~..., _.,,,,t..;,,,...., 1...... 1.......4. r 0 6 '••••.• . ell 5 4: 1: 1 ,,( i , • :1 44r3t-Vir:r ' -•---• TY:•1 - • - VOLUME -132. 't . ; •-,-.•,-_.1,11,4a.u.,,,....-: , .-.,-. • , , e •- !. 7; ' tttolmagirt azytte. ......... . i . . -&-,-"......, ~... , ....; ,_ . VERT - GATEST NEWS -....-.---,. .... • ... 1i..,,,,i,- .., . - : BY TELEGRAPH, t 7. - -:** r .q.‘P' :-. '''''. , .;•,::.• ... '''___,::=L_Lt2 . .. , t , . i. , :, 1 10&11NANIA:-;•• giSLTURE, ~,, , ~..„,—•.. ! . .;*44.4 1 .W.y.5 . i .. 1,..1..- - - - ,; , ..=•,,...., i Special Dispatch to the Pittibutittaipltte.• ...;* , 'ar,±4.lll - .T.•_.' .11 , .. Ettmannandalosnify, 25, 1842. `r r ilrT , • , ,lng, D ra,l:-Ttlit 'Odeenuted 1.61 r Federal Dela .t7,Asi.il**t iiiiiitliii; on :We r4ic4Eitkini re t.Tre*Pll/4-611110'rePtq.0141PerJOiltr, • '''': : “E - 111461 aiihillth; ii bill iiie41114:1110 hi:diniatlng I jj t. Mittaiket'iloverrienl bias.:,tei.tl &Ile 'lj', ; o44o:ol,nrig Crillege,:and that other lisillutiona Ill;t4 m ilialSe benafitat;, .... -'_;;'.-:;;',_:,,' ':'-”. , i , ,r,'-.77••••-qh.:-Bilienii-laroilviatiro;the,Dlthitittnn and 1.,,, ; J. , ' &sera Gold andillibi?tieCOMphajt; also 1...;1. J' fi j erleingthe Pipets:rah ..,apd 411eghen, 1 Citi j %Al _ eel. deitii.e_ .6f ..Petii)alThocepisluiout Iq;- ,• - AistmulAr 4itugowapv. ~.\.,._,,,.. : ! Tinl:ii i ...,-:...W.''irittatitiCrniSoliroilitrigt Homeopathic j . •!"-..:•;?;estiCalcotlice9tge4l"/Maiat ' j e"' ‘; ' I . ••y- 1 -triiliiinilieg thiipsy* tirWil minty I . c? . ,- 24 lieeleers In Fayette was pp, mod: 1 : •Ank 4 , I l itreltipileatikit aiiiiiiiillitisle 4 aile- I i " jl •V}Niraph, empelittiiefethAsperate even-v(lw, it:. j l - 114.W I Wi ti k . .lr a l El ll O.- • '• A 0 ~, ....4...,,.....i,t2-_, !:,,, I. ,Hr litelhimieelledpp the Pltbsborgh and 84116. - •' r r 4eitlifownpr,ourr.litolPg_ bi ll. fat 11, .. , ...powerlng them to mine la Ja United Stales, j Jl . l.l.l!,'S! t iq e T e s3 Tl #...* • 11 -ef!"'L 1 1 1... - JJ J . , : s. : . Tim PA relative to =nisi stock of the 1,.',44-. 4 PAk t - a glit t i t A. Eziejl444o:44l:l,l4l4s%fassei , ~..--;:,, •• Adjoined. • :I, .:J.• , I fik , ';vcps.. ' reIf9FW7 T/ i e St SST-rrYtiur ' ‘ rcrkira , ria4: g.,: + c,..l*timani,tbiti flity-elghl -battles 111.thil. fate hod -, i,•: , laxmmernatlonaL The change learns the bank t-j j ., -capital nt only shoat seven millions of dollarir ;. • - 'cruder the Btathle%fit'u . diak, tfe . foMA., the Com- R ' - ziontrealth atietax vrldth ptsi year amounted tO:, I - ' j zlcariT b_ 9l ri** l l:; ,l : j I :b. .j j -I ~ • - AaliciedltortOciwittrtpartod•thit the Alte • • V: I" kiVilVAltileTalPriParrialutie Pittsburgh, are std the onlyrathpedsthotAare. not complied withJT -- th e Talmage_ lii lair: - - ---- --- - ; I,r , , 4 ; .„4, 7l f*latiaatbedltl4Ditreizithsaaspess:ed. 4, • '.. f `The linuti.thenAdJouraid..• z - ' . , 1:•'.17. 1 ..e. 1, '" - I J•• *7 -- .. *- • J. - :J; jj • --;,, , ar rj 1 s . • " IMSTNITIYEt::VIRE; IN:',1111FE11.0. k - ' ,ri' , l•',"l". , ':';' , ;.'' - ' , ',a.• • •• ' l- 7 , •1`.1..:'• •-.I.:1• - ",,':: t• • , ..:P. 3 .. rf9?!. 1, 0, TicA*-iSqoo.,ooo:i Kfficp3.. is in ;Ilk alilt iii*.:Oite ath4sig• on tiaildOint_niby order of. Mayor . t 77 7 7 7 SKlTlWPitirilisedtett . : lll o4e, Ind II Is „frond extend to :Pearl , . street. •A. &dans 1, -s ') . goj,ia l .raiii 5.4 7 4 iselAtr . eight Awes" lidos -zerai preventl44te-demantrtinh 341,0104 0 430 - 4 grVlt i.• YirqdviVit: Geargio.B. Balt "-- - .ol4l 6 lAbstivleti:ttr fifeilairlsmlng. ate' 'aret.,ll4l4o. Alm snow_ storm. Au:4- 1 m .r..—The-lirswasarreited this ~afterrieowithres-blowlng- u pthe building on Mats ,street -known Th as e oid Th ee Tawisi..ft steriped lita6;fitile•Yeer'orreiti W:p they • .: r sueibrta °LW° IrtniDeparttstat:t..Tha'ireninn'tt oat ethibi-La Bitty, Mint building. 'Th The Depattment feworlthig ladder every Altad e 2 ..IresdaM•4l64mse , soirVnbutent -glad,' driving: • .. w-sneow, orbote andrektgleirentin _Abe 'follotnng are among the sufferers b the ,•• • ' 40 ,11, 41 . r ake • • • ; and &lA% • sroe e lafZ i at e rd s P r a ' a' 4 4., Men Wan,olknesT.; then - the-Atneilean Alesto 3 rOk the entire hotel. the Windings .rndwebe coati:44kb hotel and the following namni 14;i_ 4r 'g etotttod the >Zooebi theitoteelCman ."ttAl4er htrsuu, ass - ..thO p i. then., to. the ral.,,tassadjoiniwg the hot* oceuPl63 , by :VW • esuin .. -$ trmsn•toodin , - IPREsti In'photegnitleir; ftudtiklind ntir orris etete. '' The 1 — "Dutert dla ge;to the , coriiers4'oi_e 4t440, a r, . ciadostalitereur leo and are occupied by Ran • 4 . ihniujo. Banktmd - Gag* trftt r. iheeelitter moat be (ID. by , Gans of the wail, but amid utte confab:nit la- - exuirtehi 4•11 a recti. James at Thinly, any Ten and -Ely Matte,. beloaging to Taylor Bose Company, are killed. The 7s test than: tsoo t oook tAlarge number el persons love lost largely la ..im?Pety ang.7band • guiliELlll EFFROII RICHMOND . u 'll., 'TOM Destroyed aril Tao ; - - ISTIED!!:' , 71116111 1 :: • Bid' '4O - R16016 D. 11° e/ -1 !Ft l /P? I .glmigtit - for: he • • tratortnorox, : lanet' Soo: says : Dis pateheaved here state: thae . on yesterday anorning,at two:Aback, ■ rebel Ilect otilre r rea , • sels, tboAptniteafavadron, lOng lebtepre pared, came dowia the river, to , diattoy 'our de pots, btatT , :arein' , :iiiiiPpointai:' The - high 'water caused by the lfeeiet enabled [Min - to pica obstructing' which onr commanders had placed *bore OltylLolot for the better uotietlan of thit place. Athittilla , galekly ensued between the rebel fleet Ow:nearest battery or fart, In : which onaii:f the rebel reaselwass ti) end - Inatanilt deaf ting,- while two _ . otherammoso badly. damaged try attotL amid sh ell ' as to monk tietst t 8 make speaf 1141460 k in •••• theltkettleiVArrittcluatatk mcomptaged by the ...uOttker_..tro Itfiltit 110* ut • kd..t°Ar•al,.l:errs atrOft l # o le.sigtcaf aiatt iheailtallitlfitaaatkosiattri undei 7 , itkad th at tia wi ll at tom foßtte the natal 'emu- BliAllt% • VISITS TO,IIIOIIIIOMi ARE.OffADIAN DrrrlouLM ENE .C..4`+ i s auc Be Anifsat 6)11 Removed: W, - -The.TribinteiWestilngr ..speend inapt:When Blair retiteZ, from letterfiom ACC Davie itilltrisrbonmer.thi I"n:bilked of Vatted Stake .babblitilanent. garernz ,-.ininitor Landederete Staten .to negmate for peaPe he would appoint them. -Ile neeopepanloi mienteneo with br hli own dc ..iiiniefor ippodj termination . of hoiWlLlea. ; Lintels, permitted Mrs Blair to ratan, astetrylod withAdat a letter written to himself by a - member of thosebinet,-which repmta, la anti= stance the assurance contained; In. the fresl , : don % later, '"in whom limey Thla la all .fr. Blair takes to Itlchniond..:The floye ernmept holds pniciaely, the satne:positlon It hos alwaysiteld and .belleyea It can conquer dpeaeo within arcaeonable thne. _ - - : The Tiseis' Washington special say's t.. It is gtocrally.understoocl now that Blair did net - go In any sense as a reproientatire of the govern- IMlented Riches ond„ - ma that ha lined authorized to tacoutage the Lope - that any: overtures. for - peace will be made or accepted. which look bow er:et-moiety toward the division of rho Union.. tor Lit believed the rebels are yet prepared to *treat Oa any oilier terms. PObalarsentimebt his overreached the desire of the rebel gerernment for peace. When their lamina "nor destroyed they Ira- make peace; Yr. Digit bah not returned. - The _Government` has been - asettiedllutt tbe' cogadist authorities have detemluoi is remove ad..-ettnees . of , asatisfacttott att " - the part of this country, growing out of ',recent . occur- Judge Conrial will be' remoyed. 'nil wilt . to- -speedy abr.:grata= of the PesePorts7gew• ma rt ", Ne g roes !tspFted SiClUed by Mun.. Lorariqux, Jaw:2s.—"rho ' oftletal'authatitles are - advlsed that Ittindy's gang thlp ewmlng Yillod at 81topsionvIlle, thirty negroes, who wart In chars:eat 1,000 Lhaail 'orlevornment cattle. fanner particulars. THE 11011 7 NEW tIIIFITIOATION OF - *NIO6It lIFFIIti Seward nd the Mission to England. • VESSELS LOLD3X(/ FOIL SAVANNAH: RUMORED REtURN OF MR.iRLAiR soiiiThialic at: iliaikieg mereic. Sergesniat- Alins - Ot NOW York Senate, keried a notice on Mayor Gunther thls forenoon to appearibe. _tire thelareattgatrit Corhlntttee of Ili&Pate at Albany, to-morrow. Tlie departiiiits - if the Tax Commlsabonani,Comptroller, Croton Aqua,: duct, Board of City Inspectors, Surrogate Saki, 51x0E 1 1:5144 itutillailor&MS gelkenay.iir ut be Investigated. The Committee is expected to'ar rime here this afternoon. • tbilkifillaSf ref* Wall:due [Ol2 rays : one Bankrupt Bill reported to the Ben ate:to-day by the Judiciary Committee centime •1 earensh.emeadotenota, but AdieJlonee blli-Js 04, iLesessnliellySttaitunkl:... Mkt understeod , Sliat Mr, Janke, who drafted the bill pasailetrythelicnise,- assents to the Senate's amendments. The %p lea pn .t.he Conduct Of the War have co lttielitnyißgation of Gen. But.- ler,:a con rid in tfiu attach on the WilminAon defenses:, returned a verdict for Miltspaugh, assessing, the demakea. on NMI Adams, the defendant, at 11.0,000,T0r akin * the firthiesielf&Ja Vrz 'Mx* Yong, Janc.ls.—The herald editorially says' The probabilities are great that Mr. Sew- XiYeilliatnthe iitisloi(ttliMgjanfq7 - 1 A TqiiiiiPi - Wislitigton special gave In dications points strongly in that direction. .ic 11.4a.repottedShat:serenty-tossels,ihitherto the Wilmington blockade, will be sent toluenes°, the blockade off CharlestonAltrestbli Ind other ports. • 310;710110y.wiaidliedgal: S.C;inallitee on Commercemake a general Investigation Mat-. coming trade with torturrectimmry. districts. I .PdoWortrd'iAtiaidogton speelidatMitfoas the . moored return of lir. Blair from Riaimond. • 157 .110 - 1 .hriddlyrardditgraiispl sayipud the Mpaistd7 - ,,Depr*tot ~.trr,atiortly Isaac -S. clew Track 6 f . fkaosidaid : comstoij, printed optima:sew. materia4lmpurioas Ace watts:and with; a to multi amtaferics4c4.mirokmatit. ,,- This 7,tme, spocial tows thifticrieral °W. ateilniTa 6l l - 4 61 , t91 11 ,4a 1 T.nitaPnonrnit, log news alike &Mk Cindina, and says ,tliere-.18,1m ward.. 1mmt5z0 . ;,,,y1' . 441 - ,' State - that driestot tie gigs facrci. •- • — .NEW - TOrdcfini. Eleti!amid !Dis patch, of Jitquiry 2 3 'the "There was a reportyesterday that Gen. Pelee had raptured Fort Silty Arkansas, with a gar than of two tlionsand men. ,s Thereinepat...-nottordlnnedbrenleial telligence=thanT.X.'Seddati ha‘ - resigned his Portfolio of War. We hare not been able to learn whether a auseasor has been appointed. Several prominent gentlemen are spoken of as likely to to u irainted. Among them are Gen. eral Watts raper,;(loneral—jireckinridge, and Sent& 'A,.• 'of Genriqa- - Them la a report that the place had been offered to General Brock- Inridge, but ho deenned,to accept It, unless he wriatekniredto litleetthla 'Cbtanftwary General. It Is said that Mr. Seddon was induced tore sign bran action taken by the Virginia Con ,gressmen,.wha(ll - newt ttethetreddent 'an andel O unce tat thefbadlOst con fidence in all the memters of the Cabinet ex cept Mr. Wenholm, and asked for a change. Mr. Seddoltisfing Worland of - thle netlon, immedi ately resigned. ,Two.imPOttoht- moan= t e°3° .V 4l ' 64 b Y 'Conith;sa gre 'Aide Public tin' Sat — y. One la a bill providing for the appointment of a Genet ,et.taLUdef - of the - Coacderate - hrirdet„and pro vides that the General-in-Chief thalikayecharge of all the armies of the Confederacy. Whether this implim.the,pOwer. to select _Generale who fdludtivoltathdthaidtletales Is &mat& of doubt. Ii alsO repeals the law providing a staff for the Gencralassigned 44 1 .7 Mcbmona. General nowhi Bragg now the r poeition referred to. The other measure's a•rtholatlon recommending the assignment of Goads! Joseph E. Johnston to Alio tem tbi Army. of Tanneteers.- Five hundred returned Confederate prisoners 'who attired SieVarkin 'eif:Friday 'reached the eiry.last „eight on - our Sag truth' boat front Jionitrerseilanding... -..; • . A By the same boat Mr. Francis P. Blair, sr., Pence COrtudissionelcfetnritedio this city. Nosh qztglisurtraiuridred'as.to - the.object, of his Mil slon,,butof:course It' as- reference to - peace net .gotistions, nod this boo grown out of his former - visit:- . lie is the ' petrol Ottistartinta.' .11*Tr.41.. - Ftioto, or Venom, lett the city iissig t kt. kerning, by:the -Fredetisksbtug train, en batilssfor Prince-George county,: •-• The :Villa of tbe 213 d has the following : "Ouir/Vni onomy, bk. hoavy wrrec;•sup , to.he -15,000 strong , under Oclu Foster; atieed.on . Poootallgalesterday. Onr tsipopsi utter so obstinate resistance, fell back on this 'tido of lialkehatehlt. Our, lintst.eMbroce Baikal:dale - Midge. Eicrythlog was bconitt off softly. Oen. Hardee is In command of our -former. . Ciftetwit, La., Jan. I4.—A 'large' number of troops from Nashville, estimated at from 16,00 D to 25,00DireeentInnistett down the fiver to New Orleans. It Is believed an expedition is ergo. istainzeithertOatta4 - /dattillO or go up the/led Thrilitletimond bYmniner atteinpis .to finish . Parsi?mßrownlaw by 'Tidbit:lg :upon him its full voesitinhirj.".trf eked& 'words. Its article eoucludeu" , wlth corn:tents upon military goy - enintauf .couqueFet: tstates....-, • - , • • • The Wilinlngton Jhernal learns that during the sreeut,fneilitet seventy feet of the railroad bridge - iirtf the .Roanoke dyer, at Weldon, WB4' W 8E1 0 4 7' 2 1! - Toux,New 'Jan. 25.—The INetimond Whip tuaraiies the icenit tif the with iii linking - wet on the nation s attributing the horriits to the Wan . keys: "Oar outraged tromettimurhertnolcia babes,our sons ultimately slain, our blatkonaltomcs, our. . leagues of desolated land, 9p { battered citles i tiur . slaves In arms sigalitst our prLionera mur dered In cold blood'oridulmg year atter soar. In northern dungeims;'all teli Its- what tho Yankee ' GOld has reached .. 13.1chMen4.3500 per cent. . . The Mobile .]..goer of January lath keyathat 'the people absolutely: deollac to betovith the odds forty to one on - the mucus of our , cause and . thrho fi esty of our government and people. The Charleston Courier discusses guerrilla warfare, with the purpose of showing the ell', eleney of that style of hostilitieato which the bro rebel cause may soonhe ught. . The Richmond papers reprment M:sors army as soffering intensely until they. Marled more wealthy distrieti, when - then . fared_ better. ruts' thought he may be. obliged to fall back beyond : Corinth until the roads are repaired to that place.' The Richmond &wind. calls fora new oat. ; burst of enthnsiamm and devotion. Itanyt.lt. would be delightful and inspiring: A .citizen . writes to It that be bad a moderate supply of bacon_in the Lome, and he 'asked his wjl the ;runt go 7" Sha'retrponded, "Yes let It go!" andlt went: Perhaps it, was the hind fed to our • "PouvazBB . Mormou,,,lan.:-The hark , air: tom Capt. Omit, arrived here yesterday' from' Pernambuco:: Timmattateurstior . ts that- the'rebel privateer Shenandoah, bad itestroynd several American inerclumtmen 'alone the, coast of. Bra zils la eawsequenco of 'which teasels bound' to the Voila States were obtaining British mis ters eo as to enable them' to sail under British ePlors.' raz:za Nasr Yonz,-•Jart. 13.—/i dispatch , has (peon remind by Theodore. Tilton, from Spring9o4, Illinois, .s ll 7lne That ;the Senate s have repealed the... Black Laws.by lbw majority, and. that the Mae le Mitt& to concur. 4, _=~~ -~ .Items frdm Virashitigt6n" cesa. Aeo 4 uta Shmunliaalr *Talley gate that a filiAn Viidy of iebetilia re madu their ark persance below-Woodstock. Two staprare now loading forSavatmol with' supplies for the starving inhabitants. .This additieing to `ll ti i htTty varaly sent' irbin BDi _ton _New York anal PhiladelplAtp_, - 13:oviratoCestiiiiriismilOodingossicrted enrgoes, for Hilton Head,in the hope of obtaining per, iitkstco ttird. e , tit ItiVannah: The DcisitAdapiiikagil4l2424:4,circuliii Minoring that no papilla arc to be given to take goods to , Tbe Commereksi Adirrrtisies Washisgtoixtrpo; dal soya- Type Somata pLc4 the regrrt of tbiirldflitaryCominittee refashsg to - have the pro. oerganaof the eenti,-martiai srhiztt dismissed. Su 114}etteini Hamniond- ctiatained into by Congress. Great exertions 'AAbeing made In behalf of an appporrioNon for ashipsatsal around Nlagaya . -The Pea' s special says The Committee o Ways and Mea area AU 'morning not to lay. tax on leaf tobacco. . • lAMT Opt rations of the Pirate *Menai'Oath.. ..~.. ...ti.Je,,.v~.J.ztiizevc..:,:a.. ,_ ._. DAILY TBE CALL 1•'OR 300,000 MON, - . Correa.: Quotes Forwarded to the Different Districts. THE BANKRUPT BILL IN CONGRESS . . • Westirivorox, Jan. Z.—The Provost-Marshal- Gebeisl had assigned andfoMiaxdadtothe differ ent -districts their-correct quotas under t he call , . of Detember , I.9th'for BOOMS. - Shortly atter that 'call yea made, the qntdas, wate assigned .apttl, the enrollment as it Stood ho the takiffg Ink! account ;the reports iciieclita:' and estimates of _else number of /Ws of 'th'at Vrerc - theta kteliabte, and.;.4lMiarciautlis Were sent to the districts, in oiler that. recruiting . might Commence without, anyvielairk For nom- puling. he exact quotas; pie:reef quotas Were based upon the.:.eirrollmeat j ai corrected . ups to ille,.lst, instant," ad they embrace all credits4o....:trooPs - 'raised np to that date. A c omplete ',settlement with each district has 'been Made aid all former deficiencies checked =shit ; Qm surplus credited :to the dLttrict: pease 'quentlYall men pat Into life Berries. since Jan-, uarxisti.whether - brdratt. hisifigance of shirr stitutes or by voluntary enlistment, will be ap plied as' credits br the , iedfietibt "of quotas now asesigr.ed.Corrected enotmi,vor7. in certain ' froaftle quotas assigned on ••thei we of:. December. The reason is, let, The enrollment 14 nomylocalitlea Umtata tatteed dace Aha3otbutNisr4while lu•othent butlittle - Clistge hos occurred. Pd.. Full. Sod isccnride- repcorr /of Mid 'years - 'of 'service. Pahl* not °Dlr.-Main •Decciaer, but from -.the differ -..ent:,localisies for. the - - previous 'months: quire •bram received. end :taken lato' acetinnt la de terminio quotes. The Most ogrl oueLlaetancela In eases of .NewTorisand Brook, lyft;tlif quota of - the Tiiimer being largely in •_c reased,,whilo:that of- the- latter li diminished, This is owing to the dietribtition' of years ;Of . serrice-onamcoput of n svat enlistments. I ...Thor Bankrupt- Bill reported to-day by Senator , . Fptter,, from thA.Coluttiltya on thadudiclary,'os iithendatory id . l.harpaiied by the Bosse of Rep-, resentativenciajn- the isattlrrorra itaitttute, The. ishiclple alicratiOns proposed by the Corn, mittee are tho felowinit : ll4 eighth; ninth, abd nineteenth sections srestrliken out. lathe see. *Son for the distribution of the liankrtipt's !State; the Committee strike oat the clause entitling debts due the physician to priority of payment of fees and cost of cults concerning the prop erty of the batilaupt; debts and taxes due to the lholted_Steten and State in Which thebankruntcy mmdhig; ITaEAS lei operatives, clerks and ger :Tants, not to exceed S5O; debts duo to persons en • titled by the laws of the - United States to prefer ence, - shall- hare•the priority. In the thirty • seventh and thirty-eighth: sections It la proposed , that, • a discharge, duly granted, shall free the lianTsrtipt from all liablirties, except those men thmed.. . Provisions ere made for cases where the discharge is_ frandulentiv'obtained._ The other. iniutndinents'a;e ot less importance. • I.4EST,.ADV/CE* FROItt grkee, 417rxx` Marezraccr STEAMER. HARRIET LANE. DESTROYED Movetnents of Rebel. Vessels, —no. -Tonic, Jan, 85.—The steamer Eagle, - with Havana detee of the . bat arrived. .• „ News Mei:leen: received- Flom• Mexico, that (ion end iniestalhas made a reemineistance to Slesavatvitte'lie .I.ltedmon.'wten he fell begk to Etlajo.ray.anbes ati n attaoit Oa the place, which Was to beSoide on the 2711...• • lessid Slum-Pardee Plias has a Owes of 8,000 . =men and airty.fire Itteem of valid% bat it was believed Havens Abet Ws force war doable this; pad b.etter.i , r oololl 410.4 4 1 /Y Oltho lastal , . he old mint of Mexico-is worldrig ulghkasid diy Whiter the geld' ud silverUentythere the churehea te &Witte maim..., • - The sew Consul General of the Mexican em. pirer-Nevarre, of Cl:MN:hes demanded the ar chives of the consulate of theold consul, .ho re, !Med to deliver them up, insisting thathlrgos• eminent isetillja =lateens. ; . • - - .ThaJedelinexilifsePlet Lana r lataly..ealled thb Lavinia, was destroyed by Ara* Baratta on the 18th. The die Is eald to have been the worlicif moot the cfowof,ho had beep dAirrived or his Pay- "" A noPegi. wie,recaved-, Hamm. that the blechteleiniiiitt 'Denbigh; olio of the moat ene mata of theAeu , haithelne captured nad taken Intothet pet: The ColonelLattilii a very. tut Iron Weamer, left illrfallft on the. WA. It was generally re ported that is to bicrime a rebeigtnite. Fliint FORT,FISkiIt. TEE KR LEO. BY :THE IKAGADNE EXPLOSION EXEUMED. Totallnio' n Loss BetwemSevera and Eight Hundred, - Nile Toad, dan. — .2s.—The , Fr Sune's Fort 'Fisherletter dismisses the exhuming of the killed by tkc magazine explosion. guy members of one company at the. WM Pennsylventia wets covered with. sand while. asleep. Many were horribly diallguied and scarce], recoenizable. The rebel deaddayncitteied &bird, some of them exhumed from sand; and others, who had died from wounds in the passage-ways end corners ef the bomb-proofs, where they had 'crawled after belng_woundcd. The 1.01Ife; sustained Vibe catastrophe will not be we large as at first 'Opposed. Many wit° were miming and supposed to have been I.erned have been accounted 'for. The toted losss in the 'm utat and explosion is between seven and eight hundred. The splmdld Armstrong gun, with mahogany carriage, will ho seat to West Point. The boats of the nary, while aweeplng foe tor pedoes. eameneminan insnlstedwire-cable eon nectiegliittery Lamb with Fort Mbar. It was onderrun and taken Op so far as the shore, in a direct line toward the magazine, and by Many Is anpi osed to acconnt for the murderous explosion. New, York Stock avid matey Hatters. Nevi Tonic, San. 25.-liallwey stocks were strong. At the Stock Exchange there' was good tit mend for - stocks generally; the Shorts buflea largely to lower recent sales. The rise in Gold and its upward tendency canted maid. &Ida excitement in Toledo, the stock being ro , ported the largest ever gal.,' 'Government stock & are Miner si 4in hatter State Bondi ire yery dell..0;0 shams ate etrongand high. er, on bituminous. Tilseelleneotis decks ate gent rally better.. The 'Gold Market has been coarraratledy quiet. ' The defeat :of the rebel 'Catboat& at City Point owned Wfall of two per cent.- Stocks led Retire at the Petroleum Board, bet prices are generally firm. SnteeWere: Ger mania l 02; Eddekerbocker 05; ,Empire City 625; Ileekman 82a ; Webster ' OS; Eatrett 100; Eyed 'Auction Yaws of Coal and-Wool. YOgg,lan. the Radian Sale of coal to-day there was advance ranging from 25a ibr:eliestnut coal, to 2 - 1,0001,12 q for steam-, boat teal. filiate the December mlethe advance lir stove coal wail '25€4734e pet.ton, The,offeting of 500,000 pounds &mottle fleece wool by public auction today was very largely attended by mannfaettirers and dealers from, the east and Philadelphia.' ::IThe moit'of the offoring was sold, aid: at prime fully up td the anticipa- Mai* of everyone.- The sale was fair irritl eat isfactory, and Mid tO be the best managed afralr we ban had IM this elty. Rebel News from 'New Orleans. JACKSCVN. M lsa., Jan. 11—Private Mt ices from yew. Orleans to Um 4th Instant have been ret'aved. ...Preparation& were tanking; for an expedition of 15,000 men to Pascagoula. AFalt for the benefit of Confederate prisoners 11118 held In that car, the proceeds of which was $8,000.. Many old Imeineas men were emigrating lo Maternorne.• • The Tankeellnes helve, been serleently closed uulll.after the , lth of March. The reported rea son is.the fear of troubles le the North -W.. • Frain Charleston illarhoi: I - NEW Yon:V.o7ow M.—Letters or the 17th tcom Charleston Harbor toy that three rebel Iron-eLsde tie distinct& riolbie at ibis month of Cooper" River vrtille..a large-number of awn are busy' about fourth, which Is -much larger than the' , ' Desertersremit tbilt •Op rebels also have lor p&p boats ready for service, and will make e, fight In Case of au dtlempt oli ourpart to get u to the'. city. - They are putties am obstructions In' the harbor. • Our "AM& have lately Veen .11111ceaSftu Hr rtmoving them. - Guerrilla Syriipatbizerer Datitahefi. • Si. Loris, Jan.25.-,LGen. Sanborn. Command. ing the distritt of. Southwest kfLuomi s baulabed fortv.eliht families and one hundred °Mer men amcwomen to a distatice of fifty miles autalibi his diarict r for feedig mad harboring guerrillas 'and bushwhackers. The parties are to leave the'dis- Arlet•bythelifith.of rebryary, oir pi:malty of arsoat and inivilahment;"'' EMS _ 7- _ _ , _ . . . G ? 4 • -.. , I xr •.- , f YL' ' 7. ...' PITTS - 14Uk6 - i1,E, 1 ,-.IIIURSDAY, i.A.IN*ARY 26, 1865, XXIMIth CONCHE,IS.—VCOND-sEsnON WIB 4 4KGT O PIT; Jae-. 25 : /965 BEN ATE 4r.Ttntubull pfeimiged anititlen irem a eitap lain in the army, asking for- tho, allee •p 1,17 at ' ToNid c,meera of the game rank. 14:1:eired thi:NtrriUtattnititeei • liendentotnpresdriteith *mon miaow from the citizens of. tsiond .nnn - •:-Nlatylan n, nalnit the ffeiljia um on lint tnbacno. Referred to Comlial4en.o4, , . „ . Mrt Itoiteacfrornibe dinifelaryCommittee, re... ported the Home Bankrupt B 111” with - ninand .mants. • *-Mr. Foster eiplelted that the Commit- - tee bad not made any radian chin*i hi the bill, , linethit t e'weinedinany • ii•brlalititeratione 'nude in itibritnbity rtita*ettnrlutiOd,tiebtrit-knetr one V.Y.Nr - tif 0 0 011 A.titare• Tho..Wlifati.iittlered . to bo2rbat,_tdi.; , tbe MilltraT Conttrittlae. re ported back the memorial 'of Ex-Sttignon Gan: •tralMillinitOrtd; risking for an - itriteittligatlon the circumstances of his coprt inertial._ Thai' Committee.tros illitahtfted front Arthereonthl. oration of the . aubjeet. Mii.raziriell;olrad: a reeitiniiiin Inatracting; the Finance Committee to inquire into the on pitliency of reliant* Ile tonnage of the calm try from the Income_ tax. Xhe resolution PAU agreed to. m; ' • '" Mr. - Wada called up"readutlon of the. Military. Corey IV adOsitu: retaliation on the rebels. ]Hr. atrenal a resolution to lite effect .that °GUAM'S ardestlf called the' attention Of tne s Presldent to the condition and treatment of our prisoners in rthil prisons and to give satin facto,i7 reasons why they cannot. hooschang , leca*resa:diidicii that theTrosident' adipiny 'au the means In his power, including such retails. Una as shall , emu -Just and , ptoper, tb prevent' the continuance and recumneo of sneh,barintrfi ticecturt - thOobi&vance of the lawtrof civil war fare. Mr: Henderson Spoke on the Su bj ectc of retell.: ation. Ilia raveled. theappsintment of Commis," .4.9nore emiter.with the rebel authoritlesto Sc.. cure better treatment for onr prisoners In the Bovthl'N Ike - Vibe's rernsid to-nears such “Conlfrilislerheff,'Citer - Pre.itlent" - should' 'adopt such stringent. mannues, consistent with tho rules Of elTillzed: warfare, ..and: notderoqatory do the national boner,' that would ''stop such conduct, on the port of the rebels. tie Intended, he said, to offer .an atneedmeut to this - effect. Ire was in - favor •of retaliation,• but . not 34 aid in kind. Mr..srmlshury proposed that Mr. 'Henderson modlff bhrtnnimamon so As to give the rebel an clwritics the privilege of sending commissioners to look into the vonditlon of riontheru prisoners In'Northern prisons. Mr. lienderr.on was willing to accept Ids mod ification, kncming that the rebel prisoners ‘leV. reatcd in the Noah.•, Mr. 'Wade moved an amend mat t making the ranalutton amendatory Instead' or advisory, and compelling the £rteldeni and Ollleaes or Mammy to retal;dte to Weil. . . Mr. Viister 'Was !surprised that any Senator 'should nay the ettbels had, aos treated one p; icon= era with Inhuman cruelty. After mentioning several instances of rebel barbarity. ho advocatod retnliat'On, but was opfx&d to retaliation la kind. - , Mrs Brown resumed his - .remarks en rat:dia. - tin t ' supporting the' ttsolution' of tho fahltan: Cotosnlitee. ' , Mr. Darla opposed . the •reecdidion, and spoke . ) at length against the twnelderation of the gab-- - MC. Clerk, ftom the Couttnittre of Ccinferenea en the Deltelracy.bill, reported that the florae still ranges to strike nut the propositions for the increase of corapeasation, which, ha laid, was contrary tolaw: , Thht would defeat the .btU, ha ralkhat the rcsponstbdity would. be upon the The yeas and nays were called for, and the . Smote derided to native to Its amendment by a roee of tblrtyleigbt yeas to one tty,:rls Mr. e presldink of leer said dult.n notion pre ,valts to the bill fittled'On itmountof a tilsatne went between the two home*: • , - Mr. Powell asked the Senate thke up the reselntion calling on the Secretary War to kep' ithy he had not appednted Commissioners , to corepentate the loyal owners for alines en listed In the military .unite: The resolution wee adopted. .The Senate then adJenrned.. . . . Washiairpe, of Iltlnoli, offered i rmida- Mon !directing_ theXtenmittee on. Commerce to .laquire luta CI the facts mid eircuenetatenes at. teo'the'. trader with the ntaIOISS - Stile ainCO the beitylaohrg or the war._ - and Yarnesgerdi nee:rally objected tothe wmolation Sir the nano that, se whole *Olga Nun pow nn dergnMg Madstlualloti by thaeommlttee on Mintarydrant.. Ilmwisolatlon of Mr. Waeldpainewas • !opted. • On mottos of Mr. Silmeerthe Committed tnt Military AIWA was diselutMl Croat tits amid erattop_orthe subject.. -• i Tho s . /dam proceeded lo consider re port,grtrriellas adad.Woa to nate, of the heads of the Pepartatents, itt the Ronne, - to to answer the quemiona *Heti he - presented, mud to a 'Wilted email, paztWpats to the debates. • Ur. Gatison *incited the report. The Mame then adjoameeL Fram,New °livery aad Texas. ffieito; Jan. 2.—Tbe Steamer Artery, hem New , talcum ea the 18th, has arrived vrith 'three Malue higndar enronte for hoses to bo piesttro.l pnt. the Lste aceofints from Terns represeset that thee plonk' of that State ore apprehensive af ' , an at'ack opoa their coast and Intigie a dotanilsr - ;Milo,* cotton bell ` at 105; New Odessa law .atiddling sold at 100; Sept ST! Gal cLautation...Ssicide, if a igilk Mel* ciroutt. TOttK, Jen. °S .—G old opened thle morn'_ lag et the 'advance rata of last night, and a strong hull Clique him : done Its almost keoP up the price, but the price steadily declined from for: to 110434, and enbaermentlyrallytng to 9053 4 '. The China took out to.day, $709,341 In specie.. Homes Cushing, a s il k. merchant, Whllelabor log tinder a of Insanity, Jumped from tido] story window of hls residevee this morn. Lag, and was almeat instantly ExPectlon Avitast Mobile. YS'R. Torn, Jan. 25.—8 y the Atlanta from Mobile, it is reported that a Inimitable expedi tion had left Porta Morgan and Geist:cap the Fait r(iiagola' I iver, to take paeltimi la the rear of Mobilo. The river was found navigable and ha ocemndlon cannot fall to render the oily an easy:caption. benertera report that there la much dlaiiatikthetion with Um rebel Government In Mobile. - Lawi A.ballahed. CHICAGO, Jan. 2.4.—The bill abolishing the black - lair', except tha law gaeblhiting Inter+ mart iage between the bliteks'and whites, pa.s!mt the 1111 not► Senate yratcrday. TuENTor, N. J., Jib. 2&—The ionic. spent thewkote'day in trying telirganitti: TiteDitn. vends prounted any goestkar front comlnenp that contemplated an orginlzitkin. Tits B,urten GUNDUATS ON TIM LAWS.. The New York World's Washington correspon dent telegraphs: 111 e televatu ftm.Cannda an nouncing that a fleet of BMWs.. gunboats were to lesiva for, the northern lake' OA the. opening, of llSTlgation, Is thus explained: On the of last November, Minister Adams, Inpursuance of Instructions from tho,Prceident, informed the British authorities-Oat this Government desired the termination of the treaty of 1617, which limited to eaoh•Pdwer the naval armament pb be. kept on the lakes. daring time of ,peace, •and' therefore giving the six months' notice which! was reunite& Muting thellalt *cation of Con gross, the House passed a resolution of the acme purports' but It was not-taken up In'ttio Senate until last week, .whon a• .satbstituto was passed,: which legal Lies or ratifies the act of the Ital., dent In •November last. • Tl& Substilule,of oouree, went. back .to ; the House,: find at the present moment herein, the Committee ou. , Ysweigu Affairs.— Dreit - Brltain; however. acting. upon the President's notice, seems to he prelim.. log Its Ilea of gunboats to • send over after the six Months' notice has expired. . Of course this; Government will take shriller measures to in -1 creme Its - naval armament mithelakes, and thus prevent all rid& on Its commerce from Canada,: under the coveraf. rebel CM114411C.9... A (lommitita met lila fate in Rawailtille, Ky., a few nights ago, under' the:following air- - cumstuncest There la a woman in' .town who kcepa n grog ebnp,' and who had beau nodded by guerrMns to "morn her Shanty T -by a Certain time. On the evening In qufaitlon, one -of the gang made his appearance at the window of her domicil, where she and her eon wore sitting. Ile broke the - window and stuck his. head In, when she struck him with a billet - of wood, and lie fell hearliy.to the earth.. She listened a few minutes and heart's. , ' him groan wont ontbido and found him lyingin an almoat dyiteg coutil• lion. She called for her son to bring her On ate. The-son did so, and she took It from him, and deliberately chopped hie body s up Into small pieccUmul loft him for the .IMge'torlevour. , She went back into the house and went to bed.- At last accounts she had not beem arreated;nor Was she likely to be. ._ —O. • 'Tun Rebel Congress has passed the bill (by nn alMost unanimous , rote In .each Dense) creating the oflice of Commander-In-Chief, with the most unpalatable addition, for Davis, that Joe -John ston ought to be restored to active command. One of the Richmond paPera of late has a doleful article recommending the Imprussuient ofallihn entice In the Rebel States, and the abandonment ofSlayery in.altort..anithlng and everything for the sake of securing foreign recognition. EITT AND SIBE4II.Ig. Josiah C0p1iy,,421. , IL maybe gratifying to the nntiterons. cruli of this ontran - itoldier to know - that as late aa the L7t,h , 14th AM' .December wen still in 'Vmti - iiialth'ind spirits. Re . was then -eoanned ni.Floremze,f4 11. From Merck to PecembOhia Ittcride tliCllo . Intellikeneenlintecer 2 front him. They'thenl, Feerlyed a letter written - froth Floc; epee eitrifliv hibeemtier. • Eiehanged prisanera ,hronght neva a few. weeks later. ' , On Mondailait• his father received AL letter datediAnstersonvilia.4-7111 , 13tbiwrinfit calth* cheerful end_Chrisain spirit, and yesterday he iceelred the followleg +note. quistMarked , "Ohl Point Comfort, Jan. 17." The other was' poet; marked at the soraEllace Jan. 17. This sho* lilat„ln.additlon to their otiou,s,harbarittes, , reimieneglect tolbrirtird - thclitters alter nti;, fortunate; capiives r • ••• ; "Arommorivitri. 1804. • ".1704 - 14://ky' r , ,IfirbiittieensholVofirialitlmtmi; tarts:tit, - I Gave not we fiayialneo early last tianUli; then I have-been ,well,althonglt riot as mom oh formerly. voltam:Tea are ylit fast; ;and - nothings can be donate' help . them. - Oat linfidied.to tiro -:hdinlied die dallY• Oar calla: Lion.ntherwise ts unchanged. • There. is Soma prcispeet•uf 'being trelianged soon; but If net, I think I can standlt throng!' *it . winter' hero ;; although more., than half of those inveltare must:dieln dietitian: I receive "'no • hitters. Do not zbe <anxious If mine - are' hot .lorafter , teceired., god keep. you ail. "Alfeitfonetely, 'nine son,. • ;Joetstr¢onsr, Jr. What a fearful straggle for life ;hat has bees on ehe'lledt sof the strong,r the' britie *ad they hopeful , the fettle, and ,despandlag sae.' eunabed died. . • - - The irAtfor thli•fetici his now. been a-prii 7 : oneribruparterds ed4liteen nionths,.eod thou sands of tat loomrodes .shve been lit the. soma conditioriaw.long; or nearly so:, We - shall be glad it our (loremmeat shall be able to show to the country and to the world that thls.protracted meonv and this fearful sac/ince of life were uu. aroldatrlo •ckt ur fauarter. gffigilOsis. Winicuanii Jan. 35—Before Judge Sterrett. thigh )4aglinwaa found gulltj of the larceny att. womb: I *open fora new trial. JciroPti!egg, who was Indicted for ernelty to animate; in - aCquittad. ,• : • WllliainCaniphell was tried for stealing Dr. Riter , s'hoina and huffy, but as the act was at leged by ibe defense to hare been committed during* a lit of lumnity, the prOsecutor admitted the pica, and the prisoner was: discharged upon that ground. • . John 'gory and Henry Williams plead guilt* to the charge of baringstoien a watch from John C. Moon, but 'antenna has been deferred. • • f 3. Flocrshien was in court charged with sell ing liquor Without licence, but the charge - watt' 'not sustained, and the procreator, John IL Bar:. ber. was ordered, to pay the costs: The cOurt F then adjourned . until Saturday next at 10 o•deck. A mother of sentences bare been deferred Mad they will probably ba announced. Unitsll States Dlarlei'Couxt. WIMUISDAT, Jasuary 250—Before Judge Me; Candleas.;„ The • ease -of John Crittenden and Edward Howard wee 'finally concluded,' Laving lasted tire dark A large number of trltacasoe were ,toctuntoetr, had the jury, after baying been tea but n short time, returned - a verdict of “gullty.' , . The' sentence will be pronounced by the Court at ire o'clock te-day. The trial wet an inter- Ming entethmeg4ott,and the arguments or the carrel at eithes vide were very- able. - Volgike.pletal gulltrof laving soli Minor without the Gor,crumeht Jlecnsa, and wee fined otee &her and costs.' • - Juba IdeDonald- also plead giaglks . -44 a allg!ilar charge, and was arta oar dollaeasd colts: - John Gaffertv wu _Wort MD Cong., charged. with selling liquor wjanini , this rogaleed but tho Rrosocution fallinlJto sustain the ehalge., and lie waadlacharncil:.'s . t Plll•tcp th.6.Quirta: The esrk, of recruiting seem to be larev, and those wh o should feel most lnteroeted In fltßn the qnotii of their "real , ectife town, and 'ear .e;s• Wee,' to be leadliallltrel hoping for news. of "pre es" Inatead of acting to work as they ahoettlf*Wrpcy hbootlA fittt Isnot that the eel!" rneang ram Jost as It ever did, and that when. theypitate.lllloA their quota there w il l st ll l. lbw . .:uwatt far - pelee." In view of the Nef ttlili msof the At Ovtr• quttbk to be •• nO. raiAtng the new ittowor,ooopr, ,calck4 for - y the orot. • .. , . • • •Virentayn ILbilyendty.i .114efffehMs..buititation t han been fall the pr lent year' Arringements Ufa beat:bad& fog the aao ¢ mmodaUoit of a. few more stadente meet terts;.btdeh - Will commence Tehruavy VI. • C;JUNoII. Alb .tho.thalr of •Natand., Science.. Gee Ii Mthly stumessfal the 'Department of If ethernettee, malt scant, hy the trelimatitta - of ricif. Barabam.ln conse. wane of Ilthealt .12. Them am Might Professors . In the different depertmet.ta... Nat. /am. than thrimfoottits of an hoar to demoted to' ouch rect- A, AVISININVIA, FlN:4—'l'bn Erie says that probably the adult latiabltaat of Pcan eryivanla wu diseoventd In a store la that town, recently. It Is a living frog, about an Inch long, wbleh it taken from a pleat of bltumlnou coal that one of the emplueu of the More bad broken for the purpose of blueing, • Ma escape from a torturing death was almost provldenl and it is a MUM of sat/glutton that he escaped a fate so Ignominious after having .llteg so long and quietly. ' Übe advent to the outer world was witnessed by four or Ate gentlemen unturned wlth - tbe estabLtslostent, and he was immediately deposited let cigar box. - Tea Ors r.—Formany, weeks there has not been so dull a day an yesterday. - Tbetectremely cold walla seemed to pet a quietus to all out. dour transactions emeeptAlose that could not be postponed. Our reporter was unceasing In his search forsomething to ehroulele, but not a sin gle itena lotettiki Eretithe Police Court was robbed of Its usual seekers alter Jus tice, and the Court of Quarter Baseless, which has heretofore furnished feed Her a' few scanty lohals, also "played out" yesterday. The dearth of locals may be partly accounted for by the cold 'weather and the late else In the price of irldeky. . in • • Tniecezz's:, V nit • fivans.—Mr. Smythe, Ishisis In New 7nrir. City, insustmeas telerrepli that he has mimed the fallowing ac complished artistes, who will appeal at the Va rieties immedletely: Wfle Anson" r d the vasetile D Wile Ernestine, theJasses Adelaide Nixon, o Brendoi. Eveline Leh: Chriatine,lo.-W.:CoUlts, Raynor, Jake Wallace and Joe Childs. Verily. Billy seems determined to amuse those wire favor L18 . 4;14'47 hale thcstra with their presence. - Carer-lErtittn.--On 'Tuesday, a little child named Boyd. - irliose parents reside on 'Webster street,. near Congress, wee aeoldentalli killed by tallingfrom a "high chair.? It had been seated in the Chair,. at a table, 'and getting it. feet against the table, pushed . Itself back, Causing 'the clads to over. • Thi back _of the chtld'a bead cants In contact with tile door, and so vio lent was the oonettosion l 4 the brain that death ensued almost instantly. - • Tito "child - was not quite a year . . . Mon Sounons.—Another ...masa; aohtlart artircd hero yebtPrrlay evening from Nashville; Therara itutAlleir vity:to7.deUtlualt7ltla Now York. They eitaa t that General Schodeld'a eor-tbe 23d-Lieesaedldtdaaiwenrebtay pt th way up the Shia". The aala to _:number between 20,000 and 30,000 men, and beriawlll be Crowds to.witnmes thelr Tammy. through this city when, thay_mgni, ."They.wlll' 2.3 froth bun to 'Yew Yelc, - thence Maharmatt'a lattannv Diu.—Tne niendsof porivate Ifeary Baekhouse, who enlisted in the -82(1 Regiment; l'ennsylvania• Volunteers in 1883' - and, was wounded 'at tile battle of Coal ,Barbarpropose giving a ball for ins talent on 31ontlay night. We mo rasuied that the ease is one deserring of , .charity; as the Mon has been deprival of the. means of support for his family, by the loss of his leg, and ha should not be furgiAtem. • Wo be lieve the bail is tole given at .Lltfayette llallr Fcariau drove a largo audience to 'the Vim tro hut evening : and 'watt- well .rerelved. • Bbe Enstained her - reputation as na active'', In her rendition of the .character. of Angelo..and In tome of the more forcible passages Wee loud ly applauded. She appeats again thole evening•in the lame character. " BEUIONT TROUPII.—The lovers of amuse ment vitil find a first clam entertainment offered theMetich:eveniug. during thi*present..week at Concert. hull. The performances areyatied end Intcreetlng, and - the . distribution of gifts ,forms a very attractive feature. See their. advertise- • TRH COAL 'TILDE OP (TIM BTATIL4.- The Tatar lattroal states that the an thracite coal taade of then - year lost unused amounts to 9,099,807 'tons, an , Mamie of 5.17,- 694 tons. With the bituminous coal the total amount hi 11,741,139 tons. The Increase or do medic coal Is 680,00(1 tor*. The docrease In foreign: coal was '490,167 tons. 'The colliery "capacity or the different regions Is ample to nap. ply sit the coal the market will require. ..51Iners 'and laborers are more. abundant. also than they cwiTe at the beginning or last season.'The sttp 'PlT 'of-coal in 1805 wllVdepand eiltoueilier on the transporting capacity to convey IL to market. Speculationa 'about Itcnni*u From ti.c liiaLaoal Enquirer,4in. So - fer as this war ii Concerned. t . ito-pconlo at the Confederate. States haiene roaomt,whatefer . : to bent Maximilian, nor to..glve . to. France er a ~England anysympathy or siniport:. Neither' IFanner car Mexico , nor 'Ext:LIMA kanextended to this confederacy -anyent - muregement; and if oar cause fal, after every manly effort that: wo can maim in its behalf,then pride as well as in .tenet Woold. dictate that, if we am- to tee con, Tiered; we should belong to a groat and - potier-, fad temp.: That we dithuld endeavor to extend the power and Inthtence. of tlmt nation from peta -1 netting , every coat:dry of Ametica" k &View; either constitutional:or treaty, seek , do make this continent- a unit against the world: , In the trtindear , and'iotier-of-eagli a gatiot Selltt'arftled'etteli,ini ‘ the:Eiaited Stalts and the, ConitliolOteStaten hmearitt.:llift; thalteld liog~this air,, Mita. nuder. one ,flair,t3rlth navy such as the mnitedscsolves of tie , COthei _J t ntionliii:oceen,;:witleihe wealth n that ** A na ttnion.,wonid de 'Salop In a fe w eerer wo..mfglaKtlnd Ad:least a' Adding Place: for =shame, and. perhaps some <consolatimethae America , Would- become the poWeS of the, world . ' , Maximillitin would" 'inotitig4 MexiCo;:oar 'England had Canada. . Sid moudteofter ou t.comittest.. woidd -oath to Ma-rescue thousands .6f. haloes now. mwaltingiopperrtunityi-athi' the nusywf 441 Staterifettid eve therointsite - *faience to ;every adteetarone.ephiClhaf itOtild:fugli to Or feeedoni,otihaf'biltuad....The tmdii- - 'spitted hatred of theq of:the United - Stars` tor England, would a war with that:Pow.' 41 4 the most popolaf,'pa„ y crtthatc.cattld ibe Thebottoo that . ...wepidAis frem r ,:theidesistiCtliin of they* would baJteld In thee ;United States, and the-littie-that would,he chit : .tlitited by Melte*. sidd'tniorknolzot free ncijo: . !abet:would tindcansumption at home, and that would be precipitated a commercial eonrialsioa' upon 'British tin anem hyprolou eineot *ton fai, .itm, and that f. tocat the . .hcglanlog the war: - Prance driven Gunn Monica,. would - Ond her peo-' plc impoverished by-Imperial taxation, without any prospect forlderenie trada - nrideetinnerce; saddled with the cost of hor people ',M 'Word& begin to seirfeithai . Ohl...Napoleon di, nasty - Was not the means either of glory or. hap, ; Tiaras: If the Confederate States "-are conquer-, higidy probable. that the' Monroe Mc: trhae:-as theland-grabbing propensity of the Auglo.Sexon:.has been called ln.thn UnltedStatar —would become the most Important and , popular' principle in American polity, On theothethatid,. if we are anceessfnl,lhere immediately.arisen ors' this conth3ent a balatiet'of poWer, or political: equilibrium, elmllar to that of . Europe; whieh would check the progress and powerof the Uiti, ted States, restore commerce to lesnormel condi tion, Oppose to the navy of 'that conutry the nary of these States and -of uniting with a Canadian nityy;would at alltimes effect- . unity keep the Yankee within the bounds of pro. , piety; and from disturbing the ponce of the world. LINCIMASIS is Ii1171U111)1tillate.071.11tON GOODS. —The official: returns ot. the New York (Jamul Thine, from ,kisdy Ist, 1884,10 January 1865, show a , deerease in Imports "of - Fair-Urn Iferthandisc of E 31,512,830 as compared with tho same period In 1563-4, iii.ren Lucre:me 'exports of Doniestfc Produce Ansi' Elfedlaneons ' Goods of E4tc239,202. At dm -same trait thane. has been a &cow la Exports of, Specie of $lO,. 179,G0. _Front July 14.1863, to limuisi7 144;1864, Ito impede of Foreign Merchandise were over 830- 000,000 la excess of She,Srporta of Domestic' Produce and Merchandlseethe balancohlying to, be, met with . gold-. During : - tku3,corresponding, parted for - 1.864-5, the Exports at Rrodana and Goods *re more than tectir-saven Bannon doll bra In. e sof the Imports. .Thes.e • figures spcar foMeinselves. . Lrmtgaz :Jalarnerz.--The following _AMU is_ told to illusamiltbevetaarkableimtinet of the feline tribe. Mr. 41/iphilmay,Ltho fantem.Baxon. dentist,. had a valimblitortolsershell eat,that fbr daYa did nothlighot moan. Onesilng the cause,' 11e. into his; mouth . and seologo.decayed 'tooth, be loon relieved ft, of Ito paln. ~The lowing day, there wereaMleast ten eau. at his ,door, the day ' after twenty; nitd.,they-• went on• Increasing at such a rate that ke WU, obliged to • keep poi dog to drive ,tham away. - Bar iota- Jog would help hint. . ',Leg that had the Moth. Ache wmild come, oar number of mileakto ate . Idta: Ilewerer, l.oaug ono monting very, tier torus, ficiitientall,y • broke .the. jaw of on -old tally. The Imre of thLi spread Ulm wildfire, and net a alight cat came to him allorwards. .D010675111/1.10 Fiasco, I , Oct The House -000020C0Cier4A0100, to appoint &joint commit tee to Prepare an olidneos 40 the pop* oiffthe Con federato State*, miming them of the* infol ,letabto, o 'of Congo= to main* with Re* , ecerilt tile. Mow& ladepea flezioo In which .we are ended,. and. them of the Anal ,toltimpli-rwtach,An= l 3- LwujiAitili nualit crown our efforts It Wu itandllrm and` united tagether; And wiald our m onomer' with Arent& quk.spdois,- wail taken up and_ . unanimous!: rc,4 to.--Bichoond Mot Withington;airresrpOn' dent of the Marra tm: The meat . ..consultation - of mends here 'Pith Gen. Grant erpeetii-tei hare. an Amor brut bearing ,on pending adittary operations. :nil the different forces are now cooperating In ay to produce' respite inore“favorablo to. the tholon and more completely- dleaktrous to the rebel cause thin anythleg which has heretofore taken piece. 11 hi nuderitocid thattlen.. grant la hi my penned with the aspect.. of military af'.. . Twit London • Tinuts,.of, the 4th Inst., sap: 'n'iVe ore authorised to slide tiud there Is no foundation 'whatever for, the .statement that her ROyal Ingham the Princess Mary bail recently contracted a matrimonial alliance.. 80 long as a similar report was circulated ass mere motor we thought It toe absurd to require notice, but now that It has been ,eanddently asserted as a - fact, we feel It ear anti tto 'nett d .with an or: pUell contradiction." , Groan', Smlce; fonnerly state and tad" Collector of St. Loots - County, Mo., ban been sentenced by the Conunanding-Genecal, .Ifem phly,lo barnflasent solidi 'of the and a tine of. f 19,000, onebarlyes at Imindng, -or can. Idyllic AY -the, burlier, -of Gaytentnent cotton Irblle In the Confederacy', and also .of attempt, fag to bribe a Union olllenr while , d Limo, the - celebrated German emist, boa gone te - Loodon to ea stead the application of -the sowiTageof London to the ptirnosei of agri culture. Millions of dollars' worth - of manare are annually wasted tbat, and otherlarge,eitlea; robbed and the laud (SUN . ht uaral fertlthara by. neglecting to secure thedraluinga floral:lry and populous places for =mute. ' Tux Adjutant Galeria of lowa tilegraplis us that that State has allod lel' quota under ttos pindlnetall.. _flow tAliwas so opoodlly =ow; pitaltediliq aro not informed: 'Ulf not ,Inprob ables boworor, that GotoritorStotto one •a• enacting coutfabands enough to. fill Ilia Stite'i (pith' dutitig lament tat to Payounatt, 43. !Wang OWEIL-2.11:00121Y 7 pn 40) q, , ,Jjlitst+., 47, it* Asiaizi4 0111kb/440 isthet• Rev, T:Nclrioylit, lYiptaliVPlthrf toritEn t to' Ieas,MAIVE,WiCipCtENYI b*thirna IRON 01171PCILLE9lts3...: Veinier IroutttintS ' • • . "131)SINESaAAVP - ...--COLISGE? IN ThU rqi.' r i> ErrA m i " • Statioiltit enter mid toil!' cOntatnlng aforinktio_, free to -any addreso; on appliont.n to Un-= aticluxo . ionatwalswer : DAIRY._ FARM FOR ini .3POluerownlblp,ll,44.zatlea hom Alloghemy Cita ends of a mile from Woods .IPosisomondog in . mire of • • • XI. COLEMAN, Won Works, Fiforrion avenue, Alit shooy - CAESTNVTB FUR BALK.--60 Intstipla of ChtstaUts fa store sad for sale by •• - .13EY.DSX.R. js:11 • N 05.148 sad HS Wood at. • XrEW 81.7GAR-61.11tED HAMS to iirive awl s for saleby "LITTLE is , TRIMAVE, . deali • • • sul and 114/Second street. fLne assortment or Ivory,' Rubber ' nut Bono Roadie 'rabbi . Nnives and Corvers,lust reoelved and for sale br , _den a. JAMES fiOWN. DO Wood street. 00111 I CORN !—;pour cars of prime Old V Shelled Corn; for ludeaakmice.:Li„, LThert7 street. : go4onpg.L- - ,so Lbi& gars: ban:. in Mine 7 : , l l l l WALL y A i rti DYE FLOllliebolde, Ci4in Otty Flour MEL .4 1 6: - ; S. LIGGETT lc CO. , 1 11 bent 2brjale py deco- WEBS & ViTLICINBON. SlAT at fit--The best assortment lathe city esa••• bI A d sin e. ME ( .136,n0W TABER t -DEER I DEER !--Recrivett - tllls dal- 39 head of Minnesota Deer: For Joie& SOAP STOIM-4) barrels Air HENRI tt..UO JIME,DIectL , . FILES I PILES I- PILES.' ~',',''.,..:.':..1 : .±:::- . :.„;.I . .PELES; YEARS' 'fr!winJirt4; cruREDI Skew well be routute 00114000 crovi.es uk at " *thstiegiti - tatrter# ot:wfughiir Dr. Keyser's Lindsers Blood Searcher. Tbe Boottereeitidertes ere withakreadh, sad a, • qua nee* Ye retard 4 Ma 'preparations. Bta 1 E.* 111 . 81 4r1 !legalise:awed. wilt. Viiii.eiOnt4Wentp, yeassagoilaed.eyery tsar tha Were srotrtref ir9nnee.es to trouble .11.4.1 MY UM* . so meek Oise, thaeoas tot mind; roe for wools, S aka' 42. 4 4 IT* l °? 6,l 43'2 1 4 2 11 4 ) 11 °C il irm; fii,T.oft!P outr.POlsin no tette Me ",,tdelcorptit. had trleda.giiat ds4 : medicine.. Joe lieedirr beim! take Whateroe ' heeieior read Orin iresulare. sal pmeivete reit 4. my way. bat I could "jot ,et, cured; Joao , . Wiest they %aid& liesorse seed for e Live while. . . agerwa they .Would return %isle as. bad' as arFr. , I also applL e ,t ,to two ,Doetors, who visited L mSetiny liduieeirdiere me some Me4lC/Tle t but it would not do,. I could , eotget well. pier,. jeer ay. I, get idrerthmment . or your tindsors Blood . 'Peerebe6 made . tritirseit - WhOn yoeaeld lt to . :IrreYri!toblrhO one betties WOuldeot cure , me, are -that my iih'plesjiteteWotildhire to be rineWed the efedreloo bedere tiotWell. I bought one bottle and took It home with ins, and Ind it nescedhagte' your ditoeti thenpilled ea agile when int said Tionld not elpeeE muelibenefltfreta • one bottle. I bongbkit, one loof.tle at a time, anti" •I had 'used Evi 'bottles. :Alter:thle qua:ratty we r was eatirelyWell of to 'l'..giaorieile bad' tortured tar,:twauty'iear:s,.lri . ower my;besltb le 'Amy I iza 0 well as could be expeeted.lbr one of my age,. tkilln stray. lean; put- I bore boot Well` now for elx aiouifii, ea4' - enenrlexi6 appearanea of the rec* O!coO Pease: I can' o any' kind Of tarmied ;now Warlord. work . bePiletcomiegdown and hilitintriCe:' 'yean vai n chop wood;lift; in do dililtradbr vidri *ldea 'before vied te'hert me :ithen Ifound` . out yeti eir trail - Igo% us. tlrely well.l eoeilder Ifelided* to make 'my COO knoirrito the eduatis for the benefit or opera who, maybe eolterthe Si I was. ned`dO`not • kneW the ' value St your reedichle.- Yon' may 'radial this'll/ %lea like.:!l Wrelietnilchia township; and` ill be pleased to ostler any one of ihe iinth it 'this per . eltleete if they , whah tri - riaLteet ... 12,1,101 t DAVIS. IMEIME p-7:suk oat far ttie neete'et ‘ tii: ergORGE KEYSER.* thaeoeor of the- hottle;!ind pasted over the Aseoh4.ahtafirr,hla ate,* alk, the , Mtited Sthtto StAtOP Oa , Melo, ,of the : WAIT., to pretreat bales !tiptoed bra eputtettilluVeht'whtett /1 UlOtearjrat: - .. • • iii..sei,thy the emprietor, Nra , l44 51r0(011. end byFLM6Zf ICIENSTON torn= el' Fourth dad , Sadthdeld Itreets,Pittsborch. • • . oet •.- rt•- 'HERNIA OR ituri Vitt' BEAM Obt AVRTURS CIISL'D.:' n , KraurrA , eit Itm.Ti!,••irt "t•in) SEMI -on-arpruirs- mann- I Aurgi,A Pg,PIT 1 7. 1 . 1 . 2 . cfigP• t ; ~1111.11XIA. OR RUPTURE 6IIIIED.' NOM', eltli var. cwarro. • 338!U4 iIIitVPSURE " l i r a f i t l fi riVW 0.5 " 10 1 : Alrfiras .rune OR FIERMA.Cintile. ..eakortua c 1/I,R, 7Rorrmis 'cue ItliPTUlta• 08 1i11:111IA•00111111/4 virrintz da aunt cams. smart &mat wan 'Tat f SS. lIITXTZEFS PATENT Tit in smers am , Ponrste ritm. Pnwt Drops, foe the eappori end sore • radio Knee Ceps, far weak knee jelling • Ankle flupportera e for-weak knee joints' other kind of Syringes. - • - • .. • Rubber Har d Syringes, Dr: Itturning's Late or Body Xtritee; the aura of ProlopsnaVteri, ?ilos;.Allonti nal end Spina Weakneelea Mr. S. 8.1744 . 8 Silt& Pita StiPPOiti, • • Dr.:NEMER WHlgivoh pasong attinti• z intios application niTueieein sauna and children. an ,be leech Med that, with, an exporiegoo of twin,. 17 yeas, he will be nitMled to give utiernation. ANlP•Offlee e Drsis Mere, NO.'lo WOOD 81'.. Mtn-04 the Golden Mortar.' - Parvenu Riling tie: Truism Mould send the . mates of Whom ansal the lady. linnurilstaty OT![. 11102r.0. CATS I " 1 . • •'„ -7: DEt. G 0 0 DA LE? 8 CATARRH -REMEDY; MEE It peattratei to the very teat of his.territde M. ease, and eitermlnates it, root and branch, forever. Dr. GOODALL to the. dist and parson who ever told the world what Catarrh reallywria. where 'it commenced, and what would Mire it. Dr.II3OODALE him spent IL lifetime In liattlia :with this fell diseallei. exploring its secret ambush 'and making known to the world the. fact the. Oar omit, which bas for years dolled the 'mill - search of medical moulted authors In thleceentry and in Europe. can now be: cored, with Mel same uniform certainty. that . Morning , follows night. 'Thousands; who' tried every known cure in have been permanently - cured hy Dr. GOODAT.-E'S CATABRII inotarx", Ma. now praise it lit the most extravagant terms of praise.. .: JO- OaH our nearest armor, errand a.atamp for- a pamphlet. :Daybed _and prepared".by' k. GOODALL, M. D., New,York.. • , • " - NORTON tr.-1:04T, *Pert" ••• , • • 00, BizoADTAY, Al4ir •IVAK. lin. b. liEt"A R.,.g0i0 Agent; ,, ; No. 140 woon'sinEer; Pfitib.urgh. 'T BATHER t :11tA.TBER:1-;-'saaca , ±4 .uot4ll Le 4 th in NEss" ° 'll Va l ic i alot • t : • • - .ls3;raberti , Es; 109, Vi r ESTMOREWLIfEr COUR -4,l"irraishirdes-.5- Rye, months old, Sioo und. Pare ram. loor sale • , - - - - -L.R. 1 . 61(3l . it 'bd. • •11 L IEW IJARD;;-2.6 tiereetr-iiiiine kettle Alrendered. Lard, ,just. - reeeired awl for utl, br• ::_./4TTI r .E &TRIMBLE, . 11,Andj,113eoond.strfe yir.A.3S7r :4E/kris 1-20 ri 1413.114 a Ft= r 811.0 MAKER, Ai LANG. pa° 3 3 2 i4bOrty street. ESTAI3LISIIF 4 DI IN '1T866. SCELL.?.I oiTR . . . • - .... Foz4l.tvs4:ofC4-rwiliba. Xaetifri!kiogT , - 1300 , rs ... . • =NM .MUST *VAl.V4,o3fiii.i.:V. CONCERT HALL snolo ===l evt . , • 'Ot a iely sapaitor Faiatratited v talcanit • •• tile, feet :WARN ; THE GREAT PURIF'LER. .11EDIAPANMU. -: : blase the i Introducton of medicitte, Um' IWO* of . disenne has Perhaps been the.sutdeet of more ac, Vous' and 'scientific consideration' by the mat learned of the prokiiicii thin any crthlo Minn iidad with the laws otthoGeatt:trestorr;notifewthve .contended that all diseases hive their ortantratim stomach; others, the sonde. of the body; ethers .harm; and byre: theigreatest nukiber,..xintailat and reason that the BLOOD Rain( is the very fountain of Ilfe-Lthat if if becomes teipure , then diseaiiiht tta "Worst fonue-,Sarofuni, Cimer, Uksers, dite.v opium and indeed; experience in treating this class of, dis eases-by purifying the' lood. and thereby ~Mg their eradication end cure, prove this to .be,the "correct theory% acting upon whichthetrryetherted. tine now knowisaa incravalrescs,,wkosompneof and brought nto Ipiactfee, producing the most grat• reatdts, - - h tq masted .6o.k u' alti, "ne. ll7oEßA'l ioss 1 114 'MP elt mut FACE, TETTER, Sala RICEII4. - i: ' .LIVER C70111q...M.NT, LOss APPETITE, IdESMUSaIk, : 1:L - 4 • : u to give, from the Ume_it Is Heat taken, mean r -IWrL to the patient, by making both -lees and ie , geod it is about to - accomplish:' It wan ,thipught best, tfrput It up fabottles ea Igetarnd gape ..fitai,--as many persons aredLipmentda lanat• `MI Mt llreoften'detetried*at elpensa—fterme .trial here can be made at a moderate ontlay,!lmall satisfy the. pure,Mmer 'that - the - article Is ;What. la 'claimed lorry, to be;,vis.: .the4nsiteet siaaraxt mem it brought before 'the -pe.ople. „Delicate IrernaletWlß and in Wtne Misfronatrthey • ThstthiPtiblle may kinn some idnit of Itkpean. liar curative merits,mm subjoin a list of the mod pal articles of which It Is composed, with mike ,. • dmintipLlOls of the Uses and adaptation of Ma tta. km from tha highest authority known. to mettlas HONDIJR4S .24R341.11.1.1-LLA Ii toed with a beneficial effect In . otaitest7 Itrketusa Cain Satofulous Alrections, Cutaneous Mows and Other depraved tondltions of bonith. DAMETIOPT. • re tonie, diuretic, and aperient. -nriks •111 . adios upon the Hoer, exciting It *hes laned4 - to accretion. It has beta muctkralia Gessiaay.in disease, of, the digcative organ". _ • . E.Rorassrux. There ere frrwilisesses firsrldehlShasnotrprgest bane:b.-1AI; it is used In Scrofnlota Althoidons wltit great benefit; it hes 111/0 Nita need :withinuoNlho- Onela treatment for hsfiamerat i tt on of Qs Egia , :ll generally Increases the ap petite auffesib . .-• •- LAVENDES F4OWM - Are - arotnatft; • took,' 'rata 41 E 14 .hirlgo:t : itpa i e I Oalitt of Norvoux-Debility. ,•• • . 'ls eireelally vslunble'ln gases ofilSorofEtlf CHAMOMILE FLOWERS in bases of iatSeia4 vjgvazpik i ai, t ? ! mos • itizat.; ct acts faioratlias anallCatlie In Oniniiio As. iections,'Obront•Rheurrintlste 'and: obsttalltti,-111- stases of the Skin. ••-. The • balanee orthe•to.nnula srlitilsoll Wilt* tactlon against fraud: • Facade !Ff. • : 2 6:4417 JOHNEITOL !XIX SIIIMITIELD AND -iniTiniern4!-4 JEtAskjair tatelllgeaLEhysidsahls opinion of the above rectos . . „ , AiricOl MBANS' COIIRT- , f}ALB4--B iterder 91 . the Orebans' (leni t y! oar reill!rill sell aSyseblte Sale, on e , re t d TOED AT,' llth; I ree/oelea. le. -Alt that certain . LOTOP.GROWIIIID on the east Mae of Santheeld streettn Ata,cAllOf Tittabrugh, baring front or nineteen •,reet Bantheeld street, and ,extendhig beek'atxty' whereas Wended story a three sto 8R10.8.1M.017 6 A 44 SmlthflelOsteset, late the property °thy's " re Oyer, dee , d. , iteitvt. The'property sus feet to blase oceupset, which trill eaplre ort4Ahe 4 ,11, flolt, 'glee, at $31)_3400 per annum. Tears: - threthlrd eash, and lailibllll2.o6,lt i i decease of Mrs. Deltah Oyer, the b th pa le to hereemf~nnahly . far IIM , o- The proe.l7sser. to pay for . deed, .morlayipt . eel 'Mateyo therein. ' ;LPerltlrtherpartlealaretneolra 6.411041014. rag, No. lei Fourth 'tree. .4, ~ 4 4..4n441 4.-1441: . 2.aomas_mOvix,cikatroct, il Oyer, Minor Mal of flu*? Oyer def.( : , salataelltfebfl ' ",, F9lc B l&LßEllt(g() . P° B ll'4"Eetta lag on Third stteeti nag; na s tie li T 1111 r 3317171243. ; 1 4. 7 ..c 3 4. 041 *1F51tt r -In., Belogfotty : (;io)feet nt, On Th I.rd Siftet, imams sang. MlT:ugh - thelesme width' lo Sentonrntraets Multiage for ahotolsllslnkinaeulk nukaarag tm ent or business house. be sold chesp,..sl hir or In part. For further Snfornastlon, apply , - 1 , 5. , 01771111E11.T sorr.,..E.:n - • • Markel tt~4ila • - s. 2.TKILIZAN, .Jr., at • Blinking . Nouse of Robinson, MOLerta 60016;'"' inUatvioliatiVlLS ' • N0:76 Forotle6lll - ; 4 - 166P.ETIAGE AND BALI% 140no* Lard Tierces • "• • •I' t ' s ••"•'' :; ;11 :E•prk ont,hnnil Lard - .cusses; 100 pigs . Turkish Island Sti_ ' For saln by • CILIE. C.:A.L.DW.XLL. InOlinsirthr Corn; ' ' . . . Ibi.Prime•Freab 801 l Butter, .••••, at! Just rece . lvatandfor sale b., „ • . - . • •- . ••.. ja2 . lVE.T. A . k .Nstr.icirrsorr ' - 111110F5T13,N tRACKFOII%.7-.-.Fiye-bblif.,}34w ton. Butter and Vine „Crackers jot recciroll flesh from the bakery. and For. aide a - tktall'at tiro Emily Grocery Store•ot:-...L. --J-7 .114(.). - A. - Rt..1.111111.W_ , Uproot of I.4berty and lisod EVETBA GOLDEN. SYRUP.-;7ust. - 'ffi• eelyed from: Bolton; a -lie. barrels. of extra 4uellty oldenSyrup;alao a prima article prAerp her flirt Yamlrq & fOr rale by the gallon' or barrel it the -jell . . .11 , 10.11. ItENBRIaIr,O;-, GHEESYIItt , .!•f • fa:lbexes W. Cheese; AlAt.. - • WO' , 1 • Goshen; ~ br igalft by ' 0.4 - J $ (ANFYST.• - DRESSED DOGS for sakat )1, - • PEARL Ii,RFL,-80 casks for sale b‘r tsi B tlaniTZLli J_ t i " • ) rcl IMEIZMEI .:,.,: =cram
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers