3 f&r: 2 t 4 ", R""Onc .~ sr a talle received In PAX FUNDS and UR . . . .C. Oollectloas made in all wiser th•Ualtollitehle. Par saes= es merkeenten „, , U. S. /per mess Mg, Roads; .. , v '" . 4l. V, VFW et. ' N ote l ' ANINANNes $l4 t”. R. 1.10 'r No w Atr T s - • , loototoo,isolt -otso stmt. oN oostaciattOON &LANs toeis, Tork r lPhilsdelpida, sad Pittsburgh Neardsi: sU kinds Put Goverment Secnuttise, • talks., Bonds Gold bre. M. , $Oll MANUAAND COWIIIIICIAL. 1 .... 231110 DaM P . ND 115Asisar BOARD. . . . .. , 40113111aNSO sanisoz. Nouns A 4i0.) ~- - -- •- ." • kiestuar Nay 1. tom. tiLB OO . Som..- .......--.. - woo Afisototay vos:stos. - ' • imp Alintheny (Myra, sells/ g - Nap ' ONsaellaville booms Ws.- 10,0) Oillemelleville R. It • _._... 1,00 13.15 .. =grille N. R. mock, int-.... up ula hbrounrs-. ... . .. -..,, 11,80 -- 11.IW1 WI to-.-- - - 6.60 ip 11 4 10 -- g 'OU Doan, with di: ....... _ -_-.10. sks.....4._____:_.-............_...... -- ~ 1,53 Mlle Story es Oben ite5.........--. --. 1 1 6, Ketehacts Oil th 5.....-..-.....• -.-- 00 strew...... . ....._-. - 61 Ologry gl,an"h-ii-aaiz-,...;........_.. -_ 50 - RWAnorgn Artiu.....— ..... —..... O,W 1,10 ;.... --....:... - - 1,11 q_uir laPitrab , rg---'.... --.• 0,10 Abbe Tetley- . ....--,----. : NI --.-. - 1,0 Mabel Cherry . Vels- Paxton 11- --ifingo rat A O mer oal ican -....- 4 ,00 Magri a, New York.,:.-..-.__ --- 110 Teak Pettokum of how . York -... 1,121 tee Ahem , Lubrte ---......---- - en Minns . . . _........ - Ito ilinkOoNnirer.r - 0u....-.- - 3',43 ~413 afternoon report from New York advises tub se a further decline of one per omit. in gold sa advance of one half per oent. in United States -Noade, awl an improved movement in Stocks. There was lout one sale el Cleverstneeta reported K ourairdsing Board, of 640 Bonds, des -Coupon) at NM. The gmeral market opened very tame, and but little dispealGo a was shown toepetate, alnce oar bet report: . .. ',life leans that the 31acksburgh13o. have very fa isemble &drifts from a well in the Venting* re- MN in witch they hare a large interest. This mew company bids fair already to take a high place at the Oil Board, There bag been some salad 001Mitdi since our last at exetrodingly low times Cherry nun tientral bolds the advance nude at the ,edges of Itierweek. - . .._ . . TO comidttee previously appointed to consider . sed . regust ayOn nutters relative to the propyriety sad usefidates of the Bowl of Banker.' and Sm• kers , . made el catenated report before MM. body, at Its regular meeting on Saturday last. le moor. dams will their sumustitms, the board ipaseed a rosioliuoil Tiro: Ind the InitbiGoa • membership foe to TAT (NO) Dollars. 01:11M mass of such • inemberahlp Is readily Men, when We Mate that each member gete early knows ..'w awa tbilidlorpositton of the day's market. sad to Nee satiate to ree.eive two . daily "Almeria, free ' jedsWeb, delliered at his ploy of bustitera, from the 'Dsirork ZONA NAGold :grooms. The hour of -rtiaiLwas sliso changed Dein lob:old% a. x. ',‘Theril.Wlo' Again i 'very gOtalstteedgase at the;. 'batik otiiiii.i obis sitotio; iota onus the tissue . .;11temeleareveconpatielyely , Urge, IftMos gmsamile Iriiled vary kart:-Western Peens. was Slaughtered,. severe' hundred ahmes * Mianging basis it from 1,46111,61.. ;flue stocks few weeks slams sold at S.' Columbia Was again the moat.prwmieest Mask,' the 'glee beteg comparatively Logs, but there lan* garbed eke - ege in rates, as compared with Satur ders,Aeles. Dock Creek sold st le, a material de dileskluill Central arida Sold to the extent of urn. Alowits,ortrats ld ito 0. ' The tostoolog ts a report OM ahe ..m MI OustrOßasin-,,........-. N - Vin':-‘ ,,-, • .../ •I -* ...-.......' ......-. • In M Al . t ,-..gp .., -.-•., . ~..,....,, .-. '.......1.-.6..... ~. 310 00 _le ~ ' 4 '.• - 4 . .. .. . ..-.....= • ..-_.OO at •. so 4, • out% Creek... • ...to . ANS ..- II gederaL---.--..... - ..--.1 os too . Iderchatits!...... - --- el 6 . , 1111 ,- . a , •• NeetaaPenamivitals..-.-....... 1 150 300 u 6 . ~ -:- Las • - Ito - ...- • .. . u - :lot too • u 4 u u.7.....' •• tot .• ',.:". vas. ...• --• u- - . - ...“ .:-.,..-... / .6d ~...:-. ~ .....,.____4;,.. u. ......... :,...„........-0. . . - icio -- "" ' Cheri, TWO ft. Pita01e.......: . . GO air . 1 tiolt - uabls . . ...:48 fe os N*oo 6l 4s arid tildeWe mogul's - - &firgisbart=":::. = - t ; ~. v i l Claidwinsttaila " 4ea , OSS 1 - Chary-lam thstrar. 1 116 Ito • • Chitty Ban k liknod. - ..ta. ' ""- • • --- 110 . Ohemrstun k•fnustratia.......... :- Ise ~ Mey milimirtaws lino-,..:..t. • -.-- -.i 4i hi0ad5..:..........-.:............. Vr, - -Or Faller Reserve °mat AMeisite;ll...•: ...... r - I, 00 Hera100k«.7.7. 1 -' ...::................ - II te ~,pe tie lfAme ales trftta Mining '.......-... -- Xi Pettoleum.- - a in rert n , ''' -:- :.'....:- •-- 100 • iiiii... • 'C Li gig *. telfg - Mr; -......= 2 '. I . 711 deattormt. of Piffle ' cankh-.....-.... . .-- ' 1 W 73 Nfstional Relining tr. intotiags.,.... ,- O Valley ....... ---- OD hio Saida, et.Philedelplda. .. -- is Ott City lt - Pltribtngh .:.--.: --"- 100 . , ' re...taa.....,......,,-...-.,...,,........ .. . 2 as : 326 - tittiburelt A New 'York- - 00 6. - 1 40 .... vetu . 61 Paila .. . 1 I : ItsbJeg ' los -to Nynd Farm`. .I I N 310 Ilkirk.rersh.-.------.... - XI Tack Petzolium. a New Tort:. IIN 163 'Terr,Stot7 St. Chem 8eh.... - 75 es woo** , ftv• too Ira tow a. folbming clingers from the Iliceo, , -. thegerttOrmu Toe cismoritli Petroleum Co.. • ', -- etre* bil list Saturday at the.: depth of NM feet.l . : Thldr Nall Is "Mira .north. of ClappsUld, at the -iehet whore the Centrinille, reed eromos OM'FAsk - • ' ems& of Noddy Creek. Oil was found just be 4 • `'loiSisitieing the thin' cad rick, sad from the ex: imitent Wm °Moaned the miners - ire andidest 'of miditeg a valuable we 11.:.. - ' '. .. - • - List Wier+, tiefinottoo totropeitto td 4 new „vetkoo soto, Litektry Hue, yenaago County. A .hlrfellei whir bee virdted the well earl It is Produi ‘, 'intoner ItOoliirebr of the best lubriestisg oil par `day. One thorMacd barrels of the fist week l i pre: '-diet sold for 10) per bunk. it Is . moldered: tiii neat reditabie Weil 50W ill opsnoN.oNagto ltd imp TiNd of oil, 'which coaisuads the tasked rose . Ors hesyltirt sited that a lowing welt wsistrueli - a ferif 4Upelice;asir Tabo r yriselearren *aunty i ‘lllesliserrenildallea Pere what has stwayi been 41111WININad shorelustde pest albs oil region, Sad 'O,Ol WedirProree good, Will bring Into astrket a , ileigiteniteeihmetehma held taUtlit ratans. It .- le meters* sidles stove Tithe's.,- . : .. . ..- Tlitilfeniage; soodssor oar -, two wells Were . tnink ei the Brows Fit:isatm motto ot isOgot "4 *illotort wsek." , They have 01111 . rlNTSattim of cIioO6‘NIANI to the Hall" yeit - 77"?' ~sort 'We hero that the &Morin& of. twelve soothe • . _ United States Certificates of INA to be - paid off le ?Nay and idae Is nearly 1960,000,M0.. As ho new le, : es7ides bg been smile sleet the close Of the old : low . Ood•siOttistbes twines will be mile, the pay ..,:titsre_ ot a: .aid demagoga win ilium) lb. ,willirlt-kir 1401Talair Nosey walling employ, ' ..*1411t14 poit4i 7461.042,N Ls UNIN IRON . - ...:ANNASINki. Or to ths open market, The ONO. ' , "ilviensasturteg lime to es elose of 14115 mount : . ti , . 000 stiviclow -O r- . a 2, 3 1212 T t - u 4 1 # 14 . ,km fa sisinlatioatban but Fill. Pe milli mien ,t...klti - brielior 'answer to all foollib nuncio riii. . 20ecting A inmost or prospective discrimisztion Ammon Greenbacks and Notional Sank Currency "Agreper parabO, that the Governmea her Uns MINA to pay off the Certificates of todbtimine,g, , and ell other debts, drafts or requialitons on the -Treetsciry Oftee or on the Treasury Bank;of Depot - .". Sort., la either Greenbacks or NeGorusi Dank Notes, other than the Gold Interest pledgel to Illas:PureXe Public Stocks of the United Suter, ANd Al temparers bare the like option, except fot -.angels dutfire on Foreign Goods. A .13p54011 Isiah Market, April Re. There Is a stagily demand for Oottdsh at dm prk ORM , The resselpln 'from the Georg* fishery hare beg Wire. , though prluespally at pore south - Of pastas. • The ola stock or flats bow ooen redwsed to 'a wry small compass, and prime dry lots ass mares • sad command extreme rates. Slates ot tlrand Dank at se,Sl/10, 12 s,andBmtial/ 4 1 .40010 toe /arse, smals are soarer, and cell at. .Lisparsl,s 4 ' her qulatal*sked. maa. arc "Mlarise sod' nominal ac 14 loose, and $4.60 .'"=1Pollock are lower at 1 , 40.0 0' 1 ,1 Its lona. 4. MI era unsettled and holders are &salons So Bales °Mo. 1 Bay at Staata, and Pears sips; go. s toms, and Snore Ina bbft No.s VII Mules end nvudnal at 110011 bbl, for median and large: .Alesscses are out of the market. In pickled ifersing . . - _ernaU sales of shore Cl 161)1011 ,disstel.—Orrs. RsAran.. • • 'Maitland Mart et, April 29. - I,lanitlialti and T aut stead wh mai siodorata de. :mad. We ousts N.K. red roars of 117.50d1,Ms - xx *. ef,uo, . with* sheen adaltloo to • thaw rates oti ftstmy otty mods broods In smolt lots to the retail trod*. Whest-401._ rim receipts by roll mid the market firm imil:auddisamwt: Wales I ous Omitted at' MM. No voles ofo, red report's' mesro—Firos; with moderato dem lad._ Salsa a ears rthetted. from store st WM. rhss—stesdsr sod U Sales• 3 eon stalls . from • store. Ryer; ronalsoL enodsiod.si asyteffibli le Alwalltie..lifirokk ' ' ~~ -,.... . DMus itainEw. OF riirrroulton ~ . , ..- :,:.....--:. Kaarearr, Mart, la ' era weskit aomperaUrely little dose to the • ,!.g airbags teiday, era no,of geta44una ?war red worthy amnia& notice. .ua ~ - , ' oldllDf— wheat Isla good dend, and &shade. 'Usher; sale of l ear pins Red atlide. - Baby la Mara active, but imashantedyiale off ewe' Infackm SPriod $ 4 11 3 ,0 0 , aml , lllllo .Ireibeia prime •do from etc re, at. e 1,15. Orititin fide demand, and a trite nnata. 'lde of 100elmeteic at Si foa!do it 64; ' r• - '• PEtVIFIONS—Tbere la is Improvement In Me l 4;13m to t Bacon. and the market to demur.. sun 'all II and tautened , . 'Lard Ls dull and nominal at 1c Bak meatekidat, and Mess - Perk Is gel d m mentioned, ' , . k Lol7.ll—li quiet bi;ILS Steady, tip mode . •a . th esl demand at $1,241.00 for Extra Family— aPle• broods I,7o@l!6—math at 11.5009,00 per banal. ' • BUTTER—Contlnuet very dull, with a supply rersblerably In excess of the demand. and prices are drecplag; we note sales of Roil at , &Oat 13.4130 M. for lair to stri mime. A•B3l3lF—Searee lister, with a miod demand; sale* af 26 bids at its els . SEEDS—SaIa of OM bushels Flan Seed at $2,03; Clover b quoted nominal at igiett, sad Timothy at SOW. . SORGIEWSI—Sate• at MI ets—e, decdlne. ~ POTATORS-111oderatety active but unckanSeds, Sale of ha bushel. Pesch Blows pa st &Selo; at , at W 4 and toe bids do do at lIIPII_k bbL ' . 111LI.FUED—Sale of s tons 111ddUnms at 1,00 -Per oat. , CHEESNrinte satiated • Irestata Etraerre is at and Haab at Mi. `it'll 11 11 111 " ISO bbl t 111,00 LI I.— en s a a .. c . l ise ßbl. WILED kILUIT—DuII *ad 5 4 swill • was 04 Apples at Win, and Peaches M. s to. , BKlLYld—Very dull,' with • very large supply; small sales at VIM pm bushel , PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET Idosromr, Meg 1, IS SS. The market for Crude continues firm and - pretty active and prim:Biwa lull eupported, with an up ward tendency. We now quote at 23@8134. returned, andßedflft bblatneltided; with sale. of 1000 bbla, at RI, bbla re unto:1;400 do, in balk, at 23; and IMO, at 184, bbls Re:added; able, Bernal mall saleaerlthin the range again . nett& Refined, in tsosid.• 1' quiet but Arm with oormiderable Inquiry, yet transectiona are restricted materially, In con aeguence of the annm* between the view' of buyrre and 'ellen. The onlysale reported wee 500 MA "Eureka" brand, at 47, for prese_nt delivery, Free Oil is quoted steady at 460:17 cents. Naptha la quiet and unchanged. Sale of 1 0 bbis Resid uum at 48,60. The receipts of Crude by the Allegbeni Myer, nee our last report, are as follows: J. E. Strickler GO Wearer & Adams.— Ed John Bean —... 485 Gisyton .. 145 licher h. 8r0......-:. 110 JAL Wilkins 314 W. P. Logan—_...-_.. 20 H. IL Volllni Si Jas. Baxter 163 1 — Sill .POILADELPEILIA STOCK MARKET. epecial Dispatch t ha Pittsburgh Gann& ortsnin. ?Sty 1, lets Thee :mint far Oil Mocha continues dull and In and tteday prices rtiled lower, and with more disposition on the -part of holden to-realise. the list generally clonal a little :Off. The env We quotation srent as tallowy Big Tank— ,--.... 2 OP Alaeldon 460 3 2 Caldwell 676 DalieU. 60 Maple Shade.....-16 73 11:6Clintock....— .. i2O .. .. tOO ...... 160 Densmore —.-- 2IS t'hcrr; Bun .111.. n .. rl d ' 41:0 5 rho). h 011 Creek— 100 NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET Speclui Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gantt& Przw You. Kay 1, INS.. Petroleum market stately; moderate business do ing, at ra for ()ride; Weed tot Reamed, is Imad, and 7641 i for Free. DIARKETS BY'TELEGRAFE. , Chicago Market. pedal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette tinthaoo, May 1, IBM , •7 he Market and 01 pages of bushing are dosed i tn.day, on account of the obseqaws of the late (resident Mimela, etasequently there is no mar-, bet report to send. " .11elii Yea )Market. !Caw To. May decided-. ly iower, at Mieth, for ; FLOI7II . —HVITy sad 100150 10wer:M(17,75 fm ea rn: State. Mlo(oo6forit. H. and4 l o:/ 0 3 9 . 00 for. Trade Stands—the market clewing heavy with no; thuyers at outside quotations. Included to the sales are 1;000 barrel. Eitr*State fort one at 00,60. Winews—Steady Western, 00,10012,1 1. Guam— Wheat Mal and drooping; 00,72 for Winter Red Western and 111,81 for Amber Mica. , gani Hi it, quiet. Ltrini vary scarce and a sheds' tlrieteitkl,4s foram. andold.solged Waters, and; 111,411f0r New Yellow Southern. Oats dull, lower and nominal, atth(MlElo for Western. Unocanine—RisidolL. Oelree arm. Sugar qui.' et ; oohs Muscavado 1201120. Massie, dull; Potto Iticolo. Voon-Dull. _ " • . PILTROLLID x-Yinnaso3.lllb /or defined In Bond,: and 70ff,100 tor Endued Etna, .Balee IWO barrels , crude at nee. • , _ • Pnentoione-Pork heavrand lower' at 11"nt nl 50 for Neer Nese-ekelag ate SNOW; out:, =VW* for! 1863-4;:do loan and Motu , w; 'clads"' at Pt cash, tuncinsAt fo r P - ttroe, an d 404,73Q't6.21 fort Yreka Men ; also 6,000 Olds . Maw blowier. hbiy,, Joao 0und....1u144. Balms' and buyers' option...az', 1F7030 Total ttock, old and rater, en May Sat, 5t,474 ads; am data last - year, 9:4 1 J Bee aneady at precious priers. 'total ■toon,_ot . and new, •On hand on the fiat day of tday,, 77,411 y &chorea; nuns date last 13100th 83,116, yacniges; game' datog i ar, 67,55 packages:l Heel Hama 4ll4l4 St BASSOS tittte 'St , 1.5%61.5% for Cumber' Ind, sad MX for Long, .Ihatad, and lihateff,e for abort ft,obed. Oat lints In moderate request, 143 , Mt5t0 for Shoal. ens, and•Mtenta far Elam Awn'. at tall Butterwadt, at previous ptice s. ahoesa la moderate mined at 160. En. • New Vork,Pouei art SSoek Market, Nave Toxic, itay i.—Moarr—Fairly active, isgs enia, , chiefly at the latter rate. Starting M • austrutnent. Stocks decidedly; Rimer, with lairaemand. • :merit'aa Gold more cure sad lower—opening 4 5 , deellaing 1411(.1.•and closing at. Hi stoirce—Lower; Rock Island. 103%; Milwaukee ! and Pilate Du Chien 41%;-')liiveland and'fated o iner NottblifestaratitilMorlik Viareirepreferred!,:. 00 ,4 (a.,,g(a.d shd is,,bargl, 711(1 lthaois Oen tied, herip, 117; Cumberland, 48; quicksilver, ell. licit, 81;; Hudion,ll4; Reading, 10.134; Michigan Stuthern, Fort, Wayne, 100%; New York Central, 101%1 lifiriposs, 14; 6.211 tampons, log;; SW Coupons, (new tusue,) te6N; 10.40 Uoupons,al;; U. S. bus of HSI Coupons, 110 X ; Tconessve elect, 43M,Nlisonyl Stun, •I 17; Onto sad Mods; eippl'itiertificatiw. 3l 34; • • • tallaphres Srehiswge.-7 . 01d. 111%; New York Centra.l,r4; MK; Hudson, Its; Reading, 118 ari autberry,llB4l Minas Ventral, lb% ; tiler d and Plamburgb,ll% ; Rock lai and, is%; North lifeedsrnoll: North Wesiern.preferred. - WiSti Fort Warne, IMiii; Ohio and Niuisappi Cesilleates. 11%; canton, 44%; Cumberlanu, 41,11 ; titaeks• active on cut. ateeks tether weak; • Oswego Market. • Osetroo, N.Y., May I.—lnour—ln Food demand; sales et I,outi bble at 07ati for No. 1 Spring, SS, for Red Minter, ISM for White., and Mop for Double Eats from ?rime White.: .. Ginis—Wheat—ln full demand, chiefly mid dling; seine' COCO bushels Winter Red Indians, at CIA, cad 2,004 bushels of Waite Canada, an Trieste terms. Cont—Relinn sad *foie. Other •-- CANAL FIITIORTIM4CII gs 11 Wide this learning at ISO on Whist, Nonni Lana luroine—l',looFleumall,Ote bushels' W. uoi 4,810 -Isabela Peas; 11.19,0110 tam Lumber.: liblypentry railroad; WO bbla none. , Cincinnati Market. - CtactriAlt, May L 7 Etntinnill an d pekes notainaL GuAur—Wheat very dull And prbee sominali Oats doll. at EMMA nusci—Dullt and small sales at 11.00. - I , nonatons—Dull. and buyers out only marketj as lama alter the neuairoat New 'York. Onosaum—Staady. • . plover la anarr—Oold, 14254. New York' Weekly Bank litalesseat. Arm :rola. Nal*- Roans t de/nesse, 1443.•22.. Special oninmae, 01,1014 U 0 a I dm= $311,661. - Deposits r. tease, 15.544,061. Tender* ; InerrnatirßirlitAri. „ • - • Heston Dry Goat, Market. We notiardAber week of active businees In the; dry goodie Wait and, so fu as CgAtoes are itone•rol ed, the volume or Ulnas/ t=oss has been limited mar by the sisszcity Oficoods. Al deldratde strict . 'have been easterly snapped up, it mellereprittes, ittet for riltobon the market. At the elate, (though the agnate har,iiperently Dion cheat/ UN , the eeh am rad grader. ay of raw mit crlal,) Atm re is col r c L u t i c i lzga m of i tn . esheetin bears o gis, ag au en tiu ~ , op jlettu e t o o ; merchants, and most of our mediae =sautes , or. en are sold ahead. at Value, WO, 'giant ofeevert , al weeks , modustion. • . UnderAhesecirenmetaneed. there are 'of eau rig 'no quctstiols for goads Irani Ara hands, and lot. have heenJobbingat prices very Irregular and rule In favor of Lb. cellar. Brown cottons Nave oda sot eltd aDOW.23, and MUM% (watch were 'relatively, &praised) fully AI per a at from the lower p rest* ens 11101. Mondani 'beatings are 10a higher Strut the emoting point. Kul now selllng u feat s 1 rot e... at b W e m t & th sy r n ee c Pur e st g Ae. 32a 0 ; r u e i p r p t e ' e a l t l S b t o e, a 81%e. Illeaelied,gooda are muse awl selling at erg full rates. Trlntic ate mostly out of the mar bet,, both ae regards first and second hand! The 1... lag manufactursta hive withdrawn and not let axed upon a pia° at which they are willing to resume the:production. The only t nude that We bear of lo the !mods of the trade here bwoJubbiag at 2111280 for Duni:tells, and gas for Arnottle. ddy pood madder pllote Will bring tic by the., p mites Urlaizes are Do higher, in demand at sm, an 1 liaa4 out of mazulactutere bands. -The market for (mitten dress goods has heed bouyant and active; good styles of Inttlah mixture sawn air Freuch woolens and alititetx , h!!m had cattylpig off briskly end at a shade mita rates: ethane pre also Deal onin to sell more fraei i;;;l.undrable goods g Is very !laded. The enatkat for woOlen eottitt , hts ot hearth taken la Md. Buyers bine been inducrd. both from their amenities and the few rates et g ;oda were offilvd, to take hold; and'erith much stritlier el oaks Pap was generally stipposed to be extra.. the effect bte been to strengthen prices and aw.et the market of some desirable styles. Light sol .merhurn weights of fenny elealmares, of as sealable pal terns: have beau wild up time , . and there are Pow suite to bo had from ournmlesion houses, emit M ao advance of EON, which la rawly offered Mr some makes We quote ittget no. goats autos tad wanted atSatinets are, quiet. Becky lag. bey. advanced Ze, and now selling freely , et a range of 11,2001•WL ' ' ' to Pennels,twhieh have beans very dull of tate wo h considerable accumulatlonj there has bees 4 very Retire movement.' prompted br the late "' vamp to both contra Mid wool.. Jobbers home tat= en large lots to supply futur, warms hcie la the reason, es the actual eomumPtirod.". 4 1", oat yet eel la. Probably more than halt the the metket hu Dees thud trtken-"dUribit lhn prat larch, end et the ulnae,. with wool .etaltax not crest. Pau"' to balnitsate orders at °imolai/ init are; .Theee briers are reining private. but are use tierstood to be WI no low,ar lower . , than ire rob • Int Mtn at MO HMO 11111.1,012 1111 V $11:11f....04. , . . lIIVORTS Sr RIVER. Zimemimaxix rxit ExiprOokifix—il brim sour, IX no rms. xi do dry opyiem,limidtraxamed,l6 to cm butter,cLeat Lem, IL? rolls ;e6xlier..l box tur,,, Omitt mi.; 6 kits egg', 1 box do; Fatter Ili 2 M. medicine, K E Setiersjel oil belm. 0, 6 4 . UK °oil' tux atiollolea, A 01*00; t Coils rope, Log - an tr.