Wittoburgit WEDI4EBDAY, .itailiA.RY 25, 1885. Rostelsoi,..wcuax a oat Xe. 75 Wourtk Nih, ritteburalu . • to rd In PL r 1.7 93s !is OUSE 6 sad In'allpattiorthaValtid Stave: iley and se 1 at saarket rates: . U. B. iper esat.lll l ll, Bonds} • . V.. 8. . dn. 640 le.; U. B. 6 per peat. 1646 do.) . . U. 8.0 per sent. Oertlitoatir ladebtedneesi • Teew 115.140 Treistuy_s6,tes. _ They also BUT W SYr TOR COMMISSI ON at Uut Nur Ire*, Philadelphia, sat Plthsturgh Bos Ms; _all A16611..4 ,Gareppalat..s66 l . t, rtties, -.stOelts,BanftGedd:lte.,ltat • "' • . Jsal _ TINANCIAIf AND COMMEKM.. antozzaw• AND BANICTIMW BOARD. (oakksuras liolKIIMPI9,2Pouus k fok) am= tirieirkr2 I* - 111311. AskiWL Gold 1,16 =H Z 00.6 , 2 77 79 y Bounty Vs-- 96 -- C0050U671116 6'6 $1,2665,00 Steubenville Scrip Coones. woo • , ," ^ r-r • =11113616 - )fillisita,:::. 11,25' 77 -:L . do. lot 12,711 02,21 • ...... $.72 • aage Book 76,09 ~ • O M tiznh Hoak • --ap -Itterehard's lop Chlumbla 011 SW Germania ly ..... -, e -- O 3 U Creek IVOliett7/Itulu:.:.. - 0,16 --... 3 , 1.--__ ant Rem Central —. 1411 4 T=tory h Cherry - me ligarch'a CO -- .Ritchie ...-. 1,13 --- 40berry Bunk Pitt-H01e ..... Pt —.-- Pittaburgh_k. Phila. MO —..— N.; Y. k Went Ti ._. 0 , 6 Cbal Blurs 141n1qiC0.....• -- 1,60 ,-- • C4 1 .!•40 2* lele;TT I ,A 4 kr. al l ti t lr. o2 t i r g ' astrarancei of coming puce or a dose money lilt: kit, perhaps the two combined. Gal dropped to Is. rere•Twentiestol7 l - 1881 to 101)4. Teo-For ties to lia% Certificates Fr3..i. No blidlngs at Pittsburgh board on National Seourltles. Quota. Vona ear/ but slightly from day to day. etude and Bedard 011 follow gold in the down ward inesentent and the entire list of oil slimes trYmPathised, nitent,` stoc k. rine or fall as news, manufactured it; snit the inns- ems, or haring a rest buts or truth, Is given to td publle,but thegue-al tetolutcp Is unmistaka bly to lower rates, much u Duey would prefer to E:= These Itaaagain s revs Mtge ..st•tendarme at Cm' PebOei Stork Exchinge UM evenin; and UM bid ding tor Oil shares was quite spirited and the Vans notions unusually large. Cherry Bus and Pitts burgh sold largely at a material IaTIIIIICe, owing to • report eta 20• barrel well havindbeen struck on the property +of thla company:' Xi Will be . seen by miferenee to the sales,ttire was a mile ofollßasin at 0, but it was thought there must be a mistake about it, the,impreision being that the stock sold was (Widest Basin, Great Basin, or some other Basta than Oil Buts, NI thin stack wheld and has sold at le kers within a re t ry few days. For Cherry Bun Central, 190 was offered' without bringing out the *oak, and Oil Creek and Cherry Sax brought 4, an &despot,. paloo.Ltibrio woo offered at 16,111 bid; Wititai - Creitiq exitek.bid; Okla Valley, 1,55-4,511 bid; Linden, 5-1 bid; Honmerueek. 90-75 bid; Merchants', 10-00 bid; - mood ram and Ohio, 1,20-4,113 Coinetbia, sti --IX:lbid. First 'National Beak Stook, (Allegheny,) was fa dstaand,sod Marie aerial without bringing batiks stock. Ritchie sold at 1,12111,14, aadOherry Ban arid Pitt Hole still. Sales of 0 X itpotaltip Bounty - HS_ .. 7-717,,p did . . ~ &Xi a Cherry Stan sad Bfeed... ... IMI .000 Cheery Jinn and Firtaburih.. 1 to -70 D • do do de ... 1 15 .105 do • do do t So 190 a 'do do--- do •..1 05 10D Cherry Ran and Pit gate - 55 SOO " Oil Greet - and Cherry 8a5.... 4OD NO '' oll J3a5ta....•......•••• 000 1 ts Pao. ;el) : w;l 0 e-e 5 iiiir 11111 ', I . .g.44l.Cliat 4 141 41 44 We, cleavacwtha, 11 *a - .10.11150447.411.1114414,.1ty 4am, 4311.1zeits , - ' '' .011111:,: • Mereksata and Maaormitarere bank TS al do _ ... ,d0,.. d 0... de 74 Si de ' die ..:: 7100 X _ ~• -11. littnriegthelfilawbrineio iltrelsrav Insuranee Oe ' St R6' (X any Ito. awl Pittanuryl till Co. 1 la% Veneta 011 sad Oo t 03 I 00 00 t efaitud " viidoiw:i.krzlifest Friday' lasi, 'atilt - , 011 005/00400#04 has MONO* AO the ,011e011- - AlOOlO. "4641,'‘tniatil."*. suit, 0d ni*Pief'- eastaeaninellea.je/ali Mimed ta dere*. tart tarp „ilosost. brie" iota; from liaimor lo the' moo* ofthieCilitiltiniiisiciiiiietired rot oil put: paws, some of It at fabulous vines. f The Oommitstoner of Internal Revenue publishes the fern:m.ln . destaleli.: ~..".Whins the capital oft teen Is transferred. to a National tank, the out. 'Stein eirtUlitlon' should be esti:lied MI frinillbt. 014.00000:21; o'ool4o 011101/111 oftitilatlos " sera of .110 per tent of espltal should be understood Mretilitloa tit excess Of 90 per must of the' 'es j7lil t Wtlte time the. return is nude, and not: this -setae! ••ea ft stood when' the Munster' was ' -1 * - AIM* Pcw_ , -rtglirsi iusiets powni:to, issue ;cur =does not, hewever, revalue the .atithorl. : tyrolestie duty. or, severity nalllous atitherlad P l ll l 4 .0 0 9.0 .1111- , .HOue bund"ii. twenty minpourut merest steal bad been lamed up fait:, and - whole amount 'of bonds anlittiniet Wows * OM ea saran inualretl and sere.. sollllints,izetualve of. fraellenal currency: The SUS National Itrieke view authertme have an antr,tiatif eaPttal 'Of 110,01WASS. 1 The elrecilatlea Is now pasone,ww, of wtde.h112,618,163 were tuned during the week endia r list Jauntier.' • the latestatrilies In Yenangs and Clarion teen. • stab, Perry allt briefly • 'unused up . . u follows: • r Tliff CinipanY • struck • floe well et o _4 . r.*9 1 14a t• Welemt Boar at rest bukwitek• - . 'Theirelliesata to yield about. twenty bbls. sued. ;lug was Wreak two mllei above Plumeri on • the Iteaditeters of ,Cherry Ron, keel We. learn *leo that. i well was struck ea Pitt 1101. ,Creelt theist its* Mule half miles from the month: Tint *iiiiAtss' mot Yet bees tubed.. The Poulain. f 'olll:lompany hays • struck a rood well on thetr =glen Patehelßon, one tulle from the . ...mamas.. la that locull.y. A, sta. , Well 11/3 also helm streak ou the Pope fors, a few sidles below; • ftushill,lin the dear, whisk la nearing shout ten • b an al. Itiitaa i re t a . " I * . the New-York Petroleum 'took Board on Saturday were so Exdslider at 0I 4 70 ; 2110 40 ISM; 100 do 104,15; too do 4,73; SPO do 11111,13; flub* 1=1 0 .,b to,11115; too Germtnts. LlCia-Of NON lg 0 7 WI r Petreteure Co., Ow.; toe , , re,4800 Ilaithettan, at:4lov =lty,ILS;l. OOO doge; 400 de IN; We Odeanle, do us vet 100 Ituelmnan Tarns Oil Co; et MI . notdo tern; WO dolt! 00110) Wilted Statie,.ll3 StS; Chlcag Market. fat vy"v~tet tots. nitsbiuldi fitrihk — itegisda l. (sod sco,n l o4 Gaux Wheat has aecuals 2034 with light saki of Aa I Sprite at 1.400f.41%. does la fair aadgrphrg,denuoid,'Airlth tales otlferr fir store at IS difte, Osid.f,h 4 e 2 s And . ‘l lo l.Pfisc9tif . . 07 30 Socitc. Bra neeforte. Barley nominal. , bed miderlttl7 netbre, tut flose4 . 4 , 4yria242; tc,',4lwr , , tsconiousa--The Jitarket generally agars um - r Irdtr limfrrieter7 • Safari Of Ness Pork at 22-SS ' Periie area yo.coolusi nu* ishturAgi saqiikas. lard Little Anotr than. aomisal at ifOrfS--flahld as elder; Salsa ranged 27.15 to 1a.15. iota BOoe—Tbrotighlrliaetive and itmensy w l'olibt,..4le. to.soopOs.; BS= l'Assfdi—Tha olds] demand far good Steers oir , ool/triusierlit areSouit, tha receipt, of width are eery' light. Saks of 160 head at'ape SALt quiet and turbaned a . Meye Vert Cs o•Market: - tees , el:.'rbe ;Oriole , Pikes Cro the: week et kaMto markets are estollowe s • , * Bine °erns—Fine eles4ty, vo021.,00; fair co • r od, ..60..,4.; 12,0041.1040 e latency, we Aso- Oathra—V quality, ither7s,oo oidlaser, Isettee,oo I cowmen. We.-45,00 t Inferior Ualvas—Firet quality, 111 L. Ide4 °retool quality, 114612*; esonwou,-1.0. Ha Idaderthr,thW@lgSim• Annan *en .ertie—En.res, Vierel ant Prime .Quilt/ ded#lo; Ordinary. el,Wardn; Common , AWnta—Heaw OM. 111 135,;(thti; Light . sae Ueda= 1 11%;131111-feC nano. ITbe reoefte Beet turtle Ulo - week were ism enema sad- ut tbegreet seareay of lest week, watch ecooprlkel wanly of th e butchers eo win reel Uskuld.reeseple wo ul d kers bees gessetrio Mums Of course Flees eensklerably. sue were Mil II lower; Turflike , is above. , Hoge Were rather lower, and the' snivels hire been twos Mtatt.4:ntetital Itra ee Otone. • • _ t l 4 s3,7Xit for Super. ..whe4 vOOOO _far Zed. Oper. dun, of. icari 'Barley Ank, _Riv 401. WarintT—llrui I at R.^ Irmo ne saw. =lOll* -1611,-, with oot. enoo6 Jana th t l: pilaw; =NZ igibl of Cqy A•gra 04tor, • Jesonstaw-Thdt • 1 of tiv4l4W • s e zt osi kiLver UM Off_ eliot l 4k - P°M-11"Pnt.14 , I,Sai .kro,. .4 cz= . 4 1 1.11KETS. TVEZDAY, JAN. 24, ISZ. There is as little doing In commercial clseles that It Is hardly necesamy to make out a market report. There la no speculative demand for any of the lead. tag commodities, and, for the present, trade goer. Maly iseonfUnd to supplying the immediate wants Of consumers and small dealers. prices, however, hive undergone no material change. GEAMl—Wheat is ready wrib a fair demsad and juices are Arm but unchanged: . liarley--•• dull and Oregular that &emirate quotathlns cannot begiven. Sale of I car Oats on track, at Sic and 1 car Corn,Sn Ears, at 111,20. Eye—no quotation.; last sale at • _ n abOß—The demand for tints commodity con tinues exceedingly light, :betas . restricted alto gether to the wants orsonsiunars. We continuo to quote Extra Family, from store at *10,73011; sale of 70 bbls "Iron Valley" and "Star of the West" at $10,75010,90. Nothing doing In Rye or Buckwheat Flour. PRI:VISIONS—The demand for Bacon sot enry.a . etive, and some dealers are Making roues- Wont 11 order to effect sales. We now quereShoul. den at 010220, and Barns at 34010 c, with sales at the Inside quotations. Lain cannot be quoted above SWAN for-steamei and kettle. Nothing dnia gLa Mesa Pork' or Bulk Meats. _ t~ B :=S-There isles. Inquiry for flaxseed, owing, Idtrerdeelinoin the - East, and prices are a shade , dealers refualmc to pay more than 5ki02335. arnothy and Bluer Seeds are selling In the small ,1111113 e l T L c lt=es ti° exeeedingly dull, with a • simply largely Ls autos of the demand and the sea ket Is weak, with a drooping tendency. Prima Rellis,reur offered at 100, witabut few buyers even it White. 1m02 . 0 VatITT-4ulet - bdt Wes at for pious quotations-000c for tr.pplei;‘ • add um rev Peaches. quiet and ritherdull but unchang- V ar . foiipilums ,Wettera Reserve and Motor illitSKT—ls dull and unsettled, with an secs 'a small sale of tkunmon at 0,23 per gallon. Wll itiREI.74.A.PP- 1 2004 . qualities are Maud aid met' be quoted firm at 41.0001,60 par bbl. Smek light audreceipts • ' iIIiTATOES Small sales of primp "Peach likhrs" frets store atlo,43o3,capeents: 4 Rocalpts-: iighttrialaatao,thedemann. ....--:' - • i., f4LLNIGTIENY CATTLE 61ARKET. RePONOttl Ntiptitssil for the fltishinita Gazette.' s ' - ' AJACOnany.Oirr, Jan. St, 1165.... i , tiorlitr- - ' 411 . , ,. , eswd lto -ttufl # l „._°•..° l 954m.,a4 reparetlatUnlast, , noil4;ehowa zwan i dod mprore• 'Neat to point of numbers., but as risuili girinE7 . skolcondltioni tkiikes said the better— .1*!. great. thikof the olletinp trire.ComposiSforieugh Ones sod ulcers, ugn cows nod heifers, more opProprl- , atety temnettnicilitsramt . sod this being Cheese*, thOl.was leei life sod buoyancy manifested Attn.., re would ?tail , been— utsll7, gcni:cattke, , . semis light supply, met with good demand et full prices, say fik t 0 .914 emits.per Potted, gross, While inferior and common stocky as Ls always the mite, sold siciwly and at ooMparatively , low priori. Zany of oar butchenwerenomp-Iled to buy indltf , &Lent stock, for thevery 'simple 'reazon that,, they could get no other kind, and we, advNe those of . , - • v _., a, cost Nouldiy tom= aim -nave Moo mummy. for_ the retell trade, to ship to this market, and we bole no doubt they will realise handsome prat,. At Ls but proper to remark in NM eonseotion,kow ver, that inferior stock Ls not wanted, sad these sr ho ship this class of eattl may cousider.thesa. titled. fortunate 11 they realize enough to pay iced bill, and transportation. There was little or no Inquiry foi Cattle this week on the part of Government contractors,' and' the attendance of Eastern dealers was ratheestim... The following is a KIT. taerlgreoverthors:rf,LlVN hand of goad leave - stook, averaging lute Ss, at 6111. James Ilarblionseld 11 i hod of ooroluquish balls and salts, at ea average of Gets, Lewis Croak whet sated I:Mead of fairish cows and steers, in pretty good conditioa at •13,00 per _,, Nicholas Care retailed it head for Narka, 1$ for Breda., and N for Flak, at prizes ranging from 5 to % A. cents. J. Saab retailed 49 head of Western Reserve cows and steers afros 634614 cm. , W. J. Lad erty I Co, bought 41 had of mixed Woks at 11,4•466, 0 ‘, atolsein ahead at 4. 50 61 1 . 5 0. : 7.11. Olin bought from liothaan 16 head of fair ith stock at NIA. __ _ ._ .. I Chas. Shornaker retailed 36 head of Ohto heifers and steets at prima ranging-from 96 to NM per ewt, as to quality. I Reis; HeArwoodi , CO. re t ailed NI head of Wes tern- stock at,4%4/16)1 .1111.1 wholesaled N heed + Butler It jecloort'wkolesaled 14 head of fairish_ 1 L. Potter cob-1 esaled 43 bead of common malt Ohio stock at 6 cents. t C. lit Nino retailed co bead att,..Kerek . L. Noth4dida raMilkd 11 bead of wren attacks as 4Ver!rick ' llr Gond retalSidiii sead of wasters Attack atpriesi ranging ail the way frame to Scents, as to uality. T - IdArt & beer:nth retitled tie hang or mists Sallie at LaMi, and skipped head East. Greenwald Saha Welled -13 head of small Socket 6M 7 55, and the same 'report Raving - 100 head In their lardy neeekEly LAVIN, tolOgerled tut thir - Way. 2EL. Good reports, retailed Si u g h s& at 51 d 31 tills et ig ( rtil and repo rts se hsT tt= at. S aou 5 h ead had ulatl r.}.l. , eek retailed', knots Otdo deers M. - d..MaTer retailed e ' mixed lot of Ohl* stems Sad heifers at 6%49Bcents. O. Hudson recalled IS bead of Western Etenere at prices rangiag from iserry,s. rJ. Shine repottejtasing told head pi, Mee heavy stock at 8,16. LI. W. Farrellaholearalml IS head of smell Lea per Rock set Pattersos. sold 11 held of Western Se-serve cows and heifers, Mostly of good ortatity, at 4.0j1/ it is irdisible that - 'thrice May have hove a few other sales la addition to those above rePerted, ire think we have given surf Meng indicate the ger.end toss and lesllng ef the market. There were fresh estivate during Moseley Ellett, and this 'morning , w ,‘ . we • UR- theyarda -It was thought Inc re were Silly two hundred Innul Is the peas um ' told. . Soars—The trairrictions to tidi clam of stork UVr been confined mainly to the retailing trade ttcring the put week, although. some two or three trubc were weeleeeiew 9. htoemty,ttorart were taken by butchent at Woes Merle Ire m IS cents, cross ,. and these it may be z ml i sot t d U i rerh:l4 flientobt. Tenni, alc efe, gums be Mulch of Wigs that Mutt:leen Wilds part of thmeountry Ude season. They were raised sad fattened by News. Young St rgaraimr., of XL Yerson, lowa, and averaged, here, three hundred tedforipone mends I nercew—The market le quiet but Ore, with small Wes In a retail way - at prices ranging from 1 3 4 to cents, gross, according to condition and gustily. Verelpta continue very light and there were but irrrtssuitcu PETROLEUM 'thet: There was not single trenaaetton Le prude to. day;thetireetrold bTesiof„ thei.exeeptlon of SO barrels, at agents, barrels returned, and quota tions may be fairly given at.ryiayi blots returned. and tR443, bids ineinded. 11. - .lemor wee darteat to•xtey that It haddeellned to PS per bbtat the Weil4 but it !firs - int isedsted, wbo len Oil Oaf on Frldsylsit refeit it Debi held 'firmly at Lie There Is no demandfer Hamel, in bend.. Add detwltbstandleg the stock Ix extremely light, It le 'generally nositeded thetnales could not be eCectiot unless emcees:lons were reader,Free 011 Is less re curesid hither 4cat: and rotegliethi tattoga et 136481 eeita foipitmeelty brands. the Is oletbut heht akarat previous quelAttotut. Residuum V . 1n fair demand, and may be qUoted irrieerf,thary,ell pfrbbl-Soma IMF:ldea ailthse . , . irIiitADFXP.II.! ,MARICET: Elyeclallaspatchin the Plitabuigh Gazette - . Pricinnesenza, - Jan. The market for OtiShares opened dull and a I t ile creak, bat improved late In the dip and left off itendy. llicelLetock andtherman were the molt 'active stocks, and the former adranoed from one nunrterto one half per share. The . Maple. Shade his declared a dividend offenr per cleat on the cap ltal stook, endtki Shannon, - bloated; 'declared a dividend of one per cent. The closing quetatleas e . ;were as follows . , • 22eCilnlock 670 Sherman t 44 .ba W ert nt ' 125 Walnut Island.. 2 V 1.6 r Dnlsetl. 8 Of Caldwell . . ... A a 1240 r/"..1••••• " Maple oo tal kldrapisater` 11 tOIMIBssin - "GO REM YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. 1 8prd/it Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. New Tome, Jai. $4, GR. The Petralewd market 11, dull and nemlnelly )awer. S el. sat Re 4534 for Crude, Oageee for Re. .alted is b,cd, aod bDigine for Free. •i , - Now lark Market. _ ut Ball Ind; Jor. ; amnion liltl stales C1ub,12,46; ood "Oblate* Bpring, 12,10; Amber store nal glom. Corn bear Yliud deolla.Wt Mixed Western aorntaal, at CAT. 04 a rather more arliye, at 63.06 for at—Coffin eider and. erni,:to o l3 l Ans 'far Rid, siffas for. Xartealbo, _and SP for 'Jeers.. eager dull .11Tuseurado, lßcp. Lasses dull arst.eutlrely hoodoo(. Frrnoxsust—Quiet, nt Na for Criide, 0N11 , 60 'for. . Belford In toad, and 040 for Reload Free; gales of , tacofnueß• ("Attu, fur export, st Sad. ' • noentioss—Pork decidedly lower 'and :satire, doing, at en Ofrie,oo for New ideas, for 1811.1, do 'oasts and regular way, ,eloslor at 633,00 for Prime ,s ass. Soo bblii,New, for February and Kara,- • sellers and buyers' .optiOrt, at .339,6042F3A and IWO bearBo4l-4 !Heal. for ebrux y, at p5,75@311,00. Ike' , at about prerinus. :mires, Beef Haw 3 quiet. ncon hides doll, at 1914 a for Cumber laud Cut, lON° for boos But limns, and anN(O2O,l 'for SLort Ribbed. Pressed Hogs quiet, at tail las for light .to extra heavy Weste rn - Lard du and beery, at 16 s o. 'Butter dolt and" noml• 1t23.A12 for Ohio, . ad„ elf3deufOrState. Ohm* dull, xt - lfer4o 4 ' • New York Stock atia Moiler, Market. - Nsw Yong, 3au. 24 —Money quite easy at Gar efet. Sterillilt dull at 10936t91004. OW with out decided chance, queuing at WO and declining to ;1 nod closing at 20134. Government sieekwheavy, but prices are with.. out materiel change.. Stock, better. Erie 91%; Tort 'Wayne Mai; Wort); Weatern 33%; Olevelawl aud mtisbursli 61.14 1111nels Central Vi a ; s" I. I 'lt gra Z t2Yrrar s sr l l i p = u.. 103; _ lehtganCentral To lelo Ill; QulacOberSe4; Ohio sod Misdeal Coates' 00!; allsamort me Tennesoee Vs 64; 11. B. oae roc esrillkedes U.S. 1140 0000611 1003 i; U. a , di la Coupons Wr n t E no pr e lim* - , Sad. , IL—The following Are the quo- I tattoos at Gallagher' Evening Ateksaget Gala active sad lams on eall, smokiest 2011 sea slosh% I on call et IteM; after sall It sold at 10:IY, sad Skim WOK. New Tort Ottani, toot% Erie, et; Muerte, 961 Readfto INlCleltifld- Southern, SOO ilt• wag man), Ptttabsteb, et; Toledo, katla 010 *rib Western, Sla‘; do. pa. terred,63; reirt .raais l s4l Outiberlaad,44; Terre Mune preloneddli driPww. 1. Altar Woclk , Mho 0 1 41 114 .1 110 sad *ar , • ; Philadelphia Cattle Mar Let, Jan. 2.3 Beef Cattle are dull acd priers hare declined. About tan Lead nrri•ed and pm tly .old at t'.e A: . eaue drove yard, at from 184:1111 etre • per Peued fee entree, 14/211 tents foe- fair to good, and coat moh at from 120212 eenta—an to qattlity. The following are the part:eat:lra of the MOM : Head.' Name. 114 Maritn,•Paller nem, Western.- 23119 I EO Smith A Mooney, Ohio 25 E.S. Men W nen, eateen I 7 re 110 J: IlleFillert. Westarn , IS 18 6211. Chain Penns 114 20.). b. J. amain, Peana........, 1 12 •22 Ilope 4. Co, Weatera 14 19 40 Gnat.Shomber^. Western 1 IC 11 I.Stldonuid La:mutat Co • ' 111 18 • 12 D. 81140308, CM elder .t, .17 18 85 DI. Ullman A Co. Cheater Co. 19 120. P. Hathaway, Cheater Co and 0h10....12 19 42 A. Rennt ( dA,AVeatern. lc tneatereo....l 8 43 Jones IS me, CheatetOW Id 10- 25 E. Stott. Menlaid • - li In 100 P. Mallllen A Western. - 1 1.9 15 Owen Sada. Wastent - 144118 110 N. Weintz, Welitern lo Chlaty 4, Wasters' . ati 13N .Cows—Aretother dull; about 100 head sold at 11 , 414 t l'oeSpringere, 'MKS per head for cow _ . ,tikeep—Prlcef remain about thn tame as bud quoted and the market la arm. About 4,000 head arrived. and: mold- at Iron Gen elute Per Pound. grow. '.llogliA-Tbe market la. rather dell and prices aro lower; about MG bead sold at the &Murat yard. at flank $17.40 , 619 the 100 paunds net. Review/ of We Chicago Provhdon Marke t . (11.11llwaTO & Co's Circular, Sao. 21.) • ,The receipts of Hogs tor tho past week sem up as :falLaws,'eler. Dressed,liklen, 10,768 k _total saa. For the ethrerponding period lest year, dress , 150,4. r.., live, 2,06 e, total 86,492. For .he put 84 ' heur sse l 2,lttilye+62enU, again*( 1 8 :t d tlizr tlPerl a uk e" - Wive all dosed up. Their returns of packingcom leg in gut slowly. still we lope be next week. to be • able is glee the goal summary; From present op- - erancee welkiels the packers' returns willshow &Nailing on' from taut rear of IMMO, end probably -- , 140,tt0 head, Some few of the packers return ht sw ler agst i ng last year, - hot with-most of hoot Is less. Owng to the small reeelpts the than kkt fee hop boo 10t declined materially; but for all hog products it has been tboroughlydemorslia ed. Outside operators seem to think (bet tho ro • tern of pertee lnitead or adding lamely to the num- bre of col:autocrats likely sing inaresse.tho prosset ...stock el pork, and they e been foreleg ott the few hundred barrels gambled In by 1110311 tit any •is• • flake. Host of these lots hive been bought up and the (yodels now In the hands 'Attie legittmate op alms and In a mole healthy - to the eut couditk n of the trade it of for us to cOmmint on the probable future of the pork roan ketl The- thoel rewrite froth the Northwestern ithikts will indicate mord clearly the proepectlve quest , . cilia, market than any opinions We could adear ee onthe subject. We shell-endeavor to ar rive as closely ...possible at the clock of barreled meets, sten of IstaL uth will be much smaller than has bees gener- G ally anticipated, the latter particularly so. The stria:ego of the boo from gross' to net hos been ; leg, r then generally stated, and will approstmato t o Tz Per • Philadelphia market, dan.23. `The demand for Cloverseed hos fallen off and lat e CI arc lower. *ales of 4W bunms et $0,7391 Il 41 , DV bushels eholoc'qusllly twit cersod ban& at elf,So. Timothy Pipe/utast et 44 5 665 u, cod Flaxseed at Se,SOirs,nifili bushel .tlot tools uneettled nod Owes aro nominkl. 'The Inactive condition of tho flour renrke ishloh Ye have noted for sonic weeks past, still prevails. Sales of ace bbis extra at 31 0 . 60 , 300 !Ale Spring' Wheat family at sup, and 400 Obis Llelewsre Nillsextra no privatoteruts. The Sales for home ebrisumptien et 11e,75f/10 for superline,4lo,Bo4rl for extras, sad 411;z:14012 for vett, to oily; for femey lo s.- Rye Flour Led Corn Meal noth leg ditinTe to amtuototiot. :The V. hest tnezheteysepsthlees With the general trade. We quote Red st 18,63 sod White et VAS 13240. Rye Is worth 111,141,77. Corn to doll and npplies are coming to more freely. Small sales of now yellw at 41,75, at which Inure tt la freely offered. O sten re onergant lower{ sales of bush at fretrac. • In Isarleyand Barley h alt nothing doing. .Is Groceries and Provisions nothing of any lei . portanee doing: Whbiky Is unsettled-and lower And In the ab sauce of sales we junta at' it Mg Wroth Ohio lit 112,36. . , • • Baltimore Market Jan All. 'Coffee—Market' quiet; holders are not offertag their stock* at prevent. t lour—We report salts of LIMO bble itood How. aid street and Oblo Extra at 111,50; 200 Obisod Howard street Soper at 11,123{; a deelsee of M go id& ter bbl on butivdescripUona The wnstet Owned doll under the further decline, In gold - Oralu—ST heat, only a teerboadred su dsy. 0: be Pelee repotted. tl.rs, 1003 bushels pels. LOCOthe °Hering, to-day at the Corn Eithsage, sod t whet: yellow sold at I • 7501.11 per bushel. No receipts or sales of either Oats or Rye. al - aura—We hare no sa/ea to report. b e for e_ La their abeam quotations are imams! as before. :Proetelons—nre la very light supply, though eonelderable ebtouteste era on the way treat toe West. The atart is quiet though now u 43Ceta , ' Use. previously reported. . _ _ ThiPttlttio of RAILROAD ALL:Guru 52ATION, Sal. U-4 Up hides, G Idtettich; 7 LW lard, I , Dedtber; t dressed beg, H Byer; tpkgtstertiei.a. Ilogiuutt le bits browns, ti leyet; j 41=s;illareeAer4BEriuglamtai. bb . i r sp oil' lied; situps* & ideent-t ear Lg. V 4117 Ss Hopp; bgs m alt,' .1 • tiosheudert 6 "PI Genet; et Ga. ICZOLVELAVIS a PITTIIIIIIKI A RA ft, AI:MD./AT. 34-41 *as eggs, Ad= Lippert; St bd. Itsgseed, E. Needham* bbts pork, It Tiablason; U 0 UM eon', 51.K.res pap audited, Mos treat pat Floc,..pa Pittsburgh Paper at t.hot I roils leather, Pell it Cm; Pa! Obis eldrr, * de gram ap. plea, Van Gorden' I ear hag, - .youiszolila bhJ Pecsatk, Asti Br. OK in 'ilk. builkY, rz• *ad; tee al* wheat, Simpson & gaol; cars. Isar ber,.(l B Foto*: o sha dry Tr=atair liti* tOrtg tar bbls vies. Freak, & rger; I Sara *awes, lege Eger; 06 aka wheet, Gear & . • • .. I Prrilirrtuur TOOT iralrit'l , SPCirteAo 6 It ts itao.24--1 ear. wheat,-Rowland & Elwin; 3 can oda, Cal Credo; baler! idadditra, - T /11WelrillIc Got II in hang, Shomakerk. Lang: 10 do do, Watt & Wilacetaldwbalin 003 3 4 Il Okla B A Valwectonk; Son & 0034 plea Wad, II Culled: car rge, /Snuck; Stara inctaL /se WOW& Sea; doda,l7. C Loondrtl car hoops, *A Meelinteck; l!carcannel roaL I Peanoot; 49 blles hop, AC/ tar 4ertal, 3 , lZentlearr./4:a - rod 3 Saki 11 a, "& - loll; /kr, auaddea, Co; ' Vali & 00:1941/produoa, H. V alit b. Co; ski ragW :God Cry k Clark ;PS dos breast& W CI Kirkpatrick; pOOO &LOter4ir nieutalyer'& Yoakum • Inn ;tido, A Jogflbdis do, J Taylor .;On. the vemther,wratJanes este:Rey (told, sad the heo entertained on Minitel Mid Yeaday, of e general break of !babe is the Eonraqrsthels , sad Alkaticay dams. hose almost entirely vanished fnr the present. The 'tate .of Water .by the plot nu Is last evening was scant eight, feet and apes ecntly at a Mind. ' "•' herehave been_ no arrivals or departures sinew . our tOI rer ort. 'the f Ins Ovine and Kthemola fromCinehmatt, and the Onward boa Louisville Warr due last night;sadoell dentate's.. be hound Is itrt Ude morrdng. i 2/.0 Argonaut, to command of Capt. (ten. 11. firrd,!lenyeatoolay for Chtennati,and.Lgolslrille, and the 'Tearaway Capt. - Ehbert,is 'summand for the same points. The Olirei . G`apt. Ladner; la annirunied.for fit. ' Loids,aa is also, thsColusahla, Capt. R. J. Porter. Thep are both good boats.. Lire me it , stated that' Capt. G. W. Dickinaort, forilterly oftlu :tititite-BEWS, has purchase! Capt. loalahflould'e newatearser Weasels. " lire Louisville Press of Friday soya: Captain *bout midnight Wednesday. Pei formed a feat of piloting harder heat. -Ile too thi h e lourboat lirmul her fl eet of banes, hole , coiLdows ta the falls In safety, though sem • otthe barges were 'lroning crier sit -feat of water. which was every inch over the rooks. That we . both difficult , and hamielous, but. the - Captain or tr.e tour preferred the hazards of the falls, an t ewe Piloting In the 11111Willet the Motel:do Verbt 1, to *wattling daylight, tad theists have to lights i bra tortes or go through the canal, Yesterday, Cleo Yarble,, the. falls. plleti wag. Celled , ape eosin to perform a very lawdous teat of pllotin c, t this time it was the result of art proved himself equal to an emergence-acciden fiiL oot. ehargeof the huge ateamer, John dllUrour, bourn for Nauhrille, with • heavy cargo, drawing all the Water on the, falls.' When about the head of the V i rte .Ihitia,L.ll;rogroltrite.tird mhos ata oo r {{taaslld in side knew what was matter cm the tast, and handled hee,bymeana of the engines, and aeon. etrtigtitened het up Kalil as coolly. se -if all was lighti and though she tubbed the Mike Over the edge of the pasefhe took herthrotra l li Wifely and nobody nun, . soul. ices. bushels 'coal reeled this city D ors Pltsaburgh en the. late ,thm,about twaothlrds of a, was taken South, Daring but a little over DAM onahelafor this market: , • - - erT~d,?~BQrl"s VOR ND. UPPX BAIN.T LOUIS jai Alll The new and comotodloinr.stenmer COLUMBIA, Vert. IL 3. Porter, wilt kayo aii ! ,pore rup tbe 21tb nt 4 (Moak.. 1 For tretobt or peasege "poly on boxr4 oe,to •I. D. 0-DLIiINGWOOD; - A gen t, 3e2.6 JOHN FLACK. VOR . CINOINNATI It LOUIS ,+; VILLE.—Tba ilea new *warner ulerOWN, Capt. o.le. Ebbartt lases u above ea Tpuraday the tatla fast. or • 3. I).COLLINGsvoop, A s e ne : s. - ;MIN FL/tOK, m sier a LOUIS- Lair, FOR INC... • • 16„, nteemer for the VT k 4 1 4,_ 11", v. w e d, will 10.7 . vatritriurs 016briV" to yejghl.s..pirrtmtis.. n . vow( FL /Wis.. 1 `OR CAIRO AND ST, LOUIS.. . 4 1 - :;" ' The splendid steninerOLlVEOspt. J. 11.4adrews term* for Cairo and St. resu Fps freightor t yassa HN r sitliLodbnani )or td - P.CQLLINGW 00%1Aents• IQEGULAR WEEKLY FORTS. Ar t a AA!.NOUTII AND,' Pl=BoEll6'l PAEET.—The Gae pawner 'annular. Gl=kl? W. IL Kell', Muter' W. 11. Bryan, clerk, leareAPlttakurgh every BiI.TDA.T,at M o'clock m., and Portsmouth every MONDAY, at I okdook The Golden Era make connections at Ports! mouth with the splendid steamer Boston, No. 71, Ifor CinelanaU, and will nmelpt freight and pitman gen through to that city, . non.. PEW" • RWIIEELING • lijait AuVIT=LISOIi PAUKETc.-The new and tastvanning reuniter ateabee POETM Capt. 7.1. Taylor;Dlerk, L. P. Beeler. . Leaves -Pittsburgh every TUESDAY. THURS. DAY and .SATURDAY, at re o'clock na, Leaves. Wbeellair, every. MONDAY,- WEDNESDAY .and FIILDAY, at 8 o'clock s: ea. :way tnerlaria promptly attendee Co. Towing done at Dollorster. S y em or W re e a toe cagespV l been ig t. Or to SAIL dAMuMYtoo4gxaonteW t aste ffe=l!= Et: It FOR BALE—A very valuable FII:31 it Derry township, Westmoreland county, Pa. containing about 185 acres, well improved, and in e state of eultivntlext. - a FARE OF SE ACRES, in Fairfield town ships eitmoreland county, ol Ps. ImProvemente The land is ellebest•quality. Coal and ime~io. I e in abundance. • Also, • STEAM ENGINE, theSaie SILL or other Kr;ea, with the castings, machinnY, fly win he cylledez is nine Inches diameter ast four foot stroke. Two Roam. 17 feet tong and E inches in diameter; all in good order, and wUrbe acid cheap. Mao, a FARM of COO acres In .Went WheattiHd townalkip, Indiana, oounty, Pa., about three mike from the Penes Relieved. AIso, , a•FARIE or 106 acres In Goneeteugh tOWR. ship, Lotions county, Pa. Also, a beautlful FARM of 100 acres, with a-large • BRICK HOUSE, with 12 rooms ; finished In mod ern style, wenh-house and bake-oven attached; a large spring house, bath house, smoke house; large bank barn, fruit trees of even, deuniption; church and school house built upon the form. This Penn adjoins the village of Louisville, and Is two. and-a-half males from the depot at Livermore, in ,Weetmoreland county, pa., on the Northwestern Halkoad. j_Also, TWO BRIM HOUSES and LOTS to Elizabeth borough. Also, A FARM OF FIFTY-TWO ACRES la Nervy township, Westmoreland county. about two, nitres from St. Clair Station on the Penn% 8.. R., I steam saw mill nearly completed with all the imehinery for • Souring mlii on the premium, the , Had iv of the best quelity, coal and limestone In abundance, and good indications cef OIL Will-be add cheep. Also IS acre adjoining the village of ,New Derry, in the very beat state of oultlvatiolb and abundance of fruit of every description. I r. further p i leti cel l ar =e t of lelegf • No. I* Fourt.h street{_ VOlt BALE-,LOTS IN A.LLEGLIE Y . .-1. CITY.-The underelp.ed Offer for We the .ptopertywhereNrs. rtiltD now live.. on Pa . tire, Mane, - Allegheny cityr adjoining the' Tallinn of Jiohn Taggart. It hes a front of *bout 300 feW, on 'Pa:, tufo lane and extends book about 403 feet. It hi a pert of, John 011ern'e plan of Mount Relief, Tarclu!rtop.......l k vol. 1„ , page Id i B , g d: ~,,,,t,,,, Id darn being lots numbered 6 to 31. It,has. a •comtorteble frame house, mot the . abounds ere planted with good fruit trees, ko. It could Ice divided loin several good building lot., or, If Improved as a whole, it would make a delightful residence. It is tittered for sale as a whole, or in atperate lots to suit purellasors. end the, termaof payment will ho mule easy. Piamitelon onn Lbe given on the Drat of April next. .J. W. P. WRITE, ijel6:tf • -• _ , . ....-- VOR SALE-LOTS IN THE EIGHTH . -a. 'WARM-The undersigned ea Guardian of the minor children or David Greet, deed. offers to sale the following Vacant iota in the Eighth war; City of Pittsburgh. sir: 2 into on the comer of Mn. gee and Fort,. streets, 40 by GI ftet r beitig lot. Nos 17 end 18 in ,aid Greer 's plan, recorded in Plan Rook vol. I. page t 173; I lot on Locust street, 20 by 6/3i feet, being let No. 68 in said plan: 16 lots op Mans stmt, 20 by 61% feet, baler, lota 92 toted, and 103 to 112 in slid pion; 6 lots on Viokroy street. 20 by 01% feet, being Nos. 1,33 to 121 In sold plan; and 3 lots on the corner GI Nlagee and Bluff streets, 20 by 100 trot, being Nol. 147, 14$ and 149 in aald pine; makin g altogether 30 lats. Soma of these lete ore ve, es le for AI building altos, and others "Ye very valuab stone quarries. - They will be sold separately or all together, end on easy terms of paymont. Jnrsdf J. W. F. WHITE, 100 Fifth it. VALUABLE REAL. ESTATE - FOR ~ SAL -The executors of the e R, late of Charles Rowan, deceased, for sale the following salwsble Rost Petite: A Lot of Oround on Penn street and Itaddotke pries o alley 20 feet wide,) est th e dish CU of fe.t from. Irwin street, fronting 40 feet uto. Penn street, and running back Safest, on *blob to ererriral two two-storied frame buildings on Penn etrret, rut.ning back GO feet, and one two. toned frame building 20 feet front on hiaddocke alley, "reining back SO feet towards Irwin street. Subject to no annual ground r.nt of $lO per snnurs. ~F or terms, he., Apply to James M. Christy, nt the office of ths Ou Company. SAMAR ROWAN En'ts., JAMES M. CHRISTY, jalt:6l ATALUABLE OIL LANDS rriV7rf‘ , C'nl One tract of tie acres, to klaboning townitlPs Bawrence mantis. Oa ibis farm two wells are *own tbe depth of about ISO feet, with an exact. Nat stow of oil. ' - :Also, one tesct containing about tiAbOTMI, with nine well about w feet deep, and • splendid stow cif oil. ITlas Above lands are located in one of the beet ptaducing oil territodes on th e Malice= abe iuljeWl.ng the. lands en width the Strawbridge or Pioneer Well le locate& 1 For full particulars sogulre of HOBERT WRAY, -' —wealsl Broker, No. 4 llsSd K. A TEN AUKS FARM sons ToWaramur. • Adjoining proper t y of %dint P. Maraca, tuic um the non Election road.ln &good neigtbartood. Rod In • part of the attune unsurpansid lot 16ar, ty of winery, baring on It %tiro story bouse yeti buck and abet Out buildings, and abounding to &DIG; Will atunbibled. In abort, any of the to. THAWS for .. A comilertable tanittri Re • city truism may atm% fro WA. Apply to IA IL AMY AN, Bract and linninina•_ingtud, uatic - 1 Pollen sumac Ipnribr• imiumag:l • 1 1 1/'0 HOUSES IN Blffit WA - 11 - 5 Lt OR 11.03.16.—P0n00010a co AlrU lit am be p.m of Two Good Three -easy Dora Magi. ll' , the Sloth wart, eoetalsing eleven rooms nook Kith eellAni. .to vnasegati a SI fool alley. Ilyntollt .afar. . be . . led tivistehooso Is tiolont. • , ' - &SPIT to i - '' , -8. 8. BRYAN. arolkok a lms•reissers ElitsEls Melt SF . Yl. - t • otll A th C ra . (BOWS ErMrMAli° ALAOL .mickLetry C oSUYLOM O I 1 1 e . ISO MlLL'(now In operation) will to sell at a bargain. Emelt* clan boom pewees ballet)* feet Mr.( by 4111solicaiSIS loth goes, If y :lace% 2 Dural* St., s pair burnt, S be, . elotU, Mote mrselb 4_mot mothlos, gag stash*, m 0.12 tog wheels, up. l.in, 1.0 ik A c 1.4.:.4, in "3 {.41/4 Luc...) (or c.t: fl it.; on ibe bobtails, all 1.. good order The boiler and eagle* will be .old sport from the Souriog me. Sanely it wanted. - S. LIUTILUEST Is :MINS, San ` 51 herbal at. —..— --...........-- ._ 114'04 344 M _ OR ItENT-44, AW MILL 4.... ANISISOAT TAftb.--That and piece of land tontalaing FOUR.AMEMI and Ti perches; . knows as tle TUSTIN. SLIT MIL,La obese Lock' No. 1, BlOntiegaliela Miran on veldt* Irseem hid ...NSW Mill and nee or sin Dwelling 'Mouses; and also • Boat Torii% hosing a liver - front of sTr *et, bring an exemient situation for lumber nod hoot bniMinirptuvalms. Insult* of Mna TESTIS!, t ..., the premises, et W. O. /11111211A11(1 1 1, No. _ Ins:anon street. . „ , jolantil --. OR BALE. Tito and Lot now • vamping try Mrs A. - 'Oa Ilanl, Na. ISILis took street, Allegb y. IV ts a sobotantlol rick 'Building, m lo; lirnat Alla hook three ' h'fVa seer. sXirond tnned o Mae and rear b)) seenalleys.. er,tss• deans StepOrtf.Wl itVr Lot-rate ml slidlocated osnttolly that It is easy of arena from any Mullin . 'Mon of ths two Salem MET ' ' 15. OLD, . &CM tll 17n{ street. 17_ OR BALE—Three new Steam - Engines, boat purpoiely for oil wells; 7X. look itylMdsri Pt islet stroke; 4m strong.' 'Vagina shalt, ersolt hod tot:meeting rod or snotrght trent bat . Of brass weed for boles. • • Boilers IS to IS feet long, Mt M M anes anistee, with two 11-ineh Lluenshisaney IS in. by to feet; hot sisd 'hold stabs/ pewit*. ' Everythingeompleted ready to ship on skght. liiioll ttsburgh AL. D 01.14 - - Pi, gorse? Pplat alley and Duquesne greet, Arse, swarths Point.- *Sidi figiiiirECE—A FAUX Or 163 46.011 ES, A. on Rig sewiekly, th ree Mika from the railroad ilCation, well Improved. - Placental pee acre. A WAVER YARN on 11.111euek, a 5.5 mile' hem Vaudois Statton,sad. whir* 11 a Grid Moro. hreilln& Dern, ood Improvements. Prloa, raEllTYLO'la k p Preniont and TIVIIVISi 101003, Second w Alighany. • I FOUR LOTS on libuak at Glendale &atlas,_ poutainhig all to ten mama. For Ws by ..T. t.'snittPr.s. Real to !Reheat, two el 'round street. Allegheny. T i `ORBALE.-'--WE ARE .A.ISTRORIZED il.. to eel olot ef grow/. oontehtlnglliieree, els pf which ire plenW trait, a2Jolulog th e proper ty of lloigh Le , e,req.. - The property Is 'about t of iolle from th e depot of the StitilbenVine Reed . und;r. 741 fr e :2l ir::7[ l 4 l *Ali heavy white oak. The Pr airie Mete Hood tun IblrOugh idle proporty. , : to hoe of the chore twilit,* Traded f, Reat Olt 'Modal et marlot price. STEEtAte ,FOR SALE, & VUMFURTABLE HOUSE • :Of ftna rooms, within one and • half ewer et the 'street ens, In Manchester. Good water and stet'. Akins convenient. Pimentos Wen Inacnothr m k Tor term airship Omura Pi11x.,77 Fedora s is atThOmas lama's Wasson* Deem street, Manehester. nollstt , FOR BALE. Bustineas Stand. That desirable Business Stand, No. 110 SMITH FIELD STREET, near corner of Fourth street, en which is a substantial Brink Building. For terms, tumuli* of BAILEY, FARRELL k CO., No. DA .urth street 11 - 01J - FiES 1 , 011 LE. , TWO l UUO K ROUSES, Noe. 91 end 93 Washington street; - three stories, containing sane rooms, with gel end water, and In good order. .41110 e LOT ON WYLIE STREET, ertalelnit. 31 'ULU ' by 108, on which pro temporary building.: The whale will be .old very low roe mtge. Enquire of JOHN ORB,. jaUratte . 93 Market street. ..... . . —-. 11 . 4 OR BALE.—A beautiful FUX. of ACREP - ,ln high state or cultivation. Large orchard or the beat of Fruit; good house and barn; soling of 'excelleat water by the door; an acre of tae hest of- coal In the hill *belie the Mule; not requirlagfhatilingteltnate on the east bank of.tho Monongahela river, ono totto below Flisabethtown. Inquire of 13TEABETT, Ja2l:tf $l7 Penn street. FOR BALE: No. a Poplar -itreet, Allegheny, aontitioliktroui roomy with hall, and good eelinr, yawl ban and front: Ponnewdcoi given Aortl et, Enowheoly HOBERT NRATar • fall ; At. Commercial Broker, No. 4 14404"44, 'URELCC - 1--Thstasiret TIMELBTUR Y HNSOK. DWELLING Housr., No. INI Fourth • Greet, PlOof,lo l o. Follotogoa ot the Dif of April sert. - JOHN W. DEL.r Attoesaret-Lun jaw' • N 0.116 Youth otreietd - 'VOR ItZfriV—Tbs two . Wory'dwell)ng Moose, Na. 17$ Soooodit voti moor Grt , t, eon. tabling Eight Noomj, HoG lad Good Onll Poo; soodOloffivolk-AWGIO.. 'For saitloolora diols to' jail= JOUR 1. 1101788 ec kit L b.lLk:-- kEi AL Ni.E.37/ 1.; OR SA I ..E—Se enty -four scarp. If o 1. vet Land, {{art Umber, only three and a half miles tram the city, on Chartier's creek, nee,eilble ty the river reed, the Stetbearrille - torntake, and Is 6ose proximity to the steubenville Itadread. jastatd STUEL & FOR SALE—CHEAP FARM.—Contains 105 nor, 0,15' acres cleared and fenced. Good large house, stable and orchard; water In every field. Situated 2 miles from Romer Station, ant 4 miles TrOM ad 14.4 This property can be purchased at the low price . of SSA per acre. Apply to • Jel D. 51cLAIN b. CO. F9R RENT, 51inn011132.6 lErcnignio. RAVING A OORNEU STORE ac fir( ROOMS, Coraer of Mulberry and Rebeemista Allegheny. Enquire on tbe premises or at THIS dFFIUE. ja24:tf FOR MLR A Comfortable Brick Dwelling House Of Six ftoome, ix the Third ward. AllefhfulT. Pee mean glean on the first of A.pril. Inquire of WhL MILLER, EM (Saddler,) Jaen= , renerahrtteet, Allegheny_ VOR RENT.—The largo and commodious °Mee reeentlY oceepled by the Columbia Oil tagnpany No. t St. Clair stmt. Is well adapted for pn omee, being well lighted and - eligibly uated.• Pouession given April tst. Also the third sto,y of the same building, For p a rt i culars apply ASHWORTH k BENN ; flktf No. t St. OMR street. OR BALE AT A BARGALIC—A. Till. liable STORE MOOSE AND LOT, with flee rooms for tenant use, and frame, building on rear etd of the lot, containing four rooms; situated in a good legality In the city, with 0,13.8 business es tablialed. utre of • " • MACKRELL k JOHNSON, • ' Attorneys stLaw, • ;aleameod • No. 811 Greet at.. Pittsburgh. . levvai7Horse Power_ Brien° and Boiler , ,REPAIR and BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Opt entail Repair end (V S:opire of lA; siv t . t j.,41,6td 69 FederAl at.l Alleetteay. ' rOR SALE.-150 Acre of Coal, also, .120 acree of front coal in pool No. 2I also one track of coal and railroad, and other improvements in gOod working order in pool No.'s tone tract us the Youghiogheny river and Oonnellsville 'Railroad. Enquire of WILLIAM WARD, cue Prat door from Fifth on (}rent street. _ TO LET — A Warehouse Non. 69 and 70 Water at. Enquire of JAS. DALZELI. tc SON. 1,00 T.:(at SALE—A limited amount of South 1 Western Olt Co. of 01011.delettin, st the sub. seriptlon peter. STEEL. 9 BAILEY. -- , OILS. Jc. CHAMPION 0114 COMPANY .rud,:cer., and Ennufactunere of Crude end Refined Oat bon Oil. Benzine an Imbricating Oils WORKS OPPOSITE SU AMPSISUR/ Office No. 69 HAND street PITTABIAGH, Pa W. D. CIISEMAN, Sttpl. JIU2m HENN, 1 t. CLAIN ST.. Pittsburgh. POSTEASOLNG AND COMMISSION MERCILANTS, AHD. DEALERS IS OILS • ILLUYINATIIiG, LUORIOATING, MUMS PETIIOLEIIM 011. 4 3, ke., constantly oa hand ant for sale at tha lowest market prices. Constrra• twits ad onion pitched. Walla BONDED WAILEROEFF4'. OF Chelan Warehousing Company, /cot of BALTIO k limanzoott SUL. linookly• MINED PETROLEUX, L 'rooks aodßarelt.ll3se t,"neutor.l OMAN No. Y MVO! Ma= New Tett. oca-ty .101111 is WAJ.LACS. ... 041/11(11 &ixecz & amoriggiox ms.acerArrs, Ounz AND B.OIISrED PETIEWLEUX IrtNZINE AND zanneweeruro OILS. • YOlll 7 / 1 wuma YES. rittaiosumti. lc A rs t: ea rrat l fsellltles forihr 111A1 rrr A. t== l orrP?l-7 ,* 112.14 Y dt CO., floe idoslos aut. Poewardlas Starattaata tia eurn ram Rxrinm PETBOLBUJ. a.. If Lawry imager•_ PriT3BUU(III. Sir Liberal erall on ionsignenent• fegr Elst.rrn krtr . • . InTTIMIIIIOIIIIUSIIIITOIS. 1.11. 3 EL . Dilworth & Co., Springer Ilarbusgh, / - no , oplon Fab Pron. Oornantrelal Bank . Was.= AMES *fixriff; 0 sagaza Lim maxi or I • CRUDE AHD REFINED OILS rem , / Meek. IHopieene Way . , PISORD • gb Consigniskents respectfully sellatted. P Pittsß bullhOST or ITIBIANOO OIL &BB t umoipoßTlClt OE il BO A NT. o IFY• °M. w. ;mix°, 1 : 1ZIOION & CO., 'Acucar nst.stit ...-I — ITZTPALEVL pOBERT DALZELL A - CO, Whole-• sale Grocers, Ooncratesion turd Porwitellatc perehetats, and dealers In Produce cad Pll,Caburp ts,lcutsr tures, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Jo. /LOYD WILIJAIK FLOTD 01u FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Gro cers sea colortossice 31.-tehallti. Zi04:112:Wood ised Sas 'Liberty streets,,PUtsbuigh. ',, , , jet* . . ,-.. CoriamissionMerohants, I( -- oOliee. 367 PENIS' imumr. (Ow doer betas f1e04,1 Asid dealers In Plttaburgh ganufiattiree sad CRUDE AND minERD LS, Ltberal advances mad DRIED, (nem %Elms, mind GRUM ANDENVITS. notam sTAKiani" PETROLEUM REFINERY CLARK a BUIIINER. *its suit Mee, mimics Towrisulr. mace 1n rituanuth. 'AA WOOD lITAINKT• 'Mlle worts beteg or the largest earieltY I the kourdry, are prepared to ou large orders: ,The IbrAnd stew], the higliest, In this oeurita and In Ea. rope, tot quality aW fire test, =tithe ell Input la well *menet barrels," prepared 01pCalUT ent. pert. deleiy BREWER, BURKE & UU. ' • , . • ,00matsstort watoustrre, LOMAT* Or TOP Globe, Tadao and ,Liberty Oil Waft. Ltbetat eash scivanee;msda c;il aNielsnmenta of . . Rctined or eru,gie4elrtAimos tor.--Dirg as= wa r.vie Bascom v.., taFtl 1.11 IVA/UM)* KIN% COMMISSION TILETWUMITS, ;PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS - -Ana deeqoes in /Wining Maticisls. , Nit it 241111.RK,ET- ST. i'lltsb2irgh. otll4l JAMES lIINV IN •54 CO • atinoraarunium OP Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia -OFFICE No : 15 NUM= St., - 1 , 71.19114 T OIL WOP.KB. • DITNCAN, DVNIAP & merorloromona or Pare White Rennet' Carbon ells. No. etli LIBMITY.STUEST P. GENGENBRE, idull and licabanlealli tneer . No. 14 1141" nuErr, nevi 'ilviwirrostor stAcurrizaz )1111:LbuteM "KW uIffENTS..I3 II . II M 2I , ad, weaned. silla tigit i yAr t Wa t 501100r,,,da, claws . ' ter different styles of dniwiniff tolint VITELLI2,. HUDDLE ,CO., NO, 215 ..11 liberty, etreet,ppoelte Sixth, I.IM runOtaeturere Dui* LASHES & S 'IS, sad eve.-y 4eaertyUou of I..V.O.llibat, prAtib: ED WORK. ' " Orders sollettid from the bads, sad .IT reappediteyer loettuottoo& eq..4 ; - GROCER f P.lt C. B. F. QUIMB t. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 100 SOUTH. WATEOST., clllO.lOO, Give irpectol attentive to purchAAl Maur,. Grain, Prarfsion3, IC. For Eastern amount. B. F..GGMBY GEO. T. BROWN mb2.4y • • air: Irma): 31'1,3LITE st. AMER. Commission Merchants, MICEMZEI Flour, Grain and Produce, 123 SECOND ST., between Wood & Smithfield, 114* rrrrsutram. 40TTL11..J1 , 10. AIKEN ..13T...1151 .1 A. Art EPADII POTTER, AIKEN & SHEPARD, Cont miwloa and Dealers in Foreign. and Domestic INUITS, FLOUR, ROTTED, CHSELSE, kTIGS, POTATOES and Produce generally Nu. ND Liberty street, opposite Passenger Depot, Pitts, burgh. • J. S. Dilworth & Co., Ideana & Cain, Culp Shepard, Atwell Lee & Co., John lir:trier, Pitt. burg. Sinclair L Bro., McDowell, Van Brunt & Co., Pldletdelphla. Tremlett fr.Sltornona, St. Louis. Sinclair & Grant, Now . York. Stanford h Clneitmatt. HENI.I.I: . WALLACE, •Commissi9n. Mdrchiant, No. i 7.0 SOUTH WATER ST., OIIIC.IOO, Particulaf ettention.pald to tillbtdortlets for mouvrthEs, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, &o O.W !NME VAN 00dU811. PALSLEY & VAN BORDER, Produce and Cuminlesion Merchants, Warehouse, No. mit Liberty st, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wholesale des!. iris to Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Pork, Bscoo, Beans, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Horn. toy. 'Dried. Qrcen Frolts, - Onions, Flour. tioyer Seeds, Timothy Seeds, lluo Seeds, Game and Poultry. Particular atteution Won to 1 . mince Consignment. . - • • Pao JOHN B. CANFIELD, eSmmihsion and Forwarding merchant and wholesale dealer in WRiTERN RESERVE CHEESE, 13111 TER, LARD, YORK, itaeox, FLOUR, F/811, YOr AM) PEARL AtillE.'l, : , ..ALERATUS, SLED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Predoce generally, Non. 111 and ion Front stroot, ___ _ _ Ti ' I'ATTL., JAKI. IT'FLE TIG3LBLE, W holesale Grp. rent and Commission Merchants, dealers in PROIRICE; FLOUR, BACON, ORERSE, CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, CLASS, COTTON YARNS, anti Pittsburgh arm ofacturcs generally, 112 and 114.Secorul street, Pitt. burgh. Wert!' OTIS eILIP ' ULP & Commission Mer chants and dealers In Yl.OOll, GRAIN AN'D PRODUCE, No. 347 Liberty utrent, Pittsburgh. Choice brands of Flour for •limkerf and k'amity use ronatantly on hand. Particular attention paid to falling ordera fur Ilterzhandire generally. oetE-dIY WEBB & WILTUNSON, Conimission - Merchants, Whole:mile dealers In WESTERN RESERVE CHEESL,' DRIED FRUITS, FRIT TER, DIOS, ORA INS, arui produce generally. Also LEATHER L AILDE , , OILS, an., No. 2n 14 .4 a; 11.7.Thrili-otm= wide. Ccittignments solicited. Join- Sind FN. T. 11.11 ' Tlto3. terrcion.t. IV M gt P. t,Vitt L aTurg & l4 C P ° 3: S ia e Liberty Commission Zderchanta,an4 dealers In COIJNT HL"IT I EA 800 PROVISIONS, . DAIJON, LARD, CRELSE,FISII, Ac., PRO DIVE, FLOUR, GRAIN SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED. FRUITS: &n. SALT and . jyte JAMES DALZELL & SON, Mannino. tuxes of T.A.ED OIL, sad Conindealoa Mee. disputar the'peachase and aide of CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM - , Noe. Me and Re Wator Went, Pettabargh. Adrienne" made on cosudzse meats , asoruis s. 06000t1 1it.T20•2- HEAU & lIETZGAR, Grocers and Com mission Medelnuitsousa 'dealers in kinds of Count n- Fin:duce lira Pittsburgh Atianascturm No. le Ptastr Libe urg rty - street, opposite head of Wood b. • ap.s4y r. as-rerzu J O. sorruge....wß.-7). Revlon!. rUY.Erdi RBOTHERS, (811M6516191 J-k - to Rev eler .Ir. La k tniona WUOtt*SPIOS Dealers It ITI and S ON. fECTIONERY SUO A ES , FIRE' WORKS, &a., Nos butrX les and I.lt Wood street, above FILM, PAL jyl9-17 - DWALLACE, Commission Merchant, . sad Weak:ode Desks. So FLOUTS ls. GHAT. , NO. am I/bate street, opposite Peaca7lvsals H. 2. / 4 mm/et Depot, Fittabamh, Fa. Stomp Wstehouse,coesese Worse sod Peas streets. itoll.i y ..._,—.. D. MII. rATTXRSON - ' %DA* Limos )/LTT.ERSONA AMMON, . LINANISSION AIEIICHANTS MI AND GRAIN, mul genera P IUIDUOE Weal, No. I WOOD BTRA242, Pittaborgh, PA. • .. JOS. IMUCTATZIOIC. ELBHPATILICK &.13110TUE4, , sue u , swore to Brawn A. -Kirkpatrlak.-WHOLE . ALE CiIHAUESS, Has. al and Ili Liberty street, TB. uLIOGETT & CO., CITIFITOI.4I- •• MILLEt i . ainiti•l t lbertr' Wm air • paetti. bwell riday. . eon S,4CHOMAKER & •LANG,.. CoVslon Metelmats Rad Wholesale dealers la 00E. 6;;;,:fir i , llTNrii;Tri• • ' •.. “11103F1V . WU. , 03 . . WATT Wholesale Oro :1 V rOrS, VVotruplision Mervbvph, and de.ler. In Produce and PtttsWrsh tasstess, As- 158 Liberty street, Pittsburgh: NO i....;1111118.E. WABFIIOUBE.--HENRY 11. COLLINS, Fonrardlesr sad Canamiastaa Mar sheet wad dealer In OFIDESE,PLITTNR, LAZE. Mit, Aral Produee treaandly, No. IA Weed street, t bora Water, Plttsbutitlu ~, - ' .- , WS. lone 1, 11/011&111 ' - ' ' aorgrAna Reuss: , 'OEN I. HOUSE? -&' CO. - Wholesale' n ROO E.lt S AND COMMI SSION M1V11 , .. HANTS corner e. • SuOthWil sat Water street, Makurdi. . . , 11ARLES L. CA.LDWELL, (successor to Jamestlolmee ato., PORK PACKER and Crater to PROVISIONS, corner of hisrkot sod 1. tont streets, Pittsburgh. t TIMM 1131:1711 L •010? t IL VOIG & scessors to L O. Graff, PR T ODUCECO., AND uc COMXISSION ERCRANTS, 247 LtbedY street, Pittsburgh. LYEEAT.•ionEBErtrow—A.O. WALLACE A.MBP.RT, SHIPTON & CO., :Virhole sale Grocers &ad Produce Dealer% NO. i Sixth 'street; Pittsburgh: 3s111.: DJOKEY* & CA., Wholosalo , It I ODUIN C IT a rO i Va l airitTU n e ti ft ':n fi L d itr i rron i t trust, Fitts urgh. IRDOERTOR -a STEWART,. Wholessle GROCERS AND' COMMISSION AMR .CDANTN, No.. let Wood street, Plttstursh, Pa. 4, - ,r — ELNDSEY; Jr., __ BRO., Wholesale end Retell °ROOMS, 'FLOUR AND PRO. nrs r.srEV:l, 197 I.4taaiy street, Pittsburgh. !JIM. WILSON.J7O*IIWALCRIL.DAVID IOO . 4 . 3I AVILSON; O L RR l!G L'Wholestsie .denders In FOREIGN AND DOB :TlO, DRY 4100DS; No.' 94 'Wohd street, third 'house Above Milhaud ainey,Pittsbitigp. apt, i s pATON, MACRUII .11 CO:, -Wholeß.Ale , Hotel Ileoders VRIMDLINGI 4 ; 1131, 4 11tiatIEN nod DRY.I3OOI)* of °Teal d01,0 , 1P. qim trtuid 1 , 3 Fifth street, PittaburglL • • • I ACHIM & GINDA.-Ntiolesale -and I a 3l - Estill Dealers in .FANOY AND STAPLE iDEY GOODS, TRPEAUNGS, ha, No.lB Market 'West between Diamond and 'Fourth, Pittsburgh. prrrsntrion =3:1:E1 J3l. BURCHFIELD, Wholowile awl • Retail Dealer id STAPLE AND ?Array tl CSDES, Northeast corner Fourth and Marls he streets, Pittsburgh. . : , JOSEPH HORNE, INlioleaa:c. and Retail Denier in all kin a of TRISIDLINGS, DRT GOODS, An. pros.= nud 711.111e.lint Wad; IXSUELVIVE tit.E.VTS. T GARDINER COFFIN, .Agent for tlxo 4.r-•. rieeklinPhlladehMis and Baltimore Insur. anee Companies, Northeast corner WOOD ud THIRD STREETS. IVT P. JOYES, - Agent tor north Atrial • os,Stato of Pennsylvania, and Hartford Compare rt 6t WATER rirttlir:l • - PITSSIII7R(111, SiattrEL RE(, Secretary Citizens' liimar &nee vomputy, ccisner BIAUSI4 and WAT EIR streetr. SILVER WAILS na-da.wlom.43Ltrrcsx=c3r. Waiters, Castor!, he... he, suitable for the Trade' • on heal and for We by , 225 South - lOC-its rPRELADNAPELL q`2/ ENTERPRIESINGAND INDUSTRI. - 0 1,13 3107litane3, LasoTuNG MEN and others. II you with to beoome freeholders, and mum h omth .miee Akyouy tams, walla lebo i ra money abundant.;./ ant now selling iota la locations in UM boroogh, for WO, WOO and cm payment of EON balsam intim years, lf dallied: BY MB ABA You QM &ROY yells motley:to bull& lam and mit your means and t age, Valle the By Wrest on the lot Will be but a little teat, as MI wfu enjoy the ries In real estate. Apply ii the BealsUata anClasassataa Mike of LAME 'S A N D „ENT Gill, FELT, k\D BUFFALO OVERSIIK BOYS' AND Yattflii' Grain Leather Water-Proof Bootii. foram, fall, End Grain Anklet - Ballwin& Calf, Kip, and Grain Leather Boots M=:tl McClelland's Auction .House, 661EDESAL ST., ALLEGHENY CLOSING SALES; • newts, !Shoes, Uatters, and Baknarai Trunks, Valises, and Traveling• Sacks AT GREATLY REPNCED rumen: To make room :or sew goods now ocingpsrelinio Call awl get bargains. W. K. IffeCLINTOOB. jab tiNt Federal st.. Allegheny* City. CLOSING OUT • OIR EATIBE •STOCK AT car. r 00DR. (LAS' 1!11407, ?AGJ •.00,) TAMER & NOSS, ....t R) ()ES LADLE'S AND MISSES CaILDIIEN'S Killaaels Suds. AT PEITA.TE SALE, AT 55 FIFTH STREET TO SLAKE ROOlt FOR REP GOODS. .1 am MIN offering ing present stook of BALMORALS, GATTElZ.Stswppr.r., GENTS': ADD BOYS BONS AND SHIES, of eTery Joon:101os, • Now lithe time to buy, as we are plcenrlo6 t • receive our eptiug stock. Be sure and call het orr ptacLapieg elsewhere, nt • BORLAND'S, No. 98 Market: 2d door from Fifth at. pen ttionSAigii SHOES CnEraMIELP, No. 54 MARKET STREET, SOUTH & BOSS JAMES ROBB, 89 Starke*, Street SELLS THE BEST, THE NEATEST FITTING. And THE MOST DZIEJLILLH 13141..a.i,c301 tascszus, Of any house to the city • Ifelui jute received a magtalleen Fan Stvak. -- Try him. - lf . - _ THE "STAB" WOi JUST RECEIVED . BY GEORGE ° ALBREE,. SOIL & CO., No. WS WOOD ant Err: Bon' stelYouth'e Heelj41100111111.: " Onford-Tlis; Bootees; / Children's Goat and Bid shoes. ; These goad• are made to our speeisl ordee,:stet ►re warts:dot urscualled custom work. . , cola nT{PRAITP Corwk •-• of eh Order of theOrobana , &mitt Of .dighso trEG,IIII,,I,` ICribuleit O'clock a. m. All that certain LOT Or OR uND' en the east side of Smithfield street In the Olty of Pittsburgh, baring e front of nineteen 'feet 'On Smithfield street, and extending back sixtyfeat,_ Whereon le erected a three Kory BRICK. 110115 E,.. rd. 418 Smithfield street, late the property of hen.. tr (h 'd, property - • r Tire is subject to a lease to; the present Occupant. which will expire on the rat of April,- ' Pal, at PILO° per *mum. . t Tirana: One-third cash, and the balance at the Iderrease of ritra.Deliab Oyer, the interest thereat piryable totter sembannually. for life, to be secur ed by bond mut mortgage us the premiaes. t Thopuminder. to pay. for-deed, litortdellareaa "f t grf i u t = a patisulaM 'squire or O. Tbsabiontik, No. lbt tear= street. . THOMAS. MoVA.Y, Guardia , . O Child of Henry Oyer, deci MOStasidtfebil ipLUMBING, •• - Oat awl Steam Sitting, eall It* taineblot, notarially attended to, by eget uned, printing worluant. A. One mandates!, sf GAS FIXTURES, SMEA . *SBOWPS BATHS, • 'WATER. CLOSETS wrimiNTEl, Constantly on hand and made to order. TATE £OI I 7IILE, • Leo. a FZDEILAL STBEET, Allegheny; 'aizzezirirema#raistrimo sailsawdis • 'Attains - gr . Junk, Pitmborgn. Dem at, use ncoticE = Agrees bly to Seatioia 1 of the Act oftheGemenifire . lembly or the Oomnionweallat , Of lbardutylvanla, entitled "An Act enabling Banks of the Cionunew wealth triboooma amaciations lot. the purpose of rang, under - the laws of the United statmPap.' r oom the =d, day of :August. A. D. lArtr" th° stockholders of the Allegheny Hank, of city of -.ltratorrat, and county of Allegheny, kayo Ma day toted to become such an association, wider the Aetna and title of "The Alleghauf Nellfamil Bonk tof Pittsbutiti,u and that lied [remora have procur ed the authority of the owncre of more them two. 'thirds of the capital atook.to make Un ited ti required therefor by the isms of the States. derfrom. T. W. 0008. Mahler. seae- CRAIG'S A- MUT EILW XUL, AND BARGE YARD, Craig Street, Allegheny. wicdt. - QUETS, CIIT FLOWERS, ja _ Bougurrs, _ , (MIT Fi.trWLIN, • WIIMATIL.V rs uaI . ' ' • .3ASK 3v - rra FLOWZRS, From SiTTEDOCWS Oakland Greenhouse.. Order. len w Ith „I; B.` liable), 27 Fourth It., H. Meter. re Bro.. I *rood Wert, tkunseath isi. Oa., ea Fifth street, or at the Greenhouse, promptly atten4ed to. , Iloqueta , supplled. - datly at the =above named pgees. Oakland earaturt tathe El roe:Mora eelty _ _ . SPORTSMEWS - HIUDQUARTERS, Lit Wpm irrstri-r. .I . .Es4stagioi.334Wcitrti . • Itrylies the attenUon of Sportsmen And others to his splendid , to ot of OURS,_ _FOY/DER FLASKS SHOT BELTS end POMMES, DRAIR FLASKS. and setuntuiltton of. every RDA. • RR *odds thr eseest erer.brought to this market. .• • - nett _ Orszcs Abt.couggir MOWN PlTNlMll4lll,l4haarf tses. LlrlDpf D.—The Preald . unt, - .3l.latigeri and Company. for metier, -Bridfe over the Allegheny River. opposite Pittsburgh, lithe coun ty of Allegheny, have this day teetered ti dividend. of 131 X PER. OENT., on the Capital Steels of the Collagen,. payabloto itoe.kholders or their, legal represestatigeft on or after the 12th instant. JenlgewerST • Wm. ROSEBURG, Tress.ll A. 3. 0110011 ' " BILAILAX wort GIWAGEI & SCOTT, - • • isbnr orry MAiell ROB Dilworth , 'Bathing corner et Grant:and Seventh !treats, Plttebutet. etefety BALPII 4 .A.rohiteot, ; Prepare" IMPLICIT DRAWINGS and SPEOI. FICATIONS, for all kinds of buildings, and super. intend* their erection on reasonable terms. itar °Mee on ANDERSON STREET, between Leceek and Robinson. Alleethen9 OWY. ' PRIVATE DISEASES. 0211ce 2 3PEIIN FITELEET:;near Head For the ems of all diseases of a private nature, is from two to (cur days, by ao .eutirelyttew and safe treatment.. Alao, Seminal Weakness,. and all other 'dlertutea of the nenital organs, and their prevention. IL cure warranted or money refunded Address letters W 463 Perin street FIRST DAYTIST CHURCH BURIAL GROVHD.—Aceording to an sat of the Legis lature, the First liaptlst Church, of Pittsburgh , urn sUslater and remote the dead bodies and re, mains from their Burying Ground on Spruce, street sad cause the urns to be,propeily And wadi, buried in such grounds as the Chineh rosy select for burial purpose. W. "IL' EVERSON,',. ialepotd . -Preiddent JBoard of .Trustee. - . v y ! IL . L . L ke .p . A r t i :B ro i , t L z . ltddda we wIU sell one stock .traduced rstea till thatrate Tnetre it Th qf " ned "Pen *t s mil le t s: le s % tal Market the. Intarrott ° l o l,l 2 ,N . a 4vG11.63' • C. I CORN !—Four 4*tui of prime Qld Sbeik! Dorn, fo r uie b7~ " LANG, itte,l • .• , F),!../117S7,4tret' ,G: - . - ,;A'i .; - ',L7 - ..... , .• . !'.. , .. , f_ •,', 3.: 0!... , :i': - ::i s aa IDS t— -I.I..}:4IiENY V '.:,- l' r 'r,, ,-- T. V« :—...... A. LEY it 11.120 .11,.....C. 0 " . PIIANGE 01 TIME.—Oa an, MIN MONOAZ May Nth, ISS.h, tbs. hallow iag surange.ricnobttslistall wa,a_. Lake aixt. . ti NIL *lt ATIT...-T, , sm. Pr's! , ttgh asEjNakts , iii: 4- arriving at Kit tannin; at luxe, a sa. I:4iiia.K.ihi' . tarattng •at 4.00 p. an., a:rh ... ea al I.2lstaugis-a.t."4- P. ni. a:PRESS TRAlN—Leamea 'Kittanning A s.qa'r, 1 as an., arriving at Pit teianr,rit at 9.:)n. N. Lomas ....a 'Pittsburgh at 4.30 p. Ill.,llClViltr,,t, o.tAntag .t ...., ' A VOMMODATIOrf- TIZNIta,A-- lasaves gods . Works at 530 a. N., arriving at Pittsbunthat 7.0 a. . m. Leaves Pittsburgh at 1.00 p. us, atriving• at ~ _. • -- iit-laWorkt at 6.00 p. m. • myth ...F. ICF. Super: stet. I)ITTSBUROIi, FT. WAYNE ORIVAGO - -` RAILWA_ ILND ELEFIgL AND li rr- PITTA- - : 131IRGII RAILROAD: • _ L • • - WINTER ARTIANOEXEST.; - It• arta after December lath, Pa} tritag_Wllltillit Leave" 1 For For For • Pittsburg,h,iEhlear). ItNevelmal. Wheeltag. Expr0gn......... • 2.10 a l sae a. m.., 3.t0- I. 10 , t4, - .1 cria 78.40 It , . :1 2.44 , y, R. Nisfl 18.40 A. nal - ai-rthr,li Fort"• Ne.. Csallt• sad Erie SAO a. a. . ra:Turaftsci. Anise at - Allegheny—P. F. W. ci..autuarr.4" 7.30 ut.,11.30 suld4.46p. --; &LA r. R. Paeo - . • tt • GEORGE YAREIN,Tteliat API* Ditoa Pastenger SAati an, PitlatmnskFig - t nL. CASSELISERRY.TtekeIIAggaurt..I4 amegaear OLISS•11 R. Genera Tickii .1,4 t, • - 1864 , • CENTRAL H. IL—WINT,SII ARRANOADAI —TEN DAILY TRAINS: • • - • Oa zed after MONDAY; Geisha . RH, 18Qf i l tla ~ 'SDI leave the Depot all loliowi.. - FAST MAIL, daily except Sunday, at 'Llti,scP4og stopping only at, principal steles's, and Novi • ." direct connections 'at 'Harrisburg kw New, Baltimore and Washington, and at Philvdeinig a , - kw New Yor.k, Roston and intermediate pitilatkidi . • Tl rl ARRLSEILIIG ACLIOACHODATION,dttiIyerA* ,9 cept Sunday, at LSO A, m.,-stopping.at all -t , r} - between• Pittsburgh and Harrisburg making close conneVtiori with - trains on' ludilitia! -- „, Branch, West Peautryirsalit It. R.,Ebensbusg.akillii!, , Cresson R. 71.., stallollidveb_slm Branch. , PITTSBURGH It ERIL ca eept Sunday, es LIA In., stopple,g.at • nearly, the stations bet we Pittsburgh acid Philoielp and making connection with trains•on the burg nud Cresson 12: It.; Hollidaysburg Brash. -10: , ?f , R., Tyrone and „tilcarttchl and Said Branches JOHNcIOWN ACCi EHRODATION, - dallY, - h r ker v ,':l cept Sunday, at gab in., stopping et regular sta. y:' Huns between Pittsburgh awl Johnstown, and eciewt , ‘ netting at BleDsville intersection Yeah trains the Indiana Branch and West Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA' EXPRESS, daily,. at 4.25 gt• ••• : • _ ; .- si to., stopping at Latrobe, (Jonimaugh, Gailltsel t- Altoona Huntingdon. Lewistown. :Mina, port, Ma rysville Horribbunt., Lanosster,and DoWa-Lvil ingtown. At Harrisburg direct ebuirectioas ..S, made for Baltimore. Iltashlngion and New York at Philadelphia, for New York,•Boston and Inlets:"` .'(+" mediate point.. Steeple g t ani rum through on Ude' .1:4 Wain Bono Pittsburgh to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, by the Allentown route. • ) FAST LI.NF- daily, exce p t Sunday; at isas p. v . m., stopping only' at Comunatucti. tramtron..Altoo. 3 nu, Huntingdon. Luoristown.. Million, Newport, - r• - , • Marysville, • 'Harrisburg, Middletown . Ethanoth. = town, Mt. Soy; Landisvllic, Laticasterowd Down. ingtown. At Harrisburg - connegtions Are ma k e New York, Baltimore and Washington at dolphin, for New York, Roston, and • -• points. . . • • - First Accommodation Train for Wall's States ••• leaves daily (except Sunday) at CIO a. ta.• Second Accommodation Train for Wall's Static is •• i; learn daily (except Stmfay) at . 1t.40 a. m. ri • Third 'Accommodation Train for Wall's Static u leaves dally (except`Sunday) at 3.10 pp m._ Fourth Accommodation Train for Wall's Stag(' a . leaves daily (except Sunday) at 0.06 p. m.• , The Church Train karts Waits Station every 'Sun"' at 9.06 a. is, returning leaves Pittalnire •' • Riturning Trains arrive In Pittsburgh as folloWs: ry Pittsburgh & ErieF-gpreas m. Baltimore Bxptßs- LSI ; Fildiadelphis Exprem.• Zia p. Fast Al • • ' ail • ISO a. m. i Fast Line 2.00a. aL ." ;rohnntenrn Anemomedatltin ' 71 . • First Wall's Station Accommodat IU * D • • • Second Wall's; Station Accommodation Saha. Third:Wall.% Staticin Azeommolatlea. - ., • 110 p, ea.:, ~; Fourth Wall's Station rketommodation 6.66 p. as. • Baltimore expreis, will atrige.witAPhilailelphla , Erma at 210 p. M. on l!dondays. • ' , • NOTIOR.-.4n ;else of- loge, the Sampan, Salk •;•;" hold thentselies.respotudtilii for pimmual - bias. Only, aid for an amount not .soar _ tog , .. • W. H. BECK • Ai** P.nnsOfelilli. Central Halite ... LlM' asAfaellt ; RH • Station, lin Lpagy'and Ghost - strange'. • • • ISIPPIX . • g ea FOREIGN EMIGRATION 01EIGE, nrrsatipis, mixt, apt,. .100.: .ftliill Cloth) Thellverpool, Tort p. mac,) Stesesab_ ip pavans baring ap =aid their Agent here, vice Mr. ostin a i, - he la now prepared to , brlntoat or Alma Fasseimersiiy the Steamers of Liao 71 UNUSUALLY 1.9 W. RATSS..-.Tise t3teantere this favorite line Mire laverpool every WZDltlgii. DAY, tor NewYtUlt,ttudflind queuit= are solo 2 the MitMiesfeat, and:swat The ondarstgood is rite Agora tier the W ingrit s pit I gr n ey *K AUSSDEV; S ited'eo ri les Wry for Ida Pammolgers sad Maths The sagas o ors of this line are built is the etrengeat issetar,, and furnish choice areommodatiens for witi...ast. -- lisle also twat leer APSIIXIMS•L otoatev,i Mated Clipper Sallies Packets, leairins Liverpe• for New York twice • week, and 'the or.* Liao IV° London Packets, leasing Loodoa.avera tips,s • • The ships of Tapsoott's Line have Isag a• rorthetr quick pmsgeased : the entolittms the provtelons furnished tha passeogers; and•thairi 4 kind treatment while on board. rattles who wigs, their friends brought out by *MUNK Yliw 141111 !0 1 04-‘ Lynn means patronize this Passage to California at grestiShedurea Intea--•C ' SHIRT 'DRAFTS mall puts - of Europe fir MOD r. eat rata . . Apply to r - D.-0717.T. LL„,_, . Ineelipt Emitssattoa Olihnh • : sot! ' 56 Smithfield street: STEAM WEEKLY TO- LTITBR.Aii k - root, ttouchmg at QUEENSTOWN...WM (Cork Harbor.) alur arallannwa- Steamers ca.thn Liverpool, IfavrTork and Phtlailalptila ISMMutat - .• Company (Inman MO awning taa II IL 3 1 , 1 8 ' I ma Intuded tO aatt as foltaws.._ • - Urn - OF zwinmoss....saturosi, 31,111.15. ....,..-.a.5..........mar05i, And OF moxport......,.saturuy, re.. 4. And tveti t romed.tog Baurloy. ,q. 111100. i!rii-13 1.. 1: _ . n 'i' r " . It4ous Pay:blots gold; or to = la .....0b0..... - . , Flist. tbbla 480 VI ----4610, to L 00400... 66 o oh “to L0510n."...14 as , to P .- to P b..... OS 00 , . ubm,"...:10 GO' __ k AurengeriAilio , Sirwarded to Ramer, - Maim, • .otterdam, Antwerp, fie., at equally low rates. ;: Yore, from Liverpool or Queeastowri—lit Orhio, 11661; MOS. , Stemage,636. • Those who what to 14116 .for their . friends ma buy' tickets here at - thee' For feetber.taformation apply at the Oworpmer• - : ,COGleo. 3017 - 436.. • .. D D A14, 0w A500t 16 Broadway, N. Ve= lon met , No. OS tlatiEl=-I=Forih. allli ARD LIN T..-45teamfromia t • whatpixa. can cierriimpTowit, , • s26* gold:pr . Us equivalent* euttenai. NF*-Tosgolis taiga/ow.- so: liver wee#,.. Apply tA • - THOMAS ItATTIGANOIriIity.7 •-• 4TEmUkteld!itepet,between asidAa. GIRPLTS. OIL . cLopis, sc. . :-of new ;;ittetit aid edam, • • - White Marble Table` Oil Otot OIL CLOTU/SM PICTURE CORD:AND' 'PAW= Philadelphia Gretilil COIL. ma above neriv , fooda l gt=ed for iilloysoki; 'amino) arum* Nos.% & a rum' arsszr. ',Ake Next foot to Poet 011timCsseosit 11. r Me - m en sate ii9LIDAT GIFTS. EXBROII)ERM rixdsigc.Co - . MOS IC - BUGS! !A VERY. 7.4.11 GE VIELVZ'T • RUGS,: . NOW IN S T ORE, det7 ' i - otraTE STREET. CARPET ST RE. FRUIT AND SHADE Ucg,;,5.1 EV _ . Appyr,„ „ ws have some soo,ookaneor. only. beam,: varieties moat profitable for; thia location. We, lave extra line trees, **Earl' Hew*, Maiere4 Bluab,HollerelPfppirk, Baldwin Fallowater,Gatee. King oyf, ~ Tompkins apbe CO, Rhode lataed Grer germ ßeaut_R, Bmoao-bouse, Veto= gitr Smith's PEAIL a u r L lSaH kADiri” PEAF-3' , R TIes7OS 4 .M=, BA 8 L GR CIREENRO R MA. &e b 4 e. V AS r . oar stock ta Imo,l we . 'offer peakbulueetlien : Orders uita ftte=t;. = 1 ,4 or Pittain!rek OS' will primpllsattended la. • • eetiawl. - • Pittston* and. C...lthan wpm** TABLE OUTLERI.-4: - Inisisisomating of Ivot Sneer sod Alone Handle , 40441 Mode ve. iiad usi fectOlotil and too wilily n-- "7 13 1 714 , 7RMWOoffotte10.• , • .; • c!fa:no. - , . ;;. ~.. ... : r. atc,aagt_ pi t. ~,b •TRUMING. , MEM