ht Wittoburell 6agittt TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1885. R OBINSON, & CO., ZIN idb IBrals.oram, Rik 75 'Garth St.. Pittsburgh. • • 3Wrscetied in PAIL FENDS and OUR- Y. trt , Colleottone aide to an parts of th e Tfn lied States. Buy and sell at motet rate.: 11. S. flyer cant. 1981, Bonds; 11. S. do. 640 do.; 11. S. 6 per vent. Inde do.; IL &epee cent. Certificates Lidebtednesi; New 11. ft. 7..0 Treasury Notes. • . • They also BUYsad SELL ON 00MISSION , sit the Bove To 3( th, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh Bawds, - all , kinds of Govereinent Securities, Stooks, *Bonds, Gold, ka. ta. ...lahS EIBAII CIAL COMMERCIAL. BROKER'S MID BANKERS' BOARD. Nogiaarrzsairsoznniima.n.iamaitio3 .TIosoAT. ktarch 19M.. , ord. SAM. Allegheay,City tel _ le 101 S's . . . 92,09 90,03 Pitt& k liten'lle shares... -1.00 itsennitge 8ank............. 90,03 ••••,, 1111117h11111.2 "." . 75.00 •••••••• tat Hat4o al Allivheny . . 1.10,03 - L. 29 Merchants f 6 Federal .... . lad FitistOrg.. 1,17 Valley 1,75 Paxton. •- 6,Kr Cherry & Rynd 4 Eso , 73 Tack4,6o • 4th Ward /Cleanest IBeds --- 00 -- The market opened quiet but firm Gold opened at !AN la 'New Ford, and . remained steady at • that gustation until alter noon. Governments and Mocks Melted better.. The only sales reported at morning Board were 20 share; Exchange. Bank st and,2,CO3Connellavillc Monde at 90. - The offerings In Oil Shares Indicate a stagnant musket without any great eagernesa to sell at the preseill drellne. Cherry Bun & PUtsbargh was of feted 1,21 at morning hoard—the lowest point toothed for some time. Rosa at 1,73--without lictUoglivyors. The rush expected by some over. eycr ,on Tack, did not chme off on Setur- day evening. The stock was rpariney offered at $3 `at first call—slipped down easily and gradually, to • 163,40 when a bold Oldicr found there was plenty of It for sale at that figure. $4 was asked at morn ' Lag Boded.- We learn of no street sales during the day. ThepubllO need to be'convinced that the 100 barreierell is not a myth. Theo:was a very fair attendance at the People's Stock Eaohatige, but seller", as usual, were greatly to the ascendancl, and an a general thing, prices ruled ireall and drooping. .Central Beam, sold at an aqande,l,33, while Roam. COOT Runk Pitte 'berth and Oil Creek &Cherry Nun, were offered at reduced quotations, 'without Striding buyers Bereebeek was Moderately actlve,bui at a Night decline, while laerry Run b. Blood Farm sold at about pnrilomilates. Rkile sold down toile, and was sebiequently at this figure, withal finding takers. Annexed will be found a report of the oleo: • • 400 snares MOW 8010 1 25- 6.0 CherrriLun 6. Blood l 1 &Lye-- 63 00 10 ' rseek.... 1 g 40 so ,41.5 n Bo U en . gg 160 N , u .-- • • 138 .• 1 W 1161 liatitinal, of Pittsburgh'............ W SOO " 'Pittman:o lr. New York • • 1 56 WOO " Ritchie. 600 Tarr, BOIT Cberry Run.....-... 110 The eierodogn and bldg leere foifows: '-4-114.7. Asked.. Bloodjaraillt:Ohlo 1 70 . 6 10 Central 110i10......_.. las . .1 so Oherry Run Central.....—.. 1 60 3 00 Merry Hunk Blood--; 106 1 213 Oheery And 13. Pittsburgh--- Ire ' 110 ("hoary Run le pit 93 • 16 - Dusk Creek • • 00 70 1 1' 4= 80 . Ito Fleming. A • •11117rod . • 3 1M Germania, ef llttaburgh 6 00 . I.l " Teolit t lniarldintag = " - Mete/tants' 41 65 McAboy Cherry Hun • • -NI - National Refining & Storing.... it OS . Ohio Valley Oil Creek h Cherry Run......... 356 ~ 416 . Pittsburgh 3 , , nazi ,. '1 23 3 50 Paxtotli... .. . .... . .011 33 'see ' Pittsburgh& New York I 161, --- Revenue • • 1 lb Ritchie"'' Roes I 10 1 00 Brno r ! ............ 176 IN 71 Styr Welly 1 O nset •Petroleuitr, - of New York., .2 93 -• 313 Uniori Lubrie 60 50 Western: Pennsylvania— 131 63 Vhltelepreek r-76 WO The 'New York There of Saturday, noticing the Endue/toren gold ways fresh decline in the morning, latheabsence of Inter military news, was alleribed Input to the failure last evening. of one of. the heaviest of the pro-Southern Gold dross in the Room. involving the odorant settlement 0f...a very large amoapt of contracts, and the precipitate gait of a large &meant oftJoldwhlch they had lent out and had:to recelre back in one, day's notice. The ccesto •, n on organized under the eacitem "at of last it ummerbiGold speculatiaa, from the South. west and Montreal, andhas,been operating stone in the Interest - and with Pm supprirt of seccoh ref ugees and sympathizers- in t . anadn, Kentucky New York, &a They were reported to hove mad. large profits on the Ilse In Gold for themselves and their Mends, which, on the present turn in the opi site dliesition, hare probably not been all reimburs ed tothe street, so far at least as the distant cor. respondents of the house are concerned. . Neer Tort Dr* Mirada Trade, March 23. Wltffl. fell InGold-y.IAM a month ot about fifty per cent.; the Maids Market could hardly be other_ than dull and unsettled, though the period one a tired wheel the opening of navication rcun'ir Imparts to mercantile centres a kmad decree of ac tivity, and buoyancy, by Cringing the different see- Dons of the Country into comparatively easy, cheap and quick communication. Bat this lesson is a oonspiccoue exception to all general rules. The gigantic stride's Which the great limos armies have made towards - overthrowing the rebellion, have changed, as If by magic, the entire commercial all ratios. - Renee we are is the midst, of an appre heard= bordering to that which was expressed tut year... Though the Dry Goods interest her remain. almost-unscathed until within a short time ago, this la no guarantee for the future. If Gdods to say amount had to be forced on themarket at thin stare, there is not the least doubt that many .Dry hoods firms would go to the wall. This ascertained by glancing at the lore. Dos sales from week to week. Almost every sale //barest reduction from its immisliate pied etea; sore And Its sales are almost without exception at immetile 'sacrifices. Truly the prospect is dark esough.. Cotton her steadily fallen, until now It 11 scarcely above 40 cents iser round. against iD,Th the highest point touched-during the war; and yet the_3ll,ooo to 400)00 ,bales of Savannah Uottou re- Modn'undlspOsed of, and when sold, es It must be, another break will te Inevitable. Great as. Is the fano( Cotton, however, many goods are relatively lowerthan the raw material, sad they could In few hattances be mannfactu_MLnow atazay profit what. tver--.Shipykso Ltd. , - Baltimore Martel, March 23. Uoffee-4: l otdinties MIR, %Bough therm Is some In , qulri,.With Wee of leo bp Rio et 2t emits. 'sae 103 do rim atZletutsgold, the later equal to 36 cue ourneell withgold'atlso. Fleor-le suit unsettled; we notice .1. today Of VIM& ILO ward - street Super sad otdo cut .8:• . tra 118,83%; also; 000 bbis Ohio Estes at $10; MOM eilleaJli• holding good Supers lira stela TI btu. Ali otherdisicriptions ere nominal as before Grain-Wheat-To•day offering light we eat tee sanei.f VA bushels Kentucky white el $1,2141,117, mat Bruhriseter) land do tit 10.1); no sties of sou aal,4lma. gets-:1.0 bushels. white and 300 longhair; yellow oft ercd, ao des of either kind re ported en +Change. - oms-1030 bushels recilyet, wife sales at S4O ,trushcis St 80 cents Measure, and ISO do at 90 cents weight. le ye-a 'sale twd ay of RILI bushels at $1,66 per bushel. Provlsions-Are very .dull; We report further aaleeof 4JO tibia Prime/leas Pork at PI, and queue alcsrlit - r3013.11 per bbi. Bulk Meats are not offer. ed, and no one disported to make Inquiry for them. Biwa° II dutiriod la fever of buyersi s sales of Shout dere et ingßail cents, Sides ;6315getl cents, end Itaarsll4ll centeper pored. Lou el cents in job bing lota, round lots wooll not bring incr.:4lg eta for Western bias. Butter to very dull; we quote lieu 264504 center - New York State Vitale cents per poised,. to qual ity; Western Steen - 0,24QU eta; Oradea, 851110 cents leer pound, very little Inquiry, ants thew quotatious me difficult to realize, Km ne nd e r t Zl r ov d e7 . l:%csree,.partieuisrly prime; sOO. plea on tre - epot were worth 417,60@i1,16; Tim thy dull and nominst at 14,35; Vine, no de mand, wu the loot offer to-day, bald higner. Segar-R0 sales today. runrket.very !toady; fair c r,t er t !itgrfo l golirct pa t'u rl t . "a" Wbleky.,-Pro sales ' 156 P York Wool Market, M.rch-23. slgsktitsie inertia ls kW the ruling feature in the siMeitet for tioniestle Fleeces, and pricers have been ruidered still more Uncertain by the violent linctu. Webs to Geld. Foreign is also exceedingly dull, , and :Leeman of both imported and Native have hero very light, the .manufatturers confining their ruches'stothell :not presides wants. At the anaticin Weal damaged Cape on Wednesday, Lot bolo wetroknocked down at prices ranging from 33 • se groats, averaging about II it; WI damage '.watinittmated ot6Ql 6 vp. cent. tre y .T Auction se:* of boa . Fleece Wools at Bosten.estenday,was repolltom a failure. Tee attendance woe Meg* but:them were few buyers, and a large por tiloikotthe offering was withdrawn. The otiose*• alined wereverynatisfactory, however, being near. • • Is or "Ul4l up to the current rates in our market. Ome seldom 00040 cents' medlom Western Fleenee, Prue do a; medium Uhl*, 'Math edurse do. se icen,Ps4.; dee do, 70; and Pettneylvards,xtiasi, • the latter me for choice. The gales of llosiestin Fleeces hese suite outlast, eomprine LW les Wee. t.eniot l o cents;)ooo do Onto, at 7130/173i 63,003 do paitionds, mla sd, ler , surer, sn4 inning for •ellghtly burred; 30 , Tob.washed, Segni 30.3001ba Ohio arid Min 6,000 do itlletagan, on .131611terMs; and of Fothkci, the only Wes we •irs of marl bales East on private tams,- DAILY REVIEW OP PITTSBURGH MARKETS. 310ADAY. 3217111,1 27, 1965. The general markets have been moderately AFL Ilse, though there is still p:enty of room for/Im provement, a I the demand forprodace, gerieray . , is entirely local, and prices are weak, but without quotable change. GRAlN—There is next to nothing doing In ei ther Wheat or Btuley, and for the present there seems to be no establtsbed quotations. Otte eon- Oen to meet with aDretty fair demand, bat at wschangedrates. Sales of 1203 bushels in lots at 85 cents. - Corn is in goad supply, and very dull; small sales at $1,101y1,i6. FLOUR The demand for this artlele continues extremely light, and the market Is dull And droop tog.- We note some few small sales of Extra Fam ily from stole, at t 9,60010,21 per bbl, for Spring and, Winter Wheat breeds. PRovisioNoThere Is a moderate jobbing le =sad for Raton, with regular snips oi 19 for Shout dersT votrk— for Ribbed Sides, said W. 4 :1 for Nam. Lar ds still quoted at IN for pidose Oity Rendereds bless Pork is held at SUG3t, but there L no demands BUTTER—Strictly prime fresh Roll is scene, sod to demand, and sells readily at argas cents. Common Roll ts dull and neslected,.wlth sales of 11 Mils at 20030 rents. • EGOS—Steady, with it good demand, sod we notesales of 40 bbls Ist .20(tereente mostly at 2. • CIIEESE—SaIes of hosmist 21 for priotte Wes tern Reserve sod 23 for liamborry. PEARLS—SaIes of 7 toss at too per lb. FlSH—Firm,with small sales at 11,6148 per half barrel for Lel.' Herring, sod 1111011,1 M for White kWh. • • POTATOES—In good demand, but unchanzed; sales of 4 70 Dbl. otiose P Peach Blows," In large. sized barrels, at $3,7611 bbl. HAT—Is selling from. scales at 1135510 per ton. Prime Rated Ray Is quoted at LEAD—Sales ufbo pigs at 13e—s decline. SEEDS—SoIe. of Clover seed at 1114.11645 per bushel. Nothing doing In Timothy or Flax Seeds. DRIED FRUIP--Sale In one lot of 100 bustiel3 apples at 11 cents per pouod, and IO bustiels prime do at 12. Peaches quoted at 9530 30 PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET MONDAY, Ma - oh 27, tea The Medea of Crude continue comparatively large, end toiderthe influence of a very light de. mend, the market rules weak and unsettled, with a drooping tendency- - .Buren; as a general thing, do nut term disposed Co operate at present, feeling pretty ilangttine that prices must giro way, while on the other hand, holders do not appear willing to make any marked concesaions la order to eff-ct sales. The coccequenee is, that the supply la be' log augmented, wit ..out any improvement in the ; demand. and It is generally conceded that at pres ent the 'market favor buy tn. The only sale report ed was 410 bbl. at 740, bbia returned, which is ode• seise as compared with last week's operations. For Refined, the demand is confined altireether to small lots of Free, at 74@75 cents. Residuum is firm, and according to the sales reported toalay, hinter—CO bbls el tr 9.60 per bbl, and CA do at 29. faptta is quiet and unplanned. The receipts of Crude by the Allegheny river, since Friday Rwt, are ea follows: It H. Collins ` , IFE/ I Porter A-Crawford- 123 .Duncan, Hanley &CO 88 O. U. Brown - 221 H. M. Edgerton 550 Jas. Baxter 514 Jamie Wlll las UM .A. L. Lipton .219 O. Hay ... 415 Wightman Or- Inner .l Gallagher 651 - son 302 • 3PF-dry k Miller-- SO H. Palmer 383 PHILADELPHIA STOCK IN .IRK Er. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. PaurvEnrats, Btareh 27, MS. The Market for Oil Stooks was unsettled and wry dull to-day, with more disposition to realise, and prices, gelletallYosere a friction lower. Su gar Creek, Curtin, and Cherry Bus tell eonsideta• The closing quotations were as follows: . 1 57 At 1441 - • 1 12 ....:.: 03 031114,43.... ..... 525 .4 50 M4ollstock .4 35 a 75 13109, • 450 .. 50 St. labels' 387 ....-.10 05 Dalzell 700 Sugaßoyarl Creek.:—. Übil4l7 Wm. Penn Walnut Island. 0 Eldorado... 19 CO Noble DOl9 .200 Western , Penns Maple Shade... NEW , YORK PETROLEUM ‘ MARKET Seeslel Distutah to the Pittaborett Gazette. New Norm, Maroh,tr, The Petroleum Market leernser:,..Ral e Free otered • at 314315; Reined, to, bond, 5.1(134, and Free at "ta. • MARKETS BY =MUM. • ' . . -- , New Yetk Market.' New Year, Marchll.--Ootton about - Ito better, : - at Mc for Middling: ••'-.. ... Faurn--quiet, and withoutdeclded damage. 1101. . . denof medians end good grades more disposed to realise; 49.44180 fer Extra State, and 1110 for Ex. tta R. H. 0, iumdllo.66Bll for Trade Brands. Mar ket closuigdulL..• .../1 .: . . • • Wasicr—Deffidally,firmer; Western 11.15Q119, . &Mit the latterprige. Warig—Dull and scarcely no tan, Whiter Red 'Wester. , at UM; No 1 Chicago opting et 111.25. ' lire—Quiet. Cam—Dull and scarcely so firm. NOW Yellow at 111/6@i 57. • .oirs—Quiet at 99eG11.00. . W001.,-Western Wool fall. •• Peratatwov—Gact at Me for CeUdel ; 60235 for Refined in Bond. and 7/c do for Free. Gnocerige Rice, little flrmeri. Baran at 10 0 %e; lager, unchanged.; Muscovado at 10 , ,;GIBie; Havana, at 123. Molasses, quiet. TIMTIPIONS—Pork, little 0 weer at 415.50011. 5 for New Men. closing at 925.23 for Regular. sad 113,1123.25 for 1311.'64 do. Cash And Re-slag Way closing et 64709 for Regular rind ra for Prime ,an d 124614.67 for Prime Yeas; nho LOW brie far a part of May at sellers option at 118.25, and boo brig 'Primo Mess for June 'at sellers optima at sII.Z. Beet, Weedy &snip& for Flea Mess; and eae.3la 21 for Extra Mess; Beef Hams Dull at 23c; Bacon quiet sualower et liyall for Shoulders, Sod I SliG 16% for d Mama. Lard am at 18BISII.e. Butter dull at about previous' prices. Cheese quiet at MGM& • New York Money and Stock Market. • New Teem. March V.-Money steady at 7percent steillitg quiet; lOuctiou% gold for lit st class Mils; American gold dull and lower. opening at 116 , ,i', de. c ining to 03%, and closing at 123301153%; go.. .-rnment stocks a Mlle firmer' stooks better; Fock Inland op; Fort Wayne 8115;Foledia91; North WesternMl%; Cleveland tr. Pittsburgh 61; Illinois Central scrip 960 New Yak Central 04 it Erie fit%; I 1 rte preTeind 76 Hudson 100; Reading - 9 .94.; Mich. Man Central 90,4; Michigan bouthern 57%; Feeble Mall 110 ; Cumberland Z).;;; 0. & M. - Certiticates 21; 0 4 Tennessee Irs 6el;;;10•40 coupons. 9t3it'ls-vre, eourors, newlame, iM3I: IWO coupons M 34; Vs, .11; leech. 105; Ws 02.1; regular lei% • • ' Gelatalfee Earning Ereaange.—Golii.ls4%; old BMA. tie New New York Central, 93%; Erie. 61%; Bradt., Day. 99y.tReading 911,d; 'Michigan Fouth. ere 61; ' lillaom Ceatrel, DEflt Fattshurgh,sl; Rock Island 69; Fort Wayne. 196,4t'0h10 & Miaslasipal Latificates, 12; Canton, 22; tharneer l wid 37: quick silver, 6631. Market 'steady and dull. Gold sold dean alter canto 150 3 . and closed steady a 151 ClncinnaU Market. CI3eMNAII. March 27.—FLora--Ctulet, but held mme firmly; SuperOlieste7, and Extra at 3 7 -M3 7.60 GARed arbeit at Mee, and dull. Oats de clined Loan. Corn dull and prices nominal. Rye at $l.O and firmer. Harty declined to 5* .t 33 Waster—Firmer tinder the news; am! 130 mi. sold et /110, but - holders who took *alienate in the . forenoon. asked 42.15 t the close. . en wad City Meet Porksould have been wad at aN.611, Bulk Shoulders at 13%e. ar t The call made by th Commisaary at this plats this morning for fork d Bacon has hail afavorer - $lO effect. City Lead is held a117%c. There was not much done, however. • I - • Onocentra—Lloilge_' Lyme; at 31011 c• Sugar firmer at 16619.• f.. 8 iiiii , B4.lloTer Seearill at 513.53. Flax Seed declined to two.dollars' Gold 151. .... . . Chicago Market. Cnicaoo starch 27.-liscstris.aP bids. Flour, Wheat, lA% bushels; Cora, 3,e0 Iniebels; o.ts, 4,000 turhels. • . . Ilionwinna—Steady at *2.07. Paommonsi—ttulet and firmer. Mess Pork ill-, t 0; Prime Mess, 121,20(22. Lard, nominal at 18e. Flour, dull. (}nit,—Wheat Mandy at 111,12 X t Corn, dull at Ire ; No. I Oats active , and r cant Meier ; Sales at 47 ; for Ito. I. • • Weekly Bank Statement. N I . New Year., Yea, Mrcts a 47.—Lonna, 207,617,106; de. eresse,'S 809;144. Svcs e, A 066,524; decrease, 1 ,090, 0.22. threelation, 4,15 ; decrease. 205,313. De ja:lite, 142,865,00; deereale, .1611,656. Legal ten defy15,=5,156; laareme, 1,650,161. • . • Plolladelplda Produce Macke!, ?larch 20 .B=oB—There Is. good demand for Olorersee d, with Wes of 2,600 busheb at prices ranging from 1114,75 to 617,60 .1 61 oi, as in quality--ehlefly at Timotby - is but littler. - Inquinsd after, but brides are Steady at 65,2862,50 per bushel:ln Plag ued there is but Itttle doing, and prices are 50n V bushel lower. Sales of 2,030 At .1, $201.80 —slostrig nt the litter figure ; and 2,00 Pushels Linseed at 22,12 ingot!. 600 bushels fJrchard Gass sold at 64,50. _ DOIMTIO Fmn7—The demand forilreen Apples . pas fallen oil. Sales, in a small way, at 11562 * V h. in Dried Fruit there Is Very little doing, and prima are not so Dem. Sales of apples lo Iwo at 12613 e, • Pesthes sell at 115%....210 ; 6PO lbs. sold at the latter, figure. New hallos are worth 000310 There Is a steady demand for Pared Peaches at 370 450. Cherries are very scarce and worth 430. libekberries may be quoted at 524. Walnuts are quoted at $1.75. • • IturrEn-1 here is but littlubsquiry, and prises are unsettled. Sales of solid picked at =ans. Iron at .716.70 e, and Goshen at 8162.7. • ornmair—There is a firm feellog In the market, and the stock is very low. Sales of New Yor k 2.4616 e; Ohio rittrebe: and 81:Wish Dilry at 2 m. Er:um—Are sel.log at 24622 s V dozen.—Peks Cur rent. ImPoltra BY BAII,OOAD CLIMLAWD k PITT.IMaaII It. R., Morels 27— , 7 caddie!, tobacco, John Otatiet; WO 61,1 a flour, He; Ktown & Llnhan; la do do, Shomaker & Long; 212 pkga aundile& klevlng & Sicele; 297 pat meat. Cook, Petitt & to; 8 pee machlnety, Wmki kllrlt 69 'digs mdse. Lippincott & co; 2 n b la eggs, ht, t ,m n k,,,, Lang; 12 WO* apples, .lleElrOy, Dickson & co; 19 mks raga, Godfrey &Clark; 4 lige timothy. seed, At. well, Lee/Sr:co; lo bOls green apples, W. Hew.; t;• 35, do do, T O JOnkina; 159 eke oats, Jas 81 77000; 20 bas Onloance stoles, A L aI Morgan; In aka /Iva, semitEwer & linmllton;22 ski wool, Tu Jenkins; 7 do do, Souyhtick & co. Flvivollitton, FOOT WAYAI APO flaloAoo R It. March 27-170 lga rye, /hoe Bell & co; 1 bbl apple butter, H ON - wigbutter, ee ea; 30 pkge 5.711, W Itank.te; 2 iron, John Muhl.; 2 Obis potatoes, W Coln erwood; G 9 bills liont,T (I Jenkins; ears bar ley, J Rhodes; 1 ear grain, Ludwig; 9 ptree tweet; I n Lockwood; 4e6 bushels barlay,l & W Yearley; 5 pkgs earldtioz. L 51111er; bbis apples, 6 tibia • 010. vet seed,J S tlinvitmon bbl. app', 6,2 Ibis clover teed, II Biddle., 27 tals tags, Godfrey k Otark; sa Ibis apples, L ti - VoLt.; t one loather, L Lonetratio,• staves, jJ Rohm; 107 6dls paper, :doge° Oro; 100 bids flour, Knox . tr. Mcßae; - 53 I.bls high-, sitars, Den Walizee; 23 do do, Lambert, Shlptea dr. ALL11:011121T STA77o6,llkareh 27-21 dos brooms, Scabop r;l7 dos tubs and washboard I, Jos Urge; IBdox brooms, &Kirk t oo; 3 ears mill feed,' Simi. son & K nos; lido do, t do wheat, & !allot. 7 litre wheat, Kennedy tr. Bko; 2.91 sks dtx.enl . Ewer .er. IkamiltonV 172 bp corn; Q Parker. ii oars core. .lepoon & Knox; 6 bbla eggs, Owens ' & Kenned y; 4 sks rags, Godfrey & tllark; 17 bales tnw,A H .0,111117111,1 ski flimiseek 21 - B Suydam; 2.1 bbl green *ROA f DWI Oil apple". Adult I.lppart, • Boston Flak Market, March 25. Sale, of Grand Bank at fq.h)€o, and Elly Fundy', eehoolojor large;smsli Sheepi,S. reir quirt' al. Hato are scarce, and selling at Saha lonse, and {e 2546A0 packed. Pollock,ls,ooaihe re: qtl. Manors' an very-11rm, filth a good demand. S les of No 1 Bay at siGolagso. and ~ore e23e2li No 2 *V f 14 , 50 n, medium and Shore $l6; No a large, 144314,50, and qt bbl. Alewives are nomloal at/344,150j3 bbl. Pickled herring mecum at. $.9212 it bet, the outside heart for Labrador. In Salmon small sales at 60651 ia tierce—SW/ran. IMPORTS BY RIVER. ZANKSVILL3 PER Ens GRA& oir-1100 ebb'. flour, 142 do erg., 65 do dry apt o lrs, tobaoso, Cloth A eo;31 3133poLaton 3 p ecgs, brt roll butter, 6 b ills egg. Ido dry . sopples apples . , 10 do apples, 2 do lord, Fetzer 44 ...rmezront; 6 bbls seed. Meek & Attestrobg;l bbl elder, 1 bbl beasts, 2 erects Apple butler, II 21 Lytle:2 bblo eggs, Read 1.313(333r; 52 ./t. corn; MeStrus & Auger; I lot house hold goods, Mary Mtarew, I boa, 1 bbl, t bedstead, Mr Uasslogham, I bill eastlugst D. 31.3 Loyd; at aka eons. Means & Coals; s. bks house hold grads, WO Harder; I box. poultry Adams Cc., RITES INTELLIGENO. The weather gestettay was clear ,tual opting nice, and all that could pound! be ..lealred for out door business. The river continues to recede slow ly, the pier marks lut evening Indicating nine feet mix inches. The only arrival we hare to report Is the Emma Graham, from Zanesville. The Dili:terve, from Parkersburg, is due to-elght, and the Leonora and Glide from Cinch:ma 1, are about due.- The Bayard cleared for Parkersburg yesterday. crowded with pauengere and canal terible frelgot. The F... .ho left for Oil City last efenlng, with about all the freight she wanted and full of paasencers. lha Emma Gmham, while descending the ktngum river, on her recent trip from Zanesville to this city, atruck a log, Which broke eonie of her timbers, and aim took In consblerable water. '1 here were upward. of eleven remitted barrels of flour In the hold, but fortunately none Orli was In• Jured, except that table Was next to the lloor—the depth of Water not being sufficient to damage more than the first lea. Capt. Stull entered pretest at Ib verly. The 'Emma tirsham left for dock last evening, and It Is thought she will be ready to leave for Zanesville on Wednesday. The new and splent Id W. 11. Osborne, Cantata Rogers, leaves for St. Leiria nod the .Missouri river to-day vlth,mt fall, and passengers and shippers should beer th'a In mind. . . . .• • The Lorena, Capt. Shuman, la announc d for SL Louie and the Upper dlhabtelppi. Tie Bard-Ttura Ct pt.' Brown, la filling up for Nashville and all Intermediate points, nod will noon he ready to take her departure. The [farads arrived at St. Louis on Friday hat, with a heavy cargo and a large number of poison. gera be. ot. Louis Democrat of Saturday any : The weather c..nunuea ruag theca with a alit Ire. ne, and marred only by the clouds of doe. Ho- Maria remains to a very dull condition. There is erylittle hurrying or OLOST t hir ty te wharf. - If there Ome but twelve Instead of steamer., at the w hall, they would not be puahed with bovines.. The :rivet at thia point has been sislig for thirty hours. The swell amount. to now loot. There la feurteen feet to Cairo, eight feet to Keokuk, four and a half feet on the lower rapids, tan feet (tithe Limoi. and the fret lathe Allmours. The latter was lilting at but Recount. The Cumberland is `again rte!ng with aireen feet on liarpeth shoal. TJE.I.VIIO.IT3. cON 5, .T. LOWS AND MS FOURI RI thii.—The Floe new ride-wheel steamer.' W. /1.- OSBORNE. 044. ho gera will lease en THIS-DAY, MA that., at 4 For freight or paaaaje apply on booed or to Jmh2) Agent. 1;011 CINCINNATI, LOUIS VILLE AND NASHVILLE.— Tt cane passenger steamer HARD Tlol=7or., Fars Brown, will leave for th e above and Inter =relate ports on THIS-DAY, Pith Inst. • For freight or passage apply on board. mh2t j. 4 OR ST. LOUIS AND UPPER 111ISSISSIPPI RIVER.—The new and reloaded steamer LORENA,_Capt. Braman, will leave as above on THIS•DAY or at a to p. m. For freighter prune apply on 0044 JOUN PLACE, 21120 J. D. COLLINGWOOD,II4I"" EGULARWEEKLY PORTS- Le arar MOUTH AND PITTSBURGH 'PAOKET.—The flue passenger steamer GOLD MIA, W. H. Kerr, master; W. H. pilau, elect, leaves Pittsburgh eserySATU ADAM, at IS o'cloelt m., and Portsmouth every MONDAY. eta o'clock p. en. The Golden Era make conneet lons at Ports mouth with the splendid steamer Boston No. fur Cincinnati, ant will receipt freight and puma gers through to that Mir. nog, BOOKS. OLBUJCES, NEW BOOKS. • • Beillgoefor thinantry Houses; colored B. 'narration. $l6 CO. Robinson'. Physical Geography of the Holy Land. tl 60. Randall's Practical Shepherd. $3OO. Woodwrard's Country Houses; iliustrated. II 81. The Young Gardener's Asslataat, by Widgemaa. 6399. _•.• Mires Flel4 and Garden Pegetablei of Anietici; illustrated. 03 03. • • Little Songs for Little !Marrs. 40a. The Uhl Farm and Her arm; • politisal alle gory, by Francis Hopkinson, masiber of the Ooze. iinental Congress. di ' Reminiscences of elm Making, by Deming Janes. $1 Under the Ban. Paper hi 23; Muslin $1 H. 'ft. Strange not to be True. 'Payer gt on; • Mum • lin, 3 00. Meditations on ChrlsUanily, by M. Guirot. :1 le. Ellicott on tDa Pastoral Epistles. 12 ISO. Lysteal Rectuatlone by Samuel Ward. 92 00. DAL LS, 1. , 11.A.RK. h We., 93 Wood street. NEW BOOK BY M. GUIZOT. • bleditatio a on the Fes nee of Chrierilth ad um ,be Religious QUO4I lons of the day C 1,15 Lange. Commentary on Mathew, ert hosittlical. nett doctrinal 6,00 Nast'. Commentary on Matthew and Mark, eriilenL homiletical and doctrinal 6,011 Life end Epistles of of.. Paul, by Concybeare Hovermai TAO Tire rearmed's; with an introtinctlon,ty ILB. I orlon 306 The Origin anr: Iltatory of the English Lan the truly Litmn Sat that itE4llOO irs. hi O. P. Match 4 1 2, Lectures on the English Language, by O. P. Mandl 4,011 t Can to Serabs by; by .1. - P. - Neverasur, with Mao and Enrawings; t good ac companiment for the Lend and the Rook—. 1,71 Lesson. for Every ID the Year. a so. ries; A liberal discount to clergymen Neander's Planting 'and Training Of the • hureDea by the Apostle. 3. L. READ, fob 78 Fourth Street. 87IPPIJ✓'8. `TEAM, WEEKLY TO LIVERAM )POOL, touchug QUEENSTOWN,SOIII (Cork IfarbOr. The welbtruown Steamers oftlr Liverpool, ew York and Philadelphia Stearns/Lig Company (I an Line.) carrying the IL S. Math intended n sail as follows. CITY OF NDON -Saturday, April t. TNA Saturday, April% eITY OF BC 'TON. ~ ... .. Saturday, April le. toevery sic eedinibatruday, at noon, from Pb to North Div 01 PASSAGS, Payable In ld, or its equivalent In currency: First Colon WV SO Steerage • .o so 01 to Landon— 115 00" to London... /4 01' to ea oo to Ilamborg.. SO 00 is Hamburg- CI 0 Passengers slag forwarded to have, Bremen Rotterdam, Antwerp, kw., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstosrm-1d SON CUL Steerage, Del. • Those-who with to op" for theta' friends can buy tickets hero at Um* rate s. For farther Information apply at the Oompan Once. JOUN O .DALE, Agent, O Broadway, - N. Y, D. O'NEILL, em Forelkn O n_APAIIL No. *Sml th aeld MILL rtmourigli CUNARD L .h.--Stova trona/ LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN, ilzerja gol,ll,*or Ita eqtayskat to ontriney FROM NEW TORN., SU in rummy tialb may wee*. to TIIONIAS HATTIGAII, Ages; 47 Smithfield street, between hi sag 4t itme-mszte Pittsburgh P4IWTERS. JAW. N. LOPlo..',7oint DOAXWIT LONG, LANE d: CO., SIGN AltT/STS & HOUSE PAlNTgagt No. 60 Smithfield Eit.rittetugh, LETTERING OF ALL. KINDS exemitat promptly and with uneurpaised elegance,. BEAUTIFUL 8110 W CARDS on enameled paper of all colors, and GILT SIGNS ON GLASS made lei order and lent to an parts of the country. RIOTOIILiI. DESIGNS executed la a highly er. Ostia meaner. HOUSE PAINTING done' with a regard to du, cannily. hatmony of color, and neatness of Wen. Air All wort at reale:amble rata Wanly WILLIAM IL BROWN, (Late of the final'? Bsows s hion.ao_ye) ROUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. orth Esse or of Third sad Market sta., McCORD & CO., Wholesale Dealer* la Mats, Caps and Straw Goods, Have now to *tore the tergeet and most complete stock of • GOODS FOR FALL SALFS, Ever offered lathe west- NOWA , • are requested to evil and examine our &tusk. , ru will be sold al very low rates. RECEIVED THIS DAY. 1 car load Potatoes - 1c Rags; 1 do do Mardi' • No barrels (3 Ora /Ordain 2o do ;freak Eggs{ I 0 packages Rollll.tterr ykOw In rime and tor Sala by o b2f,lt VOIGT k. 0041 j G. LA.N.EII, . neresalmet_Otripet,, Inbolciali mid "Retail denlei In. etntr i 4n:idAr' • FAIILITOOODS;NOTIONS:TOTS: it.secers, SPICED AND COVE OYSTERS. :00 dozen 1 sod 2 peued.blyleed Oysters; WO do. do. do. Cove do.; Just received valor sale by tie & 11103., z JIM UR and 1X Wood street. _1'ti..iW.r....,^..~E+t~x...~-~ - 4 ;ira'-.....~;:..`1.: ",.5....rr...:.r:..~.~ ..-.>:x::~4.x....ei~r.:9.::t..k.~. ~~tcfdn?..n~.:::.~ , x+.- - ~.~...u--'-~-- —_~M~..-.w' MED,IGIL PILES I PILES I PILES TWENTY YEARS , STANDING, CIIItED Below will be foiled seeititleste tremens of the moat reavectstle althea§ of Wflklm townatdp, la Dr. Keyser's Lindsey's Blood Searcher. The Doctor , . certificate, are within reach, and ene need be deceived la regard tathla preparntloa Dz. Ozo. H. Emma: I beems elated Piles about twenty years age, and every year th were growing werse,lo as to trouble ma nary raw* w mom soot times ea to unfit me for work. .Sore hoes I was iie bad that I could sot de anything • account of tonal they came out oe me as large as. hickory out. I had tried a areal deal of medicine for them. I nsedte bur and take' whatever cool hear of or read of to circulars and pamphlet. that fell la my war. bat I could-net et cured; some. times they would do sae some good for a little while, nt afterwards they would return atolls ea bad as ever. I also spilled to tans Doctors, who visited me ntmy house and gave me some medicine, but it would not do, 1 could not get Well. Over a - rem ..go I got an advertisement of your Lindsey." Blood Searcher, made by yourself. When you sold it to ne you told me one bottle would not cure me; and that my whole wide* would hereto be renewed by the medicine before I got well. I bought one bottle and took It home with me, and used It according is your directions. I then called to lee you align When yen said I eeald not expect much benefit from Pile bottle. I bought It, one bottle at a time, until I had seed tire bottle.. After this quantity wa used. I was entirety' well of the Piles, which had tortured me for twenty years. La other respects my health le improved, and I am as well as could be expected for one of my age, being sixty yean past. I have been well now for six months, and there is DO niqWernnee of the return of the disco's. lean do any kind of farming now without work he Piles coming down and hurting ma.. I as. pitch hay, *op wood, lug. or do any kind which before used to hurt me. .When I found out roue aftecd Searcher I kept oa taking It until I got es [fret, well. -I consider It my duty Wreaks my cam known to the country for the benefit of others who may be smillericof as I was. and do not 'knew the talus of your medicine. Yon may publish this If you like. I Brain Wilkins township, and will be pleased to satiety any one of tie Baikal this 'Cr, Pleat* they wish to call *a me. lELLIGITT DAVIS. rw.i!.sm/rrirr, far Leek cent fee Ile name of Dr. GEORGE PI KEYSER on the serer of the bottle, and over the eorkt Os* for tda stamp as the " i l ehl States stamp on the top of the bottle, in prevail bens Impo sedaist upon by a sparing alis whisk ts w. AN- Sold by the Proprietor, Pro. 140 Weal SY, and by SIMON JOHNSTON, curare or Fourth WI Sialthgeld Meets, Pittsburga. lIERNIA OR RUPTURE. 1111111.1 OR litatnit2 01httli WLEXiA 02 aurruir CURED 0:1= /mama 01 larrrnis CVUD =MLA OE urpross mum. ILIUM SI =Truss cum) • aszuczA es Burma ern= fflltlthil Olt IVPTUSJ6 CI7,IIED, MARSLPII euoicaL ma mass. SELIP-1A117117139 PEWS; Pile< Drops. for the =wet to oars ot Pilo • - Mastie Knee Cep, for weak knee jams dale Supporters, for week knee joiais Self-Adjuitiag, sad every etker kind-of Syringes. Hard Rubber Syringes. Dr. Banning's Lace or Body areas, the cure of Prolapses Uteri, P ia, Abdosi gal and Spinal Weaknesses. Dr:l3:S.Pitch's Silver Plata gupporti. Dr. KEYS= wll Woe ft perusal Meeker tirtheripplication of Trusses to adults and chilling' an he la Whined that, with aaleaperiermeof Men. ty years, he will be enabled to glee ealtafeattoe. Arvind!, at his Drug Stare, Re. US WOOD BT.. alga of the Golden Mortar. Persona writing for Truism should send the somber of image eroded the body. immediately own the reptdre. oet CATARRH I DR. R. GOOD.iLI3,II CATARRH REMEDY D penetrates to the very Beat of this terrible dir vat, and exterminntee It t ripot and branch, forever. G Dr. OODALE Ls the first and only person who over told the world what Catarrh really was, where it commenced, and what would =re it.- Dr. GOODALE hre' spent a lifetime 1 a battlln with this fell disease, exploring its secret ambush and making known to the world the foot tha Oar lurk which has for years defied the still la a a search of medical men and authors In this century and to Europe. can now be pored, with the some uniform certainty that morning follow. night. Thousand., who tried every known cure 11= have been _permanently cured by Dr. GOOD` CATARRH REMEDY, and now praise it In the most extravagant terms of pmts.. Sir Call dour nearest agency, or send a stamp for a pamphlet. lhorised and prepared by B. DOODLLI., hi. D., New York. rirrmsnilmt DR,G.H.KVirszit, Sole Agent, No. 110 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh. oaf NORTON'S OiNTMENT; For San Atheism and Scr.A4a, EMIZEMZZI TErrEre, BOLLS READ, RINGWORMS, to* all =NMI AND mums° SORES sad ERUPTIONS OF THE SHIN "ml. Ointment penetrstes to tire basis et thedis tarre—goes to the very source--and-surds It from the flesh beneath to the shin on the surfer:a—throw' the poison of the disarms upward, and every parti cle of It is discharged through the pores--the seeds of the disease are expelled froze the, Desk muse gamely thane am be no Mapes, Sold by Olt. B.I3YBER. Agent, ! LW eracussrstsn,rilrsecaue. Des PILES, KYPTVRt Oa HUM CU R BETTURS OR KERMA CURED. I I= r3=1:11 RUPTURE OR asaruA CORED K'3 ROPTD7I2 OR RWLL CORED NORTON it. CO, Sole Agents. 111 BROADWA r, NEW YORE. Permaaaat3y clues NORTON & 00 2 Wit /Wag. ,NZ BROADWAY, YZW roar. TTOR.rErs 308 117 lk ll7l ltA . OAZZAX STER ft GAZZAM filLlll at 11.1VXASTIZ e, SOLICITORS OF CLAIMS AND PATENTS AND ATTORNEYS-AT-DAW. No. 98 GRANT STREET. Pittsburgh. Licensed by Government to coiled BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PLY Military or Naval Claims Against the United States. agdHUNDRED DOLLARS, due soldlere on amount of wound. reeelyml in battle' collected Immediately. • G ; atbe ral. AZ SS GRANT STREET, opposite this dy pE,NBIONB, BOUNTLEB. W. I. & HALL PATTERSON, Army and Navy Agency No. 144 FOURTH sv4 Pittsburgh. PENSIONS procured; 131311 NT mil PRIZE MONEY, sod 00.0r i a t ium MATIONS of releaseXprlsoaers collected. odf WCODEDED SOLDIERS. SICO Bounty ((( all Wounded Soldiers, 1. h .,,0. hang p to all with a .111schargn.“ No charge made c..: the money Ls callbotod. TV ALTER DAT, Woe sod hy the D. S. Government. NO. 103 FIFTH BTREM, woad door below the antbedrokl. mvllvam SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTLES PENSIONS AND ARREARS OF PAY, Promptly attended to by ARTIIIIIIB at RIDDELL, • Mo. I FOURTiI ST., Pittsburgh, Pa. firSallmdawr U. 1rAC1113161.1. S. A. JOIISISO. MACKRELL & JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW y ~ r 1 . 1 t uhf ' Bounties for Wounded Soldier. Collected to Iron co to twenty days. JIM - Oaks No. 98 Gnaws wrung, Pittsburgh. Cell with discharge and two witneurs. dCbty %IILITARY CLAIMS PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PA' slut )11LITARY CLAIMS of every - dmerlotloo, Collected by the subscribe!, at the following rate{ : Pensions ItO, all other clime 83.150. 0. U. TAYLOR, Attorney-at-Law, No. 12 Grant street, Pittsburgh, - Pa. N. B.—No charges are made lithe claim does not euceeed, and all Infortnatlon elven:gratis. 'seedy NOAH AV. SHAFER, ATTORNEY-AT-AW, NO:108 Tir•r9 STRIMT, Pittaburgh, Pa. Mbar far PENSIONS, 110iNTT, PSIZE. MONEY, ac. vldormißli Pfweelgad. l HENRY O. HALE DESIRES TO RE AL-. TURNAlienks to his friends end the nubile for the large and cordial support,tkey have as to him In the MERCHANT TAILORING BUSINESS. Inn:eking preparations for the • SPRING TRADE, Mr. lisle has visited the eastern markets and se. voted thrice material for GENTLEMEN AND YOUTHS' WEAR, to trtdelt Inspection Is ietpeettoliy Invited. Gil. Omen will dud on trial, that for celleue.Talletr si Material. MAN Werkiataltilp. xnd forest* In regsml too gur latarnit Qt the oast*. men. No Establishment Can Excel. HENRY O. HALE, mutommir TAILOR. Northwest cor. of Pout and St. CUlr Streets, BIBSELL'd 'BLOCK. W. IL McCUM, 10 ST. CLAM STREET Would call the attention of buyers to his stock goods. It has been selected with great care, as eontains an the NEWE S T STYLES OF 00011 3 to be fomni fu first ass. houses. Gents wishing U sun of clothes ramie to order, will please call and examine our goods and prices. *l.O, a Lull aud complete steels of 441:)ca.c10. - W. H. is E 6, 1111CMCIWITTAILOZ, not No. to ST. CLAIR EITHEL I T. SPRING STOCK OF Boys' Clothing, NOW REM:WINO BY GRAY & LOGAN. K T. OLAIR tiTREPT. OIL COJIIP.CrOES ie. NATIMIAL REPUTING AND STORING COMPANY I. pow fully organized, and has eemmemied busi ness at their temporary oflice,l No. 19 IRWIN r•TREET, (up stairs,) Pittsburgh, and are now prepared tot o a general businest In Rumng, Bell ing, Refining, Storing and Forwarding OIL The Works are on the banks of the Allegheny river, above the city, and will Inn short time be capable of man ufacturing EIGHT HUNDRED BARRELS OF REFINED OIL, PER W EEK, Which will beef the best quality and prime pickagem.• It a the design of this Company to mak e first elan brand forexport, and en polo , will ar spared to give it that character. They will also Klve the forward ing of oil to points east or west, particular atten tion, and in this branch of the hominess will haie unrivalled facilities, as the 011 will be taken from the boots to the cars by machinery, and thus avoid all wharfage, drayage or delay.. Parties consign. log their 011 to us can rely en having it sent throsigh.with promptitude and dispatch. The Company has • Ospital of *200,000, with the following officers: President—A. Id. MARSH AI. L. Treasurer—J. R. MeOUNE. Director,—A. DL Marshall, Jl P. Henna. James Old. J. T. Kincaid, Arthur Kaki." 1%. Little, S. H. Keller, David Kirk and Win. Hamilton. Superintendent and Rosiness Manager—DAVlD KIRK. Correspendenre and erdzrs and elem. munications to be addrened to National Storing mid Refacing Company DAM, POTSIIIIRGII, Pa.. OIL CO., CartWElN* s3oo,oft Worthig Capital $30,0001 • .100.000 SIZAIRES, 9.2100 . E/LEIL Prestdent--30STAII SING. Treasurer—R. W. illaegar. Secretary—Wx. Mutation IMILICTOIN Satoh Ring, Pittsburgh; Thomas Howard, Plttaborg l ir ; 3. T. Child; Wm. McKee, 44 Hugh Lee, Geo. P. Mcßride, Chicago, DI.; Geo; M. Kimbark, • John Wynne, thoninnati, Q.; Dee. W. Woodworth, Cleveland, 0. OOlce of the Company f No. MI WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh. Pa. midadm PLUMBERS & vilS FITTERS. BAILEY, FARRELL CO], PLUMBERS. aam.a. stop= .Wittcoral. Dealers In every variety of PUMPS, GAS AND STEAM FIXTURES. Oil Tanks and Agitators the wtth lead by a new rrooen. wbtcb 1. at once cheat er and more duraole than the old method. No. 139 FOURTH STREET. ,1,20 ABOVE A MMIFIELD pLp3IBIIIO, Orb and Stamm ' , Fitting, In all Hs branches, carefully attended to, by expo rlenced„practical FIXTURF-9,woknuns Sae assortment of OAS SINKS. , BATH TOWS • SHOWER BATHS WATERAE= Ocastsally on hand EMI made to order. TOTE do SEVILLE, Re. OA FEDERAL STRERT,,All*bany; traJszsrr erritErr, Pittabaiit • . FOR Sal.E---FOR REX,' UR SALE-3 very valuable FARM in II rry township, Weatmorelrusd county. Pa ; containing about 186 acres, well Improved, and in a high elate of cultivation. Alen, a FARM OF 400 ACRES, In Fairfield townehlp, Westmoreland county, Pa. Ins prem. meats good. The ladd Is of the best quality. Coal and limestone in abundance. . . ALM a STEAM EN SINE, for saw miller other purposes, with the castings, machinery, Op wheel, fsc. The cylinder la rdne in diameter and four foot Woke. Two Boilers, PI feet long and a 2 Inches In dlanaelest all In Food order, and will be sold cheep. Abm, a FARM of 400 acres In West Mirk-Ile:id township, Indiana equuty, Pa., about three mile. Lem the Penna. Railroad. . - - Also, a FARM of 136 acres 1n Conemaugh town ship, Indiana county, Pa. • Also, ft beautiful FARM of 106 acres, with a large BRICK HOUSE, with 12 Tomei, finish.' in mod ern style, wash-house nod bake oven attached; a large spring tic use, bath house, smoke house; a large lAnk born, fruit trees of every deseription; church And school house built upon the farm. This farm adjoins the village of Louisville, and Is two-and-sehalt.miles from the depot at Livermore 121 Westmoreland county, Pa., on the Northwest ern Railroad. - . Also, TWO BRION HOUSES and LOTS la EliseMeth borough. Also, A FARM OF FIFTY-TWO ACRES In Derry township, Westmoreland county, about two miles from. St, (flair Station on the Penna. Rail road. A steam saw mill nearly completed with al the machinery fora flouring mill on the premises the land loot the best quality, coal and limestone in abundance, and good indications of Oil. Wit be cold cheap.. Also la acrea.adJolnlng the Tillage of New Berry, in the very best state of /Wires lion, and abundance of fruit of every description. Also. a FARM 01 . 177 ACRES, to ht Ulalr town ship, Westmoreland county, Pa., en Tub Mill Creek, about one mile from the Penn's ItallromL The improvements are a good frame house, and large frame Bank linen. Also, a small Farman acres In Derry township, Westmoreland County, i's.. near the line of the Penn's R. R. . Also. a Farm of about 206 acres to Fairfield town. , ship, Westmoreland County, Pa. Also. a Farm of 200 acres La latfiehl township Westmoreland county, Pa. Also 0, for rent a Farm of 145 a cres s in Derry town ship. Westmoreland county, Pa., im.nedlately o the line.of the Penn'a. R. R. Also. 500 shares of Stock of the Ontro Oil and Alining Company of Pittsburgh, Pa For further particulars inquire of G. R. TOWER, Real Est: .nAgents fed No. 168 Fourth street. VARM FOR BALE L-200 acres GOOD FARMING LAND, in Indiana county, oppo site Bolivar. on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Has on it a GOOD TWO STORY DWELLING, Barn and all other outbuildings, and a lire foot vein of coal under the surface. Stocked with choice fruits. Apply to. S. S. BRYAN, Broker, RIMS to Fourth St.. I Burke's Building.) 9,ITIIIIRBAN DWELLING FOR SALE 011 TO-LET.—A house and three acres of Found acne the terminus of the Blanchester Horse lint iYnY, ernine properties of Messrs. Bennet/. ,Schoonma er, Johnson and Howe. Com mands an extensive view, and 11 easy of access. Apply to S. S. BR Y-A-N, mblEl M ilk Street, (Burke's Building.) WA RER 0 USE FOR REN7'..—The Warebouse, 34s Penn street, nesrly 'opposite Bev. R. R. Depot, now 'occupied bT Reese, Graff es Doll. formerly by Peon's. Salt Lo., will be fo rent from April lit 1 so erxeellent stand for Flora and Grocery or Commission and Storage business Enquire of WK. P. 8i.:13K - ff. Ica tad Liberty street. TOR SALE.-150 Acres of Coal, also, 120 &ere" of front coal in pool No. 2; oilstone track of coal and railraad, and other irotworetnenta In good working orderl a pool No. 3 ; ant tract on the 'Youghiogheny river- and Vonnellsollte Railroad. Enquire of WILLIAM WARD , cue first door so Fifth on Grant street.' 'FOR SALE.—A tract of OM LAND, containing forty- Irma and ttireedowth scree, o the heart of the oil regioti of West VhTinla Ms land has a burning spring oath and ail tha wartime indications of oil. . • t=3M=l OR SALE CHEAP.-1 FRAME BEMSE, U removed at or oe. fritueted .eor err Irwin end Western Avenues, Allegheny city. Enquire of • LITTLE, BAIRD tr. PATTON, 31.1120 Noe. t 2 mod lie rimmed et Pitteba PROPOSALS. kUBBISTENCE OFFICE ; -U. S.. ARMY, No. 2) South street, ' • Baltimore, 51514'.141.4r0h2rd, tart. kd Sca ProPeipsX in _duplicate, Will be received at thls office tititil 12 m., on SATUItDAY, Apr Ist, 154.2,10 r fornishing the 'United States Sub. ;latent. Delia/Hama with— YOUR. THOUSAND (4,000) DEAD 07 GOOD FAT BEEP CATTLE, an the .hoof (Steers four :yeah old. and ever) delivered at t• a State Cattle • Scales, at Baltimore, Md., in lota of (1,1200) one thousand each every (le) ten days; to be weighed Within one anda half days alter arrival, at the expense of the contractor. Th:y must aver age abobt (1,300) thirteen hundred pounds gross Oily all fa short of (050) on and Illy poun ll ds in grins g weight l, Bulls, Stags, Oxen, Co a, Heifers and Hornless Cattle will be be madeMem: (lb) pounds will be made from the weight of each Steer accepted Under this contract, provided the animal dm:snot stand lathe pens two and one-half hours before being weighed, or Is not weighed immediately after removal from the cars. Monk forms for propagate can be hxd on applies. lion at Oils office, either in person, by mall, or tele. graph Proposals by telegraph, or other Irregular, infor mal proposals will not be considered. . The government will claim the right of weighing any one animal separate, if its appearance indi cates less. weight than the minimum mentioned above; the expense of weighing will be paid by the party erring In judgment. Each bid, to secure consideration. must contain a written guanintee of two responsible persons, as follows: Pittsburgh, PA. . . We, —, of the county of —, State or—, do hereby guarantee that to (or ore) able to faint a contract In accordance with the terms of his too heir) proposition, and should Ms (or their) proPo a (lon be accepted, hr (or they) will at once enter into a contract in sem...lance therewith, and we are prepared to become his emirates, giving good an lOcient bonds for Ito fulfilment. • The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the °theist certitleate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court. or of the United Stat,s the. tetet Attorney. to be enclosed with the bid. Bidders most be.nresent to respond to their bids, 111 . 4 prenarcd to rive bonds and si4n the contract belore leaving the oilier. _Payment to he made attereach delivery, if funds are on hand. if none on hand, to be made as soon as received. . _ Propomils must be endow(' distinctly, PRO- I'OSALS FOR BEEF CATTLE," and addressed to "Copt. J. HOWARD WELLS, C. S., Baltimore, Maryland." If Is bid is le the name of a firm, their names and their postonlee address must appear, or they will not he considered. Each person or every member of a firm offerings proposal must neeempany it with an oath of elle "lance to the United States Government, If he has ootalready Airliner in this Wilco. All .1411 not tomptyl7.fridly wilb Me terms of Vas drcriftement will be re eeled. . HOWARD WELLES, Enl.=:id Captain and O. S., U. S. A. pROPOBALB Foril3 ITII.MINOUS COALS. Seated Proposals will be received a the oilier of the Philadelphia Gas Works, No. 20, South Seventh street, until soon of Friday, 29th of April, 1863, for supplying the whole or part of soy. exty 'thousand tons of Bituminous Coals, suitable for the manufacture efilluminating gas; tobe deliv ered on the railroad tracks of tee gas works, at the T went yedath and Ninth Ward Stations; In the fol. Toying quantltire : Revell thousand are hundred tons in each of the months of June, July, august, 1603, and January. February. March, April and IUay,ISIS. The coals must be delivered fresh, dry and of a quality approved by the Engineer of the Gns Works as equal to the sample on which the contract is based. he proposals moat describe the particular vari ety of coals intended to be supplied ant the loca tion and name of the mine or pit frpm which they nix to be raised. If they are of a kind not now or rice oily used at these works, samples for trial of not 16 a than fifty tons must be delivered at the works on or br fore the Ith of April next. The groom los of En lbs. will beconsidered as the weight intended la the proposals, unless the COS• t tory be expressly Anted. The Trustees reserve the right to act apt any pro poemis lawhorl or la part, at to reject all, at hey may deem be for the interests of the Trust; and in event of failure on the part of any contractor to deliver the ebab, according to his agreement, both In quantity and qutllty, the Trustees reserve the right to buy elsewhere, whatever quantl'y may be required to meet the deficiency, and charge to the eontreetor any loss or damage arising trOra such failure. Pa) salmis will be made monthly, to two equal instalments, at four and nix month. after the epee- Med perieds of delivery, the lath of earn month be. log taken as the arerage of the monthly deltreries, or at the option of the Trustees; will be made at earlier dates, with leg:i Interest off. Should • contractors prefer to make deliveries cavil t than required, they may be received, so far ni they can be conveniently stored, but . payments will be made to date from the time specia g in the contract. &nutty for the fulfillment of contract will Le requited, and each ymposal must name the amount and charatter that will be offered: JOS. MAIM EL, mhrOad Engineer In Chief. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE, UNITED STATES ARMY, No. 20 SOVTtLST., BALTliOnm, March 22, Witt SEALED PROPOSALS, in enpUente, will be es milted et Ws Mace until 1s Mon WFDN E‘D March 26th, 1606, for furnishing SHEEP for the Untied State, Subsistence Department, to ba de livered at or near tho State Dattle Seale* near this (Sty in such numbers as may be from time to time required, not exceedln; twelve hundred (LAri) Head per week, during four (4) weeks from due of contract. •• . . Sheep will be rigidly inspected at time of deliv ery, and must average about one hundred (101) pound.. All falling short of seveity (70) pounds will be rejected. Bidders mutt pretent to respond to their bids, and prepared to alve bonds and alga the contract before leaving tt• office. The Government reserves to itself the right to reject any or all bide considered unreasonable. Payment (abe made in ouch funds so may be on hand; ff nano on hand, 10 be made as loon as re ceived, Proposalt most be endorsed distinctly. "Prom). salt for Sheep," • and addressed to "Captain HOWARD WELLS, 0. S. Vols., Baltimore, Blar7land." Of a bid is In the name of a tiros, their acmes sal their porcine° address must appear, or;theywill not be considered. Each person or every member of a arm offering a proposal must accoropeny,it with an with of al legiance to the: United States Govern Rent, if he has not already aledone in this oak°. Lids not complying strictly with the terms of this advertlßMent will be rejected. 110.16t6RD WELLS, Capt. cud V. S. Vol. TR. OTRiI. .10RM D.eAtLIT STEEL & .BAILEY, Stock Brokers aid Real Estate Agents Stoolu . bought aid sold exclusively on OOMMU OR. Mr Dinar, RILIEINS HALL. `'ASST STEEL TEETH, for, Sulky, flay `L , and Gralratakei, at any gimp. requital. Also nay and Gran Raba manufbaturbd by • . . • - O. %MEDIUM ! Marlon *Two. Zoirogbeny Otty, . Irelllstwdea • ....., .....~uu..,~_~....~..~ ,, .~ , ~.4 :vec',~.LZ:i:a~:eL:+i,.'ziciy,TJ:w:+' .111.1.A'UF.ACTIIRERS. Se. I)ITISEURGII FOUNDRY. S. osunrsos. sorter 11.8r011ierSOW A. GARRISON & CO. (Successors to BoWean, Garrison, & C 0.,) FOUNDERS AND . MACHINISTS Manufacturers of Milled Rollers of all sires, for Iron, Steel, Brass, Zino, Copper, Silver, Gold,' btraw Boards, Paper and India Rubber Works also, Rolling Mitt Castings of All descriptions, Bark Mille, Patent Double Grinder, with a varie ty of other patterns, always on hisnd and fitted to order on short notice and favorable terms. 0113ce and Warehouse, lie Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. fe3:ly BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURCIII PARK, BROTHER & CO, Mlll tamers of BEST QUALITY FIXINED OAST STEEL, Square, Flat and Octagon, of all erns. Warrant ed equal to any imparted Or manufactured In thla country. • Sit - Office and warrboulie, Nns. 10 and MI Final and VA) and IV.l.Seuoar. STLLUSTS, Pittsburgh. frll-yi. pATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 DIRTIIRELNIE'S PATENT Oval Lamp Chimneys, KAIIPWACTITIAZD 0. These Chimneys ere intense/a for the fiat Oates, nesting nil port* of the glees equelly, does not es: pane It to cracking. E. D. 507 Fort Pitt Glass Works, Washineton street, • Pittaburgh, Penote N. B. IffACHIWTORII...I. NBXPIILL IRON CITY WORKS. OACKINTORII, HEZIPIIILL & CO FOUNDERS AND MACILINISTS. Corner of PIKE and O'IIAILA, and PIKE and WALNUT STREETfi, (Near City Water Works,) • Manufacturers of etationary And other CHOI:it- 4 4 ROLLING MILL CASTINGS and MACHINE. BY, of all kinds, and general jobbers. MlPrompt Td &MACRIINE RY egaton given to repairing ROLLING LL ROBERTS, BARNES .3; CO., No. Bti Third 8 , Plttcourgit. TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, and Manufacturers of • JAPANNED TIN WARE. haveelow menufacturing and have on bused Batblitg Apparatus of all kind; Toilet Ware In Setts, Water Coolers, Grocers. Toe and Spice Can, later", Ca and spice Boxes, Tumbler Drainers- Spittoons, Am he. A large lot of Bird Cages for sale low. Oil Cans of all sixes and patterns. Tin Roofing, Conductors. 'and all kinds of Jobbing Work done to order Apia SILVER PLATED WARE BCTORY. Walton, Castors, &c.. &a. imitable for the Traria - on hand and for sals by WILER & MOS% 225 South sth it,, PHILIDELPHLL JOlll , l r. BEEXON • " •• OSAZLICIS 7011111116 JOILL4 B. HERRON .t CO.; 8tc517 . 0 216aisrmitaiceturoras, AND IRON FOUNDERS, Office And Sales Roosts • ten No. cm LIBERTY sTREst PENN MACHINE yirOHICE'ANI3 H. wrinnrisAN, •, ENGINE BUILDER AMR-MAORI/MST, .LACOCK eITZICIT, between Federal and Sandtury, Manufacturer of WIGH T_MAN iS PATENT PORTABLE OSIOILLATI STEAM., EN. GIVES, Shafting, Pulleys, hr. Repeirbig of all Rinds attended to , jetdy J . SCHOODIMA.KER: ILLIPII/A02138.73 qv • • White Lead, Cc. Wide Ellie Led. Illilarsge, ZkC rabltli Pile% *en ••.•1.1-; and Dealer l LINERP_Pg., YA.III4TIDH, JAPANS, PPENTEASrId.A., ha. Wee and Wanton., No. 63 Wood street. matertyd . . WEF 4 I t :l i BIDDLE & monsuileturers ot su MM al L t AtiVa r AMl Mond evOry deoulptlcof of LEM/Ipr MUD; orde - niaa:ltal ted trom the trade, and gooda prompt. Ir . ehippedas per instructions. re64T 4,;,SEVERANC.E., NO. 53 :Water : St • Plttsbuh,_ manutattnrer of BOWER RIP EIS, WROUGHT SPIDES, common and railroad of every description. Parrticelarafttd or shaped Mu:sand arysts I arge or small, made to order at mhos% notice. A g .1 wortsienteonstantly on head: .=Yarn W. BENNETT, Mahnfactarere • and Importers et QUEENSWARE. • No. M DIAMOND STREEt, between Wood and Mitiret lateen. Pitternrich,Ta. mM • NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS, HACKS, &a Notice is,herebr glveri to ill 'owners of Drays, Cart., Carriages, Buggies, tce.. whether resident or non-resident in the City of Plttoboegh to pay their Licenses at the Treasurer's °Mot of the city. of Ptttssurgh, forthwith, in accordmice with - an Act of Assembly, approved March 30 18rA r and an Ordi. nonce, of the Onnricils of the City of Pittsburgh, passed April 11.1850.. ' - All not paid on or before May 15,1855, will be placed in the hands of the Chief of Folios, for collection, subject to his fee of - 50 cents for the collection thereof, and all persons who neglect or refuse to take out Licenses will be subject to penalty, to be recovered before the Mayor, double the amount of the License. The old metal plates of previous years must be rrturned at the time Licenses are taken out, or pay 25 cents therefor. Each one horse vehicle I 760 Each two horse 12 00 Foch four horse " 15 CO • Each two horse hack. 15 00 Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drawn by two hones, eighteen dollars each.. For each additional horse tur ale or the above vehicles, ono dollar. E1011115,U hi, City Treasurer. Prrrazincon. February loth, MS. fe170.1 FURNITURE, AND DANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, Selling et reduced prices, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. JAS. W. WOODWELL, Non 91 and 99 THIRD STREET, Oinpoelte E. Edmtuadlon A. 0n.% cad inh7 Itn. 111 FOURTH STREET. 11 X)l' Aux ANDI a WHILT,T43I 4; SONS Now Occupying Their New Stores, 10+t 21 . .F0rth.. Vrimt H.. aM 21.6 lIS Letitia H. PHILADELPHIA. . Haring Leen thirty years in thetrade, end know ing all the .12,222/021,212:1 In LOU yinialty:weidd mncit consignments of WOOL, WOO r.,NN YARNS, and COTTON. YARNS, find will mike CASH ndrances,' if desired, on au StiViaccitti a; e rate of six per cent. per annum. fildlimd • FORT] 7E14E8 PP.ACTICA • RDLDEXIIAL DINEASEN Glees me a knowledge 2eMors acqatre — a by Phyit• CLADS. My to resklance in Ws city, and the amount of patients treated anal:AST' by me, in sufficient proof of my Bunsen.' - SPERMATORRIBEA, or SEXUAL WEAENTISS And all diseases raising therefrom, are cured Li s much shorter time than heletofore t 7 my NEW VEGETABLE REMEDIES. Medicines soot to any part of the Union. All letters must contain a stamp to pay return postage. 'Correspondence held sawed. Office, ed SAIITHFIELDX 2 , near Wis. mond. Address .I. W. BRANS P, AL D., lactic Fmk PO* t rgh. MANHOOD; HOW I.OBT I HOW RES TOREIn—Just. published, in a sealed. envel o Price, Six Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Trta pe. tment,and.Radleal Cum of. Spermatorrhass, or Sestina Weakness, Involentary Emissions, Sexual DebUity, and Impedimenta •to hiarriage generally; Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy. and Fits; Mental and Physical Izespacity, result. tog from Self-Abuse. &o By Boar. 3. Cokvne. wit t, M. , author of the Green' Book, fm. BOON TO ThaIIISANDS OF SIMPERERS." Sent, under, sea, Ina plstnAgivelope, to any hd' ews, post paid. on receipt of six oents; or two posage stamps, by DIL 3.0 /LIANA 151 Bowery, Bow York. Poet OBoe box 4.688. fisPhleadawT• • THE IMPROVED • • • Little Gant sewing imacial - Price ONLY $l B 01.• Llneurpoused for se reliability and grace In movement; and for reel worth It has no rtvaL For simpilcitY, and execution It la unequalled by any other cheap machine heretofore offered to the public, and n eeds Only to. be seen to be appreciated. It wlll !Mai quilt, tuck or bind. Call and examlna for your., selves. Every machine warranted. ARNES, AffeXl, No. ILITILIED St., oppoeito St. ClltartesNoteL Civil and ffeetuudeal Egadlamer. •norEn.u.--Atrenamo °nibs • atm petEra Aorsicir. No. 12 ST. BLAIR ST., near Suspension Bridge. Drast - Lov and calcula tions to Stem Engines end machinery generally. Pians . and speolgestioni for Manufactories,: Qll Sceneries and Aschlteetual Drairlage„ Map and ;CMOIVI S a =lS Sateltd/glinalßed. tEo.• . - :!$ • R 4.11,11041,8. 1864 - • P .7.`1 ,M•agr OJ. SYLVANIAmmaoIi@O CENTRAL '2,I4—WETTER ARRANGEMENT. —TEN DAILY RAINS. On and after MONDAY, October at st,lllll4,tiall • will leave the Depot as follows.. FAST MAlL,daily a:Et Sunday, at 2.lft. stoop tut only at prim( stations, and making .ect cormectiorui at riabun for New York, • Baltimore an" Wzahington, and st Philsdelplin fOr New York ....011tOIL and intermollate_ points. , • HARRIS.I3HRG 3111 ACOOODATION ,dally et scot Sunda ,s t 5.22 a. in., stopping at all mods. - stations betwvea Pittsburgh andHarrisburg,lum, • making close connection with trains on Hanna •-• Branch, Weat ZerraYlvania R. R. Ebensburg and 4! Cresson R. It., and Hollidayabon Branch.) PITTSBURGH & ERIL I.X.PREaS, daily Ara apt Sunday, at Lao p m., stopping at many LI the stations between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, end making connection with trains onthe Ebeaa. burg and Cresson R. R., Hollidaysburg Brandi • .4 R., Tyrone and Clearfield sad Said Eagle Va/lof Branches • JOHNoTOWN ACCOMMODATION, daily, eg. cept Sunday, at S.OO p. ra, stopping at regular stn. lions between Pittsburgh and Johnstown, and oft. ' • :meting at Blairsville intersection' with tmbia on the Indiana Branch and. West Pe,nrisylnuillolta . PHILADELPHIA EXPRIHS, daily, at &If se., stopping at Latrobe, lionemaugh, Millings • • •-• Altoona, auntimdon. NAM port, Marymllls...... "Mburg, Lancaster;and Donn . . ngtomn. At Harroorn dlreet connections madelor Baltimore. Niashington and New YOrt •-•- at Philadelphia, for New York, Donna and Yang mediate points. Sleeping OM runth= „ l,l train from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, and New York s by the Allsntown route. -. FAST LINA, daily. except Sunday, at• p t stopping only at Oonamaumi. (failitzto. Alto Huntingdon, Lewistown. Mifflin. Mein* Marysville. Harrisburg, - Middletown.' Altzsa won, Mt. Joy. Landisville. Lancaster sal nytoarm At Harristnint connection. are cai to hew York, Baltimore and •Pk delphiaa, for NeT7orkilkal94. !Lad inzersiledl • Plat AcoOMMOdaticia -Train for Stalk leave. daily (except Sunday) at AM a. to. - Second Accommodation Train for leave, daily (except Sunday) at 11.40 a. fa. Third Accommodation Train for Wall', Stall* • eaves daily (except Sunday I p p. Vt ) at. Fourth Accommodation Train for Wain Station eaveydaily (except Sunday) at &Orr p . m. • The Church 'Train leaves Wall', Station every Sunday at. LW a. to., retunung leaves Pittsburg , atf2.46 p. m. ' • Returning Frahm arrive In Pittsburgh as follow ‘. Pittsburgh A Erie Express. 12.60 p. ar. Baltimore Express . t2O p. a Philadelphia•Bspress • - . 13/0 p. Fast 1.20 a. a. Fast Line 100 a. in lohnstown Accommodation- . . 10.00*. sa First Wall'. Station. Accommodatlon... , 6.10 Second Wall's Station - Accommodation 8.65 a. a Third Wall's Station Aecommotation.. 2.10 p. m. Fourth Wall', Station Acconirembitlon6.66 Tp. m. _Baltimore express wilt arrive with Philadelphia Express at 2.110 oti Mandays. , - • - • • NOTICE.-In case of loss, the ,Company hold themselves Sesponsible tor personal bans only, and for an amount not exceeding MM. W. R. - BECKWITH, Ave% At the-Pennsylvania Central Railroad PasaeMer Station. on - Libeitiand Grant streets. • tlo6• ITTSBURGE, FT. amaggei.: P-WAYNE & C HICAGO RAILWAY, _AND OLEVEL AND & P/ITB BURGH RAILROAD. SITES. idtRASSIEMENT. Oa and after December 16th. Met, traiis will eel as fallow% viz . Leaves - For For I For PittaburgitlMicago. ' I. Cleveland. I Wheeling. Expreae.........2.10 at.. 2.10 a. re. .2.1.1 m• .... 1 :1:21 p. 145 p. SAS sa, 2.00 p. For New Castle lind Erie 5.64 Las. :` .sszna mrat Arrive at AncleamT—F. P.. W. & 0.. Kama. 7.20 a. m., 2.20 a. m., nee a. m. and ate p. O. A F. R. H. 10.00 a. m. - • ODORCE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, 13Mon rauelger Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. CLAS.SELEIRREY, Ticket ocaldaa F. R. MYERS. General Ice Agent PITTSBURGH CONNELLSVILL, z • wurrEa. AititAriazoterrr:::. • Oa and attes:MONDA.Y, Nov. IS, 1664, their at will leave. the Depot, corner. of Bask ASA MAC: Leaves *Mier at • - , Pittsburgh. Pittefttl.: Nail to sad froixitinloalloint. , 7gif a. ta., ; Express. . p. m.. 1010 a. First NolLeespoiliAcciaiiia...ltlO a. at' , ROO a. la. • Bening gag is._ First Etadtlook , s :ISO a, U. - 810 a U. Second , - 4 ra. , ,6510 , • Sunday Chord .Trala to Sll4 - • , , trots McKeesport' ISM a. U. For tisltellappli . to - , - W. B. STOWS, tiupestatoaThg. =BE A . 10 a- LLL EY. EGREN LILOA Y =Mr • -.: CHAN, GE OF TINE—Oa sa4 after. MOM:MT Moy lAb,Z .. tba following anarateaeat of U. MIL TBLltf.—LeamPittabutglt i 4.114 A- ;4 ' .arrivrag at lattruming at 10.00 a. n. Let:mar • tinning at 4.60 p.m4 arrival at . iittabniga at 7 EXPEEM TRAlrt—Leaves Kittanning ai 0.00 arttrlag at Pittsburgh atesol. Pit tsburgh st LSO. to, =10 . 14 at vro , miale..ak". • .&00011TIMODATIOS LISTS, = Soda • 1 , 74:04 tat &se a. at., arriving salittaburgh at 7.41 m. Leaves rittaburgii st, amp. arriving at • airta ' V. WItIGhT, elarie'rlaterg. ut: IX81:18.1.41'WE; PERPETUAL C iLtRTER 1829. Fitiymair FIRE nisnammattrAn, py-Tfr A.DELtHI4.: "` ' " ' Ansel on Jackman 1. 11184.552.''. IMME Invested Premiums • Unsettled Claims... —.. Income for 1864 Perpeval and TeMponuT.Redliferi-ta• i Charles N. Rendre; , . Lae, Leh ...' Tobias Wegner, • i Edward v. naloi . ' -' -- ' - Samuel Gra.ut, George Palm , • . - ,' •' , ' Jacob E. Smith, - Alfred Paler; -,' :' . -..., , • ..; George W. Richards, Fres. W. Lewle,tlLlEJ i;. CHARLES N. ANUFLEJI, Fm (MW : , .. ' . EDWARD O. GALE, Vice Preeideet, JAS. W. AreALI.LSTLI4See. mtes's:, .. .. mide : . 001TICT WoOd And Third I eeb : - ' -• Insurance Co. of North America. PMIADELPHLL Hartford Firs. hisivance COMPa 2 7O esseu.. /Eli-Protection Can be aaeuind la the itoo7o atlas* '• w. JONES, water feltikly • Birders Buildings, St Wa llor ter r it. wEsTBRN. INSITIWICE COMPINX:. OF PiIT3BURG I / 4 _ _ Biwa EM, Jr., Prorfttrat. WM. P. H ERBERT, Sacretary. Office, No. V 2 Water erect, &Pang & 00 .'1 1 Ware. house, up Matra, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all *fads of Fire and Marina nag. A Bow indttatiow samara by Dirsdorr tote are welt known talk oassoualty, cut sato dredger: . mined • by proasprnots and tibersittri to atatatata eiorracter sat& Mr, Aare .mmaL , ! . .241;.• fMs be. prokelliap Maw stto - dssirs togie R. M . Jr., A niscaroa neAnkle?. j, tme . meaujor.h a nd er. Spo ' • i, Nathaniel Honnee„ . i . Dee* X. Lang _ •;.- .. & Alex. 20mlek, , . ~, -, ~ ..: HUM ;.-Ttuen.. L. , Georup Darst% -: 1 Onu. .T. <Hark, Cr?e c ipbell B. Herren, JohnH. MeOnne. ... . . lIIZEN's-ENSURASICE 00./LeANT . NauF Pas sSIMEGIL—Qahn goggio—MArket at4Wataitrfe4l'4i - oid . floos.. • • Whl. BACiALEY.,P I I I44 O , why. SIIRP.A3O. secretary. - • Insures Steambonts'and.eargoes, Insures sgalnst loss and damage le the insidb Lion of the Southern and Western Invers„isai and Bayous. and the navigation of the Seas.- bum( agates, loas and dsmnge by An; Samuel on, Sohn • . Ins. Pnrk, Jr., ' - lames ha. Coopei, W. O. Johnston,, HarbenBh, B. F. JORIM, • I. Jr:, - Hon. T. M. Howe, John S. Dilworth, Barclay Freston.. • : }lodgers.-- Ileorge Ihrtglurm, dslOdint IiCkEOPLEIr INSURLNI:32 .CO*PANT'' j_ .• - - Office, - corner of Wood and Filth Stu FIRE AND- ZAZINE - INStatANOU nuccruns r' Wm. PhitUPs, Eant...Tohn LEtiOsill, 'John Watt, .Samuel P Stisiver. John E. Parks, ' Ranson Levy - Charles Atbacka. Win. Van Kirk,. - . John E. ElzkintriOk. , James D. Vezina John Myda,_ PHIELLPS, rrsatient, _ JOHN - WAIT, Vim Prondant,,'_i sinc GAHDHER-Secrdarr. _ .inlol,l ALLEGIIENT INSURANCE 001.1PAI.i 2.1Y,0F PlTTSMllaii.—.Orike t So. ST 11 / 111 :: , street, Bank 810 ck.... • • - - .. Laurea against. sal klndi 'of pre lid - .14 , 81111,V ISAAC JONES, PrutiewL_ . . ,:,. ' ' 30111 CD. WOOBD, Vice Prosideil: O. ~. John D. Mt•Clorl„ • - ..- •.:i (3. '''' ii i . =&, '': UDC Le . L .. ...... J‘-'- ,. Capt." . .. C. Jr., .-' Vapt.. v. m. ..Z.,..: . .. Zahn Irwin, Jr., ' E. L. MaGrew. ~,: B. L. Fahnestock, .- ' Robert it Davis: - ; '.7.• . _ . .- . TO PRINTERS. ' - ' .'. - _ ~.-. PRESSES UDR COLE. Ore TAYLOR CYLINDER; ber - Etsaa Oar TAYLOR' DOUBLE CYL1NDE.1117.5..; 34 vi ltm ul hes b : all id th a v b w o t 0:4% : . or or NW* roalaU rc& PlRabrapi. 1% . . . ...-111 bap* " . XO,OOll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers