The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, March 28, 1865, Image 1

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'he Wittoburgh Cade.
The Battie at Pti
Lirke•of 'Rifle( Pits Carried.
,Rebel General Terry Reported Killed.
"THE ortomr rzatri.”
The Battle VritneeKd by the President
New TOnk, March TL—A oorreepondent gives
the le lowing details of tho fight on Saturday, at .
Fort Steadman i - . , .
The rebels formal la line of battle, with a
and _
brigade in front, d whlie`cine portion advaneed
oldie fort. the - other swept the right-toward'
the Appomattox, expecting to flank and capture
the whole line to the river. The 'latter Tarty
were ant by the 17th Michigan and drive n back
after some hard lighting. The form that , at
tniced the fart were.repulsed by, the gm/risen
smell times , but their numbers belog so superior
to cure they finally overpowered and took prig.
ours neatly alltrlici'veze la it. : - '
They A once*ftille captured over the works
into their lines,: and many got away, as the
. .
• gnard 'maims&
Gee. Wilcox moved part of his command .
from the right to the scene of action,
.and soon _
drove thinereany from Online on the right of the
13E41. . ilartilliro::-41111110, . lying , pertiy la
N reseree and partly on the line: to the lett, was
,---• itukkly on the ground, with reintreements, and
•`,. at _Once ' assaulted - the fort , In - tiirn, from the
- liar, which the rebels seemed determined to
old at all lizards. , Three .repeated charges
were made, and after that the fighting here was
oeer,the Joimnies laying down their 'arna end
. . .
. . To the left or TOrtikesibrian b•siocatell Bat
. tery No: 11;which the enemy , " manegedlto get
passage's 0f,;W.4111 no t kiwi it long.' and at--
~_ .
though the Yinetny"finttOliard they were famed
;-* to relinquish It.'. - , - :- . _ .-i,
Colonel kl'Latigidli;" Commanding a brigade
occupying lids part of the , line, was among the 1
- Our loss in killed, ' Seineill:A and `prisoners is
believed to - beat about five hundMili over ono
". third are probably prisoness. , . 4
It was Mat reported that the rebels carried off
throsineitini; hat - that hi a odstidos.•..:Theilliole:
. one over the side of the fort, but la theft haste
41, to get back to 'hairlines, they dropped it within
a kw' yards of Ow-breastwork% from which , -
', l place it will be brought's' to-ntght. . -.-- -
'Thelon of the enemy is mush , heavier than
orire. -Theft-dead and wounded . nsimber more
- . eotible ours, while we have over 1800 prisoners.
arming them about forty officers. The rebel
,' Gen. Terry who commanded the expedition, Ls'
ireported killed, .
General Hartsuff was repeated teielly`WOUnded,
.. - but he is unhurt.. Ila. Was . on: thoilleld at one
o'clock, arranging a flag of truce at the request
of Gen. Gordon; to bury: the dead- and care
:: the Wounded: - ft seems that the enemy believed
1 . Grant had sent - aware portion of his - army_ to
aid Sherman ;' and that In ticemegnence of lids
.--;•-, I our lines Were very weak. , In this they have
~ found's/a,: to theft cost, that they were badly,
• • The Illnlii mfataken - bMis Lave in thu affair' aid the
• ..l rebels back fen their defeat at the explosion of
.18 the Peteritinrir• lathe. Henceforth .they will be
;". held in as much esteem by them as any other In
the army.
~.„- , ;•44Crnr. .P otier,' 'T•o.,, Merck 25.—After the en
.l gegement between the enemy and the 9th corps,
; 1 1
This mornlrg, orders 1,1711 given for the Ifth '
corps to make an item-too the lett of the line
.t.„ in f r ont of Fort Tither. The 3d division; Under
•4 Gen. - Seymour.; was - selected as the ass aulting
• ' - 4.-4 column,
and shoitly after noon the line of bat
"le 11.168f011:004. 1441110 order to advsnce glom.
• mil
n a .1 abort time our men had possession id
entire line of rifle-pita of the enemy, nearly all
4, she occupants having been made prisoners. • Oar
. I lets in the affair was very trifling. Over COO 1
.-.: prlioners were brought in- as the result of the
• eagagenicht."
• -n• Still -another light took place at Hatcher's
Ron, in which the Second corps was tolled.
- 1 The attack was made about dark .`. 'Oren stir
• hundred prisoners fell into - our hands on this
ground, making in ill to-day, about o,B7stamoke
whom are nearly onto hundred eommlasioned
.., .ollicenctho blithest In rank beteg coloned• : This
- ' does not include the rebel wenn red la hospitals,
wham numbers are imiolderable4 These men
seemed, as they passed along. completely 'stab
f . ; fled with their petition' no. ; doubt enticdpating a
larger 'supply el rations than they have been
' • getting for some time part._:: - .ii ,- ; i
M. la reported that Gen. Gordon was seen eig --,
".- leg hl Ina to , 14h1 Mid- at times - swearing. at
-r . them for cowardice. ending with the exclania
•:. Gm% "Ily .God,..Jost. as I. thought. .The men...
wenn fight," afteiWhiehluf.,was not aeon.
':. Lient. Nye, of the 14th Massachusetts bat
• t myiwiiikilled while fightleg Magnet., ii 111143
..: .ordered to surrender but refused, and six bullets
.;: were found to have entered hhi bode. . .
- - Col. Pentecost, of the 100th: Peonsylvaela,
was also klftetLi • ' ' . -
, • NOr roux, March 27.—The rribiess'' a army
of the Potomad. conmpondent says the rebel
I General Gordon is reported kilted in the battle
-- .1 - . of the 25tb. He was. directing the attack upon
IFort Steadman. ':
• As noon as our forces bad retaken Fort Stead
' : man a molter attack was made by theleft otter
Line upon the enemy. It ,being thought they had
::• ' weakened their line there in cmder to mess their
' • trootaln linnt;•their chosen mile" of attack..
' : • t This idea was correct, for the enemy had massed,
;, ,
but one or their corps to these left in the
: :it; 4sarly . part of the day. •
;... The Second Carps, en attack by ad
venee the left of 11.8 line formed 04 the First
and 'Third Divisions, with the Second in the
.1-. metre: -lifter some - sharp fighting the left of
- , the line gained three miles of ground, the broke:a
' ,- • line of the enemy falling back upon some rear
defenses. This movement now brings the line
--'•- of the Second .Corps not fir from Iloydtown
• Plata road; but , the road Is still in the-hands
r ' of the rebels. The forces pitted against this
~;. advance was at grit very small, Dm the
In haste morel back their Third Corps to their
-'• - right, and threw It into action., In the mean
time therftlxth - Corps was alsrepitthlng its liae
~ forward so - that the strength-of the enemy's
'lines was hilly tested along its cella and right;
The darrilish line of the rebels fell hacks the
.."• • : corps went on an? their batteries opined sharpie
,- • ewe if, but In epitis.q this we went over their
lines until elm:enemy were forced into their de
' The corpit ' eami to a halt and kick Steps to
- bold this. ground gained by thisadvancei Tho
71. - eth corps has th egreened until keday held by
:- t-i' the rebel pickets. ,Ti P) results of goiters fidh:-
e. leg am that the rebels were badly repulsed in
1 their attack, bbd the left of our Line has gained
another step towards the South-Side Etaikoad..
About noon. the President, with Grant and
e" legalls;Mille "is from City Point, by spieled
7-_, train. They were on the field, and the attacks
of tke "d aid,Gbh corps were made under tee
eyes of the President. • .•• ,
r; ICI, reported thet Gen:Lee was on the grouind
',• and Arecte4 the attacks of Ms army:,
iamb 17.—The Worldis dia
raielifrom Kingston on the 2.111, says of net
min's fighting on tail on _
and ' Monday:
• them was severe and continuous fighting be
wenn Ebtinnan'and Johnston., but, nOt.:a grand
hattle,Jobiston declining& generalmigagement.
ilk The battle ,was tet in array upon the two opyro
g site ratiges of hills on the south side 'of the
- liense, our troop facing westward, and both ar
p, tam defended bycorthwinicr; those of Sher
man's being hastily constructed. , .
. Tho fighting tasted two'.4ays, during which
• desperatirtharges were made on both sides, the
• ,b,,t s cursing our lines"three times, and five
• timc4-04r.usen madticofinteicliargel: — '
• Tbe figbgg ,on firtado taws. mostly done by
At• he ilOth„artd. 14th ; corer ,. and on Monday Cho
, .
• 15th and .17th Mune up. and partially relieved
E. All along the Mule from Fayettovlllo Sheimaa
Li Las had motepr Ippy!gtillps eyed day,
NO NNW 110TEME3171 - 01 NITRE& EIDE.
Rebels Collect Their Dead.
Sara Iflightlxis Jellacroo-xi.
.• Wax Dwarfism:re, LSO P. M.,
Watblngton, March 27th,1865.
ltejorfiener#t Dix: The following official re-
reports of the oweratioits of the Samr of the Po
toniec on f3atntday, and Geri: Sherman's opera
ratiowe.since he left Fayetteellie; was received
tbli morning.
Gen. Shennan area at Goldaboro on the: d of
this nicinth.
No zr.orements bare been made on Litter aide
before Richmond or Peterstrtuly - since Saturday
night. [Signed] R. M. eiturros,
Secretary of War.
Crry Pourr,lo:3oA. m.
March 87,18 ' 05. 5
Bon. Y. btanko, "Seerefary bJ Warr--The,
battle of the 25th resulted ht the following losses
OD our side: Second corps—killed, 51, woun
ded. 4112, Misslng,..3o2; 9th corps—killed, 63 .
wounded, 338, missing, 506. Our captures by
the 24 corps were 361, by the 6th corps, 460,and.
by the 9th porps, 1,0119. The 2d and 6th corps
pushed forward and captured the eirearrs strong
entrenchments and turned his guns against him,
and still held it. In trying to take this the bat
tle was continued until eight o'clock at night,
the enemy losing Tay -
Ocdolymplireyri estimated the loss—of the
enemy In his front at three times his own. and
Gen. Wright, in his front, as donblethit of ours.
Te enemy brought In a flag of forth, for per
mission to collect his dead, whieNlrere between
their pliket line and their main ae of_ fortifica
tions. Permission was granted. -
(Signed.) - U. S. GRAM; Lieut. Gen'l.
March 27,1865.
To Iron. B. AL &yam Ree'y - of War: -
I am in missile — of Bherman's report or his
operations- tromthe time he left Fayetteville up
to the 22d test. It shows hard fighting, result
ing in very heavy loss to the enemy In killedand
wounded, Aid oeer 2800 prisoners In our hinds..
own / 1 4q4 ha sars..Yrtil be e-alfirP4 by ; 500
van since isslett Savatuth. Idany of them ens
but dist* vpunged.
. - • GHLirr, den.
ReportidEiriseu . 'alien of Arobite.
Naw Tenn, Mani 97:-The Steamer Evening
star, Ikon Hew Orleans on the 19th, yla Harlin&
on the 293, has arrlied.
The Evening Star arrived on the'llith trent
.31obilelay. No news by ter Is furnielted. •
=Tie New °finial Arlsiniferet of the 12th has
the following: A lady, In whom Implicit vconfl
deuce Is placed, and who arrived here last week
from Mobile, states that . when she left that city
all appearaniCes Indicated that It was being evac
uated by the rebel troops. Information bas
eline been ,recelved Jiem, 'which., could justify
the correctness of this opinion. '
lie inch of Its evacuation it' also credited
by the military Amthorities here. It mature
Tent little whether Mobile be evacuated or not;
whenever the Federalsvant the city they will
march on It and take gossession...
The property ofJ. P. Benjamin and John 811-
dell !alley Orlepi had been condemned In the
CCulted States District Court as forfeit to the Cab.
led States. -
The New Orleans dimes learn that .Gett.,
bury, with Omit 1.000 eavilry.: Made au ad
vance Vern Baton Rouge through Clinton a few
days since. He had several slight skirinishei
with rebels thereahonte, and killed two and cap
tured fear. In the meantime our forces lost, it
is said, 113 wagons, when both belligerents sepa
raterel,.each aide probably. being Battelle I.
The New Orleans markets on the 18th were
.olmcEt entirely nominal.
From Wmhlngton.
WASIIINGITGX, Hatch 27--Robert Molter
publishes a earl In the Chronicle today; denying
the story of the Montreal admits. that ho bad
visited Canitda topropose annexation.. Re says
hie visit was "tardy of a private nature, and
that he does not know the Views of either Gov
ernment on the ropier: of annexation.
Beendtlng Is dell everywhesse, and drafting
Rill ht.again resorted to, to obtain, men. It be.
gee In_lialtlmorethis morning. 1 . • .
Everything is going on well In the armies: •
Wasurnavon, March S7.—lion. Wm. Whiting
has resigned his position as Solicitor of the War
Lk partment.
Gen. Ibutstill; on the of Gen. .
Grant, has been promoted to be ;Major General
by. brevet, for conspicuous gallantry In pushing.
the enemy from a lodgement made on our lines
on last Saturday: - • •
ThePresidentbas ordered Brevet Maj. Gen.
Midmost to raise over Fort Sumter, at noon,
on-the 14th of April,
: the same „United States
flag that floated over It at. the time of the rebel
assault, and that it be sainted with one hundred
- tuns. from Sumter anti from every fort and rebel
battery that then flied upon 'Sumter. Also,
thst suitable military ceremonies be performed -
under the - direction of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman
whose operations - compelled the evacntion
Charleston, or in his absence, Maj. Gen. GA
mere, end also that the naval forces at Charles
fin pe directed to palm:pate In the ceremony,
and Bev. Henry Ward Beecher - he invited to de-
kret en addreee on thnomaslon, - •
li'lerriscrnme Idarc3C27.—The cninerdat ia
re rikr sari, 356 rebel o caw who werecaptared
3n ,he fight before.- burg on Saturday; ar
rived there to-day. y ray the war cannot
te violonged,- ited*m yor them deserted to
take the oath of allegiance. - '- . • • -
Finance and. Trade In Few Tort.
„ .
Youx," - March 27.—Ratiwii speculation'
' ,opened steady st tbo Stock Euebenga. As the
call progressed Ine market grew weaker:. The
second board was generally dull' on tberalliray
list, and lower prices were
. mede bi - most
stances. '
There was ood' demand_ for government
gold bonds; at fun 'but."trEctings Were
limited. The public berg, and_ elsewhere have
absorbed a large amount of these securities
during the peat few dap., , e • - ,
There la thothiersOstal to' notice In !Bat&
shares. State bonds and 'railway mortgage,,
coal and miscellaneous Omni, are a.l iirmer,
with no upward movement In Cumberland and
There has been nothing Important In 'rid
speculancur .to-dayl,the street Ina been quite
free from rumors, and the marlin is very steady,
with a moderate Inquiry for money, with an
abundant ETAT. -
The large advance In 'whiskey today Is due to
tbs fact that two mr re illicit distilleries have
been closed, one in this city and the other In
Cincinnati: Pre omitilth nsmes,as It might de.
feat the ends of justice.
Petroleum Stocks more active and prices gen
• erslly higher. 'Cherry Run, 70; Ecceislor, 500;
Germania, SO; Oceanic, 247; Rynd Fenn, 895;
Tack, 300 1 Buchanan Farm, 155; !Joplin City;
250; Highgate,Bo; Northern, 400; UnitedBtates,
Bold Sauk liebbery . et Lenissille=-Sank.
er /Settee ipto His Safe.
Lowserua, March 27.—About 4 o'clock this
afternoon, the office of 1.. Bland, franker, was
entered by three men,' who proposed a negotia
on. fbr ellter, In the progress whereof. one . 45f
the men presented a pistol, droth.Blood into his
cafe and locked the door upon him; the men
then decamped with all the money outside the
safe, estimated, according to some Accounts, at
$45,000. Bland was released after nearly two
hours ,- confinement, by a locksmith who cut the
lock from thesafe door. - .
Forreatfs Farces .predatorssea Cloth.
lag for Eafittanted - Prisoners.
New TorM.,-March 27.—The Ilersta's special
from Gravelly Springs, Alabama, with Gamut
Williams' commend, says: Atlhe Won". Mein
r time from Forrest, he was encamped at West
with eight regiments; roar of which were
:agrees. The. same letter 6411 a train" of tilly
"Aims, loaded with provisions sod clothing,
were about stirtlog to meet morsexchacol pris
onerson their way from TupelO, ' -
'Navigation betweea Cleveland and Detroit.
CLEYELAICZN March ..3.,—Navlgatton la open
between Cleveland and Detroit,: The slaw=
Moran Star anived [rum Dotrolt tab IlVelddlb,
A Rebel Brigade Atteiapts to Desert
AdvanCe of a Portion of Grani•s Lines,
General Crook Assigned a Command.
New Irons, Marsh 27.—A ntdzin '. ) :Nwbern
dispatch of the 20th, says: Supplies are being
rapidly forirarded to Shermani:. army. Trans
portation is abundant. The Sanitary Coinmis
slim agents ara also actively at work.
The number of refugees attaching themselves
to DOCIZMILD'e army is enormous. The people of
'Huth Carolina almostunanimomly welcome his
hpyearance. All that reached Fayetteville with
bin: were sent to Wilmington.
It apicars the evacuation of Kingston by the
rheis was a mistake. Bragg denies having or
dered it. Hoke produces a telegram sustaining
his action. 'The telegraph operator escaped. and
'igenow in Neither:2.
( in Macedon in says an entire brigade .of
rebels attempted to desert between Kingston and
Goldsboro, atorhad a fight with other rebel
The Tribunes Washington sneclal Siys tha
city was full of rumors that the whole. right
v lug of Lee's army has surrendered, but the War
Department has no such information.
A Herald's dispatch, speakingof these rumors,
says they are simply premature.
The President telegraphed from the front, at
11 a. in. yesterday, that our lines had been ad
vanced on the ao as to Include those preyl
muly occupied by the enemy's akirodshere. and
that. in this movement; between four and dye
hundred rebels were-captured.
The Tribins's Kingston correspondent-says It
is reported that at knit two brlgadm of rebel
troops are secreted In the swamps along the
Ness river, awaiting an opportunity to eater
our lines.
The Tribune's Washirgton special says Gen.
Crock has been assigned to a command la the
Alm. of thePotomse. Gem Singleton, whole
Just from Richmond, ridicules the Idea of a re
newal of peace negotiations, and is certain
neither Lee nor'Daris boo any.intention of sub
mitting. ,
Eiheridenes men are bele; remounted, and will
won be again In the saddle.
Theinerald'r Army' i the-James correspond.
Out says the rebels have succeeded In getting
about six hundred negro troops In Richmond de
fences. The white rebel troops doi . notlike their
new issockfes.
` 'The thrald's correspondent off Galveston,
-Feb. PAM, says the rebel eehooner'Xrtna tfale,
-of titans, fitted out for a privateer and about to
call the next day, wee cut loose,frota under two
rebel batteries; in latagOrda Bay: Texas, on the
10th, by two boat'a mews from the gunboat Pl
nols, under command of Ensign , Brown.
Alter securing bornmander and - crew, they
clotted for the national fleet, ?but the vessel
grounded and had to be burned- :
Decline and Fall of the Confederacy.
zw YOBS., March-.27.—The World Saki
more eorntspondent says: In a fe.r •weeica the
Southern Confederacy will be numbered with
the things of the past, and the rebels will bare
utither army, capital nor government. •
The news from the rebel dondelori . hat Pro. —
dead a feeling of deeper depression among
Southern sympathisers than any Kerbing events
' The Southern army Is 93,0ttestrong. - No more
men can no raised.
lUchmond 4wlll to beld no long as the rebel ar
my consists 'of 80,000' land.
One•haif of the rebel army has deserted since
the fall of Wllmington'and Charleston.
The rain of their railroads renders it impassi
ble for the South to make use of Its resources,
and the closing of the last port eats of supplies
from England. They hate fear munitions of
tear andlimited-end reduced mesas •of menu
fazturingthem. and'an hone of fortdga inter
line has been finally dispelled.
Seven-Thirty Loan—The First Issue Ab-
Ptrusntroutra4Marelt 27,—‘The subserlptions
to the term-thirty • loan-•reoelvedyaterdaybt
the Government Subscription Agency, and that
In transitu to. the (Ace, will absorb all of the
tint lame. - In forty-three days ono hundred
and sixty-one millions have been disposed of to
the people. The sale of the second series des
ignated as that of Jane 15th, will co right on
ithont interruption. Tits rules are In all re
spects precisely like the others. save In their
:date. The agents of the loan throughout the
country hare. been instructed on and after to
moirow to calculate the Interest at the Jett, of
7 310 per cent. on all ante= pitons from their
date up to June 15th next, and to pay back the
amount In money to purchasers at the time they
buy. The delivery of the new notes will be an
lotyrrnpted. The public *Ell not have to Walt
fur them.
From mexieo-4The French Reported
WASHINGTON; March 29.—Sentl-olliclal advis
ee from Chihuahua, Mexico, to the ad of Febru
rt,,have been-received here. An • extra of the
r tlicial paper rontains the toll swing news of the
Froth defeat. The goyarnment has just re
celted authentic Intelogence that General Co
rolla, after having caused the French force
which marched from Borg° to Mazatlan,
through , Blerra Nevada, some ',Jos% de
feated it ',entirely In the tillage of VCrallaa.
Other ,idt.ceis elate that the French fattest at
.Brr. neq adtanctd to Chihuahua, and on he
of January they were at Rio Florida. Next
day, however, they .retumed to Bump, the
lltzirans Wog prepared to receive them. Gen.
Nrunte bad left Eh heatna with all the available
force there, to meet the Freasb, • •
Flom Fortress Monroe.
FOIITRICES MOICROE, March 27.--The steamer
Wtheter hes jot arrived from the front. She
Nivea the intelligence ofa general eattaircouset
all altar our lints to-day. This doubtless re
f. re to Saturday.- • - -
Cue - hundred and - dre rebel officers captured
yu ierday afterooon, came down on the steamer
WI hider.
Gt rend Sheridan. withhis entire cayalry force,
had reached Graut's army in satrap A nutaber
or front Shaidan'redmmand" arrived it
City Poict from the White Muse; they brought
their caddies and equipments • with them; and
trW rtmaln there until freshly mounted.
,Tbe Seven...TWO' 'Habactiptloni
I'fiILAIAL7III4I, March 28.—The subscriptions
today to the fievenahirty Loan In all parts of
the linion, ea telegraphed to Jay Cooke; --att
scription agent s amount to $2,175,900.- The
buten single western subscription wee $200,000
from Chicago. The largest tangle eastern sub
sctiption was :#150,000 from Byractias, Now
York. The number oC individual subscriptions
by, working men and women making portions of
the above aggregatd was 1,525 of #5O and $lOO
Yriatee , , crusade into Malleo Predietel.
Naw 3bsic, March 27.—}'he 2lntes'
rays: In all probabilitylpur future rehilloas
with Mexico will be . determined - ,mairily by air
cutostatccs quite beyond our control'. Whatever
may lie the pollens! our government, sixty days
-will not elapse - arta the disbandm ent. of our
armlets, before Maximillinn will leo tho gleam
of American bayonets. maity.soldiers eau 'Ma
dhbaudment of our armies will doubtless go lb
Maims and Join Juarez's forces.
Gift Enterpt hest loved—CounterfelPAJte.
Dostow,_March 28.—The police to-day eLysod
two gift enterprise establittneMs, ono at IQ3
Washington .street, and Menthe: as Sunbury
strut, and arreated all the parties. some twenty
In number. 'These arrests were made under the
Law prohibiting lotteries:
.11 ell ciecuted cOunterfelt .50s oaths Pawtucket
Bank,. Cone ., and also counterfeit 11500 bills on
the Haverhill Bank, Mass., are In circulation.
Parolul, Prltoneri.-Cotton from Yazoo
Cain°, March 27.—Clarkaborg
.adricea of the
4.^d ray . that 1,550 of our paroled prisoaers ar
rived at Camp Flak; four toles from that city,
where they avealt exchange. Everything Ls be
ing donnfor 'their condom
The steamer ifellues, reported captured rip
Yezois rivel.;ierlied . at Vicksburg With a big load .
of cOtton Cram Yazoo city. ' -.•
From. New orleaus.
. . . .
Ntie Ont.e.aere, 'Hardt 21; via . Cairo, March
27.-7hartcen thousand-Bartle of ..flour word
dee/ade./ Nl* New York and Boston.
'II ateinteldp -Rein:dog Btar lett , via Havana
on B uda) alga...._ .- '
sight cheeks of NnW . York were At one-half
, creat Portral!-Priec
Nan "(pun, Muth 27.—An animal from Port.
an-Prinee Mogi drtaJny of a great 'Ane' at that
pane. ' Four hundred building were burned, and
tho loots estimated" , Vont pay to fifty
Ilona edllaytlea dame. Trio moat active but,
nets pan of lbe city was destroyed.
Sherman's Novemenia in North Carolina.
New Youx, March 21.—Tho Richmond Er
iner of!the 24th has ailetter from Fayetteville
which says_that Fayettesillle Is - ruined. All the
Arsenal buildings,
.the Market Rouse, Court
Rouse, printing office, both foundries, all the
mills, the cotton factories and all the oil works
were burned. They robbed the people of every
thing in the way of food. The destruction in
Clittsw m said to have been very extensive.
The Raleigh Democrat says: Judging from.
what we bear of operatiens in eastern and mid
dle North Carolina, we consider the,algns more
encouraging,if not decidedly cheering. Sherman.
will be prevented from emssing the North Caro-.
line railroad. Sherman and the Yankee nation
will soon learn that marching through* country
is not conquering it.
The Raleigh Progras says much unjust abase
ban been heaped upon the cavalry under Gee.
Wheeler. Much of the marauding and plunder
ing charged to them, has been perpetrated by
others. Several Of them have been at the house
of the editor of this paper for nearly a week
past, and we can with troth say, we have never
seen a more orderly or well-behaved set Of men,
The .4'zonstner, of the 24th, says Along
our lines before Richmond and Petersburg there
is unbroken quiet . Our troops, within the last
few days have been addressed by various speak
ers, though politicians have more need Who en
couraged by the army, than the Army by pollti-
CiI7PF. '
There is an Impression that Grant is sending,
mvpremirlon to send,.a portion of lily troops lor
North , _Carolina — to help Sherman out of bis
The latter gentleman Is decidedly brought to a
stand. Thaw wonderful maraca of • his, in
which the Yankees so much exult, seem to be
over for the present. Instead of burning towns
and robbing people, he finds armed men In hla
The F,aminer abuses Foote foible published
address to Southerners abroad, sad hopes he will
remain sequestered for the remainder of his ex-
Istenee. • • .
... •
The Dbpsilch, of the 94t1s, nape the mails for
the South, which should hay° been forwarded.
this morning, were not prepared for transmis
sion, in consequence of the clerks being ordered
out to perform guard duty.
The Dispatch appeals to deserters to return to
their commands, and says the war will
soon be ended if the solders will make earnest
and combined efforts.
The Sentinel calls for a generous support of
the policy of putting negroes Into the army, and
requests those who are not favorable to with
hold all advene criticism.
The Pirate Steamer Owl.
Ns* Yost-; Muth steamer ntlYaillil t
Nan Ratans on the 2nd; has arrival.
.The pirate _steamer Owl, ntle.h cleared for
Mataccons, sailed on the gist, preceded by half
an boor by the gun-boat Cherokee, and followed
by a Spats man-of-war. Bator& corning to
Harana from Nieman, the Owl landed at lane
Meer. North Carolina.
An Irish member of the British-. Parliament,
and the rebel General Preston was ' mon& to
liacana by the Owl, who is said -to bare been
sat to circulate the report -that Maxlmillian is
to recognize the Confederacy, open•Tatoplco as
a pert, to adjudicate maritime eaptlres, and-a
grandalmultaneona aortic bye swarm of pirates,
Is to,be
The Owl la under the command of the 'notorious
aneakldaMitt, la known wham cannot) sod sin-
Munition inter hold, ands probably intones
a pirate. Several of her crew deserted at Ha
vana, and went to Naval, probably intending
to end New 'fix*.
Adrieei from the United E3tates had depressed
sugar and molasses at Harins.
The Fight at Beatonaville,
Tonic, March 27.—The Charlotte Singh
C.l'diy,frat bays, in the fight at Ilentonsvllie two
corps under Slocum and Kilpatrick's cavalry
wcre held in check by a brigade under commend
of Col. Alfred Rhett, for five home, and then
hang reinforced by another brigade, the Yaiikeee
were repulsed. Col. Rhett wee minding; and
their loss wee about fire hundred, while curs was
th. et thousand.
A-dispatctrfrom Augusta, dated the Mitta, says
one thousand of the old Arniy of Tennessee and
Army of SiMinia ecnuinumed In thatuity during
the past ten days, and, being supplied, will start:-
at oneesfor a long march. Thuse are said to hn
(I - Meet of Lee's Late Attack.
Nsw•lforrx; Mare 27.—The nary' Washing
ton special says, the general accepted egillana
tint, of Lee's attack is, that It was made trader a
spur of desperate necessity, and having, failed,
the t vacuadon of the Petersburg liars and Rich
mond Itself CAIIIIOI long be postponed. Military
men - look upon it as a mask to cover the retreat
or the rebel army. •
IhitieVa Fort _Fisher Movement.
Nan Tonx, Marck2s.—The Tilton',
[nom special says kf.The Sub-Committee from •
the Committee on the Conduct or the War, con
sisting of Representatives Julian and Gooch, is
in visit. Fort Fisher this week to make examina
tion' on the spot about the disputed points C3O
- Butler's movement. •
New York Geld Market
:Cm Tons, Ifarcbl37..told is steadier. Tho
op , eulatire openstors appear to bare come
to the conclusion that at present public opinion
reeirds 150 aa about the price required by the
. conf Ititoti of affairs. Oultf opened at 1553 i, fell
to 153; and then ildvanced to 1.5.1,,1."
remain tieddesn , Destroyed by Flre.
: UTICA, N: Ye March 2L—The Utica Famito
Seminary wail deetroyed at four o'clock tali
rooming , by arc. The loss Is heavy. AU the
townies, nearly 100 Is number. escaped.
Advice to the South.
Ntw Yon, Marcia 27.—The World editorial
ly aqtaes the Booth to law down Its arms at
urxe; and trust to chanecw.
_ Alwevere Wlntir In Runde.
The riger , of the past winter In Raub' was
almost unrnredented. The Telegragh, of KWH;
rays: "The villages are literally hurled in, and the kcal is becoming • daily more =-
till, The celebrated fair., which lasts a fort
vicit. and the meeting of the landowners-et' the
mut'nets of Volbynia, Podolia, and the Ukraine,
nose taking place, are completely wanting -In
animation—first. because specie Is rare, and,
es zr, Ncause long journeys are almost lamas
!ale in .conscquence of the state of the' roads
feem the deep snow. The thermometer marks
twynty-elx degrees below zero, Fahreahelt; for
the last sixty years it tins not 141100• BO low.
From the scarcity of coin. travellers at the end
of each stage are obliged to receive from the
postmaster paper money with his signa'ure, and
whirli la naturally current only 'ln alimited.dis.
trim. • • •
TIE California papers describe a remarkable
accident in a gold mine. The timbers stipport
big one of the galled:agave Way, and thu roof
fell In; the miner i escaping. The."carc," as It
Isla:tad, was one hundred feet long, sixty feet
wide and three hundred and aerenty-deu tuuE
deep. The concussion - of the air instantly, ex.
tingubshed the lights . throughout She mincer the.
workmen who wero standing up were thrown
down. In soma of the tunnels She, care were
thrown from the track; and the chambers, tun.
eels and galleries were arcryythere with
eutfocating clouds of dust. Tao air was forced
south Into the Savage mine eo strongly that ev
ery light in the mine' was extinguished, cars
blown oil their tracks...and the rash of air up
the Savage hoisting shaft (nearly four hundred
feet deep.) caused' nil the lights in the hoisting
house to he blown out.
• „
FILM:DI:LENT RIFITHIMOF 11.100111L—iY41104 the .
following item in this momlog'a Albany Sr
'Upon the complaint of Messrs. Weed and.
Kingsley, attorneys and counsellors; Mr. Ell
Perry was yesterday arraated on - a warrant Is
vued by United States Commissioner-Frothing
, ham, charging him with making fraudulent re-.
turza of DU-Income. for the yoar , tBdB. Mr. P.
put In a denial, and filed a recognizance to ap•
pear at a future day fur so! examination of 'the'
Mr. Perry bas been Mayor of Albany !be orori
eleven yew, and Is reputed to be a very wealthy.
man.—Tray Tuna.
A wrrrre sLavilately in alit° ilea: Vrian's
lines. lila name Is James Lo Roach, or fioneh
decent by his father. ll d grout-grandmother
was a pretty Indian nirl, awl was reared by a Mr.
TorrenP; by whose eon abelhad a daughter, who
was sold to a Mr. Westorr{ of. Charleston, who
hod a daughter by her. The latter Was a mother
Of this gave, and kept, la jservitude by her halt
. sister, a Mrs, Smith, who afterwards Bold : both
"mother and cbildras to heartless traders, who
traced them' over the co a ntry. This man was
ahoutTorty . years or ago; slightly built, long
sandy halr and whishers,jand evidently Without.
a particle of Africati bloodin Ids. Total; yet its
was the bondsman of his kinsman.-
'smoltTAUT To Ilmmrots or Miscount Lamm
—By advides from the Auditor of Public
counts of Ale Btote of Missouri, we are informed
that the taxes on all lands In Missouri, owned by
citizens of ;other States. should be paid until
June, this Current year, or at any rate before the
end of September. All lands noon which no
taxes are paid op to that time, are liable to be
sold, and can he redeemed only at a heavy ex
pense. Many of our readers, we presume, are
owners of . inch lands. They should not delay
preserving their titles by, paying up promptly.
All siecessmy information can, we expect, be ob
tained by applyirg to the Auditor, at Jefferson
City, Missouri.
company, under the title of the "Rock Run 011
'Company" has been organized In this city, to
bore for 01l ht Rock Run, Lancaster and other
places In the county
,where algae of oil have been
ahmoyered. ' The canltaletoek of the company Is
$150,000, shares SIO each, not liable to assess
Quite a number of oil springs have been dis
covered in the county, on the surface of which
genuine petroleum is found, and In several pla
ces Jets ofgaa appear, which is indicatory of oil
cavities lidnualiately underneath.—Tmeport lour-
- Tax -New York :Post has intelligence from.
Nassau that: the merchants and citizens of that
place have 42ddenlydlecoveredthat.they aranow
and 'always have been good Union- men, and in
several instances the scales have fallen from the
eyes of rebel officers In full uniform. These men
bare, with their usual modesty, applied to the
consul to take the oath and get passport' for the
Bourbon Mites. The villains are leaving by
hundreds. The rebel pirate Ajar arrived at Nes
sari on the Mth. The blockade running business
is-ruined, - and dotard countenances are every
'lt here semi-'
~. . .
: Lonoirrm--.& Quebec. journal.mentions the
case of a wbtnan named Madame Fier» Dayer •
residing Ire chmond street, Bt. John's suburbs
of that cli, Who has reached the respeetable age
of one hurl red and thirteen years. Her Child
ren; grandchildreO and great -grandchildren
amount to tire patriarchal'number of tiro Iran , '
drcd and Neutrals. ' The old lady rttalni all
fumbles, Sad readapt with her son, who has
himself attained the very fair age of serenty.
A Chautanque county IL D., who owns land
on Cassadaga creek, near where •an oil spting
has been d h covered, visiting the spring the
other dayin company with Ida daughter, and
finding no difficulty In both smelling and tast
ing the real petroleum, appealed to her to know
what success She was meeting 'with', to which
thelonng lady 'replied: Yes, tattier, I
thlok Ido taste and smell the oil, but I don't
think I could if you did net own lands on the
creek."—Buffefo Courier.
York says; 'The foreign importations show .a
sudden and steady Increase. As the goods were
ordered some three months ago, when gold was
fifty per cent. higher than it is to-day, the Im
porters must be -heavy losers, If this merchan
dise 440 bethrown on the market. The Borus
sia. from Ilamburg, brings a valuable cargo,
while there are others from Marseilles and ports
In the East Indies, China, &c.
Trre Winona LMIIIIICSOta) RepuNtean of tho
16th, says the, ice was wind on the river. teams
were crossing, and the sleighing good, four in
ches of snow baying fallen the night previous.
The river boatmen predict abeavy spring freshel
this spring,.their theory being that every seventh
year produces• very high water. Tho prediction
will no doubt prove true this spring as the depth
of snow is unprecedented.
' Ins steady stream of reinforcements la begin
ning to tellmatexially upon the army in front .
of Richmond. Recruits hare been leering the
general randetrous at New York at the rate of
stout Ofteen hundred per day; for .the last teti
days, and gentlemen! who hare jatit returned
fret; an unofficial 'tour of luspectloti
the greater part of Gen. Meude's army, say that
it was
.tearer better ctmdltion.
dOa m ter Cowgirls—Major General Crook,
basing bier exchanged. tuts been restored to his
former-command. In the absence of ~Geaerel
Sheridan, who is wilt Grant, General Crook
will assume tomumaiftt by department Crook
ought to be compelled to /deep to somemore so.
core place than his headquarters. or' he will be
carved off again, some dark night, big:erring&
Aft army °fats Potomac commpendent says
"It Is &moth:cable fact that since Gen Sherd:tin
took Savannah, the treat majority of the deser
ter* here ball from &WA Carettes. Assam as the
rebel soldiers asseriala that their houses are
within our Hoes, .1/ey are salad with an sinews
troloble {lRA's:non •to aucrt, &bowleg- palpably
thsttbeirratentkm la the rebel ranks is coin.
Tun London Thus of the nth, says the Union
hav,-In Grant and Sherman, "two Generals of a
eery oVeread stamp/tont these to tehetet• its armies
sere ono throated.:, Sherman Is enterprising
and sagaellons,and hie blthertos been accessful.
Greet hex been unsuceessful,lnt be has Ala&
beraty talwed to recognize &Pal, roof Am proved
itiltie of this tenacity of papaw."
" Vino was the executioner of Charles the
Fleet V' is a question newly revived by the dis
covery at the Island of liarbadoes. of the deposi
tion of a man named Pechell, or Noche% taken
down on his death-bed, to the etket that he was
the vitored beadsman. The documents have
gore to England.
Art extraordinary Instance of determined en
durance has Jost occurred In the prison of Ales
to, in Spain. A man named Puebla, condemned
to death for murder, In his dread of the garotte,
deto mined to starve himself to death. Ile res
olutely reefed all foOd, and on the twelfth day
est bed`from exhaustlen.
MAI flit, assist:Mt private secretary of the
Prtaident, says the Washington correspondent
•of the PhDladelphia ledger. will be the secretary
of Mr. Bigelow, the hew United &met Minister
at the Court of St: Cloud, and will leave for
Paris, In company with Mr. Nichols', the new
Toe Boston Board of Alderman has voted to
.discoullune the ringing of the church hells at 8
o'clock in the morning, 1 o'clock In the after.
noon, and 9 o'clock Its the evening. Tho ens-.
tam has exiced at the nub from time Emma..
4norlal, , and there is great grambllng at the
i 1 wiz ha Boston had the curiosity, ottWel
nudity last, to note the names of twenty-flee of
the gold speculators at a certain board : and on
referring to the tax Bet be found two of .them
only assessed—one on $7O and tho on ter
$1164 la-come. .
Aminceile recent reinforcements to tine Aral
of the Potomac Is a, heavy artillery regiment,
numbering 1600 . man; 1000 of whom received
61060 each as'bountyfor ono year's service. • It.
Is known at Vie front as "the million dollar mg
,lment." .
Ir is thought that tto United States Sonata
will refuse a seat to John P. Btoekton, assumed
to he elected Senator from New Jersey. Ile had
only forty votes, while there were forty-one
against him.. Such a ease has never risen before.
• Is ten years before the war—from 1850 to 1860
:—Tebtiessees lost list twentpaltie runaway
starer, according to accurate ,statistics. How
ninny she has lost since Is an unpleasant subject
of contemplation to her pro slam eitlsvms:
Th.vveu. Calm, the Georgia rthel, saps: "Pat
mete the grave, but never. , pot on me the ter
mini of e submissionlat." Bhernaan's soldiers
are almost certain to with hlareigionisble
request—lf Cobb don't run away.
• • E. B. &runtime, E. 5.4., of Susquehanna county,
Vas been appointed Prealdent Judge of the Bed
ford Judicial District, In this State, Judge Met
eor having resigned In consequence of We deo-
MOUT or errrnAor..—Tile. teglelature of
blithigau ties pulled a Joint resolution to submit
to the people, al the fall election of lend, . an
amendment to the cottailtulloi to• alloW colored
people to vote.
AncrrOra notorions . guerrilla, known 118 .White
Colton, was killed.ncar lluptiville, Alabama, on
the 15th.. The gnerrWas appear , to have, a se ,
rem time Of it, just now. -
Tun Philadelphia coal-dealers are delivering
coal to constituent irt - isumare lron,bozes holding
seventy-flee pounds, whleh are emptied into the
cellars without dirt or contusion.
Brawrzi, Taxon . and. Potter, New
. dry goods ;merchants, have suspended •
They bud made a quarter , of a million, bat the
shrinkage In values loft theta stranded.
Tutus are now four medical colleges for wo
men In operatlon,having been opened In Beaton
In 1648, in Philadelphla In 1850; la Now York In
'lBB3, and in London in 18 6 ,4. -
pe il
6statz, Dancyr.—The Iscrepancy between
the estimates and the ex dames of the rebel'
treasury, during the poet car, was on'y four
handn.d.milliona ofdollate,'
Gouiltas been found in liarlsMreciunty, West
Virginia, samples. :of-which, alit ,exhiblted - 111
.Wheeling.: In what'quant.tics It exists is yet to
be developedi . - , ~
. Tni Empress Eugenie la emieskvorinn to effect,
a restoration or thelely sePulehre it Jo 'astern.
She sails - upon in tho crowned female Loads to
_ , .
1 ' Santa a, short time. Wee bonafide German
CoimM; oii6 Irlsh Baronet...two Greeks of 'Mei
degree, and one Turk hue been enlisted In New
Tat'maple Inge In Vermont lest 'year, was
worth 13,2.10,000, 6D tithe Amami ire determined
-to make It worth , A good. deal 'more this
Tut Legielatgre ofTenaeeeee ; will meet on.the
idol May to start the Cornmourreulthimdm the
new:policy Lf freedom. •• I . -
Tim priieleeets for large' F o il Itinerate , / CrfiP?
thle country during the ming:,fiellaen ..rere
never morn flattering::: • - •
.airreunevr.was gang* in Vermont, ea the
:2514 ult.,. alma the thermometer was ten der•
Meeting of City Councils.
A regular meeting of the City Omega wss
held last night, commencing at the rtenal
In CC)711710/1 Council: Present—Messrs. Ards
ry, Armstrong, Beck, gown, awls, Dickson,'
Deckers. Frederick, Hare, Harris. - Hunnicutt,
Ring, Leonard, Ilawhinncy,.Mish, M'Candleso,
M'Clelkmd, M'Quewan O'Neill, Reese; neh
men, SniTely, and Tomlinson.
In the absence of the President Mr. If'Cand.
less was called to the chair.
The minutes of the preceding meeting were
read and approved.
air. Drown offered a resolution Instructing
the Street Commissioner to have so much of
Virgin alley paved - as ,is necessary, from the
corner of Wood to the lot of the Third National
Rack, the ex - pewee of the unto to be p,ald by
the: contractor.buildluz said bank. Referred to
Committee on Streets.
Mr. King presented a petition from Mews.
M'lntosh, Hemphill; t Co., asking.permission
to lay wplpe along Pipe street,. a distance of.
twenty-dYe feet, for' a blast (enlace. Referred
to the Committee on Street% with power to act
Mr. O'Neill presented ispetation from the. Al
legheny Steam Fire Engine Company, asking
for repairs of the Injury done to their engine.-
house by the falling of the will at the fire of
Wilson, Hass & Co.
Referred to CoMinittee on lire Engines and
O'Neill introduited an ordinance granting
to power to erect a wooden building
On the d t grounds of the Pittsburgh, Fort
Wayne a Chicago Railway Company.
11r. A,
strong moved to amend, that M.
Shultz be 'required to sheet the building with
iton. - The amendment was.accepted by Mr.
Objections were made, and the ordinance was
-laid user, by a vote of area 12, nays 10, aa fol
lows t — ., -
Ares—llessrs. A rdavy,. Armstrong, Makers;
Dickson, Barris, Lconard;',Mairhinney, Mish,
lieenndless, A. B. M'Qeowan, O'Neil ea Bab
- Hare—ldelanpeek, Dast‘Fredortalt, Hun,
linnacni. King, li'Clellind, Bnialoy
and Tomlinson--10. ' • ' '
Mr. -bleQuewan introduced an ordinance, In
creasing the salaries of the Monongahela and
Al'egheny Wharfmasters to s9ooa year each.
Mr. O'Neill offered art amendment, Which
-was accepted, that the salaries of the clerks of
both breeches - of Councils be increased' from
1.3(41 to $lOO per. year.
Mr. &bitten offered. a 'farther aMendment..
Which' was accepted, incteasing the, salary of.
City Areersor from 14100 to $?00 a year.
Mr. Rare objected to the 'passage of the ordl
The motion to suspend the rules was lost by a
vote or yeas 8, nays 12, as followso-
digs—Messrs. Armstrong, Dalt!. Hunnicutt,
McCandless, A. B. Mequewan, O'Neill, Rahman
and BMTely.
/tip—Messrs. Beck, Deakers;ltlckson, Fred.
erlch, Hare, Harris, King, Leonard, Mawhin
ney, Sibsb, , McClelland, Reese, and Tomlinson.
Mr. Dicker, offered a resolution authorizing:
the Committee on Gas Lighting to erect a gas.
lamp on the corner of Townsend and Decatur
Referred to Committee on Gea Light*.
•f T has Connell, after a concturenee In all action
of the Select branch. Adjourned. '
&lid r Prewmt, Minas, Brown, Coffin;
touifin, - Hindman; MXlllntoek, .14%anuitilu;
M'btillau,_ Morrow, Ph illi ps, Qrdnn, .
Yonug and Pro dent 11'nuler.
The minutes of last - regular meeting, and of
Amial mesting,Arere rend' and Sknned.'
The President 'steepled a petition from prop
, erty holders on SA, Chdr street asking for an Im
prOVCMCDt to the sewet , ern that street. - Referred
to.bueet Committee.
Mr. Thompson preaentoi a petition from
Messrs. M'lntash, Hemphill do co.; Per
minion to lay a blast .pipe along Piltiratreet.
Referred to the Street Committee with power to
Mr. Merin* - presented a petition from citizens
residing on Boyd's mu, asking for the erection
of neo.stepil at the head of Boyd street, the old
ones havirighicome lei use. Referred to
the Strect Committee. •. ,
Mr. Bream presented the annual report of the .
Water Committee, which vasaccepted and or
dered to be pbblished week' the officLsl papers.
Mr. J.E. Reed-presented-the report -of the
&net Committco, in .reiation to the claim of
Josrph Pennock for. csatlngs ft:imbibed the city,
with a resolution authorising Its payment. Re
port accepted and resolution adopted.
Mr. McLaughlin; from the Committee on City
Property,'reported that the Neptune Engine
IL AN required a new roof, and that the floor
needed repairing. Report accepted.
Mr. Cohn offered a resolution to reimburse
Ur. .NleClintock for expenses Inetirred in clean
ing nut the sewenon ataeet. Real three
tin LT end punted. ..
3 r. l'hiff ps presented a communication from
the City P.dinber, 'in- response' to a resolution
askir g GL oplaten an. the point, whether COW:t
ell. Lave the power tondopt the grade of Penn
atrAt, between Steveneon's alley and the rail
road etosalhg, as nowpared, ' ana which differs
from the grade as fixed In the ordinance direct
ing the paving to be done. The Solicitor states
that he has no doubt whatever, on this po'uti
that Councils may 'sanction and adopt the pres
ent erode and make their assessmeta accordingly.
Sir. Phillips then presented a reanlntinn
etrurtiogthe Street Committee to prepare an
ordimmee, fixing the grade •on Penn street, he-
Ott en Stevamon's alley and the railroad mois
ten, es It now stauda. Read and adopted.
Mr. M'Sfillan presented a resolution author's-
Inc the Committee on Fire Engines and Rose to
have a new roqf pat upon the Neptune Fire En-
gine lipase, and oleo to have the floor of said
building repaired. Read three times and
Mr. Quinn offered a resolution remiestVit
Water Committee to have a water pipe laid on
the exteneton of l'en asylrania avenue. Referred
to the Water Committee.
Mr: Phillips submitted a memorial of the
Trustees of the Pittsburgh Gu Company; set
ting forth that in consequence of the great In
crease In the price of labor, coal, etc., they had
beta compelled to ask the ogialatere for power
to increase the pricenf gee to private consumers
to two dollara . per thousand cubic feet, for. the
period of two yews. The Legislature hadgranted
them this power, provided the consent of Coen
elle could be obtained. The petitioners there- -
fore ask that - Councils will give the !anent re
The memorial We r ceepted, whereupon 3fr.
Phillips offered a resolution granting the eon=
sent of Councils to the Pittsburgh Gas Company'
rn adrance the price of gas .to two 'dollars per
tb.onsand 'feet for the period of two years, as au
thorized by act of Aseembfy,
The resolution was discussed, and dually re
ferred to the City Bollettor for his opinion on the
pain as to whether tk assent of Councils, to
the proposed increase for two years would not
be vlnnally giving assent to such increase for
all time to come.
Mr. Brown called up the ordinance increasing
the water assessments for the Present year,
pcstnoned at last meeting. The question reenr.-
ring on the third reading and final passage of
the. ordinance, the yes and nays Neronnlled,
when the ordinance was hist by a.tle vote. ..
la all final • action of the Common Council
the Select eon . - .
Mr.-McC took called up the ordinance lu
crenslocr.the ary of the Superintendent.of the
Water Works,. An animated disensalon ensued,
pending which the Council adjourned.
A Brave giddier Gone.
Michael Myslek died on Monday morning
at ale o'clock. Re was shot • through the liver
at the battle of Tab* Oaks, and consumption set
In, Which was the immediate cause of his death.
The First Ward Mission and Sabbath School at
tendcd and cared for - him during his lost Illness.
Thersvirers three sons, pno of -whom,' Manua;
now In the Invalid corps, was shot in the neck,
end Frac/Mk; shot twice in the arm, end who
is now 111, and Micha4L -The funeral .will take
, plakwatthree - o'clock this afternoon, front Ms
mother's house on Killback street: near Corry,
4.llegbeny. Re belonged to Co.
• E, 105th Pena-
-We find the following complimentary notice in
the Cleveland Leaden of, a lecture recently deliv
ered in that city by this distingulahed, lecturer:
"Saargeand intelligent audience greeted Rev.
Jame* Preetley, .D., •of Pittsburgh, on. his
embed - appearance, last night, and his leetnreon
tho above subject was no less fascinating than
the Ten. graphic description of a :tour "Front
the Red BY to Mount Sinai," given the evening
previous; ' By them two : very successful efforts,
Dr. PresUey hoe established for himself here a
brilliant a writer and speaker. and
be will be warmly welcomed by Cleveland audi
ence, wheneter he may choise or belnvited to
address them." , . .
•,,—The Kayoed
Police, on ea [lnlay, retested a man named Law
react-waike. who was charged with abandon;
lag his wife se.d family contrary to the law In
Fuch ettreeia as and provided. It appears that
the atiaidontaeut cilmplainedof took placo three
years ago; elate which time Liwrence has man-.
aged to keep himself out of the ..wei. Yeater
day, bestial; that he was In the city; s sister of
his wile made information .ageless bite; and he
. was arrested el stated. Ile wee hold to hall fat
Lid ippett!ance accourt.,. • -
An wins base witneseed the trilliatit effects its
prnduccd by this wonderful application of science
land tut Desist:wen delighted. is an 'exhibition
of tine arts; which produces in an hour's recren.
tide, moral effects upon the mind and heart,
rams zaLs of good furniture, carpets and
housekeeping articles generally; Oils Usondat at
len tee-leek, No. 71 Founts si met,. between Wood
at.'d klarktt etrtxda (kleulaulm' Bank). T.
WOClellaud, anctibier,r; • ' • •
Court of Quarter Seqsions.
Before Judges Mellott and }lrma. ',ol k
The Court opened at 9 o'clock on Monday
morning. The Grand Jury was elrolll In and
the charge delivered by the lion. Thomas Itel
lon. The Constables were also swam and re
turn/ made.
Commonwealth vs. Mary Dietrich, surety of
the peace, on oath of William Ellis. Case dis
miesed and prosecutor ordered to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. Frederick Fritz, surety on
oath of William Ellis. Defendant ordered to pay
costa and give recognizance in the 14=13f $lOO,
to keep the peace,
Commonwealth vs. W. P.Fostei, illegal lotte
ry; Flea not guilty. This case came up In a
new trial, it having been decided against the de
fendant, the Court having charged the Jury to
at effect,
reserving to itself adeds onfl f l P i so flawhibenraitertardi :avor defendant,of anew.t lalwas
The jury now render a verdict of not guilty.
In the case of the Commonwealth vs. Bridget
Henning, convicted of larceny, the Court sen
tenced the.defendant to pay a fine of six.and a
quarter cents and costs, to restore the:property
stolen, or pay the owner thereof,' and undergo
an imprisonment in the meaty • Jail .for:,two
e Court adJounked at noon, to *meet ;thls
ornLeg at 9 o'clock.
The German Opera.
'The opening nlgbt of tte opera was a - great
success. Not only was the hectic an overflow
tog one, but the curbstone audience was quite
taripi.. The beauty and fashion of Pittsburgh
was exceedingly well represented at the opera,
and it most be admitted the City is endowed
with; both of these elements in a large degree.
Of the performance we hays not space to speak but •
in a general way,but our selects one of commen
dation. It exceeded our experience of operas in
the great number of singers, and in the excel
lent character of the entertainment. We only
needed a full understanding of "the sweet' Ger
man'accent" to apPreciate ft thoroughly, but the
acting develop ed Ulf tenor of the plot , axed, was
of itself ade ded merit.. - •
To wilt be presented Gotmod'a immortal
prodection, 'Fang:" This opera stands. and-.
Tailed for Gs lyrie and dramatic beauties. and
: p roduces a sensaUtin : wherever performed, -
Tim 'Horn .Tnterrits.—The two colored men
Heed and Wright, 'Them we' noticed, yesterday
asdurrlng been placed ,ln' limbo for robbery at
the iiicinongthela House. have beiin held to ball
In the sum of $BOO each', for tbeir appearance at
• Cong.: ,Mayarlowry Axed the ball at thin high
kr' irp, for the'reason that the men were not to
he trestri if they were Once Idealled on ball.
As hide tbleilng is of such llequdist and con
tinued ekicurrnice, his Honor gspressea a desire
that may at once be put a dap to by a 'summa
ry Infliction of punishment on such offenders.
Arrsurnon Is called 'to the advertisement of
the New York and Liverpool Petroleum Com
,y. The Prospectus, which will be 'sent to
'y address, on application, gives a fall account
of Ha operations, with Charter and ByLLatva. A
Molted number of shares are offered at the subT,
scription price of fiVe dollars . per share, - within
further tai or astessment;. can be bad by ad
dressing the Company, 71 Broadway,- •New
York city, or on application to any of Its agea4.
—We turns reedved, in pamphlet farm, the Con
n report of the Baud affairs of All teeny
county for the sear ending January Ist; 1865.
As we have airemly_given the mein features of
the report. we need not refer to it farther at
Cotor. mix ArrOrimirsorrs.—Wm.. hreCitire
bu been appointed Constable of Elisabeth town
ship; 1* Iles of. Jobn Rankin, Jr., resigned.
James IfiLeel has resigned his .pooltioh as
Constable of ticott township.pilis successor has
not yet been appointed by the Court. .
The expectations of those who ant . tclinte She
roost in this ofttool eshiblikes are toore,thon
teasel Noth in g so ran:4.mA vronderibly and
beantlfol, hos ever been seen hare— .
. .
Ta=Gasmen conarniusication Is now min
rained batmen India and (treat Britain in the
brief space of eight hears and - 'a half, and al ,
blame, .Fcdd peso and diaries at can t - received at
'Primal W. Pandit, potctical !Nate Itoolhir, an.
Dealer' in - American . Slate„ of ' Tatiana orders.
(lace at Alexander Laughlin's, near the 'Mates
Waits, Pittatangb, Pa: Residence, No. 75 Pike
swot. Orders promptly attended to. All work
warranted water .proof. Repairing done at the
shortest twice. No chargefor metre, provided
the roof is mot *tuned after it is put on..
EXACILL—An exchange, speaking' of an old
gentleman living In Its vicinity, aged 87yeara,
ho wan shill an active, bale and hearty as moat
men of fifty, rays: He invariably takes a glass
of Pinkerton's Wahoo and calla:Lye Bitters with
his meals. Be also rides a great deal, and to
the above popular beverage and healthful exec
clan be attributes Ida vi,evirrus health. On a re.:
eine occasion ; when asked by a medical friend
• hat physician and apothecary he employed, to
Which ho replied: "My physician has always
been a horse and my apothecary an ass!"
R. E. Sellers, Agent for Pittsburgh..'
liguout. Noncm—flte attention of our read
ers li directed to the, suastment of.
Fall and Winter °odds just received by our.
friend Mr. John Weter, No. 126 Federal street
Allegheny: stock comprises a great variety
of Yancylfreneh,E,ngiteh, Scotch and American
Cassbneres and Cloths, and tins Silk and Cud
mare Veltinp, all of which will be made up to
order in the 1464 - styles and in the best manner.
& choice selection of Furnishing Goods also of
Shand and for sale, together with • full stock of
Ready Made Clothing, well and fashionably
Twinsm , rtms good men wanted for the Mb
sissippi Gunboat Squadron. Bounty $700.. Pay
per month from $17.20 to .231.50. Call at No.
12 Market street, Pittsburgh, immediately. - Sub.
Mantes foraished for one, two or three years.
H. O. Erma,
- Late Quartemaster 2,llssissippit3quadron.
FALLON'S - BTRal:winosCON,CBll2 n&LL.I3
one or the highest triumphs otart we hareem
seen. There are single pieces of statuary re
produced, Welt are worth , the price of ideals;
Yoga FOULS, tna APRIL.- , Neighbor Pittock
bee just received the "Young FoUm." It eon.
tains the usual variety orgood thing& this month.
ATLANTIC; TOR APHIL.—TbIi excellent month
ly boa come to hand. Though late you can fled
a supply at Plttock,o.
Esoon Aamea.—Coples of this poem at Pit
Exothz Amm.—CoPies of Ms poem 14 Pit
FOitrr - brats per dingu—photograpbs at Pit-
'Aat;iir.—Cpples of thli pocm at Et-
Syracuse depot oic Monday last. AL:the cars
which made up the Oatrego' train were Standing
In the Central Depet; a - k:emotive without en•
ginner, or fireman, - came dashing In from the
East and plungedluto the last car bt the train,
driving the whole train' like lightning out of the
depot, a distance of .twenty rods, wreaking the
The mysteiloni appearance of: this wild en...
gine was as follows: The engine had been dia.
patched East, and on approaching the tunnel
near Syracuse the engineer saw a,wood traln ap.
. preaching from nib:East. Beth englneers re 7
versed their engines and - pumped from their
machines. •A; tudillefen took place,,; smashing.
Ebel locomotive coming. barn the East. The:
• locemotlve going - East . had Da, bled ; track.
thrown off, _
~ being; reversed, the_ angina,
slatted back towards Syracuse ,y apeed
ced:an every foot, until it was .making a speed.
of a mile a minute, .he bind truck gone, and
the tender bounding fill the ale, It dashed Into
the Oswego train, by wise, the escape valves
were 'broken off', the steam rec..ted out and the
tank being broken into, the water gushed out,
'and the phantom locomotive gave its last gasp.
The crash, and atcam; and . cries of affrighted
people made up a terrible scene, but, happily,
without loss of life, and it Is a wonder as the
escaped engine; lulls race, crossed eleven litmus,
`aid dashed through a crowd of fear hundred
. The catisa of all ibis was that the engine went
Out on the wrong tnek, the right track beingout
of repair owing to the flood.—Cleveland Herald.
- Tan.Fnitamagic AND MIL - LniCOLI4.-32185
Bettey - Candy, of Pall River, - . Mau., who Is
teaching a' edam! among the colored people of
I.lorfolk, Vet.;.vnites that. she - had In her school
room a BRAUN), head of the President. Bbe
Called some colnred carpenters who were at work
'on the bulldlag,and showed It to them
' writing
down their remarks, some of which wo re as fol
low' Iles brought WI safe through the Red
lies." ..Re looks deep. as the sea ItieselL"
-"lle's ' Ringer the United States." “lic ought
to be lane - of all the world." "We must all.
pray to the Lord to carry him aalh-through, for it
'pears like he's gstecenthing hitched to hint,"'
"There has been a right smart praylog for him;
- end it.musn't stop „J. :
Tants Are thirty•two oil companies at Clem;
loud with• rep3rted capital or
l'ins endowments gircli to American collegeii
within two Mows =Mt 10 ' 1 4 57 4001
. .
WARD—I¢ ,lefeßeeeport, Much 'Rah, Mn.
ELIZABETH WARD. daughter of John Scully.
deceased. MT:aerie of Fitteburgh.
Puieral Iron the teddenee of.ligr. Phillip'. In
Eecipoit, on Tuzartex, Micah 20, at 2 o•alooh,
thilirPBELL , -In the erath of our young friend, '
Sergeant HENRY R. CAMPBELL, of Co. B,
1650 Regiment P. Y., the servirdhulolt a braie •
soldier and society a valuable citizen. He Was 11c. •
nil the battles of the Army of the Potomac, Irma
the tailed test until the battle of the Inldemess •
where he was taken prisoner whileto thedischarat -
of his duties in the ambulance Corps. He wasta
cently exchanged and strived at Antispolle, ems. -
elated end. feeble, a few days ago, where he died. •
Wbere rebel bullets and the carnage of batch, failed,
their, brutal and worse th an barbarian treatment
made his noble spirit auccuinb. Starvation bra.
taltty and savage cruelty' have done their work •
with him as untc thousands of:others of our bravo
young connisymen. - Bested 111 - Lenellee, of a del.
Irate conaUtntion, asalablecniodest and retiring
his disposition, he was a relined and accomplished
young gentleman, In beholding all that remains •
, him we cannot - but renew our devotions to our
country, and swear anew onr everlasting hostility: -
to this cursed rebellion and It...traitorous abettors.
In the eight and with the aven g ing hand of God •
on our aide, we may *ell cry out in bitterness and •
agony to our bravo armies : burn, kill, destroy
annihilate! Lay waste and spare not I On, shen
man.' on I. They lure taken the flower of one
YOuth from us, and by their. Inhumanity:have for. '
felted all claims to.the amenities of civilised war- ••
tars.. We mourn with his bereaved friends for
Henry's death; and vehliewe - may weep end strew •••
Bowers upon harp:eve, we may turn to his wkdoir.. ,
ed mother and ofer.the conbolation of friendship' '
to try to sooth the angulsh which w tingsrrhearL
to = t he? tears in th e bright hope
or gloriosa
tea on for him. ' is a great satisfaction to ••
know that ho died Is kis own country; that his ,
body could be laid away among his owri'lrYndred'
and Wends. • • :. , • . , :
Boots Etnd Shcoo!,
Some of iheLargest Musts ill the hut
SOLD OUT"' DT ' till.,Dlloofr.!f,Y.:;,
, • , - .
Millions at Dollars worth of Penh laphailetoo&t,. -
-,titowa „upon the market =el their anti toned rit;.'
.gimiletwet value. Concert Hatt Shoe
them•whea to thilast '- dlteh. L •
Lut week we were lathe iasteia
a►beu goods wer e s Croy Alt money
. .
With e.:Mb In a.. 4 an Immense stock of Sp*
Goode were satio/A:eedfor half the Goat
°" 4 we"iii° 4l, -frah sad i o **
watranteo ofanimate superior gwiliti la d
for Half the Fries et Bubbtdiut OM 4i-oigivicat.
Concert Hal Shoe Store,
62 Frnir EtnMT,
commissioN tingiturrs,
• Give iipeetal atteation to picrobooi
Flour, Arlain, Provalon 6c. - ,
Tor Eastern account - • •
mmu. . • - . •
Commission Meichant,_
Dealer la Flouz, arab, Seeds, Butter. klbesm,
Fruits, and all Yana Products. Best breads nun. ,
lIIRCIIIR NED earrauted) always has+ --dpos4
Prompt attention glrea to corultextments
corresportdenee. Weekly Price Currants seat to , - '
ilossignont. Onlen and Consteruseats selkatid,
WK. tr.:117111011.. -JAS. 4. W 111159114 ". .1
, Corner of Penn- and Wayne iti4
• .- . -
(Watiaor. , a BUILDIN,O,)PI7I3I3I7RGH,
For the purehase of GRAM Of all kinds. MOO,
wholesale dealers la - BALED HAY. Western
dealers will find It to their advalttagefoeorrespona ll
with our House, as we have greater battle. for
Storage; and putting' goods. halo tide 'and Lastana -
Markets than 11,40 et, of the dealers la this city. The,
beat of city references ... given when required.• •
ALI= Y DAVE s^ l !. 'WM 'N s.
3 , 1 11/ AM ANJR.
/lour, Grain and Produce, ,
• -
127 SECOND ST., between WOOOl
114 y errrsntnlan.
Commission Merchants; Moser, - • '
NO. c WOOD oramx,PrrrssuNaa
T/106. AIESIt..6TE*IIIIII.A. StatiNUlD.
FOrelgru and Domestic Troller, Moir.
Butter, Cheese; Esse, Irotateelti-'
and Pr°dune g nner i2 l l ; ;
No. ;0 LtßElrrir STREET,
feis • Opposite Faunniter DePet:FltilibureL
.F.X.C)171 . L eft C4 - Xt3l3:=o
,Pr .
viilsree mkt& "C. 012110111111011 Etelft*Miej
relay Libertyst.,
. .
General-Commisaion Nerchinti, -
roc is sari 70, Water street, Plttaboigh, Pa. foe
the sale of. Flour , Grain, Cheese, Butter, • • '
Dried 'Fruits, Prelaloos led PrOduee of all
All • orders fat. Carbon Oil filled at the lowest Moe. •
Cousignaients solicited.' .
ft TAN 00141 Z.
1)A BLEF & VAN GOl - ID - Eit s - fiatiTel . '.
and Commission 31,W:saute, Warehoine;
401 14bert7 It., PlUsbursti, Wholtaaterdearlaz -
e 'in Butter, Cheese, Dards r4g*, Fors, Ha
Bean,rTallow,•Featters, Brooms, Potatoes, HO
inn t,rled Ilona, Greco. Fruits, • Onions,
Grath, tdoTel Seeds , Timothy Beads, Flax
Game sad Poultry. Particular attention pt - S%
Prodeee Gonslionescts • Aldit,
sale Grocers and Comudsston hie I . anita, deal:
era in PRODUCE.- FLOUR, BILCON - .011.,E,„
runs, 01.Awf, CO"fTON YARNS, and Pitts.
burgh tosnutheturits generally,lig and 114,gesond
street Pittsburgh.
JOHN B. CANFIELD, Comaiesion and. -
-•Forwerillal Merchant arid 'whalesalb dealer ttI
Produce Tnerally,,DFos.:l4l arid HA Front . street.•
orle orttrArro4"
Na ands sod dealers In VLOUB, °RAPT AND-,
PRODUCE,IIO: 347 I.4berVy street , Pittobarsh.
Oboloo brnods off, Moor 41 34 1133 x attention/.•
em5t...44). baud . ?Articular pri'
to fills4c ottertßit 1.134 0, •^ 41 ,1 genera/1y: