a j afro-LET.—A n a4%door corner of water end - Stolthdeld street& %tee! - JOHN L HOUSE it 00. VOR RENT.--'Que 4. — M - 3 AND the Hwit ANDSOMELY be PIIHNISILED HOOPS on t ean had by titans 4 N 0.166 THIRD STREET, between SmlUdleld and xi G i r r e a nt amt. . - - WOW" BALB.•-•-A DESIRLBLE RESI 111‘roo -s- DZNOE in rt. containing eight rooms; area bons. . stable. Lot minttO, on swinish number of i trees, tines and shrub bery. -tor palter/are an terms inquire of O. R. TOWER, IN Folmar street, Pittsburgh, or of W. ALMRITEHEAD. on the premises. mherand TOR BALE; The good will Anil flztoreiot a SALOON. For t, poitionlarmOsquire ' t No. 200 =MITT STiLVET, Pittatarati. SALOON V . oll`_. SALE-HOUSE AND stated In the Eighth Ward, having • front on Penis. Avenue of 20 feet, and extendi back sto feet to a 00 [ toot alley, with a neat :X story brisk buildinget rooms new papered; press brick front and ir on rerannatb.Prloa ea,SOL Terms eeary. 81 ,4 401' 0. .hte . • - L'OR .8 Pi T.R —Tho heirs of Elizabeth I x htOtler, deceased, olier - for sale a SMALL I FARM of 41. acres, situated In Penn tewashlo, Al. =ear - . 11:1114,L, on the Leeehbarg Bout, twelve P l ' ha un Inn inebleVst l / 2 on goon which " erected L lo; aortas al water on said farm. For ftinher information labStlwd . .l. gßlia Erg, FpR SALE TEAT HANDSOME DWELLING situate on Central street, Allegheny ally, within there minutes walk of street railroad. The house contains ell the modern Imiirovemeots and wore. Menem and -mlll be so SAXES rdle, by spirng to W. AREOT zazate 31 Fltth street,' Pfttatetrib. TO•LET A CORNER STORE ROOK • • of • dwelling of Ilya rooms; in the Tint Word, Allegionth turner of Rebecca and Bulbar:a street. • I Bellaire on tha rlightlllES, or at • t sabtlit • THIS OFFICE. f - I FOR BALE--$BOO mil purchase a neat Houle, good stable, pump, large gar ,'den,C4thatir'o acres 01 ground. Well suited for a Phyalelan. sa a large practicet already • • "lobed. Situated in 8130Woleil Tp., on Peter's Creek. Ap. ply to . -B. Moloilit fc 00. ?OR SALE--Thitlarge THRES;STORY A. BUOY DWEI.LING ROUSE, No.ll Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Ponassion Ono on the let of JUSIN W. BIDDYLI R Allot itert a tair. - OIL HEITREILY. • • : Minato seven miles from Pittsburgh on A V. R. • R.; all in complete roonlog ardor. Prim Kidd. For puttees:a enquire of • WARING It XING h.=Owd is Market street, Vittebur 11 ih. Ox 1.- BALE.—LOTEL. TBRIE VERT DIMUILiBLEI LOTS for badmen or nuundoetwing purposes haying*, front of IV feat on 1421inty street, opposite Eno/ r 9 r futumPut4a.4ll , ..l.44V,W DLE , . . 111 Liberty street. '4l 0031Younara Ewe* , • _ -- •f fear nokolthrooni sot staff wool of Um Aetna out ti 'Cumbria', Good Mpg cootreatent. Pbarenuor Ono omtaw appl Waders Pau, 71 . 11 it Molise WailOa Mop, Bower strait, • aoriOS VOR/LiFOURTH WARD, ALLR ..,,x . 3 - GREET CITY PROPIRTY. lira are: Untied tonal:the kgeitnated ad the nal aide ot OnerialCatrget,at its intimation wttl! the PPen. 4- '• (Wends CAW, (a :be Fourth Ward, Allegany vity, .0 whin there are four brick hones, two of whin , ere three 'tory, containing the rooms' cad!, and two are two nary, containing fonr room eon: Will beselgalan ;errand tor good oil stock, • ti.BAMET.lllllthis nat. - VOR .BALR. , ;—A , 'LOT OF-'GROUND, sLair, Scoria-ley Station, on Pittsburgh, Port Wayne An. 4014eaxo Walton; oontalnlog THREE AORES s US , 11110XISM on' whi•erestal a moduli Al le boOo tt .ae o. now in course ch of ta completion, with night •rotium; ll.thronghthe watts, Inside abutters in front building, cellar wider the whole, Wok potch'• and hag window isrpitrklr. ' Will be sold low,' possessina ;gown:deed first of Xag, App! to . X. STONER, Fourthatrect• — 5 ..,, - ,,'- .F°R• 13A.1. B.—TEN TW.._.:-___Ei I 'l'. DRUM, and EIGHTEEN ONE ;AND TWO .".''''....; STONE FRAME /MEMO:NUS, situate fa Do. ..,-.......i ass ns , Bassragb, near tba Iron leoggs,grttli good ..t , ,:.r; -iota Mtaabed, ELL_ 'repot._ y I. pleasantly 5.. sad will be dimmed of on Liberal Wray.- To. ;„.,., ..,, 1111 . 3 m 12: i llfAV ror lf u ear, s 1 , 11: 4 i WIN) wkabip proem . . , :14;.t •,. ... re on the ant of Apill. For parUcalars, My .x.. 4 Ally at the Rep Estate and Insurance es LT of i ii ;47,.. Datlis.strest; near Alien s Lawrenserlltana. .:. ...,! WOR BALE.—One 'SECOND. HAND . , -3.. BOILER, nearly new,2l test .U 4, as Melee •:.; • glameter, 1.16 Inch anal, ' • •' - - :.• '' One 44 feet long; 40 Inches diameter, pots Inch ~.. Hum • . ' . . - . One 14 feet 1014,0 lathes diameter, Via faelk One ' • 60 barrel Wrought Iron Tank. y Enquire at the INDHSTRIAL WORX.S.- , - • _ . . HUGH X. BOLE b. 00 ~ eor. Point Alley and Duquesne Way, Plttaigh. ~. : VOR BALE—Three. new, Stain' Engtnes,- , '-- .. ..A: bunt purposely for oil wells; TA Inch eilihdar, , . At Mak stroke; :eery. strong. -Engine abaft, crank :.1-' ; aad connecting:od of wrought from -, Botlms is to idteeiloag;93insheadtiiieue;with two 11-inch duos; &honey la to. by 90 feet; hot and *obi water maps.. Everything complete and ready to ship on RIICIELId. BOLE, _ Pittaburgh,Pa.. Shop, wernee.Point . OW end Dom:mese street, *ask of Allegheny river. near the Point. deollt • PR eeLE • THAT DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE . . Known as 11111 INT ; 80 at; Weeds Itan.frioli .00eupled by PILe. ) - the former real. deuce ef .Wra. Leaky, Brink_ House of {eatsad seller, well - asti7 cirtern; bat fruit trees of all kind. grapes, he.; FIFTH ecru of land, embracing a due quarry site, splendid views of the Ohl. River, • Hallways, Slanshester, =mat the tenth:ass of the Manchester Street Railway and Wood'. Run Station Pitt. Ft. W. k ill. H. R., onitea minutes ride by the latter from • Federal R. Station. - -Farther particulars and 'terms mar be had of subeertter say day from -Ito 4 Welton, at his mashing shop, on Webeter agg ',PAL Lt!'''use .10Pegi131 or robed ea SORERT H. LECKY. A.; WOE SALE—LOTS 11 ALLEGHENY OITY —Ti undersiguid over - for ante Lhe jpropertywber• MralrOßD now ilres,ma Future lane, Allegheny. city , adjoining the Tannery of John Taggart. It has • front of about MO feet on Vesture iane and extends bark about MO feet. It is apart of John O'llent's plan of Mount Rene, - ed la Plan Book VOL 1, pap 11, - and Mehra.. on SIG lola of said plan, being lots • numbered $ to Si. It has a comfortable frame house, and the grounds are planted with good fruit trewl, he. could be divided Into !ereral good building lots, or, 4:lmproved as irwhole, It would make a delightful reside:nem - It is ollerod foe *ale as a whole, or In separate lots to suit putchasers, and- the terms of payment will be -made easy. Possession. Can be glum oaths Ant of April nerd. - . • • • -.tot Filth et. • ..t. • , t: •~: n r t 8 07. 6-LOTS •J'i . THZ. ES e !IT! Wool.' children of . Dnild heo 4 ed Ireer, d&d, otters for . *ale the fo sweet lets in the Itighth ward, Oily of Manus vitt Itiota an the comer orals. b e landt. said , G I) gel p te , t, btajjog ,I lot on Leona street; _ 41.Mk un dant if lota to My 1011 to Mit 4=Aeltroy steed. al) by gig fee& 111 to/Ni to wad plan' - &T I N Mt. bo l as No.. id ed ßl 2. I r S=l . plan,' seddray air/06W 110, lots. 'ininte of then _ Pete are, erie .lealeabes se betiding eltwsed ethane • eee Tarr .u,sba toe stow. They, will i,e sold'iewerataly -o r . all agatrakeaay , L D 1550 1 1117104,416% Yc i' 11 - tin" IrTE° 921 10'7 1 1;LIZ ? luR . i cheerfully Yeeommead Chefs tom} (Heuer 40 ~tuners. They us authorized to tells all eat,. • ertuldlog saconute. JOefN MIIIIDOOH, Zr. rnesslrsost ronuourrogaro, tom .. . . A JOMIT R.* A.MURDOCH, . , .., _ . .' (Soocossors to Saba TdOrhooh. Jr.,) t7•,.,ktrEBERY NEN ARO • FLORISTS •,",. • .. . .. t. I . 7reripe . pale . lBll.l3oollesfelus Apple Trees * or CV : utock .r r s t.l. • -!!! f*. tec.P. 3l .!•- • .;" 41 r • :req. h t g•- 1 PE.lill i a t zttart asi diriu:p ...... : ' .IkAdli A ' M ORNAE.ITAL TRESS, 1 . - '" -- -11), rierpfeini., Ord!inhouse pmd, Padding • . iZI 1";; , _ .... , !J' Deckle mat Limos':owe Gardenersimpelled at reduced Mei ' . . . .IW:tepid . TUBSOLUTION ,Or - CO-PARTNER. JL. , 1511.1P.•The Partnership heretofore existing hal-Seen the •uoilarsigool, under the firm muss of !tiCRP UPTON k. 00., - tor the manufacture of tiller.fl pearlimil . ethee Soaps; ltu this day been dissolsol Dr Mgt"' .." 1 " ! . ..T0 174 7 . 1. httl i MlN . rittaimutslOsevt etb. MK • - • •, • sm. xxilloo* * CO, . WK. & (aranitims le eau mrro t c:0,4 • sifirer Pearl and Superior RoginSoaps, • on , LlSsirr STBXCT, PITTSBUGE! det:lrl pOPARTNEFBLIII% . • 'we boys lestottste6 wits u is SU Soc . 's, rests sag femoral produce boaluess, JAKE'S JO EIRBON Lad 3ORN scHLELEIN.. Path:ma tP•dstARS -FEB. 111/6ETlsi.susder the&sae ortalterykon, &jimy.' D:PATTERsoss -,, • , . , 7, I! - A- • • • ._ PITTSBURGH THEATRE. FIFTH anarr, NEAR WOOD. Loft= AND ?demeans - • Wig.lizonanson. e.eng en g tr sgemt for slt nights only, of the favor. tie It younitgedion EDWIN ADA MS, who will appear for the find time here as • .' MOOR ARDEN, ss dramatized eiprersly for him from Tennyson's celebrated poem sad now played foe the first time on the Pittsburgh stage. tip THIS =Mai% the beautiful lige act play en. goeh4rden; or, Under the Palms. Eziocitizem, Edwin Adams. (with n powerful cast.) To conclude with MARRIAGE ATANY PRIDE. MASONIC HALL. GROVER'S Grand German Opera, LEONARD GROYER------ENDEOZOE. (Also of Greven; Chestnut aroma L T Philadelphia, led Grover , . Theatre, Washington, D. C.) CARL ANSCUOTR-- --CONDUCTOR. • SEASON OF SIX OTERAS ONLY. . TUESDAY, MARCH 28111,1665, Most positively, the only presentation of Ganziod's immortal growl master prodostion, FAUST, welch produced so remarkable a sessatlon on the occasion of Relate presentation by this company In the New 'York, Boston, and Philadelphia Acade• mles. JOSEPH HERM &NS, zi e MitringTopnum. His very celebrated piton, a lyric and • dramatic conception and ren dition, of wrack a parallel tabardly seen • • In • generation. mile NA.RTE FREDERIOI, ' es • Kumar:arra. Her original role, studied uuder the immediete direction of the composer, Gunned, and accorded one of her strongest assumptions. Sig. GUISEITI TAISUGO) a• FAVEIT. ' An seloicrwledAed superior conception. SIZIIEL IRMO OMURA. MARTHA • Mad. ZI .I.AUTORAN. VALENTINE IiFINRICR STEINEOKR. RAGII ER ARTON GRAFF. GRAND FANARE MRHAIRE ! In fourth act r by the =bre GRAND CHORES AND .ORCHESTRA. FWLL MILITARY BAND. This Immensely popular ()per& was first preaanted in Amelia Ws Compan at the • Anadsm yet Music, subsequently at' the New Yor• This Opera .presented entire men, the Church Scene (now omitted in Its representation by M. Clonnod,) only being omitted from Me too great length of ,the• Open. ,The 'characters Mar. gnats. and Elephistophiles, are, and will forayer remain • thoroughly- wedded to Marla Eroded Is and Joseph-Hermaan.7 The•actlag of the latter in Blsphistophiles Is regarded an superlatively beyond anything known to the lyric stale. It may not be smite to add that the celebrated Dramatis Artists, Elwin Forrest, E. It ' Davenport and Mess:a Wal• -hu have(expressed the opinion "that as dramatis assumption stands before It.n. • • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29,1865, ROSSIIMPS GRAND OPERA BARBER OF. SEVILLE. . ' • Buts my be secured at the mania Samos or O. O. Mellor and Sieber & Bto. daily rrom3o.e. it. to 4r. Y; at night at the box office oftheltall. - Atha!Won to Pam:tette 00 Orchestra Sc.,a secured.-- 2 a) CONCERT HALL. • FALLON'S STEREOPTICON ! mi Top zTSGST and EVERY EVENING this week, at 8 &Soot. Also WEDNESDAY sod SAY/SWAY LYME. NOONS. With:WWl through the world, sod tomb trasacripts, of all. that /a strirjag to _LAND. SCAM; Dirs. or- beautiful Ah TIME, °rerun/SW la STATUARY. Change •TPlWEWatiaroti Raab Evening. AD3IISSION, 80 aenta Children, 25 cetits. 1 lekst ogloas. at C. o.l6ellor's sod Elsber ral Brothers. Ma:Union to Matinee 15 arid 23 cents. nolittal 411.16: n. I. 1•111 Pier 71:11:1 . . W. O. SMITE. Lessee-LI VOICIECIICIX AT 8 dcrLoca. SPLENDID BILL .FOR THIS LPENIff G. First time 'of the great trick pantomime of the GOOD FAIRY AND THE DEMONS. . rongs, Daneen and Comizelities by the Company. The laughable fares of the • STAGE STRUCK TAILOR. O. W. Maio.. Nn. . 'Mt:indite evening, firatzlett of the great nava flea drams of the . VEMA PICEPOOKET; or, Lai AT Tao INATIOE'S CAPITAL. 8. .7,1178 IC. c. CMCKERING PIANOS NEW STOOK, ENF.RSON'S PIANOS. g NEW STOOK, GUILD'S PIANOS, NEW STOOK, GALE'S PIANOS, NEW STOOK. OROVESTE.EZPS PIANOS, NEW STOOK, BAYS' PIANOS, NEW STOOK, AT 'VARIOUS PRICES TO .81IT -..:EVERYBODY. MMUS C. MELLOR. St WOOD STREET. 117AN013 AND AMERICAN ORGANS. - BRADBURY, New York. BOILOMAKER re, CO., Plaladelphla, and BOARDMAN & GRAY, .W.X.4I,I\TIC&ABe S. D. & W. Smiths'.Ainerican Organ, MIA ?Arm :num ATIACRIBEIY. Ant reretnl a new lot of the above celebrated toebrumente, together with • GOOD CHEAP PIANOS Ins other rafteafactarers. All &unmated for Ave pare. WAN:BLINK &. smut. • mote No:11 ST. CLAIR STREET. ll COFFMAN, HOENE t CO., 090 as Milli • sox: adsirra ran- • 32001raar'ir dos. tar am Pianos in mamas. wt. NA8E13 , 11.6.1 1 108, raijoiia irziartEck* s AND OSSANS,. the bestln thy world, For "Ala only try ' ctitaaccraz Bran's, rolls - W Filth.. travel, Sole ...Wit. . -..., A t 10SZPII .A.DA3IB, enilA; _Complief r , • Scilldlog, emir of 13 - OM And GRA= otioKa t Pitt•Durgh.. 'Re «—De 1. fil:PollOolf.. In. filsoh.“ , Th eodora nhlhicsa.R moil Doom ,POTATOES Alth APPLItt3.---.Reatived, tbis day. t ear load leaseb.l3lor Potatoes , ar laa4 Osten Apples' • telt°L.ll. tX. ' ,-CARE summon. Copper Mill and Smelting Works, PITTSBURGH: PARK, M'CURDY & CO., Manufacturers of SITEA,TRTNG. BRAZIERS . k BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER. HOT. TOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER'. Also, Importers and dealers In MET. ALS, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, &a. Constantly-on hand,TDINERS. MACHINES and TOOLS. IVarehousa,No.l4olTß&T and LIOSIXI. OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. 11529:17dawT garPITTSIERIMIII SAW WORM% HUBBARD, BRO. it. CO. X•317/ACTITRXIIS OF PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS. Warranted OAST ha hr.l. SAWS, of every de scription. Mill, Mulay, Cross Out, Gang, and aA other varieties. All kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, made from Sheet CAA Steel ; Extra Refined REAPER AND MOWING KN - 1.1- , ke. W Jar chame and Worka, S HORT STREETS, Pittaburgh.corner WAWA and Particular attention given to Retoothing, Gum. wing and Straightening Circular Saws. also, re pairs of all kinds. Pun ahing and Drilling done at reasonable rata. apindy WM. HAIINIIILA, & Cm.. Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. 20, 22, 24 and 20 PENN STREET. Having secured a large yard, and furnished with the moat Improved machinery, we are meat s % ed to manufacture every description of BOILERS, in the heat manner and warranted equal to an FIRE made in BE th DS, e cou TEAM PlPESntr:y. LOCOMOTIVE RICK: V UN S, BOILERS, OND EN SER CI, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS,_ SET TLING PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and sole manufacturers of BARN. HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing done on the shortest notice. deUktf 010900 D. 091.911... J. r. HOLLAND Yui LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. MITER & CO., (Successors to ILICITLE, HARTXAN A Oo.,) hianhlseturera of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, AY. LES, CROWBARS, he. ♦a- Works, FIRST WARD, 'Allegheny. Poet Office address. PITTSBURGH. Jatady HOBINISON, BEA de 4.10.. (soccoisors I to Roarasoa, Mona & Pluanna. Washington Worki, FOUNDERS'AND MICHINISTS, Prom:mon. Manufactures of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM. ENGINES LAST ENGINES, MILL ,ORINERY, GEARING, MATTING, OAST. /NGS of all descriptions, OIL TANKS &. STILLS, BOILER. AND SHEET.IRON WORK. Ai - Agents for GIFFAHD'S PATENT =MIT. OR, for teedlng boilers. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF S'VJ_ BOTH SEXES.-A reverend gentleman-hay log been restored to health in a few days, sitar on dm'oTeVr the renal s r AgtoU e t s s 'l liec i e r s7:orsifire rng sacred duty to communicate so him, allicted fellow. creatures the means of cure. Hence, on the reeelpt. of an addressed envelope, he will send, free. *copy of thepreseription Direct to Dr. JOHN X. DARNALL, tat Fulton treat, N. Y. rahlDlydnwT JOHN dk BRO., ANOT Manatee. DOORS. IRON of RAILING I I WLYDOW S N VAULTS. AND VULT . TERS, WINDOW GUAIg eye., Noa. It SEO. UND and 86 THIRD STR , between Wood and Market, hare on hand a variety of new patterns, fancy end plain, suitable for all purposes. ~SarEartLetitar attention pald to entloalsi Grave Leta. Jobbing dons at abort nottee. • met igrD s Di ran EAS NAL, EIa warc Ole A UD AND NILIt sEx VO O II I. II. SYSTEMS—sew and sellable trestmeat—in Be. ports tartar, Howard Association. Sent by mall to sealed letter envelope, tree of shams, Address D. J. SEILLEN SIOUGHTO±NHoward AssOciation, No. S Sonth.Ninth street, Ph i rd robablv , r t' I ' S • 1,;)•,..• A , 4 .4 " tom ` and wholnale dealer CHEWS, BUITSPB„, SEEDS, FISH and produce irenarally, No. % WEr I :iv: 34,, , 44 , •,1 • • , not of GC 7i0,N2 B.ILES. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. ' QC A.,iii.i.ILAATTE QIIIMAL'iI Oman, FM? Drrunor, Wass: wren titre, March It, win be sold, at public Auction, to the highest bidder, at Baltimore, Maryland, on THURSDAY, Barth i 5,18115, ONE HUNDRED MARES WITH FOAM, many ot them wall bred and in good aolse.lUen. AIM, pi THURSDAY, Mara 'A SO, TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES. . These horses have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the army. For road and fuming purpsies, =ay good ber g:Lbs. way be AnimaW•old singly. Sale to commence at 10 as ie., and will be held at Phillip , . Dovernment Statile*, corner of Fremont and Ramsey Meets. Teems—Cash, In United State* currency JAME , . A. gkirt, Brevet Thigadier General, la change First Di vision Q. 111. 0. 0. mulitotti BAUGAllsits AT txt, BARGAINS AT 911, • BARGAL'sTS AT sr,. A.A. - CTION AT suOTIO (er Oa, • AuortoN . AT W, every afternoon tae week of SOOT, SHOES, 8AJ...51012./1/S, GAITERS, le., Price no object a; the good. inset Isesaid, no n.session mus. be given or the Ito?. at the flat of April Goods at Primate Sale for less than cost. R - R. hici3LINTOOK. 96 Federal street, Allegheny city. 47 - Let everybody attend. nahll COLLEGTORT4 SALE.—WiII be sold at PUBLIDAIJCTION. at the Vinegar manufao. tory of J. J. Dove, on Palo Alto street, to thewlty of A Ilezheny, on MONDAY, id day of April, 136. the followiog de rcribed property taken by warrant of dlrtraint toned to me by David N. White, Elq„ collector of WaLlotriet a Pa., a. the property of J. J. Dove, to wit r 8 vinegar otlllo,. casks, I largo took, I small do., 10 bucket.. l /son kettle and Mick, 1 stove and pipe, I hydrant, 1 tab, I lot of b w ' r !' er%l l , l b lot 'g e d f " o ' p e ir r eole d no w t l4 O r f L'e":4,l,,T,Vrof of funnel., 3 charcoal still.. 101 l can, I paint pot, I torso, I coal eked, I 01l stone. broth and points, s o ld ferret lumber Takenwe the property of the sold J. Dove, for Internal Ravenna due and sus Int& Sale to commeOce at ID o'clock a. Y. Terms tech. HUG 11 McDLIIENY, nitat:td Deputy Collector. . tkii ;o : 3 2 :l r e ,c t . Ta x i l . 11110ADWAY SALOON, 64 FIFTEI —TUESDAY MORNING, March 09th, at 10 o'dock, Will be sold at Vierheller t Roesingte Broadway 'Saloon, No. tt Fifth Wert, the enure at: ck of Liquors in casks and cases, the Bar Fix turre, Fumiture, &a , comprising Oh ampagne, Catawis, Port, Sherry and Indite \Vines, of parl ous celebrated brands. Old Monongahela and Murton Whisky'; Freest' Cognac and Pale Brandies, Cteny sod Blackberry Brandies ; 1101- !sod Gin, Raspberry and Unerry limo; Bottled Tomato Catsup; One Imported Cigars; Bar. Coon. Wand Back Shelving; rise Glassea,'Llottles, ht.; esar Case. Office Desk, Bar Stove and . Popper Boller; Marble Top Wash Stand; Eight Day Clock; Looking_ Glayea, Pictures; floe Ornamental Door Lamp; Treaties and Leaves for table use, ac , Sc. mite A. McILWAINE. Auctioneer TNRIaTIIRE, CARPTES, ac.—ON - 1 ••• 'TUESDAY MORNING. Marsb Mith. at ten• o'recak, will ha 'old at 71 FOURTH STRET. fe. Monica Ronk Buildlod. octanes; Maket and Wood arrests, a quantity of household goods, embracing rusher seat iota; walnut sofa seat p_arlorahairs; two walnut 3et e a-tell two dressMg- bureaus; wardrobe; lame enclosed wash straits; two end to bier; superPn sixteen feet extenalon table; hat rack; cupboards; settee; wpod chairs; 1 tench ; oat beiniestx: busk and cotton mattranss; gilt and mah. frame mirrors; Masada. Ingrain, chaos. 'mond stair carpets sad oil sloths; cook stole and kiteben utensils, queenswore. ac. • • mb27 T. A. McOLELLAND, Auotlosteer. ' T I oIIRTEEN LOTS IN FIFTH WARD. —OIxTUESDAY EVENING, Marsh :oth. at 7Kiitelock, will be sold ow second ikleir Of Com. merelal - Sales Booms, 6. Fifth street, the follow. log Building Lots. In George d fieldonle plan of Lots' in the Fifth Ward, city of Pittsburgh • II Lots, being Noe 8,9,10, 11, 12,13,112,63..60,65, 60 And , 47 in said Plan. each fronting 20 feet on Columbia irtreet,. and extending back 71 feet, 7 in . Al so 9 Lots. Nos. 7 and e 8 In said Plan, on cop. net Columbia street and Mulberry Riley. Meunier Snix—Ono.third cash, halsnee in two eqnni ennunl pnyments, with interest, secured by bobd mad mortgage. mbdd A. MUILWAINE, Auctioneer. AT AMIABLE STOCKS.—TDESDAY v. EVEN Mara 280, at 7% o'clock, will be gold at:Conntnemlal Beteg Loomy j 6t Fifth. itreet, 10 shares Allegheny Gas Stank' 20 ° Merchants & Ilanufactuhers Bank; inhY/ • A. 11101LWALNE, Aug% DRY GOODS. .Mb. lITTLRON..4ENSE W. CA8.11..9.11V1D lIIVAZDLEAS IV /LEON, CARR ot CO., (LATE WILSON, P/0111 k 00.,) Wholesale deniers' in FOREIGN AND DOMES TIO DRY tIOODS, No. al Wood street, third house above Maimed alley, Pittsburgh. apt, r, ATON, MACRUM & CO., Wholesale .1 and Retail Dealers hi TRITIMINGS, ER. BROIDERIESand DRY GOODS, of/wary desselp tit:ll3,llm 17 and 19 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. 1/IACITAI E &= - GLYDE, Wholesale and Ax. Retail Dealers ha FANCY AND t3TAPI.T. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Sal., No.lll Market between Diamond and. Fourth, Pittsburgh. 17 - 731. BURCHFIELD „Wholesale end Retail Dealer . In; STAPLE. STAPLE. AND YANDY tY GOODS Northeast Fourth rusllMar-Is . agetrests,,Plttsburgh. . • JOSEPH. IIORNE; Wholesale and Retail IMnlcr 1d all of '171 , 11213P(C48, DRY and a_ 75 lit Lys unoircz TORN BOSS, Agent of the Equitable In t, statanee Ketaslngton Flee Instatenes ea, said the Penn Mutual Life Insuraneelichot dept.'s.. N. W. tor. Waland Wed skreetl, PHU I GARDINER COFFIN, Agent thr the •• e rranklloladelohlii and WOODu, acme Compautee, Northead comae- la lIITH STlLta4s. .r. JONES, 'Agent tog - North - Anted t, esit,Stata otPettaxyliartta, sad flartfind 4tA Comimite LW WATER IS lIEL REA, Secrets Cltizove ani*Cletel7szYseozner en4_WATEB streets. `illi tliftsburgh 03autit. 3 times e Deily. 1 week. _. if stir. T;.; I pr. sti lal .. _. One time.. 2 7 6 $ 40,6 Two times.! 1 261 70! Three,tlme 1 401 961 Fur timeal 1 90' 1 151 Fire times.; 2 'XI 1 One wesk..l 250 1 1 401 170 •95 85' 45 Two weeks: 4 551 260 2 901 170 1 45 1 02 Three e'ks i 600! 3 301 4WI 220' too 1 10 One month; 7 501 4 001 5 011 2 70; 211 I 55 Two mo's.l 11 251 6 00, 760 4 00,• A 75 201 tne T 'Tee mo's; 11 75 17 t 0 9 15, 4 70: 4 53. 235 Inontiml 90 751 12 001 13 85 1 8 031 9 90'. 4OD toe mot's; 27 00 15 601 18 001 10 30, 9 00: 6 16 Ymtr.:l 22 00 8 001 21 33 12'90' 10 701 9 00 CRAEORAIILII ADVERTIBILKIET3 For . ooe moors, changeable one time each week, confined to The immediate business of the allow thier. .All lamer adverUsementitooehot proper• ton: ' O tlmesi2 times; t time Dail!. la week.ia. week. is week. One month $ 9 35: SCI 00 $ 4 71:r$ 700 Three m0nth4...1 17 20' 11 45 El 401 00 Six months 24 001 19 110 15 75 10 50 One Year,. I 60 00: 70 00 24 60 1 •14 00 Sir- Fist Notices double the above rates. Death Notices, each insertion $ 60 Marriage notices 15 Steamboat advertisements, per trip 2 00 Executors` or Administrators' Notices 9 15 Local notices under eluded head 75 •'ln Local column. 20 CITY IND SIIBVIIBiII. PRAM TIMMIDAT'S ITZZLIG OAUTTIL) E. Isere of Thirteen Breweries by the Gov- crnment for Fraudulent IReturns. Thla forenoon, D. N. White, Esq., Collector of the 23d District, in company with a number of deputies, seized no less than thirteen brewer lire in Allegheny city and vicinity, for making fraudulent returns of the amount of beer, elm, manufactured by them. The evidence upon u hitt these seizures are based, has been accu mulating for some time past, and the Collector,' after consultation with the United States Dis trict Attorney, determined to enforce the law— there being no alternative by which.' he Could escape the performance of a duty so nnpleasput. The Collector Is satisfied that the government has been defrauded outer a large amount of rev enue by the parties against whom those proceed. Ines have been taken, and hence It became his imperative duty to bring the matter before the printer authorities. he following are the names of the owners of It a breweries Which have been seized : Heekleman k Co., King & Ober, Gottlieb &wile. 'A. Hoffman, C. Eberhardt, J. Weisser; S. Hard, H. Hard; • J. Oliver - Ith & Co , L. Kern. N. Tschudy, J. Hochschwender. Lutz & Wale, The above inelndesall the principal breweries In the district. There are but four remaining In op.-ration. The proprietors of the establishment, seized did not teem to be at all taken by surprise, and in no Instance was there the slightest resist ance to the officers of the government. They had evidently got an inkling •of whit wan about to lake place. • Thejseethim tinder which those seizures are madeL m Wawa: • 'Section 68. And be,it further enacted,that he owner, agent or superintendent of any vessel or vesseLitted'in making fermented liquors, Or of any still, boilefor other vessel need in tho dis tillation of spb its on which duty is payable, who shall neglect or refuse to make true and exact ere'', and report of the same, or to do or cease to be done, any of the things required by law tp be dote a aforesaid, shall forfeit tbr every each neglect or refusal, all the ligners or spirits made by or for him, and all tho teasels used in malting the same;-and the 'stifle belles, and other' Tea se's used in distillation , ' together with the sum of dye hundred &dhoti, to be recovered with costa of .til.miclihich said liquors or spirits, with the vessels containing the same, with all the vessels used in making the same, may be seized by any collector or deputy collector of Internal dude., and held by him until .a decision shall be had 'thereon according to law." The section further providesthat the p ro ceed- Inge to enforce the forfelhfre , of said property shall be In the nature of a proceeding to rem,in the Circuit or District Connor the United dunes for the district where .such seizure is made, or in env Other court of competent Jurisdiction. The breweries above-named have bem placed in charge of seven deputy collectors—six having .barge of two each, and the seventh deputy Icing aselgood to the namalning one, which is a • very large establishment. All work has been ruspendrd, and no goods can be remorelfrom rte Trembscs without the permlaslon of the Commiseloner of Internal Revenue. It is thought that mow arntogementearthe made by which the stock on hand can be sold and the proceeds paid over to the Government, bet the hole matter rcata with theettenntationer. The cases will come 'up- before the United Aimee Court In May next, at which time, should the charges of fraud be sustained, theproperty will be condemned and sold for tba beneht of the g. oicinmeOL It will be well to mention, for the lettere:tattoo of brtn'era, that the amended law (welch takee tnett on the .firstof April,Yln addition to the Fealties In the eeetion.whore eital,deOlarea, it a tnitdemeanor to make s arse return, pi:tu bbable with floe and Imprisonment. Man r Attgcl d ,_ by a Gootlian [slime-nal ' • by his Wife. A German named George Schmidt appeared before Mayor Mortifies:4...ml- amdpin formation charging Adam Newman, a very worthy titian of tie Third ward, Allegheny, with keeping • "ftrocions In.qoht.:" Mri Settuldf(stited, us fnr that as be wie walking _along the pub lic strect r iesdlng a Mile girl by the band, he watt attacked by "a large billy goat," -- owned teethe aforesaid Newman, The animal . 4 !srentM hiM" In the most furious manner. Mated him heels over head, and would hare trampled him to death bad not his wife came to his rescue. Mrs. Schmidt, arcing the awful -predicament -of her. braided, Belied a poker and attacked - the en raged "billy," doming, him several,. blows over the head, attach finally caused blm to beat a as in at. During the enemoder, the horns of the tnimel became entangled In Mr. Sehmidt , l coat, and his garment ores thereby damaged to the amount of fire dollars. A warrant was tuned for the arrest of Mr. Newman, and ho will hare a hearing this . evening... there is a'vcry plain act of assembly againit the keeping of (crocking: dogs, but:wis'are not sure that there is anything on our statute books to potash those who may choose to= keep a: pug. notions hogoat. Stich ''pets,.." however, should t br permitted to ran at large upon our streets, and ve hope Mayor Morrison will be able to tifol 1,131 C law whereby "billy" may be compell rd hereafter to conduct himself In • proper slid Lt rr intim manner. . ' Heavy Theft * by ?ickpoeket. A ho'd robbery was committed on Saturday , anenaoots at the Allegheny Valley Railroad De t, In the Filthward. • Mr. Alexander M'Jan kin, 11010 resides at Logan's Ferry, entered the dt rot to purchase a ticket, but before winging wish the crowd, took enough money from his pocket book to pay his fare, and then placed it in thoinslde pocket of his coat. - After procur ing his ticket, Mr. M'Jniakin started for Law renceville, and while 'on the road, discovered' that his pocket book had been stolen.• Ha itll - hastened to the depot, but was una ble to find any. trace, afar:. Thu pocket book - , contained about $5OO hi greenbacks, and a check. for 51,800, drawn to the order of Mr. 24 , Junkin, and payable at the banking house of Messrs. Kramer .t Rehm. The robbery was doubtless perpetrated by some of the llghtlingered gentry who In test our city. and loiter around the rall road depots and other places where crowds con-. gregate. ComiSMAUGH Funtiacm---This new furnace„. which Is located et Conemangh Braden, two miles cast of Johnstown, was put In..operdlon• fcr the first time Pp the first day. of February - leg. The . Johnstown Tribun ,s wait is owned' by E. F. Hodges, of NewTork City, andia.ma* aged be Chester Granger, of Vermont. Mr. Da vid It. time, formerly of Cambria Furnace, Is the Smolder and' superintendent. The - furnace Is reprtesnted th be au.erseellelthOtie, making an sversp. SZYCr i ty-fire toss per week du !mod coke Imo as Is made in the State. The ore used is brought from finntligdon eonuty; About fif ty men are etepluyed at the furnace and In the coal batiks.. The iron inectulheturedis' sota , te the Pittsburgh market.. . . LAECI:NT or. Mannscusnst, Pins.-,-Samttel Finerabeim, o tobacconist on,Wood street,- ap peared at the ilnyor% office this monting,. and stated 'Qua come Lora; unknown' hint„ had broken lnto the wiudow of his storo, and aaken therefrom six or *weir meteriehanai fdpet,, one valued nt $l3; and - the inhers of 'lris prim: Two oftictrs .wcro at Mtge demg.clagil in seg& of the thitaut. who arrested three boys, two of whom. weris dipeharged. after, giving testbitoor, 'and the other lad :mined Francis Cavanaugh' retelord for t tther hearing. Anothei -ads;ll yet, to be nacr rd, who, with Civattanzh. to be. flexed to bz - coLeenied la theirobbiiVl-700 ot the pipew ncre i rreosered, hat boon void to OEATEKI NO TO Ett.L.,4Jeutee Jackscn,ji ret-hlmit litlzabeth towrithlp, appeared Velbre the Meyer on Satertleand made oath charging Buthr and hitc yv hed KellyWittt threaten lag to murder hlu"./Otw reader" probably recol htt that a own / occurred at - leeltanithr house since dove ego v in which hie brother stabbed' a man, eatusingjejaries Whielittiterwarde remitted :la his death,/ The accused la the present case are relatr a of deceased,. :arid . belittling that Jackson as party to the murder, they bars becnma lug threats against hicw'whkit induced him / to appeal to the law. A warrant wash:sued: Fw ✓ y_ ` ~ m:a"~w~Jj,..l ~" - ~,~"'M J ~xis. .—ai: .v. ~.''erf'.i.'Y'~'.. • ttaburgh ais Viewcd bra Roetou Fi ~ titor. Communities, as well as indlcidnals, are al ways more or less concerned in what other peo ple say of them, and hence we conclude that the following article, from that' excellent pap6r, the Boston Commerm'a/&tin. will prove iniermt lag to our readers. Our importance as a Manu facturing and businese community is beginning to be understood and appreciated abroad, 'had It Is goy no uncommon thing to find a "a chief among us takln' notes," that he may "prinkcm." But read the article : 1=1:13:53 / PITTSBURGH AND ITS'ENTERPRISE. No ,onc, however familiar with the limpid growth of Western communities, can fai to be struck with the unprecedented career f the youthful Birollegham of America, which nest!. among the iron hills at the head ofthe Ohio val- I.T tape .the Western elope of the Alleghentes. Pittibu . h Is a model city as regards 'thrift, en- orgy a d enterprise, happily combinhig In t her, pn suits and business_ population; the prlmitiv characteristics of the West I l i with the ' commercial acuteness and manufac ring skill of the East. ' Her prosperity has rt ficti tious dements; it la based upon ; that sa ;nu tlet Indultry which has so largely ,develop the ci l material rtelourcer of the country; and Which 1 has enriched not-only herself, but the nation at large. The wealth. of which We boasts not the fruit Of unproductive speculation, tint lb the result of (her own creative energy, in extra eting from thethowels bf the earth, and transmnting Into. forme adapted to the wants of eivilized sodety, the crude materials with which nature has tu) lairishly surrounded her. She has 'done much for, heftier, but more for the commerce of the country; and there is hardly a marketjupon the continent which hi not furnished mare Or less With the evidences of her skill and enterprise, competing 'a ith the heat results of foreign art. — Besides being the great workshop of the iron manufactures of Pennsylvania, and the. dia. tributing market for the agricultural products of the upper valley of the Ohio river (Mend ing a large section of eastern Ohio and West ern . Virgibia) she has within the last few Years added to(tbeee ftinctions that of the great in land' Petroleum market of the Went. By far the largest portion of the oleagthou.s pret of Western Pennsylvania Is now floated own the Allegheny river on flatboats and steam. era which, ply between Oil City and Pittsburgh. Indeed, the Pittsburgh market for this (cam inodity now lo a great measure regulates those of the Ehst. 'rho receipts „generally at) this season of the year, with the opening are of,?iavi gallon, enormous; but the late freshet I that region has so swollen the river that transtorta tionls temporarily Impeded, as boats are u able to peas ander the bridges. The enterprising mer °ban ta of pittsburgh,however, are not likely ,to al low thin Important branch of trade to labor, long under the Anconvenience resulting from W i th or low water i and the intetrupden of riser midge lion during the winter. They are rapidlypatt ing forward to completion the New Weal acd Franklin and Pittsburgh Railroad, which' will opea a very short route into the very heart of the Oil region, and greatly enhance the 'dim of propertmowned by Eastern corporations ou the upper fors of the Allegheny. The groiring commerce of Pittsburgh it also prompting her to stretch out her arms in Other direetions for Increased railroad facilities.' Be. aides her chief :connections West via the Pitts burfth,'FortWayne and Chicago and Coluinbus and;tlthelenati railroads, and East via She Penn sylvania ,Central, she has of late extended the Beaver Yalley,„liallroad north to Lake trio at Girard, kitersecthig the Lake Shore .road, ; is building al branch to Franklin and Oft Clty:oa the tail, iconic , up the hfahaning Valley, to courted withabe Cleveland branch of the Atlan tic end Great Western, on the West ; anbther 'down tes 3Vashington, Pri.,to reach Wheeling, Vs., on the south ; and Is now motteg in the matter of completing the Connallsville railroad, so sa 41 term a Junction with the Baltimore and I Oltib, lima opening another through route to the castra seaboard. . A. publie meeting of holiness 'men hat jmst been held at Pittsburgh to promotethls last men tioneilenterptise; by endeavoring to procitre a judirle annulment of an act of the last-Penn sylvania Legislature repealing the charter Of the Pittsburgh and Connelsville RaliroadrCoinpany. If this Is not done' there era two Pfttaborgb on. Beare, Messrs. Casa and llarbanch, (the for nerrPrendent of the Pittsburgh, Port Wayne and Chicago Railway.) who stand ready trn put the road through at Werown private expessSe cad risk; Bo the thing is bound to be done Ini spite of legistatixe red tape; This Is a ter sample of Weiteth entaprise—sur-h enterprise as Warned* Pittsburgh the famous city that she la—and wt felt compares favorably with the Yankee , en terprise which has won for Boston the signifi cant title' of "the hub." 'We' think It equals .anything in that lino which has yet traasplred., except, perhaps, the project which was before the: Pennsylvania legislature last year (but failed to pass) for creating a gigantic corpora tion with-the exclusive right of boring for oil to the bed of the .Alleghcay River, between Walha lla of Ligh.wder mark. As we before observed, Pittsburgh has always Lorne the reputation of an eminently utilitarian city, whose people were of a practical turn of tided, with no penchant for speculative trans arttonatior inclination to dribble its: gold orlfaner blooms, bare sqd steel have r: t ret ' ofore ri lf 4 a i dg e tt l iter attractions for them than the . precious minerals.- ,Legitimate trade has brms their hobby. Their Iron, oil, cattle and pro dare markets, as reported by the local Dress, have circulated reread wideond theirquotations every day scanned with the greatest interest by the commercial classes In every market In the country. But a new feature of the Pittsburgh rrarkets has been developed of late, Illustrating . 113 e special manner the poetry of commerce, but of no lets absorbing intermit to the outside ix otey.making world... It would Dot have been strange if the present oil Speculative mania should have seized min a p epic less prone to such hazardous pursuits elm gap those of Pittsburgh;- or that, consider ing:lth 'contiguity to the oil region, • that City slichld be made thetheatre of heavy stock opera- Oats; reflecting the prospects and varying for tunes-of companies organizedln , moan remote en elms of the country. As It is prohibit these sti,ete tire bought +did split there atligures mare nearly representing their hitringle ratite than In any other market, - these transactions must hare r etest weight with'opefators in other cities; , . • Pittsburgh now boasts of her Peoples Ex.' change, with Its evening as well as morning and and afternoon board, attended' by a crowd of enclose and excited .opera tors.. The fever Rel. Zeutly runs high. its do mat of the prices hid i . the traneactionsat ono evening cession; about a 'week avo, amounted to dehfeen . thousand nine Anoderd.and sixty slaw's, and have exceeded that - namberon one or two. previous neentalool. It Is .trldent our Pittsburgh friends are getting their 'ideas rather, elevated In regard tcr this new . source of Wealth ; bat we trust they will not be . Caine so bray affected with "oil on the brain" es to stop forging, 'crating, hammerlog and 1 , 11- leg iron, so as to compel home consul:nem to fall back again ori old Ilirmlugham forsuppllos. .. Past Oflice Affairs. ion. A. W. Randall, Acting Postmaster Gen eral has made the following appointments in Peonsilvania • Samuel. K. Pile,. postmaster, Jon& Mills, Westmoreland county, vice James Morrison re sipped. Alexander Fort, postmaster, Broad Top, thil.tingoon county, Jim 'James Morrison, reo sinned. The following deputy postmasters have been appointed by the President since the Bessie ad learned : Duet Arters,Greenstmrg. Biopsy F. Von Bonnhorst, Pittsburgh. Christian Smith; Jr: Warren:: - Boyle, Now Brighton,' - , - .sxnuare Dilelll.-1111111110 Chroulehan, while irtirklog m O'Rourke's quarry on Boyd's Hill, died soddenly at 11 o'clock - this morning. Ho' was about fnY Yeani of age. and had been a quarryman for the bat ilfterm years„ during which time andup to his sudden death he been In possession of robust health. It appears that while raising a sledge is the act of striking' hewas overcome with I 'edam Mealmees; and sat dime, when • be; expired almost instaptly: The cause of atedestb:lo iin)cravm; , He Patidod 'on Webster street; ahem; Horifootiaada so family excepts grown-option and daViter. Tito son enlisted two . weeks since. • - • • A Lag= Bain ItabMisrr.-Tha news of the 'ell= of oath , , ail" : the. bre* edits , gheny city and llalumneillatealtinity,bas Crested no little eseltementameng We retailers and eon pitmen-of that ait ,lele" end' tmleis the establish ments can be released. a / drought .Is looked. loc. !deny of the retell dealers on Vale . side 'of the rlierate.stmplied from the Alley,beny breweries,: sod the loss sad letotmeelenee which they will eueteln will be verS considerable. • TO UNITirD/ TATES INVALID JINSIONIMS.— We are Lefortned by ,the ; Pension . Agent here, .that a regulation hasibeen adopted at the Pen sion Office at Washington, In consequence of a lair Imply passed by Congress, requiring invalid pensioners to add to their 'oaths of identity, ark/ the words "pension certificate." at the end of thenflidavit. ”nor in any civil branch of th.t government *lnca ilia third day of Kara,' tins' , TO: nn Flintovernm.—We &intend that an ordcr has been Issued tinder which those who pald - Conimutatlon on the but draft, sod have abet or may hereafter ba.Mwft! ed, will be fulcitgated tlll - (either orders. - though-they ere clearly sot exempt from draft tow; It would seem that the goveraMent does net these buttlog them In servln sue Mini otheis are provided by the pending draft without jamtnat, Dowartor.—The -Medan , of the E - 0 Liege Beek of thlp . have &natal eve hendrW dolls/km li the ttbelstenee' Committee to sestet te building this ciew Soldiers' Iteate,ead 1.1 earning on Ihete woik ditties the coating rzelvg end ewomer. • . aronatretena AND Amman Tals4ll AT Ano. Thos.—bale of Yuraitare, Beds and Bedding, at tt9 Federal street; tomorrow, at ;9 o'clock.- Sala of Bullard Tibias at the Railroad Depot,' Fede ral street, on , Thttradel Mcaing.atl o'clock, by A. Unite, auctioneer. LJIZPETS. OIL CLOTHS. dc. GREAT REDUCTION • C A R ETrif RPS Desiring to afford tn . . public An opportunity of purchitaing goods st POPULAR PERMS, . Corresponding with the • Decline In Gold. And the impending tumble • la Merchandise generally. • We bananas day Marked down phone, Throughout OUT 'entire stock; And offer the largest And moat complete assortment Of new and choice patterns, Brumelo, • Velvets, - Two and Three Ply Ingrain, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Re. l At a reduction of Twentydlve to Thirty-three end one-third per oat. -Uniform System of Currency i . sk THE FOURTH • NA' IONAL BANK, 1 1 • OF P BrIRGII. .. 7 .. ., will, an and after February fat, taaS, metre ..." her regular Depoettore, crlutoners and dealer', I. WE HAVE MARKED DOWN el CURnExer 42' PAD. McPABLAND & COLLIE'S II ned 72 FIFTH STREET. eshtl Next door to Custom House and P. 0 RTH STREET CARPETS U our present stook, regardleu of cost, to rotrespood to the LOWEST POINT OF GOLD, being in most instances upwards of FIFTY PER CENT. UNDER THE PRICES OF Lest' SEASON. As we are daily receiving a goods invoiced aceordisig to the ratio of gold at the date of shipment, we will afford t our customers the benefit of EVERY DEOLTNE IN THE PAARIKET. Alt PFIT' RTC) t-tE C ARPETS!CARPETS! CARPETS! at the CARPET DRY GOODS STORE OF BOW 136 Federal Street, Allegheny We have just received the largest stock of carpets, Rugs, Mats, 011 Cloths, ever °Mired to the public to this city, Also s 101 l assoitsient of • DRY GOODS AND N . ITIONS, which we ere orating at greatly reduced prises. mhttoSsisod ENTERPRISE MILLS. • ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO Nanufacturera and Comnihalan &ram& CARPETINGS, 01 pot/as, Jflaßings, Rugs, At No. 619 CHESTNUT STREET. mom* PHILADR,LPHIA. OILS. 4Fe. BREWER, BURKE t CO., (SOMMI3ELION XEROHAIITS. ==l Globe, "Pacific and Liberty Oil Works. Literal !ash Ovaaces sqede on oonalguments of. Refined or Cliide Petroleum. Car. DrUrittrE WAY fesid HANCOCK St PfITsBtTH()H, PA. STANDARD PETROLEUM REFINERY CLARK & Works and 03lite, COLLINS TOWNSHIP Office fa Piffiabiugh, 24 I,OOII.IIITEEET The,. worke• have the largest wawlty In the country. The brand Wands the h4heit this country and In Europe, for quality and dee tut, end Meal le put 11 well seasonedbarre.la, prepared ii = i lacttren ej tlkOlLEßS, STILLS, TANKS, and IMPROVED MORINO TOOLS for OS Wells. dellrdy _T • SENN; Ty No. 1 At. CLAIR Si.. Pittultursh. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ADD DEALER IN OILS ILLIMINATING, LIICRIOATTIPG, ORME PETROLEV OILS, he., constantly on hand see for style at the lowest market prices. Cozeigri• mesa* and Orders *attired. splint CHAMPION OIL COMPAIaT 1.1 Om de =mot Ode and Manufacturers of Refined Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils. WORKS OPPOSITE SIIARPSBURG Oita No. 69 HIND street, PITTSBURGH, Pa. W. D,• Ni'Llfer& - z•trßTlss, sll= - .1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CRUDE AND REFINED PZEROLEUX, BENZINE AND LITBRIOAITNG OILS. De. 124 SOUTH WHARF - Es, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Air Storage capacity (under corer,) • for 15,000 barrels. Also excellent facilities for shipping to Amer - lout and Perelsh ports, at our wharf on the Schuylkill ly Elver, near the platform of the P. 8.. B. 11...••• BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, not of BALTIC ILAI6 Sta., BrooW ' REYZED OsTitol , • in TI .lieu • Offlee, - Ne.l6 BEAV owty 1:112:11; RICHARDSON, HARLEY Co., COMWSIIIOII and roma:dingm 'erchants in / CRUDE AND REMMIYMBOLEMII, zgo, as . . rmsntracat. - • Jfir Llbeial visit idr sixes'oa consignments for Pittsburg or Eastern Ms*.ets.„. . Prrreilvana larszulurn Metres,Jlft DLlworth.4l, Co. - Springerpariatigh, " Tho=mll.ll,Dq.,Prest.:Conuniirecial Beak. *rmi- 4 Kui — •• mum - Y. Mil moznassloir rdmitsiairrns, -Alar-fre , iltobutTs I ata4 ilealonin Refining MateAalip. ipetS4y No. TtMARKET ST. =Pittsburgh. • =town Atm DULIS MN ,BEETtra-oma . IPerry . Block.....queme.Way,PlttubVti 8 sr.= i lmisir to the VM i SALE AND Vouilgaments respectfully solicited. P . "ta. `I3I;WANSH3 ANN TRANSPORTATION tirPOST OFF/OE BOX 14.2. f,IICENTOIL WQRKB. DITNCLW,XIIINLLP .100., mumirAortsuuss or Pure White IleOned Purlieu Oils. .Ro. 24% LIBERTY STREET Cot W* ttoLxxis _11.14E8 IRWIN iE CO., -g•C Oil of Vitriol and Agra Ammonia. OFFICE No.; 15 51.A.UKIP prrrsinsats. tam 11T1 ' 111E,Y A; LATELY ORION 011 i REFINERY. • • . • . TITS a, LAVELY. (Soca:soon to dot • Oil litfines Ind dealers 6z, Pottolaizin, Benzin*, LiztainaUng and Point Ml*. Offloo, , No. 7 HANCOCK &PBX= Pittabuzlei. (NIL undersigned . will Az , Ws portioulat ottoman to tbo purphsse and Btocb • ! TgAB/A CoMani!.. Witte tip= Owl tidien to oall: . Newman , 441110 -, ,1c04 , 10110118TH STU= 13.1.17 ES 13.1.17E13.11 3. . o`l'O\olo9Preeident. note with irorL tity Beek.) FOURTH NATIONAL BANK Or PITTORURGH • U. R. Cobertment Depart:wry, Prrrser in, February tut, 1863. NOTICE.—WISHING TO FURTHER -LI the delta et the NATIONAL BANK. LAW TO PROVIDE A By Mb coarse the public will east* Eta MONEY FREE OF ALL CHARGE In exchange for their =money. ill By order of the Board. IS. D. HERRON, Cashier. tel Air BANKING HOWIE. N: HOLMES & SONS, , 334Livirmurt.m. No. 57 Market Street. Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN PAR romps AND Cloiteatime. made on All a. artooipst points of the United States and Osnadan STOOKS, BONDS ANTI OTHER SEOURITIE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. .rartiotdor atteatton paid to the parckaso and oak 0f, .. IJMTED STAT SEMMES, rotted Nalco Blies of 16313 Do. IL 546 ; Do. Rives, 11408; Do. Serea-Tlinksi Do. Orriltleates of Intebtedoess. ORDERS AND TOUCHERS BOUGHT OE .00IJ,ECTED. DOLLAR bAV/1166, BANK, NG -66 clikllTElitED IN 055. . . . Open datlY from I to 1 o'clock, aloe on Wedness day and Seturda y erasing, from May •Ist, t 6 No. -"Amber brti homlto.9 ohloak,atutikosallovember let to blay lst from to 8 o'clock. Deposits reeelved"of alliums of notlealtbanOne . and a dividend of the profits declared twit/ a year, la June and December. .Interest has been declared. .kaa.iguakaur, 111 lone 'AM' DeOtagler,' Mum the. Einitik Nag prgaidied, .at," Dui:tate of at, Interest,. not striiwn owed to - the cit.= of the depoeftor as Prinalpal, and bears 'the sense Interest fruit the that days or June god" Deesmber, ' oompounding twice a year-without.trcubling depositor to call; or roan tcrpresent pun took: At this rate money will double In lam than twits* Books, containing the * abater, By,Laws, Rules and ihntubstions, furnished gratis, on appHilatlat at the Gam. • Pazarmonr—GEOEGE AT Taw, TICS rummers. WWII= J. Anderson, -A. at Pollock, 3L John G. Makatea. RabertHobb, Beni. L. Herdman,oo}• John H- Shoenbenter. Jame. Hertiman, James Stat - , James McAuley, Aleirmatier Ep eer,- Musa M. Pennock, Christian Teaser, Calvin Mama, . Henry M l = John C. Malley, Peter A.• • - - Oamra Math, John Kaishall,-. ,_. : Hill hi Walter P. Harshall, li.lonto ' Thier, Tama it D. Kasai, . Chaim A.. Colton, John B. Iltraddand Wm. HOMO**, • John 0w..2 Schm.lL" , • • John Evao . Remy I.i. John J. Glllesplo, William H. --- ,. . . William S. Haven, Alexander nanny Peter H. Honker, William. Vanktrk, Richard Hays, Wm. P.'Werman. LamWhttt., ' James D: Hellr, Treasures- CH AS. A. COLON - - - - - - Ait Srerth.V—.lA-1111S B. D. XEEDS. :dam TREASURY DEPA.RTREITI, 01)11C2 OP COMPTHOT-LER OP ?U 0176.1311R0T, WAIIIII)FOTON, February lA. 1861. 'WHEREAS BY SLTISFACTOR evidence mesa:dad to the tuidenigned, it lam been made to appear that the SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF ALLEGHENY, In the city of Allegheny, in the eennty,of All.. and State of.Pennstkrania, has been duly organized under and accord to the rmalremants of the acts of Congress, entitled "An Act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by. plebe of United States Bonds, and to provide for the clrow lesion end redemption t , ereol`," approved Juno al, 1864, and has complied with all th e provisions of said act required to be complied with before canw mooring the busineu of banking under saki act ; • Now therefore, I, Beau McCol.boos, Comptreller of ,the Our. rency, dn hereby certify that “ThaSocond NiMon. al Bank of Allegheny City " in the city oriole. gheny, I the eounty of glksheny, and Stata of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the busi ness of Banking under the act aforesaid. ; - Sup't. 1 • Curremay Bureau, In psatimony whereof Seal of the lettuces my hand and Comptroller of the. seal of ales, thls Mldal Treasury Dep a r t ment ''• of February. UM. z pBOPLEB' NATIONAL BANK. . OF' PITTSBURGH. OAPITAL.../ • it,coopot DIEICTORS IA writ BEA. 1113. P.. 103164 Bdlidikf PROTON. lITItON B. PAINTER. HAMILL Thdißank, argil:died tinder the National MLA. i e n t g itirWe spe Zeergat e it i At o VrOO l V ILI A 2 1; , STE Subecriptioss received for U. S. T s4oTresettry Notes, supply of which UM handier inunedisle SAMUEL 13,A, President. de P li .W.. GORDON.GORDOrr. Cashier. Inhietat Boors adro SHOE& M GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF MEN AND BOY'S BOUTS AND SHOES LADIES BALI/MEALS AND - GAITERS cauxanisfrs SHOES AND SLIPPERS and actually telling off Wow met.. Nov Is . the time to buy goods et PANIC PR!. OES: CCU early and maitre a good bargatn. Don't forget the place. BORLAND'S, , , bt.s Si Maker, street, 2d door front 6th. -ii RO Narket Street SILLS THE HIST,. ma NEATEST PITnNO. ~....And THE MOST DUE.&3LS 2304=MMEI 4LNX) I3SPmBr anihouse la the city Try hHe lies just, received a mekoidocuit rat Stookooo. im: - pB "STAR" WORICI JUST 11BOEMD BY GEORGE ALGAE% SON & CO4 No. la WOOD STREET. . Boys' and Youth's Heel Baleuira -; Oxford•Tiesr " Bootees,. Ohildren'a Goat and Hid Skoog. These g deice acute to our special order, sad are warranted unequalled custom work. nots D. W. 110.111 10111 f 801. SOUTH. It BOSS, di Market Elliott, dd door Cron lid, Hive constantly a good *statement of 'BOOTS, , SHOES and eArrrats, for Ladles, Gentlemen t bllssu, Boy's, You th s and Oldldrea'a wear, al; reasonable winos. • 11d5 erOTICES OF MEETIXOSC it . . - ' - S llHAnor.Baxs:OrPrnenuaungl • _ • March eth, 18&. t i RY ORDER OF THE BOAR.OF D I: 4; azatoms of this Rank, a General Meeting of Stockholders will be hold at-the BANKING : HOUSE, on SATURDAY, the 811 t day of _Apr% 1e65, at o'clock A. M., to take into coo slaetation the.quistion maul-Gnu, the Beak -under the National oa provided by the enabling act of the Legislature el Peonselvanis. =Wed - mussel:4:6.l6i. ' Arsenal:sr, March eth, Irett - THERE' 'WILE BE AN - ELECTION -k belt on the TENTH OF APRIL, HIM, for'Nini Ititrectors for tho'SiiMUND NATIONAL BANK, Allrgheny Oily, at their Banking Home. near the Market. • ' • " POEHTLY, ,Oaahler. -- • I.ICILOE - FIFTY .CEriTa . 41 1 0 pErvz bxretunt 3241,111 e• . • • i.OETTLES T, .6.1.103 T OPT., _ _ wx. thuumorek,a4. B . UllPlittEr'i S. v. TIIRROI, Clashlrr, HOMEOPATHIC . BPLEFICS: FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. may HAVE BEEN IN BEE FOR TWA No. l —Curesremer,Congestionsnalndwarsithe Hest. pai n the acute sad tafisminstart aware. Pries 13 No. t—Cnres Forms Favor, Worm Cola and Vo aelous Appetite, Weltios the Bed. Price at teat No. a--Cures Collo, Teething, Crying an Wok fulness, Slow Growth- and Feebleaess of Infant Price St emits. No. °unties. of Children or Adult Cholera leGntumsadßumq.erCometet a tw 10. 6—Cum Ciumterr or.Rioodt CA Citing*, Bilious Uollc, Fall Itssamary. ?Lim* No. I.—For dialers, Cholera Mort= Nauss and Vomiting, Asthmatic Breathing. termite. No. 7—Cures Cough; Colds, HOlirlellBllll. Biei 'hitt; Influenza and. Sore Throat. Price 26 watt This and No.hs I never to sure this worst Col. and Coug. No. B—(hires Toot .ache, Face-eohe. Nervelll oeut sad Tic Doloreoi. Price 35 cents. f3o.ll—eares liesdeehe, Sick Headache, Pectsp Bosh of Blood to the /lend. Price 25 cents. No. 10--thirOs Diiiepsl3, Weakdield or LWOW ad Stomach, Constipation, Liver OemOlolo3, or Bilious Condition. Price 25 rents. INg . imitn — Lls for all osicat of Weak Dlirealca aor Blllow Ocaolaints.. No. ll—Cures !Suppressed Menses, or, Scanty. as Painful; or Delaying, Green Sickness. IS waits. No.. — .—Cure. •Laueorrties or 'Whites, Beertwg Down too Profuse Manses. Li cants. No. 18—Canss Croon, Hoarse (lrospg. Coughs Difficult awl Oppressed .Dresthing. Sa cents. , No Is-Aituss Batt Miura, Clruity:Eruptloo; Erysipelas, Scald Read, Barbers , INN the Dice. 36 sesta. No. IS—Cureißheussattsm, Pain, Lameness, MI Soreness In the Meet, Seek, Side, or Limbs. at Solstice. OS suite • No. 16—Cures Fever and Ague, Intermittent Flo ter, Dumb Ague, Old Inveterate' Agues. No. 17--OuresTilea, Internal or External, Blind or Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate. SO cents.- - • .This remedy has (Mpg Wonsan& of tbet srotat poull.le eases. No. lb.-Oures Optidbalmts, Weak ovlnfialted Eyes Or Eyelids, Failing or Wealreight. ID cets.' It may always be relied upon fora Mine . . No. 111-13nres Catarrh, .sonte.or ohitsjiy dry at flowl4r, Cold bil.bo ltlead,lnfluensa. teaks. NO. 20—Cures Wrivioping (lough, shorthntog pallstlng It, or Spthmodio Bough. es yenta Itls Infallible, and. always relieves end eerie. NO. 21—Cques Asthma, Qppresied, Dtilleult, L. bored Breathing, Cough and ExpeotoratlOn. green GO amts. . INCLUDING armored. taw oak cured pr it • No. 25--Curesi tar I: o l.thargeo, Noble bt, Head, Iropetred Iteartog, Earache. . No. at—Clures Sr:rob:do, 'Enlarged Glands, emit Tonsils Swellings and Old Ulcers. is eauta. Has =red the wont cases. No. 14—Cure, Oatmeal-Debility Physical or Nolo Bois Weakness. CO cents. . No. P6-4Unres Dropsy, Fluid Accumulations, ado Swellinci, with Scanty Secretions. Ott N 211 , 41nrec Ses-Slekneir, Prcartratiou, yid No. Yi—Ourea Urinary Disenam Gravel, Calertilli Difficult or Palutul.Uos. -10orsot ; D.aerea old awes of Kidory litmus" ; Fro- 10-IPbr • Seminal ..Modialial Involnah antsdeoMrebiltipgo'il. irole°4s. TUC *Aid *Mattent 'reatody kaolin), a nd 'sale rallodnlata a lure aura: • • , s = Moli-ONINI - SoViMotith or StOntah,Oaalua4 Month of molt: or Anal:ray and also Mama and Nanithatorgnecaat...rantalna Go nada Cum at ours.. .... • . ..... . .. No 29:=—dires Urrord7 Theordluenee.. Wattle( • the bed, too Frequent, Painful, or Scalding Urtrts. bleu. No. 21.—Chriee Painful Manstrustlon,.Preanirk Cramp or Speans,iPnreittis,- Rehrumnend. lion of beatslee. 11 NO. 33—Ouns 81114r1hg P5009311.9t Zette.' tilaritles; Flushes ..o,f Ilea; a. 04. Diseaseof tbe , . No. ss— . Ones anallkerstn... . nsnt Sots Tbsoste.-SS cents. . .. • No. 3 .-Cures Oonvulsions or Spasms 44 Infant Or Adulnkseid Cramp. of an !daft No. SS—Cires Pillosnmessi as What of Appetit% -Lowness of spirits. 3Sundise, OokittpartioN as 1 4verOPEA.P , t4. 6 No. A-oms Boils oirbnneleq aid any. Set , OS vial nually may AN N.: - ne Mal family ease, moocco • 11,01 10 if Mal ss, plain. ...... ..... .... vial ca Asa m I al . . M vina sue 1/IN . • • POND'S EXTRACT OF Rowan' For Burs%llcalas,thmisas,Boramisa,Lasai . seas, .Sym , Rheumatism, Boils, .llicem, Old Bores Toothache. ads sets or charts. Friss • M amts. The trade supplied at New York prigs. ' • Loot over the list, mate up sense of what kis you emote, and inclose the ammult in sorra* • irate or stamp., by mail to my midterm, and LL medicine willbe duly returned by mail orator . . tree cd charge. a • - JAE rumor.. wtrui street, (Mayotte Ihdldlog . . Second door below the Poet OM" Wholesale agent for Pittsburgh 11114 Vietle*. mltt6 1117011 Mot7IILLOOII, I COUGH NO MORE Clouintroller of the thirrency. XMDIChitE. AND THOUSANDS HAVE SEEM CUBED .BY TELEX. READ THE LIST OVER Nos: i and 6 cure the worst isles ot Climate Xt anttea. 6515!aiMialgS= • No. St—Cures ol! Acute Skin Eruptions. .Solt . let Fever, Measles, °Mahon Pox; de.' • ' • No.ll7—Cures Chroode Coughs; rreriosui Ma"; Dry Cough. and Cough with; expectoration. , No. Se—Cures Snufflei Or ()stunt' la the nod 01 Intents, Battling of Mown la the Throat. No. as—Cures Constitutional Disposition. to In Quest Attacks of Headsehe. No. 40{/tiree ConzUtutlinsi Disposition • Our Remedies bv Tar AlTErtimuors MT MFLUOUS COUGH -BALSAW STSIOICIANIPS wzmremicrus 001,11111 BALSAM to warranted to cum Coughs. Odds hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping -Cough, Dots . Throat, ConstunpSon, and all affections of oa Throat sale by Invicists. 1211metea Depot, I gm Fourth amok Cincinnati, O. • rox.isal.itiosccaluk. . All the a failloal teeri - iiitd Ultimo Nioramat DR. STRICKLAND'S ANTI CLEWS MT. TUBE. the only antaln remedy forDlarrhaward Dysentery:lt is - 11 combination of, Astairopeass„ Absorbants; Stimulants and Carminatives and Is warranted to What • cure - atter all other mem' For Bele by i Drnaisti. General , Depot. e FYN Fotath street, Otnemnaty, O. • snuonAND noulaur, DR. NIPS FILE' ItEbEElrf. eared thousands of the worst eases of Blth Bleeding Files. It eves Immediate reUe.aarl '''‘ rests a rantedz r manent cure.' Try it areet;Y note. - : Illtir; 1 ; For oak by all Dragetete.' .ralenerat DYEPPEda• Vebiliti) DR. Emu=Arms lON= - We aka iveceninetuftbeele irailindeir Appetite, Imeipeeetan or Ilyspe=getecnearet and Dermal . Ks use ad'e TOnle. •It la a . *metal& ;Reparation, free 'trove alsobolle " iblnoteilt etrengthen the whole - epteee.., 1 lt greater a good spirt% wells w P TO • Pripet and If uspblllty. 140.24 tv , DR. GI I., " STAKI= Eatt lotirth iftreek Olte ;For bY and.DE GEO. H. ICETDDI4= 2 Mee Wood stied lr alley and IL R.B CO., corner of Wood asul etteete, Wert • - 1 burgh; and' try DARK BLIDA NO.ll street. &nephew.; • oetYrded.ses THE GREAT Emmy. SIR ZOOM prjaULIVS, CELEBRATEL , PILLS, Prepared float a prmiettption or . Ste- J. Olathe, M,;" ' Physician ratrsordinup to the Queen. - wen known medicine is no impoeition, Wag naure and safe remedy for Female- difficulties mug Obstructions, •from any cause whatever, and at. though a powerful remedy.- they contain mode* - beg hurtful to -the constitution. To Married Lanes it is fertectlys jutted. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with reghlarllir. • These Pills have never keen known to fell wham , the directions on the id , page of th e pamphlet age well observed. • • for fE2i paiDattlare get • Pamphlet, free, of the agent. Sold bg, all Druggist& Taw. it. Per bGnillk , bole t ir e° .stati,, _ 24ent. JoB et - pe g s street, NeurTeeN, • • F. ands postage stamps, - enclosed Walt' authorized agnt, lame bor f tle, muintos ever 60 bind. he zeta • mail. • segoiggepkg. • 'sin WOR I FOR WORD.....T.En TO OWN' JuDGE.--Aresenr; orouadect 0 t / Atm Wished of the =Me IltrIAN HEMP. has raised me from the “dem.V. as It were; where CONSUMPTION hadso' ' nearly placed me. Your Syrup, Pills Ina Otale Arent has done for me what nothing else did SW,. could do—restored me to health_ and life, when I hadrtsigned myself to - the . mortal change!. closed Is glo for another supply - . Yong • WILLIAM •M. BROWN. ,'' Ntwmforrn, Lincoln, lashes, May 1%1864: • The Rare la verbatum sal but one of thestaiii"' Ice receive. Dr. 11. JAMES. OANNABIAS MO. DIOA Is the only remedy that will•posittvely CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA and BRONO.' We ask the trial of a sinslebottle, salt Isfy - the Most skeptical.pso per boi.VM. Thole: ;+ bottles, 88 60. Pills and Ointment. 81 tti slob; sob Mace street Philadd ' felniaturienswdeeinvarP FETY/ANIE DISEASES. . OM* ILISPErf 11111711EETejlear Rikok rot' th r e ash of all &lima of a private RAU** +. • troui two to War days, by an entirely ow ad , treatment. Afao,Samlnal W ro a r aretal prar =i Abrogate ortbriettatergawaorod ' ours waterse.W CIE mOO/11 , AMP:II,IO4M W 261 PCOnftallit . :-1 ~.'.~,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers