isiusemsrav M.,