-:,r-- -- - I---.NO. 35. V °LUTA F, Nitfoltirgit 6ita VERY LATEST NEWS TI4,EGIIA GEN: SHEERAN'S THE' FINISHING' CAMPIIGN I • . • ' r PL • HD: • •PLINIT 1 IN :11CHIIOND • = • • tier. Yotts,dan i 8 ilnses coltilderiflpitthe.prealentl e4trhoogn: began Shaman yitlite ; oftlie tebilitid; siid dEreierce, . troopsnotolOg frail tbo Wlst nro to relnforin *minion, Torry or,Grintt. It looks to see woeli inoirement carried s peedily to a slicassfeil Nerotinatlon.:, Iti.kopmt Mr. tlatr will now re rntin toilet; and ss.tt ttos onitjtblng necessary to aecciinpfLill record IS Ike) 'destructLiu of Lees The lier A's Nts!litaxtinlapceKeys that 3fr• lair reports plenti of pence men In R ichmond, end - mewls 'wrangling and dnielens.ateong. the eche' leiden, * hut all are tioldstlinve — and natCh rat ofreitelt other L thist no !ovedone to - make on advance toirrindeaaelrd Orartares for the eccsa tlon or hostilitlekNrid iticreruid iG 1141 neon dr lan4iter by:thern;:notniittiteadlat, all their ro ;:'ntdleasten;lO-ninU'ielle-nicitic 'desPerato nrians;and mon likorouely enforal4: iheLeoiiecrlption of ;bite men to st&leratileirlittepeitainne,:•"r'l . ~ Paper / o .2y—Lalie Cominercu.-Sherman itiluforced—usage:giDlnaitera-rearres• paullenttfelea4ta-- . .L05 : .una.,..11 llro2 . !yish7 tra.4)huliikaa4 ?Lee.: '. .'... i Nrw Yona, Jan. 2i.-+-I . l. 4 rapeetal says The Senate Ylnanea Von! .nix , nt equally allilelcd on. the paper dut3 qu4stian. - The friends .of the ine4niak 4:o,t s iiro - fot I.;.iet early nest The Ifirakits Illifebingtun special says: Oen. N. nits Emit ot Basket:Mier, and Riehardson Mad Itrnitn. of.the!Trtorov. will be examined by IYn et:M:lllitre on the Oididuct of dm War - . The latter will furnislit.wrgaent ask #n detail, and:iwona to. Delegailona frota r, " C lake cities am- In Wnsltingtote: tt - Uovenament for protection.p:,hdteicenatimmtc , ,tittral -- dtpots, gunboats, navy yards and fet attentions loom up in the future. Mayor !Sentor_ and bell. it. O. Frusone,nt Cleveland, had an audience with the, President - 9'6MA= Onthe subject, and p&-sented tesoltitions from their City Councils and Board oti'vade, - whlelfweter graciously received. The Ilfrecrif.Foic Royal , lettcr_mentiens the sit e:reinforeetecrits fo'r Sherman's ar troclis so far received a',u veterans. Abe Richton/4 , Dbpatch now sells for .t 1 ceits.Per Single eOpy; and at $:,1) per hundred to -The :Richmond; ,Enlairer speaking of-Brag,g's rereatee: dices tern says: lhe calamities In dicted by 'Gen.-Bram uponour etr:Ve. has done clinch to tolltot FiesidentDavis,wholas retained hhp.in:ectiannand;*spite . ottlie last public wish. The Let ead.rot k of ta, waif it Fort-Esher.. lie is 'Mir endialetinm to Shift apartthe , shoulders othje rAtran and protector, or, withlt to.drag down Gen. tee; ' he. did Oct; Jelinston. it net- high time that the service. wag relieved to;tetber of -' • ' • • • .The Richmond Eagt.irer announces the release of 31r. Francis, corruspandent the New York inrfrl, who was captured le November last, and No , rim-, been confined In Castle Thunder. • -- The lYihningten ,toornof, of. the 20th, says Their 1056E6 at Fort Faller are et - crone hundred killed and, four or five hundred , wounded.. Onr leas hx.killed and vroftuded:is not less than three thniaraod. Of course the: fall ot Fort :Fisher necessitates the fall of the other forts on the river •tieloir '-Everything. Wrier New inlet lit in the' .}ewer or the enemy, emu: If It Is not already In !depose:anon—but • that does not-by any Wane Imply possession of the town of Wilmington. Ikea mean the closing op; of blockade matting Into the port of Wilmington,-width Is it very so- ..ten. Dealt, ha e letter, to the ViVnia I..egtela titre,aaira a Gen. Lee has 'Ft:peat:idly en:wand ceromand the entire armies of the Confederacy, 11134 remain in the field wittythe army of Virginia of the lame thee; and asserts Nahum &etre to an.iketee eommartilerin-chlef laittrftV.-the "..144smits.to.-t.the )11Wen! Savannah. Ns* Tuaw,..Ten. mrata - -w k ss that the steiunei-Grei Hound, from iloetrat, aide, ftom Neiclpck, an 4 the Daniel ;Webster, midi similes, &air, had arrived. Theircar pee.are being distribiCed. • publie - - meeting of has been caned bY' the citizens to give expression to the thanks of the communit7 for the 'liberality shown - by - their Northern friends. - • Gen. Grover succeeds Gen. Geary in command Of fismusush. • c • The . abstractions' are being removed from the erg , ' and.na#PicrP beo raPidlirmillned. 301111f011 (8.0.) t e rint= f l h a e ll i :Ot ' In " fil2l s trare, irildwajAetwien- C1=641.1:11 and Eavamuds, on Ihi ritato. • - • Bebe. reinforcements have beenaent to Branch- Whold that - piece vi,gatest Shismatr. Sev.; era. .eannon tram "lho otatvotics 'of .Charkisten have deo betat sent - to BranehvAle: , It ls eirrently belleved,trennthe persistent-se eountsof desertersi, that Charleston W itt be evac natid: Movements by the rebels hadlesto that they ate ;ea:orlon , heity,guts: (rum. the harbor . One. or two monitors, end several gunboats hare 'joined Dablgren'e fleet off Charleston. A bas - anualt-lciter of.the 12th to the Triwt foss: The last of Bherniau's army would heave that eltr on the 20th. Two dlilsions of thaeorps were nellurdeerill, Smith Carol!n3, when tart. heard from. , • _ . , Nme•Yvar., Jan.'"l9.—The 132Vanndi correv; X o ent of the ' erold etatee that the donatione , - od,scut , ont. were dietrthnted froal the mes 1.0„e to the formerly rich but now pogo, and id - ti"hite and black thdlscrinibately, under the direction -of authMized committees. - '.The kind and eloquent letter' of _Mayor Linville of 'Beaten, to -Mayor"..Arnold,of Savannah, was the theme of much approbatile con:intent by the old 'retinas of the latter nity. , ! . _ NEW TOILS. - Jan: Tribune's e pedal eorrecrendent Ore: na account or the march teem Savannah to Itardesille,. Fatah Cahalan. The roads run threauh swamp, and the march was very' all'lletat, but no ;salons tateleaue.3 oc. curred. No forea .hr the enemy RILS encoun tered aily where..; - :"i Tie Tribunei Westren Char correspondent says: ,The rebels In Tema :are expedient sat at tack OIL ttie.o:l44 Zong, and an making ••• . _ .• greatpreparidpMafor defence. Ate...ollsetaq It:meetly . from Galveston, reports the itb4 soldiery deeperde, and tome madam • platejoininofaxlmillian. - . ' • . . • Eminclpaldoel.Afelfday.-Ditn. Herron In: New Orlelns:4dliffilms in Tex:s...Matters to Central . i <>i',O r view Tonrs Jill- 2 . 4-41 Or. Halm, of lonlibina,- I has Isrned a proclamillori, designating - .the ilith dayof February nett as a holiday for recreation •. two festivity In - honor of , the memorable emend ' • tlon acts of the new free States of .allaseuri and liajoiGenersliterMit Attired In Kim Orleans on the 191 h. _ 4 -2' . 4 Late ativlces , froth ' Teise has•bmn received. • 1 It - was reporfed that Mejla;•condbandlng at. Ma tamoros, permitted rebel' Preis. gangs to cross from DrvranavrileA ask conscriPt Union re".. .rend lady ; Teftweer. front Delves - ton had ar , ..."'Nve ze d in New Orleans. They report macre: -... for fuel, and pal titionsAnd outhouses were i,,, , tused fur the purpcse. .j. TO had been no bloekada rtintilitg it Gal- Weston ".Or A couple of weeks. t -v - -In an - t. - tici l ew under a flag-Of-truce the rebel i' Capi4itl SOC whit spoken . erydesporidnwly, sold 'le and man _. satin Ira& determined to y, join a corps which hi.twftmlllisto is forming. • pasama sidsicsof• thilSth state that greet, offense had been tee% by Salvador and Nicara jj gus at Costa - Rica giv.N i c a n. Barrios President f. of Salvador,in lisylon3lssued 'pro tests rwalost the act. Cit._ mats and llond vas , were thely to follow the ea to. Salvador has 4 prohibited all , communicant).- Ith Casts Ulm Igo long no Barrios mutants then. The cotton crop in Central Ante. •Is turning N • indwell: • r.- ; , The Ninth Star arrived at, AsplawaNg.. the .. lulu The St. Ilarfa was at Panama, atAlbe -;., Serinac at Acapulco, DeCember 12th.- ilia or a Ipy—Fire In the. War Depart - merit-Seven ;- )11.111on Perenukon Caps litsw Tons, Jan. 33.1{,obert DoiblEmmedy, a *Dar rdatire of Howell Cobb. i t on tr im b y eirrot.snarild here privately, cb Arge d,lo i bo w ; one of the hotel Incendiaries He Is now being tried on only ono of the , 'charges lltai r list him,. that of being a rebel spy. . The iinsfr Wasbitisporial Says: A Ore occurred In the War" an meat this atoning, Apt was soon eitinitldiritti little &Image. dorm millions of par= stern caps, shipped as ordinary freight from this port, have bean selsot on suspicion that 'they:lrmo' Intended for the Cettle• • . THE-':IAILY :- .PITTSBUR Mg HEIM ON THE .1111103 RIVU. Union Raiding Party: in North Carolina Tilt iALLAIIASSEE REPORTED CAP• REBEL NEWS FROM WiLMINGTON .. - Wasureorotr, Jan. of iesterday reports the lois In the naval cologn e:tent an : Tuescley as arc 3cII c 1 aokfceirteen wounded. •• Ajargejelletal ridding party.= consisting of, cavalry and Infantry. is reported moving up the Chowan river, North 'Carolina, is the direction • of Weldon. Rtiiirors - any tiMt Sherman 10 Morin: on An:' Gen. 11111 commends the District of Georgia, with General Try commanding the post of .An emia`.:.- • ' • It iit retorted that Lee has been appointed General-in-chief ef the.Coufctlerate aruales. and Johnsten to the command of the arthibf Northern Virginia. General expectations are that-John ston would be assigned to the command of the forma em*Mtbid Shen - 11'1m. ••! A telegram dated Wilmington, ion. 19th, says: Vie Tallahassee was captured last night. This reportis not confirmed. WA-941151170N, January 29.—The Richmond 'Cygnet of , the With has the following : The iron clads are ace . In either old anehokago.. , TIM yes tcli. passed the first obstructions, het could not pars the second line. The Itrury grounded der the enemy's batteries, when the crew were "inirreil• About , 1 .:11 Minutes ciaer they left her ale seas blown up by_ shall exploding her mag azine.. . • - TtEi Richmond and the Vin;lnin grant _td. The VrederlchAurg passed over the ot nttuctiOns. drawing' eighteen incites of water less than the other iron-eltuis. The Virginia 'was sire* bn,,1:3004 - 66e, Shot, which lonecied :acme of her Irina b(1115., but all the injury she re waa repaired In a fcrr Isoura. The Vir• glula was . Ike flab ship mid war, ro:umnadd by :Lientizaut Dunnington; the Richmond by Com wander Eelt wi stecist Lictiteillifitrlt Altba iris, ilia. the alirlelishinsg• by Ltentenailt act - ard. Corninantier thig °Ulcer, wail A.011.wit(1,91 .the. • We nre it;; jai en4.e..n , c , are 1,21,1 , take)) , in • South Camlina, North enr.3lh - la and Gerepla to hurr all the cut:On that danger of Into the enemy's hentla. Bow Enre.h hat, r.trenld It hare been to hath - tle.trayrd the large quantity stored at Savannah and atm pre- vented - It falling into the howls of the enemy. . Tim TankeeN FZIV3 the.N.Tmlnr,lon Jorten;ll of the 23.1, appear to bare left their base In front cf ?,(.j. Gen. poke's forceg — yeiterday and con ctutrateti at F.,rt Tither'. Their fleet has. also alltapk4arttl." Tlrcy cf.c9nrieltokt the , river for their gout:oats. All Quiet belt - sit last' cceniiig at six POILADEIanni; INeYthig TX apt ft:pierits to have thu large rulOing punt' to moving. up ilia Cliolvaa ricer in the dimetion of st.don. .An Uncial dispatch (Vora Gen. Ilardce states that uo movements bad teen made by Shecman up either bank of the Savannah river. Other turnote say that Slum:Flan is moving on Atvgnata via Illative,'Uc. - • It is reverted that . flu is This - appointed Lee <itmetal4n-Chict and John on ictuou3maud the knty of Niltilterft.Ylnleda. • • Gen. orders that s - hoald tbn exiceney co ntra:: the proirder. works. will bo removed from Aupwa. • " A tvlenram fmm Wilmlneton reports the.eap. tare of the Stcalat.7 TallevkiCe, at. New Inlet, on Two Days Later from Europe—The Note Itctwcen Austria and Prussia—Prussian Chambers--Markets. etc - . . Nun' Tons, Jan. W.—Tim : steam:llp Cuba. from Liverpool on the 14th and Queenstown on. the 15th, arrived, hero at 5 1.... u. Bar news Is . • 'two days later. r ; - London, Jan. 14.—The Bank of Prussia has. Ind need iterate of Interest to 5 per cent. for cona. menial bills and advances cat inerchandlac,"and to 5,4 per cent. upon securities. ~ The Prase of Nicene stiyothe followin is the , purport orate notes exclianpul between Austria cad. Prusele: Austria•repadiates participation In the proposed forcible measures against the Mid dle titatcs, wpresented be 131smerk as revoln- • tionary. Austria will not abandon the ground :of Federal right. and remlndsßitmark, Incase: Prus , sla should should desire the annexation of the Dutelka; Of thanaggestion - formerly offered, • to the effect that Austria will onlyconsenttc an ' nexatiori lit king comPeturgitOd blinl-Orderge meet of her border. - s CO3IIIE6CIAL ranCons.—Lirtetym9l, Jan, 1.1. Cottonsales to-day of 2,000 bales; the market elusing cm dull with -little etmelr, and prices wok. Breadstuffs inactive.' Proriskins Arta. -Fredric...quiet and steady. Lidulon, Jon. • 14.—Erraing.--Cous ila closed •at bri•KADo -for money. American stocks: 1111- : ncis . Central, roL'am. dkiitaknt; Erie, 45,.1", Para, Jan. 15.--The Bourse closed dem attar. .Losote, MONTIT 15.-24 i lekgroph to 0,-er...- term—The Ebeg of Prussia lad , opened the - Chambers.. I. his speech the fang Says that stem ; hre to taken to forma Prussian Navy. , Preliminary ann - eys are being made for a canal between „ the liable, and North Seas, and that Dutchles are to be acquirc.d. ~.T.: •eriorl, loc. 15.—Theateemer Silra;-a block ade runner, hence for Wilmington via"Berunda, was. totally lost this morale; off the bar of the Mersey. :- The loss of 110: ' Is from eL•litom is forty. - The steamship- Africa. tram Boston, arrived from QueetotOwn to-day. ' • TNEw TOM Jan. !..1.1..-ThCate ,,,,, a4VAlTlCrin front Southampton on tre y 10th, arrived Sidi ' roaming. ' Tle Timm says: Evert the rayst rabid north , ern Journals aim tthst the Wilmington exec _ dision bat cometoo nilserable conclusion. The v. lute tenor of the Afric...'s'intelligruce Is favorable to the Con federates. *ant interposition by France or England, or tell+, In call thought possible in the South. The Confederates deeeive themselvos• in at . temr.big to.prapitlate Europe by offers of masa ' tip:AIM:I. Ecpaid would rejoice In C3l2lTlClest!on. ' E‘t.ry kluropzitu St to acknowledgid the T f ~ . 1 .11e when it was governed liy the Constitution psi mating slavery as fully as tho Confederacy 'perreita it now. Why should aliandoommt by the South of slavery bring a . recogultioh that is withheld for many other reasons 1* 17d „know of no'Boropean power likely to accept the offef . piii (-Ciente. The idea of propitiating n, * elo the roost, obstinate slarcry•fitipperting . geScra wad, by the. primrose to abolish tinter!, is eo eccentric as to throw a doubt on tho reality of the whole dlicussion.” " . Confederate Loan, .I;GraZit. French Bastes, 60f, 5c...- FFAIii.T--The Archbishop of Besancon's letter .rm,peeting the Tope's Encyclical.. has been re ferred to the Connell of State, is au abase of eceltelealleal authority. .Ixst.r—Tle , Minister of ,Insane reminds •tbe It a li a n Dish( pey that the Encyclical mast be sub ; mlttotto the Boyal Exequator, The GOMM-. ' ment-tiservis tel(sell the right of suppressing whatcver pergolas aro contrary to the laws of , Ile Twin correspondent of the Landon News reports that the French troops era to be with-. drawn from Rome before March: Captain Arthur Sinclair, of the rebel navy,, 'and Ceotrin F.B. Skinner, both of Virginia, - were ton, in the blockade runner Lelia. . There is Ice in Um bay, and Some of the 'ves sels lying at the liters have been chafed, but not seriously damaged.' _ • ' . _ ' -' .Lfieraysxd - Jan.- 17.--4ccuing.--cotion: salon - 6r-two days, 5,500 hales, Intluding 1.500 bales to Speculators and exporters: The market ii dull. 'and irregular; all qualities hevacellned. Bread 'atufia---Pieur dull. Wheat inactive and easier. - Coro dull - with a dowaward tendency. Beef hem. ' Pork- steady. ' Bacon quiet and steady Lard firm, . Coffee !timely.. Petroleum steady. Consols closed at 55,V,"..011, for money. . New York Stock: anii. Mune, Dilaters. Niw YOPX, Jan. ItaLiroad stock market la eteady. but. Inas active. pf Tim 'Km in Gold Les:. ie/pv.l tho - 'upward zgovement and many outside parties hose cramp { ln during a Dear) deellnein stocks.. The Gtreernment list woe all strong and batter: On s.2osibodemand Is fair, and the recent fall Jim induced -a largo business for Inreament. State bonds are quiet anditcady. Coal and Miscellanoons are dem and better In ionic instances. The Gold market was kept up Oils ferenoon on Gan stin7 of Milt's Adler° in his mission to Richmond. - In the -af ternoon It began 1.0 fall, the combination cri dently being broken. The declinenal a s sisted by - favorable &raillery - news. • Stocks geld Abe, Petroleum Beard; sales were; Excelsiot'.l3; Germania Ph; Highgate Vd; Buchanan Farm - 140; - Alien Wright CO; United States 3450; Clicrry Mtn 96e; The, Petroleum market Is more active and' melted. and Mites are better; sales were:Snide 47@48ct- Refin ed In - bond at 67@8, tle,mid Relined free at WO The Rebel Clinkl)(l4/L6'4'4We. Wasimororri /an. 03.—A gentleman ar 'rival hero to-dayfrom CitY 'Point" , which_ place e left yesterday, and says that all the rebel TOS, eels bare returned from Janice rarer. It • is. not probable that they will roan repeat their expo:H- O:in, as there la. nowio ,gunimat; and Iroathtd force enough to take care of inch adventirers. - - @Didier' , vote -. 10 Michigan Uneunstita Dirrnort, Jon. Supreme Court today deeldod the BUldlers. voting Law In BtstennoOn6alutionni. .~~. _ .~ 111EINING OF TUE CIIIIISTRN CO . M. • , MISSION. SPEECHES OP =ROTARY sEwAso 3T4F.IS NfstsurssivrOtrojan. 29.—The Christi in Com. mission held meeting in the flail of 'Represen tatives to-night. , The floor and gallertac were 'dental,' crowded. - Among the proniiuent audi tors-were the President and members of the Co. „billet. • Secretary Seward, the President, on taking the chair, said: In coming once more inn) Ille • stßelbrof the NatiOnal Legislature, al though for only an occasional, .perrpoae, thoughts revert to the cireamstattees under which I left then, four . years age. Mis guided legislators had found a long delayed otracion, and bad organized a fearful rebellion. They bad appointed thnir leader, had seized by merle - he important (smut, parts, and pine* mid their armies were clutching IntesAhm nolti one after another. Foreign itations;Ckwinetwided by, the Coldness Or the inennuction,,veruprepared to acknowledgo:the divided empire. The people called first upon the out-going .presldentithen *pen the in-earning president, and then upon oar bravest Commis and most honored States Mint to SZTO. the Union; but it eouldthearred:buly by the • voluntary, er.ernctifi, heroic, and peretit , eel effort - of the ,whole people. Thrpconle I promptly arose to make that •supreine effort. They hero faithfully persevered in it and it Ls now soon to be suectuefal. Lost forts, ports and placci without' which insurrettion eamnot sne ered have been re:rained. The corner-stone of the rebellion Las been,uplifted and we wait only at the bands of the rebels for sulnlifion, which, however delayed, neces;atily follows military defeat and Overthrow. in this achievement rho people hare not waited to MIDI - bath:ire gone iaAre the Executive, Legislatice and Judicial authorities of the I have heretofore borne my testimony to this popular energy in tin departments of war. nature staff polities! but this war Mill :Tan nnolhci flclSoi nethily toil dull a Void not kr - , important—or it:westing than tho:. - c. trhich nnntlylle drrcrity in resits. That dell la ties department of shortly. We have lire In • upr ernutry no tsti.lashod church or readdniziat eeclesinstle Milticrity. They taunt us with cot teen rangitizing fioa in our National Conilitutlon. Mt cihrn. all atviocia.tion en sulitol—i•All h. purrly voluntary. iNee. , rtlaless the I 1.0...1 ian i'mnte . ,,ion and ter Eattit:try Centnthadon are w.)ii,:ing together In pitted bartnony. Unorganized, anpattl, um priniacti, and crot unnoticed by O'c Govern - Went. they have cultivatad the broad 1041 to which I h:711-0. aclrcrtut with complete And fun ,neec.Fs. They Lave left no tromttls or sick ors,. or rorrovir ontualed nue unrelleTed whtcL could be reached by auy ether than the Wyllie bunt:. (*baclties of this itreati-11, and foirfal of all civil ware, thon4fi voluntarily rendered; hove r nesertlilea, beeu admintztemd by the ebristren , peoplo or the:irotted Stnice, without any oaerileirlono bolding ht lc, and in a .9.lrit of lofty . ibtrlotisi and pure and %c -irri:Nl religion. CM. li. Steart mode a otatetnent, by which It. appears the Chrirtlan Cowin:lesion received daring the pest year gl.toat3,ooo In cash and ttorev, which molten the total receipts niece it 3 ovgnalastin over F 1,600,0041 y. n. Fide, of Mo.. Gcn. Patrick, of the sroly of the Potomac. Senator Fisher, of Conn., Chap lain McCabe, of Ohio, Ras'. Nilicaton.Smit"c and others adderered the meeting, including Alnerc 11. liirbnrdson, the Tribune comcipandenc, who resently cccaptil from Salisbury taeLiun. Tiic Bklimund 'Endaleer on Peace Prep- ...N - r.ve Tonic, Jan. Itlvhmond Requieff of the 22d says : The second traisaiTta of Ron. Francis P. Blair to Richmond is ended by the return of that gzutle nuor to Washington 'yesterday morning, and 'nothing has I..ccn accomplished toward lunnegi ate peace. We feel justified In assuring our readers that the enemy are willing to permit us to dictate our own terms pratided we will not dims,. Ire the Union. Any guarantee for Slavery, any constitutional provisions for Its protection and extension, full compensation, In greenbacks, for all nevi, ota that .have been carried off during the war; anything and everything that we could ask oethink rill be feetly . granted tf we only consent to remain with them.. These may not have been exactly Mr, Blair's terms, but they embrace the substance of his robniou, and du not in the leant ex.a4zerate the extremity which the enemy arc willing to con sent an If we will only return to the Union; but them terms cannot purchase our liberty. We am not fighting for slavery—neither its peon:e -11-Oh of esten ninn. iWe are wilting to gave up Winery fur out liberty. W e latest! to he fe or :to be exterminated: Tlon.renemy mizltt es well atention his Matte to bribe its whh protection for nlictery, and cot off our liberty. We admit Alert there are a few recreant wretches to these .stress that would sell their liberty for their no g:rec., bat they are few and utterly contemptible. Iteselptions may be bifida - 1 - med Into the Vir ginia Leginiature, looking ea reconstruction, but inns will be rejected...with a nneriafity which will lereser damn the wretched traitor that has sounht to Ming shame and disgrace on the fair :name or the Slate. It would be most mortify ing to see nay such resolution introduced, and we do earnestly hope that good sense may pro : sere their being offered. This second mission of Mr. Blair Is the bast eridence we can desire that our people have only to be true to them •naleee, and we shall soon rejoice In the enjoy ment of our liberty and our independence. There le a compromise that may yet open the wt-y to peace. It has been rugrested that the United Stalsst acknowledge our Independence, provided 'a inlay or commerce and league. defer • 'he nod ndbrnice,for the spill 'alien of the Mini roe doctrine to ail the States of North 'America, um be sureol npon: When tbat pro .poiition is made it will bo time enough to dis cuss it. It is not improbable that It may be come a living, tangible proposition before many mantbs. The Seatincl hasan iirtEle in the same Moo as tie E.:canner. It says the only response gives' to Mr. Mak, was to make his proposition for m:lily and ofllchilly, and to would gut a reply. The Rent lac? ha; an editorial arising .Jel. Davis to net with the pcPpic. and assurers him be is ve7y unpopular. It says the eiTnet of our mis. for:ones oo the pnt±lle i 4 directly traceable to-the - prevailing opinion of mismanagement and In yorevticnry on the pirt orate &entire cattail /les. Then is at this moment 'an unequivocal manifestation of want of eonlirkuvrz in the La- gacity, dismilon and cap is of thu govern. went, awl to ward of confidence, and tothe rilZhtelt CSpectatlont of the removal of its cavvcs, is owing the andispotaido dispondeney mat alarming &lance of onr con, The ;nom papa has an editorial on the mild nen of the rebel goternment, and' thinks they are allowing their leniency and kintlo,s of heart to nort tkeut great injury. It urgw. mom slern ne,F. . - . Pi- , 241ch slap: No All cemior for Mr. Sed den .haa beta appointed. It le crated that Cal. Northrup, Commlesary Grneral, has refigned Into the &mato fix the appointment of Cana's- Islay General with the rank of brigadier-genera. .The rams paper inentions the reported order topinee alt prieonern of war on an agaatrooting. and 11() more bhalt be placed In unctwal cantina. meal. . . The Rebel Flotilla Iteturned—Davls' Itu sulllstionopedProfer Proclamation, etc. NEur Tenn, Jan. 23.—The Richmond Whig of Jan. 26fir saver Statements tide morning ill met ern! of our contemporaries to the effect that the lmn-etads had passed 'the Yankee obstructions at Trent's Reach and were passing down James 'river have. doubtless, created anticipotlotu, of exciting news ioday.ftotu.tnu flotilla, but the fact is that only the Frederickaberg went through .or over the obstruelons, and when Lieut. F. G. Shepherd, commanding °Meer, discovered the contorts of his teasel Wens aground, he returned LI their assistance. The rising tide lifted the Virginia and Richmond from the bars upon which they struck end 'the flotilla then returned to the vicinity of their former position where, at last accounts, they were still remaining. The • Drury was blown up. as stated his morning, arid Fort liarrihou 11:16 eat retaken. Chartalm. Jun. t:4.—The enemy have made. no advance movement. Semite repurt that the Itaitroad between Salkehatehie Bridge and Paco imago has been destroyed, the Clint burnt and the Iron taken away. The enemy's pickets extend a ehort distance this side of Pocatello. The following it from the Ittelunond &nand of the 2Gtbi Francis P. Blair, Esq., was understood to have leflltichniond yeeterday for Washington. Mr. ..Ingleion also left by the same boat. Whether this mysterious paralur, to and tin result to good or eill, [foie -will disclose. President•Dayls has booed a proclamation ap pointing Pearly. thedOth day of March next, as , a day "of public hunilliation, prayer and Mania glelngotud for invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God; and ho earnestly Invites all soldiers and einem' to absent* the 'IMMO iu the spiritof terrerence, penitence andlwayer. Result of Blak's 1041 b. , WAtitniiGTON,Jo2l. t3.--The_ result of Mr. Bialr'a :volunteer: visits - to Richmond Is this Thitlefferson Darla Ii willing to send to Wash- IDIOM (or realm froutthare) sotemissioners to treat for peace upon the basis of' &emotion. The Prandenti'of the Ifnluallitaten,'On the other band: la milling to glee a hearing jp any person of 1 idnenep who ntej come 111301 the litotes to rebellion; with or , without Baste authorityito treat 'lto- Pain* 'OA the bails of submission - to theltlEdOg• ' Of tlidubove faetathver 1s ab dliubt. . t t. 7 4VC 4 ,CgtTi'g..ttUia14".C'k,'',','4Z;;j,'ANV.V‘V-rfrr' - .3xlR PITTSBURGH. MONDAY. JANUIRY \ Nth l'itN6l:lAS-SEI sEsmai WeentkovoN Curs, Jan. 