thgbbuh 68,utit0 TUESDAY, rEEtituAnY 7,-186.1 GAZETTE ADVEGTDGNG RATES. ETANTA3O MATTI:X. tioi“ .' week. "Rcir7t (Me thne.l;ll 7 3,2 13 ,2 ' $ Two times.: 1 26' 70 1 ; f. There time 1 001 95 . ; • .. Your times, SO. 141 • .1 VI! .184 1701 05' 01' 4) fToo wetly, 4.13• 500 960 .1 70, 146'-41 Three ete e• • 00• 370 1 • 400 :990'.2 00 I) 1 ) (Ice mantel. 7 501 4 031 aOO 70, 2 75, -I 3) 901 1:7, r ,. ° , 1 1,7n1;!. 3 I: . vl(l,' , 111 , ,. '55 5 ; :112 months! . 20 751 13 11211• 13 135;"00i: irtlo;, 40) • Nips m e t'. - 27 00 15 IPI, 13.0121; 10 30; 11 0) . 5.15 ,Qke a r r.4N32 00; 0 00,21 3131 WI% 10,11 G 0) mii,trozeet.o. etlviirrtinexerr). l ' for one square, thartgeeble one time each week, mettle.: tO the Immediate bustoess of the eKteef- User. All tenet adrettlseetente in exact propor: Mot 13 times 2 times 1 time Detly:la wopk.:• week. *week; one most• • L. • 9 35; II 6 00i • 4 5.31 • • 3 00 ' .2ture mends.... 17 20; 11 45; 8 Oa,. 800 I%x t00nt12...“..i'. 18 00, 1- 18 Ou; 15 731 10 60 One i5tr...4...... 60 001 28 COI St scr, it oo i Q' Fitt*Wilma double the above rates. . 1 , Death Notice., oa th Insertion.., s 3i• , ; hilrilagii notice*, nt '‘ 73 1 Sleamboat adrerOreents, per trim— M.— sO3 Eimeutors , or Ailininhilrature Notices. 2 78 Local nosiest under special head 15 ... 1 . 4 _in Local column 20 'CITY •ANFD SUBURBAIL ; (noftriiririsur's nESflo ararrezy ; A Singular Cale—The Boot on the Other This ilitirttiog,. Mm—Ann Smith. resifting la I .Temperaneeryille, appeared before Mayor Lowri , i Auld preferied a charge of larceny against Geo. i Drown, a reoal miner residing at Penn Station, 1 Westmoreland _county. She alleged that her son, John Smith, a minor over the age of eight- een, bad 'enlisted at Greensburg, and got $53 boy pt v money;, tirht he got leave to come, nith' tie andenstandine that he . should report It Greenetatrg on Wedneneleiy nentt that, while walking along the street,. today, be * was eccotted by George Brown and. his son-in law, James Whitfield, whit demanded the money • and tooklt foam bee eon, without his consent. g The son present' . and corroborated theitat& r, meat made by his mother. Mr. Brown, on A" learning that an information bad been male against. Mtn, appeared before the Mayor cod made a statement to the effect ' v t that, about two weeks since, John Smith carte 4 _, tip to Fenn station, for the purpose of working 1; , . ' with him at coal tulenag; that he worked a few • days, and wits boarding at his house; that oh Friday last be sent him over to his tr. Mr. Whitlidd. to get tome meat, and while the.'e he stole a poCket book containing a My-dollar note- on the •Farmers' Bank of. Reading, fr: and two $9 Treasury., notes. The pocket- ;„,, back. was , . on the , mantelpiece In a room 2 to which "the boy -had access. Ito then lett for borne. . Brown and Whitetleld deter mined to follow him, end took a train for this t city. Arriving here to-day, they were lucky en ngh:toS encounter him on the street; when they demanded the stole's' Money, which was banded one .la, currency,--lesa some five or six_ dollars, which bad hien spent. It was aubsa t (inertly ascertained that the IiZA bill bad been $. changed at Bin & Co's;banidng house, and a 4 . pretty Clear MN of larceny' was madenat—znot, bower, against Brown. The boot was on the other let!, and Smith will be committed for hr ceny. _lris proper to say that the boy Is a little "daft," but he has . sense enough to act the ras- Arrest Oti ibld _Thief. .. I` onFriasylaig, a man.' emateelltomes Thonim, while In ;Ititinstown, fell in company with a roan 'giving the name of Johrttlelow; a "Jolly corn . panlou " and a "real clever fellow," bat. tatfog._ a tunefely bard up for cash. Thomas npoied l that Clelow:abould hash . l pagi him t 6 Plug. :s. NA Melow replied Wet It would, afford 1„ . ram grim tpleasare to doso, bat he had no monei 4 to pay his pump.: ,Thomas homas ar-manly. pas. 'h posed to pay the fare, and the two leftta the nest. II . train for the Ilmoky:Clly. ' !light' coadneon,. Thomas .Ikll Into at stem, and when he woke up lie found that-his-jolly comPanlonitad left his side: A farther exemination-developed the Wt . that he had been robbed of ills pocket-book con raining $l5OlO greenbacks and a $5 bill on one of the Meal banks. lie made known his loss to the conductor, but Clelow was nowheie to. be Toned. '''"l - ”: ' 1 '- '". ' ''' -* . '-' .. . •' ' On tbl city, Thomas pat . up at the Bars Head Went, and on Sunday night he , was stiprisetto encounter his friend Clelow the swim houria.- , He made nal:wagon In L ow ' s • tnfinned Major L2' I, gtledelfair„,tmem . t °Meer was 11091 l —lylllo, up, akil to lhad,.-hoireier, - that the bin' hza . flown. :barer , Bay rateeceded In -finding the lark today,at a (seem In the Diamond, and at once tookhim into"eastodi.. Ile had been - Mak; list gi.44144i - of h 1 time and Thomas' means, as he hadpnrchased an entire new salt, from heed to foot. Exery stitch he had on-was ' bran bran new, and he had spent all the money excepting tliG, which-waa In mixed carrency. He was locked ,an fot a hearing, and . will- be committed for trial. He Ls said to be. 3! 1 :ler imptillml profes sional Hal named John:rates. . ___ . 1 A - . Warning to Bounty Swindlere. .. ' '..,i,z. By order of Major Genera! Ord, fecond.Llen 1. -.i, talent EL John Davis; 199th Pennsilvania Vol-. , _ Vo l-. . . unteerp,baning tendered his. resim' tation t hs dls. .., missed the 4.l7ite witkforfeltare of all paranft ',. emoluments, subject to the-approval ottbe Pres : hint, on the following statement of facia, on , ' tided tobacorreet by the commanding officer of .. „ , his mink:it, biliftai and :division. 7 Lleittenant ~.4 Davis enlisteri..fir. one year in 199th. regiment ~,, PennaylviiniaVolante.era _ receiving large toad ~ -, •' # ti. frenitbegeminsi; Got' and local ali t thorities,-;and•,alftrongh."well" kmowing that be • 3 was unlit fordnty as an officer,. by incompeten .. li cy, ye t sought for position- aa such, expecting , N that as soon na brought Into the field his attar 1 . worthlessness would insure-permission for him to resign,'airdietnen tolls home with the bean 1' ty be had Urns swindled the Government out of, and at itber;,, , , to Seam practice the same rascal itr. Lieutenant Davis bas never done a day's duty with his regiment. ILe has, therefore. no 1 7, claim to par, having never earned It. A copy . of the oroci of dismissal will be endorsed on hiS discharge, Nat he and.his heirs may not apply for a marten hereafter on account of Che Lien .. tenant's arduous service in the erase::: , : Cost Motu's' Aisociaform.-4 big has been* read In the noose Incorporating. the Amerleart Miners' dalociation,tho object or the association being tie intelleetwai and social irripeovemmt Of its membenkand the seeurlog of- better protec tion torAhativea and limbs - against-vstvidentsi fire - darara;hnperfect ventilation or mines, fill. leg of-insecure roofs; .tio:, - and , toexeatesafidd; for the relief and assistance of their pI4 and. disabled assietateir; . `and; for , the burial' or do. ceased members, Th9:oo l qUer4 Oval be Mae, practical. Miners, and the company "shall also Lava power to establish a newspam for tiusplit, pose of advocating the Itterest of its meribers. . , , t . 7nolB TiCE 116111X1,Pzusoas.Wesistefillolitet Pint PeAtensat ;Robert; fluey,.:of the pound regimebb Toluenes' Infantry, — TrIAX 'passed through M 000706 hi. way to Lamm . !,,srliare ho is going to visit his friends. Lieutenant Huey, with nearly all ofithr 2eglawat,', over a year ago, Aud has been anlined In the rebel pritoneevertdatie,•untit'ArritiftAdmit ho made his ucape, and ratite Into Knoxville.. Ho says that out of lorty-elght'of bwripsej who were raptured At the Mae timinuly sum wire still alive when left, and.. that with all that bas been said of the cruel treatment received by the trulok; pritimgr •)4 tbq handsiiyf the rv'els, not hall has been told. Faint. dicanitir' to..:—George itfard; a resident ofa New Castle, vo Fri tt with y a fatal * wildcat .on .!! dieting accounts UPI 'There- are a t Occur-" e red, acme alleging 'that 'ha - .was run over by ,i'landiroad cars, others that lie received his inidr !,!? lee la °a rolling-mlll. ,Be this. as it may, his In Juries were of such sinattirc that amputation of 4 one of hia legs was deemed-necessary by his • physicians, arid lie died dari ng the operation' br immediately thereafter. , bi- remains were broughtto Temperaucciille and Interr ed n Catholic burial, ground some distanceafroim• Locostonvis ram° . sion--.Etratneen Ku.t.wo. learn that engine No. IA emOloyed - in " y r i y , s n lie la r"c u tbe local freight tra.n . , ou the Pena- - k vicinity of WilmOrc el f i° l - t a hlre ° po u Ba rte l d ur t d b a lit Y' the lo o th n! giucer, .J 0 14 16 Parks , bed a leg blown off. i t -, and has sincedled from the effects of his Injuries. Ile resided el Altoona We have no other par k- iteuhini.- • • _ MORCRIOARRLA MILITARY Th .... — STRL..e..avee..ll k- O. P. Davis. 1 1.11. C., commanding' this district, announces as bls'atitt; Capt. Albert M. Uteri., 'Ambient' Adjukant .Gattteralv Captain F. A. Dohnnau CuultatimatY "of • Subsisten c e add M. G. COablat. ,PlSlC:P4ttlaylitutla Tf r i . cavarit,,aw4e,gotkri: .Iraidg nate a ar...3;111 , prx Pcoplf rlytibiyo, - Aeturm.— , Ou Saturday a ladynatned Lotral :had br , bind .. grus he 4 atEuglidt ..aPxthtlueee: p. rourikAtiret- /Id v 41 4 61 1ehe-Q for, via IturpuaurgAiceingai PrintinX Prelate °Para,. ,tdorwand•ribilo !adulation' tbat• - • 4 4bAboardm her • d on. tatiibt drigbo atoms o : ithge4l l ; 66 41 erdelt thatiber 1 ".."1 14 ;, ; /tbasetteaul j oi nt. . ,- „, ;,. L ii g'" maws/4m Mu:PA few l e a g tsar , fin bounty the Toto bang us garor of; and OD 4 scant the tax. ( :Old Iturnt to Death. - - -- - -- - d. Co O• il II Triiil',.! la t, a horrible rei I - ----'-- .. . --- 2. ... .We'in i,...-n • LA Sil•sick.R.L., i. fatal uceideut caTarresi ;a Diu vicinity of the 1i.....r Allegheny Ai senal. A Mac name.! Llzzy j Copper Mill and Smelting Works, Kilter ej,“boic parents were ;ARIL absent at dm . PITTSBURGH. time, aprvoaclied so near till;flT , that her Moth, Ignited, god before she could receive any assist- PARK, IYPCUROrit CO., r ance, she was completely enveloped in flames. reln r l t i.WL7'.. l Sl iq f s ',l M G Oil . f.J., E ZP. Ste: immediately ran to the &our, tititther screams TOIIIS. BAD , ED - STILL BUrToilii, sriurim soon attracted the neighbors ariel:Sber timber, SOLDER. Also.. Importers mad dealers In , it•ET sclao -sens not far Illatant. * Before the dames it 1-, att r o Pi e ri Fi r g."'UD ❑ R 3 ' l 2- c hril,pi.7,.` ~tr.i could be chin emishe.d, btltreeFF, her tircact and ..„4,,,.......„ Yv.,",„i. r a ' T__, No. 1. iFI RsT rind t[i SEO neck was so-bailly burnt that it was thintrht she bIeD,STEEETS, Pittsburgh. especial orders of amid not survive. Medical aid was immediately cut to any desired pattern. autnmened, bat. the Hector - who dressed her In- sirMitydtieT juries expressed his opinion that they w inlil ....1.12,1,48E1mi! MAW wolms. _ prove fatal. She lingered in a must plinflo era dition until the inflaming evening. when death HUBBAROS & LONG, Inane& The deceafed was only three years 111.11.711;FACTIMENJI OF OIL C=1:1 dtaarta AND BATTCHT.—A colored man named Albert Raker was arrestul to-day on a charge of assault and battery pifferred by Mary E. Bird, also cob - well. The erldence6howell Vint Bakerihad abuied the woman badly, and be ICA, committed to jail by MayorLowry? FresswrAmit.—'The employees of the Ken sington Iron Works on tratorday presented tri Mr. Joseph Nixon, general manager, a magola vent gold beaded cane, made from wood taken from old Fort Doorman°. The presentatloo .speeels was made by 31S. Flowers, and was art propriately responded to by Mr. Nixon. • LATICEXT.-31fles O'Neal was before the May or today, charged wlttfthe larceny of seventeen dollars from the house of Thomas Corcoran. The canto party was accused of stealing a silver witch,.yalued at ditylive dollars, the property of a soldier named Darragh, who had been board. big with Corcoran. O'Neal was held for trial. Pitisnia---Capt. Josephlgler, or the slh Pennsylvania ?Leavy Artillery, h now in the city* on a brief leave of absence, and la looking hale and hearty. . Ills friends will be glad to harcthe pleasure of giving Lim a hearty shake. Itismaxarlo's or Gsx. NEOLTM.—Major Gen eral James el. Nerl, ey has resigned hls commis- Con In She army. *. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. TEIONAII W. Raw, practlealBlate Roofer, la Dealer in American Ohne, of Thrions orders. Ofdet at Altrzander Laughlin's, near the Wenn Narks, Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, No. 78 Pike stmt. , Orders promptly attended to. All work warts-tied water proof. Repairing done at the sheatest notice:. No eharne for relvdes, provided the roof is not atnsed atter It is not on. ESIMIAL NCTICL—ruc attention of our read ers Is directed to the brillian. assortment of Fall and Winter Goods just received by our friend Mr. John Weler, No. ID'S Federal street, Allegheny. His stock comprises a great. variety of Fader French, Engib,h, Scotch nod American CaEshnCi-ss and Cloths, and tine Silk and Cass( mere ticstirms, all of which will be made up to order in the Latest styles and in the beet manner. • t choice selection of Furnishing Goods also on •tamtmed for sale, together with a full stock of Ready : Made Clothing - , well and fashionably nada fittt Goons put nicetvivt at toe lierchant Tailoring establishment of Graham S McCaw' less, 73 Smithfield istrcet. We would most res pectfully invite the attention of oar friends and the public la general, to our new stock of fall and winter goods. They contain all the very latest styles of English, French and American clothes, eassimeres and visiting!, all of the finest quality, and is selected with - the greatest care Gentlemen desiring fashionable and well made clothing, would do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Every - garment Is war ranted to give full satisfaction In Loth pike and r al4l /' • GRAHAM A McCaig - mass, Merchant Tenons. No. 73. lihnitldleld duet. AILERICAX Br uns.—America Is Justly proud of her beautiful ludlee, but bow many mar their beabty, and lose their health and youth, become prematurely old in appearance, by neglecting to take proper care bf their"teeth. 'Them can be excuse for this, no &rodent, pronounced by all worthy a place between the oWeetest lips, Can now be had to all the civilized countries. Soldltp 47u=lsts and pet:femora. .• ~fJfIUSEMEMTS. pITTSBITIIOII THEATRE. FIFTH •STREXT,__NEA a tail3l2 AND 24.11A13712; WK. ell WOOD. Second night of the 'World renowned Tragedian and Ounmellan, MeSEAN BUCHANAN. and We brautitel aadtateuted dau p_ ghte pearr, Mies vu grea ermtlk BUCHANAN,e la the t 3 Ir edy el TTRIT/NltS, THE ROMAN FA,THEtt— v, Thh,,CUESDAT , everting, will t e prenatal, the greett waned] of VIHOINITTS, THE HOMAN TATTLER.; To eoitetudo with the rcarirg farce eettt'oo, 'I HE LOT CFR ricx-Er. , 11131.3111 LE'S VARIETIEb. W. 0. swwwE ?Imo STREIT. ItLATI IT. CLAM. . .0031XXXCFA AT 8 O'CLOcc. ""l ManICU. This EVENING Debutof bita;eirADELAIDE NIXON. LfI.LIE BILUTDON. and EYELIKE LEILMEM assisted by the Feat stook Company, Tolinny Bart, - -Johnny Redden, " i • Fayette Welch, Geo./Winn% F}_sak Derget, ,pakg. , aPb it Astitona _ star. • _OOEPS DE BELLE:I', tt SDITTEIES XINSTRELS. And the entire ➢IAMMOTTI ORGANIZATION In AO culelnal and unequalled entertainment te62t COICCERT BALL. POSFITVELY FOUR NIGHTS ONLY. wedit.e.i.ilmsan,Feltay 3 2laturday innings. Feb. Bth, 9th, 18th and 11th, 1865. THE (*EAT EXCELSIOR EASTERN TROUPE FiBD P ' t GAYLORD'S -M*ESTRELS • AID 33 , :33.116 141 ES " 221".411...217 - 3:1 . . Twenty - Brilliant. Star Performers. WhiSwill Appear In an entirely New and, Original Progitnime, not yet copped . .br oar many imsuo emeriti Imitators. Everything Is Ne cNovel end -A t tractlze... Io etmnectton with the ~ . 13ress Raid, Messrs. DELEHANTY and WARD, the tihnin plan -Double Clog Donoers, who Challenge the world In the.= or SLOOO to compete with them. lfble• Troupe le NOT composed of a few ONE. HORSE Performers, bat of GENTLEHANLT ARTISTS of known aldlltv. Sea Programmes. ; STEEL & SLOCUM .Proprleters. & GAYLORD At e 1131.114 17. fat tL. C. E.,RICItARDSON, Agent. TITEATR.B. THE OMAR PfIiSBVISH FAPI,HTES, NR. AND MISS DTICHBAN, FOB SIX NIGHTS ONLY, COMMEKOING-ON MONDAY, February 6th, • 1 -HnsftwicalberGrestamc4m ",tdatdeod XANTE D —sl2 5 A MONTEL—Avnts everywhere, to Introduce the new Show fr Mr* &Mem Donsr-Yantily &Oar Aladin', the only lowirjee maehjne bitter coontry Whishlefinnuild -by rover b. Baker , Wheeler 'Wilson, Rowe, fan Co.,and Baehekler. Salaryandexpenses, or large commissions allowed. IA other Machine' nowwold for less than forty dollars emit ore f► friayeraeurs, and the seller and lisble. Mutes. ted . cirsulareentfrti. Adeltes•SlLAM OttARIC B~aa:roTd. ice. "WANTED—S7O A MONTH.-4 want Tlt Aglaia evenwlers, MVO a math, enemies raid, to sell Mew /Maw, the best selling ever , cdlMd. .Full fartleulim Aar,. dritafeS ibtriET. Biddeford. Misloa wit/rammer ANTBD—A'GARDN BR, to talm tare bra garden nest tbry 1314 upon whkak L a ilneyar4; remainder in Oreltuu i tL ft01:11111111,47 attonrteQaf deP6;ll MILLS. Lfbeetlatrat. , FrtRA'AND CANE AIM WOOD CHAIM, Selling it reduc e d prices, WHOLESALE arrmr.. • JAB. W; WOODWELL, trr And 99 TIITHD STREET, ciprom4; E. illmtindioa & co leo. In FOURTH STREET c CORDd CO., Wholesale Dealers to .11ats, Caps and straw Goods, 'Nave Vow t¢ store( Ma largest end most complete Am* of • GOODS FOR FALL SALFS, Ever altered tittle west. Moe •rz are requestei to cull atoLexamlno air stoo-"•`o will Lo *old at Very low. rates. :1 0 .1' 1 TiTF4 18 . ~ • , , MESSES VOITSKEE: ‘ &4 4 Esmiowthiethannt,Sensilit. T t u til iti)9lll3l 6ow 4 oims&___ . ° Tuf ill-ma rtz 111 w or" Mt , • until'. ' genicm . so coFFEE.t. prime .eeeelz; sLo o lot irrebotee tI. IIE 12 1 11 Centro . for isle by the bag rn. ;" u "4. , a! F a t i "! ). 1471 . b 14" gnu* . s Cknver of Liberty and Mod ika INN ATI S. V. HAMS— choice , lot; large sire ju toutf smoke; for sale If • les C L. WhjaAygia... Warrantvit CAST STEEL SAWS. of every deo acriytion. Mill, 11Iul.p, Cross Cut, Gemg, and gal other ...dales. Ail:hinds of ENTra4 and SPRINGS, made from Sheet Cast Steel • Extra Mined REAPER AND mownia sisrifts, &o. • /sir Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and smußr STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to lintoothlng, Gum• ming and Straightening Circular Saws; also, re• pain of all hinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. apaddy r•lt M. 8A1LN11111.2.. tk OM, Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron. Workers, - No. 20, 9, 21 and 28 PENN STREET. Haying secured a large yard, and furnished with the most Improved machinery, we areprepat ed to manufacture erery description of BOILERS, In the best manner, and warranted muml to an made to the country. CHIMNEYS, lIRIOHEN, FIRE REDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSE It S, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS SET TLINGI PANS, BOILER IRON; BRIDGES, SNUB PANS„and sole manufacturers of BARN BILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing done on IM:shortest notice. slelSaf arTIIE CONlFEMlltlaiss AID LAVE.. itI.ENCI: DV AN INVALID, published for the .benefit r.s.l as a warning and caution to young men wb sallbr from Nervous Debility, Pre. mature .Pterty of Manhoal. etc., supplying, at the tame Li,:, Me means of self rare, by . . one who has cured himself after be ta put to great expense and Injury through medical g humbug nod quackery. fly enclosing a poht-atidad.lressed envelope, sin gte topical:mi . be hod of the author. . NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., dedamdsorT • Philndelphia, - ..-1110 .NERVOUS St urrEttECJI or SEXED —:l reverend gentleman half Utg becA restored to health to a few days, alter On dergning the usual routine And Irregular expenstre mode cf t rest went without success, considers it his emceed duty td eommunleste to his afflicted fellow. creatures the means of cure. iletice,-on the receipt of an Addressed ens elope. he will tend, free, et copy of the prescription used. TradrTS. SPL'U.7.. - .T. .4 OT:C.Y:S PATU.NT GROUND CIRCULARS. Dir..ct t,, Dr..1011.Z: H. DAGNA LE., 186 INltom trect, N. Y. mtillaydsver . _ . .7-:`-/X01111%1.40111, REA 4 CD., (successor. to Romxsolv, :113 SI IS 11: 1.r.38.6,) Washington Works, FOUNDERS' AND mActi !Nis rs, P,T,nortort. Maratfnetorers of BOAT AND sTArlinstA it Y STEAM ENOINIS LAST ENC/INES,• MIL!. iIEARINCL STU FIINCI, VAST. IN,Sot TANKS& STILLS, BOILED AND SHEET IKON WORE. Cl-Agent. for GIVFARD'S PATENT INJECT OR, for LoeUog boilers. 60114 • E T nua.m... J. I. MILIAN LA. BELLE STEEL WOUKS. M:=l. & CO., (Suereuors to Rarrzn, 11A vim hoc &Co.) Bimautacturers of CAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; SPINGS, AIL. LIN. CROWIAARS, !se. NI- Works, FIRST WARD, Allegheny. Port Othee *Um. PITTSBURGH. jalfely Irß'.4olllll COCHRAN Alanufaa Wren of IRON 'VAULTS ,Ni) VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING,. IVINDOW SUITT. TERS, 'WINDOW GUARD: a...; Nos. SEC. OND and Ea THIRD STREET, between Wood and Market, have on hand a variety of new patterns, fancy and plain, imitable for all purpose. Allir-Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lot. Jobbing done at short notice. ma DISEASES or EDE — NERVOUS, SEDILNAL, URINARY AND SEXUAL SISTE3LS—new and reliable treatment—is Ras ports bribe Howard Association. Seat by dual to sealed letter envelope, tree of chary.. Address D. J. SEILLEN HOUClitTON,llowarg A.sociallon, No. I South Moth street, Phila. mh2Ply 11EINItIr. U. COLI.UO4, 'RIVARD LNG AND CO3IILLSSION MERCUAIirI and wholoale dealer In CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS, FISH, and produce generally, No. WOOD SPIEET Pittsburgh. no/ .11".Ton.r.Ers. 40,11 . 