thetiliaktvgit Oat*. SiTtrIIbArt:'I"EBAUARY 18, 1805. GAZETTE ,APVERTISING RATES rriirnisu MATTER. 3 timer a IDahl. week•. _ --- It selr• :1 wr- Pin It fult• I 'AN. 131944.ttrite.. 1 0 759 491 _l4l 19 111 Two tkees.l I'l9 7 . 1 1 . 1 Three tape} 1 83! 1 Four times' 160 , I I I - Live times., 2.10•• 1 331 . .. , Oaeweek... 2 60, t 411 i ,91 ik,• $5l 45 Two weeks 4 35. 2 .73, 2SP 170 149 315 Threew'ks 6 03; 32.• 4 Oa 2 20; 2pa Ito Oae month., 1 60; 4 co! 500 1 70, 2 751 125 Two mols.; 11 231 6 00' 760 4 03; a 751 2ot Three meal; 13 75, 17 00, 9 1.5 4 70, 465 231 111041acetthil 10 15 , 13 00; 1359 8 031 093 403 lane worm, 27 00. 13 a le 06. . .10 ao . 9 91', 5 la Ow Tesr..l 32 00:-. 8 co: 61 231:42 80} 10 79 aco 'OIIANGLASLIS ATITIMTVISIMIT3. !or *milliliter., changeable one time each week. mined to the immediate business of the gayer. Open AR larger Advertliemeet r e to cane. proper- a times 2 times, 1 time DMIr. ta week.!ei weelc..a week. dee month • sin. . s CO4l - 4 70 $ " Three 10001181, ••1 17 2 0 .11 .1.5 i 8 60 r 00 811 c. months I It 00 It 4/08 Year 5,„15 7 5! 10 50 00 28 00, 54 50 , II co Fist Mitten double the abase. rates. rah Notices, each iniertloo Marriage notices, fasamboat adrertiacmcnts, per &tip 00 Executors' or Administrators' Notions 9 75 Local notices under special head IC ' " In — Local column. BELIGIOTJS I.NTOXLIGENCE. ! • The. General Conference of the M. E. i i Church, at its quadrennial session Mtiy last, st Philadelphia, authorized the organization 1 ' of a Itission Conference in India. The IBoard of Bishops, in arranging their work,. assigned Bishop Thomson, one of the newly lelectenishops, to the delicate and respell sible• duty of organizing it. The Bishop , left for the scene of his labors several months i ago, during which he will also visit other I mission points. - Shortly after the Bishop Ireached India, he convened the mcmherfrof the Mission at-Lnclatow, the most oriental of all India cities, on the Bth of December. The Conference was duly organized, and , comprises seventeenministera The various interests of the Mission were - reviewed, as t, • is customary in regular constittitedtconfer enecs in the United States. Among the most noticeable features was the receptlcin r ) of several native preachers on trial. The I.lBishop,before rending the appointments, made a touching address to the heroic band. li • The noble manner in which he urged the 1.! members-not to fear death in the discharge 4 of duty, but "•if their were good men, to 1 1 1. rather die the first good chance they should i ij get," was as a winged word to brothers in battle. The Conference .continued in sea-- F sion, seven days. The next session is to be held at Moradabad in February, 1866. i --:We understand, says the Leeds Mer e ettyy, that a "Brotherhood" is being organ- E ized In Leeds, under thelauspices of the k • t. clergy of the parish church, to be called 5 "The Motherhood of the Holy Redeemer." The brethren are to be subject to strict tales, •g, and will be expected-to attend inayers, etc., at similar hours to those which are - ap t pointed in the Flemish Church.. .. k .:The ....Nearctic (tail Journal Ims an ar -I*. ticle on "Church Reconstruction in Rebel- P' • - - • g 4lbm,'-' in which it is assumed that the iL . 4 E. Church owes Rio herself and to.the peo ple. of the South -to enter into and occupy all --1:1 that country, and that, too, entirely inde pendently of. the pretensions of the local ' 11. Methodism, which has become hopelessly gi -e. debauched with pro.slaveryism and tainted wtth treason. . , • - : 'N. —The . Western Christian dereocate re -31) ports the accesslobk to the- M. E. Church; --it.... shmethe first of January at 11,493. —At a - recent meeting of the Christian -: . -4 .1 Haien - Society of the-Protestaat Episcopal , 11Church, a paper was read on the Moravians. 1 4 'Bishop Shultz of the Moravian Church was present and made a brief address. A rein. hstion was adopted requesting the Right . . 1- Rev. Bishop Come to open a cerreSpondence A with ,the Archbishop-of - Canterbmj and -1 York, In behalf of the Society', asking ~t whether the Church of En,gland'still occur •'-.. pies the position taken in regard to the . ..' Morailans -by Sancroft and Wade and.other prelates; and whether they haie any. sug '-..t. gestions to make Why they should not fully • 4 recognize the Moravians In this country. - j . '.s —The - Religious a the Monastry of .-- :Li San Vittoro, near Milan, have received or den from - Victor.Emantters agent to leave ..- . their monaitry in fivoilayfi: ----It isassetted that His Holiness, -the -;.-.. Pope, will send the hat and `sword which received 'his benedi2ticus notions to' the Christmas eareino ales, - to the Emperor Max :- imillitin. - The hit' is` of crimson velvet, ::-...: lined with ermine; trimmed - with a golden cord, Liming a doie-the symbol of the . _-. 1-.... Holy ghost-in tlie - mtddle of 'the crown. ..i.''.' . The gift is made to, the prince or 'potentate ; • • Whdae coridUct during the past • year has demonstrated 'most obedleace to, and 'zeal - 1:.- in the cause of Holy Mother Church. • .- —The Paabn.idy question is attracting - . .i.., a good dad of attention across the water, as well at in this country. The discussion is very spirited, and we look for good re- N'..' , VAS from - the -ventilation of the subject. :.:..... The Pmtryteriansays the English Presby , • ..,.1 ?-" , • tenons are earnestly discissing the subject - r : 4A "Praise." - The articles in Peter 13atne's -,......_- , Weekly Review, of a late date, are written with much intelligence, and no little warmth 4 ;:1 - :: of feeling., • - L - - —The London Punch makes the follow. Jug record on the Pope's Encyclical Letter: I "It is our Painful duty to record a terrific' - .explosion ,which has_jitst ,occurred at the' :Vatican._ '. This:act:Went arose from want o cattil CM on the part of the Pope and the Col lege of Cardintd.Vin - projecting a fulmena. ling compOsitlon which they Wheel'. BOMB time engaged ht., preparing for the, demoli tion of all modern ideas. A.6o,st - before ib'a disfractise Mixture - hid left;their bands, it blew upWith a noise whit& -was heard all oser Europe, and =rally, brought the yen erahle edifice hi w hielk they were assembled ' about their cars." ~ • . : —The Esdtarians,,hase adopted the course of the CoacregatiOnaltita, in calling a Natiortal Conwntlon; to kneet in New `'44fiitignallning the first Wiek in April. Groster ," • ... . ..: ; ty and smiformitrit is erpected will o et . 7 .: :.. . `' he efforts to advance the interests of :.," denoinbustien.% The Courentlon will deliberate upon the serious means of awaks leg Unitarian denominational life, by means of schools; Colleges; SeminarieS, books, pa pers„ tracts, resietri, magazines, Sunday ,I. sciotils, missions, church extension, and 1 chanties. The..4lttspurgh and Couticthiville.nall-• .-• . • In the first branch or the City Council of Bal timore, on Tuesday evening lest, Mr. !Welt sub mined the following resolutions, which were according to the rules, laid on the table: Rresb By the Mayor and. City Council of Baltimore, that the mcertgne, debt and Interest which, the- city' of. Baltimore owns In the Pl:ls t, burgh and Connellsville railroad shall be set up at public auction In the city of Baltimore, and sold to theldzhest bidder, upon such terms as the board of finance may arrange with the par ties purchasing. The sale to be made on or be fore—driy 0f—,13135. Tho board of finance shall advertise the tole at least thirty dart before It shall. be Sold, twice a week; In at least two tinewspapers lit the city of Baltimore and two;ln the city of Pittsburgh, Pa.; provided, however, t. ,that the said: mortgage, debt and Interest shall not bo told for a seta less than dollars; and t that the-board of finance or any tiro of them may cell at any time at private hale, pensions to tine 3.1 advertised day of wale ;= for a stun not less In amount then herein named; provided, also, that the interest of theatr.bzin tigt be convoyed to toy person Or persons who shall not : aatif fy the ardoffiance th te road Is; to ho' finished ;-' andmade n (as vas s in b tended) to Inure to the .commercial Intr.:vets of Bak; pore. • . :TN AND mov LVIC,NO aezarrx) Library flail. The sui,scriptlon. to rho nrw I." ,, arT we arc informed, progress very satisfactorily Thene are twenty-four subscriptions which emourt to 630,000, and thirty-three of 11590 each a good beginning; but it is probable that the greatest-proportion of the large sum neces sary to do veil what is proposed to be done, , will come from those who will subscribe In small amotutts. Additional committees have teen appointed, and it la the Intention to give every one the opportunity to aid In the project according to his means. - We rejoice In the pros pect °Charing at least one public institution in Pittsburgh to indicate that we arc making pro mess in the amenities of life,' ns well na wealth and industrial prosperity. The shares of stock is the Library Hall company arc ten dollars each. We wish we were. able to take a thousand shares, but we arc not; we can, how ever, take one share, to show our approval of the commendable project and share the honor of having contributed to its success. A corres pondent suggests several localities as suitable for the erection of the proposed buildings. It Is hardly worth while to discuss their merits at present. The committee, in their address we published last week, very properly indicated that the location should be selected by the stock holders, or the officers whom they shall choose, and their decisions as to the sire of the lot naces saty, as well as the style of the building, will he greatly influenced by the amount of the sub.scrip- Lions. ' We will try to keep our readers posted th • matter of so general Interest. Will Case Decided. In the District Court, before Judge Williams, on Thursday, the east of Walker Steed vs. Mary Wilsomand others was concluded by the finding of a verdict for the defendants. This was an ac tion of. ejectment brought by plaintiff to gain possession of one-sixth of one hundred acres of land in Jefferson township, Allegheny county, formerly owned by John Reed, deceased, brother of plaintiff, who died without bane, Defendants rodticed John Reed's will, bequeathin,g the es tate to them. Plaintiff alleged that deceased was incompetent to make a will, being of weak or Imbecile mind, and that his lawful heirs are his six brothers and sisters, of whom plaintiff is one. The testimony was voluminous on both sides, and in some rests:Lis (Otte contradictory. The Jury, however, believed that the- deceased was competent to make a will, and found In fa vor of the defendants. Misplaced Coufidence—SlX.o Missing. At Ravenna, Ohio, a few days ago, nn aggra vated case or misplaced confidence %vas devel oped. It appears that an extensive dealer In cattle, named Carrel Blair, bad some checks In lliP possession amounting to about Mr. Woodward was going to Cloveland, and Mr. B. sent the checks by hint, expecting In the evening to get ids money. The evening earns but no Woodward. The police were put upon his track, but at last accounts no trace of kim had been disetivered. Whether he has been robbed, and his body seemly], or whether he has gone with the money. Is still a matter of doubt. During his stay at Ravenna he hod sustained an honest character. Ile has let a wife and four small children, without any means for their support. Steubenville and Indiana Railroad. At the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Steubenville At Indiana Railroad, held in the Company's office In Steubenville, on Wednes day, the following gentlemen were unanimously elected tiro the ensuing year, viz;Thomas Jewett, .‘col. James Collier, 'William Kilgore, James Ttftnbull, James Parks, Benjamin P. Dreonen and Joseph Means, of Steubenville ; Chauncey Diwcy, Cadiz; Robert H. Nnemnt, Tusearawas county; Joseph K. Johnson, Cosh rcton. counts; Geo. W. Adams, Muskingum county; Samuel T. Canby, Philadelphla; Ash bet Green, New York. At a meeting . of the Board on the maim; of the aunt day, they unenimouslyre-eleeted Thos. L.. Jeweterresident. and J. G. Morris, Secre tary and Treasurer of the company. Fon um Foorrr —A company of cote hun dred stout, healthy-tontine men, from New Castle, under command or Captain Rohe bather and Litulenant Mapes, wired in the .city yesterday, and proceeded tolia-risnarg by the Pennsylvania Railroad. The comptay, be fore leaving, purchased a handsome resnlation sword, which they presented to Captain Rohe , barber. The presentation ceremony took place at the depot, and was a very Interesting affair, the reponse of Captain Roirehaeber being. code happy and appropriate. The °Meets of the company have seen. service, and , arc therefore qualified to command./ FIRST WARD, ALLERRENT.—The enrolled men of this ward have oprne up to the expectations of the most sanguine, about two hundred having subscribed over C 20,0110 In cash for bounty par pcssez..., At an election, heareceotly,the School Board were Instructed to.hisne, bonds to the amount:of t0....5,000, by an almost unanimous vote. APB' has alree4y passed the Senate, authorizing the Board to levy a tax sufficient_ tomcat thesis tamds,du.: lug the current year. This committee arc now -bnedly engaged recruiting, and the quota will be speedily filled. Let all enrolled citizens of the ward, who have not yet done so, call at once and subscribe to the extent of their ability. Dlt=COAßllitt , ram! ARTIEST.