tlit-Vitioinatok..(g.,4c . t44... LESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1865 GAZETTE ADVERTISEVE: RATES. STANDING . aL4.171/4 1 3 times sA 1 I week.'ithketk week ---i-enr.14,4.q-71T,74-i 1 One.liese..l9 75 - ,41 40 1, 6 . ', 1 _.• : • .' 0 - TWOilt3el.l 125 i 1 7 . . .. •.• Three tine, 105 . Fors 119'4111 190, 1 15 Sim times . t '2 701 I 30 1 'Oneweek..l 2 601 140 1 SG 25 41 Two week s 4 55, 3 60 1 113, 145 81 Tbree•lk•l 1 051 330 4 3 201` 7.00• 111 One Month, 7 161 . - 00; 5 7 70 2 75 121 Two mo's.l 11.75( 6.00. 750 4 001 .9 751 .3 01 Mires nio , sl 11 75: 17 00i 9 IC., 4 701 4 551 - 3Si 813.1003t311 20 731 IS 00 13 50. 3 00 , .. 9 301 401 Wine mot's! 27 00' 16 51 19 WI; 10 301 OO, 511 Ono Tear.. 12 00 , 8 00; 21,131 Is-90, 10 70 601 ' • CSIASOILLBLE ADIFILATMENISNTS. ler one equine, changeable one time eaeh Week, counted te the immediate; bnalnees ot the atter. thee. AU lancer Altettimeneats In cruet proper, IDlUT.lllWeekweek. One month - • $ 976' 1 a - 00; 4 470 I 9 W Three olooths... .. 17 191 11 Is', BCO 800 Shr toontbe • ' 84 00 1 19 19 Ihr ,15 75 -10 50 Oneafear • - -50 CO 25 WI .sa 50 "14 re flat Voltam doubt* the Death 'Notices, each Insertion v ., Steamboat advertisements, per trip t Or Exeeutors , or Adtaintstratorenotlees. 3 75 Loeal natters, under apecial head - 15 la Local column. - 33 CITY AND - SIBURIIM (TI OX iSiTrADAT'S .oasTrtic) Legblative News. ' We sre'indebtea Co limns. Black_and Glass, of the lime, for copies of a number of bills now trfcirr the Legislature, among which are the fol- :ix act authorizing the bonanigh of. Lawrence villa to irry a tax not', tit:ceding ten milli for toriough.purpo see; and an additional tax not ex ceeding Ore mills, to bo called =improvement ,the 72VCID/O be Appropriated to an improvement of the cartwaya of the pahlia stretta,lanes and alleys. . An 'art to authorize a single jadge. Atte, gheny county to- hold courts to try criminal costa, (except `homicide) and seporate courts when the business requires. Thu authorizes any one of our law -judges to tty all kinds al ' criminal cases except homicide, which shall ha tried by any two judges; nod if the business of the court should require it, each of the judges may hold separate corals at the same time. An ant authorizing the judges of 'the District Court and the Court of Common Fleas jointly to appoint three Cormnissioncrs to take and certify depositions to be read In evidence in ail cases in any court of the commonwealth—sold Con:anis: - %loners to hold their offices for three years, and to blue power - to take depositloniand affidavits, Issue subposnas, administer oaths, etc., and re retro such compensation as said courts may di rect, which shall be taxed as . other costs. An act to compel railroad companies to report accidents. This bill prorides that in all eases of accidents an calmed, in this CoMinonwealth, caompg death or Injury to individuals, whether to passengers or employees, it shall be the duty of such railroad company to give immediate no tice-by telegraph of the extent of the injuries, and tna names of the persons tilled or injured— truth notice to be posted .ttp la a conspicuous place at each of the points of said railroad, where the company may have a telegraph 'motion; a failure to give such notice shall be deemed a nobs derneancr on the part of the person who may have charge of the trainer trains upon which such aceldent may have occurred, and the COM. pony shall boilable . to a fine of five thousand dollars for a neglect to have snchreport Prompt ly made—cnch fine to be 'paid into the State Treasury, and If net paid within sixty days after the accident, to bo sued for by the Attorney Gen cond,in the coin, of DOuphin county. An act Mithorizing the School Directors of Se wickley township; in order to 1M the quota of said borough under any call for volunteers, to, levy and collect in addition to what they are at present anttuirized to boy, a per, capita bounty, -tax not :exceeding fifteen dellars - upon - each en- - rolled man In said borough Ihelltto draft. An act to incorporito the Boatman's. Fire and Marine Insurance company of Pittsburgh. The corporator' named are .RlchardC.:Gray, James I. Bennett; David E; Perk, W. W. Martin, and David M. Long, and' the capital stock COO, with thO privilege inerearie to 000,000, said company to be- managed according to the reclaim:4 of the general act of lid April, 1850., An act Theerpo thy Girty • Ran Coal Company. ro w tors named are John J. Withatua„ Jaime', M 4 Ballay;;Waf,lifeKao,Jauors I. BMatett and IL li. Painter, and the capital stock. Is •11100,000, in ••shares. of 'sloo each— said shares o(stock to impersonal estate. Thad Colinas,' Is= glinted tho right to receive and hold in fee simple, coal and midlands in Frank lin,-Pino, Richland, Reserve, Ross; McCandless, Hampton and Eisler townships, not exceeding at anyone time one thousand acres, - with power to ; lease, or othandse dispose of the same, and to work, mine. transport one -yard the coal end other minerals' contained in said lands. The Company has power to construct - a railroad from any portion of. their lands, n. to connect with the Allegheny. or Mono Ma rivers, or with any railroad In any. adjoining . counts';' and when three miles or' more of the road shall be completed, the same shall be opoacd as a palate highway, and the company shall: Laye the right to wart the sane tolls that the Little Saw. Mill. Run, Railroad company are an 7 • thodzod by , law, to collect. The Act Mao author- Izesthe Company to, borrow,aay'itose otmOney not exceeding double the amountlef stock sub 'scribed, to enable them to carryout the purroses of their organization, and to issue fronds for the payment of the same, -- • - , An act to incorporate the Pittsburgh Iran and Steel Compaq/. provides that . Dirld Stewart, • John Scott, Jecob P. Jones, Israel Morris, Wil liam Nimick, E. C. Biddle, J. T. J3ntterworthf George IL' Smith, John A. Wright, William G. Crowell, - Will'am F. Biddle, Robert Ashworth and William M. Lyon,' and such other Persons aaznay be associated with them, or any fire of them and theit - successors; are erected into body corporate, 'for the „purroseof manufactar mg iron frouitha ond and steel, and romanafac tete the same Into any abase, with a capital of - three hindrel thousatul dollars, to be divided in to six 'thousand shams of fifty dollars eaclk-- with the privilege of inning bonds and securing the same by mortgage on the property and fran chises of the company. to the amount 67f one hundred and fifty-thousand dollars. The Fire at Sewickley. • . . We hate, learned but little additional concern ing the burning of the Edgeworth Seminary, at Borlehley. Nothing definite laknown as to how the fire originated, though 'it Is Sala Ii wan com municated from a bakfrosen. The building was totally destroyed, but the furniture and the ale feet'of the intgates were' saved—though some of .the...fundtitre was badly broken by being thrown from the windows. . There were not ever fifteen pupllicat the Bern leery, and they had abundant time to .escape without Injury. Two or. Three . persons were sotnewhet burned by burning thabers falling up on them, but no lives were lost: -' - The building was/en old frank', and :was not worth much. We did not learn • . what' amount, or whether there 11:15 any insurance upon the PriTerti• Stour Orsini:lmo . Eimonitott.74;tec modern gnat not fall to rilnamnbeethe_ttrand. and novel entertainment advertised - In anothee'rointin„ to be even by the.:pnpils of the Misses llukelPs Farlor.Gynirmstic -School; it Masonic- Hall, on ' Tin:edgy - evenlig, , Yebriihry 14th.: ..,The enter tainments given last year water the ailpices of the same ladles, were attended by Jugs and , fashionable audiences, and were antrersally pro nonnetak DWI decli ions of that semen. Since. then • the - Inanber of scholars has been largely In, ' creased, and-the present entertainment, from all ' that we can learn, protrises to be la splendid af . - fair. -If 00 tenders -W ould ' - witness' what. oar. mutes 'and children can perform In fetes of strength, activity and manual exercise, let them by all means attend this exhibition. We are happy 10, state that,although the Misses llasitall have hut lately introduced their- system or education:in this city, their _school Is one of the practical beneficial institutions -of the corn .t.4l'. AlnarEn.—A motion to appoint ''lewers to as -4 sees damages in the matter of the proposed ex 't tension of the Allegheny Valley Railroad from a pout erne - the city line, In the. Ninth Ward, - .tiasiwaudly to the Pennsylvania Railroad, was I argued en Saturday, before Judges Sterrett and Stowe. The 'Pennsylvania Railroad, Company, I. through thelcsattonleys, W. 11. Lowrie and J. I. 11. Tiateiden, Eeqs. ' and Mot. Elizabeth Denny, throneh Mon.', itohert McKnight, opposed the ' I Motion. 'llieralW Reward,,.attorney for ie the Allegheny Valley Railroad, appeared in sun l. lees of ihe 'notion. The Court took possession .ti of the ropers mid will return a decision at a sub sequent hate. - - . , Tun eIIEWASTO Vetzei.--Thoums . Callen, i; - - Esq., or West GrFroville Mercer mouth has ' .. sold over fourteen acres of ' bottom laud ou She nango ercek, ,south of the bormitth, to Henry t. . Gilbett, of New Yorti, ilw the purpom of testing • whetber , there Is 01l In that locality or not. The )4,- race paid was-<.t23 nor ; sere, and Mr. Gllbort ~-• proposed to sink.o uell . sicep 'enough M to oe - °uglily tttst whether oil can be found In paying -7 - quantities. Rt:NEIRG RECRUITS - OTT:OF:TIM SrAzn.—The Mayor on. Monclay Issued a warrant for the rest' of. Robert' Phillips, .eharnt.4l, on oath of John Connie, .with running recruits from this Into other States: . liblilips; we believe, la a sub stlttde broker, and It la. eltargekl that he has been engaged in - recruiting :for certala. localities In Cot.n.,-Tiie weather -has bccOmo ,lutousely, cold--the therpomelor, this morolog crecAn dovini. voo and Wow. " out door oporattoosl • are oonflned exclustrcly to matters of nixed% A "I?r,.‘t ne• crier [Nun! Acme dal: , 111,0 we pi,lished a "mtinueltolv". • _ letter written by one Daniel setting forth that hithad deserted, and In order to keep oat of 111 U way of the detectives, and prevent his being sent back to the army, he had concluded to drown himself. The letter was addressed to J. EL Moore, of Kittanning, a detective In the em ploi or Capt. Kirker, of the 1134 District, who was partlealariv Informed -that he• need not trouble himself about endeavoring to arrest him,. as ho wasthen "sleeping beneath the still waters of the Alegana i" Mr. lioare was not to be de ceived-by such a transparent dodge, and Instead of turning hie attention to the "still waters," kept a sharp look out for Daniel 011 'Arra firma. A few days ago Ida vigilance was rewarded by ascertaining that the the afme-, sold. deserter was being entertained at the house of one Mrs. Travis, o soldier's wife, aiding In Wayne township, Arm strong county. On 'Thursday night last, Mr. Moore visited Mrs. Travis, and found McMillen comfortably sleeping under the covers of Mrs. Travis' bed! He was taken icto custody, ac. knowledgedhaving written the letter, and stated that he had folly made up his mind to drown. .Idroself, but .was persuaded by • Mrs. Travis .(kind soul!) .not to do so, as. the "wa ters of the Alegana" were so very - cold I He was brought down to this city to-day, and banded over to the custody of Capt. larker. He is not only a descher, but a bounty jumper also. He' enlisted In the 78th Pennsyl • - rank Reginumt,and deserted some time ago, of which he went over Into the Indiana district and enlisted as a substitute, gettingSsoobonnty. Ile was then assigned to the 74th Pennsylvania volunteers, and deserted the regiment to the Shenandoah valley about the first of October inst. He has a wife and child residing In Me chansburg, Clarion county. Ho will be held for trial by Court Martial. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. : THOMAS W. PLEAT, practical Slate Roofer, and Maier In American Blate, of various orders. 01Bee at Alexander Laughlin's, near the Walter Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, No. 78-Pike street. Orders promptly attended to. All work warranted water proof. Repairing done at the shortest notice. Bo charge for repairs, provided the roof is not al used after It Is nut on. Srtmat, NOTICE.-14e attention of our read. ers is direct 1 , to the brilliant assortment of Fan and Winter Goods just received by out friend Mr. John \Yam', No. I% Federal street, Allegheny. ' His stock comprises a great variety ...of Fancy French, English, Scotch and American Cassitneres and Cloths, and flue Silk and Canal nacre Vestlbei.., ell of which will be made up to order - in the latest styles and in the best manner. choice selection of Furnishing Goods also on land and for sale, tozether with a full stock of Ready Made Clothing, well end fashionably node. •NEw Goons Jost reeetvea at tne Merchant Tallorlnc . ' establishment of Graham St NleCand less, 73 Smithfield street. We would most rat peetfally invite the attention of oar friends and the public in generaL to our new stock of fall and winter goods They contain all the very latest styles. of English, French and American clothes, eassimeres and resting's, all of the finest quality, and Is selected with the greatest earn" Gentlemen desiring fashionable and well made clothing, would do well to giro us.a call before purchasing- elsewhere. Every garment is war ranted to give full satisfaction la both price and Arncilty. Guanatt & MeGanntEss, Merchant Tailors. No. 73. Smithfield stmet. S(X) SURSTMITES ♦an VOLUNTEERS WANTED at No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. lligbest cash bounty paid. Gentlemen wanting substi tutes. and Committee Inca can sate time and money by calling at No. 19 Market street. A premium paid to any one bringing a recruit or substitute. . Accrget Seta or Boars Snorts.—A lade sale 01, boots and Shoes will take place at 159 Federal street, Anwhenj, on Tuesday afternoon at .1 o'clock. to which the attention or dealers and others is invited. A. Leggate,- Auctioneer. Bwt turn n ItYratx—Photograplis k at only iO cents per dozen. A new lot remised Yester day, at Plttock's. Tor Puce Coxyttimici.:--4o to Ettock's for Oil Maya, Albumr,.Diarics,Valentlrice, &c., &c. CALL at. Pittoex.'", for, the Egitcm DatUes Weeklies and /Uvulae". sraxTs. WANTED-4125 A MONTH.—Apitta V everywhere, to introduce the new rd flirt 57.clas Donor Family Mt** Madden, the emir low 'price machine In the country which to divined by Grover & Baker,Wheeler aWilson, Howe, ..Singer & Co., and Etshelder. Salary andesymmea, or large eouunlialona allowed.. All other Machines - now bold for less than linty dollar, each are 4r. ~ringa a, end Bed sentZt. seal =aSlit r A.W ti ll irElg. Biddeford. Maine. ncOnnindairT Al' TBD--$7O MONTII—I .Want Asada everywhers, at SW a montk encases pald. to , Articles, the wr en hew ewer otters& .Full particulars fres: OTIS T. GARET. Biddsroui. Melee. • hallModelel I, I VANTEDA GARDNER, to take atm - or azzal re t tardedaerattro_the eity reeardvipo.a. wttla a iia gl rrimbed. Inquire at Lite deane 2 Gir • enx.aulEas. mat,- street. • AUCTION SALES. ITALIAN MA 1 t111:6 AND ALABAS TER STATUARY, IMPORTED BY PAN DOLFI TUE MAY MORNING, l'et. L'i nt o'clan's, will be sold by catalogue,. on the second. floor „of Commercial Sales Rooms, 54 Filth etreet, a magnificent assortment of Groups red Figures 111 pore white Italian Alabaster; the subject. comprising Highland Mary. Dance of Cs -neva. Three Graves, lUrth, of Venus, Summer, Spring, Baceaute, Bsehus and Arian, Re. ; Marble and Alabaster Vase., hi Roman,. Gothic, Grecian, Reim and 'Florentine Styles ; Tauas, Card-mei, ers,Groups of Animals, and a great variety of other eirtleles for decoration of parlors; library, Re. ° These goods have never been opened in any other market, :A z. G. 11. Pndoltint having jest returned from Italy, wnere be a selected them from the beat studios. Also rick Silver-plated Ware, comprising Tea Sets, Wine Sett, Castors, Flower Vases, eat Ba.kets, Goblets, Cups, Re. The whole will be on exhibon all day Monday, and dercriptlve cataleptics ready for distribution. The Ledles and pubile are particularly Invited to t emine title collect which is superior ln ar tis teal merit to any other enrol at publle sale in this city. Sale positive. (cl 3 • ' A. NvILWAFNE, Auc'r. SECOND STREET DWELLING.-4.)n TUESDA' EVENING, February 14th. at .7% o'clock, will be sold at Commercial Sales Somas, CA Fifth street, the good three story Drt.k. Dwel. ling, No. 78 Second street, between Market and Wood strems, containing ball and to rooms, with gas and v. afar. POUNIIIIOt , given on the Ist, of April. The lot is .20. feet front on Second street, and HO feet In depth, Subject to an annual ground rent of *M. Terms at Sale. . e 9 A. NeTLWAINE, Auct'r. 'VALUABLE STOCK.—TUESDAT EVENING, Feb. lath et 214 o'clock. will ho sold at. Commercial Sales Booms, 24 Fifth street, in addition to improved Second street and Centre at time Propertles, (already adverthied,) • • Ni Shares Citizens' Bank Stock ; . 16 do DX...and IS do do 20 do Mtmongahela Navigation Co ; .*a do Western Union Telegraph Co.; . Scholarship in Allegheny College. Meadville. ' 1.1 1 1 IoILWAINE. Auct'r. PXECIITOR'S BALE BANK OF PITTSBURGII STOCK.—TtIfitDAY EVE. NMI, Feb. 14th, at 7% o•chick, will be mid at tie tomerrial Sales Room, et Fifth street, by or4er of `Executor of Alice Itgram, decease% . di ° Share ' 1 B -"kA.".lffellibZlAlt°lu.aloneer. TRUSTEE SALE OF BRIDGE STOOK. —TUESDAY iirglarta; - reb. ttth, et T,l r o'clock, will be told st Commercial Sales Boom, 64 Firth etrcet, by order of Trustee,. - 2 Shore Diecksatcs" Street Snags Co. MoI.LWAINE, Ando'. kIJRNITURE, AM) CANE AHD WOOD CHAIRS, Selling et reduced prices, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. .TAS. W. WOODWELL, NOE. SI and 99 TRIBE STREET, Opposite E. Edemodson & Co.'s, end go. 111 FOURTH ..STREET ISIAC OUTLET SAW KILL, AND BARGE YARD Craig Street, Allegheny, pi..VER PLATED \YAM!: ' nor.;gLlSTCTl:'..3.C"risr. Walter., Caxton., ko.. for s fo r leblo for the Trod on.had übl by - WILE;R KOSS, 225 South sth st„ PHILADELPHIA A. J. 021001.1 GILLIIAIIt NWT? GRIGGS , SCOTT, WON orrir 111ATurc wons.s,_ - • Allirortlea Baltalog comer of Grout an/ Seventh streets, l',lttsburgh. Tif ALL PAPER I WALL PAPER.—To - make room. for new gramla we orIU DIM oar Mock nt regnerd rates till tbo first of March next. tleyers can fled papers of all grades:and make it tbdr latemet . to glee us a Call at N 0.107 Market street. 308. R. ILI.IOIIIN & 8 - 1200 IMEPITPI.I,t BE a A BRICK. Cho* an&Colweno•epa,.. . 0.-OUTELBERT & f ON E tea 61.7[j0; PzcLsz. .voTlez:v x-1121. rtAr.lszin.... co., Boiler Makers +SD Sheet Iron Workers, Kos. zo, !...; CI and za j'EN.I STREET. Use - Mg secured 'a largeaard; and furnished with the most improved nutahinery, we are premal ed to manufacture every description of BOILERS, in the beat manner, and warranted equal to any FIREin the country.- :.011IIRNEYS, BRIOHEN, FIRE .lIEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE 80/LERK, '0 ONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AkiTIATOILS, SEE. TLINO PANS,BOILER IRON, HELLOES, SUCIAIIPANSand sole manufacturen of BARN BILL'S PATEINIT BOILERS. Repairing done on the shortest-notice. dell a( rLAILII SUPERIOR Copper Kill and Smelting Works. PITTSBURGH. PARK, M , CUROY & CO4 Manufacturers of SHEATHING. BRAZIERS , & HOLT COPPER, PRISSED COPPER BOP. TOMB RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTEE SOLDER.. Also, importers and dealers in MET ALS, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON WIRE, Em. Constantly on hand, TINNERS , MACHINES. and TOOLS. Warehouse No. t4OPIRST and Llo SEG. OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special orders od Copper cut to any desired pattern. any2EhlydaarT PlTTSElattilt AW WVOIIKIO HUBBARDS & LONG, KAPOPAOTTIOSPA OP PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted CAST taTs..l.l, SAWS. of every de- • • - aatiptloa. BI111„laic ()rows Cut, Gan, awl all other varieties. • - • All lands of KNIVES and SPRINGS mode from Sheet Caat Steel ; Extra Relined REAPER AND MOWING KNIES, &c. - --• • - - JET W fathom. and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to Rotoothlng, Guni• ming and Straightening Circular Sews; also, re. pain of all kinds. Hunching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. arYZ,I7 itOI3I2VSON, BEA a co.. Ou7cinWs to Rontssoa, 511 xis & Mitiona Washington Works, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Pertournott. Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENOINLE, LAST ENGINE, MILL MUMMY, CIFAPING, SHAFTING, CAST INGS of all descriptions, OIL TANKS & STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. CI-Agents for GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECT OR, fur feedtug botlens. gr.OOCIL D. Mitir.lnt... J. V. 110L.L1.1113 LA BELLE STEEL WOUIEN. RR= & CO., . (surcisors to REITEII, MLUTUAZI Manufacturers of OAST 'STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, AX LES, CROWBARS, Ice. itie• • Works, FIRST WARD, 'Allegheny. Post Ottice address, PITTSBUIttiII. lal9ly TO IV Ettll'O i'S Pi vrr EILEItS OP 11TH SEXES.-A reverend gentleman hsv ing been restored to health In n few days, otter on dergointt the usual routine and Irregular expensive mode of treatment without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his ofilleted lotion' - creatures the means of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will oend, Pee, a copy of the pochgrlption used. Direct to r. JOLLY DAGNALL, 198 Fulton treet, N. Y. mhil didevrT nr.llOll.N & LUSO., alanufaa. hirers orTRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUT TERS, WINDOW GUARDS, kn., Nos. 91 SW OND and 1,6 THIRD STREET, between Wood and '2larket, baye on hand a variety of new patterns, fancy and plain,suitable for all purposes. SW- Particular attention bald to enclosing Grave Lots. Sobbing done at short notice. _au! arEILICEASES OF TILE NERTOVEI, SEEINAL„ URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS—Dew mel tellable treatrneat,-la S ports of the Howard Association. Sent by mall la sealed letter enrelope. tree of degree. Address D. J. SMLEIIII lIOUGIITON, Howard Association, No.SSonth'S lath street, tasmay HENRY U. COLLINS', FORWARD LNG AND COMMISSION MERIDIAN' and .wholesale dealer to CRUX:4E, BUTTER, SEEDS, FISH, sad Ottiduce restersliy, No. Ni WOOD STREET PittaburslL not Tron-rErs. aceirriTit. GAZILAX 011.1111? L WIWI McMASTER 403AZZAlif, - SOLICITORS OF c f. A IMS AND PATENTS AND ATTOIINEYS-iT-DAW, No. OS GRANT STREET. Pittsburgh. Licensed by Government to collect BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAT And 111 other Military or Naval Claims • Against the Vatted States. lONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, due soldlefs clouted on amount of wounds TOOlgTed to Imat collected lmtowltstely. SZ-Call at IS GRANT STREET, sppostte the ILA'Sbedral. oesmy FENSIONS, BOUNTIB6. W. J. & /SLikU. PATTERSON, Army and Navy Agency No. 144 FOURTH IT., Pittsburgh. P ENSIONSBOUNTIES, BACK PAT nod PRIZE; MONEY, procured; and COMMUTATION OF RATIONS of released prisoners collected. PAY OF PRISON 2 =,.S OF WAR can be drama by their wires or wlrlowed mothers. oaf W OUNDED SOLDIERS. SICO Bounty to all Wounded soldiers, Is now being paid to all. With • ~D locherge.. No charge male instil the money Is collected. T. WALTER DAT, Mewed by the U. S. Chweroment. 