the ti unit , Olutitt. TEE earra 141BLISII t G AB3OGLitiOI MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1808 WHEN WILL THE DRAFT' It El MADE! This is a quettion that many people are asking brit hone &injecting: .--. So far as the' 2!d ana '23a Districts are concerned, it is Only postponed from day to day, so long as velunteering shall go on briskly; but when that slacks off It- trill -certainly be made. We warathose , who think of filling thelr quotas, and also thr - ,se . Who think of.velart tecring, not to wait till the day is announ.- ced, foithen It will be too late. The:only ' way in Which the postponement' can be ex.- *tended is to keep the boards busy enlisting and mustering in recruits. Some peoPle.ani Indulging a vague and groundless notion that, after all, there Will ‘, be no drift;* there never was a greater ' delusion • than thii. It will certainly be anode. /patios to the - sub-districts which :have already filled thhir quotas requires thet it be, readrand , . rigidly enforced-in all those . still-districts which neglect or refuse to far nigh their. allotted-number of men. The people (Moot be too prompt, therefore, in doing the work - before them. - • *bile we believe that the war is nearly over, and - that, :in all. probability, the men now going in will never be in battle, jet in - order to • finish np the work thotoughly, these 800,000 fresh recruits will be required. / 1 Th terms of service of many thousands of .our soldiers will expire du ri ng the present lea , re that, after these 800,000 shall .all be i ,-vre stiall probably not have as many. men underarniS by the first of - October as Vrelhave now. :tire have good reason to hope, judging froin the signs of the times, that this will be the last` heavy general call that the kov - emhaentxillbe requlred to make; although a siropg . iiillitary force Will be needed, for yearn kvcome, to keep-Att order the turbu lent. eletrinnts which thhigreat conflict luta .nroluiect. 'One more vigorous and generoui effort end the glorious work will be accom plished. 11 1 / 4 3 arc now on the high road to peace. We all Want peace; wears all tired of war;- , and nothing we condo will so quickly bring a i Rs, hat we want as this vast number of De men. The rebels are exhausted and di nraged; they have rio more white men, &wither know the negroes will not fi ght tor tw at—they have no more money, no - aro foreign commerce, co. more outside aid; and. when they see "three hundred 'tho nd more" corning down upon Ulm they must break down. It follciwa the i mi fo , that the more men we have' the less bl shed there will be, and the sooner we ''. l all II have peace. . ' 1 • ..___.---.. a..- • RAILROAD:ACCIDEIMi‘,,_ Whin SOLOMON W. ROBERTS was Super intendent of the Ohio & Pennsylvania Mt' ;road he Invariably wrote out for the ores a full and faithful account of every accid nt thdt occu i rted 'on rho road, and always nr nished cafe aceounts as promptly as it possiblt / to gather the details into an a • en- . tic form. llc did not give a one-stied or naira&•te, colored to snit the inter cats of the company, but a statement of the facts as they really occurred ; and he main tained that this was the hue interest of ,eery railroad company., inasmuch as the . t public would learn the facts sooner or later, ,and it was hater that the information should - be gathered from the railroad company at Aimee, in.stead of being picked up through those likely to distort It to •its injury. 4-4111 all this Mr. Romarrs took ttlie right Irrw. Railroad companies, we know, act nitw upon just the contrary principle, and dii their best to suppress all accounts of accidents ;• but that. does not militate .against the correctness of Mr. Itoitzwrs' . Ohm. If an accitient- occuP, and the com ,phny proceed nt once to lay all the - facts be f9 ti ti the paddle, the people P . e it credit for . \ri t attempting to,eonceal the trnth; but-if t .e facts en- suppressed, the mblic are left. opt n to the belief of all ports of wild re pn:ts. and is more injured than it would bike been by a prompt announce. - men: of aldibe details. A VII was ' lately Won: the legislature to eompel railroad companies to put up bull° iius• at trrteia stations or alt railroad a•ri +l...dents; but the railroad influence has de fvntell it. The railroad managers seem to think that if they can keep their own mouths shut abont accidents, that the papers will not find out more than half of them, and Tthc ptililic will not therefore think their as dangerous as they arc, just as \ r'ostriclies, when they stick their heads in the s, sand, think no aloe can see them. They :F , cem to forget thatreporta of accidents serif , • ty from mouth to month, If not published ; 'and that eventually they assume a much ; more horrible form, and do the roads much more injui - jr, than if proMptly and fatthfully Travelers — catCh thorn ufi grid • repeat them with embellishments, until finally many &Man is deterred from travel ' ing over' roads which thus get a bald repn. ration. . . THE DRAET. , . • i Drafting is uow going on in Philadel 'rasa, in Brooklyn, and in somet parts of ' Ifew Jersey. This is a: decisive' evidence . ( that the governuient is in earnest, and that i ; the draft will enevitably come to those dis ' tricts.which arelnot active ill, putting in re ') emits. those who fondly Imagine that the i draft would not take place, are referred td these facts; stowing that - the draft is al it ready in Operation., ~' Wnatntarort.—Thr.ugh Wilmington the r rebellion 'drew three-fourthsof its European '' .upplles. It was sport Impossible to block -r sde. Though we captured many cargoes of ' - Immense :value, The blockade-runners un teasingly ran-the gauntlet of our fleet, and to Immensely waS the rebellion benefited by he goodi they brought that the expense of idefending the whole coast. for the sake of (Wilmington was economical. It is probable abet Europe has sent through 'Wilmington . 311 Ore guns and powder than the entire' 23culb has_ manufactured. In. losing -that tort the enemy must now dephati_upon the incagre'resources — of a few non-nianufactur. ling andixhaustedistates for materialto re pair the 'waste of war.---nuodelphia Prem. , - 1 1 1 ------.• • AND THEN.—When, fouryeara ago, Fort Sooner - wits compelled to succumb to the Both Carolina Insurgents, Gov. Nen tas--he who once boasted that ho "was born Ingensibla to fear"—deliverid a eon gratubltary add ten to the Charlestonians, in which lie Eald "We Love humbled the Dag of the United States, and as long as have the honor to preside as your Chief 211agistra:e, so help me God, there Is no power on this earth that Shall ;lower from that fortrees those flags, unless they be lowered and trailed in a sac of blood." - Tux EVACUATION or WILIIINGTON.—it Ia known ithat just stfter the fall of Fort Fisher, thik rebels aimeneneed evacuating Wthningtim and movinit the cotton to the Interior toward Raleigh, but that ten days ago there Was still from thirty to fifty thou sand boleti left. It is believed at the War Department that most of this has fallen into Gen. Schofield's hands. It is hope 4 that, with. the large form he nog has, the retala win not be allowed to esoao... . Palos, Tun Firr..Roger. A. Pryor, tho rebel spy, Is at large, and can be seen daily promenading the Lamle. - To a nun rho pointed out „the large number Of. deserters Malong be remarked, "There is plen e left where thet - came hoax" snrttitrAls. AllhOugh the public heart at the North has been made joyfol by the news of the capture of Savannah, Charle.ston and Wil. mingion, and although the loss of those places Inflicts a heavy blow In the rebel cause, yet the-tact that the rebel troops gar risoning those places have all, retreated in one direction and for_ one purpose, viz: of uniting sad giving battle to Srranwast on the first favorable opportunity, Is calculated hi awaken anxiety and annrehenslott. The "rollout! Ineelligmcer saysl 13 I'm the retreat of Beaurcgard from his line of defence north of. Savannah, well informed writers gave him a Large army, which bad been swelled by the junction of some twenty thousand men Bann Hood's farces. As Beauregard has fallen back, it la probable that he has been joined by the garrisons from Charleston and Wilmington, and by those from such other points as have a strategic relation to such a position as he may select, to abandon defensive and to as- ,some offetudve operations. To this end, the strong'probability is that he will retreat as near to Lee as, in his opinion, will be consistent with safely engaging Sheamaa, nark.. tcrfered with by Grant, ,or otherwise and to a proxinila which may enable Lee to detatch such - farce to his aid as that Gen en) may be willing to spare from the de fence of Richmond. It is possible thatsted may conclude to reader this aid, and yet feel strong enough to hold Grant in check.' _._ This position of things maturidly mita excitement'. interest,. and 'anxiety. Sher man will be forced to a cautious and wary policy. Should Beibaregard, however, be unable to make a stand near the south line of North . Carolina, but be reseed to retreat to tie hat of the Neuse (near which is Rs - lei3b;) sod, If he shall not attempt to main tain a position on the line of Cape Fear river, then Sherman can make Wllaangton: a I use; and a safe line of retreat, lUte be `compelled 'o such.a result. The distance front Columbia to Wilmin,, ton is about two hundred miles; or two 'iverike march. The distance from Colum bia northeastwaidly to Raleigh, by the in ner 41ine, is two hundred 'and eighty-one Possibly, it may have been on the view of Sherman's movements, as above stated, that General Lee based his recent letter, which expresses so much confides e in the ability of the rebel armies to sustt rt them selves amid dangers, that, to the common mind, seem so imminent. • ILCACILECAIIII has 50,000 men under him,' by this time; and although we do riot allow ourselves to doubt that SHERMAN will whip hin4 we cannot repress the nervous anxiety we feel,to hear that thafight is °ker. It - is all "veryfluttering to our prowestrie believe that.llte enemy retreated from Sbuth Caro lina because of cowardice; but it will be as well to remember that LER has a purpose, and that it is a part of that purpose to giie battle to SILEIOIAII as soon as the forces under fie &t 11EU1.11D C4ll be brought within supporting distance from Richmond. A battle, therefore, Is imminent. Wilmington •and Charleston have been abandoned with out striking a blow, in order to gather an effective army for that battle; and we may, therefore, make up our minds tO look for it. Our confidence in SHERILVS is unbounded, and we feel sure that he Will trill; but his ro bloodless career, so far, thngt .South Car oma, must not blind us to the heavy task that is before him. Railroads In the Fast Nothing seems more incongruous with the indolent luxury of Oriental life than the modern railroad system. Yet this great in• vention iS , tincling its why ull over the far East.. In dlindoostan English capital and industry -have built thousands of utiles of railway, and Siam and China will soon tie, if rumor be behoved, invaded be squads of engineer;and surveyors. Thedl c urkiali r moment has just decided on gruntin g a con cession for a railway-from Jab to jerusa- It in, and n religions enthusiast of Germany —one Dr. Zimirel— to. build :he road. lie expects to raise the necessary funds-- alouktwo million five hundred thousand dollar.-, at gold (par standard)—by an op. j, at to the religious sentiment of .lows and t lir' st:ans throrghout Europe. This railroad, though to be only forty• miles long. will vastly facilitate travel to ..Ternsalem, render the tourist's or piijitn'a -;,.ivilly thither as easy and. prosaic as a trip Item New York to New Haven. An Em , - :ist• writer on this sobje tt sug gests that ther Ittmruz may witness branches of time rue to Jericho on the one silt!, and to and the Dead Scups the -Aher— n i L. tunnels through the Mouat of 0 jt-es rut the hills of Esr-gedden .." this seems e a'n use rofane ; but railroml 3 , c 5 T. t_-a:3 tt , ti.e it oily where !rands the hott:e of thy:l-ir e r Mars. trolasported, aL cto- , ,in,4 to the oil .from Palestine, to its prevent local i.y. A railroad to Pompeii hardly harmon 1. s with the retie , . Cons wilted' a vi-it to t I at marvellous disinterred clty suggests; yet every tourist to Naples .finds the new a ode of conveyance highly a7,revable. In , cad, by the year 1000 we shall probably lc able to reach by steam every frequented [line of resort sacred or secular---devoted to religion or fashion. . The President to be Trusted. Tin tVashington correspondent of tho Springfield I:epnbtirar, says: ' "I feared two weeks ago, that the Blairs might negotiate a dishonorable peace, but I em now satisfied that Mr. Lincoln has his hand Upon the helm. Ho telegraphed to Mr. Seward the other day: 'Remember that the only terms arc Union and submission to the laws.' Going down the Cbcaapeake bay. he 'said to a friend: `So long as I em _President, no peace shall be made which does not save the Union and keep our promise to, the slaver I am no longer afraid that the President will make peace (me incmt , ht too quick, for ho will not aban don cne of his principles for it. He said to a me vabcr of Congress The other day: 'Some of my Mends in Congtess act as if they were afraid to trust me with a dinner; yet I shall never compromise the principles upon width I war elected." 4-. ----.