FOR S./L7 -rFOR REMT. (Fon SA7.E, FOUR VINE, DWELLING HOUSES, lof ieien.au4 eiglt , ruutust arid- and bet water, hub' Ku. bath reent,l6 good repair,- Situste - en lefuntgemery, Avenue, Ninth Crosimons, letives• 'Federal non lign.lasky street, Allegbeay. Esquire •C JAMES MILLER, corner orSaudttatcp street and Noutgemerc &tame- - tahl3wtod • FOR, SALO. i .. ~ 11, , Two Briek , • ouses I I". of tour and the otter of Sta. ldrorni; No. ill I Scott arid Nor. !VS Elea arrest, Sth wart,- '- !• For farther particulars enquire or - -••—--. .. .. -._. .- _. • LSA.O STEWAXA ' • ' _ . jart . rtf ' At Phelps:Fa" St;lttosieltest el% - ' .1, SALE ort A lUUCK MUSE WITH sq. 200518, stable, he.. With three attest:4 liuutgnod erchaid; and meter, situated in PM tOWnshi p, on Francis strut, about thirty rods from Prssaleage!*atkostl . and Centex Avenue. Apptilts " Fie 151 Libedf street' " VaII'SALE4POURTH WARD; 'ALTA. GHENT CITY-PItOPEItTY,--tre :see U. thelinen tomtit/141ot situated on the eget side of - Gnodeleh - and, it gab:demotion with thettenti gylminin Cana.. in ,;lie 'Fourth Wed, Allegheny ;VA!. *bleb tire, ate . fo=t i grin, two of nudger* are two stoty,eentalisinglotar rooms each. WIU henihdel= traded for good •ed "Oak. sew • KMLEY, Winans Held VOR BALE.=A very desirable thre, Et Brick Dwelling House, with-&-two story. hack , the whole youtalaing: 12. room. situate SU We' the of Muds Marry sum the Paseinglwilatlway. • , AD°, • three story Brick n 1 Room ewe. 11g:feight room. adjoining the above. _ urther particulars ensuire.ot 0.8. TOW. Ea, Real Estate Agent; N0.16$ Fourth at.; WM tmt;h AVOUST AMMON, Wq.., Wriastneuue, [Naiad - FOIE .STATION.;.2.; - toreroNAN BUINNINS- b - ZAND:—Ar and borings. stand, situate at the. be,. Station, oa the Allegheny -Valley -tallimaa, tsa Who Thonee the ary, is now_etrared for solo. The. tartest and Aram are frame, containing 11 roomy ! I odium stobilag. for six horses, with other o well of water, ie. Lot front. big tia tllib 1 NO by 1.25 feet to a pubis strove; Toy a giod , saes;thsee is no better station as the Nand foe Mathew Sod will be delposed of on easy tests act!. Owner wishes to retire treat astir* burley.,. For terms, apply at the float •Eatate and fontfallee ORR* of G. E 4 BATIS-14, , - tos . Baler street, Lawsoussirtllss Br .4. I BALE:4,I3BLITTIFUL.COUISTRT ,aszAT.—Comotof large =intim% ot elarect roams, ant bed in marble mattes, high etorles, ceilings, knish .wlth work, wood work oak grained, Inaldo • shutters, ponds grout and tent also two aide porticoes, seven sem of ground planted In Shrubbery ant Fruit Trees, some of them• geo hearten one .arire grapes, will bear Den liter; mom nedraady to - The &bozo la on the Brighton Turnpike; two miles from Allegheny. linty ttne; plank malt from houee , to Station of Steam and fassenger rind. , Also, tine nelibbarbood al/rancid. Plan , orbulldlny eon be seen it my °Mae: In. quire • S. C ALGSGMEtt. I St, Clair street, Pittabnutt . ... THAT, DELIGHTFUL RE SID E NCE' . . . _ ..=;. -- *ILIS e tfr trA 4 4: ROPE, .t woods f ft(itow d - ineWeif,'Weeeiliy.., P. !kick Ho of It tonen , ;nail eel ' ln- Well and "cistern; large barn, &c.l trlit Valle VIII kends, grapes, ego.; FIFTEEN *ern fland; enbrasiog alien ileum site, Igen= Cyyirentf the OhLs Weer, 'Ealbrign, Manch_ Street Art' the teted:Aes of the Manehester Street exiirWoo!rißua Station Pitts. Ft. W. a 11.73 4.oaly' tell Wilde* tide by the latter tins I.lV . lntation. - Further pa:doubles: and *AY beihad" of the Inibseriber ao_y day from auk earleak, Cu Mr rprabre shop on Weloda st., , oproitite,old:Oenlialt. Ax - iton, Allegheny (UV, Or en h•orehlyrii4 alt, home at Wood , ' Kim: - - /fin& . , - . -- Roam? . R. LE02182. - • TO:4"F - 1 7-I:befellowing desirable STUBS ABB MINES ROM: I. A lelge, Well . netted to : tVelt Ito*. te "." 4 ". tag on xi! *met street, out forams Ijr occupied *I Dun`, Coleoo,Poosession on lot .rob. ~ _ A large IWO= ea Market eiroot,OttOtroustA otzeet, tad 'Otinnectioa therintith. or- eopitetti - iron At, tho , ;orbe woad ototy. tom Anoint. se at• ett i o s noos.ill Lrittli(D r irthects llonse P t= r Ottx.V. tar tt. Oa.) etl as the feteettett ( Imam 11 ' 14 ' 1 1 hotness* • •ts era . on Ititta - etreet, would be a r. • stood 'Whitler Dtr..otKote WA' ll M auaa • • =patent/100MS known Om C C? , ;.9410T37cerar of Tura and itaite. #9,1471.A naiad sac thta Wetelt !liair4tar„, ,i4t.796951c . FR0i . 11.6 oricei . r • • oi.ThiteDuFicorket stre•t: m.t r efinr 11 . 1 , 4:: it. tot: aLI trout: TTR.81114:1'8 ALLEGHENr litre * Olt 4b 14 : 1, 1 ° cis g gitt i re - adjoistag the Tannery of TWegazt.- • hoe b boat ag about MO beam Pastore Lute and eatieldslatelt about= feet. /t to a port r4ohst Offlern'e l te alloOht ,aln/OPlell • lua ideadr.voL Arm se rota sold plan, be • I In • Sto tt: It bar onadertable Atones, and Mot • groandatita planted with good in= trees. beg Is ooMd-be diratd Into seteral good biod3llla= If improved aa a whole, ttw.idwkm mindere& , It le ofterM for tats- fa *Whole, or to. separate lots to aniVphrehours; and: the terms of: payment will . mode easy.' Posimados !Nab* Or= 00 timlivlitil.hpril neat. • • • - MUTE,' . W.fallig—LOTB.lN THE MUMH ATID:=Tbe understgred as Guardlaa of the miens cell4res of I.lsell-gireer, deed, ones for eoliths following vacant lats to the word. Carne riltslontb. atm slots on the cornet .of Dia. Farr in etroetu a ' 21 by at Get. Wee lo i t: Plan BO* vol; 1.41E12;1 lot ea 1.001101 etteet, to firstly' Apet,be Tfo. add plan; ti Sot* onllforWstteet,.2k SIX Saa r trelm_toto toISP, analbato 112 to mid plinth lota oaNlckroyetteet. 10 r s ailitettaelantralle to 1 . 2• 4 t : 1 2 r ididaft; V i tt L I Z c. = r lf=iB snd pleat Makin altogether= bats. Seas of them lota age geoldri as building aims, and Mime are Very valuable. for Mow ituarriee. They will be lOW etrindely au all logether. end cra easy tellWaYwfattal.% • J. W. I 1 fa ALM 7lfth et. PUBLICBALE—UraTert* • • • - O r ! 1. OF GROUND, on the prembels, at e iu re 4 ea WEDZTRIMT, Katob.eth, • the village orl , hotuattawn, tee byte° Lee% ea• is erode& onebelek houae,Se by ie feet, tone sis rooms; eh" one brick • hotumh10:111 >ha- bet, coloalaing three rooms; also. ass .frauts , Wm; contiesing three rooms; rem, - otur.fesme house. containing two mow; twelltsbler eneiSisalt, smith Shop. : There is good well of eater, sat • vent falling seeing. There ia, Aso,. treultaT Of. Choke trait azoi shrubbery. -Teems att sale, .1f oat, sole fa bus pleeei KIWI be divided into foorie feltheire . - • IdeOLELLAND. Br. VOR BALD -Three new Steam Ermines, built parronly for oU wens; TX Inch ollndor, taaboiroko; Tory,StroPAG Ralatie that, SVulk *ad csootatiog tad Or Wrougitt iron: Boners 1414.18 feet. lotiii.l hither th tiro &inch mums clamber ,1 La. bY ra . 44 coktlntgr pumps. ,ZeratTthistcomgto ihtp oit sight. . . It GU - BOWV iorowr Point fitter.o4 Duquetno drat, Data et Allegheny rivet, sear the taint. &PO F - 04 4 A -7, coxerorrAmx.r., uousE, , . . Of tear mow, within one and a luAtastlaree of.the street ears, In Manchester. Good nreterety. thing cistaeittent. -,Ppesession. a t .I tit Ir . : Fa t"ase9Plllo-NeuirnrAtts, Mrederal Wadi at Theism srpeSteWspinStlOAPeamir 41014 a, Manchester. x , . , • : of 'OXL ••LANDi maligning fortpairen and tkir&tourtlianies,- tbe ;mart or thiroll region ol',Wett•Vinglata The land: ham a bunting ,pang pill and all WV, audrace,*leatanns of oft. - - • frill 'STEM & BAlTAVfi'S'lltanz HMV'' VCR SALE—That large THRE.C.STORY , 'HOOK DWELLINGROUSE, No.i•Fetirth street, Inttabaret. on gran nthe r 141 -rk7o MALTA, AttatairPit-tisw..' &fltf MS Fourth stree t .; fiX) LET— • • -- a. Warehouse 'Nomr. et. ntrd Vriitir Eacintib ITAS.pALZELL .% SON.. Arriviks*i!:mikpiiras. 77 A N ELECTION FOR .. TIAIRTEEN: .A.a. MANAGERS of the company for erecting a Mi g niver the Moeongaltela hirer, oppoMte Pitta. b in the county of to t or Ataumbly pooled January Wth. ISM, srllt bc held at the TOLL MOUSE, on MONDAY,. Marchetti, IBS; at. 2 o clock; P. M. N. HOLMES, TreatUrer. • Fittsbuig. rebruarywous. fiatt4 urrsom AtratanzaT Samna Cone Ferret:moos, Feb. 4th. tsea. A `V ELECTION FOR :PRESIDE T, Man.seers and OVlcers or this Company, for erecting a Bridge over tbo Allegberty River, oppo site Pit•abergb, la the county-of All eg h e ny oall ha beta,be TOLL ROUSE, at tbo booth and of the reidge, DIONDAY, tho Oth day of. Mardi atiS h at the our et 4 (Alma, r. W. - - *IOU ROSEBURG, Treasurer. riatrulapri OIL .COMPAN't —Notice Is h6reby givea that the Brat Illeating of Stook 'l3 olden will be held At WILE/NS' El ALL, Pitts. Dumb, on 711134.811A17,51.6rth 341,1865, at 3 o'olor.k fr., for 6/5o purpose of orgnalmt/oa, na OPeelited undo? the Act of Assembly - of the Com ow/wealth Of- Vonusylvaula, approved July 18th, 1863. - • • • • • JOSIAH KING, - • President, pro fen. • fele:td rittsimpth, Feb. 4 1065. - . Perreettann.Tan a. Catena° It. W.CO, • , Orin.= or-Tnit SEcA.ATAZT. • - • . rirrArttna it, E February 1 ith, 1865. • IT- ANNUAL - 'MEETING' OF T toek 'M 'bed - ,floonholders of this Compacy for elettforeof Directors and such other business a. nay tome befot, ll bt. held at the office of cold Company, lathe city of Pittebarel4 on-tho THIRD ,WEDNEMS-T (nth) .or, 31.a.E08. A. • D. ISA at to Wear. A. W. • . . The Rock and Bead Tranifer !looks of the Coln. yawn at Melt. °Mee/Samm In theory of Pittsburgh; ane..d at the Transfer y lathe city- ot New Yor sr 111 Le_elmeed on the t i t of Match, at hnd . remain nlolled until the 17th day of Minh Amm eter. • W. EL BARNES . . Secretary.; _ lIEJrTIST!Zi: - - OSErII , ADAMS, _ Denfisly Bullillr4n - ruturS rf 11LfiNgfn ntrl cf_lll%. 7R oncaul thttrlnatt. Refernweilit3Evaloo r. , n. iota AtobbloOluntil Knott I.rz us R. 4 E.a'r.s. FIT. T 5111311011 THE -I.TUE. • FIFTH STREET, NEAR WOOD. AND MANAGUA WY. H GAMMON. Lam appannume bat uoe of hIeICERN 111.7- 01142 CAN. mod Me charming daughter. Tat. gINLii:BUORRTRAN. INILJBLE DILL. ia 'FMB nttied, ETEDING the great mueleat &hum, Red• 41. M b D 'Bob MeEtia Buchanan. Helen Riutreggor....Mila Firginla Buananan. :To cowhide with the thrilling drama of ' MX OF TUE - WODDS. .he :Tells Doe • Miss VizgLala Buchanan. (them:Miro Clomping in thenan.) VARIETIES. TEMA STRTST. TRAY ST. - CLAIR. W. .... • ..Levee and Manager: Comuturcsil YT o'utoot. Wonderful sitcom - ot OSAMU IrVOLLIPTS, tile great origiwil aim. Float tulle of the comic Beene of SBAKBPEABWII SEVEN AGES OF WAN, by O. E. Calling. Fleet week of the favorite ballad elope, AL xr,:r.4r. - trrotrr. ' •", • tpf tatratiLaa In New Axecii;, - IFint time or the lanikabletaretcallee, - • Truax HIM OUT, - la which 0. W. Blake W. O. Smythe, B. 11. Fltz- Malay 'MIL' q. ,3 4 l t#t. 104 E'lln!" 4 ; Kill appear. ' ' • - CO.NORT 114.1.1. OiSt4d . Cipf . ,fnelmar'3l(4tadai. lel, 37. 4 ;!P 4' ,' 1 7Z7. thiadarie3rZoliaveTim . )upet• AXIMOIIR FAMILY. 4NP T°V )I q . FFM/V-P k4 1 4 1 ,n fix. The abort;widely Imes a.aad ludo!, Parfacmars.- 1 011 Via.a -lege , ' Otthektll l VNlVAlld ..plekelaganterlainmeata as abdie. `lnaStalamirtmeTaces nie:4f of itIENV eab , aiaL gala wank! am &rem , attsaatta cl Matted gad Opera Muale. The _balle m t rslo.• Oa& y, Black Wire Perfonasace, alllltarr, Thace' a lastWasa Saituday &Moab . au, Nana ati4for saeaniguxlatlea of Zadlas sad tThildrea. Masts •,, • • • oesti. rea rlrdSeati.Z. •" goorpatta7im 4N_EW;gir.teSr7DlrarTß,o • B'R.ADBITRY :PLUM TfiriTittlONlAts OF 31k3514 . &CADY,. chleasta* the 'Largest Blotto dealers ill the West. ;"/Laving tinted .B....llindburet , Planos everr.possible web L.L.e the lIIEST PLLNOII of other makers for month_s_pouisted them to ref. thence to PURITY; EVER mnss; •SINGILie AND - .8411PATBILTIO QUAlas TIES OF,TONE, DELICACY- AND-wasnoz. I , y . or TOI7IOII,F.ILSE'AND• Tuna= OF AO; STANDUItrUff TUNE. incesuenet cram; terial,nilleganes of llntabiatalltareofor We two erOtintel Ltesteilltrafthat. they -ate surpiuseente not onirrespeet Ulll PfOgter UlAkte, - 11P2die to Monk rtneetk, they ese'snyerlor ,41apoc.F. • " kt f rat k(2 15 #•99 i 2 .‘r JeZgargM;WW.B4 gc• -FLaitios! .. • vl - Linc:P6offlgrarp*yitlfrroat — PRIU TO.slrtr.,?llM:.:'„ = oirolos torouroszampurto!s:_•-1. - ciiusrto.nrAinira...=„7:= "17.1 . • • • CORTI22II. I IREMOL"' fell - titioto OFF:MAN; 110/401* irrntic JEW JiittiMaimodai* ffEEE ' 150070kiiitLBIGVIM ►•e ousnart l• coirrAmoNs, eftuadatwougg addiers' Portiolicoh = • Sdaiere Stationery or 144:63, , Gold rens of Beatittake r All the New Books, - Nag**. kr litgAr Allthe Dime Books, Eohcsilikelk - ! Ste - titling Pertffilos, AT THE OLD PRICIE, " • ' ;ow 1... iwarra'; ;au,: , t: sr.,icenornOr HALL; A' ,zazir. BOOK fir;l4.. GOIZOBI. KadltatLeam ern the flissnee. of Obristaity; atsf tholtellenwrQueddons of tM-day.....41VS - 11mmewntart • 41 . 111= and doctrinal 6,00 NaaPaCkanstantarrina hirdthesCand Matte • *Meal * homiletical arid doctrinal 0,011. Lilowson t SO Epistle* of fit.Pan4 try 00407twora &H Bal ,41 Nhe m_ • - PederallaS, with antroduction, introduction, by LLB. .1 Mho andMiatory of the English Irma. 0,70 conga and the Patty Literature that it El:aka; its, by G. P. Marsh • 4, 011 00 _Xi:Mures on the English Language, by 6. P. !From Dan to Bersheba, by T. P. Newman, 4, M.D., with Map and Engravings( &S 40 . companiarnent for the Land and tho 800k....1,76 • Lemma tor Beery Sunday in the Year. S at- ries. A liberaidilsoUnt todergyrden' , Neendees !lasting and Traustag of the churches by the Apostles- . . • • Ilea - • 70 Fourth Street. ::11"BW BOOKS.—CORRELATION cONSrarATION OF n FQRPE3: kneziwi or iptisttions hyriProL:Grove, Helmholtz, Dr; Mayer. lit.tFanolityZ.-firof.7f.detrig, and - Dr. Oar. 'renter, with Introduction and biographical hatless of the chief promotes of the new- views. By E: L. Youmans, D.D. Prise, 110 00. MULLER'S SOIEIWE__ OF LANGIIAGE. Second scies, SAM MULLER'S sothricr or LANGUAGE. Two yolu roes, $6 00. THE HAND-BOOK OF DINING; on, CORP. CLINGY AND LEANNEsS, scientifically. con sidered. by BMW Sat-mien, - author of ”Physiol- Gide F.LLdu Gout." al 2.5. lOTT ON PASTOII AT, EPISTI.RA. at 00.. - • LANGE'S CUM 611INTAIty UN marrnEw. WiIIitIEIinSAVAIITGDIOTIONAIII: 'New earefulitywrised,wlthfAONbtccbTtd Itstionk4 .#l- 0 , 1 E ` , fro - _ . 'VI Wood Stroal.- - - _1 • LARGE , :.&1 4 1D:.',ELEOART: LOOLLEG;. TION Olt. PAINTINGS • BY ,OATA. LOGUE.- I .OaPEIDAYIIIOENING AND EVEN. WO, Month ad, at l'Wo , elocki will be laid be est. Movie, on .the 'recs.& door of the.clemmereird Sales Neoms.ls4 Fifth street, s large Sod eftgatft eollediorrof 011 Falntiogs, of remarkable: leanly Ind value, reftently imported • from Europe by L. A. Tolman, comprising Talus:We originals by.eird. atilt living midst', and copies of the most celebra ted pictures in different pdlerieS at Europe by old masters. Amobg the subjects are life size Groups nod Figures, Conversational hnd ilittorie Pieces, Architectural and Street anew, of European dila', Cattle Pieces, Marine Views; Game, Fruit and Flower PireesiLitudscapes, be., in great cranny of size, stria m d enish, all of which are worthy the, attention , of ,perseps of tette. • . The Pictures are now arranged for fete ekanalroo Daft, and catalogues may . be hpd — at the Sales rthi Au*. • VLEGANT PARLOR, DENTING ROOM AJANDOUAMBER . FURNITURE AND OAR rETS.—On THURSDAY hIORNING,March at Ido'clock precisely. will be sold at fdalonle Hell Audios Rooms, to kifth street , a large asortment. Of superior funature,Hrldwels and ingrain carpets, Miler ware; etm4 cartrilrieteß ta Pall due eel,' fine wa wa carved bedstead, walnut and mahogany arm,: caned. mahOgsny tetow-tei,e,. aralant and mahogany sofa seat parlor chairs and rockers, walnut marble top cCutre tablets, marbletop_dresr• tog bureau, marble top wash stand, walnut, Trench and cottage bedstead', mahogany. f dining table, walnut cane Seat chairs and t 01311.14//, Ulf 1111 hUlk UIIgrIAICS, feather hada, tillio4,,ignemallWare,./ka. Also, 03 yards of miperlor Talent Mumma esui, parlor, dg%room,.chambey and lasts. Om ruge,oti cloths, Ito.. Also, Went plateCtelwtab and desert spoons, forks and butter tare, -fine tr i ts e t t atied f" ro Y L 6 ll.l i s ekt. 6 .x.r , articles of s Teldeh cannot , ee enumerated ' : !I . :ay furniture sod mirpets are la good condition. feta 'T. , a; MOOLELLAND, 10 BARRELS MESS BEEF.--THURS DAY. 111(111NING. Mercb Rd. 4 10 o'elocle, .1,111 td rola 4 the •Commerelal. SAles 1100 ms, 61 Mrtei. ; , IC Watch fleis LCC 1. A. McILIVAINE, Apt% swECLIL rorrsttrivust rivty ; HUBBARD, BRO. & CO., A3ICFACTL , :teIdO , 7 PATEIT GROUND CIRCUL.tR•'!, Warrantee! CAST STEEL -SAWS. of ere? seriptioa. MU}, !Holey, Cross Out, Gang, and all other varieties. • • . All kinds of NNIVES and SPRINGS, made front Sheet Oast Steel; Extra Renned REAPER AND MOWING' ravm, .1,0. • Warrhouse an d Works corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsbu rg h. Particular attention given o Retoothing, Gnus. ming and Straightening Circular Sawa; also, re. pales of all klprG. ; Punching and Drilling dote at reasonable rates. • • • •: awSkly • .Wit. z!..Nizzi.A., & fpo., . Boiler Makers ik Sheet Iron Workers, ! - xo.. WM, w and 24 PENN =atm*. • hating secured a; lameyard,and 11.wttithed With the most Improy s ed pechlnery, we seem , ed to manufacture arm denerlptlon o'l3o In the best manner, , and weerented equal to max Made In the country: mummy& BRICBIYIP BIRK tamps. srLAN Pwmci,i4oomormi BOILERS; , a orrorgßLAs", , MALT - 4. AIM TANKS; GM -, - ,,STILLS,: ~144,1 2 MTATOl a i st i l Er . _TLING PANS, —MAIER . /BOX:. SLOAN PANS, nod sole =int/00ms of BILIM IIIILIOS,PA oThRIT,IIMLESIS. itelalciryl,...do_na. p t -oh Mesh. strioUce;,dl w.: . :1 . ! GaMl. ' Cli - 3 / 111 airlhablt4 WOrkigi - : . :': .., . . . • • . , PARK, M'CUfiOY '4.06 'Epret :‘ , urer s hf . . sy . EATIIINCE' BRA2NEIMAC , MS,' RAISED I4 smai sfyrroaas, spALM . ' 60LD1 , 11 Also Immutera aaNdealara la MET— rIaIN'PLeadEIIYIJWISTIIAIIIManci' .TII(ILS.....,____NT -- Wa rehou se ' iv tiorißsr and oosto.' :cam isilf.E.A. Pittsburgh'.ge:. spectir orders et, upoeuis asrum......w: a arcul,,a,r.lltlLlAll D LA,RIELLE STEILL. WeN. _., ' e 'REITER & CO, • gilitii.*iv?4 , r 1. 6 )4. 'MnEndctnrcn of GA ST 'STEEL; SPRING. 'and ULI ER STPZ4I;.SPRINR. WGROWBAitrariusi;rAßD Pooli :201 . 3‘0rk5.-r ,0:15* rarely. PITTSRVRGU. . WROBINEIO.I4 111 EA lialustmots to Roaraeor, MMus &Kluane. .• • vrialsgttomi !Vitoria; . . " FOUNDERS AND NAORISZ "Manutatturen 'of BOAT AND A ART STEAM ENGINES,' LAST ENGIN • (XEINERY, GEARGTO, snArriiiiii, • Sr, EKGS of all descriptions, OIL TANKS a BOILER AND 'T IRON - r.Acoata for GIFFARIPS PATENT INTEGT. for feedlog boilers. • '7 •' , . persta.* TO NERVOUS 1517TVEIZEIL6 'Or ~ , BOTH sr. PS -A relaxed gentleman haw. idirheen restored to health to a few dam after on calm and trregulszespenstre ttgcetftirieltronot m otion success, consider* It his tarred duty to condanrdesto to his alhloteltelkow. 'creatures theme:mot sure. , Henetkorn the renetpt of an addreseed fleet, ntr . be wilt undoing, noon 4fagil:=ll*ll...42oJr4o'iliOrniei gi -- .ay.3011111 4DOCTISIAN BRO.4l — e — itato toren of IRON VAULTS AXD-VAISLI , noons,• _IRON- RAILING ;' WINDOW. REMIT, ,"_IIIDUt • __DOW (WARM_ , to, Noa. It MTN' rUND " sad Ila THIRD STREET, between Wood sod jet, haftfOri biota - it 'variety of pew patters; mot plain, imitable far all puryoutt. (Xiir Zartleolar attention paid toon Orly, Lots• tiobbingtioes aster' notice. - -ear r. ISEMINAL, URINARY AND SEXUAL HYSTIOLS—nctr. and xellabis estmient—la iLso ports of lb* Howard Association. Sent by mail Is sti4o4 tale envelop*, free of ohms, .., , tAgidimm D. J. 8 ~. •EN HOUGHTON, Howard 4monisiton,No.ll fmnstli Math axle% 12AM:ft gitigrEIEWET: 00XMISSION ' idERCIZAW1 wholeaslo , dialer • CREED'S, WISER, sor*Scbm gesaFaly, No. IS WOOD . sal graslfiri .i wuc . Fr r? . as .. ;ria ibtAlliels AND PATENTS I Me. lid GRANT irrasirr, moon& . • . . . • . Lleetulea by Government. to solitet '• .P4NSlOttlEcsebs "AT wiz annaisiiti • . • -. Osman*, arsiousele seoedviill >' MN 9Ti1561,-q~wlt tit ( Al " .1 !!••, , • • - oath — IiENSIONBiIIOMMES. • t , • 1 17;-l iiAl li g*T4+ 011 1,:'i, Atiin*, :itt Navy Agentrv.; DemignAgpisaompaciic ray %EWA amewri ani •CFOAT/.02( a ar 0F..16=4 *mix if lb* ortimierwilleirso Isoftben. *Of. . . OT.ADIELVOLD4OI,, , 8100 Bout, Ilk all Wooded - I T A9 P . """-r2nr il t c4l.4 l . /... , Alet 17.11upornswass. q(6, IN rzrzu Nicole door beim tie:. • " 5.4-4•1411410.: MACKEELL 16,11N8014, AtrOI I ,II4IEYII-AT,-LAM . 11-S.LIOZNSIED BOLDttlii , man( icikerre ?sientie, to el"' sowas «gladioli is " 6 AT M& o. (Hui, irrarzer,Pittobwrip. tkll with dbehirgo sad two orttoomoos. - .4e2147 • PENSIONS AND ARREARS Or PAT, •- pioliiptiyitttaidea to by AIWIRI3I.I, RUMIILII. lie I . l3 :trAMt. Fitl,.inlh Pa. ILITABY CLAIM, -PENmuankOMt S, • , .11.1.01rPAY Ina OLAIDIS of any desertptlon. collated By the rubaoliber, at thcfolloorlos..*.a,• vb I Peak= file, ell other claims ehild.: CI. O. TAYLOR, Atternhydraw,_ • Dia Tlelaga 1.244 at I . N. 11.- - lifo charges are made toe claim does not am:ea. and all faermatlon elven gratis. seedy 0,6 H W. BII.FER, 1 , ATTORNEY4T-LAW, . 'ifo. lob Tirrx firsm, Pittibunty Ps. 'iebiltris for PENSIONS,' scrorrrri', - rims MONEY, Jr.o.oligonnutly Prosecuted . DIESOL crioars. AC. pABSOLUTION. OF - CO-PARTNER- Slillo.—The Partnership' heretofore es.liltird[ tstireen the undersigned ' ,under the ette kerne of UntYBIPTON illpo., for the Itetalesoture of =Ter geed sod other Sow, Dimple day bead dlakolitd Dl aa,Lal comsat. ~„ XIATARIEL hi.'4..lM • 7151111 , f O. OffISXMIN •sourr TOsTExt.-; • • Pliteborgh,, Beyt. ehhilettd. `WIZ. KONISOY. CO., (Vurcepail to alurmPr cis y t 0.,) • . . 111tAlftlIPACTURZ28 Silver Pearl and Superior Rosin Soaps, . • au Lorwrr Brargr,Nrz*Vlicue_ CO - PARTNERE3tIIP , . We bane alieeiated with u* the flour:grain and general produce byelaw, JAME'S JOHNSON and JOHN SORLELEINi partnercl tp dating FEEt• EVART lit, =teethe name of eatteinon, Ammon & Co, W. IL PATTERSON, UE:M= CO -PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-00:8: O. BALSLEY end' maim YAN Ounlnvit have this day SIISOCIAIed themselvel tatether ter the trotesactlon or • general PRODUGE AND COBAUSSION Bild/NESS, Wireh ssis No.IS (1O -PARTNERSHIP.-We hero ssfocta ted JAMES r„ BREADING. DALZELL with us th out !Wetness. 'which vrtllbeesnierl on es heretetere under the Area Isms of LEWD 3, DAL LEY, DALZELL tc 017., Vesuvius Iron Works. F192.13ART itth. fstAlrs i IJI'BURvfJMCE'JGE.NT& .. J OAN MOSI3, ' Agent' of the 'Equitable In. similes Co., Kensington Fire isstutislis Ce.. sod the Penn Mutual Lite Insurance Co. et Plan; gelphis. N.W. cot. Ntiond soill'llinistretl, Pitts, fi -- GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for the Iv • Franklin, Philadelphia 'and 'Baltimore lemur; ante Comdea. Northea4 corner. WOOD sag 1 T . 'B, 'Agent or- `o me •CtObtte of Penneylvarafa;aod Hartford J. Compniel. r WATER b __.-- QA.III/EL REA, Secretary Citizens lemur anzattompagyinotozridagEnnasEWAlllß. - . . :._ ~_ ~ _„ • - F 7 kGizeite: 1111.:Itlii)AS, 31411U:it laki& GAZETTE AfIoVEUTISING R4.TEI4. ovrAsDitio Hlrre i4ltnea a - - ; ' ''' ' liarly. 1 week.' fOtie;it wneili ;.. . . • il 4 0 , ,;.1: g.l. : 1 *Or fi: -.. 0 •gr., liol. Ona7-11ote—.0. M": 1; 46.; •• 10 7i 9 ,$ ti i on wo tines. 1 23' 70 • / twee time. 160, 931 . r times. 190; . 1 451 ,i . , . re timedi 2 . 201 1 30; ' . •i ' 1 One week—; 2.50, 1 401 1 1 7 0 1 45 65 45 Two:weeks' .33; 960' 2 170 145: '35 Threeleka I 8 00. 40, 4 00, 2Or 200' 1.10 One month' 720' 407' SOM 270 1 73' 133 Two nro`e.j 11 =', 6 00, 7ow 4no 3 '75 . 203 Three ano'al,l3 15 ;; 17 00; 015' 470: . ,4 153 .2.31 7117cmontlus 16 7311 00. 13 63 .rB-00‘ , "0 SO!' 4 00 Slue motto. 27 00 - 11 !M. 19 02 10 30 600 • 6.10. r. 03 O,Yea.' 32 oo' ,600. 21 la 12 20;,10,70 600, • 1 ottesomtn4a - enyr.wrtin.X4ll.3,:. IFor one tr square, eVaveable one time etch . eeki confined to the Itomedlete buttnest of the Carer. pact. All latifer. adveritsernenti in exact proper ten: . • . . • • ! i 1 4151452 times, t lilimom !• . :•,-.. . .;,- -• l 9 * .eiG N - *-91 1k 49 .1 4 4 115 11. , doe month !, 49 51 11 0 00' .4 4 70,.. $3 00 Pow mouths...l.:. 17 114 .11 451 --8 00r -48 110 Six m0atha......, 24 00; 19 04 15 MI 'lO 50 -- ''Yeti ~.. ...4 .1. 411 00!' 11 00 , _'1450, 14 CO ~'s~. i..... t ,,..,t,..„.0 = ,„„ :. ,.,...". 3 . ._...... ,. • • -.......lrattsatunts, ;ter rep—, . . ..... 2 00 glenutdes , or Adratulitentors. Notices. 176 ocal notices, under special head 16 " " tole:cal column: . ~1. . ::,...„ 20 n!MWICIPITTEDAIF!I IfteMM: ILLZKITA) The Fourth of Marchterstratlous for " lia " r 4 1 N , 71 - 7 IThe FsectiCire CA F mW[ ik t:1 pub- Hp mectlnt bald on' Timidity Uptake arising*: meats: for colcdratlogAbo , Fourth of March as. a - NattonalliolldaT, mot t 1 lbrenoon, and or- Etkulzed b 7 eMling 110/1- ,Timmo al.. Uowo td the chair. There was a fall attcuOanco of the . mmlWaldllns Ina : fist 'Was mini, IC wu arranged Oat ell the bells In the elly 11ould be rtrag &fah : elf fruit ' eleven ridUl half pVutt twelve Saturday, and 'thath Yatkonrd salute sof one- hundred' gaing ehould be dm:thorn, the' nionth of cuff street, oti the bill overlooldig L ttetWeen the heura of twelve and one o'clock.. - • , Ilia Honor, Miter Claim,: and Capt.• ifirdt-` meyer were-appointed a committee to attend to the firing of the slinks; and they ate now mail log arrangerpents for getting two large guns from the Arsenal for that Darden:_ :ion. Thomas 31..1.1.0we, George R. it - bite, E2g., and Dr. A. G. McCandless were appointed a ccnornittbe to mom the plenty of the city to -have their places or imillic worship open on Sat urcler.. between tho -boom of twelve , and.ouri, o!clock, to deliver patriotic addrwse4, render dumitil - fargo snagessavvouclumfed. to -our -or:: mice, and pre a continuance of the Divine . Joseph lidltiorth, Ntm. D. Davis and Santee MontoOtlf Went 'appointed a Committee on Ft nance.,..and also a Conamhica. of .arlangementa to -procure a ball for a public ineniag tube held is the evening. . iMayor lawri-4ina 'int - iti=ieditei liana an ad- Ofts„ reonetlng the, CILIZOIIB to4pla in a proper observance of these reemnotendations. lie was 4.4mironviu pretin !pastimes thrthe even. big intitrag, asieengays it bras& Mid and idea performers foe thattmeaskia... ,:A - -- . I It It eneteted thatitil.theinanufseterlag . et Lbli .,w alutents ht thirelty.vVillinsPenlibuslaess Mr PeSa4y, and tint tbfrAtarell wittamedesitafrops elennallatlEl ee.seelOcYba tint-atilt' soon it is eritiecialay ealrable that all Verson Itirvatellir344l.(3gbilltuidg the eatim mew;'Y 1 • 1 Packages . by hail lei the Soldiers. i AdjutaittliClOlieh,td trio Sizth Pcnasylva , etc Hum Altliergt enclaves tows the aollowisr , . . arttele s from' st.lltashinpow . paee, which he wishes published thr••the'lnforniatimi- of tione ' Who Ana psekagis bymssUrto ths Iluiditm . 4 We.tete °cession sole; to invl ;bodges ilott or sokftesVfAttales Sod other Ornsls lending risztels, sash ss _ glor.M,stalett,drsweni, ' wed otheeSedwbg - " 14".iis *W. enaretiduls, rutpothat many of these ant. stoS t ..hart the heavy Mem kr ly.hOlft t 7 went Wen ed, Mew W r iallistfdel ileParr Anytime; end in nemerons other cues because . . their wrappow liers.been too Sag* tee trans. lunation teMe"ftelsrand they - hire - reached our yestottlce *Khoo a partkiel claw curstopo obtromi. . ' mkt. tre aa l li t Irj stueV i tit levott i V l Vel i n di b ( o l or is t cOdesross to trace the ovum. plater the soldler %r whams; package was intended, orthe puma Jal.janatiti but Mb trequently without - .sumsgt i We bale one old veterwa—himself a soldier - or the ot . iest , llighwho , up e nd. ti strek end ;`-dej ans eight, - td.lw Id s sod d ' Inch fteft. :gee as can he Ind& CAL Xs - kaawa al the "mak stiotrOtr A il ot ; Wu allidas a hand' Atm wig was received, but ne 'owner can be .., deiced ter It.;'' rams army* me Indispossidge.--. i s rfan e rr ne ri!. !!", Ike ibe i. l 7. r. •.. . . Letter' free. that: - Aemi et the Pstamme: MVP WM - Aefaorßattmow. E " • • :Irebrits • We thee been oniclailjblfOrintedorShOrmaa's 7nteetitsuiesse In &rah Careilina r Mid kha;leMe bee greatly striegthined - the conviction among no that oar final triumph Is wear *head. We feel imaterl thd thethlai etesit. attke , , °tad , alteittlate sat eVreially..lteple and battle thak their oluthltoM aktltsqi.lporgy. Med& the Meld ';"olMalher.' df M ,7 , hierltahlremsehthis unbidy webelltoa In rev name menthe. • •" v f.I ate Mad that our itoble'Fiestdeet firmly 'end matthlly maintained the: irreproachable, home and Integrity of oar Unica in his late conger -sate with the lhlelamond toutellsslott..-Mads So 1 limbo the re/Keratin* at peace to the tend, aad willing as I em that our tundras should raptors= • folly be heardth- this- mature,. Ithould,grieve to know Cully/ lute bagged• to our bermes a pomtituted peam, atielned with, eternal dishon or, and for whlchwe had bartered the ustioa's glory arid mcriaced thorikideous.rdacfples Iti defence of which we have poured oat so much = rialattickke some pima' Mir Ifni:aim in Ind, and we here hate beee,Matid ne Co - meet It, Wa maybe attacked temlentAnt it in Own' ally bat lend bere-that, General lyce wig. Boom mate Ida forces ageing /air centre, sold mate a mighty Met to 'drive ..the arma y,way from here ai the last hope of their derspemthpanse. G. Charles Hasp's Welke°. la Washington ;correspond* hai- written a leterter the New-tozk r 7rribini6; etireitiiik the . enggerated Battens:Mi. of. the regain carrel , Octant of that jounfal concerning the . late en , "tfiralament glean by Charles %nap, Esq., its that dry: IIo ; !eye r' The report s the , iffalr Cost 5100.000 is simply .prepostoren: it ems me! deubtedly elegant and eyansice, but except In' teatusportationer cooks, esrteni.and material fr.em New Turk, there was tin 'greater, outlay than at , many,•of the gland. halls - which :take pinelhere. •Thewith' were notexe down be tactuthetirehouses,bukthe cortannuiliationwai, trladnby the 'back ulizzailwhieh Warts .draped The atreet was slot floored or carpeted; tut a plank landing plate over the gutter was made for changes and some ordinary rope mat thsg laid skirt across the sidewalk. Mr. Enap, ltlswellknown,awnstheonly.Country in the corriarycapnble of turning nut first cleat heavy ordnance snail as the, great mortars and the fipresfarsit twenty Inch gam. Lie pas: been on : new d in 'llia work slew the comutettaan'ent .of the war, and,lChe heactunillr- 0 1 0 •Ikatlei -, he has ' made It fairly by dint of; esperlor enterprise and skill, unbyshoddy. Nola a man oftwall known ilbemlity,-.andshass, L believe,. contributed. +his • share In charitable works. That heshould haver. asmmemorated Washingon's birthday. and' our successes bye. ball, IsZairtelnly no 'subject • . aeolimisr Aiatrp Vaannvcas—Last,onsaintr as-Masters Philip and William Elneale were perfornalog-thely,rMld Alr, Spider on the tra peze. and Wire icbtilinir fripidly ground like a 'wheel, they lostiboir hold sad fell front thecoll- Ing to the orchestra, receiving very severe Inju ries, • Theywere plena yin an lesenslblo con -41004 and carried to the rear of UM stage, where a phySielers wet : soon, In attendance• la; home was - crowded;;and tile accident' cause great excitement for MID Acqmorr.to_ A.. halloo? Tnalw.— Yesterday Reicht train, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Was, approaching Lillea-Riatian, tho scene or thd fete. fearful - patastropheipne - of the truck& tell'On the track, throwing old tkree ears, one of which caught (I re s add wia totallytiestmyad. Ona or the Mints had Mt' toirribly mashed, but beyond this we- kayo no particulars. T,ho care *bleb wine thrown oft werabailly brotian, aci that Abe loss to the company,: must ban been. tonal& Itecnurrmo Pi 11111 tZti Drirrarcry.—Caldida Kirker, Provost dlareheVot tluttild district yes tert4y mustered ninety4dx mad, end enlistments are-still doing on verylniskly. • Sherals a [row- by conildenetrlirotir leaders and our , armlet, StimuletingThe reeruitlnk. seivien osurYwheret Ind it only needs a dno otoolun of roseterooM to fin the quotas. • . • ' Lorr Cattm.:=Tbettiody who wolf it child from Its Mother, nt - tberglegheny.City Poor-Farm, on Sninrday laid, will ander term ort's dlitreseak in tber by leaving word at' the Mayor's Mlles, taburgh where the chid may be found: , .... . . aEcom.) Ittewn .—Tee. Sealed ward 4 npldly ClZl.PP r itds49ie.,ap iLeteli t ld - th e draft be pcii c e a or d ualaloger w=booe. t !Terreltinz at•i Prayer Meeting . . ' A " l "!" . l ehl T4 m ;SO ,o ' ,l4- .TlMthe reernitini basine.s, transpired a day or two duce. It appears that tr - rscinittig: edinnittice; hailing from A rawcil...totrfa.l.4, Waillington county, came crcr to , thl3 city . to 1c.0 . r. cp rem - nita. One of the committee is a class leader in the Methodist church. cad • either by climesde sign visited a colored prayer nineties: in use of aPper wai'6. During Use ern Mg bacame • Quite familiar with the mini:der of the church, and mixing 111411 CPS with his fMrtaion, Goff tISI obtained no I.:aa than ten recruits oat of the 0.1•, grcgation, Ma udlin. the pr6scher TheSeUere , all presented at the office of Provost Marshal Poster, and - all passed examination,. ex piing the minister, whcfiras net Ulf up to the mill tary standard of physical' condition. The other nine were'duly'mustered into the service, to the credit of theaforesaid township.. • SIXTH ,WAILU.—AIi • permute who hare Slat rerlbcd to the bonnty - fund of tills ward, and others intending to , snisseribe; are requested ttr pay up as soon as **Mule. The echoorDireo tora bare made arrangements by which they will severe the balance of the fund remaining unsubscribed, and will be enabled to offer the highest bounty to volunteetv. We are , vatifil 'at this, result, and nuty , anticipate the speedy . Ilef of the werd'fro ` the coming - deal; t citizens of ,ths ward end themsnlyer.eueripsa callYto the Work: . . . „ Am: Bour' of Duce, —James Rellerytteebefere Alderman Stride leak cr.:ninon two ehhr&M;Mie for aisenolt and bait. trey, preferred bj Ellaapith DatiQui, O..xdored women, and the otber.for surety of -the peace, by Annie Matthews. In default of ball he was sent to jail. • ' Pxor..WIL /scrum. —The lecture by Prof.-13. 3. ?Mon, :Unlioniliy. Kan. corner of Boss and Diamond streets, combs olr telnerroit• eraultig. qlubleet.: lbafesteeil--' a Lectirei for fitudeetieridTonnelria." CirAimiae.-LThla tortshipjajtairly out or the draft, lento; tufala r , ar aasca 1 4telk *I!. fur: spRoCIAL LOCAL NO TICES. Mitosis W. rAltl; jprostipid Eastii im‘ (Ma In Amarir—m elate , of ,snot orders., Ma at Alexander Laughlin's, near the Walk% Worint; Pittsburgh; Pa. Residence, N 0.78 Pike street. Orders promptly attended to. All work warranted water 'mug. Repotting done at the dusted nOttee. , " No etuage tor rept,ln, prodded the roof least_ ak used after It la pot on. firisgth.NOmei.%—rhe attention or our read ers a ki i directed to the Militant assortment of Fall and Wl:etc:Goods just received by .our friend' Mr. john Water, No. 120. Federal st reet, Allegheny.. 'Rh; atock. impetus great Variety or Fancy French, English, Scotch and Americas Casaimeres and Cloths, andllna Slit sad Casal mare Postings, all of, which-wilt be made upto order In the West styles sad la the beet manner. l'ebolee selection of Furnishing Goods also on ;and and for sale, together with a fall stock of Ready 'lade, Clotithag, well add huadousbly . mule. The varying temperathre of the mason is rap. Idly prodiaclng colds, coughs and pnIMODIII7 af-, fectionibf all ifleads: Persons wftli weak knit should now Itospeclally,carefult,end .what may seam trilling crumb/ and colds ought to have im mcZato. ettentton. Tht careless !indifferent which want fort "cold to go* ea It came." la many cases results In laying the *eclat of ciat , swaptlon. For such neglect of . one's health there UCMCI-exctra. ts:Dr., 11. Javisea Apeelennut can•be toldßl Pmearta,.. apd its long established plittaitimais 011ejrntratettlf Bel etatracy, as a 41404 y#lstibikracioaffar non Colds sod Pal; moan, affiktionth - 'Silt 'tfy druggist% any= , • .., . , . Pplciat .. 411.+Lvt.—Wahold • lt Ittnne; , any person, msli,or feihald, when - they ;Haled, tut to aajtenoyarite ;aildchia very laths Amiable on tbelspartortudd obviate. rival/illy hi :Ids the easiferhero theamfortanne palatine of a tadintath' will petalstd, r o t battotoholdhig atdketrsidlrly„Ala Awn' a ns, to oar man h• fest *nal aid plyilcal ' taut: - If Abase good people"would use the Bowdon it would not taly radar Ilan sotePtatdo Wagialthains; :tftt W h 'it'flfte:l7.l4ly kttlfroVe Ant link Nal/ iit.Dringisti.: 1 .... r •-' ~. .. . . SAM) aualae; liaturdaparterninek, "Co A ttret ZorLyn Tuourg, Marcb 'Gr andthd [ , An .!Lay,.at. uccrt Ira, Satin* " at Mtiod tie)as astatilliur 0W7404, cIIderAODATO Ungpe. - AWRIMUIIX7' TaLLORI4 Bis*BW)Pl4:"Nr •z t. • Mama_ $7l, tsaid iie* =.lrarnitztretratHrwitMirAMl. ruitribl'atts`l l 4 l 4=.4 6 " ....V ,ll= l 7lll, - =l/00611 lad Wien, , • 11•X,Tasir .4. 11‘ Fri al jr , - : MINIIILIE, Ta.u.ei; ibet t - K.. lo ety.a.tra inert .- 1 0;,11:f , TO4lOl-. 1 W. ter. Pus a It. Stair RNA • 6.R41 .~ 47~8t.~-Clair Street, :_. ~ ._, AU atom: curenect err nicut. WMI3 !ors, ircnrrwe Aum minnßiure, ;,,.CLOTH/76~; j A7 , 44RZA TZ i r, "WWl* riltUTIl,- , WORD FOR WORD.—TEST- A Ttlid.—BE TOllit .OWN—Pfrurt. ICesdderet Coe-Omelat.l am satisfied of thomartta 44 12171111 X HEMP. - . it Ikm Wood me from the - .delta. as It wpm, mime" CONSIIIIITION had so beetle 'placed me. Tottr.:37rup,. £llll. ec4 -9 1 htt Jim sthit m t,bas (done for Me.t nothln elme did or o Id do — re stor e d me to health sod life, wheo I tralened a, f Mt- the ..mortelokamat. To. r la MO fo loather rule"- Tourer ~ • • Ramadan, L la, Kahle, May lf, Mt...,, TherthOlre LA If erbILL UM And toULIMIV of the 21111.117, wr receive. Dr. /1.-.IAhtES , lIANNAII4B I OV lathe only remedy that rillt:posittrelr. aura .CONSIIMPTION. ASTHfiffland 111t0PfUlitTL•t. ' We ask the trial of • alsele bottle, as It will eat 14fsa the moat skeptical.- 41 , 164 b per bottle. t Three bottler 116 sp. fills and Olottle*Wlllo' meek. eet'Phiad . felddmeorrtmderowmi •.. . • . . BOILER',ANI) STIMIEF WORKS, 1 • Comer et gt; II, ICD and LatEIITY Strette, Plll4 , kergh. it; lc Yud Sm s. eannittr." 'loa.t4Sw:•&Etartrutua..,: •• • kihnttiletunsit of kentriddeoliptlov: of *team MU; et.. Oil Stllla, AgttatoV:7 Snit S.R*Wit. '41 1 7:v gtl=7 .. loi= iltjetAtvga ii iraz. Wade le the host mann e r_.,. eta werrahted equal te:, ea, In.the eouetty.I3,SPAIIRR). dam pyomptly. McCIORDA 00.; • . WhoLuukle I)wilers irate, Caps anti straw. 000411, Have new In store the liirneet nnd Nit ,OMPiet. ~.. . , . • : - , • GOODS FOR FAI-L. SALFS,_ :;, . • - - ' • . liver oinred la the west. - iftettedi. ' sestregikested to etll end examine our stoat, %1..: .win. be omit SILVUR PLATED WAIM 26T..amcno - mus,crscort..-in. • *Uteri!, Onstors, he &a. iruttuila to tie 'roar , • ' Obautrul pd. for sale b7J , MIER; NOB% . _ i 25 • Sontkr ; PICILiDEMICUL :hnem e , • ' ' pouQuEl . c,,uux,i'WWEßß;ic. oba WIIRDOOLVSOakiand Greeettoam. . O We". RR With J. 13.1tubley, IT ICklr Bro., Wood street, Zotommtb &Ott, JIS rum , drool, or at tlos.Groentiouse, promptly ittoolat to.- Baguets supplied doily ot tbo abort( lamed MAIMS. 011kb1/111 WI MU to thoOreanbonso every Illftren minuted. dorrAmd ItEgiSVAL.—FRANK VAN a ofelAiri commuil and Produce Merchant, its •^VI3IMAI to Stolt.blleld to Zio.soll4bewi BANES .1.471 H£72 9. TEI6, UNION NATIONAL 'BANK, (Late Milan EiaillEt46 Gp-) Comer or Futirlb and Ma k riet Streets, Paid up Capital. - - - 8250400. Limited to, $500,000.! This hank bra been &Ili Organized Ibleeordaneit with the girt of Ctoogrewa and will continue to banana a general banking Dullness under the male._ agement of the following DERECTOR.AIt J. R. Sitc(IVINIF JARED M. BRUSH, O. xeNscr: avE, Justpg HONE, A. G. CIIIMAGF O. BARLDIFELD, JOHN buitstfAlL, :tonic WILSON, 108. KIREPA.TRIOIC. By authority of Jay Make, Esq., subscription borecellied tithe . : ; . 7 -a-1.0-miznarY NOTES whlek are convertible at mittnity taco ty S. Mo bonds, beaded doer ocaLlatersrt.payablifin gold. Netee kept oa kaad for haniedlate delivery. • _ 1.-114.M.001J/111, President. H. 3. SMITH, peskier. . :Aatta OVONII.I. Sr.. D. RILIZOII mai with Iran as POTBTII.NATTANAL DAMP. .07 PITTBIII7 • L. I. (Meridiem Diymitary, ___- Pirrestneere, tebruet7 tob. OTICE..--WISHING :TO FVUTIZER tie delfts tie 'NATIONAL 13ANIC LAW .W.VIOTIDE Uniform Elyrateni of Crorenay, FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURGH. will, e• aid after February inh 1515, Mei?' hum her regular Depoaitors, ourtomera sad. dealreur crinnicatirar 4 2 411. " ftythle eonrwr tib public. will obtain PAR MONEIf. titEE , OF ELL CHARGE to exchsage Cop tbotr ourraloy. liy oaks et the Board. S. D. HERRON, Cashier. BAffituit:; notrsz. HOLIES & SONS, No. 57 Zarb% Street. Pittobiugh.. DMIIDTDRIONNYND IN PAR PVNDB AND • • uoitialato^r, , Collections nii4e on , all tbn prlanipnt points or tie • Valtallt/tates sin Oanadna. • iIiTOCINS, BONDS AND OTILER SBOVAITIS mw Sao w) OM cw=olL ratilasior'steastiles pxis 44 the passlore sat 1D ;T. SIMMS. OrKed liw eatci six • r u g% Ga. sp•.- - eareitarke's. muts Ai* *1360/1361/o'llolCillt 03 Sided, COLLI,ECITIKD. ,COMER 6f weep nit VIRUS u,Ler. t K MGR AD EMUS AM •s• ewes° somamt. 'mkt,: Lot iede on heed Ise NY the 7 Mt ['shad litateeiresaary Notes, esetakes mew* Thle It the POPIILILE LOA.l7—t6e - oel7 Oen eeeetent Le* now Ls the netkit' Der..e!let *pis who hat sioseya este had &sheeted teettylev IntestmeaL MITO =O'S A DAY no% lava se Theca area am an amid titler lieL Tip karma peyAble •eate*nally cm the 1111 teeth Pad Uth qt Admit.* the Woo/ IR Near Steam sass*, :At tit espleationorthr& leers testy Itttlaot er *mead Abet( &lid they. at. la. chasgsblateutettk Chen Ikeda. tlamalestou eesered Alm* wad Butban... late** sate rtWet pelt Miskihe Item. • mg. soinastrz, Pow. Seemelmstelttheetse• - C. IL fisessem.destetsat Ouklese. 30113.1. • -THEASItItIC DEP , , p!!iruil crs w Omt i lmi x .riz i ros natic7. ViTtatilt4, DT 13ATITIF.ICTOR - miaow* Repeated to tha tuatarsipteh tMA ban mato to mow that ilia _ - , - SECOND'NATIONAL BANC OF • ALLFOODIT CITY; .hi the int) of Allogheity,la Ma county of Alto. glumly aid State ofd =rile, Ime bees duly =el'anatter and to the trogelrentants of- Ooalltial, PIM ed "Au Ant tope*. ride a ?reticent °enemy, toeured by a pleMp : of [lotted BMW Bantle, and to prerrtda ter the dray, lathes and rodempelon tbeeeohoapproyed Serie, Sil, Viat. and hall tonepited with all , the,prorlato ne - of said set required to Do emnplied with before emit maxilla. the Dulness •of banking ender soli sot! I, 'loose Pf , OitimMrellar of the Oar. reneydoliereby codify that' me Sooond Nation. el la nk of Alloy Olty," to the all *YALU& gheny,.te the ty of Allegheny, and Stnte of Wentirylrenta, Is a thorteed in commas the beil-, seal of Booking n der the set 'forma& .. . ! Corroney Boerne, ~ .le teattniony whereof' { Seal of the •• , • wttneea snit 'my hand : Comptroller of the - weal °lodine, this tit day Tressery Detpirt • , Currene y:t. ritent: • of February, leaf, • d • _ :IWOR afctittLLOOK,' frO•htv.l . uomotroller Of tho thuresoy. Chrnas or rift Omer or etnuiziay. WasatioTow,Deatiober al, 2961. BEREAB- -, BATI&VACTO Y evident* peewited -the,.an4ear . yrixed, kWu been made to appear thattho ;. • • IRON CITI 11710111, RANI OF . PItTIBCOOL 'to tits city of Pittsburg!, Is the eountr of AIM ginoy. And lit Ate of Penneylranta, hu been doll orginalud under and Aocording to the requirements of the net; of Congress, eatititd "An Act to pm vide A National Curroneforacured by a pdalge n `United. States Ronde, nod to provide for the duo Luton And redemption thereof," approved June , 'list, nod AAA complied with all the provisions o atilt Act • required to be complied with Ware ono. znetudop Innbusinum f linnking undersold act tLereforo, 1. liughllleLtulloataLlOstglilt 'of the t`ntreney . .4n hereby , %rattily, Wt. , ' KR ZIATIONAL BANK: OF I t / re ;81.11111/4"'inAlle elty of Plttetturthiladlog unity of Nlenheny, and State oh - Penneilraels, ,te an. Itemized to entotnenee the buitaten of ll s nolpg .Apriate set nfolesaid. - • • . !. • , - • testimony whereof, lettuce my hen LI , end tailor onteWs thltty7Ant day e December. A. D.• ./IfoOSTLO6I% jalleetl ' Comptroller of the Curramy.t • TIOLLAA - DAYLINGS. BANS ; NO. 65 u r Fovirrix eraser. ;' . . 'Open doily from t o o'clock, also on Wednes. day and Settuday evening, from •• bitty lit to No. vember Ist, from to Web:oak, and (coin November ben to May tat from ri to 8 o'clock. _ .Debradta /attired' of all gums of not leuthatt O r. Dollar, and a dividend of the wont/ declared twice a year, In June and .Dereniber. Interest boa been declared seml.tumuilly, In June and Dotomber, Mace the Dank was araantred, at the rata Of Me . Interest, [not roan one, Is placed to the credit of the depositor. a .princtipal, and beam the Rome interest from the drat day, of June mid December, .compounding tw ea yelr without troubling the depealter to call. or oven to present hinnies book. At this rate manettelll double in lets than twelve /Book, et' iv - anklet ; the abilte. BY-Bewa, Rules ' and Regillations, furnished petbieir,applteatilon ramerninerGEOßDE 4 .A.LlMEt.' V . • . • vita rnsatarwre._ VV *main J. , Andersan,,- AL Pollock... l C P., John.O. Bric.kafta: . Robot Rohn; • fie.nj. L.-Fahnesbrok, John.H...Stromtberhirs Jannis IferilMatt, Skittle, • Janet AlesanderSpeer, ; Ilanßrow*. • Oheistlith Team ratm . flahrliarta ; Aentl.Bßuite - Joint O. H t Ole refer A. Illadolue o T ru i nvi rDecks r . , : ' ',John Marshal.: Walter afambeffs, , James MD' id.e"C 'Chu " B- Mita% • John rs. scoradalaq lattotteas, , !pan 0 1":4,..* . John J. f i tlUbH Pllll 7 = 1.WPJ4.41 William Aleximder WIN Peter H. Hunker._ ~ Vsnicirk, Richard Days, Wra. Warman,. James D. Kell . Dose tiny rt, k-covrox .I.l*-73 IZEat-uny Ite,pmremmtr; Oinnell Or tkorrrtor.Litllor THU Cr GICILSOT, WAstustrol, J.cuanry 16th, MS. tibilliAS—By satisfactory evidunce Ty Presented to the uodatatitoci, It hai Wan otiada•to appeu that Me THE, ALLEGHENY NATIO'NIL 11131 1 • of 'Pittsburgh, In the county of alleyheev, and Sisk , of Pennsylvania, has base duly , ere,. ;lord underandacconfing to the requinveents eche Ant of Congress, entitled "1,4 a, Alc to provide a Currency; scouted by a pledge of United States Donds, ard to provide for tine circulation , and redemption thereof,” approval June sil, and bra complied wink all the proclaim of said" act, required to be eoinplied with before cemzsieea NSha Mi nes* of banielog under said act : ow; theretwlnl, MoOULLOOH, asap. g roller - of the VetiorAV o telri .i c t ertlfy that the eity i l l h ig.ret t :rgh.ta . the *mini; of ArgTl 4 4 a , an t l State of Pennsylvania; in authorized to coeunants • the business of bank4ender the act efOreesit. In testimony wh witnea nly hand V; daesl ot peke, thiailla do January, 0.11 • • lIVGII Jetsam tlneoperOlter. of the Overawe. ' n TREASURY DEPARTMENT. - ' °rm. at OcacreAgniza corm' OcAsensT,i .. Rembilitioat..Tionuu mey tea. • • - HARE/ " - `TISFAOTO 1 _ _ATI3:BY -7 /widen** promoted to the itaitorlditdd,4ll4: woo OtOtte to appear thai THE iION RATIONAL RANI OF PITTIBINGH,. I. the ottr of Pate 1, .ia the eon* et Al ; lesheny and -State of leen* has' been. • ihdy , 'crowned ender end' mooring to the ;te: isdremente of the .det of • Con=etled ...S.e. Set .te . Cde •iv tfatiOnal , — pecured; by aid of United States Bohan, and provide, for the floe net redemption thereof,. lap proved June id, 11184,1 ad haaromplied leith..ell the . . a:Ad . ens of said aettbize=iito:feeonuAgiied-vottl. 4edet. - Sow therefore, I, Hope Idelynumne, Sten?.trob .10 of the' Oterreary, dohget osa t. gLthst The Vann PtatiOnal• Hank of - FS ~ " tzt the - olty• oC-Pfttaborgh,:ht the meaty -of AI eny, sad State of Peannitann,le atthortted to einusenco the beldam of fliadting water tlte set - aforesaid. • . {! qgintnel sates, '• 'lt tisttesoar irberies , . fiesl of the' • - witness sty haul &WNW Ootaltrollesof ths of oar, this tingfUrday. j r.. - y .__vt 1. 1iwy.... ' - • of 4alismytelli e.orr ~ : m..° EMIR MeCULLOUE, Cloendroliar of the Oefleeor moortrodrip snags. CLOSING SALAti to QmT .BUBINE4II3 3311COCPri9 EIMa'7ZI 0133C)M378 AT cos; AT. IVderai Eltreet,allieglieng. I imam Wank off my entire stock of BOWS, SHOES, CLUTIIIII3, Et&LMOALS, BLIPPKINS. &T 008 T, Loan Into other business. entail dealers and . the public generally will Ind it to their adeanWe to call and examine raystock, as I amiletamito close out :In the least tints possible. GOODS AT LOST. . . . W. EI.IVOLIWTOCK, 98 Federal at, Allachany. Olt? JAMES ROBB,' 3•. SO ll ['Joke., Street - 111.14.51 Tll3l E.424T, Tin NEATEST FITTING,, And Tills 11cosT La• 111C0001413 11.2a112V gSZECOMMIN, Of oil bowie Is tke dip hasjust received a, Duivitheent, raa stack. "STAB" WORM' ' ZUST Br ONUS A 1,1 ;REE;, 21 . 0 ! ( : . .* f ie. Ne:lei WOOD STI;EBT:' .12,1N•r. e**, epeeist 4otOt.' 11.11""ed vamanipicsustaik IPSZILe• — + • T-OL0811SG:_ .OUTAEILLES • oil , st:Tmor ETCH:M . :St Ple;140112 Bap " ' GINDALIAi .171 CV7ISS, at cost. All toad.-marked down 1i . R r ow le - tes tokU telal roles er e pforoseb—Golligua w er add a = l" ' " 1 / 2 ntaanY° , . !St Noreat Med, Al g aol fneWilltitt... 6 01 M 1 ' 101: Hire; std, eat siwortseol okBOOTII, ' SIEGES G aor Lollies, klealle, Nimes, Berl joathil, and PLIMMeII..I.IOI4 of teaaaaable D_ . , WIPBTE4 - 011.= CLOINEESi , da= HOITIVXIMEER , J. aplmaiam. 123. akzatieL, initutrunot ui Pawls ex WINDOW SHADEB,.`&O 4 No; h og faint to zaaka (nit *lag feat Make Oa* ani awl disks gooliiit WhOieliltde PriOeS. 1101111 LAND A, 4101.14N5, : r • - and 'r 3 FNth st* IStaxsa mut and Foissib. Stotts', &peke listli• Mrt fa Nu 11. 16. Oaotoza Hozaaattero PO TT ItT 11 : _ST RE:ET 4 c i inp.ETB. - 1 , ito„..t. :ewe Wing our etix4 foe jati:'FßX:CeSii• : f3ELT.i.ES6, k . owe ever eue very twee aseartinentAo ' 0/ 0 at the lOW RATES OF LAST-Fe-ta•,at • I g `LESS • lON PRESENT EASTERN - PRICES, . g • m compristoy every variety to t•• found in a 0 43„FIRST-CLASS, CARPET STORE ?,'; 4'." .. W. ir it a agotaLitna. ' . 7 r teli ' .en F O UR STREET. • I o' l .o ARPFVT. ST() R1'.... . - - jeildtfl 1 - 311 Wood Street, Eintsocraa-aiL, ' nuuiar . satirists or IMiROVED BORING TOOLS, Sinking 90, Salt and other Wells. Tools warm:Med - toads of the Met ..TVALLTA ; _ _ AND . LOW MOOR , , 1 . 11101 MIS . , ,m,rio..; to' BELLN ILS 413," SLEIOI TIS ESHOVELS, 1 VHANM lALS, ate, 11ATCHETS,- MLA E 43; - WBEN EL O PLANES., - LEVELS, - VAIUSI &A. :11:4: AND 3CEJ43I- 4:2353). constantly In store. • ROPE, LEA 4=-17:11VE 3339 • .4431 , 0 f irbklt lukve NOTICE TO OWNERS .OF 'DRAYS, HACKS, & e. to berebr given to all owners of Dears,- (huts, Chniegne, Nowt. ea r he., whether resident or noiereetdant to the Oar or Pittsburgh, to per their Idoessene - at the Treesiteetia offlea of the city , ot of rittsbulath, forthwltb,in aeroordsh es with hn•Aket Auemblr, approved March DO, 18eni had an Ofilto .naitee, of the •Ocialiells of the City o fl4tbtltth, April 11, Waal -• ; • oat pall an or Werehr.hylg -Allthe planate the hands of the.Chtet of POWs, f or eettooeton, wildcat. to his tee 13 t who ts forth/ celleetunothereaf, and ,sll Iranians neglect or. ',refuse to tahe , ont..Lleitaste: will be gee j e d .penalty, to benseasesee-,berare is,a7capor, doabl e the apniunt of the Llama. —is . , a t hehld zonal plates at previous rein Must bet rammed et the time Uneasier, to Or pay. seassusesefos4 . . • luMngba ZIOEASE. . ie.aiOnskoniiiniole, - ' • Zech two Lone - :... -.... . ... . . . 12 OD Each four hone - • -13 Each two hone,. hack: • RC CO Otenlbusto nett ,Tlmbor Wheolo drawn by two hOmelh Write= dollen tech, For each additional • hOrpe wit% tans o.' the obove vehicle*, oaa doll**. / PlVi i lfi4era l lValla tr elaTti :9F_.Ill'CdL yintrilata-p - - HOICOPiiTHIC SPECIFIent--.lf FRESII_SUPPLY JIIST tfIEY luys- azzern3-usa- YOU TrAug AND THOUSANDS DAVE BEEN -,o7fiEtolier Taint _ • READ VW DIST DVEX n etb o iadiim mous_____-` 4 ° Heat, Pain +Lad Res tleaaneas, and the list whim -14 &Onto and pseasii, No: 2-oarierann i revir, Worm Bella and Val &clout Appetlte,yettlnt the Bed. Prim, SS cud Ito ir-4:inivi Colic, Teething, Crying aid Walt labiate, Slow Growth - tad iimblinmesa -laws% we. of Ohtldeea' l pr melt Cholera Infant= and Stunataßlowlidalnta . Pets Not. out a erne that want eases ciro4o*ii , . .. . . . . No. 6—Cures .Dieentein or Bloody Plaz, Coil la ElAle!, littlionaColies Fa Dlrientety. ,31406,1!. ~! re 4 ''' 0.11.-Tor Cholera lahojera , Itortme 11.,*(. ~ i and 'Totalling, hotltunkte Creathkoc. • leeeohn - , , *o. SLCittea t i, 11,114, -- Odidi, kliatahltildifelit .• a chitin Intluenoa, Sore Threilt:"Prien •LopON e . ' - r ono No. I /pryer C.4l.l.oltoiroAD . - 4 !TootMir, :-c O Cougho: ~- -- . r . ito. B.4.lures Tooth-nnie, Itell4ollaiiir .. . ~, .11elts amino pc4lntl.a. :Trice !a Deals' - '; . „ . ." 0 ,•:., ~,, Ilf. h ofltbnxt to the Hee& Mee 93 '' '• , , ~,,, 0. 9-I:hires Tkooliehic ilia Heat= Oft. - •le addltkio nith.No. ;Oat nerornidlotfdorslink:. l t i Nossi:XVetoti.,4 ma"; . ',i ............ ... A: ..... i ...f . ke:lcissi; Wooly/014 Oillosorigo".., , -odlSLoniech, Con.M on, Liver Clesupreto&tr rta Bllloue CoodittOo. ' rico ht dents. _...., _ PALLIBIJI for WI innetat Woak Dicooliar Mil ..* al ow thollolakdo. ~..,, :.i: . I ";., - ..1.,trs nr...1 ,;_ A AO. ii—Ouitis'Bipirefiet kaiak:at B'oilik' —'' l'afoltil, or Delajing,-Oresi Mohair.: lir . "', ls. is Coves ,Letworrhes. or Wl4 .134 ' i ii,, ' ... Ddwo too Proftue Itemea. as orate: '; ' ' '• - No. 12-outes Cron , Hoarse. Oiespy • ° saw Difficult and ORp Dreethia,g. ati cents.- 14—Ontes Salt' Rheum, Crusty 'Empties; ! tpacstai,S so S okuplA ,Thizbero, 40,4 Punt4ao S tests ' Wo:l6=4:lurakithemnatissa, Pakti , LaIMMINIIEINt at. t' " Serums la ,tlia .43beaS, Back, Side, or. • Esbiskra:at. -. 1 , Wo:lii—Oures Feirer end At learstraltWal A.-- i rer,-Dumb Ague, 014.1nreterate Agues. . ~,c c ; ~. ,! . it. W—Clinis P l ies, internal Or'Werania4, Del i& `I or eedlog, Reamer or Obsttests.' at twat; . 7 1.". ' 4 . This riaedr bOrl, eared thowiasubi sa the want. ~, . .., . , WO: la-Cares tip th tbalmlii, Weak 'oelalwasell . 44 let or Eyelids, Fisillog. or Weak West, *ft ant& . 4. t cosy always be relied upon for a ears. -- ! --4 a No. ts-than Catarrh, iscut• or chronic, deb s." Mesta& Cold la the blend. Influenza SO cern* , . .—Glutei 041 t, shortening nit • pialliting it at Spurtallia Co no cents. •• • ts le„ sad always essa =Laing., tio.l*—Cum Asthma, 01 , 5•1411. hay 9 "bored Breatitiny,.oothgh acst,pt,,aties6 ran , aandreds base Naneuea . • • • billeitr.:;cols . .:-'(% VI! flisaittila;l4l l / 8 2•11 Atial4l4 Ifwilling• Ind Old (Me,- . Immo* Hae eyed th• wont - mum. • - • " • • - !to. 24—Oue• Genera/ Debility, Phyitesi. 4tip - mow Westoaa .. , mU Sprealap. ty #intotigtfot• N ' ril-k7i2fat SesNldbuis,Flortzattaa:Turt Youiltiov lecerds. , • - 4' , • - S-Ouneo.Thiass, : fleavokno .!, Odell; Dialoult or PaLattd out 1 . /, •It saxes old wilds of SialsecyDbruer.• ' As. -16For-.B.aiburp=linitut, - sod DAM. t I"=altan Aso am OIL • Tbelllol4 Aflkcitat• remedy. inowat :dad sat fr ion mouth er titovisoly,thuoimmia • ' IL of Alpha or Oldklren, and Aldo traddious andlkoonlng orrnegosat, r!zikaks. , so.orus.. Cam si.onak leto.l3o.4eurie• ihileeery Immixllnemen, Wetting e the He 4 too_lorequezet, Pedant, or &laths Wasp jiro. en-Ckergei, Painful If.coatmtlas. Preseivriser* Cremp Speepps, Preteittis, lte UM*. time of rem**, 11- " • XI acts Wr4.4 Call At e, • - • Iklil — fhini ) Stirna=t MUMPF, p„ -Mem et 00. - eista t r " — r di p toi eM iod An o w °4o.,l7 !Co.°alto Elptins ortaist. "at' Adakts, lad Cramps etiil.l ' " 1e0.114-Oulu-Bili owner, as Wait oe.llMi‘-: !• 4, Downes' . be Spirits, -.7sundise Cloistipstbi 4. • l A wer° " 4 / 4 1 1 1 'L ''' . . .... . • g0.115-41cirt4 130114 Clartnuislet, slid- art - 0. 211..-Ounoili Amite Skin Ereptioese err/air . lea lever Blearier. Makes Prop. • ..... tro.l7—OnierOtrOeir denim, &mils r Drr Moth. and Cough - with arperaorsAios: 114.18-oecer Bindles or extant ta Inants,. BatUing of Mures ia Use Throat: ••• - • . 311=Orna. Constitutional Dirporitioa i rta quint Attach of HeaAae6r....: •" " • IS—ClUtes Ginialitatts=d 11140-/1110