She Nitidinvgit ts - unifts.rtunimia mocking -WiDNEEIDAY;VAROII 8, 180 • ,> !, ,". t r : l i o ductlkw. . We ate, slow tO.,bellote the stories „,of, tr efugeell and deserters, and therefotb Itca, tend. ni int itill isiiiiiiiiiiriitkiit ir Eipari, . • IDAleli InFTIS in theNalley,... but, the- Stet lkii - vie do icit'ltiefigill direct, in steai of through 'Rebel sources, should net , - ....he ,tantrefed , to , weigliontEmorbstii tigitielt : the probability of these stories, and we be= ? 40 33 1 !el, ,W;#44-:. that they /are sitbstait; :. %billy corrcet. This much is certain, that Susaroani pun . lanced' tiokini 'Oriltoiidli of teat week; I - ' tp . o that :yrillst i y., g-p - pied StatmlOri f e • , -liitithOWeakhm: "Va S ;had hien bk.:lnt443' but had !1.15M14141cit foree4, 6.6 1 44', It 4..liiiviri;ttulttell*ithailte ., bad a heavy body. icas:airy with - him: . • . heavy Faii..t" did not think it wise-to contest Iliti` Obetrfeition of Staunton irlth, ,bistlit and, it Is fnot :ail ,improbable. dug; 44114;that,totitr bad-hut A small force; , ' heAt'onciiidianeedtient, 11 , et e ellioaefau vitirliiituCtiii 14iiiiieii 0 tinovrent, i i on e teritac. , ,or:(l3tyg7P - 0:'.0 1 . ,11 ..tir4,'• 'reobbiod:iali,. tp.'! , The Copt:Fop! OW., letriiiilleiio`UldnitiniatlYeoll4ii.Tivi, cap --turtrufsthat,placedeslrgyfttitgortheni line & of railway conaranaleation - Wined Ioc;b: „7ntortd antr, : "Lynthithelitiff irt4ortarkt for lr that*F,, _ _ ?li an d A 4 itstsP.oTted4 -Earl ' * but I,SOO naen,rth Ain, It shows th e tee must be Attneedlio'great„, straits, whe qte OtiaitirizA-iisktiAtiertio defend L at , . ,yor th e, (laser° of clusrlottesrille ca ries ~ - " Lynchburg with it, er exposesittti 'Cap ore;' - - Ore We hope to heer, - and , , , 7300k4 that p eh , hurg has ale, been caputred,.4t icily) grekt ittoreheitse of rebel supplies, and,the point i l -3'lk:relitiii fe4lSeit Lie trould -nature* hate when Arlyen ; out of Itlehroona. 1 , • ' • CliariotiesTille is onthe Virginia Central' road, and hence lie capture involves( the - - . 1 ' 101' not only of that., 11: , a0;;;htital*Pil tins . Orange and itlerandria toed, between yo . - "i 2 , - - doosirme and tYlchbiirg,, It semis natural 'so-that Sheridan - ahould folloC ' t up bit *dogs ; - by, rushing ,on to the, later 'place. „If he takes it Lee iii6t - at once ' give liatifelor get out' Of Tilehreeral;"lhi Siteiidart will soon cut the South -Silo road - Ole only ego-le y,: -,,,lesielegk at Burketsville,,, , , , , ~ -,, ~. : v ARMING:THE SLAVES At,, ye as , tply„ s aid, of, the Beurbin who ' 7 l:ttled iorithe a t the time of the French re: volution; that be never would -yield when ..lieldingwould have saved Lim, and alwaya' .. yielded.when Yielding woe corn , to do him - harm; and the eanniniarat; . it'•nli - bef now said of the Southern:Bourbons. After Ire _ fusing to pass the bill to arm 2 01 4, 000 61, * 0 s , !t, 3 ?4 givg them, tb 2 elr ffeedont, they-have now , '-‘ liisiediebill - fo Itrm - 300,000'nerties ' aii4. are tciremelh slaves fqr'ever, If their nias .r.,ters•csn aosnanage it. , . , '-," l, ;, 5 ,, g'9,.141**P1012(14,. foreP.,loll to all ; slsids , S., ~ taking , up arms tor them wont:llmin 'been , :1141,birciA„,,IT4123?_, PAT*ig, l l,t( ffcit ' •••• nate raven. the unnfederacy, but it would have sava fie r atithOri'Of - : such i'llii frem niter''Ethittlinatiticin. When they y found ibemsetter inrispable - of owls an'uct. ,of c- .. amineslssv their true . coursere,iB , ti - 0,14 the whole thing tirop, and ev'e 'ln; the idea:Of arming the 'Slava 'at "all"; but with tine 1F1T11,,, blindnegoiq!CY/134109lctictir - . erasion o f thepliliCiplo eoptended c for, and veakilit 'iCii alibi Ihe'xiegrois,lnitto f or, and - .c all. , the lindtaseritents that ,would Makel a . negro right for.theinV The bedeessio,troess _win .ipeM•ethe4iitlqie..lll,l49l.peen mace;: and Made vilreit`it `slakifehave been with': % I 'l/Ai l l'iThcfneni p: 5 i'Mtbft,Wast a r 'cliiins upon their own limbs never coul d' `here entered intOtteltetid of any moo Witt ..- Lhat•-of- a -beeatied-foritham: - ,alaThoyar.: The passage of such a bill is the h W4fd es( evi '.liitilElEadaiiiiiiaslikalt;Alloyp4 , . to that nlucilncas,whieltprro-des destruction..., 'TM). I.4eiligine'tfibiOdVnol'set; carts 1)14,41e.1110,1vat,,..heari and . ualenstenfinc , a 11 #. • OF sP.__Blito l 494f4_,.. 1f 0 7....d0,..t0i ~. -7 - : o I . ...—_._ , .0 , AiStiOiliAiih vßiatilooFX -4 . Melr „ ; , lll.,ar-' v f..t ..,,:no , rAGIOMOrS,VVIP,rt.,..: , i, '',-,1 • i iti,a#4,ViiiiiiNlfie llile,Of 4 paperA:stteo " -ssOrttlity . Itt • the ' 'ill Of qi'e'n* "V o - rk;;,4 - 1r t v .^h -a -great - varielyOf fuctai/ned , 140 - tier% useful to persons who • think of emi - -hrg to Ih r e` Vnlted 'S(sia's. - ' ll is design ' ff!' re*JVAlPPiti6Mitirrktidllii icror• , 1 40howetruclreerittnifITIV,' 1 !!. :•_•-`•'' tr•:o4647iiiiii,•iirlis;tialle rus!,:ntititita, ivt. iln u ffA. ,tc 6.11140141:#4V0i*0 iikiklit • doYeloPtiL•6ll4•!4fos Ti*Viii4Nsi*tili" • Ulifid, Ls s° eveiq, T ;34, 7 4...141 1 .0 11 A1 r . II to disseminate *Viola a 'kncrwledge of wind ii • going , m4'llei4, and Ott r ihV Willa' 'fields of -, reenuteraies ,labor -that taaf lie , feinid M thiii coutt47. r -Suchetpithfies& p i s the out Of whitieVre Bt's ealCulated to mettritet.torrer&Otuifd MoVeltifeißke ttit - Ful I,4nniijitkOtijr 'ikireUte'J.rtigil:4od ,(WrAll ehdAlVt.immigTanta thli r i kairpirukei* t P..ociy; trrideethi-breistnieliif aioldie,ll44sl sity, to this aide of-tbriAtlititle.. ' i ~,,,,Mdapuidinntlortafforditunapnel tirMii,gh - iclifoli onitinitudicturerinf :every kind mai, ' • ' coutuni*W.Wltb the andU 4 ,7irbnwM 0 ! Great BrittdniaLudMakelai etkpla,tkihem th r i pdilik—Witiakey woillinhidslll4* anli el/811 0 2 F in ti C F T . eral ?.?? /9 . l kft 20° dustrY to Irhiniiihey' are accusionted.+Q their own co un try,. ,A FREE PRON. • iccOnalit (Ws Gpscindsti TO** a free tt press is the most wonderful composite of this or any otherage. 41,2.i5p. according to the !alloying luminous paragraph from that 1 Toper, s shield,* smneldne„,:arbuttress, kflig. 0 1 . trp 4.WiktiffraPil A.lll-,olser i „,,prese - is ihe .totinclailon or . all ,r•qt Is the source ancUrcsource of , POrillihrgefttit' Al IS the shield.' 'int sun.' someoftrueilberty, fling' off the poisoned siffowi of deipallipond makingwan* and elastic with life, health ; comm u n ity rior the po ; Waal torrents •or the n:- It is DM Dupre**, and; iag.siati-4he very key •one and bell-tower of a free fabric.' Mo) 4 13 ? T., „ Parr'7-1111# ,people ; of Tennessee Braving adppled ..the tunendmenta to their State-. Consaution, hold on the 4th;loot.;' for GoierriOr PAY6bfrUITOITNLOIT has been: chosen GOTef nor withirut serious opposition, and all the rdehiberrreiC'died to the LCgialatire, as fir heard froter;:ate Republicans. The, re-: turnor ce inalce'Tree Tennessee - one Feli .- of th e gest -Slates in the Union. , 1 )- •:Oilkiwhave , beco issued for the drat 14111147AA*.0f .;dew York, and she - wheel will 'commence revolting on " the lath. It will probably commence in tbiS itnrt P , orrisylvsAla "'bout, a 'week later, unless Mei-tiltng brightens up %MA& finamom Won Bum Leuvn,—The bast avl tenceiboyttajebel,-Gencral: Sterling; Price Is. not deattrls giveh bra - nolo trod illos,pithltehed thit'Shreyernt, NiF?s, of. Feb, XOth. • lie: hl vomit agOil,Prok.F:Avtti c k b Y ,44,oy&- ' : ntatits.raol#;o oBs4 Rbt-igitNW latOred.”As4sl?°°l'.44l2eu°°6* : r - i jfavitisc maul °; ''eouttern .cl.r it l ert aiii Strf e r n vo : "ch tr r oors , go be CsPlafta) 114 et:tweeter on B ., oottgwrilard tioubilellsqtAtt."' a re ere deka? , •••• e -- ersvltyleele • X4illamigt , N . -, ' GEN. _Bel NoT A COOl3 Bourn- The Examiner„.l2 the-course pf:snovdclo:, len Srminethifidaidi, %thus speaks of the' Confederate Clateral.inAribiefr, - 'Mere iselnant othtre corksidoMl ' 10114 Wider are not military,brit moral,polittell, 'sad social, relating to the future of the bitch race as well as the white, allot which blooppose themselves strongly to the revoin i wy measure' now recommended. On theso Gen. Lee'. cannot be admitted as an au alTettl; indeed hi' calmest .riesk in providing that "those who are em - ploYed should I, free m 'd : , e ad,"tliatitwould. belielther just nor'wlsW . require them to , w it orrus slives","itu doubt , whether theta wthatwsed to be cdfidaw "good South ..ereere, that.* .whethaf he-•is tharpughl ofy utieledrot-thejustice. Awl bedefloence Itegr9 deverg at! seund,,,perteanent'l buds or out national policy . Air Ismoinr Ilkeriat Oir SsOlisidin. I —By a hay -Mack we found two bodies, side by I side, as WAS thero by some frleadiy hand. As •, We Were saldng them.mra, one ro6ll' *night, sad busting into tows Pohldolgto r hr t : t e u lto wade w e , Said, "It's Any. beethese dr, sny. wo . w i t e • al, ae4 2, alone now.!?, , Hotta: ' ttaisettUrtile. thillglit:,raithiaellngover Meted *bad Dined Jai dead, sadly's* down tewatch morning, had. fallow asleep. 1-; Wirt' we took up the boa', to lay with {he ,otharri along* to tun a bed for. it end Air , himself...We gave hies room in that long row Of the deiel. eitllxig,cioise &Ohs corpse, pet tay 'dews fct bie last Slight's Sleep with his brothir; Tnn''thlralry on't =floe; thermal border - to slinOtlnk rank hanging Maori . Wu in tho border States.' ;Mt ChattainX , PV,Garotte stslOs that a . id mil' a guerrillas, mho wceald be greatly Olinda , ed, vre iuppastk,' If they-sore not record • as , 'belonging to the thlyalrr of the 80414 eatlY tank the wife and dagghter of pr. Joshua tar ' of Ifoltir', on the charge ot loyalty to the ,FO aria (InoirtiliTheot," Mrs. Xipg and lin datnrhieVrere Linking 0: 1 / 4 ide In he eostnry' Inaearrlnge„ hen • •ttreflcerninnt r ,lry tria 'gut nillas,:taken put . of the earrlogd end hung uponthenranot, - llsCia. iIII,14; hats; all . the porta - or . - the South ere as g , OokariAnaflt. peaseselonc: it can nolooderAni claimed even technically that the couturti9y : le a —nasal power." There can, he no awry. Aber° there amino' pbrts in which' to in out na val armaments. Bence It eatino longer di pre tended that the gnats - which are now thrtasta‘ , nag cur torntarecoand , the iron'. clods :winch are Cpp:stenlng to descend nPral our roast, are !Con federate .vessels. To claim that they %m any - tHibg ehe than English 'or French war ships Is ~obstird.-.-Arb. too. nu?, - , • , I 43soussvc juniper, who , was one of' a rot of remit, ist,llllnois;was on ble blowfly to loin his sviirlsoent; , Ond ,when near Springdelk , leaned Isonstlre car witdowwlillo-tbs,Stain:wm issoy toff:Viten Mies suslour:' ,4 lhc , On the 01111,410131 saw bins and= Ands a' lieutenant: and .iw,csiohliers leaped o ff and scar' .clissa, , bins., • scns„bsongiat (Icons by:font ,bal.4 in htsbiidi,Jniris',the effect's: Or:whlsks hekoosi ilso,forad dis „ EITAS stated , that a • &Ingle Caprees - Conipany .transports Vlrglnla eity,--Nerada territory, fifty Itunisand dollars in silver btilllotidatlyaed that tonna tract of cannti7 amnia that olty, of not , . Mora than twenty-live miles suare, over ..$20,000,000 of .allver ..hayeboen..shlpped dining the put twelve months. And yet the 'irealth or s li ver mines of Nevada Is scarcely Com prehended,. and Its extent remains =estimated: the n on, closed;the Sergi' are newspaticis base beeiratispended;and m thoadi dor poi al:dem:tided: •Thetels one re. • erectable drug stores:ilea and neSon'es for, the Bale .of totrelsions: The ' cithiene. aide 1 2 ' , entomb, Vat Ihat IS 'bid 'away. Turrets a large popelation of both white and bilk*, which • are liable noon to need assistance from the de, ton blinnetota Legfelethielse agreed M rub . mit the - Vacation of permitting qiegrees UP Tots la the people et the next:November election.; 61.g.it1 OP '`Y - Of / VIM Or , tr' l' 7-30 LOAN. Be eidliehtf *1 the 3eeretailor use Tregunley, the undersigned -tea - tamed the General Sub anTlPlinn &Pits - male et VAitl%t St4ell Tresinij bei4tiii, firm. emit tixesisniths 'Pei evit interest; per ennuis, known en One orilonsart 'Mese 'Notes ire tit* or A.iivit 1861. and sire payable limo (yeses frog Urit IMlTethi:T• of ate iosieeilble . it tke optima of aka betat'into, ' - F. S. 4.10 gaitiet ferkt' .T -GoLumßikAluN4 ,-, tiONDO; j r :31i.t,,,11t, ,LIJIAY/ 11'1tk - , SOI ‘. ' 6ol * .9!34i'aiAc* ii 44 , ' iria , 4 , .. 4 Auk* _•,.i..ii&es.4unt.“,iistliut frm * ,,,4 4*. liiiiiilFliii4iltikatigai ihe 411iYiii•ILtl ."142i#teK1ic.iii4444447i4014' Cii`6i. .V.I iMerligi li4iiiii.iiriiiiiimas• rs l l'Yrf__ -1" 1 "2/ 4 :19.kftk i,41e r A144 ! , Ptorerty: me intareFt lii mat& sirditiriii 1 . iy pri Ja ipar.iUub4t ta , Ach wite4hiiijii4l. out ea sittl sold to aajletiltor beaker. The iisteresibiaehailieg.a 1 .t. My , pow pr var.= a• • wovilose. 1 Two cents " . '" u " $ lOO " t i . / - - 1 ....4, t....... 1 ,t f... ~,,,t no 1,....z., i i: s' 2.4 ii ,- • " a. 66 66 $lOO O 66 i *ote* or 'lnll:sl6l,exiiridititaOii ..;.',;.i.ii,l, ~,,,,,vpurfuratsiglinv:meipkitsibil4 till'. f;," THE 14114` LOAH 'awe= tfietto*rfikritiinalt wtil .4ot* L ' dreir topular • the People „. .11 ...-; . i ' ll Y , !' 0P. 3 .N1 , 0.C4.M1,4'...0191../ilVMeh itt probably be doperd ofwithp4the pent CO or-4 days, when tlietartor4tit*lntibtegly command ri rtrnituni a!li al mlf"udi b"?'lr,'ll!.**Plisint, thaatilittoni a. i ii i iiiiiii • . i Is order that , the &Immo of every town end; ,1101411:.44 WO/ .11r'Ctit../19+Y behioritedranalltial lot Waal tag loan, this National Banks, , state lab! iiiiaWrateituaten'aiiinthiiii tip einurt Itry tare general agrlan - in matte gutoldglio ns t".,,itrt,RPAPF.kbff..r, 10!41ti#t Owi g al 4 s, .1a whom they nayeeongOesea, wag arhb only all to Izl,lrtAk.rustt:leAnr,thOrfellirery of the notes for wtlela thepreeetve *rani .; . _ t . •- . ~ , • . ;741'..rCX1Crri. ' ' StlblCriPtiOn.4lkt;./1041414dti -: .. '. .. , MEM subsraptioas win be Jectivm Lint' i•iiosl sant, rufsbuegi, setvaii . "-- • Far% it lainrn NaUoini Beak; iltpitirel, ra rittffiterfk ialloat4 BA" or golultiene. ` Doi !` • , irstessans , , rankr's Pfle , 4 eckinges !Mier eMPAII ,-• • Cunt •• , raismidkirT or — iri zsza t 1-sAirt 111 141 1 KE NT °M . 7) ... ,....r ing _...- 4 0: 0 02 0 : s lit: I teits And aB - ottlets "In , Ir.:, ste ,,, that wen . 'Who mind attbLt= m2 ; et, mrelt s i strtiz& i e l iediddl their enrollzent. p4 I :O4_,EZ t molter whethipt lbw motive LoT)L-BS I WI:P 4 O . 7,ZIi , Vadat caging ordersoll Dm... men i n, b .,,,,, to mart Do the day required br..,noWar w i ..„._, I.o4ted iik Dattten aka held boi,sersi" - PM . l . 3rei . Whether MI quotas of thols.respectM Into•obb.tav . brae been tilled or not. . . ~, - • samtg , .... r ,' ' ,_ L. ogn. itut Pro. Mar. ad pot. Peach. IProVoit .mantars Oat= Ind DIAL r. ?, . s ,-_.. r...,,uhlumay claim In. SOU& t• .`, ~:1tt1et4....: MEETING. OE, .A..— EMS' GOILIIMMEUMEttbo. 'riotous Idols nolo pecorliottho. Feubwa Oulldlosoflll e held at • thii'MWIECTILE .1100E. - os THURSDAY MERIN% Itle MAO 0.7 1 4tf010dk.: Rood go: , teasige Le reqsoste4, so outneva of pool. Um*. EMHO F:EHEAt • SICO9NR.,.STORY. I a ble tth >ord. for ran and lrite be • re. "[notable prrrete Betbrenwe exchlnex. "B !.8„" lie4i X mt•Sld .Plttallurgh rat on*. SALE.—That splendid mansion on the Seared Allegh• l 7 city. blee the res. hlrace et Her _ Mar Avery, der: Also. V t. ' a ibUnairVaraiillj Xft, Lb, . LTI Fourth streeLii . . . FOB .SALE.—A -first ink second- hand 0/ 0 1tIOUT ENGU4 sit% haler sad ann. good ender. Cylinder &3 litillater by ad, drish. stroke. WM be sold cheap U spoiled for Mime& stay. ,It L the siselor oil wens... Enquire et my' 'shop, corner Beaver street sad Gey sites. Wog city; where it 'MO:oilmen: • . . . IM 5/LL -Tll SB3NK EXOH&NGN Ranh(' street, sultsble for 1% hotel, s taw . bonding:house, nuinufsetOry; or wegehOnie, bppo; L ettegkebankOf Pittabumh,lelng forty (40 feet on Third street, running lidf.way throdgh to Second v i t it M a l bo r d a s i l;,-ln tzt . ty pl t y Jr.; at the banklm-Lowe of Bads. sOD, Mecrtestk h <1603 ninth dreet. midt "kr OTI.UE.The shareholders of thaAlf-' •LN 1731 , PHISE OIL OCIMMANTi_of Allegheny Otty ere ,brebf. astlflod TIOLEAI3 9 PEo. MUSE teannerta. on the Stook of said Ooannastr,. , 'lf not: pat OR or bear" Us Roth of ,thte,monlk, their ntoet will forfetted . py Oiler -BEATIIE Prerldnot• NOnnoOn; SoOretazy. , Artitotronr, Minh Bth 1886 . rob &Start* 0 1 . 1 .77 7 • , . ee . , Teo algae atd less or tertitary givlng lantals• Cm ke Ibto evidence of the on 'Big Sandy altar and ita tpibutarlea in tin- Anekr 1,116 Valntb Vanntl,"Ohlo, 'cleated by - imp& I teneed oil men; al "frayed tar sale. ,ttcllt r o . •-• Broitenart ith (sow. sathunk.) cIECOND,AND,LAST - BALE 01P 0-Purrelatos ciTALOctunt,thi nu. DAY MORNING and EVENING,' tid. It, at It/ANSI be the DM sal byetalotle, on the tree s; floor sof commercial a t coils Filth etreet;.pf the largo and gdoig i at collection of OliTalatitigkreoeutlytgirrted` • Eutopy-Jiy • X.nety Involefoingiptiaing in Ito pledeti, has just . been- rewired. niuliadde the cettottott; *non how — cohipffift - - rstwolo , dzigi dd l d ! de ' hied:mews Nam,. and value, as well aa Ana ePPist of 'the grestlaksters.•:Among them' iltaagnitemit copy of Cornatio's Marrlagraof StlOstherine, p.ctures arenas , arranged for free oxismiti atton, with detraciptlyg patalegnes may. ' . A. McILWAINE, Auct'n • 1 ' QECOND ARD...ALLEGIIENY.—A. la gravid Idas • ibleetlng of the citizensof this yr ad will-be held in itur Sehoal • House this; ere tang. ENROLLIM Maltuttha Second ward I tr. ; VIM llVlVAtrritxtroTATOsts or WEICASITIG rue DIL LIFT. YOU must Knolteg trout'your fancied security and -a ORX.., cow: To TIIEMEHEING T-LCIHT, FDEPAEED . AND. DETER.AIIN.ED to do every thlng in yi'Mr 'power 'to accomplish our purpose. HARD - WORK and -LIBERALITY wlll put us .;threngh't without it, failure and the draft are eer , I'Ve.ahro urge open 'those who have sub. 's zribea to put bountr Mott either for bonds or do. catkin, the importance of paying their subtcrip- BOCA immnitate l yto I). ' Madetract, Treasurer 1) 1' 'Allegheny City.; , ••••• lty . ortler of sae Bounty fomicattee. • • Celebrated Cold Peat; Copying Ink • Copying Presses, And a lull amottinent of COMM: FIG BOUSB STATIONERY ron 'skis. BY SCROYXR & 00.. mt,F.ic No. a 9 EIFT3 ECCREET. Von SALE: • THAT DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE Known as MOUNT MOPE, IttWin•da Ban. (now oCcupled by Ifir.llts. P....8eek,) the former resi dence of m. T k7..dtceased. Brick limas ot It /noire and cellakr well and. cistern; llM_berns se.; trutt trees a all kinds. UMW.. 80 -) t r ix 'LW * ante of land, embracing a anew:tarry site, splendid views of the Obl4 Blear, RailWass, Manchester, SIXOst the of the Manchester Sim.% R way cod Wood's Run ,Station Pitts. Pt. W. t O. R. B. only tea minutes rids by. the fatter from' Federal id.' 'Station: PUlther patticulers and tense tatty be bad of the subwriber cc, day. from 1 to 4 o'clock, et Ids machine shop, ointrebder st., to old tinging A. bus, Allnheny Olty, or In the coining, at kin Louses% Woods , Rao. , mbhdin ROBERT H LOST. 13 7 1 G 134k3ffig COAL,N,OII.: AND MINING COMPANY. I. • ovtikrisirriptrizo, raplZal, iiCOJIMO: Wsdilng capital. M. 0.. i ' T or Aue01.11:, ENE • 7 rizz;aw =MO 'Thinuatity Bed.: lOLISTEMOS OF' OIL . . cmht. A. S. Atm , . Prealdenst; S. J. Platroineter, Secretary mut Treasurer. Ths Sanitary has been boacudly selected by es, yerienoed 01131mb aided by Geoloylat, sad Flues ev 'deuce of the istaealnable oil de- A few Akira anti remain viraoWsand insT be hiid lb, lid each.. Apply Pr par,tisolata to . , • eI:S. Intlalf, • _ rablt Broker. al eth si.;(llOris'a &UZI , —_,..— _ SU i'EItIVII FURNITURE orrAr - i , r, t i , 'Ectitir,'llllMOlES, SIY,TENWARE,._OAfb t PETS, ito.,ATAITOTION.—VOTBIuitY AROR S * ..mte, teibleet., at lb Meioed ytmattely, at Olssonle Hall /suction Alan*. Si Ilfthltreet.letirlasedhts ta;••Q auantity et,svell•heplitlimustbAld Atusellaire, Pre"oN Plate WilfrOi es de: 0 # E'hie the arlig eer . ' ZAPIgh%:I I/ .l 7 iivar g ib . . ,, : tt . Lt .% o4, e , Book Ceuie ifierretery, doe asahaexay .. send. with Canopy and Cunene, Rosewood War., his Ihp in essingolibriitut , lishogany Wardrobe, Marble Top tout ..rarlesed WM*. Stands, iNtartda Tdy VeiterTables. pair Plehogany Pier ?Web,- Pists...gan y and Walnut Weir 'Beall tetnitn , and gm trr. L. cadr. Vlud , Not, „WAxose, ll* .saatt. Mahon au, Dimon,. R C 'swot , : ;we .k , c , , 4 ,114 ,, r ,oUt fzeiher •11. W" hrs_ani - ousl 4 ~.4„,,5h0z....,„,..0.. . Weir /Mantas:lh Teapier , Mettle wig I Weisner.. 'Whadete 4 arre ips , *-4,1 , „„ . ~i......,,,, Tr. 1 ' T• -,Ves ,hlett4 roaaldtessee Albeit I ff seer tr_ssee."..teeen Sitter.dpOrdwuratimpßtabeilante `IT w , sOv",p4llo:o4llFl4tt land ,rili -- Vi . r Ik A ulit , 4,,,,: i l' .'eth io :3l ._ ck ra ft...., t t. , Y. i l i Vi t e uitr. - ite XWAILEENUAIks* 14 " 51 ITitikr: °amen& Shea (eas nee 'statesman. tints 'lloomi:ea tn eI le 11 aut. steadiest aecesuatz d . .yoreflifinli , 3 ,5. Prrrtctutitlicsioccildsrek,taist,, 1, i f)itt i l tisltiX. littnaldii,'-,7:;:s ''" :. 1 ,k54.444:gfi11'i9 Isillti Isill;110C11, Jr, ; NURSERYMEN Alit itiltlfgai ... ~. pirrigi Boil. PA , ' ~ :ItStftr ro* Ale Moo int doe Ape! Toslo Olt vrariatles, , in Eh MS Per m ice Ape! ' A 6 17 Intl *LAO , . ~- .. . -, i -t ~. , ..1.. rg,Au r 4stacdardi asillwarf,) , - , :Iry on "ZittallriAnd .0 - M pkikati .. 1. 1 ' ; ` ; 11 WARP' APPLE, - , 01111ABLENTAisTItliE , . f- klub*, Xvelgrerps, aresahpuse and lieddle A Pinata. ito lik• Hewn and Landscape Gardeners Rupp at ts dosed-rat:lL - saliLtapid ' -IttehetteetteLe Dames I.7oxreart, ritE 'PRESIDENT , 'ATM Mk : efthe 010 Pant for ere ding Jelnite lh e " Y.L ' A z o .ompo tlet -Ulm; oppoatte rltteourigh. i t e i tht tevatigitllthbel,fieyf telt der tlecltteg_. 160 et - 71 TV, U-ka , " - X. Me USPtilt 151 °U , dI IWhitli be bat to no ttookbotoong or. thy. I. gel reptelentattlfes,' - the `lttetitteg Roe! ,te,Rolthee teetent. mend atter the lath Inst. mbaw , -; ;,f /tir , /NIMES, TresautetU liv c()7 -------, ar -4)E b A Ens----Arm 'Rol, . - rourtniarsoolooruf'be repeWed All :the . °Mee or- : the. Weter [Werke I . nee*, WED. , If zSzp the, attr ttei or Biliacji. - to rornuin noill .eat !sze , t r it i reOptr :t7ginsar rei,righlita; kellezeout Castron=44rraPeleLDl.,,...t.- atm.!, 1=4411A4P110.14h6;t Wooer', origenn""r ~ 1ai,..! ,, + r -, ;AIiTBD nTol .ItNT/44!rtetitc - 1 - ,' f TENEIEENV.WriII • ELCIUTEDObtE , • in a Komi netighbdtimeed, ' on or. stoke the Coalmen' i szposhroy, for rt , ito!t o ip=rel c ir t tet.q. - ,14 42441 ..; .... - 5.:, ,- ~ intubuntropostoft&o..l null 1 ' i ons . ,w i X •• • oa the tadkattotas of Oh, by ttai*tt us h r . 1 Shwa years expertenonin too oil Undo o , Penneyt , Tanta and Wen lortmlola, with. fig! .Instradinsurt Bent I T,r, t !, ' ' - .7 i°.1 11 --' 117E1: : ."P Anson's; :.rniA4 , 2,521 ` .,' -K1R:„):w,P0PU1,901..004 4.V VANTED.4I.O BUY-4, tiruiiiilvreiliiii ~- v T - house,:soattintn# freandhdt teieight Wein!. ' 414 person hxYhMenen aheadne fen onto nial.tearn or 'a nutaisier hy addtesdng . 0 1.10101 1, tiameres Order; et allanideAtton: Plitt, tertne , y!ti H. , ... 20 ha - li Littieleilteibi...VO: 4 lane - ' n.)do - do, . do tint 2 ,V. •• , ' to-dn' o li o 'TAW ItekeFei t..' , ; Just toceleed and far sato V , • '. , • - . , ~. ~ : klei..2, a.liee ARMSTRONG. W lIITE 13 ANS.' - • 2.3 bbii bristle Vltte teeclitd sibilbreisle by 2 . ' - . T.ErzEnk. All If :bin (..;1 4 16 - , _ • Cornor llnticet no.l Elate IN= bbli 1 , 3. X Reetl ; - Just ; ri.w..,tlred,hodf, _ ,;;• ;, WAYl5lO:4lar war. tat -,VETZtik*.AItIOTIIOIIOtr. CIOV AR KEED. 4 4O , bbltv Orittio • equ'ver• ' ju .",. " ll7l 4 =lr ain(nlo, Wiz ',ANWAR mitilertitreem OSINDSIM RISMENTarft, for We_„br, I , ..lllltigT MOOtitattfi. G.11ENR.Tif,00144 1 3 0, : barreinbr: CiV a `` * REINST 14.00fitatfer' MEE Taz T ORRIW& NATIONAL BEM Of Pittaburgh4 Con:' ; k2a•Ei Avonsns aorriMtdadan t. SPRINGER HARR MD) Ytoe President. GEORGE ENDLY, 0 er. This Bask Invites the Sseounts of Banks, Bank• en sod °thew - - Goremmeat Securities of all khhis bought and old it current rates:' As.I3PF.CIAL ALGERT of Jay Cooks; ' , putty.. tionswlll be-received for the Popular 1-80 Loark. , Thla loan le now being !inf.:Wind 3be foto of 8,000,000 1 ,1 0 . 1" =key. ant. Are Mpg esavertaLs lino tie ba& which Er. ti agraiga 0 ° T .4 PBB 'CENT: "It eon tar tar lts superior dims; Wm, to all. drab aer>