—The Itn.liug of the court-martial in the caso'of Captain D. W. Fox, Co. A, 55th Pennsylvania , Volunteers, charged with dafraudlne hie men out of large sums of bounty money, has been made public. Ile is honorably discharged from arrest. and re turned to hie command. Capt. P. le' Cambria comity man, sod - hls friend] will be glad to hear that his skirts are thus cleared of the charges preferred against him. DZAD. --Samuel Robinson, of the Anderson Cavalry, son of A. L. Robinson, Fao., of Kit tanning, whom we noticed some weeks slit - teas having had a leg amputated, has since died. • SPECIAL'LOCAL. NOTICES. Menem W. Panty, pruetieslfilee Roofer. and Dealer in American Kate, of, various orders-- 01Ra at Alexander Langhlda'e, near the Walter Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence„ No. 75 Plire street. Orderipromptly attended to. 1,11 work warranted water proof. Repairing done at the aoceest notice. , hlo therefor repairs, provided the roof in not dosed alter it is put on. Putme nrnecen front 45 to 31 cents, at Bar ker's, 59 Market street. . Prints reduced from 37-;', to 25-Beets, at Bar; kcr'a,s9 Market street. Sheting Mashes reduced from C . S!. to 37% cents, at 13arker's, 59 Market street. Shtrtl llnstins reduced rosin 37;4 to 23 rents, at Barker's, fkl Market street. • Gingham; reduced from 45 to cents, at Barker's 59 Market street. Ticklngs reduced from 75 to 50 cents, at Bar ker's, 50 Market street. . Sprlog and Summar Dress Goods greatly re duced at Barker's, 59 Market street. Shawls and Cloaks cheap at Barker's, 59 Mar ket street. New Silks, new Silks, at Barker's, 59 Market street. Sr. Economy should be melted by everybody In all things. One dollar expended now In pur chasing a bottle of Taipeip p rdotaa t, by those troubled with a Slight Cough and lloarseness, or Sore Thread, may save the expense of a doctor's .bill. A neglected Cough. often ends .in Con soroptlen. A alight intiamatlon of the lining of the wind tubes, the lanai symptom of which are Pore Throat and Pain In the Bread, *lll Rion Iced, through want of Ilroneltis. day's delay way cntall months of sufferinz. Let the - . - aleted try at onen Jortea Rjrebrarat. It is a standing remedy, and Its rant va'provartital have been tcs:ad by tbottsands of pawns who have recovered their health by Its use. Bold 'oy DnaggLu eTerywbero. fel4-11t. Briam. attennon of mares& as is directed to the brilliant" assortment of Fall and. Winter Goals -just r received by one friend 2.1 r :. John Wales, N0..1.20 Federal stria; Allelybeny: Ills stock comprises si great Yarlety of Fancy French, English, Scotch and American Ca/mimeses and .Cloths, and fins Rills slid Oust Mere Yestings, all of which will 'be made up to order In the latest styles and In the best manner. choice selectlon of Furnishing Goode also on land and for sale, together wit s' a full stock of Ready - Ida& Clothing, well and fasblousbly udo. limy Goons Jun reamed at too Merchant Tabling evtablielnuent of Graham ,te McOand Ilse; 73 Bacithf.eld etrcet. wonid meat yea pectfhlly invito.the attention of our, hicada and the public, in. general, to our new block of fall and winter goods. They contain nll- the very - retest styldl of „English, French and Mntrican clothes, cat's:inn:yes and vating,, all of the finept quality, and is selected with the greatect caro Gentlemen desiring fashionable and well made clothing, would do well .to give us a call before purchasing elairwllcre; Every garment is war ranted to give full satisfaction in both price and patny. • . GRAIL*II .„ IS: JieCezetotaiss [ Merchant Tailors. No. - 7.. Smithfield guiXt. COMDS..—The admintatratiMi of medicinal preparations In the rorm of a lozenge, to of all modes the moat clitOble and toncanicnt, wore epecially"ae regards a Cough Tionctly. W01%71'4 Bronchial Troches or Cough inzen4es allay irri tation, 'which induces coughing, gulag instant relief in Bronchitis, Tluarseness, influenza, and Consumptive and Asthmatic complaints. - - - A JEWEL.--Sozodont purifies. Bazodout bean tines. Sozodont gratifies all winTinto L. &old - by Druggists and Park:neva. Tit TnotisAta, pairs of liimita wid Shoea to trc eold Imm . eGlibtely at Welellaad!s 55 Fifth r .~:~:~n:sl.'i~':iack~i^+l.:. 4 ++