Tittoturr o lit 6axiiti ./ 1 . 4 Y 14 " r e - F T 1 111 P . CIZETTII ITBLISRINO ISSOCIITIOY FEBRUARY 3,180 i 'TUE ORO WWII OE TUE CI T. Twenty-fonr years is not long in he life of a city ; yet when we-look back to 1810 we See how great has been the growth of thistcity Nihilist that consparativeli short; period. - We give 'below the total tote In this city and. Its imniedlate neighborhood„, in 1840 and 1884. at the Presidential Elec tions of those years ; and a ' glance will . show how rapidly the territory immediately adjoining the two cities has -filled up with poptilation. , - • Allegheny. city bas :the same c orporate limits now as then Ibut - the fourth' ward alone now polls more votes _than th ' whole city-.did then. :The - total vote f that city In 184.0_wm ~; 1108 -; in 1801 it, a 5,4898. :„ Surniunding the altj,ini e the north and west, in the former yeari was the township of Reserve, widelfAe4.PoliCd : only 100 votes. Since then;_lfinchester rind . Bri quet* boroughs ant IPCiure township have,been formed out of partsof , it,Lnntl llto tourney cast 1708. votes—about 8 sb 1. - -...• - The city of Pittsbuith prope l r e lhen em braced only the first lie. wa of, the present city. ' Beyond it on the `nit lay the township of Pitt, 'stretching from river to river, unt ofvatieh foisrlar i ge wards' have since been cut; and , elongside of it, Ilecbles township, Ord of whist. Collins, township has since been thawed. These are all now practically s part of the city: The whole of Pittlownship polled only 534 rotes in Igo, while what is ,left of iti and the , the wards ; framed 'out of it; nand poll 11797 votes. Lawrenceville, which alsb lies just east of the city, has increased its 'vote from 110 to 824. Taking the whole or this little strip which twenty-four years slnea gla died the city on the east,.the increase is from 10:.6 to 5580- 7 r.early 5i to 1. : Cu the south the increase ism little greater. In 1340 the township of Lower St. Clair stretched from Six-mile run to: Charders creek, and polled 523 votes. dut of this Las since been formed the boroughs of East dlimaingham, South and West Pittsimigh, lilocongsle!a and Temperancerdle, and the loweildpi of Union and Chartiers, .not to Spear( of a considerable slice tit}' off in Conning Baldwin tOwnsti excluding Baldwin township, no or more than 8 to 1. Our attention was called to t • on looking over the table of t Pue;ddent. in 1840 and compar that 0fi8!,14, and. as it is so Ins give our readers the .benefit of [ "tend the table of the election int' nay Row fairly be regarded as I ono city: . The total vote of trice in IMO was 6,138; it is shoWing that the population ' - usibuplcd in 24 years; '. • . Pitlebargh, 1810-- Plash rgk, 1-141. That Ward -. MI First Ward ' ass Scworallihred • 647 -.-CennullW,erd 618 Third Wandl64 , Mira 'W ard 1,4a0 Rnt% Ward.,:-.. 065 .Totirtnpard , 732 figtb7''"/-- .' -6 " clia:Vral --,. .. III: . Seveath Ward.... 07 6841 Eighth ITard. Ma Ninth Via.-et • E. 44 . 1141.0 n ~ ' . ' P _,T . . Allegh Flick lOrarn..; - r . 419 lint Ward eDY. 1140 . &nand Weird . . ... , ,168 Second Ward. 1,050 wig'S ward - 4 0. Tatra Ward-. • • 1,375 rowel. - Ward 40. Tourth'Ward—.... t,530 flteec , rve 4LS -nceerre...l .... .. 190 i 31d ' iur6- •• • .. ' ... .g 3 ' -• ' . 1-14?°064arr• r•ar.' .an , aluquesne --11 - ILAwremoacille 116 Lawrenceville.: .. VI - Olrealngßarn. - ..... 116. BlitalUgham-..,-:..7 MI . (Etiat RtintinbioTlttsburgh n. ass ..r •- - - _• . . Saran ass •,. . west Pittsburgh.. 1% Ur fe, st.: ce3tr.... 0.3 i Yoa is o:getg:i ne 15 - - -• .- . cuitleity - . .:.: wo • , Lower e r iiiiir...- a3on6 - a'alca - ' . 'STATE - OP:. COUNTY . FAISON S VCR A I.ll§ - ROIISE:St IN ivr,s,.'sY INANIA. -, We have Meelved front t. e President of- - the "'Philadelphia Soelely . or ,Alleviating,. 1 4 *he Miseries of Public Prise ,"' a copy of an 'address' to. Coveinhr Curtin' on 'the stale of.; -`448...A.:0unty Prlsona end Altar,- I,o nunt !fl Punntylvindz." toiw - bicn the Gor-. enrol: called the favomblo attention of the Legislative in his annual Message on the 411-day of January last. • This society was organized, originally on the 2rl day et' Feb .ruary,citr, andre.organized May tith, 1187 „. a few:diyi &fore the COBV4IIIIOn met that, framed our National ,- Constitution , ;Vont that Ameto the present; a few , plittanthro • piste. In the ',City of brotherly-love," im bued with the .spirit - of thrt illtedrious- and diatinglitthed !lowans), . his c, through the cooperationef tome of the:rriends of hauoui- By in different. parts of th a t State, , been del 'So.-frig their energies tow ds the securing of r...reforMin the crecutidu of .prison dis .-- ciplitin throughout the. Commonwealth. Their operations hairei, n carried on so SilerdlX that - their organ' hon hat scarcely been known- to have an e ':.tence;- IA Juno last, Governer . Conrrst re letters: to: a conneittee, appqnted by. the x -Soeicti, `,!re ? : questing that . hey .inig , t be allowed to visit and examine the prisons and poor houses:throughput the- i Commonwealtfi," and the address before us contains an ab straeVocthe ,reports madOay these special agentri:A:Particular Sitt6tition is called to! the constracuon of prison hours, separate confinement, clesnlinesa, order, propriety arid moral and—religiottahotnictien. In all of these there is much Iroom for improve ment. So fax — a - a our eXperlence and ob servation Wkly..: Syloulil;say n',• radleal re form is demanded In the whole system of prison discipline. The tlnfortutiatc inmates of our Jails shouldbe supplied with suitable toolrN and receive regular moral and reit ema: fiarticibik: It . Will be. Jemetabina that the attention of the people of this county was called to the, subject of moral ref. In one prisons, ty the Grand Jury of the October term of tile , Court of Quarter licit:V.. Id/Mush. Gil' .forenian, Idpjor VrtliatiFittii. Ai it, little - .leis hee' Anne In the matter, 'but We hope that philan thropists will . now bestir thesiselves, and that the Legislature . will bestow upon the Subject the: ittentinn. iblekiniimportince demand", . .. ,i , , . _ I. - ~• „ TALLY t The tree States's:n.spending ' quickly ret o andanaidbily hi favor 'f the amendmentio the i Conatitutien abohihing sia-iory. The_ [Gaitlei States yestilday gave their assent err _ Illinois ; r re,y icbic • Mau a;I Maine. PcnnsTlionlit will Irspe, awl soon eire recordod.itiiTOte on t' , . . 11XICARNABLE iTIII.I rEAT.—PrOfO9 . Nor ow York, . who has 'ham arrivedit _ Quincy last --Hondy, on skates, having Stictted;all-the front St, Paul: 'He left „. theSt Paul on 9th inst., ant t'eachediglltht• g . 'CY on the 23d, tntielta the.whoe distance' 7 - . . of itso tidies in fourteen dity#,' l 4 o l ) Pllrtg on the way to deliver, leatnrea:' ilo found the len ansooth and beautiful, slid clear of air • ' holes lie hid a eleinstretch .ito.ro-St. Paul to quinty, and he howled down the globe, over flyer degrees of ',latitude; without meet , gag with - an` - ft^ is One of the anCst extra Ordinary feats on record. . E . , italonV a nrovAto. 21..,111114_11.pregMld. iu L urteelilor.mndi4— patehes, 3e. trnh y,w as so modest :.toi un 4:htrosive, that it probohly o>citcal h at tentionthrat it deseAes. It marlts as bro - A ly en era impmgress es the adoption ct the Constitutional Amor,dmtut nolishing very, and It wsis fit Una. it shoUld follow that so promptly. trfere'lt is: `l. S. Roil, (eoloiel) of the Elprenic • court of .15Inssachusetts, ••vro to lay, on motion of Senutir Sumner, aluilth as an` Attorney and CounstP.or of the Suprume Court of the United States." Only think! It is but a few years since this very Supreme Court decided that a bleat man had no*rights that a white man was bound to-etepect; and now it admits a black man to practice his profession before it! Judge TANSY never dreamed that such a thing could happen in that, the highest court of the nation, within sir _months after his death. Such an announcement, five years since, would kayo wakened the nation like the shock of an earthquake; nowit is regaided an a matter of 'Course, and aline into the tel egraphic column asa mere ordinary item of news. Eire years ago, this black lawyer could not bare'traveled on 'the cars from 'Boston to Washington; and five years ago the bar of the Supremo Court would have considered itself insulted by his admission. la ,a wonderful stride and, thank Godi in the right direction. We wonder what Chief Justice Wotan- WARD would say to Such a motion in his courtY And yet we hope he may' live to have to swallow it. IFlowAre the Peace. Commlestoders to bo --- -- Received? It is no longer doubtful that certain per sons, whorofess to come to the North from the country ip possession •of the rebels on an errand of peace to our-Government, are on the way to. Washington. If the chief executive power of the United 'States were lodged In such humble hands as ours, we _should not hesitate in what worda to address Mr. Etephens and his associates. We should, say to them : "You come es representatives of the rebel government, 'which holds, as Fri: orlon, multhtries of our loyal brethren captured in war, and having them in its rower, is pitilessly dooming them to a slow and torturing death by famine and by ex•- pcsArrc to the Inclemency of the elements. Every exchanged prisoner who return, horn captivity adds a new chapter to th^ history of these horrors. The -truth of there accounts have been carefully investi gated and fully confirmed. The linnets of no barbarous nation show examples of cruelty more frightful than those of which your, government has been guilty. Thirteen thousand of our gallant piling men, the flower of our population, have been de liberately starved to death amid ' the rich plantations and abundant granaries of Geor gia, and still the cruel work of torture ond murder goes on.' You are part or 'that go v eramest ; you are men Of eminent shuttl ing among the rebel population and high in their confidence, And you must hear your part in the respoiisibility for these crimes If we were to seize your persona and put shackles on your legs and condemn you to break stones on the highways, and hold ynn as hostages until our people now in your hands receive the treatment which is their. due, we should deal mildly with you. If we were to -erect gibbets in front of the Capitol and hang each of you with your bends downward till you died,sthe retalia tion would pot be more severe than the offence, tO:sd, — if inflicted on you only, it would Anl rei! of being commensurate with the provocation. Yon and your associates Lave by these cruelties made your names an abentination to the ,world while the history of the ; rebellion is remembered. "You solicit peace because you are driven JO extremities. Bach is the truth, however, you may seek to disguise it from the world. lint our first duty Is to our brave and un foitunatisoldiers, whom, day by day, you are putting to a cruel death. Before you -ask mercy for , yourselves you must show merry to them. Go home, and ind. si Pro st that . this ford work be ininstantly.stoppe vide emir brave fellows, who -havehad the -ndsfortnneto be your captives; with angle -, lent'and voomy ?shelter, ample clothing, and I. Mtolesome and abundant food. When you have 'thus saved , from death those whom your cruelties-am sending to the grave by lingering tortutes,•then, if ever, it will I 0 time for you. to talk of peace. ' Till them 'our Ixabjcence,-autkers are: thelernia who esptuFed Fort Fisher and the army which has just mug its triumphant marchiihrough the heart of Georgia.' , We do not presume to conjecture in vrbat manner Mr. Lincoln will receive the persons who are styled peace commission . pr.. il'e lenct rnacerptalde of wham. 'Mr. Vsphens, coming 'on a like errand at au earlier period of the war, was sent back' frc m our lines— But. this we will say, that sif our government, 'mindful of the condi tion of our suffering brethren in the bands of the rebels, and more • attentive to their Ws Ifan' than to 'that; esf 'their cruel tor; mentors - and murderer& • should give the Southem'embassy- to understand that their hands were, too bloody to entitle them to an 'audience until some port of the guilty stain 'fuss removed by imolfsmali reparation as is yet In -their power to make, the country would resound with accelatnations of sp plante.--,Ness Foik Part. WO Cut p. These, • poll 1;175, MEM= o vote for lng, it with =tire we it. We stp , tricts which Iconstituting his city dis now 20,979, has nearly AU Abotti General Sherman. _, , The venicious New Y ,r 1 correspondent., of the London Morning Ocrahl writes this th ry about the insanity Of General Sher man: , .. "We are ofilejally informed that Secre tary Stanton-bus jtnt made a visit to Gen. Grantls hrothinarters. to discuss the* im pending - military operatiOns. 1 heir, from It trustworthy 'source, that his conference "hinged unon A swell authenticated report that tie first captain of the federal see trice, Wm. T. £thermanhaa actually Wome huarte.:., When this startling rumor wascir," spieled thrOugh the street one day last meek'. the-priee 4f, gold depreciated ten per cunt.. Gtateratt3ttetman, it. Will he: retnembered, WoksuddenlY'removed from command in rttile West two years ago; and insanity "Was' girbi throe .1:b the press, al - the cause of the ‘ lainge.'''rhis 'successful general' is of a •wrvonaLtVinpertrineitt and dysivaptic hiatit, laabverfeseltable; anti it is now repgrted• tbat,the Iptignes aud labor of the Georgia, tainpulgn,have overtupuni Iris reason.. This , etatementliuds belief -with- some of the wannest. , adrulrera. of,the. - General; and friend's ofrthe Administration openly assort that it was the "Impelling' MIMIC for Man. ton's Untried •stsit to the , camp of General Grant. ...It IS further 'stated General Oliver 0. Tioward igiabeen placed in command of -:Sherman'a anni." , tilternsan:s capture of gwrannalt Is thus , accounted for; • the poor man knew ao het a (Cr. C. CIATTILIZTIOTICI ur TLIE.BOSTOS CM:IILn- . se To idISSIONIK—The orthodox congrega , tions of this city are accustomed to take up' - their collections for the American Board in thti Month of January. 'The home secre t/IT* has felt it his dmy to ask for II :50,000, in view of the high price of exchange; and there is good reason to believe that ads sum will be obtained.. The 0 d South gives $10,0 4 30; Itasca Street is expected to con tribute a similar. amount; Mount Vernon will approach 6,000. If the churches In other large cities co-operating with the Board shall manifest the saute liberality, this institution will he able to dose its cur :rent financial year without embarrassment. .—Besion Trarellsr. _ Torturr.---b tdikey was exposed, for stile in the Petersburg market yesterday toi ning, ut the small figure Se veral years ago this sum would have bought three or four flee Loss, two or three barrels of meal, a quarter or two of beef, a bar . relof molasses I:quantity of coffee and behold sugar, with the chfresene a !latee!-: R turk ic ey niond e 4ig. addd. Now 11,7 011 ow suit to-day, we free Shale will hare Te.sidc of Freedom. TLIE scandalous divorce case in New York revealed that 3irs..Millspaugh did not.love her husband because, although ho dressed well, he was slovenly,. never would wear idd gloves, and always had tv rod nose. It was the red nose thavestranged, her •'sae. lions. That was the domestic flrebnmd. • IT is said, owing to a falling og in the supply .of ntl-ekine, in Pans, this season,. there will, ptobebly, be a riscin the price of " extra kid•gioves." . - • . . _ IstAtiaszr.--Nins *Mien belorting tO the troops balm transferred to ISolluir, . froze to dealt' In the house cars on Brlday.nlght, while riding over the Central Ohlaltesd.— Register. N _. tigAl 141,54 ii 11a.:137::17".", . The. hour Co. • am.-1 Tim arot 7 ". l, i to th , Crazr • oli Immrl! ann forth r pre:- 1.:.'..g :13 for final drvlrian. to tr,t p-...' {lll,-.. g3+3.3 . 1 . 3. , ; 31k..r, 3, ti. ..r of rrndid wt :a riklng 7.latrao to t.ultalina on the t r n r ..,l 7 . hide. I 313.801s114181,381.1C.; over the prc - tba 7, 7, i • An 4lballl Dcm., of Pn.1.11- 631Y11133.3 foladd a brachial paper - , wh!ch he j0y:111..,.. ,6 anve.or rote'and Call3S ,onirr .alter. of IL: rr1 , 31- 11„;,. Ahr..,r.orr F.. Coffr-th, r reBo - .I.ViLIII . /barict. rola., In all 0111 w hie and maul! argument, 10 131108" the peace no am. od and the policy In amend. Applanre. on -the Republlcan side gteetNitlies , new to Freviem 11:v15...William 11. elliter. of Prnhayirstin Orlin Woo 'biniten election by Geo. F. 'Daher, Union.) es,steses pre-Slavin Democracy, end lin,st-a on ke. ping his party fbot on the rime, 1...” Gazer - re baler. fat The galleries aro gettlug crowded, the dery of jter.. ;.w. e. Ir. R. Deroseroav Or vicn. the Ham tilling tip. j, ii t ,rrue non, February t, Anson Herriick, Dem. teeli District of New , OT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TILIT York, next giVes (rani : end slateeeirmilke re, rho I Ir.. of T Mager rent. Treasury Cone whs, holi es view, nut ehull I nee, `cell be redeemed at this office, on and idler 1 the istli teat. Change Isle vote. ; e 1.,. ie e flne Tone 6 per cent. Treasury Notes. In the initial of the speokigg, - and that loirelue; ; will be redeemett and pe r paid on and atter which always cheracterizes a critical vote noon tkace it• y. C. W. BATOURt.oIt, _ a great ,inution, It I? Whisperedthat thren 10...5td D. S. Depository. Fewer Couttelsoiemes, Sit:rens, Runt, and i 11( e,E—A. liKtelsE AND LOT Campbell. are. on their,way here—thai they were I L ~ ; moires Pu. Pike. Road in R town at City Feint last night. A few lielitvs, hat treat „ en the - Plank Road 100 f. et, and run niest people say "gold gamblers' news." . ell, Ladl feel. to a road 40 leel wide. on which I;3ohe „l.lr7ll.l":,Hcoofin:rcol.alling.nskis., Heade of Bureaus, pi omment civilians line j." r. ('rich. Pear, nod Apple Tree.. am bearing tingnlshed strangers, ell the spaces nut elate of the pe VMes; to good order: bo odd low. Pa circle. eeee STEM , : I.Fli HAXTF.R, The Intermt becomes intense. The di,ouptiou No. t St. [Nair .t ., Pittsburgh. of the Demoeratie party now eotug .11 iv 1721t,h- h; AUT IFLL SUBURBAN - 1 1 E 317- ml with antler:Action and 30y tipMa thn `t Try:, c Fine ,ALE.—Pleasantly situate in eon side of the House; anxiely. end gloom I.oOde 1.1 c.ai.t nOilitnton, twenty mtnutss walk from the obstinate body onsrd l Slevcry, whose cen. , 0 , 111 aannonhoi Bridge, four large c cund, feet front on Filch street by treating . lines bremr. l with the breaking up of t . ,eet, to svcsmoro street: Soon railing 1n front their party. no Nlth shoot: two .1007 dwelling house. portico, James Brown. Dewier:de of cellar. t cemented cistern erm s, opitefutly initiestes tie Intention to vole agnust t ond eorrkee raft abildelrre, Tt freedoM. Aaron Hardlne. of ", erilee tr i n. 1441 end "Border Stine Unionist," bless the mark' makes , SONS. .1 1 61 Market st. a melancholy effort to poke fun at y sett D. em- . eratie converts and rams the it-I - rel:it , i.'n.or TT .1- 71{611 )1 .! N F• bark under the protection of Pie s it el tUtion, ,env mega: rsow. R il tl 4l l , S , F r. N , en.,) Merein Kalbffehib, Deemer:lt, of ...kiyo, reads a long - pro-Slavery ceneset tien vi.;.• 1, et- ' C. Zi N S B A CM INISTR, s Pale retention and 11,1 :.elntero of all size, for p. m.— The hour for .r o c I 1-1,4•1, 'never. Silrer. Geld. the fact is tolil ,l Ther ,l 11 i" SP • • , r lioardf; PNpor 011,1 'tidbit Rubber Works; Kallolielseli nuly at tee e. 2,1 -1, of nil poliCiao, _s t 3 he zrilitr I• Potent r color, with 3 ratio. p.igei. mol 01 e. 11. request gir.aut.cd, l'lle•c and WarebaZri f l lo o The galletier are woHerfolis ••.• I i C e.—TIIIS women an- in, intim* th, .. I • b 2 cieinifit, wig be Supreme ('curt and the .1- rnele ",: r : h 6l oner bete treeeferred rem..., • aferole •, cent, S.W re .—A 1 10 ' o "''' "• ' "'- e. -I.' , T..b.e, 11 .1r oat Diran, ' HAir And Critilde , on .0.- Inc • of n, I • e. 01 120, kern •nd Loftin:n.l Settees, test vr.te. Tee most ea.ne-t atteni -.:;„ r.m , a : Iti f iruiii 80,0011, Corte./ and Piste to the •11 the. I". • ' 4l ` r l. Low root P.'3lo.llfids, on and ittio •: Ik , Le. Olen 1'1.31 14, Merle tat Iry t•ldei.en rici.slia, Cook Sir's. and Flask. Coe reeirsethe ettemet rho 71111,1'm , t .a. will f,ll. but there are Wig e t in , l.:ll I 11 tike 1,111. Altecittees dem in; "aye. ' ono "o." The Is Ur a 1.73 Clerk, het tioledr.i 1 t d...•1 ,-d.l is weispers through the 111 noes. It is not 'alder!. p. teet-Qe.e-elou talyel new on lb. mo- Bon to recor.enler the r of loot by which the preiseo.d 10:1 fo- wont of tsyeetbirds. The Hun,' fete to recor.sidor, Ayes 119, "Spy= Now commence effort: to 5:100 0? the {lll4 vote. Robert Mallory Tun.) of Ky., with a menace 10 what etem,e sh shooed elle to pursue. appeals to Mr. Aohl.y to let the 1,1.1, go overfill tomorrow. Wee - Dante:nate elemor for this delay. klr. Ashley refuses and stomie Oro, this being the accepted time and the tiny of SitiVeill.o. The final vote imeine. Down the roll we go to Jew,* R. English (Dom.) of Cons., who TOirs ..aye." A bu rst of spill-lose greets this sue:peat-xi .reenit, mid the Internet bermes thrilling. The Speaker's hammer felt heavily, and restoreeellenee. (fferk—"J , ohn Rmmed' "Aye." Applause acme; repressed 11.1111 i.e the Spalker, Angry calls among the Democrats iad great Irritation of feeling. Ciere—"Wells A. Hutchins." "Ave." A stir of a•tonishment In the reporters' gallery. "William Radford." "Aye." A movement of setiefactionall over the House. "Dwight Townsend." "No." "Ah, if Harry Stebbins hail been well enough to stay teat vote bad not been given," said n senator. Gierk—"Schuyler Colfan.." “Aye." The voting is done. eciirift resells, run op the illvislon (Lots. One 'hundred and nineteen to !" Hurrah! &r en mare rhea fro, Weds! The Clerk whiopera the result to tee Speaker. The Speaker annonnees to the Houle whet the inedience quickly Interpreted to be TITS 311011 rt roe, ?TOL? TIM XXX.VIII7II Atlnnleav CM onnss nen ATIOLIIIIITEI2 AsreMelle Seavenr. The tumult of ley that broke oat was not, - thendering, and uncontrollaide. Represeuto three and euditore on the floor, soldiere sad ape ctatore fa the gallery, Senators and Supreme prone Cant Judges, women and pages, give way to the excitement of the most' aorta sod Important event to American Leglelation sad Amerieati Historyslnee the Declaretion of Inds. pendent*. • fled Bless the XXNVITith Congress! The work done In securing the passage of this hill has been immense. It has yahoo' tee labor of an entire month, night and day, to seenre the of jority which today go delighted the Nandi er freedom rind of himieelty, and en astounded 11,. allies elearery. To two Republicans In particular doe the na tion owe a dobt of gratitmie—to Jemes M. tab le), :of Toledo, Ohio, and Alert:sine Frank, of Warsaw, New York. They held the laboring oars. The Democrats Were sure of deafeatihq the ;In moire bj a large majority up to this enon;ln elmel they felt sure of It up to the final voting. ,The Republicans were not sure-of ewes, till last night. ' - _. 'Three batteries orregtdar artillery have just ;alnted the grand result with a hundred guns In I the heart of the city. 1 s • - - reit,* ripest Needed to RettiOns aid Raring 01 11.11LIMELN OIL .AND CO. The Stockholders of the shore r locap3oy I.ll33neet at the °Mee of RODE.IIT WILLY, Jr., N 0.4 Mood .trect, on 11117RSDA , the lth da• of rebrusry neat, rat 3 o'clock, for the purpose of or. R. Subscriber , are .requested to call on Roßeicr Jr., and pay up the •mount of the, net.. wildfowl on or before thst date. NOWT WRAY., Jr.. jaal d wd Son. emd.Trenit. pro fem. reDERAL OIL COALMAN Y.—There L.._2 will be n reveling of the Stuchnolders of thc . VEDENAL. OIL COMPANY, at lho °Me • of the Company, No. 71 Wood etreet,on TUESDAY, the '71.1. d•ty of Februmy,lBo, at It .37010 ck 0. M., .fOr the trmasetlon of Imminent buntnesa. Stock- . 'hOldots are requested to Mem/. Ily order of the Board of Dtroctors. A. M. ILLS. r. joo .. .Iwo 'SECOND_ 13141E1L AIZENJILENL". 1 .1301171ty IliCesOlzbasos: • SAC I/ =ceiling held on tcoMday evening, January 21, the enrolled men of the ward, onlocrlbmt the sour or 81.100 70 cn the spot. • ~ tt IA1(601111: HUNDRED DOLLARS from. each Man to Sill the IpuMs.: 'Unless - Cm men come atrl .Übentibe Ilberslly Utat the . Wire amount , mny be raised lsolOodh4l.T. Project will - be Abandoned. ' Mottled', wIll•be held on THURSDAY 'nu- HAT, and t3ATURDAY•DVENINOS, At 114