DAILY REVIEW PITTSDHECIr _ e t r it - L I eh riburgir Gagz. r,,, 31carol.T. ?Ea..% /94. , - I Today Asa been a pellect blank:a Nei at least, nu loathes. was concerned. Wfa thotight, Itow -ever, as the opemmbubblel.itas explednA,Mul gold Am advanced, that there illlbeSt .In trade, and • thall.everything en .as though, nothing had occurred. Thu we give fie the general Impression pro:dila' In Constnerelal clrolee, although Sines turn out lo be odeldrive one. It la genendly eonceded, however, that the speculative manthwfilch raged ate violently dui , leg the early motet the-winter will not Wiese's:4. ta.edsgelet roan, and for the. time being, we pre. •Ume, - sPecalators may be considered' .enthef the ling. , . Therefore, 311 Idle a. general iMprovement In trade la expected, it seems altogethel irtitSaba blethat the demand for theleiellog articles OT dues will be eontleed mainly 4o the. Vents of con sumers, * and that .vrtilrlstereued actirliP.....,and more co - indent feeling, beitin - priess wtil prevail. ORLlN—There Ina continued steady demand for Wheat end we note ter sales from wa.gon at $2,10 for Red and E41W,10 fdr White:, Bar. Icyli dull and nominal atrlll:s4 ' for Sprusg - and. 4 1 , 6 0..0r Fell. hats quite steady with sales from • More at 00 eenth than is in demand'and good Ear Would'seil at 03,111411;316 on track. • - YLOUW—There la no new fepture to note in thk 'title's either as regards demands etit. Wear:. Small sales of. Extra Fatally from store at $110,609 bbd. Buckwheat dull s l at 'e S Pltt r zna . DO_ ft l for Shoulderm=B243l for Sides,' andltel:3ll - for ma. Is quoted steady at Ile for steam. ed end raHt - Icr kettle.. No. math Of Meek Pork or Bulk Heats. BLlTTE*llemmul. light and math.; dull , though nnenanged; Mall sales of prime Roll at 45. • ea sta. , Lucks—quoted steady at 35 eta. - •GI &ales at 339 for prime Fra ni-rat Breen,. end WM for Hamburg. Sde to the trade of 155 bushels Clover tr.rwl at {GAO per bushel; mho, small sales at the usual advance. Timothy Reed hiquolo4l quiet at red Flaxseed at 113.212014-Y, HAN Sales of prime bale en track at Ni per .140, and from store at He. Receipts fair and fully up to the demand. GREEN APPLES—Meth demand, mad we note octet, at from $3,10 to 44.00 per bbl, as to quality. ..1.4441.23 FEUlT—Qutet mad 13000am-00i s nth vales Inc retail way at 130140 for 'Adam ..a ii .4 3 0 for Trachea. . TllESD*7.:,lPAlfttliitt 7,* is ROBINSON,. OLEAN m _CO., srcas.c..wm, Na. 75 Iron rth Nt., PI ttabargt4 grains loseOred \ PAX FUNDS 'and dp,IM Oottretlisas amide Isfall parts of ths Valtad Static Bay sat NB at atarart rate.:- V. a. Spar amt. Boadat It. N. do. &SO deg • UAL IF per seat. ONO .'do.; . V.A. Itper sent, fillertillestsi LWOW:wet; -- New 1.1.5. 7.8 'Treasury Bates. They alio BOY .aaa ON 001CIBISSION at tie Sew,N ark. Pallidalphl‘sad Pittasurgh Boards, en- • Gol d, at' Goverassaat SeaurtOrs, Btoalcs, Gold, Sc.. Sc. ..11.tt FERN AND COILHERCIAL 111ItOKEIVO AND BANKERS' BOARD. :c94 l *Mil 1,01 9 1 c 4 F? Waf 2 " 0 0, - .1 10 i 0 . 1 ,7,1434447, 8 1 634 : ord. Asked. Sala. kkritilajodif A " 3 . '4.lertlCestei....... ateuhrevige (rtisou'a Bap. " llertban Ibint Natkrwa Mach steTSavings 815;50• POP tll7 -••- •••• 8.8 7 _ I • (3c Phllltpa -.. . manta Eldorado` - 2,00 ureelrjr.Oketry :4.00 Ohs rr Run Cteotral ' ' . . . Terr,Story**, Cherry bun.. Lor 1,10 Merry Rua PI( tubtitgh 111.1'biladelphis. "'LP 'Bees Stella - I_j age Coal • 15,00 The.adeanee in geld - lies - pecaluted a decidedly . Brut& feeling In the Stnelamarkte, awl especially triikharegard to 011.Statelm. Walk hold er., villo,last week wete anxious to sell, area At A sacrifice, are, seavinspire4 as-Rh - snore conflienee, awl we aboubinot 'surprised to, sob the itock of all good reliable dividend.paylng coMpantes appro. elate reattadally in value. It n Mire ; rep, ,by reference to out Philadelphia dispatA,4he market was firmer and more - active . 20-dry, Daireil- swing ,quoted at 9N, and Caldwell at which tr an adtiace in each Cruse. 'Private draialzhes frsm Nen:York report Wes of "Tack" in ihaerlirrbketai Tome was a - very full attendance at the Peoples' Stock Ex& Argo iltts eraning, 'and with larte rticre wan a very fins feeling mani feared by holders, arid prices with but few — excel,. floes rattail higher. Cherry Bun la Pitt-Hole sold. In the exlerat.of WO al areas; peons ranging from 1.0 03. CL . erti Brie- Centralbrought SE; Fea,: - oral, l,ol;liorweek Wire; ble&hoy 1; Attchle 1,07 . Ise al. MA . 11°1411,65. 'There Was a .briak demand for Tarr, Story & Chetry'Rain and 1,820 shares thanged hands at I,lo—an advanee. Oil Creek & Cherry Rna mold of 4.50 and Tack at 4,25; Banner I•AA offered at 1-82 bid; Caldwell 7-41.12 bid; Cher ry Run and Blood Farm. 1,02-1 bid; Baleen 0,15 , Wet 144; Eldorado; 1,70-1,03 bid; Flemming Br. Blood 3.50-8,110 014' Mereitants 52-47 bld; National Re. Slang & Storing Co. 10,109,50 bid; Ohio Paley, 1,121-4,6 bid; Paxton 5,50-4 bid; Pittsburgh b. Philadelphia, 2,10-4)91 bid; Revalue 1,90-1,25 bid; Beal Welt 100-10 bid; Union Lublie' 88-90 bid. We 1ik 1 0 1 . 2 14 lid of the Wen - 060 shares of .Clerry Min Centrsl.. 11100 u Cherry Run 0.1.111- Note 1600 • "-a- t 4 , 1,07. 60 . Ainrseneek 83 H OD_ " 161cAboy &Ohm, s7 ''. 4l *-••••• 1, 1 01 OlLCreek ,r & Marl Run . 4.41 • ".. 1000 11170&10;•.0eller ao day' 1.07 fIOD. Boas. 1,65 vm& Merry Run:... ltff . ft.'1414 sii*an Ron. Ito/al.—The The esfologo of the Cleveland k Pittiburgh tostaNii i , . • Freight Posoonger Illsarlisaeous " ' Pa 61 Tot al .inotury,tM4 MARKETS EY TELEGRAPH. Chicago !Market. ' bathe Plabilmish Quetta. CITTCAGO, Yebl'O.:=Fidtri=Nore tiled of choke Siting Extra, at 231:38,3734..; , GaSts,,Wherterteadmsalea of No. I Spring, at 81.40€01,46N. Coro titiehanged; sales!' of Ittlected;all 14€975crlia.store.' Oats ;r:ralet- arid -tailor. Barley qaletiierinchanged. ' Shornit-shtere scare and steady; sales of Tim thy,sititOt telbr Cominon' to Prime a raiat::. Clover, Wecl2,lo. fitir:irmar--NcgTocied and nominal; buyers and sellers Fccirtstoss firmer; hut :traniactloni 11g14.. Prltr.e,. ;tat Pcrlc adraaced 50c; talcs 23,503 10,6 O: Mora lnacilvc. hnt bold.drmer. Sng;.: _Mb vacate cake. Lard 11rta; ealevNo.l.: at 21e. Grosse, Mi;dorately active; Sales white, at 12e, TnUotrdel~ isles country at 13,ic,. Sides . vevy doll iv& drooping. Bitter dall Mud iMavyr roll . 25Ert0c; firkin ,white fish Ilvaa.at iikr , dandimirincing. Lard and linseed oil !inlet • and 1 19ePailvd• .. Bear Cairai.—.doodOnalitlis In moo active der:mild:and veryfirta. Cairn and laterloratock one active 4:4.n-es:doer.. Entered stales of WM ,b(srl t.04.14E0.70. -; - • ITbor.Llie dull - and unchanged. B:iles ot :SS bead at $10.2Rar12.25. Dressed Trots mort and;2sCrolde., higher.. Sales at ti.2.rogi .' " New York Market. ' Nsw Torts, Feb. 6.--Carrox-Firmar bat not 'tem adivg; 80e far middling. ~ . r , Ptotru--State and Western 5c bett-; mod erate burliness; 89,85(43,45 for 'Extra , State; - $lO, 6d6r0.90 - br R. 11. 0.; $10,05 , 311,00 for trade brands, the mark closing-quiet. .. ' et Winssr --Dalt at $2;30T03,8034 for State; -03,DX8 2 . 5 i Car Wetttern. ~ ~ ansur-Wheat 23.3 c better; N 0.2 Milwsakee Club at 42,15. , Bpi quiet'at 81,63,• Barley •atasty., Cera r ualet and withont any decided. *clinger.' Oats quiet; 81,00 is offered and 81,02,4 a asked for Western. PRISICIZZITY--Qulcs, 413.4.19 e, tor Crude; Gie J for Relined, in bond; 870S8e do, for free ratywatona-Park °panel ortsettled and Ellß3i decidedly Irma; in good - Yeasts:l -at ="4 3 ..; SW* New-llamst eleabost.nt Ectl regular; 6='25 igm far ,a33.4,d0,, cash and reviler way, closing. at $l4- covii; *2',3,50®30,50 for Prime; 651,75 R3t for:Prime Mesa; also, 2500 bbla New Mess Bar Felaway and March, layers, eptlaa, 'part reported at 638, remainder on private tenns.- Beef get* airwomen"priees; Beef MIMS that: Western, 1135.50. Baron in good' deniand aid held above the _ews of layers. _Camberlaud Cut, 20)1W02s'e. Dressed Ibiza -firmer-wad awnngr, 15MEI for Wester*. Cat Masts, glided daq; 17 .(e for Shoulders' and 18 ~.„. Ow Hams. firmer at 23,1fe for vat .ett• Batter lam osi 1110(846e for Ohio; 420 f Cde re Bade.' Ceats Weedy at 14@211: - t - „, .h . .., Near Tort Fite* au d Money Market, , . Ns Feb26.:-Mottrar.Quiet, easy,and in good sandy at 6@,7 per cent. Sterling quiet ' at 102)M109% for gold. __ B.tocia-431Wn2Mout StOcki a glade f irlal c t and moderate haslet= doing. ' - GrosTratert with, however, only moderate latehafai Ohio opening at 219, and timing at Cortrilier's l'airifftg Ittehangt:' CM,' 214%; fork Central, 412; Erie, 75y r ; Hudwol, 107)f; Eroding, 106th Michigan &uthern,ll; Illinois Central, 1_60; Pittsburgh, 81; Toledo, 1145 if Wit Island, 85.... f; North Western, 85; do prelartid;l377, ‘ ; Felt Warne, 85; Ohio sad Idlaelatippl Certillatta, 27,M; Cumberland 46; N. Qabrialiver, 86,14'; .Menposa, idyl:. Stock and gold market very arena; Gold after Call, 815, Cincinnati Market. - Castarairr, Feb. G. . -Fwuii in rather "better &wand, but price.; unchanged ; superfine 68,75 - gy,ccrt- extra, 18,25 ; trade and fancy baba, Ilatirllte-Wheat firmer; red 81,9261,05.. Corn dui% and 5 cents hirer; car 105. Oats dull; 64 , @Mel Eye. 161.21(1,35. Watastar dal( at 6220; sales small. PecgYrbtOMs-II ardir anything done In Provi sions, though life feding is more arm. Bulk Sides sold at 17e. Shoulders 15®131fe. Noth ing done In Lard; prices nominal; though it is not offered to freely. • Saw nechanged and quiet. .Guomintss firm and unchanged. tioid 210; money market close. . f, phladelphla Market. 1 ppypuoirata, Feb. O. Cotten dull and an ael I mutts nominal. Grade 48; Refined la bond/1/0681 t Refined free 574613.. , , FLOM; .. 7 dull and quotations merely sup. taied. eoperiloe K 49,75 ; Extra 10@10,60. , Onsai.--Wtica dull. 'Prices smattered. Corn 'wry dnll a nd n omin al. -t . . ,r , ~., liter York'. WOOMY Piak . i l tatallant• . Nair Yana, Veb. o,e--ronnss dhareast., 477,- 585; }aerie. increase., 1&5,933; eitudatlon de- Ni preaa, ,843; Depprits, increases 8 , 455 , 74 ; f _ I/Wag .Sbigke., Near vim, Yob. 6.-Thai prima of Mining itiwlyll bid to Roston te.lay were; Central 151 Familia 5% lianeeek_lk Hum 36; Tele Hera Idainabota 2 0 1 Ateekland .10; Copper Yalta f ela , 111; ey W. Market dulL . . . . .....„....„.....,...„.„...,, .. . . .. ~ ~. ... : ..,,, . -- i - .:i ,, ;';•-': - .'.j.:1',..,:i-..k7.;...:‘,,: .- ... . -7 ? - ,' - ;;;;A - ,F , ,;s . 4..;$. - ; - -.., W . . ~~~ PITTRISURGII PETROLEUM 'HAMLET . IttooDAT, Fab. e, 186. Tte moat remarkably feature we hark Wirelike& to-dal is a sera of teen bbls of•Orude, in tank, at 40% cents,- this inee'udedtbe seller to banel, wtsge std put It on board ears. This oil was own. .0 and sold by one cf our refiners and we believe t hat It elen n • the market entirely, ea wo are Pretty et re that there Is not Smother lot on the market for sale,sed it is afro true that there is none at all except what remains in the hands of refiners. For lichened, In bond, there Is no demsnd whatever, nod as there lave been no salon for weeks—we might any month...—it la simply Impoastble to itve quotatlork. Free Oil, if quiet nal dull but there is re dirposition on the part of holders to make t'occessiorts In order to effect sales. Prime city ,bran,is are .1111 quoted at 8;86 cents, with an .wenaional mall sale. lfaptha is quirt and usi. .•Sauteed, utile residuum la still quoted fleu at sl,:rftl.bo per bid, wit, some Inquiry, and some told. t are asking temo. 11111LADELPHIA STOCK AILARWET. - Reported Expressly for the Pittsburgh, °suite. ' PUILADELPHIA, Feb. 6, MI6. The :market for OE Stocks was decidedly 'armee to-dsysod more active than for some days cast, and prices generally ruled bigger. The closing sales were as follows Meitamore 413 Maxon 950 Me ple Shute , Z o 0 Csldirell ' 625 t..l l'rt Roo3 21_ Shermln 1 0 .26 00 McClintock 6 12 Walnut talon/ 2 75 St. Nichols, 4 If cumin . :II 00 lloraplltnter .... 5 5.0 kidorldo. 137 3. erry. rlttix. la Oil Creek-- —I. 31 . 'Mete vrett no tiles of Roes or Tack, and soca reitelliaotattoos cannot be Oven. NEW 110RK' PETROLEUM MARKET. SpeetAl Dispatch tothe Pittabzulth Gazette. Hew Your., Fsb. 6, MSS. ' ' Tie Potroleutdatonket la Inactive and prtoei 1.10.ek; , 0660 e err. Crude, and selt66o for Roasted ta Boad, aud 66666 e for Free. Philadelphia Market, Feb. 4. Domestic rriciKireen App 1-a are same. and ..demand at •11143,60 for New lark, and 46,50t37 for ether kinds. Dried Fruit Ls IL e, and prices 'Are Iditer.-13aled of Applm tax.r Peaches SP fgzil e, andataree. There Is • steady demand for p- red - Pt-Achim Kane. r Cherries are selling at s Oct illsekberries .at 31r Shellbarks at le; and .Cheatnuta IL tdall.6o per bushel. Jersey Cranber ries lire Inn at Man- per bbl. f Flap—Mackerel arc &m and .in stead) demand. • Sated of bbls JAM and and •S 2 . (or .Sbore, and . - 1114,T433._feeliai. Rates of No Lie, await way Dont m0W.A.LL0A50646 'ft bbl for Shbrc;bnazo Lir -,AlayilidEllitallipy Shore Vs; all Sty do; •CS forterge and (Jot lab rd. - (Jeddah. .st.7 3 : 4 Fatinerd to letirmo qt j.. _Pickled DR et; •Kaki tklikitscool no stair, and Shad at .$2411M1. 'Let-dr—Tltdetand for Diem rs hel barn 0131 ' . llt the Cretin! total' Mat week. Salm of tee boa / At ett,t - te' PILO* et LA, drid,LUTZ-tugsitrom mooed foreiMoel to t II uslatrw, oa . prlisite . ,teraLL Thielly ranges from 116 t • SOAR Small szloO . of 'Viaduct! at SARtfla,6o.F ;isanditr, Anil at. _LAM. but.—No essential change to record m pet . lower. Bales-at .3.4l.treclor e=cked; 356 , - for Roll; 41,1500 for Dairy; t he a limited dematiilt with; 'wall 'a-10 of New Yetient 211221 e; Ohlo.at 18c; and ilfo• : gli!St Dairy At MC Ly—Are lit e per dozen._ t Tittre ha. been *Malted demand for Ttah 'Olt within the range of our quotations.. Linsoed es dull, And hes declined 3 cents My gallon.- Snail sales at aL5501,55. Of Lard OR the stock is And No 1 1A Inter is selling in a small tray .l 4021 if 10.• • ill 811114 Oa nottipag 11119 'Cll . le farm 111 led Fruit at Chleago--Iffantltly Review. . , Tito month just daunt has been yherintertze tby , .ann eh larger butlnenz In the . iale'of Dement'', Dtlld Fruits hni bYtt Win UnIJIIItII 011 Intts .kOt this time ei the }MU. The demand, that hat ,ger malty been limited or dormant In the first 'months of the year, thlsiesson opened strong and *Cita.; a/ll:orbited, no doubt, by the perealling be the, ealicunptlen to the. West ',Pauli be large, supply short, and pineal:dr; In oonsequence.• Theme Ipts for the month, however, have and have rap d gone Into our 'trier Linde chantels'ard Markets. north-and w,eat .us. Thedransactioza 'have been dandy 'ln phrt, the trade to -Peaches, under a light supply. Lout; allooet comanal. The quality of the Added Apples offered hod been above the Seetar. , and filrrthed principally by the northern C2Mlti.• of Ohl . Prcra opened In the ast week in January • et c, graduallr.advancing till the 131 , .t0. tsc. . dot lbc which time large sales were made" at full entalde price,. The last week of the mouth has met i dull market wallower 'prizes, ovriaz to the et m l apathy In trade produced by the'l amp •et.i.u.in gold. and the pressing anxiety of a,,few ,Ilet..re Went holders to reallto and go holba.• In .this any some 600 bits were 8,0-st IL imago-of/I 13., 1.1;4,4 The pi . arket closes Ins - healthy condition. Every ecottlWacia' exists among beide...Of • prime I rultan IN, present and .proapectlva and newly - nil expeetlor the next thirty dep lighter reeripte and a lively demand• for country trade, while cinite w dlspneltlen to manifested by growers holding light stocks of frult to wirehair; as dump as primp lots can be, tad lit' 'ruling prizes, ray 113, IMPORTS 111 - i RAILROAD PitTasman, FONT WATNI AND CIUDAD:, It U. 1 r b- 6-6 boxes bacon, Little &Trimble; 0 blla I,llatitios,lllcDonald & Arbuckle;2s 661 lard oil, er Parker; IEV loather, Ir 6. nthsulll do Wade Hampton; 65 •bni, , a corm , Bit & Seat:tetra hi y,'Stetson k Aracton;lo2 bbl. Is , ' ell, Bob- It Co; 16 do do, LialairDlckey « Os; zo 'eclat ;is r . , '}lines Wm Snorter k Oro 3 tam metal, James 11:1 oil &Bolsi do do, a IS Bryant &Mott tes lard, TAtlirlleasletoii; t 611, R r Sellers, 6 tea hams, Si:Donald & Arbuelciet 110 b Hem:Ram & ail; lal bbla Shur, OR Lefts; 103 do do,B Wanton I ter; wheat..7S Liggett t0; , 2 do do barley, du T. 61,16; t oats, David Wallace;ll7dozi/MOMB, Pdateri (WO ter bacon, 'boulder., Walt k 0:100 IS lard; C S Caldwell; 2 bra cone, (3 0 H ast7ft o°,looo pts bullt ahiftsklarz,h b tasoald & A buckle. t LIMA Prrrastrftan litaudteaD; rift ft, Whales rags, Roirfird; (leatrell , Clml. car corn, IWO Marshall:l car date, Thomas Arnold; 66 - htilsoll, Penstock Ball k Co; 'At Wu, Thos Bells lOo;160 ski barley,. Bite' cock 1100 .ree7 t iri 0 3 :1 0 . t o gg s f i dae wi, tit e4 r B lll . o l.. br o ey; bx 12 it K S I2D 'a N2 3 bales pirs e e; TOMicer hillo; 2 hbladrled aoplea, GI ut3oW; aka Cheat ft r.Kermady /X Mos; 3 Int skim eras "tioiltb; Ms tobacco, R Hagman k Up; 2 CAWS dry f°04,21.75,ctr4(07,ka1L • Atiftchtlort STATlOX,'Fteiti—ditt bush 00131, DI Wylie; I ear wheit,"A Taylor; 1 car osti, Palo itert Laufer& Co; ti car dabau Wheat, Be tee, & iltro; 1.20 stators, & I Ittevrart,• 1,11.3 leather, 0 la Groellslager Son; 10 aks If P 'recommit; 12 bills paper, iPittciurgh report*: tli hide., 16 ft A Friel:010 Trrlne,ll aerial= 66 ambrosial, T U Ritchie; 20 doz brooms, ht W • CINC/xxkri'in FUN Cinosx.lo bbir lard 'oil, A.:. - erei1,2,44.& Co; 10 bbl, lard oil, Wm tissuge, 4.b6 tobacco, 1 cuc de,J - 11 31n Hire; I hkds do,. le boxes do. Judea Murphy; 12 Mi. tar," :la plea; J Xd Idluittaufk2 hhdabitEon,Falsead ton; lb whlaky, 2.llr.ehart & Col 6 bble bsky, Simon Lotinki 10 bow• nan6lo, joku 3131/3•11t; 6 1,10111 oil, Slates Patent Spring Workal• 1 bbl hams Sam 'Bradley; 20.bbis lard oil, II bbla hominy, Setiomaker & leing;•to bags leathers, S Ewan & Co; 103 tierces lard, .1 Delta. & Son; It Cense laid, Knox • & Parker; 22 empty nil bble,. - Flaws & liro; 10 Mids. boon, Townsend & Long; ..,CGT marks wheat., It T Kennedy & Brat *66 lacks wheat. (1 A Carpenter; agent; 40 bbds sides, II bbls ariblaky, Clark & Co; lot pig iron, li. 41 . 1..mainis. • . CINCITMATT TF.X. 371214/.OCA.-11 hbds shoulders, 20 do_ bulk sides, 61 do aide., 73 do shoulders, 25 do b 'ulk sides, 300 this pntk, &elm cordage, Mark. Co; 7 78 bags wheat, 1.7 A.CsrpeAterl Ultbt lard 011'11 1: FahueSl94.o4 Co; 10 boxes sottp,T LOeke toed; 40 boxes soap, 10 bola lard oil. 00 'boxes dank, Shrlstr A Lamar; 1100 begs whent; 12 TRett. nett, and Oro; 196 pkgs , flaxseed, Grad & Better; .60 bhdll,shoulders, /as P 14 Co; 1 Woo6loll len, box machinery', & Eelberti 35 sew tcwidlles,Wm Sumner& Cora bbl. roollog, m li_11•1844 WA, bap wboat, G id Stosstir, ee.l4 bbls bungs. Brewer, Burke Ss tio 1 Adtd ton; bocce. Ileyle; 10 boxes candles, t 3 E wo rt & Oot 1 cask hardware, II Wolff, Jr; CIO S starebol' D Dmte; 25' do do, kleDottald 'it:Arbuckle; gado do, 711cCUllough at. Smith; 6do do, ft & A Osman; 60 do do, Wm Rirkplitriek & COI 211 11640 * 14 -OrsOn & CO; 60 do do, Ell Myers &Co; 25 dodo ~ Ommln boiler, - 1 eosins J. 14111 1 3 • 1 001 l Pig metal , 8' 0 Loom's; 40 ba gs sags, 10 do ASSteas bld do,"Was P Beck &Va. .' Cleveland Made[, Feb: 4. • '; . . • Meer dell:-Held at WS , Oje ren:XX redl e 10 :e 4 3 It for; XX 61te.i Wheat—ealeelta) buds NO. red' from general St t lnh 7eoo boas do do t Cern dull,. retail' 'Wet .nr.ny fot. Dew , .6.41 0 4 VMS Ibr Old dm Cate doll'and nominal at OM from store. Rye held nominally et 11446 Barley lama, --- "~~4 - -:r IDIPORTS BY-RI VER. IllTtß INTEL L'IGLi The raver wns &welling slu,/y at this pxu. 1.4 evening with eight feet els Inches In the channel hype pier marks. The weather continues pretty 0014 and Mete la considerable heavy new made lee dealing In the Allegheny' river. The Pine Grove and 3finneola, both from Mem einnatl, got in during Saturday night. The form er hoe been laid upet Liverpool for tome time pest and the Lattemit Steubenville. Thtpalrerd from Louisville bidet:mad will prob.. ably Lc fouta La port tc.ley. There was conaiderable acUrity tuanifestal at the wharf yesterday, and the offerings of freight • were gelte brisk. The receipts, too, were larger than for aline Aline past. there are mensal beats at the wit424l°loyd and ready to brave, and unless the wee hey becomes very cold, they will doubttein get off today and to-morrow. Among others„ the Yorktown and Arr,onaqi for Cineltu readyouisville, Cu! the Qiire for Si. LOWIN are to leave st short end the Olive and Argonaut may possibly get .orr today. . • The Yorktown Is now In command of Captain G. W. Ebbed, nod. Captain Statulish PopPard has charge of the otter; both, veteran+ in the serv... The Yorktown has bet cargo pretty much all Gni.- Wned will be reedy to • 11 on short notice ~T hshglobended Colmbia, Captain it. S. Porter, SO now londirg for St. Louis. s all intormedi+te *flat below, and will be ready to clear in a few ds_ya. r • WO take the following from the LoutsviLle Jear oak ~ - Vie-weather wee gloomy-and mild Yentertinr. Snow end Ice ore cc. tilcc fort on the s»tor gronrd+, nn lee in the neer to break] g uo, end if tie mild weather continues furry-night Toner, nyvlottOn will be open &ton. Sr free. rc terilic I r "4,."4 LI e: yester afternoon. The Cy.ere was rot vine' !might tot 11.stivIlle rester 4 ty. Tn-, in - lowing bare• are ertiou-cc t 6qa upon th r - •. toi tit ti of nevi ;elute: NILS ic , , !or New Ociesll4ll Ty one inn Enemy N.:twine; and Vtbs• eltr. to Pittsburgh. Two empty eont-hotts, lohclaz to hltstire. ;tourer. Wood. in Ca.,.ot r•rt yhiugh, were loin I no,le by. too nuntln t lee rTI helm. Iner. soil hosted tower]. the felts. One. rthcei Iles twine the Ice .It.the he II of the i• the wnldio utter river. The oilier went ore the falls. • TLC s. Louis DOrnocral, of t•lgtitt,l.y, ccv,: The •ttr is incressing tnstennoont Thhilne.• is eb tit:Airing tesutord, end the gorge het to es ,rdl to go off ntilly moment. Freight Is Oen; Wulf it All the boots to port, to • White River, tha 11,1PC6FC, upper rt. ers, Atensithis, Neer uric.: is, .st.tl ws} points. The Sloex City left, wr was to I. are ;sit even' ng, for °mixt; Ir4r loth. The Plettn Yellin leave. Atte o'clock this morning for Widow 'Witten', to orshifi on the- •sti•m She wilt re t nin this hort, •nd keno for Momohls otter the City of ,Allon. The Alton *ill load t Wow for toy Ids end wwy places. mormessocommes. / A N 011DINANCE Yoking Appropriations for the year 1363 S pr. I. riff ordained one enntled be Me Mayor, Alder end COr.e.ert rilitburA ill teed end Cannon etoonli Aaen6ted, and la hereby enette,l by ouPtor ify the lane, That the Revenuo of said elle, for tr re lr, attain!: from Thhee, Loans and afl oth -14 ureea, together with any money in the Trona . rot et Lentilse epptt.prlated, are hereby op i+ }Met los the following purposea: PFE•OPRIATIORS FOR INS, . . . .. ... ... . . .... _ . .. .. .. 4. Salaries 31,000 OJ a. Printing 3.130 u 3 •• 4. Vlie 'Engines - 17,00) 30 ,•" liege 3,.006 ei 6 IN:laht Voiles. .I.c,cuo 00 6 Water Works. 50,030 03 i• .7. Slreet• en DTI 63 -" 8. Gas 1441,iing 1,500 03 i• 0, llins and hlarlets 10117 03 1 - 0. lilonongahela Wharf . $ 5,031 03 " 11. Allegheny Wharf 5,543 03 " I). Weigh Scene 503 00 " 13. Contingent Fund 15,400 00 " 11, Roar. of Health s 33 00 " 16. Loans due and falling due n 52,711 03 ii 16. Outstanding warrants, 40tcoUla tersIgne.1 030 03 " 17. Outstanding warrants, counter ... .. •Igwed " IS. Finance Department,.. " 19. 'IOk1Dg Fund " 20. Fllt6 W a rp ***o , ' 250 $101 . ,M 00 ESTIAIATES OF RECEIPTS OF REVENUE FOR 1865. c i',llig.l ...,..5. 00 13.3,000 00 Water 108,657 03 Allegheny Wharf 12,000 00 Monongahela ".... 22,000( o nt IlleendNarkets, 23 COO DO Mayor'. 01110 e, , 1,000 03 Wood and Bark, ' 700 03 rotted Ileaturing . . 223 99 Salt inspecting ....... ...... 1250) Gauger '8.000.03 'Vehicle Lleenge.—..... .9,530 03 ittroenger Railway. 407 07 • 575141, Settles 2,600 Of Loan. due and falling due 281,733 co 701,2 , 33 00 :tee. 2. That for the .pumasso of pro r [ding shill Client revenue to Meet theordinary expenses of the "city, ar 4 pay. the Intermit on the Oompromise klonds authorised by Act of Aunably, approved tte I ttb day-of Aprll,ll3o, and the Ordinances of eocnelle, passed to pursuance thereof, the teen et taxation are hereby Increased above what is nu ll:mired bv former Acre of Assembly, and for the year ISO 45101:bem followe, I, Upon all.property ratable far - State or Conn. ty trupcsea, nlne mills upon the dollar of the val. • nxtion. X. Open all goods, wares and, merchandise, end Atwell all articles of trade and commerce, Inciadrac eels at noctlon and otherwise, two and aver..foutth m !been the dollar. . •11. Upon the actual yearly wales of Cash and eve vrt on or arm engagei le tneerade, business or occupation or retailing for his, her or their boectlt, vi, one. fermented or distilled liquor., and on tlr. oactbal yearly antes of each and every Prrrna or elrzorngaired theblisLitas of an anetterLer mills on the dollar, excepting on t... o f MI carats or steamieretrb rho Vates of eh ich shall be tete end one-fourth on the dollar. •-.1. On lise ererrr,a quasterly business of all for. 4 11NAT4IIT, and eeMbriselori merchants, brokers nod ,kltuks, banking Institution., and on the everege .operterly receipts of tr,surance companies insu lar .r needles, express eempenies end telegraish uro..;.anies, two andarne.iourtit mill. on the dollar :Ant at the above rake the Olty Awiester shall stfela the said tone.. ..trac. 3. All Onlinancrwor parts of Ordlaanc •+, 150 :Yr rss thr Barna arc 1...-c333:3tcn: hercwlth, arc lrittc*y -• • - - oo2alacd and eanctad Into s-law In Councils this lfst clay rzdJaausty. A. I): 1863. JA.011.1..3 SIOALTLET. Erosident of Select Council A.Wot: E. S. Blom:taw. • - • Clerk atSelect llounelL T;103. STEEL., Prtildekt Common-UouncU Attgilt: HCGIt kIeMAATEN, Clerk of CllOlllOO Council. 1; tilt SALE. 2, I 0 yd.. 2 lath Rope; • • il: yda-b Inch Rope; • -; I :elect Hubner Rose ; A Hand Truck; . p pair Platform goblet. No. 1; A email Counter,Scale; 1 Hand naming Machine; • 3 mat Iron Hood Pump; 2%74 feet Joist; . : • I Wilson Steam Lard Tank complete,l9oollm; 7 Lard Cooler (boiler Iron) complete, 200 Mel -I 'Anal r..ard Cooler,-eomplete; ll Crackling Presses, complete; ..0 Lard Kettles, plates and banana complete; Co empty Bacon Casks; V ricklelor Tank. (Iron hoops) multablo for Oil Tanks; .2 Clearers; ... • .I Plow; - , :l Cultivator /Minim, of J. P. PORTER. ..pkg.tti at Pork Boom, WomPe Hurt: _ DTICE TO PEI:SONS' NTA.NTiND dTEANI , =MINES. • . . • NEW AND SECOND-HAND ENGINES. Nat/tc to remits Wanting gilder New or Second . Head raglwat. neniond neatly finuhed, 12 Inch bore by 21. eecobd•leuid, but In good order, 10 '! '43. j do. do. do. do. 10 " 21. . mai new; mndexprennly for boring or pump ing fill Welt., from W to 15 hurt° poorer. 0010 1 14T4r. /It tw of Improred l*lt 177 1 21r.ft: LI called. for soon. For pertlgnlern on. '4l.lrd of IL WU - MTN UN 11/. Inninted Penn Machine Works. Ti ..rmy p:EcaoRAL. A. DAD COLD t i A DISTRESSING COUGH , And tin get twining to give .hem relief. Should pros re a bottle of.ll.o3llY.prarort,th, as It l w r Ly vf at will give Immediate relief. rzypared end sold at the Central Drug Store, .ersrArof Ohio and I.pdatal at., Allegheny, In the Monet klairwr. _ _ 1.4. GEO. A. KELLY A 00. N rICE TO TEE BTOCKIIO4DERS - I • OF THE . ' " ' • NATIONAL REFINING ANS STORING CO , . The Second Instalment on the Stork of this OMn r,:°,4,l,llo.lb4°PriPmea; r v r,.. du 7% n vtv Bank, or 1 , 114.154,w•Vi, All tty Trust (10, Al ait,acting of tee Directors of thts Company, bokiFeb. let, leCy, A,. H. IitAItSIIALI, Esq., was CA,U42III.EY, Ud 7.. P JIA:NriA, Iteq., Director and Tidn ?resident, !b piste of A. DI. MARSHALL. 11 , 11 t. IiABIILTON, Secretary. fettf IaINTLES ON THE FACE are cluedby li EIZA.PANILILAI lIEMAPANAKA. DYSPEPSIA AM) UOSTIVENESS are aucedby JIZMAPANAU.t. .:. See lob/ advertisement in doily papers : Jon TIIIIBIPROVED ' - i tittle Giana Salting Knehtne. rriqe ONLY tie clo. tritoryareed for oertainty, reliability and groom In movement; and for real worth It ho tiral. For ailnylleltyt durability asul:exartrUnn It V unequalled by. any Qum away ,Innelyinelonstefore offered tattle pubile,And need* only - W be seen to be apymolated. - It, will hem, - quilt,,tuek or bind. CailLuid axon* tor yen:- selves. j pret7lnatidne warranted. . . S. B. BARNES, Agett, ' Ito. 112 THIRD Stopyosltp St. Marley - Rotel' • V3ll. P. BECK it, CO , IBS Liberty st., It Loo =gr a N tirc,_ i tp t p_Ce; ft.toosis Western ..se.,e (Meese; . Ala% %It " • , SOP de,.:- 1 810 10 7. _ • lOee SgsAr, Whit* Milt an rib& . 11 77 re ° P ia "' 84' CR. .I\-11,KINS (Scene/ton TO MACKEOWS h. LtNumir,) ", larß.a..2l"Cf.. Produce and Comm LAMM. iit , rehttll I, fcldy No. 00 Liheri y at.. PlLtsbur.ol. 'LC. JENKINS. Commission Merchant, ANL) - • PURCHASING AGENT, PITTSIICR.r4H. Pa., Dealer la Floor, Undo.. Seeds. Hotter, (Menne, and hfl M1(111 Pro •net p. Wit Tr tons Fan. II FLOITIE (warronitml alway. on hnnn. Also, ItEVINED OILS Prompt tat trot inn 2,lven In VI I coricepoodeccc. Werld, Pro, Currents seat to sod solicited. Stll:iytt,s,S WM. W. 118litit. A. lIKLUtOti, Ja. HERBON St, CO., • Corner of Penn and Wayne its., (WALx.Aes's Btrizasmaj PITTSDUROU, PA. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For *he perch.° of GRAIN of all kind*. Also, - wholesale ocalers to 111 LED HAY. Westrrn dente,. will tine It•to thetruleentagotiscorrespond with our House, as We have greater facilities fur Sterner and, put ing goe d. into this and Eastern Markets than - .est of the de Jere In this city. The best of city ni creases given when required, jam and B . Y. QuilltsY Cu_ • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. LOD SOUTH WATER ST.. t lIIIC,LCO, (live tipenbil Minot ion to purchost2l ProntsforiS, Sc B. F. (:1:1\13t1' - conatcra seoeurtt.. (1k.:0. T. BROWN na,*-1) .1. 6. •611111 61.1211. . 61111 . 3! BANL L . A NJE.,Z, Commission Merchant , I=l Flour, Grain and Produce, IM=I ArnMc....NTKI•II!,I A. 4111t1,1 , rt T; 017 LE, A I 'Li EN & II Ei'Llil), Cum. IL ...inn LL Dellen In Forrign and Irelln.,tn. I 111 El, r rKit, I . I , TAI' gen/n-111). No Tx, btreet,T, VALmonger DaTot. bur, L. J. S. Dilw oril. , a, rilewas & llulp & tit goat, AI Lee & t , John lour. SW. I.: a tiro McDowell, Van Brunt & Co., 1 itilmleli,kl4. T,naleu N.:Dun:lona, St. I.Ottis. Stool lir & st,l. New York. hi & Ci or wt. ill 240 oao 00 NN A lA-I.CE Con.trilis:-4ion Merchant, No. is S('UTII WATER ST., ORRJARLI, IR., ?atilt:aloe attention paid to filling Orders for 1.11011 AV IN ES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, Ace inhll-611, C. C. 141. 4 1..” TRAPIC CAN 00111081 t. TIALSLEY & VAN GORDEIt, Prudhoe A- 0 and Commie:lon Merchants, Warehouse, No. 201 Liberty st., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wholesale deal. era 10 Butter, cheese, Lard, Egg., Pork, Bacon, Beans, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, UO3l. toy, Dried Fruits, Green Fruits, Onions, Flout, Clover Seeds, Timothy Semis, Fins seed., Game and Poultry. Particular attention given to Produce Conalgo ments, jal9 1011 N H. CANFIELD, Commission and Forwarding Merchant and wholesale dealer In WESTERN RESERVE (MEESE, BUTTER, LAID, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISII, POT AND PEARL ASRES, SALERATOS, ED SEED ANT LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Pr.!) nee generally, No• ill and 114 Front street, Pittsburgh. • TUC'. LITT/I.'. Wit JAY., TIMM. LITTLE TimißLE, Wholes* Oro -.4 ern and Comm(salon 'Merchant, deAlen In INIVRI:CE, FLOUR, BACON, CUERSE, Flat, CARBON AND LAIIII OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and rlttaburgh man ufactures generally, 113 and 114 Second street ? Pat. buryn. vett Cr arts arigrani, et . i.:LP t STIEPARD Commissiork Mer ar.d dealer. lo FLOUR, ORA'S AND PUt tCCY, No. irt Liberty atreet, Fittatrurglal ChOlee brands of Flour for Diners and t amity Use , onitautly on band. Perthul nr attention old to dung ardor& for literchondien generally.' • RP. th \vviLiKtitiv_ieEetßoNn iatVE"Viitare", i,iiiksveri'sunurrs, all 4. TER, GRAINS, ud inodlare generally. Abut LEATIIEB. 11.111 ES, OlLa , trx., No. 211 Liberty lo p.burgh• Ake' ..a:lk advancements made. Ccagi,7lrnents ielS.6aul "WM. P. BECK & 18514 W -sty tilerel. PlOshurgl4, Pa, Wholesale Grocers, 1'0r.E116.1013 Merchants, and dealers la COUNTRI PRWirCE, PROVISIONS BACON LARD, 'miry lOUS, (IiEES P F, FISH. is., PRO. rtit.pu.attAiy, Stik:OS. GREEN-AND DUI ED } he SALT am! LIME. Jill 1 AIM ES nArzELL• k SON, ManOrac- Dilers of LARD OIL, end Commlnslon Man el ants for the purehnre and sale of CRUDE AND PEEINEP PETROLEUM, NOV. G 9 nod IV Water strut, Paltburgh. Advances multi on eoulge. 11., 0 es 01a OrCalle . amass -1 LAI) & 31ETZGAR, Grocers and Com . ti.if,i. Mrrehanta, and dealer, to all kind. or Conon., Produce and Fllttburgh Ilanufactutes. Ti o. t•Ja Liberty tttect, opposite hea4l of Wood street, rttlPburvh. apl-ty r se) str.r J it1nVX6.6....W11. P. SWIVELS it EY HER & BROTHERS, (successore .• • to Renner & Anderson.) Wholessle Besiege to F Oltl:10& FRUITS RUTH Anti SPIt/R3 GUN FCIIIO X MIT, SI4.I.ARN, nut: woMes l. 8.4., N.. ors Awl Wood street, shove Fifth, Ms 1 WA LT. ACE, Commission 'Merchant, •nsd Whoirsale Dealer Is FLOUR &GRAIN, No. IL3 Liberty street, opposite Peonsylroots.R. R. Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, Ps. etursip • Warehouse, corner Waynejted Yews streets. sot?-ty M. D. PATTclulm. As.l). ANYOS pATTERSON & A.11.110N, COMMISSIO N Mt:RUH ANTS, FLOUR AND GRAIN, nod gescral PRODUCE dealer& No. 6 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, PA. ruht-Iv. we. X ISRTATItieIt ........ J 6, ICIIINPATUICIL. • . , - _I• ..KIIIKPATILICK & BROTHER„suc .,-, reeoors to Proem & Itirlipr.l rick, WHOLE. SA LE GROCERS, Woe. 191 and 193 Liberty street, Pitt,bureh: J. 4. 1.10014TT • Jort.S . L.INDIAT I S. LIGGETT &a CO., CITY FLOUR •-• • • LNG MILLS, sorter Liberty and . .Affitra Plttzbitrgh. l'a. Ire- Capacity, 400 barrel. per day. spa CIIO.IIAECR WYE. P. I.AXO (110 MAKER & LANG, Commission :Urrahauts spa Wbolcauls dealers in ()NOCE FLOUlt,...onaux, PILODUON, Na..M Id Srt:S strret, Pittsburgh. Joni Karr JOHN Witmo.N. ATT & WILSON, Wholeanlo Gra crrs, Conituinsion alrrehanta, and dealerf 711 P. - mince and Pittaburyh manufactures, No 158 I.lbort y atrret, Pittsburgh. „1u2.5 • . tIEEBE WA.R.E.HuUsE.- - -•-HENBY•H. coI.I.INS, Pony/Milos aial Commtaaloa Met. cbant and dealer In 011E)...ti11, BUTTER, LAKE. ) ISH, and Produce generally, No.O Wood street, abov.. Wader, Pittaburcb. MP . a...ronrliFir. 11011811.: . . JUIiN I. I I [ISE & CO., .Wholesale (11100 ER ti AND COMMISSION . BIER. CHANTS, corner e soltnfienl sad Water street, Piltaburzh. - - IMLIICIIT I , A1.7,ZL..... A. I. rwa.L.iiT. 1Z °BEM. DALZELL At CO., ,Whole -.., rac timocers, Come/I.lon and ForirtrtlinK 31.•rtLante,na4 dealt," in Pralduce and Pittsburgh m a, .ntanctur, Libext) street, Pittsburgh.• • _ . mar.tairitiert e) (/.lIN FLOYD & CO. Wholesale Gm. cars and Cos:minims Merchants, Not. Ia Wood and r 36 Liberty street., Pittsburgh. Jule GIiAELES L. CALDWELL, (successor to Jame. /Jaime. k 00., PORK. PACKER. and dealer In PROVISIONS, corner or Market and rent street., Pltt.burgh. .1 • DANIEL OUVPI 1.. U. vain T 11. VOIGT & CO., successors L CI Graf t PRODUCE AND contaussiort 2-111.1lierty street, Pittsburgh. it gran' 1.*1.11000.T.-JO.OO 000,00.. A. 0. WALLACII BIIIPTON & CO., Whole sale Grocers and Produce Dealers, NO: - 0 Sixth strett, Pittsburgh. Jain ISAIAH DICKEY & CO. Wholesale GT - orris, Commlsslon 100tchaats: ,leaks In P1201)1 . 01., No. Di Witter street and SC Front street, I'l:v:burgh. ... - _ . 1 IAV I b M. EDG Eli TON, Wholesal -.., Grocer and Ocaranitsloolderetraut, WI ',7,„,,, St reel, Prte.buf db. Po. e": 17 . .... _.—... .."._ .. 1 . Vll, A7r . i "... ' .i.i.fci J t - T , 'WTI or, g3AL E I I T OILI I RILIi, ' Zio. 13 '. Wood rimer I'lGabdret. ,i3rn DRY' GOODS JRI". WILSON ...JR.. r: W. CA RR.. DA VI D NVCATI DL CRS ILSON,CAIin S CO., (LATH WILSON, r•oK k oo.,) Whinlronic denims in FOREIGN AND DOMES TIQ DRY 'GOODS, No. ns Wood street, third home shore Dimond alley, Pittsburgh. •pIY 14 1 ATON, MACRUM CO., Whgleglala :AA, anti Retail Dealers In TRlaniums, EM BROIDERIES and DItY GOODS, of every alcsorlp• tlon, N.. 17 and 19 FIRS streetimtabicrew 1 ACRUM S GLYDE, Wholesale and Dent! Dealers In FANCY ANDSTAPLE DRY -GOODS, TR num 'N NGS, he., o. *Market: Street, between Dimond and Fourth, Pittsburgh. 1 77 / 4 . BURCkiFIEL_ ,D Wholesale- ami ty► gl t .fstr Deiier srApix. - AND 'FANCY' tY .Y3OODSNorthesst corner Fourth• and htsolt ke Streets, Pittsburgh.. .TOSEPH HORNE, Wholes:Co nd Retail Dealer Ir all kin s of TIIIII.IIIIVIS, kiIOODE4 A.Q.• r 1 4 4 l t P k -. Oceds ir'dl rit .4.....- . "[: :. .:;.r4 1:01( Sti vcry Dry township, VC siiaty. C••t e;in . sinitig shout 153 nese, welt iniproi,l, an In hick state of eulni-ntion.. /Simi, a PAUII OF 2tlo AnTZEi. In F 41141011 township, Westmoreland eouoty, good. 'rhe land Ls of tho foal andlinisstone in ishandonce. Al.. a bre:AM EN 'INF., for intw oldl nr whet ptirposee, with the clatlnea, machinery. . fly wheel, he. The cylinder nine Inch. in ducicle: aul four foot stroke. Two 81aara, 17 feel, ostid 3t , Inches In diameter; all In good order, and teal be •old cheap. Alan, a FARM of 402 acres to We. Wh.at lownfblp. Indlana county, Pa., shoat theca mikes mt he Penna. aspens y. . . . . Air,o, a FARM er tan acres In Claneernwria town ship, Indiana enunty, P., Alre,wbenutlful F ARM of 106 acres, with a Nene MICK HOUSE, with 12 rue AN finished lah.nt ernistyle, wa.h.house and b dre (wen art .41- .1: , lai e spring house, bath hotter, smoke Ismrs , ; M 1 Is or honk barn, fruit trees of ...eery description; church and school house built opoa the form. This horn adjoins the villane of Trquilville. 9.11 is iTo.nnd-a•hnif nillea from the depot at I.lverm Ire, Westmoreland county, Pa., On the Plorthsreal n liadrond. Two) fiRICK HOUSES rtnl Lor In Elinibeth bornozh. . . Also, A FARM OF FIFTY-TWO AlDh4 in 13erry township, Westmoreland county, about two miles teem St. - Clair Station en the Penna. It'll road. A steam saw mill nearly completed with all the machinery for. flouring mill on the prernise,; the land Imo( the hest qualltr, coal and limestone In atundanceotrul good indleatlon• of 011 WIII 1.. e sold cheap. Also tit acres adjoining the village Of New' Derry, an the very hest state e( roltiva. lion. and abundance of fruit of every de...Hutto°. Also. a FARM OF 113 Atlitr.N, mPt ske star, Westmoreland county, Pa., ea Tub dill en I.k, about' one mile from the Peen's It slimed. The Improvements are a good frame house, and large Inane Bank Burn. Ai... small Farm or 28 acres In Derry townohlo, Wrstinoteland County, Pa.. near the lino of the Penn's tt. R. . Piro, a Farm of about 208 aura to Falrtlelltown. ably. Weatmorrland County, Pa. Mao, a Farm of 200 array 18 I.'ittarl , l taw nahip, We.tsr.oreland county, Pa Afro. lot rent as Fnrm 01145 non, PRry vrorr. Wesitnurclamd roma , 4, P.n, I,t , 4l,,ltntely mbr I , ne ratio , Perm'', H. It. • . . Mn.. COO there. of Stook of the Cairo Oil nod bl Inlr.e Compony of Pltt,burgh, P. For further portloulore Ingtare of O. 11. TOWER. Real Mt oe Agent, A OR SAL}'—LOTH IN A I.LF:UFIENi' t 11 . Y.—The undersigned niter for 6 , 11i4 the lonpdrty where Mrs. Ft MD now lives. on Pasture lane. Allegheny city, adjolulng the Tannery of John Thevart. It has a !runt of about MO tent nn Paer use lane and extends hack about 100 feet. It ~ part of John O'llarn's plan of Mount fiellef, recorded la Plan Bonk vol page and einhro ^F to.: L.l Anil lam ',withered 6 to It ARA . ebtnz,-table teltur bouae, awl the r;nronA, lue TARA/Ara krill, it m:ld Fr d.1.1‘ 1ei,..,, 'rot jt l ler , Ored . ..I. 6.', It .oubt ell!, n oteliVtlft,l re,4e. ere It I t Olt-eed for ,',le as w whole, Or to a. 1 , 11 left , plirrh , nert. ma.l of I,\lLO - I,t *n Iw rt" ItreL of s I. W. F. Wlf ITr, j 31611 101 Filth W. 1,1)1! SALE—LUTE IN TILE Wll underelitne,l IA tin tr4l3n 14 tbo minor ehilgten of 11 , 1 1,l , ireer, 11+1'11, 0111,1 fur only 'lot lotion his ,scant lota In the Eight!. 0,1,11 , t'Lt3 of Pit teburgh. %IL 2 101.2 on 1.11,• come e 31,1- gra rod Forben streets, 20 by 02 feet. being lots Nos 17 nod IS In l-id Onores ulna, reconied In Pion Hook 7,71.1. Imre 123; t lot on Lorust street, bi 40,,, lett, being 1,1 Nn. 11.1 In told plant IS lots nO Al3Trn street, to by GI% feet, being lots 92 to WO, aNI 102 to 112 to snol plan;] Int n on 'ell:4,oy street. 20 by GI !,.1 feel, le•ing Non. 120 to 121 In a tLa plAn; ut Ilota nn th.,07 owt nf :11 , gen owl et recta , ,o by 1.0 feet, and Ito In .71 , 1 ova •It, , yetlinr Las. l•nito• nt theqe ots l Are vie y deslr7ble ns 1,1.411.1Mq sltes. nod others are very valunble for atow, They be sold repnrntely or all 10 ether, not e,O easy tenon Of payment. J. W. F. 11 1 1t1G1i, • PIO Fifth •L FOR SALE- Twenty-six Acres of Land, to TOSS TOWNSHIP, and about tiro min ute, tvllk 'from Jacks (tun Railroad Station. Ltn , l ilea Spry nice and natty to sultry-to, with several good riiiings of writer. Improvements, a quail Cottage limier and good barn, nail ()raised of Over one hundred bearing Pesch trees. PlJll.4.lioli can 1, had In 11Itireh. Would sell part of the lend with the Improvements if Apply to jszLawd go. I St. elnir st,. PlttsbuNit. 1 &PITALICAPI'CAI.IIIEREIS v TeVE CHANCE. 211.11 INVESTMENT. FOB RALE-1100 ACRES Of the RICHEST AND BEST COIL LANDS In Pennsylvania, herb's .1, 4,6, and 6 foot veins of eiml. with the beet sites for OIL nod SALT t ATEIt in the country. Poor Wells are now In opt rotten adloinlng these lands. This tract of land lies one mile cast of Now Galilee and two miles West of Ne Brighton, in Beaver county, no the fltiabursh, Fort %Vey. S Chicago Eallrotd. The Coal ran be loaded on tali tra,:k. The land Is of tee d Into, end is worthy-the attention of capital ists. Purl her particulars, w•th Map, ice., can be 0,0 at the undersigned. . FO:(1 vta.darr FORGE TeraperanCeville, C..t.sistAng of s Pre Forge Bulkllng, 101•30 feet, act tiorisontal Steam En-ire. 9 huh cylinder. 4 n. ere Tertfost SteßielEzitioe, • itleti winner, inch sitotict Two Boilers; One Trip Hammer; Waste; Fan Blast; Smith's Forges: Cralassi and all things necessary to carti =the Fsrgeing bust or,. In CC= pl.l. mien Alio, Blen."K DwEr.LiNG itot:sr..a regal; O 1. I , IOE and STADIA: in goal order. Fuquire of W. P. POR r Pittsburgh Forgo & Iron Co., Woods Run. ynaa, RESIDENCE .FOlt SALE.— s•-.' ruudrtn built IWO STORY DWELLING ou iiidireitetleet, just above Weetetu Avenue, in in et rleainint and respectsblo neighborhood on the Alccnr.sTrn pAsscxurn a. vr„ Ir orered for sale, 'Mtn osseuloa !trll Ist, Apply to S. S. BRYAN. [traitor and lavartineo Alto.:al. m 7 M loutth M., (Burlmes Mullane.) , BIDWELL ;STREET, • ;BUILDING LOTS. Etrooktae of ground, fronting on Bidwell and Fheglclu 6reet4, on the Me- of the Ilezbeny and Anneheater . Passenger Hallway, In a pleasant part of A.LILEGIIIEMY Carr, are od% tvd for sale cheap. Apply to S. S. 13ILY AN. Broker and Insurance Meat, 1,01 to Fourth street, (Burkel Bu dlnQ:j" "XIII SALE.-OPPOSITE %BANK xOF BI'ITSBUIMII—That lame brick built.. lug or. Third sucet, known as the 4 . =ctalls. Ittachtuiso," Being forty (0) fret front on Third street, not run nifie the nine width to Second street. Nu:table fora hotel, banking-house, manufae.ory or tallnessW house. ill be sold cheep, sitogether or to part. For further leformatloni_apply to k. COTIIBERT h hON. Market street; Or to N. AIoCLEAN se., at the Banking BOUM. of Robinson, aleisean h clo. j.r23:dtwadtfßttt'b:S No. 73 Fourth it. 1. - ; On ENT.—The tine inrst,dass STORE there story, fu ft. deep, and 17 feet In dent, rat No.ll.ll.loeral e1. 5 110W occupied by Airs. M. hit are,' rs a Itilliirery Store; This bonne It • err Ode for a rarer mercantile business, baring as Altrictlve front, with - largo Pitueh plate show r. It will be leased for b t-nn of years oa treetp, bee terms.. Possession oaa be glees on the Ist ra Marsh. Apply:to BUTAIETEtt, fe2:lw4l 171 Federal at.. Alter:henry. 1 OR , . SALE—OIL TERRITORY. —A Tr," ',doubter FARM, tituated on Melts creek, INorgan e.., Ohio containing 173 acres; it 3 wires desert! and the rem ainder ts timberland of the first quality. Tide - flinty him& well,bn it 130 fast deep with a g od show of oil, end Is within *lot a mile of the riluakinguni riser, and 3,11 miles of Motion. Ohio.. For ,f nether. ysirticuLars widens BOX 211. McKeesport, Pee 133:Cintood I;OII.!bALE— r A IiOUSE AN.O LOT -A- Situate on the Plank !toad in itoscrre town .l,lp, fringing on the Plank iload MO Met, and uluticick tOn feet to rowd 40 - eet whir, on Which On erected one FRAME RUINS,' containing nix coons. Mash Onrciage Rouge, Smoke House, Peach, Pear, end Apple Tree., GOD bearing Grape Vinci; in gont colt_ _,r• will be • low. En quire Of STRIORLER a, tiA.XTER, fr :Own Na. 1 St. Clair at. , Pittsborglt. Olt .E&LE— , A FARM OF 163 AORES , , on Big Serrickly, three miles from the railroad station,srell improved. Price Ido per sere. , X4B ACRE. FARM on Ellbuek, Z tg miles from Olend•le Station, on 'which is • Oriel 111111, Store, Dwelling, Barn, awl good improvements. Pilo., IX . EfiTT LOTS, on Fremont And Tremont Allegheny. en,..lendmlo Station, tontnintng vls to ten acre.. For solo by • J. T. SAMPLE. ReallEstAte Broker, 013 . .87 Federal etreet, Allegheny. SOOOO. — S.YE L A} S pr. " „ i ty I III ( 4a, Y I L L' I g MILL VDT! SALE,—This well llttelTu bttalne4s in Flushing { - Ailey, DelmOnt Colut. f 'MO, ten miles tweet. of St. Ulainiville, and 30 miles fii ni Wheeling, k now o ff ered far sate. There Mt three run of Stones, with the necessary liket4nery, three Dwelling lloUrra,t,'tahter, eler eered of land, with four mica of Coal, fruit Ent . orr In lord nrder. For terms Ac., applytlio Real Dante mud /1/411/Itlten onion-al l i 'bß 13ALE—VA.LUKIILE IMPROVED PROPERTY—:situate .1a Lawrenceville, hay felon wide front on the Oreeichure Turnpike,' and exteadlica .to nutter street, hating three (rents. On. this, property are three well bull: two story briqk daellinka, fronting Turnpike; alto; -thee* email brick tenement., Bee frame houses, with two lots on Buller Street rodent. This property now rente tor 111200 per year to good tenalkaramm . be Increased to 01M; to offer's, at 015 - To trap. Honda Oda orferOs 10 per ornWlnyea ment.- J af Vito H. NeLAIN gr. 00., ' Beal Eatate Agents.- R - 13ALE—FOURTH WARD AL, LEOHENTOITY PROPERTY.—We ore *ifuthorized to sell the Lo2' situated oa the East We of Geodrleh 'street, at-id interisettos with the Postoylt aids Canal, la the Fourth- wani,Al leghenr 'city, on _which there are FOUR BRICK HOUR?=, tWo of which are thretretory, costal*. Inj ere toms each, Rod two•are ory,, eon. taialzor 1011 r name each. Will be no.d bliesw or trahed (*stood OIL, STOOK., , • • . i • STEEL' k • • , F. elev. P.. Depot. pow I M Reese. Cir•ff &ADP% rompero y , Yrtbl 01 far rent pgb, oltist ; oKralenT. 6bub4ior Flipe and Greeery Esquire of vi M. P. /fli•;gl'e. fed 11 T.D.:rty aireet. • FOR RENT. Late the teribeno.r of N, 'Rosie on (InnqrfSS Sheet. ts^tor,,, Wi Soler starts. rdßesd:ns glren lit of April, or sooner If desired. -Apply V. • .1 PiiN FLOYD a (PI, 111 Wood street- RIMS ROUSES Full TWO 111210'S. 110115 ES, Nos. 91 alul 92 Washington atreet, thred stades, eoutnining nine rooms, with y,asund water, any good oiler. Also, /T WYLIE STREET. oijolmr 24 feet 1.7 Irtu. no NO lch are tVrnourary baallug The whole will be cold very low for ewe. Enquire of JOIIN ORR. Jeduaw Niarket stmet. LET. No 44:4 001.4 /4I met, two doors writ of DintMeV end 14enr I'.:t Other. rossorMou gliren lit dey of Ar , t/. I/4.i et t `Armes Leltber Store, No. id liblo at.. Arlecln r.y city. reket till 1.44 % E. —A Very (fteirn -I Xf• —• c. 7 y Isr,k If welling 110u+.•. with n two story beck bulleine; lice whole cnetelniog I/ room/ ritunte It 0.4 hiccough of ifirmio3hein, Gear the rnsfeaser Itntiwoy. A:lao:u I tut, nor. Brick Houae eon- Wein! eta' t ronnta. ndjOtolog the above. I or intt I,', iculnra enaul ro or It, n. Eli, Neal E-t ate Arent, No. tan Eturth -t burr!, or .11111 all' A31510N, Es.; , lilt intolli tin fe-tan ll 11 F. 11:17 TIFLL SUBC • DENot; 11)11 Slll.ll.—Elvasactly altuate in him at Elnahlocloo„tise.stty nilricitet walk frost the rt.. 15 rod of Monongahela Bridge. lour l trite if-in of Erovrd. larfeat front on Wok attest by 210 • I It, Sr r.llO/ e ferret: Iron toiling In front strati; two story dwelling honae. portico, ball. ni e morns and cellar, two contented 1 -, St erns, etable and rat:taro hour-c, fruit flan stmle treeA, • ttrranta, ..t•rata• arbor, Mr For price MO terms, appl3 to s.urrusEttr tea M Market It. Ftni SA E—Tliree nesr Slenni EtlOlllC9., bulk parbuiely for All well , -,7.1 inch cylinder, 21 Inch stroor; very strong. Entine shaft, crank and ronbactiag rod at wrought bon; hest of brass Iliad for boat, lIM=E=2I 801.4114 to IS feet Inns, M incites diameter, with two 11-it !2 chimney IS 10. ny 20 feet; hot sod cold water pumps. ry thine complete anti rently to Otto no sight. 111;41 II 3L Shop. e,” ner And Imques.le etreet, A lle,hrA) n. rr, tl,Ar t he ['Amt. dell :Lf FON T Nvo I ouso.-.:, Or, of Four and tbe other of six ri000,. ; No. sent' N. Kira street, Bth ward. Fut rut titer pa ri .114111 enquire of lit A AC STE WA WT, jatitur . At Ph•lps. Pork b. 0n.% Maur:heir er. 1;01:. SALE AT A BAIIGAIN.—A. cal STORE ROUSE AND LOT. with seven /00111 P tar truant use. null (route building ou rear er ti ot the lot, tor tattling four rooms; situated in s toeaSitt Io the city, with sue business P. ot. Ft%lt BENT, • A. =, , c7v Sato-mato, I=l Corner of Al,.ltoorr, nml Eche.% ate., Ailezheny. Enqulre on the I.teintwe or at LEIS OFFICE. )swat . FOR SALE, 01 font room., within one nod a half squares of the Street ears, in Mapcbcater. 0004 water and every. thing coat er.lent. l'oasearion given immediately. For terms apply to tee;lr Vann, 71 Federal street, or at 'pr . : . Ejv c i r p,,,trbet, I t.entater.6oll4l . . . 5. esALLAGHER, VUESAL.ELTIVO 11410 E HOUSES A located in the Second ward, Allegheny City. The It; is 31 ft. d incite. lay 3 , 15 feet; fronting on }lemon fled Pasture Lane; houses contain four room. and small kitchen each; ore "early new, and to cond order. Apply to A. GRAY Is CO., fa2:lwil Western avenue. TOR SAL-150 Acrts or Coal, also, 120 E. acres of frc.nt coal in pixel No. 2. aismono track of coal and railraeg. and other laiiprovernents to good working oida:Yr pool No. 2 we tract on the Youghiogheny river and ecnnellsetile Railroad. Enquire of ".vii.LweirfeED auft . Ent door m Fifth on Grant street. WOE SALE—That large TIIREESTOEY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, N 0.99 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Posseasion given on the let of Aprltnext. Enquire of 3011 N W. RiODELL, Attorney-at-Law, sem s No. US Fourth street. 116arelbome Non. 69 and 70 Water at. /31.1uire of JAS. DALZEILL h SON. Jolt) R. RIDDLE, No. 191 Liberty street Cri ea rcaaci ISlt . eiaars3. Fitters, •U. S. BATES, Butter Street, The Elegant Two-Story 1511nolon. A Geed ?tore Room anti &weUlna.. 111111=NOI UAW:NELL A J011N5.067, Attorneys at L. jalB.traerst No. 68 Grant st., Pittsburgh. pirrsnuliGir SCHOOL OF OPSIGN xtol3 WOMEN.—This Institution will nom t.ecer Its drzt session on the FIRST MONDAY of PEWIT:AR T. In Pheinn's new bultding, No. 114 Fifthistreet. The ptject of teas school Is the in struction and training young ladles the priest -I.scir and painting, In slew of qualifying rhem.to pursue Wier. mere suitable and better paid cecepat ions Ilan Are now open to thew, had of brirging the citizens of Pittsburgh and glibness undee :he elevating and refining induencss-of art. tnecul tn. w.,11 be ready_ on Monday the =I inst. It O. HUSSEY, President. Md..' WM. WADE, Vice President. O. 'W. II A IDMA N. Secretary. IItANLIES SELLERS, Treasurer. DI It1=1:0116: Jeours Park, Jr.. • J. K. Monthind, J ntti. L.lntlghtl/.. : Geo. A. Derry, J. IL Lyon, ' U. K. Painter, J. 111 r00p...r, J. IL Shoenberger W Ir. 'lhn.r, W. DI. Lyon, TIIOR. S. I :MM., j . Shun. M. liowe, IA . Holmes, Andrew Carnegie, S. Kier, i Wm. 0. Dar* D. 11Irenndless, i M. Jean: Joorph 1!Ilworth, I MELVTIVC COUVITT2B.. Prerl4ent nuascy, James Laughlin, . Vier President Wade, (1. W. Ilallmask, lames Part, Jr., Wm. Than. .f. B. Lynn . I..2llSi:elm J; AILEY, FARRELL ..t. -CO% PRACTICAL PLITMBE 12S, I=MM ME= TUNING, and every description of materials for grazer, Gas, and Skala 129 FOTIRTII ST. 1->fit-MBING, • Gas and. Steam Fitting, In all Its branches, carefully attendol to, by expo rimmed, practical workmen. A. tine assortment of (WI FIXTUR}Z, . tiINit I S IITH TUBS, SUQW W I ATIII TH O- S LOSETS, itYnnatcra, &u. Osastantly on hand and made to order,. • • 'UTE dr 13RITILLE,, No. fA FEDERAL STRI!MT, Allegheny; ' &ad 251MIRERTY STREEi',l.lttabarigh nhtteNawdir 13ALSLE Y & VAN 001trfiXit, ' LIBER.TY IrrittET. Offer for Hilo:. - • 1:W bush Prime Dry Apples; (4$ Loxes W. It. Cheese; • GOO Hamburg do.; 40 1, Faetory-wade do.; WOO Ma fresh ground Buskwhest Flour; • . 10 bbl, Olurnpagne Oxler; •Orab do., very Rue; . . 10 heir bbls thanberries; 10 kegs Apple Butters • 3 kegs Apple Jelly; I bbl Dolled Older. for tolnee pies; ' 2 boxes Choice Roll Batter; fel • • 20 bbls Cider suitable for ma k ing vinegar. -•— I --- CONSGPCSIENTb. 7 barrels prithe Roll Butter; 10 half bbls Apple Butter; 7 saddles Venison; lb easks Hake Fish; 10 111.13 Beane; bbls. Dry Peaches, balms and quarters; 10 bids, paced Peitehes ; dry; (40 bags Pea Nuts; • GOO ba. refs prime Omen Apples: 120 boxes W. R. Cream Cheers.; 73 boxes Faetory Okeeset Lust r reived and for sale at 39:1 Liberec , street. _Ja2l POTTER, AIKEN 3. SHEPARD. OIL. WELL STEAM -ENGINES —I am minted to furnish STEA4I' ENGINES," So inueh apptosed of for oil, wells and other pup. poets, on the shorted -notice. Raving airmen? , sized Eogines on hands, and finishing others, the public eon be accommodated with tamest an! site they Want. the work to show for itself. *ILLIASS PESUEE, Fifth_ iird between Mechanic and Harrisonisreem de2lbeio • Pittsburgh. Pa, A.:. (imams ' (Apure itirrr, q IIIGGS & SCOTT, r la°N °ITT MY9l)llll°lll43llnffilliki co eto,B'4 14(_84"1" ° Y e ."' r°,4butg!‘ S . VOCILWORIWA;;AELI . OWEia • Phistoter; - : Oacktrai and •OraglatiZof :au• kind s naszvoitsetioa.",tlidiriv Itt 00N7 GFRESA nest Willorst•Palasera istme, 0. in.WnOD '.l[ll* prompt. inindln BUB. PRIME RED WEIRAT enr map by :'," troop= h Azoca.., .1f FILE:S I PI P11.;53 PII,ES, TWIWTY TEARS' STAND/ ND, CURED adaur will be found o eortinatte front one of th Meat respecteLle citizen. of Wilkins township, In ITVltti L. Dr. Keyser's Lindsey's Blood Searcher. the 110,100, certiffcates are ottani reach. sn•l a one need to Littered to regard to kW prepsraLlona its. Oro. it. Hymen: I became ntltlctod•witt. Piles about twenty year. ago, and every year the we.--t. Crowing womeona as la trouble too very much No much soot time. as to want me for work. Some Wars I was no bad that 1 could not do anything on account of them: they came out on me as Ittnit, sea hickory nut. I had treed a great dent of medicine for them. I used to buy and take whatever could beer nt or reng or to circulars and pamphlet. that fell to 11, way. but r Could nut et =Mat some- Linlen they would do mentor good for n little while, ut Afterwurda thre would return again as had as ever. I also applied to two Melon, who clotted Me Mt My I.toll, and gave me some medicine, but at would not do. I. could not get well. Over a year ago 1 hot an ed,ertlsee,,t of your I.lndsera Blood sertt.tor, by yon; ac:f. When you sold It to tee 3 (1t 101(1 ell: else bottle would not cure me, nod that 0y whole sy.trur W•Mili have to be renewed by the n., before I got well. I bought one bottle not It. ot It home with nit, and used it aces...don; to ;too ditect to. I then °tiled to see you again when 3 065.:1,1 I could not expert moth benefit from one bottle. I bought it, one battle at a time. until I bait lsed not honks. After this qt.:lnlay b., used, I tots entn—tv well of the Piles, which had Wanted DIE fat twenty peon. In other respects my health is Improved, and I not as well se could be expected for one of my age, being slaty years poet. I have been well note for Six menthe, and there is no appoint .° of the return of the disease. I cast do any kind of farming note without work he Piles coming down nod hurt lora.. I coo pitch hay, chop wood, lilt, or do any kind of work which before used to hurt Inc. When I found oat your Blood Searcher I kept on taking it until I got en tCrely well. I consider it my duty to make my case knou u to the country for the benefit of others who inn tie muttering as I seas, ant do not know the valve of your medicine. You may publish this if you like. I live In Wilkins township, and will be please°. to Relief; any one of the truth of thii cer ill:irate if they wish to Dail on me. December 240, 1561. Sar Look out for the name of Dr. 6EfIRCIE H H.LYSEIR on the corer of the bottle, and pasted over the cork: also for his stamp the United ,States stamp on the le,p of the Dottie to Prevent being imposed uppi, - by n spurious article which re iu tho rket, • -•- Xi - Sold by the Proprietor, No. 144 NVOLifi end kr sow?: JOHNNTON. ooroof of remtb end 13m1th1ield streets, Pittaburp. oc3 R I ERNIA OR RUPTURE. 111:11N14 OR lIIIRTLBE MIRED. RERNIA OR RUPTURE CURED HERNIA OR RUPTURE CURED IC= HERNIA OR RUPTURE CURED MERNLI OR lITTPTLIZE CURED. BERRI/ OR RUPTURE CURED DER IA 4R BOTVIIE CURED. R7PTURE Oft HE11.71.1 - COLLO. AV'T.URR OR HERM CURED: Tij. , ITAL6 02 HERAT i 444171VAZ C HESS 1 002172. lIIIPME OR HERNIA ERRED svprafts OR HERNIA airprifitg o meaNt i i ctriao ID. intraa•s PiTEPT FirCfPli firTPORTER TRUSS. gEL£.AwUSTjy? zietss. Pile". Drops, for the support mad .are Id - Pile Elastic Knee Caps, fur erenk knee joints dabs Supports:Ls, - ter weak knee joints Syringe* Self-Adjusting, and every other kind of Raid Rubber Syringes. Dr. Banning's .141CIS or Body Brace, the cure of. Prolapses Uteri, Plias, A&lomi nal cud Spinal Weaknesses. Di. S.Pitih's Silver Plate Support( Dr. HEYEDUL wil t personal attentao tothe application of Trusses in adults and children as he la satisfied that, with an:experienceot twos. ty yews, to will be enabled to give eaitatection. SiKodiee at Ms Drug Store, No. 110 WOOD ST.; sign of the (Millen Mortar. Persons writing for Trusses should send the number of inches ►round the body, immediately ores the rupture. • oe3 CATARRII; DR. R. GOODALE' CATARRH REMEDY. • It penetrates to the very seat of this terrible ease, and exterminates tt,root and branch, forever. Dr. v OODALIS'Ia thetr Mat and only person who . Over told the world what Ostarrh really was, when It commenced, and what would ours It. Dr. GOODALI: has pliant a lifetime In Itattlis With this fell disease, exploring its secret ambush and making known to the world the fact the Oar gray which has for years defied the cclii o a a. search of medial men and authors in this eeuntry and in Europe, can now be cured, with thd same uniform certainty that morning follows night. Thousands, who tried every known cure in vain, have been permanently cured by Dr. GOODALE'S CATARRH. REAEEDY, and now praise It In the most extravagant terms of praise. AA-Call at onl•neareat wormy, or send a stamp for a pamphlet. 'Mined and prepared by S. GOODA.LE, New York. - • NORTON & 00., Sole AGlnts, 002 DROADirdr, NEW YORI. DR. G. H. KEYSP.H, Sole .bent, No. Ho WOOll STRELT, Pittslotratt: o NO RTON'S OINTMENT, • For Ball Aheurts ond Scrorula, Pormaaently auras SETTER, SCALD DEA!), RINGWORMS, sa4 all WOWING AND HORNING. SORES .ml ERUPTIONS , THE =T de Ointment penetrates to tltibeate Kt he dls ease—soes to the very source-and tures It fro* thellesh beneath to the skin on those:thee—throws elev.:dm= of the disease upward. sad, sew, Part& ate of it Is thseluthpot triton/4k the pores —the seeds of the disease are =paha fres the flesh. setUe .4e 411 41r 110,0 sea be no ?SI PN!.- - NORTON h CIO 6 911 e Acute, . ' BROADWAY 7IBII.201111i; old tty ;;; 'the.ll3Nlntit; AI lei*: ' 1101 , 001).sperkrit RIM& ) t:- MEE rt.ity F:z.7f) 11?V7 1!--'0.•-1 esiLv_trikATit."...._..VA' CEVTEAL r.I:.—WENTEI2 --rvs IIATUF•11-LITN's4 Co tad After Kt/XL/AY, lm.nber will leave the Ike;.ot .ts follows. FAsT :51.111.1., Sally except A: 2. ItA to, stepping only At principal craciOna, not oaUtl client cunit. , ,,tintla liati . l.aurA Von:. 11-Itimore sad Wmaliinnton, an:: a: l'lttes:Zrlon , s. for Now Vary . , .1105tels.and Vateratc..l.‘Ze ift•lata. ACCO ,It/DA lily ea rcpt Condo„ ;‘1 (tattoos bcte ., zn Pitt: Margit awl it Irristoirc, or. linaklng dote rooLectlon with thanch, West It. , d t:resAsso it. It-,And PITTS111:14.11t a [-HIE .icily 13.0. u•pt Sunday, % Pttwia...l et nearly the ctnt ton, be: .5001 Pitt atvir.fa sit and ninkiii,.; conne,timi .t!: is,ine " 5, 12, burg Ander...Jo R. R., 110:101,031 - .: Itmace H. Tyrone And CleArd:l.l • 1111.1 Ride Polley J( iliNn - TOWN / dtUy, so. rept Sunday, lin p. a., IC iping At. MOS tr sta. clone bett7ern Plttabargh to Johnstown, tof cos - nectler, At Blairsville Int,twelltut with trains en the Itnlifues Brooch and treat N.l3:lllVlVatia /LB 81ilLAD111.1111A. 8YPi1k1.4.1.1, drltrl L 4.'b m. stopping at ,Latrobe, I. o onorotan, Utilities Altoona, H.0.310+4 Low,sourn, MMus.' Nevi port,Lbfarysvills a L t.. aster, nun !km* tgtown. At R..__ •t I dtmrt conueetioni ar made for BIB:Wore, re.shingtou New Yarn at. Yldistlelphls, for New Vora, thstor. and Into , mediate pillar. Sleeping Ova run througho-ate train from Pittibtenth to Baltimore, ralltdelphls, ami New York, by the Allentown route. FAST LINE. daily, except Sunday at e.at r. Di., BtOpplltg 00.ir st ti•llase. Alta-s.s, Huutingioc. Lewistown. 'Muffle. New;now,, Marysville, Ea rrlsttr . , Middletown. Elitahee. - town. 1510. Joy, Laudistillie, tom:otter, and Does - legtown. At Harrisburg dolll%e=runts are attar for New York, Baltimore And Wanbingtou. at Patti. deloltia, for New York, Boston, and userisottlal•. points Flea Arteommmilltiou Traits far Wall's Stifle . , leaves datly (except Sunday) At taw a. au. . • SCCOLItt ACCOMMO4Ati.,II Train fur IV All'. Stabr• learn daily (except Z ., :lpany 1 at 01.1.1 t. at ThLni Accommodation Train for Wail's Stitt otro dolly (except Su olm.)) ttO Fourth Axornroodetlou Train for Wel'. Statli • • - - leaves daily (exacta Sanshy) nt i o6 p. m. • - . The Churcii Train learns WalPo Station every &daisy ut 9.05 a. tn., returning karat' Pittplntry at ii. 45 p. al. Rethrolug Traln• nrri v. In Pittsburgh... Warms Pittsburgh Y. Erie Express 12.50 p. es. Baltimore Express Phirstielpida ihipress . SAM p. rx. East Mall 11:9 a. a Feet the .. SOO4. la Tehn.t.OWn Aecoramedx 10.06.. m. First \Valli. Station ...,ittottodar nn,.. 6.10 A. AL Second Aec.tamodstion 256 a. in. Third Wkartil St.rtroo .I.ectuatuoixtion., I.lop. m. Pot. th St...lino Accrunt...ulAttopa SASp. Baltimore expire. will arrive with Philade lphia tixrcss At 2.2t/p. m. tar Alba:lays • htlTlViE.—lo mire ofms tic...pans trrit hold themselves relmouvibits fur lief...mai bags... Only. and [AC AA anumid. not ttxce...ilit; $lO.l .- - : W. TI. 13110kWerit: ' Agent, A.t te.e Pennayirsois rientrat Rallroa4 p.. 1 . 4,, Stat:en, on Liberty a.) , Linunt streets. 1311 . P.41.tRGA., FT. . 17 .--,-,,,. 1.. 1 ...r . 4* --- i -St V.:NY NE a. Cif Itl.l(lo'. , s` '..f.J.!: 0 .3' RA (LW .•I' AND CLEVEIL .INI) Ss PITT. 13"1 " 1 Willilir, l ii:RANtlENlENT. (in mail after Do cesawr (oth, laGi, trains will .0 as fulluwE, OIL _ _ Leavei 1 For I For I For I.lttesburgblChlenrt. ClevePtod. Whennog. Ex.pree5.......... 2.111 •. M., 2.10 a. m.i 2.10 a. 4111. F.xprette... ..... .. and p. m.I %a p. m. I 243 f en Expee55.......... '3 00 p. nt. MAIL ' '6.40 rt. m. 1.11 • I 1110 - 2. .m. For New Llnstle and tale 6.110 a. na. Arrive at Allegheny—P. F. W. tk U. Ralln• 7.30 a. m. 01.313 a.m., 2.40 n. at. mad 4.45 p. m. C. h P. li. R.. 10.00 n. sn. GEORGE PAILKIN, Ticket /torn!, Union Puts= ler tit.itiou, Pittsburgh, Ps. A. Q. OASSELBEIIRY, Ticket Agent, A.ileirtietty. Olt,. oct'Ai-u F. R. Al] ENS. General Ticket Aim/ ALLEGRY VAL LEY E AILEOAD.-•wroE CIIANGE OF TLIIE—On say after MONDAY, .May Nth, 1564, the following arrangement of Ewa.will take clihet. MAIL TRAlN.—Leares Pltashargt WAR. ift, arriving at Kittanning at 0.50 a. nZ Leave{ tanning at ; 4.00 p. nice,' at Atim a to lAt p. 2 L • A • " A • TRAlNLeaves Vanning at ki -.., arriving na Pittsburgh at• .25 is. m. Leaves Pittsburgh at 4.20 p. m., arriving lit • Kittanoing at p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.— Lesvea Soda Works at 0.00 a. m., arriyingat Pittsburgh at 7.45 a. EL Derives Pittsburgh at 3.lai p. m., arriving at Soda Works at 6.00 p. In. . ravto P. WRIGHT, Stusertater. ant SITLIPPLAW. reIIEILL'S FOREIGN EMIGRATION orßicr-. PIXTSBOUGIti PENNA. • dBlO. 680. ago Passage from the ,"Old Cautlrf • The Liverpool, New York and Phlladele,_gf 3 meal Steamship Oorntlny having appetite/ Ike: under their -Agent here, ' , Whir. Thompson' dm sartt he is now prepared to bring out or seat • home Pasiengers by the Stan:ten of this Ida* at UNUSUALLY LOW BATES., Th. Staunton of f . Chia layorite line leave Liverpool' every WISDNICS. • DAI, tor New York.touching at Queenstown:arid 'ere amongthe faid, safest, sad most magallem, • a ••• The undersigned le else Agent for the Liston and Lrindondem Liaised Steamer; -leaving poofevery THURSDAY, and ea/lin:get Lmdday . Berry for Irish Paurtr.ners and Mails. The atearm enof thirline are built ia the - strongest stawar and futuisk.ehoice accommodations for nastily is • • He is alsoagent for TAPSCOPPS LINN c lot .. tented Clip per' I.elling Packets, baying -14.rg - for New York Varlet a week. 1133 the uAu „If Loudon'Pathets, leaving Lontion - 6YelyAii4 The shipe,of Tapaootts Line have hag tent a •• tad for their quick .passages oral the excel:womb - • the provisions furnished. theyausagers and the .. kind treatment while en boatel. Partial who arbig their friends lirtietyht out by sailing result, by all means pets mice this llae. ?mange to California at greatly i.Cpcnd rata SIOUT :DRAFTS en sit parts et Zl,usre :Oft it at the inapt, lutes. Apply to' 11. Ofir.W".4 1, • I ensign Eintgridlecctase. nos se fimithaeld out. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER -AM PO_OL, touching at 4UNENSTOWIT,..W (Pork lieeor) The well .known Stemmer, &VI Liverpool, New York anAPhiladelphia Btoma'll, OmWV (Lusa Liu.) earning IM U. S. Mailer are Wended tneall u follows. . .. CITY Ode CORK • astutday, Feb. it. . . CITY.OF LONDON Saturday, Fob. 18. • ETNA ' ' • ' ' • &Antler, Feb. W.- And every earneedlng Saturday, at noon.,Annartir I. North - River. . saris or rAileAol, • Payakials gold, or Its equivalent In First Cabin. OaStoevure "nen = Om to London:- 43•941 testa London... la MI 4 . to Parts...-. 96 nal to 40 sr to limalonr- .II to Llarrtml=l Passengers alms forwarded to Havre,. Betterdam, Antwerp, &a, at.eqrmlly Low rates Fara from Liverpool orQueendown—ist Cabin, 446, 4106. Steerage, VA Those who wink to sent for their friends naa bur tielmtn pus at then . . For !nether lakumatlan apply at the ComPani ONee. JOHN 0 .DALE, Agent, / . . • . • reign EralgrhtlaniAgeeeth: • eel . -. Na. le S Fo WIIIIOIII etryit.Tlltabtugh: CIINA4D f)mglk LivrarcieL AND QVEEDSTOWD 1 1 30 i4 gold; grits eqidrabm t Inziatzei: • FROM NEW TERN, USln istreary Saila erczy-week. Apply Co , TIMITAS ITAITIGAN, 47 Smithfield street, between ad Wy .C4RPET6., etorms.! tai _ IMYORTdIiT.. TO' 11 . 01113.ffiLESPZ111.. 7:Pecolismew , eoreFolel. waitron:a uf roma or •-•- • COB PETS, : • :'", WINDOW StrADO• ea,t gth! "b°4 to-Ida mirsibethsr inmaases • wo Offer at Retail oupeuresteee or SICIF MA &eke „Wholewale PrOes. MeilitLlED C0i101111,.: ;`; - .21. , and 78.11filt Streik Recent!, Third and Fourth Bionics' - L.lmPa log, next to tea - M.t U.N.tputoto House and Post w x . aiw . t lioureAy GIFTS I=MOMEMED , ClONT'33Mfeit • The meat ImpotiA: ••• I • • :MOSAIC - RUGS. • - VERY V4I4.E.ITY_OF vrzyntr Rugs, NOW IN STORE. & nrcaturam TOETILTH STREET C.A.B.P,ET, STORE. D . DIUpE.,TREtaf _FRpIT EtiEßGuinpik Be. Of APPLE iemirsavito;ftna of aA tii• leading 'varieties most profitable for thta 'tomato's.: , We bat's extta One troea. - aa Early Mitred, Malden Pippin; Baldwin_,FallowatorbOttoll. `Mug of Tomaktna 00. 4 Rhode Woad Gratajloaba Emir, Razabroke.lonae, Tolman , . Hawk Oder - with Terrlarto.atoOk PEAR. - on& PRAM: ?Mac , EVER.' stukoz!TßEm i ___BOSESI "EERY, W:CRUM:ME ka... As AU, itOCk IS Um= lad • ~,li/ari ta MR at tik . l.o. °M M n = "l aruse. oAkiatrn r itritiumh 0 , : no!. will be promptly attended to. , SORR'ASTRDOOR, " t *itt cittowif i $ . 04 V.31a41#1104011; ..~ ~
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