- _ IFIld(J11^S. O.&..);TED. 0 Ilitets_ and Boilexlgalierii, AT t9 .. LIBERTS STREET. vAlrd g - 41:1TED- faiEL po /EEL. i 4 ermen f• ed Xppl At s.tr c ,, MM2MI kron 8. Cr, corner • titre or • JOHN L'HOTTSE k 00. ton BALE-L'rhat With THREErSTORX 1111101 i. •DWELLINO tiOUSlLibta. lb Fourth Pittsburgh.' Possessloagives as fsat of 'JOUR Vr. Idon saiiniso ACriii of colii,'snio, /2 0 . ones of [mold orad In pool Wet. 2; 'Locate k wad sod=trikaad,' aad other. loopror in worldagoodort • pool No. I ;ow leant o Go ughlogheirldiot! and reamalbvil A . Roil Lpulta Or.! tog .frot door la *lnk on Groat ' AIR .13/4.E. 1.000 zrzirmo.l OIL lieunis tzlqu Ire of "." • • CAPT.,.lllelf.ELlirr, e t l 4d t x Antibody R!vet . bank. elan to*t reat FIRST Alb nECONVSTORY rzoolts, tro.to Fot;rth - ittitct, nedr . .the *Order of Wbod fetL Eoq of WELL e; FIDDLE ik 00., No. tid Wood it., .plow or to A.T.DEI!?IAN JOHNS, lth it. t : AmptcrouTaßLE music ' On roc as wilt In Oasitind half *quarto et the f treettsars,P4 Thateheider. Gocid water and every-. n . tl=ralent.- POneWW , given lumen-stele 'e'or IPP4 SO l'otszelllowsx,,T7Federslstreet.,' rat Thomes rulter'sWatiAn Meta , . Be 4 M "Mtll BALE.—A _LOT_ OF 'GROUND: is: at. Big Freichley Stenoe, on Pletebursh,Fert Penne * ablest* nellatudotontalnlerr ratREE (LURES, the'VEIIOIII3, , . oh whleh is everted it .toodern et? Is Souas, raw to course of completion, et eigh t meats, hall through the *entre, Linde hotter. belront buntline eellsrunder the whole, • -reek porch 'intet. lay • erbadorran be .L.sld low.' •Poeuseion gUareateM first. et May. ;IPS, to • -' ~ J. M. STONE% alatain • lee Fourth street. . - 7OR BALE—Three new Btcain'Ettines. VIM purposely for oil wells; TX bulk ey strokerem• etroug. Ealtbse-sikuN am* A sosuwelluit I. , of.erreaght Arun; . . • ••• • . 'Bottess 14 to hi bet long, 82 lushes &stads, with • 11-toeh Miss; chimney IS In. by In feet; Lot sod •id "ratite papa, Xvitsytblngstornylets sal ready alp on Night HIIOIID_a BOL.E, .._ Pitt q sburgh, Pa. Strbp, armee Point alley .eod uesits street, • Of Alltlghtay elver. aux the nt.. 'Wing rt 13 ALB. —One -SECOND-HAND BOILER, new,ne bet bag. en. balm. • ilatotter, 411.4 nett fun. - ; ' Oue SI bet ions in biotin dlemeter,44s teeth f t Omen feet longed Judie. ollameier, 946 bah One 60 barna lireonehtlreniTeali. - - • Xneolze et the IND'eFSTEIAL HUGH M. BULB a. Pellet Alley AM Duquesne Way. Pittab% iebl7:tt . toR SALV.--VA.LITA3ILt 111NRALL AND OIL LANDS.--Oontainerfn amen, hot-. an extroslOn rfroat an: the Ohio Hirer, (deep tMMara contidossome.ihre stratomo of east rang i from .threw to ale feet: elan a ten foot bed of a day; alrery vain:OW.ln atone quarry, eon. ao s tratus toata•lackes, taken out perfect. ~,,u,. pracregueargone -good-4m oil welt now rhenebirmayiser-quantrtles on the adjoining lot Lusted .oppealte the town et WellseWs. Tata property to offered at a low Senna:and to worthy apecialatteation of parties.whowiah in invest the oil or coal trade:. Call on ' : . spin R MoDAIN &00 ;1111Ferarth'iltrest. 9 RBA: B STORY - -R: macs, - asie EIGHTEENONT. , LOT/ TWO OUT FR&U DWELLOlGS,,altaaterla Do • omen flatmoge, - neat the .Iranbuntlobbranddial • •ed lot; :Meatball., This property lir,plaseantly emitted aadariU be disposed elan liberal teeem. To •us cOmmallnamemy asidarho,wlah to resets home, Oda ,alllnds a. good alums.. Pomeettel yen on ,- the ,Ind• ed.Aortl. :Foe -notteelara, Me., -apply at Om Real Estate and Insaranee Ofdee -• O. S. BATHS. snuaisraet, naniehea. imwreaosTille. ti • • Irtrie, •'zsbirOi:rocet*., r • • • - sESIPON.:' ma APRIL , . FIRST IA Ylesiral • prorid, manila irem.l•l4. - '4ll.A.sa • • - , ta Itstiisklop2 • For tsitisalms_ealisha•oa tea premixes or J. L. 1 it s.-r.sexezzataazdst.wiksr. thin -Pfstat.Yederal aLtadr lac FOE BALE.—HOUSE. THE 113118011 slorrniai _num .orn o n , earti4gdil4, .... lamp yotriC4llX Milt Mid 'dada tee4Akiiial., Maweitaan tot atabllor. Let' atyileet illaitoa Barer byltalaiLaalllik to a wkly alloy. Toma ia lDszebolf atal.4batioatuao...spjay.to JOHN IL Mali, SPiawd at ' aiitS~ ' f. ' BWrpY ltt k `~l '", ~.: 0• 13 - `LOTS . MIR ICIOHTE' • . 1 : t wenn.witio.innoneQ inlaust 4 =tha ,' . Miner ohlIdont„ Or Dayid•Oreari,deekli ' for •^, • . gale the fellairlaly rota iota pt. no moo' ward, ' .., Otty or Ilttstrargn, vie. I lots =the ban. of Its. _ api and Probes Amite, _OS by 111 teet,belots 1 . TIM IT and sla UN orars- tost,--not to :::. min VAIL lei L I lot, on Lone. street, ';‘• iii isms. It wittu‘SAsyl iota -.! is XI mu Ur ICIO, „ , 11 In to no no onitZ t roy.rtnet , . le by ooi soot, beingolle. no IQ MAU& lets ~ ea S lots co Me oernesotirayea 13IntEst, : , 7 se by 100 non, being Mon 147, Mend ISM WA '',. ple n . lashing altogether SO tote. Mame of these - .Y.! lota are nay dreirshle as building ettor, ihd others rnry ramble for stone quarries. They will le Nola seaarstely or all together, and on easy berms °leopard. , J. W. T. WRITE, _ . VOR 13ALE--LOWN.IN ALLEGHENY'. OITY.—Ths undeenVlsi offer for Sale the c i trertzz b. .....llra. FORD now Ilves,ol Future y city, adjoining the Tannery. at Jolla 'Taggart. It haa trout of about 1110 tut on PtitarOltlid as* extandebsek about ale feet. If s part of John Orßern , e plan of ' Mount Relief, recorded In Plan Book rot I, page le, and 'cobra ea to loti of- add -rian, being- iota numbered It to M. It bra a. eimicstable frame house, and the grounds are planted lath gond DUD troor,ba ...de se BTCdadjekter seeturaudicw lots, or, • w improved es Whole, it would make s delightful Tuitional: , /I la 0.• -MW for - late .as a whole, or In separate lota to mule purchasulb and:ths terme 'Payment' will 'be undo eery. 2ouemdon pan b., igtven on tbs Brit of Apell nest. • .. . ae. • (i_RFAT REDUCTION . • tupelo.' khof ARPETS. Desiring. tio amen the nubile • . • Aa "P° VoVlfittririg °wig . " 9oneeponding. with 1.4..3_ And the impending tumble ' • ladderehawheindenerailw ... 'pike da rs de7 - And oder thelargest • . • te most aompleassiwtment . -Of new nod *holm patients, • : . ~.To r end Win nr 3 Y l =, An, :nor eir ~.....;At a rednettom of SwestyiTehh Thitipthree andoweaillneremt. Kea-IM OD - Di COLLINS . w _7l and 71 SITTII STREET, Next aw[to Oast= House haa r. o ,F 0 URTH -STREETA (I,7iTuf , tts. • WE ! rislne B rAsicepipoirs . 1 .11 our ovum% stock, eigsnitssi Of coot, to LOWEST POtNT OF GOLD, I t ia c hO most Snit .641rIVOEISTT LAST BLAZON. . As ere are daily reaetritil goods tarotord aceortling to Out ratio of gold at the date ot shipment. tro wlllautorl to rJ or enstomeretbe benefit of DEOLINE Ifi THE MARKET. ". _ It H. IIterALLUX. 187 TOlTalli STREET. CIARPTi: r i i STORE. E EAPisE 111 " 11 - ATWINP 2 RALSTON Oc.CO, •laistfictiogi Commbsion tirthants z _ , 1,1 CARPETINGS,. • > • . I:7 - _ Oa Clothe; ',Afettings; . /issgs, Ire. No ,419 calsienars assimsr, - • il. ~. :.~... u.y.c r itrt....tv.v . a LEvi tifl 1 ''' l' -"-- )ITT - 813UR PI t F ' T '. il 11 64 ;''' API E ..i EA WOOD. LZISECIriND MAN AO= •• Main191111131:17.. .... Last-il e a Lut two of we you's; `ad popular actress, - • : • Err= REND Eusolf, THIS EVENING, S• 111 be pnesented them ant domestic play, translated. from ins German, eatillrd - • • Little Bareleo!. llezd•non Amrt, the Little 'Barefoot Act Ist--The. Brotber find Sister. \Bet ll—The Stredillag Festivals.- Aft 14-1 tio Suitorat the '.'Parrn. 'Act itl—Ttie Lova or.Bsrefoot. sot iStb— ..fit* Trial of Barefoot. Nilo Panay Batt `Deg To conclude with the MAID WITII A Ert IN6 PAIL. teiteareal"Nala.l Queen," awl "Stnitots of New Tort. , TIOZIME RT IT AL L.--EXTUAORDI -`," WARY ATTRAuTION:-.4"ne Four Nights only, commencing WEDNESDAY, April Mal,- Ites Grand Puler Opera & Stria-ramie T . . Uie most eztesurtve Company of first-ohms a tee ' now before the public.. Sint s:: talented per rai -1 ere pal as efficient ondurstra. This is composint..excluxively rit artist*" of seknowl• edged ability, whose perfofnuince have received the highest tefelegiusi from the press and public wherever theY bars appeared: " • The entertaliment.torialata of a pleasing variety Bohm Dances, Burlesques, Farces. Negro acts, • actobstla Feats, no. sad IA le aereeKed as to pieces the most laatinious penes: The entertain:teat mill conclude nveryerenizig with an AMUSING FARCE Oallel7 •, 25 Doors open 517 oNocreir, yerfermatior COMMEOCC• at 8 (kiosk- • A GRAND MATINEE ON SATURDAY AF TER NOON.•• Matinee Tishri:it 25 seats To all patio of the house. optt6hl TRE4:I3"'B VARIETIES THEATRE. rxas W. O. ........ g ". u rnt i rl ° " l4. Oolutiaraze wr 8 ohnoca.-• ' : sa exonuoi rrEvr-Den.au razz 81311A038! great local ieniation drama, ti three eety entitled TAKE BELLE OF PITTSBEBUEr. FpOlt TIIM ALTA* TO TRW DISSEFTINO TdItLE Previous to the Crams,' A. GRAND 0i.1.11 OF ECCENTRIVITIES, by the ettlie 'Variety Company. PAIIPENTER'S GREAT 111STORI- N- , C&L PAINTINCt. •The Emancipation Proclamation Be •[ore the cabliet,`• on exhibition for Ilia week only. at St FIFTH STRZET, under Concert Hall, from to a. Y. to 10 P. X. Admlulon 25 cents. Six tickets for ,t. aptidvr PIa.VOS. 117 SIC. sc. j".7 , EIYL'CTION PIAN OS CP 13 ID4 - PoT S I:ittiro Stock of EMERSON'S, MILLER'S, GUILD'S, GALE'S GROYEMEE'S, RA PI/IN N S, PIANOS BeauliAa Plarec;.Vtilie kORTABLE STYLE MELODEON math, at past/iteducied Prima air Every Instrument _ CHARLES 0: 111:ELLOR. : kali 08 AND AIVINUCAN ORGANS. New York. - 98Li arga ti kAKER k 00, /Winded and BOARD Is ORAX . X.3CELIVCIPfig. • B. D. & Elagtbir=ado= prgan, 11Ti11 PATER =ION ATil01111211: awe received': a airy lot et the abate sedate hietreisents, together will ; GOOD COMP .P1A21013 from oilier' :Yr". . • ALtwaarnottel Dor In BARB. Rnizzr. itolegiLitt, 'HOME 01, 1 6-4.11.` uvIFUIThLZ ' . • , 10 "" t ir.P" .1001PI4OCr . M 1 Pisaim 1 /woos. . Klikma ralioS, 1 • , . rsnrosr.`asr AND OWANS; th i b e le, fn tia, wad& for ude only • -muttons Brxxis, nada 41 1 / 141, 411414 , SOU . AO ' Se .4 ucriox ArazEs. A ., UCTIOI( SALE 0015DBIllitD - 9.lnumgaxur*ClsilaakVii Orstair.„ . • ' at Ozrr, April 108115. Win b. aoidi at puldio auction. to the bitted - bidder, at Baltimore. Maryland, an TIFUItBDAT,ApiII .tt' • TWO HUNDRED, MARES WITH FOAL, many of them anti:Wed and is good 000ditioa. TITIIII3DAY, April TWO hrILED - CAVALRY HORSES. On TllltlltSDLY,.,iptil 17, iBas, .GNEHIINDRCD 151Alki WITH- FOAL ADD - ONE lIIINDDED OA:VALHI UOSSES. These horn* have been condemned as tinci4 for the cavalry service of the Amp! .• For. road and farming purposes, many good bar. gainsay be had. aninianaeld •singly. 'Sale to COULltteate at EA; at, and will be held ,ar Phillip's Government btablea, corner ef Fremont and Ramsey streets. Tenna—Oadt, in United States . SALUE.I7MHT,.. Braver Brigadier General, in charge. First Di vides Q. H. G. 0.. spadapfla G Y ON. BUGGY • Atis ROOKAWAT.—WEDNESDAY HORNING, April 12th, at 11 o'clock, at flocamercia Sales Rooms. Ma Smithfield street, opposite Post Odise, one light Buggy Wagon, suitable for Borten Wag on, well nnlchad. Also, °parkin:tell Soggy, and . one kockairsy, •A. hi 3ILWLINE, „rcitir Goons. .170, W1Le01t...714011 W. CASA—DAVID MT.LNDLZIIII LsoN; CLRit & CO., W 17.007, 11P.1.010 00.,) Wholesale dealer■ In FOREIGN AND DOMES TIO DRY GOODS, No. Sa Wood street,. third howl. abOve Dlosnond MUT, Pittsburgh. spas VATl:pfi MACHUM & CO. _Wholesale -BA sad SAM, Dealers fn TALM N( 33, El 7. 1:11101DEBES and GOODS_, of every desciip. Lion. , Non. 1 1 and if Fifth street;Pittaticuzh. IVDICRUM & Q YDE, Wholesale and JAADetall Dealers In PANOY 'AND STAPLE DEE GOODS, TRIMMINGS, tse., No. 'ta Market • Steel, between Diamond and Fourth, Pittsburgh. J . : IL BF4p er lV E E TT Ll p l)irholesale Ai lig VT GOO Be DS, Northeast some Fourth and Mato eastreets, Pittsburgh. • 108EPH HORNE D Wholesale and Retail la Dealer le all kin al. at TRIMOMPCIS, DBI GOODS, .14.• SOL 77 sa 79 - Hatisat strut. fOOKB. 4L8(M19. Afc. .It . NOVEL WITUOITT ;it. FAULT. CLARKS & CO . 08 Woo d ' 491*eertio lave ogolved Oda day 6muspi/MS, A Novel, pi the'lior of "Johnllallfax, Geo tees 2m Lfto" Cnoth, • • AO 'NSW - CONSIGNIIHiPTS or PR 4 MOE received WI day:* • I car load Oatd 1n saw; t. do Csbb444 Turnips nod rotatoev; 1 do reath If Io barrels;' IC barrels faweet.Potatoeg • Soo do Green Apples; I do' OniOnEi For sale by - 1.10 L. H. 1,014 T & Off NOTIOE.—The subscribers , ssould'titke orders' .ror OEDAIr LUMBER oven; de• aerttiou, to he executed lu Tersucerc, au 4 . 63, ` warded with allsoealble despatch. • - - sy9 • - . IIICIEVY dr'oo: • TRANSPARENT AND OPAQU Oiled khadeelcre by a . 95 W. P. ATARSUALT4 L.p E R RANOR4ol3.—Elumlnated * atauaped gold Wall Pepin vpl y blqutlialLfor ilsb: by • . • IC P. N•wmILILL . . . . •. r.s a • %.,P s PLlti OR Copper 101 an:l Smelting Works, x•rrssolicas. PARK; NPOURDY & - Dlsnufactursrs of SHEATHING. BRAZIERS' & WILT COPPER, PRE S SED COPPER ROT TOMS, RAISED STILL ItIYTTOIVIS, SPALTER SOLDP.R. Also, importers and dealers in 41.ET ALS, TIN PLATE,SPi3ET IRON; WIRE, &e. Constantly-on hand, ERS' DIA.URINES aad TOOLS. Warehouse, No. ISOFIRST and LW SRO. ONO STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special enters of Chipper cut to any &wired pattern. torSelplaisT • - -- PITTSBILIZUH. RAW WORKS. HUBBARD, BRO. & CO Iti.IIIIIjACTL 4 O.6E3 Of PATENT Gitou.ND cincuLAks, Warranted OAST STEEL. SAWS. of every de. seripi.loa. mitt, Alulay, Cross Out, Gang, arid all other varieties. • All kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, nut& frOul Sheet(last Steel I Eutra Reaped REAPER AND - MOWING KNIVE S , As. • dfir Warehouse and Works, Corlei WATER and *SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to Ilatoottdditii i tura taing.and Straightening-Circular Sawa; a , re. pairs of all kinds. Punching 'and Drilllntdana at 'reasonable rates. apktly BAIKNIIII./.. a CO-. Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. 2d, 22, 24 and 26 PENN STUEET. Having stowed a.large t d, end furntehed with the most Improved m a ) erg, we ate preps[_ ed to manufacture every d ptlon of BOIL In the best atesusee,- and- warranted equal ta ang wade In the courtJULMISEYS, BRIOHEN, FIRE BEDS,. PIPES, LOCOM OTIVE BOILERS,:CONDENSERS, EALT • pANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, HEM.' TLING PANS, BOILF.R IRON, BRIDGED, SIWIAR PANS _awl sole manufacturers of BARN. -HILL'S PATENT BOILERS Repairin g.lBll done d on the/shortest notice. 9/.oBolll2lTl___., .W. D. eitit.llB...J. P. FMLLMID LS SELLS STEEL WORKS. •Erna SUCCOWS to E 1111112., kIj.IITXpE 11.09..) Manufacturers Of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, AX LES, CROWBARS, am mks., .FIRST WARD, taLUegken. Post Ofttne address. PITTSBURGIL . jaiddi IarROTIENDON;• ILEA elc CO., feoweasors to Boo Moor, Moos & Mums& • - • Wash Ditto& 'Waft+, FOUNDERS: AND MAOHLVISTS,_PITIINVOIR. Motofodurers of - BOAT. AND STATIONARY STEAM ENOCIM DLART ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, GMEIND. SHAFTING . CAST INGS of deralptiont, OIL TANKS& STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. Ai- Aent. for GIYFARD'S PATENT INJECT- Olt, for Oedl rig boilers. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OT BOTH SEXES.-A reverend gentleman hay tag been restored to health' Ina few dam after un deigning the usual routine and irregular expend.* mode of treatment without emcees, considers it Ida sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow erratum the means of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an addrossodencelope, he will send, fres, • copy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHN H. DAIGNALL, 188 Tunes tree N. Yr mhitilydewT JOHN COCHRAN Jt BRO., rdanufair tureen of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS,. _IRON RAILING WINDOW SHUT TERS, WINDOW GUARDS, a., Nos. el SEC. t)ND and 86 THIRD STREET STRErr.T between Wood and Market, have on hand a variety of new patterns, fancy,and plain, sultable.for all purposes. Atir 'Particular attemUon paid to curios:Ogg OM* Lots. Jobbing done at short notice. 502 THE BILIDAL AN Ha ar SAY OF WAPNING AND .INaItRUO- I lON FOE YOUNG MEN. Alio, me and fella. tde treatment et the Urinart and Senna Elates/. Address Dr..T. &KILLEN HOUGHTON, Hove. aid Aaaoctstion. Philadelphia, Pa. aptdy HENRY H. COLLIEb,"IVEWEED /NO'AND COMMISSION lIIERCRANI end wholesale dealer In 011E123E, BUTTER, .SEEDS; FISH, and produce geaerally, No. 56 WOOD STREET Pittsbuse.h. - aol .arrozz.Nrxrs. 0811.11 ME. 61GAIIKT K. WIKEY= IacX&STRIt & GAMMA,' MA,.:. • • fiIc44OMRS OF CLAIMS AND PATENTS so. so cnamiT *racer. marargii. ZAeeasedby BOITN'TIZS, "rzxsioNp, Bh.CK PST AM m Maar 111LItiri orfluat ASiSilatbatraEM mum HUNDRED . - aaldlars charged as mamma at wounds MOM" la WWI mantled LamaataLlili. • sir 0,11 MIS OWLET STILES!. ippoolLe Uka U. 13:VMZ CLAIM AGENIII :.X',E.N;3I 0 N S, is. 33e,035. Nosvir. sad mints .ur 41. L snips vivant= PROMPIVI. . - iits.*Asu.pAthauicar, Attornevs-at-.Law, 144 ronirren WOuttram sotamtra $lOO Be i* to in Winded BoMom wadimi~rflst,daler Wing pad theto al -with d ik = n abate, - - T. WALTER DAT, Liono l 4 ktthk.D. 8. Goveralaaa. No. till METE unizrri saes! door bans Ski Cathedra evideser 2 .2. 2..•2122.LL kl i c aliß°l49 • - - AT T 0 RN EY3-AT- LA W. 8.8. LICIEWSH, 01.11* mil:errs . . Boantteo toriNiitidwltloldloro *Waded is kr en to twenty dart.. • • . . wi th No. oBGiAirr imam, Mat c.oCall with dliebono Ant two witowww 7Z141 S9A , Plr4fr, c 141,10, .80IINZIEB *Exeloms AlfD, AItREAB.II Or rAY, Promptly attended to by No. if P9tUITII ST., fUttabnegh, Pa. ge71Ma.34,..P --- MILITARY TLALMI3,.... PENSIONS, nourares, BACK PAY and DCILITA.BY CLAMS of every description, eollestee by the sutioriber, at the folloirlas ratoa via s Pinnies" Oa all other claims SAM U. 0. TATlAM,Attersepat•Law, ,Y10..11 Grant street,Pittsburgh, Pa. 1C..11.—N0 albergecare nide If the claim doss net succeed, and all wormattoagliranvatli. MAAS OAR Elll4 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tso. tos Itrrst St2,riv. Pitteurth, MON al Y, ka...vigoretaly atmi *PIaiSIONS, s BOUNTY, PRIZE proecatid. .WRIIZTUNTY.U . . BISSELL'S'BLOCK.. - ' W; Men, 10 ST: CLAITI 'STREET Would call tbrfattentiest I or !Myers ti at e rtOek goods. It has been,ssleetegurith gresto,_at contains all the 'NEWEST STYLES or aoon,s to to found in lent class houses. Gents wishing I ' cult or clothes made to order, will pdesse call and examine our goods and pricer. A/eo, a lull and sompleti"stbek of 33 4 41.22-xsissll23.22s Circpc,4llls. W. H. MCGEE. BINZCILLIIT Wawa, aol • No. le Sr, er.Ant STREET. , r I riS11:10.1•1ABLE . , DESLR J3Lr; LxGvDS FOr openPa routies Clothing, TO ORDER, IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. ; R. B. NORRIS, Ne..!.79 i'ZIDEILLL niM•tawd :.•,~ ~• . OIITAWAY;: - • CURU3ALDI, BIETEOPOWTALif, ron BOYS AND OBILDEDIR .fi-SpruNg Goodo nweived Iskiy by ORLY k LOGAL a sr. °Luz gnu= • - - q 7- , oettiz 117.PNEFP Y, A PRTT- 12, 1 15. GAZETTE ADVERTISING RATES. . 1 *qr. j'i bq I 1 alit ..; ••I I, .o 8 12 5,7 40,4 4 14 $ 9 ,.7, 1 I II 2.3 17 0 ' ::: t 1 3 0 , Y - 9: 170 1 r : 5 5 . I4CO 3 101 400 210' 5 llO 760 400 600 1 701 275 115 1 17 2 7t i 17 :0 0 79 ' ll : ' 7Ol : 7 6: 4 1 0 11 20 75 12 00' 17 95, '9 MP 9 t 100 1 2 Z. % 1.0 8.gi I: 1 31 i 14 ' 9 ,° 31 10 '" 1111:7 One time.. Two tines Three time Four times Fire times. Otte eek. 'kir° eeke nue° e One mouth Two too's.' Three mo'sl Six months! Nine moVe One Yeer CSIANOILLBL2 LDVOITOEXENtA For one square, changeable one time each week, marinee to the Immwfinte butanen of the rarer. Oder. All larger adrertisentente to exact propor tion: One month I I 9 36 • 6001 •4 70 93 00 Three months—l 17 201 11 415 860 00 'Bl. months 24 00 19 00 16 76 10 50 thie Year I 60 00 29 ou 24 50 14 00 - 6r Fist - Notices double the above rates. Death Notices, each tomato:, . I 60 Marriage notices, '75 Steamboat advertisements, per trip 2 00 Executors' or Administrators , Notices,—.... 2 26 Local notices, under epeeist head ' 15 " " In Local column... 20 CITY AND fifillfßDAN. flow YYSTIMDAT B INVIENIII6I 01ZITTIL) On Ildonday we were waited upon by an,aged lady, whose anxious and care-worn look .deno ted that she was In trouble. The object of her visit was to learn whether we had published the name of her eon In a list of prisoners who had died In Salisbury, N. C. The name of the boy was given us—a member of company G, 191st Pennsylvania Regiment. On turning to the file the list was found, and on running over the 'Damn our eyes fell upon that of her eon. The Poor woman burst into tears, exclaiming, with tremulous vain, "0! to thlqk that my dear boy died of starvation"! A raw months ago he left his home in this city. full of life and vigor. Although not nine- Len years of age, be was large, well devel oped, and in excellent healtri. lie was among those she unfortunately fell into the hands of teerebels In the attack on the Weldon Railroad, and being hurried off to a booths ,me rebel peg• on, wee no doubt suffered to din., (al his mother fears,) from exposure and stars ation. Our sym pathies naturally became enlisted is behalf of, this poor woman, whose heart-wounds had been caused to bleed afresh on seeing the news of the death of her ass contlaned,• and in anawor to Inquiries "the stated that Eha had reiltiod to thin city for a long period. tier heal:mid followed the occupa tion of a draytnan for twenty years, and they lived comfortably' enough until the war broke out. She bad three sone, all of whom entered the army. One of therm enlisted early la the war, rectlved &serene wound In action, and has been for two years in hospital. The other two enlisted within the past year. One of them now tills a martyr's grace. while the other. is in hospital, mitering from chills and re `qtr. In recounting these adversities, the dis tressed mother, although choked with drier axd blind with tears, corsoled herself with tiro rod thin that she had always treated her boys kindly —and throwlrg aside her shawl she exhibited her right hand shrivelled and contracted., ex claiming "Altborblb derived of the am of • that band, I always kept my children nest, clean, and comfortable, mid endeavored to make their home happy.' ller mind inn hack to_the than wh...c these brace men- , aoldlers or LIM Union— wag:. happy boys about- her. areat.le; and doabt, less the last thoughts of her poor vb.:icor boy RUC of that happy honie and that tendavlosiag mother. But, alas thereto $ arab= ettakter to the Wa tery Of this poor woman. Her husband, who bad been 111eirtag, troni , rolismuastory rhettnts thus; and unable to work, became so nvortuan. dental with grief, Liar the- exalt:neuter hit two remaining sons, who were the solo support of the &dilly, that his miudgave way, 10 in a dt of - abertatioh he escaped to the Allegbeny river an*. drowned himself, 'The wei g ht of sorrow caused be thlisad. event had not been lifted from the heart of the widow, when the news of the death of bey son falls like a pall over her soul. After the dosth of her husband, she sought the. weans of support through bar own exertions, but she to setudir In want—destitute of 'sultabbi cloth- TE2=l lug for herself and two !lighters, and without mans hi pay her_rent. - Is .not - her tam i- sad one? In theta days of , ms sWM:ln hall we forget the widow arid OM inherit Th are doubtless many eases or Want throughout the commutity, but hare is n'erate of peculiar hardstdp, brought to the knowledge of thcattands, and we appeal for aid 1R har.nebalf. Ott appeal le unsolicited . .on her port, WI any donations left at thli MU& or addreswed Omagh the malt to .15ympithy,r 64101111 toildoe- , Pita h, ‘lll be duly ackhowledged appUed forher bal e Ir.. now many will respond to thli appeal? How limey will mina to this poor - Woman re-' lie—and how many will "pass ky oa um other Petroleum •at , rotents. Petroleum, like. Suitt nisi ditcOrexics has boreglOroik to the Patent 011 lee.- the last all inciti4ttotlO64,,thlrti , ,isteits mere/mod for horing4rilkolerieeelor ortooshig jakingleo end otter dew. FaatTnctioas from the sans or the locks; methods of pawing ,and udder linlagioll hand% sm.. to se) , nothing of the almost matter adaptatians of petroleum to xnastieg purposes. -:lftterelvan endless vitrirt7 of lalieeme bi eftdelr reek oil Is 'Omar verted,leltr dial, scents, etc, and twiny or these Izoreatioasara bed..iseeret. large ntuntweef applleittons for pateete yet remain at the 10011 nnexatetned, and fresh appileatkata - are • eon- L ttauttlypouriag. lo,kidtzealog quit the proltett year to be even mote peollfle of hire:Wane in lids lucrative field than the last: • . Sudden Maths—nom, Boyd, themeely of Alleghenyy. but "latterly, melding at Mascot% near Asslth's Terry, Sewer minty, died .end .denly,at Massimo on Saturday nfght, of disease of the beat.• The deceased- was Wing oe the bank otthe river eapgal to - ashlar, "ratted be suddenfi fell back and expiroL An inqutai was held di thetsidr, and a *mina at death frosna* oral aatroas rendered by , the Jury. no body will be brought to - Allegheny on Wednesday =sr Ins forAnternient . • Death of a Relesuied 'Prisoner.--thirlss Wesley McKee, of the 191st Reitman, who was captured on the Weldon Railroad la August, lh&t, and remained in prison in Sallsburyi N. O. until the Ist of March, at which time he was ex- • changed, died at Annapolis a few daYs,since, and was hurled tr.day from the residence of his pa. re...tr, on the corner of Fulton and Bedford grate. Larceny of a Carpet.sacir.--A man named Chbbln was arrested today,, at the rail road depot, on the charge of haring etclen a carpet-sack from the Second Street Rouse, be• longing to 'James Moore. The sack hail been broken open. and a pair of pantaloons, rattled at eight dollars, had been•taken oat and sold. alb; bons was committed to Sad for trial. Aramult and Dattery.—Jobn Davin waa committed to Jail this morning by Alderman Nicholson, charged with assault and battery, on oath of James Park. Jr. Ilelieu's 1)ollar Monthly. for May, received arta for sale by W. A. I:llMadam , . • SPECIAL LOCAL Nurtcr.s. VIONJUI W. East, pulite' lihste Roofer, ass Dealer in American Mate, of various orders. Menet Alexander Laughlin's, near the Waiter Worios, Pitudrergir; Pa. •Residenee, No. 'fd Pike street. Orders promptly attended to. All work warranted water , proof. Repairing' done at the alsorteU notice. -No charge for main, provided the roof is not stated sitar it is Out on. Meacrat - ltentoa.Flie attention of purses& ere is directed to the brilliant assortment .01 Fall and Winter Goods 3nat received by our friend Mr. John 'Helen No. VA Federal street Allegheny. His Stock comprises arca varlet, of Fang Froneh, - English,.Bcotelt and American Cassimeres and Cloths, and firm Silk and Cam! mere Vestings, all of which 'will be made cp to order in the-la test styles and in the beet' manner. A choice selection of Farnishbtg GMais also os mind and for sale, together with • a full stock of Beady Made Clothing; well ad fatbionably aerie. • • . •_ "The Apostle," sold the Elder, "was moved ,by many kinds or doctrine." "Yes," replied Hrs. l'artlngton, looking over her - sptacles at tkeElder, "there's where he was Wrong. ' . What did he want to try 60 many.kiodiof doctrine for when Pinkerton% Wahoo.aull • Casey& Bitters would have kg* hint perfectly: muter./ The Elder confeased the thing had never struck him" In that light befoul, and 'the. cdd lady , 'lrtur going on to elucidate fluther,,wheulter attention was attracted by Ike, who was.,trylug to pour some Bitters down the cat's throat nah-11 TAILOR, TWV , II , IrV7 good mea !fantod for the Mis sissippi Gunboat Bonstdrou: .11Mmty $7OO. p al per month from 817.50 to - 1131.59., Call at No. 11131arket strt•et;littstmrgh,lmmedlatoly. gob. bastes famished for one, two or three years. Late Quakennaster Ifistlaalvollhmsdron. wzd LEONILED.MMc . • ,r BEDS ADdMS 13antIst„ . ; Connolly* ft.1.141 - 41orniiiir - of Damon !sad GRA.W' - 111111W , 00. Theodora RobbinsabiasaLlanos,-, Ones week we t w ti e m e zi: Dor. i I=EE1:1 nwrrisriai: X SCE I VIC Cr US gCIMNITFIC AMKRICA.V THUS SPEAKS OF THE Wheeler: - Wilson Sewing Machine, Which should be eonedered by those who dense to 'punkas* the BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. We are haring a great many Inquiries gor Bea. irg ltarglAta from various parts of the acqtatth and as we cannot conveskieitly reply totheia is by we bane thought It proper to state onr trelm lop In regard to them in this public manner. We have pied Wllsodle patent manufacared by tka whetter & Wilson Mannfacttutng Company, mad we can sag In regard to it, that it In arithoti rivaL Yt le simple, not easily put out of order, and, in 'paint of effectiveness and finish, no other machine stands ahead of it. We state this much f• regard 'to she sisellent machine upon our MA , responsibllif. Ocimpany hose Wade \ and mow, during the test th ree months, 10,416 uhdbines, and are cow produdlng , and selling inn per day They vary to price from 660t01150, the medium priced ones tell best. In their bustles, there I, over 14,000,1100 to Tested, and they keep inenbegularlyemploye4 manufactaring ianchinos:' The system pursued Is the same am that adoptedin the niansfitsture of arms; every piece Is made to a inii6s, sur} sense. quently, the parts of any • machine may be trans posed with those of another Machine of the UM sire ; dr shouldan accident occur, the broken part cat immediately be replaced on application at the ogee. Salerno= No. 27 Fifth St, Pittsburgh =MU jAiNES BORN, 136 Wood Street. I~lt - tilalzruiargany Par., ➢EANUFAOTUEEft OF IMIROVED BORING TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt and other %fells. Toole warrautod tilde atria very beet 3.11LT11 .AND LOW 1400)1 1.21.011. . WELL SOIIENS TEILEISIILD Xicovv , o/st C7sliski 3P4rioeow Wltnansh articles u necessary to salaam% srm ANVIL . % t HATORETS. BELL() VCs. ! SAWS titIVIES, 1 ' Nel A k a! j i HA/LLAMAS, 1 WltliNelmni. S tit MEL.% IC6S, PLAN* P 5,.." LEVI 3 AMEN . I NAILS. " lui., - ROPE. LEVERS, LID CVErACE 33 3EIMierXIV GF. anct Ali of ',Wail hams colvtantly to store. .1.31,10.11 s Nunes. 10 ovirzians. OF . DRA.YB. HACKS, act. halt Ponc e Is hereby irtreato all owners of Drays, , thorlaree, Buggies, re., whether radars% or ao..pretreat to the City of Pittaborykto Pay their Licensee at the Treasurer's orate of the city o Pittsburgh, forthwith, in amordarier with as Art ef •Areembly. approved Karel 110y_ Mel ‘ and ea 9,111. wee, of Um tromells of th e Mr ot-Pfttakorits word Aotil t 4 tam. ' AU Limoges not p aid on or before Kay 1.1,19111, will be placid In the of OM Chief of ?otter, for eellerMon, subject to kW fee of 60 resits for the .rollertron thrusof, nod ail moot whomegisot or rehire to LU. -rut Llama trUl.be subject to a peasant* be reeoverad beton the Atayoroloubls the amount of the Limner, Tbe old metal Distal of previous years must be retnnitd at Me timalArearro ore taken out, et pay mats theritior. EAT OF LTOENSE. Ural Doe hone ret.d.elo. II 7 le sate two hone 11 IM Irsch tour hone " ....... is ea Each two boas haft: 1/1 la Catalbuage and Matter Mesh drawn by 1w bosies,,t4hteen dollars eat& Tot each additional lima ma la "air of tbs aboratrableta%=. W. ELOHRIAILOtty - Prrristraan.rabruary tatb.ms, ____ 611461NZiATI Lk tD woos:;. PIPE A" N'CORMICK. & GIBBON, XV:a.. 3.9 hurt .13:1332.1t3a: CHlq37l - 471, OHIO rola to orda rxemi Lutists':Ms cit'ait mated walla sad sin. • Maas Ju t tVia* f00t, 1 3 oad-upariada. Par ni r rip or la li a s g team Mao Tay 21 4 011 . 6 0. 1 w would especially ak air alma a kw :al Proprietors a eV Watts cad Or ,Pa , aaalauul jUILEY,TARRELL & CO., • P U ISI It 13 arta= abaci RllKANsiazt Nsitterril, DEALERS of REARS WORK, =vYPB 'TUBING, - . • • LEAD PITS . . and every verietY of WATER, QM. OR. STEAM sple . • - - ORDLNA.IiCE , A.MENDLNG SEC- A. TION ad of .131 apter XVI, of. the (Mil QM& &wired, Tiat lectiodad, of tikutpter lats. of the Oily (lode, entitled •!.ttection Procluots,” be sod the same la so sanded tact hereafter all election to be aeld. ill the 'second pracinet of the Fourth (Caro , shall be bald at the Public School House, on South Canal street, Instead tillAn'ltottas oftiasob Ftwok, deo ' d. • Ordained and reacted into s law this, the ath day or Arattoutho Dombio,pne • thousand eight hundred and misty-eve. . . • •• • JAMRS MARSHALL, SIMON warm., Fiat. of Common Vouncil. Allot : a A. MAOFEItRON, Y. C Al i c•O vk O o N i T7 B 2l.l 3*wwil. clerk of Common ClonnelL - • • - SEEDS, GRAPE TINES, FRUIT TREES, FARMING AK) 61111DEGGII IMPLICIUMIN Also. Coopers and Gardeners 'Taal AND HARDWARE GENERALLY. Sir Nan stock lust received at • DRUM & BLAQKB No. 284u:410 OHIO t3THEZT 2 6 TEAR'S SKEW: MOB M einatoMiiked the flute PROF. 1.3=41 MAGRI= OIL untie oalrreiloble oars for thoumiellees, Medealsla Old Sores, and Falai of all Minds.. • • 1911eold et the old prlee . or Waist' per hottl - SDION,JOILMSTON, Solent,: ;ell 2- dee. Smithfield and-lth eta' OTIoN REMOVA.L.-100 SMITS .A.v FIELD STREirr-Tas welaknowsr , t)ObV MltylltlAL 541.4.. ROOMS, eetabhehed"tor tha , leteJohtfXl, - Delia 'thr netterettlonuldreloa Aye time buzlneew, tore bean removed to theintwetand In SPLANE'S BUILDINCRI,II:6 Sattlideld next to censer of Fifth street, sad Immealetely . %mate the rartofftee, where public Wee of all elailee of rehendlee wllrbe formerly . ne inn derelened, er eP y day and evening - . ra - - The Ocoond floor hu been fitted up for the seem. modelle* -of tne • reveler weekly Wes of Stools, Bomla. Beal Effiltat ige., oenrenlent entwine{ at the rear of the room: dlreetlY frets I nth Ma** , ll" addlttott to lealde entranee Vora end fins loot • apt 7 A.- taalimedllell,.Anationeer, • IVIPAITT,B • 3P4TrilririliXeCri?ke AMR Twi Dort and-AMP* 'RAIN 'DEM SIWG JIRD 'N=WHATINT.:,I*- thir osarkat—Prevated only Pr . W:PVi'ig ao., senders! it, - , Ail e g hea rr'l l 4 / a/ , a ! l e /WA" VAST STEEL TEETH, for S=, 8 ALe al and Grath Bakes, of Any shape ran - , Eir and Cprala!lnkea manoilinnai nuir . - &mu 14814m : 0, APO's* mils E3agist , WOES. BouT6 AND SEIONS hT F.81VX4:7 1=.11.7.7CE113... Selling Oat .at a Very finnan Advanes. ABOVE 60gT.• tow the time to secure good bar tans. Call inform Gold Calm nuotheerlse. Nose Is the time to gel, 3 our BOOTS-SHOES, GAITERS, BALMORALS, • CHILBREN ik.MISSES SHOES, every deKriptloa, at J. U. BORLAND'S,- SS Market street, 2,1 door from 6th. AI D.—l would take this method of in- I. • Aug the 'public that 1 have concluded to to co. , lene In the MT AND SHOE TRADE, AND WILL REASOTE FROM 13640 033 3reclore4 ALLIS/lE2lr CITY, APRIL 3i.!. Al I hayi elated oat my old slosh, and have now the adsentag , of buying l'roora depromed Eastern „market,l wlll, be able to offer superior lnducements to my old Wend( and the public generally._ aps w. K. bIetILIMOOIC. REMOVAL. . , • WE HAVE REMOVETt-TO • 68 MARKET STREET. ANT) WILL °PEP(' Cinax• •X\Temcr Stools. OF BOOTS,' SHOES & GAITERS on MONDAY, April to 1986. The patronage at our friends and the public laromeetrutly sollotteL , sovru & nommi JAMES ROBB, Vo. *$ Markel, Siren liirl;LS TILE DIST, THE NEATEST FITTING, And THE MUST DUSABLA Of say holm la N► cltif • Re h. just received a a..v.l4mM Fall Stack. hlak, TRH "STAR" WORK! .rust DECEIVED BY GEORGE ALBREE, oil a CO., No.. WOOD STDEET. Ova' and Tooth's Heel Be!morale; taord s ree; " Boman OldlOren'a Goat. and oea. , The. goods aro made to cmLapeetal order, sad re warranted unequalled OUJI work. not& T : E DALTON • FAMILY AND MATICFACITUMING • • KNITTING MACHINE, Tl 4 } simplest sod most effective Knlttlag Machias es r savaged. lestruettoas tree. Call .and lee them In operation, or semi for circulars itid us . S. P. CABPEITEL, OZNEFAIr AGENTNI Plttelrstrith. W YoL At /MANDEB WHILLDIN & BONS Hvw, . Oecepyirig T heir Nev Stores. _ _ ill it 23 loci!' 1re468.44■1 111 u zieque et . ; Pa 1 14 .033 . I.l l ',:virtra...th i ztatibt. th e" i nate"Awli tt.lirit eeastgemeara a WOOL, .WOO LEN YARNS, and COITUN Teems, awl will mate CAbli *dramas, it deolowi, ow. au saipmests, as b e rate ot_sts per eest.par seam. Oria2o4 ISAAC, c.Welo OUTLET BAT MIL. 9.ND BARGE YARD Criig weet..illegkray .. ok, ON ti 11.11 N M SN'Th. • • • • • I ear WM Penh Blew Potatoes, la berrelt f. . , • de ?la seeks; 10 Able Jersey Plekebk, , ISO boxes W. E. Otkiessi . • 16 , do Feeler, Asi 100 leethelePrinke Willie Newt fao.d. Pitoe s =Appleea • . . 0 bele du** Ones tiptoe; Able Ap le Baum Just tosidupd at 10. straw» .pit • . POTITA, t SHEPARD, Pltia T113 0 11"11. 2(1 . r eli k " .11 111"1"r antat - NUMMI. grave la mannraiat; aa KT. - a 1 Walla it Itaa so . rot: d*pladty, databltlig eaanallaa ltla aasinalli4 b arlCalast lambing ariaotor• olhea . so tag PllDUlkind Praia only to b• Mom to Is appardated. 11. will. boy quill, teak at Igo& MW wad awmalas tar yank if llt4oppeana IVILV : - .WI. Nagisibor. GEREALL -DEAXIGIMNG 01710 E AND; PATENT AGENCY.. No.' IS ST.' GLAIR 9T.,, mar Susipsnalon Etddge.• Nrsiolop sad eabnati• Cons for Etas* ErsiNnes Snd MlC , Unerr Melt PLUM spedllostioni for Xanutsotatiss, annies sad ANtirtootorsP Drsalsorsilesps sad . Goolatal eans' Sandultrassantad. RaMasse VZFLUEU 00111110LISII OP ALIJOIRIXT T O otraiT,_*A.; • Prtirsaunnadlortl 6th. IM. TO COi•ITRAOTORS.-13$4 1 D—P O. POSI,L3 will 1W rendre.' by this aloe `EMU the - nth. inst. inclusive, tot the inPilleAK end re' Ml= 171.1:-Prt.= of =Rolterd, in Lallans, toiraititp. Particulars on applisation. direetiost et the CountfOosendscloners. StENitt LAMBERT, Uonthollas. 'SMEN'B inratiqu ARTERS, ~rox~ WO WOOD STREET. . • a...lm= azscrecrw Invites Lb . a natantloa of =ratan and others u his splendtd stock of OLIN POWDER FLASKS SHOT BELTS and POD DRAM FLASKS and ammunition of orrery kind. Ws stock in Um Wad ever invuldd to tbin ado 111011 811121 L STEEL Stock Broke re and Real Estate Spills ethos MuZht and ma assiwilvety on issuing Sir 0 1111 a WILK:HSI! WILL EMI= FANCY GOODS,I. , BASKETS, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, evet7 variety, &mil, II JA fll4 . Prepare. Itxrizoir DRAWINGS And ' EIiIOOSH MATIONS, for all kinds of buildings, And StlpeD Intends-their erection on ressonabbi terms._ Sr Oahe on - ANDERSON BTRIESTd betineen Leoluk end Robinson. Allegheny ;As 'NUMB YOUR 11MISRELLA.'.. FORTES PATENT UM NON,E.A. ',pox price from 11 GO and upwardi. For sale by , E. P. CIAItPEI2TM, ' No. 21 Filth Store. salami 91/011.11 110011 G RIGGS et t3COTT,. inps orry-mers - woRK miwortav tinier of Cfmt aid dram= itioniiln liabargta • noir EXPRESB—DOOLITTLE &PBC93; J. , at so and 'iv Water greet ars lAJT roc , ilvtardisily agrrarAftzst wi. 4eg era. PAPER - ELLIIIARB AM) WHITE - WASIMIS mat on akati, cotta te thase)n* • urs. R. =GEMS 14811101. 101 TALL PArBERS.—The amen &Mimi ao o w M t a e ;rot l a jtsrAlieri u gr i : • . Iros. itnanza ago, - 8 do Np.22_l to krriveland tor ski". by )4410 ' - MASAN. =KEY. 4 00., 4.131iED cases is store CAnd , , &pi ' - : • - • and....21)1..m0nd. NV . BI'IIC- r..1,11.X7-200bbla for sate. by own 4. B. CULNETISI. 110131111).8143 :13BNIENT.-100 barrels 'n'T roe eidebt WM= IL =AM% B.rlJr.Kll Jill 134.44CE1U. - (prow,. • v. itirotOrr, P • ed. MOW, • (Late with 1.r•05.:-St7•Errair..) Poticrrt Bias or Pn-r?..acicosq •C. tloreraiserit Degaut • Prrriorosou,Febtuary is 3, VMS NOTICE. --WISHING TO FURTHER ••*, tbmi design et Clot • NATIONAL BANK LAW. TO PROVIDE • Uniform System of Currency FOURTH NATIONAL Bin OF PITT OSUROII,' ' • aa and after Febillari let;186, metes are reedular Depoaltora, ansteinzers and dtafers, . . cmnExcr -or rxit. By this acme th• publis will *Maim PAR MOiIIT FREE OF ALL CHARGE Is esstmase Tor their ourcenci. By order of the Boerd. , ANKiNG HOU N. HOLMES & SONS, No. 67 market Street, Pittsburgh I/EPOS/T . B RECEIVED is PAR FUNDS ♦ND Collections main on all ttiope alma points :Of thr United State" nod no. BONDS AND 7E= SEOBBITIL BOUGHT ANDSOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attenUon paid to the , purchase sad auk of usual Biztes Ma of MI; Do. 6.205; Do. Fives, 10.400; Do. seveipniraeß; Do. DWlHallos or InAcbtateess. ORDERS AND TOOONERS BUNGEE OR ---- - D OLLAR bAlia4oB. BANK, NO 65 FOURTH HT/W . CHARTERED IN Mk Open daily from 9 to 2 o'clock, also on Weineo day and Saturday evening, from May ist to No somber ist,.from 1 to 9 o'clock, and from November tot to May lit from • to A o'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not.lesa than Oni Dollar, and 14 dividend of the profits declared Orin a year, in June and December.. Interest has been dmi 2 red 'lrrirt-onnuallY, in, June and December, since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six -i i=t, Viol dawn out, fa a d to the credit' of the depositor ea principal, sad be the seer. intereft lion . meld hay. of June and December, depositorsdin call . ce • year without troubling the toor even to present his pass book. At this rate spongy will double in lams than twelve years. ~ Books, containing tile Charter, By-Laws, is and RegOlatione, Dalibilwg grail., on app in at tbeonce. pasartmar—GEOßGE .W.illEE, William J. Anderson, A. AL Pollock, K. D:, •'' Jobe O. Flackofan. - ' Robergßobb, •_ - • • Benj. I...rahnes Jotaill:ShognltorVer. -, Dunes Herdnian, . . . James Riddle, , • .. James Mc/Luley, ' * ' Alexander , Lase Id.,',Peanock,' COMO= lesgerf - - - - Jo h n Adams, . lianzi.J./.jaCh,. John C. Bindlay, Peter A:Madeira; GeorgalLsk... - - -.-7-- - John AloarTZ - airier, - : Jams: B.- D. Moldy , Chance A. Colton. .......r.,44.. wa.Dolsglas, John J. ' . William Pa 3.46nEviLAff66, Henryl' L.llll ' . ' 1 watt= S. Haven, Alexander Tlndle, , Peter EL Hunker, William Vanktrk,` Manuel Hays, . WEL P.'l3/imiaik Jas i vrl s a- , bane Whittler. ' • AS. A. OOLTON _, . . • geerctery—JA.l222 . l U. TA BIZZDA. . ' TUTTALSTTEY DT:PIa.T.MENT; 0 :Oa ooNreltOidXit 01rTECIL 0112.1113FCr; ur Wiaabdttin, March 24d,180. H2BR KA 13 , . -BY SATISFLOTO Y V T 4tviapaso pessiesit• the sumitasiptd, Ikkas Vas' ismilitoP appear that, FIRM NATIONAI. BANP OF 61016101. the Mann& of Birednituna;in. NM county of termand State of Peuurequania, booboo' duly under and aaording to the ',squirmiest/ •Zarma - Te - ts of Congrese entiUM""An 'Aot to pro; • ride a Nattimal Cummy, aeounei by es do.of - Melted Males Needs, and to provide for the Mem. lotion Ind redemption thereof," ATIWOVO 3 ". • ft, WIN sad hateemplled ' with all the proylaleni of said Mt required tole eoa b Ad withbefore Oar- Leach* the beldame Of under meld aott . • Now !therefor*, Fonswes Lamy, Gemptrol.... kr of the Chiarenoy, do hereby entity that , ,./bn ?hest National Ba c k of Hiratiashark" in the bor.: cub of Eirminglutm, In the county of Alleshany, and Stets of Penasylvau In authorised to mw mance the bosiness of Bngutider the Mt slow void.. . .1 I Chz*reney Bureau, lit titithnony whereof. - . peal et the . . witness mylendaarlseat . Oetottroller of Um of. ofeht u r .101414,sy•I " • ' TRISEISMIT DEPAITMENI, . • Cintch Ooirrriotase rus Chnutelai, Wesanrcieetr,SetettyyW, tees. WIVETWAB 'BY WUSFACTOR ' liVidetiee presentee to the setiterttgamt, tett mad* to appear that thli; , , . SECOND' NATIONAL-. WV OF 'AUION,EPIY.. -. -- .. . . _. 'isctlitt ,city ,_bf Aieghent In Vie, em pty' fof . iille , f= a ulal l an f d l =jllT l de bu tes_.=lTi of tha acts of Conmessi entimod ...Ann.' to pew vide a National Chnenoy; secured try a isio Of United States Bonds, and to provide for the. circu lation arid redemption tbereof,r approved June ad, 1e64, and bar complied With ail wi th lovisions of said act required to be - complied tefore cora mencing the business_ of blinking ander said Oct ' 1,./(Von LiCoei, 00illitrilliff of thitur rem7, do hereby certify that ..The Second Nation - ALe een°l Bank thVA h lun. Y o C ills i tet °all of of serilvailfa,le i ralpited u t t o commence "shard . 1, In teeth . Currency Bureau, _:non/ whereof • Seal of the • 'witness my hand end . Comptroller of the seal of Milos, this ad day . ; Currency. of £ebrnary,lsll6. Treastuy Department. , - 111.8130L1MON . OF -- CO-PARTNER.' EINIP.—The Partnersldp hatutotora adding U PlONrsigned,_ under the dna nante 0111:311 & 00., - tor the manage:turner Silver Pearl and other Seam, has this day been dissolved • b 5 mutual cosiest. SAMUEL br. Pittsburgb. Sept . StbOalu, 55511n555 r • - I. Y. Zia : WM* IPENIIIIDY ift • issiairsra to miliaplolf 4 co. xthinfacrnraings or . • . J. G. LASER'S, Silver Pearl and Superior gosin Soaps, de2l LISNIITY STEEET. rn•rsenak tyd . , D18801.15110N 9E .. PATt7E.EIPI4P-- PIE=I3 - a HEIST, foi • L tl. . s . isnua day cituolvett., ee name Of he arm May be toed Oy either of the butane, only So the . Ilquldattoo of the b4.oga baldness. plifibuegb; blitetCrith:lB6o.,mbMtf • COPAETNERBiII.P. ,, • - - .. . We hate alunkteted W i th 'ne In the lour, pale and metal produce Internees; JAMES JORMON.end . JOHN isoILLELEIN, • •partnentip Wine FEB. EttrA.W i r Uti iliter the mateof Pattertengskeeten "'ARV ,I t I. O If EL roux; ZANE DOHS DOVAIIIIT sum um= &Hain:PM:MRS, VO. aßmithfleld St.. Pittsburgb. , . . ' LETTEEENO or _ma. - MIME eseautea ;promptly Lid with uninupassed BEAuTilaft. REHM CARDS - On enameled • ;'paper of ail colomand OILT sit:lNp ON GLASS:. ' mute to ordct sad saki to W puts of Monona:IT:: PICTORIALDESIGNS emxutellinditishitat , ' Wife manner. _ BODSE PAID - rrwydons Witlis Altera teittot lability, tuumoy of 'color,' mid 11•499111Cor Au work. az reasons le miss lirE/4441141 ; i9WN, js. (reit* Ot the firma Bacn6 ilLlll;azowi 0 3 :0 49 ) :#19# : '!* 2thli: Mita inn nt,ttot "OUT PIMMTROB. -„,, /LT:-1,000 tali-Fresh Parlomi Halt for Iptt ,;g 3 AUPPt.IT11011104::- ' 4' ALLEM DUNA% Goblet. ={ltEsor STATES. SECITRITIK, tffaLIIDINGI COLLMOTED FILEIDIAN Dosisitrallex of the OunmeY UtIGH NoCtILLOOH, 00motaroller et the Currency .DlSSOLigroorrs. Atiek-Ammir)N. JP4LINT.L'AIVI. JIIRDICAL LDIDSEY'S smaximtcyv-sto - BLOOD SEARCHER, - For Mama of all ateeues *Halal from 'An lime State *f as Mood. strait 68 lietsfuts, Osnotocias Fa-motions.- (Intones. thee/NM; % Iytpsint, Bet* ymples oa taw Face. /ettetL'yes, - ftte Heal. • • trot Stubborn Diann. • ithennuttio Ditoodon. Dionpsis, Oosttritisis, • , jssualon, bolt • • Bretottrial Liver' (Itaiplatot, ' Low Eipt.titt,, , Pnilatonach..ltoatitt• Toittltor with all.othatj • _ Condit Dt ion of the elzonlatory - *ptoot. -As a general Tent tureffectoare mess ' • t., and cannot , tail to benellt,wliete I • . - utt4.pertovortatar ad ..rOSAILIXICO=LIA!a1111 2 Ttse proteetor has Certificate* enough en luta to ell • good sized vAttnos, ell of them the flew will °gluing. of those who have been enrol be doe mood Searcher teemwhich he selects the follow MCP Camp Walt Cared. ' by. laadi4'd limsiod Seotareduer s. - • • ar.,4111 COENTP."er " - Peraweaßy aptWiired 'before me, one of Ike MOO tires of Peace, in sad for Stair couety, Giro. Kopp k whe, being duly aware, awarding to lawidoth pose and ear Two years ago I was afflicted with' polo between the elfouldem, almost doestaaltooV4 loos of a p petit e , Vbilli, night sweets, aid tor/ MO- Jett to take colder • I at length became so weWethel a could baldly Wilk; my - pkysicial did me l l= Sometielelaat fall commenced taking Improved Blood - Seawater; by the use sf awe bog. , ties was perfectly cured. Ifeel safe to recommewl it to all who suffer I , emitter diseases, geosrsl bility, lose of appetite' and other Mumma arisiag .from tmpuritlea or the bleed. liroald not like em -do without It. - I" cormider it antecelleat ifedicino (Sietled,) GEORE KOPP. Swore and subscribed this Nth d G e/ of Merely - R.l) lerifibefore me. J. GOKI.EY, J.' P. . Narm—fdr. Kopp is 'a resident of Irrankstowa, and h welkknovra to the ethane o' Blair and Bed ford counties SA ► moo' of esionleat character sal talluences: • Another Cane of Aerofoils Cured b 7 Lind. . - • t sere BlOod Heartier. If there be any who. etW dart that I.lndsers Improved Blood Searcher !amend will permanenUy. care the most desperate and longstanding sewn Stromlo, let, them mad the following and be coo-' Do.J. W...Lnmesr t I. was affilited . bet of will with a disease, raid by mfehlatollkig . to be M reap a. Fonthe last three rea was WA that was unable to get out of mitred ...11614 -, .11 the re* files and the best.physiclaasl was able to procuns, withoutanrbenedelsi result. -- ,I '-- • ' tinned growing worse until the flesh and akin trete ' • . entirely Wen of the lett aide oU my bee, • • shoulder and arm. My sulTering was so great, I was so far reduoed .. thst tt required the Orbits • ' two persons to ton me in -bed. This waa my *ea anion when Iwu induced by the Messrs. Ralgt o a ' of Ilderten,:to try your Improved Blood Searcher which to' my great relief, and the satisfaction of - my friends. I soon discovered was helping me: I math:me the use of it, apt 'reload nosapidly that , , , • considerably lengthen anapest I we. able to ger about and attend to some of my household dating; ; and the parts affected wens!' -Itealedstp and see. ered with}oung - herdthy Seib And shill, lutd f ao motioned ever sine.; and I now enjoy a Kato or , health that I had . ,!'Hiesis given up impend . • " LI _ Pear Elelerton, A 1111.02021.1 aotudy, ra. Acosta Sib, 1885 . •• • • , • AS ATO (IC It has AO egnat Minim tie MAW . vile miztures• EallaA "Mink" It =cites ark ; appellta, bile gives toile and vigor to tUallAresso EIiWARE, OF 'COUNTEFiFEiTS" F#7o3: Drjaig. waorats“,*-prn Barth, asx!ri, • mi. se and • Tina stivii,Eltubansh,Piu %/PTO Xllo= alllilkeall 1194 till atriAed.. • ' -• AlimAceat far the following medicines: - • •' DeolemPhrerlltomiosithis. Dr: Aber Family Medicine, - . . Brochlei Broneldel .; • citieb lerc•llasioarelioothing. with • line aseottment TooeMde and Nedli • • - ref lirse ~Handkiesidel Mo. „- COUGH BO MORE NEdirrtitrOUS - OOUGH: }AMU": ' triuncrainrs .malstrikravig - ogerari. HAMAN_ In wannitted co outo - 113tioglin, WAN Mominerioss /Mims, Whooping • Voughip nfoog ,Thiont,atinnimption; And atbitions Alt Oa r. Far sOe by rim* rpm% (3=,16 ,• • .... .•- f • • lonia lila Inai the zoom aka% Efg 44. 1 .74.WEM AMOROLEItk .197 - m.i.og the fully outdo weedy forlstartitas ,; . It hi a oambthation ts,titthodanta and - Clannthatlvair and.= • • • Innantsd liandthsS • sirs Alta 131 gura imam ' aama SP. OrLifilYS PILEMIEBM; ~‘n irriaortainki --- oared thousands of .the worn ethos of , -Bleadlng MalitL , lt gins Isunadlidia yydr Web, Druntsta• Goma Ilopot. ISM Amu' omit, Cnaoliuudi. , „. .14)3011481 , Nervousness, w - • via tosommend timisa.sulthrbui • oVt i oyo . tui ll i= " To I=llll 4 Mi eri M,' H. It to • , yerdatast preAregoa, fro* tom Ilquougt,streagtheat whom* aervons gleam , • . it =atm it' good spyrittlfd is waresatad WM , • raz.A.o • Folfitb I !treeS cla Woodso sal* by DIL 0330.11. treet oodi r ksto 011e7,1 ,14 if-E- 1 3 :too., oar= of Wood and - -aftond dzoOl taire. burgh; 4nd by *ABS Bags.., THR GREAT:ENGLISH SIB JAMES : • aeLEBRA TED PENA= PULE+ o on;stription of Sir ChM**. at; • ? re •Vhysi l"n OlarrEstraordirsirg to the Queen. ..This well !wow', medicuse L , no impasttle a sure and sale remedy for rustle ditsi eel Otetzwi, ; from soy cause whatever. mid al though a_powerful . remedy, they sootaln - weer log hurtful - `to -the 'constitution. , To. Mended it la variedly. suited. It will, Ina sheen - time, on the monthly period with regateritg.: • 'nese have never.been kno•ns to' fall white' •`' the directions on the 2d pelmet the pamphlet nrev, , For tell particulars get a.rainehlet,treeiklhe agent.. Sold by all Druggists. trios, 111 per beML. 10 landt Street, New 11.-Itthele Stamps, 'endow! woe • . hutiorized agent, wilt lance a contahsW. , 'over 60 htlL e br return : AdoirGeGar.... A MAN' OF - THOUBAND:-A- 00 SUMPTIVE CURED.=Dr. li'J►7olL9isto * jam Itreduhuialanof great eatinenethdlaeoreregtorittht in the East Indies,* certain cure for Cansume., tlon,-Astlams,Broachiti Coughs, COMM, and Genf , eratDebilirle. -- The remedy was diseessredbf .when , his o nly - child, a daughter, was glen uptta : die. is *Mid was cured, amt is now ally', well, Desirous of be:wetting kis fellow teortaly he will send to those who wish it, eonteinint direetloni tor making. and sumessrullynaturthis semetly;fret,ori. receipt ett.htdrelptues, with tsroJ stampa..ter pay.. expenses.- There is,not .0 .alagjet 4 - symptom of Conalunptionlhafit"does sot It take kohl of and distpsto. Night • swestsiApeerev! Jsbnessi imitation of nerves;thefailure et auttnery,t,, illtlieultexpettoratlon, slump Mies .la„the..innsm„, lore threat, chilly se xistitlons, "Ilt the t r inAch. Inaction of , the Dowels, wasting alVsy: IrtTte Writer wilt please state the name Of ths, :paper they see this iulrertisement Addrasi: • ' • ouAmnopir tc- Co' le.3itolth Second s t r eet, 'Phlifclelphia,,Fe: retaintawdaeottwl, Ji it MANHOOD: ROW 40W MRS-. ;4; TOltEDturt publ,baelly Ina - sealed entat, one. priee,:Slx on taseNature. .abrientrond Radical. Coe •et ..Spermatorrame, • - •1 er Seminal - Nireaknets, Involuntary ' Pshiuledial Sexual Debility,' and impedlmeatle to.'blaniava fry** Oro , t t a e p 31,40 , tl , r1 1 1:40 , 1131 , Lk= Mg from .SelY•dbuie, act.; . wax.r., D.i'Cuther of tbe Green ..floaki . BOON TO c'reNJOSAVDS -, OF BUFF WARW.!: , iNtllt. under aeali In* plain envelope; to oar drestprit:.r4den - reeely_n et kir dente: v e too _ mot tamps, by DIG JOU. By . 24.13,117 erk..Past x•-• FOATI r .. X41213- 'L., .• . - elvoit too a knomiedna seldom acquired by Pay* din& 'INLy "lonr reibl t ested trda city Ind ate ••••• :iadount of 'pattents•trrommaily by amigo:li tedleient roomier me.antests.,. - .• • • 'SPERM,* TO4RliaaomSEKl3l4:i.. :WiLtNiNS Led discubl.miaingikunabolne Ira Mkteal meat shorter ilme z %Veforip,bynip st rr..,.....x..l.. YEGETABLE R - • Xediabsis , ^ - J any mut ef Um Velum bans 11510=1; 11 04 stamp to voy.ottuto ttortetto .M*l3s Til s Atik • Mille - WIC 9fflott 25$ PE*l antr.prZniatirrsit. L." For Os Dare ot'ait ;11tiligeti of ' . „V, tl:44)4t.f!timn4+lllB=lVNl MIOUY= u II4 . IMAM diseoria a the retaltiiiiriluihmal lheli k cure -warn or *bow refttaftl.o4 16)1.1 Wt SP f . '1411140Ma* , .. 11 /0 11 1V . ;1.1. , . E!EMMI