The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 05, 1865, Image 2
Vic Wittointrgh (514.1te. 1. 211,a811.D C ta ousts nausww, OSOCIITION. ?MOAT,. 3ILY .5. 1805 T1113;601.111100 01.? TIMAXON. - .• .. It is perfectly manifest that the temperer ` the leading rebels towards the gevirrnment is at thia Moment just the same that liWas at the time (hey passed theirr . OrdiniaMir, of, secoulett, and all through I e period when they hcpoti,lty force of s, to establish the independence ot• their confederacy:— Prom General Ism down the volunteer soldier in the make of his II y, from /link YAM to ; the! politicians of the obscurest liouthewayillage, . all beem-_to bo„animated by the same: spirit of the:l'lloton sad oft clevOtion-to their; own partiadar• Stan, whether that State be Virginia, Bon% earolirsVM,Alabiiiii. I Alltliug,teithe doe ms thar t r SelcsieiliMis'aisserved right Of the - States—as it Moisid is if iktr State, were in deed sotlefeltile for fouryearsthe loy al peopi&x-atilie country have lain fighting, as no peoplo- ever'-tough: before, to estab. • HAL thfi l 'retiFiplii that the government Of the lJnionli the _only toreesign power in this nation, and that secesaioa from that Union .4 trwani. Like Jaossere, _they. swore it solenukoath tlist"‘to Union should be Prest..7o, ' 14- the y ' re P ma de hit ,good, although at !as appalling expense; That principle is now established and- It must stand. e r uslty-M that principle Is now the teat of loyalty, and -must be made the test artiness for citizen:44. ' ' — '7As the whohilnelteles the pails:Las it As a greater thing to boa citizen of the 17ut- ted Stttenlinia of 'any . particular State— .no no Infitteatt he safely 'allowed to be a el not a State whols not at the same tee deVUted to tke rupreTe government of all tho * States as the oltiis.t of his pact mount allegiance. Na just here lies the anger, just here lay our danger years year& before title rebellion broke out in o : war.--: Men — were allowed to utter their treasonable sentiment, even in the halts of of Coniresa Vila thelr'"buprrme allegiance 'was dub 10 . , "sovereign Slates," and that their alleglanee to the national government Mu stibordirnite to this. "Zion° but slave. boldenvand. tbCtee. who.blindly followed their de i led Vl ths trea s onable octrine.- It onable d _ i . wastreatexlby. those- who, knew better at an error,* opinion. a political heresy merelyiwldie Its &Vowel ought to have ex chided those from . the - councils of the nation.. -It was the utt erance of an Intractable and domineering inisto.4racy whowere tor many years resolved, that If the corad Wile the .IJeliin they,Wifirild break it up. We have seen and tasted its halts; we have experienced its legitimate coneequencee. In restoring the 'reliellicha_fitstes tO the Union this destructive heresy must be ut terly rooted out; for it Is impossible that we can be a united people while It exists so an icirveCand.COsitnltilkog prindpie In our iiolider. No man who rethses to purge himself by a solemn oath of such opinions 3111114 be suffered to exercise the right of oulfrage or hold office:.. Why, some will say, this will disfranchise a majority of the ofd voters of those States. Be it so. Then we must try and find some new voters among themedvertiand Situ modthern some from the North. The cb.enge will be safe and wholesome. Moreover It will be no more than a proper reward to those noble menwho,stbod true tostlas Unien thiourit those terrible years, "faithful among the faithless.". But we would go further. Disfranchise every nekrA p up,truitter c rank, who voluntaby tidsedlds hand agynsC the flag' Of Ida country. We my this, not In a yin 4110the VIM. but.-simply as-e_tiv....,a. of . . Condi. • lion of,allens, and let them remain so until the loyal people of their State see proper to restore them., The legistature of Arkansas ,1a nova` urln'g'a Wino dist - rate:lda thil class, and it will, go on throughout ifie re stored States unless, by some political leger-. denial; the old ruling class shall get inter additioniinAbifraitchimw stern; we wenn ailvoCiite thd CC'S - hie:Aloe --of the estate of wealthy rebels, whether ,they lull—beenin =active service or not. ' This williforeak nifitte small firma the Ma jority of those enormous estates which have been - the curse of the South from the be. ginninbirrtdihrifiestabled tht tarjslocvdt/c alaveholders to grasp ell tie power, and get their feet upon the necks of the pour whites. Such a measure would be a:blessing to that 'unhappy section of our country. , lbeEurofean Press on tLe re!" qf Rich ' .Thtt Lontlon-_.Bpeengee...tosysr:",."OthiLl. things fen on the 4th of Aptll'hest4c3 mond; Mean the beilefiliattitie fbw may once more hopel:io gßyern the world In the iniereit-Cd ihetraidetaki47'.') Innnotherplace the -same staunch friend ofllte tilted States adds: '- . - "Tbe tuyre : ofthe Week has been the ear.' Lode of Ib3 Noith :Tee, 'VOA dentecrauT, has etnne-wed 011% — Ol Its hour., nrettpreate tebl. l, lTbrengh•four: long years of .de teat and fdlOtdelgentent, and'3 - o,erith tifortt;, anddstllnt'izetiatiOna of Ili foes and the' forebetlingrof - nriny Of its 'friends, the re publitteas fought on.,“oppbaink'to.:the'6ll-- perlor organization - of an the strength which opting, - of - freed6m, -- ,anti - meeting incessant failure with the /Oen- Bozos' peraistencewldchthit-vcnktudetehee flit vault!.And now the game ',woe, and fa itgAlt"bailr'§fifittloPja, With thutinieie' • still vtring over the,tield and the liati.cir Its dead: Dot , _yet -made .op , it 4s , einghsg: eulilto God, promising' m ine to all man. i , l procitdming.freektin no 111:olavea; and crying to Its rulers: ta heiter-ceinplae and unpurchased aninesties. ;.The euitotion may rot last, though..we think - it wino Lev. the Mom of a people whose uncalculathigerno= ton ler the toile or defeat is to, boast or their inehtelbi din- and in the moment of triumph _to ask pardon for their foes, must beisgrand one. litnee the men of the barrinadet shot their comrades for.plundering, 'democracy WWII no algae° foil of proation as the .• net of the American people s : apt the , fall of 4 It Is - taid that Ilia Maipetir of AtuitTio, In accordance with the 'repeated -- el)P 1 10 1= time of rewilit Napoleon, recently , used We good anises, to 4440 tlie Pope_ co, adapt ei more ccincillatorypolley on the Italian quell tion. 013ardinal Antonellfrr'•tfle : PC4O . Prime hlinlatei, - sic a. Very. 'oletoi Ott tlclan, is said to have - promised "the it alio ; mina of .Plus IX, to. the "convention. of the 11th, on the condition that his possession ad asternum of - territories should '-he guaranteed - to him by tho Catholic rowan of Europe:; .=On' being informed of this, MensticrlFJPondlly tent Off a dispatch to: X, de Bach, reqoutting, him to limonites' to . Cardinal Antonelli Matti 4DtlClPetiiin or hill tatlmittUrn ho had already udd hintlemiud before UM gmboile L'onrur of rtiMpe, but: that lia l voria IPA alotto replinOtr, tho. sitar; Portugal bad ,disilnctlys: declined, sad fiptinjtad stated it to be her intention to follgW the or Fiance. The, "Id#Ongibinectherefore„ could not of port the Pope,'S deamna. .; •'' ' • ' . , A. con.nsArovwsorr, - writing from RAI -4104 enyetheseforion imminent them Ls Way ilLr htitk beibg Attild tied: l On the eon =She Poo*, eridently afraid to tlieivrtal kellopt,i‘ni intensely In. owned igalnet;tlielicongotwors.; leo. NCO are erceNdjreli bitter. and &AO% tem& - tale to otiall t ibe platen' with -whom COMO lriat--Vik'arol4-*Ii01)/1 'Moen frit r i v k il l 6 the ohs ;Pima. , tI iriabm_rimanterea thibithen the as , sasslg Booth leapel upon the stage at Ford's LTheafircostter dabsg_his bloody Ivo*, the_ I spur uppn his heel caugElln folds of Ainetican,ithe i , that was draped in front if the Freildent a box ' and threw him down. It now appears thatthe fall/mused the mur derer to break one of the mall bones of Iris leg, and this injury became so painful as not only to forbid the possibility of his effecting • his escape; but it fixed his identity so that lie was easily traced.. It' is at least highly probable that but for this injury the assassin would have escaped. The tripping of a traitorous amnia by the old flag in the moment of his triumph ; over its must illustrious champion, is a zu i rious incident; burthe same retribution has fallen•upon the entire race of Southern rein els. While the, events that immediately preceded the War were. in progress, It i brewed that nothing could distxtb the apathy ' of the North. The Seizure of arsenals ; ens :tom houses, mints, and aetna and munitions •of svar 'were announced, and while's very 'paiwoderable party held, to, the Buchanan doctrine, that there was • Xteipower . grantal by the Constitutioin to, prevent tile plunder of tile public property, and to compel ohs . dience to the Federal laws, other persona anOtued so careless . and lake warm .that• it seemed impossible to mute them to action. But; when Sumter , was Bred upon - , and the Old flag was hum hled, all was changed; and the 'patriotic Nib that rah from the Potomac to the St. Levirenee,-, and from the. Atlantic to the Pacific, speedily dembeitiated. that there was "a' Borth,"and an earnestand determined North, too. The old flag tripped up those who had humbled it, _and (Our years later fdund it waving in-triumph upon the ruined lottre'ss which In its wreck and desolation is a tit type of the' country and fortunes of those 'who laid ride hands upon the emblem of national sovereignty. Fitrin atter the commencement of actual le4ding rebels discovered the miftrke they had made, in the attempt to degrade the banner -around which so many stories cluster, and which has so strong a I old upon the feelings of every true Ameri t - "We should have held on to the old Bag, • they said, "and have driven the TlM tes away from under it." But they did cct bold on to the old flag; they dashed It to the ground and it tripped them up to their undoing.—Phike Hun. end Crops In Wdstern New York. The Rochester Union says: Inquiry among the fmit-growers and tatmrts afferds very pleasing information Ls to the prospects of the season in their m portant departments of industry and pro-', a.. lion. - Fruit of all kinds most cultivat. ed hereabouts promises welL Tho trees hart withstood the winter and have budded is a promising manner. May has opened mildly, and there is rmson to hope that no toot will blight the tender fret. Bounti ful crops of peaches, apples, nears, cherries, plhnus„ grapes and strawberries - will yield tL.orc who cultivate in Western New York hundreds of thonsandsof dollars, and aftori . pleasure to all who consume these luxuries that Providence permits us to enjoy in this favored climate. The reports' from the fields are no less favorable than from the orchards. The tanners began their spring work pretty early, and accomplished mote in the way of plant 11>i and sowing in April this year , than in shy that has preceded for a long time. The weather and season have been opportune. Owing to the scarcity of help more time was requisite. But little ground will go un cultivated for of labor.- As the Boe ing, haying and- harvesting times come along there will' be plenty of from the returning array, at the South. The fall ,sown ciops wheat, rye, and barley, promise 'well. The winter and the spring were as favorable as the farmer could desire:a; We may congratulate the farmers and all others of Western New York—for all are interest ed in the itiecessof the crops—on the pros pect the season affords. The Springfield Minor/. In accordance with Ma : tractions from General Dyer, chief of ordnance, Major Laidley yesterday - twined an orderannounc ing that the daily product of , the -armory would within ten days or two weeks be de creased to two hundred and fifty guns, tens necessitating the -dlstharge. of about nine bundled more Men. This -Will leave be; I wern nine and ten hundred, or only, ono. third the number employed when the ar mory was busiest and turning out nearly or quite one thousand guns per day. No ma. , hin:sta will be discharged, sathoy will soon be mod, d on the preparations for the new breech ..triader. The fortnight's notice is given thernen to that they can have an np portunity 10:obtain Work elsewhere, and all' who VIII are adviSeilby Laidley to .tofurtherCm! au tio of the Work; ing fermis apprehended fig the present, at ;east. All thd men previously discharged but not folly paid, win be paid to-day up to the: day ot- leaving, as the bang expected furdo have . arrived fromVashington. As slant as the- discharged : men are pidd, pay. rut itt will begin. for February to those re . mak:item . thousand sat, ot cavalry eqlp. emote were yesterday bent to City Point, Va, end : rive hundred to-New :Orleans TLe Bidet-number of musketsin the arse nal:is nny f 838,924.—Springfield Republican, ila . . races In naleigh; llcitig Carolina. . hoiong the wane, sodden phanges of the last fv.leilarbet in prices is very striking. We can sesrttly 'realise saying so many bents for so , enty duller* : and then the occaidoned clink of ~il.rr almost astonishes. our. ears, so long no. arrnetometi to Stich sounds. • As-yet there baa I,rt n nothing brmaght :to market; but bacon formerly Elo.per pound s can now be had far,ten tnts. eptlee is fifty cents per pound, Instead a nt f?t,o,.emt, so on. These figures sant, strange t 5.131.. and 11.111 take. us • some days to become familiarized with them, bit no doubt 'we shall beanie adatnect to them with wonderful facility.: it Is soteeshiereageteable to learn; and tin , shall prose ant seholhas.. 2 .Clotentiielts, with a sprink ling of coin. have already made thritappoar.. Alm atormg - oar . eltlatha,mad Irtt-"lbelsthat we lave Morley - OMM word Warr selctst.: The feel . lag platbet ogrettabliwni, tos.'-Instead of ,bringhiscoirt merterso, mutat. II a basket and , 'Aiarrytng home Mir. purchases in.oarpor.ket„ wa mirk , to. Merle • „that la :fact starts tionino longer stares us in the face as it did , and my , feel - a' tut - veto. felt be fora In a Wag thnit.,rdirsiefgh..trogrart. , , , . • DIMAULTION, is.Paruznim —Yesterday alftemcion Clarky the psy hg; teller 'of 'the , Cknnmereial Bank, on Chestnut street; Stan Third; left the bank, elating that he wouldrettiht a few min et es.' Three o'ciocloarrivedi and' not re tuning ilimeninasinels was - reit; and after welting some. time longeririn investigation intn the accounts was Uttered 'lnto; when It was discarded that then In: Tate dffileit jr• stccOuntetki inner: The invest' .ration was continued up to I.4teliipAr last might, but the exact_sizunitf could . not,tbe ascertained, and it is that it will not fall phortof .) tws hurt tedthousand dollen. Mi. Oink, the, mlralu'gteller, bee heeti in the employer the batik some twelve always enjojedthe • Wein aid nonfldencif of the officers of the lrbritution..--;;Phils. Ledger, Mar 2d: , . Its.wettgiain ez Xxitoo.-4 shock of an I.4thquake at the City of Mexico o the 27th of lifarch...ciused . great, COnetneenOtl aintng the. inbabltanta_zT ,he whole VAT rests upon a volande 13100111ml= not much mote stability - than htantinulian's throne, sn we may,. therefote.expeet to hear of tel. b ur ip afrffelt as polttleallilstuilnatoes to that direction:' , Suciontsrion.—The Christina - Register suggest., that, instead - Of 'Willing sli or efg4t nioanmenta, Ors' =honor of - President Lincoln already prcdecte4a single monu ment blibuilt over his remains at ;Spring field, Ilk, and tbstLincolo Home" for dia. elbleooldiers be bnllt ln. eilt . the principal. • . Tni.r ate coining at - ibis PldlaletplAla mina ftethino.cont plecei,lrtdch are nude of niOkel,' and aro little larger ; than. the firel mut .allrer • piece;, of yore. The asw wtll.aoon bola . 'Txtrati but : a hard thee of it.. Settled by till 0.. c old rascals c( the States forty years eitoi rite to to be the receptacle otall' the .°4l°l ones PclitelTnt I le 'proposed to, buy Ford a Wad* es. vet, It, and erect a' monuseent . :them, ~To eyes operiA as at , plem Of =wawa! maid wo* seete,Elke ascrllead., tle t 1 diedinLond w o gen toan neon y 114)4 the effects of estiag Ramon hot crows: r Tas liostpo Zbet gain. that Os iiatt . 'real *thiaebtukticamrcataduguy DAL Biirausi M fiaviztaak fiat toed oporeritoo, COO 01 Co o *Oeo 4 .Po l ohr. Wm( ppr t ' . •... tilE3l,o V I' o3 4 '0 CA:b. 1% wrier. tri rtiorbvs mzrevtili at Ma 1-O.TrEL LAY GAINTS n3vir; UNION BALL. BROADWAY, New Brighton. 741. ET eABBATIL AVTERNOON. 7th 'sad, at 9X - e*e.ltelt. The &Idle ate respeettully tutted to attend. 'n.Y44 NYS ONO MAIM (ALLEGIUSIIIT) BOUNTY FUN D.—Tho nowpaylng nub scribers to said lend can [Are so oppertualty of essmulus It at B. Allseferro.,'• (Ulty Treasurer's) °lnto, end camellias any error, In the list wnlah sill res'sln In said omee for ten dap. after which ONO It will be published for one week in the daily papery. By order of aprelled THE MEETING COUNTY IDNlsiel CON VENTION.— The loyal men of Allegneey tousle, 001111. prising the Union party, are remote] to assemble at the places of holding eleeponsin their. Ward; Norcnsne, Townships sad Precincts respectivel.T. on SATURDAY, J 1966, end cleat dell:rites to repo-sent each dissect atoresald Ina UNION I:IONTEN TION, to be field la the Mart House, In ritl•011201, 011 TUESDAY, June Eh, at le oltlott A. N., for the purpose neetinatice Union tlaket and transectleg seen other enplanes am may to prid.erly.brougbt before It. -I Pe eleOlen of delegates to the Wards and Bow curbs shallbe by ballot, betweea the Loan of lout and serum o'clock r. a., and In the Townships be tween the hours ef font mutely redone r. BI order of the rton si E:ag i tae rro, miaOoltteA . sew ttartea. apta .IrEW` wIDIERTSSEJWAff'TS. FTIZIND—A LAE/14S' POISTMONAI.II, aontioinings row oollors an. an ankle of Jew elry. can be b tl by ezoboltu doresiption to P. V. Bo:Matto pnylog for advottbilog. to)64t J. F. HEELER. MUSICAL IiEIIEARSAL. —The °hole If the lbetentl Presbyterian church. illlegke. , (remer Lamm: end Andersontmeta,) ttl Ore a Public, Rehearsal on THIS ( FR I DAY ; EYE. NINO. th bib t a ct. WWl/ at , 6 o'clock. Me members !ow th eca the Vocgrecatlon nae Friends also lb. , lilt In abbe obursturs In both cities. MfMEMMM TON VITIANAN' NATIONAL 8AN11,4 Firr.nuisolt. ddf THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS Of this 9ANK have this dss dottared • Dish dr slit II N Pt II I'M'. T. on the Ilsottsi Stoat. free rzw-nt lax. payOlc to the , ts•kholtiers r their least representatorrs, on or alter the 15111 o. J. F- RR.t TIT, Ir.. Mohler. !ORGANDIES, SILKS, IRK/LARDS, PLAIDS, RICA DRESS GOODS.! DATES t BELL, EMSI=2 iIEAtTIFUI,,ItESIDENCEFOKSPLLE • •- —Nituared near to •he Allegheny Ulty line in l'air erne Borough. Lot fronting WO feet on the Tutur Road and calendula bug lin fret to e 'Troy Bill Road, on ernkti is a FINE LA RUE I Bit h 11W I. 1.1.1N0L, nearly new, containing hall• and len rooms, nicely to range.% largo covered Pot rh IL how, and cellar under whole hone. The I ot I • roroir .1 with Ormonent%l Trees grid Shrhh berg, Fs hit Trees Grapes, and ere Garden; Spring co tin neat Water. FL MoL<t & w Fourth ottomt (LILTS, ALL SIZT:S. FLAICT , ELS, ALL RINDS, FRENCH ar.ot, CORSETS. BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS. BATES & BELL, ny6 11 Filth street NEW DRESS GOODS .7013.1. COP J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. 1ie..71„ N.& Mew Faulk nil Ruth IRL Plaid silk% Fancy Silks, Victoria Glaze, Paris Mohair, Organdie Lawns. French Lawns, Jaconette Lawns, Mesambiques. Mantles, Shawls, steaks of all AMU of we and One of the geede to the eft, SECOND NATIONAL DANK! Of Pittsburgh, Coiner of Zang' and Liberty:Streets, ise.Sal Acosta of Say Cooks for the isle of Elicr SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN T bis Ls 'Wetly ttir Peoa•ea Loan, sad La big kb" ward at the rate of about. lee =Macaw aar. Three bon4. bear an Interest of arvvb Clort.tir lmor =my each hundred dells" aed ate convertible el ensue. city , into ti. rite-Tleatr Six Per Cleiat (3eld Bevieg Emcee. • oaniniotero. wilt be allowed to Blake. Belittle, and Bicker., oho purchase - for rotate. C. H. BIGGS, Cashier CROICE bREENHOUSE *ND BEIDDIRO PLANT IN GREAT VARIETY, , At the Oakland Greenhouses. & A. arum pooß. OsMood and .144... Liberty Starbei, MU tot o areenhotooo'nEtoon minutes. Illtordalorstoo - • . NEBAI, NOTION. • • • .11tON Orr/ „FORGE, ti 'Joao lieiiei.Yr.► elope : Iron Company, ' thf. -been •oesolidatal, mit MIIVI 0061. .farmedaay dWOO, fh. g•Mna: alleufaSuilair veil Prow/hauls. • • • _ CAPITAL, woo - Elm same stele el the • el emarmayte be mon% IRuN KILL% •ANDIVEW :CARMAN& President Delta boa Mils. TROILAIS CARNEGIE, TP -ANDREW KLOMAtIf, 'hammier end Chang eaMulatemeet. OBBOLUTION OF-PARTNERSHIPS. -LA —The Otta ot XLUMANN la PHIPPS; "Iron tltti Forge? bas tbia day beau dtesolved by mu• tuel mascot, iftberparty_ to use the Arm's name Ala 'auk:seat._ LNIIIIEWIMONIKNNi • ' • - • HENRY PHIPPS, PrZ7IIIII7I4IX, Mtn Wed& .r• ciiroupps nom cromPlair loto Usti, v daoent dbooxved. , Thos. N. Millar, former Pita. tde4t, win attend to all unsetthed bodzieso. • • AY - NYE'S* tilin.zei •I 3.6.inerrsEws, • lietsams of no OyolopoleserUompuly: : W DRIED' WIRMA2I PEARS , N .I.‘ Loose Mauelotol But.a . Ys. hut. and :Tan. . of !lads. out up thy bett Style Also, sratry,ll7alto.' platimh • "I "` via sirup e %People", Canal tis...Ml : .Auepta 7 alb,. mt. erritter , 11 1 4 :4 FiLu ABELYAL er apOoffwg CARRIAGES; BUGGIEUERAMIMATORS mated. soir , •iiiplati la Watt ityp And Prisioeholesal•asetresaikat ; , - -,- , . 1 R T C/ 31 4SPE 6 ..,OPMESNY; tipecial'lreeting thi litOchho*!ta -''ts tile Closipaay rlll to simian tialiDlit bie at to. • oek r. 1111.. at De. ID, BURLS% • • Mai ►dna. . • . - - , 414 D. 1110111 0 601 t, • / 1Q . .11003 .- 884(8888' ;-:80 • Pa :.I "Pa nye been nineqg BAWYBE4 B • ' ; ' SO P tor mit Bre.seassoulk ow nabirmith . oat 'bet Woo AU% it issureflor bag? AMMO it its mit Owl fpF ; Sollst use Stmloi L purromil t; , 4 " 1 t"'° B"it**a4l4lo,4 a7.' , , , -- RbLginc-460 boximis, 41 °nutty. , I na t ainazymr,., bang" • &ids r m. or . viiii:lP•Rn 109 Fon mix COIL -I_:.A.ivros AGRICULTURAL PRICER A Tract of 590 Acres of 011 Territory, situate on. Decker.. Creek, near Morgantown. West Virginia, within a few miles of the Riser and B. t 0. Ila Woad, abounding la COAL, IRON 01LT.,, LIMESTONE, BURNING SPRINGS. will M sold at a bargain, If applied for soon. There are OIL wr,L,Ls being bored In the Ist• mediate vicinity, with Road prospects of so ors. No property in the market caws better prospeots to enterprising BY Companion. Will be Sold in Pee. Title Indisputable. B. B. BRYAN. Broker, No. di FOURTH STR*ST too UNITED STATES 7-30 1-O.A.INT. This Melly SAFE, PitOFITABLE AND PAT Riurle tic.ot It/TY, to for sale to mums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO and $lOOO AT VIE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, ll] II 8. Government Depositary, FikCAL AGENCY. It is bored Peery Man nod women who wishes the r IA the Cool , try mud Walt •hetoretottwot, wall prompt!. t.orceaer. U S. The2,l3UltEll , , tut - rotted to loveatora, payable at tan days n Alet., beano' SEX E'ER CERT. INTEREST Intereat snowed oa sight and Ulna eepoitts • agins4.o3t. GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS al Marl Ili Hasisesi Ilhisket Pries. Tills tank offers every Iselin , ' for all one bus iness of tias snd attends to bar regnLx de positors liberal dlsootuata JAMES O'CONNOR, President. DII7III, Ciattier SOLD BY AGENTB ONLY LIFE OF ABRAII4II LINCOLN yreeeatlng hhl early history, political career sod @peaches. In mad oat of Ueogress t else a yet era else; of his pollee is ihe.hleat of the Vatted State*, with his Manages, Yroehuastlone, Lettere. eta., sod a goodie history of the War. BY JOSEPH H Banaerr, Coombelone, of Penalows,,Weahlnitott. D. O. The work la Dow prlnved to . Itroo., pp. 61S, but te to to reproduced in eo Bro. enlarged to about IVG pap.merbentshed with the gest portrait wabUstunt, esd humerna Wurtrattrote. Owe trot, ego., cloth. Dice IS OS. PART L—Contains Kr. Lincoln's witty Lilo and Politic.] Hisiocy. PART IL—o tobodies thee rents or the first Rune yrcro of hie Adolph, rat lea: PART lll.—Wdl contain the blotto,' of the last yam , of ids AiocusloicsUon, sod Use parchaulors of ids Crave and lamented declass. MOORE, WIISTACH & BALDWIN 25 West Fourth lit,Cincinnati 11111 - M., W. et It.. publish to tint, on plata paper. , 41= a lha most nosed, aceurats and per. PORTRAIT OF. PRESIDENT LINCOLN la thi market.. Rhnielf, family and telerela pro. noutvad It the 6/3/11t ham:cis that use been pro. Wed. Ratall.prtca, MO ream ilar Agents wanted everywhere yor Book sad Poitratt, Who should apply to In Fourth 'streak P ttabergh, Pa. UM hoar. from! tot treloen.. tnyln•rd MORE/6 F. WARD, Manager. AIIRABAN LINCOLN Aso A mr..evr.larariza. from the ottoinol oletoro pmented to Mr. Gum. pelt by the President. Photograph of President Lincoln. The yerpsdadrabla.Dtotograph of our lainsatad Preinoent and Ida son Thorium, familiarly knowa as "Tad," irsr2Jrow• RE.. or The original of ibis interesting plotting was pro moted by. btr. Limoin to Cf. Clumped, Esq., of Ptitiadalobia. As to tbs ardirraay of this portrait It Is enough to say that it was recanted by our FALLLIf sod those most fasallisr witit hist. as TILE BHT 7,LECENIBEI EXTANT • CHARLIE DPSILVER, Publlikez ISM (Thealnut. Wen, Plutadelplus. JOHN P. HIIBIT. Nio wirra 67., ■&soma new. nit -MA) BM AIALREALINGOIN L . , 1M tuna Teller aad all Eruption' ea the iS DONT, ID, elasialasAusa praserriag the LOAM II • NAIN B TOR= AND DRffiSING. Is ID restore Gray lila. 911ALLINDERGEIt'S ~ Y ETER AND AGUE ANTIDOTE for the ipttay, aate asul teal ears Offerer anal/MA JOHNEONNEMNEUKATIO CONFOUND, tor ids erreetai elms Cl Rbermattsea.., . . . . . .ITht. 3AT tirla EXPEUTORANT, a no rum, forj chronic or cowspon, tdougba, always an ha n d for WI at the • Otrrni:AL DEI7O STORE. 'Orin Otto &ad redsrai 'in itsrigiut - 4 ... OEUROE: A. SELLI. E" DIG,WOOLBLAIR, ILEGIMSR& 00. Real Estate Agents, and dealers in OIL AND MA I. LANDS in Penang'vanity Ohio and Virginia. WIDoe No. 8/57 (114 oar) LIBEItTY fla REIM I rnlsatnioh. Nr al c a x .. - 47. 11 1LIrc i futo erasfa h ACA, H 8 Dor. COMPANY •wlll. meet. os,MONDAY. the i lMA da t of Map, 1666, at 10 o'oloek A. at., at titotoMoes of BPANEF.AIHALFANT &Oa., 'Water ernes, 1A Um - City of , Ploonuritit, to otpalso and eat a , PreliMeat and. Mt l'lreotOtalcroerve wall tbollat Monday of May, 1866. __. L .. • __- • , NATHANIEL 11 1. 11 AIES1' I .TUMN W. OHALPANT, ..._ .. . . YAMPA O. LEWIS. . . Str , NO , WAX CREAM AND Akilira ALES. i .Phirtstx Steam, ,Brewery, 1i44:17d vlrrseuizem PA. & litoKArti ABIIINGTON ST ' REV—AII persons' -Interested gar. oolleml thM the uneermgloo VI ars•llPPoinlea to view- ood VMS. Osmome I T g olt b referOd t f" 21 . 1= 1 ;,!;rCor a rfl a ror ; r t 'm EAT Litty Intl meet. on me Tremolo, oil Tino LA ;May 1R lOW* Illti ohtlook Al M.; to folell' the Mk. a thodrapsommome.. - n , lii;t- -• ry.uaßi,T .n R w i . lins ~ t AItDIN( • 0 175 &SDUBZT MEM o soomicep; titbit brew . WARDSMI .ftrA.*ol/0 tuft. MFI N6 .AND . 5TAMP1116 ,,. ./01) 'BlOlDiNi. DONE TO OUD>dB iffrs. IL , /4 NOBLE, tom* of Itlngt.a• - aai veueretzte4s.' spittirr S. arNtir .1 1 6 i L' Pittsburgh, Pa., Mar 4th, 1247; *OTICE IS lIERERY GIVEN that the —following amounts of. Executors, ,Asbnintss 4ratewa, Civardiatia, ho., have been duly pass.' la Said Reglatcr'a Omoe, and will be presented to the Orphan's Court, for confirmation and allowance OD littgipAY, Ju, e ath, 1865: daces at of Ttiomai Penner - adelnlatratat Of Samuel idtnundesn, deseased..who was executor of 141111 a. Edituatilson,deseased. Filed Febrzary 27, kV. DINO account of Martha t rtFla, annanliaratrix `apt. E.,' Brennan/. dm: d. Filed Meru. I. ,)06. PrrtloiAecount of Matthew Eiorards gad John 1%1 Iller, samlmatrators of Jod co'd. 1.11-4 ?dotal 2 1E.66. Account of V. llltsm Thwithouae, adeolnlstr•tor of 301.12 T. Poeta, deed Filed March 2, 1665. ileac not of No thaw Hall. quardi•n of i.oulaa Idatiade ea, war or (Mild of JosephalaFaddeo, dec.4. Fattl ZdAlati 6, IIC6. Aga not of Janice IT. Bell, adm , rdstrator' of Ruben Bell, deed. Flied atarob 6. *565. - . . • Areoutt of Mary S. Fr uer, eeneu rtx of George rue, ,emed Ftted March ti, 'n 1966. Mel necount Of William t A.l ommen, exceu• ror M r f John Creighton,ee: Flied March 0. tiaM. A mount. al Robert Dev i One of the exeeutoie at 'rho de !d. Mardi It, HOU. Float and goal eccount cif Somenbino Schmidt, Mental at Joseph Sahmldt, deett. Filed Horeb 11, Ifire,. Account of Samuel Edmundton, taiminiettatOr of Issas Edmondson, deed. Filed Mame 13,.. i . Aecouot of U. B. Wilkins, ex. autor of Ls D. But Moron, deed. DM Bomb 13, US& F trial Recount of WWI= J. itutfolan. aalinials• Water of bar, Hufftene, deed. Film Almon tfl, MG& Fa al meouet of William ' l..llutnan, admlnle trate!. 01 Henry Huffman. dee , whoever guardian tho minOr Children of Lewis alternan, deo'd. Flitd hd arch 18, 1865. Final account Mary F. station. exeluirlx of Aquills burford, dee',l. Vilest otareh M, 1818 t nod tool account of Spoon Ifllaefelter. admit! ttttt tor of J. lillnefalter, Br., dee'd. Filed Merril 21, 1685. Aecneut of John 11 Mentor; Truetee of Jacob ,11.. rller, d e'd. Filed Slate° 91 865. Account of Joel , h Aber, Abner W. Bedell and tier t.. Pollock, rxerut•ue of isrob Aber, deohl. • haw.. execute of hon. fdarrhoa.deo'd. Filed :11ktrb ,a, 1%). ACOOMA of Jewel Ge Ingh.r end Freak Demo, e%ettli.oll, of George Mullin dee' I. illed erola 17.1114. Aeruunt of /label t Fleadereon and William Hill, ex....tors of Alexander Earsman, deed. Fi le 11 a ten :a, MEd; Acevunt oi John lbotnn. executor of Mafia 42e0c... Vlk 114 ch 20, loaf I. 21 al nor.runt of (lathe, Me Iml 'l. 14,122 - 13 k of l Fltoolick I,lll.2ekt , aum, deed Fact/ A p. 211, 117/5 F•t, .1 ..4.vount of John P. Ile.ttty, witallatttrator litthert Itretty, dee'4l. riled A.pril t, Accuubt w. Mnry Jane Fnttlnron. ndminintra. la===il Aecoant of lirnry M. Sav +re, ndatlntstrntror of otK et 11. s , der .1. Filed A ',di b. 1415. Artout t 01 ank trlr. 4,1 John lialleher, cot,* of talon Mom eo, ' , kiwi April 5, Account of Elizabeth Pitny, x. trio, and Alma Kai l'aitesaon, CULOI .11a3r,eleold i'vyl A pill G. I hiL iivent.ut of Ci.nrles c7dmore, h...lrulnlityttor V. I linm Iluichnvn, Jr , GetTniii.l., who whi wil- talon train , liircriman, Sr, deed. Filiti A. ril a, 186,1 Ac. omit ANT, executor of Jacob Aber. died. Fi.0 . 1 April G, Final necoutt of David Vrew, gunrdlco of (ico. pugnie Irani April 7, leen. 1'•u,o1 account of Ellgstoth Logan, ad ntotern ufn of floc id I ognu, doetf. Ell,l Aptil 8. 11%6. AccouLt of Ileury W. Lane, a tmtolatrutor of 0,1 I 11. Lusa. ilre'd. Fled *full It, iBfiS. Acocout of J. 61. Fr.fultend, golrotolntrgtog of . cc loot lot Tioeter. deo'd. Piled Aprll 13,1165. moc,unt of R. H. King, cxeoutor of Hobart ,'ford.. .le. '4i. AP , 11l lah. First and final ...count of W. 0. Ilswkias, Jr., .. ministrator of John X. Montgomery - , dar..J. Flied Apia IS, OWL Account 'or Orono Thompson and William Barnhill, executor@ or William hornbill. dada. Fli.d April 21, Won. , Account of harbor, A. Alurroy, edmialstratrlit of William Munn) dined, Filed Apra 21, 122.5. 15 1 .. r Account of Willis - I/ y. execute.: of James Jetts, deed. Filed A 11l 82, 1806. Flits/ account of t: lea W. 111allsory, admin • istrator of John A. rlieury, aio . d. Filed April V, 1503. A.sount of-Starts Slebards, aditslolstratrix of W 'Liam Illseards. dee% Filed Amil 2/ 15'3. Account of h. McDevitt, exceator of William blot evitt. tre'd. Filed April 23, 1565. Flood arc :out of William A. t.hnw adrelnistra. tor of emelt Corpenter, dec'd. Flied April 23; inii3 Amount of John e.. Fleiner, executor of John h. Fenner, area. Flied Api11a6,1561. Account of .lacure 1...nine..7r.. corentor of Ju. ' Lautds, Sr.. deed. Filed Apr.l 211 laat. 1 lon I a:count of Itohert 14ohb, executor of filch. aloe tinny, dro'd. Filed Mny I, taxi. An:trout of IL M. Westervelt. adohniotrater of LI. It Westervelt, deed. Filed M. I, 181.3. Acrourt of Robert McKee and Peter • , rooe. ne e lotetraton a Hoary thoio, Jr., derv. Nay I, Ma Aecoast of lreblUall Bryant. ezeoutig ot , Oeo. lathray, deed. Filed May I, ISGS Amount of hllehaal H. Elyeal), exeetitor of Jae rob Burline, Eve& Filed May 2, 121.5. ACCOUDI of J. A- Miller, one of the exam:den of Jona bill. dra'6l.. Tiled Xay 2, MS. Account,.( Jboeph McConnell. administrator of William Xceoianoll, deed. Flied 'Kay , 1%3. Account of ft Miler, Jr., and Darid hi. Long, executor. ca Sarni. Lung, deed. Filed Hay I, HA& Aceflout of Weetry Woodruff, adaletatrator of S. U. Woodruff,den'o. Filed May 3,194. .L ocount of Am Solsod, dinfolatratrtz of 'John Fetteud,d,e'd. Ffied-May 3. , 80. Alveuot of Itaatd 0000, nuardiw of tatoor heirs of A. L. Almatenoff, need. Fated Mar a t . Ace..w.t. of Johann. Ileddaeoa, admlnlat atria Auolon Itediacus. deed Fded May 4, I al: Aecouut Henry 0. Meyer, utmletetrs ur (de &Alfa eon) of William Meyer, deed. Flied ay 4, oisu. Fitat ar,couut of John R.•Moßelelf and Wiliam M. PleKe , vy, adictriaartators of Mug% 3141pMer, decd. }Ted May 4. Ma. Mtelat Of if knOOTTemarroicriudign of too m am L...ireof John Richardson, dea , ,L. Fated May 4, lea rink' actount of Witabetb Walker, ad lAtilstra t.,A of S S. llerfiott, deed. Filed May a, 4881. Amount of Mary fr. Oliver. atomata*, of 4a004 ()lifer, dee'd. Filed May 4, 18x3.. WAL J. aIeIiARDSOS, ter. stl3l3.lttla3tw It F. CUSTOM HOUSE, U. „ Port or PrertetWOß. r. Br W.VOlt'a lllrrica Moe A I{ , ORO i Noll. J. Sweetly spree thet St:ALA:LP PAUF . O.' SALo, sotomplualid by prober g ~,,, tors, reword. tralto terms totetatahhed on applicetran to this ca., will be rewired thErefil, until Is Welaik Ma I ma.. OD the 4 at Tumidity talinle neat, for the I amply of the Muting Moabite!. near thil city, with Ike articles of Preview., Medloleas, ao , indmerated to mild forum. The trisaititas stated ere: estimated with reference to the usual member 111 pedestal la the inwpitai, trot M. Salted States I eyes vs the right t• take more or len of sald aril dee actordiodly, no they may be eatuaily required. 11 tie err lan delivered at the Iloapttel era not, In thejudgmeat of Phratatan of rho beat gust. ity, awl adapted to the Homdtal, ho will best lElp arty to telect the same, to purabare other ertlolee Sari, steed. end to charge the eon' rector with an eneres in the end ovtr the contrast price. • Martett Sates revery. the right to aacrept theibroboaela for the whole or any portion of the arUeln &beetled. ... CMAMLES W. neronzton, niyi wawtd Surveyor sn4 Agent. T 1 ..t RUM SLACK, . D RUM .. . I have on Wmd a large assortment et . .• MOWING MACHINES, 1 . • , . • ~ . VEC0111.8331 11.43.1X.1H151. , .. . Straw Cotters, Scythes and Hay Rakes, . . AT • _ .. No. 48 and 30 OHIO EITRIPET, ' . . . , Sys.. .. . AW.1:0113141T, w L ot tl i il PIPS AND , . .. ... nrccemnas. it GI:ECO% rTcp: me =mart malisth '4t... CI 1 • INTIMATI, 0 0 • . . Pilate to Orde'PIPZIVAND eaEET9 W 'any retired weight and pie. ' ..-i bi : , , - ..: I PI _, calibre _l Inch wre W t o rti l l tnet'r... S Za ver y ' HT PIPE or Hydra e Edwin/II ler aim. a wells. e would espeelally askAnerlattentlon of Inm re so 4 Proprietors of Oil Works and Oil ally hinsmd 1 ' MTH & ALEXANDER . , • i , • - . BVELDEB.B . AND CONTRA 88, :., 1 Havlng-Lately-,:ftem9ve , i• . . . _ . 1 169 and ° 111, LESCOCK STREET . :t . A5ic , 100327 cat?. - , . thee up Trodi t4i furnish all their anstameta sad ;:e - elle fensttoly with -FLOURING goaffms, r.r, trOoES, 'FRAMES, VCNIIIAN and p nik.t. snurrran, mouLumas - and OIL T NA Ilt Wade to order , and constantly on hand. Stroll nowttgond Bracket' Ilnlahad aomplota. no:Mad . • pax DALTON •• . ' •. ~ 1 • FAXILY AND atmtur&onianio KiNITTING.IMACHINE, dinplent, and lion effective if.nittins pine/dui tairanted. • • laintuatiods - trim , Oalk,and • nee - In o Pnritia• "" nd !" c l all 4o ,W " 14- 4 , ~.__3l;,'cairlums.,... i G"t...kmarr,!, vfprr4 F r, ~ .. .instal' ; , , .. .. .riwitiilth. tIOR.-BOORS • -OP SUBSCRIP TION TO. THE • 4,IAPITAT. RN WC Of the TIOPAL Ti , AffiPORTATIUN nose PANT, be opened - at ;bottoms of the WWII of Tradt. So CFO/ Of'PstlboWb, 0 0 WOZZAT 'the Lid day, at Weloolv.k.'w,litid' 'root, =0,411. W. N /A %be noloollsosup,moiloo,:.---....,, nti. R; in IC: SIMIIw,„. - HVADLETi sooROINERGTE. YR. fiIIAZOR ArFIIO.3IZ.It 4 b la I al a 4. W. LECI2IOII- ~.NOTIOIL —Alt .. Bragg: ".- TION, for Pretideet sae Meat.' blteeteea et the P.LlibliblEhlf OAS 0031 P Ale Y. rill beheld et b 0 filet, htt XONDAY. bleyLb.l6ll%. ., _.•:. • tee'. ' I AI3. biAItSUAZI4 Etetteent. • ... , . =7ZI U NITED sTA'pze. Bytantkority of the Secretary of the Trenedcy, the thderalyned ham eeeumed the General Sub audition Rena for the sale of United States Trenatul Notes, bearing seven and three tetras per dent, blare - at, per annum, known BA the Seven-Thirty LoaA nese Noted are lamed ander date at Zone atlx, IBA are payable ibree Years from ow time. earreoey, or me eonvertlble it the OPtiOrn of the holler 111t0 U.S. 4.20 Sh Per Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS, Thee. bonds Rs worth a preteloak which In creases the actual rodt on the 'an Wan. and Ito atimptioa from State and outaitipa tiatoutaa Wad, seta from one to New sn cast. mars, according to du rat* looted on emu propene , . The merest is Made semi-eantuday by eoupoas attaaaaa each beta, will& mss be cat err and sob! to say Yank or banker. The Inietan anlollllti to One cent per day a• a $5O note Two cents " , " $lOO " Tear 46 . ill 61 NI *5OO 41 20 .. Ila PI IS $lOOO IP Notes or on coo deoomlnatloaa mimed will Do promptly hirstlahodOpon receipt of yaborrlptlona. THE ONLY LOAN IN MOOT now uttered by the Gorertorunt. and It I eon& gently ezpested Met Its superior advantsiota I=l Great Popular Loan of the People! Lea thao eseopo,noo of the Loan authorized. hz the lent notions remain In the market. amount, at the rata at .ratan It la being !goo will ail be sneocrlbed for within tout mantra wnen the Mee will undoubtedly command a premium. sa hw wafers:2ly Mee the ewe ea Maytag the eirbeetipttons to other Lam. In larder that the mittens of every town sad mutton of the emintry may be afforded Etellttlee tor taking to. loan, the National Bantu. tit ate Banks. and Private Beaken throughout the won. try have general agreed Is receive sebocrtutlo= st per. Subscribe/it will select their ova agepss, to Whoa Cher Lava 000tkletot, ostd who war an to rewootorible for the delivery at Cho notes to ',Lid' Wry realm ortees. JAY COOKE, &ascription Agent. PhiLsdelphis. Sutelttptlean Will he reeetrecl,by the 1171 Minna IBist, ritsafaz% • Beice4 • 'lira • • INtrat • • etlilsm's •i . , rd.. NaasPesiltsUoasi Sask. rttesbust. fa littsbusli !Missal Mk et Omium, • .-- trim lair • *ammo • .• flzisers Beiret 0 kleettaales • • Pelee • . kfiesbeil . ' Myles. • Berme . •• .. VIM . lif AliColll7. NittlioulavrT HOUSE FURNISIIING GOvDS. GEO. W. HIJELEE, 618 . FEDERAL BTREET, ALLICGWMIr. -.- . Ti sow pzepotted to °Ott to Ids crustinaln sad tie lAA tit oenoutlly the meet yomplotft oloortmeat of ntrltWoll lowtotiK'd to the /loos( . House Ftiornishing - GOods, - wide* has ou OM hold offense feats say:: addlu L his re tatlon_es wanshistarer of. • •h 1 dealer e tn TlN pu , COPPER a AND RELENT IRON WARE, IifirTTANIA WARE, 1111,1110. EHATOIIS, WATER 0001,ERS * 13111D GAGES, ete u .ete be bee Oat rettenten itout taw Easters eh len with a fall line of , WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ' TABLE.AND DOOR IRA I'S,. BROONIs, Wht/eKS, .mtrisays. OLoTliEn LINES AND elftS, UHLLDREN'S OARS, TEA AND oorrEE SETTS, DINING ROOM &TOILET SETTS, TABLE CUTLERY, with an endless variety of artistes ' compering all V!ns le th e bee t . ten l.lektell Rae, winch gannet and elsewhere. He' Writes the attention of the . publio, aril will be pleased to show Lis gonna SOAP I BOAY 11 SOAP I I t—The CHEM. ' ioAL ouvm ERASIVE .80AP. macrame tured by R. C. re .Y. H. SA WYSS., Ii seknowledged to be the most servieeshis of any bled yet offered t the public. Its superior Mammy.* Cr. found In ;Re cheapness, suing at labor, *m1.14 earny in removing gnus., paint, tar, and without io nizing Us - WNW to the tout was damaging the hurt. AtieUtY of geed& It cod b o b s. nrakwah All Wads oz water. • • Reference is made with Pleamrs to the sutdoinel oettineata. ernanatiat from gentlemen well known In this community. and was had every heillty at. , failed of seeing It Italy andfairly tested t Qawarrtasterrs Depubeent of Me TaVii, yklefersa sal Fearreadfillegfarste rt. var.:. clad Climatal Cites Emirs Soarharind Nl.a used Van' estensimily in our regimen -twee ha no hesitation in eertiftiar that %wait found ad trebly adapted to the user the soldiers, and. Wadi the most' Superior Soap Which retald be pr to ihenenfse: . MESS A. RILLS. i. e. lab Reg. . . ALEL IMRSYTR. aorta:master lith Reg. K.MOOREIRAD, riartameaster UM Bag. haur wed fla;iferrs tlhenclad 'ißratire Soap f the past twelve months; and believe ago be ,most ecreornical and satisfactory soap that ties Introddced to the American pulls. • • - , ED. EICRENBLUL, ' RoUsvidarerliotml,_Sh m elor TowniMb • . • 4 ,, lourOcnaty..ra.. • .i d esers B. C. 4 .111" —. . tlamter , ;. r ldi Radii have your OlismiesiOlitre Eradrellosp the ecreersi merino, and Save toned it up he what Rhea hue rersentaL, For Using-in hard water thsythlak it superior to en, soap in use. • . 6.'11 LUTA Etna; Alinghestr 054 . tEr -t-- A Y Bit r VOID THE DUST AND 8110101, ours METALIB VELUM& STRIPS AND I n^Nndow B . . , . . ;wee terminable ':drlps 'hi . summer Udall) ea el d in e , olugt r ot inu t l i m i rAte l o u rdoor id en! n tredLet - no se eat atmoyanee ,of stag.. , eer beUTildrat• ni above elelps'irllle . 00mpletilylitted un by Vi ITB & ALEXANDR; No. sea and 171 Lea k street, Alimileay City. the above ftraharst th reclusive right In Allegheny Musty. , ' mired .. I of T2. 3 .89:in s ?Jr,' - - th Boman vat:oil:S. 1 W 1 1 0 . 1,,,,,, ~.. lki W ulf Bengal:la k3o,f .' . ~ -7 —.— • el yef Birmingham. J _ • .1 4 IP ransxr COUNTY' si ' .. ' IFottoe la hereby given in prinuariee of an order of mild Court of °mambo Pleas of said county, made :tribi Ind day of April Li I). Hat, that aeon. sation_bas been made tO said Coast _prim Alteration and - Ainendment of !the charter of the above. °monition' lied an. le sa lose *pod ninon to the oon , rary is *holm the same will be greated at the neat term of saki Copt._ • . - 4 , 1.004 H. Wailirßit . .. .. _ . • Prothoaotarp x. OTIC.II - ;-,Tbe public are hereby'notilled . 1 .1 that se Meth of the' elsannil of the glonon. has Elver se rune . beteeen the mooed and third Oars, from the llatkoad glsidge, now selogrueetot iF;Perinsylnuila'Rallnied Compeer over that bekire. the , fLestAam. In the eoantyorAilm ii :::Witi be.naceesartlyobstrustest In potting up thg eunerstruottire' of the bride, for about ela frognUm HIST:OP. KAN, A. MINI. • 3 ;la! 'l ! Lr 'e allf twet a.. i l IBURB Y ---- . , t , Oline 8 r . j - i r i 4 Intß - ' TB Rt "° • A in T ! vairr 11118/LiZZA war.' *l. "'" aca uPErim..t,, iritrAm illesate ~ .1 .- . No. rucivstrw; 14!Hum ; B OUT car.wmo Tus&oco.4- 80 ire"' StionY VWPOt OWN ROOS Said Gad 4 11 . PA f 'AM "Vivo lITISE. , M, T 8 7-30 LOAN. *6OOO " OEO. W. HUBERT; d *FEDERAL RT. ALLEGHENY *V Uri a )11- iit7 I R 3.1.41.E.C7X.". GERVIN N Tits MO, Of Pittsburgh, con. BEKT.73 AND WOOD STREETS litaiTUS 40TELEIlt, President. ripRINGER HARRATittIi, Vies President. latiOttilL 6. ENDLY. Gunter. RI!!! ers m . Government Securities of all kind. bottetit and soli' at cturcat snide. As fiI.FXIA}.. 'AGENT of Jay Goole% subscelp• Smut will be received for the Piypular 7-80 Loan, This liion to oow bctn; absorbed si *the est* 8.000.000 nay. conTertillo tivatweaty brads width arec at PlellittlUdla ow. ki AWN. YETI CENT. It mends !tarn for Ito Ituperlor advao• tagn ma bo rot* • safe uo prolitoOle Invert. most ' lAINIMII IldalitittlOaa a Into Itenat Will !Wall:140d W all MOO= In GOVClllMela•CClllitillt. • GEO. A. FXDLY. 'Cashier UNITAD EITA.TES 7-30 I_, n, n. TIMID lllifieNAL Comes at Wood Etna and Virgin iller FISCAL AOENT 01 THE UNITED STATEN 0,4 SPECIAL AGENT 01 .iwyenoka, U. S. )1400 for the We ad the Seven-Thirty Loan, POPPLAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, - Only Loan in the Market CONVERTIBLE urro U. S. 6-20 871 .PER MUT GOLD 1:038JUDO BONDS M=EIC=3 I==l:= ON. Mahler. I. B. about Tumulus's Oswalt. ALLsoutorc Co., Ph., / Pirrasemson, April gist, L IN PURSUANCE DIP VW 21at TION of an Act relating to Allrghsayeatilitr, passed May tilt, 1061, ; Datrid Aiken, Jr., Treas urer of said county, harsh, glee notice that I will personally' or by deputfattered for the readying hums in the animal Wanis,.=:. ' it Townships and fleelnaga of min cottoLY, at the t ee g general elections therein respect :m:9l' l on the following w",g• L-1 °'elpak a. w. Filet Wird, Pittsburgh; iu n Ward, AVegheuyi East Birmingham, Sharpsburg and E.lizaheth bor. *what Elizabeth, Neville, South Fayette, Wm*. den, Pear, bLushall, Ross and Sawn Townships, 011 MONDAY, MAY 224, Second Wald, Pittsbough; Second Ward, 41.110. Sherry; South Pittsburgh, West Klissbeth sad Do. queens Itoroughi; Oreserut, Upper St. MIN 8.16. wfa Fratik.U., XsUaadles.. rim and Harries. Townships,. • - OH TUESDAY,MAT 23d. Third Ward, Pittabiargh; First Fractal* Third Ward, Alhishanyt Monoinabeht and Tarrartna i rarr ' 7171:14:Pits.j.fivd"L'.'n. Ulf WEDDIESDAY, MAY AWL . Fourth Ward. Pittsburgh. 6t%tk Ward, Pitt*. burgh besond Proolust, Third Wart, Allegheny; Wort Pittsburgh, " T serrickicy sod Manchester Boo; oriels; Finning, aloa Verases, Widths. WIS.' irlso. Slalom:I and Susi ill Door Toimships, • ON THURSDAY. MAY Roth. Mist Precinct. Filth Whirtl,i'ittaburen Seventh W ard, Pittsburgh; Ninth W.rd, Pittaburth; Flrit Precinct, Fonith Warl, Alleallenyz Flntlrreclnar, Dirmlnahata; VYnoi . Ware, Lawrenceville, ant flelteeeport Boricuatw North Fayette, Onarlieis Liberty. Collins, 1.71i1e, Ilaranton. and West Art crimps , ON .FRIDAY _ . KAT 28t h.. Second Pradnet, Fifth Ward;PWArifirtirEllittil Wird, Pittartupb; Tenth :Ward. Plttabazgh; de on4Stuet, Fault% Wad. Alliez.Uft_p; Second ,P Elna4ghamilElosos,d-•Wsid: rre.lo4. villa Temtsenknoevills Borcultoblusok Pitt, Pee Oles. Maputo, Shaer an d TOWN. TOW*. gt . r ON SATURDAY'', . . Sax months paidst tae Veen:der °Mee, within three from tie this fined in the foregoing dintrieta subjoins to 1. WE Pia. CENT. Din. tX)IINT, for prompt payment to any parson pay. g whole amount of OW; tars...• . NVlkeeler Sc Wilson Sewing Machine, Which should be considered by these who deem APT FAMILY SEWING- NUMB& p • re are having a post many Inquiries Pm Seto. tag Idathlnee from .vattotte parts of thi °pantry, and aa weoan not eanvettlently nits tothentallby mr, wit have, thought It proper to stop, Or opts.; lo Miomild to Wan In thli public "Maim; ' , No ba!re twat mainfiataxid by tbo rittelee ft Wilma Manufacturing Oompetty. and 1 / 1 1, CAA oaf in Moot to U. that It ta wtthea . WIO gairia mos aunt- put' outer abbot, .In pilot of electiveness and enlabi ae othet etaxentaboad or tt. itp.ti #ll, Audi la reit,* to tbs . amiTheat =OW! dpefe 'FPI! Company bitto dada lad air' ditmegthe /oft - Woo *Oahe. UV* taltddno‘aiet miaow . . Prpdtodliff ~chits, 19 . 3 P0i dO7 -VW* T.iA.4. 11 / lope trom.SO to MPS *be andlom vetoed mum oil. bat; In their bulimia them la over 1,0011,0011 b. . misted, and theyireep IMO menteimlasty employed mansfactattosjaitottbel; .TbitrptoniPurested Is tbe tame as that adopted In _the mastodon of stint; ovary pleads made to a gave. and to9No_. tpmatly'• the petit bf any liitldne may be Mazda posed with those of another nmetilne of the gams orebekld an aseldellt Maw the br:does pttt oat Immediately bet notated on I:pfdloation at tie 8 4 1 egitmn 40. 27 Pllik Bt, P#t4ntrgh trI it BRYAN; • Blom oi nous, Bona It ➢UL BM, wiLi. BUT itfp BELL =MX Here and in New York or Philadelphia Wuhatit furlhe eataige'd;iyi U' .rumirmazt, voliciaregaceisi .osioiltabedby As Xkialtiti of the itopootivo ettlos, •Vrrsstatiair Ltizs;-thissiocaii ui: =rue up* of which' is 10 or under, 134 oar Was. fli and op to fla,l - per act: 01.3t.oeka Oda tit to fas the sum of 12% cants for afar% al ow stool sailing* *Nor over, Maiffaunk r. ~. pri EW c 'YORE RATES—Oa Stooks, Use martM ft • of width tan or Aoqsr, To osata per au* BILADEL at PEabi leatTlit. and if coat ses. -- .. Onters *Slatted. • . ..,- • ,:. . '..., • ~..",-; T. • ..P a ''i; 11 4 Hoes: 8 ii:*.'io ,- clack 1 " No.' 59 POURSB 132703137; - exint Erns, max yams, SPIEL it BMW, - ROC erokers sad Roil Date hiate c e& keash, , !ad ire •=034“17 «61mur smants'w BT STEEL TBETW for iihity„ gay sad Orahi orally shape maks& , Cyr ' Hir iumtlonisan ammitactureati va Kul= alkilaltwr mur ZIGPVg. T OCENVUOWS JJ Cloth Lined and all Paper Collars. EATON. ZAOBUff & CO. A T om. 2:7 ski 19 3PISt SOLE AGENTS FOE LOCKWOOD'S CELEBRATED Patent Cloth. Lined and all Paper Collars., She gently nments co haat esibrtto ►ull atom,. went vital ►free.; Ihe trade trill to. aupplied fa any quantity at LOC;KWIKIVA , 11110 t: kly styli* theft orde r • tout, pushiest:Ts will save All otd re p l gttfaijiTtct dot to.- ►p® NEW GOODS. JUST ARMYBD,;= PANIC PRICESJ Good Cotton Hose for taullea at MO per, H a pe ere-atiteeed Linen Itanketohlete. mono 8 1 1 11007 neer& Mechanic., Conetas 13 per peer; Hapeaa Alemander'• Ket Gloves 41 per pals We bays also a splendid stook of - ' MUTE GOODS AN!) 12110110IDPD1ES. • Guipure mut Valentin Lines; Spline I.±l!aßonnet It Manna • limn Drees Trimmings and Ornamental. . Spring sad Summer Hoelerpead Glove. Of Fancy Goods, Ns**, Buttons ere Oeve decidedly the ledicat teen assotttaea• L. the city. Meet, the • • Novelties of the Beason. .u.n en Wide Belting and Becht Rase Fella, Lop dies Silk *carte, the (totes Et th Colin new styli of Flouncing.' eta., et. a full un. of GEDiLIGEEN'S ETTRNISRIGIG GOODS • I ! White Flirts from a up. • War Plaialiaata and Baulk= vrU.I Had; • veal arse ssacatozent, and Prices that Defy Conpeiition NACRE'S & GLIDE. JOB. HOME I t cp.; DN.ApiltS IN STRAW MID TOMMY GOODS, Ribbons and Bonnet Slibui,Plemeratel Trisandoes Embroideries, LreerdoodkHamikeimbiste, Vamp i Goodyßalmoral Slade, Loan' and.llisto o bathe Goods, Bead Olmpa itn4 119rElatnellta. Worsted Hattori and Gloves, Hoop ootrtoi No. ; tton. ono Moon Wailf, art, tom !relying Huh Vir SPAIJIG GOODS, which will be found-uneettal tractive. _ Havieg been purchased W OOLD SATES we can an SPECIAL ECEILERTS TO • D•71014:11.4002: 7:2#0 02:Lir - • . . afl times be found well eapplleiL. Illerthante,llTinny Pedlars;* the hblle ►ebg eonadmi that WO 103 Razz a- ' 77 and A BUM= srszar. T.HAVE JUST-ARRIVED PROM THE 'EAST AND sel.cted assorldasat at ,FANLTY AND STAPLE - GOODS, among wutok:. will he found a floe Has of -H In sottoa eol Bala., Gloves, Ribbons, blowers, Crape, Searfs.• Ocala's, and .11 the Aew itylss, includiug Rubles, Collars, to which' I particular rcall the attention -of the Louth.Madame DemoreaVs COrsai:ow • - Beep Skins. Laos and Linen Ilandkereh •ad l' Maloof eon, pew Swiss Seta, Lies Gape, es, .Barbs and Cloinew a, Breakfast Gape, Shetland; r. • Shawls; Ildies,Anew,) Lane In Crotchet, Lihesi k _'• Cotton, Shrew:, yalencienuesasd Polo% &pongee,: , • Wide Linen Late for Pillow Cases, limbroWerM of all kinds; Infant's Hobs., of ail-kinds; Blankets for infante; Ladies' /tidy l intntles .N=:,", Illswa , Bids; Gimp and- Steel . Bead Sets, _Sete, Cable Cord; Cod and Teasels, Tawsie ant Buttons In several new style.; alarm Jet,Stail.' • straw and "Anna' Chenille; Dna, alfiCitat Clanged Fringe, Straw Haw and Mamba.; : ternies In 14.0 e, Applique. Inc, SilltiGold Leal and Pearl, Fancy Combs, Oliryste Drop., - std. and - Folio, and a variety of other goods, to - •" wiaak I would 0.11 the attention of wy kind au h to; mere and the public . * - ap2ll • ALIOW MOW BY,ll2:YOulthattellt. THITED *PARTNERBI3OII S .—Vi, the subeeriterm have tall day entered taco a limo Med partnerthlp agreeably to the Act of Assembly of the COlt10401111r11.M.A;or Peamdivanll l ; app! ,,,, Idarelial; 113211 i and do hereby certify: - the name imd otyle under whleh MAC Partnembli to to es sondneted. le, S. Thtt the rtfteral nature of the buthrera. tended to be transacted, la the busineu oPltelletteg Carbon or alintral Oil upon ceftaln premises ate on; 'the AllertheaY River in Pitt township, At• • legbeny county. and State of Pennirivenla. S. That the general partners arePHILAS WEDS. affSEEGITt, whose phut orreildence la the toe. .. °ugh of I.asatewrillle, Allegheny county 'and State ,of Penneylawnia, and 'JOHN WEILER. : whose place of residence la the bonnet, county,, mud State. aforesaid end the Special Partnere a.: 1410710LaS J. HIGLEY,. whose place ot red. dews Is Lower St Clair township; In the soul and , State -aloteisld," and JAVIS•4 tPOONNS whom plane of residence. Li the Fourth : Walla -t ; Slily of flttsburgh, In ths county and State 4. That the amount of espital widehettell aping& Partner bad tontributed to the common stock Is ea- , t follows. visa said 'Nicholas T. Staley has sunttlbk Wad Teri Thousand D. liars In gash. and eald.fatoae l Monne, has Ito oontributed..Ten Thousand DOL. That the period at which said Partarrsidp as .^ to c M omment* Is thepe PIILTP DAN OP ARVI./.4 - .11. ••• D. e, and od the ri at which It tatonseneleate is . the FIRST DAY OF JibitlAßP, unless said Partnership shell be sooner t by ten days nodes in writing of Ida eLsotrotit= solve said Pa Merely, rebkh each of said pine' DM. shall. bin •the right to glen his respertnerei whereupon, end atter public, notice of sash Mao: lotion Mall have been died and recorded andpubt , hard. In scoontsnes with the premieres at the. Inhalation &the Art' of Assernbly Mraie %aid.tir Partnership shall be dlasolese. ScrELS , MlSP.l3l:lZl4lckie,a p ertm 51iniaLle " ---. ' - omorrzuwa,BpeeLti ArmAirmirailic oti Prrnnitreax, Prreavaae,ApriletkVlClL IF IT OT ICPB 113- 11111tEBY Ao= - J of AsseablA .I,lx.llollesabllax tho Banks' of this 00111/3430 , '- 'll/11111ta beam/ ,assoatatlmuk toe the ponmseet Planking nedat She Lewd of the United that. the Stooktrolders of the EXOELANOS PTITEIBIIEGII, al, •• tabula meeting "Ids MIA' jive 6e 7 7:i :1•47 7 171 a Till:. :7 .t.loo, sod ; that . the mown of the owaers of sore Moo two4.olfds of the skates hog Woo obtained ea remilred by the lam of O. VOWS Stow. oplollo4l - H.M. XIIIIRLY: thoblot: STERL . & BAILSY, STOCK BROKERS, MUMS ; Particular attention paid - Jo • Pwillage sale° tilYcks Uk - • • RATES OF COMMISSION i -- • - • ... On Stadia "dike it to araiUdiie: • _ par nt. Ac;, sad up. t 011.% do. do. W, 4.1.10 IP shin GO. do. • • NO and over.. 'Wet press& llzwyrryg . . - • . , brit asil_ther.vost. DIMS. AND RESTORATIVE la- U. mark.• 3 47. £01*.00.,*1 et. 1111Tued onlYbr i A • • , rAnigtukay awl far Irjr Druggists IscaaraUS,. • .trillas„ 1 . 811.16.9 OFtigla`.B -- •tiTuze MW . Al4ls,!#AlFtAaEr•VAith-.i)l 11. P.cilWIFAIPlus. - - - :i;, , . , . 4. . '** - IreOliioiii itlighiceir.' - : Giuniiiii., -nititra,trni) cirkioi , MID ••-/ .PATNNT, AG,ENOT, Nikon. .43T0C111.M Err,...... Near Sitspoodon Brie4s. Dnfirlw sa4 ealeals... tioaa for St•im Eallues and ra5 41,1 7 g mr 'f l ai , naull 'Aar 011KrIlleaticins teri 160aLiatorles. -, *eluded sad'ArshitatitarAMDralli__ virnisi , L l - 7- • OeulatifaXl3urvertearsially , ./yrilation., - - , 2- . • ; • . ;7' Eau ° atm. mak sad GelsEt At. , i4l Ili. • apl2 w. r. INAILBIII,