11 Y. dAZZAII gig wrier N. u•xverss McyA.STER GAZZAM, soxlcrruUs of CLAIMS AND PATENTS AND ATToRXESD4T-DAw, No. 96 GRANT WREST, Pittsburgh.. Licensed by Gortrzunant to 0966 BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAY And all other Military or Nacal Claims ' the (Jay., • ONE lIITNDIZED 1301.1.11 ti. :treed on account of wounde rec..... hAttie e. fleeted Immedlttelly. • Ci-eall at V 3 CI ItANT BEET, uppontte [h. Cathedral. I)ErN W. .T. &c HALL PATT.MISOH, A rimy and Nav,y Agency 114 FOURTH Pltuburgh. OOMIdU t tATIOR OF E g4T.l o jggrig l EM " O ' rivi ll abe drawn by their es or widowed mothers. oral WOUNDED SOLDLERS. • $lOO Bounty to all Wounded Soldiers, - • • In now being gold to all with s otneeharge." No diorite made until the money is co:4,AM.. T. vrAtrzu DAT, Llernecti by the U. S. 41osernment. No. lea MTH STREET, amseond..blor below the Cathedral. mill ray SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, ItuUNTIli,3 PENSIONS AND AIME.% lea /F PAT, Promptly attended to by ..11ATEILIZPI dm . % t ab FOURTH ST., Plash*, Pa. N. 0.111•01CRELL 10.1 JOlldnel 3I&CERELL & 4011NSON, ATTPFLNEYS-AiljlW,. AMU tr.EILICENRED SCIWZBV CLAM AGENTS e. l3 t analLn jor d. Wound9dSoldlon aolleatild in Sint Gee 94. 99 enure wintry, Plttaburgb. EalSwltA discharge and two without& dellaty CLAIMS ..PENSIONS ..; . 110ILINTDA' BACK PAY Kra lIIILITART CL 1111.4 of every deserlptlon, ,eotleatld by the subeertber. at ANYidlewiog vatat,.. Iris : Peakeas 'III: ell other dolma N.W. ; 1 C. C. TAYLOR, Alitentry-nt-Law, No. 7s Grantotser Pittsburgh; PA NLII.—No charges are mule little !Iola: does not suoretl, and all infbratatton Oven Vona. 004:11 V.KI - 1 - IV. SELMER,- ... • ATTORNEY-AT•LAW, No. 106 Purist Brims, Pittsburgh, PL . . . drams for PENSIONS, BOUNTY. PHI= .11.0NEY., tor., vliormroly proiorcutrd. JAMES:LAFFERTY, ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, All Legal Dulness promptly attemted t.. KY" OLLIco, No. 106 Fountu BTEMIrr, near 011111,t Pltubury. mersamlsm ILA'S un.i.dre Pa Edrirs.— : GARDINER COFFIN Agent for the Franklln, Philadelphia and ' ilalthnore Insur• sere Coinpaniep, plortheaat corner Wool) and 711111118PREETS. fP. JONES, Agent for North Amerl • en. State of Pennsyl Tanta, and Mulford la Comilla* e.ra wArrat tl CREKT SAMEEIi REA, Secretary Clit zena , Inman. same company, earner ?WM= dad WA.TEII . • JOBEPEt ADAV3, — Dentißt Comb olly_!§ - B4Ltilia& tomer. of DUMONT and • ealtPM ofragkPltgly. - + 'Xiferaftloi=Dt. J. 11/..eolf.Tboodore Sofibloo. ossott Erna a , BEVEWL2f6E,'-11'0:' 68 - Tireitar.' St, '.. 4..1W/bunch, misnutadgrapatEQLUlß , Rll7., ETS, WROUGHT SPEDESitommon and rallro d AeacFf don. Imlay dad arahapedlELPTELS*ll XV= la zed. 1111klalli azade-to.cdde at abaill . , gagloe.vA• Lod adartmeat somtaaligtat had. =Owe n.46 - 1V: - BENNETTIhwitactxu•earor AA... wane sTown:inuem • ' CIESAY. 00"14311ED , WAES. . , _ ----- , Warhoue- et lle,lll rt.-Frit 13 tree Pittieundt.' • • . • tamely: ' 101 - OTISE' . rErn:Embhopptut Cote' and Baorto and, le at City Flour Llttfi t htI MG4IT OM A',..E.2•:t - ::: ,, ; 1 1 - ::' - 47 , ;:i . X.' ,, . -- : : : ;. ;W :42 ;' ,. ... ..:;L_,,.,.,,,,r),,,:.::,,,1.,.:-,iJ'i.i2.•,.•,:.3,.;'.-,,rfp.'7,5•.,' Li: I Tw.; 1;i•61 AUNT'S 111 PS (IF THE OIL L.G.lii,Ng West Vi rinia and Ohio Oil Regions, COLORED IN COUNTIIS Prier, kt. In 'Pocket rural, 9t 59. VENANOO COUNTY OIL EEGIONS, With Scrtin•s, Forms sad Townships mul•ed off cd besucitully colored. Price, f 1.50. I pocket Fotm, "The, Maps we consider t.e beet out "—Petro- bans Gera. "An improved Map of Ilene cgs County OH Tic. ntOISP. ICU Ich will supply a want lone experienced' by all 18E4 operators and those desiring to Invest In oil t witory. Toe map to laid out la townships find all the creeks and streams that have a name. are moray,: on It. The townships are aubdlrldni lot° tract..., and the owner's name printed thereon. The map is a very relivable one. sod Ito great um. Itileen will commend itaelf lo the pablia.—Pitti. , but eh Commercial. -Ale John P. Hunt has jest ',sued a. new and Improved Map of the Oil Regions, wolela will prove invaluable to sU who have landed or other inter , . eats In that section. The neap is large and beauti fully colored, and all the looslities are Elven' with remarkable eats"—Pfluburgh Gazette; - post. paid, on receipt of plies. The above Mar. MY also newlymounted On toiler., andvar nished& JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher, fel 69 FIFTH STREET. Meade& Hell. AI.ETROPOLITAN GIFT BOOK PERMANENTLY LOCATED! PEIi3L4NEPriL I LOCATED 1 PERMANENTLY LOOATED I 63 Fifth Street. OPPOSITE CONCERT HALL. OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE Thin im the lament and most liberally essiducted Gift Book Store In tho World without a stave/es, eeption. There in no GUt Book Establishment In New York, Philadelphia, Italtimore, Chicago, or any city to the United States that is conducted as ilia rally and extensively sa IIIE AIEIROPOLITAN OF FIITSD(ItGE. At this estabishmeat you can a ad all sties of BIM., from the Small Pocket Edition to the ism. est Family Bible published. All the Late Publications! All the Late Publications ! All the Atandaral Books! All the Standard nooks! OVER ONE THOUSAND PHOTOGIIAPIL ALBUM:it PHOTOGRAPH ALriums PHOTOGRAPH ALBOHN! From the smoll Cloth Bound Album at esch to th• lu octet and most elessot Album trble. Alsusis or Books of all descrip tiolas esti of The Metropolitan Gift Book Store! Om Pare Peacriptice rat:linen, e acalle.l free to any adaress to the United States on application to WM. L. FOSTER & CO.. 63 Fifth mt.. Pittsburgh. Pa. jatfilltfel:eodat J . L. READ, Bookseller and Wholesale Dealer la Photograph Albums. A literal dlreount to the troth, on CASH DRIVES, J. L. READ, Ads No. 78 FOURTH St.. iqttatoudh. BOOTS 4.VD SHOES. IN KW STOOK OF Men's, Boy's and Youth's .11A LMOR AL SHOES, CALF, KIT AND 4:31-6.123. Lowther 13 cpcstag JUST OPENED AT IVOLELLIND'S AUCTION HOUSE, (.4 GS FIFTH STREET. cLOSING SALES TO QI7IT BUSINESS. 13dOTJ3 -ATOM BZEOIEIO3 AT COST, AT 136 Federal Street,4lleghesay. I AM nos yelling off my entire stock or 1100 I'S, slf 01 , 44, GAITER -al, 114a1.111011A.LS, , . AT li. bosltose. toil t!eelere nul the public generally will flul it , o ttrir moireatege to enill end evil:aloe my stock, n. I mm eetertnined to elm.. out to the keel time tititMS AT COST. W. K. JINCLINTOCK. K redetel et., Allegheny uitp ADLITH FlArslet.Llned HLD BALI/ORALS H LAD/ F.'S LA il}oceo sROW BOOTS Congreas GAITERS, Upped, (Rut%) • 25' LAI. EPS Congress GAITERS, (p1A114) " IP al Jr°. SS Market Street. SOUTH & ROSS. A3FE - s ROBI, SELLS THE lILST, ME NEATEST FITTING, .lusd TUE MOST DURABLE, 31340431 4 1"8 Ah-1•47319230,3313, 01 any house in the city lie her Just received a magnificent Fall Stock. Tr) tam. eels TILE "STIR" WORK! TEST RECEIVED BV GEORGE ALBREE, SON AL CO., No. 93 WOOD STREET.- Boys` oat Youth , . Heel 11.;Imorala; Oxford Thal ' 4 " Bootee.; Chi Worsts Boat and Kid Shoe& These Root' an made to Our special order, call are warranted unequalled custom work. • nol6 1U B. SPECIAL • INCOME TAX.— • Raring received the Met of Special Tax, as teased On incomes of 1993, in itecores with the att. of Corrgrese, approved ly 4th, 1984, for the Division comprising the Boroughs of Birmingham, East Ilinninghare South Pittsburgh, Monongshe. la, West.Plttsburll and Temperaneeville, and the Townships of Bal dwin, Snowden, Lower St. Clair, Upper. SL ( llair, Scott, Unfelt, (Startlers, Roble. son,Notth FaletteSouth Fayette, Flaw:Rey, Moon, Crescent and fcevllle, I will attend for the teCerV. log of acid taxes At the Offile of A. H. Stevenson, E.g., daily (Sundays and Satiddays excepted) Until, Monday, January 110th, between the hours of 1 ands p, m. Atw at the following placer. Wednesday, Feb.lit, atthe house of Peter Boyer, Snowden township. Thursday. Feb.2d. at the house of (I W. Boyd, Upper St. (Nair township. Monday, Feb. Bth, at the house of Tidwell, Robinson township. Tuesday, Fob. 7th, at the house of Elijah Mer. shell, In (Pluton. Weclnesdny, Feb. Bth, at the house of Matthew MeDregor, Noblestown. I ridgy, Feb. 10th. at the office of D. Rohlristra, Es Temperanceeille. Mo q., nday, Feb. 13th, at the office of W. H. Harker, LK., South Pittsburgh. I will else Attend at the office of the Collector of Internal Revenue No. a 7 Fourth mt., Pittsburgh, on Saturday., until 11lw of February, from 9 . so, Lo 3 p. m. Alter aforeeeld dates 10 per cent. penalty will be added. Piquing moat be made In United States money.. JOHN' A.. SERGEANT, Dep. Collector b 9 Dlr. 271 Dlet. Pereons preferring may remit their checks, pop. able to my order, throu g h the Pittalittraila Pet). Jul Sulhwtfebla . THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY.— SIR JA or.„uutzt CELEBRATED, FEMALE PILLS, Prepared from a pretieriptitm of Bir J. Olathe, 16 D., Physlelankletraonlinamgo the Queen. This well known etedlotne is no bipolition, bit sure and safe remedylor Femaki diMoultitui and OboUruttions, from am c iidr atme whitterer,". mut at , though 'voiceful: they contain nab. Mg hurt tong tut on: ' To 'Married" Ladies rpetfeetly 'suited. It a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Thesbdir have neivet been twin' total] where the dimetkour on the id page ef the PamPitlet. ere. For full partioniMe get a Feweblet i f elm of the *gent. Sold by allDrellitsta. Priam per bottle. 8010 Ilnltettlitate• Agent,. 4 .108 2 . l ngt, Ti.COuitlind street. Now York. - ma-41 Rode postage itampf, enclosed to lag . authorised agent, will Mace 'settle, oontaining ' over 60 bills. by rot= WM/. dainttydbffsE. A L LO•AITOLarreIs Jane IL, I:lo&,Llniti. for sale by ist.4,- -. iA.;it - g"gt- - id O.P.S. S 7 ompA.lty Producer nr.t.ltazulf=turcra of lltule nadlteliaed Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oa FUB S OPPOSITE Sti A.R.PSBURG Office No. 69 BIND-Wert, PITTSBURGH, Pa. • W. D. CIISMMULN, Burt. ji6l6:2m ASIIWORTII S BENN, No.l St. CLAWS ST., Pittsburg's, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEOCIIANTS, AND DEALERS IN OILS. ITLLIASTNATING„ LUCRIOATING, ORODE PF.TRO!,tiI ;It OILS, ko constantly on band and ;tor lair at tho towed market priced Clonolga ,ments and ordero solicited. apt-Om ,BONDED WAREHOUSE OP Phenix Warehousing Company, hit of BALTIC &HARBISON Std.. litiokJja TOE 111 . 01&01 OP REPINED PETROLEUM, • In Tanks andrinrcic.[See Circular.] Office, No. 16 BEAVER STREET, New Tort, 4143-1), W K 41 ' .k " A & CU RTISS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CRUDE AND REFINED PETBDLEUN, BEi4ZINZ AnD LUBRICATING OILS. No. 134 SOITTII WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, PA grie - Storage capacity (cinder eorer,) (or 75,0011 boucle: Al.o excellent facilities (or chipping to Ametkan and Foreigh porta, at our wharf on the Schuylkill Inver, near the platform of the P. 8.. R. RICIIARDSON, TIARLEY & CO., Comp:Woo arid Forwarding Merchan■ 41 CRUDE AND REFINED PETE. 2C4*..10 IRWIN NTREET, A? - Llbernl emth sdrnnoeil on conelgnmenb Cot Pittsburgh or Eantern Market. PITTMIrIIOII IIEYEALNOII.II. Insiiere. 3. S. Dilworth h. Co., Springer lierhstigh, k:eq., Thompson Bell, Esq., Prost.. Commertint Rank. nano -4s,', • JAMES WILKI:s;A, • anouxe. AND DEALER IN CRUDE AND REFINED OILS Perry Block. Duquesne 'Way. Plitsb`gis sa .:SpectAl Attention gives to the SALE AND SII WUENT OF PETBOLEI3 al and Its products. Consignments respectfully solicited. Pittsburgh Agency for IfFiNANOO OIL AND TRANSMUTATION COMP NY. /Of - POST OFFICE BOX tee 0012- a. W. 111,11.0r111 HERRON & CO., (Mee, 207 PENN EITHEET, • (One door Mow Hand,) Commission Merchants, And denim In PitThburgh Ntanufnctures end CRUDE AND MIMIC OILS, Sir.Llberat .Ivnnen made on FLOUR,_GRA IN+ SEEDS, IuutGREEN AND DRIED FRUITS. nni•itet STANDARD e. PETROLEUM REFINERY. CLARK At SUMNER. Works and Once, COLLINS TOWRSIIIP. 001ce la Pittabursb, 24 WOODI..3IgNi% These works being of the largeefeap,eicy to the coulArt, ON pecPlif& f 0.111.1 large orders. The bread etallaotae ejgheet In this country and to e, for quality nod lire beet, end the oil input in set soaaoead barrel., prepared especially to r e n. .Port- ' . doled BIIEWKR, BURKE t Co., Nilium44l4-m AOll3lll 07 Till Globe, Natio sad Ltherty Oil Wozi? Liberal tub admen meta on ataalgtimesta al Refined or Crude Petroleum& Cyr. DUQ VES W 4 Y sad zu:rcoor sts., PnMNBURGU,PA. '%vittgro& KING, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, &XI) ./1011.6101 II PETROLETIBE AND ITS PRODI34:k And dealers In Refining Mnterlats. cc:l4T No, St MARKET ST. PRtabunch. Wu. It ocxxs laza lams JAMES lIIAIN & CO., • 11.121/PACTI7IIB3.II 07 Oil of Vitriol and km Ammonia, OFFICE. No. 15 MARKET St., PrIT4RUR6II, PA LUCENT OIL WORKS. DUNCAN, DIIIILLP & CO., SLIAC7ACTCAZWI Or Pure Willie Refined Carbon 011 s. No. 20t MUMMY STREET. not OIL undersigned will sale o giv f e particular attention to the purchase and Stocks of ALL BP.T.TARLE Companies. Invite buyer and tellers to call. • u. J. 11. 11011.441102 No. 107 FOURTH sTREEr. XERCZiairT T4ILOREI. FASIITOKULE DEiRABL t'Otß. For Gent's 6 Fouthio (hint/. MADE TO OIIMM, IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. R. B. NORIIIB, 31L11ORANT TAILOR. . No. FEDERAL ST., AllegheD7. aogi-iswd BI6BEITL' S BLOCK' • W. H. MoOKE. 10 ST. CLAIR STREET WoOld call the attention of buyers to Me stock goods. It has been selected with great once al contains ail the NEWEST STYLES DY GOOD r to he found in drat class houses. Gents wishing a suit of clothes made to order, will,. please call one examine our goods and pricca. Also, • full end complete stock of irtarrassi23.l23.= 400ciss. W. H. DetilEE, lilsnatraur Talton, Col No. 10 Se. CLAIR STREET. 11ENIIY G. HALE a CO., • Merchant, Tailors, , H.W. car. Penn k SL Ciairitteets, Prrranintas. GHAT £ L°0"1 49 St:' Clair 14reet, ARE NOW 'CLOSI OT NG oar , Tazis, wurrEWINTEROOK OF 130Y,13, TM:MPS Arm CHILDREN'S ,• t e' , GIIE/LTLY SEDVCED' figtemo . DISSOLV77.O.VS. EnSFIT. blve this^ 'day IG 7 r7E w ;ci a s , W e Z ro aq-9441- ' 4l ` 4 W;i* . USTRIATI I WORKsgici* re. ,Pl'4%* f• HUGH. M. -, 130111E GO ,• - , Ponnder3 Mar ofseturers of BOAT STEAM ETNIITMS,efAStfI GS{ 'Hest y, MD AE TO O.IIIIER. • Epeeist ages/WM paid to the uoinutsctunt of Engines, t0i....04A1p.14 1i purppnere.rourinßy, THIRD Street, near ILseketetteet , ;' MAc SHOP end 'OFFICE,' corner of. POINT alley and - DUQUESNE WATPITI'S4' MIMI, Pe. Booing . &spored or our — lntorect to the'Fonittri burlocu to htertre. HUGH M BODE & Cu., we would recommend them to our friend* and fornier patrons. Pit taboret, lan. u, VMS. -,-- fISSOLITTION OF PARTNERSIIIP. —The undersigned Lave thin day dissolved partnership by ntuti i i 3 !igimt u r Erm . • En . . Firrsnirsoz;Ja.u. so, ISM Thanktno the palate for theft part patronage . , I roliett a continuator a their custom at 'Arnett Store, Citat MtEasake:t at., NEXT DOOR to FLEBIBLITIG;8 DRUG STORE. B. OPEN/OMERR. _ Jost:MO DISSOLUTIOI4 OF CO-PARTNER aIIP.-:•Tba Partnership' herealifotie extstlng betwern the Undersigned, under the firm name of CROMPTON CO., for the manufacture of Silver Pearl and other Soaps, has this day been dinelvel by mutual commit. SAMUEL M. ICIER, JOHN O. cnumpwrit - .701.1 X FOSTER. Pittabargit, Sept. eth, 1864. Wit. lESZNEDI ' e. X. Dia VI EMEDY & ISlXlanffa to • XANVPACT lOW *I Silver Pearl and SnDario, Rosin Sova, 361 LIBARTY STRL'ET, Pr TSBUROI2 deard DISSOLUTION.—Tho firm of LITTLE a. TRIMBLE Is this day dlsielred by mutant emnt ho dissolution to take effect from the 44 loot. he business of the late firm will be settled by THI LITTLE, Sr., who will oontinue at the, old stand, it: sod lid Second greet. TIIOS. LITTLE. SR, JAMES TII CABLE. Having dispoked of my Interest in the Wholesale Grocery business to THOS. LITTLE., Sr., I cheer fully recommend him to my (deeds and customers. JA.ALES •—• CO—TIIOS. LITTLE, Sr.. has associated with him,' an successors to LITTLE•k TRIMBLE, SABVL H BAHL% (late o thedirm of ROFPT lIANNA & 00., Cleveland, Ohio,) and , JAMES PATTON Jr., under tho name and style of LITI LE, BAIR & PATTON, to take effem ou sad after January Psi, 18713, at the old stand, Nos. 112 and 114 Second street. Pitts. bomb, Pa. LITTLE, BAIRD L PATTON.' ft tamd NOTIC . E.—TiIe Pots nership heretofore 0101510 g between HENRY G. DALE and S. M. LITTLE, under the style of HENRY G. HALE & 00., doing a g , neral s Tai loring business at the corder of Penn and SL Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., is this day dissolved by Inner al corsent, the dissolution to date from So , - nary 1066. BERRY G. HALE is authorised to settle the business of the larefirm.. . . . lIENI2TILE, J. lE. LITTLE. Plaiburgh,Janeary 30th, IBGS. CARD.-D, retiring from the firm of lIENIIT G. HALE & CO., I take this method of reconfmendlog Mr. HALE or being every way worthy the patron age of the public. He will to future, as he him In lime past, by honest and fair dealing, Maintain his reputation era skillful and an accomplished mo d:ink, and I knew will glee entire satisfaction to nil *rho may favor hint with their patronW. Isalgwd J. fd, LIfTLE. DISSOLUTION OF CO. PARTNER.' . SHlP.—Notice is hereby given that the part nership lately inhadating between WM. B. HAS- L ETT and ALt. DA V Ift, afthe lofty of Pittsburgh, under the dim of A. DAVIS k 00., wall dissolved ern the St h day of January; 066, by mutual consent. MI debts owing to said thin are to be reatived by said-WM. HASLETT, and all demands made lo him. WM. B. BASLETC, fel md ALV. DAVIS, HE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE exlatlos between THOMAS HILL anti•JAS. - Ir. BROWN, ruder th. atyle at Ulll h. Brown, has this day been dissolved by mutual cement- James L Brown will settlelhe affairs of the late Oros. TILOMAS HILT, .1.111 L nownr. Pvcrinsvgas qatt. le, NIL Jarswa CHO.PARTNERBEULP NOTICE.HA.B. C. HAMLET and FRANX - VAN CORDER lore this day assoelsted themselves togetlurr for the trarpsetion of a general PRODUCE ANn COMMISSION BUSINIR3R. Warehouse N 0.910 Liberty street. Maui asuszc. sr. ipVf PRIcEI) spg is; hand a larp and choke moo:talent ot top ,r.RIOED PIANOS, or Say= Octave, . t with Ove re ft tray sa°& v , lb Ode and carved Intalture." The Indrulti`R ta , ate well. and aolid matte, of meet lode, class.* tench and beautiful eats. They bar Fopeh.i. ll 7 de. inside for those persoudirho do not Irish top" tea great expense, and yet tart ar =El=3 Good Reliable PisiiVo. Perform Itteuding to purchase such a Pt Oa. will Pad it to their advantage total! at the subscriber's teurcroouts and examine Us stack. 1~,e:,0s AktERIC.AN ORGANS . 111{4DBCRY, New York; St MONIKER k CO.. Philadelphia, and BOARDMAN GRAY. PIA.I%T . COS, 9. D. & 11. W. Smiths' American Organ, WITH PATENT TREMOLO ATTACHMENT. .Tret received, A new supply \of the above eel& !mated )netrumeritsi together irith Pianos from oCher bleaufacturess i vI r PARMEE VIOLIN PIA NO, STEIN WA% & SONS, GRAVESTEEN & Co, and otters; nil at reducedpriees. WAMELINK 8E BARR; No. 12 fit. Clair Ntreet, 'Hamar* Meek. At 11OFFIHAN, HOENE & CO., ' 63 FITTIO Tlecalmozois Poletaxonse sir Best Blame to Atterlsa, Dote K N ABE & CO'S. UNRIVALLED PIANOS. ' CHARLOTTE BLUM 43 Fifth Street, kW' Whol•eale . and Retail Agent. ISAAC ORAIGIS OTITLET SAW MILL, AND BABE YARD, . Craig Street, Allegheny. Ilet4ritf - SlLVkii PLATED WARE Walters, Castor" he.. he. gettable for the Trade on hand and fat sale by , WILES & NOSS, 226 Smith sth It, PNLADELPHIA . Jrlll:6m BOUQUETS, CUT FLOWERS, &c. BOUQUETS, . . OUT FLOWFTIS, WI/SATES, and 4ASKEITS WITH FLOWERS, From MITIIDOOHSS Oakland Greenhouse. Orden telt with J. B. Hubley,2l Fourth et., H. Bieber & Bro. IV Wood street, Bunsaath & 66 Fl ft k street, or at the Greenhouse, promptly attended to. Baguets eupplted daily at the above named places. Oakland oars run to the Greenhouse every fifteen minutes .. dednmd H. P. GENGEMBRE, :Clan and Illeidutnical Ena NQ. , A l 4 l FrikErr. nelt DRAWINGS of xomnums, -, n Yie fict I , !mui,e 4 • a" Mt sh at t A n ab .80UCKI4 with riaiti: 114•4111011 for_ dlthirent . stir of drawkir oullaa JAMS BALPH, . . • : PTSIEXPLICIT Daavturatvak fo'im .4-lONS, for all Irin4 and "M.; Wends their unction ontessodable teem.' • . Moo on ANDERSON'ETEZEIVbaIreent, • • VH0101: N. 0. SUGAR-4ust receive %tit net langsheeds ver4obelei New Orleans Cu. jar, to leaned.' for salnikt Ow polity Oro+. tow teot -'.12t0. a BEiliErhir• ~„,............._ ~ • CITATiTER. .1 4 4r, : -....rpgr u 4. tC ,!,,,, ! 0„;. , i,„:,t..,,,,, , , a-I T:11 " -RE nistrivatcottuarz- • • ..,,,-,;•,.• , :tv,....-,,,,*...•:.,,,,,,r,,,,, ...,PHILAIAMPittIia-4,.:,,..., ... • • • ~ • i:-.,.4t., - • ~ ...i i ii, -, , ,, iiiiol on Janiisier itlikik . .1110 0 ,11 7 .5. • Capital -• • . 6:4411.7:::4.,:Pl - *-- . A.ii ',lomat, 401:Feed Pre5a1ue4,1:iti.14,44141 , 1•1 01,41 ,4 lhisettled.Clainic:: , ..:; - .1.7:L.V4 , 31 - 44. - ...4l•!rigief '. 'lecesnefortekL',l=c,.. L'4lseea.:*;..464.'w" , _ • Losses Paid 5teeettafm.4 . ......4,4144 trerpetW4 :Igl4 .y r ieRVITLEM9I.4*,,,, •-"?'," 1 !. J r ___:•_'- ,• .-", '•- .•,-", -` • -- -,'* 7. • ' •:- -. • -... ~ • • : - ,-. ..-- • • cimmepeciem tvz;:i.i P,A1G:,..!, • ohatieilEt....../it,i5;;4.4-11:::.a, Tablas egnettf,,,i i .v.'•' , F. , u n hk a.77,Cl . Samuel Great '••• '•!',"••-• ,- ' 'Jakob R. Mai ' , 14/4 , ' ,, Z , . bilrf -.0 ~, .- • f ••,' George W.ltle :-. ti•F3al:.Ba7/ , . . , . • GRAM= • SILVIGAII4Tras4 I . • • - ' 12)WAILIOI - i-TaliNiekrzeinaitak •,. I, . •JA6. pr. Aber •Lt igket4nteee¢:gir• ••_::.f •-‘ ,- -'•!.3/Gl , - teGGYAtenti: - -..: setae - iiepstlirteid4S4TiGekliteeeill.; t• A..D&TIS 4 co feidmd AND. if ,its dv 4 . r. 1, - 2• • insbrance . ool,ntNclitii'4xol4 70;. t, PREL&DigthrtA:v,'L Assets 44.0040. Hartford Fire' ittmirante "Company. ' Sir Protection o-as beSselsEnd bathe abort omen and reliable compasl" , • 4 . *e. - ..I..llsrrEs. i Assam Bagedeeigalidings, dr Water t. WESTERN INSIJI}kNCE COMPANY OF FrFFSBWE ' t a .' Jr., President, WM. r, REERM. t Tr ary. . Office, No. 021VeWe ats -3pang A. 00. , a Ware `&oll24 eiratalisfintabeittel:'• • Will In ,a .of .Fire and Marilee 'Fide. A Boom low.menairof by ilirsetort Wes are well known' &I aketawnirjr, and who are deter mined by promptneks elfutlfberalke, to =Wain the charades weld/ewe haw essniawal, as offerlay the beg proterlian lerlAwee wAatlasire Jo be !mewed. . • O.ITIZEWS - INSURANCE COMPANY ‘•-•, OP PITTSBURGII. I- -Office, corner Market and Water streets; second floor. _ WM. BAGALEY, Preetleit. S W5l. A. HEPARD;Secrstery. Insures Steamboats' and Cargoes. Insure. against loss and damage in the navies. lion of the Southern and Western Riven Laker and Bayous, and the navigation of the Seal Insures against loss and damage by gre. • • '; 'DIESCITOns: WM. , Bagaleyi , . S. Di, Kier, Samuel Ilea,John Shipton, lea. Park., Jr., ",' James At. Cooper, W. G. Johnston,' • S. Harbanah, B. P. Jones, .. • Caldwell, Jr Hon. T. M. Howe,. • John S. Dilworth, ' Ilarclay Preston, Wai. A. Rodgers. George litughater,• • • delOdyd • • A LLEGHENYANSURANCE. CO3IPA- N:3-03 , 1 3 1TTSBURGIL-0111ce, No,a7 Mk' street, Rank Blot*. Risks; Insures apical:V.4l kinds of. Pies and Mart" i.i..A:4:1:7 ; -JONES, Pre:Gina. LJOUN, D. aveoup, VicaPruldent, D. 51. BOOK, Secretary. • ensacisOits John D. McCord, Capt. Adam Jacobs, B. B. Sterile's, Capt. Win. Dean R. 'McGrew, Robert IL Davis. IiEOPLES".INSURANCE COMPANY EicoraiF of Wood and Filth Stn. kiRE ANR:-/WLINE INSURANCE , socs W. Ph=[pip', btimr Capt. Sas kßbsl% .John Watt, mik P. Maher, John E.: ParkW , . o.lifiuMon Lave, • 42.artes Tia3laaelti Charles Artmek I " Wm. Vali Mr% ' -r.Teirri F. Kirkpatrick • I " 2°4l T.lrr! j t i nA " ttidwo. • -JOHN WAIT, V prmadort„ CiAItDNEP, irerrVirg. Jetady CHAS. C. MELLOR, • et WOOD STREET ALcrxecom.w. 7A.4I‘E • N. M'COIMICK CO., rousrunr; Plttsburgb, Pa. WArebousel LIBERY EET 'Manufacturers o f f COOK, T ARTPOR awl WHAT. Via ..'STOTEM, PARL O R AND KITCHEN eruerra, 'HOLLOW WARE, etc., Steel and :Gists Mould', Rolling MIII Oastings, Mill Gear. Ing F eas, , Watar and Artisan Pipe, Sad Dohs, Dog Imp . , • Wagon Bozo*, Sugar Kettles, Pulleys,. Hangers, Oar Wheel., Couplings awl ()mating, gen. Arall.F.; ~ Also, Jobbing andMachlne Castings made to Oselw. P at ented Portable ] llll., with Steam os Horwinniar. auliamd inhiimisiders..sinf *Save I !ltane9Diemarenr, LIALEGKERY Ernmer War!, ri,t4lnvelbrPoriencinin,- • ..117;t:LLA 111 D DLit" -Aft ~ 0 0.0 .NO.t. 215 .strNtApp,fte Sixt; pftlad uri tn.l ,, autaliaduters ot NrUir VASUE3 fig v altattiolitasttirlott of LHATILEa. BRAID. liilOrdeMtelted troznibe trida, And good* prompt.. .40811,d0, Per Valkliettierm, • 0 , 047 • ' . . • , VseM.. - ..~...~.. _~ • ' TailsOrola : L IL Miller, Jr., , . :`, : ,•.- -Andrew Ackley, James McAuley', , . , Alexander Speer, Nathaniel llolmila, -:" . - David M. Long , Alex. Nimlck,' ,-. "., he at J. Th omas, George Darele,....',-`,...•• 2 , r ,Desti. Ilakerrell, Campbell IL Herm,- . Jahn IL blcCune.. C. It, Ilicketaiwii" '• 2 ' ' En -20 ' ' , W.111, P. BERT. Secretary Jones, C. J. }bluer; Har t. vey Childs,' Jap R. 0,. Grei, ohn Irwin; 3+4 - R. To nanorgook aL4f?itlirdICTUREllB. le. pfTTl3Dviten JOJUI T. RICILIMOIL .8 r4ml=ori & co. N souam, U 0.,) FOUNININ •AM MACHINISTS • Mainfiritnerts of OhMed Rollers of .all sizes, for Iron, Steel, :Bain; Zino, Conner, Silver, Gold, r , Boazdo,j'Aiper India Bobber Works; also; Solllell. Dltl Outings of all deseriptiowl, Bark Billie, Potent Doable Grinder, with a rani aI other 'patterns, always on hand and fated to order osishort notice and favorable germs. Office •uidiWateltsuse; 11l tifillthdeld street, Plttoburge.. s. MAcCrirtas..a.: irograly. A. r. NART a ntpX..CITY WORKS. gu k elalliTOSar ErEMPHILL dt f L741 . 1:0329 AIM mecanasTs c Onr : c apiso anti O'ILIRA, sad • n . ..." CE and WALNUT STREETS, Water Works,) m .i inti4 .447 l ca t 0 , 7 , 3 and other ENGINE% EoLuarecitura. 35 " 1 " 11 ";* KY, Oran kinds, and erteraljot ROLLING MILLProms attention' Y van to reps.'" PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 16 . 1/ A- I: ; :AIIRTHILLDGE'S PATENT , Oral Lamp Ministers, NASITi•CTILEZD OP XX.FLINT GLASS The.. Obinineyn . are Intended rot the Oat Raise, heating all parts of the glaze equally, does not ex "ier!"° c i a lft ki d g- Worti,'ZiLIPT.D.7% apl7 ItON,EAT Si BARNES ,t• CO., NO. 119 Third Street, Pattourek. Tpr, .AND • SHEET IRON WORKERS, and Manufacturers of , JAPANNED TM WARE. tritiittilovr manufacturing and have, on hand Bathinig r Apparstus of all kinds, Toilet 'Ware le Settm- Water Coolers, Grocers' Tea and Spice Oan, !eters, Wise and Spies Boxes, Tumbler Drainers. Spittoons, &a, 64. A huge lot of Bird Claps for sale low, - Oil Cans of all- sizes and patterns. Tin Ronan( ' Conduotom, and all Una of gotthing Wort dons to order apt° •—• 81460 K ,DIADIOND nREL WORKS, MI rap ultGlt iiARR • BROTHER & CO. • , ,t, -B>QUALM' FEEINE.D•OAST STEEL. 4. 1 4 i .-.. 40c .. .A•arant• 'daft) atj a liaps= Ilin ftil utsctitred Is ttilA . . . . - =8 the and warthdlthe, NOB. fdlisruAdlit:tar andanal= SZCOND 52111. rittllbllnh. sr fL 1 :11. Iff'STEEN BRAS FOUIf •CM:SS GAS- AND' STEAM ITTTEBS. . . w iiite l ttluit u p t sid ti to tli&. dttliz i tic ti t , nr i 7 . r , AND LEON COOKS made to order. Also, SR_ CASTINGS, of all kinds, made at the ...Mi. r t orders I it et Nos. St and 14 WATER street and LIBER'I4, will be iromptly attended to. --' illarNite members of this firm being proettral s► alaigksi.Of many year'• experieurelti their business, will; lasure. to glee satisfaction lh every respect. We lire valso agents for Guild, (Unison A Co.'s STE= Ide PIMP, for pumping Water, Crude and ntlildle lls , l". . PENN , MACHINE 'TURKS AND CRY. It.. WIORVIIIAX, .SNNOLNE BUILDER - AND MACHINIST, Ireitlicr, between Federal and Sandman , - 2' - AL WC; ..sanilhOtaret of WIGHTMAPPS PATENT ' POMMEL Ir :lILLAUNG LaTAIK • EN , &A. . : "Pril Altai 'Mended to -1.147 '01451Q -FOWNES L (I_4_to , of-tho firm, of iiinvgras RfalttOPl (tato iDf imm°eL!.l4" JL'fFDlfcG~.~a . romnrniili ti .,:,llol2oPanno .sitottiOfee,!,," VERESII SUP P L Y JEST REVEIVEDer . r. ( T u n : mcvg ingwf .1N USE roe Trans AND '2llOl.iBA - NTO - HAY* , Many " ":24: BY ,T 1.114. • DEAD ,TEM LIST, OVI4R. Ical—thueeFever.Congeationexullattemeisklee • f•?, 4 1 L pen - iad Ana tho ark p(Aisigir: the !mate end thehmmetonediaease. Pzima Met& J t t.2(0; l;-Cares Form. revvr, Warm Colic ea 4 Yap, iadoos Apjittlte, WIWI* the Bed. Price • " Roi It-Oath Celle, Teething, (trying and crokoa:a r tal447i, Slpir GiOw*44 roewooteos of I, 444 . 4, Irk" swot& . lcw i—earea Dant ei, Children or :.Cholera tatin wl,3dmn er ,Coead.mta.?PAWN yiti *kw , Afeii:ll and care the worst eases °Maeda 116. /I—Ourei Dysentery:or Bandy Pius. °snit " ') Chirp, IMILIcAut Uolle, Fell Dysentery. Pekoe if • No. e.—For phoiere;_Cholera. Morbtte, • Menet,' and AAt Mastic Breathing. %omits. •• • _ . NO. 7—Cure Coughs, 'Colas, Hoarseness, Ilsoa. shit% Influenza and Sore Throat. Pries sa cents: This sad Tin-Loeser MI to cure Ms - worst thAi • sad Consist No. 6-Corse Tootb.ache, Faooseha. Iterroola.• • t Aloe and 'No Doloreua. Price 35 canto. •• ..... • No. 11.G'unes neadsche, Sick Headaabe t 2'ettkok• Bush of Blood to the Head. Ptiee - ...... In addition with No. ID, It:never falls to aura tae ,'' most faveterate oases. - . r • - , No. 10—croinpyspepata, Weak; Acid or Dotemp - , • ' d Stomach, (Maatipatlort, Liver Oomplallth Onions Condition. Price a 5 cents. •+, - • • . Israttants for ail DISCO of Weak Diseettoa oaf •- BLLlow • ' tiomplalata. No. 11—Cures Suppressed Menu% or Beasty; Ch Pairduli or Delsding, Green Siamese. MS wag& - - • 12—Cures Loucorraeo or White., &min Down too Prottue Unmet, LS cent*. No. 12--Ctuei Croup, Hear. Croupy 'Cough , Difficult and (Vineland Breathing. ad oenta. No 14—Ones Salt. Rheum, ()rainy Eruption% F.ryillpe . laa, Scala Head, Barbera' Itch, Phopkei the Face: is eenta. • to—Cur,. Rhei:intim, Pain, Lamenere, or Sorenes• in the Chat, Bank, Side, or Limbs, et Palatka. 2.5 cent. • No. 16.—Cures Vover end Ague, Intermitted '' Ter, Dumb Ague, Old Inveterate AgueA. • No. 11—Cures Piles, Internal or Externs!, Blind or Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate. GO cent. • !Ibis remedy has' cured lb.:mamas of the wog* possible eases. .. No. 18—Cures - Optlitbalmia. Weak or labored . Eyes or Eyelds, Failing or Weak µeat. IP plata. It may alwaya be relied upon for • ours. 19—Cures Catarrh, tionte or ohronto, eerie Cowing, Cold in the Reed, Influenza: SO matt No. 20—Ourcs Whooping Cough, sbortenag pallating it, or Spasmodic Cough. so cents. It infallible, and always relieves and curer. No. 21—Crires Asthma, Oppressed, Difficult, law boned Breathing, Cough and Expectoration, Pries SO cents- , , . • lluMinde have been mired by No. V2-4ores Ear Idecharges, Noise ta. naw, Impaired Nearing, Earache. No. Itt—thin Savant.. Enlollge& Ghouls, ■247 Ton.'la Swelling. and Old Ulcers. 110 canto. • M:=:===l No. 24—Cures General Debility, Physical or Roar TO. Weakness. 60 Cents. , .•, No. 25—Cures Dropsy, Fluid Accumulatidn= ego Swelling", with Scanty Secretloco. , .N ge—CuresSeaSieknesa ProattatiagFertlga „„. Nausea, Vomit Lug.. AO cents. . • Bad ita Pesos 17 41 a most efrigitt 1 1 4166 y known, rir au relied upelias•iurlionra. Ni.ll,oorea San Month oe stoma, Mame ; Mouth of Adults or Crllares, and also Neuman and Votaltlng of Pregnant Females. GO moth. t Ceres st ones. 30-onres Urinary IneontLunen, Wettheie the Bed, too t? request, or Budding Minn. Una. al—Cuns ?sinful Menstrastlaa. Praire" Oradaa cd Spawns, Pracittla, Bahia& sad Irritap Ilya Female& ft fak • .adWs Ilke a charm. ra—()urea Sniffling at. Mane of Life, lan. ularlUes, • Flushes of Wet, Palat.loo. Sad POtal, dOl !°!!*•• f! 'IS • ' ' Na M-45wee hiptheris aati brae mai4 Sere Taman. IR meta. • No. s 3 -Corn Conn:Mons or poems of Llamas or Adults, and Orampa of all kinds. No. 14-L.Curea "Billonineen. as Want of AppetlW Lowne ea of Narita, Jaundice, OotastipatUn, andl Liver Complaints. No. 35—Cures Boil., Carbuncles, and any Sores of the kind. Pro.36—Cures all Acute Skin Eruptions, as Som. let Fever, Measles, Chicken Pox, &a. No. t---Cures Chronic Coughs, 'Nervous Corffhi Dry Cough, sod Cough with expectoration. . • No. 38—Cures Snuffles or Catarrh to the hood of Infants, /tattling of Mucus in the Throat. Rota—Caro Cotualintlonsi Ditpoiltiop to kt: quellt Attacks of Iteadoohe. • No. 4O — C -- C, uret Copttitotional Dloposltiott to Sr vial family ease • MO el 20 vial family ease, , mortioeci 20 vial calle r plata- 8 02 US vial ease ' • • ' •- ala • ' at vial Plildelaa's ease . POND'S EXEB.AOT OP HADLUINGIC .. . , • . - . . .. . . • • , ~.;;.- sans, seal as,batamuise two Ward o ,raina, Rheumatism, ella, Mos*, Obi •' • 1... ... am, __. 0 ehe. A li Me a edam Pelee ,'. w ct z— Tili r „ supplied at . New York-pager. Our Nese&Lrs kr SAIL • Lark over the lua, matte up a Q.,lse ni 'Wbat that , you choose, and inclow the amnuntLn elltmait 1 note or stamps, by mall to my address, and medicine will be duly returned by mall or oprou-. - • tree of charge. FULTON, . . • Fifth Street, (Dayalch Bulldtnt, ' Second door below the Post 011:lee, tea Wholesale taint for Pittabargh . , . . COUGH NO MORE. • • TRY sTEICIELAAD.9II NELIXEITIOTIS DOUGH BALSA* MMUCKLAND'S Mmumwtuelds'obiacti:—. BALSAM fa warranted to atre Coughs,..Colaa'..;f:a Roarsenelai Asthma, lilloopinu Couhi' Ikea % a , Throat, Cenatmptloa, and aU •=lettOim For Drt= Getteral.riert4.4ll*..,l ..„.-; • ! 337.11itiiatei.aL; ARIA@ Idadleal Min and !Le ereeteleen ' DR. STRICKLAND'S ANTIAMOLERA. 'MBEs,' the only certain remedy to/Diarrhea ppm- tery. It- la a. aomblnalloa of - Alliststaimehtir .Ahaortanta, Stimulant:land Canalnattres .Ira:ranted to effect a rare alter .11 *Uwe amail Dare gor las biproadota: Generil•Teapet,ll.geelE4. 7 rgILTUIEIaIe 044,0,4 1. 0 * '• .61 , 4 . STRICKLAND'S FILE REMNDV • -- DR'STIIIONLRND+B• PILE, , ILSOLEMITI hist cured thousands or the 'Worst Cues of. I3Uutt oat, Bloat:Ws Piles. Itglres Immediate roller., sod IL fluto alerutzuent ours . . Try It throatly. ; - For sale bT all Druggists. - Gulag Ftirpotot Sri Fourth street Otholluuttl, • . r Dyop 6 Paial .Nervonßuese, -• DR. STItIOICLANDII TONIC. -`' • • • - We can reeommend those sofferlig with lase Agrilig. indigeetion. or Dyegstrounamit snot Natrona iiebutty, to WO Strldriaa t a's Tosts It Is a . regetebie preparation, free front alastioller - liquors; it strengthens the whole nervous rrest , -. It creates ngood sppotitt and is Warranted. sem , Dyspepsia and Nervous Debility. For sale by Druggists uwerelly. Prepared WA. STRIDRI...D. g East Fourthitred, Chi ennui'. O. For sem by DR. /31£0. g. .tursra, etnw) Wood street and Virgin CO. r comer of Wood and Second sires Mites halo; 'and by PARK & 8R1LL,N0.77 FORT]' 241',A.RS PYACTIC.IS IN riuxues lIIMIABERV • Gives we • knowledge seldom acosdred byPayid- • clans. My tong resat:we In .thw. city, and • tinount of patients Imatea Aziatall7 by. sufactent.proof of my success. • SPEMMATORRItaIkierSEXIIAisWEAXAMMI And all diseases arising therefrom, are cured-in s 'musk shorter time them betetefore .by my NEW ;, 4 VMGETABLEAIEDIEDIES. Itedlt.thez tent 141' any part of the Melon.' A/netters muSaccintato Manly tally rentroljorrespott!laseshiall - • neve& um.* diffartatt — MadS - neatlnMs mond. A4dseas J. W. BBAxs g, • ----- - - - - VIANHOOD: HOW LOST,LHOW HIM -, ',/ ......TOILEDI—Just paltsbedAT a .“ale.l TAT* . gpe. P:i . ety SLT Cleats: .A.Lcteird on the rfaculeT. "trea=and Radical Care of SpefT*OrTikomi ~ . liZsakofts, invetustarr. ic , ~ t3asual Debilltyi -and Xm 4 4 , generally; Nenromss, oa mg....and Fits; Mental mufthystall-tmplclty roe it. from - StitebuTim BT R: 2, . 0 Miavlit.t 4 wzvr,; an Ihoeutherat alkelGresa aabi 4ka:, , P11k4,04 -11300WAY.3.,WWWMPR OVA IM :. .Bent k ,N**.,AKO,, la 0.-POlxiiial* , 4% siii 1 drela, pon Imo, ou IT , V of' siz too ' Ting ..,, , t ruse . "" tamp., by DFL..Is - alarm -1W ' u 40.. 9.: 'V oik i 1'9.4 V010111k0; VOL . um . . . . =MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers