The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, February 11, 1865, Image 4
6bc - Wiffoilnyott (4a%•tfit, SAtURDAY. FEBRUARY It, Bo u'cLElii a co., 33suodis.orgst 443 ..lEtx-cas.cax-ms, rotirth St., PLIP.Stir-3h • .Ikpostts seceivol to PAR FONDS and CIIII- E.SISCY. Collections made in all plartselths United States. Buy and all at snarnet rates: U. S. aper cent. Jiondo; IT. S. do. .5 , 3.3 do.; . I% S. 6 per dent. 10..V1 ' do.; . ' Ti. S. tiler dent. Certificates Indebiednessi New U. 5.7-10 Treasury Notes. ' They also BUY cat HELL ON I..IO3iIetSSION at Um .ISew York, Thilsdelpata, and PlUipurgA all kinds or Goireromeat. Securities, Stocks, Bond; Gold. att., &a. ja.t.3 FINANCIAL AND COMMFACIAL. BROIL ER , I4 Aril) BANKERS , BOARD., re , 'mimeo% WeLielit, 00 . .) Visual', February-1;i, leg. or.. , Asked: , Sales, .• 103 >R •-•—• A. 11414, 11. H. Way— Clititrah nook *,C4! U.F.S•N'. •` , ou EMl=sll 30,00 1,04 'l,OO .73 2.0 a Mahchtiltiliftilftr,* I.hciehoo 011 l•o I.3coratto. _ .... - e . fril 4 / 4 241. a rheiry Rua.. 5,02 x: II err! Stun Central 2ld 2,22 -- Alerehaskt4 • 4 41 ' GI - 1.1)C0 2.10 - 1,6 i• lELt3s2== Faxti3O.. lturv,e,,,t . . A:revile. Ven•ngt. . 1.21 -- 1.0.1.-tletle- -- 20,00 -- It set er ""--1,01 ......- 4 1 1lbe0 COlll - 1222 Thy meilon evident at the Exeklnge Ist ellen. L. W Lrcidaled,Jusing the tilty;And gea elan? . auk lowettliaa during the wecl. • •011, ere Walt twery, cren thertimites or Ili: , bawd 0:I Clarry Von, nod l'ilteborat t Phtladel pids:hare fallen on' from% t. r.o.etr per slime. r . 4 - 11 =tits arc pi mcr, Cur New toottelc pa m• for ibe.dsy Indicate unuanni Melons I. elikraa e:t.r. 1 tt A 1.1(41.11113,13 sold market, c)uned we plc. w and large orders from E war., Got 1. bs• I CYL henry All day, Wittiolit pony tales, or a 1,11. Evening quotMiOns cal" owe per cent -Gd•.w morning rates-2.14i. Sales of 10-10 Bond. s?• 101. N' below Eletern quOlations. It a:lk sir wog t:• tern r 1 me 1:11 etcries dull. Duck Creek of erml on the III" lltt rte, Oil Creek k. Cl:erty Run nt Pitt. botch k Philadclphlant IMlsell at of;, with oet liatycrs: times on nil these will love to ran den n *gain. Ritchie, DS Lid. I asked—, te. Vim inghlitord, SAS. hi, 0,64 hake I. 0141%30 Lid, 11.34 asked. 'I ht Di:ruder Directors of the RIM Oil Como my o net lir ce their fifth inonthirdl vidend of three pa r cet.t..payAble on and After the lith inst. Taira stet ling little-company steam determined to saint tin Its weihknOwn reputation for prompt p vim; of - dirt:fends; hating declared a dividend of drat per cc nCenelt mouth since .1111 OrgoniUtlem. W. derstand that the company could have made this I sat ti:vldend largee hut for the oust:ern/lon of rote eationand great difficulty in getting their prfv duet to market. hereafter, as will be seen' hy ravertisement, the Ross will declare diAtderati• quarterly instead of monthly as has bean the Cal. tom heretofore. There WA. apearently a better reeling in % - ni re ite.l fn 014 'tacks thii evening at the PCOriel . change, and trlth Ihrge transactions, price., as . ruledhigher. Tarr, Story :tn.! eh, ry Rtin was In Mink demand, with sales nt the open- Lag sit 1,06 and at the close .at 1,10. Ritchie, also, has part ally recovered, itn,l While no auttcrial oil• vsnee has I eefi established, the nales were larger plan for some lime past, looting up 4600 shares, Oil Creek & Cherry nun :old At a decline, ranging from ¬e a,e3. There scat canaiderable Inquiry for Western Pennsylvania, and Phi lips stis'in better demand nod, prima rifled higher Cherry' nun &I'Itt•lloleIn less anise, but holders, us 11 general thing, refusertoarii!te concessions In oral,' to street sales. We subjUle-list of thi triai ki • [sons: ara .1 arcs 1...:11 tee] Ritetn • enu Ctieitzr iluzi.tletetrul , fUO Cherry Rua R.•Bloo,1 COI ...MeA buy 4 , X) 'PhOlijit • ' 110 • t'M " I.l.ll.delphi% 4.1P0 " Ritchie' .iron itv. .Tarr, Etuty Che r r y Rua " . 6 , 10 . tia u . , Wll4ol'll Pr 0n.0 . 111`111.... ." Oil Cherry R • rittntiurrtlr 1 'Lid .gtgrry Ittur tiPltt•llstie . • 1 , • 71 .4. 4 *:' ,. ef1t fUltomro Fenn t. 0 thAte!*"l , l%, , Sul , lOl l —l,Zb isn)iell . S,47L4,sahirls one', Or ,/k ./.1:11** ,- - 730101,s1; El lomat/ 1.13-1,8; lahl; bW; Fleming & 01h '1,4411n o.lts tierAi sat* at —4S blAt I..ntlonn I [ten a:na &Stating 147: ash 04“,rValle y 1A.5.,-113 hi ; ltosml,‘—t 1 hhlt ell* CA—aA Ligli,Tetk l'etroleuco. - 3,•m hid; (lesion Lubrie —ao bid.••• The CI le/gn Triton, of Tlciarfsaiii.. • Tite 000)00er 01 //dart telt • roll.-ed da tho , aNivral moo* , ket • ;:r•tchrtiAty teri..l4lg :11Instnieptt-4:, g';g tent d Las cant! Anther Atclloe in gold. nod - t r seer itilehe on the lidt btt *pm. • izell o Alt ft.:: lt hi nt . fell 2,40- Mt late&et -add lent, lad St st'llalfl;9: . COUill seance!) , Le botght,Ots,lay, *etruld cut .etold. 17etleidni there *r.s. orXenerst .11ets.r.l 1, tit Inge t; tr;.*lnj the Ttlfel asatety tea. Or nal. ad. Of tote e there ate fete or no order/ bete, and. tl,e A‘nrahmtn/s. :nr*On ant.. present...are ehlrtlr on account of local spe,lstors, soh, s/ . ., kept tit* rums tnt • tette of doubt an 1 fe tr. In atlneree r f tLc tiuctuttloas of gni 'Ft. I 0 .rt minket townies rely /inlet. *ma there IA methane to note In It* cundltlau. n azne. tel thing tlte • Innhera ate t*kltuf-A canter* dire /nurse, and dlsruneling ne little ne ponillile at 1:10 navel' to per rint.}ter annitet but . atre r et 'broker. are lending ant •adrantlnte at 'VI per rest per anontb. , ..• _ . Piety York gilr,nr alartiet, Neb. • (From the • • Comnarseisl - LIMA l'nons, , thr advanced quotations of Gobi fur the ps.t tt tge dara'har e Imputed mit rs% 'firmness itni better Itelinglor Itabry and,' though the hualises;_t"' lois been quite Roder:as., . our rcrlacti the are s.litiletigter than Mime( Friday, last, lb I.iarkst r.neint i7t4. cents - toe I.ulr tyke Cabs, lßeill% for flood do.,t he latter, per bor,al, raurac rale; and fair to ttgirt . linterry, 6.. 11.4 mos: iteflurd- Is Blear,wßa n..medur., owle4nquit 3 . , at 173..fa31in rents for . far hoti,Whltr,•aidgiltate rash, for Yellow. Thr ash.. of Raw are 1546 h Cub,* at 1611.21 N fmkneing all grad•s; 16 I'. tic Mee, ZAII sod 1131., las 11.0.10 1134tiv., 4 mot— The Mork yeoltet.lAy xas 0.(601.414 1 / 2 11,c04 tmr, cod 1971 0001 . P 5.: , 4 Expert lulus „Tan. Ist loran, gist— teed 1031 Muscovado Mots „Last /11.f6a. box.s.. Sit .. 1,31; ktoollkt, kr Itekned.:, • • . 100 II kW: Flour and 'Cnal.n=—Reielpta and In Stara it . . , Milvrautee. - - Tlirtielpta . clneur ema Orals at /111 Waukee, ' nom the leat two crops, compare ads folio . - Ticur."'O'Veat: Oita. tiara. Darter. nre. bble. tomb's. be oh's , baah'a huah`cttaithht leB4-1.1121.03 1.60,1R0/cm 1e6,3113 1.57,1aa 90,126 9 rre,Stpaleine 31*,,513 48,4e5 r ecott,3". 6;:t6,133. ts,sst " . 14,411 t9,t 19Srod7 1 40' delleNrlkei ID IDrelpte :at'} our nnd DIOUF ILDIst of Mplember, at (Join' Fepr lto JAD:ao 1661 bu.. 6361.817 Ecept,fromgep.t to .. .. .. . . .. ... A 518,123 Ipts if.Like:.Ports. , • • The/allowing *lhsr . lbe .- Sreekly ricelpts Flour Fad Onto at - the plsces 'indicated tor 'the Ilour.Whcat. . Oats.ey. nyc.l bush. bus h bush. bush. hush. t;litesku....ll o Vel 110,130 it;:a6=.3,490 8,7x1-10J11 0 Iltr.ubse.2ol SA,IBO 3,1 a) 11308 . 1 , 1 71 Toledo .9.065 113.11 X, n B6 . Z.... 178 1 ta* •Petspit....6,Boll 13.3141 I.sitt too 'in 21,160 't,tho 11,1 cat 1,.%0 100 Vati 215,111 341,152 2.95.316 93,191 11. 00 rt , r. V1L..V71,141 443,6'49. - 93,6+19 312,102 10 , 9 a tt, 756 •Urly rank"' trtUIPP. Weis Cork Collet lllnrket. areb.l3.. There Lab been an almost eeseatlon or operations siren one lad. Teter. of Braolt .ke. are-ei doted it t6 t ernta higher, will. the ado nee In Gold, but' the award ha. matlnued • cry Ugh t. Wa quote lo on a Gold bails 01913 VI cent. The only sale of vote 'eta Invoice. of 1419'bats St. Dom la go, to bond, at IS eenteoraatt. An suction nate of WO rants loon la anneunemt for to..dar. The Mork of Rio et the POllll. an; Blade up' by Meaars. Wet. Stott k Sees, 1.22.433 bags, sle: 22.133' bsgs Isere, Eit, In Fldladelphts, and MO) in Italtlmore. Ezpott, from Tan. let to Jan. at .0— it - Ca ... . 3„t90 1864 pkas.none. . . • Substitute for !Kitt 011. - • ' Safe the Toledo. Csourterclel “The Cleveland • ,tanciais bora solbstituled petroleum for ffsh oil ' after t seprallOn the. all irom the n:tbs.? , p i eeftli he ossed a ft er the separation of the Depths, .: Ocala If mid to be an, excellent substitute for fis an ell. tre Itetber Totes hal y equal, if not supeld to tWittesede by thaordlenty.proome.• As Amon es the aet.herded herdedOnewiliT krifiwnsa eonsidepible _Award wtl epilogue mr this purvame. 8"441.11 New v et Y°lli oter-titinues for fm• eapoit -, ;sad farther 'sales heel been anode of 6W bate at i , :zeityglEfeenta.the recent fee tronsaetlone have re. *duceddbo-ateek, and. ashlers' nee.loo w iyeneeally. "Maas lem Timothy is saleable ,enly "In A.S 1= WS SW . Rough Flax realties moil? @two ;mostly at tax, .tbeuele 17,51„9. ;75 mar. be F aired the whole rier. =ma ; l1),1,1121e BEVIEVI Oh PIFFTSISCItti SUB K • Fem.. id, tell.. The unpleasant state of the weather together with the foot that navlgatiOnistigaisi virtually sus• pended,has a depressing ett'set witrade, whit!' at best in, &Lennie not for some time been very Inlet. There is but a limited demand for produce gen- , orally, and Ilse it/main:Liu/min Flour, Grain, 'Pre visions, Groceries, etc. etc., are light 'Orel almost ent tcty of a local character. In prices, there it it teen no ehange worthy of spretal nab*. - laquiet aryl dull but unchan, ed;imall sales trom wagon at 41,00 for Soria; and . 01,00 for Fall, and we note is sale of 2 e•rs of Sprit.;, on lola ate ti raw. Wheatts at cads with sites front ' wagon at 02,10 Inc lied and r"1 ~t 0 for White Oats tinclisuged awl dull; small set es (coin store at ; Eslleci, Cara to quoted firm at 01,31. FLOI• It —1 Lerr I. no Improvement to note in the demand fur this article and no change to mike In quotattnes. Stroll sales of Extra Family from . Mute at:WA:4II (01. Spring and 'Winter Wheat brands, • FIiON'ISIONS—Tbere Is some inquiry for Milk .141 e older. tor shipment, bid, n• jet, we hi. e heard of no .41. 11 Massa is steady with small males at Ric for c rs 0u1de,22 for Stile., and 25 for Slams. I.ardts fling at 250. BELI7tt-4Seks let bush Cloverseed, to, the trade, at *14,75, Our 1.11,11 sake at 11 15 .. Flaaaeed is sell stab 13,254743.10. Timothy - Is qooleti at Iss. litiVlElt—is steno) with a Isle Inert demand, end we note Bateau! Roll et from 40 tw4Seenta for .teentr.on to prin . ,. I.oll:'—Zee ice and fresh pack.llistre advanced to tee withssies. • CIII,ENF.--1 re - bongo ;Solt" of Nitre we it ern lie nest twn, d Hottsburg at Ms. . • , pun, the di mital helm; light• - re• at tit t test tot ante oLL O Welt are it to3fai,t4 per 1,,:,1.. I. lIPII.I O tFt —r.rnall start. of ‘lpplesiat COO I etrlto r potted, and Peaches (prime oaks.) at 31 s. Olt of yr. .15'1 . 1....-1 - Iris anti •In deinsndbbl, with sale ,* V tot,gittt, 1,005 ta t tett I,OU to tirollt v lit 'MINI—: st 41:412.50 per hid. II A V-1-sles of loose, at Wile.. at.l. I'Lli_4l3 per I tWo, n.O cn VoO. Prrrstsuittaa PIM'ItOI.IgIUM SI titKPl* FtzinAc ; Feb. 13, 143 1 , The're vets Hole_ steal • tratissetimi in Or tVi• day that Me mita.l Ihmr of, nvol, in the Mum,• of inks, are 0., XSEt::/1 ecnts. bhts reinter!. la 1 1.1,9 tl etsy bbls to 11.1,101. no the numintl rote,. o.‘ spot. l'OPS . tinrll, in bona, there i• apit tread y derlvilld at inennit and MC extreme views or boll. et• has a teicleney lu mierstimi , l'ree in 4,1.1 t t tut only tale reimriml bring :at bld, prime eat) berm! ; -it at e •td.. ?<nett., I. q•tiet an I ni.rli.inged: of 5 , II gear O. ...t el emit, I• •in aril In Ih:tit . .. 4 . 11t. I'll 11 . 1:4 'Til. cf ail la.. very nob,. A. 1.1 In lb • event o 1 4i, • ile .I•llng•ii4• I .16•7 Pitil.AD:ls.Piti I 4 fi N k •i DirlottLl. Ih- ; ril.r.A Fr., 1”. 11. e ni3rl3, o a: ..1 tr.!. %. r 3 .. . t.. trir..r.31.... 17 dly nv.itrr • - nn, 9 5,ert4titort 33 - ere 1.1 rev . .1.1.s : IQ Creel. rry I. .I G 21 c C 0,411 3 I! . . , i 1 a; li,lat•ta.. %%11..0; 1•Iu LL I " Elaara.lo 1,,‘, !Um ,h _ 1 ORIC P i:.11:011.Elf 31 31. itliET. Sprint Diviinteh to the Pittsburgh ilnzette. Ivicw Pout[. Feb. to, rim. 11. , PLATO/CUM Ilint Let to doll nod fit IV, lre 116%1, nt *CAB,4 for Crude ;61 - 6‘s for Relined, 10 tiobil; and FIRM rot do, V rec. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Chicago Market. Itislisteh to the Pittsburgh Oasette. • Col Car.", Feb. 10. Pissrii—Demand Thrilled; sales of lied Winter, at I)b,Cssi Sprle‘Eittit, delivered. tiu.alN—Wliest quiet- sod is lower; Est. , Jilting closed dull. at 1102. Corn rot ire. nnd 1d c.114 ttr; closed dull., Oats quiet and easier. Rye that itEd unchAcse4. Darby In n.untnal tleartnl. lio:users,.it—ltull arta L.tver; s •les, for at t2,it%.. siss.oi —Less nettle but steady. ilits-(.tiered and I.lrd Oil , dill and it:, dieing; A.. • /I itarn— Dull; ra nen. sit.i. ,e; s stied. 9, Dame Are: mi—,lctiue and Om, at 1.1 , 1.; I l',O. P1:01 1 1610:14--qUiet. but lest;; Eli. of Mein 1 Pork, buyer's option till April Ist, ni $11,09; Prime Meer, game terms, ~1 bIL/A ;', greet Pick ic.l it int, firmer : COI, at 16(s11:! i:. hard firm ; mint of Friar at C.l i ..f1,21.7n, Citc.tic quirt; talc.; of Wilteat Cc : Mown, 19 .». %ON .. it. ~a-Choice lola aql4:t ely :wilt, sea ill; ; Inferior gob t and easier; Mart or I „11l het I, / ,at athilGthid. , , . a y are till'. —loos IC' 1, front the smreiti of Cu ;Turn and t tete :Ole c.nct.el il Otani, an V, Market : 1.1:514 illl,rlsjm al at .t.12 , , , 03,t1. ; ' ' /lint' 'fiStit Martini. • :St . s Voss, I•jala. • ia:odllrron-11c. i y ..^.l Ile. • Cr. l'ice'Vc tor :it indliall. *Jr' . act I eitl a for drosedian to inZalitm ;calm , . 'a I IL n toe lon lnma ;lett 4:"' Ulnae Nene. a c do.; •nt 9.74 . 19 el tar Latra rt a b - t. lln,sail 11,11 fo, ht rt. M.! as,. and i:lie taw It-air 11,a44. .51i 1,1 u ..c isg•tlcati;. with tot nutter.. at the .1.1.1, 111 1115;01M. `1::' I 1 5 , 04.11--Dull sad towel: 11 - nada ras, ft =.7.. I ft ..I 9 —Wheat IV,. better. tea, 1..' al.llln r Ac ton it Amber Wittier Wmacre. 92.2.1 It., .14, tfl. tax, tills. Hie more :writ..., tt I,lertt. 0,,11. ' - lot ivy iLently. a me sire,' to. Morn - '1 0., 45 I 1111.41 1 . for e.alt, neat *Lim to'CitC A I...ern:bout, for i , obi 3tt‘rft Wearer,. 0,.... part', at 1.5, I Oar a,,'. ;' 4'll ..- ' WIL - 4 / 1/1115. i 11 col LI 11— Hull; I 'rude. 44 , ..,e; we wrote Vrit.le '.l t 0 tti . r It. 1tt.,..1 to" bout', 91 , 2.ittr, aft, Li:loci Esi,. , C•c. .:roi l co' .32 , ~ 1 co ut , t 1137. . 101 03 .. 2 S 3 33 , . ..' 1!1,...v tett .ht —rorl firmer but not 'very nett,: 4 - ...Iter IA e,tor tad., At t34,15t. 4 ,e 5 for N ew A... , i'LL'i!st..tu for 111.0 Yrar ffterdrcetcalt and regal..r 4..) c1..1,,,... n 1 v.A.nrui et.,lt leare3ll,so far l'rone, '..wt SZL.l.l:4l.,:hett for Panto Aleeil 01ed,.13a0 bhlt. S. s 311.. for Fetnuary. ar.d . Ntareft`i ;seller.. 4.1 t.tty rib' r ;ditto, A I.4".;,,huriZet,t3. Ike! tt4 , 41 , - ^, 1 1, 1'.Elm , 0 ro Milli Acre, ant 'et ell COO far Ei. rant Nto pc Ite el .11 reas quicr: St f1,e.e.0.r. 11:0.! 1 •1 'lt , s lir-. nt 1.7. 4 for /Vegt - cell. filtion • pit f. at •.t.sra);-: I . .tr .Unathcrlaati - Unt, VsZe for -1.4. c. Cul lintel Cut 3trAte more Anti 00. ....174* tv c (Cr Shoulders, And Et/fele for ;tams. Lar : l 1 .:r Cr tarn At, lat::Teir—the latter prtee nri c t• - 4.1. e ;it.1.10 I ;:rm lk.:. 1..4`Mnrc1i,b 1 .4. , 4 4 Option, at .. c. , t;o,t.t . firm, et a. , rt 'etc for Itito, and ti:C:....• t,,, ; 1 1.14 e. 41/.4ll4GotC;iri_nt ll.qtle: tor , .. in% Nelik -I ". 4 it 'Wild honey -31arket. • . . 'I, lit o.: 1 1 - el.. 111.:- . 11oney e. 14 ). wit - 1 144.4. ..;1;.1, nt .. 1 . .. c It. 01.0110; 1. , 1... awl dui!, nt I. - 3 Allleo.l. . • . 11•, "—I •lo'l otol •loit ••r. o:ser, I. 1; 1. ..11 l l 1, ..I^ lin. t 0...• 11• _tot._, -I:dCi-I:ddealt , : at _'t', - ,,. 1..!7F11t lifp It f , r...•tin—A 14....t0 nrrner and ni,ir,• ell; c.. ' • • n. 174 w•—r o. irtor. Ni. 1•11. Western, IC,'.i; do pr..- trrrt 0, Ctli Er;r, 93;.-::, ,Chlrago, Florlington A. 12.. tin. .ey. itl!.:: Cott Was or, 91,„. Alton & Terre li•ute; , itretertcel, - 10; l'arltector, ' t.: Pltrinta Surly , lia! , i; a kipulEtt,tlierii:'%.l . :; - , Ittorn”,iir:‘4; Alnriponn 114 6'47'4.1 COll pint', 110!St ti.tat errtitorte , tu o 4: ~,4, : j., ,-c t.t, ; , ,, 1, -2 ,‘.- , I 1. , h: , , ~., mi..i,,, r oppi ( A.rivi. 00; ktgilir: O.: 1,1, , 7 4 - i• . ,Ay.Tnittc.,. I?ett, 10....-The follotrlna are the c 1..- t Pin • • utlittallurt , et th.lll;eltet'a live.iloll EtAcitan7.e. tit tqletta,);• New:.York ',:chtrat, 110,";.1:rte,Iti, it rt licaltc-,'l4l . tit Itomitag, 10aNt Vittanurrl, a1t...,; 1% I. Cori 111: flock tlelhod,.9oi;,; Natl.. Western,. -. 't: t.o prof. 'red, 647.,;; fort /1.1,1•...... Kr; II k M. rettillentei.l.l 4 .:/./<; 4 411./6141/nn.l, sit„ Blaripnat, yi! . . 1 ectdektedus:, Gold more active; Bales, aft.. P Iktta , telphla Market., r I lot.i lit tOli 1 i, Feb. ith—enr - ro ~ —fin 11, at 'it 72 1 ,siliiii, oitit—itioolive; brutle, 41: ; 1ir9:T.1..1n I:l j.t.;...l 9l laLl.lttiee ' xport 414.110. . ' t I n •It. .-NV bra . dull; .SV kite, 113,tittie . 2,1a. 1:04, 'l6O. Cora dull; It ellow,4l,aer. .- POOOISIOI , I--411111. , • , ~ f • Vi 3 tlotiV.--liidroLuol. , . , , . . f Cluelettatt Market. - 111NCP,13.431. Feb. 10.