'is. HOUSE.. To.d.:y evac specially set apart . for sl-e1:11- ntaEng on the proposed antlstavery Constitu tional atanlduakalL. About :Id. members oils were present at the opening of the Ifouse. Mr. Ashley sold it was his intention to prate : a vote Oa Tlyelazg. Mr. nigh! advOcated the emend/lent, and no ticing the objtetions sold that the Senate. vlnett subscribed - to the ConsLitntion,•necestarll2 sob scribed to the manner In which rm.:mime ts are 10 be made, and that the question of sla ery Is 1 . net reserved to the states .. Vie .Conet talon was established to promote the blessings of lib erty, and insure the domestie tranquility, bet these ends cannot boaccompllshed until ire abol ish slavery; which litheelement of discord: and evil, not only in but -also - outside of the states , where it existe...and will so continue aslongar. it remains. Therefore It should be abolished, and there. was no.thne 'more expedient and proper than .now katkeineiatirerfot thequepose. mr. Plnclei of •Ohio: Said, thIO C OOn not a goes lion as to whether•elarea7 it, right or wrong; It was note question whether It onght to be con tinued or abolished; but It was a question Itlghem, unnely,t 4he th erthis Congress, three-fourths of Lila.states: ratifying its action, may Invade the tights of the states and destroy . the balance of power :so hell adjusted by the &timers of the conititation. Ile was not willing thus to Invade - She soverclanty of the states by engrafting a u cw poser in the consiltittiou: lie said the .(tcpubli can party:can only exist by 'changing tit [Linda _ .. mental law, os it woo incompetent to go crn the ronntry under the constitution as It no exists. .V . r. Washburne, of Illinois, desired to tate a fart to the !louse :. that in 'the Illinois Senate only five of the eleven Deatherage' members of that. body recently voted at:alibi:a reslitatieu in structing the Senatorz from that state to vote for the Conktitulloual amendment; that the It:attir , 5i.c...1. In the Illinois Senate was in 1.1.1 by tien t., Metenuell, one of the oldest and tigett ' Pewoerate in the stale ' and known as the rstuit e,'..l.J War-horse of Illinois. Other 'deflators • 5t.01...; and yol ed fir the risoirditilis of Inl,truc lions, among them Senalor Lindsay, of Pestla, zed Coale, of Ilaneoek snotty; and a brother of the. diFfingnishealthismiter from Peunsylvaila in • ti.li fleece of the sante name. - 1 Mr. Cole, of California, briefly argued that u bat Is dangerous to a portion of the people is Caugerons to all of them; that Our country 1.. a. ,ha .e. more by precept and example to remove ti- , oppression to, mankind than all other notions con :;,,,,,,I. flu oxpo,sed 1116 Ono hobs( thd t•-vt cc will ttiumph, freedom prevail, and the r.• 1: s, relative: , of the peoplein till, Capitol will re.nt'•,.., to . N,l t It , iu....acial sway In :dl !tote. Y.,. Suar, of bry JeO.ey. !okay annealed i is 7., n , 1,00l , her DO; (11,211-4ieg 1 . 1,....c•kn1, ltu• a! •; , I , F.lion Mr. Patter-on. of New Itarrip,kii e, argot.' ii e(n)Flii:1:1 0 101 question in connection with hie advocacy of the amendment. He Raid sio aterintey of bureau law.makere canal ereate a rt tit et property in human beluga which we sift r cv men or citivins are iw u to respect. The a w ho had produced the prcweat rebellion heti' forsworn the conatitutien, forfeited every rient under it, and had justly incurred the chary Ole treason. Me.. Morris, of New York, dincassral the eat, blautionithontation, maintaining that there id a clearly-dello,' power to plea the amendment. Mr. Pik v. of Maine , adrocated themitimilment, and ...aid the people by the late election had de eirlt Elavery...LlA it be destroyed. so that the only noted; hereafter shall who did the most to about the consumtnation. ale. Patterson favored the amendment. Puock: of Ohio, tondo a speech itaminst, anti Mr. Cole, of Cat., and Starr, of N. J., fu favor of tho amendtac.nt. r. Martin, of N. Y., and Mr. Pike, of Me., advocated the amenament. A t o'clock the Douse adjourned. . SF NATO. r. Sprague introduced an act aupplementary t• • C. earl regulating the compensation of meta -1 r- of Congresg. It-provider for an increase of par to the nuetnlara of both houßes, from to to 15,f60 per annum. iNI ~GATIoNi OP THE CONDUCT or GOVERN MENT OFFictale. Mr. eberman—lt won not the province of the Senate to intfttinato the condom of Government cilierr, That brionyd to the Does" of Repre sent:mites. It was the duty of the Douse to hu oilictra, and of the &nate ha try them why iinpenebCd. al;. Hole said that he did not Bee that any . go=od tad naulted from invertigating the et:wrap, time; of thy Government. Last Year a commit tee eas emannted to investigate the corraptioutt c-I the Navy Department. It did Its work, and after the Nary Department ordered the ar rem end seizure of the principal witness. lila more and property la Boston was Nth:A, and he ern. imprisoned, and ordered mot to be released on tail In a nom of lest than 5370.000. The Nieey Department trent feather. • It sent a cont. nti,itni torte: 'atianlt - that reentry -to - find out see, thing against the chairman of the eommit tic that inteottgattul those outeugrone frauds. Tim man Tito to Rapporod to be Ike Ran Seem teta of the Navy gave ientractiona to Ode von tateeion which I will read. It is as fallowai sic time in the spring of lam a lot of ablp. tim tier wee offered to the Government at 114 per ton at Portsmouth. It was refased. Atter this I; was put into the yard et 1534 par ten. Did debit P: Halo haveyanytlung to do with It 1" Johnson—Do you know who wrote these Intirecticas hale—l don't know the handwriting ex am!), Int you know I am a Takla., nod here a ri;la. to gorse. Mr. Davis—Whom do yMr gnitati it weal Mr. lisle—l guess it tray the man who 13 this :tenni Secretary of the Navy. St.rerril Senatore—What is his Rome! Mr. prefer . to bee a little poste oft that cut Jeri. Mr. Hale continued his remark, stet; In; that It was well known that there had been gigaptie frauds in the Nary Department; that there had berm discoverial and the perpetrators rental cat, hot there It ended: • • 'I in Cbeirdechled the order of the day, which s the resolution adrielr,t retallatlea nitan the Is is for cruelties on one prlsoners. RtTat.t.ITION. ILI fel:diction re:min:ion wit taken np. The qtettion pending woo the motion to .re. coattail this whole sut.Ject to the Committee ou Mil i , arY &trine. Mr. 'lberian eiltiteated retaliation. e. Clark was also warmly in facer of retalla• lioß. anti would commence on Roger a. Pryor In the work of starting the rebels, if they did ton tt'ettl Oa men jolly. e:Fronver said the rerfaintlen had been al- Disci ro thiu:ll In the Cowie; of the debate that not inci remained of it hut the mama. It Was to lonmir (or retaliation In kind, but 1t1.017 pro pr d to tt In conformity with the laws of all oath RR. li•de was fur retaliation. T Ite debate was further coutlatted by Metter. Johcron and Davie. he Senate then adjourned. Er, . klitritige - Appointed Rebel Secretary ct .War—slifoodre Parting Addresa to is Treeps..-Dirk Taylor tils Succe.raer.... Clothing and Pravlions Tor Union Pris oners, ere. _ Now Tohu, Jan. 2P.—The Richmond ,';rati nti of , the !Pith, Mates that General Brockluridge bas Weft appointed Secretary of War. The Eaaminei.publishee the &newton . part ing addrcsa of Gen. Rood to hlll troops: 11F.111)QUARITILS ARMY or Inn T.mosetual . Tutiiw, Mao.. January 9.3. , S..fit;ers—At my request i have this day been relieved from comnuffid of this army. In taking leave ..f you, accept my thanks for the patlenee with which you have entered :veer hardships dorinr: the recent campaign. lam alone respon sible r.a. its conception, and strove bard to do my duty in It. execution. I urge mom you the Importance of giving your entire aupp,rt to the distill - n(SMA soldier who now assumes com mand, mid I shall look with , deep interest on your future operations and rejoice at your sue cvra. (Signed) - J. B. hoot,. pen. Dick Taylor succeeds Min in command. No official appointment of thin. Lee as Gen eral-in-Chief has yet been made. . The War Department has no information of any movement of fthertnau's colleen la the di rection of Au„.rusta, Of the it:ported raid towards Weldon, they say that the mote takens the most direct • by land, , I l .iut that Mere Is no oubt of ample dispasitlen baying been insist t chock It. , A collision occurred last Thursday evening be , tweet. the ling °Mime trot Wm. Allison aid a email torpedo, in . Which the _boat - was stink. Lir atenanEA nnatrong, of the nary, was drew/lad. 'flit rest of the crew.were saved, . The IHrpolch announces that a largo lot of Idankcle, boxes, 4.c., were yeaterday delivered to 0...; Federal prisoners confined In Richmond. It vaym Brigadier General Hays reached. here on I hursday. Ile le Buperlatentlett - of the delivery of trades, and he will reinidu till the distribu tion Is completed, when be will _probably- Pro. reed to ether parts of the Confederacy abate Yankees are confined, in order to superlnteed the further dist:Bretton. One theusatulandeeven hundred pnekanesend a large letter mall were sent down to Col. Mulford for Confederate' pria entrain the North. ' , . A 1,111 was Introdneal , . Gold...Weatberp—iteturttfrom Rebel Pons. bieW Torde,4au. 98.-The-ball clique who blued gold up hut , eoutthiled the market, lids morning, but at the dose there was a down ward 'tendency: _Opening .at 219,the' , pride dwindled down to 215. The weather for the past week lum been the (-oldest' of the serthen. This morning the thee menu ter mnrked four degrees below zero. A umber of the members of the Ilst New New York. who have just returned (Om' the rebel prima, reached this • city to-day: They were from the slangbter, pen at Millen, Sim, sad present a pitifbr appearance. They pro a sad history'of their treatment. , ILIMIBLE STi./31311AT.40/LEK EX- VLOSION. Over One Hundred and librty Lives lost. r DSPREDLTIONE OF SPECIAL SCOUTS Poem, Jan. 28:—The steamer Eclipse explod ed her 'Lac: in the Tennessee Over, opposite Jeltusenville, on the 20th Inst. She had on beard members of the oth Indiana buttery trod other troops. Over one hundred and fortylives were lost by the aceideat. .The Vlek,bury, herald of the lrith states that the gnubqat No. 0 eeixed the Far:rimer Mustang at StainTOrtb'e Lauding. The Mustang was in the service of the Special Scouts, fot meet y com mended by Lieutenant Earl. Some thirty of the SFonts were on board end had been running' the boat tip end down the river, committing sundry depredations not In accordance with the duties of United litotes soldiers. They were arrested nod committed to jail, and will be scut to Gen cull Gantry at New Orleans. The steamer Olive Branch, arrived from New Orleans °tithe 21st, with ninety-two bales of cot. ton tee Cairo. f'xino, Jan. steamox explod ed hex holler at .lohnomerille, Tonne:see. on Sat urdaymorning. Then , were one hundred and sixty peziono.ou board, thirty-olx of are killed 00 MlSPillg', and sixty-nine wounded. AU the tr.of the Ninth Indiana battery were last. No Init . r particulars. alpeeeh of Gen. Butler In Lowell, Mass, Lowrie., \h as.., JIM. Ft.—Major General Butler arrived here at noun . yestenlny and In the cretins; nddreserd the citfltons. There woo :I rest mid enthirslastie gathering of the people. •protc.bly km thousand, present. The dem...te sti-Miens were of a Battering character. Gen. ELI it 7 nail 114; , hOllll.l. streak of what luei Imp le red to the country and what Lad ctemrret is the depaftment, to take command of which, he hat! it It Liam a year ago-duet Noveuttter. On le.:mullet the position which devolved upon hint by the 01141111 y of the President he had nestle -I abort hint to ore e hat be was to do. lle found lb.(sff freedmen needing, bin attention. It had !:ten demonstrated that the (Miner slsve lepalatiola could wake Bear sett-supporting, and they wore capable of education. lie said he had rt lilt ti every point rrratdistg the exchange of I el ., mak but one, viz., in regard to colored Ire, pr, The rebels threatened to enslave them. lie tht ti prop -eta! lo cs.try un r. ',stem of Tecial t".cludtra4 omit he had retlueeil the prAportion tf Frt.:mem, MI thnt while they might hare some brat prioont rs In their it A WI, he in null have i 51190, ,1,11 l 1,11 he e•etld oay one_i- •betesytf tic t,e rod and 1 will set t Inn let :,.null at work. The General referred to the oaten he Intl N..," vet to stop No, et:choice, and th:u plot-a:riled to speak of the ninth' at Wilmington and Fort Fisher. 'Plc (:cum-al spoke at length on this subjeet, end then referred to the explosion of the Dutch Ger Canal. It dlt! not make, perlinp", an Inrge e hole no the tame at Petersburg, hot he had not thted it with A merle., dead until It ran blood. il- a N•ired In have it inserlhed on his tomb AVM° It that little melee-ore where his rentljus would Due Lop be fish!: "here IBS the General who ' , axed the liner of hi , soldiers at Fort Flitter and 'F.., Pond." Ile lend critiehted n. man, nn arnty I, .17.: lint he erniclzeti somewhµ sharply the troth wtieth always accompaule I the letters of loiter. 1 Gen. Putter then proceeded to discuss the Imtopre4 or the national came. Ile was pros pared rot more conference, more strife in the em pire of this country- If at any Limo ill future the reentry needed his service It would be freely ', catrei no in the past. •Whatcrer mistakes may has been committed by mon at the head of a gaire, e should not 'pare our ef f orts. Pool, rt said, be carried away by any delusive Idea of tee. 'rt.: time for pease haws not yet tennis. o talk or pence until the army of ..1,`,3 it eitarrpaptured - or whipped, to vain. did, If the Uutr armiesnro kept tilled, and •rocrulting gm, anjot our ultimate success there can be no dealt - In eo mien, General Butler apotOgizod for t VC speakln at stiehiragth. Ile IR ordered to re port at wtli, and he had reported In fall ; they had a ti lit to know if their welcome was worth ily tevtaloed. He referred to the apparent pros pertly °file people, and said that (tenet-al Terry would sited them that from Wilmington which Iseult! itiPtke all their Fradleß t'o'rn with the bum 4A - Inalust i ry• . • i Front California. I # , St, ANCIIS4I , , Jan. 2 , i.—The United Stal Grand my base Ignored the charge against Nikita ayes, accused of conspiracy to Moot is pirat easel to prey upon the centmeree of the 17 les. Tho tridenee woo insafilelent. Vey+, is new m '"charge of the military antltori ties, tan will probably be released. Dears rains are twain falling. We hare al ready had nearly the average fall of rain as cow; pared with liftetto years part. Three months of the rainy ilatdoo still rennin. There arc roman , of • heavy dcfaleation In the Miler of the limited Stales Revenue Department. 7 he matter is Leing Investigated by the Collector of the Port and Special Agent Downs. Ttlair's N'aluable Papers Recoryied...ltc ' tease of 014 Capitol Prim:men. . Nrw 'Tram, Jan. Zl.—Thu 77mos Wfvddiag. ton bpoial ears: Mr. Blair has Marti to an in- I inlme friend . that'll hls tirst trip Li) Ricbmopd hoStlereededinobtliirainz from the rebel author!. I.k4 tn many valuable papers, which hull:mon taken .frf his home by Early's men last September. A ong the documents wan bit VI iii. 1 he Haat says that over Ilfty persow.against whom no eharges conld..bp found, have b :en re leased Trom the Old Capitol Prbon In Wash ing tan, dace the Investigation es:Ruling those con tined there haa been ordered by flu: House of It.vescatatlves. nom 3lempids. din. I.".—The sioauur Bello or Nt0m ,1,6 hos. arrivea (tom - Momphho, bringing !;31 air.; or a Alen. A hood of guorlUal attacked oar picketo hack of Nt:tiplas lad were driren oil; with. tlio Lisa of ihefr fraticr and I.cveral others. t•i,.tern ne;criern them Teiricarte regiments cr.mc into our lints on the name day, and imile upplicattou to lake the annuity wait. alloy re port chit ft gr.n many of tleir coinrn4e: were ratehing for tin opportunity to dtecrt, and that the repuhllcntion of Grant'n orderlrttly CA- Crttiril.;t4 t;rettt number ate conning Into our :fines at tadoue Itz:verable News !feet' Expected hom Carolina—Sherman Claimed by V.:e nutria. .Nr.w YORK, JIM.- 241. —rOLlicers who arrived Nit'y from Bavrnaah say important and h'chlv favorable acre >s eOOll expeczel from 6,-oh Corollua. 11,, 12,ndon papers say the Holland papers uncial Ehcrman for a ihneltutaia. A Cow yt aro szo they oy he woo a Journeyman did. sad sn'asequently migrated with a • few of Mn fellow worhtben to Allloloa in conaegnence of a cotnn reial failure In which they wore concerned sia•l enlarn. Destructhe Fire In alettnon4, lbc:imonn. (lud.,) Jan.. 29.—The Iterk-paek- Ingiu..l wholesale grocery establishment of Van denran .4 Reid was entirely destroyed by fireside snoining at 2 o'clock lose about:lMMO ; In allied for 00,000. comnatselon, house lot X. IVllllnuin ' adjoining tie above niarnud to;;, wan abindotroyed ; lot , s $15,000 on wool belonging to Thomas Wooduut, whose Insurance had expired on 'Thursday boat. The omen of the C. C. A A. It. B. wan cutirel,y consumed with most of Ito papers. The loss will prphably roach tio9,o4Xt. From the Pheeandaah Valley New Yottic, Jen. 89.—the Times' Winchester letter says It las been exceedingly cold for some time pan. end the soldiers serving picket ditty mitered severely front baring no Mittens or other covering for their hand. A party of Mothy'S men recently attacked the camp of the 110th New York cavalry, put did no erlous damage. Country men say Moebra wound In still very dangerous, and his recovery Is doubtful. Geld Market. 'NEW Your, Jan. 2 1 1.—Golff operators are pre dicting to-night that gold "rid be kept up to morrow to enable the Lull cmablnatiou to sell out. The emuldnatiou 111,2 . 114,4' the heaviest operalerS, wholmught all the cash gold offered, at ally ilzure. The pavement eummeaccd when the market Mood at 204. et majority or the . confflaatlon sold outl:ct night at 915, outwards but all did not ancec'e in getting-out. Another Valuable ISloeliade Runner Cap- Wasonvormr, ,Jrin. M.—Admiral Porter re ports to the Nary Department the capture of another blockade runner, the muffler Blenheim, pri the night of January 24th, in Cape Year Myer. Nue was Imuna In, not knowing the plato had fallen into our head& tide had _e Valuable auorted cargo..' More Lit Mon Deprviatlons. Olf Jan. 2ll.—The Indlnns burned the Coremment bay and ram otf the stock at Valley Station yesterday, and came down mound to-day and burned two raachtio near Julesbunc and ran off SOO mato cattle' and ham sow gone ln the direction of Fort .L;rimie. Ipaztlujuako Saoak at , Buffalo. Brion:o,42a. smart aback of an earlb uuatis waa • felt bars tbla saotulag, about Mu o'clock. r - GH GA/A: Pewee fru...lr.—The James River Enid— • Our sr• err s , on Cepa Fear Ricer—Rich mend Re-parted F.faeuatcd, Am. New Truce, Jan. - Sl3.—The morning pawns are Med with peace ;,-,rissip in connection with Mr. Blair's visit th Richmond. The Times and the lFerr.l say his negotiations hare proved a failure. Tire Tribune aaya the ',Atli it unknown to outsiders. The 17i-rahrs •rmy of the Jam, eorrmtson. dent gars Ike al teniiileidiridiel raid en the Jaini% rivrr elided In a compiste failure, snit their elect returned hack to Richmond after suffering 'ha LFs of the ram Drery, blown up by a thaili The rebels landed come troop; en •Farrcr's Is land, on the James river, for the pnrpose of re operating with their fleet, but these were driven (dill a Union cavalry tune. A cavalry reconnoissance on the Charles City Read, on Wednesday Inst,developed the fact that the rebels, who made an advance there slmulm nerms with the movement of their gunboats On Tuesday morning, had new fallen back. The Nereid's Cape Fear River eurrespendent gives the details of the important success there of our army and navy. Besides all the guns and ammunition captured in the forts, immense supplies of rebel provisions were also enured ami much other property of great value. • The rebel trnopa in front of Gen. Terry made .light demonstration on last Monday, but it amounted to nothing. Deserters report that tarp rebel divialans from Lee's army at Rlchntand, recently passed through Wilmington on their way to South Carolina. Gen. Terry's army is to fine condition, and Is I being rapidly prepared for further operations. Admiral Porter's gunboats were gradually working their way up towards Wilmington. Inaierlers continually report lhat the rebels are evacuating ilichniond. Whether this be cornet e,r rat,it le gcoeraily understood that much of the run machinery fur the manufacture of war ernt,inle, and considerable of the government arching, have bean removed from there. E. Sherman had issued an order in reference to U: a Egret, A ;thin the lines of his army. The p,111.1 abbi-brulied men are to hr encouraged to ea list in the military service, nail the South n.lien sea 141.antlo and the abar.doned rice and un a portion of the Florida and :SwF, Carolina coasts are to be set apart for tbe s. 'tit Meld 01 the old men and women and chil d; NI. tire. Wes Sexton has been aptsdulesi to su pc, intend colonisation on the land. All the rebel Oloormsioos hare been remover front the aNu eldnidd to Suva:snail harbor, and it it litoc open to navigation. A Charleston correspondent of the Richmond I , 6poteh says that if kliertnan stleetedS In get ptosceeion of fl tm - ravine the, fall of Charies t, u coon follow. Lae rebel - paper continue to show the eon feklrn, deuld and despondency regarding the srce,ss of their COI, re,) , TOCy, now prevalent among the chief rchels themSelvcs, as well as tia• mine of the pen tile. he Richmond Etantho , r sar "The cope rill ion of true-clads drove the river had beau de signed to break the enemy's pontoon bridx.es and tints destroy his COM munlcatlon, and to take advantace of the rocertkined fact that he had withdrawn Most of his naval force from the river. probably to Wilmington, leaning but one Iron-clad and spate wooden vessels in the chan nel Glove Vanua. The recent freshet hart washed out a portion of his obstructions, and thus opened the way to the attack on id. pontoons. We ,mat say here that the expedition to understood to bare originated and to have been planned 4,7 Central Lee, to view of the eircittuatances re ferred tn." Plttnbarzli Snialtary Comml.stou Can- Speet,l. Dispute& to the Pit isbumh 4; izette. ostimureus, Jan. 2d.—At the annual meet ing, of tbet.lnlted States Christian Commission, Pitt,bnrgh comes third cri.the list as regards the amount of contributions for the last year, dom ing next to Philadelphia and Boston. Messrs. Prem., Albree and Weysnan are present from Pittsburgh. (Igo. 11. Sr: uer, Napoleon's Colonization Scheme in North- FAN FILANGLSCO, 3m.27.—CA:fonds Journals arc ei4cusing the subject of Napoleon's coloni zation eche= In Northern Mexico, and gener ally take tho View that It will relieve the State of S:outhern malcontents and rebel sympatid zezt, many of whom are already preparing to have under the invitation or Dr. G wpm. and that even the American settlers will revolution be the country it the Monroe doctrine is not smut :if:sated by the Unitml States Government. Fire In Cairo. Jan. 28.—A - lire occurred latt night whiclibmand nearly all the new wooden build ings erected on the ske,ofjhe tire of last Scp tual,r. The principal losers are: Min Chunk, Coy ;.A.,ods.tuerchant; Aswoid le Co., millinery and fancy goods; tiwayne,.groccr; Usher, cloth ing tccrehant o and. Swann, milliner. Total loss &MI: I. $50,000, mostly Insured m Eastern Com pun:, The Burley Casa. KONTtI, Jan. 2.4.—1 n the, Barley case tI is clut..rstood uo farther actlos can he taken, as tar the. Courts are eoncerned, and no appeal to t:c Privy Council has been provided for, and the ~,alter of extradition now meets entirely with the , vcentive. It Isge.nerally thought there will Ere n o hesitation or delay In handing over the prix , core to the Guittal States authorities. r. Gala Along Grant's Xines. WASIIINGTO; JOB. 29.—A letter from the gray of the Potomac, dated' Friday evening, eye: Qul,t continues along the lines, the only varia tion of the monotony being' some occasional piebet firing in hoot of the nth corps, near the mation. OTT AND SUBURBAN, Arrest of • Horse Thief. Or Wednesday last a horse and sleigh were eclat from the yard m the Cochran House, at New Caine. The property belonged to William al. Maitland, who at care offered a reward of fifty dollars for its recovery. No_ tidings were race iced of the thelf until Saturday, when he was deb, to Wilson S Brother's livery stable, In Allegheny, while attempting to sell the horse. lie offered the animal for ono hundred and fifty dolls s. Mr. Wilson, suspecting that the horse had bten stolen, and wishing to detala the fel low, promhell to purchase at that figure. ()Weer lloyrer, of the Mayor's police, was called In, and es he had a handbill deieriblng the stolen prop,:rty, he lost na tints,in making the arrest. The thief gave his twie as Johit Martin, and stated that he had formerly been employed here for some time - as a teamster. lie alleged that he bad sold the sleigh to a man at Perrysville ' and the harness to another , party a few miles from the ell. An officer was sent out to Perrysville to get the sleigh, but it could not be found. In addhien to title, It , was ascertained that he hail pet la ought the sleigh through Perrysville at all, as he was teen riding the horse, with the gears en. It was Etsted Mat a sleigh had been seen on the rawhide, several miles beyond the village, but the °Meer did not go out to test the truth of his statement. The harness had been sold to a dairyman, fur fifteen dollars, and were recovered. Martin bad some thirty dollars la his possession, and it -I+ probable that he hzui sold the sleigh. Ho Will be ,ommitted for trial Hurrying Thlngw The people op in Erie are in the heilt of dolor business in a manner that spesiks well for their energy and progressive spirit. Even matrimony . is not permitted in all eases, to drag so impa tiently along as it does in some other localities, as the following example will show: A man residing in Spring township, Erie county, burled his second wife on Tuesday, No venther 1,1864, and - on the 12th, eleven days after, married again. His first wife died about • year ago, and he was then five weeks he find ing a second. Sot the third he makes better time on, having had experience, and suite him self in eleven days. o cam, which occurred In Dryden, New 'fork, lawercr, leaves the Erie, Pa., ease far behind b r enterprise. A titan In that town hud the sfortuuc to lose his wife on Sunday; on Moo ney bad merrlrd his servant girl; on Tuesday they attended the- funeral of the deceased to gether, the new one wearing the old one's cb,thti, and ou 'Wednesday the bride gave birth to a daughter. This ended the programme for the linto.L. Its is usually the ease. Sonde,- was again rather a bury day with Mayor Lowry, anti he dispensed justice to a number of deserting par ties. The most important-affair was that of a party of four or five roughs from a boarding housejust below the Mayor's office, on Fourth who got Into a free fight, and smashed up things generally, Including china - ware, pots, crockery and noses. They were waited upon In • prompt manner by the police, and conducted into the presence of the Mayor, who disposed of than in a hasty and' wholesome manner, and they departed, after severally affecting perma nent loans to the city, In amounts ranging from three to nee dollars. Tnuattn.—This evening we are tn have the great Vestvallln "Guam, the Hebrew Fortune Teller," a cheracter In which she stands unrival ed. Our idskoers will remember the sensation created by Vestenli last season in her , rendition of this beautiral part,andwearesoxathey will not failio again Witness her beantirul Acting in tlds Oriorite pieta: , The -peribrananee will conclude Trith ti tayorkte and highly amain tan* The Ilitcrnal Revc•nue 51i thr Tn,nt:,-TlArd We hare prepared frcm the Collector's books a statement showing the amount of Goverumant taxea paid to the Twenty-Third Collection Ws iriet, from which an idea may be formed of the immense amount of business done In that dis trict. The table Includes the amount paid since Jannorylst, IStl4 to January Ist, 1365. It cldas not show the yearly !aroma paid by that district, las the. fiscal year begins July lot. Up to the flr d. of last July the taxes were assessed under the original Internal Ilegenue laws, but on that e the new law went into effect , and it will be F., 'II that the amount paid during the months of July, .Ing - r.st, September, October, November and Plumber greatly unmade that paid during a corresponding. period under the old 137. It may to stated that about Itlo,ooo, which was die for the' month, of Norember and December wan not paid until since the first ofJanuary, Instant, and IA ;not included In the exhibit for those two mot.ths. The following' table will show the amount paid each mouth for the last twain* moults. Atigust. tlrber . Oct ot cr. N cumber ... Derember.. Total GC widulii wne paid for Licensee On foal 0.300 11 • On C 4,01110.1 spirits 40.933 13 On ell at 10 cents per gallon 19 - i.6. - xn 73 29 •• 47:V0 20 On railroad Ito:. at per ton 11 552 50 Ou band,hoop Iron,; ire Se., at 91,50 'l.l ton 9.625 87 o 82.00 o 800 41 Iron advanced bona:Ant:Aß at 61,50 '• 6,51653 Cnatin.n, for buildings and bridge., at 91,t0 no - ton 122 8.5 Cut °Alin cool npt¢ec nt 62,00 per trot 3,38313 Bar iron at $3.00 per ton 4,918 67 13.11.1 iron a , 03,00 per ton 3,690 63 05.00 " 2,617 61 Nnlin no 11 - 5,00 pir ton 1,335 00 Pip fron nt 4300 per ton . 1.0,043 03 PI .te 1 00 nt per ton 1,647 00 li- , llrend irc.n nt 93,0 n pe. ten 9.571 IS Steven,. et 63,00 per ton 1,157 05 NW peel for to. pig, at 93,00 per tort 13,931 49 61.antanetured from plg nt 9, , ,00 per (on.. 9,161 40 by the above it nni bo 0009 the dinrent branti:2 of Iron MfiUtlrnetnre pay a hear! 651; in fvel It 31,1ds more revenue than any other leant.h of trade. Oil is nutt is amount; hat it sboutothe remembered that a largo partial of the oil that should properly pay n tan la the 23d district, has bete shipped to Philadelphia and other place's to he :old or exported. Salt and leather ore else important items, anti bring Inn very connideralae revenue. Some districts, 11,1,03 not loos. half the wealth of the .2351 district, nor done half the amount of bllnsi. nets, pay a great deal more tax. This is more partleuhirly the ease where the manufacture of distil:id spirits. in carried on extensively. It hum tt.o observed that the revenue from this source iu tht, 23 .21:Allot is but a little over 540,600, chi. b io much less Cum smite slnale distiliericm In other districts yield. A distillery, for in nt once, which rannofactures one lumdred barrels per day, would. in one year, pay ' tax of over fr.1.W0.000. 71 ence It will be seen that: the li quor business is a comparatively small Item in the 23d dittrlet. tribullou Chairman 12=! Mayor's Court IEIE2I $ 17,4G.3 69,1.3.1 35 115,11.34 .517 14.646 $5 45,1E4 13 51.150 4.3 67,117 13 ,The following is a list of the State Batiks of Pennsylvania that have beAmme National Banks: All , cheny Bank. Bank of Beaver County. " " Chambershurg. " " Chatter County. " Commorce, Philadelphia. " Fayette County. • `• Germantown. _ " " Gettysburg.. •' " Middletown. '• " North Amulets. " Northern Lii)ertles. " Penn Township. " Phamlxville. " " Pqttstown. Citizens' Bank of Pittsburgh. City Bank of Philadelphia. Consolidation Bank. Columbia Bank. Common:Lai Bank of Pennsylvania. Commoowealth Bank. Corn Exehange Bask. • Doylestown Bank of Bucks County. Downingtown Bank. Farmers' Bank. of Bucks County. " Lancaster. • " " Reading. ISt " Mount Joy. Farmers' and Drovers' Bank of Waynosburg Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia " " Easton, Franklin Bank of Washington. Harrisburg Bank. Honesdale Iron City " Kensington " Lancaster County Bank. Lebanon Valley Lowlsbur; I.l..xhanica' Bank, Philadelphia. •"' " Pittabargh. • Manufacturers' and Mechatdcs' Bank, Phlla delphla. Merchants' and Manufacturers' Bank, Pitts burgh. Milton Bank. Miners' " of Pottsville. Monongahela Bank of Brownsville. Northumberland County Bank. Octorora Philadelphia . • Tradesmen's Union Bank of Reading. " of Philadelphia. • Western " " Tork County Bank. The amount of capital represented by those banks le twenty millions tire hundred and nine ty.two thousand three hundred and eighty-eight dollars and thirty cents (f30;42,33.9.30).1eaving but six millions nine hundred - and thirty thou sand nine hundred and ninety-flee dollars and fifty cents ($0,930,095 50) of the banking capi tal of the Commonwealth under the old lair. The Dalton . Knitting Machine. We have beery bad occasion to notice this in. genions piece of mechanism, and now that Mr. E. l'. Carpenter, No. 27 Fifth street, has receiv ed the general agency for the sale of the machine to this State, Ohio, nod Nest Virginia, it has acein been brought our notice. 'This knitting Machine is a compaolou to the sewing machine, and - will fill a void long experienced in the fam ily circle. A brief desoriptian of the Dalton 1313. chine may not bo Uninteresting. Titers are, it In known, two principal varieties of this machine, the ono straight and the other circular. Thu pe culiarly of the circular machine consists in hav ing the cylinder &damning the needles upright. and tut onary, the needles being firmly secured In the cylinder at equal distances from and par allel with each other and the feedingand casting off appnratus revolving around and within the cylinder. There alio revolves within the eylin= tier alloth presser of peculiar form, which com biner the doublednty of eaallzing the strain, anti carrying , the cloth itelow the barbs of the needles.. 'rise needles aro Inserted into grooves in the out side of the 'cylinder ' and secured by curved clamping plates bolted on to the outside, so that, by ti.e removal of one or more of the said plates any number of the said needled cattint re moved and replaced by a psrson of no 'especial withentidLdturblug other parts of the ma chine. The machine Is fitted with a simple automatic "take-np," which Is operated from the driving-shaft of the machine; but yet the tension Ismadennift.rm by a weight am:pc:Wed from the take-up•frame. The machine is no less remarkable for the great rapidity of lie operation than It Is for the simplirity of its construction. The machine will knit socks, stockings, jackets, drawers and undershirts, and will 111.90 make very beautiful worsted work for Indite' and eblldren'a wear. It will make a plain or open stitch, ribbed or fancy, by an easy change of the gear and prfts er; nod will do as much work In a day as the most expert' tnitter can do by hand la a mooth. Mr. Carpenter, being desirous of introducing them invalnable machines. In every homestead in the three States above named, wants an in dustrious, capable agent. In every town and coun ty to those states. An merge* man can make a laandseme salary by attending to the sale of these machines, and with such Mr. Carpenter will deal on liberal terms. Call at No. 27, Fifth. street. Plitaburgh. CAZMITIALIS3L—On Saturday night, between eleven and tuetre o'elnel. John Gallagher and James McCombs, two rather rough customers of A lleghany ' came together eta the public high way, and beat and abused each other . terribly. Gallagher, during the struggle, csughtMeCombs by the cheek with, his teeth, biting into the desk with both Jaws, but not taking the place out. McCombs, In return, succeeded In flattening Gallagher's nose, and by the time the pollee got hold of them ghey presented a sorry spectacle. Tberwere conreyed to the Mayor's alike, and In the morning Mayor Morrison imposed upon them a dna of three dollars each: • . ANBESTED ON Bri.srucios.,-A detective from New York, a day or two aen ' sirrested a man from New Castle, In this Etiats - on the suspicion &bathe was a roan who had bought dry goods to a considerable amount from a firm in New York. under false pretenses. As it is not defin itely known that'tha prisoner la thcigniltyparty, we forbear giving any 'or .the.paztienlars.Rb - vim' confine( in-the - = lock-tip -of this city Until eunday, when was taken to NOW Tork;lft corn,' plionea with a reolittloti (Lyra tt3 0 39TCttler Or that Mate., ESTIBLISIIED IN 173 i Hflhil Of KOnel_S„'Fmpailitzers in Wegt Virginia. Two men, named Russell end Vincent, were recently killed at Fairmont, W. V., In attempt ing 'to escape Putt tho guard who bad theta In eborne. Bator the rebellion Russell was a pr,minent cube of that place, and a supporter of the Licmoct faith, and on the breaking ott of the war ho joined the rebels, enbse quently ha. returned to Fairmont, and for about. a year, be had been acting as melt carrier and spy for the rebels, Vincent assisting him In his traitorous work. The houbs in which ha was sunpOsed to he secreted MIS . starcbcd severel times, but he could not' be found, until a few days ago, when a trap-door wa,s disconercd o which, upon being pried up, revealed their hiding pine,, and both Unseen and Yinehtt wets found ebrarly stowed away In the hole. After tome (Wheel:7 they were Induced to . COMB forth, and a squad of eoldiers took them In charge. While on their way_ta the prison they were passim: near a dense Wood, and here the prisoners attempted to elm*. They Were In stantly fired on and both killed on tho epol,Two halls hit Russell—one In the bead and she other in the body. Vincent was also shot through the brad. The friends of Russell and Vincent are 'deeply Incensed at what ibey the "murder" of these men by a squad of soldiers. The barbarous killing of a prisoner who auhtidttesi to his condition, no such, might be properly condemned; but there Is no donbt that the net of the guard was indeed. Russell had any claims to being taken prisoner. ecru. Common ycUool lu Pennsylvania MEM The relort of the Superinteisdent of the OM moo School; of Penn.yi•aula ints been, published ftir the yen enable. .ittne lot, 18114, ana contalas touch Information in tct:ard to the working of our i.oliool ay.tcin, which will Interest all who care for ednentien and Um proper tr3inhir, of the maths of tbo State. Including the city of Philo- • dclphin, the following Ftatistle% trill exhibit the g rand recall for 1 , 364 . Wholo cornier of schools 12.9:12, tin increrue 0ff.:71. during the year ; whole `number of teachers 15,007, Increase ti'3l ; Nettole number ()Quirt% 71 1 9,930, Incense 6,1161; wrongs attendance of pupils 4.60,06 - s,luerease 4,467; ater,..., ,- age length of school terms, nix months fluidal* , ' areraze coat of 'pupils per month 69 • cents, I. crease 16 cent i total cost of tuition f 9,131,. (hIT.F6. inercese $11117.7 5 7.68; total coat of fuel - 1 and ci ntio genoic., :1r,t1.1,727.:10, &Trees(' ..a9,05 5 . Q 9 ; total for school hence= $,,t1f. , ,p.51. 4 .0:1, decrease $.72,01: . .ii ; 14fiediii4I the fetal cost of the Cotn- MOD School ajetCli of the State. Inciudifti:f ii!ixa. • 1 in I led, and amount paid. by Philadelphia, and the Matc appropriations for 1.164., 83,213,355.79, an inerenFP of r11:30:154.09 over the cost of 1863. While in some re.pc..i. there Ins been a falling or from the pa-I, von. on the whole the exhibit 1 is , 21,ortrngirc. ;1,1 t.Mott'' that we, hove.frOpt 'At:pally hivrem.irvz the rocnnc of ettionting our . young I cople in nil parts of the Commonwealth. orth Considering As the erpointetl time for the coming ;glen - aching, tt crc ore'not a free who i rre "many weary honrs of unmiont, thought" upon the !aeons by wldch they mey.4capo the demands of the inexorable wheel. While giving them e, It e. up to such reflections, It will ha well far no: of the umbiticus young men hereabouts, tile. ore lining upon the substanre of things Loped for—orbose assets sunset cf relothes, Cre dit •;,-nero,ity, to note the substance of a bill now before the Lts.tlslatnre, which provides that remons.who may leave their homes or en rollment districts for the purpose of avoiding military service, cr who may conceal themselves or refuse to report after havinglicen notified of their icing drafted, shall be deprived of their citizenship wit in the Commonwealth, and thall be Incapable of Inheriting any estates un der tier intestine laws of the &intionwealth, or by contract acquiring, possessing or disposing of any real or personal estate within the same. • - • - Pennsylvania Post °dice Appointments. David S. Mosier, postmaster at Modertown., Crawford crowds, vies 1.. W.Tldekst an, declined. Mrs. Betsey - Birks, postmaster at Kendall Creek, McKean county, vire Joseph F. Clark, removed. Henry B. Edo: rots, postmaster at Shingle Mouse, Potter county, vice A. L. Ballard, rn si need. Mrs. Ann Krisler. postmaster at Adamsburgi WESlniortland county. vice Wm. Janes, reslgned. The name of East Barre, Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, is changed to Sardesburgh," Andrew Connors: , continued as postmaster. The name of West Barre, Huntington county, la changed to tiers and Henry Neff retained as postmaster. James H. Black Is appointed pastmaster at Wall Creek, Heroic county, Pennsylvania, vice John Hays, declined. _ GammaLE's CONTE:RT.—It ehould be . borne In mind by our people that to-night they will lave, probably for the last time; an opportunity of again hearing the renowned 'pianist and corn poscr,,Gottachalk, who has been prevailed upon to give us another concert, before he leaves the country. Ileac who love music will not allow (his opportunity to pass ttnimprorcO, and weer. peel to see Masonic Ball crowded to-night as IL never was before. Get your •tickets at Mellor's Music Stoll!, and be on hand early If you want a seat. COITTLIIIETITARY.- - The Mends of James A. Katiell, formerly of the Adams Express Com pany, gave Lim a splendid farewell supper at. htcheld's saloon on•Satnrday evening, and to Set tle the affair, presented to him a magnificent meerschaum pipe. Mr.. Kettell starts today for Mexico, and he leaves behind Lim many friends who will cherish for bins a cordial reminiscence Of the jolly times they have had In his society, and will wish for him a happy sojourn among, the "(Unsure." • DIRM I..IO•RTCIAP—on sraura,y, • :fimuNry tith, aeon, Cill36o:i C. LIGILTO.A2, aged. kftpult. ream • • The funeral win take' pinee on TITIFDAX FORldO . at ten &elect:, from his M te rrakknee in Boss town . ..lap, on the Perzycrille Plank Itoad. Oar. Magee will leave the livery-stable et S. Anent, , Ohio street, at half part nine o'clock. The fileada . .• of the loony are respectfully Invited to ittenL [Gte+naburg and Latrobe papers please copy.] T ETTERS. -• ED in the 29th day of JAE A ME= Ardnle Andrew And.reon 11 1. Area tihHow Allen .lobn R Abby John Afro 1.335. 1 . V Arhotheot Pt 13 Alerandir Win Armstrong R Brennendr. iY Bolus Berth A Burchfield Albl Boyla C M BuitonEmilr Bryan Blakel7 Gee Bunn karate A Bowers Sophia. Bosh John 0 Beattie - John i Breading Jan C Ilemington M Burns Alazitarrt ' Brown Brat t E Ball Nicholas Beaoett Wm J Bore Bridget 13ogges elite, Allison Cassidy Clara Clinton Kate II Craver — Daniel Coleman David Cunningham El la 1, Christer Geo Croft Harriet E. Civvies Stewart' Cutler John Clark John W Choblin John Christy Jos Childs 3 S Chase YR Christy L Ii Cablnge Lei& Cunningham L Calhoun :Hattie Chambers Wm Croft Win Crunsc.ra Win 2 . Ctadirk Rebecca Duvall Amanda Il:trle A C Davis Eliza-both Duncan Lizzie Dnvid Durk Sara 3 Dunlap Jan DI 2 DOWnJohn Doleo Jaz Dillcn Joon Duncan Nanny Elllls AVm iatly nom Ecnns Blrtrgatet' Ed J gt Itcv .51 Frazer Ales Fox Cr • Frazier Banal Freerifellio Freeborn Wm Fitzpatrick Pail Gamble Emily GUland Dame. Greenwood° Grotto Georgia GroganGW Greed °t win Gilbert Julla Gordon M 00... George Nag .Gaye RA • .. Chug Yobt Grew A BC REMAINI UNCLAlN— leghchp, on the. Fuse 0111e0 tit A 't , ..1.131i. 1865. n , l 117,t r St Arthur Hoard Demeter Runt Elizabeth flumel Michael Holler Sarah M Jacob 111 - T. i lathen • Popo AddHo Porter Annie Pure Taro A • Purvis David Popp Praak • Petro:6J Profater lidaasia Piaroo Diary X . 12 Rally pyrua - 126.61/131 . 0 - Richardson 11 Rosa Julia ' Robinson S Haramon4 3 M Haney Mary I Hurford Mary El . Harr J Hope Mary E Hartle Maggie Holmes nto E Riceiiary — Ray Nary A Itsibel Mazy Reno 19 I. ItWar. Paul - • • Rem Sushi Sander; A hi. Spruce KMe t SoLer Kate 'Sterrett I) .Sessa Elijah • IStrtert Emma Smith Ellett Shannon J Eli Striff Fraalr. • . Singhose Smith U. Seal J H Sethi.= Jolla' Steel J A Jack David 'Jackson Jno 2 Jahn John Reanedy Sessy Kimberly Annie Kerrl2obart Karnes nix; I'licre Harriet Seiler Sarni IL )(hues Samuel Keene Sarah Ketcham Jao Koativy Son. Knox Mary - 1 Ktraes Mary Ring . Mary MI ; Kerr It IR Skunk Joh* Smith Jeadd Shook J Kclly Aoelc 14 Speer thee 'Lynch Fannie Laropton F Lightenp G IL lAnany Jae II beech 3as Lourle Jonnic LonpleaJohn Lamer John Lake Lucy pia I3lc'alcrOn-A Sutton Sala Smith,AS►r'g r tt ir Slawan da alat Sprinkle lliargt Smith At 26.11 Shoemaker X Sloan Nary la N Slatoo N Soudan; Wet Speer Wm Spilka Win Jr rr. _ Co Smith Wm- Sharpe It 7 Stewart Debt " Sheets It D • Smith Elrsterla T Titles Anita Treritt Kate Troup Dant AL Thornton Emily Thompson E Tintin John Thompson lola truntrean P 3 Tiernan; ZL D McCreary 1) 31rDoweD M. CI McCarty Dnel .11.1eGeorg9 S C. .11eiteer SOflah 'Dlcelellul .Ins ' !Ma-lex:dry Sae NeKeratton Jno I.slcCalre Dr J 31eGewaa .1 !'AleGilrbona L S rich/ aver Mary 51cOrrAry al .1 I M • 'llEurrey A F ' iM si • iMeer.DonlelS Miner Darla Martin Ellen Moore lienrieto Myer. ELI ;Mooches' Thal, !Milliken L • IMatthews L Mooney Mottle Mitchell M. 2 Morgan M F- Wheeler it. Rae- aught? Weaver Pusidea Williams Davi Wit.ney Cleo - : .': Whitmore-o*i. Water Loa. Welsh Jai WWight Jai hitehead Jae. Warnock /as Walker J .. Noimand :iamb Newhange S NeWon Mart".. Nlchola E. Otteiton Mix. I CPCoater Kite 011ie Ylla J *Oliver James ILLYVEL R Widney 111 whiteitat7 Whist Wm. - 1 - 1 1 Wilgus LE : Yount - Wm.- Zelletkiameit t • OVEJI.-P.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers