T. 77- . ~ . •. .. .1,41.._.... .. '... ::., . , - • . . . . 5KT:;.•:•2.,..,.. • . ';V. '''.."-F:74"Vrr•-•iiWrin ...4,V'e..0.1.2=7-17....,-.',W.f.M.t.--.*,:g;,!:;;;7,-+1."..7-fnel."'TF-r,-1,....,,,,,:c,,77.:',"•••:••,2-'7".5iT-,,,,,,,,,,,,--.... --,: , ,.....:4M7... , i7:::` ,,,,, ,•: , v-. -- ;:;•• ,7:.:-,,:,--',_.;..1,-.7,-,x1r..._•:,....2,-.. -•,,,,,,,,,..:,,,,,,,..,,„„_,,,,..,:5., ....,_,..,„..,,,,,_ _ . tht Vittolotvgli 6akette. 310::;;DAY, DECEMBER 2O ISGt AND SUBURBAN, ...(rAOX bATcaltei',4 Ogysxo oaisrrs.) • The*Library Hall Project. 41 meeting etf the Corpo . rators the 'Littenry 111+11 Committee and oilier citizens interested in silo erection Of a . cmieenient and capaciousysde•• lie Rall,in lids- city,sias held on Friday After noon at the office of Thus. 31. littwe„ . . Bank Bieck, Fltitcstreci'. - The meeting VMS organized by calling Feltz 'T:Brunet:Esq., to the chair, and appointing D. M. Book, Es 1., &e rotary _ - Mr. Bruno( stated briefly Dia object of tho utentinF,-ghing (ha Mohr of the Linrarl tialt . h ee timitt, chartered a few years since by the Legislature, and Stated that he had a chpy of the . . *hatter, irlikb, tt it were the desire of the meek, 14,:_would be read, _ We hare already published the previsions of -the charter, and deem It unnecessary td • reptib : , Rye Secretary read the ehMter, Utter 'which Interrogatories were pit to )Ir. Drubot, hy , ser iral gentlemen, aa. to the sums:led cost of the amdertaking; and Its capacity. , • : Ile replied by stat'ng that when !the project Was 'ehartemd, it' was thought: that 5100,000 would'cover . the her:rosary expenses, to Moe.. Mathis.% ball:capable of holding . two thousand persoosi .but how, with the price of material MOM tlumbrobled, and a corresponding, advance it the rice of property be thought it.would nee comity cheat over MO,OOO. „The speaker rapped. satisfactorily to several garotter's pnarounded, conic:ming Use proposed locality of the building, Ilralowe sutured it as his opinlon;thit in 'Mew's& the magnitude of the undertaklm, , ,, ;the proper question for this-meeting to &seriatim was,- "Is this the proper s Alme to inaugurate the. measure." • • Mr. Dickey moved the aPpointment of nalttee to inquire into.tho feasibility andpractiM:- '• Unity .ot the -project: also _Authorized ,to Woks :for the purpose otcneelving.subseriptions; and also bare power to add to their number. - "Mier Considerable diseusslon and interekangn . of opinion,. participated in - by .31estri. - Dickey, - Thaw, Dilworth; 11owe,,Erniiot and W. A. iler ron,•esos., the mottonpnwalled, and the follow ing 'persons were appointed: Messrs. F.;, 11. Dru '' not. Isaac ll:Pennock; William Thape, James. jr., and Joseph Dilworth, ems, On motion the wetting adjourned. i . • IStaths of Unhsa"Priimaera at. Charleston.. 11 e. find in as official list of the prisoners of lar - . who bare died in Cbsuiesion, C., from August cX , lh' tol:keens' ber 1dth,.11864,;ih0 foliose: iiigiPeuasyleanisus - Lieut. Co. B, >wd Bonita.; died . Sett. 1.3 of chronic diarrhea. „.. _. C. oe, Corp. Co. D, 101st, P 24 Sled Sept., 21; of , ehrottlo dlarrhea: . • , - *WilitPontione, private, Co. 12,1034 Pa., died Scd: of eliroile diarrhea. .. • • - Samuel-Keefe,:.private Co: B, 16th Pa. Cay., died Sept. 23 of ehronle.iliarrtion.s: I • J. Kescoddin, private, Co. I, 14th Penn., died Sept:2o; of chronic diarrhea. - d Tonle }, private . Co. E, 1031 Pa: died Sept. • . 2S, of 'chronic illirrheo. • Joni* Prirate, Co. E, 1034 Pa., died ' Oct". 1, of eb,ronle diarrhea. II Hugel, ' tge1,t70.12; ',s4th Pa. diedi Oct. 2 , of chronic diarrhea.' A. J. Botrer,priinte Co. 22.103 d Pi., died Oct. diarrhea. •• • _; J."6' Carman," Co. E., 187th Pa., died Oct. 4. ,• of yellow fever. • ..- • .• D Davidson, private,. Co. A, ~16th Pa., died • Vet: 8; Of (Monte ilhirrhea. • • ••.• D. Steiner; private Co. G,lith Pa. Cavalry Oct. 8; of elliptic diarrhea. - • 11.; _M. Pritchard,'corporal Co. 11;140th Pa., ; *Alied"Oet. 211; of chronic diarrhea. I • ' • G.V.•."Walters. 'Pa.i•diod .''. 'Oct. 24, ofaeorbritus, ••• < • • • ll:Thomas, private, Co.,Ei3ith Pa., dted 96, from having amputated. • Oct.• .2t.'lf.-Vose, Limit, Co. • F, 50111 Pa., died Oct. "..'7 of yellow fever. ' . • • • _ • ISeirth, pirate Co. A. 50th Pa., died oa • r Oct. SO, of anaaaroa.- . H. - H...C01e, private; 'CO. H, 24 Pa.tervalry; dial DcO. 5 of chronic diarrhea.' " • . • . Jola/Mon, pritate 0a:1435th Pa., died Dec. •5; of Chronic diarrhea. . ' •• "" ' ,••• O. K.' McKee, private; Imo. Pa., ied Dec. 7, of chronic diarrhea,' 7 prirate.,;Co.-s•l(Ddpi.,died Dec. 7;it chronic diarrhea.. -• -71 e: 4teAicldent oa tkui Cleieland We hare obtained finm the Oftleinf . of the ,ileceltmd and 'Pltolburgli -. ..liallrood, a correct iccattnt - cif the riaelanebilysoo . Went pearliudsoa 4 • raft broke two row from thcr. cludr; being the fourth WI from the bridge. The engine, . Veneere.ear and asp= ear Tossed trrerehe rail: hird7 the.. bridge, all- right— hind truck •. of the hagsg. 'age car ..sraa o ff the :track .. - when ' stow. 4. The first passenger can Ls& the fcir: ' ward truck lamekad from raider it, and clear from-the track—the' hind tnick gehig 'through . theliridge, and , the: car ..bOdy resting on. • Its' mule, — and on.' the - - tenth — side of the briqge. The second 'paisenger eiwArad- bdth 'tricks' knocked - nem 'under it; and as the car bodyleaped the bridge it fell with the front end :sonaabbig and upsetting the - sontkabntment of shebridge—tbe shock breaking the body in two. 'The bares 'of threar tiros broken' Tell with the the loss, of. life occurred to the oceupenti of tbra,car, who were dropped into the • opening among the debris.. The third passenger meleft the track bat did not t Mum:ter. All ln- Itulecinatalned ta t paseengers the first and .cltlrd:cniss were girt cuts and braises. The sndibitanot been In use quitelwo yeans, and was perfectly sotmd. Th e bridge was nearly new. ; - . Thseamea of the killed and seriously wound cd bat'e already been published, The report of ' the death of Dr: Basch,of this city, Is not wn . fumed to , the report dram the accident received this moratne. . • . ' 'The accident wee one unloose which no skill . or. foresight 'could 'prevent, and. whielf will oc- • easkeudiy happen to the best . managed roads in' the country. • We learn that the bridge.has been repainalT and trains Me now rtmnin. , as usual. iVoruiert'al on Strike in Fayette. ..- late question shout all la this section has been . definitely settled by striking is,most. wonderful • , /km of oil, in a well bored ratite farm of Mr. Jneob Crow, Gcorg,..'s - Creek. When Moonier deactinded to the deptliot about 'three bun , - - died and twenty-tire fret, large quantities of gas and off began to- issue from the mouth of the Increased so rapidly .that the car . , - • naunilings • of the well were soon drenehed, and • • erstf - With the greasy fltalL.. The 1107 in , eseißd In force, throwing Tip the`oll higher and Arbor., Mr. Crow, who was present, - fearing as • accident from the vicinity' of a storo - to the der rich, hurried eeery one away whogathered to' ec the sight, and not one remote Itoo • soon, for , ,the; gas and oil .ignltlng •by the lire • In theater's, exploded with a most terrific noise, tkrotrlng the Lames ores sixty fact high and scat-- ' 1 , 7n4 the flaming oil In every direction, and set. • Winn! to the derrick, enginebin? &c. Mr. ,Crow had a narmw escape, being In the en , gln.hol2llo when the explosion boo place. -$o 'the' of-oil In-Large - quantities in that •has been "definitely settled., by the most vonderful strike. Mr. Crow, who Is now In the ., thy, has verified the above- facts ..oeer his own algustara; - :•The well above mentioned Is intl. Onslyagitaated at from three to tiro hundred - barrels per-day.