PrELDBEED By THE GAZETTE ruinallin usocirnoN. APRIL 29, 1865 . ; EDWARD stiDERRoLL. 'list our readers may see ,what it was that so grcatly - exasperafed AIM people of Pbiiadelphis arthis man, and led tobis incar ceration, yre make a low es - la:eta from the : - ItreiWaidde r - speech, the ' sentithente of whidh he was called upon by a commit_ tee to .retract__ Instead of doing so, or tyffering even an mrplanation, he drew a pistol, after the spirit and style of Boora, and tried to eboOr - soMebody. For this he was !mocked down, secured and committed " On Thursday evodiag; , the • .s--.'eillalnghtliferotfiessMadastitimithe . "Abolition State Rights' dory',?„cnlebrited, Ixorfrason'a birthday by a dinner at, the Mansion Doree, New York. The' New . York Daily Nets of April 15th, publLiled a full report of the proceedings. In the in troductienlt thVgintlemee viands down to • :the excellent fcairt of choice viands prepared for the occasion, were the Bon. G ideo n J. „,,alettntsty„ Illkallftf.7.MizOftmt.-.ldr,i raliTellee. - - Bernie] Coulter, E. J. HARM • too, the Don. S. P. Russell, of this city4the • . Poo. 'Rdward: Ingersoll,, and George As dl Phfladelphisf the Hon. .W' - •W. Raton, of Connecticut; the lion. Henry: Clay Detn,,,sf lowa Thotoas„Andrews,, amen, :and wall knee • .111114 r One of the toastatan thus: • From thee:use of agreat public debt, May, lawman institntiens deliver them." , • hastpt ,' aNderitte utterance; inspired by wine, or bad whisky, or by the excitement ofthe moment—but in whit seems to be a carethlly prepared speech,. D~' s' 'We Ibsllvntj take , E 1 ' , what Mir tria - colimitiof the paperhefore few - figs - gee as ' samples of the whole, with the assurance • that itthe cat epeccb ;berets not a pin,: graph era; - sente - nce to qualify; extenuate er% . redeem the unmitigated sedition and treason - of that which we do copy. - With 'the. pOwars of , the. -redeial head • • accurately, and precisely ted, - nth State is an absolute "lend separate sovereign cratlc power,,,,„with the guaranty ;Of ...rerepaidism 4ven to each one 'by the - T til of aggraysted and deb polle-gratriwhieNahl Itlibdf to shown'' tb -. mftdantperil - of 44 - ' - rituch of t 4: popular element in the institution of govern :: . meat, is checked b,y the absolute sovereignty: and reserved rrihis of the States, necessary to the protection from the despotism and eeoeyergis, (Vra_Anit..of,:the•.l,l:_head. set s-asealinth. is lexhibityd . d-:by the , revelation ttirtalelreceloillenOt„,iDtbdut,'-093q.*1013, ...imma.volreroaciwg i .put.:ol2; nit strillicellteon,l6oa,rfk6aonr±t e irX • r:lo fjr ,• iihy hi iiilJ•neeozethelectrifte'of•ad Is klitnielo - theilliden and tit CAraeriestution' bard:Whited sal thii - Aaserleart onsti dris tlos,;peadrif, t:7laLristillte sol a r systere assentiat: ' :/triihinit which :its' otuithyne4 eils• , twice is,unposeible, • -= - - 7. ritie;rikr. - s. men spripatt ,y for Use pea: .tithe iediontom" struggling nobly for:thii Veit' agiiinsf as sordid and' vase faranitseas - overposed t the degra nd da; Sr Pur.facit Dturtiturv-a, grsigjeAltfr N .44(86 0 .and *ion, I. krifialvtee thsi &visit or of-wstetsseri 41 as 44j '-libetrlnt4..- Ai,diet*Ot Aiienikan, inatittitioila inland para.- - eatesstly Mew r" .." "''2 l 1*.114-q.*414104 fa all : . borate right-4001 to saddle my ~,,;tria4-grandchildWith payment of theinter. eifon a debt of whichl tare expended the. • princifail s turitniirli s, whether urbad.- Or, to ;masa the .position,r • . aa-arhat ari O Absurdity would Ilmusider it to be.' • • called 'r to' nrroarrluiut treat' tinder a heavy load" of interest,- created by my great . grandfather, the principal of which he ,en ed well orill,lntforblthwn purposes,- • „,4. Sitd.inhla day and-gene:tither: -I- 1" :* This doctrine needs it staggering • blow from. Americari d.entocracy,which I flatter myself the laboring and prodficiagclasses of Amer tinder the present conlition:of ' , Evident I? '4inanizeit will be Very apt is *al fait; It is Aloatriies.Of slavery, not 'negro. but white slavery, 'inconsistent • the 'rimmortal : • declaration -alt . - men are . Areated poltti- , • eay..pqual: If your son is bora to the own-- a: =Mita-11100,000 "-of Ode national debt that we are discussing; and nip 'eon' if - born to. • the payment' of the Interest of it, I ask the laboring and producing classed of America -"Jo' Caletilatit=for me he* . much of My son; your lOU owns. * Alla upon „the laboring • and produchte easiest:lf %America, - the 'defenders of. Amer hum institutions qcv see- to 'it that 'tio'dollar: • of this national.' curse bettmosfolred from • the revolution ary neck, of abolitionism; '' - ': . ; : :. , WheinitialrWpereleitt, • le - the instittitionC of their - nom:drylca 1 , upon.boring_ end producing' ,chastas of Aix rrica, =to prot e ct their children and their '.•child - ma's children from the :poverty...end.. vide whirl:the introdecthin•Of his politirll • ' bring uppn.., , N-7,.. tainting its . : - itenSe r. , l` jsectuattry bbligation is any vaunting for America the highest. sense of national honor. Inv to the, labor-: . ingita.proditeing classes:of America;that ; in the utter- rejection of tide revolutionary . curse of Abolitionism, the high integrity of American institutions „ aiht ,of Agorae/Ai Democracy will "moult ao leithet" the. Am* of - the 7 , Tinily it is fit thstrtich Stair alionld be in . !WE. P that . Arch :Ptidiatoittitd thief 414 tie, 414114:pan .414*.04y the people• he has - ruined.' The .nsiserible • - 40 10 4 3 1 4* - 104414 =l;stdi and dishonor nyshibeisltatattrilnd: ba r lhe Arnitini t►LtA tferi de-' 4runionstde'. =Mint* lzijaßVeCtitii• he tiled - ' .- • • -• • :• . n ln ame of them; aid when tds-brutit, , Vilui:fik.-40 • • •- .: , ':';' 4ll PsilboLkumo, - '4014/i07.14;:; and -,ll;fiety 0144 Whfeb ose4t ig ii rshrail'dongWeisi":,.talsori .. , : , ..tte:4tiestures who' talked. to' the "laboring .::,t7.0444410.:44 tfilit•W,ii-Aiip4; . ! - -iiiiirtini z - her '' 'LUmblei cringing , Cra'aring Litersok the stristoetstionlass who. have don e e nlttiniiliadrain•(iOnlif dole -diiiirOLthii ...v.gtiftithreakk Ind itilllands'ail 4 rel la bgiktlf4A - 140hggllog nobly • for their leading are flI " laciEn4• ;•• twirgadeinitit . for had it not been hnlideli Sots *Maid not hese :dared to ; hare ninths, . w W4govQrameat • . to be at Wath: ..erseesuse7au *lO4 - , Jl4 - 0$ nt it a'e~fCkatdtliirt to vii cure tlO iiii*ebrae .• ..04414414044A4010f14>•the5e gituublers „to " ; V ali fi l O ie f/ t littdi 4,4 s*#o4t.raezl _ I. . ; .Fllioeit l 44l4;ttaelishNrazd his ac--• • O i iillearto'thelr:bl4ink•litedei - • tie • one *id :Vry likely . it , . • • :.• - :.titty . bad : iliac a big. Mad sounded their trttrope te, be fore lb,aeo, Co :fiat these critici could hava ••.:i; • e ;; • - NORTH CANGSIPIA. tke vodka preside of So** bailfnail, oho alarui - ' -Virg-tVon diik hat fimeating elements It bad within itself; is fast, and with apparent gladness, returning to its place in the Union. It has suffered terribly; but the lessonlearnad lathe school °r adverdiY has been very good. Perhaps no people in- the South wore more com pletely tinder the paws of the monster ski; very than those. of the "Old North State," while none enjoyed less of the *counter vailing advantages, If indeed it had any ad. vantages: It kept them poor, Ignorant, degraded—without an aristocracy Worthy of the name, and consequently without in fluence either in the Union or out of it-- without prosperity or progress; for it hid . the weakness without - the .strength of sla very. To it slavery was an Unmitigated, curse. Under the institutions of 4uedork, however, North • Corollna : prosier amazingly; end before another ., year goes 'round We hope to record iti'yoti for the blltfon araenduumt. • - -'• • Im Traitor. The Richmord Tie, of Monday, men tions the arrival in that city of "Hon. Cines. l o stdkneul! /4 As. we .suppose, the person imoken-ofia Ohas. 4. Faulkner, we hope the .Ihorost Marshal of Ricinnordprouiptly ar reited this rotor/ore Person: Ind *111 : hold himilli the civil aldhorities can try him for hiavrimes. Somebody, according tOT'res: :Went Johnson, is tote made , an example at, and hero la theohance.. - . . This Fau/kner.- was minister to Prance under.. Bucluintuire • administration:— His treachery in Paris helped very much to he kthice France and 'Bribril to grant belliger. ent righte to the labels without delay. , . -vas also 'ciigited•-• in purchiudng, arra for. Jef.P. Davis LEL Europe.- se returned to the United States, hodid se as an open' 'and undisguised enemy of the government ' which he bad just represented et a foreign -court: lie refined to take the Oath. - . al freest*: 'proclaimed his hatred of the Un ica; and declared himself a Confederate.. As suchour 'Government held him in pHs. or, until it effected_ en exchange between , him and Mn Ely, a member of Congress, who vrastandined In Libby- Prison. When leaukner entered Richmond in De- Cember; 1841, „hit was greeted .aa -a "oar - tyr," had - pnbiley receptieri, and made a speech in *Mei ht. - et - mow:oA his hearers 40-hive .fir' the apeet t l t - i 4 dowittall of the =Union'cause, ind In the coarsest abuse or Mr. , Lincoln antithe northern' peo ple."' He removed .preseetly to his farm la Berkeley comity, and trom there served the rebels as guide, through different Parts of tbeNelley, otirlich; ha anew all the roads and paises so well that he was regarded by 'Stonewall Jacksmi, land by rebel generals -slim, as the bea4_and , also the mosTener- . getite and =dons guide a rebel leader maid' : havolflie Irina - to iturnlow a Union fbrce. One of Faulkneratist acte, on returning to Virginia togdtliP a personal enmity of his owii , "'Holedtfparty of rebeivo the ::btrose'of :Judge '-'l3triethar, one of hi t i - lgt iet Arro=ah. - eminent chimer of ard helped to turn the aged man read,,ani let groto ids hoaae, stables rind 'Outithuses. Before Faulkner -left the Pim*, _ams ,Lt to :be thorottgbly de . itroled----tfitioeaiiiribmatkanini led or emitted, _away, building.' burned and allure destroyed; and -Judge StrOther, far aged and bedridden man, was left to shift for himself. Ife died of theirpositre treatment - 'MI son, Col Smother, better known as fßorte Crayon," was theri in thelfnion army and the father was also sloYal to ;the flag. It 'Vas Oat of hatred !to fortheir faithfialuesilto their =Wry, Ihat Faulkner destivi , e4 their And:cow this Actium! nal,•the Anent rebel, coolly :Walks .into Richmond cand lets his arrival- be announced In the -pa _pert Sfirely im&desice -could go no ' mmer this.* •We call the attention . , I'W the proper slaw - racers :of the govern- Linear to this - flagrant case. , Faulkner - ,taUthUbitltit: he - was part of Leal' Atml can y, for W. did not serve as a soldier, but only r acted se guide when the rebel tamers= operating in 'the part of the country he . knew, and where he could lead a destroying 'patty to the house 'of - sonii .- 11111onlirring neighbor. Faultmer' 'they.walk the Streets of any place-, whew ' dor flag floats, then ZefL Dario anot_Wigfall," and Mason, and'Hunter, and Slidell'and Belklatai bat-s equal:rights, Such men as this ought to be made to understand that President Johnsen was in earnest when - be said "treason is a crime and must E AbeatiCia. . I WaripliTiteged to listen this morning to a discussion; in front of the Spottswood House, which illtudrated In a striking man ner the "march of opinion." Four years ago it would. hare been dente to preach abolition doctrine right in the heart of • Richmond, but that wasthe doctrine I heard proclaimed to day in presence of a delight. ed audience. It came about in this way: A civilian visitor, _getting into convenation with in a youharn ou g stinthernernegi returned some re mark mof o. It was resent ed by the attipling, who carried i nimble tongue, whereupon the other declared with emphasis that the loyal blacks were "better 'men than the white traitors, any day," The youth, flushing np, said be would% submit to , such language; it was engem:T -OM! to harsh men who acknowledged them. - relies beaten. "But I tell yom" said the oilier, "you shall submit to it; I've come down here for the express purpose of say ing in Richmond what' ban always been free to say in New York. You. are wmte - 11,1.'4 ~o •- nul. , *on ere env — Verse than the flanges of retudie - Africa, and I'll prone it. These savaget are fetid of 'reeking trinkets from the bones of their victims. So are you, Didn't you roast the;flesh front the bones of our dead sol dkrs at &Lillian to make Anger rings and parlor ornaments for your rebel Jezebels? The savages in Africa have a fondness for drinking from the skulls of those they have •slain in Intik or slaughtered for their resets.; Haien i t you done the thing ? In Central Attica the nehuoie divide them selves into small tribes, each warring against the other, and each toasting an absolute sovereignty ._ Rena% you Wen. trying to cut up the Union into• petty eoverelgnan, tech State striving for an exclusive domin ion ? , Don't you dm, Jed as.the savages of *Made, to put the weak under the feet of the strong; dan!.t you zess the defense less; haven't you sternd,our prisoaera, and niurderedin cold:blood *Mean and .chil for noOtheratutettluivioylaltkr4- • =nab of Rthk*are shrondedin but ymt. bays k•M in the face bt anti -knowledge; you have known better but rf. hunt to be human, just becaneellavary, Your Millithr teethe( w-.4%-irht kaP 4r the de'n, and_ reedit lar dm; oil help ~.; 2 14ii i t; 4 4gerat l , t alk tor ..BiclOs . liad, bit .. wis to by a sidewalk andienee dr two or three hundred persons-soldiens ami Olen—and was- actuagc r ippleaded. i Tim iaelaii atatthrusittorm tot net it was Of no use;: t or w Wiese,' and`when the crowd opesied to 1 the victim pan, lie shot awey az ire fort - ,pound- ball was at his beek. i t , wut to some time for this dose, administeredby i northern "fanatic," to temomplish a perkei digestion.--Jilkilmend Oonsapom en " 24 t Post. ........-___. COlOllOl 112PCIDTO After the hitelatirl We alluded to the fact yesterday that Chit District Attorney of Frank/itteounintend ed to indict McCausland,Glimorana other 14. cendiarles who enga d in-robbi=e towu and le of 0 urgol ;rebel said Weenie. By - the lastnumber of the 11-amtifn Reperftery we now see thal Col. A. R. M'Clurc offers a reward of it 000 for the arrest'and delivery to_ the o den of that county, of one - F. ',W. thrd ;.a ciptabt in th e confederate azmy, who the dwelling holise; bans and out-b OA the eaten of Ccd. WO. Smith. Isis so of the notorious Extra• Billy Smithopreten eil (keener of Virginia. at the illy.livered rascal in the i llinoptewo o 'Blink Richmond, - ii thir - daye ilhoe,f - en we then thought he vas one of ,the Caen who; stole iiirt - Irektre's spoons, as it *0 -' raged rascal den' Dot gaze through .bas of either Pennsylvania penitenaary We also notice that the "Repository i t sociation" Mn ie to pay inhltundred doll& for the erre of either dreamland and Gil mer, and eir delivery to the civil author ities of Fr nkiln county. The incendiaries it and Ilre now at Ilrgr t find os,t 11 110.1- ‘ , 1,ii,, , ,h t o, 111 , 1 t I', Vl , ' V.INSW; Will 111): ) a ,-, i= etc 1,,,-_;-,c co Pi r, , ..::-.z.: )1i ti. 1,2' .11,.., i_Zery :6.1.:, ee ,1,. ~~,...,... .5.4:2 .._ .. ~.iT.., e n.z.,~-y...~r ~-'?... 3'- ' •• ~'~~;gtY.:c`'.v.ciu ~P.w`y,_iy At-rretpoetx or the "Teraptivi iMiset Flight fell down dead•ii os:,h iddle em& rids week. Dickent retitte43keiew-. as-the little lady who wsedalwrays brft. -wing kbeeilhe courts andlartorging ecOin=" Weeny, Doubtless the was considered a mere pen-and-ink sketch from -fancy, but she was a fact,severy inch of her. She would, we know, stop the most learned judges that sit on the bench whe t learned swing of their a ffil judgment. She would rise and shake her lean weird fiPt at the embodiment of wisdom in horsehair, a and exclaim, -- "Oh, you vile man! ' oh, yon wicked man! Give me my property! will issue a mandamus and have your habeascorpus?". And having continued in a like fashion for a minute or two, she would bind up her papers in "red tape"—at least tape that bad once been red, and had fol- • lowed her dirty - fortunes for years-- , and either subside into the'seat granted her be etle the barristers, or depart triumphant from court. No usher had dared- exclaim • "Silence!" or send forth the hush of the cackling animal peculiar to that aide No barrister had nudged her ander - the fourth rib ache might have done another, and would have - done had she hien fairer. And the mild perspiratiahon only rising on the the nose to show that be' was in any o way put out,- would then; as if 'nothing had ccurred, resume the thread of .idalearned j oon after. udgment, to h o appealed against, perhaps, s PUBL/C.TOTYCJE,B. 011111147 Er , &me/ Anownirr ' comet of ' Fedetarand Escook street& Pasta.. JOSEPH KlNG.—Snr•Lano at _lo3i 7 In and nt. Finer illeetlng on:3IrEDAY EVEN 1M .21to public ate eordiallyiavitanb attend. . • . 01A. • BlTlnerf FND:—Te noropayins au scribers to said - hunt-can have an opportunity • ..exandaintlt at Noeferron , " (Oka - Treasurer , ' oftee sea torreeting say 'antral In 4:141 Ust.wat • :at 11l Amain In said *Mao fdr tentlikaarafted wblo • time IS wilt be pub/labed for one week In the !tally . . papers.' BY order of . • •.. • • THE 1112Misra.. .11 1 11. 4 XeirWrIr lINIOR 00Wignar110111.-- naw,- I T:te , : e aTal teen of Aileghogr senate, emu ' Celina ... the W oePertn are rongested to anatehle at' the or belay! lat.:Hese In - thole Wards, bonanzas, Township* lied Preeictate reeneelirely, on'SATUBD&Y, June id, 1865,and st i nt e delmer. teo.fre t 'eudi dislike. *fares/Lid n 1 wilolf CV "Zier/ON, to be held In the Clout Houso. In Pitt/11344h, on 'TUESDAY, June eth, at to •Eedoeltia. , x., for the Pgr of eticokatial a Linlan Whitt and, tr nab other *miner as mayhevroperly toonglithelore It. . he 'ltalian of delegatto In the Wands and Bor. • :re shall be by.batlot. b ett rgegli c u r r 1 . , e z en &einem r. m., sad c •terten the bonnet four ► and ant *Week r. au. Br order of, the Union Eneentire Committee, Aram, Illia A. 11. IIItOWN, Chairman. nze I D. &Nair., . : , i .ghloPitcoa. C 4 MDIAII4ITEti. ri 011111/7T tJII 0 1111 611 /031811.—• rCTLIOMAS trEttiatesON, of Toinpetenote yin* w il l be i eteettlate, 'Ethic.* to the, ctecialon of the ‘nloo Vaulter Convention. ' aptteto rm-r!. Wirral ele ewer e nettPerllloBll a tataktatzifor lia tz aeon It• the ofttoo - or Distriet Attorney, s. genteel tizectetton set Unton.Thryabllcten County CloonontlorNeb• Ilk- mot n's Theft), tne dq e th an Of analiecri , Mine** obottonoo Bator - linte ad. • 4227decta wF VIDA INUMIDATE IVA subfAtt• to Ma anuagion B . ttis AlT " lfrr. CloosAv Coancaloa. Idex' apnia . . ALEX. IL WAtAillf. LACE LZATBREL—A. supsdor qualitk torawls atparalliS St. Clair l ti • • r teb a ZUL PLtP.S. INDIA. • RITEIBKR BELTING, -ROM AND 6TF4.11( PAW LING wholailid• awl re. WI at Mit ladla Rubber Dspot.. szto . * FL. ParI.LLPII. --_____ . y BA.THICESSLTING AT RBDUCXD A-4 MOM—A /am st.ak of the lora gnalar oat wanastrd to giro raslatartbs. at Not IS asd re At Mir amok spn J. h IL ParctutPs.. lidOAF or Aa-FITR STORE FOR a I 61 114 2 244 1411'4121, 1: 44. lu/ness Nu tian b 7i,s is zsz t. : , zum •Ro4 stock Iona: T. 1" ------ "OTICX TO XLNIMACTIRIRMB. utt ure s, who titres C . 11 1 .2 tor lubrisatlaraanot Tatar 011 fi r ttprasaat tha A al l solobiapaatttlitkata , st to wrote to ht/fo r orusenmus=vsaa tunny alma a aortic can at as potakaala Tallow or Lori 011 a. g apt IlldLta DIM= (10 s - p a. 0 8 5 5. - $B5. aboTitan SZOOND HAND mixonaogs ve pride& ORA.RLES O. YELLOR, ay= • et Wood stmt. METROPOLITAN HOTS No. 16 tit GLAZE SMELT, FOE SALF.—Co alattar . A f e a a d dli talc a.- "I "a and bah and Miaow datowat=artilittelrbn'tt_ near theTo rtea n. wish to embark la hotel bust- Aeu z woz ... r. . a rate o =lnity for' on will he Lea a - t a otkoa. x. _ price ar i eterma apply to dant ♦ (X)., Ice Fourth west. • 110110 . E . ...8i a , sußseßre. !.o1 T/ON'ffO ERB OAP/FAL STOOK of tko MIONAL TSARS PO R TATUM COMPANY, 1 2 tibt. moT v oß t ka Dooms olls o lrid of Tru t t 01 MIL OL I o'clock A. IP. ' , old kopt p a so re. glared py Um act of locorporatkm. . W. AL LYON, . ' B.F.:JONES. A. ir, NtattOlL . BRADLEY I. 11. ISNOLNBEEOFR, . ossioholooors. • X. IL .JONEk. BEBBSGER H MAIM% APBBI JAS. ROBS, Bs. It Market Staved EMUS VIE BLOT, THE IWATZST ....awrILE MGM DIIIILBLI, Of ray have la tlks city. as for jut 'wired s traVutteert SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK TRY MM. °animates, Melton, - Tweeds, Jeans, dr,e., tatable for iiora an 4 bleu' wear, for We by .1!11117, ORR 00„ 5 MTH isTßier IRCouraiTs . no, lamas Nadi Stow Potatoes; 00 4° pa* 0., Aloe Applasi ' - do Wks ' d &X{ . lY trusholodbollipd Conn go do Mute Boum prim; M do -..- ?lamb? Seed; WII*I Renfro so do co do Bottoralboolki i 0 bomb 114144' • .O.loto Mold* MOW! 71; Otoi4 l Org -, oilo o lik: .. 7, .. wui.rrrus k PEOL . Out* Water otomd.l OH TWEIEN.B CIARRIA939 AND svx P/ 'issarant, TAX% . , vicaarzutei , -• Petrov gooils. •-•-• TQTB._ . . „ he, ' Wholesale and retell; at, r t;, °'`ms's► Earams2l T OTICE — he.pUrcLaeeti of the _orty -Stbi frieteldate of the SHARP 17V BEADSFE COMPANT will meet oa MOND* t tbe nth day of Nay. Wilk sr ie. teener Us offices of SPANN. oaaLrairr 11110. 4 Water • senti.ll , . the illy of Meant/RN to enooln and elect a Penideat atid Sift Dinettes tonne cte!. Dm Statidoeday Of Mtn NATHANIEL HOLXISS, . • , JOHN W. OHALTANT. JANES U. LEWIS. TIP BMX •••, bask, a ?OM ATOM OF BOXIMI, EV* aad'all Oa k4iitss7 l si-Of MIURA 311"411- .-., , „ . ; ,;:. • " ass. it , ..nroamrs I Igm a . : i seschriistrams,'/Autabinsetf • t 11____trglio lv ..._..._,lrarrlinumve n lario odaortannt oi l '.....00kig- Armour .430'M. 1458611 as saris. : en ot ..i_ussatisTcuiaori mai Anning Abd US° trietlio hilli ..And,p,lird dfinliclibld mash NOON op' . mt... -Ploano• oall, A n d'innllitnaibenk lit 0. . ' '''.. Tit Petnte purairind shwarboto, 1 -REA COA2fRO,NI . ail VERMIORLL 'ltalian and,Amorlann IliCsamost . and Vernmeddis, Ln dors nrid to Ice by mbIII' nEyintat 46 , LbL nomariatos pEEN ieyU teous, be., (or ia:e et tas Liberty street. .P, h. Oft • ILUNL e IL "• - 9r - - - 113 .irr 11 a ; i iii ts ynektse r grast iv i pißedt i cort . been re en estdeisc te e presented to the undersigned,lt has . lTeez. that_ . . lilE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, in the city of Pittsburgh, in the *aunty. of Like gheey Ina State of -I=ca, has aw.. n duly omudeed under and to thereatlireinenh, or the seta Ol (Magee's, matt .siAo Act ripro vide a National Currency, secured by api of United States Bonds, and to provide for the tt• laths:R.4nd redem p tio ntrereol,napproved June ad, Nee, and bas complied with all. the provisions of said act required to be complied with before , coin- No en mw therefocing the re business of banking.under said hots I, Fniuntstr CLAIM; Comptroller of the Cur. rency, do hereby certify that "The Exchange Ns. ' Lione Bank' of Pittsbulish "in the city ofPitts. burgh, Mlle county of sillepheny, and State of ' Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the bud ness of Banking tinder the act aforesaid. • Comeney Brihe. In testimont whereof Seal of t Witness my sat and 1 Comptroller of the seal of odic; this 24 daT ' TierUzi uur iT renDeArilm. mit. "2"rual7' -1 apit9.2 _ FEEEKAN CIL&BIC4 Voteetroller of the Uuneeti• EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, Pitiebtergh. Chartnred. bythei • Capital _ leranised under Matt of Pa, 1810, s l ,ooo,ooo.lllati'l La 64. . t • TILL Bank Us • DEPOSITARY 1 or Taz United States Treasn4, Anti aPPOLLIted neat for the tab of the 7meg:A X.• AS. Da" Every (sanity will ee ofraig to Investors ar•par ties aurahaalog [or meals. .rigs[ aM. actrasity. Qar ea. TRI PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh; CAPITAL 11.900,904k0r1ik privilege of SUM** , . . , Banking Emus 00EN8E nisr annwoorr MIREETth . This Bank, amazed under the National Bank ing Systan is now prepared to trauma Malawi at its treets. Banking House, owner' of Wood and first' s Vollesthnis Aide 00..111/ assasamle pants on ths moat fasoranU terra,. Spolal Aglaia - fir. JAY COOKE, for the gala ofthe IT. 8.7 3-10 Trsaso4 Notes. *LA. Fresh Mew F. ht. GOITOP/, Cashier. J. 0. MaPPERSON Teller ►rwo Splendid pianos AT A :BARGAIN 75 LEW TOR ,PICTORT fie& Two fat r govire Wan Plum. iiatuttal Gum rosewood odWs, eteji:r Ises. Idol Awl a ndwdsolt. TOW Woo otoritiumt as., sad wl/1 lks sold at In Fodor, 'pries to ask* zoom tor osw stook. Eaoh One Warranted for Five Years MULE! 0 . EXUAnI, WI •- , , la WOOD erzzar. IVingoßripco/i.AN 1311TOIVAL- Richards. . LRODERT . POMMY; ottani of Willis* la that:antler of Dope. Ottawa Wariaßlobarda willow of said desodant, to bars tba Wakes of mmhuna.".. said docalleaVadtwata, In N "'. "te . the band, of hisadlnda. istratris _lista to tor la i - WAND til hairs. lidk ui tik - - ' saft,lagdiScit .eL li da lt if vpa Pti s tial a l od P t helm Sr ether lemma or otabsioa oar lawns. la islet eitatik, to we said DWI Oa SATURDAY, _TWE UTE 0? 111 11 idial4 at te Woo* A. x., sekl maw 'autos a de. ese• alwald ewe I. wady ww:lsZe th. Mar. Wasik Itirdsarda as widow of to to. tat* aa her own proporty, abaolataly.tho balpasi now la an hands as adadeddinditz o f add low dm.", estate, and that she bed Anther .acsocadshinty thodefora,WMlttaW Andes that notion of Wanda be Wen by tlon In the Pletaiwunk Wally Gesdts tar af t weekl. ayke-newlP ItS THE COURT, li)iak`*:4o; Wiest (late 011 Territory For. Bale, Duc Terty-twe mote known 4 the .levrteNs Parai, on the k orally e hew raw front the Atone and we /lock Creek Oil Uotapanea lande; thlrty etwe eat land. The belong.. bu A ISMS foot vein of coal on IL • t-two ems known-as Ike MMUS, PIM' oe lq7 Ron, witbta onwhalf ISLIa of Desk Meek, on welch are slaty acres of coal and a good deal, ling honer, crops, no. Lowe for thirty yeast Of Owl Aire se Creek/lb the Prather ram. (Near, Onneolt aod PrOtha n t Parst,/ on which- the Unit.l'Statea Petroleum Oelonaill's /reek • - • ' It lanowtotioarylo elm/nate We primly. It :se bete aelectiod with ouonuel exposit/we, sett the property of the aukt-;ner, awlnnown to • 011... at slie BEsv . tra.'TISRXITOUT IN Tsll CUIRITitY. ac reasormok. iinly tn. . , JAMBE P. DuNoo, Duquesne lWayi °eta the evening itt his yield/ nee, nto. VW W Pt L ytle stint, Plttaburgh. s tad ' - ----- If B. lid RETIAWFAir . • BOAT , NPOTTAGB•No i rustrle.t Court of me Bolted states for the Dia. in at West Virginia, Owing Um, Det, at Wheel. !t't• Edwin C. Paden, • Stesuoboat to. ••1 in Admiralty. Niattivi . No. 1. ,, • lu obedience to • decree o the wad Mimi, pro. upturned and enteral on the Mb day of April, ma, in the above eattlied eause_, I shall sell at trublie A actions on WBDNESDAT, THE torn . DAT O Pub MAT, ten, coutenetag at IlAn'elook A. it,,, at ttar lic Laa ta dins in tha city of ,Wheellog, the Nugent. boat .. COTTAO E 80. Vther anstnes,taable,outdt 'Rod fainiture as shenowihni at tampon of wheal. Ist ',UM 01 114'1.11: ' Mahal! the punkas* Wooer La tub, the re. aureole, la two heruil lattallaieate,•payebli three 1111 d ale eaceithe after dada with latesest fro* deist. the parelilytf givleirbeade with good personal ire. =My, to te approved by ate, for Said deferred la etalheeste. EDWARD Me rtorrorr, pa" - • • V. a Marehal, "RITE it ; ALUODER - - 1 MOM "• AtifD . *NTRACTRP, /1044,g, liktelyNomoied ! TO 'tie. ail tri l ulitact inn* i t Ablielaukes.v atty. ( S lur t 1 48" 6.:tlttoth,putiragml. test ,21018 44 1 11 1 3 1 1 e one TA As AAA' to. , and *militantly oa U • IhrolapswaAr aid ille,to Maffei eckayolds. , - , PALL WM" MU* , ALA vii , . Phanfr "tail isiviwir4; Ptle'rM7l -- no Moddia. Igo ' *AA* ISZYNteall Ous . 00214 T. ate requeolf4 to moor it Mt it t t lVepory, es - JIMP(DAYOstity tat - t o M. Goo Me srpoue •Isettog • of mototO fo 01111.011- • arepaot4____„____ DUJOMON. glieralArA ]CJ VSNAT .no recent tact. co • • BAili REEIVEZIEt - has to en outdated, esteAllahaa heisted doubt „ the only to that will rattan RAT FADED BAJA to its toightal color, ots4 pe k e. hair &am PODS out, tad alaotheep the seela te alma and healthy eoadltloh. to pante tedoth• tbotd 6r 'hot_hiat .lOt with 00aAdease 11406046 , - onagoornmairro . tr; *pH _Aanjalol4 AM Mot! QAWYBR'S tA B rIERSI / Da hire tot theDut btu nen ossd.O4Willitti , Auld ..ewje, aay innitwoo6 .mddßa tegArttwo ~41bowneswroilliSna.rnmeis,1 PPrOutvoist, • VO i kkiN 'IS - #I2RICSY - IV It KO" .1.1• 00 /IDABOBALtb ttur A.# of - Ilsorustdr, so* tied oda-Aot rusebusiftho ABU of thlll aolutoGn wealth to bombs OlOOrdostowfor the qf Idinklas susdePine Law; of the trotted SuGesp that the Stoekbohlers of the BICH/ A OMB RANK OF. PITTSBURGH, et *galena Mihning NW deff. have voted In fever of Desosolng snob an Assuale• uoo, sad .that- the consent of tae owners of gore two-thirds of User Otago has Leto Obtlligled as required by k h ollll.ll of th e !Foiled Nt.t. Ito t.:1.141 'n.:AIT! fl if AV. I tvbfor . T.;TTEN, ISW: r. 1.1 J. W. v;',."-i.z;,t, L ' 71 Ir 241 r c l iajlftaCT FIRES LAPAYE:TTE u,a T.T, ALF. BURNETT , THE GREATEST LIVING -HUMORIST, POSITIvsur THREE NIGHTS ONLY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, MA' 34,4 th and 3th. • When he'wilipreilent his Grotesque pictures,omia Elocution, Miraculous OhaOge of Character acid Recitations ocher from idepsedam ; til Me Garrott e ( chats) ; .Mary had a Little Lame; • Sheridan's RI • ; Seleotions from Hamlet In cos• aora°, hts. ao, aa veil at Rod Worth Roll, Pc. Y., for nig Tickets M cants. Doors open at I o'clock ; per formance to ecunmence at 8. apindi OONCER BALL —MONDAY AND sa TIJESD ~ play ath and Bth. • I n i..... 4 • DE. TOW. WEELI, , to ; WAILIS OS;ii his the honor to announce the citizens Pittsburgh and vicinity that, When In: Xurepe- he Tour withaki arrae,pments" for a brief eon Tour the WONDDRYDD; aussuorn LIA,OLLLIST, : • Wile: liEfnir.lnt YILTDW - l • -", -, and tba renowned 1*(0 i'Dkit , #iaND COMPeS tiTI 6 O ,' , air. ~ lif. -*MD; .-.; , , • who will give la Pittsburgh TWO GRAND DON.' OAST& as shore. Both ihisil A:MAU haTO mel with h , entOd auceesa In - hew York, Boston, PLWdNphis, an d other cities, where they/lava given over Fif Con setts during their short stay in the United St ated' .; RAI nrizurrti*Eturts, ..4 oared PePular Antssisan Pu ma Dina, num e occasion. ____,,* ~. Mtude:.l Director and Oanductor....S.BElDlEWit, agir 'rhos will yuudtirely be the only Oonsotta In Putts ' by these *natal Oalebrltlwri u Duty inli tucluding Resernut Sestjto7. Tisk- ets and. wayjosesswed On the uoss on T AY 11 101 rift ate A. st. at 'Q. O. 'mums Kula* wok= - Orden; front the emitter fut, „,/teasereut.i3nts Will be promptly at , the ooerlon. Sr t Zlidekeitukailrittid Piano will be used on Doors or, at 4: to 'commence at 8 o'cioak. , .. : _ TEM A.813.&1381.1TA.T10N. LESLIE'S _ for this vett eentothe flOttnats or tho Lto PRESIDENT LI NUCLF PRESIDENT .10FINSOR • . . /gr. SECRETARY Alr.-PREDERION. NEwARpt eolhplete and &musts series of Illostratono of all the Puri Ntenecara latilleato oonneoted The Murder of President LhleOlu, • ARD .THE ATTEMPTED ' OFOOMLIO I .IIOII' OF S.6'WLEURT BEIIIED. , Abe view Wet the flamer sad cerement& lathe itte of the ao4the -?o,Pel tettes otitis &wary: - Ae . - • WEEKLY; . • ionr P. 111111 ft Iwo -• 0 Firm 97.,1111.2Knirm Lth3/LW Moth Lined and all Paper °owe. BATON, I&u & Co. Ma'am,. X 7 db 19 XPIRtb. Mtn sins Acuarra Iva - acilinukTED`. Patentekauma ea all I*w Colhirs. , The 11161i1dgaSeRilf0/3 tund eaSesoe a full man, rest of ell dies: - ' .. .The tnele. will ' lbw supolled to any quaattly 4 ... LOOKWOODI3 PEIDE-.LIST. ar OTlng thetr orden to ea, pa:dowers wIU lan time, &Wen sad therpe. All ord-re mon ptly attezded to. apt, p/JiY'S arabaacrsr Oil Beaus in the City, BLINK BOOKS dAD STATIONERL EEL'S INK; rqual to Arnold's, and Ulna chasm arms, satoYER a co., Pod Butlaltc, D Fifth street, iitlBl{ BURNISHING GOuDS, GEO. W. ROBLEY, _ F 8 FEDERAL STREET ALLEGHENY, Xi now prepared to oder folds eu . atOmers and the hl Po's iteoerellf the meat eompiete sasortioent of eeeritsung ootopelsed In ttellne of House Furnishing Goods, , which ItU arar bon oftwoll In this atty. _ .. ; • In sittilUon to hta !agitation sa • ntsantashijor et. sod &alit la TiNtOOPPER AND tiff_EET IRON VARA BRITTANLA WARN /INritiO, BRAME% WATER 000LIIRS, BIRD OAG , eta., eta, he has Nat tettumsdtront the EU eititsorith a MI Untie __ WOOD AND WILLOW WARR, . . •;# ~: TABLE AND 'Dom Mare. • • ~,. L.. *, Moon" wiusxs, SallaßrB, - ~ OLOTIDZ , LiNsa AND PING, • - - ONILTIREND DABS.: I . ' TE BETTS A AND eon= ems, . - Di ?nit° 200* ag TOILER 8 _, • " , ‘ TABLE WITLEIrr, intk aiasdkes 'IWO": otattbles, tompoeteghti rhilta the hoes* turatehtet• . 114 e, tehlett oehtliet litre3 elsewhere • bo H. thrB.4 , unatteettoe of 12. put4l ! >i &Oa will' Swot to filow MI pods. --, , , - • .. .. _ . . : - :020.11/. lIIIIILEYi 1 ' • • ispmaw IeiEDZBALIBZ: ALLIGRIINIV-!- accip HTWUL lig ti utunly, o.- fli3 31211iisizmm ac u 4zs ivargrd . tzara. ' Prollimi—JOHN int , . . - rim hwifm.4aosiso lonnvr, JR. - Shine iroshr44 4 , fa, ~ - WUSTAN Mom JAOOII Lem ~ ,‘ .hams Loahaurr, 3 - Noah h oitalh,."7 A. qaornusairs .i • 1 • i ' 1 • Itb. Bank Is now Italy cambial and b ed tnutpaat all twananew-ot liatklng bed Partkular Attenuon watt to aka Bala of AI Hanna and aktanitlat Subactintkna to tka7ll 0 Loan,'old and. now IMO, / 111 N14•114 Bonda dotty ata4 OA moots ot subscriptions, Utmost °albeit. " 144 1 4 . q1 . 11 P 1 , 0 U!galvDaYstAf totting tlatela • 'J N. :DAVIDSON; Cashier. BAILlit, PAKRELL & Ho. 199 PCI ) RP;7rraRRT I ••Rusoi '&1114 prOmpUj'aiul ' ' pAloito ot. PLUMBING - Y . .- Gal! Filth,' and- . Stesia %Ile . wgiiod aisOrtnisit of - ' . .- -' - ' Chandeliers, Pendants and Braeksts, • • Lent nn linml: - 4 I •Nrit IecOWI (ho pnr-snn,tl tnperrilla.n cf .1.,J...;: , u : I: tJi. J. 11. ij.itpe/t.llll IMO . . These Notes are • Wiled ander date at Sure. 16th, A are payahle three lean Item that Wee, in earnaey, or are 1472ra:1:ids at the oistoix Of the holder tato - • GOLD BEARING BMW% These bonds an worth a Mete= which 'b. armee the actual root oa the 740 Ism, and Its steepttst how Sistitted leseattes hutottee, told& - edit/Vow two leant/me. mt. awe, aertoiewg to the, two levied oa other ProPertir. Ms lateral to Neasi4426Y oeigionf- ataThed • lasi. Se" *deb -way to eat oft sad sslel to any bashorimaltia ,*latsalia. omta to • Neese of MI th e deaelabistleas tweed -s will be p!rimptlrtetnielied upon sieetrit, of ettteeri.peWieg. Tt4a L THE OILY LOAN IN MARK now wowed Wee ththernateet,szel It le ma that!, ethettid Wit Its seilerthe adtatitheee en/ patio It the • " Great Popular Loan of the People: .„ rms th in Occoovio or the Lo.ea Puthohitea bribe lest Clemons remain belie bark. .This ainewit. et the rate it whtih It Ii halal absorbed. be sehohibee fee Wilda four *oaths omen the Wee AriSt Radoubtapr • eccuaaild pieugulty labia tudtekawbeiet the ease ell latideg the seheeefitidee to coioaoki . . - re ether atm*, the sitheaa eft army toWa ath eeettowth the cower say be "twat feauttith the thithe_the loan. the Ilfaltheal Beath. State Healt h tha Plltate Seabee thsetesead, the thew irr ha" iiferan Mt*" rowin as pm, nwwwwwsts win Mat thidx7iia sigruy la "'CM-01670. f i e2 /.34.61411511 tikto miciesibis tor the ikuntr at ibil-aot4fo• wriseasfariss,oh.,ammr. 19!"21Pate114". 1400. 0 1 4. 1 4 - 91111 111100111111111 . k SINN! • • - . Irkts. • ' Cliblift • • - Aft* Ibsen main link. nessaiessatii 'mom* maim link et Opmilim • • IThlismat LrahlOrli *ma Poi ates.d&wr F° ima ranonAr., BANK, OF PITTSBURCA, GOLD PENS, H. S. MINIM lIN'ILI I Prrrinnnumr. Ayril, MK • qbartialy Molt of Ms !Pak pithllabed In nos teral=tne Ant at Ofteress establishingNa• • • aokootio Clrefulatlon. ... ....... 206,C00.01 Ilne'Dopnaltorn z,buoyeas Dividends nskyal4 (It payable On de. sand) - .... igubanbir4d mama:. 7 ..r . lirstlonal Bank Lim • AdODanat Contingsm- r - bubryokt by nodal Rewlutfon . ot Bowed of • i ankLbab lame Noy. _ u,03.41- rLoans ond • 110b,881-15 e by Beisks sad 5.,181.74 0 ZbliiiMirra=rr }y a 4,1.11 t Ranlttanees Vont Banks In tranaltossll S. Legal Tender and Bank 101,741.00 Draft and 11. S. - - 1111,411ta1l V. •dzo D ses. S. 100 9914 rnaa P1TP201,014 Aptil Id, UM& oars or Prrrenrion,Oo T vorr ow As" Pd, STAPP OP PEOCIIIMAPILO St t _Penoaany s ?rotor Paid* •Oulysoloodiatoped aad niumAllam Dana dor or taw Pound National Bank of Put/ovoid who, bun/duly mom deposai and Ytatetka Stotalsont to ootroot and Imo told. tad ot ktiOdioddooad , • ALLEN DUNN, _ mummy.: Don writte worn andn. tabeiribed Won thedav and nets - ' • NV& INMAN, wit . NOTARTIPIIELD soriamn. AxitarcAzi Tape IsPr.sgs or To:s WheelerarWilesoli , Sewing Machine 4) , I 31Tb.141 am& mulkkend br those ' who - toDurslume the - BEST FAMILY - OWING ate bowleg le peat many" Ist letflow- • Ism Madden from tiulona pute ot the co**, sod minim Mit doneedeatly reply to that'll* Pas ri bars Maned It Motet to atate ow**. lost to Mewl to that iII pubila anima: We :.ban and • Aftiolei patent, maentaaturid *the ik;-.ll4o*.:3taitotaetutteo Oempasy. sad ' re sea.. asp . rigid ta Its lb* It la Ea* * Aral. J:tla duple, a* scatty pet out Mt older;- and,* .p•tat of elfeetimomee - atot detek, soot*/ Si gok# lll4ll / 1 614iSilietlli 'We itite fin regsol4eitaikkeltaliti 1*,;%:#1114'41!"-"r, I7*,0:19•0 .4teo ytottai. lox* I*Ahines, sac) saw 0130/41.. aid 114114: TA* vary Ditailtriallia to UM; thortedit*Padeed *Wall beet. In their beam* Mare la over , ye** lip': .-elotodf LW they keel, lAttolotimlttilatlltattellted etatudeettottorakoldeem' The *latent pursued te .the lame to that adopted la ammitutore moot every pMei la made to a game, and oonee quently thejarts of eny Machine may be trace. toned 'with those of another machine of the same cite; oiehould an occident occur, the broken part, ent innr.cdiately be rtiIIACCCI OtinpAcimon at the pt: ee. - 1' EL, l'...;l7:'Jar„.f.a _ M in g ) gri k nkt V-1 7-30 Sy authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the. tursterelgruel has ILUIIIIIO4 the (keen! Sub. aerrieloa Army for the sale of 17alted Stater Treseniy !gate% beadle wee sad threelenthr Per Me. latereat, per mum, known as the Sem-Thirty Loan, Ai. 8. 8-.% Sc Per Cent One cent per day on $ $5O not*. Ten m • " " • " ;$5OO • " ';AT cooing; "r'noos* Etat 4ro- 7:74 THIRD KATIOIIAL : : : ILINIL COME! it Wood Etnet _and Virgin /My vomit /Lazar or nrE turrnm srrerEs %DA SPECIAL AGENT of Say Cook% 17. 8. Agent Seven-Thirt7 Loan, POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, Only Loan in the Marked cormaruna zerro W. W. 6.40 , C MUD RIIMEENG - BONDI& _ 'F ' Zij ' eiliC " ;llll4.l °ii 47' 1.1 t°l" J B. Livuf4B=olf. cutife4 GERMAN 4004:0* Of VittiebUria4. COM EISSTIN AND WOOD AI7CMSTI3I3 HOT Plisideat. OPILLINGYIK HA1113617G11, pjee popid gu s. GEORGE a. ElOiarAlealabie; . .. „. Thil . __, _.- Bailkhoi4l* larlalf ' cf P , Pkl. o "z* : - Gaminunsat. Beertuttileirof 01 . 1 4edlebOlighi aid ',"iltlj4MAL.lloZlPTo W t4i7 Ckylwou tipasirma boreestrodfor .. . •-.- . - Porn:lYw sm. bin 1. now muicabseiud. m , tta ri:t4 wit Diiiig..iinirtibi q : trti. "12 • . .' M rx dth • a of. crose • -,: CENT. t Mat Its Moab. laws :to al .. titrooti' Lltiii;i 4/aiiiiiiloallinitiLic.iiir.lilif. 'to atl dashes la Govatiosoationaltam ,- t lOiltini — O 'i • teilst GEO. A. - EMMY, Nader; - - 4 itagrrsei szatt , • . ',o4;c . p . ' - 'i..i*,.*':: - .:.':,' - .14.4g — '.2i .. ...- i t' :t7 JAY 0001 • .614 gait for tlie 7410 Loin, . 0",...n.4 we ore? ads. s so, s. loo ,ssoo,Aoott i taS6iooo; ,N4.P..A;m Min% USM Di4.lalga lar .. ..-.• - sin , w , An , Idatiutiftions Ribbons istdßoMst SUM, ' sisit *foamy. .-, ItteamistatiesiLms Tana , Climbs Balmoral 19(i: t014=.1/20. •.? Eighth( Goods, Bead Gimps milt WorstM Itmtm mul-Olointailioop Oes . tilms Ind ,Mll/a Wallow' aow mom', Us& !. ant : siootto mi t ot . ..., PIM q 6100178 `..' AMR'. If , • , "Met Illa befoisd tommatirsittsissetni.„ • __ f litartag tocalso4.._ od atz.OI:7OOLD Tms Ift. can ante zwzO/A/s 1,.......; Om -' . ', • ' - --,- " ,-, ~ .: . . . ....... -124T OZIPO1 aMoortimastagw ave i I Mai Combs= Will be Paid fa mg. - - 3 " .°ll°44 " li en'a . - . • - " • , neiminirs' isuligietisr4std 84,000.000 PER 33 A 73r, AND. EN A VEBT'SHOBTIMMB pru4 he eds Ift•eusites. • Ar"lY•Biake,-Basibiers, &Coons, Tivort. panie",•.Thauranee Croz,2p,s4ap,asul Yrho Pot oluselirisilatain.. • - . =E== 311138 oven 0$ zwea,at. AZZEN.DITaM .Caddo& slew COUNTRY BANKS FOURTH WOOL BANK 17 a ftvernment , Arreartniar. Mr.sci'itTet,34itnt, cot!niwur zwmui' AND ?Mai and F,ftvl)FlOo cies -*1 :4 : inviuktilega Tm!i nt II S. 7 . 80• a :a`Oß' 4"2315 "Trite *Siddrint. avian MIMIC ashler% t t law!: spEoLea,myricia YOUTH NATIONAL Bp, ;r: s.6oivins tu i nt rritfun uis , roma: tk; nib Bank 111 atatiolind Main tacisin ; PAYABLE AT 10 'DUB NOTICE, .Mf;6rll/O.DavAL)- Bearing e Per o?riti/2410,08k • - marguimmeirylit ....zroN.- F. -1/3401214 n i opal arrangement will meet with tlee ta Ww l =ll:lqt and ea the : p IIM er M co l n (.sell. w s e s tep ow ad o-r a- s a l d ib °." will be obtained torth . Co l rertn 4 er c i none*y. .2•ALMS C r eoraroE, £ DUZ.ZIT: „__w____ ~.. AND TEE iffier'. a.y: it, N 4 rt.Ei Clad Caton Home for taloa at Lige* flawatftobed Linen.Haiskeli oblong, ftloestrmi ftra_ eft, Aleohanfoo caasesatat likaaraides-Bas AserinderN Kid Glom Dor pair— • lira nava alma Splosullft moot aux ; • :,,, , r4l - 1 . 1 Viral - toobi,4osonllimoun,..! palpurs tad • taprthe 1 1/okßasast k Drail'lthalalap aad BPringla4ANP.4l4¢#o,4llll,ll!Tht r - .. ". NOVeYtjes of tlio. nth u Wltio Beitthirjr /halm ilate Kauw Nalls. atuallklimuli the rieu Ersubetbooth Ptlni.l44-10 etcotte.qAkitia arlsikkas ffirszonaortrPtraareame to NIEt • '"- p. , '‘ 1% 1 • 1: vim Data murCkilorlaselh sad ;, • , • uku net" Goispelifikres , . GOLD BOND JOB. 31.4 8 .7 3 ..471X hdisn, and tri Ain s, !dug...ldea T HAVE JUST ARKVIIiI - MOll iraE , a- EA ST with a carefully selrote4 asierthillat of i - FAROY AND STAPLE booss, amaj t rat .fi will be found ..... __a Sae line of /foolery lir _ ao4 'Halt. 'Glares, =teems, Flowers. O ra ' Surfs, ;1 Dollars, and all the new styles, laolor Slabber :5 Collars, to whirl I particular-7 till the atteo ll oo .' of the ladle 11144ame DernoresPa Hanoi new Hoop Skirt' s ._ Lace AAA Linen - Razolkerch44l, kinds of Cott* ilewSwiu Sete, Loth Clalwi 'a, Barbs aad Ooldeure, Breaktut 43apa - /Monona .Showlit, Thllee,tnew,) Lath lo "Crotchet, LLwor, • Dottott,Throad, Totheeleones aa4 Point Applique, f. Wide Lthen Lads for Pillow thists,-.Embratwee ot all kindsaidool'e,Sobes, of all =adig aewAlii Blanket, for infaxitalLedieoHl4N Janda% i. .1111soes* HidsAito2 alai 'HO_ . _et Head Seta, Co 3 'Elets;Clable-- UM lied Taniaai Tooth; aria , ia ante sew ottiol Matte ILTIISL.SIit Bottomr V' M ai - aua -a Chrzvet,:dynage, /Stow Hata aa4 i But. i t ,la &eye, Applique._ ,Jet "talk. Leaf i `lot aztla era arouNsad .11. varlet -;of othe r . goads, to i whfoh I would call theft of arykladollotto Men and th e ca le .- ~.., .., . r: ,- .l -,, al . d , ________,,,,mourenutAnness. i _, 711:Aptrigi..vnaca,ALLicuurr C10.,P 1 , • '" rtswinintalt, April 114, ! pi- PUBBIIIOIO/1 O P TED 2144.0E(1.- ; tom- PION of tn i Ant iesi ndAht „ aA e u i le 4% .,.... . 4 . 4 D. _ _ ; wet of eV 11* •IhArtnlve ignMain MA i W il l peeso........_suitty Int Jaw * attend tor the • -7 tew . na' pi; tiAnthanmal isi re t _._sal22 44g* Wnint - Ta=s 1 pans et Ito aural wmigzahramosillirstat. 2 'mix, on the dam hn?:!l : olpknikn. in i mtu I dela* w. xi !cl.vrig I . • • -, - , - • I Flsla Wilze t - Pltstrlp • otighli; It a* ifsft L e deklowitv Boirtuid Pltent - i t il i mo ' - - - xii • I L ,i, • 1 4 y , jrs4 H , --/ •z!) 1 Swot Ward,.situadviseceisti alin tr4R um... Athr TElwyn &nth Plttatnugh, en MI _ll neen•Prennoi Onnelmti•Uptiventi , __ . ww "In, FrankUn, imuit sq.-4wpm= ' ,_,,-; r - ~ : • • ~- • <:. , - n : . • q - ON TVEStiAt Plii 24„, ) : mgcirgklituag g h t • rim rgi b 4. int.: ' ; •ai i *+ .3 4- Anries7l E P:moistalials , asa ?imam 1 coy nwmanwes BLOW: ihiennoll. q 4l Wlttapy. Vine end Ream eaype, ll OX W Enniesitit**Vsitg! - a etainrina god; lilts. ecen Town ,TratatAllintheny; I wed tumuli*, ler and ?naring , : Bor. 1 . 1 . miapi i i -2.., Union, Valsallla4 111101141WIL kW, washiandawlEart 'et Townakkw - , - - ONNUINISDAN: Mia 245114 .* rigt rggget. "Hui wga, , tgg,,,, Wind, Puttburthi..llllnth Want, PI rLem .12121.Atsponta_ Winn. Anegbagn Fin* Lruu. Ward, .3,Edi iTeicepott BOIVI2Jait TOM P4rtlit ivil m rate ttY. Oaths, 91[10, //MOM/ Mul IreatDose -r '' •,' ' OlirriuriAr SAY 381 W C 4 __!.....1.... „„,,, i , putri - Alimmli ts .__ attibui ti wstilicissrer4 Taub Wart uotilmier en. n and In._ et, Pottnnl sym irwicw SWIM ri oarmagual; me. imam a p1744,gb.,,". eXont.aiut= kA -. 0% ILlVlntrfilV;llVer A t tb• ' 11 tbzTug'. wipiud g ii.7 — s g .i.,.egtig, ghat,. li zontliettots the Mate lint In tot nsintne v i An - subject& tg Pm PLR vanrr. • or. - 6 - truthcotrig z tor prompt. moms ,to any potion pot• t 4 s whole amount of their uses. . .. umyte iNclrye--- tt* . 181 firtFooLswai lßim, P t , . • JO- Real strite :Agents, ate: dnalcsn: in Orr, Ur..)At. 1411.105 14 Virs:nia. • • ap7:3:4e, • P.rfr4evactr,-P.E. .• . IRISH POPLINS - I 1 AT I 1 jp " BE, 1317RO.KETEL D'EL • czosivrti orr kiver Colored Striped , Poptitts pup. 4.lkiCY sum. Plain la \re ck Sinks. wm lizt , I WHITE P. Ws, MUM) 1 1 . Ik's. ... ... ~. . No. 71,1: B. Cori* teak aid :Kok mar aye& . - . Musluoa ►, . Law esminteiteai,6; NEW GOODS' - ` . 7 81 rifts stwasz, W GOODS - JUST ARRITBD. airaroßE AT' i#.* : t - C"i.Bl i riKT - . 4ll)ol bAdiao,./httOp. . lucauir - oisibi; Ilk****llTilitirr. 7. 708 go de C 4: anifit 24.1iXer Erma?