The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 06, 1865, Image 3
WANTED. -1423 -' -- PER 'teats wasted eremolliere to 4Aroittib• ilbrrOWA SHAW & CLAIM FAMILY SE Wrifli tho eV, low price fanalstaa la the eonatsy, sato& fa Iketitti by - thorn & thaw & and § ybetiot Hum maser & and IftelieWir o AR other amohlart taftingewenie, the balm WI hoer A'S listde ie fi..e ...I 1... pin:menu. Ware a• expeßsern, - or UtEe wan* aolasas,allownd. Blast:wed elm/ ma so t free. Addrcir SHAW is CLARK, 13144atad. Kola& oradrak4 WAITED, AT $1.50 - PEIT MONTH, A IXLEIVAE ANDert' town and Musty, for THE PURSESPY, tlue most smelting book ever published. embracing the advese trans, urea of it mutate la the Polon army as Scout and Alen giving a. area eisidllenar P i cturootthe war. - We hoveAcente dewlap $l5l Poe month, sbJets we- will prove to soy doubting 19:plicara. Heat for circulars. Adtrese /ONES, smut* Sr. - 00.. No. Plo übestnut Street, Ph lade!. PLte Pa - mylAlind —07;41. 110.11 T pals, ' W Amta., te . at 410 a month, expense to 4 :„.g i Ve t e4S ir te . bla s t eel- . dreoi On: T. GAILLT, eutidord, Stake. 'Mgt:la • ANTED.—A YOUNG NANto work * Ic PI Um country. Apply at 1811 Matti' Meet. .• - -W.' PI DEOK 00. poi trozr,-----iron • HOUSE.—Threo rooms, -IL with cellar. Rat ayear. Per farther . prttic:Re ulataircatatro atZai 0. rt WATR! BTUS% - acre ► it. LET.—Ain OFFICE on the second .. doovnies of sister tholthfiakt stmts. novsE JOIIN k OCIL FOR SALII.-.FARDS.--13ittutted-in.Plum toweeblii, /Weibel', voila,. alighting Og m: et: under ten the retnalinitt timber lett ileaereiret mat. , Iftotato ot - - - larniisrii. e. EL OILL. No. 891 Fifth street, puR BALE—A :GRocgur vSTORE.- ..- 'be Stock sod good will of • Store, .4froee drifig Allow* bushiest For terms. enquire oo the yreiolses, N 0.33 WAYNE &ME Poem:salmi [twee imaretetely. (huge of 111 health. VOR ftRICIE DIP}FtjaNG BOUM. eet. Pittibbrth. Poaseution glva April next. zaatd.k.unootra - Jul= W. Attonn-s dam Law. t• n. Hi Fourth amt. TWO STORY BRICK HOUBB. FOR -• SALM—WIM lot of ground twentpllone feet trott by ninety deep; hall, alz ro nal and finished attle, etc. 'Alley. No. in Third street[,, near Great. ainl3:Ol7TH DEBT &SONS. 61Mnrket 8V. 7 • : II • L •• PROPERTT• FOR MALE.—Forty feet tint by Its dmey to • pared alley, So feet wide; abet* term ,stood. (possession adobes. Int) • building sesl two three story brick ilerebtage. e l s ormuirar ts 80113.51 Kubik St. _ _ "p OR, SALE CHICAP.—A- FRAME 1 t r . - r3QIIICR. Dv/moved at or cm. Mt/Wed oor. /rota aad W i ster i a &mama Allegbeay city. lloqulre of . • .. -. LAIRD & PATTON shoo 4 Nos. lf/MT Roam' at. Pittabtu4A. .. VOrf SALB.,-150 Acres of Coal, also. 12C . • .a; acres of front ecoa! In pool No. I; also one amok of coal: aad tallsood, and other DoProvovie.m t h e , deft filth on Oran area. . goodimwo: kluizatii .4 7. Na I 1 ow won t oa ion • Tonight/Wm/1y river asal CoanelLTlLe Railroad. ' raglan of - • 'WlLLuutz WARD . . PR' BAVE LAND.-13itilated -oa the kittabwffiaell Wathlngton tk Ter/tette, erft atten-Itnein,nth6ntg6; eoetateter twenty, rno gam ant attr•Elne.: percher. , Suffeen in, a MA stet*. of nultriationounabla tor innie.lag. 7tut coal will be.wittah . itab nf the Stenbeerthe 11.9.. se; when opened;_pty main= • - JOHNSON, No. R Grant St.. Patetnteth. R SALA A pthirOliTAH:LE-H01:152- Of tour reasaa sea aad shalt lamina a/ the street cam la xsaaaage. . Good wataralad imp Wag_ eaaattalaw POlimilan gives Wawa= zvel .erall 1 414711 1 .1gsrrapatarm Federal at at. Mamma 111aaataaaar. -a844.8 Wag " aba r h / . 3 W. 4 " 11081 , Lif 'METROPOLITAN HOTEL No. 10 ST. AAA. imais OrltEXT,ros.'.aa..-coudiu of tan entire funifturs of. the house, lae' limas/1M The house Is la avers central location, -old has mall nostiltiloga huge and ' proable bus. seas. To parties wlablins e m aam iil huselpd , ness, the above presents a - ac optiortnot • for manse a profitab • Investment. Possession will be Oren at onee..:For prise Lad terms amply to ape: B. Noia.ura 004 te2 Pam& streW IEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE FOBS AMC —Situated near to the Allegheny City ilne Buquoouo Borough. Dot fronting tar feet an the Butler Plank Road, and attending back tee feet to the Troy Bill Road, on arida irra FINE LARGE BRIDE- DWELLING, - nearly new, eon= halls and ten roomy nicely ananged,large Porch in front, and cellar under whole house. The Lot iscovered with Ornateentalorreeraand Shrub bery, Fruit Treas. Grapes, and We Garden; Spring Or excellent water.. • • -- mpplyTo B. MoLettri ' soya QS Fourth street. ,VOll SALE--Three new Steam •No. ban ptipaliely for oil wa1b4 . 73( tuba= ' , aaa MI task stroirs; vary strong. Enable abaN araolt Minuttlikut Of wrought nom anal for Daum Rtobliketiomembohoo Momater Wto two Manch tun; ablaukey la tn. by 30 Net; ha and solo woteepomPO. . So .Roorpietrmitkis•olotlesei Al p on SOS. . OR m. SOLI % Shop, smut Point OW Jobentiono Woos, book MAlkebsoy Morr. woortho della VOR BALE--A.THRISZ !STORY BRIO& .w DWELLING. eantstnlngslx foonet all In eam. plate seder; 'Unite on Bast can arse; nes? Nor. efe, Ninth Weed. DWEL L INGyeet. Mlm, s TWO STONY PBS= at 7. room% sew and In complete arderi•ertte • let by filet. Leproved. Eafterma, ea., app at Doe Zeal. fete and Uranium Moe ef • ' • , scat . & BA antler street, nes -Allem Lawrimerrllle. L'OR sera.—one SECOND RAND a: BOLLER. gumw, SI bet bug, IPS Lobo dlecuetec, MS Inch • Ocup Si bet Wag, 40 Mew !Pp - waste $.16 /nib Sues. 001: 14 feat lose, 411 bass &wester OKI bah One CO tenet WeamatitiroaTaalt. • . • Cavils* at ilia /142/USTRIAL WOW. _ HUGEL IL BOLE 00.. ea r. rotat Alley aad Daartataa Way, Pfttab. athrlat - FOR SALE. - - • • - , NMI:Le ..IVii•criaarty. POSSESSION GIVEN APRIL FIRST A &liftableC - ir&rty MoOlttie towetalp;iven imptcried, ass from Ants:bury. Also, an Elegant Reaideikee, as s•wtdd.r, roilpuck.o. prim:dim of L CIAANAGHAN, or of .1. 4.. siumni.• tat...corkage. : lOU ' Pt*. MI rodent streoteAllegbany. nT OVEATOY - 00IIIIT. HAL& OP VA AN T. WWI IN ISE .Z/Glint '.WARD• tinderaigne4,.by order Al ", • OrplosOitemt, °ldling:bevy satuttnas Guar dlan of tbaealnor 'Widow at David GreariWiAt oDe at robes Sale, at the 00fIlfg HCIWSE, ea the Olt? of Pittehurgb, on SATURDAY, Way illy ISO,at S °Wasik. P. r., the follow.. Ins truant, lot. In the Walith tratt, tiny ler Pittaburgb, vie: I lots on She earns? of tea. Land gotbee streets, br fest, being iota es.l7 and fa said Gop.Wri plan, reeordid it Hook roL I. page Tat t lot an Lanus attest, Jy n? a r 4 feet. Ming hot Ofo. Min mid phut; UP lota as Nam amt. ao by feet. belng lots IS to hp, sod IN to MU said Wan: 11 hes OR VitlkrOrtililett SO by 1431 Wee, balite Not leino Mi In.eakt Want .tea a iota on MO corner of Magee And Muff so by WO fee; Wag Res. 1(1, 145 Ws= . ai Innking te =her SO tete. Mose of Wow ail building sites, and others ase issyMiable fat stone quarrlim TWIT will to sold separately sr all taastbar. and on Guy _ _ term af pantont. . •J. W. warm, ap114.4 , - Fifth , -- • - ...:: VOR altliS— .a+ f . ; , IL. 1. . sa: purl towishlii, Weetaumdsail ansaty, Pa.t i ownintar about Mb sera, wall farmed. sad la . , • ii w elo stal• os eciltsvatlon. , • . a PA= OF kIITT.IIIO &OBES fa 4 alasy frufhlp,WeessesalazataingLout two • alba from eft Mali Station on t he. Ball •, ,i, toad. • A stem uwmiU wady *melded with an q , the machinery eat a floar/se aill on the .',"- ' She land fa of ths oat ipaJlts, coal and aloes, L. ta aal good ladasstloar et Olt. l , F. ns la cheep. Also 111 AWN Stljalftlu the Till Mi age ic et New •Parloo4ll, Vent best stot, of :mints. Y Sea afro alniadaaelof ball of tray daieeiptioa. •:. Also. a FARM or ns m a y , .P x& is se ~ . ea Olair soma. i',.: ' ship, wasurogssd a - t, Creak, about Oh* bail &ea Do Poufs. Tub Batlso /tUl ad.. • The lesyseaffaal: 2. _ . if toe& se at!" atd , ~,. WrisastiTsisserie Seissii rs, - Watmorelltd, Cattity. Pa,, war t u be Ursa of the •••• A p lpo. , alfarfeetaboat nos 4 slaraliiiskt tows. ahl ,- ...7 Westaorgand , Pa. _.• =- •,., - - • • s ia lUeo. • Farta of 30 ~ poa l/ CoJima untyla Paltbeld towahlp • Also, axles wallah • lafm of Isl oars. MI ths -.:;•,' sown co Soffeer, In Ftlefle,l4t=li z irzt= = O V= l Vl d grri:hread, •Iha istprors , meats area lar DA* hfsse, i ng honsse,sasoas 14 7::: 4 4 . 6 tree , ' A .1. r i s so=ald ? With ••0•/. a. • . 11°Alsow" * lal "lrs acres fram sl . ta ita stedl ibu :f s nate 1 7t al'll' osras wt h rs :.. , - Westootalaatiaaty, Pe,adfolalag the toms of Aat" c a WA, allh • fists Met ham.' A tile seadense la the borough of Llsoales. Wlll ha • Also' l sores of land, — wfth a lane Ziortogialll, ibeMZint am place. . Also 315 acres of 12214 adlotalag sass place., - . • "th atio * , f, a n" Pasia t4l4k ilf ela ii rr. i lib° 3ll . .assas ut ft. . ta hui rlsaimoth m. " ld Soma. trap, Allegheny oonaty, P ols law - to .f th Ni nsui vridis h. alk Tb l a ha l plavarseta ' 144j asi a lmxk il4g17"1:1 4 7 ~ tar land ofthe best quaWy. Will bound at gold ‘ Also. Oaktfill rave, sea a awes, ad • •.. tne mirdi sa at. sfa lT Plsas.. with all taul.ysprassassems Prat , Sr 10 a -• - s, aeas the. town of Able', •Tl r t. m uxi4f .. iit , asonty„ Pa..,f *try 'asap. - also, sk Lary Hotel sr Blallivllle lataseethat, * a th. - pma•pliaaiaitallsose: :The> •11,11ap ail -1114.C" 11ead sad wail los hatelaatiart. Mil flsopextj__watl=... e .. w . t .....'vr'"': . §- far tunTalt—--solou. Ulla. "" - . 77 - ..•,_ . cr,:: no. llt Wealth stria& ' A. - 1 r 2 " .. 10 n RE N T .—A --GOOD' "Pll--,- h El . 11 8 r. Wilk M 4, 14 0,1 4' inggigrAPl4, one , oints, plustdir it Irma Dreg tot water; oaavtatatt ' to alma, wamy sag PAW" Omit 1 4 8 4 MI. ' WI as U.' 014• ttailaisatera N0ad.4 1 4a8.1 osua knot b Win team the atty. Irorprttoulart is• :—. - ,t, - T. _,. AN/E.TUWER, &UM . 11*. tat Festal atrestp k• - ' ----- ","`. *a=±ti.=!=z, .13 . ITTSBURG /I Tl 7 B ATIC4.- • - 6; 92 , 8 piK i ,,, 41 /1,1! - Vi o p axle Woo WOOD: se..IIISNDEIt6ON. E v i.NIVG. will be sew the sensation drams, in three Iste.-tetttled* ' . Sixteim• String Jack. /sok .. .. . ... . .... . lOss !betle. ....Seft e on. /fugal:4 la' inuiglady Of Pittsburgh. • To core/nee Niti Las EbetLeu vest drams • 'JOAN OP A2.A. .bliss Annie Eberle. ,f. O. sottoa. CONCERT 11 A.LL. - -MONDAY AND TUESDAY. May fink sad DE KATOW. WEEILL . MAX STRAROSR has the honor. to announce - to the eittZell of Pittabnutti sod vlcialty that When in hurope be auseeedeel in may Let arrangements fore brit f Concert Tour with the MONDE/UM. RUSSIAN VIOLINOELLIST. • ~ REDERE oractii4,- sad the renowned !TARO roam-navroso ADD COMPUSER, .... .... .Mk/AMES It. WARM. who will give in ElltaboilliNWO GRAND 00N . PERM as alive. Moth th" MAMAs lave met with napreeedented success fa .Now .Tonr, ov', Phßadelplila k iwid Other elltee; saber* they have given over Fifty Con eerie dartag their shod stay in the United States • • Mad. lIENRIENTA BEHRENS, the Tonal and' Pomba Ansa= PitiaaDoana. wLI aaw On the occasion. Illasiezi Director end BEHR ENS. Atiy7ThesetebUrgh will positively. be the only Concerti .In Pit by I.4we Celebrities, as they glottis' return to-Buns..- Adialsiden-ittelnaing Reserved Seats, D. Tick ets and seats may be securisi for the Concerts oa THURSDAY I MORYING, at a. en f rom t U. MELLOR'S MUSICI STORE: Ord th U e eountry for Reserved Setts will be promptly at tended to. - - Mr Uhlekerieg's Grand Piano will be !Med on the occas ion. Doors open at 7 to oommence at a o'clock. Waled TRIMBLE'S ,VA.RIETIEb VIELTRB. W. a smrrttE im I mm ElL uiLa 87 ' " A t .001110=01:111 .&T a otiaDs. - . GREAT SUCCESS! THREE rnairrs - HORE ! ,, STARTLING!.. •ST FLING ! 1 FRA Mammas' two.act Tendon . • .. SIX srxrs OF - no I I ,lr. Tim r eat American Prima Donn The MISS MAUD STANLEY, T wonclrrinl Female ?monitor. " r - • • FERNANDO FLEURY. Ltlitoptas Comet., - HART, WEAVER, CLIFFORD AND SACE. al Termitic Artiate. I 10 Pretty Lady Dancers! Double Show aml Double Troupe I Roado_y night The Simmons' two set Union Dram...FALL OF RICINNoND r SURRENDER OF (MN. LEE! LECTM.O3. STOUT No: NEFourtli on Ma Ist of .ST COXCE R 7 , THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. Scancr— , FßENOß, ENGLISH AND AIIER.. DIAN BLUNDERS!' Adiatallon 80 cents. Om manes at S. Order car. Hales at halfipaat nine. tam; .lirrerio.r SALES. •••••• LOTION SALE CONDZIINED, RORsees. Hesitestsioih. OzirgesiN . C . orries, , Wanly oilotaith4Mrll4s, Will be' sold; al - pobild suction, to the highest bidder,-at the tine mod pleas summed below, oils • BALT/BIORE,. MARTI. AND;THURSDAY, Nag 4, ISol. • • ceatisrz, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY. May It, Sse. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, THURSO tY War a,' Oa. • PITTSEHRGIL PENNSYLVANIA., FRIDAY TWO HUNDRED.OAVALRY HORSES, These ome - omit/how se mai for therosoalso service of the sassy. • sad ip faseoing memos, may good bee. nca'a sold steely. Sainte KM lance at le s.;s. mass—Hwy di in United Mates ecureisey. JA.AIMS A. edaN. • )3:viol Itstgaer Citqarsloll stodge non -- • son:towel , - - _ VALUABLEVIIYATE LIBRARY BY ( ULTALOGUE.— SATURDAY EVENING , may dth, at I% oral let, will be s old by catalogue onseoono door of: Comnicredal Salsa Stomas, WO Smithfield attest, oppeette thePoetofilen(estrance in tow of Boom tounealatelyfrom Fifth street, in addition to Inside entrance from - first door Sales the valuable PrivateLtbrar7 of a gentle man Or Literary culture removing front the alto, in which are included - greet, morKe es Theoloir• ItildolL Travel, Science, Lettren an. sofa as the rare old English Divines, Bathe/Sleet, Greg ory, works of Chillingwo, 3 v 01..; litsceitaus .HOO -- 3 vol. Writhigli of Arerroltre, 3 vols.; Borne'. Introduction to the Sariptunts, d vole ; Library of the Christian Fatten; Meander's Life of Christi Andiews Lain l-Menai% Drettonaryi Lraigy Olden Mote; Sir Walter Saleigl'e History of the World, 3. vols.; Works - of John gloom '2 solar! Job Wattage.: / relit • Ooltrotlell of roglithnigrasing vols.; aamfiton sod filarfistra's Federallety East Xmas" of Conte of all reationsi, Precehents In Yhdtmy Lawi blentalgee's Essays' Dr.rtdOs Anatomy; Maori of..oongress„ Sco Crtttlgt i o r e inir lez d rada t fer dtsterbettan, sad the y/ Anetioaese. T AUG'S . GLOBES,: - 017.• PAINTING FzuTE, ke:—SATIOADAT EVENING. /de air. 8 o'clock, oa second Eder of m aucetal Saint itonaliklol, 503thieLl street: eopoafte,,the Pat ()Mee, la eenneetlea with eatalsWtio ?sad of it valuable Plicate L'bniry. will be wan a pair of la Loeb ileleatial and Tensatal :labia, Boer 'scanted on ti vi stands , with compass. Aloe a palest saw it hie diameter.* •8 lao two - Cus Landscape Oil 'Pain „sod a valuable ontbaa Scelze b 7 Asso•' superior Flute, • - my* • • • a A. bIoILWAINE. Auctioneer. SALE OF lINCLAIMEDFREIGEIT.- 0i MONDAY MOIGGPII, bray 6th, at 10 O'clock, will be' sold at the warehonae of U. Wel. lue, corner of Pon ster‘Wayn• streets, by order cd ;J. Bonston,General knight •11.6ent of the ;bontb, - Fort Wayne mut CMlnago• Railway, bout.= lets unclaimed Freight, com priaine every variety et Merehaadire, Groaetier, Areeldnrry, Finairare. Sc. all of d wlth not &heed before • thy or sale will be sol as +bore, to the miglaat . mantel or shlpment. - - Jaye .- • MeILWAVRE, Auctioneer. 2/ Aj An MO A RN E IN O Ka L y AY , — at S I AT a U tt E oc DAY ' soK, amorant•whom It may camera, at Dor. a tte,:a Wa d i Date Na a Water ae y bala gamaged by =IL Uta riary -mawmfat. plaza of We- • • writ 41..11eMIVAINE,Ana Ulmer. -; .nirvitEJr,oB i sOffttlxa, N satreon A Nay 2d, ; °max 74 •• ._ • ' - • - Parn, OM . VIE PRESIDENT AND DIRECT, 4 atlas 'BANE bare this day dealared a -- -demi orb PLR (YENT:ou the. Coital Mock; live of Government tax, payable to thobßtaekbolders or their legal otpresextatlyee,, on offafter thetlith • mysdwd I.E. BRAD7,lY.ooaabler. - IIIVIDEND NOTIOR.--At the ,annual ••••••olketfac of the Threctoze of the ALLE GHENY GAR COMPANY. he• I= • dirk , . dead of FOUR PEA °stir,' was d oat of theep preelsof tle - last su *meths, payeb , le es sod m 311.14 - DAVIDSON. Masan" - ran NAIIDNAL - Prrrasonea. Kay fig. teed. B DIRECTORS OF THE FI r i veriobrAt . SANK, OP :P/ITSHOItCHY., Lave this day declared 3 dividend or PIVZ PER CENT% on the Ospital Stock, oat of th e 'tette of the east ale. meathii,payabie to the thtoehbOldets, tote otO3onnentent TeL tarP..inal . , JOHN D.:SCULLY, Cashier. Irrip=to. ' - - • - froonalfoaiottt. 8./..irerireafrainy Tn. oebroset.ra tetids 7 llthi 174 ate day denoted • dividend SEVITUP.EII. CENT, besot Cieirenuosat Tax, on the (WOW Stoat ost, of the ;wont. of the lut. six mor.tbs, parabla to tbo stoaboldrra or thelridial naprossooolves, on aull alter tio 10thinat. , Nyttod - me' 5, vaguer.; - Ostita NAITONAL BUM. . - ,• - P1TA31711.21, Kw 12.11111!. IS it BOARD OP DIA ISOTORI3 I this Bask have declared g_nonerly dlvido:4 of IVIDIR ,PER CENT.. !too 44-Uovonaxsaat T ma yi i a * ra sad afr My ODLE - Y, Oe4Llat . • . . .1 . Y~DENZota . Instraaima Cortraall Plirrdavaos. _lbw tit, MIL . A M.B.EMG nal Board of =rumors °tibia Company, bald this 4.7, • dividing! Was declared out of she profits of UM ust piar, of TEN lieLLAlts rEHHOAHE oposketsti that• of•tha vow WWI subsoribed, Parabl i t : fortitarlta, . 17 ;T r itp wd = 7 sa a P ton ta a t s ig r u a m irk e tel,'Pas,rliadltvt';dend.r t he. DIVIDEND: . • . 017101 TriSITAN /110012.110:01 Co., r - ' Prrtentmon, May 2d, les& The /Ward of Directors of thla tlompany have tide day declared a alrittato •of /WE DOLLARS upon each Wane( the Cordial Stock, out ot the earned towage of the last Ws ninnthefree of aovi. eminent and State Taxes. TWU DOLLARS par share of Which to. be aoplbrit as a credit to Mock amounts, and THE= DOLLARS par Saabs to ba Laid in. cash to , ,stockliolder* on end atter the ash igyalWit Seeretaryi - 43431: ntr Prrnsmailyi THtlinEsmarrr AND basis Lei. _desgsred wkaaarect Dirideism Cida-sata, lAitne Fitz Tra SZ w . on Its Capstal Ittettotit'ef the 'mgt. of the tut -tLs he pald-to Us Symkboldety or their legal npriontativiN ON of aßartkalttk 'hutr fres of Oavipstirt tut, ' - - Ill7sateldts#7 max HAZlPll3l,oletw.:'7, ,ItrCIIAIIOIII NATIMIAZ atilt OTPeriaarallel, f ' .Prrissuatui, PA„. firm2_o. UM ' •THE; - DLIMOTORS ' 0r.,T515 It& c r. , g; 7 . pi ditt:l%• tUvktend ot POUR - - -PER sa. fait ir. , %be_ traltt4 c4 k7au tax TU lre li t bo a ikild: tibi ll t x i ~ . , 11,. . . jostrli _m,x,LlmAftly*;z=, • L‘• • lbs-I=4)sea4iP-.• ax =mow ~~~~~~:~v;~~": Joan of to oz.rris ?A 1," V. 4 +' LAME Copper mad- Smelting Works. P ARKLIVIcOSJADYI4CO, msnuraeturen , of LA THIN% BRAZIERS' & BOLT COPPS " PRESSED -COPPER" DOT. TOIRS,EAMED BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER. Importers and &slam la :arr. maupLA. ER.Mer IRON, WIRE, ina. 'Amiga% "lIRM MACHINES and TOOLS. , Windt N0.140/TLEIST and NOSSO. oirn laTnEers, pa orglt. Spealal wain at myallidanT tx , Pper tot to any Moaned patters. WAWWWW.a., a vu.. Boiler Makers tk Sheet Troll Workers, Nos. 20, 5,34 and so PENN STREET.., Raving secured a large yanl, and fornlahad with the mat improved machinery, we we= ed to manufacture every description of BO eh. manner, and warranted antral WWI made in the vountry. OWNINETS, FIRE B ER ums.. STNASTEAM. PIPDS WOOKOTIFANS, BOILS, tiOND ALSALT - P TANIS, • OM EMILEINSERA 'ASITATORS. ear FLING. PANS, BOILE R IVOR, sultoseg. SUGAR PANS, and sole muutoiaattweri of BARN. RILL'S PAT SOMERS. done on the sho rt ed notkie. • PITTSBURGH SAW HOKUM. . . . HUBBARD, 8 / 1 0. It CO. • . 114 711 1 7A02111111.1 Or PATENT' GROUND CIRCULARS, wariinted CAST STEEL SAWS, of ever/ coriptlon. MW , Malay, Orem Cot, Gang, sad a 4 ia other Muietiea. • All Jambe of KNIT= and SPRINGS made from SheetUnt Steep Extra Refined REAPER AND MOWING ENIVIS. ha. SHP Warehouse and Workg, monde WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to Retoething, Gum ming and Straightening Circular Saws; Mao, re pairs Of all hinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rotes. apEnty OICOMIN REITEIR. L.LAND liar LA BELLE STEEL 1161)11KIL REITER, dc CO., (Suoctuora to Rome, RARTIIUM C 0.,) Nhumfeetuters of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW And BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, A.X. LES, UROWBARS. he. 461 . ,W0rk5, /MST WARD, Villeghetly, Peet 011 lee address, PYITSBIIRGIL laigdy • . . ROBINSON, BEA tt. CO.. (suosossort to Roarssos, Motto & Musa& Washington Work, • FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS,. Fpriontrait. Miuttafacturers of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINE:3, MILL MACHINERY, GEARING, SHAFTING CAST INGS of sH deseriptiona, OIL TANKS & S BOILE:R AND SHEET IRON WORE. O S o Ag en b G i I Ie F yFs.RS PATENT EN73OT- :TO ERVOUS eItrTFTX - OW BOTH SEXES. -A reverend gentleman UT tog been restored to health Ina few days, after on de Zet thesemi Lan d invi etldegrr his ° cscied duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow. crest tires the means of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an nddreased envelop e , ha will =W I /re; • loopy of theprescrlptlon used. Direct to Dr. JOHN X DAGNALL,IBi Fulton treet4 N. Y. mall:lydaarT JOHN COCovitAsr HILO" VAULT or torero of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORyAomf RAILING - WINDOW SHOT TEM', W GUARA - lua, "N05...14 UND SI THIRD STS , between Wood and SLarkat, hare on hand w variety of new patterns, Laney sad plain, for all purposes. -sat-Particular attention paid to ensilaging Grave Lots. Jobblngdons at short notion - awl lapT sk f. „ p i rcpaa. CRANING. AN EN. W"NttirrnErT/Di Fon YOUN G NENrAlyaadreD a ble treatment if the Drina and Adam Dr. J. SEEt.r.mtot HOUVRITO—yeg::. Atioclatton. Philadelphia. Pa. HOUGHTON' e ,7 vo•t•4 • : . aad Itnoleuln dealer In CHEESE, t arAgaraPt i t P r° 4l u".. t tIefirDIEMITEN.. t COL. L. D. nrrr TonlizTtg.`" MT,ll."'" of DISTRICT AT. vrbielk netts June ebb lass Cem4lll2Xlsr"Seu. • COURT • • • brIV-•- c'-= THOMAS PERODSON, of Teinpriunic sills, brill he/tear:Mate, eukeet to the deedon o f the Dplon County I..suirentlon. rT KIRILPATTUUKeandkiate for It Alton to thee:Lee of Malta Attorney, ambling to the action-of ills Vales Republican Conventarn, yin& will meet upon Tuesd a y nth day of lture next. Delegate election on Ratty day afternoon, June lid. apfldedatif "grl WILL HE A CANDIDATH POE i the c omae. of DISTRIOT ATTORNEY, ratite:it to the nomination of the next Onion Mimi, Convention..newts ALEX. IL WATSON. rkiktfto 40i el. 111. CIIXTIIII. .a. It. C 1 ;211•111..S. L irrreirtsco 1,10141.13TE11, GAZZAM a CO., ATTORNEYS FOR CLAIMANTS Licensed IT. S. allgente, fortau ins PINRIONF. DOLINTIES. AR REA OP PAT, PRIZE KOREY, 00NPEN .DATIUN FOR ItORSES, Met Mbar property /oat or orifroyed while In the lard.* et Die Porto& Melo . ETCIPPAGEII OP PAT APID OPPIONIto, OED ANON AND CIDARTIRELSTERD AO. OlyU r Mpecid , ape, oetEpeataa . Sadabbadr AyalaZa by Nall attreded to ea tf made In pp°werroo,..NO CHARGE *Am UNLESS SIAN CFBe OPTICS 80. 