-"A number of other wells are beitg tared on the creek with the finest show of oil. Fayette county promises to be one, of• the snost productive oil mantles In the State. , . -; 11-ant Killed. . - - On F ri day arenDig, aiunit seven 'o'clock', a man tarnefiTtnipas Donnell, a flamer reeldlni 41'800trtonlithlp, wait - histesoly killed by the "orerturnisig /If ble:aogon :on thh Browns,Mo ^ 'll appeal! that Mr: Dolmen bat ben to the city was Warning .honto *lth a two 'horse teach Mott *non. On ascending the NU "near Om toll gate, the horses, from sorne catisk unkneron, got off the precipitating them selves and the wagon down the steep hillside, a •31staneerOf perhaps one- handred feet. -No one few the eirlderit; but the man was found soon ` , .-after, with his skull ;chilled lu to horribly man. tier, and life eithict. One of thti homes woo In jarr:d, bat' the MKT escaped unhurt, The de; ceased tr7id about .fifty years.,or age, and wee 'well known op the sonth side atm) river. - Cor ",isner,Clawson held ar Impost Chle , mataing, and thajoty found a verdict of accidental death. Oil . Operations in Lawrence Conniy, oporationi In Loirrencoeoimty Jue norrbo; ..I.lgomusirpried, yrltti the most Boti ring IaCIICC4 ' Or 15116=13. The Walters _ Minn, - on the hlnhottlng, has been sold for MAO - _This Is theTarm on which the famous Strawbridge well was located, being the pro ducing well In that County, It produce d some 'minima hundred barrels of plil hoe ..lettred In," company are now mined Le tilling a new 4v ell. , All along this ealicx, doWn to where - - - -* it empties into gayer creek, preparations ere , making for altiking wells. .The .Frisbee farm, which attracted considerable notice On inward , ••at wail spring which it contains, has aloe hem: • sold' at- a high dente-510,000 having been re . fas - ed;. some time ago, for bait an acre, - The Villthmes_ot oil territory in this country are now. , • -rmitelarge,nnd a few. months will snake to dd-• relope it thoroughly... ", pia PaeEas - STr: J ' PAlnnt;Matonle Fllth.ftrcet liar Ilamees Weekly, Prnnk Les , lie, the Weekly.Tiitnme and Wbrld, nLidnllAn 3ptest,TaFitpfuz*eatioris— t ~:7 ~ s:~...vj `,,.,5.~~. t ~. ,~°.~'~},: , :"~..a5i~...r•.KFa.,.,,a :r,a;...~,,~. vt `~.7~a..~.4 , .. , aKo.l:S;Y~_.~.ra:f...ju+~.~-.~:K._~xc~'.~.~ww:r.:,~'`~~a~'"w..~.~~-:: ~q~~.. ..~ Timm As W. Pannr, practical Slate Roofer t and Maltz in Alain : law Ohne, of .11160tia °niers. Office at Alt:ander Laughlin's, near•the Waiter Work;,.Pittsbomh, Pa. Residence, No. 75 Pike itrett: Ordtwa promptly attended to. All work warranted water proof. Repairing done at the sliorictit notice. .Zio charge for repairs., provided the roof is not Mused after it out on. . , NEW Goons lust received at- the Merchant Tailoring establishment of Graham dr. MeCaul. leis, T 3 Smithfield street. We would most res pectfully Invite the atteanan of our friends and the public in general, to our new stock of fall and winter goods. They contain — all the very latest styles of English, - French 'and" 4raericsu 'clothes, cassimeres andlcatthigs, all of the finest quality, and is seloctellrith the greatest care. Gentlemen desirineasidonable and well made clothing, mould do well .to give ttl a call bents purchasing elsewhere. Every garment Is war rantedwyglve fullastisfaction in both price and .GRATELM d McCatintEss _Mptchmat Tailors. No. IN. Smithfield stsCct. . , 15PECILLXOTICE.--rito attentim of our ruad- Ais Is directed to -the _brilliant assortment:, of yall find • Winter Goods Just reeeist4 by • friend Mr. John Weer; No: iM Federal street, 'Allegheny. His stock comprises a great variety of Fancy French, English, Scotch and American .Casaimeres and Cloths, and tine Silk and Cassi mere Fading*, a ll of which. will be made up to order in the latest styles and In the best manner. I. choice selection of, Furnishing Goods nlao on land and for sale;together with a, Mil stock of Ready Made Clothing,. and fashionably TIIIIOAT DIZEASSS when reaching to Mc Larynx; the voice, - f;tim this and other names, becomes hoarse, and - by neglect - nu entire loss of yoke is often exNrionced. Brown's Bronchial Vocheswlli be found Lutiniably efficacious. OMNIBUS and carriage calls will be taken at the Isle. 410, Penn street, day . or. night. All orders left at the above place will be inonnitly attended to. All calls mess be paid in advance. LETTERS REIA.INING UNCLArIf xI) in the Post Unice at. Allegheny, on the 24th day of DECEMBER. 1864 • To obtain any of these letters, the applicant gust calf' for nedreifind letters," giro the datq of thilliat, and pay one cent For advertising.- 1 If not called for within one month, they will be Sent to the Dead Letter Odic:. , Fuss DetivErtv letters by Carrie's. ht the nal tioncQt of owners, may be esti:ram b z observing the following nri.mv.t. • I. Binger lettere- plainlA• to the street and num ber, ber,rTs well ns the post 0 se and State. 2. Hrtan letters with the writer's Pod Qffler and Mar, dyed rind number, sign them plainly with full name, end request that answers be directed accord ingly. ' 3. Letters to strangirs or transient visitors in a town or city, whose special address may be un *known' FhOuld. behiarked on the tower left hand corner,lvith theword “Transtent.” 4. Baer the postage stamp on the upper ripilt-band •Corncr, and frorcapcce between. the stow p and di. Mann for pord-meril»g without - interfering with the writing. , N. B.—A Ittoritsv for the r.r.renrc of a letter to the writer, if unchamed within en urn' one or less, written or printed with the writer's name, Part Office and State, across the left-band end of the envelope. on the foce aide, will be complied with nt the usual prepaid rate of 'postage, payable when the letter is delivered to the Writer. Oce.t.S, Law of 1661) : Antrim Nate :Hamilton Jane :Mitchell Mr Armstrong O:DI, Henry Isaac.. 131o81a7.1fatiltia Ankinslienry,2,llemmgrayl C !Moore Ellen Adana Saints !Harry Jenetta I_ ' N • Ashby Rachel Allitiber P J • :. iliibleck Mary Allen Mary C I lif. Arne Rena !Niel:tele Harry - Anderson hint.'lliolland David !Nicholson J L •• - B I .1 • '• - INiekel Joseph .1 Ihizzel Annie Johnston Bet Newkirk Joan Byrne (Mtis - Join:AM:I (tote 4Nortlin J W • Brown John°. Johnston Chris! :, .0 'Bell Isabella ' - Jones F•annie3t•O'Donnell Chas JiramenSarair iJackson FanneyOrrriandrr Sue) 'Baird 3 . N JacksonliaraetlO'Brtan Thou ... Bayle It 11• ' johlusan Thosß• 1 p Itchrborst 11.Wm' - ' Jackion Lym Al Pa Jor.es„Thos D IP - arks Armstrl' - 1 Beers Hem' - al 4 Bess Elizabeth Jones MT , Patetson tams Benson Limit JesseihionThn Ai Popp Frank Bnehanan Ells.! / Jones 'Peter i Park /I LI Bryant Lettie ' X Parris S - Burger Maggie , KellyDennia ,PhillipsJno M. Bryant Nary 110e'avelr Geo !Patten htathew Brook Mary fiariThem ' !Paxton P M :-.. Barclay _Mary S. EallybLathias 7 It Insley Ma .3 I L Roly'Albert ' ' Bialiliary ' Line C A ' ,Rentlet Kato Bradford Margl!Laughtner N A:Hussar* Emilia O.- Lockner Hattle;RiateiT.o • Caniey Jlts ' ' Lindiay Hanntainberts 'T .1•-. ' • •CarroliJamez..i Lightner Sarni 2 Robinson Lititi 7CleeMrSatot ... Leaner Joint " ~ 'Richey Mary CbVlihe Sarah - ' Lutz Jardine , S Coatilfester - " Loam James Shower B Callback°. , ... Lev4iJantes .!Stimple U A CuthheriT C : Leggin L _..- . - v Crarvford•Mary,Lyons Wir4.- W m ISullaran F W CinakEratly ,•• }Lightner Mt P Stemma Hlb ', CusningteinaM•L'as Maria H.. !Steen Jennie' l'otterell Wm .O Mc. __ Singleton Mali Camber Pritc'eMeatimieiltienlStuart Martha - Canton Mr , ''hieldule alalStnatt'3Lary 3I . - - 1) •' - IlifeQtlade Lath 'Snowden Mar E Davidson C hlonane Bvr -ismith Margt - A . Latia IV 1314:Alger DenniacsierY rang laitte" •liteglee Emma' ... • T ,iltrson Ella A IlleLaughting , T eo eatts David' Davis Susan A - ',llleLure Helen Si Threspnilugh! Bruit Thos B " IliteLanaglins SI, Toner Julia A. Dillloger Mlchl•Me3teakan S All Tom R Dick Martha , _ piet'llear Jas ' .. r•Thoritton Mara .F.i;rin /mar, il•Mcaclanall .1 CI ; r fs 'V . LIM John • INeFamiLltitia• Vern Oar*.' Edgar M • 'Mena Charlie "Van Winkle Ida hatep WillisJ ihicCiabeit Oily .11- • IN' F ricEiren Wm J•Waltins Jas • Fisher Fred'k • hi Contlib Prus' Wearer Elijah Forsyth SamlP 31&11elland Lir, Wolf Eliza Tante John I lit - tliTalkes.ll P . 43 IManitiall. AndsviWallace Itanob :manlier A IP" iMaalrt AndrewtWalker Harriet. Golf Adda " Montgomery d !Watson J D graham Immo Iforlitt Annie Welsh lbo r armed John Bilittilin Celia - Weaver Louisa onnerrlane - Merlsiti:herles Wells Maggie t raitarn Jas M Millard 4.1 W, lWartlek Peter ember Maggie ;11regey Ellen, . Y • •11 - , paeans Emily touts WW • lammantlAJlL2/ Malinger IL i Your/gbh:vodkas award Chas . Maglitll. ••• !Young L utchison Chat Startled,' Sint% !Yingling 21010 looker Dr -Willer Julius , , i , inmates, S• . ihforphy Johp ' • •', - • ' -.- 5A3114. R IDDLF P. If. .IMITSJE.IIIWIrI , S. pITTEWURGH THEATRE. _ FIFTH STREET NEAR WOOD. LEWES SIANAGALR. WiLliemplasoS CIMSYStiS HOLIDAYS. ' TWO PERFORMA . 'The•AFTEAPIOINi at rieelOch, the greet moral &otos of . UNCLE. TOWS CABIN. EVENING - pitromenei, at?;, o'clock, ' Sans ` Mho Fannie Butt To oonetude velth The drama or • • THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. . Mr Lore or res. ' • . NOW OPEN, AT- MASONIC MILL, FOR .11, SHORT gEASON. Trintuitted stieceu: Theban nightly crowded by cothuidastie 'and. delighted audiences. Thu putdle voice emphatically, pronounce II THE BEET EVHIBITHIN EVER 1N PITTSBURGH, VONDAY, (CaiustirAs,) Three Grand Enpartainmenfe, AT II A. X. - AND AND TI4 x. NATIONAL COMBINATION' TRUI PE, COMPRISING firreenty Star Performers, Who 'WA unrivalled In their various specialities. rep/melded attractions for this week. New Acts' —New Features—New .Sensationi. • Chance •of Programme nightly.. The entire Corps of Artists attach perfortaaace. The EDUCATED DOGS in their nurprtsing feats. New CHRISTMAS PAN TOMEHM9 produced In a style oever.before wlb tic mil In this city. • Lin OF PANTOMiNES POE XISITUELK: , , . lireile.WhleUe rTg 4e Itln—Magle Vrete—The Groper,—The ope—The U (played only by the Ravels and thit, Company ,)-he Rivet Lovers—Row to AToid the'Dtaft-13tobet's Apprentice. "Exhtions even, owning st 7!"; o'clock. °BAND MATINEES ,Irednomfay and Wards, afterooonsh commencing at o'clock, to syklcii Ohildrea vin bo admitted at 10 cents e•ch. Air Tickets, 30 seats; reserved scats, 00 coots. &Ma% EUEIIS SOMERI' iY, Manager._ aft:fern:kr SALE : . 50 ACRES OF OIL TERRITORY.---0A • TVINDLY EVENING, Dee. ritti; at.% °clack, will to sold, at .oommerclal Saki Rooms, V Fifth' street; lift deres.oll Territory, situate) on Walkeria ereck, Wood county, Virginia lumen- Vg.j:,..lignizfrobmnurtrkepturtr. T o d il,ati6 from Railroad. It is within , 2.Agiles of It g l igir m etlal letup Wells on 011 Bun, fiber is now pumping the host /obligating 01l yet, f ours` and which coma:nu:4s Sad pier barrel. The great bowing wells on the headwaters of Bull creek,. known an .Horseneck Well,. Is 434 miles north. This tract In also In straight line between the Duck creek and BarntaS Sprit= oil resilon. Wells are being bored, with natterinc prospects, on , the same( ail adjoining tracts. of whichtlitais a portion. . • den • •A. Melt:WM:Mt, AlieVr. A UCTION BALE—WiII be sol . d.et, 4.- Ile Auction. on TILLIRSDAY, December at the IstllkaryClothlng DepoL . Steubetlyllle,Okle, About 1000 pounds sk R y blue oney Cottinp. • to dark blue Mule': " a *bite G 000 • 0 grey Lining "*. . • otten a • Bale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. Payments—Cash on ttenyenr, In Ooyerionegt funds-. . • - ALEXANDER CONN, Steuhenirtlle, Dec . . 17th, lest. .; den/A. ,pEATT'B,OI3EAT ANNUAL tar i ff , POtlk. l4 -111.1.?MewruMillIrril ALBUMS: of all sites and styles of binding, OULD PERS, foe holiday presents, will be sold; at auction EVERY EVENING.TELIS WEEK:snit at nitrate IWO during each day, at MK g . lfratat at Oa!' '''e74a!'eall'X' 2"4 ll4l l r sz.m., Oat/ ma.' A. McILWAINE. And% • • { de* -• INTH 'WARD -BUILDING LOTS. 'Ori TUESDAMBVIOCrNG; Dee,. srsh,al detach; will be told, ateommerelal Sees KOMI, 'O4 Flithetree,: two valuable Building , pots In the Ninth Ward, on Butler street. bemoans Fhnith nod Oirmerntretta, intelr.harlug at feet front on Butler street, and extending but 110 feet to Spnese being Nrat. 10 - and in Springfield plan of lots. dent,, • 414 /31447rA1L1E 7 Auct'r; S.FiECIaL .VOTicr.s IMiIMEII2I 11/13TFACTLMICD 117 E. & 111. BOLLHAN, GELVANY, (eci4ni'rry• MA LLET 4. CO., Bordeaux.) The only:Vinegar awarded with a Prize &O at, orexty exlitbitiert;.n.t the International Exttibt; Unit, London, and for ease by. F. bL BOLLSIA.N, ii.Mcodtr PITESHLRUAL SAW WORKS, HUBBARDS & LONG, lIANLIACITUILCIXs OP PATEXT,GROUND _CIRCII;ARS. Watrenteil. OAST . SI ra,t, SAWS, of every de ceriptlon. - dllllt, Cruse Cut, Gang, and all other varieties. AU kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, made from Sheet Cast Steel; Est', }Wined REAPER AND MOWING "KNIFES, kr. IlEir Warehouse end Works, corner WATER. and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Patticedar attention. given to Retoothing, Gum- Ming and Straightening Circular Sors,• pairs of nil kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. . arranly HR. BARNHILL, l .00., Boiler• Makers & Sheet lion Workers, Nos. 20,.V., 23 and PENN t"-TEIiET Having secured a tame yard; and furnished : with the most Improved machinery, we are prepia ed to manufacture every desertOtion of BOILERS, In the best manner, and warranted equal to eny made In the country. CHIMNEYS, BREMEN,. FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPES; LOCOMOTIVE C BOILIasS, ONDENSERS SALT PANS, TANKS ; OIL STILLS, AGITATORS', SET ,TLING PANS,' BOILER IRON; BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS 11. , and sole manufacturer. of RAHN -ILL,B,PATENT BOILERS. Repairing, dbno On the sinnteat notice. • detelf Copper Mill and Smelting Works, PITTSBURGH. PARK. M'CURDY &CO., Manufacturees or SHEATHING, BRAZIERS , St DOLT. COPPER, - PRESSED COPPER BOT TOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPA.LTER SOLDER. .Also, thiporters and dealers in MET- A LS, TIN PLATA, SIIEET IRON WIRE, Sub Constantly onliand, TINN ERS' MACHINES and TOOLS. - Warehouse, hi 0.140 MIST and ISM SEC ORD STREAMS, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. , torSaydairT ',-- PJLEANE TAKE NOTICE THAT the first meeting of the corporation to be do the ENTERPRISE OIL C0.,,e11l be held on MERSDAY, December ffiith, Rati, la flaming- I. , at the Saw Mill Office of an Mr. John Redman, the south end of the Blingham BrUlgo,nt I o'clock p, tn., for the piarpoorof organization. odor.. Don of By,Lsirs: election of Officers tap and and for the prnposes authorized and more paiticularly spis , cdicd in an . Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled "An Act relating to Corporations for Mechanical, ?donuts. A . ring, Mining and quarrying purposes," approved t. I Inth day of July, 061 deJthiadaw. A. O. SMITH, Sec'T, Me Ma, ggr-TELE CONFESSION% AID EXEC .IITENOE OF A.N INVALID, published for the benefit r.a.l as n warning and caution to young meh why gaffer from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Decay of Manhood, etc supplying, at the same titr4, mans 2, u(f curt:, by one who has cured himself afterneLog put to great expense and Injury through medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing n {wit-psid addressed envelope, ate, gie copies may-be harl of the author. • • - NATHANIEL MAY FAIR, Fag , dedatadawT Bedford. Kings county, N..Y. .TO NERVOUS SIIFFEIIEHIS OF BOTH reverend gentleman hex lng been mitered to health in a few dart, afterun usual routine an irregaint expensive . 4 n. e ge W tft n egt; ent without suttees, considers W. hia sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow. creatures theaneana of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will send, free; a copy ef the plemoriptloMuseh.. Direct - te Dr..IOIIN DAONALL, the Fulton • Heel, N. T. enhtltlyttfavT ROBINSON, REA At CO.. (successors -to NOILIMSON, Athrtfro-bluaxmo,) -Wastangton Works, • MENDERS ANTI ALACIMISTS, Prrrsztraort. ALtnaLulueets of BOAT AND STATIONARY 'STEAM. ENGINES", LAST ENGINES,- MILL GEARENCE Snit - TING, CAST INGS of &II dewrlptio&a, OIL TANKS& STILLS, -BOILER AND. SHELT IRON WORK. • Sip-Agents for GIVFARD'S PATENT INJECT 011,1or ftedixqc bol&s& - ,-. • fitOIME 11X1TE11....W. D. DEELEIt....I. T. DOLLY= ir7.IIIIIELLE STEELWORKS. REITER &•00., • . • - iSavetsserilo Rants, 11-urneAar k Ok,) , . MAitufacturtes Of 0 A.S.T ATEm ; :sisfico, PLOW ikzuVIILISTM STF!.I.; SPRINGS. AX LES, CROWBARS, - ece..: • ,• • •• • frir•Works, , FIRST. WARD, ! AlicatOr. rod .oMceiuldress, PITTSRVR(iIi. . jalSly , aonli att utak* , -fgr s IRON ANULTEI X AND VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING, WINDOW TEIIS, WINDOW GUARDS &A, ~. . . 4a-Part titaz ancullon paid to enclosing am* Lots. , . Jobbing done at abort. not4ce. aol DISEASES OP THE NERVOITS, SEMINAL, URINARY AND , SEXUAL SYSTEMS—new and reliable treatment—ln Ee .ports or the Howard Association.; Sent : by mall la sealed letter envelope, fm of shame. , Address Y. SKILTIEN TIOUCDITIIIX, Howard Assocl anon, No.' 3 South Ninth street, ptdis. enh2B:ly S. 1101.111E14 & SONS, Dealers in 'FOB rZ ERIN AND DOMESTIC BILLS OF EX eILiNGE, CiEIITIFIOATES OF DEPOSIT, DANK NOTES AND SPECIE, No. 57-MAIIKET STREET. Pittatnugh. Pa. ..3.7 CoOcelots made on all the principal ginga throughout the United Mate. p- - -,11E7411Y A. COLLI3I‘, FORWARD ING ANtreO3I3IISSIOR 31,ERCJIAIT1 d wholesale dealer in 011EIR3F4 RUTTER, ,_FDIIT and produce gosersay, No. 36 'WOOD STREET Pltlibuelb. lard Pros ers es • 41 d l aq r =FOß BLATOR OF aumaurarr.- for the c j dll i gTle ir yor An w eg u n i es be r,' , :ubje:l 3 l: the decision at the Unica' tarred' ttut eppproooh• log primary election. - deis3C 107 ....... 1F 8 4 aW M AVIMBEI F INtirr i fh E ell171 Wan], vall be a oanalate roe the above °taw sub. lea to Me 'Union nomination. tarTtMAYOR or ALLENY.— i M RGII tte MORIILSON, (tithe Fourth Ward, wilt be a candidate for the above °thee, 'object to derhte the Futon nomtnatton.• Ir.t.vTs. WANTED--For . . serte, e in the Quarter master's Department, a t. Nashville, Chatta n,oga and Johnsonville, Tennessee; Atlanta, Oeor gia; Duvall's Bluff and Litho' Hoek, Arkansas; and at other points. • Anao Ternronew " µS par month - ant rations Free transport ation to planner destination. Healthy, able•bodled men only will be received. JOHN' L. WOODS. Jr., Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, TJ,S...A. For norther information Ingulre of 3. T. SAMPLE, 0.5 Federal St., Allegheny; Or over No. 40 Washington Avenue, betwoen lth and atirstreeta,St. Louis, Md. oat:teat J. W. CLARK, O • en: Gov't. Agent. WANTED-11125 A DIONTII—Agents w perk resit htroduee t k e er. ;Xs', the ow price machine to the tountr,f which is Ifeenina Lporer b. .Baker, Wheeler k Wilson, Howe, & Co ., and Dachelder. -Salary andexpenses, ance commissions allowed. All otheriilactines car sold for less than forty dollen each are kr ringentents,pn4 the seller and user Mile; IllustraA fed circulars sentfra. Address SHAW &MARK • Biddeford. Maine. noxttaintLierT NIV'ANTED--PHINCIPAL--At the Ohio Female College, College Hill, six miles from Cincinnati, Oblo, nlaidy to act as Principal of tjui blcusical Department. blest have rare qualities- Cons lima local and Instrumental Teacher, end • must be capable to take the general direction of that department, where therenre one hundred and twenty music schobas. The highest re&reace sod recommendation required. ; • Aftoy, kff letter .or otherwise, to President ANDERSOR,Lat the In stitution or to General S. F. CARP , OinclanatL detedis, WAFTED --Agents for TUE NUMB AND SPY, the most tot realms:id exalting book over publisbkl, embrse4Alhs adseatures of a woman in the Un ion Army al Nurse, Soma and Spr Giving a mord vivid Inner picture of the war. Bet areal anddlsabled Officers end Soldiers In want of proitnbla employment wet Opt It peculiarly Adapted, ta th eir condltlbit. t 13011 ES; BROS. ir. 00., OW Chestnut street; Philadelohla. note:ft WANTED. w Twii Oa; Vimk). Suitable ( or a - Iteetulting Offleo. ' Address BOX O p, Post Mks. de2zat INT 4,NrED—+.2 • O i t s ) o o o i ;li tas ve eed ; ; wo • Tlmothyseotti' For which the highest market price will : be paid by de= . L. VORIVINS. CO. GREAT DISTRIBUTION .111 C ME Eureka Gift Association, at rtet and elegant; Jewelry, Plano;, Melodeons Pine 011 Paintings, El:wayless, ad., valued at _I . • esocr,cocac,. DISTRIBUTION Is made In the .follewlng man. net. VertlncateeLnaining ;each arum end Its atria, .are placed in sEALED ILTVELOYES which are well mixed.. One of these envelopes w ill be erod at our °Mee, or.sent by mall to any address without reipard to choice, on receipt. of *lnaba , ForANE.DOLLAR we lOW tend by Mall or em press the satiate named on the Certificate drawn. or lOU exchange for gay other ortbete °s our Uit, of the • Entire Satisfaction guaranteed in nil unsex. A very trainable articlernay be ',lent/feed Tor Dia nominal price of ONE'DQL.LAR,Whieh need not .be P aid until it le knoWnwhat hes been'Arawn and its valua:p rivesealeer envelopes for 11.-- - r/eVen for gr. Thirty. for , Send for Circular. -;Agents wanted. : ' • - GOODWIN,IiiIIQTB CI, ELLX.A.Mai • • lIP7 Broguhniy, New' Yark. All letters abodld be addressed to Box STX Poe 0241 4 /Its!' "INTL ' P0214111146Ter BOOKS. .41-BSTAIS. Se 11:16i AND EIi:OINT Holiday METROPOLITAN GIFT BOOK. STORE, No. GB. Fifth Eitmoot, OPPOSITE CONCERT HALL • N 3 3 .0 - CrXrurls4, New Books, new styles of Albums and Portfolios, Prayer 800 Pocket Bibles, and s superb col li e. Ittan of Family ks, Bibles, ranging in price from 41 SO to KW co. Juvenile Books of All Kinds. Tsv em ohu r n a ted andandfifty eaves Juvenile Book' ln sett,pulaiEhrtti,. .Og of the 'Lauda:4 Juvenile. 1,000 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. The immoose stock of klbnms now In store me cents nuniy, new and attrActive features la the shape of new I - patterns -9 6T binding, Sse, perytti fa peke from ne to Oa 011, end holding from to 400 pictures. To those who.ie shout making runtiness far the holideye, the GIFT BOOK STORE bide greeter !Muni:Swabs than ony other store to the Stale. Especially people residing at &distance, brae: ding for one of our large descriptive eato: logum, can gut a complete Lot of • BOOK* BIBLES ANW PIIOTOBIL4PII ALBUM; at their establishment. Remember panikosias Books ot the METROPOLITAN WIT BOOK STORE, you pay the eerie at other stores, awl !Aare .the advantage of remit big With lack book you buy, some I:CVZDI:; . •VaI,•;,I:Wrs*yO worth froth fifty rents to one htuedkeddollars. Buy your Books at the Metropolitan Gift BoAk Store. Send fora catalogue, whichla walled from to tiay adders. upon application. W. 1.. FOgTER & 00. del9mmoltin2 NEW DOWN IN TENNESSEE. This new 'plume, by the author of "Amour the Plum'. is selling oft ilkewild-fireownd Cll2 hardly be made es last as the order" pour in for It. It Is crammed full of metes - MI, most Important to every one Interested In public affairs, military or politi cal, besides being es thoroughly attrantlre sod ab sorbing la incident and story se the autkoths oilier books. limo, cloth. 111 80. VIOTOIEn • t it it . ew i. noze c l io Zr a oa l eAtt pe tni-c4 . ro to zotke . grITIELIEVr. A new and promising author is developed hi %Is charming work of nekton. Mme, cloth * tinted ps. per. Si to. PRE ART OF OONVERSA Tied, A. splendid boot. that every one ought to own. Mao, cloth. 41 M. THE ALABAMA 5111 D SINTER. By the author ot.ligal hitatto,” "Locke mac,, tem*, cloth. 11 - 1 60. Sohn Guilderstring's Sin, Ls Intense sad passionate Love Story, la the Jess Eyre style. Mao, cloth, tisted papa. el se. rhArisziersas 7:10,3 , 11e,ht. Mrs Zola& sear sem& Unto, efeth. Si 25. TALES FROM THE OPERAS. The pte s te otali the emu, 1114h4 dupe et atedes thaw, elith. et FOR BALE BY HENRY MINER, TI and T 3 Filth street. i , OOO SUITABLE HOLIDAY PRESENTS. _A_1,1313315, 15' CENTS TO .650; largest sad Finest Assortment in the city WE BUY LARGELY, AND GIN SELL AT LESS THAN EASTERN' PRICES 908'ALIMIBIS ABE MADE ET :tall:gai:v4:43i,;llll,A•lop2ik3i;l_4 It-arnica assn.'s, GOLD PENS, GOLD PENCILS, TOY BOOKS, GIFT BOOKS, LADIES , SATCHELS, LADIES' COMPANION, LADIES' PIIESES, LADIES' woss-noxmi, COULDREN'S BOOKS, CHILDREN% GAMES, FOE FOLIOS, GANES—Chess, Chequers, Domlasei. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, PLAIN AND COLORED IW - - Call and ■ce oar stock, at JOHN W. PITTOCK,S, dletta ,FIFTR STREET oppoelte the Post !Mae. w 4-1-A BASE IMITATION of my PATENT COPYING PAPER Is now Wag offered to the public , . BEWARE OF IT It la so rotten that when dampened for eOpylng It will hardly hold together by Its own *eight. De sure to ask Stationers for the genuine.. vin.LIAM MANN a 7 South 4th etreet,Phltadelotas. ANELEGA.NT Balk. ENOCH ARDEN, - 11t A il t t r ajitratti l b=til v for i s.. "1° Pd t et CO. DAVIS, CLARKE & CO., deo2 . h Wood street. NEW HOLIDAY ISSUES. Elegani Pr e esetitaiten Books, And fine editions of :Standard Authors, et KAT a 00.5IPANY'S. MAGNIFICEIsIi Waxral•y• 3B2bloat. IM!=ffi=3 i:JN~Y.'AiUI A~NlI~1rJt1:A HOLIDAY Olng. EIirBROMMIM 1 3PX8N00 OCONTinritel4 The finest imported . MOSAIC BUGS. . A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF vxmv= Rtf GS. NOW IN STORE.. W. W. ot McCIALIAIM, BT FOURTH STREET. • CAR • ET STO `Y~~bil~~/.\sd~►l l ilt3llTiti`i; ti;j~~ In new paten, end nolnrs.l. White. Marble Table Oil Oloth. CLOTH IN& 1101131 E 00Xl AND TAMES. Philaddetilteen Oil Cloth. Th. Acme new goodajuat epeaell fee wholesale lad retail trade. at the Uarpet Store ad 110.62,LAND a cum's, woo. T11.7$ rout szemar, N 54 d0 9 t 19 /, 4/0 %"#. 1 P 4414 ; 094 " DIL LIGHTIIILL CATARRH. DR. LICHTHILL, Letters els Catarrh,'" .•A Popular Tres. aLse on DealUess,” ST. CHARLES HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA., ADM CAN LIE*OO.NSULTED FRIDAY . EVENING, Deo. 23d, 1864, Deahess, . Catarrh, AND ALL TILE VARIOUS DISEASES OF EAR, THROAT AND HR PASSAGES, SYMPTOMS OF CATARRII The tint sensation Is usually a feeling of dryness and beat in the nose' and a frequent inclination to sneezing. There is on Inability to kreotbe freely, as the now becomes stopped up;sometimes on one side, sometimes an the other. - Soon a clear watery, acrid disohargo makes Its appeuorue, exceilating the nostrils, and eke/ of the lips, which become red and somewhat swollen. After a few days the discharge betemes thick, yel lowish, extremely frequent and oontbaues to bo a marked feature of the disease, and a source of much °anger, and the 'greatest annoyance. After more or less time, it becomes purulent, highly offensive, and assumes an extremely fetid odor. it in usually so profuse as to require, when confined to the nose, the frequent application of the handkerchief, or if It drops into the throat, which is more particularly the caw, while the body lain a horizontal positioh, constant expectoration, and equieftmes both. Sleep lo frequently disturbed try a sensation of choking, caused by the presence of Dig discharge In the throat. Owing to the beat In Oa head, the watery portion of the ow:ellen often evaporate", and usuming a condition of solidity is deposited upon the membrane of the null, rind upper part of the throat, in the ohs pe of mildew , hardened/now. The accumulation of theoe incrustations produces a feeling of discomfort, end narrows the nasal pass. age so as to embarrass respiration. Therefore fre quent 'gotta Dave to be made to- remove them, either by forcibly blowing thence"; or by persistent hawklog—a practice so disagreeable to the one of footed as It is to those around high After the re moval, that side of the incrustation which "Altered to the spumous membrane wilt sometimesbe found bloody, a fact which explains the lone required tor Ito ilb,lodgment. During gimp these incrustations accumulate more raphllycand the feeling therefore is most uncomfortable Inthemorelnin Sometime the ettbrts to clear the thinot are futile until oller breakfast or after semerlung warm In swallowed. SOLO patients gate that obey ate not successful until they have swallowed lona *Way Or brandy. The discharge, which it at drat Without m ama, in the progress. Of the eorePloint, an excess.. hely fetid odor the breath participaes in this, and becomes occashanally so revoltingly offsnalve as to render the patent an oldeet of disgust to hinnen ra as to others. illeeration of the burnous mem brane of the nose takes glare frequently, sometimes even attacking the bones when small particles of substance will oecastmaally be tenni mixed With the discharge. The accumulation. of the discharge, together - arßh- the thickened laindition of the mecums membrane, renders respiration tiros-„h the nasal passages very difficult, and oftentimes im possible necessitating respiration principally OLd zit:. .I'sat.hfamctb°4:B=.lesricii.inits: 001/747 produced during sleep, known Alen:ring, originates from th e same eauee. The' vo ee loses its musical quality, and assumes a harsh ow; nasal character; the sense of smell becomem much Im paired or entirely lost, and the same either, though lm Acquent, Is produced on the sense of taste. DemißociallY. while blowing the nose, a crackling or bubbling sound will be heard in the eon end hewing will be found to be thick and snapped up, but return Is with a snapping at Thl.B E benornenon Is Usually repeated at one tine, irfru ti reff. not L ' i t lDt a fet i l r flretry " To t te u i ' v e4 aM Y e description will moke their appearance, and add to the distress of the sufferer, and hearing be lost so gc /finally that a considerable degree of deafness may exist before the person la really aware of the fort. Their eyes are apt to Decode. weak, Irritable sad disposed to water on elpettlte re wind and cold, or after the 'Ugliest exertion. A pain more or less acute, or a dietressing feeling of pressure Is experienced over the eyes, sod sometimes on the hack of the Lead, and also pain in the lam. closely t o neuralgia, for which It in eta min taken. The distress In the held- weakens the mecnottaan.ds runtimes Irritability and moroseness of dispoeition. The Momach generally 'firers more or. leas, Is weak and irritated, the appetite Is espriclous, and le as e s rly alwaya back in Mamma. Ins Inw, severe ee the syetem become" feeble tad prostrated, and there is on aversion or Inability to either physical or mental exertion. Not entre quentty catarrh proves fatal either by debilitating the system or wearing out the patient, or by tray. - cling upwards and produelncsore throat erections, bronchitis, and finally connfropften. It may be Kale ly aseerted, that hereditary predisposition. catarrh, is the meet frequent and Important canoe Opals fa tal entriplalnt Catarrh has been considered an incurable disease, and on the strength of that supposition haoheen neglected by both the profession and tho public. As it is Um exciting eons° In full half the cased of Deafness, Des. Lighthlll hove specinl for years part, made proper treatment their study, and hare by their soften fully established the curability of this complaint. That this is no mere assertion will be readily comprehended by the annexed testuao- Dials from highly re erectable parties woo bate been under their cam, • Pirranynaii;Ps.., Nor. lalle„ -This will certify thit I have bden under the care - of Ut. Llghthtli, for the cure of Catarrh, and that, • as though ha has attended me for little over one week,l feel that a permanent cure. la to be catch all, and em sanuich better In all respects aria war rant me in giving publicity to' these facts. and re., commending Dr.7.lghthill to atiy one affected with Cntanh. .TALCOW£OII.327II,. • 65 Wood. street Naw. You, Nov. 2, IN4. Titls le to certify that I have. bean sanded with ealserh for come yea whim! produced the toast dissareenhie effects..- /, consulted Dr. Lichthtil about nine or ton months since, and.at ones placed myself under his care. law entirelyfresfrvin Cr. lark my throat is perfectly heathy, cod my health is very much improved. • ,- - E..N0LA.04 Mee Erie Railroad foot of Duane street., I. 1.. READ, BEET From the Homan Plab.Rattee Vit. • DL Linty:limn s....Deor rrsr,-7 sane ytiu Mate. meat pimp cue, which pen :may the y 'think proper. I hare aoquatntanees In dialtrent parts of the States, have serval those years as Senator of Penobscot county, and three year as Represents. sta:yeara—in our •titate Legislature. fily statement may toment scene of. those , &Matte mink my Macau. • . . For setnial. years Lave be en ' '' tetth ,Clatenh. I have rated 'many prescriptions for it withent•recelving any benefit 'therefrom. I have taken your . medicine about ten months, and it ban cured me.: I. would recommend to those Mimed with thin Moonier to apply to you. lam confident if they will strictly follow your directions that a cure will be .eltbcted, bonito: inveterate the cud . Respectfully yours, . nikrxsa, Prom Rer. ft. P. Lyda, Mn.!. I hams - been mush tr oubl e d with Oatarrh'of they worst type for some 'twenty years. ;It gradually grew _worms,- inducing , coimb and hoarseness, da: straying the sense of smell and breaking down my 'general health to sucha degree as to compel me to resign my pastorate and suspend nubile speaking. I made dillgent•use of the usual remedies, sued tnuff cif diftrwt. kinds plUuto of sitter, tar wa, ner and Muddling, but without env:: salutary Met: Last of heard of Dr. hthlWasno. oessful Dade of treating =tartly v htm, and put myself tinder. his treatment. I began inunedi= &Lob, - to tummy.; andlblo Laprawsment has tont ine to tbeproseat time. illy oatart S has gradually Melted sway, my tough has dlMPPeared, my voice bee become natural, and I em once:more able CO eefTs ' bled tb :Sig=rzh o u,;l4.: tr4t7:l4 ocClyllW rett..ls , p.tugszi,L, . • llatatia ti's'^SwS.: 3ii2 nß~+4Ytitln'~~~ - L~.}'li-N S~t:NC~(Y~:'4.iY::~ .41'E 1S NOW AT VIE TESTIZIONIALs OILS. .Ye. AI US : M1G1111 OIL SPRING PETROLEVIII COMAE'ANY, Morgan County, Ohio. 482 Acres in Fee Qtl Oil Spring's Run, Three miles from 'AcCorkrullAvil;e Incorporated under the Imre of Penneylrani. CAPITAL STOCK s►oo,ooo. 100,000 Shares at $5 Per Share, fall Paid :Working Capatelreven - ed for development 20,000 shares, the zutemrlption. price for 'Mick in $3 per share—not liable to further aseesenient. vnEaroEsr GEORGE W. CARR, Esq. President of the P., Ft. W. & C. IL IL Cs BECltUrlitr AND TALLIVILEZ -T. LEECH, Zr. =MEM Geo. N. Cass, W. Beesley, ' Tt B. Guthrie, Benj. Baketroll, Jr., Jos. Richards, D. F. MsKee, • Prank Rahn!, R. T. Leech, Jr. A. J. Began,_. .. TILE 002dPARY OFFERS 10,000 Shorts of the above Reserved Stork IN TILLS MARKET. G=2l Books of Subscription ere new open at the office of • A.. . , . S. S. BRYAN, 59 Fourth St., Where Froapeetus and Map of the Company's prop arty can. be &ern. deSte LINCOLN OIL An MEMO COMPANY. Capital Stock : : $lOO,OOO Shares 100,000 I=l 11Tlarking Capital: : : $16,000 contingent Fund : : : $lO,OOO The lends of the above Company 11ee•altuated In 'Venoms° county, Pa, and consist of Two Losses,' Nom Pru 1IO1i3.; , {[lll MAchlnery, Tools, TazikAge, tec Also, Three Leases oa Oherry Ilan, on twit of which welt" are mow mink; and ill ACMES to fee stipple on the Allegheny Illver,.ln the heart of the beet oil region on the ricer. On this land Is a gond vela of eoal,and also tonslderable-thnher. . • .The Books or the ,Above Company .Are now open at the otfloe . of EOM TRAY, Jr., We, 4 Hand streen, or. at the melee of D. IL HYRAX, corner of Hand street and Duquesne , Way, where full description of the lands and prospeate of the Pompaiy ;twain. fuluseer- STANDAIID PETROILEUrd -MOWERY. tLABEk• SODOM . • Works and Office, COLLINS TOWNSIIIP. • Omce th Pittsbuigh, Wooll'6l/SET. • These works being of the Ihrgest eapiieity in the L ' ; ‘ frntn a j: the highest L l . " ,lag u ato Et: 13,.; fur Emptyend 11•0 test, end the v:44l:t . MUSKINGUM AND DUCK CI!KRK OIL COMPANT. - The Books for subscription to the Capital Stock orthe Muskingum and Duck Creek 011 Co.,.'are• nosi opened •at the store of REYMER is BROS., ir.d and We Wood street; at the Auction Rooms of-T. A. XeCLELLAND, Fifth street, and at the P) MW` STOCK EXCHANGE, Wilkins' Rail. • derierweoci • . O IL WELL STEAM INGlNEES•tua— prepared to furnish .2, • STEAM ENGINES. . Pm touch approved of for oil .wells and other pan iTres, on th e shortest notice. Having ditrere t red.r.agnes On hands, and •flaiehing others, the ,fablie ma be acoommodabal with almost any sire they want . tai , var ,i trMierAr i ll t a t e t tf ivard, deem • between Meths:Jo and• Anderson street!, Pittsburgh, Pa, CL:elfIX AGEXTS. Joorrn GAZZAM OTLIIIIIIV 11!..1C4.11T1C1L MCM ASTER fit GAZZA.3.I, SOLICITORS OF CLAIMS AND PATENTS AND ATTORNEYSaT.Datir, No. 98 GRANT STREET, IPittabirrgt. . • ' Licensed by Govetnnient to oollect BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK MT Ail all other Military or Naval galls Against the United States.; ONE HUNDREDDOLIARS, due soldiers einrge4l on account of,. wonzula received In lsattlse collected Inunedistely. - - enthedraL&TOM at IS GRANT STREET, opposite tA. • OCISa rEttildn.l3oUliTEß: W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, Army emd Navy Agency, No: 144 FOURTH Plttsbargst, x42olloNBpeoorredi B U 1 TIS3 : IiAOB PAT and PRIZE MONET, ead,OOMIdUT.IIT/ON Or RATIONS of relemedprboners collected. . - FAY OF PItISONM3 OF. WAR tax 4eAraira liy tleiz wine or widowed mothers, ± eon OU,lp BOIZ4EAS sloo . BOunty to alt Wounded flildleni • • Xi - iv'', Wog pall! to all witlt utHoeluirgc. it* alone safe un,til tiro inoal r ia , T. U. S. Ooreronteit; Pr0.,101 FIFTH ' stand door below the SOLDIERS , CLAIMS,- BOU THIS ix:NatoNs Awn A .11,174,14.1 :1' PAX.. Promptly attended to by i , Embalm, • . N 0.115 FOUBTII gr., Plttabmk, Ps: MILITARY' CLAIMS _PR' SLOB •' BOUNTIEIS BACK PAif 'and lIIRSTAIit CLAIMS of every:description, oolleated by th anbscriber, at the following rates, visa Pansies* O. C. TAYLOWAttorney.at-Law, No. 73 Mani street, Pittsburgh; Pa. tr. P. , -N6 charges are made If the claim doeO edt aneoeedi and all information given grails. WM/ arrmwriars.r JAILLEB LAFFEATY, ATTORNEY;AT-LAMr"" - - Leo IT Office, No: tiSCrotatTr!. IrtvzsT, aeia' Orsw Pittsburg. • r ' s. SreMadiat V. O. XACICCZLL e.a 4011111111111 MACICRELL SORNSON ' ATtpRNEYS-AT-LAW,, 111. i. Mai:MD soi.priaw 6143334GW1T1il " 'Boman tor*Wounde4 Solder; isolledtidiAltcla eten to twc it days: ks o. Oa Gomm. Grimm Pttlttioish. Oa th discharge. and two witoesses.l detd.i .. . • ATTPattiE76AT!I-AWi -•.• . . , .Ifo. 108 Fxria Stazzr, PlttabiziO, Ps: . Matins: for; Piwsmrta;: tiotater a • , mArrzy; ac4.ntototudy prosecuted.: - • • • • h~r~...M 4 sG- , aa'+sw.s'4:Ln,F+c.-~.i~r=".Ss~i~ a.. 5u~..4.0 841. 7 eK S. .N.A-1.10-N4L-BAN OF PITTSBURGH. 11. S. Government Depository, rITTSBEROII. DECEMBER 19TH, ISGI. Thin Bank hem on h.tud, ready for Itninedinte do firery, 7-30 U. •S. TREASURY NOTES, Ie sums - oteso, e100,450n find 41.001 The following extracts team Official Circular Letter Of flit lion. W. P. PESSENDE.ti, Secretary of the Treasury, will show to .the public the detlre of theGOvern. • merit for all to subscribe to this P.ALTPLICOTIO XitZPAILZ7 ",TRE&SURT DEPARTMENT, "DUCE3I4II Irrn, tgat. f _."SUS , Drafting to avoid ,any further Dave Bonds, theintereel of-which Is payable in cola, ' coy further increase in _Paper Ofreuletion,rl ask your special attention tothe Seven altd Threc , tenth Note. now offered fo the public.. It is believed that these. notes pieeent advantages , which D.1.1.01/LD; RECOMMEND THESI TO ALL 'W4IO HAVE MONET a'a iff.VBST.. The Intermit Offset& is, at present rates of 'Other Government Securities, such ss to render thernattracti re, and their ohonvertibill• ty into Gold Bearing Bonds gives them - an hddi- Donal value. It is onig necessary ghat people should understamithe advantages antdedbf this class of Securitierto insure sales insufficient daily amounts to meet - tite current •demantis L upon the Treasury, acct, • • • ' • ; • pigned,) W. P. FESSEiDEN, "Secretary of the Treasury. "TO . limn OlCototon Esq., President Fourth Natloniti Bank, Pittsb urgh, Pa." *. • FOIL • GOVERMENT COI/MISSION ALLOWED TO ALL PURCHASERS JAIItS - 0•CONfiliII, PItEdIDZ-NT, 8. D. HEBRON, 0d.51111M, . Fourth National Bank ot•Plttaburgk, del99t 15 Market street, Plttakurgk, Pa DOLLAR baviNGS BAZIK,i NO. 5 FOBUTII STETS?. CHARTERED IR 1955. Open daily from 9 to .2 o'clock, also On Wedneo day and Saturday evening, from May: tat to No. vember let, from Ito 9 o'c lock; andfrom November' let to May Ist from 6 toe o'clock.- ! Depoeits received of all sumo of not letts than One. Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year; in June and December. Interest has been declared aeml-annually, in June and December, since the Bank was organized, at,theirate of six per cent..n year. interest, if n ot drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the name Interest Slam the lirst daya - of June end; December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call, or even to present his pans book. At this rate money will double in loss than twelve' years. Books, containing the Charter , By4mws Rules and Regulations, furniahed gratis, on application and he office. - Faxammrr—GEOßGE ALDREE. VICE PIIESIDII.3I9. . • •• . . . James McAuley, James B . D.Meedo,- , John IL Shoenrger, Wm. Douglas, - Dunes Ilerdmins, Isaac M. Pennock, Peter A. Madeira, • • James SIMI°, William 7-Anderson, John D. McFadden, A. M. Pollock, M. D., John G. Backofen. TCUOTZES. Calvin Adams, . Henry l. Lynch, ,-- .7ohn 0- Medley, • TohnlTArshall, ? i e r =k ; Walter P. hiershall, • John Orr; ' • "Alonzo:I A. tinnier, Robert Robb, Cherie* A. Colton, Henry L. Ringlet:tit, John Mins, a William R. Schmertz, Bent. L. FahnesTock, Alexander SNer," John J. Alexanderlte, William S. 'linens, William Vankirk, Peter H. Bunker, Isaac Whittier, Richard nays, Wm. P. Weyman, JameeD. Rally. - • Christlen:Yeager. &meaty end Treasurer—{)BAS. A. OOLTON =Mt claw : wm.E.SAVINGS INSTITUTION NO HO SMITHFIELD STREET, .(o tiosite the Cuxtona House.) Chartered by the r ,elhiM ue. . • ' OFFICERS. . Preefdral-,GEO. B. SONE& , vivo rIIESITMNTS. Wm. Smith, !mhos, 'Rhodes, Thos. D. Messier, Alex. Bradley, Francis Sellers, A. Eelnemaa, Tsardr— ilerity- Lloyd, . F. Balm. • Tames - Park, 3 - r., S. S. Pewter, D. M. Long, ° T. IL Tiernan, Dr. Taa. CirOPWII I / 4 B. F. Tones, • A. S. Bell, U. H. Wolff; fos. Dilworth, R. D.. Cochran; Wm. Smith - W. A. Reed, T. Woo well, W. R. Phelps,' It. 0. Schmerth,. D. E. McKinley, S. AteD. Crossman, C. H. Paulaon, R.• M. Smyth, :Taco!) Stuckrath, G. Follansbee, , . Alfred Slack. C. Zug; • Radars and Treasurer—D. E. APKINLEY Open daily, from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. Also, Satur day evening, from 6 Los o'clock. Deposits received of one dime and upwatds. • Div/dctals declared in December and Juno of sack year. Dividends allowed. to remain are placCd to tho credit of the depositor as.principal, and heav Inter est thus compounding it. Books conialnik; rirter, By-LaWs, rc., fri.mLid ed at the office. Sir This Institution offers, Mmecially to those Demobs whose earnings Are small, the opportunity to accumulate,, hy small, deposits, easily Bayed, a sum which will be a resource when needed, their _Money not only being sate .but bearing, interest" instead of remaintim ungrotinctive. sealant. JffIERCMIXT TaILORS. FASHIONABLE ' / AND DESrrIABL.O For Gents & Fount's 0/thlng, MADE TO ORDiat, IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. B. B. NOBSIS , uxemorr TAILOR, No. 71) Fr.DEBAT, BT, Allegteny ito3l4awd • • 1/ISBELL'S BLOCK. • W. H. McGB 10 ST: CLAIR STREET, Would cell the attention of bnyereto Me stock el pods. It has bee •elocted with greet care, ant. contains ell the NEWEST STYL OF GOODS to be found In fleet class houses. Gents wishing • malt of clothee made to order, 1,11.1. plena° cell and examine our goOds mad pricfsfe-, diso,le- ase. complete Meek Of. P. IL PeGlEr., irmorcisi Vaunt. No. io Sr. mous ERNENr. A ENRY G. 14 AIP Merchant, rraiAors, N. W. ear., Perm, & St. Clalt,Stlets, ...ivsisitcat. OVER OATS For Bop, Youths and Children FOR WINTERt : SEAR. GRAY &ICH2f4d, N0..47 ST. SLATS STREET. DIV•WEXTPS. r Plrys=lll. rf. :WAY= & Clt& 00 VIVA; Pirreavann, Pa.,' lire. 16th, Ili&L • • DIDENIV . :'ON . :10APITAL STO(A. AIM 'ON THIRD MORTGAGE AIONMS.. . The Board of Directors of this Com y haye •• elated a Dirldend s end 0 o p the Cap Sat Stock; for the ondlngDee:3ltll the tharehoblere w - stand reglitered * rat di, dayable ( tree of Government trix,Lon en alter t6e ' Ow of Tannery, M, at the oat* of the Com- , paw' An city, and •at t• Tra:ir Agency • Vintiow, Larder & Co. No. et Wall s reet; York, to the:rdoehbelatil as; rests at the re. speettve offkee. The Bowd have a(io Ordered the antkipet,ton of ce nt..: aymen of the half-yearly dirt .dend of 234 per onthe Third MOrikirZfral !due April - 1,180; ma/rlng i t t l e tyable on sad after ' the 17th day of Janum7, to the bondkoktern registered on the tilt diyit meter that., at the Transfer Agency, .Winslow; Lanier & Be. No. &I Wall Street, New York. The transfer gooks of stook and third' mortgage bonds Wilt dose on the. tint Wa n t, Octook p. m. end remain closed omit ,the nth af Janurty theTtafter. • • order of the-Board— *Malt' W. 71 8.6.83123, Becretiu7. .imni — • , -BOOTS 3drO SHOES. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, AT CON CraT.: SHOE STORE, :IVO. 02 M•Lirt3i. llStrecit. D BAAS, *at, - ALLEGHEatx. 1101,1141 80121, 01 Boots and, Shoes iteMENTOCK; at. No. 96 'Federal Str ew Nan kat reused from the East, Where he has • leeted with etre a very latie and desirable stock Oent's,hlhues',. Boys' and . alitildreel y Shoes, Gaitert and Salmon Suitableforthei season, andat , imiees which fall to.ault all who may favor Mee with -a cell.: airlicatember the place, Ne.ild rpirEILAL Allegheny City. = dead JAMES 1108.6, , Ito. *market Street '1 SELLS THE. BEST, SSE NEATEST , raTrigo, 'And THE XOST 13 330C0r13 ALISTMECEICCO Of sal house 1h the city, • He has feet reeeired a magnifieerit Fall S Try him. ' • ' •elO THE - " SUM" WORK! TUST RECIETVXD ET .GEORGE ALBS, iHRIA, Wy N 0.03 WOOD STDEEIt 1 Boys' and touuei Hied fiainaiih; Oxford..Tles;,• " • Bootees; CialdrM'a Goat 'awl YU noes: These goodeare rondeto Oui.sPeerol order, ire"warranted unequraltd.sustout wOrk. Lys IJILIAW.f.', PAAPETII CITA'' : .-T F. 4 -:';l4s9. . _WFBANOE COM PANY PHILADELPHIA: Assets on Jautuury i. Mt; *4457449 aS.O .. . Capital , .....,..... IbOACO Accrued Premiums . 971,40 i ' Invested Premluma ' ''' ' ' 1,094,1011 Unsettled 8,416 Income f or Mk 100,0011 LoeseaPaLl since 18Z 0,,00e0,000 Perpetual and Temporary Policies on liberal Charles N. Banat?, • . Lissa 'hag Tobias Wagner, i Edward C. Dale; ~1 . -i '• a ' Btue!tat .George Files, . labiStnitlb, itrrFitler,=lGeorgeWEiadi;.nlrWLpl. ' EDWAIOO. DALE,PreableaL ). . JAS: w. raFA;:lasTrastiowan - :' corner WoOd and =ld ■ ... i AZAD ;4481.14# ITUrantnoO3-':Go;: - ellierh America. PHILADELPHIA. . ..81,600,000. 41 Hartford Fire lasrgas ea t Compasy.l ,Z. 41.246,000: Asaeto .B-Protoetion cal be secileed Lathe - above named and reliable companies.. . - W. P. TONES, Agar; Beesley , ' Buildings,' et Water at WESTERN INSURANCE COMPLNT TJ 'OP P/TPSEURGII, • • F: N. dorrobx Secrd KAII.II.LEB, Jr., Prettdent, , arg. Otilot, No. 92 Water street,:a . psug 4 Co.'a gaze. house,:up stairs, Pittsburgh. - Witt insure against all kinds of -Fire and Milne Rids. A Home institution momageriby pfrectors orho are wall known in the community, and mho are deter mined by promptsea and li berality, to maintain the Matador which they have austnect as offering the bed thou protection to ose who desire to be insured, DEEtSCTOILI t IL Andrew Ackley, James McAuley, . 'Alexander - Speer, • Nathaniel Holmes, David AL Lon , Alex. Nimick, Hoes .1: Thames, • GeorgeThuile, ' Benj. itakewoll, Carre l 3 ll .Herrna, . John B. NeOune. in re F. . - opinoN, Sectiolaty, EOPLES' BLTUANCE.COMPANY office, F.E. cornergolprood'and Fifth Stu. ETRE .AID ItARTILE ENSIMANOE. ..., , . ..,.3=4,_, 4 Aar. Wm. Phillipe, John We t, • . eape. Hignads.,, • John rke, " - . lionser, . . Char/ 05e11± ,..4. A a r. • Wm. lc, ' . i • 3C.7 ..1 W MTT,Pke President. i f WU. P. GABDITSH, . .. ... ' Mail ClllzErrs INS it OE ~ , ,, C ; o ' XP . ANY, ml . _____lv4er streets; e rvl. AcriiEY. Prcialik PANUETA KEA, &emery. ~ •,, Insures Steamboats and Cargoes'.- - • Lumen against. low. and damage In the nati- Hon of the Southern and Weitern Rivers, Li k e. and• Bayous, and the navigation of.the Sea. &.i.. Insures against iossanndstnage . tryfire.. . 1 .. 34m,liagaley,. " , , S.ll. Mar, . . Jas. Park, Jr. - .361 in Shipton, _w. G. Johnstio, - . , "'Wad M. Cooper, . YIP-Tones, . .'-. .'. ,S. Harbaugh, Huge Cleans, .. J. Campbell, Jr., ' Hon. T. X. Howe,' - ' lAA S. Dilworth, Barclay Penton, •'. :Wm. Ili Rodgers.. . . ' fletrge Bingham, .- , - : tholady4 - A.LLEGHENY INSURANCE COMPA a?-reer,sCailllTV.-"ei•ic(4lTrink -Dmie ituet a gal nat Vodo' of Piro and Xarlas - • ISAAC TONES_, Prii4knt. • • ' .70101 D. DI'VeRD, Vag President. ra. abox; • • .91/11X20113:. Jolin D: Va—Adam ..Taoobig, A D. Stertb4, MA:Wm Dam . Dobart-IL. .;• O. H MuTer u" als, H. O. Griy, Jonn Irwin; St L. FatineztoZkt (inlet -or VIZ COLLEoToR or =, DISTRICT, , • States gnetune Tax. In soemdanee with:the joint resolutioa .of 0•11. grms, approved' July lth, special duty lea been levied on the gains, profile or Income for the year ending aid December; teal, and &list has been placed in r b i a g kends for collection, hytke Lea sour Notice id hereby giverete all persona eoneeiged that said income duty is how due and priyable. U e rektinsid Within ten. days after demand, TEN MI PEN VENTUM WILL =ADDED to theenteuat unpaid; and the amount of - said tax„ with sucks& • dition, together with • interest,. and the costa that car accrue, will become a lien on all the property * hta to property, belonging to the tax.pay. OP, twe enforced yd arrant if Payenent may bo made on sr before the frra Tax Jerru.say,lB63,.by persOns likthst imrt. of Allegheny county in this 'district, at No. Cr Water *tnei AneghileY• : ..DAVlD, C; (WiriTA ---- W BODENIIMER,3L' Office; lie. 434 itroadway.4ew, pet. W. H. 130DENWER4d. 140 ;Third Stmt.. PittaDdrgt , Pa.? Thriote their "tansies- atlati t g i t to the Yolleal and Surgical treat:teat, of eel!? those'or the 'Lower lhorelu ng iliseaac. =eneh ea vistuiA, Flainue, Constipation, Fal Ben. Ulceration and Stricture of the Bowel, ha. Alm, 'the various Chroolorciseame of tae - Xedato, !Mg ney., the Sledder c Se. - ,QTUCCO_WORKER.-44.3. , OWSlik MRainretall,Oarer. faleoltret2l: oßnottee. , Onlar o : I l je W PecB4Vo. It *COD ffrerrolla trOapt