The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, February 14, 1865, Image 1

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    ,•.•...4. , ...-
111* Wittoturgir, gatite.
Vtg*:l;ATESt, f
'Special Dispatch to the rittsbugh Gazette.
t,. Hand anon, Si . uh..l3, 1831.-2
r lftsl%rm:LThe Stinate'rnit'aeeight
Mr-.Hoge prevoted'd remonstrance against
<lasing Sha nesltthof Mresschpsockr
Itr:toliii, - aiiinOttiiiince ageing. the Sae's:.
;tien of Ash lane, Erie
liftVW/Isbnitad inithisifsliii the tim&
Companyteibulli lateral roast- and'in
escase their capital. •
Xt. NlNlmllliolsoswapplometkoesiellatthor
- bang the committee of. Walter Graham, a lino.
tie, to seakttartala:r4l. itstosto. d:
The feljel/4: 1 41ie •wete PaSit,,
..-,4 , W 1 5% . a
r-penalty on personi WhO jell ididCeriVid or al
. iu , *4*.ClMV_OlßMAltUrent;
authorising the election of- slx cormellnen in
the Tittarrille'llem and Company.
-ittirsk.-31esaa.:,Gismi, Slack and 'Childwielt
' read, petitions to repel she act iktinditig!'
!niter works in Allegheny.
/4, lnl 'rsC!Vit ita I .l4ltlee ifitn 7 WP. - sehAT
Director§ of Skater township, against two School
finpointendenclos. - . Also;'. pititiiest of the
' Flank*c,r,chatitj ?t. AlleplettESltz . • agldtkst a
change In flour inspection.
itiouticei from the citiaoitiot
9 , 4 1 4# tpriaihip Prefief that Os> . ..4 11 ,Perlisits
he imthorMed li%apnroprinite_ pitieof ,the road
r e:l444i Flottc. qte
petitions for„ a tife,lncreeae„or r toilnm
Matt altd"PenistiiiiiikpPlia, -
Glakeircat 'tin following
poretinAthe :It'esterri Union Mining Knfritt
612W,Tncorporitini . 'the Peansilieittira Cat
Manufadiring `end' Transportation Co:,} one
CinifeziMg eerthi.rights tin this Youghlogkeir
Ctnil ens tinthinizhag'the School Dlrcelo'ri
Of Versailles townahjp and Pittsburgh to levy a
per capita tair. .
Mr.- Kelly—Ate act mreatina• an act autilor
l'Atitithe,EcliaolArtore ofentrtberiand,(lreene
comity, to lerj a boutitytoF,
Rest!lt of ihe Late Battle.sSaltsrictory
gresent Position'of the Forces.
• 1:10st "Yortir,.Feb.•l3.•The Herald's Ilatcher'S
Eon aperla, Of tho,..9tb, Soya: Tate:day Mir
lines were undldurixd, and ate work:of fortify
lag goes on . rapidly. Comfortable quarters are
fat springing up, and the`men, after all their
• .
trlaley.feel satisfied with the nitlmateadvantages
ned,thiongh attended' with Many acissitudesi
and with severe .rests or endurance of the men.
Theft/ale Is indheistirsetistacto ry. The terri
tory or Hatcher's 'Run , which - for months bits
been a region-ofcontroversy, between the two
• forces; now ;forme .part of our lines. Pioneer
and fatigue • Partlia. are rapidly converting the
dense woods bito -a scene of hostile defense.
Flfti mats Lava ; .been added to ; oar lines, and
Richmond so mneh nearer its - downfall. • - •
Tne'Errold's sth corps special orate 10th says:
All of pnetroops ham now, been wi thdrawn to
&a side of Hateltees Burt, kiid die earthworks
constructed en thee - oftier &Weer. :ihe stream have
bees 6sstroyati. - This latdrtans oar line; but our
rade dermal°. There-gilt
Pretrably bow •iniire changes citherviiie than
_ . ..tbidfiglp,strettgthen our presets6positien:
ilww;FMist, -Feb. e ' Tr:Masi Aug,'
of ,Potomite.' apecla of the 111011 and 11th says:
Islawthi.itiack on, the' sth and', 6th' by 'cur
kft,sallt.has them. quiet along our:lines. The
• left of orti• line now holds they ground gained,
1 - eablnerntilatetier'sßun, which Lila mere thread
ail fi ereek tanning through a strip l of swamp. •
The sth toms, which up to' the time of the
tack lay in the rearof the 6th corps,•aud of the
centre of the line, mow forms tlict ON with the
2nd corps on Its right. These' two corps Were
'the only ones. _ engaged; . our the. kth and oth,-
- through the 6lb corps, was hinder orders to move '
at the same- thee Ara kippers the attack. Two
diasionrof the 241 carps of the rebel army, with
one ,of Heath's . division, met .the attack,
and fora time sharply resisted our advance
about- RI ads success we have
gained about thtell kales of ground. "
Our now- stretching from James river on
the right, to Hatcher's Mtn on the left, la formed
of the 4th to
,t• In this order :On Um right the
athitbenthe Rh, pen the 25 and: lastly ths sth.
The extent of the position Is about twenty-three
:,Ac well as can be ascertained, the rebel
" line Is disposed in :this way: On the right to
• front of the sth corps hs the 9d, under Gen. Gor
don, Athihateg of two divisioastlUes comes the
3d corps, under Gen. Hill, consisting of three
divisions,_ nest is the 4th under Gen. Anderson,
andlattly la the Ist on • their left, consisting of
..... three ditielOns - and ruder command' of General
tvl-066 9 trcet- _By this it wilt he seen their line la
formed of 'four corps, as is ours; but they are
weak. The Ist is the strongest, and does not
muster-15,000 men. South Side Railroad, on
which, our left‘ls gradually closing, is about sir
miles frben our . pleket line. The rebels see with
daimon? apprmele -toward the road, and fight
• 'shard s 4 tltek weak line will allovito check our
advance; lent in tpite of all they can do, the road
- will be otos in course of time. ' They need men.
From Ni a ooo to 25,000 tn.= could. save tho road
for them,Lit those they ben not. The enemy
, show no disposition to regain their lost ground,
and `wig lihely oodflue their eirortAl4. holding
their rearlitorof works, which are very strop*
It is the object of Gen. Grant to feel their lines
continually, and see that they do not detach any
force lo.South-Carollim.
. •
- Troubles in Nebraslia Subsiding
Six Days Fighting—The. Main Body
Gone Up the North Platte.
. .
Oiesus, Feb. telegraph is again work
'. 'Mg to Ben Ter City. The Indians, in small bands,
are at different palate all along the road from
Fcrt Iteamey westward: The main body has '
.gone up the North Platte. .
Col; Conine, with kW command, las had a
- eerie! of engag - emints with the ledlans between
Tulesburu and Fort Laramie,whieh leafed for 'Lc
.days. TIM babies are 'estimated to number
.2,000 :while our soldiers number about pop, not
to follow and chastise the Banes.
:From New Orleans end:Cairn.
OITRO_ Feb. itcama Missouri, font
New Orleans, on the fitb, has - arrived with a
- large cat•go of sugar and miasma for St.; Louis
'sad Cincinnati. _
The btmaing •of Pascagoula la contradleted,
'but the placebos been evacuated by oar troops.
Severatronbosts remain off the coast, however.
Cotton is in fair demand, -with limited supply;
- ... g e rtt67 B fa c v en or u sellurs. Middling; ',*o cents; low do,
• :Neatly a thousand bales Of cotton bare arrived.
;since Saturday, mostly for St. Loots. - •
~ . .
From the Shenandoah
• 'Nays:Yong, Feb.:l3.—nm Herald's Mochas
ter letter menthms tho movementscontiug
s party through the Talley, near Snicker's Gap,
*inch captured three prisonem, one of whombe
t ksugest to Good's army, and said that Gen. Lee
'had adoptedlllling up regiments in Virginia from
4i50 4 ,,... s...ldicra receircd from the military prisons at t h e
iNinth without regard to their own regiments.
1 - Our antbortties aro leering rations to rebel
a mi ties In the Talley, and pureeing a coneilla
, torY PAU MerallY••
Debt or the Flical-Year--Death or Ex
. • Governor Wets.
NEW T1)11.; 13.—The :rises Special car.
ropetulent says: In his letter , to Um Committee
uu -Ways cud Means, 3lr. Fcescudon dots
not silt for power to Inoue more currency. .It is
' • probable he wlll rely npcti the 7.30 notes for
- the debt of •the fiscal year. '
Bx-Gov.' Thos. 11. Hicks, U. S. Senator from
31d.; diccat 7 o'clock this morning.
The President's Action la the Peres Con-
ference Eliddmd
Sr..' Loma, Feb. 121.--Tha State Conventlon
to-day unanimously ,passed resolutions endors
ing the action or the President m`the late Peace
~ C onterence, and pledging the 10314 people of
Mincer! to sustaln the government to the last
extremity in prosecuting the • war until Tosco
-be established °scampered, upon the tombs of the
• Instructiors contained in the •wident's note to
• Secretary Seward. .
ibb Comdltutional Amendment Ratified by ,
Indiana: .
niteArbLii, Feb.' 1.U.--Tho resolution:. ea.-
,: dorsthg, the Coegreselenal elarery,smendlnont•
baring plumed the Batiste by 96 to 24, passe4
he lime to-nitht by 5: to 22 One - hundred:
guns are:being - 2nd et tha IVO liott4o ort. the
THE -:,...'DAILY.
NO. 48.
111 N. JlFgrgerkfMonstsusts#
Ricrefitryof:ifie Treasury.
Gen. Grant Wants More Men.
Proposed Marine Railway 'Around Xi
agars Falls,
z. WA-litiliOrii ttrita
nominated to the Senate Hon. E. Horgan,
to be Eeeretary6( the Treasury.
WASHINGTON, Feb. I3.—The President this af
ternoon sent to the Senate the ncimbtation• of
ScustOilicriNrlftlif X • PritTLO liesWetir:
of the Treasury, but In the mune of an ha • ur
thereafter; withdrei
New youw, Feb. 13.—Th4 ,Tithune's *ash
ington special says The bill to •
roads that 011,13 niched land grants will be ad-
Tersely reported bithe Senate Military Com-init.
The plif* , ,Voulhhigton.spcelal stark; IL is
generaly. understisadatatheintnnti*ieindebted
mainly to Bcrace Greeley far the recent Peace
demonstration. ft was at his Instance and solidi
tation that Blair went to Richmond and set the
machinery In motion which made the conference
Gen. Grant told a member of Congress that If
the country would give him 100,000 fresh men
he could close the war in three months. It is
supposed the draft will net the Government at
least 200,000.
bintv'Toriir, 13.—The CoaorairC;e2. Ade,-
tin-r's Washington special says r Staff Officers
front the fleet off Mobile, report great activity
In the removal of the tocheads and other ob
structions in We harbor. It was confidently ex
pected that the rebels would =senate the city.
The fleet is working ita_way up the harbor.
The Poirea Washington special says Rich
mond papers of Saturday admit that it to prob
able the rebels are. evacuating Charleston.
The liyinua' Washington special says; The
l'resident sought to,wlthdraw o ldr..,:ttorgan:le,
nomination after sending It in, hut, was told that
le could caftylits done by aspeetal
. Mr. Seward will certainly remain in Gm eabl.-.
net onto `the `4th of lifitrelt; riailtbstauctlng'
double reports.from New :VOW- . -
The Znare Washington special Baru The la
tat, Richmond paper: received hem' Show that
onFriday_last. General Sherman .encompassed.
Eratelivfllifwlthla foar miles of thattelece. Ie
in. :underacted- the :paper of Saturday „made a,
definite announcement of its captare, and Gen.
Grant'itated It asir positive tact,-..and ire also;
confirms Alm ,statetnent of Alm evacuation, of,
Charleston, asa milltary'neeesslty. • ' •
Wssiftworrof/eb. 13. , —The se
lect a site for a Navy.Tard and Naval .Depart
ment in the Western waters have reported in
favor Of Carondolet *mi. Mound City. ,„
Senator Wilson to-day Introduced a bill to in
corporate the Freedmen% -and Trint
Company. ,It Ancludes, : _as corporators,,among
others, Wm. Cullen Bryant, Peter Cooper, Ger
rit/ Smith,lh iramßarney;:A:.A. Lawrence and
J. Wharton Smith.
At hearing befores the Beriate'lfaltary Coin
matte to-day, a proposition was Submitted! on
behalf of sera*. capitalists to constrict a ma,.
line railway atoned' Niagara Palli:at thcbr arra
t spew, capable for the tratiettortstlcre' of 'the
hugest Teppeillppi 011,41akes, as _Weil;ell
between Lakes Erie ail Ontario, provided the
Government, on oinaideraUon of the Trireme of
the works forever, will, on the completion of ;the
rallwaY, give to _the, Company its bolds
payable in twentflesne; sl,ooo,ooo.eadtded'
1t300.000 In bonds nuptcally tocteartees,tefter.
the demenstrittiOrr'of the entire enecelis of the
The canal bill which, recently passed the
House proposesit'Goterninent ban of 16,000,-
000, to beputibt .- • .
The Committee 'On We Conductor lite War,,lbreugh Senator. Wade, made report
calling attention to three classes of heavy guns.
The first, those mule entirely of east iron—the
Dahlgren' and Rodman gun - the second, those
made of east troa--thß"Parnott guns' .and the
third those made entirely of wrought Iron—the
Ames gun. .
The Committee say that Dahlgren never re
ceived any compensation In the way of royalty,
cod the, Parrott Inver charged anything except
ing whatlie deemed a falrmanufacturer's profit,
nr d that Ames, has nitric' only 91 guns for the
Government, charging so. much a pound for
-.'-The ournalfted have examined Into the bunt
ing of the Parrott guns of large caliber, together
with the bursting or eotne or edit trop ems
of large caliber upon the Teasels engaged CM opet ,
talons against Charleston and Fort Fisher' which
has tended to weaken confidence to-their dura
bility, and seams to showtheneeessityof obtain
ing if possible some other gun which can be
more implicitly :Idled on. The trusting °film=
guns is genera& attributed_to the premature ex
plosion of shell within the more of We gun. --
The Committee, In aka of all the facts elici
ted, recommend *that' Congress immediately
adopt such measures as will enable the War and
Nary Department& to obtain , and Introduce Into
the service, wrought iron guns, and probably of
larger calibre, at as early- a day as practicable.
The Richmond War,bleciing..
, . .
NEW YOE{E., Feb.l3.—The Richmond Illspetelt
of the 10th- says: "Railroad connection with
Augusta bin - been severed: It is an error,,bow.
ever. to ittipose that because any point on the
South Carolina allroad la in the bands of the
enemy, vre can no longer draw supplies from
Georgia. It would be unwise to' explain the
mutter nt tins time."
At a Richmond war meeting on. Thursday, all
the speeches we attic most furious character, ,
informing the people. That the Confederacy was
In danger, but could be saved 'by the efforts of
the people. Preambles and resolutions were
offered and adopted with much applause. The
preamble:calls the. war one of conquest by the
United Btates,t,and defense by the rebelsouldvier
nounces Lincoln's recent proposition for peace
as debasing and cruel. The following arc ;he
Ilisoired, That events which hare occurred
during the progress of the war have confirmed
stir original determination to strike for our In
dependence; and that with the blessings of God
we will never laydovin r our arms till it shall have.
I been Won.
Jtern{reti, That 1111.3113 bolter!' ..ourrelantes to
‘.6e• sufficient for: our purpose,-we do - not datibt
but we shall conduct the war successfully, and
t.crell Invite the people, In. the bollest of all
cftscr, to spare neither blood nor treasure In its
maintenance and 'import: -
A rtnolution of thanks to dui soldier{ for
!entry and patriotism was also adopted.,....
Stoe6and Money Maters New-Vork
New Yon - 4, Feb. I.3.—The Stock Market is
entirely .devold of speculation Interest. The
•ontelde public take no Interest In the movements
of Railroad stock refusing alike to buy of sell.
Them Is a dliposition among the brokers to *nit '
for some Importatit military result eateulatetto
affect the price of Gold. .Curnberland 'Leal la
the only stock on which.thare IS any excitement.
Gold-bearing Bonds continue 'la good demand.
Stale Bonds steady. The Miscellaneous List Is
liftliont change. The Gold Market is without
eicltement. 'Petroleum excitement has an•
important bearing on tito general Stock 3farket.
3foney Brokers on the regular Stock board turn;
ed their attehtion to a better class of 011 Stocks.
Among the public therals a growing disposition
to btiyop 'Petroleum Shares at the present low
prices, to the hope that the striking of oil may
enable thern to realize handsome profits. At.tho
Po.'rolcuna Board there was considerable activity
in leadiote stocks. Brooklyn sold at 5 ; Empire
6; Excelsior 1125; Germania 07 ; Knickerbock
er 1; Oceanic W 5 itynd Farm 5; United States
5560 ; Manhattan 75; Fit Hole Creek 18 and
I`.:LVF TORIC, Feb. I.3.—,The .Ikrald has news of
the situation around Mobile up ,to Abe Bth of
January. The city was than surrounded by a
strong chain of earthworks, and, besides these,
was defended in the harbor approaches, by water
batteries, :sunken obstructions, 'torpedoes, ;and
throe gunboats." In and around the city there
were about 0,000 troops, of whom, ;000 were
militia, the whole under the command of Gen.
PreposefilieniosaA of tho New VorkState
, .
_Nets - YoMC, Feb, 13.--At. - .thoteelltur of
Board of Buparrieers Mei afternoon a resolution.
was offered stating, that whereto the 'authorities
contemplated 'the removal of the State Capital,.
the Could y Cot einnient request the State Gov.'
aritiven. le accept (be new Colinty Cour_t Manse
for the purtosee .of a Cipitel.. The 'resolution
was carried unanimously and immediately sign
ed by the Mayor. T - ,
The Situntion.around Motile
; Tra - Ethi:Noity:c.44ll; Feb. 13, , 1805.
•`nbtrsE. •
On motion of Mr. Schenck a Joint resolution
was adopted appropriating 5:5,000 for a con
tract with Wro. It. Powell, to paint a picture
illustrative of some naval victory, to ho placed
at the head of the grand staircase of the Cap
Mr. Ashley offered a preamble, that,
Whereas, In consequence of the rebellion and
since the prociamathn of emancipation, a largo
ntraber ,of.persons of .ceeer have been bnlnght
froth: the Patti cifitkirjland, ir Onto; and other
St..tes, end left In around the National capital,
and Whereas, it Is reported that many of them
hare djed for want of food; and Whereat, it is
reported that from ten to twenty thousand are
in want; and Whereas, it is reported that hund
reds arc In the service of the united States and
lighting In defense of.thp.aoremment,
Respired, That the Committee on Military Al.
faire enquire into the troth of said reportk and
that the committee report what action, If any, Is
necessary In the - premises, with lemoto report by
bill or otherwise.
The preposition was agreed to
Mr. Dawson offered.a resolution declaring that
tlferkiirt — Ikea Seen zungteisidng foti# ytiarkwith
fetardlesi'destruction of life, and the Ithribsi
lion of an enormous public debt, and that mem
ters of Congress are bound by their oaths and
solemn pledges to conduct the war for the re
establishment of the just supremacy of the laws.
Thecbtere r
/Imbed, the 'President' be . requeited to
.use.all.honornblaapd just maps to briar about
a.. Wang Peace and the reestablishment of fro
qinett•ilations edit:is!' the people on the simple
lists of tito Copetitp_ttoiL and lau• %As d
eftupropor guirieStakictle B*heli) sua s ,
which shall protect them in the' enjoyment of
their rights and local institutions in the manner
the Constitution secures.
Mr. Thayer moved that the resolution be laid
upon the table. Agreed to by a vote of 73
Mr. Williams offered a aeries of rmolutions,
deelaring that there Is no power, under the Con
stitution, which warrants us to treat with the
Southern States, either for a severance of the
Union or the alteration of any article of the
fundamental laW, than, mast:flush . fts - Ilia • cot
ft derate St atei thin taken dip aruni aftaltiallhe
. .
govtrntuent of the Linked States, without jest
inovoration, and for the averred purpose of as
serting.and maintaining. their independence, and
will torilat by armed resistance to the authority
of the United Stat, and as our public nuthori-
tics have Aletildrett that,lt. was 'their. duty to
ebeline accept - 6f" any 'ants short of ab
solute submission to its laws ; and
%herca•, with a magnanimity almost ruasur
paystd an amnesty was promised to all except
the chief tionspirators, it is hereby declared, that
the Government has alrent)y exhausted all the
resources of a just and wi se statesmanship, ex
rept so far as regards an earliest and vigorous
prosecution of the war, to sheet a restoration of
peace, and to that' end has done all that a proper
regard to our interests allows, and which a de-
cent respect to the opinions of the world could
demand, aod,therefore rut further overtures, pub-
Ile or private, &Relit or iiihilrelar Tanking to a
treaty or compromise with the conspirators at
lischmond, would be Inconsistent withotir rights
and dignity and expaMtuttY misconstruction as
to our ability to compel the rebels to obedience.
On motion of 'Mr. 'Eldridge. thViesolations •
were laid upon the table—Yeas IL nays 52.
The Mouse went Into Committee ofthe Whole
on the amendatOry Revenue bill.
Mr. Nelson Moroi an amendment to lay a tax
on. maple sugar and maple molasses.
Terred to the fackthat the yield of the latter4lss
thirty-nine millions of gallons
..Mr. Morrill said the remarks of the gentleamp,.
were intended to be sweet on him, bat he ivatM --
remind him that Newlnrit,produced more sor
',glium thanVerniont. • - -•
The propoollionwasidebated, among ethers,
by Mr. &MOM; 46.6 add If the . gentleinattafould
go to thalabOr otextnetuag the sapid the ma
pie and boiling It all day he would think he had
t been taxed enough.
Mr. Nelson's emendmentism, disagreed to.
i• Much time was ' ecititittand 13 - tensidering the
. , amendments to exempt bibleaxztd testaments or
1' 'volumes containing 'any part' of - either and
prayerebooloc.from . any. duty or. , tax. ~.Atillsono',
', des, spelling-Woks, geographies, grammers and
school-books of: all kinds used, in common and
primary schools; and all borikartrited
ly for. the , nee, of Sunday-seheola. minded., It
shall not apply to books valued at more than two
dollars per volume. •
The Ceisitattesi ride and dhenousoadjourned.
re . :7,-.7713NY1T1L:7' -"•-•
Mr. Counts& called up thebill to establish Mail
Steamship Service - between .thif:L t altrid States
and China. The bill provides that the Postmas
ter Gencril shall have power to contract with
any Company who will agree for the lowest price
to establish aline a( SteamshirPs to make twelve
round trips, between San Francisco 'had China,
per year, the contrietto Ito Intdelfect on the Ist
day of January, 1867. The bill passed—yeas 25
A special 'order, being the repott of the Con
ference Committee on the Freedmen's „Bureau
Bill, was then takcn op. The report was read
but no action taken. .
Mr. shermanhemotion to take sm'ilie Rouse
Joint resolution reducing the duty on imported
paper prevailed. The question was upon the
amendment of the Senate Commlttecon Finance
to strike, out three "per cent. Ida Insert fifteen
Mr. Sherman aplalaed, that the 'patens deity
on foreign paper . wait twenty per cent. The
amount of tax paid by beine manufacturers
'Mounted to ten per cent..-It was inanifeat that
to reduce the tax to three per cent. would be nn
„teat to_ home manufacturers. It wart.sald.this
three per cent. was equal to six pee cent. and
was in the gold valuation. It was three percent.'
owit-150 per ton. The internal tax is thin coun
try had to be paid' in purreney, the valuation of
wallahs about *4OO per too.
.•Mr.Sherman states that bawds la Csvar,in the
Committee; of (making it 10 per cent., width
would create a lively competition between home
and foreign' manufacturers, - The 'COMmittee
had overruled him, however, and many of the,
members were opposed to any change whatever.
Ile telleted some change ought to bemade In the
tax, became - ander the present rate, not' one
pentad of .paper had been Imported. Fifteen
per cent. bid been adopted as a compromise in
Comnaljtec, bat ho thought it would be more
just to B - dawn:to 10. The Government, he
said, wee more interested than any Individual In
this matter. It consumed more paper than any
. Individual, and therefore •It wu interested In
this question. - It bad been proposed by some to
allow the Government to import the of duty,
but ibis would be regarded as Invidious.
Mr..Uollamer. spoke in farce of maintaining
the present rate of twenty per cant. es an act of
justice and_proteetion to homd manufacturers.
Mr. Wade said be' nd Ms colleague, Mr. Sher:
man, had been instructed by the Ohio Legisla
ture to vote fora reduction of the duty. Ho
questioned the right of that body to Instruct him
on'sneli a subject. 'lle belleied the argamentin
favor of the reduction of the duty en paper would
apply equally as well' .to all,-rother articles. He
was opposed to opening American manufacturers
to foreign competition, believing that if this
was done the country would ha deprival of the
means for paying the National debt.
Mr. Hale was la favor of an indefinite post
ponement of the resolution, so as to leave the
duty where it .is now-40 per calt, lie made
this a motion.
Mr. Fester said that In the State of Ohio, last
year, there Mel been 0 , 18,0130,050 worth of paper
made; from this, a tax of 85,4 M had been paid.
This .was -A great and growing interest, and
ought tobaprotected: In _whatever light the sob-
lea was viewed, it must be looked upon as Inex
pedlen tto reduce the duty.
Mr; Sherman hoped , the subject would not be
tededaltely postponedi but that It would be met
_squarely by a frank votet-.lto was sore that if
the State Iwgislatare had examined the tariff
laws rboy would not have voted as they have In
favor of the repeal Of the duty on paper. He
said that paper had not increased la price more
then other articles. It had only followed the
Invariable standard of value, which was gold.
Ile bad examined this subject carefully -and
had found It wonid be Marble and - raj rut to re
duce the duty to three per cent. The amount, of
paper manufactured was $107,000,000 worth per
year. On this there was collected an Interest
tax - of an millions of dollars. If the duty were
placed at three per cent., there would he import
ei abort 043,0E0,000 worth In gold, on which the
Government would receive about 81,150,000 In
mune. Thin would be a less to the (Jotter
went of a difference-between 310,000,000 in pa
per money and $4%3,000 in colt.
The motion to indefinitely postpone was de
cided lathe neat lye; yeas 14, nays 25, as rollover
nes—Messrs. Col lamerpCon-an„ Dixon, Me
lba., Foote, rotate, Hale, Harris, Morrill, Nye,
Sprague, Ten-Eyck, You Atintle and Wade : 14.
...Yap—Messrs. Brown, Buckalerr, Clark, Con
ners. Davle,.Farwell, Grimelt, Henderson, lien
' (Mel - e, ilowaid, Howe, Johnson, Lane of Indi
at ri,Lime of bums, Nesmith, Pomeroy,
. Ramsey, Richarlsou, Riddle, Sherman, cumuer,
Trumbull, Wilcox and Wilson 125. - -
Mr. Lane, of Indiana, offered an amendment
to strike. on; fifteen and Insert ten liar cent.
After some reinatks (rent Mr. Lane, of Jodi
- ayr, and Mr, Johnston, Mr. Lane's amendment
was rejected by the following toter- •
' Tais----Marery Brown, ,Bnekalew, Davie,
Grimes. Icarian, ilendersonAfendricks,lfewarl,
Morgan, Nesmith, ronieroy,Powell,_Rich
&arson, Saalebury, :Sherman, 811Mner, TrUta
Nage—Messre. -Clark, a Collamer, Conners,
Curse, Dixor, Doolittle; Farwell, Foote, Foster,
• ;Martin, - Johnson,-Morrill, 'Nye, Ramsey, Rid
: - die; Spnigne. Ten Eyck. Van Winkle, Wade,
Wilkinson, Wilson and
The question then recurred on the amendment
TTSBUR,GIiz TUESDAY/FtittrAiti 1863.
or. the Finance copmlttee to . malte the 4t47
—Tblawaa speed to by the folictirlug. vote:
Tiai—Messm. (Moodier, Milt,
Connote, Cowan, Dasta,.Dlzoo, Doolittle., Far.
well, Foote, Foster, Harris Henderson, Hews,
Johnson, Morrill. NEB mreh, Nye, Pomeroy,
Ramsay, Riddle, Slrennan - Spramse,•Stewart,
Sumner, Ten Eyck; Vas Wi nkle, Wade, Wilton;
Nayr—Bioirn Orimer,..Hartan7.
Hendricks, Seward, Lane, (Ind.), Merlon, Pow
ell, Richardson,BatilsburTi Trumbni4. - Wilkie
i son—la. :
The question was then tabs to the 1 n 1 pass
sage of the amendme*,hy.ecriklog oat "three"
and Inserting "fifteen per eantnm, and le was
decided id the • affirmative.. •Itte Sedates thea
wens Into exesexpre,seleop.t94llqoa after
. ,
..,1 1 4:1 340 :04 111- Memitat'; "
Wastruslitb. 7.3.,6lFtirtifes itiformationt
In retereiWtr:tia'thdfßdrdosta 4 itesetierontidtto
have bee d bbtaine'Wthe rebehyli !milted .for
wit Iniereit;-TheDanish 'Minim, MI. Rait-,
loft, denies the report Matte Tessel , was mV 'id
the rebels by the Danish Government, Thls
fernualea r inuptedn obtained from sa< ahthentie,
when& U.:1;1(M
Treatment Sick Soldiers Receive atSa-
tivw Tom, Fob. IS.—Tho Trifome's Savan
nah letter earl: Sick at — ir wounded aohl!ara of
Skennan'ia avpy.nolvAnlkmunaah r cnn,aultarlng
rorToot glow r 99 c-Anknc 014. 1 04 8 or Pro.'
wawint ata Wag- frievalstritnam co. iltisooso
nothlnglintlanny rattonanro tarnished ourhont,
• 'Arnitilei 'Write Bobbed • '•
'Vrtniinikier4 . lt."l.; • Traftre.
!Rank of this city was entered •by betr:Z•trs some
time between Saturday night and-Mott I morn
;log and ti ittrye„ ktnentit of florernine sonds,
1.6=45000' beleneneto tipThrent parth4;ord.
t WOW) In cold belonging to the bank. was stolen.
It ja 'Used that no bills of the bank were taken.
Petroleum in Cities—Mere Arrests
_ N.ENV. Yon's, 'Feb. 18.—Tbe daily-papers and
public arc urging a law prohibiting the storage
;of petroleum In the city limits, and the city he
ithoritics ern takiag ;lotion in go. gqattar.
BeYeia . 4-inortarresta sithstittile brokers hare
iheen made by Colonel linker, cud nanny reeruit oirtee4 broken up, ,
The Paper PutrAtriestlon
NEW Yuan, Feb. - Vl—The discussion of the
jeip,r duty question in Cougxess maned
.50ine1111C3811195.9 among, the Paper dealers, - and
li.kesteed.l.Beli desire fo 'man contracts. The
indientlin e are that paper will remain at low
ft_nires for some time widens somethitur is-done
to the Interint of the dealer.
7..!Ew rotw, Feb. 13.—The gold market con
tinues very languid., and speculation Is rendered
very difileult, them helm:- almost no-export Ile
nand. Very little is rectidnxi. for euxtoms.
1.6- fibtiklitlolll hove - been slums the opening at
, ~ I from 5'...iii3,r, M an'.
4itoad te:Righe*Y7!...;.
PUIL/11,31.11113, Feb. 11.1.--The Bui IL3I a
epeeist &span% tloniNfasliington, which says
Compttoller McCulloch, It Ls currently reported,
has been appointed Secretary of the Treasury.
The Constitutional Amendment.
. .
jAt the inceiltig, at Boston, oa Saturday
Owning, la honer of tha Constitutional -kmond
-silent, the following hymn, by Dr,.lioimins, was
sung to the tunror!'-Okrilhatilied.:"
l • Caret of all that idewaiour. days,
With Oates' hearts are [lag thy pealas !
Through deep usl,desert Why
Our Canaan's sitontand. land ire ism
RulerOtNatfOnia judge our cause!
Uwe have kept thy holy lawn ;
The sons of Dena may to vela •
The alsky that rends ;he yap Pre's. chain
?IIOCCO of Vengeance!'larealAtimel! ,
Break In their grasp the 'hien! and cwonl,
Amain eke thy tigktipoos Judsmeat known
Tat all thy foci
ate overthrown !
• .
Theo, Other, ley thy hes_ ItNg hand
mercy In Oll Our laliCkletll6•
Lead oil Ha wanderer, to the tots
And, to thole tAkrpherdi Oi 014
. .
So Malt one. Ne Fong unread
To • Tute our Ruler, Flatter, Friend;
While lienvenl. wide arch resounds nein
With. peace OR will io men /
tGreat faidedliaer Inf lfeit iresero-
Bona : Bttokera: ;ice:
Colonel Baker, the War Department detective,
who has been in New Yorkist item wecks,f en
&nearing to gel at the botlottiof the enilstuiefi
ifraada, has succeeded In possessing himself of
, all the pose& 'of the misn'irigantic: frauds and
forgeries against thegoyernmenthy the .subati
lute brokeniatedeoldiers•con Governor's - As - Wad.
The Timm sap: _
Colonel Baker has waited and sent to the
Old Capitol-Prisms, tweetypioven howdy bmkora
and others, who have for eighteen months or
more been engaged to .dePrauding the essicto.
meet by enlisting bounty-Imoms end aiding_
effem in desertiug aftsrlheir arrival in camp, -and"-
by forging certificatea of enlistment sod obtain-
Mg credit on these at the Proven Marshal Gen
eral's calm. -Several of there malefactors have.
'made fortunes of- from F. 73,00 0. to ig-10,000
through these frauds since the beginning of the
' war. A boatmen whom the Colonel has arrested
Las t4.5.(03 to his credit et the Broadwayllank;
Onc John Fay, a hackman, has realised 11900,0200;
a sergeant of the.Tweatieth Ncw,Xerit henna
?.bas .bean enabled to base a Win in New ler
; ecy -valued at 414,000. Aided by oorrupt sac
genus, the' brokers have - been enffemd to Twilit
• men -who ere phypleally unlit for service; .and
'-by forging guardian's papers they onlisted bola
'of fifteen.
It Is alleged that United States officers In the
civil service have winked at the bounty brokers'
proceedinge. Col. Baker thinks-that nearly, If
not quite two.thirda of our recent credits, are
based upon forged bertillenue of enlistment, or.
recruits who have deserted. and are, now
walking the streets; and therefore he Inclines to
the opinion that Provost Marshal General Fry's
.densand fir 21,000 men is net nnjne6
The Telerate sayir
The following are the names of sumo of the
parties arrested :
William Turner assistant chief-clerk at the
naval rendevons, In Brooklia, a fHand of John
Devlin, in whose company he Was when arrested.
John Devlin, a substitute broker, Internal,
revenue assessor In Box4dyn, andoetary
a plumber by trade, who has trade sixty thous
and dollars in the forging of enlistment papers
during last summer.
James Devlin, a subetituto broker, bat rather
a runner for his brother, John Devlin. They
are both married men, and reside at No. 12:3
'holism avenue. Brooklyn.
James:ooll, also a, in the brok.
erage business with James Detlin, with John
Devlin as the guldusgatar. . -
Richard Carroll, of No. SS White street, a
French Canadian, an enlisted roan, anda deserter
himself ; tiara been In the buslnesstore for about
' eighteen months, and le, tee quote the lioguage
of Colonel Baker. "without exception the most
preclous resell" ever had any knowledge of.”
Sergeants ifeceican, Mulbens and Brown, all
in the United States service, and fora long time.
lucratively employed in getting bounty jumpers
off Goyernor'e and 'Hance lelende, for a candle
- eration from the hands of brokers operating' In
the. city. -
Steps -or awnmeteo.
. The most important swindler thus far arrested
le the chief clerk of the Brooklyn Naval Rendes
roue, which is located near the entrance to the
navy-yard. Upon being secretly arrested and
brought into the presence of Colonel Baker, at
hie rooms in the Astor House, the prisoner as
sumed an air of injured innocence, but upon
being confronted with incontestable proofs in the
shape of numerous forged documents, which the
wily detective had secured, ho trussed State's
evidence as the only mmsloing course, and made
a clean breast of the whole affair. All or nearly,
all of the other parties .arrested haie likewise
made fell confessions, In one or two cases in the
shape of affidavits.
The principal mode of swindling in the case
of the forgeries, was rather complicated, and
somewhat ea follows: Twenty men are enlisted
for the navy at the Brooklyn rendezvota. These
are genuine recruits; their papaw eve officially
drawn up and regnlarly attested, and they are
accordingly eent on board the receiving ship,
North Caroline. Beta few hours later, Mr. John
Devlin, who seems to have been one of those
most estensively engaged in the forgeries, goes
to the office se here these men were enlisted, and
through his confederate, the chief clerk, or his
assistant, Turnler, obtain:, access to the register
end makes a memorandum of the twenty newly
registered homes with the partieularkattendiug
their enlLmcot. Then, returning to his own
office, be deliberately, with 'the assistance or ' a
for others concerned,; Makes .twenty duplicate
0111de:tent paper., forges the respective namna
at he bottom, signs his own, affina his notary
seal and stamp, and the patriotic Inbar is half
The next act Is to forge the receipts for the
bounty money, which the brokers-are accus
tomed to take to-present to the bounty or boun
ties duo thereon. Upon presenting these It fe
not necessary that they should have accomplices
la the men who tell out the money. The forged
calistmeet papers and the forged elguaturte of
the United States recruning.olliccr onboard the
receiving-ship, are Ample evidence that the real
have been- received. The fact that the. manes
or the recruits are identical with those upon
- which the money has been already paid on
aluldreard or.elsowlicre Is not known at the office
lerePtcation, and - the greenbacks are fortitcom.
- - •• • •
• • _
Preparations for the4vaeua
.. Hen&
; - -
The Ceppslo72. of Branchville Credited
is Wilda Circles. -
, 1 4 1 3 W. FPASireb , r 4l, l - 7Tt-11t0 , 5 1- aF'*,dlftffi! , .t.ebesr
li rites's& from Ahoy-or the t..iames i -mmitiOrr
l l
l' . 4eik&C4itiiiloki • piii.iiiitt.4. ll lW*::i 6o. 4 4 ;
t for theevneffinbin of ..lgeliniond. Besnrters'sna
olikir: WhO futrini liiO ',ilia niiiiiiia iiii.s3 ii;.t.
. . . . , .
Friday night i lttnentmonaly concurred in thy
stalenatdf.:,.. , „llll4lf ailenerestre,;attlllery on thy.
James riTer,Jo front of the Union winter, was
i b e liiiii n fif ,% r,: ,; ;., l . l' -- ; I
next%) SOttilutt Mddia irk?, been' gig& b
Lee Illti. The.himit-martialltsg of any of, ffistiterr
eitWiit itlgilariee of a halr tannin the rear of
lids iiTief::: Thk - s Would' scorn rtocotrlltmt the for
rilei ,filier ; s:kiat itialtite ' hiAliette tgat Sentitinni
morothati. Allintirt WAS in . progeM automate.
' rebels' ifi tWeltinttj of Richmond. • - ' '
ThairesAlit! dispatch F rom Fibort4anlo ken&
qttatterteVioikkhat thongh nrorythine,rempint
! toralillathV4 hi JIM Btirnmloittlircueoto
i strictest twlg eels still exercised by the 'no. ,
ittotralTetneCtriereiandlhe ceuhfry is fl.equently'
petroliel by; `scerating end *onnottirinepssiet.'
I Tile rogiaarlttei troops ars, Stationed et'flifferenn.
&luta the. upper pmt of the Validy, ,tat the
, guerrillas atekrOwling around in somo of the
, rar.ntles between the thou Ridge and Allegheny.
(mountains. „ . . .. ~ ,
1 The 214tete's - Washington Special says: It is.
+generally credited to-night In official circles that:
Branchville is In Shermants possession, and than
;Charleston Is being eremite& --It Is expected
i that Richmond end Wilmington will be evacu-
Med also, and that the rebels will make a des-.
' pante attem pt to contrentrate their entire force
. and endear - to to emelt - Shermen while be Is in
the Interior. There Is no doubt but that the
ewes, ,to. removed Weill front Richmond late
ly, look t ots abandonment et no distant day.
. The Petersburg Exproal save: "The lighting
on Monday was very setere. The timber and
undergrowth were literally cut to pletins by balls
and bullets. The ground was fought over four
room to consequence of tbe arrival of reinforce
' :Dents to either side.' Tice charge which broke
the Flashes lines late In the day In said to have
i,ecn cue of the graude.t. :scenes In military an
nals: -VIOXIVIAkeef , lost between 1,500 and2,ffigt
tilled and. r wounded and 200 prlsoucrs."
i The , rinerisitys : henry B. Foote, late mem
liber of the rebel Cougress4 salted for Europe on
Sainristy; hi' the steamer City of Cork. The re
pert that halted been sent to Ft. Warron Is with
out foundation. . I - -
The Richmond Sentineti of thd 10ih, sera the
l'uton tome* were making raids into Flotida,
and at last accounts, wire approaching Rica's
Bluff., in =brown force. ,
The rlaireste Constitutional 'aye : The appoint:.
Anent of. Tilek Taylor to em:nand the rebel
'array of the •Tennessee, had inspired the troops
with Croat hopes.. They were In excellent condi-
Onntnittet - Sotity President Lincoln
Reid Andrew Jobilson!r.or their Election.
plllepres 44 e i° nta N ifie r a c. Witia. lll ;l -Bc , or b l at o:a r ; - a T n ru d t2 D b a un w-
Ana, , a - -fennaylniuda, compose the' oint coca
mitten. L.:await apou - Tresident Lltscola - and In
form Ilhattalarlectinn, and abo to natty
I:ndrew Volum) of Ida elenttan the Vice-
Ebi Laboratory Destroyed
AsevaLt, L. LI Feb:
LaboratOry, located at Ms. place, we
:consumed by dreltlela omitting: Tlael
yet kaolin. bnt It supposed to be very'
WeitheeWlutralo: • ''
t Herrn/a, Feb. 13.—The weather le very cold.
, The thermometer; tit't-n. tit4lndleited 11 de
grecs below, and at 1 a. tn. it rote to zero.
Probable', Cause of It.
s s , -IMMIMaMehMond. pmteta. , denctunce-the,
inure movement as a trick of Mr. Lincoln to se..
cure unanimity,' hut othersalthea:l rather corn.
pliment Mr. Stephens for doing the same thing.
The Sentinel milk. r
t r
"It it *highly prObabli that' the three 'Very
shrewd gentlemen who; went from Itlelanond
upon that mission, kiwi' beforehand how they
were likely to be ruct, and (Att . telde4 by ensiling a
co.riivesi liernimairtstiai iumay'ircourree..
• (rat brutality, to smite all Southern men. and rouse
theta to the sitalnecessitrof bringing oat the
whole available forte of the country Whale and
destroy such foul and ruelan invadere..
' The rebel Judgment . Seems a little. confused
erne. What *as .4t ilia, In Otter" }turf y wars a
shrewd act of diplomacy theinhar. lint the
settee of theliorth Carolina Legislatm - eprobably
gives the true reason why Davis columned to a
conferenre. -That body Chas Puled 0 . solution
'to Send Cominbelones to mutat° obtain per.
minion to treat -for peace, and a. soon as tour
other States should appoint a like. commisslon,
the comoslestoncno from:tbesn Ivo States should
; demand tho right to -negotiate a peace. This
separate 'State action was alarming to Davis, and
hence he sent commisidOners of his own to meet
those front our aide, but without power to treat,
and on their report he la endeavoring to tire the
Southern heart to cobtlnce the War.--.Phitailet
plan Ledger.
Shoddy and relroletemi
A great sensation was created at the Opera
House last evening, by the appearancel n two
venous In the oartioette, who were, by co mon
Consent, recognized as the very intarnattras, pew
excellence, of shoddy and petroleum. The lady's
head-dresa was nll ablaze with gold and. pre
clone stones. The dianionds alone are estimated
at 40,000, while the other valuables on her opera
cloak, &c., could not be worth Mitch less than
03,100 more. Iler male companion, likewise,
was a spectacle for gods and men. - Ills magnifi
cent white satin vest bad a small row of buttons,
and in every button was a Sparkling diamond.
Cravat and wristbands were likewise set off with
gems of the richest and rarest description. No
body Scented to know What they were. They ant
El) near the orchestra that the big fiddle and the
little fiddle were at times quite districted. Har
mony was lost in amatethent. Their majesties,
ns if to attract all the more attention, left the
Academy at tho end of the act, taking
care to make almost the entire circuit of the pir
ouette before shaking Its dust from
.the solo or
tbolr feet. If. Y. Later.
An Anecdote et Girard.
A gentleman . froire Europe Purchased a bill of
exchange on Girard, to: defray the expenses of a
tour to this country. It was duly. honored on
presentation; but In the course of their transac
thou it eo happened that one cent remained to
be refunded on the part of the European; and, on
the cave of Ms departure from this country, Gi
rard dunned him for It. The gentleman. 'pole,
&zed, and tenderid him a si.and-a-varter cent
piece, requesting the difference. -Idr. Girard ten
dered tam In change tiro cents, - which the gen
tleman declined to accept alleging that he was
eniltled to an additional quarter of a cent. In
reply Gland *drained', the fact, but informed him
that It was not in hiS power to comply, as the
Government hart neglected to provide the frac-
Mona' coin In ocation, and returned the gent's.
man the six cent piece, reminding film, however,
in unmistakable Janguage, that he must still
consider him his debtor for the balance unpaid—
ihe ono cont.—dpplrforr's
Dnarr.—Pm lnformatiori received at Aisle;
tent Provost .Idarshal -General Maks' Mee,
there is scarcely a probability of a postponement
of the draft: den. Pry his instructed all the
branches of this department to be in readiness
to carry out the order on diode) , apooluted, and
the various provost Marshals of Gen. flunks! ten
Congreasionaldistricts' are busily engaged in
making the neeessary' preparations to do so.—
IT. Y. Commercial.
, Tun New York Dotty Nnra, of which Mr. Den.
-Wood Is editor, condcatna and repudiates the re:
Cent war declarations of Fernando Wood."as
leconsibtent with LIM true principles supported
by the peace tneuof the North." The - Nests adds
that It "cannot underntand the motive that has
occasioned this sudden change-of base npon the
part of one upon Whose constancy, tact, and
energy we relied to vindicate, the cause to *deb,
we are- devoted: , ..
A WE:ALTAI! Renn.—Captain Beal t, a rebel
prisoner now on trial - at Fort. Lafayette on the
charge of beings apy,ht the breaking out of the
war, owned a large 'plantation hi Jefferson
county. Va., and wormed about 100 sines. Lll4
fortune was than estimated •at $1,500,000, and
he Is, In addition, the heir.apparcut of LontEr
elby of England.; lie Is oily thirty-tWo yeas of
age.—floston Herald:
fn .
• UTTER deaess speedily cured was , never 10
well defined el ire Hood's tale of a trumpet':
There wee Sari. F.,
So very deaf
She might have worn a pereusel on cap, ._ •
And - been hit Imitate he a d without heating it slap.
Well, sold her ok born. and the very nehy day.
hihe heard teem her husband in . Betsey 3.
Tx-PRESIDLNT BICCTIMUN ropoils 61a. nOo*ko
for lASL pear rut Itaying bocA
Cal AND SifilUPOlNt
RefUgee Relief Comutlhie‘ll.
:.A number of our most prominent chimes met
at the:Board of Trader Roome.yesterday .iter
noon. for the purpose of organizing a relief cam
mlssionmrhose purpose sholl - Wiz.* lvdleve kin
sufferlndi of those who time' been Mimic desti
tute and helpless be the war. It Is weitknoWo by
, ,
all,th at the - olitile,in ir tune who have fallen into
oar hande from the South—partlettlariXejte poor=
er elasses—' are in a very miserable condition, in
every respect. Upon being drlycla from. theft;
bonito, the only course left to the women and
children, inad r the aged, Tao to come within our
hues, and hope for assistance. Their number is
so vast-, that it is impoaslide to reach .hplr wants
eicePtibitiligh tegulattfargantied patent, I'l4
dm object of the meeting was to and e all Ir. the
came mode of operations. We have in our
fallel.-large - namberd , wiro veer° let In a very
destitute condition, trat.ote.sue glad .to state that
their eascsare being locked after, and arereeeiv
raglich'aid is ein be 'rendered' th° 'under the
circuovitanoser. ,!--, :: .:. ' , ' •• , ' - ,
;Tio"n 4 elit , ls was PrPulackl/ List PleetiOn of
mayor; Lowry to the chair, who briefly stated to
Mee pretest 'the object of the' meeting.' An'
election* thealtebt for the purpose of choos
ing °Bice for a. ,permantatt, orgardzatien,. and
the folini goateed ger:deafen were ehosen fir
the: tee Mee . - tsteltionsr ! Alesatider' Bradley,
President; Jaratet.rtok,Jr., , Ito% .Ji e ldoltfilltro,
John Wet and Jamul Robb, Vie . Presidents;
M. De 1 age, Seezethey;"Floren 'hemmer,
Treasurer The following ...lentlernan compose
theAlxecu lie Conimitteet Nur. itiet'reory; ligln.
Stevenson Jelin Wilson", Edwatil Gregg, F...i1.
Dowd', tut 5.8.8 , 3teEtroY. ' •'d ,;
Jacob tosser. Esq., briefly addressed those
present, and stated inany'elreumstaiMes that. had
. come under Ids own observation. Remarks
were.Msoiruide.hy'3amei'Parie, Jr., and he".was
followol by Rev. J. McNilllan, Messrs. Watt,
Baton. Robb, , and others—all of whom evinced°
I very magnanimous interest to the object for
which tboy had assembled.•
.i. • . ,•. . • -
After transacting some business of minor int
yrwtance the meeting adjourited; touted again
whenever the officers may deera it necessary for
interests of the organization.
The officers will meet at the office of .31r.
Masser, at three o'clock this P. M., for theptir
-In.c of farthe s t' perfectingthelr orgalazation, and
all dm officers arc requested to be present
We nape the citizens generally willMi.operate
with the commission in their noble and christian
puryose, and we may then have within onr.eity
lan ergsnization second to none la the West. A
shnilar commission.was organized at Cincinnati
December last, and they are doing a greatdeal
Hof coial. At their first effort they =bell the nuns
'of 15,000.
For the present, contributions may he hand&l
- to Win. 21 , ieCreery, of the bent of Hitchcock Me
-4 'l , ,gan & Co.
Meetlog or the Firemen's Assosiation
The Firemen's Association held their regular
Nuattetly, meeting Monday creniug, February
I:4ll,.Presklent McCarthy in the Chair.
• The reading of the minutes °Mlle last quar
terly meeting teas dispensed with. The minutes
of the special meeting held on the Id of Feb
ruary Were mitt and approved, as-were also the
ndiantea of the meeting held on February St
Mr-Leonard, from the CoamthMe on Confer
eller and Inspection, !submitted a report allowing
the condition of the engine bottom, eiagines,
...te.ion the Oral of last July, which was adopted_4
The report of the Treasurer (Mr. Mackey).
was thew. Prelicated and ageeptsd. The report-she tho =ton& of funds lay the hands of tho
AssoeLation to be f 275,711.
The President them called the Otrention of tit o
Ast•Ortation to certain artleica- In the coast it e.
(lon, and recommended some eSugma.
On motion of Mr. Leonard,rt committee of
of Ave, with the . President as Chairmen, won
appointed to revise the mrstitetton and by-laws
and report such changes as Mareoem advisable.
Merry*. Leooard, Thompson. Slowes t Cupples
and Darts were platedepon tbt committee.
Mr. Leonard then called the attention of the
reacting to further statements In relation lodise
ritsmAlatm-Telegraph. Imbroglio. Lie said that
Me. O'Netil,. late local editor of the . Chronicle,
had made statements to the abet dud be (Mr.
li *Leonard) and Mr. McCarthNuere In the inter
cst...of.t e Fire-Alarm Telegraph Compan3, and
he dwitt to exhonortte himself and the Presi
dent fro such charges. Au predated atlllavlts
from Mt - re. M. J. Superintendent.. and
E. 11. E ans, Secretary of ,the Flre-Alarm Tele
graph C mpauy. stating th neither tit. Leo-.
'nerd a Mr. McCarthy we co In any waj can.
steeled Ith or interested , in tliceonstraetion of
..the p telegraph, farther than were any ,
other citizens of thls
The Fire Department asked that n Committee
pip ht heappolonxt to confer with them in re
gard to the Minding of - a fire alartnteleprapla
ittramic•Dwila, , Starkey," Cregon sail tarter were
namesake& tia snob - committee.
T tted &alba
s entirely
La not
ea y.
the" motion adjourned to meet on. 3fOnda7.
mutdeig amt.
Bpoit Notlees.
• Ito ti Lira IYasnisOros. By Mrs. LP,
La.ene. Philadelphia .T. B. Paterson Mos"
There le not muck romance In Washington,
nor much chance for it, so far es' we bare been
nolo to judge. The old realateut famtilm arc
not numeral:a, nor- romantically inclined; and
the bulk df the population : being new to the ,
idnee and constantly Managing, It la the last
place we shotald ihink of sa likely to tarnish the
materials or a romance. Yet htra ',wane has
managed. Newark up • readable book out of the
scent material, and has certainly. mado a good
use of it.
Fors solo by W. A. Glldenfennoy, N 0.43 Fifth
ft red, near 'Wood.
Bassani% Sy Amalie Ek Edwards. .New York
A very neat, and beautifully printed volume.
and the bslisole, althongh.not numerous, seem •
worthy of the splendid dress in which they are
For sale by Yitiock, corner anti' !greet and
Smithfield. '
"Tee Sson.l.sce BALL. N. York : • Cadet 0n....
Apoltical satire 'upon Sew York life which
sei ma to be immensely popular in that city, and
is written will: much ability.. Those who, fancy
an 'upon fashionable life will not be likely to
be disappointed in this.
For Bale by Pittock, corner Fifth and Smith-
.NOTHIIIO 111,T MoNICV. A novel. lEly T. S. An
This is In 'Mr. Arthur's best . vein; and al- °
though he has Borne idlosyncracies aa a writer,
he is deserving of a'much higher place in our.
literature than - he necrotic enjoy. Ills works all
hare a gobd. high, noble purpose, and no one
and fear, in sitting down to read them, that he
will find anything Wrangle° or objectionable.
For sale h'yPittock, corner 6th and BMlthrield.
ne ParteriAo Ann Irracassos ALMANAC for
lcr.. -liew York i Carleton..
A very valdable work to railroad and insur ,
ante men. It Lae been compiled with much
care, and on the subjects on which it treats may
well be regarded as authorltailee. , •
For, sale by l'ittock.
BIaiLISTT as BESCIIER.—The announcement
that the renowned elocullonlst4Alf.Burnett,wlU
pawner, lievalenry Ward Beecher, In one of
Ms most stirring sermons, at Lafayette Hall, on
Wednesday eyening next, Is attracting consider
able interest, and will doubtless draw a large au
dienet.f The. ntertainment. Is a novel one, and
has received the highest encomiums of the press
In the Eastern cities. Tickets can be had at the
various book and music storm, and at the door.
Lieut. Jabn G. Sweat:men, son of E. B. Swear
ingen, died. at Bay rola, South Carolina, on
the 16th of January. Ile entered the serricein
the SW retnisylvania Reserves;, In. Mil, and
after the expiration of Ms term again entered
the service In the -navy, and went southward
with the South Atlantic Blockading :Squadron.
Two of his brothers aro still In the service, one
of whom la on the stair of Gen,Cadwalkder.
TBAATll33.=—Owing to the trains having been
.delayed by the deep anew upon' the roads, Mr.
Couldoelc and daughter did not arrive yesterday,
evening, and those who expected to see theta
lest night were disappointed. It is expected
they will he otvhand to-night, when " Willow
Copse "jwill be given. The Conidocits are Teri
popular and we expect to IMO the -Theatre
ere_wd( every, night. Go early 'and secure
seats.' .
ACCII/ENT.—On Saturday evening at Martins
vlile, a brakesman oa the Cleveland and Pitts
buigh railroad, whose name we could not learn,
while switchlug off came cars, waa knocked
(loin upon the track. The engine passed over
Mtn, crushing both legs into a shapeless mass.
It is thought he cannot recover. The unfortun
ate man was taken to Bellair, where be resides.
A Cui*sec. eon BA.ROAMS.—Idr. J. M. Burch
field, the well-known dry goods dealer, gives no
tice that he will close out his winter dress goodi
at cost and lees, during the ensuing thirty days,
preparatory to receiving his sprlnggoods. client
tairgalas will be offered, and the:ladles will avaU
themselves of the opportunity presented.
MEN 'Who tigainotainated bl. Major Xdrrisoti
for:High Coestabin' of Allegheny, ikaa tree,n eon,
firmed - by: the Pollee Committee, and the little
between the Mayor and the Committen
has been terminated in a manner entireiT
factoq.lo, boat . .
coLD.--,Yeaterdtty wltt pronounced the coldest'
day We bay° bad this winter. 'ln Uri martlinit
tbo mercury stood at ten &gra:Abdo:lr and
gating tpt day it wan at five bnlow. •• - •
Sbootlag Affray .
The noteriods Adam Orenhart was "again
on the rampage'! last night, and in one of his de
moniac Eta shot a tavern keeper named l'eter
Kaltenbern, inflicting a serious. wound in the
right thigh. The, ciretunstancea .of the affair
have not been clearly ascertained; but it appears
that Oxenbrat was partially intoxicated, and had
Leen drinking with others at. Um house of Kal
tenborn, duties; the evening. - pettacen seven
and eight o'cle-&, Otenhart and one of late-com
panions were ontneing themselves singing a
song, whlle,a partporseveral others sat at a ta
playlngrtards. , • '
Another party came into the -),ar room from
the street, when : a - difficulty occurred, sod in a
moment or two after,,the report of a pistol was
heard, and Oxerthart "Pt obeerved backing out
of the door with. o .pistal . Illalfla hand. At the
same momedf Kaltenbara Vreasien stand* on
one leg, and holding its handl^ ever a wound in
his thigh. A physician:Ml atoietrintmuoned,
when it was aacertableditileiba'banliidPaalial
'into the thigh.alltilehelowttargroln, itridtaking
a downward:MunnyhadioalgeditttbiediMit. -The
ball was extracted, and the man-was regarded as
In a favorable mention at Mat actomlXS. - ,
. Oxenbeart at ranee inadhltArmdree;atad‘Cmfar
mation of the beemience larmlnzbeenjeonieYed
to the Mayor's alike oilleer° Willisms„ Lowe.
Culpand Bay mem dispatched to wont, hlm.
They got upon his trail, and Wihleon was left to
guard a house Oxenhatt had beanivialifb. habit of '
frequenting;Wle the 'other dude 'w6itt In -an
other alrectlon. Prateently Oienhiwtapproadied
the houscorlien he was promptly'selzed by - Wit
: limn, and a desperate struggle ensued, dating
i which both parties went to the ground several
times. Oxenhort to not only as powerful
. man, but desperate- In the use of weapons,
and Willison was prepared ?or any emergency.
After struggling forsomornoments, theprtsener
I released himself and Alerted to ran. The - officer
I drew a pistol and shot three-time at himi but
with what effect remains lo be seen.. # party
who saw Oxenhart run. after his:escape; salutes
that he was shot in the hard.' The pollentruado
I vigorcon , search for Most bet tip to a late hour
I had not i.receeded In finding vain: fie is one of
the most reckless and dangerents . men in the vi
' ; clnity, When under the Influence of liquor, and ,
hiss become notorious of ht r,ineonsequence of
;his numerous crimes and outrages. Ile will no-
Fdoubt yet be arrested.
TIM water-works pipes at Charlestown; Mass.,
'!reta , ntly gotetopped up. An investigation was
'mode, and one pips was compietely tilled with
!live calk, t,:loo.lba. of which were removed. We
hope the route cause has nothieg. to do with the
Isupply-pipe at the Pittsburgh water-works.
. .
;Dourro or errar.."—This old and ever true max
ilna is fully exemplified in' the use of "Pinker
ton's Wahoo and Calisaya Bitters?? Hundreds
and thousande have been saved, from fevers by
the daily use of these Bitters. We said
• because they should be used an a beverage.
'They are =vegetable tonic and trill Injure no
one. but on the contrary clo.good to all who use
them. They help circulation, restore a lost,ap
petite, and greatly promote the action of the di
' gertive organs and never fall to counteract the
bad effects produced by the change of climate or
water. Travelers should not dowithout them.
,They art pleasant to the palate, 'and will luvig
lorate s and strengthen the whole system. Try
..‘cte bottle—it will put new Min you, and make
.'you feel that there lea cure for your case. We
Avow they are the best 'Bitters aver. offered to
;the world. For sale by all Druggists and whole
sale dralcre In the , ratted States.
For salt' also by R. E. Beller,s S: CO.; No. 2G
• Wood street, Pittsburgh, and aT Geo. A. Kelley
'A: Co-. corner of Federal. and. Laenck streets,
Economy should be practiced by everybody in
things. One dollar expended new In par
,rhat-mr, a bottle of Jaynes Eapectoant„' by those
',trembled with a Right Cough. and Hoarseness, or
norea'hrent; may save the exposit' of a doctor's
;bill. A neglected Cough often cods in Con
.sumption. A.sligltt Inflamation of the lining of
the wind tubee,.the utualsymptoms ef which are
'tt Sore Throat and Pain In the Breast, will soon
lead, through want Of attention to lkoncitis.
day's delay may entail months of suffering. Let
the athicted try at once Tayne's ESpertareat. It
Is a-standing remedy, and Its curative properties
have been tested by , thousands of per sena who
hoe recovered their health by Its use. Sold by
3/ruggiats everywhere. fel4-3t
Tun Brs - tlifrsicat I wsvc wrzer ron TffC FAN
IL .—The "piano forte," says the American
117aptist,' "extensively as it is used, Is not so well
adapted ta.all the purposes of sacred and secular
;ovate as another instrument which Ls now Just
ly claiming a large share of public attention,
hod width has already been extensively intro
duced into schools, churches, and families, and
tocelved the endorsement of _Shedder organists,
musicians, and artists of txneries—we mean,
Meson Z flatalin's Cabinet Organ."
Corans.—Tbe administration' of medichiat ,
preparations in the form of a lozenge, la of alt:
modes the most eligible and convenient, mom
especially no regards a COLIall Remedy. Brown 3
Bronchial Trachea orConghlozonges allay Irri
tation, which induces .coughbac,: giving in...tant Bronchitis, Roarteneas,. Influenza, au.t
Conant:splice and'Astlmulle complaints.
tarraoasnCrlTPßOPKltlT AUCTION.:--Thla
'Owning at T 35 o'clock, will be sold on the seeond
Iloor or Auctlou Rooms, the throe
liter, lirick Dwelling, wen, Second street; near
Market. Also the threeatory Brick llcaso on
Pouter Avenue, corner of Green street, 'seventh
vourd. Also a list orvaluable stocks. .
Irst,tas idannut 811.T171.11T, HOUSISOLD 011-
. N.IMENTS, kc.—Tbese elcsant eats will be sold
this 'morning at ten o'clock. by r.hAngue, on
second floor of Mclawalne'a Auction looms. It
le the finest collection ever bronalo. to this city,
end Inclades bcautlfal works of Italian art. The
ladles are particularly invited.
LAIIOI, Bale of fine Trimmings, Marti Table,
,Carpets, OU elotbs,,Palatings„ Ilirrora
Tbursday morning next-at 10 o'clock, at No.oo
Fourth street: Bee adreaitsement.. T. A,
111'Cleiland, Auctioneer:
' A Jawr.L.-.-liozodont purifies. Sozoctont beau
tifies. Sozodont gratifies all wtio use It. Bold by
Druggists and Perfumers.
scene In a Provost MarsltaPs Clittre
The mysteries of Provost liarituda' odors
arc rarely - understood. Here Is a leaf from the
secret historr of one of them,' in Baltimore. It
is saki to bc.accurate by a tnastworthy gentle,=
man, who ought •to know. The Provost ]far
shat In question has since been removed.
After. the examination and acceptance of a
subetitute n the question was pleasantly:proposed,
"John Schmidt, have you got a vetch!" "No,
sir," Was the meek reply. •' Vat, you, say you
have no vetch! How for you expect to go on do
guard, and know de times midont a vetch? Here
Hans, getout of de safe one of dem fine Oyer,
:back-action'vetches,mld two 'faces, for $l6 75
north dime the moneys. fichundt,' you've got
'de greatest pergola In your life.' And the
money was quietly deducted from Sehmidt's
Smith was followed by Brogn. "Have you
got a vetch, Vfillam Brown?" " Yea, sir," and
one 14 produced of liberal golden proportions.
." Vat de divll you do mid a catch in de army 1
You no officer to have a vatelat Hans, give VU
.Sam Brown live toilers for his old, copper-vashed.
each, 'rich is not worth half de money. If it vas
a goot sliest watch I would glee six toilers.
, Brown, tic Regulations is very strict on dem
things, and It la goot I saw de retch before you
„got array to de army!
"Brown, dls gentleman say behave found you
are de support of a widowed moder and is
entitled to de WO bounty Yon taught your
mcdcr Was dead? Now never you mind vat you
totight. Don't you say a Maki° Tool, because t,
lon know no mors about- It, you seo, den abou
ide catch. You ebme along mid me to do office,
and slgu de paters. pall only have to gib me
.$5O for preparlag dem; and $lOO for me to gib
to de oder for finding out about de moder
dat you lonia vas
A "Hoes Can" Anvmsrune.—Artemus Ward
"Is looking at things In Boston. lie had au ad.
yenture one day, which resulted as follows
I returned tn the Iloss Cars, part way. A
pooty girt in - spectacles sot near me, and waa
train a young man how mach he ru-.
minded her of a young man she used to know
In Waltham. Pooty soon the young man got
out, and smtlln In a &WWII"' manner, I said to
thogirl in spectacles; "Don't I remind you of
somebody yon used to know I"
"Yes," she said, "you do remind ma or one
man, but -he may sent to (Ito Penitentiary for
stealln' a barrel of maekereb—he died there, so I
conelood you 'all bins." 1 pnrsoo the
conscrsatlou. • • •
Dner SNow.—The , snow 1.4 from fuer to tire
ATI. deep In thinorttiern part of Motner Vermont
Itd New. York. Along the .ven-coast of Maine
la about two feet deep: in the White Mountain
reglon allow has fallen to a great depth. Some
of the drifts In the rondo are:from twelve to ar
teen feet ditpotild the snow is 60 dry that the
w Ind Into most fontattle shapea.:,..llol
- Tratorript, 6.
..aarYinrit.l'itasaar AUII Tit.s. GZN: GUST..
—h. Danaher of the citizens of the city a le*,
weeks place, .ordercd a splendid grand piano for.
Mrs. Geiteral,Grant. The Inatrament la magnifi
cently iThialfsa Arial an elaborately ornamented
rotratrood -cast. It will `fie presented- t o Irm
Grant in a for days. Tbo.emt it the piano lias
. .
7,i4(001,1{ CONVICTS: e .. -
n 01,10116 arrived at B.rviay s
b r mot ftverst couvleta s e at I+)
Now York by the London Pilsen :ety,, Four
of ibentowbg !nada . they vote
thlipril end thar peetage It. Ad, port l,y
the atiove-ttmitty,
EST4.I3j_4SIIED IN 17,86,
CARNAHAN—On Monday, the lath 01 Pelee*"
ary. ISe6. at 5241 o'clock, P. 31., SIARY 8., daughter
of B. B. Carnahan, Esq., In the lath year of her
Funeral Irak .the resident* iirhertatheti Mag.
'ham street, Banifighant; ou Wietramana4 . the 15th
hut., at to Wein.% Ann:, to • proceed - to - OA Mlle!
nheny Cemetery- • t •' .
GILLMORE.—On Sunday .nlglA Put?, HAND
FAH D., vire of G eorge F. Cllllnatere: - ' '
Funeral from the reslnenee, No.IN roottai Otis{
on Truants, iith Inat., at 2 r. u.
„Friel,* of Ohl
family are tartled to attend.
GALLAOHHH.—AI. Atriersoilvtllnts., Aturdit
lath, lute In: the Mb stt _or ca-pottkr
ATXA of Uo. A, 10Ut
ment Petumivauls Volcent.' I
At the lame - of hit,
where this reelment , Was, relvair-, 'Pt
was slowly rtalateling ,
chntractrefin fee atinY,Anti Wallet 'eraiii,gte.
atty is clerk tarifa - BritUdligiftlYeOlf:
liar privat lons.amt horrors lonleant toiheri/bilte
quint, la thelhamls c 4 a•cruel,atrirtt!,
dletire foi, led nevi p return of h a sietne se, with,
sixth' forte sr Co entre td, i dAtie Ida 110r - brie
Meath'. felloW pilio¢tbf the tallieteinteasteti
rotative home, eta AlseigirOn IM errpostlier.
ore awe ,atteptlon tateleato 1 n 4'4' 1 7. 4 1 1111 . 44 4 4 ,
died haatit in tarnCeosuitilon of hbraveptinbe
with. 014hialing itettri earl Miistenitai
peifeilillbotty. l 4'elorionemitgelo 6 IleirtekirrioNor,
`.1 1 9 1 414 vre el:rile- r trAThr lY 11"**
wan. worth nal:it'll:ash irusluiputee* ,
Our deep, unfsaintiaT: .
White yet the early green d b10b5r....! • r
Of 'ripeningmanhood hip
Unttaimed Upon Ms mutat Muir;
Has pots.V: from eort?iwtry, ; •
, To o n, in I c l , Avgn ot ni e rtrUtr, •
A.tiorions throng of t a sigturbstiver
itom whom all cam are fled.
Death name to his peleonAtouserwielea,
And gehtly shook sway
From the ardrit•wtngs of our noble boy
His worn and Crumbling clay.
All broken then were his gyres of went
And of hopeless misery,
And gone the dread horror. which Mind
Ma sad captivity..
Though we cannot go to his hasty vase, ,
In the land of the cruel ANN'
And there let. our tears, o'er its careless soda.
As silent blessings now;
Yet since our God bath tannin thus,
And since our heavy ion" •
is slid our countel's gain, went e'en
With patience bear our cram, .
And- pray, with strong though stricken hesris,,'
That God may eauctity
Our groat bereavement to our good,.
Now end eternally... , B. Gr
BOOTS AND SHOES pa* acnatt
Eatcrittultaudieg the gtest advance in the Zu,
kern mnrket, we are bound to dear out our winter
elect less than former prices, and in msny cues •
less than cost. We must Maks:roomier one La
mense sprittg and summer stock.. now in process of
manufacture. Ali the Wittiest:Mods now in atom
Will be sold without the least regard to cost. We
Dave thousands of dollars worth of heavy goods,
- which it would be :tussle and ruinous to Carty
over, and we , •
SHOE ißprrOtte3W.,,
No. 62 Fifth, Street.
cLostra our:
cLosixa OUT!
Heavy Goode Less. than Cost :
raa• .
IyICCOBD a eft;
Wholesale Dealerain • •••
Bata, Caps On d Straw Goods.,
no w In dose tbe largest and Imola tomptetit
Noter offeted In the "rest. ISlezol.o are requested,
to elan and examine iota stock. `1••• to will be aobt
at very low ratan
, / 01) STRYIEL
00 bbls. No. 3 Large ellakerel;
100 N bbt "
60 4.6 64 2 n
. 1
60 bbL " 1
bet 4 11l '
CO kilts " 1
Ore pounds 11c1flah;'
10 Ovum Hake:
OD tble. No. White Fbir
30 . t Pickerel; for late by. •
fee . Sit Liberty et.
Co bales IVatolly Batting;
16 half biol. Lake Bess;
16 gustier - do. do 4
10 lobls. Sorgbitm Stoluseet , ; • :
4 . nice*Apple Butter; ' - •
; 60 4 . shoiss Apples; • • ~
COO lbs. extra fresh Bat t er; .
1000 des . mesh Bcar
; 600 boxes mild,: ski. cuttlos Cheeite;, „
For sate st PF.A.OId Pinera,by • =
• u. -..)
led So. 183 Libetty street.
413•11 use neehanletsi Etlßleione.
No. HAY STREET,,Ossa Peatit,
dams for different states old:towbar
A lot of ground, 30 feet har by Vngfeet
deep, extendinfeto an alley, a Tillt= STORM
four.roinos oa first floor; tali, three MAIN bid
tonr and porch on- attune floor; three rooms or
third noir, and (turret, co lar,nonthonseand stable, ft
Tossesslon on , April lsr. . Apply to • •
S. 01:711SErff 003 f.
trio• • el Market street..
°Nee 233 PENN STEESi aeear ERO . S
For the cure of bllallsUbei of pity/ate naturi ,
from two to four days, by an entirely new and U
treatment. "Also, Seminal Weakneas, and all balm
Mamma of the genital organ , and lhelrPtelrellthlad.r
A. cure warranted or money refunded. ,
Addresa letters W' 43 Penn stroot • loragns '
STUCCO WORKER.—JAB. owttie, - •
Stucco nail Mastic Worker, Piper Ilarigimrina
Plasterer. Centres and Ornaments of all ktrubr . :'
furnished on short Make. Arders-14ft at 43 0014:-:-
CERIZ.4 b - TICM:omAr W ie, or at'Palinfri4P4.4 ,
per store, No. lit WOODS ELT willbe prompt!
r stiennin . _
IJ Ito bids A 010 fiCrotkoSugar.
to do ersishpd. do
10 do - Grow • - - • -
Just recolved and for solo .
by • •
1010 • IlltY.oltß it' DUOS.' -
Acc.kitoNL-;-,Genulue - .itta- ,;
oilont ardVermlcona, Rut up in oniell
Aar - family We; or for the. pobnd; - at , the',
l'obally Grocery Store of • - .3
nrfAberty oodl-Dind
~, f 1..LY‘.:141,11, i kr-I'or clapped hand-14:pin. t
up In one pound bottles and totsaleat r aincllr,
cute vice, at the FatuilMjoerStorea cw :;
fell - Corner .T.lbertv and Han d .U.
dr)fitiffi ,
Qotntrilsaion and Produce' Bierohant,.hae
' matt' from No. to Sadtafteldto N.ot xol Labertr
- Ls • ••••
iislebr , '
Lit -RD elb:74 l s b a. ni.acfmtl. ;
'ln "4"W'"
isATAR Dzokx.y.k.
• fou •
ble neat .
Loint— z ,,v • '1,41 njtti I , AlaTbr •
- ~ .:.: