The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 01, 1865, Image 4

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    ,__ F .
• NA ; -
411 614 4 1 Oanitr
111190 4 1 0/21WIGRAMI
The Surrender of Johnston.
WltmoNts, of: Jet , Dmis
Nearly all or the Assassins in Custody
- -
He Oberon Ciliates tights Doctrine.
wAR,„O.,,N 7 HE. fIll : A_T!ON11110 . TTREMION
life , On* the ethistsatnalto.
igdfelON FOB JELP.
New Irons, Aprll 29.—Newbern advice" state
"thear ton_sttempted to haggle wi th Grant
Cr .whi ch would provide for the pardon of
Jed Da and the other letdlnglasurrectlonery
:Mkt the Ltenteasnt.lleneral mould
lstayto Wig, and Johnston was compelled
t ebegagut with the condltlons granted to
The liirekr/ Washington special says : _h.
focatatime has reached Washington shushe cad
steam ram 011nas, lass Stonewall, anised at the
Canary Island on the Um of Marsh, la three days,
ham A.istmn. She was ordered to leave the Dort
is tlftty.frour bows, which she did, sleamlag
laildol7 antdk..kmt tlistinallon unknown. The
Navy Department, hi anticipation of the appear ,
ammo( the Stonewall In some of our harbors, Is
augdagfropF distribution alone thti Atlantic
Intsilbteace of. the arrival of Jeft. Davis and
his accompanying task:Tee as far south
t o n. out
Canals, has been received In Washingo It
is thought. he will tee caught before reaching
a Selma, Ala., dispatch . says
Amoaßthe prisoners captured here are one bun.
eked and fifty officers.
Lisat. that. Dick Taylor aide bit escape on a
steamer. N. B. Forrest, Das Adam, Roddy,
AAR=and Cssalland also
ordnance Mika, Ca Band,. Is
reported wounded.
Wish* and McCook attacked Jed:eon's front
aid rear at Tryon, bet having• traveled by dif
tbrast nada their enacts inseam simultaneous.
Crofts'!' movements towards. Tose:lama ren
dered iSttee Isr Format tdeany out
The .fisrdbfilAraidungton Special war The
post mortars musornation of_lboOth shows that
eke ba11,414 hoareach the brain, hat 'Wiring the
spinsteledsmn Traduced histaat paralysis. The
oWnietUb.e =rico.' la, he must. have died
the brain being astir* and the
cauelomneas aomplete.
im iXtly ill of the puttee direekj implicated are
Pape, the Reward roUsairrt is a brook alike
fitcasmanraldrin There are air brothers, all
and darlag. Taw were with Walker la
*an lath mitred kong to-day to ask far his
stouter , * boily.
The .R ichmond-Thc teoust - will not be gra Med.
st an istaniewhe bad, with Gen. hdcilled
onhin to obtain ids Tielltleal views sad lay theta
beim the public. Oalnibrming Oen. Lector his
owed the latter raid: "I am a paroled
or," and added, "I have sever beersa To=
and know bit little of 'political leaders. las a
ex Sabi be wit ready to make any
amilike; pent= - any honorable pea c e
wouldemul to the restoratloduf peace tO the
.ementrj. to
said thin' ,as a' believer ta Stine
=- wandered his allegiance due
to his-native. Bine. He had op
posedneeeisionchat when hie Mate went out ha
agaddened It itis.duty to,go With it: *- •
t4 Wisinheisocqr the mann
bonsideredtadtuhueder the
laR Lb Buita cnn me t
vegarded his surrender or callt
tarAlnot.algeltlcance t was not • sur
render Alf the doctrine of S t ate rights; when'
war - .wholly :subdped only would
the, n'efatate rights he surrendered.' The,
enreindeVatishiglearray was only a military
WM:tithe Pouni surrenders all itiffress and
returnee°, tbe Salon thee — ly .she enr , *
tus wi W i y a iszi d t i ;o r position.
p3 T ir lue et t . pr a clts
giestiosiof &ate nehta there exists aleg ate
The gneeriontlese let; in ths
asemmtion fonnteg the law, and the war Is
&nth* to state h.= - The war misled on this is
' *nth are tomato submit, [6 of course
can cenghe looked upon as the triumph of the
federal power over State rights, and the forced
annihilation of the latter. The South are not •
to beg for tams butare ready to'accept.
World e
As tuns, then own political views being
consiered. to slav,. they consider It
dead, and the ben him loaf ery been anxious to do
away with t. -Roe xplicitlythe opin
ion that should arbitrary or ea est:able policies
bS* Ilse end was not yet. • - -
He recanted the , assassination of President
laniSoM as a crime beyond amuse. It could.not,
beapproved by say good man, fr om 'any eon- .
ceivable motiv e - .
As to the terms of To the suggestion
Mat theirontimil ' only be held to a strict
acconatiltrasked : • "Would tiiit be Jost I What
bas Hr.-Davis dose more than any other South
erner, that : be should be punished 'I Is Is true
he has. occupies a monde:mil position at-the
beaded - thenhole, but that has made him no
more nodes a rebel than the rest:
"Hilfacts were An theCwhole people, and the
arts of the people were his. He is not account.
Able for theatres:Or. _Outs° contrary, be was
one otitis last tort..-In Ms adherence to the
seasaluet mareneens, =ring strenumudyepposed
it frees tine onset, and portrayed Its miaow
. sivionss by aryeicbm and writings."'
.PIE:BIDER LECOLNII 118311.11 . S.
eak . clinitnN AZiell*.--Clesseisma,Pridiq Night.
.—The hem rain whlehoommeneed bettors noon
to di; crittlinii, Mid we leave MIS besullfaland
hospitable city with the remains which have
been in Mt:Meaty end zenerelly honored. dot
withstanding the Inclement weather, crowds
"have apsenabled it Um rekoedatitlon to take
thelt,llM,looli at the adds - eintalrds; all that
Is mortal of LW:ctn.
we pia in memoden Brien Columbia. Graf
ton, KoMenton; Greenwich, Grandma and other
Nagemo, Atio *evaded natleaslascesed belga
of mawahe ars mein each station The ~in
eirma esattanak bat this . his not prevented the
ametintind ot prides on the my, many ofthem
Inertia lanterns la Mak hands to order that the
tlandit ewe ms's *harems. ,
29—sew a. w.—llews -
the Larva vs hire seen since we len
Cleveland - . -Tbs .depot Madding is handsomely
draped witte - mommLeg dun snit over the door.
erafit 14 a 'oldie cotton alga, with-large black
Intent:.„ 111- Bleep In • the Illeiolngs of the
Whose ratters God Conemmls nosed Alm
toybesire , r dons are lewd, and the belt Is toiled.
trin'auxu.—The rain haa ceased, and
gherclesternales of a clear day. We pass by
sevarall smalibamlets where spectators are as.
otelirotd. lISAS • at seven o'clock write searing
CrolgralourNie impital of the Otateof Ohio, and
tlq Udntelata Capital we bare visited since our
' depot= from -.Washington on oar melancholy
Wis hire maraud Governor Broach and staff,
Xator Geared Hooker and staff, United State*
&lupe John,Lberman, tad the Woo. Samuel
Ordlowar-thelara named being the chairman of
the Colnadrtur escort committee, who Joined the
funeral partj'at Cleveland.
Triff.!* se,-We are now at the railroad station,
end caerwde , of interested spectators are In the
immediate locallty. The committee of arrange
ments begla atones to carryord the amine
sad place the funeral party In The
military officers are execating the orders for the
and much activity is everywhere ex
the stare connection.
- &gi n polehm arsine of a brass band are
beard and **see thegroals l mikiti:Loftirana In
open vr a th hemp ancove
carded td,at rom
hearse rsinla
b daily diMmeml with Week cloth trimmed
witii silver Mop, and: the root adorned with
Theadda_ is *meted so that miry one may
11008 oielnb from any position: The amen,
OXlD2lllted In other cities, lie upon the lbe. •
2 . 4n,noremeelan domed, the Seth Ohio Tel
endon ; liefaistry kiln. as the emort,
himmAbllowi odidehlat clergy, pali beams
Oa Medi ildeartke Immassi• are 'ltem tessera
dartial/whldiof boner. TM* wort, aersmapaay.
byr rho resew OrMs WNW/3st= iire biome
earflaps Ikea ebraast.' These are Wawa by,
Major Gipevil Maker` and Brad Ildeadler
Cameral W. K Illebradl;ftn, each with Ista stalf
looms:ed. , - ,llkmOis rememserWamdial
fi and eberai, 444 BMW*.
C= f or it°llll i i hrre o 4 fivs.
. The
weed la parlor taunt& sie *ma =i* .
alas poi; Oritima lkillypriisi Nth
tM cariinie4 o t Afisul e aeids 'eta aildtP
Ilsrebal asettfa sprial ads. s , ada . of Depart
bnente of Blasi Ohio, tleslisnors of
nail end Oehttsbus and the - Cley Councils, the
JaddeacT the Federal and Mato Conde. 1 '
The orders of =hosts sad Odd reittnet r and
intim; other ornenlzathinkinelodsogek real m
Brothers, the ,eoleead-Yasoas. nod :thet oeloend
benevolent Via,
are reresentea ti the
17npumneled Murderous Plot
Result of, the Beard foe the amain,.
Nrw roar, AprN29.--ThelTodd's Wash!As
ton special sum - The search of ac the 1818 1 / 1 111
of PrealdentLlocola end them:IMAM 'Murderer
of Secretary Seward, has developed a - Well-bud
mil deliberately matured - gall of aussalnatlon
and interims rascafity. murder and arson, ttiP
parallelled in the history of crime.
Their investizatlons hive not yet . .reacheda
point 'here It ls proper to disclose the intent
.and various ramLleations of. this murderous
plot. /fan! tal , nlPeetiel and unsuspecting pu
tl•a are htvalved.
The evidence laeotoplete to show that It was
neither the freak of a mad man nor an act of le
dtvidu■l hate, but'' scheme eonoected by the
leaders of the rebellion; and railed upon by them
In the hour of their moat desperate need, and
cue of the meats of =come in their great tree_
'onside •enterpr lee.
The Request Cannot be Granted
Booth's Snff•rings Before Death Awful.
New You April 29.--The 2171ibtele's wadi.
logton spec.tal says: Edwin Booth is here for
the purpcae, It Is stated, of procuriag the body
of Ms brother. His desire cannot be granted as
the grave of the assassin will never be known.
The surgeons who held the autopsy upon
&moth, users that he must have endured untold
anguish of body as well as of mind, from the
nature of thetracture of his leg. the mall bone
hiving cut Its way through the gash and pee
traded. MortincaUctn of the leg had also com
menced, and It vas the opinion of the Burgeon-
General that be could not have lived many days
more la any event.
Robberies by Paroled Rebel Offieera and
Raw TORS, April 29.—Th Muir says : Pa
roled officers and soldiers robbinirthe MUM-
Ueda in the vicinity of .F desbarg, The
officers, members of former •• thy fainilits who
neVer did a day's work, d . they will not
earn their living.
lluirendeeet Jibe Manfred lltebebi.
Lornmun, April 29.—Nlne bundnxl rebels
eurrendezed at Cumberland Gap...yesterday, and
- -
were paroled. •
Booth% Deattl.
We do not fully share the lag of regret,
which seamed to be general sy, that it
should have been neeeseary to Booth in
steed of tainting him In alive be tried and
titoted. Mute was a possible re Wool'.
fission and revelatlorus—but on possible, for
... . . .
Booth - iris a determined' villain, and very nu
ll/icily to tell anythhitg that con d damage his
accomplices or help at. 'Aid kw 'other rations,
hums just as well he died as he did. It Will a
dog's death—dog that he was, and fitted him
well. nearest might have been clumsily mai
med, or the Serg e ant who ;hot Booth might
have beta hasty, and no doubt It was expected of
Ids captors that hi should hive beau taken alive
-"but no matter. It Is enough that Justice has
Moo swiftly overtaken him, after a penult pro
bably unparalleld In ate !amenity and persistence.
n he madam. can have had`no Raiment of real,
o instant of fancied security from thellme ha
tired his shot down to his actual capture. If
auybody want, to Indulge his vindictive feeling,
hrt um Imagism what agonies of \ retribution and
of apprehension the areassln has had to live
gh \ lci
through for ten days pan. • •
• The zagacity of the deteellifes never to
have been at !knit. Booth fled fro Wasiiine
. &malt° St. Mary's Countyinthtery d„ hiding
-there la a sump WI he facedd L ineaas to cross
the Potomac Into Virginia tomeet lila fate. H!a
leg nimbi:ikon. as ttporied, and was set by a
Dr. Mudd or Mudge, of Port Tobaceo, who,
knowing Booth, did him that service, gave him
crtainhes, and,- sp:d lum forward. on Hight.
Thm DOCtOr is 'flail in Witahletton,to be forth•
with tried by Military Commission for a crime,
the pre-announced and sure penalty of which is
death. Buntit's monde Rantge was with him
all through—and he Is far mere likely to give a
history of the smasaination conspiracy. if he
knows these would ;At:9th *arc heel'., had ho
been living. But we apprehend there Is not much
to tell which the War Department do not al
mady know. Of the details of the plot te e , have
for days been well Informed, and Mr. Stanton
• did not battier to annenbes; • lbw difi sinel
that the plan' was•-goiscumet- is Canada, se
approved in Richmond. Evidence of both facts
will be forthcoming In due time.--Yor York
, .
. .Ifliston Corbett, President. Lt.
We have before us the photograph of Boston
Corbett, the mu yriqo shot Booth., He is an
Beglishmin about 26 years ofage, and Sergeant
in Company Lof the 16th New. York Cards,.
He went out at the commencement of the war
as a private of the UM Few Tork State Militia,
Col, Butterfield, and has been in active service
ever since, About eight months ago he was
captured by the rebel guerrilla Mosby while out
on a scouting expedition, all his party having
either been =al or esc a ped. 'Beheld the entire
rebel gang, about 96 In number, at bay for some
time. sad only muremdered wbsel his ammuni
tion was exhausted. For his braveryin this af
' fair he wu promoted' to be , Sergeant, but only
returned to the Ham lines to assume the title
after a Bye months imprisonment at Anderson
dile. While there he frequently bald prayer
meetings, and exhorted bit dying isompaalons,
being an active and sinewe member of the At
torney street P.' M. Chnrch of this city. He
only Weir rebind his regiment, and bad scarce
ly recovered from a chronic Mottoes and scurvy
conflicted at thd South, when he was appointed
one of 26 tried man to perform the duly he so
succesaftilly acoomplhthed. Hie taco la intelli
gent, and bears the input of a idgictonai
Christian patriottan.—N. T. 21-guse. .
• The Governors of - irtrgtota.
The Abtraadrialoental baka paragraph watch
indicates a strong desire •on the part of Gov.
Pierporit to see Gottrnor Bth. The Journal
"We understand that Governor Plerpont his
it In contemplation to ells a reward* for the ap•
prehension of Extra Billy fladtb, late Governor
of Virginia at Richmond. It has been war
. tathed that tie 9890,000 stated to have been bor
rowed by Jed. Dada from the Virginia banks;
wasobtalned though the agency of Extra GB-
Adm. and in a way that-would brlng that Indi
vidual noble to the suspicion of then.. In add!.
Ake to this,lt is also stated now, alone the tilrht
of Smith, that he converted a large portion of
the money to bictarn use, It is stated that be
'and Bennett, That Auditor of the State of Vir
ginia, (rabel)_tried to log or over $lOO,OOO of
the money for their own tun, and gating up the
mud as far as Buckingham county, scattered it
oi the wayside, placing some in thelail of that
county, where it baa since been found. The
money, If everrecoveral, would belong to the
loyal noteholders of the bank of which it was
'borrowed." WO are unable to say who Eitra •
Billy would belong trs4B caught under the Inspi
ration of the reward-tibias Governor Plerpont
propose* to OA% -
Tllll FAT/ OP A YOUNO mong the
rebel cosepirstini foundguilty sa d sentenced dy
the military cornudashm that hubs= la session
at Cincinnati, is Richard Semmes, *calcined
three years' bard labor in the Ohio piraitentiary.
This man'hi about twenty.'lx yhers of age, be
longs to Maryland, and is a nephew or the not*.
dons pirate, Captain Beanutes. Be entqeo th e
Yale Law School, we believe. I n the year Idea,
and left In the summer oiled; gad POOR after
wen t to Chicago to commence the Practice of
law. His &meal 1101,111100ie, which were freely
/horn by him while here, led him le gorge with
other young aid aspiring rebels, in a plot to re
lieve the nobeel prisoners :waded in Camp Doug
lae. • The plains disamred. the fellow await,
ed, tried, and now . received his just demote.
2foo Boma (Cs re) /earned. .
Ira rebel . koderk showed mat AM in the
manner I. which they removed the geld from
Richmond to tar Domino Mimed an tawalthl
before the steactogitat, Gosahrorara - Biased
aloog the entire mote horn the Tommy to the
'dame, with orders 49 allow no wagon to deviate
from ita come. The number of hereof gold
was thirty:oar,: Cu la* ires-rplaciidit each
wagon, with a guard of four mar walking after
to watch the property and 00 driver. A
_contlatonisl ant was also , Nek",rlPll, t 'to
look a ft er both posed, Aatdriror; "Withal*.
the Secretary of Ale Trearary,saa o t ti talfror
wry nattiahe lain keg wag off; satr it on
Toot.. the Solsaalte aye* wasioafed late two
and Mt ofputirnatofileentel, the Ua•
mend wear miaow 'to each' carp and rodeo
RBOICERfo AZD 4/1.1112,111 , BOARD.
f ' (coancino str rN. an MINN &00.1
EilertrnbaTlZ MR
ARegbeny Valley shares .-
4;mumuseula R. R.. 11,60
Rifrebaata Otaaal'ea- 71,60
I) /sell UR Oa SAO 4,60
Colia 03,0 a
Oil umb
Basin ..... Bon
Oil Sliest &Messy 41414
messy Busk Central--.-.. 110 SAS
Tan Mary B OMinT M
BllelUeßissau is OR
Cherry Mai
..... t,SO
F 7 l - 1;i:
Mingo Coal
Bonneville Oil (Jo..s.
2 , 0 3
Memlx .
bfaelubtug Pet/Venni 00.,
The decline to gold to two or three drip put
haa quite wenaltdy °beaked the mit ewe In Eatl
Bond si amities, and tmooy stooks to the Lumens
markets. Government Bonds, howere•, continue
to rise, and the demand for them. Including the
new Bsyen•Thlrty loan,. grows In amount day by
Gold lo reported weak at 1,14 U. S. Bonds,
ON Fin Twenties 1,083; Ten Forties Oa; per
tiflcateelitog. These rate., except on the last nam.
ed, ars abont one per cent. above those current hi
our market during the day. Were It not for the
abundance of currency, and the consequent cheap•
nese of wring, we might reasonably eapeet, as
peso. approach.., a serious tumble in rocks
But we do not sea howl the better elan of Ball
Road securities, Bank /Brame, and dividend pay
ing Oil Shares, can get Mush below present.quote.
(ions, if real values are It all considered.
. •
The market for 01l ltaetfhas Improved, and tf our
advice. final above In regent to production, are
to be relied upon, a further fell In gold, even, ought
not toter? greatly erect the price of oil.
TLe weeks buslnem above a manifest Improve
mental the Oil stook Board. There is far less dls
poiiitton towards an indiscriminate slaughter,
while in some Instances, as In ()berry Bun ()antral,
Federal and others, teem Is ready sale, et advan
ced rates. AMe patient vatting for the settling
down In commercial matters,. and on the results
of Spring labor at the wells, will bring Its due re.
There was an unusually large attendance at the
Stock Doer( ttds evening, and the transactions
were mere liberal than for some time pen, over
tour thousand shares of stook changing hands. As
will beseem, Cherry Run Central was agars the
most prominent, over three thousand Shares being
acid, at prices ranging from 1,95 t, 2,00. Columbia
also, we. pretty active, but sold very low, ranging
from 69 to 61, and Western Pennsylvania, and
Cherry Run h Blood, also ruled lo war, al Mid Fed
era. The sales were sw follows:
Ice shares Central 97
" 97
1,4 SI 91
100 a , Cherry iltui ...... 200
000 " 200
1 15
1111 --- 16
Minted* ---...--- -.01 10
" 51 00
90 ". "
.. —....43 01
100 "FicleriL_ =. .. ............. 100
IEO 06
100 " 106
*co . Wrote= Perksoylvanle—.—.— 110
lu3 " Cherry Itua Blood. ....... 00
The olibrbees bad bide verb ed follows
legheny City
atA .g 1 (All'i) &any Banda-
Stletabenvella II II
Connelsville It so an
Allegheny Valley!, It--
Allegheny Bank---
swir&e.7m Ohio
. &
11knid Ya &
thildweil of Male 4 07%
°knew dm dl_Ptttekeink-.-- tSS
°berry KIM k Rtt Hole so so
Oolutabis....— It le st Da
ttuitertooss Rwt........... 1 60
Etas Ott k 1detang.............. . --- (t 0
1 , 4111er Reserve es
- .
Cheat AM=ltOill ..
. .--•• ato
liorieusek., t 00 in
learchantar - a 3 vi •
kreAbos Cherr y Rua---- 73 00
National /Wang k Staring—. -- 1 co
Old. Valley- SI
OU Basta, of PaUlasalasda as
Ott City k Pittsburgh 73
Oil Creek • ebarryltura 3 00 atx
a la ao
Pktillps— 0$
Pltubutith la My Y0rk......... . 03
Pittsburgh k PIMA 166 as —. /
as o
.Itbal =--......—.—_.. as co
gek!F IL n.'
• .. 2 s e : is '
stalls.. ....... 10
Meet Weil- ti IV 13 00
reek Petroleum, of New York.. I7O I i 33
/err, Story I Limey Eurk........ le to
goton Lublia --so
6$ so ,
Whitely Creek 1 1 63
!The eolleethas of the taw= tag tot 1911 'ems to
te •• LLttte understood by the alms of Govern
meat am by the public. Some of the assessor., and
perhaps all of them, hare prepared • meet remark •
able oath, which they require every moo to mate
Ingtving In hie Income statement. Thu ath, the
Inew Turk Jerreel of tereaseror wire, to to the e 4
tent that theldlitsdnitlt show* pte Income
•irMels he has received, and to which he ta la
adz matmer madden," and also "mum he has not re
calved and It cot eatlt/od to twelve, from toy or
ad ammonia Income together, any other stet fir
the said year."
Mk fa Ourely • blitodm. Nen are not to pay
Mite" oil what they am itatitied to Meths ea if they
had received it. It requires • return of every bad
etht which a man was eutttled to receive, and did
not ,calve, but which aWI remains due, sad La the
cues of many mercantile houses would tuvolve
the return of many thousands of dollar'. nor Is
there any way of correcting'this error, unless by
anaexing a list 21his uncollected claim. am part of
nits a ehedule or (Salted statement. Than ha can
, baciantloui-i take th• oath, but mot otheists•
Tbe closer market bereabd in ell the Atlantic
titles, is riliorted neuselly houyant, with almost
any amoral of capital offered, et low rave. kne
els' to the =WU= of the New York reerket,
u bleb to. great ulna, Intloweara ell ether las&
ing markets, the Tramiel of 'Thursday last uri
ne market has all the &mauls whieh attended
t•• upward moventents of ust and leµ abandaric•
of money, eat Sfactory eanslairi4 and • wide Circle
of operations. The amount of Matinee. done by
telegraph I. very large, and the whole vigor of
apeculaUan has been brought to bear upon railway
property. Money Is abundant at 4as per omit. on
eall. and se mow so much more abundant than shares
ha corputoproperty that the latter are Nought kte
within 'sunup which will put them for the so-
Meta to points approaching thou of the early o a rt
of ISIS." In addition to everyman,' money multet
the reported earnhip of almost all railways are
large—se increase on last ^ear's bugloss.. Almost
the only 01.010AlOg labia the reureylvanla ball--
road, the Reading Ea tread, and la feet nearly ail
the roads ennui:cling with Polladelpetia. Is went of
tolutage capacity to move Su freight ofbred to
trent. The same le true of the roads muesli:is
greet from New York. The Matinee Southern
earned the third week In April, lest ra,tril INS
gee en. Locrea.. ' 111300. The passager treble
allow. a gain of NM. The traffic thus far In
April, of the New York and Pkin,ls 111,500,0 C., and
for the month will exceed 151,0011,000. Its net tea&
fie in April, UM, was e11,Wee,607. The Illevelud
and Toledo earned the Ant half of April, 156 5 ,
127; INC IMAM; Isersase, 111.017. The Toledo and
Wabadi earned the third week In April, WU, INA,..
tis the West, under the i dea It:m[lll6bn prices are
to be peklin lotus.
• ?b e &mewl for 140 not/ continue idrongia en
directions, - Mid, is thirst/Mum of employment for
capital. are taken by parties generally Into/ their
money in vesyelmri. eagegammds. The X. Y. Bevil
New Reporter , soli: •
O We recommend investments In one nr the other
of s bore notes, rather thee to any of the Unreal.
mesa long Loads at the premium they are selling
for. Ina Utile more than two years the pest Woe
will bring 1.101 at par, by fondles them, If been
atoll then beet a premium; but If they shall be on.
epar, then the 140 s will brinig money. The
7•30 e have Um SAITIMILp of be ing exempt, from
State, city, an,' tow. taretioa, the seas as other
Gelled State. maturlUelit besides, it lea direst lend
ing of your money to the Government when you
Invest In these notes, and other things being equal,
this sbonlol certainly cialik your attentioe. The
soldiers hays done their pert nobly! The rebellion
ts crushed! Let everyone tent hee money take of
the Government loon, that the army may be paid
and discharged The Veteran's blessing to of much
Importance to ale AIL Let prompt pay cheer his
PITTEOIIIOII, FOOT Wines k Oasoxoo R. B.
April 2S-7102 pea bulk shoulders, P Belles m colt
comb/Arley, Culp k Shepard; kel bbl. dour, 19tto.
maker k Laug; 4 care nousehold goods, Wm Ko
-21-4 no barley and oats, John llausaleh; t oar
°M !.. R 1 41000 4 , . 114g9 r°V.7 ° B I . dI 0161 J a rl. q 6 4 '
~4e) A tilarir; so poiaLoes Artouroain
00 hp onto, Jo° Flu & co; ebbls scrap ken, John
Dutth.p; Ko hides, Joe Outomlne; I ear lumber. L
Lanham; 60 ten hams, E Myers en II Ibis dry
tejl i :lfei::lt h ir e ngenf . en `dr` ""‘ ""
0 b Is potatosi, W 1 , 19ey-
M 0606 Who hues, B Wolfe k eo; 0 boxes cheese,
DookUle &Pat kll box ninon, Graft & Kelton 7
ABA gas pipes, Jas
tnarvatanna Asa PITTSIIIIIIOII H. H. /LOU W
eems wheat, 11 - T Kennedy& aro) In ,
bbl. fhb,
Watt wiimi 16 do do ; S mover; 10 do do.
Ile, Bard& Paltoo; 10 dodo. W Wiper; 10 do do,
B B Jack; 0 bbl. Horan le bbla.deur.
Wright e 0; 110 petakkes, Belsky di Vac
Oornarviebia dowse, Potter, Aiken"; 1911epud; 10
bblerus, Stahkryei NNW.
dkunonsarr daimon, April so—tag by bldg.,
k P Clint; 4 eta paacea, Owens A Kosoodyi $
~eare C li nt; Abraham Yodertl bbl and, bolter. ;Yu
- curd bbls took Peter Petereou;4lo b y mill
rerd,.l tomboy. Toestigy &Kopp; ear stony
llear/wow. wm Bolan& IS WI piper.
