The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, April 26, 1865, Image 1

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Confederacy Jot Recognized.
,-. I
Wan Darianrrir.'
- V V !A. 3 MY.9*i:ATV 25 ) 1 A1s
♦ duromch tau jut ranked this Deparomm
from General
. 01 . 45utesp4
, 44 . 4* April
a. so. He cm,:ys: . '
~ • "Preached here thla morning and dellveredto
Hare Sa.banitaitilbs`rvir , tlf WatiftLagoa&
srith•Jnbaston, when word • was • Immediately
mat to s
Johnston ' termblutingthatrums,,and tha
tsformation thstele:il ' Matter . could ' net be en
fettathed In any consentkm between army cam
' minders ,*
• •;
- • (Styled) ' mums Staiiros,
• flettetax,y of War.
Him "Coax, apill 25gttie
N.C., special says:
. The conersence heeled:in - IMMIMSOSMiIiOIiMitoU
was somkt by General Johnston. the day Rik*.
tag the ooenstfoo at Raleigh - by the -Union
may. a that Of trarmbeltramst in with a request
for an irtaMte sad Ititemaot at tbb bent terms
• on which Geworal:Tobnabies would be permittedto surrender the+ army under his command.
After two days delaty a personal Intettiew took
Ilibee. between the two chiefs of the oppoeng
arlairecand the conference was striotll Privatos
Gels Wade Hampton being/reams with John
lion •
earths first day. and -J ulio C. Breetiaridge
taking Hamptoesplaeo on the seeoeut m a
The:Gonerstavere treated with in inch. air
; &eters as Min* commanders of Ism nosy
: forces. The Southern Confedesney was not ree7 ,-
egabed. although Jett Delis was boderstooct to
to a party. coosmulnit to surrender. Wade
Hampton :la us:dental:A' -to hams ~.wlthstrawn
teem the emsferesee, and:alp:Shed his Intentitm
•to contlnnalbe totht on his awn hoot. •
Jobn,Loaaimmedtataw_a an4iiiaeppesedto
be 4e.0113 itfantry and 1,00 arrah7. • -
It is emaciated that as soca, Ss railliatfon
is the tails of the tardy:dation - of the rebel
lane* Is Mode know from Washingtoicammial
Shaman ISM march his arm). ,tmithirard
.of artubterg; INK Wherirttmill * stasteredom
i trite Rain, April 25:-.lhe trarldluts the fol.
jlowingsp •• hunt Raleigh - hrttur Slth:
conferenee between Geo. I%mm= I
and G T en. he
'!Johnston has -s , txteclititath •What
.‘passed M the Iniewcts prittittkg Maio* 4aly
!to thatnselves. What they mot theylocked
Janus, :walked together Into the home wwlYeeccee the,
leonkrence boat jai Oita stitit atissnlyttr
• lip or tendral boars. No one who accompanied
Gee. Shannon Ma any Idea what subjects
ttrtre dimmed, Cr what terms were proposed, .
of declined , '
t en. Sherman fetatar ii'a
CC,, lmannaitalyn Man
twith raped, to misters of Importance, and on
!this ocessloin he ; *Fr mom .yetleent thrtp.
There woe not a saan la the army who was
m.otlbr a moment peralyzedialttibarror and In.
'ldiglation when the hews readied hens of the
Aecnrardly_ atessalnatlon of: President Lincoln.
Vita AUVOIT4O ) . Ala
;all with ate accord were oscrwhebned with
Oval-Lien grief and hittefertath, , Whfilt Wei only
lesuprrersed by rigid rules of disolpihie.
was s alptos4unftepal .deshe..ex,pnotted
' :Pike katiltinib Stuffibt
,;.wrs` sad • their& would go .tos bon/
;krptio to enable them terareage the Inched
' 04004 6414 1i.T.4#4 4 I
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= OribmildhithigtO CdElmtret-amoLteni•
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ZIEL I REil GiE.** /EARL I*.
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` ;1 117E1E4P `
BREAD rort Tam CrrizENe.
. ~ - .1.. lIJADQ'IIr Mutual Div. Or TM JLlfir.
... !,N ltzerrnonn, VA., April 25; leA5.
•;:l RennitAtbitmitilfe It=f4rve: AR'siiiiidtlogia'
k r .. . . ,.
''4 pan dommtlee cotrunieee and trade, erupt as
attlelea contraband. of war, , in' the .Suiteof
•• ' irginia, as inaikint.:,. :lirelby the au.
.•-' " , fhority of the President•ruoked, In repent to
~ Pitts am ponnthl,o( .
this. State , winch have
y admitted to the asigustity, .mad are la the
. " lasi pomildleit afthe Untied Skies. ' '''•'•
•:•.. • Sermid—All arms, sad ammunition; and all
~, . lea from which anmumttion is manufaceunsda
,q4l loccoleotivekstataand relbsied stock: , all tele
r• *.:Tra, ph wire and amaratua, an rebel uniforms and
; iray cloth for manufacturing. them. sad sit
ar. •••.-.,,. flrituounsligtalnii tO be deemed contraband sef
.. ....k 77Ard—the commanding General of the
: Wil
: Division has authority to nuke huh mop
''''': is to pm trade lodeby•autAbrized, ai In , his
talon circumstances may require.
By order of Gull Mummex. ' '
..... pprored byorder of the Set'yelf Wier:
..'...1" Wumnovers, April 25.—The Richmond' Timer
~. iic aterday has the followleg :. An order has
. , issued by the &nevi 6i:emending the De.
..- ; • srtment. designating the Powhattau Hotel. car. lsr Broad and Eleventh streets, as the place of
•.• •! testalnment of all confederate -officers and tot. •
,- ;aers. .' The Spottswood Hotel is forbidden enter
,. Bang all sneh, and ;those now suppletthere '
~....... required to vacate their rooms and leave. .
•-• • • DO. Ci d
id nI selksiel:. of Berkley musty, has
Richmond , Why. of the Bith, ha' the fol.
-:• • • leg t'•.(leseral Sheridan routed'. Earley at
• ..., hum:sham Out. the middle, of Barth, and .
••• :tt him Individually upon the moat tremendous
•' .•:
•e. which was concluded by his bringing twin
•,, •
mend, ottonded- br.onle Oft.bls••ataff.`slow
~. bacaoa almosteverything. When Sheri
:: • , s column bad acrePt.hy Richmond Early was •
••: tend back to Station. and was there at the
eof tbefeactiMon Wilds -city. Upon hear.
,' • 72 of thir event be hastened to Lynchburg, lad.
.:'nee towards Southwestern Virginia. where,
• , . mucking General Rehaii; be teak command of
forces that were
,Lelrealing beforeStoneman,
„. l ast heard tram, being unable to with
: d the forces In his . front, . sad afraid of Gen.-
t in ale rear; be had dedleted 'to the right,
• • . r ,.....,..„,m4llPgrarihel4aawairai-.
-It is doubtful wtmener he ban yet become
, .
are o r the sturtmder,of -lee._ We look with
• is rest foe tldlogn konsblntand. Xs monad.
pr e ar e authoeteld to mama that by order
ilhe.militariatitbssitiat to the OoMmtisarios
' . ;Subsistence of, the United Ewa army In this
.I,r, will begin to4sy, to - Issue to all - chlzert,
sad at 'A; and olo;foorth coot* per., bat, of
'Veen ;ounces:alkeh.: The humanity .of OW
;'we, plotted. by the eonablerato thonghfui.•
• • : -6 of tbe military "satinet:lee, ' , cannot heaver,
tee Dent. llencitr, B.,Yedomeera; has. been as.
ded to u_ike -courtary commander of filch.
Sid, w .the Maude* of all the 'mope le the
Orplain Btidier,o abalstenee;
‘aed bida fbr ftwalanug'the iotocpmeat with
w soma days ago; 244800 .bbl a. were .W 4 for
luelrely by Georgetown and . Baltimore met
,nts,at pritte raven from $8,75 to 10.40 per .
i. about 5,000 bbte. were taken's: PAL
Funeral Chsequies 12 Detroit.,
'Vernon.; April 13.- - -Tbe Amami - obsequies - in
Nosy of President ' , tannin, to-day, were of
most "imposing" character over witnessed
te. The r .d. Was OT Cr four MUDS in
;oh andbeaded by a - detachment ofsniittary,
;owed by, s, inegaiticent funeral car, officers of
~ ,arenrattd nitt7; officers of the British artily,
is officein„ city, anternmeat sad' Canadian.
x officees,. Public schools, , hfasons, Odd Fel
; benevolent Wiehlins,trado untons,tlennsa
'Pet, ThiFeereminiles cohcluded with
tendon by Genet4Borard.-..:„ . - -
. -
Seamier Leaded with' Troops Ashore.
t,. rota. April 25.--The BerokPs Yortneis
fee 'Metal lays: The steamer dahlend.
Sal with troops hem New York, ran ashore
430 17th, at Oregon Inlet: The steamers
Polntentd-Proseethens were sent to her
itsnea, andineneeded In esisizig all the troVil,
were landed safellatall' auckaialnd ' *Aber
4and his dee feet of sand and four feet of
r In hie bold, andllei In d preesliotte
11 flevett•erhltty Loan ..Subecrlptlow6
.. ..
11.8.1)61.i'11iA. April 25.—Jey Cooke ,reports
~ the subseriptloae 'AO the: ^.-S!1 lotus to-cloy
;anted to f 4,02:1,500T The largest eastern
triptlon" nes $200.000.- from Iterfenz and
}driest western eitlimlltaloi was $11,),C00,
. memplas. , TiTre were 2,614 hullynesi
• lcipticTp , .luF tl+9 .. t!l+d :' ,1 90. ... '- ' •
The Procession Three Hours Passing
Itamenae :Wetlug at Union Square
Thi3. Last Tribute of Respect.
New Tons, April 25 —A constant stream or
people have been..paning:thpafige tie mom
where the reMains at the late President are, over
sine* 1 14 " 4 r_ artri!x l P. }' her Pau . O m .
rate of eighty per minute. At midnight the
German singers, i bittebering &”
rthaniat oo,
.chatted dirgeithritit'akimit the niiht:
•Timingh the long line of eitieens anxious to view,
the lremalia Wit kept movlok, MAY ills Mori::
log seemed . dimpultsibut ygrlittlF,and Elam
aftee t daylight' was lenath' eied "graatly
ing from Warm to Mt fared, ott:llroadwity.,
oA tte west side of the City Hail, vine there wan
abet er line of Artiste, length rariaingtjtrob l gh
the 4treeettilie tastittittßie hat'
A pit Citi of VISIdII6III are elasii, whll, iris
of atorles.of everhttundltigalesg•therpute of
the ard 'istenpi6r tri - Matted; *pedal
OKi iMoatz442iii ligtetelon . : to .hoir
erithhAti remales to the Hudson river railroad
dept* It la we of,thia.most. Impoeing and ha
-mteribre spectaelei ever,wltneiaadli Now Tort;
Irt e perhaps it was never •••• • • •
\ are no vehicles in the line of the pro. ,
- mai% and it moves. with an- ainvinapartrig
solemalty to . Cir . mournful gaud° a the varfOns
bards. •
TIM - tallitart are ant In fall force, m are also,
s 'miry tame number of civic societies, &c.
OtM of the fesitlaut?l‘Ltent of alto City. flail
took tiro thislatimbit, catisinegreid ireltdriettit
as tbsa cry of AnS tCaa mauler Tka'PFeseaaa•aC_
mind of an otUcer, who promptly tore down the:
bara t U CiMt_aar. 4411 4. , /t4 l as, a-Flak
which would la. all probability hare caused
enelniMilhy",wnitscv gr . hattthratt
was 4aiid real Obilidardand.thi
Irma" trough l a gali the procession was to pass
In PIT Park. - The.nuither.• who Aldred thejrs.
maths Is estimated atocushoodrad and twenty
sho l giard, ; ••;.:
Nsw lona ,- Apra 8S Tae .morning pawn
'are tiled Urithlehid'Addes and incidents or . OA
"terd§,. #No arestog - Tapers , published' full.
Proles who have witnessed. lemonade
akm * New Yoik l iglagerlikstrithilYienVily
that the events of yesterday and to.iay 'waded
„anything the beforwletaq. Not jtmag &elating.;
people of New York lama out, but Immense 1
numbers from New England, New Jersey, and
the Mite of New York. Prig this morning
Broadway, and all the streets leading to it. were
crowded with people, .many of them ,walling
for severallidirstel Wof-mititellting
the preession.
-The mad
,lweldnv Input, laMlr
'arberi th e tr i dent's raisins lyinginitate,
was Itry large
.derlagthesatire night, and le%
creased' bnrin g ' the lorintigeL ".ItWas
- that there were an hundred thmeand people
smldtg to enter the building who were unable.
lbws WU gewidotdett - Allpiril I:width:optima
alba* the solemalty of the occasion, very little
disturbance in any quarter.
The arrangements for remevidg Mei body were
very limd, the 'public being compelled to file
through the narrow plumage In thehlbnitdiug,
Where! motion Waltaidtheestrioted..-.ahereonitre
Insgyexpreesiond eradiates anllfellneakit
passe t the oat) Where the remains of the Pros ,
Ident Mere lying. Maur werewedt4 taus,
sedrtheriace was—dhipisylief ,
stf. - The sot.'
. tiers manifested particular grief at looking on
the mire, Of..theb:„ COMMander•th-Chief, and,
manywcinsisiwylastalMy. passed the.
coffin) „Many were desirous of tonchingthe Cof
fin, bat were not permitted, exceptan a few in
stants. The guanUatleator,, eiOnsisting of
veldts of the army and navy. were regularly re;
limed every two hours from the time the body
.:1111113 Ordain City Hall until its temoVal. ' •
The appearance of the body Itidleates that the
entbahninghad not been perfect. Discoloration
is daily, Incritaskg, sad It Is' Weight that the
cede cannot be opened after leaving this city.
The procession to follow the remains to the
ton Riser Railroad cammeneed mcivingeeaurd:
ling to the programme published. There were,
from 10,000 to 121,000 soldier)", and at least
000 Nearly , itamdred binds hatushed
, mualcappropriate to thecceasion. All kinds of
civic varieties Joined. thr mamas being the /Fil
ed In Midler. • '
Proems:ant gtherals" and oilier officers of the
army, and Many officers of the navy, and a
timber of the. civil officers of the city and
State, were itr attendance. •
Au order hid been issued forbidding carriages
in the Formica, but it was violated. The Com
mon Council passed an older =dotting negroas
from taking part In tha procession, bat by re.
gout, this decision was set aside. Boze negraes
appeared Inaba proceasion, but the n other we
The procession filled Broadway from curb
stone to curbstone, and was three hours in pass
leg a given point Along the line of march the
Sidewalks were Wtely crowded mai all the
Windows filled. Some windows-ware rented far
twenty-fire dolled ,each daring the time the,
procession was passing. Many hatateamis wmb
covered Additional mourning emblems were,
hang out on the principal strode, and all flags
were placed at half -mat: ". •
On the west side of Union square a small
marbkimontimentwaa erectedymumotanted with
a Mist. of Abraham Lincoln. 'The monument
was draped in black; sod-.bearing on each side
inscritalmui. To each of the fear angles of the
monnteent was supmded *wreath of itantor7
belle& With blackstripm. , • '
. The mating Union Bquare Was aileededif
an immense assemblage of people. The Ar.
erases - were highly Impressive. An *rabbi by
Mr. Binerolt was listened to with the utmost
attentittn. Thousands were unati l 4, lo ,l o haain
position within bensiag ilistaticao Alt present
felf. the Importance , and solemnity of the occa
sion; and the affair will Make a de*lniptessloar
°tithe people.
The funaskeer awn which the twataiss wife
. canted' In 0•6.. !Toe is • superb' piece of me
chanism. The main platform is fourteen, feet.
tong by eight feet wide and dfteen' high; On
this plate:way which is five feat fromtheground,
is a dais sisischss Inthelffilivad Web the aaina
rests. " Above this dais-la an'elegtha coiner);
'curving at the centre, and surmounted by a min
istate Temple of .Liberay, •••• •
The platform la covered with black' eloth,
falling at the sides nearly , to the trarkl, lad
edged with direr Mallon 'Irlogle:1` There ar e fel.
loons ief black cloth else :from 'the fei
tooted with silver stars, and also edged with sit
ter, bunion. The canopy 141 trimmed-, La - like
manner with-black cloth restoolted lidd spangled'
with'silver bullion. The earner are seutnatUlk
ed by a rich plume of black sod avidtalludheit,'
sad 'at the base of the column are three Assert.
can flags sightly festooned and covered with
- 71% e e Temple of Liberty represented desertion,
hiring no stablenVorany ' kind "erteepta small
flag on the top at half 'mast. The Inside of the
.carts lined with white satin Mills. From the
centre of the roof is suspended a large eagle
with onispreidarings, having:n Its talons a lau
rel wreath. The platform around the coffin was
strewn :with lowers. The car was drawn 'OS
sixteen kitty homes, 'covered with black cloth
trimmings, each led bye groom.
NEW Tonic, April 25.—New York ha amply
paid her Tatt•tribate of respect to the retnahs of
Abraham Lincoln. They were escorted to the
Radian:River Railroad Depot by a funeral pro
cession mei& equalled In this country, and per
haps In , the world. Leading the line were two
divialotis of the State Militia, including infan
try, cavalry and artillery, besides a battalion of
marines. Immedissaly following was the Eleventh
Regiment, which - has done guard'daty since the
arrival of the funeral cortege In this city The
regiment looked magnificently. .•
The most remarkable nature of the - proms-
KIM VIM the immense number of Masonry who
ware o e 2 tl.PAne. each man wearing.fte hit coat
a sprig Of , aletgreeni ihmulltill 'of
the order were in the procession. The blahs°.
doles followed in pet humber.l ,'X'hs. proves.
shim elcied with delegatiocus from societies from
Brooklyn and vicinity, and several thousand no.
The following Is thisubetance of the oration
delivered this afternoon. Mr. Bancroft. said:
Our grief and horror at the Minis which has
clothed the continent to mourning finds no ad
equate expreasion. in words and no relief In
teem. Neltherthe °Moe which gr. Lincoln- In:
vested by the approved choice of a mighty ill°.
pie, nor the, most simple hearted kindness of
nature, could save him front the tiendi , b mo ,
alone ofrcieutless fanaticism. The a M lings of
milhont attend . biercronine est:hey are - bor n-:le •
televise prcectaloa over oar Aver, boyaul
the mouutains, acmes the patine tot Aelr tiasd
resting ' , tail: In the Valley of the albe.iseippl.
The mimes - Of Ids funeral , limed • reverbte ate
throughout the world, and triends of freedom of
every tongue, and In every clime are hit mourn
gm., The members of the government who pre.
ceded his atitnbalstration opened the gates to
treason anti be cloud them. When be went to
Washington, the mound on which he trod shook
ender his feet. and he left the republic on &solid
foundation. Traitors had salted the
- public forte
and arsenals, and be recovered them.' The Uni
ted elates Capital which he found the abode of
slaves, Is now only the abode of the free. Bound-
less public domain which was trumped at. and in
a great measure held for the diffusion of slave
ry. Is now Irrevocably :I devoted.. , ,to,' freedom.
Then men talked -jargon of , klitr. balance •of
power in the republic between the dare States
and free States, and now, foolish worth) are blown
away forever. by-atte breathtif - Maryland. ills.
'sour" and Teuntssre. The atmosphere ,is now
purer than ever. Wort, and Inuttvectkineia,44o.--
Ming away. 'The ' tourtiry Is cast Into another
mouldy that gigantic system of wrong' Which
has beet Me work of more than two celiturlaa is
dished dO mi. we Wipe, forever. then scoffed
As tbr binnelcpervobaily, Ia" yea the o
at 14 Aced Men akunilt for his station; arid noW,'
agabeet the.miage °Chiba years, isnd In spit* of
slumbrous competitors, he was the unbiased and
;IlibdOittied choke Stile AmeriCan people for the
aecoadderm of service. Through ad the mad
business of treasoo, be retain*" the •W,4)6•12511 Cit
, • meet placable disposition : and - the slaughter
'Of miriade of our best men on the_battle field,
Tad the more lerHble destruction or one min 'ln
captivity, by the Allow torture of etpostire, and,
starvation, hadneVer been able to Drorokelill
into bartering one vengeful reeling or On e P al" :
pose 'of cruelty. ' ' -.=:
How shall,theamiou most completely. ohow
Its sirtow at Mr. Lincoln.% deatht How shall It
best hotiorlda memory? There can be but one
answer. Grief mutt take the character ofagion,
and,brcathe itself tbrth In amnion of thepoll
ey itO whichlielhlT i ' Mimilice. ' Tile Standard
which he held Ix hisirW, mustbeutillfted itlletn
higher and more firmly than before, and must
be mined on to triumph. Above everything else,
'his ernsucipatlon proolunation mast *warm.
:Id and nitaintalned. Zymitattaire'remolred every •
doubt f its legality and Medina. force.
Mr. Bancroft mcfsleatally alluded to the um , .
.patiosh of the poem', of the Executive by,Glan,
Oberman,'saying that thote this had act, which
the people with one united voice conditMv; - no
great evil will Ibllow Kaye the shadow on his
two fame. Ile relined In , favondate.aarros to
l'iceldent 'Jcihrfson. 'to *hem I: Amerced 'to
consummate the vindication of the Union and
conch:hied as follows, , ,To that Union Aticalham
Lincoln , has fallen a martyr. His, death, which
`was mint to' sever it beyond repair; binds . it
more,cimpelyaird more - firmly than ever. Prom Maine to _ the southwestere,bentedsry on the Ea
cid it akes us one .031111trylnitli, which ,has..
Its ediniperishable'grief to - tblithltti lacitoit•
grave that receives' Unsteaulas of, Mr.;
' -recems a martyr to the Upton. Tim
mob 'tett wltch' ,- -will Hsi erver'his tai` wur
hearwitnees so the-Makes: hits sndsrlarmese
roT 1 ,1 4 ,orta4 dritlog noungese.aps, to, bled
the Matti together, and to incite to the Min
or Our one vouirtidoi , and Indlvielble seeing;
Peace to, the .ashes of the departed friend-of
'Ma caustry and his race. Ha, Mae bilk UN
for he mini the 'restorer b' m
r the repuldle. He
wash his delay for the mattner'of his
sod will teed ikseves teethe Mien of the Mato
and of nom.
Ns* foxy Aprd ..15.—The littera Win treed'
Nt w reek to Albany was met as all the elation
along' the reted,:bythiste Irciede Of people.
There was the same general manifestation of
it crow as that which area attowtt.on Art route,
ttom PatildnitOtt to New York. The usual 'Leer.'
etnoars greeted the train on its arrival at Al. ,
iMete the depots:lw a lbw restates , the only
has ticome quiet.
It li proper testate Menthe illioollileteptiou
were be recipients of may favors from the
prop tors of the bleUoprilltan notel, where
they et up in this city.
PRESMDIT -MiNSOWS liftett ertilltArNAßlS.
i -
; I
"Test monist/ to Mrs. Lincoln.
" -
Temporary . tberratloa of kind: Probable'.
. -..
MI LIT= UN ; 111 lIIXIIMAS 11111.larA.
-- +-•-
Hint to Piroloditebel Officer%
Toax, LAirll.724—Tba rime , Wuh
ingtort spedal says he la authorized to say
that the President will not in any event dispense
with the services of Mr. 'Seward as Secretary of
State. : Be entertatus for f hliß theAcepegt
pettily ;aka, ill:AM : tip, weld ititaitsi the 'prow-
Tatham:of the heeretary's We as second to no
man's In the nation, and , inipattently awaits the
time When he will here the benefit of Mr. Sew
ard's Cl3llllSti.
• Their that the President is about to re
grgautze htsCabinet to without foundation.
A anbaeription of a thousand dollars hat beep
made by the family of John C. Rises to the feta
fly of trealdcaL.Lineoln. The deposit we., made
with Jay Cooke th Co. It le animated that Jay
Cooke it. Co. be appointed to tin ad' sub
atiritrtions for pubtlettattmontals.
The 712ratcrs Waehhigton spectida up that R
leauttortaaßetly Munro that 6kneral dbennao
knew befonitbe terms weitialgned by Idea of the
aasaralnatkin of President -Litmolo, which rem.
dem hie courstithe more extraordinary and Wax
mumble, in the opinion of the' adiMnbitration.
The opinion is pohlicir arid charitably expre s sed
that It mutt havebeen done under temporary an
ezrat;o6 of tiled.
A Washington 'Pedal eaye r . It Is expected
that within a feW day, several emends, not now
in servilor, WSJ send In their resignations. Germ
Bon:nibs, flosecrans aad Better are moat prom.
meetly ; mentioned in this connection.
It is bnderstood that Gen. Sherman will be re.
Hexed by Gen. Grant, and be roinired to answer
for his assumed offense before a military court.
WMSOI7IGTON. April 25.—8 y dlmctlon of the
War Department all drafted mem of the Dis
trict wbo were to barracks and not actnaLly
in the Held, hare Venn relemwd.
All Paroled ofilcarn- of Lee/ army who Cr,
.noir len Alenmond end' wish to so to .Nerope,
*11!, •dlteetion of Mal& (Lettere Ord, be thr
°gibed with pasePorten4Cirlialla / 111114 X.
C4l aptitlon at the office o the Premise gar
ahal G aPs Department of Virginia.
A general ordep r putillaed In As, ptbmona
WVg, of the 24tb, directs that, if irat:r - the pa
roled Rhona' of the Confederate arson there are
any menhantes who de:ll==one North with
their familkw. for the of Obtaining em
-loppent;lhey will, epee taking the oath of al
legietey, be fltrelehed transportation to Phila
delphia; New Tett ^orlloeten, ea' twill may de
WAANIXOTON. MAU 24.—Within the past two
days ,al large number of °flews and men of
LWOW army, who were absent from their com
mends et the time of the surnmdar, have come
• into one lines and reported to the Provost Mar.:
• ski bete, ailing tiermlssiotittilid paroled. '
'Today, four Wren of the Virginia 'Partizan
Bangers, crossed the river and came to Wuhlag.
ton. L. They claimed this distrlet,as their hbwea,
and desired to beparoled the same as Lee's men,
but thet ware committed to the Old Capitol, and
their cases raerredao the dieccetaryof War.
- The retierguerrillidi hafevaidrut and Leaden'
.Countlei„ Virginia, have been nearly all cleared
out, and considerable numbws of farmers, as far
upablVoll+Ran Shoals, are putting, in .antiall
crops this season: Tills section of colatdili hind'
fairjo speedily Mamma more activity than has
pervaded It for the past Sinr yeah'.
The pivoted man of the rebel. army of North.
ern Virginia who were allowed to return to Wash
ington, will be exchanged immediately and sent
South, ft having been decided that they cannot
claim this district as their place of residence.
Those who return to -their allegiance ;however,
by guiscriblng to the oath, will be alinOcti to re
It Is thought that Mrs. Lincoln will not leave
Washington -before the last of next month. Bile
he/et ninth depretaed In aplrita, and is unable to
leave her room.
Aohnston's Surrender
Now 'roux. April 25.—The Ezprem claims
to have' letelligence of the surrender of John
ston's army on the'lirth. - ono day ikftes the ar
mistice between Sherman and Johnston, and
thinks the stlirrender wan not clogged by any
condltleper other than of Opera - military charac
ter. In otherVords Johnston received the same
terms which Grant accorded to Lee. It says
g hat the surrender included all the rebel armies.
Preoldesi :p*cobvi rt..oo4,..idivected
"Yt tellinaitra7,
, in—
. . .
Cnterara,Avril U.—The reseal's of Prea.
Neat Llacian arM arrive at Canal= Oailstar,
:day. llet4Counell, city officiate apt Urge
number" orettlzettairtlt ipa upon IrrhiaptOpar.,
tlelpate to theeeremonles.
On'erii were received yetttrday to foreitrillm
toedfatoty to the front - all the troop's' itt the
camps is Ohl° and Indiana.
TORII. April 25.—The e3rvepondent of
tic Bomen Arkerbscr nay, there In la, tjutlt is
tllr ermtua nt that J. Wakes Booth WWI to be
uh.rrled toot' to the daughter ore protntneet
4 , 439:10.ted S4eatt,r._
SBURGH, W EMS' ESD A A:1 3 .1? 26. 1865
Opinion or Attorney General Speed.
' PAIL' ontrnrs, April 35.—A special dispatch
to (ht. as
Belhtia, from IVhington tacitly, says
Attornty,.General Speed has made a highly im
portant decision .an the. terms of the cal - dele
tion of 4e. Itrreply to a letterof the Secretary'
of true relating to those points, he decides--
Fiht—Thht the rebel onleers who surrendered
to Grant bare no homes in loyal States, and
bare no "right to come to places whom • their
homes were Is the loyal States prior to ping
intote rebellion.
Sr d—That persons in the civil service of
the itbrlikm, or who have otherwiie glean it
supping, conifer% and aid, aktdivern residentaor
rtbet t territory, have no right. ,to "' 'aura Ao
Weeldngtota under that sUPulatintl. • '
• TOra--That rebel offleera certsdaly traie'no',
.righttObe weatitig their unifinms in iiiytk: tint : ,
. Th Atterielbenerii ridilS; that .. anehre4,l -
ollicc ,
e, harleg done wrong hi corning 'lnto tha
royal ;States ire but. adding insult- to injury In
sweating their uniforms. That. , they' have as
Inueli , rieht to bear the traittiriliktlarough the
: 4 t , etia Pfla loyal 'eke *Sin vied': traitor's garb,
and i
t the.etipnlation ot surrender pm:o4 . no
'inch 14,04 the wearing ili Such vinifoyai la
z!ll a r"bsstlll4 against tilefOrMprent :
-- .
Slarere in' treritueli4 . -raiter . of :G . e . netal
'' • BrWinos tri,Meent'Uot Minuslett*.
CO CliPll7l, • April • 4.-::-.Gett. 'litisbatie an-
Dertntenderas et theorganinstion . of. colored
trent:nit K 611147, hie: written' a letter to - Gov .
Bransiette,:ealling attention. to. the disturbed
Condition of labor :in 'that-State, and urging
him to call ItViiegitinttire nod peas the Consti
tutional Jannednient. Tho General safe the
are...nominally free, and ' mestere can no
loos depend ' on their labor. He points opt
the e lIS that mutt artee from the from Wl'
slate tkr half Tree cooditton of the State, and
claim that, passim; the 1 11011endolunt 'weld quiet
the Minds of the Degrees and came then to.
remain at borne and till' the soli now so mach
In n* of their labor. More than toady thou
sand Ottile Matt Talruple slaves hest already
gone Info the army; that Seatnek7 meet choose
elthet4 hate her slave imputation absorbed
and f ky thoarniyerio.fare her labor to the
'sell by grsaUsg uneoadltt , froe ‘ lken ,to On .
slam at . hbore, . ' -4, •-!.--• '
~- --- ' -
?hi Gortrnor Tepttes,' eon enryinie is the °pin..
tow that slivery,. eau no 'knigeklas fetalned I.
KentneEy, and that labor mut be reorganized
on a
attxl fititheale. Ile says: "The war has ester.
islavelltrerollakenhed- the nubile
'Wed in regard to It—elarm7 hottng elided in the'
yebellenalitster.. , The Gorersor thinks ttaboild
be ea
/ rot
ed In Kentucky by the :neat direct and
opted means, end minds the twasign of the
..crese: Wel Areendisitit es the most pnicil; . .
ccl molted. He thinks that:lts adop4loo t map
tats tiro &ate from dirtli ot; Leaman: , -Ks calls
to. tenet the pat , Ware .of Kenteeklans,. and
&tie 0 ,7 "went alwaYll Ibe the tiloo; with or
' , atoll. alayrry . ,.. , , , .
• Guerrillas Ceptursd:
Lquiartus, April weird Colonel
Jere 1814 .twentpelgbt of hls • imerrilies were
eatturpd sear Eraleeece, yesterday usorstag,
Coloarfileekleyil num, the lees being emelt on
either The number of killed end wounded'
is not suited.
q/Zisw Yoszot to-olght is quoted
liatirmasPa Illarmindelle See Johnston.
, The4erseldegkas ehn - eef;le. ' eaeskiec of Saila.
• SCOOP kiltooth semeaderof the Union cause to
km Jdossiiii, save , • •
,- - retidersem for the feelings of 1 msh who
ha. readered great and event's' genies, he Dia
toentry ehall /watts as from giving stunned
to theiropg feeling of dhapprobatteo we ewer
lain I . La language which weal he mishlsled
ha m of ordinary mutt were concerned, ta le
- solarises to bolos Mal th e proposelfternal were.
iwomr4lt sad raidodlially rejected for tharoolV
dest a
I 1 t.latilttt, and that there le to donee of
trpc • lon of the folly."
.• • in g naiad then he tn./ LeldentelgaritY9ls".
hibl'S 'wimp otier'iiimit - ortaii forgoer ittlry.isee t,
mu arreany kwllmeiscr A.a.notttwestuiehe
bed' tea amseeeseral General on tho Amorlemt
side terore be 'sold idtailr ii) tbe British l It i
cow, a er giving a bucket rat or tatik,•ittelfidif
kicks oya:„„doca her owner,feel Say giatitude.
for ha 101 l linen the milk the kkked oral
Bnr.r4w'r his deliberately thrcnnk away ail credit -
for hisrgirat and aseanttal cant to his coon.
try," tOtherto rendered, sad we feel no hetes.
:l.kS;whatever to r ep ue hie thellegs• or mien
'word, !inn Ifni. Cis one alma oyerohadow
all tliv good be ens did. ' • :
Thellag 'of Reorganization.
The Washlegion Chrerode announces that to
• very edam GmeProstdentJobasos Ida bo called
upon to all a number of vacant offices lu the
heretofore! Seceded and recovered States of the
South. I Nearly all the &sullen) Utatel Stake
lodges, District Attorneys, Cleats, Marshals,
Commissioners, Postmasters, de:, johirail the
rebeilkei, led used the marl:dem of their plaeur
for the propose of aaaisting The appoint
meet of persons to !111 these places are the that
steps tpeards a reor`aoiutba of the Gerieret
meat lq those States, for they are the prepare.
Wry tnearerea tar putting the United theteelatra
Into Overtakes crrer territory from *Melt the an
thm It v of the Government has been so long ex
.19n understand that the Colored Melt of our
City hate been refused a place in the grand pro.
erasion to-morrow, in honors( the memory and
serviera of President Lmeoln. Tho grief of this
elms Is probably deemed too real and hearty to
bear any part in amounting pageant devised and
engineered by men who always °ppm**, lord norm
even protested to -honor and respect our late
?reelect t until they' were quitesnre he was dead.
We mint the Blacks will uot take this refusal'
to brat* 8o long as a draft Impended over our
city, ILO were votietorafed the amplest opportu
nities Lcl fill the realm of that quite cornett pro
erosion; which was tartly moving hence to
Richmond and Charleston in. • rcapmse to
the Podddeart'a call Am defender* of the as
thma' idiegrity. Should more soldiers be warm
ed, wepant that a IMILe Sham of those who
Parade -memo/ will Maud back And give owl
negro a air chance to go In. And, aa the Blacks
or r or city do not need any displayi •of barmore,
mottoes j regalia, &e., •to co n vin c e everybody
that en grieve for the loss of our gond Prost-.
dent. we suggest that they need not, take to
brottlheir exclusion from the parade of to-mor
row.—.Y. Y. Tritons/.
To *slow now utterly falthlosi the leading
rebels were to their dupes, It hu now transpired
that the rebel Secretary of the Treasury. (Von
-bolted In connection with a rebel quartermaster
and 0 btr. - Farnham. owqed the eohtrollingin
west lr some thirty-Wien blockade - runners,. by
which hey hod 'mimed, and ; deposited in sate
places IS Europe, over twenty millions In gold.
Jeff. Dols was also. Intereeited hi those opera.
Lions. empositlowof thole ruts liMar the,
rebel leadm In Richmond bee caused the great:,
at Ledlination,shmenhilee- excitement sit yet is
nothinrto what may be expected when the dew
laded people of rebeldom *hap be mad , / Abrin ,
that the immense Milts mishit from the 'stir.
ratios piece Which they have beou obilgol to,'
nay for the last twoyears, went directly 10611
pockets ief the hyerltleal blood-suckers' whiX
were sitting In the highest places of their pro
tended government.
PustutoMallen 'Or Vie IVWFO,OII.- , 00
the most remarkable circumstance nonneded..
with the asakasination is that all the private
boxes to the theatre had been arCagte by on.
known parties on the morning of Friday. They
were undcenpled during the night, so that, when
Booth Juniped on the stage /titer the complied=
of the act he did not fear arrest from any pu
tits ahotnight hareOccapldd them. Thia A but
another,. and one of the strongest evidences go,
Ina so show the premeditation of the murder.
The question now arises, who rented the boxes,
and did It not naturally arouse suspicions on the
part of somebody connected with the theatre, to
know that all the boxer were rented and yet not
occupledl Events will won determine these
myedetlei.—Chr. Graz.
Patorfn Risrars.—A. dhipatch from Walling
ton imp ,
The antral hack here u paroled prizoners, of
• large numbers of former residents who did Al la
`theft' power to sena the. rebellion la lta inelPf•
and Ursa departed. for. Richmond, la •
chafing the temper of loyal citizens that It Is'
thought tome action will haze to be taken by thr
,The randy. is easy. , , Do as the Wheellngpeo
pie did: Itemise that they shill not be permit.
ted toreturn, or to nimbi' if they do rearm ,
Br thOdeathOf Cardinsi Wiseman, the num
ber of cardinals' la reduced to slaty. A 3 the
...Hatred College CObein3 of seventy members, ten
cardinals' bats remain at the disposal of the
Tote. We learn from the .4•lntrariet Pontytrio
att . 1E65, put,lirhed a furint.4l.t hen in Horne.
t !nit the eartitnall tire over eivltt y, thlriPen Freer
;t:vcl;iy, twtntx,twltt. over sixty, and that only
oue to uridcr Pity }ca ts of a;e.
The Reb I Army Anxious for Peace.
Nawaofthe,ddent'a Death at Raleigh
4.I,II3EhrEETrEiG THE =rims.
getoluti#Mier.idympatlay Adopted
,Ititesview Between the President and
the Break 4n Minister
4, enOrt.Gs. olt tail WAY TO WASJIINOTON.
Important ,from Havana
rffoninit int11611:110 AMONG 1706 Bin*
Toni, April 25. 7 rTho Woria'a Witablng
atop Friedel ulna. Ad t vices received herelto-day,
direct teem - Raleigh, say the coo lerence between
fltteto mike *vest Raleigh.
Yebastonisrmy is composed of about 30,000
men,lnclud Hampton andeelor's'ea'vahT,
and lily thl tulles from the 'city, on the road
• running td otte.,,, . 1 --•. ~•• :, 7 .
At the redid interview, Dreekinrldge, the
. retilPecieSsif • Pt War, was present in drawing
the pub Itrbg4.oetnotanda of .terms of capliol a.
Lion. Dmini the conversatlon he freelyva Ina
. tid tin: (athirst-Of the rebellion, and declared ‘ that
peace was at "mud, and -im alludLog to the ocu
stitntionalndmain, he said that It was strict •
ly the legal yof abolishing slavery.
It was wig .
hie nonfareneg,lasted (two daft)
that /elf. DA was at Hro
illsbo' and In tele-
Inaphle. tom tmleatien with Breekteridge at
.Tohnetoe's 21 natters.
The men ofibe rebel army, with the eteeption
of now and tilt's soya officers, were anxious for
peace ; an d dagred tort home. ':;
Tbronglamil NOI-fli Getman • thiri have been
the mk-44, eipm._,ectilt4tlou of loyalty, . When
our bares esistedi - ftaletch; the two papies—the
tvandrod, t 3i by holden , cod the Pinkrms
Ott „- —.•
were nd.. larti_been.Stich Wong union
sheens for {iris put that.their publication
was In no wile interfered with, and they eon
tinned their mg* fames. • . • ... -
No publiedillitvale peeped, wee' Molested '1
. by our troOpeinnd the ettlaema,ixteluding &largo
atin5ber.,,,0f...140441 - appeared on the streets. •
Dosiupe,erlanot sums IMPORded, - . 1
" ' The mime( the , Prosidast't murder; reached' i
.Raleigh Diat - ffledetedat That:night i,yety
Doge metthr °Callas-as was held, at. which
terolidions were plaseeLdwoosndag the deedi
sod eapressbny sympathy-for the nation and the
peopld. Theibte of the meet,* sairi* , l the
anny,iwbo stood aloof Dohs it:. . - •": _
• tiovi Vence 0E440144 before. 00? 'tittOps•ei
tttrd thep2Tbe report of-bit capture is,
therelipte, n
• Mben - th - teillgente left Raleigh It *ti . the
opinion - in'tlie •ltrmy • ttat the terzoior lgin
ettnya iratmi4t want necooditional submission.
. /moil( Genesali of high reek no Ohms ware
ktcylitre or eves hinted at.
, ellichelCitlontillindetit'sstilGdr.. RallAck
booed; hls . order assuming command at Rieh
mondwas sitettaarto Gen. 'ore, oft lent Satan , '
diy.' fiat. the Sop to South Carolina to 'si
lence* Gen, Gilmore. Jost previous to his
,rallnqpnahment of Ins command at glehotond a
eliculir we* tattled by hts dlrecticm Informing
-petted olllceis of Lea's army wbo. desired to
'ISM the careatry, that passes to Halifax would
be fardisbed them on application to the Provost
Starehid of his Department
„ThetUrreid'i special says: President, John
sodiegards Gee of the inmost Impottande that
Weettlity Sword rcenalna In Ike cabinet. •
Tbetrnbees avec , It laths elision In well
Illiblined tittles that Jet Darts will be able to
Ills/IWO* wiwtscle,gistUr , fbamad , Stoops', 10. ,
Texas, with width be w@ -
more IMO MCdNII hi
11, eTenkljibeitt Ilielliet ”
nolfakan rtetttd bed a Tory lone*.
and it Is said a moat important private interotrw
with the President today: Gerard Ortega hat
lx 4111 ftaL for. and la on that way here trout St.
Lemis.a, nd his arri*al bowl, e 2 PKied•
nitYr - Zone says: Prom' a person recently
artiVetl from Havalau,- we Mow .that seriona
&burgh guarded nhpfehousfotia extslid there of
amlasanectlon'actiongibitelaves. httaaritbat
large de-posits alarms have bovu found. and that
several ccgroes 1,41 - r twee arrested. The plot to
mid to arm the, .lsv's all over the Wand, and
the government I fearful of an outbreak, not
withstanding Its premature discovery.
Editor Mabbed and Pievrapaper °Mee De
BALTIMORE, April V.l.—Joseph Shaw, editor
of the Westminster, Carrol County. Old.) Don,
OCTET was mobbed, and the
,material of blanews.
paper establishment &strafed, orr the night of
the murder of President; Lincoln. on account of
his dislOyal sentiments. Ile bad been warned
away by the peopte, but'reterted agate ylster•
day to Westminster. Last night he was -again.
walkd upon by a delegation Oi . C.BIZRON who
knocked at his door. • Heippeared and was or.
dared Co learn the place forthwith. Re then
fired own the Crowd, wounding a young man
named Henry Sell. Upon this the enraged citi
zens fell upon Shaw and killed him upon the
Valuable sword Presentation.
Locosvium, April 25.-114. Gen. Burbtidgo
wloYeaterday ()mended at Camp Kelton with a
thousand dollar PWOili, belt an spare, b 7 tho
colored *caislry brigade. composed of tho Fifth
and Blxtb S. C. C. of Kentucky. Gen. Brie
bin made the presentation speech. In, which ha
epokaor (Kn. Btabrldge MI the pioneer of froo
duen 10 !testate+ In Kentucky, and said that
&Actuary Stanton was a greater War kflatater
than Earnot; or anyf Minister Of War that over
lived. Gan. Burbridge said the war is ore: with
the ithele, and exported sod hoped Soon 10 SOS
our chloral troops sent Into
• Woes Call%rule. - ' •"
SAN FIZAIWIRCA, April 2,.,:felegraphie cam
nnuleation. with :Yew Westminster and Httllsh
Columbia Is now complete. •
'fhe news:of ha ntaselnation of President
Lincoln.tras received at a Van Ccnivrellalsan and
British colninbla With sitm ettionce
sorrow, The. English tdents there .Closed
their business and united.with the Americans In
(dawning the obsequies on the Hat 'net. The
local paper. appeared in monrnintf and every
where the deepest sorrow was evinced.
Secretary Seward end Mon
ScooeottAbontlar.'s Ottrici,
:, Wahuntotoa, Aprll 33, ISSS. I
, Rant P. AL gleam :--1" hare the boner to re.
pen that the Secretary of . State It, convalescing
rapidly.' Mc. Fred Stelard apeakai more 'dla. r
ttnctly t hie mended, and Is better.
Yory reppecttelly
,ob'dt serrt, ,
, J. K. Bauttoa,'Surgiatat:General. "
1 19 „Erf antra Or. erbttVerk -- 7
Naw TORN, Apr I 25.—1 t lama the exebante
°t * ilt° hand soldiers at Darien, Ga.,.
I ,
which, li is supposed, has taken plaae by thls
time, will leave scarcely any frf our men la the
bands of the rebels, while theirs which yet re
main In the hands of the Government la between
'WOO and 70.000,' besides - those paroled under
the term of Ire's surrender.
Eminent Episcopal Divine Dead—Jeir.
• Nww yonrc, April 2 l.—Thaerralnent Episco
pal divine William Creighton I). D., died at
Beecliwood sear Tarrytown, yesterday, to the
74th year of Lis age.
The Post's Washington special says: Jeff.
Davis was a Ilitlebure, N. C., during the con
ference between Shermin Johnston nod Brockin
doge. t :
Pavan-Thirty Loan Mobserlptlann.
illmimEtritp,„ April 24.—Tho subscriptions to thu . 7-30 loan umlaut to $4 , :277...010,,
The ismqt, single entern subscriptions. Were
.300,000; from 31cm his; $150,000, fromtibire
hoid, Ckg $130,000, In Detroit: The' largest'
-Eastern Subscriptions were $300,000, from New,
Tait; $lOO,OOO, from Balthiums-and 0,03, la= siltilitml IttticriVone.
arolmt leederal Prlpouttre.'
,; April 24.—The steamer Henry Ames.
ftopi-liew Orlean' to Bt. Louts, artistl witb
Law parotid Federal prisoners from earop near
via/burg. The men belong to Mots, lowa.
Wilier/min and. Minnesota.
- .
Two hundred balea or cotton utia9C4. ter
Eranainile and Cincinnati.
Nwar Yong'. April 24.—There' was no mexinn.
nr Oullugl '6'boarti to night. The oventn,fex•
elliti•ge wilt I.t , nptat t..1.1,1,•rr0w nltenins. - t.1,1111
.-c1C1,,,t1 this tan:now) t 151 g-
Printer Wanted.—A good newspaper com
positor can obtain a permanent situation la this
office by applying soon.
A eingular and Interesting . Cace.
The Court of Quarter Sessions were engaged
all day yesterday In the trial of Charles Dunker,
charged with the larceny of $195 from Joseph
Faber. The robbery occurred sometime In
March, at the houee of hire. Robinson, in the
Fifth ward, where the two parties boarded.
Dunker and Faber picot . In one bed. It to la ev
idence that.. Dunker know Faber to be in pos
session of the money, and had told him to be
careful of It and pet It away In some secure
place. Faber acted on the euggeation, and
• sewed the money up In hie pocket-book. On
the night when the rubbery is supposed to have
been committed, the money WWI wader his pil
low, and had been taken out of the pocket-book
and a rdg torn from - a shirt, together with some
waste paper, substituted In place to fill up the
belt and make It appear, when agate sewed up,
as If the money was still there. A shirt. from
which the rag was torn, and a paper known to
- have belonged to Dunker, were produced in eel
deuce. Faber, who Is unsophisticated in the
ways of the world, did not at first suspect hie
• bed-fellow, but went toa sorcerer's, on Diamond
alley, on the advice.of his friends, to obtain a
clue to the thief, and was told that Dunker had
ahstrieted the meney. Under the circumstances,
we doubt If there was any ;Ideation to a en
-- nentatoral knowledge by the fwitch,l,butwhe
probably came to this conclusion front a com
mon-sense view of the case. It seemelhat Fa
ber did' not - diseastfhls Mae - until several days
after the theft, when he opened the bank to add
rimmemoney to Ida' satinet: Ile testiest that
liniment/ wet sealed up - under hispillow at
night, end.Mfttutm but Th inker, who slept with
hint, Fluid-take It out. •
The Money Consisted of three,s3o greenbacks,
a 820 on the 'Allegheny Beak. • 45 on the Mi
lkiest Think of Cincinnati, smiths dettominatioA:
and bank of the remaining . money We did not,.
learn. On the limn of Dunker. be was searched;
andainong other bills was found the - $5 on the
National Bank of Cincionati.- • After hi hed been
. in the 'retch-house cell cot night, he said In con- •
venation with a police officer Thu satisfied
—l'vs, been • thinking over It all night: If Joe
thinks I took his money I will give him what Is
left.. ": Ile was then asked by the Ornelle:t.."Whet
did you do with the money ,you got from himl".
Ile replied, .• I nave it to Mary [The
prisoner having claimed that the money in Ida
possession was got from another party, he may
have misapprehended the question.] It appears
that Thanker was engaged to be married, and had
given a large amount of money to his - intended
bride -to make arrangements for the coming
The counsel on both sides summed op the case
on last evening, when the Court adjourned till
this morning.
A Haunted Holum in Pittsburgh
The Oen:lda. of yesterday devotee four col.
times to the narration of a story of the super
nal-nod order. The substance of the story is,
that a gentleman; blew from New York, rent-
MI a house on Pennsylvania . avenue, and alter
"setting up housekeeplor be found that his
tenement was haunted by spirlw male and
tamale figural flitting through the rooms at
algid; Board unearthly velem and steeds, sod
finally became maimed that be called the at
tentlim of, some Mends to the matter. Among
theee invited tdivithess the etrangerobthomena
was the reporter who'wfithe the story, after bar
ing paid sundry thins to the tom, and having
seen, beard and felt the sipirita playing their un
authly pranks. Beaks were lifted frouroneta-
We and slammed down upon another; hello were''
rung all thane thereon*: the piano Cannier
tightly; k inked up) we. played; &guitar sizsPind ,
ed Move the chandelier, wham no human bald
could reach It, 16111 made to diecoisMe inoseerett
lent mole ; moors tightly' locked were opened',
and slimmed abut i Spark' of fire were
tied &boat . the (romp 0116 ! fellow,
a dubs
Hever It spirituathm, was"stoked by an un
seen band, and ablated frightened out of his wits,
and many other marvel:ma things lean wit
teased; The phantoms.which'appeared were a
be/sulfa:woman, ands moat tarred demon, who -
seemed to attend uNwher."The skePtic'above
slltalat to made - a butte attempt. to acme the
female Agent, snarl instantly varibthed.and left
him Insensible upon thefloor, while the land
lord tried to pat a bullet throu ghi the demon by
./ring a &el hien. The piece; after these
tither occupants or vleitom, and the house was
Yawed AllO is new to let." The nunteer and
location of thls place are not given, or-we might
be able 40 Inform our readers wher e they eon got
a good house eta cheap rent. The story to won
derful—but we datet uneven word of It!
The Amiarsin Evidence
of the Premeditation 'of kt Crime-.
Probable Clue to the Foul Plot.
Prom Mr. J. P. Ditheari, a Worthy eillien of
Pittsburgh. who has path returned from Mead
ville, Pa., we learn, the, following Interesting
facts relative to the premeditation of the murder
of the PR./dent by Booth, whiah add to the eel.
dcoes *heady accumulated to show that the ter
lible crime .wee concocted long since, though
henead.of the mstol, poison was to be used to
effect his hellish purpose.
On the itil ofJurte, 1844, Booth registered his
name, took a room and remained a short time
at the Metionry Itouse„,Meadvllie. While there
he wrote with his diamond ring, upon the glass
In the 'Window of his room, this sentence
Abe Laredo departed this tifir
awed lath 1864
1 7 ,11; , c450ri."
Since tben, Booth has been In the habit of flu
qUently:enlleg people to the - McHenry Bonsai
. wad they hare generally occupied the room he
had. The names of all these persons are now
being transcribed from the hotel register, and
will be placed In the hands of the proper author
ities, In order that they may be traced up and
ova more clue, at least, be gained toward the
discovery of }he foul plot of assassination to
which our beloved President has fallen a victim.
The plate of glass on which the sentence rooted
who wrhleltp, has been carefully removed from
tho window and framed for preservation. The
welting on It exactly corresponds with the sig.
Dater of Booth on the register. It is undoubted
ly his.
This Information Is In the hands of Mr. BDaw
den, agent here for the ,Assoclatocl . Press, who
irfll at once trtineralt over the country.
Court of Quarter Seatlons.
The jury le the case of Junes Caldwell, charg
ed. on outlet O. A Colton ' with the destruction
Of a vaittably written contract, MU/110a out all
night, and came into court LOU merningt,44
reported that they' had bean unable to-agree
AA they exprofeed the Wart that It would be
Impasale Par - them to ague, the court discharg
ed them, and the cue remains subject to another
trial. Relearn that the jury, when the first
Tote was taken. stood nine for convection and
three for acquittal. - They finally became equally'
divided la opinion—a for acquittal and Ilk for
conatloa—and no amount of extramant - seamed
adequate to clue* the minds of any of them.
Joseph Dart, of Lawrenceville, plead guilty to
a charge of Illegal liquor sang, and was sen-
Minced to pay a tine of fifty dollars arid costs.
The next cue taken up wu that of Charles
Dankerellas Duncan, charged en oath of Joseph
Fatter with the larceny of IMO. The cue wu
sited about two 'weeks since,' but the jur'falled
46 twee: . The ifaal hoarded together, and the
del Widant' WAS * SeASSOd with taking the moaej
from MO pocket book of the prosecutor and plac
ing In Its stead a piece of start Ind a Portion of
a newspaper to make np the bulk. The evidence,
although circulastantial; wu wrong and pointed,
and the piece of paper was found to have been
tantrum a newspaper in thepossesalen of Danker
and the rug or cloth exactly .correstuanded with a
shlit alnk was die found In hie posacusion.
Clodrig Gradually.—The 'business of the
Provost Marshal's office Is now limited to reedy.
Inn men reporting under the President's Procla
mation, eatchlse deserters and looking out the
the assassins of the'President. Tho force on duty
here is therefore being diminished, and Govern
ment clothing, etc., in theffiands of the Provost
Marshal is being turned over to the quarterniets
ter. From theta signs we .Infer that in a very
short time the institution of Provost Marshals
will be a th ineof theping.
Arrested on - Suipielon.-oflicere Misiner
and Million, of the Mayor's police, succeeded
In rotating., at Sawmill- Run, a man named-
Samuel Smith, on suspicion, of being concerned
In the robbery at Shapiro's' a few days since.
„Three . others, named W. Oterbeck, 11, Smith
and Richard ti (mimed, were arrested on Mon:
day., A bearing of the parties will
had this mOrtilug.
Concert of IP,ltionle. 4agotlßtion•—•
-A gin d 'concert will pe given this evening at
Lafayette' Bali, in ald of a Fair forthebenelit of
thu Treedmen and'tick and art.unded soldiers, le. J. Londin's clam. The object of the
exhibition thwald commend it to all. The vocal
entertainment will amidst of a rich variety ot
new and popular Mrs. '
Pearcity of Water.—Much complaint is
being Trude of the very Inadequate water Arai•
tics afforili d - in Pennsylvania' Avenue. A' large
1119 111 it, needed there instead of a four.lach pipo,
ar ut present, and tf the not promptly
suiplicil a rocflegration in that loath
to Go clicoicd.
nlioritng Accident--A Lady Cattett in a
Wagon Dubber and Dragged to . Death.
We learn by a gentleman from Washington
county the Sad inteiligenne that Mrs. Matilda
McFarland, wile ofBemuci McFarland, a highly
respectable farmer of Smith township. In that
county, lost her life. In the following manner :
She started from her home last Sunday morning,
about nine o'clock, In company with her (amity.
of four children, in a light spring wagon, to et.
tend the Raccoon Church, in the village of Con
dor. The children bad mounted the wagon, and
an the mother was getting in the horses became
frightened and ran nit' rapidly ere she was ablo
to step Into the wagon. The children were
thrown out, but the lady's clothes in some wanner
caught on the rubber, and she was dragged along
with her bead and back on the ground for fully
a mile and a quarter, till the horses and wagon
arrived at the church, where they - were stopped
by Mr. Isaac Simpson. Mrs. McFarland was
toned to be quite dead ; the .back part of her
head was literally torn off, and her hart was
broken. There were other Injuries besides, and
It L Probable some limbs were broken. The
children received bit little hurt, but It would
have softened a heart of atone to witness the
anguish and terror they suffered when learning
the terrible death of their mother. , Mr. Masi:.
land was set In the wagon, and was at home,
we understand," when the accident, happened.
The lady had held on to the wagon for tee die.
thrice :of nearly half a mile before she lost her
footing and her' dress became entangled.
A Plain Meobantei Argument in Favor
of Protection.
Ent:vont GaxErne-1 was vary for:lbly Im
pressed with the sentiments of • very worthy
mechanic In a recent discussion or a high pro
teethe tariff on Imports,as the true poilcrof the
people of this country. As near as I can re.
member:he used the following language:
Ma: Qumran—l am no speaker, but a sim
ple mechanic, haying no connection with any
taanufacturiug business. Bat to 'my Wad this
question la in a mit-hell. 'I don't want any ar
gument to convince me when I am best able to
provide for my hmliy, and to make them most
comfortatle and happy. I know that when the
mannfactutfing business is moat prosperows I
can obtain constant employment, and high price
tor my labor, and I know further, that L C 3 ,11
bettelardrd to go to market and pay. twdtity
- five cats a dozen for eggs and sixty cents a.,
pound forbutter, when I have plenty of money
In Myipocker,and some tb spare, than to be able
to buy eggs at ten cada a dozen, and not have
the dims to gigs for them. Don't talk •to me
of your free trade nonsense. I have seen the
operation of this thing In a practical way morn
than once, and lam satisfied that it does not
snit the poor man any better than the rietation ,
to have the sinner labor of Europe brought,
Into competition with our labor In this country:l
We are not content' with a lime' loll:181sta . nee--
just enough to keep, soul, and body together.%
We want sometheennoret "wavrant to lay . by a
little for a rainy day. Who' lftenr bat my son, '•
like Abraham Lincoln or Addy Johnson, may
-become Presklent of the United Statdar ' Now
say ttre us a chance, and the best; way' to dolt
is to_protect our Indust/7._ C.
PenalUes fee Rot Making Returns.
The people are now called upon to come for.:
ward *lib abate wanes and other name to
the Govenunent. Ereriperson thlltnite . make .
returns by the 16th of May neat, will be Itisble
to be aliened by the asalatant asicalor. •
lag to tho beet Infoinualon he nen obtain, and
In anti .tale the aseletant assasor wi l add
ritentlitre per rent to the amount of tax.
• In maw any penal shall dell Mir to an assessor
any &Ist or traudukcet ]ht or statement, with
Intent to defeetor evade the valttation or on.
menden required by law, the militant assessor
will add one buitdmd per maw on anehduty„end
In Inch case the Hamill be made oat by the as
s, mor hrMlitietant assessor, and front the Tabu-
Mon and enumeration so made there can be no
The msessment list, when completed, will be
returned te thecollemor, who Will advertise th
some mato urns; per published . in each within the distalet "if any there be, and •by
written or .ptintedzinkes, to be pasted up. at
leastletor places within each 11851118 malt that the. said duties havo,become .due anpaya
ble., and state the Mae and place within said
coputy_nt whichlie. wilt attend A& receive. tim.
same re to ;and any rapt tuiPtdd afterthe Ugh day
of June, end'for ten dap atter demand, there
beleemsdkimarpar relit. as a rushy -
' •
for such negleot.
The • New Weigh Reales ha Allegheny,
The new City Weigh Hem; erected by the
Market Corandsaleners, on the southweld corner
of the Diamond square, Allegheny, is now com
pleted, and the scales are In complete working
order. The building is a neat, one. story brick,
=venni shaped, and conveniently arranged for
the Pullrewe. • The scales are of the rnost ap.
proved model, and were put up by Mr. Rear,
who has atlelned, considerable reputation as a
scale blinder. The liVelihmaster, Mr. Edgar,
seems qpite mond of his new quarters, end hay
ing every needfill facility Inn at hand," will be
able to "make the moat" out of this now Impor
tant adlemet of the market house system. The
revenue - ;from these scales has become an Impor
tant. Item to the city, end the Commlsalenens
have made a wise investment In Chun providing
a convenient, comfortable, and at thesanse orna
mental Ind durable place for the transaction of
this portico of the city business. In due thee,
other Important Improvements willbehrnde on
this square, but of these we need not speak at
- -
1 hale kilt arrived nom the East with a
carefully selected assortment of fancy and ate-.
pie goods, among which will be found a Line line
of hoistryin cotton, 11810 gloves, ribbons, flow
ers, crapes, scarfs, collars, and all the new
styles, Including rubber collars, to which I Dar
ticelarik call the attention the ladles; 2d d'ma
"Dcmorest's coma, new hoop skirt face and lin
edbandkerchlefs; all kinds of cuffs, new swiss
eats, lace cape, bathos, bards and coiffures,
breakfast cope, Shetland shawls, tidies, (new)"
lace In crotchet, linen, cotton, thresd,
cienes add point applique, wide linen lace for
pillow cases, embroideries of all kinds, itusant's
robes of all kinds, now style blanlet for Infante,
ladies'- buckskin gauntlets, Jonvin'siddsonlases ,
kids, Gimp & Steel bead sets,.. cord sots,
cable cord, cord and taaseles,- teasels and
buttons to several 'new styles, gimps In jet,stee4
straw and chrlatal chasten°, bagal, silk end
crystal fringes, straw hate sad trimmings, but.
Wilke lu lace, applique, Jet, silk, and gold leaf
and pearl,' holey combs, crystal drops, poir
nerds and fold, and a variety of other goods, to
which I would call the attention of my kind
customers and the peddle generally. 41108310 -
ry, SJ Fourth street.
' Fire on 'Market Street.—A' fire broke out
yesterday afternoon Is the third story of the
paint shop of Wet. 'Nelson, on Market street, a
low door from Water. It burned 'lowly,. and
the Vigilant being firer on bank put It om. with.=
out the help of the Other engines, which Arrived
soon after. A portion of the goof was burit, ,
but the damage is small, A drinking saloon
next door suffixed somewhat by water. Under
the good management of our fire department,
and the Promptitude which characterizes all the
=les imspeollsely, a- fire Is sot .allowed .
hew. We were glal to notice that the
Gene alof Alittbeny, was on hand, and
we am saw the Columbia ilook-and•Ladder,
which makes ita appearance about as often Is
Ferocloin.--ftimitel Ramie, Was beiirti the
Mayor yesterday on a clum,ofehrestaillig lOW
Richard Keefe, his lindlord, and also of closing
Keefe's daughter round the block with's' butcher
'knife In bla hand. The evidence was conclusive
gains' Ramsey, mid tbe Miyor committal
him to Pal, in default of ball,- to answer at
Tbe Leattre by Dr. Chapin.,—Dr. E. E.
ChaPle, the celebrated divine will deliver a bean.
tlfhl lecture this evening at Ilaeonic Kali, on the
subject "The Old and the New." He possesses - a
fluency at language and beauty of diction rarely
eaCelhd by any publac orator, and Infuses In Ms
harem a lading of the molt puha pleasure.
• Dangqrous Walle„—Brequent complaint
are being made to the Mayor, relative to the
dangerous condition of the walls of the lasi°•
deon building, which was lately ruined by are, .
and within a day or two legal steps will be ta=i
kin to abate the nuisance.
Madame Demoretra Mirror of Faabl3ne tbr
.Ifai,has been received, and la for sale by. W. A.
.Gildeofenny, No• 46 FLltb street. ,
Co to &nth & Roes, No. 63 Market street, 6or
-bariplus in boots mad shoes.
ONC.VIDEW—Tueeday seaming, the 36th 1E44
Mx. sip, SNOWDEN, wife of I% I..fheowesa•,...
The Ihierel will take plane Let; the reatt
e neo
of her huatause, South Menne, .1111eshessy, at
Wroiremnay Arritaxoolt, at 4 °Wick. . •
.64 Tueiid_67 evaiskl6g t AMU
16th. at 6 took 6. 11— JUMf UREENOVGI4
agedlT9 years.
The 'funeral will take place from the residence
of his sori:lndairl'lohn alkyd, 49 Third street,
en Turngnaw; April 97..., at 2 o'oloek r- v. The
friends' , of the 'family aro respectfully Welted to
otter:J. fit
- -
Presideta ttneoln's Mineral In Canada'. .
It is, we bellevj, the common belief of 'all the •
Europeen residents in the United tastes, that
no country et Europe has ever witnessed any
thing approaching 'the exhibition of mourning •
throughout the United States on the death of
President Lincoln.; The funeral services in
British America.are no bras remarkable. , .There;
Is probably no pretedent In the world's histeal,„ ,
of a whole country paying such tribute of honor
to-the memory of the head of 0 foreign 'flaUctsir
In almost every town of Canada the' gattes'of
01/510M6 were closed on Wednesday from 19 to
• tho churches were' thronged lbr the imiehra
tiOn of the' funeral rites, public buildings and
private houses were largely draped In mouraltms,
and all voices united In Abe, manifestation of
grief at the loss sustained by the United Statat
and of botror at the work of the assassin. •Pre
vlously, the town councils wlttka very creditable •
unanimity, had .passed resolutions of sympathy
with the, fismili of the murdered President sad",
with the pie of the 'United States. We have'
had, in the course of thri war, to register, Way •:, ,
acts of nafriendlinese toward the United•Btates
on tint part of condiderable poition of the press
and the people of 'British Amateur 'lt Is mutt- -
tying acknowledge this expresskMot amps- - •
thy on the part of our, neighbors our great •
TOD.. , .
Can Tate CaTe
Inf recene .speich, ex-Clovernor:.Wright,or: •
Indians, said: ' ,
"de to - the cant :about the negro% ability to ' ..'
take care of himself, he heather° (utak" relate ' '
and It.? would do so without comment: -In .156 i -
.the Rebel Leglelatturout South :Carolina raised a
; cam tt
1 2
ee to inquire tato the expediency of In- .
„the .5,000 free nags of Charleston. .
'.Tne emitters reputed against it, and stated': ,
that those 5,000 free nes* pald into the trust- -
ry of Charleston annually gNi;ooo.and thartheit ' '
DfOM.l .1910 tlefertri 51:500.000." Out of that. ..
- amount of property - s=o,ooo worth of Wires . ' ,
sompconi of slaves.' That The 9,000 the tanrnra 2 ..
of New Orleans leflBl3o were worthies mark pre - - •
capita 'as the, white people of - km*l*day that -. '
these free nacres bad their own *oak Mete. , .
own benevolent sedates, &c. Tha n t facts, hit ~-.
conteaded,proved :that the free negro wassails.. ;
bie of taking ease of himself. Ifs also stated
that a lady who owned 500 negros 1n18513 told - .
him that' she bad lost:them all but 900 by the
beginning of 1864: That year she nude soon- -
tract with ; them to- cultivate - hat Arm on the
shares, and that last year, ander ouch's system.
where the negro was working for himself as well, .
as 101 l bin mistress the 3XI made , her Ware ,
money than WO ha d done In slavery: '"
. NOT'A MA Or TH6ll.—Atoong otter speeches' -
In Hartford, Conn., int the day of the PFest,
dezd'a "Unmet, - was one from Prof. - Stowe.:
Hotit that thlitbrital tannin' his' bees *sir'
mittedi there la a dutch:ablation is -the Marts of
'the people !Abet sot a mitt - who has aided
*lug It about shall ewer be known: agslues ,
,F[arest applause, the ladles . their, ~.
ha i rc idek 01 *-tho .b lll -3
4a.,tsk *amber this, ix:Ulnae li L akdepessapj,,
'4iir 1 i - ilsrety, the 'cause one:mounds&
Shall Thou, who hrouahr on thhisistiturat *. "'
war, I Say,' shall not:-wot 'a nun 'of thesba
heard of In our govessiseit hoof Ulla' flit heads.
forth Swann . not • Is, what I hale. to say.-•:?., ",
(Great' applause.]
" TEEMS MOST ER MADE 1N1131131710.,-ft
will be welt it the athassination,' which
silicketi 41 =7: / 0 74 Jusart I witlx horror, slue+ , i .
quiche, the moral nerewtiotth of, the.Atherlemt ;
ample Le a jthstestinithe of the mime of ru b efflon.
;while we strain lanettageold describe; and the •
sated to comprehend thequagnithde of the mime •
of the theassinatient of , the..Pmetident, shall we
call the assiesinatiorrbf chattel= a mere differ
ence of polecat dodgiest It le retarded.%
immabigicl the Immall.heart to MOW, WU.
ireance! or' the murderer of Abraham
shall nil -regard murderer
Of hundred* of j
thenthaeds. of our clams as pureed nf thole- -
erirees by. the mere act of disarming
1. KB lthextuess 7 - Every uthudble atrocity an- .
to' we rebellion. There Is ambler.,
i irt 'a lf ah ue4 that Its pleaders halve , scripted It. —
Wbelesalb mathuteres and..terturitrk wtudesale:',
litartaticx or lelsneers, ,tiring .: of great. elites
pineal, or the cruelest kind, persecution of the
most 11=astacter and rash extol; and
dnally Itnien high pbthea—whatevar.lit,
thhtun whatever is brutal, whathurer Is, deed-
Istv. have resorted tn. They will ” '
htare.belnd 13811161 'so black, , and the trunsorr '
of deed* so isthmus, that the execration of the 4 .'.,
elareWden' rebelltost will be etethaL •
. . -
lbassszllssarothe CiaseessalsiGaireenosor ,• ;-
Lothians under•the State organization of G. ^
ail Banks, haying realigned ids ofileeln Mhz
to prostrate Ms claims to' a seat in the trailed -
Stases Senate, has been thcceededbyJams
son WCIIIS, a radbeal.Kepublicasi, who hummed ••,
considerable cselteserd byesilydistills
int th e great Portion Of gnu% pro4lasery ofila.*:
hoblers, alao tabs:omm grosid In
otproperly invaliding neon al:array,.
Tres Igreat - "lock-out" In - .UM English Iron • -
trade, by which nearly one hundred thousand
men were thrown out of employment, has
last come to as end, and nearly all the men have
resumed work. No trade controversy ever before
assumed such a magnitude as that .whleit bass,
just terminated, and none ever threatened such
disastrous consequences. It Is probable 'that •
nearly half a million of , people are directly de•
pendant foraupport upon the wages of the Iron
workers;who were "locked out" as the result of
the late difilen/ty. " • • . .
A PEOPEE bromarrow or . Pcrtirse Famatto.—
The house in Buffalo; occupied by Bx-Preddeut
Fillmore, was the only one noon ,the block.on
which no emblems of mourning were displayed
yesterday. The outraged people, made in -
want by Ms proof of worthlessness amid
ty, covered the front of the building , with Ink.
The character of Its occupant regains no addl,.
A murraetutt who koows the assassin Booth,
says that ho (Booth) was a - great admirer of
Orsini, and when that Italian attempted the We
'of Napoleon, Booth expressed great admiration
for the act, Mythic *hit bid he (Booth) underti.
ken the businesa It would have been imeeessful.
and then said be, "I should hare lived forever."
Cor.. Ettszn's detectives, by the Meat "stOal
plgeonel hen made a largo haul of counterfeit
450 grarita.cle, ao.welt executed that none but
experts can detect them. The partiei dialing la
them have been arrested, but the plate 'has not
been secured. .
WHAT Ma. thrwaao ans.—The Ws:shined:a
corawpondtmt of the New York .Caoserefit.
writes that Mr. Seward hss remitted since the
tragedy: ."This is only 'history repttstiag itself—
isall great revolutions "
hire their =audits' as wdl
their lieroce. •• • '
Ftwomi ISLAND hat Goreiner Smith, Inmost'
has Governor Smith, sad New Esmiehice haw =;
Gcrearnat Smyth. _ •
Gi A..iprw,it's.
62 00
. •
for . bort ',kVA . /Aittais ail* qora, RIP woo: .
WA" Heel sottise roods: - ,
R. .
nt u sta ot OsltarsAs abcirs „ , ,
Bora Shon..;. - .
Kent Hoots
All Kinds of Goodg;
aseapeet its the I.rorid
Spring Goods in Endless Vaiiety!
-Concert Hail; Shoe: Stpret
60 rear x/3 STREET,
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