VOLUME I,XXVVI---N . O. 62. lisbitvgit 6amitt. : , 1 4 ATEST NEWS Mt: 11E11E0MM FROM .HARRISBURG. PENNSYLVANIA - LEGISLATURE. - . Time fel. I:tabling New Clrigrad ssatione Extended. TEE DRUT NOT I TERF HD WITH. . . '9lldt e t Cepeetiot. Curtin to the litegth _ IMOPIUTIONBILOWEIJOIU1(01tE I. the Pittsburgh Musette. . . Ifso mrrxa , Mar0.43.86i. iiesititeo - re reitoraiitratces!. rim • ,Itlsonts of Allegheny, against the repeal of the - ,aet We the water *oda; Mao, petieGia 10 loci' waggle tar:ln' tho Strth Want, Pitts 30.1:atta, pea Of Viesttioreland. • Mr„ Ilege reed acts tdeorporating the followt• 'btg ifebraad - Companies t 31111 Creet, Bandy Coils and Plummer and Rousesilta,.. • Tim' adietner intnnunw4l that Major Dodge 1247 beam tellered soul the - pending resoletinna, - - lidde; hie rtnlTal„ were no:asetiafatl,y,piistpin ed itidelloitaly: - -s - i - • • •-•=• , • - Itra—antham presented a Lill authoetzlig a Botilit tax' in the Becortd,lttaid i . uleghany, 'which 'A The following bills also vassal: Consolidating : IP- Jeri:non and Washington Colleges; relative to use or tunnels and kaitlgew hy railroad comps • •i i . tiles other than those who' construct thirci; In eenytteuting tho Franklin anA . lllippery lleide Rail. E road, to tit" Ootitliailliha to the coal nildi. in - • eaginiaitiiiirkia.6l, -- :"- ---- - 1 kiptats.-Ided„Gltiss called up and qtati'l'oi the " l in o au , l in h ltori ug i ,ta bi t i cto toll r . ouly . j. ilte, Mr. McKee-Wt. shallot bin' fcii Ifteeo-flol lartiorVpper.fitlClalt. , --, .4 ,- ' .., a - i • r. Ituddisesii, one for the ' eetsoihfitiot • iai A ioiotitticin,• iii.;..k.nu;kili g • iiviiiiwiiid: i bs 4 keisWiothliLeli . %I. tor - 00Tiii.i.Ziiiiie: Irecitted specie veruneatoe therefor; and whether ottehlinicit pelt! tliciie than '-diedr - riniporilaitate . t; alum, of spad e. ..::: '••• -" , ' • .. :. '-, -... '.-., .. - The AiriciiirliatiottAlll, Woo the* Ooniatiiso., . ' Among the Ite4it Ireiethe.folliwhtv . Agetttetir a • . nii4/;,:l;ifiii4itit 1 44U:of, , abeit.: slxtigOur: ,tholui: tlrthollorelX'enlttio nary: abOntlicitritetio . 'or thcitudind'Aiiiiriilfeiseof ltothee. nioni Dili :. torOf'thoOmiatt.'464ittoFl46oE - Ldf . tici*i,..Oe' thoitiind ifeus4i • lasiinsa, 7 rouittoustaid da- - , lalf ' 3I OI OI / 01 00 1 ;iiiirlh9taiii4401YO: :1' •'''• Adjaiiniailltrlt•Tiiesd, .. -, -: • . ...• , , 'xi __„.. /3 *..4it ' i * Fit,e4;,liiiiiiiio o ' l' . l o 6 a' Je, elle' faiS.: ' gatu . oono, aawituuttt , oroptintclatiouVAhazifk 4 ca1 ig4 4 4 41 04 4 -,.-.,'-';:.'i.., Eipleliti!:Wetedifollio'rtthrWOOAtt.t.: u , . Ifilifstictia.Z4eh 1.,.1.86....i.' 1 ` GencluttituaOssilluorretwited fatal:Goldin. dlt, .:-.. Patigt;Vl l 4t.q.rrOn'tit AT 4 0 411 .9e 11021 4- - --,.. • - c tfiLisist.•Kaiik . 2, litiii.' 4 To Geo. #4•;lDNiepi re i r 7:7 >v 2 3 ' The ifisterieniitiiibeirewtlons Is ktAexetiWiiiiiilatiNti.4ittittirdoesnotpo e'Mediae wi 4 th ilia draft v ,. --- ponname $ r Ist." 1 $t." '9tlWFl9rllM.°lll4llkl4s - . • . 7 / 1 51r101' . 414141. yle!t". the, atablitin at - ChaffleatobillManaMb' d the CaMibuts. WM by abacat atom two eke, and will .robah 'be acCompanied by .• Etorgeon Genepil Phillips. _ • . The 04( 3 14 aticM'bra ihe ;:, • *use. , ti. - •--- - ' • • --- 're' , nOtt CICABLESTOti. ...‘ • Caplirred Ordinance 450 fleas; flioltillitlG• 3 ll2:4NFarr. t , t mo u ,,„ ° ,, R , A ' .'• 14•,....4.4.-... -'. t 4440 4 , i... :. • owns Immo & iota in 'oar ~ . ~. P0#9131812. le ~..f , 1 ' --"- e.7.,fA1l ' xarks.X. tuilfs•TAlre ill r - /I)4B rTr it i- ,- , r ricall-Dar ' A - yr' 22 4*****l l /F: alt 1 ; 1 li./ tp 2rag Lest. bias bt . iblitliditelalegram From Gen. Gilmore t[l3 i . • been transmittal to this Department. , igactlr L W. B:asmx, flee', War. Tr ef_ : " 1,1 4 - it WO DR1 L 4 ,87 "tut £o= 2 4 - ri ~', , 1 - Chnalfsion, 8.C., Feb. £B, 180. 5 kor. Gas. Grant, and H. W. Hake*:OW e 4 it un. of tlfa mite I l defeactartt. e , n shows that wo bare inken erter4sll.pteoes of 4 .4 Dance bring more th an what was flax as. ;Tat cll.; tat: inclidea Cend taut&w q_,. 'him- f - • • s, a great many .• 42 pounders, IMMO A 4,!en inch Brooks` - rides and many of fordo' .. .'• :,' ti Fe also atptarid ;Wit: locomotivs . jOatt i 1 4 ,„ , 4 , 1 0 111 ... _°9 PallM 4 fer ana. Plairgni C. 1 ' 0 4:. f in igooeicondltir. , ... . • . i ;' s . erten repoil truil tit° 'lad of Malec:4 • y was to have croesed the bamboo otter yam ' sr, ttnold for C/ 18 4 0 : 4 4. tie Cerium/ that it r famed thatAtantaan lad already intaraptal t is mcnited - thai the tut of licrad l s. army , .., pp ,atronv :Tinted ,through Angora last t ' • 7 . 190 , oft heir iliS to Be!iniegani• - ' 1, t atirgeidlpiltas tieelfarattlatiiA, tail tali:tour i - -- cetera iro ceiling In eoeitsat>> • t Wo hats t • four hundred already. 4. , 1814 , 611dr,_. r . *I - Q. 415. rilLllo4E,' .- 310:01.(;COCT:11 t'otrunradino;. -r - • '', ---- ------..' • L.,. F's California line. 3lesfea. ast.Fnanaisto; Fob. £B,-Thaincamer John I, :tephene from Maratha, beluga 816,0001 a Mr= an(t i vaturdlity or idly* am • 7 entails: entirely blocked ap sad no one ea t er except auptt itat af,bia life. Trade r 1 i' a stand still. The Mexican guerri ll as are -,..bohladathe French. shoot upon the atm 'X rhutn the/ catell. 'lLbec Lately the ' tile French barn. ''i illit -Yik Wtuto peoplehad n 'r, atottevrofe appronblataf ma_gic.% Aot ,•oh °Meer 'who brought in twenty-8w gave , is as prisoners wan replimandal for not pting them at tho pineal' their capture. tle war tetra - yrowOhe intaior aad tolm ith vcrr mirelialdrond contradictory. No ,ch expedition will learn . for &anent and er California until Sinalan It paelacatcd. lere , Is catalog more about the Gain colon wind° la Milt at Catottas, reamitlag r id u Frye {woo ne agents of the Arreriatn and Mexican, ,Arar.l4 and ilaltrnad Line hare becti:•grout al letension of time. rp Ban Francisca City Govarnment hat re p to Join to the National Cclebr-tion on fourth of March: - . 1 -, • ',,,' - , - lob* rt itepoest,llurueii—Augaata ' -•-- . , 'Y ours Muth 1..:-Tha steamer : Anil* re• kw ben off Cbetleston harbor on the 20th. as igirapaa 'attar Colarnbia; 8: 0, had banked ana - dint Annan bad been cap. Mt 3} L°an• seteVrter - Mame I.—The Senate asslng tbe tAtitiedred Dttlilon Lase Bill, pre; Vkit i TtelVteat the Musa aml as pablish- - X 5 7 , Mendeg—papeep, it requires wrathlialt lancoln's alpaturuso basomo -xiittforithe novisnori itbOasiari, n.maccrnaA... - ,3iarri] alipstelCfroai Detirrfirtr ftal.l4l64lrcit:Nosays Gov, •Ira C,aaoa t hin ma:aing arm. a a4ort THE From Rebel Sources. 110101114'ERS PROIifBiTED ,Pl/11- llU'Silk! NEWEL ' Generals' CtoOk and idly in Libby Filson CONELAGNATION REINNITED IN . . . • E.l.RecteikAttaolc .ou the , South t ; Side 174111. 111. NU Ft to incomexp. "EXAMINER" ON THE EVACUATION. OF RICHMOND.' March' I.—We- have received Richwond 'dates of Monday, RetqutuY . Tho E i-crm4ier eays: bats Of offirdai htforination Of military agaltelti we take. soiling tom other sources of Wel ligelice, and Malt the _cabal referenees to oar tie of.Soinhere excbinges - We de.no at the reOnaii Of. the authorities' and . Witt 'the mandineibitt the other city journals haii• been put under'obllgattoni of reticence' to,the extent kfficeted above. The public( Will no.doubebe pnancrly patient to this interval of silence, and not mkt it as discouraging,- for we, are stewed that these ace . guod reasons-Mc It which look to an - tatij. official announcement of favorable. "Gent. Crook and Kelley; .elloso tmpt ans was noticed lb these columni on Saturday,' arrived in this city 'ea that day, and lrere Garnished *ill apartments at- the - Libby. Mr. Russell; member of-Congress from the Wheelie:: . dis trict, slatted General Itellejycsterday. : trier best intermation - reettivilliere; (illehmentla it appears provable" that &Consid erable conflagration occurred In the 'western por tlan .of Golombla after- its..esacualkm, octet. atoned, it is supposed,: by. cotton becoming. alted in the streets.' reported that the flra extended from'llata street'to the Charlotte de pot; nearly three-fourths of a mile. The infer matlon'ts positive en to -the occurrence' of the fire, but doubt is entertained as to its. magal. nde. Some of the refugees a7e preparing - to se- I _,'ahrlotte, 144. 25L—No additional , news tea the front. the news (cern Columbia cerrobor-t ales the reperted butt treatment of the Inhabi tants: The tirsnline Content Fab protezted by . a gjaaid,L lloimbiloproperty: *is. allowed to be' burned in • the .elty.c !Merman's ,headtpartern true at Dickertion's Betel, Thellarmin Char lotte-bas imbisided. The !weather:Ls .siud. the b•Fikatia very heary..interfe+ing with rapid raiDia.amorements.l . • ' The Richmond Db p steh,- of February -Mb.. - amain' Oaf followipg "Grantiesa.amtLi boa =Waft hbtXlM9ps On Fattcherlman, °W ear ex treinealeit, SO& niffeu southwest:of Petersham lathencht . that another. attempt-by Ms coltontut to gam - the, Bomb .1 We Railroad was Pre:walla by the 'raid on . Ratted* ' We think Were can to lithe doubt that be will make ..Ute= attempt. as sooa as the state of the roads will ,pernat,„ ,lastbek_ prramnt condition the, movo• meta of artillery is out of the niteidlem:',: Greet' '•lme been elounght the gambler in his character for the dleastrona failure of Ida Lust 'dream to -I'ollo3 tbklulllvairto 111411 ?tl!4: -111 " .3 ? 1 4flatt tio melt the attempt.- •• • • . = "The extreme left. which may probably be , eortsblered 'the ndialleal oftbe TtulkUo army. - occuides a position on the. left or north side of thatcher's tun, between nine and ten miles south :west of Peteribmg, and aboat Are miles in a direct line from the &Weal° palmed. 'The nen* rumba of Sunday. rumors were •in cliettlation_=yesurday. -The most - or 31.14eNthatiab, we aspect-to saynot= • anthentlksratt that Sherman had, been, killed, • andlts array,rbadol-and &Ina ilitri-459tEr4Lek :or Stiatlfeirolliii." ' • The Richmond /Aguirre' of the glth says that the rebclCengresameatiarebeerame so Aightthed that they are fleeing from RickMond, and that the Congress was to-day without a quorum ; Tha .Richmond Esesturer of the `JAN In , an. editorial awaking of the message Oat .IC ll ' O6l ll recentir 'addressed to the heat Congress, in which re said "it tha mapsign , agabase Rich-. mond had restilted In success instead of falloff Dad It We Larl been compared toievacuato Ittch riond as well sauthuda the Confederacy wou/d. have remained as dleGant as ever," says: "Let 'obi this fatal errorbe harbored Mall It takes of 4cLitphit the imagiaathan.' entaudion Richmond wouldha the,-Rward' nspeet Illet rinthermity toward the Confederate Governanuat; the disintegration of the and the abandon ment Or tyre theme of ap epeodent ' tpnthem tiOnfederacy. •rThe withdrawal of the army [rem Richmond Wriehivernonow the area' Or; canstTlFeall as grestly to betide our military strength. -- As our array would dwindle in numbers, It would more more rapidly westward, and.before reaching the Misalseippi, would here degenerated Into a mere Rudy guard of a few officers. Frona the hour of fOTII orag govrapuld, esr,cause couldsink to mere rebellion in the petims. time of forchpa ulna would CAllie to :a _cited tone tho rights of beill,gerne, while the &Jena would beirce . to.lnat ear officers and eoldiein as traitors and criminals, sorthat scary would fight thenceforward with a halter sibouthi a meek? ~ • t The Esquires of the sane date, In spanking cif thd rebel Congo:as teduogthelmipital on the apyroach of Sherman, cap "The enemy has lately,th wain his lama zeroes our lines, tender ing an era? coegreaskaal re,cre4V the Wed and South, a since these Bantam and _gclira• aentatives hare, by one. fled -the 'replica, the slticton of the Legislature yapidlyffintinishs 41 to a r ithetrer lade* It fluorine- Ittla titlefhb President must stand firmer ea the notional dan ger thickens.: It Is true, Use seared army must bare their breast: to the storm with more heroic courage. Should the President waver and imi tate Congressional Tattartnle; there , will be no difficulty in finding Instances in history-to illus . VIE firrEttglirllG-MiNikOI;OSION. the -- Coon. if Invilrir, x . WAstupiotoi, tiarCh"l.--Tho President 'sent to the Benale,,toAlsry amassage, enclosing Abe • opinion 1111/aliiid — ini , of the Court of. Ingclry lu stlinica by - Mai lifthe Pet &enure rake failure. The oralon It signed by- Major General . Han cork, Frtyldceit of the Gilart..,'-Alter: narrating , 8.. a Cammattuices oi r the-assault} tin:C .: llolms Is Ascd*:la the Sollcwlu named „mem, Fast, General Burnable, In not obeying thin. ruder" of the Commanerte Garters' in tho.forea-' scion of the astutatiog - calunly, In not pneparing ' hls parapet and -abst for Alio Insane' of Ids liroora, at d hf 'rat - etayloylng: engineer collwra to lead the colutnun the - wetting partici; yet the Court Is saLlatled that 'lien: Burasldo Hand. the :matures taken py him 'would Insure' ..4ccood, Brig. Gen..1.411c, fallicg to lituik brward htt troops - promptly, mad in blocking op the avenue deitgned for the passe . ? of trt of time I s n ° rhaimh- red t ll f rot ai r the t. .reat tku o ' f the saBn Ibto, where the 'movement could. act be v. hooted. ' Third, Brig*. Gen. Ft zita-o, for want of re no.lr 115 , 4ra:tali, And rot going ftla..tra_tpt to I rcilqalllg to Lol2o,l , :"Celf. 1,0 , 11111. "SittAius., 7th Itholo island, &unhanding. a Itrhade, In remaining -behind . wittione reglitent;iti:a position wham beta:mid' Itc4sco what tt.ts gingen. • -. _ - ; Intl"; Brigadier General ..1411cor.r to lack. of energy In carrying out Goqeral Burnside s to pock his hnops forward to Cetuntery 1714- Court concludes tha opinion as 'fa. . . . , "Without intending to contuytha estlcna that there was any,thstnellaiitlon Ala the part of: the 'commasnirrs or the support to heartily co orperat. to the nttact on the' 30eitiaf July, - the Court expresses th, opinion that -an explicit Or der should h 2TC bCCII" given; as:arguing onis of ficer to the coungand. of all the troops intended to rzgage In the niqran:Lti hen the Commanding Cenral wret not present In pCII.OII to w Untie. the operatiors." _ . The Atlantic Telegraph • NEW - tom", March • tl.a annual reset :zit of the clod:holders of ,the Atlantic Tele oaph, held In London on the tali of February, the followl-g gentlemen were elected dirertars Samuel Cunard, Preildeutt Mt. Edward Cc up per, ?dr.:loe°. Better, tr Loudon; Mr. E. It. Arthibaldi Mr. reter.Cooper, Mr. Wilson G. Montt, of Now Yak: and - .Mv, of Montreal:l 'Ell to rriday evening,. February rhh. 1.2'4.3 nautical miles of cab!o bad been eompleed m pad &boat 100 miles....were being Manufactured per. week. The Omit Eastern will be ready lor sea with the entlYdinthde Ott boanl by tbelst of June.:. ; : lyttlet-Approved--densita Confirmations. Wamintemsr,..s.farch I.—The : President:lm approreZt the ' ferthication WU; the approiirlai done I.e.*lch_ wero eel down Jest one hall the arcc tint, 'ch . u •originaliftwported. ge. has. elan 'apprered. the Mil nolutrt or any chip fir Tcmci" *hall • he .Inthstercd; The. ton sate thakta eked far vehicle or state-min* std . cola al ITICLett entirely clx , ye the, fink deck, which rantt a dtck toll= hull. , I ne§aualebeicoutiemcd- Mr. L . Brayton . to 6(171IIK V , ron thlrollna ; trat Mr.7.1r.0. kVA!! :la, to be nultei ratinar dt tbe'brthir.l% tr.int. is Callramla: • - n i~'t-::'~ai _ ' ITTS WEST FROM GRANT'S Army. Orders to amo re Coizistertnfriaded Rebel ,Daertus Flopileg Our janet. REPORTS OF THE i&VACtIATION OF PETERSBURG. Now Yonx, /Minh I.—Ther Commerekd Aden. tuer'i Hatcher's Run corresfoonderd says Tho order for the army td thfrehdYtet move at too-. Ment's hake was colnitertnanded; owing to it: Storm, after the ramiliad.;beeir wrier liits'id flight. Pro& OrICI'Si however, are exPeeted. The Army of the rotOtnit spiclaliiontain no; sews of iairortanee. • . • The Ikraltri special , says OM:Le:rat Ormit'S, Offer to ray rebel deserter's for mules aunt know le having effect:, A. few.ditys ago a detachment: of six men, with six mule teams and stdrlnv, was sent Just =side or =ttie 'ether picker •11notbr a' Mad of wend. The men talked over desertion and Concluded to como Ina body;,They managod, to get the Mules frightened' and apparently ktta‘• Ding away towards our lines, which they .reached • The reports of die eraeuatloWof Petdraintrg probably grew out of removing heavy sores.that world hlnder•lf hastened. • • -• • - :The extension of the City Point and Army Line URl;road le now completed, and train will nummence ttmolog regularly pta . ,the drat of march, . Prom Wasbnigtois--Speech or 'President i Line° • . . WASULNGTON, Harch,l.—The Secretary of War to-day suit to the Hot= a communication frons:PiOcosilitanThartieneeitg'ry,r iSE repty to a resolution asking bifoiciaticui in relation to the enlistment of rebel prisoners of war. The House-bail repealed the section of ;the apt of -. .titb:debig Alte 'stripollitenent. of ttrasury :gulls to purchase the products of the" inFurrectlonary States. Senator Truixtindl and Representatives Wilson 1. aid Dawson, an the Select Committee ' , of the two Houses of Congress. today waited upon President Lincoln and Informed hlm of hit :To 2thiti.ho:. Vespendedt etreed four yenta in the = of 'a great and yet tmended national: —, F can slew this call to a second term in no wino more flattering lb myself than'-an'an . '.eipireastoir' of the :ydtblic Judgelent, that I may better finish difficult work on which -I Imre ,labored lonia the first than could any one his nescrely Schooled to the task. In this. werk,`„wlth Increased ante , oti- that Almighty , zßuler' -.who--has'so grachn,inly .sentained us, thus -far, and 'with In: extend platitude to the geerous peoplefor their continued confidence, I accept thn. reassind.trust : - with ha'. yet-calm:am and perplexing duties .. aud risp?nsibilitics. ..tio'rCnixmsc Las yet been 'received fre , t!' the Ptreldeut;Wito did not arrive hers until "!Xisiv'Yoni; naidi Be . k4Ps. ,ington special says it is reported that .141; aeni flaneocr. to - the'llepiriV: reekr - otrest: ;Vlighila;- as • the truteestof Gvn. Ceo ltiumerisTlS pllaittione hare • been 'titian 'for per ilts . to, take - cotton; aid nasal storm to WA- • Islington. It Is understood that lb* policy at the new Secretary,: eirtkiis. will be to en mintage bringlog out...cotton, ' ilt wilktmimposallle fot ttik •; , tittridon thei; ItutleeseFort Fisherfallure,..and Bank's Red' rir.a expediticis ' as the: tereludmy of dikeinsE rim& assiedat in. twos canes, ind."P". at a`esent be obtained: • ; Blehmoad Examiner, says the . foitoWinit , mince strikes the are ottlao'nungr, man upon .Lia. entry' to some of the eating saloons of. - ,llfelloson*' ofientlettitirwM , Viewre par betbrer estins.” This argon a aid decline irate .4tati.-. ;union of nun,' morals and bonestf; MUM one thashocking, illustmtkemsf the. clurusthate. .war has worked...;i,v.: Latest from !,Eneepf,......Anesat tof the !steamer Aforuilan ll'onnanto;'(Ale.;);1-eb.'2&:-The Iforavi a l fpm Lirerpoot ou the afternoon of the latb, Londonderry the Vitt, arrived it Eorthicul afternoon. {The Illteratan, from Portland, an at ton::: denden7 on the *Ttiotni-of gi015441. Loodon _Altered, .Erb. 16.--Consols closed at tt he news, from America monopolised ,atten. t6co, thee ad sloes thati•peace - fonfbresee was beng:beld de.. - preosioreeof - and:later eidelises - at Tie felltue mimed .and the decilete we. Attest id:envied.' . .Ainerleaitieettritlfa Imp ae el if der tee' timada'a but were . .,aister UO O n trCePtkrn of the filberals'a news. • • Lan= Y:l4 amoascarn.r..—Lttsrpool, Fnb. 11.-LThe Omni' sates"of the past' week were • MECO. balm"; The Market iiscrued Irregularwith, aideelineiCe4d_onder the Canada'. news , but chseed dat.-at of , 1.10 in .the week= Atnerfts&-efoeing '• .Stock ln port; 66T,01X) Amel • - - itiiti,i's-"Eit;yii4.ll ... ow; wac 3E, , fr,,61, and was saht to' e -1:aly. Sh - e is Mayfly armed, tarrying-four gum, not less than' tO-ponuden, - . and 'pilled • four. team thick. A cumber of the Alabama's crew are aimoog her crew. ' • ' • t The Daly Aisle of .the itopsfhl 'Dist Wed 7vili nta facts. front th.epeatre ..edasettee.t The so-caned epiritual manifestation' of the Elaveopattlkothers bmght ab rapt coaclosion at George's all, Livelpool. Ebe nodleace appointed two -gentlemen to do the rope tiler. They proved.too .much .for the. Davenport". _Confusion and excitement arose,' mei the Davenports camped, but their para. ill.etrvelia was lambed to atm*. and the, hall bad to be closed by th e pollee. , IFBAN•Mtr:110 PalmlAilltrio.luatiutdall :P -ence with the 'Emperor, end expremed regret sit the , pubheity given , to private letters Addressed by him to the .bialierps. of Orleans and -- He amend the Emperor that he was fatty sen sible of the : A:Ales IMposed on him by the divine cleAracter.of his mission, and had 'never env intention "of failing in respect to' tbe roles of imernatiouni law: The Emperor gmelously re-. eelvetf-Ide'explanidimm. - - • t The Freceh CitainWn*n Opened on the 16th the- , 'ftepe.ror. The speech oii mainly occupied domeetle affairs. and Wit& quite 'alkutt 'ton the' American question. - It • Mptuiates •on • the Italian Convention • and the 4reefits toles 'actrived byllat a i bswell in the Holy Jere, „The,Converition permits France to :With draw hen vulva from Roma. • 1 Ai - regards .Melicto,•the synch 116315 Tha i. nEii,thrcineht lamming consolidated A: the Coun try if being *sigh& 'and tta Immense inacnucti ,heing. developed—the happy effeet. of the Valor of fuisolalers, and • the good sense of the .. 6Texicen • - • • I:. achirae 4entes, ' • . Thelierity of imaeo bee been signed betienn Spain am dA.'ern. The letter peya an - indemnity • 440,000,600 rests:. • • • '• • • - New York *took and Money Mitten: , ti . New Yong, March 1.: --Th Stock 'Market presents no new - features. c nncettalnty about the revult at Sherman-Is capalgn holds affairs in Puspepse, and theta Is a general ludls Position to takelong ventnrcs. The.-prevailing expectation favors a deoline 'ln prices, but the .recent Mumma :of gold under. the favorable news, checks any downwaid movement In stocks. Gl..vestments are dull but steady, °z ero :•:I.O's. Railroad Bonds and Bank Shares aro dull. TI, Railroad hot is grmlrally lower. The Mireeilantllll9 Let Id (MC:. The Gold spec. olaticit te-nk - , trwrr ramm this forenoon, snot map- wane tante-41actuations unusually Alight.. The demand for money Is luereastng, bat the supply Is still large. -,.. . - Foreign Exchange,' : nominal.: - The 'Stock E x -. -change and Gold.llootio !Mae pigh.repolved lo :,lold no MN/lOU - 0i Saturday. - - -.•- -.....-- --... Petroleum Stocks more active, and prices gen-- erany'Eteady. , _Eyna Farm 15' the 'favotite, and took a 'sharp upward - rimy. Ocenide 'llrm. - .llnd: Lidera/Ind. Bucbsnan Farm sold et 180; Everett,: 0; Geimanla; 88^ High Gate, EZ; Knickerbocker, SO; 3lanhottam„7s., Erni Farm, 630; 'Oeetiiie, 42; Excrlalor7 W O; - Biood Farm, kt,sl); . - Boyd . . _ Fronct,Nas:innah. and iptutriegnn. Yong; March steam= Arer„o, With the Oars:mush IP-ralrl of the 25th; has sr , rived. 'Flteratis no militati news. • The steamer South Cornlina Is busy nnelving cotton from. Avreciceet hioettadarrnnmer near Fort Moultrie. `Tbe bt rex,- captured- after tbe evacua tion of Cbarktoott, ban been scat to Port Royal 'with her.valuabla cavity: , . Subset'lptlons to eke Seven-Thirty Loan. Atath L=Tho ettbseelptlons to-4875t0 the MO loan In partaMt the Unloni tekgrOptlC4 to Jay Cooke, subeetiptlonAptat, amount to 1:3,127,150. The 'lnvent singleweet ein eubterlption was IMS,IOO, from Chleagn, and UM : largess tingle taste:a enbeerlptlon s vanBs74,- ept New- Trak. - Brom Havana.. . . . _ „ . New' roma, March I.—The - steamer More from : RIITIVI4 en' the Mai; has attired. *A French transport had arrived. Troia - Vera . crust, _reporting. that the .IMparlallsts:. had cap. %tired Ouraca. Nottliig from tit. Domingo .' The remainder or,the ; i3panisti forces were. Finn ex lieeigd at 'Havana— Cold atiricti.; March I.—Thcr gold 'toiteEtChlii nbthled, Info iln ltto.4olit,Od tkd pvieu tondo, Ownirord.• Ttif 4Lopt!illoos- liuve • ronifed limp ingll.lwV , 4ll- '20014 ttodtag.'-' Cold nt.1.98;5: MEM MEE PITTSBURGH, TITURSIAI. MARGIT- 2. 1365 MING 61tMETZUGRAMS. I Battle Between Sherman and hin t stun AntiCipated. gIIRGEONS ANDINUBSEIS Fdt WILIT . CTON. FROM i tlirATIMl OF THE POTOMAC ACtive OperiiiiOnS 'soon Laoirs4ikoi. DEgRUBS nu. AMYING WITHIN 11"! Return of Judge linglies THE NEN 84CRETA1117 OF TREASURY 'caw . Tour, March I.+The Timm' washing" ton Special sa.9 B azttkiliatiOn of a ilattle.be tween Sherman and Johniton, of which we key teethe le4elftegiT3*,aey,o4opipu.t.„ the_Wae,Pei . e weft eppotntid'i pt surgeons and flumes to Wilmington, tram . Whieh. point a ent.-ferwatdto to Sitar. man's army. They are amply provided with 1%41941,M0:us uniaramytiting notaasry, .gat,. ewe of the sick awl wounded. The,rurnorthat Schofield has formed a lune ttes Miganied ! ltere-ai . gether probable, but the Government is..conit- - dent of Gar.' . l - Sherman' abilityzven , without 'Schofield's force; to take care of himself, m 4. connate nov.,fossu Out, rebels. pee .able.to sent against 'atm. 'mice will imdeiubtOali boost every 'available.resource in' the effort up cheek Shaman's • , the ,y mottos ; of tire'two Ls desirable, as .making ,sirranee doubly sure. The arrival of , desertern from the. rebel- armt: conies in a stymy etream. - I.ltior of them, Ins:. (o they leaie our lines, are separately examiu4 cd, and their testimony, for the past few days, Is:. to the nffee - that • anvil= left forlhe South to's . aid in resisting Sherman. If this should prove, true, It is deemed absolutely necessary that Lee must sherren Isla lines, which neteadty Is the city gronia for the rumored 'evacuation of Po tersturg. - , Letters ft/in Grant's keadquarters say thati, though all la quiet In front of Itiehmond, active' operations are soon looked for, and the ut-' moatvi&list.ce is observed in our lines. • , The rallitargralizond has beencomplerad to tha.(*ltlOEUrftetl, eft of the Army of the 'Potomac on Bucher's RIM. and the train will ..commence mining regularly on it to-day; On Friday last one hundred and ninety rebel • deserter* came into the Army of the Potomac - and Tenses- .T r itcyyreport AboU , rirlrovrelorshArg tbentre.,ffletvdtkrebel ilevernatientstores been burned, and this brinsiiitired as additional 'proof of the intention of the rebels to CCIACIIate The rribrenet Stad6fnttoe specter errs 'General Joe Johnston assumed command of - the fortes, td:front of Ethectiput an Thursday, but Lee will remelts at Richmond and direct the move ments from that point, as well as his owa army ferthodefenientAktuncent. • The Richmond gams of Morale, are quiet in regard to 41gartutrari. mart *Adm. -lals ~matt er of dottbawbriberahey really kex4 4 /rbena his 'array is, except that he has crossed into North ,Oarohna. - The Trard's apccial rays illißicitmond papers of yesterday maintain their reserve in regard to then/Sibiu opt:rationale liath Cyllus; but as They *tame: In n 4 orsl4dW 7 *o64lO certain that Sherman has not encountered any 'formidable licm hablapath. Judge Rughigh - wito - accompanied 'Oen. Sin gleton as fir as Grant's lines on his way to Rich woad, herr Mute* , IlesalSbarletnni entdred the rebel Reba andliroireedid It la generally understood to-day that the nomination of lingh hfacallmsgh, as Secretar3r of the Treasury, will be sent to the Senate on Friday, March nd, and will be at once acted on . -In aderillanut asal4er hbr dill* with RA critumcncemcnt of t)ts new adrilnistration. NESS''Mittallft MUIVEg. ghtidint I•, • . 60• -Rani to Command:all Da air! 11 'W*ninsrcnr. btarckl.,,,-The ; Ittehtnand Da -I.ltrl- says JOitoinson; on 7huridaj eve'ning . last,alannted ccen tn and tbe.aciay. command ,ca by Beataigitist. • The Ittellmand Whig Las: the (*noising, dined Cbsuiotte, Feb. 24th:. We are Indebted to the ccterrirk , frthe,,l t cnitlfern, Ecpreas TectiPan7i for' .stitraitipipei Pth.' tin lutportaist tallitaq moreincnts are reported. Capt. Dick bison captured .- 'salve' 111 - ofliceia sin& a' eon`sldera. btu nnsaher.cf enlisted anti durtagChe Jecent 'llaicins - Sitlif lain VIAL. Gcn.27. B. ForreaCtuns. been planed SR cow= wand of aethe citalry lit' the itistrict 'of Ms sistirpli"seaskafrAintsbans and west of Tanner sir. His fink gineral order promises a minian *ties at the maim syhtt,the cestlrrattan of the trod perfect character. lie threatens to catenataata ail ~ q:ntfe, A ctatetetragglans,fiah4ony, eCd•iteieiteits. - ' qua..7 11 0 1 21 1 1'. troops aretieing molautod fur, theiihtiosed sciardi throngli, Miami& Liesnirriuistiwia Sitve Tows, March 1..-T,ite:.Thraid's EIL touts dispatches represent theldeernoralliatich in Kirby Senithls, trans-Ithestsalppi army to bet-equal to that of therebetannleer tritrindoul vottions of the country. Large num . tiors. .okeleeterters ftom Ware constantly coming iritoilur Union Linea at Little Itotk. Two thirds of his men Ara said to :be conscripts, who are satielled.ttentAbc. MAW- ' ,etacy is a failure, and disgusted with the . ser vice, And t. grestrous makuut their 7 civiPe. and gettinig Nick to thcir hontea. - . . . . _ Train Delayed—Cars Bursted. Lounrristee t . liarch 1.'.;-• Nalirilite train .not, yet 4u:iced...lt 7s A saairataara and a bait bebtnd Baia: t Is said Kau delayed by tbeciebria an the track from the train or freight Cars. burned by - kattrillar :nasultratOpin (Ky.) yesterday. , . . ,Tennasese a Ecree• State. •• - • Tha-ffashville Tiotis of the lithcontolas the proclamation ot .Governor Johnson announcing that erten& la sacettalned to - place the comfit of the - canon the Free State CrobOltntlon beyond all doubt, val. to Justify the offtelal'aimnopnce anti. that the ittuanameuta see adolded by the peoplia, The amendmenta now,eonethutc part , of the parniancnt Constitution and 'brume law of the Etats. - TAo proelamAtl2n :sari:. A new era' dayrns on the pcopla or Tentless,. Ry their solaran net the.shrie4les pre - mruek...tretert,tba Itinliu.ot more; Lane two hhndred abl seventy.ftwe thouzawi .r.lacra. The wholis.soelal system Is rev. inearept ed thalidslii or hanist ludastO•noirpersonsl worth. Antelligeet enterprise and tree tabor are Men& wanted to Clothe pie tttate with a richness ° and beauty re:upraised byaonit , of her sistari.• do ':ficeriatiLiotry ale mond Dirparch dowt 'net sea flight of tint. rebel: 1 / 1 2 0 1:41 1.01 11' Charleaton maaa ' , bleating In disguise or that, ttwas part of. a Will . laut plan erint °arid long ' ago.,ltlad. the (pump to deelara,on Saturday lart . thaieharlaistonleltlecaare on? • - iiia . (ol - el) military Dilirvirrs permitted Jilin (Sinirman)"eo - M akcatratagle cambia:U.l9AL title; I rend mud if idecttable." • - - • Penal/11Y lhourtlajt.romarksbla that after , Beaumgard's late brilliant campelen In South Carolina; which conslstod simply lunkodaddllnj from all.parts of the State as ye adrancsd, ho ntionltt suddenly Ile supcitodeet In- Ills contained by Goner* Jou, Johnson. "Military blunders" explain thuplOierhaps; , Tun Northern Central Railway -Company earned in 1864. V1,051,05%16, and thu expenses weresl.o6dAil42..'learing -OM net earnings t1,065,3Ea1.03 ; j out, of which. halo been paid, for interest...ad ftinded data and , exchange, 5d93,015;- ; for dividend 11. per cent. on thicapltal stock, 1.14148.30.G0 ; for.taxes on capital. stock and dividends, ta.U11.64 ; for sundries, $21,- 181.21, and to thasinkind fund, 1155,561.55, leav lug a net , revenue of $311,308.15. - . • thatliathyUle Timm, of the , I.Bth, inst., states that P. Itieholson, - x-editor mad. es . Senator, w.ho tiaabeeateondtied In' the - ntilitltY priebn Air gonna titne. - arki released yeaterday,bp .log'placed tinder bonds' to 'the 'amount'. of, ten thonanaddollarsi to appeaeat the next tOrai, of -the Federal Court In this lo anityer :the charge tit conspiracy- irainnt the United States. .41orerntnent: --11 r. Nicholson re:ldled' tha,int:' meaty offered by the President. - ' - , -- - 2 - - • Trti Eitorns or A. Pnoinssioxst. woman pained , Kate - Gnrautti, , a - prnlnn , lonal tblen'irryrtt4 In Nib York - n dny - FR 'thilme -to .lim'n - ientlttnl 'nVin''prenty thnuond . ilolletrAtllier, (lacing ornnntionn. titlUG9only intn . ty-fr nrye,nra n1,41.1i•A 4,en In Ircr isCraILAL6 IfaJo duce offvart4i•in; in= :~.:6::,~ia,:,::~..'ti:'~'~ce,:~~z~l+~::k.,x,.~~. .: a'. OTT •AND NBUIWAIII. TWO PRINTERS 'WANTED • Two good new Spaper camp ar site's e united - nited at lilts tfilleelfitately.. ,Tfie. ffigeese'prices itaid, rout permanent. slew t onirganrAteed to first-rate hands. . Volunteering and Filling Quotas in tile First ward. lallcgheny ... .... up. Second ward, " do • Third ward.... do Fourth walil, - ' • • fall. Idanchister borough do MuClure:toutudlip.. lacks-only one man.. Ohio " Nothing done yet. Sewletkly,township..... ...... ... .. Sewickley Franklin ...... do Marshall v" - . McCandless.'" . .... ' .......... , Sbaler ••••• ' • Millar uls fast. , „ . . ...Full. . ....... . ..... do Mlanmblirk . •••• ;••• • • do t.. . . , Fiiil `iFait .. foy. ast Deer do arentnnsi..• do wn Full. I W elting-for . the drafts'. . - /Maio towniElp • contoh- • , , Fall "Adams .. • •• •' *,*• • ...... .. . ...... do Cranberry_ To anaaay le korongii llnd Forward ". Jtftesair. ' " . , ....... • •• • - •:;„,yi lliA k up . .do t Full. fall: Ttaitrolihpret . . .. ... 611: _Verner and itarrlatille At work. Mare aro spout balttho eub-dlatriets to that county. The rest bean not :ynt done anit hlug so 'fares we have heard: • . Paws-runic° . Biady Bendlownandp' Fall. Sager Chet " . • - . do. Yeatddin ' ".....VPrOrOUSIP.at VOA. ;Worthington borough Filling. L. &lath Buttaki lownstdo Althoat ..... .. 4,64ltolteny tdirnahlp . ..Tiling up. ...Ma till up. misnaming inwnship..ExpMtato till 1116,W - wk. - Full. lR ttanning.borough ' .. do . oallwinuEodhdrlCts May be at .work, ; bht we Jam not heard from them - 130 . tar the exhibit of Armstrong la not quite' so goat.. as that.: of pther countleut but we hope !Waft. Ifeatem out 'o anteernmusimnAlteSlaptAs Ferker dur2 the _ont — o -- b — a_ - y; ... a — di redlted to the 3 distriet •......‘..tt: :.!....819 betitui es for contain:V.llldr (letkiLitY) • :••• 36 bothute for • d4ll,4lituut , ..... 1 , •13 &tetra in former drafts, /lint lo„rarap, • 4 , td credtteti on Uhl-call— . ... . t.'.. :-.... • 9 dog not" fielutesnalstgastgA :at 'idea eilwa t rtor We .Ili boa ntr harkalotig :Duquesne yiay, now.. has fiirreiriafiikh *WO fdr t ihe , bandit' of the , parties watt nonocrued. It { kge:iokertii- 'thnlkli ogle or Aellate - tops ' leyot - no interprbilpg Mien, •-bitheres an W 1111111: IVY_ Pr ilWoith4brsprossi hat ever even ted at an Impravemeot of tele leave? There: iStily.caougit ;bighting- tranieeteri on it to air** of gashi pl ng endates. The olt Cifaloxte li quite mitt= of coniguneas Akita new •I , aexaf.pstroleatut are cou-. sten* beteg nnste, we ma jeok in time, kilter the' rtilfrcr Ibligketted vitib rtealPser wharfan inuntrige oil depot. -‘ • Hsideatels. enianterebt Importance e .14011,*atii ailliertarol• _ libby ant unhealthy 'of the lehert itaideil It actuary as a.. mina st w atenu leanigna,Way (uollkeabe , l`way of . the transgressor,') is exceedingly soft,.and not int all a gat la which' navel "will tend under ex isting einguistances. - •• 'While atrebt 'improve meats aaetprosoculed is remotnkicantlee of. our , city, it 'ls duet° oar enterprising:busbies' cern, condi, thin this Import:ices thowittgbfaie should no Inager.be eaglet:lW , and: thitt ter 'gnawingly wparfaheelt boning that. of the gionon gelled, net only prep.:awing la 'appearance, : but inviting and attract:Wein a basinessiuipect. - The National - dielldriy The following La the adirms ;tem weerairtes to the clergy of the two cities, and vicinity, En nsference to the observance of Saturday neat: iTovvir Calved' or `Prilinfiton, Auarourrr .sicnificuctsv--Bererrea Oindaortis—,At mut log of tin.counpittoe of citi,tons _appointed DP the purpose of making suitable ansuqyanendi fdr an appropriate observance' of the 4th of Manly krilew of tho recent 'ffileehtliet of the, ttelon Anima. •It wesi`Bdroirpi, That tha pes ters of - all the churches in the two. titles arid vicinity be requested to open their bowies of winchipPbetwoili the hoop of twelve , and one orcloclt, no the th of March, and that the 01111. liters requMed to - denier brief,. patriotic. ad— . !dresses and tiara prayersoffered up in behalf of Prviddent of the United thetas, and the sue r. cf the Goverinnent;. and the • wid:wsignod appointa a spqdal committee to irivito;tbroatsh the press, your ?concurrence, and to notify • the chairman that public, notice nmv be Oren of the • several plum of worship which will be open ix. 'that occaomi. Very respectfully, ,„ Tiros. It. , , A.' G. AfcCswor.ses, Committee. Om It. Warr; • CUM Burned to Death . !Oa Wcdoeiday.of: last. week,lanhatily near lealrina occupied by an Irish family, was dis• corertittby 11•14ohn Jarktobeonfire. ,Polioeit assistance he sheceeded In rescuing two or three children in the room, but the third, anttlid of two years, he was doable to-reach, hirlug al ready burned his heads and 'face. - An Ingot* was held, auddrose tha aritictice It-appeared that tht father wee ■ regular sot, and the mother had tdgo Met that day to waeh 4o the upper end of town, and thought it was the safest way tb lock the door, with the double purpose oth.eping the father out and the children o 6 the railroad track. A verdict of the .iteradenial burolog- woe re curred. Some of the cltlzeuis took. the matter In baud. uric eetibilstiod the 'woman . ' In a new' Ileum with Ittile sepply of pcorisloos nod t.',Einalr — ilAtien• * cifirPuo• ( -.Ad application was made to JadneltdcOnnd: le - s of the United Stake District Court seilev-. day, far the discharge of .a minor named David' llinaniao ' dr LawroticeVnto, Who bid - bean en '.llottd" by Capt. nenry The _applies [lna vet, Pitch that UpiTrmrtlwas net yet tlfosoo vt - $ of aye, thot,he had Luca enlisted avittiont the ,ors at °rids parents, dad was now held to toilitaq seftlec. - sludge McCandless,. granted the application, and mado the writ returned° on Betardai heat. The ice. of Congress provides a mote t peachy for: koovringly *Attior and alms for mustextagboya antlee sixteen; yrittsor with rat the coareat - et their parenta, The; writ to tble valets Ofected to Capt.' Davis,` roar Com • Inandartt f or te,Capy . Scribe, -the. ; STuniz.—A . now well has Just bden struck on the property of The Tidkntte and Warren 011 Company„- - near Tidloute. Warren Meaty, which is pumping ono. hundred and fif ty, narrate-per day. B hisa uIL in on the rabid hilt and , ode handted.and forty-elx feet deep, eleven q which are blithe drat valid rock. There are (it:Mk:rata Wadeun 1110 flats bpi*, fear and flee jinOred fmt deep, iind..ap very great allow of. .whlch goes to:prove as Ire prograis In havwleclgu we shall. And gond wells on high el .matlane at a moderate - depth; .and' also that the .1./Ppir.r Alll.gliOuv r ' will helbrolong vie tvltliOil Creek or Cherry kiln in. its amouutnt .the pre-. A ,Nrw thsaass.—A, disease_ which tirmears to lame the Plan or the - doctors; has broken opt In tbeticinity" of New Philadelphia, O. The victim b attacked first by_violcut pains In the stomach, negompanied by vomiting. ~It has sit Ell, we believe, proved - feta lin nearly every case, = post mortem examination have liven Made, bat it'appenrs that the 'phialelans are still 'tumble' to tell any thing about It. Quito 'eau/taint or pen:fins:,lavo been w,dzed by it lo Tuacarawaiti. tinwinm,—Ar k judion,"and Scoich dramairlll. bopmsr.l3o 'this. eNetang; with • McKean c h a uat i In WA, tree ` .characters.of the J11)46-. ill:it'll)! ay giud Rob Rpivids beauiltotandutentad. danglittr .llnegriggor and Telle ,Ttetnn 4rtists injof nuilmitecT.n pularltj thl4 alTfati fiat and Int.tdligent:audl, eir. enkaganent. Is• a- great, oneams: their takes Wave. . rit 10 . 10x)#"1141;n31,.^T.iii.a . 11pv.giw, for innu „f,;,..itt3, rotvirtA and 14f.qr 611 e by 45T7tt6 stret: =EN %~:a,cln~s.sF':~• 7a; x..2~~~~5.0~:.c+.''5.xs G . z F P . lrr , „ . 1„ - . Ai • Death ' of aisnes Gollagher, ateeU ng or iho . rittsbuFgh A4r. A meethig orate Pittebargh Bar . V/111 beld terdaY afternoon at three o'elock, for the pur pose of testifying their regard to the tnontary of their deceased fellaw-trntnther, Jaime: AL Galla gher, r.sq. . . On motion of Thai. Eater, Esq., lion. James P. Sterrett was called to the chair, and W. G. Hawklns, Jr. and Idalar.A. M. Brown, appoint ed Secretaries., , n motion, acommittee of threc—consioting - of John P.: - Penney; Thos. M. 'Marshall, and G. L. B. Eetternaem'Esqe.—werc appointed-by the chair to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting-, .. The comfriltteethrongh their citairman,report ed the following resolutions: Resoltcd,. That we base beard with ths, deep est sorrow°rite death 'flour .fellow-morraber'of the profession, James M. Gallagher, Esq. .Remind, That by his death the bar,hase sus tained the loss of one elite brightest onsmetita' —onewho, by his talents, Industry and uniform courtesy, as well as by Us high. appreciation of, the dignlfY and responsibility Of his picifeesiOn, and ebelaitbfal and eenscicatifsus - discharge' Of all his.duilat, has,won the esteem, of-all with whom huwas associated. I • heiolt , ed, That we moat alricerelynStimathine with his relatives and- friends" Ikthe loss they base sustained. , Poetised, That a copy of the abase reseln tionribe toinntitnicatid telhe family of 'the de- .. . • . . Rot)lved. That we will wear the usual badge, or mourning, and attend Ida funeral to-morrow in proceaslati. .. .. were Addrissia -Oulogistie :Or the . dicesed: w made by, Jo L. Pmmey,.(with.. whom he had strolled his liioilision,) Thomas M. Marshall,- J; F. lin?lowry,John.M. Kirkpatriek,and John •11. Large. ~ .--' 'The myelin - adlotttned to meet at the Collet ,lionee at 9 te 'eleek this morning', from whence the members 41" the Bar yrnl proceed in a body to attend tho fink-al.- 'The deceased was a rising member of the 13mr, and las ?kith has vrakect.irlanbleisal team: o regret amoeg tlie,proareasioa“;,- American 'Craton 011.01U1{91.101l , . The war bas fallen heavily von our loyal . brethren in EaSt Timiessee' aid West liliginLa Last fall the mountaht regions of Tennessee was* seven 'times deraitated by the March Of cavalry farces which subsisted - upon the country ; and a large portion of West Virginia has been overran tweire times by devouring armies. Thousands of families In these -districts, whose adult males are fighting:in our ranks; are now deititirte Of lostil.corri and the commonest implements of agrinulture. They must be , furnished with theta' from abroad. With the opening spring another , year Of privaticniand suffering Is before them. Patriotism, - himmnlty,- sympathy, gratitude and_ a Iliac. ecoionly all urge 1.1. Lf• their The American Eiden Commission, co&perating wltb the• East Tennessee Relief Ansoelatlart Omni& Colonel N. G. Taylor,..nd with the As. • sedation of West Virginia through the : Rer.J• P. Cattier, needs at least $15#.000 to restore oerstalttondwethren;lti d condition of Self:seri. , At the same thins the tutorial severity of the Irlefer haseggraletedeho stifferingk hi' the redff geraraiShin oar own • ltnee.', LarrOMmtbors.ofl illme are worn down byaleimess and Xast. a At liniirine, where 1,900 refugees are congregated •In router iris - borpltali, we ' , art iistetrethby the' Rey. J . L. McGee, a most humane and devoted Presbyterian pastor, that more than four-diths of all that ante, are-too 01 to be set at worh till baths, deeded andittitritinds food have In some degree restored their strength. - to Ittliink ihelai. ea litfore.'theaktblie, 11 it dm:aril:42llms forthesebblents in the coon. "dance of - . generotts and prompt response. Aid orb rumemfoilly„ mutat that sin the first Pabbatb in March. or-on some Other' dehbath In that month, colleetionsbehalf.he Made in,, .ehurrhes anti "ahoneWrig' lath - the pcihe' able IttartguraLon otteirnattilitagOorernaientrhairdr. , • lention of the woes of war to . ..tkoatindio antlered to Its Aetna, . .., My order of the American enion Commiiriloi: - Joharn P. Thcotheon, Presldeistr' /17 4",!*1/4 1 •4 14 4., , M1L, , tiding Secretary. , Cofferibitkiniert• to A. L T: Scent, President of the Shoo 'odd Leatherdhaik;.• NO. 2.71 Broadway, N. T. . No. 14 Bible Mouse, Feb: 99, ISGS. rontriffidians In, money essbe , iellikeTier , - erre Kramer. Esq., Trammel. of the ; 1 ltet Catomlsslan of 'Western Pen tr ttle , , iirmillary to the American Union Commission Itilew Teel; and clothing eau 'be sent at.; between Wood and Market. , , Thellefertilair' Trade. 1/arm's redly for February 25th h;liab.c' ein thiaccetrarltitorefrrbig and' &Mini& ilikabtaits 1(4.1E65, farnithei by .1105fre. c'orter, k 01., .taiaufa4YS 114 g , L. .I ;4l 'er' 0 f Clogang. No. 30 Bretadiay; NivrTurk.- ' The ermeaving.represents acme, of the style* . which that enteriSrialog lionso have projected fat ihvir*pring jobbing business. The comments of , le: grrikliffitm;t l l CI **l *lad, .which folio the" plate will be found Interesting, mod see sire them for the benefit of cur readem : No better evidence can be attlirded of the *totality and confidence of the canary daring a ,pndonged war she steady.yulet provers of the rarka braftehtif of Ininstry,and trade. The - Cli4bing Trifle hu"paidielpotal. to We follfisf mem in the general activity. rTlie wholesale clothing totulmma tests upon e.lpermanent and codurbrbools. Intelligent cm.italiets have so developed It that It now oc cupies the first bewiume.rattlE,vielng In !toper mace with any of the great commercial or Indus. trial interests of the age. But its successful prrurcution requires si peculiar combinadua of Lollt egfelleace tho trade, thoiough knowledge ortho waits and tastes of the public, skill in designh q materna, and rare Matinees talent, ark fled ilablftiectutiarj fo suceess ; and to these Mast nodded large capital. Messrs. Carter, Welland .Co., hove every department of ?molars under the strictest anporrision. evil confidante and ,sallsfitetica is lett in 'Weir prieltallons.that the most fastidious find , them es eletata and serviceable as the beet cus'. tom-work.* Variety of idicunistancet couiplre tavary.She fambleas of l ueceedipg sefisous,..but gen cridlyee orY new year marks an ur.peortmeat.- 'Thu sults. for IMs,eltiOh wa instance, Will be feund,Wcapronereptubie, In slurryeilyAnd place, to the public than theft of previettujears.' The same Improvement mayelso be Seenln the materials made' tip hi raponobto hoisas.' 80 mtaii. Motu would be.%wicwitAy.ltes.cowad., upon Illtpsy fabrics. 'The saute judgment whiais peril the clothiers to deolga .onpa'rfue patternsugOstelbe affibtxyliient of tlian'in fine nod durably cloth." •" '.; . CA*llO4. CAriTLIOS ;,Ziltkr..l3lr, Tneuen:—We lake especial pleaseire In ernadeldg the arrival In our city et..a genuine Eserid. Opera *ernes like en edgers ylstr,lvtileh - are few and seldom IM them thiamcand the, Sward of the milieu/ drama rig liddcllglited beyond measure to wit ness terrulinniaoC4. . • Mites . Fiulty St o ckto n and ratude Riddell, - .. ..Donnas So among alr.)' Wm. :Primere' ?Snore, Meets. S.' C: Campbell enJ &heard Semilni Barltance; and a' boat kitheor nek,nowi, 'edablrilt,compeise the from*. • raft 41rxics Air4Lna.:---Appouituients—Urs. Elirabri Itancy, r ,, stinaster, ' , Cumberland* Valky:Jl4:4lfuyd . F.ctarty; rct!oylvarkli, Vicel/an fel If. Eihultc, po'Atmiger: 11,1nry.„Wr.et m9lear,Lec..ta,ty, iNzwitsylrenta, 'tee tt:-lect tr; : - • _ ihodet svtiftwiter, VnlrTiew, crstintk, y:e. Jr 're. tralair 'llYitiat-Peariaids..;* tall &be:, have established for thdraselida An enviable' rel. -titattna le ihe,'maralfeettue or Manic,. Pita:And Cart - vb . Olis, led bifolintitlitadala many ; ' itrotnlu eat befit ese; fl ruts In , the- dry as. to . the excellence o$ their Mi.' ' , The p treka Pant 011, annafactured excluiliely by tido 7ftrea; said , to be &fed tolltaxsied 011,-un , dbeilde ha cheap- ness, has Immure:leather advaßines to recooi-, mead ls to ix:paler favor. - • . • kliyoutil 0/PIM—No Impoctant arreata were. pade ta-day, Worth, Ilrink on Pennryl- • minlanTennc,ln a fit or drtmlion ahatraetiou,. ewrin•neial abasing ga own Iniutin, degnitying Itimiture; broil:log - windows, din. A drunken , 'woman, and ont or two other dkorderlies, In addi tion to tbu'nbove coati, were ibe nnty oirgudera amilast the-law. Tiloy.wera ail- loettod up for eare-liet•ping until their casts ean.bo examined , , Two "iv:tette of recruits wore.seitt front the (Il ford 'House to rierrisbarg todny;.,nutilberteg all ethanol:o mitt. This leaves ;mink tteeom me:dation for new-comers;"itutd, at the rate- ii tdeb cidletatents ere' taing on, IL wilt not bet g tie the room at the - Girard Ito - neriAcitt tto rigout crowded. . , . Tnts Rtyst. Scotrrs,",ene of Beadle's Dints Heves, std . the -`.'Aitterletz. Agricattnrist" 'for Mardi, have been .nzeelved and Ara tar 'side by : Jabs P.. Mint, Ileum's Halt; vinb street. -.7 Wit arc badebted ttie ptitilbhers - foie a tvily, of T"raeb Leslie's Magazine for btarfe. For clue by' the nests Tun 014 turf DION on !toe exl Alilon, la the' ac o, 9ea. 4 0 ena Or.i4eilwatne'a Auetloa . . ill)11M . , trcet; toa, catalOgitb.! o iuorrpw,motolalt- ' lt IC - 4 C9.ilucgon of matt Unit Nvill plow° thermaii - cultlvated tastas , anilitcvertat- critical .Judinnon: A 464 Y provitlip nrw d , A nux.,:i . .gb."oo, (o; ClivTch'ilithgara l 4 to - 1{ -~.-- ~.sv~'- ~;.~-~.~w;.0-dyr- r _ ~vkYaa..,t~-~c'-v« .The Eixou.int Fins: Tim enrollment bill as It :paatedU.se follows hereafter all 'penmen rettstved into the " military Or naval sm-vies, whether r:dark teeny. eubstlintee, representaties, v :or other. . • wide,' shall be — credited to the State and to the. Ward; - Temeship, Precinct, ,oe , other enrollment sub-dietriet , where nett persons. be long by ;actual, residence,. If seek persons hare . , an actual- resldenoa. within the -United Statei,; and where such persona , were or shall be Enroll ed; if liable to Minallisient, aid 'it is Madd the duty Mille. Provost4arehal General to make such rake and give sichlesirectleue te theism : ,• . . eml Prorost-lilarshals,l3oards of Enrollment mad Mnetering °Mews, as shall , be Decease/3r for eke: faithful enforcement of The provisions or section to the end that fair and juseeredne shall be prim, to every sectiorfol the country; provi ded thatno credits Shall be given extept fbr Ina men an have been actually mustered in.! ',Tho third section provides that in computing: quotas hereafter credit !hall be givesto theme mai States, .dlstricti and flab-districts, for all . urea . ea ihrilthett from . .thun . .mspectively, , a nd not heisitofbri credited 'derhau the present rebellkin far iny:Period of service -of-mot lend than= three : months; calculating the'ntrualier or dsye. for '1 .which' stash semis* was Mint:shed; ankftedtteln,„4' the :seine -t6iyisarsi provided' thal'imelecensdlti' shall not be applied to the Call for additketal droops ninde a t the Presidenton thaSlat day of: Sem 4. ; NO person of kfoMign :birth; Who bea r resided lis the United Staten for three 'years pre ceding his arrival, at the age el S 1 years, shall. be exempt from 'enredintent and draft on accOutiV, The remaining section Provides that the .ails = termg le of subsntate guilt be eonelnalvehi , firm of the principal, and exempt him .teat military service for the term cfor - which he wag drafted. •AssistantoPransit . Afanibal-Gentwala are - to be appointed kyAtto.Potaident, and chargeable with the Settee Intermediate b%tween thel'rovoet, Marshal-General . and the District Provost: sly - *son' who has been or may be drafted,. fir one year, but who has famished an accept able sneetkete for three years, shall exempt for this period of time. It shall not be lawful, for buy person tOengneo in the business of pro miring recruits or substitutes for money. or profit without haying tint obtained front the Secretary ot :',War authority in writing.. The party' rtes to file proof of his loyalty and good character,. and etre bond ia pre amount of 1.50,000' that lie will faithfully' observe and obey the laiew.and'retreinlions .to force goveming the obtaining of remelts or substitutes- Any recruit-• Idg agent who - canoes to, be enlisted anykinsane I , won or conskt, or person.under indictment for felony, is be punished by fine and imprison teem t - and any oftleer knowingly mustering any deserter: ur insane person - or persons_to a con dition of intoxication, or any minor without 'tun' consent elide parent or guardians shall, on ion , victloti; be 'dishonorably dismissed the service: Principals who nut in Insufactent inixstitates'are— .to be 'Urinated% the' feet;in. order that their . places ineybo pooperirsupplipt : providedcdhat nettle bego tten to sees prinelpats within thirty. days,., -Ii addhlondo the other-lawful penalties of the of desertion from istlitary.or naval. service; al persons who hive. dctciled who sludl, nut mum - or'report:thotasericii to a Proiottlfas , " thelWitble sixtydnive.-shoilltedeehMdatid take& • to hive voluntartlyrelid,milsbeitk and";lbriciMer larelrrighta et eltizenshipsnitkihek , ftt, ter be , come4trenst anti all t *atom whoa- .. nain:lassie,. after,.klcion on being entolloi..toe:Akhanceletairts . frOmthejmiadricrion and go - r isestreitt :the limits of thallettett States with Intscs' NA'-oreld.:Ahe • drbSldnly Miltied; akin be IMMO to - 016', panel cis feints, aortion;and .t e !? PradttOnt id, : lsOtkW !zed to leuc bkmoanktft that' he, wilt don those who retineadliWkirve mil their origt nei term: t 'Thin act II to take 'Wed :from and' otter lea :and nothing therein Isla !par: to depart-Om, or Interfere with, or Post pone the pending draft or the ortotan, assigned, therefor. The, bill repeals the , h.iti POCIIOII of the present enredinient :bur,• .whlith,ronthorlzes Governors of Stator to, semi. teernUszi k g. agents , . . „„ latethe roleilStafes. ' „• - ~IfLe4ftetkel,felave.AsitiS • ig . , "Met' Mimicked .'sAtobir ;of '"the 24tts 'sap "1 1 4, ' ViifolAAAtIAOOft4O i o l AA P l 4j***.. l tl Nat- the 0?*;4/ 11 . oa t66 :*Yeo biii„ ll 4444oo* bEr. Onmirn..vf 1 45614100. Approvilla Tekr.tatising 2:loMnegro Ar 99 .11 - timbillnlyas : lost ,inthe Senate on Tuesday, : the Slat: icist. e by,ft.ride or /1.- to' AC 1111:„WdOilttit0 pciltriCTOtOOlit thi:bru, *Wes. aribalaia to/ti. defeat,irernMersia:Makerptfeivel4Carteb„,.: 4tarbtakoranail;qlPatiter,!-Intanotarot Johnson ofillasourl, Mrawell;Opland CsU.: - Those 'who - voted -in the negative •• were Messrs B own , Batnatt, nayaes, Henry, Old.: hank Semmes, Simms, Tlstwarker :andNvateori, Inofficial necks tide is considered at disposing of thmgrusticat of patting negro soldiers late one, arrntes .finelly. Thu louse Negro Soldier Bill, which is very similar to the Senate bill, has net been, and It is now believed will not; -hi, acted ' . upon by the Benet& Presititheratouble La Utah. The.Colarado Noss atateis.that, men*. Gen. Conner establithed a'provost gnarl. inlirit-Lake city tht - prows of preventing diseider. Erikhatti Toni= demanded. that they abet& bd rre aoved. and made preparations to attack them; and twat only deterred frem doing '419 bj General Gonner'i turninghi guns on Itrighatit's harem and throning shells over tim city to the country beyond, and telling him If he wanted the tovost guard removed ho must ,remove them. The guard' re:mined, - but the' dis Content remain-. ed also ' and ' the ICoar itobable it ;will soon break otit`ln- - nets or - Volume that bring the 'Federal authorities. into cup: diet witlithose of Siteseti-ecelealastiesiGovern merit of the Tenitory—a collie* that. wilt. in critably itnli to a condition of actual siar.• Gen. Connerapprehends' this,'Atud Is making, prelinSa lions accordingly. • ' ;. . Tel National • needruen'a &lief Association held its third anniversarynieeting in Pinaltingion on Sunday night. ..Thenonnal report says that during the past year .tefi29,4t7.85 have been rat eelyed and expended in va., aoy,and clothlnz,, and more than 1 440.000 Moen tire organization of the -. amelations. For lltue noble retutta we are in-' debted to the Piendeof humanity In all the, hie Stales and territories/Imp Maine to Calithrole, ni ,44,t7. and Oregon; lii.nearlr all of - which maxilla th S veltitten esint ; while . from 'England, and, Ceotland and Canada lame donations re con stantl3 atleg. Ervin sk . Loadon fe d of of Parsee merchants a munificent donation has , Wen re delved:- About 200000 garments have been die. tributed . the peat -year.- The government has: girM large facilities -lef the tratuiportatiot .of goods, and . teachers Tectlred - a [reopens tan till six nurnithri alnee,. nlten they were charged ball A Teor aidermangot-marricct.the other dar land tad rather a 11'11'4 r. t eve Ids wedding tour. Ile wa s two days getting to Buffalo on account.. of the • anew- wart •la the .Amerlean hold Infant city arhmalt- burned dawn, and on • his way to Chicago VAS ihrown over .an ear banktnent . tirenty feet high by a railroad tied, dent, badly braising burn Ara binnaw ire.. 'Cho couple are now Vidalia% recovering Grim their injerl'ea andgettlng conrage no try . tho TO- ' Mn. Tits Twatss, of - New - York, was on the train from •New. 'Haven't° New.Tork *heti It Punned the track, looting tl. o cars dowu an em• hankmea t; whicis Mit Thayerarna so injured In,his head sato Ile some hones la as nusons4,-, ous state, Whim be revised, be had utterly lost the memory of his corn identity.; he did not *know Ilia own name, nor whOnkr whereto teas.' rira being taken into a sleeping nor, on bin way to .s. , ;: :t e York, ho woe re cogair"l ley paisettgars, who told him who he was, and informed him of hioname. . 4 0Wr or-antn Gainwor ther.r4P-;=. Lieut 3 K irk= 'keit, who hai been dibJetted twalonWand &net 'lmpdsontuant o by the rektela, OA. alsostage, ord. , wed iu the city raterday, to pretty mod health.- Op unfortunate man whom the newspaper - cottespondOnts spoke pt hitvintilin confined, In n'tiutOsoti so lambda . that -Ids 'beard Deena:Ss mouhly, and stint co starved that he eataniit and ate thwrita that swairacti.in his colt. - - Oin..pa4 - • . . FC/Irt .llKLMAlLL . .— ' 4esditutpt - rof :PrGiOnen."-- Tlieru are now at Part lleitimlne-01:14 thousand rubel uthniners, itteledlng two , thonfaml.orteets. Alt Of .thetu are la. :mot health and. receiving klici treatment. About' ono handrail. look the emthof allegiance on Sal undoy and. 'came to this city. - . The 'bolaneo: of' tho prisoners , are to be Ent South for exchange,' a steamer having ar rived at the fort for the . parrmse.ot transporting Shen, to their destlnntion.—Phil. Laver. . Tim North Bridgewater Gozetia tells of n man PaYledown who, when a meinber of 1118 fatally Adieo; 'promote a grarcstono for the deezased, which, instead of being erertod by ti . gepiv. la kept In hbi house: -Ills faibei.. died - bout ally "years ago, one eister about ' for 4 _gam and ainother nnorn'than thirty yeaia airlCe; and the gravo atonm for_thoni arc still in Ilia home..- . Mawr erthe prlsOuentit Elmtra;, :4evr York, were. tatakedtothe exchanged by tater. Those who wished:or certain Sates, ev bo'exchanged,. were cid '4:red to dot . the . paper;:,bet Or . ( - 1,51)0) . tiftetwitundre4;l,o7llCitiO ,ca - thrpellinated ib s,e d .0 3 ki r oty ;tither to, put .dowtt their haute& (or rather mask, tor two-thirds cannot wr it o. ) be iexchahge4 OEI7 -TAT. kloosEtibas IntormsUoli relict plc t Is on foot..i.o. , llbattit - tlin:lriingeS of. 01'.the. N.:Abet - 14 toilltart itliortrt, Giptalu Hines ipt at b.entl' Ykoolhoi- et. 'l.l4r4coosillrogy. ts:lnttllrghlnLinvo , tiptlon, at •-Ll,lngtoitclt•tr = • ' x: BLISELED 178(i. . . T.IIE Ilictnnond If 7 :7,7narstS!lernonik.ill =retir ing teward:ltOnAnnd `:niarchion..l%, doom: , ',lint crlini the 2ebe.taid -irbeii ho started Tot Atianim:•riort they repeoce&witortbir set out . fcr liairaupi44 what, they, confldentlt predicted nlettlit marched - on 'Breneht , ille, and what they afteenro6 Insisted upon ; when marched upon Colamt?is.. IT. the mimic L prova es tad:prophets in 'future an thefh tern the pact, Sherroon trill bra long: time citihing up with biz Nooln.l s • • ' 1 The fotheato.. Mae . ittorts 'that lig.= kheiri„%c- , • Thripsoo, In - closing his theturo Agnertratt, l aetting e 'Ve" spied thi Men th es, DV 'the = , the A I blight and ndifleir wera removed, when hbd *girl Ole the propagandist -of . the great 'Weds offreet to /,' dons; and nations - grist' ktoint to her as a people l; hiving un'thr-lieirpiro; power at Botha this bonds =I and that wawa* :t I acering.slu!?4 ) 1 2, 1 e. 1 .7° 4 P • •.1 : AW r icileintifeteittoi4 IW4ialtpreikille; lii ileA 'ler* ,rNo._ w•Engittiv*. o States.: Ilonthede •AtetWoo 'Joloell'thtiohtireh within the rest lew:Weekii. the Milne toWne the iivIVA is itintitheASlk, Is risme/Led theta° , *tole of the teldieW WV' a crews of eeveralvegeels himO.,bee 3 1 - lelWlVetkog - etrll sea.. in the iteet t"Se iinll al r"Atit• -44 u 5,4•00‘..13 Tans; tritheallet:piterret Ittleflose ropor . c. .Iv, OTC thonsezor ecuweriloWitt'tWOheelskt,li;., 4 Trti rebels ire compoW.O.e inne St die all ,r!fe • >: :or 'Genehill3biir. , - , "'No sa*trob''. Itlethowd X..reohfr,.. 4 ffitiriglow Can illltictibvtri9 trakeln two dee. TbeTPearailaKe=lighlk, foot:kepi of Pete tior', tr(m "of GANZ' his ranttilyncroiat4 . - itt • co'niitt'ctratif, dace 1861,1 , thett the 'e' ,rt game:towVial siaastefi•d , an" 'avarAn chit? InlJort(brd declare thetrrdatoraitna lion to pro:trade -any y 10114114? of Ilia tam' - comei to thetrklowlettge,, ' - " "i ,•7 _ 4IALL 411124.-01: 6=46 evestair Yearial*f":“ 2114 a l itge' 1451',8.14 . 4q- " .1 u . . 77 7 " le lf'or !Ith, Ahemf will hire kleee ..,MiNFll!pelk;i4: to o'etottr,ttoc • tote xistdestee on Fultott.i tine!. The friends Of . jhe ire:ol'44l4' • • • • FOitsSYTEarnionday, nt. iniCfrikitt; °apt"'la' A F.ORSYX/4 .6 6 0 At:...0: 0 Ygl.rfor t befriends of the familyaie'remavtfallifiiofo to attend the pliers' froai • hlir,ll . 4C:riliiiiiioerff . ti on Hay •iireet, o Txtriraas•e-arOntadder, 4 PRESSLY—Of apoplesy,on .Tuerti•22 i .tht 28th .• , ult., - DAVID A. P fl moo of the nor: Dr. • l'reraly, of Alleetenroftv • . 4 Ilueoctitoe of tko limersl,3o4l be Firrlot..,, 6 7 _< • It: T . 7 - I': ; ;ie ' . "3 7:: ,C; 1 . . 1. ',! , 7 :1 11;13r.'??.7.1 • I:* ; • • : CLOSING. OUT liinteroGiiidi Lest ttuurfOiati , i-Pll • ", .cuiJaAb ; . ..1 .9111111 - 4N0.82 Fifth Street; ;rte ^if ' ` , • apir mews, romite, oar eceeatti. -.;;; ROBERTS' BARNES &1104. 29 21 that e!tree‘ Pittzburtk• TIN /MD SHEET' IRO& WORkFakic , r , 31111 ?I'llia"utlir Of • lApiturr TIN war.; „ITO bare mow - mbabiactortsig :sad ha7e ffathlwArpftndu. Of all kinds, Tollet.Brese 11114•1 Setts,Ater eoulersoGooeers' Tee aed Spin Bea. . y - Isters, Cesh nod Spice Boxe of s Tumblar:Drainere,, , pm„tfct Bled Cage tlo, Thr i lr o s o AlsoW i e27 . `P lundi ?- IFACK DIAXOND STEEL WORKS' • - errrsituitatt • „„', l•• CROTHER 7t Ce. " — Minurartuniri Or _, ,v BEST QEII4I4I7:EZEINED -OAST STRLEI,' Square, Eht and Oct , Pill vireo: Warant ed egitel to arty Oa or' Otaattfactlued' in Ws •!...4 , Sir Office Ord Warehoiliseiloi. Wiesullal Priori euid Mood LW SocooD artuorre t Elttsbunk. 1,11 U M. MiBTRUN,' BRASS. FOUN- .•• r . .util ' ifteges ! • pairing of OIL Af.x . I.NERIES.• '• of ' • - BRASS AND lUDS OBOES mode to eider. Also, BRASS . CASTINCIS,of sell kinds, made. at Um A. f orders left atltos.3l and. al WATER street' :1.1l and LIBERTY, y.lll be prosptly attended to: rltir - The members ortidellrm bolnr prasiest Ark cZanks, of tuanylrer'a experience in thelr liuslnes Will Insure to give sittlefartlon In'erm reaped'" --= t •We are also agents for Guild;Usrriaon 00.% s `STEAM PUMP, for pumgdng Mater, (Buds sod A LLEN LI.JOII3I.ICIc. ,4 CO.. V44.... 1 tirePotrabur, Pittsburgh. Pa. itil - Warebourie, Ist LIBERTI.STRERT.- t • --I _Manufacturer, of COOK, PARLOR and HEAT.. „ TEG'. STOVER:4' - PARLOR. -ANIS KITCHEN ,- .1 OItATRS,, AIOLLOW. WARE, etc Steel .ands Clissv Moulds: Belling 'Mill Cattbrik a il log, Oay 'Water end Artlsa . n Pips, Sad Irony- Tleig.„4 Irons, Wagon -Boxes, Sugar , Rettless Pulleys. ILtugers, Car Wheels, Couplings and Castings mad ,,,;gaycrony. Also,TObblmand Machine Cutlass ft to order. - Patented Portable Nalls, with Steam or flints Power. - - . autimeirat, 8 1 44"..44..X' VAN GO.RDER.--7 ..„ • - ICCO.tondri , rborrO74ol2ll7„ 600 borma W. Oboerer , • - 100 • liambnrgdo4, ; ; 2 , 401 sol o _, Foctorrmaded Da 04. . o fresh ground Bunkwlfest.'nottri ' di LOU Champagne , Cdder; ' ' Crab do., - veil. fine; IV bolt bbla Oranborrioo; •10 kegs .dpple Batter; . ; ..rt I c tl a bo a rigro r lVler!for mince plow; - • 2 loons Choice 1/01.1 Butter; • tpi, Older nultable for tasking virdsor. - " - • . Thsx • • ill . ' kt•T, : l, ' l ,ll !L W°, l Matte Vistg. .40 1 Pickerel; forosh;lt• DM=M GRIGGs & tibefft**:. I.RON CITY =VCR WOILESi tuu . earner of Carat hal Seve dIJ4 : Z ntli streets. PateburFk. ( IL • 5o bola 2 i0,314d01y. __. lod 'Pare The - eir Creek Lataieetletro0 Su : 'Wm t'ut fur3.l.4tro, aiSort- ; fe 2 7:: - - fa Rita .7o Water stroet.'' leatade A. Arvtit 1 131: . Grat; : 4o- IP do Pala ; ;-. Justreeelred and foiesle 61 . . g .1115 LS PRIME Itol4. 0. 17 ,77.ERi; 14= 7,4' ;stake slit for enle . rV: jkacw ' - • c• 6 poTATOEBAND.APPLES.—.Recmhot, 414Yi ad A l li c_a2;e•Pftaett . Biatp, - t o 1:4141, rio43.,„!!!:!, 11: s H 35 t. vas :tot , 11 Ibt; 4:Fi AS 'l. ltlif4 re. Pc_ thrrA to ttrituacp,,-;,Lkylr ' ' '• , - r . I , ;Ai