i . - --,--.-1,';',,'2.",::,:::"^",:;•,-;:\ -iAri ' ''.-- . -'-- L- ' 3,- ; '' '' ' '.. '- 5 ::: : , . 21 :. -7. 11 :- C4 .- - - . . , . , I . : ._ . .. . ~:t.... • • . 4 .4. . ..• ..____,„,,,,,....„.,......„.„.77,,,r...,........,..._„„_v.....,:_,..,....7..____,...,,....:.,.........,.......,_•,..„.............,,...,...._..............._•..,,... ............•............,,•••_.... . r ....-_....-.-.•-, •i. ~..-. ,-,........--.. - .. .. ..._.....__. . . • ' . Sattitt. ALONDIT, YEBRUMIT ;IA ILU✓: GAZETTE ADVERTISING RATEtI. :•: griAnnlro x.trezze. 1 .11 ( W i tt * 0 a Weak -ii.V7J:l4,7l:ll4r7iriili-nir. Me Hire.. .'Two Cheer.; .1 lel Three Wee lAD ; foot Hirer: '1 30; Isetlmee,l M; Oeeweek..; lAI Tree weeki; 4SS Three or'k • IV, Cu. oreellif ro; _Teo racAl.4 IS 23 Three lho's ; 13 13; Mx soothe . 7411 e mot's, ;27 CO' One Tear.. } 12 20j • CU ADVIIIIIIIIIMITTS. YOIr 011,0•741,116211, a/loanable olio than each week,: egaltnet to the tetaaedletelmstoese of the &Ivor. Sim , an /arta , tertlsemeata . la eaeet propor- I NUT. umek.;2 wil2l9•Lait% i•. 4 One s omitslls 17 - Cirri 00 ' 1 1 70 1 •ai , Three mouths... - -17 Se it al Se, as - nth feather:.... of oe to t673l 10 Et 50 Illeelrear - - • to, WI 2 4 50; 1100 ; Flat Mirka double the there rate.. Deat4lentiose, cochleae:non :agerttegen4ttirea Steamboat advertisements, per trip. ... .. . Ertecutors , or Admixdstratore' ..Xopeal notces, ender special head • " • th Load solemn. AND SIBIIII4I ,*OX BATIII3DiVs. wrintiis Qnr Millroadivalid • • ' A copy of the animal geporta or the several ralitoad companies for the year 1864, as made to tho AuditOr Gencral„: Ii now bane us, from ;Which we learn that the Pennsylvania Railroad • .. - enued durink ;be year 514,317,010,38, expended carried 8,268,929 passengers and 2 ,556,885 tons lot. freight; One hundred and - nineteen persons were killed on the road during the year, and two hundred-nod eighteen injured: ;Of ttmort killed over Any lost'-their lives while walking on the track. - The Allegheny Valley Railroad earned 55454- "no 90, carried 1E0,535 panengera and 780 ,193 tans aleight. Throe persons only were killed on _the road duringthe year,. Tbe recelpti ernes Pittsburgh Fort Wayne & - Chicago road were 56,364,763 10, , the exuensm • 13,1 15 36 35. thenumber of passengers carried 1,262„ nod-the amount •of freight 859,330 tons. • tdrty-seree-persons were killed during the year enthe road, of whom two were peasen. gas, and thirty-two Injured. The Pittsburgh and Connellsville Road earned , 5.237,581.10, expended 5.% . 3,324.40, carried 095,- 643 passengers- and 129;539 tons of freight. • There were six persons killed on the mad during the, year and one injured. In giving the ex. penes we shonld state that they ineinde moneys paid for the maintsinance and operation ofr. the roads, - ,dividends, Interest, United • Statesi , Aux, 'State tar, fix." '' • - . • TheCitlxens - Passenger Railway earned during the year $100,380.811; paid • out, including 58,000 for dividends and 518,000(ot Construction, 8532,t ntso; carried • 1,8:0,857' passengers, killed three per/ions-end Injured four. The Binnlngham:Pasieuger Ratlwa, esdned - _ .158,605.98, paid for operating ,the road 513,0., :50, • on - dividend' 67,000, carried_ 1,1.60,995 pas. vergers, killed three persons and Injured one. . The 3fanehoster.road earned during)ne rear 807,030, paid for operating the ;nada - axes, Sae., A - 70,583,72, carried 1,531,088 passengers, and in.; fared but two persons. It‘ • The : Oakland road earned, 587,001,00; paid out In the shape of expenses, , declared no ' dividends, carried 040,074 passengers, and injured but one person. , From the above it will be seen that the bast. . twee on our passenger railways-has been any thing but protnable, and' It is - not to be won. Vaned ,at • that the directors ,and stockholders should be onstioui for an Increase - of fare. An. other year like the pait would pat the stozA , Awn to•ii Tar low Vgaro. = '-. .. . 'Thomas Jaelsola and NYMiam Taylor, charged , . . • ' .with picking pooltete at tbo thetitre, ou if, q ...;„ - • night , wiek, had a flea heariag before Mayor cr .:' ''' ' - Lo ir e y toihti. 'lt wi1:,,,t1 remembered tnaf; on .4 • ‘,„.. . , —_,_ the night in question, Daniel -ienidi and 'Jimet ..` , ii, ::, •.' . .llnttoa were , each robbed of a Watch while at. - • , taidlng the performance at the theatre.' ;Oalerr k :- - :Rifa attention had been tilled to the defend/ :-.. , ants, and after watching' them- fur memo time they Wan oat.. lie afterwards found them In J ., ._ to alley, leading to the rear of the theaues-aud.- :hen they saw him they aided to rue. .Be pursued and arnatcsl one of them, and the ot/4,0 •: 7 , - .was caught - In Allegheny - the, next morning.s ',. • ; The watched were net found,' but a silver chain .'1 . was &mid 'on Taylor . which wag Identlaed by Tientas hltiltoixrty. - The patties gave bat for a hating, It beteg allelcd by Taylor that he •: .. . ~ could'prore that the chain wattilaown. and that .... - Lliersh was.eensequently mistaken. 'The partita lead a Leann; te.day, but Tnylor - fatled to prove : , . that p the mpe.,1.3; Iltle lits, and both parties were ~ held In the sum of Espo:eaeh to tinawof_at the. :. r„ ntences to the Criminal Court. Tito gentenees were passed . lathe . • Court of Quarter Saslow! this-zooming • . Itfary 'Conway, convietod Of the larceny of two silk dreszes from Dr. J. IV. Dranstrup, t eas , sentenced. to tea dant!. In Jail. - • Thomas Buralsb, found guilty of bis• Amy, on oath of M. Daliti, was sentened to pay a (Ne uf two hundred dollar*, and undergo an trawls-. onnicot °rose year In the raultentiary. Caroline Black, for the larceny of about forty dotter* in- money, nod fifteen dolfara worth nf, jewelry, the property of Cyntida.Alrin, was scu-' : tenced to days In jail. tisul/Y, the-Tountr girl who stole a pack tago of moneyftorn the Wilco of Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, traionarni v nt got credit for the' , time she ham been in jail, and was let off,with ay - nddltlmial daYs. Served Ulm Right. ICionnt lady appeeuta befere May9r Gnirrj this 113 . 01iling, and preferred a charge of disorder iy *MIA 'against a man named McCauley. She . atated that, at the Odd Fellows' Ball, Fri day . 'McCauley . it a diaturbance by virculatipg a statement to e effect that the gen tleman -who ' accompanied the : .ball .was milled; that' startler home licCantey en-. -dcatored to thrust himself upon her, and failing ln - thtsfolloired her and her companion along , she street; staked her to slop in ittavernand get •ti drink, end actediu a very migenilemanly man ner. The Mayor had McCauley arrested, and being unable to make anyde(enae lii was lined in the own a( ten dollars and oasts, and ordered to giro band in one hundred &Airs for his future .mxal behavior towards the younktady. a ' REIMITI7IO2‘...-A. few dap IOC; • man vat % viable :gold watch sad chain were presented to Mej. R.S. Woods, Surgeon In chance of,Bonton Time is Itospitat;lfissouri, by the officers =4 - placate of tho hospital. Burgeon Woods is well • and favorably -known-to many of Gave:blues, who will be gratified at thti eildenec of 'appro. • ciatien of his services on the parrot that° Mating -whom he now labors. 'The penteatiefon eras a complete surprise to the Major. and the occasion was one of, special Interest. as. ifwns witnessed tryealtirgeAcumber of the ' i brave boys In bine." ArT. J. IL Larsnaer died at hearesidence on, Ftaton street, Sixth intrd,last ernang,,froak the effects of -disease contracted Ist thU session. He had eared far It molders/110 penod as Assistant -Conaniasarthr rest Virginfa,-tid" bad but ro tently _been appointed .as ,CoainSuary of Sub. alstence In Gar. Sheridan's array, with the rank : of Captain. Hu was wall known to - many of onr "citihens, and laves a largo circle of friends to =oars Ms death.. . Forstimrso.—.A male child, about six weeks • 'old, was found on the door step or Mr. Daniel 'Graham's residence, Water street,'Allegheny, VT/ evening Ins, aboutpine o'clock. The • , dressed and done up in a blanket. • :`rsoti who left It knocked at the door and, 0 - 01 . 11f eade elf. When tne door was opened the was found as stated. It was kept until the owicg des, when it was given in charge of • the Directors of the goer. • Dr.J. C. Lest! 'Examining Sur mn of this Pt=st, b" b°cl) relieved - and ordered to report at Pbiladelithia. Ile will be enc. e. riled here by Dr. IL 'Sargent. Dr. Ltrls ftdfilledlis dative hereto (he best of his ability, and by bin 4r.entl:=manly d3mcanor Iron boeta of 'friends, nho iii regret to bear of hie learlog. It Is stattd Pant he Is to take charge of C/11:41111t Stitet Prd;“delphla. • • :arras: Co-, 33 Market street, are now oreulag new silk, in black, eescral diffwent natl, P/sis cud Ilau!cd,,from $ 1.37 to $3,90 per Tard; colored silks at all prices. 'AT 31. 5.4 Cita*, yard wide ablrting luny cloths, former prlerios cents; at. Basket's, 83 Market street.; Daiateas, r at r- • • • . . . atiality and beautiful styles, at Z 734 cents at Barker's, .43 Market street. At - -2 5. cents. new sad beautiful sprints, fine clotha;fast colors, at Barker's, 59 Market street. iaT 31 cents, the very best priuts and shutout - patterns, at Barker's, 59 Market street. . }that's and boys' wear, cbeap; at_Barker's, 53 I• l4l,iitisr.s,elicap, at Barker's 59 .31.stket Street. Tscsracs r 6 duced 90 cents . .per.. yard,-, at Bar. ktr's '5O Market street. 31 cents, a Arabratc shlrtlng . muslin, at Ma/klieg, $9 Market street. and 19-4 slieetlag minding, at Barker's, 57 BAnirn d, Co:, 59, Market street are exhlbittn; —;;:e i'll 4WII 2 1 l2 -- 1 ` ~. ... 1 ,i. ( i I I - 1 ao 1 fl il gi i:1, ..; l itli: i 1 .z0):..1 4 ° 5 ... ll ; ; .0,, 7 . • 001 3 721 . 2.01' i 17 00; :1 11 - 470. 4 66. 22) ,' 12 00; 12 BS, 8 110 f 9 20; 401 'l5 el II OW 10 10' 6 00; 6IS i iOO. I 211 12 014 10 71), 401 --- lauw Moors remand at the Merchant .Tailoring ent of Graham dr IfeCand lees; U. Snaltiageld street. We. weld mat res.: Dedlhtlr Wit* the attention of our Mends and: the pub M' general. to our new. stoelt of no sod in goods. -- Theleostaltt all the irei7 latest-sok* of French and American. elothrs, arstimeemi and Testing's, all of the finest quality- and is seler4ed with the greatest cure Geedelms desiring fashionable and well-made clothing, would do well to glve Ilea call before'. parchaery; eleewhere. ,Eres,..gertneotie.war-' meted to give Rill satisfaction in both prick mid guarti. Oftanise lifcCiscrumm. • _imerczkixtVia.s. sa - 74 siothire4sfiet. . • &YEWS 1 1. 1 11ORRECY- PECTOBAL for the rapid Cure of Coughs, Colds, lulu etas. Boarsenees, Croup, Bronchitis,. incipient Cotuumption, and fortbe Relict of Consumptive Patients in calumet' stages of the disease. . So wide is the tick' of. its us e anti io nu- Memos are the eases of its nres,that abnost every section of - country been In person. publicly known, whO have been restored front alarming and evert desperate. disease. of the lungs by Its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other xpectorant is v irt ue s (k n ow observation, and where Its are n, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to em _ploy for the distressing . and dangerous a ff ections o f the prattle nary organs :that are incident to our climate. While many 'infester remedies thrust upon the community hive tailed and been discarded, this hag gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures toe =oregano end too remarkable to be fort t gotten. We can only assure the publics, that its :quality Is carefully kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to de for their 'relief ail that It hes ever done. Oreatnumbers of Clergymen Physicians, State. ;mon, end. eminent personaggA have lent their 'names ter certify the unparallei usefulness of our remedies, but space heresy - 11l not permit the insert thou of theta.. agertia• below named furrati gratis' our American Altamise in which they ..are' :given; with also full descriptions of the complaLuts they cute. These who require nn alterative metheine to flu , iffy the 6100 d. Will hod ATER'S COUP. EXT. SARSAPARILLA the remedy to use. Try Boom., an 4 you will know Its value. ' Pripared bV J. C. AVER & CO, Lowell, end cold by B. A. PAILNESTOCILS SON, & CO., and by ail Druggists . Jellmodaurt`m, 7 1 - Firmmuutin sem wolnib. • Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS, of every de. - ieriptioa. Mill, diular, Oro., Cat, Gang, and all other varieties: All kinds of IRTGVI23 and SPRENGS, made from Sheet Cast Steel ; Ea t en Relined REAPER AND EIOWLNG etc. Mgr Warehouee and Work,,corner,WATE3 and SHORT STREETS, Pittabuth. Particular attention given to Retoothing, Gum. ming and Straightening Circular S.avret also, re. pairoof all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at much:table ratea. • • ap&itly Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers ti o 3.0), V., :land 2C. PENN STREET. Barb, sett:red a' buys yard, sod furnished with the moat Improved machinery, we are preps' ed tomanufscture every description of BOILERS: In the beat manner, and warranted -equal to any made in the, country. HERNEYS, BRICHEN, nr.r BEDS STEAM PIPES, LOCOAIOPIVE CONDENSERS, SALT PANS,„ TANRS, OIL STILLS,• AGITATORS, SET TLING BOILER IRON, BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and sole manufacturers of BARN. DILL'S 'PATJERNIT :BOILERS. Repairing dant , thealartest notice. delfrtf mks's. strassrais Copper gill and Smelting Works, PITTSBMIGIL Manufacturers of SII.P.ATH/114. BRAZIERS' A LOLT COPPER, PRES,tiEII 'COPPER ROT. 'I OATS, RAISED STILL. ECLLTO3ts, SPALTER' Ann i. lcoportera and dealer p In 111.7`- (kLmSala—ft: P r y . o l neanV, 'l. TlNEL?TiT . 6ll.Vb a t ' E l TOOLS. Warrhoto , e,No. to MIST nod 120 SEC. 01:Ilt 'STREETS, Plttaburch. Special. ontcra of Copper cut to any (leafed patte rn. =y2B:lydocT . rmitissox, BEA do CO., (succeirori to Ronussox, fdrst..,& felturmA, Washington Works FOI"NDETS' AND MAMILTISTS, Pzrremattot.i lartufsoureo of BOAT AND STATIUrf ART; STEAM ILTIGTNES,. LAST:ENGINES, MILL' CHINEWE, GEARING, :MATTING, . OAST INGS of all Acuri Otlons, OIL TANKS R. STILLS, - 80/LER AND SIIELT BOY WORK. 41 - Agents for GIFEAD i D'S PATENT WIDOW OR, for (ceding bollro. NONArRYITZEL...3IN BELLY.R...J."T. HOLLAND /Ji. BELLE . WTEEL:WOBIEB. • • (Snccessontohiiauq tkurkaa 130.,1 Nan iffeetturrs -Of CAST 9 3 L; pr.ow - And BLISTER ST&:L; 'SPRINGS" AY. LES, CROWBARS, ree. Si. Works ;FIRST WARD; Yilleglierly. Post Oglee address, PITTSBURGH. jaiSay IititTOIIS /3=o BOTESEXESAt reverend gentle/norther leg been restored to health In a few days, after tin mderonftiwthaetnurAlloitiltl'one And t Irre . s,et r wir P" rs Irig sacred duty to comnitualcate to hia a/Meted - fellow ereatbres the means of cure. Renee 'on the receipt of en addresWd envelope, he will selid,frer, acopy el the prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHN -3 1. -- DAGNALL, lee Fulton tract, N. Y . ndilirlydewT Hanui cr.. borers of IRON VAULTS ANO'VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING, ,WINDOW SHUT DOORS WINDOIV , GUARDS, b e., Not. 91 SEG. OND and NI THIRD STREET, between Wood arid. lilaiLe hare on band a rariety of cow pattenta, fancy mail aultable for oil 1 1 11/pollet • Ire Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lott. Jobbing done at abort notice au2 ' DISEASES MY TII2, NERVOUS. anznany AND SEXUAL SYSTMSR.-new,'And. tellabk-treatinant—in ports of UtotHotrard Association. Seat by Mal is se l i grrs i s t ci. e l. 'STELES 11 426 N, Novas! Association, No. s South Ninth street, m 11.39.1 _ . y aitsre roiny_4, IN(} AND COMMISSION' SIERORARNI end wholesnle dealar Di MEESE, RUTTER, SEEDS, FIS ,U and produce • genewli, N o as WOOD STREET Plitabttrzb._ • " not. - -.--- IaTANTED-41126 it- ONTELL-Agoati i I ' ererywhere, to' Introduce' the nett '7llr k tda Met Bitters Dettar Featly Staring Mertifee, the . lowsrtee =thin° In the oetntry whisk le kr Grover & Baker; Wheeler' &- Wilson, "lowa, Slinger & Co, and Bachalder. Salary sod expriaies, 'or large coroattoloos allowed. 411 other Machines aow told for leas than forty dollars each are fa -alrir=‘nd 117 icll7'"irgfirri,:alla Mk& for. tUatne. ' • ac7sll4adaver WANTED to work - on A steak farm. A man of good habits,' Industrieus and honest, eon hair of a good aitna lion by eallLogat ' • ,_ LAMES T. SAMPLE'S, fel7la . No. AS Federal street, Allaheny. _ .. ____ ..._ _ _ XX TANTED —s7o A. MONTii.—I want 'paid, TY Apults orerywhene, ato7o n month, exper.sts to tell F4j7drit drlkiet rho beat selling. oral offered. .Pall - Tm.rtlcalsirs f4e. Address 'OTIS T. GAMEY. Biddeford, Main. . not9,lmdawT .___. __ _ . 'WANTED—A GARDNER, to take carel of a =ail guidon near tbo city, upon which Is a vineyard; remainder In orcbant. Recommend ations rc.r.tital. Inquire at the Ce2B.lf - • CITY MILLS. Liberty street. jOSgPII - ADAM'S, Deritist, Cosnelly'e Bcdidirdh' cornea of DIA.AVOM and ORANT streets, Pittabunrh. lirforeorri—Dr. i<. dt , Pollod4 Dr. Hallerk.Thendorn Troahttrailmoll Error, SILVER PLATED -WARS Wawa", Caotorr, ne. suitable for the Trutt , - oa hand and for vat by WIGKEI & NOSS, 225 'Eolith sth at„ PHILADELPHIA pEbIOVAL.---FitiNEC VAN °ORDER Closandasion and Produce lferehant, has en amored [root No. tO Soattateld to No.lol Liberty Stmt. toldat , sPEcrAt. LocAL mYrice.s. Tnowast W. Pan RT . , practical Mate Roofer, tad Dealer in American Slate, of varknis ord.Sra. (Moe at Alexander Laughlin's. near the Walter. 'Works, Plttstmreb, Pa. Iteshli . mee, street Orders promptly attended to. • All work warranted water No • Repairing done at the shortest notice. No charge for repairs, 'Mudded the roof Is am alnsed after It Is Pet on. Pnrs•rs HEDITED from 45 to 31 cents, at Bw ker's, 59 Market street. Prints reduced from 27)i to 23 cents, at Bar ker's, 59 Market *amt. Sheeting Muslins redm•&l front Olt; to 37!.; cents, at Barker's,s9.Mattet street. Shirting Mullins reduced from 771; to 25 teats, at Barker's, t 9 Market *tree , : Giagbams reduced from 45 to 31.!‘ cent; at Barker's ffl Market street. Ticking' reduced from 75 to SO tents, at Bar ker's, 50 Market street. Spring and 'Summer Dress Goods greatly re dneed at Barker's, 59 Market, street. • Shawls and Cloaks cheap at Barker's, 53 Mar ket street. New. Silks, new Mika, at Barker's, 39 Market emectes, Noncx.—the attention of our eta la &rented la the 'brilliant assortment of :Fall.1& 'Winter Goods jut reaelral .by ens ftknd r. John Wrier, No. 126 Federal street,;- , y... 1118 stock comprises a great 'variety of imcy French. English, 13cotek and American: Caul/nano end Clothe, and fine illik and Casa.Jame reattngs, : atrof which wilt be matenp to order In the latest styles main the tent manner., & choice selection of Furnishing Goods also on sand and for sale, together with a foliate& of Beady Made ClbaUdng, well and Lluidaaahly. SP, Eviaz .rorzers. HUBBARD, BRO. & CO., xmioracrroasra or PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, • . . . . PARK,M'CURDY & co, ItEma k co., wa-vrrs A SINGLE MAN -~E.x~rrsTn; ALC::WCOMLIE".; vi S E.T E ArTS . . pirrsituriGH THEATRE. t..... 4arolit t y l fo r t f , %MEET Neal: WOOD. Wat-Tirastsson eventh raiht of the agemeut of the popa lvr a °t S or. Mr. COP I.DtleIC a en n g d■ talented Eller COULL/00.K. THIS EVENINO, will be presented, the era: eerhocomtc drama, ovittea.4 the falcate,: and eureeesfal /Maar, H. T. Cloven, Sao., maker of "Chia:ay Corner,7 entitled, MILKY WHITE. Daniel White, nicknamed Milky • White - Mr. Cou'doek. Double Dence....Mitees Se ante and Sylvester. To cola:ludo with the popular farm of LOTTERY TIDHET. Wormwood Mr. I. 0. Sefton. , In feheareal--Jeeele YdeLsoei or, The Story o: • Cool kit. RU 3113 LE'S VARIETIEb, W. C. SMYTHE TEM 6TT.EZT. ALA* PT. CLAM Leseee :tad Manner. 1/01(21TIWER•AT O'CLuoT.. Tide craning, debut of W. SLAKE, comedian and remillat. Coeßimed inmeem of the n. morld.renowned KINCADE FAMILY, Ithm ADELAIDE NIXON. JULLI, CHRISTINE, A splendid Gymnastic Tro EYELINE upe of EighLEHMAN. t Perform ere! New Dramatic Company I Laughable Negr Im o mAttoryte, Hammy Congng, with 441-41; of, THE LOTTERY TICKET. . 4 770/ea/ors. JOSISS Y. GAZZAX MeXABTER & GA zi va 'T 34.1witaarz. soLtertrons` or CLAIMS AND PATENTS A.ND ATTOENETS4T-DAW, GRANT STREET, Pittsburgh. LAceoced by Governtoeat to collect BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAT And all other Military or Naval Claims *gallon pie United States. ONE HIINDREID DOLLARS, due soldier§ chnrged oa account of wounds reccired In Vettle. collected immediately. fr.— Call at 96 ems= STREET, appetite the Cathedral. aunty Tubs. J. 1V1CA...1 4.0. 111-1(COOIL. KEENAN S; HANCOCK, 31 DIAMOND ST., v.tirsßußGa, PA. Branch ellice at Franklin. Pa. • - Will attend promptly to all professions - I business committed to them, cod especially to matters con nected with the cJil interest in eittiu - Pittsburgh or Franklin, Mr. Hancock being pennon. ntly located in Franklin. and Mr. Heenan to Pittsburgh. , Refer to the Jude.n of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; lino. H. W. Williams, Judea of the District Court; lion. Walter H. Lowrie. Es. Ch. J. Supreme Court; Smith 5. Hunter; Brewer, Berke et Co.; Henry M. Oollfas; W. W. Wool, of Orr & Co. r• fetOan-eod pzicslcaiS, BOUNTLE. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, Array and Navy Agency 10.144 - FOURTH ST., Pittsburgh. PENSIONS procured; BOTINTEE . _4,BAOR PAT and .PRIZE 310NEY, nod OOIIIIUTATION OF RAS of relessed prisoner. eolhmted. PAY OF - TRISOYERS OF WAR eau be Armin by theizwlres or willows!' mother. c. 21 _ _ - WOUNDED SOLDIERS. 3100 Bounty to all Wounded Soldiers, I. now being wad to all with a ~ D lacharga^ Yo charge trade until the money la collected. Licenaed V T. IVALTIIR A, V. S. Ourernruat. Piro. 101 Firm. STREET, aerand door below, the cathedraL rociderta P.O. ItACMIE.I.I M. A. 301111,10 1, M.A.C.ERELL JOIIINTSON, ATTOOD \15 , 1411 -AT-LAW, U.S. LTC:V(3ED SOLDIERS' CLL.= 16E174, &moiler for Wpm:lna oolleetert in ire en to twenty ditre. _ laffice 2 , 30. nts (3 awn., orntrr,. ttsbunth. Vail with dlsclarre and two witnesses. ew-ly 4 SOLDIERS' MAINS; I.I')UNTIES riarmorts AND ARREARS or PLY. • . Promptly attended to by .AC.7IIE/ZS & RIDDELL, No, 115 POUrril Ptttoburgb, Pa. ileintinChisF • • ITILITARY (.11,A.1318 PENSIONS • - Bovivties,SOX PAi and anzaras _e It LAIMS of every description, collected by the scribee, nt the following rates, sir Pendo aa otherelalms 14.50. - C. U. TAYLOR, Anterney,t-Yetw, 1Co::r Grant ntre ,, ,Plltslntrgh, Ps. chnrcee are rondo If the claim does not succeed, and all Information elven grail.. OAII W. SHARER, . ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, No. I% Prrril STrates . , Plitaburgh, Pti Claims for PENSIONS, 130L'NTY, PRIZE , liorvEy, sae.; rigorously irroccerg.7d. r9.-tv VIE GREAT PIIIIIFIER. • lIEMAPANAKA. Since the Inircsduction of medicine. ihri ortyiw of disease has perhaps been the so:eject of more se- Sous end scientific, consideration by the most learned of Lite profession than any other emxneeted with the Lew, of the Great riremor; not arcs - have emended that all disessorko:'e their origin in the stomach; cohere, the.solids of the body; ellen: reason awl.by ler the EXcetest number. contend and reason thavthe BLOOD 'twirls the very fountain of life—that If u beconses.impurc, then disease to Its secret forme.Screfula;encer, Ulcers. a. , ,,alrewar; amt indeed, experience' Intreatlnglius maesof cases tryporifyiny tbo bloat and thereof erecting their eradication and cure, prove this to ne the correct. theory roost* nom . . which theory, the med. Blue now known sp HEMATANAJLA, was composed isa bror ult ught ski tioatoe,proguclog the most pet. f/Ing ess. . • lie use noon exerelees curb a mastery over _SLIEOPPLA, DLOETIAT/ONS, PLUMES 'seraß'oa TETTE, SALT IMMIX, LIVER COMPLAINT, LOSS or APPETITE, DYSPETt+LL., BILEOBIATISM, 'GEN. DUAL DEBILITY, • be., Ake.. &a. Sato give, from the time ft Is first. tsken,.ermotte. *gement, to the patient,. by making .betti sees nad good it Is about to accomplish. /t wde thought but to put It up in bottles at 601. and SIM t eacn,—es many persona Me disposed to try An arts. ale but are often doterred.at the expente,—se tka trill Tura can be made eta moderate outlay, eel , ' satisfy the purchaser. - that —the artiste. Is wont, IA 'clititne4 Inc It, to be: via; the greatest • Lats annut. evo brought before Vim Peepla Delicate Fettaiesulti it We menicine the001(1. that the publla may form some Ides.o the pear liar curative merits, We settloln list ofpried pal articles of w hich. Lt is composed, with sakes description of !Wilms and adaptation of eseh.ts • ken from the higkett ,authority known to medics ' KONA SW'S SAA.S.I#A2LEI4 - , ,Te used with s bezefletal effeetta eases Rhess*. &ism, Scrofulous Affections, Outnnmus Disease@ andpther depraved coalitions of health. DitirpELlON ratable, diuretic, slut aperient, 'lt ban a Ocala action upon the liver, exciting it When languid, to accretion: It has been 'touch Wed b Ciezalsay la dinesaes of the digeatlie maxi. • IODIDE; POTATSfUId, There are few Oltenia' to which ft by not fooled benenclal t It Is used In Scrofulous Arne:llona with mat beneft; It has also been used with mush ems resaLe treatment (or Itiraminatton of the Eye. II generally lasterties the apprdlti and flab. Z,4 TEAT Ell FLOWERS • •Are itterustle, tonic, - nod highly larig•oratlog Ls eases ot Nervous Debiity. trINTER It espctlally 141i:tilde fa uu,:g of Scrofula sad ftlicuutatizm. • CRAMMULLF.: FLOTVERs 'Are odtiontogeouoly ersed fn eoset of En &Tided Di. gestlon, but ore et:m.o'4l/e applicoLle to eases of UeucraDt.bility with weak appetite. , ME4pREON BABE. n acts far mably as oia altcrattra In fthraii• Ah ',calorie, (Throats Ithealcatlsm and, abaft/sato Di. 'cases of the Skts. ' ' • • • • , •_ • • • bslacie of Mc fotfauts li withheld ass prst. amour JOHNSTON, COL SMITHFIELD & FOURTH Errs., Pitt"burgh, Pa. . . 42,-Ask your Intelltge.i . xt Phyelolan his opinion of theiboverelolpo. - detAnaeod. ilisnopntows 11AKING I'OWDETI, the best i e tmet_put u tin etas and papers, "tanned elle.. ftash' itur P plr. put reeelVed and for a i. e. kholcaale and retafl;by ftWTSIIRW, loaf ' mamssotzdhedimi.lim4 4 G110(:11:fill.. PRODUCE, sc B. F'. i=" a COMMIGSION iIIERMANTS, No. 100 SOUTH TUNER ST., 161 . 1ICAGO. alvc spek.ial attetior. to /Your, Grain, Prov;sionB, Ife For Eastern acao+lnt. B. F. quan3y inll2-1y GEO. T. BROWN T . C. JRNKINS Commission. Merchant, AND PURCHASING AGENT, PITTSBURGH, PA.., Desire Flour, Gmbh Seeds, Satter, Ohocae, Fruits, and all Yam PledtMtg. Best brands F.n. Sy 'FLOUR (warranted) always on hand. £1 a , HEIFIWIMOLLS. Prompt , attention given to eansipiments and ccorrespondence. Weekly Prioe Currents mat to eiSeors. 0/162111 and Coaskoiments soli/Med. tel7:tydawir Corner of Penn and Wayne sta., (WALLACS, BVILDLTIOP/TTSIMEGW, es. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS- For the purchase 'of GRAIN of all kinds. Alas, wholesale dealers in BALED BAT. Westera dealers will end It to the/entre:angst° correspond with War Rouse, as we have greaser facilities for Storage, and putting goods into this and E astern be lltu d h o e r tAth ty szt rer se er.c. ost of ii th . e . de.l .ken eri I rig n th ut.d. ll city. The jasiavid ITM'a i ffill'n'AiTiVitit:', ' 2 ° COMMISSION MERCHANTS; ♦SP DICALI/119 IN Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Flour nutter, Cheesy, Pop. Potatoes, and produce generally. No. ado LIBERTY STREET, relB Oppoalte Paaaeneer Depot, Plttaburtii. Joittq 11. inusorr eurincza rowan. JOHN B. HERRON ,S 4 CO., • DLEzazLward;u:sturar ms ANDIRON FOUNDERS, (ATM and Sale. Room, fel9 No. 179 LIBERTY STREET. OliN B. CANFIELD, Commission and Fortranllnn Merchant and wholesale 'dealer In WESTERN RMERVE (MEESE, BUTTER, LA RD, PURR,. BACON, FLOUR, FISH, POT AND PEARL ASHES, SALERATUS, L^.7. SLED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, L and Produce me.ruttlL Nos. 141 snd 144 Front street, Fltrshorgh. LITTLE, Fn JAW.. TIIIIIIIG6 I ITTLE 6: TRIMBLE, Wholesale Gro .., cers and Commission Merehnnts, denier, In PRODUCF:, FLOUR. BACON, CBEESE, FISH, ANBoN AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COITON YARNS, nod Pittaburgh man ufactures generaoy,lo and 114 Second street, 17 burgh. cri.r Otis SIIBPJLIZTI: I ULP SLIEPARD, Commission ,-;Mer chants and dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN AND PROLME, No. 347 Liberty streot, Pittsburgh. Cholee hrsudf, of Flour fur Bakers s t and Fatally etse roust:lntly on hung. Follicular attention paid to filling onlers for Zierthandtze generally. oetfi.dly. 11T EBB WILKINSON, Commission V T Mere)mots Whole”le dedlers In WESTER:I ESER E CHEESE. DRIED FRUITS, BUT TER, EGGS, GILVISS. and praluee geoerallr. Also, LEATH ER, HIDES, OILS, de., No. 27 Liberty streo, Pltte.burgh. 15r- Cash aasanceiacr.ts made. Con/top:mean xobeltol. - 4,t2-6/m1 r. &ter MITCHUM. 11 . M. P. BECK s 7 CO., Ku. 185 Liberty Street. Pittsburgh, Pa.. Wholesale Grocers t Umtniamon Merchants nail dealers is COUNTR. , ritoDucE, PROVLSIONS, BACON, LARD, IirTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, PRI), 't FLOOR. ()RAIN, SEMIS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUTN. ho. SALT and LULL. Jyla TAMES DALZELL Oh, SON, Minufac t re4s of LARD OIL, and Ocommksion Mery e1 , 13[3 fur the 1 . 41,7n:c.c. and SAIC Or CRUD k: AND nrmEn PETHOLFIVSI, Nos. 60 .nllto Water Attel, l'ittausgh. Advance. made on consign. manta. 0505.416 5. 55/...11 55.55.515 MST3O.SSL U EAD S 31ETZG112, Grottrs and cora. mission Merziotatvounti deafen in nil liin.4s of .untr7 Produce sod Fitlyburgh ZlonnfootUrell.- Liberty ititArt) P_Pl'odt!) bead Pi Weed stmt, Pittsburgh. krity ..