The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, March 07, 1865, Image 2

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    --- , e'
,~~ ~:~~;
00d, Ide
, fits guiding hand, u
:,,re known in our hit Miry, or
.J.1).117 other, taco the days of the
• '.3 rulers of lerael and Judah. It marks
a new era, and is a token for good. It re-
_.,.minas us of the remark of. Monosh's wife
—"titled purposed to destroy us, he would
not hare shown us such things as these."
We may neccpt thera.astyldence
Lis purpose to "be .merciful to us and bless
its, and cause his facv_ii, shine upon ua."
7 That Insu,guial Is n remarkable document
There is ;lot the slightest trace of egotism, •
or of boirOing, 4;:d -Uixm
rearileg it, We might Well briagine..that
writer had-been; sitting et the 'feet of Wm
Who aahl,..Learn me,. for lam meek and
lowly luteart iihst he 1341 of.
those wdOise 'ream has - heee poured *v,tt
niion without measure, we are reMind..
• ed of the prayer" of the. .bliine'SulfereiL-'
"Fatheri forgire then; they !mow notyrhat
they do.'," :Finn a. reek to, his.purpose..
that Stall be ,restoreti to its br.
tegfity, and the government to iti rightful
authority, and ! that slaye.ry shall cease to
- curse and disgrace . .our land, he stands
ready, with open arms to welcome haul: to
dui and allegiance altlehiicome.
To hearths ruler agreat natio; in such , 1
an hour as this, in the Rildst of . the mightiest,:
conflict the - yrorld'irtrer saw with. his feet•
almost aped tho rieeks r .Ok hit "e r uelurei,:eity.'
after city.falling..before bisiictroloorarrales,
[ yet still - struggli4g . with therwieliedeit,
nteanestomd cruelest struggling .
' was called to itntend with—to' berir'snelt a
man talkinrus Annanati . laxoil:a talks,'
' - will astonish the."_World:' The%despets of
ZuropetirlicAntrw of no power but that of
'brute force, wilt net be ableto.'usideriburd
it; tint goodineir eteririiiitere' will 14,tas
I , words as tile,luirldrigerof better tra=4tf
Tire PciPors-Enravciacku
• The Hew Tork Evening YortglireF a full:
• -abstract orthe opinionsot the preis
rope ortirkiEOPOS toeyclics!.. , The. ohm
' Ca'h°aP:POßre.' 6lbkch
few in - number ) all iMprore of, keg ielutro,
. but tb4ittigW,CjitlioOirsef, as,dephiedly. s . *At, l e . moit,siagorieln
this sairmectied - thatthe Proteiteit - or;
gen ortaidgh'Eritssiari talstohrtet, - ;and:
the °rpm!? the' High -"Chunk- Pariy. nr.
England bavahOthlaisloiseir lberrorls
liberal and. proiopßtiiAer:!"._
The. atholle poptdatfon of Europe Ara,
even Mers Wipe their
the piee`s. ' The Belgiaill*Wirairlitjak
mons in ialitmitM: . trot the claims oithiPoPo
as eutbrely incompatibleewliit 11± Belgian
c°11.1114104,344. hAispian Reichs
• Extb Mt orrwhelnitag - majori ty of the low.
or !mesa militias in dernanddni reli
gions IWertytekhe Inserted eqnang - the fan- .
damental.**liles Of ilia constitution.
. .
Italy; s. pope on-of a out twenty.;
Also of people,. Wes until a • few
yearagit,Mleaiblered ' ~phrely Catholic '
countryolnieratieg :with' reluctance
congregationeof Waldensesatel a few thou
sand •
Jew's. :Now the lower.homie of the
Italian Piwilsinent contains ira o AgAts mem
bers leviathan half •ft dozen members who
in eccipshoitleol mmitions Inippoit 'the Views
of the Papa, The overwheimisg Majority
have but tuctintrepeated their , desire: to ,
aid 111G1110 - 11001 i MI of the temporal power •
of.the PAO, and in the annexathin of the
papal , territorrto Italy. The sentiments.
of the majority . of the Km, and the mem
bers of Parliament% are .expressed. by the
iircffienOlter leading paper of. Elorenee, the,
plesent. eSpit4 of Italy, wiLetc;ic remarks: ,
'Th e position. of the papacy and the church
is deterznined therefdre,. by the circular—
War iritfibut truce . and without armistice .
betweeiralis Papaoy. and Modem davit
In Spain, the publication of the ZUCYCII , '
---titd has been forbidden - and in Portugal the
majority of the PortugUese_ papers 'can upon
the government not to allow the, Whops to
promulgate it. • _
As far as publinopialan
• tain
ed farm' 710 *umber anti the ' circulation of::
political; papers and from other indications
of public. opinion, -it would .therefore, ale
pear that every - Vatholic country of Europei
has very emphatically declared itself against
-the recent circular; • • •
, • ... .
- SESEIG IlEsglregorts.
• In a prOttritinttion to: the forth Carona
, , ~, , ,
• • .
laps, Governor Vercasays that '.`thousinds.
I: upon thMunwul-s of thenrMy, absent with:.
;. , out lesin;nris haldng in, tiut Wools and
4- -. 1. mansion Of the South." So much for' dl=
1 sect etldmice that the rebel army li denier
allsee: The indirect propf is ;furnishe d In
. .
istichisfrOsn.the.liichMond Sentinel and tke
.7/evil's: The thrmer , belabors Governor
s , ----- .
• .. __BzowS stiVerely,Atud • • says: .
i' 7 ' . " It Is such-utterances as .his that. Make
'• ' , - ieserters from our espy. •We are informed
...; "•) that . to . those regiment*. - Or commands from :
' V
lach *scram , are Most common, noticed. -
' ing is pmmalty *tired, except'. such as deals
I, _in rebU crieures of the Government, and in
p teclictions of certain "and hopeless
. " failure mui. , defest; in consequence of what
, • Is alined to to, unutterable and invariable
t.' ofild4tolly and stupidity on every .pmod.
.• f . ble question. - Beamed these demoralizing .
1 *. diatribes and brood over them until they
:. 1 . .•.. become ukcliess and dewpairing, and when
. f . .. -•-• wigy3, - conter, and they are set on outpost
' .... • tlud, they iietwhat there thrdttbaders logi
bid tp_lit ,to de-tthe y'sdeiert. Why
it ahou4tlinl,"7. thVeve the half
that is to kin the ,' - - • ny deiterteri
t? Gee. ilroiiP). n . „.., ma k e , d epme i a
li V wf
. ..I. on the cumber . • cornet lritt,wfta may find
' I V their our trenches - .*. . 1..,. ; . .
The, Enquirer says:
~, . . 0„.11e must be , presumed to understand and
,t,''..?„.. . Kiend and &tactile results that must ccc.
t'', , Algal,. follow las recommendations if adop.
N- . tWV That Gov. &men- it •trzleasoring to
It . ig a ng the 0 rnties of the , Clonfederacy, that
' • actively lingo - at in prottoutioy the high
' i - ~ -so •
holds to. the service of th e pebtio
... e, ... ' king, with ati . the-pelnkrs of
4 * .4.04
'' Ids o . tatansitcrogeland,peo.
' ‘ ,lq• .-.--
Yokni ttt-s!'l 36ter4l,l4sl-aP L ar . ent t o d r ifr iF it7
Pr- . exPlanA4l,.S.gll-.collYte - no t /z ,.' . .
•-• from traltors.whoinsve betraye . e covet
. ;!:? ' 1 . . inns Gni z Gliairr.-afie - Chi ca g o-Jour,
• :':- Z: 3. • - ' ''''
;VII states ‘ C.. B. Duni' o, •-• an.oldPn mond:
friend of Gen. GRANT. has . lust ; rturnOzu ,
.r..i . ,..;- . 1 -
, g'.l-C- from a visit to the front, and brings back :
' ff.i: . • w ith - him this assurance : , . .:, :
• Oen. Grant to very confident ;featly ind
e nters success. Be bas the Utmost faith In
Sherman:- it isnot unlikely that . we shall
hear of important news from that quarter
before another Week.
vp a i s I' , '~~~: ~ q-.a v`- , '~~
~~ t k~T
... Y, \
, ' It, )0
lie ayrrq
. , „jog la the grave,
' ' ... titi ° '"
tiallei silt- .