111 FIFTH ST , oMT, wood door below the Cathedral. invidcww H. U. 1111ACKIIIMI. S. S. MACK.RELL & JOHNSON, 'oases ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, 1.1.1 LIDMISED SOLDIERS , CLAIM AGENTS Bounties for Wounded Soldiers colleeted tafrso en to twee" days. •7 - Oftlee No. 96 GRANT Bram . , Pittsburgh. Gall with discharge andlwo witnesoes. dc2S.ty IVI ILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, 3 "-.- BOUNTIES, BAUR PAY and iIIILITARY MAIMS of every description, eollested by the subscriber, et the following rates, •t 3: Penalom SID, all other drams $3.50. O. O. TAYLOR, Abternepat-Law, No. 73 Grant steam. Pittsburgh, Ps. • N. B.—No charges are made tf the claim does not succeed, and all InfortnsUon given gratis. set ly OAII W. SHAFER, ' ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, ito. tos TIT= STIIIRT, Pittaburah, Pa. • Clolmo for PENSIONS, BOUNTY, PEIZB BONET, &a., vigorously prosecut3d. JAMES LAFFERTY, ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, All Legal linstnesi promptly attended N. VlO . Office, No. 100 FOUST]; atm:sr, neu Orav,t Plttsbnrl• SOLDLERS' CLIMB, BOUNTIES PENSIONS AND ARREARS - OP PAY, Promptly attended to by ARTIIIIRS Ac RIDDELL, No. SIE. FOURTH ST., Pillabursh, Pt. deulf.indawF SECONIT i.dSTOF APPLICATIONS for SEI.J.ING LIQUOR, flied in the Clerk's offire uy to February Bth, 1886: Nome. Kind. Place. _ Chories P. XL Utile, Tavern, Ist Ward,Pittsbugh " 0 - John Conway, Matthias Schuler, " o Wm. Ceintoa, '' • 0 o. Joseph Gibson, ff " John Illehllne, u Welsh l Moss, Wm. Pollock, John A. IC ohresen, EIGNArIi Deno, 0 CI Jon G. F. hillier, Eating House, " Morrow &Cooper, Tavern, :W Ward, " • Neiman I. ohlman, Philip Polverunller, o 4th " Ii 'Thom. & Co, other goods o " " Itln.her Bush. Tavern, 1541‘ " Charge Goeliwender, " _ " " " Ch.", Reline, Entlog llouse, 6th u " Pi ter German Tavern, nth Anerev: GroneAL, E. House. " John Fletcher, o u :: tut W .: tr.4.lllcilheny. Peter Prey, Thom]. Conroy, other gouts " u Ja-eoll :11lek.!ey, Tavern, 31 Adam Glazer, " 4th MoreSret Gordon. " " " 0 ollei. Taunter, E. linage, lt Arnie Frolic'', ft 0 0 P 1411 ), Denl. Tavern, simile, Miller, .. Eating Houee, 'mit Eggers., Tavern, Duquesne Ltorough. Henry Ormiacr, E. Rouse, " J +rocs Mullen, Tavern, John A,Sicelle, 0 • McKeesport 0, Peter einltb, Jon. Cagan, ther goods,illosonmtheis 0 W. W. 11, Hain, Jr,' F.,. House, W. Pittsburgh 0 Anthony W hittaker, Tanen], Peebles Township. David Johns, ". Pitt. Ann Bennett, 0 0 . II Wm. Young, " L. St. CP& es Andrew Hoover, 0 . 111 l'.° slN inh.r 4 i ' . a IretsStltel Jentell 'Word, Matthew Itarldeon, 0 Eaton " Andrew Baker, " Wilkins . " 'Fronk Wolff," McClure Riche's. , Ruhr, , " • comas ThP Court will meet on Wednesday, March the filet, 18615. at tOloteloele a. m. Remonstrance+ molt be filed one"' before that day. Licenses must be tokest out'. after five days, and within fifteen days atter being granted; or they will he revoked , according to law. • Applicants • will bring their beattis to my °Mee before Cheesy of besting. - feta - { 1. 4. /LEESON, clack, ?.7 prrrsuciu:ll 7 UEATWO. 11 , 1F7'H STREET. NEAR WOOD. LISS= AND MANAGED Wu. If PRAMS...4OA First appearance in two years, of the papolsr sr ists, Mr. OOIIL➢OCK, sad his aecomplisied di ughter, Muss cotri.nocs Mr. Couldockln his erlitrUti clUtrocter of Luke Fielding. THIS EVENING, the ever popular live set domestic drama, entitled, The Willow Copse. Luke Fielding Bose, his daughter— • • Song To conclude with the I'ItthIBLE'S VARIETIES. PENN STILEST. SWAB ST. GLAIR. W. CL SMYTIIE Lessee And Manager. VOYILENCLA AT a coccoCr.. auraMONDAY w E VENINGE Fob. 13th, first appear- of the ned KINOADE FAMILY, untwisting of are find-class performers. Tremen dous hit of Miss ADELAID4NLICON, the queen of aong and beauty. Unequalled tweets of Miss EVELINE LER MAN, the beautiful danseuse. Last week of SAITTIIE'S MINSTRELS. New acts, sot" and dances, concluding with the inputs: pantomime of Jomovrai: BRAZILIAN APE, In which the entire company appear. MASONIC HALL. POSITIVELY FOR FOUR RAYS ONLY, Wednesday Evening, Feb. 15th, AND THREE FOLLOWING NIGHTS Also on Saturday afternoon at 2-12 o•Wotk. ARTENVS WARD HONG 'TILE ZORMONS From 806 Broadway, New York The putille Is respectfully informed that &RTE. MIS WARD AMONG TliE MORMONS Is pre cisely the same entertainment 'shies has recently achieved such unqualified and sleeveset in the cities of New Tork, Philadelph, Bos ton. The Colossal Paintinga, Illustrative el MOR MON ROMP> A I ND monnort PRUPII,E, em bracing faithfu views of San Francisco, Waehoe, the land of Silver, the Desert, Great ridt Lake "City, the Mormon Theatre, 13richavn Young's Sinner, Licher O. Kimball'. Harem. the Tabernacle, Crest Salt Lake, the Endowment House, Echo Canon, Lifedike Ptcturc of Ilrishem Young and his Wives, front the brushes of the foremost of living scenic artiste.'will i.e cheerfully and conver- Eaton:llly described by the GREAT IiU,II.OItIST, ARTI'AVI.US WARD Ado]!melon.eentn; Redeem.] neata, centa. Dedo+ one , at 1, vomit:fence allY o'clock. .13okete can be obtained Al the following plaeca Ricker & Bros., Charlottc Blume's awl Mellor' MIMIC Sten.; also at 'he 'oncett Hall Shoe Std. And at Ihe Hail from 10 until 4 n'elo , k on e 4ch dm. of e•l.ll.stion. Tick , t4 for t NlALltzt.o. .0:11 he centa to all part+ of the Ilan Piano And Cabinet organ mind are fro Etcher& WIN. Monk store. (MOM] Fxuinrri()N. TILE :MISSES II ,SHELL'S CLASS NC Ul give An L*.xhibitton of e l -Light G.-yriask.n.szatiorio, 11•11:411AY EVF,NINt), Feb. 11, at MASONIO 14A1—L. The ctnaa will appear in full coat tame. The scrvlcea of the beat band in the city have been proctirnl to enliven the entertainment. No pales will be spared to male the evenings..a off plea. ant lg. Tickets, Sects.; 23 eta.; to he had at the Muale Storm, McFadden's, Market 'at reet, and at the door. Dome open all; to commence at of 8 o'clock. feS:lo . d CONCtRT HALL POSITIVELY THREE NIGHTS ONLY "'landau', Tuesday andWedisesdny. February lith, Ittrb arid 15th THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY CHRISYY'S MINSTRELS. Twenty establisbed Artiites in the Ethlopean per ormance, and the world renowned comedian, OLLIRGE OURISTY. .1. W. 114nur, Maws., The resources of the Christy's are superior to an rairmirri organizntion In eglatence, which en sign theta to present In a superb manner all the burners and oddities of Southern pirustation life, In all Its broad; original and mirthful phases. All the grant h ar e m ad e extraraminrot, Sr., he., which hare made the name of tlhrisly'• Minstrels as familiar as Household Whhill, wilt be produced during their sojourn here. Admission, CO mutt. Children. 00 cents, fettlwil - J. IL SURRIDGE, Agent. DlSSOLGricims. I:l=i=a Ma. JOHN S. BELL, for a number of years to charge of my Cloak Department, Um purekmed .1.11 Interest to my boldness to date from Juomey 0.48, the style of the Kra to be 11.1LMS k HT.I.L. ALEXANDER BATES, 21 Fifth Street. COPARTNERSHIP We have duodated with us La the hour, drain and general produce Misfile", J A 3117 ' JOHNSOX and JOHN sCIILELEIN, partnere% tp dtalmt FEB RUARY tat, tinder the name or eattemon, Ammon ke n . 1). PATTER-SON, fennf ADAM AiiI)11))1. CO-PARTNERSHIP. - 4 hays thts day asawisted with me in the FOHNDRY . AND NOISE BUSINESS, kr. HUNTER, OEM MIRIBIL BOLE. Prerenahan, Jam hi, theS, INDUSTRIAL Wottics. HUGH M. BOLE & CO., Founders & Machinists, Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATIONARY SMILM. ENGINES. CASTINGS,- W a lton • Henry, MADE TO OUDEII. Special paid to the nutaulaeturo of Engines for Oil %Vela " IMES, TOTED Street n near Market street. MACOIINE EIIOP and UFFIOE, corner of POINT alley and DUQUESNE WAY, riTTS. BURGE, Pa. Haring dlrpciaed of our intere.t In the Foundry business to bleacre. IIUt)fl at. TIOLdr, A. CO., we would recommend them to our friends and tomer patron.. A. 1/AV's ft CO Pittsburgh, Jan. 9, CIO. tot dual T)ISSOLLITION.--LThe firm of LITTLE TRIMBLE is this day dtmaired by mutual onsent, the dissolution to take effect from tt.e2.l inst. 'I he. business of the late firm will be smillod by THOS. LITTLE, Sr., who will continue at the old stand, Ito and Ita Second street. THOS. LITTLE, Sn., JAMES TR/MULE. Haring &spotted of my Interest in the Wholesale Grocery business to TILOS. LITTLE, Sr., I cheer fully recommend him to my JA friends and customers. • lIIM TRIDIBLE., CO-PARTNEASIII P.—THOS. Sr., hes associated with him, Al suceessors to LITTLE ta TRIMBLE, SAX% If BAIRD, (late ot the firm of NOWT HANNA st. CO., Illeveland, Ohl%) and JAM n 9 PATTON, Jr., under the come and style of LITTLE, BAIRD A PATTON, to [skeet/4m on sod after January Id. 1865, at the old stand, No.. 111 and 111 Second street, Pitt*. bunch, Pa. LITTLE, BAIRD h PATTON. DISSOLUTION.—The Partner=lp here- Caere existing between the undersigned tin der the style of .I.R. LINDSAY 'spa. (e 50,400, Dog Works.) wax dissolved on the 234 day of Do. *ember, iBB4. J. R. LINDSAY 11. O.ASICILit, (10 -PARTNERSHIP.--The thrlemigned entetedinto a co-partnership on the Mai day of December, IM4, fer the purpose of carrying on the manufacture of IRON sad HINGES, at the EX CELSIOR IRON WORKS, near Manchester, Al legheny county, Pa" under the name and atyie of LINDSAY, owEris A CO. s IL LINDSAY, JOSHUA" W. GASKILL, WILLIAM TATTNELL, ROBERT MOODY, REESE OWENS, FRANCIS SELLERS. Perrenunen, Feb. 10, IBM. tei I :tied TVISSOLUTION. OF CO-PARTNER -IL, SHIP.—The Partnership heretofore esiatlq between the undersigned, under the firm name ol CRUDIPTON Ss CO., for the manufacture of Silva Pearl and other Soaps, has thleils3r been dissolsel by runtiaal consenL SAMUEL M. KIER, JOHN FOS T E R 0. tIUON Pittsburgh, Sept. &hos»: KENNEDY & CO., Isccessors to MANIIPACT 11Plei 10 Silver Pearl and Sunerks. Rosin Soapl, am LIBERTY STREET, I'l7 TSBURGE lISSOLUTION NOTICE —lto Pdrt nerahip heretofore existing between HENRY O. DALE and J. N. LITTLE, under the style of lIENRY G. II ALE is CO., doing a g nerd Tat. -taring business at the corner of Penn and St. Clair streets Pittsburgh, Pa., in this days utssolved by rout. al consent, the dissolution. to date from 3a:,. nary fd, 1%5. HENRY (1. BALE is authorised to settle the business of the late firm. HENRY II ALE, T. n. LITTLE. PIA burgh, January 17th, 1.M3. inrualc:,,lt n. retinae from the firm of HENRY G. HALE a CO., I take thin method of recommending ALE es being eeery way worthy the pet rore age of the public. Ile will In future, a he has In time past, by klitlC.t and fair dealing, al:dot:du hie reputation nn a skillful and an accomplished me chanie, and I knew will glee Cello sallsfactien to all who may favor him with their patronage. Jant3wil J. M. WAVLE. DISSOLUTION OF CO - PARTNER SHIP.-,Nottee Is hereby given that the part. nershlp lately subsisting brtween \VAL B. HAS LETT and ALF. DAY of the linty of Pittsburgh, under the fltm of A. DAIS tr. 00., was dissolved on the 9th day ofJanunry, 1065, by mums( consent. All debts owing to said Item are to be received by said WM.. B. U.A.SLETT, and all demands made to him. WSI. D. lI&SLETP, fel md tax. purrs, •—PP. A awl FRANK VAN GORDEN have this day sousoclated theme is tosetherfot the trameaction of a rerterelPßODOCE ANIL) COMMISSION lIIISINESS. Warehouse No. 210 Liberty stmt. !alai g,Er~aat ~.s. . _ ETEOPOLITA . :^.; 011 r Book AU- STORE. PEIL7.IA-N'M , ;TLY LOOTED! PERMANENTLY LOCATED I PERNAAPENTLY LOUATED 63 Fifth Street. OPPOSITE CONCEVT HALL Mr. Couldock. Mau Couldock. 'Funny Burt. OPPOSITE E.:RESS OFFICE. This is theGarsest and in liberally cendustrid Gift Book SiZrein the World-without a stogie ex ception. Therein no Gift Book Establishment In New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, or any city in the United States that Is conduited si liberally and extensively as TUE METROPOLITAN 'OF . PITTSBURGH. At thla establahmeat you an if ad all sires of Illtdes, from the Small Pocket Edition to the lug eat Family Bible published. All the Late Publications! OVER ONE THOUSAND PHOTOGRAPH ALIUMSt PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS .Ftsm the smelt Cloth Bound Album at It audit° the largest and most elegant Album oracle. For Albums or Books of all dascrlptlous call at TO Metropolitan Gift 'Book Store! Our large Descriptive Catalogue mailed Dee to any arldreu no the United States on application t. WM. L. FOSTER & CO., 63 Fifth at-. Fitt6h6 , 33. atilidtfetwodaf . A NEW BOOK 'I M. GUIZOT. it. Meditations on. the Este•nre of Chrlstnity, sod on the Iteligious Queulotur of the day 41,75 lance's Commentaryon Mather, cadent, lanin Helical. end doctrit at 5,03 Nast'. Commentary Ott Matthew and Mark, homiletical asat docuinal 6"I Life and Epistles of ht. foul, by Concybearo A Howson 50 The ream/111st, with an introduction, Dawson 3,75 The Oriole and lilsbory of the English Lan guage and the F.arly Lite, a.ure that it &awl O. P. Marsh 1,00 Lectures on the English Language, by G. P. Marsh 4,00 Etoto Dan to• Iteralteta, P. NewrEl3tl, w ith Map ea Eng •ett in•gat a cotenant arnent for the Land aml the n00k ... 1.15 Lessons for Et ety Sunday In the Year. 3 se ries. A liberal discount to clergTmett •• • • ••• • • Meander's rla,titic and Training of the hurdles by the Apostles L. MEAD. tea 78 Fourth ialiti - A large stock still on hand. SELLI3G air LOll BO - for. .d.rti SHOES. j UST RECEIVED AT BORLAND'S, Ladle's awl heat's Flulinto and Felt Oterahoea tad Buckle Boots, sultable•for this weather. call awl lg. t a pair. fell • . `LOSING OUT OUR FALL AND WINTER STOUE or Mcws, Women., Boy's, Bnise., Youth's, nod ebtldrea's Boots Of all ololis, BORLAND'S, fell M Market street, Td door from Fifth. - • ADM'S I • Flannel•Llned HID BAtztoneLs fi LA DIE'S Morocco SNOW ROOTS LADLE'S A Id Congress: GAITERS, tipped, ( Sort's) 4 10 LADIES NEI Congress ditITERS, (plsin,) 4 00 at :M. 51 Market Street. CLOSING SALEa 90 Federal Street t 4fleghersy. I am now selling off my entire stock of BOOTS, SROES, RAIZIORALS, SLIPPERS, eta, AT COST, logo Into other buslrsm. Retail dealers ,and the public generally will and It to their advantage to call and examine my stock, al I am determtaed to close out In the Least time possiffle. GOODS AT COS I T. W. K. 11•CLINTOCE. fre VI Federal at.. Allegheny Olt/. AMES. ROBB, SELLS TILE 111 ST, = = - 1111 He has just received s magnificent Fall Stock. Try him. Bu ck. Try "STAR" WORK! GEORGE ALBREE, SON & CO,, Reel Bahnorsls; Boy.' o oxford Ties: Bootee!: Children's (lost and Kid Shoes. The, goats are made to our special order, nod are warranted unequalled custom work. note JaEntm.s.a-r raiLons. BISSELL'S BLOCK. 10 ST. CLAIR STREET Would call tho attention Of buyer' to Ms stock goods. It hag been selected with great care, at contain. all the NEWEST STYLES OF 00011 to be Mond inliret clam houses. Gents wishing e cult of clothe made to onler, will please call and examine our goal awl prices. .11160, aMN an/ etotoplete Stalk Of : iv A: ;7/Zi.altt, HENRY 'G. SALE IVlLerell z - a. TA Tailors, DRAY & LOGAN, It. luta ,13;1: NOW CLUSINO OTT THEIR WINTER STOOK OF BOY'S, YOUTh S AND Or.-ILDRDN'S AT GIREATET REDUCED PRICEY. ja23:lv W ILt‘o3l.. J MPS E. AV. CARR.. DAVLD WOASIDLLSII W //SON, CA.llllBr, CO., • Wboleenie deniers In FOREIGN AND DOMES TIO DRY. GOODS, No. et Wood itreet,"third house nbeee Dinmond alley, Pittsburgh.. apt, VATOI , I, 31A.CR1131 & CO., Wholesale and. irrtsll Deniers in TRIAIDEINGS„EM. RR OIDERIES and DRY GOODS of every desorlp., lien, N05..17 stet le-Fifth street, Pittsburgh.---- VIACHUM & gLYDE, Wholesale and 434 - Retail Dealers In FANCY AND STAPLE DRY ()ODDS,. TRIMMINGS, Erc., No.lll Market tercet, between •Diaminid and Fourth, Pittsburgh. BITROIIFIELD, Wholesale and J. wtnll Dealer In STAPLE Mr.X.) PA.NOT tY.O SODS, Nnrthenst aotnerlburth - and Ittabli, e ndreet.4, Pittsburgh. TOSEPH HUILNE, Wholesale and Retail e , Dealer iv all- kick."' or THl5l=OB, DST UPOJA:IOI4 Aga 77 and 7* alnannt Mello U.'ff k C All the Late Publications All the Standard Deaths! I'IIOTOGRAPH. ALBUUL4I Iy'Oß isexs. DATES. C &Atilt & CO., In Wood et SOUTH & ROSS. TO QUIT BIIMML3B. AT COST, AT No. S 9 Market Street THE NEATEST . MEIN% And THE MOST DURABLE, Ot any house is the ally JUST RECEIVED BT N 0.93 WOOD STREET. W. E MdaßE, g CircococialN W. 11. "AGEE, ntainurr Ni. 10 Sr. CLAM STREET. N. W. tor. Penn & Sl,Clair Weds, PITTSBUROH 47 St. Clair Street, CLOT4ING, DRS' GOODS. (LATE WILSON, rAux C 0.,) =r ~~Fa..,rs I; .11 - I's HOMEOPATHIC smanos. At FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. THEY HAVE BEEN IN USE. FOR YEARS AND THOUSANDS . HAVE BEEN CURED BY THEN. READ THE LIST OVER. N0..1--Curea Fey... Congestion andlnfliimniation. Heat, Pain and Restlegume., and the first stages DI the acute and Lnflammatory &shags. Price 36 eta. No. 2—puree Forme Fever, Worm Celle sad For. Woos Appetite, Wetttog the Bed. Prim z 5 coats. No. 3—Cures Colic, Teething, Crying and Wake fulness, Slow Growth And Feebleness of Infants Price 35 coral. • No. 4—Cures Diarrhea. of .ohlldrea or Adult ■ Cholera Intantum end Summer Complaint'. Prize 115 cults. Nos. 4.am16 core the wont eases of Cluoals snhes. No. 6—Ourea Dwentero or Mood, Flux. Colic Billow Colic, Fall Dysentert. Price 16 OVAL • No. B.—For Cholera, Cholera Storbai, mid Vomitingi•Adhaustic 13reatliing. 25 cents. No. 7• --Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bron chitis, Influenza and Soo Throst. Price 25 cents. This cod No. 1 never Call to cure the worst Cold and uotuchs. No. B—flures Toothache,Face-ache, Nerved sad Tic Dolorous. Yr 3d pouts • • . No. e—Curee Headaehe, Sick Headaehe, Tertigte Huah of Blood to the Head. Price 26 cents. In addition with No. 11, It never Leila to cure the moat inveterate case.. No. 10—O0see Drepepsis, Week, Acid or Derang ed Stomach, Constipation, Liver. Complaint, or Bilious Condition. Price ZS cents. liesstasinsi for alloases of Weak Digeithm and Mous Complaints. No. 11—Cures Sttripressol Menges, or Scanty, or Painful, or Delaying, Cireen'Sicknesa. ' OS cents. No. I. urea Leucorrlinn or Whites, Dearing Down too Profuse Mewing. :5 cents. No. 13—Cures Croup, BOAZ'S° Croupy Clough ntilicult nod Oppreued Bromttamg. 35 cents. No H—Cures Salt Rheum, Crusty Eruptions, Erysivelss,oad Read, Barbers' Itch, Pimples on the Fare. 36 cents. No. ta—Curets Rheumatism, Pain. Lameneas, or soieness in the Chest, Rana, Side, or Limbs, or Sciatica. 3.5 cents. No. ,r.-Cures Fever and Aeue, Intermittent F. 1.1/mob Ague, Old Inveterate Agues. Na. I7—Oures Piles, Internal or Elternal, Blind r Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate. 6.3 neat.. This remedy . has cured thousands of the worst possible eases. No. IS-4.lures Opththelmle. Week or InMimed Ee. or Eyelid., FnSliog or Week eight. e 0 cents. It map always be relied upon for is curt. No. 16—Cure, CstArrh, Acute or chronic, dry of flow Lug, Cold in the Head, Influenza. 60 coats. No. 20—Cturea Whooping _Cour, e_ho ce rt o en n trig and pallstina l l or SWISMdiiC Vona It la In 1011,4.4 always railara and 00.000. No. 21—Cures Asehms, Oppressed, Dlfilcult, Gored lirestaug, Cough and EspectoratlotL Price artents. Hundreds have been cured by IL • Noise lu th 23—Curers tterofuls, Enlarged Glands, cad Toecile Su-elltues mud Old Vlcere. 60 cent. line cured the went tame. No. 24--Cures General DebtMY, PhYAW or Ner" • owe Wookoom SO No. "A—Cures Dropsy, Fluid kccumulatlons, Tu. le Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. 60 cents. N SS—Cures Ses-Stckness, \ Proctration, Vertigs riNUSeS, Vomlttnj. A cents. No. at—Cores Winery nimagei Gravel, Renal C•lcull, 100kult or Painful Urinaton. 60 cants. It euth old eases of Kidney Dise inset. • No. IS—For Seminal Ernie*torus, InroJunta') Discharne and consequent Prostration and Detail. ty, Ind Beenlta of Evil Habits. Price 00. 1U mod efficient remedy known. and can be relied upon as . manicure. N,.ls—Cures Sore Mouth or Stomseh,Onnkered Mouth of Adults or Children sod also NIMICIaI and Vomiting of PregLant realize. b o n cents. Cum at once. 30-ell MS TYrinari Incontinenee, Wetlint the nett, too Frequent, Painful, or Scalding Lida.- 'hon. gt —Cures Painful Menstruation, Presrure Cramp or Spasms. Prurtttis, Itching, and IrtitZ Mon of Female. hi On. It acts !Ike • charm. 32—euree Suffering at liflopoure a Liu, Inas *gamins, Flushes of Rest, F oorieeilen, end eren Delcox of the Mort- 14—Chiree birthed% It 1 id Ulcerate haat Sore Throat. 0 oada. 33—OuresetomvuIslos. or Spasms of 'also , t Adults, st.d Cramp. of all kinds. No. 34-4"7ures Biliousness, ...Want of appetite, Lowness of spirits, Jaundice, Constipation, sn4 Lhet Complsiuts. No. 35—Curcs Bolls, Carbuncles, and any Sates of the kind. NO.:a—Cum, nil Acute Skin Ernptione, se Scar. t Fever, Measles, Chicken Pox, ac. r—Cures Chronic Coughs, ?ferroun Cough Dry Cough, and Cough with expectoration. No. SS—Cures Snuffles or Catarrh In the head o Intents, Rattling of Mucus In tho Throat. • No. So—Cures Conatitotlonal Daposttloa to Ire quent. Attack■ of licattathe. ID—(Jures Constltuttonol Dispooltlon to A ghat. '53 vial 'may ease 20 vial family yaw, morocco.. Sovial ea., plain 15 VIM ease sa vial Phlgebta's case POND'S Fiala OP HAILAIEKLIB For Bursa Seal.% Chits, Braises, Sereuem, Lame ems, Sprains, Rheumatism, BelM, Ulcers, Old Serra awl Toothache. Li acts UM • dowas. Pries cuata. The trade supplied at Hew Tack Prim. Our Remedies by MAIL Loa* over the list, make up a cue of wtoNt kind Tort ehmum, and inclose the amount fa a current Dote or stamps, by mall to my address, and the medietue will be duly returned by mall or espreu free of charge. . J. 11. PULTON, Filth Street, (DisPlch Building, Second door below the Pout Olhee WIWI..Ic agent tor Pittcbragb ould vicinity CO,Oll xo 111011. E. TZT STRICKLAND'S KEILIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM STRICKLAND'S MELLIFLUOUS .0013 GB BALSAM Is warranted to eure (lone* Colds lionrscness, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, Consumption, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. Forsale by Druggists. General Depot, e ELI Fourth atrftt, Clnalunatl, 0. Alt the Medical men and the press recommend DR. STRICKLAND'S ANTI-CHOLERA MIX SURE as the only certain remedy for Diarrhtes and Dysentery. It Is combination of Astringents, Absorbents, Stimulants and Carminatives and is warranted to effect a cure after all other means have felled. • For sale by Druggists. General Depot, East Fourth street, Cincinnati, 0. STRICICIAMYS PILE REMEDY, DIL STEMS:WM .3 PILE RIMED'S has 42. 1 411 1 4 thouse. MILO! the pond onus of ane H... "...Ili rtee It rives immediate relief, and et recta a permanent cure. Try It directly. 'IQ' war ranted to cure. FFut his s e e by t ,O i D n un a s U t , s 0 .General Depot, Eut . • Dyspeisia, Nervoneuiees, Debility pR, BTpICIELAND'S TONIC. We ail thoinreend Lhasa suthivind Appetite, Indigestion or DysgePslk and Nervous Dainty, to use , Sitn!citi N an e d 7 s ° T h on u le. It la e vegetable preparation, free liquors; It 'trent. hens the whole Defeo,. ' ro o ms It ereatto a good appetite, and broartanted . Dyspepsia and Nerveua Debility. eor sale by Dregeleta generally. Prepared by DR. A. STRICKLAND, 0 East Fourth street, Cln done% O. For rite by DR. GEO. H. KETSER, corner of Wood street nod Virgin alley, and R. E.SELI.ERS .5c CO., corner of Wood and Second streets, Pitts. burgh; and by PARK ai DRILL, N 0.17 Federal street, Allegheny: octtlldvdoiam • vrANIIOOD: 110 W LUST I 110 W REH TORED!—Just published, in a Nested enrol.' opa. Price, Six Cent.. A Lecture on the Nature, Trentment, end Radical Once of Spermatorrtues, or Seminal Weakness, Lavoluntary Emissions, Sound Debility, and Impediments to Marriage onentllf, Nervousness, Consumption Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physilial ;Incapacity, result. lag from Scif.Ahnse; &a. By limn. Orincna. WIILL. M.D., anther of the Green Reek, h:. BOON TO, TEIOUSItEDS. OF.. SUFFERERS.. Sent, under ocai, in a plain, to any ad. dm*, pott, raid, on receipt or 11l cants, or two Pottage names, LY DR. - .1 . p xia - N4,127 flowery New York. Pont 0 1 11 00 014 . 18 3. 1.1.172../110.T. FORTY TEARS PPACTICA _ r..I.TVAS., WZBEABES; Mem me a knowiedno nekton acquired by Yhyst• clans. My long. rootd - onen In this city, and the amount of patient treated atutunlly by me, era noMalent proof of my anceeat SPEIIMATORRUCEA.orSEXUAL WEAXNESS And all dimwits arising, therefrom, are cured tu...„ 6- .m h shorter time than hetetonno by my Aro VEGETABLE BEBIED I,Pottoines sent to an parthf the Union. All letten must oontsin at pto pay return postage. Correspondent-a held • Mice, 86 SMITHFIELD ern; near WM. try iu n .1 3 4r Adtlfeni J. W. BRANSTEXIA Vii. D. Boa9ootPHrabura l / 4 ri4 .13.1.1TiS .1.171 /1.1377iE1d 4311 Ta V - C., Nor., B. 0. U-Ea VtlYrof .! President. Osabier. nue neria, teen 04 /NOW FOURTH NATIOICAI. bANIC Or PrrrsuauGal il If . S. Goversmertf Deposilary, "'-• .... Prrrantrnarr, February ha, PAM XTOTICE.—WISIIING TO PURVIEW' il the design of the NATIONAL BANK LAW TO PROVIDE A. Uniform System of Currency, THE• URTE NiTkONAL . BANK, OF virrsiiintun. will, on and after February Ist, ISO, receive from her 'note? Depositoni; customers and dealers, cußnExcr 4171 By Ma coulee the pablio will obtate PAR MOREY FREE OF ALL MARGE Ls exchange for their currency. By order of the Board. S. D. lECERRON. Cashier BANKING HOUSE N. hOLMES & SONS, N 0.57 Nalket Street. Pittsburgh DEPOSITS REUETVED IN PAR FUNDS AND CUREErtOY Collections u end ed e o s e t adt .s th . e p d ri u e t or .d t . p . eints or the STOOKS, BONDS AND OTBED. SEOURIITE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of • UNITED STATES SECURITIES, roiled Rake Rica or ISM ; Do. do. 6-20 o; Do. rivro. 10-10 o; . Do. Mel ea -Th I rileo ; Do. tertldrata of ledebtednois ORDERS AND TOUCHERS BODGDT 911 sl6:lj COLLECTED TO THE PUBLIC FOURTH NATIONAL BANK,' U. S. Government Depositary PITTNIIIIIIGII. February l.t, 1%5 We reepectfully solicit your buitness and offer you Batty, convenience and profit., We receive current lurid, at par. • a Wphe furnish exchange on New Vert and Phlll- delin at par. We allow interest on deposits, subject to eheck or an time, no agreed on. We purchase Gold and Silver, S. Gold Onti• pone, due Pdarch, May and July, tS6t highest rates. We have on hand, for immediate delivery to pub haled , 7-30 IL S. TREASIJIIY consortia's Into I. S. MOGI-old Sands at per; also 10-40 U. S. GOLD DOXDS. We sell 11. S. LOADS at Government rates, and. pay you the Government commission. • Referring you to annexed list Of our President, Cashier and Directors, we mould be happy to transact your money business. Very respectfully, JAMES O'CONMER, President. S. D. lIRItRON, Cashier. . I,IIIICTOR. JAMES M. BAILEY, R. IL NINO. JOHN T. HERRON, N. J. HIGLEY, _ lON, DAVID M S . SMITH, J. M. KIREPATR THOMAS MITH, SAS. O'CONNOR, THOMAS DONNELLY. fell( TREASURY DEPARTMENT, 071 , 1CP OF CeObITTAOLLIM OP Tai UCILIILSITY, Wasoirorori, February bd. I. WHEREAS BY SATISFACTOR evidence preaeutevi to the underaigned, it Au been rands to Appear that the SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF ALLEGHENY CITY, in the city of Pittsburgh. in the county of Alle gheny and State of Pennsylvania, e h as been duly are i . r e nt s ' el d t r lo n n o g re 'd sr V.llll t•ttn`2?rir, 7,%! vide .'National Currency, secured by a pled .71 of Vnited States Bonds, and to protide for the circu lation and redemptioe t%ereof„.approved Jane Id, 1854, and has cemplical with all the provisions of mid ant required to be complied with before com mencing tic, business of bank under said act; Now therefore, I, Bros Meth - Luau., Comptroller of the Cur rency, do hereby certify that .Tbe Second Nation al Bank of Allegheny City in the city of &lie• gheny, in the county of Al legheny, sad State of Pennsylvania, Is authorized to eommencethe bald ness of Banklag under the act afiresabl. Currency Bureau. ' In testimony Whereof Seal of the witness my hand and Comptroller of the seal Of calico, this Al day . Currency. of February, 1365. Treasury Department. , -- HUGH MeOULLOO Cornntrollerof the Currency TREASURY DEPARTMENT, f_ksvics OP 00WPTICOLLrit or Tus 01111.118NCY, Washington, Jsnuary lath, leat. W ERBA B BY BATISFACTO r evidence presented to the 'undersigned, it has Dees mulcts appeazthat THE GERMAN NATIONAL BAN* OF PITTSBURGH, to the City of Pittsburgh, In the county of Alleghe ny and Stele of Penneylrani's, has been duly or ganized muter and Recording to the requirements of the Acti of Congress entitled "An Act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the circu lation and redemption thereed," approved 311110 sd, 1664, and has complied with all the provisions of said not required to be compiled with before com mencing the business of banking undersold set: Now therefore, I, Boon hlcContocn, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that-The Lerman National Bank of Pittsburgh," /n the city of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pensmylvaista, is authorized to comment* the business of Banking under the act aforesaid. { Currency Bureau, In testimony whereof Seal of the witness my kand and seal Comptroller of the of odlee, this lath day of Currency. January, IBM Treasury Department.) RU(ia MeCULLOUH, Comptroller of the Clammy. TIIMASIYHT OVTICZ 01 TIII 002aTEOLLE4 01 C17112.1010T, RAGHIIIOIOI, December 31, M. "WHEREAS, BY : BAIISFACTOR9 v evidence presented to the underAined, it hat been made to appear that the IRON CITY NATIONAL BINS OF PITTSBURG' to the city Of Pittsburgh, 1* the county a ARC gbeoy, and State of Pennsylvania, hu been dui} organised under and accordiugto the requiremunta of the acts of Pumas, entitled "An Act to PT side w National mangy, secured by itlie4n vr...ed states Hoods, sad to provide for the clan lotion and redemption dheseof,” approve! June rat a n 2 Ci l reu hal ui=l i tit co w : zor Titrtfe n ge s eo u m . - mencing the business of tranAint under said set; Now, therefore, I. Hugh DlCOulloch,Coorsescolle of the Comma, Co hereby certify that "%HZ IRON CITY NATIONAL HANK OF .d/TTS In the city of Pittsburgh, in the esunty of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylcanin, is au thorised to commence the business of Banking un der the act aforesaid. testimony whereof, witness my ban [r.. a.J and aunt of office, this thirty-first day 0 • December, A. D. Mt. HUGH McCULLOCH, Comptroller of tha Currency. oV D oLTAR btbrAVe.lo3B BAlig. l O. 64 rILTII anat. .CHILIITERE IN 1855. Open dolly from 9 to 2 o clock, also on Welnes day and Saturday - evenlng,from May Ist to No vember Ist,.from 1 to 9 o'clock, and from November let to May Ist from 0 to 8 o'clock. peposits received of all sums of not leas than One and & dividend of the profits declared twice In June nod December. Interest has been semhannually, ICI June and December, -k was organincd, at the rate of eta 11 ye.. deciaren . since the 11.... per cent, a year. Interest, if not dent:. bf the depositor as print, interest Irma the beet daps compounding twice a year Withi, depositor to call. or even to present M., Al this rate money will double In lest than yearn Book., containing the Charter, Bp-Latex; end Regulations, furniehed gently oKi appirentiOn at the office. PaMunmx - P01:0 1 1GE ALBREE. TICK' P.T2E41.0.9T11. William .1. Anderson, At hi. Pollock, 131. D., Salm G. Backeten. Robert Robb, Fahnestocic, John H. SbOeltbelgltr, Jl,lllC.llfierdErllo, James Shidie, James McAuley... Alexander Speer, . bane DI. Pennock, . • Christian Yeager. - a not, la placed to the credit , al, and bearsthe hams 'une and beceather, .t troublln4 the nose book. we're TEUV11 . 6123. OrailreAdams, Ilenry..J. Lynch, John C. Liindley, • Deter A. Madeira, George Black," John Marihall, Burrain, Walter P. Marshall,. AlonoA. James B. D. Monza, Charles A. Dalton, • Jahn B. Moradden,l Wra.Douslas, . • John Or% John Evans, . Henry J.- ninnarall: . John 3. - le. Dolimorta, 'William el. Haven, • Aletarnle - Fladle,. • Peter S, Unnhera -•• •Akirk. Richard Hays' P. James II: 'hme Whi er, "rrearurer—LlLAS: A. OOL•Zrile geWolnell—JAMlM .11; MDf.D.S. .1E; _ _ ,; : /V.4:721112:1 .7..nuealrg RIVER o,AROWMlENlStilizihkgaig orese....7l , asz EC Ist" era - 0.714r. os3. U. S. DENATOIIIOO6AfikhAgERY at 5911.1,1: . 7 '61 6. 164 4 . 7-. ! • 1,1 a .•! This Bulk keens'snonwonltoeretleo the 7444 Lotted States Trrownr9frtAiiir:(; - ; Moe for thi same.. ottc'f •! ; 1 This ill the POPVIA.H4ROMI—MODeattAIkenh .,4I ernment loon now In the to ttkaltlttiittle'llot , : 4 i those who have money a eaftwee11?........ tunny for investment. T'WO 01.* . Y9 DAY .ratE u M it ty 4 1.11 These nee - , are all dated 15thA Interest payable sere-atumfillron t e 11th of kit. teary sod tech of "Logue, at the rate o t knitaga Sleeper annum. At the expiration of (only little over two and a half new) they ohangabla late the Pio Golihßoods. , Coostessio. allowed to Msoks and Bankers. lamest will , air at oar msoltlox Rouse. pE. SOMME= v 4-4 lone B. Lrrwrowrox, Cashier. . - C. M. Salami, Assistant ()ashler. jainsa. , - TREASURY DEPARThIENT, OrrlClr or COIIiTnoLLZU 07 TOO OCKRIINOT,, WaannicrrOir, January IBA, 1386.' • -8 1 -By satisfactory eridence Presented to the undersigned, it has bees • mode to appear that the THE ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANN, of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, aml Stale of Pennylvania, has been duly o r 2. ' t trod under and according to therequireuents e the Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide National Currency, neeured by a pledge of Waited' Stales Bonds, and to provide for the eireulatime and redemption thereof," approved June' nod has complied with all the provisions . • net, required tote complied with before 00111Inellr. the oev, l 4 nthrnerore' of booking under sold count : • trifler of t h e Cuereney. do hereby certify that the "Ailesheny National Bank" of Pittsburgh, in th• city of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, and • State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commute the business of banking under the act aforesak. In testimony whereof, Sr itrie9s my hand trident of office, this teth dny of Janunry,lBAB. • 6.1 HUGR , Initiffen Comptroller of the Ourresev. , TREASURY DEPAATIRENT, OPPICZ or W (J ashou rrnoiLart .T Or TUN LiOrtnallOV, ington, a nuary 12th, 1865. urn ER E AS, BY - BATISFACTORI evidence presented to the widersigned. it ha been made to appear that TUE UNION NITIONiL BANK OF PITTSBURG% In the City of Pittsburgh, to the county . of Al lechery nod State of Pennsylvania, has ,been duly organized under and according to tho re• quirements of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United Staten Bon,* and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," are proved June d, 1861, and has comlical - with all the provisions of said net required to te complied with before commencing tho business of banking under !said act; Now therefore, 1. Bona Meth:ahem, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that -The Union National Bank of Pittsburgh," in the city of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the bushaese of Banking under the act storesaiiL Currency Bureau, In teatimorry whereof - Seal of the winess my hand and seal Comptroller of the of °Mee, this twelfDa dat Currency. of January, 18614 Truantry Department. ILCGII McCULLOOII, Comptroller or the Currency DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION, NO HO SMITHFIELD STREET, (opposite Ut Custom House.) Chartered by the LiegLlNgiare. OFFICERS. • Preadent—GEO. a .10/0 . 36.• - Tics PILZBIDENTS. - Wm. H. Smith, Joshua }nodal, Moe. D. Messier, Alex. Bradley, Francis Sellers, A. lielnernen, John F. Jennings, Joseph King, Thos. S. Blair, IS. H. Hait.l23g4 Henry Lloyd, F. Bakal. • rancress. James Park, Jr., S. S. Fowler, D. M. Long, 3.153. Timms, Dr. Jan Carothers, B. F. Y ones, A. S. Bell, Cl. H. Wolff, Jos. Dilworth, R. D. Cochran, • Wzn. Smith, W. A. Reed, J. W. Woodwell, W. H. Phelps, R. C. Schmertz, D. E. McKinleyy, J. MeD. Crosemes, " 0. IL Paulson, R. Al. Smyth, Jatob Stuckzatk. G. Follansbee, Alfred Slack. C. Zug, Secretory sad Treasurer—D. E. M.KISILBY Open daily, from 9 a. m. to 2p. m. -Also, &OAP. day evening, from 6 toe o'clock. Delimits received of one dime mut upward... Dividends declared In December and June ales* Tear. Dividends allowed to remain are plsoed to the credit of the depositor as principal. sod bear inter. 1 est thus eoinpoulding it.• Books containing Charter, Ely-Laws, turnialk ad at the office. W This Institution offers, especially to those, persons whose earnings are small, the opportunity to aocumuLst,Dy small deposits, easily saved, a. sum which WILI be a resource when newt= ' money not only being eat., but hearths n steed of remaining unproductive. setaMtm... PI4XOS. W USIA. Sc. pLiNos! PIANOS ENTIRELY NEXT STOOK NINE DIFFERESa MAKES. PLAIN AND , CARVED FURNITURE. PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY CHOICE LOT OF CHEAP FLUIDS CALL AND EXAMINE. CHAR.T.vS C. *ELM St WOOD STREET pits, o s AMERICAN ORGANS. BROM/ff. New York; KNOMAKER & CO,, Philadelphia,and BOARDMAN A, GRAY. 8. B. &H. W. Smiths' Merlin Orgavi '- WITH PATENT TEEKOLO. ATTACHMENT. Just received, a new supply of the ramie telb anted instruments; together with Pianos fromi other Manufacturers, Ti:: PATIMEE VIOLIN PIANO, STEINWAY re SONS, GRAVESTEIGN re CO-, and others; all at reduced priers. . . WAICELINK & Na IS St. Clair Street, Bissell's Block. let . HoFFmhat, HOENF...t CO.i' 55 PIFTII STREET. SOLI &GISTS 101 3:l4Dia3sorNs Pil.siatacmg. B' Beat Plana latatterlos. KNAIIE t CO'S. UNRIVALLED PIANOS. CHARLOTTE BLUME, 1 VI" , feb4 Wholesale _ &Street, Retail Ageot n I I T HE °REP. : ENGLISH REMEDY:— SIB JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, e yr , i n re i tf y r , o u ns ci. /1 p sf r r ,„ l r o d , n out to the alaucer n. 2E: 7 Thla Well known medicine is no Imposition, but. a sure end safe remedy for Female =Wattles and Oteuuctiona, from any cause whatever, and tap though a powerful remedv,.. they contain moth.; Int hurtful to the constitution. To Startled ' Ladles it is perfectly nutted. It wilt, In a short •. time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills have never been known totsil Whin the directions on the '4 page of the pamphlet are . • sell otwerved.S . . For full particulars get n Pamphlet, f ree, of the agent. Sold by all Irrusitiatn. Prlee, at per boat!. Sole United Stntta'Asent, 3013 316§E5, II COttrtlanilt street; New York. N. 13.-41 and e'pontage Etampo,' enclosed to any -, authorized ngent, will Mauro a bottle, containing . . 60 Dille try retina rani!. . deolayd. a.E. 11 ".% . -. PROVED 0 ; Tun 12 . .... '" ant Hewing. Machin • ' - Littl e ,„._ Unsurpassed for • WOW) . 1 . . tteltytUrn= • Peery opty t y Ea N. . , novernent; and .for . • . „re66 , reliability awl grata la worth it ?nano . OVAL For .... !"l.F,r," sn d and extentlolit is anetltultled b) -; ! , ,,,a bps, ; .1 - main° beretedbri,oftbrett to the mi.. . ~,,,... ~.. only to be ;wen •tly b.), appreciated. lt , s• • ' -, t quilt, tuck or bin& ..oall and =mina kw. .elves! Every machine o r . 8.43. B erlar‘es A Tlni --. Wmlts'ilMEDSLiontoldti ,/ WELL STEA.3I - ENGINES . . STEAM ENGINEC-.. So ninth approved:of for oil wells end other_env - peeve, on the ebb:test notice. Haring differeat, Heginek on hstl i ta and with °them. the Ur, ; :Tglt to shot f ith it a s b ir Ilze WILLIAM FISHICrift% Ward . between Henitanto and Harrison 4090501 , ,~ a