The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, February 15, 1865, Image 3
..., ..,_r, die-Vitistutill'fiattite. rEurtuany 15, lso ,GAZETTE iirrA*t•uro , iireis. - Kagiqwe 1 week; ,Clee!siriellt - 114sWii We 5.44 1 rac. 1149; 1 ; ,- .Tlstes t i'.l OS . 1- . 9 .:' ':''' ' ' .-'''''' •.`.',-,- .. ':..:::!..' I • . lour 11w :::1. SO ',.1 , .e , , .!.*1 •:: ... ~,,, ;., °Calm , - S '.l :St. ..4 SS 4 1- 2..fii . : .4 7 5 • - "Two - ; 4 ,415 ?'.S :•, -4 1. , r , lO , Thrse•sk -- 11 00i , 2 1 t 0, 5 .- lk .. - .1-45 i ~.',,Opsilkon .s so -o - ,....11 , 2,711 li iitSkc ..-'..',. Two stio•s. 111 to is os, 7 4 'Ails ~ 2 11 1- : ~ Three moo Is 117 01, .1 I .4 T. ‘1 - .‘ , li to '..", Illts_aosabilln 75 is ai 13 as , 15 ,tok, $ ~,osii; i - 4fillwo ait/54,27 otc. IS 011, It OS • • lis!'lls :I, 14, . -::,' ' es.- 5-... I • -M . r' ...9°,2 ,ri 111141.1.11* c{4} -7 , 4** ipprawniort4 ;IMP- Oar. -AllAugar advt immaenta e5.a.... mr-- ~.. ,dttoeo3l ttoiterfiddrne. 5 . 154.5141.11 1,11 .Iluild'idoett.ter tf *: .151 x apt tlll - • tt 4 6 8 551 ,01 -1400 .•;• .I / Da '..r.15 - 1/1 1 1; • 10 . 60 ';`to.o 2.5 on isni uOO T . De s ur .iot phdlees double the rAP:ovd-P.. _., Imp Ker . * Siam each lesertion . ~... .............. .. • . w. so petite., F &lire:Mame ets.-per trip .. . . ... .•.._ ',xi • et Administrators, Notkee:...::. ilt7p woos, under Weds ) be"d•s ... ' . ' . .."‘ - ' lB . 5 " ~ In Localcolumn. -. in ... CITY MID MaarlIPAN. - ... t mania ifainer r.., , an al-istrae.rram a ... , .at . _ ...... . " ' - Oil Strikes and on - Fallatef. - ,' ~. `- .;jouer wrxiters from thasall. region sbritst:fli.: '.'.. ; liarlntilf aar+ mCOttial-Pet4 io•gloWink .fiairertp ..3 - :Akiiket limy didedveries and new istrilow..--rich WI tenilary and idifitrielng wells: It is Idiom .. !Altai, the dark - 110 of `the picture Ls tined Lei the Kahle .. , . . r . eye p tifd,,llm.„fallate ..elf+laellii ard _ .. .tilttity. !• ~;.* . . - lot "A . genticiMor,Nbos iinat/014orrr . ' '' ' . '- i t; ' il-IT#ig llol *- 4 t 1 0 1 . 4 41-Q ' -' . ' . .' ; • 14 ; 1;110kiiiStelqlie:Osnal enSioni:ind nidixrlfilite a . , .s ,--':.* A& elepittePed eide" ;MIS. The folaarg .. . eitlindit.trom kuLlettat will be found interestin4 . ' ... 40 our readers : --- - . - r ' . . ...,. i, , ..;\ . ; . The moat int pelli.iinr i ;..we7sieirf Alia In this re. rillisin t At Mae the rich oil strikes and the rtaeures4 tleriiC.llfs - Thti.oll att'ikw; being the . most‘welcomer te the prlnciparnarties concerned,' , am the item thetohtain the swiftest:and widest; eirealation. ?MD stoppage of-wells. la a matter. that the unfortunate companies anshlo have es. little said about as. poeible.. In• keeping this triad or news a coerce, fffey are x ' Often - sue-I ge:seltd,and the public keep on bu ng stock acid. p.. . bringing lainbstwiptions, long 'iafter there has ceased Lobe aliy oil to warrant their ieVeStMeetS. Sint I have taken pales to Collczt had news is well as good. I have net been a little surprised to 'llud Se many dry wells In thle region; .not 'Wells .. .theyeti sunk tviii's..-mit Ending oil, but - those -*US ceased flowing. •-. , Ob c frowns Sind Farm there are' four ft', , Alley that ekly 'llinn_yleldoL.fifty barrels a t. lll. . day; eii Qiiatuit floc likee hundred; thathave ~ mor.ilven .os.: . Allogetbei ' , there are , fifteen ' 'abandoned wells on - , the. premisci. Sonia, 'or • them are being tested; anti perhaps :Vrtabo Coked. oil-bearing again, It Must not be auppaitsi, :, howeyer; that the =many is not in a demist, , (DK condition._ There are 'still ten producing '- wens on•tbe farm, yielding upwards of one hue * dred'and fifty barrelia day. .:. : .011 the widow McElintock: Farm there are about forty abandoned wells. The twenty welli that are still flowing, yield about two hundred and' fifty barrels daily. *Very near; there are unites number of wells which at out time were exceedingly prolific, but have. now fall& MT to am inconsiderable arrionnt. Among them -are the Yan Sleke well, once yielding 1209 ibis, per slay; the Lloyd we 11,120 bbls. per day; the rest man;Ocean • Ilayes t , . Merrick* Christy and others on thi s line. -Several of these, - the Van Slyke, Lloyd and Christy, were injured by the ' sinking of a contiguous well. the .Tfammond, which-at first - flowed 300. bits. a day. Af- Ledwards the Ilammond, along .with near ly . a' 'dozen ' — others, were Ilooled by .drawing the tubing of the Excelsior, and bare since yielded very little. Ou the tract at the mouth of Cberry.Tree Rue, running eieen . ;or, eight mum sip the streamosawards or a hum. died wells have been stink. nerd with the men. - lion eta single cete,-.which produces Ae3Elt tea barrels a day, all were dry at the time ()trey visit silent four weeks since, On the Blood Farm, . farther np, there are some twenty abandoned wells. On the section of this farm owned by the Ocean Petroleum Company; there are twelve - . dry wells. The Bernlng-well, ownetiby the 'Ma ple Tree Oil Company, et nne time flowing 21)0 harrele daily, took lire to iStid.,^mad has since •:',....lielded nothing: Ten wells and their machinery we ed, and have since yielded nothing. "The er k Watson well flowed at one time two hoc ten barrels daily, bat in now de :cg nothing. *aloe .Petrolertin Com pany have twenty wells, - have fallen oil to nearly a half of their former .- .The Tal:lFfiref. now yields onllsont two hundred barrels a mere fraelton of ' , Wormer ,product. The Phlllips wells, na, this farm, have all three ceased flowing. The Bkm:ow, -Cottrell, and James wells are likewise Idle. The.. -Crescent well which formerly yielded three hum. Abed barrels daily, is no longer worked. - "And so through the whole oil mgion we find such evidences abundant. "We must not Infer front this, however, that the supply of 01l is gle log der.. litany yells, after having rested a art, sideralle.time;rerlve and give a profitable ylebl. Froth all I have seen. I believe that petroleum is being ce,ustantly pn.nineied In the bowels of -the -earth, and. that there will be enough for man's me far all coming time. Ido not euppose Ila-' -ever, that It Is generated. with sufficient ra p idi ty to keep theft mobster wells flowing at full stream. , - . . Arrest' of Adam exenhart. • - Adam Oxmillart, charged with skooting Peter Maltribcro, tavern keeper, . Perensylranh are nue, iris arrested, between eleven mid twelve . o'clock Monday right, at - the house of Mr. Zita . - merman, corner of Federal street and P I . vania ermine. ileitis seen conttug,ent o the Imam by two of the "ulgi,t poliCe,.wh aybnee tooklim Into courtly awl' convey...ll ItinyU the • . lock up: Re had a bullet' wound tfirobgh the ball of *the len hand, and stated thatitelted re -- •ccired the wound by the occidental discharge of 'tdstol-:-the saute shot haskte: entered the thigh' of *. raltenborn, The report. there ' frac, that be was shot by officer Wawa; • tunti out to be incorrect; The circumstances `al l tending the *hooting appear to be these: .enbart and another • min were t64stig a silver quarter, "head or tail." and during Lite pastime • the quarter disappeared." :Angry - girds passed • between them, each charging tits - other with haring appropriated the4uarter. Seeing that a , • • werMue diffleolty...yres likely to occur, a thir: party stepped in.,between them. Oxenhart wee in the act, es he alleges, of changing bus pistol • 'from one pocket to another, and had.hold of It in his right hand, When hls arpt wasstrack'and /the weapon was discharged—the - 'ball.passing thmugit Ids own band and . lodging in. Mr. Kst - - , .tenboni's thigh. Ile asserts th at he had nq dint ` :•Cnlty trith Mriltenterni and did not 'Mewl to :dorm Mtn. la_corroborated by . - the feet that the tioinen wars on labiate terms —Oxenhart hating' insde m Kaltenbo's home a• :Iletts - if headquarter; for sometime peat. '• The physician who attended Mr.-Kaltenboni appeared before tbe Mayer this' morailek • seated that ha.was not Pfepared tra Van definite • 'Mallen es :to. the effects of -the wound, which . of a anions nature; r • No celdentareas taken t l y.thelMayor,.lllll the , etecnied wee committed , to jail to imorareya further hearing' hart week. - Se will have .a beating as soon aslisiteaborn Ls lifencameod out of danger. . .oschheit still had the pistol in ids possetslon, • oa Jail taken: thd precaution. .td reload the • •• empty clintber ' as to hare the fill benefit, of the six tercels in cafe be SAW tit to roe them. lle did not attempt, to snake use of.thefweepon, 'however and WO' singled without difficulty. - The' idal Is one of the Aortic breech-loading resolvers, Sitter JOMDDDYVaiIti cost seventy-her - dollars. It. Is now. in • the possession of the . . . . fitamps ou deniponent 'Notes. lettce on tho, sublet of tho pirqdred ort•Judn nrnt Notes In use In this, zlon, will be.lntereitlng to ournaden. Them to no doubt that mnuy of these rota; have, boon Improperly itimpedi and are, therefor; The words in hatte pin ;Aso Important, as show= lag that llouris of-one. linnitreddollu . rs, or under, riSpire n stamp-of twenty-ltro cents. - This will rclttde 3 • largc numhor of 13ondsissuid IT Muni elpalltics_Und. &lord Boards for ,Ibitinty par - peas VAPTIOaII'OX, Feb. 9, 1935. : Your lot tea' ot tic Cab la receive-I, and lu anantito tbe.4ll,6llan, whether a fr.rtaln Judgment tberelo • effittulnui, 6 - maid *be twinned ns a Prom'oeury Note Or as a _ ' I bave to aay, If Ow Instrument ealia fir an ananu.t exceedlag one lin wired dollars It roittlres a stamp of fifty terns for•every five kitoulred dot- ' lore or proportional part thereof. as a personal Moue. If for car. latne7l,4leolars, or rooks. Uis to be,kroTl4rl au )1 ,, t ol.lerraA r cararcl, re. Varlag a :Awl, frtotg.iim: VIVS; Upon coaritaion of jadmeia befbro a M.O. tbonotary„ Court or CC-R.llOll Plea*. District Court, or tiny otbarCan,t laving jorisiletion, " the Confil.sion Is robin_rito an additional stamp 4*, e y Lily-cents, If bn nournat of auelt meat le one hundred &Vara or over. Th e e gre emaut traiv:ou when re quited, trioJcts It to an additional &lump duty of Tire powtr of M 077 3 ,1 lo exempt, being a power, of Attorney. a.7omipanybur a bond •or 'Very teeporifullv, —. • - E. S., , lbk:lt. C,eae. DAVID N. Wilma; cony jute:, Rev. =1 Pitt. Pa . ,~ %;' - _ -Tr wt,,,s. A fie g tcni—lt,teth mi.,10,.:1. - ,ii, pane-meeting-hot& at the &hoot liatie, i ........,...-* on MbniaJltist:llll, 3. COLatatto was appointed 10 1- F - . 1 . ,- , , to with on ttre,*:tl*ird, and not thaw 05W' e, ~ -. „, -Ir t „ Ei F_ Fg . 431 iiusr iiktillanda. arosV o u 6i to tiseliinsiik.t tit.*Ws-Aelt,lard. riy ' BreVrien.uer.--Our=p,orgulbjewech, /Will on 0 7 13 Palt4Pints 11* .usirticilnas trOtliatie till •,( lie%PitelyWn4 fur the P 4Lef et ai;naTitillt i ll ' , nerd et the @boast. , I 6 . ", "CT s ' , .. o wide is the [tad or its usefulness stei ati no emcees are the ones eft L'esolwee-13.v tbe ?Ittuß, Bog* of -Ftr, , - stip= ot moluirra ei, nn ' a d u j ee i n ' th° „,.„, t n liet ,. ° „„ :t , 0 ,72 wart thtt the So:aid meg - tali ttris right of - A .. d . krYWr WhG hire bee t le restan;a fro ' ; ta - w e Votellibt ttitiNalirtr. to )It-strtiOtttoto vitt • , t u tr,,.4.,42,,a9p--_,,,t , &losses et the lu nge by tir ik eae men us on inns ci . Decide. en boti ect ir c e i le , _ . .-- t r0• 5 , t5 ..7 .‘. 0 11 superiority seer eye utile . fur TolUbilren: lin il ibilit art Duni dee r : oo . to t t 4 r y . = , wh r f,,,,:i v - • r—i it t u P a Pra:„.at to t. i. w cape ob , ,:rlrrt ic tiott. r ~„...t ini d tu, ,,,,„„06 . 1, 1 „thAtec mrsu r b,.. • _ no , „ ~.. log toedutriti!thet antidote ° ta u ' tiut Pubt " - f t i t idelfireirilbriirt; Ott tAPPNO4 I :4 fr - , ' , .rtretr4: di 0mr,..._ed . 4. - vm....netio.:gege . p f Z e kt .. of tbdtktottetitstentit. -•, ~, ~,, ~„ , mt : „ t.,, ots - ..." are Incident tb our enmate. 7',Barnee4"rtr o i Lite ;ram aP. .'' "'` . 42- .. `3'. ' - egrigv— "mai" throat upon the ..awl la jw...t. ion nubue / 0. Ward are i.e., ~ . 61 2_, . 15 _ , X&Fed and (Ilse:T.ln; thighs: 4iliieglicrelFigiFarl.:ls,List .ciinel gale s an allintWlhlyeenTfi every ) er';e " rt.e - Tilar e ad at n 3 ..e .th inicarritid" nad lit tat t wipes the ' • ss. trilu.L.unterotui and too rerasrl6,6l - 'baton. Ittottod,sno. thio 7 „2 .., ,5ic,,,,, s:l6.and , irot : ~ yo cm 0017 assure tho prblielthst to . '3l *fatefully treat up to the Dealt ere h. rit t e ti4l ' 111 0 •liik' sae- •- - u..• 'that It maple retied t o A. C.,. r .,,„?.. 0 ., h o e 8„,4 1 ,41 0 ,,, ~„ sui, lai m otipaija , • Lean Mat It has ever ilone. °a ' ° ...... 40 b4 lolol ffla 'OW' ":fft dIC:;;', eAciets Great number. 61' Clergynren,Physieiattt Stat )1 41/ "Arg a " tkie/t ..; it'DatitinS ;"-fr • or the Tut./ - sea,: "4 eminentPer"...ogl have lea th e.. .. _ „, , , Mires to eerttly the unpnret.el usefulness of their I „,l„_, ,_ t ~, :7, 7 ..,,, J.13. cunt , , but liOre here ivlll not perrett the 1 cnir , . i ~5,..7......unn5trrt, wa ry tr i lui °l 0 th ur em 4 s="eri Ths esU ce d n l t m i nn t l °w ln w n' hi m e e'l h'the mrst V zix , With Om lull demi tt y are t ilviliciAllni4s*. 1 th e i n cnis „ . • -, • r...-ilfal of the ciouridstn i ta -. ,- - . •'" '' 1, Walla.% T arrk atiateati - ' itt, ) rit T y elm the w b h lood 'ut Ni ull'i ti ..rtir Yilt in tl e e t kl aiP tie tr E a iT )'. . - . . m ild /ititeria, tberbibri:ViniiiimfrA&tnitinut PAT' A.PARILLA. the remadytaL.:. 84 ,./ . section end cow for oi,atailiz timi you tow known. yaltm e r s .. i ; y "te * Iw'' 'n , "Rh tbe,Boantnianioltowsurd*: 121 . "Prdb. 4 1' °-AY2g aigya i i i e ll um . , .e. be authorized to act. ''" " n nUn' ' 1 " FARNES' Sp. a latt ut)r)" ----- --- - - • On Binday afternoon a serious dtstsudaMee ;was creapetat the of N.B4dmcaotsba Lift back of Birmingham, by a party of iconllstm bed baceme Intoxleated. -They, , ,attaelnial tie proprietor of the house, threatened to kill broko number of glasses and cut other driu capers. Tate 6/ the $411,1684 - "inaitir.BrondiE, John BrOnf.ter, and Crouse, were, lorpo.W. and taken beard. Maiorto-daY,Aii climb of. riot. They gave ball • for' a..part besting, and it is likely OW thu caso.willby fted on paymentot,PAO damages- , *sib° proseeur^ for does not appettraty desirous taking tiia . .matter Into Court. • • , *Xlintortift: Alilreduesday,tho 15th lust:, laihnihnel :for executtagAhe draft undee-theiiiiar : • Jephies eAAWw,hether thel*heel44k 'Mk --•-• - -:•!. • - "!''' °.• - _.,..... - 1$ garal . Paiiferr*l3) •." - ki-w - 'ii :d - :1i 6 ei,tiiicily etate 'MDIt7./tlit ' at reicnt ',rating nriordeti have • cdralatuod for a pratponoment; but as the tor. cral Boards - of - Enrollment are not yet ready to Droeetd vial tbe draft, a postporientont le Cond. iiently luAred tor. - Telegrapldeds froth Wart:dug:top nill doubtless settla gal quiiitkru I irttblii a fety hours. - - ..„ - . UcenAi,g Business g the office of Capt. Darla has he , come TCA'r A large, number of recrulti are coming In, and at the rate which they vol unteered on Monday and Tuesday the quota of the district would - aeon he'llled. Tins' draft and high bounties; of coarse, serve as a stimalaut, and when the "uneasy" remember the near up poach of the tab, it does not take them very : long to make sip their mind. Over thirty men were ..enlisted ,at Capt. Davis' office daring. the forenoon of Tuesday. r. , Croats Samr.n..--Welmtes:l" °4 !• 1 1/_.,t White, Rte.; ColleitOr of the 23i1.1715..-et. has lately - seized two lots of eon's; ono let'M atilde for. being , without stamp: He hes alsl onbei l ei , ograplier, and - some, other cases or minor nonce beforebun .:.. All unstatnped : . .dgers, in be hands of mernatheturer or dealer, are forfeltedrte the United States. ltcrunne of ficers bare heretofore been cry forbearing, wait ing for tbo people to becomehennainted with the , law, but hereafter, we am Informed. the penal ties of thelaw will be rigidly enacted. .LATIGE sale of. Sue Ennahare, Billiard Table, Carpets, 011 Cloths, Paintings, Mirrors ‘te., on „Ttmrsdas morning next at 10 o'cloek, • at No. GO FeudL street.. See. advertisement. T. A. ll'Clelland, Auctioneer. SPECIAL LOCAL - am, ICES. . Tnox►a W. ?Awn, prtunioll elate Faster, and Dialer in American tilate. of Tirloo3 n rdet,. o.llce at Alexander Laughlin's, near the Walter Works, Pittsburgh, ra. Rkraidesee, No. 7$ Pike street. Orders promptly attended to. All arum irarrantal water proof. Repairing done at the ' sliortezt notice. No charm for repairs, proridod rho roof Is not al need after , it le lint on. Practs utbccra , from .1.5 to 31 cents, at Iln•-• ker's, t.O Market street. Prhres te3siced from 37 . 