the Vittriburgh &Tutt& TUESDAY, JANUARY 34,E 1835: CITY :1111.817BUltBAt (YZOY =STEW:UV/ tYCIILO GAZiTTII),2 . - .Prmi• the Fourth Pennsylvania, Cavalry —Lists of Casualties, eft; ' ' A letter Sum Lieutenant Colonel uneatt to • John E. Tarim, Esq., dated on the 4th Inst., gives an account of the operations of this razlmeat in the attack on Stony Creek Station.on the lit of December.' The regiment was under - commthd of Captain Stays, and was attached to Grogos D 1141310114 The tegimMi charged the enemy la • a fort at Stony Creek, capturing thiesiguns and me hundred ands ninety prisimers, .with their firms sad a hirEe amount Of stores. itte fotiov fog Is a Bet_of the densities: Captain.FninKErvey, wounded In right baud, *Mere, arid Walter Borardoliergeant Campany B, • ...A, Morino*, - 11Hvate, Company. E. Henry M.•' 114Bler i private, -Company ft, and Kays, lid' • •qhde, Company ',killed. • . • • *. r . Of those wounded_ were the fallowhigi r John Smith, 13,•thigit, severe; Carpi. . - dameM'Kay B,' th e severe; Berge. E. G. Girt, nec severe; David Hits, ,'• hand, ••••••- slight; James amble, F, thigh, severe; Sam. J. C. Hunt, 43, arm, severer George W. Crodle, - arm severe; Martin Health. J, left thigh; J. S. land, K, leg, severe; CorpLA. Mays, 1., shoulder, .•; since died._ - . • • • : • • On the 7th of thellatoo month,-the company, ,4•lth the rink corps, started . on a raid against Abil lireldon railroad, of which they_ 'destroyed about twenty miles. awl a large amount of other property. - In this raid the east:tanks were Severe, coulderlng that they had but one skirmish.. of ' • net over an hour's duration. The list is as fol lows: . James Carnahan, I, killed; Carpotral John Heenan, A, slight wound; Corporal John Lamb, 'neck, severe; L. • Allison, F, shoulder, Severe; Lemust James, I, arm and abdomea; -Corpo ral William D. Downing, K, hipt Thomas • .Christy, L, right shoulder; Edward Senorita, L, •• left shoulder; DanieLSerdin, 1., left arm-. rThe following were reported missing on the eturn march, caused by straggling: Herman 'Tiller, A: Thomas. McKeever, A; L.' J. Slidell, E; James Clark, E; Rho " Llent Young, of Co. F, who was captured by tht enemy Juno 240, was. shot on the Slat of October, hy• a rebel - guard; while sitting id the lire of 'his prison, Columbia, IS. C. The' mur 'deter got a thirty days , furlough—the premium paid by the raid authorities for "shooting Tan- 11l • _ Some ftw of the men raptured October 12th hare returned, but the larger portion have died, or remain In the cruel bands of the enemy. • The regiment now numbers nearly onothous and Man, but is every day decreasing. They ex lrcM to be reinforced during the coming draft. • The men are comfortably quartered in log buts, eight by twelvo feet, and six fmt higlicovered by sbeitettents. The Colonel concludes his letter try paying - a glowing tribute to the memory of - the lace , p. rain Parke, whom he characterizes as a "e r -- . - and generous soldier." Ills name Is fondly Cher ishaby his comrades, and his :soldierly nets aro often :Termed to memory, and serve to inspire • both ofilems and Ilia to deeds of heroism and , . . • 1.• . ... • , February-Magazines. ."Tera Anktarve” for brairy , Is just Out, with a very inviting table of contents. Wiggler, . atm, -Ma; Sunni. Alice 'Carey, Gogs . gbalk.,- ; Eptis Sargent and B. C. fraitilaya articles In this dumber, and there to a/so ‘ - contributions from other able Niagara. . ' • • : • • TOM/ Parks"' for February, by the same publishers, is also one. liprtrthoustind 'copier orthe Jantonynambai were sold, which , • prOMISes well for tes worth and popnierity. The presimt number le not quite so sappy as the first, and as the - writers grow more familiar with their task we trust they will learn that in reducing their articles to the "comprehension of the rang It is not necessary to make them eon' ind'mnshy. The illusintions of this number are good, ehe print halenitable, and the literary Artie/ehgene rally einn.rate. Price 25 cants. ' • "Gm:4ns' LADY'S BOOK''',,to! FCblllarar. con tains the amid , tiuietyof articles via iistri tlona rebating to dress cad domestic affairs, add , sustains its'apeeralite remarkably wait. ; • • Ali the above for side by W. A. GiLlienSinnej, No. 45 Fifth streat,.• • - - • ' ' • "Panama's tiaras' Naviorrar. Ifiloawis" IbeJanuary, finely inastraied, has beeteraceired and' Aar sale by .•W. A. Glidedfenney, No. 45 ' — Sudden Death. ' ' ' • . . ;ti/V,,Eiteuday a 'lterimon, abmat two o'clock, Sfrs Tam. WM of-John : Young :residing,at 'am corner, of Tana and Wayne. streets, t the rouitif.sard; was a:w take° lhile walk, ing along Sixth streek'ort. bet. way to Dr. Trutt ,ley's..churchJ like - was carried' into henna fa : theCriellilty„; and is;physlclati.wss callly , bui she' lerpiredinafew minutes. She lisd been at church during the forenoon: and although she had not: betti as well as usual, she was Imam to' attend -the cominunices service in the afternoon': The; deemed was ategy,estimable woman, end was; about sixty yearn or age: Bho had beezientrer ing from heart disease rouse= time, ' and it was that Which causedbet death. Heimanlint Association. At a usiethiMf therrossocelub elltaliclles • „ -- . ter, on Saturday - ercal4, 21sti. It was renelred ,- - • do tbrut a BenerolentAaaccianon,wlmase phrPase ! it shall be to And. USA nue ninfber ordeati* \ ' .'families in'the• borough and Tielnlty,:" and eon . N. I 'tribute to theirorantai ' ltera will be seeenunit dme appointed Whose business It shall be to waft , n each' s 'and ascend:dm their nice ' da ni ls a n d = ell such with - food; fool and ,-' - :. . clothing, as far as the funds collected b 7. the as- • - aodatlogralll admit. Persons. In actual want ` can Ica Ilairaddrcas at the room of the two-- , • elation , In the rear of the fi balding occupied by • . • tr.Vrocuard, Idanctiester, Dentitions solicited . from who feel an Interest In the cause;.; • PrITEDIMCIERSI TROMOTZLI.MIC following Pittsburgh soldiers .bove been brevetted 'for pliant and Incritorises conduct ltr - the - To be Camels Brevet.--Ltenteannt COlcinel "Jame& Patcbell, of the , 10ed Penna. V 01.., for. .gallantry at the battle of Winchester.lo date from 43cptember 19th, 1801.. Licutenant Colonel ino. G. Parr, of- the 1311th Pcnna. Vols. for medlar knss conduct at the battle of Cold- Harbor, Vlr-' .glnin, to date film August lat, 1864. To be Ikon by Brevet—Captain Robert SW. Lyon; ICcid Petum.• Yu n J le:, to date front &Nem ber 19th, 1884. Ca ptaiames D. Duncan, of the 1024 Penna. Vols., to date *OM September United States District Court. .• • Monissr, January, 23.--Bofore ,Indge Me- Candleser Milen Burton, of Batter county, was' being tried to-day; rot s charge of luuisoring a deserter. The casepeenpled all the forenoon. and Ma jury did - not retire =nil atter tins o'cloe.k—ii.'& Dia *let Attorney Carnahan for :United States, and Thos. M. Misrski4t and.WS.l'Orslance, SAIL, Tnu tricot -11 . 11 .0n, COMP' letter' fr om atr..WedC, the . Superintendent, Mates that : the - - mar well belongingto this isempanY noWbting 'day arid bight,' and le Mereaslag mildly in : .the ametrutprodueed. 'freer Boston to She agent o r the Coinpani, heri-atates. that ' the „., Mock la being speedily absorbed In that city. - Si] • 1 ' I. SPECIAL LOCAY. NOl'lrEh. . TwOwas W. t PstraT,raitkalBlais Fiord*, ant Deakx In Abe:loan Isto, of Tarim gnaws.. Othee at Ahmendse Lawthlbl% near the Walter Watii - fittatnnkTa. - Beddow*, No. 73 Puri abed. Orders ed water preprm oof. ptlr atteeded 10. Al! work ~,Wanant Bring - done at the ' *honest notice. No charge or repaha; vide the roof Is not stewed after It Is out on, . •• Mow Gobi* yam 'recetveit at tee Merchant Taficattig establlahment of Graham & MeCand less, TS Smithfield street. We would most rest- Pectfhill Invite Inc attention of our friends aid the public in • gcneral, to oar new stock of fall and winter goods. They contain all' the very latest styles of English, french. and American 'clothes, CIIIIPIRICIVII and Tasting', all of the finest quality, -and la selected with the grcateat care GenUatim desiring fashionable and well made clothing, would do well to give no a call before ptireliming ehmwhere. Every garment is war anted to give fel)ll satisfactSon in both prior pad GRAHAM & 3fcCuroursis Needle:it - Tailors. No. 73, Smithfield shaet. SPlcisr, movie. - , . . _....t. Ithrice.--Ftie attention of o? read ers Is directed to the brilliant assortment el Fall and Winter Goods Just received by out friend Mr. Jobs, Were No. - MB Federal street, Allseway. Ms stock comprises a great m o ietyeyFreneb, of YaneyFrineb, Engine', ...te.b and Ametican :Casalenemt sad Cloths, andlitne Silk 'and EMI . mere V all of width' will be made opt orderin- the styles and the best manner.. & choke selection of liNimealting Goods also Ms "mad and for sale, together with . & fall stock of Era/ Mivki 4 : 4o tblllE, Well and;-Vaatikniably .' , Oscareoe and 'earflap cellaß-be tame at thcompaa aloe, No. 410; Prot atire‘dar or night. .411 ceders lett at.the shore Oka wit be prototely . atteado4 for AlloeNt most be pot in _ . rotamucum la frair-dreasing sad Teigtrgal - re 'eambthe, OS' vierer bib to give sobracooo. 50 cents pel. - bottie Foraale 11). 9rug g iut -gortendkr. • ' - Cfeuere' rieltemant at 90 Federal ateeat on ac. coaat °tette low prima of boots and shoe& win= Boor at colt ai 96 Felcral alma. EMU • . _ kirrsßulluil THEATRE'. FIF TH—BEET NEAR WOOD. M Lusa AND ..twAhrh. .......... Wm. Ilewnhaecrw. • TILLS .ENTIiTNG will ibe . preseate4, the been; Otaists partied, - , BEA OP ICI), Totonclutic with my WIFE'S BtAID. shortly appear. _TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES. TEND STREET. WEAR ST. MAUL sityTHE Lessee and Manager. (Joune e za N: nc AT 8 OL.OOB. • Last nrek ofTh great MDLLE CIALLETTL The best doorman In the world. The Mouse crowned to repletion every night. • - First appearance of .20KNNY REDDEN ; the . unrivaled son D[ Memos. ENTIRE (RUNGE OF PROGBAIKAIR TO NIGHT. MISS FRANK CHRISTIE; THE CORPS DER AL MISLSET; LOUISE ROLETTE; ACROBATS, TIi&NEGRO COMEDLANE; VOUALLST. he. &c. 7.!(.A SPLENDID MILL. Friday_ evening, Jan. 27th, Benefit of AIDLLE. GALLMTL •• Loot our for another new Company.- HALL ! FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY. TEIIIII2DAY, FIRIDAY and MATURDAY AMU 28, 27 and 20. MORRIS & WILSON'S MINSTRELS, BRASS BAND, American - Opta & Burlesque Old Folks' CONCERT TROITPE. For further particulars sea pontes & programmes. Doors open at 7; to commence et 7% °Wank. tnlasion ete. Childers, 25 eta Ad 17'A. MORRIS, Dlonager, W. A. ABBOTT, Agent. Jana: t lONCERT HALL. GRAND GIFT CONCERTS SOIREES MAGIQUE. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, commencing EON. DAY, JA,?itTAItY 23d, 1383 , br the talented BELMONT TROUPE! Corepristrg the following Ladies and Gentlemen of Versatile and Attbale qualifications: • Horton,LMONT the only rlealof the ancient whose Chleanerie II the admitation of both Press and the MR.. WisardMada 's Mme BELMONT, Premiere attendant to the oslem. Tim CHARLES HOWARD, ((roe Ifo , bity street Theatre, Daltimore,) Comedienne and Vo caksi. -•-- Mr. C;EO. GRAY, Justly styled the American a nd Co Mons. pos PTC er HOWSKI, the celebrated Pianist m. Admission 60 etc Doors open at 7; to commence at 8 o'clock. GRAND GIFT 3IATINEM 'Wednesday and I Saturday afternoons, commencing at 2', o'clock, on which occsalou Children will be admitted for t 5 cents. GEO, GRAY, Jamat B ;shwas Agent. • . WANTED—A Situation- 'by a young man In a GROCERY or CLOTHING Store. Ls a Food book-keeper; coo giro the beat of refer.; ence ho to efiaracter,•and arliteive security tt re. oohed. Address T. a.. Gazette °ince. • jataaltd. • WANTED—A GARDNER, to take care T of a small garden near the el y, upon which ii a vineyard; remainder la orchard. .Itaaommentk• Worm required. Inquire at the de26:11 CITY MILLS. Liberty street. tf ANTED-470 A MONTH.—I want &grata paid, to sill NW= Art everywhere, ate - JO a month, expenus kies, the best ever offered. Full pertiouless fres. (Yfl T. (YAREY. Biddeford. Melee. : 1 : 1 0 1 111111ed.VaT .iiTANTED -- .•;/2.5 A ISONTH.—Ants - averywhate,• , to inttodueo .the new Clare &chat Adler rentry Sowing Bacites, the war low mica toaehinstin the country which Ls Basta Grover & Baker, -Wheeler at Wilson, Howe, o S r ish Clo,and Betebelder. Salary and expenses, or _Jame C0M 1 311.1101111 allowed. 111 other Atachlnes now sold fur lese then forty dollars each are i/l• Atwood; end the seller and user Italie. Illustra ted eirculan went/nal. aaannasEew °LARK, Biddeford. Maine. - no2damdawT ILTANTE7-4Agenta for THE NURSE AND SPY, the Most Interbsking'and exalting book ever pub li shed, embracing the adventures n a woman to the Union Army u Nuns, Seoul and ViTid ilMiler picture of the war. ifia%2=ll.sebled Mars AOKI Soldier in want • o 7: profitable employment will lind it peculiarly, adapted to their eondltlon.. JONIF4. BROS. k CO., 600 (Thesannt street, Philadelphia. nomheii • ' tifANTE Service in the quarter. Ilr muter , ' 'Department, it Nashville, Matta. nom* and Jhbecioaville„ Teritteswe l Atlanta, Cleo, gin Mad and L other ittle.icpcie,.44.4waa; sniq Teamster,: a. caper mouth and rations Free yen. en to 'place or destination. Healthy, le.bodind awe only will be' received. JOHN 1... Captain and du b b e d Quarterwasteefil& & For further hr inquire of J. T. SAMPLE, R 5 Federal St.; Allegheny; Or over Na. SO Washington Avenue, between ath and 6th St..T..euis, Mo. W. CLARK:Gen. Arai. • THARE GOOD CANVAS:BBM . . 0 SELL TILE ILLSTORY OP TRH , Plithialt Sires of North aid Ithattr/therico,!! Aliegheny County.' Thhe valuable Work is just po Wished, surd already has We robesrapid &sled It cancel= Mu plates, and I..uaa Ln cloth 'Or lealher to-suit the lunand. This work' gives a eouipleta bistatv of the "Red- Man," and his war* with the "Pale Feeds," front the Mu settlement of the oountry down to the . Minnesota Mensere. A liberal per portage and sae/salve tartlets , raven, by aedtesslat, IL STEWARD, Jaalwert d% (Cienetal Agent for Western Raj • • • New Wilmington, Pa. 11118 SOLVTIO.Arli.. de. ___..............- w lISSOLUTION QP PARTNERSHIP .r.-• —The bnshiess eonneetton of Botha in A Gar thou, and of ROliman, Garrison .&112., leas di4 solved on theist Imtant, by the sabc of th slater's, of IL. L. Bolintan and G. W. Hollmsat Al! settlements will be attended to at tt toenail the late, gram, on Smithfield thee:. H. 1.. lIOLLNAN, , - _ A. GARRISON, . . OWL W. BOLHAN _. :Jour( It. RI L romok. Prrra' nese% January 3.1. W. '.. In reting froM the entire, the subscribers on expreas t he nks to thelr friends for the patronag Alyce during the long period of their business, sa elm take pleasure In reenmniennlnNtheirsuccessor to the public, with the fullesteonadentrothat erery efibrt and' attention will be given toreador satin :action. . IL. L. BOLLNLAN, ..., GEO. W. BOLLIILAX • uary PlTSnirneti,Jan 1, 1951. - ei.. _. .. —.... . 0- PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. •t•-• ~.,.: , P/TTKIIIIIGIIFOIIIIDERY. ' A. Minion' h i ving - purahaied the entire foul . . dery property, stock LOU ',laziness of the late new of Bollmatr 4 Matson, and EQUlnan, earrlion £' Co., and honing with him in busies* , Joheli.Ricketson, the undersigned will continue the busineu under,thartame and style of A- 4.12:. [ Orion& Co. ' A. GARRISON 1' Prryirottest.Zon JOHN H. siciErsorr. oss7 I, ISM .44:tra iiiSSOLUTIDI7t -a-.0 SHIP.—The Partnership heretofore exiAint between the underatigked,' under the firm name di CROMPTON & CO., for the manufacture of Silvis , War/ and Other Soapy_ ha* this Slay been illasoirei by inuttua OM:Meat. AL SAMUEL I& KtER, JOHN O. cm:min= Pittibisrih, SeptAtia, ltie . .... .4. .. . . ... ... .. s. szipt ‘SII...ICEEN:RDT CO., - IFAXtrirAO, NEW tar iver Pearl and 811661.1 a; Eceizi Izazarr srarsr. PCnEenoLi pART.NERs r rained bays this de plated Into Nate e e l; U the Clot% Inds R u bber, i end Palette e r e e l ; the drot new end .style h. H. raneazipm: " rectory McClure towns p eetkene county; Warthope and °Moe, Noe. MI mid " Oi& It, riltahunch.. HENRY Et. A. R. DROOQUET.. - - dt,„ DISSOLUTION ,% ff OF NERSHIP. : —The pertntrehlp heretofore emitting under the style °LIMN DUNLAAAS,CO., Wu diesel', ed by limitation an the Sin Desehiber,llM. 2 The busbies, of the late firm Win be settled by .10IEN DUNLAP, who will version the• of In Wilts branches at the old stand., corner of Mae. ket and Second streets. • • ' JOHN DUNLAP .TAILES B. sea* DSOLUTION .OF !.PARTNERSHIP. s--• —The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned one . dissolved on the second day of January, 1565,1iy mutual 'consent. The name of • the arm may be used by either partner in settling the - buciness of thstlinat end for no oast -purpose. fall - , PIL R. BLERTZ. UIZZ= JAMES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, All Legal Boalooga prookitir &doodad to. arrtOom, No. 11i1,7lotorra itioArr, Doti Gout t 11. O. MACI LL I. A. JOll3lllOll MACIL.R.ELL ,11011N80,11 . ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, omits DB - tir.B.l4oirszo soLDLEpo °LA= Amaral en &mles forlirestadul &Men . e?llecte d La tiros AirOttice Oltsam Isar , Pittab 0,11 with discharge and twe witeesaisa 11019,..9.344.1 . 0 .1 . . ATTORNEY.4IT-LAW, • ' NFL us itnir army, Pittitiv Pa. eiao tor reNsioxrg6" s,isot./ON,,ieowagpromeo , Pl sHz2 iv.7ld•.•.i'Ts a,►!i' :-;'le Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS, of every de scription., MITI, Atulay, Cron. Cut, Gang, and all other Varieties. All hinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, made from Sheet. Cart Steel • Extra Reda.* REAP= AND niowrsu ICNI~'ES Ac. AlkiP•Warrhouse and Worke, corner WATER. and SIIOET STREETS, Pilleburgh, Particular attention given to Retootidni, Gum, ming and Straightening Circular Saws; also, re; pairs of all kinds. Punching and DrU/Ing done, at rratronable rates. . ap2lkly Boiler Makers 4t. Sheet Iron Workers NCI4. 20, 21, 24 end 26 PENN STREET. • • 'wing •eetired • tam Yard, had furnished with the most improved machinery, we are prepat ed to manufacture eve.ry desoription Of BOILERS, In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made Incountry'. CHIMNEY ,S .BRIOHEN, FIRE BEDS, STLAM LOOI6IIOTIIfB BOILERS, CONDENSERS; SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLING PANS, . BOILER IRON,. BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and solo manufacturers of BARN HILL'S PATENT BOILEELS. Repairing dons on the shortest notice. deiadit 11111. E summon Copper Hill and Smelting Works, rnorsatrnan, PARK, M'CURDY & CO. • Manufacturers of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' & BOLT COPPER, PRESSED C.OPER HOT. SOLDER.SED STI LL BOTTOALS, SPALTER Alga, Importer. and dealers In AIET. ALS, TIN PLATE, SHEEP IRON, WIRE, &d. ColudanUy on band, TINNERS' AIACHINES TOOLS. Varebouse, No. HO MIST sad 120 SEC OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper cut to Any desired pattern. my2thlydaser t •-- s z. ItOIIINS/031, REA & CO., Ouccessors pmts. to Ronnisor, Muuk & mass,/ - • Washington Works, FOUNDERS AND SIAOHINISTSLPrrissortan. Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINE._ ,•4 LAST ENGINES, MILL CHINERY, GEARING, SHAFT/NG; OAST. -INC/Sof all descriptions OIL TAN-KS & STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK: .4ipAgeoti for GIFFAKIPS PATENT nutar- Ant, /or feeding - toners O EOOOO =TEEL ... D. DR1CLE12...3. P. not Lea 1.11 BELLE STEEL WORKS. nErnsz. & (Successor, to llcrrart, ii.Arvncro!& C 0.,) •- Manufacturers of PCA STEL; NG, LOW and BST LISTER STEEL; E SPRINGSSPRI, AX LES, CROWBARS, he. air Works, FIRST WARD, 'Allegheny. Post Croce address, PITTSBURGH. jalarly IeXPE. SCIENCE - DP AN INVALID, published for the bens It us a warning and caution to young men wish salter from Nervous Debility, Pre. mattre Neat of Manhood, etc., supplying, at the lame lima, the swam of Woo; by one wbo has cured himself after being put u to g r eat expense sod 11, 7 Y .. n a u X,' , .me dl "p`.hint4T4°.4.1.1-4-, - gie copies mop be had of the nuth?r, • 'NATHANIEL MAII Ant, Esq., deddmdawT Philadelphia, Pa -741E1t FIZA OP limo Boni SEXES.-A reverend gentleman bay ing been restored to health in a few days, after nu dergolng ode the usual rcultine and Irregular expensive mof treatm witout suceess, considers it his sacred duty to commu n icate to Mn afflicted fellow creatures the unmoor cure. Renee, on the receipt of as addressed envelope, he will send,fros, a copy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DAGNALL, 185 Fulton N. Y. nibllitydasrT r • mrs.gossiCllß,LN sit BRO., anuftio. hirer. of IRON VAUL M TS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING, WINDOW BRUT, MIR, WINDOW. GUARD_ S, Sin, Nos. St SEth OND and SS THIRD STRELT, between Wood and Market, have on band apveuiety of new pattenu, fancy and plain , sultnble for all purposes. air Particular attention paid to enslosiagGrays Lots. Jobbing done at abort notice. arta Y SY om .S E b=lee - __. SEMINAL, ITEINAEy AND SEXUAL ,- XlEits-oerr and reliable treotroent—tb porta *title Howard Aomelottoo. Sent by moll b. Ls AledummletteileMoratteemi onfocuchamo__Lriall Assaelatton, No. &Scat!' Ninth street, musf'w --- isrmit'r 31. COLLINN, FORWARD ENG ANDOONMISSION MERARAITI and wholesale dealer la CHEESE, BUTTER. SEEDS,. FISH. aud produce generally. No. 111 WOOD STREET Plitaburrsh. eel .r.r.fivros..trusic. as ILAND§ . AND AMERICANVI ORGANS. NUNNERY, New York; SIAIONIAKER & CO., Philadelphia, Smith's Ameitican Organs, , • The best and cheapest Instruments rod in the United State& • WAMELINK & BARR, • SOLE AGENTS, N.. 12 Itirseirs Sleek St. Clair Street jala JIIVIENILE SINGING 'l3OOll 4 , EVER PI3I3LL4ILP.D. THE • SILVER BELL , Contains a choice selection of nearly 160 of the most favorite SONGS, DUETS, QUARTErTS, te.. ands complete oosx, of Kunnzwreiry INSTRUCTION. Among the pieces are the following: Irtv ise n to n t n t ita r lio ea At ameh g Home • Cottage by 'the gem • Do tbeytTlttok of Me at Hone; Soldlernt Cherie* - °Steers. Funeral( flied of Beauty: Juntatal, Battle Pra,yerl Which are alone worth the price of the book. N 1 2 . 104Dy 60 Ocaxtei. Copley mailed to any miaow on receipt of price. CHAS. C. MELIA/it. at WOOD STREET. N. BEIDLE, 818 8311T1IFIELD .Pianoi — and Musical lustrtuuents, Keeps eopstaatly On land s bee assortment of New, aurreas, 60008.- M0N5,,ue13.9,e5e.., wrack hewill sell for low ROFFMAN, HOENE & 004491 N si mut - intrxr, ; 7:ito , 9llii.or•fis int. Beat PLatioe In Amerles.. L PlANoB.—dust,raccelved. a new lot of KNAVE% UNRIVALED PIAN OS, MAINE'S DEWS PIANOS, sad. GROSE & Imams PIANOS. , • Alma. PRINOPIS • ADTOMATIO ORGANS, SOI/09L ORGANS-dad MELODEONS. • cmituirre BLVINE, 'its Filth street, Wtokaale and Retail Agent.. 21411LORS. BISSELL'S iILOCH. 10 ST.. CLAIR. STREET, Would eft the attention Of Inspirit* MS stoSk et goods It has been seleoted with great eve, end contains all the NEWEST STYLES OP GOODS to be found to float elate homers.. Gents wishing a suit of clothes made to order will . please' and examine otur goods and pric4s. - A lso • 'full and complete ster.k of Wil.xlmdastsl224' Cf-cosiegiiNis W. 11. MCGEE. 11,1ancliAxr Una; HENRY t 0 Merchant Tailcbrs, If. W. at; Pour 4 St. Clair Stredil, - G/ AN; • -47. f3t.,Cli4r OBE *rsi oLosiira chir 'Tung .1 • • STOOK or 111"Eit • 4 Yr -TOPZEPS 426:0 :CL4lTRii#Cip 4 AT GREATLY REDIICED rILICEN assay HUBBARDS & LONG,- lIMIZTACTrRIMS OF PATENT GROUND C/RCUTAES; BARNAKILL, dt. Co., sou ) Aammig vox ' non W. &du: No. 10 Sr. CLAIR STREET. PUMink•E. I. l24).flirCE, arc 13 . F. QUIMBY (30-., - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. fro SOUTU WATER ST., Clive special attention to purclusi Flour, Grata", Provistoia4 tfe B.F. Foj Eastern account. .iy GBO. T. BROWN. Ic!ta ti p:73.21,1‘"E Commission Merchants, ♦ID DkAmictes ax Flour, Grain and Produce; ID SECOND ST., between Wood h. Smithfield, 114 y • PITDDIURGH. inoe. rorran, r a i VOTTER, AIKEN & SHEPARD, am- Dminion Merchants and Dealer in Foreign and omestic FRUITS, MOUS, BUTTER, CHEESE, POTATOES and Produce generally r No. see Liberty street, opposite Peumenger Depot, Pitt. bough, REFEMMCII:II. Dilworth & Co., Means & Comm, Culp & CoShepard, Atwell, Lee & Co., JO2lll Grazier, Pitt. ri , Sinclair & Bro., .111cDowell, Van Louie Co., Philadelphia. Trethlett b. Simmons, St. Sinclair & Grant, New Yeadr. Stanton, & Larell, Cincinnati. • ENEY WALLACE. Commission. Mexjchant, rco. 173 SOUTH WATER ST., CHICAGO, Particular attention paid to filling orders for HIGILW/10., PROVISIONS, FLOUR, &c. trihn-Grn V. C. IriAl..LikT rassx VAN 0011D111; TIALSLEY & VAN GORDER, Produre And commission Merchants, Warehouse, No. 'Ad Liberty Pt., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wholesale deal .. in Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Pork, Bacon, Beans, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, R ~D om- Iny,riNt Fruits, Green Fruits, Onions, Flour. Grain, ulover Sends, Timothy Sends, Flax Seeds, Gone and Ponitry. Particular attention glees to Pi °duce Consignments. fate JOHN B. CANFIELD, Commission and owig Merchant and wholoaale dealer In WESTERN RESER VE CHEESE, ntrrTma, LARD, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, PISU, POI AND PEARL ASHES, SALEUATUS, ,LIN SEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT . and Produce generaily,.Nos. 141 and 144 Front street, l'ateburgh. coc2 T 1... 1 , TT1.11, en ------OAyYY TRIIIII,ILI & THIMI3LE, Wholesale Gro eers and Commission Illerehauts, dealers In PIS/BUCK FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, FISH, CA PM iN AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GL A SS, GOTTI YARNS, „ad Pittsburgh man e tncl la rev generally, Ila cud 11.1'Second street, Pitts. burgh. OTIN P.TA L ' l.l' & Comnassion Multi, and dealers In PLOW!, GRAIN AND N0..341 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. tlinice brands of Flour for Makers and Fatally use constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to tilling orders for Merchandise generally. octgrily -------- AVEI3B & WILKINSON, Commission T Merchants, Wholesale dealers In WESTERN RESERVE CHEES „I' DRIED FRUITS, BUT TER, 1.:00S; onAnc.4, and produce generally. Also, LEATHER, RIMS, OILS, Esc., No. 217 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Cash advancements made. Conitamments aollelted. r jela-Omd atieesuent.. IV M. P. BECK & CO., No. 10 - Liberty Merchants, PA., Inulealle Grocers, Commission u m! dealers In COUNTS'S. r/tonuttuvisCHE.iZlols j Becor , r, LARD, I *CE, FL O TTER.' moS, FINN, ftr., PRO. 1)1 UR, ORAIN, SE E. EDS, GREEN AND Willa/ FRUITS: An: SALT and LISLE. 16 JAMES DALZELL A SON, Mutufac turern of RD OIL, and Commlaalon AND chnnt• for tba LA purchase and sale of CRUDE 4.ND RLFINED PE 7 ROLEU:9I. Nos. 69 and 99 Water street,' Pittsburgh. Advances nude on sonatin vote. • 4.1101100 P. IIk AD UROMilt YOToasa, 1 1 EA D tt AIETZGAR, Grocers and Com -a I L mlest:on Merchants, and dealers In all !audio( Country Produce and pltteburgh, Manutseturw No. ^t4 Llberly street, opposite hes.t-or Wood street, Pittsburgh. apsly, tMR J • AZT r.1%,..WY:D 1111irti pEYMER BROTIIEki, ( successors AA to ReYmer a. Anderson ) Wholesale Dealets.le FOREIGN FRUITS NUTS and SPICES. - CON. FEVTIONERY, SUITARS, FIRE violates, &e.,Nee 195 and LIB Wood street, above Filth, Pitts burgh. ITRITY ALLA CE, C,-, E ,.i on m mi „ and Wholesale Deader in FLOUR es GRALNI_, No. 3:..1 Liberty street, opposite Penrsylnulln R. Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. Storage Warehouse, corner Wayne and Penn streets. nor:4y ...DAN AMMON I)ATTERBON & COALWLSSION MI2IOIIANTS, FLOUR AND GRAIN, and general PRODUCE de vS 11•4 v. lers, No:. WOOD STREET, Pttlaburg6, Pa: • • RR. iIIZIEPATRZON.. KIRKPATRICK BROTIIER, sUa meson to Wows' & Kirkpatziek, WHE SALE GROCERS, Nos. lel and SS Liberty gt OL rel 4 1./MN:ugh. J. IS. LIOOLT7 1011 W curneZi E S. LIGGETT •t•• CO., CITY FLOUR. • INO 2IILLq , cermet Liberty and A4ala 7 l e ir tl -%:4•Gt7,106 I. h Zreb per d RCAO.MAKER 4.5 c. Merthataa and Wholes ale denier* In GROCE RIES, FLOUR, GRAIN PRODUCE; kr-, No. 829 Liberty street., PlReburall. • • salad I y . . • JO/01 WI 4.4.4 WATT 43 WILSON, Wholesale Gra sera, d Fl literchantii, and dealensin Lawny street, Pil tt rtd,M. mun ' ts c l ures, 7 1 0 , d4 NEESE RY 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and Commission M. chant and dealer In CHEESE, RUTTER, LAKE— and Produce generally, No 23 Wood street, ahoy.: Water, Pittsburgh: my 2 JOII7I I. OOOet ZOINARII HOl7Bl. JOHN L' HOUSE' b• CO., Wholesale C GROCERS AND COarwt4SION MER PIttsHANTS, censer..