She Vault sta.ette. SATtilti!l!/.7, nia.iciotru niTELLiccracE The Corresponding . Secretaries, Drs.. Itoldich and 'Taylor, of the American BIN Society, hive published forthe infongation :4f the friends of this Institution, an exhibit . • of itself-sirs extending over a period of eight , months of the year 1864, from April let to Decentber Ist, inclusive. Tito main featnres of the'iper are as follows: . Receipt& from • all sources, $407,891 06. Issues of. Bibles • 'Testaments, and ' Portions, .1,042,280 volais. Grants in books have been 412,033 volumes.. ' these. dentitions we lity specify . the, flowing, To tins „ . 7.'.gritry and Nary, Hespitals„ * Gtiabeats, and t • Teturnes Prisoners' of War, 280,854; to the South, for troops s t ud people 21,660; to • .•; 4 - - Prisoners of War, 12,03 - 48;- &:thera Refer " , gees; - 570; to the :Prised' People, 24,782; to ••• - - I .Sabbath Schools; 8,160: to Sailors and Boat , I. Men, 4,007; itisocilaireousi 19,50. The lirdted States Chriallin Comusission Imre 2seeived grants for distributien in the Army and Mary arnonml4 to 227,03,3 volumes. In Foreign Work giants in books freer the Bible. Hone haTO been 17,060 Valium& Of these we specify the follow ing; viz: Of_ Cherokee Testaments, 2,000; for Japan, 1,260; Africa, 3,202; South Ametica, 1,182; lib:isle°, 0,000. , Besides these, books are now being printed en be: _heilf of this Society in various parts of the World, as in Turkey, India, ! China, hale,, tiermuny and Russia. -Electrotype plates axe now in Preparation for a Hawaiian Fa . milt Bible, and for. a 'Dante Testament; • while the plates of the Arable Bible alone -• are estimated to cost aboutl2s,ooo. Mlles are also in 'preparation for the Old Slavic ;Testament, and tire Slavic and Bulgarian Testarnent.:-:, Agencies' . of the Society in Merin, South' America, and the Levant, are successful. Owing to tio large grants, by the Board, Increased cost of material and manufacture, rate of exchan, , , , ,e, &e-, the ex penses_ during the peat eight months of this fiscal year hive exceeded those of the cor responding period of the past yearhy about $45,000. This worthy Society is CO deeply - stet in the affections of the Christian public; that its resources, tioubtlees, will aiwaya be ' equal to the calls made upon IL • —At the cession of the General , Con ference in May 4lit, provision was' made for the orgardmtlon of a Methodist Church llitension Society, the headquarters+ of ; which. were, terbe -In Philadelphia. The . , Of. inaverattag the movement was stisiguottcon committee with Bishop. Simp son, who resides in that city, at the' head of if. , • Within a brief period* the &Misty has. ~heen oignieedseleeting Piesident; .Thomas T. ITulre,r - , Sr., assisted by three' Presidents,• Vice Secretary and Treasurer Aisiatinf Tressnrei.'"The'BeariLdn.-, t t ‘tibter riirtyrer4i:fiTp ministerial and trienty -.)lvivlay Managers. Term of service et: p Ites In Never:Met next." : , ' sexton of Henry Ward Beecher's . Church, BrOnliya, 11'.• receives a sal ary of $2,500 per year. The organist is. said to renive more than.the,sexton:. It in stated,ha loyal:Members of the Fresbyterian . Chirch in New s Orleans. ' Li., turreAemandecrthe appolatmento - f Pastors what - sro in connection - 'elth. the Church , • . Standing . Committee of the DlO ten of Maejbsncli• of whirl Bishop Cox., of e- e Vii4tertl'.'..lTCW York, was a Preabyter preti f, spins to hieOleetinn,lan . ref imed to sign the "--'tlanonical testimonials , preliminarY to his asousocuulo r ii"4ibiloyalty 'to.the govern = Orient iiiheidfigedcausw • ' hailmen ascertained that there a're' :;.. -4 . o4 churelieettnd.hillii•opan in Boston eveiy ;Sabbath for seruiship, and that the * .lVent6.,ettendancentounts' to 68,471, The • potmistion i5175,1X80. chsik of the U.' P. presikiteir of Boston reports that the name Fresbytetien Waiturkuovriintist city in 1845, New there 64inized : , churches,, four of these haviag settled pastors, viz n O Reformed pieshyterhur, -Old . ' side), two of the "Old SchOelParty," or, the Presbyterian, and gib An of tho 'lf, P.Church.. He says Mil , =and sedr.denial have been required to pre. ',,,gefintilhit, fain ecchislaitiCal neon. .„.plhote most engerdartolteetfittenee sad nn. .•dar tire blessing' of God they - hare so far —The - able " London Correspondent 'of the. Pre,s4terfo, •Boarser•affinrus quit the ittlshols:of Meier is so Hlgh-ohurch in hls : it9tloll - 1!,1 ;agile will lleinie no enritte to Who does not seer his liras belief ria:.the reality' of :Baptismal Regeneration. SohrMustanding his high:ChurchTfewe, he iMiloposf Rome, and dfslikeißmiumisti. Se. Wrote to the churchwardens of a parish )strSikuiy;‘ - whero "a sculptured represent ,Aition of the crticitbdon" was about to be sat Iminixilately behind the contthattion ""table, thus, • The unhalq, coincidence of more than one or the clArtg, immediately connectedwith that ,eherch haring seceded the Church of Rome, cannot but hare jwovoked the settaititineatef thoie eeho object teiesery , irolitationr Itomati ,The ' lefilitureisjo" be removed `as is raribiei - atia Ss itt - themeat time tieednceafill. .": Wki4' mace corresponde* lU:ft the decielAn . ?f ...theSortyl of Final i 4l.ltimai be rirktial4l. ,. ' , Cfeliult - it - .till, ;Oral three things: Itiriecathe' a shan't of joy to arise front the 'Rationalistic jiiiityill'Oefir Europe. 2. It will eneoupage other:clergy men, secret abettors' of 'aereiltationalietle.: Ilqw*tp, atiatfitheit :naiad& 8. It trill lerkd to attempt , tolecnoTe , the PPigt of, Final Alibea,l7ecelvi!astiss only to be judgs. . T. The Crier du , Comiai statei Mit the Ifoly.Eather grants filtydsgehidnlgenot) to all thifitibfld who ealate . those they meet with 7 tlnt tiOde Jesus and Alarx;." , and he who intrwers, "Now and foieireft," - gainithe l iiiiinejndulgence.; Each lime these- simple 'minds aro repeated ai • innetinga'Perion; It - litiTs fifty 'days of put , : —The Archbishop tif btew' York, With . a view to completing the Cathedral of _Ed. Fatricrhow Sri preeesi of 'Construction, cor- "Itsr of ?iftliltyenus and Fiftieth street, it is stated, Las. assessed each of the Catholic rikurches fifty thotissid dollars apiece, in' order to hurry up the workon tile edifice. ---13 / 1 110 P Thgtnas Church Br wncll, D. D., L. L. D., of the Dioceie of Quince- Clout, end presiding Bishop of the Protes. -hint Fpiscopal Church in America, died re ! . • Aceutly, in the 86th .or, his age. He 'was a deseendent of COlonel Benjamin Church, i one or litelientiee colonial" times. For - Wind years Previous to; his entrance Into the ministry in .1810, he NW a Professor in unlop. Collego at Schenectady', New Torh...,;Ne Was oonseerated to the ottlee of • Bishop of Connecticut in 1819, and. re, ehtiiuito thetimi of his death. Bishop Ttn?wnell was Instrutneetal in found -Ing Trinititlidleie, at - tisitiord, Cottueet cat,:_The.Bishopwasthe author of ipiuniitriaierßeolr, " lad also Invested Ilre-volumes entitled li gegglon of thealeart and I,ife." Se ht also , the_ author of acv: oral other iiiiiifitetiittlilieatlona. ; 4 ,--= The.menhip#,(PernFi:Refott6d) Teiicwing the operatiotisof thepiturelkddr: ink sap most proatinent itatt:re Oi yerr ConrenCon Lehi et lietltbg, Pei_ in May last, to clove, with appropriate services, the three liun reth anniversary of the Cate chism, the Shakespeare Tereentary, and the Tercentqy commemoration of Calvin's death. The Tereentary contributions amount to over $103,000. --Themew organ building forthe Cath olic Cathedral, Philadelphia, Is on the prin. elple of the great instrument in the Boston Music Ball, and will ooat atom twenty thousand dollars- " CITY AND SpBURB3 I I. fleost'visrinctuer.s !RE:WT.3O 0/IZWITiI Mutilated Postal Currency. Some misapprehension 'may hare been erected With reference to the redemption of mutilated postal - currency, or notes to mach torn and do faced silo render it next to imposalisfe to decide whether they are gcnulue sr counterfeit.. An article has been (Mite extensively espied Into the paper stating that postmasters were boned to redeem mutilated currency, provided no doubt of its gtmlibtenots existed, and provided that not more than one-tenth part of the militated note was missing. Seth notes or currency—nudoubt. ed l .l genuine, and set more than one-tenth of currency notes, `or one-twentieth of Treas . :ire notes—are a legal tender; postmasters, like all other pestle, 'rebound. to receive them; and only because such octet are United States money, un doubtedly genuine. Postmasters have no means of using.defaced or mutilated notes Which Is not common to all, and all counterfeit currency or Treasury notes taken by any Governthent °facial Is the loss of such (andel. The Government makes no allowances for such bus. Deuce the unfairness of expecting an officer of the govern ment te becOme the receiving agent of dirty, de faced, or mutilated fractional currency, the gun niteness of which Clll2llot be decided by the most expert. The Government has provided for the redemp tion of all mutilated governmental currency; the rule Is that all such shall :le returnol to thu Treasury Department through a government de positary--such is the Custom HOW; or a Na tional Bank—ln sums of not less than . five dol lars. If the currency or note Is genuine, the Treasury Department will send new notes for the amount returned. If more than one-tenth of currency, or one-twentieth of Treasury notes be missing, the Department will deduct from the face value of such note, the proportional value of Idiot Is miising. It Is, therefore, the duty of the holder of mu tilated notes to bear his own risk and loss, and It Is not the duty of any Innocent party to bear the risks of others. All mutilated note, should be deposited with a roverument depositary for redemption, and thus retired from circulation. Those who are careless enough to take such notes, have no cause of complaint If others, who are more careful, shall decline to receive such enr reney. The holder, with a few days' delay. C-111 have the money .redeemed by the Treamry, as above stated. A Deserter's Dodge. We direct tbe attention of Provost 3farshal Klrier, and Lbs detectives to the - following "mel ancholy epistle"' recently addressed to Officer Moore at Kittanning, by one Daniel M'Efullen, who (if he hi to be believed,) new lies beneath the guilt waters of the Allagona." There is no doubt that he tiraL—bat not under "still waters:" Dcemr the 23 fittt Mr more take this lo ot oper be tunity o f Drop • a few lines to let you know you kneed not honet me fee mire this conies to your hand I will he maid in the embrace of Death I am sory to tel yon that I will 110 L go back to the army to Sure thenagvo but 1' will ly• Down Beneath the still ',interior the Allegana River . lad Remain there jiatill the dad Day, of Besellection bare to lee my poor Wife and child for Ever and that Brakes my heart but I Soon Be no more I will snow be numbered with the Dixidand ther fa vor that leak or you, to, please to write to usy Captaln to take my name off the Bole So that my Dear wife will net here that lam a Deserter to Dishonor he'r and mj Meads Kr James morel must Close title and with it i Close my Career on this Mirth when MIS yon - Bect remember me 'sat ly Cold beneath the Still waiters of the elle dana By . l am no morn Daniel Macmillan. i 011 Cperistione.ln Arenserung County. I The search for oil and all sitm is being Hge roualy prosecuted in swims sections of AlM strong county At Laechbtuv the old sail webs are being overhauled, and comormiss formed. io bore -them deeper and thoroughly test their merits. A.-Gordon, Lieut. F. Mech. ling have made arrangements torridly developing whatever oU 'substance exists. • In other sections of the county much excite ment prevails. Cowanshaanock creek has bp fame . a center of attraction.. Experienced op erators sajlts indicationslerpal those in Venango county.' Every avarlable foot of territory along Its.banki have been leased. A large company, under the superintendence of the for. George Ormond, Intend to commence the work of boring well without delay. An engine has been se cured and Pall arrangements, made for expeilthig• the development of this creek . • Several companies have been formed to op erate along Crooked creek, and Pine crack. ter ritory la alio inrequest. liowdylao..llorie Killed. Three rowdies named Andrew. Beebe, Themes -Dunn and' Bohn Porter, on Thursday night broke open the door of the Niagara Fire Cont pany's.Engine house, and took out two horses and aline sleigh. Thly were bent op haringa ride and were enjoying themselves *Bertha style of their own hearts. They had not gone far, however, until they ran against a post, break ing the sleigh and Injuring enact' the horses lig) severely that be tad . to be shot. -They then abandoned the team and began to make good their escape, but Basta and Dann were soon ar rested, and are now in the lock-up. Porter has not yet been fotaid,brit diligent search la being made, far him. The horse that was killed .was valued at $3OO, and the sleigh was also 'satiable; nnd; on the whole,'lt will prove rather an wt pensive affair with them before they get throng'' Narrow lEs}..spo from Drowning'. Yesterday afternoon an aecidint betel one of the boys who were skating on the opposite aide the Allegheny river, which might bare resulted rather setionsly bad it not been for the retnarki. We presence oftolnd of several of the orty who theoccurrence„ A. boy, whi te.skating, broke the lee, whereupon two others plunged la to mime him. The excessive coldness of the ,natcr, however, chilled them and yandercd them not Only utiabitto use , any exertion on behalf of the first piety, but they were powerless to sari therneelvee.- All three would certainly , hare perished bet the timely assistance offour or lit:coda:Wing near' by, who_throwing off their crate, tied them together, and made an Impromp tu rope, which they threw towards the, drown ing' boys, and, , ,One' by mte, - pulled •them out. They were taken to_their homes in Allegheny; in en !detest frlocritig condition. At fast amounts they were doing, ery well. • . ~ . 4 7 1 . 51 , rb5i Welli at Xmweu. Obis. Ono day last week, an _oil well that was Wink . :biked dc - Coy bylleisint,MCClliteek o 02 e'cargt otßenl. Cole; ono-fourth of 'a title below the TU. /SO or limp; Wahontar county, - Ohio, now wooed flowlnetdl,; , und'haswhice flowed at the rate of three barrels per week. The of thb self I. 620 - Preparations ate now Meg made to' pat Ina PllmPland Is thonght.the wrII, when pumped, will produce Ally narreli per week: This development has had the etfoci. to place olllnesetments In that vicinity at a high , Anether well In the 'Wage - of Lowt 'ea; at thedepth of three hundred ftet, flows at Intervall,-sotnetlmes throwing tbe oil and wiltat to the ludgbt of Lary feet, • • • Tbe 'Late Locomotive' Ezploolon—•Deatb of one *title Injured:, •.. , • • Wm. Rlbblett, the. brakeaman who , was :so 'severely Injurcil , by the late explosion of Eogine No. 18, on .the Penntylvanla Railroad, died of hie injuries' on .Wednesday night- , lie - was Co. moved . to-his residence at Conemaughf by a special train, and awry attention was pall to lint, but without avail.. His death - Was caused by injuries to the brad. lir.tlood, the conductor, who was also 'badly Inpfred, le getting along faiorabiy, and will doubtless recover. Patrick'Dorao, tha engineer, is Alin confined to his room, his eyes being slight ly scalded. - ' - City Mortality. Dr. Ceorgo L. McCook, Phymicion to the Board of Hcalthj.icporta the folloakm; deaths in-the city, from Jan. 14, to Jen. 21, 1985: Miles 15 White. 22 - Total. :—.23 Icuilvs..;.. I Colored.—.. Or She diseases there were : Disease of heart, 1; typhoid. fever, 3; peritonitis, 2; bronchitis, chronic. I; congestion of brain, If . ..congestion•of brain and frozen feet, I; disease, of stomach, 1; dropsy, of glottis; 1; unknown, 1; dlphtherctio croup; 2; umutanans, -11. convulsions, 1; di p -- theria 1• vitriol*. mallet", 1; whooping 'eolith, I; at torn, .1; Jokier pnetimouLa, hydro, , 5a.111.181171. arßillte.- Mayor 14011ry lamed a variant R' the finest of an Irishmatr-named 'Klrgeri_llllng In the Eighth ward. Ifo had laden beating his wife Margaret 'ln a moat "shatneild manner, and she made information against.hltni This man has before' twain. the Mayor's court for Miasma Wrenn, but stt:tho instance of, his relenting wife; was reissued, with s wholesome lecture finm the:Msitor. - : Het yll l 3 2 oovg,:sl eaelly t4431131!3.-: =l2::= Gs: ran : I u, tal:e r C valiiug the attention of the C. ;end s of 1.1,-.! labile Scheel system to the fact that a bill to now pen .1- irg bcfure the Legislature of this State die;d ing the county into two districts and providing fez two Superintendents instead of Tee two also provides for forming out district lo be com posed of the two eaves and the sqrmninfog bor oughs, which would eompose nearly oaraalf of the number of schools In the county. But it strikes me Tory forcibly that It 'would be likely to make a fine fat office (or some lazy man, who would be opposed to traveling shout visiting the sehcols—aa to some of the warda of the city or boroughs there aro from eight to eighteen schools In one building, and the number of months taught id theyear Is ten in those districts; while the average number of months taught In the country districts does not exceed fire, and the school, aro from two to three miles apart, which would require at least three times the ameunt of labor to be performed Ly the superin tendent of the country district, In the five mlmtbe, ma - would be performed by the city superintend ent in ten months. Would It not be well for the people to be con sulted In relation to such an Important matter Were procuring legislative action, and let a fair expression of the public mind be bad 1 If it is necessary to divide the county let It be done In such a manner ns would equalise the labor, by throwing one of the cities and part of the bor oughs into each district. It Is to be hoped that no onthors or publishers of school books will urge the legislative action' rlth undue haste. A Plenum or ?tin Puncre Sorrow.. till la Medina County, Ohio, The Medina Catetie Lae tbo following in rm mud to oil prospects In that conntyt "The prospect; for oil In our county increase every day. Already several companies from abroad have been formed, which propose to operate In various townships of the county. Two or three companies with headquarters at Chweland have een formed. A Lumber with headquarters at Ciscinentl, we are informed, already own leawa of land in fee simple at or near Liverpool. In this township the Indications are as yet more abund ant than In any other quarter. yet In Spen ter township oil land has been discovered and 1 sees taken and farms sold. One in Liverpool now yields about three hundred barrels ace day . , and is less than two hundred feet In depth. number of wells arc now being sunk." EAILIMAD CLIANGES.—QtIitO a number ofis, changes are. to take .place among the ofileers,ot 4 the Pennsylvania Railroad. Robert Pitcairns, formerly superintendent of transportation on the road, has ben appointed Superintendent of the . Pittsburgh division. David MeCargo, formerlj ' superintendent of teleg raph, has been appointed Assistant Superintendnt of the Pittsburgh divi sion. Mr. Robert Geminill, train master at has lam appointed Assistant Superintend- . ent of the middle division. Mr. S. P. Darlington, chief clerk in the General Supsrintendent's office at Altoona, has been appointed Assistant Super intendent of the Philadelphia district. Mr. W. McCormick, Jr., formerly superintendent of tele waph of the middle division, has hem appointed i Mr. McCargo's place, and Mr. C. Sellers has beep appointed in Mr. McCormick's 'dace. , TILE Votn n 71111 SLIM WAILD.—The special eteetion helil In the Sixth Ward. on Thursday, to eetertnlne whether there should bee tax levied to puy Counties to volunteers, resulted In the fol lawiug mote: For tax - 273 No tax Slajmity for tax Boununr.—Ayoung man belonging, to a highly resPertable family, entered the store of Captain Putney, at Putneysille, , Armst-ong county, on the sight of the 18th hist, and stole therefrom 191 in' monej. tle was 'ltrleoi to his home, by his footprints in the snow, the money recovered and helodged Ina felen's cell. Qrtrrlos ASSICINIKO.—The quotas for the sev (sal dittriets throughout the State, under the rail for 300,000 men, have been. twinned. In the Old District the assicententts 3,5711, and in the 2:td, 1,170. The quotas for the subAtistricte IT ill he made out at once. UNITED STAIRS DISTRICT COURT.— Friday.— Pierce was found guilty of perjury, and will probably be sentenced by the Court on Sat urday. The Jury were not out store than ten minutes until they agreed on the verdict. The jury were then discharged.' CLosrzo Otrr sr COST.—M , Ctlntock, at Oft Fed eral street, Allegheny. Is now selling out his turns and well sdeeted stock of Boots,Bhoss.k.e., at ruat:to quit the burins, Call cud got bar vain!. Remember 175 Federal street. Lco Astrvravrn.--,Samnel Robinson, of the Anderson Cavalry, and a reildent of Kittanning, has WA oats .ef !la legs amputated above the knee; from ndisease contracted while In the au , iee. iSSTALLATION.—Rey. Jobs Orr was ordained end 'installed es pes!or of the Presbyterian churches of Warren and Pine Eton, at the late nantiog of the Saltshorg Presbytery. EDWARD EITRK, of Washlngkin township, Cumbria county, who was arrested for dbiloyalty Come two months alnee, died at . Fort Mltsln oa December 34th, In the 72d year of hla age. THE Sixth . Want Relief Association meets on Saturday evening, January 2844 at 7 o'clock, in the School House. The public are Invited. `Cot:: T. F. LICIII&II, of the 103 d Pennsylvania Veteran Voluniors, Is In command of the gat doom. atiloanoka Island, N. C. • .Ran advertisement of Boots sad Ellmen'at cost v.% Federal street, Allegheny. BOWMAN D 611.068 AT COST, aL Federal street, - to fiats !mantas. WANTED-A'SITUATION AS ENGINE= AND WHEELWRIGHT. By one ban bad gnat eine:fence In ell kind. of work connected with tke 1110:( .. and STERL IIIADE Enitland. Addres,, S. 1., Box ICA Plltnonrkk. 'faint ----- WN ATED.—Wantetl a suitable man to fill Ilk pointed' of CONSTABLE for the DIAMOND lIABLETS. Tee salary will b. the snipe In all respects .1 that now paid the Mayor's thefeesuanal fees included. Applleat on should to c made DAVID SIMMS; . • Soporinteudasit of Bam.. Ty order of .M.ICET COILILITTEE. jnzat. I, I ITANTED--SITUA.TION.—A. YOUlid man, l9yeara amp, who has some knowledge of accounts, writes • good hand, and .peaks Ger a an,. wishes -a &Motion la some Mercantile •or .I.linufa - cturing house. Salary not ao much an ni4ost, as to get. an opening in • good busts's!, es. fahilammt. Address "IL. ant ad, Pittabardt. Peon's. VANTEW4If:S A MONTH.—Agents TY everywhere,, to introduce the new Sias t Etieqn Dollar fondly Sewing Machine, ilia only d'rre. maeirklel 4:hcoectle ' Ar hi liste V aM se, ng and Bsehelder.. Salary soul expenses, or Isqe commlaslons allowed All other Machines now sold for less than forty , dollars each are in. Jringrsenlr, sod the seller and veer /labia. Illnstrie .ted circulars sentfree. Address MHAW ts CLARK - Blildeford." - Mathis..— • noilifdosilairT ANTt i 37- i tte: o r , i ror THY :fl air boot ever published, embre:ing the adyenturea/ • women In the 'Uzi tin Army sit Nanotr,Seout and Spy. CH•loy • most wield inner picture ot the war. iirtumed and iliabledoMcon al:AS*lllkm in want of profitable employment will ilnd It peculiarly edapted to their condition. JONES, BROS. so Chestnut attest, Phumehibls. rjazdawir 'WANTED-1170;A - MONTEU—I. Want w Age.. eta ever/where, earn s month, expefiseif paid, to sell , r(faans 4rtiatfoi tholiaalf eenl me offered. Full partlaulars free. Address T. DARER. fllddeford,-Nutos, ooffaltiodasT • T NVANTED--A 4.A.RDNSH, Cojake care T of 'mall mice near the' Is a vineyard; rep alnder in orebari . lL ',Fo o l:mew& Won. required.' Inquire at the de26.11 City MlLLS,Ltherty Weal. Pv, 1' • IVodkaff-jefilif.l EISSELL'B BLOCK. , . • • 10 ST. GLAIR STREET; . . Would mill the attention of buyersp c hb. stook of good.. It has be,. selected .wlth at care, and contains ail - the NEWEST - STYL or Goons to b, found in first elms bowies. Gent. uriebtog a suit of clothes made to order, will pleas. call and examine our goods and prima. Also, a full and convict...dock of 35N2..imasubdisis Cii-cocsasa. • W. H. BIeGEE, filnnoriArr TAILOR, ROI No. to Sr. CLAM. STREET. G. 11ALE Merchant Pallor's, 11. W. tor. Penn & St. Clair Streets, GRAY- &LOULN, LEiZEZ=2I ~• . ',14111E NOW ,01•OSING our TRELB' WINTER mYraTotrnirs .AnD mh#wws `,`C.4OTh ING,. , A*ear.l sa ,;,„ w. EMMIMES!IIIIIMM 1 q Acv, 9rll-koi at:il vr.a.irTs PITTSBURAIII. SPA.C.I.I.L OTZCES . - Awe (4; PECTORAL' for the I .plo cure of Coughs. Colds, laths rens. Tioersenees,„ Croup, Bronchitis , Incipient Consumption. and for the Relief of Consurardive :olreoced Mises of the disease. So win, is the Mid of if s usefulness and eo nu merous no the e, etas c tere that almost every sectien of country abounds in persons -publicly knowo,ewho I.err been restored from alarming and even detperare diseases tithe longs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other expectorant in too epparent to escape observation, and where Its virtues are known, toe public no /anger hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of, the palm.. nary organs that ore Incident to oar- climate. While many inferior remedies thrust span the eommunity have failed Ise/ been discarded, this has mdned Mends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous had too remarkable to be for gotten. We eon only assure the public, that its quality is curtail) kept up to the beat It ever has been, and that it mdy be relied oa to do for their relief all that it has ever done. Great numbers of Olergymen,Physlclans. States men,nd eminent' personages, have lent, their a some, to entity the unparalleled usefulness alone remedies, bet space here permit the loser Mon of them. The, agents below named furnish gratis our Amnions Almanac la Iskith theM are giver; with also full daicriptlons Of the cerapl ints they cure. • Thom wife metre an alterative medicine t p u. rify the blood will rind ATF.R'S OORP. EXT. SARSAPARILLA the remedy to use. Try ponce, and you will knew its value. Prepared h.y J. CATER and sold by B. A. FLEREsroulcs sox; & and by ailDruggistd. ' jalteodim. • itgerlirrsmattua NAM, alum& HUBBARDS 4. LONG, NANII7AO7I3II.IIIIVI ON PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS. of every de nerlptloa. MITI, Alulay. Orate Out, Gang, and all of her varieties. kinde of ENIVES'and SPRLYGS, made (rota Sheet Cast Steel; Extra Refined REAPER AND MOWING KNIVELK, &c. Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention glen to. Retoothlng, Gum ming and Straightening Circular Saws; also, re pairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. ap2.3:17 BAILNIIILa....k CO., Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers 14 and N PENN STREET. Having secured' a large yard, and furnished with the most Improved machinery, we are prepai e,l to =mutt...ter° every description of BOILERS, In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the counti.. BRICHEN, FIRE BEDS STEAM PIPIN, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, MONDE NS ER S, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SKI' p.TLINO PANS, BOLLER IRON,' BRIDGES, 1 G AR PANS, and sole manufacturers of BARN. , HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing done on the shortest notice. • deladf y.> LAKE supEnzon Copper Mill and Smelting Works, PITTSBURGH. PARK, M'CURDY & CO., Nanufacturers of SHF.ATIIING. BRAZIERS , k Bol.T COPPER, PRHSSED COPPER MOT , t MS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER. Also, iniporters and dealers in MEP.ALS, TIN PLATE., SHEET IRON, WIR; Ac. Constantly on hand, TINNERS , ALLCIIINES and TOOLS. 'Mt rehoune, No. 1R FIRST and Eiti SEC OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special order, of Copper eta to any dealrod pattern. - rnyVelydasrT 110111NNO41, ILEA & CO., (aucceasort I to Ronnisou, Ilio,s h 1111et,eita,) Washington Works, I•OI.:NDERS AND SIACIIINISTS, Pirrssanoit. Manta:tauten DOAT AND STATIONAItY STEA AI ENGINES, LAST LA.STNr.s, KILL EILINERY, GEARING SAITING, OAST !NOS of sildescriptions, , TANKS& STILLS. IiOILER AND SHEET 11Wii WORK. Agentsfor 0 IFFARD'S RA.TENT INJECT OR., for feeding boilers. 411ZOLOY D. 116121.811... J. t. Itot.Larrgo ilarLA BELLE NTEEL WOBIEb. RErrER & co., • . (Successors to Ranee, Murex's& & C 0.,) 3Taneturers of CAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW nht and BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, A...5-LY...4, LY...4, CROWBARS, he. arc Work. , FIRST WARD, 'Allegheny. Poe ti Othce address, PITTSBURGH. Jaltkly _ • THE CONFENSIoNN Alen ESE'S. RIENCE . DF AN INVALID, published for as beach!. ALI as a warning and caution to young men "Oen anffbr from Nervous Debility, Pre. mature Decay ef Alaabood, eta., supplying, at the sane time, ti/ awns aZrelf nee, by one who has' curtal himself after be put to great expense and injury through reediest humbug and quackery. By enclosing a poet-paid addressed envelope, sta, gte copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, EN., delklouLawT Philadelphia/Pa _ TO NERVOUS SEEFERERS OT BUM SEXES.-A reverend gentlemen het lag been restored to health In A few dsys, after tut ; I := l :ft:v he at u rn s :nlt7l ' t ' b Un oti e t .aci suooes ine s, g ot u isld 2P lr i bl i s stews! duty to communicate to Ala &Meted fellow. creatures the means Of CUM. Hence, on therm:wipe. of an addressed envelope, he will send, free, soppy at the prescription use d. Direct to Dr..10/LN 11L ,DSONALL, 19t Tunas treet, N. Y. mbitatrdawTi JOHN COCURAIII4 MHO" Idannfai• Curers of IRON VAIILp3 AND PAUL! DOORS, IRON RAILING, WINDOW SUM , TEJLS, WINDOW LIVIARDIV, tat., 'Noa, $1 BM oN D and SS THIRD IiTRELT, between Wood and 111arkat, byre on band a variety of new pattenut, fancy and plain, suitable far aU pupates. 44 Particular attention paid to emclasiagGravia Lots. Jobbing done at abort notice. awl, DINF.APIES - .SEMLNAL, LN TE NNDSTOUN& `SYSTEMS—neo an O Thllabe ttentinent—la 116. pot La el the 11.waril Att.:lulu, Scat by mall /41 waled letter envelope, f of Addiew D. J. SEMLEN I.IOV I IMON,SowariI Asawintion.No. 1 South Ninth strait, Phila. tolt2BSy n. COLLINS, FORWARII ING AND COMMISSION MEROMANI end rtholesehe dealer In °HEINE, BUTTES', SLEDS, FISH, and produen casually. No. WOOD STREET PHlstarsh. Acd roll BALE.. 00 jds.s loch Rope; 112 yds. b Loch Rope ; 1N feet Robber lime; I pale Platform Seeks. No. I emelt tk;ucter Scale; Head liolttle6 ktachthe; I coat iron Sand Pump; 1111,701 feet Jolet; I Wllson Steam Lard Tank cemplete,2299 Limeselooler (bolter from) complete, Yen leg 1 L) 11.;;;-d Cooler, eompleees. • It Uniting Preach tomplete; 6 Lard Kettles, plates andlanusee eeespiate; 66 empty Kamm Oinks; 29 Pleklelese Tanks One keel'', 291 table far OttTooks; Clesren; I Plow; 1 Cultivator. Impale* of J. P. PORTER, Jakati It Pork House, Woo‘ps VRUIT AND SHADE•TREES" EVERGREENS, .&c. Of APPLE, we hare souse NOM; Acid of ill MI leadleg varieties ¢lOll4 profitable for this 'Hellere extra Am trees, es Emir Harvest, Molds* ush,"HoU and Pippinsßaldirin, Psllo water, GoteO, King orromplane 06., Rhode Wood Greta, Ernst Wooly,: Rambo , Rotate-house,' TOlmea's flveu4 Stallk , s Older, km, with a very largo stook et PEAR, CHERRY, PEACH, PLUM EVER: SIiADE . UMW . , ROSES, 'EIititUR !VERY, GREENHOUSE P LANTS ' Le:: So. Al our stock Ls we oast great ludueesteats to .ylsnters and 'oho le ptuebasers, • Orclors left at GrovovUonse,Osklui, or PlttsburyA Post,o6 'in, will a peciaptl y &Umtata. . • - • JOHN ACUIIDOOII,Ir., - rnolVSavro , :Plltstuch sod Noroidell • "AtrAtlenly Balm Pittsburgh, Dee. ,114, iII!. VOTICE' 'LS DEBEBY °ITEM Agren% lOU Seething of the Act °Mt Gametal Ail , astinbly of - tbe Clommonlrealth of. Pessaylvaela, entitled “Aft Act =Wing Banks at We Otonmew „ wealth to brooms asioclattone :for the purpose .ot BetAing, - undm the laws ot the Untied Blates, ,, ars PrOved the Cid day of August, A. D. leell, that the el , Ltllialders of the Allsgheny.liank, of the ally ot Pittsburgh, end .county of ABegheny, Imre this day voted to become such an aseochttlen, under the name sad titian( ••The Allegheny National Bank of Pittsouryb," and that lie directors bare prom. to tte authority of the ownen of more than two. third. of the capital stock to make the Icerillkwte required therefor by the laws of the United Stetee Aimigaut,, - • ISAAC CliAl43's • OTPXLIN SAW MILL, - AND BARGE YARD; Craig. Street, Allegheny. OIL WELL STEAM ENGINES —lam prepared to furnish • STEAM ENGINES.' So inuch.approetot of for oil wells and other pur poses, on the shottest „notice. Haring diderent lined Engines on Wands, and notching others.' the 'public con be accommodated with almost any site they want. the work to chow far Itself. nsuER, Fifth Wind, 'between Menhanic and Garrison streets, ' d e . Pittsburgh, Pa. AltiES-111. - 49-rolsitecrtp Pmaree P.apraorr DRAWINGS and SPHOTe PIUATIONS, for all kind• of building', and sumo Intends tads erection on reasonable terms. Si- Oritce -on ANDLItsON STREET, ,between LacoCk and Robin■oo. AllegheriT ORD' H GENGEBIBRE, Civil mod Iffeekonleal - _ N 0.14 RAY STREET., near DRAintros of MACININERY, ritnzarmo% .110NUMENTS, BREDOES; &a:, executed' WWI acturaey, on abort notice. • • EVENINO DRAWING SOROOL, with rirAtill elapses for different 'tries dmwinr • mina 0. BEVERM C E .NO. 63 Water. - St. Plttabnrith, autinAtoturer of BOLIEILRIV. ETS, WROI:GRT Di g e rraArriZ eL r . ahalSPlßES invErt . laws. Or , .imallowitteirte•amer at: retort notEo. A . Ifroad , aatOrtruntociostantly on hand. -:tertHlNl .1. S E.11E..1,TS . . lIITTSBURGH THEATRE. FIFTH STREET, YEAR WOOD. • Laaxe Alm MA.3•13 se • Nr. Eißnotß.,oll lerti.t men: far a tow;: i;;'a!, oni t trA . VLSTVALI: I'EXTTA LI ! VESTVALI! - mix, a ill appear In her part or AN.: ,IL(,, as perform et by herlik all the prtaaipal Mt,. of to Ilnion. NEW SCENERY, NEW DRESSES. THAR.- LING EFFECTS, NEW MUSIC, oad a complete eat otaharact era EIS EVENING, John Itrougham's thrilling rpm:U.lller drantain five art., entitled BEL DENONIO. Artelb • • Yeatrall. Song anie art. To conclude with tie Nautieal F Drnams B of BEN, ME BOATSWAIN. riIIABLE'S TARIETIES. PIMA STAMM inn* BT. CLAIM. W. a sacrrar Lewme and Manager. GREAT SATURDAY NIGHT DILL. The Doublullomparry in liTrnMeadollll I OLIO AND COMM PANTOMIME. On Monier Night the following brilliant Galaiy of Stars orill make their bow: 5 IifAZORd, ARNOL I the betutlfal Statue Daii• vetisoi JOHNNY R RT, the Pittsburgh Favorite; FAY WELOI ; I). W. OOLLINS, the Rs- PT Old Man; JOE MINS, Clog Dancer, lAA. i n zrx BAINott and AXE WALLACE. She following Sts are engaged and will appear In • rapid anceessioa —*Ma Ernestine. Adelaide Nixon, Sallie Bra den, Ereilne Lehman, and Jana Christine. A ' n 2 o 1 s den MASONIC lIA 1, I FOR THRE NIGHTS ONLY. THIIMADAY, i'II7DAY and SIATIFEDAY, Jan. 20, 27 and 22. MORRIS & WILSON'S MINSTRELS, BRASS BAND, American Opera dk Burlesque OM Folks' CONCERT TROUPE. For further partleulan se* pouters & programmes. Doors open at 7; to commence at IN o'clock. AO minion 00 cm. Children 20 etc C. A. W. A. ABBOTT, Agent. MORRIS, Manarer. Ja22:st. MASONIC RAIL. _ GOTTSCHALK. By CS-oza.e.rcia 2rlLocixzemit sicificon MUZIO takes great pleasure to a. nounee that BY REQUEST of many Influentla :iilsisen• of Pittsburgh, L N. GOTTSCHALK, • The Warld•Rrnowned Pianist and Composer, Will on hl. wny to New York, returning fro, moat successful tour through the Western end give ONE GRAND COI4CIFIRT On Monday Evening, Jan. 1865 'When an eutlre new programme will be pe formed. • MR. GOTTSCRALK wUI be nnel.ted by MISS LUCY simoNs, The young and t..lented VoraDn. SIGNOR .ARDAVANI, :rile favorite Barite., of the Italian Opera. from the Academies of Music, New York, tk,etoti arid Philadelphia. linsirel Director and fondnetor•••••SIG:1011 -Admission, $l.OO. No extra charge for Reserred, Sesta. Ticket officeopen, commencinx Frlday;., January 7 7th, at O. O. ?donor's Music Store. Or ders from the country enclosing the amount for the number of nests required will be promptly attend ed to by C. 7 O. MELLOR.. Doors open at 7%. Concert commences at & faMLltd CON'CEILT HALL. GRAND GIFT CONCERTS AND SOIREES NI AGIQUE. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, oeterneaoleg WON. DAY. JANDAIEK 1:301. 18e5, by tke talented BELMONT TROUPE! Comprising the following Leelles sad Destinies of Venntik, ehd Artist. Quallieetlone: , Prof. BELMONT, the only rival of the sealant HOUDIN, who. Chleaner. is the ailmirstion of both Pres. and the mess. M;Vgg=l ••• • . Mrs. CHARLES HOWARD, (from Holtdsy street Theatre, Balttssere,) Comedienne W To. ealart. Mr. GEO. GRAY, putty 'Wed Ike &merlela Ilmcnrou. Mon.. PTOHOWSKI, tie oeiebratel Plants% " fid e u= r icts. Doom oper. at 1; to commence aR:4II I 4IFT IIATE , MES, Welouder And S.turnay afternoon., comnienchot at .314 o'noek, on enter% occanon 01.114rea wl.ll be nlmltted for 15 cent.. ClE1)." GRAY, Ja2l:tt Baslooss Agent. BOOTS .4.1 D MOBS. BA . RGAINBI 13.&RGAINEit • CI Xs Cie! ar7-• TO 4IIIT TUE =MINES& I an now aiming ml tett» 'lode of Bans. OHMS' airrans, • tad BALMORAL.% -At No. et Federal :Street, Allegheny, AT con, . . To go into enter bootees'. . Th e Pulite w il l JIM It to their Admetus to sell end enowLes au Weak, I AM dftenntneel to done out In the tenet time T able. , GOODS AT (SAT- Eliaxasbor the plooo, Ffterol at. A ll egheny. on i w R. IIeCLINT(XJK. , -pimps AND GENTS' Gil FELT , .AND BUFFALO OTERSIMES, I ROTS. AND YOUTHS* Grain Leather Water-Proof Boots, LADIES AND ILLSSE , Morocco, Calf, and Cade /skid Balmoral. insiva Calf, Kip, and Grain Leather Boots, CHILDREPS Efilicioss of ALII 22C171clis. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT McClelland's Auction House, Jae 55 PIFER STMT. CLOBINQ ODT OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT ,ciar. GT:SI9, lIALMORALS, Ght7TEILS • SLIPMCILS, NT3'. lADIES, AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES et eiery damiltion, Yowls the time to buy, aa we - are preparing to receive our spriag stook. Be lore Ind inn Were parehastreg eisewheiei at: • BORLANDIL • • No': 98 Harkey _2d dtior ant IV% l it Jai . MI AND SHOES No. E 4 mAExpT; SMET, sotrnr& BOSS, JAMES RUBE, act,. m) market 0 SELLEFTRE 1324 T, THE NEATEST nrrnea, And THE MOST DUBAMLM .23C)CM5 amockips, Of any house to theelty . . •Be hns Just received a magnificent Fail Stoat, Try him. ogle ....._ TELE "STAR" WORKI LUST RECEIVED BY - GEORGE ALEREE, SON &C 0.,. NO. 93 WOOD. STRE,EI'. 1371' and T°ll"l ty e gS 4 l l ' i lr4 4l.; " • Bootees; o:althea's Goat end'EtU Shoos. These geode are made to our special wit/rem. Ire wurnulted unequalled a wit= Week. ' . FURNITURE, AND OM AND WOOD t2kMsw at vnlweel.primi. witommax ox xisram Js. W. WOODMIL, - 119 1./P:YRPAITZBAj Opposite, R. Zdatioilson n `O3, I v, sot' MOOR'S. az...mums. sc. • HuNT's A_LIV ANAb, 1855 1 Hoc • feat sad complete History or ChronolOgioal 'Heeord of the Great:Rebellion f from the commence meet down to the re-election of AbrahmiLtneolo, sod the reslgnation of Gen...llcCielisn—price leas UM'S IMPROVED MAP OF TMLiZiGO COUNTY. OIL REGION, Showing Sections, Punts, Towashlps, WI the Urea', &e., colored to Townships. Mao IWO 'lnches. Price, 81.60. Hunt's Improved Map OF WEST jY EoINIA & OHIO OIL REGIONS; Colored .in Countios. Sim Itssi—prloe, 01.00. JOHN .P. HUNT, Publisher, N FIFTH STREET, Idssonla Hall. ASP /lithe above welled pest-paid on receipt of .4 price. jrgl I METROPOLITAX GIFT BOOK hut STORE. PERMANZETLY LOCATED t PECILLNENTLY LOCATED t FEEKAAHNTLT LOOLTED 63 Fifth Street. OPPOISITE CONCERT HALL. OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE Yids la the largest and noel 'liberally eendaeted Gift Book Store In the World without a 'lngle ex ception. There!. no Gift Book Eetabllahment to New York, Philadelphia, Mittman', tlhicage, or any city le the United Stater that la esailaitel sa 'Barony and extensively as TIM METROPOLITAN OF PITTSBURG At this establishment you. wa sod all Elses o from the Small Poeket4ilition to tie lam est Family Bible published. All the Late Publications! All the Standard Booklet OVER ONE THOUSAND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS I From thimmall Cloth Bound Album at It eark to the larm cod moot elegart Album made. For tabus. or Books of all deserlptloaa call at The Metropolitan Gift Book Store Our Isms Descriptive ostalokuo ensiled free to y address lo the United States on application W WM. L. FOSTER & CO., j.i L itra MFlrth at, Pittsburgb. Pa. The Three Seattle, . . BY J. T..TROWIIRITHIE, antkor 'uf °audio Care," Itc., en. One v01...nt0. Wft' 1434 7.. 41.11.:7/51. A❑ the New Pubnestions of tie better dam •a baud as soon es publtaheit. DAIS,' CLARKS i, CO., L. READ, noehadlor Wbolcule Daslie-la Photograph Albums, A Liberal dlaseant to the trade an CASH ORDERS J. I.: READ, Jan _ _ Na TS FOURTH St., Pittsburgh. • ])'ISRAELI'S AMENITIES OF LIT ERATURE ellasistlUg of alustchep azufoksa , cetera of Englimh Literature. Now 3Eksaticsis.. • Sltatllo pets• Is two volumes. Pdoe, Of M. BAY dc CO., 65 Wood St. . i2E The hitherto anedheated writlei (1116.11.LE8 LAMB. • Printed - at. th e Elvers e PreaL 0140 eftallto.llll3o, Toluene. Mee. Ittr9o.. wITTORXErS. 'oval' W. OAZ2AIi UELEIUIT McIiABTER 77 . • CLAIMS AND PATENTS A.ND AITOuNNYS.A.T-DA.W. We. *I GRAFT STBFET, Plftdmrgiu Lamed by Cltnni:mmst to solleat BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BAGS PAY IMitaily or Naval Claims Agehtet the tatted Staten. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, due soldiers charred on account of "muses received la betted eollietedlmmedistely. • ' at IS GRANT STREET, opposite tie Onthsdral. odttly _ _ pmfBIONS, BOUNTIES W....J. &HALL alma% Army and Navy Agency , N0.11 . F4 .FOURTH Pratal Pflegruret DININTLES.BAOK }AV and PRIZE NET,: and ooaLuirre.xion.ez RATIONS of released DrilloMll collide& • • - PAT I.IP PIUS° INUS OF :WAIL OSA bediliw* tlie4e altos or wktowed mother& 0e147 Wt;tITDE.I)I3OLD $lOO Bounty to, all W oun 5o - lilt la now Writ paid to au wtth anu:amp:, N abuts made snag!. moniT Le collected. t k T. WALTER DAT; licensee! iq the V. S. Government. No. to rirra STRE=, mond door Delo* the Cathedral. • • tayadrau I EMI= R. C. R, aMCJ.L J. A. JORIDOR 31ACKEELL Sa JOll.llBOll, iatOßNirs.4t-wsw, aautt D.S. LICENSED SOLDIERS, saner* Bounties for Wooodod SoldlOrt collected In frozi AFTOrtice No. 98 °MUST "MUM, Patllll IL tt Uall witikOlarbarto ond two:witnesses,. ! OLDIERS' MUMS, .130IINTIEB FENSIONS AND ARREARS OF PAT, , . PFumßtir att.gaided airruiras a RIDDELL,• No. 116 FOURTH. ST, Plttsburib, Pa. MILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS A BOUNTIES, BAOK. ray and MILITARY MAIMS of every description, colletted by the .aubccrlber, at the following rates, viz: Pension elkother claims *leo.. C. C. TAYLOR, Alitiirney-at-Law, hares Grant stow., Pittsburgh; Pa. N. B.—No ate made It the claim does net ibeceed, M all infornirition stye, gratis. golds j , Q.A.11 W: SHAFER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, :to. toe terra STIZZET, Pittsburgh, P,;. mi.: PENSIONS, uourrf.- PREZE MONEY, U., 'rigorously prosocutad.._, • . • tf 31 1:111w111444;141 . . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, All Legal Bustnesiptoivily attenuteA . , Sir OEBee, let Eclyrusperier, near Girs*4 l'lttaburg. aP233aling _ _ - TAOS Po ll STEEL 'it BAILEY, , .. oto , . . Stockkars - an Real Esta agents boufht'iiiiii i d euthii: on co u nts: ;..01,24/ All the Late Publications All MO Standard Books PHOTOGRAPH ALE 431911 ts WOOD STREET KAY as CO., est; woon se SOLIOITORSI OF I=l JOHN 21.31JULIT. EMI k2R 8:29. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Asset■ oia January 1, 1564. 02.457,5-Lil II Capita I 400,0 mi Accrued Premiums 971 dm Invested Premiums 1,036;a1 Unsettled Claims Btii /roma for ties loom:* Losses Paid mime tti= . . • 000 Perpetual and Temporary Polieles sa l iber Mos al terms : . . . _ . Marie' N. Bancker, Isaac Lee, Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant a Georgeralea, Jacob R. Sari Alir Fitle George W. Ric h ards , Fraa. W. LAIa, X. D • CIIARLES R ANOKER, President • EDWARD C. DALE, Vice PeeeldeaL. LAB. W. XcALLLSTER, See. prrt. tem. I S. G. CIX . FIN,I . i l e ... ce, Lb di earner Wood and Third FIRE AND MARINE Thourance Co. of North America PHILADELPHIA. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, 8i,e83.000. SarrrOteoller MI be secured In the alpove named Auld reliable companies. W. P. JOIVES, Anent, Bagsley's Buildings, at Water sc. ESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGII, R. MILLER, Jr., President, WM. P. lIERTIERT, Secretary. Office, No. 92 Water street, Speng tr. Co.'s Wure house, upstairs , pi/tabus/O. Will insure ayaznat all /ands of Fire and Marine Risks. A MIRe instills/km moneyed by Directors tots are- . well known in the community, and who are deter. mined by promptnert and .11berality, to maintain the character which they hare assumed, as offering the best protection to that who desire to be sneured. H. Miller, Jr., Jlimec McAuly, Natlinnlel Holmes, Alex, George 1./arel,e Campt,, , ll If. Herron, C. W. Thcketecm. irly3o WM. P Andrew Aekiny, Alexander Speer, David M. Lung , Rees J. Thom., Benj. Bakowell, John R. McCune. HER BERT, Secretary CITIZEN'S INSURANCE CO3IPANY •—•OF PPITSBURGIL—Onice, corner Market and Water streets, second floor. WAI. BAGALEY, President. WM. A. SHEPARD, Secretary. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Insures against loss and damage in the naviga tion of the Southern nml Western Rivers, Lakes and Bayous, and the navigation of the Seas. Insures aga'net loss and damage by tire. • on, :' S. M. Kier, John Shipton, J3111(.11 M. Cooper, S. Harbnugh, J. Caldwell John S. Dilworth, Wm. A. Rodgers. derarlyd Wm. Bagsley, :Samuel Bea, J. Park, Jr., SW. G. Johnston, B. P. Jones, Hon. T. M. Howe, Barclay Preston, George Hingham • A LLEGUENY INSURANCE CO3IPA -t-a- NY OF PITTSBUB6II.—Otace,,No.7IFMA street, Bank Block. lnaures against all kinds of Fire and Maria Mika. • ISAAC/ .TONBS, President. M. JOHN D. M'OORD, rl ee President. HOOK,D. Semidry. • Damao John*, C..... Rummy, Harvey Childs, Capt. it. C. Gray, John Irwin, Jr., B. L. Faha..tonk, • John D. McCord, Ca pt. Adam Jacobs, B. B. Sterling, Capt. Wm. Dean B. L. McGrew, Robert H. Davis. pEOPLES . _ INSURANCE COMPANY Mice, N. E. corner of Wood and FHUL FIRE, AND MARINE INSURANCE Torta Wm. Phillips, jrAn Verses John Watt, ig wiz It.lttmatta, Wm. B. Map, , SamMlLP,Mkeiver, John E. Parke, Maiden 8. Rime% frnisa w leadit i 'el. • Van Risk, - Oharies AlDnek WDL PAILLIPS, President. /OHM WATT, nee .President. WM. 0. GARDNER. eman . 1 11.1. 1 rUFACTURERS. ,c. DUQUESNE BRASSWORKS, cexaulr & .cßewToßix Manufacturer of every variety of MiUiketi BRASS WORK FOR PLUMBERS, sTrant. OE GAS FITTERS MACHINISTS, AND copriEssarrrus. BRASS CASTINGS, of all deserippona, made to order. STEAMBOAT WORK, STEAM AND GAS Frl tiNG, sod REPAIRING, promptly at tended to. • Parttenter attention pale to 'fifth:4*p REFINE. RIES FOR COAL 'AIM CARRON OILS. Alio, Sole Agents for the Western District of Pennsylvalthi for the sale of MARSH. LADS. DELL & CO.'S PATENT SYPHON PUMP, the beet eyer Invested: Hoeing no valves It ls not liable to get out of order, end will throw more water than any pump of tw ice Its also. ante PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861. DffiTHSEDGE3 PATMIIT Ova/ Lainp Chinsnewt, iLANTIZACTLICED 01 XX FLINT GLASS. These Chimneys are Intended for the flat flame, heating all parts of the glass equally, does not ex pose it to cracking. 11. D. DITHRIDGE, Fort Pttt Glass War m, Washington street, apl7 Pittsburgh, Penal* ROBERTS, BARNES & CO.. 80. 39 Third Street, Pitttourgh. • „, Tll AND SHEET WIN WORKERS, and klanufacturent of • JAPANNED TIN WARE. we have now manufacturing - and have on hood Bathing Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Ware In Setts, Water Coolers, Grocers' Tea and Spice Can, biters, Cash and Spice Boxes, Tumbler Drainers. Spittoons,Ae., he. A large lot of Bird Cages for sale low. OD ' Cana of all sizes and patterns. Thi Gtoothrg, Conductors, and. all kinds of Jobbing Work done to order ap3o DLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH P.& PARR, BROTHER & CO. /sLsnufscinren of BEST QUALITY FE:nMZD CAST STEEL, Squ, Flat and Octagon, all clam Warrant: ed equ ar al e to any iillperteli of numulactured ln thla .10/ Oboe Rod ware/to - tie, Nos. I* and 151 Fa'? and LW 'm5123 Szoozn aramers, Plttssu4h. M: e. 7 M.onATßeg::a. irE*PftL. a If.ZIANAN.. illon - crry . WORKS. I'. , • . . irA9aMIP/t. >6 Ceti MURDERS 'AND raecnatisrs 9orrututPllll3 - ismi and WALNUT sTREETs, . Maar eltv Wate r NrotW Dian uract and other ENG ROLLING MILL CASTINGS BIAOHINE I BY, clan kinds, an, OHlN rethlJc,tibene. PromOttention jet, to, 3GL LINQ IL-. IPSTEEN BRASS ',FOUN DERs, eAs AND STEAM FITTERS. rartbutiarottention -paid to the fitting op and ris pairing of 014. Rlb'/NEHIES.-- kinds -of -DR.Abli- AND IRON COOKS mode to enter. Also, BRASS OASTI.NOS,- of all kinds, made at-t 6 shortest notiee. 'All- enters left at Nos. 31 and at WATERatreat and-L/lIRIITY, will be promptly attended to. -• /Fir Tim members of this firm being practical OM; chavrks, of many years experienceint bar business, will insure tartly, satisfaction in every respect. We are also agents for thaild, Garriaon Co.'s STEAAI PUIII, for pumping Water, - Crude and Refined Oils, fre. ' deS-iy A LLEN ITYCORMICK & CO., A.A.- Lire Founpnr, Pittsburgh, Pa. . .41sTIVarehosuie, 391 LIBERISI STREET. hlanutartureni or COOK, PARLOR and HEAT= MG, - STOVES, PARLOR AND XIAMEN GRATES, HOLLOW WARE, ete., Steel .and Glass Moulds, itolling.lll.lll Castings, Alla Geas lag, Gas, Water and Artisan. Pipe, Sad Irons,- Dog Irons, Wagon ,SUGer lottleo, Pulleys, Ilangets,'Car Wheels Couplings and Vastligs gen. orally. Also, Jobbl ng and IlachLue Castings ma& to order.. - Patented Portable with Steam 0! Hone Power. . ENN Y. 11/4 . 4 - 411ENE 14011}11 , AN .111. NVIGITTNA3I, ELME/AZ BUILDLE AND 310.11=1:41.1T, ./AROOCE STREET between .Fedetel an 4 &Wiwi .11Innufeettner WIGHTM A N'S PATiNT PORTABLE, .OSCILLAT/Na.. STEAM, EN , OMER, Enettlng,Plleys, net , , Repatrint °fall kinds-attended to .4el -I T. f GHAB le OW NES: (Into of the firm of Fewees' Ithoef.l.lo a 11.FJ/13DIf (We of2dltaell lierrontrC!).. ironYbnnQezr and toys ltimaletititiii - . Muth Wald ? Pittsbunch. - • mr:47' *lOll4 8.,111110.01i op BENNETT_, , Mtsutithctlitert pf - *Tars' tiTODIE 0341 NA 'llO4 - .91 tiritroam , am t vat,o*ii26l : EFftraist/ übuisk ~( I'ERPST LW 11 UM EOI'ATLIIC . irtrupuitEvs apscieru Homeopathic Remedies Stand confessed') at the head of remedial mead for the use of the people. They ern althelatilaTe 4 from the poisonous, dangerous, and repulsive dales of Quackery, or Old School Moieties. the lationve. Mame of wateeeure, or the intricate and perplest ng obscurities artful usual Homeopatblo boots an t menclued ' Consisting of simple epeelfies the the various lin14.11•11 CP which they are related—put up In the form of arire„iy sugar pentits—and prepared of ingredienta sitihtee dangerous I,o e they see the tinh A t of the parent or nurse, the comfort. o planting and *Orate. They Pismo r fklientdagim They are harmless-rye injury can robe .11te.. their use+ agare simple—yen always know. What tin take, low to take It. The are convenient—you can wglee the proper Sugar Pills at a moment , ' warning , ithout hesitant) or delay_ They are 'admit— in thousands of cases elsease is arrested at one% =dna system cured without prdatratioa or delay. Ho.l-431res Fever, Cengestitillatid infravialanee, Heat, Pain and Restlecsnem, and the tint stages of Lke acute sad indaminatory disease. Price Yi eta. No. 2—Cures Forms Firer, Worm Golfe:malted , . Woos ApOitite, Wetting the Bed. Price 16 oats. Pg. a--Cure. oat,. Teething, Crying and Wake n:daces, Slow Clrewth Feebteneat et Infanta Price ai No. 4—Carem Diarrhca, sr Catildrua« Adnlta Molars Infantsua and. OempNlats: Rine ; as rats. $4500.000 Nos. 4. 661 6 me Mks want .till Chrsol4 warm. - No. I—Como Dyereitory or Blood rte.. Clio Otilloss, filitooo Ootio,7•11 . Palm a OM N. t—Curs Cougho, Cola, Ilsitocattio. Brom &Ul+, Lalnenzo and Sore Throat. Prlooll tent.; Ms sad NO. 1 WTI* . WI to otto ilmi vest 0014 and Coosho • . , . Ao. 11-4,sarti Tooth-act% Face4cha. , Narlyew Roan and Ti• Dolareux.. Price .7.5 ocaZi. 114.11—Caren Hosetneto, Slek Nelldaalha, Vettligth itu.h I!4oAxi to th e ilond. Price 25 L ...1/I:‘,osa wits N. 10,111mM/I'U/a CO wee LW neat Inveterate Wen. • Pio. in—Coree tiyrpornia, Week, ANA ot Deee& ad Stomach. Coostipatioo, Liver OempLint, or Bi'Moe Condition. Price se cent.. lop ALI-MI.IS for all cemea of Week. Diseetioit and Bilious Complettota. No. 11—Coresirrupprecsoil litensec, atScas.3l, at Painful, or 1)eld) Log, Greta Sickness. 33 °aura. No.. 12--Cores Leurorrhos or Whites, Dualist Down too Profuse Messes. is cents. No. to--Cure. Crono, Ileum Croupy quiz!' Ditneult and Oppressed Breathing. KS cents. No ll—Cures Salt Rheum, Crusty Eruptipos, Erysipelas, Senh! Htakl, Barbers. Itoh, Pimples on the Face. 35 mmts. No. IS—Cures Rheumatism, Pala, Lamermsll, or Soreness In the Chest, Back Side, or Limbs, or Sciatica. 16 cents. No. 17--Cures Plles, Internal or External, Bela or Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate. CO cents.... Tbls remedy bas cured thousands of the worst possible cases. No. 18--Curra Optbthstral a Weak or inflamed Elm , or ETON .. Fal li ng or Sh enk Melt. CO emits. it may always be rolled upon for a ooze. • No. i9—Cures Catarrh, acute or chronic, dry or Ewing, Cold In the Head, Ineuertta. GOcents. No. 20—Oureo Whooping Con I, shortening and palisting it, or Spuaionte Cough. 03 cents. . It to infallible, and always relieves. yin nuns, No. 41—Curet Asthma, Oppressed, DlGlcsdki r kit• bored Breathing, Code, And Expect's& " on GO cents. • Hundred. have beta cured by it No. 23—Cures Scrofula, Eauried tilisaiNoLett Toeslts Sue/hogs sod Old Ulcers. e 3 mak& , Bea cured the worst cases, No. 51-4juren (lessen' Debility, Myst/Woe Net. Vase Weaker-es. SO mate No. is—Cures Drops", Flutd Accuinn4tiens,l* Swellingo, with beauty Secretion'. ;Wlreest& rr owes sesslckneei, rroshr,uoil, Monet, Vomiting. Ea cents. No. 27—Cures Urinary Mown, 1111 ravel. Raul o‘loull, Difficult or PainruillTrhultiolt - 011 It curer, old eases'of KidneT Mower: . . Nit 25—,Foe Sel2l.lPlLi Eta/Akan; ,/ev Dlschai and oonsequent Prostration and 1)1 14u = 4, Bed Results of Evil Habit... Price St OD. • TU.:most eteelent reenedy knows. eat OM b. celled atom ea 1 Tire cam No. Rs..Cures - Sore - mouth or Stomach, (Maimed Mouth of Adults or thttltlres, and • Wro Nucor' slut VosaiUng of Pregu.hat Females. Mara& No. zl—pares Patatil Moiotniotteosi IROsnue. pat SPtutltYy Itchlsorsad, WO, Ulan of Females. SI 09. /t sots Lae ■ Amt. No. a—owes %mita( 5 . 01 ,W.0 Liteal"g" ngshea at. r..• 0110. Sad gm m .Disease of the Lieut.. al K . Ne.24—Ottivs Diptiteris W ligeeratc. Usit IS els! Willy son Se vie! busily rose, ammo* I OS esse 0111 IS 'vial ease Oda.l OS Mr vial Papillae's we IS N POND'S EMU= 01 Hiltailtras mmulassids,alikarrse.Saramitassa3 sees," Sera .-Rheasistlssis, Bolls, Moss, OW Aker ad Toot/owe& DmesSataa das...Mee N anti: me trade saPPßed at New -Tedr. Priael .• Our Remedies be - MetL Loot stet the lIsC , was up a oaae at mod Mut' roe cheese, tali, Sodom the amend fa a mused seta sr damps Sy stall t• lay &derma awl Ms faulLcine will be emir reignite 47 mad ao esiums fres stamp. . J. ITIMON; direed. 010.0 K. Sillatas2.l.l gesoad door below Me Pestilie; Wham& at for Plttebwerk /Lad COBGE NO MOrin. TRY STBmotrumra MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM Ern=imuron KIELLIIMI7OI7B 000011 riamsem. LB warranted. to- ware Coughs, Oshis Moareences, &U m; Wbooplag Donk,. Bare Throat, ConatEmptbm, sad WI • seted.Lona pi pi For sale by Dituggirbi. gaieral Depet, S. Fourth itri:et,"Obaolnoiol, 0... . en the Medical Met -and the wen rommemegi -DIL STRIOKLANIPS ANTI-CHOLERA—MIX TITIVE ea the only certain remedy- torDlerthatiefirl Distmtery. It ie a 'combination of datriagenti, Absoibante,. NtilUttiantlr 01111:1111110.1•11 Trarronttil to greet ammo attar al ether viaabi have failed. For sale by Drupes, ts. Genet* Depot, t . Fourth street, Otdotanstu'O. STRIMANDTPIGE RBEEDI% DR. isnacruunin FILE • ItEXEIni• cured thousands - of the worst eases of DE MI elle Bleeding Files. ' It gives immediate ralUstel. rods a Permanent sure. Try it dtreatly.:. wsp ranted to cure.' rat sale brat, Drizgghte. 011 . 1)4 011 , 4 I Xa - Fourth street,tlasionstl, O. ' '• ' DYSPePeigi:l 07 00311811 .E4 Debility STEMOILLSITEM TOMO: '" We sea:tosommetil those safittley what loseft Appelitearoo Or .Dirs,- Narrower& end If ervties ritty; to use Strialsode It la a instable preywatkok, free Leos Manors; tt strengthens the whole siervotti Abus Dup ers.' agooe.ametak and Is weaseled e rs&Nessons Debility. . - ... ~.., :4 11. ro. sitaMe l = l rog For sue by DR. GEM FL KEYEIRR. maw el • Wood street and Ithlia alley nod 14.E.SZLLESIS • b CO., corner 01 Weed and Sword burr rgh; and by PLR & BRILL, ffill i r= . ... . pok,GR;AT ENCfI4ISI/ :31/ZdAD7O,- But yAsum cuatkg,s - - - - • • . CELESMATED Faux.4 Prepared from a preeirlptlori o .ffirY. , Oistitb * S. D., Physlclnn .F.althotdbuirytd 444*. • ,This veil. kaows merle:6lloft ao haporet l6o ;ho4 a sure and, safe repredylar.Folealo 4116eultlew wad Obstruct/one, froni any. cause whatever. =IL al. though iv powerful remedy, they enntein'itOth log hurtful to the •eonattenthm. - To ..married Ladles it le. perfectly salted. - will, Inn ohm; time, bring on the monthly petted with regularity. Tne.e. Pill. Anil. never been known to foil where the directions on the h page of the pamphlet atm well observed . For full eartleulers get a Pimi , blet, free, oPth• egret. SWldhy all firtemlito.' !dee, tt per bottle. Ocis • •sr voiertbruelt _Y street,"We rs, w York. R. 8.-411 ands postage stamps, enclosed to ally authorised,ageqj,- whfirwure a bottle, ebntaining over 60 Mlle. ertUttittiall. de.3o:l7d3LlrEe MANTIOOD: .- ROW'LOST FROST RES ,TftlitEDl—Jeutt seilet salsas nye Pelee, Six Cents.. Ledure owing NSW% Th:atuient;nad Radical ',CUM of Sperm:Mint*. or Seminal :Weakness, Involuntaor Esatisione Sexual.. end, Impeeinnents 'to Marriage generally; Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Rost ,Fitsi Mental and physical, Insapeeity, lax' from' Self-Alma; &r. 'By ROM'. tleures. -urzeL,..lll: ortbe'Oreene Book; fut. ^ A ,BOON TO MOUBANDS OF OUFFERESSI• Sent, under seal, Ina plain envelope; reseins Aglk dust; last paid, on receipt of six. ten entsl , " p_ostags Memos, by NW J. 0 ELLNE, iS7 , Nreltink,ftsli orate bOX VOL. Oat • FORTY • YEARS • Pn.a.arian. ' atria Glum : e a konngn.maeeldLua &Kaei b . y a : n r d aga ia . 'no M of:Pan d led aoj lnnt lift* aufrtelert pivot' of sny. inceeenA SPXSueTOBBHtEA forSLsvSLwrjupgirg,go And all diaealini Wistalgthentrinkllialo Jt Vey ibertretima titan anzataannerbyla s .:XEGETABnr • Medlninna, : - an, Part thellniall• !et AAA: A ltaa~tedtvieVa4-4."umntS-4:11 .tArit,tro JZfIDIC.IZ.