1 i to cents, at Dar - , Ur's. 59 Ilarketatroct. iibectictltns rehired from - 62 , 4 to 57 . !? crtati, at Barker's;393tarket. street. Shhting .NinsUrtanctlaceAfrom a?! to 25 cants, at Barker's, 59 Jfarket street. Gingham! reanned from 43 to 31.1; cents, at Barkm a G 9 Market street. • • Tickings rstlacol from I's to SO teats, at Bar ker's, SO Market street. kl,ting mud Summer Dress Goods greatly re dteed at Harker's, 59 Market stmt. • Shawls and Cloaks cheap at Barkers, 50 Mar kit street: . hrt3C,hilks,,..taew SION, at Barker's 59 Mitrkct strret. . • tf. VIAIE7I2ft Tuverne.—The"e'4` - topnlar Smythe is nightly. crowding his beauti ful little theatre with lame and deligbded awn-- Neves who testify by. their onboinded applause the-great success Of his leviathan eXarts. hiss Jti In Christine captivates all by her charming dancing: Miss Nbcon, Miss Lehman and the eel etratol "4iticade Family." together with the mammoth stock - eouipany. - succeed In giving tt: best Variety entertainment ever pr,sent,vl In this city. -There arc over thirty-fire ladles and gen tlemen now performing_ at the Varieties, tued their efforts are tilling- manager Smythe's-tress (try with whole bushels:of "stamp;."- Visit the .Vadetleaand our word Or It you will, be trebly repaid for your time. • grlYctsr. FOTICIL— The attentson or ..our rend es Is directed to the brilliant! vestment of .Fall and Winter Goods just received - by our friend Mr. John Wrier, No. INiFedend. street, Pilleghany. stock coinprlses a great TnriMy of Fanc7FreneicEnglish, VassiteJsami American Cassimerea and Cloths, and Dna Silk sad Cast - .Inere Vostlngs.iiill of whlck - will be mate 1. 1 P.1n order in tbe latest stylus and II the best Manner. I choice scientism of Furnishing Gssis a/ so on land and .for sale, together with a full stack of Brady-. Made Clothing, well mad feabionably New Goima past reemoeo as. tae Merchant Tailoring establhhmest of Graham t MeCand lea, 73 Smi.:.deld street.. We would most res pectfully invite the sttaution emir friends wed the public in general . to our now stock of fall and winter goOthi. They mute!' all the very latest styles of English, French and American eassimeres and vestings r all of tho finest quality, and is selected with the greatest care Gentlemen deshing fashionable and well tends , slothlng, srould to pre us a call before punhasing elsewhere. Every garment - war . rested to give full satisfaction in brfth pla lad relay. • &MCC/01=WD lf admit Tailors. Era. 73. Smithfield sh 'tea. tO3 ScnaTretrtes im VOLCISTBERS WertCl3 it tin. 13- Market Arent; .Pittsburgh. Iligheat entli bounty paid. Qentlemen lranting anbatt ,tutt..t. and Committee men can save Cato and ,ntonryld calling at. N 0.42 'Market street:. A Trap= paid to any one , bringingtt recruit. on autettlette. — - , .044 Catran9; - 41:ai - adttlinistratton of medicinal pal:mations In lb.:florin of is lozenge, is of; an iznets the tncist.:eliffiblif end corrtehlent,, more esocelslll a regaidso Cough limns*. Brown's "Bronchial Troches or Cough Lozenges allay fol iation, which induces . caughlig, ring Instant ID Bronehttis, Roil= ess; nfl menu, and C,ocsatoptive and Asthmatic. complaints.. , , A Jrirr.L.---Buirdout purifies. bozodont tines: iBozodimt gratifies all who uss it., 804 by •Dyariglits and Perfumers.' - Pra.rFS. $l2B MONttrealuce thTH.--Aentit T arelishere; SO Ie new 'BUts Carl Stotstrullogar Mangy Saving Afautfm,' the only los( price oust/dna la the oouhtry which Is &masa by Grover & Balser, Wheeler k Wllaon, Stowe,. Wlnyes& Co., and Bachelder:"balary and expenses, or iroyin commissions allowed: Atl,other Machines now sold for less' than' forty dollars each ate fa frinysowatt, and the seller nntluner liable.. MOW.. t" ot reulara.eotfret. Address SH A W & °Gain: . }Macron!, Maine- •„ nollkamdastrr . AN'rED--$7O A btlkiTlL-1 want I.lkgeuta ever:,,here, et p7J a month, emu-mace paikto Wert Articles, the brat eve, °fitted. Full particular free. Addreee ( TLS T. OXlLEY.l3looereut. elntae. , etn2B:3le.UivrT sPi S ~_.""‘ i .FD—A. G 1 Ttirri F lt, - I,c) lake rate' • T ' ... or a tia. 4 41.1g;tilen ‘ .ceitr th e -. ally, upon w!ifeh ji a Vlnessr4; rtinalnder In orchard. Iteccnalend talon, rclultaL Irn.dre nt the dt-261.f CITY 11111.1. F., Lazily tercet. , . - E)lTTsltunort scuooL OF DEsiaN i.titutton tem Leer., its tr nu the Fi Y FtIIITUA ot ocsaion I» ' , Ulna's hew ICST to et, Fifth rtrort. The ol,ject of tais ochool la the to. etructlou end training young letter in the urinal; ither, mote 14,id-oerup euo etln ' lilnu ore noir open - to thew, and brinelog the eitireua of ..P,ttsbury,h and suburbs ut tt teethe elerating mud, refitting let uorwea Of art. Circulars will be ready en Monday the 231 Burt. 103SSEY, P.residerit— ltd alcr BAlLMAN.iiecrettoy., WM: WADE, .Vicn President. FRANCES SELLERS', Treasurer. .I.IC. 'Moorhea Berry, kleon.. l A. a inter,ry, ' 'At, P T. H. Shoenberger. ' Lyon, Thos.lll.llowev, Andrew Carnegie) Win• 0. Darts, 31.. Janes, .7atoos Park; Jr.; -James J:11. L 3 op, AL Coeper, _ Wm. Thaw,, eLorloy, Vr. ito;u:co,„ D. '3lodosohlisa, 1)1IWorth, PreeleetallooEty, edeot wage, - .Ihniesihtrk; J. D. Lyon, PIIITSBILIIII.I.Ik 15.4.# Atiediatis ei LONG; . atiIIMPALOVIIiiiItit Or' rwsrar ,GROUND-rCIRCULA,RE4, . _ Warranted OAST , STEEL SAWS. of mere do. aerintlon.•- 3tlll,•Sfulayi thou Out,. Gang,,nad all otherviuleties. . . AU kinds of KNPMS and SPRINGS, =derma Sheet Cast Steel ;libelist Rained REAP= AND •MOLVInu NNTYLIc - Ito: IR-Warehouse wad Works, corner WATER and . 8110IIT STUEETS, Pittsbnrgh. ParticuLar attention. given to Retioothlar,, Guns• sting and Straightening eiroulnrSnare; also, re, pairs of all kinds. - Punching and Drilling dace at etiumsble rates. a t rINIII. BAS.IIIIILut Boiled Makers ",liest, Iron Workers, Nos.'" W., 9i and 36 PENN . STREET, TaUfittitU ina curawie4 with the most Imptovedmiae eery, we are PtVl4 VI to Manufacture every dederlption of BOILERS, in the beet =land. and warranted equal to any made in the' eminap onntucErs, BRIGIIEN, BEDS, STLA.M PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS SALT PANS, TANS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLING" PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, end sole manufacturers of BARN IIILL'SrATENT BOILERS. Repairing done on the shortest notice:- dried! LARILI ISVET.I3IO6. Copper Kill and Smelting Works, PlrrsEulGu. PARK, M'CURDY & CO., Manufacturers 'of SHEATHING. BRAZIERS' St BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOT TOMS, RARGID STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER. Also, importers and dealers in MET ALS, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE An. Constantly on hand, INNER ." MACHINES and TOOLS.. WarehonsdNNo. 1 OFIRST nod 129 SEG , 0: VIl STREETS, rittebutgli. Special orders of Copper main xsly desired pattern. st3.7.lnytlawT " RE. 3 / 4 de. CU.. (summers to -10.7 _ 11.11x - ic Mu.taine. - Washington Werke, Fouls - DrSig Ararikrialumsrs, Pressrun/an. idanufneturert of 111.12 a AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, LAST ENGINE.S, MILL CRINERY, fIEARING, SIIAFTING, CAST. INGS of all deserip!lons, OIL TANKS & STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET nioN wor.K. gar Agents for(IIITARD'S PATENT ntrEcr. 011, for feeding boilers. OMAGH AILI.TIEETLL..LEW . SDTEEELW.RE. R&VOLAM /MEM & CO., (Sucecteors to REFVEU, HAOTX.OI h GO.. Manufacturers of '0 AST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; SERESIGS, Lt.'s', CROWBARS, /se. Sit-Works, FIRST WARD, `Allezheny. Post (Mee address. PITTSITURGIL !attar 8 ::r.1411 NX.ILVOUS MILIEVEREUII OP BOTH SEE ES.-A rovererid gentleman bay loz been restored to henitt. inn few Jaya, after un zeroing the usual routine and irregular enpsnal mole of treetteent without eutorsa, considers It hi fncred duty to communicate to hu stnlctel folio creatures the means of cure. Bence, or( the rood', of an addressed envelope, he wlllsendarcv, •eopy of the ptescriptlon toted. inreet to Dr. JORN Iff. DAG,NAIAL, OS Fulton (root, N. Y. rotttitlydswT ESKIFIRA Y. dr BUD.. Mannino_ %ITV -Loma of IRON VAULTS AND WILT TH.ORS, IRON 'LOLLING. WlNDOWStarr wyt;,4, WINDOW GUARDS, ac., No.. 91 SXO. trill end 111TIIIRD STRELT. between Wood and :quite, bare on hand a variety of sew patterns, furry and plain, mailable for all puipores. drar. Particular attrtntion fald to r mingle; Grave LOU. Jobbing don,' at snort notv, eu2 SI2I . INAL, URINARY AND OP TILE - Df SEXUAI: SYSTEIneI• and • tellable treatment—ln Ito. pert, of tho Ilowshl Association. Sent by null traird letter envelope. free of mare. Address v , ..I.SKILLENLIOUCIRTON,Iicoraid Asraciatlon, N 0.3 South Ninth street, Phila. . 14 ISE ItY 11. COLLINS, VORWAYM ,and srbolcsale dealer In (lIIEESII, BUTT SEEDS, and produce generally, No. 'WOOD STREET Pltlebumb. nol TILE GREAT PURIFIER. ITEMAPANAKA. hi nee the introductton of me4,lone. the arlyta of has perhaps been the subject of more so rb:us and selentlflo consideroUon by the most learned of the profession than any other connected with the laws of the Great Creator; not • taw have reaseodeg that all disease* twee their origin In the 0.0{121101; others. the solids of the body; entry ,rnatn. end to; far the greatest number. eocassaA and reason thebtbe BLOOD Itself In the very fountain of life—that If it becomes impure r then dtseAss to Its worst forme—Serofuot, Cancer, Ulcers. in.. lS7Pern; also imleed. experience la treating this ciao sof als o ars by yarifmna blood and thereoy eiraethals their eradication cure, prove this to oe the corned theory : upon which theory. the med. trine nos known op nEMAYASIAICA. was composed and brought nto Ipfiettet; pooduclog the cunt pat. lf,ing results. Its UiFllOOll exerciser much a mastery over SCROFULA, iILOLIIIA.TIONS, PIMPLES Oa Tun FACE. TETTEU4IiALT !MEWL, LIVFX CUIIPLA LASS APPETITE. UYSPEPSLS., OEM; ETA DEHILITY, • as to glee, from the time it it first taken, eneonr. amment to the tient, by making.both seen and felt, the good It Ii 'about to acoomplisit. It was thought beat to put it up in bottles at We and el.oo even,—as many perilous aredisposed to fry an arm.. ele but are often deterred 'at the expense,--eo the trial here can be made At 'a moderate °tithes, sad satisfy tbs....purchaser that. the Artielo to what to claimed tor purchaser_' be, - vlsi the greatest Lawn aim . brought before. the parole. Delicate Female, will tint to it. Inn Modicum they . need. 'that the publie mat form some Idea of its peeu linr curative merits, we subjoin a list of the indeed pal articles of which It is composed, with esker description of the uses Awl adaptation of wiehd ken from the highest authority known to medics science. • HONDURAS SARSAPARILLA Ls used with a beneficial effect In casein' Rte1121:171. t end Scrofulous Athfctlons, Cutaneous Illastaes mm4'ollo, depraved eowll.l.lona health. ;ti Katie, diuretic. cud aperient. It ken • roma Olen upon the liver, exciting K when lenguld, to secretion. It hag - bens much used In Germany to dboenes Of the digatlve origami. lODIDE P01'42810)4 There are few diseases In whlchlt hrianorprerett beneficial ; used In Scrofulous Affeetioos With great beuer.t; It haaalso bath used with in oak sacs arse In treateneut for Itillammation of the 144 II generally Increases the appetite and flesh. Are srotostlo, took,' And highly invigorating la essei of Nervous Debility. TA eared:slip' Yalu: Mkt La coos , : of Scrofula null Rheumatism. Are ntlynotngeounly used la eases of .Etireobled n Ge n n t e o enl b Debility w ee i p t b en ta/ 'Wpopl ef e t :ote:l.o to Wet It ads favorably as an alterative in Ohronla Af fections, Chronic ltheutiatLaur aal obstLnata 111 series of the :it al.. • • • • - • • • The bnlnnee a the formula is ivilliheld ea • pro , tention agalar.: fraud. For gala by SIMON JOHNSTON, COIL. SMITTIFIELD in FOURTH STS., • • Ask your Intelligent Physlolan his °pluton .he Above melee- VifitNlT U 11E, AND CANE AND . WOOD CHARS comviiir.vw-= ' ' 1 ' lnmes Lnalgitl4o, O. W. 115tu 11m,: Vul.Thaie.,-ztairo - yem.. Opposite E. Falmitodsor. & 00.%1.14 FIFTH IrriLeEri.7-131,1WZOW vgeresi:. t icen tea nitl.t.; only atilt paptilan neer; Mr..(70111.110CR and hts talented danghtor, iilpa cot! r.. 1) (R. Jr.r Co - S dank in hit went nereona Clan et Peter Priasity, la. tbs neoi andnxig- Ina] drama or tb r OVEISMET CORNER.. THIS •EVENTZaII. the original and dontsatlo drama, by H. T. ()mien, rad., entitled 'TUE CRIX.2:LT &MENZEL TRIMBLE'S VAALETIE. • - ?KKK STILIWK SBAR IT. CLAIM W.l). SNYTKE....... Lamm and Manager. Co/DM - fora AT O'CLOCK. '" ArrclADZ:rdldlLY, • - and or over • 2111271.CYCHEIVEIRSTALASk AATISTES In 6 piogiaintrie never equalled lh Pattshugh. mHiscTio BALLr , ITSITIVELY FOR DAYS ONLY , • • ~ ne Wedsday Evening; Fob.:lsth, 'AND THESE FOLLOWING NIGHTS. Mae es PaWitty alletWOOn et 1.12 Wdetk. AILTEIUS WIRD illollo MORMONS. Prom 806 Broidway New .Ifork. The public is respectfully_ tatermol that ANTE. AIDS WARD:AMONG THE MORMONS is pre. oir.cly the same entertainment whiff - . by recently .Re red Ruch unqualified and.brilluint euccesaes in the diet of NowTorlti Philadelphia, awl Roof The Colossal Petotfcgt.R, Illustrative el' MOlt. M Oll 'TOMEI] AND MIDIMON PIMPLE, enl, hter2.l4 faithful 'less pt Sen•Transtsco, Washes, the land of SUIT'', the Hunt; 'Great Mit 'Lake. City, the Mormon Thefftrm:Brigham Yodel's House, Heber O. Klmbelifs liareau'the Tabernacle, Groat Salt Lake, the FAtowment House, Echo Canon, Life-like Pictcao otsitrighsta' Young and hie Wive., from the bntshes at the foremost or living scenic artists, will be cheerfully_ and center. Rationally described by the'GREAT HOMORIST, narrDwort LA ' YEN DE R iLOWtItS WINTER GREEN CHAMOMILE FLOIVERS MEZEREON DARK Pittsburgh, P. S4lllng ■t reduced prices, WHOLESALE 011 RETAIL.: JAS. W. W00DW4414 N 05.97 and I ' 4 TIUBD au. in VotTATU STILE= risTomr.rrs. Mee Probity, %god sixty 51..riCoubloA. Orsee Emory--- ......... Uoullea. The entire Comp/my ...... oast. • panto • ••• • Elia Sylvester. Ta eonolvsle with the MAID wrrn TER waracura THIS*97NIN6, the boattifel - • MU* JULIA. Clltt/STIICE The bewitching • „Miss ADELAIDE NIXON • _ ARTEMUS WARD. , Admission, 23 cents; Reserved beats, GO seats. Doors open at 7, commence a1:11 o'clock, Tickets can lir:obtained at .he following places: Kkbh 8r0.., Charlotte Illume`s AM/ Mellor's Music Store.; mien at the Concert nail Shoo Stare and at the Hall from 10 until i o'clock on each Sac of calithittob. Tickets for the :kistiace will be 23 cent s to ell parte of the natl. '1 he Piano and Cabinet Organ need are from ril , her h Ilene. Male Starr. fete.4t CERT HALL. POSITIVELY TIIREE NIGHTS ONLY. ,londay, ruesdny end Wednesday, Febr•nq Inth, link, and 15th THE GRIGINAL AND ONLY CHRIStY'S MINSTRELS. Ttvehty betatliehesl Artistes in the Etttiopeas per orrnance, and the world rcaowned comedian, ti EtlllllE OURISTY, 3. W. Raynor, /danagor. The resources of the Christy's are superior to any minstrel organization is existence, which en ahles them to present to a superb manner all Um humors and oddities of Southern plantation life, to all its broad, original And mirthful phases. All the crest farces, burlesques, extravaganzas, he., he., which have mode the name of Christy'. Minstrels as famillsr as Household \Voris, will be produced during their sojourn here. Admission, to cents. Children, Y.l rents, . S. IL SURIIIIKI 11, Agent.. TTORXilrs. JO , ETT M. OA/MA9 ---- GILBEIIT WY..STEW M aIASTEIt GA:I2A L 31, SOLICITOUS OF AIMS AND PATENTS AND ATTCIIINETS-3.T.DANT, DS CHANT STRE.EIT, Pittsburgh Llceront by Gorerfament to collect 11 . 9liNTIES, 'PENSIONS, 111AgE.PIT AM all other Military or Nand Claims Artlnst. the Cnft.A StAte*. NT: lITINT.IIED POLI.ArN, due soldlers 1 cn secoutd of vrowuts received in bstrle , ,ected inuledistelv. OR-Call at 8$ GR.VNT STREET, opporltt, the Cat htdral. orrasy • "no, J. htf.V.PAN iI KEEN.AN &t . HANCOCK, •. 481.1titcsx-xacrynomextseZa9,w, , 31 DIAMOND ET., PITTSBURGH, PA. Branch 01Iles at Franklin. Pa, V. attend promptly to all precisions) bulbuls mitto,l to Oa., aid esorcially to matters No-' n.ted with the oil Int. - N..rt to either Pit:sent - 4k or Efor.irlin, Mr. Hancock being perntriu. my located to 1.1,11r.110, and Mr. Heenan to Pittsburgh. Refer to the Judges of the Suprema I.lourt of Pcrortyltunia; Hon. B. W. Willies., Judge of the District Court; Bon. Waiter .1.1.. Lorrrtr, Eo. Oh. J- Strortne Court; i.‘mlth a Hunter; Brewer, Burke k Co.; Henry polllnsi W. W. Ward, a White. Orr er.'eo. [Mk rereod BOUNTAIS. W. I. & HALL PATTERSON. Array and Navy Agency ti 0.114 FOIJItTR ST., PittattUrgh. PENSIONS protorred; BOUNTIVIS,BAI:IC And PRIZE MONEY, awl COMMUTATION OP AnoNs Meilen*** prieenors collected. PAY OF PRISONERS OF WAR can be dtzeol t, their wives or widowed mothers. r*Ort IrOU24D — ED — BOLDI.IIRS. $lOO Bounty to all Wounded Soldiers, Is Dow belng paid to all with a "Disetoute." No cher& male Until them o . f .. vali t erL y, Licensed he 11. 8. Goeernmen No. 103 FIFTH SM/.BM',, &Mod door below the Cethrdrel. . teradesW , --- P. (I. 11.1 , 1[3[SLL ' Jl.. JOSITOOM AIACKHELL x JpipitiON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ASS U.S. LICENSED SOLDIERS' (11,alid A6mr4 naiades tor WaandaiSoLltati lanceted tit frac en to twonty dors. ire Office No. se OnAri aralnrr, Pittaltnrsh r _ (.7-‘ l l adth data:ale and.two*ttneicec. aottaty _ _ . MILITARY. CLA.IIIIB, PSNSIONti notnirnE.l, BACK PAY and XILTTAN Cf.AIWA_ of every description, collected bi.•the sulecriber, M the following retes t , els rPonstons OW. all (Over otAintsYLOß . ;LI U TA I3. G , Attornej.ot..Law,_ N.rant etaolc P ittsburgh. Pe. N. No cherges are made vas oLslisk does zet' puttee& information girengretts. sells N OiCif" - W.I3IIAFER, ATTOFtNEY-AT-LAW, No. to rirrti Bram, Pittliburithi Chitin for PENSIONS, BOUNTT, PEIEE MONEY, ta,orlgorouslyproscastal. jAIII - ES LAITEIITY:, . . .• ' ATTORNEY-AT,-LAW, ;, . All Legal Dye.CM promptlyfittended to. , PI ttabnrit Ki-Otnon, r'o. SS FonSTU irrf err, near Geas i t . - , ' apl26lmisin ---'—' SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, -BOUNTIEp PENSIONS AND Aromas or PAT. Promptly attemledto by ATITU I I7II9 at lIIDDEtL, No. 133 FOURTH ST., Pittsburgh, Pa ,otadaliP Fuurr AND EVERGREENA, &cv Of APPLE, we hive some VlO,OlO, owl of nil the Jeeding varieties mint 711011tAble itir-tW* itttitalom We have extra line tn.., se Early (torrent, Ittsthitto !Walt, itol (AwlFalloivater, Onto], King of Tornplaits Uo., Rhode Lanoil t3reen, Rome Beauty, Rambo, limokovaiso, rfolmtiPo Swett, , 1111th 'e Uhler, with I% vary largiCiotaelr of PIIA Olt RV, PEAI3II, Pi It till A 1313 TREltti, nosE.4,,,oitigr.unr it EllY, aIIitENHOLISE i• LANDS itiro7occi. A. 6 our stook to large, we ofl - er groat luildrements to planter. owl wholesale purohasors. firtioro loft st the tirern-lloose, Oakland, or Pit IN#3, Qt• lire, will he promptly /Mended to , JO ltlNN3li,.Tr.~ lICIVARIvr Pittiburrh nod t_ . "7tarigal Nurorrle SILNEU'PLATED 211E.A.Z71:1"It`..tELOTC:AZI:Sr. • Wsiten, Castor!, ac., &a% tulttiblb tor tho Trade on hand and for man by ; , VILER & TIOSS, 226 South sth et„ PHILADELPHIA Jald.g,m OYdGGS & SCOTT, , IRON CITY MATOff. WORICS,, • Dilworth , e Banding corper ot grant rare Seventh elects, rittlaburgb.. oc=My sc. 0-PAitTNEHSHIP.—I have thig day iiwoht.twi with mein the. FOUNDRY AND ENGINE ntr. Hoprrtne ORR: HUGH lit. DOLE. - INDUSTRIAL WORKS. HUGH' M. BOLE Be, CO., Pre & . Han nrnetuters of. BOAT A STATIONARY STlLkat, ..tHrGINEs. CASTINGS Light sad Helm, HAM TO ORDER- Special - a tentlort pal to the manufacture of. Engines for Oil Weil tr UNDRY, THIRD Street, near Market street. MAORI NA SHOP and - OFFICE, corner of POlNTalley Lax DO UESNH WAY, PITTS HURON, Pa.; •' gtrisjesed of our interest In the Fonadri lupine/a to: aura. HUGH 1d..../306E EL 00., we trpuld recommend them to our Melt& and forme/ na letro. • , VIS tr. CO :! 17Cttbinzb, Sna. 9, 1966. . - • felted DISSOLUTION.—Tho firm or LITTLE, k. THIMBLE le this day disinised by Mutual ooziest, the dissolution to take abet from the 21 inst. *she bash:mato( the Late LLrm will be sealed byTHOS4 LITTLE, Sr., who Will continua at the old standi:ll2 and lid Second street. THOS. LITTLE, Sc., Err:vinvitsw po a my interest In the 'Wholesale Grocery business to THOS. LITTLE, Sr., I cheer. fully tecon.mene him to my frlendeand customers. . , ...LUSIT3 TILT/01L . 1 - • COTARTNERSHIP. 4 4IIOB. LITTLE,I hat .asioeLatedowlth Alau a $ summers to UTILE & TRIMBLE, BAWL 11. BAIRD, Slate ptl ar e a of BIOPT 1111211 VA & CO., Clereland, - Uh co,) and JANR•I PATTO7 Jr under the and style pU.,ITTLE, RIAD . PATTON, ,to laheeffrot on and after' Jan sty 24,1865, at the oht staaN Nee. CI and Ca Second street. Pitts. %arab, Pa: LITTLE,-BAIIID h PATTON: tel:lmd . . IT)ISSOLUTION.—The Parinersnip here-- -..' tarois ...lading betireen the tutdendfened, an bleithe style of .1. E. LINDSAY k 00., (Excelsior 1 Itoi Worke,) was inuolvedon the CM da of Do. !ember, 1861. - • -- J. R. LIND SAY' I. W. GASKIL I i -'.; . ' • WM. TATTNEA. '1 CO-P$ 0-POPTI4 E BB 111 P. —The undersigned entMer. Into a co.pattnerehip on the MM day of I Detain " 4106.1, for the purpose of cm rylng on the ' mar. nre of IRON and HINGES, at the EX 'CE R IRON WORKS , nem-Mannheider, Al. ; leab • ecantv. Pa under. the name and style of - LIN AY, OWENg h. CO. • JAMES R. LINDSAY, . ..„ JOSJOSHUAW. GASEILL, ... WILLIAM TATTNELL, ROBERT MOODY, REESE OWENS, PRANUIS SELLERS. Purroponou, Feb. 10, 1005. zeltawd I~IBSOLITTION OF CO-l'AltTliEß- Partnership heretnfore eidsting tetiveen the undersigned, under the tine name of IMPTON k CO., for the manufacture of Silva( Pearl arid other Soaps, lins this dny been diasolrel by withal conned. SAMUEL M. KIER JOANC. untyarroN JOHN FOSTER. Plttaburgh; srpt.Bo, wi~:::~ri~ i:~~i•~:~di7w =Mara to MANETACI lout at Silrei Pearl mid Superim Soap 3 rn LIBERTY STRLET, pr T9BE:MOW de2:1)11 iIIiSOLUTION NOTIcE.—The Part nership heretofore exist, ne- between MENET G. PALE and T. M. t ure the o HEN RY MALE L a. 'CO UTL ,dotal I s e style reeral Tat. loringtruslatu at the e6reer of Peen and St. Clair street., Pittiburgh, Ps., la'thls 'tiny dissolved by utplettl eocr.ent, the dissohition to date from Jan uary 2t, thes. EMMY G.ALALE L puthorised to settle the busieess of the late firm. "HENRY fi. iIn.LE, • J. M. LITTLE. Pittsburgh, January Nth, 1%0. - CARD.—in retlqng from the firm or HENRY 0. HALE la CD., I tale this method of recommending Alt. HALE no being every way worthy the patron age of the public. He n ill In future, ea he has in time past, by honest and brie dealing, maintain his remitatitn on n ekfllhit and an accomplished mr ehruale, and I knew will give entire satisfaction to ell who may fluor : WO with their patrong, Intlawd J. AI. LITTLE- fISSOLUTION OF -CO- PARTNER SUIP.—bretIee b hereby given teat the inn nenthlp Wulf eubeledon between WM. R. lIAS. I.FIT end ALF. DAVIS. of the t City of Plttsbne , .b. under the elan of A. DAVIS le CU.. wax dlnsolvul on the :411 day of Yanusre, 1465, by mutual cotrunt.. All deb!, owing to snbb Arm are to be recelvul by *Aid IVM. B. DASLIVT, And nil declundu made to him. ' , WM. 11. HASLETr, fetamd, ALF. DAVIS. "(OPARTNERSIII.P. Mu. 1011N.$. BELL., for a number of ilkara la charge of ply Clolh Dtptrtment, has pur,h3aed na tt,tereit to my tal,lets to data from Jan4a I y t9th, 156 i ,, the style of drat to XA Le ND BALES ex ALEER BATES, LL. Ftfth Street. I, 01 mr COPAIITNERSO.IP. • lVe lure associated with trsVA. Dons, grata and retrral pro•ltace b 111111,163. J AMY , OiI:SSW( and CULI.:LEIN, partnerek 11) dltint FEU- R' A.RY 151, amber the ,we of e,tterana. Ammon &Co. ' 1). PATTKIZSON,. 0:t ADAM AMMON. ( I NKR ti.lll 1 N OTIC —C . C. lIAS 'LIfY .t,a FRANK VAST GORDF here 1110 lAy a.neimed then:ow/yr, Often. Aft thAt ,,,, ton er , 4 4 . errors.' PRODU , Ot: N (NFALVD , SION 11U- Irik.%sS. Wkrehouse Liberty ortrt - rt. ' fet ' 4 ' BOOTS lax", sztors. JUST RECEIVED BOiILAIMS, au.l Ila:Into and Fe. a itacrahnea, amt linalle Hoots, suitable for this weather. • . c t npalt l CLOSING 01.111 OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK L or i t t l , ll . Youth's, ,and BORLAND'S. • Felt 04 Marl?t street.ld door from Fifth. I ADIEs• .14 Flannel-Llned KID RALIK/R/I.LS LANE'S Morocco SNOT ROOTS LADLE'S CA Concren (4/LITERS, Upped, (Bat's) 4 SS LADLE'S KW Congress G/LITERS, (pletn,) , t 4On .12 .rto. tia Market Street. • SOUTH & ROSS. Jaen CLOSING HALES TO QUIT suarrnms AT can, LT AG Federal Street,alleghenv. I:fan nal , IMMIX oft my entire .took of BOOTS, GAITIAtti, BALbIORALS, SLAPPEILI, ho; .1.. T COST, logo Into other business. Basil dealers And the public generelly will Ind It to their edynntege toesli and einutine my stock, es I am determined to otos , ' out , in the knot thus mosible. (WOW AT 130$T. W. IC IeCLINTOCIPL. .fct 90 'Federal st.. Allegheny Oily. IikDIES wisp, se. SOMot 15Ireet liELtf3 TILE lILST, TM: NELTMT 11T1130. Aad TEE BIOST DIJRAI4,III. ztaceres ALwi:P zazz!aisps, Of any lyatie In the city; Ile has fast received a akegnideeat Fell S Ock. VIE "STAR" :WORM . Just .REarrrto Br ' 6EOIIGE ALBREE, 86X,St C0.,1 • , , • No. is WOOD STRF.ET. Be~s' sad Youth's Itlr,111.1%1"" _." , " Bootees; , uhluireal Goat and KM Shoes. 'these goods Fre made to our spatial • • .r; SM ate warranted unequalled custom work. 00.16 . BOOK:S. .41LISIUMS . c . . A, NEW 1300 K BY M. 01.11ZOT, , .1.. 3 bledltationn on • the Ers.-nce of Christ-oily', and on the H ells lour Quo :thrum of the dor ni 73 iiftritte'S Contewntnry on Alather, ert teal, • herellelienl. end • , i 00 . .): WI Clonoruntery on 711Attnew and Marti; erttleal, lin:role! teal end &ocarina 6,00, Life end Etna ties of Ot. Paul, by Concybe tra 7 u Ilaon ,5 3. The F tre ederalist, with nn introduction, by 11. D . Intmon 3,73 The Ortrin and liirtury of the English Lau ,. gunge and the Early Literature that. It Embod ies, by U. P. Marsh 4,03 - Lecturer ou file English Language, by G. P. • itierall. 4,00 Front ban to liershetot, by J. P. Newinnti, D.D., with Map ant Engtaviena; a yawl ac.. con,prwslan.ent for the Laud and the Book—.l,u -1 (scone fur Every t4tnday in the Year. 3 se rice. A Merril disrount to elergymen M.:alder's Plenr,lng and Training or the Citureiten by thy gtptutie.' 7. To READ, icil fi -7Trourth• Street. lidttEs . . . • . . • . . . • .. . . . . • "JE'gC:O3Et 3.0.0t54 Pass stink still pn hand, SELLING- OFF LO!P CLA.I3K . at • 93-Wand st. ------- ALL PAPER! WALL PAPE .R.--To , make room for new goodc we wilt sell tor .to at teolies4 rates till the Orel of r llnrck next.- Pupa, GAD allit papers of all grades, awl make It tuir latercat lush:cue a,at N 0.107 Market street, 305. It.' 111.701 - 14D3 itifo. • .• .• . . ..,'TiEDiE .atL. i t inaeHßErs HOMEOPATHIC SPECMCS, A FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECLITEIL THEY SATE BEEN IN USE TOE YEARS AND THOUSANBH HAVE BEEN Oursraf - sy rinua. READ THE' LIST OVER. Iga.l—Clurea Ferer.Congeattonandlndanimaden , Heat, Path and Beatlenness; and the Int stare of the acute and IntaammatorY . rice " ate. No. s-,-Cures Forms river, Worm Colic ea Ver. Wows Appetites, Wetting the Bed. Prim' No. 3,-Caree Colte, Teething, Crying atut "Wake. Wawa, Blow Geowth-and Feeblenem of Infant/. Price 36 oink No, 47-Curor Diarrhea., •of IMlldren or Mutt s Maws Inlafituna and Stoma Contolainto. Pries to mats. Nos. 6 =I 6 care tha Wont owl of Maple fa. tiro. 6-43ures ttraeoltrir l!aoody Plus, OM, Orikop, Collo,'Fal Driestary. Plica 1.15 &—EtiCholerk, Cholera Kerbs', Newt, *tut Vomiting., Aatarriatte Breathing. Wawa& No. 7.—Cures Coughs, Colds, Mamasits, Nem o:hit* Whelan and gooa. Throat. Price /16 cents This and No. newer Nal to care the worst Cold niuUl Gotisk,. • rro. 6—Coles TOORIPIUMO, FIA6/4463, Xenon nein and Tic DoWrenn. Price an main Hushs --buns Headache, Siete Headache, Tattle, Hush of Blood to the Head. Price le costa. In addition with No. to, It peter tale to ewe all moat Inveterate calve. NO. 10—Varta Dyspepsia, Weak; told or Doran, *4 Stomach, Coostlp:stlbo, /Aver Oamplaint, ot itllloua Condition. Pelt* at. cents. Itrirehtints for all CUP Of. Weak pigeStio2l and 'Bilious Complaints. • . Pro. it—Corea Suppressed Menses, or Scanty, at rainful, or Delaying, Green Siensms. OS mt.. No. 19-. Cures Leueorines or Whites, Beariou Down too Profuse Menem 113 cents. Na. rs—Ceres Croup Hoarse (km:my Oortigh Dllllcult and Oppressed Breathing.. 1 cents. No 14—Ottrea Salt Illtemm, Crusty Empties", Eryeleclse, Scald Heed, Barbers' Itch,Timples ao the Face. tb (1111:41 No. le;—Cimesslthen . matlem, Pahl, Lameness, or Soreness in the Chest, Back, Side. or Limbs, or &elation. lb etas. , No. la—Cures Old and Ague, IntermlUeut Fe• Per, Dumb Ague, DO - aerate Agues. ' No. 17—Clures Internel nal, Bleeding, 'Recent or Obstionte.or Exer 60 c oot. Mad This irmedy hes cured thousands Of the wont possible caws. N'o. 16—Cures OptlAbalosla. Weak In Inflamed Eyes or Eyelids, Falling or Weak sight. Be cents. It may - always be relied upon for a cure. [MEM No. 19—Cures Catarrh, acute or chromic, dry or Cowing, Cold In the Ueda, Influenza. 03 emits. No. 20—Cares KhoopingCouh,.horening and P li ti =b= u T (° ti ire)4Viv=tt. No. 2.l—CuresAsth - ms, Oppressed, Difficult, La bared Breathing, Cough and lispecteratiou. Price GO rests. Hundreds hare been eared by It. No. 13—Cures Ear Dischargee, Nola." in th !lend, Impaired Hearing, Ilarsehe. 23—Oures Scrofula, Enlarged elands, ecd Tonsils Swellings mud Old Ulcers. 60 cents. Has cured the wont cases. No. 13—Cures General Debility, Physfeel or Ner• tees Weaknems. 60 cent. -1 No....—euree Dropsy, Flo.lll Acaulanfattens, Tn. mtcbwrilinga, with Scanty Sccrctiona. GO amts. 26—Cures Seu,Sickpens, Prom:ration, Tertian Linemen, Vomiting• Mil cent. No. Vi—eures Urinary Diseases, Dearel, Renal Dleloult or Painful Urination. SO seas. It cures old cosies of Kidney Illscuses. "No. 29—For &unkind Engrain:2e, InToluntory Discknrres raid con...lunit Prontrotion and Lind Itemlts or Evil Hnbite. Price $1 00. 1 - Iw. Mott efficient remedy known, and stn tw cella upon, as a sure cute. No.ZI--Claree Sore Mouth or Stomach, Oankercd Mouth of Adulte or Children, and also Nnseau and Vocaltitqcof Pregramt FClliael. SO cents. Cures at once. No. lO—Cures Urinary Ineoutincnee, 'Wetting lied, too Frequent, or Urluo• n. 31—hare. Prtintul Merkstrunlion, Preesnt :Amp or 1.•473%.11, Pruzltt., Itching, /173 C:i Oi Frmeles. It ACtl like a chmel. r:O. r--Lures Suffering rsl.n,..ure of Life r Irreg. Flushes of Ileut, arc& u.tuAle of the neut. It W. Inptherla and. 171ccrate. ' Sere Throat. en cents. 3:—Conn Convulsions or Spasms of Isff.,lts r Butts, and C[lllool of all kinfin. o. 34—Cures AiHowbeit*, iu Want of Appetite. 1...w0,a of i•ririta, Jaundice, Constipation, and Lip cr Complaints. IZ—CLLMS Bolls, Carbuncles, and my So of f be kiwi.. o.36—Curtm all aerate Sian Eruptions, as Soar. t ever, Menalex, Chicken l'ox, tea. • o. T.—Corn• Chronic Coughs, Norrmis Cough Cough. and Cough Oath expectorialon. .*--euree She Mrs nr Vatank In the head eta, Lat aloe. to the Throat. . 3P—cures Coortitutlnnal Dispottloa t• Ire • t Attacks of Headache. 1' . 40—(...'urcs Constitutional Dlapoaltlott to M. vial Mall caw TO dal family case, morocco, to vial mac. plain 15 'Mt cam N vial Phiaspan'a mule ' POND'S Eia:ZACT OP For /31Mus, Sealdn,Citatßrulses,Soreneee, Lome news, f3pratni, Bbournattam, Boiler Ulcers, Old .softa And Toothache. II nets UM n [bean. Price .rata. The trade supplied at Now York prica. • Oar ***medics by Mail. tir. over the flat, mate up a.csms of What. kind yot thane, and Inclose the amount in a current or atrium by mall to my .addreva, and the e...l;cine svtil bedutp retinued by mall or exprus trf•C of charge. , 7. IL MILTON. Fifth titre**. (D - lelalmM Milldam& Second door below tho rost9pee, Wtioloaala agent for IntUburgh and irictalt, COUGH NO MORE. TRY sinioniAlinom MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM STOIDKLANDM MELLIFLUOUS 0011111) :BALSAM is warranted to cure t.lougta,. Coldt De.rownesa, Asthma, Whooping. . Cough, Sore Throat,' ilonentoptbta, mad all airmitiona of the Throat and Lunge. For onto by Dr untrt . e. General Depot, $ Env Fourth streetiChi, „ - All the Medical men and 'the pram' memoriam DR. STRIUKLA.ND . S , ANTIOHOLERA. runEsai the only certain remedy forDlorrloosond kao " trei 6 l .4tgoLtg E gr= f natryoT n i .wananto% ono, ' Ana Inn= apis lave; Uy tatted. - For Bale by Draggleta.General Depot, East Fourth Mad, thnelanith 0. , -- STEICIELANDS PILE BEREEMY, DR. t3TRIOKLANIPS PILE BENEDT hoe' Bleeding' thousand* of UA L worst cites of Blind and Bleeding' Plies. It glees Ilaniedioto relief, and el recta a permanent Cure. Try It (Meetly. 1.1.1 a was, ranted to ewe. • • For sale by sill Drugglitx. General arepor,e East .Fourth street,lllnclunati. O. Dyspepsia, Bervonmemi, Debility DS. straumairws Tomo Ho min recommend Chao soaring with loc. Appetite, kmligettloo, or 145;411.0, - Nervotaroett mid 'Aureola D bituy, to foe Strialand'. Tor.lo It is s Vrigetaltle preparatioo, f'oe front Alcoholic liquor.; it striingthen. tho Whole normal system it cronies ei cood•appi_t dr, and re warranted to MAI Dy.prvale and blermius For salt by Drug - date generally. Proposed Ds DIA. A. Skit itiKLA ND, . Bert Fourth excel, GU cinneti, 0. For wile by DR. OEO. B. KEY SER, comer ol Wool street and Virgin nifty, and MIL corner of Rood nod Stool.) Arcola, rill• butyl; and by PARK .a. DRILL, No.T7 k Matra Direct, Alleclieny., mind rdowir • 11,TAN11000: ITOW LOST 1110 W 11.V4- .14 ,1 -1 TOECTJI—Just published, inn. sealed easel. Spo. Pelts, Str, Cont.. A Lecture on the Nature, Trdattner.t,and Radical Cure Spermstorrhtes, or Seminal WenJrness, luvoldatary Endailons, Sexual Debility, and Inmsdluteuts to Marriage. generally; NerSouincas, Votaureptlon. and Pits; Mental nod Physical Ittelpselty, resat lug from AA. By Ron?. J. OtrtYan. tryst., N.. D. author of tho Green Bartle. eteo 1100 N Ti) TI:OUSAIrDeI OF Sent, - under seal, in a plain tussled's, to any . ad. dress, post odd. on'receipt or els enamor two postage stamps, by DR. J.O R7,lsi. 127 Bowery, New York, Past °flies box 4,580. " • tjallaradtenT. 4 1:6ELIts PEACTIO2. • • IN Glyn me airnowledge eitldow actin:am: Pliyar Diy loan reaidnueu le lila city, and arc amuMat of ,pattenta treated Mutually by Me, arc ruleaient proof of my auceettn. • • • EPElilliA.Tol l / 1 1110E.A., or SEXUAL WEAKNESS' And all dlfinnaes misfit; therefrata are cured In . mune abetter time Mum beietofure by my NEW TEGETABLE r idedielnes neat in any part alo, Union . All letters must, contain ai . hterup to ?Ay return pentane. _Correntioulenue held LTHRIS:hts aireel t near IDb, mood. Addict, St'W.BRANtri.WIIIP, • Jel3tly • • --. Non woo . , iltibbUrA 111,, Dawns: s na.m: reg. . . Jakttr. COCO,: 40, B. P President. C‘s,hter, (late %lib Iron City Bann.) , • Inners Nortr i n . l3 , e , s , c , cl;l7 , lyenutres,? . FebrnsrY at% /£a./ To FURTHER - 1-1 the design et the NATIONAL BANK LAW. TO PROVIDE A. Uniform System of Currency, FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURGH. will, on gad after Tehingry lit, ISGG, reeelve from het mule/ Depositors, Inutomert and dealer", cußnr.rcr Al' P4ll. this course the publlik will Obtain PAR MOSEY FREE OF ALL CILIRGE In ezehange for their currency 'By order of tba Board. ; B. D. HERRON. Cashier AIMING HOUSE. lIOLMES & SONS. Mo. 57 Market Street; Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS REC,EITED ri PAR FUNDO AIM OIIIIHENOT • Collections made on all the principal psistaor the United States and Canada,. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SEMIS= BOUGHT AND SEND ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to .the pi/theta° and vale of OITED RATES SECURITIES, QM= rftlitil Staas Sismor Iddl; . Do. do. 8-10 s; Do. VITCI4 1040 s; Do. I;even-Tbirtics; Do. Certificates of Indebtedness. ORDERS AND vorentits BOUGIiT OR COLT.ECTEn TOSTILE PUBLIC I FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, U. S. Government Depositary PITTSBULtaff, February 1at,1E65. We rcepectfully solicit your:lausluercand offer you safety, convenience and profit. We receive current fund.- at par. We turniala exchange on New York and Phila. lhlaalto per. We al - interest on deposit., subject to eheck or an tine, as agreed on. Wo purchase Gold and Silver, ft S. Gold Cou pon., due Much, May and July, inus, at highest • Tees. We hovo on hand, for Immediate deLtrery to pro , • halters, 7-30 U. S. !TREASURY NOTES, ettlble Into B. S. 540 Gold Bonds et pm; taw 10-40 U. S. COLD DO. DS. We Fell U. S. Loans at Government rates, oral 'fly you the.Goiernment commission. Referring you to annexed list of our President, Cashier and Directors, we would bo happy to transact your moray butanes& Very respectfully, O'CONN,ER, President. S. D. ERRIION, Cornier. - PICECTOTLA : .1 AMES M .HAIL I:1, KING, r:11N T. HER oN, N. J. 1)A VID DI. SMITH, J. DI. XI KKPA rnics, THOMAS SMITH. JAS. L" TlitiMAS DONNET:CY. tot :tf TE11.1AST:1111" DEPARTMENT, Orrice OP COMPTIIOt.LER OP TOO Urnlti:NCT, Wsaniavrox, February 2,1, Ih5S. lIEREAS BF SATISFACTOR evidence presented to the undersigned, It has been made to appear that the COND NATIONAL BANK OF ALLEGHENY CITY, In-the city of Pittsburgh, to the county of Alla gheny and State of Peonsylrania, has been duly organized under and accordler. to the requirements of the acts of Congress, entitled "An Act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the circu lation and redemptiontlerent, "approved June ad, Bed, and has complied Tan nit the provision of said act required to be complied with before cow tor-tieing the business of banking under said act; Now o:croft re, I, HMI' lilrerctocti, Comptroller of the Cur rency, do hereby certify that "The Second &B leg oa al Bank of All City," In the city of Aire: cheer, In the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the bust nese of Banking under the act sferceatiL Currency Bureau, In testimony whereof "1 . Senior the witness my limul sad Comptroller of the se_ k•. ai . orofflee, this achy' Dr 7,1 Treasury Department. ol - • .......Ino 00 I 02 . ..... . 300 15 00 }NIGH mcliria.cxm. Controller of the tiurreney TRZASIIIIT DICPAILTXMTr, 4:irrrom 0719 E op erranarcrr, WAratarrrop, December 31, INC WHEREAS,eopreentlYto SA TISFACTORY'ed, e ofen made to appear that the IRON CITY NITIONIL BINE OF PITTSBURG! in ,ths yof Pittsburgh, IS the county of Allc Omer, . an d State of Pennsylvania, has been dull organized under and according to the requiremeats of the acts of Congr e ss, entitled An Act to pro . vide a Nationel Currency, attired by a pledge o - United States Sande, and to provide for the clean lation end redemption thereof," improved Suae.3 MO:, and has compliea with all Ml:provisions o said act required to be complied with bolero Corn• meneing the„busimnis of Baal:log under said act; Now, therefore, I. Reich bleCullocb, Conlacol le of the Currency, do - hereby certify thatTHE IRON CITY' NATIONAL RANK. OF :tars . Bunton? In the city of Pittsburgh, to thuenuoty of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, is au thorired to commence the Dulness of Ranking Ua du the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hen c. 61 • and seal of office, this thirty-neat day a December, A.D. 1861. • n man , 4.curmoort, Comptroller Of the Currency. - - - TREASURY DEPARTMENT, . Omen or ecocrynoLtan or van Convenor, • Washlorton. Janneith, t863.W lIEREAS,• BY SAT rra ISFACTORI evidence oriented to Qounderiligned, It ha bete made to smear that . TIIE UNION N4'llolll BANS OF PITTSBURG% . in th e City of Pittsbureh, in the county of Al lent - army., and Stale of 'Pennsylvenia, , has bens duly .organleed under and according to the -rq. 'quircments of the Act of Congress entitled Att,.te provide a National Unrreney, , setured 'by a pledge et United States Bondi, add to preside for the:circulatlon and redemption thereof," ap. • 'proved Jone ISM ad hascompll with all the, brev talent of said act required d lo be co mpiled with b e r ore commencing the holiness of bankir Now th ieid acts - fOre;'l, neon IdoCktrzoovt, Cromptiol , Unionhe - Currency, do hereby certify that "The National Bank of Pittsborgh.”in the tity - of Pittsburgh, in the county. , of Allegheny, an State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to conmenot , the business of Banking under gusset aforesaid.. Currency Bureau, • Seal of the Comptroller of the . (Mummy. Treasury Depsatment. - 1 - 111iil SAVINGS INSTITUTION, NO 110 81111TIIFIELD STIMET, (a, ,nno4lte to Custom House.) Mulcted by Cho f.asloo.tore. orramits. Preali4nl—Cp...o. D. JONTIS. TICE 1.114h1111:71114. W. 11. Smith, Joshua lihones, Thca..D. blessicr, Ales. Br.:Ley, , 1 rauels Sclicrc, A. liclwon., 3olin•P. Jennings, Joseph V.lng, 'I hoe. S. yunir, S. U. Man:llan, Beaty Lloyd, F. HUM. . TILL'3I,I=3. . 'James Park, Jr., • S. S. rewlet, D. B. Loan, J. AI. Tiernan, 14. Jas.. tiaretbers, WV. Jones, - ,- N. 15,.U. 1.3. U. wonr, ..bis-lithvorth, E. IL Ciochran, . , Wm. Smith, W. A. Heal,. .r. W. 'Woollwellc W. 11..PhPlpe, it. O. Schmertz, D. P. Mexialey, .3.•?itelli. Croestnan, C. B. Paulson IL. B. Smyth, Jacob Stuckrtith, • G. Volicnsbee, , Alfred Slack. ..C. Zug, Accretary and Treiturrr ' —D. E. . AVICLILVi. Open dolly, from 9 3. M. to 2p• trt. Also, Sahli, day cxenlng, fromB to 8 o'clock. Deposit g receive :I of one dime antl declatod in December . and .futte Drench , 1/112.4nds allowed to rowan ateldoeed to the 'trttlit.ot the principal. sad beariutor ca thus cosnrodltdiog It. • - . . . Ilooka con Mining Chml.crilty-Li,twa,BA.,i'andsctt • sir This lie-Motion o ere, irmpeetelly to thoeo imerme.whofer eerninla rut arnall , the opportunity. tJ seeneuilete, deptulta, molly auved,ll. atm which -a. mouser •tehyn needed, Weir tourer Doi only telng axfa, but—bearius toterest , nate:LAl of rentelnirte . utiproduetleo.. ne20233,-. 27. 'xi; IM.I37CERB. TuniD 2L TLOXAL BANK CORNER of IVOOD aug TiRGIN ALLEti U. S. BENSiliti AND FINAMIMIGINCT 7, 13-20 , • . This Rank keeps as fond for sate ..itte 1114 t totted States Treasury Notes; tualtakedi !Oise" eats for the tame. • Thiele the POPIITAIt LOLletho oelirelere ernmest lona n ow la the market. et yat , levist thole who hare money a este aral. desizablees. • tautly for tarextu,,ent. TWO - CENTS ABLY FOR ELOH pe - :Thew gages Are Alldagedlsll.dintist: MSC The Interest isayablesemi.annually on 16th °girdle. — teary and, taker August, at the rat. ot,itskipa blooper 'At thlV . C94l . lltloll.or CUM 711}1101 (only little over two and.a halt non] they me ex* enwisable into the 6.20 Gold Bonds. Comalastomut allowed' to Beaks and Blatura.- Intetragt will be .. pair at our Banking lionse. WIC. B. SOBNIZETZ, PEW. lona B. Lwrgoaron. Cashier. C. it. itiginewr. Assietsot Cashier. llama. TRP.A.SURT DEPARTMENT, gtrrtoi Corrootunt or xliatChtroxiiror; - .W.II.IIIII3OTON,JIMUMI7IBth, teas._ • WHEREAR--By - sattsfactou esitheace _ presented to the ha' boa • . . *ode to oppear.'thot tho THE ALLEGHENY NATIONAL'HAIII,' of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegiaap; and State of -Pennsylranin, has been duly Orval— Iced under and according to the requlrementealthe .ilet on al entitled "Ais Act to provide a National Currency, secured by it pledge of- United - Stater Benda, and to Wilde for the 012 C 4141 " and tedemption , thereof," approved /tan Id, MI. and has- complied wallah the provlsioda Of s 1 act, red to be compiled with before cowman Ing_the of , narr under said 1413 , Now, thetefore. I HUGH MOINI/XOOll, troller of the Currency, do heleby eettlfy tan= - "Allegheny National Bank" Af Pittsburgh, In the , city of Pittsburgh, In the county of Allegheny, and . State of Pennsylvania, is Authorised to command the businers of banking under the act a nd In testimony whereof, is itnesa my hand V. OMR of °Mee, this tith day of January, WS& • ' 8.) litIGH IIcOULLUeIf, fatiftra Comptroller of the (Inrceneg. DOLLAR NO. Et _ CHARTERED IN 1465. Open daily from 9 to 9 o'clock, aloe on Wafter., day and Saturday evening, -from IlLay let to No. comber let, froml to 9 o'clock, and from November . let to May let from 6 to 8 o'clock. • Deposita recelied of all eerie of not lengthen One Dollar, code dividend of the proilts declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest has been declared erminnnually, in June December since the Beak was organized, at the rate of per cent. a year. • Interest, If not drawn out, le placed to' . the credit of the deposttor as principal, and bean the gamer Interest from the first days of June and December,. compounding twice a ycantrithout troubling the depositor to call. or even to present his pass book:. At this rate money will double in lest than twelve years. Books, containing the Charter, By-Lave, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. • Pur.sricaler—GEOßGE ALHREE. VICE 1.61.3tD6NTA. William J. Anderson, A. AL Pollock, AL John G. Racket - en. Robert• Robb, Benj. 1.. Falmestock, John IL Shoenberger, James Herdman, - Janes Statile, • • , • :lames NlCAtiley,' • • Alexander Speer, • • . Lase Al. Pennock. OhrhrldanTeaget. • - datiinAdaTil6, ;•• 1191117.L.T..70691, John C.Bindley, .3 Purr A. Aladeltn, , Georgeßlack, .. :Johri Marshall; - Y ALU Burgwin,•' Waiter • Alonzo A. Carrier. • James B. D. Moods, Charles iLtAziton, • John.E. Mar tidal/eel • Wm. Douglas 'John Orr, John Renee, Bent,' John J. Gillespie, William E. ScaMercy William S. Haven, Alexander Peter H. Hunker, William Vankirk, • _Richard Dam✓' • Wm. Weyman. James D. Relly. . Dean whisuer. • • • amno..•-calas. A. COLTS/SY StorrJary—AlfES AIEEDS. ' - BISSELL'S BLOCK 10 ST. CLAIR STREET. Would cull the otteutton of tuty j g o • : 01 , 1le stook. d goods. it has been eelecte.t• wl .. . t care, 'or, a continue on the NEW.F.S*I' ST - or G 0011.3 to be found to first clam houses. - 10ente wishing a suit of clothes mode to order, will please call and exxmlue our goods and Mmes. Also, a lull ant Complete stock of • um=1.1433.12::43 Groc•cilso: W. 11. MeGEE, Dlrscruarr T.u.cos. lI.ENRY G. lIA.LE 'Merchant Pallor, GRAY 4S: LOGAN, ARE NOW CLOSING OUT TEEM WINTER STOCK OF • BOY'S ? YOUTITS AND CIEULDREIN'S AT 011EATLY REDrcEn PEIIMN ja23lv PIANOS I PIANOS I 110FPWLIT, /10EInt MTN writzEr. 324.0340M05s risilasCoilSe , flarjleist fle-ags !ft Agwiii: dote VIBE a; CO' tniitiVAIZZO PIANOS. _ fjtHE (}HEAT ENGLISH, REDIEDY.—! - - sra LOWS . CILARKEM . • • C.E4EBRA.T.ED rsmus P1LL!,,,,. ... • • •• . . p reps u red , ph f y ro d za d. a p .at res thw erlpt ranar ton . o „s i t. str it l 4 0l u a mi. tko, • This well known ruedlelne is no torpoiltlen, lmt a .urc and Cafe remedy for Femald - thllcultles Ind Matt uellorac., from any cause whatever, end al. though a powerful remedy, they coraxin oath log !awaitl to the sun=tutOln. rTo brartiod• Ladles It Is percept!) , suited. It Will, in' a, short time, brine on the meathly period with crgutarlty. These Pills lursenever been Itilowa la &I.! %/vas the direct iOll5 on the el. pogo of tittriAmphltt ala i. Drell olwersed.l Fur full partleulurs get a Plunpldet,f rte. the ngent. Sold by all Irruggists. IT.cs 51 per to Sole Vaned Statei, • —. nos _ • aContllandt, itteet, New York. N. 11.-41 ands postage stumps. 'proctored to any authorized 117.ect, will Insure abottle,..rositabsinig aver 60 Mlle. by teturn mall. • dern.rDlatS. • In testimony whereat witness sayhorul and Sell of °Mee, this twelfttsdny of Janunry, ISM • 1.111011 "AILrCULLOCrir. Comptroller of the tlorrency W. H. ELGEE. No.lo ST. MATE STREET. N.V. ear. Penn & M. Clair Parte% PIITSBIIEGIL 47 St. Clair. Street, CLOTHING, PIAJMOS. X USW. tic. ENTUtELY NEW STOOK NIKE D/FFERIMN Mair. 63. PLAIN d.*D CARVED 'FII*NITHB.E.: PRICES TO surF EVERYBODY: 'UDIOT. LOT OF CIELMY PLlare,;,. CALL AND Emuffirtz. .aw1=414,4=0%*, sntscr. sosa " 3,1 ", 10* CHARLOTTE BLUME., y Fifth street, Wholmle and Fatal Agent ERR AND SHEET - IRDIi t:/orner af SECOND and LIBERTY Street', Blittdatrgiu s. tc. Itotnaw M0RD.077 & BARNBILIo :" • • •.. nanufacturenrote‘ery decorlption of Mango Bon err, Stllhr,•-Agitittorig Tanks, Salt.. Pawl Gs& . on: eters, Wrought Iron' Bridges. Steam Pipes;lo. ad-Dollen, Chimneys, Brrtehen. Tire Beds, • made to the best meaner, an:l.:warranted Mull An/ in the country: - 12£.1"AIRING , dono soomptly. - .cr,-12(in WILL PURCIIASE ..kßluer DOUNF. AND • LOT. at -crime, Clark OA ColsreU streets. • • • - H. CUTHBERT 141.101 Ti Into • ' ' OLMArket . • . •~~~; ~a`.~