IF= 414 • to oarnsuit irourair a at. 113a2231.c0r , lee .2EirckliorarA, „2 1 ',1 6 ,73-Tofuth et., lutt.hurah. +g , znfelred In Par. FUN:DS 01118- Clollssuanglra&llnn ofttieUnited Static 1, 4 8-* P er lfo. l ßll,4lon4;-, . 6.1 per ttnt: 640 • u tt : 13. 8.4 1 1 4 =r-cent.' Oertlton3ca indelatdacti TtliaisOtlft ijOt6riSSiOti Eie. EIIIW ,Yark. Paundelphin,a.cut Pittsburgb• ardt;eoade nflte as w. "dot a Govan:mot Se9urltles la , . . Irisociut-Altil CoNMERCILL - inoimait s , AEI BANE:EntS• BOARD. . . or A g icr i tn4 o 4,aLarozaAnaoo. l • ..8.•40 , 1............ ..5.,. ... . ....MA', CieZ4v...°.'-.77."-...17,FS • U: 2 4 41 k Men Ihrft 8............. tips .p 6 ii itcrtiini... DA) '- - ):14 - zailm oo - ----. • 8,61 445 .......... --- 65,00 auk ed7X.." - '7:-.^t- 1 ::: 4 " . Tarr k Cherry 1tun........-.... -.....- ` 44 - - &014Qtr0.....-.......„,)• --- -,_ rp r i .- ifialsPitliiiii:::::......r.) --. - ` 1 irti • • _ ,Mor) 5i11eg......,..1.t. - .-... . - Lut ar auliboy Cbeitz , Rua.. ..... ~ MS , * I * - ---•-••-..... -.-., zr, . . rat--------- 7 --, *'. 4115 t 1 411 0M 9 1, 11, (T.t ::: *•;•• . 7.1• 7 - , _.r.,, .. 447A0.ni.,::,....'"7-r - Zr: i o"".., ck ...... .....:. 7".. ...7 .. .........• 90 '- iMebane C . iinnebleftil.... . . ...-*... .. . . .00 saesstoev.te m i suit., voait... .. — an 62 go Ale.sorposseftatur st the Stook turd this eon. ing wen huger than for some timepan, and with a V 4.th crcud urcue burin.. Prins ruled-high. we most mdicsabla *hang° was in Cherry Run • Gontral, which lead up - to isetroo,oo, under the n. port *Wens "mutants"( boo o tappltd on the prop *Kr Girths comp:lo3% Them was Mole ij ritthy for . marry /Run Y I l t.tiole,,, reimral ttundmd shares ellutegint gands al A alight staprorement. TlB „, to me dare Orettsit 111t5m.,....... t.... -..... 1 00 . .., . . ..... •In IS. I. Ot t rr yitvt.Crorintti.sl.l-..:7-7 r or. no I. Chtfrp k.i44............41al .e ' er' old 4 . chern , Eton* PingiUsirgh ..... . .. tee . ''' rittaborlpit Sr he or ..... 144 sno _ u Tech retroleone..... ... -4 ' 1 135 * Tidedilltinglksdaidi were as renew* • ::--; XNte asr___.. kkedisek PittetiQt7i....:... = 7- -.s • 0r ..i.u........a............ ..u......., . ...• as , "..nnin at Ohio t.... 6... ......., . rill) , 110/114..v....‘+""•• ' T - -1 , s to O•tua cir m a iiroa...::::..,...- Ake 10 ~ 6 , " t 1dh..........„...„,„.. 61 Ott 65 00 '* -. -...."..:....-... ....l. aa , ?of iasdar_..... . . ........ . 10 a 00 , 1690, g 01eervan...:7...-..t........ -- • '' ki g .l " --- ionmela .......... 4 im, ...C. . ...r.........- ..... , Ste Aa...." .. ..4 . 4,114i.. Ile .• ' 1 to ...4 1.-..t....4,,.,1,- , 1 / :. '4ll firi a lk kaii i47 V;::::: . .= ' ),, i: 5 Run .A.- 4IS so. ...... ...... , lio Pittsburgh I H0050r11kt........-.................. :5 St '` Es=24 1-- t7 , 777:::*: L s .2..... _sic.4"—iiii#l7 LG....- as ' '9l V •• *alas uteri ....,......_,:, .. ... ... . To. . at iesit lr at .. . . a.... . . ..... . . ... 1 Ile . I. PI Zlistentinned additions to the number of as. 1 =tea lainst - tteseasially Um this Minot ot scpply ar on:MOT dritingtlentopna-` Man Kopp* Poste, it 4, 4osm"msr "*"*.‘ =morn orleu epeculasfon 111 Isroduro,' 111 sole ai Owes tamp leaded dooms 40611,Pitedldittl,t6e‘ in c a dintabt Pld' $ lOll it, ag pa* dm assonitewlill not vary MU* Iron, auto the penal for 061WInebeet, * are ac Inlns Itnactt / " / s n i llnl AM &Deasy annum expemittinvensi s t ub: . all i feVii ralialluoilldittstg e l l tarty resin:option to 116,111110. We must, says the Plitinhelpskta 4hr:transpire confided:meta otter:for telorionc lad its inetitutloni Retina we reline at' boleti fit licl4.o l . l lct bertun . we can ere? 90b1 to wel l le ttonleith ' ecfeld . . We must Woo et decided kalacce °treads In our town and a demand from aradjitEnkitinidarrii: Ostia* will not re **- *Aced _as eztenettcly heretofore for tom yews 11/4/044,444peftoteturts rialT belq traduced las onitek. et Canteens lot* & snap European ' eausterts. kit will soon be atm beatiestand most impartazt s n ide ed ejciwk. .. , , ,- Onasooti.oticatot the present reduced peke of oil wilt bethe use efts more extensively . AM fora ' groat* vyletT cdpmipoler ? mad tear emu apes. =event demand Tho Government inn upcur lt Is horns, sad 'WWI TO doqbt be molifint in accor dance with the reliired bates. it Ls questionable peiey ce tattoo high/run orticli which laJest be ing introdneedii) the worl‘l: as many , twee would be fturtid for lig' akerwroush will not be thought ot at high priers. 4mc r role-tax oa It wilt yield • erestierementie iblin nal ircsent, In consequent* af theeetandeo dematri .tna- productimv-than ad. dkurianrily to the wealth of the natiod.' , - ', - z i .. t Cali' I.llVit j iait MK' slitkimr. fee the tt.mette,, L 'EAST tat eatr;-striir. GATTL,E„,Ths market. for Cattle hoss he teaE n . M a o/ _ 4 kliitiee Ode woe.., eo ear mid them he bet. =the mama at , primeot or , any lostMettate lm- ' proyreseee 'The meet phe Mira Mee fate. test tits:* ii a materlatfallisr 00'10 the asamsel, and tt li how 'halve/sally conceded, tact prieM mum steelbse,aa4 that, too, at no 'tistmstperterl..., The contracts &Warted at fledieWsie, to :of - irhicts W ill be fewer elsewhere) on TP petit to p rthe pererameat 4,loo4l4 at'is :44 1 ; borm2d, I hioubt;As, The; =Mak wow a meettssei u eempenet with' the. pre. 'elonefisitrittiof, irinirtl,Mtto per:Oit. Coo Um1191 . 14' . 4. 440e ,. ./rill_tiet le aleto Minh° re* - sanest bare emoted the same remarks may be aPpllistte Andetth.theikftetsibeelew, harms almost certain that thisie will hire to be a Mill further. emleetlon iamb bit• the rebel, Wore - Intent Will take hold with arlyttiteiltkAtimems.` Ihtmraitty, Good" to.extraAattle sokt weekldfroeaf to It'-itpt nary Airli 1.14404 emi to beats.wklett maybe mum '4 'Seethed. - - • sar rbe the birf. lirtUt,d)tkag=',Trzctr.7...• 1 4 11 eat OtXtdy' bat' thew are rery fere of • this particular desert:aka erniat.'• The. exports of stook dusing the week were as tollowes Irßatt Mu:ft Sheep. Settee. thrt at I grradratite as : arrrt4 . " - • I gia l iSCSOLta;JOWßOAkilfri ts, Masallfat OM% l.oaa MJ. Sala heat of extra Vs eigeLeo= tereMattrMms;.".46iee4 to • BMW S am. rit woo 541 it htea4 of - ctirse toy sltedtb 01 lame et !pith sktplesurktladeist 10 1 2,=, _ 111aram . for esoftett tee meitieh met slims atill.:llmtbet Zhaeag Weeder OW* U ll a Mats l / 4 4oeserst eir ptin• May!. Ti.. Eastern . &meat gi p .:, feetl=4.. 41"egesi bia .es r isa=tbita Mtg. ,e t o 4L it a i lt . l l4 l ;oll!, i y :Peter Sill SvilliilltieUid , 67 Qua Beath bought - tes= m Jas. bkielthemeireletrrt Atte& MA tames ellei to a tor ems , toot, orehosoed,aalla3494l%foe wool emelealrbir . est, mow emestellel. abe .r. - aimiriddis so mama. suand,_ 14.411114 Venire sold itglv_i,e_llMffr= • surarapeertat ammultlo3f; - Wes..emssola IMO dm Hespaihreasheit aireraMagle.s, at 1014{ W. Del talithemw J°4 ikesemskeszed lre . tag letOM s , at S - ..1 !1,5h8!M"..4"5‘ Primbiesicr Market,ArriiPL WoplrThe_ Market hea been settee. during the lest Week; the Wee beet been three and at Moro.. Pet......eed th e market elating; Om and steady= . • -wilitMgurm,ljeltivith*Cnrran • rr r P t e a - ,deney. Prints are brineld„-Zll, 21 atiatir and ' ore takewat dodos they hertre. Between. the Brown. Clothe am/ the Prints le Naves the printers isms nearath.,Votton may rem ai n ot the precept pelt., bet Prtha clothe mut advance. Tile tolloadad des tho oalors—abeao pieces 02x62, 10 , 4 e at the dont ammo do Should, 10a,earJr . in. the week; MAO do Ma • Immo; lato do do,iysle . ; /dew do Boma .10e, early to the lelekrtOo do de / 1 4',;e0nOto do do 1134 e; 5000 do do ii el-yOOO dodos;; 01 th e dawn, toOtal do deenne,-1 4d-ear/y in the week; ON) do do .12e 0010 do do 111(co 14,000 do do Mid at - the eloie-.1 ... . ....., ... . . • • ....-, .• -..-- .- PlirreliACAllar!cet,'Aprii•244,.. .•- ~ sitailtibli -- Isolarr ,- be pit4toa , Wbfla,„,.f • ' ICU • - r . tuliklmin *4OE6NA - Ind lb. r - amos 7- I,__ _r__ ..., •-, Yestalitay stall 0.11 Salei • - . •' rr iy; . 'll •, .. 1 - 22ar bu ;fa. l •-• .oa; , - .. V --,,, ' ' ' ••• • •• ',limit de do 0,. s.iii , f , '- Ant • - ' • • , SI"; Zonad;l•l4-Ifiadk --E h , - • , ~ attetnecus It; IMP, Clora.,,_ i .,r ; ..A454.0 , 10.10,.......,.-:; , • • ~ s eptcO•Artik *4 tk,o , • --aye— • `t , 7 '..-p —o,l4sitritipsu at • • 0 . ":20.11 .0...444044%,,, ::::....,,;: ... , -:,::-.t • • . 0 1111411.1iiiii4Aiiikei;.iiimi! iiiii-,%;.:•,, , , , .. • Tbs.* hiseloiiilieffiajfidr tat we . - t caution. * to .. r ,4641.€1,10.1mr Int • tlekrof Red MO: 1 11 11 .4a to,' bite. we ttgabele Kentlickl Wilts said attxtket-16,-pocullt 9415 ': •• Y; 1 .1 1 6 64:+1 + 64.. Tbo. y • soptlita trlth I .`qt.a - atto It fa in godir dem 6n,T;Tintes . or Y. 11 . 6, ..6 11 .".61, Nt.11,27, And 61, ;6.1n *tra., ()Ai: ametts43 - 66:1•466 ImptreLt twig At 6:46114.3.•: , ' • ~. 71t, r` POOR ?, i Eli 0,5 , -nt 111x11 - 0,,,r, . Art iCIX ' Is LC eltri,:lll:66f.roti 6t •i.• 1.:i.076.1 Silva/ titles of 216:011.tr01 6.,664.6, atAct - Flas, kictr.l, tat rz,664.6.3, , I . . .. , . -. . . .. . AY: APREL• 07 1805 . • = PITTBBURGII PETROLEUM HARM' The Ta l t anner,Aptit ;ow; ntarket for Quite was Wrmallorably excited tb-dlyrltterreneactlose be hurrouraelly - larip,, the Wee le 'ha's stacao, ramekin, over' &Wee thowsandbarreb though, lu yet, there is no treatable Ithangeititanalra.da , prixes. ,One of our done lrmight-itiflettndllen Wu/deed from one Ken:moat permanent dealers In deran this:webeigrm*Lithii Lagoa sate etier red lu Mho market. The Impreulon appears hiFreral/ 44. AkilW/Wiell of thentledohu '44whe!l. t:atom," at d as a natural coneequence, both re. "m and shippers are a pitclang LP' la order to be abeadat tbe adyence, which the. oca,twity- . .0f our &stria are unildneWlificinkbe establlidheit" The jadiewing sales were 4W, .450, atin, 130, 600, 00, 210, 440, atlkt,ton ateryg Icstartit 2134 t WO, In bulk, at Sty,; end WO at 21X, bbla included. Thera le alto a betteetcading In the market for Retied in bond, both,ferPresent end Pante delivery; and' we note osa/c of 000 Wax Weaaes day evratlitet gatind -I,olabblir4Lucesrm,"to be delivered in the earl y part of /Say, at 45.. ?teethe end Xnldutun qutet and rinctu,,agett • - !The. iebeilitli , tunde by the AlleghitCy 'river shine our last report, are as follow= JPorter, ?tiller.. Co.. BPacloy fr. C 43... 133 _Jrohn Bean-- ...... . 311. Firmer h. ........ Mawtthtney--. J vo. Ttt 2.19 Total. .......... ..... . .... 1714 juVirtepgive W10 1, 12:6 et, of..:7i.ofd.onr al bk.thinilwerei/d thorrtWaY Postal 7'the details of trade;inarmard so the present state sTautureproepect of the Permian& trade. • OW • ekthen Pte PP4le getlernitY, ; should not _Celli* Elva the article a careful portant edi we armor the 40%10 that hie , fact . and Wenn. oieai the etala:nre ecineet:'. • ' - !Tie Maoseetii.6. la tiruditar the Peet week ham JAM Quits larger arm. at , a reduction of one nest .:.woawbrenowdeaniairs6wittadnkdauthe nuarket, lt weinslare that therela not near e re w Penned walla the Foasigo markete r there wee kat YessentAt . =-1,2,31,.011;n0t one-fourth of the: • amount, not one-italf—aad off Quite Lbw- . ; ate nbuoseestilely ham Theonswerza stow itni • alr otsereatplieethocasad burets Iron:Jae. let, to data this year. coateared With Thom jeelpteln N_Mr York fat nuns time show a demises - :or WOW panels: Maze aiso rams& talltar - cat- la th e 'rettelida at phi*. aad Pittsburgh, while the stock on hand at 01/ Peony, these cm Wier and tio ptroductlast unarm leas. • Peony these.tectrwe eau entre at .ao other conclusion; , but that there la a deficiency In the various dirk XOl4 asing meant Mb year ottulkr SOMMlibarrels If our atoll. compared with last' year lame me date.. are dues consumers wilt: aeon e ours ervitr - products at as atintatte , of ' al: Manor ribs peals per gallon I • -t • Coal Oil manulactorieseatmot be built to tin e to thusly the descend for arm& Fall's trade. - the feet each eneoesalve _steamer'. wankel ,alPortir qtioto 'Petroleum emu +Mae/mast Damnable a Wight advance, grows that the dleanialaed.atorme are held firmer, aid the Wang reef ardpmearr are' being felt wren oh tale thug, when the ecoadualat lemma is nearly ever. Virboothe uue ftaboattea tad with the hustnesa are known In Phltadeladds, blew York, and abroad, lait not fairexpo 'ad vanced Matte lu-ordernfoCesPert ern rennet,' wiahso iecoreibelr stock We alio predict adeamizeltrom Olnabanu; Kent phis and New °thank snitch willtdatert e ally beta % our home Warltna , clew of the alone twits anel tarterencet,headobb atoll Wed all atecka,vtarala do well to consider .befole tomes oU a stocks basetfon-prOdtudiybp‘s g.a tau, or ;PAM,- _ . . . ...._...,ADELPHIA -81.1711.3 r" 711.NRICHT.., 4ectg Dtspatat tow Pi4stetythilitetut. ; - .P l # 4 . o =r l llA, Aaril $ 7 , 190 . i The Market for CM iiiackt was stewly Rod mod -17514 mare:end fa Sonia 42113 Es ' rili4 'UAW.. `mat sastatlaw "rails tollowi. - - • Ileautatar-..: ... ...... 4C5 E-gben." ''' '267 aft. fi1eba1t......-.... 367 Olau teßd....----.. 1 75 uornplaater '---11 Ea Statethaa - ' 6'oo 61tago .... . . ~.... 360 Neptune -..._... t 60 Atcalsitock ' '''' '4 00 1)65311 ' 6 , 0 Elan Creek...:, .. . ._.... 2 Ha wino It Same —.IS 60 Itußkatd..._.c...-. ll5 elg Tak_.... • '.-... 203 all pek it 40'hy Ems. 4 12 rhals.* 404,143e5; t 00 ~.. .2.insv yoRK. PETRO/Man e if." RR ET. I ..pee:INI. plakatsh 14. the . 14.ittiburah ousaette....- • . f ~. '- . - - - 'slsw -Tvir.w..dp,ll 21; lEid. Pettsie6,s-33 eklY, with ille of eruda at 73; Re fined, la bond, 03, and Free 22 4 7 4; / 75 . 5 316 3667 IMUMI BY TELEGRAPH. New Tork. MMerliet. loner a ritsr You% April 27.- C otton -Less aettre,-and t &TAW ror le Jidda& Fr.orn-tees smite end Sqlso low on eomizon one wedeln geadrsoo36o7,o • for extra elate; e2E11.16 for • xtra R. IL 0, . and ~ ii,..mae.oo for trade brae nen: minket dosing hear) - with - no buyers at •, . - r Wilioxr -bill end fairer; Western, $1,121:02,13. .4 Onatn-Wheal-Seeady (or Winter and dud rod !dreams-1W- emitter lei,errfOr - intotteNct -- 1 MS :lssuffie; 1 1 1 :r4 I , 7s ,_fer - Winter See Western. Bye -Quit t. '. l tarier=iteay: Corn..se,,,t a. sad ; 0 c 'Wt. 0 ;Mime for inferior mixed - Wester% sod MA2 4 too for New Yellow. Of etw-imaldelly lower and r neme•t at tri€B3e for Western. (I noonusE-Cetreii, doll: . lEziar Arnim 11S 0% , ' Porto Plc% 12013 e; Cuba,. illtumorado and lin. , vans,llyee, . llielsneask WM; ~-, 5 Prrstotern-Qulet and firmer at 3Se for Crude, i nse for Eteflaed in ikuUd 1 2 1032 f i r 3o. 9ne. I • i •w a irons-.Perlr, er.• with de mand-; far Wew Mew,: ate eash, • - 11211,15 e 27 for . ISM -Mhd et; -do, itrilfw • Way; closing at 5t7,150 cas h ;: tar tar rim% 'and 21 , 5( 411 7 7. 1 5 Prime Mem; Also, SOO bide -New 110 s Mr Map; Jane 'azd - Jaltat, - ars option at ~ 1 ithz Beef, , E and salve at 12015 e for Plain Men and 1 Mesa. Beef Cams in fair demand j at mom.? Moan. Mimi faigerrfrit i , I • She and 1711.1kiie for Ham; es erten' CM.lP4ll . 3. s f e ar tons Ill n bed. and ale for Short ,Bilded. -- ' Newly at ' , Woke, [Miter in do. mated et I for Ohba, =Anew* far State.. •Ife quiet, at for Ohba, • pew YiWk Stock and Dhow Mar ket. - - . .. ' 01w Tome, April 7f.-Mon e y q uite em yat fell 'randeast. Sterling ,quiet at Mir StISM Weld dull And lower, opening ar, HMV dosing it ArN.. • f.larenament Stows active and Crate at stailikeek filen% ieSsAtilwankee sad • Prdime do iiik soft Ways., 10 44; Altos ilia Tetra Omit% en N orth Western, 15; de preferred, it 4; New York Central , 101%; Nodes.% Iw W o - Stadia/. 1111 . ,_Mdeitiena- eloutherui f t Mit 'UM,' . Central. 112:121eveland and Pittsburgh, , Sl%; pre, esu i lunberland. iffMi l i su re s, 4l . , ;ol 6. Vo co t , Bi gt eflOerUtleates,4l/{ _, a, irivr, , '" Pew E... _ laft tl ' ai l ‘ i l ' U r l fi, v. wow i'd - ;ic oee td44; reu, m i l Hudson, 114 1 4; LT; echidna Southern 7 71*11::s trail Cee l Ji a plus _ Southern Soak Land, , ~; North ; do _, SFS& lost •Ir , 101%; Ohio an Ippl eirt , Mutes, ttlintrose.cleinDsthitak.4*Niq "'UM. . ; Mari - ~:,,- Gold and Moe satire; . fat 1471 :/ ,iverS,lierirjrositioaci inn: ,_ , !moi llffll l ,,..fOr Clld t, ! ' ellieldnatillitifYistsii.3l..i 1.1... iii..: i c zrza„ tIinrIXXATI, April 27,— FLOVIS—Dull and prices Sims °um. Mouth nut quotabfy tower. :. cliOctm-T.Whooketolltelo9 ft,TrttlAtittti.ri W auxr...Dell.itt IMPS ' -"---'''' - ' ..... ..Paorlsionff-An active demand for Ni.. Pwrk, 'w.4 prices adraneedkto 320 alter the news from 'Net. Yoti4kembarrelesoldat 1 3 0013.„ Bulk swots - Studio I S)i, - hut- -net • mimb dose . Lard IV ruffed to Se. ,„ Caocentaa-Sline with mo . • . .Mondr-Aleaferr-Sold It 7 S ilvervin. Chicago Haricot. glECA•oo;_Aprilleas: •,,,,,, • . - L. --,. .61sEnr-o beot,3ulet Apt ditedzsa VAeg Wiles at 11020 farlfo. I Ord% activ e s ad zoduted Zs: 'lio. Ift 014270 a fOr IPo, I. :Oats ' ', fzw.dyi - IFoti'M T f g r ,, 1. 14- ii. " ;u: - .184150 d ;Op . le. . -7. feneelsions-Piree. Mere Po trk novenOtid - 15eo; sales at e1e,200121,M1- - "Prime - Nees, 'Se; Sleet • Plaided llama Arm at We Racipf s Flour, 2,70 e bids; Wheat, 11,000 temembi ,Outs, %OM bushels; Oats, 17,000 bushels. • 1 , Xtelthuare Ha rkrt:, ' April 241‘; '._ adotret- 4 d. szatallot of Blo.wes eold to•day auto, cola. on - 3Tondsj the, bolanhe 'of eer4o or Otte Obittonnogs, from Blo t about WO tow, out berets sepi,rtml, trail cold atate, 501d.. : ,. • Ehour— n Belei 40300 !bit oWatilittesii Super end etunEera ah4006;l13; ate bbl, do tura Cl 44" Kt Ohio; el 4a1A114, end t SO tdde .doL et *4 ~. . . . . . . ,pe - :;iird s a w 4t Eve sts 4.foriMeal- plotted:: 4 ,411ratoL44114ret+Seor4pre404. 4414.,ww.N.itt_. atriltelirrodt Ulu Auld tureht -14eut,..- tie otdieledo44424o bus .n.. 4.. het—tio WI roe. tlltt : -I W - tit: . et SIA suofilo t ie d: o, . 11 1 Ali - ^l4oe Mahar yellowed an: vo p,rpeteume. •Olti:-Sales a o rbs bushel mln s st u.rel. 44 OWL ~:.leseee—We note Judea of Co lads Porto tleo, 4p*,eit !Ada Qubiroo Ferrets tortaun vwep lc* ilayllo Wale from Clatillattos t 'als4 ICS aka' add 21 Warm 51 , .....1aba5, P t 8...... , .-, ~. ._ ,•••••• e d; .J 9 ca. , 111.4ta la aattro - dnawl; in natenia l 44 Of Tao AGM Cubs et 120, 4 toos;100 boxes dm at 7 4 sees, cargo of Wig Chowourll4 hada I Julm at l t n14,411109;142 do do,at 12n, 4 mos; ID bin do 11 j, t 4 mpg; 20 do do; at tallo. 4 mos, , cargo of btl4 Et $ : (U ands do, at 12140. 4 mo•• and tat Idsds 'fat nob , - Islakd at 12 teat,, 4 :11011-411 taken, f,a , win( r; Id 10.14- Cuba nt 12 cent*, ne41 .1 3 hada 41 717 12 4 d'. ,t At 123.0 net; 15 bh , te do at 13t/01 net; 12 MI. Pattn Xi en n 4 1?7,:io net ;120 do 11.-r, ut 13e nett 2. 49 n .. at I:'‘‘4'3evitl'7bi7-tvli::7''ll• ~1c;1,4: 1,ai.gft:..: Crow Vierlurgos. . . . ... 'PAM* sinttim*" OP PlT.Tslitm Ga iWririt of. i:outracte fl,r C.ltile at Haiti. wore. , .TaUESDAT. &psi at UM. - Capt. I. How,. d Well*. °noon knon;T 071718 laid." • tiers I aligitrimpromrta*gqiggqiiink mails. die deparr.r L _dent, and Web tz,r d itM i it n hefer ry • f. . ome of tholeadtai.ittlatis, but, upon 1 itr l Zt . 1,, 14"47.11,..r.,:ge did tie, at g i kto._Geoll ti i e - the b. 4.4 the gatigrakmarltatalessmot be - termed ; uprzaieland, rialaueurow, 0 : 1e i 3 0.0 1, 0 r 0 d0 d0 dc d:,:1 040 0,22. itium E. az: prices.:tiv nor . hi theti any basenttal * ague Is i Chesney Pittsburgh, Pa , &Old dude, Ste,BB. Lew p • Se 2,000 ht.d. d o. 1,020 As, at stem. • •cinein—nrbeitistiilx at an advance, but la the 1 Lowy. rem; 4'003 do do. at 210,40 ablenve ofalles.:we omit, 'quotation Data 0041.. 1 . Minot to arrire pretty freely, and with a ' IdIPIDE Ts I T p i 41 L , 1 - O : 3AD. Heine* detuand the market is dull and drooping; 1 hum r o t car ate; 1.43; On b at 116; and small 'awl A ' rariz i 4 o ati7 4. ); 4 o4t . 7 . . , llinte.lk (Z.c.iiimilent/.1-. it... ~.,,.I..'"e ""- un ' a rul "2 ear to la ea "' a Rea k Hell; 1160 pe.lbuk meats, Sears & (475 • tALOVISIOI2I3-Theni la a veil deal stronger oil bbje, illiarlon; Ibe bacon, Ido butter, Balsley .mansfeelingis‘lbe.litaceilmarket,and a 'arid advance do Van 0 order;2l Ike raga, Afelluilough, Smith has beta- e ntoblinhenl:. We now quote az 17 for ;31 Des soap,.7 S Dilworth & coL2O do 'map and .snonid.n,; inter gibbed 5idn.,...4, ot for Sugar eaudis, W n Smith. face;so do do, hi K04 40[014 21 Haim Lard lia quiet and unchanged at 19e. do gimp, LI Ratio 10 do do; Lsmbert & Shlutoo; Bulk ;I±deat-sala 01.11,2671 W Shoulder. at 13; eon 15 de oh, Lome km 525 do do, AL W Rankin; 100 SA Sides at te; :did 2,0001 b. Hams at 15. • • 7 bb1.110111., .tiltnmaker & Lan N an ear atavee..l .1 Rat- LOVE-!•!,1a a shade limner, but time Is no tn.:. Y.; I earhan 70 Jenkins; hp tlilln E /teazle- Prorement to note the demand, and pilaus harm t0u;.12 bye. bean.. -Hairier Gorden 19 Olga , ' undertone no changemall sale. of rstra Fondly preibieeiL Deiblantz;lll2 br.o wits, ES do cern, et do from ROM , at rt 1,00411,25 for: BPrlint Winter Darley, Culp & She 4 east bay, Slocum & Ben- Wheat brands. - - ' sad der. • BUTTER -Is emniag in more free/ f, and with a i ( "LAMMAS& AND PITTSaCitoa n. Apttl 27- - -better me I v .. au......, !i f .. E1. 2! _," i tubes wheat, Simption & Knox. Lear do, it T Kea.' . m l 6 bur i 23. _•4.!'d ~t. ! .... , ,.."!7.,. , soy tc - lire;l4l grind stones, Beektham & Long; 1 laitiS. Veryiere e tiand' a a shade Id glie . rwitit ' aides er.aldnetbs, SOltEleath; II!? bbla potatoe Lit relit &co; I ear sundrie, Shomaker k. Lzug; fie It 22 eta, ' blds apple., Sas McLain ; 48 do potatoes, Wm Kirk . OLLTLSSZ.II,IIe 44 kWIth• /UAW 2 1/02 it 21 for nallielst 68 iiks grai Dalatey & Van Ilord3r, Po D Western Heserire and= tor Hamburg. bbii.eou r , ri m; adi end,aing. .. - YOTATOES-cosaneon qualitlealnigood supply, ' , „ ....,,.,,' , ~•„, -s A 1 . 1 2.. nyi . ik t i n and almost utufabilokil. Sale aria bbla Yana Biotin. • ' .. '"E""-- - -.• W 3, -ri .. . ''' ' l • Lea.; ; bill sheep pelts, Owens & Kennedy; 12 bbls gra12,15 per bbL eider I Deekhart; = do do, G Alyere• 1 car hay ilAY''4lol3l44” Teri dViAlatUnehsATadilales ' V liti & K • 2 bbls eggc, Ibe binte Beek it heales al 24/Wrgr Per ton. '- • .., -,, ~• ..,-- ~ . • 1 T y PPe, Itehl & Aar-house, I oar corn, Slropoor; & Zion.. IHOMINT-Doll and zonalnal at 5,4( et.s. . ,Shb.d.oB-tlieree seed.ds-to Asanuel and ea/ sance,•with small aalertePOrtal at .1411&,•. Pita IPAMeked /0 -ln demand at 113,04. Timothy is chili at llr bib - --,-- ‘.-_-- - - - IMPORTS By RIVER. • • Portszkowsn.bsa Gobru:sr Eaa-10 plus mine, W wk ; 80 all_bblie;D M ' , . Esigeztan; 82 its'aora so ue teed; (Mu B Leech; (4 bales leather, 2 blade tobace, 22 pkgs eundri ea , Cads & oct; t box, Park,• Blellurdy &_gutSo tams mein!, R 0 Loomis; zoo: do 40, Choo / C r aPP;SPkirs, Nail & ePoor• • .. .. RIVE RAATELLI6ENCE --- The river,is stlitrecodlng steadily, with Mx feebin theehanhel by the marks liiiit queening: Thi Wreath. M yesterday was exanadAugly hot intim Mani /thigh. public gerierallY, and at _ . , . emboatmen In Particular, Me anxionaly walling ler:stn. - !The only arrivals we have to record, are the • Bayard from Parkerehurg, Golden Era from Porte. Mouth, and - the Ids -Bees from Gil tiny: ipdll do ;The wi Pilgrim, he Zanesville was, due tut night übtlen be found In port this morning , M t te Blia/j.eleared- for:Parkersburg on time yeserday, and the Kenton wail making prepara tions to /cave fa Vlach/aft/4 when we left. the wharf in the craning. The Kate Putnam left for St. Louts Wednesday night.. The Onward and Anna.tillo, were advert rod to leaveACiliainnett oit. Wednesday Jut. The Ca imlia and Ventral; leit Sc. Louis for Pittaburgh I*l Tuesday last. ' .The Iron City, Capt. Non, is the regular packet ftw Parkersburg to ay, leaving promptly at noon. She has impariir imomModat mai for .passenyers, • and will go through ori time. 1/ e take thlt following paragraph from the at.: Jint.l. Dmorrof of Wrdhoulay: iCaplain Richard O. Gray,tormerly ooamaodlt lo I Go linwkeye State, In - the Sc. Louis Northern Moe, M loaning tis timelelatteely and pleasantly la Pcticalittsburghs/a . said Ills ro bom:way for executing ph joke to be unabated. ; Tag nom- Man la widely known, and hts suctem of late in t aisinem.epecations, we ant_ died to know, hays been aegrearaa erer before: If not more Co. -Capt. Cir.ra miciatie aosopetency . Includes • large arnaust of it a amat atock,..among which. e may, I g're'Lc:V.:l:. each 7:0'4111117ir-11:;°= reit Commonwealth, the Pilgrim. J. S. Ball, and Clearalla. Tilek. as his friends, franil • ~ btrly call line; tea tail example of the Industrious - pervert ring and good•bwured men of Patspnrigh. Lb/etered upon the stage of business life as a see .oed clerical, Steamboat, tom which we want CO= Of One Mazur friends'ponder over.... The Jewess wilted at Louisville Ca Saturday, and On- Ward on Sunday. ~ . .. • eal) tbetallewthe flute the .a.outswille Itin . of Tuesday: On Sunday evening ono of a pair of cosi boats bilirbalcm to Joseph .Waitoa,, of ? Submit , . was „splint West s.onairtlha. where tt van be recovered when then vet falls. The b• w, owingt /Ma nn of the giver, taught on • staomp.the rapid on W 11en tiocksd A hots in tie. bottom sad It soon tilled WIELL water. and earamned. 6 coal bast be. . !trawled to J..S,PLeDoetili broke loose [tom San dy Is:a net; and weigauebt at 0 ter alrealt,.th miles belOw New Albeny,. The Dlek Wilton. -with ten bardellaf miltirrterd edminaphia het Widneadad• Passeageraated shiner& abouldisarle Wad that tlie:lftswole; Capt.' u: W. Dlelteasoit. Is allied up , rapidly for St. Lout. and St. Paul, and artil be raady to leave or/Saturday without fall. Morris i I.ftrcey lathe clerk_ • -I TheNtopire City. Capt. Hazlett, I. announced for SLonia, and all intermediate points. ',_B - he Staunch and reliable Lbw on. No. 2, Capt. Gavis,'ls announced to lea/ e fur Cincirumti and Loolerillenow Saintly 'evening, Pal••¢C•r• ne .. _d elllPPea Weald do well , to boort end his to mini. — ...,............_______ smdatitret VOR -CINCIIMATra LOTH& VILLE—Tbe eplendid passenger ItOOMOV Lk.uNORA No. it; Oaptala Davis, grill leave as above on 8 / 4 TLIED2II . , April 29th, at 4 i• • ;t4llt P s. i rmarliatzr, l , " JOHN; FLACK. Atentl. FOR -FT; LOMB Litat4,, DIIEUNE, DunDirairopu. ADD NZ. PAM INHEXTP...The sew pisiaenger ateatner, MINNEOLA, On t. Dieknin, Will leave for the above and tat t° Potts an SATUNDAy, Mt tout. ' troy [relent cremar t itlEr , boom or to J. D. coLLumwooD. S Ageuti• ECIIILAR PITTSB6RQII'IIk PAKEERSBURGH PACWET,:— The new end light elrnnit4, a turner . - ' X.WILICAN C7I.V"Vir John' Nook Blyter, J.L. McClretcy, clerk, winlmre fittcburch every ; Tuesday and Friday 40:: elerrn o'clock A. W., for STEUBENVILLE, 10ffE1..1.041, SUN FISfl, BULL CREEK, AA -2: 111 T.A. .a PA lIKEIISBURG, and 411 Intern.- : *to ',nu. freturolnri Irma PatlollibUff on I qI2.NI....*SUAY soritia l'UtiDA Y, At 2o'olock r. lg. Furirtlght or paging. apply on board , or to jA i rES F III I ) I L . & IP SA Af,'-ati "DTABIETTA AND PA RKER DA. DURO ?ACRE. LINE —RD)* MAR PAStiESGER STEAMF.R.FuII W • INC), SUN FISH, SINTER...MILLE, MILL CHEER, MARILTTA AND PARKERSBURG. The new ..d teat aide wheel ousanger BAY ARD, G. D. Moore. Master. Daniel Moore. Mark. Leaves Pltteuutitat,rery iIIDNDAY la THUS& DAY, -- nt It A. x. LearAiVrhecarg ate.. rr. same *aye - Returning. leases _Perkeretaing TtDVMDAY and FRIDAY. et P. .ceares Martrtte M. a r. r. rime .L e. Erase. %cheating at 7a. a. WEDNESDAY and A,Ti.IRDAY. For miainala Nista peisage7.2aving unsl ao tions, apply on hoard or to FLAox,ar • JAS. uOLLINS. A s = t, No, 89 Witter itraetal I rdotrix AND /MSSITSGS -ERA E PAURET,The doe pairenger steamer' GO , els, master; W. EL Biwa. do*. testes Pittsburgh es - Sr/SATRDA. at 12 weicak se,' and Portsmouth emir XONDAY, at/o'cloela .p. M. The Golnen,Era,mAke easulectloes t rotte month With the Rpm-mud 'stammer - Botta No. I, lot OtnetnnaD, Mad PIN"' I . no through to that cal'. sad! FO ST, L0E718.-110 line Ing Debets mar UsPe n .J=M;lep; aU E II and Interissatasa- pox', on MIDI DAY, al • 4 For tteigh weloak r. i sr pomade epplyen bawd, *r sop - COLLINS, AIM/. ta- A:x rri re.: IS . 02 A po Cl' Ev.q. o baiekisal' ilia ins w i z Herid Itoo, two** übikboo's Shoos -Dort bob* POto.' '• ... . • • eo% ' I All Kindz of`•(ioods .i.eit :. . , :•,:b.;l , iiiolis''''';. Cheapest 4her World! T GOODS 46 lons/ . P 31013 Spring Goods hi Endles.s Variety I MUI , ! Mii7Z3 MWESI. ._: MIIIIE "nertlatonoe • od-a2n_. ti Igor& _ :1) AROVE 'WOOD' RTREET. . . 4.6 T STEEL TEETH, for Bulky, Ha (71 y and Gsaln Rakes, of buif ShaUcfrequtr. Abu - flay'and I,2tain Bakes manufactured I . . • v, m vOTANI • , ath . = ArratiSi•Allsttens: 4 teilaaw46na IX= PAID IN 46 YEARS $ 17 ,000,000. Net Assets, Jedattary 1865 0,4377;88a - 724 JIBE iIiD INLAND NITIGI aOD DISK& gentes Ln all the ;Wade Mei awl Towne In the Vatted Stntes . Applications tor ansurinoe VIII be Prompt/1r St' tended to and'Polteles Issued by A. A. ckeßia Agints. 67 FOURTH SYBEL,T. CHARTER 1829 PERPETUAL MAK= FIRE tteupsoz comma P HEGAD.ptPHIA. Assets on 'military I. Isiµ. 113.457,111.1111 ACapital...... ... ................... • ... . 1 11.410,001 Iccrued Prezluttui .............. . .......... 117;0011 Unverted Premium. ......... ........ ... YUMAN bnsettled ........................... 8,.111 ootee for 1.961 .... . . .................... neon lowa Paid glace 1523 ......... .. B,OOOAII Petpelual and Temporary /1111114; ttima: DUII I M2O/111. - • : .Oharies N. BALOCker, tame Lee. L Toblat-Wtemes, Edward Et Dig% Samuel Oran; - - o,9ekve Pale% Jeese R. Smith, ' AMIld Fiber, Georg,. W. Richards Fres. W. . R DLm i l ui g. KER, OWAREES ON. NO p,.. EDWARD O. DALE, Vlee Ideate JAS. W.: WeALLISTER Sec tele. conie J. Woolard4l. uorr, ird= FIRE .A.ND XARINZ losurance—Oo. •of North America, PHILADELPIaL ....... "mow Assets. « gat:tint issarue• !moots— - ,41945,* hatlitetteticua el& be wand la the above any mg rumble euto,pabieh . . W. P. ZONES. Amor' , Thdidingoild Water , et: IVESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY ll r Or PTlTspa-R0 IL ElT.Ligu, Se 4 /* - WM. P. RERREBT, asertiory. I:Nbco, No. 02 Water street, Spars' h (M.'s Wail. abuse, upstars, Pittburgh. , - !WM fame apiarist AHo ( mo o Mats by Masai y Maim Rats. Hoar inAllito. b Directory idle eh ladt halm da Me and allo wed/ten seined by .proseptarss out , to turist charade laid asp War as Obeid as a.' bat Us meteetea to am Yr& *Marto Ss i ' • . - Dttionvits ku.aues. n Andiew Met, James McAuley. ,Llaiszwet6Speor. PralhaMel Holm* David XL: Lon PILMICks B.lllllJ.Ttanzsa. , George Dante, Mu: S. Mark - essej . s . wli erm% . , Jetta 74. Methm. w No - WM. P. ILEMBEELT. fienciary. OITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY swOF PITTSBURCIIL—crekti 'scam Itarkat sad Water streets, second Door. wist. I s i n i . - .. NAL RIW an, ALBlryPraussue ARA Sunt Ileums Steamboats and Cargoes. arta against lors and dmaageln the tIiViIIIP lion or the Southerly end Western El, gdi. am! Bayous, and theliartgalloa of the Sea.. ers • Inmates eiptioat 104 and damage by D rs , tra.Dukzetoss : ftrautlr. ' Saha Shlptors, • Ju. p ho non s, J James M. , Coopet, W. G. 8 liarbaush B. P. Joan, .:r , Boa. T . d. Rowe, Jo hn.B. Dilwi r rith, • Barclay Preston, wa. A. Rodgers, - George Blosbam, delorlyd pEOPLES' INStritANCIE COMPANY _ Osee, N. E. corner of. Wood and Fllth Sts • , FtEM MID NIABINE INIMILuip bilisnoell I We. Phillips, Capt. John L. Rhoads J J olut Writ, Samuel P. Shrive; ohn E. Parke, C. Hanson Levi Charles S. Mae% Chazlas Athos.' . Wm. Van Kirk, John P. Birk • tint James D. keine, John °lido. WM. PHILLiPs. Avoided. , sum( well; Ms Preridork • tr M. F. GaiIIDNER Smetana intaile ----& LLEGIIENT INSURANCE COMPIL N , VB ank B or r oc t rrs k. inarluiLL—Cass. mo ri PM • .tri.t it Legates against all kinds of Pb. midi *ark; lalul. ISAAC JONLI__,_ _Prrsidest: Bouit/.112P rkorresfiksi„ • LW" 3ozion sozinross - O. Hussey, John Dorsey Childs, rat D tfarajug, Capt. s. 0. O rel, Capt. Wm„ Sjss • AAA ofts M . • ;E. L.7ooinsir, • - L. Fahsettock, - Robert ILlDavli. • ' woßEical FRUIT NUTS, ilk. • mato Seedless 9 11abdos; / 00 bum'. SL UsUdad; 111 ,7 dioad - lOf . tozo J. yerno,talsai muumuu' I Abooodoi_ Moo A de " ( dot Maar 2 figkalo s A4i4.21414 ' ' "'' ; AO Sop Poo Nuts{ , Eon and Wid th& and du salis Dr ins - rinEir DSOS, „sand US Wood Re id, • C D ,. NB- i -l6 t f eu d 0 0 01. 0411101 . 10 bush Oolong; 180 bozos W.A. Chairs ^ • 'IS • 4 4 . Shaun 401 AWO .1100 busedhiPeteusWhlts' mussel 1 3 2 latriM. l tittl_p O jo r Mt ' Libeft....t__ - ' PUTTER suRPA.Rnt. 211 .bbulgib.itoway, . . r .110t•de,aamottgbiTobsesof ••• ‘••• ir 10 'do- 011 B 20 do Oldesu % ) 11 1 .41 121 : 11 4Z 4 fif I* do Dried Au tos; .. •., , %sookmea W. H. 100 do. llizobuegao.k. • I tors sad ter sale low by oottzte, -ma bush'Oelfotils Eider ABIRSTRONO, solver Ms et sad ?fret streets. TINIVERAL bLOELE WRINOSR4 1 -The iVisrstutionthat =A: ta them me %matt Rubber brpoti lied 2,SL Ololt street. J . I L IL PRILL&LPS, 11.1%____8 • Polo Ames for Alkrheny county. 21;41.181 ft eolckda +obprily,"at Choice Ifolabta Charm Loam, for sale by th e boa or ratan; by , %= `al JOAN A. RaffollAw, le writer Mort, MO Hasa &mtg.' b Jr. HEIM4.I---G7—``----.3)0.: tlialf, Lake ~..Ifferriag,, a prime mtteia,,huarrownere , a s via. :7 meat., sad tor sal. at to* Ogarostr: ~ p 14." & iIIiZPAW - , • ' = Oa :-./ 1 9/3ili .11L-, f ig of OoMea - r a tricipiwa# loo , o i Ibr low by Tao P , - 7..0111e L. itiftgallAW. ' • pul - carpet Laßeen ani. Mind essatik . '; brPAR AR ••• this week at no. WI Menet Knee V -PlusaiklEtuGmes LEM- IMOia...4jlc Egga received: t.hledarandiersAie by . - • - -• X , R, 1 40 itolt.ltt 9 trßlllCATl N G'ilf f ls 7.:b — tt - iii7ls;irry leuvrrior.. cot ,i 171,1 ,,. I l( 'Yet: . 4.reil !tree: for e , nic , e`,— • • 'LITTLE, Iminly. 8 rArrurr; • • Tvor.ny. pinacCritint MU/UMW. LIME= , . .G.4.814,302i & CO. 4Entamnion to Bolbasa, Garrison, er.oo4', FOTERS MAOHINIS' TS Kama mere of Mi ll en Rollers of alloites, Iron, eel, Erma Zino, Copper, Silver, Gold, Strawl oll l n Mill Canting, of all deecrlptio, anis, aer anti ladle Rubber Works tY of other Patten:et, always on ha r Ll and fittest to order on short notice and formable Perms. 011leo and Warabouse, ill Smithfield skeet, Pfitshelefill : lady wxy, MA NUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS,. 1 . OOD ars rws insrohns unto re ' i . Sinking CHI - and Salt Wells: pr Pa e :d e ae et r I ' n a JAß ti Sa n s d JroOuN/ amp w h eh te fred mile best in the world . The y Ilre-laitplade of the punts! Stisictzthi ;Low Now hroa,lastmered evressly for these tools. Thee, tools ore mule to Sr ANIMILITSIZEw, se that the Pine atelSoekete 'of any one trill agree with and fit those of any other set of Mo imungooture, bearing the same antaber. :STElafit ENGINE'S andllffaehine Work Made te. order 'nth Shop, on ONTO laiwt 011UTTrr near the corner GC/Juror , Post-oftlee box M ' ntront. Ainor Qty.: - show Shrialt POST =WS, &a. Plio thlultit ti DUMOND STEEL WORKS Iprrzsßvamt. PA. BROTII2II CO. 70 4 1 ufisettizen.or BresKftpaisrx man= ciesTsTxsz t Sipes 'Mat and Ortgaii, Halm. Warrant. actuaad aqua Ito any Likpartad or manntastutorin ry. 0 ' Mee and w a r elkause.Woa. la and 1 5 1 Fi and LID and a n Sivoin, "Taxers, Pittablugh. A.TENTED OCTOBER 8. 188 L• ki PATlarr :•t7 P haenelfet ad, aMtIopAMMD OF XX PLAN - 7_ U LAB 6.. Th 41112lowera' Intezitat for theftt Muses seifttt 01l partibrAh.? C E. 9411 . D olt . DuAlnmaiv. dd r ta n g ° l eye Ooae it to eracklnt_ Worley wwangt. „reit, 4117 Pert II" G7Pena% w. th. thithowneroetz..a. awn.. RO.W CITY WORK& ' - itAcazarour. przsr‘iista t i co. ropzeintas IAND 111ACI8=3;13. fiercer of FIZZ and O'HARA, and . ~ .. . . • . - P.GIE BA4 wax -Darr STRZETS, (Near City Water Worley) itanntitemen RlLLationer• noel other friTGITISS, ROLLING CASTINGS 11/34 DIACILINE. ST, Aran kiwi, sad ettotLaljoblises. 1,. • ' 0 . Y i , a L tungitt i X f Al 3l tips repairing RO ROBERTS, •13ARNISI3 t CO., • • . . Me. Tktaal Street, awamtain. AND BMW .IRON 11 4;188211/1. • and Maantagawars' - JAPANNED TIN . WARE . M An hand _We hay* now innufaaturfar and Mi . = a UM* titittlti lila* ToUet Wars la atar Malan, Grocers' sad Spite Cal; latam - Casa and Spa. Bales, Tamblar la Dra ingla. om.. Ito; me lot ad Bird Chtger tar lilt low Oaant et all anus and -IL LLalla& no Oondu asetc, ant all • . Jobbing ark to orate _ADM SILVER PLATED . WARS amazatm..A.casrcos=cir. ciatom k e .. kg, imftable: tort:6 Trade. on Mail awl for aW 41 ' • .WILES & NOBB, . 5125 Sixth sth st„ PICEUI4LPRIA. imgann rows' 8.. . . . 01114 8.-11E1aar jib° MIL - " ww6 snow xsziaotureva, AND MAN FOUNDER" Ctelne and idajes Moon* 101 !Mimi EIM MACHINE W ---- W MM FOLTIDRY: MnepnMILNE ItTILDL I FSPar OUpdtwo . . Lacocs mazer, between Fadaral lA aad suduay, W u l Gll t A r e MUTABLE 4 CILLATDIG A ri 8 I'ATE rN ‘i 4 111.13, 11111h18,Malted 1 . 4 3 , I J. BCHOONMAXER, MAINSIT ~. . . , NANO It AC RN M:201.1.11 Op init, Blue Mal, laharageolgee Wats. hum K"'......... , , • sad Dealer la . hu m OM VAARTSH, JAPANS, PAINpLietP MATERIAL, ue. Ollce sod Warehouse, Ma eil weed arrest. nahlaist . 4s ' 6-kiTil.Thir - Ita4 - iT, St V Plttiburell manufacturer of ROLLER RP? ETS, W ROUGHT M IDI S, Oetiliman sad es/kraal Parmsprer ruseder egged isixtEsoodErvigglS i ' large or mall, made to order stalest macs • g___ ............__ 010d linieletibma sondautlir Os am . swarm. 5. Uhert 21 y Urea c_4p.m. Sixth, Atm maimed um* otwnws, LAS al-SW t'S, sad mat Osarlyclos ot LICATILBB B Orders soikited &smiths trade, ab 4 toodipsitcpi.. ktarrediiiver indroalons• . • kaiir . _y& W. BElisaa cturgrs r. anima owls tts watt& and karket striets,Pittaburg. kbetw,.." wood OIL co.zw.terties, Ift, ETROLKWtt.- - • 1 , 1.. HE NEW YO RK AND A/EFTCKL Zoicltrc•leuzia. 40esailassa-my oicenzEb rmAxit.nrE mornrii . . 4lND Atea vrAcruoixo 1.4204,01 iii,grizx . ; . or zissor rook. . carrax., ord =maw* nols.uuk • osis inixostarb rilovisui) swim* .1 -$lO PLR 8 194/IRE. - 8 aoypUp. rdeklYri. Dellatti pirStatik Liabb to 03710E31 nixi E QAADPWA T UTLIMitt. P l / 8 2- 0117/0Z AnDu 8 4 1,147 X-Tlitsrtinklmis • t. I VW ‘nopetausadms,4ritil4'' i*:/t -4 41 1 44.•:ir; OtG wee l l , of :HA OTikler syi4ot for stank mow aid.tem rift tre• Ir4notes or Goveratoont bonds-an d noun env 1 Waldo &ad aeouritlika Wiwi a& thela: ket slam, • t'minuet," An' istilini6sw. gotta (kimmtv,.. id e t - , Ifax No. Non NSW York Mt; Or t4 t4Lei r 'Ttiaitiry orthat New' York lid •veepool uar 43•apintrilfo. 'BrOaliroyo is kety.o, • • arlds+l. rip:br 4 91q.4 ...onsltkro STORING 'COMPANY. .. Itt i oW flini otttilltedillad of N o .eed tient. n at that , . inporary . oftles. ~ If LIMIII - EET, (up staira) flitt burgh, p..... 4 Q . now repro O tot oat:era:Lust= Zd, iinuvalt, l l iTtrk: ore oi, the goks of the Allitrileng dear ; above the tag; and . will in a short time be oopable ofinanakettarifig LlGlir 11111UHRED BARRELS Oil lik:Fllfkal all. Phil V 7 hE 1C winch or . ill boa the aof quality a i t i 4 i ittkPear h a n l ito 4 lais t roll for'espart,:anu"no pans win be spared to give it . lithat obarotert , , They will alto give the forward. on,f nil to MIMS tan or west, . partleular atop. and In this broach of, the business will hallt unrivalled Ofilitice, as the Oil Will be taken from , tka boatel* the eaS by ta addaerr;aad thus avoid allwbseageoirayage or delay.' paths o t , leg that , Ull-tO Ate CM rely an having I meat. through tettkprontptltUdo ll earldli_pstah.,, .... Tbaoaray tiu • Vakta! of, ,aea ) , yotk mill: . FrodOsAvi..A. M. temetita..t4; ' . '':` . ', tuam.-4. R. moctrzax, , 1 .r .. .. ! ,- a - , ~ A ataiV.P. iiiatita4ritei JeZVailk. - P714-TAttlfgPril• le ton. 4 ~1 176. cemsimw,m.„ ibd t o m . do h a 11 •••••b•adithomod tra :.•:. If,. Ei,, , .. I' 1,1 .. t r uts.... If dilluilikoririg' and .0111444%• . . , .. nih . _.. 17. -- ' , PTITZIBLYAQH,I%. ilea A:M BALM r ^ • 1.- ig Obis Salta Labrador Herrick; very Mott bbla Extro No. t rga Mackerel;k 2ft bolt Lb]. Lame No. 3 , IC quarter bbla No 2 - . 1, 10; Ircu ootao,i , Jou: prleSO • ' • ' VAN' frifitlll4Ett. 201 L11,u41. - . ta,txmli I;O2IP4Ny Jows at iminrr. soy. Producers of °rude awl 3 l.orinfAoturcri of Lamed &Wm Oil, Benzine sadLiibriait4ig OiL Wcuurs otposrrs Office le. El 10D street, PITTSBURGH, jele2m D. CUSHMAN Sup't. BREWER, RURRE it co., , COMICSSION NE613101976 Globe, Nei& and * Witty Gil Works: Liberal Wit &boom =de. onoOn;fizzOoota of /Refined or Crude Pffieleteis. Con DUQUESNE ply mid HANCOCK Sts., jeary Prerismaa, PA. load WALL iiiiii i i ... MALIAN 0111M130 TISFS co II - 11114.:1 - 01 - MEd ' CHAYT 3, • AZD nintaas nr CRUDE ARE MUIR MEOLIMI, 132412121.8 LoaawATiria , kali* 8O071: RALRYRA PHIZ4DAtiPI64,4I. IST Btor_sige capacity (under-corer) to, A bands; :able:ex/len/al finalities for alnp ter sa Amerlean and Foreign.llona. at our wharf"op Ilkw &tar Biter, nearr.e. Atm= of the P. R. B. wmainumi RICHARDSON; HARLEra ' - Coma)/ tun IL/Vi SorirFaing rarohania la DUDE AND*Nritanz pi:norm:rat U M" ! "BEM ) nr6B riaa:. Lair Lama eish odlitioPo ors ooiaignasato for Pit,4 2, or "...man rkets. 0 2 i? "°16. sprinp -, Tiartran" FAR, . norlstro ipa, Big, Fleet. Cosomerelal Book.. ; STADDARD . : :PETROLEUM ItEammlaY..- , - CLARK :& EXIIIIIEL ! . Woziussual. Wise, COLLETS .14)Wirasyy. • : t*se In Pictuystsgi,* "640 lititgli: 'lime - iirstlialisAMUM lapse tuii4ditY In tie ' 00, 3 4 : 1 7%-: The WA:Mt./POWS VW - . l ntont - ixt this smutty 46d 1* 'Zest% far quality and fire M and the cdl le yuylt isms mimosa ussmy STSP, ternlatutzvorttirrinr._*_. ma sTr4TATAYirxs, sateilt /1d29.9:E1?7,49.RiNG.20,044..F0r= Won.. 11, 014110 : 0 iTft- . - 1 W 1 9 11,8 4.9P, Pballat M* l o4,lBll* tempaey, ibotiABALTIO a iiaaiumaata namaya- Ur l in k ad . tf444 • CM"gar a. Omer,no-li Seise evirtztir.swietk. arc:BENZ+, „ ak , " , zemnakilirr,Adit rosar4 4wa Asp comusimr• 3n, imams; - ANS,DRAZIEL pErsoustraiarmThrelm.utu aa _ a, aa,Lrozitufenso, onxrDx aoaatantir air toad and for ado at tam loYa4 *LAOIS -Itit001 , : Conmiain meats and Orden' *abetted. I. wants. ...... a. sae WARUCO a Wei; AitlasietisaltSziratainuarr ' . FETB.Orar6I - AND ITS madams • ,•• No. 33 EARN= ST. PiWburgh. Aai — m — J — wtos.mets; CRUDE AEI REMO MIS: D ugnoama WAPoDMIta 3,01p p - Saffood___Loo •uu to Dwo SAZM AND ;... 4 = OI I.ZUM. at* Itopumhou., n resputtfutty falfeltod. :PILLOW vicAns r.jor., MP VISNANDOERY. ANA TION COMPANY- Amir Post OPPICEIOX tet. ' • ate-- W N. /10L1211eg jlaina i AWUIII,II‘, • IV al VA*/ iO4 APB Sonia • __ • 0137 4 .1Cril No: 15 wimp= St, Ly9,ENT OIL DUNCAN, DITKLAP & I , _maannim.riumso" Pere While Relined Carbeal Oils, =lt zaBERTi pal 11011 LLIASVITPX..ii_ .. VA -B 02110:4 OIL Ritrutzirr.-! • ( 9 ritereorolo Salai fr - ratenvess,) ' oh' Riau!' Ind deAleri. to Littenattnipaiil Pant flaw One% - • - -rio.,tII.A.NOOCIN niTERET. • , • ' rittAbßigh. 011. Swoz e um/en! , nei will . /4 F ot 1 4 °Y4r atorloo to the Sttelts of ALL BELIABLE apply*. , iritivit buyers sad .11sne Is WI. .a..x.,aconsarais urr iottirri mita nmELI: STEAM BAGINICS --las ~.." wspuld to ford* math a - - i STEAM riNCTI39. 84 rawtat- . .. ,w4lArwrortAnz porn, Cla antigun 0.1442, Ma sited Miriam al =• be notelia irttb itimaiik bay aim want the work for ItselL • i FLlth Wagdt ' behMen itathaels And Lianisan "tow& oTEILvs *aloft 31311 . co 07T08.. - -' ' ~, 14. Pansperom thtooli Cotocti: ;:,, *- Thottiiiipes4oirititt'aius-Obag ' is Wino Rat ' II 4ltten"lilla Verde% Wei*. Eltaltjawit .I,....seinva. Stamm of ALMS at. TX& _Tha - hataatara at 11411Sa yele Ithe tow._ _hilteetPtha new WEDPIES. .441, kw ow yggigiumaataahe Quante* an ..=attataffaweafolgo al" . aria , .., Oba tutdwatial4li aloe min LI ,witytma - , ma iLaudowieralitrAlf 4.4 I +ar t ist= ergi for i Tra l a . hod "Alma, Ala atom rao t t i g iiii i i ts i llir d z but to the atrot=4% • -'. lie 11 also agent for TAPSOOTTM LINE of WO bratudilaggig,B4lllagatiohaehaehell LeeerPeott.. .I:Wrfor Mar 'rink twins a. asid.tha ,V' LIAO , * - Pat* Ica Oh. 4 kyfrY teh data: elllatPe tit 'rmakbarirlaattom, itos' r their g runiarmist_ the •theehtlau s t i e l at paissagar; VW ter Murat axons as boatel, rieutgas who ingb thaw nag brought out by Loam rogool itotutt , , rnot mew p a r alge thla tuts. n to rata nt•grostix.estutott moo:, (c 411 t , oupons = l .7ope Italt - at the lowaa rails ; • . , Ityply to ~ ,•,.,....11:7....w. Likourrit,,T, .. ~ I' 011ign Emigration Moe. ataS_____,______ ...- , -•— • :el bhulth geld ittg; S.'TEADI WERRIaI..' TO LIVER. a-•• POOL, . touched. at quEsawrower,am Mark NaroOr.• • The wall.koowa Steamers of the_ • gaitypool, Nacgork and FlOkalehtla WklauhiP "are - In fOofoptood s aay (Inman Line.) carry Log the U. S. DiaAlt, dtoWI aa follows. —• •• - - - DFFY•OF BALTla tOßE....Satunlay, Apill 29. -• 01'17 OF WASNlN GTON“Saturoarotay a: IIITY OF LONDON_ .. . NaturchtL. Mal IL Al. eve succeeding 4 1 114daY 7 It 10 01a140171P917 n• ayablor In gold, or lta ulvalent le antreaor _ eat Vablai ''........010•071 ....—....p010 . to LooliOn... ea co o to Londen.. 7 at 00 $ to porip.,o.—.o oo ~ . :la Piu1a..,... 40 01- ' • to liamOgrg.. 10 CO a to Haaaburg.. 17 00 , t , _leades also forwarded - 7W Earle,' Mwrat ... , mwaawi,„aat......._,W117944414........,11101217107117171arh..}.,..----' 4 meatitr i''.,,flefilt-1. " I ! te , -, • •,, .M1.13.41•11J-b!!.-*ltori '•- - - 0210 ,tu s rma it pr z, r 4 Asimv, Vf zi Alus,..axit, Aortas& p - mg' rimirpond AltaNinOnOWlN: sson gold, 'ettqvaiiia fa oiitt~af~ FROAVNEW Irbrar, Sabi Guntur. • eceiT DPlyto .. • • 71:E.C.;;7L1.% 71.17110...,114,:tr;41)1, • 47 Ssrat=ilcll7 atrtr 1:e5v44.4 • ♦073121 07 Tan . . . . • EAprodaos gene r a lly. _ ..- . No. ma LIBERTY STREET, feta Opposite Ps/nuter Depot, Pittsburgh. ru ----- lr —T-7— " ----- 7 z 7 r' IW.IE M. XII/IRAY do CO., • . ' • i. Cozaznissioll,Meratanta, am digging lo ;BRIBE ANDHEYINELI PETRO. LEVY, NENZINE, As- I Sfr , LEDA Dhows tireetorts all end 1111.17 , . amb. . W4cellikali !taut Pittsburgh*Mee toThiITESPIE.W pat e nt. , Dito4 etrest, * =1:31 R. muK., t 0 .411 ,r ; NOS. :tofet;in'Ou.d,. .• . PITTSBORGE4 PA. WIMEMB i.azapqr;' and 4 Islay No. ail LAbertyst., Pittsburgh. it.e. DOOLMME i . D°"grri.F. P;CF'. CO/11111158i0 . 11. XereSant!,. - *Po. ..isrlA 'Wain afi,ee Pittiblireit4 at ~PLA be astir of flour Una, Uherse, Butter 4lrled P/W/illloo4l,4l*PrOdtbie.Of All ate* for Paton 01/ &Ueda the lowest mAr. 10t prim. ar.,Pasigtsbals SOUCULI4I-;". EO. 0.0 LOIXT PRANK TAN GOXDOIL. AL,FA.V.-3177*Y4 W - VIAMER,T:Produce • Raccionandam.i)blerchlAts. Wareturuara.No.: e u I. L.M t t, et Eas k pors, Dirt, / 1117 :4 .1 1= Prat ' T.'s, Out "I 'nm:tr. Grata,. tricorn TIMOU4See4 Flax ...9cefix Gatos and Poultry. . Pattie attention area to . Produse COLudgaraantu - , j.t. - rTLE; .LBAIRD d: PATTON,:WhoIet; , sale Gianni 'and Commlialon Itinnnanta, dial.' 121 rBODUCE,'FLOWV.RACON, W.i M. FISH, CARBON AND - LARD 'OIL, IRON, =NA3LS, GLASS; COTTON TARNS, and Pitts. inauttfacturre genually, In !milli Second ElataAargL : _. - .. . • nit B. CANFIELD, ConnEibldOrt and VI Forweßdiall Merchant-and wholesale dealer fa SESTERN - &SERVE- CHEESE, '2 - A .PEA • PORIL.-11ADON, - FLOUR, VISE; D-- ASHES, SALERATLE, LEV SEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT and Produce maserally, Nom. ISI end , h'reet. street,. -PITrS R 6 R - Pd. ~'. fIUZPSELEPARD, Commission Me,- sums mkt owe= in FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. AC Uncut, strect,PlttsburfA. :Make brands, Flour for Haltom-and to/D.llr use accastantly on hand. Particular attention Paid tO Ailing orders tor i fferchandizeicneraily, , 2 • VETZER A.R3 o . , , Forwarding Oomminton Kens 3 FLOM, GRAM. BACON 4" LILYTD,r34IIIFFre Wailer of Fled rutabutgb; umfat, wa% Wr. ... . . ... .Ta • , 3 , f. P. RECK i - CO. ODUCEgjOvAir& dela r 4391311 " .114 Hymn s - eszz g E, , ACOlik e LARD,' DUUE. FLOCK dRArm BEEMJ PRO. DRIED. FRU/TS. irm LAE. AND asonar, e: aka_ irgTzsms. 101EADTo ALETZGAR G rocers and Cam; adieu' echaatirat p aldealeceln all Wadi et MUnrry Produce and Patna) Ir Manufactures. D. 1f0.,11411 Liberty anal" -Itead.of 'Wood 11Q0EYMEIr/t BROTHERSoIasaIs, (s uccessors tO NcrinekildutdeTtaiumhmiliuts ' .FOREIG7CFRVITS. NUTS id ES, 00N -I,IX7rIONEJIY, Sai SP/O VGA^ FLEE , WCKFLICS, Npa. 128 sad 19111 Wood sat, above Fifth, Pitts. - -r-rr•-and Wholesale ale; In nom !we. 116 Y Liberty' 'tree, ISpposite Penury' . Irina .R.l rammer .Depat.. Mtyburgb, StonNyitn.l4 lirarehowei aunet Wipm-lurd reaqnratta. . ...... ZONA LlSDadm 5 4 I:,I 4 i7PGIETT i: ............... tseebiyittelarkae.. UaDfteiti. 400 bandit bin, !," Y QOHOMAK.EIIte ..... t Ii&NG. - . Volask & . Minthents and Wholesale dealing 14, °Root - 4- ''PLOVR,GRAIN; imontroz do., NO: ase Id y street, Pltlohilih., ..1 ', : t 11 01 3 411 W ;...IL.u.EOX • N , ...,.." . . Vnl.4ooelllsal .e''e • ft; _nce oCceami t s l t on t er thantk.andogleraln _r. .4Pi D ,npl4i* ) . . ........................ 1' ,TaRKP.6.TR/01{..tAIREXPlifilt,qmte., tenors to trowo- kAlt.ltzhellOki-VHOLE. NAZE GROCERS; Noe . 111 anal lilLiberty aircnt, • e DAZELL BON, Bleznese. , • clugri n. ; 3 1, " " rchr: uu t sale of OREM ' : 'ltzlimal'APritor."Eilik Nava. Ems icrwmar4 14. OTEESE icouram, and (3antsdaslon,blern .elnua and dealer in Er TTER, - - FISH, and Produce reneTaLlT, NI X . ga 7ii r oPd at LAKE abdr a Water,Tittaburgh. • - - - my! lIOOeE ,R0u ... 5 . z ... 7 ., .. , ..a.67 . 7 wh aD 0 R ie 0 5a1e va5. onboEns AND coatanssxoN atER CHAburgh.NTS earner* tlatitheeld sad water atseeti' .RentSll7 DALZIn.t. . ..... . F.- bait ROBEnT DALVELL CO. t Who ei• ' Zdetuan t Grocers , Con lunn israoldau and- I. o msaufacUrp L e ber e ystre P t, PitsauPitw: s e b ir u d r gh • JXO. TLOrD... .............. .. . . WII.I4AX FLOTiI „ . 1 OHN FLOYD & 00 .,Whdlesale • Oro dere and Coma:diatom Mereaarde, Nos: IN Wood SSEILIOerty stmeta, Pittsburgh. ' Ccd D.VREES L:DALDWDLLoOnciaiasor= to James Robles h. 00., PORK PAWL= and dealer In PROVISIONS, minor of NWT* and _tontntrock, ripanuirbt , 7 _ 7: 7-----7-,--7,—.= -77-77":``U"' --..--;:.. ; .`--.-,::.'*;,,,,i..-.1 ""' , 1 "''"'EllaSSFill i"* Sit SAral.;_.,,-... ~,,-• ,- ..=- . ii - 41:is f‘tztuattirrA4 .tittismi ,: sorti , TAYLOR, DO ,gli alltle egoed allaw). ---7 ;=:.,_ 4 ~,,, 4 .... 9 - , leike-z 1.1, . ffummosaastfro,t4t . iblidi 14. :114 . 4 OirCZ .la.t; i :-:ref I 20 '1: . ) .- ' , 2 - • 40.1,f-_,;-,•i• nL4-4.‘ - s ' - irkiii-.2zile, —..Aufs,,. 11,"*. 1 LsilAiAnj.l°ll. ', ",r.- 4 c,ii „, .... :,...ifir...._ i ii L.t.uffm„-N. - er5t.t , 5tre.4,......, and X,,,, . .., — 4 — -- a r ,— —. ..." 4- 15 . 1 `Orset,Pittm______________urgb— ......„,..._. - - 711r#42 14:51-P.M. P 1) .- :- C 'A . Xl7 ------ 11.1.AAM BAG A LET ,- N O7 3ALTE., ..:, LtbeitrateetAr ':- ----• , ~ 'TY a - a.oom..r . `rfa. rawood itreartusbarchrt `'..,:.` I % il- t --, - ___ -'' 'r•A,l;c9c_,_ k ______ 4 4 ' ; • '... ',---.-:-,..- ,[•?;rIC4S..--e, LblES'i'.llolo' Vlitto ileitrES-rq nAVID M. EDVIERTON,, Whole — s --- g •Cic •q - . :-, •' il fYingt_..........md. # -1-, Grover And C