Zitt -754t511;q0..-o#ooi- -rIO!3LDRIED__ " 'FRSPtiIbISiUNG ASSOCIATION. *IIRSLIAT, acirmar 12, . TSB PROIIOST_MARSIIAL GENEtt. . , !AIM ORDER. We c°l ? l"c4 c Ca ; yes t er d ay ' uPen the - • "Order Ito. 1" of,Geuerel wineh r7bted, in general. ,terms,that no credits houl d allowed under the, pending call 000 teen s , for any reemits .enlisted (—." SW' - , r .ortonee. ro. ed e " .136***614)14n 114 j °llle thift our our senderawlllibeir us - iwitness, upon it, - were 'fully us-wi tne ss, It Au:TeTCr''that clic' orgerl Lae; been • ' • -"itxplained;" that It doe 4 not melt - what It , sapi, and that,by some Inggle of ..britetpreta -V. licit; -known only the • front wide') ft curie, it means that requite prior to Dec. shalt not be credited,. while at Babe thee it ntetuathat,they skett.i. the,explitnittimi: kn. anottgr column. Thin ~zplanntioA ' bears ter out fully in tirtutt lee :said yesterday—that the orders lLta depart:Mint are 'often to under -.‘itaartl, and subject "to Many . after interpre- J " Mt 'to craftier - them a' • cOmplete _ . . • . appears that ; In - order to raise 300,000. i 'Men tinder the late call, the 'proportion for teach:time of that ntimbe'r is first =cartels ". 1 ".etli then the numbers furnished by;sub -dis. t'ileis in excess of former calls Is - ascertained, .and the sum total - of these two is the quota ,of-the Stateuntlerithe present call. • This fitiota Is thin`hpPuitioped to the several sub dtstAchtefthe StUte, and each sub-district is 'thin Credited* upon this appertiointent,- 'with • • —.srliateVer excess haVO linnished' . 0.41er the *fedi. : For instance, say. the - share of ,Pennayl, veils under the 300,000 cell • is $7,000, arid tiMithemUmberof men furnished by'varibus . , - ,4talk-flistricts up: the lastaall, and'since • +limn. licceinber 10, 10,000; the. ,„.10,00il is added to the s'i',ooontaldug the : , .:zunther to be furnished by, the. State 67,060. , This 167,000 is then iipp9ttioned'ici the say 4_cnsl congressional districts; and the quota of each' is agatn_subdivided . to' the different Istintils; . boroughs and townships, according' `le' their enrollment; and the excess fur, nished by 'etieh - of these, nnderthe last call, is Chea'dedricted from the quota Apportioned, to • Practically, therefore, we are called on to All a requisitien. for'4oo,ooo men, subject to ~ d eductions thr recruits pre*lpuslY furnished. The object aimed at Is AO realize 300,000 . • non from-this call; and. this car; be *done orgy by,incressing the Mimb er :calles for;' addingthr al* i ge Mberofsntlesre - raisns for whickcreditirwill c ogess that 44, 6 TPRxidabk;W:F=Y of alit tianis — do • L:s not pleaskus:. It is diffi= ootoiliebensithi, gri4, elionld: for that reason :hays beeii"Ooldect iorteti to, it should bays been fully andfaith;. fully explained &Lebo ' - e ,. tset, Instead of 3 1 4 1 :04* 94 42 4.0 on ,; t o , be : dragged :prAppaliper,c9uarkaitis and . the , : inaignant * llll 9astPuleceof public meetings. ..4-2f • :TUE .PIVE mums isrinaen.UP. • . '' 3l rt - :Bigio* 'of :Wm iisioiti.* of the bontnitutketiL amend, ment`abolfehing'slaTerY; urged ?txpcitf the " r s': l ll4iiiier . tlig 'danger 'ofeetitralizition" adoptiott'ofithe'amenament; <3lr Boa, t iip. ;,4 4 f,..9 114 ! i15i . ja, ht chrtt of ...:„;4 1 44 6 0ent:TePlY eaboicild; - Atart, "tifttiirllitatiOn - , the: , ottthbiltyby , the - relltlit.t3ekOntnent,iii.enother IWO la the way . of euretnelpation., c. tWhat possible con-, Edict, — Eniancipation bay, been going on quird tiPhiElt fot two:et-three - eift§.;..hai the gentlenlan!a city, : may reankiparrigbti u eii.nseqhepeef it not still mien by the' i!- - "lrlye,Triints"!--rrajetrity;',With' nothing to fetfr Wits 'Oirts "mobs ?. Doeszit • not ;still eledeoritint men 'fcir nnd'thigrgs t o. the , i4iincfis V Let the gentleman.look at; ' lodic With his fears. It is his own citvhat is centralizing, - centralitiorall the Of 'the north; eta; VFW lie , -2 , - SliOnlabeniii his labors. J , Thnoons end sofa he ion how much l,a is abased bfit he #ttinEiLtilloW .1114',ecnititIleniti'lci 'be rthseed: - ,lifi;;;Vil'Ann'cieelares the attack nixni ihtvvirtiteis eliy of New ''rork ier be ''Tnfa.: +; ~,~np~ysttuioultugcotts;. pad Cn4LlErt works himself into a terrific. passion on.the v'Aubieot:: • , , - polher?, Dan , ,Ono kriovri ibillaw York tithe mcr3t'corrOin !Lige to, - the-morik that it dooreleet corrupt men, for jitket; !Old ThieTes Itk oenicils; : . and that SpoiliLD pays, .the :-.•., r dialojalty.. and: &privity ;of -.the • North. ' Then why sOittnit at beineteld' or it? The 1 Nese:York .E.rpresaiiMr;Bitook:s , owit pa;' oi)it 4 >f,,e'roY- 'one. the niteentions.... Artd.thit Is-m . 4re the • .. , ..titt3iinity lies.-.':The sting 'of the accusation wat toe oiew Tort members hays tei be nrierbed ofthethireputible e.barecter ot- their city. -If 'they 'Wino not irinild riot thus in . bet re of - • `::Xhinuri.4le**l.Trodie. • 44,i'lfitimes or 'encebranght Uutiliet in front-ea Itmoiyhrania mines, from which. we have the report at resod, hare been'::: - , • -- c-flErbllsnanditeadltelt.,ll. 3,000,57 G 10: trnylkkil a 1,.. 1,000,535 03 na. /I: B. ... .-1,00t,978 00' ... -_ 76,019 03; ees.wkAr •4••, , • • triaa,tlo Off ~,,i,DempiraceLaCkawarina,lL 8.,::Ltd3,100 racOnletwora . and , Hudson: Canal • and F,reaptybutui•Coal•CO”.44,L...... 1,697.00 00 . -Atfaitiebanna 331.169 00 . • VlTldealtalltOid;;;:..; . ' -331,100 CO • ‘' , Ach , ":' • 10,330,4441 09 Oro gni Delmiara, - " 0 -Ttre4 L b, - the vetravaii3 • Canal'. Cotepspj ' 400;000- from' thatehlgh'irlo.., n, beildsl4o, , A3OO tonshy Abe North rentsylraolti Railroad; • c.pa Iraratuen a from:which at plod tided In thenbove: cf,rtatetnent.4,-Thure were also' anpptos sent down ;the 14ke0s:Valley rttilroadi and Aunt Bhutto - Ith' ,f,-4-7-tbo exact quantities - of whlclEwa taco not, yet If to thew returns ire „Udd.thol large trade of_ . ..Flitsburgh and other reilons In blonoiltiona and. giro thectotel coal trade of I ,aajf - anlr; Including theinnutlty flied at, the; Ircd crorlretaken fetal their own ground, of • whtcuc,u -accurate account is kept,•nt fourteen nailiclDF of tons. --This amtplint, we ' below the - quantity tent 'to. hfarlint, which, :at • cieven'dollara per too; glTes on bLwil - lama of d,tiars for only one 'pfyennlylrarda's %-alallcs.-11.11. Ledger. " The heavi - rain which felt an Tuesday, col 11.1awitig, '36 It did, a heavy-all of ano*,:will f.-tiliddribtrdly bring both our rivers . toiood heigbt. 7 `,71/t!-dantLrt , fr9tail hood are . - I )4.ienough; here, ;tint down i tbe Ohio .they must bo worse. The Corneteretut of Tuesday semi . ‘"""' /Tire; huller has risen tertrteen feet:it - tirin g `!...4,4he Past s ; eventy•two hours, &alio vtili haloes loss night. .Testerday", Om weather was •-• rtalkf,",wlth a light drizzling, rain :Eon lp. midnight. The Kentucky, river. is, honk rr."ls{ll; and rising-too high Tor, navigation under r -thef !irides. 'rho' Muskingum, Selota, and both ..Kanawbes,. are also pouring .. out -plenteously.' ... ".:11:1th the melting of,,the,Yast amount of snow ithahhas [comity Tallen,me may reasonably an river; r iver, ' perhaps illsas-; tiotel. - ,, fe a r ' that, the lower porthin of '"Abe producing much suf . • taint ga nu as dagieguanittlettmction to prop.. -ertT• .Kt present : there Ip . thirty-live 'not. water. " - 21 thr channel betide to 131.-109wht... • ~ .„;14Ta Trsxot wane; of Abe. Pavcreportltrothere,‘ weetletnan asked leave to Ateittlarercilver at: 7:tbo, ._"aldrikband" which trailltrOAt:RMOrAr —4partinfe the tot -who'd amazed. 114 showman rOthsed amtd groat • -. Mr. Gterla . e Ike rot lett at Bbertl elite what we have known lIT 1 , P.:11C clays with regard to Mr. Francis.P. Bler's second Jennie) , to g urd Richmond ; but, since other journals have ban permitted to rcceive•ond print tele , • ' .raphic ndvices thereof from Wishing ton,there can be-no mason for uithholding Ile truth that Mr. Blair started afresh last Saturday for Richmond, and is probably by . this time a sojetimer in that ki y. If them be nuy wbo wish to. believe that his sole ob jest lathe recovery of certain title deeds and other papers taken from his holm at Silver Bluing when the rebels Lad temporary pos session of it list summer, -they aro at liberty • to do eo ; but we cannot share their convic tion. Mr. Blair certainly lost documents on. that occasion :which he-desires-to recover; but, his via( to. Richmond - boa other ant higher ends. And knowing- whew° do of the passes withwhicff he was provided; we not see how. be can have encountered .3- impediment onefther side:of the hostile, lines . ' We halm already stated that no . one tut our side Was responsible for the failure of his former essay. The simple fact ht that, baying sent - letter through the lines, he waited at Gen. Glant's headquarter° nearly, four days without receiving any response ; . when ° supposing zone would be made; ho retraced ids stops to Washington: • Be had not longleft r City Point-On his return when. the needful authorization-and safe conduct came down from Rielunon& They - did not overtake him-till after, his return to. Wash- . Let us: sayagain Clint wiceherish :no ex pectation of peace as an:immediate result of. 'ibis overture. We presume Mr. Blair viz..: 'its Richmond only as an eminent' and'hion. , : *red Citizen, who.ls familiar with the views and - enjoys the contidenCe of the President, and who is'zinCerely desirous or. Atm:10111g the current of, fraternal blondshed, if that.. Shall be found emnpatible . `with :the duty of the loyatiff Wiens and their Government to their eountry.and AO posterity. RI tines ' not , (we infefto clothed , With poiver, to make Peace, ~T int mitherized to ascertain sad competent to:' judge whether any ti-de, peace is now attainable. And thia,' we pre , surne, he will be able to do: .„ .• ' What we hopetfrom this effortis a desire' understanding,at. the, Bouth, , Of .tbe g.rounds of difference between the con tending parties—the reasons which oneith sode are-beld to compel a "continuance of the strife—the ends forwhichlitytherbioOd shed is deemed neceinkary...Thespeonelusive °lyarcertained and definitely.; set be Gwe the people.,:we look . for ditvelopmeritsl through _ out the Bouth„and ispeciallY Norili . ,qar- . ovine, which wilt render rt.:persistence. in' the rebelliemunavailing; if not impossible. Of course, we-have no . .knowledgei of what will , ts proposed on: one side-or the other... The end;we contemplate (as.We oh served on a - former ; occasion) will • sub served rather than defeated by the Confed , crate Chiefs riding the high horse and insist ing on terms that are utterly, glaringly:la ' admissible- Hence, we'shall be less annoy ed than many others on learning , that Mr. Blair's mission hike wholly failed- and. that ; he • is - returning -defeatedll4 . Waibingtiom We hair Very little hobo of ,beating,ler tit. present, anything else.— • . We prey the loyalritillionitnoijo . flag hor pause in their efforts to raise their:respective 41notaa under the -President's last:call. We Mneerely trust that monetof these will etikir -be requrnM to this a shot; •Intt:it ietuotleit' that account . lean itifpOrtant ,to raise - and' Hay, if IllileyYmeltelo4lay embotifed - andready Like :the. field, We: shiotild feel title - sure that Mid never .4. wanted, „therethist,peace‘Wwidel. be ae-. : cued ; se ProMptly.as lune nearly. all of them On. this-alde;hf, the !Potsatiac surd the : - .Tennessee.. :Mese mar , -to • &ugh promptly and thoroughly the. rebellion olt lvieurand iiriquestßotable, we sheatid see it collapse and vanish: So letusspeedilyBn * the new Itqiiisitipnoitlil we may confi -4=Al' trust that, la one way or another out long distracted, 4*i:canted country shall esoOn,rejoir;e in the returreof welcome peace.. —.lqcso York Tratine. , t . ' , . The cd?,. Btelunond..;,, spia4timpaten.toultrr. T.Ertlbsuit.- Wasuraltronglifonday,'Jan...loBBl: Yrancis P. Blair. Br. went Mildisecond orpesteifeißielutfottrontaturtleY: Hit.son, - Xontgeniery Bhdr, did net 'accom pany ' Pasneyfroth the Doisfe*retimi: -(delay,:ht the' ."receipt of .which, at, Grant'a,keedquarters, had last,weekto return %et Vashingtentad been'teansmitandtohtm here, and will:enable. him to. continue his loam or to Richmond 'without interruption.: ibs ie dmibtleris in that' city: -It Is known 'here thet - Mrillbalr will inorsitie fo the Da . vis Government a scheme of imehtication; ristinglinidarkentally on aratumor the 31thateier po; litibal and Mond telvantageaMny be:derived, to us froMthe tender Of the -olive branci,' ,no:hopels entertained here thatllr.,Blair'S . mission - 1,111 have:the success of initiating negopations for Team • The condition of tor/unit 'will be fetal to his, Or any other en ,yor is labors. - • - ' • z Prentiee, the LOnisvill rnk who . has hecitin Riehnicied 'for 'over a month, the euroy,Ofthe Ileaeheruus Vaiou ,4n2 of Irentrichl, on isiti,erriyalheM through," 4 „onr - liites,jor htehilie seems kt have the rn,- repel-sect° Zentnehlans in:thelhouis of hitt• sYmpaibiea, that- the Jeff.- Davis Gov craftiest had-conclusively resolved• te free :and turn 'the 'nivel,- that + 2lXl,ollltint them wenld . "ettorr_be 'ermined and ptd Into the' field le Relit us', wider. the stimulus Of the 'eternise of 'their' orin 'liberty - Mid that of tliSir anticitildren, and of a Moeda, lary,interest,in- the sel.l. , this.deePortlio. war polity., hitelligentmen hoar Jeff'-Davis': reply to FrencisT. Bialr'o proposition for Grat lila Good.- It is a notable fad in' Mitidiaratigistias that no fat min 'wary ever co4yleted'er-the crime, of murder.= ,- Stoat paltlicarer• not ',reran...Welt nor; as a general rule,- arethey agitated by gusts of passion. Few murderers weigh roma 'than ten-atone. , There 'arei - laiwerer, exceptions, - width justify Its in assuming sieren' all the cm.: MostlimitOf the slidlng'seale - but beyond that .thera la no &Mont: haS such a phenomenon as --II fat 'houlia-breaker . been paraded at a criminal bar. -It wirYfeßoirwhtrworki With - ther,itlcetetogn kali; forces- himself throngh,.ciolet window, ; which' seen:44ly; weuld scarcely suntan for tbeentranCe of that the lobby and up the atairs, giblosinta the chamber "C=. l f4 POre-{l44kbatt .century the chsatc„repose- or the ,Teptia,.Tabitha,7-and . with a husky voice,. and; ghts.addlrition .or enorapitis caralpg4COW - COMIIIIIP4S IllenCe pain -of litigant death,:and,Aellyery of,har cab ana:jewel,.: t 121 your.attermat?.l thief who in. ainuants, higitself- under .beds, ° skulks ,behild troungons.;:dlyeatitatllia, Or:makes prey of. aril.' nies of ; Commerce arrayed at shop,'doora for the temyMition of the creduketa.passenger. . potent-burglar, is as much out of- pbsce.. And Ss' little to be feared ; was Falstaff Glordshilli' nod 3rhakpolicetaall avar-yet gave (*.into a do. - m toit as bulky aa a WWII- „Corpulencer ,Ire" alutaiN-Irttheoutifini alga nog only of-a goal' constliition, butAt Inwardroctlinicp4 virtue —iilaararood, •%. • : .t , A 41fitsige shaA AllotilaveWen. H. Prevast-Paradol, of the Paris goatnet des _Moots, In. AD article that:appeared the 2ad ultimo, the . subJect of President Lincoln's message, Myst '"The'Lend u Timet call ti,it a mote neonifortable tries lake for the - Amerlcan: people, and 1434(k . Tirngaits right.' But it is easy to linsgine another still , leas comfortable; that Is, one - which Prouid announce to the people of the United Stateff that they had ceased to exist - as ft great nit tiom and that a rival, republic, a formidable: foreign agent, liras about to rise on its fron tier. •It worild be natural m that ittch',o es; sage should be .Imiled`wltlx joy to Eondon. But a.French man will be excused if he prays thin he may never, have -the unhappiness or rtaiding „ , . . . . Rellglnun Interefit In the Army. , - Ono of the held e„-ente of the Christian Rem: mission writes (Dee. 12, 18840 of religious Met thre in the army before Richmond as felinity : ..onr,work la prospering greatly. -- We had lett ,week nine chapel terns la 'which: meeting aria held every evening:. They. were'crowded alrary night, and agreat many -.contactor* • ware re ported by the delegatee in charge of them. , .1. bare no doubt ; nix . ; hued red .eonversiona. hate ,, taken place within the last Inenth-ln connection with the labors of,the -Christian , Crommlealott.' Atre are in a a:loch better ponditlon !for labor title, Winter than we were thla time a year ago.'We' coutiaently look fora great .end powerful work of grace throughout o ur armies tble.winter." ! Tar British 4rniyterirt Yak iloWtte had NA( out that Sheratan's march to flevanauthrwai'ithe. an enforced dmovementl.thatbecouldherebeJd - Atlanta with ease, ir So:had; inched "to do °'• The paper in vacation 'ofthe SO; nap -:,:"We - do very plainly eserwethat' Sherman;cod ha o, tutored egm'mnirlaittrinvotht be atittout held r . '.had let told "stress in doing an. Tint ho had not -,' leg to gain Ily stayingat "Aleut' ; he'rottedth e,' to preen , fhle 7 1 1 0, Aral Irrepere',for Unottat: Btor. Gen. Jno,A.Logorrhes goneto Savanna to retake command./ .his old corpe, now led by, ..s~.raiC :.:'wy.;.`:~4L =MB . ... ' • .- '. Akeedotets of the PoPe.• --- . • • A •Toricepondent of the London Dal, 2. - cTra, , DritiD flora. Dome. says: "Here Is a good t story of the Peps. Don Vi-Casa Colorina la one 1 of the constant sham of Pius IX., hut a visitor • who, as the courtiers of Louis XV. sold, has *a Pike.r errtrivs. One evening recently, as the two . Glenda were talking ,rageslcr ou Pm great ques-, .. tied (f thavlay--I.- e., on the temporal power— ' Don vicenao Colenna , phimptly at • • to. Baguets supplied daily at the shore • •• places. Oakland Gan inn to the Greenhorptiewe • Anoop minutes. • .. umatatt plac C 7 74 19 7P.- • on= 'am alt 4 AND BARGE YARD; ileghopi • o ctouterr --- Prrtsna4u, Jan:6, . :r r o _ BA K.Biis. - 3E , Azt0,E,110E94451. klil 1e n. etlbli - ottiee t oath 'the t inst. Lotinel-re, the County J with RIMA-D for tin months from the 15th -44.0 j* 44, Indlakte:indet.halr ind Tiro Pou • • tarr l o t ire/T•t. tote/tilde at , AO &WI. pa 1. By - dlidelon!dfercniotr Coreititietaiern.. in6tut 113!:NR-LL-4.31IIERT, GER EMBII4. ' - No. II IL4TSIREET -Dik n ' ,. 't moznacm-r iirk(3EM uftei, •••:, set on short notice. ctusoi to ; lllPRAparirt• • itee o 7