98 CERA= tram. . . PPITIONDIOU. u . B. WAR MALIK AGENCI PENSIONS', 3B.4 4 Li7aileses. Bmoo3ar. Pap' and CLAIMS OF ALL KINDS PACOODIVED PJLOMPTLt. W. J. 4 HALL PemasoN. Attorneys - at - T -41 w/ 144 FOURTH . STREET WiI•IIRDSD sounsaa $100;Bouety to all Wounded Soldier% to rung being taUla in yea lhowl a". u " ,• I Li l ec i uok al a r tba U. & (3ov Ito. MTH noose door=ths imam SOLOIERS' Clug.Mß,' aOuxTiEs PENSIONS AND Asussas or PAY, Promptly Mitototed Aurriarial a sumns. iaoNi t r.llll Milt= AT, Many^ Pa. yr 1117ERFIELD, GAZZAId a 00., ATT6RTZTIII AT LAW, ' 1714 .1d1L1N;.141., ItaKaaSeT. Omani & Oa. PUnabaral.) 001/ilaelona made, litho examined, Yd all oilier ad to /a Wastara arsi Manta. OLIO and Wad Ada, Jitadminani: Zdakbart Arat Prow. Jahn Esq.. REW STEVENSON, , . - C0.1P3P10111;" NO 1144 Fourth; Street ; nyrsancui, lea 1* the ration" warts sf Ails/bay 'mustier: apedyd R'O. are2ll4 A JOHNBON: .461433." • ATTORNENTAT-LAW. ta , 4 OI2II3 IMBOLDTEBSP CLAIN AGSMS &ranilos ea to kw goasitai Soldier' iollootod *es tWeitty days. aarlatloa No. fa Gnaw? trm% Pita Gall instak_ With dlttbarn aad two *atomism 0111404 Y" MIIiTARY CLAIMS PENSIONSA BOUNTEES, BAWL PAT and ULU - CARY 0/411103•of. IMM deeerlptlon; ocaseted by the enbserlber, at the following rates, els Pitislene 1112' aR ther 0. TAYLOR, At ; No. 7s Grant stzees, t.n ra' taburgh; Pa. N.8.,..-No charges a! e made It the elalts does not euesee4 end all Information miens grade. seine NOAH W., &LAYER, • ATTORNEYAT•ILAW, rro.lokrirrx 9rz an t iltui ! i rg s, pa. c tor , mrstoms, Bomar, at. 4 44. rigooPigflik",°l' nun V. ir..rortoir.:..a. "Nougarira. .1. I. rowsts. pRDILN I , 11041bT8B 1414 aferchaists,- tar the oil. of itiiLift, Ear, elitiss • smog LARD, BUTTE.% WWI, ORE= 4126, 'FLYS, kr,. ha- Ajaggn, 5111.!=r, /Vise. Bianimeer 4 ftia~,lNtgpe Pittabarsis; Wll-* MOM! 11, 9akaltiabuna. -• f. Giac raat, 41114 ,1 1 f," 1 " 7 ,ijunlotrimuusi exibaatt Orssiaitammi. •=2asims thrWitsbuill SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1663. GAZETTE A IIVERTISING RATES STALS DENO KATTIM . • Slimes • , I Dsuy. soak. ;Clase • week 4 1 •qr:TR ri •qt. Nr. tims..:* Two timeki t 25i Mike time, tot Four times. t 001 }lvo tissia.l 2 20 One week.. 3 col l'wo Meek. 436 Three w'ks I 600 On. month 16.1 mope. Two lt 26 month. T mo's Mj Six months -.2015; Nine noit , s l IT 00r One Year. . n 001 a 4al I 501 . . CHANCIIIIALIE ADIMITISZMII2III. POr ea. 1 4 11121 %,!heitgesble oat thee eeeltertek, Fito the =mallet* buidneas of the Myer. ll Latta lulverttsetocate to exeot proten. may. !:!.S.refole times: I time Wei"" We ak.r ! . week Onemouth 1 - - 6633, $ 4 001 11 4 701 6300 Threo toontbs... 17 101 t 109 481 8 401 800 MA mouths ...... 34 00 Co 15 751 10 50 O. Year........, 60 00 SS WI 31 501 14 OO 0811- Fist Notice. double the above rates. Deeth Notices, each Lasertloa 11 60 Marriage notico% 73 Steamboat advertlsementa, per trip I 03 3 ,, eoetors l or Administrators' Notices. 375 Loo v n! 'latices, Coder special head 15 . c in Local column. CITY AND SUBURBAN. 7 711.011 TILTMIDAT.II uutirY ea.2.14T1L) The Allegheny weer Works The following la the statement of Mt. John Alston, late Superintendent of the Allegheny Water Wotka, presented to Councils at their laa meeting, and referred to. in the published pro. (Wings: To Om Seigel ea t Common Council. of In a Cllg of Arlegneny : Grammes's :—As a great many reports; hare been circulated with reference to the eondition and management of the City Water Works, for some time past. I take the liberty of submitting to you the Mowing statement, showing the running time of one pair of engines, and the cost of fuel, during the past nine years : Hou rs • Yew. mantas , thou Ma 4.900 1E47. 6.011 ton assa 11.694 6.803 8.037 ..... !8... avi . 2 x. 64517 9 BB IE4I, !line not knot ...... .......... 16. ,021 3f4 61 The smart Is 313 days to the year, but the summer months will average about 50 per cent. n ore than the winter; for example t 1562 April was 545 hours, 21% per day. October was 856 boars, 33 per day. 1861 April was 608 boars, 23 , 4 MU' day. .• October was 883 hours, 31 per day. The population supplied with water from roar works, In ..IlleghentY, Manchester, 51cCluredud Reserve townships, and. Duquesne Borough, must b. between 45,000 and 50,000. If we take as the quantity consumed by each penson, the mods of other cities of the United States which keep correct accounts of the water emanatd—Batton; for Instance, we find that by the cmclal report for the year 1857, the mum. thy consumed was seventy gallops for every man, woman and child, and in 1864 the con sumption had Increased th Meet, gallons to each •Inhatitant. This would show a consumption to Alb cheny and vicinity, of from 3,150,000 to 4,5t0,100 galioneper year. It will be seen, breomparing the running time of the worim. with the estimated population asp. plied, that the pumps have always been doing their full duty, until a part of last, and the pm. col year. . It- was reported at your meeting, held at the -works on the lath of AnEll, that the pump valves have not been repaired for eight years. The valves were tihrasn taken out. and repaired whenever found to beleaking, Last year, every valve - on two of the pumps was taken out and re-dtted maven the months of April and August, tad other Talus prepared, ready to put on the two which were known to be leasing. The changing of en gineers. high water, and other causes, prevented the change at the proper Uric Between the monttis ofJuly and December, 1661, Mar differ ent entinem a had charge of the works; and a portion of the time we bad none at all. This, .also, *remits teethe rano hag Umeofthe engines fathering been kept a part of last year. The increased price of coal, daring the put two pars, Is well known to every citizen; the Increase at the works was from an average of VIZ per hundred bushels, to as high as 416,00 per hundred bushels. It has barn ascertained, since the Introduc tion of water worm into the city, that the eon. enteptkin of water by manufacturing establish ments In the city and entente, is about one million gallons daily. A number of the largest consumers vow pay 19 mob; per one thousand gallons, teeter measurement, whereas they were formerly charged about 3 emits per one thou. sand gallons. Several of the latter are now pumping thew own water, thus decreasing the demand upon the water watts. Rupectliellysabutimed, Culled States Markt Court. TOtiiDAY, Ma) 3.—Se:bee Judge M'Csad The Jury In the cue of Wen. Marshall, the lad who yes charged with embezzling In:ten front the emit en the route between Kittanning and blahoning, found • verdict of not guilty, and the defendant was•dlschsaged. Jo* Charnock was arraigned on a charge of paining counterfeit United •States Treasury hake. The evidence showid that the defendant was wrested at ll'Kemport, In March Inet , for offeriog pass two counterfeit ASO Truantry notes. and when arrested, be had nearly two hundred dollars worth of the spurious motley In hie poeseeelun. Ile offered the money at two or there places on the same day. He was defended by Mr. Etwartwelden Eaq.. who elated that hum what be had been able to learn concerning the ease, be had no doubt bet that Charnock was the ,Victim of other partly, fie was an Englietrimut, hrrl he.r Ira a ye ar o r two In thiS country, and bad worked mast of his tlme at Armannig's coal walla', on the Tougtilocheny river. In March last he canes doirn the chl t .aa he air, to ge `some &hist' gold exchawed for !greobeck , " cashiered by a ma n mimed' bleKUidek, who had both employed at the mama works, hidletio stated that he wu then going to his Itioma in . Olcarneld etmetY.. They pat at the liairlettoe tel while thee induced. him to set the gold tee an Englishman , Pained Bothl:. who stated that ha would &enure faintthan the banks would glee, and afteriinne parleying the exchange war made—Charnock rues wlng a "good price," but unfortunately the money was all cot mulch. Witnesses wine calla - to cor. robeirsre tbe - defendantos suttonnent. Ws name, , together with that of McKissick, wee on - the.geigle hotel Reenter. and I/Unease& were -celled to prove thathh , o had warted studlly err :shin, be came to this: cenntry, and had always midstalned • pod eharacter•for.indnatry and, honesty: The prosecillag attor attorney not Ones I eonz ' whilloti, Limbic the sutra ease in the - handset the jury, who were Instructed :by the. each to Wattle defet.dant the benefit of any reasonable orratlenal doiabt Which might test in regard to. hi. guilt, After a abort absence Melon? fount a "rarei a not Katy, and the defendant was tic. charged. A. Controller fir Allegheny City. The Cliyernincile of Allegheny IMO electegs Contrallei ti - the pampa of lifr.L B. Francis, a member of. the Select Connee,and a gentlemen amOly!qualined fir the dbmiunge of the del* of ice. The wfmkon of thlsineasere will lobe o all rent In the better and more pate. rustle repletion of the flannels! itffelti of the city, Wfficil have beanie io ecompllcated and ex termite as temainire the aerrices at fast inch an officer. Hr. Francis well lonairn in thetiom mutiny aa an experienced businessman, and an excellent acconatant. His long experience ln Council has rendered lain familiar withthe at. ar the ON sad bla boned polgment .40d energy of cLaracter learn no room to doubt that his duties will be discharged with satistaction to . the public and honotiollmsedf. His unanimous, election by Councils lea high endorsement of his einem for the position, and the public generally will acimileace In their decision. . Taking' the Oath of illeglotee- In 'ttie United %atm District Court, this morn ing, Judge Wealdless directed thoittuntion of the gentlemen of tlre,,Dar, to the at of Congrces of the gith Ink which prorldes that no attorney or_ critrusellor of this,Court shall be inoW4g to a , and be heard. bY virtue or . KIT MMUSIdi Jeyoa,.tnleas he shall, hare drat la ten and'aubseribed the oath.of;allerdrince proesibcd byibiant of the 91 in1y,'1859," and stakd'ilit a **toenail.4tad,courisellors who , practleed In the Conks ofthithilteni States must take the fyithoothteuise they trannot be board- - . 'wberetiPort Jae .fidloglng gentlenien took and .subseribed Dratatkrorquired by law r. C. ,Oar , Esq„ - Distriat:Attorusy,,, t : Safi Y. Eiwirt ebint , illfriAilbson.. I at: Salim V. J. ,SeenatiJ.W. Riddell ' and Toattr..T.All attorneyn,Aterraitirr appealing Air practice thia Court !dfriatmicribe t to the etwe ihsth. - act,Uses of llkod , TTlssotber day 'dismal IR Cincinnati Wai dulollidrivlng /done u s•sh.lle 'oti oP 7 -barrel. .villsklooly the listd otth bartd egoot, followed by very %giro(Oglit.Mlet, wu okay payed with tiro • delicate ' ' White ors for OM Meaty pols: but so Idea sad 1 1 9 111 ". (4 ° 10 4 Olt llairldwr.itere ~ , , ' sa.a,mt or, ~ "r••••;viis,ta tailncift. r. , bripwithstanding the in'en•ct ia the Mits anntreressies has waned, from virions causes, irMinly during the last two-or three, ice* because of the rebellion, quite a turnber of our readers doubtless will be . i p.cascd to Lit c .on.e information in refer enceto those which . aucar chid': month at New York city:' Welled among along hat of the anniversaries of Selieties, soma only of local intetest, the 'follniving particulars of general or national orgaideations: Ser mon • before the American and Foreign Christian Union, at Thirteenth street Prise byterian Church, Sunday evening, the 7th, by Bev. Charles S. Robinson, of Brooklyn. Anniversary of the Society' in the same Church. Tuesday evening following. SPosi ere: Bei. JOEII4I ging, D. D., of Athens; Rev. H. M. Scudder, D. D., late of India; Bev. Mr. °minus,' Mitiicart Priest; Mr. Ri ley,' df South America, and others. 'Mon day light the anniversary of the American Seamen's Friend Society will be held at living Halt Next eventhg, (Tuesday, ) the American Temperas Union will be oc i held' in the same halt peakers: Lieut. Gov.!Ces, of Maryland; v. Dr. Hancock, of Buffalo,. Bev. T. L. uyler, of Brook lyn; had Hey. Dr. C lokering, of Bos ton. In the aftem n of that day a National Temperance Convention will be held 'at a Presbyterian Church, corner of lith Street and 2d Avenue The anniversary olthe American Tract Society will ; take placelat the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, Wednesday morning. In the af ternoon the Boston American Tract Society will iold its annual meeting at Irving Hall. Amelican Home Misalorutry Society in the sareebuilding at night Thursday morning the American Bible Society will celebrate its anniversary at Irving Hall, end on Fri day forenoon the American Board of For. sign Missions will convene in the same place to hold its annual reunion. The lib ern] dontributions to most If not all of - these beneiolent institutions, and the extention and'gmentation of work in their respect. ire t ide of labor, as a general thing, will furn material rich with interest and in struction. -- 1 -The editorial leader of the Christina Advicate of this city is entitled "Work for Tcroperence,Men," in which the subject IS ably ' discussed and presented in all the phases of the question, held by temperance advocates. After referring to a series of temperance meetings inaugurated recently in Allegheny City, at which the attendance and interest was quite encouraging, it urges efficient action, constant and unflagging, to the attainment of the object—the sappres. sion of intemperance. It says the friends of temperance have committed the fatal blunder of underrating the strength of the forces arrayed against this great interest; and they . have relapsed into indifference, because of this erroneous notion, and because they ' bave not kept in mind the proper metlVes to temperance action. If we would succeed, we must begin right, and then keep right, It is claimed nothing short of a prohibitory law, substantially like the Maine likw.will be aumcient to accomplish the greatest good. It counsels organiza tion, agitation, and the form of petition to an extent that the rejection of such a de eland by the people of -the Legislature would be dangerous, if , not impossible -The &snare of flits week contains a capital article, brim-full of good suggestions, (milled, "Better than Marble." It clearly shows thin is a more enduring and proper way Of securing a record for coming time, than to rear a costly shaft and inscribe up on It the most glowing eulogy of the dust bencrith, by the endowment mode In a The. oiog:cal Seminary. In this way, though the fOunder sleep, he being dead yet speak. eth lrr the lips of his living representative, and as successive generations rise and pass away, will continue to speak of him who leium'phed Over death. Beference is then made to the liberal endowment !nether In stitutions of profession and scholarship. The editorial closes with a strpegly worded appeal to: place • Allegheny Theological Seminary in libellant rank of institutions of a itimilar characiFr. —lt appears the bogus General Assem bly of the Presbyterian Church In the *S miled Confederate States, at Its last session held some where In rebeldom, adjourned to meet In the city of Macon, Georgia, on the third Thursdny in May. If this city Is as charmingly beautiful as it was in the days of other years when we visited ft, It will be a desirable place to hold the meeting ; but the ra'vagea of the war are doubtless to be, seen, end the meeting will in all probability be a Meagre affair, and not likely to be a very Plt antra one. The Frappe:dam sug gests that the first thing which the Assembly will have to do, will be to make for itself a new name, corresponding to Its new posi tion, and to the fact that the "Confederacy," in the hennas of which it had been set up, has yirtnalli Crawled to be. If the report Is trim that Moen hie beta takeu by Unkoit. troops, will gni .lasembly dare to meet is air .1.11 11 919, U 5 1 170 1 45. N 00 1 490 II 20 175 135 5 1 70 It 75'. 