. . . . ti%c 'tabbing% &Wit %,„ THE GU= PUBLIBIIING 1380121T10N. TANtr.ART .20, 'lBO5. 0 11915711. WESTEII3I „P#21N81(1••• - - ,•- • Conatal - erably more Ulan one-fourtu of tbe increase of voters in Pennsylvania, from 1860 to 1864, was in the principal counties of Western Pennsylvania, embra cing about one-fourth of the population of the State, in 1860. We append a table of these counties, and the total vote cast in • each in 1800 and 1864 : 1800. 1 884. Allegheny.. ... 24,54 • 33,933 Armstrong 5,518 8,767 8eaver........ ........ 4,507 5,641 BMW 8,007 ' 8,422 Cambria.... ...... 4,154 5,280 • 3.919 r Crawford.... ..... ... 8,824 •‘, 10,987 Eris 8,708 9,833 Payette.... .... 6.933 7,581 ' 1,989 .... 6, Jdferson.. - 2 5 ,84.279 24059 9 8,8 499 91 Lemma 8,772 4,727 115_ .ercer: ,6 421 7,789 Somerasr '4;404 - ; 4,507 1 17ehasge.... ......... . ~4,624 7,190 Warren.... . 8,875 4,146 Washington . — .. 8 798 9,530 • WeMmerelsed . 9;509 10,637 126,557154,249 1.13,557 • J. - ) Unease to 19&unties 27,692 The ,ratio of population to voters In IEOO Was as 6.1 to-1,; and at that ratiothogroWth` istisapidairoa In these raises ed 0W1611,111 four years, has been 108,921.; " lionamtet, Greene and /tidier counties; heing offrallroad have gained but ate; while the all counties, Venango, War-- - zen„ Crawford and Erie, have grown nip:: .Alleghiny Shows the greaten,grow,th Of all, bid all :45i them show klarge and healthy increase, width' le steadily pro- Tho total pdpulatlon of the nineteen counties enumerated was, in 1800, 778,308; it is now probably 1;000.00;:atid Judging from the past it is safe to Say that 111'1870 they will contain 1,300,000. A NEW REBEL SCHEME. Thelue 'lawn broached - at Richmond for letting the Smith 'out of its present tight place isthe plan of allowing the rebel hest and its leaders to withdraw from the United' States to the' - provinces of ties:lee; withcint hindrance or molestation, like an army going out 'from s besieged citadel with the . _ tenon of war. Once beyond the limits of the United States, their expectation would be that they are no longer to be regarded as the enemies of the federal government, but . ralberas in Integral portion of the Mexi can population, to which they will add • themselves, andby the majority of Which— that is to say, by the liberal party—they will expect, to be received as friends, if not in thal4ter'chanicter of litientfors. CM,Ce 'At Mexico they, would 'tale' sides .Irith4lapati.„ expel Mameaula . restore - •theliberalgovarament, and expect their re ,- ward la Um donallory - of vast traUts of_ far ', uniaMaided land on widch .the warriors expect ta settle and' they think their .;• amperber intelligence and energy. will give • them once.l high posiiion among . the. UP Andolent and Imperfectly, civjllzed lace which forms the'mats .of the Mats. A large 'shire la the • direction of . ,publieatfairaWouldof course fan to their lot; and the exiles from the 'Ridted States woufd fuipe thbeionie tho*Rmiles of the soninimbrOrhose independence they had vindicated. -• . -• . stuvicrrAi. mcDEBTEDNEss. The funded debt oP the city it Philadel- Ala i 4 V1),000,000; dad as nearly AMA -000 ellthisleas added is 1803, it isrestaia : ablellutt it dill get_ oa steadily increasing gattrit„iiebeds ,the seltaue aL• the. State debt. ..For, as 1ct.ng.,41 Cotup:4lmon . • easier and more popular to borrow money ,tliait,ts raise it by leiylig taxes, so hies , vriff they keep adding, until the. burden grown too groat to bo borne. . The folded debt of New York Is &little ' larger, butnOt much: It amounts to 000,000. a both cases the aggregate of each city's debt Mounts up very near to the sum total" of the fended debt 'of'llieirxe . apeative States. • There is but one remedy for the tax payers rod:mien& overshadowing debts as :vibes& - That. the city of. New 'York Should Lsvc aslatie a !landed debt **the State of New . To*, ; ir preposterotuv:tbarepaqy - is a lelislativ'eprovision prohibiting any en• largement or the debt, and providing not only for its gradual extinguishment, tmt that • no pew debt iball ever be created. With a heavynational debt on one hand and §tate . debt on the other, the tax : payers brcitlei wilt wish, heartily enough, when the war is over, that they could escape tin superad- Aga weight ofeburdeasotne muolpipal debt ° REVENUE, FROM STAMPS. • • The report of the Commissioner of In. ,tenud . Revenue elvers that the revenue from _ ..atariipsAast year was only, $5,884,00-4 _ mere drop.in the bucket. This and 'many :other- annoying festures - Uf ' the tax law, - Which produce but little mien* might as well biabirathmed, and a tax on sales sub. atWted, It *brad timplifT the , tax 'law roptutr.l4 and remove a great deal of an., - 1 ,7 1 - 11C, ' • • • 'AlAinurgews TO TIE 13ocru.—Theretel Congress on Friday pissed resolutions pointing aeint committee ,tri Pre a anad. . &eta t h e people of, the: ante' ataterq touring them of 'Vie rAble. determination of Congress to ciutintufwith all its energy the struggle for independence la which - . we are -engaged,: and assurifig - theta of the • final triumph solemn judgment must crown our trots if .wa:atand 'Ann and united together, and wield our mammas with strorigtkand • no scarcity of oats in the West, VS infer, from an item in the Dubuque (lows) •.17.srold. .The amount handled' al that place, it says, is% enormous, and there are rno Idgna of giving out. It isnothing but hats about the levee, oats in the elevator and oat' in all the store-houses in town. „Some thirty - 0T forty .cars loaded with oats arrive-dally Dinileith, there' is also a groat accumulation._ of oats. The people out there, evidently, feel their'oats. Tztscoo Cnor.=—The entire crop of M- U in-18133 was 100000 cases, of which `50,000 cases were sold j.n the home market, and-for exportation some 23,000 cases were shipped for Germany,lcaving 32,000 cases used at home. The demand for home con sum_ption the present year is estimated'at 25,000 cases, and the demand for export at 80,000: The entire crop of 1204 is esti mated 110,000 cams and the whole amount now on hand at 17000 cunt. Titer Nitatville Dirpakk of Saturday, says that cotton Is' inst.liegloning to be brought into that city. - The planters were compelled. to lie quiet while Hood was con acripupg andimpressiug in rant of Nash ville and after he had gone 'the Union for ces took most of the teams that he had left. "Ipgy Mitre procured transportation and sze'bringing their cotton to market. W. F. Bunn, member or rebel Con- Etna front Alabama,; tas Withdrawn from that body and addressed a letter tb his con elltneatta, saying that ha did so because of the refusal of the House to, piss a resolu tion denounelnetheSintine/ for Its assault n upe =embers whofavored ',peace negotla. lions. = ' • Tar. Magas Conrus.— In . . the rebel 'now* of Representatives; :January 20th, the ;volution against suspending. the habeas corpus Was voted down--43 to 20. A Few War r ln isetta7:llltootan, Its Peo pie and its Ofrences. Thu English have another Indian war en their hands It la not a mutiny that is to be suppressed thli time, but as independent state, never ander British rule, that Is to he conquered and "annexed." Bhootan, spoor and isolated state, hitherto exempt from the ravages of foreign wars, has not only turned the cold shoulder to en envoyfrom England who penetrated its dreary wastes, but actually threateeed :bitn, 'So that lie' eon . aired that his life was in danger, and hastily retired. For this and other offences Eng land declares war against Ebootan, and the Bhooteas see to. be _footed down the bill of adversity. The history of this country of'Bhootan is interesting. The best authorities say that it is about two hundred and fifty miles in length by-ninety-five:in breadth, with an area of sixty-four' thousand square miles, and a population of seven Mildred and fifty thousand souls—having Bengal Properon . th e south, Amain tef the southeast, and Thlbet to the north. Like the idghlands of Scotland, It Is a place of mountain fiat. nesses aad wild glens. Its, people, whom: few white men have seen, are rune barber lama, whose arms are the bow and arrow and the spear, andWito, ire of Tartar blood; with broad triangular faces, small oblique eyes andyellow skins. - , The delanm - canto about in this way:' The Bhooteas, being savages, knew no bet ter than to descend from their mountains, like the Scottish catermmof the last centn- Isc ibipMetatorYinctirsioni into.„the' terri tory of their neighbOrs; and - they gathered spoil and took prisoners. The aggrieved victims, being reseals of Englankinvoked . aid from their rulers... and ;an' envoy Wa" sent up among the hills hist summer to re- - cover the booty, release the captives, and remonstrate with the Ithooteas.- , Re was insulted, albeit he was "the scion of a no- 1 ble English family," as a London journal -.phrases it; and, his - negotiation Mat was able to 'save his lift' only by the comp ul sory signingof a treaty for the cession of 'Melee growing- region of 'Assam 'to 13himtani s. This was too muck for the 'Ocivernor-Gen eral's patience, and on the 12th of Noyein ber he issued *proclamation - declaring war against the Moot-efts. By the latest reports; it appears that the whole territery is to be 'annexed to Bengal; that the-people are to redueedand their forte taken (one of these" has already fallen;) and that when thine ' things have been accomplished, "there will be a survey of the frontier lands and a ' de, tel the'kptboundary." But there is one wrath) which sag - acious journalists In London calartion, in' view of the possible results of new .conquesti: There is danger of a new mutiny. The , London Daily Newt frankly saysl - • "The danger/ to 'Ourselves arise from three sources. Any demOnstration against Bhootim is likely to rouse:the hill, tribes all' along our north.eastern frontier, and bring on ft repetition of the miserable warfare, in the swampy region fa , which the soil and the waters are the allies of the enemy, Oa' the precarious chance of those tribes re maining quiet Jiiinends, probably, the hosier of the new subjects of our.emplre— the inhabitants of the Bengal Dooars and of the Bill* 7 whein the Viceroy' addressee 'theproclamation before us: Next, there is the fearful climate' of these . forest:growa, plains through which ant_.trooits are Stow passing. It appiteri that Brigadier (lettere ilduleassef,Colonel Richardson, and other 'officers are already_enduring ,fronsthe fever of the.distriet.. • Under such a liability oar forces must depend largely , on the good will of the inhabiumts, of the region, who. can either assist or injure , them.to amg ous extent. Again, when the fever districts are pasted there is the toe,- planted babied his- natural defences of rocks, glaciers and snowdrifts. Rumors about-the condition of the Bhooteast,dlffer widely., Some alarm-1 Isti have It Unit the Nepal Mahirajah hue furnished troops against us, and . that the Bliootan forces are a Worthies enemy than. the" governinent has Supposed ; while very recent and more probable reports state that there :are such quarrell among the chiefs and factious in Modem it will make the offenders an prey. Some are for pra t:sting • and enters for defying the Brit.' These suggestions give interest to the war In Bhootan to • that the progress of events will be obrierypt with turista atten tion. WM/Ington. - If Fort Caswell his' been blown .up, es reported by the last arrival from that tau ter at Baltimore, a red' important work Is destroyed.' It was located at Bmithville, on the west aide of the Caps Fear two rifles from its mouth, and was built by the United States Govetament, of granite, with three-tiers of guns—two. In casemates and one en barbette. It cost $571,000, and wens .calculated -for -eighty-Wren guns—twelve 82'4.1vrenty44's„ four 18'., four 12-pound-, ore, three IlonMng field pieces, six hewn rerefor the gorges, tax 8-Inch heavy h.owit. rem, and two 10-inch mortars. It was sur mlded by i Meat and strengthened by ad vanced works. , - .The' rebels hut strength ened it additionally by small sand forts on -the bench andsome inland, and had mount ed some heavier guns. Fort Johnson, which is one of the . defenses• of lbs. Cape Fear river, is two miles from the' mouth, and protects It mounts but tee gums. The total defenses of all the, fortit cations near, her, when assailed, ' Were Fort Caswell 87 guns. :Fart .Fisher and works 78 'guns; Fort Jolizisoin 10 guns; Fort- St. Phil lip 9 guns; other works estimated at 30 guns. Total2oB. -Forts ;Fisher and Catniell subtract 159 from , this total and cut off those to the ionth of them. Wilmington Is thirty, four miles from the mouthot Cape Fear. SOUTH CABOLIAL..-41.4OCOtalig0 corn* pondent of the Semler W otehrwm, 'under. 'dateof .Tan. 2; says: "Sherman has sworn that Ekriith Csrolint shall be annihilated.. His corpc.couutiaudi era hare spoiten it to the wife of ono of our generals unavoidably 101 l at Barandah. from ~whose lips I heard it.; And it has been re. Iterated from the mo nth of every prisoner brought intb our lines. Not ti chip, they say.. Is to *lea behind them uncemsumed: .Varicutispeeilations are indulged hi As to Hhernmu!s proposed scheme forthodestrue. .tion of f3buth Carolina. The most melee , idrehere *eras to be that he "will continue ta annoy us with Seomdderable force along tibe;lineof- at remaining innur posseseloil betweerr fialatunk and Cherieston; while makes his way up the Savannah 'river to Augusta, and - thence, to - Cohunbia - imd'Oharlestotc., Others, sup pose that he will cross at Sisters' iFerryarld, march for . " Branchville and thence to Cluirleeston or Columbia , both. That be intends to operate in Carolina the present; winter there can be no doubt." We hope thin le true, bit leer tt Is not,' The Whet 'country - *odd- 'rejoice to sea' South Carolina annihilated. Tan Ins to TUE Susqtrurtmtwa.--WW to-day conversed with several gentlduen; who on tho banks of the Suoqueltatuta, and _wbekinferaziell ni .thatilur quantity.of ice on the river. is larger than was ever: before by the oldest inhabitant. At' Washington and from thence upto Marietta'. the lee is in some places piled up on the! banks to the height of twenty to thirty foot. It has swept over the canal anti lifted the , boats high above the banks. In many; places the river is frozen to the bgtom and: in other places the Ice is. four to ale secV 'da. The recent break-up =has caused it; to gorge ,intnany places, and the greatest l appreheasiona are felt lest - a sudden'tliaw should set in. Should such be the case the:: 'destruction of property along the river would Ischumenso. The scene, when these sudden break-ups take place, is said to be terribly . grand, iThe people along the river brinks live in the constant dread of a eudden. thaw, and have prepared themselves to quit their premises at a moment's notice.—Lon carter Express. • Rsysaarno to the recent rumors regard ing the movement of troops in the South west, the St. Louis Democrat says: "Gen. Thomas will not join Gen. Sherman. The corps tmdet Gen. Schofield and the force mentioned as belonging to Gen. _Meagher, are all the `troopsthat are detached from Gen. Thomas. ills business is to remain in the West and take care of 'rood's army. For this purpose his _force is ample: The transportation of a full corps of troops to Glen. Sherman, by rail full, Water, may oc cupy some weeks. The accession will make Gen ' Sherman strong enough to go Ally where, or do any thing, along - the Eastern coast." A runtoutrua. Vunrou.—EzPrest -dent Pierceis stopping at the Astor Boast% hi. New, York, for a few -days, previous In visitingllrtilhington; where, It is said, ho *Will be uwg nest or President libiroln. • . . . . - . . • .. • . ._,_ - _, , . ' . . . . . . - - - ' ' , •-. .....i,..„, , ,,,...6 -,. ..,..cif4a.ki - u.,,,- . . - ;,... , ...1......v....,-... . ISIMEF=EISM Revert of the Cemmiss:oacif Internal Revenue ADSTIIAZT -•- • Tho total amount of tonne received from all sourreawu as follow;: Received by collector. 'C,.414,163 10 Receipt. from banks, railroad comps nics, icc. , paid directly to _commis stoner 7,017,547 os Receipts from salarle. 1205,124 03 Receipts from sale of .tamps. 6 .924,216 12 /receipts from pcwsports through De parunent of State, 10,613 00 Receipts from sults on account of ofilce 401 32 Romig. from warrants of distreits., TNT 22 Total receipts lllBB Boa2 44 AMOVAttlaerfed in aid' State. —The amount of collections from each specific source of revenue In each &ate, an compared with the ten months ending June V l / 2 1863,,is gisat as folloWs • _ Tot. m=ll for ftw eal yew ood• leg June 30, ermine. MK Refunded. ffet Total. ..... .14,174,1= 11 7 . 735 - 66 91,34 1 38 IC, 1 . ,921,151 66 4,167 41 999,810 17 Vel7lloll ' • 359,V/7 13 6091 96 352,696 RI Mamichnsett3.ll,l22,473 •711 33011 60 11,160,652 IS 12L4171.".. 1,831,075 37 40,160 48 i,790,894 69 Conoaetknat:... 2.018,819 60 6,313 2,913,667 15 New York. '...34,6191,904. 37 62063 677 24,636050 77 A5w.747•2471 2,907,392 37 6073 93 1,903016 44 Pennsyhmrdi'..l3,llol,64s 17' 41,30 sa .12,590,482 71 Delaware 351,143 0 7 11121 12 392,1Z1 75 4,90,460 7,601 00 3,711,148 49 lad Ookunl,lo 348041 46 -VI 15 416,04 111 Tlrloll4 137,314 IP/ 119 35 137,116 67 West Plegtels. 113,010 'l3 . 77 1 9 1112,966 35 • Ice/dueler 3,900,6117 12 • 1,197 19 1,719,1491 63 11113801,71 . 7 , 730 ,v 7 3 18 . 6,640 Ts sms,tst as Tenameo...." 6118,145 97 691,145 71 Louisiana. 1,181000 87 10,110 13 -1,134000 74 Ohio ' 11 , 907 0 1 3 01 10,933 34 11,m,sas 61 3,216066 79 8,2121 IS 3.217,401 37 -1/112011 1,138051 46 1014 OP 0,161097 T 7 M 1311434: 1.183011 48 1,070 14 1,182,197 28 , Wiscoula ' 943,461 09 14467 063,168 80 -lowa 1104,155-33 .1046 67 030,137 TO 1417777e50ta..... 84,075 81 334 116 eadsst 60 .. 41,111410 112/ 4,871 100066 Er 4,911 67 1,011 1 ,00 . 7 68 s .usegissi 703,906 40 SOS 04 103,658 41 Nebraska. 911,518 41 160,00 06,494 .Itow 17143.794,.. 10,941• Cl • • 70,071 al .Utah::::.:.....13,748 14 • - • 11,7117 If Coloriao' 40,051 83 . 493 91 40,629 84 Wends • ' Isms >t - • • 31,734 33 Waiktagtoa... 143 32 46,261 CO Total ......105,b09,141 . 2M6,iThi 08 103,214A911 .10 • .• -•• . .• : -. 0013000 owl of Naito's! 4471: .. ten maths Wakens ; to State.. ' , eadia 3o;lBls.g' mot Jon e 110,i • -.• - Maine. • % 481,437 10' ..15 1,818,94 193 New glanwahlre 01.719 80 1,671,512 M. Vermont.. -- 1110.896 II 1313,282 CO _Mwouicinactta. 4,443,105 130 • • 15,601,111 NI Rhode Lehoul '774p:1'61 9,563,041 50 Connecticut-- -:-.. 1,468.70115 4,400;034 34 • New Y06k.3 `.8,678,775 MI 1 3 ;271,830 03 New jersey ' 1,118,561 74 • 4,033,113 19 • PewayirsaL3........ 4,051,970 811 17,917,353 51 -.Delaware... . 163,(314 93 525,907 VI Maryland 960,13011 0 " 2,912,454 68 Mot. of Columbia... 43,191 45 891 1. 9 5 5 70 Viillaia... 757 68 1 3 7, 8 74 38 „Sent Virginia ' 01.1984 17 410,8 W 92 Kentucky:... 1,361,339 61 13,160,019 16 3311430u71 1,141,739.83 4,377,173 as 'Tennessee . • 'Louisiana .. ... ....... 159 508,145 17 ,951 90 t,w0,435 64 3,195,8111 67 . 114,197,490 33 Indiana 103,109 05 4,148,110 G 9. Illinois 2,057,643 43 11 9 914 ,1 5 1. IS Michigan _ 483,710 30 1,615,a12 59 leisconlin ' 402,316 ,93 - 1,354832 30 Tows — 279,191 91 879,319 61 Minnesota ...... ..... 69,561•97 143,412 83 11anias .113.906 47 103,781 OS Callforwta 1154,934 51 11,9116,463 St Nebtolk' a 41,3X 39 . • 12,419 63 10398 ,17903 6855 New Mexico.. ...'.... 9,319 00 90,239 09 Utah - 6,140 94 11 , ,839 10 Colorado 91,079 ft MAW e Nevada. 111,104 41 . MAO 94 Waidd.ngton. ,195,1110 V 57,01 11 - ,--,..7.—...--. Total • 1534,1110W7 73 $11401111,432 83 • simun.r, the =stow* tettre•st the amount above given mkt the eoricat amount la the lastatmdil irepert,la the attune& of collections for MU, tape:led tatbealaaa dace the data of that re. port. ' Ttie total - amount of taxes collected on in comes other than • thee' derived from being an calcer of the governotent; watt '414; 9 12 i 279 58- ".Of New Pork pfd • 64;916,380 67; ' ennsvi vania,,l3,o3s,llZ Kuseelmsette,ll,9o4,7s2 OS; Ohio, 111,117.691 16; =no* 4580,485; sad California 1380,427 01. The b .lance of the States, with the eumeption of land; which is returned $501,763 27, paid la me s than $500,000 each. The Markt of Columbia paid 4146,689- 44, wbie Wain then'therrirreana derivedfrom the rune somitotts___Mow Hantrabire; Yellnoritv Ilhummot6 aid anus Combined. Deemer. 'Tlcatsl mount detived front ll erases tbr • •luhltillons, dbc., was- 9 7 ,- 170,205 26: Rise Boum dealus' Ileums the anoint collected was 11,013,7116 25; from retail dea1er5,'0,406,345 95; from - wholesale dale* 111.222,797 Of; ham Wholesale dealers in 1iqu0r,11176,7134 76; from commercial brokers. 4204,096 96; toeutfactnture, $471,091 45; phy sicians:l263,774 04; focal pellets of all dteld2- lions, t 264,11154; lawyars,lll3o,lB6 Kt; .1;2315,051. 99; %abbess of estat $1.06,23T 217; mosey 06 , 6778 05. e, The amount de rived is the triet of Columbia from this some of revenue was $104,997 tf. 4/amribeturre; and Prahrefisw.—Tits gram sawn pr*od sr taxes received' hum rnanstsaluras and - uctions: was 1175,404,026 40, Of this New.Torirtontributal 416,814.455 95; Peassyl bee 119,M, , 404 241; Ohio. 49,453,325 05; til ing* 116,548,919'63; Yea55e1u5etu,84,959.879.99; Kentucky, inkostmo 64; Tartans, 42.54 A, 660 04; Luishate, - $1,402,911 41; Ifarytani, 41,542,728 42; Rhode laud; $1,340,337 SS: -Naln 4682,940 14, sad lb. DWri..ft of Colum bia, 471,341 SS. • Alughteral Admit; oaf Omar Reastota of Seamen, Erpres s &e.—The total amount of revenue derived from slaighterad mauls was $596,111 46; from gross re ceiPta of - oramen, =pm; timpani* ac., K 4295,996 G 3; .Iron sales by section. &C., 1128,029,44; " frr in legacies, 111110,656 Fran Yirmistrditquors.—The reielpts hoer- fermaited liquori, such es ale, beer, cifler,',2c., • was 111,2Z1,719 IS. To this son New Tart am tritsted $1130,225 78; Pcsasylvania, 14110,%0 96; Ohio, 10109,685 97; llllnols, 4155,570 3t; and District of Columbia, 49.216 13 . The Phut District of Illinois paid a tax es" Ibrinuud H onore of $100,379 GI, a greater =oust - than • Ins PGIS, by Other district in ilts coulry. amount derived Dour:lore , wu $1,2-%,424 Of ibis Moo New. Task paid 4:65,461 47; •Penosylvanii, 4292,784 07; Ohio, 9115,056 GO, and Nassicltutts. $97,547 27- • Tres.-4n the emnufactaro; sf Iron resasyl- Tule tease the lead- The total amount collars ed In that State on Ibis article was 4955,880 97 New York • paid 4606.988 49; ~/dessaahumus. 4402,180• 51; and Ohio, 4118.544 40. The Tien :pretend Diettict of Tuans7lvaola, 0/1 IS niacturat of Iron, wm - taxed K. 112,251 98-a 'larger gnu than was paid by any other district of the wormy. , , Its& and Coal .01.—Tba revenue derived fpm these two 'kinds of oil, was $2„ 95.i,304 EP. Of ' this Pennitylrania paid /51,=5.1.56 GG, Now Pork 4243,430 99, Ohio 3~41,120,62. . • • Diddled Npirtts.-4 ram. distilled spirits there ' was received $28,421,797-89. liiinoj contribu ted the largest amount, 47,162,433 15; Ohio cocoas „text: 46,442,408 03; New Tack _next, $2161.425 94. The Fifth District, of Illinois laid a tax of 49,601,244 02, a larger ante than - was pald . by Any otheittletrict. Pare and Kourifactures qf roper, Loather, rte. --The amount dextral from paper and maanfac tures or pains was 4201,014 17; from feather, W.G97,43:187 ; froU all kinds oftobseco, 47,f/86,- 684 Ur from manufacturers of wool, $3,007,- ISBS ; front V anefacturers of wood, 111,679,;• 940 25; from auger produced directly from the sugar, cane, $1,26'7_,616 front mannfacturers of (stun 11,835,027 75; g l om raw cotton, 81,- • 323,912 b 0; from cotton cloths and -all .tadlle fabrics before they are prepared, 41,714,148 70 from cigars, 11,265,424 79; hem gunpowder, $15.5,202 ; from Incomes on Interest of United States eternities, 675,373'93; and for Wiwi*. aeons manufacture, 4 6 ,2Z;670 St— IT GYGGlfigre. - - I , mirdroworivos. - - - atomism' WAItD, - /OLLEUIVENV.- - MOOR' , Voll.all ITS Eft and unrolled saes will met THIS abandon. EVIININGi at 7 oab eh, at toe Maine tfouee, corner of Lacock and An , anon streets. Promptastandasoolsesqueited, as therewill be tilt a few days to *ark before the quota I. heaftfri J.:e:rt _ IarDIINICARII MEEK dk CROOKED, RUN OIL 00.—please teke heckle that , the Brat ouretlay of the corporattou to be called. the 'Tankard Oreek and Crooked Etta 0111.10. win beheld onWEDNEND ,AY February the 1 NW, nettle ofnee of E.-OLEASON k 00" Not Ohio Erect, 2Ulwheny, eta o'clock p. m., for the' porpoie of Orgeasatlon, emu, under the act of the General Assembly of Peousylvsnla, approved t ath day otJ thee, ihNhlbt uly, . , E. GLEASON, Tr. - P. T. BOUNTY ELYAmpits.--TilE 13941: . =MN OF THE MYTH. WARD, will meet at the HOUMA. ROUSE. in said Ward, on • THURSDAY, the SSW inst., between the boon of Land'?. o'clock p. m., to vote yea or any O, the ' Lintz/dor Bonds- for the purpose of relieving the eitleens eine ward from the cootie; draft, A full votels desirable, as the binders desire a decided ea pre Eon olthe people of the ward. 58211• At.:- BY ORDER OF THE EE. 0031. thritoit or Tzta "Prexastritou /Neuttaaczeo.a January If, INS. liar Alf EAECTION FOR AMON° by, to none durffia the emu tett year, will be carat Ws office ma TIIIIRSDA Y, ..rebruuTtgl, 1660, betweet the hours of 10 s. m. and I ' Y;291.,ed JAS. OOLLORD, !teetotal.). , .• • Amotati' :5 / . NanoMAL Bxer, i Pero.. 3cn,Jan. 18,1845. IrAN ELECTION FOR NINE DIRLO. 'TORS to serve Until the next annuli( Mea floe vent be held et the ilanklnnlltt home. on the TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF 'FEBRUARY nest, between the hour of 12 end 2 o'clock p. M. .1 elletd .1, W. COOK, (Mahler. DITOOIT OOMPANY I MIMING/IAX, Dee. 29, 11364: gg". 21 A GENERAL E=INO• OP T AE STOCKHOLDERS of this BANK will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on MONDAY, January 10th lee, at I o'clock p. m, to consider .nad decide whether the Company, shell become an Association for the Business of Banking, under the Lairs of the United States, and whether It , shall eternise the 'power - esaferred by the Act of the Legislature of this State, entitled, "An ant ena bling-the Banks of this Commonwealth to . bwom Associations for Banking. under the LaW3 of the United States," approved Ed of August, 1504, and to take any further action that may he deemed ne enemy. By order of the Board of Directors. denhlM ; ; JOHN P. DELVE, Cashier. - '" -- nr¢ — iip-_rpya:T - 11/g. -- gbIVIDEE! OF THE' TACK. I=9 . PETROLEUM 00..w11l be paid to Fitts bolders oistock at the °Mee of RICHARD BON, EARLEY k 00.09 Irwin mtg. &um ,~+#.+~..smsS.=:^a_ -- S+ - ri.: iv "c.C:AikLFi -Myr anrEILTES.E.W.EXIVi. VICIANTED—By a:Glrl from tho ammily a altaation 1111 OIiaaIBEIIMAID or to do sacral bousaivork irt a small family.' Aidrras Zor.lloo Pittsburgh P.O. jassattl S LEIGH, NEW FURNESS ; &O.— This morning, THURSDAY, Jan. etithod it - cparkir, will be sold at Commercial Sales Rooms, IR Fifth street, one elegant, Sleigh, cutter gashbed• Also one superior set of doubts fiarnese, entirely Hew, and best custom make; ene set second-hand Menem, one seconddandliaddle.-An. -• • • jafg ‘ToTioE.- TWENTY-TWO HUN DRED.AND FORTY SHARES of the NA TIONAL ItErattso AND STORING .00., are yet unsold are can be had at the following places: leaf/Ame fr • x at Union Banking Co.; • to Inn. A. Csughey; o Allegheny Trust Co. • • INC. A. ()AUGURY, Pres% WM. HAWILTOW, See. Jae:Ltd $2OO REWARD.—On Sunday .morit- Lag, lid inst., between the hours of two and three o'clock, some tend In human shape, threw a piing stone through my bed room win dow, on /smith street, lathe 9th ward. I will pay the above reward far the detection and oonviction of the scoundrel who was guiltyy of this shameful and toward]; act. HENRY BROORFTELD, J Smith, 4163/ Nan at., 9th ward, Pittsburgh. atigtd SELECT SCHOOL $3C1101"10 11.2 0 .71:3 4XPTat3. A new Term of Mrs. T. E. BOCHIS. SCHOOL wfl commence en TUESDAY, Jan. 41st. School Rooms, corner of /amok and Sandusky streets, Allegheny. For Cinema apply to Prinotpal, No. AS, Sandusky street. lektald - - SILVER PLATED WARE.—Every Evening this Week, at 734 o clock_, will be /old at Commercial gale, Booms, St Fifth street, a( elegant stook Myer Plated Ware, comp • g Tea Seta, Oaks Baskets, Table Castors, S one, .FOrkai Eiden, 71 , no, Napkin Einge, Ice Pitcher*. aqiha the day, And will Co g :old by Private Bale, also, at , average AAA. tion Priem Ladles partteularly invited to cult and examice. A. ItidILWAINI; Anct't. CHRIST M. E. CHURCH. 'PUBLIC SALE OP PEWS. All the 'MOLD PEWS In ebb Church will be eared at Public Sale, on MONDAY EVENT at '134 o ' bltaek. Terme stated at Waco( aale,w wilt occur to the Audience chamber of the Chu . By order of Board of Trustees. MOBUTU]; KRAMER, . Obn!mm ol Pew Oommittet. $6OOO —FL US HING TALLY • 'FITEASIII FLOURING. and &kW MILL FOR SALE.-.-Thla well knoWn business stand, situate In Flushing Valley, Belmont Coun ty:lf/hip, ten miles west of St. Clairsville, and 30 :Wheeling, is now offered for sale. There are three run of Stones, with the necessary Machinery, three Dwelling Houses, Stables, elev en acme of land, with four acme of Coal. fruit, em.,' all in good order, For terms, lac., apply at the Real Estate area Insurance ogles of D. S. RATIA JIM Butler Street, Lawrenceville. REVENTII WARD BUILDING LOI r S: —On TU£SDAY - EVEN ITIO, San. 31, at Ili o'clock, on Second Floor of , OCIMIIIerCIAI Sales' Rams, 54 Fifth atreet, will be sold these Valua ble Building Lets In the Seventh Ward, adjoining Centre avenue, near the Toll-Cato, and opposite the l'assenser Railway Depot: One lot WI thecorner of Kirkpatrleluand Ifahon streets., Drfeet front on liirkpitclek street, and 103 feet in depth to In alley. Four adjoining Lots on Kirkpatrick street, same sine an above. Three Lots on Idaho° street,'ln Immediate rear of shove, each ZA feet front and lOC/ feet in depth to lir', alley. These lots are very desirable, finely shunted in an excellent locality. Terris at sale. .Io.W A. MeLLWAIWE, Auct.r. A CARD.—IT HA.VING BEEN INTI MATED In some quartets that my property Is Swing Into the National RefUnntrand Storing o. at t i % h o ' n a e g =to " PL. th an ' y " t r l a l:n "'n moan the poorest man In the Company; and In ord give satisfaction to .11,1 hereby atm, to Company have - the - property at 'tenderer? recrs, on personal examinat bxnm ink i4a; or, If we fall toapee, whatever thl men ear Is Its value. And I further desire to tem fier..iny einem thanks to the large number if cub ectibers for their:seaman" contdme in the pro. feet rend ttstuasuqtenteut, as exhibited by tltelr lib. oral ruins:dotter* to the stock of the Company, and- wafer so I ass concerned their confidence shalt not be misrboced, but nay bestufforta shall be made to render the Company a credit to myself and el/ concerned. DAVID KIRK. IMPORTANT TO HOLTSEKBRPRRi • - • o l,• G Folci. lIEMPXOTIoN II MOM OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ' WINDOW SHADES, &c, err. Skin about 14 maw one vein punka/es We Offer at ;Retell Oar *Atka stock of acv sad choice roods as Wholesale Prices. McFIRLIND d< COLLINS, • 71 and 73 Pe% Street. • • &amid, IVA and Fourth Stortil, Lies% Mina !!l,__Next. So Us . Custm,l tiotiviazolbros TO TUB PUBLIC.-•-11. 8 McKE&X, k of Mlisturey, tun torw and improved DOUGgt THOUGH, for intik% be bag mined for Latina Patent. The obkvt of the invention le to Jaen. tate the tablas of deUgh la *old weather. By the tura ban Damp Trona of ea* btu: few Is the eehleoldaya of Win *Wing at tka Range the evening previous la abet. -Mod. Also the lainadrealetioe of having the dough settle* around the Wove or hearth whlie It tat 11 la the peas. This Was la * vary . tattorrtaetle ra OW.; orporially where theelpare waall &Wm* fly usingDOugh Trough the dank to always kept at a salters hest threnabout the reels* pr+. ease, sail la alas out of the way. I lave one la ewe la lay Walty. whisk eau be was et. say WY ea PITT ALLBY wooed door to the rear at Di. Preardra Church * A Leeway any. Sub, Malkin at Openly Arida lax We ea egos. as Letters Pot. .at ass granted. janintdaran RINDR.I.EB lit STORK .. . 011:01b. shake Buckwheat Flow La siti, U ' sell 00 lb sacks; • 100 bus the alltertOata Beal; ' , - ND beta. small Navy Betas{ 100 bill. prime Apples; • Ea bus. bright Dry Apples; ' 30 boxes Prime rloshen Cheney 100 boles Solt Cutting ITestera do.; i 1000 lbs. Fmk Ball Butter; =Om Fresh Egruu ILOO lbw Cod Flab; UM packages Noa.l. 1 sad I Large Mackerel; , 10 bbla. LabnWoullowlny; 100 dui. nue: Brooms; . 13 bum. Flu Seedy 60,kbla. Mira Family Flour; is&tore sal far sale by (Jaitural H .1 H. BIDDLE. , rfA .. . —.—. ... _ rfS/ONS, BOU N TIES. ' I W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, Arxriy and Navy Agency No. 144 VOMITS BT., Pittsburgh. PENSIONS mowed; lINCINTIFS, RACK Pal and PRIZE NIONES. and OOMMUTATION OF RATIONS of Mauled prlsonars ealleoted. • PAT OF PRISONERS OF WAS aaa be drawn .►y,their wives or widowed melbas; . NEW 'ADVERTISENIENT.—The pub: Alo are Ward to tnairretykly beautiful itook of • . • • . . irmas2AiLtes 46.78,1 q er...enom nsmut.aiuiva sadsold by. • • • GEO. BEATEN, At his new.Candly Stand, 112 FEDERAL it., 8 ona door Boni the tat National Bank.. IstiFityd _l . OOOl khat'S ALMRlLialltai LtMinART • 'Up ISSIWIL42I.I(I4 7 /SaTITITIII, • SAnlii7 21th_ .11gr. I N ADJOURNED IitELTIND E. A - ii,. — ,..0aa,.;;; . win -1,;. - - 1;5 onFRIDAY: LVETIING, /seem With, et 93 e'alee .t k. - Agent end ettenslanee of the sosinhisz.l s e rim. I,r t f 1 £O, gill/ led l es business of g# i _ . presented. • IV: B. EDWAIiDS, saeretskiti A LAUGI LOT O' READY-MADH CLOTHING; . Tie he .old out at COAT, at the, <tome of OHIO Wee{ and the DIAMOND, opposite ,the Post Of tlee Allegheny City, on account of the deathort the' late proprietor, JOAN McGRATTY, well • known as "Cheap John , ' of Allegheny Olty. Jisesswd. TAKEN UP, ON WEDNESDAY L 'NINO, the 18th Inst., • DARK DAY IMRE, which the ornate is requested to cone forwent and; claim.. The hone bits been lodged at blettasteesi LtveryKtable, on !Fourth street, and unless sooner'. claimed by the owner. he will be sold on ?DORS- , DAY M., the reth Inst., to pay charges. The! horse." blind in the left eye. SAMUZI. LONG, Oder of Pollee. • Prrranntwilif PA., Jan 22d, laon Jatrstt girLECT BAST COMMONS, ALLEGUERT.—This 4natitutton for HOTS; for many years conducted by Mr. W. H. WARE HAM will colatneose its meet tricolor session on the FIRST DAY 01 , VELHHIARY, under the care of Mr. T. E. WAREHAM. for terms, &a., apply to Xt. W., at hie resideace, No. 77 UNION AVENUE, or at the School R 0023. JalBeited c4PLE,NI)ID PIANOS.—Jumt reccelve ,t 1 a DPW lot of KNABBB UNRIVALED PIAN OR, MAINE'S BRO.'S PIANOS, iuol GRUSE a ILINTYPS PIANOS. Also, MINIMS . AUTOMATIC) ORGANS, c.IiOIIOOL ORGANS hod TIF.LODEONS. CHARLOTTE BLUME, 43 Fifth street, Wholesale anJ Retail Agent. Jan BEEN APPLES.—One car load Choice Eating end Cooking Apple, ineeleed thlr day and for rale by , L. H. VOIOT & CO. I)EVOLVEREI—.4. full supply of allthe best besiblz, far tale by dell • JAMIZ DOWN. lid Wood street. - nonsli FEED.— Chopped Corn and 11. gyp Sh . tpl . t i and . Alla t em itt et . gti Err ' man ` "'"' YETI OLEUM-lis in goodsiiiiil piog order. Oa) lISWAY COLLINS. A TOABOL-4 barrels for sale IT jit2s HENRY H. COLLINS.. OCK BOX 201, PITTSBURGII.P. 0. rOf SOO. JIMMY U. 00144N8. .71 - EW• aIIIPER.TISEJLEXTS. bIASOISTIC GOTTSCHALK. isty- cre•32.or,a3. SIGNOR fittiZlO takes great pleasure to an nounce that BY REQUEST of many influential citizens of Pittsburgh, GOTTSCEALIt, The World4tOillwind Pianist and Compote', Will on Lin .way to New York, returning frcim a most successful tour through the Western cities,. give ONE GRAND CONCERT , On Monday Evening, Jan, 30; When an entire new programme wilt be per. formed. 118. GOTTSOILAIATiwiII be assisted by MISS LtrcT amoNs, The young and Olented Vocalist. SIGNOR ARDAVANI, The favorite Baritone, of the Italian Opera, Sam the Academies of Maxie, New York, Boston and Philadelphia. Waling Dliortor and Ccudaetor•—•SlOFOß MIJZIO. Admission, f 1.03. No extra charge for Reserved Seats. Ticket °Mee open, commenting Friday, - January 7/1.11, at C. C. Mellor's Kuala Store. " On dere from the country eaelosingthe amount for the number Of seats required will be promptly attend ed to by C. C. MELLOR. Doors oast at 7%. Concert commences at 8. jabliSid Mil. F. M r REAZOR will make hie teMI-ANNUAT. SA. LE Domestic Cotton Goods, THSOUGH Messrs. JOHN MITERS it CO., Ph 11%., Wednesday,Februarylst,lB6s, At 10 o'clock. embracing 3.808 Flemzliraaigoai Of the moat desirable brands ever ofikred. at ans. Con; Including M 1 cases Tork It Everett Cottonades; 044 s Blue Oxford, Brown and Cadet Kentuc ky Jeans; 0" I.encaster and Tiverton Plaids; 140 o Andrascoggin, Leicester, Bates, Cornet Jeans; " Apron and Furniture Che-ks; Lancaster add'ltomsoke .nghamio " ' et ," 11, 4 ack " ;". " . 1 :, rn iVa t ' l v t r e ' ; de /arable maker , . " 0-4, 104 and 11-4' /Bathed and Brown, . . Pepperell, Leppitt and Union Sheet- Ingo; &I bales 44 Laconia, Pepperell, New Market, Ly man. James, Dwight and Washington Brown Shbotings; 94 't 44 Patapsco, Howard,. Appleton, Pert. mouth, Park Ara Lancaster Heavy Brown Sheeting,: > ge" , Brown Drills; 4,5 ' 4 Tckler,: Hisasmilifadder Psi:lU; HO hal o e. Blue and Brown Dentine; Mr. ItEd7 . Oß desires to 'mill the PottionLw tentlon of the trade to this nate, as It willlcomprlse the most desirable makes of Cotton Goods, and will be the largest offering, with one exceptlon, evet made in this country. The goods are all in coder and original packages. ja24.otd SPECIA.I4 INCOME TAM-- Vs Harlot received the Ilat of Special Tax, as sessed on incomes of IMn,fn .asmce with the set of tiongrees, approved Joly 4th, 1841„ for the Division comprlsin,c the Boroegim of Bireilegbsin, Bast Birmicabeia, Routh Plttaburgb, Monerigsbo• la, Vest Pittsburgh Lod Temparanorrille, and the Townstdpeof Baldwin, finawaen, Lower St. Ober, 'Upper Si. Clair, Scott, Union, Chanters, Robin. isso, North Fairette, South Faystim,Fiadier, Moon, Crescent and Neville. I will attend for the meets, lag of said team et the Oodles of A. a Stevenson, Esq., Birmingham, daily (sentare and Saturdays ~ 3 3 1 , 3 3 ,3) man Monder. Janeary loth, between. the tours of 1 and 4p a Ales at the following plebes Wedneeder, Vet, let. at the house of Pettit Borer, Snowden township. Tbuntar, Feb.lll. et the hoses of G. Sf. Boyd, Upper St. Clair township. MoutleY. Feb. ilth, at the hew of I. ILTi Gen,. Debit/ion towsubip. o af, Feb. Ith„ at the hoses of Elijah 'Mir lean,Minton. Wedneeda_r, Feb. fib, at that IMAM - of Matthew McGregor, Nobledown. GAIL Feb. loth, at the *fibre of D.. Bel/Mien. req., Temperer/amine. Monday, Feb.llth, at the Mike of W. IL Bark a, Bp., South PitteheriL o n I will Mao Weed at Gs oftx of the Gamier of Internal Havenue, leo. Q Yotit33l et., Pittatiergh, osi Saturdays, mitt/ lith of February, from 11 a. m. tot p. in. A tier aforesaid dates le per mat. peatity will ha added. Payment mast be made in United Signe money. JOHN A. SERGEANT, ' Dep. Collector ad Illy. Mkt Dist, Palma prearning may volt their chneloa r ipai. Ant to lay order, throng the Pi/taboret P. G. - jatgallignnebttle TlCOlifitit:TO FIIRTRER D. E ... SIGN of the National Itaakinw, Provide a Indiana currency), and to relieve this nunnalty DOW th• kin Diablo* to the Ambit% 'of dory dated beak notes, Hui foilowtng ;milts we ormd that =Mid altar I* Fabra ary , tali will pay ont only sunk moo as will be resat at p are* deposit and la payment of all deb:ado 1116 They urn purslane from their magmas, all dlataqt State-bank lam whisk they may melee la tb remilar *muse of laisal• lb. net east of seali ng thenaboasa for refam p ttan, but will mat rimy* srueh•fasla so &omit as marreney ll . It is sonAdently beUevad that this arriaMnamit will very anneal) , obelisk the existing ono* of kerning .enernmer massants, and be selrest home Ow gnat volume of Slats kaiak paper new fa aireadatien Fiore, save plass to a bettor class of lutes not subject to 4.14;w146.1.... To give full attest to this arrangement, the aequieeeena• mid 00-opers• nos of Oa Waimea soinintually birsrpostfally sell. era, 7 . • JOHN D SOULLT, radar Ist Pratioaal Haat. R. A. 01.1:111014 Dokter Fanners Dommit Bask- G. rfYT.I2I7T-Lashier Gelman Trani card Sarlay • Bank, SOHN EL LIVINGSTON, Pukka. 11,1 Nalimuil Haat, Pittahurab . J. R. MeCUISE, President Bolos Banking Os. FRANCIS k SELLJOitS,PrealdeatOittanis Miles •y• al Ban, :O. 4. RIGGS, Ambito% °ambler lid National Bank, .3. W. COON, Cashier Allegheny Bonk. _JaiPtfebt - • • - - 1011kITTSBUROAIRC 1100 - I,iiirbE9l - 0N A. FOR WOMEN.—This Institution will - aim. wren Its ant minion on the FIRST MONDAY of FRIGISART, an Phelan's new building, No. A FM anent. The ohleot of tala mimed is the in struction and training young ladles is theprinci ple. of drawing and painting, ia view of qualifying C 4 m to puns. higher, more suitable, and better paid ocenpatliona than are now apes to them, and of bringin the a Minns of Pittsburgh and auburbt under she _ elevating and relining la. uenos of Art. Oneonta will be ready en Monday the Std_insi, a1.,_11, JUISSET, Prieldont. ----' liNor WM. WADE, TicraPitaildent. G. W. HAILMAN, SocretarT- FßANCE:a SELLERS, rrounrer. Donn Park. Sr. - 1 J. k.ltoorikrad .1 WM II Laughll.4 I Goo. A. Barry. J. Lt. Lyon,. I IL IL Painter, J. DI. (Mope; • , J. H. Shoonborger, Wm. Thaw, ! W. M. Lyon, Moo. S. Malta, i Tim. M. now*, W. 11o1mes, I 1 Andrew Carnegie, S. Hier, , Wm. o.Davis, IL SI cltandkos, , M. Sono*. Joseph Dilworth, • , • - nmecu-nrit COUKITTIM - Prcaldear Huss t r, Jatram VleePrtaldent W. 1. O. W. Hallman, James Park, Jr., W. Thaw. ' J. B. Lyon,lelll:2twlta / . C JENKINS, • Commission Meithant imaircaustacllaaa -Bgema.t. : ha Flour. Bacon. Chet**, Dried and Breen Familia. and all Varna Piradueta. Calms" filled for all merchandise, Pittsburgh mar, tifaxtutes Mid Refined OM, at dealers and manufak toms" ratan, No. 233 7.111}..MTY STREET, (oppik alto Wood atroet,) Pktaburgli, Advancts made and prompt attcntloa given le all conaiglitricels and correspoculecoo. PITT.PURUR BITTEIMICIPtIeaSk Sp trOr & Slack, Win. McCully 4. . McDona k r buckles, John 1. Solna k UN, John Hall Uo., B * k ' l / 4 Sl* I. Ca.. gall tydive . ptifi C LEß ON THE FACE are c led by SHIN DIbEASES ABE CUBED BY • lIEZIAPANAK.S. DYSPEPSIA AND 00S7TVENESS a •I See long advertisement In daily imperil SILVER PLATED WARE I XIX.A.ZrEMP.A.CMC2O Wolters, Castors, ace., &c. suitable for t cm howl sod tor sale by • ,WILER Br. MOSS, 225 South sth at., PHILAD : ja16.13m fruE IMPROVED Little Giant Rowing. illaelalne, Trice ONLY $l6 on. Unsw3lassed for certainty, : teliahiilty, and grace In movement; and for real worth it has no rived. For simpilolty, durability . and execution it is unequalled by any other cheap machine heretofore oMered to the public, and needs only to be-icon to be appreciated. will hem, quilt, tuck or hind. Call and examine for your. selves. Dory machine warranted. El. B. BARNES, Agent, - N 0.113 TILIRD SL, oppoaite St. Charlea Hotel. S-POIITESMEit 11 BA.DQUA.RTERS, 036 WOOD STREET. MIMS . r3CIVITIV !settee the attention of Sportemon and others to 111Nea.4.1=rau,nir.:?,'111RI'F - ILAS"S' sad ammunition of every land. Ills stook Is the orem!, ever brought to tide amrket. -•• - oar! • Tinsr BAPTIST OHURCII BURIAL GROUND.—Aeeoratitn to ne act of the Legis. haute, the Plest Baptist Ottulth, of Pittsburgh trill disinter and remote the deed bodies end re mains from t heir Buryfria Ground on Spruce etrizet and cause the same t, .he properly and ruefully burlid In such grcninds as the Church may seleas toe burial purposes. - W. IL EVERSON, slloi7lial ' President Boarkot Trustees.' ~1..4.7.'',:1i,t11:.^:: e,,,.`,V,;:,,,, , ,.,.. , fo ,',,,,, ~.,1,,, ~...µ 4 :., aDrEIITISE.SEXTS. TILE•DILTON . , L.- FAMILY • • Knitting Machines • Arc efrarrd to the public with entire confidence in the belief that they are deal/led to fill a I GREAT HID IN TEE FAMILY CIRCLE Throughout the land, and to take rank wtth, the &wring Machines as a raluiple auxiliary In Cloth lag the Rourehold, and. In Reducing Family- Cares ant:ExpenseL These Meddnes are PERFECTLY SIMPLE, L are very ttronglyIFETIME. contracted , and Wffi LAST A The labor required to rue them is very trilling, and they make VERY LITTLE NOISE. A earteaaily operate and adjust them for the different kinds of Work. They mill readily knit Woolen or Cotton Yarn, Zephyr, Worsted or Silk, end make PLAIN or KNIT GOODS, as desired. They are designed for making - SOCKS, Ja 1.4 seraqs ',mamas, SCA N U R AIRSLEEVES, TIPPETS_ _ AEGRILNS, atc, Aa More Woik Can Be Accomplished SZT 40.1%7M TIALIE" on one of these Machine., than can be DONE IN TWO MONTHS BY HUM :The PLAIN STITCH' made by them Is preeliely the same ea that made by the ordinary Knitting Needle. • lie 5 , ey . min make TIGTIT or OPEN TI ° PLAIN, BIBBED or FANCY. .. They ore minable of making a greater quantity and variety of Work, and Ina more perked man ner, than any other Knitting Naohino In ealetenee. 4kitenli and aft them kroperatlon. Z!.glaxLtgli 1017(li7:Ltecl, In every Town And Comity 1n l'onnwydvards, Ohio and West Virginia. B. B. CARPEritp, No. 37 Firth Street, PitteSollth- TDB AMERICAN RAY AND COTTON PRLZS CO. 111ANTIFAOTORY. Corner o Grove nod North-Third ntroets;Jersey City. Of fire: No. On WALL STREET, NRW YORK GOVE'S PATENT. The attention. of 'ell parties Interested In the premier or esmpreellag of HAY, OOTTON, HEMP, WOOL, RAGS, HOPS, or any other ert.t • cle requited to be baled for Transportation,Storege sr Comma:melee,. Is respeetfully solicited, to the PORTABLE or STATIONARY PRESSES, ufectured by•this Company under J th e superintend ence cf the Patentee, Mr. John H. Hove. The Prom la very ample in its eomteruction, re quiring hut ordinary intelligence to work It, cad • xi Horse,e son/ Hand.ie ni l x tio u w e e i r ir power, but one Horse Is required, the Press being so le constructed on a well-knewn prise Mole Ust the . agr-posmr Messes is a greater nibs than the incnosnag maismom.lia The adventeges of this Pews one all others are as fellows, viz: let. It eau pram leper sent. morejmeterial la a given space. AI. It can do the work in 111 per mat. less time.- it It requires en par eget. lea. driving power. 4th. It turns out the pet gimped bale far hand- Reg or relitng. ath. The Press will last a life-time, the working Win. being built of the test of ken. and not, Wide tenet out of order,. The ordinary worked this ambits' will press In one operation (after otter filling the box of the No. I Pram): a bald of Ray of 4,60 minds weightka Cao kfert term-Pk Your men and one horse out bale tweet, tuna of ii.a day. • Tour men - without the aid of a home, or any power except that eenteined In the Pram, can turn out a bale of Hay twentyeevereidebes squsro by fortyeix'inehee long, we4aingt Me pounds, or 1.3;4 pounds so timeuble t00t... No toggle joint*, actvws, amt witoels, boaters ur rollers used In this Press. • The atm:dime of Cotton filers and planters Wool and /Leash raisers, Is espeelaily celled t. this , Prase, timelinas it Is to -work a complete revolts. tion ln the now slow, eltunsy and expensive meth od of The Company will dispose of Town, County or ditate sights ((reserving to themselves only the reheat to mennfectore) on reeenneNe tends. Mr. N. I). PISILER. is the authorised Traveling Agent for the Company In the Eastern and Middle Ste - s.. • Tor further partionlars send for ollsoulsrs. Jet 24: 41.... t FURNITURE, AND CANE AND WOOD &al ms arteduqA Pritig WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. ma. W. WOODWELL. , Hos. II =dile THIRD STREET, OppacD• E. Zdanadaosi Co. a, AM iata ii,. Ul rotarra STREET. 'ROBERTS BARNES & Its. id Third CO. (Street, Pithburgh TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, • and himuflicturets of JAPANNED 'llll WARE. • We hate now manufacturing and have on hand Bathing Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Ware In Setts, Water Coolers, Grocon'.Tes and Spice Can, lams, Cash sot Spiro Boxes, Tumbler Drainers. Spittoons, ke., &a A. large lot of Bird Oages for sale haw. °Beans of all stars and patterns. Tin Bootleg, Oondurtori, and all kinds of. Tabbing Work done to order app . 'ACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH PA. PARR, BROTHER & CO. Manufacturers of BEST queisiy FEFINED CAST S / Square, Flat and Octagon, of all aim. Warrant ed equal to any imported or manufactured this country. air Otllea and warehoun*, No*. HS and 152 rnolt and 120 end 122 liacost, itramars,PlLtaburga. fell-yd • • 1 &LAC CRAIG'S OUTLET. SAW MILL AND BARGE YARD,, Cralg Street, illedlle4•, BOUQUETS, CUT FLOWERS, ,ka. RUUtttlEr4 m. . OUT 34121.1, 1 TUS, mul , bASKETS %rm. FTAIWES,g, From MURDOCK'S Oakland Greenhouse. Orders left with S. 11.1tubley,117 Fourth et., R. Kieber al Bro., 12:1 Wood-street, Dunseuth a 00., 611 Filth street, or it the Greenhouse, promptly attended to. 'Bogue& supplied daily at the above named plums. Oakland can run to the Gregmhousa every fifteen minute.. deSamd J taIBIS M. BAUM dekivilaltemat, " Prepares EZICPLIOIT DRAWINGS sad SPECI FICATIONS, for all kind. of buildings, and super. Intends their erection on reasonable terms. Sir Office on ANDERSON. STREET, between lamock end Itehlturon. Allegheny City. BONDS and , MORTGAGEB FOR SALE. -4,15.000, payable tri fou_i. gears. Annual pay. mea t , with interest: Beal kaMte valued at M 0,.. IMO—improvements at Ste 000. rervens desiring a ante Investment at more than e per mt. might call nd examine. • _ Mock. of MI kin& bought and cold on commix. Mon. Dividends collected. Loa made on collat.; eras. ItOIONSON, ND:OLEAN & CO. • late No. 76 Fourth at. PRIVATE DISEASES.. Office 25i PENN STBEETZIear Mind, ' For the cure of all diseases of s private nature, in from two to four days, by en entirely new Mad We treatment. Also, Seminal. Weakness and 111 other diseases of the genitalergana an' their prevention. A cure warranted or money r efunded, . Address letters IV .251 Penn street noillem IL WELL. M L STEAING'IitS am O 'prepared to STEAM ENGINES, "L, So much approved of for oil walla and other mu , ' poses •on the shortest notice.. Having dlilYrent sited 'Engines on hands, and finishing others ~the public con be accommodated with almost any art they want: the work to show for itself. WILLIAM - FISHER, - Fifth Ward, between Mechanic and Harrison Went" • . cie2o%in . Pittsburgh. Ea. Ob;No.' .lbety-street, opposieSisA.. . ll h mantonetutes of WHIPS, LASHES W. 74, ES, amieveryclescriptlon of LEILTILEU /MUD ED 'WORK. Viten, .ollottotl fromthottgde,gadsoodiprompt- Ig PhlppoNtan per Instructiooa• feg-t♦ 6i n 4ig i a BCOrri • zeort•crrir MATCH .WORKS - 1 , Dilworth* nothling.." cMner of Grant and Seventh street', Pittsburgh.- noway. . TRIED FRUIT,--Rocelved this day :. -Ea bus. Dried Blackberries; . • . 10 bus. Seedlemi Cherries; • a bust Pried FJderberritsr 40 bus. Cherries with seed.; fix isleby —_ Bill . .• _ . L. IL VOIOT a tXI.- - ; .___. fILUE-470 barrels for sale by jao lIENUY H, COLLTNS (1 . 1i1TE1E011.,..;-170 barrels foilt alcLllls by pat lIEMM.I4.OOL DRr GOODS. Se. HOOP SKIRTSI Hoop El kirts! 1000 HOOP SHIRT ' WORTH FROM. $1.50 to $3.00, FOR 574, Cents, AT . ALEX. BATES', No. 81 11nrcii. Bt. "VNCOURAGE HOME Wail:N.4.o- - 4 - 4 TVEMI. Bia,oritun dek 78 MARKET STREET, Otis fa extensive. stock of SEASONABLE GOODS of Amorloon. ?Amu(Adam, oomprbiag • great rade* of . 110 EMERY & GLOVES, goy Goods, Notions, Small Wares, GENTLENHNI FURPIDDIMG GOODS, L army etyte aed intaiLyat most reasonable pans. We still have • 'car foods of .Forefors Manssfacture Whbgt we wtll tliatows of at ptlatio to mat To ?Central:lto sad Retailers we egret at • All prteet se low a ma be bought anywhere in Me Easters Cities, on we buy exelualraly for cub sag from Wanufaaturers or abetr agents only,' We solicit seen. SPEcIA.L 13dLE. MC IS Mi 'VPBRM. Undershirts at $2.00. Drawers at $2.00. WORTH 6LOO LICH SIIIBT WILL WEIGH MILT 1 lb. OIL, EATON, 351.A.cutrar. & co. Have about St dotal of vodMtriwbeavy WEITII3. UNDERSHIRTS sad DitA.R.Snearly all.weet, whisk weigh hem I% lb. to I 011. oaek "hid, that mud be closed out Immediately. - . We offer them at much less thaw what they east to make,-and we believe theca to 14 equal to oirp thing in market at it - • No reduction will be male ter qualltifroge Mast or me bombed at the same rate. These Shirts area Great Bargaht I EATON, MACRUM & CO., VINTER DRESS GOODS J. M. BUROHEMT TM. NELLIMG OZICEAP. Winter Cloaks at Cos(; WINTER Lae SUITES" IVY OM Bah:nom/1a at Cast. North Sat corner of 4tk and Mutat Its io GRELT BARGAINBI NOOR I TFAD nERHISOA & .004. 81 Market street. • *az DETEXUMEIr.) TO MOSE en; =II ENTIRE STOOK OP GOODS. Oasts' tredereszeneets White Mak* ~1 1145eirs, Embroideries, L Ota ate Heetery, Miss minim, Point Lase, Oo Ribbon, ho. ho. Jag El 3. Maimerleert Ist; ANEW ABSOETN:ENT OF BIT. TONS, Drees • and Oloak Ornaments . Wraps, Ohenflie sad ilegal Beard, /dad. li - - thallenieeres, Linen Sets, (of th• Last ritual* Lacs awl Linen Collars and Handkerchiefs; Gls Hosiery, Balmoral and Hoop Skirta,_• Brenkf Shawls and Samples, df all show; Hathway's Prio , 1 marled Wins and Ours for ladies and dent; em Waal:ells:lath,* Gloves, it all uses; Sonrials 'Ltd Otos tali l e ! .er g,ht eolon; BOOM& Sets, frimmd order, with a - nroW )41% of Budd Water. .Falls an Flowers. Will be found at ALICE NOWHYIIi TRIX.XING STORE, No. all Eourth street, near Pony street. Partiordar attention Oren to eleaning Point sail all other lkinds of Lams. Also Black Laoe lrei/a. Jaio -- * ' --:--, pLUMBING, Ciaa and Steam Pitting, la all lt.a branches, eatefally attended to, by imp* rimmed, practical workmen. A Ina aesettincat Si GAS FIXTURES, 313LIIK ATH - Tutts,_ - , SHOWER BATHS, . WATER OLOSETS • HYDILIETA, Ae. Constantly tallied and made to order. : No. No FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny; And • 127LIIIERTy STREET, Pittsburgh • • - 'PPR BALE. • . en yds, inch Rope; 112 yds. inch Rope 1 • 110 feet Robber.ser - -.• 1 Hand Track; . ,„. I pair Platform Scales. No.a; ' t small Counter Scaler 1 Hand Hol_rting Machine; • • 1 seat iron Hand'Ptunp; 211,1C0 feet Jolt? • . t Wilson Steam Lard Tank cOmplete,llBoolbs; Lard Cooler (boiler iron) complete, WO lbs; 1 Lined Lard Cooler, complete; • crackling Presses, complete; • e Lard Kettles, plates and furnace - complete; 65 empty Bacon Casks; Zi Mariana Tanks (iron hoops) suitable for Oil Tanks; Clearers; 1 Ploon. 1 Cultivator. Inquire ofrstor. 1. J. P. PORTER, janoiti at Pork House, Wood`i Rlln. LLeanWerr H E R EBY h, Dec. 24, Am WOTICE IS GIVEN A.veea ,L, bly.to Section 2of the Act of the General As , sembly of the- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, - entitled "An Act enabling Banks of the Corittoore. wealth to become associations for the purpose of Banking, under the laws in the United Statean. proved the 224 darof August, A. D. 1E64, that the stoekholdors of the Allegheny Bank, of the city of Pittsburgh, and .county - of Allegheny, have this- day votaW to become such an mnoclation, under the name and title of "The Allegheny Bath:nun Bank of Pittsburgh" and that its directors have proem , . Mthe authority of the owners of more thou two. thirds of the capital stock to mak, the certificate requited therefor by the laws of the United States, Alelehlto. S. W. COOK. Cashier. OLLdY soorr' • • P. GENGEMBRE, Civil and Mechanical Engineer, . N 0.14 HAY STREET; neat Pencil DRAWINGS of MA n th iiRTi./1111LDINGN ,MONUMENTS, BRIDGES, hi., executed Intl' rinzlNClblirAnw.ail3llllool., mane elaseee for different ststee aid:swine* - •etnal WALL PAPER I-WALL PAPER 4 -Te make room. for Dew goods we will ash our stock at twinged rates the first f Mirth rser.t. Buyers can find papers of all grades, and make 11 BLOW lutenist to give us e call at .1fo.: ler Market st~reett. JOB B. 111/131L83 W..*...- +v. J ' .`C,Bas~'~..3.Si:~; v :( ~y.ai , :l~V_v' cii, l ,l4iiatl4l WORTH Sim) 17 end 19 Fifth street. TATE & SEUL= JELLMS .1. 7 #17 MIXEIIIRS. . r in,D NATIONA.Li 13INK CORNER of WOOD and VIRGIN ALIA - 4 i/ U. S. DEPOSITORY AND FLNANCLU, MET 7 Ft lO LOAN. `-'7lta Bank keeps os' hand for male the 7 311 rolled States Treasury knotty, and takes sebeerlp Bona for This la tiro. POPULAR L02.2C4h0 , mai Goy en meat loan rum is the make( at pw—gtsled those who have Wolter • este and desirable ppm (nay Ibr Latest seat.' TWO OENTS A DAT FOR BA.OR 111011. 'Thew safe are all dated Inth - Answat, OW. Th interest payable aendAnnually on the nth of Feb may sad 10th of August, at the tateof II la ye Alto per anntim.- At the. expirations of three year (only little Weer two and • half now) they sire ex ' brat the dee Gold Boada. 7 Coatadatiaa allowed toßanking perelutatta. ,tateteet will be paid at oar Boum. ' • _ IW7L Ft SOHILERTZ. , Petal. O. B. Lrentonow, ambler. , , O. It Siortnute, Asalatant Mahler. , • iald *a. BANKING HOYEik, N. HOLMES • & SONS, N 0.57 lancet Stmt. DEvormrs.npozrvpo IN PAR rum; AND GUIRENOT. Collections made on all the principal JOetnts United Stator ma 'Canada& • rtul~):fiA.J)<Afi~.\ y~TfYa.i~-~;~1'F'Fr9)~~ BOUGHT AND SOW ON,COMMISSION: PartiottLae attention pakt• to tha - puittutie gale of cvnTi) STATES , SECURITIES, INCLODIIICI Molted Stales Olxea or I&SI Dr). do. 15.205; Do. lives. 10.40 s; Do. Deren•Thlettea; ;Do. Gentocatavor Inaolefelsom ORDERS ARD , TOUOUERT BOUGHT OE COLLECTED THEASIIILY DErAwrmtirr. • Ormin or Corr moil= or run Oirensortrv, Washington, ,Jantutry, Inth, 11363.. lAnnitEAS, BY BLTISFAOTORY evidence presented to tie underslipted„ R km been made to appear that • • THE UNION NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, • • in the City of Flttabtuvh, In the &minty of Al legbeny and State of Pennaylvards, has beet duly organized under and according to the re - quireture t a of the Act of Coagreita entitled "An Aet, to provide a National Currency, Bemired gr.ett=l tita"=.Z=tilltet'ogrtr ;iroved Jona dasemaylled with all the profialona of said ect required to be complied pith before commencing the hokum of banking under • Now third:Os, tlfactalkfavitAXkir, onokited. ler of N o turrecy do herebytertify that - .nut ITolon onal :Bonk of Pittabtugh." in the city of Pittabulgh. In the oounty of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, to authorized to commence the busked of Banking =defend sot aoreuild. 1 . } Currency Butes* Ur-testimony whereof Seal of the • -- witness my Mud ambient Cotaxtroller of the of oftleet this tirellth day Treas4r Department.ef Janu a ry, teat. HUGH NeCtltLooll., Comptroller of the Currency TREASITST DEPARTMENT, - Orr= or Conencrt.z.rur. or ens Omens:tor ' s.. ' Wassuaroemr, January lath, Inte 4 , . - 1 u p= WHEREAS—By . a evidence -4 , ' , f _1 presented to the .ll has bode 1 ' 11 "P. tO appear that . I. a THE ALLEGHENT'AITIONAL BAIN .1 iof 'Pittsburgh, ' in . the .• *runty of Allegheay, .1 and State of Ymerytrania,_has been duly ours* -f, tree miler and eCootellog tOthe reqntremeata artist -f Act of Gropes*, entitbd *An Ant to provide • National Currency, accrued by a pledge of. Unite& ,• States Bomb, and tir ride for the cfroulation and redemption IRataod o 'approved June a 4 Set. _. and has complied with *II the provistona or late ..Y...... eat, required tole compiled with before oaranleasi • fur the buslownof tanking undue said act I ~ Now, thcrebre.l, WIWI hfoi3llLLooll,o4Vmpa troller of the emeenny, B ank* hereby_ testify that , the 4 .Allegheny National Bank. of Pittiburgh, In the ..,; any Of 7ittabusgh, in the county of Alkgbeey, sal ;e1 State of Yemnlraata, Is authorized to coulee • i the business of nada the act eforseak. , In testimony whereo c vitnars my hand ILONA '• of °thee, this Nth. day of January Ma _ ____ _.- • 'HUGH YokTULLASCIffs ~,," Intaglios Comptroller of the Onnuory. ' ',' Twainsr DipAirtmarr, OritrOß oP Taa Coarrntorlant o 1 Olnurpostri, - WAStrtawroa, Do:ember." 11614 _IIVILEREAS, BY SATIBFACT OAT isfience pmeoted to tie oXiblfirsigoalA tt . 111811 CITY NLTIONAL OF PITTSBISGII - In the city of Pittsburgh, to the county of ARO ebony. and State of .Pennrylvants, bee been dolt organized under and according to the requirement' ortho eats' of Omnovens, entlUed.All itet Wpm vide a. National Clurreney, secured by a pledge et 'United States Bonds, and to provide for tie don' Litton and redemption thereof,^ rt , pr oves Jane $ SOK and has emptied with all t proTheleie • saidaot required to , be complied Wore Cetar mencing.the business of Backing undersold sett Now, therefore, Inert McCulloch, Coreptrolle of the Corrency, do hereby certify that IRON OITT NATIONAL BAN IC OP PITTS BURGH,. in the city of Pittsburgh, in the eeuntg of A behy, and State of Pennsylvania, le an thorind to commence the business of Sauteing on der the act aforesaid. • In teat:non/ whereof, witness mykan CL. CI and 'seal of olnee;thle thlstr.flrat day o Deoember, A. DAM. HUGH. NeCULLOOH, Comptroller of the Ounersey. TIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION NO tto SaLITEFIELD STREET(twt:ld i t, m e Lk rs Casto Roue.) Chattered by the Presided—GEO:B. soram. cr.v. B. Smith, Rhode% Thos. D. Bressler, Ales...ll3endk7, French' Seller,,A. 1 / a lumnae. John Jeanhme, Joseph Llsg, 'rhos. S. Blair, • S. B. Ilartmaa, Henry Lloyd, N67113121._ .Temeil•a k, Jr., see S. S. Smiler, Dr. Jae. Cerothere, 'B. P. Jora Joe. Dilworth, . Wm. Smith , /C.D. Cochraes W.,A. Reed, 3. W. Wootiwell, W. IT. Phelps, 1 B. O. Schmertz, D. g..ll,Terfeley, 3. M.D. Cresunam 0.11: Paulson, S. B. Fo Smyth, . Jacob Stuckrath. G. llansbee,' seem/rya/64 Trourrar—D. 8 WRINIXT. • - Opals daily, tram a. to 2p. >d Also, Saba. day evening, from it to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of one dime and upwards. . Dividends declared in December sadJunentatielt Dividends allowed to - remain Me planed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bear tabu. est thee compounding It. Book a conWaing Charter, litj.,,Latifs, - - . Air Thla In stitution oilers, especially to those Nusous whose earnings eUro small, the opportunity accumulate, by small deposits, essUy ldeed, sum which will be. a resource , . wlerst nealektheir money not only being safe, but bearing Lamed' Instead of remaining unprodurtiVe. aa2o.lra. _TIOLLIA, EOLV.III6B 'BANA"; 2io.' 2 -• Forwm srutirr. CrHAETERXD 1855. Open daily from 9 to 2 o'clock, also pci WNW*. day and Salluday everting, from May let to Nas vember Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, rind front Not/amber Ist to May lit from 6 to 8 o'clock. - - `_:Deposita received of all sums of not leather' One .Dollar, nod a dividend of the profits declared tsiai • year, is June and December. Interest has, bete declared ' semiannually, in June mad December, lance tla Bank was orgaaved, at the rats Of ilk Interest, not &Own Out, ls placed to the credit. of the depositor as prbicipal, and bears thermal interest Data the first days of June andsDecetaber, compounding twice "a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present Ma pass. book. At this rate money.will doubhi In lem than twelve Doolut, containing the Chnrter,ByLewss,,ltulce and Regulations, furnished gratis, oa application at the °dice. 'L Paastocasr—OEoll6E • • . • James ATeAniey, James IL . A./tear, John H. Shoeishergcr,. Wm. DortAlas,- Seines Ilersiman • Iwo M. Pennock, Peter A. hladsitA, James Militia, • William J. Anderson, John 11. McFadden, A. M. Pollock, Al. D.,. John G. packefea.. Calvin Adams, Henry 3. Lrnely, John 0.13111,11c1., • John Marshall, • George Black, ' • Walter . anama, • 11111Gurswin, John Orr M Alonzo A. Carrier, - . Robert lieobb, Charles A. Colton, Henry L. Itinshwalt, John Evans • William Be Mertz, Demi. L. Fahnestoek , Alexander Spasm John J. Gillespie, Alexander Tbadle, William S. Haeea, „ William Vanklet..... Peter IL Hunker, Isaac Whittler, Richard Bap, • Wen P. We JIMMY D. Kelly, Christian eager. Seavhwir 6 , 4 Trenvninr--CiIAS. COL ON, m mbilata - - H. IL MERTZ, BA.NIKER: &:BROTCREE, 118 Wood Street, near Fifth, Gives ipeclal attention to the puidume and eel Government Securities,: Stoats end Coupon b. general. - Collections made.ln ell planes-UM.. West. rarropeanesobange sold, et lowest rat, gold Draft ti.Xevr Mk 6014 •-•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers