I=l §.4+3~~ir~Gt; Wittit ittglitazeftt. —• itrnueuio Dr TIE GAZETTE I'IIBLISIOG ASSOCIATION. TUEIIDAY. jAIII7AAT 24. ISCIS. THE FENIAN lIROTH ERHOCiD. This vastly extended. secret organisation ie causing no little trouble and alarm mitong our neighbors of Canada. , Its Mime object is thought to.be the dissointion of the union between Atreat Britain and:lreland. Its membership iscomposcd.Mainlyof Catholic Irishmen, and embraces probably millions falreland, 'Canada and .11.46 Belted Staten. A convention of the order is now in session in Cincinnati, or was a few days ago; but land they have been doing' lii not trans pired. Iteobject is political; not reiglona ITC that some: of the Fleets of the Oath,- olic church favor it, while we know that gt4ers pppctse and denontute it. A trauma. , • aoai excitement 'Was- Occasioned at Skib• . berets, In Ireland, recently by the bunting 411.141417 of the pariah pricat of that Catho- Ohi coinninaltyy because he had denounced the order from the pulpit. ; The clergymen, ~,709 'Ras the : bided, of this outrage :was Rev D. Comae, parish priest of Radii The Cork Examiner states that "during the' fansifle f he misted tp rescue hundreds from starvation. In the streets of Cork he begged . from door to door for the perishing people , i)ltilklbbereci; in( the lobby 'of the House ..of Commons, be implored money on their 'behalf; In the cabinets of itinisters of State ' supplicated foe assists:bee In bristationed accents; in the boardroom, in the press, he „Sought the battle for. those poor creatures, who were then helpless as children." - . .11 is but a few weeks since . a priest in Jersey City was assaulted in the streets for a similar cause. We may infer from these ~.and other similar, occurrences, that a new lamer is riting in the bosoin of the:Xittho lic church which the church cannot con trol-4 power rife with the spirit of mis chief, butwhich has in it, so far as we can disoaxery:Ed element of good. To effect their .Objee—the, dismemberment of Ire : ' land„':, W are hibeninetri embroil Great aritaitt. end the ;United States in war by means in their power. Their organs in' '. ' t 4 COinatry profess loyalty to the Union; .but+telt:Ciemada they and the rebels are man . • reeittiworidng in concert to breed trouble . ' itiethiti the two governments. This thing ' 'Ching akin to what te called Red Re. : , • on the contineut of Europe--a _,;.lWe. discontent and iiolence, arising F ara fro r },feeling that somethieg is wrong, bat tif; ofetind ignorance .of what that some thing4s. ;The Celtic Irish, fo r.. example; artCalie that tiedr,condition Ismot what it erupt tt!• be; and : they . attribute ' all the evile,reaTited Imaginary Maier Which they areitrffertng to the union of their, country . with England; hence they ere reatless and dbeeetented, antlevely new and thin they wet 04" g. qfbrto to ,thrOw, off , 11 , 1 0 yoke, . AR their post efforts to effect that object, however, :have, been militia:4e ebOrtions, opy Tesalted is bitertillyint..the evil , they Wight to more.• • • the p eople'cif ai loyal to the gark4nrnent Oreit Britain as IIX!)th011i! or Engiipiit: ''"ieitiiiika.ito far as Penicillin freedom and politicak.privileges go„are f just as well off , ind-ss well contented. It is only, among Z.. 16 -614 C ptirtiOn 'of 'thatpeople tit iphit ofdiscontent is found.,,' Indee re ii, a strong similarity Aset7e9 l the hostile d which prevailed among our idarieholdi • population prior to thLe icberthirt - rade OR; own geTernmenia slid the,;hittor I(iatilit'y which' has ever Ailed the ms I ci,f the Celtic mind of Ireland towards the Brit.. garEtemelta . , In th eatter case ,it Hai Its'origin partly en race and partly in; dhi; Adieltierhi of rellgicole creed ; and slesinglx this Peden organization isinot rOlgioris in is, so far as we can ,perceile, • lined almost eiclusively to Cathialles; as Red Republicanism on the continent fit found only in Catholic countries. Tt is simply a disturbing element out . 'of • which agitation; and possibly war, may - neat; but which', has In it nothing that ....proinfocii to promote either the frecaom I,l llPlPOrofthen , ce• I,l3 i , brlni ' Dtlan - el • into trouble but think there Is too much good sense in the American people. to suffer -.thitioselves to he'aniwn TutZ. 4g4iuitrrel by ',":Such' an organization as this: Many thou • sands of these Fathom have, during the past. two years, solemnly sworn allegiance to: the , . Queen of Great Braga 'before our Boards'of Enrollment, in, order to avoid taiiarig their . - part jin our: great t nadonsi struggle, end no men, heve done that thing more eagerly and Impudently than them Irish" Celts.'" they fancy ~ a.querrel, with the.Myel lady under Uhose.nhirta they • lire not ashamed to crawl, When -the ' connl try *Welt, for yeara, has given then ahelr protection and einployment,i 'neede, their berried, Jet - them fight ' . c9t 'them hut let Mt not, stiffer imtvelme- to bti, into it, Some Celtic Irishmen hamc 'fought bravely for the country of their adopt ;.> bin; but the number of these liears'no ";:,2Tterticni to those who invoked the protection. • of the pritlsh Queep sgai*tthe'ealiktf the Viesidea of the United.Eittites: To no peon, :op the, earth] therefore;• do 'we imo len ? , — As a nanon; than. : lsl *Pe Ccitke Ti*L. • • ' Tns PAPER DUTY. 'Mien the agitation for: ,the repe,i of the 4 0 9-erlthl. . 1 7 IMP°, all the papers of the coon tvy joinea'in wging Congress to repeal /snub: however, Now : - York 'Papers! hate ?acre!, to the Other aide; this change or - - ciphifori hating been inoandeiihr thh ^v-manufacturers redur - the price of • . :J. ler piper—to them and to them only—fel:Ml 27 341)_10*..pelf _The Herald regarded, tilts tti a mailer stioie; of pollen salt would rmable the New York Press to break up the Westeni neriripapers: ' - 1 11t11.the Boston papers began .to grumble at, this one-aided arrangement; and in'o y der to quiet them, they were bought off by get ting paper at the reduced rates : The Phil '".itioapera followed Suit; and now we fid'that Slier !Wes hatla . been tud4cnly opeied to the necessity of keeping ' on the • paper auti , - . Tliese facts prore, not only the existence of e a paper monopoly, bat the great strengt h it 'fields; and the sooner Congress breaks it ttjf the better tor the Interests of the t ' !Tra Publishes' L'ireulai is responsible . far the following: i •:4 - '' 'Vt - ' bookseller la Philadelphia lately re: `welved an order from the country for book called "linparden.” • Ile sent what was ' — deeited—Tennywm's "Enoch Aiden,"- ..; -" , -istdcletliti. viral bibliopele - havina f. heard. rPOONWhillt bullli pronoUiced,- unaeris oo d ---teinean. whet She • wrote. Washington Ir ,e%lalied to,mtllot Isis friends merry;, about eh bookseller who ordered 'The ' .. :;- 20 . 34 / I PF°.' of'The4 illaai. .-- of ;: , :i • ~.. ~;1 ~ I nstead• , , « . ,:;•;,_ ' 41-. - - , '''''' --• .:.-ne- t)_a Pow-. . .12 , .. . 4' =l ,.. ilbeibilitir : Weeteri/YIrgIAIN / Oink s r - 4 reetatkr; Phu.% Mucluil Mich' 1, •" - e igo ,.. ',.• Dr. Mats) 'gro ." .14ilgt at 7 4 1611 / 1 . 13 ?"!P 41 " /. M rs, -- *eetttlittfihi - e4 ,laufritort at s tikirlPß 2 4. 9' B Vreetens — Vlrifide eleP :deetnents. ~• ist*lnit . Pd . • tang of amore proftb4ng character than ear slielbre dleooirered. Tile RAW. Is tobe fo und li lose nentlty throughout the whde ' nest ame I. gresitir et Of the co al basin No rth Alumina. of THE POPF , S. ENCI - CLICAL LETTER. hw created a Treat - commotion among the liberal Catholics of Europe. The Paris Siede regards it as an effort to reconstitute mortmaln, reestablish religions corpora tions, subordinate the civil to the ecclesias tical. • we; suppress liberty of 'conscience, a State religion, revive the an ' f ' and even the "Middle Ages." • - •• ;1 des Debate, speaking or the most cultivated Catholics, considers it as an attempt "to go back to the time of Gregory VII," and to Interfere in the relations be tneen sovereigns andtheir subjects, to dom ineer over one or the other, and enact the arbitrator between Governments and their people." The Temps sap, in the the name of progressive Catholics, "all hopes of a compromise between the Church and mod ern society must be abandoned." "The En , cyclical Letter will be a great event, but principally for the reason that it will mark the. powerlessness and the eta of the sys tem that it is endeavoring to galvanize." The Italia, representing the Catholics of 'Nell; characterizes the letter of Ma Ho !limas as an" "aesthetes launched against civil society, public law. popular institu. tionitand modern_ libiWalism.". The Vati can has abruptly broken with the principles which govern not only Italy, but France and Libenti Europe." Sherman's New Campaign. The advance of Sherman's right wing to - Pticotallgo, and its occupation of that point is conjunction With Foster's forces, were reported by telegiaph. A correspondent[ of the Nevi York Times gives the following' additional particulars : On Friday night everything was put fn readiness -for an advance from the position near Beaufort. By means of a pontoon bridge, conatnicted by the Engineer corps, the troops".crossed at Port Royal ferry, and proceeded cautiously yet resolutely in the direction of the railroad. In this movement the Seventeenth Corps, Gen. Blair, fen-flied the left, and Gen. Hatch's troops thti. right. Gen. Howard, it will be remembered, com mands the right wing of Sherman's army, of which the Seventeenth is a corps. On the march , to the railroad our troops met with little erne opposition. The enemy threw out, at three or four different places, heavy lines of skirmishers, who, however, retired in haste, after discharging a few rounds from their pieces. • ' At this writing the left wing of Sherman's army is snoring from ,Sarannah on a line which the enemy may possibly ascertain for ,himself. The most reliable information re ceived places the main force of the rebels at Aslmpoo, a point on the Railroad, thirty miles south of Charleston. Here, it is sus pected, they will make a temporary stand, and then 'fall back on Charleston. They will be handsomely entertained should they prolong their stay at either place beyond a very.short while. It is thought by many .that a heavy engagement will come off at 'Branchville. lam inclined to the contrary opinion;, in fact, I cannot readily compre hend how the retie/nein be able to glee fight anywhere in South Carolina. They hare not the men, either- , in numbers or stamina. to meetilt; force that Sherman is prepared to harraginast.them. Sherman's progress is onward find forward, and ere long look out for _another happy and startling dispatch. Yesterday, a number of deserters and refugees came in from Charleston. They report that the rebels, in anticipating the evacuation -of Charleston; have removed most of the heavy Government machinery, and have sent off a large number of guns. The latter, - , ft is statedd,, are mounted at Branchville. The iahahitaata are frighten ed oat of their senses. The city is bound to fall; and they know It; hence the panic, . both military and . • Information- has reached here recently ;that the members of the Georgia Lsgiala tnre propose:to assemble oirthelsth of next ?month, for the purpolte lof'considering the ,best ;means bi - 'which to bring that State bear into the Union. ,This will be a move. most iktirright direelken, and It Is to be :hoped, ib . attended with fruit lesaresults., .• : - - She' azgeadst;: nut. TLe Hotta° of Representatives on Friday peasedVioAniendaielry tosn Bill in the fol .:lowing form; reskletlni, l alie drone of • legal Be r ensctied. nit, In lieu of any bonds ontheriXed .to .be Issued by the first rectionof the act 'entitled "An act to pro vide - -ways and- means for the support 'of ;of- the government, " approved June . 1864., that ,may remain s ' unsold at the . date of this act,the Secretary of the Tress- My Mae issue, undeitke authority of said act; r Temoony =Ma of the description and character &mho. nod by the second. section .of soldatet t. . _ . • Provided,That the wholeatnonnt of bonds authorized as aforesaid, and Treasury notes bitted and to be leaned Innen thereof, shall exceed':rot, the 'suin of II.460,000;060,, and such Treasury notes may be disposed of for Ipp ht mousy - ,Or for Any other-Treasury nales,'er certilleates of indebtedness, or cer tificates of deporacissued underanyyrevious net of Congress, and Such mines shall be ex empt from taxation by ot 'under State or municipal authority. Sac. 2. That 'any bonds .known as five. twenties, Issued. under the act of February 26; 1862, remaining nnsolii, to an.amonot not exceeding four million dolars, may be disposed of by the Secretary, in the United States, ,or, If be shall find It expedient, in `Europe, at any time, On such terms as he .may deem most advisable • provided that the act shall.not be ao cons t rued as to give tiny; mitherity for the Issue of any legal ten , tittraaoles In any. form beyond the balance unissued of the amount. authorized by. the second section of the act, to which this /sae amendment. - . • . , . . - ,The, tit.,Albans Raiders. In a speech at Oxford,;..Melltardwell,.ihe fierietary of Sate for the, Colonies, briefly referredto the cote of the , I Albans raid erg. r lie 'Mid' thal - rio meliWere •mare se nsi Me thou the .Governor-General, of .Canada end his rididseri, that ' Which vriO'dueto the lionornf thellritisix. 'Chown Phil RI the poleat, .e v t.o l 4 , 1141 4 h, tdriitory ; I . 4,ikwaii Certain that ' , if the present : law 4anSdit was adequate, they wopid carry it into execution with promptitude and ligor, end that" if on the other hand, the Vaunt law Witt fbund inadeirtate; it would ter leirig• Suffered to remain to. " filleloindon:Tinds of the 4th,'lO another 'article on the CSOadlan Tell muck Inclined to ayiripstblin with the Fed . ends, on Ili:counter the escape ; of persons, who, taking their denature _from the neu tral territory of Cansilai. had Inflicted within the border of a friendly "State It maintains that the authorities of Moat realought to have, taken upon themselies the risk and the responsibility of detainirg tbewisoners, irreo withiut legal warrant, foithe' very brief period which would hire been required to obtain the , requisite war- runt, signed by the Governor-General. ;It must be recollected, however, says the Times, that the Executive Government is not responsible for the . miscarriage of a judge, and, whatever fault may be forted,. ultimately, to attach to the colonial author ities, the people and Government of this country Yuri no power in the - matter, and have no other wish than that the pro visions of the Extradition Treaty shdll•be carried out with. the utmost fairness arid fullness. • Nasal Squadrons to be Sent Abroad. ..One of the good effects of the captire of the rebel ports le the-. relief la gives oar nary from blockade duty. The Neu Department, we lee,' designs to ronstablish the squadrons on foreign station', which were withdrawn when the rebel. lion broke out because of the want of acer to keep up the blockade. The appearance of our naval ships on foreign stations will sat fy the gorernments of Europe that we have rty troir tbra...backbose . .of the 'rebellion, " i of which there was so much talk in the early art of the war and that ant emu now - Wand to ur i !minute - abroad. . -The--.Amerieen - navy al is : commanded rupees in Rump, but its deed in • the Present rebellion .will odd- to the estima Oa. la 'which it has been held. , its &resales des p. meta' during the progress ot a great rebelli is one of the:waders of our. - country- and of the -:Republic. A maks that can Create -a maay In four 'nut and become the first naval pure- in :the world lathe effectlieness- of Us fleet and its armament, mast commaridomalat& lion In every part of the be. . . Tnit ‘ rold Beni of Comnierceetalear York his . reorphised under the ltir artaAthing national banks; With'i capital of $lO ,OOO eh la an Ed in, the bank having . = l7 y deposited ,003 ha bonds la the of the Dd. ~.,,,, , , , ,,,,,A. ! . . 1,-.-.,117,2. . -;. : EDITOI:E GAZETTE : WI , I 3 . 01 be kind enough to publish the fol'orring address, which emanates from a large and intelligent public meeting held at Merthyr Tyafil, W. The address contains tho. Sentiments of two millions of Welshmen iatheir native Principality, who are Republicans by vir tue of their early education, as well as their historical associations Yours, obediently, W. Owaje Joao. To .dbralicon Lincoln, President of the Ifni` ,cod Stake of Anterica: REsPECTrm Bps: In conveying to you our congratulations on your reelection to the important dignity of Chief Magistrate of America, .we do so with the utmost sincer ity, and of heartfelt emotion in witnessing your success. The solemn and-deliberate verdict given by the people of America in this great crisis, is to us the most convincing proof that your conduct during your tenure of office has met with their hearty approval, and that the Measures enacted by your government have been wholly in accordance with their This unmistakable record of their free and unbiased opinion we consider to be preg. nant with the most important results, and a lesson worthy of consideration In the other nations of the civilized world.' , • With a frightffil and desolating civil war raging in every direction; with party spirit rampant in all its worst moods, with house holds rent in twain, father against eon, and brother against brother, yet have the people pronounced their judgment without shrink ing from future consequences, and by the efficient agency of the ballet box, as Pro. feseor Smith has stated: "The national de cision has been pronounced - with majestic calmness, under circumstances the most perilous and exciting." The friends of freedom may well take heart, and rejoice that popular representa? tive Government can pass through so fiery nu ordeal : and come out of it stronger and more purified for figure action. As Welshmen, we feel proud that so many afoul. countrymen, who have made America the land of their adoption, have responded so voluntarily to the call made upon them, and that they have fought and died so nobly in defence of what we deem the great principles of freedom. We regard your triumphant re-election as the death blow to the festering blot of sla very, so long mixed up with, and so deadly in its influence upon pm institutions, and we look forward with sanguine hope, that 'but a *tort time will elapse ere this constant weapon of attack in the hands of your ene mies will be completely destroyed. We earnestly hope that Providence will vouchsafe to you yet many years of life, and that when the battle shalt have been won, when strife shall have ceased, and peace reign in the land, you will be able to look back upon the mighty struggle of the past with the conscientious feeling of hav ing done your duty, and of having been the humble instrument in the accomplishment ' of the great work of freeing the slave, so that hereafter he may stand before his Maker as A MAN and A BROTHER Signed on behalf of the meeting, Jour: W. JAtuts, Chairman. PUBLIC .XOTIVES. EirStEEL WELL.—TILEIRE WILL DE s meeting of the Stockholders of, the eTEEL OIL COMPANY, Jnentci 25. 18115, at o'clock, p. at the °face of STEEL k DAILEY, Wllkirds Hall. JOHN MuCIARLIO. • js2ldd _ Secretary. BOUNTY ELECTION.—TUECM ZE.I4S OF THE SIXTH WARD, •10 tied at the SCHOOL HOUSE. to said Ward, on THURSDAY, the ItOth Jut , between the hours of l and 7 o'clock p. lA, to vote yea or any on the isruingorßoads for the purpose of relieving the citizens of the warn from the coming draft. A full vote Ls desirable, as the Directors desk* a decided yreuion of the people of the ward. Jassatd BY ORDER OP IllE EX. COM. Waren or TUX . Prrrentsaon Drtiri.A.l.ollloo.a Satowiry ON& tzr. A.N ELECTION FOE DMECTO ,ot thla Company, to serve during the e m u. tee year, will beheld at this otriamonTHUßSO SY, February Id, tees, between the hours oftO a. m. , sod Ip. Jatalwel• • - JAS. COLLORD • Secretary. 411.1.tonner Nextox4.L aural - • • Perrenvie. - Jan. IS, 1843. AN ELECTION Fo e NINE DIE ..TOES to setae until theinext 1.111:u 1 Elec tion, will be held at the Banking Houma ock the TWUCTY-FTHST DAY OF FEIDOIARY next, between Mello= of 12 ina 1 o'clock ¢ to jallet4 • • - J. W. COOK, Cashier. *MAST WARD ALLIMILENT: . / .33 jti 3 DZILS. 3 IP i r • . TLe Snivels interested are requested to attend • public meeting, at the 801:1001. HOUSE, TILLS , EVINDII3, aad EVRRY.KVENIPItk undli tar- they notice ,to provide the mesas for Filling the Quota. 0 , = = .3 has already been made. An that 14 ELY ENROLLED RAN to atop np and pay hte share of the t tlad . Litg. Should any decline they may be liable the Impending drat L. flan do that; May therelall be No Draft the Pleat Word. ORHEE OF THE 00201ITTEE. BINXIINdILAX Dcroan. Oontearr i t Butenrclaut, Dec. 0, feel. ItIMMEMIAL.HEETINO OF T STOCiTIIOLDEILS of this BANK will be heblat the BLITKING.HOUSE on MONDAY, January 3001, ISO, at - I o'eloek p.re., to eonelder end decide whether the Oemny, shall become as A ssociatJon for /be Beishzess of Bankingozeder the Laws of the United State*, and whether it &hall exercise the power conferred by the Art of the Legislature of this State, entitled...An 'act ena bling the Bank& of thia Commonwealth to become Associations for Malawi under the Lawn of the Vetted States," approved Ithi of August, 1811, and to take any Prtherution that rimy be deemed no. tosser". By ceder of the Beard - of - Directora. dr.10461 JOHN P. BELI3II. Cashier. PLEASE TAKE NOTIOE THAT the ant meeting of the corporation to be muted , the ENTERPBYSE OIL CO., will be held on TWEIBSDA.Y, December Wth, 180.,L Binning hem, at the Saw. Mill Ofece of Mr. John Redman, m 7 at the moth end of the Birmingham Bridge, at o'clock .p. m., for the purpose of organization, adop- Von of By-Liken, election of Ofeoen, Ise, and for the purposes authorized and more partieululy ape cited in an Act of the General Anembly of the Commonwealth of Pennuivania. entitled ~ An Act relating to Corporations for alechaniekki, liklanufaev t ri OF. Mining and Quarrying purposes: , approved day of July, DAD. ..o7.lawdew A. . 0. SMITH. Seen pro fens. ZdSCILAXIIIs HAIM or Pirrentrean, . • Pittsburgh, Dec. 211, v~wNOTICL-3M7CE -Jr HEREIiI 'An!given reeably to Section 2 of the Act of tbe- General. embly of the 'Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act enabling Banks of the Commonwealth to beoome Assodatlons for the purpose of Banking, under the Laws of the United St approved the Nil day of August, A. D. leelit at the Stookholdera of the Mechanics Bank have this day voted lo become =than Ansoclation, and that Its ran have procured the authority of the owners of more than two-thirds of • tbo Cap. MU Stook to make. the certilleate therefor by the Lana of the United States .INO. O. MARTIN, Cashier. arPETROLEUM EN will TIME TACK CO. will be paid to Pats. berth holders of stock at the odiee of RICHARD. SON, HARLEY A 00.. te Irwin street. deslote .TE W• s dl/1 rERTISEMEXTS. SUNDBLES IN STORE. • eraM lbs. choke Buckwheat Flour In UK 25 and SO lb , sacks; 100 bus. fine sifted Coln Beal; UO bus.small.Navy Beans: too bbU. prime Abides; bus.hrtght-BrrAppleet iOO bonen Prime k en Cheese; , boxes7oo Solt. OUutng.Wistens do.; - Oololbs. Fresh Itoll.Butter) 300 dOs. Freak Eggs; tOO paeltajlea Nost:l. - SatlS Large Mackerel; ao OWL Eabratoallozolatt . 100 demPaam Broomi; • OS bus. Flanßeati 00 bola. Extra Family' Flour; In store and tot sal ally fkolamoil •TL BIDDLE. gp IREWARD.--A MORGAiN • ,, J, HORSE was Rohn fronathdUndien l 6. 63 /. at Irwinville Station, 23 miles elan of Pittsburg h, on SATURDAY NIGHT, 2lst Iron. • The Wine to • bright bay, 163 heads ingh, welt built , about ten years Oldj hes a slight strlnglialt In both hind legs, and the hair In rubbwl off the tall. The horse le a full.bbaod Morgan; and very valuable. The above reward will be paid for the retain of said horse and the apprehension of the thief, or t• 66 will be paid for the return of the bone without the thief. _ JOHN IRWIN. A LARGE LOT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, . . To be , cold out at IIOST, at the amass of OHIO street; sad the_ IDIAMOND, oppoalts the Poet Of fice, Allegheny Olty, JOHN unt 'of the death of the late proprietor, McGRATTY, well knowtk as "Cheap Jake" of Allegheny City. I TAKEN 11P,.0N ArEDNEEIDAT Err,. NIN(}, the lath DARN BAT novae, which the owner to requested to come forwardhini Mein: The horse has been lodged at MeXitahlini Livery Stable, on Fotuthatrett, end unless sod= claimed by the ovneer,,he will be sold on TEM& DAY NEXT, the 11th inn, to par citation., The Liaise blind in the left eye. - manna: LONG, Gide(' of Poll - • Privrienrainu;Pe., lan nii& ' QITUATION, WANTED.:—A - YOUNG P. , sign; is Taus place, who nu sOmeicnowladgo l . 'of aosnoos, writes a good hand; and email man ; wishes 4 , altualgon In some Kers or MannldlslnrEnt. Muss,- Salary ,noa so UPC an' trlrr i Agroin Opening In agood busln so. .8.." ads WI, PI Q„Upt3TITTI'A!-Persons whaling-a . . Illitepaistitsate OAK 'REES Olr O EES NE WHO RAE fiERS TR ED cirrlCE. sactereasg Box IN, ALLSOREKT Fo ' jasui IE ' Lt '1: 12 ti TIE. V'TS 1 ; 01i SA LE—Seventy-four aere - .tnf AL- let el Land, part LimLer, only three and a half mile. from the cite C.hartle, '6 creek, noceerible I,y the river road Steubenville tdrriPike, and. is in close prosimity to the Steubenville lit tread. ja2.121d STVEL tc R 'OR SALE—CHEAP FARM.—Contains . 1 - 105 nen s, '75 acres cleared and fenced. Good large houee, stable and otehard; w‘ter In every fled. Situated 2 miles from Homer Station, ant miles tram Indiana, Ps. This property an be purchased at the loteprios of ate pie sere. Apply to ja.24 B. bIeLAIN & CO. FOR RENT, .421. Dmo•~ -Howse, HAVING A CORNER STORE iIL SIX ROOMS, Corner of Mulberry and Rebecca - eta., Allegheny. Enquire on the premises or at TEIS OFFICE. jadedf WANTE D—TO RENT OR PUR- I CVASE—A comfortable Dwelling House, containing frame? to 8 roams, pleasantly alto dad In Allegheny Cu), or a holm baying five or more acres of round attacked, a few miles from Alleghe ny City or Pittsburgh, and on a good road or roll ants.. Some article% of furniture would betaken with the house, If to_gorid order. l iurk at No. 41 Federal street, Alleghenycity. J . L. READ, ' Bookseller gad Wholesale Desler la Photograbh• Albums. A liberal discount to tke trade on OASIS ORDERS. J. L. READ, • js24 No. TS FOI7IITH St, Pittsburgh. VALUABLE MACHINERY FOR PALE—The machinery of a STEL.M.FLOITR LNO MILL (how In operation) will be sold at • bargain. Engine of 60 horse power; boiler2s feet long.by 42 inches; 2-1 C inch flues, fly wheal,2 pumps etc., m pair burn, a bolting cloths, large moron, smut machine, cog gearing No. 12 Mig wheels, up. right', pullies etc., everything necenary for nary. log on the business, all In good order The boiler end engine will be sold apart from the flouting ma chinery If wanted. S. CUTHBERT h SONS, JR 4 61 Market st. VALUABLE STOCKS.—WiII be added v to the Ilst of wan ble stocks advertised for this evening, at 114 o'clock, at Commercial Sates ROODS, G 4 Fifth Street, 00 shares Pittsburgh Grain Elevator Co. ICO " Pittsburgh h Greensburg Turnpike; 30 Pittsburgh it Roston Copper Stock; 40 o Oil Basin Petroleum Co. e 0 Phillb s 011 Co. POO " Culbertson Run do. lee Banner Oil do. o Tarr, Story Pt Cberry Run do. JOO4 A. MeILAVAINE, AurUooect. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENT/lAT PORTER, CRAWFORD k CO., hoeing on N the day of Ocember. A.D. Viol, purchased thc entire jiiterest of JOHN P. HENDERSON end J OH N A. CAUGHT:Y. Trustee of said Henderson, In tho “Tarentuni Ott Works," that all buelnees connection with said liendermon ceased at the date of said purr:hese, and all debt. due the Tarentinn till Wolk, will be paid to PORTER,ORAWFORD at CO or to their agents .7. A. CAUGHET tc CO.. No. De Water et., Pittsburgh. The concern In the future will, as in the past, he conducted by the undersigned. PORTER, URAWFORD b. CO. je242wd Two HOUSES IN SIXTH WARD DIM SALE.—Possession on Apr,ll let can be giTcn of Two Good Three-Story Dwellings, In the Sixth ward, contain lux eleven room, etch with cellars. - Lots 20‘169 to a 26 foot alley. Hydrant water, bake °yea and wash house to the pant. Apply to $. S. BRYLN, Broker and lnsuranee Agent. 66 tannin st., (Burkc's Building.) N ow READY The. Three Scouts, DT J. T. TrtOWERITICIE, author of "Ondjo's Cave," Om., Itc. One Vol. too. Priori, $1.70. 211 tie New Publications of the better class on band as priori as Wanted. DAVIS, CLAHKE & CAL, 'VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.—The executors of the Late of Charles Rowan, deceased, offer for sale the following valuable Real Est ,te A Lot of Ground on Fenix street and Naddocki alley, (a pririve alley 27 fret wide,) at the dletince ut 6U U.l from Irwin Street, wanting D Eourth street, near Ferry street. Particular attention givento cleaning F'ointlwat all other !kinds °Meow. dli Black Lase Wes. dUCTIIM* 84LE8. AUCTION SALE . OF CONDEMNED QIIMITEMUSTatt CitaMlLLL'a 01110 E, FleaT Waialaol . ol4 .Tan. II PM. W tll be hold. et pebtle nnetton, to the htesest bidder, at the time and places named below, TIE Pittsburgh, Pestsisylinuels,' Thursday, - • • • February 2; 1963. Hiludingtou, Delaware. Thursday, Feb misery 16. 1905, • THREE IAtIifTHIED CAVALRY HO RSES d t rich place. These bones have been aOratemitaxt as unfit for the Cavalry service of the Army.. For road sad fanning purposes, many good bar• gains may be had. Horses sold singly. Sale to commence at IC A. M. Terms, cash in United States summer t JAMES A. S K I N, Colonel in charge First Division Q. IL - 0. 0. -jaMttle2 PRATT'S"GREAT ANNUAL ' SALE OF BOOKS of all kinds; One Photograph Al bums, Family Bibles, Commercial Note Paper, Envelope., Gold Pens, a.. ftr.„ will be continued on MONDAY EYENING, Jan. 23d, and 'every evening during the week, at 7 o'clock, at Commer cial Sales 800m5,64 Fifth street. ' Pratt haejust returned from the New Toil' Auctions, with a large assortment of new and fine Books, which will be closed out:without reserve. N. B. Books and Albums at Private Sale during the day, at average auction prices. JaMldwd A.- MeILWAINE, Auctioneer. ATALHABLE STOOKS.—On TUESDAY EVENING, Tan. 2 , lth, at 734 o'clock , will be sold,'nt Commercial Sales Rooms, y Fifth street: 10 shares Citinena Bank Stock; " Merchants & Manufacturers. Bank; no Bank of Pittsburgh; in " Allegheny Bank; It Allegheny Insurance Co; St It Monongahela !entrance Co; , • ' 25 • " Allegh eny Valley RaUro-3. • • eo Pitturgh & Steubenville - R. B.; 25 Such- Creek Oil Co; 200 Llecoleoll and Mining Col Jan A. McILIPAYNE,Aucrr. TXECUTOR'S SALE—STOCK; &c.—. On TUESDAY. EVENING; Jan.-slat; at 73.4 o', lock, will be sold at Commercial Sales Booms ; Fi ft h street, by order of 182.m:ratan Of N. S. Clain deceased: • 2 shares Pittsburgh le,Coaluni Turnpike O& , I abate MonwegAela•Ntivlgatben Co. ; • b I Pew, No . 2, in Flat Presbyterian Church , rids. urgh. • Perpetual Sebolarship in Washington College A. IiIeILWAINE, Auctioneer • ALLEORENY COUNTY, BS; To the Sherifef' /Nohow Cowin.. WHEREAS, a eitstfort of JA ILES. KIMONO,' Executor of the last wIU and testament of- r.s. Elizabeth Wilson, deceased; granted the . Mb day of October, 1864, was returned Tt E Land whereupon the Court made the follow. 'lag order: And now to-wit: January 16th, A. D. 1866, on the return of the citation in this case, add upon the affidavit of complainant, Mrs. Mary E. Robisoo r that ths rewinding, James • Ruloog. eon. nor be iround sad :has no known dwebing.pise-o within this Commonwealth; and there is no surety of said respondent on whom wince of said Mtn. .tlon can tm made according to the sets of Amen,. Illy; in such canennade and provided. The Court. award another citation,commaadlng. the said. James 'W as ong, is the original Wtstlon, he , was commanded, end returnable on the IStit day of No., the Court de further enter that the oltallos now awarded be published once a week for our successive week. bekire the return thereof - condi returnable the 3d Saturday of February- next, (18th) in two newspapers publlahed the City -of. Fittaburgh. BY THE COLMT. Now, therefore, we command you, the said Sher. In; that you eite the said James Rulong. Executor, RS aforesaid, to ate his account with the Register of Allegheny county, on or before the 3d Saturday (18th day) of February next, or that he appear be fore our Orphans' Court on, that day, then and there to show why h and not aci dos Witness my hand he Beal of odd Court, at Pittsburgh, this 14th day of January. Car. • ._' HERRON, Clerk. H Copy. Tone B. Sikwairr, Sheriff: Sheriff's Oftlee,PUtsburgh, January 11th, jaindtaw/W UT E,.TRE SUBSCRIBERS, haw thin •r. day entered into a Limited Partnership, Ortt a tMo the nw r eVt i e l 2Peg_ ys til ri ac anV, f l A =l . l l le List day of March, 1834 ' entitims .An. A ct relative to Limited 'Partnerships > and do hereby cecuty .that the name of . tbetnis under which said part nerehip la to be conducted is CHARLES C. A 4 GEO; t h at th e general nature's,' the business to be transacted is the Jewelry boldness, the same to be carried on in Pittsburgh ; • that the name of the gen eral partner to MIAS. -.A.LOINO, and the somas& partner is DANIEL NUGUS. both of he City of Plttsburght that...the capital contribuk4 by the said DANIEL 1,i17011% special partner, is Pone Thousand Dollars to eaah; that the period Which "the Bald partnership(' to comtaciure Is the 13th day of Deeembere -sad.thst it , mlll , tennbuste oa the ISM day of December leo7. 04 ALOE% Pittsburgh, Dee. Igth.lol4 , /1016:1**(161/ - vorrremrpr- '",CONNEVL§TILLE, MAXIMO _ COMPANT_FIII37_OIII.I , Catg o Or N'Oltreragirr i tr, cli z Zl t it Ited,Utat lila Interest Ammon} outlee Wore/toad; due Tebtanzy - 1it,.b963, will be Pahl 'oa atul‘after that dap, on presentation and delivery at the olden of the Flint National Bank of Pittabonth, Wood etre; .. • 32(9. PGII6, I sillswew I!4';'s . ;* 4 -- rif IM -tt—itic. 1.119 113,1.17i1ERS 1111 RD NATIONAL, BANK CORNER of WOOD and VIRGIN ALLIR U. S.,DEFOSILORI AND FINANCIAL AMR 8..140 X.ae • This Bank keeps on hand for tale the Ti tnltcd State. Treasury Notes, and takes aubscrii . tions forpe same. 1/ This is the POPULAR LOAN—the Only Gap eiument• loan now in the market at par—giving those who have money a safe and desirable °ppm% tunny for investment. TWO CENTS A DAY FOR EACH. MO. Tbese notes are ill dated tab August; The • Interest payable sera annually on the lath of Feb ruary and 16th of August, at the rate of 47 to per 6100 per annum. At the expiration of three years • (Only little over two and abaft now) they areng i f chlusgable into the _l5-26 Geld Bonds. Commission allowed to purchasers. Li:detest will be paid at our Banking /louse. W .• • • M. E. SollEEßE,'Prest. • JOIIN B. LIVINWqON, Cashier. CL id. glint - WlT.t'Auit 17Y31U. ;(shim: BANKING HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONS, No. 57 Market Street, Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS lIEOEIVED IN PAR FUNDS AND i OUJIRENOT. Coßeaton. made on .11 the prlielpal pilAts of MO United State* and Mead.. 1 STOOKS, BONDS AND MBES svomarriss' BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention paid to tiro purrhase . and .de of tNITED STATES SECURITI rafted States Sixes of leSii LW. to. 41.2D5; Do. PIUS, 16405; Doyen-Thirties Do. Do. Dorillkstos of Indoltedous. ORDERS AND VOUCHERS EDUGIED OR Ja18:ly COLT.ECTED. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, ( 01/7/10E CI COMPTEOLIMI Or THO Ontassor, Wanhlngton, January, 12th, UM XV BEREA S. BY SATISFACTORY I evidence presented to the undersigned, It WI , been made to appear that THE UNION NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, ') 4 . , in the City of Pitlaburgh, to the °aunty of Al. - legheny and State of Pennsylvania, has • been duly organized under and according to the rib quirements of the Act of Congrees entitled "As 'I Act , to provide a National Currency, secured 1 a t E l e ed eirc e oufatliniLtedairjarta mul l ion tha t° p f t f. v ap. proved June ad, MSC andhescomplied with all the provielons of said Oct required to be complbeitwith before commencing the business of banking tinder,. ,aid act; Now therefole, I,llunit bleCcrtztxrn, Comptrob ler ofthe Currency, do hereby certify that The 0 Tinian National Rank of Pittaburgh,r In the city of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, anil State of Penzirlvarda, le authorized to commence the business o ,Banking under the act aforesaid. I {, Currency Bureau, In testimony whereat 1 my til See; or the witness y hand and seal:, Comtreller of Bus - or Ware, this twelfthdayt, Treasu ', De ar.tment. CI January, (866, ' ry . • _ RUCH MeCTFLLOOII. Comptroller of the Currency. - TOPA/MET DEPAIITIIIMWT, OM= OP - ItEE COVITTOOLLIM OP OtTORIMIT, ' , WASIIIINOTOS, December Si, 196L' W32E iden nEA ce .. t ß ed Y to th SA e undera TlSF 3o4, Ao7o o, n bu lt been made 49 oppear 0,0 the IRON CITY NATIONAL ILINX OP PITTSIIIIRCIL in, the city of Pittston* la the ooniky ahem. end State of Pennsylvania, has necn dab' .o under end arsxrrdlnirto th requireninntalr, ,of the acts of Congress, - entiU.M " A u Act' id pro. vide a National thineney, sawed by a pledp of I :united 'State* Bonds, and to provide for the eireo-i , ;l balm, and redemption thereat' , approved Jaws 1, 1814, and has complied with all the provisions air§ . act req_uired CI be tom lied with befbre mencing the business of Under laid uts Now, therefore, I. Hugh Moths Comptroller of the ,O 'do hereby, certify that THZ IRON. CITY NATIONA.L BANg..O.F , PITIII.O .BUROH," in the city of Pittiburgh,in county of La he 4teny, and Stein of Pennsylvania,' Is tho to commence the buuinee. of Deakins tia. der let sfomald. n', - 'ln testimony whereof, witness my hand ts. and seal of office, this tidily-Mit day air December, A. IL OWL HUGH "RfoOTILLO(fa, • Comptroller of the Currency. ........ ' "1 ........mr of Curency. -.4 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. . 1 i 7 .Crises or Corrrnortate ow awe Criuunsor,' f . ,4 Wantreozotr, January Ilith, MG: :e VTITEREAS—By satisfactory evidence :d i t presented tote tuidaraigned, it has beta rzadc' to appear th at the . i. 1 THE ALLEGHENY- NATIONAL -HANN, I of ~. Pittsburgh, In the county_ of Allegbani; t and State of Peansylvania,haa been drily organ. • lzed'under and according. tome requirements eats , 1 Act of Congress, entitled "AA Act to provide it - - National Currency, secured bye pledge of Milted State. Seeds and to. prfrlde for the oitrulatloa :p and redemption - thereof; approved June 5d,113.4; A and has complied with all the provisions of said I act,. required lobe contql with before cayman°. '7l hag the businen of ban under' salt aet : ~, Now, therefore. I, HUG. MoOtILLOOII, Corms % - d troller of the Currency do herebt certHy thet the .?5 , , troller National. Bank"? of Sittahurgh, in the +,:. city . of Pittsburgh, in the eonnty, ef.Allesy, as ~ State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to oomerese ' the buzineseof banking the act &formed:4 In testimony where° witness my hand sr. Su , si 1 of office, this 16th day o Jeutuary,lB6s: • • (z. ILI HUGH. MilifaetHiff, : .. 1 jaffiSso Comptroller of the Lintreney._ t _ __ d DIDIE SAVINGS.INSTITOTION .. , NO . f .' ilo SMITLIPIELD STRMET .(o lirtlie:( Custom House.) Chartered by the I 4 OFFICERS. • • .7, - • Prerident=oE(i. fl TONES.' - ' 4 vies rIIIMIMITII. Wm. H. Smith, Joshua Rhodes, ,:,. Thos. D. Messier, • Alex. Lindley, ,• :, - .1 Francis Sellers A. ReiIidIMUISI. • :, John r..Teiannigs,. Joseph Stag, The.. S. Mat; - S. R. limidnan, ' }teary Lloyd, • F. Raba. • . 1 James Park, 50.,. S. S. Settler, D. M. I.seg, ' _ • J. M. liernas t Dr. Sas. Cstothets, D. F. Jemmy A. S. Bell, - C. )1. Wolff - Jos. Dilerarth, . 8.-D. Om/A% Her. Smith W. H. Phelps,' R. C. Seh J.W. merti - • D. E. hieltinter, N. D. Utossuis2, C. Prod o n, B. Smyth, • , Jacob Stosktsik, 6. Follsasbee, Altted Slack. Secrebavy mid Pea 'esirer‘D. P..IIPICIELET. • o'clock. Ope ven n daUy,- i rm rons a. t 6 04 is. Miro, Seisms day eing, Irma 6 to 8 • Deposits received of one dime and upwards. ' Div,hissda declared Di Deoembey wa Su4e trisimit . - DlTWerids allowed 3.6 female's?, placed to the credit of the deposttot , se ptingdpal,onct bees later. • 33ookseont.aining ;By-LAMA, he.,ftlenia& 'ed at the Office-. . . • . , Mt- This Institution *MY,- 'epochal? .to those persona whose earnings are small, the opporbonitl ' to accumulate, by small depoalts, easily saved, a sum whieltrwill be *resource when, needed, Melt•• money not only being safe„ . but bearing inYeaMe tostead of re maining unproduative. ^ nteiw . . . • TIOLLAR. bAV4:4138 BANK, - , NOt la I L. , . Fyorryn beam. - CriABTEB tr i tir • , : 7 . 1 . Open ; dallir from oto I o'clock, also in Mediae. i day and Se ureter evenly, front 'May . tat to No- 'ember tat, from', to II oteleck;and front November l _ Ist to,May tat from Ito 8 o'clock. .• - - '.• „._ ,' I Deiscialts received of all sums of not less than use -; Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twiett,w, a year,to June' and -December- - Interest teas heaa'n deemed seml.annually, In. June and i December. . 'since the .13ank was organized, at the rate of ail 4 Pe ln cen terea L Interest, not drawn out, Is placed td the credit ;,{ of the de (tor as principal, nad be the same 4 lamed Hem the first dye at June and 'Deoember. „y compounding twice evensr triUstut troubling. the depositor to call. or. to present his pas* book. At this rate money will double ln Is.. Wan twelve Books, containing , the Charter, Ily-Lawa, Rule/ end Regulations, furnlaked gratis, on appineatloay . . omcc Passznalm-GEORGE ALIIREX. rtes rnzerpnrx. .'James McAuley, . Jima , B. DI 'Moeda, :John 11. Shocnberger, Win. Douglas, James; Ilerdman Isaac hl. Rei.k, 't • Peter A. Made's:4Jamey Shldie, •,Wllliant .r. Anderson,, John B. McFadden, .- A. M. Pollock, 21.rD:, John Cl; BatiltdAtalt. Calvin Adam,- . . . Henry _S../gnaly- John C. Rindley. - . John Mandan,. Cle=rek,. Walter p, Maayn. .." Alonzo A..Cantsii, . 1 : - 1 'Hobert Ildbh, ' , . . Charles A.,Uolton, - Hew & John Den,. reMnesteek; ;. , Alelsaddet P_pate• , . Sohn J. Gillespie; , Alexander .lei William o.llaven; 1 , - ' ` Vllllbun Weakish.' ~, . Peter H. Hunker'. /aye Whittler, , t James D. X • ~' 1 Christian • Sierrlme ma, ' „. M•ltriMLAlll. A,MTOM. : ';-. Negrz,.. BAANTltimit & BROKER, 7: 11S 'Wood Street. Near: Fllpy.. mita iiteaticurtothiimedisia imp, sate , .Gosarnaloor sui Coupons la generaL Collections made in all plsooLUst sal :West. Zaropesseschanp sold it lowed rata.. YHI 14,s sea &th 11••:: •