135 780 1 col .2 15 900 9IS 4 701 455 983 13861 6.001 690 1 400 10 02 10 16 600 6'16 31 33 11 00' 1315 1 II 03 vend. . .per of feeL $ 2.103 tt 18 2.630 ok 3 IP/ 11.014 43 21. 2.355 59 9406 04 234 !*!!! Ol Jost Atrros --=The General Assembly (0. S.) ofthe Presbyterian Church in the United States of /thence meets In the nit Presbyterian Chur4ll of Pittsburgh, May 18th, and will be opened with a sermon by the Rey. James Wood, D. D., Moderator of the last Aasent bly. 43n .the seine 'day the New Seboel Presbj . teflon General Asaetahly in the Uni ted. Statei wilt - bold Its next , reeetin," at Brooklyn, N. Y., and be opened with a sumo's by the Rey Thomas Brainerd, D., the Moderator of the last Aaseinblj. -The seventh General Assembly of the United PresbYterian Church will beheld at Waxh- Ington, lowi, - Calthe Tut Thuishitf Han 1885, to he opened with a sermon by Roy.. Dante? A. Wallace, IX D., nat.:tibia' Bo& (Ireton On the third Thursday otlide month the General Assembly of ,the Cam berlaud Presbyterian Church Is expeitiatio amoeba et Evansville, Indiana. Is generally conceded by the lead. log Presbyterian hopes that the most Ist. penult question likely to come belbre the next General Auerehly of the Presbyterian Church (0. 8.) in the United States will be, What is the duty of the Church In re spect to these Southern abut Chem of the lame faith and order; We presume the `tame question will be considered at the annual gathering of the New .School body-L - 1)0th commencing their annual sessions on the I.Bih of this month. the Nineteenth street Synagogue, New 'York City, the minliter, the Boy, J. J. Lyons, offeied a highlY itipres. sive prayer for the repose'. of !dent Lincoln's soul.- This was; fol. lowed by the iffulcor-lireratmos—prvar for the dead -7-being, It ilealll,; . the' Brat time In thelistoiy of Judaism in; Ainerica• that' these prayers:hive been• geld- in,clewlids„ lions° Of worship tot other thuttne prof* sing` the Jeirish religion. ; —Bishop Janes goes out in the shim er Chibit, as delegate hem the GeneraliW ferenct of the X. Church to the Weslit*.: Conferencee of England and Ireland, and alio represents the American Bible So dill. it the. enniversary of the Drill,* and :Foreign - Bible Society. The oittugFol# . of ,XNe Presbytti trianlkhreof Fo ltrgionstdeitteltows theen l the inetateluutlart=an in anyding year, o prece reaifiti ?a vi it • th Peilditufes were 1 2 8f4, 4 P.111t Sixteen lila . gioamica and aaalstamt trtlae.onsriet, were ; sett do . t, of whom time 6i.mtninietemof the' Rospel neehfil these, 6te :rtukrues their Eel& of labor,.three of.wltAw wagers. • ' - - —Forty-four of the Senior Clue in at tendance at Princeton Theoloeioal Semi nary, numbering in all tbrty-ninei, received the usual certificate" of hating par#til ,the full course, dn the 95th ult. Twenty:one of this class have already accepted calls to settlement. —By the vote in the Italian Senate in favor of civil marriages, the Church in Italy, especially in Piedmont, will lose a vast amount of power, for hitherto It has enjoy. ed a most extensive Jurisdiction in matters relating to marriages BOOTS PS AND SHO BOAar Spring and Slimmer Stook LOOTS, tIIOES AND °LITERS, welsh we ere Nettles eii Theo Xacoarcommit WarJoon 46/.411 work warranted a MARKET STANEK NEW STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. J. —I hime kelt returned from the East with • large and well eeleeted steak et BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, lit which I lave pergola:4 et greatly reduced 'flee& e■ &emu of tile prate, and ooneegastalgese alter Superior Inducements to my old customers generally. Hemember that I base tersored Irma N to el Fed. eral street,' doors below, when I will le pleased to show my Moak of goods to all who may tarot me wild a call. W. K. MeOLTVITOOS. MI Federal street.. Allegheny My. jAllEtt ROBB, No. 820 Market Street SELLS THE FILET, THE NEATEST FITTING, And SHE YOST DIYRAJILA J3Cb4=01.19 41‘,2 4 .72:0 /333010131:481, Or any ►owe to t►e city. ?Le ►ee Just received it tammisakeat SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK TRY HIM. THE "STAR" WORM .TIIIET RECEIVED DV GEORGE ALBREE. SON • CO., We. 93 WOOD STEKOS. Dir• end Youth's Heel Be!morales Oeford.Tles; Otairee's Gait iistrEl=m Theee goods are wade to oar special ester, sad are wwsaated wit orteguaLtog elute= work. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. Se GREAT REMOIII* to ammo Ana palls Aga oilxri M i nrobastag rood. at OBS, Ontoopondloit with Alp Hiottoo fa Ovid, ta And Ow ftspewllloa , iobto Netobsadlao_ loostally, ON bays tato asp 402 TbotoWbout oar 0031.111•7•774 A.e7l oat largaid AAA moat oomPlata aaaortsaaat Of Dew lad alotoo patterns, filtasoata. Hoer Velvets, wow floe PIT itifflati. tril Clotho, Wheal.. At a Wattles ofs utes, Lc, Twastplve to Taisty4l,l4 lad oae•tAted pet mt. rframmearD a counre, ?I wad 73 FLITS STAKES' lilted Stain Um of ISM; D. do. 540 i; Do. . Pivot, 144041 • Do. Dertm-Tbletles; Do. Lemma of follebtoomoo. ORDERS AND vouommut Boucurr OR OOLLEOTED. Nem Son teensy, Rola o sad p.lO. Am, Balza NSW GOODS. __ __ • Cam-pets AT ALMOST PEACE PRICES. Bate sow reeelvtag ear . ....- tiond General assortment for thleeeesos. boseht at the REDUCTION. We metre! to perctuaere the greatest advantages of the usket. The /fewest Styles and Lowest Prices. W. D. a EL RECALLUIt et FOURTH staaar. apes _ CARPETS I OARPSTSI (ABMS CARPET DRY GOON STORE OP ENIRLAP.LUIEI dt CC. /36 Federal Street, Allegheny. We have jutt tooeived the tart eft stock of Carpet., Bee" Ma k, Ott Vieths, svairitee to o t 6. atilt AV- a .whleh are ofittia g at matte teemed prism NTERPRIBE IdILLEt ATWOOD, RALSTON - A 00, lonflicturdn and Commiskon IndMe Ode rloths, Arating*, Rugs, Ire. No. GUI Caßgratrr NTIMN. Intim • PIitLADELPHIA. 'BOOM S. . NEW BOOKS I NEW 8091161 Hu*mid - 114 if!BiOt ibeaaw *IOTA bY X 4 * Hon !Whist • SI 'A Parienraill Pimple, or. laoldenta In tam ovary • day Lab of a Oleznyaka_ni by RAY. sor. Vigor of Weston, milieus: — t Derek* and Brill ti Trovala - Ls.CkoannUAnts, by Arininne .Luttell of Ana*, by Chaffee • u eo o Woe* Allaar • tide of Der. rati Kowa ChrtetWa BlEttake,loy anther of Jona lid& Thefax . Sr Ratlyaea snd the Eforttoth. bilanipder.-.1 Ender tee Ban 11111ItainUt . A novel' TY Beinfolsoenoes ore by fitela..;.. /CAM temp of Palestlfie.nolored • sew feasted snap of . Bible Land. ' DAYA GRAMM& JUST OUT.—HALLO ED'-BONGS, in 07. A moat oxothest. w• ek, Asir. BUBIOAL LEAVES— 40 • Us. 40104- re sob] tbo Ora month of Ito publ .ottoo. r_ we • THE ;MOTHER OF =LETS. N. /ad tailued. A biography.— _„THE I.OHRIST OF THE sPzr.s. et IS. Lootureo on .. Ranact's Woof PHOTOGRAPH ALBU insolosalo aft& Rota& ALBUM CARDS, STATE') ojoUl ! J. L. READ, DIBBOLDT! Dissournorr OF Joci-pArryNEn. woreesnipzith..—mdThempron.d.mbi,.d..pihelotoforie • ORTAIPTON & Co.. folibi—iu-aim the firm Plati aad ether Seam haa Mb day ule Of all"' 1 7 a OW Mad S&TottrEli - ' JOHN 0. ORoaurioA • rit".o. set eih. f(B4. "BTKa. WIG- 4.lkaccopontg. cßomproar t co.) . _ tilyerNarland Superior Roam ≊ tu gs; Aunry nersn:Prnuneat,Y :1-118130LUTION" 00-PARTNRR- A , ERT 1, ern llztating unit the stele et 11 PAINTER & 41111 00., Aluolved .by mania cement: 'Either puty Wit eettli the basiniss'af LIU I and Win only ln Ilqataatl PirrSimair,l a - R. PAINTER 316. ?PAnNEßsiur. moilatad "MA esi u WI, tour ErreMmimilik AILICEI JO ittrapt! m ower ti a Woos% LOMA PE& - Ir. 0. PATT •an►a Bacon., y IMPit , O,BICW 0/ Or en* tlossumme; - Wessuncreme, April Mb, MIL WEREAS Br SATISFACTOR "- rimaliYidtwatto appear PftWeittal to ‘ the endessetwed, It hei . THE , EXCHANGE NATIONAL RIM OF PITTSBURGH. La the alt y of Pittebtweb, to the aunty of All.. ebony sod Stet* of Pent=iitis, tins' been ilaty orgemised under end aOOO to the reutdreemmt e of the arts of. Camerae; enti ../tn dot, to pi.. UMW National Ounenl, seemed by a pledge ad UMW States Bomb, en to o r cue chew Mims and redemption Memel= s , proved June si. MSS, andleseamplied with ell the smorisions et ssM set revated to be samplied With before sour. mumble the business of bemiring under saki act. Now therefore, rsers•Ax.oi.ours, Oss i rreuer of Me OWN meg., do hereby certify t o .The Exebsige fas. Camel Beak ofPittsburgh,. in the lily of Pitts. burh, in the county of dileghtery. and State of Penasyleerds,sutherired to oommenewthe best. DM of /Making sada the sot atorsuid. • j Curnmey llama. •/a tadimaay whereof Seaiat the • vitae.; my laal WA Oomptrallar of Um aeal:of oMea,this AM Otarrem7_ .. day ot&prtl. MK - mammy pem..meat. MOMS. =Z:= vomta • FREEMAN mums, Comotionoir of the thursooy. EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Chalierril by tbal (*dial f °mashed Elder Ebb' 01 P1., s l ,ooo,ooo.lllatal Law 1861. Tbi• Beak ban been eleslgnatel a ROMER dt ROSS. United States Treasury slut &mantal agent for the sale of the Every bonny will be °Bleed to birtaters or par ties pond:maw for re•eale. areas( S"M. MURRAY,. Cashier. PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL $4,000,000, •10) privilege of $2.000.000 Banking House MOSHER MIST AND WOOD Si BIZTo. Shia Bank, Organized adder the *Donal Bank ing System to now prepared to transact business stree at Itsts. !husking House, corner or Wood and Pint Collections made on all awasalble points on the most favorable terms. Spedsll Agents for SAT 000 BE, for the sale of the 17. 8. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. F. IL GORDON. Cashier. J. O. Mer v IItIZEION, Teller BANKING HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONS, lgo. 57 Market Street. Pittsburgh DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN PAR MARY AND owiedieem made ea all the prtaeleal PIMA' of the tfalted States aad tileaadaa. . EITOG`ES, BONDS AND OTHER SHOVEITT6 MONT Me SOLD ON COMMISSION. Ni Patti of /odor attention paid to the enarahase one s ono STATES SECTIRMES, DOLLAR' BANK, 1.(0 4 rem= Bruner: CMAirfmtimpr IN MM. Open daily from to . 2 e`ehmk, also on Wildman. day and Saturday evening, from bay ' o n to ember Ist, Irma Ito *Week, sad from Ifevamber tat to May Ist from II to realm& Do D a i tnad r • d e iv v i e de fails n p e of no La than One ofts desdire - twins a year, la Jose mid December. Interest has been &Moral smul-annuidly, in Irma and Desember, since the Bank was organited , at tbe rata se sis per sent. a rm Interegt, !foo t aura oat, is SAW kg the weft . of the deprositor an principal, and beers the same Interest nom the nra days of June sad Do:tabor, impounding twiee a year without ttoobttor the depositor to call. or even to premot Moons hook. At Oda raid money will doubt. la lam day *man ream : • Booing, oontalaine the Master, Hr-Lawn Enke sod R *Mee.tlooa, funulahol gratis, on applisatios at the • nunnum..-GEORGE ALBS= • John SD.aako Aadersos, ARobert. .X. Pollß obb, ock, X. D., John G. ieg Beal L. Fabsesioak, Jan IL. Shoeigaugae, Junes Hiudauus, Mums Shltils, JILIMII PORA_ ,uley Alexaader Spear, Dam 3. resaimegi Cbtistisa Tapir. 1711791111111. OthrtiAlll2llS. - Murr 3 '. trial. Jobe O. Blndleg. Pan , A. Matleirs, Georgußts , ..: • gro. ---. Jobs Iliarshall, Walter P..lllardial, _Alonzo Mler ' Jam B . D. bisisla. Obarles A. Ooltau:-. . Jelin B. assaisommg Ws. Douglas, John Oir, John Evans, Hairy L. Jobb J. Gillespie, WIl/laai H a Wegla .. William S. Hares Alexamae Tingle, Peter S. liableir,. Wifilaai Vaiiklik, Mahan! Rays, . W. P. ling=:,.. ' Ja 12..1r. laaas A. 001.______TON - Sicestarp—JAlLES D. D. gliglign. . TEZWURY niaturrxErcr. —no or owernioualt os yas.Overtientl - Wealibutton, March zed, tees 01T Il ER EA -BY SATISFACTO Y T 4 evident , * Preeented te, the ttefelPed, it I " hese 40414 &Weer . nßsi NATIONAL BANK of BIRMINGHAM. . la the borOugh of Bireithetolo;ln eetei7 Vaorsod Stateatftowtrants,haslosen o er under Auld ataordboy to the of dots of Congress entlW yids • National Currency, second bY a adr . of United States Rend% sad to provide for tt• Utica. end tedestption tlisasof” Mess ed, lied, sad hes roompifed with all the iprorldoas of said se t t required to be complied with beton eats. ;umbel* the Mathes' of under said sett - ley Now the itherefore.l y , .Fsesstew ea. Clontptrel of Chumm do hereby certify thst.res Elect If /Along Hank of Etlrldwooot.. la the her eof& of Binniril in =4 the eounty of Alleghsay,. end Stets of sate. Is authorized to ewe, meets the Derain,, of /tinkled , ender the eat atom said. - -• Chlatnel Bureift,•,.. lii 0 4mal of tlr _ - 4 wigi. 4 = Wl " l •-: !UN' -.olo!LIAL. adarisseal { Them/ n.....• --datiest Fr . 4 - " dumpersner of the ora --. -PitiltiNAli mr: 7 6 1.iX08. JCWHIC. tG 3 3iwtdburir STRONG. -.Pirp,PREIEKENT. The eatwitatt ot . t u4* et Wow Teri have. for wow tio unanimityowarded to AM a ItRADBMIT, the highest: Mead of proles for hia new and !beautiful piano lortee. c; .tliceristits:t st qlwit i g - a higia tui eg e i g n ere tsr are Y W. /3. ondbury new wale piano-fortes, and it ts In oar 'opinion that l st power, purity, Hebrews, equality of ,tons and thorough workatanaldp, Kr. Bradburv'e tastrumet excel. .We red ghat brullaaey, and beautlfid slabs; quality or tone west happily blended. Wwlives rarely wen aqtuus plate combine so many of lhoa e~Q he littN.O:linientlal to a PERFEOZ SI S. u.01.ENT... • moon. muts,, ( 3•o. W. rizorr. Th o Theo. vr, W. Bm z John Pattlson, 0 Morn. - Fardetatecort u Heller, merles arab.. Etrakosek Owe W. Ileaums, Max: lltaretsekelltart gnsebutg, E. Id, 01 . 1 71251.011, Hairy Saaderion, tlhas. Wells, We°. F./Wistow, &Ronda; Gustave R. Eckhardt, ...torte 0111.11.11. E. Mathews, b. L. Ritter, F.H. Nash. Theo. lltmllln John It. teller, E. Stapel, Holt/ o:Ttmle, T. E. Perkin, Theo. Hagen, ed. ri • tor eW Tork Muted Review, John or! MU , fa a• Bfdellea d ' arl • WAlarrnnV, a: 8uz;13?1.6 4 gen t s , art 1 No. ii • . CLAM arzarr..• Uff!l 1101 1 rfili, WENS it 00. 1 trim irrixar 21/4;31a, -4"16 Ftwlltsl9.9(n fu F l2ll /.. 16 (I ' l Real Estate Agent a. 'att. um 'ooar. asu s o Poem. ' , foisted° aidiusboa. IMMITY Wilt' - ' lraiOnah; ed. DEPOSITARY OF TELE 7.430 Za 400 49. 262* . Of Pittsburgh. SAMUEL ILEA, Presideat tirCILCITOM +oi..wnr Eiri=EM JELEDRICL ' • ' • .. 11011110PATI110 BPIONIO,- Liana, stril.7 ntrumem . nEST HAVE . SEEN IN USE MS THAJAS ' AND THOUSANDS HAVE OUBffil 8Y *riga: READ•-TREL MDT OVER No. 1.-Cures Fevre, Cloogeetka ealloliaameatio Heat, Pala the acute sad indenunatorl MMus , 141 . 8 NJ " No. e-ghtres Forms Fever, Worm Cotat sad V ' raises Appetite. Wetting the Bed. Prise MOM . .. _ No. it-Cares Colic, Teething, Cm:e'er:id Wag( - Mon, Slow Growth AM Feeblenem or Masa Priors RI sesta . . No. I-Ctine Dtarrbear el Children or AMU Cholera /embus and Slimmer Oomplainte. prig Nes. 4 Allai NM Übe woest gales of Ottroclie II No. 4-owee Duenderr er MUM' Fiat. MU ( Mr" Blitou Oath nu Dyseatery. Prim, No. 4.-Fns Cholera, Cholas littaime. Nettse sad Voneltimg, Amtunatic Breathing. le imahn No. 7--Ounis Coughs, Glide. Burnoose, *irk *dila Ignatius and Sore Throat. Peke le merge mad and NO. 111M11 MU to slue the woad Odle . Mathis - NO. Toothache, FaemamAck Iterroll ems and Dokneux. Prim al mate. No. Headaehe, Sick wog" Rush of I . the lised, - Priors In addl with No-10, it moat fails toes e Mar most Moues. We. 10-Oures Due Weak, AEU rig Dump i ii ed Sto.mach, , Oust on, User ClealiMdm‘ se Billow Coalition. al Isorat.mata for .11 owes Of weak Dliistiek Ma . Bilious Complablia.-. No. it-Uric. Sapuessed Menem or dier,, at Palatal. or Delaying, Green Bickner. 116 ,g. No. G-Curee Letmonhes cent. . , Bsullig Down too Prolisse Nemec U e No. la-Cures Orou . Hoarse Croupy Ough , Difficult and Oppreo.e. Ikesthing. 22 meta. : No G-Cures - Salt Rheum Cruaty. Empress% Erysipelas, Scald Bud, Beaten' /tidy Plitiphat 4111 the Fem. In cents: No. 16-onres Rheumatism, Sid , Lanertallt, eli Somme' _in the Chest, Bask, e, or Liable ele . &shales. so cents. No. la-Cures Fever and Ague, Intermittent FM ver, Dumb Ague, Old Inveterate Agues. No. 17-Cures Filed, Internal or Emernal, pane or Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate. at mate This remedy has sand I/mounds of We weal possible cases. No. 18-Cures • Opththalmli, weak ee Inflamed Elea oeyEaVids, rps &ailing o,r, We poa :geld. ille Hoe& N0. 1 19-thiree Catanh, acute or dumb, err elf flowing, Cold la the Head. Dolumma 0 seat.... No. sie,owee Whooping Mao. shortening tad pallathigit, or Spasmodic Goush. " 00 mate. , it La infalißle, and Mum ?ellen* and twee. No. it-Ours Anions, Oppressed, bored linsathing, Cough and bo o rents. ttw Hundreds have been owed by it. No. P--Cores Ear Dischamm- , Noise la th • Head, Impaired Hearing, Earache. .i No. Snafu* Ealskrud 0 ... ..emil ~ Tonsils Swa and Old Ulcers. so - ' Ma cured the want eases-_ No. M--Curs General Debility, or Nat. you Weakness. 40 oenta. Na. 26-Cunie Dropsy, Fluid Amens ale Swellings, with Saints, Seetetioes. N ti-Onzei Seis.Bl' eltness.Proutestl Veit M No um, Vomiting. eo bents. . e7-4.Mrei Urinary'Thseammli!‘ • Calculi, Dineen or Planta Uri oast It slims old usm of }rhinos Diseuee. ~ No. , oit=..FOr .fteniiiial iiiniesibee; 'Division* Dlick aru sll.4 up.. ctument Frustration and DOW -. most. tit remedy know . , our.. arat -MR to . r ,. isksaLokiii flora mouth or sedisiga‘dgidissa Month of Adults or Ohlidren, &ad also Nassau and Vomiting of Ampaikat Paul Mead& ...-. •• Cures at once . . -No lin-Cored !Wean, Umatilla Weitlalt the bad. too pnirptcht, lainlid, or Trios No. 11-Curet Palatal Menstruation, Pres/raw . .. , Cramp or 8 , Prontlis, Itching, and Initsa . „ lion of Females. P. NO. ilit-Oures Sußlihne at Menge of Life, -, Wraith% Hubert at Heat, reesacau,notad' Diseue of the Heart. 111 00. 'No. in-Cires Diptheria and Mattatar , , , nut Som Throat. gt cant& ..., - . . .. ... . . . No. 22 -CurreConvoLdeasor S or . Biala • • or make. and Creme of as klo4a No. li4-4;hures Billorianemi as Want &Appetite; Lowness of Sptrits,..Tundlia, C oasti p at IdverComplalnto ios, suall , ofNo.kin llit-anine Boils, Cartantlies, aad any Bet 1 the d. . s Ne M- Cures all route Skin Itroptione, Milan let Fever, Ideastes. Chicken Pon. nut No. 27-Cures Chronic Coughs, Nenrou Cola. Des Omsk and Ciroma limn expeoterstioo. tro.'pr eil Snuffles or Catarrh La the heed et infanta, Rattling of Mune in O tigt=. lo No. as- Dots tionstliational •Di guent'Attacks of Headache. • ' A.41.1... Z10. 'llO-4)urill Oenstitatisnal Diapostlioa - lia • so vial family_ use /40114111.:,-' to 20 vial vial family case, morocco sass, plain. - 1.2 vial 7... i., e M Mal Phystalan'a saes .., 111 ell lle POND'S: EXTAACT . 0? IFAlnami , • ir ,... 174., 8 en5, Rher=am,l,l 1 9°" =4, OM - '. Sores Toothaaka, it in tee s , Mara, Pella as emit& The tllldli SUPPUed Wax TadV , POOMIN 1' - . . 1 _ . 'Mr t ' Mock over a rbe nd thalami suuse tb .ap e •amount sago I.•or wadi . you oleos% • sumo nate ar-stemp• by mall to my add's!". and 16 analbsthe mill be ibaly returned by maa ors hoe ershaame. J. H. FULTGIT: rimastrom4m4odtmmuna . Snood door be/tr the Post 011M6. rbolesals Ned rtab•ll6sto . gar sobllll 'it 1 end vi UGH NO mons. Tair Imucimunrs NELIMITOIII3 00U GB BALSAM, EITILIOKLANDMI wove • mows ottALault u.ararrantaa to ours coasts. - emir Hoarocoom Asthma, Wborit Cletieti TiitootZtriorpttot altbotSoo• ot lb• • For sato by Reo mop• gybito:. Orloog Dor*" $ Fourth ft , •4., otaanam, All the Melbayleu and 1111101111M116 • DR. STRIDELAND'S MEWL. NOD -ITITRE at the only certain remedy for DDlntuksimir = io .ll Is • sombhuaton'eL hllad m .Stlnuasato and -Chirsoftguras sad warnated - WU: we &Bee all Pot We by . Chang. DRIP, (sae „ STRIOLAVYB ;DX I BI7MOIMANDes-P.ELE ..IfEBOCEIr ' owed kiws"of the Wont imam of HUM oil • Blood* griveo- famoodlato ren4.iiai *eta ratttadrestanataini,'l47.ft dCrestly. Aft amp .For silaaltiQott 0.Ge0ii41)40,4164:: .Dyspop4l.:lo#l,4irongtmw, Abu t , j Di4B2lllcul.l.llolm, - *et • ; ind,.........necramkezdthlt.lll/Eltyg WM& lON arri -" etvomitrengr.. ;WWI • • . 111 1111mratob.pnvicaticatroa akagali, . it llq .stei tuzyttr if thi.6 a imz=iro • nit Arl l iafan a i M mi a t ia' War WOW greet an•i,azed &ON Iftegki rA4C . & 0.111 , A .ItAN -OF - A . THOUBAND.—A' 0011 .: •• swam= cintEri,—Dr.l== ' ' ~.., tired Tan i of greatendassee, fa the t et_theoreiniata "ewe - for geneesap, . Slot war •Mitte, OsugheAkolits, awl Clen. , : , , end ty...The reatelp Was dlieolerwl by lbw .-, whealds oily 0414 A &SWIM, 11 1 111401111 dila: Elk ohm was sated. east in now alive .V.ll.- weadroariof beneattina bls fel/ow ssratelai be _wilt staid to Wes who with lt, contatnisit rtel ,Idrestkets fos,tnakisit and suaxeshilly astestels .. r .., rillarkilly an receipt of their tissue, wuil Ira - .. sta.= trrap, &spume. Than is not a. maps . ma ~ f lortrsamptlon that it does not ea nee .: .. take bolt of and disipatsf - letAt • sweats; pew, bhp's.; laitatioaof the norres,falbrre of (Moult expectoration, sharp pains. LI 111:1, ~ ' ... tsore threat, chilly &CALLUM:iII, ALUM* at stheomnua a, taactlas of ths bowels, wanly( away wrltet will pleise state the eauor the PAM. geey ate ;his adverthemeat. In. adir.m. oox , • 216 Nadi' &woad -gairsim m% PkiladebblaTPL. . kllClalicavtdkeowwF - " Fowl =ARS IlleCTlos = ai, Iaf i VELVAL D11111A82% xa k gr=.4 d ll W irel dtr_ btll ~ Z ~,, ~„.4 . o. pa.enta 'mated aantudiy, 4 . an ' S PEENEWIMICWOr SEXUAL WEAUCIREMI Ana all 4Leasat arising' triaretranbaka enroll In * inush z torter time than heretofore' by my 11/ PEG *BLS 8EKED17.23.. - Kalb:dam mai 1111 : any part of tActinloa..4ll Littera mat cantina la stamp to/Nr ratur a ballt - lama. ' ,0 1. Mamma allw l Usi a44l. " ' ''J. W. se D ia. - .1 31 UUTB - D11314.13473. ...,0,.. 6- kierrr'imuus*Ziearic s o.. ~ • .• , , • lot tlmisitri of 'nil dbitiaitiralki,, natiktikiii Mirmo 10 tau adlbrati Am' sa.“ • t. Alan, mucal r = a nadt_ j_al i gin • , ANN** arnbeirealtal amok arid . .aspi. A MAD IrlinsaW or mow 'Alberni imasw•W Aft Tim stye* . L . ' Wilts : .10. 71 PrilliATINtoillici:tiOit.. Nati t•... EAXII , -RESToEica.. kw beat rataeatel. establisher tarsal teak • It la the owl amide that wilt tattoo mum clar /AD= M la .tutittaat oaks yam. -bait btu UL taU to hntiaa2dAial_ahat Ma* abut aiat B~aH am, ay . era NOl4lll4l4ll4*lllaiiirr ~G'^ " C' j Clv. - ss Y ~..