Pittsburgh Pupa Go; dos brooms, J DuAlinry &
dos cob Um A
uniu my apiw . ream*, raiser 'A Anagram. It
bks Wad/O. =WM 5514 h .trito bit, battery,
but 00 1419 ski; Salt, Tilos all '00: 100 ski
kilk Cod, A J.lia~l Obis smithies, Jae it..h.rt
5 551e5ir5.44151V Mai& BIOS it HIS Mar el lw
_ .
Imiesirpaperce. ,„,
4 - 4 x
• • imutuara. - • -
fialnitsx, April 11. UM
The, bag...bean no grist activity Li the Ming
markets dneing the week Which his just closed'
and the only new feature we have to nottce.ltv that
• much better feeling primula in eommerelal cir
cles, arid eenfillenes Is b deg grad catty restored.
In prices theft hie been no, letearkahls abase%
though as a leanest thing, the Widow, has been
GRAIW—The last sale of Wheat reported was
at 111,13 for tied. Vats in better aemand, Wined.
pithy for shipment to Oil Oily, and price" continue
irregular; sate of zoo bushels at w7l4i t car do at
64; and we also heard of a sale Of WW iniehetil at
67 cent., delivered on Allegheny soh tf. Corn—
sale off ear prime, In ears, at so cents. Barley—n(l
PROVISIONS—Snoop le steady, with • falelob
tang demand, at 17 for Shouldered& tor tildes; 11
Pima Sugar Cured owes, and ft for Cadavasaed do.
Lard and Mesa Pork quiet and uochanged.
FLOUR—There to no improvement to note in
the demand, and no cheese toniske in quotations
—lB,OO to 0e,26, the latter only for ehoi Se brands.
Sale of 110 Obis Couutry Family at $8,611.
BU I TER—Contlnues very dull and st tally
prime 8011, which sold readily at Alt do cents du
ring the curly Pelt of the week, Plow drags at IV
W. Common grades almost unsaleable.
EGOS—Demand lair and ket
sake to a fair extent said steady, with
CUFFS!—Prime selected Western Reserve le
&till quoted at 22 and Ranhurg t 23.
POTATOES—DuII with s rood supply vet no.
changed. Sales of Peach Slows at 112,76Ari,00 per
bbl; buckeyes stIikWAN,W. and iteds et WOO Po ,
todlOaL , -
DODD FRUlT—apples in good supply and
occasional awes at 706 seats. Nothing
dving in Peaches.
HaT—Continues very dull, With_a supply large.
ly in excess of the demand, sad prim! are droop.
of 4 tuna Cate Straw at Ito
pci ton.
SEEDS—Clover Seed is scarce and wanted.
with salsa ea es at illand. Timothy Is dull st 4 2 , 00 .
Ftex la in demand at OW.
HO SINT—Was be quoteddull at no,
--. 1,9 X)
--• 1,60
• w ail :tH
The Petroleum market continues strong and mod
erately active with a fate demand both fir rnooiag
shipment, and on •peaulation, and as a general
thing, holders are holding of for the present, e 0
peeling to realize still higher prices within the
nest few days We now quote at 22Xff21X, bole
re turned,and 27;028%, Ws included. Sales of
11C4 Ws at 22y1, and 2600 bbls for future delivery ,
antitank on the spot on private term..
Adirletefrom Oil elty report Crude at i 6,60517 at
the well., and 11,00110 at the mouth - of the Creek.
There ix still considerable inquiry for Refined, la
hoed, but the extreme vines of holders ha• • ten
dency to retard operations. The only Sales roper
ted werelloobble bonded, Atte, and too bble free, at
6e—both for lmniedletedellvery. Naptha and Re.
sidearm remaui quiet and unchanged.
There has bees but one arrival of Crud. since our
loot report, go bbls far Barbour &
Special Diepateh to the Pittaburgh Gazette.
.Prritammrins, April2ll, lets.
The market for Oil Stoats has been only molar
catty active this week, the attention of the opera.
ton being mostly 'absorbed by the mare reliable
seeurities, which have been in favor, and on the
advance, while the oils were depressed sad Irmo,
leq with more disposition on the part of holders
to reenter, and, with some few egoeptiosui, prima
have ruled irregular, and in favor of buyers. Ma.
pie Shade advanced 23 per ahem, .oalderell
154, owing to the report of striking a large well.
The market left oft reverie/mad Irregular. The fol
lowing are the eh:talent prices today, as cosepankl
with them of last Sasurday:
Conklin! Crawl!.
anl'll Creek& Marry Rua.
la Tank"— ... --
Curtin ***
Walnut eland
lower Well
ktderado • • •
—....—. .......
EMI. Azkid.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Xi. Tonic, April 92, tSIII.
market for Crude etinainuei arm and pretty
active, with salee top fair extant ter Immediate de.
beery at DPOIO eta. Defined, am, geady sad drat,
with sales of bonded at 40044 emits, end free at
The Shippfip Usf reilawe the retrolteno =mat
aortae the pam three days as follow,: Thera has
bees ea Increased demand for both Crude and Re.
flardlna the spot and to wive, and all dam/p
-ith. bath advaneed, Menai very nrudy. 11 is
gtherally believed that the production is materially
tem than lam year, and It issesertal that there are
ma large stoeks of Pend. at the With o relsewhere.
The demand for erode or. theapot, has beta chiefly
for the settlement of contracts, and being mama,
an .Crane of VIM cents has been pettl—tlia miles
ars wito bblo Ma* for Immethet• delivery, at 17)4
elth thole; Costae Onaly at Sea; 10.00 for Kay,
roe gtrii"kar.
SW mats higher — leered are Mao alga new
tied o r. Misspeak sad delleeted neat tank, at LSO
Mercantil. Moe "Olm th eets” on the vitot
(amines th• advents.) at this bather. lath, tdomoS
fleetly at al far Light Way Whits; MO for Jane
and fuI!, L APCO halloos la Ma, MI; and IMO btds
rfec,tl for Straw and Light Straw, and 7534
for fat Straw to While, elcolan at Mk%
aptha basovn ta better teetiast,and MOM gray
/t/ bliter Inn pekes—the salmi are de baler, grant
ty at ancents;Se do, Men parity, y.
01 and 113
do, MOM eon, Saab. Alen =Obis
sold to arrive from Plttaburgb oa
onto tethis,
Eftlaved at Nn York *lace let January-- . .
Hid...-. .-- —bola. i5i,14411111 1 / 1 .--lobla. t6,7o Exporteisime doe- IBM 18“.
From Nes Y0rk....,..- gallkiitiklai 4.11111.03
Otbn Porte -8111,4111 2,027,118
Sawa Use ....calla If, M. 44
Petrolatum. Orada — la Armes; flan dam cate r. 1
a 7:o7 t
11far aaeto; Refined, tleady at addabil tat Doodad, aad
Review Of the New York Grocery Malta.
(From the Commercial List, Apr.l mi.)
Sugar—The market for Raw Wur =usually se
ttle Wednesday sod Thundayi Reinert sod the
TWde buying beely, and pllOl% RIM run up fully
one-quarter oft cent, bringing Tale Palltung Gabs
Wilt eras, and Good do, 1334, a most but yestaiday
with some falling With Gold, and a 11111. more dis
position to realise, the market Deco= slack again,
and the oboes advises was lost, doting taniekeiil
Ake current rubes of Moods. last, Reaped. too,
has =en mitre and higher • though not quite so
high as at one time Thoreau—Hard, 1930) Soft
White. 9001534; sod 'Yellow, Wetly. Ouch. .seas.
Stuart quota: Hard, 11%, While. A, MX( and Tel
low H,17%, cast. ?bout,. of Row are OH khas
Cuba, at tu34,o , 6ii—tb• latter oriole for cooleo
Joao( NM hbas mid Mites Moiled do, 14}4; 74021114 s
/veto Rico, Il),016%,• 11 8 t. Cr01v.,41,110 Glarified
Now Orleans, iTy4 sod 1100 bits H vans, 4i0,0340
WIN, a mos. The clock yesterday was shout 4Dyl
had., 0403 boa, NAN ban. sod Sol hlplo 614164 a
Coffee—The mark= is still vory strong for BM.
MI, with a confirmed good demand, very .lilt prl•
being remised. The kale* see UM bags Rlo, per,
Promo, at fe coots; lal :do, per Lady Doufilass,
14}.1; Au do, per Iternimin, 16 1 4000 do, per 110100
tly,, all gow ) and 2199 do, pet Albotroo, pa terms we
did Oct learn. The two cargoes ,reporteil In our
lost, per Jane Carel& and Mallgo, 14X19
cents, gold,lo bond. W. notice besides, liso
bits Nor cia m studt 403.4011% coots; 160 St Do.
mimeo, IPA, duty o,
uty paid, gee lo b00d,1430 Ls
guys e. 9154 11040 mats Tava,lol34llol, all - mild) Ho
mope, so, oubiand2oo Juntas, op terms we did
oat learn.
Atolaases—We =Mao a imatlnued large demand
fob consumption, and It. market is Inn at peon-
tom prices. •Good and prime quidilles aro still
scene mot wanted. The salmi are 41111 Okdo, 0 lea,
rhip d Huhn. mixed, at 43 Natal 019 /tads, 64 tot,
and 25 blik do, before antral, ma pritate r tertasi
M 46 Wads, 43 Ws, a= 6 Ws Hobe 360tioatdo: : 44sasto
goats; 90 114 ., 4 ley mule tWo Porto
Ma !dads common do, 0)0 English Islas sail
et 0, mos, Btliiin, 131 ads sere
crop Porto Rion, sold at 16 050.14,4 .ad 41440 d 0.034014, cash)'Ti.d stook yesterday was
-bunt 111,0*0 bads Cuba, 110. Popo 111.0, sad 10
bbla New Orisons.
Spleemi-Theis Isis not been much done alums our
laat, Put theta is 11 armee Itiellog, and pelt= of
replier ire bc. The sale* aro 150 cases No. 1
but nitwit /motet moll lots, 0,1001.13 ui•
moo, tee/ him eppar, 4105134 eon= geldi smell
lots, Sil4rtis2. curinuayi lbw nuts tlassia, 110741
ant lob wigs Pimento, on pMvate Norms—
Illee- , There has continued a steady fair demsiot
(of Easelndls, and the market, Is de1dn , 0444045,
let of a mat Maher,* ttill further otmolce being
salted. at the oleos. Tha Salm argil= Imp Unclean.
ed Jima, _on privates lams' 900, Ills hatubionte
tiliosard do, gilatil 1 490 bfle /1603600,1111°Andliti
our rutin and lOU so, in bond, 11, .for (gu t an d
6 4 0 11 0464, 66 , gold, for good to prime.
Baltimore Market, April '219.
43offee—To-day market uulat,M) ere quote
lila firm at wheal* soli!, ma to finality,
thani—Wheat—T 14110 bushels ognred, frith
Wes of 111 bushel, whit, at 4 1 4 66 00,40, atul
busks mu 61,0102,10 oar bushed. Morn— To-
enoo buabels received; 1600 ousheli white, to good
-condition, mold atgl,lo6l 11, Md. buah,la Inferior
and damp do at 90/I,tfit IMO gumboil good to
prime yellow at 60,11 LW, and *lO Duda locorlor
Op at Pio a per ammo . flata—To day 4660 nuebi
offered, market dull, with amall 141 618 cents
measure, bye—Tcoday a email lot aoid at 111,16 V
burhel, •
Alolasses -"ottani doing, stock large and no de
fcapdo.neel, le the ahem* of lodes nominal.
Ptin.V.:44.-Ar4 better salmi not before report
ed comprise 100,000 Mogul! tit.ntilders sail Ile,
the former et IMPISH., and tbe latter at 1 I/
lefe per tinnier. =taw° ands Pickled Hams a li
cipc, as to ality. /dem Pork sold to-day at
dna ; an 4 elo m Ora at Wahl r. bh ammo Karma,
job toe at 1761150 for Shoulders, anditiies
for Sidra; Hama SO ote for Plain. sad 01434 co ma for
ser cured and nYalta• 4 Anti wiataig% bbl.
ugar- • market, after the heavy transactions
o the p ast two Or three dam closed qatei, though
Pm. -* giro the range ea Mimes' Hubs. sad
Plash Lstend, fair to good red dm il.k.(fillEi eta,
II moos dodo do; grocery, legylb, net; do do prim,
ill.:10 et*, sets Porto Rho, common to atom*,
le II cents, nett Drat% torrent iiitellty, Hal
IS erste, 4 most' /Lama, Ho. If, ISM eta; Heath,
none be...
nonillote Cattle T.
Segos ate beide( Bell Cattle wine melted at
the svelte, MODE Me bead last Thursday ' The
entire reo•iptir Warted tteda, 010 befog taiga tot
Washington Um lot govarameat , eoleasetots, aid
• th e believe 'te Valituleut totabeni, prism rases'
(mm 401011,70 VlOO 1 woes 'be ordiaary to pit.q
beeves. Hale at the outiikle Ileum limited. 6ee
sootrieters are paying - 1110 M tayir% sub.
Jr'ct. to IsuproUtra. H. p—Nuopl) lassoes. of the
(Mumma. sad ptlessloi oats per /1/ lower. (mimeo
tO refine live htglerlilagot 1116 to hie pat 1,0 lte
sit. eller p—Naiket,hrevy, "else ' seeing (read
b 11 realise, plelladVOlst, as to quality.
_ -: ,
li MEM!
1.301 7 . 13 S 3l
7 Is
4 110 ,
57 II
5 ST 11
S 37 . ST
am ' as
3 00 00
1 00, 57
1 60 00
1 SI 13
15 50 1 00
3 73 73
11 00 1 IS
1 II le
I re ST
110 is
413. ST
57 01
5 K 1 U.
- -
I I 1141.1711.r8Y =WWI*
, •
Special Dispatch to the PUtabtuich Gan a%
Coicago, Apel I 211, lea
rtotra—ltecalpts, ‘1,467 bunk I dau , deblisial
pa utter.
OWN—Whet, erWrlved, la Ind bendiest.
am! decline 1131540 os, lila. t Spring, eked.' IS
$1,153. Corn, recelvad, UM° bushels; quiet and
to lower for No. I, closing at 1155gitaio. Oats, TO.
calved, soms bnahels; doll; No. I steady at Cletin;
Bye, received, ROT bushels; neglected and nominal,
Barley, received, apt bushels ;jun and nominal
SMO — CluiCi and easier; 'sloe of l'intOthy 81441
ranee from 112,60 to Kt&
HloawllllS—Dull and nominal, with limited
asks at 112,01.
Tnovunons—The market le neglected and ecalre•
ly notnital ; sales of rough sides at lac loose.
Tattow—Quiet ; sales of Country 'glee,
Woot—Dull and heavy; prices range at tiOdde.
Oita—Limeed Oil quiet, at 805; Lard -- 01.1 in
email demand slid steady, at 81,65.
*Prize—Dried Apples more active and steady.
- Thom IllArrLz—Batber quiet and less firm, with
no essential change in prices ; sales of 2,164 head
at 1709,00 for fair to prim Steers and Oxen ; 04,60
Cep for Inferior to oom a.
lime—Quiet, with do ward tendency ; sales of
1,076 head at 0 5 , 76 68i2!.
New York Market.
Now Tone, /Galin sr-.Dull, heavy and
decidedly lower, at VB4& or Afiridger.
Timm—Heavy and 100160 lower ; PAO for Ex
tra State, 06®10,66 for H. 8.0., an d gd,ided,lll for
Trade Brands—rhamarket closing heavy.
1 Wiliest —Without decided change; Western,
ilium—Wheat dull, with a drooping tendency,
erupt for choicer parcels, which are TOG coerce;
titer lied Western, at 01,10; Mahar alichigan,
i,liddll,liS4; Cora scam. small sales of New Yet
ow et al,ts lel" Chas doll, attli@El)e for Western.
Onocesurts—Coree active and Armor.
~ PETICOLXVIK—FIrM;;Urtide, 39400 1 B. caned; In
Aloud, 666e6e ; Refined Free, 736165.
reovlsione-Pork heavy and lower, at 1129,2.5G70,
26 for New Bless—closing at Igililid oath, 027027,60
f f ,, V 5 a ... 106 1 3 ,. -.1 do rash i i i: r d rn:r
an wa d y, alow y ry 4r -
Prime Alma; also 30,00 e bbla'New Mots, tor May
June and July, sullen' option. Beef atoody, a I
012,80 for Shou lde rs, Beef 'Hrm, at IN§
lo.Xe for and Cc Cofor arns. Bacon
&toady, at 1674@1g0 for Cumberland Out, lltl,'Gl6%e
for Lung Riebed, and 165.1iGt7141; for short gallica.
Lard leas active and &wady, at leeldo. Butter
firm, at previous prices; Olio, 02 0..
New Yurk Week. and Money Market.
New Tonic, April °S.—MONET—MOM Salve, at per cent. Loans quiet, at I4Glet; Gold dull-.
o 46pening3. at 146}4, decanted 14%, sad closing '
Ihe steamer Germania, for Europe to-day, took
out tu 061 in Wide.
Gallop* w. E...4.0.-601d, 1410,4, New York
Cantu_i , 103; Erie, 1144,,'• Hudson, 1173(• Reading,
1 aryi ; sitenion vegan!: 112 X; Michigan Mouthern,
72%; Bikinis Central, 116 1 ,4 i there's d and Pitts
burgh, 604 Cleveland and Toledo, 106; Rock Island,
It 6; North Weetete,n34; North Western preferred,
640 Fort Wayne, 10if.D Prairie Du Chien, 4$
Ohio and Miulasippi tlerlideates. alSi; Canton
Dumberiano, 6141 ltulokailrer,63;4; Maripo
sa, Tag market is steady and strOn,y.
Chid/mad Market.
Cincritrayi, April 2 9 .—Flocit—Dell and prices
Own—Wheat dull and nominal. Dorn 750.
Oat. declined to $Se and are dull. Barley, silo®
1,16 for prime spring and Call.
Wate=r—Dull to ISM; the Wee were
Ice barrels at and Xi do at * 5 , 1 0.
Paw/luluat; Meu Pork held at Ida, but
slyer 106 could Dothan been obtained. Balk Meats
held at 14)0" 16%; no Wee. Shoulders sold at 11
10%, . PacUd end country Sugaruiired Hams at
19S; keg Lard sold at We; prime Linea held
at Hls.
[tsuaasts►—Qechanße4 with good dewkud.
Mom lisamer-ajoie, lei. Nudist easy.
The rl►er has dawn enseitlenbly muses ont teat
revert, and was •unPleltilthir steadily lout evening
Itilb flat seven hit in the channel. The weather
mine rata.
There bare been no arrivals BUM Friday, with
the exception of the Parkersburg packets, Miller/►
mid Berard. The Emma Graham from Zanesville,
aid the onward hem .Bt. Louis, were dim Lei
algal, and will doubtless be found la port fhb
The ItSherrill, for Parkersburg, Ales- Speer, for
7.anearllke, and the Leonora, foe inactonati clear
ed oa Saturn., evenly,. ma letter bust bateau ex
reheat trIP, bertha about all the freight she could
take on the crater.
The anion. which left on Friday forOlndenath
got avo Gla • Roues, sad meek there lard
mod that until Saturday, whim after “iliglitlag up,'
she got off and went her war rejoining,
Private dispatthee from Oil alit or Saturday,
report heavy robes. haring fallen thereon Friday
night and Sattuday morning, and the Allegheny
had risen considerabli, and waa atilt swelling with
about three heath the channel at that point. Lrp.
on the reception of this news, ,here wag & great
nester among the Allegheny Saar .tel.abOat
aed promme several taut be ready to
leave for OS City this evening.
'Me Armadillo WAS advertLeed to hum, Until.
lOU for this city on Saturday.
Th m e popul th ar and fleet Bayard, Clap.. George L.
Ne, la e reglad, packet for Periteriburly to.
ears leavieg promptly on ti m e.
O. sUonway, of the entree ()loud. has eonient.
ed to mates Olaclnnati and Loalerllie trip oa the
Lorena, for Capt./lam. Shuman. who has badness
mulis,:i aMa ric 4teLlion at home ;
I. The
announced no
- .
The Mteneola Captain Die&orlon, la 4 Eng up
•trk artily, and will donbUeis be ready to leave for
at. Louie and St. P.W this erasing. She will be
followed by the Earptre Ulty, (apt. Haelep.
We take the (Wowing from the Mateptn• Argus,
of the Mth lost:
The Keoto and lJnion, which left Vicksburg One
day tut week, to mobs a trip up Yriaoo Elver, for
cargoes of Cotton, bad the good luck to fall to with
ItoaWs Zing City . Tutu davalry a short datum
below Yaz Mane gallant cavaliers Imme
tdiately tookposiusion *Ma boats*. wilts:tut any
rout. in, aa th e cows Teri wisely had peat reaped
for powder univalent* balls, submitting with ap.
urutly a good greoeUs the mod* of the thieves.
Theecaval helped themselves to everythlng valu
but did not catty off the hot cooking Moves,
as they were out at the time supplied with wet
blenkets. • They deo left the bailers on rnd. It
we. with groat dig:malty that the Captain of Ile
Union saved bi n beat from being. harmed. After
cdadderabletallt upon the subject, the leader of
the teeth/ ray it-nerovily agreed: that the boat
Would aot be bent Witte mos la Would pay him
the males sum of amen thousand donate; and we,•
ate informed that be paid this lasneferenc* to ha..
tog the boat destroyed We are unable to leant why
the same levy war net made on the Keoto, but sue
wisethat the name Mato Wu not quits en Wren
sire its the word Union; if .0, due proprietors paid•
dear for the mama We Mould• judge from thin,
that boats going up streams Whore these roving
band are tube fouad do not make mote than a.
hundred 'boomed a trio.
—TforLordiville haw of
- Friday bee the followlagr
Capt. Loektutrt, supeguteadent ot the canal, hag
onlyholly excluded baste from pawing tentgh,
hose that aro actually Amble to get the
mouth of the canal. If a boat doe. not grew over
.1% fag intim, ate Clia easily pus through, after,
gettlog over the nano bar below the mouth of the
renal, In the obatufel If the river.
AO Immense sand bar hat formed just below the
month of the renal, between the main Shore and
the island, actually Wang its meet above thereat.
face of the river. .Thedisda• boats hire been at
work cutting a annuli through, there being at
that point yesterday moaning only from 314 to
feet water. In theunallorar the mud there were
from 4% to 6 feet water.
It, le thought that byte-day the combined action
of the current of the rivet and the dredge boats.
that • channel would be made through the mug
bar below tho mouth of the canal, to enable boats
drawing eve feet water to work through. -Such a
'formidable bar to the navigation of the rives, on
the preeent stage of water. ass never been known
11 1 1111 b 1 " A t t a llrl t r:O g il h a WU:I D :Pad
liyht bows. E TA* 4111111Min.aXier over St houeed•-
tehtino, was working het way tbraush the mud
las erentqg f rawEet. Laub. .
IT/I.l.T.—The splendid .paaaingot
'tomer LOItENL Capt. 4 oonway, wilt tears as
above oa TUESDAY, tie it lost. •
For frident orPosirooon UK ly on bonnier to
U rawkw00n.1 4 ,„,,,,.
F on T. LOUIS, II BONUS, Ar t a
ST. PAUL DLitt= ...The Asir .
'MUMS, &Witmer, !iLINNEFILA. O. pt. Thelma,
trill Dere for the Above anti tateriatedlete porta on
MATUDDAY, Mb that.
For freight or passage; apply ria band or to •
apt? ' J. D. DOLLINGWOOD, t Apecla
e t em stut light draught rummer
X3EICIZT 01,11" V".
John Non, Master, .L L. tdoareery, elarh, will
hove rlttahorgh y
Tuesday and Friday,
at rl•Tra o'clock , A. x., for El rEUREXVII.3.R,
DIRTTA and PARRLEAURG and all Warms.
Moto ports. Returning, Naval ' Pork minors on
W RIM EallAY and 'SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock r. x.
for Doled or mango apply on board, or to
bi marl-
The new sod fast _side wheel oassenger BAY.
AND Q. D. Moorika aster r Daniel Moore, Clerk.
Leavitt. Pitte.urgh Gry MONDAY it TRW*
DAY, at II A. K,
losares Wheeling at $ r. w. same day ,
_ Returning, leaves Parkersburg TUZ
Loam Marietta at a P.R. same dsys.
Lemnos Wheeling at 7 A. Y. WEDtfE3DAY and
Per freight or Paw" haring wampum{ se.
eammodatione, apply on board or to
Jr7EIN&or. or
.IA S. * tOLLIN S. ar
kabala No. MI Water street,ps
- - - - --
PAORITT. , —Tho an. Plismagn stimater GOLD
hRA, W. H. Itm, marten W. H. Bryan. Meng.
lemma Plttatourgb may SATURDAY, al, DONiloak ,
au, mad Portimouth every MONDAY, at a °Moak
p: m. : Tim Golden Er* make mutations at Port.
*Olllll, with tW oplandid Miaow &anima - No. 14,
for Oinatimatt, aid will mootpt freight and misMno ,
goo through to that atty. qugie
FOR BT., LOIIII3.—The fine 441a4
ger atasmer ZWIPIRB CITY,
c . iattrioh Itastop. lean for the above on
AntorOmeasso .horts, on THIS DAT, at 4
rot nelgta oe passage apply on bawl. mu -
•1001 . /AS. 001ALT.213, . 1 4• 1 4.‘
013INDALE..V Is it MN T.-100 • burets
Ow Web, 1 / 1 11121 . H. offiktaillt:
I .4 ossas
Net Assets, January, 1865,
aa,,C37'7,8813 .
In al the rangiest OttLee and
Town In the United States
A. A. CABBIE &IRO., Ages*.
C HAR TER 1829.
assets OD 311111U/krr 1:/11114. 11 1 % 4 57414. SG.
Capital I OM,OOI
Accrued Premluau iII,MO
Invested Premiums WOMB
Unsettled Mame ONO
Income for INC WWII
Losses Paid ulna 1879 ODOM;
tdrmsi Perpimusl and Temporary Polisiem cat Mem
Marks N. Ea a 4 k et, lease Los,
Tablas Wagner, _ Edward EL Dale,
Sortael Graol Fake,
Swot. B. Sad =Fitter,
Georg W. ardo r , Free. W. Lerris,_EL II
CHARLES N. BANC K p =e i lt.
JAS. W. iIteALLIsSEE Sea pre. tem
toed and Third=
DESTI - tABL.e: eiOt,DS;
/nor GOIDI 8 Youth', Oka king,
itani To °Emirs,
11038011.Alfr MILLWA ,
No. 71111:bNIILILL Ire Aneigitgami.
Insurance Co. of North America.
1r4:81. 1 r.t0:4*4:1/.111
Hartford Fire laturaare Cosioagr.
Strentation esa Ile mound Li the &bank aspai
stua nntabla sampansec
R. raud.da, it., Presided,.
W. P. HEBREW, Mcisterr.
Office, No. to Water 1
Med, Spare it We Ware.
h ir ui rti odZi= b ilithd. Fete mi.+ atm/a
/Wks. Hose irritation seenagat Diredors sde
art red knows M Me colaterary mod mho ere deer.
lOW by prompter mid' emeralds, to mairtata Me
Maraaer raid they have as offerer/Me tee
probsetos to Mote who deers to be
IL Mier. Jr., Andrew Ath
JuanAuthy, Alexander Speer,
Nathaniel Holmes, D•Vid 11. Locg
Alex. Nimbi BeetJ . Thome,
Geoparate, Chu. J. Mart,
Cain B. Herron, Jobn B. bleOune.
1 3 430 . lbake4Km thx. P. BERT. Beeretary.
asqr. :PIITS77HRO7I.-011ei, hornet Marlin
Water streets, steeled floor.
limners Steamboats! and Cargoes. -
Imams wand toes and damage In the ening&
thou of the Souther; end Western Elvers, I,,,aft
and Helena, and the navigation of the Seal.
Limns against loannd damage by Bre.
Wet. Regaley, • IS hr. bier,
Swami Rea, Scam Shipbee,
Jas. Perk; Jr, James X. Ooopie. •
W. G. Johnetoa, S. Harbauh.
.13. F. Janes, . .7. Oakt.Te.,
Hon. T. R. Howl; John S. Dilworth,
BarelayFtegissa. , • WEL A. Saddam
Geozge huagsdua; doahlyd
°Bice. It. E. corner of Wood sad Fifth Ste
Wm. Phillips; Capt. ieduel;. Rhoads
; Jolla Watt, Samuel P. Salim
Jetta Z. Maks, O. HIUI•0/1 Lcnn
Maths B.lllassli, Oman Arbstr
W. Taa Kirk, John F. Kirk risk
Jamas D. Vatallt Jahn Olyde.
• WM. PaI:LLD/PS, Preaiind.
WATT, Mat Prodi kst.
M & !PAW, all kinds St Firs sad Madly
ISAAC 30M R. Praldra.
D. M. BOOKJOHN, Secretary. Fiat J.eisded.
Dow Jones,
C. L.
klar. rep
Ca pt.. R. C. Om,
John Irwin, Jr.,
11. L. /*Maeda*,
- -
lord p subscribers, have tlds day entered Into a li ne.
artnershipagreely to the fist of Aasetably
of the thunteenwe4 o f of - Pennsylvania, approved
March id, 11211, and do lutreby °salty t
1 bat the:fume end. style under which said
Partnership la to ae cendoeted, la "PI:OUP
2. Mr t the iteaeral nature of the foulness la.
tendeeto be transacted. Ls the business of fletlishig
Oarbon or Mineral 011 upon certain promisee site.
ste.on :he -AUcgleav River lam towaiddp,
letbeel county. and Meteor Perwarivanta.
a. That the general partneemers PHILIP WEIS.
ENSEMOT:R, abase place al nsidenee Is the S boo
tmOi o f Pe Lasnnsy teorevilvanlle,
N loyaty_ not
State wrOhlga.
whose plan of residence le the borough, °panty
and State alOrapthit and the Special rumen A I.
fiIOHOTAIS- J. MOLES, whore plate of
dams ta Lower lin Olattr tewnsblo.p,in the
and State litotauddi and JAMEV (11101r4
whoa* plate of residesp, Is the Four th Ward,
it Oily Ihttabtaigh, hi the Bounty, anal Smite
4, That the maul of MOM Welch math media
Martha. has Voiltsteitted to !ha sonata skink tal
Mows, viz searfilibolas 3. Bigler 'has imatab.
nkd Too Thousand !Mho th nth, see isidt.limes -
moaner has so ocksitraSid Tea Tllso%!asall Doi
• . .
L That the Wiped at %%lob saki Putaossidos .
to eoinnasee is !LENT DAT
t hilijiW is
DAM, and Us riod
le the FLP.ST D A Y OFJANUARY. A. D. Llllle.,
unless end Pas turnip shall In scones t
by ton n i tie sake In welting tans eisellon to Ms
solve u Pa Huershlp, which non of ukt part
one eh Jane
afteright to glen Ida so;partnen
wbeteupcn, and public notlee of such dime.
lotion taint have teen•
nled and neoned and pub;
Wed. In aeseolanse •Ith the ptonslons ot this.
11th uststin of the Lit dAnnenten Wean 111,"
UM, laid Pannonian shall Indlsoalved. . ...- -
PHII.IP WEDlNB3 ""tOen'al Partous,
JOHN WRILEI4,.__ - - -
JAMES o , oolfliFS, 1 8 1 y A i m s ,.
/1.. 1. BIGLET, 1
apnawd ' . '
term! by FL U. k J. IL SAWYER, 11 anknowledpid
to be the most eetvleeable of any kind rec feared
to the petal*. Its euperbor advantages are found
In it. cheapness, miring *Mbar, mid It. *Blakey
In Marmite! Iftwern., Paint, tar, without In.
Ming the skin, or in the least wbie damaging the
lined quality of gem". It can be need with an
water. •
Reference la made with plume to MI sublethal
ceetidcate, emanating from gentitunen well known
In this commuatty. and who had every facility an
forded Of peeing It nuly and Marty tailed r ,
euciltrltegrea la i rfainif qf rinkrodli
Inallillrifekal WWI Pol.
, unawsetra Oh Odre Eraddreftempw having
bee* used Tarp antenaircly is our raglarienta,
nos tie bealtanan In a,rtifiring.that WaLIOUnd .
admirably . adapted to th• use of the soldiers, and
decidedly the =Qat superior Soap wide& entiln be ,
procured lb, the suelem.
JAMES flarterinelbW nth Atelli.
ALEX. FORSYTH , nartermeater Mk nag. • .
.M. /4007111EA.71, nerfermsioder latk!eg.
isteDAT and
hare and Batmen Manion!. &salsa Soa p_
hr Om past twelve months, and bailers It to MI
the, moat' roononaloal lad ustairsetotT coop that
howbeit, latradaeadao thaJunarionn tomb, -
Salidyidara Hotel Shales TownW
igreart. # K. insver-11(7:tlatilrhay.
vied your Ohnoisal OUTS Eradv•Soim Attmissrat
montas, and - bum. found ft opts who it to NUM
teptertatta. Poe using la hard water they think.
it tellurians to any *Gavin una.
A. G. UAL, Una. Aumbea l /.00;._
Tans ..;.. s.tutasstr
STEEL & • •
„ .•
Nuel(ltrokers : al4.l4lllllllata /goats.
'mows lad
1:.1:4;4:j:if isj.4l
p. P. JON. Aamy
q 4 Suidig., B 7 Wit.? d
John D. MeConk;
Mph. Adam Jacobs,
Cap K. t. Wm. Seerß
R. L. McGrew.
Robert 11. Darla.
SPORTBX.EMI aßki4l34.FMngl i '
-Pt WOOD =ear.
. .
lavftan'ths mamas man
uplassiga D
aTlad asuottaltlon ot ounzak=„4
S A ka 7 m ir for Eß 2pffkle i n• 3ERS'
t r& APB bil
MASERS' SOAP, d =der It sapialat to
any other I tape over end
forth* toilet or
far 'barbs. _
opliktf Fourth Strada/limbs Saloon.
°sired a impple of Obake Messina Oranges
and Lemony for silo br the bon or retail, by
aria corn Liberty and Hand streets
lot or Mae Sacks, as mew, sr* 'semi
for Isle low by the su . ' '
•••• bbla Choke Fasolluyosie, More and toe Sara, buoLlTrix & pEUX:
awl le Water streak
,WALL PAPER , -Nvx.7cheap sad haad
7 W loam vor aid" at 110.1y7 Marken lOW
near Mb 'Wet, by ' -
agar JO& a. Krauss a BRO.
.INOR WALL' PAPZIIB.--Volvot and
IStatepia szid mated 6oN Pflm.tar
WHITE LIKR-1100 bbls for sale It 18l
~Ltbat7 6M
mst. P. SOUK / C OD.
BEAHI3.--41 LW. Mae Whit!) Biwa,
4- • ' s. cartneut.
lAOII LEATHER.—A superior quality
4 tor sal" at St. Clair street.
EW PA taii-DZOORMOIiti-.-801
. 4 " reds, 104,00.1,1 a 1741101. V* axle bi
1N this VAlLarilatsui . Nw. .-;
gra - - .10/S. 11. , 1117911 ft L--itso
.11131 , 110A7124111 01 tbkitzels . 'Very
suwar, ,
< Q ; $Y 8. vota4lll.
- DRAYS, - Clll3, ato..
!rule* tionimite op arum* ot
Outs,itelawr reeldint et
anorendiu t be g, stfliVai Pit to pay their
LIMMIIId it anewerees oaf 'the eltY - Air
puteborgh, forthwith, In acoordesum with* an All
of menably, inellgareli le leek end entire,
=of the inla Of the Ulty of Pittelaugh,
All Wenn' not paid on or Ware Nay le, tali,
=ill be placed In the bolds of the Ohlef of Polon,
tot collection, eublxt to his fee of re cents for the
collection theteo4 end ell ,yersone who neglect or
Woos to take out Licenses will be subject to •
the mom of
elty, to be
the Lambe. recovered before the Mayor, nod&
. .......
Tim old metal emcee of pierlotis years moat be
returned et the time Licenses ate taken mu, orgy
Int:Ruts tberelos. • .
Fads one bone feblele, .8 780
Each two horse t 2
Fawn four horse " .... .le.Ce
Each two horse has*. . II
Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drswa by two
bones, eighteen dollars asok, Formic& additional
Wares wed in any ot the More aside <Mu=
W. EI(.11111A.IIIK. OUT
Prereatrzow. FORM" 110th, ISM
American Spool Cotton
Throe threads are warranted of imperlor
sad goaranteed to measure RIO yard* toin=
Can be had In all colors and numbers.
Manutaatured by the PORTSMOUTH STEAM
FACTORY, and for sale Qyttie trade generally.
ciumiss lion* & CO
611 Murray street, New York; teiDeennaldre stsal,
Cat on; Z 6
Church • treat, Philadelphia.
Gas and RAM klttiag,
In all Its branches, carefully attended to, by expo
rfienced, practical vrodrmaa. A Ina castrrtiarrar of
ariMEB. - • •
Clo oo tantir on hand and roads tirrin s !'"
. .
*so riammer. epurry, Aueghiiiyi s
of the nominee? S. 1 I'llth° Orphans , Court of
Chathbett. anemia, Art Allownony Of,
ancy Burnside, 'deed, Mat* Tarot,
And now, to witillson OM, qui Wm. G. How.
'Wei, Jr.; Esq., le orpootated Audltor to larr• sad
determine the inegepttonereto and to tasks die;
tsibutton Of the Wont* - t i n
the bands oft he ea
comment to end among the parties entitled to memo. Itr TRH Ce)ttitT.
From the Record:
WM. A. H1:111.0N, Clerk.
The Auditor above named will meet the pestles.
Interested los the impose. of kis appotatme_et, el
hie Mike.
Gram hie ea SATW,.
DAY, April mitt, A. D. 12166. at 2 o'elook P. X. ..
aytoytdaew R. Cr: SAWDiftt,.Ja.', Auditor.,
Comerlhrsissiedl 111...Clasktatztoota.
- FlT'unnattatC,RA.
The bulreat, alai mart wawa
Lei rail iiinTED
119M:ideate enter and review at : mg time.
I AO- Omahas, sontandair atoseMtit6t
thee to arty address, cm apprise/Oa to the
sonmc . s . :imam;
Tli YOUR OWN 7 1 3DOL—Mesers.
Craddock ,4•ol.—Oarrs: astlalled of thbfatatta
of lignArr uzzap. it Las raised C. from the
*dead.. as it woe. where CONSUMPTION had se
dearly placed ase. Your Erase,Pits and that
sent has douses& Me what. else did or
eould do—restored me to health uudd Ills, when
had resigned myself to the 'Tierra* ahaaiseii Ls
*wed is *lO for arsAltere w nst
I BAIIIIIOIIP, thisobiodaloa t Kay If. 4
The abort is verbatim in l dot sae of tbir whir_
we metre. Dr.. D.- .7611268 , .OANNABIAJ3.
DIMS is tl um A r aiml . t hat .
CONS awl '10.,=/S.
We mak the ON
of 4.4darrisibottiscaft'arill @M
IK, the moat akerithial. el Soper Ulu These
banes, if eit 211.4 sad Olaassa4, His each.
Address ORADDOOK •
Kass string
• filleftuSiwtts.rri, 'Seery?
Also, Deaver, wail IDareeneew Test
AND HARDWARE enorzazath.
ail -New Mack i t received et
.01 28 and >o OHIO STRUM
Imams HALL.
Putlaptikir .attenUen.paidtlakimihmil kid
sale at: Mocks :
ou Sto•ii siarke se if Sid under, 114 par cent
do. In and optoid, I do.
do. do. NI do. MO In dune
do. do. 110 and axon if one Pr own.
1114WITT13 _
no best sadlA_Wila luas - nnas.
WIG elaD u •}LALIMVIC, la . Rye
market. '_lllyarraoaly -
8. W. on igoa,44 rodera...__ 14"
aliesheigy,-imi unpoPzu,
yr irvitaxasrx.s
Piles Croma it MI and trowardi. . lo t ' za %% . t.
--- •
x.,.,..0.4,,.., ~,,,5r ~..~~,t~~-::5,,~'~t6s ,t ~.:-~- r
alnw I
pm= I rim! WON. -
mammy ramp . trem
'IMAM Win •• Bni aftrusisme roomose 4 w
moot moostobli Wilma of toonyth'.
town to r
Dr.Leyser's Lialsers Neal
dike Deeteri eeetifbretie aro 'Mut meek .
eme ewe: be texdred be be Me repent*
Dm Gam. K. Erna: I bemuse alehtem
Piles about twenty *us am soh 0004 101111
wore growing vixen so as to moats ma Tory
so mash soot unis ea to man Me for mak. go* . r
ume I web so bad that Icon* mot do anything* Z
ILO ount Of Liam MU umet eus OA uss sell* Mil
hickory ont. Dad triad great dui of madtstee
for thew usedtobur and **whitens, : emir
10010 1 10 1000 2 ' lo o lll m mid IM*Phloto tut
ut womb* timid not * sore* Now
thus Um/ would do me some goodlbra*Ultebile, •
at attenruds they would Mar* Wan al UK
.441 1 e. I Lai OX4loOtlitlitt Data's. ell:me atmy atmy loose and : ' gars as some madieram eta* ,
would sot . do, I !mad not get mai. One is you F.
lie got allaavereiseaums of you laastrißlitid
&amber, nada by yourself. When 'MI &UM
ms youyon tad me outwit* would not moo ron
that my trials *stem would /smite be nt*Tior, - •.:
the mallelne MMus I got well. I bolted onallot*o
Sad took it Mesa with me, and meld It Iteserdhig t.
your dlietuoim I then called to see you again
When you's* I mutat not *peel moon tetteetlYstle_':
!wale. I totuitt it, one Maim at a than antli-t
-1 had need Mal Itettlea. - dine Me *Nulty wo
Maki was entiney well *Um Piles. *den
tortured ma he Malay 7•611. In other sespeste •
nip health la hoPrOMel t :andl am ai wag al mein
. tat exPlated Ifir one Or my age; bobs linty puou„
put. I ha* !been well now for sin mosithis sib
as age. 7asas of the nerve et Eletissoin - • 4 at gosolzul ACM pith** wort
he Piles dminanithurtlng lan *Lei
kap, eliopinentillit, erdo =yid* otroglellidik
before end to itit tow*.Olit giree
Blood fkOl4-021411:114fkliatil I gos
thaty *IL -I einsdase loydutlttellm**oolllo
loot* to the *manta for the banegtof otkarewlhe
may be *Mug lll;ww.ant 1 1 0 mat / 01400 , 110
*Me et yostrandleine. Ton may pulitlallt Wog 4 .
rIMIMLO. •11114 ta Wind* towmattheastoset get:
pleased to a:taw any ems of Um UMW Ogg 04Z
Mute they wish to eat on son-
. .
_gpr Look oat Myrtle.* mama oe- De; 111.
DEMME • as Co ooverollks P€4ll4ll4llllllllllaf
over nor corks also for 1111 et stator gaudy on tee top ot the ..11 1 11 , M11111114,
hi in* =step, uon in 0402,0,00
. ' . •
• • - ' -
dad b7 iiirtatliatmekow„ Na WOlll4l
l JaddiSTOdroonwrothiselk avdt-r.
sinurn at 1.275/Is COMM
maim as aurrnmistrierA,;
Awn= Os suiftrims'J ,-
lar ro uPitignxito7M;;;,'",l
ArPIiAZ C MR l r A Fra,E,,.,:
simmietn! Jaguar rust,
sarrings oat ximiti-rniar t , - ,
igrrou.oviraerrk mow •
.tz 101
iin TENF i4r4sx;
F rreNT fl / M 411 1 31 12.84,
nes. Pram fbr ths wino se 4sus.
X?leck ibr t t alil!lGOOK
Ankle SapporterkreeweekaalliAnr,,
Syringes. •
Hard Rubber Ilytingft
DaisA4. /4011-Or gam,
die owe of khroNmitts Uteri, rye% Abtkpop
ad awl w Walesa..
Dr. B. 13,PiteVil
gEithistreer DWI ihrpprik ,
Dr: Vanua nensil
eppileettes orTrw A redsetaltegalMiliw .Z
ah -tie le eettelted tgatogllteabtagegeregg,
ty years, im erli/ be
Dreg esabled begin saisadiga..“l,ll
airolllee at its Deem Ire.
Moult 149.12
eke el thulleggig. 'Matra% - PersoarertMOlD
Trews lt mad I e amber attlaelilet7
the bee% /1101de0feielar ea 1110411,11 •
Df. 1G Goosukapii--
CATMU Rubtiwrr
tat•atatba mamma final eiribiNeiN
U.S sad immlibmiks la, reedlaiall lessabilNum 4 ..,
„IN. °CODA= bibs, its* arm leirpimpri
It ,
R taid th•Noskiwksilbilanili Mgr WaIMISM.
DOEMEINeI. sibsa wisallagra -
- iwooogazat ter spars • W
with this gsibillassas, subasktg Us UM
Mat lobssibP
NQ asking kaosrato Ilavessidtie tub tbdi
arra, width ham bar years- dela tbm vatlll • • si ,
south alrms•bal Mil sad asNaats LNlbli ;owner '-
Nail Stuaos.••• sow b• so Sd. t 7ttk Nit ,
Minors esris-uty fiat saamag follows abrall,?'
Maus* who Mal sverylusorna eat* I"
me ktimpwskaamtky -
w ne, .lbaz'
OATARERlEmban ebi Lute. sass )OWLS of Di ms
st cur amine ;foam 0? seal a /009
Mt piasplisd. D.•lsed D., New lark. - paparee PM
GOODALX, ' • -
NORTON a ye., sos• evs,a,
. _ 412 BROADWAY . 14W FORS.,-:^
Da. a.m. Kerma, sae yew,
Nom:lm ournmEtt
TEnti. sums ataa, BlakEtwasig:ii`,/
=dna AND
mix paimiri Wei du s
imhamit•-the r!irstii i ‘te e
~au tra
Lb. Seib lowiankto savants& thisadrisr-t,twa.
th• pats= Fir O. ageititt.
Ala ot It b asaabameithipuo
eir %hi *Wow from
"many th,gs arkaft swum
No Site ,
liairMi 0 . 2 0,, , ,,11 1 5 0 v; 4
1 1.1 , 79017igiVITITUIVIRW. ; ,- ,