- THE NWION R V W171)0:413 —it is now stated that the vi.. t of -Judge Hughes and C. n. Singleton to Riclimad, is of a strictly pi ivate nature, and it bears nu political sig. nificance -whatever. The statement that They go to urge antoisslon' to the' govern went of the United State is therefore lam, rect. . 80a$AIA11 . 5 ALDREI.II 017101131 i TO REPORT AT BIL2O/1 MIAD.—COMM/11410O0d OnICOIS en route 'for Sherman's army bare bow ordered to report to Gcn. Price, a; I ilton Hoed, Bowl& Ctu °Una. Am Immense nuMber of wild animals still live In Maine, and at the present high prices of fan, trappers are having *great timt among minks, sables and foxes. A Motormtaz paper states that ten gentlemen of the rebel perr.usalon have on deposit in that city 82,800,000. PUBLIC ' GOINIR OUT OF THE WHAM' I SIXTH WARD! There rfil be a MARS' MEETING of the eitizsmi of the SIXTH WARD to the LECTURE ROOX of the SIXTH CHURCH, on Tllls modri•• r at 74 o'clock. Everr pereon who contributed to the Bounty Food at any of the former weeUnqs. and all other citizens, sule. requested t he: present. tedl-ltd 07/10¢ 07 VIZ ALLOOOXSY VALI.I4y R. R. Th.l Pittsburgh, Febrnary I. tfted,„ ANNVAL MEETS:IO.-1N AUMED. • ANVE with the provisions of the Charter nd the Bupplementa, the Annual General Mut er of the Stockholders of the Allegheny Valley tailroad Company, will be hold at the °Mae of the ernpany corner of Washington and Pike streets, the. Cley of Pittsburgh, ON TUESDAY, THE in day of FEBRUARY. &Telefon o'clock a. m., to reulre the Report of the President and Managers, to fleet Managers forthe eciatzleg year, and trammertssek other business u may be preset:at:4T By order of the Hoar d. feta mood R. O. ORR, Sos. at Treat. it2Er.AN . - IELEILITION FOR • PRESIDENT AND SIX DIRECTORS • of the EIANCIIESTESt SAYINGS BANIC, wilt be held et the Booking Rouse,on SATtflaDklf, the Seth DAY OF MARC H, IBIb. between the • hours of 1 and a epetaak. foteime "Illtn. 8. lIPIDIFLZ. °amble& GLOVE LOST—Oa Battoday afternoon; between alts a' Grocery Mona In the - Dla• wend. end Fourth street, a Rentleauo•e Luz° Sean Etre GLOVE. for the right hand: The IhUter wlll be rewarded ter the Usable U let at the fOrt. : . GAZETTE 9FFIOL • PUBLIC xoricrs 11.. d. 7-30 1,400,%_N.. By authority, of the Secreteui or the Treasury, the usdersfgced• tus assumed the Geneiat Sub scription Agency for the sate of trotted States Treasury Notes,, bearing seven and three teaks Der cent. totereat, per mown, brown is the , SEVEN-TMEIT LOAN. Theme Profile ire lamed mda tlite or !Logout 15th, tolti, and re p.p&Dle'three yews from iliat time, ettneery, or um etorertitite tileeptUdt of the holds" Into F. S. P2O Six Per Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS, Thew bonds are now worth a prendum of nine pet teat, tar-lading gold interest from November, v Won makes the 'Maud profit on the 140 loan. at. mama. rates. Lie' biding harvest, about ten per' cent pir azman.., besides Its armpit:on from Seek Zre ma sienstripel ntretien, t o ear from 0•4 per ono. more, according to the rate levied o they property. Ale interest des payable scan by coupaus attached - to, each note, whisk may be eat otrand sold to any banker banker. The Interest amoanta to vi One cent per day on a SOO note. Two cents " " " $lOO " Ten " " " " $5OO " 20 " " " $lOOO " 21 85000 " Notes of all We denominations awned will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscription'. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered ofitred by the Government, aitd tt Ic confidently expected thit .lts mipertor advantages will make It the Great Popular Loan of the People. Lees than r.C. o,Coo,ooo4einain unsold, which will probably be• disposed of within the next so or ea days, when the notes will undoubtedly command premium, as has uniforrnly been the ease on closing the subscriptions to other loon. , in order that, the citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan. the . National Banks, State Banks, and Private Banker, throughout the coma. try have general.' ,agreed to receive subscripilons at psz. Stibserthere will select their one agents, in whom they bare conffdeooe, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive order. JAY 'COOKE, Subscription Agent, Putinlphin Subterlptieus will be rect.' red by the rirst Nation! Blatt, Pittxburgb, Second Third • " " " -courtb " ' . 7 11111 pro's " " 7 Para& Itanarra !lallartat gook, rkbarrb. Pa Plaa.bomb NaZonal Bank of CoaiTacper„ " Iron City • . Tradesman% rarmer's Depc%li V< I tulles rlca Alll Only rrop!es* I crtoen F r•J or theztorny. 4T7i.itrioN : AV rENTION PARTIES )IBCUT VOLUNTEERIN3 t-3.(rD WARD, FITTSBURGE, ME= Highest Cash Bounty, R=l lte(•ruiting H czulci uarters, ON FOURTH STREET, n,r.lbor etbere Smith!lola, lard get Tour money. A. R, emitting °Maar 'rift be in attendance during the and will you full direatiana. Remember the pi3CP, and don't enlist 'elsewhere ee hear what the Second Ward la paying. 117 order alba B')! STY COMMITTEE OF SECOND W LIED. G•tr.ADor ATI W'LP FIER TIE EX'? S. ED. A GRIENDOTsE AND TIMETABLE DAIDEIEB. Enquire or fer:Af GEO. EL &(I STOOK, 27 Fafth street. (up stew.{ fI • bbin Silo I Lard r/i1 75 2 do: P2i Pure Duck Creak LubricaDu; Ull; 1 o atcre and for ule by 14.21.K.1 DaLZP:2.4 a SO:V, fe22 b sad 70 Water ptre.A Orr, a or ALLIDIT AND PITT/I1 to Ow. OD, ' VDD No its South Fourth stieet J HE DIRECTORS OF TlllB CO PANT have declared a dividend of TW, 1 PER et NT., clear of tan, psy able un and after the FIPST DAY OF MARCII NEXT. Transfer Bloke °laced fspm lenth lest until 7d ,rrh Ist, ado sive. Ifd7Bol WM. 8. LANE, Secretary. er.!IMAT 0110 SING OUT SALES OF ‘A our WINTER STOCK of Men and Hoye BOOTS, • PROEM, BALMORAL:S. SANDALSO VAN, FELi LTEits, at coat. .All goods marked down. Now la the time to buy good article* cheap for ..h. Call early and secure • good bargain, before purchasing else, where, at soimArriPrf, fat PI Market etrent. Id door from FRU. NOTICE—TO ALL TO WHOM IT 17 . MAT CONCEUN.—ThIa la to notify you that In immortals= with an Act of Assembly consenting streets and sewers in the City of Pittsburgh, sp. inured January Sib, Idukth e City Regulator has flied In my Mince a Ust of assersments for the coat and expense of constraining a sewer an Crawford street, In the Sixth Ward, an dthat said assessment la due sad payable at the City Treasuries orrice, 'within thirty day. from the stoic of this notice, and if not paid Within that it will be !fled as a lien against saidproperty, with interest, cod and fees. WM. 12 4 JUSAUM, Tnaguref, Pgglirrnon, February 07, MM. fe27,3wd Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE A- , toIcPsANs. court, I will sell aPPublie Sale, at the COI!RT ROUSE, In the City of Pitteheirgh, on TUESDAY. MORNING, at iu o'clock, March ii, 1065. A certain int of gentled ort the corner of Logan and Decatur street, Pittsburgh, Pi. , being ',boot thlrtpnine feet front by about forty feat deep, hart! g thereon erected a thtee Story brick dwel ling httute, fronting en Logan • Tense—Ove-half crib; balance In one year, with inter, St from date, secured by boml and mortgage. Purchaser to pay (or all paper. nod Stamp T.-B. MPRI'HY, Administrator of the estate of Henry Murphy, deed. ferltoswtd • - •-•- - To•• . — The following deslnible STORES ARD BUSINESS ROOMS -I. A large, well lighted almnni.tory room, front. Mg on Market -Menet, and formerly otruplid as Dutra Co lege- Poweselon on let March. 2 A large STORE... Market street., near Foul!' street, rod In commotion therewith Or arparnto from It, the large second Mori room known a. Philo 8011, rlth entrances on both Market and Third streets. As this property IN opposite the leading Dry Goode House In this city, (J. W Dar. ker k Co.) and aa the 'notarial Cabinet and Up holstery ostablishitenta are on Third street, It egould be a good Mood dither for. Dry Good. or a MouseVurnighing Store. - a A (undated store on Third street near Market with,bsek °oxtail's room. 4. ThespaeIcomYROTOGRAPII ROOMS knoWn as Malaga's Gallery, corner of Third lad Market Streets, 6. Serene BOOMS In second and third stories, 1111Itablo for School Roomer oMoes, &a Apply to • • •-£. D. GAZZA.III. corner of Third. end Market street. (Mae : hours fro* 19A. IL go I r, x., Alto from 2 f027:16r XE T 5" .I.DI'.EITTIA'r-varrs. GERMAN NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh, COR. SE3TE AND WOOD STREETS AUGUSTUS - ROTELER. Pretideat.. SPRINGER. ILAHRAUGR, VI. PmMoat. GEORGE A. E.NDLY, Osashier. Stile Barikleirttes the accounts of &Lake, Beak •• • ••• • Government Seedbillea of all kinds bought and cold at current rates. As SPECIAL AGENT of Jay Cooke, subscrip. Ueda will be received for the Popular 7-30 Loan, lbla loam la mote being absorbed M the rate or 8,04DC1N,C104:10 ..13wablr. sad Defog oonvertible Into aro-twenty bowie which Are now et • premium of over NLN PkR CENT. It commend. Woolf for its cuporlor advan tages to ell who eecic n safe sad profitable invest ment Liberal relarelealona on this lean will be allowed !a all dealers la G overman pecaritlea GEC. A. EXDLY, Cashier: Ceti et THE DItiTRICT ÜbtrltT OF AL .-. 1N LEIIIIENY COUNTY, Prams No. PS In Par vt°lti fe Nn. 6 April r r o go7 s ll. —ra.M Da.'l"°. Andrea Denaisten; Tref a . liton W. Berlin iced Jane M., his wife, late Jane M . •Dterobiton, daugh ter Of raid; George Fawley and Lydia, his Wife, late LvdtaDewaston, sad daughter of lad Andrew; Jame, Atwell Manistee, ;mu Of said Andrew; Nutty 11, daughter lie old Andrew; An drew J. Dennistoo, a =icor acia of Bali Andrevy; Isaiah I. Dennlaan. 6 miner son of .aid Andrea; Hammel Denniston, • ?Ishtar sea of said Anarevr; Samna Rlautecis anal Claim', no Riehiirds, sate flariAtians Dennlaten; Geer • " I. Rinsed*, Mania 1. Itlehanix and Samuel - - itwb nos of .std 11►lk hating* Richard.;'sod Nary Jane. hl. wife, late Nancy Jane Richards, an d daughter o fetid Cheadien a Thiebscib; attune Rich. ern, widow of John Al Richards, derM. lino wee a Imo of paid ehristiana Richards; Catharine U. lk Unitarily Wasoington Kaufman and 1 , 1.13C7 his wife, dote Nancy M. IJeonletost; George D., o Risen It., John A. and Senate Kaufmen, nue of sold Nancy. St. Kaufman; and Kate R., Nancy P.., sod Ella T., daughter, of mad Nancy NI. 11'auhour, all of whoa., except said Unreel D., isni minor., and of *Lon estate Beal/man 0. Helmond,. of Alhatheuy coooty xuardirsai and William If., sai d .F. ..I John It. Denolston, sons of said Jame. Drools:0., tom &mint, of whom John 13 Is a minor. Der: wee of fleorge Penni/den, lase (d' the city of Pitts burgh. Allegheny oouaty, Penosylyanie. dealt. February La ISS3 It le ordered by the CoUrt that notice ho given of toe &Malan of he once • week for six mutcomelve weeks In the Pitts hung), fa,ccfre, n all eerie:ono upon whom ectual service cannot be given, awarding to law ~by reason of Dietz rculdine nut.( the Co anties of Al legheny And "Mereer, Penosylvauha and also by mailing to each of them a printed cop f o.ltl ice, directed to their present place of sled., when known, at to their last place of reohlron four week. before the hearing to this Ca, Pursuant to gad rule suit defeildmato Sr. re cowed to take mole, that said n.:i hoe hoe, Bled, praying the I tour{ to make plrtaloo, among said parties, of sib the Reed Este. , of geld Genr,e Gen. ntatod, dee'd.lselng a piece of land In and osijele. log Root Elbert!, Allegheny snooty, rontrtioing II seer, I Mod. 7-143 peeel N but on Penn Street, Fittooirsh; and s lot in Meectr. 'Kerne eounty; In wide Bill the prdportion• to setw,h, It leash:lad, oleh of *aid parties Is entitled, under tar len .111 of George Vennteloa, nb o sat forth; eurdthst s neh men• hos been toned to 0 , 4,1 cow, rettsrnahie to the FIRST MONI. A Y (IF A FRIT. tSga, commanding rock of sold emend pro ft co La op,c3r I. • ski Court to manes the promises of, Owl the interrog. ni•rs. a arnecta to; Bill Bill. end , -41.1.41,1 to and abide the enlar and de , ree of ofd your: thereon. Joille II STEW hRT, Stierttr. RRADPithI, TODD Nu. 111 Fot.r,to F .111.r1ato8r s Coutin.r... fin C3eteag stiLc/ to, cs.=.a V./ ttizas, CAREFULLY ATTUTIDED TO Ey riper icacmi Practical Clorktaen. I=l VUIII`V, TIL:111-1111. i&Lt VV. (.;,...„,o ‘ y:oketly or. total BAILEY. FARILELL & CO., r , IT% FOUR' II STREET \\ ~Kit , 2 / 1 11171 a Sired, \0 a3Su:XI'. t..: v Pious; Napkins ; Towellings ; PiPow 'Linen= Sh etinge, &c., tkey •rt n Nal; at rvaltitel rri-es fez, it - - 1 / 4 A r rt.\ --A I 1•1 IA 11 a•l. UAL—P . c. It J a rt tlar or next a.. the tat a certais curt En l'aroutro;a. t..•, Cousk Is a 34•Ato r .11W . flat remedy was .113cosereJ by h:o, J two his Only 1.1.1 , tf, a dawschter, WWI give. op to 'IS has child vas cured, ono a. now al,se aO4 alit 7Jeattt us of beLtilttlue his ftllow moral, , v 111 seed to those who wish it, containing 101 l Lireeticon for making and saceessfully ns this ord*, fret, on rtrolpt of theta With tiro stamps to pay eapecres. There is not a stogie 13 oat ion. Of C /atom; lien that .t .10.11 Mot a, onell t •he hold of and Otsip•te. rfigbi sweats, peer. iak nras,lleftat lon of the .erns, falhltt Of Memory, tt•illsuit ratwelvtettot, .Carp pain. la the WU.. 30 threat, clkily s..teens. nausea at the storoath, itokrUort of tbs, bowels, wasting awls; of 1,,t mottles- 4? - The writer trill pietae hale the name or the piper they see this lidNertutmerkt In Ad ,00. • _ CRADIIOOK & 00, North 4ocoall l'hlla , :etyttlfi, Po. tOttlAm.l;serdAeotreo* _ • _ _ • 6 `i VAR' E. #14.1 - 111: NC E ...e.. t4:4,0,1 the f, et PROP. REED'S MAGNETIC OIL le the only tellable cure for Ilhenotathom. Nearslei., Old Noses, wad Palms of all Mod.. Still sold et the old Woo of 25 cants per bottle SHIION JOHNSTON, Solo Agent, fee em. Smithfield and ath ate. LLENTQWN 'MILITARY INATITI-TI» A ilestogra, Pa. Hey i L. M. IVWFORD, A. M., Prr.itteni. Malos (I ECKEI. :soapy Military :4•4 pc rtrstentical. Ttits InalltutAit sisiStereit by the hate or Penn .i I vsnia. WWI 1 11 Itilles.te powers, anirtha p•inlrr. A. mof State a for Intsittry. ...4 4 . 41rxIty drill., is Eq./ fn auese.srul operation, witting superior ashientional opportunities In every department , !Communisation dl. not from Pittatia:ND, withoutclump! of ..(1. ("Prob.. at U. 1.. Metilintock's. Market tariffs, or Watt & Hoots% Liberty street, Pittaborxts ler2S.tmeod . y. BILYAN. 1 AOErfT OF nu: PIiENIX I:Ist:RANCE CO., ANI) WASILiNOTON /NSURAIWE CJ "° • .()( rim York, And Broker In Sloakm,lßoad. anAl Rent- tstl t Mu STREET, fen Fr RE'S BUILDING. Ifk.wiTr 8 I l = " 4 0 , 1..•12"7101 - LXCCrlia PIE TILE HALE. !The best and olOsPelt HAIR ORES. I :SING AliD RESTORATIVE In tbci ! imuket. Prepated only by S. W. Fox *. CO., 34 Federal It.. I • Allegheny, and For sale by Inunatts! ;generally.. feltitam DOCKET BOOK LOST.—.JANUARY slat, n SMALL I LAOK POCKET' ROOK, containing about fire and papers, among which wasn Certifleate of Deposit for Pinion, drawn. by W. H. Newbold, Son A Ars teen, of l'hliadeinbia, favor of John P. W Sion. Pa, tarot has been stop Teri. If the finder will retur n . the papers to S. li A RHAIN7II A CO., 'do. 100 Liberty street, Pithe burgh,.the money,na to retained and no questions asked. feldr2werfil I:ENERAL DRIUOIITING OFFICE. —lnawinare made to order of "Oil Regions, Oil Forms " he. col %reed and illustrated - with Weil., irge, Also, for ..Patent Jinx fillils."4,A UM of Mechanical, and Arthitectural Drawing open Summer f or tin, cyary evening from 7to 9. TerMs-440 twenty lessons. Scholars Toy only for the lenons they attend. Admission at any time, 31 Ftfth street, ;Arm. the Allegheny Bank. ELATLLON, fen:iced ' Enotneef. SOLDIERS` N.VTFOLIOB, • r WRITING OASES, &Ltd OA3II. KNIVES J. G. LANER'S, tol Market street DrNKARD UNION OIL COMPANY Certificates of Sto4 are now ready, and Stock holden can have them at the °thee of the Um pony, corner' Penn 'end Wayne etreeta,, on pi* seating their reoelpta.._ Wel. W. HER4OII, fe96:lw Adtentrotary aad Tivaiver. ..4rE fir 3DT EE TlSErfm.yrs. Foraru NATIONAL BANK, 1. S. Geeeretteeat .I)q,ecilare, Prrrenrauu, February N OTICE. . . RATING BEEN APPOINTED Special Agent JAY COOKE. U. S. Agent for the 7-30 Loan, We offer this deslrshls ineesttsent In Ems to snit purchasers. The notes ate in sums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000. IMEEEEI Trauderrafile Aug. 15th, 1567, INTO A • - " ' • GORR S•' • Theae desirable aecuritied are aelllng at the rate of X 54,000,000 PE R DAY, PI VI be at a Yrstnitsin. JR—To Banks, linnhens. I.lrolraws, Troia Con ponies, Ins...ante Compel.les, sod nil who purn clue to bell agslo, I Libtial Nuunii.slon Will hr Paid iu Cask IL I. bored every one will Invest in this highly desirable, safe and prlditsble security. JAMES O'CONNOR, President. S, D. HERRON, Cashier [mat SPECIAL. NOTICE. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, U. S. Government Depositary, PITTS)31 , 11(111., Fehrunry SA, ISO, This Donk 111.11lIthOlixed to'reccure money, PAYABLE AT 10 DAYS NOTICE, (After 30 Days.) Dearing 8 'Per Cent. Interest, HON. F. E. SPINNER'S t U. S. TREASURER) CERTIFICATE FOR THE SAME. nor-,.n elect nits m trl th A .,7, I L i r 'E .st ' i i h n e A ey a l. l l 4 , E ,, Comm ..r.sly; at na the welettetnne ttl o'ttointnt; pet cent. on money pnynttle ittl.tre,tot• n.rotto Itself. we trust n fart:• tinto”.4 of tatt4e) M De ottnittra rot liurcrwurnt. JAMES OTONNER, President S. D. HERRON. Cashier fg tj F1tf.”.41 THE GREAT TRADE SALES it 3 = o .27 3 7 Goocl s, J. IV. BARKER A. CO., MI 01 ESAk E ANO RETAIL. le.r ear week, Ala Anmenae !lock el !Ay q.v.!, Ao:leit At t I,reat atte!n /Inn Salm meny st about ONFell,kl.• former prees. fiekllkt4 NoTic}: TO OWNERS OP DRAYS, HACKS, &c. Notice Is hereby Oven to all Owner, of Ilirtya, 's eta, Carriages. liuggiea, he whether resident or nbr.reeldent in the City of Pittsburgh, to pay their Lincolnat ,the Treasuter's orrice of the city of Plit•burgh, forthwith, la twonlance with an .101 of Aseetribly.approved Match 30, IBM, and An (loll f the Councils of the City of Pittsburgh, Done, o putted • mil lb, two. All Licedtea not paid on of before SIAT 15, 1563, cUii he placed In the hoods of the Chief of Pollee, Joe collection, subject to his fee of 60 cents for the collection thereof, and oil ye:lrons who neglect or mt..c to take out Licenses 0,111 be suh)ect to a penalty, to be recovemd beton, the Mayor, double the marmot of the Lactose. 1 he old metal plates of previous year, roust be 1,11,11.41 at thellme Linen... are taken out, or pay IS cents therefor. RATTY OF LICE:Ifs E. Each One horse ‘ehicle 9 750 Each two hone " IS 00 : Each four horse " 1.5 ou Each two horse hitch..., 15 mi (Manholes and Timber Wheels drawn by two horses, eighteen dollars each. For each additional horse used in any a. the above vehicles, one dollar. E11.7.1111AU111, City Treasurer. Fri-row:nom February 10th, Mai 1e1727 )'Hate BOILER AND SHEET-IRON WORKS, NECONI) tad LIBERTY Streeti, Plt.B.bargh. Mail= 12= MORROW & BARNHILL. Siminfacturees of every deseription of Steam Bon en, 011 Stills, Agitators. Tanks, .3slt Para, Gne ometers, Wrought Iron Illidgeo, Steam Pipes, fa bler Boilers, Chimneys, lintechen. The Had., So., made in the best manner, and warranted equal to any to the country. REPAIRING done promptly. IfigMaid, PENhfil .VANIA STATE A.GRICIIL TORN, SOulEff Y.—The citisena of the dlf- Intent MOON and town. throughout the State me tinned to competition fur the place at Whleh the nest annual State exhibition shall be hold. Pro petals containing inducements and advantages, directed to the . underrigood committee of the So) elety,wtll bei received up to, and D. 111,1114 MARCH 20th. Communioatidns may be addressed to either of the undersigned, or to the President at Hardt. burg. AMOS H. KAPP, Nor hiteabnipuld; jOSHIJA WftlfvrsTN Whshinglon. JOHN B RUTIIERFORP, Harrisburg. ' WILLIAM COLDER, Harrisburg. I) AN. 0. DRIESSADR, Beach Haven. JOHN H . ZIEGLER, Liervisburg. , _ A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, Harrisburg. A. BROWER LONOIKER, re2A.2ld Secretary, Norristown. ALCABLE OIL PROPERTY. • .}'cereal ?sag), o f land, brdiece4 to Lc excellent MI territory: l octed on i'inlang clerk and .ta trite utaries, Wettri county, Went Virginia, "West Virginia Oil Company." Are offered lot solo on feyormblo tams. Apply to • J. B. fe,ltar No. 2 Fourth at. G. LANE]; 101 Matiz-bLot Eltroot, PITTSBURGH, Dealer In STAPLE VARIETY CIOODS, PA.NEY GOODS, TOYS, . OJIILDREN , S CIOAOLLES, FANCY BASKETS, wholesale or retell at the most nameable prices. fet&ly CITY 07 A.LLZUHSICT, ' t Et TREASOI,IIOI OPTICZ, kikb. n d,1961. PI A LL PERSONS WHO kRE D REARS tete City of Allegheny for around - Rents and Water Rents, by meter measure, wlll take notice that If said dues are-not paid on or before the FIRM' Or MARCII.I ensuing, their 'so. counts will be placed In the hands of the City SO* Repot for collection. D. Bum - mum tenaw, City Treasurer.. ZI 17'KB 1 SEAT 1.7..1eT S. 1 1:10E:1* , IzEmAiNrsl;iSyscLAtm l• LP th, Putt OMee heni, 011 the t2::11 d3y of FLIIIZt ARY. P;Z: 'Yo ataln any of Inn, n•tte,, the moat calif. - advent. al later'," give the Cala list, and pay one rant Pot adv.-Union -11 ribi railed for uytAia one - aiiatti, they will tee gent to thelJvai- Lett, ()tier. . Fare Ilt:Ltvher letiere by "writ', et the r4si erects of owner. me,. be en - best, by tatter:ln-. the following net:. 1 - . nue= letters plainlnto the street and nom Let, newel 29 thePo9l. Oilier end St Ate. 2. Iluan letters with the writer's Post o:fies--sua Stale, street snil.nittsbee. sign them plainly w tt h ru:l name, and request that answers be directed ace sr,:- Lngly. 3. Letters to strangers or transient • :Aitors in town or city, whose special flihirC,9 lacy I, un known, should be marked on the lower left hand corner, with the word "Transient." • • . - 4. Place the postage 'lamp cm the upper rig!!-land corner, and have apace between the at Amn and di rection for post-mart - mg vrahout interfering with the writing. . . N. 13.—A nEors., for the narerror of a letter to the writer, if unclainuLwithin rotary DAY+ or less, written or printed !with the writer's name, Pest Office and-Stale, across the left-huol end of the envelope, on the face side, will be complied with at the usual prepaid rate of postage, payable when the letter to delivered to the writer. (So , . Low of 1863.1 Akeriebt A 'lllli2ds Sim :MeCormol l aA. Armitagel'inny Ilord'Aidrew McLean E E Adam. Juts Harker Capt ,Metlown Em S AnibbrsoriJere Hatch Cyrus Moline.) , Barbi Adams Jo. Hays E %I' Mznoaott,,k C Adam. Jos H Flutehtsisi E 2...lloLtormio A Anderson I. Holden • nor :McDowell Alex Andrews Mary Herring ( o N Adams Margt &Higher Henry .Newman F B Hoak Sarah J 2 Naylor CI tir heynOn Annie Hearty Selphla Nixon Stow . Beaty Beoj F , Hayswortt.ti U Bradly Kato liaietton Barak Onstatt Andy.. Burns Bunt Hays. Jai , ,Olney Goo Beat ly ES Hammettlt °lacy S B Huley In 2 Orr Jan .Brown Francis , Bullock Fred floward J o P . . . Brown Ciro E 'Halt Jan , Pratt Acrish /lawman Hen'a Harrison .100 11 Patton Learnt Beware Soscy Flouter Thus II Patterson D Holey Sarah Hill Maggio Parka I/ E Bottles Sarah :Hill Wm A Poulton Henry Black John T 'Harper MIC /gnu! Sarah A Bontin Inn N 'Henderson M A Pinkerton(l -- \ Beck .l e e. • Hutchinson M Patterson 'Sam; Ballentlne J W Haugh Pltpip . Patterson; II Burford Jar, Hart Phil • • 'Powell Is es/ Bartley Jno Hute`ianon It S Pollan--- Beek Thus Irwin Jennie • Pos Jobs Bathour4l S Lase Nancy Patternha„Jas , lloftlew the .1 Peterr John 808 DI Id.. Jones henry Parson Miss Brown Mary JonenJonn ISalmer Mary A Bryson Mary A Jaenspri Jon • Patton Hanka Bent,. Men Johnnori II 13 Peoples Wm Burnt. Elftrg't Johnson Rcheea 4. Ilarkt r tilletere K !lacer Henry 2 Brawn Mary K•nney Armada R Brown Nancy M Kennett/ A ItichantsonAlos Benron N IC II utx Chas Itatiell K C Ralph Roland Keleher Dant Rittenhoune Id!J Bang. Ronan, E. EtilereeceSaille Reed K W C Kelly Inn ".ti Rafferty Jan ('ninon li lielmy .Ino N linbutiam Jos II Calleghan Irate Koontz. Lima J Homage Jets S Unniphell Kate Rune Sent Rogers tae DU Clayton An.elln King Jno !feed Jts S Caldwell Kale: kirk Jas Russell J S S Cowling Ellen' Kunta P like Mary A Cunningham F ' L Richey Illaggle Chris inn Geo Lrele lieu itiehardson .I Clime) , Stool Lindsey ((to S Champion Sae% litnthav Isaac lieth ittary A Cellery Jas Long Inane Shame II S Courtney las A loon!. Jan Smithson Alice Clark Jon tir Lapin,' Jas Smith AS Caldwell Jos Langhead Sas Steberl Annie Crawford Jno S Loilnk Josiah !Simpson Annie (nn" lnes Jon height y CharTA Slatelv Andrew Culled Alfred (Anton ins; isslll Anon Cook Jun Ley MD Sntrey Kate Crain - Mary A 1.3 le :Market Sprinkle Calvin Cruth law M11...1 Logan M 2 Scott Charity (tole,. II Alattie Llughner Mat, Sole Kate Chaney Wm N Lam Wm Shanky Laic Cowin* Pat'k Long Battle A Shannon LA t'olllll2 Peter " AI Sharp Hannah Calhoun Unlace - Abotvrer Chaa Semple. ti At I) alamer Chas nmlth Ski • Dawenn Annie Med.,' Chas .1 S Dowel. Nee A al run Dal 14 ShailenOtreer Darla Abner NI: ran Etna:. Malay Jno W Dull Ellen Alattio Ono ..Sloun .2 no le lianas Eli ll'A Shannon Jae Dunlap Joe Jl ar e lanl, Stewlrt J POilinin J., S Marta. Chas D Singleton Jan Moncton Jane Minor II Steel Ja. l • tin,lason Jame.. Miller Sale II Meter...a Jast Danetedy AI S ;Valor Jae Steno., .1 1/0.1111. art sleleirr Jno J putlay 11. tit% Ataltnnny Jut Smart pan n W •h jtlo , t I,lk 001-. 1./tNYN = V; Stakt Altr,arett Itan !Oh Wm A AI utry J Wsvr.trrn t.tattlaa F. At :rt. rtql F-toluchAns.lm miiier ;n o .• I ',no NI 'try n tnxt, 1 , et , 1 11 • al.l FAttou nftr) Alm 17%. .1 .$) Evrtnz n: ~ . T1;112 Vrenl, Frnme Mar: 11,Itte•mn In, 1' Nemo. A I. linunne .1,, • .11,1,1.1. 31..:y A 1 netton 11..“ ii rutrr r Cnroll u , 31 ...berry Miry CnoLorn Li unit ton I! '.rr) 111 try White .I; J Feuhlt• I'nl A 7 , 1..p1e Murne 11 IV v•an Vo,. FAO ntwth orreel E 14 31.1 , 11c1 Fe gent on 311144 . . Muter 4 . 1e1t,u Elk, 1: Yrnprls 1,/ 4 1.11 nrt ka . ): M sNV r,.;!tt 4:41t torrent r • II 4,11 em.'lV Il.•o mull'. rt .eoh 31orn , nr. 11. in Is: INntsou it • r L Fur< Unt0.112.• 11/4'le r... 11! Sue Wheeler .11. . . t I M.orotrln Mat 11 tart' NtrlN:lea Itli•tH:tota ;•,Ittg h I.lti tir NI. Iltu44l:a W Watt. Her aatu/ y I...:rzfr t.% Wuli o.llartour EirM Ntn Jor titt.ton alrllonalS Mat Witron J H eta. Hi.. ALA, auty 11.+y WooJ J Ua ogler Sallie re eMaster M A W , L.On John NIcAho3 , S R x Wet - 0 to Le (` (;rt., Jr.o Mc l.urr'l y Ix it.. m ,rirt 14%, Jae McChutorlc in° WrtrtoNa Mary Mtret M•l'leHar.l U . . 11504 MSrf . A 7 1r . ,. Mar• Arlan.? Wil•oo Rah: C Var•• rxr :Hp", a!rtlalvin run W.iroultlar-ra (irk Marla Mul/onal.l J JI l l •oatt.t, Mary A s uctfotie Nancy Nl,Cur lane Nr...tot wlll H • 't:ov l 0., I/ AL/U., 1) cc ALI ,31.:( . .)111,115)11): .SAM'I. 111PD1.P., P M I T A arit OPERA SINOERS' LEVER, N(m I.•m c. Dt-xmber, lisl u'Ac , TF/Nif I' ii•l 10,. uoN door I . lapon ton some timir ple.ite Km: ;•r.t %tr. 00 licrl re to etpr,ts our an I..taltard r,..r.1 to melt merits T.,er Ste cttra , trrt7r.!by n.notity, hartnoutou4 rtetmeza r.0k”,...• of ope. r,altplaml It; proiet/.t.luil 14 .050 d, mow beautdf illy 1.4•11.1. with and support...a r to a degree that tea vet no , A.g fa Le duis , e4. Indent we losro never met with soy Instruments. not even of the maw". fete limbo! manuf actor'. • of burspe which hove sierra ouch ENTIRE SATISFAt TION,. especially v regards their ewe/mined misslittes far sersoarramytug Itr root , . and keeping in tune for so lon-d a titre , as our flan.. and we therefore cheerfully relOiliei mend them before all Meru to staidents of roust mush., and the public esterally. Moo Maretrek, Ilirector, Soprano. li. Al wlmlltenl. Tenor, Zuebter. Boats, T. Bethel. Baritone, D'Aiinri, U ntralto, liotti. Tenor, 'Jennie Von %omit. Sopa. J. Vt sin Itch, tfvao , IP. Be Abell°, Conductor. GEL MAN °PERS SINGERS' ENDORSEMENT. ITe hearty) concur to the high opinion of the STEIN W AY a SONS' Pianos, an exprcaatol by the singers of the ltalLan Opera, and can only add that In conacquenee of their wonderful capacity frrsup., j.Prtilte; and biendolg with tic e prefer titan, and use no other make of Pianos when a STEIN. WAY instrument can be had. We recommend \,l hen tpo di siudeetauf vocal music, who desire a 'reliable tirION in the cultivation of the voter. Carl A itshuta, • Bertha .lohanasee, Carl Formes, - Maria Fraderici, - Jos. hormenes, Pauline Cantata, ItAns II lamer, ' Isadore Lehman, TEN, Ifishelniann, (I. Tomato. 4Q-Sole ageiwy of Steinway's Piano., at • • H. lELRBBR & BRO., 1•11:1meod - 129 WOOD STREET. HIGHEST PREIdrIIM IMPROVED FAMIIY SEWING MACHINES, blenple, Reliable and Perfect. • • There le no machine in the world that AVOW the variety of work or fire such than:mo44:og title. faction. Theo machines will Dem, Frill, Quilt, Bind, Tack, Plait, Gather, CORD AND BRAID, without Presious basting. It will sew the heaviest and thickest cloth, with tight .(tong, cia.tic seem, a durable s. the fabric muslin, lawn, he.. with equal facility. Send for Circular, with samples of sewing, or call at the salcaroom, No, 27 FIFTH STREET, foci PITTSBURGH, PA 700 ACRES OIL, COAL, AND IRON ORE LB Nn WC3orit. BALLET; IN WEST VIRGINIA. ‘ll.lllrema nOWNER,” CIAXETTE °Prier.. GoVERNMENTTsToItES AT - A.UC TION.—TUESIJAY MORNING, Feb. 2Yth, at 10 o'clock, oy order of Capt. Ueo. W. kturphy, O. S. Vols.. will be robd nt the office of the Conlltmary of Sunstatence, corner of reran street' and Garrison alley, the following 11. S. condemned atures. 10 barrels Hens Beet, • 317. pounds Hard lircad. Mit==t=Ell! El=l3=l2 p 11. LECKY lb NOW bIA.IsiUFAC TURING We IZIPItOYED OIL TOOL'S, 611t1p11) comer or (1 AY q and BEAVER street; a In WEBSTER la, tie to the old Orphan Asylum. Allegh eny ; e toots are made oat el the beet tern invite the public to give him a call and c them for themselves. ta7altapll FRENCH. FLUTING, FOR TRIMMING DRESSES, to Alone in a superior manner, without injury to the abric or color, at THE MISSS ELL[O7TE'S, fell am N ia se. Clair street. B ARREL FACTORY FOR BALE—AII the coven/my Machinery and Implement. for tbo manufacture of PNE HONORED OIL BAR, BELO PER DAThomplete and in good maths order. Inquire of WM. M„SIUNN, tosam4 Man youstevstre! . 3 1"Prr ..1r) rEßTzsp...w.nrrs. rROSPECTUS OF TEM Pacific Refining Company, 01 PITTSBURGE, PA, Capital Stock. - - $190.,000, 22,000 SHARES, $5 EACH. Subscribers Not Personally Liable. It is proposed by the subscribers to this to form a Company under the Mining and Manufacturing Laws of Peaselivattla, with a Osjatisi of eild,iXlU, for the msrpote of buying ()ride Petroleum at the wells, or at Pittsburgh, Refining and Bening mime. ' For this purpose, the propertyjirepomd to be bought Is the Banner,' called the Pacific 011 Works, is Pitt Township, Pa., which has been rut sucoessfully far the, past two yews by Messrs. Brewer, Burks k Co., of this thy. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY: 'the Pacific Otr _Work is situated on the Alle gheny Rive: and Allegheny Valley Railroad, In PM Township. The building. are built entirely of brick and eonatructed In a thorough and work manlike manner. They have been rebuilt within the put twelve mohtlus, and everything Is in per fect repair. A. substantial brick warehouse Is con nected with the Refinery, with a deep cellar mina, Ale of storing over 2,000 Intrrels of Rained Oil Wooden Tanks under ground, holding nearly MOO bumf. ; SEVEN STILLS, Caparily 600 Barrels Refined Oil Pei \Vera, (IN ROUND NUMBERS.) A Worthingtonitarn Pump m the Refinery: Ono one at the neer, with tubing - frota river to work.", for pumping Crude Oil In bulk; ample Agitator and Settling Penn. To guard against tire, blank brick walls separate the different departments. Au the machinery la new, and with th e storage capacity both for Crude and Relined till, the favor able Ricality—hrt% lag the river and railroad at cool ;mond—this may be ranked as ono of the most per fect Oil Rennerien to the world. The prenent owners will convey this property, Including the Refinery, with load in fee simple, two I yet on Butler street, by LW to Pine Alley, to the Company for the sum of Stanton. correct plan of the property rtecoarpootea each honk of aubsertntion. . The success which has attended the prosecution of this branch of. the Oil Irisle has net escaped the notice of all observing minds, and it in deemed aupeiflunto to urge any argument that would go to prove hew a eorapahy by laying la ti large stock of Crude bit when it b low„ nth no .t and twitting the herbed until the price is prout...ely remit der.- tine, tan pay a dividend ariaunit of to to 50 per tent. It should be observed that the comps!, , •fter paying for their properly will have a cuS..h veer king tun:: of ne5,000 This can easily he turned on er three times each year, end it is believed tint with gout! mt. Agra:eat the Casr.pancwill be at.:o to deela re cluarterty dicidecTof to per cent., aod that there no better or safer Invest:tent for capital Mau lo the -Mock of this Company. For prontr, Bank. hasurante, flatboat. and even Gold :dining Stocks, are /cltiar behind. mud the risk is creates. • • - !iir ceillecian of Ion.; experience, Loth as n refiner one 0.-aier to nil. will. if desireß persolially auleerintei.•l the busiccas of the Cam. par y. Attache:l is s ceri tit-s. • frcon Vr A. T. Schmidt, yheu :14 the 1111.1 f of tee Refinery as near as It con I.e the byone of the most experienced mud vrecesartil of Retthers =lM3= lip reest, It I have .age eArCflli •—..alAte or the P.l.n c,, ery enlW,ltkr PACIFIC MI. Mill ICS. I consider It worth at least (1 , 1 , ..”001 Fifty Thou lard ladfars. With the pre-ent ugh price of ms ter,b, It wool ! prohah.y cost a much la,gcr suck to ekrot Pact A Itegger) In all , eapects is perfect. ag this ore. AUtit7STUS T. SCIIIIIDT, • Sl2pMatendrut of the Ardeacc s oll Worga. 'the shove Cortaleate in given to gatisli persons who may Mena in the stock of Lids Company, that all who arlascribc are on an equal footing, and also to pn re that the value is really in the poperty. Books of subscription to the Capital Stock 9( the CI, wpm', are aaw open at ~ZTTS~S VY-LG~. OFFICE OF 'GEORGE W. DILWORTH, OFFICE OF BREWER; BURKE & CO., 1...14.4rE5NE WAY, eor.ll.ancock Street SECOND ILITIOUI, BAH OF PITTSBURGH, (AMER HAND AND MAUI DIDEDNA. Twenty per cent. to be paid five 4sya after - sub. acrtption is made, to JOHN E, PATTERSON, bashia Strond ,i Natianal Bank, Pittiburgh, TREA:4IIHER, pro gem The balance In 211=1;Z: Irnnp. Person. rest leg In the country desiring to tub scribe, will tot e their orders promptly attended to bradtinessinpany of the sbove parties. fegg:lys / JAMES no Ya 7, Wi,od Street, Pittsburgh, 1.. a., MAITLITACITUB. ER Or IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt and other Wells. Toole warrantee male or the rery_bort SOMATA AND LOW MOOR IRON. WELL BORERS FERNISUED 7-m:wog:roast Clessib. Prioemon 1.1.1. ouch artlotes as neoe.a.rj to coaduat opera tions, ANVILS DELLOIiS, RISES SLEDGES, HAMMERS, SUOVELS, AXES, HATCHETS. SAWS, SQUARES, CHISELS, WICINCHES. PLANES. LEVELS, , NAILS, ha. , ROPE, LEA Graz' 23 n • All of which I have =V CZ-, eilbC74 constantly In store. TILE DALTOt oarAosert4 KNITTING MACHINE, (JIMVNING TIIIUIIPII MTV 3123003EC.A.TVX.E111111. Knits Upwards of 20 Different Kinds of Apparel A YARD OF PLAIN OR RIBBED WORE Snit lax Pe= Miautor• We have most flattering . testimonials from all parts of the count'' , teatlfyiug to their suerioilty for manufacturing nod family purpoors. • They ore peculiarly adapted for benevolent Societies and La stltutlons. • th Scod in f o ol m - ( r 2au . lars 1,1221 Sway, es, or call and goo WESTERN ACIENPY. Ito. 27 Fifth Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. few E. A. CAIMPEXTEIL CAST, STEEL TEETH, for Bulky, Hay and Grain Rake.. of any shape required. Lilo Hay mad-Grain Rakes manufactured by a oot.Entsar, tenak den Xarlott Aran, Altegtuury OUT, ir DETROLEUM-175 banels in good ship 1 1- idni Wu. Ilan liElcalr_ll. UOLLWS IS I: G 0 OW B. 21 FIFTH STREET. 13 r,s t. BELL : AL: 1 i .*, COItTLIUL. r - ri . ) r rile , ir IS AT • ; • REDUCED PRICES ! I 1 WaLL sr !lA' • 19,1 Streo iI ILA! 9.1 FIFTH STRE Skirt for ISBS, XtNEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN HOOP SKIRTS THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC Or Dow:"le Steel Spring. WEST, BRADLEY st CA LEY, (LA . 7.75.N, J. 0. WEST.) 97 ChasOber* Siceet. Atm Are the owners of the nate* sad exclusive ream. lecturers of this..T. W. BRADLEY'S PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEI. DINQ Slf.DitTS. Thia invention consists orDuple wo) Ellip tic Steel Spring., ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most elastic, flexible and durable'apring ever usedj enafling the wearer in eoneeqUenc.s of Its great elasticity and flexibleness, to place and fold the skirt when In ace as racily and with the name efiza ventence as a silk or muslin dress. It entirely Or? elates nodsilences the only objections to hoop skirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well ea the public, especially in crowded' assemblies, cap. Magee, railroad ears, church pews, orbs any °receded place, from the difliculty_ of contracting them Dr occupy • email space. This entirely removes the &dimity, while giving the skirt the usual full and symmetrical form, and le the lightest end most stylish end ebseeful appearance for the street, opera, promenade or house dnew. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and groat oonvenlc en e of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Slicin Skirt foe a Weigle day, will neverafterwards willingly dispense with.the use of them. They are the been quality in everypert, end by far the lightest, mbst durable, comfortable and essonotedeal skirt made. Merchants will be supplied as above, and ,by Job bers, and ladles in most first...claim retail store/Ile this city and throughout the different States. Siff- In.:Mire for the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SPRING SEIRT - - ' fir47ll.y?iii Duplex Elliptic Skirt, moat !Spam and :lexib c lars c ;, for solo by ..! 'EAT NeiLLORIIII & CO,. • C, faos. 1, and 19 FIFTH STREET: BRADLEY'Li DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, mold decidedly. the beet edit made. A splitedild eseortmcnt. JOB. BORNE & CO., 71 and 79 Market streak 13RAfaa;k•s DtrPLEX FLLIPTIC easily folded to occupy a small space, floxlble and 'durable. For sale by BATES & BELL, ENCOURAGE 11 0M E KAMM/1Z TURES. Mae-I-urn 78 MARKET STREET, Offer RS eXte.IIIIIVC stock or sEliN f ini A . B r i. GOODS of Amerie , m, HUlllfriettli:, comprising great variety of TRIBIENGS. HOSIERY & GLOVES,_ Fancy Good lirAlA t s ma u Warm GE? TLE~IEfi ' 3 FURNISMIYG. G(ADS% Ia ercry elite and quality at thost riasonable prie • Re atiil haven tea' goode of Foreign J►Fanufeeture Wlrtetr are will dispose oust prices to salt. To Merchonte and Retailers we othe si OPSOLX7BALI3, At prices as low as can be bought anywhere in the Eastern Cities, as we buy exclusively li:washing' from Manufacturers or their wet- isly. We solicit a calL bele CLOSING OUT RATE OF DRY GOODS riurftrr DarS owrz,r, J.\-M. BURCHFIELD'S. wrwrzß DRESS, G OOHS, et coat and less. WINTER SHAWLS, ot cost nod left. WINTER CLOAKS. •• do do. BALMORAL SKIRTS. bUMMER DRESS GOODS, at last pearo prices. HOOP SHIRTS. rrich-rs AND FLANNELS. The entire stock hu beea SR. co ci la. c 45 cll. is P. x• Ic,co , AND NlBitT AND WILL BE CLOSED OUT. Now is the Time to Get Bargains. fell SPECIAL ELLE. IC NI ZI W.A. 3E131. Undershirts at s2.oa WORTH $4.00. Drawers at MOO. WORTH 011.0116 SAM SEIB? WILL WEIOUJIZAILLY I lb. la EATON, MACRUM & CO. Have about 41 dolen of gool,..oxtritheavy MUTE VINDEHSIiIIITS and DRAWERS,' , nearly all wool, which weigh from I% lb. to I lb. 1 oz. seek ahlz4 t that meet be closed out Immediately. We offer them at much less . Oh* what they cost to make, and we believe them to be equal to aligg. thing in .market at ti ed. No reduction will be made for quaatay—ou dirt or one hundred at the earns rate. )These Shirts an a Great Bargain! EATON, MACRUM A Co., 17 and 19 Ffith street. GREAT BARGAINS i MOORHEAD DENNISON & Coi, 81 Market street, • ARE DiTRILMIWED TO CLOSE GOT TIMI ENTER; STOCK OF GOODS. Gents' tinderirnthtents, White Shiite, Bonne, crereti, Collars Be. tre. Embroideries, Lee Goode, G love.,_Hoiden' MM. minas, Point Lace, Coitus, Ribbons, bra: a,. fed 81 Ta r t pt at. A NEW ASSORTMENT OF UT B TODD, Dress and Cloak Ornaments, IssPet Months and Bugs! Fringe, Mask tradersleerea -Linen Seta Of the driest &Duality, Lace aid Linen Collars and tlandkerehlets; Gloves, Hosiery,. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts; Breakfast Shawls and Samna, of all am; liathwa a Egb. tweed Collars and Cali, for ladies and Wash Leather Gloves, to all axe; Jonrllell Kkt Glovea t i w s llght colons. }Mon bets, frinal tp order, .her with a new lot of maw VA4it Falls an rowers._ WDI belorm et ALICE MOWRY'S TEI No. eh Eotuth street, near Ferry street. Particular ettenUaa otters to el Point Ilia aloother Mods of Luca. Also Mack Yew Im 21 FiftP street