—FLoutt--Unehang,rd. la' Ittekr-,Salca 0(200 Olt. at $0,40. Iturcetoo:cr,—Ftroter ; *Ales of 11,0 1 A4 Iter , ett f.srd tltestr'icik Flour - Aterlictooitiaki9 Ravlayr• tt'Front lie Commerebil hid Veh. O.) The it the Warket" for State ;and , Western . Eletur tsdechkdly strormer, wader n hlsticr.ruling wt I'i old and - the failure of utgorlatlona for tic ire; • . . conetimers who lave been toidai- Lott /4 expects- Coil of lower prices, are now wrinittail to 400 1 0 n. Islitheir.stoclui, which kind befoul White moderate purchases haWe been made far, (trent Itri• , tain, the-.British.Pearl:tees, Sau,th Amerlaii the • Nett in In and Itlewlen, thus eotteitternhly'ea• - ‘ , . lorries th, twine e tat tide. The is cclptS continue extremely light . , owing to ielatlrely• higher prince ii.e Went %ben lathe seaboard nowlatn.tir,ether ' 1. the eiatteme rates rothond Irrights, honer,. ,wl, rupPlirit in more becoming reduced, there Is Ito ineauto. to tell t-1 le. ruling currency: the Italy 11.rell co bbls.. the market cloning very sin on, with co, al the Wilts Quotnt atone, which rryretent in average 'ailrnnee of about 15 well since our Nit. A ilavernment contract hie teen Awertleal daring the period tinder rerlcw nt Sit,7s.fitntio for =Vaasa to choice extras. (inn ad* Flour in Aloe 15 cents draar, but - compa re. Carly quiet, the tales not execs:ding .1220 bids. • The demand l r Southern Is stronscf, In sympa thy with the Improvement In other deacriptloas; tie diamond, however, is quite' waterier, lied sales bring 2=o riming at $10,14) 11,65 Mr mined Into. (.0111010n to . ontle, nett 0479 to 411, 64 far fancy one retro; we iluntea`litount elate' and 'Phoenix,' choice extras, *M. Ilse Dour - rules dull, and prices ore nowinnlly liaiss,2s Corn Meal lintore plenty nod the market scarcely to Wong; calm 300 tibts Brood) C nt ss.a.i6e, the Inside pate Yeetentay; and 100 do. Atlantle 511112, nt a priaa which would 'alltird no. cr.tetion of the market. (Payers= caret COr irart hits hecia awarded Aire Otir Innt 09,2„Wy5te,50 far 'White, Anil 01,5710,42 for /liickwheat Flour In - very dull at *3,50 II per • I . • Artny'AlTArdlint bite Quionel T. J. /table*, (lidet Colton aiWIT Of this . dePertreent, ina.l,i the iollowinz awards of eon . . Henry Ames b 1 1 0., td0,0•1911s rugar-cueed bents, ohs J Hoe le Co:, 60,000..1bs angarlured,riankt, at e; and rohgo do et 99X 9 • cooneble re Smith, eopo sugar cared heats, at We, a ed 60.003 do et 20.,1.40 D.. • • sutlehethi Sugar Redoing en, 30 , aloe .brown e,, at 2130 1p Featly, *OW bruheis • salt, at .93 cent' per Thesepiioa are low for suger-eUted • bibs a 2l ' Indicate eonsiderablo• decline shwa Uolonot Haines Indicate. the Dist proposals. We believe the lila bids were at 190. 'The !sample of sugar which.. obtained the sward were very gnat one; nod the wpm U below' Mel - WOO* In the open nretket.— Damara 9th. • -••• I• • _ . "' • ' n, ~ ~ 7: .o; v‘i ciirt.irt it St Ket •rt .... .. .1 .17 11 Si Nol , le liri•ta. The ILtila lu .Luti,ell. The Lowell :11nr.J.,.Courler Eno i.ll.l‘ cot ton list welt lottcLeil ,:eaLs. If we of our milli hod keetintocked craft supply of carton when It fell from its •hielirst pater to th's sum, enough of the capital want.' last )Ito3ninrept, - out of es , intencoly the WI to cripple the -winks,' to nay nothing of the loss lb otooknoldeti li, dIYI - ao. No suclrlueo-hot came upon any cantllifse turlog curpotlit ton 10 Oar CUT, bat etch one Is now able to ece.n.c work with oil undlmtnishel copi lot, sod corks more complete Viso ever before. • Lowell has not,,la fact. oultered to any crest rtinua r,t.•nt. It In trite roost of the cotton malls hove slopped manufacturing Cut a 101:1 4 7r or shutter tide, not not stopped letprosing their irrnt.o Ind ..ap tell) to mantsfacture. The woollen ;olds hole been In constant operation se they nes . - re brim, Several Int.:, furnished steady wpm) went to a large uutober of hands; and elan 1., fact tn ell roods to an immense amount. Some of tle ~tron mills have.etwArd port of their works to Woolen. and Ore DOW Starting. up their cotton soncldnery." • " • , New York - . Dry Goody Auctions.... I Titrto sypCsreAl to he universal dellnees in the I rates this morning. At Wilmenling, llognet S. cil'A 1 Ilibi WAS eapfelally noticeable. There wan a post. ill e Teluetatee In making any bide. .Thecataioguo etinprard a very tour si,iortincrit of woolens, the ' imputation of :Sterling k Cet The prices realized acre ve , y indifferent—a 4 Incl. block Italian clothe void beastly At etrfitne;32-Ineh Inifiltallaas, 8e: red padding, 3.5 r; W-leett •11-eilh blaek .stmt do I chine,_4l , ,,c; blue mule ...loth, *1 112,4,6-i f toey ear. . Slieere., 43,6A 3 / 4 7.3.1A, etc. A great many lots were l' pealed, nod In many instoorce those that were 41a toad ot were read cOSilitiotilly. 1 . It 0... CU ace O. Mount lent a sect .w , cessful vale I. at I.lnen (Imola. The attendanze wee quite lame, I the hi.hltrec atilt,' e met entyltentc• mom nonecro... I than has., (return! et any sole ..f , the semen. 14 %. IS lilocu Dialler aCecaltrd 460 . 0 1, 3 W lido ISlAgeld • c; 640 do .11,111,40 , C. 3%13 do 41,alfi t.6' ; and Wait do Ks& A her lot of linens than the sbove 'it rite!) oil - red at public auction. . Ilateaty Wen. had en rxtenslv elle of German - I '.:1)::) ' ,1 " 2; , , ^ 4 d . gc!`;',":.."..',,,1;?,^Lnzr.:17, , ,.."T0' 1 lilitill ,r. t oti n g ,' Italy torts ..dal, at iyricee much Ai lost the toting rates, any to to I 1 per ran -. The httendsece was eoreparativoly very cool. in spite I of the ...heedful condition of the streets.—A, r Kn. . t-rete. _ .. IMPORTR BY RAILROAD ALLEGHENY 22.1.110 X. OIL 10 —1 esr cure, Alex T5710T,5 bids elder, .1 Sorp96 sku corn, 21 du, osls. 13 1 ktc produce, .1 Toy lot; 12 pkg.+ produce, 11 Litz; 2 loxes butler, .1 C01111..13; 2.3 tols sr 01,1, 1. 1. I:eel:12 pkx produee, Witte,' Wearer; I.r mill feed, A 1 to lur; hnlen ton, AII Ch 11111; 11 lt, outgo, 11 W lk.lhousf r; 11 do do. llockllel,l Niel,ourer 33 Were, 117 theop pelts, John linen ot lor; I older, C totypel ; 'lll okt balloy, 1 2 Butler; lit et zlnt tout. 11 lle worth: 22 'Gs NO, le 5. Coo 50otNturt, .1 Muogrloo r; 12 Ors root. 5 do 31., Ctl, ell, SO ltll, 1 , 1,p0r, PO Nbitroll I.,oper tr'Vell, rouT r:Ar;;! . . AN. ( . 111,t(10 n. lit,, Ic—leo bbl too r,1,, lll...vett:lW do do, W ttt S Wll.onll car lotoltt r. -I I' Prlotont 1 ra Nlt r ttt,- ers• 10'1, J 11 I' alttir,.; .. c:l,lllcli.l. ' Co;Z:t•nr. metal..l Wood A Fro; ILO Wilt, lii. it,,, 1 , 11 , r11.1 . .." h 1'o;'2:11's. ••1•111III, trrtl, l'o; 11 td.l. flour, .1 Shrtlik; .1 :'l I. It' 111;;I: C, • ,ir..11‘.4 .;;;;I emu.. .111.r.gv. 1011'311 RA Iloor...Sliont.'ker V I. in;; p'. ; In o. 11411runri. 111.11 to in t•tt, van' It. , 1.1.11111'. Shotti-l.rr 1.:11,. 9110,1 A toblc.., irt its lie I; 111,'t, %.I`.r . t 1, :a It', ttAN.r.tll 11. L 7 :a 51,1 Ir; lii d,t do,tr; 1.111. , 11 a 1:11k. 01.1 11.11r.1;•;,..1,•.n. :;; I 1 - 1t1A1 . 24 ,, , .1 11.5:1 ;;;;;;;;;;; , r..., 1 . 410 , 01t , ; , ...r 1 r. • 120 toks t • 1 1,“ or. Fell J: 1 ';; I. l ti 1Odto'• Stlt r so.ltrr It. 1.1.• -1.. It' Ilt•Ilin: I'o ,lour J. 1•,.; 11 0! . r elt , l'o; 111. rk. Itmrltt. Witli.rt ;IA; I. Lime h Ito, l 1: • Irk 1, 11 k..11o; 1111 p ol toehy. I. It I/;14 , ot.rlt•y; IV IV Ander. to. 24.1 4111, tta. k. 11111 inl n. d7Lti, stir ( :), lA3tiqws tril, C.Loll'.lll'i no.!uvers nn: !Innancturers of Crude and Refined Ca: ben Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils orrosiTE SlIARMAJeitki (Mitt Co, 59 ➢I\B 61r fl, PITIMItGII, fa, W. D. CIISHXAN-, Sup't jal6:3m ww. W. II M.( 1\........ I I LI{RON & CO., Office. 267 PENN NTREET, (One tbor Critne Comm iSsion Merchants, Atal 41e3lt•rs m Pittsturgh M;uunteturcs ana CRUDE AND REFINED OILS. Z I.ibern I nronnt ntn.le on Fl." 111-1. ❑I: AIN 5.1.1 I*‘. nod 1.1 I:1:EN A\U //It sans Gra.l IN A 1.1. A ItT ISS, CI.UDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, iimznve. ANu LUBRICATING OILS. Y.. SULTII i.e.Storrirr emsnelty (onder core,) for 15.10 ..... Alto x,e11.3.1 1:11, ;Lairs for shipping to 311,1 roreh.thporlat, 31 our wharf on the ;kill Itlver..ue3r, the platform of the P. K. K. A ...11%%4111 , 11.1 &1 ENa, • I Pit. CIAIR Wi.. rlit•bnirch Ivll. IT' 1 1:1114!: IND 'OII.WISNIO7 NV1C11.11478, AND DEALERS IN OILS 11.1.1 - 7311NATIN6, I.lllltfe ATTNG, CRUDE 'I I I 11.1,:ce.,eonetnntly ou howl and fur sole rat 11, low est vooket prices. Consign- au to• and milers solicited. rtraarlora 1 uci:NToil. wwws IiIINCAN, DUNLAP & CO., rtyrrAfrrens. or • titre While 'Refined Carbon Oils, :Co. 91 LIBERTY STREKT. `'i AND.kitt) F ETROLEITM REFINERY CLARK & SUMNER. Works not °frier, COLLINS TOWNSUIP. Once to l'ittibur;ll,l3 I MOOD MTREET "ri:PSO works being of the Inrvst eswity In tho emintry, are prepared to au !or:to orders. The brim? s tlnds the highoft. In MI. e 00000 dry ,ndl In En rok:tiit qunlil y find fire t.-et, itnd the 01l ispit In 1,11 ermtnntql bnrrels, prepared elpecially for ex. dePtiy ,0 OEll N AM.:HOUSE OF IVarekonsing Company, 'ant Or HAITI° k ILIItHISON tits., Brooklyn ?CMTigl.tqn oR • REFINED PETROLEUM, s in Yanke nodLinrels.[See lareuinr.l (iflce, No. 35 !MAYER STR RFT, New York 434 y _ iiellArin•SON, ItAItLEY & CO., Conicitaslon and Forwirding ?lerehatts In CRIME AND ItEZINBD YETROLEUX, se. IR inwiN Nynkikm. I'LITS 1 ilittll II 114 - 1.11 , 11.1 cub sinned n• coroqument• fur rift.borgb or Estero Market.. . 1417210 t; HMI R.Kr•Ll:s3cu. Strum. J. S, Dilworth e•llo., Springer Hart rldb Ewto Tnn i nason Dell, Leg., Pre•L I.lonmernial Bank. it/AVE/I n ulu , CONE MISSION 51.1111CMANTS, Ol i obe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Works! Llberkl eniih sd 'am.le , on onnmlgnments Of itefinedor Crude Petraeuus. Cor. DUQUESNE tvd Fund ri.INCOCK St.., NT . s, • 116014e6ix3rD MULLIS 111 CRUDE An' REFINED OILS Pc;rry Bloek. Duquesne Why. rinse'Kb air Speotnt attention givenio the SALD AND SHIPAWIT OP.PCIIOLEUM nnit its poiduats. Consignments respectintlKolleitc.l.. Pittsburgh Agency fo VENANCID OIL AND TRANSPORTATION la PANY. • SrerPOST.OFFICR DON IN . - _ i.R. W AIM? WARING KING, OUDIXISION MERCHANTS, I==l PRTROLEUX • ITS PRODUCTS, °emir Ner. a fi!ARKET ST. - Pittsburgh.. JADES IRWIN & _ Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Orr i c k se is zdenisim'st. _ iltTSDUßflit. PL. =E= G 1,10("3-; 5'.Z11):734;Ci1, tic Iv iy..; vr:T. (Scecumrtto MACIE.FiDWN S Ll7ll.Altt, l!MM51121 3P7.sCilart. Gerl.43.2TS, rnosistee i. and Commission lllca-Omni. frl No. -"XI . CART.). W. P. I'A.TTITSt 17, .1.1:k1LI: 301 MS( 'IV. PATTEREON, .I,IIMON & CO., iceman/Ns/on Merchanbi, ffloatr. GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, :W. iy w(fOli sTREET, virr.ittataii T . C. .1 1.:•4 I: IN t; C( it. -ion , PURCHASING AGENT, PiTTSBUTIGH, Peeler In Finns, shale, feeds, Rutter, Cheese. Fruits amt all t atm Ftl,nets. Best brands Fam ily 1.11:0111 (onsmsntml) always on hand. Also, F: prompt attention given to consignments as CV I I .1.1.1..Mi1e f, C. NV erkk PSIIO %It - rent, seal to •nrs Orih nand consignments solletted. K 4. 1,111.11.1 V Corker of Peun and %Tapir grtg., l*At PITTSIIL' WM. PA GENERAL COMMISSION fYLERCHANTS Vo Lc poi chore of lilt Alll 01 nll k lits. Also, Ilolesnle nerarre in HALED 11AY. W ten deniers will Hod I. I o their advantage to corresp and es At, ow illll4e, se we have greater (agnate , IV , .i , orgge; yet log gonas Into this :sad Elatern sinel~ b' ii it est of the de ler, In Ws city. The Lett "I eh • re rico,' gi ren %ellen required. fent • _ • 3)1 Ai 1 S }.. ). • • 01131ISSION 01, .1 Allen, t.,• ITntir. Grain, Prorisions, Sr ne,ot , t. it I'. (1.1•111111" I' 1.0. t 11%. INV .7'l' Al -ItANE ( (,11i' 110 If i and Ti•oduce, I. NT.. bo wren Wow) :v. Swot:Mel:l, 11-1 y igrrsity it. llt *11,,,.1 . 1.1, A 1011 1.4. 1 1 TEN, A 1 EN SI ZE r 1.1t1) ~ r 1 out 1111i Oenler• In Forel, nod,tir I IL, 111111.11. , 1 - 111ATI , ES and Photo,' ;:rovr.ll:.. strcel t ov, oolof Pos,or, r 1./cp , t, a butvlt. . . J. S. Dilworth h. , Menu.. rc. 1;uly nl. Ain ell 1.., , Jun burn. nincl.r N Itro , .11 Brunt l'ldludrll , lll , l Trrnlet t Sininnurt, Intr n bound, New I ork Stanford & Ltd eft, ClReintird.t. • ENUI WALL:aI. - Aterc:ll:%lit , No tap s111:111 WATI:11 ST . , 1:1111 • 11l I'u - tit:Wax ion r.:0.1 to tilling ortlct, 1114111 W IN FL , 11 . 11. app P A l ' nEV VAN "1111E11 ' I.'"l"'e ) 3Tercltautts, Varrtion , , No. :Of rty - IL., Pittgott;h. whoiez.ale cult in Euttre. tliertm, Lord, 1-4 tut., Poet, Wean, lentlMrs, Broom.. l'otnot, }'tulle rrrn rtultu, onions.rhm., 1..'101 et Seed!, Timothy rml, y tt Apo- end Poultry. P-ntleuhr Ourulion g'IVC:I la dree l'ormigootwntv. j. 119 IR= 10 lIN 11. CADIFI ELI), Cummiaslon and lor wArding Illerehnnt And ne hole.ale den ler in EH V 1 , . I:III:Ent, llUtrlll LA it 0, PARK ,BACON, FLSII, In IT AIA I/ FKA 111. A K ., . SA I.k:llA'l' I.IN rIptL AMU LAUD OILIA, DRIED Fli And rtlolurt uornil3. Nos Ile Front el ro. , t, Pllt,l•ttrxh. 1 Ir. • .• }v. ....J.% tr.V.ll:l.g i . rTLE ISLE. \V (: ro- J rent nits, dealer'. In ItACOS, CH Ei.:4E. 1 , 1• 4 11. NI , LARDmI.. 111+IN, I.s, r. S. COITON l'itt.borgh rr ta .0 a gerwre.lli,dl3 n 111 Ne.xid ft Met, NU. a • A OLP or, -11.1,2[0. I.l' Sli EPA IW, toluttii4 , ion 3311111c311,3 In 1.1.01 . 14 )14IIN ANL , 11.1 rl•:, No. 0. /41..• a. AI r.rt, PillAintr4li. 1n3t013 of Flour for II tker.4 00.1 Family r 0004,3111 Petri Iru: r 31.tr0l too 1101.1 t biting oi.lrt3 for M.•rvluunlixu 3..ner411). • . . Ai . EBB A:, WI I.K INS( IN, Corn t 111,411 eveltnnt s. Wholesale denier. In W ESTER. vE CHEESE. ;Mira. FRVITS, HUT! T PAL El ;CHI; RA INS, n n.I ibox'uee gen, Il}'. A Ho, LEATHER, II HIES, OILS, n.c., No. V, nlnoL, *Or all r nnrrmruta tavlr. C..l,lxnments r 1. r 11r1 lin, iI Tr. /.:11.. P. BECK CO., N... iss Liborty TN Strert, ITittsbuech. 1.0.. 1111olmnle lirorerr, vrrlmnt nml-rdenlerr In rtuiT IL Y PIIOVISII 111,11 ON, LA ' EGOS 41 Pit( r 1,0 4 , ...11.01t11, tilf AI N. SEEDS, I 111 TIRli a.l. SALT and jyl6 A.NIES 1. LULL A: SON, Nl:in4tc ,; Ira rf TAR f Conininsion Mrs Hann,. ft., Ikr I.ol.nrse mud !Mil' of CHUM:.I74"D /011INVII PI,TROLEI:3I, NOS. 6.• And 74.• W3ter street. Isilt,burf,ll. Advances 1011.11 on consists r On!, • - . kk. SW!,lknv..nnK META. kit. i EA 1) kt: M it, Erilleern and COW tutentort Nlerrhnyls, ntat dtlterllin all kifilll is 1 . 0U1k: y Pll-41:11, nr.l l'lllatmet - h V, nil if-tnrc, ?in. =l9 1 abett., nl rrrl, oiris.ilk, /10 - 1. Ili Won, -ekkiret, 1 . 1119.1.11re1. 1114,1 y ISKYVKI . I a : Itr.V.itit E I . :1; Ai BROTHERS, 00.1e01:kiat9 14 to Iteynter & Auden:ono Whnle,nle Ibetiera In NUTS And SPICIES. UttN FEA Tiinr V. 111% SIAM R. HUI: W9It.6S, Nee 12ti and I Wood 81.0111, Above 1.11 - Itt. bovnb. _ • wi 1.1. A C COlTlnti,...inn 31ereivint -2-{ • ', nil NV linleaalc Dealer in It & iirs3 Liberty street, opposite Perinsylvitnis It. R., g , Depot, l'ittsborgb, Stursce 'o7nrilit•use t corner 11'nyue and l'essu streets. _ 1. KIIIA ....... KiirzrrAnrlcx. KINKI'ATRICIC 111:0TIIER, mut. t 1 esiors to 141.11 h Kirkpatrick, IYIIOI.I, SA 1.1. 0 ItOC MIS, Noe. 191 And 193 Llherty street, l'll,l,tregh. - J 1.10(IxTT .1“11 X uxinwr LICICETT CO., CITY PLOIIII. INfl MILLS, eviller Liberty and Adam ,1 r 1•. VIII slmrgh, Prt. zr I A y, hit per d.r. •- 11(131.11.:Yr t 11011 AK Eli & Commission Meteltera, and Wlrelenxle denier. In (11:110E 1 , 1U.5, PIUMULIE, ace., No.= I y at r. et, Pit tehurell. awl, P•or 1.0,t17 40/1$ i111t....1131. 1 . rAI I ..t, WIIMON, Wholemle Gm- I• errs; Commission Merchants, And Atelier* In l'Aduer and Pittsburg. manufactures, No Via 1.1 erly street, Pittabusgb. j 1.5 . . . _. • . / 111',ESE WAItEIIOUSE.-11ENItY H. NJ COLLINS, FOrlV‘rding amt l.,o‘nrunotton Ater- OM Id. and desk, in (31IENrik; tilifTElt, LAKE- I 4- 11, and I . rodnee grnerslly, No. ZS Wood Olt rPet, , aim. Water, l'ittsistrela, DIV . . . lor, . icltvr ant, 111 M.& HOUSE sk C•O., WilDlettale `IP , 07 00 1115 AND 4 1 ;141SNION PH HANTS, corner ••• musithdold and Water etreet, rittaburath • AODIERT DALEXLL A. Y. DALXU. 11013EliT DALZELL d' CO., Whole -4 enle Cirocen, Commission and Vorwsrdiag Merchants, and dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh nlnubstures, LlbeetY.elteet, Pittsburgh. 7,1011 , WU.LIAY. Vl.Olll. dOl - 11i FLOYD CO., Wholesale Oro. cent and Commission hierehants, Nos. W Wood gild "«B' Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. Jelin - C, lif.Altts - ktii: 62T - CrW iiLl.,7 "- successor to Jan... Holmes a Co., POIIK PACKER and dealer In PIitiVINION:i. corner Of Market and root streets, Pittsburgh. Su 1 • 11. YOIGT & CO., StiecesmorA Al) I. Oral; I . I2IIIIUCE AM) (;()31,1)11SSION 1‘11:1:4 'HANTS, 217 Liberty Oreet, eiTrsmrx~n, e.. _ It e.", LA Xrlrr. ..1011N stitrror..s. C. %vs tt.stnt A:SIM:ICI', 8111111)N CO., Whole I rule rittleferit and l'roduce Ikalers, SINU street, Pittrbutztt_ , istS II IA A L DICK CO., Wholesale A ttrorrit. tr.t PROlitttri No. bu W i nter strest as moot .tart, Pittsburgh. 1 - - 11) M. 1:: DO .F. 11'11 rti. WholeS3l( /IN. nrocer and Ooloculsolua gerchnnt,to7 Wood SI itet. Tilt obilmt 1, I. fe2ay . . nrll.l.lAm LEY, WIIMAAALE Gnot , En, No. 13 Wood oarcet ritteburch. ktes M=nM:Cl 1 7 1RAVVC aE.mrs TORNROSS, Agent of the Equitable In stuacav Co., Kesainuton_liracaureceeL 'o ~ aria the Pea' . Mutual Life I niurence Co. ot . Phila. Arletia. N. W. or. Wood and Taira strette, Pitt* -- burgh. fenly •• G-. ------ 4-: ARDINER COFFIN; Agent for the „Franking, Philadelphia mul itaittitorio Insur &nee Companies, Northeast corner WOOD aid .TIORD•STRIIIITS. •• • : - -. .., •, . .., P. JONES, Agent for lfoqtt i A.mert , 41.41.3tAta of Props yirmaki, 04, a. rd 0 0 .. a, to • a Amv"L.REA. S"re Citizens' Inane C al= WATign te,Uatniratt,e.oiner AD A. , 1 , 1(N. .11)1114 HOHLEI.LIN Grttht cued 1•1114'l60, EI;11 .4% a -4:IP - LE st. •.• ov '• ,i•'•• .1 ti Cl4l ni iing Ntrou .• ,•, writ imrnii:tni. Aril in 01 , • f • A o•• It IA lIAI %CURS. In FithrettlA Wet: mon laud oc urk v liii,trovo. 11,e /Anti in 01 11, 1,4 quoit , y. Llttal and litortiont• in olhuntlonee. Alto. .I'7 LA Ai EN tIN h., tornow n..ii or 0.. e, rut h.• 00. wllli the othAingo, intivlttoo-y. 3y wheel, The eyhlntler b tire !nohow in Intote ittan four toot tarok, 'lnt. Bollix, 17 I , •vt long root 0•2 Judie, In ill•uneteri all in T.looh order, nod will Int told chenfi. YAlrlf IM tier, in Wet , Whoa. '1..14 IntEnrit 0.10017. Po.. 31,0 tit thro.• from the Penna. Rollroott. Alto. n I'AIIM 1.1 Ehn acres in Cone, tisifhi toter, iy, Irttlono county, P t. hennt Mil VA It Xi of inn n.nnei,•trith Iler,e BR KIN ltf il 'SF, .'lib 12 n. 0.00. 0,,4.u2.1 in tuti. ern 01 ) 11, 1, m.14-11ou, ntnl o 2,1 !netted; Intuit :pilot; Uwe, both brute. smir k.' hot., • 111/74e bunk tarn, fruit twes of ex ery tlitotuipl Inn: nihl wit .... I house hull'. upon the flees Thin latin otljoint the villotre of Lout.. tile, 33 , 1 t . tive-not'-ioloolf nines :vow the &pot nt tool 'ie. In 'Wet' noin•lniul comity, Pa_, on tin, Nortltwo,• Railroo,J. Alto, 11V0 BRI'E' flousEs tool 1,01,1 la lairolcUi boron:h. • Alto, A FARM 01' •PIPTY-TWI in Derry township, Wettintirelond county, ohotit two tulle,! Rota St. Clair Stollen On the Penn, Rtil rood. A 'Atom tow mill neori( enotplotel with fill the nittchltsety lot n flouring mill on the ',remises; 11. e land loot IJml , rel oinnlity, cool sod limestone In abundance, owl pool Inilloollons of nil. %VIII Lr mold cheap. Alt° :wren ,tdjuihithz the 1111000 111 New Deily, tit the very beat' Matte of onittiot. tion, sh,l'eloonissen (suit of °Yell , desersot ion. AIM FARM OF 110 ACIIE-S, In 01 I!I .11r io ship, Weetruorelontl county, Pa., 'on T,b Mitt Curl, shout one mile flow the Pentio. 11 Input Thr Improvements 'try goCrl" iratno hoot, ..04 laine (1.500 Ronk 1101,,. Alto, 14 Instill Fenn 0190 neree In Perry ttoentl,ll, IVf nrmnlotsnd ennoty, Pa.. near 11, line fit th y • Peon'ts R. N. A No. n Form of shout 'AM Aril, in Pgirnel , l tow a tl.lit, Westmorvlang county. Pa. • Alto, o Erin; 01 XIS, net , . in Fairtli:.l I menet, i , Wtolnioreincd enouly. 1'... Alto, forront a Fenn 01"11: , lert, 1 , , try I.v. - .hip, Weal nonelsnd now:tr. l'a , Ito honllhtely t n thr lire ni Ibe Penn' , It. 11. A Ito, :40 oho." nf Stock of the 0.4110 Oil r: .1 :ening Cowpony of Plitt:lon gh. PA For further partieulmu inquire oil (I. U. WWI:ILI:col Eat e Aeene, le6 FOnfth IEOOI • OIZE, COAL A.Ni) 0111 1(0 APIel truing 1,1.1 on • I t$ (IN (roil 1 . 1310t3t011, fiCt' mile. 1 In li. fs. no us r'S' and lue mile; ('un ut ill Nli l'lll . 11C. In It• cl..s r I' C $ I $ r taro r, I. 0, nn to 3,331 3• llnnlcnoL lint Inn I.s ltllcl.l'l . tnll' VI IN 01' 11111111 :75.0 ACRES OF LAND 11111 I 1:`, P 1 1t:011 II U ) OM: tNI) Il Iv len ,y,lll-.11 - •••,, the I:. fi 11. 11,1 .. , ..... •S 1•1.1. , Int Ilta. if. .0“ ro.I Llt.• 1 /wet. trx,le. will 1 ,, On 14,1...104. S. S. BRYAN. " broker mail laatanrnmee .I.trent. .4 tomtit •t . (Umlrea 11,111.1mrt.) p )11 5.% LE Tueoty-six Wes of Laud, In TOW , DISiIIIP. at about five min titre ivalk front dacha 1100 RaPro td Station. Lind ter) race and easy to runty •te, with several Final epr lops of water. Iniprovenieuls, a sin ill Cot tag° flout.° und goinl bat n, and Or,tharil al over ow. hundred bearing Peach trees. Possession eon Igo hail In March. would sell port or the laud with iho halo us enrol sif acid rcil, Apply to J. GALLAGHER, a. t St. Clair st,. Pitt .Itttret I,'Ort F‘Arxii. THAT eieI2IGHTFUL RESIDENCE, h sown an :1101•NT MIRE, at Woods lion. (now recap:, d hl Air. Wm. I'. Beek.? the Coruic r real dt Lee 1.1 ti in. Lee' 3 , at ceased. Back Mouse of II tone., nett cellar, well and eiateent large bare, nn; fruit I tee, of all kind.. grapes, ha, FiFf ERN man rf land, embracing shoe quarry site, aplendol t f the Chi • River, 14:iilwni s. Manchester Sligo:at the breath. to of the nlanebester Street Rallteny and Wuncl's Run Strattlaa Pips, Ft. W. & C. It. R.; only lea minute s ride by tho latter trout Feder tt a Station. Further. pnrticstiles ant Incas re ta he hoe of lice sub,river any day from lied oelloo. at his in to nine Mau:, on Wca.iter at , OW, it n cid Prolasn As, loon, Alle,:heny City, or. in Co. • ven I ng, at his house at Wood's Run. 7:1 IN /11E11T It I,ECKk. I OA \VW:Ii S SALE. —The 5 • redlnn. once for Bele the enitribly ana koou n Novelty of THE. IIION COMPAII OS PITNOU ,ilontc on the Monongahela Hirer, one •1111 3. half 1 .; g nbove Mononahela lltty, and eau ans. 1,4 log roles @wince, wW3 nor, of No 1 Co lu ) tier and cur hall teet. The Ibtok. In lotloptinlton, And In eurllent - rep Divel lap; rot Sltners, Writ 'are. and ill neressnry implore awnlP, extenvlre river hoot. with Ono el' the best on the liver. The surface. i t adtal'lbly nuirril for n vineyard: n portion of the Inn.l I. well Ilinheird, the Whin, hichly cultivated. ibis 'novelty will to sold at. bargain, by npply ling noun to 1111 PPM 31, SEIBERT .3 CU.. NO. ta Water Street, Pittalow4 l l. 133 . P.ll. MIX 1113. CAPITA I.! CAPITA I.! HERE IS •-ilotal (;RANGE rug IN VESTUENT: Olt %A 1.1: lIOU At IL ES of the RICHEST ANL. RENT COAL r ,Nltd in Penuryls PPM. basing 3, t, 0, and c foot vetn• si it h the i.e..' .11C. 10, I tit, and SALT WATER In the count ry. vino at ells are now. In oprtatten adioining there land.. 'I his tract of Lind Inca one mile east of New unities and two mites Writ of New Brighton, in Bence, county, on the Vittelinteh, Tuft Wnyue es Mexico Rsilroul. The. Cowl ran he loaded on toe track.. The land is °f iend low, scut la worthy the attention, of capita/• Farther particulars, w`th . mop,csa be seen at the undersigned. R- RIBBLE,- ktstf No. Igt Liberty street. FOR SALE. viILOAN FORGE, Temperanoeville, CcreWing of A Filmic l'orge ttekcso feet, one Hort:ants! 'lleum Engine, 9 Inch cylinder, 4 ft. rt toke; one Veil ICAI Stearn Engine, inch cylinder, It. Inch Adred,e; Two Boilers; One Trip Unntrocr; Var.:M-0; Vat Blast; Smith's Borges: (troioe, aW nil things neresenry to enrry on the I'o:lcing Ungl ue. In ran Otte order.. Pl-0, BRICR. 110115 E, 5 room , it 4 4.lC} nod 5T.1111.4: In Gnarl order. uquire of NY. I'. PORTER, Fillii.ut< Forges Iron NVuotla Run. 1,11:1 I i;oll SALE—LOTS IN ALLEGHENY cITY.—The undrraistord otter for ante the proprity where Mrs. FLIED now tires, on Pasture Inge, Allegheny city, ruljotnion the Tannery of John Taggart. It has a trent of about 21X) feet on Pasture Moe and ratends back about 4D3 feet. It la a part of John O'Hern's Ono of Mount Belief, :rem dial in Plan Rook eel. I, page. :4, and embrro reit 29 lots of said plea, bring tuts numbered 6 to 11, It Lea a comfortable frame house, and the grounds ale planted with good fruit trees, no, It env 1.1 be divided Into several good building iota, or, if trup4oved as whole, It would make a delightful rellidener. It Is ollrred tor .anle as a whole, or in separate lots to suit purchasers, and the terms of payment will be mode eery'. Pu33l/3111UU can be sit en on the drat of April neat. , J. W. WHITE, Ja 161 f Ito Fifth It. _ F OR S'ALE—LOTS IN THE EIGHT!! Illl.—The undersigned as (tWsedtto of the roirsor ebildren of David deed. offers fur Sale the following vacant the Eighth ward, City of Plltaburgh, viz: 2 lots on the corner of Ma gee and Forte.* street., 21 by feet, bolos lots Tr** 17 and le in said Orates oleo, rooorded in Plat: Iluok vol. I. page •113: I lot. pa Locust Street, 20 hi 6.16 feet, Ittlugiut No. Ri in said plian,• 19 lots ea Maria street, 20 by MI6 feet., befog lota Il l ' to 100, god 123 to loti.on Vickroy street, to by 61 1 4 feet,being Nos. 120 to 121 said plan; a ad 2 101, hl. col net of. itlngee and Blur street., 90 by 1110 feet, being N05."117, 143 and 149 in sad tole; *lnking eltokether.= lots..POtne of these lots sue ve y deniroble nal Minding Sites, and others ale I cry valuable for Moo - parries.. They will be sold Separately or tics, Red an easy terms of payment. - WHITE, jal6:tf 106 Fifth at. -- • A. OR SALE—A FARM OF 105 ACRES on Dig Sewlckly, three mile. from the railroad station, well improved. Price PO Per gore: A BS ACRE LAMM:on Kllbuck_i 3% miles from Glendale Station, on which is lariat Mill, Store, Dwelling, Barn, end good hoprorementa. Price, 119 ‘CENTY LOTS, on Fremont and Tremont streets, Sevond ward, Allegheny. FOUR LOTS on Kill:arch et Glendale Station, containing .Is to ton scree. 'or side U . T. SAMPLE. Real EatateDro&er, 97 Federal vtreel. AllestinnV. $l3OOO. —F L S NCI VALLEY 5T212.31 FLOURING. and SAW MILL FOB SALE.—This well known business et and. situate in ' , Dishing Valley. Relainnt Coon ty, Ohio, ten miles west of St. Chirsylile, and an noire let In 'Wheeling, is now keyed fur ante. ere re I bree on rd Ftnnea, With the ['Mean try Ala y. I hree Dwelling 'louses, Stables. elev. en acres , of lend, with tone act es of Coil. fruit, &c • in goon order. For terms, &t., apply at the heal Locale and Insurnoce nano .of G. S. G.IT&S, ja2.5 - Butler Street. I.nwreneevllle. • Ult SALE-b I L TEItILITORY.—A. 1 very valuable FARM. situated on Mel; creek, Morgan 01110, ront%lnlng 176 acres; 80 natee cleared and Ih. remainder Is timber land of the litat duality. 'llls farm has a well on It 160 feet deep with a p al show of 014 and Is within 1 11 of a mile Of.the biuskinsum river, and 0,1 miles of Mellon nellssUle. Ohio. For further particulars address pox 212 McKrosport, P._ jatOdemod "1?0R -- tidthg, • . . . COMFORTABLE ROUSE sMreouer a r r o s om n s 'M w an h h n otne. 42G140 o h d a W lf a t q er u en e o v f e h thing conveuient. Possession given Immediately. For terms applego fasten PLftw,77 federal street, or at Thorium' Marilee' Wagon/3110y,Heaver street, ,Monebester. nottitt TOR SAL Thatiarge TtiliEE, STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Noss! Fourth strott,PfGaborgh. Poastiston.gtvon.os! Du? tslol AC% Enquire . 4P61 .764. - N W. ' N RtDDIELL A Attoiney.d.Lsw, del, ;14 :1; Eolarth .4%1.3; . . .~r~is'~.~n'!:vF:.r;,,".~~.~c-..a...,.;-.`V ,mot _ .7,.7,--41.:•;;r: r: r . . 1, 'IT' • ANI. 1 • Ti n st;h4erthet sae, f'r/r sole his I 1111 K 1)v:MI.1M'; 11l II 'Sr„.eilleitel on 7.13 in 1 1 1 •-.7+ . • le t t I• 7 tit +I - h.. n llir. ; 14.stbe L n two eittry hrick, 14 t, 4.1 :t.,1 I y . •r , f. • I step, coolalotog Ore nil h v111.1.0/11..1. 1..11.10 0 lultutl On both 'il-_ , l or Fterhd fr.oro. Thele u• a toe 1.i.,1• I.s f,/l/lr timing 01., I+l Or 0.1.;11 itushi,o, Ihe los 1. :Su feet (that or Yalu mart. rhtl nu feel 1.. al. Is). The are, I • roeelllMii• 01. 1,17210. alleset. I 0101110 or 4..11. ttnl tter. 01. ruble of holdlue:ftom lu 75 het rut, Ib,• f.. won t.tipplied with I lull Item, cr.ipe tire,. he. he. thi =pro, t Meet; ate of n purtnaneut elt,rteler. ("011N en!, and Jiiel pi,. ipieit • so XL ur of soy hileily tle*ltiret reunion: 04e nod Is rceitterce. ONLY ts, Me Is 110 Y, PDC Of the inottt tlu ;v../ (+turn. I it rel7.lthothoutl. the Nthet.the :trot nup .I.e ph of the I.ler eland h. Pat,lutrult It II 5,5,1.0 lot slid atom, soil property Is rgiidly ...tenneittz In plies+. The eery lowprice /oohed for thin pruputiy .111 mate it ptulltnhl. to vet.tmrot. Aastreas. ur oppl3 to, ISAAP W. TEXLit, A r Estuo. I . llhierolo x Cy .0. jala 0.1:W 41. S 17 I+l7lll st., PittOttmh, Pi A'AI.UABLE 1•1:0PEICI'Y rbit °SI E.. Two 'AP fret Thlitl istreet. 5000104 1 hank hnlf may to Ferons! vt :vet, opt rte the Rosh lof Pit ttl urgb. to st hit 14 r/eetrit that huge 01,11.111. g. n an the BANK lINCIIANGF n. Iwo 20 ri-et hit on sfinnd stiert, in the ;rat. Iu w hit is V. ot:"I O 'ER t:ruitltth: lor nolto.fne:::rine. or ~ ,k v Wtr w:11 111', P. 1,, tpt.ll.r.stion to S. • I . l.llshert. h Soo. t Merl: or to S. Met:tenth Jr., nt the tou,kin-holoo: of not•lnnon. Mettlenn I n., No. 1:i i nutl6 ntlent fr 10,2tse 1:11 f M Abl'Aßl,l; Smithfield Itrcei Property For Sale A Int:to Int r-11 grountl. hnvlng a front of 'IttMTV YLLT on Stn. hihtlet otrert lIN LINE HUN- Ith•Flo and 1 W Y ELI', Attu tte near 11, tlttsre. .11 „ mite the lA'AreltnnAe n( l 3 ,lI An At+ ntrlt,n Itht Is one of the heel mut mon t . r.ltn Itte Ireatl.7l4 int Lots:nen hottsel in the eil t. A tr.. TI I I1:1 Y•TWD Fl KY front nn Market It by u, It et Jn , tog t ,ett Hu itch aqs tlwre tti., Nos :o p MA11.4 nen:. Third. For p tr• tt• ni.p.) t., S. 111 - Itti/thBT StEYS. A A, 1 t. Id 31 4t. 1.1)1'"."A;!", 1.1.. t• I I I.NI, . 1 . 1Itt1"1-12V. Ire II .1... .iimitzti Eett tele of sl tI• Intersertitn. 11r Pt It n 1.14 In :Le I.'ottrat w3r.1.01 It el tl.l I .I'. et, • 1 elt tte 40 nre hn trill III:It:K. h I 1. .1,1.01 ••! 101. enhlslo. . I • ;•\t.t,dl r a • h. Will In: 4:4.1 she tit. or tt• • en SI Lilt 01 1.1.:1", ^ I. NI. . ` ,'I. lie line lifsl.l S I: 11 , I .1 I 1.... t y. so 1t...ee1...n.1 I In 1..1 se,. I e eel . note oe. 01. , e,1 I.y 'AI., 1 1thi.e. 3. 11.111oer, store. ria. loor-it is • 1..• s lame mereshltle :111•Ine., A0i41.4:10 4 ,1• • It elll. t• tilt Luse 1-retont petty •nont • It will he lettsed tor t 11111 ..f yetsl on 1,•1 I^.. Al cso I." entt no the 1 • 11,01. Appl) IA NII h . / ix.l 111 Fc.l..ral . A.11.-so,n SA I. E. • Tvvo 0,- of 1 ..,r nod the other of ,tIN Ilonnif; No. 6 ell tel Rif eet, eth w Fer bother :01 - 141:1113r) enculre of NAC STE W.k rIT, jh.,:t .. t•o.'e. 1:1 /I'. FA 1.E.—.1 very desi ra . fdery lirlelf Dwelling House, with X WO It ory 10.4 k tool/Deg, the whole cfmtninlng 12 room., olltiale to the Iforflo,lf of l/trdattEd oo . .Dtsieugr r Itnllo Alf nthroe 001 y Mick Dwelan, `44„,,, me c „. 4 tnining 11¢1 t room .. „rage. Vor 'mat, pnrticolor. enytore of ti. It. Tow.. EIL Rent pour, N 0.164 Fourth • , Ditts -611, er A AIINIQ-N, Iflrtolngloun r, 1:0It SAl,E—Three new gleam Ell,dlllCS, A built rurporely for oil wells; 'V 4', to i. cylinder, ill Ire? E . , rt , i;nl vr•rr at rong. Ent crank I.!let Conn cllu of wrought Iron; tie( d for loosen. Rollers 14 to la foot tong, V Inches diArnetcr. with too 11-Inch floes: .donsuey IS In. by 5:1 feet: hot And cob' wAirt pumps. Everything complete And ma) to ship on eight. 1.1.1!(111 at. not.E, . l'lttsbumh, Shop, corner Point alley soil Duquesne street, hmsk of Allegheny river. oar the Point. dell l I(JUtE ' V 2 Ti tßoSfm, Nor. and 93 Wnsliinoton ntret.t, three stories, sob I ninimg nine rooms, with gas and water, and good order. Also, a 1.1/1" TYLIE STREET, adjoins leet by on which are temporary bottling Tit!. whole will be • 11 very low for cash. hoquire of TORN OUR, Jo:No:ow . ao.blarket street. • 1, -, bit ru,NT, D'wollissg Scriuse3, lIA vim: A CoRNER. STOKE tr. SIX ROOMS, Corner of :Nit:Merry end Ifebeeen at., Allegheny Lmiti Ire on the premise* or at THIS UFFIHK.• If :0 111 SALE AT A BAIRGAIN.--A rnl Inoble STORE HOUSE NS!) LOT, with soven rooms for tenant use. and trance bnikilng on rear rt d of the lot, containing lour roonco• . actuated to a eyed to the elti, with doe beeilleel es tablished. In,utre at 31.11:KREL L JOHNSON, Attorrorys Lanr, No. SD Grant M... Pittsburgh. Ja IRA meal VOR SALE.—ti Bullet Maclitncs, 2 Situ do., one 69 gallon Iron Kettle. three 20 get ten de.. n lot of Shaping, Pulleys. Hangers, Belting, Moulds, Lend L %dips, Chisels. \lee and a variety us other tools. Apply to 111$. It Elt, Jr., e.r Volt man's H aeon Works, notion Areal. A Iles her y. feldwrody tPLENDIII MANSION 1 , 01101. LE on the Steen.% /tsar( lo Alisny I'o y. bulidang is of modern at y:e. w ith ne Id tonne, Stable With large BMA Onetime House, Stable and 1, House; (mods on to , wide noftet• and Is one of the most besutifol flumes offered for se le. Apply to rel 11. AIeLAIN h 00. 11A RPM, FACTORY FOR SACF.—AR the at sessary 3lnshlnery and implements for the manufacture of ONL: 1117311.1111.11 i OLL LIAR. rSU DAY; complete and to good running 012er. infpOril of WM. 31. sutxx, Stlrnd No. 131 roerth street. ° arCTIffIX RAILER. • UCTION SALE...:TIie following U. S. Condemned e.torea will be sob' at public , sue t lon, at the 011 ice of Conanalax,ry of etabalatenee, eat,: of Penn street and Garrison alley, on MONO!, Iteb.l:llt. ISnS, it II Irrloth. t. m i 0 Nord. Micas Reef, • 31; 13,tittde ;lead Bread. • “I:llN—Ciibb. lhoternment. (undo.. GU , . %V. MURPHY, Capt. and V. V9ls. _ _ _ i,ECON D ST IIEET DWELL! Nti. --On UESDAY EVENINfI, February Ittb, at l!; o'clock, will be told at Commended Sales Booms, II DM , Wert ; the pod three story Itrt k (heel. ng, No. 'id Stroud Witt, between :tfirrket and Word st ecru., containing hall anti 10 rooms, with gas and water. Possession given ou the let of April. - The lot is to feet front on Second street, and CO feet In depth, subject to an annuli ground rent of *7lO. Terms at rale. A. Mt ILWAINE, Auct . r. ‘4II,AER PLATED WARE—CLOSING tinter Every evening this week, t t j (Mint, will 'be sold et the Commercial Sales Rooms, Al street, to close consignment, a great ' , Heti of elegant :silver Plated Ware, comPrislng Tea , store, Ice Pitchers, Tea and Table Spoons, rrtreli Forki, Butter Knaves, Napkin Hinge, (lake Markers Le. Sales 'tinting the day at PRIVATE SALE, at are age AU(l1ON PRICES •. The attention of ladies is particularly tarried to thin Last entree ' justly. A . 21cIL1PAlNE, 711 , 9. Auctioneer. fiiLTAN MARBLE AND ALA DAS -- STATII AR Y, SILVER•PL ATED WAR}:, r:—The subtle are respectfully Informed that on TUE rDAT 511011NING,.Feb, 11,01 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, an the . second floor of Cog.. mercial Sales - Browns, 04 Fifth street, a magnificent newritment of Groups rod Frgurea in pure white It lion Alabaster Boman. Itothie, Grecian, Robe and Florentine Vases, Torras, Card-receivers, Groups of Animals, and a great variety of other article@ for decoration of parlors, libraries, Le. These good. ore . fresh Importations from' ltaly by Sig. (1. B. Pandoltinl Io 'W., and have never been opened In any other market, O. IL Pan dolhul hay Mg just returned from Italy,y, erne,e he related them from the beat studios. Also' rich bilLser•plated Ware, comprising Tea Sets, wino Sells, Castors, Flower Cairn, Use Baskets, Mb ' Ids, Cups, Le A. McILW!LINE, Auer BAILEY, FAUEELL Sc CO., PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, GFcaet a.Tx . cl Salto am. Flttowas, !MEM mass wane and every description of nultorl4 . 4 Tor Wafir, Gas, and Steam 11.6 NO. 123 FOURTH ST. TIDE GREAT ENGLibli itEbiEDY.— SIR LAMES cimmvs CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Pre Bred from 4 prescription of Sir S. Clarke, 33 D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen... This well known reediatne Is- no inspositien, but a lure and safe remedy for Female dbecultiee and Obstructions, from any sense -whatever, and sib though npoweiful remedy, they contain notte ing hurtful to the constitution. To brawled Ladies it la perfectly. suited.- - -"It will,dn a short tithe, bring on the monthly _period with regularity. Those Pills have never been known to fail where the directions on the 34, page ef the pamphlet "ire well observedil ' For full particulars get a remPhiet,f ree.- of the agent.,Sold by all Brun - lats. Prioe, filper bottle 4 Sole UnitalStstes Agcnt, JOE MOSES, Courtbuidt street, New test. N. 8.-41 andttpoitage stntaps, enclosed to soy . ti thoaeid meet, 'MI Insure a bottle. contstnloct over Oe bilLs r by return, ts,elL ' dennl yaNcck:. .11:EDIC.Z . L. 1 ) U. V: r.s. CHERDKEE MEDICINES BARKS ANID 11.11AV1.,4 Cnniesss R e.ta Env, MMM MMM theveni Indian Diuretic, MM M MMM cotes rod diseases of the Ain M MM urinatlot In- MA MA MM .ntivence of the Urine, MM M M MM I.ll,..ationia the Blatt- AIM M M MM der, IMlnnimation of the MAI MA MM K Wheys, Stone in the :MA AIM MM BiA,l , kr, Ft retort., Grua- MA MAL MM Oh, t, (ionorrlnns, sod MM AIM M to evccially recommend , . ed in those caws of fluor A 11, us, (or bites in urroua uhere all the oht medicines base Wive, It la propmed to s ay coheentrnteh turn. me CCCCC done only !wingan O. CAA.' CCC totwo M tet+l , oollftth GI rvt CcVC times per au=. CC CU It ienlittreale And nltern- Cll tiro In it. net Welt purif, 11 lug mud rat,trahr, t :le CLI hltnnl, ennnitn; It tO hew CU CO In all of It el 0rt4111,1 purli y CO CU nr,l I. inn,: thus rem., 1,4 CCCCUC le , ma the 4y.tena All perni- CCCC eitohn e.awen , whida hnt e !natl.-ea , C1114.1101.41:1, 10.104,404 is inlets.6 , l as an any ur sit:hitt/6d to the C 11.1.4/.. ILK.. HY Nei's, MIA 811011141 Et EPEEEEEE to need iiimilajnatiotru 11.11 Et EEEEEEEE that .ifiqiician• In ail cases El• vt tionorrlicert, keel, Eh Fluor Altair, or Whites. EY EY.II Its eureka tire lienling, Et E.F.E. ituothlng, and demulcent; Et Treat, ing all bl . 4ll4littg Eh heat, ehonlve, and ;min, hiEEKEEKE instead of 1/churning and Et InEEEEEEE almost unendurable pain that I, es. perieneell with ui srly all 1 Ile cheap , Inack to. Ity 16. use Of the Inter. onve 116msoy 60 1 /oun - km , 1 idect he 14V 1111 1111 iumlic ies 6. the it mie 1 111 1111 time— l ntl improper Oh lilt Litt 0110 car- arc rcinut 1-11, -6,11 Illt 1111. the ueras tis 111 1 1 lilt 1: 1 611 restormi 1,, full vigor And 1,1 1 I t 111111111111 atiength 1111 lilt Ito 6,11 oil:: slam gel 1111 lilt unr psiannict fine, any 1,11 nil dile; siho , ih , 1111 lilt of 11,14141 t 4 4' 4 , 141 ID ill., AO salts t 1,11 Matto. Cain• nisi 01 , 10e 41 0,1., :small," I Wesl.- nes , Nucl. - ant haeor ,,thia,. mut all 11 1 161 /1 , 6 Iti can,. Ii 1,1 sell-oE6.lmi; 1 16,11 PO,/ url, ~,, Ler. , nt 1 , 1 , niNrl-5,311.1.,1?...11.•, UU 16/ Painr in 11 e Itaek, Piin- 1111 net r, Prelim.. .11v Prelim.llv / 1 , 1) 1 /1,1 Age, Weak Nut t'es, 11 11 Ito 1611 rutty of Itientliing, Ill) 61.1 61,111,g, Wakefulneas. 1 / 1/1 / 1 111 l /Pi 111 Eli IS 116, , on the Pace. 11 1 1/1/6 11 I 1 11 ihole Count vnanee, hum.. it l'outl6,ttion. , 6l , h 6l the chlaylalut. ra titetul nsint by di jl t i l 1 44. 16 the moll ustm e. This melicina lan sioliOr vrgetnble ami one oust Melt nil cat, reiy, 14 /1.1441 4 ,M 41,41 in our prac tice for many yenta, 61 , 1 with thou,min treated it EEEEPEEEEE has not 1.111141111 1 Mill4 . l< EtIEEEI,IXEE Instal/or, Its cur a ISW Threes have been antllt vinut to gain victory over Hie must stubborn re ‘9O bo rEtrifcl with their EE until they think t hems EEEEENEEEE selves beyond the retch of EEEEI:I.I:EEP ntin'tl aid, tee troohl say desistnot! he lin crokre Cure...lll restore 100 heal/ h 111111 igor, ter s 11 hunek , lattor,i, 1,.0 W nintres 11nan- IMMEZEZ ~ s xis" 111.1010; or Ils a r.....1•V 01 , 1.1 YE! 1 . 1011:11,1 1111 Iron. Pure Vegct Able Ea- . fill trots esetnining nothing 1111 Injurious to the Kurd deo 1111 tenth 'I he Rejuvenating 1111 Ella it lest he result of mod- till ern 4 lircoveries in the veg- 1111 et able kingdom; being en MI entirely new and almtmet 1311 method of cure, imespets. 110 live of all the old awl worn out minions. This ninth-toe has been tested by the most cell- , cent medical men of the • day-sett by then. pronoun eed to be one 01 the great . ERIC Rlt Ella e,t medical discoveries W. 111011.11: lilt ilit the age. One bottle will 11111 i It it it cure general debility. A 11101 111111 few doses cured Hysterics 111111 It IR in females. One bottle 1111111111111111 ciao. Palpitation of the MIR itßit Ileart• A few demos tee- ERR 111111 tore. the orimmui of genet . lIHR RIM atom. From one to three bottles restores the 0140- . 11.1111 and full st:or of V0:111i. -A few doses rest ores the ppetite. Three bottles ViVrlltill cures the wont else If 11000.3 ili lnumteney. A few doses tiC till 0111,4 the low spirited. 110 Co . One Tuttle restores nten- CO tot power. A few closes' Cl'. brings hack [ltemise to the ell check. This medicine re. Me (X Mites to manly vigor and CO CU robitst health the poor des Ilt`ililaiti bilitatcd, 4/ . OEIIIIOIV 0, and LiCCtitill despsiring devotee of se 0. WA/ pleasure. The Ettgr.rt cores Hys teria, tteueral Del.iiiity, Palpitation of the heart, and Impotency. It is,- tows niental pawn and • Cult to the appetite, mid eau:4A 110(1000 the I . oio 10 111011111 10 1116 Oft 00cheek of palor, and the [iii • 00 deltilitated matt or woman 00 00 to feel rig 0 r 0 0 el and 00 00 strong, the youngand ant -00 00 bitten., blood to course 00 00 through every vein, the 00 00 Oen,. 10 ber,llo.. strong 000000 and the tires of new 11(- 0000 the. and gor to reanimate entire lowly, building up the constitution, res. toring.loy and life to many a nit slit darkened tires • side. c., , ,,mccr. rt,..E.g! Sc.A 11.t1t.ritATKD it . It HA I. IS Itl4.Ul..VeOlt, 11 it I. I. Tlt . 1111 l'oletatoLtt, emyryile et 111.1 v.v.- For the removnl 1111 of 01,&trurtioli t end the 1111 itautnocc of Ilegobtrity 1111 in the Reellttelltte of , the 1111 3150,th1y Period,. :hey 1111 cure or obvlnte theae nu- lilt 11111,110 disen , es that 11/1 eorliFtt from Itregutarity, 1111 by sttool , leg the irteot' r.llll tteell They clue Suppressed, f.xeeseeve, and Pain le Menet runt WM They caul Green Siettnees (tnilorre sin.) They Cure ;\fl,ollo KR KK and S p I n a I nthvtlons. 1:K KR pains In the hack, and 101. KR lower parts of the body KR KR Wariness, Fallout on KKK K slight exertion. Nita.). h. K. K K Gen of the Ilea rt, Low- KK. 1: K nese of p Sirits, Hysteria, kit KR Sick Ileadsche, Oiddi- K 1: KR. bone, &A!., 1.4 In o. word, .h.K KR by removing, the Irregu larity, they remove the , cause and with It 111 the . - effects that spring, from in Con.posed °rebut& ro e , • etc hi.• es, ra.•l a they col,- tOill 001 hind deleterious to eoy rm.( II ut ion, hots et er delies le, their fuue- NNN NN Ito, being to substitute NNNN NN strinll 01 (or wearies,. NN NN whirh, pro per ly NN ' NN NN used. they net er lotto. NN NN NN 'they may he stalely used NN NN at cry nge, and at rany pc- NN NN NN toil, tarevrilso nurtinu NN NN NM the rtiu.t TII lige MONT no. NN •N_ . l4Nl`f during which the unfelt- NN . DINN tug nature of their action would Infallibly rag,/ eel. pregusale.r. PIM:VA or Ttto Onrm. Zoo -Mistori3o.:--Chrro. EEEEEEEKEE or It omerti—V. a bottid ENELEENELE or 3 bottles for 40. Otter' Ile. Injection—ft a but - Ile. orlOtOrtnAtirli torrid EEELE Cherokre Cure-It:3 hot • Er: EE:r. • t ie, or three bottles for 115. NE Hr. Wright's Elixie—td • EN bottle, or three hut t for EEELEEEEEN liherottee rule. for EVEEEMEEEE a, box, or Ms boles for $6. In the Cherokre•Weet eines the unfortunatew lil dna e dal, of deliverance from 'suffering and pain. • A. day splendid mad giort• out, when they 01 011 no longer sutler without res. entrori w repose, either IKEEEEEEEEE Ihrough mercenary , EE quacks or the loctilelener. • of nauseous preparations. EEEEE The Cherokee Medicines r.HEE:r. accomplish their ransom EE —their ermineipstlori. do EE emancipation so great. so EEIM EEF. EEE A dmirable, snit en EEEEEEEEEE of unlverssl good.. These Medicines will prove,ln shy nod every rase, fith. er Mends tu time of need. We send nil the (Piero bee 31,41h:toes by e.ripross (except the Cherokee Pills; these Oro sent .by mall, free ofpo,tanei os Er.rut:r.rEEr. receipt or *rice, to an y E E tIiEEELF.EE part of theelvlllzed world, E securely pscked, In sueh manner that he one through whose lionnJthey msy. No. would know the contents. EE The tiherokte Medicines Et:KrEta:Er:E are sold by all eterprlsing EEEEEEEEEIE druggists tn t e eh civilized world. Som unprinci pled deslers,howevor, try to sell worthless coat-. • • potuula, lilphsee of these— ,those which they can got IoSS 'eta cheap price sod inske . SKSSS more, mousy-.b7 .SS SS thitri they csu onthe Cher- SA SS okee Medicines. 'As you art value yourbealth; ay, ttio 8.9 health of your oflrsprini--• • ati do not be deceived by suck hka Art Ask d a. " for Mare Me di cines 88 s e and take northers.. . SASS ma: E. W. 31ERWIle. Bole Proprietor, • • o. be Liberty street. ..New Yoe{ For sale fa Pittsburgh by N.IIOIOILAJARA.2( is CO., camera Diairmod and Warketritteels. sebnetwordewesmlo • MHO .~- ~,,, ti..Estx.-i~' , ?'+~'LY.r}Ka~~s.~,.e ~,.w•.:-~`' . .. . . . . I_.ii4 5,-,,.,:„.1.,,,,,i4,.. --.44,1.;i; 's CENTItAL N. .14.—W.1:•, - ryd: A:llltA.Diallhnt ENT —ll7b; •WS TI T "1 - i-ri IN , On li.ii after "..titiNli AY,' ei , ober 11C,1111,tratin will !sass' the lici,,i aa h,i,,,, ,, ,,. FAr'j DULL, dilly exce.d HI nili,, at 2. !fn. in., stopping only nI ptlucipai station.; sad makintr durst. con:tic:l , A , at 1....i...., , ,r,i iar :o.w Tors Pali:rimer and WhShingtven, rt 1.... St Pultadelphls (or liras' y,,r1., Poston and Pit ertne , i ate points. 11.11t1t1Slittlti ACCt.bilnlili.l.ll.oNl. , taity as eept Sunda_ f t 4'...N a. tai, ati ~ , lag at all revile stations biEtv - res l'ltt.iborgh and H irrinimig, AM ._ maki aloof connection with trai n s o". i Inn a ea ~, Branch , West. c onnection Irani, R. 11., Ebentrurg and k.. Cresson It. It, and ifolliil”oblint thatch PIT - jt , lll'lliilt.t- KEIL EXPIIENS Jaily tr. ~. eept Similar, st :.3. ri. m., stooping rie , nearly al the litatioPiAlfc 'peen Pitt stibrgh and l'hila,tulphia,. ..: and making cennectien wit:, trains on the kitten.. .' I`.. burr, Anil tin,, , oin it. It , tluillilayabarg firaneh It. N., Tyria.a and Clearneld and 'Said klagie Veal% liirvnelies J 01IN ' , Tow II A(7.12031310D.1T10N. daily, as- • acid Sunday. at 3co p. m., Mopping at rer,ular eta. ..,, dons tads reit lhurgh and Johnstown, snit cot - Ike necting at Maim, We tntemertion with train/ en i ,lndi Itraneh and West Pennsylvania It , I'IIILAIikiI.PIIIA Ii.N.PI:I"-SS, dolly, at 4.26 I rn , stopping at Y.atrolie, Conernaugh. flallitse a • Altoona, Hutt iairdon, t.eiviatown. Mifflin. New - port, Marys , . lila, _ - -mburg, I-am:aver, andlitow loglown. Al Harr..., mltre,l connections r mete for Italtimore, fanhisigton and New Yore at Philadelphia, for New York, Heston and Latin - Mediate points. Sleeping Cara run through on:hi train team Plltslinrgh to Ibillimore, Phlisdelphi• , and New York. by I.ld- Alleetou-n route. FAST I.IN P. daily, OACelat Stma.ty, at. y. in, stopping only st Conatruttign. itanitten. Alttio sa, i on th e I..C.WILIOVIII, Atintin. riewpon, ' Niary at Illy Harrisburg, Middletown. Elisabeth town, mt. Joy, Landisville, a-Ina/taw, and bows ' filet on n. Al liarrlstrire connections are 1111340 far New York, Ilaillmore and Washington, at mit.- delphlri, for New York, Huston. and lailetweillate points. . First 'AgeomniculatlOn Traits for Walra Static testes daily (mieept,Siiiiita r y) at Bain. 111. • • SecondTeconilllo , l3.l.lol2 Train for WM l'a Statics Iron ea daily (except Sunday) lit 11.40 s. m. -.. Third Act...laudation Trots for Wall's Sll,OllO lest se tinily (except Sunday )id. 3.10 p. tri. Fowl li Accommodation Train for Wall's Static a teams daily (eNeept Sunday) st 6.03 p. m. The I:lino:it Train trove. Wall's StAtiall every Sunday at 0.05 a. ti., returning )tones inttabart a at 12.46 p. tn. . . Returning Trains arrive In Plttahnrgh as follow• Pittsburg!, 44. Erie Express - 511 p. m. liadintore Exprmts . 1.30 p. m PhiladelphiswEaprem , Fast Alail 1.14 5. it Fast Line VW a. 0. Tuhrtsktwn Acromuuslat ion 10.033. TM. First Wall's Station .1., , .1(1111I1E141'ou... 1410 a. tn. Second Wall's :Station Accumnonlation. 8.55 a. m. 'Third Wall'a Station Arcola., intim,. 1.10 p. m. F.lllllll Wail's Station Accommodation 5.55 p.p. Eallintote eispreas will arri‘s with Philadelphia Express at 1T p. m. on Mondays. Itrl'lCF..—ln ewe of 10E6, the Company hold themselves responsible fur iteroulsl imitga° Only, 0011 10 . 5 au 1111..11111 11E1/ o<certllyvz 4i In. W. 11. RECK IVI I ii. Agent, At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Passemse !atom, on !Alves and Grant streets. nO5 I ITTI3III:liG11, VT. WAYNE 5. Cli it •Al“ RAILWAY, ANC CLEVEL'.ISII/ ffi PITFiSt 111 Rli 11 11311.1111 v it. WINTER xllll ‘74,11.111ENT. (In and al - Intl/men/I , m 151.11, ISM, trains will rue es ronuir /I, viz. Leaves I Far I For I For Pittsborghlllblesipo. Clcerisud. Wheeling. 2.111 4 111., 210 If. Ell. 013 a. tot Express . 3161.5. In. I 1.43 p. m. 19.16 I rn. alail '5.11 a. trt. I *O2 n. to For Nev: Cantle and Erie a. in. rrn't - rr s n. A trive At Allegheny—l . . Y. W a O. RAM , . 1.. M a. m., Oda a. m., to a. so and 4.4.5 p m. • • . C. h. I'. 11. 'L.. 10..0 3. 33. (11013CrETlacet Agent, talon roprllLcr .4 11. bui, 1•111.31.org6, Pa. A. 11. t.:ASSEl.lll';l:lll".l:c.ketexherty Itgt C nt, AllitY • - W MY ERSi. General Ticket A L LEG Il Y AL LEy It I ri Ali — - (.11ANO-F. Toil.: —4ln an atter 310Z•11/A.Y. May 1iAh.1561, nrraoge.ielit 01 time will tats rffect. AtAII. TRAlN.—Leaven at 1.00.. at. aryl. at liittrirming nt n at. it turning it &DO p. m., arrive. , at "Mat :h at 7 I' LPI:ESS Tit AlLlV—TAvnces TClttannir a '25 a. at., arriving nt Pittsburgh it 3.23 a. at. i..avet Pittsburgh at 4.Z.) p. arriving at A" ittunaing at 1.70 p. m. At:(11/allVillaTION TRAIN.— I.taves Sala Works at 5.71 d. ni., arriving nt T. 26 n• m. J..eavra Pittsburgh at tlrl p. m., arrivlil nt Soan'Worki at 6.00 p. mviCr. F. Witloll'.Superiaten nat. SINIPPLe:W. O'NEILL'S FOREIGN EMIGRATION OFFICE Passage from the "Old Oeuttry The Ltverpool, New York and Phitoilet... et In elan,) Isleantehlp Compeer haring appointed the undersigned their .tgent here, eke lie. Tholnpsori deceased, hdis now preparallto bring 72: Or sent home Pnesevgers by the Steainers of l-11 r Lion UNdISTIALLY Lclt - RATIN. This mi. : lnters of thin favorite line leave LlVerpootevery WEUNtJ DAY, for New York,gouclting at Queenstourn,Und are among the heated, safest, and Most snagnillosts• . newels afloat. The underslgned U also Agent for the falverpoo • nod Londonderry Line of steamers, lensing Liver pool every THURSDAY, and calling at Loudon. decry for lash Passengers and•Pdalls The steam. ere of this line aro built in the strongest meaner, and furnish choice akeemmodattons for passenger.. Ile in also agent for TArstlarrs LINE of °etc bested Clipper Sailing Packets, leaving Liverpool for New York twine n week, and the "X. , ' Line of London Packets, leaving, Leaden -every tell dsys - The ship. of Tepecottta.Line have I ass ro.on not toot for their quick passages anti the exellleate of the provisions furnalial the passengers, and their kind treatment white on boant.• Parties who wish their Herod/ brought ens by selling camels, should all means patronise this Plumage to California at greatly calmed rates. " SIGHT DRAFTS on all tarts of St.neortoriel at the loweet Wes. Apply to D. O'NEHer.,• • Foreign Ends-netts u Hake ntteS OS SmithtleLl great: STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVEILAU. POOL,. touching at QUEENSTOWN,MIIII . (Cork Harbors The well-known Steamers oft) Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Stearaihit thsropony (lemon Lino.) coming rho U. S. MAUL are intended to sail u follows.. . . .. . . . CITY Or CORK Catunity, Ten. It. CITY OF LONDON saturday, Fcb IL ETNA gaturtar, Feb. fil, And e'er) succeeding Saturday, at noon. from Fir to North River. nyu Op P.10191/1.1311. Payable to gold, or Ito eitulvaleot to ourtoresys Firs"t Coble !9 00 :steerage ~$3O OS to London... tgi rOl ." to Loedon./. 14 , 01 " to P0rt5...... e to P0r15...... 00 04 " to Ilambutg.. go DI! " to Hamburg.. 01 00 PJumengers Oleg forwordel to Hever, BremerL Rotterdam, itetwerp, he., nt egnolly low rates. Yoree from Liverpool or ttrlerastown—lot 995, 9106. Ste rags, 9i6. Those who wish to seed for thele Meads tau buy tickets - here at these rotes. F6r further Informntton Apply at the Comma. cruet. JOUN 0. DALE, Agent,' 16 itro oe.wity, N. Y. P. 1. 0 11E11.L, Yoreign Earteilt.t.__Asentin ocII 210. 6Zulithtiald striet.. Pittsburgh C IN' AI: D L 1 IS r,.-Ste ,- .m fromal LITEEPCX3I. AND QUEENSTOWN 'Sin In gold, or Its equlraleat la alllttsley. 1.1303111E"Or YOILK, 4i5 Ia rarriracy. Sons every week.. Apply to • THOMAS ItATTIGAN, Agest, 47 Smithliel4 ,treat. between 3,1 and 4Vs. 0rn16444747 • ' Pittibuimh. CARPETS. oil: ciorlfs. IMPORTANT TO ifoliiStEgiPiki. .721, 123. 41:3401.a.• - REDUCTION IN PRICE LIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, ko:, &a. Hein about to make our spring purchases We Oder at Iletatt Our entire stack or. sew anifetiol,e'goollat ale Prices. McFARLAND COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth 'Street, Second Third. nod Fourth Stork; Lyoil'i Bud!, 14. , :cat co the U. Curtain Itou i n s .lV . i , :o r st • • TJ RT H ••• ,110LIDAY zulltuniwitErt —' l- x=x_l24.lVo crCo'vr - 3312 , 4.9 20 P i • The finest Imported "MOSAIC Iteci-s. i t et';' VI L RY AM: v,t or v °PIT VELVET RUG S, ;.> e?, NOW IN STORE. 1,-1 w. D.& M. MeCALLU3II. I • .' FOURTITRELT. Alt P EiT s o .FRInT AND. SDADE TRIM' EVEAGABEYS. &c. , . . Of APPLE, we hats some:SI:004 sod or ell the 'looting eseieties most profitable foe Chia location. We hathealts ppct trees; sa Hotly Ilarrest. Mahks Blush,HollsedrlppitylieldwtoYedlowster,Ostos, King or Tompkins Co., Rhode Island rtreet., Items Beautr Rambo, Smoke-house, Tolman'; Sweet. . Smiths Cider ha. with. a veer is *IAA ot PEAR, CHEER YVLII'dI, Evsr.- 01tElEti. SIIAIVE'TREES, iftkiES, Strlttra-. RELY. GREENHOUSE Xr.;etrilie 00 , 1 . 4 : Our stock Is Dirge, we" °Ste resit todueemente to :pleoters sad wholematedmeabewee. - Orders left nt Ito! 4:trees-Rosso, Oakland; of Pittsburgh .Peet Roe, will be protoptly_e*e_Sed to. - ' .. 'SOILS hitfltoooll. Jr. ; • sot:dew, pittebumb.and C ', 210 ' 04 N,4"5