SfOlpfgattf, WYGM . IIII -P MIRAN AtiffNA WEDNESDAY. JANIT ANY 2s. 1256. THE PAPER DUTY.' • • Thi"fronie,'lty - the tie:Lent vat& of irt 40 has resolved to reduce tlie duty on paper from 20 to 0,11401:614.' IV* not kttiftlbloblo that the Senate will defeat a revenue bill that has psssed theta:Oulu:branch by such as ceikewbelmfiti vour;!.'f ;I. The Pennsylvania Unkiii members Toted 22 1 440 The, repeal, 311 41P e l l 'i s t•Pey. Co? some of at leasvy ..were not iilliste4 .-- of the justlcevi propriety of it, but be- Mlle tippler? fearilli a rote In its favor the friends of a Protmtlye Tariff. The ne ., suit! '. o o,.ttlgsirey , ,xits,‘PFser irlda u sitn al ply med . ts. Fc'rzfli*TPlirr? # o 4 w i tt A bla 6-- TR I4 441 Wort 1.116 t papa leasittmards preserving the policy of Pro tection, „Oktba_contm4 - there is ,:danger that it ha weakened thirabt. , i Tie duty toit paper Is a taron knowledge; it affects every readAl An*P.thP.lo9ul...thc. na tion; and the danger Is that, If It Is maintained, those who are affected by it, may in the end tfe azifil** l4l4l 4. '44 l *lrittr of Tri- Section. The kiends Protection will di) well to be atreflll that they do not' drive lesitrwho— are raw - Itiotecticnaista into the Papport of Free Trade, li r ticsat_Apsk , roc;PlTßlT°o l ::" . Ws are protectionists from principl; but Ins ore in Amor of protecting those branches 'iridnetry,- end throe lardy, which need' protection. The paper manufacture has no seed of it; and the duty,now-levied on pa. per simply a biSkintito Abe Icimi Mani las:ewers' awls burden on the people. • The newspapers of :Pittsburgh at a low 'have a 'capital of $25 . 0,000, and omployform three hundred to four hundred, non. `''Mach of these two has the Bes t tepromption2 • Arelrero be told t hat the principle of "Pridectlon" requires the oppression linterest (. of UM anziAl:rforthataire, of petting mow er ISA° pockets of , Went We hare n0t...50-learned it. If the Wee principle , 3the.gicat:st good of the greatest, number , ", Congress .shouglesP!lalo 86 ra to • protest 'the and ii 4 oppress it. • ~ J MUNWi.:AND ; BI ThBR. " ,•, :He*, Yerit, , ,ties: not sfrai of u t ter W;elaadorAtt• the; Home on, Genp)Mtrotati,••caiiing lain a "Gold ber," and all thsll . bat he ti of Stand: ingtkip - 046 `adanderi rThe' trepidation` he , thered,,9le2htdeg•palled to ; aceocuttfor libel;'Simire:What;' an utter 'Cower& he' is. ClekleiPlo4ci.aket: ,etAlene, 1 4ft - 1 4 131 ' ta. a duet, Inert hint at each a'thing ; he simply of thlerestand reported the, • paper!. pistons does not answer, and . say . yes ; •itltrrainestbitoiii shaTraiie - iiiiti'.. the t r:ullegea:that;Bert.ssslet , that-liormAle tar ts dosliengt" tad claimelhert2tett l 9 ll of tho House lit4e ; _rotectioti lie • re..6l".,lti#3lli'PrTince that a mem. ° 1 40;a4.N04-d4alkt**lik l ::allaft! catatlisttionalighti vflutiteVer Mgetiti; se eons. 3oue . but: an Ignominious coward, would do it. • • • This Mr. Bnposce Atitreplitod as o gli ng to7,lte -Home. •Herk,. 4 Boman inquires of Irtieffiefqloeteerriliea _that language.. Why couldn'KheittEV.:Mantrony.. - " Yes, I di&limodiraltfOrtritatt4itelfillotre Ger 27 3?Tettlat :1 101 1te_ .a 'l4 tali; ii4e.f,t l 4'. Kriwi a aO l ig tm ;; t ►would !tare seas the iinitan,luiel the oetierii tip. .; tint he is tose,craven for that. fee* ka slanders the Geneild in ea him% ittb.• ber, and he 'rum before the House *lib' a cialM to its iiiitociiento avoid the dissgies: - able necessity, of • Milne itie Words.; He fir got, bowmen Mathews' atiltb mum time rushing before . llmoonsdrry* the whole case, and that itsverdictoportim might not be a flattering'orie. • • -•;. '" - • ' ST. One of tiii:Anieriatiti• In Con gress fromalloubdini;.named k BUILDS, 'S few days see, Mtacked :Judge , Fnuarr,rof Phliadelphin; - with 'a' bowielnife; 'cutting the Judges band Nvantiy for some words spoken Py.hint is debate, which sir,., Fawns did net"Mcr. - HappUlr the injory wm_not, fatal; ba4tlwwill was ; mnrderous, and the' gltCktrit;Pititritt.be."eatieteitt'4, Toridoned 'tenet , tii3 : jeiiii ; by the aisertiieMes , of his eifc'rtn,; , • ficteittiippeniteto ham !beenoleeted by tiMy'reeB* mess of Loidefasi.lit soo Ibeyair.44lo64 iA ) Pf°.rt.lhef ma clothe .te.ho _genuine nee ; Suite. men: It will not do for them to send tot,Congfess resnwitlx-pitudationAnumenh 14E 1 they. ex. ptieto 'get' theithantlitit er'.6 State recer nized; and as they hive" s'hMS'n so judgmenetii of a' represents tive,,Tim,,gresp will do well to kora them aut the'4,l&ii-littlewhilo lotisgsr Tine SECIIXTAIty or WA.n.-'—Gerk. GILLI I 4 mouerileaMeffl WIWI/tit XiiNnfite)t.7.l l6 ' Honorable EDWIN N. ST.,,IITON, for his lintkirskTaUik/r * as s man, his Pulill,!ut a. ,patrlot,..and_ble..erledouh—Onekirt audios' Aloes , a public officer." Isle &h&j Loll dereryeakt, ;,1 ; • Stnieltmorort,' ttir" rite . OnsAtiarp EigLty Uitgt or Callietuti overbmd 4111aiii mater , tier- which had liacataidated here, -msensfei Tema' by_the rlstianui some, bethe istasserDoeentiueen- Thts maUertKansa wiriest iseet-'l4r A.tchison,, s, and VOr it want toltica!!u% un , aillerfarthervbut. as ,tIS, -ludiess "lyLoki live hondredt miles ofthe pi, ibmmaile-.were,mturned.tothiti. and It; t _regular communication win not Ida May or June. • 1111911{TiMANDIThiltihri has become a corespondent of the Walchinan and •C e 2 -00 81 101 10 Parer Publlshed•la Ikastda.. seam fie , the Baptist' organ of New Toxic, refers ,to-the tint letter thus: - "The letter, includes the clause TOttrOld vius" dfols %Pen fh t forehead Zr thil New Year, baptism. welcome.t Most Of Ile' new readers will fall to.eee the point of the silo: Mon, or go it. with any thing but gratilictie. - Von." - - " Ar the laskananal meeting of the Colon lsathisi;goelety laWashington, it was stated that the scarcity of emigrants , , had enabled the executive committee' to invest the sum of thlrty-five t timasind dollars in'securitiea of the givernment _of the United States, leaving the society . in-a favorable coalition for thif4itilitadyeixkl , toriett,ie made rippe It: idtelis 'of Boeton are of. '' ' P. A .m riitiortr, tun vAllya . ''N.ntarderalnller e ta r _ P." immerOi-ittE7Un t": alieiaiaikhivelidmuiuP,PAt: MulerAtmddenositrthe city; and public t- -' kWairligfiimiiotildodaftWiig QV= 1,. .4oUptiv.esigerOliken-stmearirk"ll7,. ti , , . I - . "hr ir be 1 trode:rl ai itatad %bat stbM'ls to n . Ms oa rAutLocradtatimitt to stre „. — itboovtacmpoonie,pucca in tfie**i , ftbri. 1= 1 . 144 70 . d i Zeikr4,V71 ` .!!!.. 111 r! , ..5 r912 7 1 ) I e ~44.4,,,,,,_.,,,,„AL____L____:,;1, ~ A , kearebn born lagtaati up tree Large dew- I , luta bees hand:lad lathy 431yde, be ran the . ~, blotkaall of. lrlaitidaltau. ilartral others were Vt, _ beteg aoaatromaiL Tie brrastmaata wilt wore ~ _llaltant. __Peace Auld .tilavery. irtejte , York Ledger for IsratuT tat.] .ofqcdingg. the rebel Congress, • ors et 'Washington and tha pritsh In Wall street lotaboda a,speedy •• - rebels arc' rolling to:negotiate 3L'aiVOL ". 1 . peace on the basis of disunion, ond o et" is if ish'ionei.t...:-Itling" elafFre 'great vickey `they tilli be reidT f. peace upon the terms of the Union, and •a s o ,war will _ merchant* see that the endisithisul... Clot& tan is a ding.% the market. cOold is - it 202. lly peoligh2g 'nth° war we 'horrid length brought the rebels to their amas s : Events; have jnititied tbe•wardemeerate. - .It evident that the road which', the peace men . wanted to to Iske was the Wrong road, rind would have : led .us to ;deiteuction. The , sooner they admit this, shake hands, change 'their 'colors and:come beck Vs the principles' of General 'Jackson, the_ better will' itims for, the future of the g lorious old deslmMtio, . . . . • • 7 : lustai 'Peace is approaching, !the Mini-' -hers of Congress are called to vote ufget an .amendment to the constltnitlon abrogating' slavery, a matter of sound *dim no lees than a matter of nitiOnal reform, we urge every, Befgesesdativa from this 13 tate • to rote for-that amendment, ..We have de. , fended the--constitutional_ *rights :of the South; we briniest. two Presidential elec. Beni upon the slavery issue; inhere glien to the .nbllcana twenty-two counties of: thin Stale which used . to diimomntic; wo hove Madnaairitices enough for an meant. don Southerners. themSelses now willing tp relinquish, and we oughtio be glad , of the opportunity to get • rid of it. constitutionally -and-forever. •We• assure. those who hesitate that the South will come back to the Union tired of slavery, and that ne one can possibly mate 'capital by unhold ing Let not this stale hone, of "contention again &Asset' and embitter ' our relations: 'Let us put down alavery oumnimously, and it will have no mourners... .Clear tko way for apermanent peace. ' The Rebiniltsatles: The States of Alabama and Georgia' are virt*lly loin to the Goafederacy. The Ala:- banii"Legialaturs at its last - session'shorred that it atleast, was luke warm in the cause of the Confederacy.' Georgia, while the authorities supported the rebellion, had through its Executive; bitter controiersies with Jeff. Davis. Since Sherman's march. through Georgia„ and Ids capture of-Savan nah, the feeling of disconteat, in both States, which was previously latent , has assumed, in a mild fotma positive shape. Meetings.are being beld'in various comities, in favor of returning to the Union, and these are on oppoted ty .. the authorities. ' Gov. Brown, of Georgia, is "silent, and is doubtless qui oilY Welting_ the Aortaeprecut, of piddle, sentiment' - Meanthie, the nibtl papers in: form us but-little is being done to repair the Railroads of the State. • In this condi tion of affairs,. nothing can be accomplished , in those Slates in the , way of recruiting the: rebel arinlea. Conscripting - officers will be ;powerless, and deserters will'-defy the mili tary 'alithtnities.- The heart.of the people is nOcutger-, in the lehellionc they regard_ the;cause of. the Confederacy, as hopeless; . they: ter i lixi,',Olit to.' light for the Davis ; ' Govcrintaidisks fight for a military desPetr ism; , and .thikt their true interest-: tree lir the national emu: '• Hence they ,are looking to a return to thelrsallesiance, and unless we threw ludde'the -evidence.that reaches us rifrougit rebel' sources, wed , through" trust' . worthy • union Channels; We are bound ,te. curichultr-thater majority 61 the, people of , Loth Stint& ads id-day. not only . wOng but an,-tuits.to place themselves" back under the ; National Government, - , Therefitre,'yrorepeet, the States Of Cleor g is and Al . lu.vas ere- virtuallyy - lost .to the Confederacy is Terineasee,wai lost by the 'victory at •011ittanoogt=Viittinataf M=====l Despitethe .fivorable,milltary ,positlon, the good rte 4 iraor a disseaViett between two parties in thC-rebel Governmenk, and Mr. ldhdr'e inhislort:te Mirhniond;,-We warn our' readers egelostAnti.,' -itang4ine,,lioPeCora speedy pow. - The constant advance , or our artilimr . titetterfia 'chaotic condition : of the: insurgent Rtates &canaille* and the apiss:. tent_signs of a• peace. patty In the rebel Oon. - vitss.Aroiß ominous foheuts. or thst event. which is surely: aomi* and ; Which _Will gladden every right=l,mg pant—tie res. , toration of. peace— •4 3 , 1 0 , ikr.e.gly , f , lteoe:*•. Sari'' , tokens of US 'speedy advent. A pow. erful army, hardened in a hundred , battle* and numbeiliirtubbablfOileß6,ooo men, still holds Richmond and defies the utmost power of.Aba.thtion.• - Man:Leaded by two men of great dete rm ination of "charac ter, of intense pride and remarkable ability . —Lee and Dittitc We have noreason to suppose these two leaders of di llerent put.• p o se, or sritis any jeep Arm resolve than ever to fight out ihe war to the end.lifets York _ , . , _ A. po writing fromlrsali; 'Matto' silloitinee, that the . . Pres. ; ideal gtii In Bo:event aryluvnosvirary.., Aire the ConfederateGovirciatent as a gov ernment to trestellth; but wilt; ty proelam ation and othervisc,vot opportunity offers, edd.ess hiniself dhietly -to the Southern peoplp as sovereign in the promisee, and as the true judges of what Is best for their in terest:C:lnd 'welfare-a-reearding the leaders of the, insurrection as what they are, usurp ers and. truitors. Consequent upon this We. tray look for the restoration of the Unkm by such a gradual process as will beinaugu, rated by the respecliie states. . . Singly they_ left the Union and singly they will rcturn tluerwing off all allegiance .to, the :misled founders of the new government and ac- • knowledgingtheir - obedience to the require ments-of. the .Constitution of their fathers. If Georgia or Alabama shall manifest a de termination to again become ono of the United States, to send thelk- representatives to the Mend Comrats, tautly/etJudgment upon. the. measures , most conducive to tint welfarmortheltiliole, followed Ly Statet(noW•in. rebellion,: Oeneral'Oovetrunent: will , Mat:that, stop by step, itls.beinereinstated sld strength and. prettr. , We-hOpla..that the President will adhere to thiPoll4 referred to; and anUintain. the otei t tit4 'Atintserd s wisely occupies. • A " tXTRADITION ONTILE PIRAilt —The TertiottilichninKiehrili sjicaka for the rebel interest in,_ to Erairluoo. given Ls en authority for, the telegraphic mitre ment that - tle wieti "Of -SurtAgh the Lake Erie pirate .rbsy.be. , carried , before the Re. corder's COutchsfore-one. of -the.tltseres mid . then, 'neiessary,' to thcfriviCounilihrEligiand: '..The journal in question herein makes s needless etrort to . deceive - int, rer - . — „,...Titere its.no appeal to the English Courts °Lee Privy Council, in criminal cases.; , . nett; IsMot even cofirdt: = Oregon' between' the',Eogiblz and Courts,of Qualm's. Bench.. , , . , - Air= .C.mxzearar,-,The inwes,ed amend want . ot Bberatan (lehlch lisek palaidthe Bentar) to the act conferring tee rlgbtor stared*. on aliens, excluding - from oldsenablp• allattote Wallace' of. foreign - alleles • whoi. residing , here prior tole 1, failed to 'takeout their naturalisa tion peters and nought, in oonsegtunicei comp: ttontromtbo draft. This la eneutly proper. Mtn who wilt aot . dght /be the laud of their adoption, It need , . be. are And', to rote In It. 7217 should be excluded flout the ballid.box, dkposed to shirk their Oast of duty with the cartridge-box. • 'A Mt Las been Introduced Into the Penasyl- Canis Legislature to Increase Mei capital stock of.the People's Telegraph Company to.sso' 0,000. The design is to construct a new line through. Peonsylvatda, connecting New York, Washing ton, Philadelphia, Plttsburgb;-&c.. and maim lid speciality . the trans - tarsiers- of -- dbpstchos for bankers and brolcers. Free trade in telegraph ing. which tow. ,extrts since the expiration of the Morse patent, promises to multiply compa nies indefinitely. Mere Is room enotigilor all. 1 howltugt of theveharlesthiC(B:V.riapara era of a. plea° - with. &nub - Carolina's whala can ; dad for , years: past, Eihn has been a blatant' braggart, full of swagger eidseoeseloa. end' now -tbabour of imalehrhent 'mires,. hides her . fe,inal 'empty ejaculations of What . gailth Cana'. Oa, vital South Carolina texpoelar,robat South i Carolina Waits, &c. What she waota is a cher , °t i t:x .o ' 4 = lll g, and It Irluftatie stands OE:. t Chance at . . . , . • Jazoamse toe ataiettlfti Intim Parls...Pasrre, the Preslasat of ‘stek Blialinkprovince recepily , zoftuggekteAvAteassoeirdiegrbloki *ltudeidea t 9 pat. the a tow4 - oti 'tut grow/ink tin» was Ja, that paKa mammal*, mm 114044 0, coded, etr. anti that - be ttolortql: .110 aree :iiiiteldeiat slain& to MA 0 hin t of n o , tia to ga t ,44., Taw. after stanisdngAinktiowitrAkaliiiiiiae I at t All /ants Bay, put to sea again. Tao Indiana Legislature , has pealed a hill authorising the Bank of the State of Indiana to wind up. 'fhb means a clearing of tits iskil Natloatil BOOM . - IMM::=!1! There's an oily time coming, boys ; An • oily time coming, Thare's an oily time coming. nog.. Walt alitUe longer. - We meg "strike mopme/torwe marnoL Stocks go to ptr or go t o pot, In this oily time coming. 1., "Welton^ net o whales? shall ilea mankind, , The perfume shall be stomps, Jkint.Zerrlcks" shall atipplant " harpoons," L , l Wait a little limner., Cnonins-Ob, there's an oily time coming., '''Llt.?rionge• • CLEW= YrepOCied to have said" Let America Ameeeixli aad Englaad .. ger demoeracy by ex. :". :peep train . • Carlyle Is tmprOvlCg 'Two years ago he com pared the ecirdest! In, America to a "bnralng chimney r and nomplainakthat bl a nostrils were offendee , by the ""Nrolidge.' , ...4lbany &rainy , liehi . that got lain oar paper last (twining. thaCleveliad Throld, relative to a reported matlialoahal hilLtnea between Speaker' Colfax aid Sim Dotightit, Is a: foolish. Invention. No such allisaco has ever, boon dreamed of, much less thought by the pails" named.—Ohisogo trnititoebetter :Damara: perpetrate* thetol hiring capital boil mot ikrigvipf Thomas' per suit'of the fagdrboea Hood : L , ;Emma v u zi ,,, , Li g s =Food , • Es 4 c 4imm , tllrts his atigh e bee Hood t PMILICRYNTICIIB. , tars a rziu. wzmailissa Wr of sa STEM Ott h ell.P) * ANY, Januar! SS. 181. A at I Osloot p. thooPloe of STEEL k E&ILET. WIWI& Hall.• • - awl 111k0A1100, ....mp•BOVETY ELEOTIOII.4-Tllll OM =74 HENS OF .THE SIXTH WILED. :will meet et the SOHOOH HOME. La said Ward. on . THERSDA.Titheleth last.. between the hours of 4 04_1, &Moth p, ea., to vete :Poo Or .41 . on the Lacing of &cads fee the purpose of 'enteritis the *Weems of the Intel from the aiming draft. full Toteis desirable, as th e Tilrectore desire a decided preeslon of the people of the want Janina. =BY - ORDER, OF THE HI. 00M. .1806. AN ELECTION TOR ATI NEMO z • • it this Company, to serve during the emu. Ing rear, will be halts* teas ser e on TFIRMSDAN, Tarn:44ld. NO. between the hones °tie s. o. sad IT. Is. • JAS. COLLOID, Seeretsiy. ' ./I.2.utentaar bIATIOI al. HANK, PITSPXUROD, Jan. 18, MIL Ali ZLF,LSION FOR SINE /Olitl6o. 2=9` WAS to serve uatll the anal annual Slew tlen; arlit_l4 - - held at tbe Banta2_llouse,_on the 1721 4111 ST DAX OF .X.R1J.232Y next, batireen t he haat" of 12 sad 2 °Week P. tn. ja1f2.41 .1.111": WOK, Cashier. Biggeraasullt Dlefaere COgrexel Blemixameer,Thoe. WOW& A.. GENERAL IifEETEKEI OF T E I - STOCKHOLDERS of this DANE will be held at the RANKING HOWSE on MOOD AY, January Kith, ISM, at I O'clock p. to consider and decide whether the Company, WWI ixwome an Association for the Business of Banktrig, under the Laws of the United States, and Whe th er it *hall exercise the power ' .conferred b4he Act of the Legislature of this ,State, entlt "AA act ens [ding the Banks of thlaConattionwel th to become Associations for Banki n g under the Laws of the United Statesempproved2ad et ftuguet. MK, and to take any further action that may deemed no. misery. By order of the Board of Olt tors. &Seta' . tTOHN P. BEECH. Onside:. i g rPLEANE TAKE NOTICE TEAT the Ant meeting a the corporation to be Muted the ENTERPRISE OIL OA., will be held on THURSDAY, December Mb, teey to Binning. ham, at the Saw MID OM. of. Mr. John Redman, at the south end of the. Blrminghste Bridge, at 1 o'clock m., for the Impasse( otganization.adop. Cost of - Sy-Law% election Of Odicers, : he , and Dm ' the purposes ' helmet/Inland more particularly spe cified In an Ain Of the ',General Amimbly et the OommonwesEtt of PentalliTl4llift.eptitle.P.An Ant titiatinVarporstions for lledanlaal,. Manidas• loklOulloYEAlosPcome." IPPorist t eak diira Jul ,ire diflAssrdtw " O.I3MITIL ElaPJ:pre les. • ' ' • 7 lascasaftcaltiant or Prrtumfitudii rmr-Yancy.=accrficPitts suss y ri=3-F . siren, evetably to deation, of the Act of . the tleseral - Mseesebly of the Vointlonuralfh of Pennsylvania, eatttW utile Act enabling Banks of the Oommouweetttsto teem, Aelootatiose for the •Pu i 7:cif Benhithri• wider {betakes of tab Milted 3t approved the lid day of Aosta. A. D OW, t t the Stoekboidere of the-A/steatite' Bank bare Ms day voted to beeome such an Ateoelatto.4 and that Ita Directors hare promised the authority of the owing of owe than twor Wile of the tbtp. nal Stank to make Vie cattilltbate.thitekt by the La= of the Nutted States. - • • dehtitte . . rtro:a. litetrucessian, igrraio s iltl rit ) . rthelltejar .mw• t-lertrisP.A'wers. rETROTZWM--VITS barrels fiatio4 ehip 4gat Wife?. nisitirt 1000LTANS. :feTLE°L II "" I4I BY e aunfs • c lar __. LOCK BOX 01 PITTSBURGH I!. 0 Fir , IMMIX ILVOLLINS. taR BALE--OPROBTTE TUB BANK OP PATSIIUD.GII—That large Welt bail& - en Third Wee; &Mown u the 6, 1 " 0 ' llerrigtortylein feet fntro pa Third etteet,exul nue Meg. throuol Wank to sweats 1,004 : tumuli for it,hotal Deakin/4'mm - teanufaamry erre/mime hued. laid allele, altegather bran tatt.'Fle Nam Is k. 116410.4 ler ' • Marini street; ' 'iCireotwArr. Jo.; it ta• `Bank)ng IT ba of Notoluon. McLean & Oa. joirreteriattglaWalli. ~..• Naos froiseth fOAWB'EBBA.B,LOKIBN THAT , 'crkawrso • a pp :v, 111;11 oa Me —day es November. - A. D. INN, Um 1n01.4 111 ATOP P :111PND. FASO rmil JOHN ii.CAUClfir..W.Trtudee °reale Henderson, In the ..Tareintini Oil Woilm,. that' badness roaneetion with maid Headman eeued at the dine 6 g-said PAreillueozi debt, doe tbe Terentllol Oft Work., , w id be paid to POILTZN, 0 RA WYOIIO &CO ;ortritbett aunts Za..tOAUGHICT 00 N 0.144 Water PL,POtstnugh. The concerti t ae th Nitre *ID, te hi - the fetit,.'bli mindueted by...the ianeendireed.: IN:18TM, CRAW FORD as OD. *wined .- • , • . IRIn MBWARD.--A MORGAN HORSE. , HORSE was stolen from the awkorigoad ; t kwlnstils Station, il miles east of Pittaburgh, So SATURDAY NIGHT. mat bob: Th* harm Is A bright toy, Id% baud@ high. wall bnittieboat tea goats old; has a slight strinithatt is both hind lege, .mditig hair Ls Mibbod oft me tall. The horse Is a fulbblood Morgue, and - vary valuable.. The above towordmill be paid foe tharetara of said home sad the, apprehrmioir of the thief. or PO Witt be paid for the rotors of the /wcwwithone thli thief. JafrA.2t * , , , , , - 3 . 0 1 1 1 1 /RCriN• S- LATKIEI' LOT OF ~ • . . ',II.IIADY-MULDIEJ CIDTECEIIO, To be sold, out at fIOST.At. tbe eorcie °COMO infect roof tbe DIAMOND, opposite the Post OF Alleghenr. Oity, one eetouet of the death Of the fete yroprietur, JOHN McGDATTY,. welt xlown ea Cheap John , of Allegheny Oily. ,lnllgderd. • . • , , An' EN 13.P4 Or wEDNEHDAT BYE lono:;theistb lzirt.; DARAMAT HORSE, which. the (miter is resstiested to come forward and r,,Th. horse hee•boso lodged at fdelilester's eery table, on Fourth, street, and.wilses sootier 'missed by the diatribe Will be sold eti THURS. VAT' NM4 theletti ittst:,to - pay chines. • The Dotty t/ blind in - the LING • .• BAN,UIAIs, let o t Prresneioa, Po., lan Ale In d/ ja23:4t ITUATION. WA TED.--A. YOUNG rman:ll9 gears olage,wter hag man knowledge for ikooonnte,,wotea• land, nadapeake Gee. sap, wishre ,a intuition' In, aotaeidereardlle or 3tereettalag• house:' Solari not ,so mob an , lel get an opening la is good -basineeaer le 'lament. ~dildrein 44 Me gkoi .1141k:Pittabural4 IRBLECT SCHOOL', 'FAST OOMMONS, ALLBGIUSNY .—Thlo 'lnatteetion for BOYS, Gtor roany i rre coodortell- by Mr. W. U. WAKE on theUSTlßßYMFF i lillif:(72==7 l Mr. TaL WBUWAM. For tenni, &A.: opplr.to reddesoe, No:M UNION ./k7RIM, , or et the Selma Beam. - • tuiddrsigNA. Line tbiallay'forrant a Co.partnersolp ;the style of PRICE k for the'llarpose ;condi-Mug the general FOUNDBY buefnese at the Etraari ti rgyrDity;• - 'Uortetettenn , a Art ue kad P lee etrxt jirpraliFol4.2lll. s; tau, . : ; oRBAVFrFIFE•FIU AOREEI OF OIL LAND situated on Ited'Elink'Onenkt Clarion county, /Menials/fire wiles on sal4 week, wan good =ince Ingle*!owlet Oil ea generally ' l . 7eAr n tl a k " nraiti F fotreci 9au pr n etges. A gi : o. ll DlllL.altri 211 Lleirt; Wed, Flaw. COOPERAGE 'AND BIUIT. , • , 140 new Lard Tierces . ' '' • Soo u. Pork Barrels; . . : . 117 seeond-hand Loud Tutees; : - - 100 bagraurklah Island Balt; for sale Dr .. . 'QUA% Li CIALI WZIA4 0711:111 81ONSIENTS:' . - 300 busheleOatiO ' ' • 10 barrels Extra Family Flour{ Toahels Deane; , _ IGO bushels torn; received - and for iflin by jat3 • _ WEDII k _ CdRBIGIMENTB-- - • —' 100 bushels Corn; • • • ts _ • , , 200 lbs.Prize Oa Fa D lb 801 l ater. ' Justrecalred i ndfor woo br •- writa a inweirisost F.A.llllat EATtikail-10 Sides squab /Ammer store and or sAle br : J. WEBB' to. IVILICENSoN, lilt Liberty it oFv-BULb:-WER.TMORELAND GOWN tA, TT. ILlghwines Ble. 6 AtliN l o4 cad, trow , i „Price ~4rl C . lqr,lmlatZ , • sI4 'NOWT k CIO. ' W L. iti.);--26 tierces prim.keple... rendered Liad„kstredelved tad ferule by at i ffl nt.IIKBLE, . • JoEANSJ • BYKANEII-40‘ • biuthels; Trina Baps, ...T9sreee - ... of Olieststata i : :CCn~ ::i::i . L,..0.1'1611/APR don r_ far sale by BEYMIZR. Ig BROIL Nos. 121 sad U 6 Word at. MW BITGAIWITRID• to =iv oo tot ode ay Lrrrt.v, a 1.11/11614 .i . w PIUaLTISEMEXTS. so.Faßli, mica Y AND 1L RNESS.- 16 , 111" be told THI9 1101011141 - 6, ran. 25th, at 11 o'eloe s k, at Atte . Comme r slal. Sales Rooms, 64 11111 1t ' 1 nueitiotse Steiglt,Fuitarf - 1 Double set Bum , Barnes!, new & fine Wait; 6 Bride. Jag . , MAIMAXINZatnett.. • 1110 USES AND LOTS AT ATTCTIOX. AA —On THURSDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, Alaeonle Hall Auction House, 63 Fifth street, will be . wild, EIGHT LDWELLENG HOUSES, 'hotted oe'the unmet of Gibbon and Ohettriut streets, teltfiln flee minutepteerilk of the Post (M -ace, on perpetual lease, .object to an annual gremlin renter/PA. The above propertverill.pop, horn 18 to 20 per cent on Investment. The pees. • eel oecupantswlß vacate premises on April lg..= Jed T. A. MeULELLAND, Auer. NEW ADVERTISEMENT.—Th• pub- He are invitcd to Inspect the beautiful stock of Cinsxciloss axici WadZloas Mount:Related sad sold by. • GEO. BRitirEi; • At his new Candy Stand, ill PEDE'RAL St., Bea: and does from the lit listional Bank. jassldwd UPERIOR FURNI liRE, CARPETS, W.. AT AHOT/ON,—THOSSDAY MOBN. IN at 10 o'clock, at Masonic liaW Auction House, Hi Fifth ,treet .111 be sold a quantitrot well kept FIIENITIIEF., serepdsins six sots seat Parlor Chairs, two rosewo Preach Bedsteads. .Man arid - ; Walnut , •Washstonds, Sawiag We Top Wash Steeds, Walnut' Waal roCeu,tene Seat Chairs sad Hocken, Tourentsoks, lapels Oarta and Bute; Blankets. Eight Day Mara Oloeka Glassware, Dishes.; Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoons, - ta, be. The attention-of borne keepers la called to this sale; the furniture bees la use but a short Mae. T. A. McOLELLAND, Akeler. N. B. Persons tursina Household Oiled* to dts. peie of will lend to or bdowiWednesday evening. :SELLtNO AT COST. OLAWS. CaraCIUBLIEVED AND PLAID WOOL SHAVTLS. A . good assertmeat fox sale at oast by WEI= 08.8. & PEIVIIIA MEET. jolt A MAGNIFICENT DWELLING HOUSE, beautifully and fashionably located on Stockbalt avenbe, (woad bank,) near Federal street, Alle gheny City, containing IS rooms, with All . the MOdfirie Improvement*, Soch as (las, Bath (hot and colda Water, Blsrhte Washstands and Mantle-Pieces . Vie lot to kt feet Lord, marling bask SO feet to Water street. There is meted on the rear end albs same* largo Wick Carting° /louse and Stable. Possession can be gisca Linteettlately Urequlred. Apply to JAMES W. ARROW, 'NO.II Fifth street, Plttikench. TEE LATEST INVESTIGATION, reretnber, 1804, of the Bret Pianist,lui well u the Gut, Vocalist of the ITALIAN OPERA, hu to sults4 la Lavorof, , . • . 'STEINWAY'S PIANOS, ore irolio — uneed by these Least& to be FAIL SUPERIO/3 TO ALL OTFIEES. Bole Depot for BTEINWA.I , B PIATIOBO4 11:Spafila & BRO.'S, LZ woon eIItRET. I►laros • AXECRICAIi ORGANS. BRADBERT, Nev York: • scMoMAßEß&CO.,lldladtlphla,nod BOARDMAN & OIL X r i-A-NCOS, 1111114 ca.l 111101111 CABINET Olga wiTu vamtarr Tszatow,,arrAottanorr. . , , . Jcet rivelred.A nowt . ply of trio A are esIA. Wetted • Issinnacitst - *IA Plum' Ana °Ono Yasaketurora, Till PARKER PIANO. SPELNIPAT.,II6.BO. pNO ONATESTNEN a sad AlM:sisal at diduaripriari. • Vii.NEMBIC BARI 4. No. 11 St. aau IsroeL, Slaillar• Moak. )4. =Mai wiUmake Us . 132310-AIUWAX; SALE D;omesttc Cottoxi‘ doods, .TIMONCIII Messrs. JOIN B.111IF:RS CO.,Pldl'sk, Wednesday, relyrnarylst,lsBs, itk IXACICiIIf 1848 l'a•Azaratigoa , , Of n; ' the meat deities le brands area s et awe. Bo • , - 2.% eau. York Everett Oottonadest 956 Blutyhtford,Binawn sad Illarat Kaston , - kp . awi 66 lAuicaster and Tiverton Plaids; 140 " kJean s tollwatki o , Lelvestar, Bata, (h.s ; Anti:mud Fontana Meek% v Lancaster and R.:await Mukalla: itf ^ 74 and 4-4 Wllllamsvllle, Jamestown. Ho Blackstone, Bed Bank mid alba • desir able pe Makes; ovr lid, sod and 114 Bleaohel and Brown, ' Penwell, Leppltt and Balm Skeet. so balm 64 1 noni, Pepperell. Naar lltarkitiL man, Jamey Wasldnetin • Brown fibeetlnnei v 44 Patapere, - Howard, Appleton, Pail. mouth, Park and Lawastat Mary . _ • Brown Skeetingat - 13 'Bream Mitts; • - • 15 ^ 'Ticking.; • Mesita Madder Prints; • • - tok) , lntles Blue and Brown Denims; 100,, Stri-P". '• Mr. 2,EAZVRphrlioul r at ,:peins !notion of the trade tot sale'ru It .111),,, the most-dealtabie 'goatee or , Ootten 'goods, and will be the lamest offering, with one eanepUon, ever made in thU country. The goods Salk ai or d er ant original package.. jaziand . . 4 OIfSACE. • 03 pdi. 0 Inch.Ropes' 113 yds. 6 Inch R_Ve • • . . Ito feet Rubber blown ' • Ipalr Platiorai Etudes. 1t0.% t email COldltet east I Hand nez Mod Pu Holatlegldfackl lop; liie) • 2 tt Wllion,Sew Ltrell'itali,complete,lll3 lll 3 4 ; • I 14.11 Cooler (bolter frost eomplete,eatilbaL I Lined Lard Cooler, complete; Prener‘aapletay Al Lard Kettles; plates and Innate sompletei WI empty Escort Calks; plcklelas Taake (Iron troopetrelludile for _ Oi l Santee; • 11 Clearers; I Plow; _ Clultlratdit Inquire of Japtal I, P. PORTER, at Pork Rouse, WobiPs Rue T: C. JENS-11 , 1E, _ • .IPtisahamatama drealor In "norm. Rayon, ellecle, Dried wad hissers Prates, pad sal palm - Prod Or tined Air 111 merchandise, Plttsbnrgh Mart Nufactures and Refined 04004 dealers and manure.. ,turcra votes, No. frig LILINNXIC STEEF, (oppo• site Wood etreet,) Plrtatnirgh, • Advances made and prompt attentionAlven to sit 'eoruOgnmeats and correspondence. • pmrsa r uonu. Itorsoonosontall Siam Lloro & Blank, Wm. McCully & Clo., McDonald & • buckles, John I. House* Co., John Halt Oa., A.lPch. • r In le Co.: • -. saltnyd&we F IIRNITIIIE, AND, , CANE OD WOOD OHMS SeHaig at reduced Nina, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. JAB. W. WOODWELL, Nos. 97 imam THIRD STREET, HlTtadki E. Edimatts on a 111 id mb so. Itt rotnira STREET 1)011DS 6n 1 MOR'rGAGEB FOR BALM. —5116.0110, payable to four years. :Asitaal pay. metals with interest. • Real Eat saluad at Siedr 600—Impravealeata at re . Persons Oeslting a safe Inecetmeat at more than 6 vs . ! ilat..talsta , eall Stacks of all leads ha sold anima:Ms. atom :Liettleads eon Lomas stadeastkoollit• orals..- 1 4 0 MN.S. N,SaeI.RAS 1:10.T TIMPO-WORIEZITAI4.• -OWEN'S BtUcco 1,34 MO* WorlanLn a g.....4 Plasterer. thetraehael_9ritia elf4 l —ldais , (tarnished on shirt notice. Ordenk In MN °REES INTEIMET4;".... Pes s .o=llloMidlt Prowl. FlRTE — DopßOlT...4teceivddlhis dit:t 1 , 1 Jw4,sobusatetedwadrunzifter7w ,, ,i •mti Pft , i 10 bus. Heedless Oherrieckw.,N" t y ,ti 6 boo. Doled Elderborrion MI bits. Cherries with seeds; for iolaby jail L. IL VOIGT PRYOVIERS—A. fWI supra/ of all, tk a-v beat broad; for sale by der/ JULES /lOWA', 1811 Wood dad& XE 11^ a VERT INEXWArT4 13IIIILIC BALE.—In pursuance of an order of the Court . of Common Pleas of 11100- gheny County, dated Jac lusty VA. at, .D. 1665, the undersved win_ s x t ow.t oaboe sale, so the 13th DAY ' FEBR UARY NEVI'. at to o'clock e. m., :tin the promises, at Braddock's Fields, all. , those Tvio Certain . Lots? Belonging to 'Alexander hPepne, a lunatic, desert. bed as tolinws to witi Beginning' at the distance' of one hundr edand Silty. feet iron the writer of • kiblustss and lialket streets; thews: , Southoast. ,wa idly, ilong said Halkit. street, Incini Commits.' ell le Railroad.) eighty feet to lot N 0.7; thence southwestwardly along said lot No: 7 one hundred ,and thirty-nye feet two arta ono half inches to a 'twenty feet alley; thence northwestwardly. along sold alley eighty feet to tot No. four; thence along saidlot Pk,. 4 northeastseardly. one hundred end thlrty.flve feet two and ono-half inches td said Hal. ket etreet, at the place of beginning; being. lets Nos a and doff -Br Section eleven nf George 0 Reis' plan of bits oaddock , . Fla d, and the seine - which thesald George O. Bets, et as, by deed dated the ed day of September, A. L. teal, end recorded In Died Bock; Tel ume Stkpage 258 ; conveyed 'to the said A'exiinder bl'ettoe. 4 • • • Theist lots are situated Inf-the centre of , the lab late of , Braddock!. Piet/ and border oa the Cols. Railroad. . For Wilber, Information . inquire of the under. slal'eeg, near It tart: Pittsburgh. • TERNS, CASH. . JOHN IPOUNE, affklawd3wW Committee. HOOP SKIRTS. coop skirts! 'lOOO HOOP . SKIRTS, WORTH FROM $1.50 to $3.00, 579 Cents, ALEX. BATES', NO. 23. -Wirth Eft. Jas VOD A STUBBOUN COUGH—Use Dr D. JAYNE'S. EXPECTORANT at once. it may save 'mitre a Oortsimpllon. It will °erten- I y cure the moat Inveterate Coughs and Colds. ' FOR BRONCNITI2V-Try Topton Expectorant. It will subdre the Inflainottlow rellevethe omen, Palo and Dittieuity of Breathing, and produce, ► pecdy cure. HAW. YOU. ASTHMA! Jaynes Expectorant will overcome the spa...iodic contraction or the wind tubes or air enacts, and cause the election of the morns which elogs them. FOR PLEURISY, take two or three dose, of Sat nets expectorant in quirk 1111C60111liOn• and car erne- up warmly In bed, the diem° will be sub dued at the outset. HAVE YOU- CONSUMPTION] Jaynehi Ex pectorant will glee you Immediate relief. It alma sea the lunge from till irritating mattersorbile it Beals and invigorate§ them. Thousands who hams been given up be their physicalist*. have been res tored to healthily Ito use.. :WILOOPIIVO COUGH. CROUP,' and all Ells eases of the Loreto or Moist; are ' effenually and imeedlly . cured by Sayno's EmpeatoranL It is no Dew remedy. Yor this-Wynn it hoe been Wore the public, the demand for inconstantly Memo leg, end. the evidence of. its great curative powers accumulating to our hand.. Why not give it ti - Welt , FOR COSTIVEEMSS, BILIOUSNESS, AND HEADACHES. Jaynes bunt: re Pllts be round a mild but prompt remedy. All of Dr. Jaynes Family Medicines are Sold in Pittilbitegb by IL L.7AIIItEsTOIJE 00.; All e; ghee] City by PARR & BRILL and ?REIM W: OF.RDES. Araby Druggists generally., • laraltdOVE . ' 11Dit,- ERICAN , LIAY 'AND COTTON Alums CO. aiiiiNOTACTONY:-Vernat •-• Gross and North:Third streets, Jerk., Olty. Set,:Wo. Its WALL STREET. NEW YORE. I ; a COVE ' S PATENT, • - The ettreethin 'of ill' puttee' latereetet In the venni 'or eeenpreener or -OrLY, COTTON. IsnlP, WOOL, NAOS, HOPS, or say other aril- Or required tee be baled for Transportation. Storage Sr eoll****t.lol. is 'septette'!" solicited to the I POST.. or STATIONARY 'PRESSES man- Vectored by this Comptay, liana the superAtaten; dare of the Patented, itr.../etat fir Gave. i Tim Prima to ray staple ben boastruetton, re quiriad hue Ontilory WWII/Naos to Work S wen; fro o ted oaf' kaolin Soder. Sch u h d Oterse,"WeVi d irerere, or Meal.' In using Horse. lower, bat' ewe , Bereein Oniettok the Pone Defog no eirebanically wandrucled na • well-known prin t. Or that the airvereor encounter re greeter call. The Gt -advantage , " Of 1 4 11, 4 .0 '1° 11 1 4, 0 1414-ii. Ir e fbilagrlk;*ll! ' ... • _ / III: IL Can puree= per cent. noMOOMOMI a rd. It Mateo the writ la apt! emO.. lois Om ad. It require•be per oat. los detvingpower, . 4th. It tarsi' Out the belt **biped halo ter hal& lin or rolling. • ,1 bib. ike Peers will Wet n,lllbilnis,theireirltlig parts being bunt of -tbe best of iron, and oat liable to Ret out • ordinary cork of this markup wilfpress is Ono °Petition (OW oat* End the bon of tbe No. 1.7,1, - b... of Bar of ON Matadi weldiella Idnetnm...ft- . i i Pour men odium burnt mobs/a 1 111 VIS ill** of s Igietri l e i. 'without Ile aid - of a h or any IVerezer m eilthat coatained is the Prow, can tarn a bolo et Nay tweatyoevea Umber square by ety-ela Inches long, welp lag It pounds, or St% tall r.ds . i: the cub!: loot i No toggle Joint*. eer wa, cog wheels, beano sr' rollers nod lain Perm. , • , . 4 The• 'lntone:di of Cotton rectors and planters,- Wool eon Comp rebore, le eapeeiallyeallwl to ten Picas, destined - as It la to nark a. complete tavola lion la the abw, Slow, darns] sant expensive meth- The. Compsay will dispoo of Town, Ckronty or tibia rights (remoying to • themeleirei oily, CO tilt !.1.0 muumfartare) on rerionnb'e tonna. 1 per. X. D. FISLIZRIII the. authorized Totaling Agent tor the Company In , the Foam and Mille tt Itt or fartbee pesthole:swag for Coolers. • , • Jo Md , - 11178BUROli- 000001 i OF DESIGN FOR WONES.—TkIs Institution will eeno. gore Its first session on the FIRST MONDAY of MARL in PlAlan's new. kulidingeo• 04 , Ptah street. The object - tads school tho in nth-talon and training young Ladles In the pried tdes of drawing nod painting,te clew of qualifying three Wowing* higher. woos .siiitable,and 'letter pa{d. occupations than are now orlon to them, and of bringing tho Milani of Pitt refiningsburgh and suburbs 'tinder 4he elsonting ane of art. Urcuiars will,be ready d. on Moseley th tadue nse o MI inst. ; • EL 0. RUSSET, President.. • .Major WK. WA.DI3, Tice President. , a.YTr MAILMAN.. Sooretary. .1114.NOPS SELLERS, Treasurer. K. Moorhead, , Oen. A. Berry, . . B. K, Painter, J.' H. Shoenberger, . X: Lyon; • Thar: M: Rowe, Andrew Camelot", Wm. 0. DAN* lOAttli. jnat ..Tr. raPark.,' James Laughlin, .1: a Lion, Ctooper,. , Wm; Thaw, Vices K. Clarks, W.l.lolmea,. H. Mir,.. 1/..-31,c0andleaa, Joseph Hllworth; • ranomrarrai abloom'. Prealdmatilnaseyi Jame. Lanablin, Ilion President Mule, 6. W. Hallman, Jame. rark, Jr., 1.41. Lyon,, jalhtt lea itt • . '(Ms AND STEAX =LNG, • • • The utidoslgnea hatTermeny yearn experlenee le the above Ludlum ace" premier to lit up all PIitIMBERS , WORK Tfiti'MCigT .VPIMOYEO 'KAM , .„. livery oleuctipttuu lot Una null Stenntinpe Cutup r 'ID /I tlutablA utsuuct uwi At tAASUAAWS tut I iii ii.i. *olllltpilttiAtrEl). by :. : min.sr .r.ernnEzik: ti CO' 1 No. 132 - £6ITSTII ST TO THE PUBLIO.—H. B. MaKEAIt, . of Allegheny, has anew and improved DOUGh tTROUGII, for which ho has applied for Letters Patera. The object of the invention ii : to Will -1 tate the raising of dough In cold weather: lip the use of this Dough Trough baking eau be done lel few •hours .in the coldest days of Winter, and the' setting of the sponge the evening previous Is obvi ated. • Also the inconvenience of having the dough setting around the stave or hearth while It Is ult. log In the pace. Thus alio la a very Important oluezt, (Vitt:Hy when there are lintel eAdred. By using my Dough Trough the dough Is always kept at a uniform heat throughout the ralsleg pro• was, aid la also out of the way. I have ono in use in -my family, which cars ho seen at any time on PITT ALLEY, second door to the rum' of Dr. • Pectslra Church, Allegheny city. State. Distriet : or. County Rights for sale as soon AS Letters Pit : ant'ate granted. • jazeetdmen• SUNDRIES 1N STORE. otoolba: abolee Bilektrbest Floor Lo 11;4,16 and 60 lb-sacker 100 bug One sifted Corn Meal; , ISobus.small Sorry BCIU/1{ • /00 bbis. prime Apples; 80 bite. bright MT Apples; . • taiboxes Prime Goshen Cheese. — MO boxes Soft Outtles; Western do.; ?'• SOSO lbs:;Fresh 801 l Butter; • 100 paeksiges Noe. I. k aid 3 Large Mackerel;3o bbl.. Labrattm Hominy; Aoridoxascur- Brooms; • a - b ratgteragli rot siDDl.ft. fAIL - WEbi, 31,TEIPIti. : :S241i11104 -4 ;-,:l 4 .oTed saketiegiii pcses,'On'thr SWIM, `nottoe - Rivlsor sised Esgines on Imods, sod finishing others, the public ma be ssommmodated with almost say Was they want; the work to show.for Bata WILLIAM FII6IIER, Fifth Id Ward,_ between eiShaale itarrbou s Pittsburgh, as XE 11) 0 'Elf liti E&lf EX.( N. National IZefin in g STORING COMPANY, OF FTITSBURDH, PA, - - - - $200,000. UT 20,000 SHARES or !no EACH. Entire Amount Working X.FLCMS3PZIICTZI7I3. The vu meipers to Ws, prosiose to Clom pithy bider rho Mining sad Mosintsituring LAWN Of rellinf;Tillil, with . capital * vg r047,1* in 4%000 abaft" of mg each, far She PuPose at b4I I PC (hi at the Wells, truism:eh:4 to Pittsburgh. re , fining, stating whin not"a"ry, aM selling the . _ As la well known, this la one of the Most pronta ble businesses in which money can be employed, but the high prlee of OLL has rendered such Aleuts capital necessary to carry It imoressfully in, that persons of moderatemeansara belngraplilly driven ..put of the bulges's,: so that wealthy napitallats will sock" have etclualve control of the same. In order. to remedy this and enable the lemi 'wealthy to reap a there of the rich pronto attending the boldness, It is propoeed to combine fineltal and form s u cb ,!l Lur, simple rintlietWatkaiii; *at ail nen Ocuriluenend it and seu ate glence that It cannot fail Our be a sure and good paying invest ment. ok 7 , . rally prOperty prOpeiad to be bought by the Company for its use. la thst known as Kitk'S CD Yard, and Columbia 011 Works which is animal on the Bank of the 'Allegheny Meer in the out - - AWL& of the City of Pittobutgh, and corollate of about Are acre& of ground, fronting on the titer, with the Allegheny it alley end (71thens , 'Paasenger Railroad running (Image It.. There Is erected alba property slam° two story Warehouse, a Cute -story Engine Mouse, Pomp Ilona, and Paint 'Shop, Still House, and Clam en°, a largo Platform with Railroad tuning to river, used for truotening 011 in barrels from floats to Cars, elm a Railroad SLIM; from whence WI canto shipped to any pellet E.t.a, West. - This estabilsnment Is completely and thoroughly fitted up with ell the necessary Pipes, Pumps, Teak. one hiachinery for doing a large Storing mid-Forward eg business. The arrangasente are ouch in this aepartment that all rho Oil coming darn theiriser, for shipment East or Wert, would to' transferral from the riser to the oars through It, • If the railroad would famish math traosporth. tlon. This, it Is expected, Will Wawa be done; at present, however, it is doing 0 hairy . _ rind good iryieg_hthea hi that line.' . _ The Refining us Departiaent le eapableortefinlisg UM barrels per week; is new sadist good order. and le to seintradted thilt 001/41be imateated to 1,000 harlots per week by Mang Use Stills and Recolvlog . Taoka'only, the Agitators. Engines, Palma, Piped andßuildlop being already sufficient for that quan tity. it Le spied by thin tkontrany.to Innesse its capacity inuadistely so as to make 800 barrels per: week. refined -011, and'also to soul:net Ices Teaks [[oar Maim; etude sad refined oil. ; There's &Loon this property three neat 'theses ;grit roomieacl„ - which can readily be tented for lee annum. Inote is Ewa the mamba a number of Tanks Ittimeging •to varicasepattice, which pay a stoned tent CO. she owner of the property alai) per an. ' sum, beside* centrals:Alone for pumping Dui testa from the same at good paying rata. - , _.!' : The advsuitigle sr Pitistargliel It ?Nola point are well known to that the trade, the fromp.- . taut of able% le 041 can bo brought the reiltte l d w t% ° = c h t iVoPfli i r ea lte r ilt i tsi t it I g s :t i Mother paite, sad, for lees that'll' an he hauled , from the tallth ny Mile reineties,evaa around Oil Cirviarb i le la ma the * matter Of, feast attenleals, Ind a *eat , p t hal no superior.. But this prop- Orty has p.m. advantases' of Timor of Omni (Merles even e 'satiety of Pittsburgh. The 4 - 11, whither to kor tostrels, Is taken from the ei v heats to the We maeldnery,hat When refined Is rolled out of w mesa to cora tor ship bent Ea the or il l The coil ls.daraped ate tho sale inta the •Still while the mid it deliver; m g idol the Works free f ant from the manufactory, two *quite tutus rob, %MAU ell the exam* la hauling; which en a loamy toasted atelanchester, - akft:rallied to be bunt, wilL amount a al Tema 00, per7batte ilbi l " on 7 all ie the thW rdlitedril prial ibq uesal 6 7 1 . Idett on the ameent this CoMpanythintemplates sotactul will amount to One pet week, a fair profits tar io that this etablishineat Wald run Stop, wake opted there would divi dend eit to Stop, sad- on this Item alone pay A:of t o Dot o mt. per annum on IteCapital Stock. ''- ' • 1 filename of the anabilehmeallt:David Kirk, LW.. ta essevey Rua entire peopertr,4l fee simple, Octbow *Rh all his storage and, forwarding bath, r tvstatit I tibi l e IA a" ref dliti l j *sally saperilk ' sid Its ' l 2alrSa s ttl as he has a coenected with the.'oll' Is 0 tram Ito con. Meacem sit, and thoroughly stipulated with it la Ni Its deta lt is felt that blasotparlanee together lelth Ea perinea Intotaiss a betalgtockboliter, aided and cerstrelled by a Heard of Direatora, that the access of the Mammy Is beyond all questdos, TM* property will the& eat the Company WO,- Rfin to Increase Its capacity as before meutioned, Sotmore that 1 rrint ,.., ll . 9 ie entire Works rza - r,:,,r, l eost but 1117,000. Thrs t rhea ins ga eol: elder, its toadies, Mame from matt soil laza navutust of Mal osiete, la Utiles ed tithe the abate. esd refiners tibia capacity la the wozid. ' • Thia.will twee • working muds capital or Inalec pOO, which will enable ft to hold abate of I'll ready. to Will when the pries lOtte or held whoa am an able, sviaenea at tad Iraiitiblimelii -of the tail name and the divideside. Ohio tkiespsay-imay he ao. *ant to pay, we maymeatlea thatthis Company mill require 1,100 barrel!. emu Oil pleareeht the :wont pro& midis b i l i g ul Belden AM ,hrthong. the On Item tho Wells to Pt h; in not lees than 111.00 set ban& - ISt' Cita rate 110. - Cetammy on this breach would de. Si,W pew week; tactual print 'on 'refining le a per barreir this ea %MO battels ;would be 11,001, ot , a total of es,ase per week. Say however, for safety, that this Clammy cleats but belt thew profits, and rue but Mae =DeWitt the :ye., It would ; yet pay a dividend or VT per 'dent. ;per annum on na eapllal Stamils,lathy', par ant.. a month Mote ibernnaleg prolltealone - tettallhYlnd , , roual to the best flowin il f.Well Companies w Wont.. ?any rink of the Wells sing out, or the Land bo ttoming worthless.. Bit when we seaside , that the familial of the Company will enable( it to holdipaa ', or onto lamb Rasa Oil lady to soil when the I price sults, and. Lhat no. season .416e3 the boobnoo... !began hut it hen riles 010 or even $3O per barrel. !Thes In addition to the tanning profit theta Would be every chance of making at least nil much. more= from the increased p. Ws .0 Oil. Sotto% it will be seen that there is every mason to expeeithls Qom.: i pang to pay a dividend of at !net 00 per aanL per . . . . ... . . . , enuuni.. . . .. ,' . i The advantage thtm Companyy - atm over, aft • other Oil Companies fermium!' that all thoStosk• holden, go to on an equal beets; that it la to engage, in n wilnlat and, wed unawake:A. bathes. which !can 1.1 insengel with the eetto'nty of a Bank or. Inair ante Company, and trot the proper.y IA worth the price to be.pstd for to and likely to tearoom in i value, instead Lf depreciate, Andthe partioular ad:. ratio`age over all other of Cam order in ope, ? n Ls that the bulk ef Pe cepit. will beldesek, I lathed of sunk In 0.010., and rapotudvebtlltdinis' 'or machinery built - for Coal 014 or wasted In en , 't cgr e : i itao i nd thati it will , be n x h eit ai tturt hi n aa in... i. As eno P ugn i Srook llralfrad c ylbeest -e takTo.to mal. l der the orgardsatton of tt , Company eertaln, tt has ram thotcrtt by' the Stbehlkolders to tempo , a... rily bmaa tad& his beet done by the , elee . lon so tho follow officera, alibied tea new eleetton. , *Leo the er of, the lltookia takea :. . • • . . ... . • - ravourawel , , , : , : • :.. , JOIM 'A.MakillEY: ' ~ . ' . MM=I Inekn.ll IIAiIdELTON TRIMIVILIIIII 4 . 014ic 3r01. 1 X,E. ' . strrnittirruritroterr DAVID KIRK.' . pulverous: • .701314 CAtIGILEY. H. MARSHALL. WM. RAM:ELTON, DAVID IE , IRK, • w - LITTLE, eanitat Rms.. • aegis OLD, - SuiVcripilons to the Stock ' or the Odunpanl will be received at the UNION BANKING 00., corner 4th and Market Streets., at the OFFIOE u JOHN A. - OAUGHSY & CO., No: 141V6t e Street, Pitts. A burgh; also at the LLEORENT TRUST 00., Allegheny City. Ten per cant., or Si per snare, to be pkid on mulct:riling, and tho remainder In three &pal payments on :hold days of February, March and April nest: 1. e BOOKS OF StrBSCRIPTION Will be Opened on TUESDAY MORNING. January = .2ith .it the Above ,Places; AND EEll OPEN FOR TWO DRS ONLY Eastern capitalist. hareoWere4to take ihe full amount, but the Directors prefer. it to b 0 FIELD BY OUB, OWN PEOPLE. The•otlnnen ot the UoMpabytberclote orenNea abore,and confidently reeosamead It as a lure Awl good Investment. 43 Win De aeon,trout the Abore,,,aki the Moue." , tub- 'Direc~l~'ln~o flYe Bisiri~a.: . . }kelt trl/I.lll4reteittikajOrittalbillali WUt be tzsogeattrthagigurtarovq4a o.t ca asabdi. vsullishs tyl All communisations should be addressed to JOHN A. CAUGREY, President, or to DATID URN, 8 trperintudtat bait _ -.-- .., - ti t z. - oil LON. Xt. ' ~,. I 1 1t.1..M >.V» 8 ". >.V» .13.1.1rgritS . . ENCOL: 11. 4 .0 E II 0M E 31 A.NITFAC- , THIRD IN ATI ONA 1., BA NI( - T 1.: RES. . Macrum Orlyde, 78 MARKET BTRt:I:2, Ogre am; entertains; stock of. SEASONABLE ..pOODS of American Manufacture, comprising a peat variety of TEDIKENGS: HOSIERY .& GLOVES. •cy floods, Rations, Small Warm GENTLEMEN'S "FIIRNISMNG GOODS, la every etyle uul quality at mostressonalle hjivo few goody of Foreign Jlrentutiwifure . . Wltlett . are will dtspcate of at "Oriceito salt. To Kerala/its end 110,iiileee We etleeet wamccox.anesiucal:‘ At prices O. low ex eon be bought anywheee to tlie rAstora Cities, as me buy exclusively for amebas! • frola Maaufneturere or their agents only. e solicit a call. Jell PECIAL BALE. SEMI' vir.e.rt.az. Undershirts at $2530, , worm *coo. Drawers at $2.00, WORTU 84.00. SAM 8111111 1114 WHICH law 1 lb : 6 ozi EATON & CO , gave about 24 dozen of good, ettnobeary warm UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS; nearly edl wool, wldeb weigh. from a% /b. to 1. lb. e'os. cook skirt, t Ve rn otr b th e e loaW m et much leas e than whattiter IMie to make and we believe thud to equal" to asp thing In market at 414 No. reduction: will be made for unaatlty--ene - ' „ art or ens bUndred at theism, rat*. These Shirts are a Great Bargain ! ,II&TON, MACIIVAI & CO.. 17 and 19 . Fifth atraat. WINTER DRESS GOODS M. BURCHFIELD'S; SELLIJrfa CHE.II/P. Winter Cloakg at Cos; INTER LONG SHAWLS AT: COST, Balnqt.orala at coat WI East corner of 4th and Market iti GREAT BARGAINS! OORKEAD . DENNISON & 00.,' ' ~ 'Ea mar . ket street, , LEE ittr:It 1 ": 111141 Erg 1 1217 nga t y eloga4 aam Wats. , Rad at% Watt B' st n o , oY s . Mirth, &Mut, Ma atop, 0 vohliasiern Sella. .4 1 ' ) f °14 Eilb°4l . '47 64 ` i j a g 01 ga. lithrippligoart oat. ' - 1 A NEW 'ASSORTKPT OF ' RUT 'Tole% liiess ILIA Volk 'Ornament* ate' Odom Chenille and Boyd Fri de lat ' Moak' Y Linderaliarrea, Linen Ems, (of ten f Lade aha MA paCicaussagu!utakerstuaiGteref. HDflery, 8141110ral sat Moot SRilia,. Breakfast. filoola and SaMtrif t coot Eli .oaeale =id Motes, in oil altha; So M elarn glovair, in light anther; Ribbon_ Sap % !W u Ml* to order, together with lb new hit of Brald Wator Palls and Flower& Will be found at £I49E MOWRY'S TRIILKERG STORD. , f No. OS Pointh attack, nior Ferry afresh , 'Particular attention given toot rasing Point oat gall other Ikindaot Loma .Also Bisak Lam Yeah n9LICIA OIPT a: lanitutitavik , tineri Lock sfetch &cwlDs Machines : - ' "... • oii-ii*Ngiti. le9 i v*ll, SPEC - TAX.- U.. Having received the list Of Spsdal.Tax,as, seared on ILUXIMIS of iil4l,ln aseordance with the act of Congress, approved' july lith;'lSet, for Ike Division nom risin4 the Boroughs of Birmingham, Nast Birstin ;mbuth Plitabargh,Monougaho. la, West Pi and.Temperancraville, a.W the Terrashias of Will; BOUWWS4,LOW6r Si. if Vl', tipper St. blab., Scott, Union, Mailers, Ho la. aon,lforth Fayette, South Fayette, Findley, Norm; (hewn! and Neville.' Mill attend for there:els , ins of *aid taxes at the 001rie of A. It: Stevenson,' Du., Blindrigham, deify (Sundays oat -Saturdays excepted) until. Monday, January ,Seth,:betivemr the bowl of tatit,tprta. Aber et U94 414 .' 11 4, Wednelidag, Feb. tor, it the home of Fete!Hoyer: Snoardentownardp. 'I • • - Thursday. Feb.ld. at the house OIA,W(Boy4 Oialx townahip. Monist Feb; eth;lst the henia of TtdbaP , i Tuesday MI that Mute ot t la.lial -Wednesday s Feb.;efft, it theiouleh - ttleOrryor,"Nottleatirern. , ‘ovid%r, - Feb.qcrta, at"like P. DobitlsoN Eq., Temperaneeville. Mender, Feb. pis; at the often of- W. H. iseeer, Esq., Novell Pittsburgh., c, • • , 1 will also attend at the outer of the Oolleetor of interval Revenue No. of routtirit' Plttwnrgk; oft s.Surd?gys, until It Lb. of yebyttary; 'torn se. ay, too pV.-m.r - Alter aforesaid data ID per, cent. vault, Will be "l ite - sat ins se teS • ted IA nreary, - It ' b° JOHN A. SERGEAN, • Dep. Collector hi Div. ghl-Dbit,.. Personalreferting may remit 'their cheeks, pay able to ay order. through the Pittsburgh P. . jaisniawt.feltur • • - . I.ORDER TO FURTHER" TITIVDZ SIGN oTthe National Dank law', to provide a uniform currency, and. to relleve.-this enamel:why train the Ms incident to the circulation of depts. elated bank notes, the following banks have agreed tad on and after tat February, lIU, they will pay out Only such money aa Wilts received at par at deposit and In payment of all debts, due them. They will purchase from-their .eustomers, nil distant State-banknotes, which they• may twelve In the regular course of brialnese;at the net east of send log them home for redemption, but.will not receive such funds on deplt ns ''carrencya • It Is confidently bettered that this arrangement will very speedily &bolls& the existing custom of keeping "curieney” accounts, and by send in g home the great volume of ritate bank paper now to circulation here, glee - plus to a better elate. of notes not subject, to discount. • To give full effect to this arrangement, the acquiescence and co-opera- Gen of tke business community Is respectfully sold 30IIN D. SOTTIT, °Mader UK Natfecnid Bank. IL A. GEORGE, °rudder 'Farmers Deposit Bank; , ins Oompan . y, _ G. A. ItliDlorDaidderOeiiman'insst and Sailms JOHN Lk L Ittobu s I IVINGSTON', asstilei lkl• E. No UNA Pt_ dent Union Thinking Oh, - 71LkNOIS SELT vv9lPl:opasteaktOlgzetc. Nat,losi ll.DlOCkAssiadant OashlertdNNattemelfgnk. J:Nr.coori.aighter Allegheny:Flank.. • . ,14;/.4) -- CWrn:Tu4cF• IFv9IPA .•'-mtiumurAicA: tattUrtealAitgrOPlEDl ll4 liviintirikAttAlEjatt?.. Tr41:;1,71 11 - D1: Pluinietiumaiwcotartzrostipt,•ol4o : • azzurEffflife 0 3b0 1 Lb 0 See long advertisement In daily papers. AV RORBE FRED.— Chopped • Com and Rye. Shorts and Matins, st Otty Plow NUL. Patti J. S. L1G61107 k cop. CORAES of WOOD and VIRGO ULM: U. Si DEPOSITORY A.:\ p.. FINANCIAL AG6$l, *7 8-3.0 This Bonk keeps on hand for late the 7 $4l k - nited States 'Treasury N'aiiii, - and takes 'obis:alp Thos the,: rOrtmeß.L.O . ,kie—e . be only gor en:uncut loan now in the market at par—dvdif those who have money a safe . and dedrable swan , litany tok investutest. ' TWO .CENTS A DAT FOR EICII $101: t ' These notes are all dated 16th Ligust; yew , T7,i: - .1 tntereet payable sedlennyelly math, 16th of Feb, diary aD4 lath of August, at the rata of sr so p e , • COD per annum: at the-expiration of . three yeah ' (only little over two and a half: tioW) they growl, , ehangablelato the 640 geld Bonds. Coinidadee allowed to pufehuers. - Into eat , Will be pahl at oar Baekleg 1100.0 . wm: T. gortlitierziiin. . .Joan It. Livinos7on, Caahler. , C. DI.; Stumm Asultetekee Quitter. errauva YousE. N. HOLMES Sr, SONS' 33eLl%.71EMIMI.Sit No, 69 -Market RNA • - Pittsburgh..z DEPOSITS 11EVEIVi7 , 1.1( PARFUTiVeI.prb tiviitErtcif - • • ... . Cotleettone made on all the prlaelpelpetuta et the Vatted States nod. Oanedne. nomts, poiDs AND,Mllilf. BMhfßri'M BDU'AIHT PJAIMISSIDNI FlottlV* atteaton paid tf. the ?imbue ant sue of STATtB I.CLMOLINCi riatte fitates Slits - of ISNI: • ' , • Do. Fires. 10-tOsr. . • - Do. Betio-Tblitlest ' Do. Gerittinstarof indebtedness. -1,- 0.11DE119 AND . - VOUCHERS. T 'BOCIGHT ; ' Oit TREASU - 11Y.DEARTMENT,- (~ Orrice or Coarrrnotzurror rim (.1011.6XIICIT, Washington, January,llnia, I. . 1 "WHERE AS, 'BY.. BATISFACTOR.Y . T e. evidence presented to the undersigned. it ,losa i been Made tOappear that' - ' RUB tilillifißitlONAL BANK OF PlTtOltUltoll, In the City of Pittsburgh, 'hi.' the Mitentrof , A.V ', legheny and State or Pennsylvania, has bees duly organized under antr at:cording to the re. quirements of the Act of - Congress eatitlel••Aa Art. to 'provide a -National 'Currency, -secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the circulation and-redemption •therrrof,. sew proved r u r 3lBl'n" 74Z i e titer l rl r l oeforenfilldittre; 1 geringlet conanug the waw=_ofbnk /61 . . Now therefore, I, Roan BreCtrtsomr. Comptrol ler of the Currency, do - hereby earthy that “The Union 'National •Bank.ot-Pittaburgh.. In the any of ' rittsbdrbli , ' in the, - minty. of ~ allegheny,' and".J State of Pennsylvania, isauthorizedlo Commune the business of Banking under the act aforesaid. Currency Bureau, • • ,r.7s ,testimony wherersi Seal of the witness my hand and seal Comptroller of the *fogies, this twelfth dsg iiory Currency. • ~ or dnmisry, OSA .. ~ .1. . CTII .1111011. Er.d7tlLL, , Caintutolles orate Ourrenay- t ' '' - - TitEs&SUAT DMA:WM:ENT.: Ossida by Otenntosabl or sus Ocairtstrr, . caS7 , I , f._... , 75:Aw!plcyro?,49 , Mhp,YANT,. ..lila "A VVIItRE4.I3--Bi, -'By.: : eddeitip., ..f: ?TV _ preseidpd to the' 4Sdeistic:ad,. It' Nis' t , ..4' W. ....„1 bade to gloat" ttiat.' , the -,. q? , • • ..,-.:. , '.-.., A 1. ' O Din tittif . ' ' ' ' th 4 1 0 0104 W - t ILl M(tie of Pittatirgb, In . the musty ot , A.llestoSyo.l d Mato ot;Pleassylvp lu trbissuly Irod:undersod Saunas . _ Milovaantli sititol --r .. - . Mt 'sr Coostess;- elittt at' J.M dAt to , gtostdaik P. • • iiitlost7 - sodonlid by ivied's* of : Wilted ft fitstssl=to...proytilo, ettentillottA Md.:redemption . thgccofe.'l,l fork, ad i i nl sod .bso. comolled with all e. psosislass 0 , .1 "qthe treab,t: soomeol WWI beo l under eill l , l :71 I taw,' tratiora. f ri b ral tdoOVI.I.AXMOI - riwt - 4 trolly:sof ttoplormitr pp ttlebrosotlfy tits"..tilki ;'4 4 Allegheny is tiotud - Hank '. . Mil! _Lat ... 416 . 1 jay JAPittalagYht 0 0 0 ogg i nra Au n rm i . "'''' EWA§ Of . ,Peonsylvants, is Suthortaxt to oolasoilt• ~ tholonsinestot basktocluidet the sot IlftraieltrPlN ~ 1 olatsstboosy.whiattorosltasos my ksb4Mt . .4ll*.) ~, f odlee, this HU day at 3anuagy, P 1 15....t. - . - vm3 •g EL-5.), , , . ,-. .._ .ISUGILM.MULT . 4... i 'MUM:: : '.'', 1 3 1 0/710tialler 0 iVieOlineWIV' ~ ': . ' Taiarrestr,Dereirralinte. , mop eor Toe Courreqrs,Mat OP CluseemS, . Wasamovoir:Pelmember at. INC 4. ' WBBREAS, BY , SATISFACTORY V V, evidence Pres 6 tmi,,„ii_Alle beesceade t?tt limner thet talc • o 7 111 1 311 C[TT BAlif, U. thee city' of Pittabirree, ettrtmtk of AIWA nteny, and State of -Penetylvania, ha. ban deft+ .ortmetzed under and according to the requirement. of the ants of,Conifrosa, enttibxl."An Let tOhlme., vide a National Currency, secured by a ph= United .States Bonds, and to provide for the bOatdc, h n a d n dh a re s d ' e c m o p tpioend t hereo ' f,n p proved sSilm el,_ 'aidr e oot required m tobet wh pli a d wi e h beforee M s b l , lamming the bestow of Basking underlaid ast; Now, thesoloce, Laugh. McCulloch, ConlptroUee of the Correney, dd hereby eattlq_ that eTus IRON CITY NATIONAL. BARK OF PITL.34 BUI/011," in the city of Pittsburgh, lathe amity , of Alhaphemy, end State of< Peonsylvattle,, II thorlW to commence We . businees of Banking an. der the act aforesaid. _ In testimony whereof,' witness my use i'inad (sail of , afile,m 4bia thirty-Mt day 54t , Decobiter, A. D.Mat HUGH McCULLOCII, Comptroller of She Currency. - 1 - °-7 /10 S B Di t iT.STREEr ito Ule thutom House.) Cluttered by the Leg OFF.DOER: • Pnetdere 6 EO 8 JOAE4. — • woe 7zultinvort. " • • Smithi, Joshua Mode', p. Mosiler, 'AVM, arsilley t Steno's Sellers , Solot-S.,Tenottke, Joseph wag, Tboe. S: Stale; TisAfelede,, Hoary-Lloyd,: T. 7YZ • - -S. St Teeter, • Dr• 3a•‘1 ,013 14 , • Timmy - v., 0c.Ja5 013, .. ()heathen. r - Johek. ..Toe..l)liworth ' Wm. swath, B. Reed,: • -;P J.W.... a. O. Schmertz, ' D. Fe, rhers. J, MAP. Ormammei Ci:Foltecotbee ' - Smile . Alfred EUftek. , • samgeriasi.H.,ll. •;:)peek-delly, hemllll...m. to Ie; )44/4,0 4.,34zreeretwgfrozl ,. ..i, Jess oCemda A:4 , 4l3mA' elleorektis rennin arit:pleMilekDie credner,thedeeesitei rilriff/t s P4 I ;f. r . U PP:, estlbus eompouger it. . Akar eontein biei ferule& rkiw: butiinitegt oeki, --isieetair. to thaw 0a1.4 whew miming, are ®ell, tbs. oppeeteeaj so 11 , 14 1 Mitalgel_by.pull aepodweigui - save, km *Ma wiu be resource. -erbee neectee, , money =ozily leleg '4.o4'4Kit , beeting Dino Matted et reemba.b* namreelealmt, O'LLAR .- VitiGt.',JSANE, citearrEaxivUt isi:; • _ OPen rill, from ato g fr o m aLto , cni Widow/ day and Satunial evening, from -May lit to No. venter tot, front I.to St 0%10014 and :Rota NoTwalor lot to Nay lot from a to 8 o'clock. _ ' Deposita reeelvedot ail num of not !enthusing Dollat,and a dividend of the profits 'declared Mon a mar, In Juno and December. Intereithuta. been . declared oembannually, In -June and Dacanaber. stns the Sauk waa.Oxintilted, .st,tlut rated' AM per cent* year. . • Iniernk It not drawn on, Is tamed to the creme of the let, se principal, and bean thOsaise intereat Vont t wice iday' ofJuita and Deostabere compounding t •a year without troutilakther demotic? to call. or even to preanot bhp= nook. At MS rate mm. 171011 double In lase than twelve years. . , Books, contatning - the Chatter .ST -Lags, Halal and Regulations; furnbeml gratis, on applioation Fattuntray--43rEPTIGE ALTMEE.: Junes Tric:Anley, . • gamed ei E. D. Mee* John 11. Shoenberget, WM: Donde; . • _ Jaton loam 111.2eunniir.; Peter A. Madeira,. • Janes Ehidle, William .T. Anderson, lonia. Nara ." *A. Pollock , la. D., John G. Backofout. Call-M. Adams, Henry John C. BladleT, - - -Jobs laanhaU, Cicorle Walter P:Kandmilk, Hlll Alonzo A. Ca er,' CharmA. Col Wlirliaartl..Z.lll2lswlPLSCommwo 'NAPL Febuntos4 Spear, John J. William S. nave; . „WWI= Vatikltki: 'Peter If iturikm, ' Isams - Whittlati . Richard Ham Wvmmi. Ja l ...rainrirautua.-46, BANKEICIMBROICEBV _ ns w a it stilt rum. Oor bape - lErneraL Oollootlaaa outdo la all pult=44 : west. Euxopesaexohaage sold M lowed rage. frtil bald IS lOW TOOL 11•11 lan