, ...` ony i 'lt.sneltesh• 1
!Ws go,marohina c al
We'll totagJed Davis ons cram apple tree, . _
Weil roma Jeff Darts on a crab spole.tree.
Well lava Jeff Davis on &crab apple-tree,
. , , to we go inwernag on!
- liatighie; If yea can,' this stirring song
chanted with the molt rapturous, most ex
ultant emphasisPitya regiment of ' , negro
troopv, i who. bad b ee n lying in sight' 9f
Chat:whoa fbr nearly two years -as they
trod 'With.' turaultrions d.dlght along the
.. , . ,
streets of this pro. Slavery city, whose soil
they had just touched for the first time
imagine them, in too Mtn light of the eve.
teeing on every side groups of their
tram race-men, v, Omen, maidens and little
children, who - greeted them with a joy that
knew no bounds tare that of Physical abil
ity to express itself fully-imagine them,
as they finished their song ot - triumph,
unite with erpmi ecitacy, in joining - in that
ether thrilling melody :
Down with the traitor.
' :Us with the tow,-
I'roner:4e them cheer, as only triumphant
tronps can • dicer, 'Am honor of the "stars
and " snipes and "Massachusetts," and
" Governor 'Andrew," and you may con
"...mire, (albeit very faintly:) the:sublime and
unequaled scene - that I had the privilege of
witnessing on Tuesday night rn. Charleston.
I heard a Lieutenant of the 55th, in eo.r
mend of Company . I, give the Orticr.
'Shoulder Anus,'" and in, a udnute Idler.
Ward shook Ilan is with hirrii.for he was an
old acquaintance. Who do you think ho
wag' The son of William Lloyd Garrison!
itr..ono AND WITITE LOYALTY. L . ,
Tiere are white loyalists in Charlestonr
but thus far theyhifveA shown thernselres,
with but two exceptions, to be infinitely
fetior to the negroes in courage, They take
Sou by the button-hole,. away in statue' cor
. tier, - or where they are certain that we are
all Northern`men. -They are afraid to fling
out the flag; afraid to rejoice ~openly with
us; afraid to say. that theirsoul is their own
-which.indeed la:doubtful '" ' Bet the net:
,-groett cheer us, bless us, dance rot joy when
' they -see _our glinibus flag-pray: for _us,
-right for. us, --"can't lore. us enough,", as
they beautifully express it. The , negroes
:nay be an inferior race up North, but not by a good deal:- -
moss's, wentrot..
Our vmsterwontan al Hiltan Head was a
talented-and bitty
- like Malond person nom- , •
eti - Rose: Her manners 'would hare done to - enlY draiiting - room. Her husband
and she, - with two other *slaves, escaped
stem; chgrierten: three 'yaps since - ,' by a
; bolder -morethent_ .than that -of .Robert
Btasil They went out one, moonlight night
in a -little canoe, . and wawa past Pent
Hamter, so•near it that they saw the watt
`reels pacing toned - fro We thebattlements.
[ They were; taken up by a enboat, , and went
' tieoston; where. they bred a year, when
' t y came back to Mina Headiinthe hope'
of being able to reach Charlestma
.••Ilosa asked us to try and see her mother,
,and tell old' weman-ttust she mull lived
and would join' her at an eatiy. slay.- She
thought that her mother was at Gov: •Aikt•
en's and we- Weat_then; endow: Of.bisei - -, - ,
alayes•cooductad nolo het Manse, proud to:
Me able to render anyterricetotheYankeen'
In one ofttur rear , buildingi of nthlrti-clash
ean, the old woman was rivinc::Ex-Gov.:
'AitenTeekelard'threwciPenthe dottr,- mad
with quite n : -dramatic air tetrndikokildi
Weed "Carleton,", as,J. seppOomrso Amer-.
inn was-Presintrrala 4 ha anyonebefore:
..werrinesimlteiresdaressferowtaissiwfoe norm
`- ..Thiela4oman 'sprung Up 011 a bell-
-scream; half-shout of joy, grasped his band
,in.i.oth of him, ittal,'„lookingtrrerrently ,
'Gib tcark?Streautins - ,d6,W0, , her,: ,
..ra rrowt
cheek, gave; nneraace to emotions or:gni
tulle to-her - -God se'tenelibtr,_:, 4o ferrett so I
' t/itilillf 'that I carnet. Uttar eff it yet
- with:'
int In ng my owe tears Willits:.
hither In p"aprelekting or in"pulpit have
T ever Anita. eitelp:usalloyed - devotion,
Carleton well so overpowered with sylispa- •
tbeticetrottion Gut he wept almost as much
'as the old , ni0the.......1 will not attempt tir•
- ace herwords , --forthe tinders only tell of
the .f.te to those oebitro' felt Its watmth.
The words were simple and itiokeit and un- i
°Path, but the soil of the, Royal Psalmist'
never:surged- vs ith.'s -more: geindna deco, .
Lion.';She offend to share her scanty lot of
meal with rillib d in cook fortit4Hte,pre 4 sed
ns to call on her; .iigaiii and again, and as
we parted the di mother • beat down and'
fervently kissed MT hands. '- ' ' - ,
Aid yet the derni.fiends of the Eknath dam. '
to eay that these people have no. enduring- ,
affection' for their children '.- that they suffer
no mitre Thai *I -herds-of the teldsder.
when they learnthat their little oneebsveli
`been sold away from them.': This rebellion
did not come toe BOON either for- our ii oo4 l:'
or theirs, and mins we are ready to do the
Wiest justice tb the'slaves-Ann truest and
almost our only friendi in the- Sianth.;-4t can
, not last too long. And until then, "damned
• be lie who first,mies.'hold, enetagh. , "
. 1 - LoTaterr IN CLIABLESTON. -- ..
, . . , , , , -
, Timie are few white Gu.tortiats. here, but'
`Lies y are chiefly of foreign birth, - or poor,
.end many of then into of the - "Gnion as it
was"' tort :.a.' tiumber_ are beginning to
claim that they have been Union all along
but were compelled to talk secession to save
themseires., .., , ... ; • f ' . •
"Why, you people here who claim to be
, Union," I add tp one pfthe prominent cit.
turn, .."seem to have: been-. greater- slain
'than the nogtoes.' 'You say you were nom.
I polled toaay what Mb And not believe":
-Ili a
- ' wincadis little but rePlied;' - "Yes,
it's Ent, sir; youlli no idea of what peo
lif d to" submit to here; who .were not
' re-eaters." . _ •.' • .., .., - . , ..,:
,mul oLn.ancis4tits. • ~
.1 In walking along. 'one of the battered
streets in "Clifton Town,'" ;Carleton of
: 27ie' Boston' JoUrnal,andi,canie up with an
old coloreittroman ahem we spoke to as we
woad. She was not disposeillo let; us go
I on. She grasped our hands, - and told,ns.
how gratelnl she was to the Lord that we ,
had come. She was ed years old she 064;
but she danced for joy on Satur day... AO
she t wig a song then which she immediate
ly meg to us. It was one of the straple
Chants for which the =grew are noted-rep
etitions of the • same lin es, with a certain
rytbin but withmit' rhyme, sweetly sang in
plaintive notes: • - - 1 . ..
• .. re's long been peozota'l..,
Yes lona West woolen', .
Ten loaf been wwentle, •
• I,:w to tote de land ;
And now ye's froomtn l , .
And nay pea s4ouita.,
liod now - yo'• a-comio', ,
. .. .. . oe to rule do l
Y and."
A . chums "bressed de Lord" for our Cora
big, but I failed to remember it. _
"You are glad the Yankees have cease,
thee 1" said Carleton. -
"01- chile," she said "I can't bress .de
Lord enough. lint I doesn't mill you
'Yankees.' "..
"3Pfhat do you call us, then r:
"1' call you ,‘Jesus 's Aids,_'. and'
-I.lcall .
you's head man !de Messiah.'" '
Slie innlon, in the aingulat Wiyinitridelt
the negroes express their °motions of relic.
_it isworthy orticife that
those colored people who are .of a '' plea";
• turn invariably bless es at ageraof Prow
idesos,-and. give unto °ode:11111e glorrf '!'l'
can't bens de Lord'enough": and, "Bross'
you, chile, we Mtn' t love you enough" are
phreaes that .I have heard heroe - more than
once in walking along the streets.- - --;'.. n
The last±-words of the old ingress were
as tine as einylld i ng I ever heard these good,
peole atter. 'Mr. gillmore lare*de
gun p e," she :said, looking upward,' "and I.
bear de shells a Edna' Ober my head, I say
teome,..dear Jesus,' and I feel nearer to
Heaben den I el:citedWren , '"
Mt' vtl:El . T Or. ITS C
a MI O. I. ;I ha, Leen It gencr..
11 clearing out of the t be; coterie which,
thee last sumwer, has hovered about the
(miler in our vicinity. A meeting of
irty or forth including Mr..Tacob Thocap
, ar.d some other celitbritica, was held at
minondville, C. V,.„ last week, and a
muuication from Jeff.- Davis was then
and a :ted upon:. The report is that
liar:kora Government announced to
',radian emissaries its intention to
v abandon, Richmond atfd — make its
titers somewhere. In' Bentham Ken-
East Tennessee,' where the last
thy of the unitary. ;power of the
•cy is to take place. In accordance
programme the exiles were in
make their way- back to the
Id of the 'neat .ditelt" :without
'ever this, story may tally with
certain that on Saturday last
8 had departed southward.
tined passports, or managed
a lines, we are. not informed.
rk'Tribune speaks of affairs
jorninge as follows:
fr hilt!, the Spaniards aro on the point of
evaeuating San Domingo, new dllliellSio2lll
seem to have broken out among the Na
%lowa party. According to the /Melia 3fer.
cows/ of Porto Rico, a new revolution has
occurred at Santiago,, in consequence of
which 'President Polanco has been deposed'
and imprisoned. Rojas has been provision-.
ally appointed President until the election
by popular vote. The cause of this *volu
tion was sots to3be a defeat of Paiute° by
Pedro Marlines, who, at, the head of four
hundred insurgents, attempted to hoist the
Spanish flag at Santiago. There were sev
eral other rumors, all unfavorable to the
Dominican cause; ,but as they from a
source by no means remarkabli for accu
racy, they need confinnation. ' '
..A. COUISESPONDUNT of ..the Now York 1
Herad gives the fellqwlng account of the
condition in whicliGeneral Gilimore found
Fort Blunter:
"It had nine guns tails armament—two
rifled thirty-totes, one ten-inch oolumbiad,
two lifted four-inch, in casemate, looking
toward Moultrie, an4rfour , mountain how
itzers and Dahlgren kewitzers on the para
pet to repel assaulting puttee. Within it
was so arranged that if en assaulting party
got over the Iron entanglements, abatis and
obstroßions, gained` the parapet and de
scended to the terrrpleia of the. work, they
would be. under . a musketry fire from all
points which they could not reply to. The
work could have been taken only by a heavy
loss of life. It is stronger than when we
fired the first gun against it."
YORK.—A very.pcculiar service took place
at Trinity (Episcopal) Chapel; New Tett,
on Thursday morning, Father Agapins, a
Greek' priest, elliciating at the altar, end
performing certain ceremonies known only
to the Russian (or Greek) Church; The
"chancel en the occasion. was lighted with
tapers. The priest was arrayed in a white
robe trimmed with gold, open in front, and
.displaying a scarlet -scarf. The prayers
throughout were sung or intoned. The day
being the anniversery of the coronation of
the preterit Emperoyert, Russia, Alexander
11, the liturgy appointed tOr that tiocasien
I was added. I.n. the chancel were Bishop
Southgate, Rev. Dr.. Dix and Rev, Dr.
BEirEN CED. —D Tf: Plannigin, edi
tor or the. Mason !Dirt/Merck (a weekly pa
per published In Warren connty,) who was
trier. before a 310itary Oommission here, for
publishing "traitorous sentiments" of the
ivrongest character, has been sentenced to
six months orhard labor in FOrt Delaware.
The sentence has been apProved by General
Hooker.Flanagan.lElll leave
_to -day.—
imitiLie JroTic,Es.
11. a.,
lix 4ut.hosity of tat, Beastas7 ol the Tv:astir,.
.the undirs*ii flu situ* ti ! setiineig - Sid*
soriPtiim Ater*l OA; or initiid .sutai
Tre.gyi Notes, 'Waling: Him mid Wei Watts
''''4t:!" . !'iTig• P er eiTire.lfe#!"
'Time if ;Avg are Intel ander date of August '
46.11.1tirl ardt3tretr . ..r*rt I!!teat tent Mae.
.14sarreael. seam tadreetrAbla at the ' agtes rd tat&
D. S. 5-20 Sh Per *it
Tboo - boodO motor wanks onotioakotiolas
Pe! Mao in"Slagiq d4 4,4,
estievit , tp411. , tbill4tst bstailit. Omit lieepor
ant. jei 'isiteithtedittit ae#4lreill ' e!.*
M_ + 00461. iiir4
ji!'r , otit. ford, asiWigdftli tit tai rm. Mier
rp. :144 seit«i
,aidi b.
*Leo ars te' say tea* lor banker: •
— *Wats: kouranto to
per: alai -per-day
tents moo'
. goo() "
20 ' ' •
/Cali* . of -the Itentnatloas asseetwill
Oc4tourPiae ii, P o !res.( rbi-iP,l=,
slow 'peered °Sued It
erpeatcd tut 11/ =prior dßantKu
itake it . .
Greta Popular Leah of the People.
Le o e uu , egoopoopoo somata =KA whiolt wan -
peObably be darpotoot of Edda - tha next GO oe.lo
4ap4wtteet the noteiwill tosiotibtolly comtwut a
peesoptm, as haa ualfatoilLbotat the eaa.a tea 44461 '
.tiro, sopeertpttou to other Lola: ~.,-• .
'on*. that the of wee* tows east
*L. Airci=d4:4eilitiai
toe tiltlai tit* 14;-Uee NaiSoiia inks: Mit°
Sault% ittut PettsUr Haaketothrirtithout the come
ter bites. tenetall agreed;W. reettivaWhecoh3 4 4 ol tO
at, par. at
.ibiiiiibers will wheat itself owl atrata,
la. whom Wet have eonetleneo; and who outran
to' bs responsible lor the dellveziof the . e*i ter
. .
which they reale, attar& - . • ,
Subapription Agent, Made4l4
Seitscriyalues Win! received by the
1!ri$:41110fial l• h.
anus% “, • '
It ]Warm Sallee! !al, l'a
ittllollllerte. "
We City " - I n.
!redrawn • "
Varsatioe Denali
Intweira • •
Vita . -
Ailegliesy ,
. •
I , irss- - • -
• tetiofVulk.
. 0. o.P.' , 4l:.*EZTlatfil Or TEE
I , OOOIIITTES et the various Lodket new
emu leg • the 'Xlth_e a lteU owebultilag,wrl ll ba Melt
at ,t ..01121. 1100 j Er caITHURLODLIr
yotzsturG, ath i r at • Weleak. Good at.,
~g esdo tif la lee et, at 00,011;0 . 10 lakpot.'
A wl will tra sated. 1 - • • • WA:LC
`TT bouist eontiinloyetresi Court° eight towns:
A ny rralnying Pileup house Pesete am leant.
of archaise by addreistog “1101Milastret
all doting losattori. prise, teems, ha.,,
TO,..RENT.-.4.!Lest --
iarmatigorwrra km= Boom; •
In ikkood beiebberblbbatle Commies,
In Allegheny. Tot ertkietti trbeftt rent *III be pail
!Leaves. • . LOOK SOT Milli,
' 4E' mit TIS
Of Pittsburgh,
Anriusytip 1101£1.E11, President.
SPA/PiGE A. P.N.DLY. tnat °ashler. ce Preeident.
Thla Bank Mattes ibe tueountA of Banks, Bank.
era and ahem.
Goveroment Securities of all kin bought and
sold dt'ennent rates.
Aa SPECIAL AGENT of Jay Gooks, anbaerip•
Go:myth btkreeetved for the
Popular 7-30 Loan.
Thte loan le Doer being absorbed st the rote o
6,060,000 N.O3C =Skye
and acing convertible • lath Ciao-twenty_ howls
which ere now at a pendant of over PEE
CENT. It cominenda itself for its superlor dvan
tage* to all who !sea rate arid proltable invest
Liberal enemies - tom on this lonti will be allowed
t all dealers la Otorarnment Nocitrlttee:
GEO. A. REDLY, ambler
Capital liteek. • • • • - • 8108.080.
88ares. 10R•000: 81 00 cacti.
Working rand, - • - • • • 820.000.
The • • of this Company Cr, situated la lime
I,ed 'Township, Lewis county, deetarn
on and erne lha West Fork, the heed aders or
the lalcdionsakelis Steer. The properly eocustets of;
24 . 5 Acres on a Lease of 20 Years,
SMOOT TO . GOTALTT or 030411111.
Bab** to a Ropily of Oso•Elght h.
There are a number of burning sprints on the
lands of the Clompary, and competent I udges
der them as the Most. pro sitting Oil Tel ?Baty in
West TOO:06 Coal nod timber are abundant on
racyci s ; and the Writ Fork and good roods Bal t imore
and(nenMai tor transportatien to the Baltimore
and Obbs Railroad. New York and Phllsdelphio
compneier aro now developing adjoining tracts.
Or It a limited number of troves will be sold to
ralte the working fund, and as stockholders are
mutually in tooted is all the profits of the tem.
liany, it prreen . • a most desirable investmetit to
Books tor the subscription of stock ' will be
open at the Drug. Store of FREDBRION BRAUN,
Comer of St. Clair and Libertystreett; at BkOft,
OPEN k SON No. fCt Smlthdcid street; at the
Dreg Store of J. C. MOIE, No. C9l Penn sttreeell
at Prue Store of A. IBIELEDUR,G, No. SO
Penntyivaala Avenue.
O. HAMA. ProOdent pro tern.
A. LANDE, Secretary pro tem.
I. G. DAONOFEN, Treasurer pro tens.
and Telreti •
Ileac Tee and Three Ply lawrain.
liall'arasened • Oil Clothe. Cram E to
24 fret Wide.
Maelia. Paper, and .VoinWan
Window Minden
are, Slat amain( oar SPRING STOdRi
comprising the newest aid. choicest Pattetas Ia
the market, at a
Sevestptour_ teats to St per
from prices of last year.
Am , .COott• soat fan to stirs satiation** win
pa %shoo tack s*hOstioney..rdatoded. .
n aid ts nen' srazsr;
Ws: Nest doer to Custom iietell •ad P. O.
WIDE 13I.EaCIIED1113StaffS for Si onto.
'14.4041/AltD BLE/4011ED 11113LINE1 for 46
sebt WOO testa. •
COLORED retina tore; oats.
ITltill6lllll IVA . OHM?
Is prefottios, mil as goods ars raw Op, OW II
Se lisle to trup. - . 21401
. ~. . „
Is new Mit OrLaileadi SO;Ilia eetiteleiwitinet .
stew at • their spilt mallet- icor -SS cl erne ,
erISEIZY, (op ste4re4 Pltubergo,Pai_ial OM IoW
prepared bero a deaetal baiter*, ta marl lig; Sal i.•
SM.,' Selland. &other and FerVardlar OM, mr, 1
Works ere en the banks at, tile. Alledbitay river,
hberve tbe city and will In I theft tithe be ea_ pable .
Jot meantaeterizeOllT HUNDRED BLRBELS
'OF =FINED ' 1.101-W18 1, 4 0 , whiebertit beef -
lye' . 4 Ocantli aedin-,Prisse Pien sitw. , ,ll.ll:the ,
of this Company to. wale a Sret.elses bread
in n,bed no patorwill be eparedlo stye tt
tbst reeler: They wilt also glee th e forward
ing e tette pellets east or Won, Partiettlat.attdsb• •
non, Audis tilts breach el- Ow. Ruillaatil win., bees
1 unrivalled 'wattle., laths will be taken. Soar
tb • bolts to the can by insaitnery,wad thee weld
ell wbirfideotrayier• or delept. , PatUes ecostsw ,
Ing their-OA tis .ne lea tAren Aerial It °Wet '
through with plogoptittlielutaillapstot. ~,L _
The Commit has a Capital or dt . n31),000, ertgi lie MA 5t11.1.1.: - : . .^, • ••
Ereretary , .e. BER R
INGE, ~ -- -.... •,• . , .
Tromitater-41.L311c0111NE., . - - •• .
Dtroatere—A. DL-![sashed ,, J. F. ilsaita.'3laow
Old. J. T. Blaraid,Artriur Strk. 3 M. VW*, S. IL-
Keller; David Spheral W. Itareiltow: ;• - -
I s nertatendent awl 81111128 U *auger -I•Apu.
Ceiviwpriodenie and orders seSeliett.ind all eem
lbgnic6l,l` 14 Y`f 6 q0!' dta. . , _ - .
National Staringamallattning Company.
. „ , ,
, yeteley , • ~ prnimonut,.
. . ..
- IgN)CO, "
WHITE, 02114 CO„ •
}25.111* 'Sfreet
kui4e?ust mantis' ariottote et
111 1,7
Ittourinue, Bilk
i}bleb t~he7 olrer far tald' at, thi,toirest
1 1 -- TEAS:BEN* at the sousr.' Of REEVM,
peraoos pretelted. Applleeato %re togtated
to. give good: termenee inn meet the Committee at
-- the Refuge on TURSD&Z 7th th t, ot tams
o'elotk r. m. By otdet et
ta:At Ati.rrrig.
*.pecia,l g - e 11 t
11. S. Agent kir the 7-30 Loan,
Me offer this destrable lavestment to eums to raft
purchasers. ne note. are in alma of
$6O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000.
C 1 33:1113414 1 P
Gl - 0 11. 01D So
, We ars now aosstsstly smelting our
i l
' NEWTOLL or sEautat,ooo l ll
complaints every Aspartioista,asalmi!
i classed Wks the past dislike in pilafs.
NEW.DittriallOODA. .
przw ß ALsion4s,.,, , .
, . NEW 1310ERTINGS,
I, A splendtdT stook of all kiwis of So
, tnb9 t rxrra NritEET.
S. S. Gar,Patent Depositary.
Prrrvseeria, February =4 aim.
Transferrable Aug; 15th, 1867,
Tlkcee desirable securities are selling at the rete of.
64;000,000 PER 13AY,
ITVtt be at a Premium.%
113 T s Bank Banker., Woken, Truat -Unin
pantert, Instu "nee Companies, and all Who pur
chase to sell
A Liberal Commie on Rill be Paid in Gatti
It LI, hoped every one will Invest In this highly
dealrelfie, sale awl profitable security.
JAW .O'CONNOR, President
S. D. NEERROIf, Casider
V. S. Government Depositary,
PrrYSIMIUSII. Febnliiry nth, thsh.
This Back invites corrrespoadattes and *sonata
xtru lamas
Special and Favorable Facilities
Furnishing U. B. 7-80's
ABici , eY4:xAMOn, prident.
S. 10.11111212011; Casator.. maw
-skwirigisient oeioarittarth
rtrstrtrittya:briaF, me":
t4i4 i!dmico itaknasksTrbofiveasorr , .
(After 30 Days.)
Bearing 6 Per Cent. Interest,
AND nuns marvenesierta
I , (D. ii..IDD.AffDDIDe) ,
alea ' Nlad l L
ansagebsol2 Wilk molt with 1.10 favor be th••oath*
comlDmttfrwad Witte wftastageot 00121.2321 six
pot 0014.12 02 1.272210.0 020 v 0 . 0 0 21.
mend& ;WIG we trust .e 324* deemed wl now
will le 2614203 Dm the OMMMIewt.
/An. OCONElliklieslint.
D. 8ER111.92t ,
saAma °MOE. •.
Prrmovio__,ir Pi, — Marsh 9, NO;
Sealed Proposal* will be- reeeived Me *Mem
natilLS o'clock X., t 16th nay of KARON. ling..
for the. delivery of -gm .Thonsand Medea%
Pittsburgh, Ps. .
Thew Wives
ore join Miele of seasoid Waiter,
•andluill'es per ;umlauting's, whirl' can be seen
Bids will be
red or twentplive oe
and am ;bu st be
Urea they will be delivered .
Propos be masked Proposals for Army
'NjEl_r and stitiromed; to Id col; G. Coosa,
Q. M. Gen% Pittsburgh, Pa.
mill be required of racceufnl Warn to
half tie a mefort of the contrast. - oignsel by two
good and sufficient. se euritles.•
• TO undersigned rescreen to himself tie lir' us
IT any or ell Wait he may deem too, h h._ .
yment to be m upon the completion o the .
contract, or so soon tie L reattar the unde S retnet
shall be in fund*. • O. GROS
soldld4 Oo an* Depute ft..M.Gen.
Nigilant Steam Fire Engine Conippy,
On ini d nalay Evening, Ear& 9th, 1886
DR. ;AIRE'S BIED/q 12 7 4
lwafe be pioeured at, ihe CENTRAL DRITO
- ligsv ITT'S
. . ,
The best!aed ialesiia,AtAlß '.DRES. •
aterket: a Seri Gal: bu; , •
• Feat & 00,11ithieere‘sph, •
itheelepro ,isud Tharti =
• , t
'...,%%'%•••,- .1%.•
P. eXriGNM-BRA'.. - -
Ctrll antiliedulatlearllsistalso.
PATS= AGENCY No. •Is ST. Vl,Ass. St,
aear s u mwsion Bridge. .I:lmitate sad .00101g0 , ..
Alone tot Steam Ftegtool.tad mothWnry geoetellf
Plano rand SpoottleaUono , for 'ldssistacwisa, , on i.
Retiperteo and AszbltoodaroVllrsortagoi Kaplan& -
11foologleal,BurvflonstallikleMoutOd.. Samosa
Na . .
:WALL PAPER&—The .nr.west designs ,
Tv of, goad,: valet; malt' and comzeom. papers,.
no, rCcelF at Atorkot lareot. near PD.
;at JOI bvalitel DB%
- - •
si - F: TT * .; a) T LA "'
1)A1. .
Buy NTS rVND. •
I.l.stgLr.. T 1 nnitT.
AelircorthErutpel 3 160 Jordan, olin 25
Adam J0hn......,. 23.140t/cher, Willtaut 10i
Bauer Frank . 120 :Roo ler, Joseph.... 4,J.
Ca te• , George.... 60 Anton-- 12;
Esuer..lsioepr 6.6lLutz. (Mast
Deckers, 1201L..zirus , Joh . 116
V,lnwer shem, Geo. 10, Lutz, Rudolph
Drahrs, 6. 000 .. .. 180 1.11..r1at
Breirnir.ger, Fred,. 103 Ali Lug, W.
tluzlisyle,„Tohn... 100 61 . 14 e al, Jamb..." 5.1
Conrad.... Rohr. JObil lO
Herrington, 4. Martin. L•llltrig...
Diebl,4ol.ol 65 31-ohr Co
Will am. '2O Prod; Jacob ' 110
Eigel, Justus.-- . 123 Pappert Adorn
Etthler, Jacob 105 Roblax. Edward...4o
Foenter, Edo ord..' .64 Rahn, 0. • Do
Finnan, Eckhart... 20 lieinksuf, ' Chrisi..
Frank, Anton Ridle.llener
Forst, Lorentz 14 / Shirk Frxok .....
Fritsch George .... 26:Schad, - 160
Gebboti, Gottfried 110 Segebrook, -1415
Gunther, Konrad.. 60 Self, . .. . 125
Gait, Gottlieb 116 Spangler Charles.; 123
Or ober, M. Seibert, Sebastian. 60
Ooh,-Franz • 25 Schrock, COnlltd... 10
Hack, .freeph..,... 160' Schwin. - Ilenry , .. 123
IlergenrotherAdim 114.Bnui, Philip.... ba
Hartman, John !Schelde, Justus... 25
(tanrer,J 'l3 Feltz; 123
Llillerich, Louis- 160 Wogner,,Henry....
Hinkel, .3 ae0b...... 'l6 Weirleb. Charles.. 126'
Bunter, Thos. A... 100 Wrier,
Hillertumus, Adam. 54•Wiedem 500 , Jos-. .221
Chrtat... 26'Zeh inter, . 150
Itierleii, Reinhart ' H
Keeler, enry .... .• 25
Anton r Christ $ ELege.nb - Mk Henry. 10
Hambach, John..- 10.Lappe 60
Backer, Nicholaa.. 21Lappe Martin. ...,.. in. ..... . 50 •
Benz Geerge 61Lorg -... 6
15.11110 r John 415
Day, Gra W.......2011 111 1er Fred. ..... 5
Eberhard, 25,11e - fuer John -...
Edmunds, Jesse . - .. • ' al Meister Charles-. 23
Ebeis, J. 13 - • • 101131xttenl 6
'Fischer. E 618leyethoper John. 8
Foratel, F 2211 -. 29:751'siJ011111ek la.
Finite t 10(11dmich Gebhart.... 10
Gees), Fhthp 25f Metzger Jacei
Geyer. Henry , 2Keirrahl August,. pa
Garrlmin, J 101112ber Ge0rge........ .
11 JG . . 10 Von Paul Fran z,.. 5
iiechel rs. Reiter Uorirad 'lOO
'Homily, Samuel-. 50 Reed A...- 60_
H arts. am Joseph.. 251Richs rdsos Hugh. 50
Hildebrand 'Aloha. • 6 1 R00s Charles.. - 10.
J 1 ...... s'Sebauer lO
lioinian George.... s!Seberet George.,..
Heim Kaphier..-- . 23.1.4cli0eidor A......--
11111 60.Schad 140111 s. - 6
Hoes eler August: , 501Fmaimier GoOlab..
11440111 p G. W ..... ..
liolmxP • 00 IStant Momby... 1513
Peter....._., 6,Sohraoner Michas! 2
Hummel 56'hitam. 10 1 Schomir0 Justus...
Rend ' s,Si:dr= Auguat. ..
140m:wager 60' Schneider Joseph. ' 15
hapaie tOiThiel 100
Koch George . . 6 Uncerzazt
Kiefer Lharlea--.', 10. Vositly John Sr.. 60
Kleirdianz John... 10; Wettach G otlleh • • 2 0
Ktitel II . . .. ' 10 iWagner
Kumler tOiWoolgol.o 1.
fonz... 10
Kell George.-- . 11' Winter 5
hi re tz 10!Wognot .lobu ..... 10
Kautz. it ichnel..- 'lo' Wolter Lorenz- • 10
Lofini J05eph......; 261 Werner John 13... 10
Lang tiecrie...-„.1 25 Wiese 60
Mum y retmisexiby acceptance of Bond.
Charles 106,001.
Ancustus Hart= ...... 1000
lieetinF at LGTZ k WAL2.B I on, I'HUBSEILY
332312.0, Maack ith, to receive report C ora.
mittec. =WSW
Sec. t. He it ordellna boa enacted by the &Jed and
Carmen Quarter of ti. : ^lly of Allegheny, and it fr
hereby brdetbrA •*.tt rrb.. , frd by the soar. That the
Committee on hervets ii 'ad they are hereby no.
thorlsed 4nd directed to invite and receive propo
sals for-the grading and paving of Fremont &tree.,
Second Ward, Dole Ohio later.* to Island LAVA
or city line, and to ontract therefor with the law.
eat and bet t bidder or blddersort their - discretion:
S. 2. That for the purpose .of defesytes the
cost and eximrted of the cad Improvements, them
be, end la -hereby lev led:a special tax, to be equal..
ly 5A1111.41 upon tile several lota bounding - and
nouttlag upon the said al tett respeetively, in pro
per! ieh CO the feet front to them reeptctivelycora
priori, and bounding am) abutting as aforesaid. •
ireci D. That as'athan as the cost and exposes( of
sahl Improveme.ste ihsli be fully ascertaleed, it
tball he the 'duty of the fitraet Oci=inteehiner to
ulna and epportion the • same amens the several
tote bewail:is and 'abutting upon sold street; rti
epectiyely, aecordieg to the rule above iodises.
eadthereupon proceed to nuke demand collec
the sane, according .to the provision , of the .Act
oi thatieneratiteserablY of the Commonwealth of
PCILDI3IVILA I / 1 , CA/Ulla An Act delintoSthe mass
ner of coticetingthe expenses of greeting and pay.
log of the street* and. sway. of the Day At Ah;
lan.! for ether purpOSelan pasted
, the'llits;,
tisth day of Iltardt, liel.
fled 4. -- That so much of ant drdiaanoe no may
contest with; orb* supplied by the _toregoinz.bei
and theses* ts hereby repeated. ,' •-1 -
Ilised and reacted tato a We tab, the won&
lay or March, /Lea* Demino, odd eight
'husitteit red; •
' • .711dES
• Prest. of te*e 1.4_00 ' ewes* -
- Prost. of Oorainorithiiteelis
D. A. DiaCirrauoti -
elerk .f Meet v , ompoll.: •
11. iicOONWHILE. ,
Cleat Oesinea. Osamu,
pgITOLEUbr —•
I ; Pie, New Wee kl y,.
NO. 3..
Tl 4 lair , m41'1111061 irvottr by imeetil corre
postagatot kits 511 the Wsiiipa 04 lOstpaly et 4,.
PACs, 10 bents; $3,50 per Annum.
•I 0 P. lona. publisher,
bf ZnAtmlicriaargll2.. ,
tn.ber pktilkua. 50,000. Beamed tor Work.
tat exaticat Shwa. /!*: TIIUI, p? pa
cilarnis'op ant -
Friediii--irT. watt - • •
Tttosan , 43. P. Maxim:Om ..
. Direden-ON. .Y•adervits, o.,Eindtb.N..F. ,
Zdauladick, W. F. Ckus. Ballinger. '•
Thal Company hes obtained. twentyya ars lease
of twenty sere • ot boring bend, ritnaudon Doak.
sod Creek tireen county, and II 4catolderal by.
many as tieing the best *Hate on the Creek." The
Corny leave coal privilege far developing the
ten ory"Tble Company have a new 1311,0211 at
•wo and Imre • well about= feet &OP, 'They
hays reads two strikes of Oil. and are now baring
on the Wed sand rook. The indication , for a pep
los well are eieellent.
The retook has all been taken. inblaweod
: - New.Yogic, Deasalmr, l3 s 4l . -
MESSRS. STEINWAY on. , . -. •
Hiring Urea your for some =eta public
and in nitrate; we definite express our unewalltied
admiration'tn regard to their merit*. >nee
"betolarlied hYiLe semority, harmonious richness ,
and roundness of tone, oomelned with
lag preterit of sound. moat ,Isau Mid, '
tag_itia riipportoig the rota, to • agree thalterres
*gamy t be deified , ' Indeed we bare tram met
with" 1 lastruments, not even of the most *el&
tea elected , a of EumpoLwhich We ilvera
-us obeli ' IRE SATISF&Or/ON, orpmdaUy as,
regards it resepuellor quiautu foracas=tigig:
.tea Sire and keeping In tune for so longs as
your • oscried.,we therefore cheseftlly meths.%
mend • em' before nit Mies to students of vocal ,
muds, the public generally. . -•, , , .
'Men Id irk, Director,' X. X. Lariat. scrprin_o,
li r Na Militant Tenor, ithanul Zurtili P. Dorm s,
F. Beth t, Barttoae, ' E. Mimi, vontralto,
W. Dot Tenor; . , Jennie an Zona, Sow
'J.NY -. oh, Dome, •P. De Mello, Conductor.
We aAlly Mine= in (be high opinlan'oi the
1 • A Y Si SONS Pianos, asexpressed by tits
it • of the Italian Opera, and ten only add that
'in tO . , lanes of their wonderful capacity foreep.
porttst and blendlny with the vela, we prefer them,
and no other mane Of Pianos when a sr= N.,
WAY inaltutneot - ran be had. We recommend
them l all students of vocal music, who desire a
reliable ovine In the Cultlration of the voice.
Carl Anshutr, •.. - Bertha .1 obstinate,
Carl Formes, . Melia Frederick,
Jos. ilermsons, . Pauline Canino,
Frans Dimmer, Isadore Lenrupw .
Thelialabelutann; G. Tamara.
artiste agency ot Steinway's Fiance, at
E..-xualut L k...8R0.,
GEO. A. KELLY & 01%,
FAi1t1501.1,1 7 1.41 112.1, ,
. !
;FOR Tlanpun• DRUMM, Sta. - •
'dt Inir arkietior minnpr,without Wuxi
to the
• r•
•• - 1• " • - . " ' ima.iirrrrs,
•• . ,
te . •
fertli ' •;' -.Pro: a - st:Otrate amt.
ER, No.
3.4o9lreibr.ltot Nitre:lo'4
Nflitolletala end- Tatatl denier. in ...ryadal of
000111% NarlONS,Tars,,aawirrs
Tt----A.TtREL FACTOR - Y. - TOR 8AL8 7 ,-All
the 'loieighte Msehluert - sad Implements for
the manufacture of ONF. HrNDENfb OIL BAH.
EELS PER DANicomplete no d Iti Viod ruental
abler; Inquire of ," . MN. M. SHINN,
Whited • - • ••'"1(ci.411 Fourth etre@
F ITTSRURGH ._bpsraticc„ COMY.b.NY
.13P2001110tt-;fiA misomoniont or !lie mints
ear :Shire Ins PO» levied on theshoes eteeleby,
s treet,
at the No; he Water
street, Pitudoursi. on Or Wren . the Ath- 4ey. at
March nest, WU. P. .TONSS.
, Trimust.
0 -Eu7 x.:l-Eitrisz-trE.rrB.
TE commoN" PEN'Y. I
N'YLVANlA.—Sts'etnnit of the Coalition .
of the RANTFORD FIR 1: INSURANCE 00 , 1. '
rANy, 03 the an day
of DCcru bur, it , t,
1. Camtal Store.-- . ....,._..». 4 I ~ 0, 044 , .4)
2 Number 01 Slm* of stack eiroseri
, 1, 1 4 f v ,.............- Ten Thousand.
I. Amount of •Aseessments nr instal.
' menu no stook pail tn. In cash . 1
I'lbe 4 Clue, or as nearly
as may be, .1 the lies' '•
EL sic ~.eta by the Close.
pan* .
I. Amount of Cash on timid,,
it in Banks .....-----. 9.. 02 07
1. Lnunt of 0, 10 deposit
ed in Banks. specifying
in what Banks, the tame
le neposkivd ...... _..-_-. --
4 Amount of trash in bands
of Agent. ant in course.
of transmission 08,321 112-t.1 1 , 47.1 fa
C. Amount of bans seem
red by Bonds and mort
Estate, Onwhi4ll there
is lees than one o
wing •
interestdueand ovin e -- •
4. Amount of Loans on
which intermit has not
been paid within One
7. Amormt due Company,
havech Judgments
' been obtained. --, ---...
0. Amennt of Stocks owe. -
y the Company,
w 'd h:etter of any State,
or of the Coined Statee
or of any incorporated
States,o the United ~
or of any other
deed iption, specifying
the aumber of sham
ant the per and the
taarkst value of the
same ~.. ....... .)
05OtEll /OD 50133 ne sonnowe, 0E:
Par value. W.taket , vsl wt.
aft shares Watt.
ford -Bank
(ord..-- -- 451,00 00 MOP. tu
CO shares Phoe
nix Bank
&teeth, Hart
ford-. ... _-.... 45,145 , 0 0 G,71 0 re
100 shares Con
necticut El.
ser Banking
Co. Stock,
ilmtfurd ... 4,0 n 00 5,f."1 00
.000 Nntionnt
Think. Bart
toed 'opts. ea 11,tion 00
lea 13 4 1 e of Hart
ford county, •
Rartfeed ...• :At* 00 9,701 03
leo Charter flak t - - , •
rott•nal II k ,
Stook, hhot - '
f or a ~l ist' o 41,010 00
240 Pitmen and •
Di echapics ,
Bask, Bart
ford 2c . ' I 13:1 31,200 03
130 Mercantile
Bank, Bart.
ford . ... .... 15,0 V NI 14,2E 0 00'
1M Plc it Nat.
Copal Hank
B4O110n:1 13X0 00 ISA*" 00
OW .ititnt Bank
( stock, Barb
o MAO 00 .2/I,go 00
206 City Bank,
liertfort ... .14.,32 23,111 Oa
200 A ms rl c an
- Bank Stook, •
New.Tork - 20,000 00 ACM 00
"MBank of
Comm eree,
New York.- 40140 a) 0,G03 Oo
Tendon' ITk
Steck. N oo '
Tick. 00,000 00 • WOW 00
Ma Bank of A-, . -
Lyrics lit'k, - • ..,
New York... SOME MI 6,170 00
'2OO Manhattan, .
Newlork... mow oo 14," Oo
ea) Xio ek Stock, •
New , York.. 16,00) to) 11,100 cm
000 Clasen Bank - •
Stock, Nest 00
- Task .. ... 10,000, 0,000 Oe
101 I. l aiun rtank.
-. 'N
StoCk, N. Y. 10,000 00 1.1,1000 00
103 Dank et N. -I , .
1 , 1 i: w e r 1 4 .1? t . lt
York... 1000000 10,500 00
• 100 Mete °yolk. ...
Me Bank,W.
• 'York .... , .. Lito.l 10 23 3 1 1 30 00
00-14.inetn Pit.
Bernal Rank, .
tar York .. 20 ,000 00 10,W) 00
in 11 nehowne
II Clonal
!..4....... %t OO 00 1{.147, 00 .
' B".: 10,000 00 W Wll . OO '' .
lit rol - Tree - , '.
ki ,
ton. .i... .; eIAOO 00 ) ,
~ei ii"o l p ß " k * 1/320 10 Mai 0 0
Ico rr s t y Ida a 1 • " • -
- , :
Block, Bo*.
4 tae,...-.... .10„030 00
oek, , 10,700 00
854 , Zoe. •
t St e. - .:..."-. . . ... IMO 4...10,000 00,
towel Belk, .
8e5t:..... ... 100000 00 ; It? s ,,°°_ .
100 No yleCon, 14 e. 6,
81005t0n„..... •
Stala of MM.
ALUi5....',1,000"0, , .s
.50100 10,00001 e
ISO M•relul
005nla, ' . • ~,
• Lamar . WOW Oo• :14000 4,',..
waiske .. . SAW a) , 1,850 W
Illillni)n) Rink
, .4took, Al-
tool - 11 , 60 , 00 ^ '‘.. 1 ,4 5°)C° 1 4 •
tient. .. 111,000 00 • lit,1001)0
ISO Oonneet
Steer 9onf • .c ~ • • ••
Stock . -.. . . 12,000 00 _ *,09 0
14 0 **neater
Rivet Rabb
read Ile..::. LEL 00 1,121110 . '
420 ligartford &
new Baena .
• ii:1i_ .‘ 00.. 7. ._ "Oa° O a 4sl" 14)
Tan ess e. •
psonble talk 10, 00 0 0' 11,000
Unlit' arida . .
Stale Sleek,
-1B EL ... . 40,00 0 ( 14 4 0 , 04
StOck, S PM ~- ,
. century*. , 304 , 0 0 ,
bile 1 11,0,0 00 ,
epeer a, RaWile T ,
st . 04, 001 00 ISM° °°
404 co , von 0
N. E;Bonit, " ,
1 per cent., .
11.04. ...a.....--10,600 IL 11,160 Oa
r cent,t ool 70 , 000 00 KW 9 °
I . lfeestere l )
16Sr rwpt.' =As
. o) - rospi 0 1 3
11. S.Bonds ,
L 0.,.,,014 , 1: 150.000 00 . ~4 3,400 D o
I[l. 13.11O0Fis, ) .'
net cent. .100,0 0 0 0 0 100,000:00.:
tr. s. De la
Certificates- 60,000 03 40: 110 00
vOL i.
so wins se. - Easorao mum:
~ ; . : , td,dinstO 00 .41,41,617 CO
le 'Amount of Stock held.: '
by the Company Re Col.
..lateral , Security the
• Loans, with the amount •.. . - ~
- loane&on each kind of ... . - .
' Stock. - tic poz.and mar
kat ,value. . . ,-..----•
Leans on pitapat Sec*. - •
,' 41esesiii;;Iguts accrued :, ',, ..
.4yeirTable,Tanuitry 1, 1003.-. - ' • , .
:'• .
- 1,11. menet of Amiessmerds. -.,.
.. -. • ~ ,
i' the Stock of Alm 'Clent--
: r penyi coiled Di, due and .. "
lanyaid.i...--. :.......--...L .=--......., .. • .
'lt • a o gat, ot. prendlunt . •
- Notes due, and unpaid—:.- - i• .....,
IS. Amount , of Interest ' On - , • , , ..
• investments made by the . - ' ~.,' . .
130evant, &us and unpaid.....-,...„ ~ , .
rump—Tux Iwiiii — iir:s Cr -.l' E CO*
.1. gantrunt of losses due Mel
. unpaid - .... : - . -
....:• -.:. = ------- ,
'1: Amount of the claim* for - • • . . ,- .
losses "(blob are in suit OF.:_ .„.., . .. .
• contested
A by the o ompany.2l,so l 71
-3..M0U1t. of. tones- during
, the year !hien have been ' -
4. Amolint of loses dating . . :
Ike years which havenot. . : . . . .
'been Settled, Ises an. ' . •
amen to questions 0.1 and - ~
0. Amount of lames during
the year, which era eon . - . . • .
O. A.meruit Of loosesatning ; .
. the - yes:, sported
to , '
Company and 'not; acted .. . . ! 1 •
upon, and in proems clad. - ' ,
7. Amount of 'thi; dirldenlis ..
detiared........-0110, 000 fri
H. Amount of Dividends des" ' - • . .
chtreddue, era timpaiU.:...,.. 1,41.11 - 0 , .• • . ~
11.; Amo sat of,..Divideads,A ~.. .1 . ,-, . f .„. ,
telmnather.iceshocotm‘tiritAmse• ~,.,,...,,, ,
10. dessunt of "Toney Dors.:: - • - '.-. . . . . &
lamed; and Am enter" 1414 ,' I •-., -.1. .. . ,"' ...., t ..:
amount seentity_given,,,
.... 4. .
.11.. Ainoturit of all 'ether eV
• fang claims against,the . ...„..........,. . „. •
, 0 4111 P 0 o .7..f 4 A t l i q ta n" ., 1- -, ~ ~,g ,iisse` if
Die ..,:.‘...............-.. ...•••••••• '
..,..P.... ~:, ....., ~.,,,-... - ,-..i... , -. 4 -•-•• - •" - •"•1
,-ioirits i-INOODrO o_, .i, TaP l3 9l l wW.-..
1. Anuminvot Cuksk .gr!,+. 4r ,,,,- . 1—: - '
n ibs reteree4....—... -.. . , ,SiS if!' ' : :. '
' 9. itere: i l ak:a °l'.l;''' ' : L , - .• - • •
It: Anton
-..--0 4 y of , Premiurne.. ,
4, Amonatorlaterest mon , .. . - .... .
- ay received now
',testi:Desalt of-the ..00111. •,.. , . :.,:, , :i . :''
E..lttritliit;neliMenteiit r '• - ---•-
the Company, from lall 152,655 11,$•••1045,09i II
Other fctirace,Bentil..... •••••-trrm!..7.-....••••
'~: 6 e.ra'6'c,:a.w..a."ma..vstak:2.~~.e...t~~suiu, .a....e..,.~:5.0 .~ ~ ~~._
__ _ ~ Y_....~.i5~.14a 'A~V.a::i`U.....-~".dil :`3'."ric42W~~
.. 1 1 4 E11r .1 SP ;'Eli TISENENTS.
llt TM- .11.2. atil'EN Ii i Viltilfi OrrilE 00:11-
I , ANY:
I. Amount of los,re pohf . •
d. :IN t t -e Te.,.... •. .ni1,77.0 fly
2. A ...n0...t of I Wier. p
durir g the yenr, Vrhial RO.
trued prior to the year i 7.10 11
a, a mount ,f •rhioll Chi Ici.
. , were .snort -1 in for
int, WO'. •nrui , • bleb year
pai d. (luring the year
........ .—...... . .112 V
4. Amount paid and oSi - in
for teitaurAure inc..,
0. An.ouol 6freturn pro
minces, vilo:ther paid or
G. Amount of ei,lacads p,,td
during the year ..-........,--111.41ii O.
7. Amount of expon3 el
pain during the year, in- - - --
eluding Solarium. , Coro- ... . . .
nairsions,•and- Fees .paid •• : :".. •
to the Agents and Wt. •
rem of the Company-.-.. 101,5E2 15.
B. Amount of taxes paid by
Company.-- - aS,U.Si 'lt
. 9. Amount ot all other Ea- ; _
penmen and Expenditures • -
of the C 0191,1111..... .... ......... ntg e.-- .1789,0E16 39
---- --
I.mount , of Promissory .Totes origtoally forming. •.
the capital erne Company.
Amountompan ofsaldliotes held -
by the Cy as part
or whole of the capital
S. •c t ineorimration.
same ss heretofore filed.
TOM 0. AbLYN,Preillent.
GEO. Di. COIT, Secretary%
JONEa r disentM l initefatreet.
11th Section of Chapter 17th of the Heir My
Be ft °nicked and enacted by the &lid aa.t Cainsuon
Councils of the C of Allegheny, and Ole hereby rnw.
td Lye she authority spho tamer That the 11th Section
of the thh Chapter of.the hew City Code, relat
ing to the assessmehts of Water Tax, guilt he alter
ed and Itmendento•Vead u PaUewst .
One ream occupied by one person
Two " • " ;two " or less 4,01
Four t• "Jour ,S6
Fire ' " Are. ' . ... 8,78
Blz . ""llic • - r .....
and for every addlUoml person pier 10 yearsor ale
ii,oo. . .
lionsescoldaininir more
betaimning rooms and more
than six persons, shall ssessed:an - additionnl
one dollnr and My teen per room; and' for ruin
~daivo,l , eric ,,, eye , p, yOXII Of age; ens-dollar.
Smell r ooms mishits are usually ever Hills. At.
Ito ?emirs, shed nets over kitchens or heels MAW.
lose, shall be awned.fone dollar each.
Large rooms equal in Mrs to two common roofs{
shell be swanned as two rooms, at the dlacretionof
the Amernor. -
Hotel., Tateron,Drinting Saloons, Am; Cotton
Factories, Breweries, Tanneries sad Jill places
fixed is used aball be charied special rates
to M. by tbe Water Commit ee, except when '
supplied by Ilene ideniure, then the rote shall be
one and a half tents per one hundred gallons.
Alan, a further rata .eaclusive of say rate that
me, be charged by the foregoing on the iOltOiring
Filth: 3 Baths cad:ll:0 sum ot ....i • -.....-...01 0 ,0 1
'Private ° Cold Watere,-.'' • —..:....... ZOO
Water 'closets Publiann; P;in-xte, noti;7s 'than.
' twe er more, ten dollar. reels, at Ma discretion of
the Assnessor. , .. . . •
Flog Wreth hand Boring each.. .... • -,..•••-... 4 0
Carriages', Minibuses, Boggles,.....frOni VA ) to
giryo, at tb a discretion of the Assessor.
Bones each......-.....-- -.....»...-...--111,121
Slaughtering Meilen each from 03,00 t 005,00.
Store Roos, separate and apart from dwellin
from 61,5 u to 66,0 u, at the diacretioa Of the Amman •
sor. ,
Hy drante or any Wher went, separate'.
from the • hydiants ln common. u g a rden.
inagemm,te, from e 3,00 to . 116,00, and lawn
• 'hose front 62,50 to 412,00, "at the discretion' of the
Barber. .shops, one chair $0 Oa
For each additional chair tined 3 00
Blacksmith's shops; each forge - -
2 00
Building pi:loses, each 1,000 -brick laid •Or •
lgoluf at0ne....... • 04.
Plssterla t a. • . o , - _p rime ~... 35
Blast on'eontract riceleer cent. . •
Chin-eke, r0m..........;.. ..... .. ... 13 00 to 37 03
Schools from - ' • • 3'O 0 • 6 690 • '
Wilms separatefrong Kerte and dwellings... 01 re
IMMO lea, for each barrel inked, (onecent)..... • - ill
Fountslina la yardoorgardeos,ajetof 3.l6ths 5 MI
.. o lt . each additionaliot 200
• .Bricltytinis for Wish TAW - brick made • 10 -,
Permits for sprinkling Streets Will
n otanet! by
thosttalassar. -Ma ashossmeat to be t less than :. r
1115 00 0r more Ikea 135,03, at his diairetioo. ...
. • - Wile Committee on Water reserves the tight ,to
suspend the Oa* of the +stet for sprinklingstreeten •
whenever In their Opinion', the public exigency - ' ' '
.14c.r i , person Sr. parsons. believing them ~ •.1
a lived by,theAnusessor , in •
. levying the Water .. ,
art, may at Any, time appeal. for redress to the , ,
ComMittee On Water;ittalla2 facts ' under oath or • - . ••''
staretvt•n sdadnisteredbyceinpetant enthority. .',.. t •
Ordained mad enacted tato a law ttakths.seeasit-',..11 i
day of Match, Anon Dement, one Allisumind ~ , ~, i'pe
. eight Ituared and Sialrikry- • - • - •1'- - • • • 1
JABao-NABSICELLti, . ~_' .. -;.,-;- 4 :!.
Prest. of ' Select COnmeai '.' ! t'''''' - ' 'I
' .-•--. ";!13L11016-138i11i,,.• s• 1- - • • ~., ~I , :4 I.'l
••: ' i ..,:- , : :,.- . Pinot. cteCommonOetteellt.i •••-: ••.,-, '..:
Attest-4-d , ;•.:6•,..,...„4 .- ••..,.; ... 1 .., . (~...,:', .'' It'kni
• • .I'. % _,.' Vlelselect di 2 inati." - .. •
, '• -.. i ALMOONNIATLE,' ..' -- ''• ' ' '' . ...J ' , l
' - --,. Merice, oenunearosinom' i. - . ,-, ;...:' !,. / i/x
A.oofics •
436 Woo& Streets s•
X it*t4l4:mr624:N°4
swirrecrtuirei 08
mia• bt tb. , 11144 nrsi t imy. -•••= ,, ltr
Low 'Loos -
• :i 'NMI& seams miuusagn
2;114:0POolit ZsXlO4,
WKS ira t aillittklew as twasaarr to 'conduct opeOle-i;; v
=co.ILIMOKETS, fr.( •
o via n t- r k a, •,,-
stutrotk , 1 A
P/Oliktht a • !i ler 1 +tr
lOLLEnfatt. - AND -
,11,attr.bleti . aaataattlta atom ~ 0
-Side Dry Et 00110; 1,7
..,.. ' _
-_ 'Er. F. Y. Sensor =Coates, VUL son througli., ~ 1 "; \ •
"SOHN - B. ACTIUM t 004-Anotionooro, Philnilai. , ~.? , t.
plash on TIitIiCSDA.Y, March EN
......__ .. • • . ..
Lotto, Wooten and Linen . Dry floimpli 3
ataaprtalag tat mast desirable Makes
at auttloa. Inellded. In the sale !All SN fotat" .. •
Brown andrataatblitt. .
Brawn and Blascht4 Drink'
Brown' atal•0611 Corset 3atatt
• ;Tart; Everatt and - Pesakrtixt qattoladlyt. ) •
111-enmutkit3=ei Joittaigint Aattlaktillitafta, 601
ll:realms, Stripes; and - VAL' ' • , ,
Yttntltare ava Apron pheeks. • •
Sattlnettar aaletotma :ilia, caber dial, oth
frpotteatual Domettla Goal& - • -
Tag above °gulag la ens od tae:;' '
'l 4
Largest Ever NOLO Uth ttou!rt-:j_z
and well worthy Ike attention of the teed&
=Di 3=lll = - •
hitsgpirudsof 40 puff pun. conga.
*.231t *KM liii3Xi.ted.'";:.:,
We have most nattering tartmoatals from an ,
Pins of the country teatLfying to thtlr inpartottty
tataufactlqin. Kaad tacitly purpose& 'nay
-peculiarlyldapt4dl (Or blPlevohsatttoctethea awl Da.
Bead for Otrataara' and Samplota, aallaidttei
, them la opetat4ol6 - , - =7
. . .
/ 14 * . n s!re,el2 rittskravilit ;
Ofsu o u. -
. •
it ads ihitaiitnet Of ALT. 417-
.to ►
,a 3
street„ wa le w EBSTZR•tliatoolellmak.
Osphsa Allell••9 1 _71._ invite ime-4.-p,
'merle out of the boat them 63C
•110 to WO h!>Q • c an :
ENDICATIONW—A-Ibormagh-work,2 vY
N. , on the la buttloo4 of on. who lut he&
Wee years isparreatelntakee4 lands el.reararyst,!
vania and .I"VatlirAli.1 2 9 !;Ith l uU '4l
Bent- " 'lir ll . D airrEt. Pa usorn4, , itz
miMarrogill - %IPA 81 /M 0 9 1 • Con • .
1 1
'T,'..,;';''.. ^ ii'','T.,.:'!' )