\arra; IS pen oil tool., Bailey& Dairen; 2o Otis J Srt, otleld; t rpfating wArrl, era; Broxett A co; 06 bole. bay. kick moo tr. trajomil box (um itimimen I bolt. I pkg dry'Roods, Sumo k Itro;60 brim tour. las Chiral:ion I do ogym, I 1.4. het butter. Jacob Rich; beta mum, Meek 12. &re sin:mg; 2 ohs raga, I brim egg., Read k Metz gar; Otto do, I keg butter Joklao, Ballots, lkoo. . Lol3ll.iZa wmio-3 bides bags. Franklin Mills; 3Mb ne;ris Jul F/eig ne; '3O Ims lent, S hwart & coilildida aides, Kass. k Parker; 5 do do, ;0 tea hams, hhomaker & Lang; kegs lard, A Bal low 64 do do, J P Ilmusat to brim oil, B E Scum & moat sewing machines, Win'Sninner & CU; ITO Sue. cotton, Th iAtiackinkcn;3 casks bacon ,U Ware lot sundries, Means tettelair 15 hell; ull, Mason & Femme do do . Hotebinson ' tto7; 2 magnolia tree., .1 Drat use btliKell,Wto Enlace, hdo do, J 111 Snou den; to Las snap, Lockhart; 5 brlis oil, Atwell, Lee & co; 11,,libda tobacco, 4 bsa do, J W Taytor; w. hi;. Cour, g pgra nundrics, J Dalsell & boar IMS luo sprines.4 Nis do, Blair Spring en; AS LC/ ' hams, l b.. L L'aldwel.; 34 bell clay, Brownsville Beat; 5 casks bacon, A Gordon; 181 "to Ii flour, Segbmyer Sol/massy; 7 bga rissageni, 9 do nun ; Mies, W Beck k eo;17 pkis house hold goods, Peter Balls. PARitAltintrati AAA BAYA2D-1 Carriage J 0 El ; llottill dos chairs, 0 'Rockers, J Spisaul pos gar pipe, Wm tt (Matz.; hOll atibris Animas Oil 0o; &? 'do do, Woolirldge & Atwood; SUS hoop pole& t hai Soboeptlin; is bris Auur, W P Bock & co:6 bilusuodries mid Abu; owner; 7Ws I bon. W P %Vey man; (Woks ( seed, di ki Suid.m;t plane & col 2 bus 000 ks, tuo Inhibit. (lurk k au; 2.) tdia paper, Pitts moth Paper oo; er beet hides, it caltatine, U sheep skins, 0 H Aadanoas 9% bales bay, l ot h Arbuckle; 350 sks barley Wss Li Garrard of o U well natured' too XI Beck. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURON. FORT WATNR & CHICAGO H. R.. May 1-20 pkg. deb, Watt & Wawa; 10 do do, It 11 Jack,2o do do. Little, Baird & Patton; it do do, .9 Herart & co; 2 cars lumber. It Lounham do do, J P Pearson; GO bbl. dour, D Wallace; 13;0 pc. bulk shoulders, Sells, k co; boxes cheat°, It Dai ren co: 2d0d0,1 do bu ter, H Biddle; 22 driclas butter.J B Canfield; 2 cars bay, 9 ovum k Baader; Ito dile paper:4 Shaw. 21. aks rags, Godfrey & Clark; a Dbl. eggs, H Gering; bdis blotting paper, W 0 JOblinton; Oases pearls, McKee' Bro; 25. bbl. cider. Greif& linter; 185 btre 'corn, J Luding; 2 bblo pearls, H A Fahncstock tco. tlxxvitt..r.ao AND PITTIMITION FL IL, May I.— { cars wheat, Simpson & Knox; ado do, it T Ken nedy & Belt; l bbl eggs. Sbulx,.Soa ft so; 10 boas. cheese, B & co; tO pkg. liquor, .1 Self reth; bbl. beans, Potter, &Groot& Shepard; 100 Dbl. flour, Watt et Wilson. 100 cb ¢o, Graham & Thorn ea;lB bdta hoes, Loon a. Gregg; 141 eta Wool. Bradley; 50 step ladders, .1 Knox; 131 oil bbls, W H Byrne. ALM . ..SANT STATION, Mllky 1-1 cars staves, 0 0 Smith; 11 boxes times, H. It Brown; 1 oar stasis, Hemphill 5.00;54 ba. flaxseed, Ewer Hamill a; 3.1. eluseiseed, 1 plus liquor, Shills, Son lk 00; owls green spples, 52 his oats, E S 0 Masten; 4 sirs flaxseed, 51 D Suydam; 3 pkgs butter and eggs, LP- Hauled* Kahan; 41 sks rags, Godfrey It ()lark; AO do. waibboards; Hahn St Riddle; 5 du do, Wm Sod den; 5 pkgs yarn, II Gerwir ts. to. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. The alter Is still rising steadily at this point; pith nearly ten feet In the channel by the pier mark. last eveolog. The weather yesterday was cloudy and cool, though very favorable for out door business. do" The arrivals since our Iset report, include tbs Emma Graham from Zanesville, Iron City from Parkersburg, and the Onward irons St.Louta. T ae Iron City made a remarkably • quick nip leaving Par kerabargh about 6 o'clock on Saturday evening, and reaching here Sunday night about 12 o'clock. his f sinonstrates beyond a doubt, that she can make two flips a week, with ease. The Armadillo from Nashville, and the Camel* Centrelte, and America, from St. Lou* are among the trot boats due. The only departure for below was the Bayard for Parkersburg. She had a fair trip, Including quite a number of passenger.. Business arse quite •ilvely at the Allegheny wharf yesterday, but this is always the case while the lelltgben I , fiver is in oriel/able condition. The Illilda, Echo and lda Rees, all cleared for 0 I City 10 the aftEnooter With eillelleat tripe, and other steamers will follow today. We hue It stated that a Mars Oa one of the All.- 0. by rivet • ateswera sereadlickarged and put abhors in the goods the mbar day, tor making an outrageous reinsert Its tetatehell to tug death of Lit:coin. Served hike rtght. • Pa...gees and 'shippers should bear to mind, that the beat sod heel iron (Illy, Capt Nosa, ls toe raw:lair packet for rarkersburg wrday, resets( at nIgLL brie toes supenor acoommodattons' (or part. , rename, plenty of re on [or tratebt, sad well go through with dispatch. The Leonora, trope. Conway, announced for Cincinnati and Arduisrille forthwith. Capt. Ohba Wilkins has charge of the oilleit. The highdreaded and 'commodious Mineola, braves for St. Paul this cream& rind pusengere and shipper. should beat this to mind Mortis • Dortcy eull minium charge tne uttlre. The alba - role will be followed by On Mayans City, Captain it. Stolaii Grelimb.C,apt. Stull, team for Zanesville 1010 afternoon. as four O'clock. lus.tliostaar. Querfrao.—We learn that this • famouoat, balite...see Ore yews ego at MeV Al bany, I nc faptain Joh. UAILSO2. tor the rectum trade, whieb had been bald by tbe /*beta in the waters of Uppselted river, has been released. She' • wee sully laden With cotton, bound for New . 0r• trans—some three thousand bates—ant we may imam hear the Ithe.lheehielth o f bet safe arrival with her valuable cargo. The Qtutsnan er.s th• latter. bociactirmist pal akin wee the era of last boat., but sadttecort he sadly oat of repair frofreelle Prella A Utica dispatch to the St. Louts Democrat, fur.. globes the tolackellag details la rename to the - bulimia eatestcopse: The Ad. Storm furnishes Memphis papers with full putt:Wane Wm. Soberer , mate of we bath ant, triM epamenger OD the Nertkie (My, also lb • deck kande, Mu of het cabin ethw eita George Ulagton,pUot °U be Donau. H o en" was le Lie .„ pflut-howks with Clayton, wubtown owned sod fell late the rim hie reached sk plank on whlest were flee other., three of whom dropped or ea-1 haunted. 1 here were atheteen bun .red soldiers on b.thrgi beadle pessimgets sad crew:meatus total of iv enty-teraun4thd souletebout Au hundred of whom only see known to be saved. Cape. Cass • Ile.o was teat see. on the Wreck throwing saut- • ..... 4001, eggplant Into the *U. end no doubt wit Wet , lit his uuble effora to 'souk others. Tea wrecktook ant, ded to wake trees near the Au kasuee shore and a un t Every yawl and steamer at • • Memphis dkt ' eeerythung to 'Ave the ,orTtTots w be t °tiered the surface of the t ear, the accident happening eight tulles shore. The Ileum rie Heatable sad Easel ere especially complimer ud fot elettionsoude, Wklthathe sultan and hos pital force. at blemphlsand clUscom, are spoken of 115 the wannest gratitude. Nate Its betty ursine= was not near so bleb ou the battens as wax tukuelly curie& lie thinks • totiede, ship; ed 11001 lump of coal; must. have mined the explostos. With *nehmen an saved; but the second engineer, Olemens, will probably be m tke riser column of the lame paw we take thefollowlng Nodulose' partite-lam It [meld be yam as well casettes to attempt to describe the the el sorrow with Which Ma vellgence of tbe disaster*: this steamer and her immangero, whishocourred thureley moenisy, a ieW =We above Memphis, Was reetived. .e -where e 111 be to toe dispatches. The Suttaa• wits l sae side-Wheel steamer, nod her owners will teethe so Insurance. she Was built IS „lasetscl, 5 Moo. registered in C ite ttinatt; tom IS 4 , owss segistereft 119 tong and .tiai dent 1,000 tons. The Softens was a revalar St. Louts sod New Orleans packet, with full moorages amorunodaions ' and nastrtiitigrarl be earn Of gm be" aapb for ' Copt. J.thun Mason, welder, is oat. With what' pleasure our citizens would recelre assurances of : Ms safety. Ms wasendearedlo very many,•by his! bat end manly dispemition Captain', =to stmt. thirty-lottr Yews of alia. Ms W... brotobt to Misereal wore a meld, trom piece, LynentrtuM Vicomte. We r. member him so circer In a st.arnar we believe, Um Nereid. which pivot in the Missiourt, and was par ty ed by Veinal, Italtnesrlaneon, who wt, blown lap , OD the lien Lewis, which teeny Of out readers will' se as is very element oust populo St. Louls stimener.. Capt. Mason was also an' valeta of the Si Campbeill and A.ll. Wan d for tow , stumble time was clerk and comumaief often Nowell& In thehliasontitiyer, and afterwards to the 21120pbatt.40. 00111,1 Ca Mi. ha and Other citizens of 191t.i Louis. feyht the e Whom, and the feet aftudel• peat salt settee to uts annterous friends. lite prospects with this Mesmer under his comment were veto wombat'. He was one. f [hottest' eV headed oleo on the river, and was very decided,, armetl tio Orst cleat of %helmet was Mr. W. 'a n - Own; beet, is silo reported missing. Hs bought a inter. mit and two charge of Orontes bet a 1' ew months ego. )1/.0 name' was long • resident ot s tow, ldo., sod Moo ion a citizen of and steam. boat agent in Kanau etty, Mo. Willis Stretton the accord clerk, was quite. youth, and very maw potent to his postilion. fits some was in let. bouts with his mother. Mewl logy am, one tithe pilot. Malmo auppostxt to have lost Ida life. fie lived here, and his father •Ilrei ILL X 301114 'search ng for Tote alspatehhs loot ovenalg, hhplog to find Ids name in the lilt 'Of the 61V. 41 Thu tf ottani was owned as follOwst Wm. A. Thornburg, onestourth, W..LOambral natoeighth Neilsen. Deuteron b. tic, three.slghtns; Captain .1 ; 4 C. Mama. oneolxttentto Wei Shand., ono-taw tetatlq sod 1.15 Bow fr, New Orleans, ene, eighth. • She was valued et 1140M10 . - . he Maiblelitty and probably the Pauline Coker roll were close by when the (heedful catsstrophe . occuttrd, and may have r adored violable service: We :mid ley no•more: The dispatches elsewhere glee the hat rowleg debit s. ✓IJfIDO.9TB. ec FOR CINCINITATI-Lolti vii.i.r..—Tdo splendid passen l7 ger Liaitt steamer I.toliEfili, Capt. Conway, will Lenin a shave on TUESDAY, toe wt hati., • f• kor freight or passage •Apply on boned or to J. L:COLLINGWOOD,I,4"4. JOHN. FLACK. - - • lon ST. LOUIS, ENOKUK, a y . IitIBUK4 DURIANUTON., AND VT, PAUL . DINECI'ssTrk n 'end 1 ., !1:10 • passrogtr. steamer, MINNEULA, fleet. Dickson, will itAVe for trir 4DOVO and Intannedisto port* o 0 SATURDAY, enth Inst. tor freight or peeenge Apply on board or to JOHN FLACK. 107 •••• (10L,LINGWOOD, Mina& I/ LouLAII. PITTSB PARK ERBIlUlin ice new and light draught steamer John..No.s. ramter. J. U . aliereell“ 4 "W. will leavfl'lttsbugh o.ct! ' • - 'Tuesday and Friday. at fleyro o'clock A. D., for SVEDBENTVILVet 171:11EN1.I1t0, HULL !MEEK, MA, DIVI TA /.14 PA DRIERS HUH% and all iwermer Olaf O ;arta }jolt/falai!, lien Ne. Pars enwurg 06 stdHlM.Y.6l2o , vlo6k r. • fa 101401011 , 11011”0. apply on 6anrd,or to 31 ill PLA. , K, • lAn . ..ota •• - - JAN: to NS. t n I.OR. ST,. LOUIS.—T lie film pawaier steamer Eat PI M err t 'apt; Jua, lbonep, will leave for ilia above 664 16L', gr,l6o6te . ports, on THIS DAY, at 4 • .1 , 01 nelgt.t'ot oa bonnl. to Ittrro • - • - OOLLLKS, agent. L rn utuurVE. ffingl PAIt). TN 46 .-YI;IARS OVER $17 1 000,000. I I'o N. fikas \ k . 20, " •• 4 bYikrt A i Cl3NWit4> Net Assets, January, 1805, 188,677,334313 71. FIRE AND INLAND NAVIGATION MAIL Town s I Sat. Agendas In all the ptinoloal clues ma n the United States A. A. CARRITat &MO., Agents. F 1 FOURTH STBE/IT. PERPETUAL CHARTER 1829. FRAY= FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Assets eta January 1. 11184. $2.0417,8411 eb. banita] $ MAO Accrued Premiums. Irti,quO Invested Premiums 1.096,255 Unsettled Claims 13,411 Income for 1864 seu,ans Losses Paid since led! %IMMO Perpriusl and Temporary Polities on lib...a tatruts: Charles N. Smelter, Isaac L.m Tobias Wagner, Edward' U. Did% edmtuJ Omit, Ossirse Vales, 3...0h R. Smith, Alfred. Fit ler, Gehige W. Richards, FM.. W. Lewis M.D CIiAItLES N. I3ANCKE.R, Pre.ident. EDWARD C. DALE %lee Prodded. JAS. W. AIs&LLISTER, See. pro. tem. J. O. COFFIN, Agent, mtiMl earner Wood and Third sired& FIRE e.IID bLA.III2; E Insurance Co. of North America PHILADELPHIA. llarlford Fire Insurance Conant*. .111.2461 mm far•P! .. . =taloa can be mewed to the above nested ecte ma:table compealee. W. P. 308161, kern, ferlxlty Baialer. truildmirs, NT Witter et. AA: ESTEttN INSUIUNCE COMPLNI OF IVITTSSURON., K. DLILLEN, Jr., hurdling, WM. P. ILEN NEST, Smarter,. °Moe, No. es Writer oateet, Spend t CoMi War . gm*, op stairs, rittaburdt. Nril flour. armed atl Nuts gf Fitt gad Molar Riga .1 Bows - Indiamtwra =agars! Ity Directors wig ar• lard room to to. egargnadt gad oho amide , matt by prompraesr gad , to grriatala the eldtracter arid Ley dear armarged, offeriad Me Mg ',Medias to throw sae &rim tor ragrnat. Anthersawn.A I.mnadar ISpear, David lIL Long Wen J. Thomas. Chu. J. Mut, John 18. Mathion. Mike, Jr., JUN% MeAtari. Natrisalei Holmes. ales. Shack. George Malls: • (.I.s.pbell limos, - -- U. Wiellieketson. own WIC T t.MHERT. Seeretiry INSUR/Ordli COMPANY PlTTSBOlttilL—tegoe, some Market saJW our streets,amond tl % oor. WM. WALLEY, Prefidesr, Wit. A. SZEPARD, esemsaso. lamaee daga i tramboata sad Oargose. ums nst loss damage Bl the nay**. tto l n na of the 7 tiont to tro and and Western oom Lakes sad Bayous, and the estidatket of the Seas. lemma meted lose and damage bi ars. Wn taancennt 8111a1=. Kier, JehB.-hLn Shlptos, Jas. Perk; Jr Jones M. Mope', . W. O. Jotuast&. 8. linthench, B, P. Jesse, J. Cad T i e.; Eon. T. X. Sony John EL Etaribrr Freston, Wn:A. Rodgers. Geom. Bingham, desOlgd pEormor INSURANCE COMPANY OEce,li. E. currier or !Weed and Fifth SU FIRE AIM IAIIINE XJISURLIcI DZSZVTOILS t Rea. Phillip., Capt. Yeas L. Shoed, John Watt. Samuel P. Sharer. John E. Parke, o.ltsaaos Charles S. Blastll. Charles Azbur ,- Wm. Van Kirk. John F. Kirk. etek. Smote L. Verner • 'John Olyda. • WM. PRILLIPS,.. rerel. JOIIFI WAIT, Vice Prerteem. WM F.'IIARDNER Secrahum loads A LLEGEMNY INSURANCE COMPA DT DT PITTSIDZIRML—OIIos„DIo. S 7 PIAI stmt. Rank Block. Lamm walla. all kinds iirf Ftre awl Karla • Kiska ISAAC IMOD% Prost**. 30145 D. IIL'CORD, Vico Prodded. D. 11. BOOS, &aviary. DISZOTOICS John D. IKrOord, Capt.. AA= g lambs, B. Nte B. rlln, Capt. Wm. Doan B. L. McGrew. Babort.lL Davis. lam Jones, O. L. tluraeL . gro E. t,. Onry, John Irwin, Jr., . B.,LLlrohneorA. TO OWNSRS.O.r DRAYS, HACKS, &o. ?No. Is twmf i r n to all onsets a Mays; Carts, Osittagee, les, he, whether anion or normeadent la tbe yof Pittsburgh. M e eer their Licenses at W. Treasurer . ' Moe el shy Pittsburgh, fottroulth, ta ifooordanse with an Ast tunably, eviel lbtch se, lekand an Orit: awn, of the • tonni of tad City el Pillabargh, wed April le. Itne. , AU Manes not paid on or before May t= v be plated In the Mel ode of thalitef at or collectiou, intact to his fee of ed note for the 'collection thereof, and all panne who leigloot or rerun to take ..at Llamas will be stalest to a penalty, to be recovered beftee the Mayor t iloable the amount of the TAMS& The old anal Dates of pontos' lean awn be retuned ft the tins Laming metal= out,oe pay ta refs thernar. NAT= OF LICESSZ. Each one horse radon, Zech two her „4. a 00 Each four bores o tf 011 lush two amend tan. .. " Omnibuses and Than; insets draws t borers. eigteen dollatenich. Par sash addllloeM lone used ` n soya the above vehicle iw=llsr, EICIIMAtIif, Chty Prrreetrane. Febrvuy loth, - Wall pORTSMOUTIi SIX COW) • sorr FINIPII American Spool Cotton AMORY'S ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON 7 hese threads are wartaatad of superior = Rod 'pent:deed to =wane , 200 yard. in Van be bad In all colors sod numbers. , • --Ydsonfactured by the rtJETSISOUTII £l7Ealll FACTOIII, and for sale by the trade PromillY• ciraoues mOOOT a co • DS Murraestreet,lgew, Watt BlSDavonsittrestreet, Boston t 206 Church street, Philadelphia. Mt= L J II3UW, Gas and fitaam Fitting, In all Its branches, earefally attended to, by oaPo Wooed, przelitatt workman. 'A Sao aasortOnst Ot GAS 'FIXTURES, &SEA BATH SHOWER BATHS, • • WATER CLOSETS, • ITYDRAIM, Ontukrur on hand and nada tit citer. TATE & ITEVILIA [e.M.rEDERLi. STlttkt aula smaßEEtiir tm=r,Ptstanits% Ileavralf STS & BAILEY, STOOK BROKERS, ?articular -attention pote_ to ioo p an? MP led We of stacks I , RATES OF CO MMISSION: e 0 BtPcb IlLog at NI and oader, tH oeceat. do. - do. _ R and up to ail, d). • do. do.' do. $10,4.04ai5l Motto -do. - `aadtoveai •yd of 'lorded!. MAVrITIVICTI7II Inv R. Dc. ~ y IT7'BI3URGII FOUNDIVi% OLIMISOII. fillißßlso/g . it 00. (Sserestonf to Gellman,, Garrison. fr. 000 • FOLINDE3I3 LED NACEINIST3 Mannlecturers of Milieu Boilers of fill sires, for Iron, Wert, Grass, Zino, popper. Silver, Gold, S htraw Beanie, Paper and India S ubtler Works elan, Bolling Mill Owings of all 'dearlylion., g•rk MIL, Patent Double Grinder, with • varie ty of other patterns, always on band and fitted to order on short notice nail favorable terms. Ofhot and Warehouse, liff Setiflifiehl street, Pittsburgh. !sal y "1 - .7 I R. IL LECKY, MANUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS, , AND ALL .rns PIXTURISS nest/ IX Sinking Oil and Sail IrcUs. 'Particular attention Is Invited to hie late /m• proven cote In JARS and JOINTS, whieri are of. fried eutho hest In the world. They are all node .of the porn! Sligo and Low Hoer Iron, hammered eaposaly for ttur64.10012. 1110,t00111 see Mode to SI ANDARD SIZEs, se, that the Pins And dockets of any one will epee with and tit those of any ether rot of hie manufacture, hearing the same number. STEAM I:Milt:et: end Alaelalne Ore* made to order at his Shop, on OHIO STREET, near the corner of Beaver stieet, Allegheny Okay. Post-all. boa 17. SANelidl POST IRONS, Sc. No trouble to el.. geode aptlarri BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH PA. PARK, BROTHEL & CO. Marinfootufer• of BEST QUALITY FEFINED CAST STEEL. Squar slut and °cumuli, o a llama. Warrant. ed equa Ito any imported or marulaatured La thl 021 co taidwarehouse, Nok 149 and 161Pis8r nd MI and IV SNCOND STIIVALTS. Pittaburgh. fell-yd )ATENTED OCTOBER 8,1861 DIRTARIDGE'S PATWIT [ha! Lamp Chimneys, These Chimneys are intenneu for the gat game, nesting ell prtres of the glass equal q, does not es. pow It to cracking. tl U. DITHRIIh3F, Fort Pitt Glass Works, Washington street, • 'II Pittsburgh, Penn% . S. MAC611,011.11..J. weatrwu.. w. HART RON CITY WORKS.. • 115ACILINT06111, lIEMPHILL & 00 FOUNDERS AND BLAORINLSTS. Comer of FIBS and OrfLIFLA, and othrers(Near City Water Worka,) Dlanufs of other stationary and ENGINES, ROLLING MILL CASTINGS nod NLACILINF: RY, or all kinds, aryl eneral Jobbers. Prompt attention Veil to repairing ROLLING MILL N Y ROBERTS, BARNES & CO., 41,500,00114 So. 39 Third Street, Pittumit. TIN AND SHEET IRON WODKNES. JAPANNED TIN WARE. We hare now manufacturing and have on head Miklos Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet WAV3 In trews, Water Coolers, Qroarre Tea and Spice Can, Met, Coals and Pploe liones, Tumbler Drainers. Spittoons. sc., in. A large lot of Bird Voter for sale low. all Cane of all sloes and patterns. Tin' Boasts, Conductors, and all kinds of Jobbing Work done to order spar SEVER PLATED WARE 114LASTV-W.A.CMCOI.I.IT. Walters, Castors, aa., Le. suitable for tha Trade orr band sad tor sala by mama & MOl3B, 225 South sth K. PHILADELPHIA. *MU , PO W Xd 01IN B. HERRON £ CO., • IiMEREE °Nee and Salo Rococo. • • No. 1711 LLEIERTY srassri PENN MADLUNE W,ORICE4 AND FOUNDRY. H. tl►WflT mom?. BUILDER AND MACHINIST, LACOCI Bruner, betireat Federal aa4 Sandoz - y e A.ILLNAHISt CM Pa. Man east uter of W lan TH AWS ' PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING STEALS DINES, of Pulleys, as., _ Repairing of all kinds attanital to BCHOODIMAKNit, xaskiatrttrai lllate WI. lied Lead. Wee tea, labarise, Est Pahla. MT. ae, -• awl realer la LINSEED gh t.. VAZNISKi PLUtTlatir MAT Oak* A Warehaoso, Pia el Wood alma. Ishillelrd SEVERANCE, NO. CM Water. St. Ne • littatiosnalsoturer of BOWER ; 11, WROUGH T&somat SPIDISS, ammo sad railroad , • sorry a:1: Purusatv. sari a shapid ESPIEW•u• RIVETS wire or mad, Nadi to odder at stoat sown. • • , •W .13E?'NETT, Mumfacturers JI-F• sod Importers t. ..tIJEENSW ARE+ No- 31 DIAMOND STNEET, Worsen Wood sod Market stmts. PittdOWOM rd. OIL CI P 4. lie. pszz~oisuat.:.^ ___.__~~ THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL Z caltralenizza. Cicoxiapaacs..y . ORGANIZED UNDER 'FHA' SWUNG AND MAN VFACTIVINO LAWS OF Ms STATE OF NSW TOLL- aarri'LL, orrx vuworr DoLLiss. ONE UIINDUED 11101111A3D IMAM" yy $lO PER SHARE. EiWeartptioa nit" Fps Dollar. pet Mrs, No 0111013 No. Si L' FIRE BUILDING. N 0.% BROADWAY, NEW YORE. PORT onus •DDREBB,IBOX No. EWE N. Y emormsal .Bon."DAFIET.B moraxsort. rTe.uoike. T,PIIIPPS,_Visa ROBERT DASSEIT,S= D. J. BUST/Se Maher ..ehapernMeneellt, Titus! elite, Pa. _ ATLANTIO BANS, No. el Someway, N. Yy The well of the Oolep y are, now preenotai tared t f tea or t i t? to g a b d :tea tn . % d m Re= whisk bonds and twouritl4 will be taken at their market value. • - - Itearktatmee may be addresied• to the span*, P. 0. Be,' 1.444,e,5te New York Olty, or to wAlantle Bank, 'lleum? of Um Now York nee lArerpoJt Petroleum Compact, No. 142 lirimulway, 'New wit City." . . _ :111E DTATIOICAL • . REFINING LIB STORING COXPLIN, Is now fully organised, and• hu eommeneU bust. nem at their. tempOmrs.oflice, No. Di IRW/N ST RE',Pup stars,) Pittsburgh, Pa. and are now la prepared toco business in .Buring, Moll. ig Henning, Storing and Forkruding Oil. TIM . Works areno, on a nd bank of the Allegheny river, above the city, and will in a short time be capable of menufacturing EIGHT HUNDRED BARRELS OE EFINED ()IL PER WEKK, which will beef the t es t quality end in prline packages. It is the design of this Uompany to make a nrst-clase brand • for export, and ro pales will be spared to give it that character. They will also give the forward ing of oil to points i east or west particular particular atten tuinli'Vndettinf2illttfens,naschihretill ril i r a te =ln ha v e unrivalled boats to the can by mavidgery r and t h ui.vo ld drayage obt delay. - .'Tiles constrn log their Oil to us eon rely on having it Cent through with prcniptitude and dispatch. The Company :As a Capital of ipAlo,ooo, with the following of I - President—A. AL mextsitst.n. - secrethry—U. IfFRUYGER, Treaeurer—J. R. 31cCUNE.t • . Directors—A. Id. Danube'', 3.,P. Huns, Junes 01d..1. T. Kineaid,Arthur Kirk,/ al. Little, S. IL Darld.Kirk and Wm. Hamilton. • • superintendent and Business Alanager —DAVID KlR Correepomierice and orders solicited, and an corr muntratlota to be addressed to . • _ . National StVing and Befitting Company, mter-ty • P:.T.TSHURRR. PR. BULLING AGEM. ran A. Id bble FAtra Labrador Resting; very outd 6 Was Extra /IE4I Lama Shore 1111011.1,41; .tbla Large N 0.3 Maelteredi 16 quarter bbla So" 9 • do; WOO pounds Illoababt - ' • •—•.. I°W ileee t ildLSLEY Ir. VAN CIORDEIII, ' No. 761 Liberty'stroet. g'o.l) POTATOES.-Thei Cuzco' tita kJ toes. the test or 'several bt:teed varieties. r s ie t o item Ibe eeed,bsil by lie.. tloodriab sod teeil.sesptid to lint to untry t matures peileettyy valley 'bin end geed . qua li ty sua One Moot latallivirctiito 10 ate.• area tenet ant: I Vitt axle by sour N. smarms' INLABITTIMCIIIIIUI9 OP PIKE and WALNUT STREETS, and 31.saufactures+ of Lltbto to further aueortoent. 07LS. St. I Jfibit OIL COMPANY Produsera of Oyu& and Manota:aturcrs of getUuld Claim Oil, Boobs and laibricating Oils. wogas oPpoerrg SHARPSSUBG Oface No. i 8 HIND drat, PITTSBURGH, Pa. W. D. r CITSKRUiIi, Supt. B REWER, BURKE & - COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lays Of IV, Globe. Pacific sad Liberty Oil Works Liberal rash advansta made on eonalvoneata of Refined or Crude Pdrokons. Ow. DEIQIISSNIC WelY aul BANCO= lac, PIITSITUROTI. P.•• 108111 AL WALLA= WILLWI 017/121:111 W ALLACE & CURTISS, . . tOMMLSSION MEICUANTS, UM DZAL7II:IS If CRUDE AM REFIRED PETROLEUM, BENZINE AND LIMBIC/MHO OILS. No. 1114 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, PA air Storage capacity (under ecorer,) for 15,100 barrel*. AUo excellent [militia for shipping to amerkuuk and Poreigh porta, at our whatf on tics Schuylkill River, near the platform of the P. L B. s R - ICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., Commianlon and rentanling Merchants In CR171)13 AND B.SFINED ' 1 • 80.10 IRWIN STREET. PITTSBtIitGEL. Sir Liberal cash advances on consignments for Pittsburgh or Eriatarn Markets. riTTaBOHOII azyrtannomi. Messrs. 3.13. Dilworth & Co., Sprint — vtarbaugh, Esq., Thompson Bell, Esq., Prost. Commemial Bank. mhtscin STANDARD PETROLEUM REETURELY. CLARK & SUMNER. • Works. and Office, OOLLENS TOWNSHIP. OM= in Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD EMBREY.. Thew works have the largest capacity In the country. Ile brand stands the hl4.rhest in this country and In Europe,tor quality and fire test, and the oil is put In well scascuredbarrelsameparW especially for export. Manufacturers of BOILERS. STILLS. TANKS, and IMPROVED BORING TOOLS for Oil Wells. BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, Foot Or BALTIC Ik. EAURISON Sta., Brooklyn. STOILMIS 01 EntsrED PETROLEUM. In Tanks and Bands. ,Sen Ottsulars. OM., N 0.16 BEANE STREET, New York. 001.17 so 1 Nt. CLAIR 15T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER. ITT OILS. LLLIIML'VATIN_ .0 LIMBICa/NG, MIDI rrntoLaaim tee., earietabtly on hand and for tele et the to market • Fines. Consign moow sod orders Nollriterf. apaihn W ARM° KLINTG, COMMISSION DIXIICHANTS, PETROISUX AND ITS PRODUCTS And dvatts in Rdlabia Material". No. 33 BL&SIM' ST. Pittstmn#6 - ,firtYwitimss, Amor= AID DIAZ= IN ORDDE AND REFINED' -OILS Black. Diumeano Way, IPittablailt Spedel attratica given to ISO SALE AND SHIPMENT OF PETROLEUM mad Ho yraluolai Coookozoonto reopeottully oolicltaL _ • Pittston& /Worry_ for VENANCIO OIL AEI TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. air POST OFFICE BOX 142 mb.2. 7 :figinitTrui & co., Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia', OFFICE No. 15 IdA.REET at, prirsousent. PA. LUCENT OIL . WORF.B. DIIINCAN, WIMP & CO, Pure White Refined Carbon tills. 131 LIBERTY STREET. IW/41 Trllt. BAN ;LT A. LAT *Z.T ORM OIL REFINERY. TITE * LATELT. (Slummy to Sett Pattmeo Chl Beams and dealers in Petrobentn, Benzine, LUbricatin snit Paint Otis. Offlos, No. 7 NANCOOK tsTRPET, Pittsburgh, Ps. OiL , reigned will give particular attention, to tbe purchase and sale of. I Stocks of ALL ,P 7I 7ABLIC Coppanies. I invite buyers end sellers to tail. J. E. MORAEU Mx 10T FOURTH gran* MG WELL STEAM 140312410 —lan '..., prepared to furnish ______ STEAM ENEISES„ 80 roach trammed of hook wells sad othor pm' i lffe. pesos, on the shortest ' Haring didarent sized Eagines on h finishing others, tad pnblt....an be IMO= with almost sal Mi d they wsat_i_the work for itself. . WILLIAM HER, Fifth Weed. between Mahar& sad Harrison Weans —. . . Pitts=it's. ISAM'Pl.tie. O'NEILL'S YORRIGN EMIGRATION OFFICE. mrsatraes.lezenrA. • visa. -• : . visa: . Passage from the "Old Colodny ! • The Liverpool, New York and Pidiadr i maw) Stomahip Oompanv having ted tam TA undened their Agent here, lee Kr. on deemis he is now repared to bring out or sent borne Plowmen by , the Steamers of tat ,sLine at UNtISUALLY•LOW 'HATES. The datums of this favorite line leave Lirezpoel every WKDN DAY, lor blew Tork,tonelliag at Clersenstown, an are =opt the tasto4. West, and meet mag oeni The widersigned L also Agent for the Liverpow and-London derry Uwe DI SteameAt i lagst=r; . pdol every THUILSDAT, end Corry for Irish 1' .t N.hla. Tho steam: too of thla Line aro but Le rho etrorotest morloori end fung.th choke acoommodationa for osesengers, Ile Is elan agent Tor TAPSCLITTI3 LINE of oda bested Clipper Sailing Pnekets;leaving Live/pee; for New York twins • week, and the Line London Paoksts,lawang London every ten days: The ship of Tifmtoottl Line have long boon not ted fez their ntilek pussies and Cm eneellinite 01 the prorbdoue (unlimited the paoseasere, and mid, kind treatment Venue on boikrd.. Parties Who Wish their friends browdd wit by sallies vemels, shod,: by all means patronize this Peamom to Valitb_mta at greatly. mdtibed tetra MOUT DRAWS on all parts of amps tom at the lowest Apply to 11:0,11T3LL, „ . 'harden EmtmatierrOillee iseSS • es Smithfield strdit. STBAItt• WEEMLY e} . LIVER:An POOL, touching at QIIEENSTOWN,AMIO (`Cork lisaor. -The well•knowo Steamers of 4tut Lit ..rpool, New York and Thllistelphla Steamship Como:tot' aim= Lltlo4 culling the 8. /Mg. !tended to ' sail as follows, . CITY OF WASNINOTON-Satutoanklairl. CITY OF LONDON., • Saturday, Nlay it. - 0/TY OF NANCILF-STER..Saturtlay, Mar 10. !rd ever/reed/at SlitUF4l7, a 4 12000,tItnri PicX .. _ . .. Payable to gold, or its equivalent to ennensy: Find Cabin ' WS 00 Steerage - - On Os 1 u to Load On..: 95 ID) ' 0 to Inadon.w. 11 00 a to Parta......100 00 : ' to , Postai.... ILO 00 . to Hamburg.. 95 00 , 4, . tti Haan ~, X 7 tO Pentagon, also 'forwarded : to liana, Rotterdam, Antwerp,: h0., - in equally low nter. Fares Iron Llverpool or egneennown—latOeldn. 406, 006. - Steerage, OM Those who wink tO:sead for their friends not boy thane bore at . those, n Foi - further tinformatton apply at tha tlampaly% Otrtte• - JOUR 0 DALE, • • - ~ eItBILL, - .. , .. .. . Poreigl Elp/gration Asper:, 0 12 • :Ha a Sad and ann. Pitgatnliglr_ LUNAR) LIN .k--titainx &meta -LIVIMP(N3I. /MMUEENSTOirbi• gold. or t4O/payikset !TOM. NEW TOISB,II eturnor. Sails V/Cl9 Weal. 6P5:4730 _2: 71/0M11,5 tailthbettl MIKE, betwoesi into T O. JENKLMB • • - • Commission Merchant. EIGO Xa ZSkiZ.TY 101. AND PURCHASING 'AGENT. PITTSBOECItt. PA. . Dealer ft Elow,, Grain, Soots, Butter, Otters; su r riv isodal ts. kneen t,4 Prod:l l e w t. y. Batt . k.d. brands Abc4 Fttlw • Ramps attention given to eoasigutuente and eorreeposnienoe. Weekly Paw °enema seat to Consignors. Orders and tninaigninente•ollettext aellarlaws F. QUIMBY & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. RA SOUTH WATER 13T, Give specth.l attecUon to ptireb!uiMi Flour, Grain, Prorision4 Se. For Enstaris amount. B. F. QIIERBY GEO. T. BROWN. Entd-IF W. D. PATTERSON. ADAM AMMON. JAMES JOHNSON. OHN SOHLELIONJ PATTEBSON, AMMON & CO., coamission Jegrehatste, Flour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Boa. $BO and 183 PENS 8111E117. Sind , ' New Building, opposite O. tr. P. R. H. Depot. atedy WII. W. 1721111.0 A EBRON & CO., Corner of Penn and 'Wayne sts, • (Weaa.aca's Birunao,) PITTSBURGH, PA. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purchase of GRAIN of all kinds. AleOt wholesale denims to BALED BAY. Weetern dealers will find it to their adviuttage to commend with our Roue, its we have greater facilities for Storage, and putting goods into this and Eastern Markets rye most of the wh en in this city. Ths best of city erences give required. Jen taxed SPZ:II7 & ANJEB, Commission Merchants, Flour, Grain and Produce, 2e SECOND ST„ between Wood it Soxittdold, PITTSSUIIGIL - - =OP. POTTILIi...TXO. AIW..ISTEIMEN A. SIIIM "JOTTER, AIKEN tt SH ISID. EPARD, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOrelfllll noel Domestic resins. Fleur, Clatter, Cheese, Eggs, POWOOII. d produce generally. NO. SEO LIBERTY STREET, fel9 Opppaite Passeueer Depot, Pittsburgh WY. X. =MILAN IVVIL M. MURRAY & CO., • Commission Merchants, and dealers 112 CRUDE AND REFINED PETRO. LERM, BEN an+ E.AO Lxt p s, facilities for storing oil and empty barrels. Warehouse andante. DUQUESNE NATO:war Band street. Pittsburgh. a aptlmmd R . a. Ci- Ti. 40w 40 Ti FL . Nos. 1 and 2 Diamond, W ILKI_IIB LINHAIrr, (Sooorsson To DIAOICEOWN & LINELRT,) MIX-26:21Cri1. 632 COECa6:=, Produce and Comnalsolosi eresllaust, 161:13 , Ito. 261 Liberty 4., Pittsburgh. • .¢zrar Y. was U. 0. DOOLITrIS .... • . . • . DOOLITTLE . et PECK, . . General Comminalegri Iferchanta, • . . , Floe. CS att4lo, 'Water 'etroce Pittsburgh, Psi for the sale of Flour, Unity beets, Butter, Dried Fruits, Provisions au Produce 44'111 Si All orders Ice Dart on tilled at the lowest men kat prices. Ihr. Urn - _ - C. C. BAL*L.WI 1/ISIS WI GO ALSLEY & VAN GORDEE, two and Um:MIMI= bletchatatai Wareboun, Na. ni Liberty at, Pittabutett. Pa. WhoLonalo deati• en 1a Butter, Cheese; Lord Eggs,_ Porn, Bacon, Beane, Ta ll ow, Feathers, Itniolus, Potatoes, , llont. tny, Dried Fruits; Green Pratt., Onion', Flour. Grain, vlover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Flax Saab, Gann and Poultry. Particular attention Oren to Produce Consignments. • • jots 1 i~:a licrs■ LITTLE, BAIRD We Grooms arid Ocsauslsidou Merchsnts, desi gn trl PROMO'S, FLOUR, BACON, _CREWE, FISH, CARRON AND LARD" Ons IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, end Pitts burgh rusuuleatures gerutrally,lLl and 114 Second street .Pittsburglu • 1 1 . 012 I t B. CANFIELD,. Commission and ir th lattte Ntinge g AN LAR.D, FOXE, RADON, FLOUR, FISH, AND PEARL ASHES, SALERATE__S SEIM AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT and Produce amorally, Nos. 141 sad 14$ Front street, Pittsburgh. cet . W CULT OTIS eUIPA2 OULP & 81.1:EPARD Commission. Mere chants and in FLOM; GRAM AND PRODUCE, No. ef7dealers Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ChOlee brandosf Flour for 'Bakers and Fatally eue constantly ad bassi. Particular attention paid to filling callers for 2derehandize generally. 0et5411,y - IVETZERAt ARMSTRONG, nrwardiag A. and Ilimunission 111torchants. for the sale cd FLOUR, ORAIN, BACON. LARD, BUTTER., SEEDS DEM F O RUIT, and Produce generally. No.leldarket street, corner of FirsE,Pittsburgli, Penna. • • fettedy • - • "W3l. P. BECK & CO. N&..'1&5 Liberty Street, Pittshusgh, Pa.;Wholesala Groom, Commission Merchants, and dealers In COUNTRY PRODUCE. PROVISIONS, BACON - LARD, Burrt, EGO CIUOZE, IFD,,ka ?no. DUCE, FLR, ORAIN, SEEDS OREE* AND DRIED FRUITS, Ada SALT laid LIME. SyIS • OZOEGE P. HEAD OHOSION HETZOLE. 11011 EAD METZGAR, Groccraand Cconi Intssion Merehantsoin4 dealers in all kindS oi Country Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 241) Liberty strieL opposite bead of Wood street. Pittsburgh.- r - spiky T. BEMI= .1 e =SWIM. . D. BXYltalL lIIVEYMER & BROTHE R S, (successor* -s-s; to Itermoi Andetioda Wholmola litition FOREIGN FIiILTITS E NUTS and SPLEJEd", OUN FIECTIONLIZY,' SULTAREi, WOUKI3,_ dio.; No.. IS rand WS Wood stieot, above MU burgh. uss-ty pc WALLACE, CommtegionMerctuult; .11 -' • and Wholesale Dealer In FLOUR et GRAINi No. SW Liberty Meet, le .Finnsyleanls R. Fneseoget. Depot, , Storsgs Warehouse. corner Warn:. &on Valets. • - J. S. LIGOLTT I B. LIGGETT & co.--cri-FVB7I Litr o rg.frrY , air vivacity, ow barrels iper day. &Id w. minnow Aims. - w. Literal QCHONABER Commission Po Merchants and Wholesale dealers in GROCID runntvaster,PßODUClE, No..= Liberty street, Pittsburgh: +••• •- • • • -weriv 30EIN - • KW. W1L2016 WILSON; Wholesale' Groi I cers, CCMllllllllllolllMcAllants, sad dealers id Produt y st aisr.