"Ike Wittoburgit 6azttit. I . I7IILISZZD . UM (urro PuBLIERNg issocurol TUESDAY, auatpa 29, 1805. MAXIMILLLiN AND THE CHURCH. The - rapture between the Emperor Ham aud/a of Metico and the Church of Rome appears to be complete. A few months ago the Pope wrote an urgent letter to him, begging him to restore the proper ty and the privileges of the clergy of Mer lin), both of which had been in a great measure 'taken away by the liberal eartY while in power, which party was - subse quently driven from power by the French arms which goe litexccrutax his throne. It is well known that the Church party favored the French invasion and conquest ; and no one doubts that in doing so they were animated with the hope of being re. stored to their•possessions and to their an dent rower - and: privileges. That NAPa mon .gate them reason to entertain such expeetetlons there can hardly •be . a doubt It was th*dlvuirm that enabled him to con quer the Country and establish mexotir,!. mexlis his viceroy (for the is little else;) for had the people been united, weak and exhanited as they were, he eould not have done it. In fact, it was the chronic quarrel between the Church party and the Liberals which's° tong disturbed the peace of that unhappy coantry;' rim' . by taking hold bf the only one of these parties that would lave anything to do w . .11i him,..he accom plished his purpose. • • - Therels perfidy is this conduct of Maxi- WILLIAN towards the base party which be trayed their country into his hands; and although they richly deserve to be betrayer- In turn, yet that does not exculpate the niurper who used them from the charge of bad faith in this matter, and the Liberal party will evince but little sagacity if they put themselves Into the perwer of a man who treated his tools and dupes. so perfidiously. /Inch a mancannot be safely trusted. The reported withdrawal of Remove= from lila-Mexican. pretage is all a ruse to blind the eyes of mankind; for Mlxrun.- - x.tes,'unsupported, in not such a fool as to break with the only party 1w Mexico, upon whose support he could ..at all , rely. The Liberate are bitterly hostile to him and are still fighting him with all the energy they can put forth. How, -then„ are we to un derstand this strange policy on his part? Is not the finger of Reroutes; in this thing? and if tan; what deceit portend? For'sbme years twit the paley of Nero- Leon been via as quietly and insidl- . ously to sap the foundations of the power of the Chuicii: The liberation and cinisol &dation of Italy was a 'Part of this . 1 )611 7; the curtailment of the dominions Of the Pope iVeati the same end; bat-nit:ire Oian all, %le niakienince fOr many rain or a, I!'rench'inriiOn In Rome as . If the : gio of the'Church Wahl not exist except ender' his wing; jand Perhapi he : cOuld 'not) de graded that proud hierarchy in the eyes of mankind as nothing else ever did. Now, perhaps, the time has Come for an open, un disguised rupture. Thegreatsciam between imperAf,and..ecclesiastical power,; Which will aliakethe world,may have been initiat ed in this strange quarrel In Mexico. Iferoutoti, it will be remomhered,_is the <nature and Tentage Matted 'tusiversil suffrage; and although hels a sorry repub lican, ;Mho has more falth In the "fiercer demociacy;" as a foundation; of , poweri, than he has in the. effete old ;:fortna ;which axe passing away, both regal and "e6clestai= teal. At once a despot and a poptilar lead er, he has drawn, and will still continue to draw, mankind under Ills influence :ant leadership mere successfully and etipive .ly Mali any man who evereztated. ' ' raruci AN, HEAL THYSELF. Tbe-Philadelpada"Prew, a few days be fore the legislature adjourned, published au impassioued p ppppPp to that body not to : ad= journ "before passing a law to *vent the heartless aukeold-blooded outrages upon . the soldiers by the subordinates of some oteureity rrdlroads. It is a shame and a AIMS that inert who peril, their lives for tbF,llepribilc should, be, insulted - reader rho ru'fs' of some of th ese companies while on the 'way to "their head-quirtera 'ngots and pirtiaans may wreak their hate upon the poor colored women and children,' and upon seen who are not in the service ot_the. country, ant it, is : quite a different,. thing when.peeple care nothing for the, s tr u ggle in whlch`we are engaged;' suri wit .; wkile' realiztiiitortiotceOnf of Profitable eiterriri; ' see, niotheirpowertoinsult brave vnen who are re i dy to offer . their lives 'as sacrifices for the obit 'nag: : The Legialatrire - should take this subject up at once." The'fault was not with the legislature.. It rested exclusively with - the lihiladelpl;la =embus -tif that body. A_ controlling ma jority of the members. of the House outside of Phil:W.ophi; has been all winter in favor of passing . a law prohibiting the street rai lroad opipanice - of Philadelphia from ex cluding negroes from their cars, but every time s motton,or measure to that effect was - - up, it has hieii defeatedby the-Plipadelphla members. idiVis watched tbe'votes upon this SUbjeCt with some, infeitiat; and' the result has invariably ‘ been as . , we have stated. An affirmative vote from Ales ad elphia Mcrae re would at any -, time have carried' ibelittaiter urged ty the'Presi. • The Philadelphians, therefore, hare .the remedy in their Own hands,. .I,et. them: see to eindingnien to the next legialare who _are not afflicted withnegrophobia,and there trill be no difficulty to procitring the legit. 'kited Uecensaiy lohting tlinjireet_ railroad companies to their SCII£C11: TEE 24KW Iterrnonn .ROUTIG TO WASIt• ‘1X011521 MOM TUE WEST,--BOth blSOChttit of she Maty:and Legisloture 'have passed tt - Lill awitorizing the Baltimore - and Ohio Itallrotad Company to construct a railroad from some point on its: line between Knox ville andilonocacy to the District of Col tumble, and the. Senate has also passed an other bill giving authority to the Metro politan Railroad company (the_ corporator; arc residents of the. Didrict of t7olunibia, nod of Frederick and Mont, gomery counties, of this fitate,) to build it road from 'Monorw:y to the same' The latter charter will, hOwever, become null 'and -void should - the Baltimore and Ohio Railmad Cop:tinny commence the pro posed work in one year, and finish It bath%) yeark fioro thd passage' of the 'act; so that thia.lstier kraut is not likelj . to prove one of anypructical importance.—BalL Bun. The'cipiipletion of this road woild, if the Cooltellsville road ware also finished, gi Ws road to Washington over a hundred miles, aborter limn the -present route. The prospect that one ortlin Other Of the above named Compel:dee will build•the road Is an addianal argument in favor of the earliest possible completion• of . the Connellsritiu etomi l With such a route open to Wasik Ingtcin, passengers could reach' iluit ;City in tweiye hours from here, instead of eighteen. to twenty-four, as *Ow. 6nnth -- One of - the Richmond papers says *bat ; tip. Ottscoix Bnranc the anthor, whose lume at Midway,' South was c !ect } becd . by negroes, after Shcnnweg arm bid passed It, lost all Ms large library , bat saved over mak hundred irolamelof his manuscript works. Mercy, on us! would have been much better it he had saved his library and lost his manuscrip t =MiMiM SENATOR GRAHAM The Harrisburg corresponlent of the Philadelphia PrtU, in giving a list of the Senators whose terms expired with the last session, pars the following high but well deserved compliment to Hon. JAMES L. GBAEAM, of this county, whose first term in the Senate Mu just expired: Mr. Graham, of Allegheny, will have no opponent for a renomination. As a Sena tor, he is always at his post, and ever watchful of the interests of the wealthy county he in part represents, and of the en tire State, while as a gentleman he is ear by none in courtesy and amiability. Mr. Graham has more than once received . the support of nix. fellow-citizens for offices of honor and trait, and in each case has bcen nominated and elected by the will of the people without the usual formalitrof even consulting him in the premises. ' Senator cleanest. is oue of the clays of men-to whom we referred in a previous at title on "Choosing Legislators," who, hav ing retired from business, have leisure to 'devote to thestndy of legislation,and wealth enough to sustain themselves withoutlook- Mg to the salary of a legislator for support. He his, besides, talents of a high order, and is influenced by that stern devotion to the right which places him infinitely beyond suspicion, as his acts put him above -the possibility of reproach: 'lt is a gratification to know that there will be no opposition to his renomination. Ptit,lnagh aFd Couttellsyllie Railroad. Itrarnas 13imcirra ri-We ought not to be ex pected to reply tlirongh the pries to smnonymous communications ow the' =bleat of our proposli; tion to lease and.contplete a road to Cumberland. We are ready at any time, and perfectly willing to enfold our plaits to any citizen who niay take sufficient Interim' to discuss the- Matta with either of na. We have no coneealments on the subject, nor any,tayeteriona a7ney " M ider oar control." We choose. however, to-day,-to waive our right to disregard annonymonsmthers la Amor of your correspondent, B,",becairse of the apparent semi official character of hla commu nication, and notwlthstanelog his declaration that Pittsburg would not beiwilling that we should undertake to build the 'Connelsville road, be cause one of us is a director in the Pennsylvania Railroad Coaspany. If the people of Pittsburgh are unwilling to have a road builtto Cumberland. by an aunclatlOn. of 'gentlemen becante one of the number happens to be a director of the Pennsylvania road; then has barrow Minded prejudice got a stronger hold on the Community • than we. have over Suspected. In view of this objection, we desire to be candid with the com munity, and would therefore that each of us Ise - director In a half a - darn railroad eom panies, whose roads,: built and projected, reach neatly acne* this continent . If the bottling of such/ position, Instead •of exedifyimc us In some degree. for the task we offer to take upon ourselves, is to be a- bai to oar aiding In building a road which Is regarded of impede interest to to the. city to .whleheur lot Incest; and where our betas are ;limbered, then we Wlliretlre, with all proper hunilllation, La fever of theee who have fbr the past ,twenty Yearn been making a cabs effort to finish the Coaneffriffile road! We find it necessary to repeat h few explicit declarations became of the persistency of some people to ralareptesent or miinuAnrstaud us. , ..Flret—We have never , pretended that we were the only parties who could build the Commits illierced. • We have .only said that we believed that we eau go forward at once and build the road we am get a proper lease of the property and franchise .of the present company. And 'farther, that If any body elm-will undertake the work, we shill be - glad of It, and will put no blocksin their way, but let them go ahead with 'their work and not amuse a conaminity with res sous why it cannot he done,. • Seteed—We. never said we could • finish the road in "(Wilma" of , the , repealing , aeti we did hot say that no future Reflation was nacclaary to build entail 'from Connelsville to Cumber; TYdrd—lTe celd that the con In Court between the Coneelimille Railroad may, and the Southern Pennsylvania Railroad-Com pany, would not, in our opinion, be settled there for many years.; No man who knows anything of the - Idetnry of similar cams really believes otherwise. Our wiry to build the Connellsvllle road, Is to Induce capitalists and those especially interested In completion for. Mel- business purposes, to Punish tha money todo lt with. ' Washout!! ex pect the aid of our citizens, our Western roads, the Baltimore and.Ohk. Balltosd CoMpany, and the city of Baltimore. the two last have made "definite premises as to what they will do, sad these promisor; form the basis, In part, upon whirl we founded our probosidon. - We believe with your correspondent, "IL" that the intrinsic merits of Vie thee can be made available to induce capital Into the enterprise, "B". said that the company "has the means *ti med to go on with and complete the road to • Cumberland." We most candidly admit that we have not; for we could not afford to keep several claims past us for such little emergen cies; but we have faith that the means can be secured in the manner above Indicated. Si - the mans are already at the command of the ',mummy, perhape we could arrange with the totopahy.kir its specific expenditure in the bald ing of the road? We will agree to give the company. all the profile of the road, If It will furnish all the means necessary' to go go on with aid corm lets It to Cumberland. We will content ourselves with the honor of salving the peel lam of "how to build the Connellsville The special trouble of yonrcerrespondent 11,1 a to sec the authority under which we would un dertake to build a road from Coma:title to Cumberland. Our plain is 'this: To organise the "National Railroad and Transportation Com parly,". with your correspondent "ll,' and others 'f our fellow-citizens, and u unsuyof the rest of mankind ets'we can Induce to become stock holders. This new-corporation to lease the Counellsrille road, and wherever of franchtte it may hare; and with the powers thus poisoned and acquired to bargain with the Baltimore and Ohio Rallroad Company and the Connellssille and Southein'.Petunylranla Railroad Company jor builders torructions. and such franchises and powers_as they may be able to grant to build and perfect an unbroken line from Pitlaburgh to Cemberland under one rnanagernent, and so to harmonise. interests as to secure what the Legis lature seemed so much 'to desire, "a Mad through the whole southern tier of counties of ourlState. This i•Onr plan, and we hare sufficient know ledge On - tbeaubJect to warrantee in stating that it la leasable with the consent of the Pittsburgh and Connellsrille Railroad Coinpany. Without the consent of that company, of course It can not be dose. Doubtless, there will be some persons who are is the-habit - of looking Intamillitemes, and some . tithes through them, who will be able to discern . cr thick they do, that thhs arrangement would he to "cell out" the Connelsville road to the Sontbern - Pennsylvente or some other road, or ,omtbody else. To such we have dothing to 'ray ' for nothing- we. could say !would satisfy them. We , however assure all falr-tendod -men who thi wish to see a rind built to Cumberland; that one bullion, our pliq -would not; be wider the control of th Baltimore & Ohio- Railroad CoMpany, farther than they can control lupin leg the line east of Cumberland, nor weer the control of the Pennsylvania. }fathead Company, farther than that company may have the lines through thb souther tier of - counties under her influence.. We are hot' weddedto our plan, al- though: coofldett, that under if, (with, the con tent of -the DtrectOnt and Stockholders of the Connellaville.COUipany,) we could - accomplish the building of the road, and la Vele= oar plan to any other that promise. success, we also promlie to aid iii such other or %Atter plan to the extent of= duty al clam of Pittsburgh: . • O. W. CAA. • .• Brittstimillaunscou.. Lieut. 'General Grant. • • It la notlenerally known, because It was not desirable until now that It should be known; that Gen:', Grant, ea soon as. it be canie necessary to prepare Sherman for his march through ~lElenth ' Carolina, stripped hiniself of a 'verylarge portion of his own VrOi/M in order both to reinforce him and to strengthen the' columnist -Charleston, Wilthinhton, Nevibentand elsewhere, a- bleb were to operate in combination with ban; CD tiltit the Imes at Petersburg and on the Jame.; were occupied for the time with - trsely rneu'to kold them. This, wo admit, was a circumstance which now possesses no ggt tat rnilitall or political impottance; but it dcselyto the attention of the public, as 'illustrating' hi - a very' marked - manner the `Lbarecter of the MID to lv,hose bands Uinta been the rate good fortune of the nation to hrte the inanage_ment of its armies con fided durinp tide pear year.—N. Y. Times. Tun Yimi,'Hourrn"—rProm the Vicksburg campaign of 1868 .regardless of ru ed and mire, the snows of the mountains, the rains or the loiver country, flooded elders and boundless erwamss, through, all ; th tud q . vidrsies of ell the anions of the pe r,Shcrnisn and his veteratilegrott have teen marching. and righting, from lacks 1 rig 1111 'round through Mississippl, from MO:aphis to Chattanooga ' and thence down through. the heart of Georgia-, and up thrungh the heart of South Carolins t _lnto tbc towels of the land of - the Old North etate, and so "on to Itlehmond,"—N. )Ttraid. - TIM monument to be erected in Merri mack Square, Lowell , to. the memory. of Ladd and Whitney, the Baltimore martyrs, is nearly completed, and will be dedicated April 10, the anniversary of the massacre,. with appropriate exercises. . Collapse or the Canada Federation By the teleeraph report from Canada it will be seen that the Federalization scheme, which was projected under such hopeful auspices nine months aio, has prematurely collapsed. The Government of Nova Scotia has formally, and in definite terms, an nounced its withdraWal from the compact. And, instead of uniting with 'Canada, the three maritime Provinces of New Bruns wick, Prince Edward's Island and Nova Scotia, are to form a separate legislative rm ion of their own. This disposition of a political en which promises so much for the colt=e which bad only encountered good wishes on the part alike of the people and the gov ernment of the United. States, and which was strongly favored by the parent State— has maturely awakened a strong reactions- Ty feeling In the wealthy agricultural Prov ince of Western Canada. The people of that dlstrlet find that, In addiUon to paying two-thirds Of the revenue of ' the United States Province of Canada, as.they do now, they are expected to bear the expenses of erecting fortifications at half a dozen dif ferentpoints, wlthotit any help either from the sister colonies or from the mothercoun try. It is natural, tbOrefore, that they should begin to count the cost of maintain ing their connection with England. The ablestof their journals, indeed, bluntly as serts that, with the present financial pros pect before them, it would pay the people of Upper Canada better to become a State of the American Union. The revolution In public feeling is notable to a high de• gree.—.N. Y. Times. A CAVALRY soldier named Cummings, shot a fellow at Bladensburg; Md., the other day for hunahing for Jeff. Davis ' and then quietly • mounted Lis. horse, rode two miles to a fort, and gave himself up for trial. Oar-pot irn of the lumber in Clearfield couVy, was attrept.ftway,by the recent flood. Pun r 4 cs 8, THERE BE AN - -- E - LE AP OTION held on th WILL OU e - FRTH 'DAY OF RI L, nay betereea tee holm of two and Ilea o'clock. for SEVEN DIRECTORS for the Franklin Sonless Rank, at the store of-DRUM & SL/LOIL Now. 38 wad 80 Ohio street, Allegheny city, Pa. S. DRUM, Cashier. AnSzoniarr CITY, March le, le en merint4 .1M 4170rIERTISEJIEJMT8. W 41.11. TEr G / I — R t to O d ERM . small family. Apply at ;;Le g lytrirmo itoojef k n • 213h27111 THIS OFFICE. R, k _NUFF.-10 - barretls Garrett's Scotch Scut as w to store asd for sibs by EZYMER & 81103., inh2l Nes. ISS and WI 'Wood street. rINE CUT OHr.WINO I'UBA.CCO. to rob■ gamy Side, Sweet Owen, Hobe Bad and Gold Medal, Sae cat tobeeeo for sale by ban , HEYALER a sans. P OSSESSION APRIL FIRST— • BRA 84000.-43004 dWOMSAIDI MIX rooms on Chest set street. S. C.M.B.T t SONS. altl6 61 Market street. - 01TIZENS', BANK STOCK.—ViII be added to the list pi - stooks to be mold THIS (Tuesday) EVENING Mara 93th. at tys o'clock, at Commercial' Bales Rooms, 64 Fifth st., 10 Ames Mims Bank. Wan A . malaria:rue, Aunt. NINTH WARD BOUNTY . BOND.— WIII be:Wanda° the-Nat Of Stooks to be sold IHI6 EVENING, March =4 aV4i oklOhlt, at , the Cosuneralat Biles Roonts,6l Mb street, one It tab Ward Bounty Bend tor 11300. Wag A. BoILWATNE, Amer. NOTICE.—The owners of . OIL, OIL BABRELN, LUMBER and other thine plodged ea my ground In Itetlore towaw% will dg call and makers., end realm th mos. VIM H. ILIZ, attatAtd . 1 1tO.11111Bearer street, All WABEKeg heny. S. B. BRYAN , EROKER BONDS AND. REAL ESTATE, Bon and sill; on Commlntern both In this any and In' Phlladelphts and New Torii, all hinds of Bonds lad Stooks. • üb2B BRIGS DWELLINGS FOR SALE. Sainte at lb. comer of Lope od Decatur stmt. Na DO Decatur street bat a ball. six rooms and kitchen, gas sad water Datong. Tao splebw log ea rooms. Apply two Douses froa to a Loge& .street. East m S. CUTHBERT & SONS, It Market wart • OTEI FOR SALE. —A FOUR STORY FRANZ ROUSE, at the Blairsaillo later- Jannis; oa tie Peousylvauta liollroad, built for a Hotel aad Store Hones erablned; wall flouted sod ready for oceepazoy. • A cord stable and other outbuildings, ou two acres of ground. Apply to S. . BRYAN, Broker. as Fourth straet; arlaS Burke's Bonding. nIFBOLIII hat OF PAlft/lERSHIP -., The flue a ' PHILLIPS a BEST. 413.1 a sou 711/74xxxxxiabat - uurorai, Is tido day absolved. The name of the dm may be used by Meter or the partners, lout oaks la the liquidation of the fines truelness. ILLIAM PHILLIPS. Pittsburgh. Mara! VW, 1911-1a1154.1 VOR BENT.-Ttie spacious and comm a: Weft PEMOGRAPH ROOMS. earner of bird sad' Market atmeta, known as the Nelson Gallery. A basdacone,.meMaghtitl HALL, la monad Moly, suitable for Dsaelag School or Salts and • Also, TWO BASTAIRITIL HOOPS on Tnlrd atm.; formerly ormipled by J. nti/ekland as • Bra/swim aad Dialog Saloon. tomWdord • • E D. GAZZA.6I. NOTIO73.—Y.XCELSIO • IN STITUTZ.—an E.lWh aud lot Bops am! 'Wile, bon city College .41 QM enter al Penn had Eft. asir stmata. T th mew slon 11'111 • CONMENC72IIIOARAT, April liew additional, pupils will be admitted. /or leMa, ha., call pm the Lostitate, aildnuatior circular, : REV. W. 8.0. WRAY. trittlilwd Principal. JaL ANIETTA AND PARK ERS- At& DURG PACKET LINE —REG ULAR PASSENGER STEAMER FUR WITEE ISO, SUN FISH. SISTERS'S/ILLS, wIILL CREEL MARIETTA AND PARKERSBURG. The new' and . fast side wheel asssengar BAY. AHD, G. D. Moore. Mager, Daniel Koons. Clerk, Leaves Pittsush evei7 MONDAY =MEd. DAY, atil a. W. Leaves Wheellat ate r. same days. Returning, leaves Pa:hammy TURBIDLY sad YRIDAY,at 4r. Leaves Marietta at a r. N. same days. Leaven Wheeling at 7 A. K. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. For freight. or- panne, hating nastirpaued are emamodattona apply 0a board or to JOHN FLACK, or JAIL COLLINS, agents, eph23df No. es Water street, PittstOgl.. IrEnNEDY'S SALT RHEUM UINT- A.- -Ora cutes Salt Rheum, • Cures Scald Head, Cutee every ?Lease of a Hot or Inflammatory Nature. DR. CAVANAUGH'S PILL SALVE will cure the moat obstinate cases of either kind of Ylles.; no matter bow bad the ease way be. For latest the OENTRLD DRUG STORE, In the Market Rouse, dalegheny, where also may be found a lire assortment of Pomades, Perfrnery, ellet Soaps, Dressing tlombs„ Unix aniahes, Tooth Brushes, Ike. mh27 GEO. L. KELLY. p ORTSMOUTIf SIX CORD SOFT FINISH American Spool Cotton• AMORY'S ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON. O hits tbreadsnrs warranted of superior qatlity andpa/intend. to measure MlC:yarda to lendtb. Lan be bad In all colors and numbers. 'Manufactured by the PORTSMOUTH STEAK .FACTOBT, and for tale. by the trade generally. cassz.za *Nosy a co.. BELLING AGENTS, 613 Illorrapatteet, New York; leaDevoathire atite4, beaten; 206 Church stmt, Philadelphia. mbeldmeod DROCLA NATION;—City of Pittsburgh, es! ICI accordanee with the Provisions of an Act of rho Veneta! Assembly of the Closidtba. wealth o! Pennsylvania. providing for th.t tenor pormloll of the Oity. of Pittahlugh ander aka earl. one supplements to said !Let, .1, JAMES LOWRY, Ja., Mayen of sold etty, do Wine this, Prodis. motion; for epeeist election to be' held. on the FIAST TUE:4IAX IN APRIL, A. D. less, being the fourth day In the mont h, the freemen of the FiridWrad of. saki eity. qualied to vote for menw hers of the House of Hepresentstivec of this Uom nionwealth, will meet at the atrial places of hold ing elections in said Ward, and elect by ballot under the Act of Assembly relating thereto, ONE MEMBER OF. THE (10311fdON outman, for 'he First Ward of saki city, to lII* vacancy 000 s. ainhed by the resignation of Abraham Fryer. Giver under my band ami_the seal of the gall city of Pittabdrgh, the EH day of Deeember.E.." L. iess. JAMES LOICHTaa.', Mirm lIELE.DALrOII FAMILY AND lid/LitIIF4LCITUR.ING KNITTING MACHINE , TIM simplest and most treatise KnlttkimpMetals era invented. ;netruotloss free. .00 dad see them Jo opersUon, or send for elroulaes and sum E. P 4 CARPErntt. • GENERAL AGENT, P 1 11.1171 i lErry 1ith4341 Plitatmorh. ANTED-IMMEDIATELY. A FLUSSOLLBS - PIANO FORTE PUITIVIL Appil . to tie !Moo of TIID3. PAPER. mhll XL' IV aDVERTISEMEXTS. ALL TEES IL&G.,UM ES AND PAPERS LLE THE Dnltz'rtovErs, EtL , ikBIL" BOOKS, STATIONERY OF ALL BINDS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, OIL MAPS .4N 7 ) WAS MAPS, GOLD PENS. BEST MAEES, EIMEM:EII% AT LOWEST PRIgEON, aT Enntrs. m htlesB Fifth Street, Mamie Hall. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, 1 071007 07 010ITROLL171. Or tar Oveumar Wasidneven, March 22d, linis. . Wll UREA 13 BY BATIBFACTO Y evidence prenentento the nadendiekee. - 11 ken been cadets appear Mat, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BIRMINGHAM, la the borough of Ilinninsham, In the county of Attritheny and StateolPennsyltrania, has beenduly organized under and according to the requirements of the Act* of °engem entitled Act -to Pro vide a National Currency, imeur4d by a pledge of de for th e United States Bondi and to pro lattha'and redemption- thereof,' argroved June ad, Mt, cad has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with sons mooning the businew of banking- under saidct: No therefore, I, Farman Otane,4Comptrel ler:of the .Currency, do hereby certity ItattrThe First National BaWE of Birtaingham, ,, in the bor ough of Iltrzoinghant, to the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, la authorized to com mence the business! of Banking order the act elm said. / Currency Bureau, In taitlmoay whereof Seat of the anthem ray maser! Comptroller of the of hand once, this lad day of Currency. March, tan. Treasury Department. • m426lindCom FREEMAN CLARE, Comptroller of the Curresey THE NATIONAL PETROLEUM TI cl, No. 4, Maroh .25th, READY TO-DAY Price, 10 Gents. 13 50 per Annum JOHN P. HUT, Publisher, 0 FIFTH Sr_ MASONIC' HALL HO t FOR THE GOLD MINES OP MAW Through %AID of Lading given by the 10511N1 & IDaHO TWISIIITITION LINA to VIRGINIA CITY, BANNOCK GMT. DCER 'DO Y, and all yolole In the Alining Dtatrßte. Then ew, tut and light draught steamer -DAVID WAFTS, Joe Johnsar, Blaster, liesry 0. Mien, Clerk, will lease Pittsburgh. Thursday, dpril 6th, JtUlt to For Yy rf O. COPELIN. ear. of Stain and Olive streets, St. Louis, 2So. CALDWELL & BED., No. SS Water street. Flippant.'" J. D. CULLING - WOOD. or JOHN FLACK, easitentdalferT Water street, Agents. NEW WORK BY TOE ALTROR OF .cs -Maki to Bondage; or. Uranvllle de viits. 31YRY PIIBLISERD, SEVT.TLEIVT.II32I&OII.IO oB . • Wrought by His Own Hand. Br "OQIDA.• /LaMar of.Rd4l la &sew or.Grilairlile de Tim,' Otte Vol , 12mo. 620 pp. Price 52. Par sole by 1111 Bookseller", or will be sent ►y mall oa receipt of pee,. _J. P. LIPPLOCOIT It CO.. mkftit Ptrstasnras, Phiaadasita. 13 ROPOSALB ARE INVITED, AND will be recelved,.bytheooalmittee on Streak, of the City of Aliegbeay. Wadi WEDICESDA.Y, the eth day of April. for the gradinand paring of Fremont street, IA the remind W or d, from Ohio avenue to Island Lane or city line, together with the necessary sidewalk s and cutbetone. AL*, at the same time, proposals will be received for tite building of a sewer on the La. Coalmen from the clot N.,ft of the Elm 009t1011 at Wash. lotion turret, to the Canal, where It crosses dn• denten street. And able, a sower onlite West Common Erma 'the railroad ertmelug of trwut's Avenue to a point intersectlas the 'ewer already conniructed on the West Common, • dilT4lllllo of aboutone thousand feet. Plans sad specigestions of the whole wros may be seem at the stem of the RECOIIDLNO REGULATOR, to the City Hall. Proposals will be handed either to A. ROBSON; Ctlett. Commlesioner, or JOHN Willa fir. Chair manof Comouttre on Streets. THE BEST • Oil Mreauseas ha the laity. GOLD PENS, DiaRIES FOR 1563. abd a buye stock .of COUNTIMO SOUSE ST.I Tittbir.llY for sabi by irnas, SCHOYKR it CO., No. se rim STREET, (Post Buildings.) mlattt 25 YEAR% KXPERIENCE; mortablithed the raga that PROF. REED'S 2d9CaltTiC ore. e the only callable can for lbennisitlam Roomiest., Old More% and Palms of all Kinds. Siill sold al the old pried of al mate poi bold mum JOWISTON, solo Agent, eB ear. Elsaltheeld 5.1 Oh ids 1/4813 RFL Yr)UR UMBRELLA.' ST TIIIICILMILIO FOG=S PATENT UMBRELLA. LOOK bTAND. Price from 111 00 and trwordt. For silo br N N. P. . mb4:191 No. 13A2PENFE 91 911th Street. It URILNGECKY lb NOW I I ANOVAO IL T INPUOVED Oft TOOIB, At Mb shops) corner of GET *Zap mnd BRAVER street, and in WEBSTER at.. opposite to the old Orphan dainty , Allegheny; and rat the toots sap made out or. the best- material., weld invite the nubile to etre him a call and exesalos..thom for tlastoselvss. fehdtaplt OIL WELL STEAII ENGINES—Ian. prepared to furnish STEAM. ETIGIWES. 4 so attach appro v ed - of 'f 01l wells and ether pm. poems, on the shortest oe. 'Having other sized Dimino on 111nlatilng Wins, Us public eon be with almost any site they want: the work w'for Itself. wll.r.sent Ell, Fifth W ' between Mechanic and lf Harrison etre ard, ediii. - __ _ . .. LfETTEMS TEEMEMBNTARY upon the @elate of Mrs. Martha Avey, late of the eity of Allegheny, deceased, having been granted to the subscrlocr, all persons .having elaima aoinet said estate are requested to present them, and those indebted to make payment to . • . • , SAMUEL PALMER. Executor, At the QM. of Mitchell & Palmer, Mh4dlwolsw LOST OIL AliD BARRELS littlltif.lll) a. a. L. a CO:. Larval reward will Cr paid for arm of all In barrels and ',Midas marked as above.: Apply at rho Mae, No. sr Wood Meat.,mnaldwit O. 8. LONG lb 00. rpy OWNERS OF OIL, OIL BARRELS, BARGES AIM SAW LOGE, thstdrifted on the property of the Boum of Before, Um owners oldie ism U. hereby - required toy . eome forward, pro,e pros erty,pay charges . and take the wee setae. Bp order of - mite EXECUTIVE OfEEMITME. OthDICATIONI3.-6. thomughr work on the inolonttons a on, by:on. who.has had . three years experienee In toe oil tartan or Pent:Lay). - "rnnuk 11;14 'WM; V= wltk tali instritaUans, Sent g for AL DANIEL PA mom: sahnowood P. %Bon W, Balm, thrt. W., O. rrEn7 .11)1^.E:Rit TISEMEXTS. DETROLELTIL . . AT HUNT'S, THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL Petroleums Clossuperiv ORGANIZED UNDER THE MINING AND MAN UFACTURING LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. AT IitINDS. AT Eancrs, bAPITA.L, ONE KELLION DOLLLES, AT HUNT'S, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, AT atrN-rs. $lO PER 8114 RE, Subariptlen Price, Five - Delius per Ware, Not er wart's, Liable to farther aztesament OPPROES t . No. s 1 EMPIRE BUILDING. No. 71 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. POST' OFFICE ADDRESS, BOX No. 6,242, N. Y AT RUNT'S, 07/1171118 lionrlEL S. DICKINSON'. President. liP. . PUIPPS, Vice President. ROB T BASKELT, Secretary.. IL JAWRTLS, Mining Superintendent, Titus villa, Pa. ATBANTIO.BANN, No. te Broadway, N. 1., Treaurry. on.T2t6 wells of the Company are now produolog Pepsin, for dock may be mado to drafts, regtow t ered notes or Govarrunent bonds and securittaa, which._ bonds and. secturitles will taken at their market value. Bernittiaoes may be addressed o the ()outplay, P. 0. , 80x-No. f,368 New York Ut ,or to "Aland* (Unti l Treasury of the New Yor arid Liverpool Poem end Company, No. 142 Broadway, New York City." enEATIT AND DESTRUCTION TO 1 -f the Brigid Invader,." A truly splendid REVOLITrIONSICY BO IIANCE IS NOW READY In the NEW YORK WEEELY, 25,T.311,, 'Mho 1191r.y ~Plld Noll, The MPS"; 121711.:1 Noll , Thelrry-; TEE FOUNDLINGS OF THE FOREST: A Romance of the American Revolution BY FRANCIS S. SMITH Author of "White Eagle, the Aveeprr "Gate au., the Gladiator." Ereleen Willson;" • eta., etc., eta. The ichoge tit a Romance of the American Hera lotion, and is full og the most Startling Incident; rola beginning to end. It la wntten with all the great graphic force of lit popular author, and ex hibit; w h ichnmui blending of Romance and Reality,le not to be mef with in any similar work. It is admitted by good judge*, who hove rood lM manuecript to he the mate., Revolutionary Romance lej modem lira , and everybody would de well to look out for it. ,~~ TWICE -DECEIVED Cor, iLlzgo X.rcousoza. Sodart. FrIC6IO:4I corivi sawr The. N. Y. WEk ELY le sold by an New. Agents In the U. 8. The ',lli:els Six thritts, but in come came, where Agents hare to pay extra freight, a higher price is charged. When there le a News Agent In toe town, we destre our friends to forth° N. Y. WEEKLY through him. We de not wish to mall the paper, except to places where th ere Is no othermenuts of getting It. When sent by mall, eingie 'copies, kti per annum; four coples,lllo, whin, Is Well copy; eight copies, Ito The party mho sends be 810 fee a dub of eight co pe s (all sent at one time) will be entitled to a copy free. Past. mesterit and other* who get up clule in the, re. *pectic* towns, can afterward edit single copies 4 841*. Adam., STREET & SIIMI, midi:lid No. it FRANKFORT PiT., N. Y. pH GREAT PURIP'IER. HEMAPANAKA. Mace Ow Introduction el medlar:a Ms Midge el Came ties perhaps bate the subject or awe se rous And Kiruna," oonedersOon by the most learned of the profwagon than any other coansseel with the laws of the Great Cmatori not a few has contended that all &same hers their mists: to tas stomach; others, the solids of the body: *Man VW.: and by far toe greatest Duster, goateed 504 TIMM* that 0.01:Loon tteell la the very fountain of 111 e—that LI It becomes 'lmpure, than Mamas to Its moral lonne,Seroftna, Cancer, Chien, to ti appmr, SOO indeed,:trubm In treating true ema ref Me mew by the blood and therery effteUng their Mad' sod tun prove this to oe the correct theory : seigng upon which theory. We mad. mine now known so awrmAYAINALA, was composed and brought nto IpMettoe, producing the meet pal. Ifyilly les use men ezershies mush a over SCROFULA., ULCERATIONS, PI PLIES MS Tall FACE, TETTER,SALT RHEUM, LIVER COMPLAISff LOSS no apperrrr. DYSPiPSIA. . EREUMATISM, OEM. =AL DEBILITY, an, U.. 04. as le ere, trod the tim e B la first tattoo, eta= *gement to the p t tt ,by making both seen gat., the good It Le about to secomplleh. It was thbught best to put It up In bottles at Mo. and Mee many persons are disposed to try an arse. ale but are often deleted et the expense,—eo the trial here can be :wide at a moderate outlay, and satisfy • the purchaser that the Artie's le what Is claimed far It to be, its i the greatest Lame arena arm broncht before the people, Irelleate Teriales wll/ find in It Ins tneateme ;Mg need • • That the public may ferns some Idea of t is peas Hay enrolls* merits, we subjoin a li st of the Waal pal articles of which It Is consposnt, with issue. dawriptlbn of the uses and adaptation of cask t ken.from the highest authority known to sidles dews, HONDURAS RASSAPAIIILLA Is aced with a beneffelsl erect to eases op Rhssone thou, Scrofulo. Affections, Cutoneons Inseaacs oat other depraved conditions of health. h tonic, diuretic, and amtent. It h ILII l epode action upon thu firer, exalting IL when (engulf., to secretion. It has beta mush used in Oarmsay la diseases of the illgestise *nano lODID,C POTASSIUM There ars few diseases In which it has net 'droved betketiclitl; ft is used in Scrofulous Arid:Motu with pest beeetts it has also been need with much ens awe le tiesinwat for inflammation of the Ws. Z paerldly increases the appetite and flesh uI.J Ale atOIIIRtIC, tools, and highly. turtsrorattag cases of Nervous Dabillty. Is todundally valuable In uu• Or Scrofula and Rheum*num CHAMOMILE notrass Ara advantageously used In eases of Plefectled DI. graion, but are especially applleoblo to WO* of General Debility will weak appetite. MAMMON BA AL It- arts favorably aa alterstlve In atropin A& ft:Wont dChronlo- Kbotunatpun and cintluita DL naves of UN bkln. • • e • The balance of the toned& L withheld as a De tectlon spate. fraud. For sale SIXON JOHNSTON, COIL SMITHFIELD & FOURTH. STS., PittstrtuTtly Pa. lip Ask your Intelllifeat Phyviolan hla opinion of the above realm. olalrlomad. NEVI UOUDI3I NEW FIRM DRUM & MAUR, Nos 28 ana 80 Ohio St., Allegheny City #avitig lamed two extenalye Warerooral, In Cataan's Block. near the Market Llonarh 6114 our. chased a heavy static of Hardware. Cutlery, Oar. prince/P . T ool .. Flows and Plow Outing.. UMW Tatars, Cutting Ilexes, Hoes, Shovels, Sputa, Folks, Rakes; Mattocks, . Misertna• Ilsefilmes, Cradles, Scythes, •Garden Seeds, he. wiih all .other erth4es In their line, limit& the at tention of the pisclic end solicit customers, goer entering SAT/iiit&MUDY PIUCES Arm GOOD ARTICLES. o mhilay - - FOR. SALE. Ntravortv.. POSSESSION GIVEN APRIL FIRST. desirable praperty In McClure teirnahle, well tenerored, one mile, from Allegheny. Also. en Elegant Realelone°. In, Sewickley. Foe _parttrulars enquire tko promisee of 7'. L. CARNAttIiaN, or of • - J. T. SAMPLE, Real Estate Broken - - 11- 5a1.21 No. 'B5 Federal street, Alleakenf. pETROLEUM- , -11&RD PAIi-A HARE . ULIANOS FOE - INVESTNENT..—&- party (Ageing ounewrotirth Imaged In two Commutes, atteady organized with. an aggregate capital of *lOO,OOO will disputa of a portion of his 'uteri:rat at a very low figure. Ad dr ess H. f 3., No. Mtn, New 'York fost Moe, inhattitd. DAATSLION 4WD' 4D O•ERTIBEADEVrrB. GERMAN NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh, COB. SIXTH AND WOOD STREETS ADOITSTDSHOTELIMesident. SPRINGER lIARBAUG Vute President. GEORGE A. ENDLY, r. Thie Bank toil tea the amounts of Beak.. Beak Gorerato utt Salukis of all kinds bought and sold ut sumo% rates. Abs SPECIAL aansr of Jay Cooks, stibaarlp• Was wilt be soosins4 for tho Popular 7-80 Loan. This loan is now being absorbed at the rote of 13,430 1 0,000 Pox. 71"104,1r. and sting eenveetfble Into five-twenty ponds which are now at a premium of over MHZ PER CENT. It commend. Itself for its superior adverb. takes to all who seek a safe and profitable invest ment. Liberal comadavlotut o Gibe loan will be allowed to all defame La Government secnirLtien .CIEO. A. REDLY, Cashier. Entlit BrASIONA.I. RANT, I C. S. GOVernnient Prrissvarm, February lIIZB6II. NOTWE. DArnto DE RN APPOINTED Special .A.gent, JAY COOKE. 11. S. Agent for the 7-30 Loan, We orer this desirable Investment In Inns to snit pirshesern The notes are to sums fir $5O, $lOO, $6OO, $l,OOO and $5,000 DIEM Transferrable Aug. 1501, 1861, I 111 -55114 W Wire MID ;1 0 c .AT F.BPIL These desirable securities are eellt j st *erste et e 4,000.000 PER DAY, AND IN A VERY SHORT TREE IFF'ill be at a Prens4utn. 44-To Books, Bataan, Brake', Trost Chow pante; ma lam w as= Companies, mad all who Fur. ohm to hy Libend Dominion Will be Paid Mimi It IS hoped every ose w invest it this bight desirable, sant and profitable seesultp. JAS O'CONNOR, President. 13. ttD. HERRON. Caabfar (Mi T° COUNTRY BANKS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, G B. Government Depositary, • ' !mamas. Febrnary M. MIL LMit Bent Lynes eorrreepoulosum mad &accounts COIIPITRY BANKS AND OFFERS 'al and Favorable Facilities BOTH AS ItEGARDS =MST OK BALAIICIS " AND /N Furnishing U. S. 7-80's FOR ri..13.03491ra1L JAMS O'CONNOR, President. N. D. 11E11110N. enabler. =WI SPECIAL NOTICE. FOURTH NATIONAL BANS, sh I. Government Depositary, PITTSBURGH, Yebrisay tad , iii. - Thu Bank is autitodrea td melee mosey, PAYABLE AT 10 DAYS NOTICE, (After 80 Dave.) Bearing 6 Per Cent. Interest, AHD MEM DEPOSITOR WITH HON. F. E. SPINNER'S TREASURER) CERTIFICATE FOR TILE SAME. It is hoped that this NE*. AND DESIRABLE arrangement will meet with the favor of the entire ;Tern " re n U iTe ad ury lA t ig ell: s ° 8 1) M ai re,lrt: mends itself, we tiara demand et 'runes will be Waked for tie tleverenient. ;OM O'COMIEB, President. S. D. HEBRON, Cashier, (=AI pciNNATI LEAD PIPE AND c SREL'T LEAD WORKS. • ISVORXICK & GIBSON, No. 18 Mtv‘ert Ninth est.. CINCINNATIi 01110 Alaire to order PIPSS AND MEETS of any required weight and mho. Sheets per equate foot, e 34 lbs., and upwards. Pipes, oallbieN Loch to a% Inches. Also, seri LIGET PIPE for Ilidraullo Rams and for drala m; We would mega) , elk the Manilla of Plum bore and Proprietors of bill Works and 011Wella SPORTSMEN'S MELPQUAIITERS, • • 1$ WOOD STREET. ereaucnis SAWN' Invßeath. attention of.ft s, rtinnen' and Olen In Ids splendid stock of GUN POWDER FLARES .BRUT BELTS and POUC DRAM FLASKS and struntudtton of ;mem kiwi. • Itla stook to the &meet ever leounht to Ude market mat UNIVERESAL - CLO'rEEB WRlNagris '✓ —The only good Wainer that Is made, and is warranted to etre astianialon.- Call and essauLLne 'them at the Inelaitubber Depot, No. 9d and ad M. Clair street. . kH. YHILI.III% tuba Agents for /Weems/ mut .• T OST OlL.—Poritino Itsvtai ble OIL •da or BARRELS marked ~PCIOL JEIW.I," WILLbe liberally rewarded by repotting lot to D. AL F.DGERTOIt, reillftwg -107 Wood rWoot. ~..~.r..~..::y~~- XElfr 411PRIITISEMEX214 ITICITED STATES 7-30 I.CO.,tt.INT. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, Ike undersigeed has aunmed the General Sub. seriptioa Agencg for the sale of United States Treasury Boleti, bearing seems sad three tenth per cast. interest, per Mama, kiowa authe ku3kavnowein Theme Notea are lamed tander date of Anon lath, 1 8 6 i• WWI MO payable theism rears tram that time, as currency, oc ate Convertible at tke option of tht v Loidcr late • V. 8. &-20 Per Cent GOLD IMMNG BONDS, These bonds are now worth a premlum of nine per cent., Including gold interest from November. stitch makes the actual Orolit on the 740 loan, at correct rates, Melnik"( interest, about ten per wok per anemia, besides Its semptios free Ode sad meaticipo .tosatere, 'Wok adds . freo oar le &TO per cod. more, according to tIM rate holed on ether property. The interest to payable tembenntudby by coupons attached to each note, whiok may be out off and cold to any bank or banker. The interetc amounts to One cent - per day as a 00 note. Two cents- " " $lOO " Ten " " " " SMO " 20 u I. 1111 $lOOO .. $5OO " Notes or all the denominations named win be promptly furtdahod upon receipt of subseripitons. This is lia 1 ~~ ,1 : ~ li i:: 7 ;~'r~i now offered offered by the Gorerzuneat, aced K la confidently expected that its superior advantages will make it the Great . Popular Loan of the People. Less than onakOooCoo reseals sandhi. whisk probably be dipped of within the next so or is dam when the notes will vuidobbtedly command a premium, as has uniformly beim themes Oa closing the alltecriPtkm, to ether Loan. la order that the littlish& of mem lowa and section of the weary may be afforded belittles for taking the loan, the National Banks, Mahe Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the onus try have genera agreed to receive Witossa*lons at par. 5111w:ribs's will select hair owl agent; in whom they have confidence. did Who only are to be reap:manila foe the delivery of the notes lb which they receive olden. JAY 000103. Subscription Agent Philadelphia. Subscriptions will be received by the First Notional Bally Pittston*, Wood roma • Metes 0 Foes& Yuen National Beak. PltttDlelY, Da Plitsberg! Isitoind Bank of Otoometto. boa City " Trodemosas humors Deposit " Neeksales Pokes Afiegieser People,' Dermas hem ressaisotawT - if M*Mw. "N 1300414 (*NEVA 3:4 W.1.1' TUUB SPEAKS OF TIIE WheelerlicWilscon Sewing Machin; Which should be considered by those who desire to pnrebase the BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. We are having a great many Inquiries for Sew. inglidachines from various parts of the country, and as we cannot conveniently reply to them all by mail, we have thought it prep . = to state our opin ion in regard to them in this public manner. We have used Wilson's patent, manufactured by the Wheeler .k Wilson Manufacturing Company, and we can say In regard to it, that it is without a rival. It is simple, not easily put out of order, and, in paint of etheotiveneu and finish, no other martins stand, ahead of it. We state this much in regard to the excellent machine lip= oar own responsibility. • This Company hove made and sold during Mil .last three months, 10AS machines, and are now producing and telling WO per day. They vary in 'Mee ilim . ll6o to Sib°, the medium priced ones sell boat. In their business there Is over $1,000,002 vested, and they keep 1,000 men regularly employed manufacturing machines. The system pursued is the lame as that adopted in the mannfaetuse of arms; every piece is nude to a guide, and corms quently the parts of any machine may be trans. posed with those of another machine of the same sum ; or should an accident occur, the broken , part cat immediately be replaced on application at the °dice. Salemom No. 27 Fifth St., Pittaborgh. naVaztf FAXES BOW, 138 Wood street, I~ittsbiir~h, pa.. IL&IPIWAOTI7RER OP INAOTED BOILING TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt and other Wells. Tools warm tod made of the velbost 3IINTITA AND LOW NM MON. WELL BORERS FURNISHED LacrlMoilit Ovefah Marlooll, With such articles se 'necessary to °What open. dons, viz: ANVILS BELLovis, NISI'S SLEMIES HAMMER.§, SHON:ELS, MKS, AXES. s ueltEs W RENtium. , LEVE L S, NAILS, As. • - ROTE, LEATHER, AND overatt .13121MerIN *O All of which I kayo constantly to stoma HE:WITT'S . , . "Si Pr rXriXCIV2ML R THE HAIN. The best 'lnd ebe4rat , HAIR DEES SING- AND RESTORATIVE la Us inaticet. .Prepneed only OL _ . N. W.. Ft..X ott)o., Yederel Allegbetty, - end for We by Druggists Nencrlly.' - fe112.2m • aTIOVASTICB.-Th o ., MISSES. aks; wi:i receive members toilet/ clunk' fir's. fir?' IcLeks. Trans—ls to for, twenty-foOr losroos t either for Ue first or second aeries. ..itat this to the last course of the sesson..all thosewho sporecnetr physical teething will do well to avoid themselves of this opportunity. , - FErdALL OuLLIGE—PIoodSy and *tidnicS.. day ate T. Eleturfay.motainght x. ' rALL-PA:Y.BRIThe• ritweetrdetigns °toad; velvet, sattn and *mama papers 110 W receivlag at No. 1177 Market street, war eath . hVGIIUM WiLti. -- • .~._~.~- ostr Ge_olll4 GREAT SALE OF DRY : GOODS, J. M. BURCHFIELD'S, Me. 7.1 N. E. Corner fourth ai Ma?kq 114. IRISH POPLINS Zeiryap . FEEZICU POPLINS CHEAP, muy SILKS CHEAP. BLACK S/L/14 QUA!! 7 "callublqUell for IttStvoold at ded, . Do. tor , aie„ bald aa for Mkt sold at dlia." Grenadleno for 715 e, sold of *M d. Do.r for 01;00; cold $11.60. Calleoes 'forecue. ooldlit . WO. - ,111 to - !Or Mto. stdd'at 156. AU tooli,Mlneod ,azt4 clottniroat. Itenteasber the place . _ '2 N. B. Comer Fourth sad Ruda, Sta. BATES & BELL. NEW SPRING MUM GOODS, NEW SPRING SHAWLS,. NEW SPRING eiei.thoes, NEW SILKS R.l. 21. Fifth iiitzeat. A gold quality of ' 8 nr 11 0 : D* l3 000D$ .M.4cos. 137_ ' .I.43: , cncrzstai. HOUSE 'FiiNibiaNG GOODS, Wholesale iutd !Wall BATES & BELL. WNW . GOODS! .NEW GOODS!—WE nee Jost opening septendll itock el NEW SPRING GOODS, MOW whlelt mint* feud NEW STYLE ETRILE.GIEYAND riarrod&_ ): NEW WIDE BELT RIBBON AND BOUND , NEW .3 NEW TOON AND SIDE cunt . . • , LADTEB NEO/T.TtMi,BREASTn.TNB, - LAOMYRILItt, GIIEPURE, LAOES,...,___ _ 11 EMBROIDERED & LACIEHANDREWOHDPGM, ' 'E EMBROTDEUTER AND WHITE GOODS, . r.' SPRING HOSIERY ANMGLIDTES, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, • .:-; r ', I 8 GREAT 1340117/3117N EMZE3 wuercrcrcaraz 3pEtscrigua; The Loth*. are reepeottally'lavttolta /btu Ise • en earn cell. :. . ; 'mon= a, alma ts Kim= sumer. JOB. HORNS. & FO., Draxams IN STRAW gaMILLINERY GOORS - . - .1 Ribtoes eadainsitit Sligi;FlevsersadTstonalesi • • " , -Y ) •Ectibmitlezies,,Looe Goods Elemdkeogderei.ittoser f 1,/ Goode,BalroosetSktrta, ~ sod=s t st s z ~„ skishisop Goods, 'Bead. Glige mad . , Wonted' Hosiery and Glans, Hoop - idsbts, - Wo: - ' ,- _ , gi Gass end &owl Wooly an now rooolybor MOO :All . *YEW. IiPHL/121. GOODS, : Ki A slash will be isnd amugueliy_ attractive. .____ Barn` been purchased .t LOW CIOLWILILTB —. ean oebrd i a r PlßlA.L . DIDWGZILICrerfI 17 ..1: • • , . NotionTherpo.wtrasenat will at all times be found well supplied. We solicit • call from &rants, Ilillineri, Pedlar; and the hbik, being eenthleat that %Taxa* salt att. JOS HORSE & CO„ TT sad If MARKEi. gratEr. SPEILLLL tW.E. mr.3432z... Undershirts at Saoo. .11fORT/I SLIM Drawers at , $lOO. !ORTIZ 114:01!.. Edell 8111111' WILL 'WEIGH•NEARLYI i.Ht. EATON, MACRUM 8c• CO Hereabout 24 doses of ketrialleavy NSLTi UNDERNESIITS and II nearly all week which weigh from 134 to 1 lb. e or. eac h sidelh that murthe closed out Immediately. • We offer them atmuch , less thaa what they edit to make, and we boilers them.to be equal to saps thing In market at et 00. No 'reduction will be bade fo r Tiantitr—cie ablit or one hemlsed at the same rate. • These Shirts are a -Great Batista! EATON, BEEK:RUM & CO. rrand 19 Fifth street. DOME ELLIPTIC SHIRT? , Undoubtedly the Best In•Uae, , IS FOR sez.r., INNovrAAT i Z AND amArs, , ALA 7 . 3 Mirs‘raLaht litr#PV rye , MAMIE & oratr.:_: CA BRAS BARGAILitt MOOM:EM DEN79ISON (*.; 81. Market street.... ARE DISITImarm CUM MT TECE/R . 1./N,T/8•B STOCK -op GOODS . ... Geste II en. 'White Zit% - &Rik% Embrol2lezies, Lacetadockla.:rrek, m. =lnge, Point Lag% 00 BibbOßß,Roderr Telco fag Eta. 2161Csaarla.cot wt. AN 'EW . ASSORVIDINT . 0 ; ' Brl7‘l . - TONS, • Dress and Cloak Ornarassky i • . Gimps, Chenille and Basal Fringe, Rule 1 1V . Underaleaves :Linen Seta -Cot the Unmet qualtty, Lace and Linen Collars andHandkerddefe= I:lottery, Balmoral and - II Skitter - ~:* 1 Shawls - and Saoques, of all elm; Rathwaybeßair' e , , *reeled Collars and Oak liar ladies and gentisallati . Nash . Leather Gloves, in all sizes; Jonvin'a Kl 4 Glovelt light colorer Ribbon &Its; MAW order, togeth er with a new lot of Braid Weber! -- palls'an Flowers. Will be found at ALICE Noway's numto srosn . . , • - No.aa Fourth street, nsarFerl ti mese i, s. :• .. '.. Particular attention given to elaantek t and - - all other &Oda of Lao ca.`" Also Black Luis Veils ISAAo cruxes . OUTLET SAW KILL. AND. BARGE YARD , . CMS Street;letkali• (1E:1On - cotton !-- -CANDY, Goo* JEsosolairrilos Good Rose ansl Abisoad, Goal sol Lago a. .ft Goias . o f .4 kinds, miotidotiorst 'and soLI - ELLORtIE BEA,VIER • • -- olbEtEtd 112 rodent!' istiook . EthEtilar." PRODUCE nowRECEIVING. ••• • 2000 lbw prime EmirEoll Butt, - soo dozen Fresh Egra , . • 100 bush large Eng Cicmse Fk44 I !!!!!!! I .Nagi a lezr . 6 110 bust p ! meu • sale
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