tfiv riObistotk*ttit:l - wEpziEsDAY, MARCH 1d,,188Z SOBINBON,.WoLEAN & 00 .Pv ,, Pl' 1.11 , , r1 , 111.4, 7 1 --," , asMire alaarelte irm• NC. Plan • .arse. 112orite rectelati &R Ia r PAR p m , ' ' • OHIQ • =dial linubhiionit(t"-': Buy and IT. sell at aiarketratr e that:hilted States. 11. m. . a.... a . 1- - rrnl& 11. 8 . 5 Pet ant. 10 •do DOa .;' ll.R.*Per ant. f do failAtiM,Trant e . ... 14V44.6098tiatt1atl at the Saw 'York, BELL ON ' COMMISSION arm. 'Lbw, .i_teckah id. fa. jal FIANCIA T' • AND COMIESICIAL BROKE? Woo PS AND DANKEDW 210.111tD. pan irr nontimost.seauturleati , Tamar, March NI, Mil • • dini.F.alablatert ills A gtmdif raiz:7*. A. ^:^-• etty Valles ..25,05 Lye. • - s—lt sale Baak 22,00 attain 165 01 caumlat.u.tolu.eruaelb .92,010 , WS- W:Ty Ran Oentrat—.. toet 2,25 Mershants. 66 14241 g r, kirmareig4l"-" . y I,eb ode M a ttock. 0 1 0 0 Tech SO Oaten aaaln 2,26. The market ceatlnuesdr a ,v e l like,e4Ktkirrai Oil Stocks very active.,.ahetatiee,no, pardoner • easage inOoverniceittlitoods. leold as raga between Atit t afolelililffili Tork-Pittsburgti festaltre'Port no Wesel Bank abates; Exchaereillanka fa demarf.d at 13090; tth National wante;nlitsqpierad at le. ott Shwa, In the intifiefteep dr.,,rua lut *ventage quotation; and, in some essay havlitea weaved tanutly. Central Duffs env& iindernbrioc demand to 2. 0 0-rbighat all/Jut melange ;au Pittsburgh & .1 , 91 3 / a delphidhan beee rather dull for feltabilk,'lltfarty .. simmer held at 2,90 (IS. Pas. ton, sales af.4,2o;iind are, Carry Bun k Pitts 11,141,000120useluit little 0 Vinigai In mar het. Merry. RuetialissiD ymoio Learn sf sales durum the day at: 2,Si Columbia • oared at 72-buyearsearce. The Maid the shares • seaketitmerfeldyittoluctar thd Et ening Tach.age ..-tatasowla 'talon' klek about; we therefore fare fewer sales to report of It . Cherry Run Arid oil/Be reinfly duitdir tte• 'mat lots, sEI,OIW1 } Pt. On the whole the oil market re make ifli,ln ape of aasnreesea geld, . The attendance at the People.' Stock' Exchange araingeti*lgettili infimlng, and the transmittal:Es 'da Oil S/uotes were Dean, and as a general thing., aloes were pretty well austained. Central Ruin mu again the moat prominent on the hit, but pri ceo was irregular, and ruled rather lower than arse obtained oath* &trout during the day. Cher ty Bun & Pit Rea Miro imbl Merely, but prices hare undergone as material change. The most no tifiable change was in Cherry Bunk Blood, witleh . • 61 0 1 dltd 4thit sham, and that, ta, at a waned advance, opening at 1,10. ad- NOON ,C 9 ,4alkaggf fkulat Ala* /014 1 4 1, " 801 ` iiiithelruaniwkr; ieutdeisfift to - ten, Mui r . ..Tarr, Story k Merry Run fell off somewhat as amparstertabletinAtol saAeptittneek Ls held ssetly araryliiimevious quotation', while Roes dmd aadniff y ca.& 9. ch.uKlavi 01 , 5411 i. mamo.tra 111 J. 2 AD jog tt .tiff* *Le , . • -o L.... tat +'se 51. I r. ga ea& 7 8.14 • 1•tl t I, ,“ ISSZWA4,- 41.4."..4 . • Nifra 2 a a/01, , , 4, 1• Gamy Basalliocid..e:.t. lie •=,ot UP IBM divralin 11,...ria.,515 eta ;raft,. 2010 a •-• rt if •dag;„..,,Vvgil NAL 014•1...{:“ /.: IMII a a a ..... 124 WO Merry kat Hale 1 00 200 lk" - fra L -- 101 aso-se `ts• - M u . ,•... —. 100 —.lOl OW o o 4-- ~ - 1. 01 1 03 t 01 r at 1.2' , ", vtr'n.t.l ,i .:•--..; , 1.1.....6.11.00 ISO . H0ree1ieek.....:aa...........1.Zt 11 3 . ..„„ gC° '„ 1,1 0001, ,, ,)...4.44.:4 , ..T ~ .I el t.,..--. ********* I ". „„ ....... , .. „ .1.. , ...... , . „, 3,......„30.,„.„,..,..,,... t . , .,... 4 .....d.„,.. v 1,;4.41,ave.w01...4” 0%w0..4 , Mil 14 n0«, i IT& ' • S t e-trulNlinvaqi -44 % , ..... 4 .;•_ ...A....10...r50 . -... • 01.0...+3..5..anc.1,14.4/14011 iWO o - Tom Ilt' • riWilfigli **** • ! 000 14 o / ' 1 , 10 ,1 " M 616•3•6. .i.,e..1' 666 re 1 4 . 1 . UP ..... 103 . W 306 I;;:ange.4 e = "44 Pe r fjtlTCl4lei ' . 611:13304; eifbleiniaiifiir Ai • 111663rT. 1at' , 141111.611T wriptlampi_ _ix,. _4l:?' Imo ,ft::.101110.,.iiraar.....100.'.1.0...f;*".":1, 01110t0 on. , ittiolled.A.LiVt...‘"Othihßl9 .2!::1. 1 OW " SW Well , :1:yll'i .c74:cr 1h00e5..•.,..,..„.....,....,...... 47 , i,.. iB3 Stood Filetilletooo7: - . - r4:111 ...... iO3 tllierry Rus43entral—, I at .44 . . Aguk %ll' 110tni—c' r. KL-4.11 lgl • - •. , rv4•..•:."...,...,.„T...k.18;.t46r06.c.7.f -.f Wesooutst. :'itt: i 1 1 V , .: ixakwl._,tr,0 4. .44 slo.„ • t 43tmataato, of . Ittobuttli.;;CM+.l ll r.LooDr. ll • 1 010 1 "1. .7 Great Anunioan - - -- oi _ e ___, .a.--,-:- r -, , :r AN,' '1.44 - 3.7.mrt. , :...x..1.1:.f,,r.-I,'• ... Kooonsaheis Plotecr . yi peri . «. Ar...-41 - .i.1ir..., 1 . ~,.. o. _ ;:.. , ,Tit,,w....,11„ , .•;r.,„„i4 4: „ Par Ilk ; ;:/ ~ :=, —,• •l 1 Ws Wrgeillkl.ftet?' , :q'..7".7; IV:J . 4r •Scatranvesuun of Plilladeltake-_... 11 Agews3 Tack !Krakow, of New lorn.. 3 00 3 40 pii.---reel -4 1 7 - qui4a May I.lmk. , ~ ... ....,.....4 - 7... . ,z , 3 D.) Tbe haling' etifikseekfiteitliads bet Tuesday evilitNitt.W i . 0 ,- . Of r 6 7001001 1 4 3 00 * illosiwfit Arms by A. ./IfellaillaiatAnce r , .• . a l , ii r ie t atit c ,„iVrl•,, , - .. ..0./ . a .a a t „mu Fir ,FP.'l r , .10. , •••• ,-,-.-vrr.;#l. Taos following la 'as roompantitre •Igatonnenk at 14f404 1 1A3 41 i9dM' 9 1 , 1 P040 'fiVic A 1111 4 lOW Tiefle - W keielipi' port, foe Ilie 'weak oda; . . . ilisakBll rispilkilitioMuktiatim• 7 ' , , ^, ' • .: ..tir if *Ole L .' ..(1 3 . 10 A4 1 CV", UM ' ' oo± l sl it 'Mir 1ep0rte1..`.....116,1115ms owashees r , ,_ea —............-.4n. ... Vls o"4- 90 eackl I' ialtiVkqe, l33 4rl i g , ,- , 14) , ,W '' r /plowing is the - coniiirscive stAtemeitbr •, me hapoeta of fotakmdzygeekla MO. general ance 44584111. P rits il in skl k .V. L ' P L aud .14 " • 4811 , ..! 1' _ , ~ _. , „ , goowow. ,- z• -, riser. , • ,••••• ISM it ,t A l m il 1anakai.1134.3.:113" 181 4 11:4 4 aktil , kl.l 0 3i lligltl.ff..jaktictu 7 S(7130,311 , 1•0 i ;1411144111.114C51M recystas =PO t.nosong • . es.var..eviuse rovrims a w iat .„ , f o.H tPS,I .. B n. 4 ic 20 .,* 4 1 . 0 = /...w... -c taril CaSU ism&s . b . 0 - i r tom 1941.9,M016.:w ~1 , .,, it• .0 - aii • atems,ler - elowAß f iftsktima 4 4.714 5 1 1 ; • :tl ie v o iff MMus orirdfrf = -., 83 I = l ' .217 4 4 IllaillUikalf011•111 likkate3ilLiiiil. 1itaTa 41 4.40 1 * 1 1404 16 1 011. aka _. dia,Y atIIiVIEW 61 4 %-- PITTILITUBLIII I .1; : 1 - - - : ,.. . - - 7SARIPRIIIL - -;* •-,. ----" 1 %- -- --- - . Tonanar, stare :it, isat, S Mit ditplestit etegnatton wpteh han•prevella i - ed La caTjua , iir.L4air4r4 ~Cceri t soiree 'time put, 'gat' ..,, i eontlnueeioadithat lamonestlii,there le no WU- I . eat4orlat plOwitt'pfAiiy trantediata Improvement. 1, The ireOg and hiiettlede4dttlin at;!!s,l9;4 0 4r.; 1 liet; lied use im‘taiiiies toihelatoriodusi iont ' pletely broeght business Id ileibliPailicents of trade to &stand, and in the abseneeof any specula. SAO feeling, the ..iperiti4nC Li, Itid . oie 'art : Teri light, beionrestrloted to the Immediate wear., of 1 ! consumers. .1. '•::;', ;,,:1..; . . li RAlN—There is very little Vilest or Barley ostlrytagAoSlaskluWs, Sad Srt , ,c9n4OSS to Ousk• keil.Sfat filtlkeetifirteS,sild fOr t 1 leklels The receipts of; ora continue Large and With si Ll2 zz. it e g ia . ale rt :: la Ea nd is el.t o rrit z tUrt . l SIAS; Without finding buyer.. Outs dull hue with "n00411111 ehrldiripilaielttlaresche deiltriteikoSAll*l . itartuarAureskoluiviSSo,ol seeks. FLOUR—The market for this •ommodity con tinues exceedingly:do:lL 120 f dMilSid being 11,00, and restricted altogether to supplying the immedi ate wants of aonstnnera. Small Wes of extra . Fam 1TH1P114=14=1444114464P4 ma 'dynode Am% regr,illtleU.2'=•Bltltiet BI es, 2122204, and Lar d , Is sell la ing in OitOunni SI 22 J411M404,2k1ey Pork 01100E-RlES—Sugar continual dull and penee have dedickeleellienWinselitrAi.Bonel2ol 26g211 for eon rektor, arall7 roe do. vo ad - .1010, is dull and loWer, and my be q anted at 4i Wet° the trade ig:4 0 beip smokeinek nt:4441 trep'Newthiiithtilt MINIM ' at. 11010 4 1i,25:: E ED St teed he steady with a fag Job. Wag demand at OA forgellimicaleit gf.'7i, berg' an 210, and 20 bushels 7 1 12 1000 r Flax Seed la dull aad,uaob aagc BRULT,,lale.oLgikeb . usbela Apples, to •n tittt oewts, t adedine. , -Peachmi remain as last_gooted. RUTTER—• There len u tikkillegogiothre men pit of Butter, and with a s ly vrieesti,of tie dimeandithe marker rules exceedingly dull sag Pr tt_u_,l4rt.,d.pludisPi!tvl-F01.A!..r.933 fn oft 4. cha ug, J; sales at Wen en, mostly at 22 for fresh io ' 2,1 1-4 1 alirSiTAWW - darisalilltiwalAt it nips per bushel; also, small We/ nom stowat 41'1 1V: i t ' d. • • A 111,EG WeY.T4*.Keofv l "+l? s.l}lrfi 14. mill 1:M 11.1~Tho ailiabt fat:tittle wig very firm tYere..rg.. auPPIT, 111 further igrineed. Tt ts a rain Worthy aspect/a noinCtlait thapricetireelPtel thin week:wren high: er than esker before known in this market, prime to entre Week aslilikiree 1491111 : letelec.rd ;longera radr per perreg,'Pk • rots; corninoi42ill2 cents,. and medium do lileto3. It is eetimatket that there loPirit s itt,alit'ilight hundred heid on Mondry, out before night, butchers And gcli6it ioeliiiinAtactorivbet..eatOeM kelleared.the,verds, asteihCiroCierei none letegreir un • and. There wen; none bought for the Bastern market that wc could how of, it being corwitetered unsafe to bay for sill recut at quotations current this week. Subjoined will 10 found aiepo , kkeorkal Blair Sr Dolan min . ip flagman 4,,,Rabn, 114 head of good fientwkilitmers, iveramiing : !no lbs, Nlehelo. Care tmiW . epkklits !.Mlog retailed 40 bead 01 nt ViltletlX 2 n44 cents. Cochran whoteratedUCEialarr.Dewald Ea. co, ,19 bead of very commas steak at 663 par head; - P. Starr wholesaled lot ret itl ed 334a3 fairish Ohlo steers USK:also, ttiketW 17 Cliut wholesaled" to Greenwald lc co, I car airman Ohio tamers at 2.• wens 1( admits told ttii Jaatib. Matti oastsstra: latightag 2301 brat OLTBII WSW era , tra heife awl one extra doer, to same party at tams price. The four Mad weighed IMO M. Trautman It Marks wholesaled Ili head ot good government stoat, averaging Vitt las, id gitylos " Mtt r i taMiair Pieeititeirsisteria s 'llt'prfoisTiuighigfroilleAUseati to , 113 k .T. Lartirty_ iheca Walled IS head of o non Ohio stoek.forO ., er. U. Walsh, at Sy,es;4o m . Onseawalo istailed.9 ;wad at pat; aad wholesaleille head to Nerriek,ist - 1/54. Jas. Iffeddlister reports haring retailed la all 35 brad at prices rani r.g dl be way frame to it. for ktr=rieidita 55 5554 of itieetildo agamcsaaasalair tem fie 4: airman - roast* frost 10V to LI. tz u l e i r t gaad ie. aold io anti to Zm r _stria , hathigisa la do :Arbolialed to Rise Prod, SP - Mat co ferridtsitialtatid . s (leo; Seeman sold to_PeterEalld4lTAis4 of mit m=rikanatelii liodd Itiretog. idrattalstalidialaalsol to s:Lariat gt hewn( 2361r;4744(__ kirAV...4440 951(08 3, 414454a0s t i Or thfi blai WitobltVcia Ps 11.• aupply use. ; 3 11 prieeitareprltowit .516 crate" %grows, and tie ex ec ErTIM& ressialoul3P3 l o.sold raihrt dell, but as the ttiii Maids euntinitalight, - prim arootheglradly uwiftmlPidi ~Aar isaa.retali way r atagiltrowsta psrpostadi grow. . - Arv, • nn is, op, :10.11Iel.teupsjitipi.iip lasted; e tM4d Inobraitateuracom ILTlMilmeeiteteseastiate a o,l' 156144* 1 *M biliAottioylne a 4 smr i skt• o the 4 pl * y.l: * t aght~¢ii,the atettr!LwUlhe*ehleer*r. 41..C:kW v ‘et 4 ...t :AT *almS° galualittleeotallsoviatimkat. the. 're g.,: **Welt t 6 thlo'llattet.Ts friatilee 10••• tliffir4l4 l gito . 4aker !WV Lnil, a #ll°ll 4 ` tie grit•lty, We. .g 'eluded sitte euttng Mee at 410, 119 7tylioteiaMiOn4V.init,A , birtiVU.Seouid ft it . Yew gedied, altborMiMo or tree. ther•Mtnittlll oquiq, sad MarMiket le quirt I•l4lfulkOr r! =_. .All liailthllslll Mid 0 0„TBAist VPISPit ,I__O '.Ltiratt,- . 0 1 .." L, POO ' testa's( se , Ci • e ,IIIIMITSTOWN Work Harbori...Tbe well•iuralitasouno Liverpool, Neejr,Tiirlt sad A' IDltla' Mammal* 4,1.4 4 1ftga ibia) ear Ms U . S. Malls alit toaslisolldloris. , •• •',• • • ~ -, ,• Mirn til iti litligliditi I.l"b7 o iwilik , OPIT ' .. .' . ..gaturilayillisvelt ge 4 . , Can OPpWABRINfir{ • 15 . 11141 GT, /Ware 1- r ~ irell'wv•dp, : resume, ~. X , syselritei roil, or Oa esolOalent, Fa I w e . Oatific'..;..v.VO' WiNtalts_ 10+ • L..' • ' • s ii'' poi° to 3 illlllll __•bgi.; lit* g=4".1.1'1: r' r ' ,". if,1a,1111411.. " ore • , ' , Filarroplini:siso• torwordo4'4o Um* untroar aottaiditeN ALAMO, be., Or *molly low ureic: t trro Lltorpoolooßaorortowli—to&Cl .. ~41=p4 .0 111i iip otot iot e r ourn i p,10, - ; .Wm flartior Olforauftloo slooir at tiO;( 1 : °Moo JOHN G. GAL li A % I j ' , 4'.1.--..c,, r, ,i , •l .:., ~, D . 6PN ','-'66e i" ::.% Ilk' I; •• •••• . T 1 ' e' ,4 4 .. , . T* Vic - 2,I3 , PLIMILEkippa - T. „,,,,,„„, ft,' t:ri: 1 - 3• ‘ • Aixemosminins., • wiz:ZA AK* "1101.1 11 011 111 1090) I 21 :1 .****: 1 :14 1 40 1- 0 4 *0 4 4 , 1.! iNTAMU..9: Affraßo,.. ' salithasutittest.betweessiiiiitsui Pittabitadt run POP. SA LE—A very %AI unbio FARM in Dray tournahiNiveat moreintui cavity, PA3 containing itte,tit 186 *Ere A k, SVCii iMprogedottel 4k A high dote: cf. cultivation • ; . Alio, a FARM OF wo ACRES; in tiattield township, Westmoreland cella'', Po. Improve ments good. The land is of the best quality. Coal nod limestone in abundance. t- . . ilso, &STEAM ILN for saie - Mill er othrr purposes, with the castings, machinery, By wheeL, km, The cylinder is .nine inches, to armlet er and four foot stroke:l'lw , , Bnilerl, Ii; feet king and 22 Luther ln climate/12M in good order, and will be gold cheap. 1 Also, FARM of 400 acres In Weft Wheattleld .towaship, Indiana county, Pa., abOut throe miles from the Meas. ItaUroad. ' . . Alto, a PARM,of emieinaith town ship, Indiana county, Pa.. Alto, _n beeditlful PRR of 106 acres. with a I,rite BRIV&NOUSE,IeItif remits, Iltilshed du mode ern style. nash-houne and bake ore, attached{ • large spring Rave, biaktgitua;•itliolt house; a large bank barn, fruit trees of evely description; church and Wheel 'Maio built upon the farm. This farm Adjoins the village et and is twouutd4-lialt Mlles ham the defietfabLlrerldore, in Westmoreland county, Pa., on the Northwest ern Railroad. Also TWO BRIO R .lIOUSES. And . DO:F.S.III Rlitabeth linroush. Also, A FARM OF 14 rr T-TWO AORR-R Derry township„Weetmereland eoulity,about tirb atllaa Ittottf.St. Otter Station on the l'etuus. Rail read. A Meantesaientill neatly couipleted the niachinery_for !Muffed mill on' the nreatitee the land lief the best dualityd eed , oo lltdistime 'b abundSuut cations' nf OILY Will e sold cheer. ance, aeres atifolnbid the villade Terl best state et, outlive. lien, and abundance of fruit of every- description. , Also. h FARM OF OUR/RES. MIR OMR fawn shfp, Westmoreland seemly, • Pa., len. Tub Mill 'Creek, about one mile from the ,Pensiia Railroad: The improvements ere a goild fraiset_ho use, end large frame Beek Barn, I • ' small Farm of es acres In Derry township, Weetentielerid °county,. Pa.. near the line of the Pennta R. R. Also.4r nem of about 9:6 acreif.nt'arrlield town ship, Westmoreland County, P. Also, tr.Parm of WO /acres In Palrdeld township fire sesta Fame( 145 acres lir Derrylow. iddp, Vitstmoreland county, Pa., immodlately o the Hoe of the Peon's. IL X. . • • Also. l shares of Stock of thelOaito 011 and Mining Company of Pittsburgh, Po f. 'For further partteulars Ingo fro of- ; O. IL Tl*Whill, Real sa Agent, Rf No. - rot Fourth itreet. PA pri , d,Ll YOUR 'CHANCE' - FOR IN ESrIrENT. FOR iCtrir.lgoo AOOES Of the RICHEST AND IRID4T COAL LANDS In Penosylvar,is, hati.„.. 3,4, 6, sod foot veins of Cosi, with the bcst for OIL and S< WATER inthe eonntry. Foll} Wells ore nine to opctottun 'quinine . these lands.- Thln tract of hied Iles one mile mist of Nei a - 011e° and two miles West of New Brighton, in•Deavet county, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Is Chicago Rallrond. The Cord Can be tended - on tie tract.. The land le O. fermi low, And is wortlirthe attention or capital. tete. Further peCticulare,.'wltli map, Ceti be seen at the underalgrusdi • • _ TERRITORY .FOR SALE, Fee simple awl lessee of terf4ery.glvfeg untact takesble eolfTecee of the iILISTENC/E Of OLL op Eig 'Sandy Biro e nd its " itinntarles in Ken tucky and teloto lnaunti, Ohto7nelentedily - expo. llexced oil c,en„ 0.n.4 offere.l for te sale., ApiOy to , rehn flreker . . St! BRYAN; 4th (ItUrkeN nalLiing.) ==3 • CARSON STREET RESIDENCE 'POR SALE, gig feet front on (Jarrett street, bi I2CI deep ea Meadow' street, to an alter 14 test wide. Large brick dwelling house of hall, ten.l.oolMl.l, Itit&ea, ironing room, four attla rooms, elate roof ostlers, ate., a ten pia way. out buildlass, a arable and tot. of ground' fronting.on.lho.alley; abide trees awl iduabbery; easy Of drawls ;by PatteatPrr Railway. For further partioulara apply . to 13:01:1TIIBERTI S. SONS, tuba , at Market turret. . . VOR SAL.E.-1114) Acres or Ccial; taw, 126 orredoilmt mint In pool No. 2 tntsoemiettmek Of toad milromli - and other 622tronments to good working otderl d root Vo. •, one tenet on the 'length:Ow rtver and - Ponnetlertlie Itellrond. Engulf* of • - • • • WITJAA2II.-VTARD,; - Ins. Ind door le Fifth on Or ne street. X4XMPAICTIL , ItEItS. patniIIRIMIXOT,MteRT.! , NaRlllOOl Bi. .0:1, (Suceestons tio TOLINDEItS AND"MACHINISTS Mositikttiferi of Uhilatotttollezi of all Iron, Steel, Smusi, 7.lns, Clopper6 Jdo l4 l btraw Boards, Paper .soS, /Adis utter Works slaw, Rolling' ltllll flastlngs or a eleiferlptloss, Patent. Double Grimier. with s Tarte ty of other patterns, always on band an 4 fitted to omicron shell take nod favoralile!MiWn -Otos and Warehouse, 111 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. toady .• DiAlioND STEEL . WORKS PARK, BROTHER & ~Kmo. r . l l,stFers 91 _ _ BE3T QUILLIT7 rif:Fl CEI) olAsi STEEL, caner, Fitt and Cktmos;orial sites! Warrant. NcanalQty tasporteder lastmLectundl Sit- Mike warehouse;ltoo. 1 ini 161 Fitie pod OD and Elapcza sypqm l / 4 1 , 11.tabutp. , PATENTED ,OOTOANWS,.-11361z, , inaTicauxilparn&Tictcr Onvil Ligapp,Ctffrepsysi, !neat. Vhlmneys for , the Vat lama, ittaUng all pain of the ems equall_LAtm pot yip pow It to cracking. .7.. D . . A•f l tyttr, Maas Worias Waahlagtonstrect, .tr kintallmite4 jpeguea WAQIICINTOWI..J. SILL. W. r. Baal TIM' :CITY V 0 4103:' ,, 'srarac mix FOUNDERS AO kINIS' S. Dorm of PIER sad 9 0 . SifitEind MAi.EI7T - STRERMI, (Rem. 01 114t.WOrks,) Manufacturers of ata end other MIMES, EDLLING MILL OAST OS sod MAURINE. ILY, of all ka a, , euaMqatio e tdroren , smtadat,,Son oto r ilii, R9BIRTB BARNES ;sr. DO Thlreiltroot, Pitt TIN AND DIIEET IRON WORKERS, and Nanufectufers of • „..,,JAPANNED ; 77,ARE. We have now manufacturing andlui4 : iin hand ,Bathing Apparatur of en kindklbllnt. :Wan la Betts, Water Goolers,Droatest Tea and Rnlcit Usu, Inter% Oath 'tad fiplat.DOnett,-.Taiobler. Drainer*. Spittootts, An., 1114. A: large; lot of Itlrd Ones for ante low. 0111101ftwi of rill alses**l tattersao. Tin flooring, ,Oornloctors, ant r kind, Zobbing Work dolicltiOrdet. ;- *Pat sttv= nATIW *niters, the Tnidit • 11)12 /MO patt for, ado I _ , , , iIWILERAIVMOI3Se -. .. 1126,Soath-Ath.4,-.I2ELLIIIMPEIA: ),gNkt;r • MACTIM,,ITRWSI,:."4 2 NP; ttionDßY...-- cw . , ~, , ~Ept r i g , • i fi,474p . 47 , , i ~.._,,, :;.,,, t ..,-, . . :1111*EIT L: M A T . ? ik:‘ 8 PAVOIVI . 1 ,7 .. ..„ . _....,. , cti _.§7.ars 'R/In iP b IRE , ' ----. .- • ' Re el p neer t kieire gait,' - • oievi • 4 • tot rs t. S i kalg a Ts m i llirsr ,WRotIMCFROMF944mIa#ranFOI4 it g e Or -011=450?), tO Jetw aij oi mituiv i dia = anuilViailiC (Wei ecquianthr au Math - j_RIDALIVBs cab ' 612%41 . 1% 1 TM, MIN at .148111318 15 4 t D+ Etl B24i*Ce l '4n r, ,:f . !'" U 3331 iOLTT ' lllaitidiianth4Se l iidjoo4 lB 4.6 ahlopodas Verltatrontbna. , . .13 A.. kals4 Igmtevs t Etta - •U t,OPO 1 -.. 44 11 - H " 1. Vtsia, + .04 ; 3 AA OAS'WOOD OKAIIK4 , r n;. POICAREIO I .45Milalte4RVA s.l w 11118011219aU5ALY.F1 . 4.1:4. 11“ .:1:117111 epilogue 1 u " r ; &"1 / 4 3 iMPr011itTil STEM. w . • A ),Itistatl [ 3i Y,l'dr cos •••••• 401411441 h ilt•Ralleitingt iP. 4 111% Wiest rotitsdoUottivotn wm is (1.4...t.q..01,..22 R. RIDDLE. Phu 1811 Liberty street. iMiiffi 7 _ • 'Erc P between-- se • • ... 61tOCERIES, PIefiDUCE. IYe B. F. QUI3IBY CO., -- commissum MERCILINTS, ! soirra WATER ST., CHICAGO. . alive specLll atteiatiou to purchasi / /lour, Grain, Prorision '&c. For.E.sseem neteunt: H. F. ctrigpy GEO. T. nitowlt itc:!EXitiNs. 1 4$ Comraissio Flelox:pliant, PURCHASINti .e,GINT. . . PITTSBURGIf, FL • • Deafer In Flortr,•4ottni whika. Olm sia spa on hand. dlao a rtOmpt . ittentlnn 'given to conalgumiints and sosutrr~drreaportdesen. -.Weekly Pirko ,Uurranta .ent to ,Donalgnors. LCltdeis And Uoualt?tulenta noltottoL _ _ _ . jjEmiox S Vb., .J[*. A: H!k * t . :Corner of.Peng 'aud - Waywo (Wott:Pox'a Byttortto4FlTTS.atittill;tll.._ , • ; GENERAL'COPANI)SSION MERyCHANTs For the, purehass- or WHAM' or all,hindk: Alma. Whatiels , triflers-la •,11Alital defilers will find IL to thrirodvantago to chrreeplind with orthrilliuno,awmPiospogrpatorltiotlities for Stonige, nod hutting good. Intwthia owl EsstOtv Markets thin nost.tit theilhalers ip tlitsoity. The *at ad!, reler;c.WAl Ff , frrilobro% roglifrod• CSARD. • W. D. PATTERSON. ADA ME ABIKON, JAMES JOHNSON. JOHN titHILLIAJN PATTERSON, 1111.110N , 116 CO m _-, Comisatina .Werchants;47oiir, • Grain:and ,:;::.. •'GENERAL-PRODUCE DEAL' EPt8;!•• %, Ili tB, WOOD STREETi P/7/88 (MGR I;MMM '1' , 13/LI'EE AN.JER, 'Conimission Aler-clik:Luts, Flour,,Grain and Orodistw. I nn IFADOND 17.. between Wood k.Brotthtleld, TB OR. POTITA, .J . SO. AI NMI., AT PIIIK,Z{ A. ffItYPALID 1/OTTER, ' AIKEN tt'SIMPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANT*: FiiireWok . Yarnitet.. Butter,i Esws.Poisso;es, seaeralli. . , No, ZOO LLEIBILTY STREET. felB , . '.oipl;alte Plumage? Depot, Pittsburgh- Jot&mouzno• co.tO.FFs rowltits ;,1.94/ 1' HE4RON ,, t • : IBlcrcrec, Xlidowaxx.fasberturerris, AND IR9N FOUNDERS, tquee'ana ' '' una tismri trxREET. WlLXixtEt , • -k,Sailitarr,), .r..riCllifj±i Prodrieiii land z.Ciatnnalandos. , Nereliant, fel dy No. Ma Liberty it., Pittsborgli. -- - irOLIYAi &:PEC. General Conunigion Merchants, Noe. E 9 end TO. Witter 'afoot, Pittebeirgle, Pa., for the mole of Flour, Grain, Cheese Butter, Env, Dried Fruiecaleorfalcins Uuti.Pr,octiaoo,of all Wade. Al l orders Cot Parpar.,o , ll.lyle,4 It‘P.l9l.r. eat mi.r. iliarslotalo await siglettkdi!; mhtear PAIN GOMIS. TALSLEY & VAN GORDER, Produce and Commission Merchants, Warehouse, No. 201 Liberty it., Pittebtiigh, Pa. Wholesale deal. erg to Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Pore, Mum, Beans, TalhaN, resthers, Broonis, Potatoes, Hem. IOW - Drl o 9: rF o l%; l 3vmstOrmlits, toulixis, FlOUr, Grain, Leaver seeds, Timothy Seals, Flax Medi, Cisme sad Poultry, ,Partlaular attention given to Plvenee.oo o 22 l Vtgualli. • 31/14' Jac) T.ITTLN, „BAIRD. tt .PATTON, Whole .A4t site OMeity Ynd Othillsthinlifetohao ' deal ers la PICOIMOE, FLOUR, RADON,: • E, FISH, CARBON' AND LARD GIL, IRON, ,NAIL4T_GIASS,XOTTON TAHNS,NcodtPfUIk. burgh manufactures gene:l'll7ol2 asulll} Bcaoad MN J 3: TIABIFIEL !Clonnmission and Airirtflaiiehaht: laCtitiotesaie dealer In NENTEgN RE.NSIWE (M ESE, DOTTER, LAND RN, HAMM, FLOUR, MEI. POT AND. REARL ASHES, seuxamTuas,latr- SEED AND 'LADD DELS'I/111ED end Produce gaimally, Nos. Hi eod _Of Heat street, Pittsburgh. W eke. mna.eser asm lllMP&'l3llEPARD,=4Ufflitutaidoir• Mor s./ chants and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. se Liberty street, Pittabitivh.'t Choice Winds Ornous toe Rake= (mak andly dee WWlstantltrai:band...) Particular attention paid to tilling orders for Merchandise generally. " X.M . TZER & ARMSTRONG. Forwarding . and Commission Ifissrehantm. fof-tha sale of OUR,' GRAIN; .'BACIONCLARD, HOTTER. NEEDS, DRIED FRUIT and Produce generally. No. lAXlalteßr 'AMOY bf FINS, PiftSbargk, Penna. ;[Mt,. rVinKSB , ot , WILKINSON Commission inemluin c ecowitie &AIM% inWESTRRIP RES ' . „. M'.:.. DE nal _num, BUT TER, • MN? eMeirialudis:generall7.• Also, LSAT * LUDE; '‘/LS, dm, No. SC L a l rt t i i s im t q. o ... E = l:r M ,, ,-t ,l".•: ' : a la . i e:a a 4 t. W . r _ ''' ' (claisnMana isle-lima ' Tube. YITCNZLL . rsEcKle, co- , - tro t 185 04. m ' • „pit Niegh.P ol n t eintaste r — adealer■ 00EINTZY `PRODINU ° W , PROYISIO_IIIIII, • {eGti 'LARD; ArTrElt, MOB 401113111.6E0FISEr4c?. RharraI"WeIiVarTMAIMMJIIIII AMBEV•DALZELL '& 8011, - Manefaw tukehl of LARD - UM, and Ootritoitatos Mos , 6'501418e tbit fiurohave and sato of ()RUDE Ali D PETWOLEMII4fort. Olt andilO Witter atroati: Pfttaborgitai Idhoweea, roads :Ws oerosidtr, .01.1011t011 B. II kJ., • o uottop .114117.0 Mt. lgrEA.l3 O. , itIIETZGAR; Groeere Mad 1301 f t draw* la *Ukiah; of: Country Prpdttee and rittsburth Wanufacturetul No. 249 Wanly street, -- ,opposite head of Wood: street, ntteburith. - spilp r. uselialt. ilk Rif '..r...510t.:734.0.ETN811. BROTELEAS, .(auwasors altrliblessleDesleis To t`Pagig a grtri A 4tr4it i nad - sproxs, - -oorr- FT CTIONERY6 SINIXFUT.FIXE' WORKS, k.c.,1 .1 , ;( a. .and . 12S Woad atzett, above TIAN Plito.l ,b , r6h. • I • N r iY2S4Y I), Covanissioa liereaunt, • MO ITholaiste vesserlEr FLOUR. ik.CHr.s.L.N , 47n. 4 .11631i1berti .street, , oppoillta•Pennrytraets R. ' R Peammittr ,Depot . Strip WarellousWeonalt*Aint 6/1d renst stmts. - , • ~ 0 17-1 T . _ • LMEPATAIr.f.. J UMPA.II* BROTHER.' temoretlY.Bro*a. fIA ANA QUEB,Si ot. .M.11141.11P pbettputreet4 FlttsWM J. b.............. JOHN LINDSAY 2 - LIGGETT & CO., CITY FLOUR -Ma-BULL% ;14berty,4414, Ms* .oieetitridalialeePti • " tie apkl f o ' bigebipefwif• ' Ir k — ( ..erohasto and_ _oA l. euors GROOIO RIFE, 41.41tU -UNA DU . OE, tro., No. ICA ;Limo • • Dumb solidly • 02:4“,id...;" ' ' atuia. mum.] ATT & _WILSON Wholesale - 43ti):.' 067,00iiiiitisittliketahitit.;andisoiteirg Ir .-FrOeute 'ftw oo kAtiabilakiliMlNltiirtlijr , k l 9 liAberty. %tabu*. , _Auks F.rUNa BITZTEW • FSBU N a i r ProelarlS Wood! Wet .1011 I( I. 'MIL %MINIX) EOMefal. 'BOMB ,W, U GR 00E1{8 Alli Ct. CO 1191 SION KEA ONANIE4 cornet P.ltadgilleld su4•Water;stres 7)33NAjeiVnaltU....l. p. DALEEL iitPtAle GlCZ : ent4 - o.filiptsibe . 4 11 • • DI 115.20 ' , Aran 4 g r • 4 391 11. 1 L • • Jl7O. FLOYD ISALPS.PY JOILN . PLOYD - 4, - 00: - .714 1 4;1441. ,o Groh tr , errs end Commisslosisairetaintsi Reis. TAM Sad =3 Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. Jett t t rerfiroz r tie,03847 .to.auniarownik.u,wroaK, • MAST. rua •dealer .is: PROYISIODTA, Amer, artatarlukt ran • Aronestreets, Pittibarith. • _rrida - Rwarx:-' • Lonl Ars)lo,4 , . • ? gyp ~ t i • . 1,,e "iilutralalletoma wiz saurraidl ca. irompaksitn 00:4 1 *Me Grocers and ProdUbt VegifiklMilrAlzt " - 2::7 • 191 re C., Vlholesal 4 - ta, mittieutril r r • „ -1114 17"S** ....,2_:47.2g - A IS / 0 /11 9,11 . 110 1. . 0 0 VI/ GMT* 164 X 1 f 1 - :.H(TrY443,1(1 ,c 1 ;t..F T rtt4„, -inoxicam IP-v. amoone m .6 4 , 13 , N. I -3 Zwl-4.len ILIILIZO.IOS. 1354 5. — P CENTRAL 51.—W/NTEK ADDANPISE2ESI% —TEN DraiLlz TRAINS.- On awl after SlONDLY,fretober sktllLtralst .will leave the Depot ante/lows. FAST PALL, dally ciente. Sunday, at I. Pa, Me I main. only at principal stations. and I.ol.l.l tiret.imenectione at liarrisburg for New I cat, Baltimore and Washington, and at Philadelphia for New York,i,roston and4nterneedlate points. HAILEISBUTIG ACCOMMODATION, daily ex Sept Sandal A t 5.2) m., stopping at all regain stations beMmia Pittsburgh and iiarristpurg, making close connection with trains Co* , 4 -Brandi, Went Fewastirenis 13. It.. Ebernburg XV* Crcuon IL R., and Dollidaysbnr3 Beenollit ku PITTSBUS.OII is 1121). EXPIM.S.. y rePt Sunday, at LP p m.,'Et r igp• at nearly El. M the atto= between Pittsbu eM Philadelphia. mid =king ematuction with rains on theeEs• tnitgrind Cresson E. 8., lioliblambuit Bran K. .12.. Tyrone and peartield and Bad linglWY pranchet. .. PIOY .I(lialicrlCWit ACCOMMODATION, taffy; W. iept Sunday, at 3.10 y. stopplog at regular Pee tfons between Pittsburgh ano - sow si t o ws, and co(:. nwsingst. Toteroction. with trilling_ is Absysans Branch lord West Penessivania PHILADMPIikk PX.PRESIS, daily, at 4.0, to., stopping at Latrobe, lioneman, Galblizia Altoona, kluntistolon,..Loorlatewn. - MiZin,Ne ;sort, Zdarystrille,./...4sOurg, Teureastet.andßOWN Ingt own. At Ravine ,r edirect ocumeatom 'ar loeßallittolO. raaingtonisitd , 'New. Togs at Philadelphia, for New York, Boston and Inter- Mediate pants: Sl and en. York ill ] •, it dn's Oars run Ut:l train trone-Pittsbu p. lierrM w, ltutu n.Altt„,poppliyon" stVona etwa nyallitieeweeac my, Huntingdon; iseurgr . ht trost..l4t. Ltardistilie, sesncaster.ami DOW* , liarristrure connecnons tails lof § l eV :i rlfork, Baltimore and Wasidaston.nt Ph7lf delphlaar for New York, Bottom ant tatermidinte pointa. - "' • • Time .Accommodatlon. Tooth foe Walt'. - leaves daily (exceptStmday) at ILX) a: m. •macond Accommodation Train for WON Dispel Mere* d ally (eserpt Sunfla))latll.4o In. , .Third lOtentamodation Trala , for Wall.' SUM. leaves any leicept Sunfles) at 5.46 p. s " Pewit. terommodation Trdn'tagltalitfittatlia 'eaves dality(encept Brantley) at 11.011 - Tbed, ' The Church Multi: tubes WnWir iiiirGr 19tinday at 4.05 n, retumaing at. lo te s l 4 " `" " • Returning Trs4ns Arrive Pittabeiglt is foils , * ir...ErieZepress.. 12.50-p."in BaltiMore TXpnms - • • ' " LSO p,ra Thilittellatisr,..pree . .. .p.p. 14. - J• - • , 'lle L 6 - Tormstown Itectnninedatldri.: We - d it: la. First. Wall's Station Aceozinadiatlen..'„:" 440 A.A. Second - Phil , * Station Accommodation 8.55 ft. re. Thin] Will. Station 2reconunolat4ol4=i9.l4s.l6:git. Fourth Well's Station Accommbdation 6.56 AL Baltimore express Will arrive. with plait press at Lao pt. re: On Mondays. - NOTICE.—in am,. of loss, the Company hold thrteriverf reponslble for - ponotral Capri* only, and for an amount not escredlnK. , AA ir At 0)0 Pennsylvania Centrel'itailroad Station. en Liberty and Great streets. , a TIT,;TAIRe- } AzTic,"avgisms - . .RAThwm i -AN e - ( . 1 14 6 7 1 tE . ; 1 1 . D, ff.-:ll77iff /. 13 1 ):4 4 . 2 g n N az lix -- •" if =, • r •'O2 222 Isenev4pe,r22l2, 11212,221,122711! pi , •As 'MTh:ma; 222 , ....: ' - .', '' ~ ;'- ~", Learns - ,•-• I —.Mr' •f' ~ rot' •'''. " •For PittablitchlClliicagv: lelevelsniE, , Whoellpg. Expreas....-.... 2.10 0. pip. 2.10 2. 22." 210 2, Ir Expree1a...........,2.09 pr. 400 Pt I . FI RA! I 0 - }prt5e.1..1."..10.001 21.' in. 21011. 1240 s. m. , ., , ~1 8 •2 0 -8 . 06 For New (Nage aralZrlc SAO 6.11116,.,, .., - , nJrr :,,. • . ..:arrive it ineettay—z F NV at :trizigtih., - .1.24 a: m., aso a. m, 2 - 40 . h, Ex. *?+4 4 4 3 1 , ; 11 . , 1 ' ,Eo 100E RGE PAILIMC,ThiIui2.2.22O, Onion ressencer Statloa, BlPibisrgbi iril,4 . : ', •:.. A. 4 . 4341u35maimp.T . 14 1 041/4.4% .: % *: 'j ) i c 9: 3 - 16' . 'l..."i:xitfts - .4iieierjr= Arco rffI3IIIIIIMEL:.I,gpAw4MI ciON-Nta,x.g.Vl4L * WINTER A RANGE wr.% bp leaveter MONDAY, Nan It, NG, fastest letli the I'lepot. corner of Roo- owl Wet • inrente, ee follow! Pitt Ll.l2Kftle at sburgh. PittalYstt. Mature and from Erntoniprn.l M e. m... 'Enrelor - tete ns. ',fret Metenspdrit itclhote'n..:llllo zt. PO& Second " _ • 015 le in: 104. in. First EtraddoolVa „., Inns. m. 8:10 a. taw `i Emma -• " - 'l.lO it. la. Sunday, Church, Sod from Weileesport. 11011 lc =CIAO. VOr Una( emir t . 41 /.' • ' A.. 1. omunrAgoes. r (VW W. B. swur, Superintent.:, CLEEIRENYI VAL:: litteig*lii EY aoy 'num- r ow : oms ateiltOrtntt. ItlZ e l=thalcalaitOgarrWiall4 4 1 .40 1 . MAIL TRAlN.4GotiyourPittobaoaltat NOG a. la. atlivitit at Killnugnit OS taaatto lattsaA air etzttediall .a..uson •• Imultzserßiitrt—Leavvi stattainhiii as as .a.arr., arriving. at Pittaburei• tatiewiat. -Joann Ptitanshgh 4104 Indltng"S Mannindill 40 , _A&OalltODOEtOtt TRAEI..Gootaa twos WortutAtiala tratartiviagatEttabortAaVlA m. Alaimo% sPUtattugh at laa)l4.4oAttalt Sots Notts et toe re, wiartitr. RAKL . . RI INSlMAN'OrAXileidir , ' r " Ct - PII.I.LA di.ocrued;Prenduins: ,InTosted traaeUled:Olatou.... — "lra 'Lames PaldaatiTrB27 . """ l " :- tukom , xorplwiV,ao".llnw,gi Potwar oa alma ? lU'L 441 " 44: '11.11 '; , : , t, groefo-MULLES- A.R.l i a i l i q.A r ;Am. tow • ,00pruf 200 . , s ikitiker 'Waal 'had "3(4104V 'lmmo- Cool- afliorth • IMIADELPIEUL. 7...-; i1;.`,:..k. TP.',47r 1111.Mwd 'lllAurce'lMSPltri .!SeM!EMI , • • ••'' OsBllMl • ; 70P.Yr6teltiegItteL'• • • • !T l4!ble ..sitturs Itundb" froarsTor nisuit4apt,po, • • , f AT , Or PrMOO7ll,l47.l,..U.,Ontiottigo 3 va t. : ;Lori*. . 4.44b.stvidi t e,l4.;„ join. , __ .fie 91"217471V2i4ticiNiatc-' ,14 ,...ig e -,fri - nota.,? A ftVurnal. 3.17 4 ° 6 .4; .. z. `..iitoo — e - by „propptitett 4tor,trienitty, to lootoOotoi Me oilitrotterPliti Ikto Am 0 1 01 1, " al olfttloit Hiatt , :ProOciaSkih."C.o 244 PF t Ar I r it ,‘":'',„ ! ... 8104 9 ''NSO' P 4110121 9 4 2 , 3 i 4'4 3 1 ~. / imaillteTT,oo!' '4 44: 1 3 94 / F I . W%-“I ~,.osi. P. Hztertarr. - a- - ° '1 m. 1 -1 4 " cr i Ortitllrs_rtruarcx (iciranarr . t r,p47. , 1,17 -.-wit.l 7l = ' .. 7,' ; 4 : 117 ,IT ' ' ri ...., , , T .' . 4 .. ..' V IW Y " ' T C ' t . ; " •' ' ' ' , l ' ft ~. "' • 0 0 1 1, . ...;'"%.;: ' I t o 6,..' o,,ip roi i'::,, Wg.„. :l ,:,.. #4*...kmitokt,. ulhk . OIL.WiT C4 '4l W , , '' . .. , I, ...,4 ith 1.3. 0 7 : - ~ . 1 i,tl; •:ri...t., , ,,,,..g . .... .. ~..., 4..“11 . ti I . .Th i l l o r t ir 1 m. ~. nmateuyaip.;:c a Tarsn-Itt A .."41Perrig.:1 ir ~.) ,roarr t, ?!....R.. ~ '4' • T ROPL IST:MM I W9RM - i -- #.4 1 1,L, wee, 41. 4..c0riex.41 1 r5v1454404#10. N :e.l It ii , ol-11 11 44,4 15 r 1 rA'.iliglEIEMMVIANIr9P4 ./!. .Totux E. Plume, V. EmimaArry , r , Chula Moen. • Obakizi AIEWIer A L. W. Van Ablictr.ll; A . satoesClL Tana 7obd Olime. YLWlLP'ai nailZt d a, nt /ILE C 1 tic I ~.---- - F INBIM 4 QV "num &phut au 7 iiin4i - :4i4flito(i* „ •!..,,,... -4 `it a iPlaiMireiii: sivßPrimminc+o4 - wrtar. , ,e+, Moa ai 1 4 4 .L. * ~ ,I, 3 1 ,. ;1 :11 4 t1:TIIL ,-,f.q . hl. l i h , i,,i 7 Q :. ... 6. 4, c 4 ,_ ;!: ,, rQ . .., T ; ~.' :1, . i nkTeiall 41 . } j il r !•,1:111i .t. ' '' . . ' - ' 11111 1 06111111111.1. Y.IL Ibiii••MEX . .RWANZ , VO , taa . • Itn .4 7 4 11 1 watsmawitatotearows....,;' Itlvo w:v.574M IvAsio6;asidicaull Kitt atabssieletr 7. m ear ono% wlL9clkowurcr met AMA. • .::iis~oooaa